
dimanche, 10 novembre 2013
Gramsci : ce que le socialisme moderne peut apprendre du penseur italien
Gramsci : ce que le socialisme moderne peut apprendre du penseur italien
par Kévin Victoire
Ex: http://ragemag.fr
Si aujourd’hui encore les militants ou théoriciens anticapitalistes se battent pour revendiquer l’héritage de Lénine, Trotsky, Mao ou Rosa Luxemburg, trop ignorent encore le co-fondateur du Parti communiste italien : Antonio Gramsci. Théoricien socialiste de la première moitié du XXe siècle, Gramsci a produit une œuvre de grande envergure, qui plus est en pleine période de crise du socialisme. Le bloc soviétique chute, la conscience de classe s’affaiblit : Gramsci est un homme qui a usé de sa plume dans un contexte complexe pour un penseur de la gauche radicale, le tout derrière les barreaux d’une prison fasciste. Peut-être est-il alors nécessaire aujourd’hui plus que jamais de le redécouvrir ?
Alors que le Parti Socialiste a enfin réussi à reconquérir le pouvoir, il n’a paradoxalement jamais semblé recueillir aussi peu d’adhésion auprès des Français. Dans le même temps, commentateurs politiques et intellectuels s’inquiètent à raison d’une nouvelle et dangereuse lepénisation des esprits, permettant à l’extrême droite de gagner du terrain. Si, à notre époque, il paraît naturel d’essayer d’arriver au pouvoir en combattant sur le terrain des valeurs, cette idée a vu le jour avec le révolutionnaire Antonio Gramsci. Si l’on souhaite donner des clefs de lecture pour comprendre la situation politique actuelle, il peut être intéressant de se pencher sur la vie et la pensée du communiste italien.
Gramsci le révolutionnaire
Né en 1860, Antonio Gramsci publie dans des revues socialistes alors qu’il n’est encore qu’étudiant en philosophie à l’Université de Turin. Il tient par la suite une rubrique culturelle et politique dans une revue proche du Parti socialiste italien (PSI). A l’époque, il côtoie le jeune Benito Mussolini alors membre du Parti socialiste. Très rapidement, le futur révolutionnaire se lie au mouvement ouvrier et prend part aux insurrections ouvrières turinoises de 1915 et 1917. Il participe par la suite au mouvement « conseilliste », y défendant la création de conseils d’ouvriers dans les entreprises. Le 21 janvier 1921, le PSI connaît le même sort que la majorité des autres partis socialistes européenne, à savoir une scission avec son aile gauche et la création du Parti communiste italien (PCI). Antonio est de l’aventure et prend même la tête du Parti en 1925. Cependant, celle-ci tourne court, puisqu’il est arrêté en 1926 par le régime fasciste et condamné pour conspiration. Il décède quelques jours après sa sortie de prison en 1937. Si au moment de son incarcération le révolutionnaire a déjà beaucoup écrit, c’est dans sa cellule qu’il élabore ce qui deviendra par la suite le « gramscisme ». Il consigne, en effet, l’essentiel de sa théorie dans ses Cahiers de Prison- comprenant trente-trois fascicules- qui sont recueillis par sa belle-sœur. Ceux-ci connaissent par la suite un grand écho au sein du PCI, surtout à grâce Palmiro Togliatti, puis dans le reste de l’Europe et du monde.
Praxis contre matérialisme
Au départ, une question obsède le penseur : pourquoi la révolution ouvrière a pu fonctionner en Russie en 1917, alors qu’elle a échoué en Allemagne, à Turin et dans bon nombre de pays européens ? La réponse, l’Italien finit par l’obtenir en analysant les différences historiques et culturelles qui existent entre ces différentes sociétés.
« Au départ, une question obsède le penseur : pourquoi la révolution ouvrière a pu fonctionner en Russie en 1917, alors qu’elle a échoué en Allemagne, à Turin et dans bon nombre de pays européens ? »
Communiste, Gramsci s’intéresse naturellement à Marx et à la dialectique matérialiste. Italien, il est aussi très influencé par Croce, penseur le plus respecté en Italie à cette époque, et par Machiavel. Il retient l’historicisme du premier, tandis qu’il voit dans le second le fondateur de la science politique. C’est par la rencontre de ces trois pensées que Gramsci fonde une nouvelle forme de matérialisme, la « philosophie de la praxis ». Contrairement au matérialisme historique où les évènements historiques sont déterminés par les rapports sociaux (et la lutte des classes), dans la vision gramsciste, le contexte socio-historique détermine totalement les idées. En effet, celles-ci découlent de la relation entre l’activité humaine pratique (ou « praxis ») et les processus socio-historiques objectifs dont elle fait partie. Les relations sociales entre les individus remplacent ainsi les rapports sociaux, c’est-à-dire les modes de production.
La philosophie de la praxis est donc une relecture marxiste qui se situe au-delà de la confrontation entre le matérialisme marxiste et l’idéalisme hégélien, ce qui s’oppose à la vision marxiste orthodoxe, notamment de Boukharine, Plekhanov et Lénine, dont Gramsci est pourtant un admirateur. Selon lui, ces derniers ne s’éloignent pas du dogmatisme religieux critiqué par le philosophe allemand. Il les accuse de réduire la pensée de Marx à l’analyse d’une histoire naturelle coupée de l’histoire humaine. Utilisant l’exemple russe, où le capitalisme n’avait pas atteint une forme mature avant la révolution bolchévique, il en vient alors à rejeter toutes formes de déterminisme économique et à conclure que les changements culturels et économiques naissent d’un processus historique où il est impossible de dire quel élément précède l’autre. Finalement plus que les moyens de production ou les idées, c’est la volonté humaine qui prédomine toutes sociétés.
Cette liberté vis-à-vis du matérialisme permet au turinois d’adoption de se détacher de l’analyse en terme d’« infrastructure » (organisation économique de la société) et de « superstructure » (organisation juridique, politique et idéologique de la société). Chez Marx et ses disciples, l’infrastructure influence la superstructure qui à son tour définit toutes les formes de conscience existant à une époque donnée. Gramsci substitue ces deux notions par celles de « société politique », qui est le lieu où évoluent les institutions politiques et où elles exercent leur contrôle, et de « société civile » (terme repris à Hegel), où s’exercent les domaines culturels, intellectuels et religieux. Si le penseur admet que ces deux sphères se recoupent en pratique, selon lui leur compréhension est essentielle.
En analysant les sociétés, Gramsci comprend que si elles se maintiennent dans le temps, c’est autant par le contrôle par la force de l’État (ou de la société politique) que par le consentement de la population. Ce dernier est obtenu par l’adhésion à la société civile. Ainsi, pour qu’une révolution aboutisse, il faut contrôler à la fois la société politique et la société civile. Dans cette optique, si la Révolution russe de 1917 aboutit, c’est parce que, pour lui, la société civile y est très peu développée, si bien qu’une fois l’appareil étatique obtenu, le consentement de la population s’obtient aisément. Mais dans les sociétés occidentales où la société civile est plus dense, les choses sont plus compliquées. La Révolution française de 1789 passe d’abord par le consentement de la bourgeoisie et d’une partie de l’aristocratie, grâce à la diffusion de la philosophie des Lumières qui dominent culturellement par la « révolution des esprits » qu’elle a mené. C’est ainsi que né le concept essentiel d’ « hégémonie culturelle ».
Dans l’optique de prendre le contrôle de la société civile, gagner l’hégémonie culturelle devient primordial pour le penseur. Gramsci l’explique clairement quand il dit que « chaque révolution a été précédée par un travail intense de critique sociale, de pénétration et de diffusion culturelle ». Il développe ainsi une dialectique du consentement et de la coercition et théorise la « révolution par étapes » qui est une véritable « guerre de position ». La violence n’est donc pas nécessaire pour mener et gagner une révolution, le vrai enjeu étant de transformer les consciences en menant et remportant une bataille culturelle. En faisant cela, le révolutionnaire obtient un pouvoir symbolique précédent le vrai pouvoir politique. Gramsci écrit alors : « Un groupe social peut et même doit être dirigeant dès avant de conquérir le pouvoir gouvernemental : c’est une des conditions essentielles pour la conquête même du pouvoir ». En d’autres termes, pour mener à bien sa révolution, la classe prolétaire doit voir ses intérêts de classe devenir majoritaire au sein de la population.
Cependant, cette hégémonie ne née pas d’elle-même parce que la conscience de classe n’est pas forcément naturelle, ni les idées liées à celle-ci et leur diffusion. C’est pourquoi Gramsci fait émerger une classe sociale spécifique qui se distingue des travailleurs : l’intellectuel qui travaille au service du parti et organise l’unité de classe. Comme Machiavel, il assigne donc une tâche spécifique à l’intellectuel qui doit détruire les valeurs de la société capitaliste et traditionnelle. Dans le même temps, le parti joue le rôle du « prince moderne » et unifie ce qui a tendance à se disperser à l’état naturel tout en dotant la classe contestataire d’une « volonté collective ». Les intellectuels sont « organiques » et se séparent en deux catégories. D’une part, on a l’intellectuel théoricien — qu’il nomme « traditionnel » quand il appartient à la classe dominante en déclin — qui effectue une action générale sur la société civile. D’autre part, on a l’intellectuel spécialisé qui n’opère que sur un domaine précis. L’intellectuel traditionnel a un rôle essentiel dans la société, car il permet le maintien de l’ordre établi mais peut aussi le renverser s’il bascule du côté de la classe contestataire.
Gramsci distingue aussi le parti politique du parti idéologique dans lequel il s’inclut. L’intérêt du parti politique se situe dans sa structure hiérarchisée presque militaire où l’action va de haut en bas en s’alimentant d’abord par le bas. Le parti idéologique comprend en plus le cercle d’influence du parti politique et permet sa diffusion culturelle. Par sa structure et par le biais de ses intellectuels organiques, le Parti politique sert donc d’appareil devant aider la classe contestataire à s’ériger en classe dominante en menant une révolution culturelle.
Nous vivons une époque de crises : crise morale, économique, sociale ou encore intellectuelle — ce serait donc un climat idéal pour instaurer un vrai changement. Encore faudrait-il que ceux qui rêvent de transformer réellement la société soient capables de faire porter leurs voix. Dans ce contexte, redécouvrir Gramsci semble donc essentiel : ses apports théoriques ne servent, pour la plupart d’entre eux, que la pratique. Pour l’intellectuel enfermé, le jour où une structure révolutionnaire réussira à conquérir la société civile, le changement sera proche.

Pasolini sur la tombe de Gramsci.
La révolution par l’hégémonie culturelle
Pasolini & Gramsci
par Max Leroy
Rome. Quartier Testaccio, non loin de la Porte Saint Paul. Un mur entoure le cimetière protestant. Des cyprès s’élèvent effrontément ; la végétation met la main sur le porche. La tombe de Gramsci se situe non loin de la chapelle. Quelques pots de fleurs rouges près de l’urne funéraire…
On se souvient d’une photo en noir et blanc donnant à voir Pier Paolo Pasolini, élégamment vêtu d’un imperméable beige, debout face à la stèle. Le cinéaste, poète à ses heures, à moins que ce ne fut l’inverse, n’a jamais cessé de louer le penseur embastillé, italien comme lui, communiste comme lui, fils de la petite bourgeoisie provinciale comme lui, mort quand il n’avait pas même quinze ans. Une décennie à pourrir dans les prisons fascistes – Mussolini aurait ordonné : « Nous devons empêcher ce cerveau de fonctionner pendant vingt ans. » Prophétie manquée : jamais Gramsci ne fut plus productif qu’entre quatre murs… La tuberculose eut raison de lui mais non de son œuvre ; les têtes dures discutent toujours avec l’avenir : « Je n’ai jamais voulu compromettre mes convictions, pour lesquelles je suis prêt à donner ma vie et pas seulement être mis en prison ».
Pasolini fit connaissance des écrits de Gramsci en 1948. Il venait de prendre sa carte au Parti mais ne l’avait pas renouvelée à expiration : l’orthodoxie stalinienne et la poigne de ses dirigeants ne convenaient pas vraiment à ce cœur réfractaire. Gramsci lui permit alors, expliqua-t-il bien des années plus tard, « de faire le point sur sa situation personnelle ». Il comprit en le lisant que l’intellectuel avait vocation à être une « véritable cheville médiatrice des classes », à mi-chemin entre le Parti et la masse des travailleurs. Il put également encadrer théoriquement ce qui relevait jusqu’ici, chez lui, de l’instinct, de l’âme et du sensible : une révolution ne peut se passer de la paysannerie – cette paysannerie qu’il aimait tant et dont il pleurait la dissolution sous les acides de la modernité et du libéralisme marchand, cette paysannerie à qui Marx, dans son ouvrage Le 18 Brumaire de Louis Bonaparte, refusait, du fait de son mode de production, la possibilité de se constituer en classe.
Pasolini ne découvrit pas l’oppression économique et sociale dans les livres : « Ce qui m’a poussé à devenir communiste, c’est un soulèvement d’ouvriers agricoles contre les grands propriétaires du Frioul, au lendemain de la guerre. J’étais pour les braccianti. Je n’ai lu Marx et Gramsci qu’ensuite. » Si Pasolini était marxiste, il confia toutefois que le coauteur du Manifeste du Parti communiste s’avéra moins déterminant dans son parcours intellectuel que ne le fut Gramsci, à qui il rendit hommage en publiant, en 1957, le recueil de poésie Les Cendres de Gramsci. Le livre, composé de onze poèmes écrits entre 1951 et 1956, reçut le prix Viareggio à sa sortie. Budapest venait de se soulever contre la tutelle soviétique ; Pasolini décrivit son ouvrage, dans un entretien accordé à un journaliste français, comme « une crise idéologique ». Le poète s’adressa directement, dans ses vers, au révolutionnaire défunt : « à ton esprit qui est resté ici-bas parmi ces gens libres ». Pourquoi ce tutoiement ? Parlait-il à un camarade, un frère, un père ? Lui seul le sut, sans doute. Lisons encore : « Scandale de me contredire, d’être avec toi, contre toi ; avec toi dans mon cœur, au grand jour, contre toi dans la nuit des viscères ; reniant la condition de mon père ». De page en page, les hameaux, les foulards couleur sang aux cous des partisans, les rêves humiliants, les pantalons de travail, les ordures dans les ruelles, le marchand d’olives, les gosses qui gueulent… Et puis, tout au bout, le « rouge chiffon d’espérance ».
Jean-Marc Piotte, sociologue, philosophe et politologue marxiste est enseignant à l’Université de Montréal. Il a réalisé une thèse sur la pensée d’Antonio Gramsci.
Comment expliquez-vous que Gramsci n’occupe aujourd’hui pas la même place que Lénine ou Rosa Luxemburg chez les marxistes ?
Pour Lénine la raison est très simple : il a participé à la Révolution soviétique d’octobre 1917. Pour Rosa Luxemburg, c’est un peu plus complexe. Elle a eu beaucoup d’influence grâce à son opposition avec Lénine à l’époque en développant une pensée plutôt proche de la pensée anarchiste. Gramsci, ses textes n’ont été connu que très tard après sa sortie de prison. Cependant, sa réflexion a été un éclairage sur le fonctionnement de la politique et son lien avec la culture pour beaucoup de gens. Il a aussi été un pionnier sur le rôle des intellectuels.
Gramsci est désormais cité par de nombreux courants de pensée : pourquoi ?
Ses Cahiers de Prison sont obtenus à partir de textes très disparates qu’il arrive à obtenir en prison, ce sont des réflexions consignées dans un journal intime intellectuel, ce n’est pas un texte avec une orientation très claire… De ce fait, divers auteurs peuvent s’aider de Gramsci. Mais finalement, sa grande force c’est d’avoir réfléchi au rôle de la culture dans l’action politique et ça va plus loin que la simple pensée marxiste. Son but était de comprendre comment par la culture, il était possible de rallier la classe ouvrière à la révolution.
En quoi Gramsci peut encore être utile à la gauche aujourd’hui ?
Tout simplement parce que Gramsci réfléchit au problème fondamental de l’adhésion des classes populaires à la révolution. Par exemple, quand on voit qu’en France une part importante de la classe ouvrière qui votait pour les communistes vote aujourd’hui pour le FN on voit en quoi Gramsci serait utile. Ses écrits permettraient une réflexion sur les moyens de briser cela en reprenant l’hégémonie culturelle. Cette réflexion est d’ailleurs essentielle à mon avis si la gauche veut un jour renverser la tendance et venir à bout du capitalisme.
Boîte noire
- L’intégrale des œuvres de Gramsci ;
- Gramsci sur le portail français du marxisme ;
- La pensée politique de Gramsci par Jean-Marc Piotte ;
- Lordon et Todd : Les intellectuels vont devoir parler au peuple ;
- RAGEMAG s’est intéressé à la bataille culturelle sur les réseaux sociaux ;
- RAGEMAG vous a déjà parlé de Pasolini.
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samedi, 09 novembre 2013
Wall Street & the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
Wall Street & the November 1917 Bolshevik Revolution
By Kerry Bolton
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com
My last article [2] documented the funding of the March 1917 Revolution in Russia.[1] The primary financier of the Russian revolutionary movement 1905–1917 was Jacob Schiff, of Kuhn Loeb and Co., New York. In particular Schiff had provided the money for the distribution of revolutionary propaganda among Russians prisoners-of-war in Japan in 1905 by the American journalist George Kennan who, more than any other individual, was responsible for turning American public and official opinion against Czarist Russia. Kennan subsequently related that it was thanks to Schiff that 50,000 Russian soldiers were revolutionized and formed the cadres that laid the basis for the March 1917 Revolution and, we might add–either directly or indirectly–the consequent Bolshevik coup of November. The reaction of bankers from Wall Street and The City towards the overthrow of the Czar was enthusiastic.
This article deals with the funding of the subsequent Bolshevik coup eight months later which, as paradoxical as it might seem to those who know nothing of history other than the orthodox version, was also greeted cordially by banking circles in Wall Street and elsewhere.
Apologists for the bankers and other highly-placed individuals who supported the Bolsheviks from the earliest stages of the communist takeover, either diplomatically or financially, justify the support for this mass application of psychopathology as being motivated by patriotic sentiment, in trying to thwart German influence over the Bolsheviks and to keep Russia in the war against Germany. Because Lenin and his entourage had been able to enter Russia courtesy of the German High Command on the basis that a Bolshevik regime would withdraw Russia from the war, Wall Street capitalists explained that their patronage of the Bolsheviks was motivated by the highest ideals of pro-Allied sentiment. Hence, William Boyce Thompson in particular stated that by funding Bolshevik propaganda for distribution in Germany and Austria this would undermine the war effort of those countries, while his assistance to the Bolsheviks in Russia was designed to swing them in favor of the Allies.
These protestations of patriotic motivations ring hollow. International banking is precisely what it is called–international, or globalist as such forms of capitalism are now called. Not only have these banking forms and other forms of big business had overlapping directorships and investments for generations, but they are often related through intermarriage. While Max Warburg of the Warburg banking house in Germany advised the Kaiser and while the German Government arranged for funding and safe passage of Lenin and his entourage from Switzerland across Germany to Russia;[2] his brother Paul,[3] a partner of Jacob Schiff’s at Wall Street, looked after the family interests in New York. The primary factor that was behind the bankers’ support for the Bolsheviks whether from London,[4] New York, Stockholm,[5] or Berlin, was to open up the underdeveloped resources of Russia to the world market, just as in our own day George Soros, the money speculator, funds the so-called “color revolutions” to bring about “regime change” that facilitates the opening up of resources to global exploitation. Hence there can no longer be any doubt that international capital a plays a major role in fomenting revolutions, because Soros plays the well-known modern-day equivalent of Jacob Schiff.
Recognition of Bolsheviks Pushed by Bankers
This aim of international finance, whether centered in Germany, England or the USA, to open up Russia to capitalist exploitation by supporting the Bolsheviks, was widely commented on at the time by a diversity of well-informed sources, including Allied intelligence agencies, and of particular interest by two very different individuals, Henry Wickham Steed, editor of The London Times, and Samuel Gompers, head of the American Federation of Labor.
On May 1, 1922 The New York Times reported that Gompers, reacting to negotiations at the international economic conference at Genoa, declared that a group of “predatory international financiers” were working for the recognition of the Bolshevik regime for the opening up of resources for exploitation. Despite the rhetoric by New York and London bankers during the war that a Russian revolution would serve the Allied cause, Gompers opined that this was an “Anglo-American-German banking group,” and that they were “international bankers” who did not adhere to any national allegiance. He also noted that prominent Americans who had a history of anti-labor attitudes were advocating recognition of the Bolshevik regime.[6]
What Gompers claimed, was similarly expressed by Henry Wickham Steed of The London Times, based on his observations. In a first-hand account of the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, Steed stated that proceedings were interrupted by the return from Moscow of William C. Bullitt and Lincoln Steffens, “who had been sent to Russia towards the middle of February by Colonel House and Mr. Lansing, for the purpose of studying conditions, political and economic, therein for the benefit of the American Commissioners plenipotentiary to negotiate peace.”[7] Steed also refers to British Prime Minister Lloyd George as being likely to have known of the Mission and its purpose. Steed stated that international finance was behind the move for recognition of the Bolshevik regime and other moves in favor of the Bolsheviks, and specifically identified Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co., New York, as one of the principal bankers “eager to secure recognition”:
Potent international financial interests were at work in favor of the immediate recognition of the Bolshevists. Those influences had been largely responsible for the Anglo-American proposal in January to call Bolshevist representatives to Paris at the beginning of the Peace Conference—a proposal which had failed after having been transformed into a suggestion for a Conference with the Bolshevists at Prinkipo. . . . The well-known American Jewish banker, Mr. Jacob Schiff, was known to be anxious to secure recognition for the Bolshevists . . .[8]
In return for diplomatic recognition, Tchitcherin, the Bolshevist Commissary for Foreign Affairs, was offering “extensive commercial and economic concessions.”
Wickham Steed with the support of The Times’ proprietor, Lord Northcliffe, exposed the machinations of international finance to obtain the recognition of the Bolshevik regime, which still had a very uncertain future.
Steed related that he was called upon by US President Wilson’s primary adviser, Edward Mandel House, who was concerned at Steed’s exposé of the relationship between Bolshevists and international financers:
That day Colonel House asked me to call upon him. I found him worried both by my criticism of any recognition of the Bolshevists and by the certainty, which he had not previously realized, that if the President were to recognize the Bolshevists in return for commercial concessions his whole “idealism” would be hopelessly compromised as commercialism in disguise. I pointed out to him that not only would Wilson be utterly discredited but that the League of Nations would go by the board, because all the small peoples and many of the big peoples of Europe would be unable to resist the Bolshevism which Wilson would have accredited.[9]
Steed stated to House that it was Jacob Schiff, Warburg and other bankers who were behind the diplomatic moves in favor of the Bolsheviks:
I insisted that, unknown to him, the prime movers were Jacob Schiff, Warburg, and other international financiers, who wished above all to bolster up the Jewish Bolshevists in order to secure a field for German and Jewish exploitation of Russia.[10]
Steed here indicates an uncharacteristic naïveté in thinking that House would not have known of the plans of Schiff, Warburg, et al. House was throughout his career close to these bankers and was involved with them in setting up a war-time think tank called The Inquiry, and following the war the creation of the Council on Foreign Relations, in order to shape an internationalist post-war foreign policy. It was Schiff and Paul Warburg and other Wall Street bankers who called on House in 1913 to get House’s support for the creation of the Federal Reserve Bank.[11]
House in Machiavellian manner asked Steed to compromise; to support humanitarian aid supposedly for the benefit of all Russians. Steed agreed to consider this, but soon after talking with House found out that British Prime Minister Lloyd George and Wilson were to proceed with recognition the following day. Steed therefore wrote the leading article for the Paris Daily Mail of March 28th, exposing the maneuvers and asking how a pro-Bolshevik attitude was consistent with Pres. Wilson’s declared moral principles for the post-war world?
. . . Who are the tempters that would dare whisper into the ears of the Allied and Associated Governments? They are not far removed from the men who preached peace with profitable dishonour to the British people in July, 1914. They are akin to, if not identical with, the men who sent Trotsky and some scores of associate desperadoes to ruin the Russian Revolution as a democratic, anti-German force in the spring of 1917.[12]
Here Steed does not seem to have been aware that some of the same bankers who were supporting the Bolsheviks had also supported the March Revolution.
Charles Crane,[13] who had recently talked with President Wilson, told Steed that Wilson was about to recognize the Bolsheviks, which would result in a negative public opinion in the USA and destroy Wilson’s post-War internationalist aims. Significantly Crane also identified the pro-Bolshevik faction as being that of Big Business, stating to Steed: “Our people at home will certainly not stand for the recognition of the Bolshevists at the bidding of Wall Street.” Steed was again seen by House, who stated that Steed’s article in the Paris Daily Mail, “had got under the President’s hide.” House asked that Steed postpone further exposés in the press, and again raised the prospect of recognition based on humanitarian aid. Lloyd George was also greatly perturbed by Steed’s articles in the Daily Mail and complained that he could not undertake a “sensible” policy towards the Bolsheviks while the press had an anti-Bolshevik attitude.[14]
Thompson and the American Red Cross Mission
As mentioned, House attempted to persuade Steed on the idea of relations with Bolshevik Russia ostensibly for the purpose of humanitarian aid for the Russian people. This had already been undertaken just after the Bolshevik Revolution, when the regime was far from certain, under the guise of the American Red Cross Mission. Col. William Boyce Thompson, a director of the NY Federal Reserve Bank, organized and largely funded the Mission, with other funding coming from International Harvester, which gave $200,000. The so-called Red Cross Mission was largely comprised of business personnel, and was according to Thompson’s assistant, Cornelius Kelleher, “nothing but a mask” for business interests.[15] Of the 24 members, five were doctors and two were medical researchers. The rest were lawyers and businessmen associated with Wall Street. Dr. Billings nominally headed the Mission.[16] Prof. Antony Sutton of the Hoover Institute stated that the Mission provided assistance for revolutionaries:
We know from the files of the U.S. embassy in Petrograd that the U.S. Red Cross gave 4,000 rubles to Prince Lvoff, president of the Council of Ministers, for “relief of revolutionists” and 10,000 rubles in two payments to Kerensky for “relief of political refugees.”[17]
The original intention of the Mission, hastily organized by Thompson in light of revolutionary events, was ‘”nothing less than to shore up the Provisional regime,” according to the historian William Harlane Hale, formerly of the United States Foreign Service.[18] The support for the social revolutionaries indicates that the same bankers who backed the Kerensky regime and the March Revolution also supported the Bolsheviks, and it seems reasonable to opine that these financiers considered Kerensky a mere prelude for the Bolshevik coup, as the following indicates.
Thompson set himself up in royal manner in Petrograd reporting directly to Pres. Wilson and bypassing US Ambassador Francis. Thompson provided funds from his own money, first to the Social Revolutionaries, to whom he gave one million rubles,[19] and shortly after $1,000,000 to the Bolsheviks to spread their propaganda to Germany and Austria.[20] Thompson met Thomas Lamont of J. P. Morgan Co. in London to persuade the British War Cabinet to drop its anti-Bolshevik policy. On his return to the USA Thompson undertook a tour advocating US recognition of the Bolsheviks.[21] Thompson’s deputy Raymond Robbins had been pressing for recognition of the Bolsheviks, and Thompson agreed that the Kerensky regime was doomed and consequently “sped to Washington to try and swing the Administration onto a new policy track,” meeting resistance from Wilson, who was being pressure by Ambassador Francis.[22]
The “Bolshevik of Wall Street”
Such was Thompson’s enthusiasm for Bolshevism that he was nicknamed “the Bolshevik of Wall Street” by his fellow plutocrats. Thompson gave a lengthy interview with The New York Times just after his four month tour with the American Red Cross Mission, lauding the Bolsheviks and assuring the American public that the Bolsheviks were not about to make a separate peace with Germany.[23] The article is an interesting indication of how Wall Street viewed their supposedly “deadly enemies,” the Bolsheviks, at a time when their position was very precarious. Thompson stated that while the “reactionaries,” if they assumed power, might seek peace with Germany, the Bolsheviki would not. “His opinion is that Russia needs America, that America must stand by Russia,” stated the Times. Thompson is quoted: “The Bolsheviki peace aims are the same as those of the Untied States.” Thompson alluded to Wilson’s speech to the United States Congress on Russia as “a wonderful meeting of the situation,” but that the American public “know very little about the Bolsheviki.” The Times stated:
Colonel Thompson is a banker and a capitalist, and he has large manufacturing interests. He is not a sentimentalist nor a “radical.” But he has come back from his official visit to Russia in absolute sympathy with the Russian democracy as represented by the Bolsheviki at present.
Hence at this time Thompson was trying to sell the Bolsheviks as “democrats,” implying that they were part of the same movement as the Kerensky regime that they had overthrown. While Thompson did not consider Bolshevism the final form of government, he did see it as the most promising step towards a “representative government” and that it was the “duty” of the USA to “sympathize” with and “aid” Russia “through her days of crisis.” He stated that in reply to surprise at his pro-Bolshevik sentiments he did not mind being called “red” if that meant sympathy for 170,000,000 people “struggling for liberty and fair living.” Thompson also saw that while the Bolsheviki had entered a “truce” with Germany, they were also spreading Bolshevik doctrines among the German people, which Thompson called “their ideals of freedom” and their “propaganda of democracy.” Thompson lauded the Bolshevik Government as being the equivalent to America’s democracy, stating:
The present government in Russia is a government of workingmen. It is a Government by the majority, and, because our Government is a government of the majority, I don’t see how it can fail to support the Government of Russia.
Thompson saw the prospects of the Bolshevik Government being transformed as it incorporated a more Centrist position and included employers. If Bolshevism did not proceed thus, then “God help the world,” warned Thompson. Given that this was a time when Lenin and Trotsky held sway over the regime, subsequently to become the most enthusiastic advocates of opening Russia up to foreign capital (New Economic Policy) prospects seemed good for a joint Capitalist-Bolshevik venture with no indication that an upstart named Stalin would throw a spanner in the works.
The Times article ends: “At home in New York, the Colonel has received the good-natured title of ‘the Bolshevik of Wall Street.’”[24] It was against this background that it can now be understood why labor leader Samuel Gompers denounced Bolshevism as a tool of “predatory international finance,” while arch-capitalist Thompson lauded it as “a government of working men.”
The Council on Foreign Relations Report
The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) had been established in 1921 by President Wilson’s chief adviser Edward Mandel House out of a previous think tank called The Inquiry, formed in 1917–1918 to advise President Wilson on the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. It was this conference about which Steed had detailed his observations when he stated that there were financial interests trying to secure the recognition of the Bolsheviks.[25]
Peter Grose in his semi-official history of the CFR writes of it as a think tank combining academe and big business that had emerged from The Inquiry group.[26] Therefore the CFR report on Soviet Russia at this early period is instructive as to the relationship that influential sections of the US Establishment wished to pursue in regard to the Bolshevik regime. Grosse writes of this period:
Awkward in the records of The Inquiry had been the absence of a single study or background paper on the subject of Bolshevism. Perhaps this was simply beyond the academic imagination of the times. Not until early 1923 could the Council summon the expertise to mobilize a systematic examination of the Bolshevik regime, finally entrenched after civil war in Russia. The impetus for this first study was Lenin’s New Economic Policy, which appeared to open the struggling Bolshevik economy to foreign investment. Half the Council’s study group were members drawn from firms that had done business in pre-revolutionary Russia, and the discussions about the Soviet future were intense. The concluding report dismissed “hysterical” fears that the revolution would spill outside Russia’s borders into central Europe or, worse, that the heady new revolutionaries would ally with nationalistic Muslims in the Middle East to evict European imperialism. The Bolsheviks were on their way to “sanity and sound business practices,” the Council study group concluded, but the welcome to foreign concessionaires would likely be short-lived. Thus, the Council experts recommended in March 1923 that American businessmen get into Russia while Lenin’s invitation held good, make money on their investments, and then get out as quickly as possible. A few heeded the advice; not for seven decades would a similar opportunity arise.[27]
However, financial interests had already moved into Soviet Russia from the beginning of the Bolshevik regime.
The Vanderlip Concession
H. G. Wells, historian, novelist, and Fabian-socialist, observed first-hand the relationship between Communism and big business when he had visited Bolshevik Russia. Travelling to Russia in 1920 where he interviewed Lenin and other Bolshevik leaders, Wells hoped that the Western Powers and in particular the USA would come to the Soviets’ aid. Wells also met there “Mr. Vanderlip” who was negotiating business contracts with the Soviets. Wells commented of the situation he would like to see developing, and as a self-described “collectivist” made a telling observation on the relationship between Communism and “Big Business”:
The only Power capable of playing this role of eleventh-hour helper to Russia single-handed is the United States of America. That is why I find the adventure of the enterprising and imaginative Mr. Vanderlip very significant. I doubt the conclusiveness of his negotiations; they are probably only the opening phase of a discussion of the Russian problem upon a new basis that may lead it at last to a comprehensive world treatment of this situation. Other Powers than the United States will, in the present phase of world-exhaustion, need to combine before they can be of any effective use to Russia. Big business is by no means antipathetic to Communism. The larger big business grows the more it approximates to Collectivism. It is the upper road of the few instead of the lower road of the masses to Collectivism.[28]
In addressing concerns that were being expressed among Bolshevik Party “activists” at a meeting of the Moscow Organization of the party, Lenin sought to reassure them that the Government was not selling out to foreign capitalism, but that, in view of what Lenin believed to be an inevitable war between the USA and Japan, a US interest in Kamchatka would be favorable to Soviet Russia as a defensive position against Japan. Such strategic considerations on the part of the US, it might be added, were also more relevant to US and other forms of so-called “intervention” during the Russian Civil War between the Red and the White Armies, than any desire to help the Whites overturn the Bolsheviks, let alone restore Czarism. Lenin said of Vanderlip to the Bolshevik cadres:
We must take advantage of the situation that has arisen. That is the whole purpose of the Kamchatka concessions. We have had a visit from Vanderlip, a distant relative of the well-known multimillionaire, if he is to he believed; but since our intelligence service, although splendidly organized, unfortunately does not yet extend to the United States of America, we have not yet established the exact kinship of these Vanderlips. Some even say there is no kinship at all. I do not presume to judge: my knowledge is confined to having read a book by Vanderlip, not the one that was in our country and is said to be such a very important person that he has been received with all the honors by kings and ministers—from which one must infer that his pocket is very well lined indeed. He spoke to them in the way people discuss matters at meetings such as ours, for instance, and told then in the calmest tones how Europe should be restored. If ministers spoke to him with so much respect, it must mean that Vanderlip is in touch with the multimillionaires.[29]
Of the meeting with Vanderlip, Lenin indicated that it was based on a secret diplomacy that was being denied by the US Administration, while Vandrelip returned to the USA, like other capitalists such as Thompson, praising the Bolsheviks. Lenin continued:
. . . I expressed the hope that friendly relations between the two states would be a basis not only for the granting of a concession, but also for the normal development of reciprocal economic assistance. It all went off in that kind of vein. Then telegrams came telling what Vanderlip had said on arriving home from abroad. Vanderlip had compared Lenin with Washington and Lincoln. Vanderlip had asked for my autographed portrait. I had declined, because when you present a portrait you write, “To Comrade So-and-so,” and I could not write, “To Comrade Vanderlip.” Neither was it possible to write: “To the Vanderlip we are signing a concession with” because that concession agreement would be concluded by the Administration when it took office. I did not know what to write. It would have been illogical to give my photograph to an out-and-out imperialist. Yet these were the kind of telegrams that arrived; this affair has clearly played a certain part in imperialist politics. When the news of the Vanderlip concessions came out, Harding—the man who has been elected President, but who will take office only next March—issued an official denial, declaring that he knew nothing about it, had no dealings with the Bolsheviks, and had heard nothing about any concessions. That was during the elections, and, for all we know, to confess, during elections, that you have dealings with the Bolsheviks may cost you votes. That was why he issued an official denial. He had this report sent to all the newspapers that are hostile to the Bolsheviks and are on the pay roll of the imperialist parties . . .[30]
This mysterious Vanderlip was in fact Washington Vanderlip who had, according to Armand Hammer, come to Russia in 1919, although even Hammer does not seem to have known much of the matter.[31] Lenin’s rationalizations in trying to justify concessions to foreign capitalists to the “Moscow activists” in 1920 seem disingenuous and less than forthcoming. Washington Vanderlip was an engineer whose negotiations with Russia drew considerable attention in the USA. The New York Times wrote that Vanderlip, speaking from Russia, denied reports of Lenin’s speech to “Moscow activists” that the concessions would serve Bolshevik geopolitical interests, with Vanderlip declaring that he had established a common frontier between the USA and Russia and that trade relations must be immediately restored.[32] The New York Times reporting in 1922: “The exploration of Kamchatka for oil as soon as trade relations between this country and Russia are established was assured today when the Standard Oil Company of California purchased one-quarter of the stock in the Vanderlip syndicate.” This gave Standard Oil exclusive leases on any syndicate lands on which oil was found. The Vanderlip syndicate comprised sixty-four units. The Standard Oil Company has just purchased sixteen units. However, the Vanderlip concessions could not come into effect until Soviet Russia was recognized by the USA.[33]
The Vanderlip syndicate holds concessions for the exploitation of coal, oil, and timber lands, fisheries, etc., east of the 160th parallel in Kamchatka. The Russian Government granted the syndicate alternate sections of land there and will draw royalties amounting to approximately 5 percent on all products developed and marketed by the syndicate.[34]
It is little wonder then that US capitalists were eager to see the recognition of the Soviet regime.
Bolshevik Bankers
In 1922 Soviet Russia’s first international bank was created, Ruskombank, headed by Olof Aschberg of the Nye Banken, Stockholm, Sweden. The predominant capital represented in the bank was British. The foreign director of Ruskombank was Max May, vice president of the Guaranty Trust Company.[35] Similarly to “the Bolshevik of Wall Street,” William Boyce Thompson, Aschberg was known as the “Bolshevik banker” for his close involvement with banking interests that had channeled funds to the Bolsheviks.
Guaranty Trust Company became intimately involved with Soviet economic transactions. A Scotland Yard Intelligence Report stated as early as 1919 the connection between Guaranty Trust and Ludwig C. A. K. Martens, head of the Soviet Bureau in New York when the bureau was established that year.[36] When representatives of the Lusk Committee investigating Bolshevik activities in the USA raided the Soviet Bureau offices on May 7, 1919, files of communications with almost a thousand firms were found. Basil H. Thompson of Scotland Yard in a special report stated that despite denials, there was evidence in the seized files that the Soviet Bureau was being funded by Guaranty Trust Company.[37] The significance of the Guaranty Trust Company was that it was part of the J. P. Morgan economic empire, which Dr. Sutton shows in his study to have been a major player in economic relations with Soviet Russia from its early days. It was also J. P. Morgan interests that predominated in the formation of a consortium, the American International Corporation (AIC), which was another source eager to secure the recognition of the still embryonic Soviet state. Interests represented in the directorship of the American International Corporation (AIC) included: National City Bank; General Electric; Du Pont; Kuhn, Loeb and Co.; Rockefeller; Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Ingersoll-Rand; Hanover National Bank, etc.[38]
The AIC’s representative in Russia at the time of the revolutionary tumult was its executive secretary William Franklin Sands, who was asked by US Secretary of State Robert Lansing for a report on the situation and what the US response should be. Sands’ attitude toward the Bolsheviks was, like that of Thompson, enthusiastic. Sands wrote a memorandum to Lansing in January 1918, at a time when the Bolshevik hold was still far from sure, that there had already been too much of a delay by the USA in recognizing the Bolshevik regime such as it existed. The USA had to make up for “lost time,” and like Thompson, Sands considered the Bolshevik Revolution to be analogous to the American Revolution.[39] In July 1918 Sands wrote to US Treasury Secretary McAdoo that a commission should be established by private interests with government backing, to provide “economic assistance to Russia.”[40]
Armand Hammer
One of those closely associated with Ludwig Martens and the Soviet Bureau was Dr. Julius Hammer, an emigrant from Russia who was a founder of the Communist Party USA. There is evidence that Julius Hammer was the host to Leon Trotsky when the latter with his family arrived in New York in 1917, and that it was Dr. Hammer’s chauffeured car that provided transport to Natalia and the Trotsky children. The Trotskys were met on disembarkation at the New York dock by Arthur Concors, a director of the Hebrew Sheltering and Immigrant Aid Society, whose advisory board included Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb and Co.[41] Dr. Hammer was the “primary owner of Allied Drug and Chemical Co.,” and “one of those not so rare creatures, a radical Marxist turned wealthy entrepreneur,” who lived an opulent lifestyle, according to Professor Spence.[42] Another financier linked to Trotsky was his own uncle, banker Abram Zhivotovskii, who was associated with numerous financial interests including those of Olof Aschberg.[43]
The intimate association of the Hammer family with Soviet Russia was to be maintained from start to finish, with an interlude of withdrawal during the Stalinist period. Julius’ son Armand, chairman of Occidental Petroleum Corporation, was the first foreigner to obtain commercial concessions from the Soviet Government. Armand was in Russia in 1921 to arrange for the reintroduction of capitalism according to the new economic course set by Lenin, the New Economic Policy. Lenin stated to Hammer that the economies of Russia and the USA were complementary, and in exchange for the exploitation of Russia’s raw materials he hoped for America’s technology.[44] This was precisely the attitude of significant business interests in the West. Lenin stated to Hammer that it was hoped the New Economic Policy would accelerate the economic process “by a system of industrial and commercial concessions to foreigners. It will give great opportunities to the United States.”[45]
Hammer met Trotsky, who asked him whether “financial circles” in the USA regard Russia as a desirable field of investment? Trotsky continued:
Inasmuch as Russia had its Revolution, capital was really safer there than anywhere else because, “whatever should happen abroad, the Soviet would adhere to any agreements it might make. Suppose one of your Americans invest money in Russia. When the Revolution comes to America, his property will of course be nationalized, but his agreement with us will hold good and he will thus be in a much more favorable position than the rest of his fellow capitalists.[46]
The manner by which Russia fundamentally changed direction, resulting eventually in the Cold War when Stalin refused to continue the wartime alliance for the purposes of establishing a World State via the United Nations Organization, traces its origins back to the divergence of opinion, among many other issues, between Trotsky and Stalin in regard to the role of foreign investment in the Soviet Union.[47] The CFR report had been prescient in warning big business to get into Russia immediately lest the situation changed radically.
Regimented Labor
But for the moment, with Trotsky entrenched as the warlord of Bolshevism, and Lenin favorable towards international capital investment, events in Russia seemed to be promising. A further major factor in the enthusiasm certain capitalist interests had for the Bolsheviks was the regimentation of labor under the so-called “dictatorship of the proletariat.” The workers’ state provided foreign capitalists with a controlled workforce. Trotsky had stated:
The militarization of labor is the indispensable basic method for the organization of our labor forces. . . . Is it true that compulsory labor is always unproductive? . . . This is the most wretched and miserable liberal prejudice: chattel slavery too was productive. . . . Compulsory slave labor was in its time a progressive phenomenon. Labor obligatory for the whole country, compulsory for every worker, is the basis of socialism. . . . Wages must not be viewed from the angle of securing the personal existence of the individual worker [but should] measure the conscientiousness, and efficiency of the work of every laborer.[48]
Hammer related of his experiences in the young Soviet state that although lengthy negotiations had to be undertaken with each of the trades unions involved in an enterprise, “the great power and influence of the trade unions was not without its advantages to the employer of labor in Russia. Once the employer had signed a collective agreement with the union branch there was little risk of strikes or similar trouble.”
Breaches of the codes as negotiated could result in dismissal, with recourse by the sacked worker to a labor court which, in Hammer’s experience, did not generally find in the worker’s favor, which would mean that there would be little chance of the sacked worker getting another job.[49]
However, Trotsky’s insane run in the Soviet Union was short-lived. As for Hammer, despite his greatly expanding and diverse businesses in the Soviet Union, after Stalin assumed power Hammer packed up and left, not returning until Stalin’s demise. Hammer opined decades later:
I never met Stalin—I never had any desire to do so—and I never had any dealings with him. However it was perfectly clear to me in 1930 that Stalin was not a man with whom you could do business. Stalin believed that the state was capable of running everything without the support of foreign concessionaires and private enterprise. That is the main reason I left Moscow. I could see that I would soon be unable to do business there and, since business was my sole reason to be there, my time was up.[50]
Foreign capital did nonetheless continue to do business with the USSR[51] as best as it was able, but the promising start that capitalists saw in the March and November revolutions for a new Russia that would replace the antiquated Czarist system with a modern economy from which they could reap the rewards was, as the 1923 CFR report warned, short-lived. Gorbachev and Yeltsin provided a brief interregnum of hope for foreign capital, to be disappointed again with the rise of Putin and a revival of nationalism and opposition to the oligarchs. The policy of continuing economic relations with the USSR even during the era of the Cold War was promoted as a strategy in the immediate aftermath of World War II when a CFR report by George S Franklin recommended attempting to work with the USSR as much as possible, “unless and until it becomes entirely evident that the U.S.S.R. is not interested in achieving cooperation . . .”
The United States must be powerful not only politically and economically, but also militarily. We cannot afford to dissipate our military strength unless Russia is willing concurrently to decrease hers. On this we lay great emphasis.
We must take every opportunity to work with the Soviets now, when their power is still far inferior to ours, and hope that we can establish our cooperation on a firmer basis for the not so distant future when they will have completed their reconstruction and greatly increased their strength. . . . The policy we advocate is one of firmness coupled with moderation and patience.[52]
Since Putin, the CFR again sees Russia as having taken a “wrong direction.” The current recommendation is for “selective cooperation” rather than “partnership, which is not now feasible.”[53]
The Revolutionary Nature of Capital
Should the fact that international capital viewed the March and even the November Revolutions with optimism be seen as an anomaly of history? Oswald Spengler was one of the first historians to expose the connections between capital and revolution. In The Decline of the West he called socialism “capitalistic” because it does not aim to replace money-based values, “but to possess them.” H. G. Wells, it will be recalled, said something similar. Spengler stated of socialism that it is “nothing but a trusty henchman of Big Capital, which knows perfectly well how to make use of it.” He elaborated in a footnote, seeing the connections going back to antiquity:
Herein lies the secret of why all radical (i.e. poor) parties necessarily become the tools of the money-powers, the Equites, the Bourse. Theoretically their enemy is capital, but practically they attack, not the Bourse, but Tradition on behalf of the Bourse. This is as true today as it was for the Gracchuan age, and in all countries . . .[54]
It was the Equites, the big-money party, which made Tiberius Gracchu’s popular movement possible at all; and as soon as that part of the reforms that was advantageous to themselves had been successfully legalized, they withdrew and the movement collapsed.[55]
From the Gracchuan Age to the Cromwellian and the French Revolutions, to Soros’ “color revolutions” of today, the Russian Revolutions were neither the first nor the last of political upheavals to serve the interests of Money Power in the name of “the people.”
[1] K. R. Bolton, “March 1917: Wall Street & the March 1917 Russian Revolution,” Ab Aeterno, No. 2 (March 2010).
[2] Michael Pearson, The Sealed Train: Journey to Revolution: Lenin–1917 (London: Macmillan, 1975).
[3] Paul Warburg, prior to immigrating to the USA, had been decorated by the Kaiser in 1912.
[4] Col. William Wiseman, head of the British Secret Service, was the British equivalent to America’s key presidential adviser, Edward House, with whom he was in constant communication. Wiseman became a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Co. From London on May 1, 1918 Wiseman cabled House that the Allies should intervene at the invitation of the Bolsheviks and help organize the Bolshevik army then fighting the White Armies in a bloody Civil War at a time when the Bolshevik hold on Russia was doubtful (Edward M. House, ed. Charles Seymour, The Intimate Papers of Col. House [New York: Houghton, Mifflin Co., 1926], Vol. III, p. 421).
[5] Olof Aschberg of the Nye Banken, Stockholm, the so-called “Bolshevik banker” who became head of the first Soviet international bank, Ruskombank, channeled funds to the Bolsheviks. On September 6, 1948 The London Evening Star commented on Aschberg’s visit to Swiss bankers that he had “advanced large sums to Lenin and Trotsky in 1917. At the time of the revolution Mr. Aschberg gave Trotsky money to form and equip the first unit of the Red Army.”
[6] Samuel Gompers, “Soviet Bribe fund Here Says Gompers, Has Proof That Offers Have Been Made, He Declares, Opposing Recognition. Propaganda Drive. Charges Strong Group of Bankers With Readiness to Accept Lenin’s Betrayal of Russia,” The New York Times, May 1, 1922. Online at Times’ archives: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9E00E3D81739EF3ABC4953DFB3668389639EDE [3]
[7] Henry Wickham Steed, “Through Thirty Years 1892–1922 A personal narrative,” The Peace Conference, The Bullitt Mission, Vol. II. (New York: Doubleday Page and Co., 1924), p. 301.
[8] Ibid.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Charles Seymour, 165–66. House was assigned by Wilson to draw up the constitution for the League of Nations, and in 1918 formed a think tank at Wilson’s request, called The Inquiry, to advise on post-war policy, which became the Council on Foreign Relations. House was the US chief negotiator at the Peace Conference in Paris, 1919–1920.
[12] Henry Wickham Steed, “Peace with Honor,” Paris Daily Mail, 28 March 1922; quoted in Steed (1924).
[13] Crane was a member of a 1917 Special Diplomatic Mission to Russia, and a member of the American Section of the Paris Peace Conference in 1919.
[14] H. W. Steed, 1924, op. cit.
[15] Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New York: Arlington House Publishers, 1974), p. 71.
[16] Ibid., p. 75.
[17] Ibid., p. 73.
[18] William Harlan Hale, “When the Red Storm Broke,” America and Russia: A Century and a Half of Dramatic Encounters, ed. Oliver Jensen (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1962), p. 150.
[19] Ibid., p.151.
[20] “Gives Bolsheviki a Million,” Washington Post, 2 February 1918, cited by Sutton, ibid., pp. 82–83.
[21] A. Sutton, op.cit., p. 8.
[22] W. Harlan Hale, op.cit., p. 151.
[23] Trotsky while still in the USA had made similar claims. “People War Weary. But Leo Trotsky Says They Do Not Want Separate Peace,” New York Times, March 16, 1917. This was why he became the focus of British intelligence efforts via R. H. Bruce Lockhart, special agent to the British War Cabinet in Russia.
[24] “Bolsheviki Will Not Make Separate Peace: Only Those Who Made Up Privileged Classes Under Czar Would Do So, Says Col. W. B. Thompson, Just Back From Red Cross Mission,” New York Times, January 27, 1918.
[25] Robert S. Rifkind, ‘”The Wasted Mission,” America and Russia, op. cit., p. 180.
[26] Peter Grose, Continuing The Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996 (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006). The entire book can be read online at: Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html [4] (Accessed on February 27, 2010).
[27] Ibid. Chapter: “Basic Assumptions.”
[28] H. G. Wells, Russia in the Shadows, Chapter VII, “The Envoy.” Wells went to Russia in September 1920 at the invitation of Kamenev, of the Russian Trade Delegation in London, one of the leaders of the Bolshevik regime. Russia in the Shadows appeared as a series of articles in The Sunday Express. The whole book can be read online at: gutenberg.net.au/ebooks06/0602371h.html [5]
[29] V. I. Lenin, December 6, 1920, Collected Works, 4th English Edition (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1965), Volume 31, 438–59 http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/dec/06.htm [6] (Accessed on August 4, 2010).
[30] Ibid.
[31] A. Hammer, Witness to History (Reading, England: Hodder and Stoughton, 1988), pp.151-152.
[32] “Vanderlip’s Empire,” The New York Times, December 1, 1920, 14.
[33] “Standard Oil Joins Vanderlip Project,” The New York Times, January 11, 1922, p. 1.
[34] Ibid.
[35] Antony Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New York: Arlington House Publishers, 1974), pp. 62–63.
[36] “Scotland Yard Intelligence Report,” London 1919, US State Dept. Decimal File, 316-22-656, cited by A. Sutton, ibid., p. 113.
[37] Basil H. Thompson, British Home Office Directorate of Intelligence, “Special Report No. 5 (Secret),” Scotland Yard, London, July 14, 1919; cited by Sutton, ibid., p. 115.
[38] A Sutton, op.cit., pp. 130–31.
[39] Sands’ memorandum to Lansing, p. 9; cited by Sutton, ibid., pp. 132, 134.
[40] A. Sutton, ibid., p. 135.
[41] Richard B Spence, “Hidden Agendas: Spies, Lies and Intrigue Surrounding Trotsky’s American Visit, January-April 1917,” Revolutionary Russia, Vol. 21, #1 (2008).
[42] Ibid.
[43] Ibid.
[44] A. Hammer, Witness to History, op. cit., p. 143.
[45] Ibid.
[46] Ibid., p. 160.
[47] K. R. Bolton, “Origins of the Cold War: How Stalin Foiled a New World Order,” Foreign Policy Journal, May 31, 2010, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/05/31/origins-of-the-cold-war-how-stalin-foild-a-new-world-order/all/1 [7]
[48] Leon Trotsky, Third All-Russian Congress of Trade Unions, April 6th, 1920. http://www.marxists.org/archive/brinton/1970/workers-control/05.htm [8] (Accessed on August 4, 2010).
[49] A. Hammer, op. cit., p. 217.
[50] Ibid., p. 221.
[51] Charles Levinson, Vodka-Cola (West Sussex: Biblias, 1980). Antony Sutton, National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union (New York: Arlington House, 1973).
[52] Peter Grose, op. it., “The First Transformation,” http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/first_transformation.html [9]
[53] Jack Kemp, et al., Russia’s Wrong Direction: What the United States Can and Should do, Independent Task Force Report, no. 57 (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006) xi. The entire publication can be downloaded at: http://www.cfr.org/publication/9997/ [10]
[54] Oswald Spengler, The Decline of The West (London: George Allen & Unwin, 1971), Vol. 2, p. 464.
[55] Ibid., p. 402.
Source: Ab Aeterno, no. 5, Fall 2010
Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com
URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/10/wall-street-and-the-november-1917-bolshevik-revolution/
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[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Lenin-Hammer.jpg
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[3] http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9E00E3D81739EF3ABC4953DFB3668389639EDE: http://query.nytimes.com/gst/abstract.html?res=9E00E3D81739EF3ABC4953DFB3668389639EDE
[4] http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html
[5] gutenberg.net.au/ebooks06/0602371h.html: http://www.counter-currents.comgutenberg.net.au/ebooks06/0602371h.html
[6] http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/dec/06.htm: http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1920/dec/06.htm
[7] http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/05/31/origins-of-the-cold-war-how-stalin-foild-a-new-world-order/all/1: http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2010/05/31/origins-of-the-cold-war-how-stalin-foild-a-new-world-order/all/1
[8] http://www.marxists.org/archive/brinton/1970/workers-control/05.htm: http://www.marxists.org/archive/brinton/1970/workers-control/05.htm
[9] http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/first_transformation.html: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/first_transformation.html
[10] http://www.cfr.org/publication/9997/: http://www.cfr.org/publication/9997/
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samedi, 05 octobre 2013
G. A. Zjuganov: “Il nostro Paese non può esistere senza un’idea nazionale”
G. A. Zjuganov: “Il nostro Paese non può esistere senza un’idea nazionale”
Traduzione di Luca Baldelli
Ex: http://www.statopotenza.eu
Il giorno 20 settembre, anticipando la prossima sessione plenaria della Duma di Stato, G A Zjuganov, Presidente del Comitato centrale del Partito comunista della Federazione russa, nonché capogruppo comunista presso la Duma, ha commentato il discorso tenuto il 19 settembre dal Presidente della Federazione Russa, V. V. Putin, al 10° incontro del Forum Internazionale di dibattito “Valdaj” .
Gennadij Andreevich Zjuganov
Presidente del Comitato centrale del Partito comunista, capogruppo del Partito comunista nella Duma di Stato della RF.
“Le dichiarazioni che Putin ha reso ieri al Forum “Valdaj”, le ho personalmente attese per 20 anni – ha affermato, condividendole, Gennadij Zjuganov. – Ciò dal momento che, a partire da Gorbaciov, i leaders che si sono avvicendati alla guida del nostro Paese non hanno detto nulla di tutto questo. A mio parere, questo discorso si sarebbe dovuto tenere prima davanti all’Assemblea federale e alla Nazione tutta, non solo davanti al ristretto pubblico dei rappresentanti stranieri. Credo che esso meriti particolare attenzione nel contesto della discussione che si terrà alla Duma” .
“Putin ha dichiarato, per la prima volta, che il nostro Paese non può esistere senza una idea nazionale – ha sottolineato il capo dei comunisti russi. – La Russia non può esistere senza proseguire nel solco delle sue migliori tradizioni, senza un serio dialogo tra le varie forze politiche per la costruzione di programmi e proposte articolati nell’interesse di tutti i cittadini, non solo di singoli gruppi sociali, per non parlare dell’oligarchia”.
G. A. Zjuganov ha inoltre ricordato che ricorre in questi giorni il 20° anniversario dei fatti che coinvolsero il Soviet Supremo della RSFSR (il colpo di mano di Eltsin, ndr), con tanto di attacco militare alla sede istituzionale. “Poche persone per 50 giorni resistettero alla costruzione dell’autocrazia presidenziale. Si è ripetuto e si continua ad affermare da più parti che lo Stato non dovrebbe avere la loro ideologia, la loro cultura, la loro visione dei fatti. Uno Stato senza forma né anima, uno Stato – mostro, ecco quello che da più parti si vuole; uno Stato che ha dato origine alla corruzione selvaggia e al terribile degrado della società che è sotto gli occhi di chiunque voglia vedere” – ha incalzato, con toni indignati, il leader del Partito comunista.
“Oggi si pretende di porre davanti alla storia il compito di inventare un’idea nazionale. A tal proposito, vorrei ricordare a Putin che l’idea nazionale non è né può essere il parto della testa di qualcuno. Eltsin incaricò Burbulis, Shakhraj e altri come loro di plasmare quest’ idea. Le grandi idee, però, quelle in cui le persone credono, sono sempre nate dalle lotte, dal lavoro, dal dolore, dalle vittorie, dalle sconfitte, dalle scoperte geniali” - ha rimarcato G. A. Zjuganov.
