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vendredi, 08 décembre 2023

Le patriarcat est dépassé, la guerre des sexes est ouverte


Le patriarcat est dépassé, la guerre des sexes est ouverte

Giulia Bertotto s'entretient avec Andrea Zhok

Source: https://www.sinistrainrete.info/societa/26877-andrea-zhok-il-patriarcato-e-superato-la-guerra-tra-i-sessi-e-in-atto.html

Andrea Zhok, professeur de philosophie morale à l'université de Milan, collabore avec de nombreux journaux et magazines. Parmi ses ouvrages les plus récents, citons : "Critique de la raison libérale" (2020), "Au-delà de la droite et de la gauche : la question de la nature humaine", publié par la courageuse maison d'édition Il Cerchio, qui a également publié "La Profana Inquisizione e il regno dell'Anomia" (L'inquisition profane et le règne de l'anomie). Sur la signification historique du politiquement correct et de la culture woke" (2023).



Dans ce dernier essai, agile mais très dense, doté d'une force critique extraordinaire, il explique comment le pouvoir de censure, autrefois détenu par les institutions ecclésiastiques, est aujourd'hui l'apanage du mouvement libéral (gauchiste), notamment américain, qui conditionne également notre système catégoriel et de valeurs.

Cette "attitude d'inspection policière du langage", explique-t-il, est née dans la sphère académique pour ne pas heurter une minorité opprimée, et repose sur un détachement intellectuel majeur par rapport au registre et au langage populaires. Mais attention, ce n'est pas qu'une question de forme, car les mots sont chargés ontologiquement et parce que les transgresseurs du commandement politiquement correct sont rendus incapables de participer au débat public sur des questions aussi fondamentales que "l'éducation, la famille, la structure de la société, la procréation, l'affectif, la nature humaine et l'histoire". Ainsi, la défense des catégories lésées devient rapidement un instrument de diffamation à l'encontre de quiconque veut contester le dogme de la victime.

Dans la société de l'Inquisition profane, "il n'y a proprement aucune valeur, mais une seule dévalorisation: la violation de l'espace d'autrui".

Il ne s'agit pas de morale individuelle (la seule valable pour les libéraux), mais de celle que l'on retrouve dans l'étymologie du terme mos : Zhok dénonce que sans valeurs partagées, il y a désintégration cognitive, émotionnelle et morale de la société. Sans morale entendue dans le sens que l'auteur récupère, c'est-à-dire le comportement collectif et la coutume, nous ne nous reconnaissons plus en tant qu'espèce humaine : c'est la véritable extinction qui nous menace avec le néolibéralisme woke.

* * * *


Professeur Zhok, dans les premières pages de votre dernier livre, vous expliquez que des mouvements comme l'antipsychiatrie ou le féminisme naissant avaient toutes les raisons de lutter contre les discriminations et les stéréotypes (terme cher à l'Inquisition profane) mais que, dans une deuxième phase de leur combat, ils ont dégénéré et leurs revendications sont devenues des tentatives de démolition des différences biologiques, tentatives que vous appelez "fluidification catégorielle". À qui profite donc ce travail de démolition éthico-linguistique ?

Comme le dit un vieil adage, l'enfer est pavé de bonnes intentions. Souvent, les mouvements qui ont eu de mauvais effets avaient des origines nobles, justifiées et bien intentionnées. C'est le cas du mouvement dit "antipsychiatrique" des années 1960 et du féminisme. Dans ces deux cas, le processus de dégénérescence s'est produit avec l'alliance involontaire qui a été établie à un certain moment avec le néolibéralisme. Cette alliance est née de la défaite historique des revendications de 68. De ces multiples revendications, souvent très idéalistes, il ne restait que les aspects qui pouvaient être conciliés avec l'influence renouvelée du libéralisme - qui était resté à l'arrière-plan pour l'essentiel depuis 1914. 

Le nouveau libéralisme des années 1970 a séparé la composante sociale de la composante libertaire dans l'héritage des mouvements de 68. La dimension sociale, communautaire et coopérative disparaît totalement, tandis que la composante libertaire est mobilisée, lui donnant l'interprétation typiquement libérale, où la liberté est l'opposition pure et simple à toute contrainte et à toute limite (la "liberté négative"). C'est ainsi que des instances nées pour répondre à des problèmes précis et concrets sont devenues des théories générales abstraites : l'antipsychiatrie s'est transformée en une tendance à détruire le paradigme même de la normalité mentale, tandis que le féminisme s'est transformé en une forme de déclaration de guerre perpétuelle contre la famille et le sexe opposé.

Le paradigme du wokisme est un bourbier de contradictions : normalisation des pathologies et pathologisation de la famille, liberté sexuelle ostentatoire mais politisation exagérée de la sexualité, respect radical de la nature alors que l'idée de nature humaine est rejetée. Êtes-vous d'accord ?

Le paradigme du wokisme est contradictoire mais ne souffre pas de ses contradictions car son point de départ est déjà fondamentalement irrationaliste. A l'origine, ce paradigme repose principalement sur une lecture des revendications politiques du postmodernisme français, qui remet fondamentalement en cause l'idée même de rationalité humaine, perçue comme une cage catégorielle. Le postmodernisme s'est exprimé sous des formes philosophiquement contestables mais dignes, comme l'anti-essentialisme, la réduction du naturel au culturel, le subjectivisme... Mais une fois franchie la sphère académique, ces positions se sont très vite transformées en un irrationalisme générique, qui s'imaginait "révolutionnaire" parce qu'il "brisait les limites", alors qu'il n'était que la mouche du coche des expressions les plus dégradées de la liquéfaction capitaliste.


Quelle est la part de l'inconscient dans le "politiquement correct" ?

Vous écrivez à propos de l'identité sexuelle "mais une société harmonieuse doit-elle vraiment être une société qui supprime les différences identitaires internes en tant que signes avant-coureurs possibles d'oppression et de conflit ?" et vous utilisez une métaphore très concrète expliquant que ce serait comme arracher les dents de tout le monde parce que quelqu'un pourrait mordre. L'illusion de contrôler le mal en réprimant les différences (entre le sain et le pathologique, l'homme et la femme, entre les ethnies). Quelle est la part d'ingéniosité et de rentabilité et quelle est la part d'inconscience dans ce mécanisme de défense contre la violence ?

Ce mécanisme de défense est extrêmement primitif, je ne dirais donc pas qu'il est ingénieux, mais sa nature très élémentaire le rend puissant et capable d'être appliqué dans des directions très différentes. Dans tout conflit, il y a toujours une diversité entre les entités en conflit. La réponse primitive, enfantine, la plus immédiate est de penser à abolir le conflit en abolissant la diversité des entités en conflit. Par exemple, s'il y a un conflit entre riches et pauvres, la réponse primitive peut être: égalisons de force tous les revenus et tous les biens et le conflit sera résolu. En effet, cette idée a toujours été considérée comme attrayante dans sa simplicité, et ce n'est que lorsqu'elle a été exprimée concrètement que l'on s'est rendu compte à quel point elle était socialement dysfonctionnelle.

La même primitivité peut être observée dans le cas des différences sexuelles, qui existent en tant que résultat naturel et ont passé l'épreuve de l'évolution parce qu'elles permettent une complémentarité féconde. Mais bien sûr, la complémentarité qui pouvait fonctionner dans une société de chasseurs et de cueilleurs n'est pas la même que celle qui peut fonctionner dans une société agricole, qui n'est pas la même que celle qui peut fonctionner dans une société industrielle moderne.

Les solutions sociales ne sont pas toutes faites, et les trouver à travers l'histoire de l'humanité est toujours une entreprise qui coûte des efforts et demande de l'ingéniosité. Malheureusement, la modernité néolibérale a perdu la capacité de gérer la complexité sociale et nourrit des solutions simplificatrices, qui ne cherchent pas une nouvelle complémentarité mais un simple effacement de la diversité.

L'Inquisition profane a ses hérétiques et ses saints. Elle explique comment la victimisation d'un groupe est fonctionnelle pour légitimer le tribunal du politiquement correct à lancer des anathèmes séculaires et des condamnations médiatiques. La victimisation automatique des femmes ne les rend-elle pas paradoxalement moins émancipées, déjà accablées, déresponsabilisées, privées de leur possibilité d'affirmation sociale et professionnelle ?

En effet, la tendance à la victimisation du féminin est souvent combattue par de nombreuses femmes qui se sentent, à juste titre, rabaissées par ce mécanisme. L'idée de "quotas réservés" ("quotas roses"), par exemple, laisse souvent un arrière-goût désagréable, comme s'il s'agissait d'aider quelqu'un qui, autrement, ne pourrait pas s'en sortir tout seul.

Mais même dans ce cas, le monde est d'une complexité qui dépasse toute réponse simpliste. Dans certains cas, par exemple en ce qui concerne l'employabilité dans le secteur privé (et par conséquent les niveaux de salaire), les femmes ont souvent un désavantage potentiel, lié au fait qu'elles sont considérées comme "à risque de grossesse" et donc comme une charge potentielle pour l'entreprise. Il s'agit là d'un fait objectif et d'un problème réel, qu'un État digne de ce nom devrait traiter sur le fond. Au lieu de cela, le problème est abordé de manière tout à fait erronée si on l'aborde de manière idéologique, moraliste, comme s'il s'agissait d'une "discrimination masculine" ou d'un problème similaire. Ces interprétations ouvrent d'une part un espace à la victimisation, qui peut être psychologiquement réconfortante pour certains, mais laissent d'autre part tous les problèmes intacts, ne faisant qu'éveiller le ressentiment et alimenter le conflit entre les sexes.


Giulia Cecchettin, controverse et instrumentalisation entre patriarcat et féminisme

À la lumière de ce qui a été dit jusqu'à présent, nous pouvons parler d'un cas atroce qui a défrayé la chronique, le meurtre de Giulia Cecchettin, qui, comme toujours, a polarisé le discours public italien (avec des instrumentalisations obscènes) entre ceux qui en attribuent la cause au patriarcat et ceux qui l'attribuent à la maladie mentale. Dans votre livre, vous abordez les deux aspects, la psychopathologie de l'individu et les dynamiques collectives (Jung a en effet parlé de l'inconscient collectif). Et si les deux avaient un champ d'interaction permanent ? Selon vous, les féminicides généralisés sont-ils dus à l'héritage du patriarcat ou à la perte de valeurs ? 

En préambule, je tiens à préciser que je ne parle jamais de cas particuliers, qui nécessitent une analyse détaillée des personnes impliquées, des circonstances, etc. pour être traités. Il va de soi que tout acte de violence, et a fortiori tout meurtre, doit être condamné avec la plus grande fermeté. Mais ce n'est jamais là que se jouent les désaccords. Ce que je pense, c'est que le fait de poser la question du "féminicide" comme une question d'urgence est entièrement une construction médiatique, une construction qui s'inscrit dans les tendances culturelles dégénératives que j'examine dans le livre. Cette conviction, pour être correctement argumentée, nécessiterait une longue discussion. Je me limiterai ici à quelques considérations simples.

L'analyse de ces événements tend systématiquement à effacer les données primaires établies, afin d'habiller le tout de grandes théories moralisatrices et confuses (les "fautes du patriarcat"). Non seulement cela n'aide pas à résoudre quoi que ce soit, mais cela cause des dommages sociaux, en augmentant la suspicion mutuelle et la guerre entre les sexes.

Le premier fait à retenir est si banal qu'il est presque gênant de le rappeler. Le fait que les hommes aient davantage recours à la violence physique que les femmes ne nécessite pas d'explications culturelles complexes. Il suffit de connaître le fonctionnement de certains facteurs physiologiques bien connus. Que les hommes aient, en moyenne, une plus grande propension à transformer la colère en violence physique et qu'ils aient, en moyenne, une plus grande force physique sont des faits évidents, connus depuis des millénaires, et dont nous connaissons aujourd'hui très bien les bases organiques (hormonales) et évolutives.

La culture n'a rien à voir ici, et encore moins une culture qui n'existe pas dans l'Occident industriel, comme le "patriarcat". Si nous constatons qu'il y a plus d'actes violents ou de meurtres perpétrés par des hommes que par des femmes, c'est un fait évident qui ne nécessite aucune explication particulière. La disposition à l'agression était, et est encore souvent, utile à la survie et s'est donc développée davantage chez l'un des deux sexes, celui qui n'a pas eu à mener une grossesse à terme. Sic est.

Quand, par contre, un problème peut-il s'expliquer sur le plan socioculturel ?

Par exemple, lorsque le nombre de meurtres augmente avec le temps, ou lorsque les meurtres sont anormalement concentrés sur quelques cibles. Dans le cas des "féminicides" - je parle de la réalité italienne - il n'y a pas d'augmentation du phénomène dans le temps (au contraire, il y a une diminution progressive), et les femmes, qui représentent la moitié de la population, représentent environ un tiers des victimes d'homicides volontaires (elles ne sont donc pas une cible privilégiée).

J'anticipe les objections possibles en notant que les femmes en tant que telles ne représentent pas nécessairement une minorité parmi les victimes de meurtres. En parcourant les données d'Eurostat, on constate par exemple qu'à Malte, les femmes représentent 80% des victimes d'homicides volontaires, en Lettonie 62%, en Norvège 57%, en Suisse 56%, etc. Face à des données où un sexe représente plus de 50% des cas, on peut s'attendre à ce que ce ne soit qu'à ce moment-là que l'on puisse légitimement s'interroger sur d'éventuelles raisons sociales.

Un mot sur le soi-disant "patriarcat". Il est franchement insupportable de constater le marasme mental produit par l'utilisation de ce mot. Pour autant que l'on puisse parler de sociétés patriarcales, il s'agit de modèles sociaux liés à l'agriculture ou au pastoralisme, de type préindustriel, où des communautés composées de grandes familles élargies exerçaient la plupart des fonctions de jugement exercées aujourd'hui par les tribunaux. Dans ce contexte, le sommet de l'autorité appartenait à l'homme le plus âgé (patriarche). Ce modèle social, qu'on le veuille ou non, a cependant totalement disparu dans l'Occident d'aujourd'hui.

Les familles sont nucléaires, fragiles, sans autorité et les pères sont des figures affaiblies. Le terme "patriarcat" est utilisé comme un mot magique pour donner le ton, mais en fait, si et quand on a quelque chose en tête, il renvoie à des formes de machisme banal. Mais parler de machisme ou de patriarcat sont deux objets complètement différents, et les stratégies pour y remédier sont différentes, je dirais même opposées. Si nous pensons que le problème est le patriarcat, par exemple, nous verrons dans le rôle éducatif et affectif de la famille un fardeau dont il faut se débarrasser; si nous pensons que le problème est le machisme (qui se dégage de la sous-culture du piège, par exemple), nous pourrons plus facilement voir dans le rôle éducatif, affectif et normatif des familles, une partie de la solution.

Il est certain qu'il existe des niches de machisme dans la société actuelle, tout comme il existe des niches de ce que j'appellerais le "suprémacisme féministe", qui est son opposé symétrique. La symétrie que je veux évoquer n'est pas une simple provocation. Le masculinisme est la présomption d'une supériorité (morale? mentale?) de l'homme sur la femme. Ce que j'ai appelé, faute d'un mot établi, le "suprémacisme féministe" est la présomption d'une supériorité (morale? mentale?) de la femme sur l'homme. Il est certain que ces deux positions existent dans une certaine mesure dans la société actuelle. Qu'elles soient toutes deux des absurdités sans espoir, en revanche, n'est que mon opinion personnelle.

lundi, 12 avril 2021

Contre le féminisme et le virilisme, la Métaphysique des sexes (Julius Evola)


Contre le féminisme et le virilisme, la Métaphysique des sexes (Julius Evola)

Dans cette vidéo, nous nous pencherons sur la conception métaphysique des sexes dans la philosophie d'Evola. Face aux délires de certaines utopies égalitaires niant l'importance de la distinction sexuelle, Evola montre qu'il faut partir du haut, de ce que signifient d’un point de vue métaphysique et absolu les pôles masculins et féminins pour leur opposer une force contraire.
Pour me suivre sur les réseaux sociaux :
- Mon canal Telegram : https://t.me/EgononOfficiel
- Mon compte Twitter : https://twitter.com/egonon3
- Mon compte Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/ego.non
Musiques utilisées dans la vidéo :
- Haendel : la Sarabande
- Chopin : Prelude in E-Minor (op.28 no. 4)
La lecture de l'extrait du "Petit héros" de Dostoïevski provient de l'épisode 10 de la série russe "Отчий Берег".


lundi, 01 octobre 2018

Révolte d’un gars d’Amérique


Révolte d’un gars d’Amérique


En août 2017, le public européen découvrait lors des incidents de Charlottesville l’existence d’une nébuleuse radicale constituée de suprémacistes blancs, de nationalistes euro-américains, de néo-confédérés sudistes et de membres de l’Alt Right (la « Droite alternative »). Quelques semaines plus tard paraissait en français Un ciel sans aigles, un recueil d’articles de Jack Donovan, déjà signataire chez le même éditeur français de La Voie virile en 2014.

