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vendredi, 19 septembre 2014

D'Annunzio ou le roman de la Belle Epoque

" Considéré comme le plus grand écrivain italien de son époque, Gabriele d’Annunzio (1863-1938) est l’une des figures centrales de la Belle Époque, de la Grande Guerre 1914-1918 et des Années Folles. Enfant surdoué, poète sublime, romancier mondialement reconnu, auteur d’œuvres de théâtre jouées par les plus grands, il multiplie les aventures amoureuses avec les plus belles femmes de son époque, duchesses et comtesses, artistes et comédiennes, fréquente les personnalités les plus illustres de son époque, comme Edmond Rostand, Marcel Proust, Maurice Barrès, Anna de Noailles, André Gide, Anatole France, Pierre Loti, Robert de Montesquiou, Marie de Régnier, Romaine Brooks, Jean Cocteau, Ida Rubinstein, Claude Debussy. Il mène la vie la plus mondaine qui soit, allant de réceptions en spectacles, mais peut également s’isoler dans la recherche d’une authentique quête mystique. Ami des humbles et des pauvres, il rencontre des personnages pittoresques comme une célèbre guérisseuse en Gironde, ou l’un des derniers bergers échassiers des Landes. D’Annunzio joue un rôle déterminant dans l’entrée en guerre de l’Italie en 1915, aux côtés des Alliés. Aviateur, marin et fantassin, il se couvre de gloire sur le front austro-italien, lors d’exploits militaires retentissants. A Fiume, il rédige une constitution révolutionnaire, refuse de rejoindre le fascisme de Mussolini, prend sa retraite au bord du lac de Garde. Il fait tout son possible pour empêcher une alliance italo-allemande contre la France et va même le payer de sa vie en 1938. "

lundi, 15 septembre 2014

L'Animo dei Corsari

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jeudi, 11 septembre 2014

Pound poeta


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vendredi, 15 août 2014

Totila, King of the Goths


Totila, King of the Goths

History can be indifferent to even the worthiest of men, and indeed many exemplary kings and men of renown languish in obscurity, known only to a few historians and specialists. Such is the case with the Ostrogothic King Totila who showed himself capable of overcoming nearly insurmountable odds without staining his name with luxury, avariciousness, and many of the pitfalls which power and status bring and giving the Roman Empire’s best generals some of their most difficult campaigning.

totila.jpgBy the 6th century AD, the Roman Empire had become something of a fading memory. The Ostrogoths had ruled Italy since the time of Theodoric the Great and there had been no Emperor claiming the throne in the western half of the Roman Empire since the death of Julian Nepos in 480 AD. The eastern half of the Empire with the capital at Constantinople held out, although not without considerable pressure from the hostile and powerful Persian empire on the border, and barbarian tribes to the north. Under Justinian, the Eastern Roman empire embarked on a massive program of rebuilding, legal restructuring, and most importantly, reconquest. His successors having left a considerable treasury, and his military and political situation secure by 532 AD, Justinian was keen on seeing the reputation of his Empire restored to its former glory. He was blessed with two of the most capable and clever generals the empire would ever produce, Belisarius and Narses who could turn even the most adverse circumstances into spectacular victories.

The irony of the notion of a “Roman Empire” that didn’t physically possess Rome was not lost on Justinian, who made retaking Italy a priority once his campaign against the Vandals of North Africa succeeded. The situation in Italy was seemingly ripe for conquest, the Goths had not found the among the successors of Theodoric anyone capable of maintaining the situation he left them in 526 AD, and there was considerable discord between the Arian Gothic population, the old Roman senatorial class and the Roman Catholic population. Justinian sent Belisarius with a small expeditionary force to retake Italy and this went smoothly enough.  Within five years the Goths had been deprived of most of their territory, and their king Witiges had been sent to Constantinople in chains. His successors failed to rally their subjects to any great effect and fared no better.

Such was the state of affairs when in 541 AD, Totila was acclaimed the new King of the Italy by the Ostrogoths.  Eraric, the nominal king, had taken the throne after the murder of Ildibad, Totila’s uncle. He was by all accounts a weak and unpopular king, more tolerated than loved. His groveling for peace terms at all costs, infuriated his people against him and he was assassinated. The Goths did not necessarily follow that a king’s heir was his nearest kin as a rule, and generally the nobles would gather and acclaim a new king from the most worthy of their ranks. Totila’s role in the assassination of Eraric is not entirely clear, although it is likely he was aware of it and assented to it. It is known he was regarded as a usurper by Procopius, one of our key sources on this period.  However we must bear in mind that Procopius had reason enough to blacken Totila’s name due to his closeness to Belisarius and position in the imperial court. Whatever the case was, conspiracy against a king, is a black deed and to excise it from an account of his life would be dishonest but judging by his character afterwards, one cannot say he was raised to the purple for self enrichment or desire for power- the last five royals had not died natural deaths or survived in chains in Constantinople and the position of the Goths was a dire one, their kingdom seemed to all observes all but extinguished.

Young and energetic, he quickly proved himself to be a very different man from his predecessors in his ability and wisdom. As G. P. Baker observed;

“The Goths, with Eraric or Witiges for a king, may have been poor creatures; under Totila they suddenly once more became the Goths of Theoderic and Irminric. Long before Totila had accomplished any great action Justinian detected him as one lion might scent another. He recognized a king.”(p. 262)

With only a few fortresses in northern Italy still in his possession, Totila first rallied the Goths at Verona, defeating a poorly planned attack on the stronghold and followed it up with a route of the numerically superior Roman army at Faventia. As Lord Mahon, who was by no means sympathetic to the Gothic cause relates;

“The Goths advanced to charge with all the generous boldness which a national cause inspires, while the Romans displayed the voluntary cowardice of hirelings whose pay had been withheld.”(P. 164)

Having cemented his followers’ loyalty in this action, he pursued an ambitious strategy, bypassing the Roman held fortresses and cities in the area- he gathered his forces together and pushed  headlong into southern Italy, where the Romans had become lax in their guard. Within a short period of time, virtually all of southern Italy was in Gothic hands again. In his treatment of captives and prisoners he was merciful. His keen sense of justice won him praise even by Procopius and his enemies. In one incident a peasant complained to him that one of his bodyguards, a man known for bravery and well liked by his compatriots, had raped his daughter. Despite the urgings of his men, Totila had the Goth executed, insisting that God favored those who serve justice and as king he had to serve justice if his war was to be worth fighting.  In several instances the wives of senatorial patricians fell into his hands, and they were returned to their husbands free from harm, without ransom. Such was his character that the Roman prisoners were induced to serve under his banner with little effort.

After taking Naples he took personal care to make sure food and supplies reached the populace properly. By 543 the Roman presence in Italy was reduced to a few forts and garrisoned towns, all isolated and only capable of resupply by the sea. Totila besieged and captured Rome in 544. Having threatened to turn the city into a field for pasture and depopulate it were his peace terms to Justinian not met, he spared the city this on account of its great history. Some of its defensive structures were removed and its population was spread throughout the countryside to discourage further Imperial assaults. This decision was much criticized by his compatriots as excessively compassionate. Belisarius quickly exploited this by reocuppying the city and rebuilding its defenses at the fastest rate possible as Totila left the city unguarded, not thinking it would be of any strategic value in its current state. Enraged, the Gothic king returned to Rome but his assaults were repulsed. Despite this setback, the Gothic position was everywhere else only growing stronger.

In 549 Totila again besieged Rome. He once again sent peace terms to Constantinople. These were fair and moderate, merely that the Ostrogoths ruled Italy in the name of the Emperor, the same arrangement that had been made with King Theodoric six decades earlier. His envoys were not received. Despite his frustration with the fickle loyalty of the inhabitants and clever stratagems of Belisarius, his troops entered Rome in an orderly fashion, and he restored to their homes those Italians who he had previously expelled and set about rebuilding and repairing the city. The Imperial prisoners were given the choice between leaving Italy or serving under his banner and the majority, as was often the case, threw their lot with Totila. That same year also brought about the recall of Belisarius from Italy. While Belisarius was without a doubt the most brilliant and successful general the Byzantine Empire produced, he was throughout his campaigns was hampered by Justinian’s mistrust of his intentions and lack of resources. The same could not be said for the eunuch Narses, who was able in his own right, but also funded generously. Narses was a careful man, nothing was left to chance. The expeditionary force he took to Italy was around 35,000 strong; near double the size of the one Belisarius had conquered North Africa with 20 years earlier, and larger still than the one Belisarius had taken to Italy.  Nevertheless Totila did not wait for Narses’ arrival with his hands folded but everywhere continued to solidify his hold. He took Sicily, then Corsica and Sardinia, effectively reconquering the entirety of the old kingdom of Theodoric. He also built a navy to challenge the Romans at sea. This was no small feat for a Germanic king in the 6th century, one only the Vandals had accomplished to any effect before. Success can test one’s character as much as failure, it is to his credit that he never gave over to excessive luxury or overconfidence, and there is no record of his concerning himself with wining and dining, even after the capture of Rome when he allowed popular entertainments for the people.




