samedi, 12 décembre 2009
Gabor Vona: "Eco-Sociale Nationale Economie"
Gábor Vona: “Eco-Sociale Nationale Economie”
Ondertussen toch al een paar maanden oud, maar daarom niet minder actueel. Gábor Vona van de Hongaarse partij Jobbik schreef volgend stuk over de socio-economische visie van zijn partij. En al zijn er zekere opmerkingen te maken over Jobbik, toch is het een goed artikel. Hier de volledige tekst en hieronder een paar uittreksels:
Liberal market economy and global capitalism are twins, they presuppose one other. If one of them comes to an end the other becomes meaningless. Competition based economy–in other words, economy based on unregulated capital–has gone bankrupt, in front of our very eyes that in the mean time, destroyed the social fabric of society; in the wake of destruction, one thing has remained for people, the possibility to sacrifice themselves on the altar of multinational corporations. [...]
[...] The question might arise: why do we Hungarians have to care about the problems of the world when we have our own to deal with? The answer is simple: because the problems of the world affect us, perhaps more than we think if we don’t implement preventive measures–perhaps first among all nations. [...]
[...] Today, we need Eco-Social National Economy. The phrase perhaps a bit crooked but in time, we might find a better one, but now the important thing is to understand its meaning. [...]
[...] This economy is called national because the nation is the largest natural-historical formation and it can be conceived as a unified whole, both culturally and economically. It is essential not to conceive this idea in a narrow sense, like protecting small, local businesses or farmers but expand it and incorporate state involvement in economic activities, such as utilizing natural resources, dealing with strategic industries and envisioning an economic perspective where strategic operations remain in government hands or if necessary re-nationalize these sectors. [...]
00:16 Publié dans Actualité | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : actualité, économie, programme social, hongrie, théorie politique, théorie économique | | |
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