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mardi, 13 juin 2023

George Soros désigne l'héritier de son empire financier


George Soros désigne l'héritier de son empire financier

Source: https://jornalpurosangue.net/2023/06/11/george-soros-nomeia-herdeiro-de-seu-imperio-financeiro/

George Soros, le financier et philanthrope milliardaire qui utilise souvent sa fortune pour promouvoir des causes progressistes, transmet le contrôle de ses intérêts commerciaux à son fils "plus politique", Alexander. L'Américain d'origine hongroise en a fait l'annonce dans une interview publiée dimanche dans le Wall Street Journal.

Soros, âgé de 92 ans, a déclaré que son fils Alexander, âgé de 37 ans, prendrait les rênes de sa fondation Open Society Foundation (OSF), ainsi que le reste de sa fortune, estimée à 25 milliards de dollars. M. Soros a également déclaré au sujet d'Alexander, qui a été élu président de l'OSF en décembre, en remplacement de son père, qu'il "méritait" ce nouveau poste.

S'exprimant dans le même journal, Alexander Soros a déclaré qu'il avait l'intention de poursuivre l'héritage de son père en finançant des initiatives progressistes au-delà du droit de vote, du droit à l'avortement et de l'égalité entre les hommes et les femmes.


"Je suis plus politique", a déclaré Alexander Soros en se comparant à son père. Les registres de visites montrent que le jeune Soros s'est rendu à la Maison Blanche à au moins 14 reprises au cours des 18 derniers mois. "Même si j'aimerais que l'argent disparaisse de la politique, tant que l'autre camp le fera, nous devrons le faire aussi".

Alexander Soros continuera, a-t-il dit, à utiliser la richesse de sa famille pour soutenir les candidats politiques de la gauche libérale. Il a également fait part de son inquiétude quant à l'éventuel retour de Donald Trump à la Maison Blanche en 2024, suggérant que l'argent de Soros sera dépensé pour faire avancer les objectifs des candidats du Parti démocrate.

En début de semaine, le jeune Soros a tweeté une photo de lui aux côtés de la vice-présidente américaine Kamala Harris.

L'Open Society Foundation, dont Alexander Soros est le vice-président depuis 2017, distribue chaque année environ 1,5 milliard de dollars à diverses causes aux États-Unis et à l'étranger. Son influence sur la fondation l'a amenée à orienter certains de ses efforts vers l'aide aux organisations juives progressistes, à celles qui s'occupent de questions environnementales et des droits des travailleurs américains.

vendredi, 02 septembre 2022

Donation américaine de plusieurs millions de dollars: une fondation de gauche veut renverser Orbán - et Soros se pointe à nouveau...


Donation américaine de plusieurs millions de dollars: une fondation de gauche veut renverser Orbán - et Soros se pointe à nouveau...

Source: https://zuerst.de/2022/09/01/millionenspende-aus-den-usa-linke-stiftung-wollte-orban-stuerzen-und-soros-ist-wieder-dabei/

Budapest/New York. En Hongrie, un solide scandale politique fait grand bruit: une fondation dirigée par des critiques du gouvernement hongrois d'Orbán et par d'éminents gauchistes américains a apporté un soutien financier considérable à l'opposition hongroise à l'approche des dernières élections législatives d'avril, dans le but de provoquer un changement de gouvernement à Budapest. Mais : les contributions financières étrangères aux partis politiques hongrois sont interdites. Des accusations d'abus se font déjà entendre dans les cercles du parti au pouvoir, le Fidesz.

Péter Márki-Zay, maire de Hódmezővásárhely (sud-est de la Hongrie) et ancien candidat à la présidence pour les élections législatives d'avril, a lui-même attiré l'attention sur cette affaire. En ce qui concerne les comptes détaillés de la campagne électorale, qu'il vient seulement de voir, Márki-Zay a admis qu'il avait reçu plusieurs millions de forints en provenance des Etats-Unis en juillet et que ces fonds devaient maintenant servir à payer les factures de la campagne.

Il n'a pas caché que tous les dons avaient été utilisés pour tenter de "renverser" le Premier ministre Orbán - et qu'ils continueraient à l'être.

Selon Márki-Zay, les dons proviennent d'une fondation américaine appelée Action for Democracy, qui n'a été créée qu'en février 2022, juste avant les élections hongroises.


Entre-temps, Action for Democracy ne se concentre plus exclusivement sur la Hongrie. Sur son site Internet, la fondation dresse la liste des "principaux pays contestés dans le monde", "où nous estimons que la démocratie est la plus menacée et où des élections auront lieu l'année prochaine, qui décideront du sort de ces démocraties". Il s'agit notamment de l'Italie, du Brésil, de la Hongrie, de la Pologne et de la Turquie. Dans tous ces pays, les partis nationaux-conservateurs sont au pouvoir ou, comme dans le cas de l'Italie, ont de fortes chances de remporter les prochaines élections.

Bien que le conseil consultatif de la fondation soit présidé par l'écrivain hongrois Kati Marton, il compte de nombreux autres membres éminents, dont l'historien britannique Timothy Garton Ash, l'historienne américaine Anne Applebaum, l'ancien commandant en chef de l'OTAN, le général Wesley K. Clark, le politologue libéral américain Francis Fukuyama, l'historien américain Timothy Snyder et l'ancien ministre des affaires étrangères britannique David Milliband.

Le responsable de la communication du Fidesz, István Hollik, a indiqué aux médias qu'il était illégal en Hongrie qu'un parti reçoive des fonds de l'étranger. Selon lui, Márki-Zay et son équipe ont "abusé de la loi" puisqu'ils ont reçu les fonds sur le compte de leur association. Hollik a également attiré l'attention sur le fait qu'Action for Democracy avait des "milliers de liens" avec George Soros. (mü)

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vendredi, 03 juin 2022

Soros et la fermeture hermétique de la "société ouverte"


Soros et la fermeture hermétique de la "société ouverte"

par Carlo Primerano

Source : Ricognizione & https://www.ariannaeditrice.it/articoli/soros-la-chiusura-ermetica-della-societa-aperta

Lorsque nous évaluons les bouleversements qui se produisent dans notre société et qui sont devenus soudainement si évidents, nous nous retrouvons souvent à en tenir quelques noms pour responsables, toujours les mêmes. Bien que cela ne satisfasse pas entièrement notre désir de compréhension et se prête au risque de simplifier à l'excès la réalité, il ne fait aucun doute que l'action visible par laquelle les individus exercent leur pouvoir est le miroir à travers lequel nous pouvons tenter d'identifier les lieux où nous mènent les forces mystérieuses qui guident le cours des événements.

Roberto Pecchioli, dans son dernier ouvrage George Soros and the Open Society (Arianna editrice, 256 pages, euro 18.90), nous présente l'un de ces hommes, l'un des oligarques les plus puissants et les plus controversés de la planète, capable d'influencer les politiques de pays importants, dont l'Italie, grâce aux énormes ressources financières qu'il a investies.

Pecchioli documente méticuleusement tout ce que l'on associe généralement à la figure de l'oligarque hongrois: les spéculations financières au détriment des nations, le soutien apporté aux mouvements populaires massifs d'aujourd'hui, celui qui a contribué à la libéralisation des drogues douces, l'ingérence dans les changements de gouvernement de certains États, la similitude de ses programmes avec ceux de l'agenda 2030, et plus encore.


La richesse des données et des informations fournies par ce livre peut donc être d'une aide considérable pour ceux qui souhaitent commencer à comprendre ce qui se cache derrière les événements les plus marquants de ces dernières années et les choix politiques de certains gouvernements. Par exemple, face à l'incrédulité de ceux qui ne voient pas que le phénomène de la soi-disant immigration n'est pas principalement dû à la fuite de ceux qui fuient la guerre dans leur pays d'origine, mais qu'il s'agit d'un mouvement organisé de réorganisation du monde sur de nouvelles bases culturelles, sociales et économiques, nous pourrons montrer les sommes considérables allouées dans les budgets des Fondations Open Society à des activités de soutien aux immigrants et au financement d'ONG sillonnant la Méditerranée.

L'immigration n'est qu'un des aspects dont s'occupe Soros et que Pecchioli analyse en détail dans son article. Le financier d'origine hongroise est présent avec ses contributions financières et sa "pensée" dans toutes les questions principales mises à l'ordre du jour pour la réalisation du nouvel homme prochain, disons, du trans-homme: le changement climatique, l'économie verte, la théorie du genre, les droits à la protection de la soi-disant "santé reproductive" et, bien sûr, les pandémies et la gouvernance qui y est associée. Grâce à la peur suscitée, la transition, explique Pecchioli, "de l'ordre naturel (et culturel) à l'ordre numérique" a été accélérée, "quoi qu'il en coûte en termes de liberté et de modification radicale de la vie, c'est-à-dire des changements anthropologiques irréversibles".

Toutes ces questions sont liées dans une relation de synergie qui est parfaitement fonctionnelle au travail de démantèlement des ganglions fondamentaux de la société telle que nous l'avons connue jusqu'à présent, et l'un des mérites du livre dont nous parlons est précisément de mettre en lumière sa cohérence "philosophique" substantielle.

La nouvelle société planifiée est décrite par Roberto Pecchioli comme "un monde liquide, dépourvu d'histoire et de caractère, dans lequel les individus ne vivent que pour eux-mêmes, sans appartenance, complètement étrangers à tout afflatus spirituel". Mais derrière la construction de ce monde un postulat idéologique, une idée anoblissante se cache-t-il ?

