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mercredi, 27 février 2019

The Scandza Forum, Stockholm, March 30


The Scandza Forum, Stockholm,

March 30

The next Scandza Forum is just around the corner. On March 30th, we will hold another conference in Stockholm.

As usual, we give you a line-up of top-flight speakers:

Jared Taylor, the grand old man of white advocacy and the foremost living champion for our cause. Fluent in Japanese and French, and educated at the prestigious Yale University, Mr. Taylor has dedicated more than 25 years of his life to bringing reason, dignity, and eloquence to the issues surrounding race in society. You will find his work in his several books and on his website, amren.com [2]. His latest book is If We Do Nothing (New Century Books, 2017). This will be Jared Taylor’s third appearance on the Scandza Forum stage.

Greg Johnson, PhD, former editor of The Occidental Quarterly, founder and editor of Counter-Currents/North American New Right, and author of numerous articles and books pertaining to the destiny of the West. His latest book is The White Nationalist Manifesto [3] (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2018). Dr. Johnson is one of the leading ideologists of White Nationalism and the Alternative Right, and an outstanding speaker.

Olena Semenyaka, head of the international bloc of the Ukrainian National Corps party and a researcher of the Conservative Revolution, with a focus on Ernst Jünger’s planetary analysis, pan-Europeanism, and philosophy of technology. Miss Semenyaka is an appreciated speaker of international standing and a first-class intellectual.

Mark Collett, a political activist and author from Great Britain. He has been actively involved in the nationalist movement for nearly two decades and was formerly the youth leader and Head of Publicity for the British National Party. He now hosts This Week on the Alt Right – a popular YouTube discussion show, and produces a weekly short on current affairs.  He is the author of The Fall of Western Man.

Fróði Midjord, founder of the Scandza Forum and host of the Guide to Kulchur podcast.


scandzabanner-amren.jpgOur discussions will focus on Anarcho-Tyranny, which the late Sam Francis described as: “they refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so they control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).” In the entire West, crime and immigration is out of control. In 2018, there were more than 300 criminal shoot-outs and 44 people were shot to death in Sweden. According to one study from Malmö University, there have been 116 hand-grenade attacks over the past eight years!

At the same time, even elderly ladies will be convicted of “incitement of hatred” if they use strong language as they post frustrated comments online. If you dare voice any protest against the downfall of our civilization, you will feel the merciless wrath of the globalist establishment. In essence, they shoot the messenger who points out the destructive consequences of the situation they have brought about.

We will discuss how we, as advocates for white interests, can navigate in a hostile environment where dissidents are silenced and deplatformed. Most importantly, however, you will get a chance to network with other individuals who share your concerns.

We meet as an act of defiance against the dispossession of our people.


If you want to attend, please send us an email for information on how to proceed with the registration: info@scandzaforum.com [5]

Because we care about your safety, we have a vetting procedure to make sure that everyone who attends does so with honest intentions. There are three ways you can get admission to the event, so remember to include the necessary information when you contact us:

  1. If you have attended one of our events previously. Make sure to make a note of this when you send us an email.
  2. Get a trusted person to vouch for you (i.e., vouch that you want to attend with honest intentions and that you will follow our security procedure). If you know someone who has attended a previous event, or otherwise knows us, let us know in your email. Remember to also ask that person to send me confirmation that he/she can vouch for you.
  3. Send us photo ID and some personal details (e.g., address/phone number/social media) that will allow us to verify your identity, so that we can make an evaluation. No anonymous registration is accepted.
In case you want to join us on March 30th, make sure to register sooner rather than later. Early-bird tickets are sold at a special discount price. After March 10, the ticket price will increase.
In other words, this will be an unforgettable event – so make sure to register now! If you have already registered, you can expect an update later this week.

Finally, I want to thank our supporters and donors – you know who you are. It is with their help that the previous Scandza Forums have been made possible, and that we now are able to move forward!

I am looking forward to seeing you all in Stockholm on March 30th.

Scandza Forum

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: https://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: https://www.counter-currents.com/2019/02/the-scandza-forum-stockholm-march-30/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: https://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/scandzabanner-amren.jpg

[2] amren.com: http://amren.com/

[3] The White Nationalist Manifesto: https://www.counter-currents.com/product/the-white-nationalist-manifesto/

[4] Image: https://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Scandza-2019.jpg

[5] info@scandzaforum.com: mailto:info@scandzaforum.com

[6] Fróði Midjord: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008041660447&__tn__=%2CdC-R-R&eid=ARA3fK96M7Rx7CRbdVAxtfBHajPoJaI5YCmEn-u2h30oViFSKMYGTr6NBcxG7JoB39i_uLxcYZr9mJNK&hc_ref=ARRKq9uA5ju-0Ww2ikxgb791L3f1YA4t8zmcfHs65R1V6LKsO7tl2Wcy7waNEt4uvHY&fref=nf

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