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mardi, 09 septembre 2014

‘NAVO-denktank gaf in Istanbul IS groene licht voor oorlog in Irak’

‘NAVO-denktank gaf in Istanbul IS groene licht voor oorlog in Irak’

Geen substantiële Westerse militaire actie tegen IS omdat doelstellingen VS, Turkije en Saudi Arabië in Irak en Syrië nog niet zijn verwezenlijkt

Gebruiken en gebruikt worden; niet één in het Midden Oosten betrokken partij heeft schone handen. Allen streven ze hun eigen specifieke, soms overeenkomstige, maar net zo vaak tegenstrijdige doelstellingen na.

Volgens een geloofwaardige bron uit de kring van de invloedrijke Saudisch-Libanese miljardair en voormalig premier van Libanon Saad Hariri heeft de Atlantische Raad, een denktank van de VS en de NAVO, vorig jaar november op een conferentie in Istanbul het groene licht gegeven aan IS om een oorlog te beginnen in Irak. Eerder dit jaar meldden we al dat IS-terroristen in Turkije werden getraind door de CIA en het Turkse leger.

De Atlantic Council zou op 22 en 23 november op de energietop in Istanbul achter gesloten deuren hebben besloten om het uit louter criminelen en psychopathische moordenaars bestaande IS, toen nog bekend als ISIL of ISIS, aan te zetten tot een ‘heilige oorlog’ in Irak.

De bron, die uit vrees voor repercussies absoluut anoniem wil blijven, onthulde tevens dat de Amerikaanse ambassadeur in Turkije, Francis Riccardione, de belangrijkste coördinator van de militaire opmars van Daaisch, de Arabische afkorting voor ISIS, was.

‘Volledig kunstmatig geschapen vijand’

Steven Kelly, een voormalige CIA-medewerker, verklaarde op 28 augustus dat IS een ‘volledig kunstmatig geschapen vijand is. De financiering is compleet afkomstig uit de VS en zijn bondgenoten, en het voorstel van veel mensen dat deze vijand in Syrië en Irak moet worden aangevallen is een farce, want wij hebben deze vijand duidelijk zelf gecreëerd. Wij controleren hen, en nu lijken we het onaangenaam te vinden deze groep als legitieme vijand aan te vallen.’

Al-Qaeda en Al-Nusra mede gevormd door CIA

IS werd dan ook net als eerder Al-Nusra in Syrië en veel eerder Al-Qaeda mede door de Verenigde Staten vorm gegeven en groot gemaakt. Al-Qaeda ontstond uit de jihadgroepen die in de jaren ’80 in Afghanistan tegen de Sovjet bezetters vochten. Veel van deze moslimstrijders werden door de CIA getraind en voorzien van Amerikaanse wapens, zoals Stinger luchtafweerraketten.

Libië en Syrië

Terroristen van Al-Nusra, een tak van Al-Qaeda, werden in Turkije getraind om in Syrië tegen het regeringsleger van president Assad te vechten. De wapens voor Al-Nusra werden middels een via Libië lopende geheime CIA-operatie naar Turkije gesmokkeld. Kort daarvoor hadden de geheime diensten van de NAVO, Turkije, Saudi Arabië en Qatar aan Al-Qaeda verbonden jihadisten gebruikt om de Libische leider Gadaffi ten val te brengen en te vermoorden. Dezelfde moslimstrijders hadden in Irak en Afghanistan nog tegen Amerikaanse en Britse troepen gevochten.

Na de omverwerping van Gadaffi door de NAVO werden de Libische wapendepots geplunderd. Een groot deel van deze wapens werden via Turkije naar Syrië gesmokkeld. Daar zaten ook anti-tank- en luchtdoelraketten bij. Veel jihadisten die tegen Gadaffi vochten, reisden vervolgens met Amerikaanse hulp naar Syrië om daar tegen Assad te vechten. Net als in Libië werd deze oorlog in de Westerse media valselijk voorgesteld als een legitieme strijd om ‘vrijheid en democratie’. (1)

Geen substantiële militaire actie tegen IS

Om het Westerse publiek te paaien en opnieuw zand in de ogen te strooien bezigen Westerse politici en militairen harde taal tegen IS. Behalve het leveren van wapens aan de Peshmerga en wat Amerikaanse luchtaanvallen is er van concrete militaire actie om de gruwelijke oorlog die IS voert te stoppen nog geen enkele sprake. Dat komt omdat de Turken, Saudi’s en Amerikanen hun doelstellingen in Irak en Syrië nog niet hebben verwezenlijkt.

Saudi’s tegen Iran, Turken willen nieuw imperium

Overigens streven de belangrijkste krachten die de oorlog van IS in stand houden niet noodzakelijk dezelfde belangen na. De Saudi’s hopen dat IS in staat is de groeiende invloed van het Shi’itische Iran in Irak te stoppen. De Turken zijn –zoals we de afgelopen tijd uitgebreid hebben onderbouwd- van plan om na verloop van tijd het door IS veroverde gebied over te nemen voor de stichting van hun gedroomde neo-Ottomaanse Rijk. Tevens hoopt Ankara dat de Koerden, die nog altijd streven naar hun eigen onafhankelijke staat, fors worden verzwakt.

VS doet alles om petrodollar overeind te houden

De Amerikanen zijn even opportunistisch en schaamteloos, omdat zij zonder blikken of blozen vriend en vijand met elkaar verwisselen, al naar gelang het Washington uitkomt. Al-Qaeda wordt bevochten in Afghanistan en Pakistan, maar gesteund in Libië, Syrië en (via IS) in Irak. Zolang de VS de petrodollar als enige wereld reservemunt overeind kan houden, lijkt alles geoorloofd. Daarnaast schijnt het Witte Huis het toekomstige heropgerichte Turks-Ottomaanse Rijk te beschouwen als een belangrijke en machtige bondgenoot tegen Rusland.

* Voor verdere onderbouwing en meer bewijzen van veel in dit artikel genoemde feiten: zie hyperlinks onderaan.


(1) KOPP

Zie ook o.a.:

07-09: EU-ambassadeur: Europa financiert IS door aankoop olie in Turkije
27-08: Unie moslimgeestelijken kondigt in Turkije pan-islamitische confederatie aan
22-08: ‘Amerika gaat IS gebruiken als excuus voor aanval op Syrië’
21-08: Moslim Broederschap verklaart Turkije tot centrum Islamitische Kalifaat
21-08: Videobewijs van IS trainingskampen in Turkije
08-08: Succes ISIS dankzij Westerse ‘bondgenoten’ Turkije en Saudi Arabië
18-06: Onthutsend: ISIS-terroristen werden getraind door Amerika en Turkije
08-04: Pulitzerprijs journalist: Turkije achter gifgasaanval Syrië, werkt samen met Al-Qaeda
30-03: VS steunt Erdogans misbruik van NAVO voor herstel Ottomaans Rijk
29-03: Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun
27-03: Gelekt gesprek op YouTube: Turken plannen false-flag aanslag om Syrië aan te vallen

05-06: Gatestone Instituut: VS helpt herstel Turks-Ottomaanse Rijk
23-03: Turkse minister BuZa: Wij zullen weer heersen van Sarajevo tot Damascus

lundi, 08 septembre 2014

Perdidos en el laberinto de Oriente Medio

por Juanlu González

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

Con los vaivenes que da la política internacional, es lógico que muchas personas se hallen desconcertadas por los sucesos acontecidos durante los últimos meses. No ya por giros en alianzas, filias o fobias derivadas de cambios de gobierno, ya sea de manera democrática, por golpes de estado o por exigencias imperiales, sino por los giros copernicanos practicados por gobiernos supuestamente estables.

¿Cómo pueden los aliados de la OTAN en la guerra contra Siria ser ahora los enemigos en Irak? —se preguntarán algunos.  ¿Cómo Irán y Estados Unidos pueden actuar conjuntamente en el cambio de gobierno en Irak?, ¿cómo el Pentágono está ofreciendo información de inteligencia al Ejército Árabe Sirio para luchar contra el Estado Islámico? —dirán otros.

Para contestar certeramente a estas cuestiones y otras por el estilo es necesario disponer de informaciones directas y permanentes de inteligencia. Obviamente muchos de estos movimientos diplomáticos jamás verán la luz en medios de comunicación o en ensayos actuales, por tanto, nos tenemos que conformar con interpretar las señales que nos van llegando y leer entre líneas las declaraciones de los actores implicados en este complejo juego geopolítico.

La mayor parte de la oposición a Assad está desolada, aunque llevábamos años publicando en webs contrainformativas las atrocidades de los yihadistas y su filiación terrorista, la coalición atlantista de agresores contra Siria había logrado mantener a salvo —o casi— la imagen de los «revolucionarios», ocultando sus nacionalidades y la mayoría de ejecuciones, violaciones, decapitaciones y ataques químicos realizados contra el pueblo sirio. Pero ya no. Por la razón que sea, ahora es conveniente, y hasta necesario, que todo el mundo conozca lo que hacen los rebeldes sirios o los terroristas iraquíes para poder atacarles a placer.

Parece que apenas queda sitio para la oposición moderada que Occidente mimaba y a los medios tanto gustaba. Imagino cómo se sentirá también esa caterva de izquierdistas que cayeron en el juego propagandístico de la OTAN, cuando comprueben que muchos de los cuadros del Estado Islámico provienen del otrora encumbrado Ejército Libre Sirio (ESL), ahora reducido a una mínima expresión. Muchos hemos visto esa reveladora imagen del senador McCain reunido con el hoy jefe del Estado Islámico, el mismísimo Abu Bakr el-Baghdadí, representando a la oposición siria moderada, esa en la que occidente depositaba todo su apoyo militar y político para conquistar Siria.

Pero no ha sido la única vez que sucede algo así, no es un hecho aislado ni derivado de la pérdida de poder el ESL frente a otros grupos como afirmó recientemente Hillary Clinton. En los inicios de la milicia rebelde se situaba al frente de la misma a Abdelhakim Belhadj, un conocido terrorista libio de al Qaeda que llegó a ser gobernador de Trípoli tras la autodenominada «revolución» contra Gadafi. Por citar algún ejemplo más, podríamos hablar del coronel desertor Sekkar al Ahmad, probablemente muerto ayer mismo por la aviación siria en Deir Ezzor cuando se bombardeó una reunión de dirigentes de este grupo terrorista.

Obviamente, el debate ahora se sitúa en la elección entre Bachar el Assad o el terrorismo. Realmente siempre ha sido así, lo que sucede es que no han dejado que se visualizara de esta manera, confiados en reconducir la situación a posteriori, una vez que se eliminara a Assad y a todo su gobierno. Una auténtico sin sentido después de ver qué ha sucedido y está sucediendo aún en Libia, donde los yihadistas introducidos por occidente y sus aliados mantienen sumido al país en una espiral de muerte sin fin y donde llamar estado a lo que reina allá es poco menos que un insulto a la inteligencia.

Y es que Estados Unidos no puede atacar al Ejército Islámico en Irak y dejarlo operativo en Siria. No se puede apagar medio fuego. Aunque no le guste, está obligado a ayudar a Assad a acabar con la única facción de los rebeldes realmente poderosa, lo que equivaldrá a mantenerlo en el poder por una buena temporada. Así las cosas, tampoco es probable que tiren por la borda más de tres años de propaganda sin más y pretendan utilizar la ayuda militar como arma para activar un cambio de gobierno, como ya hicieron exitosamente en Irak con el ex primer ministro iraquí Nuri al-Maliki. Sin embargo, Siria no está sola, Rusia e Irán ya han redoblado los envíos de ayuda militar a Damasco y Hezbollah cada vez tiene más claro que ayudar a Siria es mantener la guerra alejada de las fronteras de Líbano y eso es o que pretenden continuar haciendo.

Pero, con lo bien que les ha venido a Estados Unidos la presencia del Estado Islámico en Irak, ¿por qué combatirlos ahora? Por la red circulan informaciones comprometedoras que vinculan a occidente con el Estado Islámico, desde saudíes reaccionarios que culpan a Israel y Estados Unidos de su creación, hasta periodistas norteamericanos que afirman que hay centenares de agentes de la CIA infiltrados en las filas yihadistas, hasta otras que afirman que Baghdadí tiene nombre falso, es judío y agente del Mossad. También hay otras declaraciones —sin confirmar— de Edward Snowden en las que achaca al Mossad y a la CIA el surgimiento del EI y el entrenamiento de sus líderes. Sin entrar a discutir su veracidad, es muy probable que, como mínimo, este grupo terrorista —como al Qaeda— esté bastante infiltrado por agentes de occidente y países aliados. Es algo obvio, teniendo en cuenta que comparten dirigentes con el Ejercito Sirio Libre y que estos estaban prácticamente al servicio de la OTAN. También las fuentes de financiación de los terroristas tienen su origen en Estados Unidos o en su entorno cercano. Buena parte de su armamento es el que fue entregado a los rebeldes «moderados» en Siria, además de recientes envíos procedentes del gobierno neonazi de Ucrania, cuyo rol vamos conociendo poco a poco, pagado con petrodólares del Golfo.

¿Qué ha podido suceder? Oficialmente lo venderán dentro de algunos años como una historia bien repetida: terrorista árabe conoce a servicio de inteligencia occidental, enseguida surge una relación amorosa entre ellos, trabajan juntos contra enemigos comunes durante algunos años, llega el desamor, rompen su relación y los terroristas, resentidos, se revuelven contra sus anteriores parejas de hecho. Esta película la hemos oído decenas de veces para explicar por qué a tantos terroristas famosos, incluido Bin Laden, se los ha relacionado con Estados Unidos o sus adláteres. A Washington no le molestaba el Estado Islámico en Siria… pero tampoco en Irak mientras era una amenaza sólo para Maliki. No fue hasta que los terroristas cruzaron la línea del Kurdistán, el estado que han estado fraguando durante tantos años con tanto mimo y ahínco entre Washington y Tel-Aviv en el norte de Irak, cuando se decidió pasar a la acción. Los campos de petróleo kurdos también se supone que tendrían algo que ver en el cambio de rumbo, probablemente mucho más que las matanzas de civiles que el EI estaba provocando, muy similares a las que hemos visto tantas veces en la guerra contra Siria y que jamás han denunciado ni se han atrevido si quiera a considerar cuando otros lo han hecho.

Hete aquí que el territorio ocupado por Daesh (el nombre en árabe del Estado Islámico) en ambos países se corresponde exactamente con el diseño de estado que pintó el equipo de Bush en aquel Proyecto para el Gran Oriente Medio que redibujaba las fronteras de la región en pequeños países homogéneos confesionalmente, manejables, poco poderosos… tras un periodo de «caos creativo» como el que justamente ahora vivimos. ¿Coincidencia o simple convergencia de intereses? que cada cual piense lo que quiera, pero no cabe duda que, cuando menos, resulta bastante extraño. Cuando han cruzado las líneas rojas, o si se prefiere, el territorio que les había sido asignado, es cuando los terroristas se han convertido en una amenaza global, nunca antes.

¿Y qué pinta Irán en todo esto? ¿Por qué apoya a Estados Unidos? ¿Cómo han colaborado juntos en la destitución de su aliado Maliki en Irak? Par empezar, la República Islámica es la más interesada en acabar con el poder de los terroristas sunníes, no podemos obviar que en el presente se desarrolla una verdadera guerra mundial entre sunníes y chiíes en la que Irán tiene mucho que perder. Por otro lado, Teherán necesita superar la amenaza de guerra que pende sobre su cabeza por el programa nuclear y es posible que EEUU haya sentado las bases para un acuerdo definitivo en cuyo paquete estaría también la cabeza de Maliki.

Esto hasta el día de hoy, mañana quién sabe…

Fuente: bits Rojiverdes

samedi, 06 septembre 2014

Un califat pour le 21ème siècle


Un bon outil pour aveugler les journalistes?

Michel Lhomme
Ex: http://metamag.fr

Avant de partir en vacances, Métamag titrait sur les califes. Que pouvait bien en effet signifier la proposition d'un califat politique au XXIème siècle ? Alors que les parlementaires irakiens ne parvenaient pas à se mettre d'accord sur la formation d'un gouvernement, les extrémistes sunnites de l'ISIS (Etat islamique de Syrie et d'Irak) annonçaient au printemps la création d'un califat nouveau style, non plus flamboyant mais tout vêtu de noir. L'établissement d'un système politico-religieux de cette nature apparaissait pour quelques observateurs une manœuvre audacieuse, téméraire, en tout cas superbement orchestrée. Restait à savoir par qui... Mais qui cherche, trouve et on en sait un peu plus maintenant sur l'identité du calife Abu Bakr al Baghadi et surtout, on devine qu'il suivit aussi et, peut-être à Guantanamo même, des cours de mise en scène.

Comme les politiciens irakiens n'avaient jamais laissé de côté leurs différences sectaires pour former un exécutif viable qui imposerait son autorité sur tout le territoire, on devinait bien que cette incursion du calife «fantastique» pourrait avoir des conséquences graves et dévastatrices sur les institutions si fragiles du pays. On sentait bien aussi que l'Irak serait de nouveau bombardé mais on n'imaginait pas que les Etats-Unis feraient si vite. Le plan Al-Baghadi était donc sans doute classé comme une opération d'urgence avant de quitter l'Afghanistan. Alors, on livra en appât aux pseudos journalistes experts la métaphore du califat. On vit alors apparaître dans les colonnes des journaux l'historique du califat : un titre qui datait du VIIème siècle, supprimé par Kemal Atatürk en 1924, après le démantèlement de l'Empire ottoman et qui ne conservait qu'une valeur religieuse puisqu'en 1923, on avait créé la République de Turquie.

Le rêve d'un califat qui irait de l'Espagne (El Andalus) jusqu'au Pakistan, incluant le nord de l'Afrique, le Moyen-Orient et le Levant, fut évoqué en fait par Osama Ben Laden après le 11 septembre. Le leader d'Al Qaeda comme Al Baghadi, autoproclamé calife Ibrahim, ont donc les mêmes sources, reçu sans doute la même formation ! En 1916, les accords franco-britanniques Sykes-Picot redessinèrent les cartes de la région. Par le traité de Sèvres, on en termina avec l'ordre géopolitique ancien qui durant des siècles avait amené une certaine harmonie interne et une unité religieuse dans la région sous le couvert justement du califat et du sultanat. Pour des gens comme Ben Laden et tous les transatlantiques qui tournaient autour, c'est à Sèvres que commencèrent tous les problèmes. Mais peut-on vraiment croire que le califat avec ses abus, son pouvoir arbitraire, ses injustices sociales pourrait être la panacée du vingt et unième siècle ? Qui donc a intérêt à rêver la nuit au califat ?

Le porte-parole du mufti d'Egypte (un des principaux leaders spirituels sunnites) a déclaré cet été que «le califat est une illusion». «A peine, dit-il, une réponse crédible au chaos irakien». D'autres chefs religieux sunnites ont souligné l'aspect «délirant» de la proposition car«on ne saurait former un Etat par le pillage, le sabotage et les bombardement». Un député irakien est convaincu de son côté que c'est en réalité un projet bien pensé, calculé, réfléchi, un projet même rationnel, trop rationnel même pour être vraiment oriental ! En fait, l'Irak ne doit jamais se relever pour l'équilibre du monde.
Le califat n'est en fait que l'habillage délirant du chaos, un concept théologico-politique réinventé mais désenchanté sur fonds de puits de pétrole à sécuriser et de fanatiques à instrumentaliser. L'ISIS remplace ainsi tout à fait sur le terrain Al Qaeda. C'est comme une énième franchise du groupe appuyée comme au bon vieux temps (le 11 septembre cela fait déjà 13 ans !) par l'aviation américaine. Au Sahel, au Maghreb, des groupes maghrébins défendent l'ISIS mais il est fort probable que d'ici quelque temps, d'autres groupes musulmans plus identitaires se lèvent contre l'ISIS et le Califat pseudo-arabe. Cela dépendra en fait de la prise de conscience arabe de toutes ces manipulations. Mais cette prise de conscience des manipulations arabes existe-t-elle dans le monde musulman ? Oui. Le monde arabe bouge et discute toujours autour du narguilé et loin des femmes, les choses sont dites. Certains ouvrent les yeux. En Irak, l'aviation américaine bombarde, l'Iran fait entrer des armes, la Russie avait aussi envoyé fin juin des avions au gouvernement chiite de Bagdad, le Qatar financerait Al Baghadi et le Mossad produirait des films gore au Neguev ... Quel imbroglio ? Vaincre l'Isis, abattre la Syrie, récupérer le territoire irakien, le dépecer pour le rendre ingouvernable. Dans tous les cas de figure, le califat n'est pas une figure politique du vingt et unième siècle mais il reste un bon outil pour aveugler les journalistes et faire marcher les troupes au nom de la Justice. Arabes, réveillez-vous !  

jeudi, 04 septembre 2014

Hillary Clinton is the grandmother of the Islamic Caliphate



Hillary Clinton is the grandmother of the Islamic Caliphate

Hillary Clinton is fond of changing history in order to put herself in the best possible light. As First Lady, she claimed that in 1996 that she dodged sniper fire while visiting Sarajevo, the capital of civil war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was a good story and, initially, she received praise for her «heroism under fire» from a typically sycophantic press. However, the story was false. Mrs. Clinton never came under sniper fire. She lied. And the lies of the one-time and prospective presidential candidate did not stop with Bosnia. According to one person close to the ex-First Lady, her first major book, «Living History», was full of so many lies and half-truths, it should have been sold under the heading of «fiction».

Mrs. Clinton is currently rejecting charges that it was her policy of destabilizing Libya and Syria that led to the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (or, at it is also called, the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) or the Islamic State («al-Dawlah»). Clinton’s minions of idolizers and neo-conservative war hawks call such claims a «conspiracy theory», the favorite pejorative for those who suffer from a bankruptcy of facts. In fact, Clinton’s boasting about the extrajudicial execution of Libyan leader Muammar al Qaddafi, in which she cackled, «We came, we saw, he died», along with her vow to unseat Syrian President Bashar al Assad, after having publicly praised him in March 2011, provides evidence of her constant lying and changing of facts to suit her own purposes. 

Clinton’s intervention in Syria and Libya, and the replacement of unifying governments with weaker regimes plagued by civil war, as well as separatist movements and Islamic emirates and caliphates vying for political control, were in the best interests of Israel. Ever since Israel developed the «Clean Break» strategy in the early 1990s, the division of Arab states by civil war and secessionist movements and religious turmoil and fratricide has been the goal of Israeli ultra-Zionists and right-wing political leaders, including Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. 

Mrs. Clinton’s good friend and oft-mentioned vice presidential candidate, former NATO commander General Wesley Clark, let the cat out of the bag in 2007 when he revealed on a television program partly funded by hedge fund mogul George Soros that he saw a classified Pentagon memorandum, which stated that seven countries would be «taken out» by the United States in five years. Clark said he saw the memo around September 20, 2001, just a week after the 9/11 attack on the United States. After the United States invaded and occupied Iraq, the next six countries on the American «hit list» were Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and, finally, Iran.



Although it took more than five years for Syria and Libya to fall, the Hillary Clinton-initiated «Responsibility to Protect» (R2P) operation to back Islamist opposition groups against Qaddafi in Libya, Assad in Syria, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, and Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia.

