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dimanche, 24 août 2014

Communism, Nihilism, Neoism, & Decadence

Stewart Home: Communism, Nihilism, Neoism, & Decadence

By Jonathan Bowden

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Editor’s Note:

[1]The following text is a transcript by V.S. of one of Jonathan Bowden’s most entertaining lectures, which was delivered to the 25th New Right meeting in London on February 13, 2010. Although Stewart Home is the principal subject, Bowden romps through a wide field of politically correct theories, ultra-Left sects, and decadent forms of modern art.

In editing this transcription, I introduced punctuation and paragraph breaks. I also deleted a couple of false starts and added the first names of some figures.You can listen to the lecture at YouTube here [2]. Several bits were unintelligible and are marked as such. If you can understand these words, please post a comment below.

BowdenDemon.jpgI’d like to talk about Stewart Home: communism, nihilism, neoism, and decadence. I’ve given three talks on the extreme Left. One is called “Marxism and the Frankfurt School and the New Left [3].” Another was called “The Totalitarian Politics of Nineteen Eighty-Four [4].” And another one was about the concept of brain-washing and the use by the North Koreans and the Chinese of behaviorist techniques, particularly on prisoners in the Korean War—a totally forgotten struggle now—and a novel by an Italian-American called Francis Pollini [5] that was based on those events.

Stewart Home is an incredibly obscure figure who is on the margins of the cultural avant-garde, so I’m going to come to him towards the latter stages of the talk when I’ve dealt with some of the building blocks to begin with.

Most conservatives, with a small “c,” look around Western European countries like Britain today and wonder why they’re living in a mildly, but evidently Left-wing society. They wonder why they’re supposed to have won, but have actually lost. As they look around them, everything’s changed from what it was 40 to 50 years ago—every normative social value and experience—and they wonder why that has occurred.

There are many reasons for why it’s occurred, but one is the complete containment and taking over of the cultural space by what we’ll call cultural Marxism or Marxian ideas or soft Left ideas or post-communist ideas and their march through the institutions after the 1960s. But it didn’t just happen then. It had been prepared much earlier in the 20th century.

Marxism is a doctrine—before Lenin added the conspiratorial element of a vanguard party that seizes power with its paramilitary wing in a declining state—that originates from the middle of the 19th century and has a refutation of idealistic and utopian socialisms, some religious, some secular that preceded it. Marx believed that he had a science of history, that the thing was prior and determined, that history could be read like a runic pattern or the pattern of a Persian carpet, and he was the master of the dialectic that would determine humanity’s future. We now know that the nightmarish regimes that were created across the planet in the 20th century on the basis of some or all of his ideas failed, and most of them have been destroyed. But their legacy is still here.

Clare Short’s got a bit of the witness at the moment in the liberal press because of her appearance at the Chilcot Inquiry. She said something very interesting when the Soviet Union collapsed. She said, “Communism is over, but Marxism is not.” That’s a very prescient remark, because what’s happened in the Western world is that the idea that everything is economically predetermined in Marxian theory, that everything has a social dynamic which is structured and physical at the basis of economic life and it is materialistic, has been changed.

It was changed at the beginning of the 20th century by an Italian communist theorist in prison called Antonio Gramsci. He had the idea that the superstructure and the base—that which was beneath and economic and material, that which was above and philosophical and cultural—can be disjoined. They can be separated and teased apart. That’s actually a heresy in classical Marxism. But it enabled an enormous vista of struggle to be opened up right across academic, artistic, intellectual, and media-related life right across the West.

Part of the Left disengaged from the politics of vanguardism and engaged in what is now largely called cultural struggle. One of the great weaknesses of all forms of conservatism—whether Gaullism in France or Republicanism in the United States or Christian Democracy in Germany and Italy and elsewhere—is their refusal to fight cultural struggle, their refusal to believe that their enemies were in deadly earnest.

In the 1960s, persons who were regarded as “reactionary,” particularly in the academy, used to laugh at a lot of what was occurring. It was almost a joke. I’m sure most people are aware of that satire called Porterhouse Blue by Tom Sharpe which is based upon Peterhouse College, Cambridge of all these reactionary and ultra dons, people like Maurice Cowling, people like Roger Scruton who were associated with that college. They are metaphysical or deep blue conservatives, illiberal conservatives, people who were right on the edge of the conservative range of opinion before the far Right begins, as far as you can go within the mainstream, basically.

Those individuals—and I knew Cowling once (he’s dead now)—didn’t give in. But in a way they didn’t understand that in order to fight back against the tidal wave of Leftist ideas throughout the ‘’20s, ’30s, ’40s, ’50s, and thereafter you had to go further out ideologically, even if you weren’t prepared to make organizational commitments, even if it turned to fellow-traveling. You had to use Far Right ideas, even if you didn’t call them that, to fight against the Left in its militancy. Basically, conservative academics from Michael Oakeshott onwards refused to do so, absolutely refused to do so, and in doing so they basically put the noose around their own neck in relation to the forces that were coming.

Because their enemies were in deadly earnest. They wanted to transform the mindset of Western societies, and the way that they configured to do that wasn’t through vanguard parties, although they supported them, wasn’t through doctrines of social revolution, although they may have residually supported that. It was by changing the grammar that people used to think with at the advanced level.

Bowden-West-Cover-medium-e1397245147546.jpgStrangely for militant egalitarians, they used an extreme form of cultural elitism. You take the universities; you take the dons and the academics in the universities; you take the people who mark the PhDs that provide the methodology of attainment through which you get a don at the university. You then replicate that through all male and female students at the first, second, and third levels of tertiary education, never mind the people coming up from the secondary level.

As egalitarian education has been spread, we’re going to have a society where 30-50% go to university; there’s the University of Slough, which used to be the Poly in the Thames valley. You can do degrees in hair-dressing. You can do degrees in golf studies. You can do degrees in anything! You know, you send this away to a P. O. box number in Edinburgh, and in a couple of weeks it’s packaged, and you get a PhD in nuclear physics, then straight back in the post! This is the way it’s going!

There are a few upper-class people now who refuse to go to university. Princess Diana refused to go, partly because she wasn’t too bright, but also because it doesn’t have any social cache anymore, because if everyone goes it’s got no kudos. This is the idea! If everything is degraded, do you want to eat the bread that’s been in every other mouth?  This is the thing about egalitarian ideas.

The plan of Leftist subversion, which is a wave of academics in all sorts of areas, not necessarily networked, not necessarily doing it in relation to each other, but doing it in relation to the logic of their studies. They do it in discourse after discourse.

They do it in economic theory, which before John Maynard Keynes was classical liberal methodology, Alfred Marshall being the last of that particular school, revived by F. A. Hayek and Milton Friedman in the middle of the 20th century as a dissident current that would then come back. Keynes comes first, and Marxist economists like Professor Joan Robinson at Cambridge come later.

Then you go to anthropology. The first great textbook of anthropology is Arthur de Gobineau’s book, The Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races. This begins anthropology as a subject. This is a “racist” text. Anthropology is the science, or semi-science, that always has to deny its first text, because its first text is now so offensive in relation to all of the discourses that have come after. From the early part of the 20th century, you get the growing up of various discourses which are called social or socialized anthropology: the idea that race has nothing to do with anthropology, when race is the periodic table of anthropology and is the taxonomy of the human within that particular academic discipline. You reach a situation where by the 1970s if a don at, say, the University of Sussex, an ultra-Left institution on the south coast, said that there were cardinal racial differences in intelligence between people, there would have been an absolute riot on that campus, an absolute riot which would have had to have been controlled by the police and the authorities.

One thing the Left realized throughout the 20th century is that people who are very mental and people who are very abstracted in terms of their intellect can be physically intimidated very easily. The mind and the body are so split in Western life that all you have to do is have a small mob wave their fists at a couple of dons, and they’re prostrated, and they can’t do anything, and they’re in fear of their lives, and they will write in a different way afterwards. Trotsky said in a pamphlet called The Necessity of Red Terror, which was published in 1917, that you shoot a thousand to intimidate a million. But all you need to do at many universities is lob a brick through on Fresher’s day, and people are frightened to discuss and to write about and to theorize about whole sets of ideas.

Everyone knows that there is a spectrum since the French Revolution of far Left, moderate Left, center, moderate Right, radical Right views. Since about 1968, the radical Right chunk—which is to the Right of Oakeshott, Scruton, and Cowling—has been broken off and cannot be talked about other than as critique. You can talk about how you detest these ideas. You can talk about how evil and wrong they are. You can talk about how mistaken they are. But they can’t be adumbrated in and of themselves.

This is complicated because there are certain academies, such as the French one, where that’s not always true, and this is because in France there was a very powerful intellectual fascist tradition—essentially, that’s what it was—which goes right through to today and even to the New Right. There’s a degree to which in the Sorbonne in the ’70s you could see a poster saying, “Drieu La Rochelle: lecture this afternoon.” He committed suicide of course after the war because he was a collaborationist intellectual with Otto Abetz and other people in the German cultural ministry in Paris in occupied France at that time.

So, it’s not uniform. These things are process led and dynamic. It doesn’t just happen in economics and anthropology. It happens in psychology. It happens in sexology. It happens in English literature. It happens in the creation of new discourses such as cultural studies, which is the dissemination of ideas about mass culture. And it happens in critical theory.

Critical theory is a viewpoint that’s grown up across the arts and across the humanities and even into areas of law like criminology, which can also be considered to be one of these “ologies,” one of these subjects, and other areas of history of art, aesthetics, in philosophy courses, philosophy itself and so on.

The Anglo-American world, of course, had an empirical view of philosophy largely since Hobbes, but certainly since Russell in the 20th century, and a hostility to European philosophy which meant that there was less Marxist influence here. But the trouble with Bertrand Russell’s type of philosophizing is that it doesn’t believe that any of the big questions can be answered, and therefore philosophy itself becomes slightly pointless, and a cul-de-sac where you discuss the language you use to arrive at a concept to which there are multiple interpretations and of which you are forever unsure. In and of itself, that’s the preparation—this radical, tepid uncertainty—which leads from conservatism to liberalism and from liberalism to something that’s a bit more certain and lies to the Left of it.

Everything in Western societies has moved to the Left throughout the 20th century. I am not a Christian, but you could argue that after Vatican II many Catholics became Protestants; many Protestants became liberals; many secularist liberals who are ex-Protestant moved further to the Left and adopted views that they would have regarded as semi-extreme in the past as long as they were not connected to physical force, militant working class politics, vanguardism, and the absolute politics of communism.

You have many Left-wing liberals now who have views which are to the Left of hardcore communists in the ’20s and ’30s, and they don’t realize that and they’re horrified by the atrocities of Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot and all the others. But what they don’t realize is that they have imbibed a doctrine of totalitarian niceness and squeaky clean correctness about these concepts, which existed in the way that their minds were attuned to before they became conversant with it.

This march through the institutions has also been a march through the media, because when you have an intellectual clerisy it tends to control the conceptual ideas in the society and the way that society talks to itself in modernity is through the media, and also propaganda and ideas about how you talk to the media. Most polytechnics, or post-polytechnics now—because polytechnics were once vocational institutions, of course dominated by people who tended to support the Labour Party—have now been upgraded to new universities or universities have been downgraded to new universities which are polytechnics, because if all have a degree what does it mean?

PulpFacism-Bowden.jpgIn America, you can go to a university and, outside the Ivy League, you don’t necessarily have to have the qualifications to get in. So, you have a remedial course. There’s a considerable number of people from certain types of racial minorities in those remedial courses—taught to do English, taught to do math, and then they do sports science or sports psychology. They won’t be doing physics. They won’t be doing mathematics. They won’t be doing metaphysics. They won’t be doing Shakespeare.

There are certain colleges now that have votes about whether Shakespeare should be on the English course. But that’s a mistake, you see, because democracy is always a mistake! When hardline Marxists allow the students to vote, the students, even though they’re liberal, often come up with more conservative results than what the professors want! That’s the logic of vanguardism: you don’t allow them to decide. You say Shakespeare is a reactionary Elizabethan bigot with undue essentialist notions that you shouldn’t permit!

The notion of essentialism has come in in the last 30 to 40 years in relation to great fads in intellectual life. It has to be understood that for the last 100 years or so all mainstream, hardcore, Western intellectual developments have been atheistic. They’ve taken atheism as read, not as something to be debated. The first great ideology after the war was existentialism, which contained many elements including a dissentient far Right strand as well.

Existentialism was replaced by a new creed, fad, wave of history, whatever you want to call it, called structuralism, which relates to ideas at the beginning of the 20th century called formalism. Then people got bored with structuralism. Structuralism was around at the time of the student revolts in the late 1960s. Not totally a Left-wing idea, but in a way bent towards the Left by certain ideas. If the revolutionary Left on campus couldn’t take an idea as read they would turn it around. Hegel was not a Left-wing thinker, but Left-wing Hegelianism emerged. Marx was part of a group of Left Hegelians with Engels. They used to meet in a beer cellar prior to the German revolution in 1848 to discuss Left theory. Similarly, Left structuralism begins to emerge, particularly with Claude Lévi-Strauss in anthropology and with Ferdinand de Saussure in linguistics.[1] These ideas relate to certain currents in modernist art in particular in the late 19th and early 20th century. If we approach this subject area we get a bit closer to Home, who nominally is the hook that I’m hanging this particular talk on.

You can’t do English at a contemporary British university—certainly outside Oxbridge, where there’s just a received canon—and not come across critical theory. Critical theory is based upon a notion called deconstruction, and most people who are intellectually minded have heard the word deconstruction somewhere floating around, floating in the back pages of The Observer color supplement, that sort of thing. They’ve heard the word.

Deconstruction is another word for post-structuralism, which is the ideology or the new fad that replaced structuralism in the ’60s and ’70s. It’s most closely associated with a thinker called Jacques Derrida, who wrote a number of books basically saying that history doesn’t exist, that biology doesn’t exist, that the writer of a text does not exist. There is only the text. There is only the grammar of the text. A painting can be a text. A poster can be a text. A film can be a text. Only the text. Nothing but the text.

It’s the view that essentialism leads to the gates of Auschwitz, which is repeated again and again as a mantra within these particular courses. They believe that any prior identity—say the statement “men and women are different,” the John and Joan book, you know, a child says, “Men and women are different”—wrong on every account! Prior essentialist agenda, revolutionary, sub-genocidal reactionary ideologies in relation to the specification of male and female. Don’t you know men and women are interchangeable? Don’t you know that they are the same? If somebody says, “But don’t they have different brains?” “Lies put about by eugenicists linked to reactionary and essentialist ideas!” Again re-routed to the ovens. “Listen to your theory!”

Of course, in these areas, to think differently from the nature of this theory is impossible, because you will not finish the course. You will not even get a 2.1, which is the sort of median level for your average student, in that course if you don’t go along with this.

Some of this thinking relates to Western ideas that go very far back, because in medieval scholasticism there’s a doctrine of hermeneutics whereby you analyze the text of the text of the text. You look inside it to see the hint of the divine which is there. And some of these ideas actually do come out of that particular trajectory. So, in some ways it’s a very ancient thing that’s been repositioned and been reused for hostile purposes. Only the core theorists in this area, Deleuze, Guattari, Derrida, and others, would actually know that is the case.

When the Enlightenment and modern scientific rationalism began and they argued that the schoolmen were concerned about the number of angels that danced on the top of a pin and philosophy was about natural process and law of nature as the Greeks believed 2,000 years before, 1,500 years before their postulations of course, there was a degree to which they’d thought they had got rid of that type of thinking. But interestingly, that type of thinking, which in some ways is very “reactionary,” has come back through these New Left ideas.