“Abbiamo creato un’idea nazionale in mille anni di storia. L’essenza di quest’idea è rappresentata da uno Stato forte, ad alto contenuto spirituale, dal senso della comunità, della giustizia naturale. Noi – il popolo della Vittoria – siamo stati in grado di sopravvivere, nella nostra storia, grazie ad una serie di trionfi che ci hanno garantito la libertà, il diritto alla terra, la tutela delle nostre credenze e convinzioni” – ha ricordato il capo comunista russo.
“Abbiamo iniziato con la grande vittoria sul lago Peipus, presso il quale sono stati sconfitti gli stessi Crociati che, in precedenza, avevano saccheggiato Costantinopoli e la Palestina. Abbiamo quindi affermato il diritto di professare la nostra fede e di sviluppare la nostra cultura. Dalla Battaglia di Kulikovo è sorto lo Stato russo; da Poltava è fiorito l’Impero russo. Abbiamo dimostrato di essere in grado di sviluppare i nostri spazi aperti, basandoci sulle nostre proprie forze” – ha continuato Gennadij Zjuganov.
“Sul campo di Borodino, poi, abbiamo dimostrato di poter battere un avversario forte che aveva raccolto sotto le sue insegne “crociati” di tutta Europa. Le tre grandi battaglie della Grande Guerra Patriottica – Mosca, Stalingrado e Orel/Kursk - hanno deciso l’esito della lotta contro le forze oscure del fascismo. In quella guerra uscirono vittoriosi l’Armata Rossa e gli ideali della Rivoluzione d’Ottobre. Voglio suggerire a Putin che è bene lavorare tutti insieme, non dimenticare una qualsiasi di queste pagine di storia. Questa è storia vera, altro che i cascami e la poltiglia del liberalismo che, imperanti per anni, hanno imposto al fondo di tutto la russofobia, l’odio verso tutto ciò che era sovietico, nazionale e genuinamente democratico”, – ha detto il leader del Partito comunista.
“Oggi, la politica interna del governo Medvedev non ha nulla a che fare con l’idea dello Stato-Nazione, con gli ideali che ci hanno assicurato la vittoria e il successo. Non ci può essere uno Stato forte quando l’ultimo immobile viene venduto, quando il 90 per cento delle grandi proprietà sono sotto il controllo degli stranieri. Lo Stato dovrebbe dare l’esempio a tutta la società nel far rispettare la legge, in primo luogo ai membri del Governo”- ha detto Gennadij Zjuganov.
“Non possono esistere uno Stato collettivista e un popolo che lo supporta e lo anima, se si dà la stura ad ogni forma di individualismo. Se tutto è predisposto e studiato per non far lavorare le persone, per deprimere le energie vive della società, se si punta tutto sulle lotterie, sui bagordi, sul gioco d’azzardo, sulle carte, come ci si può meravigliare di ciò che accade? – ha affermato G. A. Zjuganov – Inventano un programma su uno dei più importanti canali televisivi, ed ecco quel che avviene: quasi tutti si siedono in poltrona e giocano del denaro. Un Paese in cui si rincorrono ricchezze virtuali è destinato alla sconfitta. Un Paese può conoscere il successo a una sola condizione: la sua gente deve essere in grado di imparare ed inventare, affermando la propria dignità e dormendo così sonni tranquilli. Tutto questo non è contemplato nelle linee guida della nostra politica interna. Nessun Paese può sperare in qualsivoglia successo se la giustizia sociale viene calpestata. Da noi, il 10% più ricco dispone di un reddito 40-50 volte superiore a quello del 10% più povero. Un divario simile non si riscontra nemmeno nei Paesi dell’Africa. In questo senso siamo diventati lo Stato più ingiusto che esiste” – ha detto Gennadij Andreevich.
“Il nostro Paese non può essere certo prospero e solido, dal momento che il Governo di Medvedev è composto da persone che non se ne intendono di industria. Essi distruggono un settore dopo l’altro. Hanno distrutto il settore dei macchinari, quello dell’elettronica, quello della fabbricazione di strumenti di precisione. Hanno condotto alla prostrazione l’agricoltura, con il risultato di 41 milioni di ettari di terra arabile ricoperta da erbacce. Il sistema dell’istruzione, della formazione, dei tirocini è corrotto a livello di ogni scuola e tutte le famiglie ne sono coinvolte. Si è fatto di tutto per provocare l’indebolimento e la distruzione dell’Accademia delle Scienze, senza ascoltare gli scienziati e l’opposizione politica” – ha sottolineato il leader comunista.
“Purtroppo, dobbiamo registrare un divario enorme tra le parole e le azioni dei capi della Nazione. Per l’affermazione di un’idea nazionale proclamata con lo scudo e la bandiera della Federazione russa, si impone la necessità di una politica saggia ed equilibrata. Servono un nuovo corso e una nuova compagine di governo. Valuto pertanto il discorso di Putin come la giustificazione politica e ideologica di un cambiamento tanto necessario che dovrà essere portato avanti nel corso dell’anno, con le dimissioni dell’attuale Governo. Vediamo cosa accadrà . E’ importante che le idee espresse ieri da Putin siano concretamente realizzate nella vita pratica di tutti i giorni. Se così sarà, siamo pronti fin da adesso a fare la nostra parte, appoggiando il nuovo corso” – ha dichiarato, concludendo, G. A. Zjuganov.
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mardi, 07 mai 2013
Relire le Capital au-delà de l’économie
Relire le Capital au-delà de l’économie


00:05 Publié dans Philosophie, Théorie politique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : karl marx, socialisme, communisme, marxisme, théorie politique, sciences politiques, politologie, philosophie, philosophie politique | |
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samedi, 30 mars 2013
Stalin’s Fight Against International Communism
Stalin’s Fight Against International Communism
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/
Editor’s Note:
This is the first chapter of Kerry Bolton’s new book Stalin: The Enduring Legacy [2] (London: Black House Publishing, 2012). The chapter is being reprinted as formatted in the book. Counter-Currents will also run a review of the book, which I highly recommend.
The notion that Stalin ‘fought communism’ at a glance seems bizarre. However, the contention is neither unique nor new. Early last century the seminal German conservative philosopher-historian Oswald Spengler stated that Communism in Russia would metamorphose into something distinctly Russian which would be quite different from the alien Marxist dogma that had been imposed upon it from outside. Spengler saw Russia as both a danger to Western Civilisation as the leader of a ‘coloured world-revolution’, and conversely as a potential ally of a revived Germany against the plutocracies. Spengler stated of Russia’s potential rejection of Marxism as an alien imposition from the decaying West that,
Race, language, popular customs, religion, in their present form… all or any of them can and will be fundamentally transformed. What we see today then is simply the new kind of life which a vast land has conceived and will presently bring forth. It is not definable in words, nor is its bearer aware of it. Those who attempt to define, establish, lay down a program, are confusing life with a phrase, as does the ruling Bolshevism, which is not sufficiently conscious of its own West-European, Rationalistic and cosmopolitan origin.[1]
Even as he wrote, Bolshevism in the USSR was being fundamentally transformed in the ways Spengler foresaw. The ‘rationalistic’ and ‘cosmopolitan’ origins of Bolshevism were soon being openly repudiated, and a new course was defined by Zhdanov and other Soviet eminences.
Contemporary with Spengler in Weimer Germany, there arose among the ‘Right’ the ‘National Bolshevik’ faction one of whose primary demands was that Germany align with the Soviet Union against the Western plutocracies. From the Soviet side, possibilities of an alliance with the ‘Right’ were far from discounted and high level Soviet sources cultivated contacts with the pro-Russian factions of the German Right including the National Bolsheviks.[2]
German-Soviet friendship societies included many conservatives. In Arbeitsgemeinschaft zum Studium der Sowjetrussichen Planwirtschaft (Arplan)[3] Conservative-Revolutionaries and National Bolsheviks comprised a third of the membership. Bund Geistige Berufe (BGB)[4] was founded in 1931 and was of particular interest to Soviet Russia, according to Soviet documents, which aimed ‘to attract into the orbit of our influence a range of highly placed intellectuals of rightist orientation’.[5]
The profound changes caused Konstantin Rodzaevsky, leader of the Russian Fascist Union among the White Russian émigrés at Harbin, to soberly reassess the USSR and in 1945 he wrote to Stalin:
Not all at once, but step by step we came to this conclusion. We decided that: Stalinism is exactly what we mistakenly called ‘Russian Fascism’. It is our Russian Fascism cleansed of extremes, illusions, and errors.[6]
In the aftermath of World War II many German war veterans, despite the devastating conflagration between Germany and the USSR, and the rampage of the Red Army across Germany with Allied contrivance, were vociferous opponents of any German alliance with the USA against the USSR. Major General Otto E Remer and the Socialist Reich Party were in the forefront of advocating a ‘neutralist’ line for Germany during the ‘Cold War’, while one of their political advisers, the American Spenglerian philosopher Francis Parker Yockey, saw Russian occupation as less culturally debilitating than the ‘spiritual syphilis’ of Hollywood and New York, and recommended the collaboration of European rightists and neo-Fascists with the USSR against the USA.[7] Others of the American Right, such as the Yockeyan and Spenglerian influenced newspaper Common Sense, saw the USSR from the time of Stalin as the primary power in confronting Marxism, and they regarded New York as the real ‘capitol’ of Marxism.[8]
What might be regarded by many as an ‘eccentric’ element from the Right were not alone in seeing that the USSR had undergone a revolutionary transformation. Many of the Left regarded Stalin’s Russia as a travesty of Marxism. The most well-known and vehement was of course Leon Trotsky who condemned Stalin for having ‘betrayed the revolution’ and for reversing doctrinaire Marxism. On the other hand, the USA for decades supported Marxists, and especially Trotskyites, in trying to subvert the USSR during the Cold War. The USA, as the columnists at Common Sense continually insisted, was promoting Marxism, while Stalin was fighting it. This dichotomy between Russian National Bolshevism and US sponsored international Marxism was to having lasting consequences for the post-war world up to the present.
Stalin Purges Marxism
The Moscow Trials purging Trotskyites and other veteran Bolsheviks were merely the most obvious manifestations of Stalin’s struggle against alien Marxism. While much has been written condemning the trials as a modern day version of the Salem witch trials, and while the Soviet methods were often less than judicious the basic allegations against the Trotskyites et al were justified. The trials moreover, were open to the public, including western press, diplomats and jurists. There can be no serious doubt that Trotskyites in alliance with other old Bolsheviks such as Zinoviev and Kameneff were complicit in attempting to overthrow the Soviet state under Stalin. That was after all, the raison d’etre of Trotsky et al, and Trotsky’s hubris could not conceal his aims.[9]
The purging of these anti-Stalinist co-conspirators was only a part of the Stalinist fight against the Old Bolsheviks. Stalin’s relations with Lenin had not been cordial, Lenin accusing him of acting like a ‘Great Russian chauvinist’.[10] Indeed, the ‘Great Russians’ were heralded as the well-spring of Stalin’s Russia, and were elevated to master-race like status during and after the ‘Great Patriotic War’ against Germany. Lenin, near death, regarded Stalin’s demeanour as ‘offensive’, and as not showing automatic obedience. Lenin wished for Stalin to be removed as Bolshevik Party General Secretary.[11]
Dissolving the Comintern
The most symbolic acts of Stalin against International Communism were the elimination of the Association of Old Bolsheviks, and the destruction of the Communist International (Comintern). The Comintern, or Third International, was to be the basis of the world revolution, having been founded in 1919 in Moscow with 52 delegates from 25 countries.[12] Zinoviev headed the Comintern’s Executive Committee.[13] He was replaced by Bukharin in 1926.[14] Both Zinonviev and Bukharin were among the many ‘Old Bolsheviks’ eliminated by Stalin.
Stalin regarded the Comintern with animosity. It seemed to function more as an enemy agency than as a tool of Stalin, or at least that is how Stalin perceived the organisation. Robert Service states that Dimitrov, the head of the Comintern at the time of its dissolution, was accustomed to Stalin’s accusations against it. In 1937 Stalin had barked at him that ‘all of you in Comintern are hand in glove with the enemy’.[15] Dimitrov must have wondered how long he had to live.[16]
Instead of the Communist parties serving as agents of the world revolution, in typically Marxist manner, and the purpose for founding the Comintern, the Communist parties outside Russia were expected to be nationally oriented. In 1941 Stalin stated of this:
The International was created in Marx’s time in the expectation of an approaching international revolution. Comintern was created in Lenin’s time at an analogous moment. Today, national tasks emerge for each country as a supreme priority. Do not hold on tight to what was yesterday.[17]
This was a flagrant repudiation of Marxist orthodoxy, and places Stalinism within the context of National Bolshevism.
The German offensive postponed Stalin’s plans for the elimination of the Comintern, and those operatives who had survived the ‘Great Purge’ were ordered to Ufa, South of the Urals. Dimitrov was sent to Kuibyshev on the Volga. After the Battle of Stalingrad, Stalin returned to the issue of the Comintern, and told Dimitrov on 8 May 1943 to wind up the organisation. Dimitrov was transferred to the International Department of the Bolshevik Party Central Committee.[18] Robert Service suggests that this could have allayed fears among the Allies that Stalin would pursue world revolution in the post-war world. However, Stalin’s suspicion of the Comintern and the liquidation of many of its important operatives indicate fundamental belligerence between the two. In place of proletarian international solidarity, Stalin established an All-Slavic Committee[19] to promote Slavic folkish solidarity, although the inclusion of the Magyars[20] was problematic.
Stalin throughout his reign undertook a vigorous elimination of World Communist leaders. Stalin decimated communist refugees from fascism living in the USSR. While only 5 members of the Politburo of the German Communist Party had been killed under Hitler, in the USSR 7 were liquidated, and 41 out of 68 party leaders. The entire Central Committee of the Polish Communist Party in exile were liquidated, and an estimated 5000 party members were killed. The Polish Communist Party was formally dissolved in 1938. 700 Comintern headquarters staff were purged.[21]
Among the foreign Communist luminaries who were liquidated was Bela Kun, whose psychotic Communist regime in Hungary in 1919 lasted 133 days. Kun fled to the Soviet Union where he oversaw the killing of 50,000 soldiers and civilians attached to the White Army under Wrangle, who had surrendered after being promised amnesty. Kun was a member of the Executive Committee of the Comintern. A favourite of Lenin’s, this bloody lunatic served as a Comintern agent in Germany, Austria and Czechoslovakia during the 1920s. In 1938 he was brought before a tribunal and after a brief trial was executed the same day.[22]
Another action of great symbolism was Stalin’s moves against the ‘Old Bolsheviks’, the veterans of the 1917 Revolution. Leon Sedov, Leon Trotsky’s son, in his pamphlet on the Great Purge of the late 1930s, waxed indignant that Stalin ‘coldly orders the shooting of Bolsheviks, former leaders of the Party and the Comintern, and heroes of the Civil War’.[23] ‘The Association of Old Bolsheviks and that of the former political prisoners has been dissolved. They were too strong a reminder of the “cursed” revolutionary past’.[24]
In place of the Comintern the Cominform was established in 1947, for the purpose of instructing Communist parties to campaign against the Marshall Aid programme that was designed to bring war-ravished Europe under US hegemony. ‘European communism was to be redirected’ towards maintaining the gains of the Red Army during World War II. ‘Communist parties in Western Europe could stir up trouble’, against the USA. The Cominform was far removed from being a resurrection of the old Comintern. As to who was invited to the inaugural meeting held at a secluded village in Poland, ‘Stalin… refused a request from Mao Zedong, who obviously thought that the plan was to re-establish the Communist International’. The Spanish and Portuguese parties were not invited, nor were the British, or the Greek Communist Party, which was fighting a civil war against the royalists.[25]
The extent of the ‘fraternity’ between the USSR and the foreign Communists can be gauged from the delegates having not been given prior knowledge of the agenda, and being ‘treated like detainees on arrival’. While Soviet delegates Malenkov and Zhdanov kept in regular communication with Stalin, none of the other delegates were permitted communication with the outside world.[26]
Repudiation of Marxist Doctrine
The implementation of Marxism as a policy upon which to construct a State was of course worthless, and Stalin reversed the doctrinaire Marxism that he had inherited from the Lenin regime. Leon Sedov indignantly stated of this:
In the most diverse areas, the heritage of the October revolution is being liquidated. Revolutionary internationalism gives way to the cult of the fatherland in the strictest sense. And the fatherland means, above all, the authorities. Ranks, decorations and titles have been reintroduced. The officer caste headed by the marshals has been reestablished. The old communist workers are pushed into the background; the working class is divided into different layers; the bureaucracy bases itself on the ‘non-party Bolshevik’, the Stakhanovist, that is, the workers’ aristocracy, on the foreman and, above all, on the specialist and the administrator. The old petit-bourgeois family is being reestablished and idealized in the most middle-class way; despite the general protestations, abortions are prohibited, which, given the difficult material conditions and the primitive state of culture and hygiene, means the enslavement of women, that is, the return to pre-October times. The decree of the October revolution concerning new schools has been annulled. School has been reformed on the model of tsarist Russia: uniforms have been reintroduced for the students, not only to shackle their independence, but also to facilitate their surveillance outside of school. Students are evaluated according to their marks for behaviour, and these favour the docile, servile student, not the lively and independent schoolboy. The fundamental virtue of youth today is the ‘respect for one’s elders’, along with the ‘respect for the uniform’. A whole institute of inspectors has been created to look after the behaviour and morality of the youth.[27]
This is what Leon Sedov, and his father, Leon Trotsky, called the ‘Bonapartist character of Stalinism’.[28] And that is precisely what Stalin represents in history: the Napoleon of the Bolshevik Revolution who reversed the Marxian doctrinal excrescences in a manner analogous to that of Napoleon’s reversal of Jacobin fanaticism after the 1789 French Revolution. Underneath the hypocritical moral outrage about Stalinist ‘repression’, etc.,[29] a number of salient factors emerge regarding Stalin’s repudiation of Marxist-Leninist dogma:
- The ‘fatherland’ or what was called again especially during World War II, ‘Holy Mother Russia’, replaced international class war and world revolution.
- Hierarchy in the military and elsewhere was re-established openly rather than under a hypocritical façade of soviet democracy and equality.
- A new technocratic elite was established, analogous to the principles of German ‘National Bolshevism’.
- The traditional family, the destruction of which is one of the primary aims of Marxism generally[30] and Trotskyism specifically,[31] was re-established.
- Abortion, the liberalisation of which was heralded as a great achievement in woman’s emancipation in the early days of Bolshevik Russia, was reversed.
- A Czarist type discipline was reintroduced to the schools; Leon Sedov condemned this as shackling the free spirit of youth, as if there were any such freedom under the Leninist regime.
- ‘Respect for elders’ was re-established, again anathema to the Marxists who seek the destruction of family life through the alienation of children from parents.[32]
What the Trotskyites and other Marxists object to was Stalin’s establishment the USSR as a powerful ‘nation-state’, and later as an imperial power, rather than as a citadel for world revolution. However, the Trotskyites, more than any other Marxist faction, allied themselves to American imperialism in their hatred of Stalinist Russia, and served as the most enthusiastic partisans of the Cold War.[33] Sedov continued:
Stalin not only bloodily breaks with Bolshevism, with all its traditions and its past, he is also trying to drag Bolshevism and the October revolution through the mud. And he is doing it in the interests of world and domestic reaction. The corpses of Zinoviev and Kamenev must show to the world bourgeoisie that Stalin has broken with the revolution, and must testify to his loyalty and ability to lead a nation-state. The corpses of the old Bolsheviks must prove to the world bourgeoisie that Stalin has in reality radically changed his politics, that the men who entered history as the leaders of revolutionary Bolshevism, the enemies of the bourgeoisie, – are his enemies also. Trotsky, whose name is inseparably linked with that of Lenin as the leader of the October revolution, Trotsky, the founder and leader of the Red Army; Zinoviev and Kamenev, the closest disciples of Lenin, one, president of the Comintern, the other, Lenin’s deputy and member of the Politburo; Smirnov, one of the oldest Bolsheviks, conqueror of Kolchak—today they are being shot and the bourgeoisie of the world must see in this the symbol of a new period. This is the end of the revolution, says Stalin. The world bourgeoisie can and must reckon with Stalin as a serious ally, as the head of a nation-state…. Stalin has abandoned long ago the course toward world revolution.[34]
As history shows, it was not Stalin to whom the ‘world bourgeoisie’ or more aptly, the world plutocracy, looked on as an ally, but leading Trotskyites whose hatred of Stalin and the USSR made them vociferous advocates of American foreign policy.
Family Life Restored
Leon Trotsky is particularly interesting in regard to what he saw as the ‘revolution betrayed’ in his condemnation of Stalinist policies on ‘youth, family, and culture’. Using the term ‘Thermidor’, taken from the French revolutionary era, in his description of Stalinism vis-à-vis the Bolshevik revolution, Trotsky began his critique on family, generational and gender relations. Chapter 7 of The Revolution Betrayed is worth reading in its entirety as an over-view of how Stalin reversed Marxism-Leninism. Whether that is ‘good’ or ‘bad’ is, of course, left to the subjectivity of the reader.[35]
The primary raison d’etre of Marxism for Trotsky personally seems to have been the destruction of religion and of family (as it was for Marx).[36] Hence, the amount of attention Trotsky gives to lamenting the return to traditional family relations under Stalin:
The revolution made a heroic effort to destroy the so-called ‘family hearth’ – that archaic, stuffy and stagnant institution in which the woman of the toiling classes performs galley labor from childhood to death. The place of the family as a shut-in petty enterprise was to be occupied, according to the plans, by a finished system of social care and accommodation: maternity houses, creches, kindergartens, schools, social dining rooms, social laundries, first-aid stations, hospitals, sanatoria, athletic organizations, moving-picture theaters, etc. The complete absorption of the housekeeping functions of the family by institutions of the socialist society, uniting all generations in solidarity and mutual aid, was to bring to woman, and thereby to the loving couple, a real liberation from the thousand-year-old fetters. Up to now this problem of problems has not been solved. The forty million Soviet families remain in their overwhelming majority nests of medievalism, female slavery and hysteria, daily humiliation of children, feminine and childish superstition. We must permit ourselves no illusions on this account. For that very reason, the consecutive changes in the approach to the problem of the family in the Soviet Union best of all characterize the actual nature of Soviet society and the evolution of its ruling stratum.[37]
Marxism, behind the façade of women’s emancipation, ridicules the traditional female role in the family as ‘galley labour’, but does so for the purpose of delivering women to the ‘galley labour’ of the Marxist state. The Marxist solution is to take the child from the parents and substitute parental authority for the State via childcare. As is apparent today, the Marxist ideal regarding the family and children is the same as that of big capitalism. It is typical of the manner by which Marxism, including Communism, converges with plutocracy, as Spengler pointed out soon after the 1917 Revolution in Russia.[38]
Trotsky states, ‘you cannot “abolish” the family; you have to replace it’. The aim was to replace the family with the state apparatus: ‘During the lean years, the workers wherever possible, and in part their families, ate in the factory and other social dining rooms, and this fact was officially regarded as a transition to a socialist form of life’. Trotsky decries the reversal by Stalin of this subversion of the family hearth: ‘The fact is that from the moment of the abolition of the food-card system in 1935, all the better placed workers began to return to the home dining table’. Women as mothers and wives were retuning to the home rather than being dragooned into factories, Trotsky getting increasingly vehement at these reversals of Marxism:
Back to the family hearth! But home cooking and the home washtub, which are now half shamefacedly celebrated by orators and journalists, mean the return of the workers’ wives to their pots and pans that is, to the old slavery.[39]
The original Bolshevik plan was for a new slavery where all would be bound to the factory floor regardless of gender, a now familiar aim of global capitalism, behind the façade of ‘equality’. Trotsky lamented that the rural family was even stronger: ‘The rural family, bound up not only with home industry but with agriculture, is infinitely more stable and conservative than that of the town’. There had been major reversals in the collectivisation of the peasant families: they were again obtaining most of their food from private lots rather than collectivised farms, and ‘there can no longer be any talk of social dining rooms’. ‘Thus the midget farms, [were] creating a new basis for the domestic hearthstone…’[40]
The pioneering of abortion rights by the Leninist regime was celebrated as a great achievement of Bolshevism, which was, however, reversed by Stalin with the celebration instead of motherhood. In terms that are today conventional throughout the Western world, Trotsky stated that due to the economic burden of children upon women,
…It is just for this reason that the revolutionary power gave women the right to abortion, which in conditions of want and family distress, whatever may be said upon this subject by the eunuchs and old maids of both sexes, is one of her most important civil, political and cultural rights. However, this right of women too, gloomy enough in itself, is under the existing social inequality being converted into a privilege.[41]
The Old Bolsheviks demanded abortion as a means of ‘emancipating women’ from children and family. One can hardly account for the Bolshevik attitude by an appeal to anyone’s ‘rights’ (sic). The answer to the economic hardship of childbearing was surely to eliminate the causes of the hardship. In fact, this was the aim of the Stalinists, Trotsky citing this in condemnation:
One of the members of the highest Soviet court, Soltz, a specialist on matrimonial questions, bases the forthcoming prohibition of abortion on the fact that in a socialist society where there are no unemployed, etc., etc., a woman has no right to decline ‘the joys of motherhood’.[42]
On June 27 1936 a law was passed prohibiting abortion, which Trotsky called the natural and logical fruit of a ‘Thermidorian reaction’.[43] The redemption of the family and motherhood was damned perhaps more vehemently by Trotsky than any other aspect of Stalinism as a repudiation of the ‘ABCs of Communism’, which he stated includes ‘getting women out of the clutches of the family’.
Everybody and everything is dragged into the new course: lawgiver and litterateur, court and militia, newspaper and schoolroom. When a naive and honest communist youth makes bold to write in his paper: ‘You would do better to occupy yourself with solving the problem how woman can get out of the clutches of the family’, he receives in answer a couple of good smacks and – is silent. The ABCs of Communism are declared a ‘leftist excess’. The stupid and stale prejudices of uncultured philistines are resurrected in the name of a new morale. And what is happening in daily life in all the nooks and corners of this measureless country? The press reflects only in a faint degree the depth of the Thermidorian reaction in the sphere of the family.[44]
A ‘new’ or what we might better call traditional ‘morale’ had returned. Marriage and family were being revived in contrast to the laws of early Bolshevik rule:
The lyric, academical and other ‘friends of the Soviet Union’ have eyes in order to see nothing. The marriage and family laws established by the October revolution, once the object of its legitimate pride, are being made over and mutilated by vast borrowings from the law treasuries of the bourgeois countries. And as though on purpose to stamp treachery with ridicule, the same arguments which were earlier advanced in favor of unconditional freedom of divorce and abortion – ‘the liberation of women’, ‘defense of the rights of personality’, ‘protection of motherhood’ – are repeated now in favor of their limitation and complete prohibition.[45]
Trotsky proudly stated that the Bolsheviks had sought to alienate children from their parents, but under Stalin parents resumed their responsibilities as the guardians of their children’s welfare, rather than the role being allotted to factory crèches. It seems, that in this respect at least, Stalinist Russia was less a Marxian-Bolshevik state than the present day capitalist states which insist that mothers should leave their children to the upbringing of crèches while they are forced to work; and ironically those most vocal in demanding such polices are often regarded as ‘right-wing’.
Trotsky lauded the policy of the early Bolshevik state, to the point where the state withdrew support from parents
While the hope still lived of concentrating the education of the new generations in the hands of the state, the government was not only unconcerned about supporting the authority of the ‘elders’, and, in particular of the mother and father, but on the contrary tried its best to separate the children from the family, in order thus to protect them from the traditions of a stagnant mode of life.[46]
Trotsky portrayed the early Bolshevik experiments as the saving of children from ‘drunken fathers or religious mothers’; ‘a shaking of parental authority to its very foundations’.[47]
Stalinist Russia also reversed the original Bolshevik education policy that had been based on ‘progressive’ American concepts and returned authority to the schools. In speaking of the campaign against decadence in music,[48] Andrei Zhdanov, Stalin’s cultural adviser, recalled the original Bolshevik education policy, and disparaged it as ‘very leftish’:
At one time, you remember, elementary and secondary schools went in for the ‘laboratory brigade’ method and the ‘Dalton plan’,[49] which reduced the role of the teacher in the schools to a minimum and gave each pupil the right to set the theme of classwork at the beginning of each lesson. On arriving in the classroom, the teacher would ask the pupils ‘What shall we study today?’ The pupils would reply: ‘Tell us about the Arctic’, ‘Tell us about the Antarctic’, ‘Tell us about Chapayev’, ‘Tell us about Dneprostroi’. The teacher had to follow the lead of these demands. This was called the ‘laboratory brigade method’, but actually it amounted to turning the organisation of schooling completely topsy-turvy. The pupils became the directing force, and the teacher followed their lead. Once we had ‘loose-leaf textbooks’, and the five point system of marks was abandoned. All these things were novelties, but I ask you, did these novelties stand for progress?
The Party cancelled all these ‘novelties’, as you know. Why? Because these ‘novelties’, in form very ‘leftish’, were in actual fact extremely reactionary and made for the nullification of the school.[50]
One observer visiting the USSR explained:
Theories of education were numerous. Every kind of educational system and experiment was tried—the Dalton Plan, the Project Method, the Brigade Laboratory and the like. Examinations were abolished and then reinstated; though with a vital difference. Examinations in the Soviet Union serve as a test for scholarship, not as a door to educational privilege.[51]
In particular the amorality inherent in Marxism was reversed under Stalinism. Richard Overy sates of this process:
Changing attitudes to behaviour and social environment under Stalin went hand-in-hand with a changing attitude towards the family… Unlike family policy in the 1920s, which assumed the gradual breakdown of the conventional family unit as the state supplied education and social support of the young, and men and women sought more collective modes of daily life, social policy under Stalin reinstated the family as the central social unit, and proper parental care as the model environment for the new Soviet generation. Family policy was driven by two primary motives: to expand the birth rate and to provide a more stable social context in a period of rapid social change. Mothers were respected as heroic socialist models in their own right and motherhood was defined as a socialist duty. In 1944 medals were introduced for women who had answered the call: Motherhood medal, Second Class for five children, First Class for six; medals of Motherhood Glory in three classes for seven, eight or nine offspring, for ten or more, mothers were justly nominated Heroine Mother of the Soviet Union, and an average of 5,000 a year won this highest accolade, and a diploma from the Soviet President himself.[52]
No longer were husband and wife disparaged as the ‘drunken father’ and the ‘religious mother’, from whom the child must be ‘emancipated’ and placed under state jurisdiction, as Trotsky and the other Old Bolshevik reprobates attempted. Professor Overy states, rather, that ‘the ideal family was defined in socialist-realist terms as large, harmonious and hardworking’. ‘Free love and sexual licence’, the moral nihilism encouraged by Bolshevism during its early phase, was being described in Pravda in 1936 as ‘altogether bourgeois’.[53]
In 1934 traditional marriage was reintroduced, and wedding rings, banned since the 1920s, were again produced. The austere and depressing atmosphere of the old Bolshevik marriage ceremony was replaced with more festive and prolonged celebration. Divorce, which the Bolsheviks had made easy, causing thousands of men to leave their families, was discouraged by raising fees. Absentee fathers were obliged to pay half their earnings for the upkeep of their families. Homosexuality, decriminalised in 1922, was recriminalised in 1934. Abortion, legalised in 1920, was outlawed in 1936, with abortionists liable to imprisonment from one to three years, while women seeking termination could be fined up to 300 roubles.[54] The exception was that those with hereditary illnesses could apply for abortion.[55]
The antithesis between Marxist orthodoxy and Stalinism is nowhere better seen than in the attitudes towards the family, as related above, and culture.
Andrei Zhdanov, the primary theoretician on culture in Stalinist Russia, was an inveterate opponent of ‘formalism’ and modernism in the arts. ‘Socialist-realism’, as Soviet culture was termed from 1932,[56] was formulated that year by Maxim Gorky, head of the Union of Soviet Writers.[57] It was heroic, folkish and organic. The individual artist was the conveyor of the folk-soul, in contrast to the art of Western decline, dismissively described in the USSR as ‘bourgeoisie formalism’.[58]
The original Bolshevik vision of a mass democratic art, organised as ‘Proletkult’, which recruited thousands of workers to be trained as artists and writers, as one would train workers to operate a factory conveyor built, was replaced by the genius of the individual expressing the soul of the people. While in The West the extreme Left and its wealthy patrons championed various forms of modernism,[59] in the USSR they were marginalized at best, resulting in the suicide for example of the Russian ‘Constructivist’ Mayakovsky. The revitalisation of Russian-Soviet art received its primary impetus in 1946 with the launching of Zhdanovschina.[60]
The classical composers from the Czarist era, such as Tchaikovsky, Glinka sand Borodin, were revived, after being sidelined in the early years of Bolshevism in favour of modernism, as were great non-Russian composers such as Beethoven, Brahms and Schubert.[61] Maxim Gorky continued to be celebrated as ‘the founder of Soviet literature and he continued to visit the USSR, despite his having moved to Fascist Italy. He returned to Russia in 1933.[62] Modernists who had been fêted in the early days of Bolshevism, such as the playwright, Nikolai Erdman, were relegated to irrelevance by the 1930s.[63]
Jazz and the associated types of dancing were condemned as bourgeoisie degeneracy.[64]
Zhdanov’s speech to the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (Bolshevik) intended primarily to lay the foundations of Soviet music, represents one of the most cogent recent attempts to define culture. Other than some sparse references to Marx, Lenin and internationalism, the Zhdanov speech should rank alongside T S Eliot’s Notes Towards A Definition of Culture[65] as a seminal conservative statement on culture. The Zhandov speech also helped set the foundation for the campaign against ‘rootless cosmopolitanism’ that was launched several years later. Zhdandov’s premises for a Soviet music were based on the classical and the organic connexion with the folk, striving for excellence, and expressing lofty values, rejecting modernism as detached from folk and tradition.
And, indeed, we are faced with a very acute, although outwardly concealed struggle between two trends in Soviet music. One trend represents the healthy, progressive principle in Soviet music, based upon recognition of the tremendous role of the classical heritage, and, in particular, the traditions of the Russian musical school, on the combination of lofty idea content in music, its truthfulness and realism, with profound, organic ties with the people and their music and songs – all this combined with a high degree of professional mastery. The other trend is that of formalism, which is alien to Soviet art, and is marked by rejection of the classical heritage under the guise of seeming novelty, by rejection of popular music, by rejection of service to the people in preference for catering to the highly individualistic emotions of a small group of select aesthetes.[66]
While some in the Proletkult, founded in 1917 were of Futurist orientation, declaring like the poet Vladimir Kirillov, for example, that ‘In the name of our tomorrow, we will burn Raphael, we will destroy museums, we will trample the flowers of art’, the Proletkult organisation was abolished in 1932,[67] and Soviet culture was re-established on classical foundations. Khdanov was to stress the classical heritage combined with the Russian folk traditions, as the basis for Soviet culture in his address:
Let us examine the question of attitude towards the classical heritage, for instance. Swear as the above-mentioned composers may that they stand with both feet on the soil of the classical heritage, there is nothing to prove that the adherents of the formalistic school are perpetuating and developing the traditions of classical music. Any listener will tell you that the work of the Soviet composers of the formalistic trend is totally unlike classical music. Classical music is characterised by its truthfulness and realism, by the ability to attain to unity of brilliant artistic form with profound content, to combine great mastery with simplicity and comprehensibility. Classical music in general, and Russian classical music in particular, are strangers to formalism and crude naturalism. They are marked by lofty idea content, based upon recognition of the musical art of the peoples as the wellspring of classical music, by profound respect and love for the people, their music and songs.[68]
Zhdanov’s analysis of modernism in music and his definition of classic culture is eminently relevant for the present state of Western cultural degeneracy:
What a step back from the highroad of musical development our formalists make when, undermining the bulwarks of real music, they compose false and ugly music, permeated with idealistic emotions, alien to the wide masses of people, and catering not to the millions of Soviet people, but to the few, to a score or more of chosen ones, to the ‘elite’! How this differs from Glinka, Chaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, Dargomyjsky and Mussorgsky, who regarded the ability to express the spirit and character of the people in their works as the foundation of their artistic growth. Neglect of the demands of the people, their spirit and art means that the formalistic trend in music is definitely anti-popular in character.[69]
Zhdanov addressed a tendency in Russia that has thrived in The West: that of the ever new and the ‘theoretical’ that is supposedly so profound as to be beyond the understanding of all but depraved, pretentious or commodity-driven artistic coteries in claiming that only future generations will widely understand these artistic vanguards. However, Stalinist Russia repudiated the nonsense; and exposed the emperor as having no clothes:
It is simply a terrible thing if the ‘theory’ that ‘we will be understood fifty or a hundred years hence’, that ‘our contemporaries may not understand us, but posterity will’ is current among a certain section of Soviet composers. If this altitude has become habitual, it is a very dangerous habit.[70]
For Zhdanov, and consequently for the USSR, the classics were a folkish manifestation arising from the soul of the Russian people, rather than being dismissed in Marxian manner as merely products of bourgeoisie culture. In fact, as indicated previously, it was modernism that was regarded as a manifestation of ‘bourgeois decadence’. Zhandov castigated the modernists as elitist, aloof, or better said, alienated from the folk. On the other hand the great Russian classicists, despite their class origins, were upheld as paragons of the Russian folk culture:
Remember how the classics felt about the needs of the people. We have begun to forget in what striking language the composers of the Big Five,[71] and the great music critic Stasov, who was affiliated with them, spoke of the popular element in music. We have begun to forget Glinka’s wonderful words about the ties between the people and artists: “Music is created by the people and we artists only arrange it.” We are forgetting that the great master did not stand aloof from any genres if these genres helped to bring music closer to the wide masses of people. You, on the other hand, hold aloof even from such a genre as the opera; you regard the opera as secondary, opposing it to instrumental symphony music, to say nothing of the fact that you look down on song, choral and concert music, considering it a disgrace to stoop to it and satisfy the demands of the people. Yet Mussorgsky adapted the music of the Hopak, while Glinka used the Komarinsky for one of his finest compositions. Evidently, we shall have to admit that the landlord Glinka, the official Serov and the aristocrat Stasov were more democratic than you. This is paradoxical, but it is a fact. Solemn vows that you are all for popular music are not enough. If you are, why do you make so little use of folk melodies in your musical works? Why are the defects, which were criticised long ago by Serov, when he said that ‘learned’, that is, professional, music was developing parallel with and independently of folk music, repeating themselves? Can we really say that our instrumental symphony music is developing in close interaction with folk music – be it song, concert or choral music? No, we cannot say that. On the contrary, a gulf has unquestionably arisen here as the result of the underestimation of folk music by our symphony composers. Let me remind you of how Serov defined his attitude to folk music. I am referring to his article The Music of South Russian Songs in which he said: ‘Folk songs, as musical organisms, are by no means the work of individual musical talents, but the productions of a whole nation; their entire structure distinguishes them from the artificial music written in conscious imitation of previous examples, written as the products of definite schools, science, routine and reflexes. They are flowers that grow naturally in a given locale, that have appeared in the world of themselves and sprung to full beauty without the least thought of authorship or composition, and consequently, with little resemblance to the hothouse products of learned compositional activity’. That is why the naivete of creation, and that (as Gogol aptly expressed it in Dead Souls) lofty wisdom of simplicity which is the main charm and main secret of every artistic work are most strikingly manifest in them.[72]
It is notable that Zhdanov emphasised the basis of culture as an organic flowering from the nation. Of painting Zhandov again attacked the psychotic ‘leftist’ influences:
Or take this example. An Academy of Fine Arts was organised not so long ago. Painting is your sister, one of the muses. At one time, as you know, bourgeois influences were very strong in painting. They cropped up time and again under the most ‘leftist’ flags, giving themselves such tags as futurism, cubism, modernism; ‘stagnant academism’ was ‘overthrown’, and novelty proclaimed. This novelty expressed itself in insane carryings on, as for instance, when a girl was depicted with one head on forty legs, with one eye turned towards us, and the other towards Arzamas. How did all this end? In the complete crash of the ‘new trend’. The Party fully restored the significance of the classical heritage of Repin, Briullov, Vereshchagin, Vasnetsov and Surikov. Did we do right in reinstating the treasures of classical painting, and routing the liquidators of painting?[73]
The extended discussion here on Russian culture under Stalin is due to the importance that the culture-war between the USSR and the USA took, having repercussions that were not only world-wide but lasting.
[1] Oswald Spengler, The Hour of Decision (New York: Alfred A Knopf, 1963), 61.
[2] K R Bolton, ‘Jünger and National-Bolshevism’ in Jünger: Thoughts & Perspectives Vol. XI (London: Black Front Press, 2012).
[3] Association for the Study of the Planned Economy of Soviet Russia.
[4] League of Professional Intellectuals.
[5] K R Bolton, ‘Jünger and National-Bolshevism’, op. cit.
[6] Cited by John J Stephan, The Russian Fascists (London: Hamish Hamilton, 1978), 338.
[7] K R Bolton, ‘Francis Parker Yockey: Stalin’s Fascist Advocate’, International Journal of Russian Studies, Issue No. 6, 2010, http://www.radtr.net/dergi/sayi6/bolton6.htm [3]
[8] K R Bolton, ‘Cold War Axis: Soviet Anti-Zionism and the American Right’’ see Appendix II below.
[9] See Chapter III: ‘The Moscow Trials in Historical Context’.
[10] R Service, Comrades: Communism: A World History (London: Pan MacMillan, 2008), 97.
[11] Ibid., 98.
[12] Ibid., 107.
[13] Ibid., 109.
[14] Ibid., 116.
[15] G Dimitrov, Dimitrov and Stalin 1934-1943: Letters from the Soviet Archives, 32, cited by R Service, ibid., 220.
[16] R Service, ibid., 220.
[17] G Dimitrov, op. cit., cited by Service, ibid., 221.
[18] R Service, ibid., 222.
[19] Ibid.
[20] Hungarians.
[21] Richard Overy, The Dictators: Hitler’s Germany and Stalin’s Russia (London: Allen Lane, 2004), 201.
[22] L I Shvetsova, et al. (eds.), Rasstrel’nye spiski: Moskva, 1937-1941: … Kniga pamiati zhertv politicheskii repressii. (‘The Execution List: Moscow, 1937-1941: … Book of Remembrances of the victims of Political Repression’), (Moscow: Memorial Society, Zven’ia Publishing House, 2000), 229.
[23] L Sedov, ‘Why did Stalin Need this Trial?’, The Red Book on the Moscow Trials, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/sedov/works/red/ch01.htm [4]
[24] . Ibid., ‘Domestic Political Reasons’.
[25] R Service, op. cit., 240-241.
[26] Ibid., 242.
[27] Ibid.
[28] Ibid.
[29] Given that when Trotsky was empowered under Lenin he established or condoned the methods of jurisprudence, concentration camps, forced labour, and the ‘Red Terror’, that were later to be placed entirely at the feet of Stalin.
[30] Karl Marx, ‘Proletarians and Communists’, The Communist Manifesto, (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), 68.
[31] K R Bolton, ‘The State versus Parental Authority’, Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies, Vol. 36, No. 2, Summer 2011, 197-217.
[32] K Marx, Communist Manifesto, op. cit.
[33] See Chapter V.
[34] L Sedov, op. cit., ‘Reasons of Foreign Policy’.
[35] L Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed, Chapter 7, ‘Family, Youth and Culture’, http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1936/revbet/ch07.htm
[36] K R Bolton, ‘The Psychopathology of the Left’, Ab Aeterno, No. 10, Jan,-March 2012, Academy of Social and Political Research (Athens), Paraparaumu, New Zealand. The discussion on Marx and on Trotsky show their pathological hatred of family.
[37] L Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed, op. cit., ‘The Thermidor in the Family’.
[38] ‘There is no proletarian, not even a communist, movement that has not operated in the interests of money, in the directions indicated by money, and for the time permitted by money — and that without the idealist amongst its leaders having the slightest suspicion of the fact’. Oswald Spengler, The Decline of The West (London: George Allen and Unwin, 1971),Vol. II, 402.
[39] L Trotsky, op.cit.
[40] Ibid.
[41] Ibid.
[42] Ibid.
[43] Ibid.
[44] Ibid.
[45] Ibid.
[46] Ibid.
[47] Ibid.
[48] See below.
[49] A laudatory article on the ‘Dalton Plan’ states that the Dalton School was founded in New York in 1919 and was one of the most important progressive schools of the time, the Dalton Plan being adopted across the world, including in the USSR. It is described as ‘often chaotic and disorganized, but also intimate, caring, nurturing, and familial’. Interestingly it is described as a synthesis of the theories of John Dewey and Carleton Washburne. ‘Dalton School’, http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1902/Dalton-School.html [5]
Dewey along with the Trotsky apologist Sidney Hook (later avid Cold Warrior and winner of the American Medal of Freedom from President Ronald Reagan) organised the campaign to defend Trotsky at the time of the Moscow Purges of the late 1930s. See Chapter II below.
[50] A Zhandov, Speech at the discussion on music to the Central Committee of the Communist Party SU (Bolshevik), February 1948.
[51] Hewlett Johnson, The Socialist Sixth of the World (London: Victor Gollanncz, 1939), Book IV, ‘New Horizons’, http://www.marxists.org/archive/johnson-hewlett/socialistsixth/ch04.htm [6]
[52] R Overy, op. cit., 255-256.
[53] Ibid.
[54] Ibid., 257.
[55] Ibid., p. 258.
[56] Ibid., 352.
[57] Ibid., 353.
[58] Ibid.
[59] K R Bolton, Revolution from Above, op. cit., 134-143.
[60] Overy, op.cit., 361.
[61] Ibid., 366-367.
[62] Ibid., 366.
[63] Ibid., 371.
[64] Ibid., 376.
[65] T S Eliot, Notes Towards the Definition of Culture (London: Faber and Faber, 1967).
[66] Zhdanov, op. cit., 6.
[67] Encyclopaedia of Soviet Writers, http://www.sovlit.net/bios/proletkult.html [7]
[68] Zhdanov, op. cit., 6-7.
[69] Ibid., 7
[70] Ibid.
[71] The Big Five – a group of Russian composers during the 1860’s: Balakirev, Mussorgsky, Borodin, Rimsky-Korsakov, Cui.
[72] Zhdanov, op. cit., 7-8.
[73] Ibid., 12.
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URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/03/stalins-fight-against-international-communism/
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[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/stalin-the-enduring-legacy.jpg
[2] Stalin: The Enduring Legacy: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1908476443/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1908476443&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20
[3] http://www.radtr.net/dergi/sayi6/bolton6.htm: http://www.radtr.net/dergi/sayi6/bolton6.htm
[4] http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/sedov/works/red/ch01.htm: http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/sedov/works/red/ch01.htm
[5] http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1902/Dalton-School.html: http://education.stateuniversity.com/pages/1902/Dalton-School.html
[6] http://www.marxists.org/archive/johnson-hewlett/socialistsixth/ch04.htm: http://www.marxists.org/archive/johnson-hewlett/socialistsixth/ch04.htm
[7] http://www.sovlit.net/bios/proletkult.html: http://www.sovlit.net/bios/proletkult.html
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lundi, 25 février 2013
The Historic Implications and Continuing Ramifications of the Trotsky-Stalin Conflict
Trotsky, Stalin, & the Cold War:
The Historic Implications & Continuing Ramifications of the Trotsky-Stalin Conflict
By Kerry Bolton
Ex; http://www.counter-currents.com/
Editor’s Note:
This is the second of two chapters on the Moscow Trials that we are reprinting from Kerry Bolton’s new book Stalin: The Enduring Legacy [2] (London: Black House Publishing, 2012). The chapters are reprinted as formatted in the book. Counter-Currents will also run a review of the book, which I highly recommend.
The Moscow Trials were symptomatic of a great divide that had occurred in Bolshevism. The alliance with Stalin during World War II had formed an assumption among US internationalists that after the Axis defeat a ‘new world order’ would emerge via the United Nations Organisation. This assumption was ill-founded, and the result was the Cold War. Trotskyists emerged as avid Cold Warriors dialectically concluding that the USSR represented the primary obstacle to world socialism. This essay examines the dialectical process by which major factions of Trotskyism became, in Stalinist parlance, a ‘tool of foreign powers and of world capitalism.’
One of the major accusations against Trotsky and alleged Trotskyists during the Moscow Trials of 1936-1938 was that they were agents of foreign capital and foreign powers, including intelligence agencies, and were engaged in sabotage against the Soviet State. In particular, with the advent of Nazi Germany in 1933, Stalin sought to show that in the event of war, which he regarded as inevitable, the Trotskyist network in the USSR would serve as a fifth column for Germany.
The background of these trials has been examined in Chapter III.
Stalin Correct in Fundamental Accusations Against TrotskyitesWhat is significant is that Khrushchev did concede that Stalin was correct in his fundamental allegation that the Trotskyists, Bukharinites et al represented a faction that sought the ‘restoration of capitalism and capitulation to the world bourgeoisie’. However Khrushchev and even Stalin could not go far enough in their denunciation of Trotskyists et al as seeking to ‘restore capitalism’ and as being agents of foreign powers. To expose the full facts in regard to such accusations would also mean to expose some unpalatable, hidden factors of the Bolshevik Revolution itself, and of Lenin; which would undermine the whole edifice upon which Soviet authority rested – the October 1917 Revolution. Lenin, and Trotsky in particular, had intricate associations with many un-proletarian individuals and interests.
The fact of behind the scenes machinations between the Bolsheviks and international finance was commented upon publicly by two very well-positioned but quite different sources: Henry Wickham Steed, conservative editor of The London Times, and Samuel Gompers, head of the American Federation of Labour.
In a first-hand account of the Peace Conference of 1919 Wickham Steed stated that proceedings were interrupted by the return from Moscow of William C Bullitt and Lincoln Steffens, ‘who had been sent to Russia towards the middle of February by Colonel House[1] and Mr. Lansing, for the purpose of studying conditions, political and economic, therein for the benefit of the American Commissioners plenipotentiary to negotiate peace.’[2] Steed stated specifically and at some length that international finance was behind the move for recognition of the Bolshevik regime and other moves in favour of the Bolsheviks, stating that: ‘Potent international financial interests were at work in favour of the immediate recognition of the Bolshevists.’[3] In return for diplomatic recognition Tchitcherin, the Bolshevist Commissary for Foreign Affairs, was offering ‘extensive commercial and economic concessions.’[4]
For his part, Samuel Gompers, the American labour leader, was vehemently opposed to the Bolsheviks and any recognition or commercial transactions, stating to the press in regard to negotiations at the international economic conference at Genoa, that a group of ‘predatory international financiers’ were working for the recognition of the Bolshevik regime for the opening up of resources for exploitation. Gompers described this as an ‘Anglo-American-German banking group’. He also commented that prominent Americans who had a history of anti-labour attitudes were advocating recognition of the Bolshevik regime.[5]
Trotsky’s Banking Connections
What is of significance here however is that Trotsky in particular was the focus of attention by many individuals acting on behalf not only of foreign powers but of international financial institutions. Hence while Stalin and even Khrushchev could aver to the association of Trotsky with foreign powers and even – albeit vaguely – with seeking the ‘restoration of capitalism and capitulation to the world bourgeoisie’, to trace the links more specifically to international finance would inevitably lead to the association also of the Bolshevik regime per se to those same sources, thus undermining the founding myth of the USSR as being the ‘dictatorship of the proletariat’.
These associations between Trotsky and international finance, as well as foreign intelligence services, have been meticulously documented by Dr Richard Spence.[6] Spence states that ‘Trotsky was the recipient of mysterious financial assistance and was a person of keen interest to German, Russian and British agents’. Such contentions are very similar to the charges against Trotsky et al at the Moscow Trials, and there are details and personalities involved, said to have been extracted under torture and threats, that are in fact confirmed by Spence, who traces Trotsky’s patronage as far back as 1916 when he was an exile from Czarist Russia and was being expelled from a succession of countries in Europe before finding his way to the USA, prior to his return to Russia in 1917 to play his part in the Revolution. Expelled from France to Spain, Trotsky was locked up as a ‘terrorist agitator’ for three and a half days in comfortable conditions.[7] Ernst Bark, perhaps with the use of German funds, arranged Trotsky’s release and his transfer to Cadiz to await passage with his family to New York and paid for first class passage on the SS Montserrat. Bark was cousin of the Czar’s minister of finance Petr Bark who, despite his service to the Czar, had the pro-German, pro-Bolshevik banker Olof Aschberg, of the Nya Banken, Sweden, as his financial agent for his New York dealings. A report reaching US Military Intelligence in 1918 stated that Trotsky had been ‘bought by the Germans’, and that he was organising the Bolshevik[8] movement with Parvus.
From being penniless in Spain to his arrival in New York, Trotsky had arrived with $500 which Spence states is today’s equivalent to about $10,000, although Trotsky liked to depict himself as continuing in proletarian poverty. Immigration authorities also noted that his place of residence would be the less than proletarian Hotel Astor in Times Square.
In New York the Trotskys lived in a Bronx apartment with all the mod-coms of the day. Employed by Novyi Mir, and was hosted by Dr Julius Hammer, a Bolshevik who combined revolution with an opulent lifestyle. Hammer was probably the mysterious ‘Dr M’ referred to by Trotsky in his memoirs, who provided the Trotskys with sightseeing jaunts in his chauffeured car.[9]
One of the main contacts for Trotsky was a maternal uncle, banker and businessman Abram Zhivotovskii. In 1915 Zhivotovskii was jailed in Russia for trading with Germany. The US State Department described Zhivotovskii as outwardly ‘very anti-Bolshevik’, but who had laundered money to the Bolsheviks and other socialist organizations.[10] He seems to have played a double role in moneymaking, working as a financial agent for both Germans and Allies. During the war he maintained an office in Japan under the management of a nephew Iosif Zhivotovskii, who had served as secretary to Sidney Reilly, the so-called ‘British Ace of Spies’ who nonetheless also seems to have been a duplicitous character in dealing with Germany. Spence mentions that Reilly, who had a business in the USA, had gone to Japan when Trotsky was in Spain, and arrived back in the USA around the time of Trotsky’s arrival, the possibility being that Reilly had acquired funds from Trotsky’s uncle to give to his nephew in New York. Another Reilly association with Zhivotovskii was via Alexander Weinstein, who had been Zhivotovskii’s agent in London, and had joined Reilly in 1916. He was supposedly a loyal Czarist but was identified by American Military Intelligence as a Bolshevik.[11] Of further interest is that Alexander’s brother Gregory was business manager of Novyi Mir, the newspaper that employed Trotsky while he was in New York. Reilly and Weinstein were also associated with Benny Sverdlov, a Russian arms broker who was the brother of Yakov Sverdlov, the future Soviet commissar.
These multiple connections between Trotsky and Reilly’s associates are significant here in that one of the accusations raised during the Moscow Trials was that the Trotskyists had had dealings with ‘British spy’ Sidney Reilly.
The dealings of Sir William Wiseman, British Military Intelligence chief in the USA, and his deputy Norman Thwaites, with Reilly and associates were concealed even from other British agencies.[12] Wiseman had kept Trotsky under surveillance in New York. Trotsky secured a visa from the British consulate to proceed to Russia via Nova Scotia and Scandinavia. The Passport Control Section of the British Consulate was under the direction of Thwaites. Trotsky was to remark on his arrival in Russia about the helpful attitude of consular officials, despite his detention as a possible German agent by Canadian authorities at Nova Scotia. Trotsky had been able to pay for tickets aboard the Kristianiafiord for himself and his family, and also for a small entourage. What is additionally interesting about Wiseman is that he was closely associated with banking interests, and around 1921 joined Kuhn, Loeb and Co.[13] In 1955 Wiseman launched his own international bank with investments from Kuhn, Loeb & Co.; Rothschild; Rockefeller; Warburg firms, et al[14]. He was thus very close to the international banking dynasties throughout much of his life.
To return to the Kristianiafiord however, on board with Trotsky and his entourage, first class, were Robert Jivotovsky (Zhivotovskii), likely to have been another Trotsky cousin; Israel Fundaminsky, whom Trotsky regarded as a British agent, and Andrei Kalpaschnikoff, who acted as translator when Trotsky was being questioned by British authorities at Nova Scotia. Kalpaschnikoff was closely associated with Vladimir Rogovine, who worked for Weinstein and Reilly. Kalpaschnikoff was also associated with John MacGregor Grant, a friend and business partner of both Reilly and Olof Aschberg. We can therefore see an intricate connection between British super-spy Reilly, and bankers such as Aschberg, who served as a conduit of funds to the Bolsheviks, and Zhivotovskii via Alexander Weinstein.
When Trotsky and several of his entourage were arrested on 29 March at Nova Scotia and questioned by authorities regarding associations with Germany this could well have been an act to dispel any suspicions that Trotsky might be serving British interests. The British had the option of returning him to New York but allowed him to proceed to Russia.[15]
The attitude of Wiseman towards the Bolsheviks once they had achieved nominal power was one of urging recognition, Wiseman cabling President Wilson’s principal adviser Col. Edward House on 1 May 1918 that the allies should intervene at the invitation of the Bolsheviks and help organise the Bolshevik army then fighting the White Armies during the Civil War.[16] This would accord with the aim of certain international bankers to secure recognition of the Bolshevik regime, as noted by both Gompers and Steed.
The financial interests in the USA that formed around the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), founded by presidential adviser Col. Edward M House as a foreign policy think tank of businessmen, politicans and intellectuals, were clamouring for recognition of the Soviets. The CFR issued a report on Bolshevik Russia in 1923, prompted by Lenin’s ‘New Economic Policy’. The report repudiated anti-Bolshevik attitudes and fears that Bolshevism would be spread to other countries (although it had already had a brief but bloody reign in Hungary and revolts in German). CFR historian Peter Grosse writes that the report stated that,
the Bolsheviks were on their way to ‘sanity and sound business practices,’ the Council study group concluded, but the welcome to foreign concessionaires would likely be short-lived…. Thus, the Council experts recommended in March 1923 that American businessmen get into Russia while Lenin’s invitation held good…[17]
Armand Hammer, head of Occidental Petroleum, son of the aforementioned Dr Julius Hammer who had been the Trotsky family’s host in New York, was a globetrotting plutocrat who mixed with the political and business elites of the world for decades. Hammer was in intimate contact with every Soviet leader from Lenin to Gorbachev — except for Stalin.[18] This omission is indicative of the rift that had occurred between the USSR and Western financial and industrial interests with the assumption of Stalin and the defeat of Trotsky.
