dimanche, 15 février 2015
The Necessity of Anti-Colonialism
The Necessity of Anti-Colonialism
By Eugène Montsalvat
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com
Anti-colonialism must be a component of any ideology that attempts to defend rooted identities. It is necessary to oppose the uprooting of peoples in the pursuit of power and wealth. In both its historical imperial form and in its modern financial guise, colonialism has warped both the colonist and colonizer, mixing, diluting, and even annihilating entire cultures and peoples. We know about the negative impact of colonialism on the colonized. However, its consequences for the people of colonial nations are rarely discussed, in order to reinforce a narrative that demonizes European history.
Unfortunately, many patriotic, average whites feel some sort of pride in their imperial history. They do not realize that they are its victims as well. Hidden from the historical record are the poor and working class whites who served as cannon fodder for the agenda of plutocrats intent on extending their empire of wealth. They were forced to compete against foreign labor, occasionally even against slave labor. Consider how the suffering of thousands of Irish, Scottish, and English people forced to serve as indentured servants–that is, frankly, white slaves–by the British Empire in America has been conveniently erased from public knowledge. How many people know of the struggle of white Australian laborers who stood up to the English colonial power that wanted to undercut their wages with Indian and Chinese immigrants? These facts are hidden from our consciousness by our leaders, the end result being a suicidal support for an exploitative system or a guilt complex that feeds modern neocolonialism in the guise of “human rights” and “progress.”
If there is any nostalgia for the empires of the past among patriotic whites, it should be wiped away when they realize what those empires have transmogrified into. When vast empires no longer maximized profit, their controllers saw the borders between them dissolved to ensure a truly global financial oligarchy. Today the agenda behind colonialism is laid bare: it was never about bravery and exploration but about the economic exploitation of all the peoples of the world. It is not Faustian courage, but mercantile greed that drives the will to consume the entire earth.
While colonialism is not a distinctly European phenomenon, for our purposes we’ll look at how European colonialism evolved into the global neo-colonialism that plagues us today. Before what is called the “Age of Exploration” that saw the rise of European colonial empires overseas, there was a significant shift in the values of Europe. Before the Renaissance, Western Europe was dominated by feudal values, which were essentially religious in nature. Here we see superpolitical ideas dominate the political discourse. To quote Julius Evola on the feudal regime:
In this type of regime the principle of plurality and of relative political autonomy of the individual parts is emphasized, as is the proper context of the universal element, that unum quod non est pars [one that is not part of, i.e. God] that alone can really organize and unify these parts, not by contrasting but by presiding over each of them through the transcendent, superpolitical, and regulating functions that the universal embodies.
In this quote we see that the foundation of the polity is religious, its parts unified by divine power. As the feudal system declined, what was seen as the holy vocation of statecraft became replaced by simple, humanistic diplomacy. In place of spiritual unity, the emergence of the nation state and its absolutism provided the bonding forces of politics. From this great upheaval we see the rise of the mercantile classes, especially in Italy, as the feudal Holy Roman Empire receded from the peninsula. This lead to the Renaissance. While some may think of the Renaissance as the revival of Classical virtues lost under the domination of Christian despotism, it was superficial, exalting a decadent humanism and individualism not found in healthy pagan societies. Sparta it was not.
Evola recounts the consequences:
In the domain of culture this potential produced the tumultuous outburst of multiple forms of creativity almost entirely deprived of any traditional or even symbolic element, and also, on an external plane, the almost explosive scattering of European populations all over the world during the age of discoveries, explorations, and colonial conquests that occurred during the Renaissance and age of humanism. These were the effects of a scattering of forces resembling the scattering of forces that follows the disintegration of an organism.
European colonialism began when the soul of Europe died. In place of God, stood greed and human self-adulation. The domination of materialist values we see today is a direct consequence of the inversion of values that resulted from the death of feudalism.
