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lundi, 03 juin 2019

Europe in Irreversible Decay


Europe in Irreversible Decay

EU Elections are Proof of It

Europe, an “old” colonialist continent, is decaying, and in some places even collapsing. It senses how bad things are going. But it never thinks that it is its own fault.

North America is decaying as well, but there, people are not even used to comparing. They only “feel that things are not going well”. If everything else fails, they simply try to get some second or third job, and just survive, somehow.

On both sides of the Atlantic, the establishment is in panic. Their world is in crises, and the ‘crises’ arrived mainly because several great countries, including China, Russia, Iran, but also South Africa, Turkey, Venezuela, DPRK and the Philippines, are openly refusing to play in accordance with the script drawn in Washington, London and Paris. In these nations, there is suddenly no appetite for sacrificing their own people on the altar of well-being of Western citizens. Several countries, including Venezuela and Syria, are even willing to fight for their independence.

Despite insane and sadistic embargos and sanctions imposed on them by the West; China, Russia and Iran are now flourishing, in many fields doing much better than Europe and North America.

If they are really pushed any further, China, Russia and their allies combined, could easily collapse the economy of the United States; an economy which is built on clay and unserviceable debt. It is also becoming clear that militarily, the Pentagon could never defeat Beijing, Moscow, even Teheran.

After terrorizing the world for ages, the West is now almost finished: morally, economically, socially, and even militarily. It still plunders, but it has no plan to improve the state of the world. It cannot even think in such terms.

It hates China, and every other country that does have progressive, internationalist plans. It smears President Xi Jinping and his brainchild, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), but there is nothing new and exciting that the West is able to offer to the world. Yes, of course, those regime changes, coups, military interventions and theft of natural resources, but anything else? No, silence!


During my two weeks long working visit to Europe, in the Czech Republic (now renamed to Czechia), a country that enjoys a higher HDI (Human Development Index defined by UNDP) than Italy or Spain, I saw several young, decently dressed men, picking through garbage bins, right in front of my hotel, looking for food.

I saw young Europeans kneeling and begging in Stuttgart, the second richest city in Germany (where both Mercedes and Porsche cars are produced).


What I observed in all seven countries of the EU that I visited, was confusion, but also indifference, extreme selfishness and almost grotesque idleness. In great contrast to Asia, everybody in Europe was obsessed with their ‘rights’ and privileges, while no one gave a slightest damn about responsibilities.

When my plane from Copenhagen landed in Stuttgart, it began to rain. It was not heavy rain; just rain. The Canadair jet operated by SAS is a small aircraft, and it did not get a gate. It parked a few meters from the terminal and the captain announced that ground staff refused to bring a bus, due to lightning and the downpour. And so, we stayed inside the plane, for 10 minutes, 20 minutes, half an hour. The lightning ended. The drizzle continued. 40 minutes, no bus. One hour later, a bus appeared. A man from the ground staff emerged leisurely, totally wrapped in plastic, protected hermetically from rain. Passengers, on the other hand, were not even offered umbrellas.

“I love myself”, I later read graffiti in the center of the city.

The graffiti was not far from the central train station, which is being refurbished at the cost of several billion euros, and against the will of the citizens. The monstrous project is marching on at an insanely lazy pace, with only 5-6 construction workers detectable at a time, down in the tremendous excavations.

Stuttgart is unbelievably filthy. Escalators often do not work, drunkards are all over, and so are beggars. It is as if for decades, no one did any face-lift to the city. Once free museums are charging hefty entrance fees, and most of the public benches have disappeared from parks and avenues.

The decay is omnipresent. The German rail system (DB) has virtually collapsed. Almost all trains are late, from the ‘regional’; to the once glorified ICE (these German ‘bullet trains’ are actually moving slower, on average, even in comparison to some Indonesian inter-city expresses).

The services provided everywhere in Europe, from Finland to Italy, are grotesquely bad. Convenience stores, cafes, hotels – all are understaffed, badly run and mostly arrogant. Humans are often replaced by dysfunctional machines. Tension is everywhere, the bad mood omnipresent. Demanding anything is unthinkable; one risks being snapped at, insulted, sent to hell.

I still remember how Western propaganda used to glorify services in the capitalist countries, when we were growing up in the Communist East: “The customer is always treated like a god”. Yes, right! How laughable.


For centuries, “European workers” were ‘subsidized’ by colonialist and neo-colonialist plunder, perpetrated in all non-white corners of the world. They ended up being spoiled, showered with benefits, and unproductive. That was fine for the elites: as long as the masses kept voting for the imperialist regime of the West.

