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mercredi, 25 octobre 2017

Elections en Tchéquie : une droite renforcée, une gauche moribonde, un euroscepticisme en hausse


Elections en Tchéquie : une droite renforcée, une gauche moribonde, un euroscepticisme en hausse

par Thomas Ferrier

Ex: http://thomasferrier.hautetfort.com

Les élections législatives tchèques qui se sont déroulées les 20 et 21 octobre 2017 ont permis la victoire d’Andrej Babis, à la tête du mouvement ANO 2011, un candidat milliardaire représentant la droite libérale et qui a fait campagne notamment sur le refus d’accueillir des migrants. Babis, comparé par certains à un Berlusconi tchèque, a obtenu 29,64% des voix (+ 11 points) et 78 sièges (+31). Il n’a certes pas obtenu la majorité absolue, qui est de 101 sièges (sur 200) mais il est en mesure de bâtir une coalition autour de son mouvement.

Le parti civique démocratique (ODS), dirigé par Petr Fiala et connu pour ses positions plutôt eurosceptiques et conservatrices, avec 11,32% des voix (+ 3,6 points) et 25 sièges (+9), pourrait donner une majorité parlementaire à Babis dans le cadre d’une coalition, sachant que ce dernier a indiqué en revanche qu’aucune alliance avec l’extrême-droite, à savoir le Parti de la liberté et de la démocratie directe (SPD) de Tokio Okomura. Dans ce contexte, Babis s’opposera nécessairement au président français Macron et maintiendra certainement le soutien de son pays au groupe dit de Visegrad.

La volonté de renouvellement des électeurs s’est également exprimée par le succès du parti nationaliste SPD, qui obtient 10,64% et 22 sièges pour sa première élection législative, confortant les résultats des élections européennes. L’existence de ce parti, qui ne participera certes pas à une coalition au pouvoir, ne peut qu’encourager Babis à maintenir une ligne dure sur les questions migratoires. Les Pirates tchèques (Pirati), phénomène transnational aux succès en dents de scie, ayant quasiment disparu d’Allemagne après quelques succès mais ayant en revanche réussi en Islande à peser sur la politique nationale, entrent au parlement avec 10,8% des voix (+8,1 points) et 22 sièges.

L’émergence de ces nouveaux partis, en plus du succès de l’ANO de Babis, se fait au détriment des partis traditionnels. Les communistes, qui étaient encore bien représentés, tombent à 7,76% des voix (- 7,15 points) et 15 sièges (-18). Les sociaux-démocrates du CSSD avec 7,27% des voix (- 13,09 points) et 15 sièges (-35) sont littéralement laminés. Ces deux partis de gauche réunis perdent en tout près de 20 points, ce qui est considérable. La peur du laxisme migratoire prêté à la gauche a été déterminante pour expliquer son effondrement électoral.

Mais la droite classique, représentée par les démocrates-chrétiens et le mouvement TOP 09, ne s’en sort guère mieux. Le KDU-CSL (chrétien-démocrate) n’obtient que 5,8% (-0,8 points) et 10 sièges (-4) tandis que TOP 09 obtient 5,31% (-6,7 points) et 7 sièges (-19).

Enfin le mouvement modéré des « Maires et indépendantes », s’appuyant sur son enracinement local, obtient 5,18% des voix et fait rentrer au parlement 6 députés.

Les petites formations politiques sont également victimes du succès d’ANO et autres des formations émergentes. Avec 1,46% des voix (- 1,74), les Verts (Zeleni) perdent tout rôle politique, de même que le Parti des droits civiques, de gauche modérée, qui doit se contenter de 0,36% des voix (- 1,15). Ils subissent tous le rejet de leurs thématiques dans un contexte de forte angoisse identitaire.


Avec l’émergence du SPO, les autres partis de droite radicale, qui étaient nombreux à se présenter, sont marginalisés. Le mouvement Svobodni (« Parti des citoyens libres »), eurosceptique, tombe à 1,56% des voix (- 0,91). En revanche le mouvement Rozumni, eurosceptique, obtient 0,72% (+ 0,45). Enfin le mouvement des Réalistes (Realisti), là encore eurosceptique et anti-immigration, obtient 0,71% des voix.