Like all systems where money is the highest good, the new colonial regime was dominated by mercantile forces. The financial power behind the Spanish empire was the Fugger banking dynasty, which was later replaced by Genoese merchants after Spain went bankrupt several times during the reign of Phillip II. In a manner similar to America’s foreign adventurism, Spain’s imperial dreams drove the state to ruin and left them at the mercy of avaricious creditors. This would certainly not be the last time that the benefits of colonialism have gone into the pockets of bankers at grievous expense to the people of the nation. The financial troubles of Spain lead one its erstwhile territories to declare independence and pursue its own colonial ambitions.
That would be the Netherlands, which created a mercantile empire through international banking. Much like how modern creditors hold entire nations, such as Greece, in their thrall, the Dutch merchants lent to foreign governments and then demanded concessions when they couldn’t pay. In addition, the Dutch created what is often considered the first multinational corporation to pursue their colonial profiteering, the Dutch East India Company. This corporation was imbued with great power, even the power to declare war. Thus common Dutch men would go off to die for their corporate masters. No, George Bush was not the first man to slaughter his countrymen for corporate greed. However, not to be outdone by the Dutch. The British created their own East India Company. Intense rivalry in the spice trade and over the territories of the crumbling Spanish Empire fueled violence. In 1623 agents of the Dutch East India Company massacred ten British in the employ of the British East India Company in Indonesia during the Amboyna Massacre. Eventually, their economic tensions would grow into full blown warfare, culminating in Three Anglo-Dutch wars in the 1600s. In 1688, the James II of England was overthrown by the Dutch backed William of Orange and his English wife Mary.
This so called Glorious Revolution was a coup for Dutch finance. William of Orange, who became William III upon assuming the English throne, was heavily indebted to Dutch bankers. Under his regime, the Bank of England was established to lend the throne money at interest. Thus England’s colonial empire was now the agent of capital. The Bank of England was modeled after the Dutch Wisselbank, which backed the Province of Holland, the City of Amsterdam, and the Dutch East India Company. Therefore, the public debt of the people became the private profit of the banks. If an expensive colonial war was fought, the bank always won, for either way its loans are repaid with the spoils or forcibly extracted from the indebted through foreclosures and credit restrictions. While we may think of these struggles as glorious feats of courage and daring, ultimately it was the blood sacrifice of honest men that fattened the Golden Calf of usury. One of the families profiting from this global web of sovereign debt was the infamous Rothschild family.
Originating in Frankfurt, in what is now Germany and establishing the branches in the imperial capitals of Paris, Naples, Vienna, and London. Nathan Rothschild became involved in financing the British war against Napoleon, using his international connections to funnel information on the continent to London. We should note that Napoleon’s economic policies sought to achieve autarky and limit usury through low interest rate loans given through the Bank of France. However, Napoleon was defeated and the forces of international finance reigned over Europe. Nathan’s grandson, Natty, saw the British Empire as a vehicle for his commercial interests. He became a friend of British imperialist, Cecil Rhodes. However, he was a fair weather friend, even floating loans to the Boer government, playing both sides in the colonial game.
It is clear that to the Rothschilds, the British Empire was merely the best mechanism for protecting their profits; they had no loyalty to it. Yet, it was not just the Rothschilds who were willing to use the empire as grist for their mills. In Australia, British colonial interests sought to displace white gold miners with cheap labor from China and India. Against the greed of their rulers, the Australian workers rose up, organizing and agitating against immigration from other parts of the Empire. William Lane, a founder of the Australian Labor Party said:
Here we face the hordes of the east as our kinsmen faced them in the dim distant centuries, and here we must beat them back if we would keep intact all that can make our lives worth living. It does not matter that today it is an insidious invasion of peaceful aliens instead of warlike downpour of weaponed men. Monopolistic capitalism has no colour and no country.
In the sheep shearing industry W. G. Spence fought against free trade policies of Joseph Chamberlain, who sought to allow waves of Asian labor to lower the wages of white laborers. The rising of the Australian workers led to the formulation of a White Australia Policy to prevent the Empire from using foreign labor to challenge white workers. As the 19th century drew to a close, the imperialism of kings, flags, and exploration was becoming passé. The capitalists were no longer content with vast empires. They wanted the entire world. The rise of American power would give them that opportunity.
