samedi, 07 mars 2015
Muslim Brotherhood designs of America, Qatar and Turkey in Egypt and Syria: Kosovo to ISIS
Muslim Brotherhood designs of America, Qatar and Turkey in Egypt and Syria: Kosovo to ISIS
Boutros Hussein, Noriko Watanabe and Lee Jay Walker
President Obama laid the foundation stone of undermining Egypt based on shared Muslim Brotherhood designs to control the political landscape throughout a vast region. The political Islamic designs of Washington meant that a shared political Islamist view emerged between America, Qatar, Turkey and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Of course, in the scheme of events the Washington and Muslim Brotherhood allied view was based on controlling a vast area that would encompass Egypt, Libya, Syria and Tunisia. Turkey under Erdogan would enhance this dream and in turn this grand design would benefit greatly from Gulf petrodollars emanating from Qatar. However, the ruling powers in Syria under President Bashar al-Assad – and the emergence of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi in Egypt – have both upset the planned Muslim Brotherhood venture.
The grand design emanated within the political elites of Ankara, Doha and Washington under Obama. Like usual, the United Kingdom would be utilized, for example the Tunisian Muslim Brotherhood connection, and this would be linked with various Muslim Brotherhood power bases throughout a vast region. Therefore, the Obama administration focused on its fixation with working closely with political Islam.
Indeed, it could be stated that the Obama administration is merely going one step further than past administrations in America. After all, the meddling of America – and other nations – in Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya all led to the growing rise of Sharia Islamic law and Islamization of society at all levels. The same America supported the rule of Islamic Sharia law in the early 1980s in Sudan whereby black African non-Muslims would become dhimmis.
The influences of the Muslim Brotherhood within the Obama administration was highlighted in early 2013 by the Investigative Project on Terrorism that reports: “The December 22 story was published in Egypt’s Rose El-Youssef magazine and was translated into English for the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT). The story suggests the six turned the White House “from a position hostile to Islamic groups and organizations in the world to the largest and most important supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood.”
The article continues by stating: “The six named people include: Arif Alikhan, assistant secretary of Homeland Security for policy development; Mohammed Elibiary, a member of the Homeland Security Advisory Council; Rashad Hussain, the U.S. special envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference; Salam al-Marayati, co-founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC); Imam Mohamed Magid, president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA); and Eboo Patel, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships.”
Indeed, the current intrigues by America and the Muslim Brotherhood against Egypt is ongoing in 2015 based on a recent pro-Muslim Brotherhood delegation being invited into the corridors of power in Washington. Once more the Investigate Project on Terrorism reports “The delegation sought help in restoring former President Mohamed Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood to power in Egypt. Morsi-era parliamentarians, government ministers and judges formed the Egyptian Revolutionary Council in Istanbul, Turkey last August with the aim of toppling Egypt’s military government. It is based in Geneva, Switzerland.”
The Investigative Project on Terrorism further reports that the delegation included “Abdul Mawgoud Dardery, an exiled Muslim Brotherhood member and Egyptian parliamentarian; and Mohammed Gamal Heshmat, an exiled member of the Muslim Brotherhood’s shura council and Egyptian parliamentarian.”
Therefore, even after Muslim Brotherhood supporters and other Islamists were involved in attacking Coptic Christians and burning churches this organization is still welcomed by the Obama administration. Also, political leaders in America are fully aware that the Muslim Brotherhood is working covertly with various Islamist organizations that are involved in terrorism in the Sinai and throughout Egypt. This applies to Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers and supporters in Egypt and the close relationship with Hamas, whereby militants are utilizing Gaza in order to destabilize the Sinai. Likewise, in Libya the Muslim Brotherhood, ISIS and various Islamist groups seek to usurp the political system and aim a dagger at the heart of Egypt. Similarly, just like supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood attacked Christian churches and Christians in Egypt, now ISIS is beheading and butchering Coptic Christians from Egypt in Libya.
Focusing on the Balkans, then despite all the propaganda, it is factual that in three wars in Europe involving Orthodox Christians and Muslims in Bosnia, Cyprus and Kosovo, the end products were that Ankara and Washington shared a similar interest. This reality meant that Muslim Turkey could swallow parts of Cyprus. Similarly, Kosovo would be taken from Serbia despite this part of Serbia being the Jerusalem of this nation. Therefore, with the Obama administration favoring the anti-Christian Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, then clearly nothing changes because Islamization on both sides of the Mediterranean sums up the policies of Washington.