The one thinker who is partly outside all of this and has a special status as a monster within the 20th century is Martin Heidegger. Now, Martin Heidegger was an extreme essentialist and was a religious thinker who was highly influenced by these ideas of extreme hermeneutics and the peeling away of the onion of the text. Heidegger has one book that is 400 pages saying, “What is thinking?” or “What is the nature of thinking?” Heidegger wrote 80 books, all 80! Most of which have never been released.[2]

Although Heidegger is one of the most radical thinkers of the 20th century, Heidegger’s political affiliation, if only for a year between 1933 and 1934, has meant that in a sense he has become an unperson. After the war, when he was allowed to write and continued to write he used to write in the Black Forest. He had a wooden cabin in the Black Forest, and he used to commune in this particular woodland fastness, this shed almost, with nature and by himself in pure theory.

A lot of these ideas are based upon pure theory. They are based upon the idea that the bourgeois—the enemy in Marxian terms—goes to life with common sense. The Marxist goes to life with his theory! Only if you see the veil of theory before reality, the pink prism through which reality is refracted, only then can you be in history; only then are you truly alive, because you’re interpreting the dialectic of future knowledge.

Now, the irony is that these communistic systems that statally imposed these ideas on people have all collapsed. People who lived in Poland during Gomułka and other regime leaders had to do Marxist-Leninism four times a week, just like the Catholic schools that these schools replaced, where we did religion four times a week. They did Marxist-Leninist theory four times a week.

There was a Far Left party in Britain called the Revolutionary Communist Party, which was a split from the Socialist Workers’ Party, a so-called Rightist deviation within Marxist-Leninism. In 1986, they set exams for their cadres. You had to do exams on Grundrisse and Groundwork and Kapital volume I, volume II, volume III to pass exams on this sort of material just like in Poland.

bowden7.jpgPeople imposed this on themselves internally within the West, and yet historically these ideas have lost. These ideas have come crashing down as statal and political and architectural structures. Yet in the minds of elite Western academics, the softer non-vanguard version of these ideas are alive and well and kicking and are in control.

It’s largely true that most artistic departments—used as a term for the humanities and the social sciences—across the board are in the hands of the West’s most ferocious ideological opponents inside the West, mentally. Not necessarily in terms of how people live their lives and so on, but in terms of what they accept.

The worst ideas in the world are some of the ideas in this room from the perspective of these sorts of people! And they know what they are against, although most of them are in a sense more coherently in favor of what they’re for. Most Left-wingers and liberals, like Tony Blair, begin with the first thing Blair ever did, which was to go on an anti-National Front march. The first moment was negative. He knew what he was against almost before what he knew what he was for. But many of these people actually know what they’re for as well, and what they’re for is a world without any prior signification.

Deconstruction is the idea that you have a text before you, and this text has a system of rhetoric which is related to the personality of an individual author, but the author doesn’t exist. It’s just a text. It’s just a signification. What you do is split the power of the rhetoric, the oratory, the nature of the language used, the control of the phrases used, the essentialist markers that delimit the promiscuity of linguistic and moral choice, and you deconstruct them. You open up the field of signification so that language can flow freely in its joy and in its meaningless splendor. This is called jouissance, the joy of deconstructing the text so that it reveals its anti-essentialist possibilities when the crypto-fascistic moments of identity in it have been removed, and this is what they do.

They will take an author like Céline, who is a French National Socialist essentially, if words have any meaning, and they will say, “This anti-Semitic statement shows the insecurity of a lower middle class background. He obviously wets his bed. He was beaten by his father.” They will deconstruct every particular notification. Actually, this is a philo-Semitic text, which loves foreigners, which loves homosexuals, and is egalitarian! The whole point of deconstruction is that you reverse the meaning of the text.

But these ideas have their dangers, because there are certain things that liberals believe are sacred, and there are certain things that they believe shouldn’t be deconstructed and are beyond deconstruction. One of the primary deconstructive figures, who wasn’t necessarily a Leftist, was a man called Paul de Man, who was head of English and Philosophy, head of the Yale school of deconstruction at this Ivy League college. Ivy League college, Yale, has a school of deconstruction![3] Yes, it does! Acting against the West in order to affirm the negation of its identity. This is the sort of thing it said.

Now, Paul de Man was head of philosophy there, but Paul de Man had a secret past far worse than beating his wife or something like that. Paul de Man was a collaborator in occupied Belgium and was a minor member of the Rexist movement with Léon Degrelle. It was all very serious. And he also wrote some articles for a magazine like Scorpion shall we say, but it was in occupied Belgium at the time, so it was a bit more serious.

When it was discovered that he had this past, the whole of the movement of deconstruction gathered at the University of Alabama in the Deep South of the United States to discuss this unfortunate recrudescence of essentialism in the life and time of their chief American guru. Derrida came up with a remarkable wheeze. He said that because there were articles on the one side of the page of these collaborationist journals that were more extreme than what de Man had written, de Man was actually protesting against the extremism of the rival and mirror-reflected text with his own understated fascism, therefore revealing that he was in internal critical protest at the nature of this foul language and this sort of thing. Foul language in another way.

Interestingly, deconstructionism and post-structuralism have never survived this particular revelation, and it’s not fallen off a cliff, but it’s much less fashionable now than it was. It’s also begun to be attacked by certain hard Leftists who are more materialistic, more pro-science and so on and don’t agree with this type of what they consider to be empty and rather vacuous theorizing. So, there’s been a certain revisionism.

Not all of these ideas have it their own way. There often outliers who are dissentient. They’re often critics within the system as well as without who are progressive. You can only criticize progress if you are yourself a progressive. This is part of the deal. So, there are progressive critiques of this sort of thing. Lévi-Strauss loathed elements of modern culture, loathed modernist art and so on. There’s a degree to which certain impermissible reactions or “fleets to the essence,” as it is sometimes called, are permitted by very radical theorists.

There’s also certain of the revisionists like Serge Thion, for example, who played with post-structuralist ideas, which makes them very dangerous. As soon as I heard about post-structuralism in the 1980s, I knew that certain revisionist types would make use of some of these methodological tricks, because it’s inevitable. You can apply deconstruction to deconstruction. You can get Céline’s text, you can get the deconstructive answer to the text, and then you can deconstruct the deconstructive answer to the text and you end with Céline again!

So, you think, “What’s the point of doing all that?” And the point of doing all that was to question the affirmations of Western society. That’s what the point of all that is. The people who flood into the humanist disciplines in sociology, in fine art and elsewhere, if you say, “Well, you know, Caravaggio is a homosexual,” people will say, “Oh, dangerous assumptions there. A bit too essentialist. Are you reading the author or the artist who wrote the text too much into his own work?” And so on. It creates a fog of uncertainty. It creates an irony of the absence of affirmation, the absence of pride, certainly the absence of the justification of hierarchy, which it’s all about.

Ken Livingstone is a populist libertarian Left-wing politician. When he was asked about political correctness and banning Black children in south London from saying nursery rhymes like “Ba-Ba-Black Sheep” and so on, he said, “That’s Evening Standard garbage.” He said, “Political correctness is an attempt to change people’s minds and language. It is concentrated on two egalitarian premises: absolute moral equality in questions of race and gender.” He’s a real Leftist.

That’s what it’s really about! It’s not about any of these epiphenomena. It’s about making elitist and inegalitarian assumptions morally and linguistically impermissible. And if they’re impermissible for a university professor, they’ll be impermissible for a struggling fourth level post-degree student, and they’ll be impermissible for a middle-class bloke who sort of half-believes what’s in the Daily Mail, and they’ll be impermissible for right the way down the society. And they will, in a garbled way, come out of every news channel you can speak of.

Many liberals now say, “We’re fighting for Western values in Iraq. But what are Western values? Do we have a right to fight for them? In any case, should we affirm ourselves? We’re attacking the essentialism of their own. We should deconstruct at home first before we go abroad imposing our signifiers upon these worthy foreigners.” And so on. You see, it begins small. It begins with a debate about language, but it becomes much more powerful. In the intellectual ideologies that operate outside the sciences now, these ideas are de rigueur. To be actually against them is to morally shock, far more than transgressive post-modern art in relation to the Turner Prize and that sort of thing.

Things like the Turner Prize bring me to Stewart Home. Now, the Turner Prize is attacked by Home, but from the Left. You can only criticize Left from Left. He’s to the Left of the Turner Prize. The sort of art that is exhibited in the Turner Prize, which is a sort of stitch-up by various dealers particularly in the 1990s in relation to a particular school of post-modern artists that came out of Goldsmith’s College of Art in the late ’80s, early ’90s. Damien Hirst and Tracey Emin and Gavin Turk were the most prominent of the three. They were picked up with a lot of big money and people wanted to make their own money as a result of it. However, it’s based on an ideology called anti-objectivist art which comes from the 1960s and was largely part of the hippie movement.

John Lennon was involved extensively in anti-objectivist art. Do you remember getting into a bag for peace? This is where a naked John Lennon, covered with hair, would get into a bag. A bag! Yoko Ono, who was a member of a group called Fluxus, would draw the zip on the bag, and Lennon would stay there for a day, because the idea was that if we were all naked and in bags and covered with hair, we wouldn’t fight, and there would be no more war! There would be a realm of peace on this earth for us all to enjoy!

Another Fluxus fad that Yoko was very keen on was the revelation of the buttocks. They would sit there naked before NBC and CBS and ABC and the BBC and all the big channels of that era revealing their naked buttocks. Because of course you won’t fight if you’ve revealed yourself in that way, and the point was to avoid struggle by not fighting.

These ideas had little currency and didn’t last too long, but anti-objectivist art begins there, and from it Stewart Home begins his particular intellectual career at this time.

Home’s is an anarchist, essentially, or a libertarian communist or an anarcho-communist. He’s written many books, but his one real claim to fame is a book called The Assault on Culture—the assault on culture!—From Lettrism to Class War. And he deals with an assembly of extreme Left avant-garde groups that come out of the major modernist tendencies as they end.

Modernism is a very complicated area that goes back to the middle of the 19th century. It’s a reaction, in part, against photography. It’s a desire to go inside the mind and fantasize. It was despised for much of the late 19th century, early part of the 20th century, then became the major aesthetic discourse of liberal humanism. There’s a complication there, because both fascism and communism flirted with modernism. Most of them then turned against it, although the Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian far Right regimes made use of moderate modernist tendencies.

Modernism has always had a devilish side from the perspective of Left humanism, because a lot of the early modernists were fascists, were anti-humanists, and were radical Rightists like Ezra Pound, like Wyndham Lewis, like Marinetti, like Gaudier-Brzeska, like Céline and so on. That’s because there was an anti-democratic element to it, because of course modernism was a bohemian attack upon the sensibility of the majority. It loathes what ordinary people think about art, so it will destroy what they want and impose what intellectuals want. It’s a sort of vanguard hostility to the boring majority. Bomb the suburbs! That’s the sort of view of modernism.

But that can tend to the Right as well as the Left in strange moments, because national cultures were still alive to the degree that there could be national modernisms. Expressionism was a largely Germanic form; futurism was an Italian form; surrealism was a French form. Surrealism was the only major modernist movement that linked formally with communism, through the radically state socialist ideas of its founder, André Breton. Basically, surrealism died with him, but as it died all sorts of shards came out of it, one of which was called situationism.

Situationism was a minor ideological current that’s achieved quite a bit of currency, particularly on the far Left, because a lot of the students in 1968 mouthed situationist slogans. The media was convulsed to find that, on one hand, there were these hippies throwing bricks at members of the CRS—the very tough central riot police in Paris and the other big cities—but they would paint these slogans on walls saying, “Seize the imagination” or “Release the factories” or “I want to play with myself” or something like that. Strong-hearted philosophical stuff like this. They would spray things on the walls. And most of these were situationist slogans taken from a book called Society of the Spectacle written by Guy Debord in the late 1960s. Debord later committed suicide in dubious circumstances. There was another intellectual associated with this tendency called Raoul Vaneigem who wrote The Book of Pleasures and The Revolution of Everyday Life.

Now, these books had a lot of impact in revolutionary artistic scenes. It’s very interesting to notice this combination of far Left art, anti-social practice, misanthropy, and extreme amounts of money, and their ability to attract each other in disassociated ways. Anti-objectivist art began as hostility to the art market. It began by producing artworks that no one would want to buy! That’s the whole point. You were rebelling against the market! They used to have marches on Sotheby’s saying, “Death to Sotheby’s! Death to Sotheby’s!” Now they’re all sold in Sotheby’s for enormous amounts of money!

The most classic example of this was an Italian conceptual artist in the 1970s called Piero Manzoni, and Manzoni used to sell blocks of his own ordure. He used to sell blocks of his own ordure in gold-tinted, beautifully framed sort of 18th-century gold-leafed tins. An Italian-American heiresses used to buy this for $7,000 a tin to say at their kinky and trendy parties that, “I bought one.”

Because artists always loathed the dealers. They always loathe the middlemen, a third of whom have always been of a certain ethnicity. Always. A third of art dealers are Jews, and a third of art dealers are homosexuals, and not always an overlapping category. But artists loathed the middlemen, and there’s a desire to revenge yourself on the middlemen by producing work that can’t be sold, that’s impossibilist, if you like.

But the market can sell anything. You can sell debt as an asset from which you can make more money. So, why not sell cars that are bolted together? There’s a famous case of one artist who was neo-conceptual and was an action artist who tried to sell his dead body after he’d committed suicide. There’s also a man called Rudolf Schwarzkogler, who’s Austrian, and he wound himself in mummification, and either did commit suicide or feigned to commit suicide. I hope not to ruin anyone’s appetite by some of this, but it’s all true. It’s all true, I assure you of this! There were several other ones who left bits of their bodies, including arms and legs, in various galleries and so on, and this was photographed in the 1970s. This was action art, wasn’t it? I mean, let’s face it! There’s something that’s going on here! Home’s book The Assault on Culture has Schwarzkogler’s pre-corpse mummified body on its front, so you know what you’re getting.

Now, the movements with which Home deals are situationism, which is a Left-wing critique, in other words a critique from the Left, within the Left; there’s lettrism, which is another idea which relates to certain formalist and linguistic ideas; and there’s the movement for the imagist Bauhaus, which is a splinter from Breton’s surrealism. They’re also slightly dangerous movements, because Home has an equivocal element, not in what he wants but in what will happen.

One of the dangers about the Cult of the New and the Cult of the Future is that there can be different futures that Left-wing people don’t like. There was a group in the 1970s called mail art, and this woman would do these traditional biographical pictures, very traditional academic art, the sort of thing [unintellible—sounds like Auckland] would have done at the turn of the 20th century and just in and around the Great War, and she would send them to people. She would send them to the Prime Minister. She would send them to the Pope. She would send them to the Chief Rabbi. And they were all pictures of Adolf Hitler. They opened them and were appalled. It was quite a scandal, and she said, “But I’m not a Nazi. I’m just being transgressive. I’m doing what is non-bourgeois. Hitler may have done evil things, but I’m not evil. I’m just painting a picture. It’s just a representation.”

So, you see, if you adopt the Cult of the New . . . And Home had this idea called neoism where he wants to create culture anew, which is largely based on Marinetti’s ideas that you can bomb everything and begin again, because we are the masters of the ruins. It’s the rhetoric of people who’ve never been to a real war, you see, and those who were just about to, because a lot of this stuff came out in 1912 and was just the quivering in the antennae of the Armageddon that was about to erupt. Although, to be frank, many of the Marinettists, the futurists, actually did fight in the war, because they believed in war. They glorified war. “We glorify men! We glorify war!” This is why they linked with Mussolini later, or some of them did.

