jeudi, 14 août 2014
Dr. Christian W. Spang on German-Japanese Relations and on Karl Haushofer
Dr. Christian W. Spang on German-Japanese Relations and on Karl Haushofer
Who is Dr. Christian W. Spang ?
This paper deals with Karl Haushofer's geopolitical ideas and the influence these concepts had on the development of Japanese geopolitics in the 1930s.
One of my earliest papers on Haushofer, based on a conference paper, delivered in Trier 1999. The article deals with Haushofer's influence in Germany. In some parts outdated.
My earliest paper on Haushofer. The rather long article deals with Haushofer's influence in Germany and in Japan. In some parts outdated.
This Japanese paper is a translation of an earlier German article titled “Karl Haushofer und die Geopolitik in Japan. Zur Bedeutung Haushofers innerhalb der deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg”, published in: Irene... more
This Japanese paper is a translation of an earlier German article titled “Karl Haushofer und die Geopolitik in Japan. Zur Bedeutung Haushofers innerhalb der deutsch-japanischen Beziehungen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg”, published in: Irene Diekmann et al. (eds.), Geopolitik. Grenzgänge im Zeitgeist, Vol. 2, Potsdam: Verlag für Berlin-Brandenburg, 2000, pp. 591-629.
00:04 Publié dans Géopolitique, Histoire | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : japopn, géopolitique, karl haushofer, politique internationale, diplomatie, japon, allemagne, asie, europe, affaires asiatiques, affaires européennes, livre | | |
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