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lundi, 25 août 2014

Amerika gaat IS gebruiken als excuus voor aanval op Syrië

‘Amerika gaat IS gebruiken als excuus voor aanval op Syrië’

Republikeinse senator: ‘IS zal proberen grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen’

Ex: http://xandernieuws.punt.nl

Minister Defensie Chuck Hagel: ‘IS is grotere bedreiging voor VS en Europa dan 9/11.’

De Amerikaanse stafchef van de strijdkrachten, generaal Martin Dempsey, liet gisteren weten dat de islamitische terreurbeweging IS pas kan worden verslagen als er ook luchtaanvallen in Syrië worden uitgevoerd. Volgens de New York Times zal het Witte Huis daardoor dieper in het conflict in Syrië worden gezogen. Kritische analisten wijzen erop dat de in september 2013 dankzij de Russische president Putin op het laatste moment afgeblazen Amerikaanse aanval op Syrië zo alsnog op de agenda wordt gezet. (1)

Eén van de andere stappen die volgens de NYT kan worden genomen is het ‘trainen, adviseren en uitrusten van de gematigde oppositie in Syrië, en ook de Koerdische en regeringstroepen in Irak.’ Wat er niet bij werd gezegd is dat IS voor een groot deel bestaat uit door Turkije en de CIA getrainde en zwaar bewapende terroristen die uitsluitend tegen de Syrische president Assad hadden moeten vechten.

Putin voorkwam in september 2013 Amerikaanse aanval

Vorig jaar mislukte het om een Amerikaans-Turkse invasie van Syrië te rechtvaardigen. Aanvankelijk werd een aanval met chemische wapens in een buitenwijk van Damascus, waarbij honderden doden vielen, in de schoenen geschoven van de regeringtroepen van president Assad. Obama had zo’n aanval een ‘rode lijn’ genoemd, waarna Amerikaans ingrijpen zeker leek.

Twee zaken voorkwamen dat de Amerikaanse kruisraketten en bommenwerpers op Syrië werden afgestuurd. Allereerst was het de interventie van de Russische president Vladimir Putin, die een grote vloot tussen Syrië en de Amerikaanse aanvalsvloot posteerde, en dreigde alles wat de Amerikanen op Syrië zouden afsturen neer te schieten. Vervolgens kwam Putin met een briljante diplomatieke oplossing die het chemische arsenaal van Assad –althans op papier- verwijderde, maar de president wel in het zadel liet zitten.

Ten tweede waren het de boven tafel gekomen bewijzen dat de chemische aanval in Syrië niet door de regeringstroepen, maar door de rebellen was uitgevoerd, doelbewust om Assad daarvan de schuld te geven. Deze false-flag aanval bleek direct te zijn aangestuurd door Turkije. Tevens werd het bewijs geleverd dat de chemische bestanddelen van het gebruikte wapen afkomstig waren uit Saudi Arabië.

Turkije vormt met hulp VS neo-Ottomaans imperium

De Amerikaanse Pulitzer prijswinnende onafhankelijke journalist Seymour Hersh onthulde de directe betrokkenheid van Turkije en de samenwerking tussen de regering Erdogan en Al-Qaeda. Al in 2007 schreef hij in een uitgebreid artikel dat de regering Bush was begonnen met het steunen en trainen van aan Al-Qaeda gelieerde Soenitische terreurgroepen, met de bedoeling hen in te zetten tegen Syrië en de groeiende invloed van het Shi’itische Iran in Irak te stoppen.

Op deze wijze ontstond ook IS(IS). De Turken werkten samen met de Amerikanen bij het rekruteren, trainen en bewapenen van deze moslimterroristen, maar deels om geheel andere redenen. Turkije streeft weliswaar net als de VS naar het vervangen van Assad door een radicale Moslim Broederschap regering, maar met de achterliggende bedoeling om een grensoverschrijdend Islamitisch Kalifaat op te richten, dat later eenvoudig in het door Erdogan nagestreefde neo-Ottomaanse Rijk kan worden opgenomen.

Minister Hagel: IS grotere bedreiging dan 9/11

Gisteren noemde de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie Chuck Hagel IS ‘een grotere bedreiging dan 9/11... .IS is meer dan enkel een terreurgroepering. Ze verbinden ideologie met een geraffineerde strategische en tactische militaire onversaagdheid, en ze worden onvoorstelbaar goed gefinancierd. Dit gaat veel verder dan we ooit hebben meegemaakt. We moeten ons op alles voorbereiden. Wees er klaar voor.’

‘Het bewijs is behoorlijk duidelijk. Als we kijken naar wat ze deden bij meneer Foley –de Amerikaanse fotojournalist die op video werd onthoofd- en dreigen te doen bij alle Amerikanen en Europeanen, dan kan dit alleen maar als barbaars worden omschreven. Ze vertonen geen enkel fatsoen of verantwoord menselijk gedrag. Ze zijn een onmiddellijke bedreiging voor al onze belangen.’ (2)

Dat IS een grote bedreiging vormt en een ware uitroeiingsoorlog voert tegen christenen, ‘afvallige’ moslims en alle andere ongelovigen staat buiten kijf. Deze oorlog had er echter nooit zonder Amerikaanse, Europese, Turkse en Saudische hulp kunnen komen. De VS lijkt de strijd tegen IS nu als voorwendsel te gaan gebruiken om alsnog een militaire aanval op Syrië te rechtvaardigen, wat Turkije direct in de kaart zal spelen.

‘IS zal proberen grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen’

Om het Amerikaanse publiek op te warmen voor weer een nieuwe oorlog waarschuwde de Republikeinse senator James Inhofe, topman in het Comité voor de Gewapende Diensten, dat IS zal proberen om snel ‘een grote Amerikaanse stad op te blazen.’ Inhofe uitte kritiek op Obama en zei dat de president nog steeds geen strategie heeft om IS te verslaan (3).

Ook luitenant-kolonel Anthony Schaffer vindt Obama’s reactie op de opmars IS, dat hij de ‘Antichrist van alle terreurorganisaties’ noemt, veel te slap. De president zou mede verantwoordelijk zijn voor de onthoofding van James Foley, omdat hij een reddingsoperatie onnodig lang zou hebben uitgesteld.


(1) Infowars
(2) Zero Hedge
(3) The Hill
(4) YouTube via Washington Free Beacon

Zie ook o.a.:

21-08: Videobewijs van IS trainingskampen in Turkije
18-08: Overgrote deel van de wereld nu crisisgebied (1/3 IS strijders afkomstig uit Europa)
08-08: Succes ISIS dankzij Westerse ‘bondgenoten’Turkije en Saudi Arabië
26-07: Crisis Oekraïne: Backup-plan globalisten naar Derde Wereldoorlog (/ NAVO en Westen gevangen in Saudische-pan islamitische agenda / Syrië blijft het doelwit)
18-06: Onthutsend: ISIS-terroristen werden getraind door Amerika en Turkije
10-05: Syrië: Regering Obama wil alle macht overdragen aan Moslim Broederschap
08-04: Pulitzerprijs journalist: Turkije achter gifgasaanval Syrië, werkt samen met Al-Qaeda
30-03: VS steunt Erdogans misbruik van NAVO voor herstel Ottomaans Rijk (/ Vanuit Turkije zal het nieuwe islamitische Kalifaat worden opgericht)
29-03: Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun
27-03: Gelekt gesprek op YouTube: Turken plannen false-flag aanslag om Syrië aan te vallen

dimanche, 24 août 2014

Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia


Syria and Support of Al-Qaeda and FSA by Gulf and Western Powers: Kashmir and Bosnia

Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://moderntokyotimes.com

The conflicts in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and in other parts of the mainly Islamic world, or where you have Muslim and non-Muslim fault-lines, appears to have one binding factor. This applies to Western backed support for Islamists alongside using proxy outside nations to fulfill geopolitical ambitions. On top of this are powerful factors in the mainly Muslim world in nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Qatar and other Gulf nation states which have either shared interests, or which encourage America, France and the United Kingdom to do their bidding – or to work collectively in order to spread Islamism and this is continuing in 2014 based on the continuing intrigues against Syria.

In all the above mentioned places you will have a host of various factors and each conflict will be seen differently through the prism of different ideas. Syria is currently facing this shared attack between powerful dominant Sunni Muslim nations and hostile Western nations including America, France and the United Kingdom. However, the one binding factor is that in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kashmir, Kosovo, Libya and now Syria; is that outside nations instigated the delicate internal mechanisms in order to unleash Islamism, terrorism and attacks against the ruling power mechanisms.

It mattered not if Hindus were cleansed in Kashmir or Alawites are being hanged and beheaded in Syria. Likewise, it matters not one jot if international terrorism is united in order to do the bidding of Washington, Riyadh, London, Ankara, Paris, Doha and other nations involved in the terrorist and destabilization rat-lines.

Prem Shankar Jha, The Hindu newspaper in India, comments about the shared dualities of Kashmir and Syria. He states that But while nearly everyone wanted a change, almost no one wanted it at the cost of a violent disruption of their lives. In neither case, therefore, was the state the first to resort to violence: On the contrary, both insurgencies had to be stoked, so the first to pick up the gun were the insurgents. In Syria this was done by Salafi/Takfiri Islamists who crossed the border from Jordan in March 2011 and holed up in the Omari mosque in Dera’a before launching targeted provocations, and attacks on police stations and government offices.”

It is important to note that Kashmir and Syria were destabilized by Islamists using Pakistan and Jordan respectively. In the case of Syria, it is difficult to believe that America, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom intelligence agencies weren’t involved in the chain of events which took place in March 2011 in Syria. After all, Jordan is within the collective remit of all the above named nations. Similarly, in Kashmir it is clear that Pakistan stoked up the crisis and like usual the angle of America, the United Kingdom and Saudi Arabia pops up again.

Prem Shankar Jha also comments that another parallel with Kashmir “…is the intervention of hostile foreign powers bent on converting a domestic upsurge demanding political empowerment into a movement for secession or regime change. In Kashmir, Pakistan did this by disarming the JKLF cadres still in training in Muzaffarabad in 1990 and creating the Hizb-ul-Mujahideen. In Syria, Turkey and Qatar are funneling money and battle hardened jihadis to start a sectarian war that will overwhelm the state.”

“Last and most important, like New Delhi, Damascus has been trying to prevent civil war by offering the insurgents the alternative of the ballot box. Mr. Assad began, on his own, by lifting all controls on the Internet in January 2011. Over the next six months, he first tried to negotiate peace with the Sunni zealots in Dera’a by sacking the governor and releasing 260 prisoners and 16 clerics, and promising to repeal the Emergency Laws and the ban on political parties that had been in place for 48 years. He fulfilled his first promise five days ahead of schedule on April 20 and his second three months later in July.”

However, while nations like the Russian Federation, Brazil, Iran, and others, supported a political solution to the crisis in Syria it is clear that the enemies of Syria upped the ante and began many terrorist rat-lines. Therefore, Turkey became a major player because the Erdogan government sensed an opportunity to install a compliant Sunni Muslim dominated Sharia state. The same applies to Saudi Arabia, Qatar and other nations in the Gulf.

In Bosnia it was reported that over 8,000 international jihadists entered this nation in order to do the bidding of Washington, London, Riyadh, Tehran and Ankara. Turkey was once more dreaming about its historical legacy and Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states were enticed by creating majority Muslim states in Europe. In Bosnia the Serbs were facing the might of NATO, international jihadists and the involvement of many hostile nations. America even allowed Iran to fly aircraft into the Balkans in order to support Islamist factions within the Bosnian Muslim forces. It somehow escaped the world that Yugoslavia was trying to preserve the mosaic of various different ethnic and religious groups while outside nations supported religious sectarianism and nationalism. Naturally, this in time spearheaded Serbian nationalism but just like Syria it was outside nations which began to carve up Yugoslavia.

Kosovo and Libya followed the same model because Libyan rebels and the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) sprung up from virtually nothing. Likewise, the Free Syrian Army (FSA) which is an amalgamation of many various factions came from nothing overnight. Yet clearly the speed of Islamist forces in Bosnia, developing a powerful Croatian military unit, the growth of the rebels in Libya, the rise of the KLA in Kosovo and the overnight creation of the FSA in Syria were well orchestrated – just like what happened in Kashmir when Pakistan was given the green light to create mayhem against democratic India.

The Council on Foreign Relations states that Militancy in the disputed region of Kashmir has been major fuel for discord between India and Pakistan since the 1980s. Attacks in the region began to increase in scale and intensity following the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, when foreign insurgents flooded the region to join the Afghan Mujahadeen. The majority Muslim region has its own local militant groups, but experts believe most of the recent Kashmir and Kashmir-based terrorism has been the work of foreign Islamists who seek to claim the region for Pakistan. A spate of Islamist cross-border attacks into Indian-held territory, the December 2001 storming of the Indian parliament in New Delhi, and the 2008 Mumbai attacks have all reinforced Kashmir’s standing as the significant bone of contention between India and Pakistan. Both states have nuclear weapons, making Kashmir one of the world’s most dangerous flashpoints.”

Prem Shankar Jha in another article about the crisis in Syria in the early period of April 2011, states that “the U.S. has been fully aware of the presence of al-Qaeda in the so-called Free Syrian Army since April 20, 2011 when Jihadis captured a truck (or Armoured Personnel Carrier) near Dera’a, and killed all the 18 or 20 soldiers it was carrying not by shooting them but by cutting their throats in the approved Islamic manner. A few days later, the U.S. ambassador in Syria, Robert Ford, called some of his colleagues in Damascus, including the Indian ambassador, and told them that al-Qaeda had arrived in Syria.”

“April 20, however, was only the beginning. All through the summer and autumn of 2011, and throughout 2012, videos posted by the rebels themselves showed that the armed opposition in Syria has been sliding inexorably into the hands of radical Islamists. Thousands of foreign fighters have poured into Syria from Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, and places as far apart as Pakistan and Chechnya. Syrian television broadcast interviews with numerous young men captured in Homs and elsewhere, who gave graphic descriptions of how they had been recruited by al-Qaeda to fight for Islam against a heretical regime in Syria. The rebels themselves have posted YouTube videos showing them executing captured Syrian soldiers and civilians in the approved manner.”

“But the Obama administration has steadfastly chosen to believe that the jihadis make up only ‘a tiny fraction’ of the Free Syrian Army, and has continued to provide FSA with logistical support, that is, satellite-based information about Syrian troop and VIP movements, and look the other way while Qatar and Saudi Arabia have provided it with guns and mounted pick-up trucks, mortars and RPGs.”

Ironically, the main stumbling block for America is not supporting the Islamist sectarian side which includes Al-Qaeda, but it is history and the need to manipulate the media. After all, Al-Qaeda and the Saudi Arabia angle involving September 11 is clearly obvious and also in Libya this year several American personnel were killed by similar Islamist forces. Therefore, it is very difficult for the Obama administration to be seen to be working hand in hand with the same forces which killed thousands of American troops in Iraq, did September 11 and killed Americans in Libya. Likewise, American troops are being killed in Afghanistan by Islamist factions including the Taliban. This means that media manipulation and covert operations by America, France and the United Kingdom must be very delicate in order to achieve their collective goal of overthrowing the government of Bashar al-Assad.

In modern day Syria it is clear that the FSA and various Islamist factions working within the FSA or individually – have been, and continue to be, involved in horrendous massacres. Indeed, some Islamists are even teaching children to behead captured Syrian soldiers and then they circulate their evil crimes against humanity. The silence of the international community when terrorist attacks are killing civilians is shaming all the nations and media agencies which are siding with the objectives of Ankara, Doha, London, Paris, Riyadh and Washington.

The Syrian armed forces continue to remain loyal to the Syrian government and people of this nation. Therefore, despite all the barbaric realities being installed against this nation the military have somehow managed to preserve all major cities from being taken over by the FSA and various Islamist factions. However, outside nations which are hostile to Syria are still supporting sectarian, international jihadists and sedition against this nation. Indeed, it is clear that outside nations are intent on upping the ante despite the daily terrorist attacks, beheading individuals and hanging people openly in order to install terror in the hearts of Syrians.

Turning back to an earlier Modern Tokyo Times article about Bosnia it was stated that The Bill Clinton administration gave the “green light” for international Islamists to enter Bosnia and Kosovo. In time this would manifest itself with the brutal September 11 attacks against America and other international terrorist attacks like Madrid. Bill Clinton isn’t the only American leader to “support international terrorism from a distance” but clearly it is no coincidence that conflict in Libya, and now in Syria, bare all the same hallmarks of “a marriage of convenience.” This certainly leads to the suspicion that the Clinton family – this time Hillary Clinton along with the “dark shadows” of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski – are following the same ratlines in Syria which have been used in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Kosovo and Libya.”

Further down in the same article it was stated that The bottom line is simple. September 11, and the ratlines that did this, were the same individuals who were fighting on the same side of America in Afghanistan, Bosnia, and Kosovo – Simply put, no Bosnian Orthodox Christians and communists in Afghanistan did September 11. On the contrary, individuals involved in September 11 were on the same side in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo – yet this question remains unanswered. Likewise, no accountability! Put frankly, without past American administrations supporting Islamic terrorist ratlines either covertly or by doing nothing to stem the flow of Islamists, then September 11 would never have materialized.”

“It is dangerous therefore to see America once more moving in the same direction related to Syria. The Clinton family connection and the shadows of people like Zbigniew Brzezinski are very troubling because the same modus operandi is happening once more against the people of Syria. Therefore, the lessons learnt from September 11 have been lost and individuals within the chain that enabled this tragic event to happen have escaped their past deeds.”

Overall, Syria needs real support from friendly nations in order to stop the usual collusion between Islamists, Western powers and nations like Turkey, Saudi Arabia and several Gulf nations, from destroying an independent nation state. After all, look at modern day Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya because various factions exist and terrorism is a daily reality in Afghanistan and Iraq. Similarly, look at the reality for Hindu minorities in Kashmir and Orthodox Christian minorities in Kosovo because both can’t freely move around these entities. This means that it is imperative to stop the usual “failed domino system” from destroying secular Syria.


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vendredi, 22 août 2014

The Global Elites Plan for a “Middle Eastern Union”


Author: Steven MacMillan

Ex: http://journal-neo.org  

Order Out of Chaos: The Global Elites Plan for a “Middle Eastern Union”

The Middle East has been engulfed in a state of chaos for decades now, with the region becoming increasingly unstable in recent years largely due to western sponsored proxy wars. The current map of the Middle East was created in 1916 through the surreptitious Sykes-Picot agreement, a deal which divided the Ottoman-ruled territories of Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Palestine, into areas controlled by either Britain or France. Today the chaos we see in the Middle East is the creation of Anglo-American-Israeli power, which is attempting to redraw the map to meet their present strategic and imperial objectives.

Islamic State: A Creation of US Intelligence 

The Islamic State (IS) has hit the headlines in recent months due to their latest terror campaign in Iraq, which has led to US airstrikes in the North of the country. What has been omitted from mainstream circles though is the intimate relationship between US intelligence agencies and IS, as they have trained, armed and funded the group for years. Back in 2012, World Net Daily received leaks by Jordanian officials who reported that the US military was training ISIL (as it was then known) in Jordan, before being deployed into Syria to fight against Bashar al-Assad. Francis Boyle, a Law professor at the University of Illinois, has described IS as a “covert US intelligence operation” whose objective is to “destroy Iraq as a state”.