Now, Home’s work is based upon the idea that you can go beyond the Left and push even that which is Left-wing further Left. He’s in this odd position, because the Left never thinks it has won. Even when it’s triumphant, even when many dons agreed with some of their assumptions, they think, “It’s not gone far enough. The revolution has been betrayed! You need to go further! More radicalism, more self-criticism, more anti-essentialism! It’s not enough! Turds in a box: not enough! Deconstructing classic opera: not enough!”

Turandot and other operas now, even in the West End, often have a urinal on the stage. Urinal? What’s that about? That’s Duchamp’s idea of the ready-made, you see. This plate is art! Who are you to say it’s not? I look at this work. I mediate it. I objectivize it as my view of life. The stained dregs of life in this coffee cup. Life ending in doom. Didn’t Beckett say they were born over a grave, there’s a cry, and then it’s all over? You see, art! I want 2,000 for this now, and you’ll give it to me! And that’s how that sort of thing starts.

I heard a bloke once at the English National Opera, and a critic said, slightly bemused, “Why do you put a toilet on the stage?” And he said, “We’re acting against the piece. We put the thing on, but we try to destroy it as we put it on. It’s deconstruction.”

And you know why these ideas have got a hold? Because they’re bored. Because they’re bored with Western culture. Since the Second World War, state funding of the arts has replaced bourgeois capitalist money. It’s replaced aristocratic patronage. And you can only do Shakespeare so many times. There’s a great tiredness to these state institutions, and this tiredness often breeds a kind of nihilism. “Why, let’s tear it all down, this fuddy-duddy stuff that we endlessly have to replicate with the tax-payers’ money!” These ideas course through even revived and classical theater.

Racing Shakespeare is the favorite one. At the beginning of the 20th century, Othello was always played by a white man blacked up: Olivier very famously in the ’50s and thereafter. Middle of the century, always played by a black actor, because you had to bring to the foreground the nature of race and the nature of oppression and the nature of Shakespeare’s unfortunate alienating and objectifying tendencies: odious. Now, usually, Othello is played by a white actor, because not to black up is to draw attention to the hideous racism of the piece so that guilt should be infused in the audience for the crime of Western civilization. Nine million dead. Farrakhan said in the United States, “Never mind the six, what about the nine!? The nine million who died in the Atlantic slave trade! What about us?”

There was a famous Richard Eyre version of The Merchant of Venice in the 1990s where the female lead apologizes for the Shoah on stage. She’s kneeling before the audience. Don’t remember that in the text, actually! Don’t remember that in the original play! This is ironic considering that some of these ideas have come out of this idea of extreme textual specificity. “But you can always change the text when you want! It’s only a text!” And this sort of thing.

There’s is a sort of comedic element to these ideas, but I assure you that it would be instructive for everyone here to go to the Institute of Contemporary Arts. The ICA’s in Pall Mall, near the Queen. Right in the center of all the establishment buildings, and it’s all very nice in there with mellow lighting and all this. You go in, and there’s a bookshop in there, and that is very interesting, because that bookshop is like a cathedral bookshop to this type of culture. Home’s books are all prominently displayed in that particular bookshop. All of these deconstructive, anti-identity, post-racial, non-class, non-gender specific, gender-neutral-language particularisms are all there. Volume after volume after volume.

Actually, Home did a book once that had sandpaper on the cover so it would cut up all the books next to it, you see? Revenge! Revenge on the books! And you’d also damage yourself when you touch it, you see? So, he’s attacking the reader! William S. Burroughs was once asked, “What do you want to do with the reader?” And he said, “Kill him. I want somebody to open the page and be so appalled that they virtually drop into it, you know?”

There was a famous moment with Nineteen Eighty-Four, the BBC one with Peter Cushing in the 1950s. There was a Mrs. Treddis of North Wales[4] who allegedly did drop dead during the rat scene, Room 101. She was watching this on a state subsidized channel on the BBC, and when O’Brien gets the rats out in the Chinese torture scene—“Do it to Julia!”—she just caved over, poor old Mrs. Treddis. The MP was straight on the thing. He was in the Commons saying, “It’s disgraceful that the state broadcaster is killing its own constituents with art!” You couldn’t make it up, could you really? There is a degree to which the desire to attack the audience is very much part of this art.

There’s actually a form of art called auto-destructive art by Gustav Metzger where the art actually blows up, or a tube of acid will turn over one of those sort of mechano-wheels—you know, one of those sort of amateur things—and the tin turns up and pours acid down the front. So, the art attacks you, you attack the art, the art attacks itself. And then you buy what’s left, even though it’s been completely destroyed.

These ideas actually entered into popular culture because a lot of rock bands and so on were made up of students who go to art colleges. The Who used to destroy their instruments on stage. Pete Townshend, when he wasn’t looking at dubious sites on the internet, was wrecking his guitar. And these guitars are expensive things. Keep it plugged in. And he’d smash it on the ground, and sparks would be going up. I think it’s totally counter to health and safety, personally. And he’d smash it, and it would blow up! It would blow across the room, and all the crowd would be chanting. This was based on auto-destructive art. But, of course, they were working class lads, and there were dangerous moments of essentialism in The Who because they always had the Union Flag behind them when they’d perform. Ah, the danger of those estates. More deconstruction, that’s what’s required.

Home criticized the situationists because it was always a Hegelian theory and therefore allowed certain religious notions in from the outside. There was a communist called Jean Barrot who wrote a critique of situationism. He was later a supporter of Pol Pot, but he’s not heard of too much these days. Certainly would have been heard of if he had been Cambodian.

Now, Home got into trouble a couple of years ago, and Larry O’Hara, who’s a sort of libertarian anti-Right wing critic who’s prepared to be at least reasonably factual up to a point, wrote an article called “Stewart Home: The Fascists’ Flunkey.” Because if you advocate for new areas of culture, total newness, you will attract people who don’t necessarily believe in equitable variables. And he attracted certain people, certainly Richard Lawson, who’s well known from the National Party and Scorpion and Perspectives and had his website called Fluxeuropa and was a Left European nationalist, I think it’s fair to say. He also struck up a bit of a relationship with Bill Hopkins, an old friend of mine, and there’s a film, six minutes of Stewart Home interviewing Bill Hopkins. It’s on YouTube [6].

Now, he’s been heavily vilified for this, because by an ideological detour into the concept of the new, he forgot progressive verities. He’s recovered. But it’s bad news to reach out to radicals before you know who they are. You can get into deep trouble doing that, and he has. Because people say, “Didn’t he have some friends who were . . .” That’s what’s remembered in this [unintelligible—sounds like “tap it in”] and Google your name sort of an age.

Home believes that everyone can create a culture just as there were certain classical music concerts in the 1970s where the orchestra would make it up as they went along. Xenakis was another one. You wouldn’t have a piece. You would deconstruct the music. Indeed, they would tear the music up before the performance and stamp on it! Stamp on it in a rage at the bourgeois class! Then they would sort of make some music. Home believes that everybody can do that. He calls it the universal proletarianization of culture: the universal proletarianization of culture. And he idolizes these slightly Rightist elements. He idolizes these skinhead novels in the 1970s. Does anyone remember these novels by Richard Allen called Skinhead and Suedehead and [unintelligible—sounds like truth my bitch]. and all these sorts of novels that used to be read under the table in schools, seized in reformatory schools because, you know, no reading in this [unintelligible]. They were written by this old drunk on the south coast called Richard Allen, and Home loves all this.

He’s written several books. Red London is one. He’s also written books that are just swear words, the C-word is the title, oh yes. And the S-word and the F-word. These are all in Smith’s. They’re all in Waterstones. He’s done it because he thinks, “Why not? And also I’ll push distribution to such a degree that are they going to go on Radio 4 and say ‘Well, we have books with all sorts of swear words in them, but we won’t allow them on the cover. The Royal Chamberlian lives in memory. We will not allow it on the cover.’” And Home is saying, “Why not? Why not? Are you some bourgeois slob, mate? I’m pushing this in front of you.”

He’s also a very extreme homosexual. You would have to have this. So, his works are these sort of cartographic fantasy of proletarianized homosexual blokes rampaging around London. This is on sale at any Waterstones, books called C— and S—  and F—. I’ve looked at the covers, and I’ve read the theories. But the theory’s important in a way, because at the end of The Assault on Culture he endorses Class War.

Now, Class War is a group that emerged in the early 1980s and is led by an anarchist called Ian Bone. And they do believe in Bakunin’s idea of total war on the state. When Bakunin was asked “What is anarchy?” he said, “Total revolution against God.” And that is what anarchism believes: total revolt against all ideas of transcendence, total revolt against all ideas of hierarchy. “Pull it down! Destroy it!”

There’s a famous story about Bakunin in E. H. Carr’s—a Soviet-philic writer—biography. Bakunin’s riding along, because he’s an aristocrat of course. He wanted to destroy everything, even the aristocrats first. And he sees some brigands robbing a house, and they’re smashing it to pieces with axes and so on. He says, “Stop!” in Russian, gets out, and joins the brigands, and he starts destroying and running out with the paintings and butting them and leaping up and down on them and hurling bricks through the windows and all this. When somebody said, “Mikhail Mikhalovich, why are you doing this?” He said, “Because it’s there.” Because it’s there.

And Home’s view is that destruction is a creative passion. First you destroy, then you create on the destruction. Even if you create and destroy, because you level the field for new forms: neoism! The cartography of inversion! And if you don’t like it, you can get a bit of this! It’s this sort of stuff. The interesting thing is that these ideas are not revered. They’re eccentric ideas even within the milieu of the cultural Left. But they’re there.

Scorpion’s not sold in the ICA bookshop. Alain de Benoist is not sold in the ICA bookshop. Books about Heidegger are sold in the ICA bookshop. Heidegger, Monster of Nazism: A Philosophy of Inhumanity Exposed! Heidegger and the Jewish Question. Unanswered questions, who was his mistress? We demand the facts! Heidegger! 400 pages of his Party membership between 1933 and 1934. Husserl: Did he Ban him from the Library? The Truth! Heidegger: Deconstructed. Pluto Press in three editions. That’s in the ICA library! But the authors of that which constitutes European identity are for the most part conspicuously absent from the ICA library.

Class War has, of course, died many years ago, and Bone is largely retired from active politics. He appeared on Jonathan Ross once, who I call Jonathan Dross, and he appeared wearing a wig screaming and ranting. Bone’s just treated as a freak show, you know. Just something to laugh at, really.

However, from our point of view, not altogether laughable because a group called Antifa emerged from Class War. Antifa would very much like to beat us all to death, I mean, they really would. But they’re very small and of little significance. The interesting thing is that he was drawn to Class War because they’re situational, because it’s not going to succeed, is it? But you create a happening space, you create action art in society. Do you remember the march on the rich? “Bash the rich!” Remember the marches in Henley? “Bash the rich! Bash the rich!” You know, this sort of thing. Bored policemen, drongos and hippies and white Rastafarians, people with purple mohicans and this sort of thing walking along surrounded by the special patrol group, screaming execration at the bourgeois class and that sort of thing. It was all good fun. Then they’d go back on the train up to [unintelligible] or [unintelligible] or wherever it was. Bone was there. The hard men were there.

There was a famous moment of anarchism in Chicago where all these very old bourgeois people are eating in an extremely rich restaurant, and the anarchists unfurl a banner in front of them saying, “Behold your future executioners!” And they love this sort of sport as play as action as theory. Anarchism, unlike communism—because of course anarchism is to the Left of communism—has a theory called direct action: direct action on the anger of the class, which of course is terrorism really. They don’t call it that, but that’s essentially what it is. These sorts of stunts, even that Class War stunt, “make the middle class afraid,” tossing and turning in their beds and only wondering if those mohican yobs are coming for them.

Those demos are very interesting. I once went on one of those demos and watched, and the hardcore anarchs, the hardcore activists, stand at the back and they throw forward the hippies and the drongos and the others. And they’re the ones who are beaten by the special patrol group or whatever the riot squad is called now. They’re on the ground, and they’re covered in blood, and the policemen step on them and kick them. This was the ’80s. I mean, I saw it with my own eyes. It wasn’t a travesty of British behavior. I saw it. But the hardcore activists with leather jackets are at the back, and when one goes down there’s another there, you know, because the masses are just fuel—fuel for anarchy.

The point of these doctrines is that you open a space in the society where you can create new forms, because when you open a space anything can happen. If you assassinate a politician, anything can happen. That’s why they used to assassinate them all the time in the 19th century.

These sorts of ideas of rage and deconstruction and alienation—particularly impinging on all forms of identity—have probably reached their high water mark. But the very fact that they can be canvassed, the very fact that they are in the ICA, they’re in the NO, they’re in the theoretical book branch of the National Theatre—all state-subsidized. There’s tens and tens of millions of pounds that are spent on these institutions every year through the art boards and so on. The fact that these ideas are in the Western academy is a testament to the fact that communistic doctrines of radical destruction and deconstruction have taken over the mindset in the society. People who speak against them are, well, they’re nowhere to be seen basically, because they’re terrified. They’re partly waiting for the next fad, really, in the hope that some of this stuff will wash away.

But the interesting thing is that they always know what they’re against. Home is certainly aware of the New Right. He used to edit a magazine called Smile—smile!—which was a nihilist, communist magazine. That’s what it said on the front. You can go to Smith’s, you know, “Would you like to buy a nihilist, communist magazine? Smile.” It would have an article about Lenin and an article about the Bombo Gang, and then you would have diseased genitals, because it would shock the bourgeois audience and scratch the hatred of the masses. And in that transgression you open up a moral space for more radicalism of the mind and of the spirit. It is psychologically subversive, and they know what they’re doing! They know what they’re doing. The shocked person goes, “Disgusting trash!” and throws it away. They’ve actually had an effect, the effect of rejection before the next strike.

My view has always been that that sort of militancy has to be stood up to. And you have to fight back. And you have to fight back as hard and as ruthlessly as they do. That’s why they are aware of us and fear us.

Stewart Home also has an interesting view of race, which is an original formulation. I’ve never heard it even from the Trotskyists, and he’s not a Trotskyist. He believes that race doesn’t exist, but the masses believe it does. Now, that’s an interesting formulation, because if you think about it you either have it as a foregrounded form of iterization, it’s being, Dasein, being in being as Heidegger would call it. It’s that which is there. It’s biological. It’s there. It’s foundational. It’s prior. It’s elemental. It’s essential.

Or you don’t believe that. Maoists and extreme communists believe that all humans are a white sheet of paper. Any sexuality, any ethnic specification, any culturalization, any level of intellect could be pre-programmed into you. As Mao’s people would say, you can torture a man into progressive ideas to the degree that they’re coming out of his ears.

Do you remember what O’Brien says to Winston Smith in Nineteen Eighty-Four? “First, we make you love Big Brother, then we kill you. Don’t you remember, Winston,” he says, “you’re just a cell in the body of the Party? Do you die if you cut your fingernail?” Do you remember that, and the great actors like Sir Richard Burton who played that part?

Now, Home’s idea is interesting in a way, because they believe in false consciousness. He’s basically saying race is the false consciousness of the masses, but if nothing is prior, then reality is in the consciousness of the masses. Therefore, if the masses think that race exists, it does exist, even in far Left terms, because only that which is thought moment by moment in the struggle exists! So, in a strange sort of way, he’s ended up with a Right-wing deviation within Marxist cultural logic. He’s actually got back to a position he says he refutes.

But it’s an interesting one, because if you notice, the dip in biological thinking in the middle of the 20th century as a reaction to the Second World War, is the high point for these type of new Left ideas. Now that biology has been re-emerging in the last 30 years. And it’s very interesting, for example, that the Anti-Defamation League in the United States opposed the creation of the Human Genome Project. And many gay libertarian groups opposed the Human Genome Project. They are radically opposed to the idea of the biological investigation of the building blocks of life, because it will lead to the possibility of acceptance by the masses of a prior essentialism.

