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samedi, 21 mars 2015

Belgique : l’affaire du « Reynders Noiraud »

Belgique : l’affaire du « Reynders Noiraud »

Un nouveau prétexte pour semer le désordre



Il existe un rituel printanier du folklore bruxellois, codifié depuis 1876 (donc bien avant toute présence belge en Afrique...!), qui consiste à se noircir le visage et à se promener dans les rues. Au départ, rituel du printemps comme dans bon nombre de folklores européens et orientaux (en Iran notamment), les hommes noirs, les « Noirauds » de Bruxelles, sont là pour représenter la dernière manifestation de la saison sombre avant les germinations nouvelles du printemps. Rien à voir avec les races africaines mélanodermes. Les hommes noirs sont le symbole des frimas hivernaux, non pas des caricatures d’Africains. Aujourd’hui, cette manifestation folklorique est doublée d’une intention charitable : il ne s’agit plus pour les « Noirauds » de récolter des friandises pour leur gourmandise personnelle mais de demander aux convives des bons restaurants une obole en faveur des enfants nécessiteux. Les princes royaux (dont l’actuel roi Philippe I) se sont jadis grimés de noir pour participer à cette œuvre charitable. Bref, une tradition et un geste caritatif qui plait à tous, qui relève tout à la fois des traditions et du bon sens.




Un ramassis d’idiots et de crapules décérébrées, saoûlées par des discours anti-racistes qui ne sont que pures fabrications car il n’existe aucun racisme dans nos sociétés, s’est mis à fustiger, de manière immonde et hystérique, la participation de Didier Reynders, le ministre belge des affaires étrangères, à cette initiative folklorique et caritative, auparavant animée par les princes royaux. Cette dénonciation est ce qu’il faut bien appeler un délire maniaque, tout ruisselant de cette haine tenace que distillent les médias et les intellectuels dévoyés, les ratés et les parasites sociaux qui s’autoproclament « antifascistes » ou « anti-racistes » (quand il n’y a plus ni fascisme ni racisme). Le ministre Reynders, libéral bon teint, c’est-à-dire vecteur du vide nihiliste contemporain comme tous les autres libéraux de la planète, est évidemment tombé des nues, en entendant qu’on criait haro sur lui comme sur le bourricot de la fable : en effet, un journaleux de bas étage qui pontifie ses inepties du fond du cloaque puant qu’est devenue la place de Paris depuis l’avènement des « nouveaux philosophes »  -ce journaleux qui est une version contemporaine des tricoteuses de la Concorde de cette jacobine mémoire qui ne parvient pas à crever-  a ouvert la danse par un « tweet » (de quoi je me mêle ?) pour appeler à la démission de ce ministre fat, inodore et incolore, qui ne s’apprêtait sûrement pas à faire des vagues dans l’univers froid et inerte de l’eurocratie. Le scribouillard parigot a été relayé par un femelle amerloque (et forcément hystérique) provenant du showbiz, où pullulent les bas de plafond. Ensuite, un clown malfaisant de « Human Right Watch » (on se demande en quoi le ministre Reynders a enfreint les principes des droits de l’homme…) a vomis son ulcère pseudo-antiraciste en incriminant encore davantage le pauvre libéral, ci-devant « noiraud caritatif ». Nuisibles de tous les pays (d’Occident), unissez-vous !   

Cet incident appelle plusieurs remarques :

Les régimes libéraux ont toléré ce type d’hystérie qui prend aujourd’hui le mors aux dents et bascule dans le ridicule le plus complet, après l’affaire du « Père fouettard » ou « Zwarte Piet » en Hollande (qui a fait classer son folklore de la Saint-Nicolas au rang de patrimoine de l’humanité par l’UNESCO – donc on ne peut plus y toucher, avis aux amateurs…) et après le nouveau prurit de tintinophobie, où, désormais, « Tintin en Amérique » serait un ouvrage « raciste », en dépit du fait, patent et attesté, de l’amour que portait Hergé aux Amérindiens depuis sa jeunesse scoute et son amitié avec le Père Galle, spécialiste des Sioux et frère du traditionaliste suisse Frithjof Schuon. La tolérance à l’endroit de ce type d’hystérie va conduire à la ruine de toutes les polities, à la mort de la liberté d’expression, à l’interdiction de tout geste ou de toute parole, aussi innocente soit-elle, au grand silence. C’est inadmissible. Ce type de démarche devrait être sanctionné par les lois bien davantage que celles qui entendent mettre un terme aux racismes (qui sont quasi inexistants chez ceux qui, majoritaires, sont visés par ces lois, alors que ceux que ces lois sont censées protéger ne se gênent jamais de professer ou de pratiquer le racisme le plus outrancier ou d’exiger des formes d’apartheid). Il est évident que Reynders devrait déposer plainte contre le journaleux parisien, contre l’hystérique d’Outre-Atlantique et contre l’inquisiteur de Prisunic du « Human Watch trucmachin ». Ce qui permettrait aussi de mettre un holà définitif aux gesticulations de quelques femelles hystériques de l’actuelle opposition, chassées de toute responsabilité fédérale pour incompétence, hystérie, haine délirante. Ces créatures malfaisantes ne cessent, sous prétexte d’opposition, de prêter à des ministres en place (dont les démarches ne rencontrent certes pas notre approbation) des racismes ou des fascismes imaginaires, fabriqués au départ de slogans infondés ou d’interprétations boiteuses et biscornues de l’histoire du 20ème siècle. Journaleux, ministresses déclassées, pignoufs droit-de-l’hommards, mabouls du showbiz n’existent que pour fragiliser nos sociétés, pour créer de l’embrouille à partir de rien, sans arguments substantiels. C’est une forme nouvelle de sédition. Certes, toute démocratie doit avoir une oreille plus qu’attentive pour les dissidences, permettre les critiques acerbes pour éviter les encroûtements mortifères, animer les débats parlementaires. Cependant le harcèlement moral est un délit et les modi operandi de ce harcèlement en sont les instruments. Quand ce type de harcèlement dépasse toutes les limites de l’acceptable et de la bienséance, il faut y mettre un holà, sous peine de plonger la Cité dans le chaos. Mais un libéral comme Reynders est-il capable de voir que la chaotisation de nos cités relève de la volonté de cet hegemon qu’il aime tant servir ?  

L'oeuvre des "Noirauds", dans sa dimension caritative, est une "oeuvre royale": ne serait-il pas bon d'invoquer le lèse-majesté pour faire taire toutes les harpies dela bien-pensance? Harcèlement moral, abus de l'insulte de "raciste", lèse-majesté, contraventions par rapport aux principes de l'UNESCO, attentat contre le patrimoine de l'humanité... La liste est longue des délits que cette engeance malfaisante commet à tour de bras. Qu'attendent les procureurs? Ou prouveront-ils qu'il y a deux poids, deux mesures? Une justice impavide pour le prolo alcoolique qui vitupère contre les Africains et un laxisme mielleux pour ceux qui sèment la haine dans le pays avec l'appui de médias étrangers, pour les fous qui se disent "antifascistes" mais devraient subir un traitement psychiatrique pour hallucinations chroniques, pour les laissées-pour-compte de-la politique fédérale qui insultent leurs ex-collègues (surtout s'ils sont flamands) car elles ont été considérées à juste titre comme totalement incompétentes voire comme ne disposant plus de toutes leurs facultés mentales, ce qu'indique trop souvent leur gestuelle saccadée?




L'article de la Libre Belgique (http://www.lalibre.be)

M. Reynders grimé en "Noiraud", la Belgique accusée de néocolonialisme


La Belgique a été accusée jeudi sur les réseaux sociaux et par Human Rights Watch (HRW) de ne pas avoir soldé son passé colonial, après que son ministre des Affaires étrangères, Didier Reynders, se fut grimé en "Noiraud", un personnage du folklore bruxellois censé représenter un roi africain, lors d'une manifestation caritative. "Allez-vous vous présenter avec ce visage teint en noir lors de votre prochaine rencontre avec des responsables africains? Honte à vous! ", a lancé sur Twitter le directeur pour les situations d'urgence de HRW, Peter Bouckaert.

L'actrice et activiste américaine Mia Farrow a "retweeté" un message d'un autre responsable de l'organisation de défense des droits de l'homme, qui jugeait "choquant" et "embarrassant" que le ministre se soit accoutré de la sorte.

La polémique, qui a pris la Belgique par surprise, est née de la diffusion mercredi par la télévision française France 2 d'un reportage sur le "défilé des Noirauds", auquel ont participé samedi le libéral Didier Reynders, mais aussi le bourgmestre de Bruxelles, le socialiste Yvan Mayeur. L'actuel roi Philippe avait lui aussi pris part au cortège lorsqu'il était adolescent, avec son frère, le prince Laurent, et tous deux avaient également effectué des collectes dans les bons restaurants de Bruxelles.

Les membres de ce groupe fondé en 1876 déambulaient, comme chaque année en période de carnaval, dans le centre de Bruxelles pour récolter dans les restaurants des fonds destinés à l'enfance défavorisée. Afin de ne pas être reconnus, ils ont le visage teint au cirage et sont vêtus d'un haut-de-forme blanc, d'un habit noir et de pantalons bouffants de couleur vive. Pour l'occasion, la statue de Manneken Pis, symbole de la ville, porte elle aussi un costume de "Noiraud". Ce groupe folklorique est né pour sauver de la faillite une crèche des Marolles, un quartier populaire de la capitale. "C'est avec bonheur et bonne humeur que j'y ai participé", a expliqué M. Reynders sur son blog.

Le correspondant à Bruxelles de France 2, François Beaudonnet, s'interrogeait: "Qu'une personnalité politique de premier plan puisse se promener grimé de la sorte et se mettre en scène à la manière d'un chef de tribu africaine a de quoi étonner, n'est-ce pas? ". "S'agit-il d'une belle tradition généreuse ou de folklore aux relents colonialistes? ", ajoutait-il dans une référence au statut de puissance coloniale que fut la Belgique au Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi, jusqu'au début des années 1960.

C'est plutôt "une sottise de journaliste français en mal d'informations", a réagi à la télévision belge un ancien bâtonnier du barreau de Bruxelles, Jean-Pierre Buyle, Noiraud lui aussi, relayant le sentiment de nombreux internautes belges.

La chaîne publique RTBF se demandait toutefois s'il ne s'agissait pas plutôt d'un "vrai pavé dans la mare de la part d'un observateur extérieur à l'oeil plus aiguisé que les défenseurs à tout crin du folklore et de la tradition? ".

En 2012, la justice avait refusé d'interdire la bande dessinée "Tintin au Congo", elle aussi accusée de véhiculer des stéréotypes racistes.


The New "Dugin Affair"


Cold War II: This Time, The Commies Are In Washington

The New "Dugin Affair"


Pro Libertate Blog

Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

dugin-conf-against.jpgThe Regime in Washington is the only government asserting the supposed right to carry out summary executions anywhere on the face of the globe, so we shouldn’t be surprised to learn that it also claims the right to impose “sanctions” on foreign citizens who publicly criticize it. On March 11, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) added Russian academic Alexander Dugin to its roster of “individuals and entities to be sanctioned over Russia’s interference in Ukraine.”

This decree means that any property belonging to Dugin that is within reach of the Soyuz (aka the country formerly known as the United States of America) is subject to forfeiture, and US citizens who do business with the professor will face criminal prosecution under the Trading with the Enemy Act.

What did Dugin – a so-called “mad professor” who will inevitably be portrayed on film by Russell Crowe — do that merits this designation? He holds no government position, nor is he the chieftain of a private criminal syndicate. Dugin, an outspoken Russian nationalist, has been depicted as a species of terrorist – the intellectual leader of a “revisionist” movement in Russia.