Les formations encore plus dures, comme l’ultra-radical DSSS (Parti des travailleurs et de la justice sociale) avec 0,2% des voix (- 0,66), l’Ordre de la nation (RN-VU) avec 0,17%, comme le Bloc contre l’islamisation (0,1%) ou comme les Républicains de Miroslav Sladek (SPR-RSCMS) avec 0,19% des voix, sont maintenues à des scores dérisoires, sans parler du Front national tchèque (117 voix en tout) ou de « La nation ensemble » (300 voix). Mais toutes illustrent néanmoins la volonté tchèque de se préserver du globalisme.

25,7% des électeurs thèques ont voté pour des formations nationalistes ou souverainistes opposés à l’Union européenne comme à l’arrivée de migrants, ce qui est considérable. Certains des partis proposant une offre eurosceptique seront certainement associés au nouveau gouvernement autour de la figure d’Andrej Babis (ANO), qui est la seconde plus grande fortune du pays. Ce dernier n’entend pas se faire dicter sa politique par quiconque, et certainement pas par Bruxelles. Babis ne tombera certes pas dans l’euroscepticisme, pas davantage que Viktor Orban en Hongrie n’y a cédé, mais va accroître le pôle de résistance d’Europe médiane. Le succès autrichien de Sebastian Kurz devrait renforcer également ce pôle.

Il serait peut-être que les dirigeants d’Europe occidentale, et par conséquence les responsables de Bruxelles, comprennent que la politique qu’ils proposent est impopulaire et contraire à l’intérêt véritable des Européens. L’unité européenne ne sera possible qu’en trouvant un terrain d’entente, c’est-à-dire en refusant explicitement les « valeurs » du globalisme.

Thomas FERRIER (Le Parti des Européens)

Pour Gérard Depardieu, "les Français sont tristes comme la mort"


Pour Gérard Depardieu, "les Français sont tristes comme la mort"

Une interview surréaliste. Le Figaro (article payant) raconte, dimanche 22 octobre, son entrevue avec Gérard Depardieu prévue pour évoquer la sortie prochaine de son nouveau livre, Monstre (Le Cherche-Midi). Problème : Gérard Depardieu avait envie de parler de tout sauf de son livre. 

Le journaliste raconte avoir eu du mal à tenir son entretien, Gérard Depardieu passant d'un sujet à l'autre. L'acteur a notamment évoqué les raisons qui l'ont poussé à quitter la France et à devenir russe, en janvier 2013. "Contrairement à ce que disent les journalistes, ce n'est pas pour la fiscalité que je me suis barré. Non. Si c'était pour ça, je me serais barré bien avant ! Je payais plein pot, je ne me plaignais pas", a-t-il lancé, avant d'enchaîner : 

Ce que je ne supporte pas, et c'est pour ça que ce pays m'emmerde, c'est de voir que les Français sont tristes comme la mort.

Gérard Depardieu

au Figaro

"Nous sommes dirigés par Apple et Zuckerberg"

Dans une longue tirade, l'acteur continue de critiquer les Français. "Ils n'osent même plus regarder leur terre puisqu'ils en ont honte. La France est un très beau pays, mais où les gens sont perdus", a affirmé la star de 68 ans, avant de conclure sur le sujet : "Nous avons dépassé Orwell : nous sommes dans La Faune de l'espace de Van Vogt, où plus personne ne comprend rien. Le suffrage universel, c'est fini : nous sommes dirigés par Apple et Zuckerberg."

Charles Quint : empereur d'une fin des temps


Charles Quint : empereur d'une fin des temps

Auteur : Denis Crouzet
Editeur : Odile Jacob
Nombre de pages : 450
Ex: http://www.famillechretienne.fr

L’historien Denis Crouzet brosse un portrait saisissant de Charles Quint dans le contexte de la fin de la chrétienté.

Quand le pape Benoît XVI a renoncé à la charge pontificale en février 2013, le philosophe Alain Finkielkraut compara le geste du pape allemand à celui de l’empereur Charles Quint. Le 25 octobre 1555, dans son palais bruxellois, le vieil homme s’adressait ainsi à la cour impériale : « Je me sens maintenant si fatigué que je ne saurais vous être d’aucun secours, comme vous le voyez vous-même. Épuisé et brisé comme je le suis, j’aurais des comptes à rendre à Dieu et aux hommes si je ne renonçais à gouverner. » Tout comme Benoît XVI, l’homme pleura amèrement après cette annonce, puis se retira dans un monastère.