There was an interesting incident last year when the Genome Project’s scientific review board wrote to the German Academy of Sciences and said that “In our opinion, life is 80% natural law and prior biological purpose.” Not 60%, not 70%, but 80%. Man is socialized by 20%, and I view the socialization as environment, and environment is ecology, and ecology is a species of biology. So, in a way, it’s all biological.

And the German Academy wrote back, “We cannot accept this thinking. We cannot accept this thinking, because we understand that your postulate is from good intentions, but it draws us perilously close to rejecting the methodology of the basic law upon which contemporary German governance, state, society, and academic learning is based.” So, the German government says that a particular scientific outcome is wrong, and as a citizen of the contemporary united German republic, founded under occupation by Adenauer in 1948, you have to repute it. We don’t care what science says! We repudiate science! This is a revolutionary development really, whereby the Left, the organ of progress, is rejecting science.

There’s a concept on the New Left of scientism. Scientism. Science is ugly, male, reactionary, authoritarian, phallocratic. All this sort of stuff. There’s a strong streak of feminism in all of these discourses. The Left has sort of given up on that. Many Leftists are now debating about how they deal with biology. Peter Singer, who wrote the book Animal Liberation, which founded that whole movement: “Liberate the animals, you filthy speciesists,” “Put down that ham sandwich,” that sort of thing. Singer, of course from a certain ethnicity, from Australia where he was in the Australian senate. He was a civil libertarian and radical green. He’s a utilitarian. He’s a very interesting thinker. Because he’s introducing a new hard liberalism.

Singer says maybe biological ordinance is true; maybe disability is inherited; maybe gender is inherited; maybe sexuality is due to brain function; maybe the Right is correct. But what you must do is pass every law and every methodology that lies behind the law, jurisprudence, to make sure that there is either equality of opportunity or equality of outcome or those who proselytize for inequality of outcome are not allowed to affect it by the nature of their discourse. So, what he’s saying is even if biology is unequal, you make the society so impervious to that logic, even though you’ve got a hierarchy, that it’s not aware of that.

That’s the most important and intelligent form of far Leftism. They can only sustain anti-science. They built their entire creed on science. They can’t repudiate it. That’s just a stunt for a couple of decades. They’re going to have to accept the Human Genome Project. They’re going to have to accept the biological and prior ordination of man.

Every time I go into an NHS clinic there’s a leaflet for transplants, and in the middle of that leaflet you’re asked about your race. It says, “Are you White Caucasian? Are you Asian? Are you Negroid or Diaspora African?” All these little boxes. And that’s because human internal tissues will not transplant or graft as well in relation to one race as another. Prior racial difference within the taxonomies of the human even at the physical level.

If a scientist at Oxford or Cambridge or the London School of Economics had said that openly in the 1960s or 1970s, there would have been rioting! There would be rioting in the canteen. There’d be rioting in the lecture hall. The special control group would have been on the campus. You would have been hounded out of that place of learning. It’s now in an NHS leaflet. Quietly, no fuss. It’s just intruded there as a fact. “Who can reject it? We’re helping people! We’re helping people!”

And talking about helping people, there are ultra-liberal groups in the United States who are campaigning against certain forms of medicine that affect individual ethnicities. There are certain diseases that Blacks and Africans suffer from, particularly sickle cell anemia, which is almost congruent to them, and certain drugs that have genetic potential and originate from some of the theory and experimentation of the Human Genome Project react primarily on their group. There are ultra-liberal groups who are campaigning to not allow the Food and Drug Agency to license these.

Why? Why? Because it undermines the idea that man is a white sheet of paper that you can do with what you want and there is no prior identity. They would rather blacks suffer than that these drugs were produced, because they admit the prior biological differentiation of the human. And when you begin there, when you begin with such a monstrous prior essentialism, the doors to you-know-what are swinging open. So, you must close down the thing before you even begin to agree with what you disagree with.

Thank you very much!


[1] Bowden misspoke here: Ferdinand de Saussure was the founder of Structuralism, not one of its later developers as he seems to imply here.—Ed.

[2] Heidegger’s Collected Edition (Gesamtausgabe) runs to nearly 100 volumes, most of which were published posthumously.—Ed.

[3] The Yale School of Deconstruction signifies an intellectual movement, not an academic department or college. De Man joined the faculty in French and Comparative Literature at Yale. At the time of his death in 1983, he was Sterling Professor of the Humanities and chairman of the Department of Comparative Literature at Yale.—Ed.

[4] Apparently, the woman was actually named Beryl Merfin of Herne Bay, Kent.—Ed.


Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/08/stewart-home/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/b-stewart-home-jpg.jpg

[2] here: http://youtu.be/S8tjGJ4eUdA

[3] Marxism and the Frankfurt School and the New Left: http://www.counter-currents.com/2012/05/marxism-and-the-frankfurt-school/

[4] The Totalitarian Politics of Nineteen Eighty-Four: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/08/george-orwells-nineteen-eighty-four-2/

[5] Francis Pollini: http://www.counter-currents.com/2011/08/francis-pollinis-night/

[6] YouTube: http://youtu.be/eNFVLU0pIWM

Merkel y Putin podrían estar discutiendo un acuerdo secreto para terminar con la crisis de Ucrania

Alemania y Rusia han estado trabajando en un plan secreto para negociar una solución pacífica para poner fin a las tensiones internacionales sobre Ucrania. The Independent ha revelado que el plan de paz, que se está trabajando tanto por Angela Merkel y Vladimir Putin, se basa en dos ambiciones principales: la estabilización de las fronteras de Ucrania y dotar al país con problemas financieros con un fuerte impulso económico, especialmente un nuevo acuerdo energético para garantizar la seguridad del suministro de gas.

Más polémico, si trato de la Sra. Merkel llegara a ser aceptable para los rusos, la comunidad internacional tendría que reconocer la independencia de Crimea y su anexión por parte de Rusia, un movimiento que algunos miembros de las Naciones Unidas podrían encontrar difícil de digerir.

Fuentes cercanas a las negociaciones secretas afirman que la primera parte del plan de estabilización exige a Rusia que retire su apoyo financiero y militar a los diversos grupos pro-rusos que operan en el este de Ucrania. En el marco de dicho acuerdo, se permitiría que asumieran competencias para garantizar su autonomía de Kiev.

Al mismo tiempo, el presidente de Ucrania, estaría de acuerdo en no solicitar la adhesión a la OTAN. A cambio, el presidente Putin no buscaría bloquear o interferir con las nuevas relaciones comerciales de Ucrania con la Unión Europea en virtud de un pacto firmado hace unas semanas.

En segundo lugar, Ucrania se ofreció a un nuevo contrato a largo plazo con la rusa Gazprom, la empresa proveedora de gas, para el suministro de gas y los precios futuros. En la actualidad, no existe un acuerdo de gas; Los suministros de gas a Ucrania se están agotando y es probable que se quede a cero antes este invierno, lo que significaría la ruina económica y social para el país.

Como parte del acuerdo, Rusia compensaría Ucrania con una dotación de mil millones de dólares por la pérdida de la renta que solía pagar por el estacionamiento de sus flotas en Crimea y en el puerto de Sebastopol, en el Mar Negro hasta Crimea votó por la independencia en marzo.

Sin embargo, estos intentos por parte de la Sra. Merkel para actuar como intermediario entre el Presidente Putin y el presidente de Ucrania, Petro Poroshenko, fueron puestos en un segundo plano tras el derribo del avión MH17 en el este de Ucrania.

Pero fuentes que son parte en los debates, dijeron que el "plan de paz alemán está todavía sobre la mesa. Las negociaciones se han estancado debido al desastre MH17 pero se espera que se puedan reiniciar una vez que se haya realizado la investigación”. "Es en interés de todos hacer un trato. Con suerte, las conversaciones serán reanudadas si se puede llegar a un resultado satisfactorio en las investigaciones que se están haciendo en cuanto a las causas de la catástrofe del MH17".

Un portavoz del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores alemán dijo que no tenía conocimiento de tales negociaciones. Sin embargo, el portavoz dijo que pensaba que es muy poco probable que los EE.UU. o el Reino Unido estuvieran de acuerdo en reconocer el control ruso sobre Crimea.

Llegar a una solución a la disputa en curso es pertinente para los alemanes ya que Rusia es su mayor socio comercial. Según Merkel, el eje ruso-alemán se ha fortalecido de manera significativa y, hasta el derribo del avión, su gobierno había sido firmemente contrario a las sanciones no solo por razones comerciales, sino también diplomáticas.

Tales lazos comerciales fuertes entre los dos países también han servido para fortalecer la mano de la Sra. Merkel y el presidente de Rusia se ha convertido en el principal impulsor de las relaciones estrechas entre la UE y Rusia. "Este es el acuerdo de Merkel. Ella se ha entendido directamente con el presidente Putin en esto. Necesita resolver la disputa, ya que no interesa a nadie tensar la situación en Ucrania o Rusia cuando llegue el frío. Nadie quiere otra guerra fría", dijo una fuente cercana a las negociaciones.

Algunas de las mayores empresas alemanas tienen grandes inversiones en Rusia, que es ahora uno de los mercados de automóviles más grande de Europa, mientras que muchos de sus pequeñas y medianas empresas también se están expandiendo en el país. Aunque Rusia ahora ofrece a los países de la UE una tercera parte de sus suministros de gas a través de gasoductos que atraviesan Ucrania, Alemania tiene su propio gasoducto bilateral directo con Rusia por lo que es menos vulnerable que otros países europeos.

Sin embargo, Rusia sigue siendo el tercer mayor socio comercial de la UE en comercio transfronterizo, y las últimas sanciones que se introducen por la UE con respecto a los individuos y los bancos rusos perjudicará a los países europeos más que a cualquier otro, en particular a Alemania y a la City de Londres.

Indispensable para las negociaciones sobre cualquier nuevo acuerdo de gas con Gazprom es uno de los empresarios más ricos de Ucrania, Dmitry Firtash.  Firtash negoció el primer acuerdo de gas entre Ucrania y Rusia entre 2006 y 2009 y está ahora viviendo en Viena intentando evitar las peticiones de extradición de los estadounidenses. Pero él tiene una estrecha relación con los líderes de Rusia y Ucrania -apoyó a Poroschenko- y ha estado actuando como intermediario entre bastidores a los más altos niveles.

Obama kiest partij voor Turkije, Moslim Broederschap en Hamas

Obama kiest partij voor Turkije, Moslim Broederschap en Hamas

VS beschouwt Turkije als belangrijke bondgenoot tegen Rusland

Ex: http://xandernieuws.punt.nl

De Turkse premier / president Recep Tayyip Erdogan te midden van Hamasleiders Ismail Haniyeh en Khaled Meshaal.

Voor de tweede opeenvolgende dag werd woordvoerder van het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken Marie Harf gisteren door journalisten onder vuur genomen over de Turkse steun voor een eergisteren gepleegde mislukte coup van Hamas op de Westelijke Jordaanoever, met als doel om deze net als Gaza te veranderen in één grote terreurbasis. Ook zou Turkije schuil bieden aan de Hamasleider die wordt verdacht het brein te zijn achter de ontvoering en moord op drie Israëlische tieners. Tevens waren er vragen waarom de regering wel raketten levert aan Turkije, maar niet aan Israël.

Geen reactie op door Turkije gesteunde coup van Hamas

Net als maandag had Harf gisteren geen duidelijke antwoorden voor de journalisten. Vragen of de Amerikaanse regering tegen Turkije zijn zorgen had geuit over de steun voor de coup van Hamas, werden ontweken. ‘Maakt u zich zorgen over de ogenschijnlijke rol van Turkije hierin?’ vroeg Associated Press verslaggever Matt Lee. Harfs antwoord: ‘Daar heb ik geen details over.’ Lee: ‘Ik vroeg dit gisteren ook al, en toen was u zich niet bewust van dit incident... De Israëliërs zeggen dat dit allemaal gepland en gefinancierd werd vanaf Turkse bodem.’

Harfs reactie: ‘Wel, zoals ik al zei denk ik dat een aantal militanten van Hamas en ook wat geld hierbij betrokken zijn, maar laat me daar nog eens naar vragen. Ik heb in ieder geval niets om dit te bevestigen.’ Lee: ‘Ik ben heel nieuwsgierig of jullie hier je zorgen over gaan uiten tegen de Turken – ik weet het niet, maar misschien hebben jullie die (zorgen) wel helemaal niet...’

Harf wees er later op dat Turkije lid van de NAVO is, en dat het ‘met name gezien Rusland en Oekraïne’ belangrijk is dat bondgenoten worden voorzien (van wapens en raketten). Het eerder genomen besluit van Obama om Israël geen nieuwe Hellfire raketten te leveren, zou in haar ogen een totaal andere zaak zijn.

Moslim Tartaren de Krim bondgenoot van Turkije

Wat Oekraïne en Rusland betreft zien de Westerse politiek en media over het hoofd dat Moskou zich grote zorgen maken over de moslim Tartaren in de Krim, die bondgenoten zijn van de Turken. Een ander belangrijk geschilpunt is Syrië; Rusland staat nog altijd ferm achter president Assad, terwijl Turkije –net als de VS- de oppositie –bestaande uit onder andere Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda- steunt.

IS(IS) dilemma voor Amerika

De door de Turkije mogelijk gemaakte opmars van IS(IS) heeft Amerika in een lastige positie geplaatst. Door in Irak enkele –weliswaar beperkte- luchtaanvallen op IS(IS) uit te voeren, steunt de VS feitelijk Assad, die in zijn eigen land ook tegen de islamitische terroristen –en daarmee tegen Turkije- strijdt.

Turken en Russen ook in Egypte tegenover elkaar

Tevens zijn de Turkse regering van premier en nieuw gekozen president Erdogan en de Moslim Broederschap als twee handen op één buik, reden waarom de Turken fel tekeer gaan tegen de Egyptische president el-Sisi. Die wordt juist gesteund door het Kremlin, mede omdat president Obama openlijk partij heeft gekozen voor de Moslim Broederschap, wier leiders in Turkije een veilig en beschermd heenkomen vonden.

Rusland betere bondgenoot Israël dan VS

Als we de vele relevante conflicten en feiten naast elkaar zetten, dan zien we –ongetwijfeld tot verbijstering van velen- dat Rusland zich tot een betere bondgenoot van Israël ontwikkelt dan Amerika, en het Witte Huis onder Obama juist de kant kiest van Israëls gezworen vijanden: Turkije, de Moslim Broederschap en Hamas.

Westen steunt via NAVO-lid Turkije islamitisch terrorisme

Omdat Turkije onderdeel van de NAVO is, betekent iedere dag dat de Turken nog lid mogen blijven en andere landen in dezelfde desastreuze alliantie met Ankara willen blijven zitten, automatisch dat het Westen feitelijk het islamitische terrorisme en de opkomst van het Islamitische Kalifaat steunt en zelfs bevordert, zoals we letterlijk hebben kunnen zien in Libië, Syrië, Gaza en Irak.



