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vendredi, 10 février 2017

Ole Dammegard – European State Sponsored Terror Events


Ole Dammegard – European State Sponsored Terror Events

Described as a continental David Icke, Ole Dammegard, international speaker, author of  ‘Coup d’etat in Slow Motion’ and last year’s winner of the Prague Peace Prize, is one of the world’s foremost experts on false flag terror operations, and is an implacable enemy of the New World Order and its conspiracy to create a one world slave state.  In this talk he gives an overview of his life and the journey, which led him to question the motives of governments who supposedly should be looking after the best interests of the people they govern. Do Western governments really care about the people they govern? Or are they perfectly willing to sacrifice their people in order to please certain powerful, hidden interests? It is always wise to ask 'Cui bono?' Who benefits from terrorist attacks? Not Europeans certainly. It would be easy for Western governments to put an end to terrorist attacks - so why don't they? The question therefore remains: are terrorist attacks encouraged, allowed to happen, or even sometimes made to happen? And why? To what end? How about the suggestion that it is all in order to further a hidden agenda pursued by the secret elite that surreptitiously controls our governments? This is the first time he has spoken in England. 

⦁ Ole's newsletter and website which people may want to check out and support his work
⦁ Ole was awarded the Prague Peace Prize 2016
Konferencja Prague Peace Price 2016. Vol. 1 23-24.07.2016 r.

⦁ He has been nominated for the 'Light Tower'- award in Sweden, organized by Stiftelsen Pharos: "A beacon is a brave truth-seeker or benefactor who stands up for the good, the true and the beautiful. A motivator with heart that seems to make our world a better place. It may be e.g. a researcher, journalist, innovator, creator or other driving force spreading a positive light. The nomination will be open until 28 February.​"  If people would like to nominate Ole then they can do so by filling in their name, email, who and why they would like to nominate him and send them to
