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vendredi, 23 septembre 2011

10 ans après le 11 septembre

10 ans après le 11 septembre

Par Alain Soral


« Le 11 septembre 2001 n’a pas eu lieu » est assurément un ouvrage indispensable pour tous ceux qui ne peuvent se contenter de la « version officielle » présentée en boucle par les médias. Nous plaçons ci-après la préface de ce livre écrite par Alain Soral.

Qui sème le vent récolte la tempête.

Comme beaucoup de français qui se taisent : intellectuels dégoûtés, immigrés humiliés, je l’avoue, en voyant le spectacle du Word Trade Center, j’ai mouillé mon calfouette. Puis j’y ai vu la preuve, rassurante, de la survie du sens, de la morale et de l’humanité, malgré l’énorme travail accompli ici pour les exterminer.

Il n’y a pas d’effet sans cause, sauf pour ceux qui expliquent la légitime colère, née d’une légitime souffrance et d’un légitime désespoir, par la montée du nihilisme – sorte de cause sans cause pour éviter de se remettre en cause.

Cinq cent mille enfants morts sans toucher à Saddam Hussein, il faut bien croire que le projet US était le génocide pour affaiblir durablement l’Irak par sa démographie, et ce, quel que soit le régime de Bagdad.

Cinquante ans de persécutions et d’humiliations du peuple palestinien justifiés – ô abjection – par la persécution et l’humiliation du peuple juif, ailleurs, et par d’autres.

Il faut beaucoup d’orgueil blessé, et une certaine grandeur d’âme, pour qu’un milliardaire saoudien renonce à une vie de pacha pour la justice, dans l’inconfort et le péril. Il faut beaucoup de désespoir pour que des intellectuels, en toute conscience, choisissent leur propre mort pour exprimer à la face du monde leur refus de l’oppression.

Règle anthropologique de base ignorée de tous nos bourgeois voyeurs : pour comprendre la souffrance des autres, il faut la subir soi-même dans sa chair, pas juste la lire dans les journaux ; tel est le prix de la conscience.

C’était l’espoir du World Trade Center, que les américains comprennent enfin ce que c’est qu’en prendre plein la gueule, à Belgrade, à Bagdad, à Tripoli, dans les territoires occupés et ailleurs, afin que leur inconscience, leur violence, leur mépris, leur pitié même, se muent en commisération. Qu’en subissant au moins une fois ce qu’ils assènent aux autres avec tant de distance et de légèreté, ils comprennent – au sens d’avoir en soi – ce que vivent et ressentent leurs victimes, les pauvres et les non-alignés du monde entier : Irakiens, Serbes, Argentins…

Raté. Au lieu de ça Bush parle de croisade, de guerre du bien indiscutable contre le mal indiscutable, en plus au nom du Christ.

La réconciliation par le partage – de la souffrance, avant celui du travail et des richesses – n’est donc pas pour cette fois.

Il reste à espérer que la prochaine viendra vite et, pour qu’augmente sa puissance pédagogique, qu’elle frappera plus juste et plus fort…

Voilà ce que j’écrivais, à chaud, à l’automne 2001.

Après que toutes les télévisions du monde nous eurent offert le spectacle magnifique, grandiose, des deux avions se crashant dans le symbole de l’orgueil américain et de la finance occidentale ; l’hallucinant spectacle du double effondrement des deux tours, à tel point subjuguant qu’on ne se posa pas la question, sur le coup, sous le choc, de l’impossibilité physique, mécanique d’un tel effondrement. Sans parler de la disparition totale d’un avion de ligne percutant en rase-mottes une aile en travaux du Pentagone…

Pour nous, les avides de justice, les dissidents, les résistants du tertiaire et du Net – on a les guerres que l’époque veut bien nous offrir – après la succession des victoires néolibérales des années 80 et 90, Oussama Ben Laden devint en un jour, d’un seul coup de maître, notre nouvelle idole, le nouveau Sankara, le nouveau Castro, le nouveau Nasser se levant du Sud et de l’Orient pour châtier l’arrogant Occident.

Mais très vite, après le court moment de la jubilation, vint le temps de la réflexion, et avec le recul, celui de la recherche et de l’analyse : qui était vraiment Oussama Ben Laden ? Guerrier de l’islam ? Agent de la CIA ? L’autre puis l’un ? Les deux ? Et surtout « cui bono ? », question qu’il faut toujours se poser en politique : à qui profite le crime ?

Car le 11 septembre, immédiatement attribué par l’oligarchie américano-sioniste, via les médias complices et sans enquête, au « terrorisme islamiste », c’était aussi l’agression rêvée qui justifiait la nouvelle croisade, planifiée de longue date par les théoriciens néo-conservateurs : diabolisation des non-alignés en membres de « l’axe du mal », guerres préventives contre l’Afghanistan, l’Irak, demain l’Iran ? PATRIOT Act et autres redécoupages du Moyen-Orient…

Alors pour ne pas brûler trop vite celui qu’on adulait encore hier, nous nous efforçâmes de penser aux 5 de Cambridge : de comparer Oussama, le fils de riche saoudien en rupture de ban, à ces anglais de la gentry qui eux aussi, dégoûtés par une classe qu’ils connaissaient bien, avaient choisi de la trahir pour la combattre en rejoignant le camp de la révolution…

On tenta bien encore un temps de se persuader que ce membre du clan Ben Laden, financièrement lié aux Bush, cet ancien combattant pro-talibans, armé par la CIA du temps de la lutte contre les soviétiques, s’était bel et bien retourné avec colère contre ses anciens partenaires et mentors ; et que si son action d’éclat avait finalement nui à sa cause, il n’avait été qu’instrumentalisé, manipulé à l’insu de son plein gré !

Mais une raisonnable analyse des enjeux et des faits nous obligeait quand même à admettre qu’au-delà de la fascination produite par son morceau de bravoure, son combat, finalement contre-productif, n’avait rien à voir avec l’anti-impérialisme d’Etat iranien, l’union cohérente du politique et du religieux d’un Hassan Nasrallah…

Le coup de grâce qui acheva d’inverser totalement la lecture héroïque des attentats fut le passage – tout aussi historique – de Thierry Meyssan chez Thierry Ardisson pour y présenter son livre « L’Effroyable imposture ».

Une prestation calme, posée, argumentée, où toutes les contradictions de la version officielle étaient pointées du doigt pour mener à cette conclusion, implacable : il ne pouvait s’agir que d’une opération sous faux drapeau impliquant des complicités du pouvoir au plus haut niveau.

Une conclusion amenée après une démonstration si rigoureuse que personne sur le plateau n’eut seulement l’idée de la contester en poussant ces petits cris d’indignation devenus depuis obligatoires pour tout soumis au Système, tout lèche-cul médiatique qui tient à se faire bien voir, ou à ne pas se faire marginaliser !

Le livre de Meyssan ?

Un magnifique exemple de ce que pourrait devenir, de façon plus générale, le révisionnisme historique sans l’inique loi Gayssot ! Les collabos à l’Empire ne s’y trompent pas d’ailleurs, eux qui vont jusqu’à clamer, devant la déferlante de doutes quant à la version officielle, qu’oser la constester c’est comme remettre en cause l’existence des chambres à gaz. Ce qui est parfaitement exact !

L’écart entre le traitement officiel des attentats du 11/09 et ce qu’on peut lire désormais sur la toile, notamment grâce au travail de l’association « ReOpen911 », est aussi ce qui entraîna le discrédit définitif de l’information officielle et des médias de masse, que ce soit le journal de TF1, le journal Libération ou Le Monde, mais aussi les faux blogs non-alignés, financés par les mêmes, type Rue89…

Le soutien à la version officielle du 11/09 ? Le marqueur permettant d’identifier aussitôt le collabo du Système, de démasquer le faux opposant institutionnel à la Noam Chomsky…

C’est en effet grâce au traitement Internet des évènement du 11 septembre que de plus en plus de gens ordinaires, à la suite des initiés, prennent aujourd’hui conscience de l’existence d’autres opérations sous faux drapeaux ourdies, ou instrumentalisées par le pouvoir pour continuer à berner, à manipuler les populations occidentales au nom de la démocratie : assassinat de Kennedy, attentats de Bologne, d’Oklahoma City, de Madrid, de Londres et très récemment d’Oslo…

Car qui aujourd’hui croit encore à la version officielle du 11/09 ?

Aux Etats-Unis, moins d’un américain sur deux, et face à eux, pas que des marginaux : des architectes, des militaires, des pilotes de ligne regroupés en associations…

En France, même Jean-Marie Bigard, le comique pour beaufs, Mathieu Kassovitz , le Luc Besson du cinéma indépendant la contestent publiquement ! Si bien qu’on peut dire, dix ans après, que le débat sur 11 septembre va bien au-delà du 11 septembre et de la stricte question des attentats perpétrés ce jour là.

Le 11/09 c’est, face à la grossièreté de l’histoire officielle et à la brutalité de ses promoteurs – politiques et médias – la remise en cause, l’ébranlement de tout un système de domination fondé sur la diabolisation par le mensonge, et qui mène le monde depuis 1945.

Comprendre le 11 septembre ?

C’est accéder à la compréhension du monde…

Alain Soral

Le livre est disponible sur Kontrekulture.com : http://www.kontrekulture.com/achats...

samedi, 17 septembre 2011

9/11 Ten Years Later



9/11 Ten Years Later

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

I wish I had an arresting “what I was doing when the twin towers were hit” story. But the truth is that I had slept through the whole thing. The night before, I had stayed up into the wee hours reading Savitri Devi’s The Lightning and the Sun (I had just found a copy of the unabridged version). I first heard around 3 pm when an Aryan barbarian from Alabama (nobody you would have heard of) called me to ask me what I thought.

“About what?”

“Terrorists hijacked two jetliners and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers, then the towers collapsed.”

“Yeah, sure . . .” I said, as I flipped on the TV (I still had TV then) and saw the second tower collapsing in slow motion. My first thought, I am ashamed to say, was of the huge Miró tapestry I had once seen in one of the lobbies. Then, with horror, I realized I had been there. This could have happened to me! I thought of the terror of the people in the airplanes and the buildings. For the rest of the afternoon, I was glued to the TV.

That evening, I went to the regular Tuesday evening “hate dinner” in Atlanta. Instead of the usual eight or ten people, there were more than twenty. Quite frankly, there was a good deal of gallows humor and Schadenfreude around the table. One person quipped that at least this would get Chandra Levy off the news.

We had all pretty much concluded that the hijackers were Muslims who had targeted us because of the US government’s slavish subservience to Israel and our domestic Jewish community. There was also a consensus that 9/11 was a superb opportunity to awaken our people on the Jewish domination of American foreign policy and the Jewish question in general.

But the public was pretty much already there. Later in the week, Tom Brokaw reported that NBC and Reuters announced that two-thirds of Americans polled believed that we had been attacked because of America’s close ties with Israel. I wondered how (not if, just how) the establishment would spin this.

The answer was soon to come when the New York Times found a “face” to put on a position held by two-thirds of the American public. They went to West Virginia to the “compound” of “neo-Nazi” Dr. William Pierce, leader of the National Alliance, who was of the opinion that 9/11 took place because of Jewish domination of American foreign policy. The Times, in short, sought to marginalize a mainstream position by linking it to a marginal figure.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not blaming Dr. Pierce for anything, certainly not for representing the opinions of two-thirds of the American people. I blame the whole political mainstream for failing to represent us. Apparently every politician and political commentator knows that pandering to the Jewish minority is always more important than pandering to the American majority.

Still, 9/11 was the occasion for my first attempts at open white advocacy under my own name. And I know that I was not alone. I also know many people whose first racial awakening came from 9/11.

We all had high hopes. I was very encouraged when I learned of the arrest of Israeli spies who were filming the attack on the World Trade Center and celebrating. Clearly they had advance knowledge of the attacks and believed them to be “good for the Jews.” Then I heard that a large Israeli spy network had been arrested, including people who had been shadowing the 9/11 hijackers. There was also the story of a text message sent by Odigo, a text-messaging company in Israel, warning of the attack. Carl Cameron began piecing the Israel connection together for FOX.

But then Jewish power intervened. The spies were released and sent home. Cameron’s investigation was quashed and his stories pulled. And the United States went to war. First in Afghanistan, which was at least connected with Al Qaeda, then with Iraq, which was targeted because of Israeli interests, not American interests. It was child’s play, really, for the Jews to lie and manipulate Americans to spill their blood and treasure for the benefit of Israel. Organized Jewry had already brought the United States into World War I and World War II.

I think that the most reasonable account of 9/11 is the following.

Nineteen Muslims armed with box cutters hijacked four airplanes, crashing two of then into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. The fourth crashed in Pennsylvania for reasons unknown.

The government of Israel had been shadowing the hijackers and clearly had advance knowledge of the attacks. Reliable Israeli agents in the US government may also have had advance knowledge. But no attempt was made to warn the American government to stop the attacks. 9/11 was allowed to happen because the Jews needed a new Lusitania, a new Pearl Harbor, as a pretext to bring America into a new war, or wars, in the Middle East on Israel’s behalf. Iraq, Syria, and Iran were at the top of Israel’s hit list. So far, they have had to settle for Iraq. The war in Afghanistan, from a Jewish perspective, was a mere distraction, although it certainly eases the road to war with Iran.

The conclusion and practical implications could not be clearer: Israel is not our friend. American Jews, who if forced to choose between serving US interests or Israeli interests, would overwhelmingly choose Israel, are not our friends either. America’s Jewish community is the reason why US foreign policy is conducted for Israeli not American interests. If America is to prevent another 9/11, we must break the power of American Jewry over our political system. But that will not be possible without addressing Jewish power in the media, the economy, academia, and all realms of culture. Jews need to be excluded from all channels of power and influence in our society. And the only practical way to accomplish that is to expel them as a community from the US. And naturally we should send back our Muslims while we are at it.

On 9/12, some two-thirds of the American public already agreed with part of that message, and they certainly would have been willing to hear more. But White Nationalists did not have the money, the talent, the infrastructure, or the organizational maturity necessary to make our message competitive with the Jewish angle. Our people had the ears to hear, but we could not get our message out.

Ten years later, we are in essentially the same position. Yes, there are new webzines, new publishers, and new podcasts. But there have also been considerable losses. William Pierce died and the National Alliance is a shadow of its former self. National Vanguard has collapsed; its excellent webzine is gone; and Kevin Strom has been essentially silenced. American Renaissance has been pretty much driven out of the conference business. And so forth.

It has been worse than two steps forward, one step back, because that presupposes marching in one direction. The course of our movement, however, more resembles a jitterbug contest or a mosh pit. With a trajectory like that, it is impossible to calculate progress. But overall I am optimistic, because in my experience, the average age of people in our movement is far lower and the average quality is far higher than ten years ago.

As for the 9/11 “conspiracy” theories, I have three thoughts.

First, from a purely pragmatic point of view, the 9/11 account I have outlined above is far superior to any of the more complex theories, because it supports every practical consequence that we want, and it has the added advantages of being based on easily verified facts and being easy to explain.

Second, from a rational point of view, most of the conspiracy theories violate basic principles like Occam’s Razor, namely that the simplest explanation of a given fact is to be preferred. Generally people lead with their strongest arguments, but nothing I have seen makes me want to inquire more deeply. It is laughable, for instance, that people who claim that no planes hit the Pentagon or crashed in Pennsylvania don’t feel a need to explain what really did happen to the airplanes. And as for the claims that the twin towers were brought down by explosives, well doesn’t that seem like overkill? Sure, it looks spectacular on TV. But crashing jetliners into the buildings would have been sufficient to achieve any of the posited motives, from starting a war to totaling the buildings for insurance purposes.

Third, because 9/11 right on its surface is so damaging to Jewish power, and because the official American story (they attacked us because they hate our freedoms) is so absurd, and two out of three Americans knew it, I believe that the enemy felt the need to create a disinformation campaign that would taint even the most cautious and rational critiques of the “official story” with the stench of lunacy. Because the net effect of all the excited talk about disappearing airplanes, controlled demolitions, and false flags manufactured at the highest levels of the US government is that even reasonable alternatives to the official story are dismissed as just more internet conspiracy crankery. Well, maybe that’s what we are supposed to think. Maybe this is the real “false flag.”

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2011/09/911-ten-years-later/

vendredi, 16 septembre 2011

11 septembre : nouvelles révélations sur les réseaux Anglo-saoudiens

11 septembre : nouvelles révélations sur les réseaux Anglo-saoudiens

12 septembre 2011 (Nouvelle Solidarité) – Deux semaines avant les attentats du 11 septembre 2001, une riche famille saoudienne ayant été en contact avec Mohamed Atta et d’autres terroristes du 11 septembre, a soudainement quitté sa luxueuse villa près de Sarasota en Floride pour fuir le pays, selon un récit d’Anthony Summers et du journaliste Dan Christensen, publié dans le Miami Herald du 7 septembre 2011. Rappelons que l’administration Obama conserve toujours sous scellé le rapport officiel démontrant l’implication directe du Prince saoudien Bandar bin Sultan, un agent britannique au cœur de l’opération BAE, dans le financement de deux autres kamikazes.

Cette villa était la propriété du financier saoudien Esam Ghazzawi et était occupée par sa fille Anoud et son mari Abdulazzi al-Hiijii. Les autorités américaines ont facilement établi la relation avec les terroristes puisque de nombreux appels téléphoniques ont été échangés entre la résidence et Mohamed Atta, et les vidéos de sécurité de la résidence montrent également les allés et venus de véhicules appartenant à Atta et à un autre pirate de l’air, Ziad Jarrah.

Atta, Jarrah et Marwan al-Shehhi habitaient tous dans un périmètre de 15 km autour de la villa des Ghazzawi et prenaient des cours de pilotage à proximité, dans la ville de Venice. Les analyses des enregistrements téléphoniques montrent des contacts avec onze autres terroristes présumés, y compris Walid al-Shehhi, qui était avec Atta sur le premier vol qui a percuté le World Trade Center.

L’ancien sénateur américain Bob Graham, qui a co-présidé l’enquête bi-partisane du Congrès sur le 11 septembre, a affirmé au Miami Herald qu’on aurait dû lui parler de ces découvertes, affirmant que « cela ouvre la porte à une nouvelle série d’enquête sur l’amplitude du rôle saoudien dans les attentats du 11 septembre. » Graham a immédiatement dressé le parallèle entre cette non-communication par le FBI et le fait que l’agence fédérale américaine n’avait rien communiqué non plus sur le financement saoudien de deux kamikazes en Californie (c’est en effet les enquêteurs du Congrès qui refirent cette découverte).

Bien que la commission du Congrès ait accumulé un très volumineux dossier sur les activités des kamikazes aux Etats-Unis et l’ait communiqué à la Commission sur le 11 septembre, « ils s’en sont très peu servis » a dit Graham, « et leur référence à l’Arabie Saoudite est presque énigmatique parfois… Je n’ai jamais su pourquoi ils n’avaient pas creusé cette piste. » Graham a également cité la suppression de la section finale de 28 pages du rapport de son enquête dans la version finale publiée par la Commission spéciale. Ces 28 pages ont été classifiées sur ordre de la Présidence Bush et le secret est perpétué par Obama, malgré ses promesses de campagne.

Un autre article récent, intitulé « Preuve de la complicité britannique et pakistanaise sur le 11 septembre » par Behrouz Saba, qui se réfère également à Mohamed Atta en Floride, est paru dans Nation of Change et d’autres sites. Malgré les aspects très obsessifs de l’article, Saba écrit qu’un des événements clés qui se déroula sous le nez des officiels de Washington D.C. a été ignoré. En octobre 2001, ABC News , Fox et CNN faisaient toutes état d’un transfert de fonds de 100.000 dollars au début du mois d’août 2001, en provenance de Dubaï et au bénéfice de deux comptes en banques de Floride, détenus par Atta. Le 6 octobre, CNN identifiait l’homme qui avait envoyé l’argent comme étant le Cheikh Ahmed Omar Saeed.

Questionnée à ce propos, la Maison-Blanche fit en sorte d’empêcher que cette partie de l’histoire n’attire trop l’attention, en jouant avec différentes orthographes du nom du Cheikh. Mais l’ancien président du Pakistan Pervez Musharraf a identifié le Cheikh comme agent du MI6. Dans ses mémoires, Musharraf écrit : « Le Cheikh Omar est un britannique né à Londres le 23 décembre 1973 de parents pakistanais (…) Il est allé à la London School of Economics mais a quitté l’école avant d’obtenir son diplôme. Il semble (…) qu’il ait été recruté par le service de renseignement britannique MI-6. »

Saba affirme que l’administration Bush savait que le Cheikh avait été envoyé par le MI-6 au Pakistan pour coopérer avec ses homologues de l’ISI, mais « protéger l’alliance entre britanniques et le Pakistan avait plus d’importance que de dévoiler la vérité. »


vendredi, 12 août 2011

Schluss mit kunterbunt!


Schluß mit kunterbunt!

„Farbige legen Tottenham in Schutt und Asche“  – so oder ähnlich hätten die Schlagzeilen unserer Medien lauten müssen.  Stattdessen  verschwiegen sie politisch korrekt die Herkunft der überwiegenden Mehrheit der Gewalttäter. Ein Polizist sprach, am ersten Tag laut „Telegraph“, von einem 80%igen Anteil  Schwarzer, der Rest sei  hauptsächlich mit Osteuropäern und anderen Ethnien durchmischt, so derselbe.  Doch was bringt eine österreichische Zeitung auf der Titelseite? Einen europäisch aussehenden Chaoten, wahrscheinlich Trittbrettfahrer. Bewußte Irreführung!

Was sich in London und in der Folge in weiteren Städten Englands abspielte und weiter zu eskalieren droht ,  ist in erster Linie die Frucht  einer  verantwortungslosen Einwanderungspolitik  (113 Volksgruppen allein in South-Tottenham!) und, in der Folge, eines Kopf-in-den-Sand-Verhaltens  wie es auch in Frankreich, den Benelux-Staaten  oder  auch in deutschen Landen üblich geworden  ist.                                                                         

Es ist aber nicht zuletzt  auch ein Ergebnis  jener  von Linken und Liberalen gepflogenen und  von unpolitischen Spießbürgern mitgetragenen politischen Korrektheit, die  geistig und politisch alles einzuebnen und Unterschiede zu ignorieren versucht.  Eine Denk- und Verhaltensweise die  wider die Realität, nicht zuletzt auch wider die Naturgesetze  bestehen will, am Ende aber  nur gefährliche gesellschaftliche Spannungen erzeugt und im Multikultichaos  (South Tottenham: 190 Sprachen!) endet. Was nicht allen Inländern gefällt. In England nicht, bei uns nicht.

Um die empörten und frustrierten Bürger nun niederzuhalten wird – von Seiten der linksliberalen, meist rot-grünen Gutmenschen  und Heuchler in Staat und Gesellschaft – permanenter  Gesinnungsterror (Wer gegen Überfremdung und Multikulti  ist, wird zum „Nazi“ gestempelt) gegen die Mehrheitsbevölkerung ausgeübt.  Typisch für diese politisch Korrekten ist  ja auch,  wie im jüngsten  Anlaßfall , der Versuch, alle möglichen Ausreden und Entschuldigungen für die Gewalttaten der überwiegend Farbigen zu konstruieren, wobei  natürlich die soziale  Lage oder die familiäre Situation in den Vordergrund geschoben werden.                                                                                                     

Alleinseligmachende Milieutheorie, eh klar. Nur hält diese halt nur zum Teil, was sie verspricht, da entgegen dem Wunschdenken vieler, Rasse und Glaube bei solchen Unruhen sehr wohl  hintergründig eine Rolle spielen.  Armut kann deshalb sowenig  alleinige Rechtfertigung für solche Gewalttaten sein wie ein anderer kultureller Hintergrund.  Bekannt ist ja auch , daß bei einigen Zuwanderergruppen das Aggressionspotential  nicht zu übersehen  ist.

Über importierte Brutalität und Skrupellosigkeit wissen aber auch wir im gemütlicheren Mitteleuropa bereits Bescheid. Und, ob  Messerstecherei  vor einer Disco in Wien oder  brutale Attacken durch ausländische  Jugendliche in Villach,  meistens wird auch  hierzulande die Herkunft der Täter verschwiegen. Wenn einmal nicht, dann  eben  u. a. – wie in England oder Deutschland auch –  mit deren anderen kulturellen Tradition oder  sozialen Lage und ähnlichen von den Erst-Ursachen ablenkenden Argumenten  quasi  gerechtfertigt. Was  bestenfalls nur zur  zeitlichen Verlagerung des Problems beiträgt, nicht zu dessen Lösung.

Das englische Beispiel steht für eine Reihe weiterer, die allesamt das Scheitern einer  gefährlichen Illusion  oder auch schon politischen Strategie in allzu realistischer Weise  symbolisieren. Multikulti, das beliebige Spielchen mit Menschen,  ist gescheitert, meinte sogar eine nach Wählern schielende Frau Merkel.                                                                       

Es genügt jetzt aber nicht mehr, es nur  einzusehen, es gilt  jetzt zu handeln, ehe im Zuge auch einer sich verschlechternden wirtschaftlichen Lage halb Europa in Brand gesetzt wird.  Der Funke kann jederzeit auch auf Deutschland oder Österreich überspringen. An gewaltbereiten frustrierten Ausländern wird es da wie dort so wenig mangeln wie an einheimischen Chaoten-Hilfstruppen.

Angesichts der uns unter Umständen drohenden Gefahren sollte, wie bei  jeder Zweierbeziehung, auch bei  zerrüttetem von Mißtrauen und  Abneigung geprägtem Zusammenleben unterschiedlicher  Ethnien und Kulturen,  eine Scheidung möglich sein. Eine „Entkolonialisierung“ Europas und dessen Wiedereroberung wäre  eine nationalrevolutionäre europäische Aufgabe.

samedi, 06 août 2011

George Soros' International School of Youth Corruption

George Soros’ International School of Youth Corruption 

Marek Glogoczowski

Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/



soros.jpgGeorge Soros is a businessman-philanthropist, whose activities are known to professionals worldwide. In USA he operates the Institute of Open Society, in countries belonging to the former Soviet Block he operates a number of similar foundations, which in case of Poland holds the “royal” name of Bathory Foundation. These “philanthropist” institutions have – or had – a substantial influence on composition of consecutive post-communist governments in Eastern Europe, especially governments of big countries - in Poland, with George Soros Fund are linked three first “independent” Prime Ministers (Mazowiecki, Bielecki, Suchocka); in Russia to Soros’ “boys” belong such ardent reformers as PM Gajdar, Kirylenko and Niemcov. In his book “Underwriting Democracy” of 1993, George Soros claims to be – together with his associate, professor Jeffrey Sachs – a true Funding Father (or rather a Godfather) of all these “Protocols of Zion” styled reforms, which we had to suffer in Eastern Europe.

Today, with Soros Fund is linked in Poland the most influential journal “Gazeta Wyborcza” – which journal already in 1989 paved the way for the “Solidarity” electoral victory over PZPR, the declining at that time Polish Communist Party. In Slovakia with Soros’ Invisible Empire is linked the TV station “Markiza”, which helped to remove, during 1998 elections, the supposedly undemocratic Meciar’s government. Inside Serbia the Soros Fund operated in Kosovo, until 1999 NATO bombings, a Civil Center in Pristina, which fought for the national independence of the local Albanian majority, and in Belgrade it still operates the famous “Radio B-92”, which played a substantial role in anti-Milosevic’s student riots in 1996/7. (And than, in October 2000, it helped the “civilized” – i.e. bulldozer and Parliament fire assisted – destruction of the last socialist regime in Europe.) At present many of Soros Fund linked intellectuals are in key positions of institutions controlling economies and cultures of former East Block countries, and in Budapest this Foundation operates a whole International University of Central Europe. George Soros plays also an important role in USA foreign politics, already in 1980 he organized, together with his close associates, Secretaries of State Zbig Brzezinsky and Mad Albraight, a National Endowment for Democracy (NED) fund, which is a kind of joint venture of CIA and private business, greed oriented, activities.

The best summary of George Soros humanitarian activities in South-East Europe gave Gilles d’Aymery in an article “Mapping the Human Rights Crowd in the Balkans” published on July 23, 2001 in the Jugoinfo vitrine: "Behind the veil of legitimacy and humanitarian concerns can be found the same powerful people and organizations such as the Open Society Institute of the billionaire and - as always characterized - philanthropist, George Soros, the Ford Foundation, the United States Institute of Peace, the National Endowment for Democracy and many more, financing and using a maze of well known NGO’s such as Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, the International Crisis Group, etc., as well as more obscure entities ... But, among all of them, shining as the Southern star, is George Soros who, like an immense Jules Verne octopus, extends his tentacles all over Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe, the Caucasus as well as the republics of the former Soviet Union. With the help of these various groups (it is possible) not only to shape but to create the news, the agenda and public opinion to further aims which are, in short, the control of the world, its natural resources and the furtherance of the uniform ideal of a perfect world polity made in America.

Despite such richness of this philanthropist activities, the general public hardly knows his name. During our meeting at Ljublana, young, 20 – 25 years old, EU sceptics from several countries virtually ignored the name of Soros, my equal age, 59 years old Swiss German friend from Zurich wrote me that in his well informed country perhaps 2 percent of people knows about this billionaire. And in Poland surely no more than 10 percent of adult population knows who was the true author of widely despised “Balcerowicz’s reforms”. Despite this “educated” public ignorance, Soros’ “missionary” role is perceptible at the planetary scale: according to Schiller’s Institute data, the “man of Soros” in the European Commission is professor Romano Prodi, in Malaysia our philanthropist is officially searched for enormous financial frauds, and in Italy he is officially considered persona non grata for similar reasons. We can take for granted that these last facts are only summits of a whole “iceberg” of fraudulent affairs in which our billionaire-philanthropist-politician is – or was – engaged in.

The mystery of his success in world-wide speculation George Soros explained in a surprisingly honest statement, during an interview he gave to the Swiss weekly “L”hebdo” of May 1993. He said “I SPECULATE ON DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THE REALITY AND THE PUBLIC IMAGE OF THIS REALITY, UNTIL A CORRECTIONAL MECHANISM OCCURS, WHICH APPROACHES THESE TWO.” It is evident that a skillful speculator is not used to wait passively until such discrepancy occurs. To the contrary, with his “creativity of an investor” he purposefully enlarges the gap between the ‘real reality” and its public image. (To put this statement into a plain language, a good speculator, knowing principles of the stock exchange, is feeding the public with the fake information – or, in more polite words, with DISINFORMATION – in order to gather personal profits.)

The "liberal” idea of a purposeful construction of a fake image of the world – in order to get the political power – is also expressed in Soros’ book „Underwriting democracy” (in French version “Sauver la démocratie a l’Est”) published in 1993. He writes there for example: “In a normal state of affairs it is necessary that a movement (a political one, but also commercial, scientific and religious ones – M.G.) is pushed sufficiently far, before forces occur, which are able to correct the deformation (of image of reality) which was at its base.” Putting this statement once again into a plain language, it means that the more aggressively a person – or a group, a coterie or a Mafia – is able to lie-up the image of reality, the longer this group is expected to remain in power. (The same maintained Goebbels 70 years ago: the bigger the lie is, the better it holds.)

George Soros even explains in detail how the elaborated by him program of “Americanization” of Eastern Europe works. He informs in “Underwriting Democracy” that behind his philanthropic idea of creation of Open Society Foundations was ” the creation of an international web (...) at the heart of which will be the computerized base of (personal) data, which enable the Western Multinational Societies to find candidates, which they are searching for”. In short, all these Soros-Fundation educated and kept in computer memories young men and women are prepared to fulfill functions of so-called “influence agents”, which behave in a way similar to that of Japanese geishas. These Young Urban Professionals, thanks to their fluent knowledge of languages and multiple, delicate social contacts with bureaucracy in target countries, facilitate the implementation in their homelands not only of Western Multinationals, but also of Western sub-cultures and Western habits of consumption of appropriate, personality enriching, commercial goods.

For the first time I heard that Soros Fundation corrupts young people, from the mouth of Piotr Ikonowicz, about twenty years younger than me leader of the Polish Socialist Party. How does this corruption is organized in detail? In general it takes the form of an ordinary training very similar to the one practiced while teaching young dogs to bark at a “stranger”. In case of ‘education’ of “Soros youth” (SorosJugend) the “food” necessary for such training consists of all these computers, lavish scholarships, luxury cars and invitations for dinners and seminars in four stars hotels. In general this was/is sufficient to bribe not only the young but also adult “intellectuals” in a target country. An example of this gave few years ago the former finance minister of Poland, Grzegorz Kolodko, in a Warsaw satirical “Nie” weekly. He reported there the story how a “well known investor” (his name he dared not to disclose) was able to buy, only at the cost of few dozens of millions of dollars spent for Warsaw’s “elite”, the Polish Bank Handlowy having the value of 1,5 billion of dollars.

The specific task of all these Bathory Foundation trained ‘watchdogs’ of Open Society consist of “barking” (in tune with Their Master’s Voice), against all individuals which may endanger the Private Property of ‘feeding’ them Lord. Observing the behavior of journalists linked with this ‘watchdog’ formation, one finds easily that all their vigor and sense of humor is exploited for the task of continuous, monotonous defamation of national leaders, which have an authentic, popular support. (This was the case, for example, of Soros/NED sponsored Students in Market Theology “Otpor” movement in Serbia; the similar baiting of Lukashenko we witness today in Belorussia.)

