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lundi, 25 mai 2015

Syrie – Palmyre va-t-elle mourir ?


Syrie – Palmyre va-t-elle mourir ?

Michel Garroté
Politologue, blogueur
Ex: http://www.lesobservateurs.ch

J’ai déjà eu l’occasion d’écrire, d’une part, que l’Administration Obama et l’Union Européenne ne sont pas désireuses de régler la crise syrienne ; et d’autre part, que l’Otan aurait dû mener une négociation secrète avec Poutine sur trois dossiers, et, non pas, sur un seul dossier, à savoir une négociation secrète conjointe sur l’Ukraine, la Syrie et l’Iran. L’Otan ne l’a pas fait - et ne le fera pas - pour deux raisons.

La première raison, c’est qu’Obama fait semblant de combattre l’Etat Islamique (EI) sunnite et qu’il négocie un accord désastreux avec l’Iran chiite, accord qui permettra à ce pays de poursuivre son programme nucléaire clandestin à vocation militaire. Obama favorise les deux branches de l’islam en même temps, la branche sunnite (avec l’Etat Islamique) et la branche chiite (avec l’Iran théocratique), car il veut détruire l’Occident d’ici son départ de la Maison blanche.

La deuxième raison, c’est que l’Union Européenne (UE) a clairement choisi de coopérer avec les musulmans religieux, au détriment des musulmans laïcs. L’UE a signé des accords avec de hauts dignitaires islamiques, accords qui mettent fin à l’islam des dictateurs laïcs au profit des religieux musulmans intégristes. Ainsi, l’UE s’indigne face à Bachar al-Assad et elle s’aligne sur le Qatar.

Cela dit, la crise syrienne me pose un problème. Je l’ai déjà écrit plusieurs fois. Je déteste le clan Assad. Notamment parce que j’ai vu de mes yeux les monstruosités perpétrées par le clan Assad contre les Chrétiens au Liban dans les années 1980. Cela dit, lorsque quelques années plus tard, dans les années 1990, je me suis rendu en Syrie (y compris à Palmyre actuellement menacée par l’Etat Islamique…), j’ai été bien obligé d’admettre que la situation des Chrétiens y était bonne. C’est un paradoxe typiquement levantin. Le clan Assad a voulu chasser les Chrétiens souverainistes du Liban afin de pouvoir annexer ce pays.

Et le même clan Assad, dans son propre pays, la Syrie, a ménagé les minorités, y compris les minorités chrétiennes, du fait que ce clan est lui-même une minorité alaouite dans un pays majoritairement sunnite. Je sais très bien qu’actuellement le clan Assad fait à son propre peuple ce qu’il avait déjà fait pendant plus de quinze ans au peuple libanais. Du reste, à l’époque, j’étais très seul dans ma défense des chrétiens libanais qui semblaient laisser le monde entier indifférent. Et malgré tout, je ne peux pas, aujourd’hui, prendre parti contre le clan Assad que je déteste, car si un Califat islamique lui succède, les Chrétiens de Syrie n’auront plus qu’à faire leurs valises. Et qui les accueillera ? Personne…

Si le clan Assad devait tomber, la Syrie serait peut-être soumise à une partition en plusieurs mini Etats : un Etat sunnite ; un mini-Etat alaouite ; un mini-Etat kurde ; et un mini-Etat chrétien. Ce qui, soit dit en passant, entraînerait, à son tour, sous toute vraisemblance, une partition du Liban en un mini-Etat chiite, un mini-Etat sunnite, un mini-Etat druze et un mini-Etat chrétien (autant de principautés dans le style Andorre, Monaco ou le Lichtenstein…).