Le gauchisme culturel et les petits-enfants de la sociologie bourdivine ont depuis quelques temps mis en exergue la notion d’intersectionnalité, c’est-à-dire une soi-disant situation de personnes subissant simultanément plusieurs formes de domination ou de discrimination dans une société à majorité blanche. Ainsi peuvent-ils saper les ultimes bases de la civilisation européenne traditionnelle en propageant le féminisme, l’anti-racisme, la lutte contre les phobies LGBTQIAXYZ+++, l’anti-spécisme, le véganisme, l’anti-colonialisme, etc. Jack Donovan pratique lui aussi à sa manière l’intersectionnalité puisque son nouvel ouvrage se situe à la confluence du nationalisme euro-américain, du masculinisme, du néo-traditionalisme et de la pensée libertarienne.

Une autre intersectionnalité

Les sbires du culturo-gauchisme et de l’anti-fascisme convulsionnaire se pavanent d’université en université, tous frais payés, pour répandre leurs folles lubies. Jack Donovan, lui, est un prolétaire. Vivant sur la Côte Ouest des États-Unis, soit l’antre le plus achevé du progressisme ultra-libéral, il se débrouille chaque jour en faisant au gré de la conjoncture économique « trente-cinq boulots différents (p. 121) ». Dans « Le défi physique », il raconte l’un d’eux, payé « douze dollars bruts (p. 121) » de l’heure.


Il décharge pour le compte d’une brasserie « quarante-quatre sacs de vingt kilos chacun environ (p. 120) ». L’établissement se trouve au deuxième étage et on y accède par des escaliers. C’est un travail éprouvant qui lui convient. Il « aime vraiment travailler dur (p. 121) ». Il décide de porter sur ses épaules deux sacs à la fois. « Il est surprenant de constater ô combien le fait de porter des saloperies dans les escaliers vous fait travailler les abdominaux (p. 124) ». Certes, l’auteur est un solide gaillard qui sait que « s’entraîner est un substitut au travail. Il oblige votre corps à faire ce qu’il désire faire, ce pour quoi il est fait (p. 123) ». Cet exercice physique compense les heures d’entraînement qu’il passe en club de musculation.

Pourquoi alors s’entraîner, s’interroge-t-il dans un autre texte ? Il avoue « s’entraîner pour l’honneur (p. 105) ». Alors que « la véritable norme américaine est un physique empâté, boursouflé, diabétique (p. 117) », Jack Donovan s’« entraîne car il est mieux de s’imaginer comme un soldat s’exerçant physiquement et appartenant spirituellement à un centre d’entraînement, en prévision d’une guerre à venir, qui n’éclatera peut-être jamais, plutôt que d’être dans un monde informe, ennuyeux et traîné dans un futur dystopique et dysgénique (p. 119) ».

Par Crom !

Ce goût pour l’effort physique le distingue de ses compatriotes obèses. Il s’en félicite et se différencie encore plus en n’adhérant pas aux mirages monothéistes. L’auteur aime sculpter son corps comme le faisait Robert E. Howard, le père texan de Conan le Barbare. Ce n’est pas anodin parce que Jack Donovan a pour dieu Crom, la divinité tutélaire des Cimmériens, le peuple de Conan. Bien sûr, il aurait pu choisir le panthéon greco-romain, germanique, viking ou celtique; il a préféré Crom, une invention littéraire, qui « est l’opposé de ces dieux interventionnistes qui s’intéressent aux petits détails de la vie des hommes. Vous ne le priez pas parce qu’il n’écoutera probablement pas, et s’il vous écoute il ne dira sûrement pas qu’il s’intéresse à vous. Crom est l’anti-Facebook (p. 156) ». Il croit plutôt que « Crom ne s’intéresse qu’à une seule chose et cette chose est la VALEUR (p. 156) », c’est-à-dire la force, le courage, la qualité de faire face aux épreuves.


Jack Donovan s’abstient le jour des élections, car « ne pas voter c’est voter contre le système (p. 61) ». Il reconnaît ne pas être conservateur surtout quand « les conservateurs pensent qu’ils peuvent encore inverser le cours des choses (p. 59) ». Il s’affirme au contraire archéofuturiste ! Il a lu la traduction anglaise de l’essai de Guillaume Faye paru en 1998. Il approuve cette « approche générale visant à créer une vision positive du futur afin de réconcilier les nouvelles technologies et l’informatique dernier cri avec les idées de nos ancêtres sur la nature humaine et ses modes de vie (p. 172) ». Pour lui, « l’archéofuturisme est une approche radicale à ce moment précis de l’histoire (p. 174) ». Par l’archéofuturisme, il soutient la « Fraternité », à savoir les communautés autochtones enracinées.

Il reconnaît enfin être « anarcho-fasciste ». S’il reste volontiers discret sur ce qu’il entend par anarchiste, on peut néanmoins supposer qu’il se méfie de l’intrusion de l’État dans la vie privée et reprend à son compte les critiques libertariennes. Quant au fascisme, il veut surtout renouer avec le faisceau. Ce tribaliste pense que « le faisceau symbolise des gens, prêts à l’action, groupés autour d’une hache, représentant une menace violente ou quelque chose d’« autre encore ». Le faisceau est un avertissement, une promesse de représailles, un signal à destination des traîtres, des jean-foutre et de ceux qui violent la loi (p. 39) ». C’est l’avenir de notre époque dans laquelle « les États bourgeois, efféminés, modernes du “ premier monde ” ne peuvent plus produire de nouvelles cultures de l’honneur (p. 41) ».


Jack Donovan combat, vomit même, le féminisme, ce qui est courageux, voire presque insensé, dans le contexte étatsunien. En Amérique du Nord, la soi-disant émancipation féminine a suscité un nouvel ordre moral dément qui réussit l’exploit de cumuler puritanisme, gendérisme et cosmopolitisme. Encore moins aujourd’hui qu’auparavant, « il n’y a aucun honneur à se mesurer aux femmes (p. 72) ». « On ne mélange pas les torchons et les erviettes (p. 76). » Mieux, « quelque chose au plus profond de notre âme nous dit que se battre contre une femme est déshonorant (p. 76) ».

Il s’insurge contre « la seule liberté que le féminisme offre aux hommes est de faire exactement ce que les femmes veulent que les hommes fassent. La liberté de servir (p. 80) ». En masculiniste revendiqué, en viriliste patenté, son avis est tranché. « Les hommes doivent cesser de s’excuser d’être des hommes. Il est en tout premier lieu nécessaire qu’ils arrêtent de demander la permission d’être des hommes (p. 84). »

Cela ne signifie pas que le virilisme de Jack Donovan verse dans la luxure. Attention au piège, prévient-il ! « Nos maîtres féministes et mondialistes aimeraient, par-dessus tout, voir les jeunes hommes totalement absorbés par le sexe, parce qu’ils sont dans toute civilisation la frange la plus dangereuse et potentiellement la plus révolutionnaire de la population (p. 97). » Il réclame une révolution si possible violente.

Salutaire violence

Pour Jack Donovan, elle « est l’étalon-or, le trésor qui garantit l’ordre. En réalité, elle est supérieure à l’étalon-or car elle a une valeur universelle. La violence transcende les bizarreries de la philosophie, de la religion, de la technologie et de la culture (p. 13). » Mieux, d’après lui, « l’ordre exige de la violence (p. 11) ». C’est le moteur du monde; il ne faut ni s’en féliciter, ni le déplorer. « Il est temps d’arrêter de s’inquiéter et d’apprendre à aimer la hache de guerre (p. 18) », surtout si « la Voie virile ne peut être redécouverte que dans la Nuit et le Chaos (p. 41) ».

Jack Donovan ne fera pas la Une du Financial Times, du Washington Post ou du Monde. Il s’en moque : il ne recherche pas la vaine gloriole médiatique. Il œuvre pour un nouvel ordre social dans lequel les hommes et les femmes auront enfin retrouvé leur condition anthropologique initiale respective et complémentaire, très loin des fadaises égalitaristes, féministes et misandriques actuellement en vigueur dans l’Occident globalitaire malade.

Georges Feltin-Tracol

• Jack Donovan, Un ciel sans aigles, Le Retour aux Sources, 2017, 176 p., 15 €.

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jeudi, 25 janvier 2018

Nietzsche et la crétinisation par la féminine-attitude


Nietzsche et la crétinisation par la féminine-attitude

par Nicolas Bonnal

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

Disons-le nûment : nous vivons des temps bovaryens caractérisés par la dette, le gaspillage, le consumérisme euphorique, le people, « la pleurnicherie humanitaire » (Philippe Muray), la haine consentie des hommes, en particulier blancs. Ces temps sont féminins post-historiques ou féministes, comme on voudra. Ils sont aussi marqués par l’amertume généralisée et le ressentiment universel, sans oublier une bonne sensation de catastrophe.

Ce texte est une réponse au trop optimiste Brandon Smith et à son texte sur les hommes et les femmes traduit par Hervé pour lesakerfrancophone.fr. Comme nous vivons dans les temps gelés de la démocratie bourgeoise depuis deux siècles, je rappellerai ce qu’en dit Nietzsche dans les pages les plus géniales et les plus actuelles de Par-delà le bien et le mal (wikisource.org). La vision de Nietzsche est guénonienne, elle s’accommode du Kali-Yuga. Ici on ne défend pas un homme bon contre une femme mauvaise, on dit simplement que ce féminisme chevronné qui triomphe avec l’arrogance impériale-humanitaire, c’est la féminité mauvaise.

Nietzsche pronostique la femme emmerdeuse à venir, la banquière, la journaliste, la politicienne, l’actrice humanitaire, l’eurodéputée, la féministe, la moraliste :

Malheur à nous si jamais les qualités « éternellement ennuyeuses de la femme » —dont elle est si riche —osent se donner carrière !

Son émancipation amène notre enlaidissement général (je ne peux plus supporter de voir une actrice moderne, je ne supporte que Liz Taylor, Ann Harding, Audrey Hepburn ou Deborah Kerr puisque le cinéma de l’âge d’or reproduisit malgré lui les canons classiques…) :

« La femme veut s’émanciper : et à cause de cela elle se met à éclairer l’homme sur « la femme en soi ». — C’est là un des progrès les plus déplorables de l’enlaidissement général de l’Europe. Car que peuvent produire ces gauches essais d’érudition féminine et de dépouillement de soi ! »

L’homme qui veut s’éclairer c’est d’ailleurs l’homme du jardin édénique. Nietzsche redeviendrait-il biblique ?


On est au siècle des revendications :

« Déjà se font entendre des voix féminines, qui, par saint Aristophane ! font frémir. On explique avec une clarté médicale ce que la femme veut en premier et en dernier lieu de l’homme. N’est-ce pas une preuve de suprême mauvais goût que cette furie de la femme à vouloir devenir scientifique ! »

Grand passage ensuite sur la sensiblerie et la pleurnicherie humanitaire :

« Il y a aujourd’hui, presque partout en Europe, une sensibilité et une irritabilité maladives pour la douleur et aussi une intempérance fâcheuse à se plaindre, une efféminisation qui voudrait se parer de religion et de fatras philosophique, pour se donner plus d’éclat — il y a un véritable culte de la douleur. Le manque de virilité de ce qui, dans ces milieux exaltés, est appelé « compassion », saute, je crois, tout de suite aux yeux. — Il faut bannir vigoureusement et radicalement cette nouvelle espèce de mauvais goût, et je désire enfin qu’on se mette autour du cou et sur le cœur l’amulette protectrice du « gai saber », du « gai savoir», pour employer le langage ordinaire. »

Nietzsche pressent même les surgelés Picard :

« À cause des mauvaises cuisinières — à cause du manque complet de bon sens dans la cuisine, le développement de l’homme a été retardé et entravé le plus longtemps : et il n’en est guère mieux aujourd’hui (§234). »

Une envolée épique, §238 :

« Se tromper au sujet du problème fondamental de l’homme et de la femme, nier l’antagonisme profond qu’il y a entre les deux et la nécessité d’une tension éternellement hostile, rêver peut-être de droits égaux, d’éducation égale, de prétentions et de devoirs égaux, voilà les indices typiques de la platitude d’esprit. »

On imagine comment Nietzsche serait reçu à la télé ou au parlement européen (voyez l’amusant film Ugly truth avec Butler à ce sujet) ! Mais passons.

Nietzsche regrette ici le machisme grec, qui battait de l’aile d’ailleurs au quatrième siècle :

« Un homme, au contraire, qui possède de la profondeur, dans l’esprit comme dans les désirs, et aussi cette profondeur de la bienveillance qui est capable de sévérité et de dureté et qui en a facilement l’allure, ne pourra jamais avoir de la femme que l’opinion orientale. Il devra considérer la femme comme propriété, comme objet qu’on peut enfermer, comme quelque chose de prédestiné à la domesticité et qui y accomplit sa mission, — il devra se fonder ici sur la prodigieuse raison de l’Asie, sur la supériorité de l’instinct de l’Asie, comme ont fait jadis les Grecs, ces meilleurs héritiers, ces élèves de l’Asie, —ces Grecs qui, comme on sait, depuis Homère jusqu’à l’époque de Périclès, ont fait marcher de pair, avec le progrès de la culture et l’accroissement de la force physique, la rigueur envers la femme, une rigueur toujours plus orientale. »

Mais Nietzsche pourrait tempérer son machisme par les personnages féminins homériques, tous splendides, ou préférer à ce machisme la vision souveraine-médiévale (voyez mon livre Perceval et la reine). Mais Nietzsche ignore toujours le moyen âge trop chrétien…


Long développement traditionnel au §239 :

« À aucune époque le sexe faible n’a été traité avec autant d’égards de la part des hommes qu’à notre époque. C’est une conséquence de notre penchant et de notre goût foncièrement démocratiques, tout comme notre manque de respect pour la vieillesse. Faut-il s’étonner si ces égards ont dégénéré en abus ? »

La clé de tout est la dégénérescence des temps modernes. C’est pourquoi j’ai insisté sur Guénon que Nietzsche aurait sans doute méprisé (comme me disait à quatorze ans ma grand-tante communiste qui m’a tout appris, « ton Nietzsche il est borné ! »). Nietzsche :

« Ce qui est plus difficilement compréhensible, c’est que par là même… la femme dégénère. C’est ce qui arrive aujourd’hui : ne nous y trompons pas ! Partout où l’esprit industriel a remporté la victoire sur l’esprit militaire et aristocratique, la femme tend à l’indépendance économique et légale d’un commis. « La femme commis » se tient à la porte de la société moderne en voie de formation. »

La femme-commis cela va bien à Hillary, à Angela, à la Lagarde… La femme-commis est « la dernière femme », pour reprendre une expression nietzschéenne et géniale. Le maître poursuit :

« Tandis qu’elle s’empare ainsi de nouveaux droits, tandis qu’elle s’efforce de devenir « maître » et inscrit le « progrès » de la femme sur son drapeau, elle aboutit au résultat contraire avec une évidence terrible : la femme recule. Depuis la Révolution française l’influence de la femme a diminué dans la mesure où ses droits et ses prétentions ont augmenté… »

Perdre le flair tout est là, le sens de l’odeur et l’honneur qui, dit Pagnol, ne sert qu’une fois :

« Perdre le flair des moyens qui conduisent le plus sûrement à la victoire ; négliger l’exercice de son arme véritable ; se laisser aller devant l’homme, peut-être « jusqu’au livre », là où jadis on gardait la discipline et une humilité fine et rusée ; ébranler, avec une audace vertueuse, la foi de l’homme en un idéal foncièrement différent caché dans la femme, en un éternel féminin quelconque et nécessaire ; enlever à l’homme, avec insistance et abondance, l’idée que la femme doit être nourrie, soignée, protégée et ménagée comme un animal domestique, tendre, étrangement sauvage et souvent agréable ; rassembler maladroitement et avec indignation tout ce qui rappelait l’esclavage et le servage, dans la situation qu’occupait et qu’occupe encore la femme dans l’ordre social (comme si l’esclavage était un argument contre la haute culture et non pas un argument en sa faveur, une condition de toute élévation de la culture) ; de quoi tout cela nous est-il la révélation, sinon d’une déchéance de l’instinct féminin, d’une mutilation de la femme ? »

Le crétinisme masculin marche de pair bien sûr aux temps socialistes et démocratiques (ou libéraux et bourgeois, c’est la même chose) :

« Sans doute, il existe, parmi les ânes savants du sexe masculin, assez d’imbéciles, amis et corrupteurs des femmes, qui conseillent à ces dernières de dépouiller la femme et d’imiter toutes les bêtises dont souffre aujourd’hui en Europe « l’homme », la « virilité » européenne, — qui aimerait avilir la femme jusqu’à la « culture générale », ou même jusqu’à la lecture des journaux et jusqu’à la politique. On veut même, de ci de là, changer les femmes en libres penseurs et en gens de lettres. »

Guénon a très bien parlé, Schuon aussi, de l’horreur de la culture générale. Nietzsche insiste car il voit venir (oh mon Molière !) le crime de la femme savante et le reflux de la mère de l’empereur :

« On veut les « cultiver », encore davantage et, comme on dit, fortifier « le sexe faible » par la culture : comme si l’histoire ne nous montrait pas, aussi clairement que possible, que la « culture » de l’être humain et son affaiblissement — c’est-à-dire l’affaiblissement, l’éparpillement, la déchéance de la volonté — ont toujours marché de pair et que les femmes les plus puissantes du monde, celles qui ont eu le plus d’influence (comme la mère de Napoléon) étaient redevables de leur puissance et de leur empire sur les hommes à la force de volonté — et non à des maîtres d’école ! »


Pour Nietzsche l’Europe se fait simplement enlever une nouvelle fois par la bête à cornes (on sait comment l’Europe d’Angela a traité sa matrice grecque) :

« Est-on en train de rompre le charme de la femme ? Se met-on lentement à la rendre ennuyeuse ? Ô Europe ! Europe ! On connaît la bête à cornes qui a toujours eu pour toi le plus d’attraits, et que tu as encore à redouter ! Ton antique légende pourrait, une fois de plus, devenir de « l’histoire » — une fois encore une prodigieuse bêtise pourrait s’emparer de ton esprit et t’entraîner ! Et nul dieu ne se cacherait en elle, non ! rien qu’une « idée », une « idée moderne » ! »

Mais la société moderne, parce que féminine, cache une certaine cruauté, que vit aussi le chrétien Chesterton (voyez mon texte sur la féminisation américaine de la planète) derrière ses oripeaux humanitaires :

« Dans la vengeance comme dans l’amour, la femme est plus barbare que l’homme (§139). »

C’est que l’homme reste trop cool :

 «…l’homme veut la femme pacifique, — mais la femme est essentiellement batailleuse, de même que le chat, quelle que soit son habileté à garder les apparences de la paix (§131). »

Nota : au dix-neuvième siècle, remarqua Michelet, Dieu aussi changea de sexe. La religion catholique préparait aussi son aggiornamento aux démons et nécessités de notre modernité devenue trop… bonne, donc… antichrétienne !