The stage was set for the confrontation between Totila and Narses army in 552. Outnumbered significantly, he tried to buy time for reinforcements to arrive. There were episodes of single combat in view of both camps and Totila himself, clad in his finest armor, it is said, made an impressive display of his equestrian skill. Once his relative Teias arrived with 2,000 reinforcements, he elected to launch a surprise headlong charge at Narses. Narses, for his part, had expected such a move and countered it with devastating effect, raining arrows on the Gothic cavalry and shattering his army.

After his death, it fell to Teias to salvage the situation as best he could. Possessing courage and daring, he lacked Totila’s fortune and capacity for clemency, putting to the sword the hostages in his possession. He collected what troops were left for a dash to relieve a siege of Cumae but despite his best efforts, found himself trapped by Mount Vesuvius. In the subsequent battle of Mons Lactarius, the starved and hopelessly outnumbered Goths launched a desperate charge. Teias fell in the fighting, along with most of the top officers under him and the Ostrogothic position essentially collapsed at this point.  The reunited Roman Empire of Justinian did not last long- within a generation much of this territory would be overrun by the Lombards, leaving only a corridor stretching from Ravenna to Rome and some other possessions in southern Italy in their hands. The Lombards also had far less interest in preserving the legacy of Rome than the Ostrogoths. The Imperial treasury had also been seriously stretched by these campaigns, leaving Justinian’s successors with serious economic problems

While he ultimately lost his kingdom and his life, Totila showed himself to possess all the qualities of true nobility and royalty. When he was made king, the Ostrogoths were virtually a conquered people. In his first battles he could only muster up 5,000 or so troops, by his last, only 15,000 and one lost battle was all it would take to reverse all his gains, as Taginae proved. It was to his credit that for 11 years he could maintain his army and the loyalty of both his own people and his Italian subjects against an enemy that could replace loses with far greater ease. His prowess in combat is attested to, but what makes him unique was his mercy and justice. That he continued to display moderation in affairs both civil and military through more than a decade of war stand as testament enough. His honor and character was enough to win over even his enemies who could not help but respect him. As Edward Gibbon said,

none were deceived, either friends or enemies, who depended on his faith or his clemency.”

The Gothic kingdom is today a minor footnote in the history of Europe, coming at the tail end of the classical era of Rome, but Totila’s example is just as important today as it was in his own time. In the modern era cynicism and apathy abound and nations are led not by the best, but by sycophants and cowards willing to sell their souls to the highest bidder, it’s easy to imagine things were always this way. We have become a people who believe nobility and just kings only existed in fairy tales. The example of Totila, a king both in name and deed, should remind us otherwise.

dimanche, 27 juillet 2014

RHF n°32

RHF, nº 32



Acaba de aparecer el número 32 de la Revista de Historia del Fascismo, correspondiente a los meses de junio y julio de 2014, con el siguiente sumario:


Líneas doctrinales del neofascismo italiano (1945-1980)
Págs. 6-80

Sabemos cómo fue el fascismo: «unidad, ante todo». No existían fisuras, ni corrientes internas, apenas leves matices ideológicos. Sin embargo, después de 1945, el neo-fascismo se vio desgarrado por distintas posiciones políticas y doctrinales. En este artículo se examinan las distintas corriente ideológicas que aparecieron entre 1945 y 1980, un ciclo excepcionalmente rico desde el punto de vista doctrinal en el que florecieron personalidades como Enzo Erra, Adriano Romualdi, Giorgio Freda, Pino Rauti, mientras que Julius Evola se convertía en el máximo referente de la Derecha Nacional italiana a raíz de sus libros. Cada una de estas corrientes queda analizada en profundidad dentro de este ciclo de 35 años que terminó en 1980 cuando la represión y la desaparición física de la generación de la República Social se hicieron patentes.

La Revolución Conservadora. Introducciones y Capítulo I
Págs. 80-130

Publicamos los prefacios y el primer capítulo de la famosa obra de A. Mohler, La Revolución Conservadora, traducido por primera vez a lengua castellana, a partir de la edición francesa publicada por Editorial Pardès. Esta obra es doblemente interesante por la materia tratada y porque ha creado escuela. En efecto, en España apenas se conoce el fenómeno de la «Revolución Conservadora» alemana que, sin embargo, fue desde el punto de vista intelectual el equivalente a lo que el nacional-socialismo fue desde el punto de vista político. Política e intelectualidad, desde siempre se han llevado mal y esta no fue una excepción. Esta obra ha creado escuela y constituye la referencia imprescindible para todos los que han tratado la materia con posterioridad.

Fascismo y esoterismo. Romanidad, neopaganismo, tradición, esoterismo y ocultismo en la Italia del Ventennio
Págs. 132-175

En 1960 Louis Pauwels y Jacques Bergier publicaban El retorno de los brujos dedicando casi una cuarta parte del libro a describir de manera fantasiosa e improbable el «esoterismo nazi». A partir de entonces, las fantasías y delirios de ambos autores fueron recogidos y ampliados en una miríada de obras menores que todavía siguen apareciendo y que establecen el falso teorema de que «la verdadera naturaleza del nazismo era de carácter esotérico». El fascismo italiano, en cambio, no tuvo su Retorno de los brujos… y, sin embargo, en su matriz si se encuentran elementos que remiten a distintas escuelas esotéricas y ocultistas de manera muy precisa y, por supuesto, a la tradición romana. La intención de este artículo es agotar la materia y estudiar las vinculaciones del fascismo con la simbología tradicional en tanto que «religión laica», con los movimientos neopaganos que buscaban renovar la romanidad antigua y las relaciones con movimientos ocultistas bien conocidos (teosofía, rosacrucianismo, antroposofía, etc). Al acabar los tres artículos que componen esta serie tendremos una visión muy precisa de los vínculos entre el fascismo y todas estas corrientes espirituales y neo–espiritualistas que confirman la primera impresión: en Italia existieron interrelaciones indudables entre fascismo y este tipo de tendencias, seguramente mucho más concretas que en el Tercer Reich.

Fascistización de la Derecha Española durante la II República
Págs. 176-231

Reproducimos este texto escrito por Enrique González en el que se asume el concepto de «fascistización» y explica los niveles de «contagio» que aparecieron en las distintas formaciones de la derecha (centro-derecha populista, monárquicos alfonsinos y requetés carlistas) y hasta qué punto ese contagio llevo de la «fascistización» al «fascismo». Creemos que éste proceso fue de una intensidad superior a lo que plantea el autor, especialmente en el caso de sectores concretos de Renovación Española y de las JAP. 

Ramiro Ledesma a contraluz. Otra forma de ver la vida y la obra de Ramiro Ledesma

Págs. 232-239

La recopilación de varios artículos publicados en la Revista de Historia del Fascismo y la elaboración de una conclusión sobre los rasgos del fascismo histórico y las similitudes con la obra de Ramiro Ledesma, componen este volumen titulado Ramiro Ledesma a contraluz, publicado como suplemento de la Revista de Historia del Fascismo, y firmado por Ernesto Milá con quien conversamos sobre este libro.


246 páginas
Tamaño 15x21 cm
Portada cuatricomía con solapas
PVP.- 18,00 euros (50% de descuento para librerías y grupos)
Pedidos: eminves@gmail.com


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samedi, 26 juillet 2014

Striscia di Gaza


dimanche, 20 juillet 2014

The Life & Writings of Julius Evola



The Life & Writings of Julius Evola

If the industrious man, through taking action,
Does not succeed, he should not be blamed for that –
He still perceives the truth.

                        ~The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahābhārata (2,16)

If we could select a single aspect by which to define Julius Evola, it would have been his desire to transcend the ordinary and the world of the profane. It was characterized by a thirst for the Absolute, which the Germans call mehr als leben – “more than living.” This idea of transcending worldly existence colours not only his ideas and philosophy, it is also evident throughout his life which reads like a litany of successes. During the earlier years Evola excelled at whatever he chose to apply himself to: his talents were evident in the field of literature, for which he would be best remembered, and also in the arts and occult circles.

