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mardi, 24 novembre 2020

A War of Ideas: Seminal Thinkers of the New Right


A War of Ideas: Seminal Thinkers of the New Right
Copies of A WAR OF IDEAS: SEMINAL THINKERS OF THE NEW RIGHT are now available to pre-order.
The book is approximately 150 pages in length and costs just 20 EUROS with free postage to anywhere in the world.
Our PayPal address is blackfrontpress@yahoo.co.uk and you can find more details below. We also accept bank transfers.
Cover designed by Francisco Albanese Pastene.
IN 1968, as the false opposition of the European Left ushered its misguided supporters into another blind alley, plans were afoot to build a formidable alternative that could salvage many of the traditional values at risk of being swamped by the modern world. Beginning in France with the foundation of the Groupement de recherche et d'études pour la civilisation européenne (Research and Study Group for European Civilization), or GRECE, what became the Nouvelle Droite began adopting some of the tactics of the New Left and combining them with the cultural ideas of Italian Marxist Antonio Gramsci (1891–1937).
Having broken with the old-style nationalism of the past, much of which had been centred around Fascism and National-Socialism, the New Right set about promoting metapolitics and ethno-pluralism in the hope that such a strategy could act as a powerful bulwark against the rapid encroachment of liberal-leftism and pseudo-egalitarianism. This fascinating volume explores many of the key intellectuals and concepts that have endured for over half a century.
Chapters include:
Dominique Venner: The Spirit of the Hunter;
The European New Right, Alain de Benoist and the Oppression of "Human Rights"';
Pierre Krebs and the Thule-Seminar;
Europe's Ragnarok Unveiled: On Pierre Vial's Ethnic War;
Introduction to the History of the Radical Right in Twentieth-Century Portugal;
Karlheinz Weißmann and the German New Right;
Hennig Eichberg: An Original Thinker Inside and Outside the Sphere of the "New Right";
Tomislav Sunic and American Civilisation;
Stanis Ruinas: Anti-Dogmatic Socialism Beyond Left and Right;
Europe-Action Magazine: Dominique Venner's Revolutionary Turn; 
The New Right and the Elusive Equality.
Contributors include:
Troy Southgate (Editor), Tomislav Sunic, Robert Steuckers, Keith Preston, João Franco, Piercarlo Bormida, Manuel Rezende, Graziano Ciccarelli and Salvatore Winnili.

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