The CFR report on the USSR that advised American business to get in quick before the situation changed, was prescient. In 1921 Hammer was in the USSR sewing up business deals. Hammer met Trotsky, who asked him whether ‘financial circles in the USA regard Russia as a desirable field of investment?’ Trotsky continued:
Inasmuch as Russia had its Revolution, capital was really safer there than anywhere else because, ‘whatever should happen abroad, the Soviet would adhere to any agreements it might make. Suppose one of your Americans invests money in Russia. When the Revolution comes to America, his property will of course be nationalised, but his agreement with us will hold good and he will thus be in a much more favourable position than the rest of his fellow capitalists.’[19] In contrast to the obliging Trotsky who was willing to guarantee the wealth and investments of Big Business, Hammer said of Stalin:
I never met Stalin and I never had any dealing with him. However it was perfectly clear to me in 1930 that Stalin was not a man with whom you could do business. Stalin believed that the state was capable of running everything, without the support of foreign concessionaires and private enterprise. That was the main reason why I left Moscow: I could see that I would soon be unable to do business there…[20]
As for Trotsky’s attitude toward capitalist investment, were the charges brought against Trotsky et al during the Moscow Trials wholly cynical efforts to disparage and eliminate the perceived opposition to Stalin’s authority, or was there at least some factual basis to the charge that the Trotskyist-Left and Bukharin-Right blocs sought to ‘restore capitalism’ to the USSR? It is of interest in this respect to note that even according to one of Trotsky’s present-day exponents, David North, Trotsky ‘placed greater emphasis than any other Soviet leader of his time on the overriding importance of close economic links between the USSR and the world capitalist market’. North speaking to an Australian Trotskyist conference went on to state of Trotsky’s attitude:
Soviet economic development, he insisted, required both access to the resources of the world market and the intelligent utilisation of the international division of labour. The development of economic planning required at minimum a knowledge of competitive advantage and efficiencies at the international level. It served no rational economic purpose for the USSR to make a virtue of frittering away its own limited resources in a vain effort to duplicate on Soviet soil what it could obtain at far less cost on the world capitalist market…. It is helpful to keep in mind that Trotsky belonged to a generation of Russian Marxists who had utilised the opportunity provided by revolutionary exile to carefully observe and study the workings of the capitalist system in the advanced countries. They were familiar not only with the oft-described ‘horrors’ of capitalism, but also with its positive achievements. … Trotsky argued that a vital precondition for the development of the Soviet economy along socialist lines was its assimilation of the basic techniques of capitalist management, organisation, accounting and production.[21]
It was against this background that during the latter half of the 1930s Stalin acted against the Trotsky and Bukharin blocs as agents of world capitalism and foreign powers. The most cogent defence of the Moscow Trials, The Great Conspiracy Against Russia,[22] was written by two American journalists, Albert E Kahn and Michael Sayers, and carried an endorsement by former US ambassador to the USSR, Joseph Davis, who had witnessed the trials.
Among the charges against Trotsky was that he was in contact with British Intelligence operatives, and was conspiring against Lenin. This is not altogether implausible. Lenin and the Bolshevik faction were in favour of a separate peace between Russia and Germany. Lenin and his entourage had been provided with funds and transport by the German General Staff to travel back to Russia,[23] while Trotsky’s return from New York to Russia had been facilitated by British and American Intelligence interests. Kahn and Sayers commented that ‘for fourteen years, Trotsky had fiercely opposed the Bolsheviks; then in August 1917, a few months before the Bolshevik Revolution he had joined Lenin’s party and risen to power with it. Within the Bolshevik Party, Trotsky was organizing a Left Opposition to Lenin.’[24]
Trotsky was not well disposed to negotiate peace with German imperialists, and it was a major point of debate among the Allies whether certain socialist revolutionaries could be won over to the Allied cause. Trotsky himself had stated in the offices of Novy Mir just before his departure from New York to Russia that although revolutionists would soon overthrow the Kerensky regime they ‘would not make a separate peace with Germany’.[25] From this perspective it would have made sense for William Wiseman to have intervened and for the British authorities to have let Trotsky proceed after having detained him at Nova Scotia.
American mining magnate and banker Colonel William Boyce Thompson, head of the American Red Cross Mission in Russia,[26] was eager to recruit the Bolsheviks for the Allied cause. He stated his intention of providing $1,000,000 of his own money to assist with Bolshevik propaganda directed at Germany and Austria. [27] Thompson’s insistence that if the Allies recognised the Bolsheviks they would not make a separate peace with Germany,[28] accorded with Trotsky’s own attitude insofar as he also wished to see the war end not with a separate peace but with revolutions that would bring down Germany and Austria. His agenda therefore seems to have been quite distinct from that of Lenin’s, and might point to separate sources of funds that were provided to them.
Trotsky’s actions when the Bolsheviks assumed power were consistent with his declarations, and went against Lenin’s policy of ending the war with Germany. As Foreign Commissar Trotsky had been sent to Brest-Litovsk ‘with categorical instructions from Lenin to sign peace.’[29] Instead he called for a Communist uprising in Germany, and stated that although the Russian army could no longer continue in the war and would demobilise, the Soviets would not sign a peace agreement. After Trotsky’s rhetoric at Brest-Litovsk the Germans launched another assault on the Eastern Front, and the new Red Army found itself still fighting the Germans.
It was at this point that R H Bruce Lockhart, special agent of the British War Cabinet, sought out Trotsky, on the instructions from British Prime Minister Lloyd George.
Lockhart, generally considered the typical anti-Bolshevik Establishment figure, was actually well disposed towards the Bolsheviks and like Colonel Thompson, hoped to win them over to the Allies. At one point his wife warned that his colleagues in Britain thought be might be going ‘Red’. Lockhart wrote of the situation:
Russia was out of the war. Bolshevism would last – certainly as long as the war lasted. I deprecated as sheer folly our militarist propaganda, because it took no account of the war-weariness which had raised the Bolsheviks to the supreme power. In my opinion, we had to take the Bolshevik peace proposals seriously. Our policy should now aim at achieving an anti-German peace in Russia’.[30]
Coincidentally, ‘an anti-German peace in Russia’ seems to precisely describe the aim of Trotsky.
Trotsky intended that the World War would be transformed into a revolutionary war, with the starting point being revolutions in Germany and Austria. This would certainly accord with Colonel Thompson’s intentions to fund Bolshevist propaganda in Germany and Austria with $1,000,000. Thompson was in communication with Trotsky via Raymond Robins, his deputy with the Red Cross Mission, and like him an enthusiast for the Bolshevik regime.[31] Lloyd George had met Thompson and had been won over to the aim of contacting Lenin and Trotsky. Lockhart was instructed to return to Russia to establish ‘unofficial contact with the Bolsheviks’.[32] Lockhart relates that he met Trotsky for two hours at the latter’s office at Smolny. While Lockhart was highly impressed with Trotsky he did not regard the Foreign Commissar as able to weld sufficient influence to replace Lenin. Trotsky’s parting words to Lockhart at this first meeting were: ‘Now is the big opportunity for the Allied Governments’. Thereafter Lockhart saw Trotsky on a daily basis. [33] Lockhart stated that Trotsky was willing to bring Soviet Russia over to Britain:
He considered that war was inevitable. If the Allies would send a promise of support, he informed me that he would sway the decision of the Government in favour of war. I sent several telegrams to London requesting an official message that would enable me to strengthen Trotsky’s hands. No message was sent.[34]
Given Trotsky’s position in regard to Germany, and the statements of Lockhart in his memoirs, the Stalinist accusation is entirely plausible that Trotsky was the focus of Allied support, and would explain why the British expedited Trotsky’s return to Russia. Indeed, Lockhart was to remark that the British view was that they might be able to make use of the dissensions between Trotsky and Lenin, and believed that the Allies could reach an accord with Soviet Russia because of the extravagant peace demands of the Germans.[35] However from what Lockhart sates, it seems that the Allied procrastination in regard to recondition of the Bolsheviks was the uncertainty that they constituted a stable and lasting Government, and that they were suspicious of the Bolshevik intentions towards Germany, with Lenin and Trotsky still widely regarded as German agents. [36]
The period preceding World War II, particularly the signing of the Anti-Comintern Pact between Germany, Italy and Japan, served as a catalyst for Stalin’s offensive against Trotskyists and other suspect elements. Trotsky had since his exile been promoted in the West as the great leader of the Bolshevik Revolution[37], while his own background had been one of opportunism, for the most part as an anti-Leninist Menshevik. [38] It was only in August 1917, seeing the situation in Russia, that Trotsky applied for membership of the Bolshevik Party.[39] Trotsky had joined the Bolshevik Party with his entire faction, a faction that remained intact within the Soviet apparatus, and was ready to be activated after Stalin’s election as General Secretary in 1922. Trotsky admits to a revolutionary network from 1923 when he wrote in his 1938 eulogy to his son Leon Sedov: ‘Leon threw himself headlong into the work of the Opposition…Thus, at seventeen, he began the life of a fully conscious revolutionist, quickly grasped the art of conspiratorial work, illegal meetings, and the secret issuing and distribution of Opposition documents. The Komsomol (Communist Youth organization) rapidly developed its own cadres of Opposition leaders.’[40] Hence Trotsky had freely admitted to the fundamental charges of the Stalinist regime: the existence of a widespread Trotskyist ‘conspiracy’. Indeed, as far back as 1921, the Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party had already passes a resolution banning all ‘factions’ in the Party, specifically warning Trotsky against ‘factional activities’, and condemning the factionalist activities of what the resolution called ‘Trotskyites’. [41]
In 1924 Trotsky met with Boris Savinkov, a Socialist Revolutionary, who had served as head of the terrorist wing, the so-called ‘Fighting Organization’, of the Party, and who had been Deputy Minister of War in the Kerensky Government. After the triumph of the Bolsheviks Savinkov, leaving Russia in 1920, became associated with French and Polish authorities, and with British agents Lockhart[42] and Sidney Reilly. [43] Savinkov was involved in counter-revolutionary activities, in trying to form an army to overthrow the Bolsheviks. Winston Churchill confirms Savinkov’s meeting with Trotsky in 1924, Churchill himself being involved in the anti-Soviet machinations, writing in his Great Contemporaries: ‘In June 1924, Kamenev and Trotsky definitely invited him (Savinkov) to return’.[44]
In 1924 a leading Trotskyite, Christian Rakovsky, arrived in Britain as Soviet Ambassador. According to the testimony at the Moscow Trial during March 1938 Rakovsky admitted to meeting two British agents, Lockhart and Captain Armstrong. Rakovsky is said to have confessed at this trial that Lockhart and Armstrong had told him that he had been permitted entry into Britain because of his association with Trotsky, as they wanted to cultivated relations with the latter. When Rakovsky reported back to Trotsky several months later, Trotsky was alleged to have been interested. In 1926 Rakovsky was transferred to France prior to which he was alleged to have been instructed by Trotsky to seek out contacts with ‘conservatives circles’ who might support an uprising, as Trotsky considered the situation in Russia to be right for a coup. Rakovsky, as instructed, met several French industrialists, including the grain merchant Louis Dreyfus, and the flax merchant Nicole, both Deputies of the French Parliament.[45] Rakovsky in his testimony during the 1936 trial of Bukharin, et al, Rakovsky being one of the defendants, relates the manner by which he was approached by various intelligence agencies, including those of Japan when in 1934 Rakovsky was head of a Soviet Red Cross Delegation.[46] Rakovsky spoke of the difficulty the Trotskyites had in maintaining relations with both British and Japanese intelligence agencies, since the two states were becoming antagonistic over problems in China.[47] Rakovsky explained that: ‘We Trotskyites have to play three cards at the present moment: the German, Japanese and British…’[48] At that time the Trotskyites – or at least Rakovsky – regarded the likelihood of a Japanese attack on the USSR as more likely than a German attack. Rakovsky even then alluded to his belief that an accord between Hitler and Stalin was possible. It seems plausible enough that Trotskyites were indeed looking toward an invasion of the USSR as the means of destabilising the regime during which Trotskyist cells could launch their counter-revolution. Certainly we know from the account of Churchill that Trotsky met the ultra-terrorist Socialist Revolutionary Savinkov, who was himself involved with British Intelligence via Reilly and Lockhart. Rakovsky stated of a possible Hitler-Stalin Pact:
Personally I thought that the possibility was not excluded that Hitler would seek a rapprochement with the government of the USSR. I cited the policy of Richelieu: in his own country he exterminated the Protestants, while in his foreign policy he concluded alliances with the Protestant German princes. The relations between Germany and Poland were still in the stage of their inception at the time. Japan, on the other hand, was a potent aggressor against the USSR. For us Trotskyites the Japanese card was extremely important, but, on the other hand, we should not overrate the importance of Japan as our ally against the Soviet government.[49]
As far as the Stalinist allegations go in regard to the Trotskyists aligning with foreign powers and viewing an invasion of the USSR as a catalyst for revolution, other ultra-Marxists had taken paths far more unlikely. As mentioned Savinkov, who had been one of the most violent of the Socialist Revolutionaries in Czarist Russia, had sought out British assistance in forming a counter-revolutionary army. Savinkov had fled to Poland in 1919 where he tried to organize ‘the evacuation committee’ within the Polish armies then attacking Russia.[50] Savinkov’s colleagues in Poland, Merezhkovsky, and his wife Zinaida Hippius, who had been ardent Socialist Revolutionary propagandists, later became supporters of Mussolini and then of Hitler, in the hope of overthrowing Stalin[51]. Therefore the Stalinist allegation of Trotskyite collusion even with Fascist powers is plausible.
It is the same road that resulted in the alliance of many Trotskyists, Mensheviks and other Leftists with the CIA, and their metamorphoses into ardent Cold Warriors. It is the same road that brought leading American Trotsky apologist Professor Sidney Hook, ‘a lifelong Menshevik’, to the leadership of a major CIA front, the previously considered Congress for Cultural Freedom.
Max Shachtman
Max Shachtman, one of Trotsky’s leading representatives in the USA[52], is pivotal when considering why Trotskyites became ardent Cold Warriors, CIA front men, apologists for US foreign policy, and continue to champion the USA as the only ‘truly revolutionary’ state.
Expelled from the Communist Party USA in 1928 Shachtman co-founded the Communist League and the Socialist Workers Party. He then split to form the Workers Party of the United States in 1940, which became the Independent Socialist League and merged with the Socialist Party in 1958. [53] The Socialist Party factionalised into the Democratic Socialists and the Social Democrats.
Shachtman was of course scathing of the Moscow Trials. His critique is standard, and will not be of concern here. [54] What is of interest is Shachtman’s surpassing of Trotsky himself in his opposition to the USSR, his faction (the so-called ‘Third Camp’) being what he considered as a purified, genuine Trotskyism, which eventuated into apologists for US foreign policy.
The Shachtmanist critique of the USSR was that it had at an early stage been transformed from ‘government ‘bureaucratism to ‘party bureaucratism’.[55] ‘Soviet bureaucratism became party bureaucratism. In increasing number the government official was the party official.’[56] ‘We do not have a workers’ state but a workers’ state with bureaucratic deformations’, Shachtman stated in quoting Trotsky as far back as 1922. And again from Trotsky: ‘We have a bureaucracy not only in the Soviet institutions, but in the institutions of the party’… Shachtman continues: ‘A month later, in a veiled public attack upon Stalin as head of the Workers’ and Peasants’ Inspection, he repeated his view that the state machine was still “a survival to a large extent of the former bureaucracy … with only a superficial new coat of paint.”’[57]
While in 1937 Shachtman declared that the USSR should nonetheless be defended against aggression from, for example, Nazi Germany and that it was a Stalinist slur to think that Trotsky would be an enemy of the USSR in such circumstances[58], by 1940 Shachtman was at loggerheads with Trotsky himself and the ‘Cannon’[59] group in the Workers Party.
The Trotskyites were agreed that Stalinist Russia had become a ‘degenerated’ workers’ state,’ however the Cannon-Trotsky line and the position of the Fourth International was that should the USSR be attacked by capitalist or fascist powers, because it still had a so-called ‘progressive’ economy based on the nationalisation of property, the USSR must be defended on that basis alone. The Shachtman line, on the other hand, argued from what they considered to be a dialectical position:
Just as it was once necessary, in connection with the trade union problem, to speak concretely of what kind of workers’ state exists in the Soviet Union, so it is necessary to establish, in connection with the present war, the degree of the degeneration of the Soviet state. The dialectical method of treating such questions makes this mandatory upon us. And the degree of the degeneration of the regime cannot be established by abstract reference to the existence of nationalized property, but only by observing the realities of living events.
The Fourth International established, years ago, the fact that the Stalinist regime (even though based upon nationalized property) had degenerated to the point where it was not only capable of conducting reactionary wars against the proletariat and its revolutionary vanguard, and even against colonial peoples, but did in fact conduct such wars. Now, in our opinion, on the basis of the actual course of Stalinist policy (again, even though based upon nationalized property), the Fourth International must establish the fact that the Soviet Union (i.e., the ruling bureaucracy and the armed forces serving it) has degenerated to the point where it is capable of conducting reactionary wars even against capitalist states (Poland, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, now Finland, and tomorrow Rumania and elsewhere). This is the point which forms the nub of our difference with you and with the Cannon faction.[60]
Shachtman now expressed his approach unequivocally:
War is a continuation of politics, and if Stalinist policy, even in the occupied territory where property has been statified, preserves completely its reactionary character, then the war it is conducting is reactionary. In that case, the revolutionary proletariat must refuse to give the Kremlin and its army material and military aid. It must concentrate all efforts on overturning the Stalinist regime. That is not our war! Our war is against the counterrevolutionary bureaucracy at the present time!
In other words, I propose, in the present war, a policy of revolutionary defeatism in the Soviet Union, as explained in the statement of the Minority on the Russian question – and in making this proposal I do not feel myself one whit less a revolutionary class patriot than I have always been.[61]
That was the Shachtmanite line during World War II: that it was better that Nazi Germany defeated Stalin than that the ‘degenerated workers’ state’ should continue to exist. The same thinking emerged during the Cold War, shortly after World War II, when Shachtman began to speak about the threat of Stalinist parties throughout the world as agencies for Soviet policy, a theme that would become a basis of US attitudes towards the USSR:
The Stalinist parties are indeed agents of the Kremlin oligarchy, no matter what country they function in. The interests and the fate of these Stalinist parties are inseparably intertwined with the interests and fate of the Russian bureaucracy. The Stalinist parties are everywhere based upon the power of the Russian bureaucracy, they serve this power, they are dependent upon it, and they cannot live without it.[62]
By 1948 Shachtmanism as a Cold Warrior apologia for American foreign policy was taking shape. In seeing positive signs in the Titoist Yugoslavia break with the USSR, Shachtman wrote:
In the first place, the division in the capitalist camp is, to all practical intents, at an end. In any case, there is nothing like the division that existed from 1939 onward and which gave Stalinist Russia such tremendous room for maneuvering. In spite of all the differences that still exist among them, the capitalist world under American imperialist leadership and drive is developing an increasingly solid front against Russian imperialism.[63]
In other words, Shachtman saw unity among the capitalist states against Stalinist Russia as a positive sign. The overthrow of Stalinism became the first priority of Shachtmanite Trotskyism in the Cold War era, as it had during World War II.
In 1948 Shachtman scathingly attacked the position of the Fourth International in having continued to defend the USSR as a ‘degenerated workers’ state’, and of its mistaken belief that the Stalinist ‘bureaucratic dictatorship’ world fall apart during World War II. He pointed out that Stalinist imperialism had emerged from the war victorious.[64]
From here it was but a short way for the Shachtmanites to embrace the Cold War opposition to the USSR, and for the heirs of this to continue as enthusiasts for US foreign policy to the present-day.
By 1950 Stalinism had become the major problem for world socialism, Shachtman now writing as head of the Independent Socialist League:
The principal new problem faced by Marxian theory, and therewith Marxian practice, is the problem of Stalinism. What once appeared to many to be either an academic or ‘foreign’ problem is now, it should at last be obvious, a decisive problem for all classes in all countries. If it is understood as a purely Russian phenomenon or as a problem ‘in itself,’ it is of course not understood at all.[65]
Natalia Sedova Trotsky
Natalia Sedova, Trotsky’s widow, endorsed the Shachtmanite line, declaring that the American-led alliance against the USSR would have been approved by her late husband. Her letter of resignation to the Fourth International and to the Socialist Workers Party (USA) is worth reproducing in its entirety:
You know quite well that I have not been in political agreement with you for the past five or six years, since the end of the [Second World] war and even earlier. The position you have taken on the important events of recent times shows me that, instead of correcting your earlier errors, you are persisting in them and deepening them. On the road you have taken, you have reached a point where it is no longer possible for me to remain silent or to confine myself to private protests. I must now express my opinions publicly.
The step which I feel obliged to take has been a grave and difficult one for me, and I can only regret it sincerely. But there is no other way. After a great deal of reflections and hesitations over a problem which pained me deeply, I find that I must tell you that I see no other way than to say openly that our disagreements make it impossible for me to remain any longer in your ranks.
The reasons for this final action on my part are known to most of you. I repeat them here briefly only for those to whom they are not familiar, touching only on our fundamentally important differences and not on the differences over matters of daily policy which are related to them or which follow from them.
Obsessed by old and outlived formulas, you continue to regard the Stalinist state as a workers’ state. I cannot and will not follow you in this.
Virtually every year after the beginning of the fight against the usurping Stalinist bureaucracy, L D Trotsky repeated that the regime was moving to the right, under conditions of a lagging world revolution and the seizure of all political positions in Russia by the bureaucracy. Time and again, he pointed out how the consolidation of Stalinism in Russia led to the worsening of the economic, political and social positions of the working class, and the triumph of a tyrannical and privileged aristocracy. If this trend continues, he said, the revolution will be at an end and the restoration of capitalism will be achieved.
That, unfortunately, is what has happened even if in new and unexpected forms. There is hardly a country in the world where the authentic ideas and bearers of socialism are so barbarously hounded. It should be clear to everyone that the revolution has been completely destroyed by Stalinism. Yet you continue to say that under this unspeakable regime, Russia is still a workers’ state. I consider this a blow at socialism. Stalinism and the Stalinist state have nothing whatever in common with a workers’ state or with socialism. They are the worst and the most dangerous enemies of socialism and the working class.
You now hold that the states of Eastern Europe over which Stalinism established its domination during and after the war, are likewise workers’ states. This is equivalent to saying that Stalinism has carried out a revolutionary socialist role. I cannot and will not follow you in this.
After the war and even before it ended, there was a rising revolutionary movement of the masses in these Eastern countries. But it was not these masses that won power and it was not a workers’ state that was established by their struggle. It was the Stalinist counterrevolution that won power, reducing these lands to vassals of the Kremlin by strangling the working masses, their revolutionary struggles and their revolutionary aspirations.
By considering that the Stalinist bureaucracy established workers’ states in these countries, you assign to it a progressive and even revolutionary role. By propagating this monstrous falsehood to the workers’ vanguard, you deny to the Fourth International all the basic reasons for existence as the world party of the socialist revolution. In the past, we always considered Stalinism to be a counterrevolutionary force in every sense of the term. You no longer do so. But I continue to do so.
In 1932 and 1933, the Stalinists, in order to justify their shameless capitulation to Hitlerism, declared that it would matter little if the Fascists came to power because socialism would come after and through the rule of Fascism. Only dehumanized brutes without a shred of socialist thought or spirit could have argued this way. Now, notwithstanding the revolutionary aims which animate you, you maintain that the despotic Stalinist reaction which has triumphed in Europe is one of the roads through which socialism will eventually come. This view marks an irredeemable break with the profoundest convictions always held by our movement and which I continue to share.
I find it impossible to follow you in the question of the Tito regime in Yugoslavia. All the sympathy and support of revolutionists and even of all democrats, should go to the Yugoslav people in their determined resistance to the efforts of Moscow to reduce them and their country to vassalage. Every advantage should be taken of the concessions which the Yugoslav regime now finds itself obliged to make to the people. But your entire press is now devoted to an inexcusable idealization of the Titoist bureaucracy for which no ground exists in the traditions and principles of our movement.
This bureaucracy is only a replica, in a new form, of the old Stalinist bureaucracy. It was trained in the ideas, the politics and morals of the GPU. Its regime differs from Stalin’s in no fundamental regard. It is absurd to believe or to teach that the revolutionary leadership of the Yugoslav people will develop out of this bureaucracy or in any way other than in the course of struggle against it.
Most insupportable of all is the position on the war to which you have committed yourselves. The third world war which threatens humanity confronts the revolutionary movement with the most difficult problems, the most complex situations, the gravest decisions. Our position can be taken only after the most earnest and freest discussions. But in the face of all the events of recent years, you continue to advocate, and to pledge the entire movement to, the defense of the Stalinist state. You are even now supporting the armies of Stalinism in the war which is being endured by the anguished Korean people. I cannot and will not follow you in this.
As far back as 1927, Trotsky, in reply to a disloyal question put to him in the Political Bureau [of the Soviet Communist Party] by Stalin, stated his views as follows: For the socialist fatherland, yes! For the Stalinist regime, no! That was in 1927! Now, twenty-three years later Stalin has left nothing of the socialist fatherland. It has been replaced by the enslavement and degradation of the people by the Stalinist autocracy. This is the state you propose to defend in the war, which you are already defending in Korea.
I know very well how often you repeat that you are criticizing Stalinism and fighting it. But the fact is that your criticism and your fight lose their value and can yield no results because they are determined by and subordinated to your position of defense of the Stalinist state. Whoever defends this regime of barbarous oppression, regardless of the motives, abandons the principles of socialism and internationalism.
In the message sent me from the recent convention of the SWP you write that Trotsky’s ideas continue to be your guide. I must tell you that I read these words with great bitterness. As you observe from what I have written above, I do not see his ideas in your politics. I have confidence in these ideas. I remain convinced that the only way out of the present situation is the social revolution, the self-emancipation of the proletariat of the world.[66]
Natalia Trotsky, like the Shachtmanites, regarded the USSR as having irredeemably destroyed Marxism, and that the only option left was to destroy the USSR, which meant aligning with the USA in the Cold War.
It was this bellicose anti-Stalinism that brought the Shachtmanites into the US foreign policy establishment during the Cold War, and beyond, to the present-day. Haberkern, an admirer of Shachtman’s early commitment to Trotskyism and opposition to Stalinism, lamented:
There is, unfortunately, a sad footnote to Shachtman’s career. Beginning in the 50s he began to move to the right in response to the discouraging climate of the Cold War. He ended up a Cold Warrior and apologist for the Meany wing of the AFL-CIO.[67] But that should not diminish the value of his earlier contributions.[68]
Cold War and Beyond
Professor Hook and Max Shachtman veered increasingly towards a pro-US position to the point that Hook, while maintaining his commitment to Social-Democracy, voted for Richard Nixon and publicly defended President Ronald Reagan’s policies.
During the 1960s, Hook critiqued the New Left and became an outspoken supporter of the Vietnam War. In 1984 he was selected by the National Endowment for the Humanities to give the annual Jefferson Lecture, ‘the highest honor the federal government confers for distinguished intellectual achievement in the humanities’. [69] On May 23 1985 Hook was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Reagan. Edward S Shapiro writing in the American ‘conservative’ journal First Principles, summarised Hook’s position:
One of America’s leading anticommunist intellectuals,[70] Hook supported American entry into the Korean War, the isolation of Red China, the efforts of the United States government to maintain a qualitative edge in nuclear weapons, the Johnson administration’s attempt to preserve a pro-western regime in South Vietnam, and the campaign of the Reagan administration to overthrow the communist regime in Nicaragua.
Those both within and outside of conservative circles viewed Hook as one of the gurus of the neoconservative revival during the 1970s and 1980s. In 1985, President Reagan presented Hook with the Presidential Medal of Freedom for being one of the first ‘to warn the intellectual world of its moral obligations and personal stake in the struggle between freedom and totalitarianism’.[71]
In the 1960s Shachtmanism aligned with the Democratic Party and was also involved with the New Left. By the mid 1960s such was the Shachtmanite opposition to the USSR that they had arrived on issues of American foreign policy that were the same as Hook’s, including supporting the American presence in Vietnam. In 1972 the Shachtmanists endorsed Leftist Senator Henry Jackson for the Democratic presidential nomination against Leftist George McGovern whom they regarded as an appeaser toward the USSR. Jackson was both pro-war and vehemently anti-Soviet, advocating a ‘hawkish’ position on foreign policy towards the USSR. Like Hook, Jackson was also awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Reagan in 1984.
At this time Tom Kahn, a prominent Shachtmanite and an organizer of the AFL-CIO, who will be considered below, was Senator Jackson’s chief speechwriter.[72] Many of Jackson’s aides were to become prominent in the oddly ‘neo-conservative’ movement, including veteran Trotskyites Paul Wolfowitz, Elliott Abrams, Richard Perle, and Douglas Feith, all of whom became prominent in the Administration of President George H W Bush, all of whom helped to instigate the present war against Islam, which they began to call ‘Islamofascism’, as a new means of extending American world supremacy.
Tom Kahn, who remained an avid follower of Shachtman, explained his mentor’s position on the USA in Vietnam in this way, while insisting that Shachtman never compromised his Socialist ideals:
His views on Vietnam were, and are, unpopular on the Left. He had no allusions about the South Vietnamese government, but neither was he confused about the totalitarian nature of the North Vietnamese regime. In the South there were manifest possibilities for a democratic development… He knew that those democratic possibilities would be crushed if Hanoi’s military takeover of the South succeeded. He considered the frustration of the attempt to be a worthy objective of American policy…[73]
This position in it own right can be readily justified by dialectics, as the basis for the support of Trotskyist factions, including those of both Hook and Shachtman during the Cold War, and the present legacy of the so-called ‘neo-cons’ in backing American foreign policy as the manifestation of a ‘global democratic revolution’, as a development of Trotsky’s ‘world proletarian revolution.’
National Endowment for Democracy
It was from this milieu that the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) was formed, which took up form the CIA’s Congress for Cultural Freedom.
President George W Bush embraced the world revolutionary mission of the USA, stating in 2003 to NED that the war in Iraq was the latest front in the ‘global democratic revolution’ led by the United States. ‘The revolution under former president Ronald Reagan freed the people of Soviet-dominated Europe, he declared, and is destined now to liberate the Middle East as well’. [74]
NED was established in 1983 at the prompting of Shachtmanist veteran Tom Kahn, and endorsed by an Act of US Congress introduced by Congressman George Agree. Carl Gershman, [75] a Shachtmanite, was appointed president of NED in 1984, and remains so. Gershman had been a founder and Executive Director (1974-1980) of Social Democrats USA (SD-USA).[76] Among the founding directors of NED was Albert Glotzer, a national committee member of the SD-USA, who had served as Trotsky’s bodyguard and secretary in Turkey in 1931,[77] who had assisted Shachtman with founding the Workers Party of the United States.
Congressman Agree and Tom Kahn believed that the USA needed a means, apart from the CIA, of supporting subversive movements against the USSR. Kahn, who became International Affairs Director of the AFL-CIO, was particularly spurred by the need to support the Solidarity movement in Poland, and had been involved with AFL-CIO meetings with Leftists from Latin America and South Africa. [78]
Kahn had joined the Young Socialist League, the youth wing of Shachtman’s Independent Socialist League, [79] and the Young People’s Socialist League, which he continued to support until his death in 1992. Kahn was impressed by the Shachtman opposition to the USSR as the primary obstacle to world socialism. [80] He built up an anti-Soviet network throughout the world in ‘opposition to the accommodationist policies of détente’.[81] There was a particular focus on assisting Solidarity in Poland from 1980.[82] Racehlle Horowitz’s eulogy to Kahn ends with her confidence that had he been alive, he would have been a vigorous supporter of the war in Iraq. [83]
NED is funded by US Congress and supports ‘activists and scholars’ with 1000 grants in over 90 countries.[84] NED describes its program thus:
From time to time Congress has provided special appropriations to the Endowment to carry out specific democratic initiatives in countries of special interest, including Poland (through the trade union Solidarity), Chile, Nicaragua, Eastern Europe (to aid in the democratic transition following the demise of the Soviet bloc), South Africa, Burma, China, Tibet, North Korea and the Balkans. With the latter, NED supported a number of civic groups, including those that played a key role in Serbia’s electoral breakthrough in the fall of 2000. More recently, following 9/11 and the NED Board’s adoption of its third strategic document, special funding has been provided for countries with substantial Muslim populations in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.[85]
NED therefore serves as a kind of ‘Comintern’ of the so-called ‘American democratic revolution’ throughout the world. The subversion by the USA, culturally, politically, and economically, with its front-groups, spies, fellow-travellers, activists, and outright revolutionaries, is more far-reaching than the USSR’s allegedly ‘communist’ subversion ever was.
The accusation by the Stalinists at the Moscow Trials of the 1930s was that the Trotskyists were agents of foreign powers and would reintroduce capitalism. The crisis in Marxism caused by the Stalinist regime – the so-called ‘betrayal of the revolution’ as Trotsky himself termed it – resulted in such outrage among the Trotskyites that they were willing to whore themselves and undertake anything to bring down the Soviet edifice.
[1] American President Woodrow Wilson’s principal adviser and confidante.
[2] Henry Wickham Steed, Through Thirty Years 1892-1922 A personal narrative, ‘The Peace Conference, The Bullitt Mission’, Vol. II. (New York: Doubleday Page and Co., 1924), 301.
[3] Ibid.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Samuel Gompers, ‘Soviet Bribe Fund Here Says Gompers, Has Proof That Offers Have Been Made, He Declares, Opposing Recognition. Propaganda Drive. Charges Strong Group of Bankers With Readiness to Accept Lenin’s Betrayal of Russia’, The New York Times, 1 May 1922.
[6] Richard B Spence, ‘Hidden Agendas: Spies, Lies and Intrigue Surrounding Trotsky’s American Visit, January-April 1917’, Revolutionary Russia, Volume 21, Issue 1 June 2008, 33 – 55.
[7] Ibid.
[8] It is more accurate to state that Trotsky managed to straddle both the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks until the impending success of the Bolshevik Revolution in 1917.
[9] Ibid.
[10] Ibid.
[11] Military Intelligence Division, 9140-6073, Memorandum # 2, 23 August 1918, 2. Cited by Spence, op.cit.
[12] Spence, ibid.
[13] Wiseman became a partner in 1929.
[14] ‘Sir William’s New Bank’, Time, October 17 1955.
[15] The foregoing on Trotsky’s associations from Spain to New York and his transit back to Russia are indebted to Spence, op.cit.
[16] Edward M. House, ed. Charles Seymour, The Intimate Papers of Col. House (New York: Houghton, Mifflin Co.), Vol. III, 421.
[17] Peter Grosse, Continuing The Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996, (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006), ‘Basic Assumptions’. The entire book can be read online at: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html [3]
[18] Armand Hammer, Witness to History (London: Coronet Books, 1988), 221.
[19] Ibid., 160.
[20] Ibid., 221.
[21] David North, ‘Leon Trotsky and the Fate of Socialism in the 20th Century’, opening lecture to the International Summer School on ‘Marxism and the Fundamental Problems of the 20th Century’, organised by the International Committee of the Fourth International and the Socialist Equality Party of Australia, Sydney, Australia, January 3 1998. David North is the national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the USA, and has lectured extensively in Europe, Asia, the US and Russia on Marxism and the program of the Fourth International. http://www.wsws.org/exhibits/trotsky/trlect.htm [4] (accessed 12 March 2010).
[22] Albert E Kahn and Michael Sayers, The Great Conspiracy Against Russia, (London: Collet’s Holdings Ltd., 1946).
[23] Antony Sutton, op.cit., 39-42.
[24] Kahn and Sayers, op.cit. p. 29.
[25] ‘Calls People War Weary, But Leo Trotsky Says They Do Tot Want Separate Peace’, The New York Times, 16 March 1917.
[26] The real purpose of the American Red Cross Mission in Russia was to examine how commercial relations could be established with the fledgling Bolshevik regime, as indicated by the fact that there were more business representatives in the Mission than there were medical personnel. See: Dr Anton Sutton, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution (New York: Arlington House Publishers, 1974), 71-88. K R Bolton, Revolution from Above (London: Arktos Media Ltd., 2011) 63-64.
[27] ‘Gives Bolsheviki a Million’, Washington Post, 2 February 1918, cited by Sutton, op.cit., ., pp. 82-83.
[28] The New York Times, 27 January 1918, op.cit.
[29] Kahn and Sayers, op.cit., p. 29.
[30] R H Bruce Lockhart, British Agent (London: G P Putnam’s Sons, 1933), Book Four, ‘History From the Inside’, Chapter I.
[31] Antony Sutton, op.cit., 84, 86.
[32] R H Bruce Lockhart, op.cit.
[33] Ibid., Chapter III.
[34] Ibid.
[35] Ibid. Lockhart observed that while the German peace terms received 112 votes from the Central Executive Committee of the Bolshevik Party, there had been 86 against, and 25 abstentions, among the latter of whom was Trotsky.
[36] Ibid., Chapter IV.
[37] That at least was the perception of Stalinists of Trotsky’s depiction by the West, as portrayed by Kahn and Sayers, op.cit., 194.
[38] Kahn and Sayers cite a number of Lenin’s statements regarding Trotsky, dating from 1911, when Lenin stated that Trotsky slides from one faction to another and back again, but ultimately ‘I must declare that Trotsky represents his own faction only…’ Ibid., 195.
[39] Ibid., 199.
[40] Leon Trotsky, Leon Sedov: Son-Friend-Fighter, 1938, cited by Kahn and Sayers, 205.
[41] Ibid., 204.
[42] R H Bruce Lockhart, op.cit., Book Three: War & Peace, Chapter IX. Lockhart described Savinkov as a professional ‘schemer’, who ‘had mingled so much with spies and agents-provocateurs that, like the hero in his own novel, he hardly knew whether he was deceiving himself or those whom he meant to deceive’. Lockhart commented that Savinkov had ‘entirely captivated Mr Churchill, who saw in him a Russian Bonaparte’.
[43] Reilly, the British ‘super agent’ although widely known for his anti-Bolshevik views, prior to his becoming a ‘super spy’ and possibly working for the intelligence agencies of four states, by his own account had been arrested in 1892 in Russia by the Czarist secret police as a messenger for the revolutionary Friends of Enlightenment.
[44] Kahn and Sayers, op.cit., 208.
[45] Commissariat of Justice, Report of the Case of the Anti-Soviet ‘Bloc of Rights and Trotskyites’, Heard Before The Military Collegium of the Court of the USSR, Moscow, March 24 1938, 307.
[46] Ibid., 288.
[47] Ibid. 293.
[48] Ibid.
[49] Ibid.
[50] Bernice Glatzer Rosenthal, ‘Eschatology and the Appeal of Revolution’, California Slavic Studies, Volume. II, University of California Press, California, 1930, 116.
[51] Ibid.
[52] Shachtman was one of the two most prominent Trotskyites in the USA according to Trotskyist historian Ernest Haberkern, Introduction to Max Shachtman, http://www.marxists.org/archive/shachtma/intro.htm [5]
[53] ‘British Trotskyism in 1931’, Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism Online: Revolutionary History, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol1/no1/glotzer.html [6]
[54] Max Shachtman, Behind the Moscow Trial (New York: Pioneer Publishers, 1936).
[55] Max Shachtman, ‘Trotsky Begins the Fight’, The Struggle for the New Course (New York: New International Publishing Co., 1943).
[56] Ibid.
[57] Ibid.
[58] Leon Trotsky, In Defence of the Soviet Union, Max Shachtman, ‘Introduction.’ (New York: Pioneer Publishers, 1937).
[59] James P Cannon, a veteran Trotskyist and former colleague of Shachtman’s.
[60] Max Shachtman, ‘The Crisis in the American Party: An Open Letter in Reply to Comrade Leon Trotsky’, New International, Vol.6 No.2, March 1940), 43-51.
[61] Ibid.
[62] Max Shachtman, ‘The Nature of the Stalinist Parties: Their Class Roots, Political Role and Basic Aim’, The New International: A Monthly Organ of Revolutionary Marxism, Vol.13 No.3, March 1947, 69-74.
[63]Max Shachtman, ‘Stalinism on the Decline: Tito versus Stalin The Beginning of the End of the Russian Empire’, New International, Vol. XIV No.6, August 1948, 172-178.
[64] Max Shachtman, ‘The Congress of the Fourth International: An Analysis of the Bankruptcy of “Orthodox Trotskyism”’, New International, Vol.XIV, No.8, October 1948, pp.236-245.
[65] Max Shachtman, ‘Reflections on a Decade Past: On the Tenth Anniversary of Our Movement’, The New International: A Monthly Organ of Revolutionary Marxism, Vol.16 No.3, May-June 1950, pp.131-144.
[66] Natalia Sedova Trotsky, May 9, 1951, Labor Action, June 17, 1951, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/socialistvoice/natalia38.html [7]
[67] American Federation of Labor-Central Industrial Organization.
[68] Haberkern, op.cit.
[69] Sidney Hook, ‘Education in Defense of a Free Society’, 1984, Jefferson Lecture in the Humanities, National Endowment for Humanities, http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/jefflect.html [8]
[70] Again, there is obfuscation with the use of the term ‘anti-Communist’. What is meant in such cases is not opposition to Communism, but opposition to Stalinism, and the course the USSR had set upon after the elimination of the Trotskyites, et al. Many of these so-called ‘anti-Communists’ in opposing the USSR considered themselves loyal to the legacy of Trotsky.
[71] Edward S Shapiro, ‘Hook, Sidney’, First Principles: The Home of American Intellectual Conservatism, July 3, 2009, http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=699&loc=r [9]
[72] Tom Kahn, ‘Max Shachtman: His Ideas and His Movement’, Editor’s Note on Kahn, Dissent Magazine, 252 http://www.dissentmagazine.org/democratiya/article_pdfs/d11Khan.pdf [10]
[73] Tom Kahn, Democratiya 11, 2007, reprinted in Dissent Magazine, ibid., 258.
[74] Fred Barbash, ‘Bush: Iraq Part of ‘Global Democratic Revolution’: Liberation of Middle East Portrayed as Continuation of Reagan’s Policies’, Washington Post, 6 November 6, 2003.
[75] Gershman served as Senior Counsellor to the United States Representative to the United Nations beginning in 1981. As it happens, the Representative he was advising was fellow Social Democrats comrade, Jeane Kirkpatrick, who had begun her political career in the (Trotskyist) Young People’s Socialist League, a branch of the Shachtmanist-orientated Socialist Party, as had many other ‘neo-cons.’
[76] The Social Democrats USA had originated in 1972 after a split with the Trotskyist-orientated Socialist Party. The honorary chairman of the Social Democrats USA until his death in 1984 was Prof. Sidney Hook.
[77] Glotzer was a leading Trotskyist. Expelled from the Communist Party USA in 1928 along with Max Shachtman, they founded the Communist League and the subsequent factions. When the Socialist Party factionalised in 1972 Glotzer joined the Social Democrats – USA faction, which remained closest to Shachtmanism, and which supported US foreign policy. Even in 1981 Glotzer was still involved with luminaries of the Socialist Workers Party. “British Trotskyism in 1931”, Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism Online: Revolutionary History, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol1/no1/glotzer.html (Accessed 7 March 2010).
[78] Rachelle Horowitz, “Tom Kahn and the Fight for Democracy: A Political Portrait and Personal Recollection”, Dissent Magazine, pp. 238-239. http://www.dissentmagazine.org/democratiya/article_pdfs/d11Horowitz.pdf (Accessed 8 March 2010).
[79] Ibid., p. 209.
[80] Ibid. p 211.
[81] Ibid., p. 234.
[82] Ibid., p. 235.
[83] Ibid., p. 246.
[84] ‘About NED’, National Endowment for Democracy, http://www.ned.org/about (accessed 7 March 2010).
[85] David Lowe, ‘Idea to Reality: NED at 25: Reauthorization’, NED, http://www.ned.org/about/history (accessed 7 March 2010).
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URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/02/trotsky-stalin-and-the-cold-war/
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[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/trotsky2.jpg
[2] Stalin: The Enduring Legacy: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1908476443/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1908476443&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20
[3] http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html
[4] http://www.wsws.org/exhibits/trotsky/trlect.htm: http://www.wsws.org/exhibits/trotsky/trlect.htm
[5] http://www.marxists.org/archive/shachtma/intro.htm: http://www.marxists.org/archive/shachtma/intro.htm
[6] http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol1/no1/glotzer.html: http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol1/no1/glotzer.html
[7] http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/socialistvoice/natalia38.html: http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/newspape/socialistvoice/natalia38.html
[8] http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/jefflect.html: http://www.neh.gov/whoweare/jefflect.html
[9] http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=699&loc=r: http://www.firstprinciplesjournal.com/articles.aspx?article=699&loc=r
[10] http://www.dissentmagazine.org/democratiya/article_pdfs/d11Khan.pdf: http://www.dissentmagazine.org/democratiya/article_pdfs/d11Khan.pdf
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lundi, 18 février 2013
Kartographie als imperiale Raumgestaltung
Ute SchneiderKartographie als imperiale Raumgestaltung
1. Der Kartograph Alexander (Sándor) Radó: Grenzgänger und Spion 2. Die Atlanten und ihre politischen Botschaften 3. Fazit: Überlegungen zur Rezeption und Bedeutung der Karten Anmerkungen Angaben zur Autorin Zitierempfehlung |
Text: |
„[...] an der Wand rechts eine Karte des Gebiets, von einem deportierten früheren Offizier gezeichnet, an der linken Wand die Karte der Kommission für wirtschaftliche Planung; auf dieser Karte waren die Plätze der künftigen Fabriken, der Eisenbahnen, des Kanals, der drei Arbeitersiedlungen, der Bäder, der Schulen, der Sportplätze zu sehen, die in der Stadt errichtet werden sollten.“1 |
„L’Affaire Toulaêv“ nannte Victor Serge seinen 1948 in Frankreich publizierten Roman, in dem er den Terror in der Sowjetunion Stalins literarisch verarbeitete. Thema des Romans ist eine sich ins Hysterische steigernde bürokratische Untersuchung als Reaktion auf die Ermordung eines kommunistischen Politikers, die sich bald in die tiefsten Provinzen des Imperiums ausweitete. Maßgebliche Elemente des Romans sind die geopolitischen Bedingungen der Sowjetunion, ihre territoriale Ausdehnung, die Landschaft und die Topographie, die die „Verortungen“ und das Handeln der Akteure leiten und bestimmen. Ein Aspekt verdient besondere Aufmerksamkeit: Die Sowjetunion als Raum politischer Gestaltung wird nicht nur in Diskursen, Wirtschaftsplänen und theoretischen Schriften entworfen, sondern auch visuell erzeugt und genutzt. Die Karte als Repräsentation des Raumes, die einzelne Städte abbildet, aber weitaus häufiger das gesamte Staatsgebiet, liefert den Protagonisten einen „Möglichkeitsraum“,2 in den sie ihre Pläne und damit die Zukunft der Sowjetunion einschrieben. |
Die nicht wenigen Hinweise auf Karten in diesem Roman werfen verschiedene Fragen nach der Bedeutung von Karten in der Sowjetunion auf, aber auch nach ihrer Rolle bei der Entstehung und Repräsentation von Imperien im Allgemeinen. Beide Aspekte sind von der historischen Forschung noch kaum untersucht worden. Dies hängt - und die Sowjetunion stellt keineswegs einen Einzelfall dar - einerseits mit einer Vernachlässigung des Raumes und seiner kartographischen Repräsentationen auch von Seiten der zeithistorischen Forschung zusammen. Obgleich Karten zur Illustration und Veranschaulichung in der Geschichtswissenschaft weit verbreitet sind, spielen Karten als historische Quellen eine bisher völlig nachgeordnete Rolle. 2 |
Mehr als ein illustrativer Charakter kommt ihnen auch in der gegenwärtigen Debatte über Imperien in aktueller und historischer Perspektive selten zu. Das ist insofern verwunderlich, als gerade die Raumbeherrschung und die Konkurrenz um den Raum zu den zentralen Charakteristika von Imperien zählen.3 So finden sich bei Herfried Münkler zwar insgesamt elf historische Karten, die etwa die Ausdehnung des Seeimperiums der Athener, das russische Imperium und die gegenwärtige globale amerikanische Militärpräsenz abbilden. Im Text gibt es jedoch keine Verweise; und die Tatsache, dass dem Kartographen nirgendwo gedankt wird, legt die Vermutung nahe, dass der Verlag die Karten zur Veranschaulichung ergänzt hat. |
Spiel(t)en Karten in der Neuzeit in Europa - und diese Einschränkung ist wichtig, solange wir so wenig über die Kartenverwendung in früheren und gegenwärtigen Gesellschaften wissen - für Herrscher und Politiker beim Aufbau eines Imperiums und als Medium der Integration der Bevölkerung eine Rolle? Obgleich Münkler über die Ausbildung von Identität, über Bildungsprogramme sowie den Ausbau von Informations- und Mediensystemen spricht, werden Karten als Instrument, um in den Köpfen der Menschen eine Vorstellung vom Imperium und seiner Bedeutung oder Bedrohung zu verankern, überhaupt nicht thematisiert. Inwieweit stell(t)en Karten ein Mittel der Mobilisierung dar, und welches Bild vermittel(te)n sie? |
Dass die Bedeutung von Karten im Konstituierungsprozess von Imperien in der Neuzeit nicht gering veranschlagt werden darf, zeigen neuere Untersuchungen zum British Empire. Der Raum des Empire war seit dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert auf Weltkarten projiziert worden, lange bevor eine flächendeckende staatliche Durchdringung erreicht worden war. Durch eine monochrome Markierung in der Signalfarbe Rot oder aus Gründen der Handkolorierung in Rosa war eine Homogenität antipiziert worden, die anfänglich die christlichen Missionen und im späten 19. Jahrhundert Imperialisten wie Cecil Rhodes zur Erschließung und Inbesitznahme neuer Räume antrieb. Der Kartentypus fand weite Verbreitung über Zeitungen und andere Medien, so dass sich das Bild in den Köpfen aller Bewohner des Empire und nicht nur in Großbritannien einprägte. Als kognitive Karte oder mental map fanden Karten des British Empire Eingang in die Memoirenliteratur, Prosa und Poesie und damit in das kulturelle Gedächtnis, so dass man von einem britischen Erinnerungsort sprechen kann.4 3 |
Vor dem Hintergrund der Ergebnisse zum Stellenwert von Karten als politischem und kulturellem Gestaltungsraum bei der Konstruktion des British Empire gewinnt die Frage nach ihrer Rolle bei dem Aufbau anderer Imperien wie etwa der Sowjetunion nach 1917 weitere Relevanz. Dass die Sowjetunion der Kartographie besondere Bedeutung beimaß, brachte sie 1934 durch die Gründung des „Instituts des großen Sowjet-Atlas“ in Moskau zum Ausdruck. Aufgabe dieses Instituts war es, den „größten Atlas“ der Welt zu schaffen.5 Ein Stab von 200 Mitarbeitern und eine Vielzahl von Wissenschaftlern waren mit dem Projekt befasst, das auf drei Bände angelegt war. Die ersten beiden Bände erschienen 1937 und fanden in Deutschland eine gemischte Aufnahme. Der dritte Band, der „Übersichts- und Wirtschaftskarten der ausländischen Staaten“ enthalten sollte, konnte wegen des Zweiten Weltkrieges nicht mehr erscheinen. Der Redakteur dieses dritten Bandes war der Kartograph Alexander (Sándor) Radó (1899-1981), der nach eigenen Angaben auch an den Arbeiten der anderen Bände beteiligt war und sich seit den frühen 1920er-Jahren mit der Herstellung und Verbreitung eines kartographischen Bildes der Sowjetunion befasste.6 Der Schwerpunkt seiner Arbeit lag in der thematischen Kartographie, und das Spektrum reichte von historischen Prozessen bis hin zu wirtschaftlichen und technischen Entwicklungen der damaligen Gegenwart. Dass seine Karten dabei immer auch propagandistische Funktionen erfüllten, stellte nicht nur die Kritik fest, sondern war durchaus beabsichtigt.7 Die Kunst des Kartographen lag für Radó gerade darin, die Botschaft mit geeigneten technischen Mitteln so in die Karte zu zeichnen, dass sie vom Leser verstanden werden konnte. „Durch die Kombination von Zeichengrößen und beabsichtigten Kontrastwirkungen kann im Kartenbenutzer ein ‚furchterregendes‘ oder als Gegenteil ein ‚beruhigendes‘ psychisches Gefühl geweckt werden. Deshalb muß bei der Schaffung dieser Karten mit solchen beim Kartenbenutzer unbewußt auftretenden psychologischen Wirkungen gerechnet werden.“8 |
Radó wollte mit seinen Karten ein Bild der jungen Sowjetunion kreieren, das darauf zielte, im In- und Ausland ihre politisch-historische Entwicklung, ihre gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Bedingungen und nicht zuletzt ihre Rolle als politisches Imperium in der Welt hervorzuheben. Da aber jede Karte durch die Standortgebundenheit des Kartographen beeinflusst wird, selbst wenn sie nicht dezidiert zum Zweck der Propaganda entsteht, spiegeln seine Karten auch die wechselvolle Politik der Sowjetunion nach der Revolution wider. Zusammen mit weiteren Karten kam ihnen sogar eine prominente Rolle in der Minderheitenpolitik zu, mit all ihren gewaltsamen Folgen unter Stalin. Bevor einzelne dieser Karten vorgestellt werden, sei kurz ein Blick auf das Leben Radós geworfen, weil es sein Werk beeinflusste und zudem charakteristisch für zahlreiche Biographien des 20. Jahrhunderts ist. 4 |
1. Der Kartograph Alexander (Sándor) Radó: Grenzgänger und Spion |
Im Sommer 1968 fertigte der amerikanische Geheimdienst CIA ein geheimes Dossier über Alexander Radó an. Nicht ohne Bewunderung sprach sich der Autor dafür aus, Radó einen Platz im „pantheon of major intelligence figures of the times“ einzuräumen.9 Das Dossier stellt die wesentlichen Etappen im Leben Radós vor, wie sie wenige Jahre später auch in seiner Autobiographie zu lesen waren.10 Diese Memoiren, die unter dem Titel „Deckname Dora“ in West- bzw. „Dora meldet“ in Ostdeutschland erschienen, sind eines der wenigen Selbstzeugnisse, die von Radó bisher zugänglich sind. Das hängt mit seinem Leben in verschiedenen Diktaturen und einer generellen Furcht zusammen, unter diesen politischen Umständen persönliche Dokumente zu hinterlassen. Auch Radós Erinnerungen wurden in der Sowjetunion zensiert und korrigiert, sieht man einmal von den Glättungen ab, die er selbst vorgenommen hat.11 |
Der 1899 in Budapest geborene Alexander Radó entstammte dem vermögenden jüdischen Bürgertum. Als „Sohn bemittelter Eltern“ konnte er nicht nur das Gymnasium besuchen, sondern auch zur „Sommerfrische“ nach Italien und Österreich reisen.12 1918 wurde er einberufen, begann aber parallel dazu ein Jurastudium in Budapest und machte während der Revolution von 1918 die Bekanntschaft revolutionärer Sozialisten. Ende des Jahres trat er der Kommunistischen Partei Ungarns bei. Einer Leidenschaft seiner Kindheit folgend, begann er als Politkommissar für die ungarische „Rote Armee“ Landkarten zu zeichnen, für die es nach dem Zerfall der österreichisch-ungarischen Armee großen Bedarf gab.13 Mit dem Ende der Räterepublik im Jahr 1919 floh Radó nach Wien und später nach Deutschland, wo er in Jena ein Studium der Kartographie begann. Unterbrochen durch mehrfache Reisen in die Sowjetunion, die er immer auch zum Kartographieren und Sammeln von Landkarten nutzte, beendete er sein Studium im Jahr 1924. In diesem Jahr erschien seine erste Karte der Sowjetunion im Braunschweiger Westermann-Verlag. Es folgten weitere Arbeiten über die Sowjetunion für zahlreiche große deutsche Atlanten. Nach eigenen Angaben war es Radó, der „für die Gebiete der UdSSR die sowjetische politische und geographische Einteilung und Terminologie“ einführte.14 Radó verfasste außerdem einen Reiseführer durch die Sowjetunion, der zu einem Standardwerk wurde, und war einer der ersten Kartographen, der die Luftfahrt für die Kartographie nutzte.15 1933 emigrierte Radó mit seiner Familie nach Paris und bereits drei Jahre später in die Schweiz. Jeden Ortswechsel verband Radó jeweils mit der Gründung einer geographischen Nachrichtenagentur, die die europäische Presse mit politischen und wirtschaftlichen Karten belieferte. Die Niederlassung in der Schweiz geschah auf Wunsch Moskaus und mit dem Ziel der Übernahme einer Spionagetätigkeit, zumal Radó „kein Neuling in der konspirativen Tätigkeit“ war.16 Unter dem Decknamen „Dora“ sammelte er militärische Informationen für die Sowjetunion und informierte sie während des Zweiten Weltkrieges etwa über die deutschen Pläne und Truppenbewegungen im Zusammenhang mit dem geplanten Angriff auf die Sowjetunion. Kurz vor der Enttarnung gelang es ihm unterzutauchen, und 1944 floh er schließlich nach Paris. |
Dort endet die Geschichte von Radós Spionagetätigkeit, und das Buch „Dora meldet“ schließt mit einem Ausblick auf die Schicksale seiner Weggefährten und Mitarbeiter. Den Faden seiner eigenen Biographie knüpft Radó erst mit dem Jahr 1955 an, in dem er „nach langen und schweren Prüfungen [...] endlich in meine Heimat zurückkehren“ konnte.17 Über sein Schicksal zwischen Kriegsende und der Rückkehr nach Ungarn im Jahr 1955 erfahren wir nur, dass er „1948 infolge des Stalinschen Personenkults spurlos verschwunden war“.18 Ihm erging es so wie zahlreichen anderen Kommunisten, die in Spanien und an anderen Fronten für ihre Überzeugung gekämpft hatten. Viele von ihnen waren ebenfalls jüdischer Herkunft, doch nur wenige hatten wie er das Glück, die Straflager zu überleben.19 Die CIA wusste über den Verbleib Radós immerhin zu berichten, dass er in Moskau zu 15 Jahren Arbeitslager in Sibirien verurteilt worden war. Inwieweit es gute Beziehungen oder seine fachlichen Kenntnisse waren, die ihn in ein geophysikalisches Observatorium in die Nähe von Moskau brachten, war auch der CIA nicht bekannt. Der US-Geheimdienst wusste aber, dass Radó dort ein „prisoner with privileges“ war, der sich mit Kartenproblemen und militärischen Navigationssystemen befasste.20 5 |
Im Zuge der Entstalinisierung konnte Radó 1955 nach Ungarn zurückkehren. Beruflich begann er eine neue Karriere in der staatlichen Kartographie, und er zeichnete fortan mit der ungarischen Variante seines Namens: Sándor. Der kommunistische Kosmopolit Radó, der 1920 der sowjetischen KP beigetreten war, setzte mit diesem Wechsel ein Zeichen des Neuanfangs unter Betonung seiner ungarischen Herkunft und Verbundenheit. In beruflicher Hinsicht knüpfte Radó in Ungarn an beide Stränge seines Lebens vor 1945 an - er setzte sowohl seine kartographischen Projekte als auch seine geheimdienstliche Tätigkeit fort. Von letzterem ging zumindest die CIA aus, die Ungarn als eine Art geographisches Spionagezentrum betrachtete. Sukzessive strukturierte Radó die ungarische Kartographie und ihre Publikationen um und machte etwa die dreisprachig erscheinende Zeitschrift „Cartactual“ zu einem vor allem im westlichen Ausland angesehenen Organ.21 1967 begann Radó mit der Erstellung von Karten für die politische Schulung und die Propagandaarbeit. Innerhalb weniger Jahre erschienen mehr als 200 verschiedene Plakatkarten und Kartenblattserien, die in Schulen, Betrieben und Bibliotheken Verwendung fanden. Die Karten informierten über ein breites Themenspektrum, das von den „Überschwemmungen in Ungarn im Jahr 1970“ bis zu den „Errungenschaften und Aufgaben der Industrieentwicklung 1971-1975“ reichte. Der Schwerpunkt lag bei nationalen Themen und den sozialistischen Staaten; einzelne Karten befassten sich aber auch mit dem nichtsozialistischen Ausland.22 |
Seine kartographischen Fähigkeiten und seine Sprachkompetenzen - Radó sprach mindestens sechs Sprachen fließend - beförderten sein internationales Ansehen und seine Macht.23 Mit zahlreichen Ehren ausgezeichnet starb Radó im Jahr 1981. Viele seiner Projekte wurden weit über seinen Tod hinaus fortgeführt, und in Ungarn gilt er bis heute als der Begründer der nationalen und politischen Kartographie.24 Neben seiner politischen Überzeugung, an der Radó sein Leben lang festhielt - er nutzte keine seiner zahlreichen Westreisen zur Flucht -, war es die fachliche Kompetenz, die sein Überleben und eine zweite Karriere ermöglichte. Die Biographie Radós ist insofern nicht untypisch für das 20. Jahrhundert, als es in den sozialistischen Staaten nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg zahlreiche Intellektuelle gab, deren Leben durch die Diktaturen mehrfache Brüche erfahren hatte. György Konrád und Iván Szelényi, die sich intensiv mit der osteuropäischen Intelligenz und ihren Mechanismen des Machterhalts und -ausbaus befasst haben, bezeichneten diesen Intellektuellentypus als „Doppelstaatsbürger von Partei und Fach“. „Ideologische Vertrauenswürdigkeit“ und die fachliche Qualifikation sicherten langfristig die Position dieser Doppelstaatsbürger, unabhängig von politischen Konjunkturen und Richtungswechseln.25 6 |
2.1. Der „Atlas für Politik Wirtschaft Arbeiterbewegung“. Im Jahr 1930 erschien in Deutschland und ein Jahr später in Japan der erste von drei geplanten Bänden eines Atlasses unter dem Titel „Atlas für Politik Wirtschaft Arbeiterbewegung“. Aus politischen Gründen blieb es jedoch bei diesem ersten Teil, der den Imperialismus zum Thema hat.26 Den Einband hatte John Heartfield gestaltet, und das Vorwort stammte aus der Feder des stellvertretenden Volkskommissars des Äußeren, Fjodor Rothstein, der auf den Zusammenhang von Geographie, Geschichte und Politik hinwies.27 Radó geht in seinen Memoiren und im Vorwort zum Reprint von 1980 auf die Entstehung des Atlasses ein; indem er ihn auf ein Gespräch mit Lenin zurückführt, stellt er sich und sein Werk in eine unmittelbare Traditionslinie zur Russischen Revolution. Diese Verbindung unterstreicht er zusätzlich durch den Hinweis, dass ihm Lenin bei der Kartensuche geholfen habe.28 |
Unterteilt in sechs Kapitel stellt der Atlas auf schwarz-weißen und farbigen Karten politische und wirtschaftliche Themen und Entwicklungen vor. Zahlreiche dynamische Karten markieren mit dicken roten und schwarzen Pfeilen unterschiedliche Beziehungen und Bewegungen zwischen einzelnen Staaten. Die Sowjetunion springt dem Betrachter auf vielen Karten förmlich entgegen, weil sie durch ein kräftiges Rot hervorgehoben wird. Rot ist nicht nur eine Signalfarbe, die Bedeutung markiert und hervorhebt, sondern auch die symbolische Farbe des Sozialismus und Kommunismus. |
Wie bereits erwähnt, war Rot bzw. Rosa außerdem die Farbe, die Großbritannien seit dem 19. Jahrhundert in der Kartographie zur Hervorhebung des British Empire nutzte. Radó war sich der Wirkung von Farben bewusst und kannte möglicherweise sogar die Karten des Empire; zudem hatte sich die Zuordnung von Rot und Empire nicht nur in Großbritannien durchgesetzt. Indem Radó die Sowjetunion in diesem grellen Rot und monochrom markierte, betonte er sie nicht nur, sondern zeigte den Betrachtern vielmehr, dass das neue Imperium seinen Raum und Platz in der Welt beanspruche und die Konkurrenz mit den alten Imperien aufnehme. Die farbliche Hervorhebung wurde durch die Wahl der Projektion verstärkt, denn die von Radó bevorzugte Mercatorprojektion begünstigte die Flächengröße der Sowjetunion. Die kartographischen Mittel und die Absicht, „plakatartig“ zu wirken, fielen den Rezensenten des Werkes auf, die teilweise äußerst detailliert auf inhaltliche und dar-stellerische Fehler im Atlas eingingen. Die Rezensenten waren sich einig, dass dieser Atlas als ein „hochinteressantes Dokument für die Art sowjetrussischer Propaganda in Deutschland zu werten“ sei.29
![]() „Die Einkreisung der Sowjetunion durch den Britischen Imperialismus“ (aus: Radó, Atlas [Anm. 26], S. 91) |
Zahlreiche Karten vermitteln auch das Bild einer isolierten Sowjetunion. Das gilt weniger für eine Karte, die explizit den Titel „Die Isolierung der Sowjetunion in Europa“ trägt, aber kaum mehr als die westlichen Nachbarn von Finnland bis zur Türkei zeigt,30 als vielmehr für solche Karten, die etwa „Das Rüsten zum nächsten Krieg“ zeigen. Eine geradezu „unbewaffnete“ Sowjetunion, die hauptsächlich ihre Grenzen verteidigt, wird dieser Karte zufolge von hochgerüsteten europäischen und asiatischen Staaten eingekreist und bedroht.31 Mit diesem Bild knüpfte Radó an ältere Wahrnehmungsmuster an, die auf Gefühlen von Bedrohung durch die Nachbarn Russlands basierten. Der Atlas, der sich heute in erstaunlich vielen Bibliotheken findet, war aber weit mehr als ein Propagandainstrument; er spiegelt auch die sowjetische Politik und ihre Konjunkturen in den ersten Jahren nach der Revolution wider. Beispiele dafür sind die Benennungen und der Umgang mit den zahlreichen Ethnien im Vielvölkerreich.
