samedi, 29 décembre 2018
L’Idée d’« Europe »
L’Idée d’« Europe »
par Kerry Bolton
Traduction français de Chlodomir
L’Europe est plus qu’une région économique d’où des bureaucrates gavés et des non-entités politiques tirent des salaires et des avantages divers. Avant la connivence du comte Kalergi et de ses amis banquiers, et avant les cabales comme le Groupe de Bilderberg, il y avait l’Europe comme un organisme vivant et dynamique, dont la culture, la foi et les héros ont été étouffés dans un marais de sous-culture américaine, dans la dette des banquiers, et la possibilité pour n’importe qui de s’appeler « Européen ». L’Europe a été détournée et souillée par des ennemis extérieurs et des traîtres intérieurs. Paradoxalement, les Européens qui ont les instincts les plus sains sont parmi ceux qui rejettent et s’opposent à l’entité aujourd’hui appelée « Europe », comme un récent sondage sur le Brexit l’a indiqué. Cependant, le dégoût envers le projet européen mis en œuvre par les humanistes laïcs, les francs-maçons, les banquiers, les bureaucrates et les stratèges géopolitiques américains est si puissant que la noble Idée de la Nation Europe, qui s’était développée au cours des siècles, a été remplacée par ceux qui devraient la promouvoir le plus ardemment par l’étatisme-étroit qui fut inauguré par la Révolution Française et les forces de désintégration libérales ultérieures. L’Europe a été transformée en une parodie d’elle-même, et rejetée par ceux qui devraient être ses champions parce qu’ils ne voient pas au-delà de plusieurs siècles de trahison, de corruption et de maladie-de-la-culture.
La naissance de l’« Europe »
Généralement une nation, une ethnicité, ou un peuple n’est pas conscient d’elle-même ou de lui-même tant qu’il ne fait pas face à un ennemi ou à quelque chose qui est complètement différent d’elle ou de lui. Le Romain savait qui il était vis-à-vis du « barbare », et le Grec aussi avant lui. Il n’y avait « pas de Maori sur le continent qui devint la Nouvelle-Zélande tant qu’il n’y eut pas de ‘Pakeha’ », d’étranger. De même, des ethnicités disparates peuvent se coaguler en un plus grand groupement ethnique lorsqu’elles font face à un danger commun. Les Etats-nations se sont formés de cette manière, mais l’Etat-nation moderne n’est pas plus sacro-saint que les Etats précédents basés sur les mariages dynastiques et les alliances, et pourraient tout aussi bien se disloquer. Ainsi quand le nationaliste étatiste-étroit voit sa nation comme une finalité, et craint d’être « submergé » par une Europe unie, il n’y a pas de base historique pour la persistance de son « Etat-nation » sous sa présente forme, ni pour que l’Europe ne puisse pas renaître si elle a la volonté de le faire.
La conscience d’être un « Européen » et celle de l’« Europe » se développa vis-à-vis des païens, des Mongols, des Juifs et des Maures, et définit ce qu’on était par rapport à l’étranger. L’impulsion en faveur de l’Europe vint de la reconnaissance d’un « ennemi extérieur ».
En décrivant la bataille de Poitiers contre les Arabes en 732, la Chronique espagnole d'isidore parle des armées chrétiennes de Charles Martel comme composées d' « Européens ». L’empire de Charlemagne (768-814) est nommé « Europe » par les chroniqueurs contemporains. En 755, le prêtre Cathwulf loua Charlemagne comme régnant sur « la gloire de l’empire d’Europe ». En 799 Angilbert, gendre de Charlemagne et poète de la cour, décrivit l’Empereur comme « le père de l’Europe » : Rex, pater Europae. Le « Royaume de Charles » fut appelé « Europa » dans les Annales de Fulda. Alcuin (735-804), maître de l’école du palais, théologien et rhétoricien de la cour, l’appela « le continent de la foi ». Durant l’ère de Charlemagne, son empire était l’« Europe ».
L’auteur franco-anglais Hilaire Belloc dans L’Europe et la Foi décrivit la conscience-de-soi qui animait la Haute Culture de l’Age Médiéval avec son style distinctement « européen », gothique :
« Dans la période suivante – les Ages Sombres – le Catholique commence à voir l’Europe sauvée de l’attaque universelle du Mahométan, du Hun, du Scandinave : il remarque que la férocité de l’attaque était telle que quelque chose qui n’aurait pas été divinement institué aurait été anéanti. Le Mahométan parvint à trois jours de marche de Tours, le Mongol fut aperçu depuis les murs de Tournus sur la Saône, au milieu de la France. Le sauvage scandinave s’engouffra dans les embouchures de tous les fleuves de la Gaule, et submergea presque la Grande-Bretagne. Il ne restait rien de l’Europe à part un noyau central. Néanmoins l’Europe survécut. »
Dans la nouvelle floraison qui suivit cette époque sombre – le Moyen-Age –, le Catholique ne note pas des hypothèses mais des documents et des faits ; il voit les Parlements naître non d’un modèle « teutonique » imaginaire – un produit de l’imagination des académies – mais des très réels et présents grands ordres monastiques, en Espagne, en Grande-Bretagne, en Gaule, jamais en-dehors des anciennes limites de la Chrétienté. Il voit l’architecture gothique jaillir, spontanée et autochtone, d’abord dans le territoire de Paris et ensuite se répandant vers l’extérieur dans un anneau vers les Highlands écossais et vers le Rhin. Il voit les nouvelles universités, un produit de l’âme de l’Europe, réveillées – il voit la merveilleuse civilisation nouvelle du Moyen-Age surgir comme une transformation de la vieille société romaine, une transformation entièrement interne, et motivée par la Foi.
Il y avait un style architectural commun, le gothique, qui ne devait rien à des influences extérieures à l’Europe, rien au Mongol, ni à l’Arabe. Le style gothique, avec ses arches et ses flèches particulières, était unique : il reflétait la vision-du-monde gothique occidentale de l’envol vers l’infini, complètement différente de celle de la mosquée arabe ou du caractère sinueux de l’architecture orientale. Il y avait une science, des mathématiques et une technique occidentales, comme Lawrence Brown l’a remarqué il y a des décennies dans son livre aujourd’hui oublié, The Might of the West. Là encore, celles-ci ne devaient pas leur existence à l’Arabe, à l’Hindou, au Chinois, ni même au Grec. Il y avait un art spécifiquement occidental, culminant dans la perspective de la peinture à l’huile des « vieux maîtres », et une musique gothique, qui donnait le même sentiment d’atteindre le ciel. Ce n’était pas italien, anglais, allemand, français ou espagnol… C’était occidental, gothique, européen ; cela faisait partie d’une Haute Culture commune qui ne fut pas enseignée par les Chinois ou les Arabes, mais grandit organiquement à partir du sol de l’Europe.
Il y avait une économie régulée par une éthique sociale et religieuse, qui favorisait le « juste prix », regardait l’usure comme un « péché » et l’artisanat comme une vocation divine, et qui était encadrée par des guildes. La Chevalerie était l’idéal pour les affaires de la guerre et de la paix entre les guerriers et les dirigeants honorables. Le dernier vestige de plusieurs siècles de chevalerie disparut durant la Première Guerre mondiale, avec la pratique des aviateurs enterrant avec les honneurs leurs ennemis abattus. L’ordre social et économique basé sur les guildes fut décrit par l’historien américain, le Rév. Dr. W. D. P. Bliss :
« Ces guildes d’une sorte ou d’une autre s’étendirent sur toute l’Europe germanique et durèrent dans la plupart des pays jusqu’à l’époque de la Réforme et dans certains cas jusqu’au XIXe siècle. Le Moyen-Age fut une période de prix coutumiers et non compétitifs, et l’idée de laisser des accords être décidés par le ‘hasard du marché’ était une impossibilité, parce que d’autres lois du marché n’étaient pas laissées au libre arbitrage des parties contractantes. » (W. D. P. Bliss, New Encyclopaedia of Social Reform, New York: Funk and Wagnalls, 1908, pp. 544-545)
Bliss disait que c’était une ère où l’artisanat dominait le capital et où « le maître travaillait à coté de l’artisan » (Ibid., p. 546). Il n’y avait pas de « lutte des classes », puisque chaque individu et chaque famille fonctionnait comme une cellule dans un organe (guilde et état) et chaque organe était une partie nécessaire de l’organisme social dans sa totalité. Bliss décrivit la nature sociale organique de l’Europe en prenant comme exemple la cité allemande de Nuremberg :
« Aucun habitant de Nuremberg ne pensait même sérieusement à laisser le commerce ou l’art ou la manufacture, ou en fait la moindre portion de la vie, au hasard et à l’incident de la compétition illimitée. L’habitant de Nuremberg aurait dit : ‘La compétition est la mort du commerce, la destructrice de la liberté, et surtout la destructrice de la qualité’. Chaque habitant de Nuremberg, comme tout homme médiéval, se considérait non pas comme une unité indépendante, mais comme une partie dépendante, bien que composante, d’un plus grand organisme, église ou empire ou cité ou guilde. C’était l’essence même de la vie médiévale. » (Ibid., p. 842p)
« La guilde déterminait quelles matières premières seraient utilisées dans une manufacture, combien il fallait en acheter, le nombre d’apprentis qu’un maître pouvait employer, les salaires, les méthodes de production, et les prix fixés. » (Ibid.)
« La guilde ne permettait pas au travailleur non-formé ou au commerçant à l’esprit mauvais de casser les prix pour dépouiller ou voler le marché. Les guildes mesuraient et pesaient et testaient tous les matériels, et déterminaient combien chaque producteur pouvait avoir. (…) Elles mesuraient aussi ou comptaient, pesaient et testaient le produit fini. (…) En 1456 encore, deux hommes furent brûlés vifs à Nuremberg pour avoir vendu des vins frelatés (…). Nuremberg voyait donc très bien que la compétition ne servait que le riche et le fort. Ce commerce collectif était l’espérance des pauvres et des gens simples. (…) L’argent ne devait pas être prêté avec usure (intérêt). (…) L’extorsion, les fausses mesures, l’adulation des biens, étaient des abominations dans une cité commerciale et généralement punies de mort. » (Ibid.)
Qu’est-ce qui n’a pas marché ? Il semble que selon une loi générale de l’histoire, les révolutions entreprises au nom du « peuple » sont une façade pour la prise du pouvoir par des intérêts financiers contre les souverains et les règles traditionnels. Remontant même jusqu’à la civilisation romaine, l’historien Oswald Spengler dans son monumental Déclin de l’Occident nota que Tiberius Gracchus commença sa révolte au nom du « peuple », mais avec le soutien de la riche classe des chevaliers (Equites) ; Spengler étant d’avis que même à notre époque il n’y a pas de mouvement révolutionnaire des travailleurs, incluant le communisme, qui ne serve pas les intérêts et la direction de l’« argent ». Aujourd’hui, voyez Soros, le National Endowment for Democracy, les « révolutions de couleur », etc. Chaque révolte, au nom de la liberté, signifie une liberté plus grande pour les classes émergeantes de la nouvelle richesse. La Réforme d’Henry VIII détruisit l’ordre social qui avait été maintenu par l’Eglise, le monastère, le prêtre de village, et qui fut remplacé par les oligarques. La Révolution puritaine de Cromwell ouvrit la voie à la Banque d’Angleterre.
La Révolution française, d’où sortirent le libéral-capitalisme et le socialisme, détruisit les derniers vestiges des guildes, abolies par la loi au nom du « marché libre ». Le syndicalisme fut une réaction à l’industrialisme, par laquelle les travailleurs tentaient de tirer autant de rémunération que possible des propriétaires d’usines, pendant qu’ils étaient eux-mêmes exploités par l’usure des banques, dont Marx et d’autres socialistes ne parlèrent presque pas. Disparu était l’organisme social qui, en dépit de ses défauts et tribulations, avait été la norme de l’Europe précapitaliste, organisé autour de la guilde et du village et regardé comme l’ordre divinement ordonné.
L’Europe divisée
L’unité organique spirituelle et culturelle appelée « Europe » se brisa en royaumes et en fédérations princières après Charlemagne. L’unité temporelle fut sapée ; cependant l’unité spirituelle était encore maintenue par la Papauté. Cependant au XIe siècle le manteau de (saint) Henri II pouvait encore être décoré de la légende : « Ô béni César Henri, honneur de l’Europe, puisse le Roi qui règne dans l’éternité accroître ton empire ». Après la mort d’Henri un chant funéraire eut pour refrain : « L’Europe, aujourd’hui décapitée, pleure » (Denis de Rougemont, The Idea of Europe, New York: Macmillan Co., 1966, pp. 47-49).
Un autre schisme fut causé par Philippe le Bel de France durant le XIVe siècle, lorsqu’il défia à la fois le pouvoir temporel du Saint-Empire et le pouvoir spirituel du pape Boniface VIII. Ce fut la première manifestation des « droits souverains » qui devait finalement provoquer l’émergence des petits Etats-nations et la désintégration de l’unité spirituelle-culturelle-politique de l’Europe. L’Age des Grandes Découvertes conduisant aux empires coloniaux mit l’accent sur l’Atlantique et sur la rivalité commerciale entre les Etats. La Réforme sapa l’unité spirituelle, et les instigateurs comme Luther et Calvin ne parlaient pas de l’Europe (Ibid., p. 76). Le protestantisme cherchait à remplacer le Saint-Empire et la Papauté par des Etats fédérés (Ibid., p. 90), donnant finalement naissance à ce que nous connaissons aujourd’hui comme des plans pour des combinaisons fédérées et régionales dans l’intérêt du commerce et d’autres facteurs économiques. Les partisans de la fédération européenne commencèrent à parler de cela au XVIIe siècle comme du prélude à l’unité mondiale (Ibid.).
La Réforme apporta non seulement le schisme à l’Europe dont celle-ci ne s’est jamais remise, mais inaugura aussi la présente ère du capitalisme. L’auteur franco-anglais Hilaire Belloc écrivit :
« Quand nous en arrivons à l’histoire de la Réforme en Grande-Bretagne, nous verrons comment la forte résistance populaire à la Réforme triompha presque de cette petite classe fortunée qui utilisa l’excitation religieuse d’une minorité active comme un moteur pour obtenir un avantage matériel pour elle-même. Mais en fait en Grande-Bretagne la résistance populaire à la Réforme échoua. Une persécution violente et presque générale dirigée, dans l’ensemble par les classes plus riches, contre la religion de la populace anglaise, et la fortune qui la finançait finit par réussir. En un peu plus d’un siècle, les nouveaux riches avaient gagné la bataille. » (Belloc, Europe and the Faith, Londres, 2012, chapitre 5).
Victoire de l’Argent
En Angleterre avant Henry VIII il n’y avait pas de propriétaires terriens rapaces. Les monastères et les couvents étaient basés sur les œuvres de charité et sur les vœux de pauvreté personnelle. Du VIe au XVe siècle, c’était une société qui assurait la liberté contre le besoin et la tyrannie. L’ordre social traditionnel fut détruit par Henry VIII avec le pillage et la fermeture des Maisons religieuses, qui avaient fourni une éducation gratuite à la jeunesse du voisinage, et la nourriture et un abri à ceux qui étaient dans le besoin. En 1536 par un Acte du Parlement, les monastères et les couvents furent fermés et leurs biens confisqués au bénéfice d’Henry et de ses favoris. Le commentateur social William Cobbett (1763-1835) dit qu’avec cet Acte, frappant la base même de la vie sociale et économique locale du peuple :
« …commença la ruine et la dégradation du corps du peuple d’Angleterre et d’Irlande ; car ce fut la première mesure prise, sous forme légale, pour voler les gens sous prétexte de réformer leur religion ; car ce fut le précédent sur lequel les futurs pillards s’appuyèrent, jusqu’à ce qu’ils aient complètement appauvri le pays ; car ce fut le premier de cette série d’actes de rapine, par laquelle ce peuple autrefois bien nourri et bien habillé a finalement été réduit à des guenilles et à une pitance pire que celle des prisons ; je citerai son préambule menteur et infâme dans sa totalité. Les Anglais supposent en général qu’il y a toujours eu des lois pour les pauvres et des indigents en Angleterre. Ils devraient se souvenir que, pendant neuf cent ans (…), il n’y en eut pas. » (William Cobbett, The History of the Protestant Reformation in England and Ireland, 1824, p. 166 ; online at:
Cobbett, un auteur plus perspicace que Karl Marx, connaissant intimement le pays anglais, écrivit :
« La Réforme dépouilla les classes ouvrières de leur patrimoine, elle leur arracha ce que la nature leur avait attribué ; elle leur vola cette aide pour les nécessiteux qui était la leur par un droit imprescriptible, et qui leur avait été confirmée par la Loi de Dieu et la Loi de la Terre. Elle leur apporta un mode artificiel d’aide obligatoire et rancunière, calculée pour que le pauvre et le riche se haïssent, au lieu de les lier par les liens de la charité chrétienne. » (Ibid.)
