dimanche, 18 septembre 2011
The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World
The Oxford Introduction to Proto-Indo-European and the Proto-Indo-European World
- Written to fulfil the needs of students, specialists, and the general readers
- Provides a complete account of Proto-Indo-European by subject and location
- Offers unique insights into a lost civilization
- Accessible and entertaining style
Proto-Indo-European-English and English-Proto-Indo-European vocabularies and full indexes conclude the book. Written in a clear, readable style and illustrated with maps, figures, and tables, this book is on a subject of great and enduring fascination. It will appeal to students of languages, classics, and the ancient world, as well as to general readers interested in the history of language and of early human societies.
Readership: Students of the Indo-European languages, ancient societies, and comparative philology and historical linguistics in departments of classics, archaeology, cultural anthropology, and linguistics. General readers interested in the history of language and early human societies. The book can be used as a handbook for anyone involved in studying Indo-European or comparative classical languages, and as a basic introduction to Proto-Indo-European comparative philology and lexical studies.
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