mercredi, 09 octobre 2013
The Western Challenge to Eurasian Integration
The Western Challenge to Eurasian Integration |
by Nikolai Malishevski Ex: Recently, official Warsaw and not-so-official Stockholm have taken a number of steps to reinforce their successes in the East in order to gain new bargaining chips for the upcoming Eastern Partnership summit in Vilnius in November 2013, which will be devoted to developing a unified policy on the East for European countries. According to a statement by EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Catherine Ashton, this summit will be «an opportunity to deepen the relations» between the EU and the member countries of the Eastern Partnership. The fact that the heads of all the EU member states plan to attend also speaks to that. The Eastern Partnership, initiated by Washington and Brussels, was formed at the suggestion of Warsaw and Stockholm after the failure of the Georgian aggression in Ossetia. Essentially it has become a kind of continuation of GUAM, which demonstrated its military and political inadequacy in August 2008. The participation of Belarus and Armenia (which are not members of GUAM) is an attempt at a kind of «revenge» for the military and political defeat of Georgia. You could call the Eastern Partnership a tool for energy colonialism, turning Russia into a mere supplier of raw materials to the West, «pushing» it into the northeast of the Eurasian continent and creating a «sanitary» energy collection zone along its borders from the Black Sea to the Baltic. It's not for nothing that many in Russia consider the Eastern Partnership a kind of 'calque' from Adolf Hitler's concept of gaining Lebensraum in the East. The main players in the project are Sweden in the north, Poland in the west, and NATO member Turkey in the south… Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova have been assigned to Poland, with its neosarmatism and the sympathies of Catholics. To Turkey with its neoturanism, Azerbaijan, Georgia and Armenia have been assigned (and to some extent the Central Asian republics - unofficially, through the personal business interests of their leaders in Ankara, as in Kyrgyzstan, for example). The Scandinavians, with the support of international structures like the Soros Foundation, are taking an avid interest in Karelia, the Kola Peninsula, the islands of the Gulf of Finland and their mineral and forest resource, as well as opposing Russia’s plans in the Arctic. North. Overseen by Sweden, acting through Finland, which is conveniently located close to the «northern capital»« St. Petersburg. Operations are conducted using the following tools: a) Swedish-speaking citizens of Finland who have close ties with the Finnish political elite, the public servants, and who openly express anti-Russian revanchist views, such as Mikael Storsjo, the publisher of the terrorist site Caucasus Center and chairman of the Pro-Caucasus Association, who was convicted of illegally dispatching dozens of terrorists, including relatives of Basayev; b) media structures such as the Sweden-based Web center of the site Caucasus Center (the site itself, which has been declared a terrorist resource by the UN, was operating there as well until it was moved to Finland in 2004) and anti-Russian Finnish media activists (Kerkko Paananen, Ville Ropponen, Esa Makinen, Jukka Malonen, etc.) who support the «white ribbon opposition» in Russia; c) public structures such as the Pro-Caucasus Association, which is registered in Sweden, the Finnish-Russian Civil Forum (Finrosforum, Suomalais-venalainen kansalaisfoorumi), and U.S-oriented human rights organizations like the Helsinki Group, Amnesty International, etc.. Financing comes from the north, which borders directly on Russia via Finland (from which, in a similar calque, the «export of revolution» and money for it from American and European bankers came even before 1917), and there is an attempt to unite all anti-Russian forces in Europe and Russia itself - from Chechen terrorists, for whom «Turkish transit» is organized to the motley «white ribbon» opposition (supporters of Nemtsov, Navalny, Limonov, Kasparov, etc.). West. Poland, which does not share a border with Russia (except for the Kaliningrad enclave), operates along the perimeter of a broad geopolitical «arc». From Kaliningrad in the north (already called «Królewiec» by Warsaw diplomats on the official site of the Consulate General of Poland), through Belarus and Ukraine, which are being considered as potential «friendly» territories in the east, to the Crimea in the south. With regard to Ukraine and Moldova, the ambitions of Warsaw, which has taken a course toward the creation of a fourth Rzeczpospolita