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lundi, 11 novembre 2013

Kindersmokkel naar Europa voor orgaanhandel neemt snel toe

Kindersmokkel naar Europa voor orgaanhandel neemt snel toe

Ook autochtone meisjes slachtoffer van verkrachting en uitbuiting Aziatische bendes

Een nieuw soort mensenhandel, misschien nog wel erger dan de ouderwetse slavernij, is in opkomst: kinderen uit arme landen worden naar Europa gesmokkeld, alwaar hun organen worden 'geoogst' voor rijke patiënten. De Britse autoriteiten hebben een recent geval van een Somalisch meisje dat om die reden naar Groot Brittannië werd gesmokkeld, bevestigd. Tegenstanders van (automatische) orgaandonatie zeggen al jaren dat de kans op misbruik, waardoor het leven van 'gewone' mensen uit winstbejag wordt opgeofferd, aanzienlijk is.

De Britse Telegraph schreef dat 'een niet bij name genoemd meisje uit Somalië naar Engeland werd gebracht, zodat hier haar organen konden worden afgenomen, om deze aan ontvangers, die wanhopig op een orgaandonor wachten, te verkopen.' Kinderbeschermingsorganisaties waarschuwen dat het hier vermoedelijk niet om een incident gaat, en de mensenhandelaren waarschijnlijk een hele groep kinderen het land in hebben gesmokkeld.'

Buitenlandse, maar ook Britse meisjes het slachtoffer

Het aantal slachtoffers van mensenhandel in Groot Brittannië explodeerde vorig jaar met 50% naar een recordhoogte. In totaal werden er 371 gevallen geregistreerd van uitbuiting van kinderen. De meesten van hen werden als (seks)slaven gebruikt. 95 kinderen kwamen uit Vietnam, 67 uit Nigeria en 25 uit China. Anderen kwamen uit onder andere Roemenië en Bangladesh.

Volgens de krant waren echter ook 20 Britse meisjes het slachtoffer. Uit gerechtelijke stukken zou blijken dat Britse meisjes door Aziatische bendes worden verkracht en vervolgens uitgebuit.

De kinderbeschermingsorganisatie ECPAT UK zegt dat criminele bendes de grote vraag naar organen en de kwetsbaarheid van kinderen misbruiken. 'Het is onwaarschijnlijk dat een handelaar dit risico aangaat om slechts één kind naar Engeland te brengen. Waarschijnlijk gaat het om een hele groep.'

Levendige zwarte markt

Wereldwijd bestaat er een levendige zwarte markt voor alle mogelijke organen, zoals harten, longen en levers. Nieren zijn echter het meest gewild, omdat deze zonder al te veel gezondheidsschade zouden kunnen worden weggenomen. Volgens de Wereld Gezondheidsorganisatie (WHO) worden er jaarlijks 7000 illegale nieren door handelaren 'geoogst'.

Om kinderen naar Europa te smokkelen zijn meerdere personen nodig. Eerst moeten de kinderen worden uitgekozen, vervolgens getransporteerd, en daarna geopereerd, waarna de organen worden verkocht. Hier is een complete infrastructuur en veel geld voor nodig.

De Britse regering heeft aangekondigd de straffen voor deze moderne slavenhandelaren te verhogen van ten hoogste 14 jaar nu naar maximaal levenslang. 'Moderne slavernij is een verschrikkelijk kwaad in ons midden,' zei minister van Veiligheid James Brokenshire. 'Iedereen, de regering, de rechterlijke macht, de bedrijven en de hulporganisaties, moeten hun deel doen als we deze slavernij naar de geschiedenisboekjes willen verbannen, waar het thuishoort.'

'Ziekenhuizen halen organen van levende donors weg'

In juli berichtten we dat bewezen is dat in Amerikaanse ziekenhuizen de organen van nog levende donors routinematig worden weggehaald om getransplanteerd te worden, waarna de familie valselijk het nieuws krijgt dat hun geliefde op de operatietafel is overleden. We schreven tevens dat het onwaarschijnlijk is dat deze praktijken, waar artsen en ziekenhuizen enorm veel geld mee kunnen verdienen, tot de Verenigde Staten beperkt blijven. Critici waarschuwen al jaren om juist vanwege dit levensbedreigende risico géén orgaandonor te worden.