The strategy in the Middle East is the creation of a perpetual condition of instability and a policy of “constructive chaos”, where nation states are to be destroyed so that the map of the Middle East can be redrawn. IS provided the pretext to intervene in Iraq once again, with the intervention ensuring the oil fields in Erbil are safely in the hands of multi-national corporations – as oppose to chaotic and dysfunctional mercenaries. As well as providing the justification for the USBritain and France to “bolster” the Kurds in the North of the country, which furthers the agenda of destroying “Iraq as a state”. As the President of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Former Director of Policy Planning at the State Department, Richard Hass, wrote in an Op Ed for Project Syndicate last month:

“It is time to recognize the inevitability of Iraq’s break-up (the country is now more a vehicle for Iran’s influence than a bulwark against it) and bolster an independent Kurdistan within Iraq’s former borders.”

As I reported in June, the policy in Iraq is to split the country into 3 separate religious and ethnic mini-states: a Sunni Iraq to the West, an Arab Shia State in the East and a Free Kurdistan in the North. The objective of dividing Iraq into 3 has been discussed in neo-imperial policy circles since as far back as 1982, when Israeli journalist – who also had close connections to the Foreign Ministry in Israel – Oded Yinon, wrote an article which was published in a journal of the World Zionist Organisation, titled: “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”. Yinon discusses the plan for a Greater Israel and pinpoints Iraq in particular as the major obstacle in the Middle East which threatens Israel’s expansion:

“Iraq, rich in oil on the one hand and internally torn on the other, is guaranteed as a candidate for Israel’s targets. Its dissolution is even more important for us than that of Syria. Iraq is stronger than Syria. In the short run it is Iraqi power which constitutes the greatest threat to Israel (p.12)……….The dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run, while the dissolution of the military power of those states serves as the primary short term target.” (p.11.)

564654Yinon continues:

“In Iraq, a division into provinces along ethnic/religious lines as in Syria during Ottoman times is possible. So, three (or more) states will exist around the three major cities: Basra, Baghdad and Mosul, and Shi’ite areas in the south will separate from the Sunni and Kurdish north.”(p.12)

Israel is merely an extension of Anglo-American power and has been since its creation in 1948, so any expansion of Israeli territory is synonymous with an increase in Anglo-American hegemony in the region. Arthur James Balfour, the British Foreign Secretary from 1916 to 1919 and author of the 1917 Balfour Declaration – which declared British support for the creation of a Jewish state (Israel) in Palestine – was also a member of the Milner Group, according to CFR historian Carroll Quigley in his book the Anglo-American Establishment (p.311). The Milner Group was the precursor to the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) or Chatham House; the British arm of the CFR, with both organisations sharing the collective objective of creating an Anglo-American global empire.

The Plan for a “Middle Eastern Union”

After funding and being directly responsible for much of the chaos and instability that has been unleashed in the Middle East, western think tank strategists are proposing a centralised, sovereignty-usurping union as the solution to the problem they have created, in a classic deployment of the order out of chaos doctrine. As The New American reported last month, Ed Husain, an Adjunct Senior Fellow for Middle Eastern Studies at the CFR, compared today’s Middle East to Europe before the EU was created, and he asserted that the only solution to the ongoing violence is the creation of a “Middle Eastern Union”.  This sentiment was echoed by Hass, who compared the Middle East of today to 17th century Europe, in his article “The New Thirty Years War”. Hass proclaims that the future will likely be as turbulent unless a “new local order” emerges:

“For now and for the foreseeable future – until a new local order emerges or exhaustion sets in – the Middle East will be less a problem to be solved than a condition to be managed.”

The idea of an EU-style governing body over the Middle East is not a new concept. In 2008, the Iraqi government called for anEU-style trading bloc in the Middle East that would encompass Saudi Arabia, Iran, Kuwait, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Turkey and later perhaps the Gulf states, in an address to the US think tank the Institute of Peace.  The President of Turkey, Abdullah Gül, was in attendance at the second meeting in 2011 along with Egemen Bağış, the ‘Minister for EU Affairs and Chief Negotiator’ at the time, who gave a speech where he described the EU as the model for the Middle East:

“We all know that the EU emerged as the most successful peace and development project of the history after a bloody war. Today, we have the very same expectations for the Middle East.’”

Whether a “Middle Eastern Union” will be created is difficult to determine at this point in history, but there is no question that the process of redrawing the map of the Middle East is well under way.

Steven MacMillan is an independent writer, researcher, geopolitical analyst and editor of The Analyst Report, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

jeudi, 24 juillet 2014

L`Isis? Un boomerang in faccia agli Usa
















L`Isis? Un boomerang in faccia agli Usa

L`avanzata del fondamentalismo sunnita da Mosul alle porte di Baghdad per formare un`entità statale islamica in Iraq e in parte della Siria

Lorenzo Moore

In una decina di giorni appena la marcia degli integralisti sunniti dell’Isis - il gruppo che si batte appunto per insediare sui territori dello storico califfato di Baghdad (dal Mediterraneo al Golfo, Kuwait incluso) uno “Stato islamico dell’Iraq e della Siria” – è giunta a ridosso della capitale irachena dopo aver operato assedi e conquiste di intere provincie dell’Iraq del nord, a stento contenuta nelle regioni più periferiche settentrionali dalle milizie curde, da tempo allineate ai desiderata di Washington.
Non è peregrino qui ricordare che per abbattere il regime ba’athista di Saddam Hussein (con la scusa di inesistenti armi di distruzione di massa) le forze di invasione angloamericane, per giungere da Bassora a Baghdad ci misero 22 giorni.
Né è inutile rammentare che di fatto, nel concreto, l’Isis non sia altro che l’ennesimo gruppo integralista sunnita utilizzato dai regimi feudali del Golfo – e indirettamente dagli statunitensi – per  raggiungere lo scopo di “federalizzare” l’Iraq già ba’athista in tre macroregioni nazionali-religiose,  curda a nord, sunnita al centronord e sciita al centrosud. Un obiettivo, diciamo così, allargato due anni fa al finanziamento e all’innesco della guerra civile contro la Siria, l’ultimo bastione sociale e nazionalista arabo ba’athista.
L’Isis, che è attualmente egemone tra i gruppi terroristi islamici più radicali, avendo sul terreno spazzato via o comunque reso inoffensivo l’altro gruppo inizialmente più attivo nella Siria del nord, al Nusra, appare, secondo fonti di intelligence statunitensi, e in particolare nell’analisi del think-tank Usa, Institute for the Study of War (ISW), che ha documentato lo sviluppo decennale (dal 2004, dopo il caos seguito all’invasione atlantica) del gruppo islamico, che pretende rifondare un califfato basato sui canoni della Sharia, inizialmente formato da quadri medi sunniti già ba’athisti. Nel rapporto dell’ISW viene tra l’altro messa in rilievo la potente capacità di “relazioni” e di “stampa e propaganda” dell’Isis e viene ripresa e pubblicizzata una sua ponderosa “nota” che riepiloga la sua forza, la sua organizzazione, le sue azioni sul terreno vantate e presumibilmente reali.
In sintesi l’Isis auto dichiara di avere una forza, attuale, di 15.000 combattenti, dei quali la gran parte arruolati nella jihad non solo in Iraq o Siria, ma nei diversi Paesi mediorientali ed europei (2000 circa , secondo una stima, quelli arruolati nel nostro continente).
Nella nota dell’Isis estratta dal centro studi Usa, si focalizza il periodo tra il novembre 2012 e lo stesso mese del 2013.
L’Isis si attribuisce 9540 attacchi in Iraq, 1083 assassinii, 4000 attentati circa, la liberazione di centinaia di prigionieri reclutati dai fondamentalisti dalle carceri irachene.
L’ISW statunitense riporta un commento di Nigel Inkster, già vicecomandante del MI6 britannico che sottolinea l’importanza e la solidità organizzativa, militare e politica, e finanziaria del gruppo jihadista sunnita. Negli Usa il parlamentare Michael McCaul, presidente del comitato congressuale di Sicurezza Nazionale, ha definito l’emergere dell’Isis – che controlla ormai sia Mosul (seconda città irachena) che Tikrit, “la più grave minaccia dopo l’11 settembre 2001”. Non a caso un pastore-missionario evangelico, Elijak Abraham, dal canto suo ha dichiarato che l’Isis “è un’estensione di al Qaida). C’è da notare che con la sua brutale avanzata in Iraq (lo stesso Isis ha infatti diffuso ferocissimi immagini e filmati, con atrocità commesse ai danni, in particolare, delle minoranze religiose: è ormai generale, ad esempio, il doppio esodo dei cristiani caldei nell’enclave di Ninive e degli sciiti nei quartieri di Baghdad) il gruppo terrorista radicale ha comunque indebolito il suo dominio nella provincia siriana a ridosso della frontiera irachena.
Al contrario di quanto  appare dalle reazioni “stupite” delle istituzioni di sicurezza nazionale statunitensi e britanniche, di fatto e in realtà l’Isis appare dunque il risultato-boomerang della vergognosa aggressione angloamericana.
Il cosiddetto Stato Islamico di Iraq e Siria è infatti una fedele “trasposizione” sul terreno del progetto Usa di trasformazione degli Stati nazionali siriano e iracheno nelle tre diverse identità statali territoriali sunnita, sciita e curda.
Un divide et impera geopolitico immaginato dagli Usa su diretto “consiglio” di Israele.

19 Giugno 2014 12:00:00 - http://rinascita.eu/index.php?action=news&id=23506

samedi, 19 juillet 2014

Saudi Complicity in the Rise of ISIS


The Blunders of Prince Bandar

Saudi Complicity in the Rise of ISIS


How far is Saudi Arabia complicit in the Isis takeover of much of northern Iraq, and is it stoking an escalating Sunni-Shia conflict across the Islamic world?

Some time before 9/11, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, once the powerful Saudi ambassador in Washington and head of Saudi intelligence until a few months ago, had a revealing and ominous conversation with the head of the British Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, Sir Richard Dearlove. Prince Bandar told him: “The time is not far off in the Middle East, Richard, when it will be literally ‘God help the Shia’. More than a billion Sunnis have simply had enough of them.”

The fatal moment predicted by Prince Bandar may now have come for many Shia, with Saudi Arabia playing an important role in bringing it about by supporting the anti-Shia jihad in Iraq and Syria. Since the capture of Mosul by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isis) on 10 June, Shia women and children have been killed in villages south of Kirkuk, and Shia air force cadets machine-gunned and buried in mass graves near Tikrit.

In Mosul, Shia shrines and mosques have been blown up, and in the nearby Shia Turkoman city of Tal Afar 4,000 houses have been taken over by Isis fighters as “spoils of war”. Simply to be identified as Shia or a related sect, such as the Alawites, in Sunni rebel-held parts of Iraq and Syria today, has become as dangerous as being a Jew was in Nazi-controlled parts of Europe in 1940.

There is no doubt about the accuracy of the quote by Prince Bandar, secretary-general of the Saudi National Security Council from 2005 and head of General Intelligence between 2012 and 2014, the crucial two years when al-Qa’ida-type jihadis took over the Sunni-armed opposition in Iraq and Syria. Speaking at the Royal United Services Institute last week, Dearlove, who headed MI6 from 1999 to 2004, emphasised the significance of Prince Bandar’s words, saying that they constituted “a chilling comment that I remember very well indeed”.

He does not doubt that substantial and sustained funding from private donors in Saudi Arabia and Qatar, to which the authorities may have turned a blind eye, has played a central role in the Isis surge into Sunni areas of Iraq. He said: “Such things simply do not happen spontaneously.” This sounds realistic since the tribal and communal leadership in Sunni majority provinces is much beholden to Saudi and Gulf paymasters, and would be unlikely to cooperate with Isis without their consent.

Dearlove’s explosive revelation about the prediction of a day of reckoning for the Shia by Prince Bandar, and the former head of MI6′s view that Saudi Arabia is involved in the Isis-led Sunni rebellion, has attracted surprisingly little attention. Coverage of Dearlove’s speech focused instead on his main theme that the threat from Isis to the West is being exaggerated because, unlike Bin Laden’s al-Qa’ida, it is absorbed in a new conflict that “is essentially Muslim on Muslim”. Unfortunately, Christians in areas captured by Isis are finding this is not true, as their churches are desecrated and they are forced to flee. A difference between al-Qa’ida and Isis is that the latter is much better organised; if it does attack Western targets the results are likely to be devastating.

The forecast by Prince Bandar, who was at the heart of Saudi security policy for more than three decades, that the 100 million Shia in the Middle East face disaster at the hands of the Sunni majority, will convince many Shia that they are the victims of a Saudi-led campaign to crush them. “The Shia in general are getting very frightened after what happened in northern Iraq,” said an Iraqi commentator, who did not want his name published. Shia see the threat as not only military but stemming from the expanded influence over mainstream Sunni Islam of Wahhabism, the puritanical and intolerant version of Islam espoused by Saudi Arabia that condemns Shia and other Islamic sects as non-Muslim apostates and polytheists.

Dearlove says that he has no inside knowledge obtained since he retired as head of MI6 10 years ago to become Master of Pembroke College in Cambridge. But, drawing on past experience, he sees Saudi strategic thinking as being shaped by two deep-seated beliefs or attitudes.

• First, they are convinced that there “can be no legitimate or admissible challenge to the Islamic purity of their Wahhabi credentials as guardians of Islam’s holiest shrines”.
• But, perhaps more significantly given the deepening Sunni-Shia confrontation, the Saudi belief that they possess a monopoly of Islamic truth leads them to be “deeply attracted towards any militancy which can effectively challenge Shia-dom”.

Western governments traditionally play down the connection between Saudi Arabia and its Wahhabist faith, on the one hand, and jihadism, whether of the variety espoused by Osama bin Laden and al-Qa’ida or by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi’s Isis. There is nothing conspiratorial or secret about these links: 15 out of 19 of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, as was Bin Laden and most of the private donors who funded the operation.

The difference between al-Qa’ida and Isis can be overstated: when Bin Laden was killed by United States forces in 2011, al-Baghdadi released a statement eulogising him, and Isis pledged to launch 100 attacks in revenge for his death.

But there has always been a second theme to Saudi policy towards al-Qa’ida type jihadis, contradicting Prince Bandar’s approach and seeing jihadis as a mortal threat to the Kingdom. Dearlove illustrates this attitude by relating how, soon after 9/11, he visited the Saudi capital Riyadh with Tony Blair.

He remembers the then head of Saudi General Intelligence “literally shouting at me across his office: ’9/11 is a mere pinprick on the West. In the medium term, it is nothing more than a series of personal tragedies. What these terrorists want is to destroy the House of Saud and remake the Middle East.’” In the event, Saudi Arabia adopted both policies, encouraging the jihadis as a useful tool of Saudi anti-Shia influence abroad but suppressing them at home as a threat to the status quo. It is this dual policy that has fallen apart over the last year.

Saudi sympathy for anti-Shia “militancy” is identified in leaked US official documents. The then US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrote in December 2009 in a cable released by Wikileaks that “Saudi Arabia remains a critical financial support base for al-Qa’ida, the Taliban, LeT [Lashkar-e-Taiba in Pakistan] and other terrorist groups.” She said that, in so far as Saudi Arabia did act against al-Qa’ida, it was as a domestic threat and not because of its activities abroad. This policy may now be changing with the dismissal of Prince Bandar as head of intelligence this year. But the change is very recent, still ambivalent and may be too late: it was only last week that a Saudi prince said he would no longer fund a satellite television station notorious for its anti-Shia bias based in Egypt.

The problem for the Saudis is that their attempts since Bandar lost his job to create an anti-Maliki and anti-Assad Sunni constituency which is simultaneously against al-Qa’ida and its clones have failed.

By seeking to weaken Maliki and Assad in the interest of a more moderate Sunni faction, Saudi Arabia and its allies are in practice playing into the hands of Isis which is swiftly gaining full control of the Sunni opposition in Syria and Iraq. In Mosul, as happened previously in its Syrian capital Raqqa, potential critics and opponents are disarmed, forced to swear allegiance to the new caliphate and killed if they resist.

The West may have to pay a price for its alliance with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf monarchies, which have always found Sunni jihadism more attractive than democracy. A striking example of double standards by the western powers was the Saudi-backed suppression of peaceful democratic protests by the Shia majority in Bahrain in March 2011. Some 1,500 Saudi troops were sent across the causeway to the island kingdom as the demonstrations were ended with great brutality and Shia mosques and shrines were destroyed.

An alibi used by the US and Britain is that the Sunni al-Khalifa royal family in Bahrain is pursuing dialogue and reform. But this excuse looked thin last week as Bahrain expelled a top US diplomat, the assistant secretary of state for human rights Tom Malinowksi, for meeting leaders of the main Shia opposition party al-Wifaq. Mr Malinowski tweeted that the Bahrain government’s action was “not about me but about undermining dialogue”.

Western powers and their regional allies have largely escaped criticism for their role in reigniting the war in Iraq.

Publicly and privately, they have blamed the Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki for persecuting and marginalising the Sunni minority, so provoking them into supporting the Isis-led revolt. There is much truth in this, but it is by no means the whole story. Maliki did enough to enrage the Sunni, partly because he wanted to frighten Shia voters into supporting him in the 30 April election by claiming to be the Shia community’s protector against Sunni counter-revolution.

But for all his gargantuan mistakes, Maliki’s failings are not the reason why the Iraqi state is disintegrating. What destabilised Iraq from 2011 on was the revolt of the Sunni in Syria and the takeover of that revolt by jihadis, who were often sponsored by donors in Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates. Again and again Iraqi politicians warned that by not seeking to close down the civil war in Syria, Western leaders were making it inevitable that the conflict in Iraq would restart. “I guess they just didn’t believe us and were fixated on getting rid of [President Bashar al-] Assad,” said an Iraqi leader in Baghdad last week.

Of course, US and British politicians and diplomats would argue that they were in no position to bring an end to the Syrian conflict. But this is misleading. By insisting that peace negotiations must be about the departure of Assad from power, something that was never going to happen since Assad held most of the cities in the country and his troops were advancing, the US and Britain made sure the war would continue.

The chief beneficiary is Isis which over the last two weeks has been mopping up the last opposition to its rule in eastern Syria. The Kurds in the north and the official al-Qa’ida representative, Jabhat al-Nusra, are faltering under the impact of Isis forces high in morale and using tanks and artillery captured from the Iraqi army. It is also, without the rest of the world taking notice, taking over many of the Syrian oil wells that it did not already control.

Saudi Arabia has created a Frankenstein’s monster over which it is rapidly losing control.

The same is true of its allies such as Turkey which has been a vital back-base for Isis and Jabhat al-Nusra by keeping the 510-mile-long Turkish-Syrian border open. As Kurdish-held border crossings fall to Isis, Turkey will find it has a new neighbour of extraordinary violence, and one deeply ungrateful for past favours from the Turkish intelligence service.

As for Saudi Arabia, it may come to regret its support for the Sunni revolts in Syria and Iraq as jihadi social media begins to speak of the House of Saud as its next target. It is the unnamed head of Saudi General Intelligence quoted by Dearlove after 9/11 who is turning out to have analysed the potential threat to Saudi Arabia correctly and not Prince Bandar, which may explain why the latter was sacked earlier this year.

Nor is this the only point on which Prince Bandar was dangerously mistaken. The rise of Isis is bad news for the Shia of Iraq but it is worse news for the Sunni whose leadership has been ceded to a pathologically bloodthirsty and intolerant movement, a sort of Islamic Khmer Rouge, which has no aim but war without end.

The Sunni caliphate rules a large, impoverished and isolated area from which people are fleeing. Several million Sunni in and around Baghdad are vulnerable to attack and 255 Sunni prisoners have already been massacred. In the long term, Isis cannot win, but its mix of fanaticism and good organisation makes it difficult to dislodge.