Once competent people are removed from key posts of a target country, its pillage, by the gang of “Global Investors”, can proceed at full speed, thanks to utter cretins (like Walesa or Buzek in Poland), or opportunists (like Djindzic in Serbia), which get installed at commands of the state. It is evident that in order to obtain the public (i.e. media) consent for such ‘reforms’, all more observant and honest people have to disappear from the public life. Usually it is sufficient to associate them with despised (by “Soros’ Family”, of course) ‘communists, fascists, reactionaries and populists’; but in particular cases it becomes necessary to kidnap them to the Hague’s ICTY. (Or simply, to murder them by the ‘invisible death squads” – inside Serbia, after Milosevic was ousted from power, about 20 personalities were liquidated in this way.) The best, and at the same the shortest description of the general direction of all “reforms” we have in Eastern Europe was given to me, in May 1999, by an old professor of Slavic literature, Vladimir Bozkov from Skopie, Macedonia. At that time he witnessed nearly every day how B-52 bombers fly towards his former homeland. Impressed by this techno-spectacle he told me, during our meeting at Moscow, “Oni chotiat’ ubit’ vsiech umnych ljudi”: (THEY WANT TO KILL ALL THINKING PEOPLE). I think that this is the essential goal, which our beloved “Global Investors” are aiming at.

The very ethics of “misinformation as a tool of survival and conquest” belongs to the “aristocratic” pattern of behavior, which spontaneously developed among Stock Exchange players. It is already in 1813 brothers Johannes and Nathan Rotschild, by a skillful, gossiped at London’s & Paris Stock Exchanges, lie about the outcome of the Waterloo battle, were able to earn in one “scoop” 40 million francs, making out of their family the richest Banking Group in Europe. (By the way, according to Schiller’s Institute, George Soros is associated with this famous Rotschild Banking Group.)

Here I come to the point, which I want to stress in the conclusion. Already in the Antiquity the Greek philosopher Socrates argued that (in contradiction with the Biblical version of original sin) people are not evil by their nature, but they are becoming evildoers out of their ignorance. The Global Stock Exchange is by its very nature the place where the MISINFORMATION (or the production of ignorances) has become the principal source of personal enrichment of ‘Investors’. By an imitation of Stock Exchange ‘Super Stars’ like George Soros, every day more and more numerous ‘young wolves of interest’ are polluting the Planet with lies supposed to bring them their selfish, pecuniary happiness. It is precisely from Stock Exchanges radiates in all directions the Lie – and thus automatically also the Evil and Ugliness – which has become the ever more visible symbol of Our Civilization. (By the way, these B-52 bombers, which 2,5 years ago impressed so much professor Bozkov from Skopie, I can see at present over Tatra Mountains, during their return to Germany from antiterrorist missions in Afghanistan.)
Stock Exchanges and bourgeois Banks were permitted to operate only in 16 century Europe by our religious reformers, dreaming about ‘New Jerusalem’. We can trace thus the origin of these modern ‘Temples of Lie’, back to the Old Jerusalem’s Temple of Merchants two thousand years ago. At that time Jewish dissidents considered their Temple of Hypocrites as “brigands cavern”. Considering this last expression as an ‘approaching the reality’ description, we can take for sure that nothing will turn for a better in our Brave (observe the military stout of Americans!) World until we kick Global Investors out of our homelands.

[The slightly enlarged version of speech delivered by Marek Glogoczowski during the EU(RO)-skeptic Youth Camp held at Ljublana, Slovenia, Sept. 26-27, 2001. Published at several websites, for ex. www.icdsmireland.org/resources/background/2003/soros-corruption.htm , also at www.left.ru  ]


dimanche, 31 juillet 2011

The NewDark Age: The Frankfurt School and "Political Correctness"

The New Dark Age: The Frankfurt School and 'Political Correctness'

Michael Minnicino

Ex: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/

The people of North America and Western Europe now accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives which is almost without precedent in the history of Western civilization. Most of us have become so inured, that the death of millions from starvation and disease draws from us no more than a sigh, or a murmur of protest. Our own city streets, home to legions of the homeless, are ruled by Dope, Inc., the largest industry in the world, and on those streets Americans now murder each other at a rate not seen since the Dark Ages.

At the same time, a thousand smaller horrors are so commonplace as to go unnoticed. Our children spend as much time sitting in front of television sets as they do in school, watching with glee, scenes of torture and death which might have shocked an audience in the Roman Coliseum. Music is everywhere, almost unavoidable—but it does not uplift, nor even tranquilize—it claws at the ears, sometimes spitting out an obscenity. Our plastic arts are ugly, our architecture is ugly, our clothes are ugly. There have certainly been periods in history where mankind has lived through similar kinds of brutishness, but our time is crucially different. Our post-World War II era is the first in history in which these horrors are completely avoidable. Our time is the first to have the technology and resources to feed, house, educate, and humanely employ every person on earth, no matter what the growth of population. Yet, when shown the ideas and proven technologies that can solve the most horrendous problems, most people retreat into implacable passivity. We have become not only ugly, but impotent.

Nonetheless, there is no reason why our current moral-cultural situation had to lawfully or naturally turn out as it has; and there is no reason why this tyranny of ugliness should continue one instant longer.

Consider the situation just one hundred years ago, in the early 1890's. In music, Claude Debussy was completing his Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun, and Arnold Schönberg was beginning to experiment with atonalism; at the same time, Dvorak was working on his Ninth Symphony, while Brahms and Verdi still lived. Edvard Munch was showing The Scream, and Paul Gauguin his Self-Portrait with Halo, but in America, Thomas Eakins was still painting and teaching. Mechanists like Helmholtz and Mach held major university chairs of science, alongside the students of Riemann and Cantor. Pope Leo XIII's De Rerum Novarum was being promulgated, even as sections of the Socialist Second International were turning terrorist, and preparing for class war.

The optimistic belief that one could compose music like Beethoven, paint like Rembrandt, study the universe like Plato and Nicolaus of Cusa, and change world society without violence, was alive in the 1890's—admittedly, it was weak, and under siege, but it was hardly dead. Yet, within twenty short years, these Classical traditions of human civilization had been all but swept away, and the West had committed itself to a series of wars of inconceivable carnage.

What started about a hundred years ago, was what might be called a counter-Renaissance. The Renaissance of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was a religious celebration of the human soul and mankind's potential for growth. Beauty in art could not be conceived of as anything less than the expression of the most-advanced scientific principles, as demonstrated by the geometry upon which Leonardo's perspective and Brunelleschi's great Dome of Florence Cathedral are based. The finest minds of the day turned their thoughts to the heavens and the mighty waters, and mapped the solar system and the route to the New World, planning great projects to turn the course of rivers for the betterment of mankind. About a hundred years ago, it was as though a long checklist had been drawn up, with all of the wonderful achievements of the Renaissance itemized—each to be reversed. As part of this "New Age" movement, as it was then called, the concept of the human soul was undermined by the most vociferous intellectual campaign in history; art was forcibly separated from science, and science itself was made the object of deep suspicion. Art was made ugly because, it was said, life had become ugly.

The cultural shift away from the Renaissance ideas that built the modern world, was due to a kind of freemasonry of ugliness. In the beginning, it was a formal political conspiracy to popularize theories that were specifically designed to weaken the soul of Judeo-Christian civilization in such a way as to make people believe that creativity was not possible, that adherence to universal truth was evidence of authoritarianism, and that reason itself was suspect. This conspiracy was decisive in planning and developing, as means of social manipulation, the vast new sister industries of radio, television, film, recorded music, advertising, and public opinion polling. The pervasive psychological hold of the media was purposely fostered to create the passivity and pessimism which afflict our populations today. So successful was this conspiracy, that it has become embedded in our culture; it no longer needs to be a "conspiracy," for it has taken on a life of its own. Its successes are not debatable—you need only turn on the radio or television. Even the nomination of a Supreme Court Justice is deformed into an erotic soap opera, with the audience rooting from the sidelines for their favorite character.

Our universities, the cradle of our technological and intellectual future, have become overwhelmed by Comintern-style New Age "Political Correctness." With the collapse of the Soviet Union, our campuses now represent the largest concentration of Marxist dogma in the world. The irrational adolescent outbursts of the 1960's have become institutionalized into a "permanent revolution." Our professors glance over their shoulders, hoping the current mode will blow over before a student's denunciation obliterates a life's work; some audio-tape their lectures, fearing accusations of "insensitivity" by some enraged "Red Guard." Students at the University of Virginia recently petitioned successfully to drop the requirement to read Homer, Chaucer, and other DEMS ("Dead European Males") because such writings are considered ethnocentric, phallocentric, and generally inferior to the "more relevant" Third World, female, or homosexual authors.

This is not the academy of a republic; this is Hitler's Gestapo and Stalin's NKVD rooting out "deviationists," and banning books—the only thing missing is the public bonfire.

We will have to face the fact that the ugliness we see around us has been consciously fostered and organized in such a way, that a majority of the population is losing the cognitive ability to transmit to the next generation, the ideas and methods upon which our civilization was built. The loss of that ability is the primary indicator of a Dark Age. And, a new Dark Age is exactly what we are in. In such situations, the record of history is unequivocal: either we create a Renaissance—a rebirth of the fundamental principles upon which civilization originated—or, our civilization dies.

I. The Frankfurt School: Bolshevik Intelligentsia

The single, most important organizational component of this conspiracy was a Communist thinktank called the Institute for Social Research (I.S.R.), but popularly known as the Frankfurt School.

In the heady days immediately after the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, it was widely believed that proletarian revolution would momentarily sweep out of the Urals into Europe and, ultimately, North America. It did not; the only two attempts at workers' government in the West— in Munich and Budapest—lasted only months. The Communist International (Comintern) therefore began several operations to determine why this was so. One such was headed by Georg Lukacs, a Hungarian aristocrat, son of one of the Hapsburg Empire's leading bankers. Trained in Germany and already an important literary theorist, Lukacs became a Communist during World War I, writing as he joined the party, "Who will save us from Western civilization?" Lukacs was well-suited to the Comintern task: he had been one of the Commissars of Culture during the short-lived Hungarian Soviet in Budapest in 1919; in fact, modern historians link the shortness of the Budapest experiment to Lukacs' orders mandating sex education in the schools, easy access to contraception, and the loosening of divorce laws—all of which revulsed Hungary's Roman Catholic population.

Fleeing to the Soviet Union after the counter-revolution, Lukacs was secreted into Germany in 1922, where he chaired a meeting of Communist-oriented sociologists and intellectuals. This meeting founded the Institute for Social Research. Over the next decade, the Institute worked out what was to become the Comintern's most successful psychological warfare operation against the capitalist West.

Lukacs identified that any political movement capable of bringing Bolshevism to the West would have to be, in his words, "demonic"; it would have to "possess the religious power which is capable of filling the entire soul; a power that characterized primitive Christianity." However, Lukacs suggested, such a "messianic" political movement could only succeed when the individual believes that his or her actions are determined by "not a personal destiny, but the destiny of the community" in a world "that has been abandoned by God [emphasis added-MJM]." Bolshevism worked in Russia because that nation was dominated by a peculiar gnostic form of Christianty typified by the writings of Fyodor Dostoyevsky. "The model for the new man is Alyosha Karamazov," said Lukacs, referring to the Dostoyevsky character who willingly gave over his personal identity to a holy man, and thus ceased to be "unique, pure, and therefore abstract."

This abandonment of the soul's uniqueness also solves the problem of "the diabolic forces lurking in all violence" which must be unleashed in order to create a revolution. In this context, Lukacs cited the Grand Inquisitor section of Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov, noting that the Inquisitor who is interrogating Jesus, has resolved the issue of good and evil: once man has understood his alienation from God, then any act in the service of the "destiny of the community" is justified; such an act can be "neither crime nor madness.... For crime and madness are objectifications of transcendental homelessness."

According to an eyewitness, during meetings of the Hungarian Soviet leadership in 1919 to draw up lists for the firing squad, Lukacs would often quote the Grand Inquisitor: "And we who, for their happiness, have taken their sins upon ourselves, we stand before you and say, 'Judge us if you can and if you dare.' "

The Problem of Genesis

What differentiated the West from Russia, Lukacs identified, was a Judeo-Christian cultural matrix which emphasized exactly the uniqueness and sacredness of the individual which Lukacs abjured. At its core, the dominant Western ideology maintained that the individual, through the exercise of his or her reason, could discern the Divine Will in an unmediated relationship. What was worse, from Lukacs' standpoint: this reasonable relationship necessarily implied that the individual could and should change the physical universe in pursuit of the Good; that Man should have dominion over Nature, as stated in the Biblical injunction in Genesis. The problem was, that as long as the individual had the belief—or even the hope of the belief—that his or her divine spark of reason could solve the problems facing society, then that society would never reach the state of hopelessness and alienation which Lukacs recognized as the necessary prerequisite for socialist revolution.

The task of the Frankfurt School, then, was first, to undermine the Judeo-Christian legacy through an "abolition of culture" (Aufhebung der Kultur in Lukacs' German); and, second, to determine new cultural forms which would increase the alienation of the population, thus creating a "new barbarism." To this task, there gathered in and around the Frankfurt School an incredible assortment of not only Communists, but also non-party socialists, radical phenomenologists, Zionists, renegade Freudians, and at least a few members of a self-identified "cult of Astarte." The variegated membership reflected, to a certain extent, the sponsorship: although the Institute for Social Research started with Comintern support, over the next three decades its sources of funds included various German and American universities, the Rockefeller Foundation, Columbia Broadcasting System, the American Jewish Committee, several American intelligence services, the Office of the U.S. High Commissioner for Germany, the International Labour Organization, and the Hacker Institute, a posh psychiatric clinic in Beverly Hills.

Similarly, the Institute's political allegiances: although top personnel maintained what might be called a sentimental relationship to the Soviet Union (and there is evidence that some of them worked for Soviet intelligence into the 1960's), the Institute saw its goals as higher than that of Russian foreign policy. Stalin, who was horrified at the undisciplined, "cosmopolitan" operation set up by his predecessors, cut the Institute off in the late 1920's, forcing Lukacs into "self-criticism," and briefly jailing him as a German sympathizer during World War II.

Lukacs survived to briefly take up his old post as Minister of Culture during the anti-Stalinist Imre Nagy regime in Hungary. Of the other top Institute figures, the political perambulations of Herbert Marcuse are typical. He started as a Communist; became a protégé of philosopher Martin Heidegger even as the latter was joining the Nazi Party; coming to America, he worked for the World War II Office of Strategic Services (OSS), and later became the U.S. State Department's top analyst of Soviet policy during the height of the McCarthy period; in the 1960's, he turned again, to become the most important guru of the New Left; and he ended his days helping to found the environmentalist extremist Green Party in West Germany.

In all this seeming incoherence of shifting positions and contradictory funding, there is no ideological conflict. The invariant is the desire of all parties to answer Lukacs' original question: "Who will save us from Western civilization?"

Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin

Perhaps the most important, if least-known, of the Frankfurt School's successes was the shaping of the electronic media of radio and television into the powerful instruments of social control which they represent today. This grew out of the work originally done by two men who came to the Institute in the late 1920's, Theodor Adorno and Walter Benjamin.

After completing studies at the University of Frankfurt, Walter Benjamin planned to emigrate to Palestine in 1924 with his friend Gershom Scholem (who later became one of Israel's most famous philosophers, as well as Judaism's leading gnostic), but was prevented by a love affair with Asja Lacis, a Latvian actress and Comintern stringer. Lacis whisked him off to the Italian island of Capri, a cult center from the time of the Emperor Tiberius, then used as a Comintern training base; the heretofore apolitical Benjamin wrote Scholem from Capri, that he had found "an existential liberation and an intensive insight into the actuality of radical communism."

Lacis later took Benjamin to Moscow for further indoctrination, where he met playwright Bertolt Brecht, with whom he would begin a long collaboration; soon thereafter, while working on the first German translation of the drug-enthusiast French poet Baudelaire, Benjamin began serious experimentation with hallucinogens. In 1927, he was in Berlin as part of a group led by Adorno, studying the works of Lukacs; other members of the study group included Brecht and his composer-partner Kurt Weill; Hans Eisler, another composer who would later become a Hollywood film score composer and co-author with Adorno of the textbook Composition for the Film; the avant-garde photographer Imre Moholy-Nagy; and the conductor Otto Klemperer.

From 1928 to 1932, Adorno and Benjamin had an intensive collaboration, at the end of which they began publishing articles in the Institute's journal, the Zeitschrift fär Sozialforschung. Benjamin was kept on the margins of the Institute, largely due to Adorno, who would later appropriate much of his work. As Hitler came to power, the Institute's staff fled, but, whereas most were quickly spirited away to new deployments in the U.S. and England, there were no job offers for Benjamin, probably due to the animus of Adorno. He went to France, and, after the German invasion, fled to the Spanish border; expecting momentary arrest by the Gestapo, he despaired and died in a dingy hotel room of self-administered drug overdose.

Benjamin's work remained almost completely unknown until 1955, when Scholem and Adorno published an edition of his material in Germany. The full revival occurred in 1968, when Hannah Arendt, Heidegger's former mistress and a collaborator of the Institute in America, published a major article on Benjamin in the New Yorker magazine, followed in the same year by the first English translations of his work. Today, every university bookstore in the country boasts a full shelf devoted to translations of every scrap Benjamin wrote, plus exegesis, all with 1980's copyright dates.

Adorno was younger than Benjamin, and as aggressive as the older man was passive. Born Teodoro Wiesengrund-Adorno to a Corsican family, he was taught the piano at an early age by an aunt who lived with the family and had been the concert accompanist to the international opera star Adelina Patti. It was generally thought that Theodor would become a professional musician, and he studied with Bernard Sekles, Paul Hindemith's teacher. However, in 1918, while still a gymnasium student, Adorno met Siegfried Kracauer. Kracauer was part of a Kantian-Zionist salon which met at the house of Rabbi Nehemiah Nobel in Frankfurt; other members of the Nobel circle included philosopher Martin Buber, writer Franz Rosenzweig, and two students, Leo Lowenthal and Erich Fromm. Kracauer, Lowenthal, and Fromm would join the I.S.R. two decades later. Adorno engaged Kracauer to tutor him in the philosophy of Kant; Kracauer also introduced him to the writings of Lukacs and to Walter Benjamin, who was around the Nobel clique.

In 1924, Adorno moved to Vienna, to study with the atonalist composers Alban Berg and Arnold Schönberg, and became connected to the avant-garde and occult circle around the old Marxist Karl Kraus. Here, he not only met his future collaborator, Hans Eisler, but also came into contact with the theories of Freudian extremist Otto Gross. Gross, a long-time cocaine addict, had died in a Berlin gutter in 1920, while on his way to help the revolution in Budapest; he had developed the theory that mental health could only be achieved through the revival of the ancient cult of Astarte, which would sweep away monotheism and the "bourgeois family."

Saving Marxist Aesthetics

By 1928, Adorno and Benjamin had satisfied their intellectual wanderlust, and settled down at the I.S.R. in Germany to do some work. As subject, they chose an aspect of the problem posed by Lukacs: how to give aesthetics a firmly materialistic basis. It was a question of some importance, at the time. Official Soviet discussions of art and culture, with their wild gyrations into "socialist realism" and "proletkult," were idiotic, and only served to discredit Marxism's claim to philosophy among intellectuals. Karl Marx's own writings on the subject were sketchy and banal, at best.

In essence, Adorno and Benjamin's problem was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. At the beginning of the eighteenth century, Leibniz had once again obliterated the centuries-old gnostic dualism dividing mind and body, by demonstrating that matter does not think. A creative act in art or science apprehends the truth of the physical universe, but it is not determined by that physical universe. By self-consciously concentrating the past in the present to effect the future, the creative act, properly defined, is as immortal as the soul which envisions the act. This has fatal philosophical implications for Marxism, which rests entirely on the hypothesis that mental activity is determined by the social relations excreted by mankind's production of its physical existence.

Marx sidestepped the problem of Leibniz, as did Adorno and Benjamin, although the latter did it with a lot more panache. It is wrong, said Benjamin in his first articles on the subject, to start with the reasonable, hypothesizing mind as the basis of the development of civilization; this is an unfortunate legacy of Socrates. As an alternative, Benjamin posed an Aristotelian fable in interpretation of Genesis: Assume that Eden were given to Adam as the primordial physical state. The origin of science and philosophy does not lie in the investigation and mastery of nature, but in the naming of the objects of nature; in the primordial state, to name a thing was to say all there was to say about that thing. In support of this, Benjamin cynically recalled the opening lines of the Gospel according to St. John, carefully avoiding the philosophically-broader Greek, and preferring the Vulgate (so that, in the phrase "In the beginning was the Word," the connotations of the original Greek word logos—speech, reason, ratiocination, translated as "Word"—are replaced by the narrower meaning of the Latin word verbum). After the expulsion from Eden and God's requirement that Adam eat his bread earned by the sweat of his face (Benjamin's Marxist metaphor for the development of economies), and God's further curse of Babel on Nimrod (that is, the development of nation-states with distinct languages, which Benjamin and Marx viewed as a negative process away from the "primitive communism" of Eden), humanity became "estranged" from the physical world.

Thus, Benjamin continued, objects still give off an "aura" of their primordial form, but the truth is now hopelessly elusive. In fact, speech, written language, art, creativity itself—that by which we master physicality—merely furthers the estrangement by attempting, in Marxist jargon, to incorporate objects of nature into the social relations determined by the class structure dominant at that point in history. The creative artist or scientist, therefore, is a vessel, like Ion the rhapsode as he described himself to Socrates, or like a modern "chaos theory" advocate: the creative act springs out of the hodgepodge of culture as if by magic. The more that bourgeois man tries to convey what he intends about an object, the less truthful he becomes; or, in one of Benjamin's most oft-quoted statements, "Truth is the death of intention."

This philosophical sleight-of-hand allows one to do several destructive things. By making creativity historically-specific, you rob it of both immortality and morality. One cannot hypothesize universal truth, or natural law, for truth is completely relative to historical development. By discarding the idea of truth and error, you also may throw out the "obsolete" concept of good and evil; you are, in the words of Friedrich Nietzsche, "beyond good and evil." Benjamin is able, for instance, to defend what he calls the "Satanism" of the French Symbolists and their Surrealist successors, for at the core of this Satanism "one finds the cult of evil as a political device ... to disinfect and isolate against all moralizing dilettantism" of the bourgeoisie. To condemn the Satanism of Rimbaud as evil, is as incorrect as to extol a Beethoven quartet or a Schiller poem as good; for both judgments are blind to the historical forces working unconsciously on the artist.

Thus, we are told, the late Beethoven's chord structure was striving to be atonal, but Beethoven could not bring himself consciously to break with the structured world of Congress of Vienna Europe (Adorno's thesis); similarly, Schiller really wanted to state that creativity was the liberation of the erotic, but as a true child of the Enlightenment and Immanuel Kant, he could not make the requisite renunciation of reason (Marcuse's thesis). Epistemology becomes a poor relation of public opinion, since the artist does not consciously create works in order to uplift society, but instead unconsciously transmits the ideological assumptions of the culture into which he was born. The issue is no longer what is universally true, but what can be plausibly interpreted by the self-appointed guardians of the Zeitgeist.

"The Bad New Days"

Thus, for the Frankfort School, the goal of a cultural elite in the modern, "capitalist" era must be to strip away the belief that art derives from the self-conscious emulation of God the Creator; "religious illumination," says Benjamin, must be shown to "reside in a profane illumination, a materialistic, anthropological inspiration, to which hashish, opium, or whatever else can give an introductory lesson." At the same time, new cultural forms must be found to increase the alienation of the population, in order for it to understand how truly alienated it is to live without socialism. "Do not build on the good old days, but on the bad new ones," said Benjamin.

The proper direction in painting, therefore, is that taken by the late Van Gogh, who began to paint objects in disintegration, with the equivalent of a hashish-smoker's eye that "loosens and entices things out of their familiar world." In music, "it is not suggested that one can compose better today" than Mozart or Beethoven, said Adorno, but one must compose atonally, for atonalism is sick, and "the sickness, dialectically, is at the same time the cure....The extraordinarily violent reaction protest which such music confronts in the present society ... appears nonetheless to suggest that the dialectical function of this music can already be felt ... negatively, as 'destruction.' "

The purpose of modern art, literature, and music must be to destroy the uplifting—therefore, bourgeois — potential of art, literature, and music, so that man, bereft of his connection to the divine, sees his only creative option to be political revolt. "To organize pessimism means nothing other than to expel the moral metaphor from politics and to discover in political action a sphere reserved one hundred percent for images." Thus, Benjamin collaborated with Brecht to work these theories into practical form, and their joint effort culminated in the Verfremdungseffekt ("estrangement effect"), Brecht's attempt to write his plays so as to make the audience leave the theatre demoralized and aimlessly angry.

Political Correctness

The Adorno-Benjamin analysis represents almost the entire theoretical basis of all the politically correct aesthetic trends which now plague our universities. The Poststructuralism of Roland Barthes, Michel Foucault, and Jacques Derrida, the Semiotics of Umberto Eco, the Deconstructionism of Paul DeMan, all openly cite Benjamin as the source of their work. The Italian terrorist Eco's best-selling novel, The Name of the Rose, is little more than a paean to Benjamin; DeMan, the former Nazi collaborator in Belgium who became a prestigious Yale professor, began his career translating Benjamin; Barthes' infamous 1968 statement that "[t]he author is dead," is meant as an elaboration of Benjamin's dictum on intention. Benjamin has actually been called the heir of Leibniz and of Wilhelm von Humboldt, the philologist collaborator of Schiller whose educational reforms engendered the tremendous development of Germany in the nineteenth century. Even as recently as September 1991, the Washington Post referred to Benjamin as "the finest German literary theorist of the century (and many would have left off that qualifying German)."

Readers have undoubtedly heard one or another horror story about how an African-American Studies Department has procured a ban on Othello, because it is "racist," or how a radical feminist professor lectured a Modern Language Association meeting on the witches as the "true heroines" of Macbeth. These atrocities occur because the perpetrators are able to plausibly demonstrate, in the tradition of Benjamin and Adorno, that Shakespeare's intent is irrelevant; what is important, is the racist or phallocentric "subtext" of which Shakespeare was unconscious when he wrote.

When the local Women's Studies or Third World Studies Department organizes students to abandon classics in favor of modern Black and feminist authors, the reasons given are pure Benjamin. It is not that these modern writers are better, but they are somehow more truthful because their alienated prose reflects the modern social problems of which the older authors were ignorant! Students are being taught that language itself is, as Benjamin said, merely a conglomeration of false "names" foisted upon society by its oppressors, and are warned against "logocentrism," the bourgeois over-reliance on words.

If these campus antics appear "retarded" (in the words of Adorno), that is because they are designed to be. The Frankfurt School's most important breakthrough consists in the realization that their monstrous theories could become dominant in the culture, as a result of the changes in society brought about by what Benjamin called "the age of mechanical reproduction of art."

II. The Establishment Goes Bolshevik:
"Entertainment" Replaces Art

Before the twentieth century, the distinction between art and "entertainment" was much more pronounced. One could be entertained by art, certainly, but the experience was active, not passive. On the first level, one had to make a conscious choice to go to a concert, to view a certain art exhibit, to buy a book or piece of sheet music. It was unlikely that any more than an infinitesimal fraction of the population would have the opportunity to see King Lear or hear Beethoven's Ninth Symphony more than once or twice in a lifetime. Art demanded that one bring one's full powers of concentration and knowledge of the subject to bear on each experience, or else the experience were considered wasted. These were the days when memorization of poetry and whole plays, and the gathering of friends and family for a "parlor concert," were the norm, even in rural households. These were also the days before "music appreciation"; when one studied music, as many did, they learned to play it, not appreciate it.

However, the new technologies of radio, film, and recorded music represented, to use the appropriate Marxist buzz-word, a dialectical potential. On the one hand, these technologies held out the possibility of bringing the greatest works of art to millions of people who would otherwise not have access to them. On the other, the fact that the experience was infinitely reproducible could tend to disengage the audience's mind, making the experience less sacred, thus increasing alienation. Adorno called this process, "demythologizing." This new passivity, Adorno hypothesized in a crucial article published in 1938, could fracture a musical composition into the "entertaining" parts which would be "fetishized" in the memory of the listener, and the difficult parts, which would be forgotten. Adorno continues,


The counterpart to the fetishism is a regression of listening. This does not mean a relapse of the individual listener into an earlier phase of his own development, nor a decline in the collective general level, since the millions who are reached musically for the first time by today's mass communications cannot be compared with the audiences of the past. Rather, it is the contemporary listening which has regressed, arrested at the infantile stage. Not only do the listening subjects lose, along with the freedom of choice and responsibility, the capacity for the conscious perception of music .... [t]hey fluctuate between comprehensive forgetting and sudden dives into recognition. They listen atomistically and dissociate what they hear, but precisely in this dissociation they develop certain capacities which accord less with the traditional concepts of aesthetics than with those of football or motoring. They are not childlike ... but they are childish; their primitivism is not that of the undeveloped, but that of the forcibly retarded. [emphasis aded]

This conceptual retardation and preconditioning caused by listening, suggested that programming could determine preference. The very act of putting, say, a Benny Goodman number next to a Mozart sonata on the radio, would tend to amalgamate both into entertaining "music-on-the-radio" in the mind of the listener. This meant that even new and unpalatable ideas could become popular by "re-naming" them through the universal homogenizer of the culture industry. As Benjamin puts it,


Mechanical reproduction of art changes the reaction of the masses toward art. The reactionary attitude toward a Picasso painting changes into a progressive reaction toward a Chaplin movie. The progressive reaction is characterized by the direct, intimate fusion of visual and emotional enjoyment with the orientation of the expert.... With regard to the screen, the critical and receptive attitudes of the public coincide. The decisive reason for this is that the individual reactions are predetermined by the mass audience response they are about to produce, and this is nowhere more pronounced than in the film.

At the same time, the magic power of the media could be used to re-define previous ideas. "Shakespeare, Rembrandt, Beethoven will all make films," concluded Benjamin, quoting the French film pioneer Abel Gance, "... all legends, all mythologies, all myths, all founders of religions, and the very religions themselves ... await their exposed resurrection."

Social Control: The "Radio Project"

Here, then, were some potent theories of social control. The great possibilities of this Frankfurt School media work were probably the major contributing factor in the support given the I.S.R. by the bastions of the Establishment, after the Institute transferred its operations to America in 1934.

In 1937, the Rockefeller Foundation began funding research into the social effects of new forms of mass media, particularly radio. Before World War I, radio had been a hobbyist's toy, with only 125,000 receiving sets in the entire U.S.; twenty years later, it had become the primary mode of entertainment in the country; out of 32 million American families in 1937, 27.5 million had radios — a larger percentage than had telephones, automobiles, plumbing, or electricity! Yet, almost no systematic research had been done up to this point. The Rockefeller Foundation enlisted several universities, and headquartered this network at the School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton University. Named the Office of Radio Research, it was popularly known as "the Radio Project."

The director of the Project was Paul Lazersfeld, the foster son of Austrian Marxist economist Rudolph Hilferding, and a long-time collaborator of the I.S.R. from the early 1930's. Under Lazersfeld was Frank Stanton, a recent Ph.D. in industrial psychology from Ohio State, who had just been made research director of Columbia Broadcasting System—a grand title but a lowly position. After World War II, Stanton became president of the CBS News Division, and ultimately president of CBS at the height of the TV network's power; he also became Chairman of the Board of the RAND Corporation, and a member of President Lyndon Johnson's "kitchen cabinet." Among the Project's researchers were Herta Herzog, who married Lazersfeld and became the first director of research for the Voice of America; and Hazel Gaudet, who became one of the nation's leading political pollsters. Theodor Adorno was named chief of the Project's music section.

Despite the official gloss, the activities of the Radio Project make it clear that its purpose was to test empirically the Adorno-Benjamin thesis that the net effect of the mass media could be to atomize and increase lability—what people would later call "brainwashing."

Soap Operas and the Invasion from Mars

The first studies were promising. Herta Herzog produced "On Borrowed Experiences," the first comprehensive research on soap operas. The "serial radio drama" format was first used in 1929, on the inspiration of the old, cliff-hanger "Perils of Pauline" film serial. Because these little radio plays were highly melodramatic, they became popularly identified with Italian grand opera; because they were often sponsored by soap manufacturers, they ended up with the generic name, "soap opera."

Until Herzog's work, it was thought that the immense popularity of this format was largely with women of the lowest socioeconomic status who, in the restricted circumstances of their lives, needed a helpful escape to exotic places and romantic situations. A typical article from that period by two University of Chicago psychologists, "The Radio Day-Time Serial: Symbol Analysis" published in the Genetic Psychology Monographs, solemnly emphasized the positive, claiming that the soaps "function very much like the folk tale, expressing the hopes and fears of its female audience, and on the whole contribute to the integration of their lives into the world in which they live."

Herzog found that there was, in fact, no correlation to socioeconomic status. What is more, there was surprisingly little correlation to content. The key factor — as Adorno and Benjamin's theories suggested it would be — was the form itself of the serial; women were being effectively addicted to the format, not so much to be entertained or to escape, but to "find out what happens next week." In fact, Herzog found, you could almost double the listenership of a radio play by dividing it into segments.

Modern readers will immediately recognize that this was not a lesson lost on the entertainment industry. Nowadays, the serial format has spread to children's programming and high-budget prime time shows. The most widely watched shows in the history of television, remain the "Who Killed JR?" installment of Dallas, and the final episode of M*A*S*H, both of which were premised on a "what happens next?" format. Even feature films, like the Star Wars and Back to the Future trilogies, are now produced as serials, in order to lock in a viewership for the later installments. The humble daytime soap also retains its addictive qualities in the current age: 70% of all American women over eighteen now watch at least two of these shows each day, and there is a fast-growing viewership among men and college students of both sexes.