Pecchioli, en racontant la vie et l'éducation du jeune Soros, explique que toutes ses actions, les spéculations financières contre la lire et la livre sterling, l'énorme financement d'associations en faveur de l'avortement, l'encouragement aux changements de régime, ou au moins, dans les pays les plus résistants, à l'instigation de changements d'esprit progressifs, ont toutes été réalisées pour promouvoir la soi-disant société ouverte dont le principal théoricien était le philosophe autrichien Karl Popper, généralement considéré de manière irréfléchie comme un véritable défenseur de la liberté et de la démocratie.


Selon Popper, que cite Pecchioli, "la société ouverte est ouverte à autant d'idées et d'idéaux différents, et peut-être contradictoires, que possible. Mais, sous peine de s'auto-dissoudre, elle n'est pas "ouverte" à tout le monde: la société ouverte est fermée aux intolérants (...) la société ouverte est fondée sur la sauvegarde des libertés de ses membres, à travers des institutions capables de se corriger, ouvertes à la critique rationnelle et aux propositions de réforme". Si nécessaire, la société ouverte doit être défendue contre ce que l'on appelle "l'esprit de groupe perdu du tribalisme".

Nous ne nous étendrons pas ici sur les mérites de la théorie de Popper elle-même, qui contient en elle-même des apories et des contradictions que Pecchioli signale bien. Des contradictions évidentes ressortent de la comparaison entre l'idée de liberté et de démocratie, dans les mots défendus par Soros, et ses actions politiques concrètes.

Par exemple, on peut croire que les spéculations financières menées au détriment de pays comme l'Italie, l'Angleterre, la France, le Japon, pour ne citer que les principaux, ont été faites au nom de la "lutte acharnée contre les Etats-nations, bastions de la société fermée à démolir". Que ce combat est mené pour défendre le principe de subsidiarité et la conviction que "les décisions sont prises au niveau le plus bas possible". Cependant, note Pecchioli, comment concilier cela avec le désir de "déléguer tout le pouvoir à des organismes mondiaux, c'est-à-dire de centraliser les pouvoirs de décision, ce qui, dans une perspective poppérienne, revient à reproposer la société fermée sous un autre nom".

A travers des arguments précis, avec également des références culturelles à des penseurs qu'après avoir lu nous ressentons la curiosité d'approfondir, Pecchioli montre que la société ouverte conçue par Soros est en tout point semblable à la société liquide décrite par Zygmunt Bauman, dans laquelle "la seule constante est le changement et la seule certitude est l'incertitude. (...) La société ouverte est un monde liquide, dépourvu d'histoire ou de caractère, dans lequel les individus ne vivent que pour eux-mêmes, sans appartenance, complètement éloignés de tout afflatus spirituel".

En conclusion, nous pouvons dire que le livre de Roberto Pecchioli est un outil précieux pour la compréhension des événements qui se déroulent dans notre conjoncture historique, un ouvrage écrit avec soin qui rapporte les faits de manière objective, voire prudente dans certains passages. Nous ne sommes pas certains que cela suffira pour éviter l'accusation de complot de la part de ceux qui ne veulent pas entendre, comme on sait que les pires sourds le font.

lundi, 17 mai 2021

Les activités de Soros au Myanmar


Les activités de Soros au Myanmar

Alexander Markovics

Alors qu'un professeur de sport montre des exercices de gymnastique à la télévision d'État, des véhicules militaires circulent en arrière-plan. Ce qui est considéré comme une exception et un scandale en Occident n'est rien d'autre qu'un retour à la normale au Myanmar, où ces scènes se sont déroulées le 1 février 2021. Dans cet État multiethnique de plus de 54 millions d'habitants, en proie à des émeutes ethniques répétées de la part des Karen chrétiens et des Rohingya musulmans, la milice règne depuis 1962 ; entre 2011 et 2021, des éléments libéraux-démocratiques ont été introduits dans le pays. Ce jour-là, l'armée a déclaré l'état d'urgence et déposé la conseillère d'État Aung San Suu Kyi pour fraude électorale. S'ensuivent des manifestations de masse, soutenues par l'Occident, dont la répression fait des centaines de morts. Il s'en est suivi des protestations massives de l'Occident, de l'Amérique à l'Europe en passant par le Japon, qui avait commencé à développer un satellite pour et avec le Myanmar et qui suspend maintenant toute coopération en ce domaine.

Peu après, le 12 mars, le gouvernement militaire a informé toutes les organisations non gouvernementales du pays qu'elles devaient dorénavant signaler toutes les transactions financières impliquant des étrangers. Cependant, l'Open Society Foundation, l'organisation mondiale de George Soros qui se consacre à perturber les sociétés hostiles au libéralisme, n'a pas obtempéré et a retiré d'importantes sommes d'argent de ses comptes, ce qui a entraîné la confiscation de ceux-ci par l'État et l'arrestation de ses dirigeants. Alors que les partisans de Soros parlent d'une suppression non provoquée de leur organisation, un regard sur l'évolution politique du Myanmar brosse un tableau très différent. À l'instar de ce qui s'est passé en Europe de l'Est dans les années 1980, le "porte-drapeau de la démocratie libérale" (Financial Times) tente de diffuser la démocratie occidentale, l'"économie de marché" et le libéralisme au Myanmar depuis 1994.


Cela signifie invariablement s'attaquer aux valeurs traditionnelles et, bien sûr, saper l'unité nationale - tout cela au nom de la "société ouverte". Dans ce cas, Soros avait l'intention de renforcer les "droits des minorités" au Myanmar - une approche populaire pour balkaniser un État. Mais, comme nous l'avons vu à partir de l'exemple de l'Europe de l'Est, la fondation de Soros rend principalement les autres États "ouverts" à leur pillage par les capitalistes occidentaux, à la destruction de leur ordre moral et religieux, et même à leur division territoriale. L'ancienne conseillère d'État Aung San Suu Kyi était considérée comme une proche alliée de Soros et allait même jusqu'à nommer des ministres à la demande de l'éminence grise du mondialisme. Mais l'armée a réussi à empêcher cela - notamment parce qu'elle craignait une détérioration des relations avec la Chine voisine, qui est en guerre contre Soros, surtout après le saccage qu"il a provoqué à Hong Kong.

La position géostratégique importante de l'État sur la route maritime de la Nouvelle route de la soie en a fait une cible de l'impérialisme occidental. Mais l'intervention de l'armée a sauvé le pays de ce destin pour le moment. Pour les mondialistes, cela représente une défaite dans le cadre du "Great Reset" souhaité.

samedi, 22 février 2020

Ideología del gobierno mundial


Ideología del gobierno mundial

Ex: https://www.geopolitica.ru

Publicado en la revista Elementy #2, Moscú, Rusia. Traducción de Juan Gabriel Caro Rivera

“La perversión debe entrar al mundo, pero desgracia para aquellos a través de cuyos esfuerzos vendrá”. Evangile

Después de la Guerra del Golfo, casi todos los medios de comunicación en Rusia, así como en Occidente, inyectaron en el lenguaje común la fórmula “Nuevo Orden Mundial”, acuñada por George Bush, y luego utilizada por otros políticos, incluidos Gorbachov y Yeltsin. El Nuevo Orden Mundial, basado en el establecimiento de un Gobierno Mundial Único, como lo han admitido con franqueza los ideólogos de la Comisión Trilateral y Bildenburg, no es simplemente una cuestión de dominación político-económica de una cierta camarilla “oculta” de banqueros gobernantes internacionales. Este “Orden” se basa en la victoria a escala mundial de una determinada ideología especial, por lo que el concepto se refiere no solo a los instrumentos de poder, sino también a la “revolución ideológica”, una conciencia de “golpe de estado”, un “nuevo pensamiento”.  La vaguedad de las formulaciones, el secretismo y la cautela constantes, el misterio deliberado de los mundialistas no permiten, hasta el último momento, discernir claramente el contorno de esta nueva ideología, que decidieron imponer a los pueblos del mundo. Y solo después de Irak, como si siguiera las órdenes de alguien, se acabaron ciertas prohibiciones y aparecieron varias publicaciones, que comenzaron a llamar a las cosas por sus nombres propios. Entonces, intentemos, sobre la base del análisis realizado por un grupo de autores de la junta editorial de “Elementos”, definir, en los términos más generales, los conceptos básicos de la ideología del Nuevo Orden Mundial.

El Nuevo Orden Mundial representa en sí mismo un proyecto escatológico y mesiánico, muy superior en alcance a otras formas históricas de utopías planetarias, como el primer movimiento protestante en Europa, el califato árabe o los planes comunistas para una revolución mundial. Quizás, estos proyectos utópicos sirvieron como preludios a la forma final del mundialismo, ensayos que probaron mecanismos de integración, efectividad de las estructuras de mando, prioridades ideológicas, métodos tácticos, etc. Tomando esto por un lado, el mundialismo contemporáneo, absorbiendo la experiencia del protestantismo, de las herejías escatológicas, las revoluciones comunistas y los cataclismos geopolíticos de siglos pasados han agudizado sus formulaciones finales, determinando finalmente lo que era pragmático e incidental en formas anteriores, y lo que realmente compuso la tendencia básica de la historia en el camino hacia el Nuevo Orden Mundial. Después de una secuencia completa de vacilaciones, ambigüedades, pasos pragmáticos y retiradas tácticas, el mundialismo contemporáneo finalmente ha formulado sus principios fundamentales con respecto a la situación presente. Estos principios se pueden asignar a cuatro niveles:

1.      Económico: la ideología del Nuevo Orden Mundial presupone un establecimiento completo y obligatorio del sistema de mercado capitalista liberal en todo el planeta, sin tener en cuenta las regiones culturales y étnicas. Todos los sistemas socioeconómicos que llevan elementos de “socialismo”, “justicia social o nacional”, “protección social” deben ser completamente destruidos y convertidos en sociedades de “mercado absolutamente libre”. Todos los coqueteos pasados ​​del mundialismo con modelos “socialistas” se están deteniendo por completo, y el liberalismo del mercado se está convirtiendo en la única forma dominante económica del planeta, gobernado por el Gobierno Mundial.