It is his use of the written and spoken word that provoked the outrage of the Trotskyites controlling Washington’s war-making apparatus. Dugin’s heretical rejection of Washington’s imperial rule-set made him “one of the most dangerous people on the planet,” according to noted geostrategic analyst Glenn Beck.

In other words, Dugin – a citizen of a country with which the United States is not formally at war – was targeted for economic punishment as a thought criminal. He should consider himself fortunate that he hasn’t yet been targeted for a drone strike.

According to the OFAC, sanctions against Dugin and a dozen other figures were necessary in order to “hold accountable those responsible for violations of Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”


If that were the objective, Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland’s name would be at the top of the index of proscribed persons. A little more than a year ago, some might recall, Nuland was caught in the act of plotting to unseat Ukraine’s elected president and install a junta that would take dictation from Washington and the IMF.

Nuland has apologized to EU leaders about whom she made disparaging remarks during the intercepted phone call with US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Pyatt – thereby acknowledging the authenticity of the recording. She has never apologized, to say nothing of being held accountable, for her role in violating “Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.”

It appears that those in charge of the Regime, like their Soviet forebears, employ “Aesopian language” in their public pronouncements about foreign policy, much as Soviet ruler Leonid Brezhnev did in the September 1968 address outlining the doctrine that bore his name.

“Without question, the peoples of the socialist countries and the Communist parties have and must have freedom to determine their country’s path of development,” explained Brezhnev in a sentence pregnant with the word “however.”

“Any decisions they make, however” – there it is! – “must not be harmful either to socialism in their own country or to the fundamental interests of other socialist countries…. Whoever forgets this in giving exclusive emphasis to the autonomy and independence of Communist parties is guilty of a one-sided approach, and of shirking their internationalist duties…. The sovereignty of individual socialist countries cannot be set against the interests of world socialism and the world revolutionary movement.”

On this principle, Brezhnev insisted, the August 1968 Soviet-led invasion of Czechoslovakia, in which hundreds were killed and a reformist government was destroyed, was not a violation of that country’s “socialist sovereignty,” but rather an enhancement thereof.

The ruling elite in Washington and the EU see developments in Ukraine in the same light. The coup that ousted the country’s elected president, Viktor Yanukovych, was a responsible exercise in “internationalism”; the plebiscite that led to Crimean secession, by way of contrast, was an offense against the “world revolutionary movement” that must be punished through mass bloodshed.

Brejnev3.jpgBrezhnevite language was recited by US Commissar for War Chuck Hagel during a surrealistic speech last October in which he claimed that the US and NATO “must deal with a revisionist Russia – with its modern and capable army – on NATO’s doorstep.”

Rear Admiral John Kirby was given the unpalatable task of defending Hagel’s statement when asked about it by AP reporter Matt Lee.

“Is it not logical to look at this and say – the reason why Russia’s army is at NATO’s doorstep is because NATO has expanded, rather than Russia expanding?” a composed and visibly disgusted Lee asked of Kirby, whose twitchiness and flop sweat summoned inevitable comparisons to Nathan Thurm, the pathologically dishonest lawyer played by Martin Short.

“I think that’s the way President Putin probably looks at it – it is certainly not the way we look at it,” oozed Kirby by way of a non-reply.

“You don’t think that NATO has expanded eastward towards Russia?” Lee wearily persisted.

“NATO has expanded,” Kirby grudgingly admitted, before trying to deflect the conversation toward Russia’s supposed transgressions.

“It wasn’t NATO that was ordering tons of tactical battalions and army to the Ukraine border,” Kirby declared.

“I am pretty sure that Ukraine is not a member of NATO – unless that’s changed,” Lee pointed out, while trying, without success, to get Kirby to admit the obvious  fact that “You are moving closer to Russia and you’re blaming the Russians for being close to NATO.”

Kirby began his exercise in baroque double-speak saying that Russia’s “intentions and motives” displayed an effort to call back “the glory days of the Soviet Union.” He ended by accusing Russia of aggression by moving troops within its own borders in response to US-abetted violence within a neighboring country.

There is nothing novel about Soviet-grade semantic engineering of this kind by a Pentagon spokesliar. In a November 2005 press conference, Donald Rumsfeld, who at the time was Chief Commissar for Aggression and Occupation — or, as the position is more commonly known, Secretary of Defense – described what he called an “epiphany” regarding the resistance to the Regime’s humanitarian errand in Iraq.

“This is a group of people who don’t merit the word `insurgency,’ I think,”Comrade Rumsfeld pontificated. “I think that you can have a legitimate insurgency in a country that has popular support and has a cohesiveness and has a legitimate gripe. This people don’t have a legitimate gripe.”

This, too, was a familiar theme in Brezhnev-era official cant: Once the forces of “progress” have taken control of a country, all resistance is “counter-revolutionary,” because nobody could have a legitimate grievance.

How, then, were the Iraqi guerillas to be described, since the term “insurgents” was forbidden? Shortly before leaving for a scandal-abbreviated term as head of the World Bank, Rumsfeld’s deputy Paul Wolfowitz employed the orthodox Marxist expression “forces of reaction” to describe those ungrateful Iraqis who had taken up arms against the radiant forces of democratic liberation.

Language of this kind has a familiar odor to Russian nationalists like Dugin, who displays no nostalgia for the Soviet Union into which he was born in 1962.

“We distinguish between two different things: the American people and the American political elite,” Dugin explained a year ago in a “Letter to the American People on Ukraine.” “We sincerely love the first and we profoundly hate the second.”

“The American people [have their] own traditions, habits, values, ideals, options and beliefs that are their own,” he continues. “These grant to everybody the right to be different, to choose freely, to be what one wants to be and can be or become. It is a wonderful feature. It gives strength and pride, self-esteem and assurance. We Russians admire that.”

Unfortunately, Dugin continues, the American political elite have their own version of the Brezhnev Doctrine under which respect for “diversity” is limited by the “international obligations” imposed by the Empire.

“The American political elite, above all on an international level, act quite contrary to [American] values,” Dugin asserts. “They insist on conformity and regard the American way of life as something universal and obligatory.”

Most Americans, Dugin correctly surmises, “sincerely think that the Russian nation was born with Communism, with the Soviet Union. But that is a total misconception. We are much older than that. The Soviet period was just a short epoch in our long history. We existed before the Soviet Union and we are existing after the Soviet Union.”

Ukraine, from Dugin’s perspective, is defined by a “multiplicity of identities,” the most important of which, to him, is Kiev’s role in the “genesis” of the Russian people. Eastern and western Ukraine, he contends, is historically and culturally part of “Greater Russia.” Contemporary Kiev and the western section of the country are more congenial to the West.


Apart from the ideological demands (and crony capitalist interests) of Washington and the EU, there is no reason why Ukraine cannot peacefully devolve into two or more political entities. The alternative is continuing, and escalating, the US-abetted civil war that increasingly appears to be a preliminary round in what could become a direct military conflict between Washington and Moscow.

“We have no thoughts of, or desire to, hurt America,” Dugin insists. “You want to be free. You and all others deserve it. But what the hell are you doing in the capital of ancient Russia, Victoria Nuland? Why do you intervene in our domestic affairs?… Any honest American calmly studying the case will arrive at the conclusion: `Let them decide for themselves. We are not similar to these strange and wild Russians, but let them go their own way. And we are going to go our own way.’”

Merely to suggest such a non-interventionist posture, Brezhnev’s disciples in Washington would object, is to “shirk our internationalist duties.”

“The American political elite has another agenda,” Dugin correctly observes. It is “to provoke wars, to mix in regional conflicts, to incite the hatred of different ethnic groups. The American political elite sacrifices the American people to causes that are far from you, vague, uncertain, and finally very, very bad…. They lie about us. And they lie about you. They give you a distorted image of yourself. The American political elite has stolen, perverted and counterfeited the American identity. And they make us hate you and they make you hate us.”

Dugin offers an alternative approach:

“Let us hate the American political elite together. Let us fight them for our identities – you for the American, us for the Russian, but the enemy in both cases is the same, the global oligarchy who rules the world using you and smashing us. Let us revolt. Let us resist. Together. Russians and Americans. We are the people. We are not their puppets.”

Sober and responsible people might find elements of Dugin’s worldview – and some of his past associations — troubling or even repellent while finding his prognosis of current affairs to be sound and compelling.

One need not endorse what Dugin would like to build in his own country in order to appreciate the truths he tells about the people who are orchestrating a war that could destroy both our country and his. And the means used to criminalize Dugin for giving voice to impermissible thoughts is irrefutable proof that Washington, not Moscow, is home to the true heirs of Lenin’s totalitarian vision.

Ne jamais jamais jamais avaler le moindre nuggets de poulet, même si c'est bon...


Ne jamais jamais jamais avaler le moindre nuggets de poulet, même si c'est bon...

par Charles Dereeper

Ex: http://www.kocwc.org

Il existe des produits qui symbolisent le contraste absolu entre l'horreur industrielle et le résultat en bouche très agréable, tout autant que l'odeur à sniffer...

Le nuggets poulet est de cette trempe là. C'est un piège à gourmand !

Qu'est ce qu'un nuggets de poulet ?

C'est composé de viande de poulet achetée généralement dans un pays en voie de développement type Roumanie qui refuse qu'on vienne inspecter de trop près ses abattoirs et ses méthodes d'élevage...

Cette viande est alors trafiquée chimiquement dans une usine de transformation. Elle va prendre 30% de poids en plus (qui dit lourd dit plus d'argent) en mélangeant une substance chimique qui permet de décupler la rétention de l'eau. Ensuite, on va lui ajouter une petite dizaine de composés chimiques divers dans le but de stabiliser la mixture. Il y a deux types de nugget, ceux fabriqués avec du filet et ceux fabriqués avec les morceaux ingrats du poulet qui sont broyés. Dans tous les cas de figure, l'usine transforme cela en pâte, puis y injecte des colorants et des parfums poulet.

Zoomons un peu sur les nuggets faits avec des déchets du poulet.

Quand les chercheurs examinent ce qu'il y a dedans... ils trouvent du tissu musculaire, des os, du cartilage, de la graisse, des vaisseux sanguins et des nerfs... Tout ceci représentant la partie poulet qui ne dépasse pas généralement les 50% du nugget...

Il faut comprendre la logique derrière.

Le monde économique et politique a perverti au delà de tout ce qu'on imagine le secteur agro alimentaire, car l'alimentation est l'une des composantes phares de l'inflation qui est un agrégat capital au niveau du développement économique.

La croissance économique des pays développés repose sur le fait qu'on consacre le moins d'argent possible à la bouffe pour libérer du pouvoir d'achat pour la consommation d''objets divers et services, ce qui permet de faire tourner la machine macro économique, la créativité, les échanges, le PIB avec la fameuse croissance.

Cela donne du job à tout le monde (du moins avant que des socialistes prennent le contrôle des pays et se mettent à foutre la merde dans les grands équilibres sous prétexte que les chocs de volatilité inhérent à tout système vivant, sont intenables. En réalité, les socialos veulent surtout se goinfrer sans rien branler en taxant ceux qui produisent et prennent des risques. C'est l'éternel histoire de ceux qui avancent et des parasites médiocres spécialisés dans la fonction sangsue. J'ai récemment écrit un article sur ce sujet qui a cartonné auprès du public à ma grande surprise accessible ici sur mon site Objectifeco... L'image qui montre que les élites ruinent méthodiquement petit à petit les populations occidentales depuis 2007).

