vendredi, 21 novembre 2008
Marti Ahtisaari bought by Albanian Mafia

Marti Ahtisaari bought by Albanian Mafia
Marti Ahtisaari, "prix Nobel de la Paix" pour son "action" au Kosovo aurait été acheté par la Mafia albanaise. L'information émane du journal suédois réputé Svenska Dagbladet ainsi que des services de renseignement de la République Fédérale d'Allemagne (le BND).
German Secret Service has found that 2 million Euros (2.68 million USD) have been transfered directly to Ahtisaari’s personal bank account, and that amounts of multi-million Euros were given to the UN envoy in cash on at least two occasions, totaling up to 40 million Euros (over 53 million U.S. dollars).
According to the June 21 article by the Banja Luka daily Fokus, titled "Albanian Mafia Bought Ahtisaari," German Federal Intelligence Service BND (Bundesnachrichtendienst) has recently sent a report to the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon revealing that Albanian separatists and terrorists in Serbian Kosovo-Metohija province have literally purchased Ahtisaari’s plan which suggests independence for the Serbian province and its severing from Serbia.
According to the Fokus’ source, the German BND Secret Service Brigadier Luke Neiman was directly appointed by the German government to designate part of the German Secret Service apparatus to the United Nations Mission in Kosovo, after the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon requested such service. It was, therefore, the UN Secretary-General who received the detailed report about the corruption of his special envoy Martti Ahtisaari.
Reportedly, the BND agents have immediately discovered clear connection and regular contacts between the leading figures of Kosovo Albanian mafia, their subordinates and Martti Ahtisaari. The agents have also established that Ahtisaari has had frequent telephone communications with the Albanian billionaire, mafia boss living in Switzerland Bexhet Pacolli.
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