and has its own vision of the future of the lands on Ukraine's right bank, to a great extent coincide with those of Romania and Hungary. Catholic Poland is essentially coordinating its policy with coreligionist Hungary, as their points of view on a number of issues coincide and complement one another, allowing them to develop a common strategy. With regard to Belarus, something similar (with some reservations) is happening with the Latvians and Lithuania, including support via Scandinavia for the pro-Western opposition in Minsk, which has found understanding from the «white ribbonists» and public servants who sympathize with them in Russia. In the first half of 2013 the European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR), the «thought factory for the European Union» which conducts analyses on foreign policy and security, distinguished Poland in five areas of foreign policy. Poland was recognized as a leader in implementing joint projects in the framework of NATO and the Common Foreign and Security Policy and was praised for its (visa) policy with regard to Russia, Ukraine and Moldova and for its foreign policy for «the most activity for the democratization» of Belarus. Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, after a discussion of the implementation of «Eastern Partnership» programs at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, reported (18.02.2013) that his country's eastern policy has met with numerous successes, saying, «Note that we are talking with our Eastern partners about association agreements and not about war. At present, the East is a place where Europe is conducting successful policy. In only remains to formalize these successes in the form of bilateral agreements». South. In the south Warsaw operates in unison with Ankara, since the sympathy of the Tatar population of the Crimea toward NATO member Turkey facilitates the mutual understanding of local Turks and NATO member Poland. In 2013 several events took place, such as a press conference for the protection of the rights of Crimean Tatars, in which not only the chairman of the Union of Polish Tatars, Selim Chazbiewicz; the head of the communications department of the Crimean Tatar Majlis, Ali Khamzin; and others took part, but also influential Polish politicians such as Lech Wałęsa and former Minister of Internal Affairs Jadwiga Chmielowska. Previously in Simferopol a visa application center and a Consulate General of the Republic of Poland were opened which today demonstrate noticeable activity in the public and cultural life of the autonomous region and Sevastopol, especially in the area of collaborating with the Crimean Tatar Majlis and discrediting the Russian movement. And Poland became the second country after Russia whose consulate in the Crimea received the status of a consulate general. From Turkey, via Finland and its citizens of Swedish origin, transit has been organized for extremists who kindle the flame of separatist jihad in the «southern underbelly» of Russia (including the terrorists of Shamil Basayev's battalion of Chechen suicide attackers «Riyad-us Saliheen»). The Scandinavians coordinate activities with the Turks in the media sphere as well. For example, the Web administrator of the terrorist site Caucasus Center, Islam Matsiev, came to Finland from Turkey. On the Turkish side, Basayev's IHH foundation is collecting funds in Turkey, Dubai, the U.S., England and France to finance the international terrorist network called the «Caucasus Emirate», whose mouthpiece is Caucasus Center (the official representative in Turkey is Musa Itayev, and in Finland it is Islam Makhauri, the brother of Rustam Makhauri - the «Minister of Defense of the Caucasus Emirate», Doku Umarov's personal bodyguard and the representative of terrorist Ali Taziev («Magas».). The level of an event held in Washington in late June 2013 at one of the oldest and most authoritative «think tanks» in the U.S., the Heritage Foundation, dedicated to the future of the Eurasian Union and «protecting vitally important interests of the U.S. and its allies in this sphere» with the participation of diplomats, scholars and analysts, goes to show that Western strategists are no longer hiding the fact that they are wary of and closely observing events in the former Soviet Union. And they are not idle in doing so, but are actively building their own toolkit for resisting the rebirth and integration of Eurasia. |
00:05 Publié dans Actualité, Eurasisme, Géopolitique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : géopolitique, eurasie, eurasisme, politique internationale, asie, affaires asiatiques, actualité | | |
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