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mercredi, 19 mars 2025

Trump et la seconde révolution américaine


Trump et la seconde révolution américaine

Irnerio Seminatore

Source: https://www.ieri.be/fr/publications/wp/2025/f-vrier/trump-et-la-seconde-revolution-americaine

Table des matières

- La « seconde révolution américaine ». Un concept englobant ?

- L’approche à la politique internationale

  Révolution ou discontinuité stratégique ?

- Objectifs historiques et objectifs conjoncturels

- Donald Trump selon Plutarque

- Donald Trump par le comte Joseph de Maistre

- Trump suivant Ortega y Gasset

- La seconde révolution américaine, un renversement des paradigmes dominants

* * *

La « seconde révolution américaine ». Un concept englobant ?

Peut-on penser l'ensemble des idées, des hommes, des principes et des évènements, qui ont marqué l'accession de Trump à la Maison Blanche, sous le concept de « seconde révolution américaine » ? En quelle considération tenir un bouleversement et une secousse intellectuelle qui ont investi tous les milieux et la société toute entière, sur l'homme, l'autorité et le rôle de l'Amérique dans le monde ? Plus encore peut-on ignorer les questionnements sur le destin du pays et sur les autres peuples et nations de la planète, bref sur le Leadership incontestée de son savoir et de son pouvoir, autrement dit sur son hégémonie ?



Kevin Roberts

Dans la tentative d'en conjuguer les éléments saillants, des analystes ont évoqué une combinaison de doctrines sociologiques tirées de Kevin Roberts et Vilfredo Pareto et, plus loin, des lectures historiques et littéraires de Plutarque, Joseph de Maistre et Ortega y Gasset.

La première évocation comme doctrine antisystème, a été vulgarisée péjorativement par l'assaut jacobin au Capitole du 6 janvier 2021, légitimée par décret quant à l'utilisation de la violence par les émeutiers et la deuxième, pour l'approche anti-élitiste contre l'Etat profond, bureaucratique et financier, aux mains des démocrates depuis les années 1980, par la théorie parétienne selon laquelle « l'Histoire est un cimetière d'élites », qui se succèdent et se remplacent l'une l'autre. Le grand remplacement est avant tout - ont reprit ce leitmotiv les néo-conservateurs - une mutation d'élites et de temps historiques.

En termes de temps historiques le slogan « America first », de la part de Trump signifie la fin de l'âge des paradigmes renversés et l'émergence de l'ère des empires et du grand schisme de l'Occident. Ou encore la fin de la décadence et le renouvellement de la civilisation occidentale par son centre impérial qui, s'il demeure imbu de principes démocratiques, est condamné à l'écroulement, comme l'Europe actuelle, effacée et bannie de tout renouveau et de toute influence.  La première étape de cet effacement des souverainetés nationales est l'unité stratégique et militaire de l'Otan, sous commandement intégré américain, dans le cadre d'une rivalité hégémonique entre Etats-continents/Etats civilisation, prétendants à un empire planétaire. En effet, dans le jeu des flux et reflux de l'Histoire, l'assurance de survie ne peut venir du « statu-quo » ou des dividendes de la paix, mais d'alliances militaires multinationales, qui ont été vassalisées par le pouvoir impérial. 


On ne peut nier que l'histoire est scandée par des stratégies de rupture et par des avant-gardes intellectuelles, disposant d'identité et de forte conscience politique et, marginalement par des forces naturelles déchaînées, comme c'était le cas dans la doctrine des conservateurs. La nouveauté du trumpisme et des néo-conservateurs est que la stratégie de rupture et sa force d'avenir reposent sur l'attrait des tsars de la technologie, la nouvelle classe « conspirante, cohérente et consciente », qui constitue la nouvelle oligarchie. Sa caractéristique, en tant que force perçante du grand remplacement est que son titre d'appartenance devient la capacité et le mérite et plus guère le privilège ou la politique de discrimination positive, créant artificiellement des statuts dérogatoires.

La révolte contre l'égalitarisme et l'esprit anti-hiérarchique, encouragés par les démocrates et en particulier par Obama, a favorisé dans les universités et dans l'éducation publique, le conformisme, la corruption et la culture woke, une perversion sectaire qui englobe dans sa notion flottante plusieurs luttes sociales autour de questions d’égalité, de justice, de lutte contre le racisme, pour le sexisme et en faveur des LGBTQIA+.

L’approche à la politique internationale

Révolution ou discontinuité stratégique ?

Si l'approche de Trump à la société civile américaine a pu être présentée ou a été perçue comme une « révolution culturelle » sa démarche concernant la politique internationale doit être classée comme une discontinuité stratégique par rapport à la ligne de Biden, le réalisme se substituant à un idéalisme trompeur.

Chez Trump tout découle d'un principe premier « America First » ! C'est la fin de l'après-guerre froide. La révolution interne doit être innervée et structurée à l'extérieur sur une autre vision du monde, basée sur le hard power et sur un retour à la compétition stratégique, compte tenu de l'échec des politiques de partenariat convenues avec des rivaux. Un uni-multipolarisme revendiqué remplacera le multilatéralisme idéologique et institutionnel (ONU, OTAN, Accords de Paris..), inefficaces et périmés.


En termes de relations entre souverainisme et bilatéralisme dans les négociations internationales la référence d’orientation sera le président Jackson (tableau, ci-dessus), bien qu'une inspiration liée à G. Washington guidera les engagements futurs, en ce qui concerne l'alliance entre non-interventionnisme et nationalisme actif, marginalisant, à l'intérieur des institutions américaines, les élites démocrates, considérées comme anti-américaines. Pour terminer avec les points de doctrine, une adversité instinctive pour le globalisme poussera au retour de rivalité multiples.

Ces points de doctrine se traduisent par une série de politiques régionales qui appellent des initiatives adaptées aux impératifs conjoncturels de sécurité et de défense et, cela se concrétise en quadrillage impérial avec l'accroissement des bases militaires dans le monde, en particulier dans l'aire du Pacifique, et, au-delà, en la confirmation des vieilles relations d'alliance (Israël, Arabie Saoudite et autres pays arabes).

Quant à la politique d'endiguement de la masse continentale de l'Eurasie, quels objectifs conjoncturels correspondront mieux aux intérêts permanent de l’Amérique.