“God help the Shia,” said Prince Bandar, but, partly thanks to him, the shattered Sunni communities of Iraq and Syria may need divine help even more than the Shia.

PATRICK COCKBURN is the author of  Muqtada: Muqtada Al-Sadr, the Shia Revival, and the Struggle for Iraq.

jeudi, 17 juillet 2014

¿Jihad global contra los BRICS?


Nuevo califato del siglo XXI en Irak/Siria: ¿jihad global contra los BRICS?

Alfredo Jalife Rahme

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

La nebulosidad sobre la sorprendente creación y propagación del grupo sunita jihadista Estado Islámico de Irak y el Levante (Siria y Líbano) –Isil, por sus siglas en inglés, y Daesh en árabe–, que ha generado aparente confusión (ver Bajo la Lupa, 18, 25 y 29/6/14), se empieza a disipar por sus alcances geoestratégicos en la frontera del triángulo RIC (Rusia, India y China), cuyos tres miembros forman parte del ascendente BRICS (Brasil, Rusia, India, China y Sudáfrica), a 14 días de celebrar su sexta cumbre en Fortaleza.

El primer día del ayuno islámico del Ramadán, un dato simbólicamente ilustrativo fue escenificado por Isil/Daesh, que deja oficialmente de lado su nombre por el de Estado islámico: el lanzamiento del califato islámicoen los territorios bajo su ocupación militar, y nombró a su enigmático líder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi como su nuevo califa (que significa sucesor del profeta Mahoma en árabe).

El temerario lanzamiento del nuevo califato por el Estado islámico sunita es un triple anatema para el chiísmo universal de 300 millones de feligreses (20 por ciento del total islámico global): 1) el califato, que nace con loscompañeros del profeta, es eminentemente sunita y motivo de la ruptura sucesoria con los chiítas seguidores de Alí (primo de Mahoma); 2) Abu Bakr fue el primer califa del sunismo, padre de la legendaria Aisha y uno de los suegros del profeta, y hoynom de guerre del nuevo califa del siglo XXI, y 3) el califato sunita proclamado llega hasta las fronteras de Irán en la provincia de Diyala para vincularse con Alepo (Siria), en la frontera turca.

El primigenio califato fue abolido con la derrota del Imperio Otomano en la Primera Guerra Mundial, lo cual significó el reparto de su féretro mediante la artificial cartografía medioriental del tratado secreto anglo-francés Sykes-Picot que el nuevo califato del siglo XXI ha dado por muerto al borrar de facto la transfrontera de Siria e Irak, lo cual beneficia el nuevo trazado militar del Kurdistán iraquí.

Las reverberaciones del nuevo califato del siglo XXI son enormes a escala local/transfronteriza/regional y euroasiática, en medio de su epifenómeno multidimensional –donde el control de los hidrocarburos juega un papel preponderante–, cuando sus implicaciones prospectivas se plasman en su irredentismo cartográfico tanto de su jihad petrolera como de su proyección geopolítica para los próximos cinco años.

A alguien le convino la guerra de 1980-1988 focalizada entre los árabes de Irak (en la etapa de Saddam Hussein) contra los persas de Irán (en la fase del ayatola Jomenei), para que luego Estados Unidos/Gran Bretaña/OTAN librasen sus dos guerras puntuales en contra de Irak (1990/1991 y 2003/2011) del nepotismo dinástico de los Bush (padre e hijo).

Irak, hoy en delicuescencia, lleva 34 años ininterrumpidos de guerras caleidoscópicas y entra a un nuevo estadio: una guerra etno-teológica que puede durar otros 30 años –réplica de las guerras europeas del siglo XVII– entre sunitas y chiítas, que abarca ya nítidamente a varios países del gran Medio Oriente (en la definición del general israelí Ariel Sharon: de Marruecos a Cachemira y de Somalia al Cáucaso): Irak, Siria, Líbano, Yemen, Bahréin, Arabia Saudita (en su parte oriental petrolera, donde predomina la minoría chiíta), y en la que participan a escala regional tras bambalinas (ya muy vistas) las seis petromonarquías del Consejo de Cooperación Árabe del Golfo Pérsico, Turquía, Jordania e Irán, sin contar el Kurdistán iraquí (gran aliado de Israel).

El nuevo califato del siglo XXI en el mero corazón euroasiático comporta implicaciones profundas en el triángulo geoestratégico de los RIC, que ostentan relevantes minorías islámicas, a diferencia de Estados Unidos y todo el continente americano, en donde la presencia musulmana es microscópica: 0.8 por ciento de la población en Estados Unidos; Sudamérica, 0.42 por ciento, y todo el continente americano, 1.6 por ciento.

Es mi hipótesis que el nuevo califato del siglo XXI y su jihad global, tanto petrolera como geopolítica, carcome las fronteras islámicas del triángulo RIC y desestabiliza su conformación demográfica interna –con un total de casi 200 millones de islámicos en su seno–, tomando en cuenta la doble contención que ejerce Estados Unidos contra Rusia y China (mediante la doctrina Obama).

Con antelación ya había expuesto el preponderante factor islámico en India, que se encuentra ante un tsunami demográfico-geopolítico.

Vlady Putin declaró que “los acontecimientos provocados por Occidente en Ucrania son una muestra concentrada de una política de contención (¡supersic!) contra Rusia ”.

No se pueden soslayar los vasos comunicantes entre Ucrania, el mar Negro, el Transcáucaso y el gran Medio Oriente, donde brilla intensamente el factor chechenio.

A juicio de Putin, después del fracaso del mundo unipolar,Occidente pretende imponer a otros países sus principios, convirtiendo el planeta en un cuartel mundial. ¡Uf!

Durante el paroxismo de la guerra fría, el libro predictivo de la disolución de la URSS, El imperio resquebrajado: la revuelta de las naciones en la URSS , de la aristócrata francesa Helène Carrère d’Encausse, exhibió la vulnerabilidad cohesiva de la URSS debido al galopante crecimiento demográfico de su poligámica población islámica.

Los políticos de Estados Unidos, entre ellos el vicepresidente Joe Biden, vuelven a repetir el modelo demográfico del imperio resquebrajado, ya reducido a la mínima expresión de Rusia, donde existe una relevante minoría islámica de alrededor de 15 por ciento de su población (20 millones del total) asentada en la región Volga/Ural y en el hipersensible Cáucaso norte (Daguestán, Chechenia, etcétera).

China también ostenta unaminoría islámica sunita muy inquieta, ostensiblemente azuzada desde el exterior: los célebres uigures –de origen mongol, conectados con sus congéneres de Asia central y Turquía–, que predominan en la Región Autónoma de Xinjiang, que ascienden a 10 millones (según el censo de 2010).

La superestratégica región de Xinjiang, que mide 1.6 millones de kilómetros cuadrados, detenta pletóricos yacimientos de petróleo, constituye la mayor región productora de gas natural de toda China y ostenta importantes reservas de uranio.

La conexión comercial de Xinjiang con Kazajstán es del mayor orden geoestratégico en el corazón euroasiático.

En fechas recientes, los separatistas uigures sunitas han intensificado sus atentados en el mero corazón de China, en su capital Pekín.

Los separatistas uigures, que buscan derrocar al gobierno chino local, están inspirados por la teología de la jihad global avant la lettre y que ahora proclama y reclama el nuevo califato del siglo XXI, con el que muy bien pudieran conectarse.

¿Forma parte del cuartel mundial  de Occidente el nuevo califato del siglo XXI y su jihad global contra los BRICS?



Twitter: @AlfredoJalifeR_

Facebook: AlfredoJalife

mercredi, 16 juillet 2014

Snowden : «Le chef de l’EIIL, Al Baghdadi, a été formé par le Mossad»

Snowden : «Le chef de l’EIIL, Al Baghdadi, a été formé par le Mossad»

Auteur : Al Imane

L’ancien employé à l’Agence nationale de sécurité américaine, Edward Snowden, a révélé que les services de renseignement britannique et américain, ainsi que le Mossad, ont collaboré ensemble pour la création de l’ex-EIIL ou l’État islamique en Irak et au Levant, selon l’agence d’information iranienne Farsnews.

Snowden a indiqué que les services de renseignement de trois pays, à savoir les États-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne et l’entité sioniste ont collaboré ensemble afin de créer une organisation terroriste qui soit capable d’attirer tous les extrémistes du monde vers un seul endroit, selon une stratégie baptisée « le nid de frelons ».

Les documents de l’Agence nationale de sécurité américaine évoque « la mise en place récente d’un vieux plan britannique connu sous le nom de “nid de frelons” pour protéger l’entité sioniste, et ce en créant une religion comprenant des slogans islamiques qui rejettent toute autre religion ou confession ».

Selon les documents de Snowden, « la seule solution pour la protection de “l’État juif” est de créer un ennemi près de ses frontières, mais de le dresser contre les États islamiques qui s’opposent à sa présence ».

Les fuites ont révélé qu’« Abou Bakr al-Baghdadi a suivi une formation militaire intensive durant une année entière entre les mains du Mossad, sans compter des cours en théologie et pour maîtriser l’art du discours ».

- Source : Al Imane

dimanche, 13 juillet 2014

De Verenigde Staten versterkten ISIS


“De Verenigde Staten versterkten ISIS met als doel Irak en Syrië aan te vallen”

“When the fox hears the Rabbit scream he comes a-runnin’, but not to help”

Opiniestuk door Syrian Girl

SYRIANGIRL BLOGSPOT – 14 juni 2014 – De terroristen van de ‘Islamitische Staat van Irak en Sham’ (ISIS) – inmiddels Islamitische Staat (IS) geheten – zouden niet zo krachtig kunnen zijn zonder de steun van een invloedrijke staat.

Het is moeilijk te geloven dat ze hun schijnbare onoverwinnelijkheid simpelweg verwezenlijkt hebben met eenvoudige moskeedonaties.

Om erachter te komen door welke staat ISIS ondersteund wordt, moet men eerst de voor de hand liggende conclusie trekken dat Iran het meest te verliezen heeft van de overname door ISIS in Irak.

Iran’s invloed in Irak strekt zich uit tot de Maliki-regering.

Dus als de vraag rijst wie het meeste baat heeft bij het terugdringen van de Iraanse invloed in het gebied, komen de gebruikelijke verdachten naar voren: Saudi-Arabië, Qatar en de Verenigde Staten (VS).

Interne rebellenstrijd

Saudi-Arabië en Qatar verdringen elkaar om de Syrische opstand te beïnvloeden. Dit zou inderdaad gekenmerkt kunnen worden door de interne strijd bij de rebellen.

Jabhat al-Nusra (JAN) en het Islamitisch Front (IF) strijden tegen ISIS, ondanks het feit dat ze beiden gelinkt zijn aan al-Qaida. Saudi-Arabië ondersteunt openlijk het IF en daarmee in het verlengde JAN. Daarom is het meer voor de hand liggend dat ISIS gesteund wordt door Qatar en Turkije. Dit sluit aan bij het feit dat ISIS het Koerdische leger bestrijdt; Turkije heeft daar altijd van geprofiteerd. Per slot van rekening heeft Turkije veel buitenlandse gevechtstrijders toegestaan om via Turkse landsgrenzen Syrië binnen te komen.

Maar deze landen worden eerder gezien als kibbelende kinderen van de VS. De VS zal dit toestaan zolang hun doelstellingen nog steeds gehaald worden. Het gros van de media stuurt erop aan dat ISIS op het punt staat om Bagdad over te nemen. Dit veroorzaakt vervolgens paniek bij de Iraakse regering die ondersteuning van de VS zal vragen. De kracht en snelheid waarmee ISIS opereert lijkt wellicht in eerste instantie op een vernedering van de VS, maar het past bij de lange termijn doelstelling en visie van de VS voor Irak.

Velen hebben de verkeerde aanname dat de VS een goed functionerende staat van Irak wilde maken. Ze zien de neergang van Irak als een mislukking van het Amerikaanse beleid.

Echter, degenen die de handelingen van de VS in de laatste twee decennia nader onderzocht hebben, weten dat het nooit het doel is geweest om een goed functionerende staat van Irak te maken. Per slot van rekening zorgde de ‘El Salvador option’ voor oplaaiend sektarisch geweld in Irak.

Balkanisatie van Irak

Dat de VS de sektarische sjiitische militieleden en Koerdische strijders of Peshmerga separatisten de macht gaven, zorgde voor een pseudo-balkanisatie van Irak. De balkanisatie van Irak werd openlijk tot doel verklaard door het, door zionisten gesteunde, Brookings Institution. Met de inname van de al Anbar provincie – de grootste Iraakse provincie – door ISIS, is het laatste deel van dit plan tot uitvoering gebracht.

Het is de moeite waard op te merken dat ISIS (voorheen ISI) in 2006 opgericht werd als een sektarisch alternatief op het voornamelijk nationalistische verzet tegen de bezetting, om verdeeldheid te zaaien en ieder Iraaks front tegen de bezetting te overheersen.

Het is zeer onwaarschijnlijk dat de Amerikaanse regering troepen zal sturen. Het is aannemelijker dat ze hun drones – onbemande vliegtuigen – zullen inzetten in Iraaks luchtgebied. Deze overtreding van de Iraakse soevereiniteit zal dienen om Syrisch grondgebied te kunnen betreden voor de zogenaamde zoektocht naar ISIS.

Centrale gezag in Irak en Syrië ondermijnen

De VS zullen al-Qaida als voorwendsel gebruiken om weer in te kunnen grijpen; niet alleen in Irak maar ook in Syrië. De VS zullen geen kans onbenut laten om de Syrische regering en het leger weer te ondermijnen. Ze zullen zich bemoeien met het Iraanse luchttransport van goederen naar Syrië.

Net zoals in Pakistan is hun doel niet om de rebellen uit te schakelen, maar om die illusie in stand te houden. Tegelijkertijd staan ze hen toe om in kracht te groeien.

Men moet niet vergeten dat ISIS lang niet zo machtig zou kunnen zijn als de VS niet de kracht van de staat ondermijnd hadden en tevens de jihad-groeperingen in Syrië en Libië niet hadden ondersteund.

Al-Qaida zou niet bestaan hebben zonder dat de VS hier achter hadden gezeten in Afghanistan.

Zoals de maffia beschermingsgeld heft, zorgen de VS voor versterking van al-Qaida om zodoende de macht in landen over te kunnen nemen.

Bron: SyrianGirl Blogspot.

vendredi, 27 juin 2014

US vs Syria: How to Lose a War in 3 Years


Author: Tony Cartalucci

US vs Syria: How to Lose a War in 3 Years

Ex: http://journal-neo.org

The government in Damascus and the Syrian Arab Army have begun restoring order across the country after over 3 years of devastating fighting. The so-called “capital of the revolution,” the city of Homs, has been reclaimed by government forces and people have begun returning home. A recent election carried out across Syria and throughout expatriated Syrian communities around the world portrayed widespread support for the government in Damascus and more over, the idea of Syria as a nation itself.

It is becoming increasingly difficult for the West to prolong recognizing the obvious, that the Syrian government has prevailed. In a recent TIME Magazine article titled, “In Syria, Victory is Written in Ruin,” it admits:

Defying expectations that he would be the next domino to fall in the Arab Spring’s chute of regional dictators, Assad stands stronger than ever. His military, augmented by fighters from the Lebanon-based Shi’ite militia Hizballah, funded in part by Iran and armed with Russian weapons and ammunition, has consolidated control over a strategic corridor connecting the capital, Damascus, to the coast. 

TIME then attempts to make excuses as to why Syrians support the government. The article claims:

…the war’s toll has more and more Syrians turning, reluctantly, toward the regime. Not because they support Assad but because they are desperate to return to some semblance of normal life. 

But perhaps the most deliberate distortion TIME makes is its revision of how the war unfolded in the first place. It claims:

For the rebel brigades and exiled opposition leaders, the involvement of extremist groups was an unfortunate stain on an otherwise pure uprising against tyranny. To the regime, it was proof of a foreign-funded scheme to destabilize Syria. 

The narrative, repeated across the Western media, illustrates how the US finishes up a lost war. First, it makes excuses as to why deviations from the West’s original narrative have manifested themselves in demonstrable and undeniable events, like Syria’s elections and the overwhelming support Damascus visibly commands across the country. Next it revises history to account for how and why events unfolded differently than expected. In Syria, the protracted warfare that eventually revealed Syria’s “freedom fighters” to be armies of foreign-funded terrorists flowing over the nation’s borders is explained as extremists “hijacking” or “derailing” the “revolution.”

To see just how far from reality TIME Magazine and others still perpetuating this myth have departed, readers should recall Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh’s 2007 New Yorker article, “The Redirection” which prophetically stated (emphasis added):

To undermine Iran, which is predominantly Shiite, the Bush Administration has decided, in effect, to reconfigure its priorities in the Middle East. In Lebanon, the Administration has coöperated with Saudi Arabia’s government, which is Sunni, in clandestine operations that are intended to weaken Hezbollah, the Shiite organization that is backed by Iran. The U.S. has also taken part in clandestine operations aimed at Iran and its ally Syria. A by-product of these activities has been the bolstering of Sunni extremist groups that espouse a militant vision of Islam and are hostile to America and sympathetic to Al Qaeda.

Throughout the rest of Hersh’s nine-page report, which came out 4 years before the so-called “Arab Spring” unfolded, is outlined in specific detail how the West and its regional allies including Israel and Saudi Arabia, were already funneling in cash and arraying armed sectarian extremists against Hezbollah inside of Lebanon and against the government of Syria. Hersh’s report even included a retired CIA agent who portended the sectarian nature of the impending, regional conflict.

syr153930707edited-300x201.jpgThe third and final step the US must take upon losing a war is to leave chaos where victory was denied, and attach responsibility for the conflict to a disposable elected politician – in this case US President Barack Obama. While the war was clearly conceived during the administration of George Bush as early as 2007, it was executed under the watch of Obama. By attaching responsibility for the conflict to Obama, when his term is up and he passes into the hindsight of history, corporate-financier funded policy makers will have before them a clean slate upon which to begin carrying out the next leg of their continuous agenda.

Before the Syrian conflict is fully forgotten, however, the US will ensure that the process of reconciliation and reconstruction is made as problematic as possible for Damascus. Despite for all intents and purposes, losing the war, the West has continued supplying weapons and aid to militants within and along Syria’s borders. TIME Magazine appears to almost revel in the fact that despite the “rebels” losing, it will be years before Syria is able to recover to pre-war conditions. TIME states:

For all his swaggering claims of victory, Assad presides over a country in a profound state of destruction and distress. The U.N. Relief and Works Agency estimates that even if the war were to end immediately, it would take 30 years for the economy to recover to pre-2010 levels — and then only if GDP grew at a steady 5% a year. According to government statistics, prices of basic consumer goods like food and fuel have tripled. Half the workforce is jobless, and more than half the population is living in poverty.

With the US and its regional partners still pumping in weapons and fighters, it plans to ensure recovery is as slow and as painful as possible. In fact, US policy makers within the corporate-funded Brookings Institution in a 2012 Middle East Memo titled “Assessing Options for Regime Change,” stated (emphasis added):

The United States might still arm the opposition even knowing they will probably never have sufficient power, on their own, to dislodge the Asad network. Washington might choose to do so simply in the belief that at least providing an oppressed people with some ability to resist their oppressors is better than doing nothing at all, even if the support provided has little chance of turning defeat into victory. Alternatively, the United States might calculate that it is still worthwhile to pin down the Asad regime and bleed it, keeping a regional adversary weak, while avoiding the costs of direct intervention.

