mercredi, 11 mars 2009
Turkey is not Europe
by Robert Edwards
Many mainstream politicians throughout Europe hold very serious reservations concerning the Turkish application to become a member state of the European Union and so it is vital that a serious debate is stimulated now without any fear or favour to partisan thinking.
Has the EU lost all sense of the true historical meaning of being European or has it become a willing tool of a bankers’ racket tied to the globalist monoculture? We believe that in order to be a true European, it is necessary to feel as such. That is to say, our identity must be one based on an ancestral kinship, with each of us aware of being an unbroken link in the eternal chain of European history. This aspect of Europeanism is not being promoted by the bureaucrats and time-servers of the EU ... and this is where we differ profoundly and fundamentally. So all the old claptrap concerning “racism” and all sorts of imagined phobias are trotted out to prevent opposition to this proposed anomaly within the EU, that Turkey should somehow become part of Europe.
Before anyone thinks I am going to go on about a “clash of civilisations” or the “evils of Islam”, this question of the meaning of being European is not so much about what we are against or what threatens us, as is the way of some nationalistic people, but it is more a question of what we embrace, love and hold dear. Let us make that clear from the very beginning. Our political creed is a purely positive Europeanism that regards all other cultures and religious systems as equally valid in their own right. There is no place for supremacism in our political outlook.
We regard the Islamic world as the natural ally to our Europe a Nation ... more so than the United States could ever be, which has been rampaging around the world trying to recruit all and sundry into its apocalyptic mission to “democratise” the world in the interests of the prices at the petrol pumps at home.
If anything, it is the resistance to the global American culture that will assist to define a European of the future and if there is a clash of cultures it is between our Europe and the distinctly alien values of American super-capitalism with its total disregard for human values where money is concerned. As result, we are in danger of going down that same road as Europe adopts the principle that everything has its price and where nothing has any real value. As true National Europeans we stand opposed to these alien values.
To the East, stands a world of very many other values and we do not oppose them simply because they are of another world other than that of Europe. They have existed throughout the entire history of Europe, from those earliest stirrings of classic Greece to the present day.
When Islam emerged, it spread across the north of Africa and into Spain ... at the same time reaching India and China. Its impact on Spain was far from malevolent and the rest of Europe would have been the poorer if it had not benefited from the mass of science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and much more that the Arab Empire bestowed on Europe in the Dark Ages and long after. That has to be said in order to maintain a sense of proportion. Much of classic Greek learning would have been lost without the intervention of Islam.
The world of Islam has been in a state of flux and turmoil for many centuries, always very close and near to Europe, so that each eruption and upheaval has never failed to leave its impact upon us. This relationship with Europe goes back to the time of the creation of Andalusia in Spain lasting centuries with the eternal vigilance of a Europe fearful of the further encroachment of Islam upon our continent. The Christian church had its interests to preserve, of course, and its contribution to science was occasionally one of obstruction and proscription ... Galileo springing to mind.
Turkey is one of the nearest nations to Europe with an overwhelmingly Muslim population and was one of the largest expressions of modern Islamic imperialism in the form of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was never regarded as European even though Hungary and Serbia were once vassal states ... European states that were eventually liberated.
In the 1930s, Kemal Ataturk attempted a Westernisation of Turkey, dragging her into the Twentieth Century, adopting the Roman script, banning the fez, adopting Western standards of dress for both men and women and constructing the secular state.
Yet, with all that, it remains Asiatic and essentially so. It never pretended to be European ... until the European Union of the bankers and the globalists suggested that Europe was nothing more than a money market and an economic orbital planet around the sphere of global capitalism.
To these capitalists, there is no Europe as an identifiable cultural entity with a people inextricably linked to history through ancestry and blood. To them, it is a trade name for a bankers’ racket that neither desires nor will permit such a thing as a national consciousness and therefore an awareness of what these parasites are doing.
Turkey is slowly being invited into our continent at the expense of our very identity and by that very act it is denying that Europe, as we know and love it, ever existed.
On the more mundane level, it leaves open the question of why Israel or even Canada should be participants in the Eurovision Song Contest ... and why no one has the guts to challenge these plainly absurd anomalies.
At least there are some voices of protest within mainstream European politics but, I fear, not enough. That is the reason the process of Turkish entry has been slowed down rather than being terminated altogether, as it should have been.