(1) Shoebat

Zie ook o.a.:

17-08: Blok Israël-Egypte negeert VS en EU en zet Hamas onder druk (/ Palestijnse terreurgroepen verliezen steun Arabische wereld en leunen enkel nog op Iran, Turkije en Qatar)
14-08: Obama blokkeert wapenleveranties aan Israël
12-08: Winst Turkse premier Erdogan verzekert opkomst Rijk van het Beest
09-08: Alleen luchtaanvallen zullen ISIS en Hamas niet kunnen stoppen
08-08: Succes ISIS dankzij Westerse ‘bondgenoten’ Turkije en Saudi Arabië
06-08: Israëlhater Jimmy Carter roept VS en EU op Hamas te erkennen
30-07: Opname bewijst dat Obama Israël verkettert en Hamas beschermt
29-07: ... ; Hillary Clinton verdedigt Hamas
25-07: Crisis Gaza: Turkije houdt duizenden Joden als politieke gevangenen
04-07: Iraakse christenen zien Westen als verraders en Rusland als redder (/ ‘Het Westen heeft het christendom vernietigd door steun voor islamisten’)
17-06: Bijbels Rijk van het Beest in wording: Toenadering Iran en Turkije
07-05: Turkije overwoog in 2010 oorlog tegen Israël
18-04: Turkije, Iran en Al-Qaeda vormen Free Egyptian Army voor nieuwe burgeroorlog
30-03: VS steunt Erdogans misbruik van NAVO voor herstel Ottomaans Rijk
29-03: Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun
07-03: De sleutelrol van Rusland en Turkije in de eindtijd (2)
28-02: De sleutelrol van Rusland en Turkije in de eindtijd (deel 1)

BNP-Paribas, une affaire de géométries variables

Une affaire de géométries variables...

par Frédéric Lordon

Ex: http://metapoinfos.hautetfort.com

L'affaire de l'amende infligée à la BNP Paribas par la justice américaine a suscité de nombreux commentaires au début du mois de juillet. Nous revenons dessus avec cet article incisif de l'économiste Frédéric Lordon, qui aborde cette fois-ci la question non pas sous l'angle géopolitique, des relations entre les Etats-Unis et l'Europe, mais sous l'angle des relations des banques avec la puissance publique, lorsque celle-ci existe... L'article a été cueilli sur La pompe à phynance, le blog de l'auteur.



BNP-Paribas, une affaire de géométries variables

On peut bien, si l’on veut, reparcourir l’affaire BNP-Paribas à la lumière de la saga crapuleuse des banques à l’époque de la libéralisation financière. Il faut bien admettre, en effet, que la série a de quoi impressionner, et jusqu’au point de vue défendu depuis le début ici-même, qui tient plutôt la ligne de ne pas céder à la diversion fait-diversière pour maintenir les droits de l’analyse, telle qu’elle doit rendre compte des crises financières non par l’« hypothèse du mal » — Madoff, Kerviel ou qui l’on voudra —, mais par les fonctionnements structuraux, réguliers, intrinsèques, des marchés de capitaux déréglementés. Dans un élan de sensationnalisme irrépressible autant qu’irréfléchi, les médias, toujours pressés de se rendre au plus gros, et au plus bête, se jettent sur tous les délinquants à chemise rayée comme sur des providences — il est vrai que les occasions sont rares de rafler simultanément les bénéfices de la colère populaire, de la belle image du perp walk [1] des puissants — manière d’attester une souveraine indépendance d’avec les « élites » —, et de la critique de la finance. Mais qui ne critique rien.

La fraude comme business model bancaire ?

Car il est bien certain qu’un défilé de traders en combi orange et cadènes aux poignets ne dira jamais rien d’intéressant sur la finance. Obnubilation — par l’image —, et oblitération — de tous les mécanismes ordinaires de la finance —, sont donc les produits les plus certains du barnum systématiquement monté par les médias sur les « grandes affaires » dûment étiquetées « en col blanc ». Prendre la mesure de l’inanité analytique du point de vue criminologique-médiatique requiert, par exemple, de se livrer à une simple expérience de pensée contrefactuelle demandant si la crise financière aurait été évitée si Monsieur Madoff-père s’était retiré ou si Jérôme Kerviel avait fait un BEP de plombier-chauffagiste — bref si les fâcheux n’avaient pas été là. Sauf passion du bouc émissaire et paranoïa en roue libre, la réponse est évidemment non, et les individus délinquants par conséquent renvoyés à leur juste statut : même pas épiphénoménal, simplement secondaire.

Il s’ensuit surtout que comprendre, et puis prévenir, les crises financières exige un peu plus qu’un programme de redressement moral des traders : s’intéresser aux structures mêmes des marchés de capitaux et des institutions bancaires, telles que, dans leur fonctionnement nominal, elles produisent immanquablement ces séquences : surtension spéculative mimétique, renversement brutal des anticipations, crise de liquidité se propageant de proche en proche, pour gagner potentiellement tous les compartiments de marché par le jeu de la course à la réalisation de détresse [2] et de la ruée au cash [3].

Le fait-divers divertit, donc, mais il faut bien avouer qu’au rayon « banque et finance » la récurrence fait-diversière commence à impressionner. Entre Goldman Sachs (spéculation contre ses propres clients), HSBC (blanchiment d’argent, fraude fiscale), Crédit Suisse (fraude fiscale), Barclays (manipulation du Libor), RBS (Libor également), et l’on en passe, la généralisation des comportements crapuleux finirait presque par faire croire à l’existence non pas de simples déviations récurrentes, idée en soi tendanciellement oxymorique, mais à un véritable business model, où une partie du dégagement de profit est très délibérément remise à l’exploitation de situations frauduleuses. Champion bancaire national, mais fier de sa surface globalisée, il n’était que justice — ou bien nécessité — que BNP-Paribas vînt ajouter son nom à ce très illustre palmarès. Six milliards et demi de prune tout de même — il va y avoir du bain de siège au conseil d’administration.

Pertes normales, pertes intolérables

On peut cependant résister à la pente « délictuelle » et considérer l’affaire BNP-Paribas sous un autre angle. Et même deux.

Le premier interroge la perception extrêmement variable que prennent les entités capitalistes de leurs pertes selon leurs origines. Car il y a bien quelque chose comme une hiérarchie dans l’acceptabilité, ou la « normalité », des pertes, dont le sommet est évidemment occupé par les « pertes de marché », verdict incontestable d’une quasi-nature à laquelle il est à peu près aussi vain d’objecter que de demander une diminution de l’accélération de la pesanteur. On notera au passage que les « pertes de marché » sont assez souvent l’effet de spectaculaires conneries des équipes dirigeantes, mauvais choix d’investissement ou management déplorable — on pense ainsi, mais comme un exemple parmi tant d’autres, à Boeing qui, à la fin des années 1990, avait cru malin de céder à la mode du downsizing et avait largement licencié, pour se trouver confronté à peine quelques années plus tard à un retour de croissance… et devoir ré-embaucher en catastrophe, mais en s’apercevant que tous les salariés précédemment virés étaient porteurs d’une longue et irremplaçable expérience, et qu’il allait falloir consentir longtemps des coûts monumentaux d’apprentissage, de sous-productivité, et de sous-qualité [4]. Et l’on tiendra pour l’un des symptômes les plus caractéristiques du néolibéralisme qu’on y fustige sans cesse « l’incurie de l’Etat », quand celle du capital engage des sommes non moins considérables, et aussi le destin direct de salariés qui payent de leurs emplois perdus ou de leurs revenus amputés — mais les élites privées de la globalisation, à l’image du « marché », ont été déclarées par principe les insoupçonnables instances de la rationalité, en fait les seules [5].

Or les « élites » économiques sont plus souvent qu’à leur tour à la ramasse, quand elles ne sont pas carrément incapables de comprendre ce qui se passe vraiment dans leurs entreprises, cas d’incompétence spécialement spectaculaires dans le secteur bancaire, comme l’a prouvé la crise des subprimes — des présidents ventripotents, façon Daniel Bouton, n’ayant pas la moindre idée de la tambouille qui se réchauffe dans leurs propres salles de marché [6], ni des risques réels dont ils laissent se charger leurs bilans. Il en est résulté des pertes consolidées pour le système bancaire international dont le FMI avait tenté l’estimation – entre 2 000 et 3 000 milliards de dollars, soit tout de même le plus imposant bouillon de toute l’histoire du capitalisme —, de sorte que « l’élite » s’est révélée nuisance aux intérêts de ses propres mandataires, pour ne rien dire de ceux de la société dans son ensemble.

Rien de cet exploit retentissant cependant n’a conduit à la moindre remise en question de la compétence générale des banquiers néolibéraux à diriger les banques, et pas davantage à chuchoter à l’oreille des gouvernements, deuxième compétence supposément adossée à la première. Rien non plus n’a perturbé le moins du monde le gros mouvement de glotte qu’a nécessité tout de même d’avaler pertes aussi astronomiques, elles également versées au registre de la loi naturelle du marché contre laquelle il n’y a rien à dire.

Ainsi lorsque « le marché » lui impose la sanction, fut-elle colossale, de sa propre incompétence, le capital ne moufte pas. Mais qu’on vienne lui arracher 0,1% de cotisation supplémentaire et il hurle à la mort. Car voilà le bas, le tout en bas, de la hiérarchie de l’acceptabilité des pertes, et en l’occurrence simplement des coûts : ceux qui sont imposés par l’Etat. Procédé décidément d’une puissance heuristique incomparable, il faut là encore se livrer à une expérience de pensée contrefactuelle pour en prendre la mesure, par exemple en partant du montant de l’amende à payer par BNP-Paribas, 6,5 milliards d’euros, en considérant ensuite de celui de son impôt sur les sociétés de 2013, 2,5 milliards d’euros, pour mettre l’un en rapport avec l’autre. Et puis imaginer ceci : un gouvernement de gauche est élu et dit : « la responsabilité des banques privées dans la crise de 2007-2008, dans la récession et les déficits publics qui s’en sont suivis, étant manifeste et incontestable, elles s’acquitteront de la dette qu’elles ont contractée envers la société par une contribution exceptionnelle que nous fixons à trois fois (2,6 fois…) leur dernier impôt payé ». A ce moment ouvrir les micros et bien enregistrer le concert : Michel Pébereau hurle à la mise à mort d’un champion national, Pierre Gattaz déclare l’assassinat de l’esprit d’entreprise, Nicolas Baverez annonce la phase finale du déclin, Bernard Guetta bafouille que nous tournons le dos à l’Union européenne, les Pigeons menacent d’un exode définitif de tous les cerveaux entreprenants, Franz-Olivier Giesbert déclare qu’il faut crever l’Etat obèse, Christophe Barbier que le mur de Berlin a été remonté dans la nuit et que nous nous réveillons du mauvais côté, Jean-Marie Le Guen que trente ans de conversion de la gauche à l’économie de marché viennent d’être rayés d’un trait de plume, Laurent Joffrin pas mieux, etc. Et pourtant, rafler d’un coup trois fois l’impôt annuel, soit à peu de choses près la totalité de son profit, d’un des plus grands groupes mondiaux, les Etats-Unis l’ont fait, et sans un battement de cil.

Puissance publique et puissances privées : la possibilité d’un rapport de force

Pays du marxisme-léninisme, comme il est connu de soi, les Etats-Unis ont pris un gros bâton et poum. Disons tout de suite qu’il n’y a pas lieu de pousser des cris d’enthousiasme pour autant. La re-régulation des marchés et des institutions bancaires y est aussi en carafe que partout ailleurs, et pour les mêmes raisons que partout ailleurs — l’infestation de la vie politique et des pouvoirs publics par le lobby financier. Aussi le traitement judiciaire à grand spectacle, par amendes faramineuses interposées, n’est-il que le symptôme de cette impuissance mêlée de mauvais vouloir. Mais au moins y a-t-il quelque chose plutôt que rien. Et même en l’occurrence quelque chose assortie d’assez bonnes propriétés révélatrices. La première tient donc à l’aperception des jugements extraordinairement contrastés auxquels peuvent donner lieu les mêmes événements comptables, selon qu’ils sont le fait de la crasse incurie managériale elle-même — rebaptisée « le marché » —, de la pénalité judiciaire — quand elle est étasunienne —, ou du prélèvement fiscal, pourtant légitime.

La deuxième propriété révélatrice joue formellement d’un semblable effet de contraste, toujours par la simple comparaison avec les Etats-Unis Soviétiques d’Amérique, en remettant d’équerre la nature des rapports, et notamment des rapports de force possibles, entre la puissance publique et les puissances privées du capital. Là encore pour s’en apercevoir, il faut imaginer pareille sanction infligée par la justice ou quelque pouvoir réglementaire français à une très grande entreprise, à plus forte raison étrangère, pour entendre, sans le moindre doute possible, les discours de l’attractivité, ou plutôt de la répulsivité du territoire français, la fuite annoncée des « investisseurs », le devenir nord-coréen du pays. Car il est maintenant reçu comme une évidence que les puissances publiques doivent abdiquer toute velléité de souveraineté, qu’elles ne sont finalement que les ancillaires des seules puissances qui comptent vraiment, les puissances du capital.

Par un renversement caractéristique de la pensée économiciste, le néolibéralisme a mis cul par-dessus tête les rapports de souveraineté réels, pour finir par ancrer dans les esprits que l’état normal du monde consiste en ce que le capital règne et que la puissance publique est serve : elle n’a pas d’autre fonction, et en fait pas d’autre vocation, que de satisfaire ses desideratas. Assez logiquement, en pareille configuration, la liste de ces derniers ne connaît plus de limite, et ceci d’autant plus que, encouragé par le spectacle des Etats se roulant à ses pieds, le capital se croit désormais tout permis.

Affirmation ou démission

Par ce paradoxe bien connu qu’on pourrait nommer « le zèle du converti de fraîche date », c’est probablement en France que cet état des choses fait les plus visibles ravages et, paradoxe dans le paradoxe, à « gauche », on veut dire à la nouvelle droite, où le devoir d’expiation s’élève pour ainsi dire au carré. Que la volonté politique puisse prévaloir contre le marché, qu’elle ne se borne pas à simplement ratifier ses injonctions, qu’elle puisse même avoir l’ambition d’arraisonner les puissances d’argent, ce sont des idées désormais jugées si épouvantables qu’on est coupable de les avoir seulement considérées. Et ce rachat-là est interminable, à proportion de la croyance antérieure, qu’il ne suffit pas de récuser comme une simple erreur mais dont il faut reconnaître, et puis compenser rétroactivement, l’exceptionnelle abomination. Aussi depuis les 3% maastrichtiens de Bérégovoy jusqu’au « pacte de responsabilité », la Gauche repentie, par là vouée à devenir Droite complexée, n’en finit pas de se couvrir la tête de cendre, dans une surenchère de démonstration qui veut prouver à la face du monde l’irréversibilité de sa conversion — et le Medef a très bien compris qu’il pouvait compter sur elle pour en faire plus que n’importe qui.

Notamment, donc, pour se faire la stricte desservante de l’idée néolibérale par excellence qui pose la souveraineté de « l’économie » — et la subordination à elle de tout ce qui n’est pas elle. Ainsi, par exemple, est-il devenu presque impossible de faire entendre qu’il n’y a rien d’anormal à ce qu’une entreprise de service public soit déficitaire, et endettée, précisément parce que les servitudes de sa fonction, l’universalité par exemple, emportent des coûts spécifiques qui l’exonèrent des logiques ordinaires de l’économie privée.

L’Etat est donc désormais enjoint d’abandonner toute logique propre pour n’être plus, fondamentalement, que le domestique de « l’attractivité du territoire », entreprise de racolage désespérée, car la concurrence est sans merci sur les trottoirs de la mondialisation, d’ailleurs dirigée aussi bien vers l’extérieur — faire « monter » les investisseurs étrangers — que, sur un mode plus angoissé encore, vers l’intérieur — retenir à tout prix notre chère substance entrepreneuriale. Il est bien vrai que dans les structures de la mondialisation néolibérale qui lui a ouvert la plus grande latitude possible de déplacements et d’arbitrages stratégiques, le capital a gagné une position de force sans pareille, et la possibilité du chantage permanent : le chantage à la défection, à la fuite et à la grève de l’investissement [7].