“The Proletariat” eventually became right-wing, imperialist, even hedonistic.

I saw a lot this time, and soon I will write much more about it.

What I did not witness, was hope, or enthusiasm. There was no optimism. No healthy and productive exchange of ideas, or profound debate; something I am so used to in China, Russia or Venezuela, just confusion, apathy and decay everywhere.

And hate for those countries that are better, more human, more advanced, and full of socialist enthusiasm.


Italy felt slightly different. Again, I met great left-wing thinkers there; philosophers, professors, filmmakers, journalists. I spoke at Sapienza University, the biggest university in Europe. I lectured about Venezuela and Western imperialism. I worked with the Venezuelan embassy in Rome. All of that was fantastic and enlightening, but was this really Italy?

A day after I left Rome for Beirut, Italians went to the polls. And they withdrew their supports from my friends of the 5-Star-Movement, leaving them with just over 17%, while doubling the backing for the extreme right-wing Northern League.

This virtually happened all over Europe. UK Labor lost, while right-wing Brexit forces gained significantly. Extreme right-wing, even near-fascist parties, reached unexpected heights.

It was all “me, me, me” politics. An orgy of “political selfies”. Me had enough of immigrants. Me wants better benefits. Me wants better medical care, shorter working hours. And so on.

Who pays for it, no one in Europe seems to care. Not once did I hear any European politicians lamenting about the plundering of West Papua or Borneo, about Amazonia or the Middle East, let alone Africa.

And immigration? Did we hear anything about that nuisance of European refugees, millions of them, many illegal, that have descended in the last decades on Southeast Asia, East Africa, Latin America, and even Sub Continent? They are escaping, in hordes, from meaninglessness, depressions, existential emptiness. In the process, they are stripping the locals of land, real estate, beaches, everything.

“Immigrants out”? Fine; then European immigrants out from the rest of the world, too! Enough of the one-sidedness!

The recent EU elections clearly showed that Europe has not evolved. For countless dark centuries, it used to live only for its pleasure, murdering millions in order to support its high life.


Right now, it is trying to reshuffle its political and administrative system, so it can continue doing the same. More efficiently!

On top of it, absurdly, the world is expected to pity that overpaid and badly performing, mainly right-wing and lethargic European proletariat, and sacrifice further tens of millions of people, just in order to further increase its standard of living.

All this should not be allowed to happen. Never again! It has to be stopped.

What Europe has achieved so far, at the expense of billions of lives of “the others”, is definitely not worthy of dying for.

Beware of Europe and its people! Study its history. Study imperialism, colonialism and the genocides it has been spreading all over the world.

Let them vote in their fascists. But keep them away. Prevent them from spreading their poison all over the world.

They want to put the interests of their countries first? Wonderful! Let us do exactly the same: The people of Russia first, too! China first! And, Asia, Africa, Latin America first!

• First published by NEO – New Eastern Outlook

Andre Vltchek is a philosopher, novelist, filmmaker and investigative journalist. He has covered wars and conflicts in dozens of countries. Four of his latest books are China and Ecological Civilization with John B. Cobb, Jr., Revolutionary Optimism, Western Nihilism, a revolutionary novel Aurora and a bestselling work of political non-fiction: Exposing Lies Of The Empire. View his other books here. Watch Rwanda Gambit, his groundbreaking documentary about Rwanda and DRCongo and his film/dialogue with Noam Chomsky On Western Terrorism. Vltchek presently resides in East Asia and the Middle East, and continues to work around the world. He can be reached through his website and his Twitter. Read other articles by Andre.

Zen & Martial Arts


Zen & Martial Arts

Translated by Guillaume Durocher

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Translator’s Note: The following extracts are drawn from Taisen Deshimaru, Zen et Arts martiaux (Paris: Albin Michel, 1983 [1977]). The style reflects the rambling, spontaneous speaking of many Zen masters, whose “writings” are often not of their own initiative, but rather sayings recorded by their pious (often Western) followers. Another example of this would be Shunryū Suzuki, who was popular in California. This does raise the question of how “Taisen Deshimaru” authored the books ascribed to him. Deshimaru’s French was poor and his English a tolerable “Zenglish.” The particular French language used then must be the product of his followers. Still, as with all foundational spiritual texts, whatever the relationship with the founder himself, the words are a genuine reflection of his school or movement, and, in this case, of an authentically Francophone and European Zen.

Is there not a Way which would allow man to surpass the limits of his humanity? To go beyond?