Born in Rome on the 19th of May in 1898, Giulio Cesare Andrea Evola was the son of an aristocratic Sicilian family, and like many children born in Sicily, he had received a stringent Catholic upbringing. As he recalled in his intellectual autobiography, Il cammino del cinabro [1963, 1972, The Cinnabar's Journey], his favourite pastimes consisted of painting, one of his natural talents, and of visiting the library as often as he could in order to read works by Oscar Wilde, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Otto Weininger.[1]  During his youth he also studied engineering, receiving excellent grades but chose to discontinue his studies prior to the completion of his doctorate, because he "did not wish to be bourgeois, like his fellow students." At the age of nineteen Evola joined the army and participated in World War I as a mountain artillery officer. This experience would serve as an inspiration for his use of mountains as metaphors for solitude and ascension above the chthonic forces of the earth. Evola was also a friend of Mircea Eliade, who kept in correspondence with Evola from 1927 until his death. He was also an associate of the Tibetologist Giuseppe Tucci and the Tantric scholar Sir John Woodroffe (Arthur Avalon).
Sir John Woodroffe
During his younger years Evola was briefly involved in art circles, and despite this being only a short lived affair, it was also a time that brought him great rewards. Though he would later denounce Dada as a decadent form of art it was within the field of modern art that Evola first made his name, taking a particular interest in Marinetti and Futurism. His oil painting, Inner Landscape, 10:30 a.m., is hanging today on a wall of the National Gallery of Modern Art in Rome.[2]  He also composed Arte Astratta (Abstract Art) but later, after experiencing a personal crisis, turned to the study of Nietzsche, from which sprang his Teoria dell, individuo assoluto (Theory of the Absolute Individual) in 1925. By 1921 Evola had abandoned the pursuit of art as the means to place his unique mark on the world. The revolutionary attitudes of Marinetti, the Futurist movement and the so-called avant-garde which had once fascinated him, no longer appeared worthwhile to Evola with their juvenile emphasis on shocking the bourgeois. Likewise, despite being a talented poet, Evola (much like another of his inspirations – Arthur Rimbaud) abandoned poetry at the age of twenty four. Evola did not write another poem nor paint another picture for over forty years. Thus, being no longer enamored of the arts, Evola chose instead to pursue another field entirely that he would one day award him even greater acclaim.
To this day, the magical workings of the Ur Group and its successor Krur remain as some of the most sophisticated techniques for the practice of esoteric knowledge laid down in the modern Western era. Based on a variety of primary sources, ranging from Hermetic texts to advanced Yogic techniques, Evola occupied a prominent role in both of these groups. He wrote a number of articles for Ur and edited many of the others. These articles were collected in the book Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus, which alongside Evola’s articles, are included the works of Arturo Reghini, Giulio Parese, Ercole Quadrelli and Gustave Meyrink. The original title of this work in Italian, Introduzione alla Magia quale scienza dell’lo, literally translates as Introduction to Magic as a Science of the “I”.[3]  In this sense, the 'I' is best interpreted as the ego, or the manipulation of the will – an idea which is also the found in the work of that other famous magician, Aleister Crowley and his notion of Thelema. The original format of Ur was as a monthly publication, of which the first issue was printed in January 1927.[4]
Contributors to this publication included Count Giovanni di Caesaro, a Steinerian, Emilio Servadio, a distinguished psychoanalyst, and Guido de Giorgio, a well-known adherent of Rudolph Steiner and an author of works on the Hermetic tradition. It was during this period, that he was introduced to Arturo Reghini, whose ideas would leave a lasting impression on Evola. Arturo Reghini (1878-1946), who was interested in speculative Masonry and the anthroposophy of Rudolf Steiner, introduced Evola to Guénon's writings and invited him to join the Ur group. Ur and its successor, Krur, gathered together a number of people interested in Guénon's exposition of the Hermetic tradition and in Vedanta, Taoism, Buddhism, Tantra, and magic.