Objectifs historiques et objectifs conjoncturels

La morphologie triadique du système multipolaire actuel distingue toujours entre objectifs historiques et objectifs immédiats et accorde à la géopolitique et à dialectique de l'antagonisme la tâche de distinguer entre types de paix et types de guerres. En fonction des rôles joués par les grands acteurs du système nous passerons en revue et à des seules finalités de connaissance, les différents types de paix, car ils déterminent non seulement les types de guerre, mais également les stratégies générales des acteurs majeurs de la constellation diplomatique. Pour l'Europe l'idéal type de paix est une paix d'équilibre entre l'Amérique et la Russie, puisque le continent est situé à la jonction du Rimland et du Heartland, entre la terre centrale et la grande île du monde ; pour la Russie une paix d'empire, fédératrice de plusieurs peuples, de plusieurs terres et de multiples confessions religieuses. Une paix d'Hégémonie est celle qui convient au choix de l'Amérique, vouée, par sa mission universelle, à exercer son pouvoir sur les trois Océans, Indien, Pacifique et Atlantique, en respectant la liberté et la souveraineté des pays de la bordure des terres  Pour l'Empire du milieu, le  mandat du ciel situe le meilleur type de paix entre une architecture régionale équilibrée et une vision planétaire à long terme, déterminée en partie par sa position géopolitique et en partie par la rivalité qui découle de sa culture et du système mondial des forces. 





Robert Strausz-Hupé ou l'oeuvre d'un stratégiste américain (anti-européen) qui demeure dangereusement méconnue et qu'il faudrait relire en même temps que Zbigniew Brzezinski.

Or, l'objectif stratégique de l'Amérique et de l'Occident, selon un courant de pensée offensif, représenté par Robert Strausz-Hupé (photo), William R. Kintner et Stefan T. Possony et exposé dans le livre « A Forward Strategy for America », reposera sur la préservation et la consolidation de notre système politique, plutôt que sur le maintien de la paix. Selon ce courant, la survie du régime impérial des Etats-Unis, n'autorisait « d'autre choix qu'une stratégie à la Caton ». « Carthago delenda est ! ». La coexistence de deux empires rivaux était conçue au Sénat de Rome, comme une cause d'instabilité profonde, qui devait déboucher fatalement sur une guerre inexpiable. Or la situation multipolaire d'aujourd'hui est-elle comparable à celle de l'époque romaine ? Change-t-elle sur le fond, l'essence de la rivalité et la structure de l'hostilité ?

Face à un Congrès indécis et dans le cadre d'un isolationnisme sélectif, l'Amérique - selon Marco Rubio, nouveau secrétaire d'Etat, devrait tout subordonner à une posture agressive envers la Chine, ficeler un cessez-le-feu rapide en Ukraine et assurer Israël d'un soutien inconditionnel. Un retour clair à la partition idéologique entre « axe du bien » et « axe du mal », puisqu'il s'agirait d'une politique de force qui annonce une hausse des dépenses militaires et une relance de la course aux armements. La présidence Trump pourrait détricoter le réseau d'alliances tissé par les Etats-Unis après 1945 et transformer durablement le paysage géopolitique du système. Elle compte peu sur l’Europe, car elle la juge captive d'une idéologie post-historique et ne fait pas une grande confiance aux institutions internationales dont elle redoute l’inefficacité. Ainsi l'Amérique de Trump ne compte que sur elle-même et sur des relations bilatérales pour traiter de ses premières priorités.

Ce bref survol sur le jeu politique et les surprises stratégiques imposées par le nouveau Président, nous fait comprendre que beaucoup d’issues dépendront plus de l'esprit et de la force élémentaire des Etats-Unis que de l’appui de leurs alliés occidentaux, de telle sorte que les options retenues se situeront dans une relation de discontinuité par rapport à la politique étrangère des démocrates.

Donald Trump selon Plutarque

Comme toute épopée, ancienne ou moderne, quels éléments ou facettes retiendra-t-elle la postérité de ce terrassement tectonique d'époque et de civilisation, de ce schisme en Occident, profond et durable ? La volonté d'ordre d'abord et l'esprit de stabilisation ensuite, semblables à ceux qui succédèrent au meurtre de César et à la transition de la démocratie oligarchique de Rome, vers l'empire d'Octave-Auguste ou, plus proche de nous au premier Coup d'Etat moderne, celui du Général Bonaparte du 18 Brumaire à Saint-Cloud ? Passant à l’analyse du protagoniste, par le filtre d’interprétations arbitraires, quelle sera la figure et l’image du personnage consignées à l’histoire selon les thèmes et les sujets retenus par le procureur du tribunal historique ?  Pour commencer, quel aventurier se cache donc derrière Donald Trump, dans son assaut contre le Capitole et dans sa promesse d'ouvrir "un nouvel âge d'or" pour l'Amérique ? Pouvons-nous ré-enchanter l'histoire américaine par le mythe de la refondation de la nouvelle Rome sur l'escalier baptismal de Washington ?


Seul Plutarque aurait pu établir un parallélisme entre les grands décideurs de la modernité et ceux du monde antique, en pédagogues du passé. Mais quel portrait aurait brossé Plutarque de Donald Trump, en empereur romain ? De qui aurait-il pu être le plus proche ? La férocité des opposants le classerait sans hésitation parmi les plus criminels et débauchés dans la vie privée et dans la vie publique. Le nom le plus proche est sans aucun doute celui de Néron, coopté au pouvoir par les intrigues de la cour impériale. Injustice flagrante et jugement hâtif ? Serait-il condamné d'avance sans avoir tué sa mère Agrippine, incendié Rome ou terminé une présidence despotique et controversée ? Dans l'imaginaire collectif, Néron porte une rare diversité de qualificatifs, tous plus éloquents les uns que les autres : tyran, persécuteur, pervers, manipulé, égoïste, immature et cette liste n'est pas exhaustive. Dès sa mort, ses contemporains s'emparent de son nom pour en faire une légende noire, un héros à la passion destructrice. Cette dernière, agrémentée au fil des siècles, est encore tenace de nos jours. Est-elle adaptée ou inadaptée à Donald Trump, personnalité shakespearienne, tyran virtuel et caché, virtuose de la spectacularisation du pouvoir et capable de vitrifier le monde avec la foudre nucléaire, par delà sa tentation de la paix et sa passion tarifée de la luxure, du commerce et de l'argent ?  Or la révolution américaine de Trump aurait pu tomber sous la coupe de deux autres personnalités célèbres, le Comte Joseph de Maistre, Savoisien, Ambassadeur du Royaume de Sardaigne à Saint Pétersbourg et contre-révolutionnaire honnis, et Michel Foucault, auteur d'une préface sur « La vie des hommes infâmes », opposée à celle des hommes illustres, préface par ailleurs fourrée d'éloges par Philippe Sollers. 



