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samedi, 21 août 2010

"Toward the White Republic"

"Toward the White Republic"

Counter-Currents is proud to announce the publication of our first title:

Michael O’Meara’s
Toward the White Republic
Edited by Greg Johnson
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2010
160 pages
hardcover: $30

Note: Toward the White Republic will first be released in a signed, numbered hardcover edition of 100 copies.

Release date: August 17, 2010

“Just as in medieval times it was considered high treason to speak of the death of the king, in the United States it is taboo to contemplate the break-up of the ‘one nation, indivisible.’ Yet in this slim volume of essays Michael O’Meara argues that if the white race is to survive on this continent, the American Empire must perish. Secession is rising from the ashes of 1865, and O’Meara is one of its leading prophets.”
—H. A. Covington, author of the Northwest Quartet

“Michael O’Meara is a thinker of great depth and a writer of extraordinary skill. He is impressively erudite, yet in these essays he wears his learning lightly. He is not a pedant trying to dazzle his readers with arcane and esoteric verbiage. He is a revolutionary, who wants to change the world. His idea of the White Republic as the mythic source and aim of radical cultural-racial regeneration may seem too romantic and too risky to the older generation of American paleo-conservatives and European ethno-nationalists. But if the white man is to retrieve his destiny, it is the only way.”
—Tomislav Sunić, author of Homo americanus


Foreword • iii

From Myth to Revolution
1. Toward the White Republic • 1
2. The Myth of Our Rebirth • 21
3. The Sword • 31
4. The Edge of the Sword • 40
5. Cù Chulainn in the GPO • 47
6. The Northwest Novels of H. A. Covington • 61

Why I am Not a Conservative
7. Why I Write • 71
8. Three Pillars • 77
9. The Next Conservatism? • 87
10. Against White Reformists • 95

Apocalypse American-Style
11. Katrina’s Intimation of the End • 100
12. 2009: Crisis or Opportunity? • 107
13. US, SU: Same Scenario? • 126
14. The Hotrod of the Apocalypse • 140

Call to Arms
15. Foreigners Out! • 148

Index • 151
About the Author • 154

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Firstly, thanks for all your work !

Increasingly there are many citizens who decided to watch the hypocrisy of our world in the face. The mobilization is becoming more and what we can tell, worldwide.
More and more citizens who are determined to show that people have effective means to act, as peacefully as possible, and most importantly, show that alternatives exist and are relatively simple to implement if there a real desire to do so.
To this end, we would like to share with you an initiative.

He is organizing a World boycott on September 7, 2010 and of course, as long as anybody can. Withdraw money from banks, multinational boycott evil, boycott the TV, etc. ... While highlighting that more ethical consumption patterns are possible and do exist! The action will be repeated several times in the near future.

One of the goal is to enlignt the power of the consumer.

All leaflets are in A4 and downloadble here (many languages) ->>
http://img138.imageshack.us/g/anglaiscopier.jpg/ or http://img529.imageshack.us/g/portugalt.jpg/
And a blog including list of contacted website ->>http://worldboycottaction2010.blogspot.com/
A facebook group which coordinates the action ->> http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1088033966#!/group.php?gid=152761024734730&ref=mf

We would simply like you to share or distribute the information.

I said that we do not represent any movement, whether anarchist, fascist or other zeitgeist, we are simply citizens of the world in search of truth and freedom for all.

Sincerely and cordially.

The People awakening

Écrit par : DIDRICH Damien | samedi, 21 août 2010

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