GK Chesterton – What I saw in America (Gutenberg.org)

René Guénon – la crise du monde moderne ; le règne de la quantité et le signe des temps

Evola – Métaphysique du sexe

Homère – L’Odyssée

Nietzsche – Par-delà le bien et le mal, chapitre septième, nos vertus (§231, 238, 239)

Nicolas Bonnal – Perceval et la reine (Amazon.fr)

Maupassant – Les dimanches d’un bourgeois de Paris, que j’ai cité dans un autre article. On rappelle cette perle piquante de description sociétale : « À droite, une délégation d’antiques citoyennes sevrées d’époux, séchées dans le célibat, et exaspérées dans l’attente, faisait vis-à-vis à un groupe de citoyens réformateurs de l’humanité, qui n’avaient jamais coupé ni leur barbe ni leurs cheveux, pour indiquer sans doute l’infini de leurs aspirations. »

lundi, 12 septembre 2016

Ellen Kositza und "Der Weg der Männer" von Jack Donovan

jack-donovan_der-weg-der-m-nner.jpgEllen Kositza und "Der Weg der Männer" von Jack Donovan

Das Buch hier bestellen:

Zum elften Mal stellt die »Sezession«-Literaturredakteurin Ellen Kositza bemerkenswerte Literatur vor. Diesmal geht es um »Der Weg der Männer« des US-Autoren und Maskulisten Jack Donovan, übersetzt von Martin Lichtmesz. Donovans Weg der Männer ist der Weg zurück zu selbstbewußter, starker Männlichkeit – eine klare Absage an Gender-Schwachsinn und den Babysitter-Staat!

Wenn das Video gefällt, teilen und jetzt den kanal schnellroda abonnieren!


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dimanche, 22 décembre 2013

The Rites of Manhood: Man’s Need for Ritual

The Rites of Manhood: Man’s Need for Ritual

by Brett & Kate McKay

Ex: http://www.artofmanliness.com

in A Man's Life, On Manhood


Does modern life ever feel excruciatingly flat to you? A bleak landscape devoid of layers, rhythm, interest, texture?

Are you ever haunted by the question “Is this all there is?”

Have you ever looked at an old photo and felt that the scene held such an inexplicable richness that it seemed you could practically step right into it?

The barren flatness of modern life is rooted in many things, including mindless consumerism, the absence of significant challenges, and the lack of shared values and norms, or even shared taboos to rebel against. But what is the solution?

Many would be quick to say faith, or philosophy, or relationships. All good answers.

But what is it that vivifies beliefs to the extent they can transform your perspective not simply for an hour on Sunday, but also in the mundane moments throughout your week? What can move an understanding of abstract truths from your mind into your very sinews? What can transform superficial ties with others into deep and meaningful bonds?

The answer I would suggest is ritual.

Our modern world is nearly devoid of rituals – at least in the way we traditionally think of them. Those that remain – such as ones that revolve around the holidays – have largely lost their transformative power and are often endured more than enjoyed, participated in as an obligatory going through of the motions. Ritual has today become associated with that which is rote, empty, meaningless.

Yet every culture, in every part of the world, in every era has engaged in rituals, suggesting they are a fundamental part of the human condition. Rituals have even been called our most basic form of technology – they are a mechanism that can change things, solve problems, perform certain functions, and accomplish tangible results. Necessity is the mother of invention, and rituals were born out of the clear-eyed perspective that life is inherently difficult and that unadulterated reality can paradoxically feel incredibly unreal. Rituals have for eons been the tools humans have used to release and express emotion, build their personal identity and the identity of their tribe, bring order to chaos, orient themselves in time and space, effect real transformations, and bring layers of meaning and texture to their lives. When rituals are stripped from our existence, and this fundamental human longing goes unsatisfied, restlessness, apathy, alienation, boredom, rootlessness, and anomie are the result.

The Rites of Manhood


In the coming year we plan to do in-depth posts on some of the rituals that have been most central to the meaning and making of manhood, such as rites of passage, initiations, and oaths. This week we will be laying the foundation for these posts in two articles; the first will set up a definition of ritual, and the second will explore the many ways rituals are so vital for a full and meaningful life.

Today we’ll provide a little context as to the nature of ritual and why it has largely disappeared from modern societies.

What Is Ritual?


According to Catherine Bell, professor of ritual studies and author of the preeminent textbook on the subject, ritual has been traditionally defined as an action that lacks a “practical relationship between the means one chooses to achieve certain ends.” For example, shaking hands when you meet someone can be considered a ritual as there is no real reason why grabbing another’s hand and shaking for a second or two should lead to acquaintanceship. It is a culturally-relative gesture; we might very well greet each other with a pat on the shoulder or even no physical contact at all. As another example, washing your hands to clean them is not a ritual since there exists a clear practical relationship between your action and the desired result. But if a priest splashes water on his hands to “purify” them, that’s a ritual, since the water is largely symbolic and not really meant to rid the hands of bacteria.

Bell lists six attributes of rituals:

  • Formalism: This is a quality rooted in contrast and how restrictive or expressive the accepted code of behavior is for a given event/situation. For example a backyard picnic is very casual and will not feel like a ritual because there are few guidelines for how one may express oneself. A very formal dinner, on the other hand, has a more limited range of accepted behaviors and thus can feel quite ritual-like. Bell argues that while we sometimes see formality as stuffy, since it curbs more spontaneous expression, formalized activities are not “necessarily empty or trivial” and “can be aesthetically as well as politically compelling, invoking what one analyst describes as ‘a metaphoric range of considerable power, a simplicity and directness, a vitality and rhythm.’ The restriction of gestures and phrases to a small number that are practiced, perfected, and soon quite evocatively familiar can endow these formalized activities with great beauty and grace.”
  • Traditionalism. Rituals are often framed as activities that carry on values and behaviors that have been in place since an institution’s creation. This link to the past gives the ritual power and authority and provides the participant with a sense of continuity. The ritual may simply harken to those who came before, as when university graduates don the gowns that were once typical everyday classroom wear for scholars, or it may actually seek to recreate a founding event – as in the American celebration of Thanksgiving.
  • Disciplined invariance. Often seen as one of the most defining features of ritual, this attribute involves “a disciplined set of actions marked by precise repetition and physical control.” Think of soldiers marching in drill step or the sit/stand/kneel pattern followed by Catholics during the course of a Mass. Disciplined invariance suppresses “the significance of the personal and particular moment in favor of the timeless authority of the group, its doctrines, or its practices,” and “subordinates the individual and the contingent to a sense of the encompassing and the enduring.”
  • Rule-governance. Rituals are often governed by a set of rules. Both war and athletics are examples of activities that can be quite ritual-like when their rules regulate what is and is not acceptable. Rules can both check and channel certain tensions; for example, the game of football channels masculine aggression into a form of ritualized and controlled violence. On occasion the rules fail to sufficiently check the tension that is always bubbling right at the surface, as when a chaotic brawl breaks out amongst players. That the game reflects a similar submerged tension within society at large is part of why the audience finds the ritual so compelling.
  • Sacral symbolism. Ritual is able to take ordinary or “profane” objects, places, parts of the body, or images, and transform them into something special or sacred. “Their sacrality,” Bell writes, “is the way in which the object is more than the mere sum of its parts and points to something beyond itself, thereby evoking and expressing values and attitudes associated with larger, more abstract, and relatively transcendent ideas.” Thus something like incense can be a mere mixture of plants and oils designed to perfume a room, or, when swung from a censer, can represent the prayer of the faithful ascending into heaven.
  • Performance. Performance is a particular kind of action – one that is done for an audience. A ritual always has an intended audience, even if that audience is God or oneself. Tom F. Driver, a professor of theology, argues that “performance…means both doing and showing.” It is not a matter of “show-and-tell, but do-and-show.” Human are inherently actors, who wish to see themselves as characters in a larger narrative, and desire the kind of drama inherent in every timeless tale. Rituals function as narrative dramas and can satisfy and release this need. In the absence of ritual, people resort to doing their “showing” on social media and creating their own drama – often through toxic relationships or substances.

The more of these attributes a behavior/event/situation invokes, the more different from everyday life and ritual-like it will seem. The fewer of these attributes present, the more casual and ordinary it will feel.

For a more simple definition of ritual, here’s one that works: thought + action. A ritual consists of doing something in your mind (and often feeling something in your heart), while simultaneously connecting it to doing something with your body.


Rituals fall into a wide variety of categories. Theorist Ronald Grimes lists 16 of them:

  • Rites of passage
  • Marriage rites
  • Funerary rites
  • Festivals
  • Pilgrimage
  • Purification
  • Civil ceremonies
  • Rituals of exchange (as in worshipers making sacrifices to the gods in hope of receiving blessings from the divine)
  • Worship
  • Magic
  • Healing rites
  • Interaction rites
  • Meditation rites
  • Rites of inversion (rituals of reversal, where violating cultural norms is temporarily allowed, as in men dressing like women)
  • Sacrifice
  • Ritual drama

The important thing to understand about rituals is that they are not limited to very big, very formal events. Rituals can in fact be large or small, private or public, personal or social, religious or secular, uniting or dividing, conformist or rebellious. Funerals, weddings, presidential inaugurations, church services, baptisms, fraternal initiations, and tribal rites of passage are all rituals. Handshakes, dates, greetings and goodbyes, tattoos, table manners, your morning jog, and even singing the Happy Birthday song can be rituals as well.

Whither Ritual?

In many traditional societies, almost every aspect of life was ritualized. So why is there such a dearth of rituals in modern culture?

The embrace of ritual in the Western World was first weakened by two things: the Protestant Reformation’s movement against icons and ceremonialism and the Enlightenment’s emphasis on rationalism.


Historian Peter Burke, argues “the Reformation was, among other things, a great debate, unparalleled in scale and intensity, about the meaning of ritual, its functions and its proper forms.” Many Protestants concluded that the kind of rituals the Catholic Church practiced gave too much emphasis to empty, outward forms, rather than one’s internal state of grace. They rejected the “magical efficacy” of rites to be able to do things like change bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.

The magical efficacy of ritual was attacked from the other side by Enlightenment thinkers. As discussed above, ritual is inherently nonrational since there is no practical relationship between the action and the end result. It is not rational to think that painting one’s body before battle will offer protection, that a rite of passage can turn a boy into a man, or that smoking a peace pipe can seal a treaty. Thus, ritual began to be associated with the superstitions of primitive peoples.

Suspicion of ritual again grew after World War II, in the wake of the way in which ritual ceremonies had been used to solidify loyalty to the Nazi cause.

Cultural embrace of ritual then really began to unravel during the social movements of the 1960s, which emphasized free expression, personal freedom, and individual emotional fulfillment above all. Rituals — which prescribe certain disciplined behaviors in certain situations, and require a person to forfeit some of their individuality in service to the synchrony and identity of the group — constrain spontaneity and the ability to do whatever one pleases. Ritual thus came to be seen as too constraining and not sufficiently “authentic.”

For these reasons, the use of and participation in rituals has been greatly curtailed. Or perhaps as historian Peter Burke argues, we’ve just replaced old rituals with new ones: “If most people in industrial societies no longer go to church regularly or practice elaborate rituals of initiation, this does not mean that ritual has declined. All that has happened is the new types of rituals—political, sporting, musical, medical, academic and so on—have taken the place of the traditional ones.” But the new rituals – watching sports, attending music festivals, checking Facebook, shopping, visiting a strip club on your 18th birthday — are light on nourishment and do not satisfy. Traditional rituals provided a mechanism by which humans could channel and process that which was difficult to grapple with – death, maturation, aggression – allowing the participant to discover new truths about themselves and the world. New rituals, if they can even really be called such, attempt to deny anything ugly in life (lest that lead you to close your wallet) and present a shiny, glossy façade — “confetti culture” – that facilitates passive consumption and turning away from examining given assumptions.

In our next post, we will argue that despite the cultural disdain for ritual, it is a human art form and practice which should be revived. It is true that ritual can be used for good or for ill, yet its benefit is so great that fear of the bad should not lead us to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Even if a man sees no place for ritual in his faith, he can have great use for it in other areas in his life (indeed, if his faith is completely unritualized, he has all the more need for other kinds of rituals). We will argue that even the most rational man might make room in his life for some “magic,” and that while ritual may seem constraining, it can paradoxically be incredibly empowering and even liberating. How that might be so, is where we will turn next time.



Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions by Catherine Bell

Liberating Rites: Understanding the Transformative Power of Ritual by Tom F. Driver

lundi, 26 mars 2012






lundi, 21 mars 2011

Manning Up

Manning Up

Amanda Bradley

ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

Kay S. Hymowitz
Manning Up: How the Rise of Women Has Turned Men into Boys
New York: Basic Books, 2011

I expected this book to be a diatribe against the often-discussed “loser” men—those who, not having any marketable skill, are still living off their parents into mid-life. Manning Up actually is about a new demographic, the SYM (single young male), its female counterpart, and what factors led to the decline in marriage and number of children in the Western world. Simply having a job is not enough to be a man in the author’s view; true adulthood means being married and having children. Most young men and women are what she calls “preadults.”

 Kay S. Hymowitz, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute, has written extensively on issues of marriage, the sexes, class, and race, and she appears to be genuinely concerned about the declining rates in marriage childbirth. Her stance is slanted in favor of women, but she is sympathetic to the plight of men today. She mentions that boys are often discriminated against and ignored in favor of women. While funds pour in to increase girls’ math and science scores, boys are not given special treatment to improve their reading scores. She cites a BusinessWeek story that explains today’s young men as a “payback generation” intended to “compensate for the advantages given to males in the past.”

The Shift to the Feminine, Knowledge Economy

Scholars attribute women’s entry into the workforce largely to innovations in science and technology in the twentieth century. With no need to can food, make bread, weave, or sew, women were not “needed” at home the way they were in every generation past. They were having fewer children, too, due to birth control: In the early 1800s, white women had an average of seven children. By 1900, it was 3.56. When the birth control pill was introduced in the 1960s, state laws “kept the drug away from unmarried women.” Economist Martha Baily showed that when a state changed its law, there was a decline in the percentage of young women who gave birth by age 22, and an increase in the number of young women in the labor force and the hours they worked.

The number of working women (ages 33 to 45) went from 25 percent in 1950, to 46 percent in 1970, to about 60 percent since 1995. But in the 1950s to ’70s, women tended to work to help pay the bills, often as secretaries, waitresses, nurses, teachers, and librarians. Today’s young women set out in the world to find their “passion” not in a husband, but in a career.

The shift from secretary to major player in corporate America, Hymowitz explains, was largely due to a shift from an industrial economy to a knowledge economy. By the 1980s, the economy was booming as manufacturing jobs decreased and millions of positions opened in fields like public relations, health, and law. Women, too weak physically to participate much in the industrial economy, could do almost any job in the knowledge economy.

One example given is design. As technology advanced, designers transitioned from working with their hands (and making lasting work as is found in Bauhaus and Art Nouveau) to being hands-off fashion designers, who no longer needed to learn drafting, typesetting, drawing, or how to use heavy equipment. Using cheap labor overseas meant many more products, and thus a greater need for marketing and advertising. Women now make up 60 percent of design students, once a male-dominated field.

New industries sprouted up, too, as increased wealth and leisure time demanded workers at yoga centers, spas, travel companies, and more marketing and ad agencies for these specialty industries—all areas in which women participate as easily as men. Working women had new needs and money to spend, so more industries sprouted up to create feminine business suits, trendy lunch spots, meal “helpers,” stylish computer bags, $400 work pumps, $5 lattes, spa treatments and scented candles to help women unwind, houses with bathrooms the size of our grandparents’ bedrooms, a variety of products in the color pink, and right-hand rings for women who want to buy themselves a diamond. Other women entered the design arena through boutique companies: making jewelry, crafts, or custom stationary.