The financial powers saw the old model of a world divided into regional powers as a barrier to their goal of a global economy. In the Fourteen Points Woodrow Wilson advocated free trade and the self determination of the former colonial territories. While self-determination may sound vaguely nationalistic, in reality its goal was to dissolve the old empires and assimilate them in bite sized pieces into the new American led global economy, replacing “Great Power” colonialism with international neocolonialism. The Atlantic Charter devised after the Second World War reiterated these points. In the wake of the Second World War, America’s seemingly anti-colonial foreign policy is exposed as merely a fig leaf for financial imperialism. In Africa, the US sought to break down the old colonial empires and impose American lackeys as their new leadership. I quote from a previous essay of mine:
In 1953 the Africa-America Institute was created to train a pro-American leader class for the post-colonial African nations. The AAI has received funding from the US government’s USAID and as of 2008 it counts Citibank, Coca-Cola, De Beers, Exxon Mobil, and Goldman Sachs among its sponsors. The AAI’s East Africa Refugee Program, which ran from 1962-1971, and the Southern African Training Program supported the training of FNLA terrorists against the Portuguese, ostensibly to prevent the Soviet backed MPLA from gaining power. The resulting civil war killed 500,000 over 27 years. With the Portuguese, whose Catholic social policies limited involvement in the global economy, removed from the picture, global corporations were free to strike deals with the newly installed government of Mozambique. Anglo-American Corporation negotiated a sale of chrome loading equipment the day Mozambique’s Samora Machel proclaimed the beginning of nationalization.
As we see, the hidden hand behind these allegedly anti-colonial movements in Africa was American cash. These newly “independent” nations were merely puppets for Western financial interests.
However, true nationalist alternatives existed. Consider Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi, who articulated a nationalist and eventually pan-Africanist vision of self-determination. Gaddafi nationalized Libya’s oil industry, taking it out of the hands of foreign corporations, using the money to provide health-care and education for his people. First promoting Pan-Arabism and then Pan-Africanism, he sought to form a geopolitical bloc against foreign domination, as each nation by itself was too weak to challenge the full might of the United States.
Gaddafi’s vision was inspired by another Arab revolutionary, Egypt’s Gamal Abdel Nasser, who promoted a pan-Arab socialism. What he sought to do was assert the sovereignty of the people against both British and French colonialism and American neocolonialism. He saw the chaos they produced, especially through their support of Israel and their puppets in Saudi Arabia, who had been installed by the English for aiding them against the Ottomans in the First World War. Nasser was quite keen in recognizing this Saudi-Israeli alliance of American puppets, which wreaks all havoc in the Middle East to this day, stating, “To liberate all Jerusalem, the Arab peoples must first liberate Riyadh.”
Among Nasser’s supporters was Francis Parker Yockey, the author of Imperium, who wrote anti-Zionist propaganda in Egypt. A man of vision who saw the old powers fading away into an American Jewish dominated global empire, he sought allies who resisted America’s Zionist New World Order. He saw Western Europe devolving into an American colony after the Second World War and called for it to assert itself in his Proclamation of London. With Nasser, he saw the Arabs asserting themselves in a similar manner.
Across the Atlantic, Juan Domingo Perón of Argentina, pursued a geopolitical agenda intended to foil American backed neocolonialism, seeking to unite South America as a bloc for the independent development of its peoples. During his exile, he sought contacts with European nationalists who sought to resist American domination following the Second World War, including Jean Thiriart and Oswald Mosley. Perón saw South American anti-colonialists and European nationalists as natural allies, stating in a letter to Thiriart, “A united Europe would count a population of nearly 500 million, The South American continent already has more than 250 million. Such blocs would be respected and effectively oppose the enslavement to imperialism which is the lot of a weak and divided country.” During his final term in office, Perón, also pursued alignment with Gaddafi’s Libya.