The Radio Project's next major study was an investigation into the effects of Orson Welles' Halloween 1938 radioplay based on H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds. Six million people heard the broadcast realistically describing a Martian invasion force landing in rural New Jersey. Despite repeated and clear statements that the show was fictional, approximately 25% of the listeners thought it was real, some panicking outright. The Radio Project researchers found that a majority of the people who panicked did not think that men from Mars had invaded; they actually thought that the Germans had invaded.

It happened this way. The listeners had been psychologically pre-conditioned by radio reports from the Munich crisis earlier that year. During that crisis, CBS's man in Europe, Edward R. Murrow, hit upon the idea of breaking into regular programming to present short news bulletins. For the first time in broadcasting, news was presented not in longer analytical pieces, but in short clips—what we now call "audio bites." At the height of the crisis, these flashes got so numerous, that, in the words of Murrow's producer Fred Friendly, "news bulletins were interrupting news bulletins." As the listeners thought that the world was moving to the brink of war, CBS ratings rose dramatically. When Welles did his fictional broadcast later, after the crisis had receded, he used this news bulletin technique to give things verisimilitude: he started the broadcast by faking a standard dance-music program, which kept getting interrupted by increasingly terrifying "on the scene reports" from New Jersey. Listeners who panicked, reacted not to content, but to format; they heard "We interrupt this program for an emergency bulletin," and "invasion," and immediately concluded that Hitler had invaded. The soap opera technique, transposed to the news, had worked on a vast and unexpected scale.

Little Annie and the "Wagnerian Dream" of TV

In 1939, one of the numbers of the quarterly Journal of Applied Psychology was handed over to Adorno and the Radio Project to publish some of their findings. Their conclusion was that Americans had, over the last twenty years, become "radio-minded," and that their listening had become so fragmented that repetition of format was the key to popularity. The play list determined the "hits"—a truth well known to organized crime, both then and now—and repetition could make any form of music or any performer, even a classical music performer, a "star." As long as a familiar form or context was retained, almost any content would become acceptable. "Not only are hit songs, stars, and soap operas cyclically recurrent and rigidly invariable types," said Adorno, summarizing this material a few years later, "but the specific content of the entertainment itself is derived from them and only appears to change. The details are interchangeable."

The crowning achievement of the Radio Project was "Little Annie," officially titled the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. Radio Project research had shown that all previous methods of preview polling were ineffectual. Up to that point, a preview audience listened to a show or watched a film, and then was asked general questions: did you like the show? what did you think of so-and-so's performance? The Radio Project realized that this method did not take into account the test audience's atomized perception of the subject, and demanded that they make a rational analysis of what was intended to be an irrational experience. So, the Project created a device in which each test audience member was supplied with a type of rheostat on which he could register the intensity of his likes or dislikes on a moment-to-moment basis. By comparing the individual graphs produced by the device, the operators could determine, not if the audience liked the whole show — which was irrelevant—but, which situations or characters produced a positive, if momentary, feeling state.

Little Annie transformed radio, film, and ultimately television programming. CBS still maintains program analyzer facilities in Hollywood and New York; it is said that results correlate 85% to ratings. Other networks and film studios have similar operations. This kind of analysis is responsible for the uncanny feeling you get when, seeing a new film or TV show, you think you have seen it all before. You have, many times. If a program analyzer indicates that, for instance, audiences were particularly titilated by a short scene in a World War II drama showing a certain type of actor kissing a certain type of actress, then that scene format will be worked into dozens of screenplays—transposed to the Middle Ages, to outer space, etc., etc.

The Radio Project also realized that television had the potential to intensify all of the effects that they had studied. TV technology had been around for some years, and had been exhibited at the 1936 World's Fair in New York, but the only person to attempt serious utilization of the medium had been Adolf Hitler. The Nazis broadcast events from the 1936 Olympic Games "live" to communal viewing rooms around Germany; they were trying to expand on their great success in using radio to Nazify all aspects of German culture. Further plans for German TV development were sidetracked by war preparations.

Adorno understood this potential perfectly, writing in 1944:

Television aims at the synthesis of radio and film, and is held up only because the interested parties have not yet reached agreement, but its consequences will be quite enormous and promise to intensify the impoverishment of aesthetic matter so drastically, that by tomorrow the thinly veiled identity of all industrial culture products can come triumphantly out in the open, derisively fulfilling the Wagnerian dream of the Gesamtkunstwerk—the fusion of all the arts in one work.

The obvious point is this: the profoundly irrational forms of modern entertainment—the stupid and eroticized content of most TV and films, the fact that your local Classical music radio station programs Stravinsky next to Mozart—don't have to be that way. They were designed to be that way. The design was so successful, that today, no one even questions the reasons or the origins.

III. Creating "Public Opinion": The "Authoritarian Personality" Bogeyman and the OSS

The efforts of the Radio Project conspirators to manipulate the population, spawned the modern pseudoscience of public opinion polling, in order to gain greater control over the methods they were developing.

Today, public opinion polls, like the television news, have been completely integrated into our society. A "scientific survey" of what people are said to think about an issue can be produced in less than twenty-four hours. Some campaigns for high political office are completely shaped by polls; in fact, many politicians try to create issues which are themselves meaningless, but which they know will look good in the polls, purely for the purpose of enhancing their image as "popular." Important policy decisions are made, even before the actual vote of the citizenry or the legislature, by poll results. Newspapers will occasionally write pious editorials calling on people to think for themselves, even as the newspaper's business agent sends a check to the local polling organization.

The idea of "public opinion" is not new, of course. Plato spoke against it in his Republic over two millenia ago; Alexis de Tocqueville wrote at length of its influence over America in the early nineteenth century. But, nobody thought to measure public opinion before the twentieth century, and nobody before the 1930's thought to use those measurements for decision-making.

It is useful to pause and reflect on the whole concept. The belief that public opinion can be a determinant of truth is philosophically insane. It precludes the idea of the rational individual mind. Every individual mind contains the divine spark of reason, and is thus capable of scientific discovery, and understanding the discoveries of others. The individual mind is one of the few things that cannot, therefore, be "averaged." Consider: at the moment of creative discovery, it is possible, if not probable, that the scientist making the discovery is the only person to hold that opinion about nature, whereas everyone else has a different opinion, or no opinion. One can only imagine what a "scientifically-conducted survey" on Kepler's model of the solar system would have been, shortly after he published the Harmony of the World: 2% for, 48% against, 50% no opinion.

These psychoanalytic survey techniques became standard, not only for the Frankfurt School, but also throughout American social science departments, particularly after the I.S.R. arrived in the United States. The methodology was the basis of the research piece for which the Frankfurt School is most well known, the "authoritarian personality" project. In 1942, I.S.R. director Max Horkheimer made contact with the American Jewish Committee, which asked him to set up a Department of Scientific Research within its organization. The American Jewish Committee also provided a large grant to study anti-Semitism in the American population. "Our aim," wrote Horkheimer in the introduction to the study, "is not merely to describe prejudice, but to explain it in order to help in its eradication.... Eradication means reeducation scientifically planned on the basis of understanding scientifically arrived at."

The A-S Scale

Ultimately, five volumes were produced for this study over the course of the late 1940's; the most important was the last, The Authoritarian Personality, by Adorno, with the help of three Berkeley, California social psychologists.

In the 1930's Erich Fromm had devised a questionnaire to be used to analyze German workers pychoanalytically as "authoritarian," "revolutionary" or "ambivalent." The heart of Adorno's study was, once again, Fromm's psychoanalytic scale, but with the positive end changed from a "revolutionary personality," to a "democratic personality," in order to make things more palatable for a postwar audience.

Nine personality traits were tested and measured, including:

  • conventionalism—rigid adherence to conventional, middle-class values
  • authoritarian aggression—the tendency to be on the look-out for, to condemn, reject and punish, people who violate conventional values
  • projectivity—the disposition to believethat wild and dangerous things go on in the world
  • sex—exaggerated concern with sexual goings-on.

From these measurements were constructed several scales: the E Scale (ethnocentrism), the PEC Scale (poltical and economic conservatism), the A-S Scale (anti-Semitism), and the F Scale (fascism). Using Rensis Lickerts's methodology of weighting results, the authors were able to tease together an empirical definition of what Adorno called "a new anthropological type," the authoritarian personality. The legerdemain here, as in all psychoanalytic survey work, is the assumption of a Weberian "type." Once the type has been statistically determined, all behavior can be explained; if an anti-Semitic personality does not act in an anti-Semitic way, then he or she has an ulterior motive for the act, or is being discontinuous. The idea that a human mind is capable of transformation, is ignored.

The results of this very study can be interpreted in diametrically different ways. One could say that the study proved that the population of the U.S. was generally conservative, did not want to abandon a capitalist economy, believed in a strong family and that sexual promiscuity should be punished, thought that the postwar world was a dangerous place, and was still suspicious of Jews (and Blacks, Roman Catholics, Orientals, etc. — unfortunately true, but correctable in a social context of economic growth and cultural optimism). On the other hand, one could take the same results and prove that anti-Jewish pogroms and Nuremburg rallies were simmering just under the surface, waiting for a new Hitler to ignite them. Which of the two interpretations you accept is a political, not a scientific, decision. Horkheimer and Adorno firmly believed that all religions, Judaism included, were "the opiate of the masses." Their goal was not the protection of Jews from prejudice, but the creation of a definition of authoritarianism and anti-Semitism which could be exploited to force the "scientifically planned reeducation" of Americans and Europeans away from the principles of Judeo-Christian civilization, which the Frankfurt School despised. In their theoretical writings of this period, Horkheimer and Adorno pushed the thesis to its most paranoid: just as capitalism was inherently fascistic, the philosophy of Christianity itself is the source of anti-Semitism. As Horkheimer and Adorno jointly wrote in their 1947 "Elements of Anti-Semitism":


Christ, the spirit become flesh, is the deified sorcerer. Man's self-reflection in the absolute, the humanization of God by Christ, is the proton pseudos [original falsehood]. Progress beyond Judaism is coupled with the assumption that the man Jesus has become God. The reflective aspect of Christianity, the intellectualization of magic, is the root of evil.

At the same time, Horkheimer could write in a more-popularized article titled "Anti-Semitism: A Social Disease," that "at present, the only country where there does not seem to be any kind of anti-Semitism is Russia"[!].

This self-serving attempt to maximize paranoia was further aided by Hannah Arendt, who popularized the authoritarian personality research in her widely-read Origins of Totalitarianism. Arendt also added the famous rhetorical flourish about the "banality of evil" in her later Eichmann in Jerusalem: even a simple, shopkeeper-type like Eichmann can turn into a Nazi beast under the right psychological circumstances—every Gentile is suspect, psychoanalytically.

It is Arendt's extreme version of the authoritarian personality thesis which is the operant philosophy of today's Cult Awareness Network (CAN), a group which works with the U.S. Justice Department and the Anti-Defamation League of the B'nai B'rith, among others. Using standard Frankfurt School method, CAN identifies political and religious groups which are its political enemies, then re-labels them as a "cult," in order to justify operations against them.

The Public Opinion Explosion

Despite its unprovable central thesis of "psychoanalytic types," the interpretive survey methodology of the Frankfurt School became dominant in the social sciences, and essentially remains so today. In fact, the adoption of these new, supposedly scientific techniques in the 1930's brought about an explosion in public-opinion survey use, much of it funded by Madison Avenue. The major pollsters of today—A.C. Neilsen, George Gallup, Elmo Roper—started in the mid-1930's, and began using the I.S.R. methods, especially given the success of the Stanton-Lazersfeld Program Analyzer. By 1936, polling activity had become sufficiently widespread to justify a trade association, the American Academy of Public Opinion Research at Princeton, headed by Lazersfeld; at the same time, the University of Chicago created the National Opinion Research Center. In 1940, the Office of Radio Research was turned into the Bureau of Applied Social Research, a division of Columbia University, with the indefatigable Lazersfeld as director.

After World War II, Lazersfeld especially pioneered the use of surveys to psychoanalyze American voting behavior, and by the 1952 Presidential election, Madison Avenue advertising agencies were firmly in control of Dwight Eisenhower's campaign, utilizing Lazersfeld's work. Nineteen fifty-two was also the first election under the influence of television, which, as Adorno had predicted eight years earlier, had grown to incredible influence in a very short time. Batten, Barton, Durstine & Osborne — the fabled "BBD&O" ad agency—designed Ike's campaign appearances entirely for the TV cameras, and as carefully as Hitler's Nuremberg rallies; one-minute "spot" advertisements were pioneered to cater to the survey-determined needs of the voters.

This snowball has not stopped rolling since. The entire development of television and advertising in the 1950's and 1960's was pioneered by men and women who were trained in the Frankfurt School's techniques of mass alienation. Frank Stanton went directly from the Radio Project to become the single most-important leader of modern television. Stanton's chief rival in the formative period of TV was NBC's Sylvester "Pat" Weaver; after a Ph.D. in "listening behavior," Weaver worked with the Program Analyzer in the late 1930's, before becoming a Young & Rubicam vice-president, then NBC's director of programming, and ultimately the network's president. Stanton and Weaver's stories are typical.

Today, the men and women who run the networks, the ad agencies, and the polling organizations, even if they have never heard of Theodor Adorno, firmly believe in Adorno's theory that the media can, and should, turn all they touch into "football." Coverage of the 1991 Gulf War should make that clear.

The technique of mass media and advertising developed by the Frankfurt School now effectively controls American political campaigning. Campaigns are no longer based on political programs, but actually on alienation. Petty gripes and irrational fears are identified by psychoanalytic survey, to be transmogrified into "issues" to be catered to; the "Willy Horton" ads of the 1988 Presidential campaign, and the "flag-burning amendment," are but two recent examples. Issues that will determine the future of our civilization, are scrupulously reduced to photo opportunities and audio bites—like Ed Murrow's original 1930's radio reports—where the dramatic effect is maximized, and the idea content is zero.

Who Is the Enemy?

Part of the influence of the authoritarian personality hoax in our own day also derives from the fact that, incredibly, the Frankfurt School and its theories were officially accepted by the U.S. government during World War II, and these Cominternists were responsible for determining who were America's wartime, and postwar, enemies. In 1942, the Office of Strategic Services, America's hastily-constructed espionage and covert operations unit, asked former Harvard president James Baxter to form a Research and Analysis (R&A) Branch under the group's Intelligence Division. By 1944, the R&A Branch had collected such a large and prestigeous group of emigré scholars that H. Stuart Hughes, then a young Ph.D., said that working for it was "a second graduate education" at government expense. The Central European Section was headed by historian Carl Schorske; under him, in the all-important Germany/Austria Section, was Franz Neumann, as section chief, with Herbert Marcuse, Paul Baran, and Otto Kirchheimer, all I.S.R. veterans. Leo Lowenthal headed the German-language section of the Office of War Information; Sophie Marcuse, Marcuse's wife, worked at the Office of Naval Intelligence. Also at the R&A Branch were: Siegfried Kracauer, Adorno's old Kant instructor, now a film theorist; Norman O. Brown, who would become famous in the 1960's by combining Marcuse's hedonism theory with Wilhelm Reich's orgone therapy to popularize "polymorphous perversity"; Barrington Moore, Jr., later a philosophy professor who would co-author a book with Marcuse; Gregory Bateson, the husband of anthropologist Margaret Mead (who wrote for the Frankfurt School's journal), and Arthur Schlesinger, the historian who joined the Kennedy Administration. Marcuse's first assignment was to head a team to identify both those who would be tried as war criminals after the war, and also those who were potential leaders of postwar Germany. In 1944, Marcuse, Neumann, and Kirchheimer wrote the Denazification Guide, which was later issued to officers of the U.S. Armed Forces occupying Germany, to help them identify and suppress pro-Nazi behaviors. After the armistice, the R&A Branch sent representatives to work as intelligence liaisons with the various occupying powers; Marcuse was assigned the U.S. Zone, Kirchheimer the French, and Barrington Moore the Soviet. In the summer of 1945, Neumann left to become chief of research for the Nuremburg Tribunal. Marcuse remained in and around U.S. intelligence into the early 1950's, rising to the chief of the Central European Branch of the State Department's Office of Intelligence Research, an office formally charged with "planning and implementing a program of positive-intelligence research ... to meet the intelligence requirements of the Central Intelligence Agency and other authorized agencies." During his tenure as a U.S. government official, Marcuse supported the division of Germany into East and West, noting that this would prevent an alliance between the newly liberated left-wing parties and the old, conservative industrial and business layers. In 1949, he produced a 532-page report, "The Potentials of World Communism" (declassified only in 1978), which suggested that the Marshall Plan economic stabilization of Europe would limit the recruitment potential of Western Europe's Communist Parties to acceptable levels, causing a period of hostile co-existence with the Soviet Union, marked by confrontation only in faraway places like Latin America and Indochina—in all, a surprisingly accurate forecast. Marcuse left the State Department with a Rockefeller Foundation grant to work with the various Soviet Studies departments which were set up at many of America's top universities after the war, largely by R&A Branch veterans.

At the same time, Max Horkheimer was doing even greater damage. As part of the denazification of Germany suggested by the R&A Branch, U.S. High Commissioner for Germany John J. McCloy, using personal discretionary funds, brought Horkheimer back to Germany to reform the German university system. In fact, McCloy asked President Truman and Congress to pass a bill granting Horkheimer, who had become a naturalized American, dual citizenship; thus, for a brief period, Horkheimer was the only person in the world to hold both German and U.S. citizenship. In Germany, Horkheimer began the spadework for the full-blown revival of the Frankfurt School in that nation in the late 1950's, including the training of a whole new generation of anti-Western civilization scholars like Hans-Georg Gadamer and Jürgen Habermas, who would have such destructive influence in 1960's Germany. In a period of American history when some individuals were being hounded into unemployment and suicide for the faintest aroma of leftism, Frankfurt School veterans—all with superb Comintern credentials — led what can only be called charmed lives. America had, to an incredible extent, handed the determination of who were the nation's enemies, over to the nation's own worst enemies.

IV. The Aristotelian Eros: Marcuse and the CIA's Drug Counterculture

In 1989, Hans-Georg Gadamer, a protégé of Martin Heidegger and the last of the original Frankfurt School generation, was asked to provide an appreciation of his own work for the German newspaper, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung. He wrote,


One has to conceive of Aristotle's ethics as a true fulfillment of the Socratic challenge, which Plato had placed at the center of his dialogues on the Socratic question of the good.... Plato described the idea of the good ... as the ultimate and highest idea, which is supposedly the highest principle of being for the universe, the state, and the human soul. Against this Aristotle opposed a decisive critique, under the famous formula, "Plato is my friend, but the truth is my friend even more." He denied that one could consider the idea of the good as a universal principle of being, which is supposed to hold in the same way for theoretical knowledge as for practical knowledge and human activity.

This statement not only succinctly states the underlying philosophy of the Frankfurt School, it also suggests an inflection point around which we can order much of the philosophical combat of the last two millenia. In the simplest terms, the Aristotelian correction of Plato sunders physics from metaphysics, relegating the Good to a mere object of speculation about which "our knowledge remains only a hypothesis," in the words of Wilhelm Dilthey, the Frankfurt School's favorite philosopher. Our knowledge of the "real world," as Dilthey, Nietzsche, and other precursors of the Frankfurt School were wont to emphasize, becomes erotic, in the broadest sense of that term, as object fixation. The universe becomes a collection of things which each operate on the basis of their own natures (that is, genetically), and through interaction between themselves (that is, mechanistically). Science becomes the deduction of the appropriate categories of these natures and interactions. Since the human mind is merely a sensorium, waiting for the Newtonian apple to jar it into deduction, humanity's relationship to the world (and vice versa) becomes an erotic attachment to objects. The comprehension of the universal—the mind's seeking to be the living image of the living God—is therefore illusory. That universal either does not exist, or it exists incomprehensibly as a deus ex machina; that is, the Divine exists as a superaddition to the physical universe — God is really Zeus, flinging thunderbolts into the world from some outside location. (Or, perhaps more appropriately: God is really Cupid, letting loose golden arrows to make objects attract, and leaden arrows to make objects repel.) The key to the entire Frankfurt School program, from originator Lukacs on, is the "liberation" of Aristotelian eros, to make individual feeling states psychologically primary. When the I.S.R. leaders arrived in the United States in the mid-1930's, they exulted that here was a place which had no adequate philosophical defenses against their brand of Kulturpessimismus [cultural pessimism]. However, although the Frankfurt School made major inroads in American intellectual life before World War II, that influence was largely confined to academia and to radio; and radio, although important, did not yet have the overwhelming influence on social life that it would acquire during the war. Furthermore, America's mobilization for the war, and the victory against fascism, sidetracked the Frankfurt School schedule; America in 1945 was almost sublimely optimistic, with a population firmly convinced that a mobilized republic, backed by science and technology, could do just about anything. The fifteen years after the war, however, saw the domination of family life by the radio and television shaped by the Frankfurt School, in a period of political erosion in which the great positive potential of America degenerated to a purely negative posture against the real and, oftentimes manipulated, threat of the Soviet Union. At the same time, hundreds of thousands of the young generation—the so-called baby boomers—were entering college and being exposed to the Frankfurt School's poison, either directly or indirectly. It is illustrative, that by 1960, sociology had become the most popular course of study in American universities. Indeed, when one looks at the first stirrings of the student rebellion at the beginning of the 1960's, like the speeches of the Berkeley Free Speech Movement or the Port Huron Statement which founded the Students for a Democratic Society, one is struck with how devoid of actual content these discussions were. There is much anxiety about being made to conform to the system—"I am a human being; do not fold, spindle, or mutilate" went an early Berkeley slogan—but it is clear that the "problems" cited derive much more from required sociology textbooks, than from the real needs of the society.

The CIA's Psychedelic Revolution

The simmering unrest on campus in 1960 might well too have passed or had a positive outcome, were it not for the traumatic decapitation of the nation through the Kennedy assassination, plus the simultaneous introduction of widespread drug use. Drugs had always been an "analytical tool" of the nineteenth century Romantics, like the French Symbolists, and were popular among the European and American Bohemian fringe well into the post-World War II period. But, in the second half of the 1950's, the CIA and allied intelligence services began extensive experimentation with the hallucinogen LSD to investigate its potential for social control. It has now been documented that millions of doses of the chemical were produced and disseminated under the aegis of the CIA's Operation MK-Ultra. LSD became the drug of choice within the agency itself, and was passed out freely to friends of the family, including a substantial number of OSS veterans. For instance, it was OSS Research and Analysis Branch veteran Gregory Bateson who "turned on" the Beat poet Allen Ginsberg to a U.S. Navy LSD experiment in Palo Alto, California. Not only Ginsberg, but novelist Ken Kesey and the original members of the Grateful Dead rock group opened the doors of perception courtesy of the Navy. The guru of the "psychedelic revolution," Timothy Leary, first heard about hallucinogens in 1957 from Life magazine (whose publisher, Henry Luce, was often given government acid, like many other opinion shapers), and began his career as a CIA contract employee; at a 1977 "reunion" of acid pioneers, Leary openly admitted, "everything I am, I owe to the foresight of the CIA." Hallucinogens have the singular effect of making the victim asocial, totally self-centered, and concerned with objects. Even the most banal objects take on the "aura" which Benjamin had talked about, and become timeless and delusionarily profound. In other words, hallucinogens instantaneously achieve a state of mind identical to that prescribed by the Frankfurt School theories. And, the popularization of these chemicals created a vast psychological lability for bringing those theories into practice. Thus, the situation at the beginning of the 1960's represented a brilliant re-entry point for the Frankfurt School, and it was fully exploited. One of the crowning ironies of the "Now Generation" of 1964 on, is that, for all its protestations of utter modernity, none of its ideas or artifacts was less than thirty years old. The political theory came completely from the Frankfurt School; Lucien Goldmann, a French radical who was a visiting professor at Columbia in 1968, was absolutely correct when he said of Herbert Marcuse in 1969 that "the student movements ... found in his works and ultimately in his works alone the theoretical formulation of their problems and aspirations [emphasis in original]." The long hair and sandals, the free love communes, the macrobiotic food, the liberated lifestyles, had been designed at the turn of the century, and thoroughly field-tested by various, Frankfurt School-connected New Age social experiments like the Ascona commune before 1920. (See box.) Even Tom Hayden's defiant "Never trust anyone over thirty," was merely a less-urbane version of Rupert Brooke's 1905, "Nobody over thirty is worth talking to." The social planners who shaped the 1960's simply relied on already-available materials.

Eros and Civilization

The founding document of the 1960's counterculture, and that which brought the Frankfurt School's "revolutionary messianism" of the 1920's into the 1960's, was Marcuse's Eros and Civilization, originally published in 1955 and funded by the Rockefeller Foundation. The document masterfully sums up the Frankfurt School ideology of Kulturpessimismus in the concept of "dimensionality." In one of the most bizarre perversions of philosophy, Marcuse claims to derive this concept from Friedrich Schiller. Schiller, whom Marcuse purposefully misidentifies as the heir of Immanuel Kant, discerned two dimensions in humanity: a sensuous instinct and an impulse toward form. Schiller advocated the harmonization of these two instincts in man in the form of a creative play instinct. For Marcuse, on the other hand, the only hope to escape the one-dimensionality of modern industrial society was to liberate the erotic side of man, the sensuous instinct, in rebellion against "technological rationality." As Marcuse would say later (1964) in his One-Dimensional Man, "A comfortable, smooth, reasonable, democratic unfreedom prevails in advanced industrial civilization, a token of technical progress." This erotic liberation he misidentifies with Schiller's "play instinct," which, rather than being erotic, is an expression of charity, the higher concept of love associated with true creativity. Marcuse's contrary theory of erotic liberation is something implicit in Sigmund Freud, but not explicitly emphasized, except for some Freudian renegades like Wilhelm Reich and, to a certain extent, Carl Jung. Every aspect of culture in the West, including reason itself, says Marcuse, acts to repress this: "The totalitarian universe of technological rationality is the latest transmutation of the idea of reason." Or: "Auschwitz continues to haunt, not the memory but the accomplishments of man—the space flights, the rockets and missiles, the pretty electronics plants...."

This erotic liberation should take the form of the "Great Refusal," a total rejection of the "capitalist" monster and all his works, including "technological" reason, and "ritual-authoritarian language." As part of the Great Refusal, mankind should develop an "aesthetic ethos," turning life into an aesthetic ritual, a "life-style" (a nonsense phrase which came into the language in the 1960's under Marcuse's influence). With Marcuse representing the point of the wedge, the 1960's were filled with obtuse intellectual justifications of contentless adolescent sexual rebellion. Eros and Civilization was reissued as an inexpensive paperback in 1961, and ran through several editions; in the preface to the 1966 edition, Marcuse added that the new slogan, "Make Love, Not War," was exactly what he was talking about: "The fight for eros is a political fight [emphasis in original]." In 1969, he noted that even the New Left's obsessive use of obscenities in its manifestoes was part of the Great Refusal, calling it "a systematic linguistic rebellion, which smashes the ideological context in which the words are employed and defined." Marcuse was aided by psychoanalyst Norman O. Brown, his OSS protege, who contributed Life Against Death in 1959, and Love's Body in 1966—calling for man to shed his reasonable, "armored" ego, and replace it with a "Dionysian body ego," that would embrace the instinctual reality of polymorphous perversity, and bring man back into "union with nature." The books of Reich, who had claimed that Nazism was caused by monogamy, were re-issued. Reich had died in an American prison, jailed for taking money on the claim that cancer could be cured by rechanneling "orgone energy." Primary education became dominated by Reich's leading follower, A.S. Neill, a Theosophical cult member of the 1930's and militant atheist, whose educational theories demanded that students be taught to rebel against teachers who are, by nature, authoritarian. Neill's book Summerhill sold 24,000 copies in 1960, rising to 100,000 in 1968, and 2 million in 1970; by 1970, it was required reading in 600 university courses, making it one of the most influential education texts of the period, and still a benchmark for recent writers on the subject. Marcuse led the way for the complete revival of the rest of the Frankfurt School theorists, re-introducing the long-forgotten Lukacs to America. Marcuse himself became the lightning rod for attacks on the counterculture, and was regularly attacked by such sources as the Soviet daily Pravda, and then-California Governor Ronald Reagan. The only critique of any merit at the time, however, was one by Pope Paul VI, who in 1969 named Marcuse (an extraordinary step, as the Vatican usually refrains from formal denunciations of living individuals), along with Freud, for their justification of "disgusting and unbridled expressions of eroticism"; and called Marcuse's theory of liberation, "the theory which opens the way for license cloaked as liberty ... an aberration of instinct." The eroticism of the counterculture meant much more than free love and a violent attack on the nuclear family. It also meant the legitimization of philosophical eros. People were trained to see themselves as objects, determined by their "natures." The importance of the individual as a person gifted with the divine spark of creativity, and capable of acting upon all human civilization, was replaced by the idea that the person is important because he or she is black, or a woman, or feels homosexual impulses. This explains the deformation of the civil rights movement into a "black power" movement, and the transformation of the legitimate issue of civil rights for women into feminism. Discussion of women's civil rights was forced into being just another "liberation cult," complete with bra-burning and other, sometimes openly Astarte-style, rituals; a review of Kate Millet's Sexual Politics (1970) and Germaine Greer's The Female Eunuch (1971), demonstrates their complete reliance on Marcuse, Fromm, Reich, and other Freudian extremists.

The Bad Trip

This popularization of life as an erotic, pessimistic ritual did not abate, but in fact deepened over the twenty years leading to today; it is the basis of the horror we see around us. The heirs of Marcuse and Adorno completely dominate the universities, teaching their own students to replace reason with "Politically Correct" ritual exercises. There are very few theoretical books on arts, letters, or language published today in the United States or Europe which do not openly acknowledge their debt to the Frankfort School.

The witchhunt on today's campuses is merely the implementation of Marcuse's concept of "repressive toleration"—"tolerance for movements from the left, but intolerance for movements from the right"—enforced by the students of the Frankfurt School, now become the professors of women's studies and Afro-American studies. The most erudite spokesman for Afro-American studies, for instance, Professor Cornell West of Princeton, publicly states that his theories are derived from Georg Lukacs. At the same time, the ugliness so carefully nurtured by the Frankfurt School pessimists, has corrupted our highest cultural endeavors. One can hardly find a performance of a Mozart opera, which has not been utterly deformed by a director who, following Benjamin and the I.S.R., wants to "liberate the erotic subtext." You cannot ask an orchestra to perform Schönberg and Beethoven on the same program, and maintain its integrity for the latter. And, when our highest culture becomes impotent, popular culture becomes openly bestial. One final image: American and European children daily watch films like Nightmare on Elm Street and Total Recall, or television shows comparable to them. A typical scene in one of these will have a figure emerge from a television set; the skin of his face will realistically peel away to reveal a hideously deformed man with razor-blade fingers, fingers which start growing to several feet in length, and—suddenly—the victim is slashed to bloody ribbons. This is not entertainment. This is the deeply paranoid hallucination of the LSD acid head. The worst of what happened in the 1960's is now daily fare. Owing to the Frankfurt School and its co-conspirators, the West is on a "bad trip" from which it is not being allowed to come down.

The principles through which Western Judeo-Christian civilization was built, are now no longer dominant in our society; they exist only as a kind of underground resistance movement. If that resistance is ultimately submerged, then the civilization will not survive—and, in our era of incurable pandemic disease and nuclear weapons, the collapse of Western civilization will very likely take the rest of the world with it to Hell.

The way out is to create a Renaissance. If that sounds grandiose, it is nonetheless what is needed. A renaissance means, to start again; to discard the evil, and inhuman, and just plain stupid, and to go back, hundreds or thousands of years, to the ideas which allow humanity to grow in freedom and goodness. Once we have identified those core beliefs, we can start to rebuild civilization.

Ultimately, a new Renaissance will rely on scientists, artists, and composers, but in the first moment, it depends on seemingly ordinary people who will defend the divine spark of reason in themselves, and tolerate no less in others. Given the successes of the Frankfurt School and its New Dark Age sponsors, these ordinary individuals, with their belief in reason and the difference between right and wrong, will be "unpopular." But, no really good idea was ever popular, in the beginning.

Source: http://tinyurl.com/lkbrg6

vendredi, 29 juillet 2011

Le "Manifeste" de Behring Breivik est un grossier plagiat


Attentats à Oslo : le « manifeste » de Behring Breivik est un grossier plagiat de Théodore Kaczynski

Ex: http://www.egeliteetreconciliation.fr/

Le « manifeste » d’Anders Behring, intitulé « 2083, une déclaration d’indépendance européenne », reprend mot à mot des pans entiers du manifeste de Théodore Kaczynski, « La société industrielle et son avenir », mais en détournant l’œuvre originale pour lui donner un sens principalement raciste, teinté d’une sorte de mysticisme maçonnique.

Théodore Kaczynski

Theodore Kaczynski est plus connu sous le nom d’Unabomber. Mathématicien et militant écologiste, il a fait l’objet de la chasse à l’homme la plus coûteuse de l’histoire du FBI après avoir, entre 1978 et 1995, envoyés des colis piégés artisanaux à diverses personnes construisant ou défendant la société technologique, faisant trois morts et 23 blessés avec 16 bombes envoyées. Auteur de plusieurs textes et ouvrages, il est également considéré comme un philosophe.

Les idées de Kaczynski

Les postulats principaux de Théodore Kaczynski, principalement théorisés dans son manifeste, « La société industrielle et son avenir » peuvent se définir en quatre points :

1. Le progrès technologique nous conduit à un désastre inéluctable ;

2. La gauche politique est la première ligne de défense de la Société technologique contre la révolution ;

3.Ce qu’il faut, c’est un nouveau mouvement révolutionnaire, voué à l’éradication de la société technologique, et qui prendra des mesures pour tenir à l’écart tous les gauchistes et consorts.

