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dimanche, 04 avril 2021

"J’ai enterré mon pays" par Paul Craig Roberts


J’ai enterré mon pays

Paul Craig Roberts

Je suis né au printemps de 1939. J’avais presque cinq mois quand l’Allemagne a envahi la Pologne le 1er septembre. Les gouvernements britannique et français répondirent à l’invasion en déclarant la guerre à l’Allemagne, initiant ainsi la Seconde Guerre mondiale.

C’est toujours l’Allemagne qui est blâmée. On dit toujours que l’invasion de la Pologne par l’Allemagne est l’événement qui déclencha la Seconde Guerre mondiale, jamais la déclaration de guerre britannique et française à l’Allemagne. C’est parce que les vainqueurs écrivent l’histoire.

Les Britanniques, les Français et les Américains furent vainqueurs seulement parce que l’Armée Rouge soviétique vainquit la Wehrmacht, peut-être la meilleure armée existante. Les Soviets l’emportèrent par le nombre et par la capacité de production d’armes bien au-dessus de la capacité de l’Allemagne. Après avoir lu le livre de Viktor Suvorov, The Real Culprit, je ne crois pas que Staline avait le moindre besoin des livraisons de guerre de l’Occident. L’invasion de la Normandie n’eut pas lieu avant le 6 juin 1944, après que l’Armée Rouge ait combattu la Wehrmacht pendant trois ans depuis juin 1941.

Hitler était en train de reconstruire l’Allemagne après son démembrement par le traité de Versailles. Seuls les populations allemandes et les territoires sous domination polonaise restaient à récupérer. Pour des raisons qui n’ont pas de sens, le gouvernement britannique interféra dans les négociations germano-polonaises et provoqua la rupture des négociations par le gouvernement militaire polonais. Le résultat fut le Pacte Molotov-Ribbentrop qui divisa la Pologne entre l’Allemagne et l’Union Soviétique. Hitler revendiquait des territoires allemands. Les Soviets ne revendiquaient pas les territoires polonais saisis par l’Armée Rouge, mais les Britanniques et les Français limitèrent leur objection à l’invasion de la Pologne par l’Allemagne.


C’est la stupide « garantie » britannique à la Pologne qui causa la Seconde Guerre mondiale. En son absence, le gouvernement polonais aurait traité avec l’Allemagne. Hitler ne voulait pas la guerre avec la Grande-Bretagne et la France, encore moins avec les USA. Ce furent des événements imposés à l’Allemagne. Après la rapide défaite des armées britannique et française, Hitler proposa la paix à la Grande-Bretagne avec des garanties militaires allemandes pour protéger l’Empire britannique, mais Churchill garda l’offre de paix secrète et refusa.

Churchill continua de refuser les offres de paix allemandes, et certains historiens conclurent que la raison pour laquelle Hitler attaqua l’Union Soviétique était à cause de la croyance d’Hitler que Churchill résistait dans l’attente que la Russie entrerait dans la guerre du coté britannique et français. Par conséquent, Hitler décida qu’il détruirait cet espoir britannique en envahissant la Russie. Suvorov dit qu’Hitler savait que Staline était sur le point d’attaquer l’Allemagne, mais les études de David Irving n’ont pas découvert de preuves pour appuyer l’affirmation de Suvorov que Hitler avait connaissance d’une attaque soviétique planifiée. Aucun des deux camps ne semblait connaître l’intention de l’autre.

Sans un hiver russe précoce, Hitler aurait pu réussir à assommer l’Union Soviétique. L’hiver précoce stoppa l’avance allemande et donna à l’Armée Rouge le temps de récupérer et s’organiser.

J’écris cela comme arrière-plan du monde où j’ai grandi. La Seconde Guerre mondiale ne fit pas de mal aux USA. Elle fit du bien à l’Amérique. La guerre sortit les USA d’une décennie de dépression économique et fit des USA la puissance mondiale avec la monnaie de réserve.

Les morts militaires US des deux fronts – Japon et Allemagne – se montèrent à 416.000, un chiffre presque égalé par la Grande-Bretagne, un pays et une population beaucoup plus petits, et dépassé par la petite Yougoslavie avec 446.000 morts militaires. Par contre, les morts militaires allemandes se montèrent à 4.300.000 plus une estimation de 500.000 morts civils du fait de la politique britannique et américaine de cibler les populations civiles allemandes par des bombardements sur les zones résidentielles. La défaite de l’Allemagne fut obtenue par l’Union Soviétique au prix d’un minimum de 10.000.000 de morts militaires et entre 24.000.000 et 26.000.000 de morts civils et militaires.

J’ai grandi dans des temps bénis. En ces jours quelqu’un n’avait pas besoin d’être brillant ou d’avoir des relations dans la classe dirigeante pour réussir. Ce fait séparait l’Amérique du reste du monde dans l’opinion populaire. Les Américains vivaient dans un pays d’opportunités. Et c’était vrai, pas une fiction.

A Atlanta, en Géorgie, les enfants de 5 ans pouvaient aller tout seul ou avec des camarades de classe plus d’un kilomètre aller-retour jusqu’à l’école sans être molestés ou kidnappés. Les garçons pouvaient se battre sur le terrain de jeu sans être arrêtés. Les parents réglaient les problèmes seuls avec les enseignants. Les enseignants étaient exceptionnels. Il n’existait pas de diplômes d’enseignement. Les enseignants avaient des diplômes en anglais ou en d’autres langues, en mathématiques, en chimie, en physique, en histoire. C’étaient des gens qui aimaient leurs sujets et qui transmettaient cela aux étudiants.


Les mauvais comportements, qui étaient rares, étaient réglés par une note envoyée à la maison qui devait être signée par un parent et renvoyée le jour suivant. Une note à la maison était la dernière chose désirée. Il n’y avait pas de numéro de téléphone gouvernemental qu’on pouvait appeler pour se plaindre d’avoir été puni pour ses mauvaises actions.

Nous nous entendions bien avec les Américains noirs. Ils faisaient partie même des foyers de la basse classe moyenne blanche. A cette époque les machines pour aider à faire le travail étaient inconnues. Les vêtements étaient lavés à la main et mis à sécher sur des cordes à linge. Les repas étaient préparés à partir de rien avec de vrais ingrédients. Si la mère n’était pas présente, Carrie était la patronne, pas nous les « Blancs privilégiés ». Carrie dînait avec nous à la table, et si Carrie rencontrait un problème financier qu’elle ne pouvait pas régler, mes parents et ses autres employeurs à la journée puisaient dans leurs maigres ressources pour l’aider.

J’ai grandi à Atlanta, Géorgie, sans crainte ni haine des Américains noirs. Ce n’est plus le cas à Atlanta. Beaucoup d’habitants blancs fuient la ville.

Ce ne sont pas seulement les relations entre les races qui se sont détériorées. Tout s’est détérioré. L’Amérique aujourd’hui n’a plus aucun rapport avec le monde américain où j’ai grandi. Bien sûr, aujourd’hui la réponse sera que j’ai grandi avec le « privilège blanc ». Mais en fait, j’ai grandi dans une communauté où les gens et les genres avaient des rôles différents, et une personne était jugée d’après sa performance. La performance incluait le comportement moral. Si vous aviez une bonne moralité et que vous faisiez un bon travail et que vous teniez parole, vous étiez respecté. Point-barre.