Arturo Reghini was to be a major influence on Evola, and himself was a representative of the so-called Italian School (Scuola Italica), a secret order which claimed to have survived the downfall of the Roman Empire, to have re-emerged with Emperor Frederic II, and to have inspired the Florentine poets of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, up to Petrarch. Like Evola, Reghini had also written articles, one of which was entitled "Pagan Imperialism." This appeared in Salamandra in 1914, and in it Reghini summed up his anti-Catholic program for a return to a glorious pagan past. This piece had a profound impact on Evola, and it served as the inspiration for his similarly titled Imperialismo pagano. Imperialismo pagano, chronicling the negative effects of Christianity on the world, appeared in 1928. In the context of this work, Evola is the advocate of an anti-Roman Catholic pagan imperialism. According to Evola, Christianity had destroyed the imperial universality of the Roman Empire by insisting on the separation of the secular and the spiritual. It is from this separation that arose the inherent decadence and inward decay of the modern era. Out of Christianity’s implacable opposition to the healthy paganism of the Mediterranean world arose the secularism, democracy, materialism, scientism, socialism, and the "subtle Bolshevism" that heralded the final age of the current cosmic cycle: the age of "obscurity" the Kali-Yuga.[5]  Imperialismo pagano was to be later revised in a German edition as Heidnischer Imperialismus. The changes that occurred in the text of Evola’s Imperialismo pagano in its translation as Heidnischer Imperialismus five years later were not entirely inconsequential. Although the fundamental concepts that comprised the substance of Evola’s thought remained similar, a number of critical elements were altered that would transform a central point in Evola's thinking. The "Mediterranean tradition" of the earlier text is consistently replaced with the "Nordic-solar tradition" in this translation.[6]  In 1930 Evola founded his own periodical, La Torre (The Tower). La Torre, the heir to Krur, differed from the two earlier publications Ur and Krur in the following way, as was announced in an editorial insert:
"Our Activity in 1930 – To the Readers: Krur is transforming. Having fulfilled the tasks relative to the technical mastery of esotericism we proposed for ourselves three years ago, we have accepted the invitation to transfer our action to a vaster, more visible, more immediate field: the very plane of Western 'culture' and the problems that, in this moment of crisis, afflict both individual and mass consciousness […] for all these reasons Krur will be changed to the title La Torre (The Tower), a work of diverse expressions and one Tradition."[7]
La Torre was attacked by official fascist bodies such as L’Impero and Anti-Europa, and publication of La Torre ceased after only ten issues. Evola also contributed an article entitled Fascism as Will to Imperium and Christianity to the review Critica Fascista, edited by Evola's old friend Giuseppi Bottai. Here again he launches vociferous opposition to Christianity and attests to its negative effects, evident in the rise of a pious, hypocritical, and greedy middle class lacking in all superior solar virtues that Evola attributed to ancient Rome. The article did not pass unnoticed and was vigorously attacked in many Italian periodicals. It was also the subject of a long article in the prestigious Revue Internationale des Sociétés Secrètes (Partie Occultiste) for April 1928, under the title Un Sataniste Italien: Jules Evola.
Coupled with the notoriety of Evola's La Torre, was also another, more bizarre incident involving the Ur Group's reputation, and their attempts to form a "magical chain." Although these attempts to exert supernatural influence on others were soon abandoned, a rumour quickly developed that the group had wished to kill Mussolini by these means. Evola describes this event in his autobiography Il Cammino del Cinabro.
"Someone reported this argument [that the death of a head of state might be brought about by magic] and some yarn about our already dissolved 'chain of Ur' may also have been added, all of which led the Duce to think that there was a plot to use magic against him. But when he heard the true facts of the matter, Mussolini ceased all action against us. In reality Mussolini was very open to suggestion and also somewhat superstitious (the reaction of a mentality fundamentally incapable of true spirituality). For example, he had a genuine fear of fortune-tellers and any mention of them was forbidden in his presence."
It was also during this period that Evola also discovered something which was to become a profound influence on many his ideas: the lost science of Hermeticism. Though he undoubtedly came into contact with this branch of mysticism through Reghini and fellow members of Ur, it seems that Evola’s extraordinary knowledge of Hermeticism actually arose from another source. Jacopo da Coreglia writes that it was a priest, Father Francesco Olivia, who had made the most far-reaching progress in Hermetic science and – sensing a prodigious student – granted Evola access to documents that were usually strictly reserved for adepts of the narrow circle. These were concerned primarily with the teachings of the Fraternity of Myriam (Fratellanza Terapeutica Magica di Myriam), founded by Doctor Giuliano Kremmerz, pseudonym of Ciro Formisano (1861-1930). Evola mentions in The Hermetic Tradition that Myriam’s Pamphlet D laid the groundwork for his understanding of the four elements.[8]  Evola’s knowledge of Hermeticism and the alchemical arts was not limited to Western sources either, for he also knew an Indian alchemist by the name of C.S. Narayana Swami Aiyar of Chingleput.[9] During this era of history, Indian alchemy was almost completely unknown to the Western world, and it is only in modern times that it has been studied in relation to the occidental texts.
M is for Mussolini (not Murder)
In 1926 Evola published an article in Ultra (the newspaper of the Theosophical Lodge in Rome) on the cult of Mithras in which he placed major emphasis on the similarities of these mysteries with Hermeticism.[10] During this period he also wrote Saggi sull’idealismo magico (1925; Essays on Magic Idealism), and L’individuo ed il divenire del mondo (1926; The Individual and the Becoming of the World). This article was to be followed by the publication of his treatise on alchemy, La Tradizione ermetica (The Hermetic Tradition). Such was the scope and depth of this work that Karl Jung even quoted Evola to support his own contention that "the alchemical opus deals in the main not just with chemical experiments as such, but also with something resembling psychic processes expressed in pseudo-chemical language."[11] Unfortunately, the support expressed by Jung was not mutual, for Evola did not accept Jung's hypothesis that alchemy was merely a psychic process.
Taking issue with René Guénon's (1886-1951) view that spiritual authority ranks higher than royal power, Evola wrote L’uomo come potenza (Man as power); in the third revised edition (1949), the title was changed to Lo yoga della potenza (The yoga of power).[12] This was Evola's treatise of Hindu Tantra, for which he consulted primary sources on Kaula Tantra, which at the time were largely unknown in the Western world. Decio Calvari, president of the Italian Independent Theosophical League, introduced Evola to the study of Tantrism.[13] Evola was also granted access to authentic Tantric texts directly from the Kaula school of Tantrism via his association with Sir John Woodroofe, who was not only a respected scholar, but was also a Tantric practitioner himself, under the famous pseudonym of Arthur Avalon. A substantial proportion of The Yoga of Power is derived from Sir John Woodroofe's personal notes on Kaula Tantrism. Even today Woodroofe is regarded as a leading pioneer in the early research of Tantrism.
Evola's opinion that the royal or Ksatriya path in Tantrism outranks that of the Brahmanic or priestly path, is readily supported by the Tantric texts themselves, in which the Vira or active mode of practice is exalted above that of the priestly mode in Kaula Tantrism. In this regard, the heroic or solar path of Tantrism represented to Evola, a system based not on theory, but on practice – an active path appropriate to be taught in the degenerate epoch of the Hindu Kali Yuga or Dark Age, in which purely intellectual or contemplative paths to divinity have suffered a great decrease in their effectiveness.
In the words of Evola himself:
"During the last years of the 1930s I devoted myself to working on two of my most important books on Eastern wisdom: I completely revised L’uomo come potenza (Man As Power), which was given a new title, Lo yoga della potenza (The Yoga of Power), and wrote a systematic work concerning primitive Buddhism entitled La dottrina del risveglio (The Doctrine of Awakening)."[14]
Evola's work on the early history of Buddhism was published in 1943. The central theme of this work is not the common view of Buddhism, as a path of spiritual renunciation – instead it focuses on the Buddha's role as a Ksatriya ascetic, for it was to this caste that he belonged, as is found in early Buddhist records.
The historical Siddharta was a prince of the Śakya, a kṣatriya (belonging to the warrior caste), an "ascetic fighter" who opened a path by himself with his own strength. Thus Evola emphasizes the "aristocratic" character of primitive Buddhism, which he defines as having the "presence in it of a virile and warrior strength (the lion's roar is a designation of Buddha’s proclamation) that is applied to a nonmaterial and atemporal plane…since it transcends such a plane, leaving it behind." [15]
Siddharta's warrior youth.
The book considered by many to be Evola’s masterpiece, Revolt Against the Modern World was published in 1934, and was influenced by Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West (1918) and René Guénon's The Crisis of the Modern World (1927), both of which had been previously translated into Italian by Evola. Spengler's contribution in this regard was the plurality of civilizations, which then fell into patterns of birth, growth and decline. This was combined with Guénon's ideas on the "Dark Age" or Hindu Kali Yuga, which similarly portrays a bleak image of civilizations in decline. The work also draws upon the writings of Bachofen in regards to the construction of a mythological grounding for the history of civilizations. The original version of Julius Evola's The Mystery of the Grail formed an appendix to the first edition of Rivolta contra il mondo moderno, and as such is closely related to this work.[16]  Three years later he reworked that appendix into the present book, which first appeared as part of a series of religious and esoteric studies published by the renowned Laterza Publishers in Italy, whose list included works by Sigmund Freud, Richard Wilhelm, and C. G. Jung, among others. In this book Evola writes three main premises concerning the Grail myths: That the Grail is not a Christian Mystery, but a Hyperborean one, that it is a mystery tradition, and that it deals with a restoration of sacred regality. Evola describes his work on the Grail in the epilogue to the first edition (1937).
"To live and understand the symbol of the Grail in its purity would mean today the awakening of powers that could supply a transcendental point of reference for it, an awakening that could show itself tomorrow, after a great crisis, in the form of an “epoch that goes beyond nations.” It would also mean the release of the so-called world revolution from the false myths that poison it and that make possible its subjugation through dark, collectivistic, and irrational powers. In addition, it would mean understanding the way to a true unity that would be genuinely capable of going beyond not only the materialistic – we could say Luciferian and Titanic – forms of power and control but also the lunar forms of the remnants of religious humility and the current neospiritualistic dissipation."[17]
Another of Evola’s books, Eros and the Mysteries of Love, could almost be seen as a continuation of his experimentation with Tantrism. Indeed, the book does not deal with the erotic principle in the normal of sense of the word, but rather approaches the topic as a highly conceptualized interplay of polarities, adopted from the Traditional use of erotic elements in eastern and western mysticism and philosophy. Thus what is described here is the path to sacred sexuality, and the use of the erotic principle to transcend the normal limitations of consciousness. Evola describes his book in the following passage:
"But in this study, metaphysics will also have a second meaning, one that is not unrelated to the world's origin since 'metaphysics' literally means the science of that which goes beyond the physical. In our research, this 'beyond the physical' will not cover abstract concepts or philosophical ideas, but rather that which may evolve from an experience that is not merely physical, but transpsychological and transphysiological. We shall achieve this through the doctrine of the manifold states of being and through an anthropology that is not restricted to the simple soul-body dichotomy, but is aware of 'subtle' and even transcendental modalities of human consciousness. Although foreign to contemporary thought, knowledge of this kind formed an integral part of ancient learning and of the traditions of varied peoples."[18]
Another of Evola's major works is Meditations Among the Peaks, wherein mountaineering is equated to ascension. This idea is found frequently in a number of Traditions, where mountains are often revered as an intermediary between the forces of heaven and earth. Evola was an accomplished mountaineer and completed some difficult climbs such as the north wall of the Eastern Lyskam in 1927. He also requested in his will that after his death the urn containing his ashes be deposited in a glacial crevasse on Mount Rosa.
Evola's main political work was Men Among the Ruins. This was to be the ninth of Evola's books to published in English. Written at the same time as Men Among the Ruins, Evola composed Ride the Tiger which is complementary to this work, even though it was not published until 1961. These books belong together and cannot really be judged separately. Men among the Ruins shows the universal standpoint of ideal politics; Riding the Tiger deals with the practical "existential" perspective for the individual who wants to preserve his "hegomonikon" or inner sovereignty.[19]  Ride the Tiger is essentially a philosophical set of guidelines entwining various strands of his earlier thought into a single work. Underlying the more obvious sources, which Evola cites within the text, such as Nietzsche, Sartre and Heidegger, there are also connections with Hindu thoughts on the collapse of civilization and the Kali Yuga. In many ways, this work is the culmination of Evola's thought on the role of Tradition in the Age of Darkness – that the Traditional approach advocated in the East is to harness the power of the Kali Yuga, by ‘Riding the Tiger’ – which is also a popular Tantric saying. To this extent, it is not an approach of withdrawal from the modern world which Evola advocates, but instead achieving a mastery of the forces of darkness and materialism inherent in the Kali Yuga. Similarly, his attitude to politics alters here from that expressed in Men Among the Ruins, calling instead for a type of individual that is apoliteia.
"[...] this type can only feel disinterested and detached from everything that is 'politics' today. His principle will become apoliteia, as it was called in ancient times. [...] Apoliteia is the distance unassailable by this society and its 'values'; it does not accept being bound by anything spiritual or moral."[20]
In addition to Evola’s main corpus of texts mentioned previously, he also published numerous other works such as The Way of the Samurai, The Path of Enlightenment According to the Mithraic Mysteries, Il Cammino del Cinabro, Taoism: The Magic, The Mysticism and The Bow and the Club. He also translated Oswald Spengler's Decline of the West, as well as the principle works of Bachofen, Guénon, Weininger and Gabriel Marcel.
In 1945 Evola was hit by a stray bomb and paralyzed from the waist downwards. He died on June 11, 1974 in Rome. He had asked to be led from his desk to the window from which one could see the Janiculum (the holy hill sacred to Janus, the two-faced god who gazes into this and the other world), to die in an upright position. After his death the body was cremated and his ashes were scattered in a glacier atop Mount Rosa, in accordance with his wishes.

Gwendolyn Taunton is the editor and sole founder of Primordial Traditions. This article is reprinted from Primordial Traditions (second edition).


[1] Julius Evola, The Yoga of Power, Shakti, and the Secret Way (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1992) ix
[2] ibid., x
[3] Julius Evola, Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2001) ix
[4] ibid., xvii
[5] A. James Gregor, Mussolini's Intellectuals (New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 2005)
[6] ibid., 201
[7] Julius Evola, Introduction to Magic: Rituals and Practical Techniques for the Magus (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2001) xxi
[8] Julius Evola, The Hermetic Tradition: Symbols and Teaching of the Royal Art (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1992) ix
[9] ibid., ix
[10] ibid., viii
[11] Julius Evola, The Yoga of Power, Shakti, and the Secret Way (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1992) xii
[12] ibid., xiv
[13] ibid., xiii
[14] Julius Evola, The Doctrine of the Awakening: The Attainment of Self-Mastery According to the Earliest Buddhist Texts (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1992) xi
[15] ibid., xv
[16] Julius Evola, The Mystery of the Grail: Initiation and Magic in the Quest for the Spirit (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1997) vii
[17] ibid., ix
[18] Julius Evola, Eros and the Mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 1991) 2
[19] Julius Evola, Men Among the Ruins: Post-War Reflections of a Radical Traditionalist (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2003) 89
[20] Julius Evola, Ride the Tiger: A Survival Manual for Aristocrats of the Soul (Vermont: Inner Traditions, 2003) 174-175

mardi, 24 juin 2014

Hawaian Party

10:09 Publié dans Evénement | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : événement, italie | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg |  Facebook

dimanche, 22 juin 2014

Wer gegen uns?

