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mercredi, 21 octobre 2015

"Canto XIII - Canto 13" by Ezra Pound (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

"Canto XIII - Canto 13" by Ezra Pound (read by Tom O'Bedlam)

Kung is Confucius who presents an ideal social order based on ethical principles "good is right" rather than on political realism "might is right". You notice that present day society - particularly in dealings between nations - works on the basis of political realism with only the pretence of ethical principles. The rich and the powerful have the best weapons. the best lawyers and can withstand deprivation the longest, so they manage to win. There's a good exposition of the kung-fu philiosophy of government here:

One of the sayings I like best - although it's really Taoism, but Kung could easily have said it too - "The wise man does everything while appearing to do nothing" We all take too much action. Often the best thing to do is nothing.

You can read more about Ezra Pound's cantos and radical ideas here:

Alès - Nimes, samedi 31 octobre : réunion avec Philippe Milliau

Alès - Nimes, samedi 31 octobre : réunion avec Philippe Milliau


mardi, 20 octobre 2015

AFFAIRE VOLKSWAGEN L'Europe est le dindon de la farce


L'Europe est le dindon de la farce

Michel Gay
Ex: http://metamag.fr 

Onze millions de voitures Volkswagen ont été équipées d'un logiciel informatique pour truquer les émissions de dioxyde d'azote.

Cependant, avant de renoncer aux Volkswagen diésels, ou de les modifier pour les mettre aux normes… américaines, il faudrait réfléchir aux conséquences environnementales et financières. Les ingénieurs automobiles allemands ne sont pas des incapables, malgré ce que laissent parfois entendre la curée médiatique. Haro sur le baudet Volkswagen ! Cela arrange tellement de concurrents… américains.

Toutes les voitures sont pilotées par des programmes informatiques qui fonctionnent en optimisant en permanence les paramètres d'émission. Ils sont indispensables pour trouver le bon compromis entre la consommation de carburant et les performances du véhicule. 

Ces logiciels appelés "defeat devices", ce qui signifie "systèmes de neutralisation" et non "logiciels tricheurs", sont autorisés et peuvent désactiver provisoirement le système antipollution pour un fonctionnement optimal du moteur. Le fameux logiciel installé sur les véhicules Volkswagen était certes programmé pour réduire la consommation de carburant en circulation normale mais aussi, hélas, pour réussir les tests antipollution au banc d'essai. 

Pour faire des moteurs efficaces, il faut augmenter le taux de combustion du carburant dans les cylindres. Les petits moteurs diesels les plus efficients relâchent donc moins d'hydrocarbures mal brûlés (fumée noire). Ils ont un meilleur couple (c'est-à-dire la force pour accélérer), consomment moins, émettent moins de dioxyde et de monoxyde de carbone (CO2 et CO), mais aussi plus de dioxyde d'azote (NO2). Ce sont les lois de la chimie.

Volkswagen sait fabriquer des petits moteurs diesels puissants produisant peu de CO2 et de CO. Mais ils produisent davantage de NO2 que les gros moteurs diesels, plus polluants par ailleurs. Pour se conformer aux normes américaines protectionnistes destinées à favoriser leurs propres gros moteurs diesels, la "tricherie" des ingénieurs de Volkswagen a consisté à programmer leur logiciel pour que le moteur fonctionne différemment pendant les tests et sur les routes. D'un point de vue environnemental, "ça tient la route"…

Cependant, l'affaire est grave parce que c'est malhonnête, même si ces normes américaines sont écologiquement "injustes". L'action Volkswagen a perdu un tiers de sa valeur, le président Martin Winterkorn a démissionné, et l'industrie allemande est salie par cette affaire.

Ce tour de passe-passe a permis la commercialisation aux Etats-Unis de 500 000 voitures qui dépassent les normes américaines d'émission de dioxyde d'azote par un facteur allant de cinq à trente-cinq, alors que ces mêmes véhicules sont dans les normes quand il s'agit de l'Europe. Les normes européennes seraient-elles laxistes ? Non. Ce sont les normes américaines qui sont impossibles à respecter pour les petits moteurs. Aucune autre marque que Volkswagen ne proposait de voitures diesels à quatre cylindres aux Etats-Unis. On sait maintenant comment Volkswagen réalisait ce "prodige". Ces normes américaines "absurdes" (sauf pour leur propre industrie) obligent les Américains à acheter des modèles diesels puissants et à forte consommation munis d'un dispositif "antidioxyde d'azote" ! Il n'y a en effet qu'à partir d'une certaine consommation de carburant qu'il devient rentable pour l'automobiliste de disposer d'un tel système. La différence de consommation (et donc de coût) doit être importante entre le diesel et l'essence, pour amortir l'investissement supplémentaire d'environ 1500 euros par voiture, ainsi que les coûts des recharges régulières. 

Ainsi, la technologie « AdBlue » injecte de l'urée dans les gaz d'échappement pour réduire les émissions de dioxyde d'azote,… mais pas ceux des autres gaz. Ce système est installé sur les camions, tracteurs, et sur les voitures diesels à grosses cylindrées. Le taux de conversion en azote et en eau est de 85 %, et même de 98 % sur certains moteurs .

Ces normes américaines n'ont pas été fixées pour protéger l'environnement, mais pour nuire à l'ascension du groupe européen Volkswagen aux États-Unis, qui est passé au rang de premier constructeur mondial en juillet 2015, et dont la spécialité est justement… les petits moteurs diesels.

Aujourd'hui, les autorités américaines se frottent les mains en parvenant à imposer à Volkswagen une amende record, qui peut monter jusqu'à 18 milliards de dollars. Et les Européens s'indignent à l'unissons du comportement de ce constructeur, sans réaliser qu'ils sont les dindons de la farce, car pour pouvoir respecter les normes américaines, il faudrait polluer davantage et… acheter américain !

La Turchia, il PKK e lo Stato Islamico

Il conflitto siriano e l’avanzata dello Stato Islamico premono ormai anche sulla Turchia di Erdoğan condizionando sempre più i suoi orientamenti geopolitici. Le posizioni turche sono dipese, e continuano a dipendere, da un’attenta valutazione delle proprie priorità strategiche dovendosi destreggiare tra due minacce altrettanto pericolose per i propri interessi vitali. Se con un occhio i centri decisionali turchi guardano infatti al terrorismo di matrice jihadista, con l’altro non possono ignorare la minaccia decennale proveniente dalle ambizioni curde. Il dilemma sembra dunque essere quello tra il combattere lo Stato Islamico, favorendo in questo modo la causa curda, o declassare la minaccia jihadista al secondo posto concentrandosi sulla trentennale lotta contro i curdi. Tale dubbio strategico sembra aver infettato i centri decisionali turchi almeno fino all’estate del 2015 quando il Partito per la Giustizia e lo Sviluppo (AKP) di Erdoğan ha dovuto affrontare anche una crisi interna legata alla perdita della maggioranza la quale ha necessariamente condizionato le scelte di politica estera.

La di per sé difficile gestione della tregua1 firmata nel 2013 tra Ankara e il PKK è stata progressivamente messa in crisi da due eventi fondamentali, uno esterno alla Turchia e l’altro relativo agli equilibri politici interni, i quali intersecandosi hanno reso sempre più difficili i rapporti tra Ankara e la minoranza curda fino a sfociare nei fatti di Suruc del 20 luglio.2

Il fattore esterno riguarda, come è logico intuire, la guerra in Siria. Proprio quest’ultima ha rafforzato il ruolo dell’Unità di protezione del popolo (YPG), braccio armato del Partito dell’Unione Democratica (PYD), partito indipendentista curdo vicino al PKK fondato nel 2003 nel nord della Siria. L’YPG ha sostanzialmente preso la guida delle operazioni di terra contro lo Stato Islamico in Siria, appoggiato da una coalizione internazionale refrattaria ad intervenire direttamente. Più la guerra in Siria prendeva forma e i curdi consolidavano le proprie posizioni, tanto più le tensioni tra Ankara e i curdi si esacerbavano. Da un lato, le accuse dei curdi nei confronti di Ankara si sono fatte più pesanti e pressanti, arrivando ad accusare i vertici turchi di aver fatto il doppio gioco appoggiando i jihadisti in funzione anticurda; dall’altro, quanto più l’YPG si presentava come il principale braccio armato di terra nella guerra contro lo Stato Islamico, tanto più la preoccupazione di Ankara diventava percepibile fino a raggiungere il suo punto massimo quando l’YPG ha proclamato la nascita dello Stato curdo vicino al confine meridionale della Turchia. Unendo i territori che da Kobane arrivano a Qamishli, il gruppo siriano curdo si è garantito una continuità territoriale la quale rappresenta, de facto, un primo tassello per la realizzazione del grande sogno trentennale curdo. Agli occhi di Ankara una simile entità politico-territoriale, situata per di più lungo i propri confini, non è tollerabile in quanto rappresenta chiaramente un pericoloso polo di attrazione per i curdi che vivono nella Penisola Anatolica.

La situazione così creatasi ha messo Ankara in una posizione scomoda costringendola ad una certa ambivalenza di intenti. Se, infatti, la Turchia non può di certo dichiarare esplicitamente guerra ai curdi, gli unici a farsi carico della lotta contro lo Stato Islamico sul terreno, è tuttavia altrettanto vero che la Turchia non può neanche impegnarsi in una guerra su larga scala contro lo Stato islamico poiché potrebbe essere l’unico vero freno alla costituzione di uno stato curdo al confine con la Turchia. In questo delicato scenario si inseriscono anche i rapporti tra la Turchia di Erdoğan e la coalizione internazionale anti-Stato Islamico capitanata dagli USA.

Fin dal 2014 gli USA hanno cercato l’appoggio della Turchia, considerandola il vero pivot militare nella strategia di indebolimento dello Stato Islamico. Pur di ottenere il sostegno turco e soprattutto le basi militari turche da cui attaccare le postazioni dello Stato Islamico, gli USA sembrano aver ceduto sulla possibilità che Ankara continui, senza troppe proteste da parte della comunità internazionale, la sua guerra su due fronti. La base militare di Incirlik sembra essere stata dunque barattata idealmente con una sorta di “chiudere gli occhi” in riferimento alla reale strategia di Ankara e materialmente con l’accettazione della richiesta turca di una No-fly zone nel nord della Siria. La No-Fly Zone, lunga 90 km e profonda circa 50, consentirebbe alla Turchia di raggiungere due principali obiettivi: da un lato ridurre la potenza militare di Assad, unico in campo a detenere una forza militare aerea, e dall’altro la zona cuscinetto così creata eviterebbe l’ulteriore avanzata dei miliziani curdi siriani dell’YPG volta a ricongiungere nuovi cantoni alla striscia di territorio già controllata. Sebbene celata dietro ragioni umanitarie legate soprattutto alla questione dei profughi siriani, la No-fly Zone permetterebbe, infine, alla Turchia di avere maggiore peso politico nel momento in cui si dovrà ricostruire la nuova Siria.