Aujourd’hui si vous n’êtes pas une personne « woke » qui objecte au genre des pronoms et si vous ne croyez pas que la classe ouvrière blanche est « raciste systémique », vous êtes « déplateformé » et « annulé » [cancelled]. Les Blancs sont maintenant diabolisés par d’autres Blancs, et ceux qui sont diabolisés ne sont pas autorisés à se défendre. N’importe quelle « personne de couleur » peut détruire un patron, un collègue, un professeur ou un doyen d’université en prétendant être « offensé ».

En Amérique aujourd’hui il y a très peu de gens libres. Seuls ceux qui ne dépendent pas de l’emploi et de l’approbation des médias sont libres. Même ce petit nombre d’Américains libres est en danger, puisque l’expression d’une dissidence est définie par le régime Biden comme du terrorisme intérieur.


Les médias parlent d’une seule voix, et la voix est celle de la dénonciation de tous ceux qui contestent le récit dominant. En Amérique aujourd’hui les médias protègent les erreurs et l’avarice des bureaucrates médicaux alliés à Big Pharma, et les médias couvrent les récits de l’Establishment contre les experts scientifiques qui sont réduits au silence par la privation de forum. En conséquence, le public est informé seulement par une propagande égoïste qui défend ses intérêts matériels et accroît le pouvoir du gouvernement sur les citoyens.

Les conséquences sont diverses et désastreuses. Avec le Covid il y a eu des confinements inutiles qui ont détruit des commerces et des individus. En politique étrangère, des antagonismes ont été créés qui pourraient conduire à des guerres désastreuses contre l’Iran, la Chine et la Russie. La focalisation du régime Biden à définir les supporters de Trump, 90 millions d’électeurs américains, comme des terroristes intérieurs, implique du guerre civile.

Ce que je trouve le plus décourageant concernant l’Amérique est qu’après toutes les tromperies prouvées que les Américains ont subies – l’assassinat du Président John F. Kennedy, l’assassinat de Robert Kennedy, l’assassinat de Martin Luther King, l’assassinat de dirigeants étrangers qui refusaient de suivre la ligne de Washington, la guerre du Vietnam, le 11 septembre, les armes de destruction massive de Saddam Hussein, l’utilisation d’armes chimiques, les armes nucléaires iraniennes, le Russiagate, l’invasion russe de l’Ukraine, les élections de 2020, l’insurrection trumpiste au Capitole – la liste continue à l’infini – les Américains continuent à s’asseoir devant CNN et le reste, à écouter NRP, et à lire le New York Times ou le Washington Post et continuent ainsi à satisfaire l’Establishment dominant en acceptant de subir un lavage de cerveau. Un peuple aussi insouciant n’a pas de possibilités de survie.

Une Amérique soumise à un lavage de cerveau, un monde occidental soumis à un lavage de cerveau ne sont pas des terres de liberté.

Sur ce site web, j’essaie de vous rendre conscients. Contrairement aux médias, je vous donne de bonnes informations sur les sujets que j’explique. Revenez en arrière et comparez ce que je vous ai dit avec ce que les médias vous ont dit.

Examinez, par exemple, mon reportage sur le Covid. Je vous ai dit comment vous protéger. Je vous ai dit quels sont les remèdes si vous êtes contaminé par une variante grave. Je vous ai dit que les masques ne sont pas protecteurs s’ils ne sont pas classés N95.

C’est une information précieuse. Ce site web est précieux pour tout le monde. Chaque personne sur terre est unique. Nous devrions respecter les gens tant qu’ils ne nous donnent pas une raison de ne pas les respecter. Les gens dans les gouvernements occidentaux semblent être les moins respectables. Ce sont eux qui mentent le plus, et les presstitutes leur donnent la parole. Seuls ceux qui disent la vérité sont attaqués.

Réfléchissez à vos sources d’informations. Je veux dire de vraie information, pas ce qui s’accorde avec vos préjugés. Avez-vous de meilleures sources que ce site web ?

Vous tient-il informé ? Vous fait-il réfléchir ?

Si c’est le cas, vous lui devez votre soutien.


jeudi, 08 octobre 2020

Révolution de couleur aux Etats-Unis


Révolution de couleur aux Etats-Unis

par Paul Craig Roberts

Ex: https://echelledejacob.blogspot.com

Révolution de couleur aux Etats-Unis, mise en œuvre par le complexe militaro-sécuritaire, les médias et le Parti Démocrate.

J’ai établi que le complexe militaro-sécuritaire, avec l’aide des médias et des Démocrates, se propose de transformer l’élection de novembre en une révolution de couleur. La C.I.A. a beaucoup d’expérience en matière de révolutions de couleur, puisqu’elle en a déclenché dans plusieurs pays dont le gouvernement ne lui convenait pas. Comme nous le savons depuis les attaques de John Brennan (ancien directeur de la C.I.A.) contre le Président Trump, ce dernier déplaît lui aussi à la C.I.A. Du point de vue de cette agence, Trump ne diffère pas d’Hugo Chavez, de Nicolas Maduro, de Charles De Gaulle, de Manuel Zelaya, d’Evo Morales, de Victor Yanukovitch et de beaucoup d’autres.

Le Russiagate fut un coup d’État raté, suivi par un autre ratage: l’Impeachgate. Appréhendant la réélection de Trump, et se rendant compte qu’une fois réélu Trump serait en mesure de s’occuper de la trahison fomentée contre lui, l‘ »Etat profond » a décidé de le renverser par une révolution de couleur.

La preuve qu’une révolution de couleur est en cours est abondamment fournie par CNN, MSNBC, le New York Times, NPR(National Public Radio), le Washington Post et de nombreux sites internet ouverts par la C.I.A. et par les fondations et entreprises à travers lesquelles elle agit, tous œuvrant à expulser Trump du Bureau Ovale. Le public américain ne comprend pas à quel point les institutions d’une société libre ont été pénétrées et retournées contre la liberté. Tous ces médias, toutes ces organisations sont en train de faire croire aux Américains que Trump ne quittera pas sa fonction lorsqu’il perdra, ou volera les élections et qu’il faudra l’y forcer. Je reçois des emails de lecteurs britanniques et européens selon lesquels les médias d’Europe et du Royaume Uni préparent les esprits à accepter une révolution de couleur de la C.I.A. contre le Président Trump. Les médias et les politiciens européens et britanniques tiennent pour acquis que Trump ne pourra pas être réélu parce que :
  • c’est un agent de Poutine
  • il abuse de son pouvoir
  • il représente ces racistes que sont les « Trump deplorables »
  • c’est un coureur de jupons – « attrapez-les par le minou »
  • c’est à cause de lui que l’Amérique a le plus grand nombre de cas et de morts du Covid dans le monde
  • il ne soutient pas l’OTAN (une sinécure pour beaucoup d’Européens)
  • il nous est étranger, il n’appartient pas à l’Oligarchie (« Establishment »), « il n’est pas comme nous »
  • il a les cheveux orange (l’orange étant considéré comme une couleur vulgaire).
Vous pouvez allonger la liste à votre gré.


Les médias américains, européens et britanniques envisagent deux scénarios qui établissent la nécessité d’une révolution de couleur pour chasser Trump de la Présidence:
  • Trump perd l’élection, refuse de quitter son poste et doit en être délogé, sinon c’est la mort de la démocratie.
  • Trump gagne frauduleusement l’élection et doit être chassé, sinon c’est la mort de la démocratie.
Aucun scénario n’imagine que Trump puisse l’emporter grâce au vote populaire. Cette éventualité n’est même pas envisageable. Selon les médias, Trump ne peut que perdre ou bien voler l’élection.