Donald Trump par le comte Joseph de Maistre

Le comte Joseph de Maistre n'aurait peut-être pas désapprouvé l'assaut contre le Capitole puisqu'il aurait pris conscience, en homme d'ancien régime, que l'incapacité du pouvoir démocrate d'obtenir obéissance, le rendait non seulement « illégitime », mais aussi « illégal » et que le droit de sédition pour les abus électoraux commis, permettaient de le contester « quoad esercitium » (en raison de sa gestion). Et ceci sur la base de l'interprétation de la « légitimité » traditionnelle, comme facteur de stabilité qui assure l'ordre et le bien être des sujets de la cité.  Il en découle que le principe de la « légitimité » du suffrage étant variable et imprévisible, celle-ci ne peut prétendre à la « légitimité » de la tradition, qui est immémoriale, inscrite dans les mythes et dans les obéissances anciennes.



C'est pourquoi l'assaut contre le Capitole, expression de la lutte pour le pouvoir ou pour la puissance, qui sont  l'essence même de la politique, a dévoilé la notion originelle de combat, de violence et de « daimon », qui incarne sur le fond, l'histoire et la tradition toute entière du peuple américain en marche. De plus, aux yeux de de Maistre, il n'aurait pu y avoir de gouvernement politique exemplaire dans une nation qui exalte l'individualisme égalitariste et se tâche au même temps de trafics illégaux, comme l'ont fait les démocrates, méprisant la souveraineté du pouvoir et le consensus naturel du peuple pour la fonction suprême du pays. Fonction qui, pour ses attributs et pour son autorité, appartient aux « génies invisibles de la cité » et devient, par paradoxe, une source inépuisable de conflits et de passions hostiles.  


Farouchement hérissé contre la violence révolutionnaire des idées tirées des Lumières et de la Révolution française, Joseph de Maistre, lecteur de Plutarque, qui s'inspira d’Edmund Burke, fut un antirévolutionnaire acharné, luttant contre la punition infligée par Dieu à la France. Il se fit connaître comme le porte-drapeau d'une « autre modernité » et comme critique virulent de la « révolution satanique » (Considérations sur la France, 1796 ; Essai sur le principe générateur des constitutions politiques), ainsi que du mal français devenu aujourd'hui mondial, le mal égalitariste ou immigrationniste. Un mal qui était à l'époque, pour de Maistre, celui de l’Eglise gallicane, étrangère à la tradition moniste, identitaire et catholique du pays. « Le plus grand ennemi de l’Europe qu’il importe d’étouffer par tous les moyens qui ne sont pas des crimes, l’ulcère funeste qui s’attache à toutes les souverainetés et qui les ronge sans relâche, le fils de l’orgueil, le père de l’anarchie, le dissolvant universel, c’est le protestantisme », et de nos jours « l'œcuménisme immigrationniste », une « Oumma » universaliste et conspirationniste. Par ailleurs, si la tradition acquiert aujourd'hui la même légitimité que la démocratie représentative moderne, quelle est la doctrine philosophique plus pertinente pour comprendre le monde ? Et la démocratie, comme forme de régime dont la seule source de légitimité est une fiction, la « volonté générale » de Rousseau, peut-elle constituer encore le dépassement inévitable de la tradition et le fondement d'un équilibre des pouvoirs, propre aux régimes constitutionnels modernes ? D'un point de vue intellectuel, ce même Trump aurait pu devenir aussi la meilleure cible pour un dénigrement en règle et pour une crucifixion morale et politique, sans la présence modératrice du préfet de Rome, Ponce Pilate, non seulement de la part d'Obama, mais des philosophes de la « Petitio-paedofilia » française des années 1977, incluant Sartre, Derrida, Lyotard, Deleuze et Simone de Beauvoir, en parfait accord avec tout le courant déconstructionniste parisien de la post-modernité.



Trump selon Ortega y Gasset

Mais l'autre grande personnalité qui est à la base de l'eschatologie populiste et libertaire des patriotes du monde entier et du Midwest américain est probablement Ortega y Gasset, l'auteur espagnol de la « Révolte des masses ». Penseur existentiel « in partibus infidelium », il défend la lutte pour la liberté contre la dissolution mondialiste et part de l'idée que ce sont les élites qui font l'histoire. De cette même conviction, Trump tire les racines de sa stratégie, partageant avec Ortega y Gasset, les idées de ce dernier sur la crise des certitudes, la critique des sociétés de masse et l'action conjointe des élites, de la tradition et des croyances. La solidité de ces préoccupations est encore démontrée, comme à l'époque d'Ortega y Gasset (1937), par le paradoxe que « les gauches promettent des révolutions et les gauches proposent des tyrannies ». Ainsi, la crise de l'individualisme qui affecte les sociétés occidentales est une crise non pas des principes premiers, ou des valeurs suprêmes, mais de leur absence. D'où le désenchantement. L'époque que nous vivons est celle de l'âme désenchantée. Notre époque n'est point une époque de réaction, qui est toujours le « parasite de la révolution », mais la phase d'une évolution vers un nouveau développement de la spiritualité. Le développement de la civilisation par époques, induit une correspondance dans le développement de l'homme. Ainsi « d'une attitude spirituelle de type traditionnel, on passe à un état d'esprit rationaliste et de celui-ci à un régime de mysticisme ». La troisième phase est donc celle de la désillusion, de l'âme facile, docile et servile. Inaugure-t-elle la phase d'abjection, d'indifférenciation et de rejet de connaissance à la fois du passé et du présent qui caractérise la culture woke ?

