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dimanche, 22 décembre 2024

Les gouvernements démocratiques se moquent de leurs propres peuples


Les gouvernements démocratiques se moquent de leurs propres peuples

Enrico Toselli

Source: https://electomagazine.it/i-governi-democratici-se-ne-fre...

L'Institut de sondage Censis certifie que deux tiers des Italiens sont opposés à la guerre de Zelensky et au soutien qui lui est offert par le gouvernement de Rome et quiest financé aux frais des contribuables italiens. Pourtant, le ministre de la Défense, Guido Crosetto, envisage une augmentation des dépenses publiques en armement, jusqu’à atteindre 2,5% du PIB. Plus de la moitié des Polonais pensent qu’il faudrait mettre fin à la guerre en restituant à la Russie les régions russophones et russophiles mais le gouvernement de Varsovie veut poursuivre la guerre jusqu’au dernier Ukrainien et jusqu’à l’appauvrissement général des Polonais.

En Roumanie, les élections présidentielles sont annulées parce que le peuple a osé voter pour le candidat qui ne plaît pas à Bruxelles. En Géorgie, la présidente, de nationalité française, refuse de céder son siège parce que les Géorgiens ont voté pour le mauvais candidat. En Moldavie, pour renverser le vote populaire, on a fait appel au vote des Moldaves à l’étranger, mais uniquement de ceux qui ont émigré vers des « pays amis ». En France, le président Macron s’appuie sur un gouvernement minoritaire pour éviter d’accepter le verdict populaire qui l’a spectaculairement désavoué.

En Allemagne, le vote dans l’est du pays favorise la droite de l’AfD, mais un blocage se met en place pour exclure ce parti jugé dérangeant. Et peu importe que cela plaise ou non aux électeurs.

Oui, l’avis des électeurs ne compte plus. Le vote ne compte pas. Dans les urnes, un programme précis est approuvé, mais les élus s’en moquent et ne le respectent pas. « Démocratie, démocratie, c’est votre affaire, pas la mienne », chantait quelqu’un dans les années 1970. Mais malheur à celui qui en dit du mal. Car cette oligarchie – composée de politiciens valets au service des marchands de mort, des spéculateurs et des monopoles occidentaux – n’a rien de démocratique. Et encore moins d’aristocratique. Ce ne sont pas des gouvernements tenus par les meilleurs, ce ne sont pas des gouvernements qui dirigent les nations dans l’intérêt de leurs peuples respectifs.

Ce sont des peuples soumis, effrayés. Qui grognent, mais ne réagissent pas.

mercredi, 18 juillet 2018

Démocrature: Nazi Concept Welcomed into French Language


Nazi Concept Welcomed into French Language

It’s that time of year. The French dictionaries Le Petit Larousse and Le Petit Robert (don’t ask me why they are called “petit,” they are huge) are adding various neologisms and foreign loanwords to our beloved langue de Céline.

My interest was particularly piqued by the following new entry: 


noun, feminine (from democracy and dictatorship).

1. A political regime which, while having certain attributes of democracy, such as party pluralism, is nonetheless run in an authoritarian or even dictatorial fashion. (One also says dictocratie.)

2. The shift from democracy to dictatorship by undermining the rule of law.

How interesting! The word clearly refers to the various elected “populist” regimes which have emerged in Hungary, Poland, and the United States, which for various reasons, do not live up to liberals’ ever-changing definition of “democracy” and “the rule of law,” according to their latest ideological fashions.

What Le Petit Larousse fail to mention, however, is that the word actually goes much farther back, at least as far back as the 1930s: indeed, various fascist movements and thinkers deemed the Western parliamentary democracies to be in fact démocratures, as actually being run not by the people, but by warmongering and corrupt liberal and oligarchic elites. Given the pervasiveness of antiwar sentiment, if the people ran America or France, as these republics boldly claimed, it seems quite unlikely that either country would have gone to war against Germany, effectively on the side of the Soviet Union.

The historian Mark Mazower writes on postwar German National Socialists:

[S]uch men regarded parliamentary democracy as a sham “democratatorship” [sic] (Demokratur), believed the multi-party system had to be abolished and wanted somehow to reunify the country with the assistance of like-minded fascists abroad.[1] [2]


What, in fact, is a liberal democracy? You will never find agreement as the two terms are in hopeless contradiction with one another. One man’s legitimate, majoritarian expression of the popular will is another man’s demagogic tyranny of the majority. To one man, the executive’s, media’s, and judges’ ignoring of public opinion will be an example of far-sighted, responsible, and enlightened leadership, while appearing to another man to be an abhorrent betrayal of democracy by oligarchic elites.

Recall: two World Wars were fought by the Western powers, tearing Europe apart in murderous conflicts from which the continent has never recovered, in the name of preserving liberal democracy. The religion of democracy excommunicates from respectable humanity all governments which are not liberal democracies. And yet, the very definition of the term is quite unclear, shifting, and ambiguous according to liberal elites’ changing moods and interests. All this is quite problematic.

In fact, all human societies are authoritarian and (civil-)religious. All societies, and their media-political elites, shun, demonize, and destroy those considered to have wrong values, lest they infect the rest of society. All societies have punishable taboos. Purging a university professor or screenwriter for his fascist or racialist views is not less “authoritarian” than purging one for his communist views. Therefore the distinction drawn by liberals and the Left in general, made popular in the 1960s by the Frankfurt School and others, is quite spurious and hypocritical. All societies have Platonic Guardians, whether they own up their role, or not.

This was not so apparent in the postwar years however. For the Boomers, bless them, one could live in a society which was, in fact, carefully policed by the audiovisual and print media, but which could claim to be “open,” “tolerant,” “pluralist,” characterized by “freedom of thought,” etc., all the while never being allowed to give a fair hearing any taboo Right-wing idea. One could have the pleasure of both thinking oneself open-minded and have the benefits of actually being authoritarian.

With the rise of national-populism, which signifies, for the first time in decades, a certain loss of control of the political process by mainstream media elites, the mainstreamers are waking up to démocrature. More and more are openly questioning democracy and elections, as leading to “instability,” “populism,” and above all, “wrong values.” Careful now, you might become Right-wingers!


[1] [3]Mark Mazower, Hitler’s Empire: Nazi Rule in Occupied Europe (New York: Penguin, 2008).


Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: https://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: https://www.counter-currents.com/2018/07/democrature-nazi-concept-welcomed-into-french-language/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: https://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Apotheosis2.jpg

[2] [1]: #_ftn1

[3] [1]: #_ftnref1