Comme les Antifas et les Black Lives Matter sont maintenant bien rôdés aux manifestations violentes, ils seront lâchés de nouveau sur les villes américaines dès qu’on apprendra que Trump a été élu. Les médias expliqueront que cette violence est nécessaire pour nous libérer d’un tyran, et ils encourageront la violence comme le fera le Parti Démocrate. La C.I.A. aura la certitude du bien fondé de cette violence.

Trump, isolé dans son propre gouvernement, lequel n’a pas été capable d’inculper le clan Obama pour avoir monté un coup contre le Président des États-Unis et tenté de le renverser – Barr et Durham représentent l’Oligarchie (« Establishment »), non pas le Président ni la loi – sera coupé de Twitter, Facebook et de tous les médias, presse comme télévision. Tout ce qu’apprendront les Américains et le reste du monde, c’est que Trump a perdu et doit partir, ou qu’il a gagné en trichant et doit partir. Il sera impossible pour Trump ou n’importe qui d’autre de réfuter ces accusations. Les Républicains, qui manquent d’intelligence comme de volonté, s’aplatiront. Les Républicains ne sont pas des gens combatifs. Ils croient que dénigrer le complexe militaro-sécuritaire est antipatriotique. Ce qui en fait des cibles faciles.

La C.I.A., le « National Endowment for Democracy », « Radio Liberty », etc. ont utilisé des révolutions de couleur contre d’autres qui faisaient obstacle à l’État américain de Sécurité Nationale. Seul Maduro leur a résisté victorieusement. Jusqu’ici.


Le « Secret Service » a coopéré avec la C.I.A. et les chefs d’État Major dans l’assassinat du Président John F. Kennedy. Que pourra bien faire un Président Trump réélu lorsque le Secret Service refusera de repousser les Antifas et les Black Lives Matter lorsque ceux-ci feront irruption dans la Maison Blanche ? Il est hors de doute que le Secret Service est pénétré par la C.I.A. Sinon, comment le Président Kennedy aurait-il pu être assassiné ?

La démocratie américaine est sur le point d’être abolie à jamais, et les médias du monde entier présenteront cet événement comme étant le victorieux renversement d’un tyran.

Paul Craig Roberts

Traduit par J.A., relu par Hervé pour le Saker Francophone

mardi, 06 février 2018

Paul Craig Roberts fulmine contre la Nuclear Posture Review de Washington


Paul Craig Roberts fulmine contre la Nuclear Posture Review de Washington

par Paul Craig Robert
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi
Le monde ne survivra pas à la doctrine américaine des néoconservateurs de l’hégémonie mondiale des États-Unis

Le gouvernement des États-Unis est clairement entre des mains démoniaques. Nous sommes submergés de preuves. Prenez aujourd’hui (2-2-18) par exemple. Un rapport du House Intelligence Committee a été publié, qui prouve que le Federal Bureau of Investigation, le ministère de la Justice (sic) et le Democratic National Committee sont engagés dans une conspiration contre la démocratie américaine et le président des États-Unis avec le plein appui de la presse.

Comme si cela ne suffisait pas, le Pentagone publie également aujourd’hui sa nouvelle étude sur la posture nucléaire. Un examen de la posture nucléaire précise l’attitude d’un pays à l’égard des armes nucléaires et de leur emploi. Dans le passé, on considérait que les armes nucléaires étaient inutilisables, sauf en représailles à une attaque nucléaire. L’hypothèse était que personne ne s’en servirait. Il y avait toujours la possibilité que de fausses alertes d’ICBMs entrants aient pour conséquence de pousser le bouton nucléaire, déclenchant ainsi l’Armageddon. Il y a eu de nombreuses fausses alertes pendant la guerre froide. Le président Ronald Reagan était très préoccupé par une fausse alerte qui aurait entraîné la mort et la destruction de masse. C’est pourquoi son objectif principal était de mettre fin à la guerre froide, ce qu’il a réussi à faire. Il n’a pas fallu longtemps aux gouvernements qui ont succédé pour ressusciter la guerre froide.

La nouvelle posture nucléaire des États-Unis est une dérive imprudente, irresponsable et déstabilisatrice de l’attitude antérieure à l’égard des armes nucléaires. L’utilisation ne serait-ce que d’une petite partie de l’arsenal américain suffirait à détruire la vie sur terre. Pourtant, l’examen de la posture préconise davantage d’armes, dit que les armes nucléaires sont  » utilisables  » et justifie leur utilisation lors des premières frappes, même contre les pays qui n’en possèdent pas.

C’est une escalade insensée. Il dit à tous les pays que le gouvernement américain croit au premier recours aux armes nucléaires contre tous les pays. Des puissances nucléaires telles que la Russie et la Chine doivent voir cela comme une augmentation massive du niveau de menace venant des États-Unis. Les personnes responsables de ce document devraient être enfermées dans des asiles psychiatriques, et non laissées à des positions politiques où elles peuvent les mettre en pratique.

Le président Trump est accusé pour l’agressivité nucléaire américaine annoncée aujourd’hui. Cependant, le document est un produit néoconservateur. Trump, peut-être, aurait pu empêcher la publication du document, mais sous la pression de l’accusation selon laquelle il aurait comploté avec Poutine pour voler l’élection présidentielle américaine à Hillary, Trump ne peut se permettre de s’opposer au Pentagone néoconisé.

Les néoconservateurs sont un petit groupe de conspirateurs. La plupart sont des Juifs sionistes alliés à Israël. Certains ont la double nationalité. Ils ont créé une idéologie de l’hégémonie mondiale américaine, précisant que l’objectif principal de la politique étrangère américaine est d’empêcher l’ascension de toute autre puissance qui pourrait être une entrave à l’unilatéralisme américain. Comme les néoconservateurs contrôlent la politique étrangère américaine, cela explique l’hostilité des Etats-Unis envers la Russie et la Chine, ainsi que l’utilisation par les néoconservateurs de l’armée américaine pour écarter les gouvernements du Moyen-Orient considérés par Israël comme des obstacles à l’expansion israélienne.

Nuclear-Posture-Review-Trump-400x518.jpgDepuis deux décennies, les États-Unis mènent des guerres pour Israël au Moyen-Orient. Ce fait prouve le pouvoir et l’influence des déments néoconservateurs. Il ne fait aucun doute que des gens aussi fous que les néoconservateurs lanceraient une attaque nucléaire contre la Russie et la Chine. Les gouvernements russe et chinois semblent ignorer totalement la menace que les néoconservateurs font peser sur eux. Je n’ai jamais connu, dans mes entretiens avec les Russes et les Chinois, la moindre conscience de l’idéologie néoconservatrice. Cela leur parait peut-être trop insensé pour le comprendre.