Selon Kaczynski, la révolution industrielle conduit nécessairement à un ordre économique et politique de plus en plus contraignant qui détruit la nature vierge, réduit la liberté individuelle, transforme l’homme en simple rouage du système technologique, et à court terme détruira l’espèce humaine elle-même. « Ce système n’existe pas pour satisfaire les besoins des hommes, et n’en est pas capable. Les désirs et le comportement des hommes doivent en fait être modifiés pour satisfaire aux besoins de ce système », écrit-t-il dans « La société industrielle et son avenir ».

Le détournement d’Anders Behring

Anders Behring reprend plusieurs chapitres entiers de « La société industrielle et son avenir », en modifiant quelques mots. Ainsi, le terme « gauchiste » est transformé en « marxiste », « culture marxiste » ou « multiculturalisme », comme le démontre les exemples que nous plaçons ci-dessous. L’ensemble est teinté d’une sorte de mysticisme maçonnique. D’ailleurs, à la fin de son « manifeste » Anders Behring place des photos de lui en tenue maçonnique ainsi que dans un uniforme militaire portant des symboles templiers.

Exemples du plagiat de Behring Breivik :

Extrait de « La société industrielle est son avenir », de Théodore Kaczynski :

« 6. Tout le monde ou presque reconnaîtra que nous vivons dans une société profondément troublée. Une des manifestations les plus répandues de la folie de notre monde est le gauchisme, donc une discussion de la psychologie du gauchisme peut servir d’introduction à la discussion des problèmes de la société moderne en général.

7. Mais qu’estce que le gauchisme ? Pendant la première moitié du 20ème siècle le gauchisme aurait pratiquement pu être identifié avec le socialisme. Aujourd’hui le mouvement est fragmenté et il n’est pas clair de définir qui peut correctement être appelé un gauchiste. Quand nous parlons des gauchistes dans cet article nous entendons principalement les socialistes, les collectivistes, les gens « politiquement corrects », les féministes, les activistes gays et du handicap, les activistes des droits des animaux et tout ce genre de gens. Mais ceux qui sont associés avec un de ces mouvements ne sont pas tous des gauchistes. Ce que nous essayons de décrire dans la discussion du gauchisme n’est pas tant un mouvement ou une idéologie qu’un type psychologique, ou plutôt une collection de types associés. Ainsi, ce que nous entendons par « le gauchisme » apparaîtra plus clairement au cours de notre discussion de la psychologie gauchiste »

Extrait de « 2083, une déclaration d’indépendance européenne », de Behring Breivik :

« Une des manifestations les plus répandue de la folie de notre monde est le multiculturalisme, donc une discussion sur la psychologie des multiculturalistes peut servir d’introduction à la discussion sur les problèmes de l’Europe occidentale en général.

Mais quel est le multiculturalisme ou le communisme culturel ? Le mouvement est fragmenté et il n’est pas clair de définir qui peut correctement être appelé culturels marxiste. Quand nous parlons des gauchistes dans cet article nous entendons principalement des individus qui appuient le multiculturalisme : socialistes, collectivistes, les gens « politiquement correct », les féministes, les militants homosexuels et les défenseurs des droits des animaux animaux, environnementaliste, etc. Mais ceux qui sont associés avec un de ces mouvements ne soutiennent pas tous le multiculturalisme. Ce que nous essayons de décrire dans la discussion du marxisme n’est pas tant un mouvement ou une idéologie qu’un type psychologique, ou plutôt une collection de types associés. »

Extrait de « La société industrielle est son avenir », de Théodore Kaczynski

« 8. Même ainsi, notre conception du gauchisme restera beaucoup moins claire que nous ne le souhaiterions, mais il ne semble y avoir aucun remède à cela. Tout que nous essayons de faire est d’indiquer d’une façon grossière et approximative les deux tendances psychologiques dont nous croyons qu’elles sont la principale motivation du gauchisme moderne. Nous n’affirmons en aucun cas donner TOUTE la vérité sur la psychologie gauchiste. De plus, notre discussion est censée ne s’appliquer qu’au gauchisme moderne. Nous laissons ouverte la question de la mesure dans laquelle notre discussion pourrait s’appliquer aux gauchistes du 19ème et du début du 20ème siècle.

9. Nous appelons les deux tendances psychologiques qui sont à la base du gauchisme moderne « le sentiment d’infériorité » et « la sursocialisation ». Le sentiment d’infériorité est une caractéristique du gauchisme moderne dans son ensemble, tandis que la sursocialisation est caractéristique seulement d’un certain segment du gauchisme moderne ; mais ce segment est hautement influent. »

Extrait de « 2083, une déclaration d’indépendance européenne », de Behring Breivik

« Notre conception des marxistes culturels restera beaucoup moins claire que nous ne le souhaiterions, mais il ne semble y avoir aucun remède à cela. Tout que nous essayons de faire est d’indiquer d’une façon grossière et approximative les deux tendances psychologiques dont nous croyons qu’elles sont la principale motivation du multiculturalisme moderne. De plus, notre discussion est censée ne s’appliquer qu’aux deux tendances du marxisme moderne.

Nous n’affirmons en aucun cas donner TOUTE la vérité sur la psychologie culturelle marxiste. Aussi, notre discussion est signifié deux appliquer deux marxistes modernes culturel uniquement, que nous appelons « sentiments d’infériorité » et « sur-socialisation. »

Le sentiment d’infériorité est une caractéristique de la culture marxiste dans son ensemble, tandis que la sursocialisation est caractéristique d’un seul segment de la diversité culturelle du marxisme, mais ce segment est très influent. »

vendredi, 22 juillet 2011

Hollywood startet Massengehirnwäsche-Kampagne

Hollywood startet Massengehirnwäsche-Kampagne als Vorbereitung auf die nächste Freisetzung von biotechnisch hergestellten Viren

Ethan A. Huff

Die Unterhaltungsindustrie ist kein unbekanntes Wesen für staatliche Propagandafeldzüge, darin bilden die jüngsten Hollywoodfilme keine Ausnahme. Schon ein kurzer Blick auf den Trailer für den neuen Film Contagion lässt erkennen, dass es sich hier wohl eher um eine massive Gehirnwäsche-Kampagne handelt, die die Amerikaner psychologisch auf die nächste absichtliche Freisetzung eines biotechnisch hergestellten Virus vorbereiten – während die Zuschauer gleichzeitig auf subtile Weise darauf programmiert werden, die Vorstellung zu akzeptieren, im Falle eines Ausbruchs einer großen, verheerenden Seuche wäre eine Impfung die einzige Lösung.



Diese Taktik ist natürlich nichts Neues. Lässt man die Themen der großen Filme, die in den letzten Jahrzehnten auf den Markt gebracht wurden, noch einmal Revue passieren und vergleicht sie damit, was jeweils nicht viel später in der realen Welt geschah, dann zeigt sich mit geradezu gespenstischer Deutlichkeit, dass Hollywood eng mit den Absichten und Plänen der Kräfte verbunden ist, die heute die verschiedenen Regierungen der Welt, die US-Regierung nicht ausgenommen, in der Hand haben.

Viele – wenn nicht gar alle – Filme, die heute herauskommen, sind, so scheint es, nichts weiter als psychologische Manipulationsversuche, um entweder die Menschen geistig so abzustumpfen, dass sie eine bestimmte politische Agenda übernehmen, oder um ihr Denken buchstäblich für kommende Katastrophen zu konditionieren.


Mehr: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/enthuellungen/ethan-a-huff/hollywood-startet-massengehirnwaesche-kampagne-als-vorbereitung-auf-die-naechste-freisetzung-von-bio.html

mercredi, 25 mai 2011

Das Janusgesicht westlicher Moral

Michael Wiesberg :

Das Janusgesicht westlicher Moral

Ex: http://www.jungefreiheit.de/


bhl-guainojpe749-b2580.jpgDer „Pariser Salonlöwe“ (WDR 5) und „Medienintellektuelle“ Bernard-Henri Lévy (BHL) gilt als einer eifrigsten Lautsprecher der Intervention in Libyen. Seine Reise im Osten Libyens Anfang März des Jahres, so will es die Fama, soll den Stein ins Rollen gebracht haben. Hier suchte er den Kontakt mit Anti-Gaddafi-Rebellen, um zu eruieren, wie glaubwürdig deren Absichten seien, den Despoten Gaddafi in die beziehungsweise – hier wohl angemessener – aus der Wüste zu jagen.

Die „Rebellen“ sollen BHL treuherzig versichert haben, daß sie es mit ihren Putsch-Plänen selbstverständlich ernst meinten, aber keinen islamischen Gottesstaat anstrebten. Lévy will daraufhin bei Frankreichs Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy angerufen haben, und zwar „auf gut Glück“, wie er ebenso treuherzig wie die „Rebellen“ versicherte. Was aus diesem Anruf wurde, wissen wir. Mittlerweile indes wachsen aber selbst bei Befürwortern der sich unabsehbar in die Länge ziehenden Intervention die Zweifel.

Das Lager der „ewigen Nichtinterventionisten“

Exemplarisch hierfür steht der Streit zwischen BHL und dem Filmregisseur Claude Lanzmann. Lanzmann hatte zunächst für eine Intervention gestimmt, hat nun aber seine Meinung geändert. Daraufhin reihte ihn der französische Publizist Gilles Hertzog, ein Parteigänger von BHL, ins Lager der „Pontius Pilatus, der Münchner, der ewigen Nichtinterventionisten“ ein. Die libyschen „Rebellen“ kämpften, so Hertzog, wie einst „die freien Franzosen unter Leclerc“ gegen Hitler und Petain.

Mit anderen Worten: Wer kein „Appeaser“ sein will, der habe die Pflicht zur Einmischung. Daß dieser moralische Imperativ insbesondere von linksliberalen Kreisen verfochten wird, ist nicht ohne Hautgout, wie unter anderem der Publizist Rudolf Maresch in einem Beitrag für das Online-Magazin Telepolis deutlich gemacht hat. Waren es nicht diese Kreise, die den „Demokratieexport“ à la Bush und seiner „Neocons“ geißelten? Oder, in den Worten von Maresch: „Sind Bomben und Cruise Missiles, die im Namen von Sarkozy und Obama abgeworfen werden, moralisch höherwertiger als die von Neocons, Bush und Konsorten?“ Man müsse sich fragen, so Maresch, warum die NATO nur in Libyen interveniere, „nicht aber im Jemen oder in Syrien“.

Den Bellizisten der Libyen-Intervention ist dieses Argument, das analog zu Paul Kennedys Paradigma von der „imperialen Überdehnung“ auf eine „moralische Überdehnung“ hinausläuft, durchaus bewußt. Der Befreiungsschlag aus diesem Dilemma ist das altbekannte Spiel auf der Klaviatur der angelsächsischen Kriegspropaganda: Gaddafi wird zum „hostis humani generis“, zu „Hitlers Wiedergänger“ (Enzensberger) aufgeblasen, dessen angebliche Alleinstellungsmerkmale in Sachen Grausamkeit alle Mittel heiligen – und eine Intervention geradezu herbeigezwungen haben.

Die obskuren Anführer der „Rebellenarmee“

Mit Blick auf BHL steht die Frage im Raum, inwieweit er Kenntnis über den obskuren Hintergrund der „Rebellen“ hat, die in Libyen angeblich das Banner von Demokratie und Freiheit tragen. Was hier mittlerweile von namentlich bekannten Protagonisten dieser „Rebellen“ kolportiert wird, spricht für sich. Chalifa Hifter zum Beispiel, der Führer der Rebellenarmee, kehrte erst vor kurzem aus den USA nach Libyen zurück.

In den 1980er Jahren war er Oberst in Gaddafis Armee, sei dann im Zuge des Tschad-Konfliktes Gaddafi-Gegner geworden und emigrierte schließlich mit seiner Familie in die USA, wo er vor den Toren Washingtons, einige Kilometer von der CIA-Zentrale in Langley entfernt, lebte. Wovon seine Familie und er dann gelebt haben, ist unklar. Hifter soll – dies kann unter anderem in Pierre Péans Buch „Manipulations africaines“ (2001) nachgelesen werden – für die „Libysche Nationale Rettungsfront“ tätig gewesen sein, einer wichtigen Anti-Gaddafi-Organisation, die auch mit CIA-Geldern finanziert wurde.

Fünf Jahre auf Guantánamo

Mindestens ebenso schillernd ist die Karriere von Abu bin Qumu – heute einer der Exponenten der Anti-Gaddafi-Rebellen, der – so berichtete unter anderem die Junge Welt – nach den Anschlägen vom 11. September als „Mitglied der militanten Libysch-Islamischen Kampfgruppe in Pakistan festgenommen wurde“ – auch dank der Hinweise eines gewissen Muammar al-Gaddafi. Qumu brachte dann fünf Jahre auf Guantánamo zu; 2007 wurde er nach Libyen abgeschoben.

Im Zuge einer Amnestie, die Gaddafi verfügte, wurde er dann freigelassen. Qumu gilt als einer der Anführer der sogenannten „Darnah-Brigade“. Darnah (oder Derna) ist als Hochburg von Selbstmordattentätern (die insbesondere im Irak Anschläge durchführten) und Dschihad-Terroristen bekannt geworden. Unweit von Bengasi gelegen, gilt Darnah als ein Zentrum der „Rebellen“ im Kampf gegen Gaddafi.

Parallelen zu Afghanistan

Auch die Biographie des zum Musterdemokraten mutierten Abdel-Hakim al Hasidi, ein anderer bekannter Führer der Rebellenarmee, spricht für sich. Er kämpfte in Afghanistan für El Kaida, wurde von pakistanischen Einheiten verhaftet und an die USA ausgeliefert. Diese überstellten ihn Gaddafi, der ihn ins Gefängnis schickte. Einige der wenigen deutschen Zeitungen, die über Hasidis Hintergrund berichtete, war Anfang April die Berliner Zeitung:

„Einer der Rebellenführer, Abdel-Hakim al Hasidi, hatte einer italienischen Zeitung bereits vor zwei Wochen gesagt, daß viele Dschihadisten, die zuvor die westlichen Alliierten im Irak bekämpft hätten, nun auf Seiten der ,Rebellen‛ gegen das Gaddafi-Regime kämpfen würden. Der Libyer muß es wissen – er kämpfte selbst in Afghanistan gegen die Amerikaner, bis er in Pakistan festgenommen und ans US-Militär ausgeliefert wurde.“

Die Parallelen zu Afghanistan, wo die CIA die Mudschaheddin finanzierte und ausrüstete, damit sie die Russen aus dem Land jagen, sind nicht nur nicht zu übersehen, sondern drängen sich mit Blick auf die libyschen „Rebellen“ regelrecht auf.



Michael Wiesberg, 1959 in Kiel geboren, Studium der Evangelischen Theologie und Geschichte, arbeitet als Lektor und als freier Journalist. Letzte Buchveröffentlichung: Botho Strauß. Dichter der Gegenaufklärung, Dresden 2002.


La manipulation de l'opinion en démocratie

La manipulation de l'opinion en démocratie


Peut-être existe-t-il encore quelques naïfs qui pensent que la propagande et la manipulation de l’opinion sont des spécialités réservées aux régimes autocratiques ou totalitaires clairement proclamés comme tels. Dans le monde de bisounours gavés à la guimauve démocratolâtre télévisuelle dans lequel nous vivons, ce n’est pas du tout impossible. Et bien ces derniers candides seront définitivement guéris de leurs puériles illusions par la lecture de cet ouvrage d’Edward Bernays datant de 1928. Les autres y trouveront matière à approfondir leur connaissance des méthodes et mécanismes  de l’instrumentalisation de l’opinion publique.

L’aspect le plus intéressant de cette analyse de « la manipulation de l’opinion en démocratie » (sous-titre de l’ouvrage) est qu’elle n’émane pas d’un adversaire de ces méthodes, un activiste « libertaire » visant à dénoncer et démonter l’odieuse forfaiture mais tout au contraire d’un promoteur de cette « dominations des foules par des élites éclairées », fondateur des « relations publiques » et grand théoricien de celles-ci.

Pour Edward Bernays en effet, la manipulation est tout à fait nécessaire à la « bonne conduite » de la société dans un système démocratique. Sans celle-ci, sans cette capacité  des « élites » à influencer les foules dans le sens de leurs intérêts (forcément bénéfiques pour l’ensemble de la communauté selon Bernays) les démocraties sombreraient dans l’anomie et le chaos.

Le livre de ce neveu de Freud est donc en réalité un petit « mode d’emploi » de l’art de faire croire aux individus qu’ils font des choix libres et volontaires alors que ces choix leurs sont « suggérés » (fortement) par les élites maîtrisant les rouages de l’information, de la publicité et des arts populaires (cinéma, théâtre…).

Pour Bernays, « la manipulation consciente, intelligente, des opinions et des habitudes organisées des masses joue un rôle important dans une société démocratique. Ceux qui manipulent ce mécanisme social imperceptible forment un gouvernement invisible qui dirige véritablement le pays », et il se donne pour mission d’expliciter comment ce « gouvernement invisible » parvient  à ses fins, grâce notamment à l’application des principes de « relations publiques » qu’il a mis au point et qu’il cherche à vendre aux « élites » de tous ordres (commerçants et industriels bien sûr mais aussi hommes politiques, facultés, lobbys divers…).

Bernays est ainsi l’homme qui est parvenu à faire fumer les américaines à la demande d’American Tobacco qui ne supportait plus d’être ainsi privé d’un si vaste marché potentiel.  Détournant à son profit le mouvement des « suffragettes », Bernays a en effet réussi à faire passer le fait de fumer pour un acte de libération féminine, une marque d’indépendance et de « prise de possession d’un symbole phallique » (on reconnaît là l’influence de l’oncle) et a ainsi rempli un peu plus grassement les caisses du cigarettier (et accessoirement plus tard celles des cancérologues).

C’est ainsi avec une bonne conscience absolue et un contentement total que Bernays explique l’importance pour tout homme de pouvoir de s’adjoindre les services des « hommes d’autorités » (médecins, juges et tout autre personne considérée dans l’esprit général comme neutre et impartiale) pour leur servir de « relais d’opinion » et imposer peu à peu leurs projets et conceptions. Noam Chomsky considère  d’ailleurs ce texte comme l'un des plus important du 20ème siècle, lui pour qui "la propagande est à la démocratie ce que la violence est à un Etat totalitaire".

Une lecture fondamentale pour ne jamais être dupe des modes, des engouements populaires et autres « mouvements d’opinion ».

Xavier Eman  (in « Livr’arbitres », numéro 4, nouvelle série).

mardi, 17 mai 2011

Informatie-oorlog: De VSA dulden geen pluralisme


Informatie-oorlog: De VSA dulden geen pluralisme

Ex: http://www.kasper-gent.org/

Op 3 maart 2011 pleitte minister van buitenlandse zaken van de VSA Hillary Clinton voor meer overheidssteun om het Amerikaanse mediabeleid te versterken. Dit was dringend nodig, stelde ze, omdat de VSA “de informatie-oorlog aan het verliezen zijn”:

“We are in an information war and we are losing that war. Al Jazeera is winning, the Chinese have opened a global multi-language television network, the Russians have opened up an English-language network. I’ve seen it in a few countries, and it is quite instructive, …

Hillary Clinton verwijst hier respectievelijk naar Al-Jazeera English (het Arabische medianetwerk), CCTV-9 (Chinese Central TV) en Russia Today (RT.com). Hoewel nog geen tien jaar oud, hebben ze de monopolie van CNN en BBC kunnen ondergraven. Nu moeten CNN en BBC heel wat concurrentie dulden van medianetwerken die geen enkele band hebben met het Westen.

Al-Jazeera en RT.com laten dit ook duidelijk blijken in hun nieuwsgaring, die op een heel verfrissende wijze (alvast voor de gemiddelde Westerling) bericht over de globale gebeurtenissen. Zo was het RT.com die ons op de hoogte hield van de massale vakbondsprotesten te Wisconsin terwijl de Amerikaanse media deden alsof er niets gebeurde of hun neus bloedde.[1] Al Jazeera was op zijn beurt het enige nieuwskanaal dat sprak over de burgerslachtoffers in de Irak-oorlog terwijl CNN hen daarvoor bekritiseerde en zich afvroeg waarom het nodig was hierover te berichten.[2]

Niet alleen bekijken ze de gebeurtenissen via een andere invalshoek, ze zijn vaak in staat om qua professionaliteit en nieuwskwaliteit de Westerse media te overtreffen. Zo ontketende RT.com een mediaschandaal in 2009 toen ze konden bewijzen dat de CNN in hun berichtgeving over de oorlog in Zuid-Ossetië de beelden om de bombardementen van de stad Gori door het Russische leger te illustreren, werden opgenomen in Tskhinvali, die werd bestookt door het Georgische leger. Eén van hun cameramannen mocht exclusief getuigen dat de CNN hier zwaar in de fout was gegaan.[3] Het deed de geloofwaardigheid van hun berichtgeving geen deugd.


Een ander recent voorbeeld is de berichtgeving over de Noord-Afrikaanse en Arabische opstanden, waarin duidelijk bleek dat Al-Jazeera in staat was om een veel bredere kijk weer te geven op de gebeurtenissen. Terwijl de CNN bijvoorbeeld het moest doen met journalisten in CaÏro en analyses vanuit hun veilige studio’s, wist Al-Jazeera meerdere journalisten over het gehele land te verspreiden, die zoveel mogelijk live beelden verzamelden, gecombineerd met tal van reportages met de oppositie zelf. CNN moest dan ook vaak Al-Jazeera citeren in hun nieuwsberichten en Hilary Clinton zelf stelde vast dat Al-Jazeera “echt nieuws” is, in vergelijking met de Amerikaanse nieuwsdiensten:

“Viewership of Al Jazeera is going up in the United States because it’s real news,” Clinton said. “You may not agree with it, but you feel like you’re getting real news around the clock instead of a million commercials and, you know, arguments between talking heads and the kind of stuff that we do on our news which, you know, is not particularly informative to us, let alone foreigners.”

De cijfers liegen er niet om. Sinds 2009 daalt het aantal kijkers voor de CNN drastisch. In maart 2010 verloor men zelfs de helft van de kijkers in vergelijking met verleden jaar. Vooral Fox News profiteert hiervan. In het laatste kwartaal van 2010 werd deze evolutie verder gezet en had de CNN minder kijkers dan 10 jaar geleden.

Dat deze kijkers niet overwegen om over te schakelen naar of Al-Jazeera, is omdat deze quasi geen kabeltoegang krijgt. De meeste Amerikaanse kijkers moeten Al-Jazeera dan ook volgen via het internet. Momenteel zijn er tussen Al-Jazeera en Comcast (de grootste kabeldistributeur van de VSA) om dit probleem aan te pakken. RT.com daarentegen kan al in de VSA bekeken worden,

Maar de VSA slaan terug. Recent aanvaardde de BBC World Service, die door de economische crisis moet lijden onder draconische besparingen, geld van de American State Department om uit de kosten te geraken. Dat dit betekent dat de VSA nu ook (mee) bepaalt wat al dan niet mag uitgezonden worden op de BBC, kan zelfs het kleinste kind inzien.

Natuurlijk bestaat er geen 100% objectieve overheidsmedia (zo werden zowel CNN als Al-Jazeera gehekeld voor hun “even bevooroordeelde berichtgeving”[4]) en de waarheid ligt hoogstwaarschijnlijk ergens tussenin. Toch is het toenemende pluralisme in de nieuwsvergaring een verademing. Dat Hillary Clinton er alles aan wil doen om enkel het Amerikaanse standpunt over de gebeurtenissen in deze wereld te laten gelden, is een zeer spijtige zaak maar niet verbazingwekkend.

Geschreven door Erik Langerock






[1] Zie artikel “Vakbondsprotest doodgezwegen” in ons Winternummer

[2] http://www.fair.org/index.php?page=1587

[3] http://rt.com/news/cnn-blamed-for-using-misleading-war-video/

[4] http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=38747

lundi, 09 mai 2011

L'automne des libertés


L’automne des libertés


Quand les historiens de demain se pencheront sur la société hexagonale du début du XXIe siècle, ils la qualifieront aisément de société totalitaire molle. En effet, derrière une apparence laxiste se cache une entreprise de destruction systématique des libertés réelles.

Après la défense d’examiner certaines questions historiques sous peine d’emprisonnement (voir le cas de Vincent Reynouard aujourd’hui heureusement libéré), après la prohibition du purin d’ortie (mesure désormais abrogée), la surveillance intéressée de la Toile (cf. loi H.A.D.O.P.I.) et le bannissement public de la burqa musulmane, voilà les autorités prêtes à lever une « milice du sexe » contre les clients des prostituées qui rejoindra la cohorte de la « police de la pensée historique » et de la « gendarmerie du vêtement ».

Un célèbre quotidien vespéral a publié récemment une tribune libre, cosignée par la présidente et le rapporteur de la Mission d’information sur la prostitution en France, intitulée « La prostitution n’est pas une fatalité. Pénaliser le client est une nécessité ». Quelles sont les explications de ces deux députés pour exiger six mois de prison et 3000 euros d’amende aux adeptes des rencontres tarifées ?

Leur justification aurait pu être sanitaire ou sociale. Non, Danielle Bousquet, présidente de la mission et élue socialiste des Côtes-d’Armor, et Guy Geoffroy, élu U.M.P. de Seine-et-Marne, préfèrent recourir à des motivations morales et « politiquement correctes ». Faut-il ensuite s’étonner qu’ils écrivent : « si des députés de droite comme de gauche ont pu s’accorder sur les réponses à donner à ces questions, c’est parce que nous partageons les mêmes valeurs démocratiques et républicaines » ? Où est donc le pluralisme des valeurs, cette diversité fondamentale, tant vanté par ailleurs ? Remarquons une fois de plus la réalité indéniable de l’U.M.P.S., cette coalition kleptocratique parasitaire.

Que réclament donc ces députés, croisements improbables entre un néo-puritanisme post-chrétien et un ultra-féminisme hystérique ? Un ensemble de sottises, ce qui ne saurait surprendre de la part d’individus ignorants et incompétents (qu’on se rappelle de leurs « travaux » pitoyables sur les sectes…). En s’appuyant sur des analyses sociologiques partiales et des documents mondialistes provenant de l’U.N.I.C.E.F., ils assènent avec un mépris formidable et une absence totale de compassion que « les clients ne vivent pas dans la misère sexuelle. […] Ce pauvre homme dont le seul petit plaisir est “ d’aller aux putes ”. Ce serait presque lui que l’on considérerait comme une victime de sa solitude (Le Monde, 12 avril 2011) ». Qu’il est loin, le manifeste situationniste de Debord et Kayanati, qui dénonçait, dès 1966 !, la misère sexuelle avec la fameuse Misère en milieu  étudiant ! Oui, Bousquet et Geoffroy, certains « vont aux putes » comme d’autres participent aux dîners du Siècle ou s’enrichissent sur le dos des contribuables corvéables à merci… Qui sont les plus nocifs ?

N’en déplaise aux deux Tartuffes du Palais-Bourbon et à leurs congénères, la misère sexuelle existe, elle s’est même développée, favorisée par la schizophrénie sociale ambiante. La société exalte en permanence le sexe. Pour vendre une bagnole, un téléphone, un parfum, une pizza, un film, un yoghourt, il faut que la personne – produit d’appel soit physiquement irréprochable et nue, ou en (très) légère tenue. La saturation hyper-sexogène est maximale. Il n’est plus rare qu’un enfant en classe de 6e (soit onze ans) ait déjà vu un film pornographique et n’ignore rien de la vaste palette des pratiques sexuelles… Qu’on ne soit pas surpris de la recrudescence du nombre de viols, malgré les dénégations de la Mission d’information à ce sujet !

Tout pour nos deux députés que pour « Tartuffette » Bachelot, dite aussi la dame bienfaitrice des firmes pharmaceutiques, « il est enfin temps d’analyser la prostitution au regard du respect dû à l’être humain, de la “ non-patrimonialité ” du corps humain et de l’égalité des sexes (Le Monde, 12 avril 2011) ». Ah ! l’égalité des sexes, cette tarte à la crème postmoderniste… C’est au nom de cette absurde « égalité des sexes » que le législateur a inscrit dans le Code pénal le « viol au sein du couple ». Si l’épouse refuse d’assumer son devoir conjugal et si le mari passe outre, il risque la cour d’assises. Jusqu’à maintenant, le mari frustré pouvait se rabattre sur les professionnelles. Bientôt, qu’il fasse l’un ou l’autre, il rencontrera la justice républicaine. Serait-ce le moment d’Onan ?

L’« égalité des sexes » est une gigantesque escroquerie intellectuelle. L’homme n’est pas l’égal de la femme. Ce constat réaffirmé, doit-on en conclure qu’il faille tenir le beau sexe pour inférieur et le réduire à la condition  servile ? Non, surtout pas, car à l’égalité, notion moderne cruciale, il importe de privilégier une conception traditionaliste post-moderne, celle de la complémentarité des sexes à partir de laquelle se répartissent les tâches.

Pour Sarah-Marie Maffesoli du Collectif Droit et Prostitution, « pénaliser le client est un moyen détourné pour prohiber la prostitution. Cela pose la question de la liberté sexuelle de chacun. C’est une loi symbolique, portée par des féministes d’arrière-garde (Libération, 14 avril 2011) ». Elle aurait pu ajouter qu’on assiste à une intrusion supplémentaire de l’État dans la vie privée et l’intimité.

Incapables – car sans aucun courage – de légiférer contre les organismes bancaires et les forces d’argent ou d’imposer le revenu maternel, parental ou familial, voire de citoyenneté, les députés parient sur le renforcement du contrôle des personnes. « Tartuffette » Bachelot avertit qu’« il faudra probablement passer par le flagrant délit ou la dénonciation (Libération, 14 avril 2011) » pour surprendre le client. Va-t-on mettre sur écoute tous les Français ? Les espionner via une vidéo-protection inopérante, onéreuse et futile ? L’usage de la dénonciation ne rappelle-t-il pas les « heures-les-plus-sombres-de-notre-histoire » (« Allo, la Kommandantur ? » ou bien cliquez sur le site Délation républicaine) ? La ministresse se sentirait-elle une âme d’indic ?

L’invasion de l’État et de la loi dans notre privauté n’est pas une nouveauté. Il y a longtemps que le Français subit des contraintes imbéciles : obligation de posséder un compte bancaire et donc de se soumettre aux intérêts ploutocratiques, d’envoyer ses enfants à l’école et donc de suivre des programmes ineptes, de se faire vacciner et donc d’entériner la mainmise des oligopoles médicaux, etc. Chantres du phalanstère et de la vie en communauté totale, les socialistes utopistes du XIXe siècle (Fourrier et Cabet), seraient pantois devant l’actuelle ingérence étatique qui s’étend encore. Bientôt, les foyers devront s’équiper d’alarme anti-incendie. Au nom de la soi-disant « égalité sexuelle », il imposera sous peu la répartition égalitaire des tâches ménagères. Combien de formulaires à remplir pour passer l’aspirateur ? Et que penser de la proscription prochaine de la gifle et la fessée aux enfants, sinon qu’il s’agit d’abolir la structure familiale et l’autorité parentale ? Quant aux réfractaires, on les embastillera parce que leurs enfants vont dans une école privée hors contrat, parce qu’ils choisissent un traitement médical alternatif (pensons aux avanies faites à ces grands scientifiques réprouvés que furent Mirko Beljanski et Loïc Le Ribault), parce qu’ils osent cultiver « bio » hors de toute réglementation eurocratique… Le tout assorti de l’accusation fallacieuse de menées sectaires…

En plus de l’amende et de l’incarcération (alors que les établissements pénitentiaires sont saturés), certains phobiques de la prostitution, une des rares phobies tolérées, proposent même au micheton pris sur le fait de suivre, à ses frais (c’est-à-dire accepter une extorsion légale), une sorte de stage de citoyenneté dans une association spécialisée. Ce « stage citoyen » existe dès à présent pour la burqa ainsi que pour les délits « racistes ». L’ouverture des camps de rééducation est proche.

Par-delà cette loi inique qui détourne l’opinion des véritables enjeux dont celui de la faiblesse des États face à l’omnipotence des multinationales, c’est principalement l’homme blanc hétérosexuel qui est donné à la vindicte de l’extrême féminisme et des nervis du « discours des genres ». Malgré une argumentation parfois maladroit (arrêtons d’attaquer le populisme !), l’acteur Philippe Caubère a très bien rappelé qu’on assiste à « la dégradation, la dérive et finalement la faillite d’un “ féminisme ” qui, s’inspirant du fameux “ modèle suédois ” – celui-là même qui permet à un journaliste adulte et responsable ayant accepté une relation sexuelle sans préservatif d’en faire envoyer l’auteur en prison -, se consacre aujourd’hui à la pratique de cette nouvelle chasse à course dont l’homme est le gibier (Libération, 14 avril 2011) ». Allié de l’hyper-classe, l’ultra-féminisme a déclaré la guerre des sexes. Que ces pétroleuses d’un nouveau genre fassent attention, l’homme européen ne renoncera pas à sa virilité sans combattre !

Bousquet et Geoffroy, nouveaux Diafoirus de l’Assemblée nationale, s’amourachent du fameux système suédois. La Suède, parlons-en ! Cet incroyable exemple de dégénérescence occidentale bénéficie cependant de circonstances atténuantes puisqu’il cumule les tares du protestantisme, de la social-démocratie égalitariste, du libéralisme et du féminisme. Il y a des États bien malchanceux dans le monde…

Victime d’étranges accusations, Julian Assange a raison de considérer la société suédoise comme « l’Arabie Saoudite du  féminisme ». À la suite de cette affaire curieuse, des juristes de ce pays décati se demandent si, avant de coucher, la femme ne devrait pas signer une décharge certifiant son consentement… De nos jours, Casanova et Don Juan seraient des ennemis publics parfaits.