La delicata partita che si gioca tra i curdi e la Turchia di Erdoğan potrà, come è logico intuire, rafforzare, piuttosto che indebolire, le posizioni dello Stato Islamico. Quest’ultimo uscirebbe, in definitiva, come il grande vincitore nello scontro tra la Turchia e i curdi, traendo enormi vantaggi da un rinnovato clima di instabilità nelle regioni della Turchia a maggioranza curda. Lo Stato Islamico, infatti, direttamente minacciato sul terreno dall’YPG, vedrebbe in un simile scenario una dispersione delle forze nemiche curde su più fronti e soprattutto un rallentamento dei rifornimenti che giungono ai curdi siriani.

La Turchia non può attaccare lo Stato Islamico per non favorire il PKK, né dichiarare guerra ai Curdi che contengono l’espansione di ISIS. Ma il grande vincitore dello scontro tra Turchi e Curdi non potrà che essere lo Stato Islamico

Passando invece alle questioni interne, le elezioni parlamentari del 7 giugno e il risultato elettorale ottenuto dal HDP3 hanno significato per Erdoğan la fine, o perlomeno una battuta d’arresto non prevista, del suo sogno di modificare la costituzione così da trasformare la Turchia in un regime presidenzialista puro. Dopo aver sabotato la formazione di un governo di coalizione, il Presidente Erdoğan ha annunciato nuove elezioni anticipate per il prossimo primo novembre. Il presidente turco spera, dopo lo stop di giugno, di poter ottenere il massimo rendimento dalla delicata congiuntura, internazionale e nazionale, che si è venuta a creare.

In particolare, Erdoğan sembra voler sfruttare la difficile situazione esistente tra le varie anime del movimento indipendentista curdo al fine di poter recuperare i voti necessari per ottenere la maggioranza. Benché vi sia, infatti, una base comune tra l’HDP, il PKK e i gruppi curdi siriani, in realtà le tensioni tra tutte queste diverse fazioni non sono meno pericolose di quelle esistenti in generale tra i curdi e i turchi. Il PKK rischia di essere emarginato dai successi dell’YPG siriano ma anche di essere considerato un fattore meramente destabilizzante se paragonato al più pacifico HDP; la tenuta di quest’ultimo, reo, secondo i gruppi più estremisti, di aver mediato la tregua del 2013, è invece messa in pericolo dalla crescente instabilità nelle regioni a maggioranza curda a causa della ripresa della lotta da parte del PKK. In sostanza, la situazione creatasi pare fare il gioco di Erdoğan in quanto sembra potersi prospettare un possibile indebolimento dell’HDP e un conseguente recupero per l’AKP dei voti persi a giugno. Ma il partito di Erdoğan sta cercando di attingere voti anche da un altro bacino elettorale: il vero obiettivo degli F16 schierati contro lo Stato Islamico e le postazioni curde sembrerebbe essere in realtà, non tanto l’annientamento militare dei terroristi, quanto il recupero dei voti dei nazionalisti turchi persi dall’AKP a favore dell’MHP, il partito ultranazionalista turco. Occorre sottolineare a tal riguardo che in Turchia una forte maggioranza dell’opinione pubblica vede nel PKK una minaccia alla sicurezza superiore rispetto a quella proveniente dallo Stato Islamico.

La ripresa della lotta armata del PKK e gli F-16 schierati in Siria dovrebbero garantire a Erdoğan il recupero di voti nazionalisti e, con essi, della maggioranza parlamentare necessaria a modificare la Costituzione e introdurre in Turchia un sistema presidenziale puro.

La Turchia, insomma, è chiaramente schierata su due fronti: se da un lato attacca lo Stato Islamico, dall’altro non perde di vista la minaccia curda che si fa sempre più pressante. I curdi, infatti, difficilmente si lasceranno sfuggire l’occasione, oggi concreta più che mai, di realizzare il sogno di un Kurdistan unito e indipendente. L’impressione è dunque che Erdoğan stia sfruttando la situazione in Siria a proprio vantaggio in funzione anticurda sia all’esterno, contro la formazione di uno stato curdo unito, sia all’interno, contro lo straordinario risultato elettorale raggiunto dall’HDP. Gli effetti sull’intero contesto regionale di questo “secondo fronte” di guerra, sempre più caldo e carico di incognite a livello interno, non possono essere trascurati. Emblematico in questo senso il tragico attentato che ha avuto luogo ad Ankara il 10 ottobre 2015. La situazione regionale, già fortemente precaria e instabile, è ora esposta ad un ulteriore pericolo di escalation. È infatti evidente che nello scontro tra Turchia e PKK sia in gioco non soltanto l’evolversi di una guerra civile iniziata nel 1984 quanto piuttosto il futuro stesso della lotta contro lo Stato Islamico.


1È sicuramente innegabile che i limiti del cessate il fuoco del 2013 fossero già evidenti prima che la situazione siriana provocasse nuove tensioni. Una delle condizioni della tregua era che i miliziani del PKK abbandonassero la Turchia stabilendosi in Iraq; in cambio il governo turco avrebbe dovuto portare avanti alcune riforme costituzionali e provvedere ad una sorta di amnistia. L’esecuzione di questi passaggi è avvenuta lentamente e tra la sfiducia reciproca delle parti; di fatto non tutti i miliziani si sono ritirati dal territorio turco e l’amnistia non è mai stata promulgata così come non sono mai state portate avanti le riforme politiche richieste dai curdi. Inoltre, PKK e governo di Ankara, non hanno mai cessato di scambiarsi accuse reciproche di violazione degli accordi.
2 Il 20 luglio la città di Suruc, città al confine con la Siria a maggioranza curda, è stata scossa da un attacco suicida. L’attentato è stato apparentemente organizzato dallo Stato Islamico ma i curdi hanno accusato il governo turco di aver supportato i jihadisti. L’accusa è ormai sollevata dai curdi da mesi; l’attentato a Suruc non è stato altro, infatti, che la scintilla che ha dato il via formale a quel processo di accuse e recriminazioni reciproche tra il PKK e Ankara che fino all’estate del 2015 era spesso comparso soltanto fra le righe. I concitati eventi che ne sono seguiti, la risposta armata del PKK a Ceylanpinar e le successive contromosse turche, hanno definitivamente posto fine al cessate il fuoco provvisorio firmato da Ankara e dal PKK nel 2013.
3 Il PHD, il partito che si batte ormai da anni per l’uguaglianza dei diritti politici della minoranza curda, ha raggiunto il 13% nelle elezioni, superando quindi la soglia di sbarramento del 10% pensata proprio per evitare l’entrata in parlamento dei partiti filo-curdi.

La polyphonie du monde


La polyphonie du monde

par Jean-François Gautier

Ex: http://www.institut-iliade.com

Intervention de Jean-François Gautier, docteur en philosophie, musicologue et étiopathe, lors du 2e colloque de l’Institut Iliade, Paris, Maison de la Chimie, 25 avril 2015.

La musique savante européenne est d’essence polyphonique. Cela signifie qu’elle conjugue au cours d’une même durée – d’exposition, ou d’écoute – plusieurs états sensibles superposés. Elle est la seule, dans l’ensemble des traditions musicales de la planète, à être ainsi construite. Elle retrouve en cela l’esprit du polythéisme antique, ressaisi à partir du XIII° siècle, et secondé par la mise au net d’une écriture solfégique des sons très précise.

L’antiquité hellénique distinguait neuf muses, autant de manières d’inspirer ou de styliser la profération des textes selon la matière traitée. Clio, avant de devenir la muse de l’Histoire, était celle qui inspirait l’épopée, narrée selon un certain type de mélodie et un certain type de rythme ; Érato inspirait la poésie amoureuse ; Euterpe prônait un autre type de poésie, à danser celle-là, avec d’autres mélodies et d’autres rythmes ; le domaine de Calliope était celui du « bien dire » ; celui de Thalie, le pastoral ; etc. Mais en ces temps-là, il n’était pas question de polyphonie.

On trouve un peu partout sur la planète des formes d’expression à deux ou trois voix, que l’on pourrait qualifier de polyphonies naïves, mais que la musicologie préfère qualifier d’hétérophonies. Il y a des hétérophonies corses, ou sardes ; il en existe aussi en Islande, en Géorgie, et dans le fond celtique qui, avec les cornemuses, superpose une basse constante et des variations mélodiques dans les aigus. Dans tous les cas, il s’agit de voix parallèles, sans guère d’autonomie et, d’une séquence à l’autre de la musique, elles sont reprises à l’identique comme dans les cantiques ou les chansons à versets et refrains : les différentes voix superposées y reviennent inchangées, répétées à l’infini, selon la quantité de paroles à chanter.

La « révolution polyphonique », une création monastique

La polyphonie qui naît dans le chantier de Notre-Dame de Paris à la fin du XIIe siècle et au début du XIIIe siècle est d’essence toute différente. Elle suppose qu’ait été au préalable résolu un problème technique autour duquel tournent les pratiques monastiques depuis la fin du IXe siècle, et que l’on peut résumer ainsi : tout son est caractérisé par sa hauteur, sa durée, son timbre et son intensité ; mais comment écrire – c’est-à-dire comment transmettre – les deux premières caractéristiques, hauteur et durée, pour qu’elles puissent être reprises par d’autres que soi, à la seule lecture, autrement qu’en faisant travailler la mémoire ?

Deux chantres en activité dans Notre-Dame en construction, Léonin et Pérotin, résolvent progressivement ce double problème, en utilisant des lignes superposées (les futures portées) pour repérer des hauteurs de sons, et différentes formes de notes (les futures rondes, blanches, noires, croches, etc.) pour indiquer leurs durées. Ce faisant, ils libèrent la mémoire de l’apprentissage par cœur du répertoire ecclésiastique ; mais ils se donnent surtout les moyens d’écrire des chants à plusieurs voix étagées. La rénovation de la musique européenne est là, dans la capacité qu’elle acquiert de rédiger des architectures à plusieurs parties, exactement comme la peinture pouvait réaliser des scènes à plusieurs éléments, paysages, personnages, animaux, etc.

Il est à noter que ce souci d’écrire plusieurs voix superposées anime les musiciens au moment où, dans une civilisation encore marquée par des féodalités individualistes, jalouses de leurs indépendances, apparaît une idéologie politique qui va permettre d’unifier celles-ci. C’est le retour du vieux modèle trifonctionnel indo-européen, qui vise à faire coexister pacifiquement les fonctions sociales de ceux qui prient (oratores), qui se battent (bellatores) ou qui travaillent et produisent (laboratores). Un monde rénové apparaît, qui adopte la polyphonie comme sa manière propre de se réunir et de chanter.

De l’exercice spirituel à l’autonomie artistique

A partir de cette époque, deux types de musiques vont être pratiqués. Dans les monastères, ceux des réseaux de Cluny et de Cîteaux, la musique est celle de la cantillation grégorienne à une voix, ou à deux voix parallèles. Cette musique-là ne vise pas une émotion esthétique comprise pour elle-même. Il s’agit plutôt d’une forme d’exercice spirituel, de travail du souffle et de la voix, permettant de progresser, de note d’appui (arsis) en note de repos (thésis), vers la contemplation du mystère théologal (incarnation, ou rédemption) qui est la vérité non de la musique mais du texte chanté.