While in 2012 it was still too early to be sure, it is now without a shadow of a doubt this policy that the US and its regional partners have pursued in the last, losing stages of this conflict. TIME Magazine’s sobering assessment of the destruction this policy wrought is the price Syrians have paid for Washington’s desire to keep a “regional adversary weak.”

The insidious, premeditated nature of Syria’s destabilization and destruction is a hard lesson learned for the Syrian people, and a lesson other nations around the world must learn from in order to prevent a similar scenario from unfolding within their borders. While the US may have lost its proxy war with Syria, the Syrian people’s victory has come at a great cost. Ensuring those who paid in full for this victory did not die in vain, Syrians living today must work together to dash Washington’s hopes that the West’s parting shots will leave it “weak” for years to come.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”.

U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq


U.S. Embassy in Ankara Headquarter for ISIS War on Iraq – Hariri Insider

Christof Lehmann (nsnbc)
The green light for the use of ISIS brigades to carve up Iraq, widen the Syria conflict into a greater Middle East war and to throw Iran off-balance was given behind closed doors at the Atlantic Council meeting in Turkey, in November 2013, told a source close to Saudi – Lebanese billionaire Saad Hariri, adding that the U.S. Embassy in Ankara is the operation’s headquarter.

A “trusted source” close to the Saudi – Lebanese multi-billionaire and former Lebanese P.M. Saad Hariri told on condition of anonymity, that the final green light for the war on Iraq with ISIS or ISIL brigades was given behind closed doors, at the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, Turkey, on November 22 – 23, 2013.

The Atlantic Council is one of the most influential U.S. think tanks with regard to U.S. and NATO foreign policy and geopolitics. Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe stressed the importance of the Energy Summit and the situation in the Middle East before the summit in November, saying:

“We view the current period as a turning point, just like 1918 and 1945. Turkey is in every way a central country, as a creator of regional stability. However much the USA and Turkey can work in unison, that is how effective they will be.”

The summit was, among others, attended by Turkey’s President Abdullah Gül, U.S. Energy Secretary Ernst Monitz, Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe, former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, former U.S. National Security Adviser Brent Scowcroft.

It is noteworthy that Scowcroft has long-standing ties to Henry Kissinger and to the Minister of Natural Resources of the Kurdish Administrated Region of Northern Iraq.

“Had Baghdad been more cooperative about the Syrian oil fields at Deir-Ez-Zor in early 2013 and about autonomy for the North [Iraq's northern, predominantly Kurdish region] they would possibly not have turned against al-Maliki; Or he would have been given more time”, said the Hariri insider during the almost two-hour-long conversation.

In April 2013 the EU lifted its ban on the import of Syrian oil from "rebel held territory to finance the opposition".

In April 2013 the EU lifted its ban on the import of Syrian oil from “rebel held territory to finance the opposition”.

In March 2013, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry demanded that Iraq “stops the arms flow to Syria”, while U.S. weapons were flowing to ISIS via Saudi Arabia into Iraq and Jordan.

On Monday, April 22, 2013, 27 of the 28 E.U. foreign ministers agreed to lift the ban on the import of Syrian oil from opposition-held territories to allow the “opposition” to finance part of its campaign.

“ISIS that was supposed to control [the region around] Deir Ez-Zor. [Turkish Energy Minister Taner] Yildiz and [Kurdish] Energy Minister Ashti] Hawrami were to make sure the oil could flow via the Kirkuk – Ceyhan [pipeline];… Ankara put al-Maliki under a lot of pressure about the Kurdish autonomy and oil, too much pressure, too early, if you’d ask me”, the source said. He added that the pressure backfired.

Plotting: Red, by Maj.(r) Agha H.Amin. Blue, by Christof Lehmann

Plotting: Red, by Maj.(r) Agha H.Amin. Blue, by Christof Lehmann

Previous reports confirmed that Baghdad started intercepting weapons and insurgents along the Saudi – Iraqi border, cutting off important supply lines for ISIS brigades around Deir Ez-Zor, and that Al-Maliki began complaining about a Saudi – Qatari-backed attempt to subvert the Iraqi State since late 2012. Noting my remark he replied:

“That is right, but the heavy increase in attacks came in May – June 2013, after al-Maliki ordered the military to al-Anbar “.

A previous article in nsnbc explains how Baghdad’s blockade caused problems in Jordan, because many of the transports of weapons, fighters and munitions had to be rerouted via Jordan.

The Hariri insider added that the oil fields should have been under ISIS control by August 2013, but that the plan failed for two reasons. The UK withdrew its support for the bombing of Syria. That in turn enabled the Syrian army to dislodge both ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusrah from Deir Ez-Zor in August.

“The situation was a disaster because in June Hariri, Yidiz, Hawrami, Scowcroft, and everybody was ready to talk about how to share the oil between the U.S., Turkey and E.U.. The Summit in November should have dealt with a fait accompli”, the Hariri source stressed, adding that Washington put a gun to al-Maliki’s head when he was invited to the White House.

Both the President of the Kurdish region of Iraq, Masoud Barzani and Iraqi PM Nouri al-Maliki were invited to Washington in early November 2013.

“Certain circles in Washington put a hell of a lot of pressure on Obama to put a gun to al-Maliki’s head”, said the Hariri source, adding that “time was running out and Obama was hesitant”. Asked what he meant with “time was running out” and if he could specify who it was that pushed Obama, he said:

“Barzani was losing his grip in the North (Kurdish Iraq); the election [in September] was a setback. All plans for distributing Iraqi oil via Turkey and for sidelining Baghdad were set between Kirkuk and Ankara in early November…

“Who exactly pressured Obama? I don’t know who delivered the message to Obama. I suspect Kerry had a word. It’s more important from where the message came, Kissinger, Scowcroft, Nuland and the Keagan clan, Stavridis, Petreaus, Riccardione, and the neo-con crowd at the [Atlantic] Council. … As far as I know ´someone` told Obama that he’d better pressure al-Maliki to go along with Kurdish autonomy by November or else. Who exactly ´advised` Obama is not as important as the fact that those people let him know that they would go ahead, with, or without him”.

Asked whether he knew details, how the final green light for the ISIS campaign was given, he said:

” Behind closed doors, in the presence of both Scowcroft, Hariri, and a couple of other people”. To my question “if he could be more specific” he replied “I could; I want to stay alive you know; Riccardione was tasked with the operation that day”.

Noting that a prominent member of Saudi Arabia’s royal family, Prince Abdul Rachman al-Faisalhas been named as the one being “in command” of the ISIS brigades, and if he could either confirm or deny, he nodded, adding that “the Prince” is responsible for financing the operation and for part of the command structure, but that the operations headquarter is the U.S. Embassy in Ankara Turkey. “As far as I know, nothing moves without Ambassador Riccardione”, he added.

Ch/L – nsnbc 22.06.2014

ISIS Unveiled: The Identity of The Insurgency in Syria and Iraq

lundi, 23 juin 2014

ISIS-terroristen werden getraind door Amerika en Turkije


Onthutsend: ISIS-terroristen werden getraind door Amerika en Turkije

Ex: http://xandernieuws.punt.nl

Nog meer bewijs voor steun Westen aan moslimextremisten

‘Turkije trainde al duizenden moslimterroristen voor oprichting Sharia-Kalifaat’

ISIS-Sharia-terroristen, getraind door Amerika en Turkije, bewapend door Saudi Arabië

De schandalen stapelen zich op voor de regering Obama. Nu blijken moslimterroristen van ISIS, dat grote delen van Syrië en Irak heeft bezet, in 2012 op een geheime basis in Jordanië getraind te zijn door Amerikanen en Turken, die hen tegen de Syrische president Bashar Assad wilden inzetten. Het was natuurlijk nooit de bedoeling (?) dat ze tegen de Amerikaanse belangen in Irak zouden vechten. Eerder voltrok eenzelfde rampscenario zich in Afghanistan, waar de Taliban in de jaren ’80 werden getraind door de CIA om te vechten tegen de Russen. Ook daar keerden de moslimextremisten zich later tegen hun ‘weldoeners’.

Getraind in Jordanië en Turkije

Jordaanse officials hebben bevestigd dat er in Safawi, in de noordelijke woestijnregio van Jordanië, al in 2012 een basis was waar Amerika en Turkije tientallen ISIS-strijders trainden om te vechten tegen Assad. Wel zou eerst onderzocht zijn of de strijders geen banden hadden met Al-Qaeda. Ook op bases in Turkije worden terroristen klaargestoomd voor de burgeroorlog in Syrië. Eén van deze kampen bevindt zich vlakbij de NAVO-luchtmachtbasis Incirlik, bij Adana.

Ook het Duitse Der Spiegel berichtte in maart dat Syrische rebellen in Jordanië door Amerikanen worden getraind in onder andere het gebruik van anti-tankwapens. Hoewel niet helemaal duidelijk is of de Amerikanen tot het leger behoren of tot private firma’s zoals het beruchte Academi / Blackwater, dragen sommige instructeurs Amerikaanse legeruniformen.

De Britse Guardian schreef in dezelfde maand dat naast Amerikaanse ook Franse en Duitse instructeurs hulp geven aan de Syrische rebellen. Frankrijk en Duitsland weigerden hierover commentaar te geven aan journalisten van het internationale persbureau Reuters.

‘Nieuwe regionale oorlog’

Gisteren waarschuwde de VN dat het geweld in Syrië en Irak kan overslaan op de buurlanden, met een nieuwe Midden-Oostenoorlog als gevolg. Ook de Jordaanse officials zeiden daar bang voor te zijn. ISIS plaatste onlangs een video op YouTube waarin werd gedreigd dat Koning Abdullah, die als een vijand van de islam wordt gezien omdat hij samenwerkt met het Westen, zal worden ‘afgeslacht’. In een andere video is te zien hoe tiener-jihadstrijders van ISIS zich rond een Iraakse gevangene opstellen en feest vieren als hij wordt geëxecuteerd. (4)

Ook Saudi Arabië speelt een grote rol in het Syrische en Iraakse conflict. De Saudi’s leveren wapens aan ISIS en worden algemeen gezien als één van de belangrijkste drijvende krachten achter de aan Al-Qaeda verbonden terreurbeweging.

‘Obama medeplichtig’

Een geïnformeerde bron met contacten met een hoge official binnen de Shi’itische Iraakse regering van premier Nouri Al-Maliki noemt de Amerikaanse president Obama ‘medeplichtig’ aan de oorlog die ISIS voert tegen de regering in Baghdad. Tevens bevestigt hij dat duizenden in Turkije getrainde moslimterroristen via Syrië naar Irak zijn gereisd, met als doel daar het Islamitische Sharia-Kalifaat op te richten. (1)


(1) World Net Daily
(2) The Guardian
(3) Spiegel via Reuters
(4) Breitbart

Zie ook o.a.:
15-06: Grote man achter Putin beschouwt VS als rijk van de Antichrist (Obama steunt Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda in Syrië en Irak)
03-06: Op video: Obama glimlacht bij horen oorlogskreet Allah
01-06: Turkije blokkeert Eufraat, drinkwater miljoenen Syriërs en Irakezen in gevaar
10-05: Syrië: Regering Obama wil alle macht overdragen aan Moslim Broederschap
06-05: 3000 door Amerika getrainde soldaten gaan werken voor Hamas
18-04: Turkije, Iran en Al-Qaeda vormen Free Egyptian Army voor nieuwe burgeroorlog
08-04: Pulitzerprijs journalist: Turkije achter gifgasaanval Syrië, werkt samen met Al-Qaeda
30-03: VS steunt Erdogans misbruik van NAVO voor herstel Ottomaans Rijk (/ Vanuit Turkije zal het nieuwe islamitische Kalifaat worden opgericht)
29-03: Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun
27-03: Gelekt gesprek op YouTube: Turken plannen false-flag aanslag om Syrië aan te vallen
07-03: De sleutelrol van Rusland en Turkije in de eindtijd (2)
28-02: De sleutelrol van Rusland en Turkije in de eindtijd (deel 1)

vendredi, 20 juin 2014

Que devrait faire l'Europe face à un “Djihadistan” au Moyen-Orient?


Que devrait faire l'Europe face à un “Djihadistan” au Moyen-Orient?

par Jean-Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

Appelons “Djihadistan” un nouvel Etat qui s'installerait, à cheval sur la Syrie (dans le nord-est du pays) et sur l'Irak (dans l'Ouest et le Nord). Il résulterait des succès que rencontre actuellement le groupe djihadiste dirigé par l'Irakien Abou Bakr Al-Baghdadi, nommé l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL). L'ambition de ces combattants est de mettre en place un véritable nouvel Etat dans ces régions, contrôlant les populations, les ressources (pétrolières) et les territoires. Il s'agirait d'un Etat appliquant une charia rigoureuse capable de lui donner une puissance offensive idéologique bien au delà de ses frontières. Or l'Europe ne peut rester indifférente : l'EIIL séduit des centaines, peut-être des milliers, de jeunes musulmans européens, venus se battre dans ses rangs, essentiellement en Syrie.

Que pourrions nous conseiller, si nous étions en charge d'une encore improbable diplomatie européenne ?

• Prier instamment les Américains de ne pas intervenir militairement. C'est pourtant semble-t-il ce qu'ils se préparent à faire, en se limitant d'ailleurs à des frappes aériennes, envois d'armes et autres mesures aux retombées plus catastrophiques les unes que les autres. Il faut rappeler aux Américains que si la situation est ce qu'elle est aujourd'hui, c'est dans la continuité des politiques belliqueuses inaugurées par Bush. La chute de Saddam Hussein, qu'ils avaient provoquée, principalement pour s'emparer de ses ressources en pétrole, a contribué à soulever le couvercle d'une marmite qui depuis ne s'est jamais refermée. Qu'ils se limitent dorénavant à défendre leurs intérêts directs, par exemple les voies de communication à travers les détroits.

• Consulter les principaux Etats directement menacés par le futur Djihadistan, afin de définir avec eux des politiques de prévention, à moduler au cas par cas, et que l'Europe pourrait appuyer. Ces Etats, concernés à des titres différents sont la Russie, l'Iran, la Turquie, l'Egypte et, un peu plus loin, les pays du Maghreb, notamment l'Algérie. Il conviendra par contre de déployer la plus grande prudence à l'égard des pays du Golfe, notamment l'Arabie saoudite et le Qatar. Ceux-ci jouent simultanément plusieurs jeu, dont ils se servent pour abuser le monde entier: le jeu de leurs intérêts pétroliers et de leurs investissements économiques dans le monde, le jeu de l'Amérique, le jeu des multiples djihadistes qu'ils financent partout. Des contacts devront évidemment aussi être pris avec le Pakistan, sans oublier cependant que celui-ci pourrait prochainement se radicaliser sous l'effet des groupes djihadistes qui l'attaqueront de plus en plus et pourraient y prendre le pouvoir un jour.

• Cesser de tenter, à la suite des Américains, de renverser Bashar al Assad. La politique de la Russie, récemment rappelée par Vladimir Poutine, est la bonne: sans approuver ses excès considérer qu'il est seul à pouvoir empêcher une extension de l'EIIL à toute la Syrie

• Pratiquer une politique de non-intervention active à l'égard des différentes composantes du Djihadistan. Celles-ci sont trop diverses pour s'entendre longtemps. On verra ressurgir les oppositions entre tribus, entre sunnites, chiites et Kurdes, entre émirs et combattants d'origines différentes voulant exploiter à leur seul profit les conquêtes pétrolières faites. Il y a tout lieu de penser qu'en quelques mois, la belle union espérée par l'EIIL se sera désagrégée, et que des modus vivendi redeviendront possibles avec les voisins et avec les Européens eux-mêmes. Il suffirait sans doute d'attendre un peu. Malheureusement l'attente n'est pas une vertu que pratiquent les excités et néo-cons occidentaux de tous bords.

• Renforcer sur le territoire européen les politiques et de contrôle et de défense à l'égard des djihadistes, extérieurs ou provenant de l'Europe elle-même, qui tenteraient de la déstabiliser. Sur ce plan, que nous n'aborderons pas ici, les Européens auront fort à faire. Ils ne pourront compter que sur eux-mêmes à cette fin.

A partir de cela, un point très difficile restera à résoudre: comment l'Europe devrait-elle se comporter pour tenter de limiter les aventures de toutes sortes auxquelles pousse actuellement Israël, fort de l'appui américain - tout en assurant le cas échéant à l'Etat juif la nécessaire protection qu'il serait en droit d'attendre de l'Europe en cas d'embrasement de la région ?

Il semble que, pour Vladimir Poutine, se pose une question de même nature. Ce serait une raison de plus pour que les Européens se concertent avec les Russes afin de définir des politiques communes au Moyen Orient.

Jean-Paul Baquiast

lundi, 16 juin 2014

Laurent Fabius perd la bataille politique en Syrie

Laurent Fabius perd la bataille politique en Syrie après son échec militaire et diplomatique

Auteur : Kamel MOULFI 
Ex: http://www.zejournal.mobi

Dans les médias français, comme France 24, farouchement hostiles au président syrien Bachar Al-Assad, les journalistes et spécialistes qui ont cru que le «régime de Damas» pouvait tomber ne peuvent cacher leur dépit. Un envoyé spécial de cette chaîne a carrément traité les Occidentaux d'hypocrites, ciblant plus particulièrement le ministre français des Affaires étrangères, Laurent Fabius, suite à sa déclaration sur les élections en Syrie.

L’hypocrisie occidentale est également dénoncée par l’«opposition» créée à Paris par le président français et son ministre des Affaires étrangères. Ces «opposants» constatent que la «communauté internationale» est coincée et n’a pas envie que le «dictateur» parte, à cause du risque fatal que les «djihadistes» prennent sa place et s’installent au pouvoir à Damas.

C’est là que réside l’hypocrisie : un discours anti-Bachar Al-Assad, exprimé par une déclaration de Laurent Fabius qui décrit l’élection présidentielle syrienne comme une «mascarade», alors que dans les faits, les Occidentaux n’ont pas pu empêcher le gouvernement syrien d’organiser des élections qui étaient impensables pour l’«opposition». Tout ce beau monde, à partir de plateaux de télévision, notamment sur France 24, est obligé de reconnaître que l’opposition extérieure ne représente rien en Syrie et que, sans le soutien des dirigeants occidentaux, c’est une coquille vide.

Les «opposants» et leurs sponsors occidentaux en viennent enfin à admettre que l’alternative ne peut venir que de l’intérieur du pays et, sur ce terrain, la bataille politique est gagnée par le pouvoir en place, alors que la lutte antiterroriste marque des points.

Les dirigeants des pays occidentaux, principalement les Etats-Unis, la Grande-Bretagne et la France, et ceux de la Turquie, du Qatar et de l’Arabie Saoudite, qui en sont les instruments dans la région, ont subi une cuisante défaite politique en Syrie où le «régime», comme ils l’appellent, a réussi à organiser l’élection présidentielle malgré la guerre imposée par des groupes armés, les uns se prétendant «opposition», les autres se revendiquant carrément du terrorisme islamiste, mais tous soutenus par cette coalition de pays occidentaux et de pays de la région.

Pour la première fois dans l'histoire de la Syrie, en vertu de la nouvelle loi électorale, plusieurs candidatures étaient autorisées à se présenter à l’élection présidentielle. Hier, trois candidats étaient en lice : le chef d'Etat sortant Bachar Al-Assad, le professeur de l'université de Damas Hassan Al-Nouri et le député du parlement national Maher Al-Hajjar, issus tous deux de l’opposition intérieure. Le vote n’a pas été organisé dans les zones fortement soumises au terrorisme et qui ont été désertées par les populations, ce qui n’aura pas d’impact significatif sur le taux de participation, a expliqué le président de la Cour Suprême syrienne.