Clark wrote the NATO book on destabilizing countries and militarily squaring off against Russia. His operations in the Balkans as NATO commander ensured that the former Yugoslavia fragmented into seven different countries, including Montenegro and Kosovo. Clark never condemned the 2001 plan to take out seven countries in five years, he merely said military force should be used as a last resort. But Clark seems very comfortable with the R2P operations that resulted in ISIL seizing control of large swaths of Syria and Iraq and other Islamist rebels seizing control of most of Libya. Clark also endorsed the Israeli action that demolished Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat's Ramallah headquarters in 2002. Clark’s backing of Clinton’s interventionist policy in the Middle East, which is aligned with Israel’s «Clean Break» strategy of scrapping every peace accord with the Palestinians from Madrid to Oslo, should be no surprise when considering Clark’s family background. Although he is ostensibly a Roman Catholic, Clark is the son of Benjamin Kanne, a «Kohen» (priest) who hailed from a long line of Belarusian Talmud-wielding rabbis. Clark’s disdain for Russians was on full display during the Kosovo crisis. Considering his roots, it is also no surprise that Clark shares Clinton’s advocacy for Israel. Clinton and Clark on the same ticket in 2016 would further threaten the Middle East, Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and other parts of the world. 

Considering the fact that Israel’s Mossad and Defense Forces have jointly coordinated attacks on Assad’s forces in Syria with Jabhat al Nusra, an ally of ISIL, and that Mossad and Saudi Mukhabarat General Intelligence Service chiefs have held a number of secret meetings, there is little doubt that the Clinton plan all along was to create an Islamic caliphate from the remnants of what was once the strong and united Arab secular and socialist republics of Syria, Iraq, and Libya. When the ISIL-allied Nusra Front took over the Syrian-Israeli border crossing at Quneitra in the Golan Heights, the Israeli military coordinated its ground fire on Syrian government positions in a manner that assisted the Islamist radicals. Similarly, Israeli connections to an ISIL cell in Gaza was used by the Israelis to suggest that Hamas was losing control over the Palestinian enclave. Israel has also been caught red-handed assisting ISIL-related groups in Lebanon that have attacked Hezbollah. All of Israel’s actions are in keeping with the «Clean Break» policy Version 2.0.

In fact, Mossad and the Saudi Mukhabarat, and to a lesser extent, the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and Britain’s MI-5 Secret Intelligence Service have links to most, if not all, of the various «Al Qaeda» and affiliated franchises throughout the Middle East and North Africa. In addition to Jabhat al Nusra and ISIL, these include Al- Jabha al-Islamiya lil-Muqawama al-’Iraqiya (Islamic Front of the Iraqi Resistance), Al-Jaysh al-Islami fil- ’Iraq (Islamic Army in Iraq), Harakat al-Muqawama al-Islamiya fil-’Iraq (Islamic Resistance’s Movement in Iraq), Jaysh al-Iraq Al-Islami (Iraq Islamic Army), Jaysh al-Jihad Al-Islami (Islamic Jihad Army), Jaysh al-Mujahidin (Mujahidin’s Army), Jaysh al-Ta’ifa al- Mansoura (Victorious Group’s Army), Jaysh Ansar al- Sunna (Partisans of the Sunna Army), Tanẓim al-Qa‘idah fi Jazirat al-‘Arab, (Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula), and Tandhim al-Qa’ida fi Bilad al-Rafidayn (al-Qaeda’s Organization in Mesopotamia).

ISIL has already seized large portions of the prospective caliphate’s province of Sham, which is composed of Syria and parts of western Iraq. Other parts of Sham that ISIL intends to «liberate» are Lebanon and Jordan. In North Africa, the Islamist Ansar al-Sharia and other allied Islamist groups have seized most of eastern Cyrenaica and large parts of Tripolitania, including Tripoli itself. These groups intend to link up with Boko Haram in Nigeria, which has already declared a caliphate in the northeastern Nigerian town of Gwoza in Borno state. Boko Haram’s caliphate also includes Damboa in Borno, Buni Yadi in Yobe state, and Madagali in Adamawa state. The much-ballyhooed U.S. Africa Command has taken no action to suppress the rise of the caliphate in Nigeria and neighboring Cameroon. As with the military acquisitions of ISIL in Syria and Iraq, Boko Haram has captured at least one military base, along with equipment, in Nigeria.

Boko Haram, along with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and Ansar Dine in Mali, intend to spread the caliphate to Tunisia, Algeria, Mali, Morocco, Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Ivory Coast, and the rest of West Africa as the Caliphate’s «Province of Maghreb». The ISIL-allied Salafists of Cyrenaica, Egypt, northern Sudan and Darfur plan for the establishment of the Caliphate’s «Province of Alkinana».

ISIL’s caliphate also includes the Horn of Africa, including largely Christian Ethiopia and Kenya, as well as the Central African Republic, Chad, Cameroon, Rwanda, and South Sudan as the «Land of Habasha». The Al Shabaab guerrillas have established a caliphate-loyal «Islamic Emirate of Somalia» in areas of that failed state that it controls. The area of Africa ISIL intends to conquer has seen its share of genocide but that will be nothing compared to what awaits it under the Caliphate.

ISIL said it intends to conquer Spain and Portugal and restore «Al Andalus» as part of the «Greater Caliphate». ISIL’s plans to turn southern Arabia into the province of «Yaman» will come at the bloody expense of the Zaidi Houthis of North Yemen and the secular-minded South Yemeni independence restoration movement. In any event, the Sauds will continue to rule their kingdom, whether it is called Arabia or «Hejaz». ISIL, spawned with Saudi support, will be the centurions and enforcers for the House of Saud and their Israeli allies. Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula has already established a caliphate satellite, the Emirate of Waqar, in Yemen. 

The estimated one thousand Chechens fighting for ISIL in Syria and Iraq can be expected to help threaten to Caucasus after their planned victories in Sham, Iraq, «Kordistan», and Iran. ISIL refers to the Caucasus region, including Chechnya, Dagestan, plus Crimea, southern Ukraine (including Odessa), as «Qoqzaz». In the sights of the Caliphate are Anathol, present-day Turkey, and Orobpa, the present day Balkans, plus Hungary, Moldova, and Austria. Perhaps it has not dawned on the Obama administration and its European Union and NATO allies that the destabilization of Ukraine wrought by the fascist regime in Kiev plays right into the hands of ISIL’s plans to take control of southern Ukraine and Crimea with the help of sympathetic Caucasus Muslims, Turks, and Crimean Tatars.

The Caliphate’s threat to bring large portions of central Asia and western China, Tibet, Nepal, all of India (except for Sikkim and the northeastern states where a self-described Jewish people called the B’nei Menashe live in Mizoram and Manipur states), Sri Lanka, Maldives, Pakistan (where an Islamic Emirate loyal to the caliphate has already been established in Waziristan), Afghanistan (where the Taliban calls areas under its control the «Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan», and Russia (where the Caucasus Emirate is attempting to gain territory) under its control as part of «Khurasan» fits in nicely with the West’s plans to disrupt the BRICS and Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) alliances.  BRICS and SCO firmly stand opposed to Western political and economic imperialism. In addition, hundreds of Southeast Asian Muslim radicals are reportedly fighting within the ISIL ranks in Iraq and Syria. They have all announced plans to return to Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, the Rakhine state of Burma, southern Thailand, and Mindanao in the Philippines to incorporate those countries and regions into the Caliphate. 

Mrs. Clinton and her band of war hawks and Israeli friends created the conditions that have allowed a group like ISIL to massacre Shi’as, Kurds, Assyrian Christians, Alawites, Yazidis, Turkoman, Sunni tribesmen, Druze, and others from Aleppo and Quneitra to Mosul, Kirkuk, and the outskirts of Erbil and Baghdad. If they have their way, ISIL will be crucifying and beheading Copts in Egypt, Christians and Shi’as in Lebanon, Zoroastrians and Shi’as in Iran, Shi’as in Tajikistan, and Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and Buddhists in India. Mrs. Clinton, the actual «grandmother of ISIL», has left President Obama with an extremely unstable situation that she intends to use as a wedge issue against him and his foreign policy in the 2016 election. Ever since 9/11, the West has fallen time and time again for the psychological warfare themes and schemes hatched in Israel and the neocon boiler shops and think tanks of Washington, DC. If ISIL is eliminated as a threat, as it must be, their true sponsors should also be unmasked and flushed out.

Republishing is welcomed with reference to Strategic Culture Foundation on-line journal www.strategic-culture.org.

ISIS is America’s New Terror Brand: Endless Propaganda Fuels “War on Terror”

ISIS is America’s New Terror Brand: Endless Propaganda Fuels “War on Terror”

By James F. Tracy

In the wake of World War I, erstwhile propagandist and political scientist Harold Lasswell famously defined propaganda as “the management of collective attitudes” and the “control over opinion” through “the manipulation of significant symbols.”[1] The extent to which this tradition is enthusiastically upheld in the West and the United States in particular is remarkable.

The American public is consistently propagandized by its government and corporate news media on the most vital of contemporary issues and events.

Deception on such a scale would be of little consequence if the US were not the most powerful economic and military force on earth.

A case in point is the hysteria Western news media are attempting to create concerning the threat posed by the mercenary-terrorist army now being promoted as the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria, or “ISIS.”

As was the case with the US intelligence asset and bogey publicized as “Al Qaeda,” and Al Qaeda’s Syrian adjunct, “Al Nusra,” such entities are—apparently by design—inadequately investigated and defined by major news media. Absent meaningful historical context they usefully serve as another raison d’ểtre for America’s terminal “War on Terror.”

A seemingly obvious feature of such terrorist forces left unexamined by corporate media is that they are observably comprised of the same or comparable personnel unleashed elsewhere throughout the Middle East as part of a strategy proposed during the George W. Bush administration in 2007.[2]

With the above observations in mind, ISIS is well-financed, militarily proficient, and equipped with modern vehicles and weaponry. It also exhibits an uncanny degree of media savvy in terms of propagating its message in professional-looking videos and on platforms such as YouTube and Twitter. “Western intelligence services,” the New York Times reports, claim to be “worried about their extraordinary command of seemingly less lethal weapons: state-of-the-art videos, ground images shot from drones, and multilingual Twitter messages.”[3]

Along these lines, ISIS even received a largely sympathetic portrayal in a five-part series produced and aired by the Rupert Murdoch-backed Vice News.[4] Indeed, Vice News’ “The Spread of the Caliphate” is reminiscent of the public relations-style reportage produced via the “embedding” of corporate news media personnel with US and allied forces during the 2003 conquest of Iraq.

The overt support of ISIS, combined with the fact that it is battling the same Syrian government the Obama administration overtly sought to wage war against just one year ago, strongly suggest the organization’s sponsorship by Western intelligence and military interests.

ISIS’s curious features are readily apparent to non-Western news outlets and citizenries. For example, Iran’s PressTV recently asked its readership, “Why does the ISIL have such easy access to Twitter, Youtube and other social media to propagate its ideologies?” The answer choices are, “1) Because the ISIL has very capable technicians who can best use social media, or 2) Because the US and Britain have provided the ISIL with unrestricted social media platform[s].” Note that the first choice is the overarching assumption of Western media outlets. Yet perhaps unsurprisingly, 90 percent of PressTV readers selected choice two.[5]

No such queries are so much as alluded to by major corporate media, all of which are united in the notion that ISIS is an essentially indigenous phenomenon. Yet as coverage of the events of September 11, 2001 and subsequent state-sponsored terrorism indicates, such media are essentially a component of the national security state, their reports and broadcast scripts all but overtly written by intelligence and military organizations.

In the wake of 9/11 US news media seldom asked about the origins of Al Qaeda—particularly how it was a product of US intelligence agencies. With the history of Al Qaeda omitted, the Bush administration was permitted to wage war on Afghanistan almost immediately following those staged attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon.

Yet as is much the case with today’s manufactured ISIS phenomenon, that history was readily available, and its careful public examination might have implicated the United States intelligence community in the 9/11 attacks. “During the Cold War, but also in its aftermath,” Michel Chossudovsky observes,

the CIA—using Pakistan’s military intelligence apparatus as a “go between”—played a key role in training the Mujhadeen. In turn, the CIA-sponsored guerrilla training was integrated with the teachings of Islam. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations have consistently supported the “Militant Islamic Base”, including Osama bin Laden’s Al Qaeda, as part of their foreign policy agenda. The links between Osama bin Laden and the Clinton administration in Bosnia and Kosovo are well documented by congressional records.[6]

As the United States and world approach the thirteenth anniversary of the most momentous false flag in modern history, the American public would be well-served to remind itself that ISIS is the new Al Qaeda—in other words, the new pretext that will in all likelihood be used by to take police state measures at home and military aggression abroad to new, perhaps unprecedented, levels.

With the above in mind, it is telling that one of the US government’s greatest fears isn’t ISIS at all. “The FBI’s most recent threat assessment for domestic terrorism makes no reference to Islamist terror threats,” the Washington Free Beacon reports, “despite last year’s Boston Marathon bombing and the 2009 Fort Hood shooting—both carried out by radical Muslim Americans.”

Instead, the nation’s foremost law enforcement agency is preoccupied with what it deems “domestic extremism” exhibited by its own subjects.[7] A primary manifestation of such “extremism” is possessing the curiosity to discern and seek out truths and information amidst the barrage of manipulated symbols the government and corporate-controlled media use to undermine a potentially informed public.


[1] Harold Lasswell, Propaganda Technique in the World War, Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 1927/1971.

[2] Seymour Hersh, “The Redirection: Is the Administration’s New Policy Benefitting Our Enemies in the War on Terrorism?” New Yorker, March 5, 2007; Tony Cartalucci, “Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by US in 2007,” Land Destroyer Report, May 11, 2012.

[3] Scott Shane and Ben Hubbard, “ISIS Displaying a Deft Command of Varied Media,” New York Times, August 30, 2014.

[4] Joe Bercovici, “Thanks to Rupert Murdoch, Vice is Worth $1.4 Billion. Could it be in Play Soon?” Forbes, August 19, 2014; Medyan Dairieh, “The Spread of the Caliphate: The Islamic State,” Vice News, August 13, 2014.

[5] PressTV Poll, http://presstv.ir, retrieved on August 30, 2014.

[6] Michel Chossudovsky, America’s “War on Terrorism” Second Edition, Montreal CA: Global Research, 2005, 4.

[7] Bill Gertz, “FBI National Domestic Threat Assessment Omits Islamist Terrorism,” Washington Free Beacon, August 29, 2014.

Reprinted with permission from GlobalResearch.ca.

lundi, 25 août 2014

Amerika gaat IS gebruiken als excuus voor aanval op Syrië

‘Amerika gaat IS gebruiken als excuus voor aanval op Syrië’

Republikeinse senator: ‘IS zal proberen grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen’

Ex: http://xandernieuws.punt.nl

Minister Defensie Chuck Hagel: ‘IS is grotere bedreiging voor VS en Europa dan 9/11.’

De Amerikaanse stafchef van de strijdkrachten, generaal Martin Dempsey, liet gisteren weten dat de islamitische terreurbeweging IS pas kan worden verslagen als er ook luchtaanvallen in Syrië worden uitgevoerd. Volgens de New York Times zal het Witte Huis daardoor dieper in het conflict in Syrië worden gezogen. Kritische analisten wijzen erop dat de in september 2013 dankzij de Russische president Putin op het laatste moment afgeblazen Amerikaanse aanval op Syrië zo alsnog op de agenda wordt gezet. (1)

Eén van de andere stappen die volgens de NYT kan worden genomen is het ‘trainen, adviseren en uitrusten van de gematigde oppositie in Syrië, en ook de Koerdische en regeringstroepen in Irak.’ Wat er niet bij werd gezegd is dat IS voor een groot deel bestaat uit door Turkije en de CIA getrainde en zwaar bewapende terroristen die uitsluitend tegen de Syrische president Assad hadden moeten vechten.

Putin voorkwam in september 2013 Amerikaanse aanval

Vorig jaar mislukte het om een Amerikaans-Turkse invasie van Syrië te rechtvaardigen. Aanvankelijk werd een aanval met chemische wapens in een buitenwijk van Damascus, waarbij honderden doden vielen, in de schoenen geschoven van de regeringtroepen van president Assad. Obama had zo’n aanval een ‘rode lijn’ genoemd, waarna Amerikaans ingrijpen zeker leek.

Twee zaken voorkwamen dat de Amerikaanse kruisraketten en bommenwerpers op Syrië werden afgestuurd. Allereerst was het de interventie van de Russische president Vladimir Putin, die een grote vloot tussen Syrië en de Amerikaanse aanvalsvloot posteerde, en dreigde alles wat de Amerikanen op Syrië zouden afsturen neer te schieten. Vervolgens kwam Putin met een briljante diplomatieke oplossing die het chemische arsenaal van Assad –althans op papier- verwijderde, maar de president wel in het zadel liet zitten.

Ten tweede waren het de boven tafel gekomen bewijzen dat de chemische aanval in Syrië niet door de regeringstroepen, maar door de rebellen was uitgevoerd, doelbewust om Assad daarvan de schuld te geven. Deze false-flag aanval bleek direct te zijn aangestuurd door Turkije. Tevens werd het bewijs geleverd dat de chemische bestanddelen van het gebruikte wapen afkomstig waren uit Saudi Arabië.

Turkije vormt met hulp VS neo-Ottomaans imperium

De Amerikaanse Pulitzer prijswinnende onafhankelijke journalist Seymour Hersh onthulde de directe betrokkenheid van Turkije en de samenwerking tussen de regering Erdogan en Al-Qaeda. Al in 2007 schreef hij in een uitgebreid artikel dat de regering Bush was begonnen met het steunen en trainen van aan Al-Qaeda gelieerde Soenitische terreurgroepen, met de bedoeling hen in te zetten tegen Syrië en de groeiende invloed van het Shi’itische Iran in Irak te stoppen.

Op deze wijze ontstond ook IS(IS). De Turken werkten samen met de Amerikanen bij het rekruteren, trainen en bewapenen van deze moslimterroristen, maar deels om geheel andere redenen. Turkije streeft weliswaar net als de VS naar het vervangen van Assad door een radicale Moslim Broederschap regering, maar met de achterliggende bedoeling om een grensoverschrijdend Islamitisch Kalifaat op te richten, dat later eenvoudig in het door Erdogan nagestreefde neo-Ottomaanse Rijk kan worden opgenomen.

Minister Hagel: IS grotere bedreiging dan 9/11

Gisteren noemde de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Chuck Hagel IS ‘een grotere bedreiging dan 9/11... .IS is meer dan enkel een terreurgroepering. Ze verbinden ideologie met een geraffineerde strategische en tactische militaire onversaagdheid, en ze worden onvoorstelbaar goed gefinancierd. Dit gaat veel verder dan we ooit hebben meegemaakt. We moeten ons op alles voorbereiden. Wees er klaar voor.’

‘Het bewijs is behoorlijk duidelijk. Als we kijken naar wat ze deden bij meneer Foley –de Amerikaanse fotojournalist die op video werd onthoofd- en dreigen te doen bij alle Amerikanen en Europeanen, dan kan dit alleen maar als barbaars worden omschreven. Ze vertonen geen enkel fatsoen of verantwoord menselijk gedrag. Ze zijn een onmiddellijke bedreiging voor al onze belangen.’ (2)

Dat IS een grote bedreiging vormt en een ware uitroeiingsoorlog voert tegen christenen, ‘afvallige’ moslims en alle andere ongelovigen staat buiten kijf. Deze oorlog had er echter nooit zonder Amerikaanse, Europese, Turkse en Saudische hulp kunnen komen. De VS lijkt de strijd tegen IS nu als voorwendsel te gaan gebruiken om alsnog een militaire aanval op Syrië te rechtvaardigen, wat Turkije direct in de kaart zal spelen.

‘IS zal proberen grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen’

Om het Amerikaanse publiek op te warmen voor weer een nieuwe oorlog waarschuwde de Republikeinse senator James Inhofe, topman in het Comité voor de Gewapende Diensten, dat IS zal proberen om snel ‘een grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen.’ Inhofe uitte kritiek op Obama en zei dat de president nog steeds geen strategie heeft om IS te verslaan (3).

Ook luitenant-kolonel Anthony Schaffer vindt Obama’s reactie op de opmars IS, dat hij de ‘Antichrist van alle terreurorganisaties’ noemt, veel te slap. De president zou mede verantwoordelijk zijn voor de onthoofding van James Foley, omdat hij een reddingsoperatie onnodig lang zou hebben uitgesteld.


(1) Infowars
(2) Zero Hedge
(3) The Hill
(4) YouTube via Washington Free Beacon

Zie ook o.a.:

21-08: Videobewijs van IS trainingskampen in Turkije
18-08: Overgrote deel van de wereld nu crisisgebied (1/3 IS strijders afkomstig uit Europa)
08-08: Succes ISIS dankzij Westerse ‘bondgenoten’Turkije en Saudi Arabië
26-07: Crisis Oekraïne: Backup-plan globalisten naar Derde Wereldoorlog (/ NAVO en Westen gevangen in Saudische-pan islamitische agenda / Syrië blijft het doelwit)
18-06: Onthutsend: ISIS-terroristen werden getraind door Amerika en Turkije
10-05: Syrië: Regering Obama wil alle macht overdragen aan Moslim Broederschap
08-04: Pulitzerprijs journalist: Turkije achter gifgasaanval Syrië, werkt samen met Al-Qaeda
30-03: VS steunt Erdogans misbruik van NAVO voor herstel Ottomaans Rijk (/ Vanuit Turkije zal het nieuwe islamitische Kalifaat worden opgericht)
29-03: Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun
27-03: Gelekt gesprek op YouTube: Turken plannen false-flag aanslag om Syrië aan te vallen

dimanche, 24 août 2014

Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia


Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia

Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://moderntokyotimes.com

The conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and in other parts of the mainly Islamic world, or where you have Muslim and non-Muslim fault-lines, appears to have one binding factor. This applies to Western backed support for Islamists alongside using proxy outside nations to fulfill geopolitical ambitions. On top of this are powerful factors in the mainly Muslim world in nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and other Gulf nation states which have either shared interests, or which encourage America, France and the United Kingdom to do their bidding – or to work collectively in order to spread Islamism and this is continuing in 2014 based on the continuing intrigues against Syria.

In all the above mentioned places you will have a host of various factors and each conflict will be seen differently through the prism of different ideas. Syria is currently facing this shared attack between powerful dominant Sunni Muslim nations and hostile Western nations including America, France and the United Kingdom. However, the one binding factor is that in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and now Syria; is that outside nations instigated the delicate internal mechanisms in order to unleash Islamism, terrorism and attacks against the ruling power mechanisms.

It mattered not if Hindus were cleansed in Kashmir or Alawites are being hanged and beheaded in Syria. Likewise, it matters not one jot if international terrorism is united in order to do the bidding of Washington, Riyadh, London, Ankara, Paris, Doha and other nations involved in the terrorist and destabilization rat-lines.

Prem Shankar Jha, The Hindu newspaper in India, comments about the shared dualities of Kashmir and Syria. He states that But while nearly everyone wanted a change, almost no one wanted it at the cost of a violent disruption of their lives. In neither case, therefore, was the state the first to resort to violence: On the contrary, both insurgencies had to be stoked, so the first to pick up the gun were the insurgents. In Syria this was done by Salafi/Takfiri Islamists who crossed the border from Jordan in March 2011 and holed up in the Omari mosque in Dera’a before launching targeted provocations, and attacks on police stations and government offices.”

It is important to note that Kashmir and Syria were destabilized by Islamists using Pakistan and Jordan respectively. In the case of Syria, it is difficult to believe that America, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom intelligence agencies weren’t involved in the chain of events which took place in March 2011 in Syria. After all, Jordan is within the collective remit of all the above named nations. Similarly, in Kashmir it is clear that Pakistan stoked up the crisis and like usual the angle of America, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia pops up again.