Dans le chantier de Notre-Dame de Paris, la musique à plusieurs voix devient quant à elle autonome par rapport au texte. Plus que servir une vérité préalable, le compositeur est surtout préoccupé par la compatibilité mélodique et rythmique des chants proférés ensemble, qui participent de la même architecture. Les polyphonies nouvelles s’accordent en effet à l’agencement du vaisseau basilical, avec des montées et des descentes de voix, parallèles ou non, articulées autour de notes-pivots équivalant à des clefs de voûte, tandis que d’autres voix dessinent des arcades, des transepts, des claires-voies et toute autre figure magnifiant la nef en construction tout autant que la communauté diverse réunie à l’office.

Les travaux de Pérotin et de Léonin forment la matière d’un Magnus Liber Organi (« Grand Livre de chants ») dont des copies circulent à partir de 1215-1220 dans tous les grands chantiers gothiques de France et de Flandres (Senlis, Laon, Soissons, Amiens, Mons, Louvain, Beauvais, etc.). L’école franco-flamande prospère ainsi, puis exporte ses techniques en Europe centrale et du Nord. Celles-ci présentent le double avantage de libérer la mémoire d’un apprentissage difficile, surtout dans les chants à plusieurs voix, et conséquemment d’étendre indéfiniment le répertoire, au moins auprès de ceux qui, d’une part, auront appris à écrire les notes, et d’autre part à les lire.

Des chantiers de Notre-Dame à l’opéra

L’école va ensuite essaimer vers l’Italie, restée à l’écart du mouvement gothique. Johannes Ciconia (v.1340-1411), un temps chanoine à Liège où il naquit, adapte les rigueurs de l’ars nova à la courbe mélodique italienne, tant à Padoue qu’à Florence ou à Venise. Son successeur Guillaume Dufay (v.1400-1474), né dans le Cambrésis, voyage lui aussi en Italie, attaché à la chapelle papale de Rome, puis à Florence et à Bologne avant de revenir à Cambrai. Il laisse une douzaine de Messes à trois ou quatre voix, dont une sur un thème de chanson profane, l’Homme armé, grand succès du XVe siècle, qui resservira dans toute l’Europe pour une quarantaine de Messes après la sienne, jusqu’au XVIIe siècle.


DufayBinchois.jpgJean de Vaerwere, dit Johannes Tinctoris, né en 1435 à Nivelles, dans le Brabant wallon, affine en 1477 le règles de l’écriture à plusieurs voix dans un remarquable traité de contrepoint, Liber de arte contrapuncti, suivi de trois autres traités tous publiés en Italie, qui vont servir de référence. Son successeur picard Josquin des Prés, qui mourra à Condé-sur-l’Escault en 1541, passera lui aussi par Milan, la Sixtine romaine et Ferrare. La délocalisation franco-flamande est totale. D’Andrea Gabrieli (Venise) à Palestrina (Rome) en passant par Ingenieri (Crémone) ou Monteverdi (Mantoue), tous les grands maîtres italiens sont formés par des Nordiques.

L’art polyphonique construit avec eux, et pour l’oreille, un espace de pluralités audibles ensemble, même si l’auditeur ne les perçoit pas les unes les autres comme distinctement différentes. L’apport de cet art nouveau est décisif dans l’esthétique continentale. En même temps que des érudits comme Pic de la Mirandole ou Marcile Ficin diffusent par des traductions et des adaptations les grands écrits de l’antiquité polythéiste, les musiciens s’apprennent à bâtir des partitions dans lesquelles, comme sur l’Olympe, les voix divergentes ne sont pas tenues pour contradictoires mais, au contraire, conjuguées avec plaisir.

Cet art des voix combinées se double en Italie d’un art instrumental autonome, qui acquiert une liberté que l’école franco-flamande n’avait pas connue. Bientôt, ce sont les maîtres italiens qui vont initier leurs confrères européens aux nouvelles formes instrumentales et vocales développées dans la péninsule. Notamment l’opéra, un nouvel art théâtral et chanté (Orfeo, 1607) qui va parler en italien deux siècles durant dans toute l’Europe, même sur les scènes londoniennes.

De l’extension de « l’art des pluriels » à la césure contemporaine

L’art des pluriels conjugués ne cesse de plaire. L’Orfeo de Monteverdi (1607) dit en même temps bios et thanatos, la vie et la mort. La cantate BWV 60 de Bach (1723) chante de concert les deux motifs opposés de la crainte (Fucht) et de l’espérance (Hoffnung). La Symphonie Fantastique (1830) de Berlioz dit dans le même mouvement un Dies Irae et une ronde de Sabbat de sorcières. Désir (Eros) et Discorde (Eris) dominent le Tristan (1865) de Wagner. Dans la Mer (1905), Debussy combine des rythmes de houles, de vagues, de crêtes et d’écumes qui semblaient incompatibles. Tout ce polythématisme musical porte vers les sens l’émotion jamais résolue de la même énigme antique, celle de l’essentialité des contraires. Quelque chose comme Dionysos et Apollon racontés ensemble, tant ils sont inséparables. Ou Clio, Euterpe, Érato et Calliope conversant en chœur, sans tomber dans la cacophonie.

Le XXe siècle, après Ravel et Poulenc, inaugure une césure brutale d’avec cette tradition. La technique dite « dodécaphonique » prônée par nombre d’écoles modernes vise la maîtrise dogmatique de l’écriture plus que l’art des sensations sollicitées chez l’auditeur. Comme pour les installations en peinture ou les performances en sculpture, ou pour la mise en fonction d’une machine à laver, il devient bientôt indispensable de disposer au concert d’un mode d’emploi des œuvres. D’où le recours des mélomanes à une muséographie insensée, qui réactualise sans fin les œuvres du passé faute de disposer d’une actualité continuatrice de la vocation historique et artistique de l’Europe musicale.

Jean-François Gautier

Divide and Conquer: The Globalist Pathway to New World Order Tyranny from an International Perspective


Divide and Conquer: The Globalist Pathway to New World Order Tyranny from an International Perspective


Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

The idiom “divide and conquer” is said to have originated with the Latin maxim “divide et impera” meaning divide and rule. Julius Caesar used it in reference to defeating the Gauls during the Gaelic War. While its first usage in the English language began circa 1600, through the centuries it’s carried a commonly understood meaning. The retention of power by utilizing a deliberate strategy of causing those in subordinate positions to engage in conflicts with each other that weaken and keep them from any unified effort to remove the status quo force from power. This policy of maintaining control over subordinates or potential opponents by encouraging or causing dissent between them, thereby preventing them from uniting in opposition to pose any serious threat to the existing power structure is a very familiar story throughout history. It’s an age old formula having multiple applications, most commonly used in the political arena but also in the military, sociological and economic realm as well.

Machiavelli formulated the divide and conquer strategy as an axiom in his Art of War where the enemy can be forced to break up their forces or where the mutual trust between the opponent’s leader and his men can be sabotaged and broken. Economically in the corporate world it’s used to gain advantage by triggering smaller competitors to take business away from each other and in effect canceling each other out, leaving the larger corporation to move in to reap greater profits, an indirect way the bigger fish eat the littler fish. Business models also use it to successfully tackle a large project by breaking it down into smaller, more manageable components. Sociological application of the divide and conquer strategy involves causing discord and conflict amongst racial/ethnic groups, or exploiting class, religious, age or gender differences to divide and diminish power of various groups according to these sociological classifications.

History is ripe with examples of its successful implementation. One illustration of its sociological application was during the 17th century when the Virginia elite quelled a rash of uprisings from ex-indentured servant white men unified with black slaves by enacting race laws that elevated the rabble status of poor whites so far above the slaves that it effectively eliminated the threat of their ever joining forces in armed rebellion again. This divide and conquer stratagem was frequently repeated by European colonial powers typically pitting competitive tribal, ethnic and religious factions against each other to ensure they would not conspire revolt against the ruling imperialists. In Asia the British took full advantage of Moslems versus Hindus in India as well as creating conflict between Indians and Pakistanis. In the African colonies of Rwanda and Burundi Germany and Belgium created conflict between the Tutsis and Hutus that’s continued right into the genocidal 1990’s. For centuries the Rothschilds made it a family tradition funding both sides in a long series of wars in Europe and America guaranteeing them as the sole benefactors of waging war over the long haul.

This constant thematic thread of divide and conquer permeates the twentieth century on an epic, never before seen scale. The globalist-internationalists intentionally instigated both World War I and II as well as every major rise and fall of the stock market. The German militarization that led directly to WWI, the Bolshevik Revolution that violently evolved into both the Soviet and eventual Chinese Communist regimes along with Hitler’s rise to power (compliments of the likes of globalist George H.W. Bush’s father Prescott) were all examples of how the ruling elite directly funds and willfully creates conflict amongst competing powers, thereby covertly consolidating and expanding their own power base. Their heinous crimes against humanity for their own selfish gain resulted in the two most destructive, bloodiest conflicts in human history. And as such, the global elite also played a sinister yet crucial role financing the three most murderous dictators in human history – Mao Tse-tung, Josef Stalin and Adolph Hitler. And with all that blood on their hands, their thirst for more blood soaked power and control only continues with their call for both hard and soft kill methods to cull the human population from its present 7.3 billion people down to just half a billion.

As an outgrowth of World War II, the globalists devised the diabolical scheme of carving up the world by political ideology, promoting a relatively permanent, ready-made solution. The so called free world’s chief nemesis would be the Communist enemy. Thus, the despot Josef Stalin was intentionally allowed to seize vast amounts of the European continent. And so Eastern Europe as the Communist Iron Curtain was deliberately sacrificed as the West’s concession to Soviet Empire expansion and the convenience of a readymade enemy and the Cold War was born.

Fervent anti-Communist and noted New York-Hollywood writer, director and producer Cecil Fagan in the late 1960’s recorded The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations:

The idea was that those who direct the overall conspiracy could use the differences in those two so-called ideologies [marxism/fascism/socialism/communism v. democracy/capitalism] to enable them [the Illuminati] to divide larger and larger portions of the human race into opposing camps so that they could be armed and then brainwashed into fighting and destroying each other.

Using these same divide and conquer tactics elsewhere in Asia, at the end of WWII the globalists using longtime Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member and future Secretary of State Dean Rusk [1961-1969] to arbitrarily split Korea at the 38th parallel (a nation and people that for centuries had always been unified) into two separate enemy camps. South Korea remained under US control complete with an installed bloodthirsty dictator puppet while very similar to a cockfight the Soviets were grooming their Communist tyrant to the North. The ensuing cold war set the stage for yet more violence with each side vying to wage war to win back reunification from the other. Instead, the three year conflict dragged on finally grinding to a bloody stalemated halt after killing over a million Koreans along with plenty of dead Chinese (well over 100,000 Chinese estimate to 400,000 US estimate) fighting with Communist North Korea and about 36,000 dead Americans fighting as a UN coalition force alongside South Korea.The internationalists discreetly gave away American technology and large sums of cash to the Russians while Senator Joe McCarthy domestically led his Red Scare inquisition. To ensure this Communist scare really got off the ground guaranteeing the rise of the military industrial complex and more unstoppable war, the Rockefellers and their fellow Western globalists also saw fit to secretly finance and back Mao’s power grab taking control over China’s mainland, conveniently splitting the Chinese people into Red Communists while covertly undermining yet publicly supporting Chiang Kai-shek’s island retreat to Formosa (later Taiwan).