Le rapport de force réel cependant ne s’établit pas seulement d’après ses données objectives, mais plus encore peut-être d’après le degré d’amplification que leur font connaître un certain état de soumission et une propension à baisser la tête — à leur maximum dans le cas de la Droite complexée. Si le cas BNP-Paribas, donc, est bien une affaire de géométrie variable, c’est parce qu’en plus de montrer les variations auxquelles peuvent donner lieu les « jugements de pertes », il met en évidence, par la comparaison la plus irrécusable — celle avec les Etats-Unis —, la différence dans les degrés de fermeté, ou d’abdication, des puissances souveraines face aux puissances privées du capital.

Là où l’Etat de François Holande s’humilie chaque jour davantage devant le patronat français, l’administration étasunienne, à qui on peut reprocher bien des choses mais certainement pas de méconnaître ses propres prérogatives de souveraineté, sait de temps en temps rappeler aux entreprises les plus puissantes à qui vraiment revient le dernier mot en politique. En ces occasions — évidemment exceptionnelles, car on présenterait difficilement les Etats-Unis comme le lieu sur Terre du combat contre le capital… —, en ces occasions donc, le gouvernement US se moque comme de son premier décret des possibles cris d’orfraie, de la comédie de l’Entreprise outragée, de la menace du déménagement et de la porte claquée. Etonnamment d’ailleurs, de cris d’orfraie, il n’y a point. BNP-Paribas s’est fait copieusement botter le train, mais BNP-Paribas s’écrase, relit de près Rika Zaraï, fait des frais d’herboristerie… et n’attend, en se faisant petit, que le moment d’avoir le droit de faire retour à ses chères opérations dollars. BNP-Paribas pourrait bien monter sur ses grands chevaux et promettre le boycott des Etats-Unis, les Etats-Unis s’en foutent comme de l’an quarante, et ils s’en foutraient même si ça leur coûtait. Car il s’agit d’affirmer un primat.

Ne plus se rouler au pied du capital

Que les raisons diplomatiques qui ont commandé en dernière instance la décision étasunienne soient les plus critiquables du monde, la chose n’est pas douteuse, mais ça n’est pas là qu’est le problème en l’occurrence. Le problème est de principe, et tient à la réaffirmation de la hiérarchie des puissances. Il n’y a certainement pas que des motifs de réjouissance dans l’affirmation de l’imperium étatique, dont on sait à quel point il peut se faire haïssable, le cas des Etats-Unis étant d’ailleurs spécialement gratiné sous ce rapport. Mais s’il n’y a à choisir qu’entre l’imperium de l’Etat et celui du capital, alors la décision est vite faite. Pour toutes ses distorsions et ses pantomimes, il arrive que la chose appelée (par charité) « démocratie », dans le cadre de laquelle l’imperium d’Etat est contraint de s’exercer, il arrive donc, parfois, que la « démocratie » impose des commencements de régulation, voire laisse passer quelque chose de la voix populaire si celle-ci finit par le dire suffisamment fort. Dans l’espace du capital, en revanche, nul ne vous entendra crier.

S’il s’agit de capitalisme, tout ce qui vient des Etats-Unis est réputé insoupçonnable, répète en boucle le catéchisme néolibéral. Pour une fois profitons-en. Les occasions de faire jouer en notre faveur les fausses hiérarchies de la légitimité sont trop rares pour ne pas être exploitées jusqu’au trognon. S’il y a bien une leçon à tirer de l’affaire BNP-Paribas, ça n’est pas tant que les banquiers néolibéraux sont des fripouilles, aussi bien au sens du code pénal que de la nuisance sociale, c’est que la puissance publique, pourvu qu’elle le veuille, n’a ni à passer sous le tapis ni à céder à tous les ultimatums du capital. La vérité c’est que les capitalistes sont assez souvent de grosses nullités ; qu’on ne compte plus les désastres privés comme publics auxquels ils ont présidé ; que leur départ outragé aurait assez souvent moins d’une catastrophe que d’un opportun débarras ; qu’il ne manque pas de gens, derrière, pour prendre leur place — et pourquoi pas sous les formes post-capitalistes de la récommune [8] ; que si c’est le capital local lui-même qui fait mine de s’en aller, il y a d’abord quelques moyens juridiques très simples de l’en empêcher ; que si c’est le capital étranger qui menace de ne plus venir, il n’y a pas trop de mouron à se faire pourvu qu’on n’appartienne pas à la catégorie des eunuques « socialistes » : la rapacité du capital sait très bien s’accommoder même des conditions les plus « défavorables » — le cas BNP-Paribas ne démontre-t-il pas précisément qu’on fait la traque aux entreprises qui se précipitent, mais clandestinement, pour faire des affaires en Iran, au Soudan, etc., pays pas spécialement connus pour leurs ambiances business friendly

S’il y a un sou de profit à faire plutôt que zéro, le capital ira [9]. Et si, d’aventure, offensé, il prend ses grands airs un moment, il reviendra. L’éternel retour de la cupidité, ne sont-ce d’ailleurs pas les marchés financiers qui en font le mieux la démonstration : là où la théorie économique vaticine, le doigt tremblant, qu’un défaut sur la dette souveraine « ferme à tout jamais les portes du marché », l’expérience montre que les Etats ayant fait défaut font surtout… leur retour sur le marché à quelques années d’écart à peine, et qu’ils sont bien certains de trouver à nouveau des investisseurs pour leur prêter, d’autant plus si les taux sont un peu juteux.

Sagesse du (très) gros bâton, exemplarité de la saisie

Que la puissance publique ait ainsi les moyens de réaffirmer le primat de la souveraineté politique et de tendre le rapport de force avec le capital, comme l’atteste spectaculairement la décision des Etats-Unis contre BNP-Paribas, mais contre bien d’autres groupes, étrangers ou pas, bancaires comme industriels, c’est un aspect du dossier qui, curieusement, n’a pas traversé l’esprit d’un seul éditorialiste. On se souvient en revanche de la tempête d’indignation qu’avait soulevée la nationalisation par le gouvernement argentin de YPF, filiale du groupe pétrolier espagnol Repsol. N’étaient-ce pas les lois du marché, peut-être même les droits sacrés de la propriété, qui étaient ainsi foulés au pied ? Indépendamment de toute discussion du bien-fondé de la décision économique en soi, qui est sans pertinence pour le présent propos, on rappellera tout de même que cette nationalisation s’est faite dans les règles, par rachat monétaire de leurs titres aux actionnaires — le droit de propriété n’a donc pas trop souffert. Il n’y a d’ailleurs aucune raison pour qu’il en aille toujours ainsi. Il est des cas où la violation de bien public est telle que la saisie pure et simple est une solution d’une entière légitimité politique — c’est bien ce qu’il aurait fallu infliger au secteur bancaire privé dans sa totalité, responsable de la plus grande crise financière et économique de l’histoire du capitalisme [10].

Il faut rappeler ces choses élémentaires pour prendre à nouveau la mesure des pouvoirs réels de la puissance souveraine, contre tous les abandons des démissionnaires — vendus ou intoxiqués. Et l’occasion est ainsi donnée d’offrir au paraît-il insoluble problème de la re-régulation financière sa solution simple, simple comme le « dénouement » du nœud gordien, une solution en coup de sabre : les règles — c’est-à-dire les interdictions — de la nouvelle régulation posées [11], toute infraction sérieuse sera aussitôt sanctionnée par une nationalisation-saisie, soit une expropriation sans indemnité aucune des actionnaires.

Comme l’a définitivement montré la crise ouverte depuis 2007, crise généreusement passée par la finance privée aux finances publiques et à l’économie réelle, et qui s’est payée en millions d’emplois perdus, en revenus amputés et en innombrables vies détruites, la position occupée par le système bancaire dans la structure sociale d’ensemble du capitalisme le met ipso facto en position de preneur d’otages — à laquelle la théorie économique, bien propre sur elle, préfère le nom plus convenable d’« aléa moral » —, et par là même en position d’engendrer impunément, et répétitivement, des dégâts sociaux hors de proportion. La tolérance en cette position névralgique d’un secteur privé, abandonné à la cupidité actionnariale, ne peut avoir moindre contrepartie que la reconnaissance de la très haute responsabilité sociale des banques qui s’ensuit, assortie des sanctions les plus draconiennes en cas de manquement, la saisie-nationalisation en étant la plus naturelle — position en réalité d’une grande, d’une coupable, tolérance, car la conclusion qui suit logiquement de pareille analyse voudrait plutôt que, par principe, le système bancaire soit d’emblée, et en totalité, déprivatisé [12].

En tout cas, comme le montre à sa manière l’affaire BNP-Paribas, et le profil bas aussitôt adopté par ses dirigeants, le rapport de force a ses éminentes vertus, le seul moyen de faire plier une puissance, comme celle du capital, étant de lui opposer une puissance contraire et supérieure. Il suffit donc de sortir les contondants de taille suffisante pour (re)découvrir que le capital n’est pas souverain, et qu’il peut être amené à résipiscence. Gageons que les conseils d’administration bancaires, dûment informés du nouveau « contexte régulateur » qu’on se propose de leur appliquer, ne manqueraient pas — désormais — de surveiller avec un peu moins de laxisme, peut-être même de très près, les agissements des directions qui sont en fait leurs mandataires. Et que, sous la menace d’une expropriation sans frais, ils se montreraient des plus attentifs au respect par leur banque des nouvelles règles en vigueur.

Le capital, dit-on, s’y entend comme personne pour trouver les défauts de la cuirasse, tourner les réglementations et faire fuir tous les contrôles. A leur corps défendant sans doute, les Etats-Unis viennent de prouver que non, en montrant en acte qu’il suffit de taper suffisamment fort pour que le capital se tienne tranquille. Nul ne sera assez égaré pour voir dans cette décision à l’encontre de BNP-Paribas autre chose qu’une de ces éruptions réactionnelles de souveraineté étatique [13] sans suite ni cohérence, en tout cas sans le moindre projet politique d’ensemble. Mais peu importe : la démonstration est là, il appartient ensuite à qui voudra de la prolonger en un projet, le projet que le capital ne soit plus le souverain dans la société, le projet d’une déposition en somme.

Frédéric Lordon (La pompe à phynance, 8 juillet 2014)


[1] Perpetrator walk, ou perp walk, est le nom donné à l’exhibition médiatique des accusés, menottes aux poignets, encadrés par deux policiers.

[2] C’est-à-dire la vente en panique des actifs vendables.

[3] Voir à ce sujet André Orléan, Le Pouvoir de la finance, Odile Jacob, 1999, et De l’euphorie à la panique. Penser la crise financière, Editions Rue d’Ulm, 2009 ; ainsi que Frédéric Lordon, Jusqu’à quand ? Pour en finir avec les crises financières, Raisons d’agir, 2008.

[4] On trouvera un catalogue d’erreurs managériales bien fourni dans l’ouvrage de Christian Morel, Les Décisions absurdes, Gallimard, 2009.

[5] De ce point de vue le numéro de Marianne en date du 19 juin 2014 qui pose la question « Les grands patrons français sont-ils nuls ? » tranche agréablement.

[6] Ce qui ne veut certainement pas dire en l’occurrence que Kerviel était seul au monde, l’hypothèse que nul dans sa hiérarchie n’ait rien connu de ses agissements étant proprement rocambolesque.

[7] Au sujet des prises d’otages du capital voir « Les entreprises ne créent pas l’emploi », 26 février 2014.

[8] Sur l’idée de « récommune », voir Frédéric Lordon, La crise de trop, Fayard, 2009 ; Capitalisme, désir et servitude. Marx et Spinoza, La Fabrique, 2010.

[9] En ces temps de capitalisme actionnarial, la formulation la plus juste dirait : « s’il y a une opportunité de passer la barre de la rentabilité financière d’un sou plutôt que de zéro… »

[10] Voir « Pour un système socialisé du crédit », 5 janvier 2009.

[11] Dont on pourra trouver les éléments dans « Si le G20 voulait… », septembre 2009.

[12] Voir « Pour un système socialisé du crédit », 5 janvier 2009.

[13] Qu’on nous épargne les distinctions en l’occurrence byzantines entre « l’Etat », stricto sensu, et « la Justice ». Ce qui compte ici c’est la puissance publique lato sensu, en tant qu’elle oppose sa logique propre à celle des puissances privées.


Naissance envisagée de l’Europe unie


Naissance envisagée de l’Europe unie


par Thomas Ferrier

Ex: http://thomasferrier.hautetfort.com

En 2014, l’Union Européenne est en situation d’échec, tant au niveau de ses états-membres que de sa prétendue direction bruxelloise. Les eurosceptiques ont réalisé aux élections européennes des scores importants dans plusieurs pays fondateurs en mai 2014. La question de l’appartenance du Royaume-Uni à l’Union Européenne est même posée. L’Europe subit sans discontinuité depuis des mois un flux migratoire massif en provenance d’Afrique notamment via Ceuta et Melilla du côté espagnol et via Lampedusa du côté italien, sans parler de frontières très poreuses avec la Turquie à l’est. Le verrou lybien a sauté en même temps que le régime de Kadhafi. Elle est même confrontée à un conflit à ses frontières, en Ukraine, où son irresponsabilité, dictée par la politique de Washington, l’a amenée à prendre ses distances avec la Russie et surtout à attiser une guerre civile aussi absurde que meurtrière. Enfin, si la crise « grecque » semble avoir baissé en intensité, son effet de contamination étant pour le moment maîtrisé, de nombreux pays européens sont en situation économique douloureuse, la France en tête. L’Allemagne résiste mieux, certes. Mais elle dépend néanmoins de l’état de ses partenaires, dont elle bénéficie en retour par l’achat de sa production de qualité. L’€ a créé de nombreuses interdépendances et l’Allemagne ne réalise pas nécessairement qu’elle a le devoir de procéder à une meilleure redistribution de ses profits. Or l’absence d’une véritable Europe politique empêche ces rééquilibrages au profit de tous.

Nous partirons de l’idée que les années à venir démontreront l’impasse du souverainisme en même temps que la nécessité d’une refondation de l’actuelle Union Européenne sur une double base, unitaire et identitaire. Nous supposerons qu’un parti européen révolutionnaire pilote parviendra à émerger, que ce soit un parti unitaire ou une coalition de partis nationaux animés du même idéal, en substitution des populismes réactionnaires et au détriment aussi des partis de gouvernement.

Nous admettrons que la mise en place de l’Etat européen unitaire aura lieu selon un schéma structurel que j’ai établi il y a quelques années. 

Le parti unitaire ou la coalition de partis obtiendrait à des élections européennes, par exemple en 2024, environ 30% des députés au sein du parlement européen, devenant le premier groupe devant les conservateurs et les sociaux-démocrates. Le contexte continental se dégradant nettement, en raison des maux non résolus que j’ai brièvement évoqués dans le premier paragraphe de cet article, le parti en question réussirait à obtenir la majorité avec le renfort de nombreux députés libéraux et conservateurs, la « gauche » sociale-démocrate, apôtre du multiculturalisme, étant largement désavouée avec l’effondrement de son utopie de « vivre-ensemble ». Ce basculement amènerait le parlement européen à s’auto-proclamer assemblée européenne constituante et à mettre en place un gouvernement européen provisoire, qu’on pourrait appeler par provocation « comité européen de salut public ». Ce gouvernement, naissant d’un coup d’état démocratique analogue par certains traits au serment du jeu de paume en 1789, aurait face à lui des gouvernements nationaux conformes à ceux auxquels nous avons désormais affaire depuis quelques décennies, c'est-à-dire profondément gangrénés de l’intérieur et d’une grande médiocrité. Désavoués, ils s’effondreront comme des fruits complètement pourris.

