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vendredi, 27 novembre 2015

ISIS Terrorismus: Political satire by Max Uthoff and Claus von Wagner

Die Anstalt: ISIS terrorism documentary doku 2015 terrorist

English subtitles ENG SUB

Political satire by Max Uthoff and Claus von Wagner

Topic: ISIS and terrorism in general and how it all began - An entertaining summary with real facts.
Chronological topics for reserach:
Mohammad Mosaddegh
1953 Iranian coup d'état
Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi
1979 Iranian Revolution
Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
Saddam Hussain
1979 Soviet war in Afghanistan
Osama Bin Laden
1990 Invasion of Kuwait
Nayirah (testimony)
Nayirah al-sabah
Hill & Knowlton
Citizens for a Free Kuwait
1990 Holy Ground: Mecca and Medina
Osama bin Laden
2013 IS – Islamic State
ISIS - Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
ISIL - Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant

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