Prem Shankar Jha also comments that another parallel with Kashmir “…is the intervention of hostile foreign powers bent on converting a domestic upsurge demanding political empowerment into a movement for secession or regime change. In Kashmir, Pakistan did this by disarming the JKLF cadres still in training in Muzaffarabad in 1990 and creating the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. In Syria, Turkey and Qatar are funneling money and battle hardened jihadis to start a sectarian war that will overwhelm the state.”

“Last and most important, like New Delhi, Damascus has been trying to prevent civil war by offering the insurgents the alternative of the ballot box. Mr. Assad began, on his own, by lifting all controls on the Internet in January 2011. Over the next six months, he first tried to negotiate peace with the Sunni zealots in Dera’a by sacking the governor and releasing 260 prisoners and 16 clerics, and promising to repeal the Emergency Laws and the ban on political parties that had been in place for 48 years. He fulfilled his first promise five days ahead of schedule on April 20 and his second three months later in July.”

However, while nations like the Russian Federation, Brazil, Iran, and others, supported a political solution to the crisis in Syria it is clear that the enemies of Syria upped the ante and began many terrorist rat-lines. Therefore, Turkey became a major player because the Erdogan government sensed an opportunity to install a compliant Sunni Muslim dominated Sharia state. The same applies to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other nations in the Gulf.

In Bosnia it was reported that over 8,000 international jihadists entered this nation in order to do the bidding of Washington, London, Riyadh, Tehran and Ankara. Turkey was once more dreaming about its historical legacy and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states were enticed by creating majority Muslim states in Europe. In Bosnia the Serbs were facing the might of NATO, international jihadists and the involvement of many hostile nations. America even allowed Iran to fly aircraft into the Balkans in order to support Islamist factions within the Bosnian Muslim forces. It somehow escaped the world that Yugoslavia was trying to preserve the mosaic of various different ethnic and religious groups while outside nations supported religious sectarianism and nationalism. Naturally, this in time spearheaded Serbian nationalism but just like Syria it was outside nations which began to carve up Yugoslavia.

Kosovo and Libya followed the same model because Libyan rebels and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) sprung up from virtually nothing. Likewise, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) which is an amalgamation of many various factions came from nothing overnight. Yet clearly the speed of Islamist forces in Bosnia, developing a powerful Croatian military unit, the growth of the rebels in Libya, the rise of the KLA in Kosovo and the overnight creation of the FSA in Syria were well orchestrated – just like what happened in Kashmir when Pakistan was given the green light to create mayhem against democratic India.

The Council on Foreign Relations states that Militancy in the disputed region of Kashmir has been major fuel for discord between India and Pakistan since the 1980s. Attacks in the region began to increase in scale and intensity following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when foreign insurgents flooded the region to join the Afghan Mujahadeen. The majority Muslim region has its own local militant groups, but experts believe most of the recent Kashmir and Kashmir-based terrorism has been the work of foreign Islamists who seek to claim the region for Pakistan. A spate of Islamist cross-border attacks into Indian-held territory, the December 2001 storming of the Indian parliament in New Delhi, and the 2008 Mumbai attacks have all reinforced Kashmir’s standing as the significant bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Both states have nuclear weapons, making Kashmir one of the world’s most dangerous flashpoints.”

Prem Shankar Jha in another article about the crisis in Syria in the early period of April 2011, states that “the U.S. has been fully aware of the presence of al-Qaeda in the so-called Free Syrian Army since April 20, 2011 when Jihadis captured a truck (or Armoured Personnel Carrier) near Dera’a, and killed all the 18 or 20 soldiers it was carrying not by shooting them but by cutting their throats in the approved Islamic manner. A few days later, the U.S. ambassador in Syria, Robert Ford, called some of his colleagues in Damascus, including the Indian ambassador, and told them that al-Qaeda had arrived in Syria.”

“April 20, however, was only the beginning. All through the summer and autumn of 2011, and throughout 2012, videos posted by the rebels themselves showed that the armed opposition in Syria has been sliding inexorably into the hands of radical Islamists. Thousands of foreign fighters have poured into Syria from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and places as far apart as Pakistan and Chechnya. Syrian television broadcast interviews with numerous young men captured in Homs and elsewhere, who gave graphic descriptions of how they had been recruited by al-Qaeda to fight for Islam against a heretical regime in Syria. The rebels themselves have posted YouTube videos showing them executing captured Syrian soldiers and civilians in the approved manner.”

“But the Obama administration has steadfastly chosen to believe that the jihadis make up only ‘a tiny fraction’ of the Free Syrian Army, and has continued to provide FSA with logistical support, that is, satellite-based information about Syrian troop and VIP movements, and look the other way while Qatar and Saudi Arabia have provided it with guns and mounted pick-up trucks, mortars and RPGs.”

Ironically, the main stumbling block for America is not supporting the Islamist sectarian side which includes Al-Qaeda, but it is history and the need to manipulate the media. After all, Al-Qaeda and the Saudi Arabia angle involving September 11 is clearly obvious and also in Libya this year several American personnel were killed by similar Islamist forces. Therefore, it is very difficult for the Obama administration to be seen to be working hand in hand with the same forces which killed thousands of American troops in Iraq, did September 11 and killed Americans in Libya. Likewise, American troops are being killed in Afghanistan by Islamist factions including the Taliban. This means that media manipulation and covert operations by America, France and the United Kingdom must be very delicate in order to achieve their collective goal of overthrowing the government of Bashar al-Assad.

In modern day Syria it is clear that the FSA and various Islamist factions working within the FSA or individually – have been, and continue to be, involved in horrendous massacres. Indeed, some Islamists are even teaching children to behead captured Syrian soldiers and then they circulate their evil crimes against humanity. The silence of the international community when terrorist attacks are killing civilians is shaming all the nations and media agencies which are siding with the objectives of Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington.

The Syrian armed forces continue to remain loyal to the Syrian government and people of this nation. Therefore, despite all the barbaric realities being installed against this nation the military have somehow managed to preserve all major cities from being taken over by the FSA and various Islamist factions. However, outside nations which are hostile to Syria are still supporting sectarian, international jihadists and sedition against this nation. Indeed, it is clear that outside nations are intent on upping the ante despite the daily terrorist attacks, beheading individuals and hanging people openly in order to install terror in the hearts of Syrians.

Turning back to an earlier Modern Tokyo Times article about Bosnia it was stated that The Bill Clinton administration gave the “green light” for international Islamists to enter Bosnia and Kosovo. In time this would manifest itself with the brutal September 11 attacks against America and other international terrorist attacks like Madrid. Bill Clinton isn’t the only American leader to “support international terrorism from a distance” but clearly it is no coincidence that conflict in Libya, and now in Syria, bare all the same hallmarks of “a marriage of convenience.” This certainly leads to the suspicion that the Clinton family – this time Hillary Clinton along with the “dark shadows” of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski – are following the same ratlines in Syria which have been used in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya.”

Further down in the same article it was stated that The bottom line is simple. September 11, and the ratlines that did this, were the same individuals who were fighting on the same side of America in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo – Simply put, no Bosnian Orthodox Christians and communists in Afghanistan did September 11. On the contrary, individuals involved in September 11 were on the same side in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo – yet this question remains unanswered. Likewise, no accountability! Put frankly, without past American administrations supporting Islamic terrorist ratlines either covertly or by doing nothing to stem the flow of Islamists, then September 11 would never have materialized.”

“It is dangerous therefore to see America once more moving in the same direction related to Syria. The Clinton family connection and the shadows of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski are very troubling because the same modus operandi is happening once more against the people of Syria. Therefore, the lessons learnt from September 11 have been lost and individuals within the chain that enabled this tragic event to happen have escaped their past deeds.”

Overall, Syria needs real support from friendly nations in order to stop the usual collusion between Islamists, Western powers and nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several Gulf nations, from destroying an independent nation state. After all, look at modern day Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya because various factions exist and terrorism is a daily reality in Afghanistan and Iraq. Similarly, look at the reality for Hindu minorities in Kashmir and Orthodox Christian minorities in Kosovo because both can’t freely move around these entities. This means that it is imperative to stop the usual “failed domino system” from destroying secular Syria.


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Discurso de Hassan Nasrallah sobre los takfiris de “Estado Islámico”


Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

El secretario general de Hezbolá, Sayyed Hassan Nasralá, ha asegurado que los norteamericanos están detrás de la creación de grupos terroristas en la región con el fin de dividir y destrozar a los países árabes y realizar su proyecto último, un proyecto que no ha podido ser implementado por las ofensivas israelíes.

En una alocución televisada de casi dos horas pronunciada este viernes en la cadena de televisión libanesa Al Manar con ocasión del aniversario de la victoria de la Guerra de Julio de 2006, Sayyed Nasralá puso en guardia contra minimizar el peligro de los takfiris que quieren eliminar a todo el mundo, comenzando por los sunníes.

Según él, la victoria sobre los grupos terroristas es posible a condición de que sea puesta en práctica una política nacional y se comprenda que se trata de un peligro existencial. Él puso también en guardia en contra de elegir opciones que no llevan a ninguna parte en la lucha contra el grupo takfiri Estado Islámico (EI).

He aquí las ideas principales del discurso de Sayyed Nasralá:

Mucho ha sido dicho sobre la Guerra de Julio. Libros e informes han sido escritos tanto por el enemigo como por los amigos para extraer conclusiones. Esa guerra fue más que un simple conflicto; fue una verdadera batalla de dimensiones históricas. Condolezza Rice (entonces secretaria de Estado de EEUU) habló de un nuevo Oriente Medio. Así pues, fue una guerra regional e incluso internacional. Expertos norteamericanos dijeron entonces que la guerra de Julio era un episodio en la eliminación definitiva de la Resistencia en el Líbano. No se buscaba el desarme de esta resistencia, sino aplastarla y acabar con ella.

Ellos elaboraron un plan para liquidar a los dirigentes de la Resistencia y prepararon colonias en el norte de Palestina para detener allí a miles de combatientes.

Proyecto de dominación estadounidense

Este proyecto fue elaborado después de la ocupación estadounidense de Iraq. George W. Bush y su administración querían decapitar la resistencia en el Líbano y en Palestina y acabar con el régimen de Siria antes incluso de 2006. Él quería presentarse al público estadounidense como el presidente que venció al terrorismo internacional para ser reelegido. Y después de alcanzados estos logros, la administración norteamericana contaba con desencadenar una guerra contra Irán.

El primer objetivo de EEUU es el de controlar todas las reservas de petróleo y gas en la región.

El segundo objetivo es liquidar la causa palestina. Israel estaba a cargo de eliminar la resistencia en el Líbano y Palestina. Sin embargo, la tenacidad legendaria de la resistencia en el Líbano saboteó este proyecto.

Los combates sobre el terreno obligaron a Israel a reclamar un cese el fuego, como fue el caso más reciente de Gaza. Los dirigentes árabes que participan en negociaciones en Nueva York confirman que la tenacidad de la resistencia, del pueblo libanés y de la política oficial libanesa llevaron a la comunidad internacional a poner fin a la agresión israelí.

El fracaso de los objetivos de la Guerra de Julio

¿Cuáles fueron los resultados de la guerra de 2006?

1 –  Las capacidades de la resistencia se reforzaron.
2 – La guerra no golpeó a Siria en aquel momento.
3 – La guerra contra Gaza fue atrasada para después de 2006.
4 – La resistencia en Iraq contra la ocupación estadounidense se reforzó.
5 – El fracaso de los neoconservadores en las elecciones estadounidenses.

Cambio de táctica estadounidense

Sin embargo, la política belicosa estadounidense en la región continúa en vigor. Si los norteamericanos fracasan en conseguir sus objetivos cambian de política y de táctica.

Es, pues, necesario evocar la importancia de este éxito político, histórico, moral y humanitario conseguido por la Resistencia en el Líbano en 2006 y asegurar que somos capaces de hacer fracasar todo proyecto y todo complot contra nuestra región.

Después de 2001, los norteamericanos estaban en el apogeo de su fuerza. En contraposición, el mundo soviético y el mundo árabe estaban muy debilitados. Sin embargo, en el Líbano, Palestina, Iraq y Siria los grupos de la resistencia abortaron los proyectos estadounidenses y serán siempre capaces de hacerlo.


politique internationale, géopolitique, hassan nasrallah, hizbollah, liban, proche orient, levant, islamisme, monde arabe, monde arabo-musulman, fondamentalisme islamique,


Hoy en día, lo que pasa en Gaza ha llevado a la región árabe a una nueva situación. Una nueva estrategia está siendo seguida por los enemigos para alcanzar sus objetivos. Su nueva vía es la de imponer un proceso de paz a los palestinos.

En el pasado, los norteamericanos llevaron a cabo guerras contra Iraq y pusieron la mano sobre el Golfo y los israelíes lanzaron ofensivas contra los países fronterizos.

La estrategia de la destrucción de los países

Dos factores son utilizados en la nueva estrategia adoptada por los estadounidenses.

Esta nueva estrategia es más difícil y peligrosa que la anterior. Ya no es cuestión de derribar a un régimen y colocar otro. Esta nueva vía norteamericana e israelí consiste en destruir países y ejércitos. El enemigo busca diseñar un nuevo mapa en la región sobre las ruinas de los países, de los pueblos y de las sociedades de la región.

Ellos quieren lograr su objetivo sembrando el terror y la confusión y destruyendo los tejidos sociales de las poblaciones.

El enemigo busca ahora ablandarnos para que pidamos una solución. Frente a las nuevas condiciones difíciles, EEUU se convertiría así a los ojos de los pueblos en el salvador último de la región.

La corriente takfiri, representada especialmente por el Estado Islámico, es utilizada en este sentido.

Vencer al EI es posible

¿Podemos derrotar a esta nueva estrategia? Sí. Yo digo a todos los pueblos de la región que somos capaces de abortar esta nueva estrategia, como hicimos con la anterior.

Debemos comprender que existe una amenaza existencial contra todos nosotros y cuales son sus dimensiones. No debemos minimizar el peligro que nos acecha y debemos preparar los medios necesarios para hacerle frente. No hay, sin embargo, que exagerar esta amenaza.

Debemos buscar medios reales y serios para luchar contra ella sin recurrir a opciones que han demostrado ya ser ineficaces. Debemos elaborar un plan adecuado y seguirlo.

Desde 1948 hemos conocido una experiencia dura a través del proyecto de expansión sionista. Cuando los israelíes comenzaron a buscar a familias judías para crear un estado sionista en Palestina, muchos árabes minimizaron el alcance de esta medida sionista. Desde el principio, estas familias fueron repartidas de forma que cumplieran funciones militares y de seguridad. Nada era casual. La mayoría de los árabes no prestaban atención a lo que pasaba. Y de este modo, fue establecida la entidad sionista.

Incluso en 1967, algunos árabes desmentían que Israel tuviera proyectos expansionistas. Hoy en día, Israel se ha convertido en un estado usurpador, expansionista, hegemonista y que lanza guerras y ofensivas para a continuación reclamar un cese el fuego de la comunidad internacional.

Algunos árabes han apostado siempre por una intervención internacional a la espera de una política árabe. Han esperado varias décadas y ninguna solución ha sido hallada.

De este modo, el hecho de apostar por la comunidad internacional no ha llevado a ninguna parte.

Sólo la lucha armada ha demostrado ser la buena opción. Después de que el pueblo palestino fue expulsado de su tierra, hizo falta que los pueblos árabes se movilizaran, formaran brigadas y comenzaran la lucha contra el ocupante.

Los movimientos de resistencia en el Líbano y Palestina han logrado avances y las victorias frente al enemigo. A pesar de todos los sacrificios, los palestinos han comprendido que la resistencia es la mejor opción para sabotear el proyecto sionista.

En la actualidad, debemos buscar los medios de afrontar un peligro real que nos amenaza a todos. Hoy en día, la organización del EI ocupa grandes partes de Iraq y Siria. Este grupo se ha convertido en todo un país que controla recursos petrolíferos y presas. Posee enormes cantidades de armas y munciones. Vende petróleo y mantiene relaciones comerciales con varios países.

El EI ha cometido masacres, asesinado a prisioneros, liquidado a personas inocentes y se ha enfrentado con otros grupos armados en Alepo, Idleb y Deir Ezzor.

En Iraq, el EI mata también a todo aquel que difiere con él en el plano político o religioso. El objetivo es sembrar el terror. Masacres fueron cometidas desde el principio por el EI contra los sunníes que son a sus ojos apóstatas. En la última guerra contra los kurdos, casi un millón de sunníes han sido desplazados. El EI no respeta a nadie. Mata a árabes, kurdos, turkmenos… Destruye mezquitas, iglesias, santuarios. Este comportamiento no tiene nada que ver con el Islam.

Apoyo exterior al EI

Algunos países árabes y occidentales han apoyado al EI. Los norteamericanos han abierto la puerta a esta organización. Llamo a todos los libaneses, sirios, palestinos y árabes del Golfo a dejar de lado sus cálculos personales y a pensar en que este peligro amenaza a todos: sunníes, shiíes, drusos, cristianos, yazidis y otros.

Que nadie pretenda que se trata de una guerra confesional en la región. Es la guerra del espíritu takfiri contra el Otro. El EI busca eliminar y matar a todo el mundo, filmando además sus masacres para sembrar el máximo de terror entre las poblaciones. Hay que tener en cuenta que una buena parte de la causa del avance del EI es mediática.

Combatir al EI

¿Qué hacer pues? ¿Cómo reaccionar? ¿Vamos a pedir ayuda extranjera? Cabe recordar, en este sentido, que cuando el EI invadió la ciudad de Mosul y las provincias de Nínive, Salahuddin y Diyala la comunidad internacional y la Administración estadounidense no reaccionaron.

Los cristianos del Líbano deben saber que en caso de amenaza para ellos, EEUU hará lo mismo que Francia con los cristianos de Iraq. Francia ha abierto sus puertas a los refugiados cristianos.

Fue sólo cuando el EI llegó a las puertas de Erbil, de este Kurdistán que significa mucho para los norteamericanos y los israelíes, que la comunidad internacional se movilizó.

¿Esperáis una acción de éstos? ¿O bien de la Liga Árabe? ¿Esperáis una unanimidad nacional para hacer frente a este peligro?


politique internationale, géopolitique, hassan nasrallah, hizbollah, liban, proche orient, levant, islamisme, monde arabe, monde arabo-musulman, fondamentalisme islamique,


Los pueblos de la región están interesados en la lucha contra el EI. Nosotros, en tanto que libaneses, debemos admitir que esta amenaza es inminente. De un día a otro, la situación en Iraq ha cambiado. El EI es una amenaza para Iraq y Siria, pero también es un peligro para todos los demás países de la región.

La retirada de Hezbolá: un pretexto ilógico

Algunos afirman que la solución a esta amenaza reside en la retirada de Hezbolá de Siria. ¿Acaso la amenaza del EI será eliminada si Hezbolá se retira de Siria? Este debate no lleva a ninguna parte. Es toda la región la que está en peligro.

La responsabilidad nacional de movilizarnos y proteger las regiones libanesas nos incumbe a todos.

Despliegue de la FINUL: una propuesta incoherente

Otros proponen la ampliación de la Resolución de la ONU 1701. Sin embargo, esto es una burla. Sabed que la FINUL tiene necesidad de la protección de la población. ¿Son ellos capaces de protegernos?

Son la Resistencia y el Ejército los que protegen el Sur del Líbano. ¿Cómo creer, pues, que las fuerzas de la ONU son capaces de asegurar la protección de la Bekaa y el norte del Líbano?

El distanciamiento, una política errónea

Otros han planteado la política de distanciamiento del Líbano. Si el EI llega a la frontera del país ¿Acaso estaremos al abrigo de sus ataques a causa de la política de distanciamiento? Se conspira contra el Ejército libanés y las autoridades libanesas rehúsan hablar con las autoridades sirias. Justo porque se aplica esta política.

La lógica es que cuando un peligro existencial amenaza un país o una entidad, la proridad es entonces la lucha contra ese peligro y no exponer al pueblo a un genocidio.

Llamamiento a los libaneses

Llamo a todos los libaneses a comprender que vuestro país hace frente a una amenaza existencial. Para hacer frente a la misma hace falta dar prueba de seriedad, fidelidad y sacrificio.

He aquí algunos puntos fuertes para hacer frente a este peligro:

1 – El Ejército y las fuerzas de seguridad. Hezbolá saluda toda ayuda y oferta de ayuda al Ejército. Un apoyo popular, moral y financiero es necesario para fortalecerlo. El Estado debe ponerse al lado del Ejército para recuperar a nuestros soldados secuestrados.

2 – El gobierno actual es la única institución activa hoy. Este gobierno es uno de los factores de fuerza.

3 – Es necesario detener las provocaciones confesionales, como en el caso de Ersal. Cesad los ataques contra Hezbolá por el tema de Ersal. Los que llevan a cabo provocaciones confesionales en el Líbano deben ser juzgados porque es su efecto es el mismo que el de los coches bomba.

4 – Reconciliaciones regionales. La población de Ersal no tiene nada que ver con el Frente al Nusra o el EI. La población de Ersal, Labweh y Nabi Uzman deben reconciliarse.

5 – El tratamiento del tema de los desplazados sirios. El Líbano y Siria deben tratar el tema de los refugiados sirios y su regreso a su país. En Siria hay muchas regiones a las que los desplazados pueden regresar.

6 – Ambos países deben tratar el tema del fortalecimiento de la frontera común.

7 – La elección presidencial es importante porque el nombramiento de un presidente y la reactivación de las instituciones del Estado refuerzan al Líbano. El campo del 8 de Marzo posee un candidato y uno solo. Cesad de perder el tiempo. Que nadie espere una decisión exterior en el tema del presidente libanés.

He aquí una lista de ideas propuestas para proteger al Líbano. Vamos a debatirlas. Estamos dispuestos a sacrificarnos por nuestro país. Es una batalla existencial y estamos dispuestos a afrontarla. Si la resistencia hubiera esperado a una unanimidad nacional para actuar, Israel habría llegado hasta el norte del Líbano.

Es fácil vencer al EI. El combate contra Israel es más difícil. Somos capaces de hacerle frente con éxito. Este grupo no tiene futuro en la región si los iraquíes, los sirios, los libaneses y otros asumen su responsabilidad.

Con ocasión de la victoria de Julio, llamo a una posición nacional, institucional y popular. Sabed que tenemos los medios para lograr una victoria sobre el EI.

Cabe señalar que si todo el mundo rehúsa hacer frente a sus responsabilidades, Hezbolá asumirá las suyas. Estamos dispuestos a cooperar con todas las fuerzas libanesas que estén dispuestos a hacer frente a esta amenaza.

Nosotros no pensamos hacer las maletas y abandonar el Líbano. Es aquí donde hemos nacido y cuando las circunstancias nos llaman al combate, estamos dispuestos a luchar. Y sólo en ese caso saldremos victoriosos.