(1) KOPP

Zie ook:

15-07: Medisch schandaal: 'Ziekenhuizen VS transplanteren organen van levende donors'

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jeudi, 03 mars 2011

Trafics d'organes de l'UçK

Trafics d'organes de l'UçK
6619a320-2853-11e0-ae41-6950fbdad06d.jpgL’ONU a disposé de témoignages précis dès 2003, sur un possible trafic d’organes organisé au Kosovo, en Albanie et dans d’autres pays étrangers, depuis l’immédiat après-guerre jusqu’en 2000.

C’est l’information révélée par la chaîne de télévision France 24 et l’agence de presse italienne TMNews, et reprise par une grande partie de la presse en Serbie.

L’information est basée sur un document confidentiel, en fait une compilation de rapports d enquêtes et un échange de lettres entre les membres importants des Nations unies au Kosovo et du Tribunal pénal international, daté du 30 octobre 2003.

Apparaissent ainsi dans les lettres les noms de Eamonn Smith, à l’époque chef de la mission du TPI en Macédoine et au Kosovo, de Patrick Lopez Terrez, responsable de la mission locale du TPI et de Paul Coffey, directeur du département justice de la Minuk.

Le document mis en ligne, dont une grande partie a été censurée dans le but évident de protéger les témoins, décrit comment des victimes d’enlèvement de la part d’éléments de l’UCK au Kosovo, ont été emprisonnés, parfois torturés, puis transportés en Albanie du nord dans des camps de detention clandestins.

Si certains prisonniers auraient été exécutés et enterrés en Albanie pour masquer les traces d exactions au Kosovo, d’autres prisonniers ont reçu un « traitement de faveur », en l’occurrence une absence de tortures et une nourriture abondante avant d’être transférés dans une clinique improvisée, la fameuse « maison jaune » des environs de Burrell, où leurs organes auraient été extraits par des médecins albanais et étrangers, dans le but d alimenter des filières internationales de trafic d organes. Les restes des victimes auraient été enterrées dans plusieurs sites, toujours en Albanie.

La plupart des victimes auraient été des Serbes du Kosovo, mais le rapport mentionne aussi des jeunes femmes originaires d Europe de l’Est et même d’Albanie, qui auraient subi le même sort.

Les organes auraient été transportes par voitures à l’Aéroport Rinas de Tirana, puis expédiés par avion vers d’autres pays.

Retrouvez notre dossier :
Trafic d’organes de l’UCK : « Au Kosovo, tout le monde est au courant »

Le trafic aurait été supervisé ou organisé avec l’assentiment de hauts responsables de l’UCK. Le rapport cite ainsi les noms de Ramush et de Daut Haradinaj, mais pas celui de l’actuel Premier ministre du Kosovo Hashim Thaçi, pourtant soupçonné de faits similaires dans le rapport du parlementaire suisse Dick Marty.

« Nous avons reçu l’ordre de ne pas frapper les prisonniers, de bien les traiter. J’ai été surpris, car c’est la première fois que j’entendais cela », raconte l’un des témoins cités par le rapport qui décrit aussi la maison de Burrell comme « très propre, avec une forte odeur de médicaments, comme dans un hôpital ». Un autre extrait fait état de l’évolution du trafic. « Seuls les reins ont été extraits des deux premiers Serbes. L’intention était de se lancer sur le marche. Ensuite, l’organisation s’est améliorée et ils recevaient 45000 dollars par personne ».

Les faits décrits dans le rapport ressemblent a ceux évoqués par Carla Del Ponte dans son livre La chasse. Moi et les criminels de guerre, paru en 2008 et qui avait pour la première fois révélé au grand jour les soupçons de trafic d organes. Des accusations très décriées au Kosovo et en Albanie, mais qui ont été renforcées depuis que le rapport d’enquête sur le sujet du parlementaire suisse Dick Marty a été approuvé par l’assemblée du Conseil de l’Europe en janvier.