It was to answer this fundamental hope that Budo[1] [2] produced the principle of wasa. One can define a wasa as an art, as a kind of super-technique passed on from master to student, enabling one to impose oneself on other man and to elevate oneself above them. The wasa of Japanese Budo goes back to the historical age of the samurai. It is a power, beyond the individual’s own strength.

Zen, for its part, has created another super-technique, which not only grants physical and mental strength, but even opens the path to Wisdom, the path of a wisdom comparable to that of God or Buddha. This is zazen:[2] [3] a training in sitting down in a traditional posture, a training in walking, in feeling oneself standing up, in breathing correctly; a mental attitude, the hishiryo[3] [4] state of consciousness, a profound and unique education. (16)

* * *

deshimarubook2.jpgThe Seven Principles

The fusion of Buddhism and Shintoism enabled the creation of Bushido, the Way of the samurai. One can sum up this Way in seven fundamental points:

  1. Gi: right decision in equanimity, the right attitude, truth. When we must die, we must die.
  2. Yu: bravery with shades of heroism.
  3. Jin: universal love, benevolence towards humanity.
  4. Rei: right behavior, which is a fundamental point.
  5. Makoto: total sincerity.
  6. Melyo: honor and glory.
  7. Chugi: devotion, loyalty.

These are the seven principles of the spirit of Bushido. Bu: martial arts. Shi: the warrior. Do: the Way.

The way of the samurai is imperative and absolute. The practice coming from the body via the unconscious is fundamental. Hence the very great importance assigned to education in right behavior.

The influences between Bushido and Buddhism have been reciprocal. But Buddhism was influenced by Bushido in five respects:

  1. The calming of sentiments.
  2. Tranquil obedience in the face of the inevitable.
  3. Self-mastery in the presence of any event.
  4. Greater intimacy with the idea of death than with that of life.
  5. Pure poverty.

Before the Second World War, Zen Master Kodo Sawaki gave lectures to the greatest martial arts masters, to the highest authorities of Budo. In French, we confuse martial arts and the arts of wars; but in Japanese the former is the Way. In the West, these martial arts, which are now fashionable, have become a sport, a technique, without the spirit of the Way.

In his lectures, Kodo Sawaki said that Zen and the martial arts have the same taste and are united. In Zen as in the martial arts, training counts for a lot. How long must one train? Many people have asked me: “How many years must I do zazen?” And I answer: “Until your death.” Then my conversation partners are not very happy. Europeans want to learn quickly, some even in a single day. “I’ve been once and I’ve understand,” so they say! But the dojo is different from University.

And Budo, too, one must continue up to one’s death. (20-21)

* * *

In the martial arts, one must penetrate the elements, the phenomena, and not miss the mark. The martial arts are then essentially virile, because man penetrates woman. But nowadays, everyone saves their energy and only half-lives. We are always incomplete. People half-live, tepid like bathwater. (31)

* * *

We must create our life, make ourselves free, detached, attentive only to the here and now: everything is there. (32)

* * *

To concentrate means the complete expulsion, the total discharge of energy. This must be found in all the acts of our life. In the modern world, we see just the opposite: the young half-live and are half-dead. And during their work or during zazen, they think of sex, and vice versa: it is like this in all the acts of life. (33)

* * *

One must channel the body’s tension and the technique’s skill into the mind’s mindfulness-intuition. The mind is then empty, ku,[4] [5] flawless. This is Zen. This is also the true way of Budo. In the face of death, as with life, the consciousness must be calm. And one must decide, all the while accepting, one’s life as much as one’s death. To not passively endure.[5] [6] Even if my body dies, my mind must remain upright: this is the training of Zen and Budo. (48)

* * *

In the spirit of Zen and Budo, daily life becomes a battlefield. Every moment one must be conscious, getting up, working, eating, going to sleep. Self-mastery is found here. (49)

* * *

You can use [controlled breathing] in your daily life. In a discussion, when you are getting emotion, practice it, and you will calm yourself. You keep your control. (53)

* * *

One must not bow any old which way: in the West, one vaguely joins the hands together and one bends the head down a bit; one has not understood anything about the gesture’s beauty! One must bow completely: join one’s hands together slowly, arms straight, parallel to the ground, the ends of the fingers coming to the nose’s height, then curving thus one’s back towards the ground, powerfully, to get back up with one’s hands still joined and putting the arms naturally along the body. Body upright, neck upright, feet on the ground, the mind calm. (In a majestic gesture, Taisen Deshimaru got up and bowed to us.) Thus you show the respect you have for your opponents, for your master, for the dojo, and for life! I am sometimes asked why I bow before the statue of the Buddha, in the dojo: I am not bowing to a wooden statue, but to all those who are here with me, in the dojo, and also to the entire cosmos. (55)

