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vendredi, 09 juin 2017

Greg Johnson - A New Beginning: Heidegger & Ethnic Nationalism


Greg Johnson - A New Beginning: Heidegger & Ethnic Nationalism

Despite being the major philosopher of the 20th century, Martin Heidegger is most liberals’ worst nightmare; for Heidegger is ‘one of us’ – one of us politically, one of us philosophically, one of us spiritually, one of us in every way.  But, because he is someone who is of such towering importance to western thought it is difficult for the liberals to ridicule, stigmatize or belittle his contribution and ideas.  Therefore the liberal ploy, rather in the way they’ve dealt with Tolkien, Ezra Pound, Celine, TS Eliot and hundreds of others, has been to pretend he never really had politically incorrect views at all.  The recent publication however of more and more hitherto unpublished works by him - including ‘The Black Notebooks’ – has refocussed attention on his (meta)political position and its importance as an integral part of his entire worldview.  This has made the aforementioned liberal strategy increasingly untenable…. to the point where the dam is about to burst.  Here, Greg Johnson, one of the world’s foremost Heideggerians, will speak to us about how the ongoing unveiling of more and more of Heidegger’s thinking will increasingly lead to Ethnic Nationalism, ‘this thing of ours’, becoming supremely fashionable.  

Greg Johnson is the editor and owner of Counter Currents website and publishers.  He is the author of 6 books, including his just released 'In Defence of Prejudice'. 



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