Fuente: Al-Manar

Extraído de: Tribulaciones Metapolíticas

jeudi, 24 juillet 2014

L`Isis? Un boomerang in faccia agli Usa
















L`Isis? Un boomerang in faccia agli Usa

L`avanzata del fondamentalismo sunnita da Mosul alle porte di Baghdad per formare un`entità statale islamica in Iraq e in parte della Siria

Lorenzo Moore

In una decina di giorni appena la marcia degli integralisti sunniti dell’Isis - il gruppo che si batte appunto per insediare sui territori dello storico califfato di Baghdad (dal Mediterraneo al Golfo, Kuwait incluso) uno “Stato islamico dell’Iraq e della Siria” – è giunta a ridosso della capitale irachena dopo aver operato assedi e conquiste di intere provincie dell’Iraq del nord, a stento contenuta nelle regioni più periferiche settentrionali dalle milizie curde, da tempo allineate ai desiderata di Washington.
Non è peregrino qui ricordare che per abbattere il regime ba’athista di Saddam Hussein (con la scusa di inesistenti armi di distruzione di massa) le forze di invasione angloamericane, per giungere da Bassora a Baghdad ci misero 22 giorni.
Né è inutile rammentare che di fatto, nel concreto, l’Isis non sia altro che l’ennesimo gruppo integralista sunnita utilizzato dai regimi feudali del Golfo – e indirettamente dagli statunitensi – per  raggiungere lo scopo di “federalizzare” l’Iraq già ba’athista in tre macroregioni nazionali-religiose,  curda a nord, sunnita al centronord e sciita al centrosud. Un obiettivo, diciamo così, allargato due anni fa al finanziamento e all’innesco della guerra civile contro la Siria, l’ultimo bastione sociale e nazionalista arabo ba’athista.
L’Isis, che è attualmente egemone tra i gruppi terroristi islamici più radicali, avendo sul terreno spazzato via o comunque reso inoffensivo l’altro gruppo inizialmente più attivo nella Siria del nord, al Nusra, appare, secondo fonti di intelligence statunitensi, e in particolare nell’analisi del think-tank Usa, Institute for the Study of War (ISW), che ha documentato lo sviluppo decennale (dal 2004, dopo il caos seguito all’invasione atlantica) del gruppo islamico, che pretende rifondare un califfato basato sui canoni della Sharia, inizialmente formato da quadri medi sunniti già ba’athisti. Nel rapporto dell’ISW viene tra l’altro messa in rilievo la potente capacità di “relazioni” e di “stampa e propaganda” dell’Isis e viene ripresa e pubblicizzata una sua ponderosa “nota” che riepiloga la sua forza, la sua organizzazione, le sue azioni sul terreno vantate e presumibilmente reali.
In sintesi l’Isis auto dichiara di avere una forza, attuale, di 15.000 combattenti, dei quali la gran parte arruolati nella jihad non solo in Iraq o Siria, ma nei diversi Paesi mediorientali ed europei (2000 circa , secondo una stima, quelli arruolati nel nostro continente).
Nella nota dell’Isis estratta dal centro studi Usa, si focalizza il periodo tra il novembre 2012 e lo stesso mese del 2013.
L’Isis si attribuisce 9540 attacchi in Iraq, 1083 assassinii, 4000 attentati circa, la liberazione di centinaia di prigionieri reclutati dai fondamentalisti dalle carceri irachene.
L’ISW statunitense riporta un commento di Nigel Inkster, già vicecomandante del MI6 britannico che sottolinea l’importanza e la solidità organizzativa, militare e politica, e finanziaria del gruppo jihadista sunnita. Negli Usa il parlamentare Michael McCaul, presidente del comitato congressuale di Sicurezza Nazionale, ha definito l’emergere dell’Isis – che controlla ormai sia Mosul (seconda città irachena) che Tikrit, “la più grave minaccia dopo l’11 settembre 2001”. Non a caso un pastore-missionario evangelico, Elijak Abraham, dal canto suo ha dichiarato che l’Isis “è un’estensione di al Qaida). C’è da notare che con la sua brutale avanzata in Iraq (lo stesso Isis ha infatti diffuso ferocissimi immagini e filmati, con atrocità commesse ai danni, in particolare, delle minoranze religiose: è ormai generale, ad esempio, il doppio esodo dei cristiani caldei nell’enclave di Ninive e degli sciiti nei quartieri di Baghdad) il gruppo terrorista radicale ha comunque indebolito il suo dominio nella provincia siriana a ridosso della frontiera irachena.
Al contrario di quanto  appare dalle reazioni “stupite” delle istituzioni di sicurezza nazionale statunitensi e britanniche, di fatto e in realtà l’Isis appare dunque il risultato-boomerang della vergognosa aggressione angloamericana.
Il cosiddetto Stato Islamico di Iraq e Siria è infatti una fedele “trasposizione” sul terreno del progetto Usa di trasformazione degli Stati nazionali siriano e iracheno nelle tre diverse identità statali territoriali sunnita, sciita e curda.
Un divide et impera geopolitico immaginato dagli Usa su diretto “consiglio” di Israele.

19 Giugno 2014 12:00:00 - http://rinascita.eu/index.php?action=news&id=23506

mercredi, 23 juillet 2014

Geostrategic Battles for control of the Heartland


Chechnya and the wars in the nineties: Geostrategic Battles for control of the Heartland

Chechen separatism and Chechen wars (1994-1996 and 1999-2000) are part of the process of anti-Eurasian  dissolution developed by Atlanticist strategists in the post- Soviet period. The Russian Federation is historically since Tsarist times a large-continental, integrating and tellurocratic state, an imperial power ... and a multi-ethnic state. In addition to the Slavic Russians, there are many other peoples living in the Russian Federation, and each enjoys a considerable degree of autonomy in their respective republic or oblast (region), with the absolute freedom to practice their religion or to use their language at an institutional level. 
Turkic people like the Tatars or Bashkirs, Mongol peoples like the Tuvans or Yakut, Caucasian like Chechen or Ingush... Christians, Muslims , Buddhists or adherents of ancient shamanism. There is even a Jewish Oblast near the Chinese border, whose capital is Birobidzhan .
Shortly after the final collapse of the USSR in 1991, not still satisfied with having achieved the breakup of the Soviet republics, the international Atlanticist thalassocracratic conspirators also attempted to dismember the Russian Federation, starting with the destabilization of the Caucasus. While in the Balkans they were destroying Yugoslavia, and while Russia was being sacked by massive capital evasions to the "west" and was being vampirically weakened by cosmopolitan oligarchs that privatized large national industries and by the implementation of ultra-liberal reforms to establish parasitism, a separatist subversion began in Chechnya, which later should (according to the  thalassocratic - globalist plans) then also extend to other republics, especially those with a Muslim majority, by the infiltration of Saudi Wahhabism. The goal was not only to dismantle the USSR, but also the Russian Federation.
The Chechen people
The Chechens are an ancient people located in the North Caucasus since at least 5000 years. The Caucasus has always been a region of great geostrategic importance because historically in this region three rivalizing Empires had their borders: Russia, Ottoman Turkey and Persia.
Being a mountain people (like the Basques in Spain, the Albanians in the Balkans or the Kurds in the Middle East) Chechens as well as other peoples of the North Caucasus (mainly Ingush and Dagestani) remained isolated for centuries and developed without foreign interference their particular idiosyncrasy, which includes a language of unknown origin without any apparent relationship with other languages spoken outside that area. They had contact with neighboring peoples such as the Alans (Ossetians), Georgians and with Byzantine culture and with the Terek Cossacks. 
They were lately Islamized and kept syncretistically in Islam particularities of their ancestral religion. Therefore, the traditional Caucasian Islam, although formally adhering to the Sunni  Hanafi school, incorporates ethnic elements that differentiate it from the mainstream Arab Sunnism.
Sufism is also extremely popular in the Caucasus. The two main tariqas (brotherhoods) are present: Naqshbandiyya is mostly in eastern Chechnya and Daghestan, while Qadiriyya has more adherents in western Chechnya and Ingushetia. One of the ritualistic differences between the two streams is the way to do the zikr; "Memory (of  the name of Allah)" a mystical practice of pronouncing the shahada - "la illah has illa'Allah " - , ritually , in a rhythmic and repetitive way until reaching a state of trance; this practice is analogous to the recitation of mantras of Hinduism and Buddhism; or to the Hesychasm in Orthodox Christianity.
While the Naqshbandi Sufis practice the zikr sitting in a state of stillness, the qadiris move rhythmically and sometimes run in a circle around an imaginary axis. (The Black Stone of the Kaaba?). In Chechnya there are 5% of Christians, most of them of Cossack origin.
The Chechens call themselves "Vainakh " or "nokhchiy" , which means "our people". Their language belongs together with the Ingush and Dagestani , to the nakh (Ibero-Caucasian) languages. Throughout history they have used Georgian, Arabic, Latin and Cyrillic alphabets. Ethnically they are of Caucasoid type, and they have societal similarities to the Avars and Alans.
The Alans, ancestors of today's Ossetians, are an ethnic group of Iranian origin that partially moved westwards after the invasions of the Huns,  reaching the Iberian Peninsula, after joining on the way Germanic tribes such as the Vandals and the Swabians. According to the Encyclop?dia Iranica, Alans contributed along with the Goths to name Catalonia (Got- Alania).
The Chechens have the haplogroup J2, mainly associated with the Mediterranean and the Fertile Crescent. They are genetically closer to the Basques or Britons than to the Slavs. In fact, they are by blood as close to the Basques as to the Ingush. Apparently, they are also associated with the mythical Cimmerians (equestrian nomads of the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea region, in which the writer Robert E. Howard found inspiration to create his character Conan the Barbarian), with the Sarmatians and the Assyrian-Hittite Kingdom of Urartu (cradle of the Armenian people).
After World War II, they were deported en masse to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan on Beria's orders; on accusations of having collaborated with the Axis.
The Chechens are historically a martial society organized in teips (clans), with a significant agrarian culture and attachment to the land.
The social structure is made based on nekye (families) integrated into gar (branches), which form the teip (clans), organized  in tukhum (web or union of clans).
They have a social code of honor: the nokhchallah (whose core values are morals, ethics, generosity, hospitality and protect women).
They all mythically descended from the same man, the Turpalo - Nokhchuo. The wolf is the national animal.
Religion is very much influenced by the Caucasian ethnic idiosyncrasies, so the traditional Chechen Islam syncretistically integrates elements of their ancestral spirituality.
Many Chechens and Ingush refer to God as Dela (instead of Allah), which is the supreme god of the Pantheon in the pre-Islamic period, comparable to the Greek Zeus or Wotan for the Germans.
There is a popular saying: "The Prophet Mohammad may have been an Arab, but God is a Chechen for sure".
The Wahhabism which was infiltrated during the '90s sought to "de- chechenize" Islam in Chechnya, imposing their demented satanic/globalist ideology of a Saudi-kind "universal caliphate". In addition, the emergence of Wahhabi separatism caused that secular nationalist idea was abandoned for the pan-Islamism (from "Republic of Ichkeria" to "Caucasus Emirate"). This caused many former secessionist militants (including Ahmad Kadyrov himself, father of Ramzan) to switch to the side of the Russian Federation after realizing what "independence" actually meant.
Post-Soviet separatism in the North Caucasus region
The idea of Chechen separatism (using subversive Islamic extremism and foreign mercenaries) was resurrected in the early '90s in the process of Soviet disintegration. The international plutocracy with the geopolitical goal of dominating the Eurasian Heartland, wanted to promote not only the dissolution of the tellurocratic, bi-continental and imperial power of the USSR, but also the dismemberment of the Russian Federation. Chechnya thus became the scene of a global battle between the two opposing geopolitical conceptions; corrosive globalism against the multipolarity of the large blocks; imperialism ("divide and conquer") against the Empire (federal autarky and integration).
In October 1991; Soviet ex - general and president of the Chechen Republic Dzhokhar Dudayev made a unilateral declaration of "independence", proclaiming the "Republic of Ichkeria ". His intention was to turn Chechnya into his personal feud, and to do so he was helped with covert CIA support.
For centuries, Chechens traditionally always devoted to the profession of soldier. The demobilization of the Red Army in the post- Soviet years led many to unemployment.
With Dudayev, who as a Soviet military man had never resided in the land of his ancestors, Chechnya became a haven for organized crime as it would later became Kosovo. The oligarchs were very involved in the illegal business with Chechnya, especially Boris Berezovsky. Dudayev came to threaten Russia with a terrorist campaign against its nuclear plants. Grozny's airport became a transit point for world heroin trade. 
In the previous decade, Dudayev had participated in the war in Afghanistan against the Mujahideen, but paradoxically he and his successors would later use them in Chechnya. He was not an Islamist as Basayev and Umarov, but he lacked scruples and in order to realize his aspirations of "independence", he allied with Saudi Arabia (soon establishing in Chechnya a network of mercenaries through Prince Bandar) and Turkey (member country of NATO). He is the Izetbegovic or Thaci of the Caucasus. 
He was an ally of the anti-Soviet Estonian nationalists (while his successor Aslan Maskhadov repressed them). In summer 1992, Dudayev made trips to Saudi Arabia and the UAE for support. Also to Turkey and Bosnia.
Berezovsky was an associate of Chechen gangsters. In 1993 he flew to Tel Aviv, and acquired Israeli citizenship without having to give up the Russian one.
General Alexander Lebed (who died in a mysterious "plane crash") stated that Berezovsky was responsible for the "peace negotiations" in Chechnya doing everything possible to make them fail.
Lebed : "After the signing of the peace accords of Khassaviurt [ ... ] Berezovsky came to see me and tried to intimidate me. When he realized that it was not possible to scare me, he simply said, "you have spoiled an amazing business. Everything was going so well. Were they killing each other? So what? They always have and will continue to do so anyway."
Salman Raduyev was a friend of Berezovsky. Ramzan Kadyrov declared years later that Berezovsky financed terrorists back in 1996 and 1997: "He could not afford to just give them the money, so (Berezovsky) invented the following mechanism: He asked (Raduyev and Basayev ) to kidnap people and he would pay the ransom: "I will receive good publicity and you will have the money". (Source: http://rt.com/politics/berezovsky-financed-terrorists-by-paying-ransoms-chechen-prez/)
Looter oligarchs like Berezovsky or Gusinsky, in those turbulent years, contributed to emphasize the precariousness of the Russian people and to spread misery; these plutocrats also collaborated with international high finance that sought to dissolve not only the USSR but also the Russian Federation.
Geoenergetic Question: There are not the natural resources of Chechnya which matters most to the Russians, but the network of oil pipelines in the Caspian sea. USrael steals oil from Russia through Georgia and Azerbaijan. Baku- Novorossiysk.
In 1993 Dudayev announced that Chechen language would stop using the Cyrillic alphabet and would begin to use the Latin one; also they stopped teaching Russian in schools.
Meanwhile, Chechen political groups from within the republic opposed his regime and decided to ally with Russia.
The first war to regain Chechnya took place between 1994 and 1996, ending with a ceasefire. Dudayev died in 1996 after being hit by a missile during the war.
Aslan Maskhadov came to power in 1997, he wanted to maintain the "sovereignty" and continue pressuring Moscow (which had enough economic problems on their own because of the parasitical oligarchs) to rebuild the country. Russia continued to send money for the rehabilitation of the republic, to build schools and hospitals, but most of the money was taken by the separatist authorities and the warlords who keep the money for themselves.
Formally, "Ichkeria" was still part of Russia, and enjoyed government subsidies and participation in the Russian financial system (their "independence " was UNILATERAL), but it did not contribute at all to the Federation. It was beyond the control of the customs bodies and of the Russian security forces. In a concession to the Islamists, Maskhadov decreed the imposition of Sharia in 1999. Chechnya began increasingly to become a Caucasian version of Taliban Afghanistan.
The second war began in July 1999 with the invasion launched by Basayev and Arab mercenary Khattab against Dagestan from Chechnya; with the complicity of Maskhadov, with the scope of also separating Dagestan from Russia and integrate it into the "Republic of Ichkeria" as a potential " Islamic emirate". In September, terrorist acts in Moscow apartment caused over 300 deaths.
Proponents of the conspiranoic theory that the bombs in the apartment were a "false flag" of the FSB, have connections with Berezovsky (Litvinenko, Kasparov, etc). The most rabid Zionist neocon hawks in Washington are also adherents of this real "conspiracy theory". A major case of PROJECTION (attributing to the crimes they themselves commit or the own ways of doing things to the adversary) is seen here: The same ones who affirm that after the bombings in Moscow apartments were Russian secret services to have an excuse to intervene in Chechnya, are the ones defending tooth and nail the "official version" of 9/11.
The Russian intervention in Chechnya in 1999 drew criticism (and even economic sanctions) from Washington, accusing Moscow of "violating human rights", urging the Russian government to "engage in dialogue" with the "moderate" Maskhadov. The State Department of the U.S. received in January 2000 none other than Ilyas Akhmadov, cabinet member of the separatist regime of "Ichkeria". Meanwhile, oligarch Vladimir Gusinsky (like Berezovsky also an Israeli citizen), owner of Media -Most and NTV channel, performed in Russia itself a media campaign in line with the Atlanticist view, attacking the "barbarism" of the Russian Army and the "war crimes" (obviously only the ones of the pro - Federation forces, systematically ignoring the atrocities perpetrated by the Chechen "rebels" - In Chechnya, as today in Syria, there were also two types of "combatants" : the "extremists" of  "Al Qaeda" (of which nobody was still speaking in the West, because this was before 9/11) and the "moderate" Maskhadov (analogous to current members of the "FSA"). 
Instead, the pro-Federation Chechens (which were increasing in numbers) were systematically ignored by the media (both Western and "Russian" - ie oligarchic - media, as the aforementioned Media-Most of Gusinsky). It was thus intended to give the public the wrong perception that it was a conflict of "Russians against Chechens" (of "evil imperialist Russians against poor Chechens who just wanted freedom"); when in fact it was a geopolitical conflict between supporters of the Federation and sympathizers of secessionism (among them less and less civilians and increasingly more militant Wahhabis - many of them foreigners - as well as organized crime figures and, of course, those who always benefit from the "divide and conquer".
Political analyst F. William Engdahl said that if Russia had not intervened in Chechnya between 1999 and 2000; the US would have had the excuse after the attacks of 9/11 and the invasion of Afghanistan, to directly interfere in the North Caucasus (ie in the Russian Federation) alleging that the region could serve as a refuge to Bin Laden and Taliban leaders, after "not having found" them in Afghanistan.
Raduyev mantained that Dudayev (officially dead since 1996) was still alive, and gave orders for the "liberation of the Caucasus" from a secret NATO base in Turkey ( ! ). In 1999 Raduyev , whom the effects of an explosion had deformed the face, went to get plastic surgery to Germany (!) He got titanium implants, so they nicknamed him "Titanic" and "Michael Jackson". In 2000 he tried to assassinate Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, who a few years later was to be overthrowed by one of those colored revolutions of the post -Soviet space, and replaced with the more “cooperative” puppet Saakashvili.
In retaliation for the terrorist bombing of the Moscow apartments in September 1999, air strikes were carried out by Russia against the regime of "Ichkeria", and ground attacks in October. The Russian reaction, coordinated by Putin, was much better planned and executed than in the first war in 1994.
Since 2000, the separatists had access to sophisticated radars and anti-aircraft batteries (made in USA) . Georgia 's border with Chechnya was used to smuggle weapons and mercenaries for the CIA (perhaps the attempt to assassinate Shevardnadze in 2000 had something to do with his refusal or resistance to it?). In Taliban Afghanistan (with which "Ichkeria" had optimal contacts) there were trained terrorists for the " jihad" in Chechnya , with the help of the Pakistani ISI. Among them was Basayev, possible CIA agent.
Individuals like Zbigniew Brzezinski and Richard Pipes cynically criticed the "invasion" and "genocidal atrocities" supposedly committed by Russia in Chechnya (while, at the same time, the U.S. was planning and executing a TRUE invasion, that of Iraq) , and demanded  through the "American Comitee for Peace in Chechnya " (ACPC ) and other globalist organizations such as the "National Endowment for Democracy" (NED ) that Moscow should "negotiate" with the "moderate" Maskhadov government, even to the point of proposing to Chechnya "formal independence" under international supervision ( ! ) - see for example the article "Give Chechens a land of Their Own" (The New York Times, 9.9.2004 ) or "The Great Chessboard" (p. 88-89) of Z. Brzezinski.
In 2005, the U.S. television network ABC aired an interview with the head of the Chechen terrorists Shamil Basayev, one of the main responsibles for the slaughter of children in school in Beslan (North Ossetia) in September 2004. When the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed outrage about it, the US State Department said that the TV channel is backed by the "freedom of expression".
On March 7, 2006 a group of prominent characters of high finance and Western politics published an open letter in the media where they continued the anti-Russian hysteria, comparing the take of Grozny with Hitler's attack against Warsaw in 1944, condemning the "neo -colonial" behavior of Russia and urging to take "drastic measures" against the Russian government. The letter was entitled "End the Silence over Chechnya" and was signed, among others, by none other than the founder of the Open Society Institute George Soros, the French Zionist Andre Glucksmann or Saudi Prince Hassan Bin Talal .
At events like the G-8 conference in St. Petersburg in June 2006 or during the parliamentary elections of 2007, the Atlanticist lobby continued hostile anti-Russian statements and media campaigns through individuals like John McCain, Tom Lantos (one of the largest media agitators for the first invasion of Iraq in 1991, propagandist of the incubators-myth) or Ileana Rose-Lethinen, who accused Putin of "authoritarianism" , "corruption", "mysterious explosions in Moscow apartments " and "invasion of Chechnya".
Afghan Taliban recognized Ichkeria in 2000; also "Ukrainian nationalists" and Poland. Because of the Ukrainian conflict, it is now common knowledge that criminals of "Pravy Sektor" ( UNA / UNSO ) had ( and have) excellent connections with Wahhabi terrorists in the Caucasus; and that there even were Ukrainian fighters on the side of Dudayev?s separatists, such as Alexander Muzichko a.k.a. Sashko Biliy, while Pravy Sektor?s chief Dimitri Yarosh called for help from Doku Umarov. Ukrainian chauvinists are also fiercely anti -Serb ; recently it came to light that Croatian war criminals "coincidentally" acquitted at The Hague like Ante Gotovina have traveled to western Ukraine to train and advise the anti - Russian militias. (See: http://theremustbejustice.wordpress.com/2014/03/06/the-bloody-croatian-generals-acquitted-by-the-hague-tribunal-took-over-the-ukrainian-land-forces/ )
In June 2000, Putin appointed former chief mufti Ahmad Kadyrov head of the Chechen government, and the reconstruction of the Republic from the ashes began. Kadyrov had initially supported the secessionists in the early '90s, but stopped after discovering how talassocracy was instrumentalizing Chechen nationalism, and especially seeing the rise of insane Saudi Wahhabi ideology and the havoc it caused in the Caucasus - also after realizing that protecting ethnic idiosyncrasy and self-determination of the Chechen people were not at all incompatible with integration into the Russian Federation, a great continental power composed of diverse peoples and that had nothing to do with the oppression of the Soviet past. What was bad in the USSR has been reincarnated in (or transferred to) the "EU" and not to the New Russia - that's what many "nationalist" (especially Ukrainians, but also Baltic and Western) do not understand.
Following the takeover of Kadyrov and the beginning of the rebuilding of the country, about 7,000 former separatist passed to the federal side.
In 2003 it was approved a new Chechen constitution after a referendum; which gave the Republic a significant degree of autonomy.
In March 2004 Ahmad Kadyrov was murdered; the "moderate" Maskhadov said "he got what he deserved". Alu Alkhanov succeeded him as the head of the Chechen government, and the following year, in December 2005, he was replaced by Kadyrov 's son Ramzan, who continues to lead the Republic until today.
Beslan massacre
September 2004: Beslan, North Ossetia , 1100 hostages,  331 killed (186 of them children). The terrorists were drug-addicts used by Basayev. ( Basayev fought on the side of the Azeris against Armenians during the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict in 92 , where he met Khattab. From that time - which coincides with the visit of Dudayev to Saudi Arabia - Wahhabism began to infiltrate in Chechnya . According to LITVINENKO and Berezovsky ( big " credibility ..."!) Basayev was conspiring with Putin against "moderate" Maskhadov - again we see the PROJECTION scheme, as what happened in reality was Bin Laden working with USA secret services.
By the way, Basayev 's brother, Shirvani, lives in Erdogan's Turkey.
Another Arab mercenary like Khattab is Muhannad, trained in the U.S., brought Wahhabism to the Kists of Pankisi (Chechens in Georgia) .
Spokesman of the separatist Ichkeria government  Ahmed Zakayev, exiled in London (!), said that Basayev "does not represent the Chechen cause" and that he is "an agent of Moscow trying to discredit it". But at the same time, despite the attack in Beslan, Zakayev named Basayev "Deputy Minister"  in 2005.
The "moderates " (Maskhadov) and the "extremists" (Basayev), as in Syria the "moderate FSA" and "extremist Al Qaeda / ISIS" etc. - the same false dichotomy as "Democrats vs. Republicans " in the USA .
In 2007; Anzor Astemirov (who studied Islamic theology in Saudi Arabia) officially requested U.S. help against "Russian aggression". Thereafter, "rebel" websites took out the phrase that read that Western countries were enemies of the "Caucasus Emirate".
On March 8, 2005 Maskhadov was liquidated in a Russian special operation (an Ex-Soviet military commander like Dudayev, Maskhadov had paradoxically suppressed the Baltic independentists by orders of Gorbachev in 1991) Ramzan Kadyrov said in the Komsomolskaya Pravda that the death of Maskhadov on March the 8 was a sign of destiny in honor of all the women who were opressed in the obscurantist Maskhadov republic. Meanwhile, for the French Zionist Glucksmann, Maskhadov is a "hero of freedom".
In 2006 also Maskhadov 's successor Abdul Khalim Sadulayev was liquidated and shortly after also Shamil Basayev, mastermind of the Beslan massacre. In 2009 the Russian army withdrew from the Chechen Republic that had been  pacified and reconstructed and where the pro - Federation Chechens headed by Ramzan Kadyrov had managed to consolidate stability.
Interestingly, the same year of 2009 (when terrorists Maskhadov and Basayev had been eliminated and peace had returned to the region), the "Freedom House" placed Chechnya on its list of "most repressive societies in the world" along with North Korea or Burma (Coming from the Freedom House, that was actually a compliment) - It didn?t suit to  Atlanticism that the destabilizing poison had been crushed.
Meanwhile, Doku Umarov (successor of Basayev) abolished the "Republic of Ichkeria" and proclaimed the "Caucasus Emirate" calling himself  "emir".
Nationalism and Geopolitics
For a deeper understanding of the Caucasian conflicts (or the Balkanic one, or the current Ukrainian crisis), it is necessary to emphasize once again that there are only TWO geopolitical models, and in the continental tellurocratic dimension of Russia (or rather the Russias -in plural- analogously to the Spains of Carlist traditionalists) as integrative power of Eurasia and champion of multipolarity. The Russias are comprised of many peoples, that are integrated (not fused !) in the Federation. There is an absolute difference between this idea of federated, integrative union (the idea of Eurasia, whose core is Russia, Haushofer?s Kontinentalblock) and the "EU" a prison of nations that does not integrate but only merges chaotically, and that is not self-sufficient but dependent of the parasitic global finance, and which is not sovereign but an USrael colony.
Chechnya and other Caucasian peoples are factually much freer and have more autonomy (culturally and economically) if they are integrated in the Federation under the protective umbrella of Russia/ the Russias in the Eurasian Kontinentalblock, than with a fake "independence" that can not be such, because it would fall under the absolute control of the Rothschilds, Soros, etc. . That's what the "nationalist " and "independentists" do not understand; neither in Russia nor in Spain .
Chechnya has more political freedom and more autonomy from Moscow than any country in the "EU" from Brussels. (And who says Brussels, says Washington).
Meanwhile, the Russian "white supremacist" (racial chauvinists), the " neo-Nazi" and "skinheads" in Moscow and other cities that harass or discriminate against people from the Caucasus and other areas of the post -Soviet space (Kazakhs, Uzbeks, Kyrgyz , etc. ) are the other side of the coin of ethno-social "divide and conquer". They are manipulated and used by those who seek the destruction of Russia (as the Russias / Eurasia). The strategic alliance between the "Ukrainian nationalists" and separatist Chechen Wahhabis is a clear example of this.
"Independence" ( ie its constitution as a truly sovereign state) of such small countries and regions (Chechnya has a total population of one million two hundred thousand) is not possible; nor it is desirable such a fallacious "independence", even if these peoples do have indeed a completely different and unique ethnic, cultural and linguistic idiosyncrasy; because then they would inevitably be devoured by the globalism of the "international community". 
Thus, "nationalists" feelings (ironically encouraged by those internationalists seeking to establish the dystopian entelechy of the NWO) are transformed in a weapon that turns against the nations themselves. In the case of the Caucasus, the best that can happen to this countries is to be under the protection of the Russian state, integrated in it in a Federation, enjoying full rights of autonomy, with the ability to enjoy their historical and ancestral tribal organization clans (the teips), and with their own regional laws (similar to the "fueros" in the case of Spain) . If not, the alternative to the "independence" of Russia, is the dependence of the "West" ; ie of USrael (which financed Wahhabis there, as it does in Syria), and a greater dependence on IMF, World Bank , and maybe even NATO (see Georgia) and EU ... See also what happened with the Baltic countries, which have gone from the bad (USSR) to the worst (EU).
In the case of Spain, Basque separatism is a creation of British imperialism (which was very admired by Sabino Arana - the "Basque Stepan Bandera" so to say), and both the Basque and Catalan separatism is functional to international imperialism, as it always the case with  chauvinist nationalism, seeking to separate from an historical entity (Spain / the Spains) to get into an artificial one ( "EU") , believing themselves to be "independent".
Ahmad Kadyrov and son Ramzan
Ahmad Kadyrov was born in Karaganda (Kazakhstan) in 1951, within a Chechen family who had been deported following WWII. He studied in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. He was a Sufi Cleric of the Qadiriyya tariqa and a Chechen politician, first a secessionist and finally pro-federation and president of the Chechen Republic from 2003 until his assassination a year later.
After the breakup of the USSR he initially joined the breakaway faction and was appointed mufti by Dudayev. But at the beginning of the second Chechen war in 1999, he switched to the pro-Russian side when he realized the geopolitical implications of the conflict and the increasing arrival of militant Wahhabis and Arab mercenaries of the Saudi orbit to extend terror and perpetuate conflict.
Kadyrov followed the teachings of the Chechen Sufi master Kunta-hajji Kishiev (1830-1867). His followers (which adhere to the Qadiriyya tariqa) believe that Kunta - hajji is one of the 360 saints who will return to Earth at the End of Time (which has some similarities with the eschatological prophecies of esoteric Shiism, the Hidden Imam, etc. ). 
The grave of Heda, the mother of Kunta - haji , is considered sacred by his followers, and became a source of conflict between Wahhabis and Sufis during the separatist government of Aslan Maskhadov. The Wahhabi "Puritans" wanted to destroy the tomb because they believe the veneration of saints to be "paganism". This was one of the turning points that led Ahmad Kadyrov , then grand mufti of Chechnya, to make the decision to break with the regime of Maskhadov and side with the Russian Federation.
With him began (from 2003 onwards) the period of peace and stability that lasts until today, under his son Ramzan. Ahmad Kadyrov made many ex-rebels pass to the pro-Russian side. (The Kadyrovtsy, pro-Chechen Federation troops are mostly ex-rebels. They are estimated to be around 5000).
There were a dozen assassination attempts against him, before the final one, on March 9, 2004. In the attack against him 30 other people were killed as well. Basayev was the organizer.
Ramzan (1976 in Tsenteroi), a boxer, a practicing Sufi, father of 5 daughters and 3 sons.
As Gaddafi in Libya, he banned alcohol and gambling. He replaced Alkhanov as head of the Republic after turning 30, minimum age for the post.
In 2006 the industry grew by 11.9 % , in 2007 26.4%
Logically , the "informative" media continued (and continues today) its smear campaign against Kadyrov and the pro-Federation Chechens, calling them " warlords" (which curiously had achieved peace, by the way) of "repressing  opposition" and of "crimes against human rights" , etc, etc. Apparently, they are worried about the stability that prevails today in Chechnya and by the fact that the potential of terrorist subversion has been smashed and virtually eradicated (both the "moderate" ones, openly friends with the "West" like the faction of Maskhadov, as well as the "extremists" ones of Umarov).
There were numerous assassination attempts against Ramzan, one of the most spectacular in October 2009.
In December 2009, the Chechen president said that the remaining terrorists are funded by the West.
In December 10, 2013 the opposition leader of Ingushetia, the separatist Magomed Khazbiev, attended the "Euromaidan" in Ukraine and participated in the anti-Russian campaign there. On February 2, 2014 FSB officially confirmed that in the mid December 2013 four  nor- Caucasian instructors were operating in Ukraine, and preparing the maidanite "rebels" for street fighting (Just like the Israelis military who were also there for the same... – See http://www.globalresearch.ca/ukraine-israeli-special-forces-unit-under-neo-nazi-command-involved-in-maidan-riots/5371725)