Belloc écrivit, parlant du processus historique conduisant au système économique mondial aujourd’hui contrôlé par l’usure :
« Finalement, parmi les conséquences majeures de la Réforme il y eut ce phénomène que nous avons fini par appeler ‘capitalisme’, et que beaucoup, reconnaissant sa malignité universelle, considèrent à tort comme le principal obstacle au juste règlement de la société humaine et à la solution de nos tensions modernes aujourd’hui intolérables. Ce qui est appelé ‘capitalisme’ naquit directement dans toutes ses branches de l’isolement de l’âme. Cet isolement permit une compétition illimitée. Il donna à la ruse supérieure et même au talent supérieur une carrière sans limite. Il donna toute licence à l’avidité. Et d’un autre coté il brisa les liens collectifs par lesquels les hommes se maintiennent dans une stabilité économique. Par celui-ci surgit en Angleterre d’abord, plus tard dans toutes les nations protestantes plus actives, et plus tard encore à divers degrés dans tout le reste de la Chrétienté, un système sous lequel un petit nombre possédait la terre et la machinerie de production, et le grand nombre fut graduellement dépossédé. Le grand nombre ainsi dépossédé ne pouvait exister que par des allocations accordées par les possédants, et la vie humaine n’était pas un souci pour ces derniers. » (Belloc, chapter X).
Les libéraux, les Jacobins et leurs sponsors maçonniques commencèrent à appeler à la création d’une Europe fédérée, mais comme un prélude à un monde fédéré. Pour cette raison, de nombreux membres de la Droite Nationaliste supposent qu’ils doivent soutenir l’étatisme étroit [= les Etats-nations] et s’opposer à la Nation Europe pour pouvoir résister au « nouvel ordre mondial ». L’Europe jacobine du type que nous avons aujourd’hui est l’anti-Europe par rapport à l’Europe, comme l’Antéchrist par rapport au Christ. L’Antéchrist est décrit dans la Bible comme possédant beaucoup des traits du Christ, et comme pouvant tromper même les purs.
Jean Baptiste déclara à l’Assemblée Nationale française le 13 juin 1790 que les « Droits de l’Homme », la nouvelle loi devant remplacer les Dix Commandements, devaient être adoptés par toute l’humanité, et qu’il ne devait plus exister de nations souveraines. Ce fut le précurseur des « Quatorze Points » du président Woodrow Wilson et de la Charte de l’Atlantique du président Franklin Roosevelt, et de la Déclaration des Nations Unies sur les Droits de l’Homme. Le 2 avril 1792, à la Convention, Baptiste appela à la création de « La République Universelle ».
La Nation Europe n’est pas un prélude à un « nouvel ordre mondial », c’est la seule manière de résister au globalisme ; avec l’espace géographique, la population, et les ressources pour former un bloc souverain, où les différences régionales et ethniques seraient encouragées et non oblitérées, parce que la Nation Europe serait un développement organique, reprenant la croissance qui a été retardée et avortée il y a des siècles [= avec la naissance des Etats-nations] ; pas une construction artificielle conçue dans des salles de réunion et des loges comme une étape vers le globalisme.
Les mesures initiales d’après-guerre commençant par des accords économiques entre nations européennes, jusqu’à la CEE et finalement jusqu’à l’actuelle Union Européenne faisaient partie d’un processus graduel. C’est à partir de ces manœuvres des ploutocrates et des membres de sociétés secrètes que l’actuelle fausse « Europe » a été constituée. Comment cette anti-Europe peut-elle être prise pour l’Europe qui est notre héritage ? L’Europe n’est pas et ne doit pas être la création d’oligarques, de bureaucrates et d’initiés ténébreux des loges. Rejeter l’Europe parce qu’elle a été transformée en prostituée malade par des pathogènes-de-la-culture au service des ennemis extérieurs et des traîtres intérieurs, c’est nier ce que l’Europe pourrait redevenir. N’est-ce pas plutôt le devoir de ceux qui résistent à la décadence de l’ère moderne de travailler à la restauration de la santé de l’Europe, au lieu de maintenir sa division par l’étatisme-étroit ?
[Caractères gras/vert clair (sauf intertitres) ajoutés par le traducteur.]
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mardi, 20 septembre 2016
Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism
Rightist Critique of Racial Materialism
While France and England gave materialistic, anti-traditional expressions to the concept of “the people” that was taking shape since the French Revolution, German Idealism was a return to a spiritual, metaphysical direction. The German Revolution moved in a volkish direction, where the volk was seen as the basis of the state, and the notion of a volk-soul that guided the formation and development of nations became a predominant theme that came into conflict with the French bourgeois liberal-democratic ideals derived from Jacobinism. Fichte had laid the foundations of a German nationalism in 1807-1808 with his Addresses to the German Nation. Although like possibly all revolutionaries or radicals of the time, beginning under the impress of the French Revolution, by the time he had delivered his addresses to the German nation, he had already rejected Jacobinism. Johann Heder had previously sought to establish the concept of the volk-soul, and of each nation being guided by a spirit. This was a metaphysical conception of race, or more accurately volk, that preceded the biological arguments of the Frenchman Count Arthur de Gobineau. Herder stated that the volk is the only class, and includes both King and peasant, and that “the people” are not the same as the rabble that are championed by Jacobinism and later Marxism.
French and English racism was introduced to Germany by the Englishman Houston Stewart Chamberlain who had a seminal influence on Hitlerism. English Darwinism, a manifestation of the materialistic Zeitgeist that dominated England, was brought to Germany by Ernst Haeckel; although Blumenbach had already begun to classify race according to cranial measurements during the 18th century. Nonetheless, biological racism reflects the English Zeitgeist of materialism. It provided primary materialistic doctrines to dethrone Tradition. Its application to economics also provided a scientific justification for the “class struggle” of both the capitalistic and socialistic varieties. Hitlerism was an attempt to synthesis the English eugenics of Galton and the evolution of Darwin with the metaphysis of German Idealism. Italian Traditionalist Julius Evola attempted to counter the later influence of Hitlerian racism on Italian Fascism by developing a “metaphysical racism,” and the concept of the “race of the spirit,” which has its parallels in Spengler, whose approach to race is in the Traditionalist mode of the German Idealists.
Because the Right, the custodian of Tradition within the epoch of decay, has been infected by the spirit of materialism, there is often a focus on secondary symptoms of culture disease, such as in particular immigration, rather than primary symptoms such as usury and plutocracy. “Race” becomes a matter of skull measuring, rather than spirit, élan and character. Hence the character of a civilisation and of a people is discerned via the types of bone and skull found amidst the ruins. History then becomes a matter of counting and measuring and statistics. How feeble such attempts remain is demonstrated by the years of controversy surrounding the racial identity of Kennewick Man in North America, having first thought to have been a Caucasian, and now concluded to have been of Ainu/Polynesian descent. The Traditionalist does not discount “race”. Rather it plays a central role. How “race” is defined is another matter.
Trotsky called “racism” “Zoological materialism”. As an “economic materialist”, that is, a Marxist, he did not explain why his own version of materialism is a superior mode of thinking and acting than the other. They arose, along with Free Trade capitalism, out of the same Zeitgeist that dominated England at the time, and all three refer to a naturalistic life as struggle. The Traditionalist rejects all forms of materialism. The Traditionalist does not see history as unfolding according to material, economic forces, or racial-biological determinants. The Traditionalist sees history as the unfolding of metaphysical forces manifesting within the terrestrial. Spengler, although not a Perennial Traditionalist, intuited history over a broad expanse as a metaphysical unfolding. Although a man of the “Right”, he rejected the biological interpretation of history as much as the economic. So did Evola.
The best known exponents of racial determinism were of course German National Socialists, the reductionist doctrine being expressed by Hitler:
“…This is how civilisations and empires break up and make room for new creations. Blood mixture, and the lowering of the racial level which accompanies it, are the one and only cause why old civilisations disappear…”
The USA provided a large share of racial theorists of the early 20th century, whose conception of the rise and fall of civilisation was based on racial zoology, and in particular on the superiority of the Nordic not only above non-white races, but above all sub-races of the white, such as the Dinaric, Mediterranean and Alpine. Senator Theodore G. Bilbo of Mississippi wrote a book championing the cause of segregation, and more so, the “back-to-Africa” movement, stating that miscegenation with the Negro will result in the fall of white civilisation. He briefly examined some major civilisations. Bilbo wrote that Egyptian civilisation was mongrelised over centuries, “until a mulatto inherited the throne of the Pharaohs in the Twenty-fifth dynasty. This mongrel prince, Taharka, ruled over a Negroid people whose religion had fallen from an ethical test for the life after death to a form of animal worship”. This should be “sufficient warning to white America!” Because Sen. Bilbo had started from an assumption, his history was flawed. As will be shown below, it was Taharka and the Nubian dynasty that renewed Egypt’s decaying culture, which had degenerated under the white Libyan dynasties. Sen. Bilbo proceeds with similar brief examinations of Carthage, Greece, and Rome.
Julius Evola, while repudiating the zoological primacy of “racism” as another form of materialism and therefore anti-Traditional, suggested that a “spiritual racism” is necessary to oppose the forces seeking to turn man into an amorphous mass; as interchangeable economic units without roots; what is now called “globalisation”.
Evola gives the Traditionalist viewpoint when stating that there “have been many cases in which a culture has collapsed even when its race has remained pure, as is especially clear in certain groups that have suffered slow, inexorable extinction despite remaining as racially isolated as if they were islands”. He gives Sweden and The Netherlands as recent examples, pointing out that although the race has remained unchanged, there is little of the “heroic disposition” those cultures possessed just several centuries previously. He refers to other great cultures as having remained in a state as if like mummies, inwardly dead, awaiting a push “to knock them down”. These are what Spengler called Fellaheen, spiritually exhausted and historically passé. Evola gives Peru as an example of how readily a static culture succumbed to Spain. Hence, such examples, even as vigorous cultures such as that of the Dutch and Scandinavian, once wide-roaming and dynamic, have declined to nonentities despite the maintenance of racial homogeneity.
The following considers examples that are often cited as civilisations that decayed and died as the result of miscegenation.
A case study for testing the miscegenation theory of cultural decay is that of the Hellenic. The ancient Hellenic civilisation is typically ascribed by racial theorists as being the creation of a Nordic culture-bearing stratum. The same has been said of the Latin, Egyptian, and others. Typically, this theory is illustrated by depicting sculptures of ancient Hellenes of “Nordic” appearance. Such depictions upon which to form a theory are unreliable: the ancient Hellenes were predominantly a mixture of Dinaric-Alpine-Mediterranean. The skeletal remains of Greeks show that from earliest times to the present there has been remarkable uniformity, according to studies by Sergi, Ripley, and Buxton, who regarded the Greeks as an Alpine-Mediterranean mix from a “comparatively early date.” American physical anthropologist Carlton S. Coon stated that the Greeks remain an Alpine/Mediterranean mix, with a weak Nordic element, being “remarkably similar” to their ancient ancestors.
American anthropologist J. Lawrence Angel, in the most complete study of Greek skeletal remains starting from the Neolithic era to the present, found that Greeks have always bene marked by a sustained racial continuity. Angel cited American anthropologist Buxton who had studied Greek skeletal material and measured modern Greeks, especially in Cyprus, concluding that the modern Greeks “possess physical characteristics not differing essentially from those of the former [ancient Greeks]”. The most extensive study of modern Greeks was conducted by anthropologist Aris N. Poulianos, concluding that Greeks are and have always been Mediterranean-Dinaric, with a strong Alpine presence. Angel states that “Poulianos is correct in pointing out ... that there is complete continuity genetically from ancient to modern times”. Nikolaos Xirotiris did not find any significant alteration of the Greek race from prehistory, through classical and medieval, to modern times. Anthropologist Roland Dixon studied the funeral masks of Spartans and identified them as of the Alpine sub-race. Although race theorists often stated that Hellenic civilisation was founded and maintained by invading Dorian “Nordics”, Angel states that the northern invasions were always of “Dinaroid-Alpine” type. A recent statistical comparison of ancient and modern Greek skulls found “a remarkable similarity in craniofacial morphology between modern and ancient Greeks.”
If miscegenation and the elimination of an assumed Nordic (Dorian) culture-bearing stratum cannot account for the decay of Hellenic civilisation, what can? Contemporary historians point out the origins. The Roman historian Livy observed:
“The Macedonians who settled in Alexandria in Egypt, or in Seleucia, or in Babylonia, or in any of their other colonies scattered over the world, have degenerated into Syrians, Parthians, or Egyptians. Whatever is planted in a foreign land, by a gradual change in its nature, degenerates into that by which it is nurtured”.
Here Livy is observing that occupiers among foreign peoples “go native”, as one might say. The occupiers are pulled downward, rather than elevating their subjects upward, not through genetic contact but through moral and cultural corruption. The Syrians, Parthians and Egyptians, had already become historically and culturally passé, or Fellaheen, as Spengler puts it. The Macedonian Greeks in those colonies succumbed to the force of etiolation. Alexander even encouraged this in an effort to meld all subjects into one Greek mass, which resulted not from a Hellenic civilisation passed along by multitudinous peoples, but in a chaotic mass from which Greece did not recover, despite the Greeks staying racially intact. Unlike the Jews in particular, the Greeks, Romans and other conquerors did not have the strength of Tradition to maintain themselves among alien cultures. Dr. W. W. Tarn stated of this process:
“Greece was ready to adopt the gods of the foreigner, but the foreigner rarely reciprocated; Greek Doura (the Greek temple in Mesopotamia) freely admitted the gods of Babylon, but no Greek god entered Babylonian Uruk. Foreign gods might take Greek names; they took little else. They (the Babylonian gods) were the stronger, and the conquest of Asia (by the Greeks) was bound to fail as soon as the East had gauged its own strength and Greek weakness.”
Spengler pointed out to Western Civilisation and the current epoch that one of the primary symptoms of culture decay is that of depopulation. It is a sign literally that a Civilisation has become too lazy to look beyond the immediate. There is no longer any sense of duty to the past or the future, but only to a hedonistic present. Polybius (b. ca. 200 B.C.) observed this phenomenon of Hellenic Civilisation like Spengler did of ours, writing:
“In our time all Greece was visited by a dearth of children and generally a decay of population, owing to which the cities were denuded of inhabitants, and a failure of productiveness resulted, though there were no long-continued wars or serious pestilences among us. If, then, any one had advised our sending to ask the gods in regard to this, what we were to do or say in order to become more numerous and better fill our cities,—would he not have seemed a futile person, when the cause was manifest and the cure in our own hands? For this evil grew upon us rapidly, and without attracting attention, by our men becoming perverted to a passion for show and money and the pleasures of an idle life, and accordingly either not marrying at all, or, if they did marry, refusing to rear the children that were born, or at most one or two out of a great number, for the sake of leaving them well off or bringing them up in extravagant luxury. For when there are only one or two sons, it is evident that, if war or pestilence carries off one, the houses must be left heirless: and, like swarms of bees, little by little the cities become sparsely inhabited and weak. On this subject there is no need to ask the gods how we are to be relieved from such a curse: for any one in the world will tell you that it is by the men themselves if possible changing their objects of ambition; or, if that cannot be done, by passing laws for the preservation of infants”.
Do Polybius’ thoughts sound like some unheeded doom-sayer speaking to us now about our modern world? If the reader can see the analogous features between Western Civilisation, and that of Greece and Rome then the organic course of Civilisations is being understood, and by looking at Greece and Rome we might see where we are heading.
Another often cited example of the fall of civilisation through miscegenation is that of Rome. However, despite the presence of slaves and traders of sundry races, like the Greeks, today’s Italians are substantially the same as they were in Roman times. Arab influence did not occur until Medieval times, centuries after the “fall of Rome”, with Arab rule extending over Sicily only during 1212-1226 A.D. The genetic male influence on Sicilians is estimated at only 6%. The predominant genetic influence is ancient Greek. The African Haplogroup L have a less than 1% frequency throughout Italy other than in Latium, Volterra, Basilicata and Sicily where there are frequencies of 2% to 3% . Sub-Saharan, that is, Negroid, mtDNA have been found at very low frequencies in Italy, albeit marginally higher than elsewhere in Europe, but date from 10,000 years ago. This study states: “….mitochondrial DNA studies show that Italy does not differ too much from other European populations”. Although there are small regional variations, “The mtDNA haplogroup make-up of Italy as observed in our samples fits well with expectations in a typical European population”.
Hence, an infusion of Negroid or Asian genes during the epoch of Rome’s decline and fall is lacking, and the reasons for that fall cannot be assigned to miscegenation. What slight frequency there is of non-Caucasian genetic markers entered Rome long before or long after the fall of Roman Civilisation. There was no “contamination of Roman blood”, but of Roman spirit and élan.
