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mercredi, 02 mai 2007

S. Ch. Bose: studies in Indian nationalism


Subhas Chandra Bose and Middle Class Radicalism
- Study in Indian Nationalism, 1928-40
AUTHOR: Bidyut Chakrabarti

List of tables. Acknowledgements. Abbreviations. Introduction. 1. Constraint and tension in middle-class leadership. 2. The Hindu-Muslim question. 3. Ambivalence to the working-class struggle. 4. Bengal Provincial Congress: operational dilemma and organisational constraint. Conclusion. Appendix I -Biographical sketches of leading political activists. Appendix II- The composition of the BPCC, 1939179. Appendix III-14-point election manifesto of the KPP, declared in the 1936 Dacca session. Notes. Glossary. Selected bibliography. Index.

PUBLISHER: I. B. Tauris, London; PRICE: £45.00 ; COVER: Hardback ; PAGES: 252  ; PAGE SIZE: 216 x 138 mm ; ISBN: 9781850431497; PUBLICATION DATE: 31 Dec 1990  

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