Aujourd’hui, en mai 2015, avec les influences de l'Iran, du Qatar, de la Turquie et de l'Arabie saoudite, je n’ai pas la moindre idée de ce qui va se passer en Syrie et au Liban. Cela dit, la chute éventuelle du clan Assad est actuellement considérée, une fois de plus, comme une option possible, parmi d’autres options, elles aussi possibles. Mais je ne verrais pas d’un bon œil -- pour les Chrétiens syriens et libanais, ainsi que pour les Israéliens -- la Syrie demeurer un seul et unique Etat, mais à dominante sunnite et sous la forme d’un Califat islamique…

Michel Garroté, 20 mai 2015


L'Occident facilite la montée de l'État Islamique «afin d'isoler le régime syrien»


L'Occident facilite la montée de l'État Islamique «afin d'isoler le régime syrien»

Auteur : Brad Hoff 
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

L'Occident facilitera la montée de l'État Islamique « afin d'isoler le régime syrien », lit-on dans un document de la Defense Intelligence Agency de 2012.

Très probablement avec l'aide des services saoudiens, ISIL s'attaque à présent à la minorité chiite en Arabie saoudite. L'attaque perpétrée dans une mosquée de la ville de al-Qatif, ce vendredi 22 mai, a fait plus de 20 morts et des dizaines de blessés - Photo : EP

Le lundi 18 mai, Judicial Watch, le groupe de vigilance du gouvernement conservateur, a publié une sélection de documents autrefois classifiés obtenus du Département américain de la Défense et du Département d'État grâce à un procès fédéral.

Alors que les grands médias se concentraient sur le traitement par la Maison Blanche de l'attaque du consulat de Benghazi, un bien plus « grand tableau » se dégage de la lecture d'un document de la Defense Intelligence Agency rédigé en 2012 : à savoir que l'avènement d'un « État islamique » dans l'est de la Syrie est souhaitable pour que l'Occident puisse arriver à ses fins dans la région.

De manière surprenante, le rapport récemment déclassifié stipule que pour « l'Occident, les pays du Golfe et la Turquie [qui] soutiennent l'opposition [syrienne]... il y a la possibilité d'établir une principauté salafiste officielle ou pas, dans l'est de la Syrie (Hasaka et der Zor), et c'est exactement ce que veulent les puissances qui soutiennent l'opposition, afin d'isoler le régime syrien ... ».

Le rapport de la DIA, anciennement classé « SECRET // NOFORN* » et daté du 12 août 2012, a été largement diffusé dans les divers organes gouvernementaux, y compris CENTCOM, la CIA, le FBI, le DHS, NGA, le Département d'État et beaucoup d'autres.

Le document montre que, dès 2012, le renseignement américain avait prédit la montée de l'État Islamique en Irak et au Levant (ISIL ou ISIS), mais au lieu de désigner clairement le groupe comme un ennemi, le rapport considère le groupe terroriste comme un atout stratégique américain.

Bien qu'un certain nombre d'analystes et de journalistes documentent depuis longtemps le rôle des agences de renseignement occidentales dans la formation et l'entrainement de l'opposition armée en Syrie, ce document constitue la confirmation par les plus hautes sphères du Renseignement étasunien de l'idée que les gouvernements occidentaux voient essentiellement ISIS comme le meilleur moyen de parvenir à un changement de régime en Syrie. Non seulement ce document le dit clairement mais il le dit comme si c'était la chose la plus naturelle qui soit.

Des preuves matérielles, des vidéos, ainsi que les récents aveux de hauts fonctionnaires impliqués (voir l'aveu de l'ancien ambassadeur de la Syrie, Robert Ford), ont, depuis, prouvé que le soutien matériel des terroristes d'ISIS sur le champ de bataille syrien par le Département d'État et la CIA remonte à au moins 2012 et 2013 (pour un exemple clair de « preuves matérielles » : voir le rapport de l'organisation anglaise, Conflict Armement Research, qui, en remontant la trace des roquettes anti-chars croates récupérées auprès de combattants ISIS, est arrivée à un programme conjoint CIA /Arabie Saoudite via des numéros de série identifiables).