L’un et l’autre ne peuvent se comprendre qu’à travers la mission qu’ils estimaient avoir reçue de Dieu. L’historien Denis Crouzet nous la décrit dans son dernier essai. Un ouvrage dense, à la lecture exigeante, mais d’une richesse incomparable. Plutôt que de céder à la facilité du genre biographique, l’auteur nous transporte sur une courte période allant de 1545 à 1552. Sept années d’un règne qui en compte trente-six. L’époque est l’un des moments charnières de l’Histoire européenne et de la civilisation : dans sa lutte contre les princes protestants réunis dans la ligue de Smalkalde, Charles Quint semble avoir remporté la victoire à Mühlberg en 1547. Mais en 1552, le traité de Passau établit définitivement le célèbre principe : « Tel prince, telle religion. » Il s’agit du jour où « tout bascule », puisque l’Europe chrétienne n’est plus, déchirée entre catholiques et protestants.

Certes, l’empereur Charles Quint vit une époque qui sait le glorifier, mais ce personnage impénétrable cachait en lui une peur face au tragique de l’Histoire : « Une épreuve dramatique toujours recommencée, durant laquelle ce qui a été gagné est sous tension d’être perdu, bien vite. » Plus Bourguignon que Habsbourg, il est la parfaite illustration du mot de Boileau : « Rarement un esprit ose être ce qu’il est. » Mais il savait aller de l’avant, sous la contrainte, imitant par ailleurs le Christ fait homme. Stoïque, mais chrétien.  

Christophe Dickes

The Dark State


The Dark State

Ex: http://www.usa.forzanuova.it


We know for sure that:
– Western countries have organized drug trafficking in the past;
– there is a strong drug industry existing;
– there are no individuals who have illicit assets comparable to the huge profits generated by the drug industry.
The only logical conclusion is that, largely, the profits from the drug industry do not end up in private hands, but the Western states have never ceased organizing the drug trafficking.

The Dark State

        Drug trafficking is significantly profitable. Recent estimates place the drug industry at around 4,000 billion dollars in turnover [1]. Considering a profit margin of only 25% [2], it means that the drug industry is generating profits of 1,000 billion dollars every year. To put it simply, let’s assume that the global organized crime as a whole generates annual profits of 1,000 billion dollars from illegal activities (drugs, prostitution, traffic of persons, organs, cyberthefts, etc). Summing up these profits year by year, decade by decade, we come to astronomic amounts of tens, maybe even hundreds of thousands of billions of dollars. Let’s assume that the cumulated profits over the past 30 years sum up to 30,000 (30×1,000) billion dollars [3]. In order to understand the magnitude of these amounts, we can compare them with the capitalization of all the world’s listed companies, which amounts to around 50,000 billion dollars [4].
        It is absurd to believe that people in the organized crime risk their life to make such profits and then they do not spend the money gained. It is absurd and impossible given that the US money supply is around 2,000 billion dollars [5]. Organized crime has definitely changed these profits for something, because, otherwise, there would be no money in circulation around the world. The question is, what has the organized crime changed these profits for? Surprisingly, organized crime has not invested these profits in legal businesses, because it would have been possible for it to buy more than half of all large global businesses. There is no knowledge of a single industry or large company to be financed from illegal money. Organized crime has not invested these profits in properties either (buildings, cars, etc.) because all these are known to the states for tax purposes. Regardless of what they changed these profits for, the question is how it was possible for huge amounts of money to be spent and there is not even one billionaire to have had made a fortune out of illegal activities? The world’s richest persons include no such examples of people enriched from illegal activities.
        There are only two single forms of property: private property and public property. If such huge profits cannot be traced back to the world’s private property, this means they were obtained and used by the state. Such profits were spent, year by year, by states and are, thus, not found in any private property around the world.