Nation-building and culture-building thus fell out of the workforce, replaced by sales, marketing, and fashion.

Today, men outnumber women in fields like construction (88 percent), while women make up 51 percent of management and professionals, particularly in fields like Human Resources, Public Relations, and finance. Women make up 77 percent of workers in education and health services. Women are more likely to work at the numerous new nonprofits, and make up 78 percent of psychology majors, 61 percent of humanities majors, and 60 percent of social and behavioral science doctorates. Publishing has long had high numbers of women workers, but now women have moved from what Hymowitz calls the “ladies’ magazines ghettos” to political commentary.

While women moved into the knowledge economy, men remained in behind-the-scenes fields that required more technical skill: jobs like writing code and IT. Some men flocked to jobs at ESPN, Cartoon Network, microbreweries, and video game design firms. Other men knew that even in the midst of feminism, their wives would still want the option to stay home and raise children (so long as men didn’t tell them they had to), and concentrated on high-paying jobs rather than following their bliss.

In the early nineteenth century, most men worked for themselves, as farmers, small merchants, or tradesmen. But by the end of the nineteenth century, two-thirds were working for “the man.” Some experts believe that it’s women who will soon be “running the place,” since the knowledge economy workplace “requires a more feminine style of leadership.” Employers will increasingly placate women, who are not solely concerned with the bottom line as a measure of their career success, but also want a job where they “help others,” enjoy relationships with colleagues, get recognition, have flexibility, and are in an environment of “collaboration and teamwork.” More women in the workplace means that it is more genteel and less of a man’s club: Swearing and spitting are forbidden, and men are now in a domesticated atmosphere both at home and at work. The popularity of psychoanalysis means that men and women alike are trained to listen sympathetically, be sensitive to emotions, and control their anger.

To explain the dynamics of the knowledge economy, Hymowitz references a 2002 paper by Harvard economist Brian Jacob called “Where the Boys Aren’t.” He found that girls are better at noncognitive tasks, such as keeping track of homework, working well with others, and organization, and suggests that such skills may explain the gender gap in high school grades and college admissions (women have higher GPAs and are 58 percent of college graduates, but they lag behind men in math SAT scores). These cognitive skills also are important for success in today’s feminized workplace.

Though not mentioned in Manning Up, these skills are also ones for which men have traditionally relied on women: organizing the home, keeping track of appointments, and being the family PR rep and social coordinator. Today’s women benefit in the career-world, as more jobs require good communication skills and “EQ” (emotional intelligence), while men are left with lower paying jobs and the added disadvantage of no wife at home.

SYMs: The New Demographic

In 1970, 80 percent of men aged 25–29 were married, compared to 40 percent in 2007. In 1970, 85 percent of men aged 30–34 were married, compared to 60 percent in 2007.

This new single-young-male demographic used to be called “elusive,” since it was a difficult advertising target. Then Maxim arrived in America in 1997, and seemed to have the answers to what SYMs wanted. Its readership reached 2.5 million in 2009, more than the combined circulation of GQ, Men’s Journal, and Esquire. Hymowitz says other magazines, like Playboy and Esquire, tried to project the “image of an intelligent, cultured, and au courant sort of man.” Even though Playboy promoted the image of the eternal bachelor, he was at least an intelligent and sophisticated bachelor. (Hugh Hefner wrote that his readers enjoyed “inviting a female acquaintance in for a quiet discussion of Picasso, Nietzsche, jazz, sex.”) Maxim, however, catered to the man who didn’t want to grow up.

Hymowitz doesn’t buy into the idea that the masses of men are moved by the media (or an inner party seeking to destroy them, let alone any subversive forces dominant in the Kali Yuga). She instead posits that products like Maxim were developed for an existing market.

Regardless of the reason, a number of TV shows were created with the SYM in mind, starting with The Simpsons. Comedy Central brought out South Park and The Man Show, while the Cartoon Network promoted cartoons for grown men. More films featured SYM stars like Will Ferrell, Ben Stiller, Jim Carrey, and Jack Black, and movies like 2003’s Old School (30-somethings who start a fraternity) were popular. American men ages 18–34 are now the biggest users of video games, with 48.2 percent owning a console and playing an average of 2 hours and 43 minutes per day. That doesn’t include online games like World of Warcraft.

Hymowitz recounts the numerous silly Adam Sandler movies, in which he plays a stereotypical young adult, male loser. Meanwhile, the media’s counter-image for women is the well-heeled, single young female:

If she is ambitious, he is a slacker. If she is hyper-organized and self-directed, he tends toward passivity and vagueness. If she is preternaturally mature, he is happily not. Their opposition is stylistic as well: she drinks sophisticated cocktails in mirrored bars, he burps up beer on ratty sofas. She spends her hard-earned money on mani-pedi outings, his goes toward World of Warcraft and gadgets.

It’s in this chapter that Hymowitz’s double-standard for men and women is most apparent, and annoying. She seems to think that when single women spend money for clothes and pedicures, it’s women’s empowerment, but single men who spend money on guy-flicks and video games are childish. Both cases seem to me examples of adults who, instead of having children, make themselves into the child: men by continuing all the games and comic books of their youth, and women by playing Barbie doll with themselves.

So if simply cutting the financial apron strings doesn’t make one a man, what does? Hymowitz answers by looking to masculine virtues throughout all cultures: “strength, courage, resolve, and sexual potency,” but that one line is about the extent of the analysis. She is careful to distinguish between having sex (which single men do a lot these days) and “manning up” by being married and becoming the head of a family.

But even when men do settle down, the roles they play as fathers have changed. Rather than being a strong father figure, today’s father often relates to his children by “accentuating his own immaturity,” according to Gary Cross, author of Men to Boys: The Making of Modern Immaturity. Whether they want to or not, middle-class men are often “expected to bring home a spirit of playfulness that would have scandalized their own patriarchal fathers.” The middle-class home has became more child-centric, even with fewer children in it, and both sexes are expected to project “warmth, nurturing, and gentleness.”

With high divorce rates, many young men today were raised in matriarchal family environments, which may be one contributing factor to the “unmanliness” of some of today’s men. Instead of having their own families, some men instead play the role of the “fun uncle,” like men in matriarchal, non-white societies.

A Different Dating World

After college, all of these single young people embark on a journey more confusing than if they started a family: modern dating, now with websites that describe the etiquette for one-night stands (it’s “leave quickly”).

Men and women are both confused by the new rituals, and the lack thereof. A man who inadvertently insults a girl by not opening her car door may have been chastised by his last girlfriend for doing just that. Women sometimes “pick up” guys (whether at bars, or actually driving to pick them up for dates), and there is ambiguity about who pays for dates when SYFs outearn SYMs in the majority of large cities. Men experience the nice-guy conundrum when they see girls dating jerks. Meanwhile, women practice a Zen-like nonattachment when dating, since bringing up marriage before a year of sex seems to turn men off.

Hymowitz recounts a number of events from the childhood of young women that play into their behavior as adults: Today’s SYFs were often told by their mothers that they shouldn’t need a man to be happy. They were likely raised in the 1990s, in the midst of a tween-based advertising frenzy that marketed make-up, thong underwear, and high-heeled clogs to preteens, while at the same time trying to “save the self-esteem” of young girls. Popular TV shows for girls were based on the female warrior type: The Powerpuff Girls, Xena: Warrior Princess, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. These women try to convince themselves for years that they shouldn’t “need” a child or husband, then end up debating whether to become a “choice mother” (the new term for a woman who uses sperm bank).


* * *


Manning Up might be a good “beach book” for women readers of Counter-Currents, but I have trouble imagining men enjoying it, though they would find some insights into the mind of the typical woman. I found it interesting for its wealth of statistics about marriage rates and ages, men and women in the workplace and universities, and summaries of various causes that contributed to the (mostly white) single and childless young men and women today.

There have been numerous debates on Counter-Currents and other websites about what exactly has caused the decline in marriage and childbirth. Manning Up does a good job of touching on some of the contributing forces, but never addresses any of the larger forces.

The good news from Manning Up is that the majority of young men and women still want to get married and have children. In addition, while women in their early 20s are “hot commodities,” by the time they reach 30, they are beginning to get desperate and may “settle for Mr. Good Enough” as the subtitle of the book Marry Him advises. More good news lies in the fact that young people today are scrambling for any advice whatsoever about how to successfully date and marry, revealing a large market for New Righters and Traditionalists to step into to help young people successfully navigate through the increasingly unsatisfying modern world.

vendredi, 17 décembre 2010

D. H. Lawrence on Men & Women

D. H. Lawrence on Men & Women


Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/

1. Love and Strife

Lawrence.jpgIn a 1913 letter D. H. Lawrence writes that “it is the problem of to-day, the establishment of a new relation, or the readjustment of the old one, between men and women.” Lawrence’s views about relations between the sexes, and about sex differences are perhaps his most controversial – and they have frequently been misrepresented. But before we delve into those views, let us ask why it should be the case that establishing a new relation between men and women is “the problem of to-day.” The reason is fairly obvious. The species divides itself into male and female, reproduces itself thereby, and the overwhelming majority of human beings seek their fulfillment in a relationship to the opposite sex. If relations between the sexes have somehow been crippled—as Lawrence believes they have been—then this is a catastrophe. It is hard to imagine a greater, more pressing problem.

Lawrence came to relations with women bearing serious doubts about his own manhood, and with the conviction that his nature was fundamentally androgynous. Throughout his life, but especially as a boy, it was easier for him to relate to women and to form close bonds with them. Thus, when Lawrence discusses the nature of woman he draws not only upon his experiences with women, but also upon his understanding of his own nature. One of the questions we must examine is whether, in doing so, Lawrence was led astray. After all, Lawrence eventually came to repudiate the idea of any sort of fundamental androgyny and to claim that men and women are radically different. In Fantasia of the Unconscious he writes, “We are all wrong when we say there is no vital difference between the sexes.” Lawrence wrote this in 1921 intending it to be provocative, but it is surely much more controversial in today’s world, where it has become a dogma in some circles to insist that sex differences (now called “gender differences”) are “socially constructed.” Lawrence continues: “There is every difference. Every bit, every cell in a boy is male, every cell is female in a woman, and must remain so. Women can never feel or know as men do. And in the reverse, men can never feel and know, dynamically, as women do.”

Lawrence saw relations between the sexes as essentially a war. He tells us in his essay “Love” that all love between men and women is “dual, a love which is the motion of melting, fusing together into oneness, and a love which is the intense, frictional, and sensual gratification of being burnt down, burnt into separate clarity of being, unthinkable otherness and separateness.” The love between men and women is a fusing—or a will to fusing—but one that never fully takes place because the relation is also fundamentally frictional. Again and again Lawrence emphasizes the idea that men and women are metaphysically different. In other words, they have different, and even opposed ways of being in the world. They are not just anatomically different; they have different ways of thinking and feeling, and achieve satisfaction and fulfillment in life through different means.

Lawrence’s view of the difference between the sexes can be fruitfully compared to the Chinese theory of yin and yang.  These concepts are of great antiquity, but the way in which they are generally understood today is the product of an ambitious intellectual synthesis that took place under the early Han dynasty (207 B.C.–9 A.D.). According to this philosophy, the universe is shot through with an ultimate principle or power known as the Tao. However, the Tao divides itself into two opposing principles, yin and yang. These oppose yet complement each other. Yang manifests itself in maleness, hardness, harshness, dominance, heat, light, and the sun, amongst other things. Yin manifests itself in femaleness, softness, gentleness, yielding, cold, darkness, the moon, etc.

Contrary to the impression these lists might give, however, yang is not regarded as “superior” to yin; hardness is not superior to softness, nor is dominance superior to yielding. Each requires the other and cannot exist without the other. In certain situations a yang approach or condition is to be preferred, in others a yin approach. On occasion, yang may predominate to the point where it becomes harmful, and it must be counterbalanced by yin, or vice versa. (These principles are of central importance, for example, in traditional Chinese medicine.) The Tao Te Ching, a work written by a man chiefly for men extols the virtues of yin, and continually advises one to choose yin ways over yang. Lao-Tzu tells us over and over that it is “best to be like water,” that “those who control, fail. Those who grasp, lose,” and that “soft and weak overcome stiff and strong.”

Like the Taoists, Lawrence regards maleness and femaleness as opposed, yet complementary. It is not the case that the male, or the male way of being, is superior to the female, or vice versa. In a sense the sexes are equal, yet equality does not mean sameness. The error of male chauvinism is in thinking that one way, the male way, is superior; that dominance and hardness are just “obviously” superior to their opposites.

Yet the same error is committed by some who call themselves feminists. Tacitly, they assume that the male or yang characteristics are superior, and enjoin women to seek fulfillment in life through cultivating those traits in themselves. To those who might wonder whether such a program is possible, to say nothing of desirable, the theory of the “social construction of gender” is today being offered as support. According to this view, the only inherent differences between men and women are anatomical, and all of the intellectual, emotional, and behavioral characteristics attributed to the sexes throughout history have actually been the product of culture and environment. (And so “yin and yang,” according to this view, is really a rather naïve philosophy which confuses nurture with nature.) Clearly, Lawrence would reject this theory. In doing so, he is on very solid ground.

It would, of course, be foolish not to recognize that some “masculine” and “feminine” traits are culturally conditioned. An obvious example would be the prevailing view in American culture that a truly “masculine” man is unable, without the help of women or gay men, to color-coordinate his wardrobe. However, when one sees certain traits in men and women displaying themselves consistently in all cultures and throughout all of human history it makes sense to speak of masculine and feminine natures. It is plausible to argue that a trait is culturally conditioned only if it shows up in some cultures but not in others. Unfortunately, the “social construction of gender” thesis has achieved the status of a dogma in academic circles. And, in truth, ultimately it has to be asserted as dogma since believing in it requires that we ignore the evidence of human history, profound philosophies such as Taoism, and most of the scientific research into sex differences that has taken place over the last one hundred years.

I said earlier that Lawrence believes men and women to be “metaphysically different,” and in his essay “A Study of Thomas Hardy” he does indeed write as if he believes they actually see the world with a different metaphysics in mind:

It were a male conception to see God with a manifold Being, even though He be One God. For man is ever keenly aware of the multiplicity of things, and their diversity. But woman, issuing from the other end of infinity, coming forth as the flesh, manifest in sensation, is obsessed by the oneness of things, the One Being, undifferentiated. Man, on the other hand, coming forth as the desire to single out one thing from another, to reduce each thing to its intrinsic self by process of elimination, cannot but be possessed by the infinite diversity and contrariety in life, by a passionate sense of isolation, and a poignant yearning to be at one.

So, men seek or are preoccupied with multiplicity, and women with unity. What are we to make of such a bizarre claim? First of all, it seems to run counter to the Greek tradition, especially that of the Pythagoreans, which tended to identify the One with the masculine, and the Many with the feminine. However, if one looks to Empedocles, a pre-Socratic philosopher Lawrence was particularly keen on, one finds a different story. Empedocles posits two fundamental forces which are responsible for all change in the universe: Love and Strife. Love, at the purely physical level, is a force of attraction. It draws things together, and without the intervention of Strife it would result in a monistic universe in which only one being existed. Strife breaks up and divides. It is a force of repulsion and separation. Now, Empedocles seems to identify Love with Aphrodite, and we may infer, though he does not say so, that Strife is Ares. In other words, he identifies his two forces with the archetypal female and male. This can offer us a clue as to what Lawrence is up to.

In Lawrence’s view, it is the female who wants to draw things, especially people, together. It is the female who yearns to heal divisions, to break down barriers. “Coming forth as the flesh, manifest in sensation” she seeks to overcome separateness through feeling, primarily through love. In the family situation, it is the female who tries to unite and overcome discord through love, whereas it is the male, typically, who frustrates this through the insistence on rules and distinctions. The ideal of universal love and an end to strife and division is fundamentally feminine—one which men, throughout history, have continually frustrated. It is characteristic of men to make war, and characteristic of women, no matter what cause or principle is involved, to object and to call for peace and unity.

Now the male, as Lawrence puts it, suffers from a sense of isolation, and a “yearning to be one.” He yearns for oneness, in fact, as the male yearns for the female. Yet his entire being disposes him to see the world in terms of its distinctness, and, indeed, to make a world rife with distinctions. Lawrence implies that polytheism is a “male” religion, and monotheism a “female” one. It is easy to see the logic involved in this. Polytheism sees the divine being that permeates the world as many because the world is itself many. Further, societies with polytheistic religions have always been keenly aware of ethnic and social differences, differences within the society (as in the Indian caste system), and between societies. Monotheism, on the other hand, tends toward universalism. Christianity especially, however it has actually been practiced, declares all men equal in the sight of God and calls for peace and unity in the world. (Lawrence, as we shall see later on, does indeed regard Christianity as a “feminine” religion, and blames it, in part, for feminizing Western men.)