Dans les pays en voie de développement, les consommateurs consacrent une énorme part de leurs revenus à couvrir leurs besoins basiques, ce qui rend difficile la croissance économique et le développement industriel à moins d'être fort en exportation. Le marché intérieur est trop étroit pour assurer la rentabilité des offres, d'où l'intérêt de s'y expatrier comme je l'explique ici. Le mass market comme il existe en France, repose, ce qu'on oublie assez souvent, sur une diminution constante de la part des dépenses alimentaires dans les dépenses totales.

Autant dire que cette histoire de fabrication industrielle de l'alimentation est capitale.

Un industriel de l'agro alimentaire est confronté à une contrainte majeure : la démographie. On ne peut pas faire manger plus les gens que le nombre qu'ils sont... et le nombre de calories qu'ils avalent chaque jour.

Donc, les perspectives de croissance sont limitées en volume, tandis que la hausse libre des prix de vente est exclue, puisqu'encore une fois, ce facteur est hautement politique car il impacte toute l'économie en entier à travers l'inflation et la compétitivité à l'international du pays.



Le seul moyen qu'à l'industriel pour augmenter ses revenus, consiste à trouver des solutions "ingénieuses" pour réduire ses coûts de fabrication.

Et c'est là que les emmerdes de santé démarrent pour tout le monde.

C'est là que la confiance disparaît. C'est là que la paresse des parents débutent. C'est là que j'arrête d'accepter les déclarations des gens concernant leurs beaux sentiments à propos de leurs enfants.

Parce qu'au final, s'il est acceptable que des adultes s'auto détruisent avec des produits alimentaires bas de gamme (lire mon article sur le fait de manger 5 oeufs par jour en toute sécurité), en choisissant sans trop se l'avouer leurs achats malsains pour quelques secondes de plaisir à croquer l'objet de cet article, il est certain en revanche que les enfants sont les premières victimes de notre monde. Ils s'en remettent aux choix des adultes, car ils n'ont pas les moyens de jauger ce qui est bon pour eux.

Or les adultes, parents en tête, les trahissent. Ces mêmes adultes, plutôt faignants sur les bords, s'abritent derrière des fausses excuses que les autorités sanitaires de leur pays ne laisseraient jamais mettre sur le marché des produits vraiment nocifs pour la santé.

La belle blague.

Il suffit de regarder dans les rues françaises 5 minutes : il y a 40 à 50% de surpoids obèses. Autant dire que cela fait bien longtemps que les autorités sanitaires ont failli en autorisant des produits alimentaires nocifs... la question ne peut même pas se poser tellement l'évidence du résultat est déjà là !

Disons le une nouvelle fois. Répétons le clairement.

Il est absolument impossible de faire confiance à un industriel de l'agro alimentaire.

Celui ci est pris en tenaille par une logique de système économique totalement contradictoire. Invariablement et mécaniquement, il vend de la merde. Il ne peut pas faire autrement s'il veut survivre économiquement ! Et son offre est condamnée à se dégrader d'années en années, car sa course se fait sur l'ingéniosité de sa fabrication, nivelée par le bas et non par la qualité. Il ne faut jamais perdre de vue que si les consommateurs cherchaient des offres nivelées par le haut, acceptant de payer le prix que cela vaut, des industriels répondraient sur le champs à cette demande.

L'alimentation luxueuse industrielle ne semble pas pouvoir émerger... ce qui en dit long sur les français, leurs envies et leur lucidité !

Dans le cas de nuggets, une fois qu'on a obtenu la purée chimique de viande de poulet (le filet de poulet se négocie sur des plateformes de marchés de gros type alibaba entre 1.05 et 1.15 euros le kilo, les parties moins nobles du poulet, beaucoup moins, ces négociations se faisant à partir de maisons de trading disséminées dans toute l'Europe, qui ne voient jamais la marchandise réelle, donc on baigne dans le fictif et le virtuel, donc l'irresponsabilité sans presqu'aucun contrôle, ce qui aboutit aux nombreuses scandales alimentaires publiés depuis des années), l'industriel est libre d'ajouter des céréales, le plus souvent du soja merdique parfois transgénique qui coûte encore moins cher que la viande elle même produite dans des pays à bas coûts...

Il arrive que les céréales représentent 50% du nugget total, sachant, répétons le, que la viande de poulet a été augmenté artificiellement de 30% en lui faisant boire de l'eau...

Tous ces ingrédients qui peuvent venir des 4 coins du monde (lire mon article sur la fabrication des tilapias en Chine ou au Costa Rica là où je réside une partie de l'année) sont assemblés dans une manufacture, disons le clairement là aussi, en Allemagne, les Allemands étant très doués pour ce genre de business qui exige de la machine outil, leur spécialité (j'ai fait une grande enquête récemment sur la robotisation qui menace l'équation sociale française avec des robots de dernières générations inconnus du grand public tout comme le sont les proportions chiffrées du modèle de vie français et de notre politique aberrante en cours qui coule la France à petit feu http://www.objectifeco.com/economie/croissance-recession/production/robotisation-la-revolution-qui-menace-l-equation-sociale-francaise-l-article-qu-il-faut-liker-sur-facebook.html).

La source officielle sur les étiquettes devient par conséquence allemande et la tracabilité s'arrête là.

En vérité, la manufacture n'a aucune obligation légale à ce jour d'expliquer au consommateur la provenance des matières premières qui ne sont presque jamais allemandes... et presque toujours pour des raisons de coûts, de pays en voie de développement avec des process de fabrication dont la qualité est la dernière des exigences du producteur qui considère faire du "bizunessssss"...

Le nugget est alors assemblé en Allemagne, mélange de céréales agro chimiques, d'additifs multiples, réhausseurs de goût et de poulet bas de gamme jamais contrôlé ou presque, puis il repart dans la société agro alimentaire qui a conçu cette merde, société qui réside souvent cette fois ci sur les marchés matures de consommateurs.

Son job à elle est de concevoir ce circuit de production afin d'abaisser au minimum les coûts et de dégager de la marge tout en créant un marketing bidon sur son produit qualité qui n'en est rien.

Ces sociétés qui conçoivent, s'associent souvent à des chefs et des experts en chimie pour créer des produits qui provoquent une réaction positive en bouche de la part des consommateurs. Cette satisfaction des papilles est totalement artificielle.

C'est alors envoyé en distribution de masse. Les enfants arrivent en rayon et salivent sur ce qu'ils devraient fuir. Les parents acceptent d'acheter ce qu'ils devraient également fuir.



C'est juste une bombe chimique qui est proposée à la vente. Une haleine de chacal qui s'ensuit au moment de la digestion est totalement du au hasard bien sûr...

Si on ne réchauffe pas ce petit bijou de technologie de nugget au micro ondes, le mieux est de se finir (dans la logique d'auto destruction de soi et de son corps) en les carbonisant dans des huiles pas chères type huile de palme qu'on fera chauffer et frire à 200 degrés...

Et là, on touche le jackpot en terme de santé. Un véritable concentré de bien être... A part ceux qui ont envie de s'auto détruire, seuls des adultes idiots peuvent avaler cela. La gourmandise peut s'exprimer autrement franchement. L'offre alimentaire est vaste en France.Personnellement, j'ai changé ma sensation aux goûts avec les jus de fruits et légumes comme je l'ai raconté ici. Voilà maintenant 9 mois et si j'ai bien une certitude, c'est que je ne reviendrais pas en arrière vers de l'alimentation traditionnelle et classique.

Malheureusement, il faut penser aux enfants qui sont encore une fois, innocents dans toute cette farce. L'irresponsabilité des adultes, à la limite, on s'en fout. Mais les conséquences sur les enfants restent quand même assez acides à avaler quand on y songe deux secondes.

Ah j'oubliais. Personne n'est au courant de ce que j'écris hein... Ben oui, on est tous des victimes... Le prix d'un vrai poulet est très largement supérieur au nugget de poulet, à poids et volume équivalent, mais ce miracle ne suscite aucune question chez les victimes...

Charles Dereeper

PS : Quand je vois les grandes déclarations de tous ces adultes (du genre, mon môme compte plus que ma femme / mon mari - j'y tiens plus qu'à ma propre vie... bla bla bla), je ne peux m'empêcher de pouffer de rire. C'est de la branlette en barre de gens paumés qui se mentent à pleine puissance. Si vraiment ils tenaient aussi fort à leur progéniture, franchement, ils prendraient le temps et se donneraient la peine de ne pas les empoisonner à petit feu par une alimentation qui défie toute rationalité et qui va à long terme les impacter très négativement. Je n'ai pas d'enfants, donc j'évite de la ramener trop fort dans mon entourage, mais sérieux, si j'avais un enfant, hors de question qu'il avale cette saloperie. Même pas négociable !

Wesley Clark: «L’EI a été fondé grâce au financement de nos alliés les plus proches»

Le général Wesley Clark: «L’EI a été fondé grâce au financement de nos alliés les plus proches»

Auteur : Daniel McAdams
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

clark.jpgDe nombreuses personnes connaissent le général Wesley Clark comme l’homme qui a quasiment déclenché la troisième Guerre mondiale, lorsqu’il a donné l’ordre aux Britanniques de tirer sur les forces de maintien de la paix russes qui avaient atterri à Pristina, la capitale du Kosovo, avant l’arrivée des Américains. On rapporte que le commandant britannique de la KFOR, le général Sir Mike Jackson, aurait répondu: «Je ne commencerai pas la troisième Guerre mondiale pour vous».

Toutefois, une des caractéristiques les plus intéressantes du général Clark est sa tendance à laisser échapper, de temps à autre, des propos surprenants.

Comment pourrait-on oublier l’entretien qu’il a accordé à Amy Goodman en 2007 et dans lequel il a dévoilé qu’un des officiers généraux du Pentagone lui avait montré, peu après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, une note de service de Donald Rumsfeld, le secrétaire à la Défense de l’époque, qui exposait les grandes lignes des projets mondiaux militaires des Etats-Unis. Selon Clark, le général avait déclaré:

«Nous allons détruire sept pays en cinq ans, en commençant par l’Irak, ensuite la Syrie, le Liban, la Libye, la Somalie, le Soudan et, pour terminer l’Iran.» J’ai demandé: «Est-ce que c’est secret?» Il a répondu: «Oui.» Moi, j’ai dit: «Alors ne me le montrez pas.» Quand je l’ai revu, il y a environ un an, j’ai demandé: «Vous vous souvenez?» Et il a répliqué: «Monsieur, je ne vous avait pas montré cette note de service-là! Je ne vous l’avait pas montrée!» [Général Wesley Clark lors d’un entretien accordé à Amy Goodman de Democracy Now, 2/3/15]

Maintenant, Clark est de retour avec d’autres propos étonnants.

Loin d’être une organisation qui aurait surgit de manière spontanée en tant que la cause de tous les maux, au moins selon le général Wesley Clark, l’EI a été créé et financé par nos «alliés les plus proches». Le général a affirmé: l’EI s’est développé grâce aux financements de la part de nos amis et alliés… afin de lutter à mort contre le Hezbollah.

Il n’a pas expliqué de quels amis et alliés il parlait, il a néanmoins indiqué que la situation s’est transformée en un «monstre de Frankenstein». [Général Wesley Clark lors d’un entretien avec CNN Newsroom, 17/2/15]

En effet, notre initié, le général Wesley Clark, nous fait savoir que nos alliés les plus proches au Moyen-Orient ont contribué à la création de l’EI – l’organisation pour la lutte contre laquelle nous dépensons des milliards de dollars.

On sait que Israël, l’Arabie saoudite et d’autres Etats du Golfe sont depuis longtemps obsédés par la lutte contre le Hezbollah et Assad. De la même manière, ces deux Etats s’appliquent pour que les Etats-Unis continuent à lutter dans la région pour leur compte. Et si c’était eux qu’il avait en tête?