2.      Geopolítico: la ideología del Nuevo Orden Mundial da preferencia incondicional a los países que comprenden el Occidente geográfico e histórico en contraste con los países del Este. Incluso en el caso de una ubicación relativamente occidental de un país u otro, siempre será favorecida en comparación con su vecino del este. El esquema implementado previamente de alianza geopolítica de Occidente con el Este contra el Centro (por ejemplo, el Occidente capitalista junto con la Rusia comunista contra la Alemania nacionalsocialista) ya no es utilizado por el mundialismo contemporáneo. La prioridad geopolítica de la orientación occidental se está volviendo absoluta.

3.      Étnico: la ideología del Nuevo Orden Mundial insiste en la máxima mezcla racial, nacional, étnica y cultural de los pueblos, dando preferencia al cosmopolitismo de las grandes ciudades. Los movimientos nacionales y mininacionales, utilizados anteriormente por los mundialistas en su lucha contra el “gran nacionalismo” de tipo imperial, serán reprimidos decisivamente, ya que no habrá lugar para ellos en esta Orden. En todos los niveles, la política nacional del Gobierno Mundial se orientará hacia la mezcla, el cosmopolitismo, el crisol, etc.

4.      Religiosos: la ideología del Nuevo Orden Mundial está preparando la llegada al mundo de una cierta figura mística, cuya aparición se supone que cambiará drásticamente la escena religioso-ideológica en el planeta. Los ideólogos del mundialismo están convencidos de que lo que se quiere decir con esto es la llegada al mundo de Moshiah, el Mesías que revelará las leyes de una nueva religión a la humanidad y realizará muchos milagros. La era del uso pragmático de las doctrinas ateas, racionalistas y materialistas por los mundialistas ha terminado. Ahora, proclaman la llegada de una época de “nueva religiosidad”.


Esta es exactamente la imagen que emerge de un análisis de las últimas revelaciones realizadas por ideólogos de la Comisión Tripartita, el Club Bildenburg, el Consejo Americano de Relaciones Exteriores y otros autores, atendiendo intelectualmente al mundialismo internacional en niveles muy diferentes, comenzando con el “neoespiritualismo” y terminando con diseños económicos y estructurales concretos de tecnócratas pragmáticos. El estudio cuidadoso de estos cuatro niveles de la ideología del Gobierno Mundial es una preocupación de muchos proyectos y trabajos de investigación serios, una parte de los cuales, esperamos, aparecerá en las páginas de los siguientes volúmenes de “Elementos”. Pero nos gustaría centrarnos en varios aspectos en este momento. En primer lugar, es importante tener en cuenta que esta ideología no puede calificarse como “derecha” o “izquierda”. Más que eso, dentro de él existe una superposición esencial y consciente de dos capas, relacionadas con las realidades políticas polares. El Nuevo Orden Mundial es radical y rígidamente “derechista” en el plano económico, ya que asume la primacía absoluta de la propiedad privada, los mercados completamente libres y el triunfo de los apetitos individualistas en la esfera económica. Simultáneamente, el Nuevo Orden Mundial es radical y rígidamente “izquierdista” en el frente político-cultural, ya que la ideología del cosmopolitismo, la mezcla y el liberalismo ético pertenecen tradicionalmente a la categoría de prioridades políticas “izquierdistas”. Esta combinación de la “derecha” económica con la “izquierda” ideológica sirve como eje conceptual de la estrategia mundialista contemporánea, la base para el diseño de la próxima civilización. Esta ambigüedad se manifiesta incluso en el mismo término “liberalismo”, que, en el nivel económico, significa “mercados absolutamente libres”, pero en el nivel ideológico designa una “ideología moderada de permisividad”. Hoy, podemos afirmar justificadamente que el Gobierno Mundial basará su dictadura no en algún modelo típico de “tiranía totalitaria”, sino en principios del “liberalismo”. Reveladoramente, es en este mismo caso que la terrible parodia escatológica llamada Nuevo Orden Mundial será perfeccionada y completada.

En segundo lugar, Occidente, al frente de las teorías geopolíticas del Nuevo Orden Mundial como el hemisferio donde se pone el Sol, el Sol de la Historia, asume el papel de un modelo estratégico y cultural. En el curso de la última etapa de realización de proyectos mundialistas, el simbolismo natural debe coincidir completamente con el simbolismo geopolítico, y la complejidad de la construcción, las maniobras y las alianzas políticas del bloque geopolítico anteriores, que los mundialistas usaron antes para alcanzar sus objetivos, ahora dan paso a Una lógica geopolítica clara como el cristal, que incluso un simplón es capaz de comprender. En tercer lugar, desde el punto de vista de tendencias religiosas tan diversas como el cristianismo ortodoxo y el islam, Moshiah, cuya llegada se supone que facilitarán las instituciones mundialistas en construcción, está claramente y sin ninguna duda asociada con la figura siniestra del Anticristo. Como se deduce de la lógica misma del drama apocalíptico, en el curso de la última lucha, el enfrentamiento ocurrirá no entre lo Sagrado y lo profano, ni entre Religión y ateísmo, sino entre Religión y pseudo-religión. Es por eso que Moshiah del Gobierno Mundial no es simplemente un “proyecto cultural”, un nuevo “mito social” o una “utopía grotesca”, sino que es algo mucho más serio, real, terrible. Es completamente obvio que los opositores al mundialismo y los enemigos del Nuevo Orden Mundial (los miembros del personal de “Elementos” se consideran entre ellos) deben asumir una posición radicalmente negativa con respecto a esta ideología. Esto significa que es necesario contrarrestar al Gobierno Mundial y sus planes con una ideología alternativa, formulada al negar la doctrina del Nuevo Orden Mundial.

La ideología radicalmente opuesta al mundialismo también se puede describir en cuatro niveles.

1.      Económico: prioridad de la justicia social, la protección social y el factor nacional “comunitario” en el sistema de producción y distribución.

2.      Geopolítico: una clara orientación hacia el Este y solidaridad con los sectores geopolíticos más orientales al considerar los conflictos territoriales, etc.

3.      Étnico: lealtad a las tradiciones y rasgos nacionales, étnicos y raciales de los pueblos y estados, con una preferencia especial por el “gran nacionalismo” de tipo imperial en contraste con los mini-nacionalismos con tendencias separatistas.

4.      Religioso: devoción a las formas religiosas originales y tradicionales: lo más importante, el cristianismo ortodoxo y el Islam, que identifican claramente la “nueva religiosidad”, el Nuevo Orden Mundial y Moshiah con el jugador más siniestro del drama escatológico, el Anticristo (Dadjal en árabe).

George Soros Art.jpg

El frente de guerra ideológica antimundialista también debe combinar en sí mismo elementos de ideologías “izquierdistas” y “derechistas”, pero debemos ser “derechistas” en términos políticos (en otras palabras, “nacionalistas”, “tradicionalistas”, etc.) y ” izquierdista “en la esfera económica (en otras palabras, partidarios de la justicia social,” socialismo “, etc.) De hecho, esta combinación no es solo un programa político convencional y arbitrario, sino una condición necesaria en esta etapa de la lucha. La prioridad geopolítica de Oriente nos obliga a renunciar por completo a los diferentes prejuicios “anti-asiáticos”, a veces sostenidos por la derecha rusa bajo la influencia de un mal y completamente inoportuno ejemplo de la derecha europea. El “anti-asiaticismo” solo juega en manos del Nuevo Orden Mundial. Y, finalmente, la lealtad a la Iglesia, las enseñanzas de los Santos Padres, el cristianismo ortodoxo es un elemento necesario y el más importante de la lucha antimundialista, ya que la sustancia y el significado de esta lucha es elegir al Dios verdadero, el “lado correcto”, la “parte bendecida”. Y nadie podrá salvarnos del falso encanto, el pecado, la tentación, la muerte, en este terrible viaje, excepto el Hijo de Dios. Debemos convertirnos en su anfitrión, su ejército, sus siervos y sus misioneros. El Gobierno Mundial es la última rebelión del mundo inferior contra lo Divino. Corto será el instante de su triunfo. Eterno será la alegría de aquellos que se unirán a las filas de los “últimos luchadores por la Verdad y la Libertad en Dios”.

El verdadero juez “vendrá inesperadamente”.

samedi, 26 novembre 2016

George Soros: Dystopia’s Minister of Truth


George Soros: Dystopia’s Minister of Truth

George Soros has become the master manipulator of US and Western politics manipulating media and political activity to further his own neoliberal and globalist agenda. In the process he is taking real meaning out of left wing politics, which are simply becoming an instrument Soros uses to advance his agenda, his hijacking of the Occupy Movement and his orchestration of the anti-Trump protests being cases in point.

Submitted by the author, first published by News Junkie Post

Eighty-six-year old Hungarian-American, George Soros, is a very rich man. He currently ranks number 46 in the very exclusive club of richest persons in the world.

In 1947, as Hungary tilted to the Soviet Union block, he went to the United Kingdom to study economics. This early life experience made him not only an anti-communist, but also a staunch anti-Russian who was always plotting his revenge against the Soviets.


Soros knew that, to have any say in the capitalist order, one had to become filthy rich. At some point in his life, however, Mr. Soros decided that money only mattered if he could leverage it in influencing policies on a global scale. His role models for this aspect of his life were probably the two consigliere extraordinaire of the United States empire, slightly older than him, who are Henry Kissinger and Zbigniew Brzezinski.