Le trafic d organe a aussi été l’un des points de discussions principaux au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU qui s’est tenu le 16 janvier, mais les diplomates n’ont pas réussi à se mettre d’accord sur l’organisation qui devrait mener une telle enquête. D’un côté, certains pays et le Kosovo réclament une enquête menée par la mission de police et de justice européenne EULEX, d’autres, dont la Serbie, demandent la constitution d’un tribunal spécial mandaté par le Conseil de sécurité.

Quoi qu’il en soit, le rapport en question n’aurait été transmis ni à EULEX ni à Dick Marty au cours de son enquête. Si la Minuk affirme au contraire que le rapport a bien été transmis à EULEX entre fin 2008 et début 2009, le parlementaire suisse a déclaré à France 24 n’avoir jamais eu le document entre le mains, même si les faits décrits dans le rapport lui sont connus.

À l’époque des faits, les missions de l’ONU, de l’organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe (OSCE) et les militaires de l’Otan, soit plusieurs dizaines de milliers de personnes en charge de l’administration du Kosovo et de la sécurité de ses habitants, étaient déployées sur le territoire. Mais dépassées par le chaos qui y régnait, elles n’ont pas réagi aux nombreuses exactions commises sur le terrain par l’organisation séparatiste kosovar.

Retrouvez le document de l’ONU (en anglais)

Retrouvez l’article de France 24


jeudi, 27 janvier 2011

Kosovo's Thaçi: Human Organs Trafficker


Kosovo's Thaçi: Human Organs Trafficker

by Srdja Trifkovic

Ex: http://www.chroniclesmagazine.org/ 

The details of an elaborate KLA-run human organ harvesting ring, broadly known for years, have been confirmed by a Council of Europe report published on January 15. The report, “Inhuman treatment of people and illicit trafficking of human organs in Kosovo” identifies the province’s recently re-elected “prime minister” Hashim Thaçi as the boss of a “mafia-like” Albanian group specialized in smuggling weapons, drugs, people, and human organs all over Europe. The report reveals that Thaçi’s closest aides were taking Serbs across the border into Albania after the war, murdering them, and selling their organs on the black market. In addition, the report accuses Thaçi of having exerted “violent control” over the heroin trade for a decade.

Deliberate Destrution of Evidence – Long dismissed in the mainstream media as “Serbian propaganda,” the allegations of organ trafficking – familiar to our readers – were ignored in the West until early 2008, when Carla Del Ponte, former Prosecutor at the International Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) at The Hague, revealed in her memoirs that she had been prevented from initiating any serious investigation into its merits. She also revealed – shockingly – that some elements of proof taken by ICTY field investigators from the notorious “Yellow House” in the Albanian town of Rripe were destroyed at The Hague, thus enabling the KLA and their Western enablers to claim that “there was no evidence” for the organ trafficking allegations.

In April 2008, prompted by Del Ponte’s revelations, seventeen European parliamentarians signed a motion for a resolution calling on the Assembly to examine the allegations. The matter was referred to the Assembly’s Committee on Legal Affairs and Human Rights, which in June 2008 appointed Swiss senator Dick Marty as its rapporteur. He had gained international prominence by his previous investigation of accusations that the CIA abducted and imprisoned terrorism suspects in Europe.

“Genuine Terror” – In his Introductory Remarks Marty revealed some of the “extraordinary challenges of this assignment”: the acts alleged purportedly took place a decade ago, they were not properly investigated by any of the national and international authorities with jurisdiction over the territories concerned. In addition, Marty went on,

… efforts to establish the facts of the Kosovo conflict and punish the attendant war crimes had primarily been concentrated in one direction, based on an implicit presumption that one side were the victims and the other side the perpetrators. As we shall see, the reality seems to have been more complex.  The structure of Kosovar Albanian society, still very much clan-orientated, and the absence of a true civil society have made it extremely difficult to set up contacts with local sources. This is compounded by fear, often to the point of genuine terror, which we have observed in some of our informants immediately upon broaching the subject of our inquiry.  Even certain representatives of international institutions did not conceal their reluctance to grapple with these facts: “The past is the past”, we were told; “we must now look to the future.”