From a historical point of view

        It is known that Western countries are the ones who used to organize drug trafficking in the past [6]. History tells us what happens when drug trafficking is interrupted. The first opium war [7] and the second opium war show that the British Empire, in order not to lose the huge profits generated from drug sale, is willing to use military force to resume the drug traffic. In 2001, the Taliban in Afghanistan had largely stopped drug production [8]. Within only a few months, the Taliban, without funds of billions of dollars, without advanced technology, without satellites, without state-of-the-art surveillance means, had stopped 90% of the drug production. The terrorist attacks of 2001 happened the same year. The person guilty of these attacks had hidden in the same country where drug production was stopped. Over the following year, in 2002, after military intervention, particularly from the US, the drug production had returned to the previous level of 2001, and doubled within 5 years (2006)[9]. Thus, when organized crime received a deadly hit, the US army came to the rescue. The same correlation between military presence and increase of drug production can also be noted in the British army [10].
From an economic point of view
        Assume there is a business generating huge annual profits in the amount of a few hundreds of billions of dollars. We can rank down all global companies in terms of profitability. Within only a few years, the most profitable company can be purchased. Using the initial profit, plus the profit of the company purchased, the following ranked company is purchased. Repeating this algorithm, we can understand that there is only a matter of time until the entire economy is controlled by those who own the initially extremely profitable business. Given that, in reality, this business exists and that is the drug trafficking business, there are two possibilities: either all the rich persons are only puppets in the hands of organized crime, or the rich persons altogether control the organized crime (by means of the state).
        A general rule of human society is wealth concentration. Applying this rule to the drug industry, we obtain the following:
– in time, the wealth coming from drugs would be found in the possession of a closed group of individuals whose personal wealth is tens of times higher than that of the richest person on the planet;
– America would be dominated by 2-3 mega criminal groups just like all industries ended up being dominated by a small number of giants.
        Both versions fail to correspond with reality. Thus, we either accept that a general rule exceptionally does not apply, or we accept that it applies and there is one single criminal group which monopolized America: the State. Thus, there are no rich persons whose wealth is owed to illegal activities because, largely, the profits do not end up in private hands, but the state takes care that criminal groups are small-sized so as not to create great problems to the society. Profits are made by organizers in transit, between the producing country and the market. Drugs are purchased at a price, so that the producer stays poor, and sold at a price close to the street price, so that the seller is not allowed to get rich.
        A suspicious element is the lack of seizures in the amount of billions of dollars. The mass-media relates cases when criminal groups are arrested, but where are the billions of dollars they had made in the meantime and hidden as private assets? The private assets cumulated in time are missing, and seizing such fortune would be truly the sensational part of arresting a criminal group.