This fundamental, metaphysical difference has the consequence that men and women do, in a real sense, live in different worlds. But perhaps such a formulation reflects a male bias towards differentiation. It is equally correct to say, in a more “feminine” formulation, that it is the same world seen in two, complementary ways. Indeed, it may be the case that it is difficult to see, from a male perspective, how the two sexes and their different ways of thinking and perceiving can achieve a rapprochement. Lawrence believes, of course, that they can live together, and that their opposite tendencies can be harmonized. In this way he is like Heraclitus, Lawrence’s favorite pre-Socratic, when he says “what is opposed brings together; the finest harmony is composed of things at variance, and everything comes to be in accordance with strife.” Heraclitus also tells us that “They do not understand how, though at variance with itself, it [the Logos] agrees with itself. It is a backwards-turning attunement like that of the bow and lyre.” In order to make a lyre or a bow, the two opposite ends of a piece of wood must be bent towards each other, never meeting, but held in tension. Their tension and opposition makes possible beautiful music, in the case of the lyre, and the propulsion of an arrow, in the case of the bow. Both involve a harmony through opposition.

In a 1923 newspaper interview Lawrence is quoted as saying “If men were left to themselves, they would rush off . . . into destruction. But women keep life back at its own center. They pull the men back. Women have enormous passive strength, the strength of inertia.” Here Lawrence uses an image he was very fond of: women are at the center, the hub. This is because they are closer to “the source” than men are.

womeninlove.jpgIn Fantasia of the Unconscious, Lawrence tells us “The blood-consciousness and the blood-passion is the very source and origin of us. Not that we can stay at the source. Nor even make a goal of the source, as Freud does. The business of living is to travel away from the source. But you must start every single day fresh from the source. You must rise every day afresh out of the dark sea of the blood.” Lawrence believes that men yearn for purposive, creative activity, which involves moving away from the source. However, the energy and inspiration for purposive activity is drawn from the source, and so there is a complementary movement back towards it.

In The Rainbow, Lawrence describes how Tom Brangwen, besotted with his wife, seems to lose himself in a sensual obsession with her, and with knowing her sexually. But gradually,

Brangwen began to find himself free to attend to the outside life as well. His intimate life was so violently active, that it set another man in him free. And this new man turned with interest to public life, to see what part he could take in it. This would give him scope for new activity, activity of a kind for which he was now created and released. He wanted to be unanimous with the whole of purposive mankind.

Sex is one means of contacting the source. Men contact the source through women. This does not mean, of course, that blood-consciousness is in women but not in men. Rather, it means that in most men the blood-consciousness in them is “activated” primarily through their relationship to women. Second, in women blood-consciousness is more dominant than it is in men. Women are more intuitive than men; they operate more on the basis of feeling than intellect. It should not be necessary to point out that whereas such an observation might, in another author, be taken as a denigration of women, in Lawrence it is actually high praise. Women are also much more in tune with their bodies and bodily cycles than men are. Men tend to see their bodies as adversaries that must be whipped into shape.

When Lawrence continually tells us that we must find a way to reawaken the blood-consciousness in us, he is writing primarily for men. Women are already there—or, at least, they can get there with less effort. There is an old adage: “Women are, but men must become.” To be feminine is a constant state that a woman has as her birthright. Masculinity, on the other hand, is something men must achieve and prove. Rousseau in Emile states “The male is male only at certain moments, the female is female all of her life, or at least all her youth.” We exhort boys to “be a man,” but never does one hear girls told to “be a woman.” One can compliment a man simply by saying “he’s a man,” whereas “she’s a woman” seems mere statement of fact. The psychological difference between masculinity and femininity mirrors the biological fact that all fetuses begin as female; something must happen to them in order to make them male. It also articulates what is behind the strange conviction many men have had, including many great poets and artists, that woman is somehow the keeper of life’s mysteries; the one closest to the well-spring of nature.

In “A Study of Thomas Hardy,” Lawrence states that “in a man’s life, the female is the swivel and centre on which he turns closely, producing his movement.” Goethe tells us “Das ewig Weiblich zieht uns hinan” (“The Eternal Feminine draws us onwards”). The female, the male’s source of the source, stands at the center of his life. The woman as personification of the life mystery entices him to come together with her, and through their coupling the life mystery perpetuates itself. But he is not, ultimately, satisfied by this coupling. He goes forth into the world, his body renewed by his contact with the woman, but full of desire to know this mystery more adequately, and to be its vehicle through creative expression.

Without a woman, a man feels unmoored and ungrounded, for without a woman he has no center in his life. A man—a heterosexual man—can never feel fulfilled and can never reach his full potential without a woman to whom he can turn. As to homosexual men, it is a well-known fact that many cultivate in themselves characteristics that have been traditionally usually associated with woman: refined taste in clothing and decoration, cooking, gardening, etc. What these characteristics have in common is connectedness to the pleasures of the moment, and to the rhythms and necessities of life. Men are normally purpose-driven and future-oriented. They tend to overlook those aspects of life that please, but lack any greater purpose other than pleasing. They tend, therefore, to be somewhat insensitive to their surroundings, to color, to texture, to odor, to taste. They tend, in short, to be so focused upon doing, that they miss out on being. Heterosexual men look to women to ground them, and to provide these ingredients to life—ingredients which, in truth, make life livable. Homosexual men must make a woman within themselves, in order to be grounded. (This does not mean, however, that they must become effeminate – see my review essay of Jack Donovan’s Androphilia for more details.)

Homosexual men are, of course, the exception not the rule. Lawrence writes, of the typical man, “Let a man walk alone on the face of the earth, and he feels himself like a loose speck blown at random. Let him have a woman to whom he belongs, and he will feel as though he had a wall to back up against; even though the woman be mentally a fool.” And what of the woman? What does she desire? Lawrence tells us that “the vital desire of every woman is that she shall be clasped as axle to the hub of the man, that his motion shall portray her motionlessness, convey her static being into movement, complete and radiating out into infinity, starting from her stable eternality, and reaching eternity again, after having covered the whole of time.” Man is the “doer,” the actor, whereas woman need do nothing. Just by being woman she becomes the center of a man’s universe.

The dark side of this, in Lawrence’s view, is a tendency in women towards possessiveness, and towards wanting to make themselves not just the center of a man’s life but his sole concern. In Women in Love, Lawrence’s describes at length Rupert Birkin’s process of wrestling with this aspect of femininity:

But it seemed to him, woman was always so horrible and clutching, she had such a lust for possession, a greed of self-importance in love. She wanted to have, to own, to control, to be dominant. Everything must be referred back to her, to Woman, the Great Mother of everything, out of whom proceeded everything and to whom everything must finally be rendered up.

Birkin sees these qualities in Ursula, with whom he is in love. “She too was the awful, arrogant queen of life, as if she were a queen bee on whom all the rest depended.” He feels she wants, in a way, to worship him, but “to worship him as a woman worships her own infant, with a worship of perfect possession.”

Woman’s possessiveness is understandable given that the man is necessary to her well-being: she is only happy if she is center to the orbit and activity of some man. Again, for Lawrence, such a claim does not denigrate women, for he has already as much as said that a man is nothing without a woman. Nevertheless, some will see in this view of men and woman a sexism that places the man above the woman. From Lawrence’s perspective, this is illusory. It is true that the man is “doer,” but his perpetual need to act and to do stands in stark contrast to the woman, who need do nothing in order be who she is. It is true, further, that men’s ambition has given them power in the world, but it is a power that is nothing compared to that of the woman, who exercises her power without having to do anything. She reigns, without ruling. The man does what he does, but must return to the woman, and is “like a loose speck blown at random without her” – and he knows this. Much of misogyny may have to do with this. From the man’s perspective, the woman is all-powerful, and the source of her power a mystery.

Many modern feminists, however, conceive of power in an entirely male way, as the active power of doing. Lawrence recognized that in trying to cultivate this male power within themselves, women do not rise in the estimation of most men. Instead they are diminished, for men’s respect for and fascination with women springs entirely from the fact that unlike themselves women do not have to chase after an ideal of who they ought to be; they do not have to get caught up in the rat race in order to respect themselves. They can simply be; they can live, and take joy just in living.

One can make a rough distinction between two types of feminism. The most familiar type is what one might call the “woman on the street feminism,” which one encounters from average, working women, and which they imbibe from television, films, and magazines. This feminism essentially has as its aim claiming for women all that which formerly had been the province of men—including not only traditionally male jobs, but even male ways of speaking, moving, dressing, bonding, exercising, and displaying sexual interest. Ironically, this form of feminism is at root a form of masculinism, which makes traditionally masculine traits the hallmarks of the “liberated” or self-actualized human being.

The other type of feminism is usually to be found only in academia, though not all academic feminists subscribe to it. It insists that women have their own ways of thinking, feeling, and relating to others. Feminist philosophers have written of woman’s “ways of knowing” as distinct from men’s, and have even put forward the idea that women approach ethical decision-making in a markedly different way. It is this form of feminism to which Lawrence is closest. Lawrence’s writings are concerned with liberating both men and women from the tyranny of a modern civilization which cuts them off from their true natures. Liberation for modern women cannot mean becoming like modern men, for modern men are living in a condition of spiritual (as well as wage) slavery. In an essay on feminism, Wendell Berry writes

It is easy enough to see why women came to object to the role of [the comic strip character] Blondie, a mostly decorative custodian of a degraded, consumptive modern household, preoccupied with clothes, shopping, gossip, and outwitting her husband. But are we to assume that one may fittingly cease to be Blondie by becoming Dagwood? Is the life of a corporate underling—even acknowledging that corporate underlings are well paid—an acceptable end to our quest for human dignity and worth? . . . How, I am asking, can women improve themselves by submitting to the same specialization, degradation, trivialization, and tyrannization of work that men have submitted to? [Wendell Berry, “Feminism, the Body, and the Machine,” in The Art of the Commonplace: The Agrarian Essays of Wendell Berry, ed. Norman Wirzba (Washington, D.C.: Counterpoint, 2002), 69–70.]

I will return to this issue later.

Having now characterized, in broad strokes, Lawrence’s views on the differences between men and woman, I now turn to a more detailed discussion of each.

2. The Nature of Man

As we have seen, Lawrence believes that men (most men) need to have a woman in their lives. Their relationship to a woman serves to ground their lives, and to provide the man not only with a respite from the woes of the world, but with energy and inspiration. However, this is not the same thing as saying that the man makes the woman, or his relationship to her, the purpose of his life. In Fantasia of the Unconscious Lawrence writes, “When he makes the sexual consummation the supreme consummation, even in his secret soul, he falls into the beginnings of despair. When he makes woman, or the woman and child, the great centre of life and of life-significance, he falls into the beginnings of despair.” This is because Lawrence believes that true satisfaction for men can come only from some form of creative, purposive activity outside the family.

women1.jpgHaving a woman is therefore a necessary but not a sufficient condition for male happiness. In addition to a woman, he must have a purpose. Women, on the other hand, do not require a purpose beyond the home and the family in order to be happy. This is another of those claims that will rankle some, so let us consider two important points about what Lawrence has said. First, he is speaking of what he believes the typical woman is like, just as he is speaking of the typical man. There are at least a few exceptions to just about every generalization. Second, we must ask an absolutely crucial question of those who regard such claims as demeaning women: why is being occupied with home and family lesser than having a purpose (e.g., a career) outside the home? The argument could be made—and I think Lawrence would be sympathetic to this—that the traditional female role of making a home and raising children is just as important and possibly more important than the male activities pursued outside the home. Again, much of contemporary feminism sees things from a typically male point of view, and denigrates women who choose motherhood rather than one of the many meaningless, ulcer-producing careers that have long been the province of men.

Lawrence writes, “Primarily and supremely man is always the pioneer of life, adventuring onward into the unknown, alone with his own temerarious, dauntless soul. Woman for him exists only in the twilight, by the camp fire, when day has departed. Evening and the night are hers.” Lawrence’s male bias creeps in here a bit, as he romanticizes the “dauntless” male soul. Men and women always believe, in their heart of hearts, that their ways are superior. Nevertheless, Lawrence is not here relegating women to an inferior position. Half of life is spent in the evening and night. Day belongs to the man, night to the woman. It is a division of labor. Lawrence is drawing here, as he frequently does, on traditional mythological themes: the man is solar, the woman lunar.

Lawrence characterizes the man’s pioneering activity as follows: “It is the desire of the human male to build a world: not ‘to build a world for you, dear’; but to build up out of his own self and his own belief and his own effort something wonderful. Not merely something useful. Something wonderful.” In other words, the man’s primary purpose is not having or doing any of the “practical” things that a wife and a family require. And when he acts on a larger scale—Lawrence gives building the Panama Canal as an example—it is not with the end in mind of making a world in which wives and babes can be more comfortable and secure (“a world for you, dear”). He seeks to make his mark on the world; to bring something glorious into existence. And so men create culture: games, religions, rituals, dances, artworks, poetry, music, and philosophy. Wars are fought, ultimately, for the same reason. It is probably true, as is often asserted, that every war has some kind of economic motivation. However, it is probably also true to assert that in the case of just about every actual war there was another, more cost-effective alternative. Men make war for the same reason they climb mountains, jump out of airplanes, race cars, and run with the bulls: for the challenge, and the fame and glory and exhilaration that goes with meeting the challenge. It is an aspect of male psychology that most women find baffling, and even contemptible.

Now, curiously, Lawrence refers to this “impractical,” purposive motive of the male as an “essentially religious or creative motive.” What can he mean by this? Specifically, why does he characterize it as a religious motive?

It is religious because it involves the pursuit of something that is beyond the ordinary and the familiar. It is a leap into the unknown. The man has to follow what Lawrence frequently calls the “Holy Ghost” within himself and to try to make something within the world. He yearns always for the yet-to-be, the yet-to-be-realized, and always has his eye on the future, on what is in process of coming to be. Yet there seems to be, at least on the surface, a strange inconsistency in Lawrence’s characterization of the man’s motive as religious. After all, for Lawrence the life mystery, the source of being is religious object—and women are closer to this source. Man is entranced by woman, and with her he helps to propagate this power in the world through sex, but his sense of “purpose” causes him to move away from the source. So why isn’t it the woman whose “motives” are religious, and the man who is, in effect, irreligious?

The answer is that religion is not being at the source: it is directedness toward the source. Religion is possible only because of a lack or an absence in the human soul. Religion is ultimately a desire to put oneself at-one with the source. But this is possible only if one is not, originally or most of the time, at one with it. In a way, the woman is not fundamentally religious because she is the goddess, the source herself. The sexual longing of the man for the woman, and his utter inability ever to fully satisfy his desire and to resolve the mystery that is woman, are a kind of small-scale allegory for man’s large-scale, religious relationship to the source of being itself. He is, as I have said, renewed by his relations with women and, for a time, satisfied. But then he goes forth into the world with a desire for something, something. He creates, and when he does he is acting to exalt the life mystery (religion and art), to understand it (philosophy and science), or to further it (invention and production).

Lawrence speaks of how a man must put his wife “under the spell of his fulfilled decision.” Woman, who rules over the night, draws man to her and they become one through sex. Man, who rules the day, draws woman into his purpose, his aim in life, and through this they become one in another fashion. The man’s purpose does not become the woman’s purpose. He pursues this alone. But if the woman simply believes in him and what he aims to do, she becomes a tremendous source of support for the man, and she gives herself a reason for being. The man needs the woman as center, as hub of his life, and the woman needs to play this role for some man. Without a mate, though a man may set all sorts of purposes before him, ultimately they seem meaningless. He feels a sense of hollow emptiness, and drifts into despair. He lets his appearance go, and lives in squalor. He may become an alcoholic and a misogynist. He dies much sooner than his married friends, often by his own hand. As to the woman, without a man who has set himself some purpose that she can believe in, she assumes the male role and tries to find fulfillment through some kind of busy activity in the world. But as she pursues this, she feels increasingly bitter and hard, and a terrific rage begins to seethe beneath her placid surface. She becomes a troublemaker and a prude. Increasingly angry at men, she makes a virtue of necessity and declares herself emancipated from them. She collects pets.

In Studies in Classic American Literature Lawrence writes:

As a matter of fact, unless a woman is held, by man, safe within the bounds of belief, she becomes inevitably a destructive force. She can’t help herself. A woman is almost always vulnerable to pity. She can’t bear to see anything physically hurt. But let a woman loose from the bounds and restraints of man’s fierce belief, in his gods and in himself, and she becomes a gentle devil.

If a woman is to be the hub in the life a man, and derive satisfaction from that, everything depends on the spirit of the man. A few lines later in the same text Lawrence states, “Unless a man believes in himself and his gods, genuinely: unless he fiercely obeys his own Holy Ghost; his woman will destroy him. Woman is the nemesis of doubting man.” In order for the woman to believe in a man, the man must believe in himself and his purpose. If he is filled with self-doubt, the woman will doubt him. If he lacks the strength to command himself, he cannot command her respect and devotion. And the trouble with modern men is that they are filled with self-doubt and lack the courage of their convictions.

Lawrence, following Nietzsche, in part blames Christianity for weakening modern, Western men. Men are potent—sexually and otherwise—to the extent they are in tune with the life force. But Christianity has “spiritualized” men. It has filled their heads with hatred of the body, and of strength, instinct, and vitality. It has infected them with what Lawrence calls the “love ideal,” which demands, counter to every natural impulse, that men love everyone and regard everyone as their equal.

