mercredi, 08 avril 2009
When Canada was under 1 Mile of Ice - Europeans Arrived!
When Canada Was Under 1 Mile of Ice - Europeans Arrived!
An absolute “must” that anyone interested in the Solutrean Hypothesis should get their hands on is the astounding commercial DVD entitled Ice Age Columbus - Who Were the First Americans?”. The image of the Solutrean character named Zia is shown in this post. The actors portray the Solutrean people as looking and acting just like us, for the good scientific reason that they WERE us. “Zia” looks just like the girl next door, and the men look like your neighbors. In this photo of Zia, she is wearing some bluish face makeup, kind of making her look like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
Ice Age Columbus - Who Were the First Americans? can be easily ordered from Amazon or The Discovery Channel by mail order, and the prices are very low. They are selling for anywhere from $10 to $18 each. This is one of the most amazing scientific movies ever made. And it revolutionizes the history of the White race. When these White ancestors of ours arrived in the New World, 19,000 years ago, Canada was under a sheet of ice one mile thick. The Grand Banks off Newfoundland and Labrador were land, since the world’s oceans were 400 feet lower than today. These Solutreans, including Zia, arrived right there, perhaps making Canada the first land in the New World seen by the very first humans to discover North America!
Article printed from Altermedia Canada:
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