From the point of view of national security
        Let’s consider a clandestine group which makes an annual profit of only 1 billion dollars. With this money, an army of 10,000 people trained to sabotage can be supported. With such an army, a country can be destabilized. For such reason alone, a clandestine group is a serious threat to national security. A state will never allow the existence of such groups, because their clandestine nature means their leadership and purpose for which they were created are unknown. Moreover, the state will not allow either the existence of groups making modest profits. A clandestine group which produces only 100 million dollars every year can raise profits within 10 years and then act. For reasons of national security, we can guess that any major criminal group, regardless of its field of operation, is controlled by the state. The state will not allow any organization (or a different state) to conduct any profit-generating activity without the domestic state knowing of its existence. In order to make 1 billion dollars, more than 60,000 customers are required [11]. How can we believe that the state holds intelligence services able to find terrorist cells of only a few individuals and the same state is not capable to find a network serving over 60,000 customers every year?
        From all these different points of view, the American State (Western states) is proven to control organized crime.
        The illegality of the Western capitalist system where the state and organized crime are intermingled is simply proven by the lack of great private fortunes made out of drug trafficking. Considering that the annual profits obtained by the organized crime are of only 1,000 billion dollars, we have two options: either the individuals making such profits are different from one year to another, or they are changed every large periods of time. In the first case, hundreds of new multi-billionaires in dollars who had made a fortune in illicit ways would appear every year. In the second case, the illicit wealth gathered in time would exceed the legal profits, meaning those who lead the organized crime would be the richest people of the planet [12]. Given that both versions are false, it means that the profits do not end up in private hands, so the Western countries are still organizing drug trafficking as they did in the past.
1. In its 1997 World Drugs Report the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime estimated the value of the market at $4 trillion, ranking drugs alongside arms and oil among the world’s largest traded goods.
2. What keeps the drug industry going is its huge profit margins. Producing drugs is a very cheap process. Like any commodities business the closer you are to the source the cheaper the product. Processed cocaine is available in Colombia for $1500 dollars per kilo and sold on the streets of America for as much as $66,000 a kilo (retail). Heroin costs $2,600/kilo in Pakistan, but can be sold on the streets of America for $130,000/kilo (retail).
“The average drug trafficking organization, meaning from Medellin to the streets of New York, could afford to lose 90% of its profit and still be profitable,” says Robert Stutman, a former DEA Agent.
Profit margin (cocaine) (66,000 – 1,500) / 66,000 x 100 = 97.72%
Profit margin  (heroin) (130,000 – 2,600) / 130,000 x 100 = 98%
3. Criminals, especially drug traffickers, may have laundered around $1.6 trillion, or 2.7 per cent of global GDP, in 2009, according to a new report by UNODC.
Considering 2009 as the average of the last 20 years we have 1,600 x 20 = 32,000 billion dollars laundered.
4. The total market capitalization of all publicly traded companies in the world was US$51.2 trillion in January 2007[4] and rose as high as US$57.5 trillion in May 2008[5] before dropping below US$50 trillion in August 2008 and slightly above US$40 trillion in September 2008.
6. Despite a major opium epidemic in China at the end of the 19th century, there was little interest in suppressing a business that was so profitable for opium merchants, shippers, bankers, insurance agencies and governments. Many national economies were as dependent on opium as the addicts themselves. Indeed, what Karl Marx described as “the free trade in poison” was such an important source of revenue for Great Powers that they fought for control of opium markets.
100 Years of Drug Control. Antonio Maria Costa – Executive Director – United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime
8. In July 2000, Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar, collaborating with the United Nations to eradicate heroin production in Afghanistan, declared that growing poppies was un-Islamic, resulting in one of the world’s most successful anti-drug campaigns. The Taliban enforced a ban on poppy farming via threats, forced eradication, and public punishment of transgressors. The result was a 99% reduction in the area of opium poppy farming in Taliban-controlled areas, roughly three quarters of the world’s supply of heroin at the time.
9. World Drug Report 2008, p38
11. Considering that 30,000 dollars can be saved annually (out of an average annual salary of 50,000 dollars), that a person gives it all to a criminal group and that the profit margin is 50%, it results that the group is producing 15,000 dollars in profit per client on an annual basis. Dividing a billion to 15,000, we obtain more than 66,000 clients.
12. Considering that there are a million criminal organizations around the world [13], that the incomes from illegal activities are 4,000 billion dollars annually [14] and that wealth distribution is similar to that worldwide, which means that 1% owns 50% of the global wealth [15], we have the first 10,000 criminal organizations which own 2.000 billion dollars. Considering that the distribution of wealth is as follows: 1% own 15% of the wealth, we have the first 100 criminal organizations which hold 300 billion. Considering a distribution similar to that of the richest people on the planet [16] we have the richest organization which has 10.9 billion dollars, while the 100th has 1.5 billion dollars. Based on the profits of one single year, there should be more than a hundred criminal organizations as billionaires. Within only seven years, the accumulated profits would exceed the legal property of the richest man (10.9 x 7 = 76.3 > 75).
Even if, on average, the profits of the organized crime would amount to only 100 billion annually, a wealth of 4,000 billion dollars is obtained within 40 years. It is very hard to believe that this wealth can be distributed so that most traffickers remain poor [17] and the richest trafficker is not among the richest people on earth.
13. In the UK, police estimate that organized crime involves up to 38,000 people operating in 6,000 various groups.
We have 6,000 groups related to Great Britain population of about 60 million. Keeping the proportion of a population of 7.5 billion we have 750,000 criminal groups.
14. Considering and: As reported by the 2013 Europol Serious & Organized Threat Assessment, the “Total Global Impact of CyberCrime [has risen to] US $3 Trillion, making it more profitable than the global trade in marijuana, cocaine and heroin combined.”
17. Contrary to a popular image of drug sales as a lucrative profession, many of the employees were living with their mothers by necessity.

Identity, Theism & The Religion Of Capital


Identity, Theism & The Religion Of Capital


Ex: http://www.usa.forzanuova.info

In the modern world, and particularly in the “West”, we have slipped into a devastating pattern of deconstructionism. We’ve deconstructed with pseudo-intellectual lines of attack all of the traditional institutions and paradigms that have held our society together; gender, race, sexuality, religion – the list could potentially be perennial. Anything and everything that held together a people within a group identity has been deconstructed, thereby removing its inherent value and purpose.

