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mardi, 24 juillet 2018

The Movement – the gravedigger of globalism or The mission of American Steve Bannon in Europe


The Movement – the gravedigger of globalism or The mission of American Steve Bannon in Europe

Ex: http://flux.md

Paraphrasing the famous quote of Marx, we can state without any exaggeration: ”A specter is haunting Europe – the specter of populism”.

After a series of promising signs for the European populists or nationalists such as Brexit, the election of Trump, the results of the latest parliamentary elections in Austria, Hungary, Italy, the political solidarity of the Visegrád Group countries, the constant disagreements between Poland and the bureaucracy of Brussels etc., the international press is giving hopeful news once again. Steve Bannon, ex Chief Strategist of the American president and the mind behind the Trump victory, has announced the creation of a new foundation in Europe, which will be called The Movement. This organization has the ambition of being an alternative to the ”Soros network”, known as The Open Society Foundation, the one that has had and still has a major impact on the politics of our continent – in the ex-communist countries, Western Europe and the United States.

And if the anti-system political events of recent years have shaken the dominant elite for the first time since World War Two, the phenomenon rightly called the ”European spring” or the ”populist revolution of Europe”  has a great chance of growing even more due to Steve Bannon’s initiative. The ambition of this American thought leader is to unite all European identitarian and pro-sovereignty parties in a common front against globalism, which is neoliberal and antinational and gravely affects not only the interests of smaller countries, but those of the US as well.

In his book „The populist Moment. Right-left: it’s over”, the French philosopher Alain de Benoist brilliantly synthesizes the new mindset of European peoples. The new coalition government in Italy that has united the populist groups, „Lega Nord”, the party of Matteo Salvini and Luigi di Maio’s „Five Star Movement”, confirms Benoist’s ideas. Another philosopher that subscribes to this line of thinking is Aleksandr Dugin, who wrote a series of important texts on the new wave spreading over European politics. Finally, with the election of Trump and with the intentions of Bannon, us Europeans can give up on the cliche idea that globalism is purely an American product. The French essayist and economist Hervé Juvin stresses on a very important thesis that helps understand the phenomenons that have taken place in the last decades: just how the Russian people were the first victims of Communism, so the American people are the first victims of globalism, also called extraterritorial, imperialistic and devastating capitalism. It is worth adding that the majority of the globalist oligarchy is based in the USA, but act against the state and the American people.

Therefore, the non-profit that is about to be launched declares that its first immediate task is the fortification of anti-system populist parties in time for the European Parliamentary elections in May 2019, as well as helping them in some local elections. The expertise and consultancy services offered by the foundation can have a crucial role in the upcoming electoral confrontations. And if Steve Bannon openly declares that he wants his organization to be a rival of the „Davos group”, meaning the global plutocratic establishment, my friend from France, Emmanuel Leroy, preceding the idea of the American strategist, proposed a formula that goes extremely well both with the initiative launched last year in the Moldovan capital, as well as with that of Bannon. On the occasion of the two international conferences in Chișinău held in 2017 that brought together intellectuals from the ex-communist countries and Western Europe, he said that the Chișinău Forum must become a true anti-Davos. Created by three organizations, the Popular University of Moldova, the Eurasianist Movement of Russia, lead by Aleksandr Dugin and the Jean Parvulesco Committee of France, The Chișinău Forum has become a true international think-tank that will meet at least once a year to elaborate alternative strategies of geopolitical, ideological and economic nature. After more than two years, our network has extended all the way to Iran and Africa, has managed to develop a strong media cooperation and participate in important international events. In this context, as the main organizer of the Chișinău Forum, I am almost certain that I will have the support of my colleagues from abroad when coming with the proposition of initiating a strong collaboration with Steve Bannon’s new organization.

Our media resources, www.flux.md and www.altermedia.md (Moldova), www.geopolitica.ru (Russia), www.tvlibertes.com, www.lesakerfrancophone.fr, www.egaliteetreconciliation.fr (France), www.zuerst.de (Germany), www.gandeste.org, www.estica.eu (Romania), www.geopolitika.rs (Serbia), as well as a series of other press structures that we collaborate with represent an excellent opportunity for promoting our ideas and for mutual support.

The capital of Moldova, Chișinău, is an excellent place for our international meetings due to its geographical position and to the fact that citizens from the EU, the US, Canada, Russia and the other ex-Soviet states do not need visas. Our team has acquired great experience in organizing succesful events and in maintaining strong contact with our partners. This experience must be used to bring substantial contributions to the demolition of the current dominant system of the global plutocracy, to the rebuilding of nation-states and the rebalancing of international affairs that favor the interest of every people.