samedi, 19 juillet 2014

Saudi Complicity in the Rise of ISIS


The Blunders of Prince Bandar

Saudi Complicity in the Rise of ISIS


How far is Saudi Arabia complicit in the Isis takeover of much of northern Iraq, and is it stoking an escalating Sunni-Shia conflict across the Islamic world?

Some time before 9/11, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, once the powerful Saudi ambassador in Washington and head of Saudi intelligence until a few months ago, had a revealing and ominous conversation with the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove. Prince Bandar told him: “The time is not far off in the Middle East, Richard, when it will be literally ‘God help the Shia’. More than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them.”

The fatal moment predicted by Prince Bandar may now have come for many Shia, with Saudi Arabia playing an important role in bringing it about by supporting the anti-Shia jihad in Iraq and Syria. Since the capture of Mosul by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) on 10 June, Shia women and children have been killed in villages south of Kirkuk, and Shia air force cadets machine-gunned and buried in mass graves near Tikrit.

In Mosul, Shia shrines and mosques have been blown up, and in the nearby Shia Turkoman city of Tal Afar 4,000 houses have been taken over by Isis fighters as “spoils of war”. Simply to be identified as Shia or a related sect, such as the Alawites, in Sunni rebel-held parts of Iraq and Syria today, has become as dangerous as being a Jew was in Nazi-controlled parts of Europe in 1940.

There is no doubt about the accuracy of the quote by Prince Bandar, secretary-general of the Saudi National Security Council from 2005 and head of General Intelligence between 2012 and 2014, the crucial two years when al-Qa’ida-type jihadis took over the Sunni-armed opposition in Iraq and Syria. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute last week, Dearlove, who headed MI6 from 1999 to 2004, emphasised the significance of Prince Bandar’s words, saying that they constituted “a chilling comment that I remember very well indeed”.

He does not doubt that substantial and sustained funding from private donors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to which the authorities may have turned a blind eye, has played a central role in the Isis surge into Sunni areas of Iraq. He said: “Such things simply do not happen spontaneously.” This sounds realistic since the tribal and communal leadership in Sunni majority provinces is much beholden to Saudi and Gulf paymasters, and would be unlikely to cooperate with Isis without their consent.

Dearlove’s explosive revelation about the prediction of a day of reckoning for the Shia by Prince Bandar, and the former head of MI6′s view that Saudi Arabia is involved in the Isis-led Sunni rebellion, has attracted surprisingly little attention. Coverage of Dearlove’s speech focused instead on his main theme that the threat from Isis to the West is being exaggerated because, unlike Bin Laden’s al-Qa’ida, it is absorbed in a new conflict that “is essentially Muslim on Muslim”. Unfortunately, Christians in areas captured by Isis are finding this is not true, as their churches are desecrated and they are forced to flee. A difference between al-Qa’ida and Isis is that the latter is much better organised; if it does attack Western targets the results are likely to be devastating.

The forecast by Prince Bandar, who was at the heart of Saudi security policy for more than three decades, that the 100 million Shia in the Middle East face disaster at the hands of the Sunni majority, will convince many Shia that they are the victims of a Saudi-led campaign to crush them. “The Shia in general are getting very frightened after what happened in northern Iraq,” said an Iraqi commentator, who did not want his name published. Shia see the threat as not only military but stemming from the expanded influence over mainstream Sunni Islam of Wahhabism, the puritanical and intolerant version of Islam espoused by Saudi Arabia that condemns Shia and other Islamic sects as non-Muslim apostates and polytheists.

Dearlove says that he has no inside knowledge obtained since he retired as head of MI6 10 years ago to become Master of Pembroke College in Cambridge. But, drawing on past experience, he sees Saudi strategic thinking as being shaped by two deep-seated beliefs or attitudes.

• First, they are convinced that there “can be no legitimate or admissible challenge to the Islamic purity of their Wahhabi credentials as guardians of Islam’s holiest shrines”.
• But, perhaps more significantly given the deepening Sunni-Shia confrontation, the Saudi belief that they possess a monopoly of Islamic truth leads them to be “deeply attracted towards any militancy which can effectively challenge Shia-dom”.

Western governments traditionally play down the connection between Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabist faith, on the one hand, and jihadism, whether of the variety espoused by Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida or by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Isis. There is nothing conspiratorial or secret about these links: 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, as was Bin Laden and most of the private donors who funded the operation.

The difference between al-Qa’ida and Isis can be overstated: when Bin Laden was killed by United States forces in 2011, al-Baghdadi released a statement eulogising him, and Isis pledged to launch 100 attacks in revenge for his death.

But there has always been a second theme to Saudi policy towards al-Qa’ida type jihadis, contradicting Prince Bandar’s approach and seeing jihadis as a mortal threat to the Kingdom. Dearlove illustrates this attitude by relating how, soon after 9/11, he visited the Saudi capital Riyadh with Tony Blair.

He remembers the then head of Saudi General Intelligence “literally shouting at me across his office: ’9/11 is a mere pinprick on the West. In the medium term, it is nothing more than a series of personal tragedies. What these terrorists want is to destroy the House of Saud and remake the Middle East.’” In the event, Saudi Arabia adopted both policies, encouraging the jihadis as a useful tool of Saudi anti-Shia influence abroad but suppressing them at home as a threat to the status quo. It is this dual policy that has fallen apart over the last year.

Saudi sympathy for anti-Shia “militancy” is identified in leaked US official documents. The then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in December 2009 in a cable released by Wikileaks that “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan] and other terrorist groups.” She said that, in so far as Saudi Arabia did act against al-Qa’ida, it was as a domestic threat and not because of its activities abroad. This policy may now be changing with the dismissal of Prince Bandar as head of intelligence this year. But the change is very recent, still ambivalent and may be too late: it was only last week that a Saudi prince said he would no longer fund a satellite television station notorious for its anti-Shia bias based in Egypt.

The problem for the Saudis is that their attempts since Bandar lost his job to create an anti-Maliki and anti-Assad Sunni constituency which is simultaneously against al-Qa’ida and its clones have failed.

By seeking to weaken Maliki and Assad in the interest of a more moderate Sunni faction, Saudi Arabia and its allies are in practice playing into the hands of Isis which is swiftly gaining full control of the Sunni opposition in Syria and Iraq. In Mosul, as happened previously in its Syrian capital Raqqa, potential critics and opponents are disarmed, forced to swear allegiance to the new caliphate and killed if they resist.

The West may have to pay a price for its alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, which have always found Sunni jihadism more attractive than democracy. A striking example of double standards by the western powers was the Saudi-backed suppression of peaceful democratic protests by the Shia majority in Bahrain in March 2011. Some 1,500 Saudi troops were sent across the causeway to the island kingdom as the demonstrations were ended with great brutality and Shia mosques and shrines were destroyed.

An alibi used by the US and Britain is that the Sunni al-Khalifa royal family in Bahrain is pursuing dialogue and reform. But this excuse looked thin last week as Bahrain expelled a top US diplomat, the assistant secretary of state for human rights Tom Malinowksi, for meeting leaders of the main Shia opposition party al-Wifaq. Mr Malinowski tweeted that the Bahrain government’s action was “not about me but about undermining dialogue”.

Western powers and their regional allies have largely escaped criticism for their role in reigniting the war in Iraq.

Publicly and privately, they have blamed the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for persecuting and marginalising the Sunni minority, so provoking them into supporting the Isis-led revolt. There is much truth in this, but it is by no means the whole story. Maliki did enough to enrage the Sunni, partly because he wanted to frighten Shia voters into supporting him in the 30 April election by claiming to be the Shia community’s protector against Sunni counter-revolution.

But for all his gargantuan mistakes, Maliki’s failings are not the reason why the Iraqi state is disintegrating. What destabilised Iraq from 2011 on was the revolt of the Sunni in Syria and the takeover of that revolt by jihadis, who were often sponsored by donors in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Again and again Iraqi politicians warned that by not seeking to close down the civil war in Syria, Western leaders were making it inevitable that the conflict in Iraq would restart. “I guess they just didn’t believe us and were fixated on getting rid of [President Bashar al-] Assad,” said an Iraqi leader in Baghdad last week.

Of course, US and British politicians and diplomats would argue that they were in no position to bring an end to the Syrian conflict. But this is misleading. By insisting that peace negotiations must be about the departure of Assad from power, something that was never going to happen since Assad held most of the cities in the country and his troops were advancing, the US and Britain made sure the war would continue.

The chief beneficiary is Isis which over the last two weeks has been mopping up the last opposition to its rule in eastern Syria. The Kurds in the north and the official al-Qa’ida representative, Jabhat al-Nusra, are faltering under the impact of Isis forces high in morale and using tanks and artillery captured from the Iraqi army. It is also, without the rest of the world taking notice, taking over many of the Syrian oil wells that it did not already control.

Saudi Arabia has created a Frankenstein’s monster over which it is rapidly losing control.

The same is true of its allies such as Turkey which has been a vital back-base for Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra by keeping the 510-mile-long Turkish-Syrian border open. As Kurdish-held border crossings fall to Isis, Turkey will find it has a new neighbour of extraordinary violence, and one deeply ungrateful for past favours from the Turkish intelligence service.

As for Saudi Arabia, it may come to regret its support for the Sunni revolts in Syria and Iraq as jihadi social media begins to speak of the House of Saud as its next target. It is the unnamed head of Saudi General Intelligence quoted by Dearlove after 9/11 who is turning out to have analysed the potential threat to Saudi Arabia correctly and not Prince Bandar, which may explain why the latter was sacked earlier this year.

Nor is this the only point on which Prince Bandar was dangerously mistaken. The rise of Isis is bad news for the Shia of Iraq but it is worse news for the Sunni whose leadership has been ceded to a pathologically bloodthirsty and intolerant movement, a sort of Islamic Khmer Rouge, which has no aim but war without end.

The Sunni caliphate rules a large, impoverished and isolated area from which people are fleeing. Several million Sunni in and around Baghdad are vulnerable to attack and 255 Sunni prisoners have already been massacred. In the long term, Isis cannot win, but its mix of fanaticism and good organisation makes it difficult to dislodge.

“God help the Shia,” said Prince Bandar, but, partly thanks to him, the shattered Sunni communities of Iraq and Syria may need divine help even more than the Shia.

PATRICK COCKBURN is the author of  Muqtada: Muqtada Al-Sadr, the Shia Revival, and the Struggle for Iraq.

jeudi, 17 juillet 2014

¿Jihad global contra los BRICS?


Nuevo califato del siglo XXI en Irak/Siria: ¿jihad global contra los BRICS?

Alfredo Jalife Rahme

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

La nebulosidad sobre la sorprendente creación y propagación del grupo sunita jihadista Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (Siria y Líbano) –Isil, por sus siglas en inglés, y Daesh en árabe–, que ha generado aparente confusión (ver Bajo la Lupa, 18, 25 y 29/6/14), se empieza a disipar por sus alcances geoestratégicos en la frontera del triángulo RIC (Rusia, India y China), cuyos tres miembros forman parte del ascendente BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica), a 14 días de celebrar su sexta cumbre en Fortaleza.

El primer día del ayuno islámico del Ramadán, un dato simbólicamente ilustrativo fue escenificado por Isil/Daesh, que deja oficialmente de lado su nombre por el de Estado islámico: el lanzamiento del califato islámicoen los territorios bajo su ocupación militar, y nombró a su enigmático líder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi como su nuevo califa (que significa sucesor del profeta Mahoma en árabe).

El temerario lanzamiento del nuevo califato por el Estado islámico sunita es un triple anatema para el chiísmo universal de 300 millones de feligreses (20 por ciento del total islámico global): 1) el califato, que nace con loscompañeros del profeta, es eminentemente sunita y motivo de la ruptura sucesoria con los chiítas seguidores de Alí (primo de Mahoma); 2) Abu Bakr fue el primer califa del sunismo, padre de la legendaria Aisha y uno de los suegros del profeta, y hoynom de guerre del nuevo califa del siglo XXI, y 3) el califato sunita proclamado llega hasta las fronteras de Irán en la provincia de Diyala para vincularse con Alepo (Siria), en la frontera turca.

El primigenio califato fue abolido con la derrota del Imperio Otomano en la Primera Guerra Mundial, lo cual significó el reparto de su féretro mediante la artificial cartografía medioriental del tratado secreto anglo-francés Sykes-Picot que el nuevo califato del siglo XXI ha dado por muerto al borrar de facto la transfrontera de Siria e Irak, lo cual beneficia el nuevo trazado militar del Kurdistán iraquí.

Las reverberaciones del nuevo califato del siglo XXI son enormes a escala local/transfronteriza/regional y euroasiática, en medio de su epifenómeno multidimensional –donde el control de los hidrocarburos juega un papel preponderante–, cuando sus implicaciones prospectivas se plasman en su irredentismo cartográfico tanto de su jihad petrolera como de su proyección geopolítica para los próximos cinco años.

A alguien le convino la guerra de 1980-1988 focalizada entre los árabes de Irak (en la etapa de Saddam Hussein) contra los persas de Irán (en la fase del ayatola Jomenei), para que luego Estados Unidos/Gran Bretaña/OTAN librasen sus dos guerras puntuales en contra de Irak (1990/1991 y 2003/2011) del nepotismo dinástico de los Bush (padre e hijo).

Irak, hoy en delicuescencia, lleva 34 años ininterrumpidos de guerras caleidoscópicas y entra a un nuevo estadio: una guerra etno-teológica que puede durar otros 30 años –réplica de las guerras europeas del siglo XVII– entre sunitas y chiítas, que abarca ya nítidamente a varios países del gran Medio Oriente (en la definición del general israelí Ariel Sharon: de Marruecos a Cachemira y de Somalia al Cáucaso): Irak, Siria, Líbano, Yemen, Bahréin, Arabia Saudita (en su parte oriental petrolera, donde predomina la minoría chiíta), y en la que participan a escala regional tras bambalinas (ya muy vistas) las seis petromonarquías del Consejo de Cooperación Árabe del Golfo Pérsico, Turquía, Jordania e Irán, sin contar el Kurdistán iraquí (gran aliado de Israel).