Alien immigration introduces cultural elements that dislocate the social and ethical basis of a Civilisation and aggravate an existing pathological condition. The English scholar Professor C. Northcote Parkinson, writing on the fall of Rome, commented that the Roman conquerors were subjected “to cultural inundation and grassroots influence”. Because Rome extended throughout the world, like the present Late Western, the economic opportunities accorded by Rome drew in all the elements of the subject peoples, “groups of mixed origin and alien ways of life”. “Even more significant was what the Romans learnt while on duty overseas, for men so influenced were of the highest rank”. Parkinson quotes Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, referring to the Roman colony of Antioch:
“…Fashion was the only law, pleasure the only pursuit, and the splendour of dress and furniture was the only distinction of the citizens of Antioch. The arts of luxury were honoured, the serious and manly virtues were the subject of ridicule, and the contempt for female modesty and reverent age announced the universal corruption of the capitals of the East…”
Roman historian Livy wrote of the opulence of Asia being brought back to Rome by the soldiery:
“…it was through the army serving in Asia that the beginnings of foreign luxury were introduced into the City. These men brought into Rome for the first time, bronze couches, costly coverlets, tapestry, and other fabrics, and - what was at that time considered gorgeous furniture - pedestal tables and silver salvers. Banquets were made more attractive by the presence of girls who played on the harp and sang and danced, and by other forms of amusement, and the banquets themselves began to be prepared with greater care and expense. The cook whom the ancients regarded and treated as the lowest menial was rising in value, and what had been a servile office came to be looked upon as a fine art. Still what met the eye in those days was hardly the germ of the luxury that was coming”.
The moral decay of Rome resulted in the displacement of Roman stock, not by miscegenation, but by the falling birth-rate of the Romans. Such population decline is itself a major symptom of culture decay. The problem that it signifies is that a people has so little consciousness left as to its own purpose as a culture that its individuals do not have any responsibility beyond their own egos. Professor Tenney Frank, foremost scholar on the economic history of Rome, also considered the results of population decline, from the top of the social hierarchy downward:
“The race went under. The legislation of Augustus and his successors, while aiming at preserving the native stock, was of the myopic kind so usual in social lawmaking, and failing to reckon with the real nature of the problem involved. It utterly missed the mark. By combining epigraphical and literary references, a fairly full history of the noble families can be procured, and this reveals a startling inability of such families to perpetuate themselves. We know, for instance, in Caesar’s day of forty-five patricians, only one of whom is represented by posterity when Hadrian came to power. The Aemilsi, Fabii, Claudii. Manlii, Valerii, and all the rest, with the exception of Comelii, have disappeared. Augustus and Claudius raised twenty-five families to the patricate, and all but six disappear before Nerva’s reign. Of the families of nearly four hundred senators recorded in 65 A. D. under Nero, all trace of a half is lost by Nerva’s day, a generation later. And the records are so full that these statistics may be assumed to represent with a fair degree of accuracy the disappearance of the male stock of the families in question. Of course members of the aristocracy were the chief sufferers from the tyranny of the first century, but this havoc was not all wrought by delatores and assassins. The voluntary choice of childlessness accounts largely for the unparalleled condition. This is as far as the records help in this problem, which, despite the silences is probably the most important phase of the whole question of the change of race. Be the causes what they may, the rapid decrease of the old aristocracy and the native stock was clearly concomitant with a twofold increase from below; by a more normal birth-rate of the poor, and the constant manumission of slaves
While allusions to “race” by Professor Frank are enough for “zoological materialists” to spin a whole theory about Rome’s decline and fall around miscegenation of the “white race” with blacks and Orientals, we now know from the genetics that despite the invasions over centuries, the Italians, like the Greeks, have retained their original racial composition to the present. What Frank is describing, by an examination of the records that show a disappearance of the leading patrician families, is that Rome was in a spiritual crisis, as all civilisations are when they regard child-bearing as a burden. Traditionalists such as Evola pointed out that the “secret of degeneration” of a civilisation is that it rots from the top downward, and as Spengler pointed out, one of the primary signs of that rot is childlessness. That there were Roman statesmen with the wisdom to understand what was happening is indicated by Augustus’ efforts to raise the birth-rate, but to no avail. Of this symptom of moral decay, Professor Frank wrote:
“In the first place there was a marked decline in the birthrate among the aristocratic families. … As society grew more pleasure-loving, as convention raised artificially the standard of living, the voluntary choice of celibacy and childlessness became a common feature among the upper classes. …”
Urbanisation, the magnetic pull of the megalopolis, the depopulation of the land and the proletarianism of the former peasant stock as in the case of the West’s Industrial Revolution, impacted in major ways on the fall of Rome. A. M. Duff wrote of the impact of rural depopulation and urbanisation:
“But what of the lower-class Romans of the old stock? They were practically untouched by revolution and tyranny, and the growth of luxury cannot have affected them to the same extent as it did the nobility. Yet even here the native stock declined. The decay of agriculture. … drove numbers of farmers into the towns, where, unwilling to engage in trade, they sank into unemployment and poverty, and where, in their endeavours to maintain a high standard of living, they were not able to support the cost of rearing children. Many of these free-born Latins were so poor that they often complained that the foreign slaves were much better off than they, and so they were. At the same time many were tempted to emigrate to the colonies across the sea which Julius Caesar and Augustus founded. Many went away to Romanize the provinces, while society was becoming Orientalized at home. Because slave labour had taken over almost all jobs, the free born could not compete with them. They had to sell their small farms or businesses and move to the cities. Here they were placed on the doles because of unemployment. They were, at first, encouraged to emigrate to the more prosperous areas of the empire to Gaul, North Africa and Spain. Hundreds of thousands left Italy and settled in the newly-acquired lands. Such a vast number left Italy leaving it to the Orientals that finally restrictions had to be passed to prevent the complete depopulation of the Latin stock, but as we have seen, the laws were never effectively put into force. The migrations increased and Italy was being left to another race. The free-born Italian, anxious for land to till and live upon, displayed the keenest colonization activity.”
The foreign cultures and religions that had come to Rome from across the empire changed the temperament of the Romans masses who were uprooted and migrating to the cities; where as in the nature of the cites, as Spengler showed, they became a cosmopolitan mass. Frank writes of this:
“This Orientalization of Rome’s populace has a more important bearing than is usually accorded it upon the larger question of why the spirit and acts of imperial Rome are totally different from those of the republic. There was a complete change in the temperament! There is today a healthy activity in the study of the economic factors that contributed to Rome’s decline. But what lay behind and constantly reacted upon all such causes of Rome’s disintegration was, after all, to a considerable extent, the fact that the people who had built Rome had given way to a different race. The lack of energy and enterprise, the failure of foresight and common sense, the weakening of moral and political stamina, all were concomitant with the gradual diminution of the stock which, during the earlier days, had displayed these qualities. It would be wholly unfair to pass judgment upon the native qualities of the Orientals without a further study, or to accept the self-complacent slurs of the Romans, who, ignoring certain imaginative and artistic qualities, chose only to see in them unprincipled and servile egoists. We may even admit that had these new races had time to amalgamate and attain a political consciousness a more brilliant and versatile civilization might have come to birth.”
What is notable is not that the Romans miscegenated with Orientals, but that the uprooted, amorphous masses of the cities no longer adhered to the Traditions on which Roman civilisation was founded. The same process can be seen today at work in New York, London and Paris. Duff wrote of this, and we might consider the parallels with our own time:
“Instead of the hardy and patriotic Roman with his proud indifference to pecuniary gain, we find too often under the Empire an idle pleasure-loving cosmopolitan whose patriotism goes no further than applying for the dole and swelling the crowds in the amphitheatre”.
The Roman Traditional ethos of severity, austerity and disdain for softness that Emperor Julian attempted to reassert was greeted by “fashionable society” with “disgust”. Parkinson remarks that “there is just such a tendency in the London of today, as there was still earlier in Boston and New York”. These “world cities” no longer reflect a cultural nexus but an economic nexus, and hence one’s position is not based on how one or one’s family unfolds the Traditional ethos, but on whether or how one accumulates wealth.
India is the most commonly cited example of a civilisation that decayed through miscegenation, the invading Aryans imparting a High Culture on India and then forever falling into decay because of miscegenation with the low caste “blacks”, or Dravidians. However, Genetic research indicates that the higher castes have retained to the present a predominately Caucasian genetic inheritance.
“As one moves from lower to upper castes, the distance from Asians becomes progressively larger. The distance between Europeans and lower castes is larger than the distance between Europeans and upper castes, but the distance between Europeans and middle castes is smaller than the upper caste-European distance. … Among the upper castes the genetic distance between Brahmins and Europeans (0.10) is smaller than that between either the Kshatriya and Europeans (0.12) or the Vysya and Europeans (0.16). Assuming that contemporary Europeans reflect West Eurasian affinities, these data indicate that the amount of West Eurasian admixture with Indian populations may have been proportionate to caste rank.
“…As expected if the lower castes are more similar to Asians than to Europeans, and the upper castes are more similar to Europeans than to Asians, the frequencies of M and M3 haplotypes are inversely proportional to caste rank.
“…In contrast to the mtDNA distances, the Y-chromosome STR data do not demonstrate a closer affinity to Asians for each caste group. Upper castes are more similar to Europeans than to Asians, middle castes are equidistant from the two groups, and lower castes are most similar to Asians. The genetic distance between caste populations and Africans is progressively larger moving from lower to middle to upper caste groups.
“…Results suggest that Indian Y chromosomes, particularly upper caste Y chromosomes, are more similar to European than to Asian Y chromosomes.
“…Nevertheless, each separate upper caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians.”
Citing further studies, “…admixture with African or proto-Australoid populations” is “occasional”.
The chaos that afflicted India seems to have been of religio-cultural type rather than racial. Despite the superficiality of dusky hues, the Indian ruling castes have retained their Caucasian identity to the present. The genetic contribution of Australoids and Africans was minor.
Like India, Egypt is often cited as an example of a civilisation that was destroyed primarily by miscegenation, with Negroids. However, despite the myriad of invasions and population shifts, today’s Egyptians are still more closely related genetically to Eurasia than Africa. Migrations between Egypt, Nubia and Sudan have not been extensive enough to “homogenise the mtDNA gene pools of the Nile River Valley populations”, although Egyptians and Nubians are more closely related than Egyptians and southern Sudanese. However, significant differences remain. Even now, today’s Egyptians have primary genetic affinities with Asia, and North and Northeast Africa. The least affinity is to the populations of Sub-Sahara. The Haplotype M1, with a high frequency among Egyptians, hitherto thought to be of Sub-Saharan origin, is of Eurasian origin.
Miscegenation with Nubian “slaves” and mercenaries seems unlikely to have caused Egypt’s decay. While a Nubian or “black” pharaoh is alluded to by racial-zoologists as a sign of Egyptian decay, the Nubian civilisation had an intimate connection with the Egyptian and was itself impressive and of early origins.
Nubian civilisation, with palaces, temples and pyramids, flourished as far back as 7000 B.C. 223 pyramids, twice the number of Egypt, have been found along the Nile of the Nubian culture-region. The Nubian civilisation was of notably long duration surviving until the Muslim conquest of 1500 A.D. The Egyptians have viewed the Nubians either as a “conquered race or a superior enemy”. Hence, Egyptian depictions of shackled black slaves, give a widely inaccurate impression of the Nubian. Nubians became the pharaohs of Egypt’s 25th dynasty, providing stability where previously there had been ruin caused by civil wars between warlords, ca. 700 B.C. The Nubians were the custodians of Egyptian faith and culture at a time when Egypt was decaying. They regarded the restoration of the faith of Amun as their duty. It was the Nubian dynasties (760-656 B.C.), especially the rulership of Taharqa, which revived and purified Egyptian culture and religion. It was under the “white” rule of the Libyan pharaohs of the 21st dynasty (1069-1043 B. c.) that Egypt began a sharp decline. Ptolemaic (Greek) rule (332-30 B.C.) under Ptolemy IV (222 to 205 B.C.) brought to the rich and sumptuous pharaohs’ court “lax morals and vicious lifestyle” ending in “decadence and anarchy”. Byzantine rule (395 to 640 A.D.) through Christianisation wrought destruction on the Egyptian heritage, which was succeeded by Islamic rule. Of the long vicissitudes of Egypt’s rise and fall, it was the Nubian dynasty that had restored Egyptian cultural integrity. References to Nubians on the throne of the pharaohs tell no more of the causes of Egypt’s decay than if historians several millennia hence sought to ascribe the causes of the USA’s culture retardation to Obama’s presidency as a “black”.
We see in Egypt as in Rome, the Moorish civilisation, India and others, the causes of culture decay and fall as being something other than miscegenation. The contemporary Westerner should look for answers beyond this if only because he can see for himself that the West’s decay has no relationship to miscegenation. The number of Americans describing themselves as “mixed race” was just under 9 million in 2010. Of the 3,988,076 live births in the USA in 2014 368,213 were non-white. The USA did not become the global centre of culture-pestilence because of its mixed race population. What is more significant than the percentages of miscegenation, are the percentages of population decline caused by such factors as the limitation of children, and the rates of abortion. Twenty-one percent of all pregnancies in the USA are aborted. Such depopulation statics are an indication of culture pathology.
Of Egypt’s chaos contemporary sages observed, as they did of Rome and India, a disintegration of authority, traditional religion, and the founding ethos and mythos around which a healthy culture revolves. Egypt was often subjected to invasions and to natural disasters. These served as catalysts for culture degeneration. The papyrus called The Admonitions of an Egyptian Sage, state that after invasions and what seems to have been a class war, Egypt fell apart, there was family strife, the noble families were dispossessed by the lowest castes, authority was disrespected and overthrown, lawlessness and plunder were the norm, and the nobility was attacked: “A man looks upon his son as an enemy. A man smites his brother (the son of his mother)”. Craftsmanship has become degraded: “No craftsmen work, the enemies of the land have spoilt its crafts”. There is rebellion against the Uraeus or Re. “A few lawless men have ventured to despoil the land of the kingship”. It appears that the foundations of Traditional society, god, monarch, family and land, have been caste asunder. Further, “Asiatics” have seized the land from the ancestral occupiers, and have so insinuated themselves into the Egyptian culture that one can no longer tell who is Egyptian and who is alien: “There are no Egyptians anywhere”. “Women are lacking and no children are conceived”. Evidently there is a population crisis; that perennial symptom of decay. The political and administrative structure has collapsed, with “no officers in their place”. The laws are trampled on and cast aside. “Serfs become lords of serfs”. The writings of the scribes are destroyed.
What is being described is not a sudden upheaval, although the allusion to natural disasters and Asiatic invasion would imply this. The breakdown of regal authority, civil authority, depopulation, laws, family bonds, religious faith, agriculture and the social structure, imply an epoch of decline into chaos. The social structure has been inversed, as though a communistic revolution had occurred. “He who possessed no property is now a man of wealth. The prince praises him. The poor of the land have become rich, and the possessor of the land has become one who has nothing. Female slaves speak as they like to their mistresses. Orders become irksome. Those who could not build a boat now possesses ships. “The possessors of robes are now in rags”. “The children of princes are cast out in the street”.
With this inversion of hierarchy has come irreligion and the degradation of religion. The ignorant now perform their own rites to the Gods. Wrong offerings are made to the Gods. “Right is cast aside. Wrong is inside the council-chamber. The plans of the gods are violated, their ordinances are neglected… Reverence, an end is put to it”.
Ipuwer’s admonition was not only to rid Egypt of its enemies but to return to the Traditional ethos. This meant the reinstitution of proper religious rites, and the purification of the temples. “A fighter comes forth,” Ipuwer prophesises, to “destroy the wrongs”. “Is he sleeping? Behold, his might is not seen”. The Egyptians await an avatar, the personification of the Sun God Re (which Tradition states was the first of the Pharaohs) an Arthur who sleeps but will awaken, a redeemer that is a universal symbol from the Hindu Kalki, to Jesus in the vision of John of Patmos, the Katehon of Orthodox Russia, and many others across time and place.
Ipuwer avers to Egypt having gone through such epochs, alluding to his saying nothing other than what others have said before his time.
The Pharaoh is castigated for allowing Egypt to fall into chaos, with his authority being undermined, and without taking corrective actions. The Pharaoh as God-king, in terms of Tradition, had not maintained his authority as the nexus between the earthly kingdom and the Divine. The Pharaoh had caused “confusion throughout the land”. Certainty of the social hierarchy, crowned by the God-king, is the basis of Traditional societies. It seems that Egypt had entered into an epoch of what a Westerner could today identify in our time as that of scepticism and secularism. Chaos follows with the undermining of Cosmos.
Nefer-rohu warned Pharaoh of similar chaos. Likewise there would be “Asiatic” invasions, natural disasters, Re withdrawing his light, and again the inversion of hierarchy:
“The weak of arm is now the possessor of an arm. Men salute respectfully him whom formerly saluted. I show thee the undermost on top, turned about in proportion to the turning about of my belly. It is the paupers who eat the offering bread, while the servants jubilate. The Heliopolitan Nome, the birthplace of every god, will no longer be on earth”.