On peut résumer ainsi les points clés du rapport de la DIA, concernant « ISI » (en 2012 : « Etat Islamique en Irak ») et son futur compère ISIS, qui vient d'être déclassifié :
Al-Qaïda conduit l'opposition en Syrie
L'Occident s'identifie avec l'opposition
L'établissement d'un État Islamique naissant n'est devenu réalité qu'avec la montée de l'insurrection syrienne (il n'y a aucune raison de penser que le retrait des troupes américaines d'Irak ait joué le rôle de catalyseur dans l'essor de l'État Islamique, comme l'affirment d'innombrables politiciens et experts ; voir la section 4 .D. ci-dessous)
La mise en place d'une « principauté salafiste » en Syrie orientale est « exactement » ce que veulent les puissances extérieures qui soutiennent l'opposition (identifiées comme « l'Occident, les pays du Golfe, et la Turquie ») pour affaiblir le gouvernement d'Assad
Il est suggéré de créer des « lieux de refuge sûrs » dans les zones conquises par les insurgés islamistes comme cela a été fait en Libye (ce qui dans les faits, se traduit par une soi-disant zone d'exclusion aérienne comme premier acte d'une « guerre humanitaire » ; voir 7.B.)
L'Irak est identifié à « l'expansion chiite » (de 8.C)
Un « « état islamique » sunnite pourrait empêcher « l'unification de l'Irak » et pourrait « faciliter à nouveau l'entrée d'éléments terroristes de tout le monde arabe dans l'arène irakienne. » (Voir la dernière ligne du PDF.)

Ce qui suit est extrait du rapport de sept pages déclassifié de la DIA : - R 050839Z 12 août
La situation générale :

A. A l'intérieur, les événements prennent une tournure clairement sectaire.
B. Les Salafistes [sic], Les Frères musulmans et Al-Qaïda – Irak, sont les forces principales de l'insurrection en Syrie.
C. L'Occident, les pays du Golfe et la Turquie soutiennent l'opposition, tandis que la Russie, la Chine et l'Iran soutiennent le régime.
3. (C) Al-Qaïda – Irak (IQA) : ... B. IQA soutient l'opposition syrienne depuis le début, à la fois idéologiquement et dans les médias ...
4. (D). IQA a perdu du terrain dans les provinces de l'ouest de l'Irak en 2009 et 2010 ; Cependant, après la montée de l'insurrection en Syrie, les pouvoirs religieux et tribaux régionaux ont sympathisé avec le soulèvement sectaire. Cette (sympathie) s'est concrétisée par l'appel à bénévoles pour soutenir les sunnites [sic] en Syrie, dans les sermons du vendredi.
7. (C) Hypothèses sur le développement futur de la crise :
A. le régime va survivre et garder le contrôle du territoire syrien.
B. Evolution de la situation actuelle en guerre par procuration : ... les forces d'opposition tentent de contrôler les zones orientales (Hasaka et Der Zor), qui touchent les provinces irakiennes orientales (Mossoul et Anbar), en plus des frontières turques voisines. Les pays occidentaux, les pays du Golfe et la Turquie soutiennent ces efforts. Cette hypothèse, qui est le plus probable étant donné ce que nous savons des événements récents, permettra de préparer des lieux de refuges sûrs sous contrôle international comme cela a été fait en Libye quand Benghazi a été choisi comme centre de commande du gouvernement provisoire.
8. (C). Si la situation se détériore, on pourra établir une principauté salafiste officielle ou pas, dans l'est de la Syrie (Hasaka et Der Zor), Et c'est exactement ce que veulent les puissances qui soutiennent l'opposition, afin d'isoler le régime syrien qui est considéré comme l'extrémité stratégique de l'expansion chiite (Irak et l'Iran)
8. (D.1). ... ISI pourrait aussi constituer un État islamique en s'unissant avec d'autres organisations terroristes en Irak et en Syrie, ce qui mettrait gravement en danger l'unification de l'Irak et la défense de son territoire.