* * *

deshib3.jpgNo one is normal today. Everyone is a bit mad, with their mind working all the time: they see the world in a narrow, impoverished way. They are consumed by their ego. They think they see, but they are wrong: they are projecting their madness, their world, onto the world. No lucidity, no wisdom in that! That is why Socrates, like Buddha, like all sages, first says, “Know yourself and you will know the universe.” That is the spirit of traditional Zen and Bushido! For this, the observation of one’s behavior is very important. Behavior influences consciousness. With the right behavior, there is the right consciousness. Our attitude here, now, influences the entire environment: our words, our gestures, our bearings, all this influences what happens around us and within us. The actions of every moment, of every day, must be right. The behavior in the dojo will spill over in your daily life. Every gesture is important! How to eat, how to get dressed, how to wash, to go to the toilet, how to put things away, how to behave with others, with one’s family, one’s wife, how to work, how to be completely in each gesture. One must not dream one’s life! But one must be completely in everything we do. This is training in the kata.[6] [7] The spirit of Zen and Buddha tends to this: they are true sciences of behavior. This has nothing to do with the imagination that transforms the world, as in many religions. One must live the world with one’s body, here and now. And completely concentrate on each gesture. . . . Modern civilization understands nothing of all this, from school onward we are cut off from life in order to do theory. (55-56)

* * *

“What is the Buddha way?” It is to study the ego. “What is studying the ego?” To forget oneself. . . . “Do not think. Do not search. Do not desire. Do not hold yourself back. Do not obtain. Do not give up.” (66)

* * *

You must kill yourself, kill your own spirit. (69)

* * *

“The moon’s reflection in the river water does not move, does not flow. It’s only the water which is passing.” . . . If one wants to explain the relationships between spirit, consciousness, and the true self, it is exactly like the relationships between the Moon, its reflection, and the river water. (69-70)

* * *

In Budo, consciousness and action must always be a unity. At first, in aikido, kendo, etc., one repeats the wasa, the techniques, and the kata, the forms. One repeats them constantly for two or three years. The kata and wasa, the forms and techniques, also become a habit. At first to practice them, one must use one’s personal consciousness. It is the same in playing the piano, the drum, or the guitar, for example. At the end, it is possible to play unconsciously, without attachment anymore, without using the principles anymore. One can play naturally, automatically. It is possible to create something fresh by this wisdom. And it is the same in our daily life. This is Zen, the spirit of the Way.

The great works of art are created beyond technique. In the field of technology and science, the great discoveries go beyond principles and techniques. To be attached to only one idea, one category, one system of values, is a false conception, contrary to the laws of life and of the Way. (81)

* * *

If we only think about the result, the fruits [of our actions] with our personal consciousness, then we cannot concentrate nor evacuate our full energy. If we only make the make, the greatest fruits will then appear, unconsciously, naturally. Practice without consciousness is better than conscious practice. (83)

* * *

There need only be neither love nor hatred
For understanding to appear
Spontaneously clear
Like the light of day in a cave.

— From the Shin Jin Mei (Poem on Faith and Mind, 89)[7] [8]

* * *

[How can one exercise one’s ki?[8] [9]] By practicing zazen! (People laugh.) But also by training oneself in combat, in action. Today, children are too weak: modern education makes them weak, soft, ki-less. Master Obaku always educated with his kyosaku (staff) by striking great blows upon this follower who was too intelligent, asked too many questions, and always analyzed each situation with his conscious mind. (102-3)

* * *


There is no reason to be afraid of anything. Those who are afraid are too selfish, think only of themselves. One must abandon one’s ego, then fear vanishes. When you always go against, fear arises. Even in a fight, one must have the same consciousness as one’s opponent and not go against, but with. This is a great koan.[9] [10]

One must become the situation and not differentiate oneself from it. A selfish being can never be brave, never. The true traditional education of the martial arts strengthens ki, destroys egoism and fear, makes one abandon the dualistic spirit, and develop mushin consciousness,[10] [11] which forgets the self.

No need to want to win; only then can one win.

To abandon the ego . . . That is the secret to the right life. The strengthening of the will, strength, and skill are necessary in life as in the practice of the martial arts. But to strengthen the spirit and find one’s freedom remain essential!

