vendredi, 04 décembre 2015
Diplomatic rhetoric and the neo-Ottoman strategy of Davutoğlu
Diplomatic rhetoric and the neo-Ottoman strategy of Davutoğlu
The Prime Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu, called for military communication channels with Russia to prevent incidents such as what has happened with the Russian Su-24 bomber. He expressed this before his visit to the occupied part of Cyprus by Turkey, which has a symbolic meaning. Turkey's ambitions to restore its influence are not only focused on part of Syria, but also on the Balkans and the Caucasus
00:05 Publié dans Actualité, Géopolitique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : ahmet davutoglu, turquie, panturquisme, pantouranisme, néo-ottomanisme, levant, asie mineure, méditerranée, proche orient, politique internationale, géopolitique | | |
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