Au lieu de continuer à renforcer sa présence militaire dans la région afin de lutter contre l’EI, il est probablement grand temps que les Etats-Unis parlent sérieusement avec leurs «alliés» au Moyen-Orient.

- Source : Daniel McAdams

Keltischer Patriotismus

Schottland_Referendum_Unabhaengigkeit_Alex_Salmond_Edinburgh_Glasgow_Ecosse_Alba_Grossbritannien_Europaeische_Union_United_Kingdom_UK_Scotland_ EU_Katalonien_Souveraenitaet_Blair_Jenkins.png

Keltischer Patriotismus

von Niels Krautz

Ex: http://www.blauenarzisse.de

Die Schotten sorgten 2014 mit einer Unabhängigkeitsabstimmung für weltweites Aufsehen. Doch auch in Wales, der Bretagne und sogar im kleinen Cornwall gibt es freiheitsliebende Kelten.

Die im vergangenen Jahr angefachte Diskussion und die folgende Abstimmung über Schottlands Unabhängigkeit zeigen: Eine langfristige Spaltung des Vereinigten Königreiches Großbritannien ist unausweichlich.

Denn viele Menschen in den von England okkupierten Ländern sehnen sich nach mehr Freiheit und vollständiger Souveränität. Sie fürchten sich davor, ihre Identität und ihre Bräuche zu verlieren. Und sie erkennen, dass ihr Land regelrecht ausgeblutet wird. Das geschieht durch eine Politikerkaste, die weit entfernt im britischen Parlament in London Westminster sitzt.

1000 Jahre in Unfreiheit

Seit dem Jahr 1066, als französische Normannen die britischen Inseln eroberten, befinden sich die Völker der Iren, Waliser, Schotten sowie andere keltische Stämme in Unfreiheit. Wales, das seit dem Jahre 1284 und dem damaligen Statut von Rhuddlan unter englischer Herrschaft steht, wurde zwangsweise mit dem „Act of Union“ 1536 an das englische Königreich angegliedert. Schottland folgte mit dem Act of Union 1707 und Irland im Jahre 1800. Nur Irland konnte bisher seine Souveränität vom Vereinigten Königreich Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts halbwegs zurückgewinnen. Doch es wurde geteilt: Die sechs Grafschaften der nordirischen Provinz Ulster verblieben in englischer Hand.

Aufgrund unterschiedlichster Probleme und des wachsenden Nationalstolzes haben sich in den betroffenen Ländern patriotische Parteien und Gruppierungen gebildet. Sie wollen die vollständige Unabhängigkeit erlangen. In Schottland, dem „William-​Wallace-​Land“, rief die Scottish National Party (SNP) im letzten Jahr zu einem Referendum auf, das über den Verbleib Schottlands im Vereinigten Königreich entscheiden sollte. Damit scheiterte sie nur knapp, rund 45 Prozent stimmten für die Unabhängigkeit. Die „Plaid Cymru“, die „Walisische Partei“, fordert schon seit vielen Jahren die Unabhängigkeit ihres Heimatlandes von England. Eine Umfrage von 2007 aus Nordwales zeigte, dass etwa 50 Prozent der dortigen Bevölkerung für die Unabhängigkeit sind. Seit dem schottischen Referendum ist die Tendenz steigend.

Jeder fünfte Bretone für Unabhängigkeit

bret710123021.jpgRepublikanische Parteien Irlands, wie etwa die „Sinn Fein“, können auf eine lange Geschichte des Kampfes um Unabhängigkeit zurückblicken. Seit dem Jahr 1905 tritt sie als Partei auf und fordert die vollständige, ungeteilte Souveränität ihres irischen Heimatlandes. Ins Deutsche übersetzt bedeutet „Sinn Fein“ nichts anderes als „Wir selbst“. Und selbst im kleinen Cornwall, im äußersten Südwesten Britanniens, verlangt man nunmehr „Devolution“ – also die Übertragung zusätzlicher Macht. Lord Alwyn aus Cornwall fand dazu einst passende Worte im britischen Oberhaus: „Nicht bloß in Wales – auch in Cornwall wächst das Bewußtsein, wie vernachlässigt das Land von London wird. Auch in Cornwall leben Kelten, und keine Engländer.“

Doch dieser neu entflammte keltische Patriotismus ist nicht nur ein britisches Phänomen. Auch in Westfrankreich lodert das Feuer der Unabhängigkeit. Fast jeder fünfte Bretone sprach sich 2013 in einer repräsentativen Umfrage für die vollständige Unabhängigkeit von Frankreich aus. Am Ostersamstag 2014 demonstrierten in Nantes bis zu 15.000 Bretonen für die Unabhängigkeit.

Die wohl bekannteste aller Unabhängigkeitsbewegungen in Großbritannien bleibt die „Irish Republican Army“ (IRA). Es handelt sich dabei um eine paramilitärische Einheit, die den Anschluss Nordirlands an die Irische Republik mit Waffengewalt erzwingen wollte. Sie ging 1919 aus den „Irish Volunteers“ hervor, die den Osteraufstand 1916 auslösten. Die IRA unterstand der damals ausgerufenen Republik Irland als legitime irisch-​republikanische Armee. Von da an führte sie den irischen Unabhängigkeitskrieg gegen die englische Herrschaft.

Irische Unterstützung aus Amerika

Bekannt wurde sie durch die sogenannte „Border Campaign“ von 1956 bis ’62, eine Anschlagsserie, die sich an der Grenze zwischen Nordirland und der Republik Irland abspielte. Die IRA erhielt seit ihrer Gründung finanzielle und materielle Unterstützung von in Amerika lebenden Iren, den sogenannten „Feniern“. Der Begriff kommt vom irischen „Fianna“, einem sagenumwobenen Heerhaufen des mythischen keltischen Heerführers Fiann Mac Cumhaill. Die modernen Fenier gründeten sich als Untergrundorganisation in Amerika 1859. Sie erlangten Aufmerksamkeit, als sie englische Forts in Kanada angriffen um die dortigen Truppen zu binden und damit den bewaffneten Widerstand in Irland zu unterstützen.

Auch heute noch existiert die IRA. Doch in den letzten Jahrzehnten des 20. Jahrhunderts gab es etliche Spaltungen und Zerwürfnisse der verschiedenen republikanischen Gruppierungen. 2012 erfolgte ein erneuter Zusammenschluss: Diese neue Army hat schätzungsweise über 600 Mann unter Waffen und zählt als terroristische Vereinigung.

Englands protestantischer Kampf

In den Geschichtsbüchern wird bis heute von einem Bürgerkrieg gesprochen, der zwischen irischen Katholiken und Protestanten stattfand. Doch das ist falsch. Es gibt keinen Bürgerkrieg zwischen den Iren, es gibt einen Befreiungskrieg Irlands gegen die englische Besatzung. Denn England hat seit der Besetzung Irlands die irische Bevölkerung mit Waffengewalt und gesellschaftlichen Repressalien unterdrückt. Der Großteil aller Kämpfe rund um den Nordirlandkonflikt waren Straßenschlachten der IRA gegen die englischen Besatzer oder von England provozierte ethno-​kulturelle Konflikte. Denn seit 1600 siedelte England ausschließlich walisische, schottische und englische Menschen im Nordosten Irlands an, um gegen die Iren eine protestantische Hausmacht zu bilden.

plaidcymru.jpgAuch in Wales gab es kleinere Gruppen nationalistischer Separatisten. Zum einen existierte die „Free Wales Army“, die aus nur 20 Mann bestand. Zum anderen gab es die „Mudiad Amddiffyn Cymru“, die „Bewegung zur Verteidigung Wales“. Sie erlange 1969 Aufmerksamkeit, als sie im Vorfeld der Investitur von Prinz Charles an verschiedenen Orten in Wales Bomben explodieren ließen. In der Bretagne existiert ebenfalls eine Unabhängigkeitsfront mit Namen „Bretonische Revolutionäre Armee“. Sie verübte zwischen den Jahren 1993 und 2000 17 Anschläge, unter anderem 1978 auf das Schloss Versailles. Als politischer Arm wird die linksnationalistische, bretonische Partei „Emgann“ angesehen.

Nationalismus von Links

Was lehrt uns dieser Unabhängigkeitskampf? Die politische Richtung ist nicht ausschlaggebend dafür, ob man seine Heimat, seine Kultur und sein Erbe liebt. Denn Parteien wie die SNP und die walisische Plaid Cymru sind eher im linksliberalen Lager beheimatet. Sie wollen sich, sofern die Unabhängigkeit gelingt, dem nächsten System unterordnen – der Europäischen Union. Die bretonische Unabhängigkeitsbewegung Emgann wird von ihren Mitgliedern als kommunistisch bezeichnet. Auch die irische Sinn Fein gilt als sozialdemokratisch, doch sie hat eine kritische Haltung gegenüber der EU. Selbst die IRA hatte sich in den späten 1960er Jahren zum Teil dem Marxismus zugewandt.

Nationalstolz muss also nicht nur von rechts kommen: Gerade der sogenannte Linksnationalismus hat in den keltischen Ländern, die überwiegend landwirtschaftlich und industriell geprägt sind, einen hohen Stellenwert. Wir dürfen gespannt sein, ob der Geist des schottischen Freiheitskämpfers William Wallace weiterhin über die britischen Inseln weht – und den Funken der Unabhängigkeit in den Herzen weiter brennen lässt.

Bolivia: A Country That Dared to Exist


An Interview with Félix Cárdenas Aguilar, Bolivia’s Vice Minister of Decolonization

Bolivia: A Country That Dared to Exist

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

In 1870, Bolivian dictator Mariano Melgarejo offered an English diplomat a glass of chicha – a corn-based beer consumed for centuries in the Andes. The diplomat refused the drink, asking for chocolate instead. A short-tempered Melgarejo responded by forcing the Englishman to drink a vast quantity of chocolate, and then made him ride a mule, backwards, through La Paz.

BFLG4.GIFAt least, this is how the story is related by Uruguayan author Eduardo Galeano, who writes, “When Queen Victoria, in London, heard of the incident, she had a map brought to her and pronounced ‘Bolivia doesn’t exist,’ crossing out the country with a chalk ‘X.’” While the story is unlikely true, Galeano suggests it can be read as a metaphor for Bolivia’s tortured history as a victim of colonialism and imperialism.

In the interview below, Bolivia’s current Vice Minister of Decolonization, Félix Cárdenas Aguilar, makes a similar point, that “Bolivia is a failed country” because, from the time of its independence in 1825, its modernization was based on the exploitation of indigenous people. The challenge now, Cárdenas explains, is for Bolivia, under the presidency of Evo Morales, to decolonize itself, to reconstruct its past and identity, and to build a “plurinational” country where many indigenous nations can thrive. By resisting subjugation, Bolivia is daring to exist on its own terms.

This movement toward decolonization in the Andes is as old as colonialism itself, but the process has taken a novel turn with the administration of Morales, Bolivia’s first indigenous president. Morales, a former coca farmer, union organizer, and leftist congressman, was elected president in 2005, representing a major break from the country’s neoliberal past.

Last October, Morales was re-elected to a third term in office with more than 60% of the vote. His popularity is largely due to his Movement Toward Socialism (MAS) party’s success in reducing poverty, empowering marginalized sectors of society, and using funds from state-run industries for hospitals, schools and much-needed public works projects across Bolivia.

Aside from socialist and anti-imperialist policies, the MAS’s time in power has been marked by a notable discourse of decolonization. Five hundred years after the European colonization of Latin America, activists and politicians linked to the MAS and representing Bolivia’s indigenous majority have deepened a process of reconstitution of indigenous culture, identity and rights from the halls of government power. Part of this work has been carried forward by the Vice Ministry of Decolonization, which was created in 2009.