And to this day the US maintains a strong military presence in South Korea despite sentiments voiced last year by South Korea indicating it desires reunification. But in this polarized geopolitical world compliments of the globalists’ re-installment of Cold War 2, NWO puppet Obama’s been busily militarizing East Asia in his feebly aggressive “pivotal” push toward military confrontation with the East. As a result, tensions are heating up with Beijing asserting its emerging leadership role in the region taken by the Washington neocons as a direct threat and challenge to Empire’s global hegemony.

Within a decade after the Korean War was over, the globalists were at it again replicating this same proven lethal formula fueling another cold war wedge in Asia, this time with the divided Vietnamese population. Again with the Communists in the North and another corrupt US supported puppet in the South, once the globalists got rid of Kennedy who’d vowed to return all US military advisors and thereby avoid war in Vietnam entirely, less than a year after JFK’s murder, co-conspirator Lyndon Johnson plunged the imperialistic Empire into its longest running war in US history under the pretense of yet another false flag lie in the Gulf of Tonkin in August 1964. Nine years later, three more million Southeast Asians lay dead along with 58,000 more Americans. But this time America suffered its first humiliating military defeat in its exhaustive warring history (at war 93% of the time).

But military defeat nor heavy loss of human life would ever phase psychopathic globalist-bankers always out to make their greedy killing feeding their imperialistic greed and Empire’s hegemonic control. After all, war profiteering in Asia had become an American pastime and big business for the globalists. At the turn of the twentieth century as the first Asian bloodbath ended, the Spanish American War witnessed the US military brutally slaughtering close to a million Filipinos (per Filipino historians). This level of violence was meant to send the chilling message to the Third World that nothing would stop US imperialism from having its way with lesser powered nations. By the way, the internationalist robber barons were behind the false flag excuse to start that war too. Media mogul Randolph Hearst knew yellow journalism – “Remember the Maine?” Fact: each and every war in the bloodiest century known to man was initiated by yet another premeditated globalist false flag event.

Unsurprisingly, pro-New World Order globalists’ true but largely hidden ideology has always leaned far closer to their supposed Communist totalitarian enemy than any real democracy. They’ve always been about killing off all competition for the sake of maintaining monopolized control of an anything but free market. They’ve used their secret fraternity to retain their global power into the fewest hands. And their lust for Third World exploitation, theft and violence is so insatiable that any foreign national leader who actually attempts to practice democratic principles directly benefiting and uplifting their native population is simply not tolerated and through the globalists’ secret private army the CIA that answers to no one in government, that leader is quickly assassinated and/or overthrown. Iran’s Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953 and Chile’s President Salvador Allende in 1973 are but two among many examples of international leaders who were violently cut short from continuing their noble work improving the economic lives of their people. Because they were loyal to their own citizens and nations and United States business interests were not given high enough priority, the CIA made sure they were eliminated from power.

Again straight out of organized crime’s playbook, the message to all nations on earth is either you play ball allowing the mighty US bully to come rape and pillage your country or your leader will suddenly be gone in a heartbeat. With near total impunity for more than 60 years the CIA’s been covertly deployed around the world engaging in state sponsored terrorism as the globalists’ mercenary death squad constantly violating every international law, UN Charter and Geneva Convention rule in order to subversively wreak havoc around the globe, again protected with complete impunity by US’ deep state exceptionalism.

Indeed there are very few regions on earth where US Empire has not actively supported or organized coup d’états or otherwise overthrown and/or assassinated foreign leaders and governments. One readily can see that the alphabetical shortlist that follows is actually very long:

Afghanistan, Albania, Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Cambodia, Chile, China, Colombia, Colorado, Congo, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Greece, Grenada, Guam, Guatemala, Haiti, Hawaii, Honduras, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Korea, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Macedonia, Mexico, Nicaragua, Oman, Pakistan, Panama, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, South Dakota, Sudan, Syria, Turkey, Uruguay, USSR, Ukraine, Venezuela, Vietnam, Virgin Islands, Yemen, Yugoslavia and Zaire

And the list above doesn’t even include assassinations committed by government insiders inside the US of such prominent American leaders as JFK, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King and RFK. With thousands of murderous hitmen posing as federal agents undoubtedly never serving even one day in prison for committing so much murder, mayhem and chaos over so many years on such a colossal global scale, it’s mind boggling to even fathom how their sins go unpunished. Speaking of getting away with murder, despite the CIA getting caught red-handed committing unlawful acts of torture (euphemistically called enhanced interrogation techniques) on a regular basis during the Bush-Cheney years, Obama refused to prosecute because he more than likely allowed it to continue on his watch. So says the imprisoned CIA officer turned whistleblower John Kiriakou who ended up doing serious time because he did the right thing courageously exposing the widespread inhumane practice while the perpetrators got away with their crimes. But then consistent with history, good deeds go punished and evil ones don’t.

Despite each US president paying lip service to both domestic and international law explicitly prohibiting political assassination, the exceptional Empire-crime syndicate’s track record proves that through the CIA the US government regularly engages in tampering with other nation’s sovereignty to the extent that coups de tats, murders, at least 50 attempted murders and 600 assassination plots of foreign leaders in the last 50 years are commonplace. The divide and conquer strategy is easily met by separating another sovereign nation from its deposed leader, thus conquering and subjugating both the people and the next US installed handpicked puppet. The two examples Shah of Iran and General Pinochet as selected past US puppets were both infamous tyrants and war criminals guilty of viciously killing thousands of their own people. But since birds of the same criminal ilk flock together, they gave the predatory US vultures everything they wanted and demanded.

While war criminal-globalist with the rock star status Henry Kissinger was being selected as Nobel Peace Prize winner, similar to Obama years later, Kissinger was busily orchestrating Allende’s death on Chile’s own 9/11. Bottom line reality, globalist-led US Empire neither encourages nor permits independence and prosperity to reign in any nation, especially ones endowed with a wealth of natural resources that must be milked, mined and stolen by the elite.

Active membership in the globalist dominated Council on Foreign Relations or any number of other globalist organizations like the Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, Yale’s Skull and Bones Society automatically places you at the head of the class as a prime mover and shaker of world events and developments. Since 1921 CFR globalists have remained a permanent, very visible fixture in Washington operating at the power pyramid pinnacle within all branches of the federal government, over-stacked especially in the executive and legislative branches. Over the last century most US presidents and nearly all heads of their State, Defense, Treasury and Justice Departments as well as the key Congressional powerbrokers have all been CFR plants pushing relentlessly toward their New World Order.

Famed American historian, John Kennedy’s award winning biographer, confidant and globalist Arthur Schlesinger Jr. in 1995 remarked in the CFR publication Foreign Affairs, “We are not going to achieve a New World Order without paying for it in blood as well as words and money.”

With a bloody full century behind them of blatant dividing, conquering and destroying other peoples and nations at will, at the start of this century the geopolitical stage was already set for globalists to step up their despicable low-bar standards by sinking even lower, committing unprecedented, unthinkable acts of evil. Since 9/11 they’ve been turning to their tried and true divide and conquer methodology at an accelerated clip paving the way to their endgame scenario – a New World Order complete with a one world government and a cashless, micro-chipped feudalistic society. At this late stage in their game, 2015 so far has been the year they’re smelling blood and closing in for the kill.

divide-and-conquer-avvvvv.jpgFor many years the US Empire has been employed to do the global elite’s dirty bidding. After using Osama bin Laden’s al Qaeda originally to defeat an overextended Soviet Empire in the world’s empire graveyard Afghanistan throughout the 1980’s, forcing the breakup of the Soviet Union nearly a quarter century ago, the US Empire then used its clout as the world’s only superpower to ensure that Russia and China would never challenge US hegemony and full spectrum dominance again. The globalists proceeded on an ambitious worldwide quest to increase dominance and control by embarking on an agenda to destabilize the entire world. Though the US has focused its most destructive power on the Middle East and North Africa, the sheer madness of destabilization has spread deeper into the sub-Saharan African continent as well.

Their favorite method of achieving this objective involves employing their divide and conquer strategy that’s embodied in the imperialistic operational term “balkanizing.” It most accurately describes the Modus Operandi by which the elite’s quest to global destabilization has been accomplished. But as Pebe Escobar aptly says, ”Empire of Chaos isn’t working out too well for them.” For all its destructive power to destroy other nations, the US appears to also be self-imploding. Of course that’s what empires do, just like the sun, they rise and they fall, and currently the sun’s fast setting on the American Empire.

This presentation aims to address the cold hard reality that it’s clearly no accident but purely by globalist design that as the US powers-that-be so zealously and willfully export their most dubious, most skilled commodity – bombing other nations around the world into oblivion – the global elite also desires to simultaneously bring down America as the most powerful country on earth. The modern roots to this tragic tale with such a seemingly sad ending for so many is conspicuously embedded in plain sight in the not so distant past.

Fresh off the cold war with the Soviet breakup, in the 1990’s globalist Bill Clinton used NATO’s dirty bombs to soften the resistance for Osama’s US mercenary band of al Qaeda terrorists that had been hired to move Afghan heroin from the Balkans into the West while killing demonized Serbs in Bosnia and Kosovo. The end result was the systematic destruction of the former Yugoslavia, balkanizing the country by breaking it up into a half dozen separate ineffectual pieces as failed nation-state puppets for US transnationals to divvy up their predatory claims with first dibs reserved for US military expansion. Thus, the US quickly installed yet more killer machine airfields and military bases (near a thousand dot the Empire occupied planet) as part of a strategy to seal off Russia’s borderland nations, quickly turning them into anti-Russian, pro-NATO vassal enclaves. Next came the proliferation of installing warhead missiles aimed directly at Moscow from such close doorstep vantage points as Poland and Romania with the strategic goal of stretching them into Central Asia. As suicidal insanity, currently the neocons are both prepping and pressing US-NATO for a preemptive nuke strike against Russia.

The location hub of Eastern Europe in Russia’s backyard has always served empires well for nearby military incursions into the Middle East and Central Asia. US military bases in Croatia, Romania and Bulgaria along with the strategic Eurasian gateway ally Turkey offered the necessary precursor launching pad for the neocons’ Project for the New American Century’s (PNAC) post-9/11 US invasion-occupation-destabilization-regime change-failed state endgame war agenda scenario across the Middle East and North Africa.