00:05 Publié dans Livre, Livre, Mouvements de jeunesse | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : casa pound, italie, livre | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg |  Facebook

samedi, 21 juin 2014

RBN: Intervista a Claudio Mutti

vendredi, 20 juin 2014

La Regina dei Balcani

mardi, 17 juin 2014

L'opposition et la révolte

L'opposition et la révolte

par Pier Paolo Pasolini

Ex: http://zentropaville.tumblr.com

"L’Eglise est désormais condamnée à disparaître de par son appartenance à un monde humaniste du passé, qui constitue un obstacle à la nouvelle révolution industrielle. Le nouveau pouvoir nécessite, de la part des consommateurs, un esprit complètement pragmatique et hédoniste […] Il n’y a plus de place pour la religion et surtout pas pour l’Eglise. La conséquence de tout ça sera la dissolution naturelle de l’Eglise. […] 

L’acceptation de la civilisation bourgeoise capitaliste est un fait définitif, dont le cynisme n’est pas seulement une faute, la énième dans l’histoire de l’Eglise, mais bien une erreur historique qu’elle paiera probablement de son déclin. Car elle n’a pas pressenti que la bourgeoisie représentait un nouvel esprit, qui d’abord s’est révélé concurrent de l’esprit religieux et qui finira par prendre sa place pour fournir aux hommes une vision totale et unique de la vie. 
Si les fautes de l’Eglise ont été nombreuses et graves dans sa longue histoire de pouvoir, la plus grave de toutes serait d’accepter passivement d’être liquidée par un pouvoir qui se moque de l’Evangile […] Ce que l’Eglise devrait faire pour éviter une fin sans gloire est donc bien clair : elle devrait passer à l’opposition contre un pouvoir qui l’a si cyniquement abandonnée en envisageant sans gêne de la réduire à du pur folklore. 

En reprenant une lutte qui d’ailleurs est dans sa tradition (la lutte de la papauté contre l’Empire), mais pas pour la conquête du pouvoir, l’Eglise pourrait être le guide grandiose, mais non autoritaire, de tous ceux, qui refusent (c’est un marxiste qui parle, et justement en qualité de marxiste) le nouveau pouvoir de la consommation, qui est complètement irréligieux, totalitaire, faussement tolérant et même, plus répressif que jamais, corrupteur, dégradant. C’est ce refus que l’Eglise pourrait symboliser, en retournant à ses origines, c’est-à-dire à l’opposition et à la révolte.”

 Pier Paolo Pasolini

lundi, 09 juin 2014

Omaggio a Dominique Venner

dimanche, 01 juin 2014

J. Evola: Metafisica del sesso e idealismo magico


samedi, 31 mai 2014

Julius Evola

00:05 Publié dans Evénement | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : événement, italie, julius evola | |  del.icio.us | | Digg! Digg |  Facebook

Tradizione e rivoluzione: intervista con Renato Del Ponte

Tradizione e rivoluzione: intervista con Renato Del Ponte

In occasione della scorsa festa nazionale di CasaPound Italia, il professor Renato del Ponte ci ha gentilmente concesso la presente intervita. Presente alla festa di CPI per presentare in anteprima un libro da lui curato su Adriano Romualdi e il periodo della contestazione negli anni '70: "Lettere ad un amico" Ed. Arya.
Il Professore è tornato per noi sul suo percorso universitario, metapolitico e culturale. Ha trattato del suo rapporto con Julius Evola, della sua visione del mondo, delle vie che l'uomo differenziato può ancora percorrere nella presente epoca di fine ciclo.
Un'intervista introduttiva per chi vuole conoscere il lavoro di chi ha dedicato le proprie energie a vivificare e trasmettere quella fiamma mai assopita nella nostra identità: la Tradizione Romana.
Questo è il nostro primo video in italiano.
Un ringraziamento alle sezioni di CasaPound Liguria e Cuneo per aver reso possibile il presente incontro.
I Non Allineati.
Inizio :
Dalla Tradizione allo studio delle religioni.
4 min 30 : 
L'incontro con Julius Evola. 
7 min 15 :
L'influenza e il ruolo di Evola.
15 min 59 :
Tradizione e politica


mardi, 27 mai 2014

L’Ontologia sociale e l’etica comunitaria nel lascito filosofico di Costanzo Preve

L’Ontologia sociale e l’etica comunitaria nel lascito filosofico di Costanzo Preve

di Roberto Donini
Fonte: L'interferenza & http://www.ariannaeditrice.it


preve_libroLe radici della filosofia.

La morte di Costanzo Preve il 23 novembre 2013 è un vuoto enorme; leggendo il suo “Una nuova storia alternativa della filosofia”, pubblicato a ridosso del lutto, ci siconforta nella sua eredità spirituale rilegata in un libro di 32° di foglio e di 500 pagine. Il doloroso vuoto si acquieta nel pieno della sua umanità nelle nostre mani. Preve ci accompagna ne “il cammino ontologico-sociale della filosofia” presso i suoi fidati autori e lì ci mostra la genesi dei suoi concetti di riferimento. Noi, discenti spersi dal peso del tomo, ci troviamo invece di fronte ad un profilo di Storia “alternativa”e ad uno stile espositivo completamente rivoluzionato: amichevole. La sua Storia della Filosofia non è quella inevitabile “dossografia di opinioni” (p.58) dei manuali conseguente ad una concezione “della storia destoricizzata e desocializzata della filosofia” (p.58); partendo invece dal rovesciamento dell’approccio “formale accademico”, dal “riorientamento gestaltico”, il libro ci porta alla ricerca costante del filo conduttore del pensare filosofico nel suo fondamento ontologico-sociale. Coinvolti dalla lettura percorriamo il “cammino” e con un po’ di attenzione scorgiamo un doppio movimento: il filosofare che incontra le sue radici e la storia di Costanzo che si risolve in questo processo e mostra le sue radici.

La lezione di Costanzo Preve

In questa lunga lezione di storia della filosofia Preve riflette e condensa, l’impegno pedagogico di una vita, nella scuola e in una vastissima pubblicistica, sempre con la stessa cifra letteraria e oratoria e sempre con la stessa vis polemica antiaccademica. Il testo è innervato di accenni polemici alla “separatezza” degli accademici dalla vita ed in particolare nell’ultimo capitolo (p.471-473) tratteggia, usando la partizione di Kant, la storia della istituzione del Schulbegriff (filosofia di scuola, di facoltà) distinta dalla Welthegriff (la filosofia di tutti, “il prendersela con filosofia”). Lo sforzo in ogni pagina del suo libro, come in ogni opera della sua vita, è quello di ricomporre questo iato, che, ovviamente, ha un origine ontologico sociale: la costituzione del soggetto individualista, dell’io solipsista, funzionale all’atomizzazione sociale capitalista. Dal mondo (Welthegriff) alla scuola (Schulbegriff): l’esperienza demi-secolare del “vecchio professore scienziato e umanista” (p.450) Preve (non un attuale “prof il cui dimezzamento del titolo corrisponde al dimezzamento del prestigio sociale” p.450) riesce a modulare questa polarità: sa dei ragazzi (anche di noi lettori distratti dalla chiacchiera) e sa dei mostri sacri, dei filosofi eroi (mummificati nell’accademia) e li fa dialogare.

Il filo diSocrate: la comunità di pensiero

Attraverso la figura di Socrate “moscone della democrazia” eroe del <dialogo>,[che] credeva nella unità veritativa delle categorie del pensiero con la giustizia comunitaria delle categorie dell’essere sociale” (p.91), Preve circoscrivere il “dialogo” alla funzione comunitaria, togliendola dalla banale immagine di inconcludente chiacchiericcio di “un filosofo da bar o un ‘nemico della democrazia’”(p.90) . Questo profilo emerge soprattutto nelle pagine finali del libro (p 510-511), laddove chiarisce che il “sokratikòs logos” avesse regole e “senso” (come “versus”) precise –Ironia->Maieutica->Definizione concordata “omologhia”- con l’intento “di convincere al bene e di distogliere al male”(p. 511) e per fondare il “convincimento comunitario” (p.511). Si raccoglie il filo del tema socratico, iniziato nel capitolo specifico e proseguito con l’interprete Platone, ma presente in molti luoghi del libro dove con quel metodo “abduttivo” (p.70 un fatto Y normale che spiega un fatto X straordinario), si riempiono i silenzi riuscendo a dar parola al filosofo senza scrittura. Socrate, interno ad una comunità ancora solidale, può astrarre solo il primo elemento della natura umana quello della comunanza linguistica e razionale (zoon logon echon). A tale primo elemento i filosofi autentici, sono stati dediti, e nel tradurre –ben diverso dal semplificare- la filosofia verso l’atomizzazione dei discenti Preve è stato maestro insuperato, avendo “socraticamente” il coraggio di confrontarsi con i punti più alti possibili del discorso filosofico” (p.455).