Religion is perhaps the greatest example of this and certainly the battleground in which we first encountered the deconstructionist. With the advent of the modern era, with science and the values of enlightenment, we have “disproved” many previously held religious axioms. Most notably of course, and an example with which everyone is familiar, the belief in Darwin’s evolutionary theory as an antithesis of creationism. Once science can effectively disprove the opening chapter of the Holy Bible, the door has been wedged open for the great deconstructionist to begin extracting the value from the rest of the book.

Never mind the fact that the bible contains many lessons from which one might come to lead a better life; never mind the fact that much of the bible should be understood as metaphor as opposed to magic and miracles; once they can defeat one area in the field of battle, they will not stop until there remains no value in a concept.

Thus the Christian way of life was brought down in the west – and I lament this, despite practising a different faith myself. I lament the passing of this system due to the simultaneous loss of group identity it has caused as a side effect, or perhaps the former was a catalyst for the latter. Whatever the cause of the process, the action and reaction, the facts remain the same; the loss of group identity on a community and national level has occurred in direct proportion with the decline of religious faith.

The reason for this is quite simply. Our societies and communities, on a micro and macro level, were built around the Church. The Church was the focal point of the community, a place where one’s fellow kith and kin would gather at least once a week in unified faith. Every major event in our lives was in the domain of the Church; birth, marriage and even death. We celebrated Easter together, the Harvest together, Christmas and Lent and so on and so forth. Even social issues that have now been taken over by the state – with charity being the greatest example of this – were previously under the remit of the Church.

British society is a great example of this. For better or worse, the Church and faith in the Christian religion held society together, even offering legitimacy to the royals and morale for the armies. Whilst I am not a Christian and I believe that a different faith and ethics system is preferable, that’s just personal taste – the focus point of this discussion isn’t necessarily the particular religion, but the system of society that collective belief in a religion generally brings about; cooperation, a sense of belonging, goodwill to one’s neighbour, charity, asceticism.

Another example of this, and perhaps useful for a “compare and contrast” exercise, is the Islamic world. The Islamic world has soundly rejected atheism as a theory and has instead embraced a more traditionalist, more conservative approach to their faith, which in many cases has become almost reactionary as a response to Western-backed atheism. Whilst many of you may not agree with the values of Islam, not one of you can deny that their collective faith gives Muslims a strong sense of identity that many of us in the Western world sorely lack.

The great lie that the deconstructionists fed to us is that one can either be rational, or spiritual. These concepts are, to those who seek to remove the latter, absolutely mutually exclusive. The implication being that by entertaining a degree of spirituality one is by definition, lacking in a logical understanding of the world and their environment. This is false; very few theists claim that their religion should be practised like a child with blind faith in Santa. The belief in a “man in the sky” is not a prerequisite for theism – on the contrary, many theologists will confirm that one can be an ardent Christian without believing literally in the book of Genesis, for instance.

Yet this is how we’ve been taught to view such issues, in grossly absolutist terms that do a disservice to those who do follow a spiritual path. We are given a black and white interpretation that says you’re either with science – and by definition against religion – or against science – and by definition, stupid. The mockery directed at those who practise faith, that sometimes extends to borderline social ostracism, has been weaponised by the deconstructionists to deprive the collective of its identities.

The free-market also has a lot to answer for in this regard. The pressure by free-marketeers to loosen traditionally restricted trading hours, most notably the Sunday Trading Hours laws that have been introduced in the United Kingdom, have turned what used to be time for reflection, community, charity and family, into yet more time for materialist pursuits and mindless, atomised consumerism. In this way, a religiously traditional society is a great threat to the free-market, as it restricts the number of hours the giant capitalists have to make money.

More broadly, neo-liberal Western capitalism has been one of the driving forces behind the challenges to traditionally spiritual societies – hence why Islamic societies fight so vehemently against the doctrine. The proponents of such doctrines – ironically the “conservatives” who claim a Christian foundation – only have one belief system, one faith, and one God: capital. Money and only money is their raison d’etre. They live for no higher purpose, no greater collective mission and nothing other than the accumulation of capital – what a sad existence that must be!