Les idéologues tels que les néoconservateurs ne se basent pas sur des faits. Ils poursuivent leur rêve d’hégémonie mondiale. La Russie et la Chine font obstacle à cette hégémonie. Ayant appris les limites de la puissance militaire conventionnelle américaine – après 16 ans, la « superpuissance » américaine n’a pas été en mesure de vaincre quelques milliers de talibans légèrement armés en Afghanistan – les néoconservateurs savent que les invasions conventionnelles de la Russie ou de la Chine mèneraient à la défaite totale des forces américaines. Par conséquent, ils ont élevé les armes nucléaires au rang d’arsenal de première frappe, que l’on peut utiliser et qui, dans le rêve néoconservateur de l’hégémonie mondiale, peut servir à détruire la Russie et la Chine.

Les idéologues qui se séparent des faits se créent un monde virtuel pour eux-mêmes. Leur croyance en leur idéologie les aveugle avec des risques pour eux-mêmes et pour les autres dans le monde à qui ils l’imposent.

Il est assez clair que sans le ministère de la Justice (sic) et le FBI d’Obama, le Comité national démocrate entièrement corrompu, contrôlé par Clinton, et les médias américains et européens complètement corrompus qui s’emploient à détruire la présidence de Trump en l’accusant d’être  » un agent russe « , le président Trump, sachant que la révision de la posture du Pentagone ne ferait qu’aggraver, et non normaliser, les relations avec la Russie, aurait profondément enfoui le document démoniaque qui menace toute vie sur terre.

Grâce aux libéraux/progressistes/gauchistes américains, l’ensemble du monde est confronté à une mort nucléaire bien plus probable que celle qui nous a menacés pendant la guerre froide avec l’Union Soviétique.

Par sa collaboration avec le complexe militaire/sécuritaire et la DNC corrompue de Hillary, la gauche libérale/progressiste s’est toujours discréditée. Elle est maintenant perçue par tous les penseurs du monde entier comme un ministère de propagande dément à cause du projet des néoconservateurs d’utiliser les armes nucléaires pour éliminer les entraves à l’unilatéralisme américain. Pour la gauche libérale ou progressiste, c’est « l’hégémonie ou la mort ».

Ce sera la mort. Pour nous tous.

Traduction : Avic– Réseau International

mardi, 20 septembre 2016

Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse


Western Media Credibility In Free Fall Collapse

Paul Craig Roberts

Ex: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org

The latest from the Gallup Poll is that only 32% of Amerians trust the print and TV media to tell the truth. http://www.gallup.com/poll/195542/americans-trust-mass-media-sinks-new-low.aspx
Republicans, 18 to 49 year old Americans, and independents trust the media even less, with trust rates of 14%, 26%, and 30%.

The only group that can produce a majority that still trusts the media are Democrats with a 51% trust rate in print and TV reporting. The next highest trust rate is Americans over 50 years of age with a trust rate of 38 percent.

The conclusion is that old people who are Democrats are the only remaining group that barely trusts the media. This mistaken trust is due to their enculturation. For older Democrats belief in government takes the place of Republican belief in evangelical Christianity. Older Democrats are firm believers that it was government under the leadership of President Franklin D. Roosevelt that saved America from the Great Depression. As the print and TV media in the 21st century are firmly aligned with the government, the trust in government spills over into trust of the media that is serving the government. As the generation of Democrats enculturated with this mythology die off, Democratic trust rates will plummet toward Republican levels.

It is not difficult to see why trust in the media has collapsed. The corrupt Clinton regime, which we might be on the verge of repeating, allowed a somewhat diverse and independent media to be 90% acquired by six mega-corporations. The result was the disappearance of independence in reporting and opinion.

The constraints that corporate ownership and drive for profits put on journalistic freedom and resources reduced reporting to regurgitations of government and corporate press releases, always the cheapest and uncontroversial way to report.

With journalistic families driven out of journalism by estate taxes, the few remaining newspapers become acquisitions like a trophy wife or a collector Ferrari. Jeff Bezos, CEO and founder of amazon.com, handed over $250 million in cash for the Washington Post. Jeff might be a whiz in e-commerce, but when it comes to journalism he could just as well be named Jeff Bozo.

On September 12, Washington Post reporter Cindy Boren dropped the Washington Post below the level of the supermarket tabloid, National Enquirer. One must wonder where her editor was. Drunk perhaps? The Washington Post actually reported that a Nigerian MD, Bennet Omalu, “whose credentials and tenacity are well known,” has concluded that Hillary Clinton’s obvious medical problems could be due to her being poisoned by a Putin-Trump conspiracy.

One could possibly conclude that Cindy Boren and her Washington Post editor were having fun with Omalu, except that the article repeated the unfounded allegation that circumstantial evidence according to a UK inquiry associates Putin with the poisoning death of Litvinenko.

In other words, first Litvinenko, now Hillary.

If circumstantial evidence is to be the Washington Post’s guide, then clearly that evidence suggests that the neoconservatives, well-ensconced in high government positions and desperate for a New Pearl Harbor in order to launch their wars of hegemony in the Middle East, are responsible for 9/11.

Yet the Washington Post has a full-time reporter whose job is to disparage conspiracy theories while the Washington Post itself launches the conspiracy theory of the century: Putin And Trump Conspiracy Poisons US Democratic Candidate for President. http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2016/09/15/washington-post-grasps-crazy-conspiracy-theory-support-hillary-clinton.html

If intelligence, or perhaps simply sufficient time in Americans’ lives to investigate the news, were not in such short supply, possibly Americans would reflect on what the benefit is of being driven by Washington into conflict with Russia and China.

It most certainly will not be victory in war, as we all will be dead.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts 
was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West, How America Was Lost, and The Neoconservative Threat to World Order.

lundi, 24 août 2015

Insouciance Rules The West


Insouciance Rules The West

Paul Craig Roberts

Ex: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org

Europe is being overrun by refugees from Washington’s, and Israel’s, hegemonic policies in the Middle East and North Africa that are resulting in the slaughter of massive numbers of civilians. The inflows are so heavy that European governments are squabbling among themselves about who is to take the refugees. Hungary is considering constructing a fence, like the US and Israel, to keep out the undesirables. Everywhere in the Western media there are reports deploring the influx of migrants; yet nowhere is there any reference to the cause of the problem.

The European governments and their insouciant populations are themselves responsible for their immigrant problems. For 14 years Europe has supported Washington’s aggressive militarism that has murdered and dislocated millions of peoples who never lifted a finger against Washington. The destruction of entire countries such as Iraq, Libya, and Afghanistan, and now Syria and Yemen, and the continuing US slaughter of Pakistani civilians with the full complicity of the corrupt and traitorous Pakistani government, produced a refugee problem that the moronic Europeans brought upon themselves.

Europe deserves the problem, but it is not enough punishment for their crimes against humanity in support of Washington’s world hegemony.

In the Western world insouciance rules governments as well as peoples, and most likely also everywhere else in the world. It remains to be seen whether Russia and China have any clearer grasp of the reality that confronts them.

Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Director of the US Defense Intelligence Agency until his retirement in August 2014, has confirmed that the Obama regime disregarded his advice and made a willful decision to support the jihadists who now comprise ISIS. ( https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/officials-islamic-state-arose-from-us-support-for-al-qaeda-in-iraq-a37c9a60be4 ) Here we have an American government so insouciant, and with nothing but tunnel vision, empowering the various elements that comprise Washington’s excuse for the “war on terror” and the destruction of several countries. Just as the idiot Europeans produce their own refugee problems, the idiot Americans produce their own terrorist problems. It is mindless. And there is no end to it.