By the 1960s, the complete dissolution of the European empires, combined with the rise of the US backed Zionist power in the Middle East, required European patriots to realign with third world anti-imperialists. The previously mentioned Jean Thiriart stated, “European revolutionary patriots support the formation of special fighters for the future struggle against Israel; technical training of the future action aimed to a struggle against the Americans in Europe; building of an anti-American and anti-Zionist information service for a simultaneous utilization in the Arabian countries and in Europe.”1 Ultimately, Thiriart’s goal of creating European Brigades to aid in the liberation of Palestine went unrealized. However, Thiriart’s goal to transform Palestine into Israel’s Vietnam may yet still be possible, as the Israeli war machine’s utter brutality towards the Palestinians gains increasingly negative exposure. As their excuses for brazen cruelty begin to lose power, we will once again see heroes rally to their standard to free Jerusalem.
Our current situation offers several outlets to continue to struggle. Firstly, we must realize that the creed of greed, which has infected our own people, is the enemy. Therefore, it is necessary to reform the right in America, it must be intransigently anti-liberal. The decline of our people did not begin in 1960. Simple opposition to the New Left is not going to solve our problems. It is foolish to praise the 19th century, one of industrial exploitation of our own working class, petty nationalism tearing ancient kingdoms asunder, and scientific rationalism de-sacralizing the world. The Enlightenment and its fruits must be rejected outright, for they brought an end to the domination of religious institutions and replaced them with the rule of gold. Ultimately, we must affirm spiritual values over materialistic ones. We must first win the spiritual battle before the political battle can begin. To defeat the global rule of the merchants, we must destroy the merchant in our souls. We must affirm Tradition, in the sense of Julius Evola, before we can become politically radical.
Once we have overcome the parasite in our own spirit, we must meet its external manifestations. That is the US/EU/NATO/Israel axis. This is the heartland of liberal capitalism, the new Carthage, that seeks to turn the peoples of the world into their raw material. It is in the interest of big business to destroy the traditions of a people and replace them with consumerism, to eliminate the borders that prevent the flow of cheap labor. The capitalist seeks little more than to turn the world into their private plantation. This mercantile virus, which first implanted itself through the colonial empires of old will become truly fatal if capitalist neocolonialism is allowed to pursue full globalization. Thus we must recognize our allies. Indeed, our enemies have already pointed them out, calling any nation that seeks to retain its sovereignty against the dictates of American imperialism a rogue state that hate’s freedom and democracy. The old adage “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” holds true.
One leader fighting the global system today is Syria’s Bashar al-Assad. He is facing down US and Saudi backed Wahhabists who seek to topple an Arab nationalist regime that has stood since the days of Thiriart. He is backed by two other organizations that have undergone American demonization, Hezbollah and Iran. Just recently we have witnessed the audacity of Israel’s imperialist regime, killing an Iranian general and Hezbollah fighters on Syrian soil on January 19th. While it may seem that radical Islam and Zionism are at odds, in the case of Syria they are two heads to the same coin, minted in the US I may add. Both the Israelis and the Wahhabists seek to destroy the Arab nationalists like Assad, while taking millions of dollars from the United States. If we wish to combat radical Islam, we must combat liberalism and Zionism as well. We must stand with Arab socialists and nationalists who wish to provide a nation that puts people before profits, we must stand against Israeli and Saudi backed warmongering that drives people from their ancestral homes, and we must stand against the capitalists who seek to use foreign labor to undercut their native working class. Nationalists and socialists of all nations must recognize that they are locked in a common struggle.
One nationalist and socialist figure, similarly hated by the American establishment, was Hugo Chávez. Inspired by both Perón and leftists such as Castro, he sought to unite South America against neo-liberalism, that is the financial colonialism of the United States. Thus he created the Bolivarian Alliance for the People of our America (ALBA), which consists of Antigua and Barbuda, Bolivia, Cuba, Dominica, Ecuador, Grenada, Nicaragua, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines and Venezuela. These organization seeks to aid the nations of South America to improve themselves through social welfare and mutual aid. Moreover, Chávez was also a resolute anti-Zionist, even going so far as to claim that “the descendants of those who crucified Christ . . . have taken ownership of the riches of the world, a minority has taken ownership of the gold of the world, the silver, the minerals, water, the good lands, petrol, well, the riches, and they have concentrated the riches in a small number of hands.” Chávez died of cancer in 2013, but his movement lives on.