This Vice Ministry operates under the umbrella of the Ministry of Culture, and coordinates with many other sectors of government to promote, for example, indigenous language education, gender parity in government, historical memory, indigenous forms of justice, anti-racism initiatives, and indigenous autonomy.

Before becoming the Vice Minister of Decolonization when the office opened, Félix Cárdenas had worked for decades as an Aymara indigenous leader, union and campesino organizer, leftist politician and activist fighting against dictatorships and neoliberal governments. As a result of this work, he was jailed and tortured on numerous occasions. Cárdenas participated the Constituent Assembly to re-write Bolivia’s constitution, a progressive document which was passed under President Morales’ leadership in 2009. This trajectory has contributed to Cárdenas’ radical political analysis and dedication to what’s called the Proceso de Cambio, or Process of Change, under the Morales government.

Such unprecedented work by the MAS hasn’t happened without its shortcomings and contradictions. Violence against women in the country is on the rise, a recent corruption scandal has weakened MAS popularity in current local election races, and extractive industries, while providing funds for the government’s social programs and national development, are displacing indigenous and rural communities, and poisoning land and rivers. Leftist and indigenous opposition to the MAS has also faced government crackdowns, limiting the autonomy and space for grassroots dissent in the country.

MAS allies say such pitfalls are part of the societal legacies of colonialism and neoliberalism in the country, challenges which can’t be reversed overnight, but which the MAS is trying to overcome. Critics say that the MAS is worsening such problems with sexist rhetoric, a deepening of extractivism, and silencing of critics.

Bolivia’s road toward decolonization is a rocky and contested one. But, as Félix Cárdenas argues below, in a bleak world full of capitalist tyrants, bloody wars and racist exploitation, Bolivia’s Process of Change continues to shine as an alternative to the dominant global order.


Benjamin Dangl: Could you please provide an overview of the kind of work the Vice Ministry of Decolonization does?

Félix Cárdenas: First of all it’s not the kind of vice ministry where we have to say ‘we built 3,000 kilometers of highway,’ or ‘we constructed 20 stadiums.’ It’s more than anything a political and ideological vice ministry, and for this type of work what we have to do first of all is establish some points of departure for the work of decolonization. It’s not sufficient to go somewhere and say ‘I declare you decolonized!’ and that’s it, they’re decolonized. No. It’s a question of changing mentality, behavior, of life philosophy, and to do this at an individual level, or at a communitarian level, a national level, we have an obligation to first ask ‘what is Bolivia?’ If we don’t clearly understand what Bolivia is, then we don’t know what needs to be done.

So, as a part of this process, one has to explain that Bolivia is a failed country. This is a point of departure. Bolivia failed as a proposed country. This country, that was founded in 1825, that claimed to be modern, that claimed to be civilized, that wanted to look like Europe, that wanted to be Europe while denying itself – this type of country failed. It failed because this type of country, that was born in 1825, wanted to be modern, wanted to be civilized based on the destruction of the indigenous people, based on the destruction of their languages, their culture, their identity.

Therefore, it’s from this perspective that we understand that Bolivia is not what they tell us – that Bolivia is one nation, one language, one religion. We are 36 [indigenous] nations, 36 cultures, 36 ways of seeing the world, and therefore, 36 ways of providing solutions for the world. We call this diversity of cultures ‘plurinational,’ and we want to build a plurinational state.

So, seen in this way, if our future work is to decolonize and create a plurinational society, we have to work in education, we have to work in all areas, in justice, for example, to reinstate indigenous justice. The constitution tells us that indigenous justice and standard justice have the same hierarchy. So there is a need to work in indigenous justice, reinstate indigenous justice in the face of the crisis of standard justice, which is foreign as well as corrupt.

The constitution speaks of a secular state. Before, the catholic religion was the official religion. Not today. Today no one is obligated to get married in front of a priest. No one is obligated to be baptized in front of a priest. Religion was the strongest aspect of colonialism. Religion was always power. Today, no. Today religion is outside of power, outside of the government palace. It’s fine if religion dedicates itself to saving souls, but never again will it define the politics of the state as it used to.

When many people talk about decolonization they think it’s just an indigenous people’s problem. But decolonization is not an indigenous peoples’ problem, decolonization is everyone’s problem. For example, our bourgeoisie, our private business class, thinks that they are condemned to always live off of the scraps thrown to them by transnational companies. This is colonialism, and they don’t dare invest in the development of their own country. And so, decolonization is everyone’s work.

BD: A process of decolonization has to be global, right? What do countries in the north, the most capitalist countries, have to do as a part of this process?

FC: For the first time, the countries of the north have to look at themselves in the mirror and realize that they are in crisis. If they don’t accept that they are in crisis, they will never find ways to solve their crisis. But they also need to accept that they’re in crisis and they themselves don’t have the solutions. They have to look to us, to the indigenous people. Not to Bolivia, but to the indigenous people that are all over the world, and who have a philosophy of life that is qualitatively superior to philosophies constructed in the form of civilizing modernity.

From Bolivia, we salute the [Syriza] triumph in Greece. We salute the future triumph in Spain, which has more or less the same characteristics. These revolutions in Spain and in Greece are being built while looking to Bolivia. So, for us, this is a kind of complication; to recognize that 500 years ago they [Europeans] arrived, taught us a way of life, a type of religion, a type of modernity that failed. And so today, after 500 years, we, the indigenous people, have the obligation to go to Europe and speak to them, to convert them, to tell them that there is another way to live, and that their crisis is bringing planet earth to a global crisis.




BD: The economy of Bolivia is very much based in mining, gas – extractivism. How do you see this process? How can Bolivia overcome its dependency on mining and gas? On the one hand, the president speaks of respecting mother earth, but on the other hand, mining and gas industries are very crucial here. How do you see these contradictions?

FC: This isn’t something that this government invented. Bolivia has always lived off of mining, we have always lived off of extractivism. Now, what we hope to do is that this sacrifice, this fruit that mother earth is providing us with, is not in vain. And that it doesn’t just leave [the country] as raw material, but that there’s a need to industrialize, and as we industrialize we can reach the point where we can lower the level of extractivism.

Benjamin Dangl has worked as a journalist throughout Latin America, covering social movements and politics in the region for over a decade. He is the author of the books Dancing with Dynamite: Social Movements and States in Latin America, and The Price of Fire: Resource Wars and Social Movements in Bolivia. Dangl is currently a doctoral candidate in Latin American History at McGill University, and edits UpsideDownWorld.org, a website on activism and politics in Latin America, and TowardFreedom.com, a progressive perspective on world events. Twitter: https://twitter.com/bendangl Email: BenDangl(at)gmail(dot)com

Le dogmatisme démocratique: l’erreur fatale des Occidentaux


Le dogmatisme démocratique: l’erreur fatale des Occidentaux

Jean Bonnevey
Ex: http://metamag.fr
Le djihadisme qui veut nous détruire, nous l’avons créé, les Américains l'ont financé. Nous avons partout voulu tuer le mauvais cochon. On commence à peine à le comprendre et encore pas tout le monde. L'extraordinaire revirement américain sur le régime Assad est tout de même un sacré aveu.

Assad résiste et son régime avec lui. On pensait qu’il allait être emporté en quelques mois par un printemps démocratique syrien  puis par une rébellion armée de gentils sunnites voulaient en finir avec la dictature de la minorité chiite des Alaouites. Son armée, dirigée par les cadres de la minorité religieuse au pouvoir, a tenu bon. Petit à petit la rébellion a changé de visage et a été confisquée par les djihadistes sunnites.

C’était tout de même prévisible, l’ennemi syrien de Damas, combattu par les Américains, était en fait le même que celui imposé par les Américains à Bagdad. Le pouvoir chiite irakien a donc réussi à déclencher une révolte sunnite armée devenue une insurrection islamiste.

Notre incohérence est telle que le succès des djihadistes irakiens, destructeurs des cultures passées et génocidaires de chrétiens a été rendue possible par l’apport décisif de l'infrastructure de l'armée baasiste, c’est à dire nationaliste et laïque de Saddam Hussein. La cohérence est du côté de la Russie et de l'Iran, surtout de l'Iran qui, en Irak comme en Syrie, appuyé sur le terrain par le hezbollah libanais, soutient l’arc chiite qui résiste au djihadisme sunnite.

La réalité géopolitique s’impose petit à petit à l'utopie idéologique. C’est  ce qui inquiète tant les monarchies du golfe qui financent, contre les chiites, les égorgeurs sectaires de l’EI. Car c’est l' Iran, allié d'Assad, qui a la clé de la victoire sur le terrain, au sol, et certainement pas nos bombardements de bonne conscience. Les américains, principaux responsables sauf en Libye de ce chaos devenu une guerre mondiale religieuse ou en tout cas une guerre menée au monde par une secte se référant à une religion, commencent peut-être à comprendre.

Les Etats-Unis devront négocier avec le président syrien Bachar el-Assad pour mettre fin au conflit qui vient d'entrer dans sa cinquième année, a reconnu le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry. « Au final, il faudra négocier. Nous avons toujours été pour les négociations dans le cadre du processus (de paix) de Genève I », a déclaré Kerry dans une interview diffusée sur la chaîne CBS .Washington travaille pour « relancer » les efforts visant à trouver une solution politique au conflit, a dit le chef de la diplomatie américaine. Les Etats-Unis avaient participé à l'organisation de pourparlers entre l'opposition syrienne et des émissaires de Damas à Genève au début de l'année dernière. Ce processus de Genève prévoit une transition politique négociée. Mais les deux cycles de négociations n'avaient produit aucun résultat et la guerre s'est poursuivie.

Depuis le début du conflit en mars 2011, plus de 215.000 personnes ont été tuées et la moitié de la population déplacée. Les Etats-Unis, a poursuivi le secrétaire d'Etat, « continuent certes à pilonner le groupe Etat islamique, qui s'est emparé de larges pans de territoire en Irak et en Syrie, mais leur objectif reste de mettre fin au conflit en Syrie. Les Etats-Unis ne veulent pas d'un effondrement du gouvernement et des institutions en Syrie qui laisserait le champ libre aux extrémistes islamistes, dont le groupe Etat islamique (EI) ».

« Aucun d'entre nous, Russie, Etats-Unis, coalition [contre l'EI], Etats de la région, ne veut un effondrement du gouvernement et des institutions politiques à Damas », a déclaré  John Brennan, directeur de la CIA, à New York devant le centre de réflexion Council on Foreign Relations. Des « éléments extrémistes », dont l'EI et d'anciens militants d'Al-Qaïda, sont « en phase ascendante » dans certaines régions de Syrie, a soutenu M. Brennan. Interrogé sur une potentielle coopération entre Washington et Téhéran en Irak, M. Brennan a suggéré que les deux pays collaboraient indirectement contre un ennemi commun, l'EI. « Il y a un alignement de certains intérêts entre nous et l'Iran » en ce qui concerne la lutte contre l'EI en Irak, a-t-il affirmé.

On commence a comprendre qui est l’ennemi principal. Enfin… On… pas encore vraiment les Anglais et encore moins les Français qui continuent à sauter sur place en scandant, d’exécutions d’otages en attentats? de destructions en épurations, « démocratie – démocratie – démocratie » 

A Green Light for the American Empire




A Green Light for the American Empire

The American Empire has been long in the making. A green light was given in 1990 to finalize that goal. Dramatic events occurred that year that allowed the promoters of the American Empire to cheer. It also ushered in the current 25-year war to solidify the power necessary to manage a world empire. Most people in the world now recognize this fact and assume that the empire is here to stay for a long time. That remains to be seen.