It is notable, again, that Nefer-rohu identifies the chaos with the breaking of the nexus with the divine, and the social order that has become “the undermost on top”. Also of interest is that Nefer-rohu refers to a redeemer, who has a Nubian mother, uniting Egypt and driving out the Asiatics, and the Libyans (the whitest of races of the region) and defeating the rebellious. Chaos resulted not from bio-genetic-race-factors but from a falling away of the regal and religious authority. If there is a race-factor it is in regard to Nubians being the custodians of Egyptian culture in periods of Egyptian decay, analogous to the revitalising “barbarians” who wept over the decaying Roman Empire.
Islam had its Golden Age and rich civilisation, centred in Morocco, and extending into Spain. It is in ruins like civilisations centuries prior. The cultures that flourished in Morocco, both Islamic and pre-Islamic, were Berber. The Islamic civilisation they established with the founding of the Idrisid dynasty in 788 A. D. was ended by the invasion of the Fatimids from Tunisia ca. 900 A.D. Chaos ensued. Although there was a revival of High Culture during the 11th and 14th centuries, dynasties fell in the face of tribalism. The 16th century saw a revival initiated by al-Ghalin, several decades of wars of succession after his death in 1603, and continuing decline under Saadi dynastic rule during 1627 to 1659.
Caucasoid mtDNA sequences are at frequencies of 96% in Moroccan Berbers, 82% in Algerian Berbers and 78% in non-Berber Moroccans. The study of Esteban et al found that Moroccan Northern and Southern Berbers have only 3% to 1% Sub-Saharan mtDNA. Although difficult to define, since “Berber” is a Roman, not an indigenous term, the estimate for present day Morocco is 35% to 45% Berber, with the rest being Berber-Arab mixture. The primary point is that the Moroccan civilisation had ruling classes, whether pre-Islamic or Islamic, that remained predominantly Berber-Caucasian for most of its history, whether during its epochs of glory or of decline. Miscegenation does not account for the fall of the Moorish Civilisation.
The High Culture of Moorish Spain (Andalusia) was brought to ruin and decay not by miscegenation between “superior” Spaniards” and “inferior” Moors but by the overthrow of the Moorish ruling caste. Friedrich Nietzsche had observed this culture denegation with the fall of Moorish Spain (Andalusia). Stanley Lane-Poole wrote of the history of decay:
“The land, deprived of the skilful irrigation of the Moors, grew impoverished and neglected; the richest and most fertile valleys languished and were deserted; most of the populous cities which had filled every district of Andalusia fell into ruinous decay; and beggars, friars, and bandits took the place of scholars, merchants, and knights. So low fell Spain when she had driven away the Moors. Such is the melancholy contrast offered by her history”.
Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406), a well-travelled sage, grappled with the same problems confronting Islamic Civilisation as those Spengler confronted in regard to The West. A celebrated scholar, political adviser, and jurist, Ibn Khaldun’s domain of influence extended over the whole Islamic world. His major theoretical work is Muqaddimah (1377), intended as a preface to his universal history, Kitabal-Ibar, where he sought to establish basic principles of history by which historians could understand events. His theory is cyclic and morphological, based on “conditions within nations and races [which] change with the change of periods and the passage of time”. Like Evolahe was pessimistic as to what can be achieved by political action in the cycle of decline, writing that the “past resembles the future more than one drop of water another”.
Ibn Khaldun stated that history can be understood as a recurrence of similar patterns motivated by the drives of acquisition, group co-operation, and regal authority in the creation of a civilisation, followed by a cycle of decay. These primary drives become distorted and lead to the corrupting factors of luxury and domination, irresponsibility of authority and decline.
Like Spengler, in regard to the peasantry, Ibn Khaldun traces the beginning of culture to group or familial loyalty starting with the simple life of the rural - and desert – environments. The isolation and familial bonds lead to self-reliance, loyalty and leadership on the basis of mutual respect. Life is struggle, not luxury. According to Ibn Khaldun, when rulership becomes centralised and divorced from such kinship, free reign is given to luxury and ease. Political alliances are bought and intrigued rather than being based on the initial bonds and loyalties. Corruption pervades as the requirements of luxury increase. The decadence starts from the top, among the ruling class, and extends downward until the founding ethos of the culture is discarded, or exists in name only.
Ibn Khaldun begins from the organic character of the noble family in describing the analogous nature of cultural rise and fall, caused by a falling away of the original creative ethos with each successive generation:
“The builder of the family’s glory knows what it cost him to do the work, and he keeps the qualities that created his glory and made it last. The son who comes after him had personal contact with his father and thus learned those things from him. However, he is inferior to him in this respect, inasmuch as a person who learns things through study is inferior to a person who knows them from practical application. The third generation must be content with imitation and, in particular, with reliance upon tradition. This member is inferior to him of the second generation, inasmuch as a person who relies upon tradition is inferior to a person who exercises judgment.
“The fourth generation, then, is inferior to the preceding ones in every respect. Its member has lost the qualities that preserved the edifice of its glory. He despises those qualities. He imagines that the edifice was not built through application and effort. He thinks that it was something due to his people from the very beginning by virtue of the mere fact of their descent, and not something that resulted from group effort and individual qualities. For he sees the great respect in which he is held by the people, but he does not know how that respect originated and what the reason for it was. He imagines it is due to his descent and nothing else. He keeps away from those in whose group feeling he shares, thinking that he is better than they”.
For Ibn Khaldun’s “generation” we might say with Spengler “cultural epoch”. Ibn Khaldun addresses the causes of this cultural etiolation, leading to the corrupting impact of materialism. Again, his analysis is remarkably similar to that of Spengler and the decay of the Classical civilisations:
“When a tribe has achieved a certain measure of superiority with the help of its group feeling, it gains control over a corresponding amount of wealth and comes to share prosperity and abundance with those who have been in possession of these things. It shares in them to the degree of its power and usefulness to the ruling dynasty. If the ruling dynasty is so strong that no-one thinks of depriving it of its power or of sharing with it, the tribe in question submits to its rule and is satisfied with whatever share in the dynasty’s wealth and tax revenue it is permitted to enjoy. ... Members of the tribe are merely concerned with prosperity, gain and a life of abundance. (They are satisfied) to lead an easy, restful life in the shadow of the ruling dynasty, and to adopt royal habits in building and dress, a matter they stress and in which they take more and more pride, the more luxuries and plenty they acquire, as well as all the other things that go with luxury and plenty.
“As a result the toughness of desert life is lost. Group feeling and courage weaken. Members of the tribe revel in the well-being that God has given them. Their children and offspring grow up too proud to look after themselves or to attend to their own needs. They have disdain also for all the other things that are necessary in connection with group feeling.... Their group feeling and courage decrease in the next generations. Eventually group feeling is altogether destroyed. ... It will be swallowed up by other nations.
Ibn Khaldun refers to the “tribe” and “group feeling” where Spengler refers to nations, peoples, and races. The dominant culture becomes corrupted through its own success and its culture become static; its inward strength diminishes in proportion to its outward glamour. Hence, the Golden Age of Islam is over, as are those of Rome and Athens. New York, Paris, and London are in the analogous cultural epochs to those of Fez, Rome and Athens. The “world city” becomes the focus of a world civilisation that ends as cosmopolitan and far removed from its founding roots. Our present “world-cities’” – in particular, New York and The City of London - are the control centres of world politics, economics, and mass-culture by the fact of their also being the centres of banking. These world-cities are the prototypes for a world civilisation that continues to be called “Western”, under the leadership of the USA, a rotting centre like Fez and Rome.
The Muslim determination of what is “progress” and what is “decline” has a spiritual foundation:
“The progressiveness or backwardness of society at any given point of time is determinable in relative terms. It can be compared to other contemporary societies [like the Spenglerian method] or to its own state in the past. … for Muslim society although economic progress is not frowned upon, it is placed lower on the order of priorities as compared to other factors; e.g. the acquisition of knowledge or the provision of justice. There is also a tradition (Hadis) of the Holy Prophet that lists the symptoms of society that is in a pathological state of decline. These outward symptoms point to an underlying malaise in the society but can also provide a useful starting point for corrective actions for stopping or reversing the onset of decline”. The high and low points of Muslim civilisation can be identified as those of a “Golden Age” or of an “Abyss”.
Comparable to the warnings of other sages, in an epoch of decline again there is an inversion of hierarchy, or more specifically here, of character, the Hadith stating that those in such a society would be corrupted, while others might resist within themselves:
“There will be soon a period of turmoil in which the one who sits will be better than one who stands and the one who stands will be better than one who walks and the one who walks will be better than one who runs. He who would watch them will be drawn by them. So he who finds a refuge or shelter against it should make it as his resort”.
Hebrew “Race”
A Traditionalist “race”, conscious of its nexus with the Divine as the basis of culture, endures regardless of contact with foreigners because of its inward strength. This allows it to accept foreigners not only without weakening the cultural organism but even strengthening it; because it accepts foreign input on its own terms. A Traditionalist “race” surviving over the course of millennia without succumbing to the cyclical laws of decay is the Jewish. They are the Traditionalist “race” par excellence. No better example can be had than this People that has maintained its nexus with its Divinity as the basis of cultural survival, whose religion is a race-founding and race-sustaining mythos.
Contrary to the beliefs of certain racial ideologues, including extreme Zionists and ultra-Orthodox Jews, this survival is not the result of bans on miscegenation. The Jewish law as embodied in the Torah, the first five books of the Old Testament, is based not on zoological race but on a race mythos. The Mosaic Law demands “race purity” in the Traditionalist sense; that of a community of belief in a heritage and a destiny.
Bizarrely, some white racists have adopted the Torah commandments as being based on genetic purity, in their belief that whites are the true Israelites. For example the priest Phineas, at the time of Moses is held in esteem by such white supremacists because he speared an Israelite and a Midianite in the act of copulation. At this time apparently the Midianites were seducing Israel away from its God, towards Baal. A purge of Israel took place. However the chapter in its entirety makes plain this was a matter of religion, not miscegenation. The nexus between Israel and the Divine was being broken by the influence of “the daughters of Moab.” Israel’s Divinity is recorded as having threatened wrath because of “my insistence on exclusive devotion.” The Divine nexus was established for eternity with the line of Phineas because he had “not tolerated any rivalry towards his god”. Moses himself had married the daughter of a Midianite priest, so the issue with the Midianites was clearly religious, and specifically that such foreign influences would break Israel’s nexus with the Divine that renders them a “special people”. Where marriages with Hittites, Amorites, Canaanites, et al are prohibited it is because this nexus would be subverted. However, in the same book Deuteronomy, where the Israelite war code is being established, when a city has been defeated the adult males are to be eliminated, and the women and children are to be taken to be grafted on to Israel. The commandments for this type of “scorched earth policy” were based on preventing foreigners from teaching Israel their religions. There are precise laws as to marrying a non-Israelitish captive woman, who after a month of mourning for the deaths of her family, will have the marriage consummated and thereby become part of Israel.
Jeremiah (ca. 600 B.C.), son of the high priest Hilkiah, was one of the most significant voices against culture-decay, analogous to Ipuwer the Egyptian sage, Titus Livius, and Cato the Censor, in Rome, and our own Spengler and Evola. He warned that Israel would prosper while the nexus with Tradition and ipso facto with the Divine was maintained; Israel would fall physically if it fell away morally from that Tradition. Jeremiah saw the destruction of the Temple of Solomon and the carrying into Babylonian captivity of Judah. As with the other Civilisations that have fallen, the first symptom had been a subversion of its founding religion. Interestingly, religious decay would be quickly proceeded by an invasion of foreigners, reminiscent of Ipuwer’s warning of Egypt’s invasion by “Asiatics”. Hence, Jeremiah warns that invasion is imminent as a punishment for Israel’s departure from the Traditional faith: “I will pronounce my judgments on my people because of their wickedness in forsaking me, in burning incense to other gods and in worshiping what their hands have made”. From their self-styled role as a Holy People, they had fallen from the oath of their forefathers, Jeremiah/YHWH admonishing: “The priests did not ask, ‘Where is the LORD?’ Those who deal with the law did not know me; the leaders rebelled against me. The prophets prophesied by Baal, following worthless idols. ‘Therefore I bring charges against you again,’ declares the LORD. ‘And I will bring charges against your children’s children’”. Jeremiah states that the priesthood has become corrupted, from whence the rot proceeds downward. “The prophets prophesy lies, the priests rule by their own authority, and my people love it this way. But what will you do in the end?” Specifically, all of Israel had become motivated by greed. The admonition was to stand at the “crossroads” as to what paths to follow, and choose “the ancient paths”.
“From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit. They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. ‘Peace, peace,’ they say, when there is no peace. Are they ashamed of their detestable conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when I punish them,” says the LORD. This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it’”.
Greed, or what we now call materialism, has been the common factor of the fall of Civilisations, referred to by sages and philosophers up to our own Spengler, Brooks Adams, and Evola. The other common factor, as we have seen, has been the corruption of religion and the priestly caste, the priests and the prophets being condemned by Jeremiah.
The perennial survival of the Israelites is based on their adherence to Tradition. Prophets such as Jeremiah are the Jews’ constant warning to stay true to their “ancient paths” or destruction will result. The Jews worldwide have had, when not a King over Israel, the focus of a coming King-Messiah, Jerusalem, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Temple of Solomon (including the plans to rebuild the Temple as another focus for the future) as their world axial points, and the Mosaic Law as a universal code of living across time and place.These axial points have formed and maintained the Jews as a metaphysical race. Whatever others might think of some of their laws and beliefs their maintenance of a Traditional nexus has allowed them to supersede the cyclic laws of decay perhaps like no other people, to overcome decline and be restored, while paradoxically being the carriers of cultural pathogens among other civilisations (Marxism, Freudianism).
What the genetics of races shows, past and present, is that miscegenation has not been a cause for the collapse of civilisations. Perhaps dysgenics might cause such a collapse, but hitherto there seems scant evidence for it. By focusing to the point of ideological obsession and dogma on the assume causes of culture-death being that of miscegenation, the actual causes are overlooked. Perhaps civilisation, theoretically, might die through dysgenics, whether racial or otherwise, but it seems that before such a dysgenic process has ever taken place the morphological laws of organic life and death have intervened as witnessed by those such as Livy, Cato, Ibn Khaldun, and in our time Spengler, Evola and Brooks Adams.
00:07 Publié dans anthropologie, Nouvelle Droite | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Tags : philosophie, racialisme, races, théories raciales, kerry bolton, racisme, races de l'esprit, julius evola, houston stewart chamberlain, grèce antique, antiquité grecque, rome antique, antiquité romaine, inde, inde védique, caste indiennes, hindouisme, égypte antique, égyptologie, islam, maroc, ibn khaldoun, berbères, judaica, monde juif, judaïsme | | |
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samedi, 07 mars 2015
Babel and the Capitalist Babelization
Babel and the Capitalist Babelization
Tom Sunic
Review of Babel Inc.: Multiculturalism, Globalisation, and the New World Order
by Dr. Kerry Bolton
Black House Publishing Ltd, 2013
The tower of Babel is rightly used as a metaphor for contemporary rootless and mongrelized masses stashed together in the towering inferno of end times. As an allegory, however, the process of “babelization” signifies a distorted reality and an inhumane political process in which standard forms of cognition and speech are subject to entirely new denominations, requiring a completely different method of conceptualization. Attempting, therefore, to draw some parallels between George Orwell’s 1984 and Bolton’s Babel Inc., cannot be valid; Orwell’s vision of the static future has become outdated. Bolton’s Babel Inc. offers, instead, a dynamic description of the process of capitalist entropy in which Babel Inc. and its ruling class continue to grind human beings, including themselves, to dust.
Which are these ruling classes in this Babel Inc.? This is where the author masterfully steps in and rejects the wide-spread right-wing babble about the Babel Inc. being allegedly run by a conspiratorial and homogenous group of wicked people, or some extra-terrestrial golems allegedly bent on ruling the White world. Rather, the Babel Inc., or simply put, the System, resembles a nameless, albeit grotesque polity that can in no way be reduced to just one single free-lance Orwellian big brother or some big postmenopausal feminist mama. The Babel Inc., as Bolton sees it, is a logical postmodern transposition of the myth of economism and egalitarianism, two doctrines whose genealogy can be traced from well before the period of Enlightenment in Europe.