![]() „Die proletarische Großmacht - Die Sowjetunion“ (aus: Radó, Atlas [Anm. 26], S. 43) |
Während Radó auf allen Karten - mit Ausnahme derjenigen des Zarenreichs - die Benennung „Sowjetunion“ wählt (in unterschiedlichen Schreibweisen), spricht er auf dieser Karte von „Russland“. Hier spiegelt er die russische und städtische Dominanz in der bolschewistischen Partei.32 Sie führte mit dem Sieg und der Ausdehnung der Bolschewiki bis an die Peripherie zu erheblichen Problemen. Denn es stellte sich mit aller Vehemenz die Frage nach dem Umgang mit der multiethnischen Heterogenität. Während vor allem linke Intellektuelle gegen eine „Nationalisierung des sozialistischen Projekts“ votierten,33 sprach sich Lenin für das Prinzip der Ethnizität aus, und Stalin teilte die Sowjetunion in Republiken mit unterschiedlichem Autonomiestatus ein. Diese Politik der Regionalisierung ging mit statistischen Erhebungen und Untersuchungen einher. Das Ergebnis war eine Fokussierung auf die Minderheiten, ihre Klassifizierung und Zuweisung zu bestimmten Territorien, die schließlich auf Karten dokumentiert und mit Grenzen markiert wurden. Die an diesem Prozess beteiligten Experten - „Ethnologen, Orientalisten und Statistiker“ - entwickelten im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes „Kriterien, die es ihnen erlaubten, die ethnische Landkarte neu zu vermessen und das Imperium als Verbund von Nationen zu strukturieren“.34 Die Karten schließlich machten dies sichtbar und erleichterten den zweiten Schritt, eine brutale Sowjetisierungspolitik und die erzwungene Integration in die Union.35 7
![]() „Die Lösung der nationalen Frage in der Sowjetunion“ (aus Radó, Atlas [Anm. 26], S. 157) |
In Radós Atlas erscheinen Ethnien noch wenig relevant. Mit Ausnahme der Karte der „proletarischen Großmacht“, die auf die Republiken auch im begleitenden Text ausdrücklich hinweist, erwähnt Radó sie nicht und zeichnet vielmehr einen homogenen, nationalen Raum. Die Sowjetunion unterscheidet sich damit nicht von der Darstellung der anderen Staaten, die ebenfalls als homogene Blöcke markiert sind. Der Atlas verschweigt aber nicht generell die in der Zwischenkriegszeit virulente Nationalitätenfrage; er dokumentiert Minderheiten in zahlreichen europäischen Staaten und in Nordamerika. Dabei lässt Radó auch die Sowjetunion nicht aus.
![]() „Nationalitäten in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika“ (aus: Radó, Atlas [Anm. 26], S. 145) |
Die beiden Karten unterscheiden sich jedoch grundlegend. Im Fall Nordamerikas präsentiert Radó keineswegs ein monochromes Bild, sondern ein Territorium, das von Reservaten der „Indianer“ - in roten Blöcken dargestellt - und Ansiedlungen der „Neger“ - in schwarzen Kreisen, die sich vor allem im Osten finden - wie ein Flickenteppich durchsetzt ist. Dass Radó sich für die Farben Rot und Schwarz entschieden hat, ist, auf einer symbolischen Ebene betrachtet, durchaus naheliegend und entspricht kartographischen Prinzipien. Auffällig ist aber, dass Rot auch die „weiße“ und asiatische Bevölkerung repräsentiert, obwohl die politische Sympathie Radós bei der „neu entstandenen schwarzen Arbeiterklasse“ lag, deren Aufgabe es sei, „nicht nur die Befreiungsbewegung der Neger in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, sondern auch der kolonial versklavten Negermassen in Afrika und in Mittel- und Südamerika zu führen“.36 In der Gesamtschau werden die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika von Radó als ein Territorium präsentiert, das in ethnische Gruppen zersplittert ist und sich nicht als homogener Staat entwickeln kann. |
Die Unterschiede zur Repräsentation der Sowjetunion könnten kaum größer sein. Hier zeigt Radó ausschließlich die politische Gliederung (Karte s.o., Abschnitt 7), während die „fast 200 Nationalitäten“, die er im Begleittext erwähnt, nicht differenziert und lokalisiert werden. Das entspricht der offiziellen Politik der Sowjetunion in den frühen 1920er-Jahren, die den „Gliedstaaten“ sehr unterschiedliche Formen von Autonomie gewährte, aber gerade erst mit der Erstellung differenzierter Karten der ethnischen Verteilung auf der Basis statistischer Erhebungen begann. Die Karte Radós dokumentiert gewissermaßen diesen Prozess der Regionalisierung, in dem sich die Sowjetunion befand. Sieht man einmal von den wenigen Karten zur Nationalitätenfrage ab, repräsentiert Radó die Sowjetunion als einen monochromen und damit homogenen politischen Raum. Indem der Atlas außerdem Bodenschätze und Industrie, Verkehrsverbindungen und militärisches Potenzial auf dem Territorium der Sowjetunion überwiegend verschweigt, erscheint diese rote Fläche ohne die Merkmale, mit denen Radó die „imperialistischen“ Staaten charakterisierte. Hier bot sich - so eine mögliche Lesart - dem „neuen Menschen“ ein breites Betätigungsfeld beim Aufbau einer kommunikativen Vernetzung, bei der Industrialisierung, kurz beim Aufbau eines Imperiums unter der Farbe und den Zeichen des Sozialismus. Erste Erfolge einer solchen Aufbauleistung konnten die Briten im Jahr 1938 zur Kenntnis nehmen, als Radó mit seinem „Atlas of To-day and To-morrow“ „a snapshot photograph of our rapidly changing world“ publizierte.37 8 |
2.2. „The Atlas of To-day and To-morrow“. Dieser im Format etwas kleinere Atlas enthält in den sechs Kapiteln deutlich mehr Karten, die außerdem in viel ausführlicheren Texten und durch zahlreiche Statistiken erläutert werden. Im Unterschied zum deutschen präsentiert der englische Atlas ausschließlich schwarz-weiße Karten, so dass die Sowjetunion dem Leser trotz der Mercatorprojektion nicht so dominant ins Auge springt. Zudem - hier spiegeln sich die politischen Veränderungen der 1930er-Jahre - vermittelt der Atlas ein anderes Bild der Sowjetunion und ihrer Stellung innerhalb der Staatengemeinschaft. Sie wird als gleichrangige politische, militärische und ökonomische Macht exponiert. Auf einer Karte zum weltweiten militärischen Potenzial erscheint die Sowjetunion längst nicht mehr als der bedrohte, eingekreiste und wehrlose Staat wie noch in der deutschen Ausgabe. Auch wenn sie im Vergleich zu den anderen Staaten nicht über eine umfangreiche Flotte verfügte, so stellte Radó sie hinsichtlich der aktiven Armee bereits als zweitstärkste militärische Macht nach China dar.38 |
Neben der Gleichrangigkeit betont der englische Atlas die Eingebundenheit und Vernetzung der Sowjetunion etwa durch mehrere Kommunikations- und Verkehrskarten, die Radó in diese Ausgabe aufnahm. Die Sowjetunion ist Bestandteil eines globalen Netzwerkes von Kommunikations-, Kapital- und Güterströmen. Dass diese Vernetzung, heute als Globalisierung bezeichnet, nicht nur ein Spezifikum der Sowjetunion war, brachten die Rezensenten zum Ausdruck. Ihr Urteil über den Wert der Karten und deren Informationsgehalt fiel positiver aus als beim deutschen Vorläufer. Zwar fanden die Rezensenten wieder kleinere Fehler, erachteten die Bezeichnungen als „Norwegian“ and „Danish Empire“ als weit herbeigeholt und wiesen auf die politischen Implikationen des Atlasses hin, betonten aber im Gegenzug die besondere Bedeutung des Kartenmaterials und des Atlasses insgesamt, zumal in einer Zeit, in der die Welt schrumpfe.39 Die andere Qualität der Karten, die auf statistischem Material beruhten und zudem durch umfangreiche Statistiken ergänzt wurden, hing einerseits mit den konzentrierten Bemühungen um statistische Erhebungen in der Sowjetunion zusammen, war andererseits aber auch eine Frage des Zugangs. Radó arbeitete seit 1936 in Genf und konnte hier zusätzlich zu dem sowjetischen Material die Bibliothek des Völkerbundes nutzen. Bei der Erstellung der Karten für den Atlas war ihm außerdem die Tochter eines hohen polnischen Beamten des Völkerbundes behilflich, die selbst Kartographin war.40 |
Mehr als eine veränderte kartographische Darstellungsform bietet Radó auch im Umgang mit der Nationalitätenfrage, der in diesem Atlas ebenfalls ein Kapitel gewidmet ist. Zum einen findet sich auch hier wieder eine Karte zur politischen Struktur, die allerdings im Gegensatz zur deutschen Ausgabe die einzelnen Republiken grafisch deutlich voneinander abgrenzt. Russland erscheint als monochromer Block, durchsetzt von einzelnen autonomen Territorien, während die Republiken der Föderation in der Schraffur deutlich hervorgehoben und unterschieden werden. Die zugehörige Statistik enthält zudem genaue Angaben zu den jeweiligen Bevölkerungszahlen. Die Karte gibt zwar auch die offizielle Politik der 1920er-Jahre wieder, zieht im Gegensatz zur deutschen Ausgabe aber klare Grenzen zwischen den Teilrepubliken und bildet damit, obgleich es um die politische Struktur geht, einen weiteren Schritt bei der Klassifikation von ethnischen Minderheiten ab. Der Prozess von nationalen Zuschreibungen und Zuordnungen war eine Folge der sowjetischen „Indigenisierung und Nationalisierung von Herrschaft“,41 die nicht selten zuerst auf Karten dokumentiert wurde. 9 |
![]() „Political Structure of the Soviet Union“ (aus: Radó, The Atlas [Anm. 37], S. 59) |
Nachdem unter Stalin die Politik der Sowjetisierung und eine gewaltsame Unterdrückung der Minderheiten einsetzte, zeigten diese Karten den „Feind“ im Innern; sie konnten zu seiner Verortung und zu gezielten politischen Maßnahmen genutzt werden. Aus Moskau berichten Zeitzeugen, dass es Ende der 1930er-Jahre dort geradezu eine Obsession war, Nachbarn und Kollegen nach ihrer ethnischen Zugehörigkeit zu klassifizieren.42 Einer besonderen Gefahr waren gerade die Minoritäten ausgesetzt, die als eine Gefährdung der Homogenität des nationalen Territoriums betrachtet wurden. „Nur national homogene Landschaften waren auch moderne Landschaften“, schreibt Jörg Baberowski zu dieser Ausprägung des Stalinschen Terrors.43 Damit verweist Baberowski auf mentale Kartenbilder wie die von Radó produzierten, die die Sow-jetunion schon in den 1920er-Jahren als eine homogene, moderne Landschaft gezeigt hatten. Dieser Vorstellung folgen letztlich auch die anderen Karten des englischen Atlasses, der die politische Struktur nur auf dieser Karte wiedergibt und die Sowjetunion ansonsten als monochromes Territorium repräsentiert. |
Von den Nationalstaaten des 19. Jahrhunderts unterschied sich die Sowjetunion unter Stalin wohl im Terror, nicht aber in der Vorstellung von „homogenen Landschaften“. Auch andere Staaten hatten umfangreiche Homogenisierungsprogramme in die Wege geleitet und nationale Minderheiten politisch ausgegrenzt, von ihren Karten ausgeschlossen oder „verortet“, um eine gezielte Politik etwa der Germanisierung durchsetzen zu können. Dass Radó sich dieser Parallelen bewusst war, zeigen seine Karten zu anderen europäischen Staaten, deren Nationalitäten er in sehr differenzierten Karten festhielt.44 Bei der Darstellung der gesamten Sowjetunion folgte Radó dagegen in der Regel dem Homogenisierungsmodell und zeichnete eine monochrome Landschaft herbei, ohne dass sie überhaupt existierte. Er nutzte den „Möglichkeitsraum“ der Karte, um Strukturen, Status und Ziele der Sowjetunion als einer politischen und ideologischen Gemeinschaft festzuhalten. Die Parallelen zum British Empire sind nicht zu übersehen, wo Verbund und Homogenität ebenfalls auf Karten projiziert und antizipiert worden waren. 10 |
3. Fazit: Überlegungen zur Rezeption und Bedeutung der Karten |
Da Radó seine Atlanten im Westen publizierte, stellt sich die Frage nach dem Stellenwert und der Wirkung seiner Karten in Europa und in der Sowjetunion. Wer hat sie überhaupt gesehen und benutzt? Im Hinblick auf Europa sprechen die zahlreichen Bibliotheksbestände und die Rezensionen für eine breitere Rezeption. Wer den Atlas letztlich kaufte und las, wissen wir aber nicht genau. Im Fall der Sowjetunion ist davon auszugehen, dass Radó über gute und intensive Kontakte verfügte; er wird für eine Verbreitung des Werks in den Kreisen seiner politischen und professionellen Freunde gesorgt haben. Dass Karten eine große allgemeine Bedeutung zukam, zeigt die Einrichtung einer Kommission zur Erfassung und Untersuchung der Ethnien (KIPS/IPIN), die ihre sozialstatistischen Erhebungen auch kartographisch veranschaulichte. Einen dieser statistischen Atlanten bekam Walter Benjamin in Moskau zu Gesicht, der überhaupt nach seinem Besuch prognostizierte, dass die Landkarte „nahe daran“ sei, „ein Zentrum neuen russischen Bilderkults zu werden wie Lenin Portraits“. Denn „auf der Straße, im Schnee, liegen Landkarten von SSSR, aufgestapelt von Straßenhändlern, die sie dem Publikum anbieten“.45 |
Wie bereits erwähnt, wurde 1934 in Moskau das „Institut des großen Sowjet-Atlas“ gegründet. Radó war an diesem Werk beteiligt, und zahlreiche der dort abgebildeten Karten weisen deutliche Parallelen zu seinen Karten aus den 1920er- und 1930er-Jahren auf. Auch dieser Atlas zeigt eine Karte zur „derzeitigen politischen Einteilung“. Die Republiken werden dort aber nicht als selbstständige politische Einheiten repräsentiert, sondern die gesamte Sowjetunion zeigt sich in monochromem Rot.46 Die rote Farbe wählten die Kartographen auch für eine vierteilige Karte, die die Kollektivierung zwischen 1928 und 1936 abbildet. Der historische Prozess wird farblich untermauert, indem sich die Sowjetunion in der Farbgebung von Gelb über Orange bis zu Rot im Jahre 1936 verändert. Andere Karten in diesem Atlas zeigen den Ausbau einer Infrastruktur in der Sowjetunion und die weltweite Vernetzung, die ihren Ausgangspunkt immer im Zentrum Moskau hat. Deutsche Kartographen, die diesen Atlas in umfassenden Besprechungen würdigten, betonten zwar die Modernität der Karten und die zahlreichen methodischen Anregungen, kritisierten aber auch die „agitatorischen Gesichtspunkte“, die bei zahlreichen Karten im Vordergrund stünden. |
![]() Kollektivierung der Bauernwirtschaften in der UdSSR 1928-1936 (aus: Gorkin, Bol’soj sovetskij atlas mira [Anm. 5], S. 159) |
Alle diese Karten bekamen die Menschen in der Sowjetunion in der einen oder anderen Form im Zuge der Regionalisierung und Sowjetisierung und den damit verbundenen Alphabetisierungskampagnen zu Gesicht. Dass die Karten langfristig ein Bild von der Sowjetunion und ihrer Rolle als einer der beiden Weltmächte mitprägten, zeigte sich nach dem Zusammenbruch des Sowjetimperiums. Für viele Menschen innerhalb und vielmehr noch außerhalb der Sowjetunion gehörte das „Auftauchen“ zahlreicher Ethnien zu den überraschenden Erfahrungen, die mit ihrer Vorstellung vom einheitlichen Sowjet-menschen in einem homogenen Staat nicht zusammenpassten. Die jungen Staaten, die im Zuge dieser Auflösung entstanden, mussten und müssen zum Teil bis heute ihren Ort in der Welt noch finden. Relationen wie „Osten“ und „Westen“ haben sich förmlich verschoben, und ein Blick auf die aktuelle Karte lässt in vielen Staaten die Frage nach der Zugehörigkeit zu Europa in einem anderen Licht erscheinen. Im Verbund der alten Sowjetunion war dies ein selbstverständlicher Bestandteil sowjetischer Identität. Die hier vorgestellten Karten veranschaulichten das bis in die 1980er-Jahre vorherrschende Paradigma, das die Ideologie und die imperiale Macht der Sowjetunion mit dem Zentrum in Moskau betonte.47 Zu fragen wäre allerdings, inwieweit gerade die Diskrepanz zwischen „zukunftsorientierten“ und idealisierten Repräsentationen einerseits und alltäglichen Erfahrungen andererseits zur politischen Auflösung des Sowjetimperiums beigetragen hat. |
Als einziges Medium sind Karten geeignet, die räumliche Ausdehnung in ihren realen Bezügen und als Projektionsraum geopolitischer, zivilisatorischer oder anderer Ambitionen zu veranschaulichen. Das gilt gleichermaßen nach außen wie nach innen. Veranschaulichungen sind ein Bestandteil der „imagined communities“,48 eine Charakterisierung, die sicherlich auch für Imperien ihre Gültigkeit hat. Zu den Bausteinen dieser Gemeinschaften gehören spätestens seit dem 19. Jahrhundert der Raumbezug und die Raumvorstellung, die sowohl auf historische Wurzeln als auch in die Zukunft verweisen. |
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Anmerkungen: |
1 Victor Serge, Die große Ernüchterung. Der Fall Tulajew, Hamburg 1950, S. 116. 2 David Gugerli/Daniel Speich, Topografien der Nation. Politik, kartografische Ordnung und Landschaft im 19. Jahrhundert, Zürich 2002, S. 84. 3 Herfried Münkler, Imperien. Die Logik der Weltherrschaft - vom Alten Rom bis zu den Vereinigten Staaten, Berlin 2005, S. 11ff. Inzwischen liegen einige Arbeiten vor, die das Kartographieren von Imperien untersuchen - in vielen Fällen jedoch, ohne die Karten selbst als Quellen zu betrachten. Vgl. Matthew H. Edney, Mapping an Empire. The Geographical Construction of British India, 1765-1843, Chicago 1997; Francine Hirsch, Empire of Nations. Ethnographic Knowledge and the Making of the Soviet Union, Ithaca 2005. Im Vordergrund stehen die Karten bei Thomas J. Bassett, Cartography and Empire building in Nineteenth-Century West Africa, in: The Geographical Review 84 (1994), S. 316-335. 4 Ute Schneider, Die Macht der Karten. Eine Geschichte der Kartographie vom Mittelalter bis heute, Darmstadt 2004, S. 120ff. Dazu demnächst Zoe Laidlaw, Das Empire in Rot. Karten als Ausdruck des britischen Imperialismus, in: Christof Dipper/Ute Schneider (Hg.), Kartenwelten. Der Raum und seine Repräsentation in der Neuzeit, Darmstadt 2006 (im Druck). Siehe auch William O’Reilly, Zivilisierungsmission und das Netz des British Empire. Sprache, Landvermessung und die Förderung des Wissens 1780 - 1820, in: Boris Barth/Jürgen Osterhammel (Hg.), Zivilisierungsmissionen. Imperiale Weltverbesserung seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, Konstanz 2005, S. 101-124. 5 Aleksandr Fedoroviéc Gorkin (Hg.), Bol’soj sovetskij atlas mira, Moskva 1937; Bruno Krömke, Der Große Sowjet-Weltatlas, in: Zeitschrift für Geopolitik 19 (1942), S. 332-335; H.[ans] Spreitzer, Der Große Sowjet-Weltatlas, in: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin 1940, S. 69-74. 6 Sándor Radó, Dora meldet, Berlin (Ost) 1974, S. 89. 7 Jeremy Black sieht wegen des propagandistischen Charakters vor allem in Radós erstem Atlas aus dem Jahre 1930 ein marxistisches Pendant zu nationalsozialistischen geopolitischen Propagandakarten. Zu ihren Aussagen und ihrem Stellenwert bei der Ausbildung eines territorialen Konzeptes und kognitiver Karten ist damit nichts gesagt. Auf die Funktion von Propagandakarten bei der Ausbildung von „Territorialkonzepten“ und ihre prägende Kraft hinsichtlich räumlicher Vorstellungen hat Guntram Herb in verschiedenen Untersuchungen hingewiesen. Siehe auch Jeremy Black, Maps and History. Constructing Images of the Past, New Haven 1997, S. 125f.; Guntram Henrik Herb, Under the Map of Germany. Nationalism and Propaganda 1918-1945, London 1997; ders., Von der Grenzrevision zur Expansion: Territorialkonzepte in der Weimarer Republik, in: Iris Schröder/Sabine Höhler (Hg.), Welt-Räume. Geschichte, Geographie und Globalisierung seit 1900, Frankfurt a.M. 2005, S. 175-203. 8 Sándor Radó, Die Karte als Mittel der politischen Bildung, in: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 118 (1974), S. 75ff., Zitat S. 76. 9 Louis Thomas, Alexander Rado, in: Studies in Intelligence 12 (1968), S. 41-61. Zu dem Bild des „Meisterspions“ hat nicht zuletzt Arthur Koestler beigetragen, der dem ehemaligen Parteigenossen und Kollegen in seiner Biographie ein Kapitel unter dem Titel „Einem Meisterspion zum Gedenken“ widmete. Das gesamte Kapitel steht unter der Vermutung Koestlers, dass Radó, der sich in einem sowjetischen Lager befand, nicht mehr am Leben sei (Arthur Koestler, Die Geheimschrift. Bericht eines Lebens 1932 bis 1940, Wien 1955, S. 318-326). 10 Sándor Radó, Deckname Dora, Stuttgart 1971; ders., Dora meldet (Anm. 6). 11 Karl Schlögel, Im Raume lesen wir die Zeit. Über Zivilisationsgeschichte und Geopolitik, München 2003, S. 230. 12 Radó, Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 28f. 13 Ebd., S. 36ff. 14 Alex Radó, Politische und Verkehrskarte der Sowjet-Republiken, Braunschweig 1924; ders., Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 88. 15 Ders., Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 90f., S. 100-109; ders., Führer durch die Sowjetunion, Moskau 1925; ders., Avio Führer: Führer für Luftreisende, Bd. I: Flugstrecke Berlin - Hannover, Berlin 1929. 16 Ders. , Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 17. 17 Ebd. , S. 514. 18 Ebd. , S. 76. 19 Zum „Nach-Krieg“ in der Sowjetunion siehe Jörg Baberowski, Der rote Terror. Die Geschichte des Stalinismus, München 2003, S. 240ff. 20 Thomas, Rado (Anm. 9), S. 48. 21 Ebd., S. 60; Pál Kaszai/Gábor Gercsák, Mass media maps in Hungary. National Report (1997), online unter URL: <http://lazarus.elte.hu/gb/hunkarta/press.htm>. 22 Siehe die Kartenbeispiele in: Radó, Die Karte (Anm. 8), Tafel 7-9. 23 Rudolf Habel, Professor Dr. Sándor Radó 70 Jahre, in: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 113 (1969), S. 318f. 24 Kaszai/Gercsák, Mass media maps (Anm. 21), o.S. 25 György Konrád/Iván Szelényi, Die Intelligenz auf dem Weg zur Klassenmacht, Frankfurt a.M. 1978, S. 292. Zu ähnlichen Karrieren in der DDR siehe Ute Schneider, Hausväteridylle oder sozialistische Utopie? Die Familie im Recht der DDR, Köln 2004, S. 49ff.; Ralph Jessen, Akademische Elite und kommunistische Diktatur. Die ostdeutsche Hochschullehrerschaft in der Ulbricht-Ära, Göttingen 1999, S. 316ff. 26 Alex Radó, Atlas für Politik Wirtschaft Arbeiterbewegung, Bd. 1: Imperialismus, Wien 1930. Die DDR publizierte 1980 ein Reprint des Werkes mit einem Vorwort von „Alex Radó (Prof. Dr. Sándor Radó)“. 27 Eine Abbildung des Atlasses und einzelner Karten findet sich online unter URL: <http://imaginarymuseum.org/MHV/PZImhv/RadoAtlasfurPolitik.html>. 28 Radó, Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 60f. 29 Hermann Lautensach, in: Petermanns Geographische Mitteilungen 77 (1931), S. 218 (Zitat); Herbert Rosinski, Das Fiasko des Wirtschaftsatlas I: Rado, in: Die Volkswirte 30 (1931), S. 23ff. 30 Radó, Atlas (Anm. 26), S. 93. 31 Ein Vergleich zwischen der bei Münkler abgebildeten Karte zur militärischen Präsenz Amerikas (Imperien [Anm. 3], S. 276f.) und der Radóschen Karte ergibt ein interessantes Bild der Bedeutung und Wahrnehmung militärischer Macht in imperialen Kontexten. Zur Karte siehe Radó, Atlas (Anm. 26), S. 29. Abbildung unter URL: <http://imaginarymuseum.org/MHV/PZImhv/RadoAtlasfurPolitik.html>. 32 Baberowski, Der rote Terror (Anm. 19), S. 73. 33 Ebd., S. 74. 34 Jörg Baberowski, Stalinismus und Nation: Die Sowjetunion als Vielvölkerreich 1917-1953, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft 54 (2006), S. 199-213, Zitat S. 205. 35 Hirsch, Empire of Nations (Anm. 3), S. 21-62, S. 145-187. Zum Zusammenhang von Statistik und Kartographie siehe Ute Schneider, „Den Staat auf einem Kartenblatt übersehen!“ Die Visualisierung der Staatskräfte und des Nationalcharakters, in: Dipper/Schneider, Kartenwelten (Anm. 4), S. 11-25. 36 Radó, Atlas (Anm. 26), S. 144. 37 Ders., The Atlas of Today and Tomorrow, London 1938. 38 Ebd., S. 23. 39 Rezensionen ohne Autorenangaben in: Nature 143 (1939), S. 8; G.R.C., in: The Geographical Journal 93 (1939), S. 179. 40 Radó, Dora meldet (Anm. 6), S. 120. 41 Baberowski, Der rote Terror (Anm. 19), S. 75. 42 Ebd., S. 196. 43 Ebd., S. 195-198, hier 198. 44 Radó, The Atlas (Anm. 37), S. 162ff. 45 Walter Benjamin, Moskauer Tagebuch, Frankfurt a.M. 1980, S. 76, S. 135. 46 Gorkin, Bol’soj sovetskij atlas mira (Anm. 5), Karten 78-80. 47 Gertjan Dijkink, National Identity and Geopolitical Visions. Maps of Pride and Pain, London 1996. S. 95-108; Hannes Adomeit, Russia as a „great power“ in world affairs: images and reality, in: International Affairs 71 (1995), S. 35-68. Siehe dazu auch die Karte und den Artikel von Johannes Voswinkel, An Russlands Rändern bröckelt es, in: ZEIT, 25.5.2005, S. 11. 48 Interessanterweise hat Anderson erst die erweiterte Neuauflage seines grundlegenden Buchs um ein Kapitel zu „Zensus, Landkarte und Museum“ ergänzt: Benedict Anderson, Die Erfindung der Nation. Zur Karriere eines folgenreichen Konzepts, Berlin 1998, S. 163-187. |
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Angaben zur Autorin: |
![]() HD Dr. Ute Schneider
TU Darmstadt
Institut für Geschichte
D-64283 Darmstadt
E-Mail: schneider@pg.tu-darmstadt.de
Position/Tätigkeit: Hochschuldozentin für Neuere und Neueste Geschichte
Forschungs- und Interessengebiete: Sozial-, Geschlechter-, Rechts- und Kulturgeschichte Europas im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert; Methodologie der Geschichtswissenschaft
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:
Hausväteridylle oder sozialistische Utopie? Die Familie im Recht der DDR, Köln 2004
Die Macht der Karten. Eine Geschichte der Kartographie vom Mittelalter bis heute, Darmstadt 2004
(Hg., mit Christof Dipper), Kartenwelten. Der Raum und seine Repräsentation in der Neuzeit, Darmstadt 2006 (im Druck)
(Stand: Januar 2006)
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Zitierempfehlung: |
Ute Schneider, Kartographie als imperiale Raumgestaltung. Alexander (Sándor) Radós Karten und Atlanten, in: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History, Online-Ausgabe, 3 (2006), H. 1, URL: <http://www.zeithistorische-forschungen.de/16126041-Schneider-1-2006> |
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jeudi, 31 janvier 2013
Entkommunifizierung - Das undurchführbare Projekt in Kroatien
Das undurchführbare Projekt in Kroatien
Neue Ordnung (Graz), IV/2012
vonDr. Tomislav Sunic
Nach dem Ende des Kalten Krieges und der kommunistischen Gewaltherrschaft gab es ein weitverbreitetes Bedürfnis nach einer Entkommunifizierung des öffentlichen Lebens in großen Teilen der Bevölkerung Osteuropas. Bürger, die früher Opfer des Kommunismus in Osteuropa waren, verwenden das Wort ‚lustracija’ – eine lateinische Ableitung, die häufig falsch ins Englische als ‚lustration‘ [dt. Reinigung] übertragen wird, die allerdings nicht jene Konnotation einer politischen Säuberung hat wie in englischsprachigen Ländern. Im Kroatischen, Serbischen oder Tschechischen bezeichnet ‚lustracija’ den starken Wunsch und das Bedürfnis, die frühere kommunistische Obrigkeit – von deren Mitgliedern noch immer viele als öffentliche Angestellte, Diplomaten oder Korrespondenten aktiv sind – aus ihrer Position zu entfernen oder zur Rechenschaft zu ziehen.
Zur Kennzeichnung der gegenwärtigen juristischen und politischen Debatte in Osteuropa lautet der beste Begriff ‚dekomunizacija‘ (Entkommunifizierung), da er in spezifischer Weise das erlittene Unrecht der früheren Opfer des Kommunismus benennt, wobei er gleichzeitig auf die immer noch präsenten kommunistischen Kader und ihre Mitläufer fokussiert. Verstehen läßt sich das Konzept der „lustracija“ bzw. Entkommunifizierung in Kroatien sehr leicht. Die rechtliche Umsetzung ist jedoch beinahe unlösbar. Warum ist das so?
Der Wunsch vieler kroatischer Opfer des Kommunismus nach der Absetzung ex-kommunistischer Bürokraten basiert teilweise auf den abscheulichen Entdeckungen zahlloser Massengräber kroatischer und deutscher anti-kommunistischer Soldaten und Zivilisten, die 1945 und später von den siegreichen jugoslawischen Kommunisten ermordert worden waren.
Die Befürworter der Entkommunifizierung in Kroatien zitieren oft die Europaratsresolution 1481 vom 3. Februar 2006, in der frühere kommunistische Verbrechen scharf verurteilt werden. Diese Resolution ist jedoch rechtlich nicht bindend, und ihre Annahme war weit entfernt von einer generellen Übereinstimmung (99 Abgeordnete stimmten dafür, 42 dagegen).
Es gab eine Menge inoffizieller Kritik in Bezug auf den Wortlaut der Resolution, besonders in Rußland, wobei jedoch auch in Westeuropa insbesondere von vielen linkslastigen Politikern und Journalisten ebenso scharfe Kritik geübt wurde.
Die kroatische Identität: politische Schizophrenie
Die kleinen Nationen, die nach dem Ende des Kommunismus auf der Landkarte erschienen, fällt es schwer, sich ihrer eigenen Identität bewußt und sicher zu sein. Eine von diesen Nationen ist Kroatien. Noch vor jedem etwaigen Beitritt zu einer supranationalen Gemeinschaft, sowie zur stark herbeigesehnten EU oder NATO, ist es notwendig, daß das offizielle Kroatien seine Identität findet. Sollte es diese im Rahmen antifaschistischer oder antikommunistischer Grundsätze begründen?
In Kroatien deutet die gegenwärtige politische Debatte auf ein schizophrenes Land. Einerseits zementiert die kroatische Verfassung die antifaschistische Hinterlassenschaft des Landes – während gleichzeitig jede Erwähnung des antikommunistischen Erbes peinlich vermieden wird. Andererseits haben Kroatien und seine Politiker über die ganze Zeit seit der Wiedergeburt des Landes im Jahre 1990 lautstark die antikommunistischen Insignien und Abzeichen präsentiert und sogar Sprachfiguren verwendet, die dem Diskurs des früheren antikommunistischen, profaschistischen und pronazistischen Kroatien aus der Zeit des Zweiten Weltkrieges ähneln (Währung, Medaillen, einige archaische Ausdrücke usw.).
Sollte sich Kroatien dafür entscheiden, antikommunistische Klauseln in die Verfassung aufzunehmen, wie es viele Bürger nunmehr öffentlich befürworten, so wäre die gesamte politische Klasse Kroatiens mit internationaler Isolierung konfrontiert. Im heutigen neoliberalen, globalen System ist es äußerst erwünscht sich „antifaschistisch“ zu nennen, nicht aber „antikommunistisch“.
Es ist offensichtlich, daß die beharrlichsten Unterstützer des Antikommunismus in ganz Europa die Faschisten und profaschistischen Intellektuellen in der ersten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts waren. Trotz ihres hastig angenommenen neo-liberalen Standpunktes und ihrer proisraelischen und proamerikanischen Reden stehen die kroatischen Politiker unter genauer Beobachtung der EU und den wachsamen Augen diverser jüdischer Gruppierungen mit Basis in Amerika und Israel. Diese Gruppierungen werden es nie müde, die kroatische, herrschende Klasse davor zu warnen, in einen „rechten Nationalismus“ abzugleiten.
Das veranschaulicht die bemerkenswerte Tatsache – die häufig erwähnt wird – daß in den Augen der Eliten, welche die westliche Politik beherrschen, ein ethnischer Nationalismus zwar für Juden und viele weitere Menschengruppen legitim ist, nicht jedoch für Europäer.
Aus deren Sichtweise kommt sogar ein Ans-Licht-Bringen der Abscheulichkeiten des Kommunismus einer Verteidigung von Kroatiens faschistischer Vergangenheit nahe. Deshalb ist es nicht überraschend, daß die neue kroatische politische Klasse in diesen Fragen versucht, metaphorisch gesprochen päpstlicher zu sein als der Papst. Jedoch erschweren solche Einstellungen die Entkommunifizierung und führen lediglich zur weiteren Verharmlosung der von jugoslawischen Kommunisten verübten Verbrechen.
Eine ähnliche Geisteshaltung herrscht auch in Deutschland vor, wenngleich in weit massiverem und subtilerem Sinne. Weil der Nationalsozialismus zum ultimativen Symbol des Bösen wurde, glaubt sich Deutschland gezwungen, permanent seine demokratische Glaubwürdigkeit beweisen zu müssen, indem es alle etwaigen Zeichen eines Wiederauflebens des Faschismus attackiert.
Auf der heutigen internationalen Bühne wird zu den Verbrechen des Kommunismus wenig gesagt. Während des zweiten Weltkrieges waren die kommunistischen Partisanen in Osteuropa Hauptverbündete der Westalliierten im Krieg gegen den Nationalsozialismus und Faschismus. Beim postmodernen viktimologischen Geschacher verschiedener Ethnizitäten und Rassen würde allerdings jedwede Erwähnung kommunistischer Massenverbrechen in Osteuropa rein quantitativ die diesbezüglich führende der jüdischen Opfer Rolle in den Schatten stellen. Zudem würde es den quasi-religiösen Kult um das Wort „Antifaschismus“ zweifelhaft werden lassen. Das gilt besonders für Kroatien mit seinen starken Verbindungen zu Deutschland während des Zweiten Weltkrieges.
Darüber hinaus würde eine kritische Untersuchung des Kommunismus auch die überproportionale Anzahl jüdischer Intellektueller ans Licht bringen, die eine bedeutende Rolle bei der geistigen Legitimierung des Kommunismus spielten (siehe Johannes Rogalla von Bieberstein, „Jüdischer Bolschewismus.“ Mythos und Realität, 2003).
Politik: Die Kunst des Zufalls
Die antifaschistischen Säuberungen bzw. „Lustrationen“ haben nicht unter den siegreichen Sowjets begonnen, sondern wurden von den westlichen Alliierten noch vor dem offiziellen Ende des zweiten Weltkrieges in die Wege geleitet. Im Spätsommer 1944 fing die amerikanische provisorische Militärregierung in Frankreich an, unterstützt von der französischen kommunistischen résistance, drakonische Gesetze zu diktieren gegen Schriftsteller, Journalisten, Professoren und in der Öffentlichkeit bekannte Intellektuelle, die der Kollaboration mit dem besiegten pro-faschistischen Regime von Pétain-Laval verdächtigt wurden.
Ein Jahr später waren die ersten, die in Deutschland ins Fadenkreuz der amerikanischen Militärregierung gerieten – noch vor den Prozessen der nationalsozialistischen Würdenträger beim Nürnberger Tribunal – die Lehrer, Journalisten und Professoren, die verpflichtet waren, spezielle Fragebögen auszufüllen. Millionen von Menschen, insbesondere hochgebildete Deutsche, verloren ihren Arbeitsplatz – nur um zu Beginn des Kalten Krieges im Jahre 1948 schleunigst wieder eingesetzt zu werden (siehe Caspar von Schrenck-Notzing, Charakter-Wäsche, 1963).
Während des Kalten Krieges waren die Amerikaner intelligent genug, das Wannseeinstitut des SD anzuzapfen, ein auf höchster Ebene angesiedeltes Spionagebüro, das mit der SS verbunden war. Das Institut wurde von dem jungen Rechtsanwalt Major General Walter Schellenberg (1910-1952) geführt. Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges nutzte Schellenberg die Fähigkeiten vieler hochqualifizierter europäischer Akademiker, deren Aufgabe es war, die kommunistische Mentalität zu analysieren. In späterer Zeit, nach dem Kriege, waren viele sich mit Sowjetologie und Kremlforschung befassende US-basierte Denkfabriken weitgehend nach dem Muster der nationalsozialistischen, deutschen Einrichtung Wannseeinstitut SD strukturiert.
Ähnliche Methoden der Durchführung von „Fragebögen“ und „Untersuchungen“ über frühere pro-faschistische Verdächtigte wurden von den siegreichen kommunistischen Autoritäten in Jugoslawien gegen Ende von 1945 angewandt, und das auf sehr viel repressiverem Niveau. Es resultierte in Massenhinrichtungen kroatischer Spitzenakademiker und Intellektueller, die der Kollaboration mit den Nationalsozialisten verdächtigt wurden. (Siehe Zoran Kantolic, Review of Croatian History, 2005, # 1).
Heute jedoch ziehen die Vereinigten Staaten und die Europäische Union den Umgang mit kommunistischen Apparatschiks vor, die sich in „liberale Beamte“ verwandelt haben und nun von den baltischen Staaten bis hin zum Balkan – darunter Kroatien – führende Stellen besetzen. Den Politikern in Washington und Brüssel fällt es leichter, mit früheren jugoslawischen Kommunisten zu kooperieren, als mit unberechenbaren serbischen und kroatischen Nationalisten, die sprichwörtlich nicht gut aufeinander zu sprechen sind.
Hypothetisch betrachtet kann man sagen, daß Amerika – wäre der Kalte Krieg 1989 in einen heißen Krieg zwischen den USA und der UdSSR umgeschlagen – alle verfügbaren antikommunistischen und nationalistischen Kräfte ausgenutzt hätte, um den Kommunismus zu besiegen. Wäre dies geschehen, so hätte alle früheren kroatischen Kommunisten und ihre Meßdiener in den Medien, den Universitäten und der höheren Bildung ein ähnliches Schicksal ereilt, wie die Mitglieder der Baath- Partei Saddam Husseins im Irak 2002: sie hätten entweder ihren Kopf oder ihren Arbeitsplatz verloren.
So hätte es nur eines Zufalles der Geschichte bedurft, und es wären die rechtsorientierten Intellektuellen und Akademiker an der Macht gewesen.
Die Phänomenologie zufälligen Geschehens und des Zufallsfaktors in der Geschichte wurde vom ersten kroatischen Präsidenten Franjo Tudjman in seinem Buch The Wasteland of Historical Reality (1989) beschrieben. Jedoch ist Tudjman aufgrund seiner revisionistischen Schriften in westlichen Regierungsstellen zur persona non grata geworden, und Kroatien ist in den Verdacht geraten, ein paläo-faschistisches und antisemitisches Land zu sein. In der Geschichtsbetrachtung wandelt sich ein Held oft zum Schurken.
Die Psychologie des Homo iugoslavensis.
Es gibt heutzutage kaum einen kroatischen Nationalisten, der nicht wenigstens einen Cousin hat, der im Zweiten Weltkrieg mit den kommunistischen Partisanen kämpfte. Auf welche Weise sollte also der Prozeß der Entkommunifizierung initiiert werden, wenn das unausweichlich einen Effekt auf die Leben eben jener Menschen bedeutet, die mit diesem Prozeß der Entkommunifizierung beginnen müssten? Die Anzahl der Ex-Kommunisten in der sogenannten konservativen und nationalistischen Partei, der Christlich Demokratischen Partei (HDZ) oder der größten Regierungspartei, der sozialistischen SDP in Kroatien ist enorm.
Die in den höchsten Ämtern befindlichen Diplomaten in Kroatien sind ehemalige kommunistische Journalisten und Diplomaten. Auf den Gängen des kroatischen Außenministeriums kursiert der Spruch, daß „die moderne kroatische Diplomatie ein ideales Refugium für recycelte ehemalige kommunistische Journalisten, Spitzel und Verräter“ sei, oder-- um es poetischer auszudrücken--für „Auslandskorrespondenten“.
Heutzutage besteht trotz der scharfen antikommunistischen Rhetorik, die nirgendwo im Westen ihresgleichen hat, in Zagreb ein großer Teil der philosophischen Fakultät und auch der Politikwissenschaften (den Hauptzentren der öffentlichen Meinung) aus Männern und Frauen, deren Eltern eingefleischte Kommunisten waren. Auf welche Weise sollte dort aufgeräumt werden? Es ist recht leicht sie kenntlich zu machen, aber unmöglich hier eine ‚lustracija’ durchzuführen.
Ein beispielhafter Fall: Im Jahre 1984 wurden mein Vater, der frühere katholische Rechtsanwalt Mirko Sunic und meine Schwester, die Professorin Mirna Sunic, zu jeweils 4 Jahren bzw. 10 Monaten Gefängnis verurteilt, gemäß Artikel 133 der Strafgesetzgebung im kommunistischen Jugoslawien – einem Gesetz das „feindliche Propaganda“ unter Strafe stellte. Die Anklagen wurden von dem staatlichen kommunistischen Anwalt Ante Nobilo erhoben. Später wurde Mirko Sunic von Amnesty International und 15 amerikanischen Kongressabgeordneten als politischer Gefangener anerkannt und betreut. Zur gleichen Zeit erhielt ich, während ich in den Vereinigten Staaten lebte, dort politisches Asyl.
Gegenwärtig ist Nobilo ein angesehener Berater der neuen linksgerichteten kroatischen Regierung, ebenso wie Budimir Loncar, der zu der Zeit, wo mein Vater und meine Schwester eingesperrt wurden, Bundessekretär des Außenministeriums im kommunistischen Jugoslawien war. Nobilo und Loncar spielen häufig die Gastgeber für ausländische NGOs und sind verantwortlich für die Beurteilung von Kroatiens Menschenrechtsbericht und die Toleranz gegenüber nicht-europäischen Immigranten.
Ähnliche Fälle können zu Tausenden aufgezählt werden, wenn nicht gar Hunderttausenden, wenn man die Zeitspanne kommunistischen Terrors von 1945 bis 1990 in Betracht zieht (siehe Mirko Sunic, Moji inkriminirani zapisi, [Meine inkriminierten Schriften], 1996).
Wenn man derselben Logik weiter folgen wollte, so sollte nicht vergessen werden, daß der antikommunistische und revisionistische Präsident, der frühere Franjo Tudjman höchstselbst die hohe Position eines kommunistischen Generals in Belgrad in den späten 1950ern innehatte – der Zeit der schlimmsten kommunistischen Unterdrückung. Wenn er nichts gewußt haben soll von den Massenmorden, die von den Kommunisten verübt wurden, von wem soll man es dann annehmen? Und wie soll man Tudjman dann beurteilen oder seine revisionistische Tätigkeit einschätzen?
Die Schuld „dem anderen“ zuzuschreiben ist ein typisches Merkmal totalitären Geistes. Es ist lebendig und agil im öffentlichen und geschäftlichen Leben im heutigen Kroatien, ebenso wie in der kroatischen Rechtsprechung. Das gleiche Muster tritt jedoch im gesamten post-kommunistischen Europa auf. Es gibt einen Ausdruck, der den Kommunismus in seiner gesamten Geschichte charakterisiert: „Nein, ich nicht! Der da ist schuldig! Der hat die Schuld! Nicht ich! Der da!“
Es wird oft vergessen, daß der Kommunismus nicht eine Abweichung von der Demokratie war, sondern die Demokratie zu ihrem Extrem gebracht – der „Terror aller gegen alle in allen Instanzen“ (terreur totale de tous contre tous à tous les instants (Claude Polin, L’Esprit totalitaire, 1977). Die jugoslawischen Kommunisten hatten ihre schlimmsten Feinde nicht in der katholischen Kirche oder den immer sprichwörtlichen kroatischen Nationalisten, sondern inmitten ihrer eigenen Reihen und Kader. Man beachte das ewige gegenseitige Abschlachten innerhalb der Linken anfangend beim Spanischen Bürgerkrieg bis hin zu den unablässigen stalinistischen Säuberungen in der Sowjetunion.
Wer orchestrierte den Kriege von 1991?
Es gibt eine ernsthafte These vorzubringen. Wurde der Krieg von 1991 im ehemaligen Jugoslawien von früheren kommunistischen Kadern Kroatiens und Serbiens orchestriert? Wurde er ausgelöst durch die Fehde zwischen regionalen kommunistischen Geheimdienst-Offizieren? Wie erklärt man die Tatsache, daß sowohl der nationalistische Kroate Franjo Tudjman als auch sein serbischer Gegenspieler Slobodan Milosevic von einer enormen Anzahl früherer kommunistischer Geheimdienst-Offiziere umgeben waren – ganz zu schweigen davon, daß sie beide überzeugte Mitglieder der jugoslawischen, kommunistischen Partei gewesen waren? Wie wäre die Entwicklung im kommunistischen Ex-Jugoslawien verlaufen, wenn sowohl in Serbien als auch in Kroatien hochgebildete nicht-kommunistische Exil-Politiker an der Spitze des jugoslawischen Staates gestanden hätten? Dies ist eine gute Frage für Historiker, Soziologen und Futurologen.
Den größten Fehler begingen die im Exil befindlichen stark nationalistischen und antikommunistischen Kroaten. Genaugenommen machten sie einen tödlichen Fehler. Ihre enorme finanzielle und militärischen Hilfe für Kroatien – im Werte von Milliarden von Dollars – hätte verknüpft sein müssen mit der Entfernung der alten kommunistischen kroatischen Kader und der geschlossenen Rückkehr der Exilkroaten in ihr altes Heimatland. Dies hätte eine günstige soziologische Balance ergeben und auf bedeutende Weise die heutigen Spannungen zwischen kommunistisch erzogenen Kroaten und nationalistischen Kroaten verringert.
Da jedoch diese kroatischen Nationalisten nicht zurückkehrten, scheint jedwede mögliche Entkommunifizierung – oder ‘lustracija’, wie die Kroaten sie nennen – moralisch und logistisch undurchführbar, weil sie große Verwerfungen in der Bevölkerung erforderlich machen und unweigerlich zum Bürgerkrieg führen würde. Dennoch kann dieses sehr gewalttätige Szenario nicht ganz ausgeschlossen werden.
Dieses ganze Phänomen der sogenannten Säuberungen oder „lustration“ ist in der Geschichte nichts Neues. Nach dem Sturz Napoleons hatte der französische König Ludwig XVIII in der Ära der Restauration seine früheren Gegenspieler kooptiert, indem er den meisten napoleonischen Offizieren immer noch einen reduzierten Sold (demi soldes) ausbezahlte, denn er wußte, daß er andererseits in Frankreich mit Chaos und Terrorismus hätte rechnen müssen. Auf ähnliche Art hat der spanische Diktator Francisco Franco seinen früheren Gegnern, den besiegten spanischen Republikanern, klugerweise kleine Pensionen ausgezahlt.
Und dennoch hat das Phänomen der geschichtlichen Zufälle und Launen seine eigenen kosmischen Gesetze, die der menschlichen Analyse unzugänglich bleiben. Der rumänisch-französische Essayist Emile Cioran hat geschrieben, daß man mehr Wahrheit und Gerechtigkeit finde in der Alchemie des Mittelalters oder den Eingeweiden römischer Wildgänse als in dem Geschwafel von Demokratie, Gerechtigkeit, Glück und Wohlstand.
Dr. Tomislav (Tom) Sunic ist US-kroatischer Schriftsteller, Übersetzer, Professor für Politwissenschaft und ehemaliger Diplomat. Er lebt zurzeit in Kroatien. www.tomsunic.com
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Cultural Communism
Cultural Communism & the Inegalitarian Basis of All Genuine Art
By Jonathan Bowden
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/
Edited by Alex Kurtagić
Editor’s Note:
The Following is an excerpt from Blood, written between April and May 1992. It is part of a much longer discussion about art, where Bowden explores one of his favorite themes: the art of the radical Left versus the art of the radical Right.
Here he outlines the idea—ignored or denied nowadays—that, since all genuine artistic activity is predicated on human inequality, the pursuit of radical equality in the arts means the destruction of all possible art. The text has been only lightly edited for punctuation, spelling, and capitalization.