Consider the insanity of the Obama regime’s policy toward the Soviet Union. Kissinger and Brzezinski, two of the left-wing’s most hated bogymen, are astonished at the total unawareness of Washington and the EU of the consequences of their aggression and false accusations toward Russia. Kissinger says that America’s foreign policy is in the hands of “ahistorical people,” who do not comprehend that “we should not engage in international conflicts if, at the beginning, we cannot describe an end.” Kissinger criticizes Washington and the EU for their misconception that the West could act in Ukraine in ways inconsistent with Russian interests and receive a pass from the Russian government.

As for the Idiotic claim that Putin is responsible for the Ukrainian tragedy, Kissinger says:

“It is not conceivable that Putin spends sixty billion euros on turning a summer resort into a winter Olympic village in order to start a military crisis the week after a concluding Olympic ceremony that depicted Russia as a part of Western civilization.” ( http://sputniknews.com/world/20150819/1025918194/us-russia-policy-history-kissinger.html )

Don’t expect the low-grade morons who comprise the Western media to notice anything as obvious as the meaning Kissinger’s observation.

Brzezinski has joined Kissinger in stating unequivocally that “Russia must be reassured that Ukraine will never become a NATO member.” ( http://sputniknews.com/politics/20150630/1024022244.html )

Kissinger is correct that Americans and their leaders are ahistorical. The US operates on the basis of a priori theories that justify American preconceptions and desires. This is a prescription for war, disaster, and the demise of humanity.

Even American commentators whom one would consider to be intelligent are ahistorical. Writing on OpEdNews (8-18-15) William Bike says that Ronald Reagan advocated the destruction of the Soviet Union. Reagan did no such thing. Reagan was respectful of the Soviet leadership and worked with Gorbachev to end the Cold War. Reagan never spoke about winning the Cold War, only about bringing it to an end. The Soviet Union collapsed as a consequence of Gorbachev being arrested by hardline communists, opposed to Gorbachev’s policies, who launched a coup. The coup failed, but it took down the Soviet government. Reagan had nothing to do with it and was no longer in office.

Some ahistorical Americans cannot tell the difference between the war criminals Clinton, Bush, Cheney, and Obama, and Jimmy Carter, who spent his life doing, and trying to do, good deeds. No sooner do we hear that the 90-year old former president has cancer than Matt Peppe regals us on CounterPunch about “Jimmy Carter’s Blood-Drenched Legacy” (8-18-15). Peppe describes Carter as just another hypocrite who professed human rights but had a “penchant for bloodshed.” What Peppe means is that Carter did not stop bloodshed initiated by foreigners abroad. In other words Carter failed as a global policeman. Peppe’s criticism of Carter, of course, is the stale and false neoconservative criticism of Carter.

Peppe, like so many others, shows an astonishing ignorance of the constraints existing policies institutionalized in government exercise over presidents. In American politics, interest groups are more powerful than the elected politicians. Look around you. The federal agencies created to oversea the wellbeing of the national forests, public lands, air and water are staffed with the executives of the very polluting and clear-cutting industries that the agencies are supposed to be regulating. Read CounterPunch editor Jeffrey St. Clair’s book, Born Under A Bad Sky, to understand that those who are supposed to be regulated are in fact doing the regulating, and in their interests. The public interest is nowhere in the picture.

Look away from the environment to economic policy. The same financial executives who caused the ongoing financial crisis resulting in enormous ongoing public subsidies to the private banking system, now into the eight year, are the ones who run the US Treasury and Federal Reserve.

Without a strong movement behind him, from whose ranks a president can staff an administration committed to major changes, the president is in effect a captive of the private interests who finance political campaigns. Reagan is the only president of our time who had even a semblance of a movement behind him, and the “Reaganites” in his administration were counterbalanced by the Bush Establishment Republicans.

During the 1930s, President Franklin D. Roosevelt had a movement behind him consisting of New Dealers. Consequently, Roosevelt was able to achieve a number of overdue reforms such as Social Security.

Nevertheless, Roosevelt did not see himself as being in charge. In The Age of Acquiescence (2015), Steve Fraser quotes President Roosevelt telling Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau at the end of 1934 that “the people I have called the ‘money changers in the Temple’ are still in absolute control. It will take many years and possibly several revolutions to eliminate them.”

Eight decades later as Nomi Prins has made clear in All The Presidents’ Bankers (2014), the money changers are still in control. Nothing less than fire and the sword can dislodge them.

Yet, and it will forever be the case, America has commentators who really believe that a president can change things but refuses to do so because he prefers the way that they are.

Unless there is a major disaster, such as the Great Depression, or a lessor challenge, such as stagflation for which solutions were scarce, a president without a movement is outgunned by powerful private interest groups, and sometimes even if he has a movement.

Private interests were empowered by the Republican Supreme Court’s decision that the purchase of the US government by corporate money is the constitutionally protected exercise of free speech.

To be completely clear, the US Supreme Court has ruled that organized interest groups have the right to control the US government.

Under this Supreme Court ruling, how can the United States pretend to be a democracy?

How can Washington justify its genocidal murders as “bringing democracy” to the decimated?

Unless the world wakes up and realizes that total evil has the reins in the West, humanity has no future.

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy and associate editor of the Wall Street Journal. He was columnist for Business Week, Scripps Howard News Service, and Creators Syndicate. He has had many university appointments. His internet columns have attracted a worldwide following. Roberts' latest books are The Failure of Laissez Faire Capitalism and Economic Dissolution of the West and How America Was Lost.

dimanche, 08 mars 2015

The Neoconservative Threat to International Order


The American Hegemony

The Neoconservative Threat to International Order

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

Last week I was invited to address an important conference of the Russian Academy of Sciences in Moscow.  Scholars from Russia and from around the world, Russian government officials, and the Russian people seek an answer as to why Washington destroyed during the past year the friendly relations between America and Russia that President Reagan and President Gorbachev succeeded in establishing.  All of Russia is distressed that Washington alone has destroyed the trust between the two major nuclear powers that had been created during the Reagan-Gorbachev era, trust that had removed the threat of nuclear armageddon. Russians at every level are astonished at the virulent propaganda and lies constantly issuing from Washington and the Western media. Washington’s gratuitous demonization of the Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has rallied the Russian people behind him.  Putin has the highest approval rating ever achieved by any leader in my lifetime.

Washington’s reckless and irresponsible destruction of the trust achieved by Reagan and Gorbachev has resurrected the possibility of nuclear war from the grave in which Reagan and Gorbachev buried it.  Again, as during the Cold War the specter of nuclear armageddon stalks the earth.

Why did Washington revive the threat of world annihilation?  Why is this threat to all of humanity supported by the majority of the US Congress, by the entirety of the presstitute media, and by academics and think-tank inhabitants in the US, such as Motyl and Weiss, about whom I wrote recently?

It was my task to answer this question for the conference.  You can read my February 25 and February 26 addresses below.  But first you should understand what nuclear war means.  You can gain that understanding here.

The Threat Posed to International Relations By The Neoconservative Ideology of American Hegemony,

Address to the 70th Anniversary of the Yalta Conference, Hosted by Institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow, February 25, 2015,  Hon. Paul Craig Roberts


What I propose to you is that the current difficulties in the international order are unrelated to Yalta and its consequences, but have their origin in the rise of the neoconservative ideology in the post-Soviet era and its influence on Washington’s foreign policy.