Empires come and go. Some pop up quickly and disappear in the same manner. Others take many years to develop and sometimes many years to totally disintegrate. The old empires, like the Greek, Roman, Spanish and many others took many years to build and many years to disappear. The Soviet Empire was one that came rather quickly and dissipated swiftly after a relatively short period of time. The communist ideology took many decades to foment the agitation necessary for the people to tolerate that system.

Since 1990 the United States has had to fight many battles to convince the world that it was the only military and economic force to contend with. Most people are now convinced and are easily intimidated by our domination worldwide with the use of military force and economic sanctions on which we generously rely. Though on the short term this seems to many, and especially for the neoconservatives, that our power cannot be challenged. What is so often forgotten is that while most countries will yield to our threats and intimidation, along the way many enemies were created.

The seeds of the American Empire were sown early in our history. Natural resources, river transportation, and geographic location all lent itself to the development of an empire. An attitude of “Manifest Destiny” was something most Americans had no trouble accepting. Although in our early history there were those who believed in a powerful central government, with central banking and foreign intervention, these views were nothing like they are today as a consequence of many years of formalizing the power and determination necessary for us to be the policeman of the world and justify violence as a means for spreading a particular message. Many now endorse the idea that using force to spread American exceptionalism is moral and a force for good. Unfortunately history has shown that even using humanitarian rhetoric as a justification for telling others what to do has never worked.

Our move toward empire steadily accelerated throughout the 20th century. World War I and World War II were deadly for millions of people in many countries, but in comparison the United States was essentially unscathed. Our economic power and military superiority steadily grew. Coming out of World War II we were able to dictate the terms of the new monetary system at Bretton Woods as well as the makeup of all the international organizations like NATO, the United Nations, and many others. The only thing that stood in America’s way between 1945 and 1990 was the Cold War with the Soviet Union. Significant events of 1990 sealed the fate of the Soviet Empire, with United States enjoying a green light that would usher in unchallenged American superiority throughout the world.

Various names have been given to this war in which we find ourselves and is which considered necessary to maintain the empire. Professor Michael Rozeff calls it the “Great War II” implying that the Great War I began in 1914 and ended in 1990. Others have referred to this ongoing war as “The Long War.” I hope that someday we can refer to this war as the “The Last War” in that by the time this war ends the American Empire will end as well. Then the greatness of the experiment in individual liberty in our early history can be resumed and the force of arms can be replaced by persuasion and setting an example of how a free society should operate.

There are several reasons why 1990 is a significant year in the transition of modern day empires. It was a year that signaled the end of the USSR Empire and the same year the American Empire builders felt vindicated in their efforts to assume the role of the world’s sole superpower.

On February 7, 1990 the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union met and ceded its monopoly political power over its empire. This was followed in a short period of time with the breakup of the Soviet system with 15 of the 17 republics declaring their independence from Moscow. This was not a total surprise considering the fact that the Soviets, in defeat, were forced to leave Afghanistan in February 1989. Also later that year, on November 9, 1989, the Berlin wall fell. Obviously the handwriting was on the wall for the total disintegration of the Soviet system. The fact that the Communist Party’s leaders had to concede that they no longer could wield the ominous power that the Communist Party exerted for 73 years was a seminal event. None of this could have been possible without significant policy changes instituted by Mikhail Gorbachev after his assuming power as president in 1985, which included Glasnost and Perestroika—policies that permitted more political openness as well as significant economic reforms. These significant events led up to the Soviet collapse much more so than the conventional argument that it was due to Ronald Reagan’s military buildup that forced the Soviets into a de facto “surrender” to the West.

The other significant event of 1990, and not just a coincidence, was the “green light” message exchanged between April Glaspie and Saddam Hussein on July 25, 1990. Though the details of this encounter have been debated, there is no doubt that the conclusion of it was that Saddam Hussein was convinced that the United States would not object to him using force to deal with a dispute Iraq had with Kuwait. After all, the US had just spent eight years aligning itself with him in his invasion and war with the Iranians. It seemed to him quite logical. What he didn’t realize was the significance of the changes in the world powers that were ongoing at that particular time. The Soviets were on their way out and the American Empire was soon to assert its role as the lone super power. The US was anxious to demonstrate its new role.

When one reads the communications between Washington and Iraq, it was not difficult to believe that a green light had been given to Saddam Hussein to march into Kuwait without US interference. Without this invasion, getting the American people to support a war with Iraq would have been very difficult. Before the war propaganda by the US government and the American media began, few Americans supported President Bush’s plans to go to war against an ally that we assisted in its eight-year war against Iran. After several months of propaganda, attitudes changed and President Bush was able to get support from the US Congress, although he argued that that was unnecessary since he had obtained a UN resolution granting him the authority to use his military force to confront Saddam Hussein. The need for Constitutional authority was not discussed.

US ambassador April Glaspie was rather explicit in her comments to Saddam Hussein: “we have no opinion on Arab – Arab conflicts, like your border disagreement with Kuwait.” The US State Department had already told Saddam Hussein that Washington had “no special defense or security commitments to Kuwait.” It’s not difficult interpreting conversations like this as being a green light for the invasion that Hussein was considering. Hussein had a list of grievances regarding the United States, but Glaspie never threatened or hinted about how Washington would react if Hussein took Kuwait. Regardless, whether it was reckless or poor diplomacy, the war commenced. Some have argued that it was deliberate in order to justify the beginning of the United States efforts in rebuilding the Middle East – a high priority for the neoconservatives. Actually whether the invasion by Saddam Hussein into Kuwait was encouraged or permitted by deliberate intentions or by miscalculations, the outcome and the subsequent disaster in Iraq for the next 25 years was a result of continued bad judgment in our dealing with Iraq. That required enforcing our goals with military intervention. The obvious failure of this policy requires no debate.

On August 1, 1990, one week after this exchange between ambassador Glaspie and Saddam Hussein, the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq occurred. Immediately following this attack our State Department made it clear that this invasion would not stand and President Bush would lead a coalition in removing Iraqi forces from Kuwait. On January 17, 1991, that military operation began. The forced evacuation of Iraqi troops from Kuwait was swift and violent, but the war for Iraq had just begun and continues to this day. It also ushered in the climactic struggle for America’s efforts to become the official and unchallenged policeman of the world and to secure the American Empire.

President Bush was not bashful in setting the stage for this clearly defined responsibility to assume this role since the Soviet Empire was on the wane. A very significant foreign policy speech by Bush came on September 11, 1990 entitled, “Toward a New World Order.” This was a clear definition of internationalism with United States in charge in the tradition of Woodrow Wilson and Franklin D Roosevelt. In this speech there was a pretense that there would be Russian and United States cooperation in making the world safe for democracy—something that our government now seems totally uninterested in. Following the speech, the New York Times reported that the American left was concerned about this new world order as being nothing more than rationalization for imperial ambitions in the middle 1980s. Obviously the geopolitics of the world had dramatically changed. The green light was given for the American hegemony.

This arrogant assumption of power to run the world militarily and to punish or reward various countries economically would continue and accelerate, further complicating the financial condition of the United States government. Though it was easy for the United States to push Hussein back into Iraq, subsequent policy was destined to create havoc that has continued up to the present day. The sanctions and the continuous bombing of Iraq were devastating to the infrastructure of that country. As a consequence it’s been estimated that over 500,000 Iraqis died in the next decade, many of them being children. Yet there are still many Americans who continue to be mystified as to why “they – Arabs and Muslims – hate us.” By the end of 1991, on Christmas Day, the final blow to the Soviet system occurred. On that date Gorbachev resigned and the Soviet flag was lowered for the last time, thus officially ending the Soviet Empire. Many had hoped that there would be “a peace dividend” for us since the Cold War was officially ended. There’s no reason that could not have occurred but it would have required us to reject the notion that it was our moral obligation and legal responsibility to deal with every crisis throughout the world. Nevertheless we embarked on that mission and though it continues, it is destined to end badly for our country. The ending of the Soviet Empire was a miraculous event with not one shot being fired. It was a failed system based on a deeply flawed idea and it was destined to fail. Once again this makes the point that the use of military force to mold the world is a deeply flawed policy. We must remember that ideas cannot be stopped by armies and recognize that good ideas must replace bad ones rather than resorting to constant wars.

It should surprise no one that a policy endorsing the use of force to tell others how to live will only lead to more killing and greater economic suffering for those who engage in this effort, whether voluntarily or involuntarily. Twenty five years have passed since this green light was given for the current war and there’s no sign that it will soon end. So far it has only emboldened American political leaders to robustly pursue foreign interventionism with little thought to the tremendous price that is continuously paid.

During the 1990s there was no precise war recognized. However our military presence around the world especially in the Middle East and to some degree in Africa was quite evident. Even though President George HW Bush did not march into Baghdad, war against the Iraqi people continued. In an effort to try to get the people to rebel against Saddam Hussein, overwhelming sanctions and continuous bombing were designed to get the Iraqi people to rebel and depose Hussein. That did not work. Instead it worked to continue to build hatred toward America for our involvement in the entire region.

Our secretive influence in Afghanistan during the Soviet occupation had its unintended consequences. One was that we were fighting on the side of bin Laden and we all know how that turned out. Also, in an effort to defeat communism, the CIA helped to promote radical Islam in Saudi Arabia. Some argue that this was helpful in defeating the Soviets in Afghanistan. This most likely is not true since communism was doomed to fail anyway, and the cost to us by encouraging radical Islam has come back to haunt us.

It has been estimated that our policies directed at Iraq during the 1990s caused the death of thousands of Iraqis, many of these coming from the destruction of their infrastructure and creating a public health nightmare. When Madeleine Albright was asked about this on national TV she did not deny it and said that that was a price that had to be paid. And then they wonder why there is so much resentment coming from these countries directed toward United States. Then George Bush Junior invaded Iraq, his justification all based on lies, and another 500,000 Iraqis died. The total deaths have been estimated to represent four percent of the Iraqi population. The green light that was turned on for the Persian Gulf War in 1990 stayed lit and even today the proponents of these totally failed wars claim that the only problem is we didn’t send enough troops and we didn’t stay long enough. And now it’s argued that it’s time to send ground troops back in. This is the message that we get from the neoconservatives determined that only armed might can bring peace to the world and that the cost to us financially is not a problem. The proponents never seem to be concerned about the loss of civil liberties, which has continued ever since the declaration of the Global War on Terrorism. And a good case can be made that our national security not only has not been helped, but has been diminished with these years of folly.

And the true believers in empire never pause. After all the chaos that the US government precipitated in Iraq, conditions continue to deteriorate and now there is strong talk about putting troops on the ground once again. More than 10,000 troops still remain in Afghanistan and conditions there are precarious. Yemen is a mess as is also Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, and Ukraine — all countries in which we have illegally and irresponsibly engaged ourselves.

Today the debate in Congress is whether or not to give the President additional authority to use military force. He asked to be able to use military force anyplace anytime around the world without further congressional approval. This is hardly what the Founders intended for how we dealt with going to war with other nations. Some have argued, for Constitutional reasons, that we should declare war against ISIS. That will prove to be difficult since exactly who they are and where they are located and how many there are is unknown. We do know it is estimated that there are around 30,000 members. And yet in the surrounding countries, where the fighting is going on and we are directly involved, millions of Muslims have chosen not to stand up to the ruthless behavior of the ISIS members.