According to Stewart Home and other denizens of Smile magazine, a communist-nihilist publication, the Situationists, whom he calls the ‘specto’-Situationists to differentiate them from the artists who followed in their wake, were guilty of bourgeois abstraction. They were guilty of the cardinal sin—in such circles—of idealism, of not basing their thought on a materialist grounding, a perspective of limiting matter and limitless class struggle.
The view of Home and his acolytes (if there are any) is that [Guy] de Bord and [Raoul] Vaneighem were guilty of theoretical deviation, an ideological detour around the bourgeois houses. This was an ideological faux pas that led them to endorse art, hierarchy, and bourgeois values at the moment when they proclaimed their destruction.
In a sense, when Home itemized the fringe and necessarily inadequate achievements of these artists, certainly in terms of artistic creation—Metzger’s auto-destructive art, for instance—he wishes to counter-point the poverty of Situationist theory. What he actually did was to point out the inadequacies—intellectual and technical—of the reductio ad absurdum, ‘sin bin’ avantgarde.
His main point was that a Utopian tradition of anarchy, ecstasy, and plebeian fury had animated a string of counter-cultural authors and artists—Coppe, Blake, Sade, Lautremont, the Surrealists, etc. . . . This is a neat theory, it must be admitted—a form of misstatement, when what we want to say is that this is a necessary fiction on which the author can hang a dissident tradition. It is a tradition, moreover, which dissents against a localized phenomenon, namely against modernism, which is purely a 20th-century event, a happening of modernity as its name suggests.
What this critique wishes to establish, however, is a continuity of rebellion in relation to pre-existing artistic structures—an argument that brings it perilously close to a form of self-serving addenda, whereby lettrism, for instance, can be classified as on a par with the libertarian Christian poetry of William Blake. This is something that ultimately serves the ends of cultural distortion—the assimilation and absorbtion of difference, the denial of quality and hierarchy in relation to culture.
The basic point of Home’s critique, however, involves a certain amount of nostalgia, a respectful nod in the direction of Dadaism, in particular the Dadaist idea that anything can be a work of art. Whereas Surrealism always insisted, under [André] Breton’s tutelage, that anyone can produce art—in the latter case by a dextrous manipulation of unconscious forces that can be used to create. ‘Everyone dreams! Everyone can create Art!’, ran the catch-phrase.
Situationism, on the other hand, at least the specto-Situationist variant that Home is prepared to recognize, believed that everyone should destroy art by achieving its futility at the moment of its recreation—its final gasp. The Post-Situationism that Home’s analysis favoured, all of which is laid out in his book, Assault on Culture, is a form of mannerist council communism—with an individualist twang—in the realm of art. Hence, we see his advocacy of industrial protest against bourgeois culture, namely an artist’s strike, whereby no artworks would be produced for the art market, thereby marginalizing the fringe artists who were stupid enough to endorse this position!
Home and his associates wish to see a situation where nothing rests easy, where everything is contumacious and unclear, where art has no meaning except as a form of proletarian indulgence—a type of mute and redundant sensibility. Hence, we see the call for artists to strike, an attempt to engineer on behalf of these nihilists a go-slow action, a cultural taint—what we might call a refusal to observe reality, when reality is a minefield of action. (Hence, the exhibition that was entitled Culture on the Ruins; the Ruins of Culture—a show they claim was smashed up. They probably did it themselves!)
In short, Home and his adherents wish to bring about a culture of the ruins, an archaic splendour without the echo—the footfall of the Gods—an attempt at an arrested process of deliverance. Now Home and these other cultural bullies—these vandals of the screen—wish to anaesthesize their audiences. They want to render them mute—silent—spendthrift and withdrawn. Hence, we see the fascination with working-class culture—more accurately, the avoidance of the fact that the proletariat has no culture!
For Home, of course, to talk of art is to believe in a form of unity, a type of transcendence beyond class and yet rooted in elitism. These are the things he is in violent rebellion against! Ultimately, what he wants to destroy is not transgression, or even the sublime, the wilfully articulate—no; it is the prospect of transcendence in relation to hieratic order, and his colleagues (it may just be him) are intent on the destruction, through denial, of what is described in such circles as ‘essence’, ‘essentialism’—the fact that reality is rooted in the nature that we see all around is, but which such critiques tend to visualise as nothing more than a sea of bourgeois filth.
Men like Home ultimately want to use art as the final communist frontier—a basic resource in their strategy to attack and degrade art, to leave it no room of manoeuvre, and finally destroy it. The point of this is not purely nihilistic, however, in that Home has a definite political agenda that is somewhat submerged. It is submerged amidst the debris of culture, particularly his own, amongst the shards of a fractured dialectic—but it is there nevertheless. Moreover, it is an attempt to deny any transcendent aspect to culture, thereby degrading it, reducing it to the level of proletarian swill. In short, it is an attempt to come to power in a wasteland of the imagination, where the method of the artists’ strike holds good for all time—hence, the sheer nihilism of its viewpoint, its conspectus of the absence of horror.
Yet, although there is a strong dose of the merely destructive in this argument, this is by no means all. There is a hidden agenda, unspoken and possibly even unconscious, and this is the desire to come to power (if only in the cultural area) on the backs of a philistine proletariat, on the basis of a plebeian disdain for culture. Thus, the Assault on Cultureis paving the way—in its imagination, of course; in the real world these things are of scant importance—for the destructive power of non-creativity.
Rather like the murderer, the psychopathic killer, who sees all of society as his victims, this Left Communist/Nihilist analysis is designed to leave a lonely T. S. Eliot in his wasteland—in fact, to find a wasteland without an author, T. S. Eliot or anyone else, to transcribe it effectively, when what is opposed is the possibility of transcription, of change in relation to essence; when Home and his colleagues do not know what they want.
On the one hand, they wish to cut the bourgeois out of art, whether the term is used in a social or a ‘Marxist descriptive’ sense, but they have nothing to replace it with. On the other, they dream—in the loose manner of the Left-wing mind—of a complete transformation of the social scene (the response, it must be said, of a severely alienated intellect). This is the sort of intellect that can mystify itself over the prospect of essence, from a strongly materialist position, when what is believed in is positively chiliastic. Namely, this is the idea that all social structures, idealistic concepts (i.e., all forms of recognised religion), every positive and actual cultural affirmation or statement, can be done away with, be destroyed, find itself lonely and abandoned.
Yet, after this momentary act of vandalism, what do we find? Nothing but the fact that the author believes in the prospect of proletarian footling, of the working-class individuality, and collectively replacing culture with another form of culture (whatever that means). With a culture that is so free that it is worth nothing at all—a mere grubbing around in the sand, dust, and ashes of what is left, an attempt to approach what Home would call the free creativity of the universalized proletariat—namely, no art whatsoever. This is a vision that truly resembles psycho-art—the often drug-induced despair and cultural illiteracy of the squat, of the anarcho-punk hatred of existence—i.e., the hatred of themselves. It is the state of mind one sees in the following piece of squat graffiti: the acronym ‘F.O.A.D.’—Fuck Off and Die!
Home ultimately wants to see a somewhat baboonish vision of culture—a veritable Tower of Babel—that people like himself will find easy to control, in that the far Left always consists of conflicting strands, even within the same individual. These consist, on the one hand, of a desire to apply a form of universal humanism—do-goodery, in other words. While the other element, the other admixture, is blindly destructive, wilfully nihilistic, anarchic, vengeful, and without pity. It is essentially a position that exists to mouth its own despair! Particularly when society itself can serve as a vehicle for an individual’s misanthropy. When an individual can vent his or her spleen on the society, on the social whole—especially when the do not have to pay any price for it!
As a consequence, there is a deeply cynical side to this endeavor, an attempt to trap proletarian mores in a way that will have to be denied ever afterwards. Namely, that the absence of working-class culture is used as an excuse to ‘destroy bourgeois culture’—the only form of existing culture—just because of personal dissatisfaction, a feeling of inadequacy, and unfulfillment. In short, nihilistic cultural communism is the rebellion of the fart and the belch—of a distended and inadequate angst on all finer things, particularly when those higher notions go under the general heading of ‘God’.
Nevertheless, Home attempt to go beyond art, to transgress towards a type of culture that bears no relation to what we call art, was bound to fail. It rested too hopelessly on an image of self-achievement, an understanding of a process that was otherwise impossible, namely the free creation of the sovereign proletariat. This is something that would involve the destruction of all possible art, even the avoidance of creativity itself.
What is actually required is a specific understanding of what we mean by art, in particular in relation to the definition that Wyndham Lewis gave of it in The Demon of Progress in the Arts.
Lewis adumbrated several principles of artistic excellence, all of which involved creative expression, literary interpretation, and radical foreknowledge—all of which refers to the fact that creativity has to communicate something; it must enhance the intensity— not the quality, but the intensity—of life, insofar as the one excludes the other.
The artistic act also has to adopt the configuration of the line—draughtmanship as a real token of meaning rather than an indulgence, something to be mastered so that it can be dispensed with after the act.
It also has to marshall and order experience in relation to a creative gesture, so that it does not have to come to rely on sensuous impressions in a manner that is passive or unduly effeminate.
All of which relates very strongly to the artistic theory of Greenberg, Herbert Reed, or Clive Bell—all of whom posited a sensuous or impressionistic art criticism against the hard-edged rationality, the masculinity, and diachronic insight that Lewis favored.
Another thing that the observer has to be aware of is the notion of art as a form of hierarchical ordination, an understanding of the fact that art is hieratic, religious, and occasionally spiritual. (This analysis should not be overdone, but a spiritual dimension to life cannot be ignored.)
In a sense it is a recognition of the purity of the process, the fact that art has a genuinely apolitical element attached to it, and that human inequality is the basis for all genuine artistic activity.
Moreover, when we mention the term ‘apolitical’, we do not declare an absence of social consideration—far from it—merely an understanding of the fact that art impinges on things that are slightly beyond the category of machine-guns and butter, even though without machine-guns and butter, of course, there could be no art.
Source: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/newsitems/news240120131723.html [4]
Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com
URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/01/cultural-communism-and-the-inegalitarian-basis-of-all-genuine-art/
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samedi, 13 octobre 2012
Political Correctness is the Communism of the 21st Century
Dr. S. Trifkovic:
Political Correctness is the Communism of the 21st Century
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dimanche, 16 septembre 2012
Léon Trotski et le cinéma comme moyen de conditionnement de masse
Nicolas BONNAL:
Léon Trotski et le cinéma comme moyen de conditionnement de masse (et de remplacement du christianisme)

00:12 Publié dans art, Cinéma, Film, Histoire | Lien permanent | Commentaires (1) | Tags : trotsky, cinéma, communisme, bolchevisme, années 20, années 30, métapolitique, urss | |
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vendredi, 20 janvier 2012
Pourquoi relire Koestler?
Pourquoi relire Koestler?
Entretien avec Robert Steuckers à l’occasion de ses dernières conférences sur la vie et l’oeuvre d’Arthur Koestler
Propos recueillis par Denis Ilmas
DI: Monsieur Steuckers, vous voilà embarqué dans une tournée de conférences sur la vie et l’oeuvre d’Arthur Koestler, un auteur quasi oublié aujourd’hui, peu (re)lu et dont les livres ne sont plus tous réédités. Pourquoi insistez-vous sur cet auteur, quand commence la seconde décennie du 21ème siècle?
RS: D’abord parce que j’arrive à l’âge des rétrospectives. Non pas pour me faire plaisir, même si cela ne me déplait pas. Mais parce que de nombreuses personnes, plus jeunes que moi, me posent des questions sur mon itinéraire pour le replacer dans l’histoire générale des mouvements non conformistes de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle et, à mon corps défendant, dans l’histoire, plus limitée dans le temps et l’espace, de la “nouvelle droite”. Commençons par l’aspect rétrospectif: j’ai toujours aimé me souvenir, un peu à la façon de Chateaubriand, de ce moment précis de ma tendre adolescence, quelques jours après que l’on m’ait exhorté à lire des livres “plus sérieux” que les ouvrages généralement destinés à la jeunesse, comme Ivanhoe de Walter Scott ou L’ile au trésor de Stevenson, Les trois mousquetaires de Dumas, Jules Vernes, ou à l’enfance, comme la Comtesse de Ségur (dont mon préféré était et reste Un bon petit diable) et la série du “Club des Cinq” d’Enid Blyton (que je dévorais à l’école primaire, fasciné que j’étais par les innombrables aventures passées derrière des portes dérobées ou des murs lambrisés à panneaux amovibles, dans de mystérieux souterrains ou autres passages secrets). Rien que cette liste de livres lus par un gamin, il y a quarante, quarante-cinq ans, évoque une époque révolue... Mais revenons à ce “moment” précis qui est un petit délice de mes reminiscences: j’avais accepté l’exhortation des adultes et, de toutes les façons, la littérature enfantine et celle de la pré-adolescence ne me satisfaisaient plus.
Koestler m’accompagne maintenant depuis plus de quarante ans
Mais que faire? Sur le chemin de l’école, tout à la fin de la Chaussée de Charleroi, à trente mètres du grand carrefour animé de “Ma Campagne”, il y avait un marchand de journaux qui avait eu la bonne idée de joindre une belle annexe à son modeste commerce et de créer une “centrale du Livre de Poche”. Il y avait, en face et à droite de son comptoir, un mur, qui me paraissait alors incroyablement haut, où s’alignaient tous les volumes de la collection. Je ne savais pas quoi choisir. J’ai demandé un catalogue et, muni de celui-ci, je suis allé trouver le Frère Marcel (Aelbrechts), vieux professeur de français toujours engoncé dans son cache-poussière brunâtre mais cravaté de noir (car un professeur devait toujours porter la cravate à l’époque...), pour qu’il me pointe une dizaine de livres dans le catalogue. Il s’est exécuté avec complaisance, avec ses habituels claquements humides de langue et de maxillaires, par lesquels il ponctuait ses conseils toujours un peu désabusés: l’homme n’avait apparemment plus grande confiance en l’humanité... Dans la liste, il y avait Un testament espagnol d’Arthur Koestler. Je l’ai lu, un peu plus tard, vers l’âge de quinze ans. Et cet ouvrage m’a laissé une très forte impression. Koestler m’accompagne donc depuis plus de quarante ans maintenant.
Le Testament espagnol de Koestler est un chef-d’oeuvre: la déréliction de l’homme, qui attend une exécution promise, les joies de lire dans cette geôle, espace exigu entre deux mondes (celui de la vie, qu’on va quitter, et celui, de l’“après”, inconnu et appréhendé), la fatalité de la mort dans un environnement ibérique, acceptée par les autres détenus, dont “le Poitrinaire”... A quinze ans, une littérature aussi forte laisse des traces. Pendant deux bonnes années, Koestler, pour moi, n’a été que ce prisonnier anglo-judéo-hongrois, pris dans la tourmente de la Guerre Civile espagnole, cet homme d’une gauche apparemment militante, dont on ne discernait plus tellement les contours quand s’évanouissait les vanités face à une mort qu’il pouvait croire imminente.
En 1973, nous nous retrouvâmes en voyage scolaire, sous le plomb du soleil d’août en Grèce. Marcel nous escortait; il avait troqué son éternel cache-poussière contre un costume léger de coton clair; il suivait la troupe de sa démarche molle et avec la mine toujours sceptique, cette fois avec un galurin, type bobo, rivé sur son crâne dégarni. Un jour, alors que nous marchions de l’auberge universitaire, située sur un large boulevard athénien, vers une station de métro pour nous amener à l’Acropole ou à Egine, les “non-conformistes” de la bande —Frédéric Beerens, le futur gynécologue Leyssens, Yves Debay, futur directeur des revues militaires Raids et L’Assaut et votre serviteur— tinrent un conciliabule en dévalant allègrement une rue en pente: outre les livres, où nous trouvions en abondance notre miel, quelle lecture régulière adopter pour consolider notre vision dissidente, qui, bien sûr, n’épousait pas les formes vulgaires et permissives de dissidence en cette ère qui suivait immédiatement Mai 68? Nous connaissions tous le mensuel Europe-Magazine, alors dirigé par Emile Lecerf. La littérature belge de langue française doit quelques belles oeuvres à Lecerf: inconstestablement, son essai sur Montherlant, rédigé dans sa plus tendre jeunesse, mérite le détour et montre quelle a été la réception de l’auteur des Olympiques, surtout chez les jeunes gens, jusqu’aux années de guerre. Plus tard, quand le malheur l’a frappé et que son fils lui a été enlevé par la Camarde, il nous a laissé un témoignage poignant avec Pour un fils mort à vingt ans. Lié d’amitié à Louis Pauwels, Lecerf était devenu le premier correspondant belge de la revue Nouvelle école. Beerens avait repéré une publicité pour cette revue d’Alain de Benoist qui n’avait alors que trente ans et cherchait à promouvoir sa création. En dépit de l’oeuvre littéraire passée d’Emile Lecerf, que nous ne connaissions pas à l’époque, le style journalistique du directeur d’Europe-Magazine nous déplaisait profondément: nous lui trouvions des accents populaciers et lui reprochions trop d’allusions graveleuses. Nous avions soif d’autre chose et peut-être que cette revue Nouvelle école, aux thèmes plus allèchants, allait-elle nous satisfaire?
Koestler et la “nouvelle droite”: le lien? La critique du réductionnisme!
Le conciliabule ambulant d’Athènes a donc décidé de mon sort: depuis cette journée torride d’août 1973 à Athènes, je suis mu par un tropisme qui me tourne immanquablement vers Nouvelle école, même vingt après avoir rompu avec son fondateur. Dès notre retour à Bruxelles, nous nous sommes mis en chasse pour récupérer autant de numéros possible, nous abonner... Beerens et moi, après notre quête qui nous avait menés aux bureaux du magazine, rue Deckens à Etterbeek, nous nous sommes retrouvés un soir à une séance du NEM-Club de Lecerf, structure destinée à servir de point de ralliement pour les lecteurs du mensuel: nouvelle déception... Mais, dans Nouvelle école puis dans les premiers numéros d’Eléments, reçus en novembre 1973, un thème se profilait: celui d’une critique serrée du “réductionnisme”. C’est là que Koestler m’est réapparu. Il n’avait pas été que cet homme de gauche romantique, parti en Espagne pendant la guerre civile pour soutenir le camp anti-franquiste, il avait aussi été un précurseur de la critique des idéologies dominantes. Il leur reprochait de “réduire” les mille et un possibles de l’homme à l’économie (et à la politique) avec le marxisme ou au sexe (hyper-problématisé) avec le freudisme, après avoir été un militant communiste exemplaire et un vulgarisateur des thèses de Sigmund Freud.
A mes débuts dans ce qui allait, cinq ans plus tard, devenir la mouvance “néo-droitiste”, le thème majeur était en quelque sorte la résistance aux diverses facettes du réductionnisme. Nouvelle école et Eléments évoquaient cette déviance de la pensée qui entraînait l’humanité occidentale vers l’assèchement et l’impuissance, comme d’ailleurs —mais nous ne le saurions que plus tard— les groupes Planète de Louis Pauwels l’avaient aussi évoquée, notamment avec l’appui d’un compatriote, toujours méconnu aujourd’hui ou seulement décrié sur le ton de l’hystérie comme “politiquement incorrect”, Raymond de Becker. En entrant directement en contact avec les représentants à Bruxelles de Nouvelle école et du “Groupement de Recherches et d’Etudes sur la Civilisation Européenne” (GRECE) —soit Claude Vanderperren à Auderghem en juin 1974, qui était le nouveau correspondant de Nouvelle école, Dulière à Forest en juillet 1974 qui distribuait les brochures du GRECE, puis Georges Hupin, qui en animait l’antenne à Uccle en septembre 1974— nous nous sommes aperçus effectivement que la critique du réductionnisme était à l’ordre du jour: thème majeur de l’Université d’été du GRECE, dont revenait Georges Hupin; thème tout aussi essentiel de deux “Congrès Internationaux pour la Défense de la Culture”, tenus, le premier, à Turin en janvier 1973, le deuxième à Nice (sous les auspices de Jacques Médecin), en septembre 1974. Ces Congrès avaient été conçus et initiés, puis abandonnés, par Arthur Koestler et Ignazio Silone, dès les débuts de la Guerre Froide, pour faire pièce aux associations dites de “défense des droits de l’homme”, que Koestler, Orwell et Silone percevaient comme noyautées par les communistes. Une seconde équipe les avaient réanimés pour faire face à l’offensive freudo-marxiste de l’ère 68. C’était essentiellement le professeur Pierre Debray-Ritzen qui, au cours de ces deux congrès de 1973 et 1974, dénoncera le réductionnisme freudien. Alain de Benoist, Louis Rougier, Jean Mabire et Dominique Venner y ont participé.
Le colloque bruxellois sur le réductionnisme
Dans la foulée de ce réveil d’une pensée plurielle, dégagée des modes du temps, Georges Hupin, après avoir convaincu les étudiants libéraux de l’ULB, monte en avril 1975 un colloque sur le réductionnisme dans les locaux mêmes de l’Université de Bruxelles. Le thème du réductionnisme séduisait tout particulièrement Jean Omer Piron, biologiste et rédacteur-en-chef, à l’époque, de la revue des loges belges, La Pensée et les Hommes. Dans les colonnes de cette vénérable revue, habituée au plus plat des conformismes laïcards (auquel elle est retourné), Piron avait réussi à placer des articles rénovateurs dans l’esprit du “Congrès pour la Défense de la Culture” et du premier GRECE inspiré par les thèses anti-chrétiennes de Louis Rougier, par ailleurs adepte de l’empirisme logique, veine philosophique en vogue dans le monde anglo-saxon. Le colloque, cornaqué par Hupin, s’est tenu à l’ULB, avec la participation de Jean-Claude Valla (représentant le GRECE), de Piet Tommissen (qui avait participé au Congrès de Nice, avec ses amis Armin Mohler et Ernst Topitsch), de Jean Omer Piron et du Sénateur libéral d’origine grecque Basile Risopoulos. Des étudiants et des militants communistes ou assimilés avaient saboté le système d’alarme, déclenchant un affreux hululement de sirène, couvrant la voix des conférenciers. Alors que j’étais tout malingre à dix-neuf ans, on m’envoie, avec le regretté Alain Derriks (que je ne connaissais pas encore personnellement) et un certain de W., ancien de mon école, pour monter la garde au premier étage et empêcher toute infiltration des furieux. L’ami de W. met immédiatement en place la lance à incendie, bloquant le passage, tandis que je reçois un gros extincteur pour arroser de poudre d’éventuels contrevenants et que Derriks a la présence d’esprit de boucher les systèmes d’alarme à l’aide de papier hygiénique, réduisant le hululement de la sirène à un bourdonnement sourd, pareil à celui d’une paisible ruche au travail. Les rouges tentent alors un assaut directement à l’entrée de l’auditorium: ils sont tenus en échec par deux officiers de l’armée belge, le Commandant M., tankiste du 1er Lancier, et le Commandant M., des chasseurs ardennais, flanqués d’un grand double-mètre de Polonais, qui venait de quitter la Légion Etrangère et qui accompagnait Jean-Claude Valla. Hupin, de la réserve des commandos de l’air, vient vite à la rescousse. Le Commandant des chasseurs ardennais, rigolard et impavide, repoussait tantôt d’un coup d’épaule, tantôt d’un coup de bide, deux politrouks particulièrement excités et sanglés dans de vieilles vestes de cuir. Pire: allumant soudain un gros cigare hollandais, notre bon Ardennais en avalait la fumée et la recrachait aussitôt dans le visage du politrouk en cuir noir qui scandait “Ecrasons dans l’oeuf la peste brune qui s’est réveillée”. Ce slogan vociféré de belle voix se transformait aussitôt en une toux rauque, sous le souffle âcre et nicotiné de notre cher Chasseur. Mais ce ne sont pas ces vaillants militaires qui emportèrent la victoire! Voilà que surgit, furieuse comme un taureau ibérique excité par la muletta, la concierge de l’université, dont le sabotage du système d’alarme avait réveillé le mari malade. Saisissant sa pantoufle rouge à pompon de nylon, la brave femme, pas impressionnée pour un sou, se jette sur le politrouk à moitié étouffé par les effets fumigènes du cigare du Commandant M., et le roue de coups de savate, en hurlant, “Fous le camp, saligaud, t’as réveillé mon mari, va faire le zot ailleurs, bon à rien, smeirlap, rotzak, etc.”. Les deux meneurs, penauds, ordonnent la retraite. L’entrée de l’auditorium est dégagée: les congressistes peuvent sortir sans devoir distribuer des horions ou risquer d’être maxaudés. Essoufflée, la concierge s’effondre sur une chaise, renfile son héroïque pantoufle et Hupin vient la féliciter en la gratifiant d’un magnifique baise-main dans le plus pur style viennois. Elle était rose de confusion.
Jean Omer Piron et “Le cheval dans la locomotive”
Voilà comment j’ai participé à une initiative, inspirée des “Congrès pour la Défense de la Culture”, dont la paternité initiale revient à Arthur Koestler (et à Ignazio Silone). Elle avait aussi pour thème un souci cardinal de la pensée post-politique de Koestler: le réductionnisme. La prolixité du vivant étant l’objet d’étude des biologistes, Jean Omer Piron se posait comme un “libre-penseur”, dans la tradition de l’ULB, c’est-à-dire comme un libre-penseur hostile à tous les dogmes qui freinent l’élan de la connaissance et empêchent justement d’aborder cette prolixité luxuriante du réel et de la vie. Et, de fait, les réductionnismes sont de tels freins: il convient de les combattre même s’ils ont fait illusion, s’ils ont aveuglé les esprits et se sont emparé de l’Université bruxelloise, où l’on est supposé les affronter et les chasser de l’horizon du savoir. Piron inscrivait son combat dans les traces de Koestler: le Koestler des “Congrès” et surtout le Koestler du Cheval dans la locomotive (The Ghost in the Machine), même si, aujourd’hui, les biologistes trouveront sans doute pas mal d’insuffisances scientifiques dans ce livre qui fit beaucoup de bruit à l’époque, en appelant les sciences biologiques à la rescousse contre les nouveaux obscurantismes, soit disant “progressistes”. Koestler fustigeait le réductionnisme et le “ratomorphisme” (l’art de percevoir l’homme comme un rat de laboratoire). Ce recours à la biologie, ou aux sciences médicales, était considéré comme un scandale à l’époque: le charnel risquait de souiller les belles images d’Epinal, véhiculées par les “nuisances idéologiques” (Raymond Ruyer). Les temps ont certes changé. La donne n’est plus la même aujourd’hui. Mais l’obscurantisme est toujours là, sous d’autres oripeaux. Pour la petite histoire, une ou deux semaines après le colloque chahuté mais dûment tenu sur le réductionnisme, les étudiants de l’ULB, dont Beerens et Derriks, ainsi que leurs homologues libéraux, ont vu débouler dans les salles de cours une brochette de “vigilants”, appelant à la vindicte publique contre Piron, campé comme “fasciste notoire”. Beerens, au fond de la salle, rigolait, surtout quand la plupart des étudiants lançaient de vibrants “vos gueules!” ou des “cassez-vous!” aux copains des politrouks dûment défaits par l’arme secrète (la pantoufle à pompon de nylon) de la concierge, mercenaire à son corps défendant d’une peste brune, dont elle ignorait tout mais qui avait été brusquement réveillée, parait-il, par le “fasciste notoire”, disciple de l’ex-communiste pur jus Koestler et rédacteur-en-chef de la bien laïcarde et bien para-maçonnique La Pensée et les Hommes. L’anti-fascisme professionnel sans profession bien définie montrait déjà qu’il ne relevait pas de la politique mais de la psychiatrie.
Ma lecture du “Zéro et l’Infini”
Ce n’est pas seulement par l’effet tonifiant du blanc-seing de Piron, dans le microcosme néo-droitiste bruxellois en gestation à l’époque, que Koestler revenait au premier plan de mes préoccupations. En première année de philologie germanique aux Facultés Universitaires Saint-Louis, il me fallait lire, dès le second trimestre, des romans anglais. Mon programme: Orwell, Huxley, Koestler et D. H. Lawrence. L’un des romans sélectionnés devait être présenté oralement: le sort a voulu que, pour moi, ce fut Darkness at Noon (Le zéro et l’infini), récit d’un procès politique dans le style des grandes purges staliniennes des années 30. Le roman, mettant en scène le “dissident” Roubachov face à ses inquisiteurs, est bien davantage qu’une simple dénonciation du stalinisme par un adepte de la dissidence boukharinienne, zinovievienne ou trotskiste. Toute personne qui entre en politique, entre obligatoirement au service d’un appareil, perclus de rigidités, même si ce n’est guère apparent au départ, pour le croyant, pour le militant, comme l’avoue d’ailleurs Koestler après avoir viré sa cuti. A parti d’un certain moment, le croyant se trouvera en porte-à-faux, tout à la fois face à la politique officielle du parti, face aux promesses faites aux militants de base mais non tenables, face à une réalité, sur laquelle le parti a projeté ses dogmes ou ses idées, mais qui n’en a cure. Le croyant connaîtra alors un profond malaise, il reculera et hésitera, devant les nouveaux ordres donnés, ou voudra mettre la charrue avant les boeufs en basculant dans le zèle révolutionnaire. Il sera soit exclu ou marginalisé, comme aujourd’hui dans les partis dits “démocratiques” ainsi que chez leurs challengeurs (car c’est kif-kif-bourricot!). Dans un parti révolutionnaire comme le parti bolchevique en Russie, la lenteur d’adaptation aux nouvelles directives de la centrale, la fidélité à de vieilles amitiés ou de vieilles traditions de l’époque héroïque de la révolution d’Octobre 1917 ou de la clandestinité pré-révolutionnaire, condamne le “lent” ou le nostalgique à être broyé par une machine en marche qui ne peut ni ralentir ni cesser d’aller de l’avant. La logique des procès communistes voulait que les accusés reconnaissent que leur lenteur et leur nostalgie entravaient le déploiement de la révolution dans le monde, mettait le socialisme construit dans un seul pays (l’URSS) en danger donc, ipso facto, que ces “vertus” de vieux révolutionnaires étaient forcément des “crimes” risquant de ruiner les acquis réellement existants des oeuvres du parti. En conséquence, ces “vertus” relevaient de la complicité avec les ennemis extérieurs de l’Union Soviétique (ou, lors des procès de Prague, de la nouvelle Tchécoslovaquie rouge). Lenteur et nostalgie étaient donc objectivement parlant des vices contre-révolutionnaires. Koestler a vécu de près, au sein des cellules du Komintern, ce type de situation. Pour lui, le pire a été l’entrée en dissidence, à son corps défendant, de Willi Münzenberg, communiste allemand chargé par le Komintern d’organiser depuis son exil parisien une résistance planétaire contre le fascisme et le nazisme. Pour y parvenir, Münzenberg avait reçu d’abord l’ordre de créer des “fronts populaires”, avec les socialistes et les sociaux-démocrates, comme en Espagne et en France. Mais la centrale moscovite change d’avis et pose trotskistes et socialistes comme des ennemis sournois de la révolution: Münzenberg entre en disgrâce, parce qu’il ne veut pas briser l’appareil qu’il a patiemment construit à Paris et tout recommencer à zéro; il refuse d’aller s’expliquer à Moscou, de crainte de subir le sort de son compatriote communiste allemand Neumann, épuré en Union Soviétique (sa veuve, Margarete Buber-Neumann, rejoindra Koestler dans son combat anti-communiste d’après guerre). Münzenberg a refusé d’obéir, de s’aligner sans pour autant passer au service de ses ennemis nationaux-socialistes. Dans le roman Darkness at Noon/Le zéro et l’infini, Roubachov n’est ni un désobéissant ni un traître: il proteste de sa fidélité à l’idéal révolutionnaire. Mais suite au travail de sape des inquisiteurs, il finit par admettre que ses positions, qu’il croit être de fidélité, sont une entorse à la bonne marche de la révolution mondiale en cours, qu’il est un complice objectif des ennemis de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur et que son élimination sauvera peut-être de l’échec final la révolution, à laquelle il a consacré toute sa vie et tous ses efforts. (Sur l’itinéraire de Willi Münzenberg, on se rapportera utilement aux pages que lui consacre François Furet dans Le passé d’une illusion – Essai sur l’idée communiste au XX° siècle, Laffont/Calmann-Lévy, 1995).
L’anthropologie communiste: une image incomplète de l’homme
Koestler s’insurge contre ce mécanisme qui livre la liberté de l’homme, celle de s’engager politiquement et celle de se rebeller contre des conditions d’existence inacceptables, à l’arbitraire des opportunités passagères (ou qu’il croit passagères). L’homme réel, complet et non réduit, n’est pas le pantin mutilé et muet que devient le révolutionnaire établi, qui exécute benoîtement les directives changeantes de la centrale ou qui confesse humblement ses fautes s’il est, d’une façon ou d’une autre, de manière parfaitement anodine ou bien consciente, en porte-à-faux face à de nouveaux ukases, qui, eux, sont en contradiction avec le plan premier ou le style initial de la révolution en place et en marche. Koestler finira par sortir de toutes les cangues idéologiques ou politiques. Il mettra les errements du communisme sur le compte de son anthropologie implicite, reposant sur une image incomplète de l’homme, réduit à un pion économique. Dans la première phase de son histoire, la “nouvelle droite” en gestation avait voulu, avec Louis Pauwels, porte-voix de l’anthropologie alternative des groupes Planète, restaurer une vision non réductionniste de l’homme.
Ma présentation avait déplu à ce professeur de littérature anglaise des Facultés Saint-Louis, un certain Engelborghs aujourd’hui décédé, tué au volant d’un cabriolet sans doute trop fougueux et mal protégé en ses superstructures. Je n’ai jamais su avec précision ce qui lui déplaisait chez Koestler (et chez Orwell), sauf peut-être qu’il n’aimait pas ce que l’on a nommé par la suite les “political novels” ou la veine dite “dystopique”: toutefois, il ne me semblait pas être l’un de ces hallucinés qui tiennent à leurs visions utopiques comme à toutes leurs autres illusions. Pourtant, je persiste et je signe, jusqu’à mon grand âge: Koestler doit être lu et relu, surtout son Testament espagnol et son Zéro et l’Infini. Après les remarques dénigrantes et infondées d’Engelborghs, je vais abandonner un peu Koestler, sauf peut-être pour son livre sur la peine de mort, écrit avec Albert Camus dans les années 50 en réaction à la pendaison, en Angleterre, de deux condamnés ne disposant apparemment pas de toutes leurs facultés mentales, et pour des crimes auxquels on aurait pu facilement trouver des circonstances atténuantes. Force est toutefois de constater que, dans ce livre-culte des opposants à la peine de mort, on lira que les régimes plus ou moins autocratiques, ceux de l’Obrigkeitsstaat centre-européen, ont bien moins eu recours à la potence ou à la guillotine que les “vertuistes démocraties” occidentales, la France et l’Angleterre. Le paternalisme conservateur induit moins de citoyens au crime, ou se montre plus clément en cas de faute, que le libéralisme, où chacun doit se débrouiller pour ne pas tomber dans la misère noire et se voit condamné sans pitié en cas de faux pas et d’arrestation. Le livre de Koestler et Camus sur la peine de mort réfute, en filigrane, la prétention à la vertu qu’affichent si haut et si fort les “démocraties” occidentales. Ce sont elles, comme dirait Foucault, qui surveillent et punissent le plus.
Dans les rangs du cercle de la première “nouvelle droite” bruxelloise, la critique du réductionnisme et la volonté de rétablir une anthropologie plus réaliste et dégagée des lubies idéologiques du 19ème siècle quittera l’orbite de Koestler et de son Cheval dans la locomotive, pour se plonger dans l’oeuvre du Prix Nobel Konrad Lorenz, notamment son ouvrage de vulgarisation, intitulé Les huit péchés capitaux de notre civilisation (Die acht Todsünde der zivilisierten Menschheit), où le biologiste annonce, pour l’humanité moderne, un risque réel de “mort tiède”, si les régimes politiques en place ne tiennent pas compte des véritables ressorts naturels de l’être humain. Nouvelle école ira d’ailleurs interviewer longuement Lorenz dans son magnifique repère autrichien. Plus tard, en dehors des cercles “néo-droitistes” en voie de constitution, Alexandre Soljénitsyne éclipsera Koestler, dès la seconde moitié des années 70. Avec le dissident russe, l’anti-communisme cesse d’être un tabou dans les débats politiques. Je retrouverai Koestler, en même temps qu’Orwell et Soljénitsyne, à la fin de la première décennie du 21ème siècle pour servir, à titre de conférencier, les bonnes oeuvres de mon ami genevois, Maitre Pascal Junod, féru de littérature et grand lecteur devant l’éternel.
DI: Justement, je reviens à ma question, quel regard doit-on jeter sur la trajectoire d’Arthur Koestler aujourd’hui?
RS: Arthur Koestler est effectivement une “trajectoire”, une flèche qui traverse les périodes les plus effervescentes du 20ème siècle: il le dit lui-même car le titre du premier volume de son autobiographie s’intitule, en anglais, Arrow in the Blue (en français: La corde raide). Enfant interessé aux sciences physiques, le très jeune Koestler s’imaginait suivre la trajectoire d’une flèche traversant l’azur pour le mener vers un monde idéal. Mais dans la trajectoire qu’il a effectivement suivie, si on l’examine avec toute l’attention voulue, rien n’est simple. Koestler nait à Budapest sous la double monarchie austro-hongroise, dans une ambiance impériale et bon enfant, dans un monde gai, tourbillonnant allègrement au son des valses de Strauss. Il suivra, à 9 ans, avec son père, le défilé des troupes magyars partant vers le front de Serbie en 1914, acclamant les soldats du contingent, sûrs de revenir vite après une guerre courte, fraîche et joyeuse. Mais ce monde va s’effondrer en 1918: le très jeune Koestler penche du côté de la dictature rouge de Bela Kun, parce que le gouvernement libéral lui a donné le pouvoir pour qu’il éveille le sentiment national des prolétaires bolchévisants et appelle ainsi les Hongrois du menu peuple à chasser les troupes roumaines envoyées par la France pour fragmenter définitivement la masse territoriale de l’Empire des Habsbourgs. Mais ses parents décident de déménager à Vienne, de quitter la Hongrie détachée de l’Empire. A Vienne, il adhère aux Burschenschaften (les Corporations étudiantes) sionistes car les autres n’acceptent pas les étudiants d’origine juive. Il s’y frotte à un sionisme de droite, inspiré par l’idéologue Max Nordau, théoricien d’une vision très nietzschéenne de la décadence. Koestler va vouloir jouer le jeu sioniste jusqu’au bout: il abandonne tout, brûle son livret d’étudiant et part en Palestine. Il y découvrira l’un des premiers kibboutzim, un véritable nid de misère au fin fond d’une vallée aride. Pour les colons juifs qui s’y accrochaient, c’était une sorte de nouveau phalanstérisme de gauche, regroupant des croyants d’une mouture nouvelle, attendant une parousie laïque et agrarienne sur une terre censée avoir appartenu à leurs ancêtres judéens.
Ensuite, nous avons le Koestler grand journaliste de la presse berlinoise qui appuie la République de Weimar et l’idéologie d’un Thomas Mann. Mais cette presse, aux mains de la famille Ullstein, famille israélite convertie au protestantisme prussien, basculera vers la droite et finira par soutenir les nationaux-socialistes. Entretemps, Koestler vire au communisme —parce qu’il n’y a rien d’autre à faire— et devient un militant exemplaire du Komintern, à Berlin d’abord puis à Paris en exil. Il fait le voyage en URSS et devient un bon petit soldat du Komintern, même si ce qu’il a vu entre l’Ukraine affamée par l’Holodomor et la misère pouilleuse du lointain Turkménistan soviétique induit une certaine dose de scepticisme dans son coeur.
Sionisme et communisme: de terribles simplifications
Ce scepticisme ne cessera de croître: finalement, pour Koestler, la faiblesse humaine, le besoin de certitudes claires, l’horreur de la complexité font accepter les langages totalitaires, la tutelle d’un parti tout-puissant, remplaçant la transcendance divine tuée ou évacuée depuis la “mort de Dieu”. Les colons sionistes reniaient les facultés juives —du moins de la judaïté urbanisée, germanisée ou slavisée, d’idéologie libérale ou sociale-démocrate— d’adaptation plastique et constante à des mondes différents, ressuscitaient l’hébreu sous une forme moderne et simplifiée, nouvelle langue sans littérature et donc sans ancrage temporel, et abandonnaient l’allemand et le russe, autrefois véhicules d’émancipation du ghetto. Le sionisme menait à une terrible simplification, à l’expurgation de bonnes qualités humaines. Le communisme également.
Contrairement à l’époque héroïque de ma découverte de Koestler, où nous ne bénéficions pas de bonnes biographies, nous disposons aujourd’hui d’excellents ouvrages de référence: celui du professeur américain Michael Scammell, également auteur d’un monumental ouvrage sur Soljénitsyne, et celui de l’avocat français Michel Laval (Michael Scammell, Koestler – The Indispensable Intellectual, Faber & Faber, 2009; Michel Laval, L’homme sans concessions – Arthur Koestler et son siècle, Calmann-Lévy, 2005). Tous deux resituent bien Koestler dans le contexte politique de son époque mais, où ils me laissent sur ma faim, c’est quand ils n’abordent pas les raisons intellectuelles et quand ils ne dressent pas la liste des lectures ou des influences qui poussent le quadragénaire Koestler à changer de cap et à abandonner complètement toutes ses spéculations politiques dans les années 50, immédiatement après la parenthèse maccarthiste aux Etats-Unis, pays où il a longuement séjourné, sans vraiment s’y sentir aussi à l’aise que dans son futur cottage gallois ou dans son chalet autrichien. Certes, Koestler lui-même n’a jamais donné une oeuvre ou un essai bien balancé sur son itinéraire scientifique, post-politique. Les deux volumes de son autobiographie, Arrow in the Blue (La corde raide) et Invisible Writing (Hiéroglyphes) s’arrêtent justement vers le milieu des années 50. Ces deux volumes constituent un bilan et un adieu. J’en conseille vivement la lecture pour comprendre certaines facettes du 20ème siècle, notamment relative à la guerre secrète menée par le Komintern en Europe occidentale.
Agent soviétique puis agent britannique?
Koestler se lit avec intérêt justement pour le recul qu’il prend vis-à-vis des idéologies auxquelles il a adhéré avec un enthousiasme naïf, comme des millions d’autres Européens. Mais on ne saurait évidemment adhérer à ces idéologies, sioniste ou communiste, ni partager les sentiments, parfois malsains, qui l’ont conduit à s’y conformer et à s’y complaire. Koestler a été un agent du Komintern mais, à part le long épisode dans le sillage de Münzenberg, d’autres facettes sont traîtées trop brièvement: je pense notamment à son travail au sein de l’agence de presse géopolitique, “Pressgeo”, dirigée à Zürich par le Hongrois Rados et pendant soviétique/communiste des travaux de l’école allemande d’Haushofer. Koestler lui-même et ses biographes sont très discrets sur cette initiative, dont tous louent la qualité intrinsèque, en dépit de son indéniable marquage communiste. Koestler a donc été un agent soviétique. Il sera aussi, on s’en doute, un agent britannique, surtout en Palestine, où il se rendra deux ou trois fois pour faire accepter les plans britanniques de partition du pays aux sionistes de gauche et de droite (avec qui il était lié via l’idéologue et activiste de droite Vladimir Jabotinski, père spirituel des futures droites israéliennes). Ses souvenirs sont donc intéressants pour comprendre les sentiments et les réflexes à l’oeuvre dans la question judéo-israélienne et dans les gauches d’Europe centrale. On ne peut affirmer que Koestler soit devenu un agent américain, pour la bonne raison qu’à New York il fut nettement moins “employé”’ que d’autres au début de la Guerre Froide, qu’on le laissait moisir dans sa maison américaine quasi vide et que sa carrière aux Etats-Unis n’a guère donné de fruits. Le maccarthisme se méfiait de cet ancien agent du Komintern. Et Koestler, lui, estimait que le maccarthisme était dénué de nuances et agissait exactement avec la même hystérie que les propagandistes soviétiques, quand ils tentaient de fabriquer des collusions ou d’imaginer des complots.
Koestler et la France
Reste à évoquer le rapport entre Koestler et la France. Ce pays est, dans l’entre-deux-guerres, le refuge idéal des antifascistes et antinazis de toutes obédiences. Koestler y pérègrine entre Paris et la Côte d’Azur. La France est la patrie de la révolution et Koestler se perçoit comme un révolutionnaire, qui poursuit l’idéal 150 ans après la prise de la Bastille, devant des ennemis tenaces, apparemment plus coriaces que les armées en dentelles de la Prusse et de l’Autriche à Valmy ou que les émigrés de Coblence. Cet engouement pour la France s’effondre en octobre 1939: considéré comme sujet hongrois et comme journaliste allemand, Koestler est arrêté et interné dans un camp de concentration en lisière des Pyrénées. Il y restera quatre mois. Cette mésaventure, ainsi que sa seconde arrestation en mai 1940, son évasion et son périple dans la France en débâcle, généreront un deuxième chef-d’oeuvre de littérature carcérale et autobiographique, Scum of the Earth (La lie de la Terre). Cet ouvrage est une dénonciation de l’inhumanité du système concentrationnaire de la Troisième République, de son absence totale d’hygiène et un témoignage poignant sur la mort et la déréliction de quelques antifascistes allemands, italiens et espagnols dans ces camps sordides. Avant 1945, la littérature carcérale/concentrationnaire dénonce, non pas le Troisième Reich, mais la Troisième République. Il y a Koestler, qui édite son livre en Angleterre et donne à l’allié français vaincu une très mauvaise presse, mais il y a, en Belgique, les souvenirs des internés du Vernet, arrêtés par la Sûreté belge en mai 1940 et livrés aux soudards français qui les accompagneront en les battant et en les humiliant jusqu’à la frontière espagnole. Eux aussi iront crever de faim, rongés par une abondante vermine, en bordure des Pyrénées. Ce scandale a été largement exploité en Belgique pendant les premiers mois de la deuxième occupation allemande, avec les témoignages de Léon Degrelle (Ma guerre en prison), du rexiste Serge Doring (L’école de la douleur – Souvenirs d’un déporté politique), des militants flamands René Lagrou (Wij Verdachten) et Ward Hermans. La description des lieux par Doring correspond bien à celle que nous livre Koestler. L’un de leurs compagnons d’infortune des trains fantômes partis de Bruxelles, le communiste saint-gillois Lucien Monami n’aura pas l’occasion de rédiger le récit de ses malheurs: il sera assassiné par des soldats français ivres à Abbeville, aux côtés des solidaristes Van Severen et Rijckoort. La lie de la terre rend Koestler impopulaire en France dans l’immédiat après-guerre. En effet, cet ouvrage prouve que le dérapage concentrationnaire n’est pas une exclusivité du Troisième Reich ou de l’URSS stalinienne, que les antifascistes et les rescapés des Brigades Internationales ou des milices anarchistes ibériques antifranquistes ont d’abord été victimes du système concentrationnaire français avant de l’être du système national-socialiste ou, éventuellement, stalinien, que la revendication d’humanisme de la “République” est donc un leurre, que la “saleté” et le manque total d’hygiène reprochés aux services policiers et pénitentiaires français sont attestés par un témoignage bien charpenté et largement lu chez les alliés d’Outre-Manche à l’époque. Les choses s’envenimeront dans les années chaudes et quasi insurrectionnelles de 1947-48, où Koestler évoque la possibilité d’une prise de pouvoir communiste en France et appelle à soutenir De Gaulle. Dans ses mémoires, il décrit Jean-Paul Sartre et Simone de Beauvoir, avec leur entourage, en des propos peu amènes, se gaussant grassement de leurs dogmatismes, de leurs manies, de leur laideur et de leur ivrognerie. La rupture a lieu définitivement en 1949, quand Koestler participe à un recueil collectif, Le Dieu des Ténèbres, publié dans une collection dirigée par Raymond Aron. La gauche française, communistes en tête, mène campagne contre le “rénégat” Koestler et surtout contre la publication en traduction française de Darkness at Noon (Le Zéro et l’Infini). Pire: l’impression du recueil d’articles de Koestler, intitulé Le Yogi et le commissaire, est suspendue sur ordre du gouvernement français pour “inopportunisme politique”! Une vengeance pour La lie de la Terre?
En Belgique en revanche, où l’emprise communiste sur les esprits est nettement moindre (malgré la participation communiste à un gouvernement d’après-guerre, la “communisation” d’une frange de la démocatie chrétienne et les habituelles influences délétères de Paris), Koestler et Orwell, explique le chroniqueur Pierre Stéphany, sont les auteurs anglophones les plus lus (en 1946, le livre le plus vendu en Belgique est Darkness at Noon). Ils confortent les options anticommunistes d’avant-guerre du public belge et indiquent, une fois de plus, que les esprits réagissent toujours différemment à Bruxelles et à Paris. En effet, la lecture des deux volumes autobiographiques de Koestler permettent de reconstituer le contexte d’avant-guerre: Münzenberg (et son employé Koestler) avaient été en faveur de l’Axe Paris-Prague-Moscou, évoqué en 1935; cette option de la diplomatie française contraint le Roi à dénoncer les accords militaires franco-belges et à reprendre le statut de neutralité, tandis que, dans l’opinion publique, bon nombre de gens se disent: “Plutôt Berlin que Moscou!” (fin des années 70, les émissions du journaliste de la télévision flamande, Maurits De Wilde, expliquaient parfaitement ce glissement). Attitude qui reste encore et toujours incomprise en France aujourd’hui, notamment quand on lit les ouvrages d’une professeur toulousaine, Annie Lacroix-Riz (in: Le Vatican, l’Europe et le Reich de la Première Guerre mondiale à la Guerre Froide, Armand Colin, Paris, 1996 et réédité depuis). L’idéologie de cette dame, fort acariâtre dans ses propos, semble se résumer à un mixte indigeste de républicanisme laïcard complètement abscons, de sympathies communisto-résistantialistes et de germanophobie maurrasienne. Bon appétit pour ingurgiter une telle soupe! Les chapitres consacrés à la Belgique sont d’une rare confusion et ne mentionnent même pas les travaux du Prof. Jean Vanwelkenhuizen qui a démontré que l’éventualité d’un Axe Paris-Prague-Moscou a certes contribué à réinstaurer le statut de neutralité de la Belgique mais que d’autres raisons avaient poussé le Roi et son entourage à changer leur fusil d’épaule: les militaires belges estimaient que la tactique purement défensive du système Maginot, foncièrement irréaliste à l’heure du binôme char/avion et ne tenant aucun compte des visions exprimées par le stratégiste britannique Liddell-Hart (que de Gaulle avait manifestement lu); le ministère de l’intérieur jugeait problématique l’attitude de la presse francophile qui ne tenait aucun compte des intérêts spécifiques du pays; et, enfin, last but not least, la volonté royale de sauver la civilisation européenne des idéologies et des pratiques délétères véhiculées certes par les idéologies totalitaires mais aussi par le libéralisme manchestérien anglais et par le républicanisme et “révolutionnisme institutionalisé” de la France. Aucune de ces recettes ne semblait bonne pour restaurer une Europe conviviale, respectueuse des plus belles réalisations de son passé.
Dans La lie de la terre, les Belges de l’immédiat après-guerre ont dû lire avec jubilation un portrait de Paul Reynaud, décrit comme un “tatar en miniature”; “il semblait, poursuit Koestler (p. 144), que quelque part à l’intérieur de lui-même se dissimulait une dynamo de poche qui le faisait sautiller (jerk) et vibrer énergiquement”; bref, un sinistre bouffon, un gnome grimaçant, animé par des “gestes d’automate”. Braillard vulgaire et glapissant, Paul Reynaud, après ses tirades crapuleuses contre Léopold III, a été le personnage le plus honni de Belgique en 1940: son discours, fustigeant le Roi, a eu des retombées fâcheuses sur un grand nombre de réfugiés civils innocents, maltraités en tous les points de l’Hexagone par une plèbe gauloise rendue indiciblement méchante par les fulminations de Reynaud. Le ressentiment contre la France a été immense dans les premières années de guerre (et fut le motif secret de beaucoup de nouveaux germanophiles) et est resté durablement ancré chez ceux qui avaient vécu l’exode de 1940. Après les hostilités et la capitulation de l’Allemagne, la situation insurrectionnelle en France en 1947-48 inquiète une Belgique officielle, secouée par la répression des collaborations et par la question royale. Une France rouge verra-t-elle le jour et envahira-t-elle le territoire comme lors de la dernière invasion avortée de Risquons-Tout en 1848, où les grenadiers de Léopold I ont su tenir en échec les bandes révolutionnaires excitées par Lamartine? Idéologiquement, les deux pays vont diverger: en France, un pôle politique communiste se durcit, dès le lendemain de la seconde guerre mondiale, et va se perpétuer quasiment jusqu’à la chute de l’Union Soviétique, tandis qu’en Belgique, le mouvement va s’étioler pour vivoter jusqu’en 1985, année où il n’aura plus aucune représentation parlementaire. Julien Lahaut, figure de proue du parti communiste belge, qui avait été chercher tous les prisonniers politiques croupissant dans les camps de concentration français des Pyrénées (communistes, rexistes, anarchistes et nationalistes flamands sans aucune distinction), sera assassiné par un mystérieux commando, après avoir été accusé (à tort ou à raison?) d’avoir crié “Vive la république!” au moment où le jeune Roi Baudouin prêtait son serment constitutionnel en 1951. Le communisme n’a jamais fait recette en Belgique: à croire que la leçon de Koestler avait été retenue.
De Koestler au post-sionisme
Aujourd’hui, il faut aussi relire Koestler quand on aborde la question judéo-israélienne. Les séjours de Koestler en Palestine, à l’époque du sionisme balbutiant, ont conduit, en gros, à une déception. Ce sionisme, idéologiquement séduisant dans les Burschenschaften juives de Vienne, où le niveau intellectuel était très élevé, s’avérait décevant et caricatural dans les kibboutzim des campagnes galiléennes ou judéennes et dans les nouvelles villes émergentes du Protectorat britannique de Palestine en voie de judaïsation. Même si Koestler fut le premier inventeur de mots croisés en hébreu pour une feuille juive locale, l’option en faveur de cette langue reconstituée lui déplaisait profondément: il estimait qu’ainsi, le futur citoyen palestinien de confession ou d’origine juive se détachait des vieilles cultures européennes, essentiellement celles de langues germaniques ou slaves, qui disposaient d’une riche littérature et d’une grande profondeur temporelle, tout en n’adoptant pas davantage l’arabe. Ce futur citoyen judéo-palestinien néo-hébraïsant adoptait une sorte d’esperanto largement incompris dans le reste du monde: selon le raisonnement de Koestler, le juif, en s’immergeant jusqu’à l’absurde dans l’idéologie sioniste, devenue caricaturale, cessait d’être un être passe-partout, un cosmopolite bon teint, à l’aise dans tous les milieux cultivés de la planète. L’hébraïsation transformait l’immigré juif, cherchant à échapper aux ghettos, aux pogroms ou aux persécutions, en un plouc baraguinant et marginalisé sur une planète dont il n’allait plus comprendre les ressorts. Plus tard, dans les années 70, Koestler rédigera La treizième tribu un ouvrage ruinant le mythe sioniste du “retour”, en affirmant que la masse des juifs russes et roumains n’avaient aucune racine en Palestine mais descendaient d’une tribu turco-tatar, les Khazars, convertie au judaïsme au haut moyen âge. Poser le mythe du “retour” comme fallacieux est l’axiome majeur de la nouvelle tradition “post-sioniste” en Israël aujourd’hui, sévèrement combattue par les droites israéliennes, dont elle ruine le mythe mobilisateur.
Beaucoup de pain sur la planche pour connaître les tenants et aboutissants des propagandes “américanosphériques”
Reste à analyser un chapitre important dans la biographie de Koestler: son attitude pendant la Guerre Froide. Il sera accusé d’être un “agent des trusts” par les communistes français, il adoptera une attitude incontestablement belliciste à la fin des années 40 au moment où les communistes tchèques, avec l’appui soviétique, commettent le fameux “coup de Prague” en 1948, presque au même moment où s’amorcent le blocus de Berlin, métropole isolée au milieu de la zone d’occupation soviétique en Allemagne. Koestler ne sera cependant pas un jusqu’au-boutiste du bellicisme: il s’alignera assez vite sur la notion de “coexistence”, dégoûté par le schématisme abrupt des démarches maccarthistes. Cependant, sa présence, incontournable, dans la mobilisation d’intellectuels “pour la liberté” révèle un continent de l’histoire des idées qui n’a été que fort peu étudié et mis en cartes jusqu’ici. Ce continent est celui, justement, d’un espace intellectuel sollicité en permanence par certains services occidentaux, surtout américains, pour mobiliser l’opinion et les médias contre les initiatives soviétiques d’abord, autres ensuite. Ces services, dont l’OSS puis la CIA, vont surtout tabler sur une gauche non communiste voire anticommuniste, avec des appuis au sein des partis sociaux démocrates, plutôt que sur une droite légitimiste ou radicale. C’est dans cet espace intellectuel-là, auquel Koestler s’identifie, qu’il faut voir les racines de la “nouvelle philosophie” en France et de la “political correctness” partout dans la sphère occidentale, ainsi que des gauches “ex-extrêmes”, dont les postures anti-impérialistes et les velléités auto-gestionnaires ont été dûment expurgées au fil du temps, pour qu’elles deviennent docilement des porte-voix bellicistes en faveur des buts de guerre des Etats-Unis. Un chercheur allemand a inauguré l’exploration inédite de cet espace: Tim B. Müller (Humboldt-Universität, Berlin) dans son ouvrage Krieger und Gelehrte – Herbert Marcuse und die Denksysteme im Kalten Kriege; ce travail est certes centré sur la personnalité et l’oeuvre du principal gourou philosophique de l’idéologie soixante-huitarde en Allemagne et en France (et aussi, partiellement, des groupes Planète de Louis Pauwels!); il relie ensuite cette oeuvre philosophique d’envergure et la vulgate qui en a découlé lors des événements de 67-68 en Europe aux machinations des services secrets américains. La personnalité de Koestler est maintes fois évoquée dans ce livre copieux de 736 pages. Par ailleurs, le Dr. Stefan Meining, de la radio bavaroise ARD, et, en même temps que lui, l’Américain Ian Johnson, Prix Pulitzer et professeur à la TU de Berlin, ont chacun publié un ouvrage documenté sur la prise de contrôle de la grande mosquée de Munich par Said Ramadan à la fin des années 50.
