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vendredi, 19 mars 2010

"British" link to Beslan child massacre




Archives: Oct./8/2004 http://ca.altermedia.info/

“British” link to Beslan child massacre


A terrorist amongst the group responsible for the Beslan school massacre last month, in which 300 people, half of them children, died turns out to be a British citizen who attended the infamous Finsbury Park mosque in north London where Abu Hamza used to preach.


Two other members of the group, loyal to Chechen warlord and terrorist Shamil Basayev, are also believed to have been active at the mosque until less than three years ago.


Russian security sources described Kamel Rabat Bouralha, 46 years old, as an aide of Basayev. The three men, all Algerian-born immigrants given asylum in Britain, travelled to Chechnya from London to take part in fighting there in 2001.

Russian authorities have identified most of the 33 men who occupied the school in Beslan last month and they include two Algerians in their mid-30s called Osman Larussi and Yacine Benalia, both based in London until recently. Like Bouralha, they too attended Finsbury Park mosque and joined the network of groups loyal to Basayev on arrival in Chechnya.

Firing range uncovered

Former associates in London confirmed that Bouralha had been a frequent visitor at Finsbury Park mosque where Abu Hamza preached from around 2000. This is the same mosque where the Metropolitan Police discovered a firing range and ammunition beneath the floors in a cellar.


According to Russian security sources, there are up to 300 Arab mercenaries operating with rebel formations in Chechnya. This fact defeats the lie used by the ‘ apologists for terror ‘ like Vanessa Redgrave, a celebrity Marxist and leading light in the Islamo-Soviet front in Britain, who insists that the war in Chechnya is a “defensive” one by Chechens against Russia and not part of a global jihad (or holy war). Vanessa Redgrave in her role as an apologist for terror guaranteed the £50,000 bail of Akhmed Zakayev, an Chechen warlord wanted by Russia, until he was given asylum in Britain by Jack Straw even though he was implicated in scores of murders in Russia and Chechnya.

London’s role as centre of terror web

It is to Britain’s shame that thousands of Afghanistan trained ex-Taliban, Algerian terrorists, Chechen warlords and other various murderous bandits from around the world have turned London into “Londonistan"; the centre of terror-recruiting and now the terror-exporting capital of the world.


Under both Labour and Tory governments the open borders of Britain and the insane asylum system have been used to wage war against the innocent of the world. Britain’s MI5 and MI6 estimate that at least seven to ten thousand Afghanistan trained Islamic terrorists are resident in Britain. These are the many thousand “ticking bombs” in our towns and cities waiting for the right time to wage war upon us in our own homes and streets.



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