El nuevo califato del siglo XXI en el mero corazón euroasiático comporta implicaciones profundas en el triángulo geoestratégico de los RIC, que ostentan relevantes minorías islámicas, a diferencia de Estados Unidos y todo el continente americano, en donde la presencia musulmana es microscópica: 0.8 por ciento de la población en Estados Unidos; Sudamérica, 0.42 por ciento, y todo el continente americano, 1.6 por ciento.

Es mi hipótesis que el nuevo califato del siglo XXI y su jihad global, tanto petrolera como geopolítica, carcome las fronteras islámicas del triángulo RIC y desestabiliza su conformación demográfica interna –con un total de casi 200 millones de islámicos en su seno–, tomando en cuenta la doble contención que ejerce Estados Unidos contra Rusia y China (mediante la doctrina Obama).

Con antelación ya había expuesto el preponderante factor islámico en India, que se encuentra ante un tsunami demográfico-geopolítico.

Vlady Putin declaró que “los acontecimientos provocados por Occidente en Ucrania son una muestra concentrada de una política de contención (¡supersic!) contra Rusia ”.

No se pueden soslayar los vasos comunicantes entre Ucrania, el mar Negro, el Transcáucaso y el gran Medio Oriente, donde brilla intensamente el factor chechenio.

A juicio de Putin, después del fracaso del mundo unipolar,Occidente pretende imponer a otros países sus principios, convirtiendo el planeta en un cuartel mundial. ¡Uf!

Durante el paroxismo de la guerra fría, el libro predictivo de la disolución de la URSS, El imperio resquebrajado: la revuelta de las naciones en la URSS , de la aristócrata francesa Helène Carrère d’Encausse, exhibió la vulnerabilidad cohesiva de la URSS debido al galopante crecimiento demográfico de su poligámica población islámica.

Los políticos de Estados Unidos, entre ellos el vicepresidente Joe Biden, vuelven a repetir el modelo demográfico del imperio resquebrajado, ya reducido a la mínima expresión de Rusia, donde existe una relevante minoría islámica de alrededor de 15 por ciento de su población (20 millones del total) asentada en la región Volga/Ural y en el hipersensible Cáucaso norte (Daguestán, Chechenia, etcétera).

China también ostenta unaminoría islámica sunita muy inquieta, ostensiblemente azuzada desde el exterior: los célebres uigures –de origen mongol, conectados con sus congéneres de Asia central y Turquía–, que predominan en la Región Autónoma de Xinjiang, que ascienden a 10 millones (según el censo de 2010).

La superestratégica región de Xinjiang, que mide 1.6 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, detenta pletóricos yacimientos de petróleo, constituye la mayor región productora de gas natural de toda China y ostenta importantes reservas de uranio.

La conexión comercial de Xinjiang con Kazajstán es del mayor orden geoestratégico en el corazón euroasiático.

En fechas recientes, los separatistas uigures sunitas han intensificado sus atentados en el mero corazón de China, en su capital Pekín.

Los separatistas uigures, que buscan derrocar al gobierno chino local, están inspirados por la teología de la jihad global avant la lettre y que ahora proclama y reclama el nuevo califato del siglo XXI, con el que muy bien pudieran conectarse.

¿Forma parte del cuartel mundial  de Occidente el nuevo califato del siglo XXI y su jihad global contra los BRICS?



Twitter: @AlfredoJalifeR_

Facebook: AlfredoJalife

mercredi, 16 juillet 2014

Snowden : «Le chef de l’EIIL, Al Baghdadi, a été formé par le Mossad»

Snowden : «Le chef de l’EIIL, Al Baghdadi, a été formé par le Mossad»

Auteur : Al Imane

L’ancien employé à l’Agence nationale de sécurité américaine, Edward Snowden, a révélé que les services de renseignement britannique et américain, ainsi que le Mossad, ont collaboré ensemble pour la création de l’ex-EIIL ou l’État islamique en Irak et au Levant, selon l’agence d’information iranienne Farsnews.

Snowden a indiqué que les services de renseignement de trois pays, à savoir les États-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne et l’entité sioniste ont collaboré ensemble afin de créer une organisation terroriste qui soit capable d’attirer tous les extrémistes du monde vers un seul endroit, selon une stratégie baptisée « le nid de frelons ».

Les documents de l’Agence nationale de sécurité américaine évoque « la mise en place récente d’un vieux plan britannique connu sous le nom de “nid de frelons” pour protéger l’entité sioniste, et ce en créant une religion comprenant des slogans islamiques qui rejettent toute autre religion ou confession ».

Selon les documents de Snowden, « la seule solution pour la protection de “l’État juif” est de créer un ennemi près de ses frontières, mais de le dresser contre les États islamiques qui s’opposent à sa présence ».

Les fuites ont révélé qu’« Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi a suivi une formation militaire intensive durant une année entière entre les mains du Mossad, sans compter des cours en théologie et pour maîtriser l’art du discours ».

- Source : Al Imane

vendredi, 20 juin 2014

Que devrait faire l'Europe face à un “Djihadistan” au Moyen-Orient?


Que devrait faire l'Europe face à un “Djihadistan” au Moyen-Orient?

par Jean-Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

Appelons “Djihadistan” un nouvel Etat qui s'installerait, à cheval sur la Syrie (dans le nord-est du pays) et sur l'Irak (dans l'Ouest et le Nord). Il résulterait des succès que rencontre actuellement le groupe djihadiste dirigé par l'Irakien Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi, nommé l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL). L'ambition de ces combattants est de mettre en place un véritable nouvel Etat dans ces régions, contrôlant les populations, les ressources (pétrolières) et les territoires. Il s'agirait d'un Etat appliquant une charia rigoureuse capable de lui donner une puissance offensive idéologique bien au delà de ses frontières. Or l'Europe ne peut rester indifférente : l'EIIL séduit des centaines, peut-être des milliers, de jeunes musulmans européens, venus se battre dans ses rangs, essentiellement en Syrie.

Que pourrions nous conseiller, si nous étions en charge d'une encore improbable diplomatie européenne ?

• Prier instamment les Américains de ne pas intervenir militairement. C'est pourtant semble-t-il ce qu'ils se préparent à faire, en se limitant d'ailleurs à des frappes aériennes, envois d'armes et autres mesures aux retombées plus catastrophiques les unes que les autres. Il faut rappeler aux Américains que si la situation est ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui, c'est dans la continuité des politiques belliqueuses inaugurées par Bush. La chute de Saddam Hussein, qu'ils avaient provoquée, principalement pour s'emparer de ses ressources en pétrole, a contribué à soulever le couvercle d'une marmite qui depuis ne s'est jamais refermée. Qu'ils se limitent dorénavant à défendre leurs intérêts directs, par exemple les voies de communication à travers les détroits.

• Consulter les principaux Etats directement menacés par le futur Djihadistan, afin de définir avec eux des politiques de prévention, à moduler au cas par cas, et que l'Europe pourrait appuyer. Ces Etats, concernés à des titres différents sont la Russie, l'Iran, la Turquie, l'Egypte et, un peu plus loin, les pays du Maghreb, notamment l'Algérie. Il conviendra par contre de déployer la plus grande prudence à l'égard des pays du Golfe, notamment l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar. Ceux-ci jouent simultanément plusieurs jeu, dont ils se servent pour abuser le monde entier: le jeu de leurs intérêts pétroliers et de leurs investissements économiques dans le monde, le jeu de l'Amérique, le jeu des multiples djihadistes qu'ils financent partout. Des contacts devront évidemment aussi être pris avec le Pakistan, sans oublier cependant que celui-ci pourrait prochainement se radicaliser sous l'effet des groupes djihadistes qui l'attaqueront de plus en plus et pourraient y prendre le pouvoir un jour.

• Cesser de tenter, à la suite des Américains, de renverser Bashar al Assad. La politique de la Russie, récemment rappelée par Vladimir Poutine, est la bonne: sans approuver ses excès considérer qu'il est seul à pouvoir empêcher une extension de l'EIIL à toute la Syrie

• Pratiquer une politique de non-intervention active à l'égard des différentes composantes du Djihadistan. Celles-ci sont trop diverses pour s'entendre longtemps. On verra ressurgir les oppositions entre tribus, entre sunnites, chiites et Kurdes, entre émirs et combattants d'origines différentes voulant exploiter à leur seul profit les conquêtes pétrolières faites. Il y a tout lieu de penser qu'en quelques mois, la belle union espérée par l'EIIL se sera désagrégée, et que des modus vivendi redeviendront possibles avec les voisins et avec les Européens eux-mêmes. Il suffirait sans doute d'attendre un peu. Malheureusement l'attente n'est pas une vertu que pratiquent les excités et néo-cons occidentaux de tous bords.

• Renforcer sur le territoire européen les politiques et de contrôle et de défense à l'égard des djihadistes, extérieurs ou provenant de l'Europe elle-même, qui tenteraient de la déstabiliser. Sur ce plan, que nous n'aborderons pas ici, les Européens auront fort à faire. Ils ne pourront compter que sur eux-mêmes à cette fin.

A partir de cela, un point très difficile restera à résoudre: comment l'Europe devrait-elle se comporter pour tenter de limiter les aventures de toutes sortes auxquelles pousse actuellement Israël, fort de l'appui américain - tout en assurant le cas échéant à l'Etat juif la nécessaire protection qu'il serait en droit d'attendre de l'Europe en cas d'embrasement de la région ?

Il semble que, pour Vladimir Poutine, se pose une question de même nature. Ce serait une raison de plus pour que les Européens se concertent avec les Russes afin de définir des politiques communes au Moyen Orient.

Jean-Paul Baquiast

jeudi, 19 juin 2014

The ISIS Crisis


The ISIS Crisis: Have The Sunnis Unleashed an Uncontrollable Genie?

by Gwenyth Todd

Ex: http://journal-neo.org

The sudden, successful attack by the Islamic State Of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) caught many states off-guard.  While international attention has been diverted by the situation in the Ukraine, and to a lesser extent by the internal conflict in Syria, the wealthy Sunni states have been acting quickly and effectively to build a Sunni army made up of extremists militants from around the globe.

ISIS has been growing for the past decade.  Initially, Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan seemed to welcome the support of the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) into the fray of the Syrian civil war.  ISI was originally a group composed of dispossessed Iraqi Sunnis, bolstered by extremist Sunnis from other countries, to seek redress for those have lost family, influence and property as a result of the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.  Many Iraqi Sunnis were forced to flee into Eastern Syria.  There they became increasingly radicalized against both the West and the Shi’a branch of Islam, represented in national form by the Government of Iran and, more recently, in the Government of post-2003 Iraq.

When Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan decided to try to unseat the Syrian political regime led by President Bashar Al-Assad, Turkey and others offered full support to ISI and other Sunni Muslim rebel groups with varying agendas.  In the process, an untold amount of arms and funds were provided to shadowy extremists.

It was only early in 2014 that Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan seemed to realize that the ISI fighters would not make good allies in Syria, as it became clear that they included violent extremists.  By then, it was too late.  ISI now added another letter “S” for “Sham (meaning “Levant” or “Greater Syria”).  ISIS thus became officially a militia-style, angry, Islamic fundamentalist group,with a transnational,agenda.  A monster was maturing.

While Turkey pulled its support for ISIS in 2014, Gulf Arab states appear to have allowed their citizens to step into the breach and arm and fund ISIS.  The goal seems to be to accomplish what the US and the West refused to do: force the Shi’a from power in Syria and Iran while creating a new, credible threat to Israeli expansion into the occupied territories.  Members of ISIS are ready to die for their fundamentalist Sunni beliefs, something that most wealthy Gulf Arab states appreciate but want someone else to actually carry out.

The result is becoming increasingly clear.  ISIS militants, armed to the teeth with US military hardware, have mounted a thus successful, brutally violent and cruel attack on the Iraqi city of Mosul and beyond.  Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki is begging the US for military assistance which Obama is loath to provide.  Iranian military units are reportedly already deployed within Iraq and may be all that stands between Baghdad surviving or falling to ISIS forces.

Meanwhile, the Gulf Arab states do not appear to comprehend just how existential a threat ISIS could pose to the monarchies of the Gulf, whom ISIS views as completely corrupt.  ISIS will accept Gulf Sunni money for now but will turn on them as soon as practical.  ISIS first wants to take back Iraq, topple the Iranian regime, topple the Syrian regime and then focus on bringing a more Islamic lifestyle to those Sunni states left standing. This lifestyle would be unacceptable to most Gulf businessmen and leaders, even in conservative countries like Saudi Arabia, but the Gulf states do not seem to understand the danger ISIS may pose in the long-term.

This is one conflict where both Israel and the US can sit back and observe, at least for now.  It is flushing out extremists on all sides and, in the short term, this is not seen as a bad thing by outsiders.  Similarly, the Gulf Arabs are basking in the glow of victory emanating from the fall of Mosul and the reported massacre of Shi’a residents, and are not looking ahead.

What can be done to avert further disaster?

The first step is to convince the Gulf Sunnis that ISIS is dangerous to them as well as everyone else.  This will not be easy.  The Gulf Sunnis have lived in fear since the toppling of Saddam in 2003 brought Iran to their borders.  The perceived betrayal by the US suggests that the Gulf Sunnis are not going to trust the US to advise them objectively.  Still, as more footage is released of the atrocities committed by ISIS, the Gulf Sunnis may become more open to dialogue.

The second step is to find out precisely how much support has already been provided to ISIS by regional actors so the international community can assess the scope of the military threat.  This is a delicate task.  Ensuring the Arabs do not “lose face” for having backed the extremists in ISIS since its inception may be impossible, but unless the Gulf Sunnis address the matter, the supply chain to ISIS of funds and armaments will continue unchecked.

Thirdly, if the Gulf Sunnis can accept that this ISIS monster must be destroyed, the reality that Iran is likely to be part of the effort will be very painful for them to accept.  It is a dangerous proposition for Sunni monarchies to cooperate with Shi’a groups when the Sunnis continue to treat their own Shi’a populations as second-class, unwelcome heretics.  That said, cooperation between Sunni and Shi’a will likely be critical in stopping the spread of the ISIS militia’s campaign.

For once, this is truly a regional war that the West, East and even Israel can likely watch play out as Sunnis and Shi’a fight each other to the death.  Yet from a Western and Israeli perspective ISIS cannot be allowed to actually win, any more than Iran can be allowed to win. Still, as long as oil continues to flow, it is unlikely the West will intervene in a meaningful, military manner, even though the civilian casualties are mounting exponentially.  The West would prefer to let Iran bear the burden of fighting ISIS, trusting that eventually the Gulf Sunni states will panic and stop supporting ISIS.  Until then, there will likely be a lot of sitting back and observing the conflict unfold.

Clearly, the ISIS genie is out of its bottle and its masters have yet to order it back inside. The question is, do its masters still have the authority to contain it if the situation worsens? At this point, it seems highly doubtful that the key Sunni players in the region are thinking that far ahead.

Gwenyth Todd a former Adviser to President Clinton, expert in international security policy, she hold M.A from Georgetown University, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook“ 

dimanche, 15 juin 2014

Le terrorisme, stade final du processus démocratique

Irak: vers la création d’un état islamique
Le terrorisme, stade final du processus démocratique

Jean Bonnevey
Ex: http://metamag.fr
Trois ans après le départ des troupes américaines du sol irakien, le pays est plus que jamais au bord du chaos, menacé par des conflits ethniques et religieux entre sunnites, chiites et Kurdes. L'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL) gagne du terrain dans le nord de l'Irak, région qui concentre une grande partie des champs pétrolifères et des raffineries du pays. Des centaines de djihadistes se sont emparés coup sur coup de la deuxième ville d'Irak, Mossoul, de sa province, ainsi que des parties de deux autres provinces proches. « Toutes les unités militaires ont quitté Mossoul et les habitants ont commencé à fuir par milliers vers la région autonome du Kurdistan », a confirmé un officier de haut rang. 

L'EIIL a revendiqué  les attaques à Ninive, province pétrolière sunnite, et affirmé avoir saisi des armes par milliers. Il contrôlait déjà Fallouja et plusieurs autres secteurs de la province occidentale d'Al-Anbar, à majorité sunnite et voisine de Ninive, alors que le pays, qui ne connaît pas de répit depuis l'invasion menée par les Etats-Unis en 2003, est emporté depuis un an et demi dans une spirale de violences. La chute de Saddam a ouvert la boite de pandore et les américains ont bien été incapables de la refermer. Les avancées des insurgés témoignent d'une situation chaotique sur le plan sécuritaire, alimentée par les tensions confessionnelles sunnites/chiites et le conflit en Syrie voisine. Les Etats-Unis ont ainsi plaidé en faveur d'une «  réaction ferme et coordonnée » pour reprendre Mossoul et se sont dit prêts à fournir à Bagdad toute l'aide nécessaire pour la mener à bien.

Dans un communiqué, Jen Psaki, la porte-parole du département d'Etat a indiqué : « Les Etats-Unis sont profondément préoccupés par les événements qui se sont produits au cours des dernières 48 heures à Mossoul, où des éléments de l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant se sont emparés d'une partie importante de la ville. La situation reste extrêmement grave. Les Etats-Unis vont fournir toute l'aide nécessaire au gouvernement irakien dans le cadre de l'Accord-cadre stratégique pour contribuer au succès de ces efforts ».

Ban Ki-moon, secrétaire général de l'Onu, a également exprimé sa préoccupation : « Le secrétaire général exhorte tous les dirigeants politiques à présenter un front uni face aux menaces qui pèsent sur l'Irak, qui ne peuvent être dissipées que dans le cadre de la Constitution et d'un processus politique démocratique ».

Ils ont tout de même bonne mine avec leur processus démocratique. Des terroristes sont en train de se constituer un état confessionnel en Irak, espérant l’étendre à la Syrie. Il s'installe à cheval sur la Syrie ( dans le nord-est du pays ) et sur l'Irak ( dans l'Ouest et le Nord ). C'est un événement d'une portée considérable, non seulement pour la région, mais aussi pour l'Europe.

Profitant de l'affaiblissement, voire de l'éclatement, de ces deux ex-Etats forts du Proche-Orient, le groupe djihadiste que dirige l'Irakien Abou Bakri Al-Baghdadi, l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant ( EIIL ), ne cesse d'agrandir son domaine. Jamais Al-Qaïda, même en Afghanistan sous le règne des talibans, à la fin des années 1990, n'avait contrôlé pareil territoire.

L'EIIL supplante Al-Qaïda en puissance de feu et en moyens financiers. Prônant officiellement la même pureté islamiste sunnite et la même violence extrême, il peut modifier durablement la carte de la région, amputant la Syrie et l'Irak d'une partie de leurs provinces pétrolières. L'Europe ne peut rester indifférente : l'EIIL séduit des centaines, peut-être des milliers de jeunes musulmans européens, venus se battre dans ses rangs, essentiellement en Syrie.

Si les américains et leurs pantins sur place sont impuissants, ils pourraient  peut-être faire appel à Assad.

dimanche, 08 juin 2014

Salvaje campaña de Al Qaeda en Siria e Irak contra símbolos y religiones ‘heréticas’

Imagen mostrando la destrucción de la estatua asiria en contrada en Tell Ajajah, al sur de Hasaka. / APSA

Imagen mostrando la destrucción de la estatua asiria encontrada en el yacimiento de Tell Ajajah, al sur de Hasaka. / APSA

Salvaje campaña de Al Qaeda en Siria e Irak contra símbolos y religiones ‘heréticas’

Manuel Martorell

Ex: http://www.cuartopoder.es

La Asociación para la Protección de la Arqueología Siria (APSA) ha difundido nuevas e impactantes imágenes de lo que está suponiendo la guerra siria para el patrimonio internacional. En una de ellas, tomada en un lugar indeterminado al sur de Hasaka, se puede ver cómo varios milicianos integristas destrozan a martillados una estatua del periodo asirio, alrededor del año 1.000 antes de Cristo.

Según los datos difundidos por esta asociación en su página web, quienes destrozan esta reliquia arqueológica serían miembros del Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria (ISIS), en estos momentos la organización vinculada a Al Qaeda más fuerte en estos dos países. Este grupo habría detenido a varias personas por realizar una excavación ilegal en el yacimiento de Tell Ajajah, pero, una vez las piezas robadas en su manos, se dedicaron a destruirlas por considerarlas signos paganos.

No es la primera vez que el Estado Islámico arremete contra objetos o lugares de valor patrimonial o religioso al considerarlos incompatibles con su restrictiva visión del islam. Esta misma asociación coloca varios ejemplos más de mausoleos islámicos que también han sido destruidos pese a su gran valor religioso, como ha ocurrido con los de Tell Sahuk y Tell Maruf, donde están enterrados, respectivamente, los cheiks Names y Keznawi, ambos destacadas figuras sufíes.

El mausoleo sufí de Keznawi antes y después de su destrucción. / APSA

El mausoleo sufí de Keznawi antes y después de su destrucción. / APSA

La misma suerte han corrido antiguas iglesias cristianas o monumentos naturales a los que los locales dan un valor religioso, dejando claro así que están dispuestos a hacer tabla rasa en las zonas que todavía están bajo su control en Siria o en las que están actualmente cayendo en sus manos en el norte de Irak, donde este grupo está cobrando una inusitada fuerza tras las sucesivas derrotas sufridas en el país vecino.

Precisamente, las informaciones que llegan de esta zona de Irak indican que el ISIS está recuperando su fuerza en las provincias de Nínive y Anbar, volviendo a controlar áreas urbanas en Mosul y Faluya, hasta el punto de que, en esta ciudad, abren y cierran las compuertas del río Tigris a su antojo.

Este hecho es bastante significativo respecto a la impotencia del Gobierno de Bagadad, que, incapaz de recuperar el control de la ciudad, debe contentarse con protestar porque el cierre de las compuertas compromete el suministro de agua a la capital por un lado y por otro provoca inundaciones en amplias zonas del curso superior, anegando cosechas y áreas habitadas.

Aún más preocupante es la campaña de limpieza étnica que en los últimos meses está lanzando contra corrientes religiosas no islámicas o que no siguen la ortodoxia suní, sobre todo en torno a la ciudad de Mosul, una zona habitada tanto por turcómanos chiíes, como por yezidis, cristianos asirio-caldeos y shabaks, seguidores estos últimos de un credo exotérico próximo a los alevis de Turquía.

La tumba del cheik Names (izq.) y lo que quedó de ella (dcha.). / APSA

La tumba del cheik Names (izquierda) y lo que quedó de ella (derecha). / APSA

Según informa la agencia de noticias Aina, generalmente bien informada sobre lo que ocurre en esa zona de Irak, el Estado Islámico está obligando a las familias asirio-caldeas a abandonar sus casas, prohibiendo, además, a quienes huyen que vendan sus propiedades para poder asentarse con el dinero conseguido en otros lugares más seguros.

Son varias las informaciones que hablan de ejecuciones sumarias y decapitaciones de propietarios de inmobiliarias por haber participado en estas transacciones, incluso pese a haber hecho las operaciones de compra-venta de forma secreta fuera de las oficinas. Esto es lo que habría ocurrido con los agentes de la inmobiliaria Zurhur que, tras ser secuestrados, habrían sido llevados frente a la sede de la inmobiliaria para ser degollados delante de su jefe. Lo mismo habría ocurrido con el propietario de la inmobiliaria Al Nur, también de Mosul. Se calcula que en los dos últimos años, una decena de personas habrían sido asesinadas por este mismo motivo en esta parte de Irak.