Among the leaders who carry the torch of Bolivarian Revolution is Bolivia’s Evo Morales, a socialist who has pursued a redistribution of his nation’s wealth from the hands of multinational corporations to his own people. In 2008, Morales successfully fought off a coup engineered with the support of US Ambassador Philip Goldberg. While many of the American right still harbor their Cold War fears of Latin American nationalism, this only serves to line the pockets of men like Goldberg. Nationalists must stand in solidarity with one another.
And finally, target number one of globalism, Russia. America is clearly waging economic warfare on Russia through its sanctions, through the IMF support for the Kiev junta, through attempts by Western credit agencies to downgrade Russia. Russia’s refusal to bow to Western liberal standards in regards to sexuality, religion, and culture has earned America’s enmity. Putin’s refusal to become the glorified serving boy at the international table has drawn the ire of NATO. Putin has realized that the attempts at rapprochement with the Western led global economy had led to disastrous consequences for the Russian people. Growing from his role of cleaning up the utter ruin left by Yeltsin he has reasserted a Russian identity as the basis of his superpower. In his speech to Valdai Club, Putin defends Russia’s traditions, and the traditions of all peoples, against Western liberalism:
Another serious challenge to Russia’s identity is linked to events taking place in the world. Here there are both foreign policy and moral aspects. We can see how many of the Euro-Atlantic countries are actually rejecting their roots, including the Christian values that constitute the basis of Western civilization. They are denying moral principles and all traditional identities: national, cultural, religious and even sexual. They are implementing policies that equate large families with same-sex partnerships, belief in God with the belief in Satan.
The excesses of political correctness have reached the point where people are seriously talking about registering political parties whose aim is to promote paedophilia. People in many European countries are embarrassed or afraid to talk about their religious affiliations. Holidays are abolished or even called something different; their essence is hidden away, as is their moral foundation. And people are aggressively trying to export this model all over the world. I am convinced that this opens a direct path to degradation and primitivism, resulting in a profound demographic and moral crisis.
What else but the loss of the ability to self-reproduce could act as the greatest testimony of the moral crisis facing a human society? Today almost all developed nations are no longer able to reproduce themselves, even with the help of migration. Without the values embedded in Christianity and other world religions, without the standards of morality that have taken shape over millennia, people will inevitably lose their human dignity. We consider it natural and right to defend these values. One must respect every minority’s right to be different, but the rights of the majority must not be put into question.
At the same time we see attempts to somehow revive a standardised model of a unipolar world and to blur the institutions of international law and national sovereignty. Such a unipolar, standardised world does not require sovereign states; it requires vassals. In a historical sense this amounts to a rejection of one’s own identity, of the God-given diversity of the world.2
In this speech, Putin demonstrates the influence of geopolitical theorist Alexander Dugin, who is stridently opposed to the homogenized, unipolar world that Western globalist capitalism seeks to impose through financial neo-colonialism. In his Fourth Political Theory he asserts the identities of various civilizations as models for their respective geopolitical blocs in an alignment against the decadence of the modern world.
We know our allies, those who wish to preserve a rooted identity for their own people, and we know our enemies, those who wish to destroy all traditions in favor of a global consumer society. For hundreds of years we have seen our sons been shipped off to die for the profit of those who feel no love for their nation, we have seen our culture warped by greed. Deceived by promises of glory and disingenuous patriotism, we have marched off far too many times to count so that the gold lust of traitors could be satisfied. This is what colonialism has wrought, a global sweatshop where people from all the races of the earth can compete for the lowest wages, while our leaders count their 30 pieces of silver. Now, we must be the vanguard of a global conflict, the rebels in the heart of the empire. We must join our brothers in the fight for global liberation. The North American New Right must be resolutely anti-colonial. For the freedom of our people, and all the peoples of the world.
1. http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/the-struggle-of-jean-thiriart/13850/ [2]
Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com
URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/02/the-necessity-of-anti-colonialism/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/BoerActionDeckBack.jpg
[2] http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/the-struggle-of-jean-thiriart/13850/: http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/the-struggle-of-jean-thiriart/13850/
[3] http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/6007: http://eng.kremlin.ru/news/6007
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