Just as Europe a Nation should be created as a federation of existing nation-states within Europe, with Britain playing a leading role, then so should Turkey be a leading player in a Central Asian federation of existing nation-states within that region. That would very easily solve the problem of the proposed current anomaly. Such federations would be allied to Europe but not submerged into it.
We in European Action have always maintained the principle that national consciousness is the first consideration in politics and that this national consciousness entails placing the greatest value on our own people regardless of class, party allegiance or religious faith.
All we ask is that the people of Europe recognise this sense of communion and embrace it in the fullest meaning of European brotherhood. Because it is only solidarity in action that can guarantee our survival, acting together in common interest.
This does not mean antagonism towards people outside Europe, as with a siege mentality ever suspicious of the movements of others. Once America is forced back within its own borders then the rest of the world can be organised on the similar lines to Europe a Nation ... large, self-sufficient economies composed of similar peoples, totally free of the caprice of free-for-all international trading and able to organise the creation and growth of wealth within its own economic sphere without outside interference. These large federations would replace the United Nations and make the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund totally redundant. The “global economy” would be a thing of the past.
Therefore, our opposition to Turkish entry into Europe is not one based on aggressive antagonism towards a different culture or even a religion. It is simply a matter of defining Europe and placing all these questions into their proper context.
Turkey does not belong here ... it belongs elsewhere. That is the essence of what it means to be European and what it means to be Turkish. Our place in the world must be determined by that very sense of kinship that connects us to history, culture and the sacred soil of our ancestors, made red with the blood of its defenders and made fertile by the creative energy of the European.
Europe is not at war with Islam. It is America that embarked on this insane “crusade” for its own selfish interests and by so doing embroiled Britain and other countries in a “war against terrorism” that positively reeks of Zionist manipulation.
It follows that Europe should be a power unto itself with all the conditions that go with a major force in the world, Such a power bloc shall determine its own foreign policy and world agenda, totally independent of the Neo-cons in Washington and the predatory manoeuvring of the World Bank, whose president was once a principal player in White House war games.
When Europe stretches out the hand of friendship to the Islamic world, it will be a gesture of mutual respect and understanding ... knowing that we have different roots to preserve and nurture but, also, to accept a responsibility to world peace.
Many mainstream politicians throughout Europe hold very serious reservations concerning the Turkish application to become a member state of the European Union and so it is vital that a serious debate is stimulated now without any fear or favour to partisan thinking.
Has the EU lost all sense of the true historical meaning of being European or has it become a willing tool of a bankers’ racket tied to the globalist monoculture? We believe that in order to be a true European, it is necessary to feel as such. That is to say, our identity must be one based on an ancestral kinship, with each of us aware of being an unbroken link in the eternal chain of European history. This aspect of Europeanism is not being promoted by the bureaucrats and time-servers of the EU ... and this is where we differ profoundly and fundamentally. So all the old claptrap concerning “racism” and all sorts of imagined phobias are trotted out to prevent opposition to this proposed anomaly within the EU, that Turkey should somehow become part of Europe.
Before anyone thinks I am going to go on about a “clash of civilisations” or the “evils of Islam”, this question of the meaning of being European is not so much about what we are against or what threatens us, as is the way of some nationalistic people, but it is more a question of what we embrace, love and hold dear. Let us make that clear from the very beginning. Our political creed is a purely positive Europeanism that regards all other cultures and religious systems as equally valid in their own right. There is no place for supremacism in our political outlook.
We regard the Islamic world as the natural ally to our Europe a Nation ... more so than the United States could ever be, which has been rampaging around the world trying to recruit all and sundry into its apocalyptic mission to “democratise” the world in the interests of the prices at the petrol pumps at home.
If anything, it is the resistance to the global American culture that will assist to define a European of the future and if there is a clash of cultures it is between our Europe and the distinctly alien values of American super-capitalism with its total disregard for human values where money is concerned. As result, we are in danger of going down that same road as Europe adopts the principle that everything has its price and where nothing has any real value. As true National Europeans we stand opposed to these alien values.
To the East, stands a world of very many other values and we do not oppose them simply because they are of another world other than that of Europe. They have existed throughout the entire history of Europe, from those earliest stirrings of classic Greece to the present day.
When Islam emerged, it spread across the north of Africa and into Spain ... at the same time reaching India and China. Its impact on Spain was far from malevolent and the rest of Europe would have been the poorer if it had not benefited from the mass of science, mathematics, medicine, philosophy and much more that the Arab Empire bestowed on Europe in the Dark Ages and long after. That has to be said in order to maintain a sense of proportion. Much of classic Greek learning would have been lost without the intervention of Islam.