Since declaring war against ISIS makes no more sense than declaring war against “terrorism,” which is a tactic, it won’t work. Even at the height of the Cold War, in a time of great danger to the entire world, nobody suggested we declare war against “communism.” Islamist extremism is based on strong beliefs, and as evil as these beliefs may be, they must be understood, confronted, and replaced with ideas that all civilized people in the world endorse. But what we must do immediately is to stop providing the incentive for the radicals to recruit new members and prevent American weapons from ending up in the hands of the enemy as a consequence of our failed policies. The incentives of the military-industrial complex along with the philosophy of neoconservatism that pushes us to be in more than 150 countries, must be exposed and refuted. Occupation by a foreign country precipitates hatred and can never be made acceptable by flowery words about their need for American-style “democracy.” People who are occupied are always aware of the selfish motivation of the occupiers.

The announcement by President George HW Bush on September 11, 1990 about the new world order was well received. Prior to that time it was only the “conspiracy theorists” who constantly talked about and speculated about the New World Order. Neoconservative ideas had been around for a long time. They were endorsed by many presidents and in particular Woodrow Wilson with his goal of spreading American goodness and making the ”world safe for democracy” – none of which can be achieved by promoting war. In the 1990s the modern day neoconservatives, led by William Kristol and Robert Kagan, enjoyed their growing influence on America’s foreign policy. Specifically, in 1997 they established the Project for the New American Century (PNAC) for the specific purpose of promoting an aggressive foreign policy of interventionism designed to promote the American Empire. This policy of intervention was to be presented with “moral clarity.” “Clarity” it was, but “moral” is another question. Their goal was to provide a vision and resolve, “to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interest.”

It was not a surprise that admittedly the number one goal for the New World order was to significantly increase military spending and to be prepared to challenge any regime hostile to America’s interests. They argued that America had to accept its unique role as the sole superpower for extending international order as long as it served America’s interests. Although neoconservatives are thought to have greater influence within the Republican Party, their views have been implemented by the leadership of both Republicans and Democrats. First on PNAC’s agenda was to continue the policy designed to undermine Saddam Hussein with the goal of eventually invading Iraq – once they had an event that would galvanize public support for it. Many individuals signed letters as well as the statement of principles and most were identified as Republicans. Interestingly enough, the fourth person on the list of signatories for the statement of principles was Jeb Bush, just as he was planning his second run for governor of Florida. The neoconservatives have been firmly placed in a position of influence in directing America’s foreign policy. Though we hear some debate between the two political parties over when and whom to strike, our position of world policeman is accepted by both. Though the rhetoric is different between the two parties, power always remains in the hands of those who believe in promoting the empire.

The American Empire has arrived, but there’s no indication that smooth sailing is ahead. Many questions remain. Will the American people continue to support it? Will the American taxpayer be able to afford it? Will those on the receiving end of our authority tolerate it? All empires eventually end. It’s only a matter of time. Since all empires exist at the expense of personal liberty the sooner the American Empire ends the better it will be for those who still strive to keep America a bastion for personal liberty. That is possible, but it won’t be achieved gracefully.

Though the people have a say in the matter, they have to contend with the political and financial power that controls the government and media propaganda. The powerful special interests, who depend on privileges that come from the government, will do whatever is necessary to intimidate the people into believing that it’s in their best interest to prop up a system that rewards the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. The nature of fiat money and the privileges provided to the special interests by the Federal Reserve makes it a difficult struggle, but it’s something that can be won. Unfortunately there will be economic chaos, more attacks on our civil liberties, and many unfortunate consequences coming from our unwise and dangerous foreign policy of interventionism.

Since all empires serve the interests of a privileged class, the people who suffer will constantly challenge their existence. The more powerful the empire, the greater is the need for the government to hold it together by propaganda and lies. Truth is the greatest enemy of an abusive empire. Since those in charge are determined to maintain their power, truth is seen as being treasonous. Whistleblowers and truth tellers are seen as unpatriotic and disloyal. This is why as our empire has grown there have been more attacks on those who challenge the conventional wisdom of the propagandists. We have seen it with the current administration in that the president has used the Espionage Act to curtail freedom of the press more than any other recent president. Fortunately we live in an age where information is much more available than when it was controlled by a combination of our government and the three major networks. Nevertheless it’s an uphill struggle to convince the people that it is in their best interests to give up on the concept of empire, foreign interventionism, allowing the special interests to dictate foreign policy, and paying the bills with the inflation of the money supply provided by the Federal Reserve. The laws of economics, in time, will bring such a system to an end but it would be nice if it would be ended sooner through logic and persuasion.

If it’s conceded that there was a dramatic change with the green light given by April Glaspie and President Bush in 1990, along with the collapse, almost simultaneously, of the Soviet system, the only question remains is when and who will turn on the red light to end this 25 year war. Sometime it’s easier to establish an empire than it is to maintain and pay for it. That is what our current political leaders are in the business of currently doing and it’s not going well. It appears that a comparatively small but ruthless non-government entity, ISIS, is playing havoc with our political leaders as well as nearly all the countries in the Middle East. Because there is no clear understanding of what radical Islam is all about  —since it is not much about Islam itself — our policies in the Middle East and elsewhere will continue to drain our resources and incite millions more to join those who are resisting our occupations and sanctions. The day will come when we will be forced to give up our role as world policeman and resort to using a little common sense and come home.

This will only occur when the American people realize that our presence around the world and the maintenance of our empire has nothing to do with defending our Constitution, preserving our liberties, or fulfilling some imaginary obligation on our part to use force to spread American exceptionalism. A thorough look at our economic conditions, our pending bankruptcy, our veterans hospitals, and how we’re viewed in the world by most other nations, will compel Americans to see things differently and insist that we bring our troops home – the sooner the better.

Vocal proponents of the American Empire talk about a moral imperative that requires us to sacrifice ourselves as we try to solve the problems of the world. If there was even a hint this effort was accomplishing something beneficial, it might be more difficult to argue against. But the evidence is crystal-clear that all our efforts only make things worse, both for those we go to teach about democracy and liberty and for the well-being of all Americans who are obligated to pay for this misplaced humanitarian experiment. We must admit that this 25-year war has failed. Nevertheless it’s difficult to argue against it when it requires that that we not endorse expanding our military operations to confront the ISIS killers. Arguments against pursuing a war to stop the violence, however, should appeal to common sense. Recognizing that our policies in the Middle East have significantly contributed to the popular support for radical Islam is crucial to dealing with ISIS. More sacrifices by the American people in this effort won’t work and should be avoided. If one understands what motivates radical Islam to strike out as it does, the solution would become more evident. Voluntary efforts by individuals to participate in the struggle should not be prohibited. If the solution is not more violence on our part, a consideration must be given to looking at the merits of a noninterventionist foreign policy which does not resort to the killing of hundreds of thousands of individuals who never participated in any aggression against United States — as our policies have done since the green light for empire was given.

How is this likely to end? The empire will not be ended legislatively or by the sudden embrace of common sense in directing our foreign policy. The course of interventionism overseas and assuming the role of world policeman will remain for the foreseeable future. Still the question remains, how long will that be since we can be certain that the end of the empire will come. Our military might and economic strength is now totally dependent on the confidence that the worldwide financial markets give to the value of the US dollar. In spite of all the reasons that the dollar will eventually be challenged as the world reserve currency, the competition, at present, by other currencies to replace it, is nil. Confidence can be related to objective facts such as how a country runs its fiscal affairs and monetary policy. Economic wealth and military strength also contribute artificial confidence to a currency. Perceptions and subjective reasons are much more difficult to define and anticipate. The day will come when the confidence in the dollar will be greatly diminished worldwide. Under those conditions the tremendous benefits that we in the United States have enjoyed as the issuer of the reserve currency will be reversed. It will become difficult if not impossible for us to afford huge budget deficits as well as very large current account deficits. National debt and foreign debt will serve as a limitation on how long the empire can last. Loss of confidence can come suddenly and overwhelmingly. Under those conditions we will no longer be able to afford our presence overseas nor will we be able to continue to export our inflation and debt to other nations. Then it will require that we pay for our extravagance, and market forces will require that we rein in our support for foreign, corporate, and domestic welfare spending. Hopefully this will not come for a long time, giving us a chance to educate more people as to its serious nature and give them insight into its precise cause. Nevertheless we live in a period of time when we should all consider exactly what is the best road to take to protect ourselves, not only our personal wealth but also to prepare to implement a system based on sound money, limited government, and personal liberty. This is a goal we can achieve. And when we do, America will enjoy greater freedom, more prosperity and a better chance for peace.




Cristiano Puglisi

Ex: http://www.eurasia-rivista.org

Le relazioni austro-russe hanno costituito una costante dello scenario geopolitico dell’Europa centrale fin dal XVIII secolo. Ai tempi in cui l’Austria era parte dell’allora Sacro Romano Impero, le relazioni tra le due corone imperiali (quella degli zar e quella della casata d’Asburgo) furono centrali nel costituire una barriera cristiana all’espansione dell’Impero Ottomano verso nordest e nordovest. A testimonianza di quanto strategiche a livello territoriale fossero considerate queste relazioni da parte della corona d’Asburgo, va ricordato che le prime notizie di carattere etnografico sul popolo russo, entrarono in Europa occidentale nel XVI secolo grazie al Rerum Moscoviticarum Commentarii, opera del diplomatico imperiale Sigmund Von Heberstein, che fu due volte ambasciatore del Sacro Romano Impero in Russia(1).

Peraltro è curioso osservare come, già ai tempi di Von Heberstein, sul piano ideale e spirituale le due corone fossero unite non solo da interessi strategici, ma anche dalla stretta correlazione di stampo tradizionale tra il potere politico e il potere religioso. Il termine slavo “Tsar” derivava infatti dal latino “Caesar”(2), utilizzato quindi per indicare una monarchia di stampo imperiale nel senso medioevale del termine. Tre secoli più tardi tale unità ideale trae nuova linfa nell’ambito delle guerre napoleoniche, quando fu lo zar Alessandro I a farsi promotore di quella Santa Alleanza che includeva anche l’Austria e la Prussia e il cui compito, sconfitto Napoleone, era quello di prevenire il riemergere di focolai di carattere antimonarchico in Europa occidentale, ponendovi come argine un significativo blocco mitteleuropeo(3). A suggellare la sacralità di tale missione era venuta in soccorso, già dal biennio 1806-1807, la presa di posizione della Chiesa Ortodossa russa, da parte della quale il Bonaparte era frequentemente presentato come l’Anticristo(4). Tale affinità ideologica tra Russia ed Austria perdurò in maniera significativa fino alla conclusione dei moti del 1848.

Dalla seconda metà del XIX secolo, le pulsioni panslaviste dell’impero russo, che minavano le sostanziali fondamenta dell’impero austroungarico, accesero un periodo di ostilità intermittente tra i due Paesi che si concluse solamente al termine del secondo conflitto mondiale, quando l’Austria fu suddivisa in quattro zone d’influenza (americana, francese, inglese e sovietica), salvo recuperare pienamente la propria sovranità nel 1955. Fu allora che le relazioni tra due Paesi (l’Austria democratica e l’Unione Sovietica) ripresero quota, questa volta su un filo conduttore per certi aspetti diametralmente opposto a quello che aveva caratterizzato il sodalizio di un secolo prima, dato che all’opposizione al liberalismo si sostituì, quale collante, il socialismo. Primo cancelliere, già dal 1945, dell’Austria liberata dai nazisti fu infatti il socialista Karl Renner, il quale godeva del favore di Stalin(5) e che per questo solo dopo diversi mesi fu riconosciuto quale legittimo governante dalle altre forze alleate.