Note :

* no foreign nationals : ne pas communiquer aux étrangers

Drieu La Rochelle, legittimo suicidio di un vero ribelle


Drieu La Rochelle, legittimo suicidio di un vero ribelle

Pronunci il nome e sai di toccare un nervo scoperto. Pierre Drieu la Rochelle; suona così bene, peccato che un certo riduzionismo lo abbia liquidato con un epitaffio: il fascista morto suicida.  Così l’élite italiana ha consegnato al ghetto degli impresentabili uno dei più talentuosi scrittori francesi della prima metà del Novecento. Per fortuna in Francia è andata altrimenti: a Parigi si usa prima considerare il valore di uno scrittore, poi l’appartenenza politica e non viceversa.  Perciò a Drieu anziché l’oblio è toccata la gloria.

Alle prefiche dell’italico e dominante culto unico ex comunista, sempre in cerca di malpensanti da fustigare e di eroi liberal da santificare, ree di aver consegnato la gran parte dei libri di Drieu ai piccoli editori, si consiglia di sbirciare il catalogo di Gallimard. Ci sono le opere complete nella Bibliothèque de la Pléiade, mai comparse nella versione italiana Einaudi-Gallimard, e poi romanzi, racconti, poesie, saggi. Insomma, neanche una virgola della produzione dello scomodo normanno è stata trascurata. Nel 1963 il regista Louis Malle lo consegna all’olimpo degli immortali girando il magistrale Le feu follet, tratto dal capolavoro di Drieu, in Italia disponibile – almeno questo – presso un editore di grande diffusione come Mondadori con il titolo Fuoco Fatuo.

Drieu.jpgDi recente è uscita una sua biografia a firma di Antonio Serena, Drieu aristocratico e giacobino, per i tipi della Settimo Sigillo, nota casa editrice di estrema destra. Tuttavia è doveroso strappare questo cattivo maestro alle opposte tifoserie politiche per consegnarlo al posto che merita. Pierre Drieu la Rochelle, nato nel 1893 a Parigi in una famiglia piccolo borghese e nazionalista di antica fede napoleonica, è uno dei figli migliori della generazione perduta. E’ vissuto tra le due guerre: è stato ferito nella prima e si è tolto la vita sul finire della seconda, per l’esattezza il 15 marzo 1945, dopo aver ingerito una dose letale di Fenobarbital. Tutto ciò che lo riguarda, come letterato e come uomo, è accaduto durante quella pace “fatua” andata in scena a Parigi tra le due guerre. Amico di Louis Aragon e André Malraux, dei dadaisti e dei surrealisti, dandy delle serate alla moda, marito fallimentare, amante di donne piacenti e ricche, Drieu in fondo è passato nel secolo breve senza legarsi ad alcuno, fedele alla sua spietata coerenza.

Coerenza nello stile, innanzitutto. Nei suoi romanzi – tra i più importanti si ricordino Gilles, Cani di paglia, Le memorie di Dirk Raspe e il già menzionato capolavoro, Fuoco fatuo – non si sa bene se per indole o per scelta, Drieu non sperimenta. Niente a che vedere con un altro cattivo maestro, Céline: il francese è per lui una bandiera di continuità con la storia e con il passato della patria adorata, servita stando dalla parte sbagliata perché in fondo quella giusta non c’è. Periodare breve e schietto, punteggiatura immacolata, idioma pulito, intelligibile.

Non avrebbe potuto essere altrimenti. Sodale delle avanguardie nelle scorribande notturne questo biondo alto, elegante e attraente, aveva scelto di vivere e di morire per il suo paese e per l’Europa intera. Credeva che soltanto il nazi-fascismo avrebbe potuto arginare la mentalità americana in cui, veggente involontario, vedeva profilarsi l’imperialismo e la fine della civiltà del vecchio continente. Quindi, dove rifugiarsi? In un meditato nichilismo, in un anarchismo individualista che lo pone all’avanguardia – lui, che era conservatore – nella letteratura e nel pensiero a livello internazionale.