The report says Thaçi’s links with organized crime go back to the late 1990’s, when his Drenica Group became the dominant faction within the KLA. By 1998 he was able to grab control of “most of the illicit criminal enterprises” in Albania itself. Thaçi and four other members of the Drenica Group are named as personally guilty of assassinations, detentions and beatings:

In confidential reports spanning more than a decade, agencies dedicated to combating drug smuggling in at least five countries have named Hashim Thaçi and other members of his Drenica Group as having exerted violent control over the trade in heroin and other narcotics… Thaçi and these other Drenica Group members are consistently named as “key players” in intelligence reports on Kosovo’s mafia-like structures of organised crime. I have examined these diverse, voluminous reports with consternation and a sense of moral outrage.

Marty notes that the international community chose to ignore war crimes by the KLA, enabling Thaçi’s forces to conduct a campaign of murdereous terror against Serbs, Roma, and Albanians accused of collaborating with the Serbs. Some 500 of them “disappeared after the arrival of KFOR troops on 12 June 1999,” about a hundred Albanians and 400 others, most of them Serbs. Some of these civilians had been secretly imprisoned by the KLA at different locations in northern Albania, the report adds, “and were subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment, before ultimately disappearing.” Captives were “filtered” in ad-hoc prisons for their suitability for organ harvesting based on sex, age, health and ethnic origin. They were then sent to the last stop – a makeshift clinic near Fushë-Krujë, close to the Tirana airport:

As and when the transplant surgeons were confirmed to be in position and ready to operate, the captives were brought out of the ‘safe house’ individually, summarily executed by a KLA gunman, and their corpses transported swiftly to the operating clinic.

Thaçi the Untouchable – The report states that Thaçi’s Drenica Group “bear the greatest responsibility” for the prisons and the fate of those held in them. It criticizes the governments supportive of Kosovo’s independence for not holding to account senior Albanians in Kosovo, including Thaçi, and of lacking the will to effectively prosecute the former leaders of the KLA. The diplomatic and political support by such powers “bestowed upon Thaçi, not least in his own mind, a sense of being untouchable.”

Marty concludes that “[t]he signs of collusion between the criminal class and the highest political and institutional office holders are too numerous and too serious to be ignored,” but “the international authorities in charge of the region did not consider it necessary to conduct a detailed examination of these circumstances, or did so incompletely and superficially.”

Following Marty’s presentation of the report to the Council of Europe in Paris on December 16 it will be debated by the Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg on January 25.

Media Reaction – Within days of the publication of Marty’s report, numerous of excellent articles were published in the mainstream media Europe linking his revelations with the broader problem of NATO’s war against the Serbs in 1999, the precedent it had created for Afghanistan and Iraq, and the nature of the “Kosovar” society today.

Neil Clark in The Guardian assailed “the myth of liberal intervention.” Far from being Tony Blair’s “good” war, he wrote, the assault on Yugoslavia was as wrong as the invasion of Iraq:

It was a fiction many on the liberal left bought into. In 1999 Blair was seen not as a duplicitous warmonger in hock to the US but as an ethical leader taking a stand against ethnic cleansing. But if the west had wanted to act morally in the Balkans and to protect the people in Kosovo there were solutions other than war with the Serbs, and options other than backing the KLA – the most violent group in Kosovan politics… Instead, a virulently anti-Serb stance led the west into taking ever more extreme positions, and siding with an organisation which even Robert Gelbard, President Clinton’s special envoy to Kosovo, described as “without any question, a terrorist group.”

