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mercredi, 21 janvier 2009

Leni Riefenstahl - A Life


Leni Riefenstahl
- A Life
AUTHOR: Jürgen Trimborn

To order the book : http://www.ibtauris.com/

Leni Riefenstahl in her long and extraordinary life (she died in 2003 aged 101) was a dancer, actress, mountaineer, photographer and world famous filmmaker. She was also a liar. Riefenstahl was a protegee and confidante of Adolf Hitler, for whom she made her internationally renowned films "Triumph of the Will" and "Olympia". During her eventful post-war career, she has been both villainized for her lionization of Hitler and championed as an adventurer and artist. Her remarkable ad innovative creative vision is beyond doubt. The controversy that still rages around her memory is based on her apparent complicity with Nazi leaders - right up to Josef Goebbels and Hitler himself - in allowing her work to be used as the most potent propaganda weapon in their arsenal. Jurgen Trimborn knew Leni personally. He uses detailed research and his own unblinking eye as an authority on the Third Reich to reveal this portrait of a stubborn, intimidating visionary who inspired countless photographers and filmmakers with her artistry but refused to accept accountability for her role in supporting the twisted agenda of the Nazi high command.

Jurgen Trimborn is consultant for the German and American film industries on films of the Third Reich. He is a professor of film, theatre and art history at the University of Cologne. He lives in Cologne and Belgium.

Jurgen Trimborn 

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