But its effects on Western societies have been momentous. Many in Europe often claim Islam is the fastest growing religion in the continent and, of course, they’re not wrong, but one cannot overlook the fact that the atheistic are the fastest growing demographic more generally. And in any case, it is difficult to separate atheism from the umbrella term of “religious groups”, given their undying profession of eternal love for and their steadfast belief in capital – in a way, this in itself amounts to a religion. It certainly has characteristics of religion that they themselves overlook.

As we know, the belief in money and the accumulation of capital as the only notion to hold inherent value serves no greater purpose than to remove collective identities. Whether it be from the right, the neo-liberal capitalists, or from the left, the individualist social democrats, the prevailing political paradigm of our time is money above all, and identity below everything.

Thus it can be said that, rather than the irreligious being the fastest growing demographic in Western societies, it is in fact those bereft of collective identity who are truly prevailing. As I alluded to earlier on in this piece, I’m not a Christian, and nor do I believe that the rise of Islam is a good thing purely because it’s a religious doctrine combatting an irreligious doctrine. Rather an atheist West than a theist East – yet I can’t help feel somewhat envious of those in the Islamic world, for they have retained their belief in the spiritual and their comradeship of the collective.

Perhaps the West, as opposed to their perennial cycle of teaching foreigners liberal democracy, should take a step back and ask what lessons we could learn from them.

Ricordo di Giorgio Locchi, che previde il “male americano” prima degli altri


Ricordo di Giorgio Locchi, che previde il “male americano” prima degli altri

Ex: http://www.secoloditalia.it

Oggi ricorre l’anniversario della scomparsa di Giorgio Locchi, morto a Parigi, dove viveva dagli anni Cinquanta, il 25 ottobre del 1992. Oggi Giorgio Locchi, giornalista, saggista, scrittore, non è molto conosciuto in Italia, soprattutto dai giovani, ma fu uno dei pensatori che più incisero sulla comunità anticomunista europea (a lui non piaceva la definizione “destra”) dagli anni Settanta in poi. Poco si sa della sua vita privata, e quello che sappiamo lo dobbiamo alla frequentazione sistematica da parte di suoi “discepoli” italiani, ragazzi provenienti dal neofascismo degli anni Settanta. Questi ragazzi, infiammati dal sacro fuoco della politica e dalla voglia di cambiare questo mondo, andavano a Parigi, a Saint Cloud, dove Locchi viveva e si guadagnava da vivere come corrispondente del quotidiano romano Il Tempo. Tra questi ragazzi ricordiamo senz’altro Gennaro Malgieri, Giuseppe Del Ninno, Mario Trubiano, Marco Tarchi e altri. In ogni caso, per quanto misconosciuto in Italia, Giorgio Locchi fu un po’ il “padre nobile” dei grandi rivolgimenti culturali europei nella famiglia della destra (scriviamo così solo per convenzione), quando dal neofascismo puro si passò alla dimensione culturale, a una Nuova Destra, come poi in effetti fu chiamata, la Nouvelle droite, che guardava oltre il regime fascista ma pensava piuttosto alle potenzialità, peraltro in parte messe in pratica, da quella filosofia e da quella dottrina europeista e antiegalitaria, ancorché modernizzatrice, che avrebbe ancora oggi tasto da dire e da dare alla nostra civiltà un po’ decadente (a voler essere generosi). Poi, la figura di Giorgio Locchi venne allo scoperto in Francia, ma per merito degli italiani, come ricorda Del Ninno. Locchi fu tra i fondatori del Grece, Groupement de recherche et d’études pour la civilisation européenne, creato nel 1968 insieme ad Alain de Benoist, intellettuale e scrittore francese molto noto, che fu con Locchi sin dall’inizio, pur essendo de Benoist più giovane.