Ce gouvernement de l’Union Européenne romprait alors avec l’atlantisme libéral qui préside actuellement à nos destinées et renverserait ses alliances pour proposer une union avec la Russie. Dans un tel contexte, le Royaume-Uni, qu’il ait quitté l’UE entre temps ou qu’il soit resté en son sein, assistant à la mise en place d’une Europe continentale unifiée, ce à quoi il n’a jamais été confronté, se ralliera à son tour, surtout si les « petits » peuples, Ecossais, Gallois et Irlandais du nord, mais aussi les classes populaires britanniques de souche, l’y invitent. En effet, cette Europe politique aurait à cœur la restauration de l’européanité de l’Europe et donc, par conséquence, des identités régionales et nationales qui la composent. En clair, le Royaume-Uni rejoindrait l’Europe unie en rompant dans le même temps avec le multiculturalisme qui lui était imposé, ou qu’il s’était imposé à lui-même, dans son incapacité à rompre avec son ancien empire colonial, rebaptisé Commonwealth, et/ou avec son ancienne colonie rebelle, les Etats-Unis d’Amérique.

Par la remise en cause de l’alliance atlantique et des dogmes libéraux et mondialistes, et notamment du capharnaüm multiculturaliste, l’Europe unie parviendrait donc sur une base institutionnelle et juridique inédite à combattre en son sein les forces d’auto-dilution qui pour le moment la brisent.

Aux alentours de 2030 (date théorique), nous aurions donc un nouvel Etat qui s’appellerait l’Europe et se sera substitué à tous les anciens états divisant le continent. Cet état compterait en son sein entre 650 et 680 millions d’habitants, compte tenu de son déclin démographique et des politiques de reflux migratoire qu’il aura engagées et réalisées.

Même si dès 2025 ou 2030 l’Europe unie mettait en place un ambitieux plan de redressement démographique, il faudrait environ vingt ans pour que ses effets bénéfiques se fassent sentir. Ces vingt ans d’hiver démographique, qui pourront être partiellement atténués par une politique d’appel au retour envoyé à tous les européens expatriés, y compris ceux des (anciennes) colonies européennes de peuplement (Australie, Afrique du sud, Etats-Unis, Argentine…), amèneront l'Etat européen à des politiques sociales plus restrictives, comme un net allongement de la durée des cotisations pour les retraites par exemple et comme des plans d’économies structurelles. Toutefois, les politiques de reflux migratoire permettront d’alléger cette rigueur, car ce sont des économies massives qui aujourd’hui ne sont pas réalisées par attachement au dogme multiculturaliste qui seraient alors faites. Le « welfare state » serait donc exclusivement un « european state », à savoir qu’il serait restreint aux seuls ayant droits naturels.

L’Europe unie serait née. Quelle sera alors sa géopolitique, son action en dehors de son cadre géographique ? Comment réagiront ses adversaires, ses anciens partenaires, les anciens pays colonisés, les monstres démographiques que sont devenues l’Inde et la Chine ? Ce sera l’objet d’un prochain article.


Pour une géopolitique de l’Europe unie. Prospectives européistes

Le géopoliticien Aymeric Chauprade a proposé sur son site Realpolitik un texte d’orientations sur la politique qu’il faudrait selon lui que la France mène. Je me concentrerai sur un défaut de principe que je lui reproche, en outre de ne pas avoir su rompre avec une vision christianocentrée, néo-colonialiste (à sa manière) et exclusivement « hexagonaliste », à savoir le refus par postulat de départ de penser la géopolitique au niveau européen. Le ralliement au souverainisme néo-frontiste de ce penseur, qui a toujours été par ailleurs un opposant déclaré à ce qu’il appelle les « pan-ismes », et au premier rang duquel on trouve le pan-européanisme, pour opportuniste qu’il soit, n’est pas une surprise puisqu’il était auparavant un partisan de Philippe de Villiers. Le camp souverainiste est désormais phagocyté par Marine Le Pen depuis son abandon de toutes les thématiques « identitaires », ne laissant plus comme alternative que Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, mais dont les résultats électoraux beaucoup plus faibles interdisent toute attractivité décisive.

Yves Lacoste a en revanche tenté parmi tous les géopoliticiens de penser à une géopolitique grande-européenne dont il n’a tracé que l’ébauche. Visionnaire, il a compris qu’un des avenirs possibles pour l’Europe était de réussir son unité continentale, mais cela impliquerait une libération européenne de la tutelle outre-atlantique, une remise en cause des dogmes multiculturalistes au profit d’un strict eurocentrisme, et une ouverture à la Russie comme jamais elle n’aura été tentée.

Ce que je propose est d’établir la base d’une véritable géopolitique européenne appliquée dans une démarche prospective. L’idée n’est pas de décrire la géopolitique de l’Europe contemporaine, qui se limiterait alors à la somme des géopolitiques centrifuges des différents états membres, avec une polarisation françafricaine pour la France, un centre-européisme pour l’Allemagne, ce vieux schéma de Friedrich Naumann, ou un eurasisme à la sauce russe. La géopolitique « souverainiste » est d’ailleurs d’une grande pauvreté, bourrée d’incohérences, et se complaisant dans un nombrilisme chauvin des plus primaires.


En clair, il s’agit ni plus ni moins de réfléchir à la géopolitique d’une entité politique appelée Europe et qui irait de l’Islande à la Russie, cette fameuse union « de l’Islande à la Russie et par extension jusqu’à Vladivostok » dont parlait Vladimir Poutine en 2005 avant de se lasser de tendre la main et de finir par se tourner vers les thèses eurasistes qu’un Douguine aura mises à la mode.

Cette géopolitique de l’Europe unie envisagera les conséquences de l’émergence d’un bloc continental européen reposant sur l’unité de pilotage, en clair un gouvernement européen, et la mutualisation des moyens, se substituant aux (anciens) états tout en veillant à en préserver les identités. L’objectif, qui n’est pas innocent, est de démontrer qu’une Europe unie réussira là où les Etats européens pris séparément ne peuvent qu’échouer, quelle que soit la coloration politique de chaque gouvernement. Elle choquera certes les puristes qui ne veulent voir que ce qui est et pas ce qui pourrait ou pourra être.

Cette analyse sera détaillée de manière thématique, avec un premier article sur la mise en place imaginaire de cette Europe politique unifiée, dans un contexte propice. Ce sera la base de travail. Il restera ensuite à proposer une simulation de ce que serait la géopolitique de cette nouvelle entité continentale.


Discurso de Hassan Nasrallah sobre los takfiris de “Estado Islámico”


Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

El secretario general de Hezbolá, Sayyed Hassan Nasralá, ha asegurado que los norteamericanos están detrás de la creación de grupos terroristas en la región con el fin de dividir y destrozar a los países árabes y realizar su proyecto último, un proyecto que no ha podido ser implementado por las ofensivas israelíes.

En una alocución televisada de casi dos horas pronunciada este viernes en la cadena de televisión libanesa Al Manar con ocasión del aniversario de la victoria de la Guerra de Julio de 2006, Sayyed Nasralá puso en guardia contra minimizar el peligro de los takfiris que quieren eliminar a todo el mundo, comenzando por los sunníes.

Según él, la victoria sobre los grupos terroristas es posible a condición de que sea puesta en práctica una política nacional y se comprenda que se trata de un peligro existencial. Él puso también en guardia en contra de elegir opciones que no llevan a ninguna parte en la lucha contra el grupo takfiri Estado Islámico (EI).

He aquí las ideas principales del discurso de Sayyed Nasralá:

Mucho ha sido dicho sobre la Guerra de Julio. Libros e informes han sido escritos tanto por el enemigo como por los amigos para extraer conclusiones. Esa guerra fue más que un simple conflicto; fue una verdadera batalla de dimensiones históricas. Condolezza Rice (entonces secretaria de Estado de EEUU) habló de un nuevo Oriente Medio. Así pues, fue una guerra regional e incluso internacional. Expertos norteamericanos dijeron entonces que la guerra de Julio era un episodio en la eliminación definitiva de la Resistencia en el Líbano. No se buscaba el desarme de esta resistencia, sino aplastarla y acabar con ella.

Ellos elaboraron un plan para liquidar a los dirigentes de la Resistencia y prepararon colonias en el norte de Palestina para detener allí a miles de combatientes.

Proyecto de dominación estadounidense

Este proyecto fue elaborado después de la ocupación estadounidense de Iraq. George W. Bush y su administración querían decapitar la resistencia en el Líbano y en Palestina y acabar con el régimen de Siria antes incluso de 2006. Él quería presentarse al público estadounidense como el presidente que venció al terrorismo internacional para ser reelegido. Y después de alcanzados estos logros, la administración norteamericana contaba con desencadenar una guerra contra Irán.

El primer objetivo de EEUU es el de controlar todas las reservas de petróleo y gas en la región.

El segundo objetivo es liquidar la causa palestina. Israel estaba a cargo de eliminar la resistencia en el Líbano y Palestina. Sin embargo, la tenacidad legendaria de la resistencia en el Líbano saboteó este proyecto.

Los combates sobre el terreno obligaron a Israel a reclamar un cese el fuego, como fue el caso más reciente de Gaza. Los dirigentes árabes que participan en negociaciones en Nueva York confirman que la tenacidad de la resistencia, del pueblo libanés y de la política oficial libanesa llevaron a la comunidad internacional a poner fin a la agresión israelí.

El fracaso de los objetivos de la Guerra de Julio

¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la guerra de 2006?

1 –  Las capacidades de la resistencia se reforzaron.
2 – La guerra no golpeó a Siria en aquel momento.
3 – La guerra contra Gaza fue atrasada para después de 2006.
4 – La resistencia en Iraq contra la ocupación estadounidense se reforzó.
5 – El fracaso de los neoconservadores en las elecciones estadounidenses.

Cambio de táctica estadounidense

Sin embargo, la política belicosa estadounidense en la región continúa en vigor. Si los norteamericanos fracasan en conseguir sus objetivos cambian de política y de táctica.

Es, pues, necesario evocar la importancia de este éxito político, histórico, moral y humanitario conseguido por la Resistencia en el Líbano en 2006 y asegurar que somos capaces de hacer fracasar todo proyecto y todo complot contra nuestra región.

Después de 2001, los norteamericanos estaban en el apogeo de su fuerza. En contraposición, el mundo soviético y el mundo árabe estaban muy debilitados. Sin embargo, en el Líbano, Palestina, Iraq y Siria los grupos de la resistencia abortaron los proyectos estadounidenses y serán siempre capaces de hacerlo.


politique internationale, géopolitique, hassan nasrallah, hizbollah, liban, proche orient, levant, islamisme, monde arabe, monde arabo-musulman, fondamentalisme islamique,


Hoy en día, lo que pasa en Gaza ha llevado a la región árabe a una nueva situación. Una nueva estrategia está siendo seguida por los enemigos para alcanzar sus objetivos. Su nueva vía es la de imponer un proceso de paz a los palestinos.

En el pasado, los norteamericanos llevaron a cabo guerras contra Iraq y pusieron la mano sobre el Golfo y los israelíes lanzaron ofensivas contra los países fronterizos.

La estrategia de la destrucción de los países

Dos factores son utilizados en la nueva estrategia adoptada por los estadounidenses.

Esta nueva estrategia es más difícil y peligrosa que la anterior. Ya no es cuestión de derribar a un régimen y colocar otro. Esta nueva vía norteamericana e israelí consiste en destruir países y ejércitos. El enemigo busca diseñar un nuevo mapa en la región sobre las ruinas de los países, de los pueblos y de las sociedades de la región.

Ellos quieren lograr su objetivo sembrando el terror y la confusión y destruyendo los tejidos sociales de las poblaciones.

El enemigo busca ahora ablandarnos para que pidamos una solución. Frente a las nuevas condiciones difíciles, EEUU se convertiría así a los ojos de los pueblos en el salvador último de la región.

La corriente takfiri, representada especialmente por el Estado Islámico, es utilizada en este sentido.

Vencer al EI es posible

¿Podemos derrotar a esta nueva estrategia? Sí. Yo digo a todos los pueblos de la región que somos capaces de abortar esta nueva estrategia, como hicimos con la anterior.

Debemos comprender que existe una amenaza existencial contra todos nosotros y cuales son sus dimensiones. No debemos minimizar el peligro que nos acecha y debemos preparar los medios necesarios para hacerle frente. No hay, sin embargo, que exagerar esta amenaza.

Debemos buscar medios reales y serios para luchar contra ella sin recurrir a opciones que han demostrado ya ser ineficaces. Debemos elaborar un plan adecuado y seguirlo.

Desde 1948 hemos conocido una experiencia dura a través del proyecto de expansión sionista. Cuando los israelíes comenzaron a buscar a familias judías para crear un estado sionista en Palestina, muchos árabes minimizaron el alcance de esta medida sionista. Desde el principio, estas familias fueron repartidas de forma que cumplieran funciones militares y de seguridad. Nada era casual. La mayoría de los árabes no prestaban atención a lo que pasaba. Y de este modo, fue establecida la entidad sionista.

Incluso en 1967, algunos árabes desmentían que Israel tuviera proyectos expansionistas. Hoy en día, Israel se ha convertido en un estado usurpador, expansionista, hegemonista y que lanza guerras y ofensivas para a continuación reclamar un cese el fuego de la comunidad internacional.

Algunos árabes han apostado siempre por una intervención internacional a la espera de una política árabe. Han esperado varias décadas y ninguna solución ha sido hallada.

De este modo, el hecho de apostar por la comunidad internacional no ha llevado a ninguna parte.

Sólo la lucha armada ha demostrado ser la buena opción. Después de que el pueblo palestino fue expulsado de su tierra, hizo falta que los pueblos árabes se movilizaran, formaran brigadas y comenzaran la lucha contra el ocupante.

Los movimientos de resistencia en el Líbano y Palestina han logrado avances y las victorias frente al enemigo. A pesar de todos los sacrificios, los palestinos han comprendido que la resistencia es la mejor opción para sabotear el proyecto sionista.

En la actualidad, debemos buscar los medios de afrontar un peligro real que nos amenaza a todos. Hoy en día, la organización del EI ocupa grandes partes de Iraq y Siria. Este grupo se ha convertido en todo un país que controla recursos petrolíferos y presas. Posee enormes cantidades de armas y munciones. Vende petróleo y mantiene relaciones comerciales con varios países.

El EI ha cometido masacres, asesinado a prisioneros, liquidado a personas inocentes y se ha enfrentado con otros grupos armados en Alepo, Idleb y Deir Ezzor.

En Iraq, el EI mata también a todo aquel que difiere con él en el plano político o religioso. El objetivo es sembrar el terror. Masacres fueron cometidas desde el principio por el EI contra los sunníes que son a sus ojos apóstatas. En la última guerra contra los kurdos, casi un millón de sunníes han sido desplazados. El EI no respeta a nadie. Mata a árabes, kurdos, turkmenos… Destruye mezquitas, iglesias, santuarios. Este comportamiento no tiene nada que ver con el Islam.

Apoyo exterior al EI

Algunos países árabes y occidentales han apoyado al EI. Los norteamericanos han abierto la puerta a esta organización. Llamo a todos los libaneses, sirios, palestinos y árabes del Golfo a dejar de lado sus cálculos personales y a pensar en que este peligro amenaza a todos: sunníes, shiíes, drusos, cristianos, yazidis y otros.

Que nadie pretenda que se trata de una guerra confesional en la región. Es la guerra del espíritu takfiri contra el Otro. El EI busca eliminar y matar a todo el mundo, filmando además sus masacres para sembrar el máximo de terror entre las poblaciones. Hay que tener en cuenta que una buena parte de la causa del avance del EI es mediática.

Combatir al EI

¿Qué hacer pues? ¿Cómo reaccionar? ¿Vamos a pedir ayuda extranjera? Cabe recordar, en este sentido, que cuando el EI invadió la ciudad de Mosul y las provincias de Nínive, Salahuddin y Diyala la comunidad internacional y la Administración estadounidense no reaccionaron.