The major players in the international crime cabal government occupying Washington when not at their home away from home Tel Aviv, that infamous neocon Bush-Cheney gang holding so many dual US-Israeli citizenships as both the 9/11 and war-on-terror architects (in cahoots of course with Israeli Mossad and the Saudi royals) are clearly responsible for carrying out the bloodiest, most ambitious and diabolical false flag in history on 9/11. Their Project for the New American Century from a couple years earlier prior to 9/11 was the blueprinted plot laying bare their new century’s aggressive foreign policy-on-steroids. Under the false pretext of their war on terror, they’ve engaged in multiple regime changes (their plan called for seven in five years per General Wesley Clark) after executing their “new Pearl Harbor event,” they’ve consistently employed their divide and conquer strategy to destabilize, weaken and destroy targeted Muslim nations throughout the Middle East and North Africa. And those very same treasonous Washington neocons holding dual US-Israeli citizenship who pulled off the 9/11 coup are incredibly still driver-seated in power still plundering the globe today. But make no mistake, all along they’ve been receiving their marching orders directly from the globalists in charge, representing the 1% wealthiest people on earth that own more than the rest of us 7 plus billion combined!

divide-and-conquer-how-to-control-a-nation.jpgThe growing list of US victimized nations-turned-war-ravaged failed states include Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Central African Republic, Congo, Ukraine and a few others we likely still don’t know. By using oil rich, corrupt Muslim monarchy Gulf states as their co-conspiring vassals – namely Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Jordan along with Turkey, together creating the scourge of well-funded, well-trained, well-armed and well-supplied proxy mercenary terrorists ISIS, the US-Israeli-NATO alliance controlled by the globalists have – again by design – pitted Muslim nation against Muslim nation, Shiites against Sunnis, Western white Christians against Muslims worldwide. And that’s not even counting the thousands of Muslim family members who’ve lost relatives due to US war and drone strike transgressions over the last decade and a half that’s acting as an ideal recruiting station for Islamic extremism. Undoubtedly many vowing to avenge the death of their loved ones are now fighting against the US as ISIS jihadists. But then that feeds right into the globalist strategy to keep fresh angry recruits fighting their manufactured war of terror.

As if this tragic mess created in the Middle East and North Africa isn’t enough for the bloodthirsty globalists, in 2014 enter Hillary and Soros’ NGO-led coup in Ukraine and the globalists with one illicit stroke reignited Cold War 2 that currently has the Western world on the brink of triggering a possible nuclear war against the powerful Eastern alliance of Russia-China-Iran. By their shameless demonic design, the globalists’ deceitfully delivered war of terror with its $6 trillion price tag and counting has bankrupted the globalist-created Ponzi scheme of a house of cards economy, made our only planet the most armed and dangerous in recorded history, and is now rapidly pushing humans toward yet another world war and/or human-induced mass extinction that might well spell the end of all life on earth. With the stakes never higher, the lethal culmination of their divide and conquer strategy being fulfilled through this century’s escalating events and developments are unfolding upon us now at breakneck speed.

At the behest of Israel, the US seized the opportunity for more dividing and conquering by “balkanizing” the entire MENA region into weakened failed states for superpower’s global hegemony and further blood-for-oil plundering. Subsequently Iraq has been partitioned off by ethnic-sectarian divide reserved for more manageably designated Sunni, Shiite and Kurd states. Of course the destabilizing presence of ISIS invading Iraq in June 2014 seizing an undefended Mosul conveniently allowed the US excuse to reinstall its military posts back in Iraq, something the then quickly deposed Maliki had obstinately refused when US military departed Iraq in December 2011. But two weeks ago this Middle East quagmire by globalist design compliments of US Empire of Chaos just got jolted by Putin’s game-changing wakeup call at the UN.

Until Putin’s recent no nonsense interventions to start snuffing out ISIS in Syria where Obama for over a year was playing his pretend game to “hunt them down,” the determined US agenda for over four years had been to regime change Assad, destabilize and balkanize Syria a small nation into weaker factions so the oil-gas pipeline war against Russia could be won on the way to claiming the final grand prize in the region – taking down Iran as Israel’s and hence Empire’s foremost thorn in its side. Just months before the US-P5-Iran nuke agreement, the CFR’s Foreign Policy was still frothing at the mouth calling for an Iran regime change.

The same globalist/US design to destabilize through balkanization is either in process or been deployed in Libya, Yemen, Ukraine, Pakistan, Congo, Sudan, the South Caucasus,Myanmar, Thailand and other places where Black Ops go that we don’t know. But regardless of where, we do know America’s destabilizing agenda has everything to do with its transparently futile attempt to cut off, isolate and weaken renewed cold war adversaries Russia and China as well as nemesis Iran. With US Special Operations Forces secretly deployed in 135 nations around the world, terrorism-r-us comes in the form of a destabilizing meat cleaver gone global. After all, the US Empire of Chaos is carving up yet more of the geopolitics chessboard using divide and conquer tactics straight out of its favorite Machiavellian playbook “the art of war.”

divide-and-conquer-thats-how-they-work_std.original.jpgAnother alarming consequence of this NWO agenda that’s never been more glaringly obvious is the out of control refugee migration crisis presently spreading throughout Europe. Unfortunately by globalist design the failed foreign policy of Western governments spearheaded by the United States Empire has also led directly to this manufactured human crisis. The neocon plan to destroy the Middle East and North Africa through prolonged military occupation, continued air strike bombing and forever war spilling blood into its second decade along with the fabrication of the fake enemy ISIS has singlehandedly created the migration crisis in Europe.

But with Obama’s open door policy operating for nearly seven years now along the southern US-Mexican boundary line, last summer’s 50,000 kids from Central America converging at the border fueled the immigration crisis that was capturing all the headlines in America. A similar policy in the Western Hemisphere concocted a long fake war on drugs that’s been maintained by an illicitly covert US-Latin American crime cabal. Washington has been in partnership with the Latin American drug cartels, their criminal gangs and their national governments when not staging coups. Recall the numerous failed attempts in Venezuela and the one Obama and Hillary pulled off in 2009 when they overthrew another democratically elected leader in Honduras. Obama is simply following orders from the globalists to carry out a border policy that’s allowing millions of illegal aliens to enter the United States. The refugee migration crisis in both America and Europe is part of the globalist divide and conquer agenda, specifically designed to create racial tensions and conflicts between the native populations and the new arrivals. It also conveniently provides the perfect cover for yet more false flag terrorism in both the US and Europe.

Too many ignorant distressed Americans and Europeans latch onto the old blame the victim game, increasingly resenting and scapegoating darker-skinned outsiders as the mistaken cause of all their perceived problems such as lack of jobs they insist illegals are stealing and paying high taxes to support a welfare state the illegals are allege to be abusing. Obviously this globalist mixing of races and religions is causing mutual distrust, enflaming racial discrimination and open hostilities triggering massive protests and an alarming rise of racially motivated hate crimes across both North America and Europe.

A sizeable portion of the largely white Westerner holds the foreign migrant population in total contempt for forever literally changing the complexion and national and cultural identity of their homeland. Europeans are justified in their complaints citing wealthy Middle Eastern nations like Israel, Saudi Arabia and other oil rich Gulf states that have largely caused the crisis are adamantly refusing to take in any refugees. To take some of the political heat off, the Saudis just pledged Jordan that’s overrun with Syrian refugees $10 billion. As dire conditions unfold, many Europeans’ concerns are legitimate but as the crisis grows, so are people’s intolerance and anger. Yet too many out of ignorance and kneejerk reactivity may simply be giving the globalist culprits another free pass despite the elite’s premeditated agenda to spawn this ongoing deepening mess carrying  untold heavy long term consequences.

Last year globalist Peter Sutherland, former BP CEO, non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and active Bilderberger and Trilateral Commission member, speaking before the British House of Lords, candidly disclosed the globalist plan a full year ahead of today’s full blown crisis:  

The European Union should do its best to undermine the homogeneity of its member states, because the future prosperity of many EU states depends on them becoming multicultural, [adding]… migration is a crucial dynamic for economic growth in some EU nations however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states.

The ruling elite intentionally pursued a horribly violent, criminally inhumane policy that knowingly would create dire conditions in war ravaged nations that would ensure that hordes of fleeing, displaced outsiders flood into nearby nations and eventually begin spilling over into Western countries to specifically create the racial and religious divide using the deceptively benign excuse of “multiculturalism.” In turn, the elite can exploit a new source of cheap slave labor that results in bringing down wages across the boards for workers. The globalist agenda is all about raising profits at the expense of human beings, inducing conflict, crisis and civil unrest amongst different population groups that in turn only opens the door for increased government oppression. This self-feeding, circular dynamic of the Hegelian dialectic combined with the divide and conquer strategy simultaneously moves nations closer toward the ultimate globalist agenda of a one world government. Enter the final diabolical piece to this horror show, the so called “free trade” agreements TPP and TTIP that will totally undermine and completely destroy whatever national sovereignty is left and their sweet dream becomes our nightmare come true.

Only by becoming aware of the pervasive grip that globalists wield in promoting their emerging New World Order can we citizens of the world come together to make every effort to thwart the elite’s sinister design. A good start is crushing the trade agreements. The Trans-Pacific Partnership was recently agreed upon by the twelve trade ministers representing the nations involved. Within about four months it will reach US Congress for the all-important vote to ratify or not. Fortunately numerous organizations have long been admirably and actively opposing the trade agreements and will welcome all the help and support we can give them. Since they’ve been toiling away in the trenches and already accomplished some remarkable results, let’s learn from their experience and knowledge so that we can cohesively come together to produce optimal results. Citizens from their respective countries need to mobilize as activists and ensure their voice is heard by their governing representatives. Together we must and will stop these Trojan horse enemies dead in their tracks.

Regarding a strategy to best deal with the existing and coming migration crisis and its array of adjunctive issues, the same committed drive and collective resolve we take to generating constructive action to defeat the trade agreements, we must also bring to responding to this formidable humanitarian crisis as well. Attempting to resolve the complex, multi-tiered issues and challenges facing all citizens, we will need to work in close partnership together with an ever-cognizant awareness as much as we humanly can to transcend the negative, powerfully divisive forces intended to divide, weaken and even break us. We need to come together as open-minded problem solvers recognizing that what we face isn’t a refugee problem or an immigrant problem, nor an outsider vs. insider problem, nor a “him or me” problem. What we collectively face is a shared human problem not of our making that requires a meeting of open, overlapping minds and values. We’ll need to think creatively outside the box both practically and judiciously, as much as possible always with humanitarian understanding and compassion.

Finally, we will need to interface and work with those at all levels of our governing bodies, exercising patience and tolerance when encountering negativity, incompetent bureaucracy and the systemic dysfunction so pervasive in institutional settings. Finally, many of the individuals we encounter hold positions aligned with the elite diametrically opposed to working in our best interests. Again, approach the challenge of finding solutions to our human problems, knowing where there is a will, especially goodwill, it’s always possible there is also a way.

Les rentiers de la gloire, de Copeau


Les rentiers de la gloire, de Copeau

Francis Richard
Resp. Ressources humaines
Ex: http://www.lesobservateurs.ch

rentiers10100707420L.jpgLe titre du dernier livre de la collection des Insoumis, éditée par Les Belles Lettres, fait inévitablement penser, à une lettre près, au titre en français du célèbre film de Stanley Kubrick. Il donne déjà le ton de ce volume, celui d'un pamphlet assumé.