We, the peoples from the ex-Communist region, have gained valuable experience from our participation in the dismantling of the former totalitarian regime. Three decades ago, none of us knew that the time will come when we will have to create a new „triumph of nations”, to achieve a new decolonization of captive peoples that became victims of the global corporatocracy, which de-sovereignized all countries, producing great economic and social unbalances. And the same way that the end of the USSR was possible, so is the end of the new totalitarian mini-empire of the EU urgently needed, which the Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban rightly called the most corrupt in the world, massively penetrated by the tentacles of George Soros. After the election of Donald Trump, a sort of duality of power has been installed in the US: on one hand, a populist president that guides himself by the „America First!” principle, and on the other hand the „deep state”, which sacrifices national interests for the accumulation of huge profits. Steve Bannon is coming with a message that is embraced by any partiot. Every people, every authentic political elite should follow exactly this principle: „My country first before anything!”.

We have a common war for the preservation of our traditions, cultures and religions, for the protection of national economies in the face of the globalist capitalist aggression, for the refusal of our countries to be invaded by the waves of illegal migrants and to flood their countries with the sharks of speculative capitalism. The denouement of this major historical confruntation depends on our solidarity.

I invite all friends from our international network to give their opinion on the idea of the active participation of the Chișinău Forum members in supporting and extending Steve Bannon’s organization – The Movement. Your reactions will be published on our media resources in different languages.

I would like to end with another well-known paraphrase of marxist inspiration:

Populists of all countries, unite!

Iurie Roșca, ex anti-Soviet dissident, currently an anti-globalist dissident

July 23, 2018,


Republic of Moldova

Succès de la Route maritime du Nord


Succès de la Route maritime du Nord

par Jean-Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.europesolidaire.eu

Le 10 juillet le cargo gazier russe brise-glace du type Arc7 Vladimir Roussanov est arrivé au port chinois de Xian de Rudong, avant d'être rejoint dans la nuit par l'Edouard Toll.

Les deux cargos russes transportant du gaz naturel liquéfié (GNL) de Yamal LNG ont quitté le port de Sabetta en Arctique russe les 25 et 27 juin respectivement.

Le voyage jusqu'à la Chine a demandé un peu plus de trois semaines. «C'est une première dans l'histoire de la Route maritime du Nord: des cargos ont franchi l'itinéraire Est en direction du détroit de Béring sans être accompagnés de brise-glaces», a annoncé le producteur de gaz russe Novatek.

Le même itinéraire est suivi actuellement par le cargo français de Total Christophe de Margerie. Son déchargement est prévu pour le 31 juillet au terminal Tangshan LNG au nord-est de la Chine

Yamal LNG 1) est la première usine de Novatek pour la liquéfaction de gaz dans la région arctique de la Russie. Sa capacité est de 17,5 millions de tonnes de GNL par an. Les partenaires de la compagnie russe dans ce projet sont Total (20%) et les compagnies chinoises CNPC (20%) et Silk Road Fund (9,9%). La première chaîne technologique de l'usine (5,5 millions de tonnes) a commencé le déchargement du produit fini le 8 décembre 2017. L'entreprise fonctionnera à plein régime l'an prochain.

yamal.gifL''acheminement de GNL par le détroit de Béring est 1,5 fois plus rapide qu'en contournant l'Europe par la Méditerranée, l'océan Indien, puis le Pacifique (un aller-retour prend 44 jours au lieu de 68). Ce qui représente une économie de 3,2 millions de dollars pour chaque trajet.

La démonstration du fonctionnement de l'itinéraire Est pourrait accroître l'intérêt des partenaires potentiels pour d'autres projets en cours de mise en place, notamment  le projet Arctic LNG 2.

Inutile de souligner que Total, malgré les menaces de rétorsion de Washington, continue à coopérer avec la Russie. Il y trouvera certainement plus d'intérêt qu'en tentant de s'accorder avec les compagnies pétrolières américaines qui ne lui veulent aucun bien.

Sans doute aussi perçoit-il les intérêts géopliques de cette coopération, pour lui-même comme au delà pour l'économie française. En cela il est plus digne d'être qualifié d'entreprise française que toutes celles qui, par peur des « sanctions » américaines, ont renoncé à poursuivre en Russie des projets pourtant déjà bien engagés.


1) Yamal SPG (Yamal LNG) . Voir https://www.total.com/fr/expertise-energies/projets/petro...