Ravagée par une « ripoublique » plus que jamais totalitaire, sectaire et bananière, la France crève d’un excès de lois et de réglementations idiotes qui favorisent l’anomie sociale. Ce délitement revient au « monstre froid » étatique, laquais de la super-classe parasite, qui veut nous contrôler. Contre son invasion dans nos vies, préparons la dissidence, la rébellion, le recours aux maquis… Quant aux Bachelot, Bousquet, Geoffroy et compagnie, stipendiés de l’oligarchie, dégagez ! Bienvenue en revanche aux hétaïres, aux ribaudes, aux courtisanes ! Et donnons au Palais-Bourbon enfin vidé une meilleure fonction : devenir le plus grand lupanar d’Europe !

Georges Feltin-Tracol

Article printed from Europe Maxima: http://www.europemaxima.com

URL to article: http://www.europemaxima.com/?p=1956

jeudi, 05 mai 2011

La truffa di Bin Laden per espandere il conflitto

La truffa di Bin Laden per espandere il conflitto

di Tony Cartalucci

Fonte: Come Don Chisciotte [scheda fonte] 

Lo scriba e totalmente disonesto propagandista per la “Fondazione per la Difesa della Democrazia” (FDD) Bill Roggio, che scrive sul "Long War Journal", ha dedicato la sua vita a pubblicizzare la falsissima "Guerra al Terrore”, abbandonando ogni parvenza di obbiettività persino nel nome del suo blog, affiliato all’establishment neoconservatore, che ora sappiamo ufficialmente essere sovvenzionato dal governo. Il termine "Guerra Lunga" naturalmente è un parto dell’era Bush e una rassicurazione costante del presidente che avrebbe garantito una “Guerra al Terrore" senza fine.

"La casa di Osama": sembra quasi una casa in rovina di Los Angeles, ma è più probabile che fosse un edificio della CIA che ha ospitato un’esercitazione, causa della morte di una certa quantità di persone ignare. Naturalmente, tutto ciò ha la stessa credibilità dei proclami del governo che si basano su prove photoshoppate, bruciate sul terreno o affondate nel mare.

FDD e il suo doppione, Foreign Policy Initiative – essenzialmente la reincarnazione del Progetto per un Nuovo Secolo Americano (PNAC) – sono state tra le prime, poco dopo l’annuncio di Obama, a ipotizzare un’implicazione del Pakistan nell’aver ospitato Bin Laden fino alla sua morte. Ma questi annunci si sono solo ultimamente intensificati.

Un recente articolo di Roggio, "
La complicità del Pakistan nell’ospitare Osama bin Laden è evidente", ci propina quello che sembra essere un argomento convincente, ossia che non solo il Pakistan sapesse della presenza di Bin Laden nella città di Abbotabad, il centro della comunità militare e d’intelligence pakistana, ma che è stato anche suo complice per avergli fornito un rifugio. Roggio si prodiga nel ricordare ai lettori le "vaste connessioni con i gruppi terroristi".

Invece di argomentare i motivi per cui era certo che il Pakistan stesse ospitando il ricercato più famoso nella storia del pianeta, Roggio suggerisce che gli Stati Uniti hanno mantenuto l’operazione completamente segreta all’intelligence pakistana fino al suo avvio, e persino allora gli Stati Uniti non avrebbero rilevato il luogo dell’operazione a causa di un’ipotetica mancanza di fiducia. Senza freni, Roggio glissa su questa carenza logica per mancanza d’immaginazione o per un totale disprezzo verso i propri lettori. Naturalmente, se Osama Bin Laden era effettivamente a Abbotabad e il Pakistan gli stava fornendo un rifugio, quel complesso non sarebbe stato costantemente sotto sorveglianza? E poi, dopo l’annuncio dell’operazione agli ufficiali pakistani, questi non ne avrebbero dovuto già conoscere l’esatta ubicazione?

La narrativa caracollante di Roggio, come tutta la
stessa truffa di Bin Laden insieme all’intera esistenza dell’FDD e dell’FPI, non ha lo scopo di far progredire la nostra comprensione del mondo, ma piuttosto quella di favorire l’agenda degli interessi guidati dalla finanza che pilotano queste nefaste organizzazioni. In questo caso, il Pakistan rimane un ostacolo sul cammino di guerra che inizia nel Medio Oriente con la progettata e finanziata dagli USA "Primavera Araba" e si scaglia contro l’Europa dell’Est, l’Asia Centrale e fino a Mosca e a Pechino.

In Pakistan le tensioni si sono alzate in modo drammatico negli ultimi tempi. I think-tank sovvenzionati dalla finanza delle multinazionali hanno richiesto a alta voce che
il Pakistan venisse letteralmente smembrato in una serie di stati più piccoli per mezzo di un’insurrezione sorretta dagli Stati Uniti nella provincia del Belucistan. Questa è una risposta diretta alle relazioni sempre più assidue tra Pakistan e Cina e il crescente rifiuto di questi paesi di obbedire agli ordini che servono per la tutela degli interessi americani nella regione.

Lo scriba globalista
Selig Harrison, del Center for International Policy finanziato da Soros, ha pubblicato due articoli sulla cruciale importanza del Pakistan in un contesto geopolitico allargato, suggerendo la strada che potrebbe portare a un "cambio" vantaggioso. Il pezzo di Harrison del febbraio, "Belucistan Libero," che già nel titolo ci indica un altro "movimento per le libertà" studiato e finanziato in modo da fornire un esito favorevole ai patroni della finanza. In modo esplicito, egli chiede di "aiutare i sei milioni insorti beluci nel combattere per l’indipendenza dal Pakistan a causa della crescente repressione dell’ISI." Prosegue nello spiegare gli aspetti positivi di una tale intromissione, affermando che "il Pakistan ha offerto alla Cina la base di Gwadar nel cuore del territorio beluco e, per questo motivo, un Belucistan indipendente servirà agli interessi strategici degli Stati Uniti in aggiunta all’obbiettivo immediato del contenimento delle forze islamiste."

Harrison ha proseguito nel suo richiamo a un rimodellamento del Pakistan parlando delle relazioni tra Cina e Pakistan in un articolo del marzo 2011 dal titolo, "
I Cinesi cercano di fare i simpatici con i pakistani." Esordisce con l’affermare che "l’influenza in espansione della Cina è una conseguenza naturale e anche accettabile della sua crescente importanza, ma deve avere dei limiti." E così reitera la sua proposta di un’intromissione extraterritoriale in Pakistan: "Considerando quello che la Cina sta facendo in Pakistan, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero interpretare un ruolo aggressivo nel sostenere il movimento per l’indipendenza del Belucistan verso il Mare Arabico e lavorare con gli insorti beluci per far allontanare i cinesi dalla loro nascente base navale di Gwadar. Pechino vuole fare delle incursioni verso Gilgit e il Baltistan in modo da compiere il primo passo nel percorso verso uno sbocco sul Mare Arabico a Gwadar."

Considerando che i ribelli beluci
sono già stati armati e finanziati per innalzare il livello dello scontro in Iran, è più che probabile che simili aiuti siano stati forniti per mettere alle strette il governo pakistano e l’ISI (ndt: sono i servizi segreti pakistani). Dopo la recente manifestazione di scontento del Pakistan che ha richiesto agli Stati Uniti di fermare tutte le operazioni dei drone all’interno dei suoi confini, la CIA ha risposto con una serie di attacchi, l’ultimo dei quali ha ucciso almeno 22 persone, tra cui donne e forse bambini, solamente per vessare e esasperare questa richiesta del rispetto della sovranità nazionale.

Ora, l’aver trovato "Osama Bin Laden" nel cuore della comunità militare e d’intelligence pakistana ha la funzione di una chiara minaccia nei confronti del Pakistan, con i cheerleader come Roggio che stanno puntando il dito contro l’ISI per poi lasciarcelo, per far comprendere a noi e agli ufficiali pakistani quale sarà il logico corso degli eventi futuri.

Il Pakistan ha davanti a sé due possibilità. Rimanere complice degli Occidentali mentre si avviano a dominare il pianeta a detrimento degli interessi dello stesso Pakistan oppure rendere noto il bluff degli Stati Uniti, un bluff che non hanno modo di tenere a lungo. Le condizioni di vita nel Pakistan passeranno momenti difficili nel futuro prossimo, indipendentemente da quale decisione verrà presa, dato che la sua posizione è proprio sul punto di convergenza dei disegni dell’Occidente su Iran, Cina e Russia.

Nel frattempo, mentre Washington si mostra alleata dell’India, l’unico proposito di questa relazione è quella di gestire la competizione crescente con la Cina e con tutta l’area centrale e meridionale dell’Asia, India inclusa. Forse, mentre all’India gli si sta ghiacciando il sangue, non volendo interpretare un ruolo che si opponga a Pakistan e Cina, sarebbe necessaria
un’altra opportuna fuga di notizie da Wikileaks che etichetti il governo indiano come un covo di corrotti per poter generare un bel "movimento anti-corruzione".

Mentre l’India sembra sperare che l’annuncio della morte di Bin Laden
darà finalmente l’opportunità agli Stati Uniti di uscirsene dalla regione, i guerrafondai che hanno iniziato e proseguito la guerra, tra cui l’FDD, l’FPI e i propagandisti come Bill Roggio, suggeriscono invece che tutto questo servirà solo come stimolo per rimanerci ancora più a lungo e per espandere il raggio delle operazioni. Forse sarebbe una buona iniziativa che l’India, il Pakistan e la Cina abbandonino tutte insieme questa strategia della tensione che ultimamente non è utile a nessuno dei loro interessi e espellere l’Occidente una volta per tutte dai propri confini e dalla regione. In ultima analisi, è giunta di certo per chiunque l’ora di richiedere il rispetto della propria sovranità personale e nazionale da parte di un’élite al comando che ha completamente perso la testa.

Fonte: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/

Link: http://landdestroyer.blogspot.com/2011/05/bin-laden-hoax-to-exapand-war.html

Traduzione per www.comedonchisciotte.org a cura di SUPERVICE

Tante altre notizie su www.ariannaeditrice.it

Macabre pas de danse américain


Chronique hebdomadaire de Philippe Randa

ben-laden-lara-croft.jpgDécidément, l’époque est à la suspicion tout azimut. La mort d’Oussama ben Laden n’échappe pas à la règle. Complotistes contre anti-complotistes, une nouvelle fois. Il est néanmoins certain que la décision du président Barack Obama de ne pas diffuser de photos du cadavre du fondateur des réseaux terroristes Al-quaida renforce les querelles à la fois sur les circonstances de son exécution… et sur la réalité de celle-ci. À part les déclarations sur fond d’affirmation péremptoire des autorités américains, rien ne prouve en effet qu’il s’agisse bien de l’ennemi mondial numéro 1. Un cadavre dont on s’est débarrassé immédiatement, pas de photos, rien… La parole yankee, à prendre ou à laisser.
Contentons-nous en donc et attendons-nous à ce qu’Oussama ben Laden réapparaisse ici ou là… Que ce soit le vrai ou un imposteur, la version officielle de sa mort fera de toute manière désormais hausser les épaules de ses ennemis. La presse, dans sa quasi-unanimité, a tranché en ne remettant pas en cause la réalité de sa mort. Car si les journalistes le disent…
Mais il faut bien alimenter les colonnes et presser l’événement tant que faire se peut pour en tirer tout le profit possible. Alors, cette presse s’interroge tout de même… Est-il judicieux ou non de ne pas diffuser de photos ? Est-il judicieux d’avoir immergé sa dépouille en haute mer ? Cette gestion de l’immédiat après-Ben Laden est-elle la meilleure ? Et les images de ces foules américaines en train de danser de joie à l’annonce de sa mort ne vont-elles pas déclencher de terribles représailles de ses partisans contre les soldats de l’Oncle Sam engagés en Afghanistan ou en Irak, ou contre les ressortissants américains à travers toute la planète ?
À se demander si Ben Laden ne se révélera pas plus dangereux encore mort – ou présumé tel – que vivant.
Quoiqu’il en soit, personne ne semble interpellé par le fait qu’un homme, déclaré ennemi mondial numéro 1, pourchassé en tout cas officiellement par la quasi-totalité des nations, à une époque où les systèmes d’espionnage par satellite permettent de détecter le moindre mouvement d’orteil d’un individu – fut-ce le petit, voire même de virtualiser virtuellement celui d’un cul-de-jatte – et pour lequel le FBI offrait la bagatelle de 25 millions de dollars pour tout renseignement permettant sa capture, a pu défier ainsi, durant dix années, l’hyper-puissance américaine ? Qu’il aurait même pu leur glisser entre les doigt, une fois de plus, car il s’en est fallu de quelques heures, paraît-il…
De trois choses l’une : ou le leader d’Al-Quaida mérite amplement d’avoir été considéré comme l’ennemi mondial numéro 1, car il n’était vraiment pas le premier branquignol du terorrisme venu… Soit toute l’Affaire Ben Laden est une vaste imposture – sanglante, certes, mais imposture quand même – des États-Unis pour justifier leurs impérialisme… Soit il serait temps de considérer l’hyper-puissance yankee comme relevant d’un passé révolu.
La liesse des foules américaines retransmise sur les écrans du Monde entier apparaîtra alors comme un des dernier pas de danse d’un peuple dont l’avenir s’annonce plutôt comme une danse macabre…

© Philippe Randa, écrivain et éditeur (www.dualpha.com), est également rédacteur en chef adjoint de Flash Magazine (www.flashmagazine.fr). Ses chroniques sont libres de reproduction à la seule condition que soit indiquée leurs origines.

Visitez le site www.philipperanda.com : chaque semaine, la tribune libre d’un invité… Tout savoir sur Peter et Philippe Randa (leurs entretiens, leurs livres…)

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mardi, 12 avril 2011

Das Rivkin-Projekt: Wie der Globalismus den Multikulturalismus zur Unterwanderung souveräner Nationen benutzt



Das Rivkin-Projekt: Wie der Globalismus den Multikulturalismus zur Unterwanderung souveräner Nationen benutzt – Teil 1 von 3


Von Kerry Bolton, übersetzt von Deep Roots.

Ex: http://flordman.wordpress.com/

Das Original The Rivkin Project: How Globalism Uses Multiculturalism to Subvert Sovereign Nations, Part 1 erschien am 14. März 2011 bei Counter-Currents Publishing/North American New Right.

Von 19. bis 22. Oktober 2010 lud Charles Rivkin, US-Botschafter in Frankreich, eine aus 29 Mitgliedern bestehende Delegation des Pacific Council on International Policy (PCIP) zu einer Konferenz nach Frankreich ein, deren Hauptzweck die Diskussion arabischer und islamischer Beziehungen in Frankreich war. [1] Das Treffen war Teil einer weitreichenden subversiven Agenda zur Verwandlung des gesamten Charakters von Frankreich und insbesondere des Bewußtseins der französischen Jugend, was die Benutzung von Frankreichs moslemischer Jugend in einer typisch manipulativen globalistischen Strategie hinter der üblichen Fassade von „Menschenrechten“ und „Gleichheit“ einschließt.

Globalistische Delegation in der US-Botschaft

Der Bericht der PCIP sagt über die Konferenz:

… Die Delegation konzentrierte sich weiters auf drei Schlüsselthemen. Erstens untersuchte die Gruppe französisch-moslemische Fragen in Frankreich durch Austausch mit Dr. Bassama Kodmani, dem Direktor des Arabischen Reforminstituts, und Miss Rachida Dati, dem ersten weiblichen französischen Kabinettsmitglied von nordafrikanischer Herkunft und gegenwärtig Bürgermeisterin des 7. Arrondissements in Paris. Eine Exkursion zur Großen Moschee von Paris und ein Treffen mit dem dortigen Direktor der Theologie und dem Rektor boten zusätzliche Einsichten. Zweitens, Treffen mit Mr. Jean-Noel Porier, dem Vizepräsidenten für Auswärtige Angelegenheiten von AREVA (einer höchst innovativen französischen Energiefirma) und mit Mr. Brice Lalonde, dem Klimaverhandler und ehemaligen Umweltminister, hoben Fragen der Energie- und Nuklearpolitik und der Unterschiede zwischen der US- und der französischen Politik auf diesen Gebieten hervor. Und schließlich erforschte die Delegation die Verbindungen zwischen den Medien und der Kultur in Kalifornien (Hollywood) und Frankreich im Zuge von Treffen im Louvre, im Musee D’Orsay und bei FRANCE 24 – dem in Paris ansässigen Kanal für internationale Nachrichten und aktuelle Angelegenheiten. [2]

Das vorrangige Interesse schien Fragen von multikultureller Dimension gegolten zu haben, einschließlich nicht nur arabischer und islamischer Beziehungen in Frankreich, sondern vielleicht langfristig noch wichtiger einer Diskussion über die Wirkung von Hollywoods „Kultur“ auf die Franzosen.

Die USA haben seit langem ein Doppelspiel betrieben, indem sie als eines der primären Elemente ihres Strategems der fabrizierten permanenten Krisen nach dem Kalten Krieg „Terrorismus von islamischer Natur bekämpft“ haben, während sie den „radikalen Islam“ für ihre eigenen Zwecke nutzten, wofür es folgende wohlbekannte Beispiele gibt:

1) die Unterstützung von Bin Laden im Krieg gegen Rußland in Afghanistan,

2) die Unterstützung von Saddam Hussein im Krieg gegen den Iran,

3) die Unterstützung der Kosovarischen Befreiungsarmee [UCK] bei der Beseitigung der serbischen Souveränität über den mineralreichen Kosovo, wobei die UCK wundersamerweise von einer laut US-Außenministerium „terroristischen Organisation“ in „Freiheitskämpfer“ verwandelt wurde.

Wenn US-Globalisten als Freunde von Moslems posieren, sollten letztere beim Dinieren mit dem Großen Shaitan einen äußerst langen Löffel verwenden.

Was ist der Pacific Council on International Policy?

Der PCIP, dessen Mitglied Rivkin ist, wurde 1995 als regionales Anhängsel der allgegenwärtigen Denkfabrik Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) gegründet [3], hat sein Hauptquartier in Los Angeles, aber mit “Mitgliedern und Aktivitäten an der gesamten Westküste der Vereinigten Staaten und international.” Firmenspenden kommen unter anderem von:

Carnegie Corporation of New York
Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
City National Bank
The Ford Foundation
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
The William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
The Rockefeller Foundation
United States Institute of Peace [4]

Der PCIP ist daher noch ein weiterer großer Teilnehmer an dem globalistischen Netzwerk, das Hunderte von üblicherweise miteinander verbundenen Organisationen, Lobbies, „Zivilgesellschafts“-Gruppen, NGOs und Denkfabriken umfaßt, im Verein mit Banken und anderen Konzernen. Wie üblich gibt es eine auffällige Präsenz von Rockefeller-Interessen.

Warum Frankreich?

Frankreich ist dem US-Globalismus seit langem ein Dorn im Auge gewesen wegen seines sturen Festhaltens an französischen Interessen überall auf der Welt anstelle jener der fabrizierten „Weltgemeinschaft“, obwohl das Sarkozy-Regime eine Ausnahme ist. Jedoch ist Frankreich einer der wenigen verbliebenen Staaten in Westeuropa mit einem starken Nationalbewußtsein. Der beste Weg zur Zerstörung jeglicher solcher Gefühle – die sich nur zu oft auf die Politik übertragen – besteht darin, Vorstellungen von Volkstum und Nationalität durch Förderung von „Multikulturalismus“ zu schwächen.

War es nur Zufall, daß die Studentenrevolte von 1968, die aus kindischsten Gründen ausgelöst wurde, zu einer Zeit geschah, in der sowohl die CIA sehr aktiv bei der Finanzierung von Studentengruppen überall auf der Welt war als auch Präsident de Gaulle den USA in Sachen Außenpolitik ein Maximum an Ärger machte? De Gaulle tat wenig, um mit Amerikas Nachkriegsplänen mitzuspielen. Er entzog Frankreich dem NATO-Kommando, und während des Zweiten Weltkriegs mißtrauten ihm die USA. [5]

Von besonderem Interesse ist de Gaulles Befürwortung eines geeinten Europas, um der US-Hegemonie entgegenzuwirken. [6] 1959 sagte er in Straßburg: „Ja, es ist Europa, vom Atlantik bis zum Ural, es ist das ganze Europa, welches das Schicksal der Welt bestimmen wird.“ Die Aussage implizierte eine Kooperation zwischen einem zukünftigen Europa und der UdSSR. 1967 erklärte er ein Waffenembargo gegen Israel und freundete sich mit der arabischen Welt an. Dies ist die Art von Vermächtnis, das die Globalisten fürchten.

Mit den Kaspereien von Sarkozy und steigenden Spannungen mit der unzufriedenen moslemischen Jugend könnte im Zuge einer Gegenreaktion ein kompromißlos antiglobalistisches, „xenophobes“ Regime an die Macht kommen. Was wäre nun im heutigen Kontext ein besserer Weg, den französischen Nationalismus und jedes Potential zu dessen Wiederbelebung als antiglobalistische Kraft zu untergraben, als Frankreichs große, unassimilierte islamische Komponente zu benutzen, genauso wie die bolschewistische Revolution in bedeutendem Ausmaß von den unzufriedenen Minderheiten des russischen Reiches unternommen wurde?

Interessant ist auch Wichtigkeit, die diese Delegation dem Einfluß Hollywoods auf die französische Kultur beimaß. Dies mag auf den ersten Blick als seltsames Anliegen erscheinen. Jedoch ist Hollywood als das wirtschaftliche Symbol der globalistischen kulturellen Auswüchse ein wichtiger Faktor bei der Globalisierung, in etwas, das auf einen kulturellen Weltkrieg hinausläuft. Letztendlich ist es nicht das Ziel des Globalismus, das Überleben ethnischer Kulturen und Identitäten zu fördern, sondern vielmehr, diese in einen großen Schmelztiegel des globalen Konsumismus zu tauchen, jedes Individuum aus seiner Identität und seinem Erbe zu reißen und diese durch das globale Einkaufszentrum und das „globale Dorf“ zu ersetzen. Daher sollte man den Multikulturalismus als die Antithese dessen sehen, wofür er gehalten wird.

Weit davon entfernt, daß die globalen Konzerne den sogenannten Multikulturalismus im Sinne der Sicherstellung der Existenz einer Vielzahl von Kulturen fördern wollten, wie der Begriff andeutet, ist er also im Gegenteil ein Teil eines dialektischen Prozesses, im Zuge dessen unter der Fassade von Idealen Völker von sehr unterschiedlichem Erbe wie Bauern auf einem Schachbrett über die Welt verschoben werden, mit dem Ziel, kulturell spezifische Nationen niederzureißen. Es ist ein Beispiel für Orwell’sches „doublethink.“ [7]

Es ist bemerkenswert, daß die Anstifter der “samtenen Revolutionen”, die nun durch Nordafrika fegen und bis in den Iran reichen, großteils „säkularisierte“ junge Leute ohne starke traditionalistische Wurzeln sind. In ähnlicher Weise besteht der beste Weg zur Lösung von Frankreichs ethnischen Konflikten und zur Sicherstellung, daß Frankreich nicht wieder hervortritt, um sich US-/globalistischen Interessen entgegenzustellen, in der dialektischen Schaffung einer neuen kulturellen Synthese, bei der es weder eine französische noch eine islamische Kultur gibt, sondern eine globalistische, jugendbasierte Kultur unter dem Banner von „Menschenrechten“ und „Gleichheit“, die von Hollywood, MTV, dem Cyberspace, McDonald’s und Pepsi genährt wird.

Daß dies mehr als eine Hypothese ist, wird von der Art angedeutet, in der die säkularen Jugendrevolten, die nun in Nordafrika stattfinden, von einer Allianz aus Konzerninteressen hervorgebracht wurden, gesponsert vom US-Außenministerium und allerlei NGOs wie Freedom House. [8] Die nordafrikanischen „Revolutionäre“, die Regime stürzen, sind genau die Art von „Moslem“, die die Globalisten bevorzugen, erfüllt von der Cyber-Konsumentenmentalität.

Was also haben Rivkin und das US-Außenministerium in Frankreich vor, daß sie so interessiert wären am Platz Hollywoods und der Moslems in dem Land?


1. “2010 France Country Dialogue,” PCIP,  http://www.pacificcouncil.org/page.aspx?pid=583

2. “2010 France Country Dialogue,” ibid.

3. “Gegründet 1995 in Partnerschaft mit dem Council on Foreign Relations,” PCIP, Governance, http://www.pacificcouncil.org/page.aspx?pid=373

4. Finanzierung durch Firmen und Stiftungen: http://www.pacificcouncil.org/page.aspx?pid=513

5. S. Berthon, Allies At War (London: Collins, 2001), S. 21.

6. A. Crawley, De Gaulle (London: The Literary Guild, 1969), S. 439.

7. “Die Macht, zwei widersprüchliche Glaubensvorstellungen gleichzeitig im Kopf zu haben und sie beide zu akzeptieren . . .” George Orwell, Nineteen Eighty-Four (London: Martin Secker and Warburg, 1949), Teil 1, Kaph. 3, S. 32.

8. K. R. Bolton, “Twitters of the World Unite! The Digital New-New Left as Controlled Opposition,” Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4. Tony Cartalucci, “Google’s Revolution Factory – Alliance of Youth Movements: Color Revolution 2.0,” Global Research, February 23, 2011, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=23283

Das Rivkin-Projekt: Wie der Globalismus den Multikulturalismus zur Unterwanderung souveräner Nationen benutzt – Teil 2 von 3

Das Rivkin-Projekt zur Unterwanderung der französischen Jugend

Als der US-Botschafter Charles Rivkin im Jahr 2010 eine Delegation von anderen Mitgliedern des Pacific Council on International Policy nach Frankreich einlud, hatte er ein Programm zur Amerikanisierung Frankreichs umrissen, das hauptsächlich die Benutzung der moslemischen Minderheiten und die Indoktrinierung der französischen Jugend mit globalistischen Idealen im Sinne der Konzerne umfaßte. Das dabei beschworene Schlagwort war das historische Engagement Frankreichs und Amerikas für die „Gleichheit.“

WikiLeaks veröffentlichte das „vertrauliche Programm“. Es trägt den Titel „Minority Engagement Strategy.“ [1] Hier umreißt Rivkin ein Programm, das eine schamlose Einmischung in die inneren Angelegenheiten einer souveränen Nation ist und in einem tieferen Sinne die Änderung der Einstellungen von Generationen moslemischer und französischer Jugendlicher anstrebt, sodaß sie zu einer neuen globalistischen Synthese verschmelzen, oder zu dem, was man eine neue Menschheit nennen könnte: Homo oeconomicus, oder was der Finanzanalyst G. Pascal Zachary „das globale Ich“ nennt [2], um zu verwirklichen, was Rivkin als das „nationale Interesse“ der USA beschreibt.

Rivkin beginnt, indem er sagt, daß seine Botschaft eine „Minority Engagement Strategy“ geschaffen hat, die sich primär an die Moslems in Frankreich richtet. Rivkin erklärt als Teil des Programms: „Wir werden auch die Bemühungen verschiedener Abteilungen der Botschaft integrieren, auf einflußreiche Führer unter unserem primären Publikum abzielen und sowohl materielle als auch immaterielle Indikatoren des Erfolgs unserer Strategie bewerten.“ [3]

Rivkin ist zuversichtlich, daß Frankreichs Geschichte des ideologischen Liberalismus „uns gut dienlich sein wird, wenn wir die hier umrissene Strategie umsetzen… bei der wir Druck auf Frankreich ausüben…“ Beachten Sie die Redewendung „Druck auf Frankreich ausüben.“ Amerikas globale Agenda wird von Rivkin mit seinem Plan der Umwandlung Frankreichs in ein „blühendes, integratives französisches Staatswesen, das uns bei der Förderung unserer Interessen an der Ausweitung von Demokratie und zunehmender weltweiter Stabilität helfen wird“ in Verbindung gebracht. Das Programm wird sich auf die „Eliten“ der französischen und der moslemischen Gemeinschaften fokussieren, aber auch eine massive Propagandakampagne umfassen, die sich an die „allgemeine Bevölkerung“ mit Schwerpunkt auf der Jugend richtet.

Auf hoher Ebene werden US-Offizielle französische Offizielle in die Defensive drängen. Zu dem Programm gehört auch die Neudefinierung der französischen Geschichte in den Lehrplänen der Schulen, um der Rolle der nicht-französischen Minderheiten in der französischen Geschichte Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken. Es bedeutet, daß die Pepsi/MTV-Generation von Amerikanern neue Definitionen der französischen Kultur formulieren und neue Seiten der französischen Geschichte schreiben werden, die mit globalistischen Agendas übereinstimmen sollen. Zu diesem Zweck „…werden wir unsere Arbeit mit französischen Museen und Lehrern fortsetzen und intensivieren, um den in französischen Schulen unterrichteten Lehrstoff in Geschichte zu reformieren.“

„Taktik Nummer drei“ trägt den Titel „Aggressive Öffentlichkeitsarbeit unter der Jugend starten.“ Wie in anderen Staaten, die vom US-Außenministerium und dessen Verbündeten im Soros-Netzwerk, Freedom House, Movement.org, National Endowment for Democracy, Solidarity Center [4] und so weiter ins Visier genommen wurden, stehen unzufriedene junge Leute im Fokus der Veränderungen. Führend in diesen Bemühungen, zielt die „Inter-Agency Outreach Initiative“ des Botschafters darauf ab, „eine positive Dynamik in der französischen Jugend zu erzeugen, die zu einer größeren Unterstützung für US-Ziele und Werte führt.“ Können die Absichten noch klarer ausgedrückt werden? Es ist kulturelle und politische Amerikanisierung.

Hier können wir am leichtesten an der Heuchelei vorbei deutlich sehen, was hinter der Strategie steckt: eine Generation zu formen, „die zu größerer Unterstützung für US-Ziele und Werte führt.“ Diese „US-Ziele und Werte“ wird man den Franzosen als französische Werte verkaufen, auf der Grundlage der bourgeoisen Ideale von 1789, mit denen die französische Ideologie sowohl der Linken wie der Rechten weiterhin belastet ist. Man wird sie zu glauben lehren, daß sie französische Traditionen aufrecht erhalten, statt als Agenten von Veränderungen gemäß „amerikanischen Werten“ zu handeln: den Werten des globalen Dorfes und des globalen Einkaufszentrums. Ein weitreichendes Programm, das eine Vielzahl von Indoktrinierungsmethoden umfaßt, wird umrissen:

Zur Erreichung dieser Ziele werden wir die bereits vorhandenen expansiven Programme für öffentliche Diplomatie ausbauen und kreative zusätzliche Mittel zur Beeinflussung der Jugend Frankreichs entwickeln, neue Medien, Firmenpartnerschaften, landesweite Wettbewerbe, zielgerichtete Veranstaltungen für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit und speziell eingeladene US-Gäste einsetzen. [5]

Das Programm, das sich an die Jugend in Frankreich richtet, ist ähnlich dem, das sich an die Jugend richtete, welche die Vorhut der „samtenen Revolutionen“ von Osteuropa bis Nordafrika bildete. Potentielle Führer werden vom US-Außenministerium in Frankreich aufgenommen und dazu herangezüchtet werden, eine Rolle im zukünftigen Frankreich nach amerikanischem Design zu spielen:

Wir werden auch neue Hilfsmittel entwickeln, um zukünftige französische Führer zu identifizieren, von ihnen zu lernen und sie zu beeinflussen.

Während wir die Ausbildung und die Austauschgelegenheiten für Frankreichs Jugend erweitern, werden wir weiterhin absolut sicherstellen, daß der Austausch, den wir unterstützen, integrationsorientiert ist.

Wir werden auf existierenden Jugendnetzwerken in Frankreich aufbauen und neue im Cyberspace schaffen, die Frankreichs zukünftige Führer in einem Forum miteinander verbinden, deren Werte wir zu formen helfen – Werte der Integration, des gegenseitigen Respekts und offenen Dialogs. [6]

Hier befürwortet Rivkin etwas, das über die Beeinflussung von Moslems in Frankreich hinausgeht. Er sagt, daß ein bedeutender Teil des Programms sich auf die Kultivierung der französischen Jugend, der potentiellen Führer, nach amerikanischen Idealen unter der Fassade französischer Ideale richten wird. Das US-Außenministerium und seine Verbündeten unter den Konzernen und NGOs beabsichtigen, „ihre Werte zu formen.“ Das globalistische Programm für Frankreich wird deutlich genug als Umerziehung der französischen Jugend bezeichnet. Man möchte meinen, daß dies die wichtigste Rolle der französischen Regierung, der katholischen Kirche und der Familie ist, insbesondere der beiden letzteren. Amerikanische Bürokraten und ihre aus verschiedenen Berufen rekrutierten dümmlichen Kumpane sollen neue „französischen Werte“ formulieren.

