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jeudi, 17 février 2011

State Multiculturalism - David Cameron's New "Muscular Liberalism"


State Multiculturalism

David Cameron's New "Muscular Liberalism"


Prime Minister David Cameron has all of Europe astir with his "controversial remarks" about the failure of "state multiculturalism" in Britain.

Cameron recently told a Munich conference that Britain's long established policy of "hands off tolerance" has been an abject failure. The speech has echoes of similar remarks made by German Chancellor Angela Merkel last year.

This can be interpreted as a triumph of Geert Wilders' views on multiculturalism in Western Europe. It can also be seen as a milestone on the way to victory.

The good news:

(1) Multiculturalism has been identified as a problem in Britain.

(2) This gives British conservatives the legitimacy to attack multiculturalism.

(3) We are better off that David Cameron criticized multiculturalism.

(4) The Left is pissed off and openly taking the side of Islamic terrorists over British natives.

(5) Cameron drew attention to the hideous double standards of political correctness.

The bad news:

(1) If this is what passes for "conservatism" in the UK, it is not a good sign for the long term prospects of Britain remaining a Western nation.

(2) David Cameron, allegedly a "conservative," pleaded for a "much more active, muscular liberalism."

(3) Cameron proposed a "test" for government funding of Islamic groups.

"Let's properly judge these organisations: Do they believe in universal human rights - including for women and people of other faiths? Do they believe in equality of all before the law? Do they believe in democracy and the right of people to elect their own government? Do they encourage integration or separatism?"

Why should the British government be subsidizing the spread of Islam in the United Kingdom? Why do British conservatives have to masquerade as liberals? Why can't they bring themselves to make a full throated endorsement of traditional religion?

(4) Cameron drew a non-existent distinction between Islam and Islamic extremism.

"We need to be clear: Islamist extremism and Islam are not the same thing."

Less timid souls might point out the obvious fact that Islamic terrorism is inspired by the fundamentals of Islam.

(5) Cameron based his attack on multiculturalism on the grounds that it encourages "segregated communities."

(6) This new policy of "muscular liberalism" only perpetuates the delusion that Muslims can be integrated into the West's secular liberal democracies.

(7) Cameron should have flatly said that Britain doesn't need immigrants from the Islamic world, with all the terrorism and destruction of the social fabric that accompanies mass immigration, and that Islamic immigration should be banned and the existing enclaves there should be dismantled.

(8) He should have also attacked the British Left and rightly labeled it as a fifth column for attempting to undermine and destroy the British nation in the name of the pieties of political correctness.

I know this is an American perspective. It is still the god's honest truth.

If conservatives don't get serious about conserving what is great about Britain and Western civilization, and continue to water down their brand with retreads of liberalism, as the neocons have done here in the United States, the British public will start look elsewhere for solutions.

Those solutions are likely to be much more shocking to the political sensibilities of Jack Straw than this rather mild speech by David Cameron.

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