Spietatamente moderno dunque. In la Rochelle si realizza l’identità tra arte e vita. L’esistenza di Drieu si spiega nei suoi libri. Basta leggere Stato civile e Racconto segreto per capirlo. Scritti il primo nel 1921, il secondo tra il ’44 e il ‘45, sono diari in cui traspare quella che è comunemente ritenuta la sua ossessione per il suicidio. Non è da escludersi che la Rochelle risulti scomodo quanto un tizzone ardente tra le mani più per questa volontà, apparsa già nell’infanzia e poi ponderata con filosofica intelligenza nel corso degli anni, che non per il collaborazionismo. Sarebbe facile dire che si è ucciso per sfuggire a un processo sommario ormai inevitabile dopo lo sbarco in Normandia. Lo sarebbe, se lui non avesse messo nero su bianco le sue intenzioni e il suo paese non avesse avuto il merito di continuare a ristamparle.

drieuVT_Journal-1939-1945_8664.jpegL’opera di Drieu è una scomoda riflessione sul togliersi la vita. E tutto ciò con il senno di poi sembra rispecchiare la crisi autolesionistica che attraversa l’Occidente. Il bello è che lui credeva nell’immortalità dell’anima, anche se in senso più induista che cristiano. Accanto al suo cadavere fu trovata una copia delle Upanishad. Drieu aveva cercato, affacciandosi alla filosofia, al cristianesimo, infine alle tradizioni dell’estremo oriente, senza trovare una via d’uscita. La sua letteratura dice questa ricerca. Dalle Memorie di Dirk Raspe, in cui racconta Vincent Van Gogh, grande suicida, a Fuoco Fatuo, in cui la morte dello scrittore surrealista Jacques Rigaut, suo sodale, è il presupposto per scrivere di getto i pensieri di un uomo incapace di appartenere alla realtà e di amare perché “non può toccare niente” e soltanto la pistola è finalmente reale, un oggetto solido attraverso cui realizzare finalmente qualcosa di tangibile. Ed eccolo, terribile e crudele, l’unico atto possibile per chi non ha più ideali né dei. Stiano zitti i medici, semmai a chi vuole leggere Drieu consiglino di tenere a portata di mano un flacone di antidepressivi, ma per carità non lo si liquidi con l’etichetta del depresso.

Drieu era lucido. Aveva deciso da giovane di andarsene prima di invecchiare, con pagana deferenza per la sua bellezza e un narcisismo a dir poco attuali. In Racconto segreto cerca di dimostrare la validità delle sue intenzioni muovendosi tra Baudelaire, “il poeta della meditazione”, e Dostoevskij, nel dilemma di “cristiano o suicida, credente o ateo”, dicendosi felice di aver evitato di togliere il disturbo nella “frittata collettiva” della trincea per scegliere infine una morte aristocratica, filosofica, come onorevole via d’uscita da un mondo che a suo avviso non gli apparteneva. Con un salto all’indietro e neanche troppa fantasia, bisogna ammettere che se proprio gli si deve affibbiare un’etichetta può andar bene quella dello stoicismo. Se la mia patria e le idee di cui sono figlio sono destinate all’oblio, è inutile aggrapparsi alla vita: è ridicolo sopravvivere a se stessi. Drieu muore un po’ come Seneca e Catone, con distacco e dopo una ferma e meditata scelta. Un atto di estrema e violenta libertà, inquietante, scomodo, deprecabile, ma in cui dimostra ancora una volta una spietata coerenza: la patria e le idee sono perdute, tuttavia la vita è mia e ne dispongo come meglio credo. Certo il suo alter ego, Alain-Jacques Rigaut, in Fuoco fatuo si rifugia nella droga e nell’alcol, quindi è un debole. Ma in fondo va bene anche questo. La sobrietà non è contemplata nell’arte della decadenza. Perché gli antieroi di Drieu sono attuali almeno quanto quelli narrati dai suoi stanchi epigoni involontari. Tutta gente che si metterebbe le mani nei capelli, se fosse consapevole di scimmiottare un uomo vissuto molto tempo fa: un fascista morto suicida.