En organisant et en réussissant ce défi, le régime syrien vient de gagner une bataille politique après les batailles militaires sur le terrain et diplomatique aux Nations-Unis où Russes et Chinois ont réduit à néant les efforts français et britanniques de provoquer une intervention militaire étrangère dans ce pays.

La défaite des plans diaboliques occidentaux et, par voie de conséquence, du terrorisme en Syrie, n’est qu’une question de temps.

- Source : Kamel MOULFI

dimanche, 15 juin 2014

Le terrorisme, stade final du processus démocratique

Irak: vers la création d’un état islamique
Le terrorisme, stade final du processus démocratique

Jean Bonnevey
Ex: http://metamag.fr
Trois ans après le départ des troupes américaines du sol irakien, le pays est plus que jamais au bord du chaos, menacé par des conflits ethniques et religieux entre sunnites, chiites et Kurdes. L'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant (EIIL) gagne du terrain dans le nord de l'Irak, région qui concentre une grande partie des champs pétrolifères et des raffineries du pays. Des centaines de djihadistes se sont emparés coup sur coup de la deuxième ville d'Irak, Mossoul, de sa province, ainsi que des parties de deux autres provinces proches. « Toutes les unités militaires ont quitté Mossoul et les habitants ont commencé à fuir par milliers vers la région autonome du Kurdistan », a confirmé un officier de haut rang. 

L'EIIL a revendiqué  les attaques à Ninive, province pétrolière sunnite, et affirmé avoir saisi des armes par milliers. Il contrôlait déjà Fallouja et plusieurs autres secteurs de la province occidentale d'Al-Anbar, à majorité sunnite et voisine de Ninive, alors que le pays, qui ne connaît pas de répit depuis l'invasion menée par les Etats-Unis en 2003, est emporté depuis un an et demi dans une spirale de violences. La chute de Saddam a ouvert la boite de pandore et les américains ont bien été incapables de la refermer. Les avancées des insurgés témoignent d'une situation chaotique sur le plan sécuritaire, alimentée par les tensions confessionnelles sunnites/chiites et le conflit en Syrie voisine. Les Etats-Unis ont ainsi plaidé en faveur d'une «  réaction ferme et coordonnée » pour reprendre Mossoul et se sont dit prêts à fournir à Bagdad toute l'aide nécessaire pour la mener à bien.

Dans un communiqué, Jen Psaki, la porte-parole du département d'Etat a indiqué : « Les Etats-Unis sont profondément préoccupés par les événements qui se sont produits au cours des dernières 48 heures à Mossoul, où des éléments de l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant se sont emparés d'une partie importante de la ville. La situation reste extrêmement grave. Les Etats-Unis vont fournir toute l'aide nécessaire au gouvernement irakien dans le cadre de l'Accord-cadre stratégique pour contribuer au succès de ces efforts ».

Ban Ki-moon, secrétaire général de l'Onu, a également exprimé sa préoccupation : « Le secrétaire général exhorte tous les dirigeants politiques à présenter un front uni face aux menaces qui pèsent sur l'Irak, qui ne peuvent être dissipées que dans le cadre de la Constitution et d'un processus politique démocratique ».

Ils ont tout de même bonne mine avec leur processus démocratique. Des terroristes sont en train de se constituer un état confessionnel en Irak, espérant l’étendre à la Syrie. Il s'installe à cheval sur la Syrie ( dans le nord-est du pays ) et sur l'Irak ( dans l'Ouest et le Nord ). C'est un événement d'une portée considérable, non seulement pour la région, mais aussi pour l'Europe.

Profitant de l'affaiblissement, voire de l'éclatement, de ces deux ex-Etats forts du Proche-Orient, le groupe djihadiste que dirige l'Irakien Abou Bakri Al-Baghdadi, l'Etat islamique en Irak et au Levant ( EIIL ), ne cesse d'agrandir son domaine. Jamais Al-Qaïda, même en Afghanistan sous le règne des talibans, à la fin des années 1990, n'avait contrôlé pareil territoire.

L'EIIL supplante Al-Qaïda en puissance de feu et en moyens financiers. Prônant officiellement la même pureté islamiste sunnite et la même violence extrême, il peut modifier durablement la carte de la région, amputant la Syrie et l'Irak d'une partie de leurs provinces pétrolières. L'Europe ne peut rester indifférente : l'EIIL séduit des centaines, peut-être des milliers de jeunes musulmans européens, venus se battre dans ses rangs, essentiellement en Syrie.

Si les américains et leurs pantins sur place sont impuissants, ils pourraient  peut-être faire appel à Assad.

dimanche, 08 juin 2014

Salvaje campaña de Al Qaeda en Siria e Irak contra símbolos y religiones ‘heréticas’

Imagen mostrando la destrucción de la estatua asiria en contrada en Tell Ajajah, al sur de Hasaka. / APSA

Imagen mostrando la destrucción de la estatua asiria encontrada en el yacimiento de Tell Ajajah, al sur de Hasaka. / APSA

Salvaje campaña de Al Qaeda en Siria e Irak contra símbolos y religiones ‘heréticas’

Manuel Martorell

Ex: http://www.cuartopoder.es

La Asociación para la Protección de la Arqueología Siria (APSA) ha difundido nuevas e impactantes imágenes de lo que está suponiendo la guerra siria para el patrimonio internacional. En una de ellas, tomada en un lugar indeterminado al sur de Hasaka, se puede ver cómo varios milicianos integristas destrozan a martillados una estatua del periodo asirio, alrededor del año 1.000 antes de Cristo.

Según los datos difundidos por esta asociación en su página web, quienes destrozan esta reliquia arqueológica serían miembros del Estado Islámico de Irak y Siria (ISIS), en estos momentos la organización vinculada a Al Qaeda más fuerte en estos dos países. Este grupo habría detenido a varias personas por realizar una excavación ilegal en el yacimiento de Tell Ajajah, pero, una vez las piezas robadas en su manos, se dedicaron a destruirlas por considerarlas signos paganos.

No es la primera vez que el Estado Islámico arremete contra objetos o lugares de valor patrimonial o religioso al considerarlos incompatibles con su restrictiva visión del islam. Esta misma asociación coloca varios ejemplos más de mausoleos islámicos que también han sido destruidos pese a su gran valor religioso, como ha ocurrido con los de Tell Sahuk y Tell Maruf, donde están enterrados, respectivamente, los cheiks Names y Keznawi, ambos destacadas figuras sufíes.

El mausoleo sufí de Keznawi antes y después de su destrucción. / APSA

El mausoleo sufí de Keznawi antes y después de su destrucción. / APSA

La misma suerte han corrido antiguas iglesias cristianas o monumentos naturales a los que los locales dan un valor religioso, dejando claro así que están dispuestos a hacer tabla rasa en las zonas que todavía están bajo su control en Siria o en las que están actualmente cayendo en sus manos en el norte de Irak, donde este grupo está cobrando una inusitada fuerza tras las sucesivas derrotas sufridas en el país vecino.

Precisamente, las informaciones que llegan de esta zona de Irak indican que el ISIS está recuperando su fuerza en las provincias de Nínive y Anbar, volviendo a controlar áreas urbanas en Mosul y Faluya, hasta el punto de que, en esta ciudad, abren y cierran las compuertas del río Tigris a su antojo.

Este hecho es bastante significativo respecto a la impotencia del Gobierno de Bagadad, que, incapaz de recuperar el control de la ciudad, debe contentarse con protestar porque el cierre de las compuertas compromete el suministro de agua a la capital por un lado y por otro provoca inundaciones en amplias zonas del curso superior, anegando cosechas y áreas habitadas.

Aún más preocupante es la campaña de limpieza étnica que en los últimos meses está lanzando contra corrientes religiosas no islámicas o que no siguen la ortodoxia suní, sobre todo en torno a la ciudad de Mosul, una zona habitada tanto por turcómanos chiíes, como por yezidis, cristianos asirio-caldeos y shabaks, seguidores estos últimos de un credo exotérico próximo a los alevis de Turquía.

La tumba del cheik Names (izq.) y lo que quedó de ella (dcha.). / APSA

La tumba del cheik Names (izquierda) y lo que quedó de ella (derecha). / APSA

Según informa la agencia de noticias Aina, generalmente bien informada sobre lo que ocurre en esa zona de Irak, el Estado Islámico está obligando a las familias asirio-caldeas a abandonar sus casas, prohibiendo, además, a quienes huyen que vendan sus propiedades para poder asentarse con el dinero conseguido en otros lugares más seguros.

Son varias las informaciones que hablan de ejecuciones sumarias y decapitaciones de propietarios de inmobiliarias por haber participado en estas transacciones, incluso pese a haber hecho las operaciones de compra-venta de forma secreta fuera de las oficinas. Esto es lo que habría ocurrido con los agentes de la inmobiliaria Zurhur que, tras ser secuestrados, habrían sido llevados frente a la sede de la inmobiliaria para ser degollados delante de su jefe. Lo mismo habría ocurrido con el propietario de la inmobiliaria Al Nur, también de Mosul. Se calcula que en los dos últimos años, una decena de personas habrían sido asesinadas por este mismo motivo en esta parte de Irak.

También se considera que unas 5.000 familias asirio-caldeas se encontrarían en esta tesitura de tener que abandonar sus propiedades sin poder venderlas.

Por su parte, en la zona de Muafakiwiya, son los shabak quienes están recibiendo las amenazas de esta organización islamista. Los shabak forman una pequeña comunidad que acepta tanto elementos cristianos como musulmanes pero que es considerada herética por la ortodoxia suní. El 10 de octubre del pasado año, mientras celebraban la mahometana Fiesta del Cordero, estalló un camión bomba que dejó decenas de muertos. Se calcula que un millar de fieles han sido asesinados en la última década y unas 1.500 familias han tenido que hacer las maletas y marcharse.

La última ofensiva de Al Qaeda es ahora dirigida contra los yezidis, todavía seguidores, 3.000 años después, de las enseñanzas de Zaratustra. Los yezidis –que también están extendidos por Turquía, Siria, Irán, Armenia y Georgia- habitan en Irak fundamentalmente en la región de Sinjar, situada entre la ciudad de Mosul y la frontera con Siria. Las 4.000 familias que viven en la zona de Rabia, justo donde se encuentra la aduana de Al Yarubiya, han recibido ya el ultimátum: o se van o mueren.

samedi, 07 juin 2014

Turkije blokkeert Eufraat, drinkwater miljoenen Syriërs en Irakezen in gevaar


Turkije blokkeert Eufraat, drinkwater miljoenen Syriërs en Irakezen in gevaar

Als het waterniveau in het Assad-stuwmeer nog verder daalt, valt ook de productie van electriciteit stil en zou de dam uiteindelijk zelfs compleet kunnen instorten.

De Turkse regering van premier Erdogan heeft twee weken geleden de watertoevoer van de rivier de Eufraat compleet stopgezet. Hierdoor is het waterniveau in de cruciale Tishrin stuwdam al 6 meter gedaald. Als er niets gebeurt dan komen miljoenen Syriërs en Irakezen zonder drinkwater te zitten en dreigt er een enorme humanitaire catastrofe – een regelrechte oorlogsmisdaad van het islamistische regime in Ankara.

Ongeveer anderhalve maand geleden begonnen de Turken het water van de Eufraat geleidelijk weg te pompen, om het twee weken geleden geheel te stoppen. Het Assad-stuwmeer bij de in de Eufraat gelegen Tishrin dam, die wordt gecontroleerd door de aan Al-Qaeda verbonden terreurbeweging ISIS, is hierdoor al 6 meter gedaald en heeft zo al miljoenen kubieke meters water verloren. Als het waterniveau nog verder zakt, dan moet de dam buiten bedrijf worden genomen.

In al-Khafsa, het gebied ten oosten van de zwaar bevochten Syrische stad Aleppo, is het waterniveau reeds gevaarlijk gedaald. Vandaag of morgen zullen de hulpreservoirs in al-Khafsa droogvallen, waardoor 7 miljoen Syriërs van drinkwater zullen worden afgesneden.

Dam kan compleet instorten

Als het stuwmeer droogvalt zal het achtergebleven slib het bouwwerk onder grote druk zetten, waardoor de dam uiteindelijk zelfs compleet zou kunnen instorten. De waterdoorvoer door de dam moet dus noodgedwongen worden stopgezet, waardoor er ook geen elektriciteit meer kan worden geleverd. (1)

Enkele voorgestelde noodmaatregelen, zoals het weer in gebruik nemen van de centrale bij al-Safira, zullen niet kunnen voorkomen dat de drinkwatervoorziening geheel stil zal vallen. De enige partij die een ramp nog kan voorkomen is de Turkse regering.

Al-Qaeda blokkeert drinkwater Aleppo

Eerder deze maand blokkeerden de door het Westen en Turkije gesteunde Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda rebellen de watertoevoer naar grote delen van Aleppo, waardoor 1,5 miljoen mensen zonder zuiver drinkwater kwamen te zitten. Het Rode Kruis doet er alles aan om een ‘humanitaire en gezondheidsramp in de stad te voorkomen.’ (2)

Turkije is samen met China en Burundi het enige land ter wereld dat in 1997 tegen de VN-Conventie over het gebruik van internationale waterstromen stemde. Ankara erkent de Eufraat enkel als ‘grensoverschrijdende rivier’, niet als ‘internationale rivier’, waardoor de internationale regelgeving niet van toepassing zou zijn. In 1994 garandeerde Turkije de doorvoer van een minimale hoeveelheid water naar Syrië en Irak.


(1) Al-Akhbar
(2) Volkskrant

Victorias electorales de Assad y Sisi ponen fin a la “primavera árabe”

sissi333x2048.jpgVictorias electorales de Assad y Sisi ponen fin a la “primavera árabe”

El analista israelí en temas árabes Avi Issacharoff escribió en el periódico Maariv que el perfil de Oriente Medio ha ido cambiando continuamente desde diciembre de 2010 y todos aquellos que han intentado realizar pronósticos han descubierto la dificultad de esta tarea.

Sin embargo, lo que está sucediendo en estos días, las victorias electorales del nuevo presidente egipcio, Abdel Fattah al Sisi, y del presidente sirio, Bashar al Assad, marcan el fin informal de la así llamada “Primavera Árabe”.

El periódico añade que aunque es todavía demasiado temprano para dar la despedida a las revoluciones y los revolucionarios en Oriente Medio, las dos elecciones –la egipcia que fue celebrada esta semana- y la siria -que tendrá lugar en los próximos días- han supuesto el cierre de una etapa, que estuvo caracterizada por la demanda de cambios, el caos y la inestabilidad.

En la actualidad, el desafío del terrorismo y de la falta de seguridad han llevado a que las poblaciones árabes están ya cansadas de revueltas y conflictos y busquen asegurar la estabilidad y el desarrollo.

En Egipto, el establishment político anterior ha vuelto al poder a través de Abdul Fattah al Sisi y busca destruir a los Hermanos Musulmanes, la cofradía que ha sacado provecho de las revoluciones y revueltas árabes en varios países. En Siria, Assad continuará siendo el jefe de estado aunque la guerra civil continúe durante un cierto tiempo más. La votación masiva de los sirios en Beirut es el reflejo de un cambio en la opinión pública siria que comprende que Assad es la garantía de la estabilidad futura y de la derrota definitiva del terrorismo que asola el país.

El periódico destaca también que estos acontecimientos tienen lugar en un momento en el que el Líbano busca un nuevo presidente que sustituya a Michel Suleiman y en el que se ha producido el acuerdo entre Hamas y Fatah para el establecimiento de un gobierno de unidad.

Las repercusiones de este último hecho no están claras para Israel, pero los actuales acontecimientos en Oriente Medio y el refuerzo en general del poder de los estados y gobiernos árabes pueden no ser favorables para los intereses israelíes.


mardi, 03 juin 2014

Fosfatos y uranio: ¿Otros motivos para la intervención saudí en Siria?

por Lajos Szaszdi

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

Otra razón del por qué países como EE.UU., Arabia Saudita, Francia, el Reino Unido, Jordania, Israel y Turquía están envueltos en desestabilizar a Siria podría ser para asumir derechos de explotación y control sobre los depósitos de uranio que se hallan en los yacimientos de rocas de fosfatos de Siria. Según M. Ragheb, hay más demanda de uranio en el mundo como combustible para centrales nucleares de energía eléctrica que suministros disponibles de este mineral.

En el año 2005 por ejemplo menciona que se consumieron 68,000 toneladas de mineral de uranio en bruto pero sólo hubo una producción de 39,000 toneladas aquel año. Esto dice representaría una diferencia de 43% entre la oferta y demanda global de uranio. Sigue exponiendo que para el 2007 no había suficiente uranio enriquecido para los 435 reactores operando en el mundo en aquel entonces y que generaban 17% de la energía eléctrica mundial. La falta de uranio enriquecido suficiente para satisfacer la demanda global no permitiría tampoco suplir de combustible a 28 nuevos reactores que estaban en construcción en 2007.

El problema aumentará ya que para el 2013 se habrían completado 48 nuevas centrales nucleares a nivel mundial, habiendo 200 nuevos reactores en construcción o que están planeados. Además, Ragheb menciona que Francia produce 80% de su energía eléctrica por medio de centrales nucleares y no poseyendo producción nacional de uranio consume hasta un 15% del uranio producido y ofrecido a la venta globalmente. Menciona igualmente que el Reino Unido, Alemania, Japón y Corea del Sur solo producen 0.196% del uranio producido anualmente en el mundo pero entre los cuatro consumían el 24% producido a nivel mundial. Más aun, colectivamente los países de Occidente según Ragheb producen solo el 4% del uranio disponible a nivel mundial pero consumen el 72% de los suministros globales de uranio.

Infografía: Participación de Rusia en la construcción de centrales nucleares

Los EE.UU. para 2009 tenían proyectadas 28 nuevas centrales nucleares, pero en 2006 consumió 57 millones de libras de óxido de uranio concentrado, de los cuales solo produjo 4 millones de libras, teniendo que importar el resto. Según cita Ragheb, para el año 2025 EE.UU. tendrá una demanda de 75 millones de libras de óxido de uranio concentrado y aún con un aumento nacional de su producción, tendrá que importar de 55 a 65 millones de libras en 2025 para suplir de combustible a sus reactores nucleares.

Se calcula que para 2025 el mundo tendrá una demanda de 230 millones de libras de óxido de uranio concentrado pero sólo habrá una oferta de 200 millones de libras, o tendrá una demanda de 300 millones de libras de óxido de uranio concentrado y tan solo una oferta de 170 millones de libras. Por esta carestía de uranio los precios del mineral en el mercado pueden ir en aumento de un promedio estimado por Ragheb de $65 dólares la libra de uranio – pudiéndose comprar por $42 dólares la libra en el mercado al contado (spot market) – hasta inclusive un precio de $136 dólares la libra alcanzado en 2007, o hasta de $200 dólares la libra de uranio en un futuro. De acuerdo a Ragheb, de producirse tales diferencias entre la oferta y la demanda de uranio para las centrales nucleares, “haría la extracción de uranio de fuentes de rocas de fosfato necesaria para salvar la distancia” [entre oferta y demanda].