Los cristianos del Líbano deben saber que en caso de amenaza para ellos, EEUU hará lo mismo que Francia con los cristianos de Iraq. Francia ha abierto sus puertas a los refugiados cristianos.

Fue sólo cuando el EI llegó a las puertas de Erbil, de este Kurdistán que significa mucho para los norteamericanos y los israelíes, que la comunidad internacional se movilizó.

¿Esperáis una acción de éstos? ¿O bien de la Liga Árabe? ¿Esperáis una unanimidad nacional para hacer frente a este peligro?


politique internationale, géopolitique, hassan nasrallah, hizbollah, liban, proche orient, levant, islamisme, monde arabe, monde arabo-musulman, fondamentalisme islamique,


Los pueblos de la región están interesados en la lucha contra el EI. Nosotros, en tanto que libaneses, debemos admitir que esta amenaza es inminente. De un día a otro, la situación en Iraq ha cambiado. El EI es una amenaza para Iraq y Siria, pero también es un peligro para todos los demás países de la región.

La retirada de Hezbolá: un pretexto ilógico

Algunos afirman que la solución a esta amenaza reside en la retirada de Hezbolá de Siria. ¿Acaso la amenaza del EI será eliminada si Hezbolá se retira de Siria? Este debate no lleva a ninguna parte. Es toda la región la que está en peligro.

La responsabilidad nacional de movilizarnos y proteger las regiones libanesas nos incumbe a todos.

Despliegue de la FINUL: una propuesta incoherente

Otros proponen la ampliación de la Resolución de la ONU 1701. Sin embargo, esto es una burla. Sabed que la FINUL tiene necesidad de la protección de la población. ¿Son ellos capaces de protegernos?

Son la Resistencia y el Ejército los que protegen el Sur del Líbano. ¿Cómo creer, pues, que las fuerzas de la ONU son capaces de asegurar la protección de la Bekaa y el norte del Líbano?

El distanciamiento, una política errónea

Otros han planteado la política de distanciamiento del Líbano. Si el EI llega a la frontera del país ¿Acaso estaremos al abrigo de sus ataques a causa de la política de distanciamiento? Se conspira contra el Ejército libanés y las autoridades libanesas rehúsan hablar con las autoridades sirias. Justo porque se aplica esta política.

La lógica es que cuando un peligro existencial amenaza un país o una entidad, la proridad es entonces la lucha contra ese peligro y no exponer al pueblo a un genocidio.

Llamamiento a los libaneses

Llamo a todos los libaneses a comprender que vuestro país hace frente a una amenaza existencial. Para hacer frente a la misma hace falta dar prueba de seriedad, fidelidad y sacrificio.

He aquí algunos puntos fuertes para hacer frente a este peligro:

1 – El Ejército y las fuerzas de seguridad. Hezbolá saluda toda ayuda y oferta de ayuda al Ejército. Un apoyo popular, moral y financiero es necesario para fortalecerlo. El Estado debe ponerse al lado del Ejército para recuperar a nuestros soldados secuestrados.

2 – El gobierno actual es la única institución activa hoy. Este gobierno es uno de los factores de fuerza.

3 – Es necesario detener las provocaciones confesionales, como en el caso de Ersal. Cesad los ataques contra Hezbolá por el tema de Ersal. Los que llevan a cabo provocaciones confesionales en el Líbano deben ser juzgados porque es su efecto es el mismo que el de los coches bomba.

4 – Reconciliaciones regionales. La población de Ersal no tiene nada que ver con el Frente al Nusra o el EI. La población de Ersal, Labweh y Nabi Uzman deben reconciliarse.

5 – El tratamiento del tema de los desplazados sirios. El Líbano y Siria deben tratar el tema de los refugiados sirios y su regreso a su país. En Siria hay muchas regiones a las que los desplazados pueden regresar.

6 – Ambos países deben tratar el tema del fortalecimiento de la frontera común.

7 – La elección presidencial es importante porque el nombramiento de un presidente y la reactivación de las instituciones del Estado refuerzan al Líbano. El campo del 8 de Marzo posee un candidato y uno solo. Cesad de perder el tiempo. Que nadie espere una decisión exterior en el tema del presidente libanés.

He aquí una lista de ideas propuestas para proteger al Líbano. Vamos a debatirlas. Estamos dispuestos a sacrificarnos por nuestro país. Es una batalla existencial y estamos dispuestos a afrontarla. Si la resistencia hubiera esperado a una unanimidad nacional para actuar, Israel habría llegado hasta el norte del Líbano.

Es fácil vencer al EI. El combate contra Israel es más difícil. Somos capaces de hacerle frente con éxito. Este grupo no tiene futuro en la región si los iraquíes, los sirios, los libaneses y otros asumen su responsabilidad.

Con ocasión de la victoria de Julio, llamo a una posición nacional, institucional y popular. Sabed que tenemos los medios para lograr una victoria sobre el EI.

Cabe señalar que si todo el mundo rehúsa hacer frente a sus responsabilidades, Hezbolá asumirá las suyas. Estamos dispuestos a cooperar con todas las fuerzas libanesas que estén dispuestos a hacer frente a esta amenaza.

Nosotros no pensamos hacer las maletas y abandonar el Líbano. Es aquí donde hemos nacido y cuando las circunstancias nos llaman al combate, estamos dispuestos a luchar. Y sólo en ese caso saldremos victoriosos.

Fuente: Al-Manar

Extraído de: Tribulaciones Metapolíticas

Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia


Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia

Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://moderntokyotimes.com

The conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and in other parts of the mainly Islamic world, or where you have Muslim and non-Muslim fault-lines, appears to have one binding factor. This applies to Western backed support for Islamists alongside using proxy outside nations to fulfill geopolitical ambitions. On top of this are powerful factors in the mainly Muslim world in nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and other Gulf nation states which have either shared interests, or which encourage America, France and the United Kingdom to do their bidding – or to work collectively in order to spread Islamism and this is continuing in 2014 based on the continuing intrigues against Syria.

In all the above mentioned places you will have a host of various factors and each conflict will be seen differently through the prism of different ideas. Syria is currently facing this shared attack between powerful dominant Sunni Muslim nations and hostile Western nations including America, France and the United Kingdom. However, the one binding factor is that in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and now Syria; is that outside nations instigated the delicate internal mechanisms in order to unleash Islamism, terrorism and attacks against the ruling power mechanisms.

It mattered not if Hindus were cleansed in Kashmir or Alawites are being hanged and beheaded in Syria. Likewise, it matters not one jot if international terrorism is united in order to do the bidding of Washington, Riyadh, London, Ankara, Paris, Doha and other nations involved in the terrorist and destabilization rat-lines.

Prem Shankar Jha, The Hindu newspaper in India, comments about the shared dualities of Kashmir and Syria. He states that But while nearly everyone wanted a change, almost no one wanted it at the cost of a violent disruption of their lives. In neither case, therefore, was the state the first to resort to violence: On the contrary, both insurgencies had to be stoked, so the first to pick up the gun were the insurgents. In Syria this was done by Salafi/Takfiri Islamists who crossed the border from Jordan in March 2011 and holed up in the Omari mosque in Dera’a before launching targeted provocations, and attacks on police stations and government offices.”

It is important to note that Kashmir and Syria were destabilized by Islamists using Pakistan and Jordan respectively. In the case of Syria, it is difficult to believe that America, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom intelligence agencies weren’t involved in the chain of events which took place in March 2011 in Syria. After all, Jordan is within the collective remit of all the above named nations. Similarly, in Kashmir it is clear that Pakistan stoked up the crisis and like usual the angle of America, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia pops up again.

Prem Shankar Jha also comments that another parallel with Kashmir “…is the intervention of hostile foreign powers bent on converting a domestic upsurge demanding political empowerment into a movement for secession or regime change. In Kashmir, Pakistan did this by disarming the JKLF cadres still in training in Muzaffarabad in 1990 and creating the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. In Syria, Turkey and Qatar are funneling money and battle hardened jihadis to start a sectarian war that will overwhelm the state.”

“Last and most important, like New Delhi, Damascus has been trying to prevent civil war by offering the insurgents the alternative of the ballot box. Mr. Assad began, on his own, by lifting all controls on the Internet in January 2011. Over the next six months, he first tried to negotiate peace with the Sunni zealots in Dera’a by sacking the governor and releasing 260 prisoners and 16 clerics, and promising to repeal the Emergency Laws and the ban on political parties that had been in place for 48 years. He fulfilled his first promise five days ahead of schedule on April 20 and his second three months later in July.”

However, while nations like the Russian Federation, Brazil, Iran, and others, supported a political solution to the crisis in Syria it is clear that the enemies of Syria upped the ante and began many terrorist rat-lines. Therefore, Turkey became a major player because the Erdogan government sensed an opportunity to install a compliant Sunni Muslim dominated Sharia state. The same applies to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other nations in the Gulf.

In Bosnia it was reported that over 8,000 international jihadists entered this nation in order to do the bidding of Washington, London, Riyadh, Tehran and Ankara. Turkey was once more dreaming about its historical legacy and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states were enticed by creating majority Muslim states in Europe. In Bosnia the Serbs were facing the might of NATO, international jihadists and the involvement of many hostile nations. America even allowed Iran to fly aircraft into the Balkans in order to support Islamist factions within the Bosnian Muslim forces. It somehow escaped the world that Yugoslavia was trying to preserve the mosaic of various different ethnic and religious groups while outside nations supported religious sectarianism and nationalism. Naturally, this in time spearheaded Serbian nationalism but just like Syria it was outside nations which began to carve up Yugoslavia.

Kosovo and Libya followed the same model because Libyan rebels and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) sprung up from virtually nothing. Likewise, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) which is an amalgamation of many various factions came from nothing overnight. Yet clearly the speed of Islamist forces in Bosnia, developing a powerful Croatian military unit, the growth of the rebels in Libya, the rise of the KLA in Kosovo and the overnight creation of the FSA in Syria were well orchestrated – just like what happened in Kashmir when Pakistan was given the green light to create mayhem against democratic India.

The Council on Foreign Relations states that Militancy in the disputed region of Kashmir has been major fuel for discord between India and Pakistan since the 1980s. Attacks in the region began to increase in scale and intensity following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when foreign insurgents flooded the region to join the Afghan Mujahadeen. The majority Muslim region has its own local militant groups, but experts believe most of the recent Kashmir and Kashmir-based terrorism has been the work of foreign Islamists who seek to claim the region for Pakistan. A spate of Islamist cross-border attacks into Indian-held territory, the December 2001 storming of the Indian parliament in New Delhi, and the 2008 Mumbai attacks have all reinforced Kashmir’s standing as the significant bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Both states have nuclear weapons, making Kashmir one of the world’s most dangerous flashpoints.”

Prem Shankar Jha in another article about the crisis in Syria in the early period of April 2011, states that “the U.S. has been fully aware of the presence of al-Qaeda in the so-called Free Syrian Army since April 20, 2011 when Jihadis captured a truck (or Armoured Personnel Carrier) near Dera’a, and killed all the 18 or 20 soldiers it was carrying not by shooting them but by cutting their throats in the approved Islamic manner. A few days later, the U.S. ambassador in Syria, Robert Ford, called some of his colleagues in Damascus, including the Indian ambassador, and told them that al-Qaeda had arrived in Syria.”

“April 20, however, was only the beginning. All through the summer and autumn of 2011, and throughout 2012, videos posted by the rebels themselves showed that the armed opposition in Syria has been sliding inexorably into the hands of radical Islamists. Thousands of foreign fighters have poured into Syria from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and places as far apart as Pakistan and Chechnya. Syrian television broadcast interviews with numerous young men captured in Homs and elsewhere, who gave graphic descriptions of how they had been recruited by al-Qaeda to fight for Islam against a heretical regime in Syria. The rebels themselves have posted YouTube videos showing them executing captured Syrian soldiers and civilians in the approved manner.”

“But the Obama administration has steadfastly chosen to believe that the jihadis make up only ‘a tiny fraction’ of the Free Syrian Army, and has continued to provide FSA with logistical support, that is, satellite-based information about Syrian troop and VIP movements, and look the other way while Qatar and Saudi Arabia have provided it with guns and mounted pick-up trucks, mortars and RPGs.”

Ironically, the main stumbling block for America is not supporting the Islamist sectarian side which includes Al-Qaeda, but it is history and the need to manipulate the media. After all, Al-Qaeda and the Saudi Arabia angle involving September 11 is clearly obvious and also in Libya this year several American personnel were killed by similar Islamist forces. Therefore, it is very difficult for the Obama administration to be seen to be working hand in hand with the same forces which killed thousands of American troops in Iraq, did September 11 and killed Americans in Libya. Likewise, American troops are being killed in Afghanistan by Islamist factions including the Taliban. This means that media manipulation and covert operations by America, France and the United Kingdom must be very delicate in order to achieve their collective goal of overthrowing the government of Bashar al-Assad.

In modern day Syria it is clear that the FSA and various Islamist factions working within the FSA or individually – have been, and continue to be, involved in horrendous massacres. Indeed, some Islamists are even teaching children to behead captured Syrian soldiers and then they circulate their evil crimes against humanity. The silence of the international community when terrorist attacks are killing civilians is shaming all the nations and media agencies which are siding with the objectives of Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington.

The Syrian armed forces continue to remain loyal to the Syrian government and people of this nation. Therefore, despite all the barbaric realities being installed against this nation the military have somehow managed to preserve all major cities from being taken over by the FSA and various Islamist factions. However, outside nations which are hostile to Syria are still supporting sectarian, international jihadists and sedition against this nation. Indeed, it is clear that outside nations are intent on upping the ante despite the daily terrorist attacks, beheading individuals and hanging people openly in order to install terror in the hearts of Syrians.

Turning back to an earlier Modern Tokyo Times article about Bosnia it was stated that The Bill Clinton administration gave the “green light” for international Islamists to enter Bosnia and Kosovo. In time this would manifest itself with the brutal September 11 attacks against America and other international terrorist attacks like Madrid. Bill Clinton isn’t the only American leader to “support international terrorism from a distance” but clearly it is no coincidence that conflict in Libya, and now in Syria, bare all the same hallmarks of “a marriage of convenience.” This certainly leads to the suspicion that the Clinton family – this time Hillary Clinton along with the “dark shadows” of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski – are following the same ratlines in Syria which have been used in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya.”

Further down in the same article it was stated that The bottom line is simple. September 11, and the ratlines that did this, were the same individuals who were fighting on the same side of America in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo – Simply put, no Bosnian Orthodox Christians and communists in Afghanistan did September 11. On the contrary, individuals involved in September 11 were on the same side in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo – yet this question remains unanswered. Likewise, no accountability! Put frankly, without past American administrations supporting Islamic terrorist ratlines either covertly or by doing nothing to stem the flow of Islamists, then September 11 would never have materialized.”

“It is dangerous therefore to see America once more moving in the same direction related to Syria. The Clinton family connection and the shadows of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski are very troubling because the same modus operandi is happening once more against the people of Syria. Therefore, the lessons learnt from September 11 have been lost and individuals within the chain that enabled this tragic event to happen have escaped their past deeds.”

Overall, Syria needs real support from friendly nations in order to stop the usual collusion between Islamists, Western powers and nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several Gulf nations, from destroying an independent nation state. After all, look at modern day Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya because various factions exist and terrorism is a daily reality in Afghanistan and Iraq. Similarly, look at the reality for Hindu minorities in Kashmir and Orthodox Christian minorities in Kosovo because both can’t freely move around these entities. This means that it is imperative to stop the usual “failed domino system” from destroying secular Syria.


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