Ezra Pound and the Corporate State


Ezra Pound and the Corporate State

In a modern world subject to the numerical vagaries of bad credit and unbalanced algorithms, the Fibonacci number offers a pattern of sanity and intrigue. Know also as the Golden Spiral, this pattern appears as a perfect and dynamic model of order visible in creation, yet also demonstrates the intriguing attribute of having no beginning and no end. The spiral implies that from the micro to the macrocosm exist a fundamental and unbroken connection, implying a correlation between the health of one’s cellular structure and the socio-political forms of global order. Whereas Aristotle spoke of the Golden Mean, the Golden Spiral describes arrangements of natural phenomena ranging from the seed pod arrangement of a pinecone to spiral galaxies such as the milky way.

Somewhere along this ‘divine proportion’ has emerged what the great American poet Ezra Pound called a “canker corrupting all things”, leaving both cell and state compromised. CONTRA NATURAM! Lincoln called it “a black spot on the soul of a nation”. What Pound refers to is a subject and condition that has been poisoning the worlds cellular structure since homo sapien emerged, but has been successfully resisted until the past millennium brought forth an overpowering method of human economic interaction that is guaranteeing the eventual ecological collapse of the earth, with social collapse already a global visible phenomenon. It is an age which Pound says is characterized by the need “to sell, and sell quickly”. The acceleration of industry by usury which the modern world is built upon has led to the securitization of vast swathes of the earth’s surface, bringing forth untold trillions of apparent wealth, while leaving behind poisonous rivers and species extinction; an age in which even the air is tainted with industrial excess. Debt, the delayed contact with reality, allows men to profit off the future, Pound says to “rake in the profits resulting from changes in the values in the monetary units”. A 2006 US senate report noted that as much as 60% of the oil price rise since the early 2000’s were due to the activities of investment banks speculating on the oil futures market.

The poet offers us a Malapartian blend of fact and fiction, a tapestry weaving together historic truths with intelligent composition, creating the epic of the Cantos written over 50 years. His writings offer insights into economics, history, culture and the meaning of language. His enemy is usury, the enemy of freedom, his allies – none save his mind, which was declared lost in 1945, “when the raft broke and the waters went over me”, a charge which inspired the poet towards greater heights. Pound begins Cantos XLV “With usura hath no man a house of good stone each block cut smooth and well fitting that design* might cover their face”. If the absence of design is the mark of finance-capitalism then one understands that there is no end goal in sight, no purpose to be fulfilled, just rampant profiteering.”With usura is no clear demarcation” declares the poet; the lines between low and high, between ugly and beauty, between extinction and survival have been severed.

Discrimination, as Ian Dallas writes, forms the basis of sanity. R.D. Laing defined madness as the sane response to an insane situation. The madness of contemporary leadership is evident in their fundamentalist belief held in the magical brilliance of paper-money and democracy, while increasingly vast slums of the urban poor lead to new warfighting doctrines being developed by the state. Civil unrest, poverty and the imposition of draconian laws by a self serving state mean that the masses find themselves in a situation where citizen and terrorist are both addressed via uniform methods owing to budget-deficit enforced standardization protocols. In America, SWAT teams were once present only in the largest cities, now every mid sized city has one, routinely employing them in day to day activities such as the serving of warrants, with deadly consequences. Matt Apuzzo writes that “police departments have received tens of thousands of machine guns; nearly 200,000 ammunition magazines; thousands of pieces of camouflage and night-vision equipment; and hundreds of silencers, armored cars and aircraft.” with the result that the hardened American soldier returning home finds airport security using the same M4 assault rifles as he used in Afghanistan.