Mushin . . . nothingness. (103)

* * *

[Does the spirit remain?] Perhaps. I don’t agree with the Western theories which separate body and spirit. The spirit needs a form to realize itself, therefore a body. Also, if a body is dead, what we know under the name of spirit also dies, returns to the cosmic energy. Our ki, upon death, returns to the cosmos.

The real problem remains: where does all this come from? (105)

* * *

Another factor in the loss of ki, especially in modern civilization, is dispersion, mental agitation, anxiety, disordered thoughts: today, we use the frontal lobes too much, whereas one should develop the unconscious activity of the hypothalamus to strengthen the deep brain, intuition, instinct. And the lack of vital energy is making everyone sick: everyone is more or less sick today. (106)

* * *

To know how to concentrate is to put one’s ki, one’s vital energy, in one single action at a time.

Training in concentration means that, little by little, one knows how to concentrate on one thing at a time, but also to be conscious of everything which is happening around us. . . . In general, we need to fully concentrate in each situation. Here, now, I drink water; to only do this, to drink water. To concentrate on the water I drink. And so forth. No need to think too much! . . .

Concentration is acquired through training: to be concentrated on each gesture. To return to the normal state of the body and the mind. In the end, will plays no more role, it is done automatically, naturally, unconsciously. Without fatigue. Whereas with the will, the frontal lobes become tired, and with them, the entire being. During fights, the lower dan[11] [12] tire quickly because they are tense, always ask themselves what they should do, when to act, and so on. It’s the same thing for an actor who thinks about his role while acting, he is bad: he must live his role, that’s all, commit himself completely. . . . (107-8)

* * *

[What is the Way?] To look at one’s consciousness, here and now . . . and the Zen koan says: the Way is under your feet. (108)

* * *

[T]he martial arts ultimately aim to keep oneself alive in the face of contrary forces, whereas zazen resolves the question of death. I often say: practicing zazen is likely entering your coffin because, in the end, you abandon everything. . . . It follows that in being alive, we need to concentrate on life and the approach of death, we need to abandon life and know how to die. That is wisdom. But what is life, what is death?

Then, if we want to really live, we need to know death within oneself. Life is a succession of here-and-nows: one needs to constantly concentrate, in the here and now. People, who are worried by the future or the past, do not realize the illusion in which they live. One must resolve the contradiction in oneself, the contradiction carried by the brain itself. (108-9)

* * *

[What should I do when I am attacked? One cannot think of all these things at once.] Don’t think, of course! But react with wisdom. One must always be wise. If you are attacked by someone stronger than you and you really don’t feel you are up to size, it is better to flee! No need to get whooped! (People laugh.) Otherwise, one needs to fight. Without passion, with instinct, strength, and wisdom. (109)

* * *


By reflecting on oneself, one can then see the imperfections of one’s karma and control the bonno,[12] [13] desires, and passions. And in this zazen is the great mirror to ourselves which allows us to improve ourselves. If in life there is no such practice which rebalances tendencies, we develop only a part of ourselves. One becomes, one way or another, too spiritualist or too materialist. That is the mistake of all of modern civilization and the cause of the current crisis. (110)

* * *

. . . understand that your life is nothing but a dream, a bubble, a shadow . . . Your death will come soon: never forget this from one moment of consciousness to another, from each breath in to each breath out. (118)

* * *

With a long experience, and thanks to the infinite merits of zazen, you will understand all this unconsciously . . . Nor is it from one day to the next that we will become sensitive to the goodness of the people with whom we live. On the Buddha-Way, you must always keep hope without ever tiring, whether this be in happiness or misfortune. . . .

It is within us that is found the root, the origin of life and death. (121)

* * *

If the mind is calm, the body can act spontaneously; action then becomes free and easy. If one always uses one’s conscious mind, the body is constrained in its action. (131)

* * *

Nowadays people are too chatty. When they talk, they only speak according to the result of the words, at a superficial level, to be polite, out of interest or competition. Human interrelations become complexity, worry, and pride. By the practice of zazen, we learn to have direct, natural ties, not influenced by our ego, and we also learn the merits of silence. (134)

* * *

“To study the Buddha-Way is to study oneself; to study oneself is to abandon the ego; to abandon to ego is to melt into the whole cosmos.” (136)

* * *

Cosmic energy is concentrated in the lower belly, and in particular in the genitals. Sexual energy, indeed, is the primary manifestation of this universal life in us, and enables the relationship between the life of the universe and individual life, between the world of phenomena and the invisible world of ku. . . .