In other words, ISIS (IS – Islamic State) kills Christians, the Shia and Shabaks quickly. While the de-Christianization of Northern Cyprus and Kosovo took place on the watch of Ankara and Washington. Meanwhile, in modern day Syria indigenous Islam and Christianity are equally threatened by barbaric Takfiri forces being supported by Gulf and NATO powers.
However, unlike the Ankara and Washington agenda in the Balkans, the one notable aspect of the destabilization of Egypt, Libya, and Syria, is that Gulf and NATO powers are extremely confused. After all, the usual NATO and Gulf vultures have various geopolitical and religious plans. Given this reality, Libya is divided internally and external powers are now supporting two different power bases within this failed nation. Likewise, the outside plots against Syria highlight these geopolitical and religious divisions because various sectarian and Islamist terrorist groups are being supported based on different objectives. The only binding factor linking Gulf and NATO powers is that they have no qualms in creating failed states – irrespective if this applies to Afghanistan, Libya or Iraq. Not surprisingly, the Syrian government refuses to hand the nation over to outside nations that support chaos and destabilization. Likewise, the emergence of el-Sisi on the political scene in Egypt also meant that he refused to hand over the sovereignty of this nation to the usual players.
It appears that in the Balkans the United States and Turkey could easily carve up Orthodox Christian nations because Cyprus and Serbia had typical political systems. Likewise, American military power is designed to fight mechanized armies and to destroy the infrastructures of nations. This can be seen by the bombing of Serbia by NATO powers under the guidance of Washington and London. Similarly, the armed forces of Iraq and state institutions in this nation were soon taken over by America and various allies. However, America isn’t good at fighting insurgencies. Therefore, the Balkan Islamization policies of America and Turkey produced results in Kosovo and Cyprus based on the ghettoization of Orthodox Christianity and the ultimate demise of the indigenous culture.
Yet, in Iraq, Libya, Egypt and Syria you have various regional nations and outside NATO powers (Turkey is a regional NATO power) that have different objectives. This reality is hindering the Muslim Brotherhood dream of America, Qatar and Turkey and this is clearly visible by the tenacity of Syria and the growing centralization of Egypt under el-Sisi. Therefore, while America, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and Turkey had no qualms in destabilizing Libya and Syria, the conflicting interests of so many nations is enabling a counter-revolution. This counter-revolution applies to Egypt and Syria fighting for independence because current political elites in both nations understand that failed states and subjugation awaits both nations if they fail.
It is noticeable that ISIS emerged strongly in Iraq after Obama pulled the armed forces of America out of this nation. Likewise, the destabilization of Syria enabled ISIS, al-Nusra and various other sectarian and Takfiri forces to emerge. While this took place, the Syrian Muslim Brotherhood became a willing tool of the Obama’s administration outreach project that received a boost because of similar intrigues emanating in Qatar and Turkey. However, while Saudi Arabia and other Gulf players are on board in the destabilization of Syria; the same Gulf nations differ from America, Qatar and Turkey because they don’t want to see the Muslim Brotherhood gain in power in Egypt and Jordan.
The recent crisis in Libya highlights that Egypt wants to clampdown on terrorist and Takfiri forces that seek to turn this nation into a dagger at the heart of regional nations. This emanated with Egyptian military attacks targeting ISIS bases in Libya after the brutal murders of Egyptian Coptic Christians. However, while Egypt wants the international community to support non-Islamist factions in this nation and to attack various terrorist groups, it is noticeable that this was met with silence from America, Qatar and Turkey. Therefore, while Washington is continuing to talk with pro-Muslim Brotherhood elements – and with being aloof about the current crisis in Libya – it appears that intrigues against Egypt are ongoing.
At the same time, America, Qatar and Turkey are behind another new terrorist and sectarian force being trained and armed against Syria. This is despite the fact that all minorities will face systematic persecution if an Islamist movement overthrows the current government of Syria.
In other words, Ankara, Doha and Washington all seek to usurp the Middle East and North Africa – just like they did in the Balkans – in order to shape the region based on their geopolitical ambitions. Therefore, in order to achieve this, these three nations all favor the Muslim Brotherhood.
Indigenous Islam, just like Orthodox Christianity in Northern Cyprus and Kosovo, means little to America, Qatar and Turkey when it comes to geopolitical concerns. This reality means that these three nations seek to utilize political Islam based on the deeds and ambitions of the Muslim Brotherhood throughout parts of North Africa and the Levant.
Egypt and Syria therefore are on the frontline in preserving independence when it comes to the Middle East. Also, with ISIS and links with Qatar and Turkey being fully known, then the fear in Egypt is that outside nations may manipulate Takfiri forces just like the same nations – and others – have done against Syria.
Modern Tokyo News is part of the Modern Tokyo Times group Modern Tokyo Times – International News and Japan News
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