Pound writes that “with usura hath no man a painted paradise on his church wall”. With empty churches being converted to banks across Europe, and banks built like cathedrals, a paradise aspired to has become a laughed at chapter in history. Marx wrote that money has itself been endowed “with the properties of a quasi-religious nature”. Sheldon Wolin writes that under the corporate state “a giant corporation includes prayer sessions for its executives while evangelicals meet in franchised congregations while millionaire preachers extol the virtues of capitalism”

Paraphrasing Karl Polanyi, the American activist Chris Hedges writes that capitalism “turns human beings and the natural environment into commodities. This ensures the destruction of both society and the natural environment. The ecosystem and human beings become objects whose worth is determined solely by the market. They are exploited until exhaustion or collapse occurs. A society that no longer recognizes that the natural world and life have a sacred dimension, an intrinsic value beyond monetary value, commits collective suicide. Such societies cannibalize themselves.” The internal cannibalism of the united states, as evident in such dreadful carcass of Detroit testify to the reality of great lands under siege by usura.

If we may take a democratic approach to world history we may find interest in the fact that the majority have for the majority of the time found value in the belief that behind the perceived order or disorder of existence lay something beyond themselves, a sacred ‘design’ around which were built temples and civilizations. The loss of the divine has not been without consequence. James Mossman’s suicide note famously read “I can’t bear it any more, though I don’t know what ‘it’ is.”

The towering figure of Sheldon Wolin, a retired political science professor from Yale, has called the phenomena of our free society an “inverted totalitarianism” which stands in direct comparison with the classic totalitarianism of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. His extraordinary book of the same name explores layer by layer the social outcomes of advanced finance-capitalism as reflected in the world greatest inverted totalitarian regime, the land of his birth. What he documents is a phase in social organization that every capitalist state will eventually pass through, en route to harsher forms of control and financial insecurity. The correlation of debt to totalitarianism seems to be in the 21st century a valid theorem when evaluating the social costs of capitalism.



The defend the present with reference to socialisms failure is to divert attention from the de facto extension of state control over life towards the utopian belief in social and political freedom enshrined in a humanist doctrine espousing liberty, de jure. Inverted totalitarianism is the outcome of “investing de facto power with authority”. When money is power, government becomes the formal face of governance, but is itself beholden to real power originating elsewhere. In the inverted totalitarianism created by finance-capitalism, “economics trumps politics” as opposed to classical totalitarianisms where the economy is an instrument in the service of the political leader. Wolin writes that in this system “the leader is not the architect of the system but its product”.

The question of debt is not some sentimental affair dramatised by the stage antics of Bono and Blair, nor private in the case of ones personal debt or the national debt as a technical problem concerning the citizen of “his” nation. Patriotism quickly vanishes when the reality of the corporate state is understood. The question of debt reaches into the very DNA of the modern state and can be seen as the cause and effect of much social ill as well as the inevitable driver of every capitalist state towards harsher forms of control. Debt has been likened to a delayed contact with reality. This places today’s much vaunted ‘personal freedoms’ into a saner context: one day it will catch up with us because the imbalance that promotes unconstrained sexual freedom is the same that allows the unconstrained rape of the ecosystem.

As the corporate state oversees the wholesale sale of the nation and its prosperity, the resulting disintegration will necessitate the fusion of corporate monopoly with the security apparatus of the state, leading to the inverted totalitarianism of capitalist society. The media will explain that certain restrictions and draconian laws will be implemented in order to save our free societies. To prepare us for our the protection of our freedoms the state will offer us democratic accountability: the narrative states that our debt is the reason that we are collapsing as a society, a truth experienced personally by billions of the worlds poor. Cutbacks to pay off debt means that social welfare becomes a distant memory and decent jobs a privilege reserved for the faithful few. We will all pay the price as a collective, and we will maintain the respect for the law as is befitting a nation, and that those who do not endure patiently the remedy, will be processed by an efficient legal system which makes outlaws of those flaws in the system.

The privatized prison industry is one of the most worrying indicators of social malfunction. The constraint effects of debt and the jail cell were both issues experienced by the poet. “No man who has passed a month in the death cells believes in cages for beasts”, Pound said of his time in the open air holding cells of the American military. The death-cell was the experience given to Pound by the incipient American corporate state. His freedom denied, Pound found in his shackles the reality of the corporate state; those who trespass beyond the narrow confines of the economic motif fall outside the definitional framework of a money-civilization and are incarcerated; the dangerous masses through debt and exceptional individuals within concrete walls.