Clark reminds us that it was the KLA’s campaign of violence in 1998 which led to an escalation of the conflict with the government in Belgrade. “We were told the outbreak of war in March 1999 with NASTO was the Serbian government’s fault,” he adds, yet Lord Gilbert, the UK defence minister, admitted “the terms put to Miloševic at Rambouillet [the international conference preceding the war] were absolutely intolerable … it was quite deliberate.” Then came the NATO occupation, under which an estimated 200,000 ethnic Serbs and other minorities from south Kosovo, and almost the whole Serb population of Pristina, have been forced from their homes. But as the Iraq war has become discredited, Clark concludes,

so it is even more important for the supporters of “liberal interventionism” to promote the line that Kosovo was in some way a success. The Council of Europe’s report on the KLA’s crimes makes that position much harder to maintain. And if it plays its part in making people more sceptical about any future western “liberal interventions”, it is to be warmly welcomed.

Tony Blair has some very bizarre friends, wrote Stephen Glover in The Daily Mail, but a monster who traded in human body parts beats the lot. The prime minister of ­Kosovo is painted by the report as a major war criminal presiding over a corrupt and dysfunctional state, Glover says, and yet this same Mr Thaci and his associates in the so-called Kosovo ­Liberation Army were put in place after the U.S. and Britain launched an onslaught in March 1999 against Serbia, dropping more than 250,000 and killing an estimated 1,500 blameless ­civilians:

This was Mr Blair’s first big war, and it paved the way for the subsequent Western invasion of Iraq. The crucial difference is that while the Left in ­general and the Lib Dems in particular opposed the war against Saddam ­Hussein, both were among Mr Blair’s main cheerleaders as he persuaded President Bill Clinton to join forces with him in crushing Serbia.

Both London and Washington tended to ignore atrocities committed by Hashim Thaci’s KLA, Glover concludes, and offered unacceptably draconian terms to the Serbs “because by that stage Blair and Clinton preferred war”:

Those were the days, of course, when most of the media thought Tony Blair could do no wrong. His military success in 1999 convinced him that Britain could and should play the role of the world’s number two policeman to the U.S. A ­messianic note entered his rhetoric, as at the 2001 Labour party conference, when he raved that ‘the kaleidoscope has been shaken… Let us ­­re-order this world about us.” … What happened in Kosovo helped shape subsequent events in Iraq and Afghanistan. It is richly ironic that ‘liberated’ Kosovo should now be a failed, gangster state… With his messianic certainties, the morally bipolar Tony Blair liked to divide the world into ‘goodies’ and ‘baddies’, having presumptuously placed himself in the first category. How fitting that this begetter of war after war should end up by receiving the Golden Medal of Freedom from a monster who traded in body parts.

U.S. Damage Limitation and Self-Censorship – Such commentary is light years away from the feeble and half-hearted reporting in the American mainstream media. The Chicago Tribune, for instance, did not deem it fit to publish a story about the Council of Europe report itself. It published two related items critical of the report instead, on the European Union expressing doubt about its factual basis and on the “government” of Kosovo planning to sue Dick Marty for libel. No major daily has published a word of doubt about Bill Clinton’s wisdom of waging a war on behalf of Thaçi and his cohorts a decade ago, or perpetuating the myth of it having been a good war today.

That Thaçi aka “The Snake” is a criminal as well as a war criminal is no news, of course. The intriguing question is who, on the European side, wanted to end his “untouchable” status, why now, and what is the U.S. Government – his principal enabler and abettor – going to do about it.

Unsurprisingly, Thaçi’s “government” dismissed the report on December 14 as “baseless and defamatory.” On that same day Hashim Thaçi wrote in a telegram to President Obama that “the death of Richard Holbrooke is a loss of a friend.” “The Snake” has many other friends in Washington, however, people like US senator (and current foe of WikiLeaks) Joseph Lieberman, who declared back in 1999 at the height of the US-led war against the Serbs that “the United States of America and the Kosovo Liberation Army stand for the same human values and principles … Fighting for the KLA is fighting for human rights and American values.” Thaçi’s photos with top U.S. officials are a virtual Who’s Who of successive Administrations over the past 12 years: Bill and Hillary Clinton, Albright, Bush, Rice, Biden, Wesley Clark…

Thaçi’s American enablers and their media minions are already embarking on a bipartisan damage-limitation exercise. Its twin pillars will be the assertion that the report rests on flimsy factual evidence, an attempt to discredit Dick Marty personally, and the claim the Council of Europe as an irrelevant talking shop.