L'auteur, énarque et haut fonctionnaire, a pris pour pseudonyme le nom du héros du livre Un bonheur insoutenable, d'Ira Levin. Ce héros, Copeau, se rebelle contre le monde parfait dans lequel il est né et où un ordinateur contrôle tout.

Qui sont Les rentiers de la gloire? Les politiciens. Copeau les connaît bien pour les observer de l'intérieur du système depuis quinze ans. Au nom de quoi les politiciens interviennent-ils? De l'intérêt général. Le gros mot est lâché.

Qu'est-ce que l'intérêt général? Un prétexte "pour justifier leur action, ce qui leur permet d'attenter impunément à la liberté et à la propriété d'autrui". Car ce qu'ils appellent intérêt général, si on l'examine de près, n'est jamais "qu'un intérêt particulier, ou l'intérêt d'une portion de la population".

En réalité l'intérêt général n'existe pas. Et les politiciens n'ont en fait qu'un but, leur réélection. Et pour cela, que doivent-ils faire? Plaire à suffisamment d'électeurs pour atteindre ce but. Comment leur plaire? En leur faisant des promesses.

Les politiciens ne produisent donc rien d'autre que des biens collectifs "qui ne sont pourtant pas nécessairement demandés par toute la population, mais au moins par certaines catégories de citoyens".  Et en échange, ces citoyens-là, qui constituent leur clientèle, votent pour eux.

Les biens collectifs en question doivent séduire une majorité d'électeurs. Pour être persuasifs, les politiciens doivent être démagogues et leur faire croire qu'ils sont leurs bienfaiteurs avec... leur propre argent. Parce que les politiciens ne produisent pas de richesses, ils en confisquent aux uns pour les donner aux autres, et en gardent une partie pour eux.

Les politiciens pratiquent une seule vertu, qui n'en est pas une au sens ordinaire, la vertu politique. Car, pour faire fortune politique, il leur faut être habiles, rusés, roublards. Ils ne peuvent pas être honnêtes, puisqu'ils sont immanquablement amenés à faire des promesses intenables, c'est-à-dire à mentir, effrontément:

"Mentir, c'est souvent promettre n'importe quoi, n'importe comment et à n'importe qui. Mais c'est aussi parfois masquer les faits, les arranger, mentir par omission, pour ne pas dire manipuler les électeurs."

Les politiciens sont-ils moralement irréprochables?

- "La corruption fait partie intégrante de leur mode de fonctionnement courant." (voir, par exemple, Andreotti, Berlusconi etc.)

- "Le népotisme est chez eux une seconde nature." (voir, par exemple, Jean Sarkozy, Amin Khiari, Salomé Peillon etc.)

Les politiciens essaient de faire croire qu'ils savent mieux que les autres ce qui est bien pour eux: ils seraient infaillibles; ils seraient capables de changer non seulement le monde mais l'homme.

Les politiciens ont "un surmoi puissant", "un moi très développé". Ils sont valorisés par leur entourage pour ce qu'ils font. Résultat:

- Les politiciens sont volontiers caractériels, bornés, impatients;

- Ils croient tellement en leur bonne étoile qu'ils en deviennent arrogants;

- Ils se croient tout-puissants, au point de vouloir "disposer d'autrui corps et âme".

Pour compléter le tableau, Copeau ajoute que les politiciens sont évidemment dotés d'une grande intelligence. Ils ont été aux études et sortent tous des plus grands moules de la République, l'ENA, l'X et Normale Sup:

"Mais ceux qui méprisent l'homme, qui en font un moyen au service de leurs desseins plus ou moins avouables, ne seront jamais de grands hommes."

Copeau n'affirme rien gratuitement. A partir de faits et de traits observés chez les politiciens, parfois connus du grand public, il donne les exemples emblématiques et détaillés de cinq personnes qui exercent ce métier lucratif de politicien:

- Edouard, "qui a fait de la politique son métier, son privilège, et qui n'a, aussi loin que l'on puisse aller, jamais exercé de véritable métier, même dans l'administration";

- Olivier, un pur qui considère que "son devoir à lui, sa vocation même, consiste à contribuer à créer une société nouvelle pour un homme nouveau";

- André, un maire qui "est plutôt du genre à promettre tout et n'importe quoi, à n'importe qui";

- Loik, qui, pour trouver des financements, "n'hésite pas, parfois, à prendre des libertés avec les règles de la probité" et qui "pratique le clientélisme comme d'autres la peinture ou la sculpture";

- Cécile, qui, pour s'enrichir, se sert des armes du privilège - "un privilège suppose quelqu'un pour en jouir et quelqu'un pour le payer" - et du passe-droit - "elle adore la sirène deux-tons de son chauffeur".

Copeau conclut qu'il faut "se protéger de l'influence néfaste des élus":

"Nous ne cherchons pas de bons maîtres, ni à être de bons maîtres.

Nous ne voulons simplement pas d'esclaves."

Parmi les nombreuses citations qui émaillent ce pamphlet, toutes bienvenues (de Jules Verne, de Frédéric Bastiat, d'Ayn Rand, du Cardinal de Retz ou de George Bernard Shaw) il en est une qu'il me plaît de citer à mon tour:

"L'enfant croit au Père Noël. L'adulte non. L'adulte ne croit pas au Père Noël; il vote."

Pierre Desproges

Francis Richard, 16 octobre 2015

Publication commune Lesobservateurs.ch et Le blog de Francis Richard

Les rentiers de la gloire, Copeau, 92 pages, Les Belles Lettres

Xavier Raufer: Mondialisation criminelle, la menace occultée

Xavier Raufer: Mondialisation criminelle, la menace occultée

par webtele-libre

Xavier Raufer au Cercle Aristote pour échanger avec nous sur la mondialisation criminelle. http://cerclearistote.com/

XXe Table Ronde de Terre & Peuple

TP-EOlhkWUAAXK5t.jpg large.jpg

lundi, 19 octobre 2015

Wordt 'Wir schaffen das' opgevat als 'wir schaffen Deutschland ab'?

Verraten und verkauft.jpg

Wordt 'Wir schaffen das' opgevat als 'wir schaffen Deutschland ab'?

Dirk Rochtus
Doceert Internationale Politiek en Duitse Geschiedenis aan KU Leuven/Campus Antwerpen. Voorzitter Archief, Documentatie en Onderzoekscentrum voor het Vlaams-nationalisme.

Ex: http://www.knack.be

De vluchtelingencrisis splijt Duitsland en zijn regering, schrijft Dirk Rochtus. 'Partijleden vragen de 'onttroning' van Angela Merkel en roepen ze dat ze 'wir schaffen das' niet meer kunnen horen.'

Hoe honderdduizenden vluchtelingen uit door oorlog en ellende geteisterde gebieden opvangen? Hoe hen leren omgaan met de waarden van een pluralistische en open samenleving? Zo luiden de kernvragen waarmee de vluchtelingencrisis Europa opzadelt.

De eerste vraag is van praktische aard. Hoe slaagt de staat erin zo vele havelozen onderdak en levensmiddelen en eventueel werk te verschaffen?

De tweede vraag raakt aan de ideologische grondslagen van ons samenlevingsmodel.

Hoe slaagt de Europese Unie er als waardegemeenschap in mensen met een andere culturele achtergrond en met een andere levenskijk te integreren in haar lidstaten? Het discours van de politici in België draait vooral om de praktische noden die vervuld moeten worden. In Duitsland, dat sowieso het leeuwendeel van de vluchtelingen opvangt, gaat het daarenboven ook om het toekomstige gezicht van het eigen land.

De 'Willkommenskultur' van bondskanselier Angela Merkel roept de vraag op of en hoe de vluchtelingencrisis Duitsland - en bij uitbreiding Europa - zal veranderen. Het is dus een discussie die ook ons aangaat, maar hier in de openbaarheid van de politieke arena nog niet wordt gevoerd, behalve dan in de krochten van de sociale media.

Aardig land

angela_merkel.jpgDe controverse zet in Duitsland niet alleen links tegen rechts op, maar snijdt ook doorheen de christendemocratische familie die bestaat uit de CDU van bondskanselier Angela Merkel en haar Beierse zusterpartij CSU van Horst Seehofer.

De deelstaat Beieren kreunt onder de last van de 100.000 vluchtelingen die er alleen al in september aangekomen zijn en elke dag stromen er nog duizenden toe. De massale toestroom wakkert niet alleen de vraag aan over hoe de opvang vorm moet krijgen, maar ook over hoe de omgang van de vluchtelingen en asielzoekers met de waarden van hun nieuwe heimat er zal uitzien.

De Beierse minister-president Seehofer vreest voor een 'grandioses Scheitern' (grandioos falen) van Duitsland en Europa omdat er geen concept schuilgaat achter de aanpak van de vluchtelingencrisis. Bondskanselier Merkel zegt dan weer 'dann ist das nicht mein Land' als ze zich als Duitse zou moeten verontschuldigen omdat ze in noodsituaties 'een vriendelijk gezicht' toont.

De Duitsers hebben een traditie in het nadenken over hoe hun land er zou moeten uitzien. Na de val van het Derde Rijk beseften ze dat ze moesten gaan voor 'een Europees Duitsland in plaats van een Duits Europa.'

De schuldgevoelens omwille van de misdaden van de nationaalsocialisten maakten dat velen in de naoorlogse generaties zich schaamden over de eigen natie. Een weerklank ervan vinden we bijvoorbeeld in de banner 'links - nicht deutsch' van het socialistische dagblad Neues Deutschland. Vandaag de dag is Duitsland het machtigste land in Europa, maar zo wil het niet overkomen. De Duitse elites in politiek, economie en het intellectuele leven zijn als de dood voor het verwijt dat de Bondsrepubliek de Europese Unie (EU) zou domineren. Het deed hen dan ook deugd dat de wereld Duitsland plotseling een aardig land vond omdat Merkel genereus honderdduizenden vluchtelingen welkom heette.


Analisten vragen zich af wat Merkel bezield heeft om met de zin 'wir schaffen das' Duitsland te veranderen in een magneet voor talloze ontredderde mensen uit 'failed states' in het Midden-Oosten, Centraal-Azië en Afrika.

Gaat de vergelijking op met de DDR-functionaris Günter Schabowski die op 9 november 1989 tijdens een persconferentie over de inwerkingtreding van een nieuwe reisregeling voor DDR-burgers met de woorden 'sofort, unverzüglich' (dadelijk, onverwijld) de Muur deed vallen.

Waren Schabowski noch Merkel zich bewust van de gevolgen die hun woorden zouden hebben? Die van Schabowski leidden uiteindelijk tot het verdwijnen van de DDR. Zullen die van Merkel op hun beurt de verdwijning van Duitsland in de hand werken? Bij heel wat delen van de bevolking leeft de vrees dat 'wir schaffen das' opgevat moet worden als 'wir schaffen Deutschland ab'.

