dimanche, 26 juin 2016
New Silk Road or New World War for NATO Colonies?
New Silk Road or New World War for NATO Colonies?
Ex: https://gianalytics.org
The Trans-Atlantic community is now faced with a choice which, if answered incorrectly, may condemn humanity to an early extinction
This choice lies between two paradigms: 1) Continuing down the path of militarism and monetarism that have become characteristic governing principles of the system dominating those economies of Europe and North America; or 2) accept the offers made by countries affiliated with the Russia-China-India alliance which has established an alternative security and economic framework for “win-win cooperation” based on a revival of the 2000 year old Silk Road. This new paradigm has many facets and integrating parts, but is unified around the principle of developmental, long-term visionary projects tied within the “One Belt-One Road” and its global extensions, known increasingly as the “World Landbridge,” across every continent on the face of the earth.
The Fog of War settles on a Myopic Europe
On May 11th, Romanian officials were joined by the chiefs of NATO and the US military establishment to inaugurate the new Aegis Ashore Ballistic Missile Defense installation which has been in the works for many years and which Russian military officials have openly warned is recognized as an existential threat to Russia’s survival. This system is part of a broad array of aggressive Anglo-American maneuvers aimed at winning a “limited” thermonuclear war with Russia and its Chinese ally.
Within this array of military programs, the USA has not only quadrupled its Eastern European military systems from $750 million to $3.5 billion, and has put a $1 Trillion nuclear weapons modernization plan in action, which includes stationing new B61-12 bombers and tactical nuclear weapons in Germany. It has also led the permanent establishment of 4000 rotating troops comprising Ukrainian, Lithuanian and other soldiers stationed in Lithuania, a program recognized by many military analysts as a new Operation Barbarossa. Already $100 billion over ten years has been spent by the United States on this military infrastructure encircling both Russia and China.
NATO officials on the scene were quick to dismiss Russia’s concerns that its strategic nuclear response capabilities were being threatened, as American Deputy Defense Secretary, Bob Work stated: “This site, nor the site in Poland, has any capability- none whatsoever- to undermine Russia’s strategic deterrent.” While that may be true in the present, Russia’s ambassador to NATO Alexander Grushko was quick to point out this line of reasoning as fraudulent when he retorted: “By deploying the MK-41 universal launchers, capable of launching medium-range missiles, at the Aegis Ashore facilities, the US is seriously undermining the treaty of Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces”[1] . This system must not be conceptualized outside of a top-down evaluation of America’s global military encirclement of Russia’s eastern border and that of its greatest ally, China, with the expansion of THAAD missile systems in South Korea and military buildup in Japan, Philippines and Australia advancing quickly under the military title of “Air-Sea Battle”.
The explicit danger of World War and the refutation of Bob Work’s claim of non-aggression were made additionally clear by NATO’s Commander General Sir Philip Breedlove on April 1st, 2016 in Latvia, when commenting on the 4000 troop permanently deployed in Eastern Europe, Breedlove stated:
We are prepared to fight and win if we have to… our focus will expand from assurance to deterrence, including measures that vastly improve our readiness… to the east and north we face a resurgent and aggressive Russia, and as we have continued to witness these last two years, Russia continues to seek to extend its influence on its periphery and beyond.
Sir Breedlove was most recently joined by NATO’s former Deputy Supreme Commander Sir Richard Sherrif who also revealed the plan to go to war with Russia during a speech promoting his new book 2017: War With Russia. Sir Sherrif exclaimed on May 18 that a nuclear war with Russia is likely within the coming year.
Other Russian military analysts have been even more candid than Ambassador Grushko in the Russian assessment of the motive behind the NATO war plan. One such analyst is Putin-advisor, and co-architect of the Eurasian Economic Union[2] Sergei Glaziev, who in an interview with Lenta.ru (republished in English on Russia Insider), has pinpointed correctly that the information war, economic war, and NATO missile shield buildup are the direct consequences of a collapsing bubble economy.
The economic entities that dominate in the US, serving a financial oligarchy, have destabilized the American monetary and financial system, which defaults about twice a year. The causes of the global financial crisis of 2008 have not disappeared and the American debt bubble — financial pyramids composed of derivatives and the national debt —are still growing… This is what American geopoliticians study in the State Department and the White House, continuing to look at the world through the prism of both the Cold War and British confrontations with Russia and Germany in the nineteenth century, and now the US is unleashing another world war.
Glaziev goes on to call for a new paradigm of cooperation via large-scale economic development modeled on what China has done with the New Silk Road, and the newly emerging Eurasian the Economic Union and Trans-Eurasian Economic Belt[3].
China’s New Silk Road Miracle
In recent years, China has demonstrated a creative talent for economic performance as it has not only lifted 600 million people (over half of its population) out of poverty, but has made the New Silk Road a global, open concept which has provided a viable rescue plan for NATO countries locked in the crossfire of nuclear war who see no long-term hope for a future within a collapsing Eurozone. Latvia, Hungary, Poland, Czech Republic and other Eastern European countries are currently signing multi-billion dollar deals for infrastructure, high-tech and energy programs which are pulling their nations’ leadership out of the closed system cage of Troika/Wall Street/NATO dictatorship and into a new alignment with the new paradigm of win-win cooperation. China has already built 18,000 km of high-speed rail and has extended its program to Pakistan, Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran and other middle eastern countries that have been targeted for regime change by Western Neo-Con/Neo-Liberal ideologues.