The three men shared common views on the threat of the so-called communist domino effect and later, once the Soviet Union had collapsed, became fervent champions of a global empire with its nervous system in Washington. In their sociopath vision of the world, a minute elite of wise men should have the planet as their oyster while, we, the worker bees slave away at their mercy.

The Marxist ideology that inspired the Russian, Chinese and Cuban revolutions should be silenced forever, and even the dangerous successes of the French and Haitian revolutions, based on the philosophers of the Enlightenment, should never be considered by any national entity as an option.

Mr. Soros was a prime financier of Hillary Clinton’s campaign through one of his henchmen John Podesta.

Soros lost, and providing that the American people and the world citizenry learn a valuable lesson, his Messianic objective of world domination, after a successful goal of regime change in Russia, has failed with the mandate of President-Elect Donald Trump.

As an example, in February 2016, this is what Soros published in the fake left media outlet that he sponsors: The Guardian. The essay had a quite provocative title, and it was mainly addressed to Europe’s leadership and the public opinion. In “Putin Is a Bigger Threat to Europe’s Existence than ISIS,” Soros wrote:

“The Putin regime faces bankruptcy in 2017 when a large part of its foreign debt matures, and political turmoil may erupt sooner than that. The President’s popularity, which remains high, rests on a social contract requiring the government to deliver stability and a slowly, but steadily rising standard of living. Western sanctions coupled with the sharp decline in the price of oil will force the regime to fail on both counts.”

All geopolitical analysts make projections; some turn out to be accurate, others not. But Soros is not a geopolitical analyst. This, in very few sentences, was his battle plan for regime change in Russia.

In 1992 Soros crashed the Bank of England

Let’s look at the specifics of the timeline in the trajectory of the unquestionable puppet master of humanitarian imperialism.

It was in 1979 that Soros decided to diversify his already giant financial portfolio to invest into media organisations and NGOs big or small. His opaque so-called Open Society Foundation now funnels money to more than 100 organisations and various think-tanks.

But one must understand first what sorts of ruthless strategies Soros has used to, not only, acquire his fortune but also literally subdue a nation that used to be the most powerful empire in history.

This takes us to the UK on Black Wednesday, September 16, 1992, when George Soros decided to show the world how powerful he was. That day, Soros did a short on the British Pound by dumping £10 billion worth of the currency on the UK stock market.

Soros crashed the mighty Bank of England and showed everybody that he was more powerful than a major economy’s central bank. This action made Soros £1.8 billion. It was immoral to ruin the lives of countless hard working British citizens  but, however, perfectly legal.


The hijack and killing of Occupy

Occupy was a real movement, at its inception in the fall of 2011. Some of us had even hoped that it would be the dawn of a global revolution.

This did not take into account George Soros’  minions of MoveOn, Change.org,  Answer Coalition and  the pseudo intelligentsia of the American fake left. They infiltrated then hijacked the movement. The stakes were too high, especially with Wall-Street friendly Barack Obama due for reelection in 2012.

The final battle of Occupy was fought and lost on December 4, 2011 in Washington DC. My colleague Liam Fox and I were there. We watched it go to waste.  Until then, anarchist flags had flown above the tents. The Occupy movement included Anarchists, as well as Greens, neo-Marxists, and Libertarians, and it represented a real threat for the status quo.  Soros and his surrogates of the so-called ‘progressive alternative media’ made sure Occupy became neutered, toothless and finally dead. It would eventually become a convenient voting block to reelect Barack Obama.

Soros, the purple revolution, and the caviar eating fake left

Mr. Soros is quite fashion conscious for an older gentleman, even though this term doesn’t quite apply to the Ministry of Truth’s ultimate evil do-gooder. He seems to fancy secondary colours when it comes to symbolising the fake ‘revolutions’ with regime change goals that he indirectly orchestrates. 

It is clear that he had his hands in Iran’s green revolution in 2009, as well as Ukraine’s  orange revolution.

Now he wants to bring a purple revolution to the United States, to challenge the mandate of President-Elect Trump. This colour revolution, like the others, will ultimately fail, providing that police in cities or Trump’s supporters do not fall for the provocation and either crack down or counter-protest.

The mainstream media that Soros and his protege Hillary Clinton controlled have been exposed by Wikileaks as the diligent presstitutes of the Ministry of Truth. CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, the Washington Post, NPR News and many others, have been unmasked as biased propaganda outlets. 

The same goes for the founder of the Huffington Post, Ariana Huffington.

NPR News cannot be considered to be an impartial media organization while it receives massive funding from both George Soros and the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation.

Darling of the fake left Rachel Maddow, before getting her big-paycheck gig at MSNBC, started her career at the Soros-funded Air America radio.

Among the pseudo-left alternative media, it is not much better.

Noam Chomsky, who has been called “the Socrates of our times” by his colleague, Chris Hedges, might have drunk his hemlock by endorsing Hillary Clinton.

The same Chris Hedges, along with Cornell West, Amy Goodman and Naomi Klein were shrewder when they endorsed Jill Stein. But they might want to step down from their ivory towers from time to time and ask themselves a simple question: if Stein was the candidate of the 99 percent, why did she only receive 1 percent of the vote?

Another character and instigator of the Soros-financed purple revolution is Michael Moore: the documentary filmmaker has posed as a blue-collar ordinary working man for more than a decade, even though he is a millionaire.

Moore is organising a one-million women march in Washington DC on the day of President-Elect Trump’s inauguration, as an ultimate stand against his alleged sexism. Who will lead Soros’s mighty purple female army along with Michael; will it be generals Lady Gaga and Madonna?

On a more serious note, Mr. Soros and his Wall Street friends should reflect on what would happen to the US stock market in case of increased tension with Russia and China, which is what Soros has championed.

Would China use what financier Warren Buffet called an economic weapon of mass destruction and dump its $3 trillion of Treasury-Bond holdings in one day? The net result for Wall Street would likely be as high as the return on the George Soros and the Saudi investments in Hillary Clinton’s bid for the White House: a zero sum game.

The election of Donald Trump is an anomaly, an accident in the course of history. As such it can be considered to be a paradigm shift, a reset on the dial of obsolete models and ideologies.

This article is dedicated to my old friend Liam Fox.

Gilbert Mercier is the Editor-in-Chief of News Junkie Post and the author of The Orwellian Empire.

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dimanche, 28 avril 2013

The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros


The Secret Financial Network Behind "Wizard" George Soros


by William Engdahl

Ex: http://balder.org/  

EIR Investigation Executive Intelligence Review (EIR), November 1, 1996

The dossier that follows is based upon a report released on Oct. 1 by EIR's bureau in Wiesbaden, Germany, titled "A Profile of Mega-Speculator George Soros." Research was contributed by Mark Burdman, Elisabeth Hellenbroich, Paolo Raimondi, and Scott Thompson.


  George Soros - Barack Hussein Obama - Cartoon
  Obama - George Soros (György Schwartz)

Time magazine has characterized financier George Soros as a "modern-day Robin Hood," who robs from the rich to give to the poor countries of eastern Europe and Russia. It claimed that Soros makes huge financial gains by speculating against western central banks, in order to use his profits to help the emerging post-communist economies of eastern Europe and former Soviet Union, to assist them to create what he calls an "Open Society."

The Time statement is entirely accurate in the first part, and entirely inaccurate in the second. He robs from rich western countries, and uses his profits to rob even more savagely from the East, under the cloak of "philanthropy."

His goal is to loot wherever and however he can. Soros has been called the master manipulator of "hit-and-run capitalism."

As we shall see, what Soros means by "open," is a society that allows him and his financial predator friends to loot the resources and precious assets of former Warsaw Pact economies. By bringing people like Jeffrey Sachs or Sweden's Anders Aslund and their economic shock therapy into these economies, Soros lays the groundwork for buying up the assets of whole regions of the world at dirt-cheap prices.

The man who broke the Bank of England?

An examination of Soros's secretive financial network is vital to understand the true dimension of the "Soros problem" in eastern Europe and other nations.

Following the crisis of the European Exchange Rate Mechanism of September 1992, when the Bank of England was forced to abandon efforts to stabilize the pound sterling, a little-known financial figure emerged from the shadows, to boast that he had personally made over $1 billion in speculation against the British pound. The speculator was the Hungarian-born George Soros, who spent the war in Hungary under false papers working for the Nazi government, identifying and expropriating the property of wealthy fellow Jews. Soros left Hungary after the war, and established American citizenship after some years in London. Today, Soros is based in New York, but that tells little, if anything, of who and what he is.

Following his impressive claims to possession of a "Midas touch," Soros has let his name be publicly used in a blatant attempt to influence world financial markets---an out-of-character act for most financial investors, who prefer to take advantage of situations not yet discovered by rivals, and keep them secret. Soros the financier is as much a political animal, as a financial speculator.

Soros proclaimed in March 1993, with great publicity, that the price of gold was about to rise sharply; he said that he had just gotten "inside information" that China was about to buy huge sums of gold for its booming economy. Soros was able to trigger a rush into buying gold, which caused prices to rise more than 20% over four months, to the highest level since 1991. Typically for Soros, once the fools rushed in to push prices higher, Soros and his friend Sir James Goldsmith secretly began selling their gold at a huge profit.

Then, in early June 1993, Soros proclaimed his intent to force a sell-off in German government bonds in favor of the French, in an open letter to London Times Financial Editor Anatole Kaletsky, in which Soros proclaimed, "Down with the D-Mark!" Soros has at various times attacked the currencies of Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Mexico, coming into newly opened financial markets which have little experience with foreign investors, let alone ones with large funds like Soros. Soros begins buying stocks or bonds in the local market, leading others to naively suppose that he knows something they do not. As with gold, when the smaller investors begin to follow Soros, driving prices of stocks or whatever higher, Soros begins to sell to the eager new buyers, cashing in his 40% or 100% profits, then exiting the market, and often, the entire country, to seek another target for his speculation. This technique gave rise to the term "hit and run." What Soros always leaves behind, is a collapsed local market and financial ruin of national investors.