The collapse of the Soviet Union removed the only constraint on Washington’s power to act unilaterally abroad.  At that time China’s rise was estimated to require a half century. Suddenly the United States found itself to be the Uni-power, the “world’s only superpower.”  Neoconservatives proclaimed “the end of history.”

By the “end of history” neoconservatives mean that the competition between socio-economic-political systems is at an end.  History has chosen “American Democratic-Capitalism.” It is Washington’s responsibility to exercise the hegemony over the world given to Washington by History and to bring the world in line with History’s choice of American democratic-capitalism.

In other words, Marx has been proven wrong.  The future does not belong to the proletariat but to Washington.

The neoconservative ideology raises the United States to the unique status of being “the exceptional country,” and the American people acquire exalted status as “the indispensable people.”

If a country is “the exceptional country,” it means that all other countries are unexceptional.  If a people are “indispensable,” it means other peoples are dispensable. We have seen this attitude at work in Washington’s 14 years of wars of aggression in the Middle East. These wars have left countries destroyed and millions of people dead, maimed, and displaced. Yet Washington continues to speak of its commitment to protect smaller countries from the aggression of larger countries.  The explanation for this hypocrisy is that Washington does not regard Washington’s aggression as aggression, but as History’s purpose.

We have also seen this attitude at work in Washington’s disdain for Russia’s national interests and in Washington’s propagandistic response to Russian diplomacy.

The neoconservative ideology requires that Washington maintain its Uni-power status, because this status is necessary for Washington’s hegemony and History’s purpose.

PaulWolfowitz.jpgThe neoconservative doctrine of US world supremacy is most clearly and concisely stated by Paul Wolfowitz, a leading neoconservative who has held many high positions: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, Director of Policy Planning US Department of State, Assistant Secretary of State, Ambassador to Indonesia, Undersecretary of Defense for Policy, Deputy Secretary of Defense, President of the World Bank.

In 1992 Paul Wolfowitz stated the neoconservative doctrine of American world supremacy:

“Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere, that poses a threat on the order of that posed formerly by the Soviet Union. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.”

For clarification, a “hostile power” is a country with an independent policy (Russia, China, Iran, and formerly Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, Assad).

This bold statement struck the traditional American foreign policy establishment as a declaration of American Imperialism.  The document was rewritten in order to soften and disguise the blatant assertion of supremacy without changing the intent.  These documents are available online, and you can examine them at your convenience.

Softening the language allowed the neoconservatives to rise to foreign policy dominance. The neoconservatives are responsible for the Clinton regime’s attacks on Yugoslavia and Serbia. Neoconservatives, especially Paul Wolfowitz, are responsible for the George W. Bush regime’s invasion of Iraq. The neoconservatives are responsible for the overthrow and murder of Gaddafi in Libya, the assault on Syria, the propaganda against Iran, the drone attacks on Pakistan and Yemen, the color revolutions in former Soviet Republics, the attempted “Green Revolution” in Iran, the coup in Ukraine, and the demonization of Vladimir Putin.

A number of thoughtful Americans suspect that the neoconservatives are responsible for 9/11, as that event gave the neoconservatives the “New Pearl Harbor” that their position papers said was necessary in order to launch their wars for hegemony in the Middle East.  9/11 led directly and instantly to the invasion of Afghanistan, where Washington has been fighting since 2001. Neoconservatives controlled all the important government positions necessary for a “false flag” attack.

Neoconservative Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who is married to another neoconservative, Robert Kagan, implemented and oversaw Washington’s coup in Ukraine and chose the new government.

The neoconservatives are highly organized and networked, well-financed, supported by the print and TV media, and backed by the US military/security complex and the Israel Lobby.  There is no countervailing power to their influence on US foreign power.

The neoconservative doctrine goes beyond the Brzezinski doctrine, which dissented from Detente and provocatively supported dissidents inside the Soviet empire. Despite its provocative character, the Brzezinski doctrine remained a doctrine of Great Power politics and containment. It is not a doctrine of US world hegemony.

While the neoconservatives were preoccupied for a decade with their wars in the Middle East, creating a US Africa Command, organizing color revolutions, exiting disarmament treaties, surrounding Russia with military bases, and “pivoting to Asia” to surround China with new air and naval bases, Vladimir Putin led Russia back to economic and military competence and successfully asserted an independent Russian foreign policy.

When Russian diplomacy blocked Washington’s planned invasion of Syria and Washington’s planned bombing of Iran, the neoconservatives realized that they had failed the “first objective” of the Wolfowitz Doctrine and had allowed “the re-emergence of a new rival . . . on the territory of the former Soviet Union” with the power to block unilateral action by Washington.

The attack on Russia began. Washington had spent $5 billion over a decade creating non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Ukraine and cultivating Ukrainian politicians.  The NGOs were called into the streets. The extreme nationalists or nazi elements were used to introduce violence, and the elected democratic government was overthrown. The intercepted conversation between Victoria Nuland and the US ambassador in Kiev, in which the two Washington operatives choose the members of the new Ukrainian government, is well known.

If the information that has recently come to me from Armenia and Kyrgyzstan is correct, Washington has financed NGOs and is cultivating politicians in Armenia and the former Soviet Central Asian Republics.  If the information is correct, Russia can expect more “color revolutions” or coups in other former territories of the Soviet Union.  Perhaps China faces a similar threat in Uyghurstan.

The conflict in Ukraine is often called a “civil war.”  This is incorrect.  A civil war is when two sides fight for the control of the government.  The break-away republics in eastern and southern Ukraine are fighting a war of secession.

Washington would have been happy to use its coup in Ukraine to evict Russia from its Black Sea naval base as this would have been a strategic military achievement.  However, Washington is pleased that the “Ukraine crisis” that Washington orchestrated has resulted in the demonization of Vladimir Putin, thus permitting economic sanctions that have disrupted Russia’s economic and political relations with Europe. The sanctions have kept Europe in Washington’s orbit.

Washington has no interest in resolving the Ukrainian situation.  The situation can be resolved diplomatically only if Europe can achieve sufficient sovereignty over its foreign policy to act in Europe’s interest instead of Washington’s interest.

The neoconservative doctrine of US world hegemony is a threat to the sovereignty of every country.  The doctrine requires subservience to Washington’s leadership and to Washington’s purposes.  Independent governments are targeted for destabilization. The Obama regime overthrew the reformist government in Honduras and currently is at work destabilizing Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, and Argentina, and most likely also Armenia and the former Central Asian Soviet Republics.

Yalta and its consequences have to do with Great Power rivalries.  But in the neoconservative doctrine, there is only one Great Power–the Uni-power.  There are no others, and no others are to be permitted.

Therefore, unless a moderate foreign policy arises in Washington and displaces the neoconservatives, the future is one of conflict.

It would be a strategic error to dismiss the neoconservative ideology as unrealistic. The doctrine is unrealistic, but it is also the guiding force of US foreign policy and is capable of producing a world war.

In their conflict with Washington’s hegemony, Russia and China are disadvantaged. The success of American propaganda during the Cold War, the large differences between living standards in the US and those in communist lands, overt communist political oppression, at times brutal, and the Soviet collapse created in the minds of many people nonexistent virtues for the United States. As English is the world language and the Western media is cooperative, Washington is able to control explanations regardless of the facts. The ability of Washington to be the aggressor and to blame the victim encourages Washington’s march to more aggression.