The world of Islam has been in a state of flux and turmoil for many centuries, always very close and near to Europe, so that each eruption and upheaval has never failed to leave its impact upon us. This relationship with Europe goes back to the time of the creation of Andalusia in Spain lasting centuries with the eternal vigilance of a Europe fearful of the further encroachment of Islam upon our continent. The Christian church had its interests to preserve, of course, and its contribution to science was occasionally one of obstruction and proscription ... Galileo springing to mind.
Turkey is one of the nearest nations to Europe with an overwhelmingly Muslim population and was one of the largest expressions of modern Islamic imperialism in the form of the Ottoman Empire. The Ottoman Empire was never regarded as European even though Hungary and Serbia were once vassal states ... European states that were eventually liberated.
In the 1930s, Kemal Ataturk attempted a Westernisation of Turkey, dragging her into the Twentieth Century, adopting the Roman script, banning the fez, adopting Western standards of dress for both men and women and constructing the secular state.
Yet, with all that, it remains Asiatic and essentially so. It never pretended to be European ... until the European Union of the bankers and the globalists suggested that Europe was nothing more than a money market and an economic orbital planet around the sphere of global capitalism.
To these capitalists, there is no Europe as an identifiable cultural entity with a people inextricably linked to history through ancestry and blood. To them, it is a trade name for a bankers’ racket that neither desires nor will permit such a thing as a national consciousness and therefore an awareness of what these parasites are doing.
Turkey is slowly being invited into our continent at the expense of our very identity and by that very act it is denying that Europe, as we know and love it, ever existed.
On the more mundane level, it leaves open the question of why Israel or even Canada should be participants in the Eurovision Song Contest ... and why no one has the guts to challenge these plainly absurd anomalies.
At least there are some voices of protest within mainstream European politics but, I fear, not enough. That is the reason the process of Turkish entry has been slowed down rather than being terminated altogether, as it should have been.
Just as Europe a Nation should be created as a federation of existing nation-states within Europe, with Britain playing a leading role, then so should Turkey be a leading player in a Central Asian federation of existing nation-states within that region. That would very easily solve the problem of the proposed current anomaly. Such federations would be allied to Europe but not submerged into it.
We in European Action have always maintained the principle that national consciousness is the first consideration in politics and that this national consciousness entails placing the greatest value on our own people regardless of class, party allegiance or religious faith.
All we ask is that the people of Europe recognise this sense of communion and embrace it in the fullest meaning of European brotherhood. Because it is only solidarity in action that can guarantee our survival, acting together in common interest.
This does not mean antagonism towards people outside Europe, as with a siege mentality ever suspicious of the movements of others. Once America is forced back within its own borders then the rest of the world can be organised on the similar lines to Europe a Nation ... large, self-sufficient economies composed of similar peoples, totally free of the caprice of free-for-all international trading and able to organise the creation and growth of wealth within its own economic sphere without outside interference. These large federations would replace the United Nations and make the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund totally redundant. The “global economy” would be a thing of the past.
Therefore, our opposition to Turkish entry into Europe is not one based on aggressive antagonism towards a different culture or even a religion. It is simply a matter of defining Europe and placing all these questions into their proper context.
Turkey does not belong here ... it belongs elsewhere. That is the essence of what it means to be European and what it means to be Turkish. Our place in the world must be determined by that very sense of kinship that connects us to history, culture and the sacred soil of our ancestors, made red with the blood of its defenders and made fertile by the creative energy of the European.
Europe is not at war with Islam. It is America that embarked on this insane “crusade” for its own selfish interests and by so doing embroiled Britain and other countries in a “war against terrorism” that positively reeks of Zionist manipulation.
It follows that Europe should be a power unto itself with all the conditions that go with a major force in the world, Such a power bloc shall determine its own foreign policy and world agenda, totally independent of the Neo-cons in Washington and the predatory manoeuvring of the World Bank, whose president was once a principal player in White House war games.
When Europe stretches out the hand of friendship to the Islamic world, it will be a gesture of mutual respect and understanding ... knowing that we have different roots to preserve and nurture but, also, to accept a responsibility to world peace.
00:20 Publié dans Géopolitique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : turquie, europe, affaires européennes, géopolitique, histoire, proche orient, asie mineure, asie, affaires asiatiques | | |
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