En s’emparant des leviers de commande de cette importante mosquée d’Europe centrale, Ramadan, affirment nos deux auteurs, éliminait de la course les premiers imams allemands, issus des bataillons turkmènes ou caucasiens de l’ancienne Wehrmacht, fidèles à une certaine amitié euro-islamique, pour la remplacer par un islamisme au service des Etats-Unis, via la personnalité d’agents de l’AMCOMLIB, comme Robert H. Dreher et Robert F. Kelley. Ceux-ci parviendront même à retourner le Grand Mufti de Jérusalem, initialement favorable à une alliance euro-islamique. Les Américains de l’AMCOMLIB, largement financés, éclipseront totalement les Allemands, dirigés par le turcologue Gerhard von Mende, actif depuis l’ère nationale-socialiste et ayant repris du service sous la Bundesrepublik. La mise hors jeu de von Mende, impliquait également le retournement d’Ibrahim Gacaoglu, de l’Ouzbek Rusi Nasar et du Nord-Caucasien Said Shamil. Seuls l’historien ouzbek Baymirza Hayit, le chef daghestanais Ali Kantemir et l’imam ouzbek Nurredin Namangani resteront fidèles aux services de von Mende mais sans pouvoir imposer leur ligne à la mosquée de Munich. L’étude simultanée des services, qui ont orchestré les agitations gauchistes et créé un islamisme pro-américain, permettrait de voir clair aujourd’hui dans les rouages de la nouvelle propagande médiatique, notamment quand elle vante un islam posé comme “modéré” ou les mérites d’une armée rebelle syrienne, encadrée par des talibans (non modérés!) revenus de Libye et financés par l’Emirat du Qatar, pour le plus grand bénéfice d’Obama, désormais surnommé “Bushbama”. Il est temps effectivement que nos contemporains voient clair dans ces jeux médiatiques où apparaissent des hommes de gauche obscurantistes et néo-staliniens (poutinistes!), auxquels on oppose une bonne gauche néo-philosophique à la Bernard-Henri Lévy ou à la Finkelkraut ou même à la Cohn-Bendit; des mauvais islamistes afghans, talibanistes et al-qaïdistes, mais de bons extrémistes musulmans libyens (néo-talibanistes) ou qataris face à de méchants dictateurs laïques, de bons islamistes modérés et de méchants baathistes, une bonne extrême-droite russe qui manifeste contre le méchant Poutine et une très méchante extrême-droite partout ailleurs dans le monde occidental, etc. Les médias, “chiens de garde du système”, comme le dit Serge Halimi, jettent en permanence la confusion dans les esprits. On le voit: nos cercles non-conformistes ont encore beaucoup de pain sur la planche pour éclairer nos contemporains, manipulés et hallucinés par la propagande de l’américanosphère, du soft power made in USA.
Il ne s’agit donc pas de lire Koestler comme un bigot lirait la vie d’un saint (ou d’un mécréant qui arrive au repentir) mais de saisir le passé qu’il évoque en long et en large pour comprendre le présent, tout en sachant que la donne est quelque peu différente.
(propos recueillis à Bruxelles, décembre 2011/janvier 2012).
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mardi, 10 janvier 2012
The Moscow Trials in Historical Context
The Moscow Trials in Historical Context
Kerry Bolton
Ex: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/
There is a subject that generally seems to be “no go” among academe: a critical attitude towards Trotsky and a less than slanderous attitude towards his nemesis, Stalin. Submission of papers on the subject is more likely to elicit responses of the type one would expect from outraged Trotskyite diehards than those of a scholarly critique. However, the battle between Trotsky and Stalin is not just one of theoretical interest, as it laid the foundations for outlooks on Russia and strategies in regard to the Cold War. The legacy continues to shape the present era, even after the implosion of the USSR. The following paper is intended to consider the Stalinist allegations against Trotsky et al in the context of history, and how that history continues to unfold.
Trotsky had received comparatively good press in the West, especially since World War II, when the wartime alliance with Stalin turned sour. Trotsky has been published by major corporations,[1] and is generally considered the grandfatherly figure of Bolshevism.[2] “Uncle Joe,” on the other hand, was quickly demonized as a tyrant, and the “gallant Soviet Army” that stopped the Germans at Stalingrad was turned into a threat to world freedom, when in the aftermath of World War II the USSR did not prove compliant in regard to US plans for a post-war world order.[3] However, even before the rift, basically from the beginning of the Moscow Trials, Western academics such as Professor John Dewey condemned the proceedings as a brutal travesty. The Moscow Trials are here reconsidered within the context of the historical circumstances and of the judicial system that Trotsky and other defendants had themselves played prominent roles in establishing.
A reconsideration of the Moscow Trials of the defendants Trotsky et al is important for more reasons than the purely academic. Since the scuttling of the USSR and of the Warsaw Pact by a combination of internal betrayal and of subversion undertaken by a myriad of US-based “civil societies” and NGOs backed by the likes of the George Soros network, Freedom House, National Endowment for Democracy, and dozens of other such entities,[4] Russia – after the Yeltsin interregnum of subservience to globalisation –has sought to recreate herself as a power that offers a multipolar rather than a unipolar world. A reborn Russia and the reshaping of a new geopolitical bloc which responds to Russian leadership, is therefore of importance to all those throughout the world who are cynical about the prospect of a “new world order” dominated by “American ideals.” US foreign policy analysts, “statesmen” (sic), opinion moulders, and lobbyists still have nightmares about Stalin and the possibility of a Stalin-type figure arising who will re-establish Russia’s position in the world. For example, Putin, a “strongman” type in Western-liberal eyes at least, has been ambivalent about the role of Stalin in history, such ambivalence, rather than unequivocal rejection, being sufficient to make oligarchs in the USA and Russia herself, nervous. Hence, The Sunday Times, commenting on the Putin phenomena being dangerously reminiscent of Stalinism, stated recently:
Joseph Stalin sent millions to their deaths during his reign of terror, and his name was taboo for decades, but the dictator is a step closer to rehabilitation after Vladimir Putin openly praised his achievements.
The Prime Minister and former KGB agent used an appearance on national television to give credit to Stalin for making the Soviet Union an industrial superpower, and for defeating Hitler in the Second World War.
In a verdict that will be obediently absorbed by a state bureaucracy long used to taking its cue from above, Mr Putin declared that it was “impossible to make a judgment in general” about the man who presided over the Gulag slave camps. His view contrasted sharply with that of President Medvedev, Russia’s nominal leader, who has said that there is no excuse for the terror unleashed by Stalin.
Mr Putin said that he had deliberately included the issue of Stalin’s legacy in a marathon annual question-and-answer programme on live television, because it was being “actively discussed” by Russians.[5]
While The Times’ Halpin commented that Putin nonetheless gave the obligatory comments about the brutality of Stalin’s regime, following a forceful condemnation of Stalin by Medvedev on October 9, 2009, it is worrying nonetheless that Putin could state that positive aspects “undoubtedly existed.” Such comments are the same as if a leading German political figure had stated that some positive aspects of Hitler “undoubtedly existed.” The guilt complex of Stalinist tyranny, having its origins in Trotskyite Stalinophobia, which has been carried over into the present “Cold War II” era of a bastardous mixture of “neo-cons” (i.e., post-Trotskyites) and Soros type globalists, often working in tandem despite their supposed differences,[6] is supposed to keep Russian down in perpetuity. Should Russia rise again, however, the spectre of Stalin is there to frighten the world into adherence to US policy in the same way that the “war on terrorism” is designed to dragoon the world behind the USA. Just as importantly, The Times article commented on Putin’s opposition to the Russian oligarchy, which has been presented by the Western news media as a “human rights issue”:
During the television programme, Mr Putin demonstrated his populist instincts by lashing out at Russia’s billionaire class for their vulgar displays of wealth. His comments came after a scandal in Geneva, when an elderly man was critically injured in an accident after an alleged road race involving the children of wealthy Russians in a Lamborghini and three other sports cars. “The nouveaux riches all of a sudden got rich very quickly, but they cannot manage their wealth without showing it off all the time. Yes, this is our problem,” Mr Putin said.[7]
This all seems lamentably (for the plutocrats) like a replay of what happened after the Bolshevik Revolution when Stalin kicked out Trotsky et al. Under Trotsky, the Bolshevik regime would have eagerly sought foreign capital.[8] It is after all why plutocrats would have had such an interest in ensuring Trotsky’s safe passage back to Russia in time for the Bolshevik coup, after having had a pleasant stay with his family in the USA as a guest of Julius Hammer, and having been comfortably ensconced in an upmarket flat, with a chauffeur at the family’s disposal.[9] In 1923 the omnipresent globalist think tank the Council on Foreign Relations, was warning investors to hurry up and get into Soviet Russia before something went wrong,[10] which it did a few years later. Under Stalin, even Western technicians were not trusted.[11]
Of particular note, however, is that well-placed Russian politicians and academics are still very aware of the globalist apparatus that is working for what is frequently identified in Russia as a “new world order,” and the responsibility Russia has in reasserting herself to lead in reshaping a “multipolar” world contra American hegemony. This influences Russia’s foreign policy, perhaps the most significant manifestation being the BRIC alliance,[12] despite what this writer regards as the very dangerous liaison with China.[13]
What is dismissed as “fringe conspiracy theory” by the superficial and generally “kept” Western news media and academia, is reported and discussed, among the highest echelons of Russian media, politics, military, and intelligentsia, with an analytical methodology that is all but gone from Western journalism and research. For example the Russian geopolitical theorist Alexander Dugin is a well-respected academic who lectures at Moscow State University under the auspices of the Center for Conservative Studies, which is part of the Department of Sociology (International Relations)[14] The subjects discussed by Professor Dugin and his colleagues and students feature the menace of world government and the challenges of globalism to Russian statehood. The movement he inspired, Eurasianism, has many prominent people in Russia and elsewhere.[15]
Perhaps the best indication of Russia’s persistence in remaining resistant to globalist and hegemonic schemes for world re-organization is the information that is published by the Ministry of International Affairs. Despite the disclaimer, the articles and analyses are a far cry from the shallowness of the mainstream news media of the Western world. Articles posted by the Ministry as this paper is written include a cynical consideration of the North African revolutions and the role of “social media;”[16] and an article pointing to the immense socio-economic benefits wrought by the Qaddafi regime, which is now being targeted by revolts “backed by Western intelligence services.”[17] Political analyst Sergei Shashkov theorizes that:
Recent events perfectly fit into the US-invented concept of “manageable chaos” (also known as “controlled instability” theory). Among its authors are: Zbigniew Brzezinski, a Polish American political scientist, Gene Sharp, who wrote From Dictatorship to Democracy, and Steven Mann, whose Chaos Theory and Strategic Thought was published in Washington in 1992, and who was involved in plotting “color revolutions” in some former Soviet republics.[18]
The only place one is going to get that type of analyses in the West is in alternative media sources such as The Foreign Policy Journal or Global Research. What Western government Ministry would have the independence of mind to circulate analyses of this type? Russians have the opportunity to be the most well-informed people in the world in matters that are of real importance. Westerners, on the other hand, do have that essential freedom – to watch US sitcoms and keep abreast of the tittle-tattle of movie stars and pop singers. Clearly, Russia is not readily succumbing to the type of post-Cold War world as envisaged by plutocrats and US hegemonists, expressed by George H W Bush in his hopes for a “new world order” after the demise of the Soviet bloc.[19] Beginning with Putin, Russia has refused to co-operate in the establishment of the “new world order” just as Stalin did not go along with similar schemes intended for the post-World War II era.
The purging of the USSR of Trotskyites and others by Stalin constituted the first significant move against plutocratic aspirations for Russia. The subsequent Russophobia that continues among American foreign policy and other influential circles has an ideological and historical framework arising to a significant extent therefore. The Moscow Trials, and the reaction symbolized by the Dewey Commission, gave primary impetus to a movement that was to metamorphose from Trotskyism to post-Trotskyism and ultimately to the oddly named “neo- conservatism,” and to leading NGOs such as the National Endowment for Democracy. The foundation for the present historical phenomena in regard to Russia was being embryonically shaped even within the Dewey Commission, certain of whose members ended up becoming Cold Warriors.
In the spirit of this legacy, the oligarchs, who were to be unleashed on Russia after the destruction of the USSR, are being upheld by their champions in the West as victims of neo-Stalinism, and their trials are being compared to those of Stalin’s “Moscow Show Trials.” Hence, American Professor Paul Gregory, a Fellow of the Hoover Institution, co-editor of the “Yale-Hoover Series on Stalin, Stalinism, and Cold War,” etc., writes of the trial of oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky:
When the history of Russian justice is written fifty years from now, two landmark court cases will stand out: The death sentence of Nikolai Bukharin in his Moscow show trial of March 1938 and the second prison sentence of Mikhail Khodorkovsky expected December 27, 2010. Both processes teach the same object lesson: anyone who crosses the Kremlin will be punished without mercy. There will be no protection in the courts for the innocent, and the guilty verdict and sentence will be already predetermined behind the Kremlin walls. It also does not matter how preposterous or ludicrous the charges. Vladimir Putin was born in 1952, only one year before Stalin’s death. But Stalin’s system of justice was institutionalized and survived Stalin and the collapse of the Soviet Union, for use by apt pupils such as Putin . . . [20]
If Russia continues to take a “wrong turn” (sic) as it is termed by the US foreign policy Establishment,[21] then we can expect the regime to be increasingly demonized by being compared to that of Stalin, just as other regimes ripe for “change,” (such as Milosovic’s Serbia, Saddam’s Iraq and Qaddafi’s Libya) according to the agenda of the globalists, are demonized. John McCain, stated on the Floor of the Senate, speaking of the “New START Treaty” with Russia, that the Khodorkovsky trial indicated that flawed nature of Russia, although McCain admitted that he was “under no illusions” that some of the gains of the oligarch might have been “ill-gotten.”[22] However, to those who do not like the prospect of a renewal of Russia influence, Khodorkovsky is a symbol of the type of Russia they hoped would emerge after the demise of the USSR, and the oligarchs are portrayed as victims of Stalin-like injustice. Old Trot Carl Gershman, the founding president of the Congressionally-funded National Endowment for Democracy, used the Khodorkovsky sentencing as the primary point of condemnation of Russia in his summing up of the world situation frordemocracy in 2010, when stating that:
As 2010 drew to a close, the backsliding accelerated with a flurry of new setbacks—notably the rigged re-sentencing of dissident entrepreneur Mikhail Khodorkovsky in Russia, the brutal repression of the political opposition in Belarus following the December 19 presidential election, and the passage of a spate of repressive new laws in Venezuela, where President Hugo Chavez assumed decree powers.[23]
One can expect “velvet revolutions” to break out in Belarus and Venezuela at any time now, although Russia will obviously take longer to deal with. Hence the vitriol will take on increasingly Cold War proportions, with the accusation of a Stalinist revival being used as prime propaganda material. It is against this background that the legacy of Stalin, including the Moscow Trials for which he is particularly condemned, should be examined.
Background of the Trials
The Moscow Trials comprised three events: The first trial, held in August 1936, involved 16 members of the “Trotskyite-Kamenevite-Zinovievite-Leftist-Counter-Revolutionary Bloc.” The two main defendants were Grigory Zinoviev and Lev Kamenev. The primary accusations against the defendants were that they had, in alliance with Trotsky, been involved in the assassination of Sergey Kirov in 1934, and of plotting to kill Stalin.[24] After confessing to the charges, all were sentenced to death and executed.
The second trial in January 1937 of the “anti-Soviet Trotskyite-Centre” comprised 17 defendants, including Karl Radek, Yuri Piatakov and Grigory Sokolnikov, who were accused of plotting with Trotsky, who was said to be in league with Nazi Germany. Thirteen of the defendants were executed, and the remainder died in labor camps.
The third trial was held in 1938 against the “Bloc of Rights and Trotskyists,” with Bukharin as the chief defendant. They were accused of having planned to assassinate Lenin and Stalin in 1918, and of having plotted to dismember the USSR for the benefit of foreign powers.
These trials have been condemned as “show trials” yet the very openness to foreign journalists and diplomats, as distinct from secret tribunals, is surely an approach that is to be commended rather than condemned. It also indicates the confidence the Soviet authorities had in their charges against the accused, allowing the processes to be subjected to foreign scrutiny and comment.
The world generally has come to know the Moscow Trials as a collective travesty based on torture, threats to families and forced confessions, with the defendants in confused states, declaring their confessions of guilt by rote, as if hypnotised. The trials are considered in every sense modern-day “witch trials.” For example, Prof. Sidney Hook, co-founder of the “Dewey Commission,” cogently expressed the widely held view of the trials many years later that, “The confessions, exacted by threats and torture, physical and psychological, whose precise nature has never been disclosed, consisted largely of alleged ‘conversations about conversations.’”[25] However the opinions of first-hand observers are not unanimous in condemning the methodology of the trials. The US Ambassador to the USSR, himself a lawyer, Joseph E Davies, was to write of the trials in his memoirs published in 1945 (that is, about seven years after the Dewey Commission had supposedly proven the trials to have been a travesty):
At 12 o’clock noon accompanied by Counselor Henderson I went to this trial. Special arrangements were made for tickets for the Diplomatic Corps to have seats. . . . [26] . . . On both sides of the central aisle were rows of seats occupied entirely by different groups of “workers” at each session, with the exception of a few rows in the centre of the hall reserved for correspondents, local and foreign, and for the Diplomatic Corps. The different groups of “workers,” I am advised, were charged with the duty of taking back reports of the trials to their various organizations.[27]
Davies stated that among the foreign press corps were the following representatives: Walter Duranty and Harold Denny from The New York Times, Joe Barnew and Joe Phillips from The New York Herald Tribune, Charlie Nutter or Nick Massock from Associated Press, Norman Deuel and Henry Schapiro from United Press, Jim Brown from International News, and Spencer Williams from The Manchester Guardian. The London Observer, hardly pro-Soviet, opined that: “It is futile to think the trial was staged and the charges trumped up. The Government’s case against the defendants is genuine.”[28] Duranty from The New York Times stated of the 1936 trial of Kamenev, Zinoviev, et al that:
. . . The writer knows beyond doubt that the assassin [of Kirov] was used as an instrument for the needs of political terrorism… No one acquainted with present European politics can fail to realize that, whereas the Soviet government is doing it utmost to maintain peace, there are certain so-called Trotskyist organizations that are trying to cause trouble…[29]
Of Soviet prosecutor Andrei Vyshinsky, Davies opined that: “the prosecutor … conducted the case calmly and generally with admirable moderation.” Especially notable, given the subsequent claims that were made about the allegedly confused, brainwashed appearance and tone of the defendants, Davies observed: “There was nothing unusual in the appearance of the accused. They all appeared well nourished and normal physically.”[30] A delegation of the International Association of Lawyers stated:
We consider the claim that the proceedings were summary and unlawful to be totally unfounded. The accused were given the opportunity of taking counsels.... We hereby categorically declare that the accused were sentenced quite lawfully.[31]
In 1936 the British Labour Member of Parliament, D N Pritt KC, wrote extensively of his observations on the first Moscow Trial. In the lengthy article published in Russia Today, Pritt, after alluding to the apparently good condition of the defendants who, in accord with the observations of Davies, did not appear to have suffered under Soviet detention, wrote:
The first thing that struck me, as an English lawyer, was the almost free-and-easy demeanour of the prisoners. They all looked well; they all got up and spoke, even at length, whenever they wanted to do so (for the matter of that, they strolled out, with a guard, when they wanted to).
The one or two witnesses who were called by the prosecution were cross-examined by the prisoners who were affected by their evidence, with the same freedom as would have been the case in England.
The prisoners voluntarily renounced counsel; they could have had counsel without fee had they wished, but they preferred to dispense with them. And having regard to their pleas of guilty and to their own ability to speak, amounting in most cases to real eloquence, they probably did not suffer by their decision, able as some of my Moscow colleagues are.[32]
Pritt was struck by the informality of the proceedings, and commented on how the defendants could interrupt at will, in what seems to have been a freewheeling debate:
The most striking novelty, perhaps, to an English lawyer, was the easy way in which first one and then another prisoner would intervene in the course of the examination of one of their co-defendants, without any objection from the Court or from the prosecutor, so that one got the impression of a quick and vivid debate between four people, the prosecutor and three prisoners, all talking together, if not actually at the same moment—a method which, whilst impossible with a jury, is certainly conducive to clearing up disputes of fact with some rapidity. [33]
Pritt’s view of Vyshinsky is in accord with that of Davies, stating of the prosecutor: “He spoke with vigour and clarity. He seldom raised his voice. He never ranted, or shouted, or thumped the table. He rarely looked at the public or played for effect.”[34] Pritt stated that the fifteen defendants[35] “spoke without any embarrassment or hindrance.” Such was Pritt’s view of the proceedings that his concluding remark states: “But it is equally clear that the judicature and the prosecuting attorney of USSR have taken at least as great a step towards establishing their reputation among the legal systems of the modern world.”[36]
Although Pritt was a Labour Member of Parliament, and was not a communist party member, he was pro-Soviet. Was he, then, capable of forming an objective, professional opinion? Anecdotal evidence suggests he was. Jeremy Murray-Brown, biographer of the Kenyan leader Jomo Kenyatta, writing to the editor of Commentary in connection with the Moscow Trials, relates that he had had discussions with Pritt in 1970, in the course of which he asked Pritt about the trials:
His reply astonished me. “I thought they were all guilty,” he said, referring to Bukharin and his co-defendants. It was as simple as that; Pritt made no attempt at political justification, but reaffirmed what was for him a matter of clear professional judgment. …In terms of the Soviet Union’s own judicial system, Pritt said, he firmly believed the defendants in the Moscow trials were guilty as charged. It was an argument which came oddly from the man who defended Kenyatta.[37]
Kenyatta, whom Pritt went to Kenya to defend before a British colonial court, had been “evasive” under cross-examination, Pritt stated.[38] Pritt, despite his support for Kenyatta was able to judge the veracity of proceedings regardless of political bias, and had maintained his view of the Moscow trials even in 1970, when it would have been opportune, even among Soviet sympathizers, to conform to the accepted view, including the declarations of Khrushchev. Indeed, Sidney Hook, long since having become a Cold Warrior in the service of the USA, retorted:
In reply to Jeremy Murray-Brown: the significance of D N Pritt’s infamous defense of the infamous Moscow frame-up trials must be appraised in the light of Khrushchev’s revelations of Stalin’s crimes available to the public (outside the Soviet Union) long before Pritt’s avowals to Mr Murray-Brown. Pritt cannot have been unaware of them.[39]
Of course Pritt was not unaware of Khrushchev’s so-called “revelations.” Unlike many former admirers of Stalin, he was simply not impressed by their veracity, and it must be assumed that his scepticism was based on both his eminent judicial experience and his first-hand observations. Certainly, Sidney Hook’s leading role in the formation of the “Dewey Commission” for the exoneration of Trotsky on the pretext of “impartial” hearings, was itself a cynical travesty, as will be considered in this paper.
If there was a general consensus that the proceedings were legitimate, and a quite sceptical attitude towards the findings of the Dewey Commission, despite the eminence of its front man, Prof. John Dewey, what changed to result in such a dramatic and almost universal reversal of opinion? It was a change of perception in regard to Stalin in the aftermath of World War II, and not due to any sudden revelations about the Moscow Trials or about Stalin’s tyranny. The wartime alliance, which, it was assumed, would endure during the post-war era, instead gave way to the Cold War.[40] Such was the hatred of the Trotskyites for the USSR that they were willing to enlist in the ranks of the anti-Soviet crusade even to the extent of working for the CIA[41], and supporting the US in Korea and Vietnam to counter Soviet influence.[42] Their services, as experienced anti-Soviet propagandists, were eagerly sought. Hence the findings of the Dewey Commission, largely ignored in their own time, are now heralded as definitive. The nature of this “Dewey Commission” will now be considered.
“Preliminary Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials”
The so-called Dewey Commission, the full title of which was the “Preliminary Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Leon Trotsky in the Moscow Trials,” having a legalistic and even official sound to it, was convened in March 1937 on the initiative of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky as a supposedly “impartial body.”[43] The purpose was said to be, “to ascertain all the available facts about the Moscow Trial proceedings in which Trotsky and his son, Leon Sedov, were the principal accused and to render a judgment based upon those facts.”[44] However, the composition of the Commission indicates that it was set up as a counter-show trial with the preconceived intention of exonerating Trotsky, and was created at the instigation of Trotsky himself.
The stage was set with the founding of the American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky by Prof. Sidney Hook, who persuaded his mentor, Prof. John Dewey, to front for it. Just how “impartial” the Dewey Commission was might be deduced not only from its having been initiated by those sympathetic towards Trotsky, but also by a comment in a Time report at the occasion of Trotsky’s deportation from Norway en route to Mexico: “The American Committee for the Defense of Leon Trotsky spat accusations at the Norwegian Government last week for its ‘indecent and filthy’ behavior in placing the Great Exile & Mme Trotsky on the Norwegian tanker Ruth…”[45]
The mock “trial” organised by the Dewey Commission was prompted by a “demand” from Trotsky from his new abode in Mexico, who “publicly demanded the formation of an international commission of inquiry, since he had been deprived of any opportunity to reply to the accusations before a legally constituted court.”[46] A sub-commission was formed to travel to Mexico and to allow Trotsky to give testimony in his defense under what was supposed to include “cross-examination.” The sub-commission comprised:
- John Dewey as chairman, described by Novack as America’s foremost liberal and philosopher;
- Otto Ruehle, a German Marxist and former Reichstag Deputy;
- Alfred Rosmer, former member of the Executive Committee of the Communist International (1920-21);
- Wendelin Thomas, leader of the sailor’s revolt in Germany in 1918 and a former Communist Deputy in the Reichstag; and
- Carlo Tresca, Italian-American anarchist.[47]
Other members, whose political orientations are not mentioned by Novack, were:
- · Benjamin Stolberg, American journalist;
- · Suzanne La Follette, American journalist;
- · Carleton Beals, authority on Latin-American affairs;
- · Edward A Ross, Professor of Sociology at the University of Wisconsin;
- · John Chamberlain, former literary critic of the New York Times; and
- · Francisco Zamora, Mexican journalist.
Of these, Stolberg was a supporter of the Socialist Party, described by fellow commissioner Carleton Beals as being, along with other commissioners, thoroughly under Trotsky’s spell.[48] Suzanne La Follette was described by Beals as having a “worshipful” attitude towards Trotsky.[49] Edward A Ross, who had gone to Soviet Russia in 1917 had come back with a pro-Bolshevik sentiment, writing The Russian Bolshevik Revolution (1921) and The Russian Soviet Republic (1923). John Chamberlain, a Left-leaning liberal by his own description[50], was among those who became so obsessively anti-Soviet that they ended up as avid Cold Warriors in the US camp.[51] In 1946 Chamberlain and Suzanne La Follette, along with free market guru Henry Hazlitt, founded the libertarian journal The Freeman.[52] Both can therefore be regarded as among the many Trotsky-sympathizers who became apologists for American foreign policy,[53] and laid the foundation for the so-called “neo-conservative” movement. Chamberlain and La Follette continued to pursue a vigorous anti-Soviet line at the earliest stages of the Cold War.[54]
Trotsky’s lawyer for the Mexico hearings was Albert Goldman, who had joined the Communist Party of America on its founding in 1920. He was expelled from the party in 1933 for Trotskyism. Goldman was another Trotskyite who became a pro-US Cold Warrior.[55] The Dewey Commission’s “court reporter” (sic) was Albert M Glotzer, who had been expelled from the Communist Party USA in 1928 and with prominent American Trotskyite Max Shachtman, had founded the Communist League and subsequent factions, including the Social Democrats USA,[56] whose executive Secretary had been Carl Gershman, founding president of the National Endowment for Democracy. Glotzer had also served as Trotsky’s secretary in Turkey in 1931, and had met him on other occasions.[57] The Social Democrats USA provided particular support for the Cold War hawk, Sen. Henry Jackson, and has produced other foreign policy hawks such as Elliott Abrams.
Under the façade of an “impartial enquiry” and with a convoluted title that suggests a bona fide judicial basis, the Dewey Commission proceeded to Mexico to “interrogate” (sic) Trotsky on the pretence of objectivity;[58] an image that was to be quickly exposed by the resignation of one of the Commissioners, Carleton Beals.
"Trotsky's Pink Tea Party": The Beals Resignation
Although one would hardly suspect it now, at the time the Dewey Commission was perceived by many as lacking credibility. Time reported that when Dewey returned from Mexico the “kindly, grizzled professor” told a crowd of 3,500 in Manhattan that the preliminary results of the sub-commission justified the continuation of the Commission’s enquiries in the USA and elsewhere. Time offered the view that, “by last week the committee had proved nothing at all,” despite Dewey’s positive spin.[59] Time in referring to the resignation of Carleton Beals cited him as stating that the hearings had been “unduly influenced in Trotsky’s favor,” Beals having “resigned in disgust.”[60] The Dewey report appended a statement attempting to deal with Beals.[61] In a reply to Dewey, Beals wrote in The Saturday Evening Post that despite the publicly stated intention of the enquiry to determine the innocence or guilt of Trotsky the attitudes of the sub-commission members towards Trotsky were those of reverence:
“I want to weep,” remarks one commissioner as we pass out into the frowzy street, “to think of him being here.” All, including Doctor Dewey, chairman of the investigatory commission, join in the chorus of sorrow over Trotsky’s fallen star - except one commissioner, who sees the pathos of human change in less personal terms.[62]
Beals observing Trotsky in action considered that,
above all, his mental faculties are blurred by a consuming lust of hate for Stalin, a furious uncontrollable venom which has its counterpart in something bordering on a persecution complex - all who disagree with him are bunched in the simple formula of GPU agents, people “corrupted by the gold of Stalin.”[63]
It is evident from Beals’ comments - and Beals had no particular axe to grind - that the persona of Trotsky was far from the rational demeanour of a wronged victim. From Beals’ comments Trotsky seems to have presented himself in a manner that is suggestive of the descriptions often levelled against the Stalinist judiciary, making wild accusations about the supposed Stalinist affiliations of any detractors. Beals questioned Trotsky concerning his archives, since Trotsky was making numerous references to them to prove his innocence, but Trotsky “hems and haws.” While Trotsky denied that his archives had been purged of anything incriminating, important documents had been taken out. A primary insistence of Trotsky’s defense was his denial of having any communication with the accused after 1929. However Dr J Arch Getty comments:
Yet it is now clear that in 1932 he sent secret personal letters to former leading oppositionists Karl Radek, G. Sokol’nikov, E. Preobrazhensky, and others. While the contents of these letters are unknown, it seems reasonable to believe that they involved an attempt to persuade the addressees to return to opposition.[64]
Unlike virtually all Trotsky’s other letters (including even the most sensitive) no copies of these remain in the Trotsky Papers. It seems likely that they have been removed from the Papers at some time. Only the certified mail receipts remain. At his 1937 trial, Karl Radek testified that he had received a letter from Trotsky containing “terrorist instructions,” but we do not know whether this was the letter in question.[65]
It can be noted here that, as will be related below, Russian scholar Prof. Rogovin, in seeking to show that the Opposition bloc maintained an effective resistance to Stalin, also stated that a “united anti-Stalin bloc” did form in 1932, despite Trotsky’s claim at the Dewey hearings that there had been no significant contact with any of the Moscow defendants since 1929. Beals found it difficult to believe Trotsky’s insistence that his contacts inside the USSR had since 1930 consisted of no more than a half dozen letters to individuals. If it was the case that Trotsky no longer had a network within the USSR then he and the Fourth International, and Trotskyism generally, must have been nothing other than bluster.[66]
Beals’ less than deferential line of questioning created antagonism with the rest of the Commission. They began to change the rules of questioning without consulting him. Beals concluded by stating that either Finerty, whom he regarded as acting like Trotsky’s lawyer instead of that of the commission’s counsel, resign, or he would. Suzanne LaFollette “burst into tears” and implored Beals to apologise to Finerty, otherwise the “great historical occasion” would be “marred.” Beals left the room of the Mexican villa with the Commissioners chasing after him. Dewey was left to try and rationalize the situation with the press, while Beals countered that “the commission’s investigations were a fraud.”[67] In the concluding remarks of his article, with the subheading “The Trial that Proved Nothing,” Beals stated that:
- There had been no adequate cross-examination.
- The Trotsky archives had not been examined.
- The cross-examination was a “scant day and a half,” mostly taken up with questions about the Russian Revolution, relations with Lenin, and questions about dialectical theory.
- Most of the evidence submitted was in the form of Trotsky’s articles and books, which could have been consulted at a library.
The commission then resumed in New York, about which Beals predicted, “no amount of fumbling over documents in New York can correct the omissions and errors of its Mexican expedition,” adding:
From the press I learned that seven other commissions were at work in Europe, and that these would send representatives to form part of the larger commission. I was unable to find out how these European commissions had been created, who were members of them. I suspected them of being small cliques of Trotsky’s own followers. I was unable to put my seal of approval on the work of our commission in Mexico. I did not wish my name used merely as a sounding board for the doctrines of Trotsky and his followers. Nor did I care to participate in the work of the larger organization, whose methods were not revealed to me, the personnel of which was still a mystery to me.
Doubtless, considerable information will be scraped together. But if the commission in Mexico is an example, the selection of the facts will be biased, and their interpretation will mean nothing if trusted to a purely pro-Trotsky clique. As for me, a sadder and wiser man, I say, a plague on both their houses.[68]
As can be seen from the last sentence of the above, Beals was not aligned to either Trotsky or Stalin. He had accepted a position with the Dewey Commission in the belief that it sought to get to the matter of the accusations against the Moscow defendants, and specifically Trotsky, in a professional manner. What Beals found was a set-up that was predetermined to exonerate Trotsky and give the “Old Man” a podium upon which to vent his spleen against his nemesis, Stalin. It is also apparent that Trotsky attempted to detract accusations by alleging that anyone who doubted his word was in the pay of Stalin. Yet today the consensus among scholars is that Stalin contrived false allegations about Trotsky et al, and any suggestion to the contrary is met with vehemence rather than with scholarly rebuttal.[69]
The third session of the Mexico hearings largely proceeded on the question of the relations between Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev, and the formation of the Stalin-Kamenev-Zinoviev troika that ran the Soviet state when Lenin became incapacitated. The primary point was that Kamenev and Zinoviev were historically rivals of Trotsky and allies of Stalin in the jockeying for leadership. However, the Moscow testimony also deals with the split of the troika, when alliances changed and Zinoviev and Kamenev became allied with Trotsky. Trotsky in reply to a question from Goldman as to the time of the split, replied: “It was during the preparation, the secret preparation of the split. It was in the second half of 1925. It appeared openly at the Fourteenth Congress of the Party. That was the beginning of 1926.”
Trotsky was asked to explain the origins of the Zinoviev split with Stalin and the duration of the alliance with Trotsky. This, it should be noted, was at the time of an all-out offensive against Stalin, during which, Trotsky explains in his memoirs, “In the Autumn the Opposition even made an open sortie at the meeting of Party locals.”[70] At the time the “New Opposition” group led by Zinoviev and Kamenev aligned with Trotsky to form the “United Opposition.” Trotsky also stated in his memoirs that Zinoviev and Kamenev, despite being ideologically at odds with Stalin, tried to retain their influence within the party, Trotsky having been outvoted by the Bolshevik Party membership which had in a general referendum voted 740,000 to 4,000 to repudiate him:
Zinoviev and Kamenev soon found themselves in hostile opposition to Stalin; when they tried to transfer the dispute from the trio to the Central Committee, they discovered that Stalin had a solid majority there. They accepted the basic principles of our platform. In such circumstances, it was impossible not to form a bloc with them, especially since thousands of revolutionary Leningrad workers were behind them.[71]
It seems disingenuous that Trotsky could subsequently claim that there could not have been a further alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev, given that alliances were constantly changing, and that these old Bolshevik idealists seem to have been thoroughgoing careerists and opportunists willing to embrace any alliance that would further their positions. Trotsky cited the report of the party Central Committee of the July 1926 meeting at which Zinoviev confessed his “two most important mistakes;” that of having opposed the October 1917 Revolution, and that of aligning with Stalin in forming the “bureaucratic-apparatus of oppression.” Zinoviev added that Trotsky had “warned with justice of the dangers of the deviation from the proletarian line and of the menacing growth of the apparatus regime. Yes, in the question of the bureaucratic-apparatus oppression, Trotsky was right against us.”[72]
During 1927 the alliance between Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev had fallen apart as Zinoviev and Kamenev again sought to flow with the tide. The break with Trotsky came just a few weeks before Trotsky’s expulsion from the Party, as the “Zinoviev group” wanted to avoid expulsion. However all the oppositionists were expelled from the party at the next Congress. Six months after their expulsion and exile to Siberia, Kamenev and Zinoviev reversed their position again, and they were readmitted to the party.
During 1927 Trotsky states that many young revolutionaries came to him eager to oppose Stalin for his having betrayed the Chinese Communists by insisting they subordinate themselves to Chiang Kai-shek. Trotsky claimed: “Hundreds and thousands of revolutionaries of the new generation were grouped about us… at present there are thousands of such young revolutionaries who are augmenting their political experience by studying theory in the prisons and the exile of the Stalin regime.”[73] With this backing the opposition launched its offensive against the Party:
The leading group of the opposition faced this finale with its eyes wide open. We realized only too clearly that we could make our ideas the common property of the new generation not by diplomacy and evasions but only by an open struggle which shirked none of the practical consequences. We went to meet the inevitable debacle, confident, however, that we were paving the way for the triumph of our ideas in a more distant future.[74]
Trotsky then referred to “illegal means” as the only method by which to force the opposition onto the Party at the Fifteenth Congress at the end of 1927. From Trotsky’s description of the tumultuous events during 1927 it seems clear that this was a revolutionary situation that the opposition was trying to create that would overthrow the regime just as the October 1917 coup had overthrown Kerensky:
Secret meetings were held in various parts of Moscow and Leningrad, attended by workers and students of both sexes…. In all, about 20,000 people attended such meetings in Moscow and Leningrad. The number was growing. The opposition cleverly prepared a huge meeting in the hall of the High Technical School, which had been occupied from within. The hall was crammed with two thousand people, while a huge crowd remained outside in the street. The attempts of the administration to stop the meeting proved ineffectual. Kamenev and I spoke for about two hours. Finally the Central Committee issued an appeal to the workers to break up the meetings of the opposition by force. This appeal was merely a screen for carefully prepared attacks on the opposition by military units under the guidance of the GPU. Stalin wanted a bloody settlement of the conflict. We gave the signal for a temporary discontinuance of the large meetings. But this was not until after the demonstration of November 7.[75]
In October 1927, the Central Executive Committee held its session in Leningrad, and a mass official demonstration was staged in honour of the event. Trotsky recorded that the demonstration was taken over by Zinoviev and himself and their followers by the thousands, with support from sections of the military and police. This was shortly followed by a similar event in Moscow commemorating the October 1917 Revolution, during which the opposition infiltrated the parades. A similar attempt at a parade in Leningrad resulted in the detention of Zinoviev and Radek, but Zinoviev wrote optimistically to Trotsky that this would play into their hands. However, at the last moment, the Zinoviev group backed down in order to try and avoid expulsion from the party at the Fifteenth Congress.[76] However Trotsky admitted to having conversations with Zinoviev and Kamenev at a joint meeting at the end of 1927. Trotsky then stated that he had a final communication from Zinoviev on November 7 1927 in which Zinoviev closes: “I admit entirely that Stalin will tomorrow circulate the most venomous “versions.” We are taking steps to inform the public. Do the same. Warm greetings, Yours, G. ZINOVIEV.”[77]
As stated by Goldman, Trotsky’s counsel at Mexico, the letter was addressed to Kamenev, Trotsky, and Y P Smilga. Trotsky explained that, “Smilga is an old member of the Party, a member of the Central Committee of the Party and a member of the Opposition, of the center of the Opposition at that time.” The following questioning then took place:
Stolberg: What do you mean by the center of the Opposition? The executive committee?
Trotsky: It was an executive committee, yes, the same as a central committee.
Goldman: Of the leading comrades of the Left Opposition?
Trotsky: Yes.’[78]
Trotsky stated that thereafter he had “absolute hostility and total contempt” for those who “capitulated,” and that he wrote many articles denouncing Zinoviev and Kamenev. Goldman read from a statement by prosecutor Vyshinsky at the January 28 session of the 1937 Moscow trial:
The Trotskyites went underground, they donned the mask of repentance and pretended that they had disarmed. Obeying the instruction of Trotsky. Pyatakov and the other leaders of this gang of criminals, pursuing a policy of duplicity, camouflaging themselves, they again penetrated into the Party, again penetrated into Soviet offices, here and there they even managed to creep into responsible positions of the state, concealing for a time, as has now been established beyond a shadow of doubt, their old Trotskyite, anti-Soviet wares in their secret apartments, together with arms, codes, passwords, connections and cadres.[79]
Trotsky in reply to a question from Goldman denied any further connection with Kamenev, Zinoviev or any of the other defendants at Moscow. However, as will be considered below, Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev had formed an “anti-Stalinist bloc in June 1932,”[80] a matter only discovered after the investigations in 1935 and 1936 into the Kirov murder.
One of the features of both the first Moscow Trial of 1936 and the Dewey Commission was the allegation that defendant Holtzman, when an official for the Soviet Commissariat for Foreign Trade, had met Trotsky and his son Leon Sedov, at the Hotel Britsol in Copenhagen in 1932. It is a matter that remains the focus of critique and ridicule of the Moscow Trials. For example one Trotskyite article triumphantly declares: “Unbeknown to the prosecutors, the Hotel Bristol had been demolished in 1917! The Stalinist investigators had not done their homework.”[81] Prominent historians continue to cite the supposed non-existence of the Hotel Bristol when Trotsky and his son were supposed to be conspiring with Holtzman, as a primary example of the crass nature of the Stalinist allegations. While Trotsky confirmed that he was in Copenhagen at the time of the alleged meeting, the Dewey Commission accepted statements that the Hotel Bristol had burned down in 1917 and had never reopened. The claim had first been made by the Danish newspaper Social-Demokraten shortly after the death sentences of the 1936 trial had been carried out.[82] In response Arbejderbladet, the organ of the Danish Communist Party, pointed out that in 1932 the Grand Hotel was connected by an interior doorway to the café Konditori Bristol. Moreover both the hotel and the café were owned by a husband and wife team. Arbejderbladet editor Martin Nielsen contended that a foreigner not familiar with the area would assume that he was at the Hotel Bristol.
However these factors were ignored by the Dewey Commission, and still are ingored. Instead the Commission accepted a falsely sworn affidavit by Esther and B J Field, Trotskyites, who claimed that the Bistol café was two doors away from the Grand Hotel and that there was a clear distinction between the two enterprises. Goldman, Trotsky’s lawyer, had stated at the fifth session of the hearings in Mexico that despite the statements that Holtzman was forced to make at the 1936 Moscow trial that he had met Trotsky at the Hotel Bristol, and was “put up” there, “…immediately after the trial and during the trial, when the statement, which the Commissioners can check up on, was made by him, a report came from the Social-Democratic press in Denmark that there was no such hotel as the Hotel Bristol in Copenhagen; that there was at one time a hotel by the name of Hotel Bristol, but that was burned down in 1917…”
Goldman sought to repudiate a claim by the publication Soviet Russia Today that stated that the Bristol café is not next to the Grand Hotel, and used the Field affidavit for the purpose, and that there was no entrance connecting the two, the Fields stating,
As a matter of fact, we bought some candy once at the Konditori Bristol, and we can state definitely that it had no vestibule, lobby, or lounge in common with the Grand Hotel or any hotel, and it could not have been mistaken for a hotel in any way, and entrance to the hotel could not be obtained through it.[83]
The question of the Bristol Hotel was again raised the following day, at the 6th session of the Dewey hearings. Such was – and is – the importance attached to this in repudiating the Stalinist allegations as clumsy. In 2008 Sven-Eric Holström undertook some rudimentary enquiries into the matter. Consulting the 1933 street and telephone directories for Copenhagen he found that – the Field’s affidavit notwithstanding - the Grand Hotel and the Bristol café were located at the same address.[84] Furthermore, photographs of the period show that the street entrance to the hotel and the café were the same and the only signage from the outside states “Bristol.”[85] Again, contrary to the Field affidavit, diagrams of the building show that there was a lobby and internal entrance connecting the hotel and the café. Anyone walking off the street into the hotel would assume, on the basis of the signage and the common entrance that he had walked into a hotel called “Hotel Bristol.” Getty states that Trotsky’s papers archived at Harvard show that Holtzman, a “former” Trotskyite, had met Sedov in Berlin in 1932 “and gave him a proposal from veteran Trotskyist Ivan Smirnov and other left oppositionists in the USSR for the formation of a united opposition bloc,”[86] although Trotsky stated at the Dewey hearings on questioning by Goldman that he had never had any “direct or indirect communication” with Holtzman.
If the statements of Trotsky at to the Dewey Commission and his statements in My Life are considered in the context of the allegations presented by Vyshinsky at Moscow, a number of conclusions might be suggested:
- From 1925 there was a Trotsky-Zinoviev-Kamenev bloc, or an “Opposition center,” which Trotsky states had an “executive committee; which functioned as an alternative party ‘central committee.’”
- Although Zinoviev and Kamenev were aligned for a time with Stalin in a troika, they repudiated this in favour of a counter-revolutionary alliance with Trotsky, and spoke at mass demonstrations, along with others such as Radek.
- Trotsky subsequently condemned Kamenev, Zinoviev et al as “contemptible” for “capitulating,” but Zinoviev, on Trotsky’s own account, was writing to him in November 1928 and warning of what he expected to be Stalin’s attacks.
- Was the vehemence with which Trotsky attacked Kamenev, Zinoviev and other Moscow defendants a mere ruse to throw off suspicion in regard to a united Opposition bloc, which, according to Rogovin,[87] had been formalized as an “anti-Stalinist bloc” in 1932?
- On Trotsky’s own account he and Zinoviev, Kamenev, Radek, et al had been at the forefront of a vast counter-revolutionary organization that was of sufficient strength to organize mass disruptions of official events in Moscow and Leningrad, which also had support among military and police personnel.
From his exile in Siberia in 1928, Trotsky on his own account, despite the ever-watchful eye of the GPU, made his home the center of opposition activities.[88] Trotsky had been treated leniently in Siberian exile, and was asked to refrain from opposition activities, but responded with a defiant letter to the All-Union Communist Party and to the Executive Committee of the Communist International, in which he referred to Stalin’s “narrow faction.” He refused to renounce what he called, “the struggle for the interests of the international proletariat...” In the letter to the Politburo dated 15 March 1933, Trotsky warned in grandiose manner:
I consider it my duty to make one more attempt to appeal to the sense of responsibility of those who presently lead the Soviet state. You know conditions better than I. If the internal development proceeds further on its present course, catastrophe is inevitable.[89]
As a means of saving the Soviet Union from self-destruction Trotsky advocated that the Left Opposition be accepted back into the Bolshevik party as an independent political tendency that would co-exist with all other factions, while not repudiating its own programme:[90]
Only from open and honest cooperation between the historically produced fractions, fully transforming them into tendencies in the party and eventually dissolving into it, can concrete conditions restore confidence in the leadership and resurrect the party.[91]
With the failure of the Politburo to reply to Trotsky’s ultimatum, he published both the letter and a statement entitled “An Explanation.”[92] Trotsky then cited his “declaration” in reply to the “ultimatum” he had received to forego oppositionist activities, to the Sixth Party Congress from his remote exile in Alma Ata. In this “declaration” he stated what could also be interpreted as revolutionary opposition to the regime, insofar as he considered that the USSR under Stalin had become a bureaucratic state composed of a “depraved officialdom” that was working for “class interests hostile to the proletariat”:
To demand from a revolutionary such a renunciation (of political activity, i.e., in the service of the party and the international revolution) would be possible only for a completely depraved officialdom. Only contemptible renegades would be capable of giving such a promise. I cannot alter anything in these words ... To everyone, his due. You wish to continue carrying out policies inspired by class forces hostile to the proletariat. We know our duty and we will do it to the end.[93]
The lack of reply from the Politburo in regard to Trotsky’s ultimatum to accept him back into the Government resulted in Trotsky’s final break with the Third International and the creation of the Fourth International in rivalry with the Stalinist parties throughout the world. Trotsky declared that the Bolshevik party and those parties following the Stalinist line, as well as the Comintern now only served an “uncontrolled bureaucracy.”[94] That his aims were something other than mass education and the acceptance of a “tendency” within the Bolshevik party became clearer in 1933 when he wrote that, “No normal ‘constitutional’ ways remain to remove the ruling clique. The bureaucracy can be compelled to yield power into the hands of the proletariat only by force.”[95] What he was advocating was a palace coup that would remove Stalin with minimal disruption. This meant not “an armed insurrection against the dictatorship of the proletariat but the removal of a malignant growth upon it…” These would not be “measures of a civil war but rather the measures of a police character.”[96] The intent was unequivocal, and it appears disingenuous for Trotsky and his apologists to the present day to insist that nothing was meant other than for Trotskyism to be accepted as a “tendency” within the Bolshevik party that could debate the issues in parliamentary fashion.
If Trotsky was less than honest with the fawning Dewey Commission, the farcical “cross examination” by the Commission’s counsel was not going to expose it. Heaven forbid that Trotsky could lie to serve his own cause, and that he could be anything but a saintly figure. Certainly a less than deferential attitude toward Trotsky by Beals was sufficient to set the one objective commissioner at loggerhead with the others. Of the lie as a political weapon, Trotsky was explicit. Trotsky had written in 1938, the very year of the third Moscow Trial, an article chastising a grouplet of German Marxists for adhering to “bourgeoisie” notions of morality such as truthfulness. He stated, “that morality is a product of social development; that there is nothing invariable about it; that it serves social interests; that these interests are contradictory; that morality more than any other form of ideology has a class character.”[97]
Norms “obligatory upon all” become the less forceful the sharper the character assumed by the class struggle. The highest pitch of the class struggle is civil war which explodes into mid-air all moral ties between the hostile classes. … This vacuity in the norms obligatory upon all arises from the fact that in all decisive questions people feel their class membership considerably more profoundly and more directly than their membership in “society”. The norms of “obligatory” morality are in reality charged with class, that is, antagonistic content. … Nevertheless, lying and violence “in themselves” warrant condemnation? Of course, even as does the class society which generates them. A society without social contradictions will naturally be a society without lies and violence. However there is no way of building a bridge to that society save by revolutionary, that is, violent means. The revolution itself is a product of class society and of necessity bears its traits. From the point of view of “eternal truths’ revolution is of course “anti-moral.” … It remains to be added that the very conception of truth and lie was born of social contradictions.[98]
Given the lengthy ideological discourse on the value of the lie and the relativity of morality, it is absurd to rely on any statement Trotsky and his followers make about anything. He lied and obfuscated to the Dewey Commission in the knowledge that he was among friends.
Kirov's Murder
The year after Trotsky’s ultimatum to the Politburo (1934) the popular functionary Kirov was murdered. Trotsky’s view of Kirov was not sympathetic, calling him a “rude satrap [whose killing] does not call forth any sympathy.”[99] The consensus now seems to be that Stalin arranged for the murder of Kirov to blame the opposition as justification for launching a murderous purge against his rivals. For example Robert Conquest states that Kirov was a moderate and a popular rival to Stalin, whose murder was both a means of eliminating a rival and of launching a purge.[100] Not only Trotskyites and eminent historians such as Conquest share this view, but also it was implied by Khrushchev during his 1956 “secret address” to the 20th Congress of the Communist Party.[101] After Stalin’s death several Soviet administrations undertook investigations to try and uncover definitive evidence against him.
The original source for the accusations against Stalin regarding Kirov seems to have been an anonymous “Letter of an Old Bolshevik” published in 1937.[102] It transpired that the “Old Bolshevik” was a Menshevik, Boris Nicolaevsky, who claimed that his information came from Bukharin when the latter was in Paris in 1936. In 1988 Bukharin’s widow published a book on her late husband in which she denied that any such discussions had taken place between Bukharin and Nicolaevsky, and considered the “Letter” to be a “spurious document.”[103]
In 1955 the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party commissioned P N Pospelov, the Secretary of the Central Committee, to investigate Stalinist repression. It had been the opinion of the party by this time that Stalin had been behind the murder of Kirov. Another commission of enquiry was undertaken in 1956. Neither found evidence that Stalin had a hand in the Kirov killing but the findings were not released by Khrushchev, former foreign minister Molotov remarking of the 1956 enquiry: “The commission concluded that Stalin was not implicated in Kirov’s assassination. Khrushchev refused to have the findings published since they didn’t serve his purpose.”[104] As recently as 1989 the USSR was still making efforts to implicate Stalin, and a Politburo Commission headed by A Yakovlev was set up. The two year enquiry concluded that: “In this affair no materials objectively support Stalin’s participation or NKVD participation in the organisation and carrying out of Kirov’s murder.”[105] The findings of this enquiry were not released either.
J Arch Getty writes of the circumstances of the Kirov murder that the OGPU and the NKVD had infiltrated opposition groups and there had been sufficient evidence obtained to consider that the so-called Zinovievites were engaged in dangerous underground activity. Stalin consequently regarded this group as being behind the assassin, Nikolayev. Although their former followers were being rounded up, Pravda announced on December 23, 1934 that there was “insufficient evidence to try Zinoviev and Kamenev for the crime.”[106] When the trial against this bloc did occur two years later it was after many interrogations, and was therefore no hasty process. From the interrogations relative to the Kirov assassination Stalin found out about the continued existence of the Opposition bloc that focused partly around Zinoviev. Vadim Rogovin, a Professor at the Russian Academy of Sciences, wrote that Kamenev and Zinoviev had rejoined Trotsky and formed “the anti-Stalinist bloc in June 1932,” although Trotsky had maintained to the Dewey Commission and subsequently, that no such alliance existed and that he had nothing but contempt for Zinoviev and Kamenev. Rogovin, a Trotskyite academic having researched the Russian archives, stated:
Only after a new wave of arrests following Kirov’s assassination, after interrogations and reinterrogations of dozens of Oppositionists, did Stalin receive information about the 1932 bloc, which served as one of the main reasons for organizing the Great Purge.[107]
In 1934 Yakov Agranov, temporary head of the NKVD in Leningrad, had found connections between the assassin Nikolayev and leaders of the Leningrad Komsomol at the time of Zinoviev’s authority over the city. The most prominent was I I Kotolynov, whom Robert Conquest states “had, in fact, been a real oppositionist.”[108] Kotolynov, a “Zinovievite,” was among those of the so-called “Leningrad terrorist center” found guilty in 1934 of the death of Kirov. The investigation had been of long duration and the influence of Zinoviev’s followers had been established. However, there was considered to be insufficient evidence to charge Zinoviev and Kamenev.[109]
In 1935 other evidence came to light showing that Zinoviev and Kamenev were aware of the “terrorist sentiments” in Leningrad, which they had “inflamed.”[110] While several trials associated with the Kirov killing took place in 1935, in 1936 sufficient evidence had accrued to begin the first of the so-called “Moscow Trials,” of the “Trotsky -Zinoviev Terrorist Center,” including Trotsky and his son Sedov, who were tried in absentia. The defendant Sergei Mrachovsky testified that at the end of 1932 that a terrorist bloc was formed between the Trotskyites and the Zinovievites, stating:
That in the second half of 1932 the question was raised of the necessity of uniting the Trotskyite terrorist group with the Zinovievites. The question of this unification was raised by I N Smirnov… In the autumn of 1932 a letter was received from Trotsky in which he approved the decision to unite with the Zinovievites… Union must take place on the basis of terrorism, and Trotsky once again emphasised the necessity of killing Stalin, Voroshiloy and Kirov... The terrorist bloc of the Trotskyites and the Zinovievites was formed at the end of 1932.[111]
Despite the condemnation that such testimony has received from academia and media, this at least precisely accords with the relatively recent findings of the Trotskyite academic Prof. Rogovin, and the letter from Trotsky sent to Radek et al, in 1932, referred to by J Arch Getty. The Kirov investigations, which were a prelude to the Moscow Trials, were carefully undertaken. When there was still insufficient evidence against Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev et al, this was conceded by the party press. When testimony was obtained implicating the leaders of an opposition bloc, this testimony has transpired to have conformed to what has come to light quite recently in both the Kremlin archives and the Trotsky papers at Harvard.
Rogovin’s Findings
The reality of the Opposition bloc in relation to the Moscow Trials was the theme of a lecture by Prof. Rogovin at Melbourne University in 1996. The motive of Rogovin was to present Trotskyism as having been an effective opposition within Stalinist Russia, and therefore he departs from the usual Trotskyite attitude of denial, stating:
. . . This myth says that virtually the entire population of the Soviet Union was reduced to a stunned silence by the terror, and either said nothing about the repression, or blindly believed in and supported the terror. This myth also claims that the victims of the repression were completely innocent of any crimes, including opposition to Stalin. They were, instead, victims of Stalin’s excessive paranoia. Since there was no serious opposition to the regime of Stalin, according to this myth, the victims were not guilty of such opposition.[112]
Rogovin alludes to anti-Stalinist leaflets that were being widely distributed in the USSR as late as 1938, calling for a “struggle against Stalin and his clique.” Rogovin also however states that there was much more to the opposition than isolated incidents of leaflet distribution:
Of course these are isolated incidents, but prior to the unleashing of the Great Terror there was a much more widespread, more serious, and well-organised opposition to Stalinism as a regime which had veered ever more widely away from the ideals of socialism.
This battle against Stalin began back in 1923 with the formation of the Left Opposition. The inner party struggle unfolded in ever sharper form throughout the 20s.
Thousands and thousands of communists took part in this opposition, openly in the early days and then, after opposition groups were banned, in illegal underground forms against the abolition of party democracy by the Stalinist party clique.