También se considera que unas 5.000 familias asirio-caldeas se encontrarían en esta tesitura de tener que abandonar sus propiedades sin poder venderlas.

Por su parte, en la zona de Muafakiwiya, son los shabak quienes están recibiendo las amenazas de esta organización islamista. Los shabak forman una pequeña comunidad que acepta tanto elementos cristianos como musulmanes pero que es considerada herética por la ortodoxia suní. El 10 de octubre del pasado año, mientras celebraban la mahometana Fiesta del Cordero, estalló un camión bomba que dejó decenas de muertos. Se calcula que un millar de fieles han sido asesinados en la última década y unas 1.500 familias han tenido que hacer las maletas y marcharse.

La última ofensiva de Al Qaeda es ahora dirigida contra los yezidis, todavía seguidores, 3.000 años después, de las enseñanzas de Zaratustra. Los yezidis –que también están extendidos por Turquía, Siria, Irán, Armenia y Georgia- habitan en Irak fundamentalmente en la región de Sinjar, situada entre la ciudad de Mosul y la frontera con Siria. Las 4.000 familias que viven en la zona de Rabia, justo donde se encuentra la aduana de Al Yarubiya, han recibido ya el ultimátum: o se van o mueren.

lundi, 02 juin 2014

¿Qué hay detrás de Boko Haram y la propaganda mediática?

por Maximiliano Sbarbi Osuna

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

Es llamativo que durante la reunión que mantuvo días atrás el presidente de Francia, François Hollande, con los líderes de Nigeria, Níger, Chad, Togo, Benin y altos representantes diplomáticos de Gran Bretaña y Estados Unidos, haya manifestado ignorar quién o quiénes financian al grupo terrorista nigeriano Boko Haram, que mantiene secuestradas unas 270 niñas desde hace un mes. También es curioso que recién ahora París y Washington comiencen una campaña de alerta contra este grupo extremista, siendo que desde 2009 ha asesinado a unas tres mil personas.

¿Quién financia a Boko Haram?

La asociación ilícita entre la OTAN con Al Qaeda para el Magreb Islámico en 2011, por medio de la cuál Occidente y el extremismo lograron quitar a Kadafi del medio y repartirse las riquezas petroleras, acuíferas y armamentísticas de Libia, produjo un asentamiento permanente en Bengasi, desde donde se torció el destino de la Primavera Árabe a favor de Occidente.

Por ejemplo, desde allí se enviaron recursos, armas y combatientes a Siria.

Pero, las cuantiosas armas de las que disponía Kadafi, compradas a Rusia y Occidente fueron robadas y vendidas en el mercado negro a través del desierto del Sahara, terminando en manos de Ansar Dine (grupo extremista de Malí), rebeldes de la República Centroafricana y de Boko Haram, la guerrilla musulmana del norte de Nigeria.

Era sabido que los almacenes de armas diseminados por toda Libia, que fueron abandonados tras los bombardeos de la OTAN iban a ser saqueados y repartidos a grupos extremistas contra los cuáles Kadafi había combatido antes de 2011.

Precisamente, Francia fue uno de los países que promovió con mayor énfasis el ataque a Libia.

Además, una investigación difundida por el diario The Nigerian Tribune y reproducida en diversos medios detalla que una organización de caridad londinense recauda fondos para Boko Haram: Al-Muntada Trust Fund es el nombre.

Desde 2009 los extremistas se hicieron conocidos en el exterior de Nigeria, pero recién en 2011 consiguieron las armas de Al Qaeda y en 2012 fueron entrenados en el norte de Malí antes de la intervención francesa.

El grupo maliense Ansar Dine habría capacitado a Boko Haram junto con Al Qaeda para el Magreb Islámico durante la anarquía en Malí en 2012.

También, existen analistas que indican que Arabia Saudita financia indirectamente a los nigerianos, tal como hace con los extremistas chechenos, talibanes, rebeldes sirios, etc.

Asimismo, se están por cumplir diez años de la sangrienta toma de rehenes en un colegio en Beslán, Osetia del Norte (Rusia), por parte de extremistas islámicos apoyados económicamente por el reino saudí. Como se ve el modus operandi es similar.

¿Por qué intervienen Francia y Estados Unidos?

París va a prestar asesores militares para que ayuden al ejército de Nigeria a liberar a las niñas capturadas.
Pero, a Francia no le preocupa el extremismo islámico tanto como otra amenaza que hay en África. Por eso, intervino en Malí en 2012, en Centroafricana en 2013 y 2014, tras el golpe y cuida muy bien a sus aliados de Níger (país de donde extrae el uranio para sus plantas nucleares) y a la dictadura de Chad.

Por su parte, EE.UU., también le teme a un gigante mucho más difícil de manejar que al terrorismo islámico. Esa amenaza se llama China, y la creciente relación entre Pekín y los países africanos espanta a las compañías occidentales.

Principalmente, porque China a cambio de extraer los recursos (petróleo, gas, minerales preciosos y metales) invierte en infraestructura y en desarrollo social en los países a los cuáles se asocia.

La presencia china no deja de ser desigual, dado que Pekín extrae materias primas a cambio de productos con valor agregado, y además en el caso particular de Nigeria, ha vertido residuos tóxicos en el delta del río Níger.

En cambio, las empresas Total, Chevron y Shell han saqueado los recursos y corrompido a las elites locales profundizando aun más la desigualdad en África Central y Occidental.

Por eso, la campaña mediática demonizando a este grupo extremista es aprovechada por las potencias occidentales para legitimar su presencia militar y su control con un pretexto altruista, pero en realidad pretenden no perder terreno a manos de China, que necesita las materias primas africanas para sostener el crecimiento.

La competencia contra China en África ha llegado a un punto tal que Washington ha dividido a Sudán en dos partes autónomas e independientes: la petrolera aliada de Occidente (Sudán del Sur) y la que carece de petróleo pero tiene la infraestructura para la exportación de crudo (Sudán del Norte), cercana a China.

Control y manipulación

Estados Unidos además de frenar a China tiene otros dos objetivos. El primero es ubicar al AFRICOM, es decir el Comando Central Africano, en algún lugar del continente, ya que actualmente se encuentra en Stuttgart, Alemania.

En Bengasi no ha podido establecerse por la lucha entre facciones, que aun no lograron consolidar el poder en Libia. La interna de esta lucha alcanzó el 11 de septiembre de 2012 a EEUU, cuando el embajador norteamericano en Libia fue asesinado en el consulado.

Nigeria podría ser una buena ubicación para el AFRICOM, con la complicidad del presidente nigeriano Goodluck Jonathan, originario del sur petrolero y que ha olvidado al norte pobre y musulmán, profundizando la ya escandalosa desigualdad en el país africano más poblado.

Por otro lado, a pesar de que EE.UU. esté por recuperar su autonomía energética, gracias a la extracción de gas de esquisto, sus compañías procuran continuar con el negocio de la extracción y exportación de hidrocarburos.

Estados al servicio de multinacionales

Es habitual, en varios países de África, que las empresas multinacionales apoyadas por potencias financien guerrillas locales contra otras empresas disfrazando estas luchas de “conflictos étnicos”.

En el Delta del Níger son cotidianos los sabotajes contra oleoductos o contra trabajadores de las empresas petroleras. Es posible que Boko Haram sea un grupo extremista cercano a Al Qaeda o que también sea parte de esta estrategia imperialista de contratar mano de obra militar local para desplazar a compañías competidoras.

Por todo lo expuesto, ¿puede Hollande ignorar qué se teje detrás del extremismo de Boko Haram?

Fuente: El Espía Digital

jeudi, 22 mai 2014

Boko Haram et le Nigéria


Ce n'est pas une guerre de fillettes
Michel Lhomme
Ex: http://metamag.fr

L'opération médiatique de Boko Haram marche. On ne parle maintenant que de fillettes enlevées, la larme chrétienne à l'œil. Elles le furent quand même mi-mars, soit il y a  plus d'un mois ! En fait, depuis 3 ans, le Nigeria est la proie d’une insurrection qui se manifeste par des attentats réguliers et violents, des attaques sporadiques sur les bâtiments publics, des massacres de civils, des prises d'otages occidentaux, en général des prêtres ou des religieuses, monnaie d'échange pour le financement des bandes armées mais surtout bon service de propagande indirecte. La frontière avec le Cameroun échappe totalement à l'Etat central. Le pays est donc en état de décomposition avancée et un groupe obscur qui porte le nom de Boko Haram a revendiqué la plupart des attentats qui ont eu lieu dans le pays.

Dans la foulée des attentats et des attaques sporadiques qui avaient eu lieu en octobre 2013 à Damaturu au Nord-est du Nigeria  c'est-à-dire à quelques kilomètres de Ndjamena (Tchad), l'ambassade des Etats-Unis avait émis un communiqué public étonnant qui, pour certains observateurs, révélait que l'ambassade des États-Unis en savait beaucoup plus sur l'attentat que ce qu'elle prétendait. Depuis les révélations de Wikileaks, on n'ignore plus le rôle que le gouvernement américain a joué ou peut jouer dans les actes de déstabilisation contre le Nigeria. Wikileaks avait en effet identifié l'ambassade américaine au Nigeria comme l'avant-poste opérationnel pour des actes de subversion contre ce pays, qui ne se limitaient pas seulement à la mise sur écoute classique des communications du gouvernement mais visaient tout à la fois l'espionnage économique des multinationales travaillant dans la zone pétrolière de Port-Harcourt, le soutien et le financement de groupes subversifs et d'insurgés, le parrainage d'une propagande de discorde entre groupes ethniques et religieux, à côté d'une politique classique de visas accordés aux politiques et hommes d'affaires nigérians en échange de la défense des intérêts américains.

Les activités subversives de l'ambassade des États-Unis au Nigeria s'inscrivent dans une politique plus large, une politique de containment (pour reprendre l'expression anglo-saxonne) du Nigeria dans le but ultime d'éliminer tout simplement le pays, puissance économique en construction et véritable bombe démographique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. Les Etats-Unis ne peuvent tolérer et admettre un Nigéria fort, futur rival stratégique des États-Unis sur le continent africain. 

Boko Haram dans la stratégie américaine

Pour comprendre ce qui se passe au Nigéria, il faut revenir en fait sur la guerre libérienne. En 1997, sous l'administration Clinton, avait été mis en place l'ACRI (African Crisis Response Initiative), forte à peu près de 15 000 hommes. Officiellement chargé d'humanitaire et d'entraînement au maintien de la paix, l'ACRI permit en réalité de moderniser et d'adapter les forces locales aux normes des forces américaines. L'ACRI fut pensé comme un contrepoids aidant le gouvernement nigérian dans sa conduite du groupe armé ECOMOG de la CEDEAO qui fut chargé dans la guerre civile libérienne de surveiller les cessez le feu et d'assurer le maintien du pays pour les pays de la Communauté Economique de l'Afrique de l'Ouest. L'ACRI produisit ainsi des recommandations, apporta son soutien dans la guerre civile libérienne et en fait orienta les forces de l'ECOMOG.

Les Etats-Unis se félicitèrent alors du rôle central du Nigéria dans la crise libérienne, qui permit aux les Etats-Unis d'éviter une intervention directe et ils autorisèrent alors la CEDEAO à aller jusqu'au bout, le principal bénéficiaire étant à ce moment là le Nigeria. C'est dans ce contexte que se forma chez les diplomates et militaires américains l'idée de base d'une Pax Nigeriana dans la sous-région de l'Afrique de l'Ouest, une Pax Nigeriana éclipsant totalement l'influence des anciennes puissances coloniales, à savoir la Grande-Bretagne mais surtout, la France. Puis si l'on consulte de près les rapports sur l'ACRI on note que le Libéria étant une création américaine, le Liberia ne devait absolument pas tomber dans les mains du Nigeria. Deux rapports internes de la NSA indiquent par exemple que le Nigeria devrait être autorisé à avoir un pied au Libéria. Sans cesse, on redit dans ces textes qu'il faut contenir le Nigeria qui pourrait être enclin à contester la primauté des États-Unis et de l'Occident dans ces régions à fort potentiel économique.

Bref, le gouvernement des États-Unis cherche à contenir absolument l'influence croissante du Nigeria dans la région par la formation d'une organisation parallèle à l'ECOMOG, en utilisant la diplomatie secrète ou parallèle, autrement dit dans le jargon des services, la déstabilisation interne. C'est dans l'opacité de l'ACRI, de l'ECOMOG, dans la confusion de tous ces rapports internes de la diplomatie et de l'armée américaine que finalement l'US Africa Command ou AFRICOM a été formée. 

Et avec l'AFRICOM, tout change

L'AFRICOM, créée le 1er Octobre 2008, est clairement programmée pour servir les intérêts militaires et stratégiques américains et en particulier pour contrer la portée et l'influence croissante de la Chine en Afrique. L'objectif de l'Africom est de s'approprier les principaux sites stratégiques en Afrique et de les placer le sous le contrôle direct des États-Unis afin de bloquer l'accès de la Chine aux ressources énergétiques et minérales vitales pour son économie. Mais pour mener efficacement cet objectif, les pays africains d'importance stratégique doivent devenir vulnérables afin de demander la protection et l'intervention des États-Unis. C'est ce se passe à Abuja (Nigéria), dans la région des grands lacs où les forces spéciales américaines ont été déployées sous prétexte de protéger les pays, d’insurgés autrefois parrainés par les États-Unis eux-mêmes. Au Soudan, nous avons vu aussi comment une couverture globale de crises humanitaires internationales orchestrées par les États-Unis à partir de la crise du Darfour a servi de prélude au démembrement du Soudan, à sa partition pour punir le gouvernement d'El-Béchir d'oser conclure des accords pétroliers avec les Chinois au détriment des entreprises américaines. En République Centrafricaine, rappelons que le renversement de Bozizé fut aussi la conséquence des pourparlers économiques initiés avec les Chinois. La Libye et Kadhafi ont été liquidés pour avoir osé détourner les intérêts pétroliers américains. Mais le plus grand défi pour l'AFRICOM, son plus grand objectif est de déployer la PAX AMERICANA en Afrique et pour cela, il lui faut mettre totalement au pas le pays africain le plus stratégique à savoir, le Nigéria. C'est cette question qui fait rage autour de Boko Haram et qui intervient juste après une prédiction largement rapportée par l'Intelligence Council des États-Unis sur une désintégration probable du Nigeria en 2015. De fait, la nature du soulèvement Boko Haram a suscité beaucoup de questions chez les Nigérians. Quels sont leurs réels griefs ? Ce n'est pas clair. Pourquoi ont-ils toujours refusé les demandes de négociations des autorités nigérianes ? Pourquoi sont-ils en mesure de perpétrer leurs attaques avec une relative facilitée ? Le Nigéria plutôt bien éduquée à l'anglaise n'était pas habitué à une telle violence sectaire. Enfin, comment un groupe hétéroclite de personnes très jeunes largement analphabètes, opérant principalement sur Okada ont-ils pu se transformer du jour au lendemain en groupe puissant au point d'être en mesure de concevoir, fabriquer et déployer des bombes dans des bâtiments d'importance et dans des véhicules coûtant plus d'un million de nairas tout en menant des attaques dans plusieurs endroits du pays ?

Une telle coordination logistique suppose un poste de commandement, pas une réunion de bandits en pleine poussière sur le capot d'un 4x4 fut-il flambant neuf et un tel centre de décision ne pourrait pas en Afrique rester inaperçu, d'autant que la couverture satellitaire américaine est essentiellement axée sur cette région. Ainsi, ce n'est pas une coïncidence ni une simple conjecture si comme nous le relevions plus haut le Conseil national du renseignement américain a estimé que le Nigeria va se désintégrer en l'an 2015, juste avant les prochaines élections générales.Pour nous, l'opération vient de commencer.

The Distorted Civilizational War: Syria, Nigeria and Elitist Intrigues


The Distorted Civilizational War: Syria, Nigeria and Elitist Intrigues

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://www.moderntokyotimes.com

The government of Syria is facing the brute force of international sponsored Islamism which is beheading minorities, doing daily car bombings, killing journalists and slaughtering anyone deemed to be a supporter of the secular government. At the same time Boko Haram in Nigeria is eulogizing the international jihadist movement and slaughtering Christians and Muslims deemed loyal to the government of Nigeria. This civilizational war should be straightforward but because of elites in London, Paris and Washington; then once more they are muddying everything by siding with al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist groups in Syria.

Recently in Nigeria another ten Christians had their throats slit by Islamists and clearly all roads lead to Boko Haram given the hallmarks of the attack. Of course, Nigeria is sadly blighted by ethnic and other issues which often results in violence. Yet, while these issues are disturbing by themselves they pale into comparison when viewing the threat of Boko Haram to the central state. After all, this Islamist organization continues to cause mayhem daily and clearly it views the Nigerian state to be worthy to be overthrown in order to introduce a draconian version of Islamic Sharia law.

Political elites in London, Paris and Washington continue to play “with the devil” by supporting Saudi Arabia and other Gulf state at all costs. Yet it is the petrodollars emanating from this region which is spreading radical Islamism far and wide. The disturbing reality is that this is a Salafist civilization war against mainstream Islam, African Islam, non-Muslims, secular nations, women and a world based on diversity.

The mass media which hoodwinked the world in the 1980s and early 1990s, with the notion of the “brave Islamic jihadists” fighting against communism in Afghanistan, is still eulogizing the terrorist opposition on the whole in Syria. Yet the “brave Islamic jihadists” who became unified under the CIA, ISI (Pakistan) and other covert agencies from the United Kingdom, turned out to be a nightmare. Once Islamists took power in Afghanistan they killed tens of thousands of Shia Muslims; shot women in national stadiums on the grounds of adultery (of course marrying young girls was fine based on their Saudi influenced based Islamic Sharia law); enforced women into slavery; began to destroy female schools; blew up ancient Buddhist heritage; and turned society into the “Islamic year zero.” Of course, for elites in Washington and London this was fine because their short-term objectives ambitions had been met. The real winner was Saudi Arabia which understands the foolishness of elites in London, Washington and Paris because Islamization was always the intended goal of political elites in Riyadh.

September 11 should have been a wake-up call for America and the entire world but instead it became forgotten in time. After all, the United States and other nations turned “a blind eye” to the Saudi Arabia angle of September 11. Therefore, recent events in Libya and Syria highlights that Washington, London and Paris are once more “in bed” with international jihadists in order to meet short-term ends. Of course, for political elites in Ankara, Riyadh, Doha and other nations in the Gulf, they have long-term objectives based on turning the Middle East, North Africa and parts of the Balkans into Islamist states based on “so-called puritan Salafi mind thoughts. Yet you have nothing puritanical about Salafi Islam or Saudi Arabia which continues to allow men between the ages of 18 to 80 to marry young girls aged 8 and 9 years of age. This hypocrisy runs throughout the Islamist worldview of destroying civilization based on ignorance, sexual subservience, dhimmitude, enslavement of others and creating laws based on hatred and power structures which will crush alternative thought patterns.

Syria is now fighting a civilizational war because this secular nation is an affront to Saudi Arabia and the supporters of Islamic jihad in Qatar and other nations. In Syria you have many religious communities and sects within Islam, Christianity and the Druze faith. This mixing of different faith groups and the rights of women is despised in Saudi Arabia because in this nation no non-Muslim places of worship are allowed and women are shackled, apart from the wealthy elites which can bypass the system based on privilege. Therefore, the wealthy monarchs which will not tolerate any power bases to their power in Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the same nations sponsoring Islamist terrorism against Syria. It is a convenient marriage for the ruling monarchs because by exporting Islamic jihad abroad they can maintain their control over society based on mass propaganda. However, “Islamist terrorism” is crushed at home while using the same Islamists to slaughter in Syria and other nations which meet their intended objectives. Of course this is also based on being given the green light from powerful nations like America, the United Kingdom, France and more recently Turkey.

In Nigeria, Mali, Somalia and other parts of black African Islam you have an array of different thought patterns within various different Muslim sects in these nations. Yet Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia and international Islamists in Northern Mali all hate indigenous black African Islam. These “soldiers of Salafi jihad” desire to implement the draconian version of Islam which still rules and controls Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Therefore, petrodollars are financing the international Sunni jihadist movement in Africa whereby Sufi shrines are being destroyed, rich black African Islamic architecture is being burnt to the ground and this is followed by a brutal Islamist indoctrination force which is intent on “Islamist year zero.”

Boko Haram under their leader Abubakar Shekau comments that “We are with our mujahideen brothers in the Cause of Allah everywhere, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Pakistan, Kashmir, Iraq, the Peninsula of Muhammad [Saudi Arabia], Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, and other places that I didn’t mention.” This indicates that Boko Haram deems the majority of Nigerians to be infidels and that the conflict against the Nigerian government is secondary in terms of the real Islamist global objective. Therefore, Boko Haram will continue to blow up Christian churches, kill mainstream Muslims, slit the throats of Christians, kill apostates from Islam and spread a brutal version of Islamic Sharia law which belongs to the harsh reality of modern day Saudi Arabia. In this sense, the Islamist movement is also intent on destroying black African Islam in order to Arabize and Islamize society based on cultural norms which belong to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

Once more the elites in London, Paris and Washington are a million miles away and they are misleading other powerful nations like Japan into a policy based on folly. After all, in civilizational wars you can’t swap sides to suit geopolitical objectives or based on protecting draconian and brutal nations like Saudi Arabia. Either you stand on the side of fighting international terrorism and the continuing Salafist propaganda machine which is supported by petrodollars – or you compromise and are sowing the seeds of future conflict and struggles.

In Syria the secular government is fighting international terrorism and powerful forces within the Middle East and in the West. The difference between the mainly Muslim armed forces of Syria is that they are protecting Christians, the Druze community and people from all faiths or who have no religious faith. Therefore, why are political elites in London, Paris and Washington siding with Islamist terrorism against secular Syria?

Afghanistan remains a nightmare after more than 40 years of meddling by outside nations and now in Libya many Sufi shrines are being destroyed. In Iraq the majority of Christians and other minorities have fled and terrorism is a daily reality in Afghanistan and Iraq. The conflict in Libya also enabled international jihadists to create a powerbase in Northern Mali whereby they are destroying indigenous black African Islam. Meanwhile in Nigeria Boko Haram is intent on spreading the indoctrination of the petrodollars of the Gulf in order to subvert black African Islam in Nigeria and the central state.

If Syria falls to Islamism then it will be “a very dark day” for not only the Middle East but for all of civilization. Likewise, if the crisis gets out of control in Nigeria then sooner or later you will have internal convulsions that will spread. Therefore, it is time for Western powers to acknowledge their respective failed policies by curtailing the evil deeds of Gulf petrodollars.



dimanche, 18 mai 2014

El grupo terrorista Boko Haram abre las puertas a la invasión militar de Nigeria


Según reportes publicados por el períodico nigeriano Vanguard, el grupo jihadista Boko Haram atacó el pueblo de Gamborou Ngala, en el Estado de Borno, matando a cerca de 300 personas.

Boko Haram es el nombre oficial de Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’awati wal-Jihad, que se traduce como “pueblo comprometido con la propagación de las enseñanzas y jihad del Profeta”. El grupo es una derivación takfiri del movimiento salafista. Los salafistas-takfiris atacan a otros musulmanes y cristianos a los que consideran apóstatas. Boko Haram ha trabajado para imponer la Ley Sharia en Nigeria, el norte de Camerún y Níger. Han detonado bombas en iglesias, atacado escuelas, estaciones de la policía, instalaciones del gobierno y secuestrado a turistas provenientes de Occidente.