China’s $46 billion infrastructure plan already includes a project to double Pakistan’s energy supply, construct new ports across the Pacific and Indian Oceans, and extend nearly a trillion dollars of investment into long-term development of countries along the beltway (representing over 4.4 billion people).
The Case for Canada
The same choice which NATO colonies in Europe are faced with is also confronting the leadership of Canada: Join the New Silk Road, or get dragged ever deeper into an un-winnable war and the economic disintegration of an imperial casino economy.
On April 16th, 2016 Canada’s Defense Minister Harjit Sajjan announced that the NORAD-NATO Ballistic Missile Shield program, rejected in 2005 under the former Liberal government of Paul Martin, will be revived under the 2017 Defense Policy Review. A summary reading of the official 30 page public consultation document reveals clearly that Canada’s defense establishment not only continues to adhere to the Neo-Con narrative of Russia’s “aggressive, belligerent behavior in Ukraine and the Arctic”, but that in the face of such “threats”, Canada must integrate ever closer with NORAD and revive the dossier on Arctic Ballistic Missile Defense. The document reads:
One issue that has not been considered by Canada for over a decade concerns ballistic missile defense. Given the increase in the number of countries with access to ballistic missile technology and their potential to reach North America, this threat is expected to endure and grow more sophisticated in coming decades.” The document ends with the question: “In accordance with its 2005 decision, Canada does not participate in the US ballistic missile defense system for the defense of North America. Should this decision be revisited given the changing technologies and threats?
Canada’s former Defense Minister Bill Graham, who formerly resisted the Dick Cheney-led BMD program in 2005, has now become one of many converts to the program and has been appointed by the Cabinet of Justin Trudeau to the panel of four experts overseeing the of Defense policy review.
China’s Steps In… again
In the face of such a self-destructive agenda, the same brilliant remedy has been offered to Canada as has been presented to countries of Europe by the government of China- namely, the offer to join the New Silk Road!
On May 10th, Chinese Ambassador to Canada Luo Zhaohui, speaking on behalf of the Chinese government, wrote a powerful op-ed for the Asia Pacific Foundation called “The Belt and Road Initiative: A Blueprint for “Win-Win” Cooperation in the New Era”. In his editorial, Ambassador Zhaohui called directly for Canada to join this new paradigm:
The Belt and Road initiative is a new type of cooperation mechanism. China will follow the principles of openness, cooperation, harmony, inclusiveness, mutual benefit and win-win cooperation. The development programs under the initiative framework are not exclusive but are open to all interested countries or parties, be it from regions along the route or other parts of the world… Some Canadian friends said to me that as Canada and China are Pacific neighbors, the Belt, and Road initiative means a lot of opportunities for Canada as well. In view of the progress that has been made in China-Canada cooperation in all fields over the years, Canada can build on its advantages in resources and technology to strengthen cooperation with Asian countries in such areas as infrastructure development, industrial investment, energy resources, financing, people-to-people exchanges and advanced manufacturing…In the meantime, China and Canada could jointly explore ways and means to extend the Belt and Road to North America [bold added by author].
Canada’s involvement in the New Silk Road is shaped by our strategic location on the Maritime Silk Road on the Pacific side of the continent with British Columbia playing a key energy role with the Pacific Gateway Strategy and on the Northern land-based component known as the “Arctic New Silk Road.” Canada plays a critical role in the Arctic Silk Road, which involves the completion of a century-long program for the continental American-Eurasian integration called the Bering Strait rail tunnel. This is a program which was advocated by the Schiller Institute since the early 1980s and has been officially revived by China since 2014.
China is not alone in this perspective. Last year, Russian Ambassador to the United Kingdom Dr. Yakovenko sent a clear message to Canada and other Arctic powers, calling on Arctic nations to abandon militarization, in favor of collaboration on economic benefits and diplomacy (Full article here). Ambassador Yakovenko wrote:
Some Western leaders have called on NATO to expand the area of responsibility in the Arctic direction, something that contradicts the current trend of keeping the Arctic free of military competition… and unfortunately is used as a tool of propaganda against Russia… We hope that the significant achievements of the Arctic Council will remain the basis for global cooperation on the development of the Arctic region as a unique natural zone in a peaceful, non-politicized fashion and the benefit of all mankind.
The options for nations in the Trans Atlantic zone are clear: Join the new era of common prosperity, long-term development, and win-win cooperation or face the consequences of a new fascism and thermonuclear war which will leave the world smoldering for centuries to come.
[1] Referring to the 1988 US-Russia pledge not to produce, test or deploy ground based missiles near each other’s borders
[2] The Eurasian Economic Union is composed of Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia, and Kyrgyzstan. Ukraine could have become a member of this union had the Soros-State Department orchestrated neo Nazi-Putch known as the Maidan not been unleashed, toppling the pro-Russian government of Yanukovitch in 2014.
[3] The New Silk Road was officially integrated into the Eurasian Economic Union as of May 8, 2015. A March 25, 2015, report on the Business Insider on the Trans Eurasian Economic Belt featured Russian Railways President Vladimir Yakunin describing the project in the following terms: "This is an inter-state, inter-civilisation, project. It should be an alternative to the current (neo-liberal) model, which has caused a systemic crisis. The project should be turned into a world 'future zone', and it must be based on leading, not catching, technologies."
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