mercredi, 31 mars 2010
Postmortem Report: a collection of essays by Tomislav Sunic
Postmortem Report: a collection of essays by Tomislav Sunic
You may already know that Tom Sunic’s new book Postmortem Report: cultural examinations from postmodernity has been published. Tom is a fine essayist - among the best we have - and Postmortem Report brings together the best of his work in this format. He asked me to produce some blurb to announce the book here, but I thought a few short passages might be more to your taste. These are what he selected.
From the (suitably straightening) foreword by Kevin MacDonald:
Europeans who have any allegiance to their people and culture cannot stand by and accept this state of affairs. We are approaching an endgame situation in the West. In the United States, people of non-European descent will be the majority in just a few short decades, and the same will happen throughout Europe and other societies established by Europeans since the dawn of the Age of Discovery. At that point, the centuries-old hostilities and resent-ments of non-White peoples toward Whites that Sunic discusses will come to the fore, and the culture and Europe will be irretrievably lost.
We must confront this impending disaster with a sense of psychological intensity and desperation. Reading Tom Sunic’s essays will certainly provide the background for understanding how we got here and perhaps also for finding our way toward the future.
And from the text, a subject which just occasionally gets an airing here:
In conclusion, one could say that, in the very beginning of its development, Judeo-Christian monotheism set out to demystify and desacralize the pagan world by slowly supplanting ancient pagan beliefs with the reign of the Judaic Law. During this century-long process, Christianity gradually removed all pagan vestiges that coexisted with it. The ongoing process of desacralization and the “Entzauberung” of life and politics appear to have resulted not from Europeans’ chance departure from Christianity, but rather from the gradual disappearance of the pagan notion of the sacred that coexisted for a long time with Christianity. The paradox of our century is that the Western world is saturated with Judeo-Christian mentality at the moment when churches and synagogues are virtually empty.
And more:
And yet, we should not forget that the Western world did not begin with the birth of Christ. Neither did the religions of ancient Europeans see the first light of the day with Moses—in the desert. Nor did our much-vaunted democracy begin with the period of Enlightenment or with the proclamation of American independence. Democracy and independence—all of this existed in ancient Greece, albeit in its own unique social and religious context. Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe, also believed in honor, justice, and virtue, although they attached to these notions a radically different meaning.
On two giants of the German revolutionary conservative tradition:
One cannot help thinking that, for Spengler and his likes, in a wider historical context, war and power politics offer a regenerative hope against the pervasive feeling of cultural despair. Yet, regardless of the validity of Spengler’s visions or nightmares, it does not take much imagination to observe in the decadence of the West the last twilight-dream of a democracy already grown weary of itself.
... And what to say about the German centenarian, enigmatic essayist and novelist Ernst Jünger, whom the young Adolf Hitler in Weimar Germany also liked to read, and whom Dr. Joseph Goebbels wanted to lure into pro-Nazi collaboration? Yet Jünger, the aristocratic loner, refused all deals with the Nazis, preferring instead his martial travelogues. In his essay Annäherungen: Drogen and Rausch, Jünger describes his close encounters with drugs. He was also able to cut through the merciless wall of time and sneak into floating eternity. “Time slows down . . . The river of life flows more gently… The banks are disappearing.” While both the French president François Mitterrand and the German chancellor Helmut Kohl, in the interest of Franco-German reconciliation, liked meeting and reading the old Jünger, they shied away from his contacts with drugs.
On the racio-political attack against our people:
The whole purpose of classicism and neoclassicism, particularly in plastic art, but also in philosophy and literature suggested that Europeans had to abide by the cosmic rules of racial form and order. Whatever and whoever departs from order — brings in decadence and death. The word and epithet “racist” and “racism” are usually hurled against White nationalists, never ever scathing other racial non-European out-groups. Over the last fifty years, no effort has been spared by the Western system and its mediacracy to pathologize White Western peoples into endless atonement and perpetual guilt feelings about their White race. The intended goal was to create a perception that all non-European races and out-groups are immune to sentiments of xenophobia or racial exclusion. The incessant anti-White propaganda and the idealization of non-Whites have attained grotesque dimensions, resulting in clinical self-hate and neurotic behavior among the majority of Whites.
And, finally, on the perils of being labelled a “racist”:
Intellectual terror in American colleges is well hidden behind the garb of feigned academic conviviality and the “have-a-wonderful day” rhetoric of superficially friendly peers. Yet it has far more insidious effects than the naked terror I experienced in a drab ex-communist Europe. Apart from being a derogatory, value-laden word that immediately lends itself to an array of catastrophic fantasies and judgment-day scenarios, the word “Nazi” also gives birth to a schizoid behavior among a number of White nationalists, particularly in America. Many of them seriously project in their minds National Socialist Germany as a country populated by Albino-like Nordic Übermenschen possessing a hidden force that could be resuscitated any day either in Patagonia or on astral UFOs. As noted previously in The Occidental Observer, the false reenactment of political events leads to their farcical repetition — with dangerous political consequences. In our postmodernity, the overkill of false images leads to the real kill. The often rowdy and infantile behavior of such “proud Aryan internet warriors” scares off serious White people who could otherwise be of some help in these decisive days of struggle for Western civilization. We must ask ourselves: Cui bono? Who benefits?
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