De acuerdo a Ragheb, Siria tiene ricos depósitos de rocas de fosfato y ocupa el quinto lugar en el Cercano Oriente en la producción de rocas de fosfato, habiendo por ejemplo extraído 2.04 millones de toneladas de fosfato en 2001. En este sentido, la mayor parte de las rocas de fosfato producidas son exportadas. Es interesante que en la ciudad de Homs, la tercera ciudad en población de Siria después de Alepo y Damasco, hay una “micro” planta de producción de ácido fosfórico para su uso en el procesamiento de alimentos que según indica Ragheb está bajo la supervisión del Organismo Internacional de Energía Atómica. No hay al parecer indicios de que la planta de acuerdo a esta fuente produzca uranio como derivado de la producción de ácido fosfórico. Ha de asumirse que Siria posea importantes yacimientos de uranio contenido en sus depósitos de rocas de fosfato, probablemente codiciados ambos por al menos algunos de los países involucrados activamente en desestabilizar a Siria para causar la caída de su gobierno y poner en su lugar un régimen “quislingo” (por Quisling, colaboracionista noruego de las fuerzas de ocupación alemanas de su país y del régimen alemán hitleriano durante la II Guerra Mundial), favorable a los intereses económicos de esos estados conspiradores.

De acuerdo al International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC), el Centro Internacional de Desarrollo de Fertilizantes citando a Gecopham, la Compañía General para Fosfatos y Minas estatal siria, los depósitos de rocas de fosfato descubiertos en Siria sobrepasan los 2,000 millones de toneladas. Según Gecopham, los yacimientos de fosfato del este del país son los más importantes. La producción anual de concentrado de fosfato es de 3.85 millones de toneladas a partir de 2005, exportándose el 80% y empleándose el 20% restante en producir ácido fosfórico y también fertilizantes de fosfato en la planta Fertilizantes Homs en la ciudad del mismo nombre.

Infografía: Funcionamiento de una central nuclear

En el blog anterior se mencionó citando a Ragheb que después de Marruecos Arabia Saudita, Egipto, Siria, Jordania e Israel contienen las reservas más importantes de rocas de fosfato en el Cercano Oriente. De estos países mencionados, Arabia Saudita, Jordania e Israel, vecinos de Siria, están envueltos en apoyar a los insurgentes y terroristas cuyo objetivo es tratar de provocar la caída del gobierno sirio por la fuerza. Se puede considerar a esos estados no sólo actualmente enemigos de Siria sino también competidores del estado sirio en el mercado internacional como dueño de las empresas dedicadas a la explotación, procesamiento y exportación de los depósitos de fosfato sirios.

Podría ser también que Arabia Saudita, Jordania e Israel también tengan interés en explotar los potenciales depósitos de uranio en las rocas fosfáticas de Siria para exportación en beneficio suyo y para su propio consumo a costa de Siria, tras eliminar con un cambio de gobierno – como ahora están tratando – al estado sirio como competidor comercial e industrial, con la esperada privatización de compañías estatales en beneficio de los intereses extranjeros. Las famosas privatizaciones neoliberales tan promovidas y hasta impuestas por EE.UU. y sus aliados de la Unión Europea.

Hay que recordar del anterior blog que Arabia Saudita en su Mina de Al Jalamid espera producir anualmente 4.5 millones de toneladas de concentrado de fosfato, habiendo mencionado Ragheb que el proyecto de fosfato de la Mina de Al Jalamid esperaba producir 3 millones de toneladas al año. Esto se compara con la esperada producción siria de 3.85 millones de toneladas de concentrado de fosfato a partir de 2005 y la producción minera de Siria en 2008 de 3.22 millones de toneladas según IFDC, al parecer de concentrado de fosfato.

En 2008 Jordania tuvo una producción minera de 6.27 millones de toneladas de fosfato e Israel ese mismo año produjo 3.09 millones de toneladas de fosfato. Comparativamente de acuerdo a Ragheb, a los depósitos de rocas de fosfato en bruto conocidos en Siria, que sobrepasan los 2,000 millones de toneladas, Jordania tiene depósitos de 1,800 millones de toneladas de rocas de fosfato sin procesar e Israel 1,600 millones de toneladas de rocas de fosfato en bruto. Arabia Saudita puede que tenga tan solo en la Cuenca de Sirhan-Turayf unas 7,800 millones de toneladas métricas de rocas de fosfato en bruto.

No es improbable que algunas de las potencias occidentales involucradas en apoyar a los terroristas e insurgentes islamistas que pretenden derrocar por la fuerza al gobierno sirio lo hagan para ganar acceso a una fuente más de uranio extraído de depósitos de rocas fosfáticas para sus centrales nucleares de energía eléctrica. Dichas potencias buscarían diversificar el número de fuentes de uranio ante la competencia mundial por dicho mineral de cantidades limitadas.

Es interesante que la República Centroafricana es según Ragheb la única en poseer depósitos de fosforita continentales en África en el área de Bakouma, donde se estima que hay 17,000 toneladas de uranio. Igualmente, en otra fuente se menciona que durante la búsqueda de uranio en la década de los 60 del siglo XX, se hallaron depósitos de rocas fosfáticas de la época geológica del Eoceno en la República Centroafricana cerca del área de Bakouma. Los hallazgos, se dice, fueron “notables” por su contenido de uranio, con un promedio de 0.25%” de óxido de uranio.

Según Nicolas Dasnois, aunque la mayor parte de las compañías mineras se concentran en explotar los principales depósitos de uranio como los de Níger – con depósitos identificados de 275,500 toneladas de uranio – y Namibia, otros intereses mineros buscan yacimientos de uranio menores sin explotar como en la República Centroafricana. Los yacimientos de uranio de Siria estarían en esta categoría de depósitos de uranio más pequeños vírgenes.

Con reservas de uranio identificadas de 12,000 toneladas en la República Centroafricana, la compañía nuclear francesa Areva planea iniciar la explotación de los depósitos de uranio del país africano entre 2016 y 2017. Areva es considerada la compañía nuclear más grande del mundo según la Asociación Nuclear Mundial. Con relación a este tema según Dasnois, la compañía canadiense Rockgate Capital Corporation tiene planes de iniciar la producción de los depósitos de Mali de 8,533 toneladas de uranio, otras reservas de uranio que se pueden considerar pequeñas.

No sería improbable que la presencia militar francesa en la República Centroafricana – que acaba de ser extendida con una mayoría de votos por los diputados del Parlamento francés – además de estar en el país africano para reestablecer el orden y poner fin a la violencia sectaria entre musulmanes y cristianos, se halle también para asegurar que Francia en un futuro tenga acceso privilegiado a los depósitos de uranio en los yacimientos de rocas fosfáticas del país africano. Así, a las 1,600 tropas francesas enviadas en diciembre a la República Centroafricana, país con un área similar al de Francia, se acaban de añadir 400 más, para un total de 2,000 soldados.

El año pasado Francia desplegó 4,000 tropas en Mali para expulsar del norte del país africano a insurgentes islamistas radicales que lo ocupaban y desde donde amenazaban con conquistar el sur de Mali controlado por el gobierno maliense. El interés de Francia en intervenir en Mali no se habría limitado a defender el gobierno de una ex colonia, a evitar que el país se convirtiese en una base de operaciones de terrorismo islamista sunita con acceso a minas de oro con el cual financiar actividades terroristas e insurgencias, a impedir que Mali llegase a ser una fuente de exportación del integrismo islamista y la yihad a los países de poblaciones musulmanas de la región del África Occidental y el Sahel o por razones humanitarias para evitar amenazas a la población civil, como en el caso de la República Centroafricana.

Mali es rica en oro y otros minerales, teniendo yacimientos de uranio y depósitos de fosfatos, otro importante sector de minería maliense con reservas potenciales de 22 millones de toneladas de donde también se podría extraer uranio. La intervención militar de Francia en Mali se habría producido también para proteger al país vecino de Níger de mayoría musulmana de ser desestabilizado por los militantes islamistas radicales en Mali, tomándose en cuenta que la empresa de energía atómica francesa Areva opera dos minas de uranio en Níger.

Para Areva las minas nigerinas de Arlit e Imouraren son una importante fuente de uranio para las centrales nucleares de Francia, habiendo la compañía francesa explotado el uranio de Níger por más de 50 años, siendo además el inversor más importante del país africano. De acuerdo a un estudio del Parlamento francés, el 18% del uranio consumido en las 58 centrales de energía atómica francesas en 2008 procedió de Níger. Así en febrero de 2013 Francia tenía unos doce soldados de fuerzas especiales protegiendo la mina de Arlit. Níger, el quinto productor de uranio del mundo, proporciona según la prensa francesa una quinta parte del uranio que consume Francia en sus centrales nucleares.

El proceso de extracción industrial del uranio contenido en ácido fosfórico, éste producto del procesamiento de rocas de fosfato con ácido sulfúrico, puede hacerse más eficiente e incluso abaratarse con el proceso llamado PhosEnergy, “un proceso de intercambio iónico (IX)”. Dicho proceso permite la recuperación de un 95% del uranio en los fosfatos sin residuos radioactivos, pudiendo costar la extracción tan solo $18 dólares por libra de uranio extraída.

Países como Arabia Saudita, Jordania o Francia podrían estar interesados en explotar los depósitos de uranio contenidos en los yacimientos de rocas de fosfato sirios. De estar Riad interesada en intervenir en Siria para tener acceso privilegiado a los depósitos de uranio sirios, la Compañía Minera de Arabia Saudita Ma’aden (Ma’aden Saudi Arabian Mining Company) jugaría un papel fundamental en la producción de uranio sirio extraído de rocas de fosfato. Incluso se ha dicho que Ma’aden desea convertirse en la compañía productora de fosfatos más grande del mundo, otro motivo adicional que podría tener la monarquía saudita de querer controlar los recursos minerales de Siria.

La subsidiaria de la compañía Ma’aden para fosfatos es la Compañía de Fosfatos Ma’aden (Ma’aden Phosphate Company), una empresa conjunta de Ma’aden, con un 70% de las acciones, con SABIC con un 30%.  Ma’aden está construyendo una nueva planta de ácido fosfórico que probablemente podría producir uranio extraído de rocas de fosfato, con el año 2016 como “período de contrato” de este proyecto, con capacidad de producción anual planeada de 1.5 millones de toneladas y con un valor de 3.5 mil millones riyales saudíes. Esta planta podría ser parte del proyecto conjunto de Ma’aden con la empresa estadounidense Mosaic y SABIC de Arabia Saudita para la producción minera de rocas de fosfato y la producción de fertilizante a base de éstas. El proyecto, valorado en $7 mil millones de dólares, tendrá una participación del 60% para Ma’aden, de un 25% para Mosaic Corporation (MOS) de Plymouth, Minnesota, actualmente la empresa productora de fosfatos más grande del mundo, y de SABIC con un 15% de las acciones.

En cuanto a localización, se planea levantar el Proyecto de Fosfatos Wa’ad Al Shammal en el norte de Arabia Saudita en la Ciudad Industrial de Minerales Wa’ad Al Shammal. Como parte de este proyecto se va a ampliar la capacidad de procesamiento de la Ciudad Industrial de Minerales Ras Al Jair, localizada en la costa este saudí en el Golfo Pérsico y conectada a la Ciudad Industrial de Minerales Wa’ad Al Shammal por un ferrocarril ya construido. El proyecto, en el cual la compañía americana Mosaic planea invertir mil millones de dólares, empezará a operar en 2016 y tendrá una capacidad proyectada de producción anual de 3.5 millones de toneladas. La intención es satisfacer la demanda anual de fósforos como fertilizantes, que mundialmente crece en alrededor de unas 1.5 millones de toneladas según un alto miembro de Mosaic.

El apoyo de varias potencias a los terroristas e insurgentes en Siria para provocar la caída del gobierno de Damasco podría estar en parte motivado por intereses económicos ligados a una futura explotación de los recursos minerales sirios por empresas y multinacionales pertenecientes a los países que apoyan la desestabilización de Siria. De ser así sería un ejemplo de neocolonialismo en el siglo XXI, y un peligroso ejemplo a seguir por potencias interesadas en poder explotar a toda costa y a favor de sus intereses nacionales corporativos los recursos de los países en desarrollo a expensas de su soberanía, seguridad y bienestar.

Fuente: RT

lundi, 02 juin 2014

Shia and Christian Unity under Hezbollah and FPM is Essential

Lebanon and Syria: Shia and Christian Unity under Hezbollah and FPM is Essential

Jibril Khoury and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times - Ex: http://moderntokyotimes.com

Gulf and Western powers easily sacrificed the Christians of Iraq and clearly the same powers care little about the Alawites, Christians and the Shia minority in Syria which face Takfiri persecution and daily massacres. It is therefore incumbent on General Michel Aoun and the Free Patriotic Movement (FPM) to maintain a firm relationship with Hezbollah. The FPM is mainly supported by Christians while Hezbollah is a powerful force within the Shia community. If the FPM and Hezbollah are hoodwinked by outside forces which seek to cause divisions, then both communities will suffer in the long-term given the shifting sands being backed by Gulf powers throughout the Levant.


The Coptic Christians in Egypt were sidelined because America only cares about Camp David and protecting Israel, Saudi Arabia and Turkey at all costs throughout the Middle East. When the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt began to focus on taking over the political apparatus and espoused sectarian thinking towards the minority Christian and Shia communities, then like usual Washington wasn’t concerned. Not surprisingly, while the Obama administration is worried about the fate of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, little is said about the brutal murders of Christians by supporters of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Indeed, while powerful Gulf nations are free to spread militant Salafi Islam throughout Africa, Europe, the Middle East, North America and Southeast Asia; it is abundantly clear that not one single non-Muslim place of worship is allowed in Saudi Arabia and apostates face death. This reality highlights the demise of Christianity within major Western nations and that secular governments care little when it comes to religious freedom. Therefore, the Christians of Lebanon should realize that they will be abandoned abroad at the drop of a hat because just like their co-religionists in Syria they are expendable. After all, when al-Qaeda affiliates and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) are involved in destroying Christian churches, kidnapping Christian bishops, cleansing Christians and other minorities like the Alawites and Shia; then this means little in America, France and the United Kingdom because Gulf nations are allowed to fund Takfiris and al-Qaeda affiliates openly. Of course, elites in Ankara, London, Paris and Washington are also involved in many terrorist and sectarian ratlines.

Aoun commented about the kidnap of two Christian bishops by FSA Islamists in Syria by stating that “These acts do not represent in any way a struggle for freedom, but rather terrorist acts committed by hate-filled, malicious terrorists who feed on the blood of innocents and the lives of civilians … while attempts to justify this terrorism under the pretext of seeking to oust the regime have become ridiculous and pathetic.”

The Christian Patriarch Cardinal Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi of the Maronite Church in Lebanon and All the East ”…called for halting violence in Syria and starting a national dialogue to reach a peaceful solution to the crisis.,,”

“During an honoring celebration held by the Syrian and Lebanese community in Brasilia, al-Rahi appealed (to) the international community and the countries which support the war in Syria to stop supporting and financing murder operations and to halt arming terrorism and destabilizing a secure country and to sit (at a) dialogue table.”

Gulf and Western powers also want to weaken the Christians of Lebanon by sowing internal dissent and undermining the FPM because Aoun refuses to be bought. Similarly, the European Union is being forced to put more pressure on Hezbollah because of the whims of America, Israel and Saudi Arabia. This is based on utilizing anti-Hezbollah rhetoric throughout many media channels and by powerful think tanks espousing propaganda for their political backers. Therefore, the terrorist attack in Bulgaria appears to have been “a hatchet job” in order to lay the foundation of undermining Hezbollah.

Media agencies are powerful tools in the wrong hands therefore labeling Hezbollah to be sectarian and militant needs to be questioned. Hezbollah fighters in Syria are helping border communities against Takfiri fanatics and a plethora of Sunni sectarian forces which also have no qualms in killing Sunni Muslim clerics. In the last 12 months in Syria several Sunni Muslim clerics have been killed for either supporting the Syrian government or for seeking accommodation with other minority groups. Therefore, when Hezbollah helped to retake a border district between Lebanon and Syria the Christians once more began to rebuild their church which was defiled by Gulf and Western backed terrorists. However, the real reality on the ground is ignored because it doesn’t suit the agenda of powerful Gulf and Western nations.

In Syria it is Takfiri Islamists and a plethora of sectarian terrorist groups which are involved in beheading minorities, brutally killing captured Syrian soldiers, committing atrocities against civilians based on religious and political affiliation and setting off car bombs throughout this nation. Hezbollah, on the other hand, is fighting alongside the Syrian armed forces in parts of Syria irrespective if the soldiers are Alawite, Christian, Shia or Sunni. This isn’t surprising because Hezbollah supports the Palestinian cause and it is abundantly clear that the majority of Palestinians are Sunni Muslim. Therefore, the mass propaganda angle against Hezbollah is easily dismantled because this movement is resisting the hegemonic dreams of major Western powers, Gulf nations and the state of Israel.

Hezbollah Fighters .jpg

In 2006 Hezbollah under Hassan Nasrallah signed a very important memorandum with Aoun whereby powerful Shia and Christian forces would work together based on mutual interests. Of course, certain disagreements exist just like in all nations because this is the nature of politics and you also have a different confessional basis. Despite this, the memorandum highlighted that the old days were over whereby militants within both communities would move on in order to lay the foundation for a new Lebanon whereby fear is taken out of the equation.

Hezbollah and the FPM both gain mutually when it comes to maintaining the military of Hezbollah based on the notion of resistance, while Christians in the FPM gain politically within the power mechanisms of Lebanon because of the powerful support that Hezbollah gives. Issues related to different lifestyles, cultures and religious affiliation highlights the pragmatism of both Hezbollah and the FPM. Ironically, it is the ambitions of Aoun which may threaten the mutual alliance because he seeks to broaden his political church. Therefore, Hezbollah is adopting a patient stance in order to keep the alliance together while Aoun knows that he can’t afford to lose the special relationship because it will weaken his powerbase.

If Christians and the Shia focus on the reality of modern day Syria then clearly they will realize that in the eyes of Takfiris and the plethora of terrorist forces in this country, that both religious communities are deemed to be “infidels.” This reality is proven on the ground because many Christian churches and Shia mosques have been destroyed. At the same time, both faith communities face enormous persecution at the hands of al-Qaeda affiliates, Takfiris and the followers of Salafi Islam in Syria. If Gulf and Western backed terrorist and sectarian groups emerged victorious under the prevailing conditions in Syria then a bloodbath against the Alawites, Christians and Shia would ensue. Likewise, the Druze community would feel the full force of Salafi bigotry in Syria if the Syrian armed forces were defeated.

Indeed, a brutal civilizational struggle is underway in Lebanon and Syria whereby Gulf petrodollars seek to crush indigenous Sunni Islam because of their views on supporting mutual accommodation with all religious groups. This civilizational war can be felt in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Tunisia, Somalia, Syria, and in other nations. Likewise, gradually the dark and sinister Salafi movement and Gulf petrodollars are spreading their evil tentacles to Indonesia, Malaysia and throughout Central Asia and the Caucasus region. Indeed, these sinister forces can be felt within European nations and in North America. Therefore, many Sufi shrines have been destroyed in Libya, Mali and Somalia while Sunni Muslim clerics have been killed in Syria.

Syria now is on the frontline in a civilizational war whereby moderate forces and religious diversity are being threatened by Gulf Islamist petrodollars which seek to crush moderation and religious pluralism. This brutal force is being backed and supported by America, France and the United Kingdom because of various factors despite laying the foundation for terrorist attacks at home. The recent brutal murder of Lee Rigby is evidence of this evil force which is being given a free hand to spread hatred and division. Also, it is clear that September 11, Benghazi and Madrid happened because of Gulf and Western powers supporting al-Qaeda and Islamist terrorism in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Libya. After all, blowback will always emerge and now in Egypt the same Muslim Brotherhood that America bankrolled and met frequently within powerful political institutions in Washington; is now the same Muslim Brotherhood which wants to castigate America. Despite this, the same dangerous game keeps on being played despite the reality of the outcome – after all, look at modern day Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Pakistan (self-induced).