Whereas Carl Schmitt spoke of the ‘total state’ penetrating every aspect of society, Wolin speaks to us of a corporate state where every aspect of human life, from religion to culture, to people, become commodified, becomes exploitable, to turn a profit. When every aspect of life becomes subject to an economic determinism, when our impulses and physical movements are all in tune with market forces, then the corporate state has imposed a brilliant coup de etat, in effect rewriting society according to the dictates of one aspect of the human existence; making money, and exalted it above all else, creating the one dimensional man who’s dependence upon credit fosters the necessity of the credit industry. Matt Tabibi writes of America showing a “culture that is slowly giving in to a futuristic nightmare ideology of computerized greed and unchecked financial violence.”

If the illogical drive towards ecological collapse is not the intention of the financial elite, then we may find uncomfortable comfort in Wolin’s explanation that this system is perpetuated by “power-holders and citizens who often seem unaware of the deeper consequences of their actions or inaction”. This economic determinism underpinning the subconscious of modern man is visible at the political level where any social challenge is addressed via recourse to a ‘budget’ allocation. Where the destruction of Amazonian rainforests are measured in the billions of dollars and where climate change proposals are ignored as too expensive.

Survival is an instinct which has been lost by economic man. This was not lost on Carl Schmitt who witnessed the political extinction of a German republic which could not protect itself against an adversary using constitutional means to destroy the constitution. His nation’s fascist destiny was not beyond the powerful undercurrents of a European civilization succumbing to ‘market forces’. Karl Polanyi wrote that “fascism, like socialism, was rooted in a market society that refused to function.”

Whereas Carl Schmitt sought to protect the “political” from the corroding affects of a financial philosophy of history, Wolin writes that in the corporate state “It is politics all of the time but a politics largely untempered by the political”, low voter turnout but a simple indicator that the uneducated masses even know that what they are given as politics” is a media spectacle necessary for the holographic flame of democracy to stay lit. With the death of politics traditionally understood, anacyclosis as defined by Polybius has been supplanted by market forces, with its own cyclical logic visible on the stock market.

The corporate state may be defined as a mixed constitution of plutocracy, oligarchy and democracy with a state security apparatus which serves the front of the most powerful interests within that state. While a mixed constitution might appear as the recommended means of fostering stability by delaying the painful stages of political cycles, the peculiar nature of financial capitalism fosters a regime which Polybius would have rejected outright as tyrannical in the extreme; one of his negative regimes favoring the few over the many; the corporate state is by design anti-democratic.


Pound wrote that “The Scientists are in terror and the European mind stops”. It is significant that the monied narrative struck at the popular heart of western civilization by examining in minute details the debt problems in modern Greece. Our prized rationality itself seems to be undergoing restructuring as the home of the Acropolis sees right wing thugs carrying clubs and knives to “cleanse” the streets of this once great city. That citizens might employ vigilante violence against non-Greeks to cure a problem caused by the diseased logic of fiat money means that modern education has successfully forced us to equate squares with triangles, allowing easy reception to that other equation of freedom equals democracy and free markets. According to Wolin, inverted totalitarianism is the inevitable political form of capitalism.

In the maelstrom of these unfolding events, society should remember that even the Ancients Greeks had divine recourse; inscribed above the entrance of the Temple of Apollo was the exhortation “know thyself”, and as millions of activists worldwide strive to correct these wrongs, we would do well to remember the exhortation of Odysseus; “hold fast, my heart, you have endured worst suffering”.

*design/delight according to different versions of the text

Spanish version below

See also this old interview with Sheldon Wolin, and then buy his book

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-wlHB6jSe7s https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6HMQM7Lo58

Featured image from https://shapersofthe80s.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/roberts-vorticistseiffel1915.jpg

Débardeurs et Sweatshirts


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