Scoperta e riscoperta dell’antropologia sociale

Che significa “ontologia dell’essere sociale”? A quale specifico ciclo di pensiero si riferisce Preve? “Ontologia dell’essere sociale” è richiamo immediato al termine con il quale Lukacs maturo titola la sua opera in due volumi – e comprendete anche altri testi- per dare fondamento al marxismo, e liberarlo dalla sua caduta nell’economicismo, ma, per altro verso, è anche ritorno ad Aristotele che giunge ad una prima definizione ontologico sociale. Ai due autori possiamo guardare come i termini storico-temporali del discorso previano. Dalla configurazione ontologico sociale nel quale si trova, dalla crisi della società ateniese o meglio di una armonica comunità, Aristotele può astrarre, determinatamente, l’altra virtù fondamentale dell’uomo: “l’animale sociale” (politikon zoon). Questo secondo elemento della natura umana è possibile (non necessario) coglierlo al crepuscolo della polis (processo determinato) lì (la metodica genialità aristotelica) può formalizzare (dare necessità, potenza->atto) il concetto di “socialità” –soprattutto per la distinzione tra oikonomia (la regola misurata per la felicità di gestire la casa p.116) e chrematistica (arte di accumulare ricchezze senza alcun fine p.116). Dunque all’elemento razionale di Socrate, che sperimenta la crisi del linguaggio “convincente” dentro la comunità e pone l’elemento del logos stabilizzante, Aristotele aggiunge la socialità come concetto stabile che sopravvive alla crisi della comunità. Con analoga movenza hegeliana di crisicomprensione si incontra la riattualizzazione del problema ontologico in Lukacs; laddove dopo la rivoluzione contro il Capitale (Gramsci) del 1917 e l’insufficienza del puro volontarismo attualista (Storia e coscienza di Classe) vissuta nella sconfitta della rivoluzione in occidente il filosofo ungherese si propone di ridare un fondamento antropologico-sociale al marxismo.

Fenomenologia e logica dell’essere sociale

Entro questo ciclo temporale, limitato da due crisi, si svolge la “fenomenologia” dell’essere sociale, la sua formazione, che precede la possibilità (non la necessità) del “logos”: l’ontologia .

La proposta di Preve è di far dialogare, da presso, l’antropologia “comunitaria” antica con quella contemporanea e far misurare l’ontologia cioè l’originaria coestenzione di pensiero ed essere con la moderna scissione gnoseologica dei due termini seguita alla scissione e astrazione dell’io dalla comunità. Questo salto temporale, o corto circuito di Storia della Filosofia, permette di ritrovarsi alle scaturigini della relazione tra esseresocialitàstoricità riprendendo la deduzione hegeliana delle prime categorie della logica (essere) unitamente a quella della coscienza.

A) il presupposto antropologico assoluto, “slegato” da ogni ulteriore pensare –innato nei termini della “natura umana” di Chomsky (p.517) – è la “genericità” naturale dell’uomo quell’ ente naturale generico (Gattungswesen p.27) la definizione dal giovane Marx; per dirla con Aristotele la sua “potenzialità” –“essente in possibilità” (dynamei on) (p.133) – non limitata da “specializzazione”. A differenza degli altri animali la genericità prevale nella forma del pensiero indeterminato piuttosto che del riflesso determinato. A questo presupposto e precedenza dell’Io “fichtiano”, che investe il Non-Io si richiama costantemente Preve per confutare ogni materialismo, ogni chiusura determinista, ogni teoria del “rispecchiamento”.

B) In questa situazione di apertura (“esistenziale” nel senso di Heidegger) principia la coscienza: con Jaspers “l’uomo è l’unico animale in grado di anticipare la propria morte individuale , ne consegue che è anche l’unico animale costretto a dare senso (Sinngebung) alla propria vitae ad inserirla e collocarla in un ambito più generale.” (p.27); quindi, con Heidegger l’autenticità di quell’anticipo come potenzialità coincidente con la necessità (libertà e necessità coincidono nella morte, non si è liberi dalla morte), principia il sapere come “decisione” di raccogliere questi anticipi, questi significati “possibili”, sotto un simbolo generico-unico detto “essere”, stabile oltre le molteplici possibilità (p.27). Qui il riferimento è Parmenide che ricerca la stabilità della comunità di Elea e la chiama essere.

C) La fonte “abdutiva” della perimetrazione parmenidea della comunità è Pitagora, il partito della stabilità e del limite “statico geometrico” dell’akropolis (p.68) contro l’apeiron (Anassimandro) dell’agorà. Al concetto di limite possiamo guardare come ponte tra l’esigenza del pensiero di “determinarsi” –facendosi linguaggio- e quello dell’essere di comprendersi comunitariamente –la “sfericità” (p.70) parmenidea includente ed equidistante dai suoi singoli elementi- .

D) Come all’inizio della “Scienza della Logica” di Hegel, ci troviamo di fronte ad una genericità assoluta e ad un altalena tra limitatoillimitato, tra vitamorte. Ci troviamo nella situazione compresa da Eraclito “che il polemos è inevitabile, che la ricchezza privata è un infamia (fr.125a), e che nessuna sua perimetrazione numerica limitativa può arrestare la lotta di classe” (p.68). Questa oscillazione si fa significato attraverso un salto, una decisione, la scelta di sapere, perché c’è anche la possibilità alternativa di Schopenauer “decidere che [la vita] non ha avuto e non avrà nessun significato.” (p.27) . In fondo il “cammino” successivo e la interpretazione ontologico-sociale ha questo moto triadico (che poi è l’agire dell’Auriga Platonico, ancora in una situazione “bimondana” ma soprattutto la “phronesis”, la saggezza pratica aristotelica, – da intendersi come“una cresta, una vetta”, il vertice tra due posizioni e non mediocrità pilatesca p.112- modello della “praxis”): sapere i risultati dell’apertura e della chiusura, del conflitto e degli equilibri trovati, il significato determinato come circoscrizione dell’attività sensuale (rivolta all’apeiron) indeterminata. La dialettica di Preve è “positiva” nel duplice senso di “porre” con la decisione di pensare (di porsi nell’essere con Parmenide) e di “porre-raccogliere” il senso del processo nel terzo momento, nella sintesi, il “reale è razionale” hegeliano. Questo fidarsi del pensiero-comune-sociale (pensato da più io) è la eternità del pensiero greco che Preve enfatizza in più passi del libro citando la formula di Hegel per cui i greci hanno “ad un tempo animato e onorato il finito” (p.65).

La rottura della comunità: ideologia e socialità dell’essere.

Costanzo-Preve.jpgQuesta situazione è “logica”: la decisione astrae dal tempo un processo e lo rende “campo di pensiero”. Prima di tale atto, cioè del sorgere della filosofia greca, l’essere si era già radicato nella società, limitandosi “poieticamente” (facendosi cose) e praticamente (facendosi leggi). Per questo il nostro essere è sociale e determinato nel farsi, cioè storico: hegelianamente noi giungiamo alla conoscenza solo post factum. Per questo il nostro sapere è assoluto se ci si fida (scelta) della “fonte” sociale dell’essere e lo si studia nel tempo (vernfunt); altrimenti, si può rimanere in sé (scelta), nell’intelletto e dilatarlo al mondo, facendo delle proprie categorie, dei propri “stadi” l’assoluto (vernstandt). Preve con i primi 7 capitoli circoscrive definizione e spazio culturale (nella grecia antica) di ontologia dell’essere sociale e nei successivi 9 ne offre il fondamento storico con la “filosofia classica”, che lui considera senza cesure da Talete ad Aristotele contrariamente alla dossografia che invece la spezza tra “fisici-presocratici” e “Socrate, Platone e Aristotele” . Qui infatti, forzando Hegel con Marx, l’essere è tutto sociale o meglio comunitario: la riflessione filosofica ha al suo centro la polis come principio limitante (katechon) la smisuratezza (hybris) delle ricchezze, la crematistica. Due elementi subito si segnalano: 1) il pensiero attivato dall’urgenza dell’essere di significarsi (il fenomeno dell’autenticità di cui sopra) si costituisce anzitutto come ideologia, ciò che Marx chiama “falsa coscienza necessaria”, cioè schema “intellettualistico” per dirigere la prassi. L’idea invece ha la stessa origine ma finalizzata alla ricerca veritativa, alla con-templazione, cioè posta nel “tempio”, fuori dall’agone della polis. E’ un eccedenza, intende Preve, e subisce meno la trazione della prassi ma, nel sorgere, è indirettamente condizionata dalla storicità dell’essere. In ogni caso l’intreccio tra idea e ideologia è da sbrogliare ed in fondo questo è il lavoro specifico dello storico della filosofia; 2) la socialità, la nostra (di osservatori del 2000) predicazione dell’essere -essere è sociale- è posteriore alla scissione della comunità greca, all’insinaursi dell’illimitato (terribile è il giudizio di Preve su Alessandro Magno “il gangster”p.124, “’smisurato’ per eccellenza” p.125, che avvia questa dissoluzione) nella proporzione pitagorica e dunque al sorgere di una incomunicabile atomizzazione della comunità, che così si fa società con i caratteri specializzati del lavoro e astratto-intellettualistici del pensiero. Dunque sociale è la nostra consapevolezza post-comunitaria che permette di misurare lo stato dell’arte nella “epoca dellacompiuta peccaminosità” (Fichte) con un rimandare al soggetto della predicazione: all’essere comunitario antico. Tale fondamento è potuto riemergere prima “coscienzialmente” in Hegel, nella fenomenologia della “individua” coscienza infelice borghese e poi essere universalizzato da Marx nella “collettiva” categoria di alienazione che è la spiegazione “sociale” –la fenomenologia- del Capitalismo.