La seconde révolution américaine, un renversement des paradigmes dominants

Si la fondation des Etats-Unis et sa première révolution sont nées de la volonté de s'affranchir politiquement de l'Europe et, d'affermir philosophiquement le primat préromantique du sentiment sur la raison et de la foi sur le sentiment, la seconde révolution américaine se fait au nom d’une autre idée de l’homme et de la légitimité, de la crise d’hégémonie de l’Occident et de sa tradition de liberté. La polémique contre la corruption des élites et du parti démocrate tire ses raisons d’être d’une exaltation du rigorisme moral de l'éducation puritaine, intégrée d’une critique sévère de la post-modernité. L'insurrection républicaine a réagi à l’hétérogénéité croissante, spirituelle et sociale d’un société- monde qui, avec une immigration sans contrôle, glisse lentement vers le cœur d’un système, hors de toute philosophie du sens commun, les traditions, la continuité et l’histoire. Ainsi, dans les trois lectures imaginaires d’auteurs classiques ont pourrait voir autant de formes de la conscience historique et donc pour Plutarque le glissement des Princes vers la folie et l’imprévu dans leur course vers une vérité insaisissable, pour le comte Joseph de Maistre la recherche de « sens », dans le long processus de sécularisation des croyances et, pour Ortega y Gasset, le primat de la liberté dans l’éternelle quête du Graal, qui échappe aux droites et aux gauches dans des moments comme le nôtre, où le monde bascule vers la guerre.

Or, si comme l’affirme Ortega y Gasset dans « les époques d’âme traditionaliste s’organisent les nations », par un mode traditionnel de réagir intellectuellement, (qui) consiste dans le souvenir du répertoire des croyances reçues des ancêtres », le progressisme démocrate, déraciné et sans histoire, poussée aux extrêmes par la culture woke, conduit à la dissolution de la société et à la négation des origines spirituelles de l'Amérique. C’est à ces interrogations et à ce défi qu’ont réagit les américains. C’est à ce titre que la victoire de Trump n’a pas été seulement électorale ou politique, mais existentielle et civilisationnelle. Elle a été un renversement des paradigmes et des tabous dominants et au nom d'une révolution galiléenne de la pensée et de l'action.

Bruxelles le 5 janvier 2025.

mardi, 23 janvier 2018

Religious Piety in Sparta & Rome


Religious Piety in Sparta & Rome

As (post-)Christian moderns, we are twice handicapped in trying to understand the religions of the ancient pagan states such as Sparta and Rome. Where we tend to think of religious belief as universalistic, other-worldly, monolatrous, and dogmatic, ancient paganism was particularistic, world-embracing, polytheistic (almost ecumenical), and non-dogmatic (but ritualistic). 

FdC-CA.jpgThe nineteenth-century French historian Fustel de Coulanges memorably showed, in his La Cité antique, the fundamental role which the religion had in shaping the laws, families, and very statehood of Greek and Roman societies. The ancient family and state were presided over by fathers also playing the role of priests. Participation in the religion defined who was a member of the community, whether familial or political, what were the inviolable sacred spaces were (the household, the city, the federal sanctuary), what were the duties of each, and who were the ancestors and gods one had to live up to. The religious-familial-political community – all the associated sentiments reinforcing one another in wondrous harmony – and its rules were constantly reinforced by regular and mandatory ritualistic activity featuring sacrifices, a set calendar, festivals, and so on. Coulanges says:

The comparison of the beliefs and laws [of the Greco-Romans] shows that the primitive religion created the Greek and Roman family, established marriage and paternal authority, fixed the categories of kinship, consecrated the right of property and the right of inheritance. This same religion, after having enlarged and extended the family, shaped a wider association, the city, and reigned in it as in the family.[1] [2]

He stresses furthermore: “There was not a single act of public life in which one did not have the gods intervene.”[2] [3] This cannot be overemphasized: all ancient Greco-Roman government buildings (including the treasury) were in fact temples. Assembly meetings and court cases were held under the auspices of the gods. Hence, selection of officials by lot was thought to be the gods’ choice and meetings could only be held on propitious religious days. Even on military campaigns, one finds the general acting as head priest, making regular sacrifices to the gods and looking for omens, and making decisions on that basis. Where Christianity has often been separated from the state (“Render unto Caesar . . .”), Coulanges is at pains to emphasize that in pagan Greece and Rome, religion was the state.

We are struck at how “scientific” the Greeks could be. Sophists, historians, and philosophers could explain phenomena in often surprisingly naturalistic and rational ways: that dreams are the return of what concerned us during the day, that the Nile Delta was formed by the river’s steady depositing, or that fossilized shells found in the mountains are proof that the seas used to be high. We find philosophers like Xenophanes criticizing the inherited tales about the gods in a surprisingly free spirit. Then there is Anaxagoras’ memorable claim that the sun was a “a hot stone larger than the Peloponnese”! The historian Thucydides is also remarkable for his lack of religious interpretation.

Yet, these “rationalists” seem to have been very much the exception in these societies, or at least, religious piety and superstition nonetheless dominated daily life. The ancient religion seems to us exceedingly superstitious in many ways. Look at what the most pious Xenophon has his idealized Cyrus say on his death-bed:

Zeus, god of my fathers, and you, O Sun, and all you gods, accept this sacrifice, my offering for many a noble enterprise, and suffer me to thank you for the grace you have shown me, telling me all my life, by victims and by signs from heaven, by birds and by the voices of men, what things I ought to do and what I ought to refrain from.[3] [4]

xenophon03.jpgWe are shocked to see, throughout Greco-Roman history, government and even military business being significantly affected by apparently trivial “omens” such as the weather, the entrails of animals, the flight of birds, dreams, sneezes, the inscrutable sayings of the oracles, to not speak of more significant events such as earthquakes and eclipses. All these were interpreted not as chance occurrences but as manifestations of divine will.

This was not merely a matter of form: one constantly sees ancient generals, say, delaying their action because of a religious festival or because the day’s sacrifice has not yielded an “auspicious” omen (e.g. the Spartans’ not coming to help the Athenians at Marathon, the Athenian Nicias’ passivity in Sicily). We also see religious controversies – such as the vandalization of the Athenian herms or the failure to to recover bodies at the Battle of Arginusae – leading to serious political crises.

On the subjective level, the Ancients experienced the world in a different way from us. Mystery and meaning were everywhere, and that is why they saw “omens” everywhere. On the sociological level, however, the religion clearly served a useful social purpose (otherwise, some tribe of atheists would have conquered their superstitious counterparts, something which never happened until the modern era).[4] [5]

Requiring all members of the community (family or city) to participate in given rituals and festivals no doubt fostered social unity. If men could agree on the interpretation of an omen, this could create social consensus when a decision had to be made, as the decision was considered to have been made by the gods. These decisions could indeed concern whether to undertake a particular military course of action or whether to launch a colonial expedition. We also witness occasional manipulation of omens for political ends. Wandering “seers” also seem to have used claims of divine insight for economic ends, and were sometimes dismissed as charlatans.