The secret of the Quantum Fund NV

Soros is the visible side of a vast and nasty secret network of private financial interests, controlled by the leading aristocratic and royal families of Europe, centered in the British House of Windsor. This network, called by its members the Club of Isles, was built upon the wreckage of the British Empire after World War II.

Rather than use the powers of the state to achieve their geopolitical goals, a secret cross-linked holding of private financial interests, tied to the old aristocratic oligarchy of western Europe, was developed. It was in many ways modeled on the 17th-century British and Dutch East India Companies. The heart of this Club of the Isles is the financial center of the old British Empire, the City of London. Soros is one of what in medieval days were called Hofjuden, the "Court Jews," who were deployed by the aristocratic families.

The most important of such "Jews who are not Jews," are the Rothschilds, who launched Soros's career. They are members of the Club of the Isles and retainers of the British royal family. This has been true since Amschel Rothschild sold the British Hessian troops to fight against George Washington during the American Revolution.

Soros is American only in his passport. He is a global financial operator, who happens to be in New York, simply because "that's where the money is," as the bank robber Willy Sutton once quipped, when asked why he always robbed banks. Soros speculates in world financial markets through his offshore company, Quantum Fund NV, a private investment fund, or "hedge fund." His hedge fund reportedly manages some $11-14 billion of funds on behalf of its clients, or investors---one of the most prominent of whom is, according to Soros, Britain's Queen Elizabeth, the wealthiest person in Europe.

The Quantum Fund is registered in the tax haven of the Netherlands Antilles, in the Caribbean. This is to avoid paying taxes, as well as to hide the true nature of his investors and what he does with their money.

Legal headquarters moved to tax heaven Curacao





In order to avoid U.S. government supervision of his financial activities, something normal U.S.-based investment funds must by law agree to in order to operate, Soros moved his legal headquarters to the Caribbean tax haven of Curacao. The Netherlands Antilles has repeatedly been cited by the Task Force on Money Laundering of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) as one of the world's most important centers for laundering illegal proceeds of the Latin American cocaine and other drug traffic. It is a possession of the Netherlands.

Soros has taken care that the none of the 99 individual investors who participate in his various funds is an American national. By U.S. securities law, a hedge fund is limited to no more than 99 highly wealthy individuals, so-called "sophisticated investors." By structuring his investment company as an offshore hedge fund, Soros avoids public scrutiny.

Soros himself is not even on the board of Quantum Fund. Instead, for legal reasons, he serves the Quantum Fund as official "investment adviser," through another company, Soros Fund Management, of New York City. If any demand were to be made of Soros to reveal the details of Quantum Fund's operations, he is able to claim he is "merely its investment adviser." Any competent police investigator looking at the complex legal structure of Soros's businesses would conclude that there is prima facie evidence of either vast money laundering of illicit funds, or massive illegal tax evasion. Both may be true.

To make it impossible for U.S. tax authorities or other officials to look into the financial dealings of his web of businesses, the board of directors of Quantum Fund NV also includes no American citizens. His directors are Swiss, Italian, and British financiers.

George Soros is part of a tightly knit financial mafia---"mafia," in the sense of a closed masonic-like fraternity of families pursuing common aims. Anyone who dares to criticize Soros or any of his associates, is immediately hit with the charge of being "anti-Semitic"----a criticism which often silences or intimidates genuine critics of Soros's unscrupulous operations. The Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith considers it a top priority to "protect" Soros from the charges of "anti-Semites" in Hungary and elsewhere in Central Europe, according to ADL National Director Abraham Foxman. The ADL's record of service to the British oligarchy has been amply documented by EIR (e.g. The Ugly Truth About the Anti-Defamation League [Washington, D.C., Executive Intelligence Review: 1992]).

According to knowledgeable U.S. and European investigators, Soros's circle includes indicted metals and commodity speculator and fugitive Marc Rich of Zug, Switzerland and Tel Aviv; secretive Israeli arms and commodity dealer Shaul Eisenberg, and "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, both linked to the financial side of the Israeli Mossad; and, the family of Jacob Lord Rothschild.

Understandably, Soros and the Rothschild interests prefer to keep their connection hidden far from public view, so as to obscure the well-connected friends Soros enjoys in the City of London, the British Foreign Office, Israel, and the U.S. financial establishment. The myth, therefore, has been created, that Soros is a lone financial investment "genius" who, through his sheer personal brilliance in detecting shifts in markets, has become one of the world's most successful speculators. According to those who have done business with him, Soros never makes a major investment move without sensitive insider information.

On the board of directors of Soros's Quantum Fund N.V. is Richard Katz, a Rothschild man who is also on the board of the London N.M. Rothschild and Sons merchant bank, and the head of Rothschild Italia S.p.A. of Milan. Another Rothschild family link to Soros's Quantum Fund is Quantum board member Nils O. Taube, the partner of the London investment group St. James Place Capital, whose major partner is Lord Rothschild. London Times columnist Lord William Rees-Mogg is also on the board of Rothschild's St. James Place Capital.

A frequent business partner of Soros in various speculative deals, including in the 1993 gold manipulation, although not on the Quantum Fund directly, is the Anglo-French speculator Sir James Goldsmith, a cousin of the Rothschild family.

>From the very first days when Soros created his own investment fund in 1969, he owed his success to his relation to the Rothschild family banking network. Soros worked in New York in the 1960s for a small private bank close to the Rothschilds, Arnhold & S. Bleichroeder, Inc., a banking family which represented Rothschild interests in Germany during Bismarck's time. To this day, A. & S. Bleichroeder, Inc. remains the Principal Custodian, along with Citibank, of funds of Soros's Quantum Fund. George C. Karlweiss, of Edmond de Rothschild's Switzerland-based Banque Privee SA in Lugano, as well as of the scandal-tainted Rothschild Bank AG of Zurich, gave Soros financial backing. Karlweiss provided some of the vital initial capital and investors for Soros's Quantum Fund.

Union Banque Privee and the 'Swiss connection'

Another member of the board of Soros's Quantum Fund is the head of one of the most controversial Swiss private banks, Edgar de Picciotto, who has been called "one of the cleverest bankers in Geneva"---and is one of the most scandal-tainted. De Picciotto, from an old Portuguese Jewish trading family, who was born in Lebanon, is head of the Geneva private bank CBI-TDB Union Bancaire Privee, a major player in the gold and offshore hedge funds business. Hedge funds have been identified by international police agencies as the fastest-growing outlet for illegal money laundering today.

De Picciotto is a longtime friend and business associate of banker Edmond Safra, also born in Lebanon, whose family came from Aleppo, Syria, and who now controls the Republic Bank of New York. Republic Bank has been identified in U.S. investigations into Russian organized crime, as the bank involved in transferring billions of U.S. Federal Reserve notes from New York to organized crime-controlled Moscow banks, on behalf of Russian organized crime figures. Safra is under investigation by U.S. and Swiss authorities for laundering Turkish and Columbian drug money. In 1990, Safra's Trade Development Bank (TDB) of Geneva was merged with de Picciotto's CBI to create the CBI-TDB Union Banque Privee. The details of the merger are shrouded in secrecy to this day. As part of the deal, de Picciotto became a board member of American Express Bank (Switzerland) SA of Geneva, and two American Express Bank of New York executives sit on the board of de Picciotto's Union Banque Privee. Safra had sold his Trade Development Bank to American Express, Inc. in the 1980s. Henry Kissinger sits on the board of American Express, Inc., which has repeatedly been implicated in international money-laundering scandals.

De Picciotto's start as a Geneva banker came from Nicholas Baring of the London Barings Bank, who tapped de Picciotto to run the bank's secret Swiss bank business. Barings has for centuries been private banker to the British royal family, and since the bank's collapse in March 1995, has been overhauled by the Dutch ING Bank, which is reported to be a major money-laundering institution.

De Picciotto is also a longtime business partner of Venetian businessman Carlo De Benedetti, who recently was forced to resign as head of Olivetti Corp. Both persons sit on the board of the Societe Financiere de Geneve investment holding company in Geneva. De Benedetti is under investigation in Italy for suspicion of triggering the collapse of Italy's Banco Ambrosiano in the early 1980s.The head of that bank, Roberto Calvi, was later found hanging from the London Blackfriar's Bridge, in what police believe was a masonic ritual murder.

De Picciotto and his Union Banque Privee have been implicated in numerous drug and illegal money-laundering operations. In November 1994, U.S. federal agents arrested a senior official of de Picciotto's Geneva bank, Jean-Jacques Handali, along with two other UBP officials, on charges of leading a multimillion-dollar drug-money-laundering ring. According to the U.S. Attorney's Office in Miami, Handali and Union Banque Privee were the "Swiss connection" in an international drug-money-laundering ring tied to Colombian and Turkish cocaine and heroin organizations. A close business and political associate of de Picciotto is a mysterious arm dealer, Helmut Raiser, who is linked in business dealings with reputed Russian organized crime kingpin Grigori Luchansky, who controls the Russian and Swiss holding company Nordex Group.

Another director of Soros's Quantum Fund is Isodoro Albertini, owner of the Milan stock brokerage firm Albertini and Co. Beat Notz of the Geneva Banque Worms is another private banker on the board of Soros's Quantum Fund, as is Alberto Foglia, who is chief of the Lugano, Switzerland Banca del Ceresio. Lugano, just across the Swiss border from Milan, is notorious as the financial secret bank haven for Italian organized crime families, including the heroin mafia behind the 1980s "Pizza Connection" case. The Banca del Ceresio has been one of the secret Swiss banks identified in the recent Italian political corruption scandals as the repository of bribe funds of several Italian politicians now in prison.