The Levant is now being pulverized by sinister forces which are supporting sectarianism and terrorism. In recent months it is clear that elements within the FSA and various al-Qaeda affiliated groups are now intent on spreading terrorism in Lebanon. This follows on from the increasing reality of sectarian hatred which is being espoused by the same dark forces in Syria and which can be found throughout the Gulf region. Syria is now on the frontline and the enemies of this nation also desire to crush Hezbollah and to weaken the Christian position throughout the Levant. Therefore, it is incumbent that Syria survives and that the central state overcomes diabolical forces which support sedition; to enforce a brutal Sharia Islamic state based on Gulf Salafi Islam; to crush all religious minorities; and to enforce women into the shadows.

At the same time Hezbollah and the FPM must remain united because clearly many outside nations want to defeat these internal political forces by utilizing various dark means. It is clear that America, France, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom desire to control the region. These nations therefore will use any underhanded tactic at their disposal in order to weaken Iran, the Russian Federation and to crush all independent forces within the Middle East which refuse to bow down to Gulf and Western hegemony. This reality means that the only way to destroy Syria and movements like Hezbollah in Lebanon – even if the Christians of the Levant are crushed – is to spread sectarianism, sedition and terrorism while spreading hatred throughout the media and destroying the economic lifeline of Syria.

Clearly, this reality is being played out in Syria whereby the most brutal Takfiri terrorists in the world are bypassing international passport controls based on the deeds of powerful Gulf and Western nations. Military arms keep on flowing into the Levant because even a weakened Syria beset by terrorist problems like Iraq will be deemed a victory. Of course, the enemies of Syria smell blood and seek the demise of the government at all costs irrespective if this destroys the religious mosaic of this nation. Likewise, the anti-Hezbollah rhetoric is now witnessing a new challenge to its powerbase by spreading enormous propaganda, creeping terrorism in the Hezbollah heartland and by curtailing the funding of this movement. This reality means that it is essential for Hezbollah and the FPM to remain firm during such delicate times in order to prevent outside forces from dictating the future of Lebanon.



jeudi, 22 mai 2014

The Distorted Civilizational War: Syria, Nigeria and Elitist Intrigues


The Distorted Civilizational War: Syria, Nigeria and Elitist Intrigues

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://www.moderntokyotimes.com

The government of Syria is facing the brute force of international sponsored Islamism which is beheading minorities, doing daily car bombings, killing journalists and slaughtering anyone deemed to be a supporter of the secular government. At the same time Boko Haram in Nigeria is eulogizing the international jihadist movement and slaughtering Christians and Muslims deemed loyal to the government of Nigeria. This civilizational war should be straightforward but because of elites in London, Paris and Washington; then once more they are muddying everything by siding with al-Qaeda and other Islamist terrorist groups in Syria.

Recently in Nigeria another ten Christians had their throats slit by Islamists and clearly all roads lead to Boko Haram given the hallmarks of the attack. Of course, Nigeria is sadly blighted by ethnic and other issues which often results in violence. Yet, while these issues are disturbing by themselves they pale into comparison when viewing the threat of Boko Haram to the central state. After all, this Islamist organization continues to cause mayhem daily and clearly it views the Nigerian state to be worthy to be overthrown in order to introduce a draconian version of Islamic Sharia law.

Political elites in London, Paris and Washington continue to play “with the devil” by supporting Saudi Arabia and other Gulf state at all costs. Yet it is the petrodollars emanating from this region which is spreading radical Islamism far and wide. The disturbing reality is that this is a Salafist civilization war against mainstream Islam, African Islam, non-Muslims, secular nations, women and a world based on diversity.

The mass media which hoodwinked the world in the 1980s and early 1990s, with the notion of the “brave Islamic jihadists” fighting against communism in Afghanistan, is still eulogizing the terrorist opposition on the whole in Syria. Yet the “brave Islamic jihadists” who became unified under the CIA, ISI (Pakistan) and other covert agencies from the United Kingdom, turned out to be a nightmare. Once Islamists took power in Afghanistan they killed tens of thousands of Shia Muslims; shot women in national stadiums on the grounds of adultery (of course marrying young girls was fine based on their Saudi influenced based Islamic Sharia law); enforced women into slavery; began to destroy female schools; blew up ancient Buddhist heritage; and turned society into the “Islamic year zero.” Of course, for elites in Washington and London this was fine because their short-term objectives ambitions had been met. The real winner was Saudi Arabia which understands the foolishness of elites in London, Washington and Paris because Islamization was always the intended goal of political elites in Riyadh.

September 11 should have been a wake-up call for America and the entire world but instead it became forgotten in time. After all, the United States and other nations turned “a blind eye” to the Saudi Arabia angle of September 11. Therefore, recent events in Libya and Syria highlights that Washington, London and Paris are once more “in bed” with international jihadists in order to meet short-term ends. Of course, for political elites in Ankara, Riyadh, Doha and other nations in the Gulf, they have long-term objectives based on turning the Middle East, North Africa and parts of the Balkans into Islamist states based on “so-called puritan Salafi mind thoughts. Yet you have nothing puritanical about Salafi Islam or Saudi Arabia which continues to allow men between the ages of 18 to 80 to marry young girls aged 8 and 9 years of age. This hypocrisy runs throughout the Islamist worldview of destroying civilization based on ignorance, sexual subservience, dhimmitude, enslavement of others and creating laws based on hatred and power structures which will crush alternative thought patterns.

Syria is now fighting a civilizational war because this secular nation is an affront to Saudi Arabia and the supporters of Islamic jihad in Qatar and other nations. In Syria you have many religious communities and sects within Islam, Christianity and the Druze faith. This mixing of different faith groups and the rights of women is despised in Saudi Arabia because in this nation no non-Muslim places of worship are allowed and women are shackled, apart from the wealthy elites which can bypass the system based on privilege. Therefore, the wealthy monarchs which will not tolerate any power bases to their power in Saudi Arabia and Qatar are the same nations sponsoring Islamist terrorism against Syria. It is a convenient marriage for the ruling monarchs because by exporting Islamic jihad abroad they can maintain their control over society based on mass propaganda. However, “Islamist terrorism” is crushed at home while using the same Islamists to slaughter in Syria and other nations which meet their intended objectives. Of course this is also based on being given the green light from powerful nations like America, the United Kingdom, France and more recently Turkey.

In Nigeria, Mali, Somalia and other parts of black African Islam you have an array of different thought patterns within various different Muslim sects in these nations. Yet Boko Haram in Nigeria, al-Shabaab (al-Shabab) in Somalia and international Islamists in Northern Mali all hate indigenous black African Islam. These “soldiers of Salafi jihad” desire to implement the draconian version of Islam which still rules and controls Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states. Therefore, petrodollars are financing the international Sunni jihadist movement in Africa whereby Sufi shrines are being destroyed, rich black African Islamic architecture is being burnt to the ground and this is followed by a brutal Islamist indoctrination force which is intent on “Islamist year zero.”

Boko Haram under their leader Abubakar Shekau comments that “We are with our mujahideen brothers in the Cause of Allah everywhere, in Afghanistan, Chechnya, Pakistan, Kashmir, Iraq, the Peninsula of Muhammad [Saudi Arabia], Allah’s peace and prayer be upon him, Yemen, Somalia, Algeria, and other places that I didn’t mention.” This indicates that Boko Haram deems the majority of Nigerians to be infidels and that the conflict against the Nigerian government is secondary in terms of the real Islamist global objective. Therefore, Boko Haram will continue to blow up Christian churches, kill mainstream Muslims, slit the throats of Christians, kill apostates from Islam and spread a brutal version of Islamic Sharia law which belongs to the harsh reality of modern day Saudi Arabia. In this sense, the Islamist movement is also intent on destroying black African Islam in order to Arabize and Islamize society based on cultural norms which belong to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states.

Once more the elites in London, Paris and Washington are a million miles away and they are misleading other powerful nations like Japan into a policy based on folly. After all, in civilizational wars you can’t swap sides to suit geopolitical objectives or based on protecting draconian and brutal nations like Saudi Arabia. Either you stand on the side of fighting international terrorism and the continuing Salafist propaganda machine which is supported by petrodollars – or you compromise and are sowing the seeds of future conflict and struggles.

In Syria the secular government is fighting international terrorism and powerful forces within the Middle East and in the West. The difference between the mainly Muslim armed forces of Syria is that they are protecting Christians, the Druze community and people from all faiths or who have no religious faith. Therefore, why are political elites in London, Paris and Washington siding with Islamist terrorism against secular Syria?

Afghanistan remains a nightmare after more than 40 years of meddling by outside nations and now in Libya many Sufi shrines are being destroyed. In Iraq the majority of Christians and other minorities have fled and terrorism is a daily reality in Afghanistan and Iraq. The conflict in Libya also enabled international jihadists to create a powerbase in Northern Mali whereby they are destroying indigenous black African Islam. Meanwhile in Nigeria Boko Haram is intent on spreading the indoctrination of the petrodollars of the Gulf in order to subvert black African Islam in Nigeria and the central state.

If Syria falls to Islamism then it will be “a very dark day” for not only the Middle East but for all of civilization. Likewise, if the crisis gets out of control in Nigeria then sooner or later you will have internal convulsions that will spread. Therefore, it is time for Western powers to acknowledge their respective failed policies by curtailing the evil deeds of Gulf petrodollars.



dimanche, 27 avril 2014

Islamist Fifth Column in Gaza based on Gulf and Western Strings: Egypt and Syria


Islamist Fifth Column in Gaza based on Gulf and Western Strings: Egypt and Syria

Boutros Hussein and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

If individuals want to see the dead end path of radical Takfiri Islam then look no further than the mantra of hatred and discord in Gaza because this estranged reality says everything about the international reality of this brand of Islam. Takfiri Islamism cares little about issues related to national identity therefore killing fellow nationals is part of the course alongside destroying respective civilizations. This reality means that nations like America, France, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the United Kingdom, can pull the strings by manipulating various agendas. The upshot of this is that “international jihadists” can be manipulated in the short term while “internal jihadists” become a fifth column and this can be seen in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Pakistan and Syria.

In Egypt and Syria both internal militant Islamists view killing fellow Egyptians and Syrians with glee because in their schizophrenic world view they are serving Takfiri and Muslim Brotherhood indoctrination. It would have been unthinkable in the past that Palestinians would desire jihad against Egypt and Syria rather than being focused on the Palestinian issue. However, the petrodollars of the Gulf and the spread of militant Salafi ideology have altered the religious and political landscape.

Of course, militant Islamists in Gaza are not powerful enough to change events on the ground in either Egypt or Syria. Despite this, it is clear that Islamists in Gaza can cause mayhem in the Sinai region and in Syria based on supplying arms and partaking in terrorism. Similarly, if Islamists don’t abide by the tune then new pied pipers will emerge in order to sow the seeds of more division. Alas, in modern day Syria various Takfiri Islamist terrorist groups in 2014 are now butchering each other and this reality is replicated in Afghanistan and in other nations where this virus is let loose.

Gulf petrodollars are sowing the seeds of crushing indigenous Sunni Islam, creating destabilization, spreading sectarianism, empowering terrorism and targeting non-Muslim minorities. America, France, Israel, Turkey and the United Kingdom are “riding this Islamist ticket” in order to destabilize nations they want to crush. Of course, Afghanistan was the springboard in the 1980s and early 1990s but the evolution and spread of Salafism is much more potent in the modern world.

In Libya the power of NATO was needed in order to bomb from the skies and of course covert operatives were involved on the ground whereby they were allies of various militias and al-Qaeda affiliated groups. Similarly, in Syria it is clear that al-Qaeda affiliates, various terrorist groups and Salafi ideologues are working hand-in-hand with Gulf and NATO powers. Therefore, in Libya and Syria it is mainly fellow Arabs alongside international jihadists who are doing the bidding of America, France, Israel, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom.

Colonel Gaddafi in Libya never envisaged that fellow Libyans would openly work hand-in-hand with NATO forces and that international jihadists would deem him to be an apostate. Yet, Libya was crushed based on the manipulation of internal discontent which was manipulated by outside nations, the role of NATO and Gulf powers – and the third trinity, the role of international jihadists and Salafi preachers which incite hatred. Syria is witnessing the same trinity despite events on the ground being very different based on the persistence of the armed forces of Syria and because of other important factors.

It is interesting to note that while mayhem and chaos abounds in many nations because of the so-called “Arab Spring,” which really should be named the “Western and Gulf ticket;” the nations of Israel and Saudi Arabia have emerged unscathed. Also, while international jihadists and internal militants in Syria are busy fighting and killing in the name of Allah; it is apparent that they aren’t concerned about Israel in the south and NATO Turkey in the north. Indeed, on several occasions Israel bombed Syria and this mustered no real mass demonstrations nor created political convulsions within the Middle East. Likewise, it is noticeable that al-Qaeda affiliate groups are notably strong in northern Syria whereby they can utilize the terrain of NATO Turkey and the supply lines for military arms.

In a video speech which was played to militants in Gaza the Islamist Sheikh Ahmad Oweida is inciting hatred towards Syria. He reportedly states “the time is for blood and destruction. The time is for invasions. The time is for battles.” Other comments in the video and during the demonstration in Gaza are aimed at Egypt and Syria. Suddenly, the role of NATO and Israel appears a very distant second and clearly for power brokers in the Gulf and West then this is a remarkable achievement. After all, it implies that militant Islam can be used like “a Trojan horse” in order to cause internal destabilization. Therefore, when the times are right international jihadists can do the bidding of Gulf and Western powers.

Oweida stated about Egypt that the “spear of Islam in the chest of despicable secularism….You are our hope that Shariah returns to what it was before.”

The Investigative Project on Terrorism reports that “Posters on jihadist bulletin boards have suggested that now was the time for jihadists to go to Egypt to exact revenge against the Egyptian military.”

“It is no longer possible to turn a blind eye to the obvious fact that they [secularists and the idolatrous disbelievers] are hostile to Islam and they wage war against it and they hate it,” Abdullah Muhammad Mahmoud of the jihadi group Dawa’at al-Haq Foundation for Studies and Research wrote in a jihad forum, the Long War Journal reported. “If jihad isn’t declared today to defend the religion, then when will it be declared?!” He continued: “Will Muslims wait until they are prevented from praying in mosques?! Will they wait until the beard becomes a charge that is punishable by imprisonment?! Will they wait until their sons enter prisons in the tens of thousands to be tortured and spend tens of years of their lives in their depths?!”

“O Muslims of Egypt, if you don’t do jihad today, then only blame yourselves tomorrow.”

Egypt is much more complex because while Gulf and Western powers are all anti-Syrian government the same doesn’t apply to this nation. Therefore, Saudi Arabia and other Gulf nations (apart from Qatar which is pro-Muslim Brotherhood and terrorism) are supporting Egypt financially and in other ways because they fear losing their internal powerbases. Indeed, Saudi Arabia even turned against the pro-Muslim Brotherhood agenda of the Obama administration which resulted in a rare clash between Riyadh and Washington. However, the issue of spreading Salafism is a real problem for Egypt and other nations like Tunisia. Therefore, Gulf petrodollars need to cease when it comes to spreading Islamist ideology. In other words,  indigenous Muslim clerics need to tend to spiritual matters. Issues related to the Muslim Brotherhood also need to be resolved because this Islamist movement desires to enforce its ideology on all the people of Egypt.

Al Ahram Weekly reported during a pivotal period last year that: “Mohamed Gomaa, a specialist on Palestinian affairs at Al-Ahram Centre for Political and Strategic Studies, says that while the “organic relationship” between Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood has long been common knowledge, Hamas is taking a risk by parading those ties in Al-Qassam Brigades’ marches through Gaza. There are, Gomaa says, differences within Hamas over how to respond to developments in Egypt. Some within the movement urge restraint and the avoidance of any rhetoric that might be viewed as provocative by the Egyptian army. The appearance of Al-Qassam convoy, he argues, suggests that such voices are losing out to the zealously pro-Muslim Brotherhood contingent.”

“The Hamas government viewed Sinai as its backyard,” says Gomaa, “a safe corridor for arms and other strategic needs. This is why the movement supported strikes against Egypt’s security forces in Sinai. It explains why so many Palestinian elements were discovered to have taken part in operations against the army.”

The Syrian government meanwhile is currently fighting for its survival because of the unholy trinity being used against this nation. Likewise, Egypt faces internal political convulsions and a terrorist threat within the Sinai region and in other parts of the country.

Libya succumbed to the trinity and clearly Syria faces the same combination of forces despite the internal situations being very different. After all, Libya was just “abandoned to the wolves” but several powerful nations have stood by Syria despite their support being insufficient compared to what the enemies of Syria are doing. In other words,  if powerful Gulf and Western powers collectively decide on destabilization then clearly nations in North Africa and the Middle East are very vulnerable. The one saving grace for Egypt is that most Gulf nations oppose the administration of Obama when it comes to this nation. However, Syria is not so lucky because this nation faces outside manipulation and a brutal trinity which refuses to let go.

Gaza Islamists openly celebrate killing Syrians and inciting hatred towards this secular nation. At no point do they show the same willingness to die against Israel or against NATO Turkey. Likewise, Palestinian Takfiri jihadists are involved in spreading terrorism and mayhem in the Sinai region and more recently the Shia in Lebanon are being targeted by the same forces that have abandoned the Palestinian cause. Therefore, Islamist Salafi schizophrenia is a great tool for America, France, Israel, Qatar, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom in the short-term providing the above nations all share the same vision.

Islamists are now whipping up hatred in Gaza aimed mainly at Syria but also against Egypt. The Long War Journal reported last year: “the marketplace of jihad opened in Syria, the youth of Islam rose from every direction to fight” against the Assad regime. The narrator similarly boasted that “convoys of mujahideen” from Gaza have gone to Syria to fight and that some have died while there.”

In other words, militant Islam is a convenient tool to be manipulated by outside forces which desire to alter the political and military landscape. Of course, if Afghanistan and Libya are viewed in the long-term – just like the destabilization of Iraq and the self-destructive policies of Pakistan – then the long term is very different unless you support failed states, terrorism, sectarianism, putting women in the shadows and crushing religious and cultural diversity.

Gaza Islamists are only one piece in a very complex jigsaw. However, if they can forsake their homeland while killing fellow Muslims and Arabs – alongside persecuting religious minorities and becoming embroiled in anti-Shia policies in Syria; then this highlights the new force being backed within Gulf and Western circles. Indeed, outside nations don’t need boots on the ground like in Afghanistan and Iraq. Instead, the trinity can do everything from a distance and if extra support is needed then powerful ratlines will be increased alongside more Salafi indoctrination.






vendredi, 18 avril 2014

Syrie/Ukraine/OTAN : analyse géopolitique

Syrie/Ukraine/OTAN : analyse géopolitique Entretien avec Robert Steuckers

Merci au "Cercle des Volontaires" de Belgique:



Dans le cadre d’un sujet de mémoire d’une étudiante à Bruxelles, Robert Steuckers nous délivre une brillante analyse historique et géopolitique sur la Syrie et l’Ukraine.