Giorgio Locchi visse molti anni a Parigi

Giorgio Locchi era nato a Roma nel 1923, la famiglia aveva contiguità col mondo del cinema e dei doppiatori, lui stesso era amico della famiglia di Sergio Leone; scuole al classico del Nazareno dove, pur essendo lui completamente acattolico, conservò stima e gratitudine per i padri Scolopi, che avevano sempre rispettato la sua libertà di pensiero e che gli garantirono sempre massima autonomia di giudizio e di critica. Proseguì gli studi, orientati particolarmente verso il germanismo, la musica, la scienza della politica, ma soprattutto verso gli studi della civiltà indoeuropea, argomento sul quale ci ha lasciato un libro e numerosissimi scritti. I ragazzi del Fronte della Gioventù e del Msi degli anni Settanta e Ottanta furono letteralmente folgorati dal suo libro Il male americano (Lede editrice), dove Locchi aveva previsto tutto ciò che non sarebbe accaduto ma che sta ancora accadendo. Il fatto di essere usciti sconfitti da una guerra devastante, per Locchi, non annichilisce le idee che a quella guerra portarono. Che infatti sopravvivono nelle più disparate forme e sfumature. Dopo la realizzazione del Grece, che oggi chiameremmo un think tank, la Nuova Destra comincia a farsi conoscere non solo in Francia e in Italia, ma un po’ in tutta l’Europa occidentale. E a proposito di Europa, Locchi volle andare a Berlino nei giorni della riunificazione delle Germanie. La firma di Locchi da quel momento, che utilizzava anche lo pseudonimo di Hans-Jürgen Nigra, iniziò ad apparire sulle riviste vicine alla Nouvelle Droite, come Nouvelle Ecole, Elements, Intervento, la Destra, l’Uomo libero e naturalmente il nostro quotidiano Secolo d’Italia. Frattanto rendeva preziose informazioni ai lettori italiani con superbe corrispondenze dei fatti d’Algeria, sul ’68 francese, e anche sulla nascita dell’esistenzialismo. Come ha scritto in maniera chiara Gennaro Malgieri nel suo mirabile Hommage à Giorgio Locchi (1923-1992) in Synergies européennes nel febbraio del 1993, in realtà le idee di Locchi erano le idee di un’Europa che non esiste più, ma questa non era per lui una ragione per non difenderne o illustrarne i principi. Queste idee riguardano quell’Europa eterna a cui l’Europa economica del nostro dopoguerra non assomiglia per nulla. Ad esempio, nota ancora Malgieri, l’atteggiamento di Locchi verso il fascismo non era di semplice nostalgia o protesta, ma raccoglieva nel fermento culturale di quell’epoca e di quella esperienza tutte le idee e le iniziative che non erano e non sono obsolete. «Ha condiviso con noi i suoi pensieri su questo nella sua opera intitolata L’Essenza del fascismo (Il Tridente, 1981). Egli si riferisce alla visione del mondo che è stata l’ispirazione del fascismo storico, ma non è scomparsa con la sconfitta di quest’ultimo. Questo libro è ancora un “discorso di verità” prodigiosa nel senso greco, che cerca di rimuovere dal fascismo di tutte quelle spiegazioni frammentarie che sono attualmente in corso e tutte le forme di demonizzazione tese a generare pregiudizi».

Giorgio Locchi scrisse anche un libro sul “mito sovrumanista”

Nella sua indagine, infatti, Locchi ha sostenuto che non era possibile capire il fascismo, se non ci siamo accorti che era la prima manifestazione politica di un fenomeno spirituale di più ampia portata, le cui origini risalgono nella seconda metà del XIX secolo e ha chiamato il “surhumanisme”. I poli di questo fenomeno, che si presenta proprio come un enorme campo magnetico, sono Richard Wagner e Friedrich Nietzsche che, attraverso le loro opere, hanno mescolato il nuovo principio e lo hanno portato nella cultura europea tra la fine del XIX e all’inizio del ventesimo secolo. Su questo Locchi ha scritto il libro Wagner, Nietzsche e il mito sovrumanista (edizioni Akropolis), difficile ma estremamente lucido, che ebbe le lodi del critico musicale Paolo Isotta dalle colonne del Corriere della Sera. Locchi ci ha lasciato pochi libri, ma importanti. La sua vita testimonia un impegno coerente, profondo, cruciale, che oggi non sarebbe male approfondire. Su di lui (anche) pochi anni fa Francesco Germinario ha scritto un libro, Tradizione, Mito e Storia (Carocci editore) in cui l’autore definisce i connotati della destra radicale soffermandosi sui suoi esponenti più significativi. Due anni fa alla sede romana di Casapound si è svolta una conferenza su Giorgio Locchi alla presenza del figlio Pierluigi e di Enzo Cipriano, anche lui amico e seguace di Locchi da anni.