The sponsorship of the Rothschilds

Soros's relation to the Rothschild finance circle represents no ordinary or casual banking connection. It goes a long way to explain the extraordinary success of a mere private speculator, and Soros's uncanny ability to "gamble right" so many times in such high-risk markets. Soros has access to the "insider track" in some of the most important government and private channels in the world.

Since World War II, the Rothschild family, at the heart of the financial apparatus of the Club of the Isles, has gone to great lengths to create a public myth about its own insignificance. The family has spent significant sums cultivating a public image as a family of wealthy, but quiet, "gentlemen," some of whom prefer to cultivate fine French wines, some of whom are devoted to charity.

Since British Foreign Secretary Arthur Balfour wrote his famous November 1917 letter to Lord Rothschild, expressing official British government backing for establishment of a Palestinian national home for the Jewish people, the Rothschilds were intimately involved in the creation of Israel. But behind their public facade of a family donating money for projects such as planting trees in the deserts of Israel, N.M. Rothschild of London is at the center of various intelligence operations, and more than once has been linked to the more unsavory elements of international organized crime. The family prefers to keep such links at arm's length, and away from its London headquarters, via its lesser-known outposts such as their Zurich Rothschild Bank AG and Rothschild Italia of Milan, the bank of Soros partner Richard Katz.

N.M. Rothschild is considered by City of London sources to be one of the most influential parts of the British intelligence establishment, tied to the Thatcher "free market" wing of the Tory Party. Rothschild and Sons made huge sums managing for Thatcher the privatization of billions of dollars of British state industry holdings during the 1980s, and today, for John Major's government. Rothschilds is also at the very heart of the world gold trade, being the bank at which twice daily the London Gold Fix is struck by a group of the five most influential gold trade banks. Gold constitutes a major part of the economy of drug dealings globally.

N.M. Rothschild and Sons is also implicated in some of the filthiest drugs-for-weapons secret intelligence operations. Because it is connected to the highest levels of the British intelligence establishment, Rothschilds managed to evade any prominent mention of its complicity in one of the more sordid black covert intelligence networks, that of the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). Rothschilds was at the center of the international web of money-laundering banks used during the 1970s and 1980s by Britain's MI-6 and the networks of Col. Oliver North and George Bush, to finance such projects as the Nicaraguan Contras.

On June 8, 1993 the chairman of the U.S. House of Representatives' Committee on Banking, Rep. Henry Gonzalez (D-Tex.), made a speech charging that the U.S. government, under the previous Bush and Reagan administrations, had systematically refused to prosecute the BCCI, and that the Department of Justice had repeatedly refused to cooperate with Congressional investigations of both the BCCI scandal and what Gonzalez claims is the closely related scandal of the Atlanta, Georgia Banca Nationale del Lavoro, which was alleged to have secured billions in loans from the Bush administration to Saddam Hussein, just prior to the Gulf War of 1990-91.

Gonzalez charged that the Bush administration had "a Justice Department that I say, and I repeat, has been the most corrupt, most unbelievably corrupt justice system that I have seen in the 32 years I have been in the Congress."

The BCCI violated countless laws, including laundering drug money, financing illegal arms traffic, and falsifying bank records. In July 1991, New York District Attorney Robert Morgenthau announced a grand jury indictment against BCCI, charging it with having committed "the largest bank fraud in world financial history. BCCI operated as a corrupt criminal organization throughout its entire 19-year history."

The BCCI had links directly into the Bush White House. Saudi Sheik Kamal Adham, a BCCI director and former head of Saudi Arabian intelligence when George Bush was head of the CIA, was one of the BCCI shareholders indicted in the United States. Days after his indictment, former top Bush White House aide Edward Rogers went to Saudi Arabia as a private citizen to sign a contract to represent Sheikh Adham in the United States.

But, what has never been identified in a single major Western press investigation, was that the Rothschild group was at the heart of the vast illegal web of BCCI. The key figure was Dr. Alfred Hartmann, the managing director of the BCCI Swiss subsidiary, Banque de Commerce et de Placement SA; at the same time, he ran the Zurich Rothschild Bank AG, and sat in London as a member of the board of N.M. Rothschild and Sons, Hartmann was also a business partner of Helmut Raiser, friend of de Picciotto, and linked to Nordex.

Hartmann was also chairman of the Swiss affiliate of the Italian BNL bank, which was implicated in the Bush administration illegal transfers to Iraq prior to the 1990 Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. The Atlanta branch of BNL, with the knowledge of George Bush when he was vice president, conduited funds to Helmut Raiser's Zug, Switzerland company, Consen, for development of the CondorII missile program by Iraq, Egypt, and Argentina, during the Iran-Iraq War. Hartmann was vice-chairman of another secretive private Geneva bank, the Bank of NY-Inter-Maritime Bank, a bank whose chairman, Bruce Rappaport, was one of the illegal financial conduits for Col. Oliver North's Contra drugs-for-weapons network during the late 1980. North also used the BCCI as one of his preferred banks to hide his illegal funds.

Rich, Reichmann, and Soros's Israeli links

According to reports of former U.S. State Department intelligence officers familiar with the Soros case, Soros's Quantum Fund amassed a war chest of well over $10 billion, with the help of a powerful group of "silent" investors who let Soros deploy the capital to demolish European monetary stability in September 1992.

Among Soros's silent investors, these sources say, are the fugitive metals and oil trader Marc Rich, based in Zug, Switzerland; and Shaul Eisenberg, a decades-long member of Israeli Mossad intelligence, who functions as a major arms merchant throughout Asia and the Near East. Eisenberg was recently banned from doing business in Uzbekistan, where he had been accused by the government of massive fraud and corruption. A third Soros partner is Israel's "Dirty Rafi" Eytan, who served in London previously as Mossad liaison to British intelligence.

Rich was one of the most active western traders in oil, aluminum, and other commodities in the Soviet Union and Russia between 1989 and 1993. This, not coincidentally, is just the period when Grigori Luchansky's Nordex Group became a multibillion-dollar company selling Russian oil, aluminum, and other commodities.

Canadian real estate entrepreneur Paul Reichmann, formerly of Olympia and York notoriety, a Hungarian-born Jew like Soros, is a business partner in Soros's Quantum Realty, a $525-million real estate investment fund.

The Reichmann tie links Soros as well with Henry Kissinger and former Tory Foreign Minister Lord Carrington (who is also a member of Kissinger Associates, Inc. of New York). Reichmann sits with both Kissinger and Carrington on the board of the influential British-Canadian publishing group, Hollinger, Inc. Hollinger owns a large number of newspapers in Canada and the United States, the London Daily Telegraph, and the largest English-language daily in Israel, the Jerusalem Post. Hollinger has been attacking President Clinton and the Middle East peace process ever since Clinton's election in November 1992.

Soros and geopolitics

Soros is little more than one of several significant vehicles for economic and financial warfare by the Club of the Isles faction. Because his affiliations to these interests have not previously been spotlighted, he serves extremely useful functions for the oligarchy, as in 1992 and 1993, when he launched his attack on the European Rate Mechanism.

Although Soros's speculation played a role in finally taking the British pound out of the ERM currency group entirely, it would be a mistake to view that action as "anti-British." Soros went for the first time to London, where he studied under Karl Popper and Friedrich von Hayek at the London School of Economics.

Soros's business ties to Sir James Goldsmith and Lord Rothschild place him in the inner circles of the Thatcher wing of the British establishment. By helping the "anti-Europe" Thatcherites pull Britain out of the ERM in September 1992 (and making more than $1 billion in the process at British taxpayer expense), Soros helped the long-term goal of the Thatcherites in weakening continental Europe's economic stability. Since 1904 , it has been British geopolitical strategy to prevent by all means any successful economic linkage between western continental European economies, especially that of Germany, with Russia and the countries of eastern Europe.

Soros's personal outlook is consonant with that of the Thatcher wing of the Tory Party, those who three years ago launched the "Germany, the Fourth Reich" hate campaign against unified Germany, comparing Chancellor Helmut Kohl with Adolf Hitler. Soros is personally extremely anti-German. In his 191 autobiography, Underwriting Democracy, Soros warned that a reunited Germany would "upset the balance of Europe .... It is easy to see how the interwar scenario could be replayed. A united Germany becomes the strongest economic power and develops Eastern Europe as its Lebensraum ... a potent witches' brew." Soros's recent public attacks on the German economy and the deutsche mark are fundamentally motivated by this geopolitical view.

Soros is quite close to the circles of George Bush in the U.S. intelligence community and finance. His principal bank custodian, and reputed major lender in the 1992 assault on Europe's ERM, is Citicorp NA, the nation's largest bank. Citicorp is more than a lending institution; it is a core part of the American liberal establishment. In 1989, as it became clear that German unification was a real possibility, a senior official at Citicorp, a former adviser to Michael Dukakis's Presidential campaign, told a European business associate that "German unity will be a disaster for our interests; we must take measures to ensure a sharp D-Mark collapse on the order of 30%, so that she will not have the capability to reconstruct East Germany into the economic engine of a new Europe."

While Soros was calling on world investors to pull down the deutsche mark in 1993, he had been making a strong play in the French media, since late 1992, to portray himself as a "friend of French interests." Soros is reported to be close to senior figures of the French establishment, the Treasury, and in particular, Bank of France head Jean-Claude Trichet. In effect, Soros is echoing the old Entente Cordiale alliance against Germany, which helped precipitate World War 1.