In 1932 the Opposition coalesced, “the old opposition groups” became more active, and “were joined by layers of newly-formed opposition groups.” Many representatives of the opposition groups that year began to discuss ways of uniting into an “anti-Stalinist bloc.” Rogovin states that the year previously Ivan Smirnov, one of the former leaders of the Left Opposition who had capitulated then returned to the opposition, went on an official trip to Berlin where he established contact with Trotsky’s son, Leon Sedov and discussed the need to “coordinate efforts between Trotsky and his son . . . .” What Rogovin states is in agreement with the supposedly forced confessions of the defendants at the Moscow Trials. J Arch Getty had also found similar material in the Trotsky Papers at Harvard, as previously referred to.
Rogovin states that it was only in 1935 and 1936, having assessed the information garnered from the Kirov investigation in 1934, that the secret police were able to find conclusive evidence on the existence of an anti-Stalinist bloc since 1932. “This was one of the main factors which drove Stalin to unleash the Great Terror,” states Rogovin, who also affirms the basis of the Stalinist accusations that “they did try to establish contact among themselves and fight for the overthrow of Stalin’s clique.”
Rogovin’s statements cannot be lightly dismissed. He was speaking as a sympathiser of Trotskyism, who had access to the Soviet archives in the writing of a six volume series on the political conflicts within the Communist Party SU and the Communist International between 1922 and 1940, of which Stalin’s Great Terror is volume four. On his sixtieth birthday in 1997, Rogovin received tribute from Trotskyite luminaries from Germany, Britain and the USA.[113]
Moscow Trials and the Comintern Pact
These events occurred at a time when the USSR was being encircled by hostile powers. War seemed inevitable, and the opposition bloc was of a type that any state in times of conflict could not afford to tolerate. The Anti-Comintern Pact was signed in 1936 between imperial Japan and Nazi Germany, forming an alliance of aggressive intent specifically aimed at the Soviet Union. While German expansion was ideologically based on annexing Russian territories,[114] the Moscow Trials and accusations against the Opposition bloc of complicity with foreign powers were taking place at a time when there was a likelihood of Japan also directing her expansion towards the USSR. The Japanese attacked the USSR in July 1938 and were halted at the Battle of Lake Khasan,[115] and although defeated, then moved in May 1939 into Mongolia up to the Khalkin Gol River.[116] The decisive victory of Russia here was enough to persuade the Japanese only then to re-direct their expansion into China and the Pacific.
From 1936, with the possibility of a two front war from expansionist powers which had joined in an overtly aggressive alliance, a more tolerant attitude by the Soviet regime against those who were advocating defeatism and discord, albeit couched in dialectical semantics about “defence of the degenerated workers’ state,” seems unrealistic, and was not even expected from the Western democracies in wartime, which went as far as classifying segments of their own populations as “enemy aliens” and interning them.[117]
Trotsky hoped that war would undermine the Stalinist regime and lead to a coup, just as World War I had produced a revolutionary situation. It is therefore disingenuous for Trotsky to insist that he was leading a “loyal opposition” that would defend a “degenerated workers’ state.” Trotsky had adopted a similar position in regard to World War I, contrary to the line insisted upon by Lenin,[118] in stating that he would support Russia’s continuation of the war against Germany, which made him the focus of British efforts via R H Bruce Lockhart, special agent to the British War Cabinet, to secure his support.[119] As Trotsky’s duplicity during World War I, and his close association with British Intelligence via R H Bruce Lockhart shows, Stalinist accusations of Trotskyite association with “foreign powers” was at least based on hard experience. Trotsky had shown himself willing to work with British intelligence during World War I in order to secure his own position to the point of defying Lenin.
Another important Moscow defendant, Karl Radek, had previously been an avid promoter of dialogue with the German extreme Right. Given that he was the living stereotype of an anti-Semitic caricature of what a “Jewish Bolshevik” was portrayed as being, there is nothing outlandish about the Stalinist allegation of oppositionists seeking alliances with Japan and Germany. Trotsky had been openly stating that a fascist war against the USSR would provide the revolutionary situation that would enable a coup against the Stalinist regime. Radek had eulogised before the Executive Committee of the Comintern in 1923, the “German Fascist” Schlageter, who had been executed by the French because of his resistance to the Ruhr occupation. Radek’s Bolshevik pitch was for an alliance with German “Fascism”: “We shall do all in our power to make men like Schlageter, who are prepared to go to their deaths for a common cause, not wanderers into the void, but wanderers into a better future for the whole of mankind…”[120] Given the situation confronting the Soviet Russia, form Japan and Germany, Stalin could not be complacent given the past actions of Radek, Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, and the intrigues of Smirnov and Holtzman et al.
While Trotsky claimed that in the event of war he was advocating the “defence of the degenerated workers’ state” on account of its nationalized economy, from the viewpoint of the Soviet regime, the Soviet Union could ill afford dissent and anti-state propaganda in the midst of war. Trotsky, despite his outrage at the allegation that he could play any part in assisting fascist or capitalist powers to invade the Soviet Union, nonetheless advocated a strategy that was to take advantage of the war to propagandise and subvert the Soviet Union to foment a revolutionary situation even among the armed forces, as the Bolsheviks had done during World War I:
We do not change our orientation. But suppose that Hitler turns his weapons to the East and invades the territories occupied by the Red Army ...? The Bolshevik-Leninists will combat Hitler, weapons in hand, but at the same time they will undertake a revolutionary propaganda against Stalin in order to prepare his overthrow at the next stage...[121]
With an attitude of the character openly stated by Trotsky, how tolerant was Stalin expected to be, in the face of extreme provocation at the time of immense internal and external problems? As will be shown below, when Trotsky was in authority, he did not possess any degree of toleration towards rivals and threats, both real and imagined, and did not flinch from having someone killed if it served his own agenda. Trotsky continued to call for a “revolutionary uprising” that implies something more than ‘educating the masses,” using class struggle phraseology to identify Stalin’s bureaucracy as a “class enemy”:
The Fourth International long ago recognized the necessity of overthrowing the bureaucracy by means of a revolutionary uprising of the toilers. Nothing else is proposed or can be proposed by those who proclaim the bureaucracy to be an exploiting “class.” The goal to be attained by the overthrow of the bureaucracy is the reestablishment of the rule of the Soviets, expelling from them the present bureaucracy . . . [122]
This was the nature of Trotsky’s continual call for the overthrow of the Soviet state as it was then constituted. Trotsky explained his position unequivocally in stating what he meant by ‘defending the Soviet state”:
This kind of “defense of the USSR” will naturally differ, as heaven does from earth, from the official defense which is now being conducted under the slogan: “For the Fatherland! For Stalin!” Our defense of the USSR is carried on under the slogan: “For Socialism! For the world revolution! Against Stalin!”[123]
How far could it be expected that Stalin should tolerate subversion and calls for the overthrow of his regime in the event of war with Japan and/or Germany? It is not a matter that was extended even to pacifists by the Western democracies during World War II, even in countries such as New Zealand who were relatively far form the war theatres. Additionally, the Western democracies did not even grant those confined for their pacifism the benefit of any legal proceedings; in contrast to the Moscow defendants, who were given full and public legal procedures according to the system of justice they had helped to create.
Moscow Trials in Accord with Soviet System
If the Trotskyites and their liberal and social democratic allies, as well as historians generally, regard the Moscow Trials as a modern-day “witch hunt,” it was one that proceeded in accordance with the system that Trotsky and the other defendants had fought to implement. The real source of the outrage comes from Stalin having outmanoeuvred his rivals, many such as Zinoviev and Kamenev having been opportunists who became the victims of their own system. Trotsky when in authority was as vehement about the need to eliminate saboteurs, plotters and conspirators as Stalin. Trotsky had stated in 1918: “By suppressing the Constituent Assembly the Soviets first and foremost broke politically the backbone of the intelligentsia’s sabotage. . . .We have broken the old sabotage and cleared out most of the old officials . . . .[124]
At this early period of the Bolshevik regime Trotsky was already alluding to “counter-revolutionary” plots within his own Red Army, yet when the same situation was suggested twenty years later in regard to Trotsky et al at the Moscow Trials, Trotsky fumed that any such suggestion was a lie. When Trotsky had the power he spoke and acted in ways that he and others – including mainstream historians – would describe as “Stalinism.” Trotsky wrote of these “plots”:
Running on ahead somewhat, I must mention that certain of our own Party comrades are afraid that the Army may become an instrument or a focus for counter-revolutionary plots. This danger, in so far as there is some justification for it, must compel us as a whole to direct our attention to the lower levels, to the rank-and-file soldiers of the Red Army. Here we can and must create a foundation such that any attempt to transform the Red Army into an instrument of counter-revolution will prove fruitless . . . . [125]
Yet it was precisely a strategy of Trotsky to try and form cadres within the Red Army, in particular during the course of war with Germany, which would enable him to reassume authority through a “police action” or coup that would replace the Stalinist apparatus.
Trotsky when in a position of authority was full of dark forebodings about sabotage and counter-revolution. One of the more shameful episodes was Trotsky’s falsifying evidence and fabricating charges against the commander of the Baltic Fleet, Aleksei Shchatsny. With impending capture of Helsingfors by German and Finnish White forces, and the order from the Commissariat of Naval Affairs under Trotsky to comply with the terms of the Brest-Litovsk Treaty, Shchatsny managed to get the Fleet to Kronstadt, a colossal achievement celebrated as the “Ice March of the Baltic Fleet.” Rabinowitch remarks of this: “Following this feat … He was now a popular hero, revered by the rank-and-file sailors as much as by his officers.”[126] However, the German threat to Kronstadt, Petrograd and the Baltic Fleet remained.[127] As German forces approached, there was a widespread belief that the Soviet authorities were complying with German demands and that Petrograd would be occupied. For the Soviet authorities in Moscow under Lenin and Trotsky the defence of Petrograd and of the Baltic Fleet were of secondary concern. [128]
Trotsky and Shchatsny were in conflict over Trotsky’s orders to scuttle the Baltic Fleet and demolish Fort Ino, “should the situation appear hopeless.” Shchatsny circulated Trotsky’s secret orders regarding the scuttling of the Fleet,[129] which put Trotsky in a poor light publicly. Trotsky protested indignantly at Shchatny’s trial, which he had instigated as a show trial against the acclaimed hero:
When, soon afterward, I received from Shchastny, who was at Kronstadt, a report that Fort Ino was, allegedly, threatened by a suddenly approaching German fleet, I replied, in conformity with my general directive, that, if the situation thus created became hopeless, the fort must be blown up. What did Shchastny do? He passed on this conditional directive in the form of a direct order from me for blowing up the fort, although there was no need for this to be done.[130]
Rabinowitch writes:
Information in Cheka and Naval archives indicates that Shchatsny was largely or wholly blameless in these matters, most importantly that he himself had prepared the fleet for demolition in the event of necessity and that his dissemination of Trotsky’s orders was less an effort to undermine Trotsky than a reflection of his close collaboration with the Baltic Fleet officer and sailor committees.[131]
Shchatsny submitted his resignation, but Trotsky refused it, ordered him to Moscow and,
set him up for arrest, and single-handedly organized an investigation, sham trial and death sentence on the spurious charge of attempting to overthrow the Petrograd Commune with the longer-term goal of overthrowing the Soviet republic.[132]
Trotsky condemned Shchatsny with allegations of “sowing panic,” “conspiracy,” having a “saviour” complex, and seeking power for himself:
Shchastny persistently and steadily deepened the gulf between the fleet and the Soviet power. Sowing panic, he steadily promoted his candidature for the role of savior. The vanguard of the conspiracy – the officers of the destroyer division – openly raised the slogan of a “dictatorship of the Baltic fleet.”
This was a definite political game – a great game, the goal of which was the seizure of power. When Messrs. Admirals and Generals start, during a revolution, to play their own personal political game, they must always be prepared to take responsibility for this game, if it should miscarry. Admiral Shchastny’s game has miscarried.[133]
Given the nature of Trotsky’s own agitation against the Stalinist regime, which includes a time when aggressive anti-Soviet powers were on the rise, a less deferential Dewey Commission might have asked of Trotsky, should he not “take responsibility for this game, if it should miscarry?” Trotsky in his own words had stated that his aim was the “seizure of power” through a palace coup, by infiltrating the police and armed forces. He had devoted years to agitating for the overthrow of the Soviet regime and creating a revolutionary organization for that purpose. Yet when faced with charges of the type that he had once trumped up against Shchastny in order to save have own position, Trotsky feigned great moral outage on the world stage, an outrage which extended beyond his own life and has had a permanent influence on the way much of the world perceives Russia, not only after the death of Stalin, but even after the demise of the USSR. Additionally, it appears that Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Radek, Bukharin, and the others had a fairer and more judicial hearing than that received by Shchastny; or the many summarily executed during the years when Trotsky had authority in the Soviet state.
What can also be said about the Moscow Trials was that the confessions of the defendants, which are generally criticized and ridiculed as being delivered by rote as if the product of intense brainwashing and even torture, were also completely in accord with Bolshevik methodology. The character of these confessions was not unique to the Stalinist regime, and was an innate part of the Bolshevik mentality. To admit guilt even in the most abject manner not only before the tribunal of the Soviets but before what many of the defendants regarded as the tribunal of history did not require torture or brainwashing. Of these abject confessions for example, during the 1936 trial Kamenev, stated:
For ten years, if not more, I waged a struggle against the Party, against the government of the land of Soviets, and against Stalin personally. In this struggle, it seems to me, I utilized every weapon in the political arsenal known to me - open political discussion, attempts to penetrate into factories and works, illegal leaflets, secret printing presses, deception of the Party, the organization of street demonstrations, conspiracy and, finally, terrorism.[134]
Zinoviev stated:
We entered into an alliance with Trotsky. We filled the place of the Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and white guards who could not come out openly in our country. We took the place of the terrorism of the Socialist-Revolutionaries. Not the pre-revolutionary terrorism which was directed against the autocracy, but the Right Socialist Revolutionaries’ terrorism of the period of the Civil War, when the S-R’s shot at Lenin. My defective Bolshevism became transformed into anti-Bolshevism, and through Trotskyism I arrived at fascism. Trotskyism is a variety of fascism, and Zinovievism is a variety of Trotskyism.[135]
If these confessions are looked at on their own merits, there is nothing outlandish about them. Rogovin has shown that there was such an Opposition bloc, that there were illegal printing presses operative; and Trotsky himself records the extent of the opposition, in alliance with Zinoviev and Kamenev, to the extent that they were able to mobilize thousands to disrupt the official October parades. While the Bolsheviks, whether Leninists or Stalinists or Trotskyites were, and are, rather loose with the smear-word “fascism” that is levelled at their opponents, “through Trotskyism” many did arrive at what was called in the USSR “fascism,” or more accurately avid support for US foreign policy during and after the Cold War, to the present time; to the point of Trotsky’s widow, Natalya Sedova, supporting the USA in Korea; and the entire Shachtmanite movement metamorphosing into anti-Sovietism and eventually the “neo-con” movement. The Stalinist analysis was in principle correct and prescient. History shows that the Stalinists saw in Trotskyism a movement that would end up being aligned with the most anti-Soviet elements, and there is nothing bizarre about the suspicion that Trotskyites and other oppositionists would seek alliance with actual “fascist” powers at a time when those powers were looking at for lebensraum. In the historical circumstances it would have been foolish for Stalin to ignore these trends, and to given them a tolerance that was not even accorded to “Christian pacifists” during World War II by the Western democracies, including those that were not in danger of invasion.
The abject natures of the defendants’ final pleas before the Court are comprehensible if we examine the Bolshevik method of self-criticism. They are prompted by an intense sense of self-guilt or shame regarding recognition of their own invidiousness when confronted with facts. Such abjectivity is not unheard of by murderers and others in the West in the present day. This could be called “The Judas Syndrome,” in regard to the legend of Judas having hanged himself in remorse for his betrayal of Christ.[136] Since 1929 the Soviet Union had embarked on a method known as Sama Kritica (“self-criticism”), which has its equivalent in the West known by such terms as “group therapy,” “sensitivity training” or “group encounters,” that became popular since the 1960s among corporations and government departments, in the USA especially, and has been promoted as therapeutic by “humanistic psychology.”[137] In the USSR in 1929 the slogan first appeared: “through Bolshevist self-criticism we will enforce the dictatorship of the proletariat.”[138] The population was divided into “collectives” of ten to twenty, who held meetings set in a circle where participants face one another, and each would undertake self-criticism and the confession of faults. However ‘self-criticism” was part of the Soviet system which was endorsed by Trotsky himself when he was in a position of authority, when he stated: “Without any doubt we are passing through a period of internal confusion, of great difficulty, and, what is most important, of self-criticism, which, let us hope, will lead to an inner cleansing and a new upsurge of the revolutionary movement.”[139] The abject nature of the confessions and final pleas of the Moscow defendants is hence not reliant on alleged threats, promises, torture or brainwashing. Trotsky was an advocate of “Marxist self-criticism” as early as 1904, at a time when he was closer to the Mensheviks. Robert Services comments on this: “outraging many Mensheviks he called for ‘Marxist self-criticism’ instead of ‘orthodox self-satisfaction.’”[140]
Stalin addressed the matter of “self-criticism” as a key Bolshevik mechanism eight years before the Moscow Trials. Writing in Pravda Stalin stated: “…As to self-criticism in our Party, its beginnings date back to the first appearance of Bolshevism in our country, to its very inception as a specific revolutionary trend in the working-class movement.”[141] Stalin also alluded to self-criticism appearing as a mechanism in 1904 in the Social Democratic party, quoting Lenin as stating, “self-criticism and ruthless exposure of its own shortcomings”[142] was a party method.
Indeed, as previously cited herein, Zinoviev had before the party Central Committee in July 1926, indulged in self-criticism, when he confessed that he had been wrong to have opposed Lenin and the Bolshevik coup in 1917 and to have opposed Trotsky, whose critique of the regime was correct. Hence, there was nothing new about the character of Zinoviev’s abjectivity at the Moscow Trial. He was a Judas who had been publicly exposed, like other defendants. Khrushchev’s “secret speech” to the Congress of the Communist Party in 1956, was a large-ranging example of “self-criticism.”[143]
The Moscow “Show Trials” operated within a system that had been created by those who became its victims. Within context they were therefore perfectly legitimate. The trials were undertaken during a time when aggressive powers had formed an alliance specifically aimed at the Soviet Union, against a background of intrigue long in the making by the defendants; in particular Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev.
While it is disingenuous for Trotsky and his sympathisers to have the Moscow Trials viewed according to Western legal principles when they did not themselves subscribe to those principles, just as inadequate are the Western historians and writers who neglect to consider the historical background against which they were taking place.
There was indeed an Opposition bloc that was working to overthrow Stalin, and given the times and circumstances Stalin could ill afford to adopt a more “liberal” attitude when even the Western democracies later interned their dissidents during World War II as potential “fifth columnists,” including conscientious objectors, on the scantiest evidence at best.
With the prospect of a revived Russian super-power the spectre of Stalin is again being evoked by Western news media, politicians and academics, as are comparisons between the Moscow Trials and the present Russian trials of “dissident” oligarchs who are heralded in the West as the heirs to the like of Bukharin and as victims of a renascent Stalinism.
[1] One of Trotsky’s publishers was Secker & Warburg, London, which published the Dewey Commission’s report, The Case of Leon Trotsky, in 1937. The proprietor, Fredric Warburg, was to become head of the British section of the CIA-sponsored, Cold War-era Congress for Cultural Freedom. (Frances Stonor Saunders, The Cultural Cold War : The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters (New York: The New Press, 2000), p. 111.
Trotsky’s Where is Britain going? was published in 1926 by George Allen & Unwin. His autobiography, My Life, was published by Charles Scribner’s Sons, New York, 1930. Stalin: an appraisal of the man and his influence, was published posthumously in 1946 by Harpers.
[2] The most salient example being the hagiographies by Isaac Deutscher, The Prophet Armed (1954), and The Prophet Unarmed: Trotsky 1921-1929 (1959), and The Prophet Outcast (Oxford University Press, 1963).
[3] K R Bolton, “Origins of the Cold War: How Stalin Foiled a New World Order,” Foreign Policy Journal, March 31, 2010,www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/origins-of-the-cold-war-how-stalin-foild-a-new-world-order/
Russian translation: “Origins of the Cold War,” Red Star, Russian Ministry of Defense, http://www.redstar.ru/2010/09/01_09/6_01.html
[4] K R Bolton, “Mikhail Gorbachev: Globalist Super-Star,” Foreign Policy Journal, April 3, 2011, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/04/03/
Russian translation: “Mikhail Gorbachev: Globalist Super-Star,” Perevodika, http://perevodika.ru/articles/18345.html
[5] Tony Halpin, “Vladimir Putin Praises Stalin for Creating a Super Power and Winning the War,” The Sunday Times, London, December 4, 2009, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/europe/article6943477.ece
[6] K R Bolton, “The Globalist Web of Subversion,” The Foreign Policy Journal, February 7, 2011, http://www.foreignpolicyjournal.com/2011/02/07/the-globalist-web-of-subversion/all/1
[7] Tony Halpin, op. cit.
[8] Armand Hammer, Witness to History (Kent: Coronet Books, 1987), p. 160. Here Hammer relates his discussion with Trotsky and how the Commissar wished to attract foreign capital. Hammer later laments that this all turned sour under Stalin.
[9] Richard B Spence, “Interrupted Journey: British intelligence and the arrest of Leon Trotsky, April 1917,” Revolutionary Russia, 13 (1), 2000, pp. 1-28.
Spence, “Hidden Agendas: Spies, Lies and Intrigue Surrounding Trotsky’s American Visit January-April 1917,” Revolutionary Russia, Vol. 21, No. 1., 2008.
[10] Peter Grosse, “Basic Assumptions,” Continuing The Inquiry: The Council on Foreign Relations from 1921 to 1996, (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006). The entire book can be read online at: Council on Foreign Relations: http://www.cfr.org/about/history/cfr/index.html
[11] The 1933 charges against employees of Metropolitan-Vickers, including six British engineers, accused of sabotage and espionage. M Sayers and A E Kahn, The Great Conspiracy Against Russia (London: Collett’s holdings, 1946), pp. 181-186.
[12] Brazil, Russia, India, China.
[13] K R Bolton, “Russia & China: An Approaching Conflict?,” The Journal of Social, Political & Economic Studies, Washington, Vol. 34, No. 2, Summer 2009.
[14] Center for Conservative Studies, Moscow State University, http://konservatizm.org/
[15] KR Bolton, “An ANZAC-Indo-Russian Alliance? Geopolitical Alternatives for New Zealand and Australia: Dugin’s ‘Eurasian’ Geopolitical Paradigm,” pp. 188-190, India Quarterly, Vol. 66, No. 2, 2010.
[16] Yuri Gavrilechk, “Days of anger: new era of revolutions,” International Affairs, April 1, 2011; http://en.interaffairs.ru/read.php?item=200
[17]Elena Ponomareva, “A strategy aimed at ruining Libya, International Affairs, March 21, 2011, http://en.interaffairs.ru/read.php?item=196
[18] Sergei Shashkov, “The theory of ‘manageable chaos’ put into practice,” International Affairs, March 1, 2011, http://en.interaffairs.ru/read.php?item=189
[19] George H W Bush, speech before US Congress, March 6, 1991.
[20] P Gregory, “ What Paul Gregory is writing about,” December 18, 2010, http://whatpaulgregoryisthinkingabout.blogspot.com/2010/12/stalin-putin-justice-bukharin.html
[21] Jack Kemp, et al, Russia’s Wrong Direction: What the United States Can and Should do, Independent Task Force Report no. 57(New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 2006) xi. The entire publication can be downloaded at: < http://www.cfr.org/publication/9997/>
[22] “Senator McCain on Khodorkovsky and US-Russia relations,” Free Media Online, December 18, 2010, http://www.govoritamerika.us/rus/?p=17995
[23] C Gershman, “The Fourth Wave: Where the Middle East revolts fit in the history of democratization—and how we can support them,” The New Republic, March 14, 2011. NED, http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-presentations-and-articles/the-fourth-wave
[24] “The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre,” Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., Report of Court Proceedings, “Indictment,” Moscow, August 19-24, 1936.
[25] Sidney Hook, “Reader Letters: The Moscow Trials,” Commentary Magazine, New York, August 1984, http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article/the-moscow-trials/
[26] Joseph E. Davies, Mission to Moscow (London: Gollancz, 1942), p. 26.
[27]. Ibid., p. 34.
[28] London Observer, August 23, 1936.
[29] Walter Duranty, “Proof of a Plot Expected,” New York Times, August 17, 1936, p. 2.
[30] Davies, op. cit., p. 35.
[31] Cited by A Vaksberg, Stalin’s Prosecutor: The Life of Andrei Vyshinsky (New York: Grove Weidenfeld, 1991), p. 123.
[32] D N Pritt, “The Moscow Trial was Fair,” Russia Today, 1936-1937. Sloanhttp://www.marxists.org/history/international/comintern/
[33] Ibid.
[34] Ibid.
[35] Tomsky had committed suicide.
[36] Pritt, op. cit.
[37] Jeremy Murray-Brown, “The Moscow Trials,” Commentary, August 1984, http://www.commentarymagazine.com/article/the-moscow-trials/
[38] Ibid.
[39] Sidney Hook, Commentary, ibid.
[40] K R Bolton, “Origins of the Cold War,” op. cit.
[41] Central Intelligence Agency, “Cultural Cold War: Origins of the Congress for Cultural Freedom, 1949-50,” https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/kent-csi/docs/v38i5a10p.htm#rft1
[42] For example, a position supported by leading US Trotskyite Max Shachtman, Shachtmanism metamorphosing into a virulent anti-Sovietism, and providing the impetus for the formation of the National Endowment for Democracy. Trotsky’s widow Natalya as early into the Cold War as 1951 wrote a letter to the Executive Committee of the Fourth International and to the US Socialist Workers Party (May 9) stating that her late husband would not have supported North Korea against the USA, and that it was Stalin who was the major obstacle to world socialism. “Out of the Shadows,” Time, June 18, 1951. “Natalya Trotsky breaks with the Fourth International,” http://www.marxists.de/trotism/sedova/english.htm
Given the many Trotskyites and Trotsky sympathizers such as Sidney Hook, who became apologists for US foreign policy against the USSR, it might be asked whether Stalin’s contention that Trotskyites would act as agents of foreign powers was prescient?
[43] George Novack, “‘Introduction,’ The Case of Leon Trotsky,” International Socialist Review, Vol. 29, No.4, July-August 1968, pp.21-26.
[44] Ibid.
[45] “Russia: Trotsky and Woe,” Time, January 11, 1937. http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,757254,00.html
[46] Novack, op. cit.
[47] Descriptions by Novack.
See also: John Dewey, Jo Ann Boydston, John J McDermot, John Dewey: The Later Works, (Southern Illinois University, 2008) p. 640.
[48] Carleton Beals, “The Fewer Outsiders the Better: The Master Comes to Judgement,” Saturday Evening Post, 12 June 1937. http://www.revleft.com/vb/fewer-outsiders-better-t124508/index.html?s=37316b1a8beb93cba88ad37731a4779c&.
[49] Ibid.
[50] John Chamberlain, A Life with the Printed Word, (Chicago: Regnery, 1982), p. 65.
[51] Veteran British Trotskyite Tony Cliff laments of this phenomena: “The list of former Trotskyists who in their Stalinophobia turned into hard-line Cold War liberals is much longer.” Tony Cliff, “The Darker the Night the Brighter the Star, 1927-1940,” http://www.marxists.org/archive/cliff/works/1993/trotsky4/15-ww2.html
[52] The Freeman, August 13, 1951, http://mises.org/journals/oldfreeman/Freeman51-8.pdf
La Follette served as “managing editor,” (p. 2).
[53] K R Bolton, “America’s ‘World Revolution’: Neo-Trotskyist Foundations of U.S. Foreign Policy,” Foreign Policy Journal, May 3, 2010,
[54] Ibid.
[55] In 1950 Goldman declared himself to be a “right-wing socialist.” In 1952 he admitted collaborating with the FBI, and stated, “if I were younger I would gladly offer my services in Korea, or especially in Europe where I could do some good fighting the Communists.” A M Wald, The New York Intellectuals, (New York 1987), p. 287.
[56] “British Trotskyism in 1931,” Encyclopaedia of Trotskyism Online: Revolutionary History, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/revhist/backiss/vol1/no1/glotzer.html Glotzer was another of the Trotskyite veterans who became an ardent defender of the USA as the bulwark against Stalinism. He was prominent in the Social Democrats USA, whose honorary president was Sidney Hook.
[57] Gershman gave an eulogy at the “Albert Glotzer Memorial Service” in 1999. http://www.ned.org/about/board/meet-our-president/archived-presentations-and-articles/albert-glotzer-memorial-service
[58] John Dewey, Jo Ann Boydston, John J McDermot, op. cit., p. 641. Dewey is also shown here to have been in communication with American Trotskyite luminary Max Eastman.
[59] “Trotsky’s Trial,” Time, International Section, May 17, 1937.
[60] It would be a mistake nonetheless to see Time as an amiable pro-Soviet mouthpiece. Several months previously a lengthy Time article was scathing in its condemnation of the 1937 Moscow Trial and the confessions. “Old and New Bolsheviks,” Foreign News Section, Time, February 1, 1937. See also: “Russia: Lined With Despair,” Time, March 14, 1938.
[61] J Dewey, et al., The Case of Leon Trotsky: Report of Hearings on the Charges Made Against Him in the Moscow Trials by the Preliminary Commission of Inquiry into the Charges Made Against Trotsky in the Moscow Trials, “Point 6: The Resignation of Carleton Beals,” 1937. http://www.marxists.org/archive/
[62] Carleton Beals, op. cit.
[63] Ibid.
[64] J Arch Getty, “Trotsky in Exile: The Founding of the Fourth International,” Soviet Studies, Vol.38, No. 1, January 1986, pp. 24-35.
[65] Getty, ibid., Footnote 18, Trotsky Papers, 15821.
[66] As will be shown below, Prof. Rogovin, a Trotskyite who has studied the Soviet archives, quite recently sought to show that the Trotskyites were the focus of an important Opposition bloc since 1932.
[67] Beals, op. cit.
[68] Ibid.
[69] K R Bolton, personal observations and experiences with academics.
[70] Leon Trotsky, My Life (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1930), Chapter 42, “The Last Period of Struggle within the Party,” http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1930/mylife/ch42.htm
[71] Ibid.
[72] Verbatim Report of Central Committee, IV, p.33, cited by Trotsky at the “third session” of the Dewey Commission hearings. Trotsky alludes to this, writing: “Zinoviev and Kamenev openly avowed that the ‘Trotskyists’ had been right in the struggle against them ever since 1923.” Trotsky, ibid.
[73] Ibid.
[74] Ibid.
[75] Ibid.
[76] Ibid.
[77] The Case of Leon Trotsky, “Third Session,” April 12, 1937. http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1937/dewey/session03.htm
[78] Ibid.
[79] Vyshinsky, “Verbatim Report,” p. 464, quoted by Goldman, The Case of Leon Trotsky, op. cit.
[80] Vadim Rogovin, 1937: Stalin's Year of Terror ( Mehring Books, 1998), p. 63. Note: Mehring Books is a Trotskyite publishing house.
[81] R Sewell, “The Moscow Trials” (Part I), Socialist Appeal, March 2000, http://www.trotsky.net/trotsky_year/moscow_trials.html
[82] Social-Demokraten, September 1, 1936, p. 1.
[83] The Case of Leon Trotsky, “Fifth Session, April 13, 1937, http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1937/dewey/session05.htm
[84] Sven-Eric Holström, “New Evidence Concerning the ‘Hotel Bristol Question in the Fist Moscow Trial of 1936,” Cultural Logic, 2008, 6.2, “The Copenhagen Street Directory and Telephone Directory.”
[85] Ibid., 6.3, “Photographic evidence,” Figure 7.
[86] Getty, 1986, op. cit., p. 28.
[87] See: “Kirov Assassination” below.
[88] Trotsky, My Life, op. cit., Chapter 43.
[89] Trotsky, “A Letter to the Politburo,” March 15, 1933, Writings of Leon Trotsky (1932-33) (New York: Pathfinder Press) pp. 141-2.
[90] Ibid. “Renunciation of this programme is of course out of the question.”
[91] Ibid.
[92] “An Explanation,” May 13, 1933, Writings of Leon Trotsky (1932-33), ibid., p. 235.
[93] Trotsky, “Declaration to the Sixth Party Congress,” December 16, 1926, cited in Trotsky, My Life, op. cit., Chapter 44.
[94] Trotsky, “Nuzhno stroit' zanovo kommunistcheskie partii i International,” Bulletin of the Opposition, No. 36-37, p. 21, July 15, 1933.
[95] Trotsky, ‘Klassovaya priroda sovetskogo gosudarstava’, Bulletin of the Opposition, No. 36-37, October 1, 1933, pp. 1-12. At Moscow Vyshinsky cited this article as evidence that Trotsky advocated the violent overthrow of the Soviet state. The emphasis of the word “force” is Trotsky’s.
[96] Ibid.
[97] Trotsky, “Their Morals and Ours: In Memory of Leon Sedov,” The New International, Vol. IV, no. 6, June 1938, pp. 163-173, http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/
The New International was edited by Max Shachtman, whose post-Trotskyite line laid a basis for the “neo-con” movement and support of US foreign policy during the Cold War. It was a Shachtmanite, Tom Kahn, who established the National Endowment for Democracy, which proceeds with a US version of the “world revolution.” Another New International editor was James Burnham, who became a proto-“neo-con” luminary during the Cold War. Professor Sidney Hook, one of the instigators of the Dewey Commission, and a CIA operative who was instrumental in forming the Congress for Cultural Freedom, for which he was awarded the Congressional Medal of Freedom from President Reagan, was a contributor to The New International. (December 1934, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/
hook/1934/12/hess-marx.htm; April 1936, http://www.marxists.org/history/etol/writers/hook/
Albert Goldman, Trotsky’s lawyer at the Mexico Dewey hearings, was also a contributor.
[98] Ibid.
[99] Trotsky, “Their Morals and Ours,” op. cit.
[100] R Conquest, Stalin and the Kirov Murder (London; 1989).
[101] N S Khrushchev, “Secret Address at the Twentieth Party Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union,” February 1956; Henry M Christman (ed.) Communism in Action: a documentary history (New York: Bantam Books, 1969), pp. 176-177.
[102] “Letter of an Old Bolshevik: The Key to the Moscow Trials,” New York, 1937.
[103] Anna Larina Bukharina, Nezabyvaemoe (Moscow, 1989); This I Cannot Forget (London, 1993), p. 276.
[104] A. Resis (ed.) Molotov Remembers (Chicago: Ivan R Dee, 1993), p. 353.
[105] A. Yakovlev, ‘O dekabr'skoi tragedii 1934’, Pravda, 28th January, 1991, p. 3, “The Politics of Repression Revisited,” in J. Arch Getty and Roberta T. Manning (editors), Stalinist Terror: New Perspectives (New York, 1993), p. 46.
[106] J Arch Getty, Origins of the Great Purges: The Soviet Communist Party Reconsidered: 1933-1938 (Cambridge; 1985), p. 48.
[107] Vadim Rogovin, 1937: Stalin's Year of Terror ( Mehring Books, 1988), p. 64.
[108] R Conquest, The Great Terror: Stalin’s Purge of the Thirties (London, 1973), p. 86.
[109] J Arch Getty, op. cit., p. 209.
[110] The Crime of the Zinoviev Opposition (Moscow, 1935), pp. 33-41.
[111] Report of Court Proceedings: The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre (Moscow, 1936), pp. 41-42.
[112] Vadim Rogovin, “Stalin’s Great Terror: Origins and Consequences,” lecture, University of Melbourne, May 28, 1996. World Socialist Website: http://www.wsws.org/exhibits/1937/lecture1.htm
[113] http://www.wsws.org/exhibits/1937/title.htm
[114] A Hitler, Mein Kampf (London: Hurst and Blackett, 1939), Ch. 9, “Germany’s Policy in Eastern Europe,” pp. 533-541.
[115] Alvin D Coox, Nomonhan: Japan Against Russia, 1939 ( Stanford University Press, 1990), p.189.
[116] Amnon Sella, “Khalkhin-Gol: The Forgotten War,” Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 18, no.4, October 1983, pp. 651–87.
[117] For example, those of Italian and German descent, including even German-Jewish refugees fleeing Germany, were interned on Soames Island, in Wellington Harbour, New Zealand, as potential “enemy aliens.” Conscientious Objectors, none of whom were “fascists,” but mostly Christian pacifists, were harshly treated and interned in New Zealand, in “military defaulters’ camps.” See: W J Foote, Bread and Water: the escape and ordeal of two New Zealand World War II conscientious objectors (Wellington: Philip Garside Publishing, 2000). In Britain under Regulation 18B around 800 suspected potential “fifth columnists” and pacifists were interned without charge or trial, including many ex-servicemen, some on active duty, including some prominent figures such as Admiral Sir Barry Domvile, and Capt. A H M Ramsay, Member of Parliament, for having opposed war with Germany or for campaigning for a negotiated peace. See: Barry Domville, From Admiral to Cabin Boy (London: Boswell Publishing, 1947). The USA had its own “show trial” in 1944 called the “Sedition Trial” which took over seven months and ended in a mistrial of a disparate collection of individuals who had in some manner opposed US entry into the war. See: Lawrence Dennis and Maxmillian St George, A Trial on Trial (Washington: National Civil Rights Committee, 1945).
[118] “Calls people war weary. But Leo Trotsky says they do not want separate peace,” New York Times, March 16, 1917.
[119] Lockhart said of Trotsky, whom he was seeing on a daily basis that, “He considered that war was inevitable. If the Allies would send a promise of support, he informed me that he would sway the decision of the Government in favour of war. I sent several telegrams to London requesting an official message that would enable me to strengthen Trotsky’s hands. No message was sent.” R H Bruce Lockhart, British Agent (London: G P Putnam’s Sons, 1933), Book Four, “History From the Inside,” Chapter 3. http://www.gwpda.org/wwi-www/BritAgent/BA04a.htm .
[120] K Radek, “Leo Schlageter: The Wanderer into the Void,” Speech at a plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, June 1923.
[121] Trotsky, “The USSR in the War” (September 1939), The New International, New York, November 1939, Vol. 5, No. 11, pp. 325-332.
[122] Trotsky, “The USSR in the War: Are the Differences Political or Terminological?,” ibid.
[123] Trotsky, “The USSR in the War: We Do Not Change Our Course!”, ibid.
[124] Trotsky, The Military Writings of Leon Trotsky, “How the Revolution Armed,” Volume 1, 1918, “The Internal and External Situation of the Soviet Power in the Spring of 1918, Work, Discipline, Order;” Report to Moscow City Conference of the Russian Communist Party, March 28, 1918. http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1918/military/ch05.htm
[125] Ibid.
[126] Alexander Rabinowitch, The Bolsheviks in Power: The First Year of Soviet Rule in Petrograd (Indiana University Press, 2007), p. 238.
[127] Ibid., p. 238.
[128] Ibid., p. 242.
[129] Ibid., p. 243.
[130] Trotsky, The Military Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 1, “The First Betrayal,” http://www.marxists.org/archive/trotsky/1918/military/ch16.htm
[131] Rabinowitch, op. cit., p. 243.
[132] Ibid., p. 243.
[133] Trotsky, The Military Writings of Leon Trotsky, Vol. 1, “The First Betrayal,” op. cit.
[134] The Case of the Trotskyite-Zinovievite Terrorist Centre, Heard Before the Military Collegium of the Supreme Court of the U.S.S.R., “Last Pleas of Kamenev, Zinoviev, Smirnov, Olberg, Berman-Yurin, Holtzman, N. Lurye and M. Lurye,” August 23, 1936, (morning session). http://www.marxistsfr.org/history/ussr/government/law/1936/moscow-trials/index.htm
[135] Ibid.
[136] Matthew 27: 5.
[137] This “group therapy” and “sensitivity training” in the West has been described as an “institutional procedure of both coercive and informal persuasion.” Irving R Weschler and Edgar H Schein (ed.) Issues in Training, National Training Laboratories, National Education Association, Washington DC, 1962, Series 5, p. 47. The National Training Institute provided “sensitivity classes” for hundreds of State Department employees, including ambassadors, during the 1960s.
[138] William Fairburn, Russia – The Utopia in Chains, (New York: Nation Press Printing, 1931), p. 257.
[139] Trotsky, The Military Writings of Leon Trotsky, “How the Revolution Armed, op. cit.
[140] Robert Service, Trotsky: A Biography (London: Macmillan, 2009), p. 79.
[141] J V Stalin, “Against Vulgarising the Slogan of Self-Criticism,” Pravda, No. 146, June, 1928; J V Stalin Works (Moscow: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1954), Vol. 11, p. 133.
[142] Ibid.
[143] N S Khrushchev, op. cit.
Source: Foreign Policy Journal
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mardi, 04 octobre 2011
Alexandre Soljénitsyne sur "Apostrophes" - 11 avril 1975
Alexandre Soljénitsyne sur "Apostrophes" - 11 avril 1975
00:05 Publié dans Littérature | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : russie, soljénitsyne, littérature, lettres, lettres russes, littérature russe, dissidence, union soviétique, soviétisme, communisme | |
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jeudi, 08 septembre 2011
Le Yogi et le commissaire
Ex : http://zentropa.splinder.com/post/25473109/le-yogi-et-le-commissaire
Le yogi et le commissaireFutur auteur de Le zéro et l’infini, Arthur Koestler avait joué un rôle important dans la guerre d’Espagne comme agent du Komintern. Par ses écrits, il avait donné le ton d’une propagande antifranquiste qui a perduré. Plus tard, ses déceptions firent de lui un critique acéré du stalinisme. À l’été 1942, il publia un texte qui marquait sa rupture : Le yogi et le commissaire. Deux théories, écrivait-il, prétendent libérer le monde des maux qui l’accablent. La première, celle du commissaire (communiste) prône la transformation par l’extérieur. Elle professe que tous les maux de l’humanité, y compris la constipation, peuvent et doivent être guéris par la révolution, c’est-à-dire par la réorganisation du système de production. À l’opposé, la théorie du yogi pense qu’il n’y a de salut qu’intérieur et que seul l’effort spirituel de l’individu, les yeux sur les étoiles, peut sauver le monde. Mais l’histoire, concluait Koestler, avait consacré la faillite des deux théories. La première avait débouché sur les pires massacres de masse et la seconde conduisait à tout supporter passivement. C’était assez bien vu et totalement désespérant.
C’était bien vu à une réserve près. Pourquoi fallait-il donc « sauver » le monde ? Et le sauver de quoi au juste ? La réponse était dans la vieille idée de la Chute et dans celle, plus récente, du Progrès. L’une et l’autre impliquaient l’idée de salvation. Si les théories opposées du yogi et du commissaire avaient fait tant d’adeptes au XXe siècle en Occident, c’est qu’on avait pris l’habitude depuis longtemps de penser la vie en termes de rédemption ou d’émancipation.
Il n’en avait pas toujours été ainsi. La Grèce antique, par exemple, avait une approche toute différente, assez voisine de celle du Japon traditionnel. Nulle intention de changer le monde, mais la volonté de construire et de conduire sa vie en visant l’excellence. C’était une forme de spiritualité vécue dans l’immanence, mais on ne le savait pas. Elle avait sa source dans l’œuvre d’Homère que Platon appelait « l’éducateur de la Grèce ». Homère avait exprimé un idéal éthique, celui du kalos kagathos, l’homme beau et noble. Idéal aristocratique qui devint celui de tous les Grecs à l’époque classique. Seulement, cet idéal n’a jamais été regardé comme une spiritualité. Au contraire, les philosophes l’ont souvent dénigré en laissant entendre que seules leurs spéculations conduisaient à la sagesse.
En dépit de tout, pourtant, cet idéal n’a pas cessé d’irriguer une part essentielle du comportement européen le plus noble, mais jamais de façon explicite. Lacune due notamment à un parfait contresens sur l’idée de spiritualité.
Il faut comprendre que la spiritualité ne se confond pas avec les mystiques du vide. Elle est indépendante du surnaturel. Elle est ce qui élève au-dessus de la matérialité brute et de l’utilitaire, donnant un sens supérieur à ce qu’elle touche. Les pulsions sexuelles appartiennent à la matérialité, tandis que l’amour est spiritualité. Le travail, au-delà du désir légitime de rémunération, s’il a le gain pour seule finalité, patauge dans le matérialisme, alors que, vécu comme accomplissement, il relève de la spiritualité. Autrement dit, ce qui importe n’est pas ce que l’on fait, mais comment on le fait. Viser l’excellence de façon gratuite, pour la beauté qu’elle apporte et qu’elle fonde, est la forme européenne de la spiritualité, qu’il s’agisse de l’embellissement de la demeure par la maîtresse de maison, de l’abnégation du soldat ou du dressage équestre.
Ces réflexions peuvent sembler futiles face aux grands enjeux historiques de notre temps. En réalité, la spiritualité et son contraire commandent largement ces derniers. À la différence des animaux, les hommes ne sont pas programmés par l’instinct. Leur comportement dépend de leurs représentations morales, religieuses ou idéologiques, donc spirituelles.
Faute d’avoir été formulée, reconnue et revendiquée, l’authentique spiritualité européenne est ignorée. Et plus on avance dans l’ère de la technique triomphante, plus elle est masquée par un matérialisme étouffant. D’où l’attrait illusoire pour les spiritualités orientales, le « yogi » comme disait Koestler. Pour renaître, ce n’est pourtant ni sur les bord du Gange ni au Tibet que les Européens se laveront des souillures de l’époque, mais à leurs propres sources.
► Dominique Venner.
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dimanche, 14 août 2011
Zinoviev's Homo Sovieticus: Communism as Social Entropy
Zinoviev’s “Homo Sovieticus”: Communism as Social Entropy
Tomislav Sunic
Ex: http://freespeechproject.com/
Students and observers of communism consistently encounter the same paradox: On the one hand they attempt to predict the future of communism, yet on the other they must regularly face up to a system that appears unusually static. At Academic gatherings and seminars, and in scholarly treatises, one often hears and reads that communist systems are marred by economic troubles, power sclerosis, ethnic upheavals, and that it is only a matter of time before communism disintegrates. Numerous authors and observers assert that communist systems are maintained in power by the highly secretive nomenklatura, which consists of party potentates who are intensely disliked by the entire civil society. In addition, a growing number of authors argue that with the so-called economic linkages to Western economies, communist systems will eventually sway into the orbit of liberal democracies, or change their legal structure to the point where ideological differences between liberalism and communism will become almost negligible.
The foregoing analyses and predictions about communism are flatly refuted by Alexander Zinoviev, a Russian sociologist, logician, and satirist, whose analyses of communist systems have gained remarkable popularity among European conservatives in the last several years.
According to Zinoviev, it is impossible to study communist systems without rigorous employment of appropriate methodology, training in logic, and a construction of an entirely new conceptual approach. Zinoviev contends that Western observers of communism are seriously mistaken in using social analyses and a conceptual framework appropriate for studying social phenomena in the West, but inappropriate for the analysis of communist systems. He writes:
A camel cannot exist if one places upon it the criteria of a hippopotamus. The opinion of those in the West who consider the Soviet society unstable, and who hope for its soon disintegration from within (aside that they take their desires for realities), is in part due to the fact that they place upon the phenomenon of Soviet society criteria of Western societies, which are alien to the Soviet society.
Zinoviev’s main thesis is that an average citizen living in a communist system -- whom he labels homo sovieticus -- behaves and responds to social stimuli in a similar manner to the way his Western counterpart responds to stimuli of his own social landscape. In practice this means that in communist systems the immense majority of citizens behave, live, and act in accordance with the logic of social entropy laid out by the dominating Marxist ideology. Contrary to widespread liberal beliefs, social entropy in communism is by no means a sign of the system’s terminal illness; in fact it is a positive sign that the system has developed to a social level that permits its citizenry to better cope with the elementary threats, such as wars, economic chaos, famines, or large-scale cataclysms. In short, communism is a system whose social devolution has enabled the masses of communist citizens to develop defensive mechanisms of political self-protection and indefinite biological survival. Using an example that recalls Charles Darwin and Konrad Lorenz, Zinoviev notes that less-developed species often adapt to their habitat better than species with more intricate biological and behavioral capacities. On the evolutionary tree, writes Zinoviev, rats and bugs appear more fragile than, for example, monkeys or dinosaurs, yet in terms of biological survivability, bugs and rats have demonstrated and astounding degree of adaptability to an endlessly changing and threatening environment. The fundamental mistake of liberal observers of communism is to equate political efficiency with political stability. There are political stability. There are political systems that are efficient, but are at the same time politically unstable; and conversely, there are systems which resilient to external threats. To illustrate the stability of communist systems, Zinoviev writes:
A social system whose organization is dominated by entropic principles possesses a high level od stability. Communist society is indeed such a type of association of millions of people in a common whole in which more secure survival, for a more comfortable course of life, and for a favorable position of success.
Zinoviev notes that to “believe in communism” by no means implies only the adherence to the ruling communist elite of the unquestionable acceptance of the communist credo. The belief in communism presupposes first and foremost a peculiar mental attitude whose historical realization has been made possible as a result of primordial egalitarian impulses congenial to all human beings. Throughout man’s biocultural evolution, egalitarian impulses have been held in check by cultural endeavors and civilizational constraints, yet with the advent of mass democracies, resistance to these impulses has become much more difficult. Here is how Zinoviev sees communism:
Civilization is effort; communality is taking the line if least resistance. Communism is the unruly conduct of nature’s elemental forces; civilization sets them rational bounds.
It is for this reason that it is the greatest mistake to think that communism deceives the masses or uses force on them. As the flower and crowning glory of communality, communism represents a type of society which is nearest and dearest to the masses no matter how dreadful the potential consequences for them might be.
Zinoviev refutes the widespread belief that communist power is vested only among party officials, or the so-called nomenklatura. As dismal as the reality of communism is, the system must be understood as a way of life shared by millions of government official, workers, and countless ordinary people scattered in their basic working units, whose chief function is to operate as protective pillars of the society. Crucial to the stability of the communist system is the blending of the party and the people into one whole, and as Zinoviev observes, “the Soviet saying the party and the people are one and the same, is not just a propagandistic password.” The Communist Party is only the repository of an ideology whose purpose is not only to further the objectives of the party members, but primarily to serve as the operating philosophical principle governing social conduct. Zinoviev remarks that Catholicism in the earlier centuries not only served the Pope and clergy; it also provided a pattern of social behavior countless individuals irrespective of their personal feelings toward Christian dogma. Contrary to the assumption of liberal theorists, in communist societies the cleavage between the people and the party is almost nonexistent since rank-and-file party members are recruited from all walks of life and not just from one specific social stratum. To speculate therefore about a hypothetical line that divides the rulers from the ruled, writes Zinoviev in his usual paradoxical tone, is like comparing how “a disemboweled and carved out animal, destined for gastronomic purposes, differs from its original biological whole.”
Admittedly, continues Zinoviev, per capita income is three to four times lower than in capitalist democracies, and as the daily drudgery and bleakness of communist life indicates, life under communism falls well short of the promised paradise. Yet, does this necessarily indicate that the overall quality in a communist society is inferior to that in Western countries? If one considers that an average worker in a communist system puts in three to four hours to his work (for which he usually never gets reprimanded, let alone fears losing his job), then his earnings make the equivalent of the earnings of a worker in a capitalist democracy. Stated in Marxist terminology, a worker in a communist system is not economically exploited but instead “takes the liberty” of allocating to himself the full surplus value of his labor which the state is unable to allocate to him. Hence this popular joke, so firmly entrenched in communist countries, which vividly explains the longevity of the communist way of life: “Nobody can pay me less than as little as I can work.”
Zinoviev dismisses the liberal reductionist perception of economics, which is based on the premise that the validity or efficiency of a country is best revieled by it high economic output or workers’ standard of living. In describing the economics of the Soviet Union, he observes that “the economy in the Soviet Union continues to thrive, regardless of the smart analyses and prognoses of the Western experts, and is in fact in the process of becoming stronger.” The endless liberal speculations about the future of communism, as well as the frequent evaluations about whether capitalist y resulted in patent failures. The more communism changes the more in fact it remains the same. Yet, despite its visible shortcomings, the communist ideal will likely continue to flourish precisely because it successfully projects the popular demand for security and predictability. By contrast, the fundamental weakness of liberal systems is that they have introduced the principles of security and predictability only theoretically and legally, but for reasons of economic efficiency, have so far been unable to put them into practice. For Claude Polin, a French author whose analyses of communist totalitarianism closely parallel Zinoviev’s views, the very economic inefficiency of communism paradoxically, “provides much more chances to [sic] success for a much larger number of individuals than a system founded on competition and reward of talents.” Communism, in short, liberates each individual from all social effort and responsibility, and its internal stasis only reinforces its awesome political stability.
For Zinoviev, communist terror essentially operates according to the laws of dispersed communalism; that is, though the decentralization of power into the myriad of workers’ collectives. As the fundamental linchpins of communism, these collectives carry out not only coercive but also remunerative measures on behalf of and against their members. Upon joining a collective, each person becomes a transparent being who is closely scrutinized by his coworkers, yet at the same time enjoys absolute protection in cases of professional mistakes, absenteeism, shoddy work, and so forth. In such a system it is not only impossible but also counterproductive to contemplate a coup or a riot because the power of collectives is so pervasive that any attempted dissent is likely to hurt the dissenter more than his collective. Seen on the systemic level, Communist terror, therefore, does not emanate from one central source, but from a multitude of centers from the bottom to the top of society, whose foundations, in additions to myriad of collectives, are made up of “basic units,” brigades, or pioneer organizations. If perchance an individual or a group of people succeeds in destroying one center of power, new centers of power will automatically emerge. In this sense, the notion of “democratic centralism,” derided by many liberal observers as just another verbal gimmick of the communist meta-language, signifies a genuine example of egalitarian democracy -- a democracy in which power derives not from the party but from the people. Zinoviev notes:
Even if you wipe out half the population, the first thing that will be restored in the remaining half will be the system of power and administration. There, power is not organized to serve the population: the population is organized as a material required for the functioning of power.
Consequently, it does not appear likely that communism can ever be “improved,” at least not as Westerners understand improvement, because moral, political, and economic corruption of communism is literally spread throughout all pores of the society, and is in fact encouraged by the party elite on a day-to-day basis. The corruption among workers that takes the form of absenteeism, moonlighting, and low output goes hand in hand with corruption and licentiousness of party elite, so that the corruption of the one justifies and legitimatizes the corruption of the others. That communism is a system of collective irresponsibility is indeed not just an empty saying.
The corruption of language in communist societies is a phenomenon that until recently has not been sufficiently explored. According to an elaborate communist meta-language that Marxist dialecticians have skillfully developed over the last hundred years, dissidents and political opponents do not fall into the category of “martyrs,” or “freedom fighters” -- terms usually applied to them by Western well-wishers, yet terms are meaningless in the communist vernacular. Not only for the party elite, but for the overwhelming majority of people, dissidents are primarily traitors of democracy, occasionally branded as “fascist agents” or proverbial “CIA spies.” In any case, as Zinoviev indicates, the number of dissidents is constantly dwindling, while the number of their detractors is growing to astounding proportions. Moreover, the process of expatriation of dissidents is basically just one additional effort to dispose of undesirable elements, and thereby secure a total social consensus.
for the masses of citizens, long accustomed to a system circumventing al political “taboo themes,” the very utterance of the word dissident creates the feeling of insecurity and unpredictability. Consequently, before dissidents turn into targets of official ostracism and legal prosecution, most people, including their family members, will often go to great lengths to disavow them. Moreover, given the omnipotent and transparent character of collectives and distorted semantics, potential dissidents cannot have a lasting impact of society. After all, who wants to be associated with somebody who in the popular jargon is a nuisance to social peace and who threatens the already precarious socioeconomic situation of a system that has only recently emerged from the long darkness of terror? Of course, in order to appear democratic the communist media will often encourage spurious criticism of the domestic bureaucracy, economic shortages, or rampant mismanagement, but any serious attempt to question the tenets of economic determinism and the Marxist vulgate will quickly be met with repression. In a society premised on social and psychological transparency, only when things get out of hand, that is, when collectives are no longer capable of bringing a dissident to “his senses,” -- which at any rate is nowadays a relatively rare occurrence -- the police step in. Hence, the phenomenon of citizens’ self-surveillance, so typical of all communist societies, largely explains the stability of the system.
In conclusion, the complexity of the communist enigma remains awesome, despite some valid insights by sovietologists and other related scholars. In fact, one reason why the study of communist society is still embryonic may be ascribed to the constant proliferation of sovietologists, experts, and observers, who seldom shared a unanimous view of the communist phenomenon. Their true expertise, it appears, is not the analysis of the Soviet Union, but rather how to refute each other’s expertise on the Soviet Union. The merit of Zinoviev’s implacable logic is that the abundance of false diagnoses and prognoses of communism results in part from liberal’s own unwillingness to combat social entropy and egalitarian obsession on their own soil and within their own ranks. If liberal systems are truly interested in containing communism, they must first reexamine their own egalitarian premises and protocommunist appetites.
What causes communism? Why does communism still appear so attractive (albeit in constantly new derivatives) despite its obvious empirical bankruptcy? Why cannot purportedly democratic liberalism come to terms with its ideological opponents despite visible economic advantages? Probably on should first examine the dynamics of all egalitarian and economic beliefs and doctrines, including those of liberalism, before one starts criticizing the gulags and psychiatric hospitals.
Zinoviev rejects the notion that the Soviet of total political consolidation that can now freely permit all kinds of liberal experiments. After all, what threatens communism?