Twin Brothers: Communism and Capitalism
This does not mean at all that Bolton avoids elucidating the mindset and the self-perception of the main movers and shakers in the Babel Inc. In fact, Bolton’s scholarly credibility can best be spotted through the wealth of bibliographic references which indicate the intellectual depth of this effort. Bolton uses a three- pronged approach: theoretical, historical and descriptive. Such a threefold approach to this heavy subject is a prime necessity if the book is to retain a lasting educational value. Thus we learn in the first half of his book that capitalism, being a prime factor in the construction of the modern Babel Inc. and in the deconstruction of the nation-state, has always been a “modern and revolutionary” force. Its inherent dynamics aims at destroying traditional communities, regardless of their spot on the planet Earth. In fact, the much decried and alleged foe of capitalism (or rather its mirror- image), communism, fell apart in the East, in the late 20th century, because its paleo-communistic goals of egalitarianism and economism had already been better achieved in the capitalist West. Both communism and capitalism share a common ideological thread, namely a common belief in progress and common hatred of all racial, ethnic and territorial identities. The Banker and the Merchant, just like their mirror-image the Commissar, detect in any historical rootedness, in any national or racial consciousness a major hindrance on the way to the glorious future under the banner of “free market, democracy and human rights”.
Photo: Kerry Bolton
On the daily political front, however, or better yet within the historical context of the development of the Babel Inc., Bolton does not spare the names of organizations and individuals promoting the borderless and globalist Babel Inc. project; knowledge of these forces can help the uninitiated reader dispel the myth of a “freedom- loving West” and its main transmission belt the United States of America. In fact, as Werner Sombart, the German sociologist of the early 20th century noted, “Holy Economy” (“heilige Wirtschaftlichkeit”) is a far more powerful revolutionary process than any anarchistic get together or a communist rabble-rousing pamphlet.
The author starts with his home turf with an examination of the early Australian working class, which under the banner of the Labor Party, as early as the 19th century, was bit by bit defrauded by the bankers and speculators who were all too eager to open Australia to Asian migrants and thus drive down the wages of white local workers. The loudest advocates, and later on the beneficiaries of the process of the so-called decolonisation in Asia and Africa, were not just Marxist professors in Western academe, or Soviet Cold War apparatchiks, but primarily international big businessmen, “as old empires had become too restive to capitalism.” The author well illustrates this point by looking at the tragic fate of South Africa and Rhodesia, once upon a time White-ruled countries which used to be the bread basket of Africa, only to turn into violence-torn African basket cases with no future in sight. The iconic figure of the ANC, the Black activist Nelson Mandela, still hailed by starry-eyed globalists as the canonized Black Saint, once upon a time was determined to kick capitalism out of South Africa, only to declare in 1996, that is to say, after South Africa had already turned into an ungovernable entity, that “privatisation is the fundamental policy of the African Nation Congress and will remain so.”
The American government, The Trilateral Commission, along with many self-proclaimed humanitarian NGOs, such as the famed George Soros’ Open Society Institute, behind their mask of lacrimal multiculturalism and behind their culinary diplomacy, have been the main motors in turning Asia and Africa into a giant pool of cheap labor and permanent political unrest. This is the true goal of Babel Incorporated. Hence the first conclusion one can draw after completing reading the first half of the book, and just before one starts railing and ranting against colored immigrants flooding now Europe and the USA: Massive non-White immigration, and now its reverse side, i.e. the colonisation of Europe and the USA, is just a logical outcome of political designs framed long time ago by rootless plutocrats and their leftist acolytes.
Bolton does not forget to look at the importance of “culture wars” and notes how global plutocrats use those wars in an attempt to subvert recalcitrant governments all over the word. Contrary to false presumptions, still strongly held by many right-wing intellectuals, the “uncultured” USA plutocrats have been very slick in fostering the multicultural “American dream” by resorting beforehand to the creation of a myriad of “independent” cultural outlets and think tanks in the target countries. One could enumerate a dozen post-communist countries in Eastern Europe which, in the mid- 90’s and early 2000’s, were all subjected to the Babel Inc.-inspired “velvet” and “rainbow” revolutions, as well as the so- called “Arab spring revolutions.” In an attempt to destroy a sense of national and racial pride and in an effort to impose a hybrid mishmash of new consumer species — i.e., homo consumens — the Babel Inc. decision makers do not need to send F14s to the Serbian skies or over the Iraqi desert, but instead resort first to Hollywood imagery and hip-hop political acrobatics in order to enchant the youth of the target country. The costs are negligible; the benefits are great.
The author rightly sees that before Whites start bewailing the destructive consequences of forced multiculturalism and its inevitable corollary of non-White immigration flooding their countries, they must critically re-examine the now redundant notion of their own nation-state. It is fundamentally wrong to blame all our ills on the SPLC, or the ADL, or the LICRA, or the Trilateral Commission, or some real or hypothetical Jew, or some hostile, plutocratic, culture-destroying Babel Inc. elites only. We White Europeans and Americans must accept our full share of the blame. We must first and foremost reject the religion of progress and its underlying principle of permanent economic growth, before considering setting up our own ethnic enclaves. Whether these ethnic enclaves are in the Northwest of the U.S., or in Orania in South Africa, or somewhere in Europe, they must keep capitalism on a short leash aimed at preserving the racial/ethnic integrity of these enclaves, as occurred under the White Australia policy and the 1924 immigration restriction law in the U.S. Given the still strong and age-old squabbles among and amidst European peoples, this nearly impossible task can only be bestowed upon dispassionate White individuals capable of transcending their own narrow tribal interests — and their own egos.
Dr. Tom Sunic ( is a writer and a board member of the American Freedom Party.
00:05 Publié dans Livre, Livre, Nouvelle Droite | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : tomislav sunic, kerry bolton, babel, babelisation, livre, nouvelle droite | | |
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mardi, 04 novembre 2014
Kerry Bolton’s The Banking Swindle
Kerry Bolton’s The Banking Swindle
By Eugène Montsalvat
Kerry Bolton
The Banking Swindle: Money Creation and the State [2]
Black House Publishing, 2013
Kerry Bolton’s The Banking Swindle is a great introduction to the economics of the true Right, which aligns itself against the forces of usury. The topic of economics is quite neglected in the discourse of the modern Right, especially in the Anglosphere. Concerns about race, immigration, multiculturalism, or historical revisionism consume far more ink than the question of money, however behind all of these issues lies money power. Indeed Bolton refers to its paramount importance:
No other policy of the Right, in whatever part of the world, is possible without the need to first secure the economic and financial sovereignty of the state, and this can only be achieved when the State or Crown assumes the prerogative over banking and credit creation. The bottom line is that no State- and hence people- are truly free while any decisions that are made can be undermined and wrecked by decisions made in the boardrooms of global corporations, by the fluctuations of the world stock market, and by the power of bankers to turn off the credit supply if a state pursues policies not in the interest of the plutocracy… All other issues, including the Right’s now usually be-all issue of race and immigration, are secondary, and no Rightist government could implement Rightist policies until the sovereignty of credit creation is achieved.
The system of interest finance allows bankers to create money out of nothing and loan it at interest, which must be repaid with real production. As Gottfried Feder and Dietrich Eckart stated in their pamphlet, To All Working People, “Interest has to come from somewhere after all, somewhere these billions and more billions have to be produced by hard labour! Who does this? You do it, nobody but you! That’s right, it is your money, hard earned through care and sorrow, which is as if magnetically drawn into the coffers of these insatiable people . . .” Thus entire nations can be bound by debt and their physical assets seized to pay off the creditors who created their debt. Hence we see nations like Greece enduring austerity regimes, where the services are cut and the nation’s assets sold, to ensure that the bondholders do not lose their money. Over and over again people are told to tighten their belts, cut spending, and do without, in order to keep the financial system afloat. Yet during the Great Depression, alternatives to this system were popular and were advocated by nationalist and anti-liberal movements. Bolton illuminates this forgotten chapter in economic history.
Before addressing the various alternatives to the debt finance system, Bolton briefly discusses its history. He notes that while usury dates back to Mesopotamian times, with Babylon’s loans of seed-corn, the modern system of international finance, based out of the city of London, yet loyal only to profit, emerged with the expansion of commerce Age of Exploration and the weakened position of the anti-usury Catholic Church following the Reformation. The victory of the mercantile forces of Oliver Cromwell over the agricultural, feudal interests of Charles I in the English Civil War paved the way for financial domination. Cromwell maintained good relations with Dutch, Sephardic Jewish, and Huguenot merchants, paving the way for London to become the major financial centre in Europe.
The so-called Glorious Revolution of 1688 sealed this result, with the Catholic King James II deposed and replaced with the Dutch Protestant William III, who had borrowed heavily from Amsterdam’s banks to fight his wars. Under William II the Bank of England was chartered, establishing a private bank with the purpose of lending the throne money at interest. From 1700 to 1815, the national debt of Britain grew from 12 million pounds to 850 million, funded by this bank.
The Rothschild family, originally from Frankfort and branching out to Paris, Naples, Vienna, and London, became involved in the English struggle against Napoleon under Nathan Rothschild, utilizing their international network to gather information. It is necessary to note that Napoleon’s economic system sought to achieve autarky and the Bank of France limited dividends and extended credit at low interest rates to aid manufacturers rather than leave them indebted. A victory for Napoleon would have meant a tremendous loss for the forces of finance. The victory of the British Empire and its global expansion allowed the Rothschild family to extend their influence.
Nathan’s grandson “Natty” Rothschild cultivated links with imperialist Cecil Rhodes. But Rothschild was not a British imperialist for the sake of Britain, indeed he extended loans to the anti-British Boer government in 1892, much to displeasure of Rhodes. Rothschild simply saw the British Empire as the safest means of supporting commerce. As colonial expansion slowed, they adopted an internationalist line, abandoning the antiquated Empire that now served as a barrier to free trade, forging links with New York and Tokyo following the Second World War.
In recent history, it was the events of the Great Depression awakened many to the flaws of the interest finance system. The Federal Reserve, the private bank that controls the United States’ money supply, called in the loans from its 12 regional branches, who in turn financed the various local banks of the country, at the end of this transaction the ordinary debtor was forced to pay or face foreclosure. In the midst of this crisis, farmers were ordered to destroy stockpiles of food that couldn’t be purchased for lack of funds, while people went hungry. Unlike today, the people and their political leaders did not blindly follow the solutions offered by the same people who caused the problem, rather they sought out alternatives to usury. The interrelated concepts of state credit and social credit found widespread popular support.
The idea of state credit pre-dates the concept of social credit, which was codified by Major C. H. Douglas in the 1920s and 1930s. In a state credit system, the state prints its own money and uses it to purchase goods and services or loans it to producers at zero or minimal interest, rather than borrowing money from creditors at interest and having the people of the state work to pay the interest on these outside loans.
One early example of state credit was seen in Quebec in 1685, when the colony failed to receive funding from the crown. The Intendant of the Province, Monsieur de Meulle, faced with the inability to pay his troops, and having no ability to borrow money nor a press to print it, simply collected playing cards, cut them up, and used them as currency in the place of outside funds. This action saved the French crown 13,000 livres. The cards acted as scrip: arbitrary objects such as paper or tokens that serve as legal tender.
Scrip was used on the British Isle of Guernsey in 1820, when the state could neither secure outside loans nor increase taxes to raise the funds need to maintain and improve the local infrastructure. To deal with the situation the state issued 6,000 pounds worth of State Notes, which were used to pay for needed improvements on the island. While the idea of a state printing its own money and using it to pay for goods and services directly is dismissed as “funny money,” the Isle of Guernsey subsequently prospered from the creation of debt free currency. The only difference between this alleged “funny money” and regular money was that it was not created at a usurious interest by a private bank.
In the turbulent years of the Weimar Republic, when hyperinflation effected the value of the Mark, the Wära, issued by the Wära Barter Company, was notable example of economically successful scrip. Following the Great Depression in 1929, the employees of Hebecker in the village of Schwanenkirchen were paid in Wära, which the villagers accepted as valid currency. The resulting success in Schwanenkirchen was described as miraculous in the press and eventually 2000 corporations accepted it until it was banned in 1931. In the Austrian town of Woergl a similar to the Wära was implemented, where the mayor’s Local Relief Commission issued stamps to serve as scrip, which paid for new public works programs, which dropped unemployment. The Woergl stamp scrip was outlawed in 1933.
In the English-speaking countries, the events of the Great Depression fuelled interest in alternatives to the debt finance system, particularly the Social Credit system of Canada’s Major C. H. Douglas. The basic premise of the system is that the amount of money in circulation is never equal to the amount needed to consume the whole of what is produced. This is demonstrated by the “A+B Theorem.” Let A be the amount a producer pays his employees, and let B be the amount a producer spends on outside payments. The minimum amount needed to sustain the producer is the sum, A+B, however only A has purchasing power. Thus B is really a shortfall of purchasing power. To address the shortfall in purchasing power, Douglas proposed a “National Dividend,” paid by the state to the people, issued not as debt to be repaid, but as the birthright of the citizen.
A prominent exponent of this idea was the American poet Ezra Pound, who saw Italian Fascism as a vehicle for Social Credit. In New Zealand the poet Rex Fairburn adopted the ideas of Social Credit as well. Douglas’ tour of New Zealand also inspired Campbell Begg’s New Zealand Legion, which at one timed amassed 20,000 members. In Great Britain, the Green Shirts, an organization descended from the Anglo-Saxon and Medieval inspired Kibbo Kift scouting movement, rallied the unemployed and hungry to the idea of Social Credit. In 1936, Green Shirts founder John Hargrave was appointed an advisor to a Social Credit government in Alberta, Canada. However, the central government foiled attempts at properly implementing the system. W. K. A. J. Chambers-Hunter supported Social Credit ideas in Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, under the premise that “British credit shall be used for British purposes.” In Canada, a Catholic organization called the Pilgrims of St. Michael, founded in 1935 by Louis Even and still extant, emphasized Social Credit as an alternative to the sinful usury based finance system.
Yet there was another Catholic crusader against usury that influenced the Pilgrims of St. Michael. In America, Canadian-born Father Charles Coughlin, the host of a popular Roman Catholic radio show for children, addressed their parents on broadcast on the issue of money, his well-received attack on usury lead to the creation of the Radio League of the Little Flower. By 1932 he had an audience of up to 45 million listeners. Originally a proponent of the New Deal, Coughlin broke with Roosevelt and created the National Union for Social Justice, which distributed his paper Social Justice. He demanded the abolition of private banking and returning the ability to print and regulate the money supply to Congress, in place of the Federal Reserve. However increasing opposition in the hierarchy of the Catholic Church and changes in radio regulations caused by the outbreak of World War II forced Coughlin to cease broadcasting in 1940 and in 1942 Social Justice was banned from the US mail.
While much of the popular outrage over the injustices of the debt-finance system died with World War II, it resulted in concrete political changes in several countries. Long before the Great Depression, the Australian Labour politician King O’Malley identified the banking system as the root of the common man’s misery stating, “The present banking system was founded on the idea that the many were created for the few to prey on. Debts are contracted for land, labour, products, and other commodities. When interest rises government bonds depreciate, holders sell to secure ready money to benefit by rise in interest. High rates of interest rapidly increase the indebtedness of the people.”
His proposed solution was the creation of a Commonwealth Bank that would serve as a national bank of the issue of currency without resorting to usury. Eventually, after much struggle, the Commonwealth Bank was instituted as a state-owned, but commercial bank, and it failed to issue state credit, however it’s first governor didn’t use private capital to fund the bank and was able to fund Australia’s government without imposing usurious interest upon the nation.
In the First World War, while other nations were paying 6% on their debt, the Commonwealth Bank only charged 1%, sparing Australia the ensuing economic turmoil. Until 1924, the Commonwealth Bank financed the construction of homes, roads, railways, and other forms of infrastructure at minimum charge, resulting in great prosperity. Yet in 1924, private interests took control of the governing directorate, and this came to an end.
Another political success in the Oceania was the New Zealand’s state housing program funded by the state credit from the Reserve Bank. This project reduced unemployment in the depths of the Great Depression. An initial 5 million pounds of state credit were issued, at minimal interest, without the backing of any other private financial institution. While the state housing project is widely lauded, the unorthodox method of its financing is barely commented upon in history books. The Banking Swindle does tremendous service to financial history by recounting the success of what is far too often dismissed as “funny money.”
The pivotal figure in the struggle for state credit in New Zealand was John A. Lee, a socialist influenced by the ideas of Social Credit, who outlined his vision in Money Power for the People. He stated, “that winning complete financial power as the first move toward a new social order,” realizing that state owned interests would be powerless if they depended upon private or foreign financing, which could be manipulated to produce detrimental effects on New Zealand’s people. This lesson has been lost upon many of the self-proclaimed socialist governments of the world, like Greece, whose socialist government borrowed millions from foreign investors only have austerity forced upon it by these usurers.
The principle of freedom from the chains of international finance appealed to the nationalists of the era as well, as noted by the BUF’s endorsement of “British Credit for British purposes.” One of the founding principles of the German Worker’s Party, which later become the National Socialist German Worker’s Party, was to break the bondage of interest. The primary economic mind behind them was Gottfried Feder, a founding member of the German Worker’s Party. Recognizing that interest gave money a power to reproduce itself at a cost to productive labour, Feder advocated the abolishment of income earned without physical or intellectual labour, a concept enshrined as the 11th point of the NSDAP. While the Marxists focused their ire on private property, Feder stated that “you never hear a word about, never a syllable, and there is nothing in the world which is such a curse on humanity! I mean loan capital!” Following the National Socialist assumption of power state credit was used to fund public works projects and the interest rates were limited by law. Hitler himself remarked:
All thoughts of gold reserves and foreign exchange fade before the industry and efficiency of well-planned national productive resources. We can smile today at an age when economists were seriously of the opinion that the value of currency was determined by the reserves of gold and foreign exchange lying in the vaults of the national banks and, above all, was guaranteed by them. Instead of that we have learned to realize that the value of a currency lies in a nation’s power of production, that an increasing volume of production sustains a currency, and could possibly raise its value, whereas a decreasing production must, sooner or later, lead to a compulsory devaluation.