In any event, the piety of ancient societies, and in particular of the most successful states, is beyond doubt. Take Sparta for instance. The Spartans were famously pious and punctilious in respect of ritual. Herodotus says that for them “divine matters took precedence over human ones.”[5] [6] Xenophon, in his account of the Spartan state, unsurprisingly emphasizes Spartan martial prowess. However, it is after giving an account of the excellence of the Spartans’ rituals while on campaign that he says: “if you witnessed this you would think that militarily others are amateurs, whereas Spartans alone are real masters of the craft of war.”[6] [7] How telling that the warrior Xenophon reserves the term “craftsmen of war” for experts in religious ritual.

The social sense in this is no doubt in the powerful psychological impact of communal religious ritual in creating feelings of harmony, purpose, and steadfastness. On one occasion, Xenophon says that the Spartans were inspired with confidence, not only by the presence of many weapons in the city, but by the sight of their priest-king:

And here was another sight to warm the heart – the soldiers, with Agesilaus at the head of them, coming back from the gymnasia with their garlands and then dedicating them to Artemis. For where you find men honoring the gods, disciplining themselves for war and practicing obedience, you may be sure that there everything will be full of good hope.[7] [8]

We emphasize: the sight of and participation in a familiar ritual makes everything “full of good hope.”

PLU-VP.JPGPlutarch, in his Life of Lycurgus, attributes a similar role to religious ritual in promoting hope and courage (my emphasis):

Once their phalanx was marshaled together in sight of the enemy, the king sacrificed the customary she-goat, instructed everyone to put on garlands, and ordered the pipers to play Castor’s Air. At the same time he began the marching paean, so that it was a sight at once solemn and terrifying to see them marching in step to the pipes, creating no gap in the phalanx nor suffering any disturbance of spirit, but approaching the confrontation calmly and happily in time to the music. In all likelihood men in this frame of mind feel neither fear nor exceptional anger, but with hope and courage they steadily maintain their purpose, believing heaven to be with them.[8] [9]

Nor are such comments restricted to Sparta. We find similar observations on Rome, that other very great martial republic of the ancient world. Religious life was just as pervasive in Rome as in Greece. Livy says of Rome: “There was nowhere in this city that was not imbued with religion and which was not occupied by some divinity . . . The gods dwell there.”[9] [10] Indeed, one has to walk amidst the ruins of the Roman Forum to realize this: one is stunned to see such a concentration of religious-governmental buildings, the inevitable urban over-development produced by a vast empire.

The Greco-Roman historian Polybius, who like Xenophon was also an experienced politician and military officer, explicitly cites religious piety as a fundamental source of Roman power:

But the respect in which, in my opinion, the Roman constitution is most markedly superior is in its view of the gods. It seems to me that superstition, which we criticize in other people, is precisely what gives the Roman state its cohesion. In Rome, nothing plays a more elaborate or extensive role in people’s private lives and in the political sphere than superstition. Many of my readers might find this strange, but it seems to me that it has been done for the sake of the common people. In a state of enlightened citizens, there would presumably be no need for such a course. But since the common people everywhere are fickle – since they are driven by lawless impulses, blind anger, and violent passion – the only option is to use mysterious terrors and all this elaborate drama to restrain them.[10] [11]


Again, it is striking that Polybius claims that religious piety was the aspect of Rome which was most superior to other states, promoting cohesion and morality among the people. It is also noteworthy that the emperor Marcus Aurelius, whose religious beliefs could be deemed deist or sometimes agnostic, took his role as Rome’s head priest very seriously: the father of the family and the state, by his pious example, shows the way for his flock.

Religion then played a fundamental role in the construction and cohesion of Greco-Roman societies. Religious practice, no doubt, reflects not only custom but deep-seated and in-born human psychological mechanisms, which seek to find meaning in the world and community with others. These mechanisms find their satisfaction through compelling existential narratives and pious rituals in common. The powerful effects are plain for all to see, both in the history of religions, and, for those who have not fully severed themselves from the ancestral ways, in individual experience.


[1] [12] Fustel de Coulanges, La Cité antique (Paris: Flammarion, 2009 [1864]), 36.

[2] [13] Ibid., 230.

[3] [14] Xenophon, The Education of Cyrus, trans. Henry Graham Dakyns (London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1914), 8.7.3.

[4] [15] Actually, we should not think that atheistic liberals and communists, when they have engaged in some “crusade,” were not acting in a de facto religious spirit of fanaticism.

[5] [16] Herodotus, The Histories, trans. Robin Waterfield (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998), 5.63.

[6] [17] Xenophon, Spartan Constitution, 13, in Plutarch, On Sparta, trans. Richard Talbert (London: Penguin, 2005).

[7] [18] Xenophon, A History of My Times [Hellenica], trans. Rex Warner (London: Penguin, 1966), 3.4.18.

[8] [19] Plutarch, Life of Lycurgus, 22, in Plutarch, On Sparta.

[9] [20] Quoted in Coulanges, La Cité, p. 202.

[10] [21] Polybius, The Histories, trans. Robin Waterfield (Oxford: Oxford World’s Classics, 2010), 6.56.

jeudi, 08 novembre 2012

Lycurgus & the Spartan State


Lycurgus & the Spartan State

By Mark Dyal

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

“And Theompopus, when a stranger kept saying, as he showed him kindness, that in his own city he was called a lover of Sparta, remarked: ‘My good sir, it were better for thee to be called a lover of thine own city.’” – Plutarch[1]

Lycurgus-9389581-1-402.jpgJust as Mussolini looked to Ancient Rome for the model of a healthy, organic society, the Ancient Romans looked to Sparta. In the first century (A.D.), as Rome continued its imperial ascent to near-hemispheric domination, the distance between the virtuous Republican nobility and the garish imperial nobility began to alert many to the potential for social degeneration. One of these was Plutarch, a Roman scholar of Greek birth.

Plutarch is best known for his series of parallel lives of the most virtuous Greeks and Romans, written to explain the particular virtues and vices that either elevate or subordinate a people. His “Life of Lycurgus,” then, is less a celebratory tale of the legendary king who transformed Sparta from typical Greek polis into the greatest warrior state in Western history than a description of that state. Its lessons are no less astounding to contemporary Americans than they were for Imperial Romans. And, while many Greek, Roman, and contemporary writers have explored the origins of warrior Sparta, Plutarch’s “Life of Lycurgus” remains the only necessary source on the subject.