Sconfitta del tentativo marxista di ristabilimento comunitario e capitalismo assoluto

Poste queste solide basi, il testo offre la visione d’assieme dello sviluppo dei sistemi filosofici ellenistico-romani (capp. XVII-XIX), cristiano-medievali (capp. XX-XII) e moderni (XXIII-XXVI) come studio della loro genesi da “l’ontologia sociale”. La storia trova il suo focus nella Filosofia Classica Tedesca e in particolare nello scontro tra “gnoseologia” kantiana come compimento “della separazione tra le categorie dell’essere e le categorie del pensiero” (cap XXVII) e il ristabilimento hegeliano di un ontologia dell’essere sociale attraverso la sua compiuta storicizzazione (della coscienza, della storia fattuale, della storia della filosofia) (cap.XXXI). Preve ribadisce in questo testo, la continuità filosofica tra Hegel e Marx ma il rovesciamento nella prassi di Marx, produce una duplicazione: da una parte la scienza filosofica della possibilità ontologica, cioè della non-necessità della rivoluzione, dove la categoria qualitativa (ed etico valutativa) dell’alienazione, precede e fonda quella quantitativa del valore; dall’altra una scienza non filosofica come il materialismo storico, strumento per la lotta di emancipazione umana.

Le due parti ancora unite ne “Il Capitale” si separano nel marxismo ortodosso, socialdemocratico e poi anche in quello staliniano, prevalendo il “materialismo economicista”. Questa parabola è resa nei capitoli dedicati al marxismo ufficiale (cap.XXXV) e a quello eretico (cap.XXXVI). Il novecento filosofico tuttavia annunciato dal nichilismo di Nietzsche (cap.XXXVII) si compie con la crisi del soggetto borghese di Weber e con l’inveramento della metafisica nella tecnica di Heidegger (cap.XXXVIII), dunque con il tramonto del pensiero non strumentale (non finalizzato ad un meccanismo). Ma appunto questa ulteriore fenomenologia filosofica tiene il passo all’evoluzione del Capitalismo verso la sua configurazione Assoluta, quella che sopprimendo le antinomie delle classi moderne (borghesiaproletariato) impone una nuova ricognizione ontologica sociale se si vuol sostenere una nuova idea comunitaria (il cap.XXXIX dedicato al postmoderno filosofico).

Verso un etica dell’essere sociale: la libertà di Costanzo Preve.

Dentro questa navigazione da naufraghi Lukacs è il punto di riferimento più prossimo, avendo il pensatore ungherese già aperto la via di un confronto con la filosofia maggiore, con gli autori che Costanzo Preve riprende.

Perciò, nell’ultimo, XL capitolo, il più corposo del libro, Preve parla di Lukacs, più come un amico che come maestro e vuole sottolineare la “fratellanza” in quella battaglia per la filosofia che entrambi hanno dato nel marxismo –duro alla filosofia- e nella filosofia come campo di battaglia (la Kampfplatz di Kant), come sforzo etico-teoretico per la verità. Queste pagine condensano i temi del libro e Costanzo sintetizza la sua vasta eredità, per altre, ulteriori battaglie.

1) La biografia di Lukacs, iniziata alla scuola di due cavalli di razza come Weber e Simmel è parallela a quella di Costanzo, che con il suo “asinello”(p.454) non è un semplice “fan di Lukacs” (p.455). Entrambi, al termine di esperienze differenti e contesti storici incomparabili -l’epoca della rivoluzione per Lukacs e quella della fine del socialismo reale per Costanzo- giungono alla conclusione di un ritorno ad Hegel per salvare Marx, alla centralità del concetto di alienazione e soprattutto alla battaglia anticapitalista come battaglia etico-filosofica, dove cioè l’attività filosofia va restaurata nella sua autonomia e altezza, contro K.Lowit (p.424) e di tutti i filosofi che odiano la filosofia.

2) In tal senso benché la filosofia come “sapere” rimanga “la nottola della Minerva”, giungendo a chiudere e significare un processo in un tempo presente-logico, “permettendo di apprendere il proprio tempo nel pensiero” (p.23); tuttavia la costruzione “retrospettiva” del libro, con il ritorno verso Atene, è hegelianamente fatta per eliminare il “tempo progressivo” ed esaltare “cio che è ed è eternamente” (p.23). Cosa significa? Che la prospettica ricerca di comunità, l’ontologia che verrà, non si riferirà alla socialità antica come modello ma avrà lì un presupposto “potenziale” (non necessario). La costruzione “emotiva” del libro serve a confortarci: la comunità c’è sempre stata, non è solo astratta invenzione di visionari e anzi è l’ontologia del pensiero più alto della civiltà.

3) Chiarisce infine –dopo averlo sempre evidenziato lungo tutto il testo- come l’ontologia sociale non sia un riduzionismo materialista positivista. Al contrario, attraverso la valorizzazione di Fichte e della prassi assoluta del’Io (cap.XXIX), negando la teoria del rispecchiamento –propria della cattivo “materialismo dialettico” staliniano-, elimina un “prima” dell’idea. Il concetto filosofico lavora sempre su materiale ideale, cioè sulla risultante di un’azione modificante, su una prassi dell’Io sul Non-Io, su di un secondo grado. La filosofia non è mai fuori di se stessa ma nell’ontologico sociale considera la suo origine “pratica”: situazione diversa dall’empirico perché è azione pensata e producente relazioni umane, storia.

4) Un tema forte del libro è la rivalutazione della religione sia nei termini hegeliani di anticipazione “oggettivo-simbolica” dell’idea che nei termini ontologico sociali di rappresentazione popolare dell’assoluto-. Costanzo non la ritiene attività alienativa nei termini di Feuerbach –e in parte di Marx- ma piuttosto come variante spontanea di ideologia “necessaria”. Da una parte raccoglie sempre la situazione ontologico sociale di crisi della comunità e chiusura nel piccolo gruppo, dall’altra spiega la funzione media dell’ideologia. Infatti le rigorose argomentazioni della filosofia non possono sostituire le “suggestioni consolatorie”; il popolo moderno accede alla sua ontologia comunitaria, ha coscienza di sé, non attraverso il dialogo socratico e il governo “politico” platonico, ma con queste idealizzazioni imperfette che dicono della condizione attuale (alienata) e della potenziale liberazione futura (fede). Infine utilizza questa particolare accezione della religione e della fede per interpretarvi il fenomeno storico del marxismo.

5) Perciò la filosofia non può sostituirsi e precedere un’azione politica sociale di rifondazione comunitaria ma la militanza filosofica, “la filosofia per la filosofia” può costituire il punto di riferimento e l’ancoraggio entro una tradizione forte, alle forme storiche dell’ideologia . Gli Eroi di Costanzo sono quei pensatori che in qualche maniera hanno saputo dar sistemazione all’ontologia sociale e dunque Aristotele, Spinoza, Fichte, Hegel, Marx, i giganti sotto i quali appaiono grandissimi come Gramsci, Bloch e Lukacs. Anche questo sviluppo gerarchico e quasi angelico è propriamente hegeliano; un pantheon coerente di filosofi “forti” dove la teoresi è inscindibile dall’etica, dove cioè la relazione tra ideazione e socialità è chiara. In questo senso è da intendersi “la passione durevole” di Lukacs come maturazione e stabilizzazione della irruzione nella corruzione storica della “passione giovanile” di Fiche; di questo sviluppo “durevole” il garante “assoluto” è Spinoza, la sua Etica, il suo repubblicanesimo e la filosofia per tutti. In questo senso se l’impossibilità socratica di “scrivere” l’Etica per Lukacs, come sottolinea l’apertura di quest’ultimo capitolo, è anche quella dell’hegeliano e anti-deontologico (gli imperativi kantiani) Costanzo, ciò non significa l’impossibilità di sbilanciarsi sul domani con la propria vita testimoniata (nella welthbegriff) nel magistero e nell’attività politica, dov’è possibile incontrare il “metron” e il “katechon” greco, la democrazia radicale di Spinoza, lo Stato razionale di Hegel, il lavoro liberato di Marx, una totalità potenziale da opporre alla fichtiana “epoca della compiuta peccaminosità”, al Capitalismo Assoluto come necessità dominante. Come Spinoza “è un fatto miracoloso ed indeducibile, un dono che la filosofia ha fatto ai mortali” (p.196) eccezione alla determinazione ontologico-sociale; così Costanzo “appare” nella nostra storia, in-determinato socialmente, assolutamente libero e “scorretto” e forse per questo capace di criticare larga parte delle necessità della nostra epoca e per questo, dialetticamente, trattegiarne un etica, una potenzialità, che il peso e il vincolo del novecento, la responsabilità verso un campo di “battaglia politica” e non solo filosofico, non permisero a Lukacs che resta però lo scopritore dell’ontologia sociale.