Horst Seehofer vormt de spreekbuis van die vrees en van dat ongenoegen. Zijn partij, de CSU, heeft zich in haar waardenpatroon altijd al wat conservatiever opgesteld dan de CDU. Als regionale partij mag de CSU dan wel op de eerste plaats de belangen van de 'Freistaat' Beieren behartigen, ze is als het erop aankomt ook verdediger van een Duitsland dat ingebed is in een christelijk geïnspireerd Europa.


De strijd van Seehofer tegen Merkels 'Willkommenskultur' wordt dan ook gevoerd tegen de door conservatieven gevreesde 'Nationsvergessenheit', het opgeven van de eigen natie en identiteit. Seehofer vindt daarbij ook gehoor bij politici en leden van fractiepartner CDU. Meer dan 126 CDU-mandatarissen ondertekenden een 'Brandbrief' aan Merkel waarin ze erop wezen dat 'de meerderheid van de vluchtelingen [stamt] uit landen waarvan de overheersende maatschappijbeelden duidelijk afwijken van onze Westerse waarden.'

Ze hebben het er in die brief ook over dat de mensen die hier in Europa aankomen nog zullen vertrouwd moeten gemaakt worden met de grote principes van de democratische rechtsstaat zoals vrijheid van mening, gelijkheid van man en vrouw en het vreedzaam naast elkaar bestaan van godsdiensten.

Partijleden vroegen de 'onttroning' van Merkel en riepen ze dat ze 'wir schaffen das' niet meer kunnen horen

Op een fractievergadering van CDU en CSU afgelopen dinsdag moest Merkel ook zware kritiek en tegenspraak doorstaan. CSU-politicus Hans-Peter Uhl zei zelfs dat de regering wel eens weggestemd zou kunnen worden. Hij moet recente enquêtes voor ogen hebben gehad die aantonen dat de CDU verliezen lijdt en de populariteit van Merkel daalt. Het moeilijkste moment in haar carrière maakte Merkel afgelopen week mee tijdens een debat voor 'de basis' in de Oost-Duitse deelstaat Saksen. In een woelige zaal eisten gewone partijleden de 'onttroning' van Merkel en riepen ze dat ze de zin 'wir schaffen das' niet meer kunnen horen.



Binnen de eigen regering stuiten de christendemocraten ook op kritiek van de SPD, hun sociaaldemocratische coalitiepartner, op de inrichting van transitzones aan de grens waar vluchtelingen zouden verblijven tot het duidelijk is of hun asielaanvraag wordt aanvaard.

Minister van Justitie Heiko Maas (SPD) noemde ze zelfs 'massakampen in niemandsland'. Is de positie van Merkel nu bedreigd zowel vanuit de CDU/CSU als vanuit de SPD? De kanselier doet wat een gehaaide politicus of politica in tijden van crisis moet doen: ze blijft rustig en standvastig. Er zijn ook geen politici te ontwaren die haar aan de top van de Duitse christendemocratie en aan het roer van het staatsschip zouden kunnen vervangen.

Norbert Lammert (CDU), de voorzitter van de Bondsdag, wil de 'twee Duitslanden' - dat van Merkel en van Seehofer - bijeenhouden. Uiteraard moeten de vluchtelingen zich aanpassen aan onze 'Leitkultur' als geheel van de waarden van een pluralistische maatschappij, zei hij, maar ook degenen onder de politici en burgers die zich bezorgder dan andere tonen over de crisis laten geen twijfel bestaan over 'hun loyaliteit aan de bondskanselier'.

Wit voetje

Ook al heeft de Bondsdag donderdag een strengere asielwet gestemd waarmee de regering de onrust in de bevolking hoopt te temperen en schreeuwt de oppositie moord en brand, toch heeft Merkel zelf een wit voetje bij de Groenen.

Konstantin von Notz (Grüne) betuigde Merkel zijn 'respect' voor haar houding in de vluchtelingencrisis. Dit opent bij komende Bondsdagverkiezingen vooruitzichten voor zwart-groen zoals het kleurenpalet van een coalitie van Duitse christendemocraten en Groenen heet en waarover in het verleden al werd gespeculeerd.

Of de CSU zoiets zal willen meedragen, is nog de vraag. In zo een coalitie zullen de Beierse christendemocraten misschien niet willen meegaan, laat staan of ze in zo een Duitsland willen leven.


L’exceptionnelle résistance suisse au cœur de l’Europe


L’exceptionnelle résistance suisse au cœur de l’Europe
Tous les moyens de pression sont bons pour tenter de sanctuariser ce dernier îlot de résistance au cœur de l’Europe.
Docteur en droit, journaliste et essayiste
Ex: http://www.bvoltaire.fr 

Ce 18 octobre se tiennent les élections fédérales en Suisse, à l’issue desquelles seront renouvelés les 200 sièges du Conseil national et, pour le premier tour de l’élection, les 45 des 46 sièges du Conseil des États. Le Conseil national, équivalent de l’Assemblée nationale française, représente la population suisse, les 26 cantons suisses étant, quant à eux, représentés par le Conseil des États, sorte de Bundesrat à l’allemande. Une votation importante pour les Suisses.

Notre inénarrable et parfois insupportable quotidien vespéral de référence, Le Monde, ne s’y est, ainsi, guère trompé qui, dans son édition du 16 octobre, vilipende avec la condescendance qui sied aux médiacrates endogames les « discours grandiloquents », les « idées simples », la « xénophobie assumée », le « marketing agressif » de Christoph Blocher, « le chef de file populiste » du premier parti de Suisse, l’Union démocratique du centre (UDC).

Il est vrai que lors des dernières élections fédérales de 2011, cette dernière y avait conservé 54 des 200 sièges du Conseil national (contre 62 aux élections de 2007) et 5 au Conseil des Etats. Pis : l’UDC, en la personne de Jürg Stahl (élu du canton de Zurich), y occupe la seconde vice-présidence au Conseil national. Même si moins d’un Suisse sur deux semble concerné par le scrutin, de ce côté-ci des Alpes, en revanche, notamment vers la rive gauche de la Seine, on fait mine de s’y intéresser par habitude pavlovienne de l’anathème.

Car les sondages prophétisent l’UDC gagnante avec près de 28 %, devant un Parti socialiste résilient à moins de 20 %, tandis que les libéraux du PLR et les catholiques du PDC se maintiendraient, l’enjeu étant, pour ces formations, d’occuper LE siège supplémentaire au sein du Conseil fédéral (instance exécutive de la Confédération), à l’occasion des élections du 9 décembre prochain. L’UDC paraît même en faire son principal cheval de bataille, au point qu’elle menace de sacrifier le Zurichois Ueli Maurer (ministre de la Défense et de la Protection des populations) et de se retirer sur l’Aventin d’une opposition inédite au sein de cette institution feutrée qui a coutume de réélire ses conseillers.

On le voit, tous les moyens de pression sont bons pour tenter de sanctuariser ce dernier îlot de résistance au cœur de l’Europe. Du bouleversement des institutions par un chantage politique au lancement d’un nouveau référendum contre la révision de la loi sur l’asile qui prévoirait, notamment, l’assistance gratuite d’avocats pour les immigrants ainsi que des pouvoirs d’expropriation accrus, au profit de la Confédération, en vue de la construction de centres d’asile dans les communes. Alors que le secrétariat d’État aux Migrations (SEM) s’attend à 29.000 demandes d’asile d’ici la fin de l’année, il y a urgence impérieuse à sauver les libertés helvètes, patrimoine immémorial au fondement de l’identité suisse.

Élu emblématique de la Confédération, sorte de Guillaume Tell moderne, le charismatique Oskar Freysinger notait fort justement que « la Suisse est l’épine dans le pied des mondialistes, le village d’irréductibles qui résistent, le dernier pays véritablement libre d’Europe » (Nouvelle revue d’histoire, n° 78, mai-juin 2015). Précieuse idiosyncrasie.

Turkey: Slow-Motion Crash


Turkey: Slow-Motion Crash

Turkey, once a pillar of Mideast stability, looks increasingly like a slow-motion truck crash.   What makes this crisis so tragic is that not very long ago Turkey was entering a new age of social harmony and economic development.

Today, both are up in smoke as this week’s bloody bombing in Ankara that killed 99 people showed.  America’s ham-handed policies in the Mideast have set the entire region ablaze from Syria to South Sudan and Libya.  Turkey sits right on top of the huge mess, licked by the flames of nationalist and political conflagrations and now beset by 2 million Syrian refugees.

As Saddam Hussein predicted, George W. Bush’s invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq opened the gates of hell.  Attempts by Washington to overthrow Syria’s Alawite regime – a natural US ally –  have destroyed large parts of that once lovely nation and produced the worst human disaster  since the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians in the late 1940’s and 1967.

Washington’s bull-in-a-China-shop behavior in the fragile Mideast came just as the Turkish government of Recep Erdogan had presided over a decade of stunning economic growth for Turkey,  pushed the intrusive armed forces back to their barracks, and achieved friendly relations with neighbors.  No Turkish leader in modern history had achieved so much.

Equally important,  the Erdogan government was on the verge of making a final accommodation with Turkey’s always restive Kurds – up to 20% of the population of 75 million – that would have recognized many new rights of the “people of the mountains.”

This was a huge achievement. I covered the bloody guerilla war on eastern Anatolia between Turkey’s police and armed forces, and tough Kurdish guerillas of the Marxist-Stalinist PKK movement.  By 1990, some 40,000 had died in the fighting that showed no hope of resolution.

Thanks to patient diplomacy and difficult concessions,  PM Erdogan’s Islamist –Lite AK Party managed to reach tentative peace accords with the PKK and its jailed leader, Abdullah Ocalan in spite of fierce resistance from Turkey’s generals, violent semi-fascist nationalist groups and equally dangerous leftist revolutionaries.

Peace with the Kurds went down the drain when the US intensified the war in Syria and began openly arming and financing Syria’s and Iraq’s Kurds.   Various Kurdish groups became involved in the Syria fighting against the Assad regime in Damascus and against the Islamic State – which had been created by Saudi Arabia and the CIA to attack Shia regimes.  Turkey struck back,  and the war with the Kurds resumed.  A decade of patient work kaput.

Turkey’s prime minister – and now president – Erdogan had led his nation since 2003 with hardly a misstep.   Then came two disastrous decisions.  First, Erdogan dared criticize Israel for its brutal treatment of Palestinians and killing of nine Turks on a naval rescue mission to Gaza.   America’s media, led by the pro-Israel Wall Street Journal, New York Times and Fox News have made Erdogan a prime target for savage criticism.

Second, for murky reasons, Erdogan developed a hatred for Syria’s leader, Bashar Assad, and allowed Turkey to serve as a  conduit and primary supply base for all sorts of anti-Assad rebels, most notably the so-called Islamic State.  Most Turks were opposed to getting involved in the Syrian quagmire.  Doing so unleashed the Kurdish genii  and alienated neighbor Russia.