Il est revenu sur les révolutions tunisienne et égyptienne ainsi que sur les tentatives de déstabilisation de ces pays. L’Algérie, dont le régime militaire socialiste tente de résister, est sans doute la prochaine tentative de déstabilisation en Afrique du Nord. La Syrie reste une particularité dans ce qu’on appelle le « printemps arabe » et Robert Steuckers expose le rôle de l’armée et du régime baassiste dans le fonctionnement du pays. Nous apprenons aussi que le cas de la Syrie et de la Crimée sont liés historiquement,  ce depuis le XIXe siècle, l’enjeu principal étant le contrôle de la Méditerranée orientale.

L’instrumentalisation d’un islam « radical » par le courant wahhabite dans le Caucase est aussi traité dans cet entretien, mais aussi le rôle que devait jouer l’Union Européenne dans la conférence de Genève II, ainsi que les réformes qui s’imposent dans le cadre des nominations des membres permanents du Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU.

Ce brillant exposé de Robert Steuckers nous permet de disséquer les enjeux qui se déroulent dans le bassin méditerranéen oriental et le Moyen-Orient.

Pour rappel, Robert Steuckers est une grande figure de ce qu’on appelle la « Nouvelle Droite », ancien membre du mouvement GRECE et fondateur du mouvement « Synergies européennes ».

A diffuser très largement.

dimanche, 06 avril 2014

Christian Armenians under attack in Syria


Christian Armenians under attack in Syria because of Turkey: Crimea, Cyprus, Syria and NATO

Ramazan Khalidov and Lee Jay Walker

Ex: http://www/moderntokyotimes.com

Armenian Christians are once more fleeing from the aggression of Turkey and not surprisingly the Western nations sprouting international law at the Russian Federation are deadly silent. Indeed, NATO Turkey is allowed to occupy Northern Cyprus, cleanse Orthodox Christianity and to create Turkish settlements based on their conquest; to enter Northern Iraq in order to attack the Kurds when it pleases the elites in Ankara; and NATO Turkey is allowed to be a base for international jihadists and a zone for supplying military arms to terrorists, sectarians, and mercenaries, that fight against the Syrian government. Therefore, the recent involvement by Turkey in the cleansing of Armenian Christians in Northern Syria appears to be one long continuation of past misdeeds.

Gulf, Western and NATO double standards

Once more, NATO powers and the so-called free world are mainly silent about the cleansing of Armenian Christians on the behest of the Erdogan government in Turkey. Of course, when the Russian Federation takes action in Crimea this is followed by Western rhetoric based on democracy, human rights, international law, and so forth. However, the useful manipulation of language becomes open for all to see because the President of America will visit Saudi Arabia despite this nation being the most draconian country in the world. Similarly, France is crying wolf about the situation in Crimea while signing major trading deals with China – in other words, the Buddhist Tibetans are expendable and the rule of law is just a tool to be manipulated by major powers.

It is this double-standard, indeed, no standards laid down by major NATO and Gulf powers, that is extremely irksome when applied to the Russian Federation and any independent nation state like Syria. The vast majority of individuals know the basics about the Phoenix program and massacres in Vietnam; the role of America in supporting right-wing death squads throughout South America; the open lie about weapons of mass destruction and Iraq; the deliberate NATO bombing of the infrastructure of Serbia, whereby mainly civilians were killed; the destabilization of Libya and the current reality of this nation now being a failed state; and endless other ventures based on breaking and ignoring international law – alongside cutting up nations like Serbia via handing over Kosovo to Albanian nationalists. All the above renders the rhetoric of “international law” by America and it allies over the current crisis in Crimea to be not only ridiculous, but also blatant anti-Russian Federation propaganda.

Syria highlights the complete bankruptcy of major Gulf and NATO powers because the same nations are utilizing terrorism and sectarianism in order to destabilize secular Syria. This reality means that the minority Christian community in this nation is faced with dhimmitude, having their churches destroyed, being forced to pay jizya, forcibly converted based on fear and being cleansed by forces being supported by Gulf and NATO powers. It must be remembered that over 50 per cent of Christians fled Iraq on the watch of America and the United Kingdom. Of course, this isn’t unique because Orthodox Christians were forced to flee in Northern Cyprus and likewise the same religious community in Kosovo must stay in the shadows or face persecution. Untold numbers of Christian churches and monasteries have been destroyed in Northern Cyprus and Kosovo based on the policies of Western and Gulf powers – and, of course, based on the invasion, occupation and settlements of Turks by Turkey when applied to Northern Cyprus. Where was the international community, and the mantra of “international law,” when this happened?

On the contrary, when Christians were been cleansed and massacred during the Biafran War in Nigeria, East Timor, Northern Cyprus, Kosovo, West Papua – and other conflicts – major Western powers merely sold more military arms to the persecutors of Christians. This isn’t unique to the Christian community because Hindus have been cleansed and massacred in Bangladesh and Pakistan but this was similarly met by silence because of Western geopolitical ambitions.

Therefore, while G-7 nations are lambasting the Russian Federation over the Crimea crisis it is worth remembering the daily deaths in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria based on the meddling of Gulf and NATO powers (Pakistan also involved in Afghanistan). Yes, the nations sprouting international law have already turned off their individual collective consciousness to daily terrorist attacks in the above-mentioned nations. Indeed, while vast numbers continue to be killed based on Gulf and Western meddling this will not stop the same nations from intervening and destabilizing another part of the world in the near future. After all, history tells us that from little Grenada, to the ongoing destabilization of Syria, – that no nation is immune if independent and clearly Venezuela should be worried.

Armenians cleansed in Syria on the behest of NATO Turkey

In history the genocide of 1915 should never be forgotten but for nearly one hundred years leading powers have mainly caved in to the whims of Turkey. Therefore, the genocide of Armenians, Assyrians and Greeks is still blatantly denied by elites in Turkey and of course leading powers hate to lose business. In other words, the slaughter of Christians isn’t so bad because more important is to appease Ankara. Of course, unlike the alleged genocide in Kosovo whereby the Serbians became an even bigger minority – the “real genocide” in Turkey of several Christian communities led to the utter demise of Christianity throughout most of modern day Turkey. Indeed, while Western liberals laud Turkey for being a progressive modern Muslim nation the same elites fail to state how the nearly 100 per cent former Christian area turned into being less than 0.5% Christian based on systematic persecution, enslavement, dhimmitude, brutal massacres and religious cleansing over many centuries. Of course, history is never a strong point for Western elites but just in case “open manipulation” is installed in order to brainwash the masses.

Now, nearly 100 years later, the same Turkey is involved in cleansing Armenian Christians in Northern Syria. Yes, while Western nations are lambasting the Russian Federation over Crimea – NATO Turkey continues to illegally occupy and settle Northern Cyprus, while involving itself in the cleansing of Armenian Christians in Northern Syria and taking a hostile approach towards the Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh. Turkey is a major bane in the side of the Syrian government because this NATO country is an open conduit for international terrorists and supplying military arms to al-Qaeda affiliates and an array of sectarian forces in Syria. In the past, NATO powers did at least try to hide their connivance with al-Qaeda affiliates and sectarian forces when the time suited, for example Afghanistan in the 1980s and early 1990s and more recently in Libya whereby both forces worked on the same side in order to topple the government of Gaddafi. However, Turkey is going one step further because you have many al-Qaeda and other terrorist bases and areas of weapon collections in this nation along the vast border with Syria.

In recent days Turkey is involving itself in the cleansing of Christian Armenians in Kasab (Kessab). This is a continuation of the Erdogan government in Turkey because since outside nations began to meddle in Syria the elites of Ankara have assisted various different terrorist, sectarian and mercenary groups. Untold numbers have died in Syria because of the actions of Turkey alongside the brutal deeds of major Gulf and NATO powers.

The Syrian Arab News Agency reports: “The ministry said in the two identical letters of which SANA received a copy that the Syrian government has drawn the attention of the UN Secretary-General and chairmen of the UN Security Council during the past three years to the acts and violations committed by the Turkish government against Syria’s security and stability through the Turkish involvement in organizing, receiving, funding and hosting tens of thousands of terrorists from various takfiri movements and facilitating their entry into the Syrian territories and giving them background bases on the Turkish territories.”

Ken Hachikian, chairman of the Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA), says: “The attacks on the predominantly Armenian-populated village of Kessab over the weekend represent an attack on all Armenians.”

“The Armenian-American community stands united in seeking to reverse the events of the last several days, which has seen militant extremists stream into Kessab from Turkey. We are strongly urging our government, led by President [Barack] Obama and congressional leaders, to send a firm message to Ankara that the safe haven and safe passage being offered to these militant groups intent on destroying Kessab must end.” 

In other words, while G-7 nations are rebuking the Russian Federation over Crimea, the same nations are mainly silent about the deeds of Turkey in assisting terrorist and sectarian forces, along with involving itself directly in Northern Syria. Sadly, for Christian Armenians in Kasab (Kessab) this is a stern reminder of the past when vast numbers were killed and cleansed by Turks.

Syrian Arab News Agency reports: “Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan expressed deep concern over the Turkish attack on Kasab area in Lattakia where a large number of Armenians dwell.”

“Armenian President thanked Syrian authorities for protecting Armenians in Kasab who were forced to leave their homeland twice in the past and are facing a third attempt due to the attacks of Turkish military legions.’’

“…Serzh Sargsyan recalled that the Turkish legions have forced Armenians twice to leave Kasab; the first in 1909 and the second in 1915.”

The worry now is that with Erdogan being beset by countless corruption scandals, and with G-7 nations focusing on Crimea, that the current leader of Turkey may utilize nationalism and instigating more bloodshed in Syria for personal political gains. Not surprisingly, the recent attacks against Syria by Israel and Turkey appear to be coordinated because both these nations are protecting terrorists in border areas. Syria, of course, should be protected by international law but obviously for three years the nations of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and others in the Gulf, have all been involved in supporting terrorism and sectarianism against the government based in Damascus. Likewise, America, the United Kingdom and France have equally involved themselves with many Islamist and terrorist ratlines despite the overwhelming majority of the electorate in all three nations being against their policies – so much for democracy.

Armenians in Kasab are once more being endangered by Turkey and just like the Armenian, Greek and Assyrian genocide of 1915 – and the ensuing massacres that followed in the proceeding years until the middle of the 1920s; it is clear that elites in Ankara believe they are above international law. This isn’t so surprising given the carte blanche takeover of Northern Cyprus whereby the eradication of indigenous Orthodox Christianity was tolerated by Western powers. After all, Western nations selling military arms to Turkey, while claiming outwardly to be opposed to the illegal occupation of Northern Cyprus, is clearly “a fudge” of mega distortions. Therefore, with Turkey literally getting away with destroying thousands of Kurdish villages over the last few decades; illegally occupying Northern Cyprus; violating the sovereignty of Iraq by military incursions from time to time; enabling terrorists and sectarian forces to utilize border areas in order to destabilize Syria; then the Armenian communities throughout the world should expect empty words – or silence – about the ongoing deeds of Turkey in relation to the persecution of Armenian Christians in Kasab and other parts of Syria.

Meanwhile, for Syria the same Gulf and NATO powers continue to destabilize the nation state despite the enormous loss of life. This means that a whole array of various sectarian, terrorist and mercenary forces are being financed based on Gulf petrodollars, the connivance of Turkey and the intrigues of America, France and the United Kingdom. Saudi Arabia and Qatar, and other Gulf powers, have been given a free hand to support al-Qaeda backed affiliates and various brutal Takfiri groups. At the same time, Gulf petrodollars are spreading radical Salafism in Syria and supporting wanton destruction. Therefore, the Armenians in Kasab – just like the entire mosaic in Syria – are being forced to flee to areas under the control of the Syrian armed forces in order to be protected from barbaric sectarian, terrorist and Takfiri forces that are supported by Gulf and NATO powers.





samedi, 05 avril 2014

Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun

Ingrijpen Syrië nabij? Turkije geeft Al-Qaeda militaire- en luchtsteun

Premier Erdogan zou invasie willen, maar felle tegenstand ondervinden van de legerleiding – Turkse generaals lekten gesprek over false-flag aanslag

Voor het eerst in de drie jaar durende burgeroorlog staat het Turkse leger de Syrische rebellen, inclusief Al Nusra/Al-Qaeda, toe om vanaf Turks grondgebied te opereren. Daarbij krijgen de islamisten wapens, voedsel en brandstof van Turkse troepen overhandigd. De Turken zetten tevens reparatieteams in en geven medische hulp. De Turkse luchtmacht voorziet de rebellen van luchtsteun, en de Turkse inlichtingendienst geeft Al-Qaeda informatie over de troepenbewegingen van het Syrische leger.

Het doel van het nieuwe islamistische offensief is Latakia, de stad in het noordwestelijke kustgebied van Syrië, waar de clan van president Assad vandaan komt.

Het Syrische gevechtsvliegtuig dat op 23 maart bij de Turkse grens werd neergehaald, was verwikkeld in een direct luchtgevecht met Turkse jagers. Het Syrische toestel wilde een rebellenkonvooi bombarderen toen het werd aangevallen door de Turken.

Directe Turkse militaire steun aan islamisten

De twee belangrijkste door Turkije gesteunde groepen zijn het Syrische Revolutionaire Front, dat bestaat uit de resten van het opgeheven Free Syrian Army, en het Islamitische Front, dat wordt aangestuurd door Saudi Arabië. Onder de 4000 strijders bevinden zich elementen van Al-Nusra/Al-Qaeda. Dankzij de Turkse steun heeft deze strijdmacht een kleine, maar strategische corridor in het noordwesten van Syrië weten te veroveren.

De Syrische strijdkrachten zetten de luchtmacht en zware artillerie tegen hen in, in de hoop de controle terug te krijgen over het Turks-Syrische grensgebied. Vandaag werd er zwaar gevochten rond het stadje Kasab.

De grote vraag is wat Turkije doet als de rebellen verslagen dreigen te worden door het superieure Syrische leger. Stuurt de regering Erdogan dan Turkse troepen de grens over? Dat zou de eerste directe inmenging van een NAVO-land in Syrië zijn.

Generaals lekten gesprek over false-flag aanslag

Bronnen in Ankara melden dat Erdogan inderdaad een invasie wil, maar dat de Turkse stafchef van de strijdkrachten hier fel op tegen is. Op de achtergrond speelt ook het onderschepte gesprek met onder andere minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Ahmet Davutoglu, waarin openlijk werd gediscussieerd over het opzetten van een false-flag aanval vanuit Syrië, waarna Turkije de aanval kan openen. (zie hyperlink onderaan)

Het gesprek zou bewust zijn gelekt door generaals die niet willen dat Turkije een oorlog begint tegen Syrië. Ondertussen stuurde Iran met spoed een militaire delegatie naar Ankara, om Erdogan ervan te overtuigen in geen geval in te grijpen in Syrië. Iran dreigt zelfs de oliekraan naar Turkije dicht te draaien als Erdogan zijn plannen toch doorzet.



vendredi, 04 avril 2014

Israel and Turkey are Protecting Border Areas for Terrorist and Sectarian Forces in Syria

Israel and Turkey are Protecting Border Areas for Terrorist and Sectarian Forces in Syria

Murad Makhmudov and Noriko Watanabe

Ex: http://www.moderntokyotimes.com

The armed forces of Syria and various loyal defense forces are clearly inflicting heavy loses on an array of terrorist, sectarian, and mercenary forces. This factor is abundantly obvious just like the connivance of covert operatives from several nations are involved in the destabilization of Syria. Therefore, recent terrorist, sectarian, and mercenary setbacks, have witnessed the violation of Syria’s sovereignty by Israel and Turkey in order to buttress their meddling. In the meantime, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf states, are involved in sponsoring various terrorist groups against the people of Syria. Not surprisingly, the recent advancement by the Syrian government is being met by Israel and Turkey based on bombing border areas. This reality confirms that Israel and Turkey are working in tandem in order to protect terrorists, covert operatives, mercenaries, and sectarians, along border areas. Of course, the mantra of international law by America and the European Union over Crimea is met by deadly silence when Israel and Turkey violate the sovereignty of Syria.

Lee Jay Walker at Modern Tokyo Times says: “Indeed, while Gulf and NATO powers have been plotting the demise of independent Syria since the crisis began; the remarkable thing is the bravery of the armed forces of Syria because they face the intrigues of so many nations. This reality is the reason why so many individuals have perished because Gulf and NATO powers refuse to accept defeat. Therefore, the media of the Gulf and West plays its role in inciting hatred towards the people of Syria. At the same time, vast resources are spent on spreading radical Salafism and creating new terrorist ratlines by many Gulf and NATO powers. However, the government of President Bashar al-Assad and the armed forces of Syria refuse to allow Syria to be taken over by outside powers despite overwhelming odds against the government of Syria.”

In recent months the tide is clearly turning in several parts of Syria towards the armed forces of Syria and various self-defense units. These self-defense units comprise of the mosaic of Syria, for example many loyal Sunni Muslims in Aleppo refuse to succumb to the sectarian rhetoric of Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey – and their loyal al-Qaeda and Salafi puppets. It is this tenaciousness that refuses to die despite all the odds that continues to enrage major Gulf and NATO powers.

The bravery of the Syrian pilot shot down inside Syria by Turkey says much about the spirit of the armed forces of Syria. It also says everything about the manipulation of international law by Gulf and NATO powers that are allowed to kill untold numbers based on their geopolitical and religious games.  This especially applies to Afghanistan, Iraq, Kosovo, Libya and Syria in recent times -alongside other intrigues over countless decades of bloodshed (Vietnam, El Salvador, Indonesia, Guatemala, Nicaragua – and so on).

Therefore, the shooting down of a Syrian jet fighter by Turkey wasn’t a coincidence just like the recent violation of Syria by Israel. In both circumstances the attacks were aimed by Israel to protect terrorists and mercenaries because of recent advancements by the armed forces of Syria. Similarly, the attack by Turkey happened while another sectarian and terrorist launch is underway based on utilizing border areas. Armenian Christians and Alawites during the latest terrorist infiltration once more face the wrath of Takfiri fanatics because of the connivance of major Gulf and NATO powers. At the same time, Prime Minister Erdogan, who recently highlighted his disdain towards Shia Muslims, is now pandering to Turkish nationalism by outwardly trying to utilize the situation for political gains. Equally ironic, while Israel and Turkey outwardly have major issues, it is clear that American arm twisting doesn’t need to be pushed hard in order for both nations to work in tandem. Turkey is the main culprit but Israel is playing its part in order to appease Washington and Riyadh.

Lee Jay Walker says: “The simple reality is that all religious communities reside in government held areas in Syria. However, in Gulf and NATO areas being ruled by various sectarian, terrorist, and mercenary groups, then all minorities reside in fear and the same applies to Sunni Muslims that are loyal to the government of Syria. This brutal reality means that Christians in Syria are now joining their co-religionists in Iraq and Kosovo because they are being cleansed on the watch of NATO and Gulf powers. In the meantime, the armed forces of Syria and various national self-defense forces are all fighting on the side of the mosaic in order to preserve the richness of the Levant.”

Recent images in Takfiri Islamist areas show a man being crucified after being shot in the head – aka Taliban barbarity in Afghanistan. This is the barbaric year zero civilization that is being supported by Gulf and NATO powers in order to destabilize Syria. The same year zero Islamist sectarians were sponsored by Gulf and Western powers in the 1980s and early 1990s along with Pakistan against the people of Afghanistan. Just like 8,000 to 10,000 international jihadists fought on the side of NATO and Gulf powers in Bosnia and this was replicated in Libya. Therefore, the crisis in Syria is based on outside meddling whereby Gulf petrodollars and the whims of Washington, London, and Paris, entice Israel and Turkey to support “year zero Islamists” in order to destabilize the last bastion of independence throughout the Middle East.

Lee Jay Walker gave guidance to both main writers