Frequently in his fiction Lawrence depicts relationships in which the woman has turned against the man because he is, in effect, spiritually emasculated. The most dramatic and symbolically obvious example of this is the relationship of Clifford and Connie  in Lady Chatterley’s Lover. Clifford returns from the First World War paralyzed from the waist down. But like the malady of the Grail King in Wolfram’s Parzival, this is only (literarily speaking) an outward, physical expression of an inward, psychic emasculation. Clifford is far too sensible a man to allow himself to be overcome by any great passion, so the loss of his sexual powers is not so dear. He has a keen, cynical wit and believes that he has seen through passion and found it not as great a thing as poets say that it is. It is his spiritual condition that drives Connie away from him, not so much his physical one. And so she wanders into the game preserve on their estate (representing the small space of “wildness” that still can rise up within civilization) and into the arms of Mellors, the gamekeeper. Their subsequent relationship becomes a hot, corporeal refutation of Clifford’s philosophy.

In Women in Love, Gerald Crich, the industrial magnate, is destroyed by Gudrun essentially because he does not believe in himself. Outwardly, he is “the God of the machine.” But his mastery of the material world is meaningless busywork, and he knows it. Gudrun is drawn to him because of this outward appearance of power, but when she finds that it is an illusion she hates him, and ultimately drives him to his death. For Lawrence, this is an allegory of the modern relationship between the sexes. Men today are masters of the material universe as they have never been before, but inside they are anxious and empty. The reason is that these “materialists” are profoundly afraid of and hostile to matter and nature, especially their own. Their intellect and “will to power” has cut them off from the life force and they are, in their deepest selves, impotent. The women know this, and scorn them.

In The Rainbow, Winifred Inger is Ursula’s teacher (with whom she has a brief affair), and an early feminist. She tells Ursula at one point,

The men will do no more,–they have lost the capacity for doing. . . .  They fuss and talk, but they are really inane. They make everything fit into an old, inert idea. Love is a dead idea to them. They don’t come to one and love one, they come to an idea, and they say “You are my idea,” so they embrace themselves. As if I were any man’s idea! As if I exist because a man has an idea of me! As if I will be betrayed by him, lend him my body as an instrument for his idea, to be a mere apparatus of his dead theory. But they are too fussy to be able to act; they are all impotent, they can’t take a woman. They come to their own idea every time, and take that. They are like serpents trying to swallow themselves because they are hungry.”

In Fantasia of the Unconscious Lawrence writes, “If man will never accept his own ultimate being, his final aloneness, and his last responsibility for life, then he must expect woman to dash from disaster to disaster, rootless and uncontrolled.”

It is important to understand here that the issue is not one of power. Lawrence’s point not that men must dominate or control their wives. In fact, in a late essay entitled “Matriarchy” (originally published as “If Women Were Supreme”) Lawrence actually advocates rule by women, at least in the home, because he believes it would liberate men. He assumes the truth of the claim—now in disrepute—that early man had lived in matriarchal societies and writes, “the men seem to have been lively sorts, hunting and dancing and fighting, while the woman did the drudgery and minded the brats. . . . A woman deserves to possess her own children and have them called by her name. As to the household furniture and the bit of money in the bank, it seems naturally hers.” The man, in such a situation, is not the slave of the woman because the man is “first and foremost an active, religious member of the tribe.” The man’s real life is not in the household, but in creative activity, and religious activity:

The real life of the man is not spent in his own little home, daddy in the bosom of the family, wheeling the perambulator on Sundays. His life is passed mainly in the khiva, the great underground religious meeting-house where only the males assemble, where the sacred practices of the tribe are carried on; then also he is away hunting, or performing the sacred rites on the mountains, or he works in the fields.

Men, Lawrence tells us, have social and religious needs which can only be satisfied apart from women. The disaster of modern marriage is that men not only think they have to rule the roost, but they accept the woman’s insistence that he have no needs or desires that cannot be satisfied through his relationship to her. He becomes master of his household, and slave to it at the same time:

Now [man’s] activity is all of the domestic order and all his thought goes to proving that nothing matters except that birth shall continue and woman shall rock in the nest of this globe like a bird who covers her eggs in some tall tree. Man is the fetcher, the carrier, the sacrifice, and the reborn of woman. . . . Instead of being assertive and rather insentient, he becomes wavering and sensitive. He begins to have as many feelings—nay, more than a woman. His heroism is all in altruistic endurance. He worships pity and tenderness and weakness, even in himself. In short, he takes on very largely the original role of woman.

Ironically, in accepting such a situation without a fight, he only earns the woman’s contempt: “Almost invariably a [modern] married woman, as she passes the age of thirty, conceives a dislike, or a contempt, of her husband, or a pity which is near to contempt. Particularly if he is a good husband, a true modern.”

3. The Nature of Woman

In Fantasia of the Unconscious Lawrence writes, “Women will never understand the depth of the spirit of purpose in man, his deeper spirit. And man will never understand the sacredness of feeling to woman. Each will play at the other’s game, but they will remain apart.” But what is meant by “feeling” here? Lawrence is referring again to his belief that women live, to a greater extent than men, from the primal self. In the case of most men today, “mind-consciousness” and reason are dominant—to the point where they are frequently detached from “blood-consciousness” and feeling.

In describing the nature of woman Lawrence once again draws on perennial symbols: “Woman is really polarized downwards, towards the centre of the earth. Her deep positivity is in the downward flow, the moon-pull.” The sun represents man, and the moon woman. Day belongs to him, and night to her. However, another set of mythic images associates the earth with woman and the sky with man. The “pull” in women is towards the earth, and this means several things. First, the earth is the source of chthonic powers, and so, as poetic metaphor, it represents the primal, pre-mental, animal aspect in human beings. In a literal sense, however, Lawrence believes that women are more in tune than men with chthonic powers: with the rhythms of nature and the cycle of seasons. Further, the “downward flow” refers to Lawrence’s belief that the lower “centres” of the body are, in a sense, more primitive, more instinctual than the upper, and that women tend to live and act from these centers more than men do. Lawrence writes, “Her deepest consciousness is in the loins and belly. . . . The great flow of female consciousness is downwards, down to the weight of the loins and round the circuit of the feet.”

Finally, to be “polarized downwards, towards the centre of the earth” means to have one’s life, one’s vital being fixed in reference to a central point. If Lawrence intends us to assume that man is polarized upwards then we may ask, toward what? If woman is oriented towards the center of the earth, then–following the logic of the mythic categories–is man oriented toward the center of the sky? But the sky has no center. Man is less fixed than woman; he is a wanderer. He is a hunter, a seeker, a pioneer, an adventurer. Woman, on the other hand, lives from the axis of the world. Mircea Eliade writes that “the religious man sought to live as near as possible to the Center of the World.” Woman is at the center. Man begins there, then goes off. He returns again and again, the phallic power in him rising in response to the chthonic power of the woman. And his religious response is an ongoing effort to bring his daytime self into line with the life force he experiences when in the arms of the woman.

Woman, Lawrence tells us, “is a flow, a river of life,” and this flow is fundamentally different from the man’s river. However, “The woman is like an idol, or a marionette, always forced to play one role or another: sweetheart, mistress, wife, mother.” The mind of the male is built to analyze and categorize. But the nature of woman, like the nature of nature itself, defies categorization. Even before Bacon, man’s response to nature was to force it to yield up its secrets, to bend it to the human will, or to see it only within the narrow parameters of whatever theory was fashionable at the moment. The male mind attempts to do this to woman as well–and the woman, to a great extent, cooperates. She fits herself into the roles expected of her by authority figures, whether it is dutiful daughter-sister-wife-mother, or dutiful feminist and career-woman.

Lawrence writes, “The real trouble about women is that they must always go on trying to adapt themselves to men’s theories of women, as they always have done.” Two opposing wills exist in women, Lawrence believes: a will to conform or to submit, and a will to reject all boundaries and be free. In Women in Love, Birkin compares women to horses:

“And of course,” he said to Gerald, “horses haven’t got a complete will, like human beings. A horse has no one will. Every horse, strictly, has two wills. With one will, it wants to put itself in the human power completely—and with the other, it wants to be free, wild. The two wills sometimes lock—you know that, if ever you’ve felt a horse bolt, while you’ve been driving it. . . . And woman is the same as horses: two wills act in opposition inside her. With one will, she wants to subject herself utterly. With the other she wants to bolt, and pitch her rider to perdition.”

Ursula, who is present at this exchange, laughs and responds “Then I’m a bolter.” The trouble is that she is not.

Lawrence’s fiction is filled with vivid portrayals of women (arguably much more vivid and well-drawn than his portrayals of men). The central characters in several of his novels are women (The Rainbow, The Lost Girl, The Plumed Serpent, and Lady Chatterley’s Lover). All of Lawrence’s major female characters exhibit these two wills, but frequently he presents pairs of women each of whom represents one of the wills. This is the case in Women in Love. Ultimately, in Ursula’s character the will to surrender emerges as dominant. In her sister Gudrun the will to be free and wild dominates, with tragic results. In Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Connie Chatterley exhibits the will to surrender, and her sister Hilda the will to be free. The two lesbians in Lawrence’s novella The Fox are cut from the same cloth. Similar pairs of women also crop up in Lawrence’s short stories. In each case, one woman learns the joys of submitting, not to a man but to the earth, to nature, to the life mystery within her. The man is a means to this, however. The best example of this in Lawrence’s fiction is probably Connie Chatterley’s journey to awakening. In John Thomas and Lady Jane, an earlier version of Lady Chatterley’s Lover, Lawrence has Connie speak of the significance of her lover and of his penis: “I know it was the penis which really put the evening stars into my inside self. I used to look at the evening star, and think how lovely and wonderful it was. But now it’s in me as well as outside me, and I need hardly look at it. I am it. I don’t care what you say, it was penis gave it me.” As to the other woman in Lawrence’s fiction, she tends to be horrified by the primal self in her, and its call to surrender. She lives from the ego. She rages against anything in her nature that is unchosen, and against anything else that would hem her in, especially any man. She views herself as “realistic” and hardheaded, but the general impression she gives is of being hardhearted and sterile.

In his portrayals of the latter type of woman, Lawrence is partly depicting what he believes to be a perennial aspect of the female character, and partly depicting what he regards as the quintessential “modern” woman. It is in the nature of woman to counterbalance the will to submit with an opposing will that “bolts,” and kicks against all that which limits her, including her own nature. Lawrence believes that modern womanhood and all the problems of women today arise from the over-development of that will to freedom.

A “will to freedom” sounds like a good thing, so it is important to realize that essentially what Lawrence means by this is a negative will which tries either to control, or to destroy all that which it cannot control. Lawrence’s critique of modernity is a major topic in itself, but suffice it say that he believes that in the modern period a disavowal of the primal self takes place on a mass, cultural scale. The seeds of this disavowal were sown by Christianity, and reaped by modern scientism, which becomes the avowed enemy of the religion that helped foster it. Individuals live their lives from the standpoint of ego and mental-consciousness, and distrust the blood-consciousness. The negative will in women seizes upon reason and ego-dominance as a means to free herself from the influence of her dark, chthonic self, and from the influence of the men that this dark, chthonic self draws her to. The will to negate, using the mind as its tool, thus becomes the path to “liberation.”

Lawrence writes in Apocalypse:

Today, the best part of womanhood is wrapped tight and tense in the folds of the Logos, she is bodiless, abstract, and driven by a self-determination terrible to behold. A strange ‘spiritual’ creature is woman today, driven on and on by the evil demon of the old Logos, never for a moment allowed to escape and be herself.

And in an essay he writes, “Woman is truly less free today than ever she has been since time began, in the womanly sense of freedom.” This is, of course, exactly the opposite of what is asserted by most pundits today, when they speak of the progress made by woman in the modern era. Why does Lawrence believe that woman is now so unfree? The answer is implied in the quotation from Apocalypse: she is not allowed to be herself.

In Studies in Classic American Literature Lawrence tells us

Men are not free when they are doing just what they like. The moment you can do just what you like, there is nothing you care about doing. Men are only free when they are doing what the deepest self likes.

And there is getting down to the deepest self! It takes some diving.

Because the deepest self is way down, and the conscious self is an obstinate monkey. But of one thing we may be sure. If one wants to be free, one has to give up the illusion of doing what one likes, and seek what IT wishes done.

aaron'srod.jpgWhat Lawrence says here is applicable to both men and women. “To be oneself” in the true sense means to answer to the call of the deepest self. We can only achieve our “fullness of being” if we do so. The mind invents all manner of goals and projects and ideals to be pursued, but ultimately all that we do produces only frustration and emptiness if we act in a way that does not fundamentally satisfy the needs of our deepest, pre-mental, bodily nature.

Lawrence writes further in Apocalypse: “The evil Logos says she must be ‘significant,’ she must ‘make something worth while’ of her life. So on and on she goes, making something worth while, piling up the evil forms of our civilization higher and higher, and never for a second escaping to be wrapped in the brilliant fluid folds of the new green dragon.” Earlier in the same text, Lawrence tells us that “The long green dragon with which we are so familiar on Chinese things is the dragon in his good aspect of life-bringer, life-giver, life-maker, vivifier.” In short, the “green dragon” represents the life force, the source of all, the Pan power. Lawrence is saying that modern woman, in search of something “significant” to do with her life, falls in with all the corrupt (largely, money-driven) pursuits that have brought men nothing but ulcers, emptiness, and early death. “All our present life-forms are evil,” he writes. “But with a persistence that would be angelic if it were not devilish woman insists on the best in life, by which she means the best of our evil life-forms, unable to realize that the best of evil life-forms are the most evil.” Like men, she loses touch with the natural both within herself and in the world surrounding her. Lawrence’s dragon symbolizes both of these: primal nature as such, and the primal nature within me. It is this dragon which Lawrence seeks to awake in himself, and in his readers. The tragedy of modern woman is that she has renounced the dragon, whereas she would be better off being devoured by it.

In John Thomas and Lady Jane Lawrence also links the ideal of fulfilled womanhood to the dragon. Following Connie Chatterley’s musings on the meaning of the phallus (which I quoted earlier), Lawrence writes:

The only thing which had taken her quite away from fear, if only for a night, was the strange gallant phallus looking round in its odd bright godhead, and now the arm of flesh around her, the socket of the hand against her breast, the slow, sleeping thud of the man’s heart against her body. It was all one thing—the mysterious phallic godhead. Now she knew that the worst had happened. This dragon had enfolded her, and its folds were pure gentleness and safety.

Make no mistake, Lawrence believes that women can adopt the ways of men; he believes that they can succeed at traditionally male work. But he believes that they do this at great cost to themselves. “Of all things, the most fatal to a woman is to have an aim,” Lawrence tells us. In general, he believes that the ultimate aim of life is simply living, and that we set a trap for ourselves when we declare that some goal or some ideal shall be the end of life, and believe that this will make life “meaningful.” This applies to men, but even more so to women. Why? Because, again, women are so much closer to the source that men tend to regard women as the life force embodied (“Mother Nature”). For a woman to live for something other than living is to pervert her nature, and her gift. Again, Lawrence’s position is not that a woman is incapable of doing the work of a man, but ultimately she will find it deadening: “The moment woman has got man’s ideals and tricks drilled into her, the moment she is competent in the manly world—there’s an end of it. She’s had enough. She’s had more than enough. She hates the thing she has embraced.”

In our age, many women who have forgone marriage and children in order to pursue a career are discovering this. The body has its own needs and ends, and the organism as a whole cannot flourish and achieve satisfaction unless these needs and ends are satisfied. With some exceptions, women who have chosen not to have children regret it, and suffer in other ways as well (for example, they are at higher risk for developing ovarian cancer than women who have given birth). The same goes for men, many of whom spend a great many “productive” years without feeling a need to reproduce–then are suddenly hit by that need and launch themselves on a frantic, sometimes worldwide search for a suitable mate able to father them a child. Lawrence wrote the following, prophetic words in one of his final essays:

It is all an attitude, and one day the attitude will become a weird cramp, a pain, and then it will collapse. And when it has collapsed, and she looks at the eggs she has laid, votes, or miles of typewriting, years of business efficiency—suddenly, because she is a hen and not a cock, all she has done will turn into pure nothingness to her. Suddenly it all falls out of relation to her basic henny self, and she realizes she has lost her life. The lovely henny surety, the hensureness which is the real bliss of every female, has been denied her: she had never had it. Having lived her life with such utmost strenuousness and cocksureness, she has missed her life altogether. Nothingness!

This quote suggests that Lawrence believes that the woman, the hen, ruins herself by taking up the ways appropriate and natural for the cock – but this is not exactly what he means. In Lawrence’s view, the modern ways of the cock are destroying the cock as well, but they are doubly bad for the hen. What’s bad for the gander is worse for the goose. Lawrence believes that in order to achieve satisfaction in life, we must get in touch with that primal self that the woman is fortunate enough always to be closer to.

4. A New Relation Between Man and Woman

So what is to be done? How are we to repair the damage that has been done in the modern world to the relation between the sexes? How are we to make men into men again, and women into women?

Lawrence has a great deal to say on this subject, but one of his oft-repeated recommendations essentially amounts to saying that relations between the sexes should be severed. By this he means that in order for men and women to come to each other as authentic men and women, they must stop trying to be “pals” with each other. In a 1925 letter he writes, “Friendship between a man and a woman, as a thing of first importance to either, is impossible: and I know it. We are creatures of two halves, spiritual and sensual—and each half is as important as the other. Any relation based on the one half—say the delicate spiritual half alone—inevitably brings revulsion and betrayal.”