Antes del ataque, los grandes medios cubrieron un anuncio realizado el lunes por el gobierno de Obama, en el que señaló que Estados Unidos enviará asesores del Ejército, de inteligencia y de la policía a Nigeria, con el objeto de ayudar al gobierno a ubicar y rescatar a más de 270 niñas que han sido secuestradas por Boko Haram.

Según Los Angeles Times, el equipo no será usado con fines militares, y sólo compartirá servicios investigativos de inteligencia en la búsqueda de los estudiantes secuestrados el 14 de abril desde una escuela rural en el noreste de Nigeria, una región predominantemente musulmán. Obama dijo que los secuestros debieran “movilizar a toda la comunidad internacional para finalmente hacer algo en contra de esta horrenda organización”. En octubre de 2013, Estados Unidos calificó a Boko Haram como un grupo terrorista.

En 2012, Obama invocó la Ley de Poderes de Guerra para aumentar el número de personal militar estadounidense desplegado en Nigeria. El entrante comandante del Comando África de EE.UU. (AFRICOM) en aquel entonces, general David M. Rodríguez, dijo que las operaciones de Boko Haram amenazaban a Nigeria, Camerún, Níger, Mali y Chad. Rodríguez sostuvo que Estados Unidos tiene autoridad en África para responder a la amenaza impuesta por Al Qaeda.

En 2012, The Nigerian Tribune informó que el financiamiento de Boko Haram provenía del Reino Unido y Arabia Saudita, específicamente desde un fondo llamado Al-Muntada Trust Fund. En 2005, The Center for Security Policy señaló que “Al-Muntada ha, incidentemente, actuado de manera activa en el fomento del islamismo wahhabista en Nigeria… Al-Muntada… paga a clérigos nigerianos para que sean ‘lavados’ en universidades saudíes y colocados sobre musulmanes nigerianos a través de una red bien financiada de mezquitas y escuelas”.

Escuelas similares conocidas como madrasas, fueron establecidas en Pakistán durante la guerra encubierta de la CIA en contra de la Unión Soviética en Afganistán. Éstas fueron financiadas por Arabia Saudita y su red de organizaciones. “Entre 1982 y 1992, casi 35 mil musulmanes radicales de 43 países islámicos de Medio Oriente, África Norte y Éste, Asia Central y el Lejano Oriente, pasaron su bautismo bajo el fuego de los muyahidines afganos”, escribe Phil Gasper. Los muyahidines se transformarían, finalmente, en lo que hoy se conoce como Al Qaeda y el talibán.

Además del apoyo recibido por los saudíes, Boko Haram ha recibido asistencia directa de la OTAN a través de mercenarios de Al Qaeda en Libia. “Durante una entrevista conducida por Al Jazeera a Abu Mousab Abdel Wadoud, el líder de AQIM señaló que las organizaciones establecidas en Algeria han proveído armas al movimiento nigeriano de Boko Haram ‘para defender a los musulmanes en Nigeria y detener el avance de una minoría de cruzados’. Documentado ha sido el hecho de que miembros de Al Qaeda (AQIM) y el Grupo Combatiente Islámico Libio (LIFG), que combatieron junto a los rebeldes libios (para derrocar a Muammar Gaddafi), recibieron armas y apoyo logístico directamente del bloque de países de la OTAN durante el conflicto de 2011”, escribe Nile Bowie.

AQIM y Boko Haram, sin embargo, representan una amenaza menor para Estados Unidos en África, que la que representa China. “Estados Unidos y Francia planean contrarrestar la amenaza con gobiernos títeres de África, los cuales impondrán un desafío a la influencia económica y diplomática de China en la región”, escribe Timothy Alexander Guzmán.

Nigeria es el décimo tercer productor de petróleo en el mundo. Los otros recursos de la nación africana incluyen gas natural, estaño, mineral de hierro, carbón, piedra caliza, niobio, plomo, zinc y tierras de cultivo.

“Los gobiernos de Estados Unidos y Francia quieren asegurarse de que el nuevo liderazgo chino no continúe su beneficiosa relación con las naciones ricas en recursos de África, la cual ha sido exitosa en el pasado. Por ende, la ‘guerra contra el terrorismo’ creará inestabilidad e interrumpirá el crecimiento económico de China. La misión de AFRICOM es crear una guerra en nombre del combate al terrorismo”.



vendredi, 16 mai 2014

Obama’s Alliance with Boko Haram


Obama’s Alliance with Boko Haram

By Daniel Greenfield

Ex: http://www.frontpagemag.com

Leftist policy is the search for the root cause of evil. Everything from a street mugging to planes flying into the World Trade Center is reduced to a root cause of social injustice. Throw poverty, oppression and a bunch of NGO buzzwords into a pot and out come the suicide bombings, drug dealing and mass rapes.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s Boko Haram, the Islamic terrorist group that kidnapped hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls, or a drug dealer with a record as long as his tattooed arm.

Obama and Hillary resisted doing anything about Boko Haram because they believed that its root cause was the oppression of Muslims by the Nigerian government. Across the bloody years of Boko Haram terror, the State Department matched empty condemnations of Boko Haram’s killing sprees with condemnations of the Nigerian authorities for violating Muslim rights.

Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton haven’t championed #BringBackOurGirls because it’s a hashtag in support of the kidnapped girls, but because it undermines the Nigerian government. They aren’t trying to help the kidnapped girls. They’re trying to bring down a government that hasn’t gone along with their agenda for appeasing Boko Haram and Nigerian Muslims.

The hashtag politics aren’t aimed at the terrorists. They’re aimed at helping the terrorists.

There’s a reason why the media and so many leftists have embraced the hashtag. #BringBackOurGirls isn’t a rescue. It denounces the Nigerian government for not having already gotten the job done even as the State Department stands ready to denounce any human rights violations during a rescue attempt.

Obama and Boko Haram want to bring down the Nigerian government and replace it with a leadership that is more amenable to appeasement. It’s the same thing that is happening in Israel and Egypt.

State Department officials responded to Boko Haram attacks over the years with the same litany of statistics about unemployment in the Muslim north and the 92 percent of children there who do not attend school. When Hillary Clinton was asked about the kidnappings by ABC News, she blamed Nigeria for not “ensuring that every child has the right and opportunity to go to school.”

Clinton acted as if she were unaware that Boko Haram opposes Muslim children going to school or that it would take the very same measures that her State Department has repeatedly opposed to make it possible for them to go to school. This is a familiar Catch 22 in which the authorities are blamed for not fixing the socioeconomic problems in terrorist regions that are impossible to fix without defeating the terrorists and blamed for violating the human rights of the terrorists when they try to defeat them.

The mainstream media has been more blatant about carrying Boko Haram’s bloody water. Their stories begin with the kidnapped schoolgirls and skip over to a sympathetic reading of history in which Boko Haram only took up arms after government brutality.

Two years ago the New York Times ran an op-ed titled, “In Nigeria, Boko Haram Is Not the Problem.”

The op-ed contended that Boko Haram didn’t exist, that it was a peaceful splinter group and that the Nigerian army was worse than Boko Haram. Somehow these three claims were made on the same page.  The editorial warned the US not to give the impression that it supports Nigeria’s Christian president or it would infuriate Muslims and suggested that Christians might really be behind the Muslim terror attacks.

Last year, Secretary of State John Kerry , after a pro forma condemnation of Boko Haram terror, warned, “We are also deeply concerned by credible allegations that Nigerian security forces are committing gross human rights violations, which, in turn, only escalate the violence and fuel extremism.”

Kerry was blaming the victims of Boko Haram for the violence perpetrated against them and claiming that resistance to Boko Haram caused Boko Haram’s attacks.

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom, three of whose members had been appointed by Obama and one by Nancy Pelosi, issued a report blaming Nigeria for Boko Haram’s murderous Jihad.

The report’s findings claimed that the Nigerian government’s “violations of religious freedom” had led to “sectarian violence.” It echoed the propaganda of the Islamic terrorist group, stating that, “Boko Haram also justifies its attacks on churches by citing, among other things, state and federal government actions against Muslims.”

The report suggested that the Nigerian government was too focused on fighting Boko Haram and not focused enough on dealing with Christian violence against Muslims. “The Nigerian government’s failure to address chronic religion-related violence contrasts with its commitment to stop Boko Haram, which at times has resulted in the indiscriminate use of force against civilians and in human rights abuses.”

The solution was to scale back the fight against Boko Haram and appease Nigerian Muslims.

“In meetings with Nigerian officials, including Secretary Clinton’s meeting with Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan in August 2012, the U.S. government consistently has urged the Nigerian government to expand its strategy against Boko Haram from solely a military solution to addressing problems of economic and political marginalization in the north, arguing that Boko Haram’s motivations are not religious but socio-economic,” the report stated.

“Additionally, senior U.S. officials frequently warn in private bilateral meetings and in public speeches that Nigerian security forces’ excessive use of force in response to Boko Haram is unacceptable and counterproductive.”

A year earlier, Deputy Secretary of State William Burns had proposed helping Nigeria develop “a comprehensive counterterrorism strategy” that includes “citizen engagement and dialogue.”  This was really a proposal to export Obama’s failed appeasement strategy in Afghanistan that had cost over 1,600 American lives to Nigeria.

Boko Haram’s kidnapping of the schoolgirls is both convenient and inconvenient for Obama and the State Department. On the one hand it has brought negative attention to their stance on Boko Haram, but on the other hand it may end up toppling the Nigerian government and empowering Muslims. And they see a more flexible Nigerian government as the only means of coming to terms with Boko Haram.

This isn’t just their strategy for Nigeria. It’s their universal approach to Islamic terrorism. It’s why Kerry blamed Israel for the collapse of the peace talks with the PLO. It’s why Egypt is being pressured to free its Muslim Brotherhood detainees. And It’s why the United States is never allowed to defeat Al Qaeda.

Obama is trying to bring down governments that fight Islamic terrorism, whether in Egypt, Israel or Nigeria, and replace them with governments that appease terrorists. This shared goal creates an alliance, direct or indirect, open or covert, between Obama and the Muslim Brotherhood, Obama and the PLO and Obama and Boko Haram.

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URL to article: http://www.frontpagemag.com/2014/dgreenfield/obamas-alliance-with-boko-haram/

mardi, 13 mai 2014

Boko Haram : une opération secrète de la CIA?


Boko Haram : une opération secrète de la CIA?

Auteur : Réseau International 
Ex: http://www.zejournal.mobi

Depuis 3 ans, le Nigeria semble être la proie d’une insurrection croissante et ingérable qui se manifeste par des attentats dans les lieux publics et des attaques sporadiques sur les institutions publiques ainsi que des massacres de civils et enlèvements de masse.

On pouvait s’y attendre, il y a eu une panique et une tension croissante dans le pays et de plus en plus de personnes commencent à penser que le pays pourrait se diriger inévitablement vers une insurrection de longue haleine qui conduirait à une scission du pays. À l’exception du 1er attentat à la bombe en Octobre 2010 à Abuja, un groupe obscur qui porte le nom de Boko Haram a revendiqué la plupart des attentats ultérieurs qui ont eu lieu dans le pays.

Selon la Coalition GreenWhite, la campagne actuelle Boko Haram est une opération secrète organisée par la Central Intelligence Agency américaine, la CIA et coordonnée par l’ambassade étatsunienne au Nigeria.

Depuis quelque temps, la CIA a été en charge des camps d’entraînement et d’endoctrinement secrets le long des régions frontalières poreuses et vulnérables du Niger, du Tchad et du Cameroun. Lors des entraînements dans ces camps, des jeunes issus des milieux pauvres et démunis sont recrutés et formés pour servir les insurgés. Les agents qui instrumentalisent ces jeunes les attirent avec la promesse d’une meilleure vie et sont en outre endoctrinés pour leur faire croire qu’ils travaillent pour installer un ordre juste islamique contre l’ordre impie actuellement au pouvoir au Nigeria .

Les agents étatsuniens de ce projet de la CIA restent prudemment en arrière-plan, organisant les camps grâce à des superviseurs originaires du Moyen-Orient spécialement recrutés à cette fin. Après plusieurs mois d’endoctrinement et de formation sur le maniement des armes, les tactiques de survie, de surveillance et les techniques d’évasion, les insurgés sont maintenant mis en stand by pour la prochaine opération terroriste.



dimanche, 27 avril 2014

Islamist Fifth Column in Gaza based on Gulf and Western Strings: Egypt and Syria


Islamist Fifth Column in Gaza based on Gulf and Western Strings: Egypt and Syria

Boutros Hussein and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

If individuals want to see the dead end path of radical Takfiri Islam then look no further than the mantra of hatred and discord in Gaza because this estranged reality says everything about the international reality of this brand of Islam. Takfiri Islamism cares little about issues related to national identity therefore killing fellow nationals is part of the course alongside destroying respective civilizations. This reality means that nations like America, France, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom, can pull the strings by manipulating various agendas. The upshot of this is that “international jihadists” can be manipulated in the short term while “internal jihadists” become a fifth column and this can be seen in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

In Egypt and Syria both internal militant Islamists view killing fellow Egyptians and Syrians with glee because in their schizophrenic world view they are serving Takfiri and Muslim Brotherhood indoctrination. It would have been unthinkable in the past that Palestinians would desire jihad against Egypt and Syria rather than being focused on the Palestinian issue. However, the petrodollars of the Gulf and the spread of militant Salafi ideology have altered the religious and political landscape.

Of course, militant Islamists in Gaza are not powerful enough to change events on the ground in either Egypt or Syria. Despite this, it is clear that Islamists in Gaza can cause mayhem in the Sinai region and in Syria based on supplying arms and partaking in terrorism. Similarly, if Islamists don’t abide by the tune then new pied pipers will emerge in order to sow the seeds of more division. Alas, in modern day Syria various Takfiri Islamist terrorist groups in 2014 are now butchering each other and this reality is replicated in Afghanistan and in other nations where this virus is let loose.

Gulf petrodollars are sowing the seeds of crushing indigenous Sunni Islam, creating destabilization, spreading sectarianism, empowering terrorism and targeting non-Muslim minorities. America, France, Israel, Turkey and the United Kingdom are “riding this Islamist ticket” in order to destabilize nations they want to crush. Of course, Afghanistan was the springboard in the 1980s and early 1990s but the evolution and spread of Salafism is much more potent in the modern world.

In Libya the power of NATO was needed in order to bomb from the skies and of course covert operatives were involved on the ground whereby they were allies of various militias and al-Qaeda affiliated groups. Similarly, in Syria it is clear that al-Qaeda affiliates, various terrorist groups and Salafi ideologues are working hand-in-hand with Gulf and NATO powers. Therefore, in Libya and Syria it is mainly fellow Arabs alongside international jihadists who are doing the bidding of America, France, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Colonel Gaddafi in Libya never envisaged that fellow Libyans would openly work hand-in-hand with NATO forces and that international jihadists would deem him to be an apostate. Yet, Libya was crushed based on the manipulation of internal discontent which was manipulated by outside nations, the role of NATO and Gulf powers – and the third trinity, the role of international jihadists and Salafi preachers which incite hatred. Syria is witnessing the same trinity despite events on the ground being very different based on the persistence of the armed forces of Syria and because of other important factors.

It is interesting to note that while mayhem and chaos abounds in many nations because of the so-called “Arab Spring,” which really should be named the “Western and Gulf ticket;” the nations of Israel and Saudi Arabia have emerged unscathed. Also, while international jihadists and internal militants in Syria are busy fighting and killing in the name of Allah; it is apparent that they aren’t concerned about Israel in the south and NATO Turkey in the north. Indeed, on several occasions Israel bombed Syria and this mustered no real mass demonstrations nor created political convulsions within the Middle East. Likewise, it is noticeable that al-Qaeda affiliate groups are notably strong in northern Syria whereby they can utilize the terrain of NATO Turkey and the supply lines for military arms.

In a video speech which was played to militants in Gaza the Islamist Sheikh Ahmad Oweida is inciting hatred towards Syria. He reportedly states “the time is for blood and destruction. The time is for invasions. The time is for battles.” Other comments in the video and during the demonstration in Gaza are aimed at Egypt and Syria. Suddenly, the role of NATO and Israel appears a very distant second and clearly for power brokers in the Gulf and West then this is a remarkable achievement. After all, it implies that militant Islam can be used like “a Trojan horse” in order to cause internal destabilization. Therefore, when the times are right international jihadists can do the bidding of Gulf and Western powers.

Oweida stated about Egypt that the “spear of Islam in the chest of despicable secularism….You are our hope that Shariah returns to what it was before.”

The Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that “Posters on jihadist bulletin boards have suggested that now was the time for jihadists to go to Egypt to exact revenge against the Egyptian military.”

“It is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to the obvious fact that they [secularists and the idolatrous disbelievers] are hostile to Islam and they wage war against it and they hate it,” Abdullah Muhammad Mahmoud of the jihadi group Dawa’at al-Haq Foundation for Studies and Research wrote in a jihad forum, the Long War Journal reported. “If jihad isn’t declared today to defend the religion, then when will it be declared?!” He continued: “Will Muslims wait until they are prevented from praying in mosques?! Will they wait until the beard becomes a charge that is punishable by imprisonment?! Will they wait until their sons enter prisons in the tens of thousands to be tortured and spend tens of years of their lives in their depths?!”

“O Muslims of Egypt, if you don’t do jihad today, then only blame yourselves tomorrow.”

Egypt is much more complex because while Gulf and Western powers are all anti-Syrian government the same doesn’t apply to this nation. Therefore, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations (apart from Qatar which is pro-Muslim Brotherhood and terrorism) are supporting Egypt financially and in other ways because they fear losing their internal powerbases. Indeed, Saudi Arabia even turned against the pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda of the Obama administration which resulted in a rare clash between Riyadh and Washington. However, the issue of spreading Salafism is a real problem for Egypt and other nations like Tunisia. Therefore, Gulf petrodollars need to cease when it comes to spreading Islamist ideology. In other words,  indigenous Muslim clerics need to tend to spiritual matters. Issues related to the Muslim Brotherhood also need to be resolved because this Islamist movement desires to enforce its ideology on all the people of Egypt.

Al Ahram Weekly reported during a pivotal period last year that: “Mohamed Gomaa, a specialist on Palestinian affairs at Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, says that while the “organic relationship” between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood has long been common knowledge, Hamas is taking a risk by parading those ties in Al-Qassam Brigades’ marches through Gaza. There are, Gomaa says, differences within Hamas over how to respond to developments in Egypt. Some within the movement urge restraint and the avoidance of any rhetoric that might be viewed as provocative by the Egyptian army. The appearance of Al-Qassam convoy, he argues, suggests that such voices are losing out to the zealously pro-Muslim Brotherhood contingent.”

“The Hamas government viewed Sinai as its backyard,” says Gomaa, “a safe corridor for arms and other strategic needs. This is why the movement supported strikes against Egypt’s security forces in Sinai. It explains why so many Palestinian elements were discovered to have taken part in operations against the army.”

The Syrian government meanwhile is currently fighting for its survival because of the unholy trinity being used against this nation. Likewise, Egypt faces internal political convulsions and a terrorist threat within the Sinai region and in other parts of the country.

Libya succumbed to the trinity and clearly Syria faces the same combination of forces despite the internal situations being very different. After all, Libya was just “abandoned to the wolves” but several powerful nations have stood by Syria despite their support being insufficient compared to what the enemies of Syria are doing. In other words,  if powerful Gulf and Western powers collectively decide on destabilization then clearly nations in North Africa and the Middle East are very vulnerable. The one saving grace for Egypt is that most Gulf nations oppose the administration of Obama when it comes to this nation. However, Syria is not so lucky because this nation faces outside manipulation and a brutal trinity which refuses to let go.

Gaza Islamists openly celebrate killing Syrians and inciting hatred towards this secular nation. At no point do they show the same willingness to die against Israel or against NATO Turkey. Likewise, Palestinian Takfiri jihadists are involved in spreading terrorism and mayhem in the Sinai region and more recently the Shia in Lebanon are being targeted by the same forces that have abandoned the Palestinian cause. Therefore, Islamist Salafi schizophrenia is a great tool for America, France, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom in the short-term providing the above nations all share the same vision.

Islamists are now whipping up hatred in Gaza aimed mainly at Syria but also against Egypt. The Long War Journal reported last year: “the marketplace of jihad opened in Syria, the youth of Islam rose from every direction to fight” against the Assad regime. The narrator similarly boasted that “convoys of mujahideen” from Gaza have gone to Syria to fight and that some have died while there.”

In other words, militant Islam is a convenient tool to be manipulated by outside forces which desire to alter the political and military landscape. Of course, if Afghanistan and Libya are viewed in the long-term – just like the destabilization of Iraq and the self-destructive policies of Pakistan – then the long term is very different unless you support failed states, terrorism, sectarianism, putting women in the shadows and crushing religious and cultural diversity.

Gaza Islamists are only one piece in a very complex jigsaw. However, if they can forsake their homeland while killing fellow Muslims and Arabs – alongside persecuting religious minorities and becoming embroiled in anti-Shia policies in Syria; then this highlights the new force being backed within Gulf and Western circles. Indeed, outside nations don’t need boots on the ground like in Afghanistan and Iraq. Instead, the trinity can do everything from a distance and if extra support is needed then powerful ratlines will be increased alongside more Salafi indoctrination.






lundi, 07 avril 2014

Nieuwe wet Saudi Arabië: Alle niet-moslims zijn terroristen

Nieuwe wet Saudi Arabië: Alle niet-moslims zijn terroristen

Twijfelen aan islam als terreurdaad bestempeld

De Saudische koning Abdullah duldt geen enkele tegenspraak.

Saudi Arabië heeft een aantal nieuwe wetten ingevoerd waarmee ‘atheïsten’ - in de islamitische wereld alle niet-moslims- automatisch als terroristen worden beschouwd. Hetzelfde geldt voor alle vormen van politieke tegenstand, inclusief deelnemers aan demonstraties.

De nieuwe wetten werden opgesteld vanwege het groeiende aantal Saudi’s dat terugkeert uit de burgeroorlog in Syrië, en dat de monarchie omver zou willen werpen. Koning Abdullah vaardigde daarom ‘Koninklijk Decreet 44’ uit, waarmee deelname aan ‘vijandelijkheden’ buiten het koninkrijk bestraft kan worden met een gevangenisstraf van 3 tot 20 jaar.

Ook het aantal groepen dat als terreurorganisatie wordt gekenmerkt, werd uitgebreid. Net als in Egypte werd de Moslim Broederschap in deze lijst opgenomen.

Twijfel aan islam = terreurdaad

In artikel 1 van de nieuwe regels wordt terrorisme omschreven als ‘het aanhangen van de atheïstische gedachte in iedere vorm, of het betwijfelen van de fundamenten van de islamitische religie waar het land op is gebaseerd.’ Buiten de islam zijn in Saudi Arabië alle andere religies verboden.

Joe Stork, vicedirecteur van Human Rights Watch afdeling Midden Oosten en Noord Afrika, wees erop dat de Saudische autoriteiten nog nooit kritiek op hun beleid hebben geaccepteerd, maar dat de nieuwe wetten nu bijna iedere vorm van kritiek of onafhankelijk denken als een terreurdaad bestempen.

Human Rights Watch probeert meestal tevergeefs om gevangen zittende Saudiërs vrij te krijgen. Twee mannen verloren onlangs hun beroepzaak, en zullen respectievelijk 3 maanden en 5 jaar de cel in moeten vanwege hun kritiek op de Saudische autoriteiten.


(1) Independent