This concludes my remarks.  Tomorrow I will address whether there are domestic political restraints or economic restraints on the neoconservative ideology.




Paul Craig Roberts, Address to the 70th Anniversary of the Yalta Conference, Moscow, February 26, 2015


At the plenary session yesterday I addressed the threat that the neoconservative ideology poses to international relations.  In this closing session I address whether there are any internal restraints on this policy from the US population and whether there are economic restraints.

Just as 9/11 served to launch Washington’s wars for hegemony in the Middle East, 9/11 served to create the American police state.  The  Constitution and the civil liberties it protects quickly fell to the accumulation of power in the executive branch that a state of war permitted.

New laws, some clearly pre-prepared such as the PATRIOT Act, executive orders, presidential directives, and Department of Justice memos created an executive authority unaccountable to the US Constitution and to domestic and international law.

Suddenly Americans could be detained indefinitely without cause presented to a court. Habeas corpus, a constitutional protection which prohibits any such detention, has been set aside.

Suddenly people could be tortured into confessions in violation of the right against self-incrimination and in violation of domestic and international laws against torture.

Suddenly Americans and Washington’s closest allies could be spied on indiscriminately without the need of warrants demonstrating cause.

The Obama regime added to the Bush regime’s transgressions the assertion of the right of the executive branch to assassinate US citizens without due process of law.

The police state was organized under a massive new Department of Homeland Security.  Almost immediately whistleblower protections, freedom of the press and speech, and protest rights were attacked and reduced.

It was not long before the director of Homeland Security declared that the department’s focus has shifted from Muslim terrorists to “domestic extremists,” an undefined category. Anyone can be swept into this category.  Homes of war protesters were raided and grand juries were convened to investigate the protesters. Americans of Arab descent who donated to charities–even charities on the State Department’s approved list–that aided Palestinian children were arrested and sentenced to prison for “providing material support to terrorism.”

All of this and more, including police brutality, has had a chilling effect on protests against the wars and the loss of civil liberty.   The rising protests from the American population and from soldiers themselves that eventually forced Washington to end the Vietnam War have been prevented in the 21st century by the erosion of rights, intimidation, loss of mobility (no-fly list), job dismissal, and other heavy-handed actions inconsistent with a government accountable to law and the people.

In an important sense, the US has emerged from the “war on terror” as an executive branch dictatorship unconstrained by the media and barely, if at all, constrained by Congress and the federal courts. The lawlessness of the executive branch has spread into governments of Washington’s vassal states and into the Federal Reserve, the International Monetary Fund, and the European Central Bank, all of which violate their charters and operate outside their legal powers.

Jobs offshoring destroyed the American industrial and manufacturing unions. Their demise and the current attack on the public employee unions has left the Democratic Party financially dependent on the same organized private interest groups as the Republicans.  Both parties now report to the same interest groups.    Wall Street, the military/security complex, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and the extractive industries (oil, mining, timber) control the government regardless of the party in power. These powerful interests all have a stake in American hegemony.

The message is that the constellation of forces preclude internal political change.

Hegemony’s Achilles heel is the US economy. The fairy tale of American economic recovery supports America’s image as the safe haven, an image that keeps the dollar’s value up, the stock market up, and interest rates down.  However, there is no economic information that supports this fairy tale.

Real median household income has not grown for years and is below the levels of the early 1970s. There has been no growth in real retail sales for six years. The labor force is shrinking. The labor force participation rate has declined since 2007 as has the civilian employment to population ratio. The 5.7 percent reported unemployment rate is achieved by not counting discouraged workers as part of the work force. (A discouraged worker is a person who is unable to find a job and has given up looking.)

A second official unemployment rate, which counts short-term (less than one year) discouraged workers and is seldom reported, stands at 11.2 percent.  The US government stopped including long-term discouraged workers (discouraged for more than one year) in 1994.  If the long-term discouraged are counted, the current unemployment rate in the US stands at 23.2 percent.

The offshoring of American manufacturing and professional service jobs such as software engineering and Information Technology has decimated the middle class. The middle class has not found jobs with incomes comparable to those moved abroad. The labor cost savings from offshoring the jobs to Asia has boosted corporate profits, the performance bonuses of executives and capital gains of shareholders. Thus all income and wealth gains are concentrated in a few hands at the top of the income distribution.  The number of billionaires grows as destitution reaches from the lower economic class into the middle class.  American university graduates unable to find jobs return to their childhood rooms in their parents’ homes and work as waitresses and bartenders in part-time jobs that will not support an independent existence.

With a large percentage of the young economically unable to form households, residential construction, home furnishings, and home appliances suffer economic weakness.  Cars can still be sold only because the purchaser can obtain 100 percent financing in a six-year loan.  The lenders sell the loans, which are securitized and sold to gullible investors, just as were the mortgage-backed financial instruments that precipitated the 2007 US financial crash.

None of the problems that created the 2008 recession, and that were created by the 2008 recession, have been addressed.  Instead, policymakers have used an expansion of debt and money to paper over the problems. Money and debt have grown much more than US GDP, which raises questions about the value of the US dollar and the credit worthiness of the US government.  On July 8, 2014, my colleagues and I pointed out that when correctly measured, US national debt stands at 185 percent of GDP.

This raises the question: Why was the credit rating of Russia, a country with an extremely low ratio of debt to GDP, downgraded and not that of the US?  The answer is that the downgrading of Russian credit worthiness was a political act directed against Russia in behalf of US hegemony.

How long can fairy tales and political acts keep the US house of cards standing?  A rigged stock market.  A rigged interest rate. A rigged dollar exchange value, a rigged and suppressed gold price.  The current Western financial system rests on world support for the US dollar and on nothing more.

The problem with neoliberal economics, which pervades all countries, even Russia and China, is that neoliberal economics is a tool of American economic imperialism, as is Globalism.  As long as countries targeted by Washington for destabilization support and cling to the American doctrines that enable the destabilization, the targets are defenseless.

If Russia, China, and the BRICS Bank were willing to finance Greece, Italy, and Spain, perhaps those countries could be separated from the EU and NATO.  The unraveling of Washington’s empire would begin.

Paul Craig Roberts is a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Roberts’ How the Economy Was Lost is now available from CounterPunch in electronic format. His latest book is How America Was Lost.

dimanche, 20 avril 2014

Washington Is Humanity’s Worst Enemy


Washington Is Humanity’s Worst Enemy

Paul Craig Roberts

Ex: http://www.paulcraigroberts.org

How does Washington get away with the claim that the country it rules is a democracy and has freedom? This absurd claim ranks as one of the most unsubstantiated claims in history.

There is no democracy whatsoever. Voting is a mask for rule by a few powerful interest groups. In two 21st century rulings (Citizens United and McCutcheon), the US Supreme Court has ruled that the purchase of the US government by private interest groups is merely the exercise of free speech. These rulings allow powerful corporate and financial interests to use their money-power to elect a government that serves their interests at the expense of the general welfare.

The control private interests exercise over the government is so complete that private interests have immunity to prosecution for crimes. At his retirement party on March 27, Securities and Exchange Commission prosecutor James Kidney stated that his prosecutions of Goldman Sachs and other “banks too big to fail” were blocked by superiors who “were focused on getting high-paying jobs after their government service.” The SEC’s top brass, Kidney said, did not “believe in afflicting the comfortable and powerful.” In his report on Kidney’s retirement speech, Eric Zuesse points out that the Obama regime released false statistics in order to claim prosecutions that did not take place in order to convince a gullible public that Wall Street crooks were being punished. http://www.counterpunch.org/2014/04/09/65578/  

Democracy and freedom require an independent and aggressive media, an independent and aggressive judiciary, and an independent and aggressive Congress. The United States has none of the above.