Wie in den Staaten, die für „samtene Revolutionen“ ausersehen sind, besteht ein Teil der Strategie in der Abgrenzung des politischen Handlungsrahmens. Wie Hillary Clinton neulich hinsichtlich der Art von Staat gesagt hat, die vom US-Establishment nach Gaddafi erwartet wird, sollte das neue Libyen eine umfassende Demokratie sein, offen für alle Meinungen, solange diese Meinungen eine Verpflichtung zur „Gleichheit“ und „Demokratie“ umfassen, in anderen Worten, es muß eine neue Verteilung der Freiheit in Libyen geben, solange diese Freiheit nicht über Amerikas Definition derselben hinausgeht. Und falls jemand die Grenzen der akzeptablen Demokratie übertritt, stehen Amerikas Bomber in Bereitschaft. Im Kontext mit Frankreich jedoch ist klar, daß die Grenzziehung der französischen Politik gemäß den globalistischen Diktaten keine Elemente sogenannter „Xenophobie“ (sic) einschließen darf, wozu im heutigen Kontext eine Rückkehr zur großen Politik der Ära de Gaulles gehören würde. Daher besagt „Taktik 5“:

Fünftens werden wir unser Projekt fortsetzen, die besten Praktiken mit jungen Führern in allen Bereichen zu teilen, einschließlich junger politischer Führer aller moderaten Parteien, sodaß sie die Hilfsmittel und die Beratung haben, um vorwärts zu kommen. Wir werden Schulungs- und Austauschprogramme schaffen oder unterstützen, die Schulen, Gruppen der Zivilgesellschaft, Bloggern, politischen Beratern und Lokalpolitikern den nachhaltigen Wert der breiten Integration beibringen. [7]

Rivkin umreißt ein Programm zur Ausbildung von Frankreichs zukünftigen politischen und zivilen Führern. Während die Programme der von der US-Regierung unterstützten NGOs wie National Endowment for Democracy – ursprünglich bestimmt zur Entwicklung ganzer Programme und Strategien für politische Parteien in „Entwicklungsdemokratien“ wie den Staaten des ehemaligen Sowjetblocks – mit einem fehlenden Erbe liberal-demokratischer Parteipolitik begründet werden können, kann dieselbe Begründung kaum verwendet werden, um Amerikas Einmischung in Frankreichs Parteipolitik zu rechtfertigen.

Rivkin sagt, daß zu diesem Zweck 1000 amerikanische Englischlehrer, die an französischen Schulen arbeiten, die notwendigen Propagandamaterialien erhalten werden, um ihren französischen Schülern die erwünschten Ideale einzuimpfen: „Wir werden auch dem Netzwerk von über 1000 amerikanischen Universitätsstudenten, die jedes Jahr an französischen Schulen Englisch unterrichten, die Mittel liefern, Toleranz zu lehren.“

Das breit gefächerte Programm wird von der „Minority Working Group“ im „Tandem“ mit der „Youth Outreach Initiative“ koordiniert werden. Eines der Probleme, die von der Gruppe überwacht werden, wird die „Verringerung der öffentlichen Unterstützung für fremdenfeindliche politische Parteien und Plattformen“ sein. Das soll sicherstellen, daß das Programm wie beabsichtigt den Erfolg jeder „extremen“ oder „fremdenfeindlichen“ Partei blockiert, die die Globalisierung herausfordern könnte.

Rivkin verdeutlicht die subversive Natur des Programms, wenn er sagt: „Während wir niemals das Verdienst für diese positiven Entwicklungen beanspruchen könnten, so werden wir doch unsere Anstrengungen auf die Ausführung von Aktivitäten wie oben beschrieben konzentrieren, die die Bewegung in die richtige Richtung anstoßen, drängen und anregen.“

Was wäre die Reaktion, wenn die französische Regierung über ihre Botschaft in Washington ein Programm zur radikalen Umwandlung der USA in Übereinstimmung mit „französischen nationalen Interessen“ unternehmen und mit Schwerpunkt auf der Jugend mittels einer „aggressiven Öffentlichkeitsarbeit“ „französische Ideale“ unter dem Deckmantel „amerikanischer Ideale über Menschenrechte“ einimpfen würde? Was wäre die Reaktion der US-Regierung, wenn sie herausfinden würde, daß die französische Regierung die Einstellungen der Afroamerikaner, Indianer und Latinos zu beeinflussen versuchte? Was wäre die offizielle US-Reaktion, wenn man herausfinden würde, daß französische Sprachlehrer in amerikanischen Schulen und Colleges versuchen, amerikanischen Schülern Ideale im Dienste französischer Interessen einzuimpfen?

Die hypothetische Reaktion kann man von der US-Reaktion auf die „Sowjetverschwörung“ ableiten, als Komitees des Senates und Kongresses eingerichtet wurden, um gegen jeden zu ermitteln, der auch nur vage mit der USA in Verbindung stand. Was ist also anders? Die USA betreiben eine subversive Strategie im Interesse ihrer globalistischen Konzernelite anstatt im Interesse der UdSSR oder des Kommunismus. Es ist nicht so, als ob die USA viel kulturelles Erbe hätte, das sie irgendeiner europäischen Nation, ganz zu schweigen von Frankreich, als Inbegriff des guten Geschmacks und der künstlerischen Verfeinerung präsentieren könnte, nach dem man eine nationale Identität konstruieren könnte. In dieser Sache ist es ein Fall von Dekonstruktion.


1. C. Rivkin, “Minority Engagement Report,” US Embassy, Paris, http://www.wikileaks.fi/cable/2010/01/10PARIS58.html

2. G. Pascal Zachary, The Global Me: Why Nations will succeed or Fail in the Next Generation (New South Wales, Australia: Allen and Unwin, 2000).

3. Rivkin.

4. K. R. Bolton, “The Globalist Web of Subversion,” Foreign Policy Journal, February 7, 2011, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/02/07/the-globalist-web-of-subversion/

5. Rivkin.

6. Rivkin.

7. Rivkin.

Das Rivkin-Projekt: Wie der Globalismus den Multikulturalismus zur Unterwanderung souveräner Nationen benutzt – Teil 3 von 3

Die Rolle des Multikulturalismus in der globalistischen Agenda

Viele schändliche Ziele sind unter dem Banner des Multikulturalismus und Schlagworten wie „Gleichheit“ und „Menschenrechte“ erzwungen worden. So wie „Demokratie“ in der ganzen jüngeren Geschichte zur Rechtfertigung der Bombardierung von Staaten benutzt worden ist, dienen diese Schlagworte oft als Rhetorik zur Vortäuschung guter Absichten, während sie die Ziele derjenigen verbergen, die von wenig, wenn überhaupt von irgendetwas anderem als Macht und Habgier motiviert sind.

Man könnte an die Art denken, wie das Thema der Uitlanders agitiert wurde, um den Anglo-Burenkrieg zum Zwecke der Beschaffung von Südafrikas Mineralreichtum zugunsten von Cecil Rhodes, Alfred Beit et al zu rechtfertigen.

Ein ähnliches Thema wurde in unserer eigenen Zeit unter dem Namen der „Bekämpfung der Apartheid“ wiederbelebt, und während die Welt über die Machtübernahme durch den ANC jubelte, bestand die Wirklichkeit darin, daß die Afrikaner kein Jota materiell davon profitierten, sondern die parastaatlichen oder staatlichen Unternehmen privatisiert wurden, sodaß sie an den globalen Kapitalismus verkauft werden konnten. Als der Patriarch des südafrikanischen Kapitalismus, Harry Oppenheimer, dessen Familie ein traditioneller Feind der Afrikaaner [= Buren; d. Ü.] war, im Jahr 2000 starb, lobte Nelson Mandela ihn so: „Sein Beitrag zur Errichtung einer Partnerschaft zwischen Großunternehmen und der neuen demokratischen Regierung in dieser ersten Periode demokratischer Herrschaft kann nicht zu sehr geschätzt werden.“ [1]

Die „Demokratie”, die Oppenheimer und andere Plutokraten im Tandem mit dem ANC in Südafrika schufen, ist die Freiheit des globalen Kapitalismus zur Ausbeutung des Landes. Mandela sagte 1996 über das Ergebnis dieses „langen Marsches zur Freiheit“:  “Die Privatisierung ist die fundamentale Politik des ANC und wird das auch bleiben.“ [2] Als Kommentar zur Privatisierung der gemeindeeigenen Wasserversorgung von Johannesburg, die jetzt dem französischen Konzern Suez Lyonnaise Eaux untersteht, gab der ANC Erklärungen heraus, die erklärten: „Eskom ist eine der vielen in Regierungsbesitz befindlichen ‚Parastaatlichen’, die während der Apartheid geschaffen wurden und deren Privatisierung die demokratisch gewählte Regierung in Angriff genommen hat, um Geld aufzutreiben.“ [3] Es ist in Südafrika dasselbe Ergebnis, wie es durch die “Befreiung” der kosovarischen Mineralvorkommen im Namen der “Demokratie” und im Namen der Rechte von Moslems unter serbischer Herrschaft erreicht wurde, während andere, unter ihrer eigenen Herrschaft befindliche Moslems von den USA und ihren Verbündeten in die Unterwerfung gebombt wurden.

Die Ziele des globalen Kapitalismus

Die Natur des globalistischen Kapitalismus ist besonders stichhaltig von Noam Chomsky erläutert worden:

Sehen Sie, der Kapitalismus ist nicht grundsätzlich rassistisch – er kann den Rassismus für seine Zwecke ausnutzen, aber der Rassismus ist ihm nicht eingebaut. Der Kapitalismus will im Grunde, daß die Menschen austauschbare Zahnräder sind, und Unterschiede zwischen ihnen, wie zum Beispiel auf Basis der Rasse, haben üblicherweise keine Funktion für ihn. Ich meine, sie mögen eine Zeitlang eine Funktion haben, zum Beispiel wenn man eine super-ausgebeutete Arbeiterschaft oder dergleichen will, aber diese Situationen sind irgendwie anomal. Langfristig kann man erwarten, daß der Kapitalismus antirassistisch ist – einfach weil er anti-menschlich ist. Und Rasse ist eigentlich eine menschliche Eigenschaft – es gibt keinen Grund, warum sie eine negative Eigenschaft sein sollte, aber sie ist eine menschliche Eigenschaft. Daher beeinträchtigen auf Rasse beruhende Identifikationen das grundsätzliche Ideal, daß die Menschen als Konsumenten und Produzenten austauschbar sein sollten, austauschbare Zahnräder, die all den Müll kaufen, der produziert wird – das ist ihre letztendliche Funktion, und alle anderen Eigenschaften, die sie haben könnten, sind irgendwie irrelevant und gewöhnlich ein Ärgernis. [4]

Die Aussage von Chomsky drückt die Situation in ihrer Gänze stichhaltig aus.

Frankreich als Soziallabor für die Globalisierung

Die Rivkin-Offensive ist das letzte in einer langen Reihe von Programmen zur Untergrabung der französischen Identität. Frankreich ist ein Paradox, das die kosmopolitischen Werte der bourgeoisen Revolution von 1789 mit sturem Traditionalismus und Nationalismus kombiniert, den die Globalisten „Xenophobie“ nennen. Er manifestiert sich selbst im Kleinen wie bei der gesetzlichen Verpflichtung für französische Beamte und Politiker, mit ausländischen Medien nur französisch zu sprechen, ungeachtet ihrer Kenntnisse irgendeiner anderen Sprache, oder im verbreiteten Widerstand gegen McDonald’s und Disney World.

Wie ein Großteil der restlichen Welt führt Frankreich jedoch auf der Verliererseite einen Kulturkampf gegen die Globalisierung. Jeff Steiners Kolumne „American in France“ bezieht sich auf die Art, wie die Franzosen einst Widerstand gegen die Eröffnung amerikanischer Fast-Food-Franchises als „Teil einer amerikanischen Kulturinvasion“ leisteten. Steiner schreibt:

… Dies schein Vergangenheit zu sein, da McDonald’s so sehr ein Teil der französischen Kultur geworden ist, daß es nicht mehr als amerikanischer Import gesehen wird, sondern als gänzlich französisch. Kurz, McDonald’s ist den Franzosen ans Herz gewachsen wie in so vielen anderen Ländern.

Ich bin in einigen McDonalds in Frankreich gewesen, und außer einem in Straßburg, das von außen wie im traditionellen elsässischen Stil erbaut aussieht, sehen alle McDonalds in Frankreich, die ich gesehen habe, nicht anders aus als ihre amerikanischen Gegenstücke.

Ja, es gibt welche, die McDo immer noch als Symbol der Amerikanisierung Frankreichs verfluchen (sie sind jetzt eine sehr kleine Gruppe und werden großteils ignoriert) und die es auch als ein Zeichen dafür sehen, daß Frankreich seine kulinarische Einzigartigkeit verliert. Das Menü in einem französischen McDonald’s ist fast eine exakte Kopie dessen, was man in jedem McDonald’s in den Vereinigten Staaten finden würde. Es ist mir als etwas seltsam aufgefallen, daß ich wie in den Vereinigten Staaten bestellen konnte, das heißt auf Englisch, mit gelegentlich eingestreuten französischen Vorwörtern.

Ehrlich gesagt, die Franzosen, die bei McDonald’s essen, sind dort genauso zu Hause, wie es irgendein Amerikaner sein könnte. [5]

Dieses scheinbar triviale Beispiel ist tatsächlich von immenser Wichtigkeit, indem es zeigt, wie eine Kultur, die so stark ist wie die Frankreichs – das bis vor kurzem eine immens stolze Nation war – unterliegen kann, besonders unter dem Eindruck des Marketings gegenüber jungen Leuten. Es ist eine Fallstudie par excellence für die Standardisierung, die die amerikanische Konzernkultur nach sich zieht. Es ist das, was die globalistische Elite im Weltmaßstab wünscht, bis hin zu dem, was man ißt.

Es ist bemerkenswert, daß die Vorhut des Widerstands gegen McDonald’s von den Bauern kam, einem traditionalistischen Segment von Europas Bevölkerung, das zunehmend anomal und unter dem globalistische Regime zur ausgestorbenen Spezies wird, während die Landwirtschaft den Agro-Konzernen weicht.

Angesichts Frankreichs Status in Europa und seiner historischen Tendenz, seine Souveränität  angesichts von US-Interessen aufrecht zu erhalten – sogar noch vor recht kurzer Zeit mit seiner Opposition gegen den Krieg im Irak – bleibt Frankreich einer der wenigen Stolpersteine des Globalismus in Europa. Eine zusätzliche Sorge ist die, daß die Franzosen ihre sture „Xenophobie“ in die Wahllokale mitnehmen und eine strikt antiglobalistische Partei wählen werden, wie es sich im Auf und Ab der Wahlerfolge der Front National widerspiegelt, die sowohl die Globalisierung als auch die Privatisierung ablehnt.

Dies ist ein Hauptgrund für Rivkins weitreichendes subversives und interventionistisches Programm zur Assimilierung der Moslems in die französische Gesellschaft, welches das französische Bewußtsein in Richtung von deutlich mehr Kosmopolitentum verwandeln würde. Die Absicht wird in Rivkins Botschaftsdokumenten deutlich genug, in denen es heißt, daß die Botschaft die Auswirkungen des „Outreach“-Programmes auf die „Abnahme der öffentlichen Unterstützung für fremdenfeindliche politische Parteien und Plattformen“ überwachen wird.

Im Widerspruch zur „Xenophobie“ Frankreichs zeigt die Studie „Global Research“ [6] von R. J. Barnett und R. E. Müller über die globalen Konzerne, die auf Interviews mit Konzernmanagern beruht, daß die französische Wirtschaftselite seit langem die Grundlagen der französischen Tradition zu untergraben bestrebt war. Jacques Maisonrouge, Präsident der IBM World Trade Corporation, „weist gern darauf hin, daß ‚Nieder mit den Grenzen’, ein revolutionäres Studentenschlagwort der Pariser Universitätserhebung von 1968 – an der einige seiner Kinder beteiligt waren – auch ein willkommenes Schlagwort von IBM ist.“ [7] Maisonrouge sagte, daß die „Welt-Manager” (wie Barnett und Müller die Konzern-Führungskräfte nennen) glauben, daß sie die Welt „kleiner und homogener“ machen. [8] Maisonrouge beschrieb in zustimmender Weise die globalen Konzernmanager als „die de-tribalisierten internationalen Karrieremänner.“ [9] Es ist diese „Detribalisierung“, welche die Basis einer „Weltkonsumkultur“ ist, die für die effizientere Schaffung einer Weltwirtschaft gefordert wird.

Paris ist bereits ein kosmopolitisches Zentrum und daher ideal als Prototyp für die „globale Stadt“ der Zukunft. In den 1970ern bereiteten Howard Perlmutter und Hasan Ozakhan vom Wharton School of Finance Worldwide Institutions Program einen Plan für eine „globale Stadt.“ Für diesen Zweck wurde Paris ausgewählt. Professor Perlmutter war ein Berater globaler Konzerne. Sein Plan wurde von der Planungsbehörde der französischen Regierung in Auftrag gegeben. Perlmutter sagte voraus, daß die Städte während der 1980er zu „globalen Städten“ werden würden.

Für Paris erforderte dies, „weniger französisch zu werden“ und eine „Entnationalisierung“ durchzumachen. Dies, sagte er, erfordert eine „psycho-kulturelle Veränderung des Bildes hinsichtlich des traditionellen Eindrucks der ‚Xenophobie’, die die Franzosen auszustrahlen scheinen.“ Die Parallelen zum gegenwärtigen Rivkin-Programm sind offensichtlich. Perlmutter schlug vor, daß der beste Weg zur Beseitigung von Frankreichs Nationalismus die Einführung des Multikulturalismus wäre. Er befürwortete „die Globalisierung kultureller Veranstaltungen“ wie internationaler Rock-Festivals als Gegenmittel gegen die „übermäßig nationale und manchmal nationalistische Kultur.“ [10]

Die Untergrabung von Frankreichs „übermäßig nationaler und manchmal nationalistischer Kultur“ ist der Grund, warum Rivkin stärkere Verbindungen zwischen Hollywood und der französischen Kulturindustrie zu pflegen suchte. [11] Rivkin kennt den Wert der Unterhaltung bei der Umwandlung der Einstellungen, besonders unter den Jungen. Nachdem er bei Salomon Brothers als Finanzanalyst gearbeitet hatte, trat Rivkin 1988 als Direktor für strategische Planung in die Jim Henson Company ein. Zwei Jahre später wurde er zum Vizepräsidenten der Firma ernannt.

Die Jim Henson Company produziert die „Sesamstraße“, deren putzige kleine Muppets den Knirpsen eine wohlkalkulierte globalistische Agenda aufdrängen. Lawrence Balter, Professor der angewandten Psychologie an der New York University, schrieb, daß die „Sesamstraße“ die Kinder mit einem breiten Spektrum von Ideen, Informationen und Erfahrungen über vielfältige Themen wie Tod, kulturellen Stolz, Rassenbeziehungen, Menschen mit Behinderungen, Ehe, Schwangerschaft und sogar Weltraumforschung bekannt machte.“ Die Serie sollte die erste sein, die Bildungsforscher mittels Gründung einer Forschungsabteilung beschäftigte. [12] „Sesamstraße“ hat Finanzierung von der Ford Foundation, der Carnegie Corporation und dem US-Erziehungsministerium erhalten. Von beiläufigem Interesse ist, daß die Carnegie Corporation und die Ford Foundation auch Förderer des Pacific Council on International Policy sind.

Schaffung des Weltkonsumenten

Wie Chomsky hingewiesen hat, sieht der globale Kapitalismus die Menschheit als austauschbare Zahnräder im Produktions- und Konsumkreislauf. Den Konzernen zufolge ist der Gipfel der menschlichen Evolution die Verwandlung in „detribalisierte internationale Karrieremenschen.“ Laut dem Finanzanalysten G. Pascal Zachary stellen diese wurzellosen Kosmopoliten eine „informelle globale Aristokratie“ dar, die von den Konzernen überall auf der Welt rekrutiert wird und total von ihren Firmen und „wenig von der breiteren Öffentlichkeit“ abhängig ist, eine neue Klasse, unbehindert von nationalen, kulturellen oder ethnischen Bindungen. [13]

Barnett und Müller zitierten John J. Powers von Pfizer mit der Aussage, daß die globalen Konzerne „Agenten des Wandels sind; sozial, ökonomisch und kulturell.“ [14] Sie sagten, daß die globalen Führungskräfte „irrationalen Nationalismus“ als Behinderung des „freien Flusses von Finanzkapital, Technologie und Gütern in globalem Maßstab“ sehen. Ein entscheidender Aspekt des Nationalismus sind „Unterschiede in psychologischen und kulturellen Einstellungen, die die Aufgabe der Homogenisierung der Erde zu einer integrierten Einheit komplizieren… Kultureller Nationalismus ist auch ein Problem, weil er das Konzept des globalen Einkaufszentrums bedroht.“ [15]

Dieser „kulturelle Nationalismus“ wird von Rivkin und allen anderen Parteigängern des Globalismus als „Xenophobie“ gesehen, außer wenn diese „Xenophobie“ für ein militärisches Abenteuer eingespannt werden kann, falls Bestechungen, Embargos und Drohungen einen zugeknöpften Staat nicht auf Linie bringen, wie in den Fällen von Serbien, Irak und vielleicht bald Libyen. Dann werden die amerikanische globalistische Elite und ihre Verbündeten zu „Patrioten.“

Barnett und Müller zitieren A. W. Clausen, als dieser die Bank of Amerika leitete, mit der Aussage, daß nationale, kulturelle und rassische Unterschiede „Vermarktungsprobleme“ erzeugen, und mit der Klage, daß es „so etwas wie einen einheitlichen globalen Markt nicht gibt.“ [16] Harry Heltzer, Generaldirektor von 3M, sagte, daß globale Konzerne eine „mächtige Stimme für den Weltfrieden sind, weil ihre Loyalität keiner Nation, Sprache, Rasse oder Religion gehört, sondern den besseren Hoffnungen der Menschheit, daß die Völker der Welt im gemeinsamen wirtschaftlichen Streben vereinigt sein mögen.“ [17]

Diese „besseren Hoffnungen der Menschheit“, die man anderswo als Habgier, Geiz und Mammonverehrung kennt, haben die Erde geplündert, globales wirtschaftliches Ungleichgewicht verursacht und funktionieren mittels Wucher, der in besseren Zeiten als Sünde betrachtet wurde. Diese „besseren Hoffnungen“ gemäß der Wertung der Konzerne haben mehr Kriege verursacht als jeder „xenophobe“ Diktator, üblicherweise im Namen von „Weltfrieden“ und „Demokratie“.

Die Rivkin-Doktrin für Frankreich – die laut dem durchgesickerten Dokument in subtiler Weise umgesetzt werden muß – ist ein weitreichendes subversives Programm zur Umwandlung besonders der Jungen in globale Klone bar jeder kulturellen Identität, während es in der Art des Orwell’schen „doublethink“ unter dem Namen des „Multikulturalismus“ voranschreitet.


1. “Mandela honours ‘monumental’ Oppenheimer”, The Star, South Africa, August 21, 2000, http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?set_id=1&click_id=13&art_id=ct20000821001004683O150279 (27. September 2009).

2. Lynda Loxton, “Mandela: We are going to privatise,” The Saturday Star, 25. Mai 1996, S.1.

3. Tägliche Nachrichtenaussendung des ANC, 27. Juni 2001. Siehe auch “Eskom,” ANC Daily News Briefing, 20. Juni 2001,

4. Noam Chomsky, Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky (New York: The New York Press, 2002), S. 88–89.

5. J. Steiner, “American in France: Culture: McDonalds in France, http://www.americansinfrance.net/culture/mcdonalds_in_france.cfm

6. R. J. Barnett und R. E. Müller, Global Reach: The Power of the Multinational Corporations (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1974).

7. Global Reach, S. 19. Zwecks Aktualisierung wegen Maisonrouge siehe: IBM, http://www-03.ibm.com/ibm/history/exhibits/builders/builders_maisonrouge.html

8. Global Reach, S. 62.

9. Global Reach, ebd.

10. Global Reach, S. 113–14.

11. “2010 France Country Dialogue,” PCIP, op. cit.

12. L. Balter, Parenthood in America: An Encyclopaedia, Vol. 1 (ABC-CLIO, 2000), S. 556.

13. G. Pascal Zachary, The Global Me (New South Wales: Allen & Unwin, 2000).

14. Global Reach, S. 31.

15. Global Reach, S. 58.

16. Global Reach, ebd.

17. Global Reach, S. 106.

lundi, 11 avril 2011

As Dez Estratégias de Manipulaçao Midiàtica


As Dez Estratégias de Manipulação Midiática

por Noam Chomsky
1 - A Estratégia da Distração:
O elemento primordial do controle social é a estratégia da distração que consiste em desviar a atenção do público dos problemas importantes e das mudanças decididas pelas elites políticas e econômicas, mediante a técnica do dilúvio ou inundação de contínuas distrações e de informações insignificantes. A estratégia da distração é igualmente indispensável para impedir que o público se interesse pelos conhecimentos essenciais, na área da ciência, da economia, da psicologia, da neurobiologia e da cibernética. "Manter a atenção do público distraída, longe dos verdadeiros problemas sociais, cativada por temas sem importância real. Manter o público ocupado, ocupado, ocupado, sem nenhum tempo para pensar; de volta à granja como os outros animais (citação do texto 'Armas silenciosas para guerras tranqüilas')".
2 - Criar Problemas e depois Oferecer Soluções:
Este método também é chamado "problema-reação-solução". Cria-se um problema, uma "situação" prevista para causar certa reação no público, a fim de que este seja o mandante das medidas que se deseja fazer aceitar. Por exemplo: deixar que se desenvolva ou se intensifique a violência urbana, ou organizar atentados sangrentos, a fim de que o público seja o demandante de leis de segurança e políticas em prejuízo da liberdade. Ou também: criar uma crise econômica para fazer aceitar como mal necessário o retrocesso dos direitos sociais e o desmantelamento dos serviços públicos.
3 - A Estratégia da Gradualidade:
Para fazer com que se aceita uma medida inaceitável, basta aplicá-la gradualmente, a conta-gotas, por anos consecutivos. É dessa maneira que condições sócio-econômicas radicalmente novas (neoliberalismo) foram impostas durante as décadas de 1980 e 1990: Estado mínimo, privatizações, precariedade, flexibilidade, desemprego em massa, salários que já não asseguram rendas decentes, tantas mudanças que teriam provocado uma revolução se tivessem sido aplicadas de uma única vez.
4 - A Estratégia de Diferir:
Outra maneira de fazer aceitar uma decisão impopular é a de apresentá-la como "dolorosa e necessária", obtendo a aceitação pública, no momento, para uma aplicação futura. É mais fácil aceitar um sacrifício futuro que um sacrifício imediato. Primeiro, porque o esforço não é empregado imediatamente. Logo, porque o público, a massa, tem sempre a tendência a esperar ingenuamente que "tudo vai melhorar amanhã" e que o sacrifício exigido poderá ser evitado. Isso dá mais tempo ao público para se acostumar à idéia da mudança e de aceitá-la com resignação quando chegue o momento.
5 - Dirigir-se ao Público como Crianças:
A maioria da publicidade dirigida ao grande público utiliza discurso, argumentos, personagens e entonação particularmente infantis, muitas vezes próximos à debilidade, como se o espectador fosse uma criatura de pouca idade ou um deficiente mental. Quanto mais se tente buscar enganar o espectador, mais se tende a adotar um tom infantilizante. Por quê? "Se dirige-se a uma pessoa como se ela tivesse a idade de 12 anos ou menos, então, em razão da sugestionabilidade, ela tenderá, com certa probabilidade, a uma resposta ou reação também desprovida de sentido crítico como a de uma pessoa de 12 anos ou menos de idade (ver 'Armas silenciosas para guerras tranqüilas')".
6 - Utilizar o Aspecto Emocional muito mais do que a Reflexão:
Fazer uso do aspecto emocional é uma técnica clássica para causar um curto-circuito na análise racional, e finalmente no sentido crítico dos indivíduos. Por outra parte, a utilização do registro emocional permite abrir a porta de acesso ao inconsciente para implantar ou enxertar idéias, desejos, medos e temores, compulsões, ou induzir comportamentos...
7 - Manter o Público na Ignorância e na Mediocridade:
Fazer com que o público seja incapaz de compreender as tecnologias e os métodos utilizados para seu controle e escravidão. "A qualidade da educação dada às classes sociais inferiores deve ser a mais pobre e medíocre possível, de forma que a distância da ignorância que planeja entre as classes inferiores e as classes superiores seja e permaneçam impossíveis de alcançar para as classes inferiores (ver 'Armas silenciosas para guerras tranqüilas')".
8 - Estimular o Público a Ser Complacente com essa Mediocridade:
Promover ao público a crença de que é moda o fato de ser estúpido, vulgar e inculto...
9 - Reforçar a Auto-Culpabilidade:
Fazer crer ao indivíduo que é somente ele o culpável por sua própria desgraça, por causa da insuficiência de sua inteligência, de suas capacidades, ou de seus esforços. Assim, no lugar de rebelar-se contra o sistema econômico, o indivíduo se auto-desvaloriza e se culpa, o que gera um estado depressivo, um de cujos efeitos é a inibição de sua ação. E, sem ação, não há revolução!
10 - Conhecer aos Indivíduos Melhor do que Eles Conhecem a Si Mesmos:
No transcurso dos últimos 50 anos, os avanços acelerados da ciência geraram uma crescente brecha entre os conhecimentos do público e aqueles possuídos e utilizados pelas elites dominantes. Graças à biologia, à neurobiologia e à psicologia aplicada, o "sistema" tem desfrutado de um conhecimento avançado do ser humano, tanto de forma física como psicologicamente. O sistema tem conseguido conhecer melhor ao indivíduo comum do que ele se conhece a si mesmo. Isso significa que, na maioria dos casos, o sistema exerce um controle maior e um grande poder sobre os indivíduos, maior que o dos indivíduos sobre si mesmos.

Tradução por Raphael Machado

Chomsky démasque les stratégies de manipulation du peuple



Chomsky démasque les stratégies de manipulation du peuple

Par Robert Spieler

Publié dans Rivarol

N°2993 du 31 mars 2011


Le linguiste nord-américain Noam Chomsky a élaboré une liste des « Dix Stratégies de Manipulation » à travers les média. Juif, de sensibilité anarchiste, il avait signé une pétition pour défendre la liberté d’expression de Robert Faurisson. Pour Chomsky, « la liberté d'expression est plus importante que n'importe quelle version des faits soutenue par l'ordre établi, quel que soit le rapport qu'elle puisse entretenir avec la vérité factuelle ». Il évoque les différentes techniques de manipulation, et en premier, la stratégie de la diversion.

La stratégie de la diversion consiste à détourner l’attention du public des problèmes importants et des mutations décidées par les élites politiques et économiques, grâce à un déluge continuel de distractions et d’informations insignifiantes. Chomsky analyse les différentes techniques de lavage de cerveau que subit notre peuple.


Dix stratégies de manipulation de notre Peuple


1 « Garder l’attention du public distraite, loin des véritables problèmes sociaux, captivée par des sujets sans importance réelle. Garder le public occupé, occupé, occupé, sans aucun temps pour penser » écrit Chomsky.


2 Créer des problèmes, puis offrir des solutions


Cette méthode est aussi appelée "problème-réaction-solution". On crée d’abord un problème, une "situation" prévue pour susciter une certaine réaction du public, afin que celui-ci soit lui-même demandeur des mesures qu’on souhaite lui faire accepter. Par exemple: laisser se développer la violence urbaine, ou organiser des attentats sanglants, si possible pseudo-antisémites, afin que le public soit demandeur de lois répressives au détriment de la liberté.


3  La stratégie du ‘dégradé’


Pour faire accepter une mesure inacceptable, il suffit de l’appliquer progressivement, en "dégradé", sur une durée de 10 ans. C’est de cette façon que des conditions socio-économiques radicalement nouvelles ont été imposées durant les années 1980 à 1990. Chômage massif, immigration-invasion, précarité, flexibilité, délocalisations, salaires n’assurant plus un revenu décent, autant de changements qui auraient provoqué une révolution s’ils avaient été appliqués brutalement.


4 La stratégie du différé


Une autre façon de faire accepter une décision impopulaire est de la présenter comme "douloureuse mais nécessaire", en obtenant l’accord du public dans le présent pour une application dans le futur. Il est toujours plus facile d’accepter un sacrifice futur qu’un sacrifice immédiat. D’abord parce que l’effort n’est pas à fournir tout de suite. Ensuite parce que le public a toujours tendance à espérer naïvement que "tout ira mieux demain" et que le sacrifice demandé pourra être évité. Enfin, cela laisse du temps au public pour s’habituer à l’idée du changement et l’accepter avec résignation lorsque le moment sera venu. 
Exemple récent: le passage à l’Euro et la perte de la souveraineté monétaire et économique ont été acceptés par les pays Européens en 1994-95 pour une application en 2001.


5 S’adresser au public comme à des enfants en bas-âge


La plupart des publicités destinées au grand-public utilisent un discours, des arguments, des personnages, et un ton particulièrement infantilisants, souvent proche du débilitant, comme si le spectateur était un enfant en bas-âge ou un handicapé mental. Pourquoi? 
"Si on s’adresse à une personne comme si elle était âgée de 12 ans, alors, en raison de la suggestibilité, elle aura, avec une certaine probabilité, une réponse ou une réaction aussi dénuée de sens critique que celles d’une personne de 12 ans" analyse Chomsky.


6 Faire appel à l’émotionnel plutôt qu’à la réflexion


Faire appel à l’émotionnel est une technique classique pour court-circuiter l’analyse rationnelle, et donc le sens critique des individus. De plus, l’utilisation du registre émotionnel permet d’ouvrir la porte d’accès à l’inconscient pour y implanter des idées, des désirs, des peurs, des pulsions, ou des comportements…

7  Maintenir le peuple dans l’ignorance et la bêtise


Faire en sorte que le peuple soit incapable de comprendre les technologies et les méthodes utilisées pour son contrôle et son esclavage.

"La qualité de l’éducation donnée aux classes inférieures doit être de la plus pauvre sorte, de telle sorte que le fossé de l’ignorance qui isole les classes inférieures des classes supérieures soit et demeure incompréhensible par les classes inférieures." 