Proprio Karl Renner fu uno dei leader della corrente cosidetta “austromarxista” che, formatasi nella polveriera culturale dell’ultimo impero austroungarico, sviluppò all’interno del Partito Socialdemocratico (SPO) una propria e autonoma visione del socialismo che tentava di realizzare una sintesi tra il rispetto dell’autodeterminazione delle comunità etniche locali e il concetto di stato nazionale(6). Tale terzietà di pensiero rispetto alle posizioni politiche dominanti a livello globale (gli austromarxisti si opponevano decisamente alla critica dell’interesse nazionale quale “stratagemma borghese”(7)), all’interno del mondo politico austriaco non fu tuttavia esclusiva del fronte socialista. Basti qui citare la figura di Julius Raab, cancelliere del Partito Popolare Austriaco (OVP) dal 1953 al 1961 e precedentemente membro del Governo di Engelbert Dollfuss (1934-38). Raab nel 1955 si fece promotore della Commissione congiunta dei prezzi e dei salari, una chiara rievocazione del pensiero corporativista, che era appunto alla base dell’esecutivo Dollfuss ma anche, come è noto, della dottrina economica fascista(8). E proprio in una prospettiva di collaborazione consociativa e corporativa, a differenza di altri Paesi europei, l’Austria si caratterizzò nel dopoguerra per una coalizione tra le due principali forze politiche (socialisti e popolari) che fino agli anni ’60 produssero governi di unità nazionale che procedettero alla nazionalizzazione di comparti industriali strategici e alla costruzione di un moderno sistema di welfare.

Sia tale carattere di terzietà, che la presenza di un forte partito socialista come il SPO, ebbero un ruolo non secondario nel determinare il comportamento dell’Austria durante la Guerra Fredda. Il 26 ottobre del 1955, il giorno seguente all’abbandono del territorio austriaco da parte delle ultime truppe alleate, il parlamento approvò infatti la neutralità del Paese, che è ancor oggi parte del diritto internazionale(9). Questo fu un successo della diplomazia di Mosca, che, tramontato definitivamente nel 1950 il tentativo di inglobare il Paese nella sua orbita con l’appoggio di socialisti e comunisti, evitò in questo modo una “nuova Germania” contesa tra il blocco atlantico e quello sovietico. Che il sentimento di indipendenza rispetto ai principali attori geopolitici fosse sentito realmente dalla classe dirigente austriaca è del resto ben rappresentato dal fatto che il 26 ottobre è tutt’ora celebrato come giorno festivo.


Dalla fine degli anni ’80, con il progressivo venir meno della pressione di Mosca a Est per il mantenimento di una rigida posizione di neutralità, si ripropose la questione di un ingresso del Paese nella Comunità Europea(10), che fu infine formalizzato nel 1995 e, salvo eccezioni nell’ala sinistra dell’SPO, appoggiato trasversalmente negli anni dalle forze politiche di Governo. Un’integrazione del Paese alla NATO, opzione questa tradizionalmente vista, soprattutto a partire dagli anni ’60 che videro la fine dei governi di coalizione, con favore dai popolari dell’OVP e invece osteggiata dai socialdemocratici del SPO(11). Il ruolo del SPO nei rapporti con l’Unione Sovietica meriterebbe una trattazione più approfondita. Basti però citare come, negli anni ’50 e ’60, il partito fosse frequentemente sospettato di lassismo nei confronti dell’intelligence sovietica(12).

Tali atteggiamenti restarono sostanzialmente immutati fino ai primi anni 2000. Gli eventi subirono un’accelerazione con la guerra in Bosnia Erzegovina, che vide l’Austria siglare il documento Partnership for Peace (1995) per poi inviare le proprie truppe a sostegno dei contingenti NATO nei balcani e di nuovo nel 1999 in Kossovo. Nel luglio 2002, il presidente austriaco Thomas Klestil incontrò il Segretario Generale della NATO, Lord Robertson, incontro che precedette l’invio di truppe austriache a supporto del contingente atlantico in Afghanistan. Nel giugno 2011 si registrò la visita ufficiale di Anders Fogh Rasmussen (Segretario Generale della NATO) a Vienna(13). Politicamente significativo è infine stato il processo di valutazione svoltosi dal 21 al 30 maggio del 2013 alla base di Allentsteig, dove funzionari NATO hanno supervisionato il livello di preparazione delle truppe destinate al progetto PfP per verificare che fossero compatibili con gli standard dell’alleanza per il progetto EURAD13(14). D’altra parte è bene dire che, se da un lato i servizi di intelligence sovietica ebbero per l’Austria un interesse particolare, dall’altro sebbene al di fuori della NATO oggi il Paese ha sul suo territorio due basi militari americane: si tratta di Neulengbach e Konigswarte, gestite e coordinate dal Comando generale statunitense della National Security Agency di Fort Meade (nel Maryland) e organizzate in cooperazione con i servizi segreti britannici, canadesi, australiani e neozelandesi(15).

Il processo di integrazione europea non ha però troncato le relazioni dell’Austria con la Federazione Russa. Anzi. Secondo un analista della The Jamestown Foundation, lo scomparso austro-americano Roman Kupchinski, anche dopo la fine della Guerra Fredda, l’Austria è rimasto uno degli hub favoriti dall’intelligence di Mosca tanto che, secondo il medesimo autore, l’SVR (servizio di intelligence russo all’estero) avrebbe proprio a Vienna la sua centrale più importante in Europa(16). Quel che è certo tuttavia, è la presenza proprio in Austria di numerose compagnie legate al mercato delle commodities e connesse con la compagnia di stato russa Gazprom. Proprio il comparto energetico è centrale nell’attuale assetto di relazioni commerciali tra Austria e Russia. Il 24 aprile del 2010, la partecipata statale OMV, prima tra le aziende dei Paesi europei a siglare accordi commerciali con l’Unione Sovietica nel 1968, siglò un accordo di cooperazione con Gazprom per la costruzione della sezione austriaca di South Stream mentre il 29 aprile del 2014, già in piena crisi ucraina, il CEO di OMV, Gerhard Roiss siglò con Gazprom un memorandum che prevedeva la partecipazione della compagnia russa nel Central European Gas Hub, situato nel piccolo comune di Baumgarten, nello stato federato del Burgenland(17). Un luogo quasi simbolico: governato dal 1964 da esponenti dell’SPO, il Burgenland, trovandosi al confine con l’Ungheria, Paese del quale ospitava un significativa minoranza etnica, era negli anni della “cortina di ferro” strategicamente significativo.

Lungi dal rappresentare un atto di sudditanza, l’accordo tra OMV e Gazprom rientrava in una logica di mutuale convenienza. Dipendente per il 60% dalle forniture di gas provenienti dalla Federazione Russa, OMV aveva avviato nel 2012 un progetto per estrarre gas dalle coste rumene del Mar Nero attraverso una partnership tra la Petrom (compagnia rumena controllata a maggioranza da OMV) ed Exxon Mobil. In questo modo OMV, qualora South Stream avesse visto la luce, avrebbe paradossalmente potuto utilizzare le infrastrutture realizzate con la collaborazione di Gazprom per ridurre la propria dipendenza dal mercato russo, come osservato anche dal New York Times in un articolo dello scorso 22 luglio(18).


Visto lo scenario, non sorprende dunque che nel mese di dicembre, anche in seguito all’annuncio da parte del presidente russo Vladimir Putin della cancellazione del progetto South Stream, il cancelliere austriaco del PSO Werner Faymann abbia preso rigidamente posizione sia contro le sanzioni alla Russia (17 dicembre)(19), sia contro il Trattato transatlantico di libero scambio (TTIP)(18 dicembre)(20), che prevede un’integrazione tra il mercato europeo e quello nordamericano. Relativamente al TTIP, Faymann ha spiegato come l’Austria non intenda avallare una concessione di privilegi alle affermato multinazionali americane, mentre relativamente alle sanzioni, il cancelliere ha che l’Unione Europea non deve essere “una versione in abiti civili della NATO”.

Tale dichiarazione, più che la prima, è significativa in quanto rappresenta non solo una presa di posizione squisitamente pratica, ma anche e soprattutto ideologica (per il rifiuto di un trattato estremamente liberomercatista) rispetto ai rapporti di Vienna con l’alleanza atlantica che, come abbiamo visto, dalla metà degli anni ’90 si sono evoluti in un sostanziale crescendo. Tale presa di posizione dimostra come l’Austria, sebbene oggi integrata nel contesto dell’Europa comunitaria, sia ancora pronta a tornare a svolgere, all’occorrenza, un ruolo di autonomia, terzietà e alterità nel contesto politico europeo. Una possibilità questa che, rispetto ad altri Paesi europei, deriva, oltre che dal diritto internazionale, anche da una ridotta presenza militare straniera sul proprio territorio. L’Austria può dunque appresentare, nell’ambito dell’attuale momento di forte criticità nei rapporti tra la Federazione Russa, l’Unione Europea e la NATO, un cuscinetto in grado di ammorbidire in seno all’Europa le posizioni atlantiste più intransigenti, rappresentando così per Mosca un potenziale partner di primissimo piano anche per gli anni a venire e, data la sua lunga storia, un punto di riferimento strategico per il panorama mitteleuropeo.

1. http://www.hs-augsburg.de/~harsch/germanica/Chronologie/16Jh/Sigismund/sig_intr.html
2. G.Davidson, Coincise English Dictionary, Wordsworth Editions Ltd. 2007, ISBN 1840224975, pag.1000
3. cfr. H.Troyat, Alessandro I. Lo zar della Santa Alleanza, Bompiani, 2001, ISBN 8845291170, 9788845291173
4. P.G.Dwyer, Napoleon and Europe, Routledge, 2014, ISBN 1317882717, 9781317882718, pag.255
5. H.Picks, Guilty victims: Austria from the holocaust to Haider, I.B.Tauris, 2000, ISBN 1860646182, 9781860646188, pag.35
6. M.Cattaruzza, La nazione in rosso: socialismo, comunismo e questione nazionale, 1889-1953, Rubbettino Editore, 2005, ISBN, 8849811772, 9788849811773, pag.17
7. M.Lallement, Le idee della sociologia, volume 1, EDIZIONI DEDALO, 1996, ISBN 8822002024, 9788822002020, pag.108
8. P.S.Adams, The Europeanization of the Social Partnership: The Future of Neo-corporatism in Austria and Germany, ProQuest, 2008, ISBN 0549663916, 9780549663911, pag.171
9. J.A.K.Hey, Small States in World Politics: Explaining Foreign Policy Behavior, Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2003, ISBN 1555879438, 9781555879433, pag.96
10. R.Luther – W.C.Mueller, Politics in Austria: Still a Case of Consociationalism, Routledge, 2014, ISBN 1135193347, 9781135193348, pag.203
11. G.Bischof-A.Pelinka-M.Gehler, Austrian Foreign Policy in Historical Context, Transaction Publishers, 2006, ISBN 1412817684, 9781412817684, pag.212
12. B.Volodarsky, The KGB’s Poison Factory, Frontline Books, 2013, ISBN 1473815738, 9781473815735 , pag.118
13. http://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/news_75912.htm?selectedLocale=en
14. http://www.aco.nato.int/nato-evaluates-the-capability-of-the-austrian-armed-forces.aspx
15. http://www.eurasia-rivista.org/dal-mare-nostrum-al-gallinarium-americanum-basi-usa-in-europa-mediterraneo-e-vicino-oriente/15230/
16. http://www.jamestown.org/single/?no_cache=1&tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=34516#.VJ2_KV4BY
17. http://www.south-stream.info/press/news/news-item/south-stream-returning-to-austria/
18. http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/23/business/energy-environment/an-austrian-company-in-gazproms-grip.html?_r=0
19. http://derstandard.at/2000009627760/Faymann-zieht-EU-Sanktionen-in-Zweifel
20. http://www.krone.at/Oesterreich/Faymann_droht_im_Ernstfall_mit_TTIP-Klage-Auch_im_Alleingang-Story-432130

Tekos 157

Ex: Nieuwsbrief Nr 92 - Maart 2014
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