The US media consistently lies for the government. Reuters continues to report, falsely, that Russia invaded and annexed Crimea. The Washington Post ran an obviously false story planted on the paper by the Obama regime that the massive protests in former Russian territories of Ukraine are “rent-a-mobs” instigated by the Russian government.

Not even Washington’s stooges in Kiev believe that. Officials of the Washington-imposed government in Kiev acknowledged the need for some autonomy for the Russian-speaking regions and for a law permitting referendums, but this realistic response to widespread concerns among Ukrainians has apparently been squelched by Washington and its presstitute media. US Secretary of State John Kerry continues to turn a deaf ear to the Russian Foreign Minister and continues to demand that “Russia must remove its people from the South-East.”

What is happening is very dangerous. Washington misjudged its ability to grab the
Ukraine. Opposition to the US grab is almost total in the Russian-speaking areas.
Local police and security forces have gone over to the protesters. The corrupt Obama regime and the presstitute media lie through their teeth that the protests are insincere and mere orchestrations by “Putin who wants to restore the Soviet empire.” The Russian government keeps trying to end the conflict and unrest that Washington’s reckless coup in Kiev has caused short of having to reabsorb the former Russian territories as it was forced to do in Crimea. But Washington continues ignoring the Russian government and blaming the unrest on Russia’s not Washington’s, interference. http://rt.com/news/lavrov-kerry-ukraine-talks-200/ See also: http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38196.htm

The Russian government knows that Washington does not believe what Washington is saying and that Washington is systematically provoking a continuation and worsening
of the problem. The Russian government wonders what agenda Washington is pursuing. Is Washington in its arrogant stupidity and superpower hubris unable to acknowledge that its takeover of the Ukraine has come amiss and to back off? Does Washington not realize that the Russian government is no more able to accept the application of violence against Russian populations in Ukraine than it could accept violence against Russians in South Ossetia? If Washington doesn’t come to its senses, the Russian government will have to send in troops as it had to do in Georgia. nal-288/ ” target=”_blank”>http://rt.com/news/ukraine-russia-operation-criminal-288/

As this is clear even to a fool, is it Washington’s goal to start a war? Is that why Washington is massing NATO forces on Russia’s borders and sending missile ships
into the Black Sea? Washington is putting the entire world at risk. If Russia concludes that Washington intends to drive the Ukraine crisis to war rather than to resolve the crisis, will Russia sit and wait, or will Russia strike first?

One would think that the Chancellor of Germany, the British Prime Minister, and the President of France would see the danger in the situation. Perhaps they do. However, there is a large difference between the aid that Russia gives countries and the aid given by Washington. Russia provides financial support to governments; Washington gives bagfuls of money to individuals in the government with the knowledge that individuals are more likely to act in their own interest than in the interest of their country. Therefore, European politicians are silent as Washington pushes a crisis toward war. If we don’t get to war, the only reason will be that Putin comes up with a solution that Washington cannot refuse, as Putin did in Syria and Iran.

It is a paradox that Putin is portrayed as the heavy while Washington pretends to be the champion of “freedom and democracy.” In the 21st century Washington has established as its hallmarks every manifestation of tyranny: illegal and unconstitutional execution of citizens without due process of law, illegal and unconstitutional indefinite detention of citizens without due process of law, illegal and unconstitutional torture, illegal and unconstitutional rendition, illegal and unconstitutional surveillance, and illegal and unconstitutional wars. The executive branch has established that it is unaccountable to law or to the Constitution. An unaccountable government is a tyranny.

Tired of being spied upon and lied to, the Senate Intelligence Committee has produced a thorough investigation of the CIA’s torture programs. The investigation took four years to complete. The Committee found, unequivocally, that the CIA lied about the extent of the torture and kidnappings, that detainees did not undergo some mild form of “enhanced interrogation” but were subjected to brutal and inhumane torture, that the CIA, contrary to its claims, did not get even one piece of useful information from its grave crimes against humanity. The American presstitutes assisted the CIA in inaccurately portraying the effectiveness and mildness of the CIA’s Gestapo practices. During the entirety of the investigation, the CIA illegally spied on the Senate staff conducting the investigation.

Is the public ever to see this report beyond the parts that have been leaked? Not if the CIA and Obama can prevent it. President “change” Obama has decided that it is up to the CIA to decide how much of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s investigation will be made public. In other words, unless someone leaks the entire report, the American public will never know. Yet, “we have freedom and democracy.”

The Senate Intelligence Committee itself has the power to vole to declassify the entire report and to release it. The committee should do so immediately before the members of the committee are browbeat, threatened, and propagandized into believing that they are endangering “national security” and providing those mistreated with grounds for a lawsuit.

The US government is the most corrupt government on earth. There is no independent judiciary or media, and Congress has acquiesced to executive branch encroachments on its powers. Consider the judiciary. Michael Ratner of the Center for Constitutional Rights represented the father of the American citizen, who Obama said would be murdered by the US government on suspicion that he was associated with terrorism. When Ratner asked the federal courts to block an illegal and unconstitutional execution of an American citizen without due process, the federal judge who heard the case ruled that the father of a son about to be murdered did not have standing to bring a case in behalf of his son.

After several lives were snuffed out by President “I’m good at killing people” Obama, Ratner represented relatives of Obama’s murdered victims in a damage suit. Under US law it was clear as day that damages were due. But the federal judge ruled that “the government must be trusted.” http://www.informationclearinghouse.info/article38202.htm

Whether or not anyone has standing is entirely up to the government. The IRS takes a completely different position on the matter. Children have standing to have their tax refunds confiscated by the IRS if the IRS thinks the IRS may have overpaid the parents’ Social Security benefits. http://www.cnbc.com/id/101576080

So in “freedom and democracy” Amerika, children are responsible if the IRS “thinks”–no proof required–that it wrote parents too large of a Social Security check, but a father has no legal standing to bring a lawsuit to prevent the US government from the extra-legal murder of his son.

Thanks to the Republican Federalist Society and to the Republican judges the Federalist Society has managed to have appointed to the federal bench, the federal judiciary functions as a protector of executive branch tyranny. Whatever the executive branch asserts and does is permissible, especially if the executive branch invokes “national security.”

In America today, the executive branch claims that “national security” is impaired unless the executive branch can operate illegally and unconstitutionally and unless citizens are willing to give up every constitutional right in order to be made safe in a total police state that spies on and documents every aspect of their lives.

Even the Government Accountability Office has been neutered. In 2013 the Government Accountability Office told the TSA to eliminate its behavior screening program as it is a waste of money and does not work. So what did the TSA do. Why, of course, it expanded the useless intrusion into the privacy of travelers.

This is Amerika today. Yet Washington prances around chanting “freedom and democracy” even as it displaces the greatest tyrannies in human history with its own.

Only gullible Americans expect leaders and elites or voting to do anything about the institutionalization of tyranny. Elites are only interested in money. As long as the
system produces more income and wealth for elites, elites don’t give a hoot about tyranny or what happens to the rest of us.