In the realm of international trade, Germany directly bartered their surplus commodities for the commodities of other nations, avoiding the financial system’s commodity exchanges. Through a policy of economic self-sufficiency, above all avoiding the credit market’s snares, German was able to create full employment for its people. Henry C. K. Liu, a modern economist stated, “through an independent monetary policy of sovereign credit and a full-employment public works program, the Third Reich was able to turn a bankrupt Germany, stripped of overseas colonies it could exploit, into the strongest economy in Europe within four years, even before armament spending began . . . While this observation is not an endorsement for Nazi philosophy, the effectiveness of German economic policy in this period, some of which had been started during the last phase of the Weimar Republic, is undeniable.”
Furthermore, Germany’s Axis partners also pursued nationalist alternatives to the global financial system. In 1932 the Bank of Japan was reorganised as a state bank, issuing credit based solely on the needs of Japanese producers. From 1931–1941, Japanese industrial production rose 136% and the national income grew 241%. In Italy the state assumed control over the major banks through the Instituto Mobiliare Italiano in 1931. In 1936 Banking Law made the Bank of Italy the only bank for lending credit to other banks, removed limits on state borrowing, and removed Italy from the gold standard. Moreover it declared that the issuing of credit must serve the public. The Italian Social Republic took the ideas of profit sharing and worker co-management further during its short existence from 1943–1945, actively seeking to involve the common man in the control of industry with a program developed by former Communist Nicola Bombacci.
With the defeat of the Axis and the subsequent Cold War, Rightism, which had previously opposed liberalism in the economic as well as social spheres, became synonymous with Anglo-American free market policies, which played into the hands of debt finance. In regards to the origins of this supposed Capitalist versus Communist clash, Bolton also makes it clear that the Bolshevik revolution was welcomed by American financiers such as Jacob H. Schiff and John B. Young. Schiff himself financed The Friends of Russian Freedom, which spread revolutionary propaganda to Russian prisoners of war during the Russo-Japanese War.
The true reason for the financiers’ enmity against the Tsar was Russia’s refusal to cede sovereignty over its economy. The State Bank of the Russian Empire was under the control of the Ministry of Finance and it extended credit at minimal interest to Russian producers. Russia possessed large reserves of gold itself, so it had no need to borrow from the outside. For the most part the Tsarist economy was autarchic, beyond the grasp of international finance.
Against this false opposition between equally destructive ideologies of capitalism and communism, which have at their root atomized materialism, the real right stands for the superiority of spiritual values over profits. Bolton approvingly quotes Tsarist apologist George Knupffer, “We would feel certain that all of those who put the spirit above things material, duty above greed and love above hate and envy are in the camp of the Organic Right.” A fundamental premise of the economics of the true right must be the subordination of money to a higher cause, cultural good of a people. The people should not work to earn money to maintain their humdrum lives as cogs in the machinery of debt-finance, they should work for their greater glory. Communism and Capitalism are two sides of the same materialistic coin. As Spengler noted:
The concepts of Liberalism and Socialism are set in effective motion only by money. It was the Equites, the big-money party, which made Tiberius Gracchus’ popular movement possible at all; and as soon as that part of the reforms that were advantageous to themselves had been successfully legalized, they withdrew and the movement collapsed.
There is no proletarian, not even a communist, movement that has not operated in the interests of money, in the directions indicated by money, and for the time permitted by money — and that without the idealist amongst its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact.
Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries there were movements that fought both forms of materialism, as Bolton has chronicled in this book and others. While today’s Right devotes much time to issues of race and immigration, it is necessary to understand the economic origins of this increasingly rootless, atomized world we must fight. The Banking Swindle swerves as an excellent history of the movements that sought to break the bondage of interest and as primer on the true economics of the right. In this dark age of austerity, it illuminates a way forward for the nations under the heel of global finance, and one can only hope that it inspires the actions necessary for their liberation from these golden chains.
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samedi, 23 novembre 2013
Psychopathology of the Left
Psychopathology of the Left:
Some Preliminary Notes
by Kerry Bolton
Editor’s Note:
The following essay was later incorporated into Kerry Bolton’s The Psychotic Left: From Jacobin France to the Occupy Movement [2], available from Black House Publishing [3].
The ‘Right’ of the political dichotomy, including even social and moral values that have traditionally been regarded – until recently – as normative, has for approximately eighty years, been the subject of analysis not just politically and sociologically, but psychologically.
The impetus for a psychological analysis of the Right and even of conservative morality, as a mental aberration, was led by the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory which, with the rise of Hitler, was transferred en masse to the USA under the auspices of Columbia University, where it was re-established in New York as the Institute of Social Research.[1] The seminal document issued by this coterie, headed by Theodore Adorno, was The Authoritarian Personality,[2] a psychological study which intended to show through statistical analysis with a survey based on an ‘F’ (Fascism) Scale, that traditional values on morality, and especially the family and parental authority, were in need of psychological reorientation and were symptoms of latent ‘fascism’. In particular, the patriarchal family came under attack as the root institution for the cultivation of a ‘fascist’ mentality.[3]
While Leftist social scientists such as those of the Frankfurt School sought to show through statistical analysis that conservative values are psychologically abnormal, concurrently there was a move to show that Leftists have normative values. Rothman and Lichter in their psycho-historical study of Jews in the US New Left, state that studies by social scientists have been devised to show that Leftists possess positive, normative values. They write that in the USA and to a lesser extent Europe most ‘commentaries and “scientific” studies of the student movement agreed that the radical young represented the best in their societies’. Rothman and Lichter point out that the studies involved very small numbers and that the examiners’ sympathies were with their subjects politically. This coterie of social scientists produced a stream of studies ‘that seemed to prove, that radical students were democratic, humanitarian, psychologically healthy and morally advanced’. ‘All these critical studies are either impressionistic or based on small samples’.[4]
Many social scientists attributed many ‘positive’ personality attributes or political views to the New Left largely because their questionnaires were either constructed in such a manner as to ascribe such attributes to radical students almost by definition, or because the students… knew how to respond ‘appropriately’ to the questions posed.[5]
Hence the perception has persisted that that ‘Right’ is based on values emanating from the mentally dysfunctional, often based in the patriarchal family; and the ‘Left’ is mentally healthy. Rothman and Lichter are critical of the Frankfurt School, and the use of the so-called “‘F’ scale to uncover ‘Fascist’ tendencies as personality types. Rothman and Lichter argue that The Authoritarian Personality was a study intended to confirm the preconceived opinions of the authors.[6]
However, Rothman and Lichter’s studies of New Left students found that ‘radicals were significantly more likely than moderates to manifest tendencies toward a negative identity, masochistic surrender and treating people as concepts’. Jewish radicals typically manifested a tendency to escape from a dominating mother, while non-Jewish radicals regarded their fathers as more dominant but flawed.[7]
Although the synthesis of Freudianism and Marxism was unacceptable to the Stalinists, and the Critical Theorists were rejected by the German Communist Party,[8] the USSR found psychiatry a useful means of silencing ‘dissidents’ by subjecting them to psychiatric examination and routinely diagnosing them as schizophrenic, whereafter they would be confined to a mental asylum and concomitantly anti-Sovietism identified as a form of psychosis.[9]
The celebrated poet Ezra Pound received similar treatment on his forcible return from Italy to the USA after World War II, having first been confined to an open air cage by the American occupation forces in Italy. To avoid the publicity of a treason trial for one of the world’s most eminent literati, Pound was confined to St Elizabeths mental asylum.[10]
Use of Psychiatry against Dissidents in the Liberal West
The Right has continued to be portrayed as a mental aberration, whether in its most extreme Hitlerite forms, or merely as enduring conservative values on the family, such values being portrayed as regressive. For example, the seminal post-War ‘fascist’ philosopher Francis Parker Yockey, upon his arrest for passport violations in San Francisco in 1960, was ordered to undergo a mental examination by the Court[11] ensuring that anyone who tended towards such ideas could likewise be relegated as insane. Indeed, he committed suicide in prison during trial for the very reason that he feared being subjected to lobotomy or medication that would reduce him to a mentally vegetative state.[12] While the Leftist or liberal critic would typically respond that this in itself indicates Yockey’s mental state, the situation is not that simplistic, especially at that time.
Indeed, Dr Thomas Szasz, professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Syracuse New York Upstate Medical University, and an eminent critique of Freudianism, has written that ‘we are replacing social controls justified by race with social controls justified by psychiatric diagnosis’. Szasz cites the case of General Edwin Walker, a primary victim of the Kennedy era witch-hunt against ‘Right-wingers’ in the military. Walker was forced to resign due to his anti-Communist education programme among the American military forces in Germany. Apparently the Liberal-American conflict with the USSR was not supposed to extend to an examination of Communist ideology, which might come uncomfortably close to ‘Right-wing extremism’. Gen. Walker, after his forced resignation, became a prominent fighter against desegregation, communism and liberalism. Walker assisted Governor Ross Barnett in leading mass resistance against the desegregation of the University of Mississippi, enforced by the invasion of Mississippi by Federal Troops in 1962. Szasz writes:
Arrested on four federal charges, including ‘inciting, assisting, and engaging in an insurrection against the authority of the United States,’ Walker was taken before a U.S. commissioner and held pending the posting of $100,000 bond. While he was making arrangements to post bail, Attorney General Robert Kennedy ordered Walker flown, on a government aircraft, to Springfield, Missouri, to be incarcerated in the U.S. Medical Center for Prisoners for ‘psychiatric observation’ on suspicion that he was mentally unfit to stand trial.[13]
Walker’s entry in Wikipedia mentions neither this nor the ensuing confrontation between Walker’s legal team and the government’s psychiatric team. The reader is told only that Walker ‘posted bond and returned home to Dallas, where he was greeted by a crowd of 200 supporters. After a federal grand jury adjourned in January 1963 without indicting him, the charges were dropped’.[14]
Szasz is able to write on the Walker case from first-hand experience, as he was asked to advise Walker’s legal team. Of particular interest here is that Szasz writes:
I summarized the evidence for my view that psychiatry is a threat to civil liberties, especially to the liberties of individuals stigmatized as ‘right-wingers’, illustrated by the famous case of Ezra Pound, who was locked up for 13 years while the government ostensibly waited for his ‘doctors’ to restore his competence to stand trial. Now the Kennedys and their psychiatrists were in the process of doing the same thing to Walker.[15]
Had Yockey therefore been so ‘paranoid’ two years previously when he was worried that he would be diagnosed insane, locked away in a facility and subjected to cerebral destruction through the then widely used methods of lobotomy or electric shock?
Szasz told the legal team that it would be no use trying to argue for Walker’s released on the basis of truth. However, the defence expert witness, Dr. Robert L. Stubblefield, chief psychiatrist at the Southwest Medical Center in Dallas, was able to expose Dr. Manfred Guttmacher, long-time chief medical officer at Baltimore City’s Supreme Court, as ‘an evil quack’, as Szasz states it, Walker was declared mentally fit, and a Federal Grand Jury refused to indict him.
Szasz states that even Senator Barry Goldwater two years later, as Republican Presidential candidate, was a target of politicised psychiatry:
Less than two years later, my view that organized American psychiatry was becoming overtly political, seeking the existential invalidation and psychiatric destruction of individuals who do not share the psychiatric establishment’s left-liberal ‘progressive’ views, received further dramatic support. In 1964, when Senator Barry Goldwater was the Republican candidate for president, 1,189 psychiatrists publicly declared–without benefit of examination–that Goldwater was ‘psychologically unfit to be President of the United States’. Many offered a diagnosis of ‘paranoid schizophrenia’ as the basis for their judgment.[16]
The use of psychiatry to marginalize political opponents of Left-liberal dogma is obviously not a mere paranoid delusion of the Right. Hence, for example, The Nizkor Project, which specialises in smearing Rightists and ‘Holocaust deniers’, uses a psychiatric term in describing the US ‘militia movement’ as ‘paranoid’’.[17]
Yet the Left, despite its manifestation of the most extreme forms of sadism since the French Revolution of 1789-92, has largely escaped critical psychological analyses of its leaders and ideologues. The Left is now doctrinally acceptable as normative, and the adherents of its most extreme variation – communism – can maintain respectable positions in academia, and have their books published by the large publishers, while those of the Right are marginalized.
Rather, Karl Marx for example, continues to be feted among respectable quarters as a seminal and still valuable contributor to sociology. While Jim Jones is generally perceived as deranged, he is considered within the context of any other cult leader such as David Koresh, rather than as an apostle of the Left whose actions were consistent with the Left doctrinally and historically, and whose psychological profile is analogous to that of other Leftists still regarded as paragons of democratic and liberal values.
The Left and the Degenerative Personality
The Hungarian physician and sociologist Dr Max Nordau wrote on the degeneration of culture and philosophy as a symptom of mental and moral degeneration. Writing in 1895, Nordau provided a proto-psychohistorical perspective on Leftist revolutions, which was developed several decades later by the American, Dr Lothrop Stoddard, who described such upheavals as the ‘revolt against civilisation’.[18] This theory postulates that civilisational values are an unendurable burden upon the mentally subnormal, including types that are both what might popularly be called the ‘unbalanced genius’ and the common criminal. Hence, the ‘revolt against civilisation’ is rationalised as a political doctrine for the overthrow of social order, and the unleashing of pent-up depravity. The revolutionary Left is rationalised sociopathology.