Sexual energy during procreation enables the manifestation of the force (ki) of universal life in the phenomenal world. (137)

* * *

In Europe, the philosophers have tried to realize this fusion between mind and matter, but only at a superficial, purely intellectual level. (138)


[1] [14] The martial arts. The Way of the samurai, to be precise: bushido. Budo is the way of combat. But the kanji bu really means: to stop the sword, to stop using the sword, to cease fighting. [Unless otherwise indicated, footnotes are taken from Zen et arts martiaux’s Glossary. – GD]

[2] [15] Seated meditation. – GD

[3] [16] Thinking without thinking. Beyond thought.

[4] [17] Vacuity. Existence without a noumenon. In Buddhism, it also means: the Invisible. A notion identical with the notion of God.

[5] [18] For subir. – GD

 [6] A “form” in Budo. All the martial arts – judo, kendo, aikido, etc. – have kata: forms, actions, training exercises aimed at winning. The beginners must learn the kata, internalize them, use them, and then create based on them, from this original and specific form unique to each of the martial arts.

[7] [19] Translated from the French. – GD

[8] [20] Invisible activity imbued with the energy of the cosmos. Becomes the energy of the body, in all its cells.

[9] [21] A Zen riddle, often apparently absurd. – GD

[10] [22] “Mind without mind,” a kind of detached activity, comparable to “flow.” – GD

[11] [23] A rank in Eastern martial arts. – GD

[12] [24] Illusions, attachments. – GD


Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: https://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: https://www.counter-currents.com/2019/05/zen-martial-arts/

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Sans unité pas d’Europe


Sans unité pas d’Europe

par Michel GRIMARD

Quel aveuglement frappe les Européens pour ne pas percevoir que l’Europe régresse, pillée par l’appétit conquérant des grandes puissances, qui ne fait que grandir, au même rythme que l’Europe décline. Mais quel pays de l’Union européenne peut prétendre à lui seul, tenir tête à ces géants ?

Pour endiguer ce dépérissement et répondre aux défis de ces nations continents, l’Europe doit être unie et souveraine. Au-delà de l’humanisme dont elle est porteuse, l’Union doit être la structure unitaire d’un continent, qui veut exister comme puissance du monde.

Aujourd’hui la voix de l’Europe est souvent inaudible. Elle ne porte guère sur la scène internationale, notamment au Proche-Orient. Son absence des discussions concernant le règlement du conflit israélo-palestinien l’illustre.

Refusons l’outrecuidance d’un Mike Pence, dictant aux Européens leur conduite.

Fortifions l’euro pour échapper à la suprématie du dollar, qui nous impose de subir les néfastes effets de la gigantesque dette des États-Unis. C’est au moment où l’Europe doit se renforcer, pour répondre aux nouvelles compétitions techniques et à l’inversement des rapports de force mondiaux, que les nationalistes veulent l’affaiblir.

Pourtant, seule son unité lui évitera d’être engloutie, avec ce qu’elle a apporté d’essentiel, après la IIe Guerre mondiale, la paix un bien absolu.

Notre facteur d’unité s’incarne dans les racines de l’Europe. Elles se retrouvent dans un même espace géographique et se puisent dans son histoire, sa culture, sa religion et ses peuples.

L’Europe apparaît déjà, certes en devenir, dès le premier millénaire. L’origine des langues, comme celle des religions est commune aux peuples européens, à quelques exceptions près. Qu’elles soient, pour les premières, grecque, latine, celte, germanique ou slave, leur tronc commun est indo-européen.

Qu’elles soient, pour les secondes, catholique, orthodoxe ou protestante, leur tronc commun est le christianisme. Ce sont ces critères, historiques, géographiques, religieux, culturels et linguistiques, qui fondent l’Europe, même si les trois dernières références se retrouvent, mais pas simultanément, au-delà des contours de cette Europe. Il convient de ne pas avoir peur de nos racines chrétiennes facteur essentiel de notre unité.

La chrétienté a été le principal creuset du sentiment européen. En unissant culturellement la majorité des peuples européens, elle a favorisé l’ancrage d’une communauté de pensée. Malgré les courants qui traverseront la chrétienté, au cours des siècles, elle ne cessera pas d’être la référence de ce sentiment européen.

La Révolution française n’est pas en reste, dans l’édification de ce sentiment européen. Son idéal démocratique et ses idées de liberté, d’égalité et de fraternité – filles des Lumières et qui seront testées lors de la création des États-Unis – qu’elle répand sur l’Europe, vont profondément influencer l’évolution du continent. La prise en compte de ces valeurs sera une étape particulièrement marquante, pour l’affirmation du sentiment européen.