In order for men and women to be friends, they must deliberately put aside or suppress their sexual identities and their very different natures. They must actively ignore the fact that they are men and women. They relate to each other, in effect, as neutered, sexless beings. They can never truly relax around each other, for they must continually monitor the way that they look at each other or (more problematic) touch each other. Sitting in too close proximity could awaken feelings that neither wants awakened. If, with respect to their “daytime selves,” men and women are forced to relate to each other in this way regularly, it has the potential of wrecking the ability of the “nighttime self” to relate to the opposite sex in a natural, sensual manner. Once accustomed to the daily routine of suppressing thoughts and feelings, and taking great care never to show a sexual side to their nature, these habits carry over into the realm of the romantic and sexual. Dating and courtship become fraught with tension, each party unsure of the “appropriateness” of this or that display of sexual interest or simple affection. The man, in short, becomes afraid to be a man, and the woman to be a woman. “On mixing with one another, in becoming familiar, in being ‘pals,’ they lose their own male and female integrity.” Writing of the modern marriage, Wendell Berry states

Marriage, in what is evidently its most popular version, is now on the one hand an intimate “relationship” involving (ideally) two successful careerists in the same bed, and on the other hand a sort of private political system in which rights and interests must be constantly asserted and defended. Marriage, in other words, has now taken the form of divorce: a prolonged and impassioned negotiation as to how things shall be divided. During their understandably temporary association, the “married” couple will typically consume a large quantity of merchandise and a large portion of each other.

If we must suppress our masculine and feminine natures in order to be friends with the opposite sex, in what way then do we actually relate to each other? We relate almost entirely through the intellect. Lawrence writes, “Nowadays, alas, we start off self-conscious, with sex in the head. We find a woman who is the same. We marry because we are ‘pals.’” And: “We have made the mistake of idealism again. We have thought that the woman who thinks and talks as we do will be the blood-answer.” Modern men and women begin their relationships as sexless things who relate through ideas and speech. The man looks for a woman, or the woman for a man who thinks and talks as they do; who “knows where they are coming from,” and has “similar values.” They might as well not have bodies at all, or conduct the initial stages of their relationships by telephone or email. Indeed, that is exactly the way many modern relationships are now beginning. But the primary way men and women are built to relate to each other is through the body and the signals of the body; through the subtle, sexual “vibrations” that each gives off, through the sexual gaze (different in the male and in the female), and through touch. No real, romantic relationship can be forged without these, and without feeling through these non-mental means that the two are “right” for each other. We cannot start with “mental agreement” and then construct a sexual relationship around it.

Lawrence, like Rousseau, had a good deal to say about education, and in fact much of what he says is Rousseauian. His ideas on the subject are expressed chiefly in Fantasia of the Unconscious and in a long essay, “The Education of the People.”

In Fantasia of the Unconscious, in a chapter entitled “First Steps in Education,” Lawrence lays out a new program for educating girls and boys: “All girls over ten years of age must attend at one domestic workshop. All girls over ten years of age may, in addition, attend at one workshop of skilled labour or of technical industry, or of art. . . . All boys over ten years of age must attend at one workshop of domestic crafts, and at one workshop of skilled labour, or of technical industry, or of art.” The difference between how boys and girls are to be educated (at least initially) is that whereas both are required to attend a “domestic workshop,” only boys are required to attend a “workshop of skilled labour or of technical industry, or of art.” Keep in mind that Lawrence is laying down the rules for education in his ideal society. He anticipates that whereas all males will work outside the home (in some fashion or other), not all females will. His system is not designed to force women into the role of homemakers, for he leaves it open that girls may, if they choose, learn the same skills as boys. As to higher education, Lawrence leaves this open: “Schools of mental culture are free to all individuals over fourteen years of age. Universities are free to all who obtain the first culture degree.” The system is designed in such a way that individuals are drawn to pursue certain avenues based on their personalities and natural temperaments. Unlike our present society, in Lawrence’s world there would be no universal pressure to attend university: only individuals with certain natural gifts and inclinations would go in that direction. Similarly, the system leaves open the possibility that some women will pursue the same path as men, but only if that is their natural inclination. The intent of Lawrence’s program is not to force individuals into certain roles, but to cultivate their natural, innate characteristics. And as we have seen, Lawrence believes that males and females are innately different.

Lawrence makes it clear elsewhere that in the early years education will be sex-segregated. This is intended to facilitate the development of each student’s character and talents. Males, especially early in life, relate more easily to other males and are better able to devote themselves to their studies in the absence of females. The same thing applies to females. Sex-segregated education in the early years also has the advantage, Lawrence believes, of promoting a healthier interaction between males and females later on. In Fantasia of the Unconscious he states, “boys and girls should be kept apart as much as possible, that they may have some sort of respect and fear for the gulf that lies between them in nature, and for the great strangeness which each has to offer the other, finally.” After all, “You don’t find the sun and moon playing at pals in the sky.”

But this is, of course, all in the realm of fantasy. Lawrence’s system would be practical, if modern society could be entirely restructured, and he is aware that this is not likely to occur anytime soon. So what are we to do in the meantime? Here we encounter some of Lawrence’s most controversial ideas, and most inflammatory prose. He writes, “men, drive your wives, beat them out of their self-consciousness and their soft smarminess and good, lovely idea of themselves. Absolutely tear their lovely opinion of themselves to tatters, and make them look a holy ridiculous sight in their own eyes.” It is this sort of thing that has made Lawrence a bête noire of feminists. Yet, in the next sentence, he adds “Wives, do the same to your husbands.” Lawrence’s intention, as always, is to destroy the ego-centredness in both husband and wife; to destroy the modern tendency for men and women to relate to each other, and to themselves, through ideas and ideals.

As a man and a husband, however, he writes primarily from that standpoint: “Fight your wife out of her own self-conscious preoccupation with herself. Batter her out of it till she’s stunned. Drive her back into her own true mode. Rip all her nice superimposed modern-woman and wonderful-creature garb off her, Reduce her once more to a naked Eve, and send the apple flying.” Does he mean any of this literally? Is he advocating that husbands beat their wives? Perhaps. Lawrence and Frieda were famous for their quarrels, which often came to blows, though the blows were struck by both. Lawrence states the purpose of such “beatings” (whether literal or figurative) as follows: “Make her yield to her own real unconscious self, and absolutely stamp on the self that she’s got in her head. Drive her forcibly back, back into her own true unconscious.”

As we have already seen, Lawrence believes that healthy relations between a man and a woman depend largely on the man’s ability to make the woman believe in him, and the purpose he has set for himself in life. Sex unites the “nighttime self” of men and women, but the daytime self can only be united, for Lawrence, through the man’s devotion to something outside the marriage, and the woman’s belief in the man. This is just the same thing as saying that what unites the lives of men and women (as opposed to their sexual natures) is the woman’s belief in the man and his purpose. And so Lawrence writes:

You’ve got to fight to make a woman believe in you as a real man, a pioneer. No man is a man unless to his woman he is a pioneer. You’ll have to fight still harder to make her yield her goal to yours: her night goal to your day goal. . . . She’ll never believe until you have your soul filled with a profound and absolutely inalterable purpose, that will yield to nothing, least of all to her. She’ll never believe until, in your soul, you are cut off and gone ahead, into the dark. . . . Ah, how good it is to come home to your wife when she believes in you and submits to your purpose that is beyond her. . . . And you feel an unfathomable gratitude to the woman who loves you and believes in your purpose and receives you into the magnificent dark gratification of her embrace. That’s what it is to have a wife.

Friends of Lawrence must have smiled when they read these words, for he was hardly giving an accurate description of his own marriage. As I have mentioned, Lawrence and Frieda frequently fell into violent quarrels, and she would often demean and humiliate him, and he her. Yet, ultimately, Frieda believed in Lawrence’s abilities and his mission in life; he knew it and derived strength from it. Those who may think that Lawrence’s prescriptions for marriage require an extraordinarily submissive and even unintelligent wife should take note of the sort of woman Lawrence himself chose.

Now, some might respond to Lawrence’s description of marriage by asking, understandably, “Where is love in all of this? What has become of love between man and wife?” Yet Lawrence speaks again and again, especially in Women in Love, of love between man and wife as a means to wholeness, as a way to transcend the false, ego-centered self. In a 1914 letter he tells a male correspondent:

You mustn’t think that your desire or your fundamental need is to make a good career, or to fill your life with activity, or even to provide for your family materially. It isn’t. Your most vital necessity in this life is that you shall love your wife completely and implicitly and in entire nakedness of body and spirit. Then you will have peace and inner security, no matter how many things go wrong. And this peace and security will leave you free to act and to produce your own work, a real independent workman.

Initially in these remarks Lawrence seems to be taking a position different from the one he expressed in the later Fantasia of the Unconscious, where he asserts that the man derives his chief fulfillment from purpose, not from the home and family. But Lawrence’s position is complex. He believes that the man requires a relationship to a woman in order to be strengthened in the pursuit of his purpose. Recall the lines I quoted earlier, “Let a man walk alone on the face of the earth, and he feels himself like a loose speck blown at random. Let him have a woman to whom he belongs, and he will feel as though he had a wall to back up against; even though the woman be mentally a fool.” Man fulfills himself through having a purpose beyond the home, but he must have a home and a wife to support him. Through romantic love (which always involves a strong sexual component) the man comes to his primal self, and emerges from the encounter with the strength to carry on in the world. Lawrence is telling his correspondent—and this becomes clear in the last lines of the passage quoted—that in order to accomplish anything meaningful he must first submerge himself, body and soul, into love for his wife.

Of course, this makes it sound as if Lawrence regards married love merely as a means to an end: merely as a means to pursuing a male “purpose.” Elsewhere, however, he speaks of it as if it were an end in itself. This is particularly the case in Women in Love. Early in the novel Birkin tells Gerald, “I find . . . that one needs some one really pure single activity—I should call love a single pure activity. . . . The old ideals are dead as nails—nothing there. It seems to me there remains only this perfect union with a woman—sort of ultimate marriage—and there isn’t anything else.” Again, Lawrence is seeking a way to get beyond idealism, and all the corrupt apparatus of modern, ego-driven life. To get beyond this, to what? To the true self, and to relationships based upon blood-consciousness and honest, uncorrupted sentiment. In Women in Love, Lawrence’s plan for achieving this involves a “perfect union” with a woman (and, as he states in the same novel, “the additional perfect relationship between man and man—additional to marriage”).

Birkin wants to achieve this with Ursula, but he keeps insisting over and over (much to her bewilderment and anger) that he means something more than mere “love.” The reason for this is that Birkin and Lawrence associate “love” with an ideal that is drummed into the heads of people in the modern, post-Christian world. We are issued with the baffling injunction to “love thy neighbor,” where thy neighbor means all of humanity. Any intelligent person can see that to love everyone means to love no one in particular. And any psychologically healthy person would find valueless the “love” of someone who claimed also to love all the rest of humanity. Lawrence is reacting also against the lovey-dovey, white lace, sanitized, billing and cooing sort of “love” that society encourages in married couples. Lawrence’s disgust for this sort of thing is expressed in his short story “In Love.” The main character, Hester, is repulsed by the “love” her fiancé, Joe, shows for her. They had been friends prior to their engagement and got on well

But now, alas, since she had promised to marry him, he had made the wretched mistake of falling “in love” with her. He had never been that way before. And if she had known he would get this way now, she would have said decidedly: Let us remain friends, Joe, for this sort of thing is a come-down. Once he started cuddling and petting, she couldn’t stand him. Yet she felt she ought to. She imagined she even ought to like it. Though where the ought came from, she could not see.

Birkin (like Lawrence) wants to avoid at all costs falling into this sort of scripted, stereotyped love relationship, but Ursula has a great deal of difficulty understanding what it is that he does want. He tries his best to explain it to her:

“There is,” he said, in a voice of pure abstraction, “a final me which is stark and impersonal and beyond responsibility. So there is a final you. And it is there I would want to meet you—not in the emotional, loving plane—but there beyond, where there is no speech and no terms of agreement. There we are two stark, unknown beings, two utterly strange creatures, I would want to approach you, and you me. And there could be no obligation, because there is no standard for action there, because no understanding has been reaped from that plane. It is quite inhuman—so there can be no calling to book, in any form whatsoever—because one is outside the pale of all that is accepted, and nothing known applies. One can only follow the impulse, taking that which lies in front, and responsible for nothing, giving nothing, only each taking according to the primal desire.”

The “final me and you” refers to the primal self. “The old ideals are dead as nails” and so is modern civilization. Birkin does not want his relationship to Ursula to “fit” into the modern social scheme, to become conventional or “safe.” He also fears and abhors the impress of society on his conscious, mental self. He does not want to come together with Ursula “though the ego,” as it were. He wants them to come together through their primal selves and to forge a relationship that is based on something deeper and far stronger than what the overly socialized creatures around him call “love.” Yet, at the same time, one could simply say that what he wants is a truer, deeper love, and that what passes for love with other people is usually not the genuine article. They are doing what one “ought” to do, even when in bed together.

In The Rainbow (to which Women in Love forms the “sequel”), Tom Brangwen offers his views on love and marriage in a famous passage:

“There’s very little else, on earth, but marriage. You can talk about making money, or saving souls. You can save your own soul seven times over, and you may have a mint of money, but your soul goes gnawin’, gnawin’, gnawin’, and it says there’s something it must have. In heaven there is no marriage. But on earth there is marriage, else heaven drops out, and there’s no bottom to it. . . . If we’ve got to be Angels . . . and if there is no such thing as a man or a woman among them, then it seems to me as a married couple makes one Angel. . . . [An] Angel can’t be less than a human being. And if it was only the soul of a man minus the man, then it would be less than a human being. . . . An Angel’s got to be more than a human being. . . . So I say, an Angel is the soul of a man and a woman in one: they rise united at the Judgment Day, as one angel. . . . If I am to become an Angel, it’ll be my married soul, and not my single soul.”

À la Aristophanes in Plato’s Symposium, men and women form two halves of a complete human being. Human nature divides itself into two, complementary aspects: masculinity and femininity. A complete human being is made when a man and a woman are joined together. But they cannot be joined—not really—through the mental, social self, but only through the unconscious, primal self.

In Women in Love, this view returns but in a modified form. Now Birkin tells us, “One must commit oneself to a conjunction with the other—for ever. But it is not selfless—it is a maintaining of the self in mystic balance and integrity—like a star balanced with another star.” And Lawrence tells us of Birkin, “he wanted a further conjunction, where man had being and woman had being, two pure beings, each constituting the freedom of the other, balancing each other like two poles of one force, like two angels, or two demons.” Tom Brangwen’s view implies that men and women, considered separately, do not have complete souls, and that a complete soul is made only when they join together in marriage. There is a suggestion in what he says that the “individuality” of single men and women is false, and that only a married couple constitutes a true individual. Birkin’s ideal, on the other hand, involves the man and the woman each preserving their selfhood and individuality and “balancing” each other.

Despite the fact that Birkin frequently, and transparently, speaks for Lawrence we cannot take him as speaking for Lawrence here. I believe that it is Brangwen’s position that is closest to Lawrence’s own. When Women in Love opens, Birkin is in a relationship with Hermione, who Lawrence portrays as a woman living entirely from out of her head, without any naturalness or spontaneity. Yet there is a bit of this in Birkin as well, which is perhaps why he reacts against it so violently when he sees it in Hermione. After the passage just quoted from Women in Love, Lawrence writes of Birkin, “He wanted so much to be free, not under the compulsion of any need for unification, or tortured by unsatisfied desire. . . . And he wanted to be with Ursula as free as with himself, single and clear and cool, yet balanced, polarised with her. The merging, the clutching, the mingling of love was become madly abhorrent to him.” Lawrence then goes on to describe Birkin’s fear and loathing of women’s “clutching.” Birkin is a conflicted character. He wants to lose himself in a relationship with a woman, but fears it at the same time. He wants Ursula, and talks on and on about spontaneity and the evil of ideals, yet he is continually preaching to Ursula about his ideal relationship which, conveniently, is one in which he can unite with her yet preserve his ego intact. This at first bewilders then infuriates Ursula, who never understands what it is that he wants. In the end, the problem resolves itself, probably just as it would in real life. Drawn to Ursula by a power stronger than his conscious ego, Birkin eventually drops all of his talk, surrenders his will, and settles into a married bliss that is marred only by his continued desire for the love of a man.