Lycurgan Sparta was born of decadence. As the mentor of the young Spartan king Charilaus, his nephew, Lycurgus played a Cato-esque role. He imparted conservative and austere virtues to the young king, seeking to stem the love of money and ostentatious displays among the city’s nobility. When this tactic ran afoul of the Spartan elite, Lycurgus left the city and traveled around Greece and Asia. He discovered the Homeric epics and visited the Oracle at Delphi. There, Apollo’s priests told him that under his guidance a state would become the most powerful in Greece. So, with Apollo’s backing, he returned to Sparta and was given legal command of the city.[2] He immediately established a social system in which decadence would be impossible.

Lycurgus sought above all to end the vanity, weakness, and extravagance of the Spartan people. Politically, he devised a dually senatorial and monarchical governmental system that governed for the good of the state, not just its wealthiest citizens. Before Lycurgus, the kings of two royal families ruled Sparta, a model already designed to limit tyranny. In adding the senate, Lycurgus sought only further political stability,[3] understanding that democracy was only as valuable as its subjects were noble.[4]

So whereas the Athenians made democracy the reason of the state, Lycurgus made nobility the rationality of Spartan life. Individual Spartan lives were subordinated to that one ideal.[5] But what made Lycurgan nobility so extraordinary was, one, that it was attainable only by the bravest, strongest, and most accomplished warriors – and their women; and two, the lengths to which the state went in breeding this type of nobility.

Just as we have seen in Italian Fascist thought,[6] Lycurgus was interested in human instincts. Contextually speaking, however, we do not give the latter as much credit as the former. For Lycurgus was living at a time far removed from modern assumptions about the separation of mind and body. The Greek ideal, then, was possible precisely because the body was understood to be an outward manifestation of the mind. What is remarkable in Lycurgan Sparta, though, is the understanding of the link between instinct and conception; and it is this understanding that made warriors the most noble of nobles. In other words, Spartan training was not designed to create warrior bodies and concepts, but warrior instincts, of which the bodies were mere symptoms. Thus the importance placed on ethics and environment, as we will see below.

Lycurgus took one ideal and made it the aim of the state and its subjects. But while Greek nobility had become associated with hereditary wealth, creating a self-perpetuating system of luxury and quality (to which moderns owe much of the value of the Hellenic legacy, in particular) Lycurgus transvaluated nobility, making it instead something attainable only in violent service (and the preparation thereof) to the state. He felt more profoundly than other Greeks the relationship between nobility and the human form – conceptually and physiologically – and the idea of training these in concert. And, he reformed the Spartan state to become a factory of bodily nobility. It was his social and physiological reforms to this end that were critical to Sparta’s transformation, establishing, as they did, the messes, agōgē (meaning abduction but also leading and training), and eugenics that gave content to Sparta’s warriors.

Lycurgus’ first tasks, like establishing the senate, were designed to change the immediate political and social climate of the city. He redistributed all the land in Sparta so that each citizen family had a small plot of land to cultivate. He also banned coined money, instituting instead the trade in vinegar-soaked iron bars, thus making it virtually impossible to amass wealth.[7] Almost all forms of iniquity vanished from Sparta, Plutarch writes, “for who would steal or receive as a bribe, or rob or plunder that which could neither be concealed, nor possessed with satisfaction, nay, nor even cut to pieces with any profit?”[8] Elsewhere, Plutarch explains that wealth “awakened no envy, and brought no honor” to its Spartan bearer.[9]

Although most artisans left Sparta when there was no longer a way to trade their goods, Lycurgus compounded their misery by banishing any “unnecessary and superfluous” arts.[10] When not on campaign, Spartan men spent their time in festivals, hunting, exercising, and instructing the youth.[11] Within months of the Lycurgan monetary reforms, it was impossible to buy foreign wares, receive foreign freight, hire teachers of rhetoric, or visit soothsayers and prostitutes in Sparta. Although such restrictions were not motivated by the desire to protect or develop Spartan artisan crafts, locally produced housewares soon became sought after throughout the Greek world.[12] After establishing the limits of what would be permitted in Sparta, Lycurgus set his sights on educating toward nobility.

To ensure the unity and gastronomical fitness of Spartan men, Lycurgus created a mess system wherein men and youthful warriors dined together. Scholars have pointed to the messes as a crucial element of the Lycurgan reforms, and one that only made sense by Lycurgus’ understanding of the close relationship between mind and body. As Plutarch explains, the mess ensured more than social cohesion, providing a forum for the maintenance of the warrior himself:

With a view to attack luxury, [Lycurgus] . . . introduced the common messes so that they might eat with one another in companies, of common and specified foods, and not take their meals at home, reclining on costly couches at costly tables, delivering themselves into the hands of servants and cooks to be fattened in the dark, like voracious animals, and ruining not only their characters but also their bodies.[13]

The infamous agōgē operated with similar motivations. Breaking with Greek tradition – Xenophon explains that Lycurgus literally transvalued all Greek child rearing and education practices[14] – no private tutors or education were allowed in Sparta. The Spartan state, instead, educated all boys from age seven, regardless of his family’s status. In the agōgē boys were trained for discipline, courage, and fighting. They learned just enough reading and writing to serve their purpose as warriors, with their education “calculated to make them obey commands well, endure hardships, and conquer in battle.”[15] Likewise, the boys went barefoot and largely unclothed so that they may function better in rough terrain and in inclement weather. Clothes, Xenophon explains, were thought to encourage effeminacy and an inability to handle variations in temperature.[16]

As well as being scantily clad, boys in the agōgē were underfed and encouraged to steal food. This taught them to solve the problem of hunger by their own hands with cunning and boldness[17] and encouraged the development of warlike instincts.[18] To further this development, the boys were forced to live for a period in the mountain wilderness, without weapons, and unseen.[19] If boys were caught stealing, their agōgē superiors beat them. Kennell debates the legend that these beatings had fatal consequences. After all, a Spartan boy/young man was the focus of the entire social rationale, and would not be killed prematurely. Another part of the legend is not debatable, however: the boys were not beaten for having stolen, but for having been mediocre enough at it to be caught.[20]

