samedi, 19 février 2011
The horizontally totalitarian future-world
The horizontally totalitarian future-world
Last February, by way of an introduction, I put up a post about the great German jurist Carl Schmitt. He is a highly useful guide to the ways of Power. His elucidation of the theoretics of state power in extraordinary times established the framework employed by many, and probably most, thinkers in this, let’s say, increasingly topical field. In particular, Schmitt’s concepts of the decision and the state of exception open up the operation of total power for examination like a dead butterfly on a display board.
As Tom Sunic wrote in Homo Americanus: child of the postmodern age:-
Carl Schmitt ... realized an age old truth; namely, political concepts acquire their true meanings only when the chief political actor, i.e. the state and its ruling class, find themselves in a sudden and unpredictable state of emergency. Then all former interpretations of “self-evident” truths become obsolete. One could witness that after the terrorist attack of 9/11 in America — an event that was never fully elucidated — the ruling class in America used that opportunity to redefine the legal meaning of the expressions “human rights” and “freedom of speech.” After all, is not the best way to curb real civic rights the adoption of abstract incantations, such as “human rights” and “democracy”?
What just about everyone with a triple-digit IQ understands is that the events of 11th September 2001 and the subsequent War on Terror have been ruthlessly exploited throughout the West to advance a profoundly undemocratic and disturbing domestic security agenda. Whether a true state of exception ever existed is highly doubtful. But Power decides what is moral and what is, in a vulgar sense, true. It has decided that its officers shall usurp the legal code at will, and shall stipulate on their own authority the terms under which its citizens go about their business.
I happen to live under the most abusive of any Western government in this respect. The UK authorities have the Civil Contingencies Act already, and a growing DNA database to which it is intent upon adding us all, and on top of that it is constructing the complete surveillance society. But the trend is appearing everywhere.
What this amounts to is an impressively uniform and aggressive war on the defence of civic liberties which have informed Western legal codes for centuries. Its significance is vast and unmistakable: the foundations are being laid for a different kind of political regime, to be conducted in a permanent state of exception. The Executive is strengthening and freeing itself as a body empowered, but in no way constrained, by ad hoc procedural law subject only to official decision.
The big question is: what structure of global/local government will emerge out of this new strength and freedom?
In local, day-to-day terms, it will decide for domestic policy blandness and irrelevance - the towering racial injustice of an anti-white MultiCult make that inevitable. Meanwhile, the moral duty of government and public alike will be directed to far-flung places where “profitable problems” require corporate-military intervention.
To all intents and purposes, this will be a totalitarianism or dictatorship, if only because it must regulate more and more social relations in the interests of racial panmixia in order to resolve the problem of the European natives. But I can’t see how any form of world-wide imperial police state can emerge from the new dispensation, even given the coming of global economic unity.
If one assumes, as I do, that this dispensation represents the deepest political convictions of a diverse, internationalist power elite, and not only the will of bankers and mega-corporations, it is apparent that there is no “centre” capable of, or needful of, global government through a totalitarian vertical heirarchy. Schmitt holds the key. A permanent, global state of exception and the distribution of decision are enough. The governing class will operate as it does today, patronised and informed of its obligations by the higher elites without those elites ever comprising a structured global government themselves.
In a word, the deracinated, de-sovereignised, and legally denuded post-nation ...
“There is no place in modern Europe for ethnically pure states. That is a 19th-century idea, and we are trying to transition into the 21st century, and we are going to do it with multi-ethnic states.”
Wesley Clark, to a CNN reporter in 1999“The president believes the world will be a better place if all borders are eliminated—from a trade perspective, from the viewpoint of economic development and in welcoming [the free movement of] people from other cultures and countries.”
Tom Hogan, president of Vignette Corporation, speaking after a convseration with Bill Clinton in Australia in 2001
... can be governed by a structure no different than the one that governs it now.
The future will, then, continue to be plural, and yet will be totalitarian. Our lives will be free in the ways that we are required to live them, but will be regulated in every other. We shall have “nothing to fear if we are innocent” from a non-law that is subject wholly to the decision of the, of course, always benign official.
Leviathan will command a near borderless world of super-diversity filled with national symbols. And we WILL be happy, although it will be as impossible to struggle for happiness as it will for political freedom.
00:10 Publié dans Philosophie, Théorie politique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : philosophie, théorie politique, politologie, sciences politiques, carl schmitt, totalitarisme | | |
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