Dr Nordau described several types of social marginality, which often includes the highly intelligent:
Quite a number of different designations have been found for these persons. Maudsley and Ball call them ‘Borderland dwellers’ – that is to say, dwellers on the borderland between reason and pronounced madness. Magnan gives to them the name of ‘higher degenerates’ and Lombroso[19] speaks of mattoids (from matto, the Italian for insane).[20]
These ‘mattoids’ or ‘borderland dwellers’ provide the leadership of social upheavals, while the types that might typically be found in the criminal underworld provide the mobs. Nordau states:
In the mental development of degenerates, we meet with the same irregularity that we have observed in their physical growth. The asymmetry of face and cranium finds, as it were, its counterpart in their mental faculties. Some of the latter are completely stunted, others morbidly exaggerated. That which nearly all degenerates lack is the sense of morality and of right and wrong. For them there exists no law, no decency, no modesty. In order to satisfy any momentary impulse, or inclination, or caprice, they commit crimes and trespasses with the greatest calmness and self-complacency, and do not comprehend that other persons take offence. When this phenomenon is present in a high degree, we speak of ‘moral insanity’ with Maudsley; there are, nevertheless, lower stages in which the degenerate does not, perhaps, himself commit any act which will bring him into conflict with the criminal code, but at least asserts the theoretical legitimacy of crime; seeks, with philosophically sounding fustian, to prove that ‘good’ and ‘evil,’ virtue and vice, are arbitrary distinctions; goes into raptures over evildoers and their deeds; professes to discover beauties in the lowest and most repulsive things; and tries to awaken interest in, and so-called ‘comprehension’ of, every bestiality. The two psychological roots of moral insanity, in all its degrees of development, are, firstly, unbounded egoism, and, secondly, impulsiveness: – i.e., inability to resist a sudden impulse to any deed; and these characteristics also constitute the chief intellectual stigmata of degenerates.[21]
Nordau considers how the ‘mattoid’ uses revolution as an outlet for destructive urges:
In view of Lombroso’s researches [Lombroso, La Physionomie des Anarchistes, 1891, p. 227] it can scarcely be doubted that the writings and acts of revolutionists and anarchists are also attributable to degeneracy. The degenerate is incapable of adapting himself to existing circumstances. This incapacity, indeed, is an indication of morbid variation in every species, and probably a primary cause of their sudden extinction. He therefore rebels against conditions and views of things which he necessarily feels to be painful, chiefly because they impose upon him the duty of self-control, of which he is incapable on account of his organic weakness of will. Thus he becomes an improver of the world, and devises plans for making mankind happy, which, without exception, are conspicuous just as much by their fervent philanthropy, and often pathetic sincerity, as by their absurdity and monstrous ignorance of all real relations.[22]
It is the ‘mattoids’ who provide the philosophical justification for violence done against civilized values in the name of ‘freedom’, and who continue to be upheld by today’s intelligentsia, itself often of mattoid type, as ‘great thinkers’. Nordau writes of them:
“The degenerate,’’ says Legrain, [Paul Maurice Legrain, Du délire chez les dégénérés; Paris, 1886, p. 11] may be a genius. A badly balanced mind is susceptible of the highest conceptions, while, on the other hand, one meets in the same mind with traits of meanness and pettiness all the more striking from the fact that they co-exist with the most brilliant qualities. ‘As regards their intellect, they can (says Jacques Roubinovitch, Hystérie male et dégénérescence; Paris,1890, p.33) ‘attain to a high degree of development, but from a moral point of view their existence is completely deranged … A degenerate will employ his brilliant faculties quite as well in the service of some grand object as in the satisfaction of the basest propensities (Lombroso has cited a large number of undoubted geniuses who were equally undoubted mattoids, graphomaniacs, or pronounced lunatics.)[23]
It is perhaps more than anything else that the forces of the Left, in both Socialist and Liberal-democratic forms, masquerade as the wave of the future, while any individual, doctrine or institution opposing or blocking them is disparaged as regressive. Yet, as Nordau pointed out over a century ago, these ‘moderns’, these ‘progressives’, who disparage all tradition and want to make the world anew, are the heralds of atavism, whether in the arts, ethics or politics. Nordau continues:
Retrogression, relapse – this is in general the ideal of this band who dare to speak of liberty and progress. They wish to be the future. That is one of their chief pretensions. That is one of the means by which they catch the largest number of simpletons. We have, however, seen in all individual cases that it is not the future but the most forgotten, far-away past Degenerates lisp and stammer, instead of speaking. They utter monosyllabic cries, instead of constructing grammatically and syntactically articulated sentences. They draw and paint like children, who dirty tables and walls with mischievous hands. They compose music like that of the yellow natives of East Asia. They confound all the arts, and lead them back to the primitive forms they had before evolution differentiated them. Every one of their qualities is atavistic, and we know, moreover, that atavism is one of the most constant marks of degeneracy.[24]
Nordau wrote of these ‘modernist’ trends in art, philosophy and politics as going against the normative values that decades later started to be described by Adorno and his team from the Frankfurt School of Critical Theory as incipient ‘fascism’:
The ‘freedom’ and ‘modernity’, the ‘progress’ and ‘truth’, of these fellows are not ours. We have nothing in common with them. They wish for self-indulgence; we wish for work. They wish to drown consciousness in the unconscious; we wish to strengthen and enrich consciousness. They wish for evasive ideation and babble; we wish for attention, observation, and knowledge. The criterion by which true modems may be recognised and distinguished from impostors calling themselves moderns may be this: Whoever preaches absence of discipline is an enemy of progress; and whoever worships his ‘I’ is an enemy to society. Society has for its first premise, neighbourly love and capacity for self-sacrifice; and progress is the effect of an ever more rigorous subjugation of the beast in man, of an ever tenser self-restraint, an ever keener sense of duty and responsibility. The emancipation for which we are striving is of the judgement, not of the appetites.[25]
If one notes what Nordau was describing as normative civilisational values in 1895, he would certainly have been diagnosed as mentally imbalanced and an incipient ‘fascist’, possibly even an ‘anti-Semitism’ – if we disregard his Jewish background and role in later life in the Zionist movement – by Adorno and the other authors of The Authoritarian Personality.
Jacobinism and Bolshevism: The Revolt of the Under-Man
Lothrop Stoddard, whose works became very widely read in the early 20th century, writing in the aftermath of the Bolshevik upheaval that had reduced Russia to a hell, took up the theme of mental and physical degeneration as causes of revolt against civilisational values by what he termed the ‘under-man’. Giving an account of the personality types of the Bolsheviks and their methods of sadism, Stoddard wrote:
It would be extremely instructive if the Bolshevik leaders could be psycho-analyzed. Certainly, many of their acts suggest peculiar mental states. The atrocities perpetrated by some of the Bolshevik Commissars, for example, are so revolting that they seem explicable only by mental aberrations like homicidal mania or the sexual perversion known as sadism.
One such scientific examination of a group of Bolshevik leaders has been made. At the time of the Red terror in the city of Kiev, in the summer of 1919, the medical professors of Kiev University were spared on account of their usefulness to their terrorist masters. Three of these men were competent alienists, who were able to diagnose the Bolshevik leaders mentally in the course of their professional duties. Now their diagnosis was that nearly all the Bolshevik leaders were degenerates, of more or less unsound mind. Furthermore, most of them were alcoholics, a majority were syphilitic, while many were drug fiends…[26]
Stoddard gives a dramatic illustration of the roles being played out in such revolts, when an internationally acclaimed philology scholar, Professor Timofie Florinsky of Kiev University, was brought before the Revolutionary Tribunal, and spontaneously shot by one of the ‘judges’ for giving an ‘irritating reply’ to a question. The murderous Commissar, Rosa Schwartz, a former prostitute, was drunk.[27]
The Kiev event is pregnant with historical and cultural meaning. The clash of two worlds, fundamentally alien to each other but coinciding in time and space: the commissar, a drunken ex-whore, puts to death in an instant of primal savagery the scholar. Such scenes had been played out en masse by the mobs during the French Revolution, continuously plied with alcohol and drugs, pushed onward by prostitutes, pirates and criminals, and agitated by mattoids from among depraved elements of the upper and middle classes.
While it now seems to be regarded as passé to refer to what was once widely called the Red Terror in Bolshevik Russia, attention being drawn almost entirely to the ‘crimes of the Nazis’, any reference to major atrocities other than that involving Jews being regarded as ‘relativising the Holocaust’,[28] the implementation of the Bolshevik policy on terror shows symptoms of mass sadism in a literal, psychotic sense. One must go to the accounts of the time, however, in order to realise the character of the sadism.
After Denikin’s White Army defeated the Bolsheviks at Odessa in August 1919, Rev. R Courtier-Forster, Chaplain of the British forces at Odessa and the Black Sea ports, who had been held captive by the Bolsheviks, reported the horrors of Bolshevism, relating how on the ship “Sinope”, the largest cruiser of the Black Sea Fleet, some of his personal friends had been chained to planks and slowly pushed into the ship’s furnaces to be roasted alive. Others were scalded with steam from the ship’s boilers. Mass rapes were committed, while the local Soviet press debated the possibilities of nationalizing women. The screams from women being raped, and from other victims in what Rev. Courtier-Forster called the ‘Bolshevik’s House of Torture’ at Catherine Square, could be heard for blocks around, while at Catherine Square the Bolsheviks tried to muffle the screams with the noise of lorries thundering up and down the street.[29]
When the Rohrberg Commission of Enquiry entered Kiev, after the Soviets had been driven out in August 1919, it described the ‘execution hall’ of the Bolsehvik secret police, the Cheka, as follows:
All the cement floor of the great garage (the execution hall of the departmental Cheka of Kiev) was flooded with blood. This blood was no longer flowing, it formed a layer of several inches: it was a horrible mixture of blood, brains, of pieces of skull, of tufts of hair and other human remains. All the walls were bespattered with blood; pieces of brains and scalps were sticking to them. A gutter twenty-five centimetres wide by twenty-five centimetres deep and about ten metres long ran from the centre of the garage towards a subterranean drain. This gutter along its whole length was full to the top with blood…Usually as soon as the massacre had taken place the bodies were conveyed out of the town in motor lorries and buried beside the grave about which we have spoken; we found in a corner of the garden another grave which was older and contained about eighty bodies. Here we discovered on the bodies traces of cruelties and mutilations the most varied and unimaginable. Some bodies were disembowelled, others had limbs chopped off, some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out and the head, face, neck and trunk covered with deep wounds. Further on we found a corpse with a wedge driven into the chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner of the grave we discovered a certain quantity of arms and legs….[30]
Such atavistic savagery goes even beyond mass murder. It is the psychosis of a Jeffrey Dahmer,[31] or Edward Gein,[32] rationalised as a political ideology with noble ideals, that continues to have adherents with respectable positions in academia.
The precursor of the Bolshevik Revolution, that of France during the period 1789-1792 unleashed a mass psychosis of revolt of the dregs of France, led by the mattoid elements. As in today’s Western liberal-democracies, the theory is that manifestations of inequality and differences can be eliminated by changing the social structure according to dogma. The doctrine of the French Revolution was a ‘return to Nature’, an idolised and imaginative interpretation of what Nature was supposed to be like, concocted in the drawing rooms of the European intelligentsia, by writers such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Weishaupt, the founder of the proto-communist Illuminati. According to these ideologues, the cause of tyranny, injustice, violence and inequality, was civilisation. If civilisation itself could be overthrown and humanity returned to a supposed innocent state of nature, then all could live in an idyllic state of happiness, peace and brotherhood. This requires the abolition of civilisational institutions such as marriage, private property, Church, state, monarchy. Karl Marx formalized precisely the same doctrine about half a century later. This atavism is ironically heralded as ‘progressive’.
The French sociologist Gustave Le Bon noted in 1895:
The idea that institutions can remedy the defects of societies, that national progress is the consequence of the improvement of institutions and governments, and that social changes can be effected by decrees – this idea, I say, is still generally accepted. It was the starting point of the French Revolution, and the social theories of the present day are based upon it.[33]
Le Bon later wrote, in the aftermath of the Bolshevik Revolution, of the same atavism that had afflicted France now unfolding in Russia:
The Bolshevik mentality is as old as history. Cain, in the Old Testament, had the mind of a Bolshevik. But it is only in our days that this ancient mentality has met with a political doctrine to justify it. This is the reason of its rapid propagation, which has been undermining the old social scaffolding.[34]
The reader is referred to Nesta H Webster’s history, The French Revolution,[xxxv] which draws on contemporary documents from both Jacobins and Royalists, which dramatically brings to life the depravity and cowardice of the dregs of France, led by disaffected mattoid lawyers and Orleanist aristocrats, and of the heroism of those loyal to the King, including those among the common folk. What is notable in this context is the manner by which the mob could be agitated with the continuous supply of alcohol and narcotics that seemed to maintain a blood frenzy, paid for by the wealth of the Duc d’Orléans, a craven megalomaniac who desired to usurp the Throne on the backs of the criminal underworld that he had unleashed.
Here in the French Revolution is a dress rehearsal for the blood-letting by the Bolsheviks, 130 years later. At the Convent des Carmes, Rue de Vaugirard, up to 200 priests had been incarcerated. Here a drunken mob converged and with pistols and sabres killed the defenceless priests.[26] The Archbishop of Arles had his face cleaved almost in two, as he offered his life in the hope of appeasing the bloodlust and sparing the other priests. The old man’s death only excited the mob further, and they fired upon the priests kneeling in prayer in the chapel.[37] Other such massacres were conducted on priests imprisoned at the Abbaye in Paris. However, there were more victims among ‘the people’ than among the aristocrats and clergy. The revolutionary leaders sought to ‘amputate’ France, and to radically reduce its population, reminiscent of Pol Pot.
In La Vendée region a policy of wholesale extermination was undertaken to eliminate a folk who remained steadfast to King and Church.
Webster notes a curious transformation of France during the era, which shows that the Revolution was a victory of the ‘under-man’ and a return to the atavistic on the ruins of civilisation. She writes that mediocre lawyers such as Robespierre, who now held the power, vented their frustration at years of personal failure by trying to eliminate the talented and intelligent. All those who had devoted themselves to scholarship were targeted. ‘The war on education was even carried out against the treasures of science, art and literature’. One revolutionary luminary proposed killing the collection of rare animals at the Museum of Natural History. A widespread notion of the revolutionaries was to burn all the libraries and retain only books pertaining to the Revolution and to law. Thousands of books and valuable paintings were disposed of or destroyed. ‘Not only education but politeness in all forms was to be destroyed’. It became necessary to assume a ‘rough and boorish manner’ and to present ‘an uncultivated appearance’. ‘A refined countenance, hands that bore no marks of manual labour, well-brushed hair, clean and decent garments, were regarded with suspicion – to make sure of keeping one’s head it was advisable that it should be unkempt’. It was advisable to ruffle one’s hair, grow the thickness of whiskers, soil the hands…’ ‘In a word, it was not only a war on nobility, on wealth, on industry, on art, on intellect; it was a war on civilisation’.[38]
It might be observed today that the cult of the dirty and the unkempt has become a normative aspect of society.
1. K R Bolton, Revolution from Above (London: Arktos Media Ltd., 2011), p. 101.
2. T W Adorno, et al The Authoritarian Personality (New York: Harper and Row, 1950).
3. K R Bolton, ‘”Sex Pol” Ideology: The Influence of the Freudian-Marxian Synthesis on Politics and Society’, Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, Washington, Vol. 35, No. 3, Fall 2010, pp 329-38.
4. S Rothman and S R Lichter, Roots of Radicalism: Jews, Christians and the New Left (New York: Oxford University Press, 1982), pp. 50-52.
5. Ibid., p. 55.
6. Ibid., p. 60.
7. Ibid., p. 286.
8. Myran Sharaf, Fury on Earth – A Biography of Wilhelm Reich (London: Andre Deutsch, 1983), p. 169; K R Bolton, ‘Sex Pol Ideology’, op. cit., pp. 347-348.
9. Ibid., p. 339.
10. E Fuller Torrey, The Roots of Treason: Ezra Pound and the Secrets of St Elizabeth’s (London: Sidgwick and Jackson, 1984).
11. ‘Jailbreak plot’ told in passport case’, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 January 1960, p. 5.
12. Michael O’Meara, ‘Introduction’, Francis Parker Yockey (1949), The Proclamation of London of the European Liberation Front (Shamley Green, England: Wermod & Wermod Publishing Group, 2012), xvi.
13. Yockey was to be subjected to precisely the same procedure.
14. Thomas Szasz, ‘The Shame of Medicine: The Case of General Edwin Walker’, The Freeman, Vol. 59, no. 8, October 2009,
15. Ibid.
16. Ibid.
17.‘Paranoia as Patriotism: Far Right Influences on the Militia movement’, The Nizkor Project,
18. Lothrop Stoddard (1922), The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Under-Man (Wermod & Wermod, 2012).
19. Cesare Lombroso is widely regarded as the founder of criminology.
20. Max Nordau, Degeneration (New York: D Appleton & Co., 1895), p. 18.
21. Ibid., pp. 18-19.
22. Ibid., p. 22.
23. Ibid., pp. 32-33.
24. Ibid., p. 555.
25. Ibid., p. 560.
26. Lothrop Stoddard, op. cit., Chapter VI: ‘Rebellion of the Under-Man’, p. 177,
27. Ibid., p. 177 n.
28. Deborah E Lipstadt, Denying the Holocaust: The Growing Assault on Truth and Memory (London: Penguin Books, 1994). See especially Chapter 11: ‘Watching on the Rhine: The Future Course of Holocaust Denial’, pp. 209-222.
29. R. Courtier-Forster, ‘Bolshevism, Reign of Torture at Odessa’, London Times, 3 December, 1919, pp. 2, 3, 4.
30. S Melgunoff, La terreur rouge (Paris, 1927), cited by Vicomte Leon de Poncins, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution (California: Christian Book Club of America, n.d.), p. 149.
31. Jeffrey Dahmer killed 17 young men during 1978-1991, refrigerated and cannibalised their body parts.
32. Edward Gein was a cannibal, necrophile, and grave robber, who used bodies parts to construct leggings, furniture covering and so forth.
33. Gustave Le Bon, The Crowd, op.cit., p. 86.
34. Gustave Le Bon, The World in Revolt (New York, 1921) p. 179; cited by Stoddard, op. cit., Chapter VII: ‘The War Against Chaos’.
35. Nesta H Webster, The French Revolution, 1919, 1969. Wermod & Wermod, Britain, will be issuing a de luxe edition of The French Revolution in 1912, with an introduction by this author. The pages cited in this article are from the 1969 edition.
36. Ibid., p. 311.
37. Ibid., p. 312.
38. Ibid., pp. 412-413.
Source: Ab Aeterno, no. 10, January-March 2010.
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samedi, 21 septembre 2013
Kerry Bolton: Revolution from Above
Kerry Bolton: Revolution from Above
By Manfred Kleine-Hartlage
Jeder, der einmal versucht oder auch nur theoretisch erwogen hat, einen größeren geistig-politischen Umschwung herbeizuführen – von einer Revolution ganz zu schweigen –, weiß, daß dazu vor allem eines erforderlich ist: Geld.
Geld bringt Journalisten dazu, bestimmte Themen hoch- oder niederzuschreiben, Geld veranlaßt Professoren, ihre Erkenntnisinteressen denen ihrer Drittmittelgeber anzupassen, Geld ermöglicht es, Zeitungen und Fernsehsender zu kaufen, mit Geld kann man Kurse für Agitatoren und solche, die es werden wollen, bezahlen, mit Geld eine Infrastruktur von „Nichtregierungsorganisationen“ unterhalten, und wenn all dies nicht reicht, kann man mit Geld Waffen kaufen.