Returning to the mess, the boys, as common responsibility of all male citizens of Sparta, were constantly surrounded by “fathers, tutors, and governors.”[21] At dinner, the boys were quizzed on virtues and vices, commanded to answer in a simple and honest style now called laconic (after Lacedaemon). Often these questions demanded that they pass judgment on the conduct of the citizenry. Those without response were deemed deficient in the “will to excellence,” as if any lack of response, whether out of respect or ignorance, was product of an insufficiently critical mind.[22]

In Lycurgan Sparta, the warriors governed because war, and the preparation for war, had made them the most virtuous. Lycurgus is credited with codifying the value of a life cleansed of all superfluous trappings. The life so essentialized not only became the perfect hoplite warrior, moving in concert with his cohorts, but also the most virtuous and reliable citizen. This is because Spartan war training was designed primarily to toughen the mind against fear, adversity, and pain, leaving clarity and the confidence of conquering any foe in any situation.[23]

Steven Pressfield’s Polynikes explains this conception of model citizen:

War, not peace, produces virtue. War, not peace, purges vice. War, and preparation for war calls forth all that is noble and honorable in a man. It unites him with his brothers and binds them in selfless love, eradicating in the crucible of necessity all that is base and ignoble.[24]

But what of Spartan men who did not meet these noble and honorable ideals? Xenophon explains that, in Sparta, the cowardly man was, in fact, a man without a city. He was shunned in all areas of public life, including the messes, ball games, gymnasia, and assemblies. This fact of life can be discerned in the “official” Spartan belief that honorable death was more valuable than ignoble life.[25] Xenophon sums the entire Lycurgan social system thus: to ensure “that the brave should have happiness, and the coward misery.”[26] Whereas in Fascist Italy, cowardly men might have been encouraged to “be courageous” in one’s own context, in Sparta, men had only one avenue to courage – war and training for war.

The agōgē has been central to academic and popular visions of Sparta from antiquity to modernity, and justifiably so. The Romans were so enchanted with the agōgē that Roman tourists traveled to Sparta just to visit its sites and temples (Artemis and the Dioscuri each played important roles in the boys’ religious instruction). Indeed, by 100 (A.D.) Rome had re-established the agōgē in Sparta and used it as a finishing school for noble Roman boys. It is only thanks to this period of the agōgē that we know anything about its Classical glory.[27]

And, even though we have been forced to speculate from the few anecdotes provided by Plutarch and Xenophon as to the content of agōgē training, we have a clear delineation of its purpose. As Plutarch explains it, the agōgē was a systematic training regimen in which boys and young men learned warring skills (including the discipline, sense of duty, and leadership already discussed) as well as “the most important and binding principles which conduce to the prosperity and virtue of a city.” These were not merely taught through lecture and regurgitation, but “implanted in the habits and training of [the boys],” through which “they would remain unchanged and secure, having a stronger bond than compulsion”.[28] As Lycurgus is thought to have summarized the agōgē’s rationale: “A city will be well-fortified which is surrounded by brave men and not by bricks.”[29]

Just as the content of the agōgē is speculative, it seems that so to is Lycurgus’ understanding of the links between conceptual and bodily vitality. For up to now, it has only been demonstrated that Lycurgus sought to defeat weakness and vice with strength and nobility. However, Lycurgus’ understanding of the body and mind is best demonstrated by the fate of Spartan women and infants.

As suggested above, sons were not the property of the father in Lycurgan Sparta, but the common property of the state. Unlike other Greek and Roman states, in Sparta the decision to raise a child rested with a council of elders who checked babies for health and stamina. If one was ill born and deformed it was discarded, as life “which nature had not well equipped at the very beginning for health and strength was of no advantage either for itself or the state.”[30]

In many cases, Spartan children were not even the product of random parentage, “but designed to spring from the best there was.” Eugenics. During his time of exile, Lycurgus noticed something peculiar about Greek men. In Athens, Plutarch explains, he saw men arguing over the particular breeding stock of certain dogs and horses. And yet, these same men sired children even though “foolish, infirm, or diseased, as though children of bad stock did not owe their badness to their parents.”[31] Marriages and births were carefully regulated, then, always with an eye to the physical and political wellbeing of the city.

Because of the Lycurgan exaggeration of the Greek educational ideal, Plutarch exclaimed that the education of Spartan children began before birth – an extraordinary concept, considering the 7th Century (B.C.) context. In reality it began prior to conception. Which brings us to Spartan women as mothers. Uniquely in the Classical Greek world, Spartan women exercised alongside men. They ran, wrestled, and threw the discuss and javelin, so that they might struggle successfully and easily with childbirth, and that their offspring would have a “vigorous root in vigorous bodies.”[32]

Lycurgus had a well-conceived eugenic rationale, believing that the human body would grow taller when unburdened by too much nutrition. Things that are well fed, he noticed, tend to grow thick and wide, both of which went against ideals of beauty and divinity. Thus, while leanness marked the human form as most beautiful, it also gave it a kinship with the divine. However, for mothers and their offspring, the benefits were also mundane, as mothers who exercised were thought to have lean children because the lightness of the parent matter made the offspring more susceptible to molding.[33]

After birth, infants were reared without swaddling so that their limbs would develop freely and robustly.[34] Boys in the agōgē wore a simple loin wrap, and men little more. The scores of near-naked men, boys, and unswaddled babies were joined by scores of near-naked women and girls. Perhaps Lycurgus’ most delicious transvaluation of decadent values is his command that in Sparta, the healthy condition of one’s body was to be more esteemed than the costliness of one’s clothes.[35] Nakedness and a strict code of physical beauty – that equated beauty with nobility – seem like potent stimuli to health; to say nothing of the belief that one’s commitment to beauty and nobility was of great benefit to oneself, one’s offspring, and one’s people.