Soros admits that he survived in Nazi Hungary during the war, as a Jew, by adopting what he calls a double personality. "I have lived with a double personality practically all my life," Soros recently stated. "It started at age fourteen in Hungary, when I assumed a false identity in order to escape persecution as a Jew." Soros admitted in a radio interview that his father gave him Nazi credentials in Hungary during the war, and he looted wealthy Jewish estates. Further research showed that this operation was probably run by the SS.

Soros did not leave the country until two years after the war. Though he and his friends in the media are quick to attack any policy opponent of Soros, especially in eastern Europe, as being "anti-Semitic," Soros's Jewish identity apparently has only utilitarian value for him, rather than providing moral foundations. In short, the young Soros was a cynical, ambitious person, the ideal recruit for the British postwar intelligence network.

Soros savages Eastern Europe

Soros has established no fewer than 19 "charitable" foundations across eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union. He has sponsored "peace" concerts in former Yugoslavia with such performers as Joan Baez. He is helping send young east Europeans to Oxford University. A model citizen, is the image he broadcasts.

The reality is something else. Soros has been personally responsible for introducing shock therapy into the emerging economies of eastern Europe since 1989. He has deliberately fostered on fragile new governments in the east the most draconian economic madness, policies which have allowed Soros and his financial predator friends, such as Marc Rich and Shaul Eisenberg, to loot the resources of large parts of eastern Europe at dirt-cheap prices. Here are illustrative case histories of Soros's eastern "charity":

Poland: In late 1989, Soros organized a secret meeting between the "reform" communist government of Prime Minister Mieczyslaw Rakowski and the leaders of the then-illegal Solidarnosc trade union organization. According to well-informed Polish sources, at that 1989 meeting, Soros unveiled his "plan" for Poland: The communists must let Solidarnosc take over the government, so as to gain the confidence of the population. Then, said Soros, the state must act to bankrupt its own industrial and agricultural enterprises, using astronomical interest rates, withholding state credits, and burdening firms with unpayable debt. Once thie were done, Soros promised that he would encourage his wealthy international business friends to come into Poland, as prospective buyers of the privatized state enterprises. A recent example of this privatization plan is the case of the large steel facility Huta Warsawa. According to steel experts, this modern complex would cost $3-4 billion for a western company to build new. Several months ago, the Polish government agreed to assume the debts of Huta Warsawa, and to sell the debt-free enterprise to a Milan company, Lucchini, for $30 million!.

Soros recruited his friend, Harvard University economist Jeffery Sachs, who had previously advised the Bolivian government in economic policy, leading to the takeover of that nation's economy by the cocaine trade. To further his plan in Poland, Soros set up one of his numerous foundations, the Stefan Batory Foundation, the official sponsor of Sach's work in Poland in 1989-90.

Soros boasts, "I established close personal contact with Walesa's chief adviser, Bronislaw Geremek. I was also received by [President Gen Wojciech] Jaruzelski, the head of State, to obtain his blessing for my foundation." He worked closely with the eminence gris of Polish shock therapy, Witold Trzeciakowski, a shadow adviser to Finance Minister Leszek Balcerowicz. Soros also cultivated relations with Balcerowicz, the man who would first impose Sach's shock therapy on Poland. Soros says when Walesa was elected President, that "largely because of western pressure, Walesa retained Balcerowicz as minister." Balcerowicz imposed a freeze on wages while industry was to be bankrupted by a cutoff of state credits. Industrial output fell by more than 30% over two years.

Soros admits he knew in advance that his shock therapy would cause huge unemployment, closing of factories, and social unrest. For this reason, he insisted that Solidarnosc be brought into the government, to help deal with the unrest. Through the Batory Foundation, Soros coopted key media opinion makers such as Adam Michnik, and through cooperation with the U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, imposed a media censorship favorable to Soros's shock therapy, and hostile to all critics.

Russia and the Community of Independent States (CIS): Soros headed a delegation to Russia, where he had worked together with Raisa Gorbachova since the late 1980s, to establish the Cultural Initiative Foundation. As with his other "charitable foundations," this was a tax-free vehicle for Soros and his influential Western friends to enter the top policymaking levels of the country, and for tiny sums of scarce hard currency, but up important political and intellectual figures. After a false start under Mikhail Gorbachov in 1988-91, Soros shifted to the new Yeltsin circle. It was Soros who introduced Jeffery Sachs and shock therapy into Russia, in late 1991. Soros describes his effort: "I started mobilizing a group of economists to take to the Soviet Union (July 1990). Professor Jeffery Sachs, with whom I had worked in Poland, was ready and eager to participate. He suggested a number of other participants: Romano Prodi from Italy; David Finch, a retired official from the IMF [International Monetary Fund]. I wanted to include Stanley Fischer and Jacob Frenkel, heads of research of the World Bank and IMF, respectively; Larry Summers from Harvard and Michael Bruno of the Central Bank of Israel."

Since Jan. 2, 1992, shock therapy has introduced chaos and hyperinflation into Russia. Irreplaceable groups from advanced scientific research institutes have fled in pursuit of jobs in the West. Yegor Gaidar and the Yeltsin government imposed draconian cuts in state spending to industry and agriculture, even though the entire economy was state-owned. A goal of a zero deficit budget within three months was announced. Credit to industry was ended, and enterprises piled up astronomical debts, as inflation of the ruble went out of control.

The friends of Soros lost no time in capitalizing on this situation. Marc Rich began buying Russian aluminum at absurdly cheap prices, with his hard currency. Rich then dumped the aluminum onto western industrial markets last year, causing a 30% collapse in the price of the metal, as western industry had no way to compete. There was such an outflow of aluminum last year from Russia, that there were shortages of aluminum for Russian fish canneries. At the same time, Rich reportedly moved in to secure export control over the supply of most West Siberian crude oil to western markets. Rich's companies have been under investigation for fraud in Russia, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal of May 13, 1993.

Another Soros silent partner who has moved in to exploit the chaos in the former Soviet Union, is Shaul Eisenberg. Eisenberg, reportedly with a letter of introduction from then-European Bank chief Jacques Attali, managed to secure an exclusive concession for textiles and other trade in Uzbekistan. When Uzbek officials confirmed defrauding of the government by Eisenberg, his concessions were summarily abrogated. The incident has reportedly caused a major loss for Israeli Mossad strategic interests throughout the Central Asian republics.

Soros has extensive influence in Hungary. When nationalist opposition parliamentarian Istvan Csurka tried to protest what was being done to ruin the Hungarian economy, under the policies of Soros and friends, Csurka was labeled an "anti-Semite," and in June 1993, he was forced out of the governing Democratic Forum, as a result of pressure from Soros-linked circles in Hungary and abroad, including Soros's close friend, U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos.

Lighting the Balkan Fuse

In early 1990, in what was then still Yugoslavia, Soros's intervention with shock therapy, in cooperation with the IMF, helped light the economic fuse that led to the outbreak of war in June 1991. Soros boasted at that time, "Yugoslavia is a particularly interesting case. Even as national rivalries have brought the country to the verge of a breakup, a radical monetary stabilization program, which was introduced on the same date as in Poland---January 1, 1990-----has begun to change the political landscape. The program is very much along the Polish lines, and it had greater initial success. By the middle of the year, people were beginning to think Yugoslav again."

Soros is friends with former Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, the former U.S. ambassador to Belgrade and the patron of Serbian Communist leader Slobodan Milosevic. Eagleburger is a past president of Kissinger Associates, on whose board sits Lord Carrington, whose Balkan mediations supported Serbian aggression into Croatia and Bosnia.

Today, Soros has established his Foundation centers in Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, and a Soros Yugoslavia Foundation in Belgrade, Serbia. In Croatia, he has tried to use his foundation monies to woo influential journalists or to slander opponents of his shock therapy, by labeling them variously "anti-Semitic" or "neo-Nazi." The head of Soros's Open Society Fund---Croatia, Prof. Zarko Puhovski, is a man who has reportedly made a recent dramatic conversion from orthodox Marxism to Soros's radical free market. Only seven years ago, according to one of his former students, as professor of philosophy at the University of Zagreb, Puhovski attacked students trying to articulate a critique of communism, by insisting, "It is unprincipled to criticize Marxism from a liberal standpoint." His work for the Soros Foundation in Zagreb has promoted an anti-nationalist "global culture," hiring a network of anti-Croatian journalists to propagandize, in effect, for the Serbian cause.

These examples can be elaborated for each of the other 19 locations across eastern Europe where George Soros operates. The political agenda of Soros and this group of financial "globalists" will create the conditions for a new outbreak of war, even world war, if it continues to be tolerated.

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samedi, 06 août 2011

George Soros' International School of Youth Corruption

George Soros’ International School of Youth Corruption 

Marek Glogoczowski

Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/



soros.jpgGeorge Soros is a businessman-philanthropist, whose activities are known to professionals worldwide. In USA he operates the Institute of Open Society, in countries belonging to the former Soviet Block he operates a number of similar foundations, which in case of Poland holds the “royal” name of Bathory Foundation. These “philanthropist” institutions have – or had – a substantial influence on composition of consecutive post-communist governments in Eastern Europe, especially governments of big countries - in Poland, with George Soros Fund are linked three first “independent” Prime Ministers (Mazowiecki, Bielecki, Suchocka); in Russia to Soros’ “boys” belong such ardent reformers as PM Gajdar, Kirylenko and Niemcov. In his book “Underwriting Democracy” of 1993, George Soros claims to be – together with his associate, professor Jeffrey Sachs – a true Funding Father (or rather a Godfather) of all these “Protocols of Zion” styled reforms, which we had to suffer in Eastern Europe.