Chaque civilisation s’appuie sur un socle de valeurs qui la définit. L’Europe doit être sans complexe pour revendiquer les siennes et asseoir sur elles sont identité. Le temps est venu qu’elle prenne conscience de sa réalité et s’affirme sans gêne, mais sans caractère impérialiste.

Si ses valeurs la conduisent à être naturellement généreuse, elle doit malgré tout regarder aussi avec lucidité, le monde tel qu’il est et se garder de toute utopie ou naïveté. L’Europe des idéaux doit se protéger, pour qu’ils continuent d’exister.

C’est un devoir pour l’Europe d’assurer sa protection, en pratiquant une politique internationale qui tienne compte des réalités, sans pour autant abdiquer tout principe. Elle ne devra plus être celle que l’on sollicite, financièrement et humainement, sans qu’elle puisse exercer un droit de regard, sur les actions dans lesquelles on l’engage.

L’Union européenne n’a malheureusement pas su répondre, aux changements extérieurs et aux aspirations intérieures, de ses citoyens.

Au besoin de protection, naturelle, dans le cadre de ses frontières, les Européens aspirent à l’équité des rapports entre les pays qui constituent l’Union. Les déséquilibres engendrés par ce manquement sont sources de frustrations et dressent les pays les uns contre les autres. Les réformes touchant la fiscalité, la concurrence, la protection sociale, notamment, doivent s’accélérer. La justice doit irriguer toutes les décisions si l’on veut construire, solidairement, l’Europe. Il va également de soi, que les structures qui gouvernent l’Europe, doivent se démocratiser.

D’où le nécessaire renforcement du rôle du parlement européen, relais majeur vers les citoyens, afin qu’ils se sentent associés aux décisions. Il est le pilier indispensable à l’expression démocratique, sans laquelle l’Europe ne peut se construire. Cessons l’élargissement de l’Union européenne, considéré comme un affermissement, alors qu’il n’est qu’illusion, car simple substitut à nos faiblesses. La boulimie de l’Union européenne, qui ne cesse d’ingérer, sans attendre de digérer, n’est pas la solution.

Projeter une vue prospective sur l’avenir de l’Union européenne s’avère nécessaire, tant les incertitudes et les hésitations demeurent nombreuses.

À la cadence des petits pas, peut-être utile à une époque, doit succéder un rythme qui colle aux changements rapides qui s’opèrent dans le monde. L’Union ne peut plus maintenir des structures paralysantes.

S’il faut réviser les traités pour parvenir à ces changements, n’hésitons pas. Il est urgent de rassembler ceux qui ont foi dans l’Europe, qui aspirent sincèrement à son unité, sa souveraineté, son indépendance.

Dans ce cadre, l’indépendance est souveraineté. Un noyau dur permettant de souder les tenants de cette Europe devient nécessaire. Pour autant il ne doit pas exclure, à terme, les pays, aujourd’hui timorés, qui freinent la construction de l’Union.

Des liens devront être maintenus, facilitant leur admission, quand ils seront arrivés à la maturité de cette volonté intégrationniste. Car pour assurer tous les objectifs que l’on assigne à l’Union européenne, protection de ses citoyens, de son économie, de son intégrité, de ses découvertes, il faut qu’elle dispose des structures qui lui permettent de les assumer, donc des pouvoirs régaliens, qui lui sont indispensables.

La France et l’Allemagne, qui ont permis des avancées importantes dans la construction européenne, peuvent être, avec d’autres membres de l’Union européenne qui partagent la même espérance, les acteurs de cette renaissance.

Les exemples foisonnent pour illustrer les difficultés que l’Union européenne rencontre dans sa direction actuelle. Notamment, le manque de réactivité face à l’urgence. Tout récemment, le naufrage de la fusion Alstom-Siemens, incompatible avec les règles de la concurrence intra-européenne, est catastrophique pour l’industrie ferroviaire européenne.

Dans ce domaine comme auparavant dans celui des panneaux solaires, l’Union est défaillante. Le changement des règles de la concurrence s’impose, afin d’éviter de subir de nouveaux avatars.