Lycurgus believed that scant dress encouraged in women the habit of living with simplicity. More so, however, he wanted Spartan women to have an ardent desire for a healthy and beautiful body. And because the path to health and beauty led to the gymnasia and sports field, a beautiful female body ensured that the bearer of such possessed “bravery, ambition, and a taste of lofty sentiment.”[36]

Nowhere in the ancient world were women so integrated in the social and political rationale of a people. As a result of the Lycurgan reforms, Spartan girls were educated to similar principles and standards of courage, discipline, and honor, as the boys. They were literate. They performed public rituals to Artemis and Apollo. They were athletic enough to win medals at the Olympic games – even when competing against men. And they were known for their “vitality, grace, and vigor.”[37]

Meanwhile in Athens, girls received no education beyond the domestic duties of a wife and mother. And they lived sequestered lives, with no thought of how their physical degeneration might adversely affect Athens.[38] Thus the scandalous response provoked by Spartan women. For it is the state of women that provoked the idea that Spartan men were mere slaves to women.[39] But it is also the source of the sentiment, expressed so succinctly by Zack Snyder’s Gorgo, that “Only Spartan women give birth to real men.” Incidentally, the line comes from Plutarch and not Frank Miller.[40]

Lycurgus used political philosophy and physiology to fight degeneration. And while Sparta may seem a frightening place to modern men, this is precisely its value. For Sparta stands apart as the singular place that valued the bodily and conceptual nobility of its citizens above all else.

Plutarch described the legacy of Lycurgan Sparta as an example of what is possible when an entire people lives and behaves in the fashion of a single wise man training himself for war.[41] Wisdom, training, and war: three of the Classical traits most damned by modernity – at least as they were understood and practiced by Classical peoples. Above it was suggested that the lessons of Sparta would be read equally as shocking to a Roman as to an American. Yet, this is perhaps not quite true; and the reason is in the nature of Plutarch’s statement about Sparta acting as a single wise man. For, in effect, this was Plutarch’s explanation of the efficacy of the Lycurgan reforms. Just as his portrayal of Lycurgus’ seizure of power focused on Apollo’s blessing and the will of a handful of men, so here Plutarch sees no modern systemic rationale at work; but instead a natural path of choice for truly noble men.

For, according to Plutarch, what Lycurgus did was to establish a divinely sanctioned ethical aristocracy at the expense of a monetary aristocracy. This was an aristocracy into which one must be born, but also for which one must be born. Lycurgus incorporated each living Spartan into the aristocracy, by virtue of being alive. A Spartan boy would know himself worthy of the nobility being demanded of him simply because he had been selected at birth and progressed through the training of the agōgē. One can imagine that the harshness and forcefulness of Spartan life would have been accepted far more readily by one given a hereditary and ethical rationale for inclusion and acceptance than by liberated and atomized modern men.[42]

There is another aspect of Sparta that discomforts modern men even more than the equation of wisdom and war training, however: purity. In the 300 years of strict adherence to the Lycurgan reforms, no Spartan was allowed to live beyond Spartan territory. What’s more, no foreigners without a useful purpose were allowed to stay in Sparta overnight. None of them were allowed to teach vices.

For along with strange people, strange doctrines must come in; and novel doctrines bring novel decisions, from which must arise [disharmony within] the existing political order. Therefore [Lycurgus] thought it more necessary to keep bad manners and customs from invading and filling the city than it was to keep out infectious diseases.[43]

This desire for social purity also works as part of Lycurgus’ system of ethical and physiological transformation. For there is no reason to believe that noble men and women are made less so in an environment that provides only for their nobility. Imagine, instead, that the body becomes what its environment expects and demands of it. Harshness is the only thing productive of bodily vitality. Lycurgus believed that similar bodily harshness was also productive of conceptual nobility. So, instead of teaching such values in a cesspool and hoping that nature would provide a few prime examples each generation, Lycurgus took on nature, providing an environment that afforded Sparta the “good” in every citizen. This meets the definition of utopia, but unlike unnatural, modern, egalitarian utopia, Lycurgus’ Spartan utopia was hyper-natural. As was his ethical aristocracy.

The attainment of a high standard of noble living was a public duty. Youth were often the products of selective breeding, and it was demanded that all people be fit and vital. The greatest and most noble sentiments and characteristics available to man were attainable only through physical exertion and warlike action. Beauty was reserved for the worthy and actively denied the unworthy. In sum, it was demanded that men and women be as noble as was physically and conceptually possible.[44] And, while Fascist Italy did not go as far to promote the “eugenic improvement” of fascists, it too understood the relationship between ethics, behavior, and environment. Oddly enough, postmodern science agrees, even if it would use this knowledge to promote a global bourgeois community devoid of strife. Nonetheless, the next paper in this series will explain how the chemistry of the body is influenced by environment, opening great possibilities for placing the body directly at the center of a war against bourgeois modernity; and further, at the mercy of Nietzsche’s understanding of instincts, the body, and conceptual vitality.


[1] Plutarch, Lives (Volume One), trans. Bernadotte Perrin (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1914), 269.

[2] Plutarch 205–17.

[3] Plutarch 219–21.

[4] Xenophon, Scripta Minora, trans. E.C. Marchant (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1968), 169.

[5] Friedrich Nietzsche, Unpublished Writings from the Period of Unfashionable Observations, trans. Richard T. Gray (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1995), 293.

[6] Giuseppe Bottai, “Twenty Years of Critica Fascista,” in A Primer of Italian Fascism, ed. Jeffrey T. Schnapp, trans. Schnapp, Sears, and Stampino (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 2000), 192.

[7] Plutarch 227–29.

[8] Plutarch 231.

[9] Plutarch 279.

[10] Plutarch 231.

[11] Plutarch 281.

[12] Plutarch 231.

[13] Plutarch 233.

[14] Xenophon 141.

[15] Plutarch 257.

[16] Xenophon 143.

[17] Plutarch 261.

[18] Xenophon 145.

[19] Nigel M. Kennell, The Gymnasium of Virtue: Education and Culture in Ancient Sparta (Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1995), 131.

[20] Kennel 179.

[21] Plutarch 259.

[22] Plutarch 263.

[23] Plutarch 267.

[24] Steven Pressfield, Gates of Fire (New York: Doubleday, 1998), 137.

[25] Xenophon 167.

[26] Xenophon 165.

[27] Kennell 117–39.

[28] Plutarch 241.

[29] Plutarch 267.

[30] Plutarch 255.

[31] Plutarch 253.

[32] Plutarch 245–47.

[33] Plutarch 261.

[34] Plutarch 255.

[35] Xenophon 161.

[36] Plutarch 247.

[37] Paul Cartledge, The Spartans: The World of the Warrior-Heroes of Ancient Greece (New York: The Overlook Press, 2003), 36–37.

[38] Cartledge 36.

[39] Xenophon 163.

[40] Plutarch 247.

[41] Plutarch 297.

[42] Nietzsche 363.

[43] Plutarch 289.

[44] Xenophon 169.


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