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mercredi, 08 décembre 2010

Autonom: To the Magic of the Sun


Shall I worship You
In the garden of yellow chrysanthemums,
Where you weave your last golden web
Of auburn autumn shades,
Before the cold winter sets in,
And the silver frost sparkles appear,
On the butterflies’ hoary yellow wings,
On their last winter flight
Towards your powerful, marigold orange,
And vine coloured, quivering body.
Your wintry airiness appear,
On your sun’s steps,
Sparkling with silver sky pearls
Of unutterable silence,
In the icy depths of forgetfulness,
Between the scintillating stars,
And frigid white lily paths;
Where hushed sounds of life,
Wait for deathless music of Pan
To be again awaken,
Along the snowy, sweet sun,
Honey scented, pine trees paths;
Lanterns to living universe.
By Xenia Sunic, December , 2010

Ex: http://autonomotpol.wordpress.com/

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