Turkey’s blunder into the Syrian War has enraged the restive military, which has long sought to oust Erdogan and return the nation to Ataturkism, the far-right political creed of  Turkey’s anti-Muslim oligarchs, urban and academic elite.  Now, Turkey’s long repressed violent leftists are stirring trouble in the cities.  Fear is growing that Turkey might return to its pre-Erdogan days of bombings, street violence, and assassinations – all against a background of hyperinflation, soaring unemployment and hostile relations with its neighbors.

One hears rumbles of a Turkish conflict with Armenia over its conflict with Turkish ally, Azerbaijan.  Greece is nervous and moving closer to Israel. Oil and gas finds in the eastern Mediterranean are heightening tensions.

With the biggest and best armed forces in the region save Israel, Turkey may yet intervene in Syria – which used, before 1918, to be part of the Ottoman Empire.

The US often accuses Erdogan of wanting to be an Ottoman Sultan, yet is pushing him to use his army in Syria.

Crise des migrants. L'Allemagne visée par l'Amérique


Crise des migrants. L'Allemagne visée par l'Amérique

par Jean Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.europesolidaire.eu

Nous avons précédemment rappelé une devise affichée par l'Otan depuis de longues années: "Les Etats-Unis dans l'Otan, la Russie en dehors et l'Allemagne en dessous". Cette consigne rejoint celle répétée régulièrement par Georges Friedman et Zbigniew Brzezinski qui malgré ses 89 ans continue à prodiguer ses bons conseils concernant l'urgence à détruire la Russie. " L'Amérique doit s'appuyer sur l'Allemagne si celle-ci continue à servir ses intérêts. Mais elle la doit la détruire si elle recherche son indépendance, risquant ainsi de donner des cartes à la Russie".
Or les offensives américaines contre l'Allemagne, jugée trop indépendante, notamment dans la crise ukrainienne provoquée par l'Otan (Le format "Normandie "excluant un représentant des USA), semblent se préciser. Nous pourrions même dire qu'elles se précisent et vont sans doute augmenter à l'avenir. Un premier indice a été apporté par l'offensive américaine contre Volkswagen, dont les succès industriels menaçaient une Amérique desindustrialisée. Certes, la firme allemande a eu tort de tenter de dissimuler les taux d'émissions de ses moteurs diesel, mais s'il s'était agi d'une entreprise américaine polluante, aurait-elle subi la même offensive? Qu'attendent les associations américaines si attentives à la santé des citoyens américains pour s'interroger sur les taux d'émission de polluants divers par les centrales américaines à charbon? Ou sur le danger des OGM prodigués à tout va par Monsanto ?

Mais divers indices laissent penser que l'offensive américaine contre l'Allemagne a pris une forme bien plus grave: provoquer des flux de migrants que l'Allemagne, malgré toute la bonne volonté déployée par Angela Merkel, ne pourrait pas absorber. Même le patronat allemand, qui avait initialement accueilli avec faveur cette arrivée de main-d'oeuvre à bas prix, commence à émettre des mises en garde.

Ce n'est évidemment pas le gouvernement américain lui-même qui est intervenu pour encourager les migrations. Ce fut toute une série d'ONG apparemment financées par l'Amérique (la CIA?) qui firent le travail, non seulement dans les pays d'origine mais dans les pays d'accueil. Un article d'Alexandre Latsa donne d'intéressantes informations à cet égard. Certes Latsa écrit de Moscou mais il n'a jamais été accusé, autant que nous sachions, de désinformation. Le thème a été repris à mots plus couverts par un article plus récent du Spiegel. Nous donnons les références de ces deux articles ci-dessous.

Inutile de préciser que Washington, dans cette offensive pour déstabiliser l'Allemagne, et l'Europe par la même occasion, est très aidé par la Turquie d'Erdogan. Erdogan pourrait ainsi se venger de n'avoir pas été accueilli à bras ouvert par l'Union européenne, malgré les fortes pressions exercées à l'époque par l'Amérique sur l'Europe en ce sens.

* Alexandre Latsa.  Vague de migrants en Europe: vers la piste américaine?

*Le Spiegel Merkel under fire


Jean Paul Baquiast

Hervé Juvin : Le mur de l'Ouest n'est pas tombé

Hervé Juvin : Le mur de l'Ouest n'est pas tombé

par webtele-libre

Hervé Juvin en conférence au Cercle Aristote le 15 juin 2015 pour la sortie de son ouvrage : Le mur de l'Ouest n'est pas tombé.
Retrouvez-nous sur www.cerclearistote.com

Albion’s Hidden Numina - The Land of the Green Man


Albion’s Hidden Numina
The Land of the Green Man

Carolyne Larrington
The Land of the Green Man: A Journey Through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles
London: I. B. Tauris, 2015

Is Britain the most mystical of all countries? It certainly seems that way to me, but then I’m irreparably biased. Whilst every human culture has its own folklore, the magic seems more potent, more alive, when it’s our own. “The myth is not my own, I had it from my mother,” as Coomaraswamy (quoting Euripides) would have it. Carolyne Larrington’s new book, The Land of the Green Man, will appeal to anyone who, like me, has an unquenchable thirst for tales of the supernatural inhabitants of the isles of Albion.

Perhaps my only reservations about this book are its cover and title. Stumbling across it in a bookshop, the serious student of folklore might assume that it’s just another new age effort seeking to stitch together a few disparate tales into an overarching and unwarranted key to all mythologies. This would be a great shame as The Land of the Green Man is a fascinating discussion of a living tradition of folklore which is based on sound scholarship. As a scholar of Medieval Literature, Larrington is well placed to bring an academic perspective to these matters. In fact, I was previously aware of Caroline Larrington from her English translation of the Poetic Edda although I have always found that translation to be too academic for my tastes. It certainly doesn’t stand up to reading aloud as well as Henry Bellows’ old-fashioned but rhetorically fine-tuned translation. But it does demonstrate Larrington’s immersion in the sort of mythological matrix that often underlies folk traditions. Her ear for the rhythms and structures embedded in folklore is finely attuned and it lends an authoritative depth of understanding to her various interpretations of ballads, fairy tales, and local stories.

The book is divided into six chapters, each of which deals with a particular thematic concern: “The Land Over Time,” “Lust and Love,” “Death and Loss,” “Gain and Lack,” “The Beast and the Human,” and “Continuity and Change.” Often, books that attempt to compile together folkloric material will group it together by county or town, like Westwood and Simpson’s The Lore of the Land. Steve Roud’s The English Year structures the material according to its place in the calendar. Inevitably, I always end up consulting The Lore of the Land for the areas that I am familiar with and I always read The English Year during the first few days of January when I remember that I own it. By eschewing the gazateer/ritual year approach Larrington has written a book that benefits from a coherent narrative flow.


The approach throughout is to introduce a topic through a few relevant stories and then to tease out those aspects that are relevant to the chapter’s subject. Other examples of similar motifs are then brought to the discussion. So, in the chapter on “Lust and Love,” the ballads of “Thomas the Rhymer,” “Tam Lin,” and “The Elfin-Knight” are recounted and discussed and the threads discovered there are traced through Hayao Miyazaki’s animation, Spirited Away, Christina Rossetti, Harry Potter, and Susanna Clarke’s novel Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell.

Larrington’s interpretations of the inner meanings of folkloric material do tend to veer towards what we might call the materialistic. That is, she approaches each chapter looking for a sociological or ideological understanding of the material at hand (as the chapter titles indicate). But there are two things that prevent this from being a dull, reductionist reading of the folklore.

The first is that she has a terrific understanding of the inner meanings of folk tales. For instance, she discusses the multiple occasions when the elfish denizens of the Otherworld distort what people see by applying magical ointment to their eyes, or by other methods. Typically, this is to hide their true nature as Otherworldly creatures and to make them appear as human. Inevitably, at some point the magic stops working, and the elf is seen for what he really is. When Larrington then says that the restoration of correct vision is, “a proxy for a loss of innocence, a fall into knowledge and desire which has irreversible consequences,” this does not feel like a forced interpretation of the texts. Instead, it comes across as something that emerges naturally from multiple stories; it is not distorted or over-emphasized in order to support a pre-existing ideological position. The conclusions are allowed to arise from the material.

The second thing that elevates the book is Larrington’s consistent understanding that folklore is a living and evolving tradition, not simply a matter for archiving. This leads to some very interesting connections being made between the archaic material and contemporary culture. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Larrington discusses Alan Garner and Susan Cooper’s use of myth and folklore in their novels, and the work of J. R. R. Tolkien, but some of the other references are less expected. In the chapter on “Death and Loss,” she discusses not only the BBC’s Sherlock, but also Nick Drake and the glam rock band The Darkness. Lest it be thought that these references are casually thrown in to widen the appeal of the book, it is worth emphasizing that Larrington always relates them to specific folkloric material (the three examples above are all to do with black dogs: Baskerville, Black-Eyed Dog, and Black Shuck respectively).

This approach leads to some really lively discussions and throws up a few surprising notions. In a section on house-elves, Larrington discusses Dobby, the house-elf from J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books. In these books, the house-elves work as slaves, without any payment, just as traditional house-elves do. But in Harry Potter, Hermione decides that they need to be liberated. They are, “classic victims of false consciousness, as Marx might have put it” (p. 147). Hermione’s efforts are apparently unsuccessful because the house-elves have no desire to change their ways. “Hermione’s idealism is that of the liberal do-gooder. In failing to consult the house-elf constituency she alienates those whom she is trying to help: the classic dilemma of the intelligentsia trying to persuade the workers of what’s good for them . . . Dobby’s failure to engage his fellow elves in revolutionary struggle . . . hints at Rowling’s cynicism about the politics of the left” (p. 148). This is not the sort of thing I was expecting from Land of the Green Man, but it’s a wonderful analysis, and it gives a good sense of the work’s scope.

At the end of the book, Larrington discusses the history of the Green Man himself, pointing out that he has no real folkloric associations. But, she argues, this does not necessarily matter, because the twentieth century “creation” of the Green Man as an ancient vegetation god answers some of that century’s anxieties: “It’s hard to read the expression in his face; if he’s smiling it’s an enigmatic smile, hidden among the foliage. Neither kindly nor welcoming, his stare suggests a countryside that has become deeply alienated from the modern human” (p. 232). And it’s in this understanding that Land of the Green Man differs from many other books on folklore. Larrington is too much of a scholar to try to pretend that the Green Man is an authentically ancient symbol of the woodland but she is also too receptive to the power of living symbols to deny that he is, in some sense, “real.” Unlike most other writers on the subject, Larrington seems to understand that new gods can, and must, be born.

The Land of the Green Man is an essential read for anyone interested in the wyrd history of Albion. Carolyne Larrington does an admirable and convincing job of demonstrating that whilst this story has had a varied and strange past, it is continuing to progress towards a numinous future.

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/10/the-land-of-the-green-man/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/GreenMan.jpg

[2] The Land of the Green Man: A Journey Through the Supernatural Landscapes of the British Isles: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1780769911/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1780769911&linkCode=as2&tag=thesavdevarc-20&linkId=ODNF6ULM7TBG6VIH

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Jean-Yves Le Gallou à Lyon!