Today, with Soros Fund is linked in Poland the most influential journal “Gazeta Wyborcza” – which journal already in 1989 paved the way for the “Solidarity” electoral victory over PZPR, the declining at that time Polish Communist Party. In Slovakia with Soros’ Invisible Empire is linked the TV station “Markiza”, which helped to remove, during 1998 elections, the supposedly undemocratic Meciar’s government. Inside Serbia the Soros Fund operated in Kosovo, until 1999 NATO bombings, a Civil Center in Pristina, which fought for the national independence of the local Albanian majority, and in Belgrade it still operates the famous “Radio B-92”, which played a substantial role in anti-Milosevic’s student riots in 1996/7. (And than, in October 2000, it helped the “civilized” – i.e. bulldozer and Parliament fire assisted – destruction of the last socialist regime in Europe.) At present many of Soros Fund linked intellectuals are in key positions of institutions controlling economies and cultures of former East Block countries, and in Budapest this Foundation operates a whole International University of Central Europe. George Soros plays also an important role in USA foreign politics, already in 1980 he organized, together with his close associates, Secretaries of State Zbig Brzezinsky and Mad Albraight, a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) fund, which is a kind of joint venture of CIA and private business, greed oriented, activities.

The best summary of George Soros humanitarian activities in South-East Europe gave Gilles d’Aymery in an article “Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans” published on July 23, 2001 in the Jugoinfo vitrine: "Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and - as always characterized - philanthropist, George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO’s such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities ... But, among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus, extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of these various groups (it is possible) not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America.

Despite such richness of this philanthropist activities, the general public hardly knows his name. During our meeting at Ljublana, young, 20 – 25 years old, EU sceptics from several countries virtually ignored the name of Soros, my equal age, 59 years old Swiss German friend from Zurich wrote me that in his well informed country perhaps 2 percent of people knows about this billionaire. And in Poland surely no more than 10 percent of adult population knows who was the true author of widely despised “Balcerowicz’s reforms”. Despite this “educated” public ignorance, Soros’ “missionary” role is perceptible at the planetary scale: according to Schiller’s Institute data, the “man of Soros” in the European Commission is professor Romano Prodi, in Malaysia our philanthropist is officially searched for enormous financial frauds, and in Italy he is officially considered persona non grata for similar reasons. We can take for granted that these last facts are only summits of a whole “iceberg” of fraudulent affairs in which our billionaire-philanthropist-politician is – or was – engaged in.

The mystery of his success in world-wide speculation George Soros explained in a surprisingly honest statement, during an interview he gave to the Swiss weekly “L”hebdo” of May 1993. He said “I SPECULATE ON DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE REALITY AND THE PUBLIC IMAGE OF THIS REALITY, UNTIL A CORRECTIONAL MECHANISM OCCURS, WHICH APPROACHES THESE TWO.” It is evident that a skillful speculator is not used to wait passively until such discrepancy occurs. To the contrary, with his “creativity of an investor” he purposefully enlarges the gap between the ‘real reality” and its public image. (To put this statement into a plain language, a good speculator, knowing principles of the stock exchange, is feeding the public with the fake information – or, in more polite words, with DISINFORMATION – in order to gather personal profits.)

The "liberal” idea of a purposeful construction of a fake image of the world – in order to get the political power – is also expressed in Soros’ book „Underwriting democracy” (in French version “Sauver la démocratie a l’Est”) published in 1993. He writes there for example: “In a normal state of affairs it is necessary that a movement (a political one, but also commercial, scientific and religious ones – M.G.) is pushed sufficiently far, before forces occur, which are able to correct the deformation (of image of reality) which was at its base.” Putting this statement once again into a plain language, it means that the more aggressively a person – or a group, a coterie or a Mafia – is able to lie-up the image of reality, the longer this group is expected to remain in power. (The same maintained Goebbels 70 years ago: the bigger the lie is, the better it holds.)

George Soros even explains in detail how the elaborated by him program of “Americanization” of Eastern Europe works. He informs in “Underwriting Democracy” that behind his philanthropic idea of creation of Open Society Foundations was ” the creation of an international web (...) at the heart of which will be the computerized base of (personal) data, which enable the Western Multinational Societies to find candidates, which they are searching for”. In short, all these Soros-Fundation educated and kept in computer memories young men and women are prepared to fulfill functions of so-called “influence agents”, which behave in a way similar to that of Japanese geishas. These Young Urban Professionals, thanks to their fluent knowledge of languages and multiple, delicate social contacts with bureaucracy in target countries, facilitate the implementation in their homelands not only of Western Multinationals, but also of Western sub-cultures and Western habits of consumption of appropriate, personality enriching, commercial goods.

For the first time I heard that Soros Fundation corrupts young people, from the mouth of Piotr Ikonowicz, about twenty years younger than me leader of the Polish Socialist Party. How does this corruption is organized in detail? In general it takes the form of an ordinary training very similar to the one practiced while teaching young dogs to bark at a “stranger”. In case of ‘education’ of “Soros youth” (SorosJugend) the “food” necessary for such training consists of all these computers, lavish scholarships, luxury cars and invitations for dinners and seminars in four stars hotels. In general this was/is sufficient to bribe not only the young but also adult “intellectuals” in a target country. An example of this gave few years ago the former finance minister of Poland, Grzegorz Kolodko, in a Warsaw satirical “Nie” weekly. He reported there the story how a “well known investor” (his name he dared not to disclose) was able to buy, only at the cost of few dozens of millions of dollars spent for Warsaw’s “elite”, the Polish Bank Handlowy having the value of 1,5 billion of dollars.

The specific task of all these Bathory Foundation trained ‘watchdogs’ of Open Society consist of “barking” (in tune with Their Master’s Voice), against all individuals which may endanger the Private Property of ‘feeding’ them Lord. Observing the behavior of journalists linked with this ‘watchdog’ formation, one finds easily that all their vigor and sense of humor is exploited for the task of continuous, monotonous defamation of national leaders, which have an authentic, popular support. (This was the case, for example, of Soros/NED sponsored Students in Market Theology “Otpor” movement in Serbia; the similar baiting of Lukashenko we witness today in Belorussia.)

Once competent people are removed from key posts of a target country, its pillage, by the gang of “Global Investors”, can proceed at full speed, thanks to utter cretins (like Walesa or Buzek in Poland), or opportunists (like Djindzic in Serbia), which get installed at commands of the state. It is evident that in order to obtain the public (i.e. media) consent for such ‘reforms’, all more observant and honest people have to disappear from the public life. Usually it is sufficient to associate them with despised (by “Soros’ Family”, of course) ‘communists, fascists, reactionaries and populists’; but in particular cases it becomes necessary to kidnap them to the Hague’s ICTY. (Or simply, to murder them by the ‘invisible death squads” – inside Serbia, after Milosevic was ousted from power, about 20 personalities were liquidated in this way.) The best, and at the same the shortest description of the general direction of all “reforms” we have in Eastern Europe was given to me, in May 1999, by an old professor of Slavic literature, Vladimir Bozkov from Skopie, Macedonia. At that time he witnessed nearly every day how B-52 bombers fly towards his former homeland. Impressed by this techno-spectacle he told me, during our meeting at Moscow, “Oni chotiat’ ubit’ vsiech umnych ljudi”: (THEY WANT TO KILL ALL THINKING PEOPLE). I think that this is the essential goal, which our beloved “Global Investors” are aiming at.

The very ethics of “misinformation as a tool of survival and conquest” belongs to the “aristocratic” pattern of behavior, which spontaneously developed among Stock Exchange players. It is already in 1813 brothers Johannes and Nathan Rotschild, by a skillful, gossiped at London’s & Paris Stock Exchanges, lie about the outcome of the Waterloo battle, were able to earn in one “scoop” 40 million francs, making out of their family the richest Banking Group in Europe. (By the way, according to Schiller’s Institute, George Soros is associated with this famous Rotschild Banking Group.)

Here I come to the point, which I want to stress in the conclusion. Already in the Antiquity the Greek philosopher Socrates argued that (in contradiction with the Biblical version of original sin) people are not evil by their nature, but they are becoming evildoers out of their ignorance. The Global Stock Exchange is by its very nature the place where the MISINFORMATION (or the production of ignorances) has become the principal source of personal enrichment of ‘Investors’. By an imitation of Stock Exchange ‘Super Stars’ like George Soros, every day more and more numerous ‘young wolves of interest’ are polluting the Planet with lies supposed to bring them their selfish, pecuniary happiness. It is precisely from Stock Exchanges radiates in all directions the Lie – and thus automatically also the Evil and Ugliness – which has become the ever more visible symbol of Our Civilization. (By the way, these B-52 bombers, which 2,5 years ago impressed so much professor Bozkov from Skopie, I can see at present over Tatra Mountains, during their return to Germany from antiterrorist missions in Afghanistan.)
Stock Exchanges and bourgeois Banks were permitted to operate only in 16 century Europe by our religious reformers, dreaming about ‘New Jerusalem’. We can trace thus the origin of these modern ‘Temples of Lie’, back to the Old Jerusalem’s Temple of Merchants two thousand years ago. At that time Jewish dissidents considered their Temple of Hypocrites as “brigands cavern”. Considering this last expression as an ‘approaching the reality’ description, we can take for sure that nothing will turn for a better in our Brave (observe the military stout of Americans!) World until we kick Global Investors out of our homelands.

[The slightly enlarged version of speech delivered by Marek Glogoczowski during the EU(RO)-skeptic Youth Camp held at Ljublana, Slovenia, Sept. 26-27, 2001. Published at several websites, for ex. www.icdsmireland.org/resources/background/2003/soros-corruption.htm , also at www.left.ru  ]