8  Encourager le public à se complaire dans la médiocrité


Encourager le public à trouver "cool" le fait d’être bête, vulgaire, et inculte… L’abreuver de séries américaines et de « reality shows » : Secret story, Star Academy, l’île de la tentation,…de monstrueuses crétineries….


9  Remplacer la révolte par la culpabilité


Faire croire à l’individu qu’il est seul responsable de son malheur, à cause de l’insuffisance de son intelligence, de ses capacités, ou de ses efforts. Ainsi, au lieu de se révolter contre le système, l’individu s’auto-dévalue et culpabilise, ce qui engendre un état dépressif dont l’un des effets est l’inhibition de l’action. Et sans action, pas de révolution!…

Et puis, dernier point, connaître les individus mieux qu’ils ne se connaissent eux-mêmes. Au cours des 50 dernières années, les progrès fulgurants de la science ont creusé un fossé croissant entre les connaissances du public et celles détenues et utilisées par les élites dirigeantes. Grâce à la biologie, la neurobiologie, et la psychologie appliquée, le "système" est parvenu à une connaissance avancée de l’être humain, à la fois physiquement et psychologiquement. Le système en est arrivé à mieux connaître l’individu moyen que celui-ci ne se connaît lui-même. Cela signifie que dans la majorité des cas, le système détient un plus grand contrôle et un plus grand pouvoir sur les individus que les individus eux-mêmes

Bref, connaitre l’adversaire, connaitre ses techniques de manipulation est indispensable pour que nous nous libérions de notre esclavage… Merci, Chomsky.

mardi, 15 février 2011

Rivoluzione d'Egitto - Distruzione creativa per un "Grande Medio Oriente"?


Rivoluzione d’Egitto – Distruzione creativa per un “Grande Medio Oriente”?


Fonte: http://globalresearch.ca/PrintArticle.php?articleId=23131 [1]

Velocemente sulla scia del cambiamento di regime in Tunisia, s’è alzato il movimento di protesta popolare lanciato il 25 gennaio contro l’ordine radicato di Hosni Mubarak in Egitto. Contrariamente all’impressione coltivata con cura secondo cui l’Amministrazione Obama sta cercando di mantenere l’attuale regime di Mubarak, Washington, infatti, sta orchestrando i cambiamenti di regime egiziano e regionali, dalla Siria allo Yemen, alla Giordania e ben oltre, in un processo cui alcuni si riferiscono come “distruzione creativa”.

Il modello per tale cambiamento di regime sotto copertura è stata sviluppata dal Pentagono, dalle agenzie di intelligence degli Stati Uniti e dai vari think-tank come la RAND Corporation. nel corso di decenni, a partire dalla destabilizzazione del maggio 1968 della Presidenza de Gaulle in Francia. Questa è la prima volta dal cambiamento di regime sostenuto dagli USA in Europa orientale, circa due decenni fa, che Washington aveva avviato con operazioni simultanee in molti paesi di una regione. Si tratta di una strategia che nasce dalla disperazione e certo non è senza rischi significativi per il Pentagono e per l’agenda a lungo termine di Wall Street. Cosa ne risulterà per i popoli della regione e per il mondo, non è ancora chiaro.

Eppure, mentre il risultato finale della sfida delle proteste di piazza al Cairo e in tutto l’Egitto e il mondo islamico non è chiaro, le grandi linee di una strategia occulta degli Stati Uniti sono già chiare.

Nessuno può mettere in discussione le motivare genuine rimostranze di milioni di persone scese per le strade, a rischiare la vita. Nessuno può difendere le atrocità del regime di Mubarak e la tortura e la repressione del dissenso. Nessuno può contestare l’aumento esplosivo dei prezzi alimentari, ad opera degli speculatori di materie prime di Chicago e Wall Street, e la conversione dei terreni agricoli americani per la folle coltivazione del mais per l’etanolo combustibile, che ha fatto schizzare i prezzi del grano. L’Egitto è il più grande importatore di grano al mondo, in gran parte dagli Stati Uniti. I futures del grano di Chicago sono aumentati di uno sbalorditivo 74% tra giugno e novembre 2010, portando ad un inflazione dei prezzi alimentari egiziani di circa il 30%, nonostante i sussidi governativi.

Ciò che è largamente ignorato da CNN, BBC e altri media occidentali, nella loro copertura degli eventi in Egitto, è il fatto che tutto qualsiasi siano i suoi eccessi interni, l’egiziano Mubarak costituisce un ostacolo rilevante all’interno della regione, alla maggiore agenda degli Stati Uniti.

Dire dei rapporti tra Obama e Mubarak sono stati congelati fin dall’inizio non è esagerato. Mubarak è stato fermamente contrario alle politiche di Obama sull’Iran e su come trattare il suo programma nucleare, sulle politiche di Obama verso gli Stati del Golfo Persico, la Siria e il Libano, nonché verso i palestinesi. [1] E’ stato una spina formidabile ai grandi ordini del giorno di Washington per l’intera regione, il progetto di Washington del Grande Medio Oriente, recentemente riproposta col meno inquietante titolo di “Nuovo Medio Oriente”.

Reale come i fattori che stanno spingendo milioni in piazza in tutto il Nord Africa e il Medio Oriente, ciò che non può essere ignorato è il fatto che Washington sta decidendo i tempi e come li vede, cercando di plasmare il risultato finale in un cambiamento di regime globale destabilizzazione tutto il mondo islamico. Il giorno delle straordinariamente ben coordinate manifestazioni popolari che chiedevano a Mubarak le dimissioni, i membri chiave del comando militare egiziano, incluso il capo di Stato Maggiore Gen. Sami Hafez Enan, erano tutti a Washington in qualità di ospiti del Pentagono. Neutralizzando opportunamente la forza decisiva dell’esercito nel fermare la protesta anti-Mubarak, crescente nei primi giorni critici [2].

La strategia era in vari dossier del Dipartimento di Stato e del Pentagono da almeno un decennio o più. Dopo che George W. Bush ha dichiarato la Guerra al Terrore, nel 2001, ciò è stato chiamato programma per il Grande Medio Oriente. Oggi è noto come il meno minaccioso titolo di progetto per il “Nuovo Medio Oriente“. Si tratta di una strategia per spezzare gli Stati della regione dal Marocco all’Afghanistan, la regione definita dall’amico di David Rockefeller, Samuel Huntington nel suo infame saggio Lo Scontro di Civiltà apparso su Foreign Affairs.

Egitto in ascesa?

Lo scenario attuale per l’Egitto del Pentagono si legge come uno spettacolo Hollywoodiano di Cecil B. DeMille, solo che questo ha un cast di milioni di giovani ben addestrati fanatici di Twitter, reti di operatori della Fratellanza musulmana, che operano con militari addestrati dagli USA. Nel ruolo di protagonista della nuova produzione, al momento, non è altro che un premio Nobel della Pace che convenientemente appare tirare tutti i fili dell’opposizione all’ancien régime, in quello che appare come una transizione senza problemi in un Egitto di nuovo sottoposto a un auto-proclamata rivoluzione liberal-democratica.

Alcuni retroscena sugli attori sul terreno sono utili, prima di guardare a ciò che sul piano strategico a lungo termine di Washington, potrebbe accadere al mondo islamico dal Nord Africa al Golfo Persico e, infine, alle popolazioni islamiche dell’Asia centrale, ai confini di Cina e Russia.

Le ‘rivoluzioni‘ soft di Washington

Le proteste che hanno portato al brusco licenziamento dell’intero governo egiziano da parte del Presidente Mubarak, sulla scia del panico per la fuga dalla Tunisia di Ben Ali, verso un esilio saudita, non sono affatto “spontanee“, come la Casa Bianca di Obama, il Dipartimento di Stato della Clinton, o CNN, BBC e altri media importanti dell’Occidente pretendono siano.

Sono stati organizzati nello stile high-tech elettronico ucraino, con grandi reti di giovani collegato tramite internet a Mohammed ElBaradei e ai torbidi e clandestini Fratelli Musulmani, i cui legami con servizi segreti e alla massoneria britannici e statunitensi, sono ampiamente indicati. [3]

A questo punto il movimento anti-Mubarak sembra tutt’altro che una minaccia per l’influenza statunitense nella regione, anzi. Ha tutte le impronte di un altro cambio di regime appoggiato dagli USA, sul modello delle rivoluzioni a colori del 2003-2004 in Georgia e in Ucraina, e della fallita Rivoluzione verde contro l’Iran di Ahmadinejad, nel 2009.

La richiesta di uno sciopero generale egiziano e del giorno della rabbia del 25 gennaio, che ha scatenato le proteste di massa che esigono le dimissioni di Mubarak, sono state lanciate da una organizzazione basata su Facebook e che si fa chiamare Movimento 6 aprile. Le proteste erano così consistenti e ben organizzate che hanno costretto Mubarak a chiedere al suo governo di dimettersi e di nominare un nuovo vice-presidente, il generale Omar Suleiman, ex ministro dell’Intelligence.

Il 6 aprile è guidato da un tale Ahmed Maher Ibrahim, un ingegnere civile di 29 anni, che ha configurato il sito di Facebook per sostenere l’appello ai lavoratori per lo sciopero del 6 aprile 2008.

Secondo il New York Times, dal 2009 circa 800.000 Egiziani, la maggior parte giovani, erano già allora membri di Facebook o Twitter. In un’intervista con la Carnegie Endowment di Washington, il capo del movimento 6 aprile Maher, ha dichiarato: “Essendo il primo movimento giovanile in Egitto ad avere l’uso delle modalità di comunicazione basate su Internet come Facebook e Twitter, ci proponiamo di promuovere la democrazia, incoraggiando il coinvolgimento del pubblico nel processo politico.”[4]

Maher ha inoltre annunciato che il suo Movimento 6 aprile sostiene l’ex capo dell’Agenzia internazionale per l’energia atomica (AIEA) delle Nazioni Unite, capo e dichiarato candidato presidenziale egiziano, ElBaradei assieme alla coalizione di ElBaradei, l’Associazione Nazionale per il Cambiamento (NAC). Il NAC include tra gli altri George Ishak, leader del Movimento Kefaya, e Mohamed Saad El-Katatni, presidente del controverso blocco parlamentare Ikhwan o Fratelli Musulmani [5].

Oggi Kefaya è al centro degli attuali avvenimenti egiziani. Non lontano, sullo sfondo vi sono i più discreti Fratelli Musulmani.

ElBaradei, a questo punto viene proiettato come figura centrale in un futuro cambiamento democratico parlamentare egiziano. Curiosamente, anche se egli non ha vissuto in Egitto negli ultimi 30 anni, ha avuto l’appoggio di ogni parte immaginabile dello spettro politico egiziano che va dai comunisti ai Fratelli Musulmani, da Kefaya ai giovani attivisti del 6 aprile.[6] A giudicare dal comportamento calmo che presenta ElBaradei in questi giorni verso gli intervistatori CNN, anche lui ha probabilmente il sostegno dei principali generali egiziani contrari al dominio di Mubarak per qualche motivo, così come di alcune persone molto influenti a Washington.

Kefaya è al centro delle mobilitazioni delle manifestazioni di protesta egiziane che supportano la candidatura di ElBaradei. Kefaya di traduce “basta!

Curiosamente, i progettisti della National Endowment for Democracy (NED) di Washington [7] e delle ONG connesse alla rivoluzione colorate, sono apparentemente prive di creatività riguardo degli accattivanti nuovi nomi per la loro Color Revolution egiziana. Nel novembre 2003 per al loro Rivoluzione delle Rose in Georgia, le ONG finanziate avevano scelto una parola attraente, Kmara! Al fine di identificare il movimento giovanile per il cambiamento di regime. Kmara!, anche in georgiano significa “basta!”

Come Kefaya, Kmara in Georgia è stata costruita da consiglieri del NED finanziati da Washington e di altri gruppi come la mal denominata Albert Einstein Institution di Gene Sharp, che utilizza ciò che Sharp aveva una volta identificato come “la non-violenza come metodo di guerra.” [8]

Le diverse reti giovanili in Georgia come in Kefaya sono stati accuratamente addestrate come libera e decentrata rete di cellule, evitando deliberatamente una organizzazione centrale che poteva essere distrutto portando il movimento ad una battuta d’arresto. La formazione degli attivisti alle tecniche di resistenza non-violenta venne fatta in impianti sportivi, facendola apparire innocua. Gli attivisti erano stati assegnati a corsi di formazione in marketing politico, relazioni con i media, tecniche di mobilitazione e reclutamento.

Il nome formale di Kefaya è Movimento egiziano per il cambiamento. E’ stato fondata nel 2004 selezionando intellettuali egiziani presso Abu’ l-Ala Madi, leader del partito Al-Wasat, un partito creato dai Fratelli Musulmani [9]. Kefaya è stato creato come movimento di coalizione unito solo dall’appello per la fine del dominio di Mubarak.

Kefaya come parte dell’amorfo Movimento 6 aprile, ha capitalizzato subito i nuovi media sociali e la tecnologia digitale come suoi principali mezzi di mobilitazione. In particolare, i blog politici, che postano senza censure videoclip e immagini fotografiche su youtube, sono molto abilmente e professionalmente utilizzati. In un raduna già effettuato nel dicembre 2009, Kefaya aveva annunciato il sostegno alla candidatura di Mohammed ElBaradei per le elezioni egiziane del 2011 [10].

RAND e Kefaya

Non di meno un centro di riflessione della dirigenza della difesa statunitense, quale la RAND Corporation, ha condotto uno studio dettagliato su Kefaya. Lo studio su Kefaya come la RAND nota, è stato “promosso da Ufficio del Segretario della Difesa, Stati Maggiori riuniti, Comandi Operativi Unificati, Dipartimento della Marina Militare, Corpo dei Marines, organismi della difesa, e la la comunità d’intelligence della difesa“. [11]

Un gruppetto di simpatici signori e donne più democraticamente orientati difficilmente potrebbe essere trovato.

Nella loro relazione del 2008 al Pentagono, i ricercatori della RAND ha rilevato quanto segue in relazione a Kefaya dell’Egitto:

Gli Stati Uniti hanno professato un interesse a una maggiore democratizzazione nel mondo arabo, in particolare dopo gli attentati del settembre 2001 da parte di terroristi provenienti da Arabia Saudita, Emirati Arabi Uniti, Egitto e Libano. Questo interesse fa parte di uno sforzo per ridurre dei destabilizzanti violenza politica e terrorismo. In qualità di presidente, George W. Bush ha sottolineato in un discorso del 2003 al National Endowment for Democracy, “Finché il Medio Oriente rimane un luogo dove la libertà non fiorisce, rimarrà un luogo di stagnazione, risentimento e violenza pronta all’esportazione” (The White House, 2003). Gli Stati Uniti hanno utilizzato mezzi diversi per perseguire la democratizzazione, compreso un intervento militare che, anche se è stato lanciato per altri motivi, ha avuto l’installazione di un governo democratico come uno dei suoi obiettivi finali. Tuttavia, i movimenti di riforma indigeni sono nella posizione migliore per far avanzare la democratizzazione del proprio paese.“[12]

I ricercatori della RAND hanno speso anni per perfezionare le tecniche di cambio di regime non convenzionale sotto il nome di “brulichio“, un metodo di diffondere masse folli di gioventù collegata per via digitale e attuare forme di protesta mordi-e-fuggi, muovendosi come sciami di api [13].

Washington e la scuderia di ONG dei “diritti umani“, della “democrazia” e “non violenza” che sovrintende, negli ultimi dieci anni o più, ha sempre più fatto affidamento su sofisticati movimenti di protesta indigena locale spontanei e che si “autoalimentano“, per creare un cambiamento di regime filo-Washington e far progredire l’agenda globale della Full Spectrum Dominance del Pentagono. Così lo studio della RAND afferma, nelle sue raccomandazioni conclusive del Pentagono, che Kefaya:

Il governo degli Stati Uniti già sostiene gli sforzi di riforma attraverso organizzazioni come l’Agenzia statunitense per lo sviluppo internazionale e il United Nations Development Programme. Data la corrente opposizione popolare contraria agli Stati Uniti nella regione, il sostegno degli Stati Uniti alle iniziative di riforma è meglio effettuato attraverso organizzazioni non governative e istituzioni senza scopo di lucro.“[14]

Lo studio del 2008 della RAND era ancora più concreto sul futuro sostegno degli Stati Uniti al governo egiziano e gli altri movimenti di “riforma“:

“Il governo degli Stati Uniti dovrebbe incoraggiare le organizzazioni non governative offrendo una formazione ai riformatori, tra cui una guida per la costruzione della coalizione e come trattare le differenze interne nel perseguimento delle riforme democratiche. Istituzioni accademiche (o anche organizzazioni non governative associate a partiti politici statunitensi, come l’International Republican Institute o il National Democratic Institute for International Affairs) potrebbero effettuare tale formazione, equipaggiando i leader delle riforme, nel conciliare le loro divergenze in modo pacifico e democratico.

In quarto luogo, gli Stati Uniti dovrebbero aiutare i riformatori ad ottenere e utilizzare le tecnologie dell’informazione, magari offrendo incentivi alle società statunitensi per investire nelle infrastrutture delle comunicazioni e nelle tecnologie dell’informazione regionali. aziende tecnologiche dell’informazione USA potrebbero anche contribuire a garantire che i siti dei riformatori possano rimanere in funzionamento, e potrebbero investire in tecnologie come l’anonymizer, che potrebbero offrire qualche riparo dal controllo del governo. Questo potrebbe essere raggiunto anche con l’impiego di tecnologie di sicurezza per impedire ai regimi di sabotare i siti web dei riformatori.“[15]

Come la loro monografia su Kefaya afferma, è stata preparata nel 2008 dalla “RAND National Security Research – Divisione per di iniziativa strategica alternativa”, patrocinata dal Rapid Reaction Technology Office presso l’Ufficio del Sottosegretario alla Difesa per l’acquisizione, la tecnologia e la logistica.

La iniziativa strategica alternativa, proprio per sottolineare il punto, comprende “la ricerca su un uso creativo dei media, della radicalizzazione dei giovani, dell’impegno civile per arginare la violenza settaria, la fornitura di servizi sociali per mobilitare settori danneggiati delle popolazioni indigene e, tema di questo volume, i movimenti alternativi.”[16]

Nel maggio del 2009 poco prima del viaggio al Cairo di Obama per incontrare Mubarak, la segretaria di Stato statunitense Hillary Clinton ha ospitato una serie di giovani attivisti egiziani a Washington, sotto gli auspici della Freedom House, un’altra ONG dei “diritti umani” con sede a Washington e una lunga storia di coinvolgimento in cambi di regime sponsorizzati dagli USA, dalla Serbia alla Georgia all’Ucraina e ad altre rivoluzioni colorate. Clinton e l’assistente al Segretario di Stato per gli Affari del Vicino Oriente, Jeffrey Feltman, hanno incontrato sedici attivisti al termine di una ‘visita‘ di due mesi organizzata dal programma New Generation della Freedom House [17].

Freedom House e la ONG dei cambi di regime, finanziata dal governo di Washington, National Endowment for Democracy (NED), sono al centro delle rivolte che ora attraversano il mondo islamico. Esse si adattano al contesto geografico di ciò che George W. Bush ha proclamato, dopo il 2001, come il suo Progetto di Grande Medio Oriente per portare la “democrazia” e una riforma economica “liberale e per il libero mercato” nei paesi islamici, dall’Afghanistan al Marocco. Quando Washington parla di introdurre la “riforma liberale del libero mercato” la gente dovrebbe guardare fuori. E’ poco più di un codice per portare quelle economie sotto il giogo del sistema del dollaro, e di tutto ciò che esso comporta.

La NED di Washington fa parte di un’agenda più grande

Se facciamo un elenco dei paesi della regione che sono sottoposti a movimenti di protesta di massa dagli eventi tunisino ed egiziano, e li riportiamo su una mappa, troviamo una quasi perfetta convergenza tra i paesi oggi coinvolti nelle proteste e la mappa originale del progetto di Washington per un Grande Medio Oriente che fu per prima presentato durante la presidenza di George W. Bush, dopo il 2001.

La NED di Washington era tranquillamente impegnata nella preparazione di un ondata di destabilizzazioni dei regimi in tutto il Nord Africa e Medio Oriente, dopo l’invasione militare degli Stati Uniti, nel 2001-2003, di Afghanistan e Iraq. L’elenco dei luoghi dove la NED è attiva, è rivelatore. Il suo sito web elenca Tunisia, Egitto, Giordania, Kuwait, Libia, Siria, Yemen e Sudan e, curiosamente, Israele. Casualmente questi paesi sono quasi tutti soggetti oggi a “spontanee” insurrezioni popolari per un cambio di regime.

L’International Republican Institute e il National Democratic Institute for International Affairs citati dal documento della RAND su Kefaya sono organizzazioni affiliate alla National Endowment for Democracy, di Washington e finanziata dal Congresso USA.

La NED è l’agenzia di coordinamento di Washington per la destabilizzazione e il cambiamento dei regimi. E’ attiva dal Tibet all’Ucraina, dal Venezuela alla Tunisia, dal Marocco al Kuwait nel ridisegnare il mondo dopo il crollo dell’Unione Sovietica, in quello che George HW Bush, in un discorso del 1991 al Congresso, proclamò trionfalmente essere l’alba di un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale. [18] Mentre l’architetto e primo capo del NED, Allen Weinstein ha detto al Washington Post nel 1991 che, “molto di quello che facciamo oggi è stato fatto di nascosto 25 anni fa dalla CIA“. [19]

Il Consiglio di Amministrazione della NED comprende o ha incluso, l’ex Segretario alla Difesa e vice capo della CIA, Frank Carlucci del Carlyle Group, il generale in pensione della NATO Wesley Clark; il neo-conservatore Warhawk Zalmay Khalilzad, che fu architetto dell’invasione afghana di George W. Bush e più tardi ambasciatore in Afghanistan, nonché nell’occupato Iraq. Un altro membro del consiglio della NED, Vin Weber, ha co-presieduto una task force indipendente importante sulla politica degli Stati Uniti verso le riforme nel mondo arabo, con l’ex Segretaria di Stato statunitense Madeleine Albright, e fu uno dei membri fondatori dell’ultra-aggressivo think-tank Progetto per un Nuovo Secolo Americano con Dick Cheney e Don Rumsfeld, che auspicava un forzato cambio di regime in Iraq, già nel 1998 [20].

La NED si suppone sia una fondazione privata, non governativa, senza scopo di lucro, ma riceve uno stanziamento annuale per i suoi lavori internazionali dal Congresso degli Stati Uniti. Il National Endowment for Democracy dipende dal contribuente statunitense per il finanziamento, ma perché la NED non è un ente governativo, non è soggetta alla normale supervisione del Congresso.

Il denaro della NED è incanalato ai paesi di destinazione attraverso quattro “basi centrali“, il National Democratic Institute for International Affairs, legato al Partito Democratico, l’International Republican Institute legato al Partito Repubblicano, l’American Center for International Labor Solidarity legata alla federazione del lavoro statunitense AFL-CIO e al Dipartimento di Stato statunitense, e il Center for International Private Enterprise legato alla liberista libero Camera di Commercio statunitense.

La defunta analista politica Barbara Conry aveva osservato che, “La NED ha approfittato del suo presunto status privato per influenzare le elezioni all’estero, attività che è oltre la portata dell’AID o della USIA, e sarebbe altrimenti possibile solo attraverso una operazione segreta della CIA. Tali attività, si può anche notare, sarebbero illegali per dei gruppi esteri che operassero negli Stati Uniti.”[21]

Significativamente la NED dettaglia i suoi vari attuali progetti nei paesi islamici, tra cui oltre all’Egitto, Tunisia, Yemen, Giordania, Algeria, Marocco, Kuwait, Libano, Libia, Siria, Iran e Afghanistan. In breve, la maggior parte dei paesi che attualmente sentono gli effetti del terremoto delle proteste per una riforma radicale in tutto il Medio Oriente e il Nord Africa, è un obiettivo della NED [22].

Nel 2005 il presidente statunitense George W. Bush ha pronunciato un discorso alla NED. In un lungo discorso incoerente che equiparava il “radicalismo islamico“, con il malvagio comunismo, quale nuovo nemico, e usando un termine più volutamente morbido di “più vasto Medio Oriente” invece di Grande Medio Oriente, che aveva suscitato molto disturbo nel mondo islamico, Bush aveva dichiarato,

Il quinto elemento della nostra strategia nella guerra al terrore è quello di negare future reclute ai militanti, sostituendo l’odio e il risentimento con la democrazia e la speranza attraverso un più vasto Medio Oriente. Si tratta di un lungo e difficile progetto, ma non c’è nessuna alternativa ad esso. Il nostro futuro e il futuro di quella regione sono collegate. Se il più vasto Medio Oriente viene lasciato crescere nell’amarezza, se i paesi rimangono in miseria, mentre i radicali suscitano il risentimento di milioni, allora quella parte del mondo sarà una fonte infinita di conflitto e pericoli montanti, per la nostra generazione e per quella successiva. Se i popoli di quella regione potranno scegliere il proprio destino, e far avanzare la loro energia, con la partecipazione di uomini e donne liberi, gli estremisti saranno marginalizzati, e il flusso del radicalismo violento verso il resto del mondo sarà rallentato, e alla fine finito… Stiamo incoraggiando i nostri amici in Medio Oriente, compreso l’Egitto e l’Arabia Saudita, a prendere la strada delle riforme, per rafforzare la propria società nella lotta contro il terrorismo, rispettando i diritti e le scelte del proprio popolo. Appoggiamo i dissidenti e gli esiliati contro i regimi oppressivi, perché sappiamo che i dissidenti di oggi saranno i leader democratici di domani… “[23]

Il Progetto degli Stati Uniti per un ‘Grande Medio Oriente’

La diffusione di operazioni di cambio di regime di Washington dalla Tunisia al Sudan, dallo Yemen all’Egitto e la Siria, sono assai ben visti, nel contesto della lunga strategia del Pentagono e del Dipartimento di Stato verso l’intero mondo islamico da Kabul in Afghanistan, a Rabat in Marocco.

I rozzi lineamenti della strategia di Washington, in parte basata sulle sue riuscite operazioni di cambio regime nell’ex Patto di Varsavia, il blocco comunista dell’Europa orientale, sono state elaborate dall’ex consulente del Pentagono e neo-conservatore Richard Perle, e poi dall’assistente di Bush Douglas Feith, in un Libro bianco elaborato per l’allora nuovo regime del Likud israeliano di Benjamin Netanyahu, nel 1996.

Tale raccomandazione politica è stata intitolata Un taglio netto: Una nuova strategia per assicurare il Reame. Fu la prima che uno scritto del think-tank Washington chiedeva apertamente la rimozione di Saddam Hussein in Iraq, un atteggiamento militare aggressivo nei confronti dei palestinesi, di colpire la Siria e gli obiettivi siriani in Libano. [24] Secondo quanto riferito, il governo Netanyahu in quel momento seppellì la relazione di Perle Feith, in quanto troppo rischioso.

Con gli eventi dell’11 settembre 2001 e il ritorno a Washington degli ultrafalchi neoconservatori del gruppo di Perle, l’amministrazione Bush diede priorità assoluta alla versione allargata del piano di Feith-Perle, chiamandolo Progetto per un Grande Medio Oriente. Feith fu nominato da Bush Sottosegretario della Difesa.

Dietro la facciata delle annunciate riforme democratiche dei regimi autocratici in tutta la regione, il Grande Medio Oriente era ed è un progetto per estendere il controllo militare degli Stati Uniti e spezzare le economie stataliste in tutto l’arco degli stati dal Marocco fino ai confini della Cina e della Russia.

Nel maggio 2003, prima che le macerie del bombardamento statunitense di Baghdad fossero tolte, George W. Bush, un presidente che non sarà ricordato come un grande amico della democrazia, proclamò la politica di “diffondere la democrazia” in tutta la regione ed aveva esplicitamente sottolineato cosa ciò significava: “La creazione del Medio Oriente come area di libero scambio con gli Stati Uniti entro un decennio.” [25]

Prima del Summit dei G8 del giugno 2004 a Sea Island, Georgia, Washington aveva pubblicato un documento di lavoro, “G8-Greater Middle East Partnership“. Sotto la sezione intitolata opportunità economiche vi era un drammatico appello di Washington per “una trasformazione economica simile, in grandezza, a quella intrapresa dai paesi ex comunisti dell’Europa centrale e orientale”.

Il documento statunitense aveva detto che la chiave di ciò era il rafforzamento del settore privato come strada per la prosperità e la democrazia. E sosteneva, in modo fuorviante, che ciò sarebbe stato fatto attraverso il miracolo della microfinanza, come il documento chiariva, “solo 100 milioni di dollari all’anno per cinque anni saranno creerebbero 1.2 milioni di imprenditori (750.000 dei quali donne), uscendo dalla povertà, attraverso prestiti di 400 dollari a ciascuno.”[26] (Et Voilà, ecco il perché del nobel a Muahmmad Yunus, ideatore della microfinanza per i poveracci… NdT)

Il piano statunitense prevedeva l’acquisizione di banche regionali e finanziarie da parte delle nuove istituzioni apparentemente internazionale ma, come la Banca Mondiale e il FMI, di fatto controllate da Washington, tra cui il WTO. L’obiettivo del progetto a lungo termine di Washington, è quello di controllare completamente il petrolio, controllare completamente i flussi di entrate dal petrolio, controllare completamente le intere economie della regione, dal Marocco fino ai confini della Cina, e tutto ciò che sta in mezzo. E’ un progetto ardito quanto è disperata.

Una volta che il documento del G8 degli Stati Uniti era trapelato nel 2004, su Al-Hayat, l’opposizione ad essa si diffuse in tutta la regione, con una grande protesta per la definizione statunitense del Grande Medio Oriente. Un articolo del francese Le Monde Diplomatique di aprile 2004, aveva osservato che “oltre ai paesi arabi, si estende a Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, Turchia e Israele, il cui unico comune denominatore è che si trovano nella zona in cui l’ostilità verso gli Stati Uniti è più forte, in cui il fondamentalismo islamico nella sua forma anti-occidentale è più diffuso.”[27] Va notato che la NED è attiva anche all’interno di Israele, con un certo numero di programmi.

In particolare, nel 2004 vi è stata la veemente opposizione da due leader del Medio Oriente, l’egiziano Hosni Mubarak e il re dell’Arabia Saudita, che hanno costretto i fanatici ideologi dell’amministrazione Bush a mettere temporaneamente il progetto per il Grande Medio Oriente nel dimenticatoio.


In questo scritto non è chiaro quale sia il risultato cui porterà finale delle ultime teleguidate destabilizzazioni USA in tutto il mondo islamico. Non è chiaro quale sarà il risultato per Washington e i sostenitori di un Nuovo Ordine Mondiale dominato dagli USA. La loro agenda è chiaramente sia la creazione del Grande Medio Oriente sotto la presa salda degli Stati Uniti, come un maggior controllo dei futuri flussi di capitali e flussi di energia verso Cina, Russia e Unione Europea, che potrebbero portare, uno di questi giorni, all’idea di allontanarsi da questo ordine statunitense.

Essa ha enormi implicazioni potenziali per il futuro di Israele. Come un commentatore statunitense ha ammesso, “Il calcolo israeliano di oggi è che se ‘Mubarak se ne va’ (che di solito viene indicato con ‘Se gli USA permettono che Mubarak vada via’), l’Egitto andrà via. Se va via la Tunisia (stessa storia), anche il Marocco e l’Algeria andranno. La Turchia è già andata (per la quale gli israeliani devono solo incolpare se stessi). La Siria è andata (in parte perché Israele ha voluto escluderla dall’accesso all’acqua del mare di Galilea). Gaza è andata ad Hamas e l’Autorità palestinese potrebbe presto pure andarsene (con Hamas?). Lasciando Israele tra le rovine della politica del dominio militare della regione.” [28]

La strategia di Washington di “distruzione creativa“, sta chiaramente causando notti insonni non solo nel mondo islamico, ma anche a Tel Aviv, e infine da ora anche a Pechino e a Mosca e in tutta l’Asia centrale.

* F. William Engdahl è autore di Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order. Il suo libro A Century of War: Anglo-American Oil Politics and the New World Order è stato appena ristampato in una nuova edizione. È membro del Comitato Scientifico di “Eurasia”.


[1] DEBKA, Mubarak believes a US-backed Egyptian military faction plotted his ouster, February 4, 2011, www.debka.com/weekly/480/. DEBKA Debka è aperto circa i sua buoni legami con l’intelligence e le agenzie di sicurezza di Israele. Mentre i suoi scritti devono essere letti con questo in mente, alcuni rapporti che pubblica spesso inducono a interessanti ulteriori indagini.

[2] Ibid.

[3] The Center for Grassroots Oversight, 1954-1970: CIA and the Muslim Brotherhood ally to oppose Egyptian President Nasser, www.historycommons.org/context.jsp?item=western_support_for_islamic_militancy_202700&scale=0. Secondo il defunto Miles Copeland, un funzionario della CIA di stanza in Egitto durante il periodo di Nasser, la CIA si alleò con i Fratelli Musulmani che si opponevano al regime laico di Nasser, così come all’opposizione dell’ideologia nazionalista alla fratellanza pan-islamica.

[4] Jijo Jacob, What is Egypt’s April 6 Movement?, 1 Febbraio 2011, http://www.ibtimes.com/articles/107387/20110201/what-is-egypt-s-april-6-movement.htm

[5] Ibidem.

[6] Janine Zacharia, Opposition groups rally around Mohamed ElBaradei, Washington Post, 31 gennaio 2011, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2011/01/31/AR2011013103470_2.html?sid=ST2011013003319.