L’industrie européenne a besoin de s’extraire de ce carcan, pour acquérir la taille que requièrent aujourd’hui les nouvelles compétitivités. De même, la recherche n’est pas à la hauteur des possibilités qu’offre notre continent, alors qu’apparaissent, hors de notre champ de découverte, de nouveaux systèmes cruciaux pour maîtriser les technologies du futur. Il convient également de renforcer la zone euro, afin d’affirmer, face au dollar, notre présence dans les échanges internationaux. À travers ce qui précède apparaît l’impérieuse nécessité d’un nouveau pilotage.

Ne laissons pas se désagréger l’Union européenne, au plus grand profit de ceux qui la redoutent, sachant qu’unie, elle se hissera au premier plan des puissances mondiales. L’hégémonie des grands pays dans la conduite du monde sera brisée, les intérêts de notre continent préservés.

C’est en demeurant dans une Europe qui œuvre pour sa souveraineté, que les pays européens la conserveront. Autrement, ils ne seront que les supplétifs de grandes puissances qui les utiliseront, aux bénéfices de leurs seuls intérêts.

Michel Grimard,

Président du ROUE (Rassemblement pour l’Organisation de l’Unité européenne)

actualiuté,europe,affaires européennes,unité européenne

L’illusion référendaire


L’illusion référendaire


Ex: http://www.europemaxima.com

Depuis plus de six mois de contestation chaque samedi dans les rues et souvent sur les ronds-points, les « Gilets jaunes », par-delà leur sympathique spontanéité et leur hétérogénéité socio-politique, se retrouvent sur une même (et seule ?) revendication : le référendum d’initiative populaire ou « citoyenne ». Cette proposition serait bienvenue si elle s’appliquait en priorité aux problèmes communaux et départementaux, voire à la rigueur régionaux. L’usage de ce droit d’initiative implique en effet au préalable une réelle implication pour la chose publique ainsi qu’une véritable connaissance des enjeux grâce à une information impartiale. Ces conditions ne sont pas valables pour l’heure en France en raison de la psychologie collective statolâtrique des Français. Les « Gilets jaunes » considèrent néanmoins l’initiative référendaire comme la panacée alors qu’elle peut se révéler périlleuse. La votation suisse du 19 mai dernier le confirme amplement.

Avec une estimation de 2,3 millions d’armes, la Confédération helvétique se place au seizième rang mondial pour le nombre d’armes par habitant. Signataire des accords de Schengen et de Dublin, la Suisse a dû intégrer dans son droit fédéral une directive de l’Union dite européenne de lutte contre le terrorisme, d’interdiction des armes semi-automatique et pour le traçage des armes et de leurs composants. Principale formation hostile à l’UE, l’UDC – PPS (Union démocratique du Centre – Parti populaire suisse) et le groupe d’influence favorable aux armes ProTell ont jugé cette transposition liberticide, d’où la votation (ou référendum fédéral d’initiative populaire).

La participation est moins élevée que prévue (43,3 %). Le oui à la directive l’emporte largement à 63,73 %. Seul le Tessin la rejette à 54,5 %. Il s’agit d’une grande victoire pour le gouvernement fédéral, les partis de gauche et les pharisiens du désarmement civique. Certes, le citoyen suisse conservera le droit de détenir son arme de combat pour le service militaire. Il ne pourra plus en revanche la transmettre à son héritier ou la vendre. Les possesseurs d’armes seront en outre mieux identifiés et donc fichés. Un permis d’acquisition d’une arme semi-automatique (soit un chargeur de dix cartouches pour un pistolet ou de vingt pour un fusil) sera obligatoire. Le texte approuvé renforce enfin l’étroite collaboration des autorités helvétiques avec l’Union pseudo-européenne.


Si ce projet de durcissement de la loi actuelle avait été rejeté, la Suisse aurait été contrainte de sortir des accords de Schengen et de Dublin bien que ces textes prévoient des exceptions que Berne aurait pu faire valoir. Par ailleurs liée en matière de défense à l’OTAN malgré la neutralité revendiquée, la Suisse appartient désormais de facto à une Union supposée européenne.

Il faut corréler la victoire du oui aux récentes déconvenues arrivées aux candidats de l’UDC – PPS dans plusieurs communes et cantons. Les nouveaux électeurs suisses semblent prêts à rejoindre à plus ou moins longue échéance l’UE et, pourquoi pas ?, l’Alliance Atlantique. Comment ? En usant à leur tour de l’initiative populaire référendaire ! Qu’elle soit représentative ou semi-directe, la démocratie moderne est en soi un mal majeur pour notre civilisation boréenne.

Georges Feltin-Tracol

• « Chronique hebdomadaire du Village planétaire », n° 127, mise en ligne sur TV Libertés, le 27 mai 2019.