Ultimately, Lawrence believes that the “establishment of a new relation” between men and women depends upon a return to the oldest of relationships, and that this is possible only through a recovery of the oldest part of the self. We must, he believes, drop our ideal of the unisex society and be alive again to the fundamental, natural differences between men and women. Men and woman do not naturally desire to enjoy each other’s society at all times. We must not only educate men and women apart, but re-establish “spaces” within civilized society where men can be with men, and women with women. We must not force men and women together and command them to forget that they are men and women. Education and, indeed, much else in society must work to cultivate and to affirm the natural, masculine qualities and virtues in men, and the feminine qualities and virtues in women. Having become true men and women and having awakened, through their apartness, to the mystery and the allure that is the opposite sex, they will then come together and forge romantic alliances that are not based upon talk and “common values” but upon the “pull” between man and woman. Lawrence is not referring here simply to lust. A sexual element is, of course, involved, but what he means is the mysterious, ineffable attraction between an individual man and a woman, what we often call “chemistry,” which has nothing to do with the words they utter or the ideals they pay lip service to. And once this attraction is established, if the two desire to become bound to each other, then they must surrender themselves to the relationship. They must overcome their fear of the loss of ego boundaries. They must drop all talk of “rights” and not fall into the trap of treating the marriage as if it were a business partnership. For both, it is a leap into the unknown but in this case the unknown is the natural. When we plant a seed we must close the earth over it and go off and wait in anticipation. But we know that nature, being what it is, will produce as it has before. If all goes well, in that spot will grow the plant we were expecting. Similarly, marriage is not a human invention but something that grows naturally between a man and woman if its seed is planted in the fertile soil of the primal selves of each.

jeudi, 04 février 2010

L'homme d'aujourd'hui est soumis...

hommeosumis.jpgL’homme d’aujourd’hui est soumis…

« Bien loin de l’insurgé qu’étaient Œdipe ou Antigone, l’homme d’aujourd’hui est soumis, docile, obéissant, il est surtout bien intégré à l’immanence de l’appareil. Ainsi les hommes ne travaillent plus au sens plein du terme, mais « doivent se soumettre à un emploi. Ils sont ainsi commandés, concernés par un poste qui en dispose, c’est-à-dire les requiert ». (Heidegger, Le Dispositif, GA 79, p. 26). Ils occupent une fonction précise dans l’appareil et obéissent aux commandement requis par cette position. L’homme est intégralement défini par ses fonctions, et en réalité, il est une fonction de l’appareil : il est le « fonctionnaire de la technique » (Heidegger, Pourquoi des poètes ?, GA 5, p. 294), en ce sens exact qu’il la fait fonctionner et en constitue lui-même une des ses fonctionnalités. Il n’est plus l’existant, il est l’assistant, au double sens du terme, comme spectateur et comme auxiliaire. Il est en permanence mobilisé par une machinerie dont le fonctionnement n’est autre que sa propre circularité : c’est précisément pourquoi il est constamment en mouvement.» 

Jean VIOULAC, L’époque de la technique. Marx, Heidegger et l’accomplissement de la métaphysique, Paris, PUF, 2009, p. 160.

Article printed from :: Novopress.info Flandre: http://flandre.novopress.info

dimanche, 21 juin 2009

Es lebe der Unterschied!



Es lebe der Unterschied!

Von Denise Friederich - http://www.fahnentraeger.com/

Die 68er wollten uns weis machen, dass es keinen biologischen Geschlechterunterschied gibt. Allein die Erziehung und das Milieu trage die Schuld an den herangezogenen Unterschieden. Es wurden alle möglichen Massnahmen getroffen, um das Milieu der Geschlechter gleichzuschalten, Chancengleichheit zu gewährleisten, Unterschiede abzuschaffen. Und heute, 41 Jahre nach dieser Umgestaltung, zeigen sich schockierende Ergebnisse. Trotz der absoluten Chancengleichheit und Gleichmacherei gibt es nach wie vor Unterschiede zwischen den Geschlechtern. Im Folgenden lesen Sie eine Analyse zur politischen Debatte um die Geschlechtergleichheit mit Auszügen aus der 400-seitigen Dokumentation der kanadischen Psychologin Susan Pinker, welche sich über Jahre hinweg dem Thema Geschlechterforschung gewidmet hat und ihre Forschungsergebnisse im Buch „Das Geschlechter-Paradox“ zusammengetragen hat. 

In der Evolutionsgeschichte war immer klar, dass die Geschlechter Mann und Frau ungleich sind. Bis in die 1960er Jahre. Im Zuge der 68er-Generation, dem Feminismus und den Forschern wie Freud wurde erstmals die Vermutung aufgestellt, dass die Geschlechter nicht von Geburt an unterschiedlich sind, sondern zu unterschiedlichen Wesen erzogen werden. Man vermutete, dass das Umfeld massgeblich dazu beitrage, die Geschlechterrollen zu definieren und aufrechtzuerhalten. Wenn also diese Umerziehung ein Ende finden würde und der Mensch selbst entscheiden könnte, was und wie er sein möchte, würden diese Definitionen der Geschlechter wie von selbst verschwinden. So jedenfalls die Meinung. Interessanterweise wurde stets angenommen, dass die Rolle des Mannes die Norm darstelle und die Frau in ihrer Rolle lediglich unterdrückt werde. Würden die Frauen also nicht in diese Rolle der Mutter und Hausfrau gedrängt, so wären sie vom Typ her genau so wie der Mann. Die Frauen wären bei den optimalen Voraussetzungen für Gleichheit vollzeitig erwerbstätig, erfolgs- und geldorientiert, rücksichtsloser, selbstständiger. Ein Ebenbild der Männer. Die Rolle der Frau wurde als einengend empfunden. Kinderkriegen sollte frau nicht mehr und auch sonst sollten Frauen keine Pflichten mehr übernehmen müssen, die nicht auch dem Mann auferlegt waren. So wollte man damals die Gleichheit herbeiführen.


Heute haben Frauen genau die gleichen Voraussetzungen wie die Männer. Wenn nicht gar die besseren. Mädchen schliessen in der Schule fast immer besser ab als Jungen. Diese Tendenz müsste Frauen eigentlich vermehrt in ranghohe Posten katapultieren. Jedenfalls können sie aber ohne Weiteres in jedem Beruf die Karriereleiter emporsteigen, sich selbstständig machen, sich für oder gegen Kinder entscheiden. Wenn es nach der Logik der 68er ginge, müssten heute alle Berufe prozentual der Verteilung der Geschlechter gestaltet werden. Die Hälfte aller CEOs, Banker, Politiker usw. müssten Frauen sein, die Hälfte der Nobelpreisträger müssten Frauen sein. Doch, um es mit Pinker zu sagen: „Eine Politik, die Chancengleichheit garantiert, … garantiert keine Ergebnisgleichheit. … Der Versuch, den Frauen von oben herab vollkommen geschlechtsneutrale Rollen zu verordnen, hat nicht funktioniert.“ Interessant sind hierzu auch die Ergebnisse einer Forschung, die besagt: je reicher das Land, desto eher wählen die Geschlechter unterschiedliche Berufe. Und ebenso tendieren die Frauen in reicheren Ländern zu kürzeren Arbeitszeiten. „Je mehr finanzielle Stabilität und gesetzlicher Schutz den Frauen geboten wurden, desto geringer war die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie sich für die männliche Standart-Route entschieden. Wenn Frauen nur Versionen von Männern wären, würde man das Gegenteil erwarten, nämlich, dass sich bei grösserer Freiheit der Frauen eine vermehrte Anzahl für die Arbeitswelt und Berufe der Männerwelt entscheidet“, so Pinker zu der Studie. Die Logik der Gleichheitsfanatiker ist bis heute nicht aufgegangen.


Frauen im Erwerbsleben

Wie bereits erwähnt, sind Mädchen im Vergleich zu den Jungen in der Grundschule stärker und gebildeter. Die Frage stellt sich also, weshalb die Mädchen also nicht auch im Erwachsenenalter den Jungen Paroli bieten können. Vorab: der Geschlechterunterschied bezieht sich nicht auf die höhere Intelligenz des einen oder anderen Geschlechts, sondern auf die Art des Wesens. Frauen könnten, wenn sie wollten, jeden Beruf wählen, den sie wollten. Doch nach wie vor tendieren sie dazu, Berufe zu wählen, die mit Menschen zu tun haben. Für Frauen sind Interesse am Beruf, die Fähigkeit, einen Beitrag zu leisten und die Möglichkeit, positive Veränderungen in der realen Welt zu bewirken wichtiger als ein hohes Gehalt und gute Sozialleistungen, wohingegen die Männer die Höhe des Gehalts als erste Priorität betrachten. Pinker führte zahlreiche Gespräche mit erfolgreichen Frauen, die ihren Managerposten an den Nagel hängten, weil sie das Gehalt allein nicht befriedigen konnte. Bei den einen war es der Nachwuchs, der sie dazu brachte, die Prioritäten neu zu ordnen und den Beruf ganz oder zumindest teilweise aufzugeben, um sich um das Wohl der Kinder zu kümmern. Andere wechselten den Beruf, um der Gemeinschaft etwas zurückzugeben, um eine Arbeit mit Menschen ausüben zu können. Dafür nahmen sie eine grosse Lohneinbusse in Kauf. Bei diesen Frauen handelt es sich nicht um solche mit einem Job als Verkäuferin oder Coiffeuse, welche auf den sowieso zu geringen Lohn locker hätten verzichten können. Es sind Frauen mit Stellen in Chefetagen, in Anwaltskanzleien, in Medienhäusern und anderen sehr gut bezahlten Jobs. Und alle Frauen bestätigten, dass sie nie einen Nachteil als Frau erlebt hätten. Keine der Frauen hatte die Stelle wegen Diskriminierung oder Benachteiligung ihres Geschlechts aufgegeben.


Der „Fluch“, der auf den Frauen lastet, der sie dazu bringt, solche Entscheidungen zu fällen, nennt sich Empathie. Empathie ist die Fähigkeit, sich in jemanden hineinzuversetzen und seine Gefühle nachzuempfinden: die Fähigkeit, soziale Situationen zu begreifen. Die empathische Fähigkeit ist grösstenteils angeboren und ist je nach Geschlecht sehr unterschiedlich. Bereits wenige Tage nach der Geburt werden erste Anzeichen für diese Tatsache sichtbar. Mädchen sehen sehr viel mehr in die Gesichter der Menschen, während Jungen grösseres Interesse an technischen Mobiles zeigen. Pinker wirft in ihrer Dokumentation die Frage auf: „Was wäre, wenn man das erhöhte Einfühlungsvermögen der Frauen nicht durch eine ideologische Brille betrachten würde? Was wäre, wenn es ein natürlich variierender, aber notwendiger Drang wäre?“ Frauen werden von der Natur für diese Fähigkeit sogar belohnt, denn der Körper schüttet in Situation, in welchen Frauen empathisch reagieren, Glückshormone aus.


Die Logik der Evolution

Ginge es nach den Altfeministinnen, würden Kinder im Reagenzglas gezüchtet, damit Frauen die Bürde des Kinderkriegens nicht mehr auf sich nehmen müssten. Aber die Natur hatte selbstverständlich gute Gründe, weshalb sie es so einrichtete, dass nur die Frauen gebärfähig sind. Die Unterschiedlichkeit zwischen Frauen und Männern betrifft nicht nur den physische Konstellation, sondern auch die Einstellung des Gehirns und diverse hormonelle Abläufe.

Während der Schwangerschaft und dem Stillen schüttet das weibliche Gehirn das Hormon Oxytozin aus, welches eine angenehme, entspannende und euphorische Wirkung auslöst. Bei einem Unterbruch, das heisst, wenn die Mutter vom Kind getrennt ist oder zu stillen aufhört, kann dies ein Gefühl ähnlich dem Drogenentzug auslösen. Forschungen haben diesbezüglich ergeben: „Das daraus resultierende Geben und Nehmen löst reziproke Veränderungen auf der zellulären, hormonellen und sogar epigenetischen Ebene von Mutter und Kind aus und verstärken ihre Bindung aneinander durch das Stillen und den Hautkontakt.“ Es konnte auch nachgewiesen werden, dass Säuglinge mit intensiver Bindung an die Mutter bessere Überlebenschancen haben. Aus evolutionärer Sicht ist diese Mutter-Kind-Bindung sehr wichtig für den Fortbestand der Menschheit. Der ganze hormonelle Umstellungsprozess, den eine werdende Mutter durchmacht, führt dazu, dass Frauen, die bereits Kinder haben, einen andern Bezug zur Erwerbstätigkeit haben als jene ohne Kinder. Auch Frauen, welche sich vor dem Kinderkriegen dafür aussprachen, nach der Geburt weiterhin Vollzeit zu arbeiten, änderten ihre Meinung nach der Geburt zugunsten des Nachwuchses. Insofern können es Feministinnen noch lange anprangern, dass Frauen mit Kindern zu weinig erwerbstätig sind, denn die Natur hat die Weichen schon lange vor 1968 gestellt.


Testosteron – Gabe und Fluch

Das menschliche Gehirn ist in seiner der Grundeinstellung weiblich. Erst nach der Bildung der Hoden des Säuglings entsteht das Hormon Testosteron, welches den Säugling „vermännlicht“. Testosteron ist der Grund für das vermehrt aggressive Verhalten des männlichen Geschlechts. Der Höhepunkt des aggressiven Verhaltens wird üblicherweise im Vorschulalter erreicht, was zur Folge hat, dass Jungen häufiger an Aufmerksamkeitsdefiziten wie ADHS und dem Aspergersyndrom leiden, sie aber gleichwohl konkurrenzfreudiger und -fähiger sind als die Mädchen. In der Schule schneiden die Jungen häufig schlechter ab als die Mädchen, aber nicht weil sie dümmer sind, sondern weil sie durch ihr grösseres Aggressionspotenzial mehr Schwierigkeiten haben, sich den Schulgegebenheiten – welche zumeist mädchenorientiert sind – anzupassen. Mit zunehmendem Alter wirkt sich der Testosteronhaushalt jedoch positiv auf die berufliche Laufbahn der Jungen aus, denn um in der harten Geschäftswelt zu überleben, braucht es oft ein Konkurrenzdenken ohne Rücksicht auf andere, was den Frauen durch die empathische Fähigkeit schwerer fällt. Bei Männern steigt der Adrenalinspiegel in Konkurrenzverhalten an, während er bei Frauen sinkt. Das Testosteron und die Empathie sind es also unter anderem, welche den Männern den Weg zur Chefetage ebnen und die Frauen in soziale (schlechter bezahlte) Berufe treibt. Männer neigen eher als Frauen dazu, aggressive Mittel einzusetzen, um ihre Stellung in der Hierarchie zu bewahren, was wiederum einen evolutionären Hintergrund hat. Männer mussten, um Frau – da diese ja mit der Aufzucht der Kinder beschäftigt ist - und Kinder zu beschützen und sich im Stamm zu beweisen, konkurrenzfähig sein. Pinker schreibt dazu treffend: „Die Natur zieht die Fortpflanzungskraft des Testosterons noch immer dem Nachteil einer geringeren Lebenserwartung vor.“ Was sich in Zahlen widerspiegelt, wonach im Schnitt mehr Männer an einem unnatürlichen Tode sterben als Frauen. Durch das Testosteron sind sie risikofreudiger als Frauen. Die Evolution kann den Mann nach der Zeugung einiger Kinder entbehren, während die Frau die langfristige Aufgabe der Kindererziehung innehält und somit unentbehrlicher ist.


Gleichheit ist Utopie

Die Feststellung von Pinker, dass die Missachtung der Geschlechterunterschiede nicht wie erwartet zur absoluten Gleichberechtigung führte, sondern, im Gegenteil, die kognitiven Fähigkeiten und Präferenzen der Frauen degradierte, ist so korrekt wie auch wichtig. Denn aus dieser Analyse lässt sich schliessen, dass das biologische Wesen der Frauen durch die feministischen Ansätze unterdrückt wurde und sich in ein Männer-Schema hat pressen lassen müssen. Frauen werden heute also nach wie vor unterdrückt, aber nicht mehr wie vor hundert Jahren vom Patriarchat, sondern vom Druck, in einer Männerwelt zu bestehen und die weibliche Stimme im Inneren zu unterdrücken. Das Umfeld erwartet von den Frauen, dass sie Männerberufe wählen, dass sie nach der Geburt des Kindes schnellstmöglich ins Wirtschaftsleben zurückkehren. Aber die meisten Frauen möchten sich nach ihren inneren Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten richten. Es kann also noch so viele Gleichstellungsbüros geben, die Frauen werden aus biologischen Gründen immer zu menschenbezogenen Berufen tendieren, in welchen sie berufsbedingt weiterhin weniger verdienen werden als andere Frauen und Männer in einem wirtschaftsorientierten, materialbezogenen Beruf. Die Lösung der beruflichen Gleichstellung – zumindest in Sachen Lohngleichheit - ist also keine soziale, sondern eine ökonomische. Solange wir in einem kapitalistischen System leben, in welchem soziale Berufe keinen Wert besitzen, weil sie ökonomisch nicht verwertbar sind, werden Frauen trotz guter Ausbildung und fachlicher und sozialer Kompetenz einen geringeren Lohn in Kauf nehmen müssen. Es ist also an der Zeit, die Geschlechterunterschiede nicht nur zu akzeptieren, sondern auch zu fördern. Die Natur hat die Geschlechter sehr bewusst mit unterschiedlichen Fähigkeiten ausgestattet. Evolutionstechnisch gesehen ist nicht ein Geschlecht mehr oder weniger Wert, denn nur die Ergänzung der Fähigkeiten beider Geschlechter garantiert letzten Endes das Überleben der Menschheit.


Weiterführende Literatur

Susan Pinker, Das Geschlechter-Paradox, 2008, München

entnommen aus der Zeitschrift "ZeitGeist" der PNOS

jeudi, 11 juin 2009

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