[7] National Endowment for Democracy, Middle East and North Africa Program Highlights 2009, in http://www.ned.org/where-we-work/middle-east-and-northern-africa/middle-east-and-north-africa-highlights.

[8] Amitabh Pal, Gene Sharp: The Progressive Interview, The Progressive, 1 marzo 2007.

[9] Emmanuel Sivan, Why Radical Muslims Aren’t Taking over Governments, Middle East Quarterly, December 1997, pp. 3-9

[10] Carnegie Endowment, The Egyptian Movement for Change (Kifaya), http://egyptelections.carnegieendowment.org/2010/09/22/the-egyptian-movement-for-change-kifaya

[11] Nadia Oweidat, et al, The Kefaya Movement: A Case Study of a Grassroots Reform Initiative, Prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Santa Monica, Ca., RAND_778.pdf, 2008, p. iv.

[12] Ibidem.

[13] Per altre discussioni dettagliate sulle tecniche del “brulichio” della RAND: F. William Engdahl, Full Spectrum Dominance: Totalitarian Democracy in the New World Order, edition.engdahl, 2009, pp. 34-41.

[14] Nadia Oweidat et al, op. cit., p. 48.

[15] Ibid., p. 50.

[16] Ibid., p. iii.

[17] Michel Chossudovsky, The Protest Movement in Egypt: “Dictators” do not Dictate, They Obey Orders, 29 gennaio 2011, http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=22993

[18] George Herbert Walker Bush, State of the Union Address to Congress, 29 gennaio 1991. Nel discorso, Bush a un certo punto ha dichiarato con aria trionfante di celebrazione del collasso dell’Unione Sovietica, “Ciò che è in gioco è più di un paese piccolo, è una grande idea, un nuovo ordine mondiale …

[19] Allen Weinstein, quoted in David Ignatius, Openness is the Secret to Democracy , Washington Post National Weekly Edition, 30 Settembrw 1991, pp. 24-25.

[20] National Endowment for Democracy, Board of Directors, http://www.ned.org/about/board

[21] Barbara Conry, Loose Cannon: The National Endowment for Democracy , Cato Foreign Policy Briefing No. 27, 8 Novembre 1993, http://www.cato.org/pubs/fpbriefs/fpb-027.html.

[22] National Endowment for Democracy, 2009 Annual Report, Middle East and North Africa, http://www.ned.org/publications/annual-reports/2009-annual-report.

[23] George W. Bush, Speech at the National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, DC, 6 ottobre 2005, http://www.presidentialrhetoric.com/speeches/10.06.05.html.

[24] Richard Perle, Douglas Feith et al, A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm , 1996, Washington and Tel Aviv, The Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies, www.iasps.org/strat1.htm

[25] George W. Bush, Remarks by the President in Commencement Address at the University of South Carolina, White House, 9 Maggio 2003.

[26] Gilbert Achcar, Fantasy of a Region that Doesn’t Exist: Greater Middle East, the US plan, Le Monde Diplomatique, 4 Aprile 2004, http://mondediplo.com/2004/04/04world

[27] Ibid.

[28] William Pfaff, American-Israel Policy Tested by Arab Uprisings, http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/american-israeli_policy_tested_by_arab_uprisings_20110201/

Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio

mercredi, 09 février 2011

L'eredità falsata di Martin Heidegger

L’eredità falsata di Martin Heidegger

Luca Leonello Rimbotti

Ex: http://www.centrostudilaruna.it/

Che Heidegger, con tutto il suo bagaglio filosofico intatto, sia stato catturato dalle sinistre ormai da qualche decennio e venga tenuto prigioniero nelle bibliografie e nelle monografie democratico-giacobine, è ormai un fatto risaputo. Da quando il marxismo si è dimostrato un ferro vecchio inutilizzabile, abbiamo assistito a un accorrere in folla dalle parti dell’ideologia nazionalpopolare europea, per sottrargli idee, concetti, approcci di pensiero, nomi e cognomi. Sulle orme lasciate da Heidegger, in particolare, hanno pestato in parecchi. E sempre con l’aria di aver fatto una scoperta. Su questa appropriazione indebita, in Italia e all’estero, non pochi ci si sono costruite carriere e cattedre di gran lustro.

Il gioco è semplice: basta far finta che Heidegger non sia mai stato davvero nazionalsocialista… in fondo, dopo appena un anno dette le dimissioni da rettore, sì o no?… rimase iscritto al Partito nazista fino al 1945, d’accordo, non ha mai detto una parola di condanna su Auschwitz… è vero anche questo… ma insomma… basta non dirlo troppo ad alta voce… poi si ripete fino alla nausea che il suo pensiero è stato travisato, ecco, è stato strumentalizzato, ma certo… è così evidente… ma per fortuna che ora ci pensano loro, gli intellettuali di sinistra, a dare la giusta lettura… ed ecco che un filosofo della tradizione, della ferrea identità di popolo, del volontarismo vitalistico, uno schietto pangermanista, uno che nelle lezioni su Nietzsche invocava «un nuovo ordine partendo dalle radici», tracciando una bella linea retta da Eraclito al Führer, ecco che dunque il filosofo della Führung diventa all’istante un santino del “pensiero debole”, dell’esistenzialismo universalista, una specie di curatore d’anime mezzo new age e mezzo dialettico… Si tratta di un gioco di prestigio per virtuosi, soltanto i migliori tra gli intellettuali di sinistra sono in grado di rivoltare Heidegger, ma anche Nietzsche o Schmitt, ma anche Marinetti o Gehlen o Jünger o Eliade… e tirarne fuori ottime figure di giacobini mondialisti…

A smascherare questi procedimenti della manipolazione professionale, nel 1988 giunse improvviso un libro di Victor Farìas intitolato Heidegger e il nazismo, pubblicato in Italia da Bollati Boringhieri. Fu una bomba inattesa. Suscitò sbandamento e panico nel campo della sinistra intelligente: Heidegger, dopo centinaia di pagine di uno studio basato su fonti primarie, veniva riconsegnato di brutto al suo destino di pensatore della reazione anti-modernista europea, dimostrando testi alla mano che si trattava di un filosofo accesamente antisemita, nazionalista, forgiatore di una profonda identità tra uomo europeo del XX secolo e uomo dorico dell’antichità. Insomma, un nazista. Uno studioso che parlava di metafisica greca pensando all’esserci storico dei tedeschi degli anni Venti-Trenta, e che elaborava la moderna filosofia ontologica individuandone una concreta realizzazione nelle SA.

Da allora, Farìas – che è stato allievo di Heidegger e di Fink – è diventato la bestia nera di tutti quei mandarini rossi che intasano università, riviste scientifiche, case editrici, forum e circuiti culturali, ma che per campare si erano inventati un Heidegger quasi-marxista. Se Marcuse si era ridotto a una caricatura, si poteva sempre ricorrere a un Heidegger ben limato… Su questa faccenda l’intellighenzia progressista si è da tempo spaccata in due. Da una parte i devoti di Heidegger, in fuga dalle macerie del marxismo; dall’altra parte i demolitori di Heidegger, custodi di una più intransigente ortodossia antifascista. Per dare un’idea, potremmmo dire: sinistra post-marxista e sinistra liberale ai ferri corti intorno alle spoglie di Heidegger.

In queste faide umilianti, tra l’altro, notiamo il tracollo finale di un modo di fare sub-cultura e di essere alla guida della macchina intellettuale, che si riassume nella bancarotta ormai irreversibile del progressismo. Falsificazione, fanatismo, faziosità, delazione, intimidazione… queste le attitudini scientifiche con cui i “filosofi” post-moderni, come nani confusi di fronte a qualcuno molto più grande di loro, arraffano oppure rigettano le posizioni di quello che è stato definito il maggior intellettuale del Novecento. Qualcuno glielo dica: si stanno occupando di un personaggio che non li riguarda in nessun caso.

Oggi Farìas ne fa un’altra delle sue e scarica nuove bordate di militanza democratica, pubblicando un esplicito L’eredità di Heidegger nel neonazismo, nel neofascismo e nel fondamentalismo islamico (Edizioni Medusa). Si prevedono nuovi travasi di bile tra le truppe intellettuali della sinistra heideggeriana, in fase di crescente spaesamento e comandate con qualche difficoltà, qui da noi, da maestri del pensiero del rango di un Gianni Vattimo.

Il discorso di Farìas, ancora una volta, non potrebbe essere più chiaro: Heidegger era nazista dalla testa ai piedi. Lo era perchè amico delle SA, perchè iscritto alla NSDAP fino all’ultimo giorno, perché pubblico elogiatore di Hitler, perché si identificò nel Terzo Reich e nelle sue guerre, perchè ha relativizzato pesantemente la Shoah, ma anche perchè tutto il suo pensiero, i suoi scritti, le sue lezioni universitarie, i suoi stessi concetti e argomenti sono riconoscibili per nazisti, sia prima che – addirittura – dopo il 1945. Poi Farìas va oltre, vuole strafare e, alla maniera dei persecutori “democratici”, quelli che vogliono imporre con le buone o con le cattive il Pensiero Unico, sui due piedi crea il mostro: Heidegger padre spirituale anche del neonazismo e del fondamentalismo islamico. Heidegger padre di tutti gli incubi dell’era globale. Prende Ernst Nolte – non uno qualsiasi, ma probabilmente il massimo storico vivente… ma col difetto di non appartenere alle cosche di sinistra – e lo diffama come agente neonazista. Direte: è uno scherzo? No, non è uno scherzo. Farìas fa sul serio: «Nolte di fatto apre le porte a un neonazismo che conferma tutti i modelli sociali autoritari… Nolte afferma che Heidegger intendeva il nazismo come “socialismo tedesco”… nel suo sforzo di riabilitare Heidegger utile a riabilitare un neonazismo… nella Repubblica Federale tedesca del 1987, Nolte interpreta le lezioni su Hölderlin (1934-1935) assumendo come evidente e accettabile l’ultranazionalismo dell’esegesi heideggeriana…».

Farìas, che è una punta di diamante della lobby mondialista liberal-libertaria di matrice cattolica, odia Nolte, che è un nazionalconservatore, di un odio da Inquisizione. Non elabora la possibilità che vi sia qualcuno che non la pensa come lui. E ne ha per tutti. Vede un mondo di neonazisti. Dalla “Nuova Destra” tedesca – un tranquillo ambiente di intellettuali alla Stefan George, dove si fa cultura di nicchia – al figlio di Heidegger, Hermann, accusato di voler insinuare un pernicioso “neo-heideggerismo”… fino a certi contatti culturali tra frange della destra e della sinistra tedesche: e, ad esempio, il loro anti-americanismo, attinto da Heidegger, diventa subito un sinistro “nazionalbolscevismo”. Attacca a testa bassa la “Nouvelle Droite” francese e infama de Benoist o Guillaume Faye tacciandoli coi soliti stereotipi di pericolosità neopagana e fascistoide: e sin qui nulla di nuovo. Ma subito li mette in collegamento con certe derive da lui astutamente individuate nel pensiero “corretto”: dice che Lacan o Baudrillart erano vicini a Céline e alla Rivoluzione Conservatrice, rivela che Foucault ammirava la «spiritualità politica» dei khomeinisti iraniani, giudica Steuckers un nocivo teorico “eurocentrista” e stende un verbale delle riviste cui collabora (comprendendoci anche quelle di Marco Tarchi…), poi descrive il nuovo ecologismo (e ci mette dentro anche quello di Eduardo Zarelli…) come un nido di eredi di Klages e del Blut und Boden… e ribatte ancora che l’heideggerismo del GRECE è stato un vaso d’infusione per il peggiore degli abomini, il razzismo: «de Benoist, come Heidegger, basa le gerarchie che fondano la discriminazione non come i razzisti “volgari” e zoologisti, bensì nello “spirito”…». Da questo poderoso concentrato di aria fritta, Farìas trae le sue conclusioni, rivelando al mondo l’esistenza di una perversa congiura metapolitica, al di là della destra e della sinistra: «Così, non sorprende che in Francia il matrimonio – impensabile fino a poco tempo fa – tra il sotterraneo fascismo heideggeriano e il neomarxismo militante sia oggi una realtà».

Subito dopo, Farìas si volge da un’altra parte del suo vasto spettro di nemici e ne individua uno tra i più temibili: l’islamismo heideggeriano. E ci informa che tra un tale Sayyd Qutb morto nel ‘66 e Heidegger esisteva una grande somiglianza di concezioni anti-americane… e che l’iraniano Ahmadinejad non sarebbe altro che «un militante “heideggeriano”». Infine si dice convinto che esista una nazi-connection mondiale che unifica tutti questi ambienti al «neofascismo militarista di Chàvez», dipinto come un Caudillo antisemita, a lungo ammaestrato dal defunto politologo péronista-revisionista Norberto Ceresole, a sua volta heideggeriano di ferro e perno ideologico del complotto neonazista… Insomma, è come leggere I Protocolli dei Savi di Sion… ma all’incontrario… e con l’uguale spessore scientifico pari a zero.

Farìas è uno dei più zelanti poliziotti a difesa del Pensiero Unico. Recita alla perfezione la parte del sacerdote che veglia sull’ortodossia totalitaria e che denuncia l’eretico, indicando la forca sulla quale farlo salire. Farìas lavora come pochi per le ragioni del mondialismo censendo pensieri, parole ed opere di quanti si ostinino ancora a usare la loro testa. Segnala ambienti, rivela retroscena, denuncia frasi che a forza sottolinea come pericolose, addita libri, uomini, associazioni come letali focolai di camuffamento neonazista sub specie heideggeriana. Uno afflitto da una simile sindrome, lo direste uno studioso… o piuttosto un delatore?

Noi imparziali e inattuali vogliamo dire la nostra: Farìas fa bene quando contribuisce a rettificare le cose, tornando a collocare Heidegger in modo documentato nella tradizione di pensiero che gli compete, quella anti-progressista e radicalmente identitaria. Del resto, Farìas è soltanto più rumoroso di altri: infatti, anche prima di lui, svariati studiosi, da Hugo Ott a Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe a Bernd Martin, per citarne solo alcuni, già tra l’87 e l’88, rimisero Heidegger al suo posto, dimostrandone i nessi biografici e filosofici col Nazionalsocialismo, senza per questo mandarne al capestro la memoria. E nessuno di loro intese recitare la parte fanatica del militante antifascista a tutti costi e fuori tempo massimo. Farìas fa infatti cattiva letteratura quando, da propagandista schierato e da terrorista intellettuale, fa sibilare la frusta dell’inquisitore “democratico”, evocando ad ogni passo la reazione in agguato, il neofascismo che dilaga, il Quarto Reich alle porte… e altri simili spropositi.

* * *

Tratto da Linea del 30 gennaio 2009.

samedi, 05 février 2011

Gerhoch Reisegger: 9/11 - Das Lügengebäude fällt!

Gerhoch Reisegger:

9/11 - Das Lügengebäude fällt !

samedi, 29 janvier 2011

Les dernières frasques libertaires et déontologiques de BHL

Les dernières frasques libertaires et déontologiques de BHL

Ex: http://www.acrimed.org/article3520.html

BHL_par_Mor-2-cece2.jpgEncore BHL ? Oui, encore ! Mais pourquoi un tel acharnement ? Parce que l’année 2011 débute en fanfare pour le philosophe en chemise blanche, décidément sur tous les fronts. Et parce que cette fausse grandeur est en charge de la surveillance de plusieurs médias. Pauvres médias !

BHL a-t-il aidé à la censure de Stéphane Hessel ?

C’est en tout cas ce qu’affirme Richard Prasquier, président du Conseil représentatif des institutions juives de France (Crif), dans un éditorial publié le 13 janvier sur le site du Crif. Richard Prasquier se félicite de l’annulation d’une conférence qui devait se dérouler à l’Ecole normale supérieure, en présence de Stéphane Hessel, mais aussi, entre autres, d’Elisabeth Guigou, de Benoît Hurel (Syndicat de la magistrature), de Leïla Shahid (représentante de la Palestine à Bruxelles) ou encore de Michel Warshawski (militant israélien). Le thème de la conférence était la solidarité avec les militants de la campagne de boycott d’Israël poursuivis en justice.

Le CRIF affirme que c’est grâce à son action que la directrice de l’ENS, Monique Canto-Sperber, a décidé d’annuler la conférence. Et, au détour d’une phrase, rend hommage à Valérie Pécresse, au rectorat de Paris, « ainsi qu’à Claude Cohen Tanoudij, prix Nobel de Physique, Bernard Henri Lévy et Alain Finkielkraut, tous anciens élèves de l’Ecole normale supérieure ». La phrase ne souffre d’aucune ambiguité : les trois « anciens » seraient, comme la ministre et le rectorat, intervenus auprès de la direction de l’ENS. BHL, ami d’Israël, aurait-il participé de près ou de loin à ce qui ressemble à s’y méprendre à une atteinte à la liberté d’expression ?

Pendant cinq jours, BHL ne réagit pas à l’éditorial de Richard Prasquier. C’est le 18 janvier, alors que « l’affaire » commence à faire du « buzz » (nous y reviendrons dans un prochain article), qu’il se signale. D’une curieuse manière. C’est en effet au Nouvel Obs, et non au Crif, que BHL fait parvenir le démenti qui suit :

« Je rentre des Etats-Unis et apprends qu’un débat autour de l’opération BDS a été annulé à l’Ecole normale. Contrairement à ce que laisse entendre votre site, je ne suis intervenu ni auprès de madame Canto-Sperber ni auprès de quiconque pour recommander l’annulation de ce débat. Je suis, par principe, même et surtout quand le désaccord est profond, partisan de la confrontation des points de vue – pas de leur "annulation" ».

Dont acte.

Dont acte ? Ou presque.

De deux choses l’une :
– soit le Crif dit la vérité, et BHL tente désespérément de se démarquer de cette initiative peu glorieuse, probablement en raison du « buzz » qu’elle a suscité ;
– soit le Crif ment. Mais dans ce cas, pourquoi BHL qui, chacun le sait, se sent très concerné par tout ce qui le concerne, a-t-il attendu cinq jours avant de réagir ? Pourquoi ne pas avoir exigé qu’un erratum soit publié sur le site de ceux qui sont à la source de cette « mauvaise » information, et non sur le site du Nouvel Obs, qui s’est contenté de la relayer ? Et pourquoi Richard Prasquier n’a-t-il pas, à l’heure où nous écrivons, changé la moindre virgule de son éditorial du 13 janvier ?

Autant de questions qui, pour l’instant, demeurent sans réponse. On ne doute pas que l’affaire ne manquera pas de connaître de nouveaux développements et rebondissements. A l’image d’une autre affaire impliquant BHL, celle qui l’oppose à Bernard Cassen.

BHL salit de nouveau Bernard Cassen...

Nous l’avions rapporté dans un précédent article : dans son Bloc-notes du 23 décembre, BHL commettait une bourde infamante : confondre, en évoquant les « Assises contre l’islamisation de l’Europe », Bernard Cassen, ancien directeur du Monde diplomatique, et Pierre Cassen, animateur de Riposte laïque. Cette utile confusion avait permis à Bernard-Henri de remettre au goût du jour l’un de ses thèmes favoris : les passerelles entre « rouges » et « bruns ». Si la bourde a été rapidement corrigée, BHL n’a toujours pas présenté ses excuses à Bernard Cassen. Bien au contraire...

En effet, dans son Bloc-notes du 6 janvier, il remet le couvert, évoquant « le double procès que [lui] intentent, pour le même article, un groupuscule d’extrême droite et un ancien du Monde diplo ». Par un (pas très) subtil procédé rhétorique, BHL réussit finalement là où il avait échoué deux semaines plus tôt : amalgamer Bernard Cassen et l’extrême droite. L’usage de l’expression « double procès  » est en effet lourde de sens : Cassen et le Bloc identitaire n’étaient peut-être pas côte à côte aux « assises », mais ils le sont désormais dans une croisade commune contre le philosophe en chemise blanche. En somme, BHL, adepte de la prophétie auto-réalisatrice, avait raison avant tout le monde. Soyons certains que cette clairvoyance ne manquerait pas, si l’affaire devait prendre une tournure judiciaire, d’être saluée par les tribunaux.

… et offre une tribune au Bloc identitaire

Tribunaux que la direction du Point semble vouloir éviter, puisqu’elle a accordé au Bloc identitaire, sympathique groupement de jeunes gens épris de valeurs progressistes, un droit de réponse aux approximations de Bernard-Henri Lévy. Comme nous l’avions signalé, l’accusation de « tentative d’assassinat contre Jacques Chirac » portée contre cette organisation était des plus contestables : le Bloc identitaire en tant que tel n’existait pas à l’époque, et c’est Maxime Brunerie, un proche de l’ancêtre du Bloc, Unité radicale, qui avait tenté de tirer sur le chef de l’Etat.

Le Bloc identitaire a donc pu, grâce à la rigueur de BHL, s’adresser, entre autres, au lectorat du Point. Une audience quantitativement inédite pour une organisation qui, bien qu’elle récuse le terme de groupuscule, n’a pas franchement pignon sur rue. Et même si Bernard-Henri a rédigé une « mise au point » à la suite du droit de réponse, le résultat est là : BHL aura offert, à cause de la démesure et de l’emphase habituelles de ses propos, une formidable tribune au Bloc, sans aucun doute ravi de cette publicité à moindres frais. Nous présentons à BHL toutes nos félicitations, auxquelles nous nous empressons d’en ajouter d’autres, au sujet de son courage et de sa lucidité quant à la révolution tunisienne.

BHL et la Tunisie, épisode 1 : le résistant de la 26e heure

Les quelques motivés qui suivent l’actualité du philosophe médiatique ont constaté qu’il a été, durant de longues semaines, silencieux sur la situation en Tunisie. Et soudain, le miracle est arrivé.

Le 13 janvier, (veille du départ de Ben Ali), depuis les États-Unis où il se trouve alors, Bernard-Henri Lévy lance – sur l’antenne d’Europe 1 – un appel dont le retentissement dépasse, et de loin, l’Appel de Londres lancé par le général de Gaulle. Le site « officieux » de BHL se charge, dès le lendemain, de mettre en valeur cette initiative. Les bonnes causes sont avant tout celles qui sont bonnes à la promotion de BHL-Moi-Je. 

Extrait : « Les Tunisiens vivent leur 1789. Et Bernard-Henri Lévy est de ceux qui ont compris que, pour gagner une bataille comme celle-ci, le Net est aujourd’hui un outil incontournable. Il sait les risques juridiques qu’il prend. Mais que faisaient d’autres ceux et celles de ses aînées qui, naguère, signaient des appels pour l’avortement ou pour l’insoumission dans la guerre d’Algérie. C’est la même logique, toujours ». Quand BHL ne met pas lui-même en scène sa légendaire modestie, ses amis se chargent de le faire pour lui.

Mais quelle est donc la prouesse qui nous a valu ce modeste éloge ? Le résistant BHL a posté un message sur Twitter via le compte de sa revue La règle du jeu : « Hackers de tous les pays, unissez-vous. Soutenez les Anonymous. Piratez, bloquez les sites officiels de la Tunisie de Ben Ali. BHL ». Les Anonymous sont des hackers qui, depuis plusieurs semaines, multipliaient les attaques informatiques contre les sites du régime tunisien… sans avoir attendu le réveil de BHL.

Et pourtant, toujours sur le site, on apprend que, malgré le retard à l’allumage de BHL, son « Tweet » « a fait le tour de la Toile ». Vérification faite, le tour fut rapide, comme en témoigne cette capture d’écran, réalisée plus de quarante-huit heures après la publication de l’appel :


Un écho international à la hauteur du courage de Bernard-Henri, résistant de la vingt-sixième heure.

BHL et la Tunisie, épisode 2 : Arabes, musulmans, même combat !

Après la chute de Ben Ali, Bernard-Henri ne tient plus en place. Dans son Bloc-notes du 18 janvier, titré « Leçons tunisiennes », il tire, à chaud, ses premiers bilans de la révolte populaire. On apprend ainsi que l’un des éléments notables du soulèvement tunisien est qu’il s’agit d’une « insurrection arabe » (c’est la deuxième « leçon ») : « Eh oui. Rappelez-vous ceux qui nous disaient qu’il y a des peuples faits pour la révolte et d’autres qui ne le sont pas ». Pour BHL, les événements de Tunisie sont la démonstration qu’il n’y a pas de peuple imperméable aux principes démocratiques : « les principes démocratiques sont des principes universels ». Même les Arabes, donc ! Saluons le courage avec lequel Bernard-Henri se défend contre la droite xénophobe et néo-coloniale...

Suit alors une prophétie quasi planétaire : « Aujourd’hui, la Tunisie. Demain, la Libye de Kadhafi. La Syrie de la famille Assad. Peut-être l’Iran d’Ahmadinejad ». Une déclaration qui nous vaudra peut-être un erratum de plus puisque, cher Bernard-Henri, les Iraniens ne sont pas Arabes : ce sont des Perses. Mais c’est vrai qu’après tout la majorité d’entre eux sont aussi des musulmans. L’amalgame est d’autant plus fâcheux qu’il est courant chez ceux que BHL prétend pourfendre dans sa chronique, « ces apôtres de la guerre des civilisations pour qui l’idée même d’un pays musulman et, en particulier, arabe ouvert aux droits de l’homme était une contradiction dans les termes ». On espère que Bernard-Henri saura, avant de nous infliger ses prochaines « leçons » politico-philosophiques, réviser ses leçons d’histoire-géographie.

Selon les fans de BHL, BHL triomphe aux Etats-Unis

Cette approximation est peut-être une conséquence de l’épuisant séjour de BHL aux États-Unis, destiné à promouvoir le livre coécrit avec Michel Houellebecq, Ennemis publics : une tournée qui, d’après le site de la revue de BHL, fut, comme l’annonce le titre de l’article qui lui est consacré, un « Triomphe, aux USA, pour Bernard-Henri Lévy et Michel Houellebecq ». Promotion réussie d’un livre, dont on nous dit qu’ « il semble qu’il soit parti pour faire un tabac ».

En témoigneraient, notamment, les critiques de la presse écrite états-unienne. Maria de França, qui a signé l’article de La règle du jeu, mentionne ainsi « la critique, excellente, signée par Sam Munson dans le Wall Street Journal ». Une critique, il est vrai, plutôt élogieuse. Puis l’article évoque « Les deux critiques, moins favorables mais importantes, signées, dans le New-York Times, par Dwight Garner (page culturelle quotidienne) et Ian Buruma (supplément Livres du week end) ».

Les extraits qui suivent, tirés de la critique de Ian Buruma, montrent ce que La règle du jeu appelle une critique « moins favorable » :

« On peut lire ce livre, un dialogue entre deux célèbres auteurs français, comme un roman comique, une brillante satire traitant de la vanité des écrivains […] ».

« Le running gag qui imprègne l’ensemble de la discussion est cette vaine prétention selon laquelle BHL, l’intellectuel le plus célébré et le plus médiatique [1] en France, et […] l’auteur de best-sellers Michel Houellebecq seraient détestés, persécutés et méprisés par à peu près tout le monde […] ».

« Ce qui est hilarant […] est l’usage des hyperboles […] ».

Et encore :

– « [A propos de la façon dont BHL revendique ses « engagements » (Daniel Pearl, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Sarajevo, etc.)] : c’est ce que les Allemands appellent un Hochstapler, quelque chose qui se situe entre le vantard et l’imposteur, une célèbre figure comique dans la littérature européenne. (...) »

« Tout est brillamment exécuté. Mais je crains d’avoir à dire que rien de tout ceci n’est destiné à être lu comme un roman comique. Tout est fait avec le plus grand sérieux du monde ».


Une critique « moins favorable » ? BHL et ses amis ont, décidément, le triomphe modeste, et manient tout aussi bien l’euphémisme que l’hyperbole. C’est sans doute cela, le « style BHL », complément indispensable de la rigueur et de la probité qu’il met au service du microcosme médiatique et de sa surveillance.

Parole de pape

Un style dont l’emphase et la solennité tiennent en général lieu d’argumentation.

Dans son Bloc-notes du 6 janvier, BHL professe : « Benoît XVI est parfaitement fondé à dire que les chrétiens sont, aujourd’hui, à l’échelle de la planète, le groupe religieux "en butte au plus grand nombre de persécutions" ». Aucun chiffre, aucune enquête, ne viennent étayer ce propos nuancé. Il faut dire que la source de BHL est connue pour sa modération et son objectivité.


Julien Salingue (avec Henri et Serge)

jeudi, 27 janvier 2011

Udo Ulfkotte - Wie die Medien lügen

Udo Ulfkotte

Wie die Medien lügen


lundi, 17 janvier 2011

John F. Kennedy - Ein Star wird demontiert


John F. Kennedy – Ein Star wird demontiert

Niki Vogt


Es gibt nationale Ikonen, deren Tugenden und Fähigkeiten symbolisch für das Selbstbild stehen, das eine Nation von sich selbst pflegt – und das auch Bewunderer dieser Nation teilen. Mahatma Ghandi für Indien, beispielsweise – oder Jeanne d’Arc und Napoleon Bonaparte für Frankreich, Evita Peron für Argentinien, Winston Churchill für England oder John F. Kennedy für Amerika. Es ist meist gar nicht so schwer herauszufinden, dass die strahlenden Helden manchmal deutliche Makel und dunkle Seiten aufweisen. Solange eine Nation selbstbewusst ist und angesehen, tastet niemand das strahlende Image an. Eine Revision des Vorbildcharakters einer Nation als Ganzes äußert sich nicht selten in einer Abrechnung mit einer solchen Identitätsstiftenden, nationalen Überfigur. So geschehen mit Napoleon, Stalin, Mao Tse Tung, Otto von Bismarck und vielen anderen mehr. Ein Artikel im Telegraph – als Beispiel für viele – zum 50. Jahrestag der Präsidentenwahl von John F. Kennedy macht nachdenklich.

Mehr: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/geostrategie/nik...

mercredi, 12 janvier 2011

Voreilige Verunglimpfung


Voreilige Verunglimpfung

Von Jan Mainka

Ex: http://www.jungefreiheit.de/

Für viele deutsche Politiker und Medien ist es eine unangenehme Tatsache, daß in einem Mitgliedsstaat der EU, nämlich Ungarn, eine kompromißlos konservative Partei mit einer soliden Zweidrittelmehrheit regiert und sich in der Bevölkerung noch immer einer ungebrochen hohen Unterstützung erfreut.

Daß dieses Land – angeblich auf dem „Marsch in den Führerstaat“ (Die Welt) – nun kraft der EU-Ratspräsidentschaft den „guten“ EU-Staaten vorstehen soll, ist für manchen im Westen offenbar zuviel. 

Doch, was für ein Geschenk des Himmels: Einige Wochen vor der Amtsübernahme machte der im Umgang mit seinen Kritikern nicht eben diplomatische ungarische Regierungschef, Viktor Orbán, Avancen, ein neues Mediengesetz zu erlassen.

Gesetzestext war noch gar nicht übersetzt

Obwohl der endgültige Text des Gesetzes zunächst nur auf Ungarisch veröffentlicht und erst am Montag in englischer Übersetzung nach Brüssel übermittelt wurde, konnten sich schon Wochen vorher die Kritiker im Ausland zum Inhalt äußern.

So treffsicher, daß die ungarische Opposition ihre Angriffe auf Gesetz und Regierung zu wesentlichen Teilen aus den scharfsinnigen Kommentaren der deutschen Rezensenten speisen konnte.

Jan Mainka ist Gründer und Herausgeber der Budapester Zeitung

dimanche, 12 décembre 2010

Extremistische moskeeganger blijkt FBI infiltrant


Extremistische moskeeganger blijkt FBI infiltrant

Ex: http://georgeorwell1984.wordpress.com/

Een bezoeker van een Californische moskee putte zich zo uit in het promoten van de Heilige Oorlog tegen de VS, dat de andere moskeegangers zich een beetje zorgen begonnen te maken. Men besloot om de extremist aan te geven bij de FBI, maar hij bleek een informant te zijn. Dat meldt de Washington Post.


De FBI had ‘Farouk al-Aziz’, die de codenaam Oracle meekreeg, naar de moskee gestuurd in de hoop om extremisten en kandidaat-terroristen uit hun tent te lokken. De man woonde op regelmatige basis diensten bij in het islamitisch centrum in Irvine, in ware spionagestijl uitgerust met een cameraatje in een knoopsgat en een microfoontje aan zijn sleutelhanger.

Nu de operatie aan het licht is gekomen, doet de devote Aziz – in werkelijkheid is hij de veroordeelde valsemunter Craig Monteilh ! – een boekje open over de feiten. Hij beschuldigt de FBI ervan dat ze een grote samenzwering op touw zette om de moskee aan te pakken. “Men heeft me over een periode van 15 maanden 177.000 dollar betaald, belastingvrij”, zegt hij. “Mijn opdracht was bewijs te vinden voor een strafzaak waarmee men een lid van de moskee kon vervolgen, maar men heeft alles gewoon laten vallen.”

De bekentenissen van de man zorgden voor beroering in de plaatselijke moslimgemeenschap. “We voelen ons verraden”, zegt Shakeel Syed, hoofd van een koepelvereniging van zo’n 75 Californische moskeeën. “De FBI huurt een veroordeelde crimineel in, leidt hem op en stuurt hem als infiltrant naar onze moskeeën. Toen de operatie mislukte, lieten ze hem vallen. Het lijkt wel een scenario van een slechte soapserie!”

FBI-verantwoordelijken proberen de gemoederen te bedaren. “Dit is niet onze gewone manier van werken”, verzekert een woordvoerder. “Onze meest beproefde werkwijze is nog steeds rekenen op steun, samenwerking en het vertrouwen van de verschillende gemeenschappen die we dienen en trachten te beschermen.”