Obwohl dies so offenkundig ist, daß man es schon banal nennen muß, ist es zugleich ein Tabuthema. Jeder weiß zwar, daß etwa die Bolschewiki eine Organisation von „Berufsrevolutionären“ waren; und jeder, der darüber nachdenkt, könnte sich sagen, daß Berufsrevolutionäre – wie alle anderen Berufstätigen auch – auf Arbeitgeber oder Kunden angewiesen sind, die sie bezahlen. Und doch gilt die Oktoberrevolution bis heute als das Werk eines gewissen Lenin, nicht etwa als das seiner Geldgeber. Allenfalls gesteht man zu, daß die Millionensummen, die die deutsche Regierung während des Ersten Weltkriegs zur Verfügung stellte, eine gewisse Rolle gespielt haben mögen. Daß entsprechende Summen aber schon lange vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg an die Bolschewisten und andere revolutionäre Organisationen flossen, und daß sie keineswegs aus Deutschland stammten, sondern aus amerikanischen Finanzkreisen: Das ist zwar kein Geheimnis, sondern wohldokumentiert; im offiziösen Geschichtsbild kommt es aber nicht vor.
Dabei ist die Russische Revolution noch dasjenige Thema, bei dem der kausale Zusammenhang zwischen den Interessen schwerreicher Finanziers und der Entfesselung der Revolution am ehesten thematisiert werden kann. Wer dagegen fragt, warum 1789 wie auf Kommando in ganz Frankreich Agitatoren auftauchten, die ein gar nicht so unzufriedenes Volk aufzuhetzen verstanden, sieht sich schnell als „Verschwörungstheoretiker“ abgestempelt, und erst recht gilt dies für den, der den ominösen „Zeitgeist“ hinterfragt, der – man weiß nicht wie – seit rund hundert Jahren, spätestens aber seit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg, grundsätzlich nur von links zu wehen scheint.
Wiederum ist es nicht wirklich ein Geheimnis, daß dieser Zeitgeist keineswegs von selbst entstanden ist, und es ist auch kein Geheimnis, wer seine Entstehung organisiert und finanziert hat: Die verantwortlichen Akteure rühmen sich dessen sogar und geben in ihren Veröffentlichungen detailliert Auskunft darüber. Und doch haben diese allgemein zugänglichen Informationen kaum Eingang ins herrschende politische Bewußtsein gefunden.
In seinem Buch „Revolution from Above“ [2], das zur Zeit leider nur auf Englisch verfügbar ist, hat der neuseeländische Autor Kerry Bolton diese Informationen zusammengetragen und zu einem theoretisch überzeugenden und empirisch unanfechtbar untermauerten Ganzen zusammengefügt. Er weist überzeugend – und dies ausschließlich auf der Basis von Selbstzeugnissen der einschlägigen Akteure! – nach, daß praktisch alle intellektuellen und politischen Strömungen der Linken im 20. Jahrhundert, soweit sie nicht von der UdSSR finanziert wurden, nur aufgrund der milliardenschweren Unterstützung durch eine winzige Schicht von amerikanischen Superreichen und deren Stiftungen zum Zuge kommen konnten. Zumindest hätten sie ohne diese Unterstützung bei weitem nicht die Durchschlagskraft haben können, die sie haben.
Ein solcher Befund mag denjenigen überraschen, der den Gegensatz von Kapitalisten und Sozialisten immer noch für unüberbrückbar hält. Tatsächlich war er das nie. Die Linke leistet dem Kapital vielmehr gute Dienste bei der Zerstörung hergebrachter Strukturen, Bindungen und Werte. Sie planiert damit das Gelände, auf dem der globale Kapitalismus errichtet wird. Sie zerstört reale, gewachsene Solidarität im Namen einer fiktiven und bloß ideologisch postulierten, und sie erzeugt damit die Gesellschaft von atomisierten Einzelnen, die auf ihre Rolle als Produzenten und Konsumenten zurückgeworfen werden und als Masse so lenkbar und nutzbar sind wie eine Viehherde. Das gilt für die russischen und chinesischen Kommunisten, die eine traditionelle agrarische Gesellschaft ins Industriezeitalter katapultierten und schließlich in den Weltmarkt einbanden; es gilt genauso für die westliche Linke mit ihrem Kampf gegen Nation, Tradition, Religion und Familie.
Boltons Buch ist die passende Ergänzung zu meinen eigenen Ausführungen zu diesem Thema (in „Die liberale Gesellschaft und ihr Ende“ [3]). Wo ich die Zusammenhänge abstrakt analysiere, nennt er konkrete Namen, Summen, Profiteure und Strategien. Steinchen für Steinchen entsteht dabei das Mosaik einer langfristigen Strategie der amerikanischen Plutokratie, die auf nicht mehr und nicht weniger hinausläuft als auf eine Weltrevolution – eben auf die Revolution von oben, der das Buch seinen Titel verdankt.
Solche Bücher können auch entmutigen: Wie will man denn, so mag mancher Leser fragen, einem Feind entgegentreten, der an allen Fronten unter Einsatz schier unbegrenzter Mittel auf dem Vormarsch ist? Ist da nicht jeder Widerstand von vornherein zumm Scheitern verurteilt?
Ich selbst ziehe den umgekehrten Schluß: Wenn der Feind Milliardensummen einsetzt, dann deshalb, weil er es nötig hat. Wer ganze Völker mit einem geschlossenen System von Lügen indoktrinieren muss, muß wesentlich mehr investieren als der, der es sich leisten kann, mit Wahrheiten zu operieren. Freilich rechtfertigt auch diese Feststellung nicht eine in manchen Kreisen immer noch verbreitete naive rechte Sozialromantik, die ohne professionelle Strukturen auszukommen glaubt, weil die Wahrheit sich allein durch den Idealismus ihrer Verfechter durchsetzen werde.
Kerry Boltons Buch ist insofern kein Anlaß zu Resignation, wohl aber zu produktiver Ernüchterung: Wir kommen mit weniger Geld aus als der Gegner, aber auch wir werden viele Millionen Euro benötigen, um einen spürbaren politischen Effekt zu erzielen. Es wird Zeit, daß diese Einsicht sich unter den besser betuchten Sympathisanten der politischen Rechten herumspricht.
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samedi, 07 juillet 2012
The Underman as Cultural Icon
The Underman as Cultural Icon:
The Saga of “Blanket Man”
By Kerry Bolton
“Blanket Man,” known in a previous life as Bernard (Ben) Hana, was a filth ridden alcoholic, given to drinking methylated spirits attired in nothing other than a blanket and a loin cloth. He shouted or mumbled abuse at passers-by, as he squatted on the streets of Wellington with others of his ilk. He seemed harmless enough, and this writer has nothing personal against him or the way he chose to lead his life.
What I do find of socio-cultural interest is the manner by which others have turned him into a cultural icon. Such elevation to the presently esteemed status of Anti-Hero says something about the mentality of those who have revived the “Cult of the Noble Savage” that became the rage of effete upper class French society prior to the Revolution. It is a symptom of what Lothrop Stoddard called “the menace of the underman” and “the revolt against civilization.”[1]
Mr. Hana has a Facebook page [2] established by his admirers. There one can learn the fundamentals of his life; a hagiography, one might say. He was born February 8, 1957 and died as the result of his celebrated lifestyle choice on January 15, 2012. He was a “homeless man who wandered the inner city streets of Wellington, New Zealand. Ben was a local fixture and something of a celebrity and was typically on the footpath in the precincts of Courtenay Place which has 24-hour activity.”[2]
When the scribe of Saint Bernard alludes to Courtenay Place’s “24-hour activity,” what this means is that the nightlife brings out lowlifes who engage in drinking, vomiting, excreting in the doorways of shops, and other expressions of societal rebellion.
But what makes Saint Bernard especially esteemed by the champions of the generic Underman is that he was a Maori, complete with matted, filthy, dreadlocked hair, and perhaps the epitome of what liberals, nihilists, and anarchists see as the living vestige of the Maori as he was, prior to European colonization: the “noble savage,” existing in the midst of a modern Western city.
Saint Bernard, despite sizzling his brain with alcohol and marijuana, was no fool, and on the few occasions the City Council attempted to do something about his plight, he had a ready answer for the Courts, exploiting the deference New Zealand society is obliged to show for all things “Maori,” whether real or contrived:
Ben was a self-proclaimed devotee of the Māori sun god Tama-nui-te-rā, and claimed that he should wear as few items of clothing as possible, as an act of religious observance. As a result, he was also tempted from time to time to remove all his clothing, which resulted in the consequent attendance of police officers.[3]
Another blogsite devoted to “Brother,” as he called himself, euologizes his contempt for authority, including his squatting with others of like state, at Wellington’s Cenotaph near Parliament Buildings.[4] On this blogsite one can read comments by, for the most part, admiring youths, aptly expressed in pidgin English, who were in such awe that they could only admire Saint Bernard from afar, as if a Christ-like figure too divine to be approachable, but an individual around which myths and legends can be spun:
- “When he i [sic] first saw blanket man he gave me a big as nod [sic] and he has a smile that makes you feel warm inside.”[5]
- From someone who wants to follow the way, the truth, and the life: “Inspiring Shit When i`m A Bigg Girll ii Wanna Bee Justt Like Him He`sz My idol.”[6]
- “mayn this dude is fucking awesome,, gu cunt. i always go to wellie and see him and he always smiles and nods (and mumbles haha) Hez a legend!”[7]
Such is the “evolution” of New Zealand “English” under several decades of liberal education, where grammar and spelling are not corrected by teachers lest the “creativity” of the child is ruined and s/he is left with a feeling of having failed.
However, Saint Bernard became an icon to more than just ill-educated youngsters. Many of the artistic, intellectual and scribbling classes see him as “a carefree spirit,” rather than an individual who became unbalanced after killing his best friend as the result of drunk driving and died through alcoholism. Marcelina Mastalerz in an interview with “Brother” relates her first impressions of his countenance:
He has become an iconic figure of Wellington’s Cuba Mall and Courtenay Place. Wrapped in a purple blanket, nearly naked, with his long dreads and carefree spirit, to many he is an annoying homeless man who simply won’t go away and who is destroying the beautiful, clean image of our city.[8]
At least this was my opinion of him when I first arrived to Wellington. I would see him, make a sour face and above all avoid eye contact as I quickly crossed the street. After all, his lifestyle and that of mine seemed to illustrate two contrasting worlds, which neither of us would ever understand.
But I started to wonder, who is this ever-present figure, who has no shame in living a lifestyle that society finds unacceptable and degenerating? Surely he must be either an alcoholic, drug addict, insane or all of the above, right?
No. “Brother,” what he likes to call himself, is neither an alcoholic[9] nor an unhappy man. He likes his lifestyle, and above all the freedom, which it gives him.[10]
Ms. Mastalerz was surely blinded by the Light, not to have perceived Saint Bernard as an alcoholic, if not a drug addict. What she saw was a Tolstoyan visage of a man who had succeeded in throwing off all the encumbrances of Civilization, and returned to the “state of Nature” that is heralded by effete intellectuals and bourgeoisie who could not last a day in such a state, but who envy those who seem “happy” to live in filth, rationalized as living an “alternative lifestyle,” or as Ms. Mastalerz and her type insist, living “carefree” and in “freedom.” It is what Lothrop Stoddard called “the lure of the primitive.”[11]
In the course of the interview Saint Bernard relates the gospel of the Underman quite articulately, and one readily sees why he is so irresistible to those who feel the burden of Civilization.
M: I saw the documentary Te Whanau o Aotearoa — Caretakers of the Land. In it you set to establish a “village of peace”– Aotearoa. How is that plan going?
B: It’s getting better. We established a political party “Te Whanau o Our Tea Roa.” There’s one million of us.[12] We live love, peace, harmony, equality at the top irrespective of age or gender.
M: If you had the power to do anything, what would you do?
B: I don’t want power. Power belongs to the people.[13]
Saint Bernard, beneath the filthy façade, worn like a halo, articulated the very ideology that is upheld by the multitude of purveyors of Western decline, from the denizens of the streets to Green Party Members of Parliament, the Secretary General of the United Nations Organization, or the President of the United States: “love, peace, harmony, equality at the top irrespective of age or gender,” the present-day catch cries of Western decay; the contemporary counterpart to “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.”
It is no wonder that Saint Bernard became such an admired figure: This is the Age of the Anti-Hero. In bygone days, our heroes were great soldiers and explorers. Today, a hero can be a filthy drunk who lived, cussed, smoked, and crapped on the city streets. A figure who would be one of a multitude in Calcutta; a figure who will perhaps one day also be one of a multitude in all the cities of a bygone Western Civilization: the Fellaheen.
Another scribe for Saint Bernard, Nyree Barrett, provided a class conflict analysis of “Brother”:
Hana pervades the experience of Wellington, whether we like it or not, he is one of the most visual men in the city and because of this he carries a certain amount of celebrity status. He is the protagonist of Abi King-Jones and Errol Wright’s documentary Te Whanau o Aotearoa, the subject of a Wikipedia site, the inspiration for photographic assignments and poetry (albeit bad poetry), and a “character” to be dressed up as. During the recent rugby sevens tournament I saw a group of young men wearing fake dreads and versions of Hana’s distinct purple blanket.
He is imitated, yet when he discusses his many political ideas through his movement Te Whanau o Aotearoa, they are deemed unimportant. This quasi-political party seeks a reclamation of Aotearoa, from its current state as a bureaucratic colony to an egalitarian and racially non-exclusive land. The alienation and inequality in New Zealand is, for Hana, only going to be solved through a complete upheaval of the current system. This sounds an impossibility in a society so entrenched in hierarchy and class. Despite this, Hana’s ideas do deserve to be heard without his homeless status stifling our reception of them.
If the homeless and mainstream society are ever going to be able to live in one space in harmony, as Hana suggests we do in his ambitious vision of Aotearoa, we must first question and change the mainstream perception of life on the streets.[14]
Here again, Saint Bernard is perceived as a great philosopher and political leader, rather than as a wretch who squatted in filth. He is the New Zealand liberal’s version of the most famous “blanket man” of all: Gandhi. He is extolled as the leader of a “political movement,” which seems never to have amounted to to more than a half-dozen other homeless pot smokers who squatted about him within the central business district.
The latest eulogy to Saint Bernard is a play which we are told will further “immortalize” him. “The Road That Wasn’t There,” to be performed at the world fringe festival at Edinburgh, Scotland, was “inspired” by Hana. Playwright Ralph McCubbin Howell, now resident in Britain, wanted to write something about New Zealand “while taking inspiration from folktales.” “Who better to draw on than a man who became a legend within his own lifetime?”[15]
The play is aimed at children, using puppets, and Hana has been made into a puppet of what is — presumably unintentionally — monstrous visage. Other tributes include a song created in 2012 in tribute to Hana, recorded and released by ZM Radio;[16] and a 2007 Victoria University presentation on Hana by sociology lecturer Mike Lloyd and Doctoral student Bronwyn McGovern.
When Hana died of alcohol poisoning in 2012, a makeshift shrine was created at Courtenay Place, where messages were written on the walls of the ANZ Bank building, and flowers, candles, food and other items were left in tribute. Cecilia Wade-Brown, the Green Party’s Mayor of Wellington, were among those who paid tribute to Hana.
The local Anarchists — a melange of pot-smoking street people and mentally aberrant, histrionic bourgeoisie — quite naturally proclaimed Hana as one of their own and produced a signed, limited edition run of prints depicting the frail, doddering “Brother” as a heroic, strident revolutionary. To the Anarchists, “Blanket Man led quite and [sic] extraordinary life and will be missed by many Wellingtonians and New Zealanders alike following his recent death.”[17]
Where once bards wrote of Knights they now write of Blanket Man. He is an archetype of civilization’s decay, and as such is instinctively embraced by those, whether journalists, lecturers, street kids, or artists, high and low, who feel that civilization is an imposition. I saw the future visage of the Fellaheen West, and it squatted in filth on the streets of Wellington.
1. L Stoddard, The Revolt Against Civilization: The Menace of the Underman (London: Chapman & Hall, 1922), republished 2012 by Wermod & Wermod.
2. “R.I.P. Blanket Man,” “About,” [2]
3. Ibid.
4. “Blanket Man,” [6]
5. Dr. Stevo, Ibid.
6. Nirvana, ibid.
7. Minta, ibid.
8. Wellington has long since stopped being “beautiful’ or “clean.” I have to question the aesthetic sensibilities of Ms. Mastalerz.
9. Apparently drinking methylated spirits is not to be regarded as a sign of alcoholism.
10. Marcelina Mastalerz, “A Different Way of Life: Interview with ‘Brother’ (a.k.a ‘Blanket Man’),” [6]
11. L. Stoddard, chapter IV.
12. Probably an exaggeration.
13. Marcelina Mastalerz.
14. Nyree Barrett, “Perceiving homelessness in Wellington,” [6]
15. Sophie Speer, “Myth of Blanket Man takes time trip at coveted Fringe,” The Dominion Post, Wellington, June 26, 2012, [7]
17. Wellington Craftivism Collective, [8]
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