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dimanche, 04 mai 2014

Grillo’s Populist Plan for Italy


Quantitative Easing for the People: Grillo’s Populist Plan for Italy

Default on the public debt, nationalization of the banks, and a citizen dividend could actually save the Italian economy.

Comedian Beppe Grillo was surprised himself when his Five Star Movement got 8.7 million votes in the Italian general election of February 24-25th. His movement is now the biggest single party in the chamber of deputies, says The Guardian, which makes him “a kingmaker in a hung parliament.”

Grillo’s is the party of “no.” In a candidacy based on satire, he organized an annual "V‑Day Celebration," the "V" standing for vaffanculo (“f—k off"). He rejects the status quo—all the existing parties and their monopoly control of politics, jobs, and financing—and seeks a referendum on all international treaties, including NATO membership, free trade agreements and the Euro.

"If we get into parliament,” says Grillo, “we would bring the old system down, not because we would enjoy doing so but because the system is rotten." Critics fear, and supporters hope, that if his party succeeds, it could break the Euro system.

But being against everything, says Mike Whitney in Counterpunch, is not a platform:

To govern, one needs ideas and a strategy for implementing those ideas. Grillo’s team has neither. They are defined more in terms of the things they are against than things they are for. It’s fine to want to “throw the bums out”, but that won’t put people back to work or boost growth or end the slump. Without a coherent plan to govern, M5S could end up in the political trash heap, along with their right-wing predecessors, the Tea Party.

Steve Colatrella, who lives in Italy and also has an article in Counterpunch on the Grillo phenomenon, has a different take on the surprise win. He says Grillo does have a platform of positive proposals. Besides rejecting all the existing parties and treaties, Grillo’s program includes the following:

  • unilateral default on the public debt;
  • nationalization of the banks; and
  • a guaranteed “citizenship” income of 1000 euros a month.

It is a platform that could actually work. Austerity has been tested for a decade in the Eurozone and has failed, while the proposals in Grillo’s plan have been tested in other countries and have succeeded.

Default: Lessons from Iceland and South America

Default on the public debt has been pulled off quite successfully in Iceland, Argentina, Ecuador, and Russia, among other countries. Whitney cites a clip from Grillo’s blog suggesting that this is also the way out for Italy:

The public debt has not been growing in recent years because of too much expenditure . . . Between 1980 and 2011, spending was lower than the tax revenue by 484 billion (thus we have been really virtuous) but the interest payments (on the debt of 2,141 billion) that we had to pay in that period have made us poor. In the last 20 years, GDP has been growing slowly, while the debt has exploded.

. . . [S]peculators . . . are contributing to price falls so as to bring about higher interest rates. It’s the usurer’s technique. Thus the debt becomes an opportunity to maximize earnings in the market at the expense of the nation. . . . If financial powerbrokers use speculation to increase their earnings and force governments to pay the highest possible interest rates, the result is recession for the State that’s in debt as well as their loss of sovereignty.

. . . There are alternatives. These are being put into effect by some countries in South America and by Iceland. . . . The risk is that we are going to reach default in any case with the devaluation of the debt, and the Nation impoverished and on its knees. [Beppe Grillo blog]

Bank Nationalization: China Shows What Can Be Done

Grillo’s second proposal, nationalizing the banks, has also been tested and proven elsewhere, most notably in China. In an April 2012 article in The American Conservative titled “China’s Rise, America’s Fall,” Ron Unz observes:

During the three decades to 2010, China achieved perhaps the most rapid sustained rate of economic development in the history of the human species, with its real economy growing almost 40-fold between 1978 and 2010. In 1978, America’s economy was 15 times larger, but according to most international estimates, China is now set to surpass America’s total economic output within just another few years.

According to Eamonn Fingleton in In The Jaws of the Dragon (2009), the fountain that feeds this tide is a strong public banking sector:

Capitalism's triumph in China has been proclaimed in countless books in recent years. . . . But . . . the higher reaches of its economy remain comprehensively controlled in a way that is the antithesis of everything we associate with Western capitalism. The key to this control is the Chinese banking system . . . [which is] not only state-owned but, as in other East Asian miracle economies, functions overtly as a major tool of the central government’s industrial policy.

Guaranteed Basic Income—Not Just Welfare

Grillo’s third proposal, a guaranteed basic income, is not just an off-the-wall, utopian idea either. A national dividend has been urged by the “Social Credit” school of monetary reform for nearly a century, and the U.S. Basic Income Guarantee Network has held a dozen annual conferences. They feel that a guaranteed basic income is the key to keeping modern, highly productive economies humming.

In Europe, the proposal is being pursued not just by Grillo’s southern European party but by the sober Swiss of the north. An initiative to establish a new federal law for an unconditional basic income was formally introduced in Switzerland in April 2012. The idea consists of giving to all citizens a monthly income that is neither means-tested nor work-related. Under the Swiss referendum system of direct democracy, if the initiative gathers more than 100,000 signatures before October 2013, the Federal Assembly is required to look into it.

Colatrella does not say where Grillo plans to get the money for Italy’s guaranteed basic income, but in Social Credit theory, it would simply be issued outright by the government; and Grillo, who has an accounting background, evidently agrees with that approach to funding. He said in a presentation available on YouTube:

The Bank of Italy a private join-stock company, ownership comprises 10 insurance companies, 10 foundations, and 10 banks, that are all joint-stock companies . . . They issue the money out of thin air and lend it to us. It’s the State who is supposed to issue it. We need money to work. The State should say: “There’s scarcity of money? I’ll issue some and put it into circulation. Money is plentiful? I’ll withdraw and burn some of it.” . . . Money is needed to keep prices stable and to let us work.

The Key to a Thriving Economy

Major C.H. Douglas, the thought leader of the Social Credit movement, argued that the economy routinely produces more goods and services than consumers have the money to purchase, because workers collectively do not get paid enough to cover the cost of the things they make. This is true because of external costs such as interest paid to banks, and because some portion of the national income is stashed in savings accounts, investment accounts, and under mattresses rather than spent on the GDP.

To fill what Social Crediters call “the gap,” so that “demand” rises to meet “supply,” additional money needs to be gotten into the circulating money supply. Douglas recommended doing it with a national dividend for everyone, an entitlement by “grace” rather than “works,” something that was necessary just to raise purchasing power enough to cover the products on the market.

In the 1930s and 1940s, critics of Social Credit called it “funny money” and said it would merely inflate the money supply. The critics prevailed, and the Social Credit solution has not had much chance to be tested. But the possibilities were demonstrated in New Zealand during the Great Depression, when a state housing project was funded with credit issued by the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, the nationalized central bank. According to New Zealand commentator Kerry Bolton, this one measure was sufficient to resolve 75% of unemployment in the midst of the Great Depression.

Bolton notes that this was achieved without causing inflation. When new money is used to create new goods and services, supply rises along with demand and prices remain stable; but the “demand” has to come first. No business owner will invest in more capacity or production without first seeing a demand. No demand, no new jobs and no economic expansion.

The Need to Restore Economic Sovereignty

The money for a guaranteed basic income could be created by a nationalized central bank in the same way that the Reserve Bank of New Zealand did it, and that central bank “quantitative easing” (QE) is created out of nothing on a computer screen today. The problem with today’s QE is that it has not gotten money into the pockets of consumers. The money has gotten—and can get—no further than the reserve accounts of banks, as explained here and here. A dividend paid directly to consumers would be “quantitative easing” for the people.

A basic income guarantee paid for with central bank credit would not be “welfare” but would eliminate the need for welfare. It would be social security for all, replacing social security payments, unemployment insurance, and welfare taxes. It could also replace much of the consumer debt that is choking the private economy, growing exponentially at usurious compound interest rates.

As Grillo points out, it is not the cost of government but the cost of money itself that has bankrupted Italy. If the country wishes to free itself from the shackles of debt and restore the prosperity it once had, it will need to take back its monetary sovereignty and issue its own money, either directly or through its own nationalized central bank. If Grillo's party comes to power and follows through with his platform, those shackles on the Italian economy might actually be released.

jeudi, 01 mai 2014

E riparleremo di gentil uomini di fortuna

Il tempio vuoto

mardi, 29 avril 2014


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mercredi, 23 avril 2014

"Beauty is difficult"

dimanche, 20 avril 2014


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vendredi, 18 avril 2014

Quella strage fascista?

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