Regardless of what the future holds for communist societies, one must agree with Zinoviev that the much-vaunted affluence of the West is not necessarily a sign of Western stability. The constant reference to affluence as the sole criterion for judging political systems does not often seem persuasive. The received wisdom among (American) conservatives is that the United States must outgun or out spend the Soviet Union to convince the Soviets that capitalism is a superior system. Conservatives and others believe that with this show of affluence, Soviet leaders will gradually come to the conclusion that their systems is obsolete. Yet in the process of competition, liberal democracies may ignore other problems. If one settles for the platitude that the Soviet society is economically bankrupt, then one must also acknowledge that the United States is the world’s largest debtor and that another crash on Wall Street may well lead to the further appeal of various socialistic and pseudosocialist beliefs. Liberal society, despite its material advantages, constantly depends on its “self-evident” economic miracles. Such a society, particularly when it seeks peace at any price, may some day realize that there is also an impossibly high price to pay in order to preserve it.
[The World and I (Washington Times Co.), June, 1989]
Mr. Sunic, a former US professor and a former Croat diplomat, holds a Ph.D. in political science. He is the author of several books. He currently resides in Europe.
00:05 Publié dans Philosophie, Théorie politique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : philosophie, communisme, marxisme, soviétisme, union soviétique, alexandre zinoviev, urss, ère brejnev, théorie politique, tomislav sunic, politologie, sciences politiques | |
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mardi, 02 août 2011
Arnolt Bronnen: Entre o Communismo e o Nacional-Socialismo
Arnolt Bronnen: Entre o Comunismo e o Nacional-Socialismo
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samedi, 21 mai 2011
Croatie 1945: une nation décapitée
Christophe Dolbeau:
Croatie 1945: une nation décapitée
Particulièrement impitoyable, la guerre à laquelle fut confronté l’État Indépendant Croate entre 1941 et 1945 s’est achevée, en mai 1945, par l’ignoble massacre de Bleiburg (1). Tueries massives de prisonniers civils et militaires, marches de la mort, camps de concentration (2), tortures, pillages, tout est alors mis en œuvre pour écraser la nation croate et la terroriser durablement. La victoire militaire étant acquise (3), les communistes entreprennent, en effet, d’annihiler le nationalisme croate : pour cela, il leur faut supprimer les gens qui pourraient prendre ou reprendre les armes contre eux, mais aussi éliminer les « éléments socialement dangereux », c’est à dire la bourgeoisie et son élite intellectuelle « réactionnaire ». Pour Tito et les siens, rétablir la Yougoslavie et y installer définitivement le marxisme-léninisme implique d’anéantir tous ceux qui pourraient un jour s’opposer à leurs plans (4). L’Épuration répond à cet impératif : au nom du commode alibi antifasciste, elle a clairement pour objectif de décapiter l’adversaire. Le plus souvent d’ailleurs, on ne punit pas des fautes ou des crimes réels mais on invente toutes sortes de pseudo délits pour se débarrasser de qui l’on veut. Ainsi accuse-t-on, une fois sur deux, les Croates de trahison alors que personne n’ayant jamais (démocratiquement) demandé au peuple croate s’il souhaitait appartenir à la Yougoslavie, rien n’obligeait ce dernier à lui être fidèle ! Parallèlement, on châtie sévèrement ceux qui ont loyalement défendu leur terre natale, la Croatie. De nouvelles lois permettent de s’affranchir des habituelles lenteurs judiciaires : lorsqu’on n’assassine pas carrément les gens au coin d’un bois, on les défère devant des cours martiales qui sont d’autant plus expéditives que les accusés y sont généralement privés de défense et contraints de plaider coupable…
Émanant d’un pouvoir révolutionnaire, aussi illégal qu’illégitime, cette gigantesque purge n’est pas seulement une parodie de justice mais c’est aussi une véritable monstruosité : en fait, on liquide des milliers d’innocents, uniquement parce qu’ils sont croates ou parce qu’on les tient pour idéologiquement irrécupérables et politiquement gênants. Au démocide (5) aveugle et massif qu’incarnent bien Bleiburg et les Marches de la Mort s’ajoute un crime encore plus pervers, celui que le professeur Nathaniel Weyl a baptisé aristocide et qui consiste à délibérément priver une nation de son potentiel intellectuel, spirituel, technique et culturel (« J’ai utilisé ce terme (aristocide) », écrit l’universitaire américain, « pour évoquer l’extermination de ce que Thomas Jefferson appelait ‘l’aristocratie naturelle des hommes’, celle qui repose sur ‘la vertu et le talent’ et qui constitue ‘le bien le plus précieux de la nature pour l’instruction, l’exercice des responsabilités et le gouvernement d’une société’. Jefferson estimait que la conservation de cette élite était d’une importance capitale »)-(6). Dans cette perspective, les nouvelles autorités ont quatre cibles prioritaires, à savoir les chefs militaires, les leaders politiques, le clergé et les intellectuels.
Delenda est Croatia
Au plan militaire et contrairement à toutes les traditions de l’Europe civilisée, les communistes yougoslaves procèdent à l’élimination physique de leurs prisonniers, surtout s’ils sont officiers. Pour la plupart des cadres des Forces Armées Croates, il n’est pas question de détention dans des camps réservés aux captifs de leur rang, comme cela se fait un peu partout dans le monde (et comme le faisait le IIIe Reich…). Pour eux, ce sont des cachots sordides, des violences et des injures, des procédures sommaires et au bout du compte, le gibet ou le poteau d’exécution. Il n’y a pas de circonstances atténuantes, aucun rachat n’est offert et aucune réinsertion n’est envisagée. Près de 36 généraux (7) sont ainsi « officiellement » liquidés et une vingtaine d’autres disparaissent dans des circonstances encore plus obscures. Colonels, commandants, capitaines, lieutenants et même aspirants – soit des gens d’un niveau culturel plutôt plus élevé que la moyenne – font l’objet d’un traitement spécialement dur et le plus souvent funeste. De cette façon, plusieurs générations de gens robustes et éduqués sont purement et simplement supprimées. Leur dynamisme, leur courage et leurs capacités feront cruellement défaut…
Vis-à-vis du personnel politique non-communiste, les méthodes d’élimination sont tout aussi radicales. Les anciens ministres ou secrétaires d’État de la Croatie indépendante, tout au moins ceux que les Anglo-Saxons veulent bien extrader (8), sont tous rapidement condamnés à mort et exécutés (9). Les « tribunaux » yougoslaves n’établissent pas d’échelle des responsabilités et n’appliquent qu’une seule peine. Disparaissent dans cette hécatombe de nombreux hommes cultivés et expérimentés, certains réputés brillants (comme les jeunes docteurs Julije Makanec, Mehmed Alajbegović et Vladimir Košak), et dont beaucoup, il faut bien le dire, n’ont pas grand-chose à se reprocher. Leur honneur est piétiné et la nation ne bénéficiera plus jamais de leur savoir-faire. (Remarquons, à titre de comparaison, qu’en France, la plupart des ministres du maréchal Pétain seront vite amnistiés ou dispensés de peine). La même vindicte frappe la haute fonction publique : 80% des maires, des préfets et des directeurs des grands services de l’État sont assassinés, ce qui prive ex abrupto le pays de compétences et de dévouements éprouvés. On les remplacera au pied levé par quelques partisans ignares et l’incurie s’installera pour longtemps. Moins brutalement traités (encore que plusieurs d’entre eux se retrouvent derrière les barreaux, à l’instar d’August Košutić ou d’Ivan Bernardic) mais tenus pour de dangereux rivaux, les dirigeants du Parti Paysan sont eux aussi irrémédiablement exclus de la scène politique ; leur formation politique, la plus importante du pays, est dissoute, tout comme les dizaines de coopératives et d’associations, sociales, culturelles, syndicales ou professionnelles, qui en dépendent… Coupé de ses repères traditionnels, le monde rural est désormais mûr pour la socialisation des terres et pour les calamiteuses « zadrougas » que lui impose l’omnipotente bureaucratie titiste.
Mort aux « superstitions »
Convaincus en bons marxistes que la religion est une superstition et que c’est bien « l’opium du peuple », les nouveaux dirigeants yougoslaves témoignent à l’égard des églises d’une hargne morbide. Les deux chefs de l’Église Orthodoxe Croate, le métropolite Germogen et l’éparque Spiridon Mifka sont exécutés ; âgé de 84 ans, le premier paie peut-être le fait d’avoir été, autrefois, le grand aumônier des armées russes blanches du Don… Du côté des évangélistes, l’évêque Filip Popp est lui aussi assassiné ; proche des Souabes, il était devenu encombrant… Vis-à-vis des musulmans, la purge n’est pas moins implacable : le mufti de Zagreb, Ismet Muftić, est publiquement pendu devant la mosquée (10) de la ville, tandis que dans les villages de Bosnie-Herzégovine, de nombreux imams et hafiz subissent un sort tout aussi tragique. Mais le grand ennemi des communistes demeure sans conteste l’Église Catholique contre laquelle ils s’acharnent tout particulièrement (11). Au cours de la guerre, le clergé catholique avait déjà fait l’objet d’une campagne haineuse, tant de la part des tchetniks orthodoxes que des partisans athées. Des dizaines de prêtres avaient été tués, souvent dans des conditions atroces comme les Pères Juraj Gospodnetić et Pavao Gvozdanić, tous deux empalés et rôtis sur un feu, ou les Pères Josip Brajnović et Jakov Barišić qui furent écorchés vifs (12). À la « Libération », cette entreprise d’extermination se poursuit : désignés comme « ennemis du peuple » et « agents de la réaction étrangère », des centaines de religieux sont emprisonnés et liquidés (13), les biens de l’Église sont confisqués et la presse confessionnelle interdite. « Dieu n’existe pas » (Nema Boga) récitent désormais les écoliers tandis que de son côté, l’académicien Marko Konstrenčić proclame fièrement que « Dieu est mort » (14). Au cœur de cette tempête anticléricale, la haute hiérarchie n’échappe pas aux persécutions : deux évêques (NN.SS. Josip Marija Carević et Janko Šimrak) meurent aux mains de leurs geôliers ; deux autres (NN.SS. Ivan Šarić et Josip Garić) doivent se réfugier à l’étranger ; l’archevêque de Zagreb (Mgr Stepinac) est condamné à 16 ans de travaux forcés et l’évêque de Mostar (Mgr Petar Čule) à 11 ans de détention. D’autres prélats (NN.SS. Frane Franić, Lajčo Budanović, Josip Srebrnić, Ćiril Banić, Josip Pavlišić, Dragutin Čelik et Josip Lach) sont victimes de violentes agressions (coups et blessures, lapidation) et confrontés à un harcèlement administratif constant (15). En ordonnant ou en couvrant de son autorité ces dénis de justice et ces crimes, le régime communiste entend visiblement abolir la religion et anéantir le patrimoine spirituel du peuple croate. Odieuse en soi, cette démarche totalitaire n’agresse pas seulement les consciences mais elle participe en outre de l’aristocide que nous évoquions plus haut car elle prive, parfois définitivement, le pays de très nombreux talents et de beaucoup d’intelligence. Au nombre des prêtres sacrifiés sur l’autel de l’athéisme militant, beaucoup sont, en effet, des gens dont la contribution à la culture nationale est précieuse, voire irremplaçable (16).
Terreur culturelle
Un quatrième groupe fait l’objet de toutes les « attentions » des épurateurs, celui des intellectuels. Pour avoir une idée de ce que les communistes purs et durs pensent alors de cette catégorie de citoyens, il suffit de se rappeler ce que Lénine lui-même en disait. À Maxime Gorki qui lui demandait, en 1919, de se montrer clément envers quelques savants, Vladimir Oulianov répondait brutalement que « ces petits intellectuels minables, laquais du capitalisme (…) se veulent le cerveau de la nation » mais « en réalité, ce n’est pas le cerveau, c’est de la merde » (17). Sur de tels présupposés, il est évident que les Croates qui n’ont pas fait le bon choix peuvent s’attendre au pire. Dès le 18 mai 1944, le poète Vladimir Nazor (un marxiste de très fraîche date)-(18) a d’ailleurs annoncé que ceux qui ont collaboré avec l’ennemi et fait de la propagande par la parole, le geste ou l’écrit, surtout en art en en littérature, seront désignés comme ennemis du peuple et punis de mort ou, pour quelques cas exceptionnels, de travaux forcés (19). La promesse a le mérite d’être claire et l’on comprend pourquoi le consul de France à Zagreb, M. André Gaillard, va bientôt qualifier la situation de « Terreur Rouge » (20)…
Les intentions purificatoires du Conseil Antifasciste de Libération ne tardent pas à se concrétiser et leurs effets sont dévastateurs. À Bleiburg comme aux quatre coins de la Croatie, la chasse aux intellectuels mal-pensants est ouverte. Dans la tourmente disparaissent les écrivains Mile Budak, Ivan Softa, Jerko Skračić, Mustafa Busuladžić, Vladimir Jurčić, Gabrijel Cvitan, Marijan Matijašević, Albert Haller et Zdenka Smrekar, ainsi que les poètes Branko Klarić, Vinko Kos, Stanko Vitković et Ismet Žunić. Échappant à la mort, d’autres écopent de lourdes peines de prison à l’instar de Zvonimir Remeta (perpétuité), Petar Grgec (7 ans), Edhem Mulabdić, Alija Nametak (15 ans) ou Enver Čolaković. Bénéficiant d’une relative mansuétude, quelques-uns s’en sortent mieux comme les poètes Tin Ujević et Abdurezak Bjelevac ou encore l’historien Rudolf Horvat qui se voient simplement interdire de publier. Tenus pour spécialement nocifs, les journalistes subissent quant à eux une hécatombe : Josip Belošević, Franjo Bubanić, Boris Berković, Josip Baljkas, Mijo Bzik, Stjepan Frauenheim, Mijo Hans, Antun Jedvaj, Vjekoslav Kirin, Milivoj Magdić, Ivan Maronić, Tias Mortigjija, Vilim Peroš, Đuro Teufel, Danijel Uvanović et Vladimir Židovec sont assassinés, leur collègue Stanislav Polonijo disparaît à Bleiburg, tandis que Mladen Bošnjak, Krešimir Devčić, Milivoj Kern-Mačković, Antun Šenda, Savić-Marković Štedimlija, le Père Čedomil Čekada et Theodor Uzorinac sont incarcérés, parfois pour très longtemps (21).
La répression frappe très largement et les gens de presse ou les écrivains sont loin d’être les seuls à passer au tamis de la Commission d’enquête sur les crimes de collaboration culturelle avec l’ennemi (Anketna komisija za utvrdjivanje zločina kulturnom suradnjom s neprijateljem). Une « grande peur », pour reprendre l’expression de Bogdan Radica (22), règne sur la Croatie où des milliers de citoyens sont contraints de répondre à un questionnaire inquisitorial (le fameux Upitni arak). Artistes, universitaires, magistrats, médecins, personnels des hôpitaux, membres des institutions scientifiques ou sportives, tous sont visés et pour ceux qui ne satisfont pas aux nouvelles normes, la sanction est immédiate. Au nombre des plus sévèrement « punis », citons l’architecte Lovro Celio-Cega, le diplomate Zvonko Cihlar, le banquier Emil Dinter, l’ingénieur naval Đuro Stipetić ou les médecins Šime Cvitanović et Ljudevit Jurak (23), tous assassinés. Chez les musiciens, les peines sont plus légères : le compositeur (et franciscain) Kamilo Kob se voit tout de même infliger 6 ans de prison et son collègue Zlatko Grgošević 6 mois de travaux forcés, tandis que le célèbre maestro Lovro Matačić passe 10 mois derrière les barbelés et que son confrère Rado degl’Ivellio est chassé du Théâtre National. Le peintre (et prêtre) Marko Ćosić est condamné à 10 ans d’incarcération et le sculpteur Rudolf Švagel-Lešić à 5 ans de la même peine ; plus chanceux, les peintres Oto Antonini, Ljubo Babić et Rudolf Marčić sont simplement interdits d’exposition. Le ratissage entrepris par la police politique est très systématique et des gens très divers, souvent peu politisés, se retrouvent au bagne comme le chansonnier Viki Glovački, le photographe Ljudevit Kowalsky, le géographe Oto Oppitz, le financier Branko Pliverić ou l’orientaliste Hazim Šabanović.
D’une brutalité inouie, cette grande purge cause dans la société croate un traumatisme profond, d’autant qu’elle s’accompagne de l’émigration massive et définitive de ceux qui parviennent à passer au travers des mailles du filet. Notons que pour parachever leur travail de déculturation, les communistes procèdent dans le même temps au nettoyage des bibliothèques publics et privées afin d’en extraire les « mauvaises » références. Sont ainsi pilonnés les ouvrages « oustachis » (y compris des éditions de Racine, Hugo ou Dostoïevski dont la seule « tare » est d’avoir eu recours à l’orthographe en vigueur sous l’État Indépendant Croate) et les « livres de l’ennemi », c’est à dire tous ceux qui sont rédigés en italien ou en allemand. On jette par exemple les textes de Nietzsche, Kant ou Dante ainsi que des traductions d’Eschyle, Homère, Sophocle, Euripide et Tacite (24)… Chef de l’Agitprop, Milovan Đilas (la future coqueluche des libéraux de Saint-Germain-des-Prés) recommande, en janvier 1947, de se débarrasser des livres de Roald Amundsen mais aussi des œuvres toxiques de Bernard Shaw et Gustave Flaubert (25). Restent toutefois, pour ceux qui veulent se cultiver, les ouvrages édifiants de Marx, Lénine et Dietzgen ( ! ) ou ceux des nouveaux maîtres à penser que sont Đilas, Kardelj et « Čiča Janko » (Moša Pijade)…
Au terme de ce bref et sinistre panorama, il semble bien que l’on puisse, sans exagération, considérer l’épuration communiste de la Croatie comme un aristocide. Cruelle et imbécile, cette « chasse aux sorcières » n’a jamais eu pour but de châtier de quelconques « criminels fascistes » (il n’y en avait guère) mais bien de se débarrasser d’une intelligentsia supposément hostile et de priver la Croatie d’une grande partie de ses moyens afin de faire place nette aux apparatchiks du nouveau régime. L’opération a, hélas, parfaitement atteint ses objectifs et la Croatie mettra près de 25 ans à se doter d’une nouvelle élite digne de ce nom, puis encore 20 ans à émerger définitivement du cauchemar yougo-communiste !
Christophe Dolbeau
(1) Voir C. Dolbeau, « Bleiburg, démocide yougoslave », in Tabou, vol. 17, Akribeia, Saint-Genis-Laval, 2010, 7-26.
(2) À propos de ces camps, le témoin britannique Frank Waddams (qui résidait en Yougoslavie à la fin de la guerre) affirme que « la famine, la surpopulation, la brutalité et la mortalité en faisaient des endroits bien pires que Dachau ou Buchenwald » – cf. N. Beloff, Tito’s flawed legacy, London, Victor Gollancz, 1985, p. 134.
(3) Grâce, il faut bien le dire, à une aide massive des Alliés comme en atteste par exemple l’ampleur exceptionnelle de l’ « Opération Audrey » – voir Louis Huot, Guns for Tito, New York, L. B. Fischer, 1945 et Kirk Ford Jr, OSS and the Yugoslav Resistance, 1943-1945, College Station, TAMU Press, 2000.
(4) « Après la fondation de l’État, l’objectif suivant fut d’amener la nation à accepter à 100% le Parti Communiste et son monopole idéologique, ce qui fut d’abord obtenu par la persécution et en compromettant les adversaires de diverses manières, puis en veillant à éradiquer toute pensée hétérodoxe, c’est à dire divergeant ne serait-ce que de façon minime du point de vue du Comité Central du Parti Communiste » – D. Vukelić, « Censorship in Yugoslavia between 1945 and 1952 – Halfway between Stalin and West », Forum de Faenza, IECOB, 27-29 septembre 2010, p. 6.
(5) Voir R. J. Rummel, Death by Government, chapitre 2 (Definition of Democide), New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 1994.
(6) cf. N. Weyl, « Envy and Aristocide », in The Eugenics Bulletin, hiver 1984. Voir également T. Sunić, « Sociobiologija Bleiburga », in Hrvatski List du 3 mars 2009 (repris dans The Occidental Observer du 15 mars 2009, sous le titre de « Dysgenics of a Communist Killing Field : the Croatian Bleiburg »).
(7) Junuz Ajanović, Edgar Angeli, Oton Ćuš, Franjo Dolački, Stjepan Dollezil, Julije Fritz, Mirko Gregorić, Đuro Grujić (Gruić), August Gustović, Muharem Hromić, Vladimir Kren, Slavko Kvaternik, Vladimir Laxa, Rudolf Lukanc, Bogdan Majetić, Ivan Markulj, Vladimir Metikoš, Josip Metzger, Stjepan Mifek, Ante Moškov, Antun Nardelli, Miroslav Navratil, Franjo Nikolić, Ivan Perčević, Makso Petanjek, Viktor Prebeg, Antun Prohaska, Adolf Sabljak, Tomislav Sertić, Vjekoslav Servatzy, Slavko Skolibar, Nikola Steinfl, Josip Šolc, Slavko Štancer, Ivan Tomašević, Mirko Vučković.
(8) Voir J. Jareb, « Sudbina posljednje hrvatske državne vlade i hrvatskih ministara iz drugog svjetskog rata », in Hrvatska Revija, N°2 (110), juin 1978, 218-224.
(9) Tel est le cas de M.M. Mehmed Alajbegović, Mile Budak, Pavao Canki, Vladimir Košak, Osman Kulenović, Živan Kuveždić, Slavko Kvaternik, Julije Makanec, Nikola Mandić, Miroslav Navratil, Mirko Puk et Nikola Steinfl.
(10) Le bâtiment sera fermé et ses minarets abattus en 1948.
(11) Au sujet de la querelle entre l’Église Catholique et l’État communiste yougoslave, voir l’article de B. Jandrić [« Croatian totalitarian communist government’s press in the preparation of the staged trial against the archbishop of Zagreb Alojzije Stepinac (1946) », in Review of Croatian History, vol. I, N°1 (décembre 2005)] et l’ouvrage de M. Akmadža (Katolička crkva u Hrvatskoj i komunistički režim 1945.-1966., Rijeka, Otokar Keršovani, 2004).
(12) cf. Ante Čuvalo, « Croatian Catholic Priests, Theology Students and Religious Brothers killed by Communists and Serbian Chetniks in the Former Yugoslavia during and after World War II » – http://www.cuvalo.net/?p=46
(13) Signée par les évêques croates, une lettre pastorale du 20 septembre 1945 fait état de 243 prêtres assassinés, 169 emprisonnés et 89 disparus ; en septembre 1952, un autre document épiscopal parle de 371 religieux tués, 96 disparus, 200 emprisonnés et 500 réfugiés – cf. Th. Dragoun, Le dossier du cardinal Stepinac, Paris, NEL, 1958. Voir aussi I. Omrčanin, Martyrologe croate. Prêtres et religieux assassinés en haine de la foi de 1940 à 1951, Paris, NEL, 1962.
(14) Th. Dragoun, op. cité, p. 239.
(15) Ibid, p. 67, 213, 219, 248-254.
(16) On pense notamment au philosophe Bonaventura Radonić, à l’historien Kerubin Šegvić, au compositeur Petar Perica, au sociologue Dominik Barac, au byzantologue Ivo Guberina, à l’écrivain et distingué polyglotte Fran Binički et au biologiste Marijan Blažić, tous assassinés.
(17) cf. Le livre noir du communisme, sous la direction de S. Courtois, Paris, R. Laffont, 1998, p. 864.
(18) Avant la guerre, Vladimir Nazor (1876-1949) avait soutenu le royaliste serbe Bogoljub Jevtić puis le Parti Paysan Croate de V. Maček et en décembre 1941, il avait été nommé membre de l’Académie de Croatie (HAZU) par Ante Pavelić…
(19) cf. D. Vukelić, op. cité, p. 1.
(20) cf. G. Troude, Yougoslavie, un pari impossible ? : la question nationale de 1944 à 1960, Paris, L’Harmattan, 1998, p. 69.
(21) Sur 332 titulaires de la carte de presse, seuls 27 seront autorisés à poursuivre l’exercice de leur métier. Pour une étude exhaustive sur la répression dans le milieu journalistique, voir J. Grbelja, Uništeni naraštaj : tragične sudbine novinara NDH, Zagreb, Regoč, 2000, ainsi que l’article de D. Vukelić mentionné en note 4.
(22) Voir B. Radica, « Veliki strah : Zagreb 1945 », in Hrvatska Revija, vol. 4 (20), 1955.
(23) Expert de renommée internationale, il avait fait partie, en juillet 1943, de la commission chargée d’enquêter en Ukraine sur le massacre communiste de Vinnytsia.
(24) cf. D. Vukelić, op. cité, pp. 21, 23/24.
(25) Dans la liste des auteurs prohibés figurent aussi Maurice Dekobra, Gaston Leroux (pour Chéri Bibi !) et Henri Massis (il est vrai que ce dernier prônait la création d’un « parti de l’intelligence » ce qui n’était pas vraiment à la mode dans la Yougoslavie de 1945…).
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vendredi, 20 mai 2011
Solzhenitsyn and the Russian Question
Solzhenitsyn and the Russian Question
The death of Alexander Solzhenitsyn produced predictable reactions from Western commentators. Yes, they said, he was a moral giant for so bravely exposing the evils of the Soviet penitential system in The Gulag Archipelago; but he later compromised his moral stature by failing to like the West and by becoming a Russian nationalist.
A perfect example of this reasoning was Anne Applebaum’s piece in The Guardian. Herself the author of a history of the Gulag, she wrote,
In later years, Solzhenitsyn lost some of his stature …thanks to his failure to embrace liberal democracy. He never really liked the west, never really took to free markets or pop culture.
Such comments reveal more about their author than about their subject. We are dealing here with something I propose to call geo-ideology: the alas now widespread prejudice that “West” and “democracy” are identical concepts. In the minds of such commentators, moreover, the “West” is also identical with “free markets” and “pop culture.” The “West,” apparently no longer means “the Christian religion” or even that body of inheritance from the magnificent treasure-house of the cultures of Athens and Rome. Instead it means MTV, coke and Coke.
At every level these assumptions are false. Let us start with “free markets,” the endlessly repeated shibboleth of the globalisers. By what possible criterion can Russia be said to have a less free market than the United States of America, or than the majority of European Union member state? One of the key measure of the freedom of a market is the amount of private income consumed by the state. The income tax rate in Russia is fixed at a flat rate of 13% – a fraction of the 25% or so paid in the US, 33% of so paid in the United Kingdom and the 40% or more paid in continental Europe. As for pop culture, Russia unfortunately has plenty of it. Her youth are just as imbued with it, unfortunately, as the youth of Europe and America.
The comments also fail to present the reader with any serious analysis of Solzhenitsyn’s political position. The author makes vague and disparaging references to the unsuitability of Solzhenitsyn’s “vision of a more spiritual society” and to his “crusty and old fashioned nationalism” – judgements which appear to owe much to the Soviet propaganda she says she rejects. But she fails to allow the reader to know just what she means. Surely, on the occasion of a man’s death, it might be opportune to tell people about what he thought.
Anyone who reads Solzhenitsyn’s astonishing essay from 1995, The Russian Question at the End of the Twentieth Century, will see that this caricature is nonsense. There is nothing irrational or mystical about Solzhenitsyn’s political positions at all – and he makes only the most glancing of references to the religion which, we all know, he does indeed hold dear. No, what emerges from this essay is an extremely simple and powerful political position which is easily translated into contemporary American English as “paleo-conservatism.”
Solzhenitsyn makes a withering attack on three hundred years of Russian history. Almost no Russian leader emerges without censure (he likes only the Empress Elizabeth [1741–1762] and Tsar Alexander III [1881–1894]); most of them are roundly condemned. One might contest the ferocity of Solzhenitsyn’s attacks but the ideological coherence of them is very clear: he is opposed to leaders who pursue foreign adventures, including empire-building, at the expense of the Russian population itself. This, he says, is what unites nearly all the Tsars since Peter the Great with the Bolshevik leaders.
Again and again, in a variety of historical contexts, Solzhenitsyn says that Russia should not have gone to the aid of this or that foreign cause, but should instead have concentrated on promoting stability and prosperity at home.
While we always sought to help the Bulgarians, the Serbs, the Montenegrins, we would have done better to think first of the Belorussians and Ukrainians: with the weighty hand of Empire we deprived them of cultural and spiritual development in their own traditions… the endless wars for Balkan Christians were a crime against the Russian people… The attempt to greater-Russify all of Russia proved damaging not only to the living national traits of all the other ethnicities in the Empire but was foremost detrimental to the greater-Russian nationality itself … The aims of a great Empire and the moral health of the people are incompatible … Holding on to a great Empire means to contribute to the extinction of our own people.
There is literally nothing to separate this view from the anti-interventionist anti-war positions of Pat Buchanan (author of A Republic not an Empire) or Ron Paul.
After dealing with both the horrors of Communism, Solzhenitsyn of course turns his attention to the terrible chaos of the post-Communist period. Here again, his concern for the Russian people themselves remains consistent. He writes,
The trouble is not that the USSR broke up – that was inevitable. The real trouble, and a tangle for a long time to come, is that the breakup occurred along false Leninist borders, usurping from us entire Russian provinces. In several days, we lost 25 million ethnic Russians – 18 percent of our entire nation – and the government could not scrape up the courage even to take note of this dreadful event, a colossal historic defeat for Russia, and to declare its political disagreement with it.
Solzhenitsyn is right. One of the most lasting legacies of Leninism, which remains after everything else has been swept away or collapsed, was the decision to create bogus federal entities on the territory of what had been the unitary Russian state. These entities, called Soviet republics, contributed only to the creation of bogus nationalisms and of course to the dilution of Russian nationhood. They were bogus because the republics in question did not, in fact, correspond to ethnic reality: Kazakhs, for instance, are and remain a numerical minority in Kazakhstan, while “Ukraine” is in fact a collection of ancient Russian provinces (especially Kiev) and some Ukrainian ones. This bogus nationalism allowed the Soviet Union to present itself as an international federation of peoples, rather like the European Union today, but it was exploited by Russia’s enemies when the time came to destroy the geopolitical existence of the historic Russian state. This happened when the USSR was unilaterally dissolved by three Republic leaders in December 1991.
And this is the key to the West’s hostility to Solzhenitsyn. The man the West exploited to destroy Communism refused to bend the knee to the West’s continuing attempts (largely successful) to destroy Russia herself. Perhaps it is no coincidence that Anne Applebaum, an American citizen, is the wife of the Foreign Minister of Russia’s oldest historical enemy, Poland.
This article originally appeared in The Brussels Journal.
August 12, 2008
John Laughland's [send him mail] latest book is A History of Political Trials: From Charles I to Saddam Hussein.
Copyright © 2008 John Laughland
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mardi, 26 avril 2011
Nicola Bombacci: de Lênin a Mussolini
Nicola Bombacci: de Lênin a Mussolini
Nicola Bombacci nasce no seio de uma família católica (o seu pai era agricultor, antigo soldado do Estado Pontifício) da Romagna, na província de Forli, a 24 de Outubro de 1879, a escassos quilómetros de Predappio, onde quatro anos mais tarde nascerá o futuro fundador do Fascismo. Trata-se de uma região marcada por duras lutas operárias e por um campesinato habituado à rebelião, terra de paixões extremas. Por imposição paterna ingressa no seminário mas rapidamente o abandona aquando da morte do seu progenitor. Em 1903 ingressa no anticlerical Partido Socialista (PSI) e decide tornar-se professor para poder assim servir as classes menos favorecidas na sua luta (novamente as semelhanças com o Duce são evidentes, tendo chegado a estudar na mesma escola superior) mas rapidamente passa a dedicar-se de corpo e alma à revolução socialista. A sua capacidade de trabalho e os seus dotes de organizador valem-lhe a direcção dos órgãos da imprensa socialista, o que lhe permitirá aumentar a sua influência no seio do movimento operário, chegando a ser Secretário do Comité Central do Partido, onde conhecerá um jovem uns anos mais novo: Benito Mussolini, que, não nos esqueçamos, foi a promessa do socialismo italiano antes de se tornar nacional-revolucionário. [1]
Opondo-se à linha moderada da social-democracia, Bombacci fundará juntamente com Gramsci o Partido Comunista de Itália após a cisão interna do PSI e viajará em princípios dos anos 20 para a URSS, para participar na revolução bolchevique, aonde já antes tinha estado como representante do Partido Socialista tendo sido conquistado pela causa dos sovietes. Aí trava amizade com o próprio Lenine que lhe dirá numa recepção no Kremlin estas famosas palavras sobre Mussolini: “Em Itália, companheiros, em Itália só há um socialista capaz de guiar o povo para a revolução: Benito Mussolini”, e pouco depois o Duce encabeçaria uma revolução, mas fascista… [2]
Como líder (António Gramsci era o teórico, Bombacci o organizador) do recém-criado PCI, torna-se no autêntico “inimigo público nº 1” da burguesia italiana, que o apoda de “O Papa Vermelho”. Revalidará brilhantemente o seu lugar de deputado, desta vez nas listas da nova formação, enquanto que as esquadras fascistas começam a tomar as ruas enfrentando as milícias comunistas em sangrentos combates. Bombacci empenhar-se-á em deter a marcha para o poder do fascismo mas fracassará, desde as páginas dos seus jornais lança invectivas contra o fascismo arengando a defesa da revolução comunista. É uma época em que os esquadristas de camisa negra cantam canções irreverentes como “Não tenho medo de Bombacci / Com a barba de Bombacci faremos spazzolini (escovas) / Para abrilhantar a careca de Benito Mussolini”. Etapa em que o comunismo se vê imerso em numerosas tensões internas e o próprio Bombacci entra em polémica com os seus companheiros de partido sendo um dos pontos de fricção a opção entre nacionalismo e internacionalismo. Já antes tinha demonstrado tendências nacionalistas, que faziam pressagiar a sua futura linha. Quando ainda estava no Partido Socialista e como consequência de um documento protestando contra a acção de Fiume levada a cabo por D’Annunzio que o Partido queria apresentar, Bombacci rebelou-se e escreveu sobre este que era “Perfeita e profundamente revolucionário; porque D’Annunzio é revolucionário. Disse-o Lenine no Congresso de Moscovo”. [3]
Em 1922 os fascistas marcham sobre a capital do Tibre; nada pode impedir que Mussolini assuma o poder, ainda que este não seja absoluto durante os primeiros anos do regime. Como deputado e membro do Comité Central do Partido, assim como encarregado das relações exteriores do mesmo, Bombacci viaja ao estrangeiro frequentemente. Participa no IV Congresso da Internacional Comunista representando a Itália, e, no Comité de Acção Antifascista, entrevista-se com dirigentes bolcheviques russos. Leva já metade da sua vida dedicada à causa do proletariado e não está disposto a desistir do seu empenho em levar à prática o seu sonho socialista. Torna-se fervente defensor da aproximação da Itália à URSS na Câmara e na imprensa comunista, falando seguramente em nome e por instigação dos dirigentes moscovitas, mas utilizando um discurso nacional-revolucionário que incomoda no seio do Partido, que por outro lado está em plena debandada após a vitória fascista. As relações com o revolucionário Estado soviético seriam uma vantagem para a Itália enquanto nação que também atravessa um processo revolucionário, ainda que fascista. É imediatamente acusado de herético e pedem-lhe que rectifique as suas posições. Não podem admitir que um comunista exija, como o faz Bombacci, “superar a Nação (sem) a destruir, queremo-la maior, porque queremos um governo de trabalhadores e agricultores”, socialista e sem negar a Pátria “direito incontestável e sacro de todo o homem e de todos os grupos de homens”. É a chamada “Terceira Via” onde o nacionalismo revolucionário do fascismo se encontra com o socialismo revolucionário comunista.
Bombacci é progressivamente marginalizado no seio do PCI e condenado ao ostracismo político, embora não deixe de manter contactos com alguns dirigentes russos e com a embaixada russa para a qual trabalha, além de que um dos seus filhos vivia na URSS. Acreditava sinceramente na revolução bolchevique e que, ao contrário dos camaradas italianos, os russos tinham um sentido nacional da revolução pelo que jamais renegará a sua amizade para com a URSS, nem sequer depois de aderir definitivamente ao fascismo.
Com a expulsão definitiva do partido em 1927, Bombacci entra numa etapa que podemos qualificar como os anos do silêncio que dura até 1936, altura em que lança a sua editorial e a revista homónima baptizada “La Veritá” e que culminará em 1943 numa progressiva conversão ao fascismo. No entanto é demasiado fácil considerar que Bombacci simplesmente se passou de armas e bagagens para o fascismo como pretendem os que o acusam de ser um “traidor”. Assistiremos a um processo lento de aproximação, não ao fascismo mas sim a Mussolini e à ala esquerdista do movimento fascista, onde Bombacci se sente aconchegado e em família, próximo das suas concepções revolucionárias, o corporativismo e as leis sociais deste fascismo de que “todo o postulado é um programa do socialismo”, segundo dirá em 1928 reconhecendo a sua identificação. [4]

“O fascismo fez uma grandiosa revolução social, Mussolini e Lenine. Soviete e Estado fascista corporativo, Roma e Moscovo. Muito tivemos que rectificar, nada de que nos fazer perdoar, pois hoje como ontem move-nos o mesmo ideal: o triunfo do trabalho”. [5]
Enquanto isto sucedia Bombacci tem um longo intercâmbio epistolar com o Duce tentando influenciar o antigo socialista na sua política social. O máximo historiador do fascismo, Renzo de Felice, escreveu a este respeito que Bombacci tem o mérito de ter sugerido a Mussolini mais do que uma das medidas adoptadas nesses anos 30. [6] Numa destas missivas, datada de Julho de 1934, propõe um programa de economia autárquica (que Mussolini aplicará) que, diz Bombacci ao Duce, é mostra da sua “vontade de trabalhar mais naquilo que agora concerne, no interesse e pelo triunfo do Estado Corporativo…”, como faz também desde as páginas da sua revista onde uma e outra vez batalha por uma autarcia que faça da Itália um país independente e capaz de enfrentar as potências plutocráticas (entenda-se os EUA, mas também a França e a Inglaterra). Por isso apoia decididamente a intervenção na Etiópia em 1935, mas não como campanha colonial senão como prelúdio da confrontação entre os países “proletários” (entre os quais estaria a Itália fascista) e os “capitalistas” que irremediavelmente chegaria, essa “revolução mundial (que) restabelecerá o equilíbrio mundial”. A acção italiana seria uma “típica e inconfundível conquista proletária”, destinada a derrotar as potências “capitalistas” e cuja experiência “deverá ser assumida… como um dado fundamental para a redenção das gentes de cor, ainda sob a opressão do capitalismo mais terrível”. [7]
Contra Estaline
Entre os anos de 1936 e 1943, difíceis para o fascismo pois iniciam-se os conflitos armados, prelúdio da derrota, Bombacci acrescenta a sua adesão ideológica a Mussolini. É um homem com quase 60 anos, viu como muitos dos seus sonhos socialistas não se realizaram, mas é um eterno idealista e não está disposto a abandonar a luta pelo socialismo, por “essa obra de redenção económica e de elevação espiritual do proletariado italiano que os socialistas da primeira hora tínhamos iniciado”. A sua editorial é uma ruína económica, os seus biógrafos deixaram constância das dificuldades e penúrias que sofre. Ter-lhe-ia bastado um passo oportunista e integrar-se no fascismo oficial e teria disposto de todas as ajudas do aparato do Estado mas não quer perder a sua independência ainda que em ocasiões deva aceitar subvenções do Ministério de Cultura Popular.
Esta etapa coincide com uma profunda reflexão sobre os seus erros passados e uma série de ataques ao comunismo russo que se tinha vendido às potências capitalistas traindo os postulados de Lenine. Assim, escreve Bombacci em Novembro de 1937, as relações entre a URSS e os países democráticos só tinha uma explicação que revelaria tudo o resto: “a razão é só uma, frívola, vulgar, mas real: o interesse, o dinheiro, o negócio”, pelo que este antigo comunista podia declarar abertamente que “nós proclamamos com a consciência limpa que a Rússia bolchevique de Estaline se tornou uma colónia do capitalismo maçónico-hebraico-internacional…”. A alusão anti-semita não é nova em Bombacci, nem nos teóricos socialistas do início do século, pois não devemos esquecer que o anti-semitismo moderno teve os seus mais ferventes defensores precisamente entre os doutrinários revolucionários de finais do século XIX, quando o judeu encarnava a figura do odiado capitalista. Em Bombacci não encontramos um anti-semitismo racialista mas sim social, de acordo com os posicionamentos mediterrânicos do problema judeu diferentemente do anti-judaismo alemão ou gaulês.
Quando estala a II Guerra Mundial, e especialmente ao estalar na frente Leste, Bombacci participa em pleno nas campanhas anticomunistas do regime. Como dirigente comunista conhecedor da URSS a sua voz faz-se ouvir. No entanto não renega os seus ideais, pelo contrário aprofunda a tese de que Estaline e os seus acólitos traíram a revolução. Escreve numerosos artigos contra Estaline, sobre as condições reais de vida no chamado “paraíso comunista”, as medidas adoptadas por este para destruir todos os sucessos do socialismo leninista. Em 1943, pouco antes da queda do Fascismo, concluía Bombacci resumindo a sua posição num folheto de propaganda:
“Qual das duas revoluções, a fascista ou a bolchevique, fará história no século XX e ficará na história como criadora de uma ordem nova de valores sociais e mundiais?
Qual das duas revoluções resolveu o problema agrário interpretando verdadeiramente os desejos e aspirações dos camponeses e os interesses económicos e sociais da colectividade nacional?
Roma venceu!
Moscovo materialista e semi-bárbara, com um capitalismo totalitário de Estado-Patrão quer juntar-se à força (planos quinquenais), levando à miséria mais negra os seus cidadãos, à industrialização existente nos países que durante o século XIX seguiram um processo de regime capitalista burguês. Moscovo completa a fase capitalista.
Roma é outra coisa.
Moscovo, com a reforma de Estaline, retrata-se institucionalmente ao nível de qualquer Estado burguês parlamentar. Economicamente há uma diferença substancial, porque, enquanto que nos Estados burgueses o governo é formado por delegados da classe capitalista, aqui o governo está nas mãos da burocracia bolchevique, uma nova classe que na realidade é pior que essa classe capitalista porque dispõe sem qualquer controlo do trabalho, da produção e da vida dos cidadãos”. [8]
A República Social Italiana

O primeiro contacto com Mussolini ocorre a 11 de Outubro, apenas um mês depois da proclamação da RSI, e é epistolar. Bombacci escreve a Mussolini a partir de Roma, cidade onde o fascismo ruiu estrepitosamente (os romanos destruíram todos os símbolos do anterior regime nas ruas), mas onde ainda existem muitos fascistas de coração, e é este o momento que escolhe para declarar a Mussolini que está consigo. Não quando tudo corria bem, mas sim nos momentos difíceis como tão-só o fazem os verdadeiros camaradas:
“Estou hoje mais que ontem totalmente consigo” – confessa Bombacci – “a vil traição do rei-Badoglio trouxe por todos os lados a ruína e a desonra de Itália mas libertou-a de todos os compromissos pluto-monárquicos de 22.
Hoje o caminho está livre e em minha opinião só se pode recorrer ao abrigo socialista. Acima de tudo: a vitória das armas.
Mas para assegurar a vitória deve ter a adesão da massa operária. Como? Com feitos decisivos e radicais no sector económico-produtivo e sindical…
Sempre às suas ordens com o grande afecto já de trinta anos.”
Se para muitos o último Mussolini era um homem acabado, títere dos alemães, não deixa de surpreender a adesão que recebe de homens como Bombacci, um verdadeiro idealista, de estatura imponente, com a barba crescida e uma oratória atraente, alérgico a tudo o que pudesse significar acomodar-se ou aburguesar-se, que tão-pouco agora aceitará salário ou prebendas (apenas em princípios de 1945 aparecerá o seu nome numa lista de propostas de salários do ministério da Economia ou como Chefe da Confederação Única do Trabalho e da Técnica). Bombacci tornar-se-á assessor pessoal e confidente de Mussolini, para atrair de novo às bases do partido os trabalhadores. Propõe a criação de comités sindicais, abertos a não militantes fascistas, eleições sindicais livres, viajará pelas fábricas do norte industrializado (Milão-Turim) explicando a revolução social do novo regime e o porquê da sua adesão. O velho combatente revolucionário parece de novo rejuvenescer, após um comício em Verona e várias visitas a empresas socializadas escreve ao Duce a 22 de Dezembro de 1944: “Falei durante uma hora e trinta minutos num teatro entregue e entusiasta… a plateia, composta na maior parte por operários vibrou gritando: sim, queremos combater por Itália, pela república, pela socialização… pela manhã visitei a Mondadori, já socializada, e falei com os operários que constituem o Conselho de Gestão que achei cheio de entusiasmo e compreensão por esta nossa missão”. Enquanto a situação militar se deteriorava, os grupos terroristas comunistas (os tragicamente famosos GAP) já tinham decidido eliminá-lo pelo perigo que a sua actividade representava para os seus objectivos. [9]
Mas a guerra está a chegar ao fim. Benito Mussolini, aconselhado pelo deputado ex-socialista Carlo Silvestri e Bombacci, propõe entregar o poder aos socialistas, integrados no Comité Nacional de Libertação. [10] Em Abril de 1945 as autoridades militares alemãs rendem-se aos Aliados, sem informar os italianos, é o fim. Abandonados e sós.
Durante os últimos meses da RSI Bombbaci continuou a campanha para recuperar as massas populares e evitar que se decantassem pelo bolchevismo. Em finais de 1944 publicava um opúsculo intitulado «Isto é o Bolchevismo», reproduzido no jornal católico «Crociata Italica» em Março de 1945. Bombacci insiste nas críticas aos desvios estalinistas do comunismo real que destruiu o verdadeiro sindicalismo revolucionário na Europa com as ingerências russas. Nestas últimas semanas de vida da experiência republicana, Bombacci está ao lado dos que ainda acreditam numa solução de compromisso com o inimigo para assim evitar a ruína do país. Leal até ao fim, ficará com Mussolini mesmo quando tudo já está definitivamente perdido. Profeticamente fala disso aos seus operários numa das suas últimas aparições públicas, em Março de 1945:
“Irmãos de fé e de luta… não reneguei aos meus ideais pelos quais lutei e pelos quais, se Deus me deixar viver mais, lutarei sempre. Mas agora encontro-me nas fileiras das cores que militam na República Social Italiana, e vim outra vez porque agora sim é a sério e é verdadeiramente decisivo reivindicar os direitos dos operários…”
Nicola Bombacci, sempre fiel, sempre sereno, acompanhará Mussolini na sua última e dramática viagem até à morte. A 25 de Abril está em Milão. O relato de Vittorio Mussolini, filho do Duce, sobre o seu último encontro com o seu pai, acompanhado por Bombacci, mostra-nos a inteireza deste:
“Pensei no destino deste homem, um verdadeiro apóstolo do proletariado, em certa altura inimigo acérrimo do fascismo e agora ao lado do meu pai, sem nenhum cargo nem prebenda, fiel a dois chefes diferentes até à morte. A sua calma serviu-me de consolo”. [11]
Pouco depois, após Mussolini se separar da coluna dos seus últimos fiéis para os poupar ao seu destino, Bombacci é detido por um grupo de guerrilheiros comunistas junto com um grupo de hierarcas fascistas. Na manhã de 28 de Abril era colocado contra o paredão em Dongo, no norte do país, ao lado de Barracu, valoroso ex-combatente, mutilado de guerra, de Pavolini, o poeta-secretário do partido, de Valério Zerbino, um intelectual e Coppola, outro pensador. Todos gritam, perante o pelotão que os assassina, “Viva Itália!”. Bombacci, enquanto tomba crivado pelas balas dos comunistas, grita: “Viva o Socialismo!”.
1. Em português, sobre o movimento revolucionário do pré-fascismo veja-se o excelente trabalho do professor israelita Zeev Sternhell e dos seus colaboradores, «Nascimento da ideologia fascista», onde curiosamente quase não se menciona Bombacci.
2. Sobre a trajectória revolucionária de Bombacci há um excelente trabalho de Gugliemo Salotti intitulado «Nicola Bombacci, da Mosca a Saló».
3. Referimo-nos à tomada da cidade dálmata em 1919 pelo poeta-soldado Gabrielle D’Annunzio, que é considerada por muitos autores como o primeiro capítulo da revolução fascista. Veja-se Carlos Caballero, “La fascinante historia D’Annunzio en Fiume”, em Revisión, Alicante, ano I, 2, vol. IV, Outubro de 1990.
4. Sobre a ala esquerdista do fascismo: Luca Leonello Rimbotti, «Il fascismo di sinistra. Da Piazza San Sepolcro al congresso di Verona», Roma, Settimo Sigillo, 1989. Ver também: Giuseppe Parlato, “La Sinistra fascista. Storia de un progetto mancato”, Bolinia, Il Mulino, 2000.
5. Cit. Arrigo Petacco, «Il comunista in camicia nera. Nicola Bombacci tra Lenin e Mussolini», Milão, Mondadori Editori, 1996, p. 115.
6. «Mussolini il Duce. II. Lo Stato totalitario 1936-1940», Turim, Einaudi, 1981 (2a, 1996), p. 331 n.
7. A correspondência de Bombacci para Mussolini (mas não a do Duce para este) está conservada em parte no Arquivo Central do Estado Italiano.
8. Nicola Bombacci, «I contadini nell’Italia di Mussolini», Roma, 1943, pp. 34 e ss.
9. Mais de 50 mil fascistas serão executados por estes grupos terroristas durante estes dois anos, e mais 50 mil na trágica Primavera-Verão de 1945. Foram especialmente visados os dirigentes fascistas que possuíssem uma certa aura de popularidade e que pudessem encarnar uma face mais populista do fascismo. O caso mais chamativo foi o do filósofo Giovanni Gentile, que deu lugar inclusivamente a protestos no seio da resistência antifascista. Existe uma ampla bibliografia sobre o assunto, embora na actualidade se tente reduzir as cifras e o impacto desta sangrenta guerra civil.
10. É curioso comprovar como em vários países da Europa, com o aproximar do final da guerra, os únicos elementos fieis à nova ordem são as chamadas alas “proletárias” dos movimentos nacional-revolucionários e que se negoceie a entrega do poder aos grupos socialistas da resistência por oposição aos comunistas e aos burgueses. Assim sucederá na Noruega onde os sectores sindicais propõe um governo de coligação à resistência social-democrata em Abril de 1945, ou em França onde após a queda do governo de Petain no Outono de 1944 Marcel Deat e Jacques Doriot pugnam por instaurar um governo socialista.
11. «La vida con mi padre», Madrid, Ediciones Cid, 1958, p. 267.
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lundi, 04 avril 2011
Das tragische Scheitern des "Postkommunismus" in Osteuropa
Das tragische Scheitern des »Postkommunismus« in Osteuropa
Dr. Rossen Vassilev
Im vergangenen Jahr stürzte sich kurz vor Heiligabend ein Ingenieur des öffentlich-rechtlichen Fernsehens aus Protest gegen die umstrittene Wirtschaftspolitik von einer Balustrade im rumänischen Parlament, als der Ministerpräsident des Landes dort gerade eine Rede hielt. Der Mann überlebte den Selbstmordversuch und soll vor seinem Sprung gerufen haben: »Sie nehmen unseren Kindern das Brot aus dem Mund! Sie haben uns um unsere Zukunft gebracht!« Der Demonstrant, der in ein Krankenhaus gebracht wurde, trug ein T-Shirt mit der Aufschrift »Sie haben uns um unsere Zukunft gebracht« und wurde später als der 41-jährige Adrian Sobaru identifiziert. Seiner Familie war vor Kurzem im Rahmen der letzten Haushaltskürzungen die staatliche Hilfe für seinen autistischen Sohn im Teenageralter gestrichen worden…
Mehr: http://info.kopp-verlag.de/hintergruende/geostrategie/dr-...
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dimanche, 07 novembre 2010
Réflexions sur "Le Zéro et l'Infini" d'Arthur Koestler
Michael WIESBERG :
Réflexions sur Le Zéro et l’Infini d’Arthur Koestler
La vie d’Arthur Koestler fut loin d’être paisible et monotone. Après avoir abandonné ses études d’ingénieur à la « Haute Ecole Technique » de Vienne, il a émigré vers la Palestine où il a vécu de petits boulots occasionnels. Après ses mésaventures palestiniennes, les éditions Ullstein de Berlin lui offrent un poste de correspondant au Proche Orient, à Paris, puis un poste de journaliste scientifique à Berlin même. Cela durera de 1926 à 1931. Cette période est caractérisée par l’engagement passionné de Koestler pour la cause sioniste. En 1931, il change d’option : il s’engage dans le parti communiste allemand. Pendant la guerre civile espagnole, il écope d’une condamnation à mort et échappe de peu à l’exécution. Pendant la seconde guerre mondiale, il sert brièvement dans les armées française et britannique. Il finit par s’établir à Londres, où il écrira des ouvrages de vulgarisation scientifique. Le 3 mars 1983, il se suicide.
Le roman Le Zéro et l’Infini de Koestler paraît d’abord à Londres en 1940. La figure centrale et fictive de ce roman est un bolchevique de la vieille garde, ancien commissaire du peuple : Roubachov. Il est accusé de « menées contre-révolutionnaires », après que les services secrets soviétiques, les sbires du NKVD, l’aient arrêté et placé en détention. D’après Koestler lui-même, cette figure de fiction est inspirée par les dirigeants bolcheviques réels, et de premier plan, que furent Karl Radek, Nicolas Boukharine et Léon Trotski, qui, tous, en ultime instance, devinrent des victimes des purges staliniennes de la seconde moitié des années 30. En créant le personnage de Roubachov, Koestler a essayé de montrer, de manière exemplative, ce qui se passait dans les prisons du NKVD et d’expliquer comment ce noyau dur des anciens révolutionnaires d’octobre 1917 a pu être liquidé. Roubachov est confronté à deux autres personnages, ses adversaires tout au long de l’intrigue : Ivanov et Gletkine. Ils représentent deux générations de bolcheviques. Ivanov, le plus âgé, reçoit l’ordre de convaincre Roubachov de la nécessité de faire des aveux. Bien sûr, Ivanov sait que les crimes imputés à Roubachov sont purement fictifs. Et, malgré cela, il tente de convaincre celui-ci qu’il serait insensé de jouer les martyrs. On ne doit pas transformer le monde en un « bordel sentimental et métaphysique ». La pitié, la conscience, le remord et le doute doivent demeurer des « dérapages répréhensibles ». On ne doit pas abjurer la violence tant qu’il y a du chaos dans le monde. Tout compromis avec sa propre conscience, explique Ivanov au prisonnier, équivaut à de la désertion. Comme l’histoire est a priori immorale, toute attitude qui reposerait sur des décisions morales dictées par la conscience d’un individu, équivaudrait à faire de la politique en s’inspirant des bonnes paroles d’un prêche dominical. Pour cette raison, explique Ivanov, les blessures que ressent Roubachov dans sa propre conscience, au vu des hommes sacrifiés au nom de la « raison de parti », ne sont jamais que des « fictions grammaticales ».
Pour Koestler, cette notion de « fiction grammaticale » doit nous expliquer cette part du moi que l’on ne définit pas comme « logique » mais comme « personnelle ». Or comme ce moi est inexistant pour le parti, mais que la grammaire réclame un substantif pour cette chose, Ivanov nomme cet aspect du « moi » celui de la « fiction grammaticale ». Roubachov, dans cette phase-là de sa détention, est tourmenté par des scrupules moraux, à cause de ses propres manières d’agir d’antan : celles-ci étaient déterminées exclusivement par un schéma de pensée rationnelle et acceptaient en toute conscience les pertes humaines qu’imposait cette rationalité. Ivanov réussit finalement à convaincre Roubachov que les idées, que celui-ci cultive et rumine, relèvent d’une « sentimentalité bourgeoise ». « On n’entendra aucun coq chanter », dit Ivanov, « si, objectivement parlant, des individus nuisibles sont liquidés ».
Ivanov conjure alors Roubachov de tirer les « conséquences logiques » de leurs conversations, et obtient du prisonnier que celui-ci se déclare prêt à signer un aveu qui va dans le sens de l’accusation. A partir de ce moment-là du récit, le roman prend une tournure dramatique. Ivanov, qui, lui aussi, est une figure controversée, est accusé d’avoir mené l’enquête sur Roubachov de manière trop négligente : il est alors remplacé par un représentant de la jeune génération de bolcheviques, qui ne connaît pas les compromis. Ivanov est ensuite liquidé.
Gletkine, qui prend la place d’Ivanov, représente, dans Le Zéro et l’Infini, une génération qui agit toujours sans réticence aucune selon la ligne fixée par le parti et qui ne connaît plus personnellement les circonstances vécues par les premiers bolcheviques dans la Russie des Tsars. La liste des crimes supposés que Gletkine présente à Roubachov, est en fait un ramassis d’accusations fantaisistes, dont, en tête, celle d’avoir fomenté un attentat contre le « numéro un », Staline. La volonté de résister, chez Roubachov, est ensuite annihilée par l’application d’une procédure d’audition véritablement éreintante. Au cours de cette longue audition, on apprend pour quels motifs Roubachov doit être sacrifié. « L’expérience nous apprend », explique Gletkine, « que l’on doit donner aux masses des explications simples et compréhensibles pour les processus difficiles et compliqués ». Si l’on disait aux paysans que malgré « les acquis de la révolution », ils sont restés fainéants et arriérés, on n’obtiendra rien. Mais si on leur explique qu’ils sont des « héros du travail » et que l’on attribue les maux qui les frappent encore à des saboteurs, alors on obtiendra quelque chose. Gletkine explique alors de manière fort plausible que le parti est régi par le principe que « la fin justifie les moyens ». Le parti attend donc des « vieux bolcheviques » qu’ils se sacrifient. La raison de cette exigence réside dans le fait que la guerre menace l’Union Soviétique. En cas de guerre, s’il y a des mouvements d’opposition, cela peut conduire à la catastrophe. Gletkine déclare alors à Roubachov qu’on lui reproche d’avoir, en liaison avec d’autres opposants, tenté de provoquer une scission au sein du parti. Si son repentir est « vrai », alors Roubachov doit aider le parti à éliminer cette scission. Il s’agit de montrer aux masses que tout opposant est un « criminel ». Après la victoire finale du socialisme, explique Gletkine, la vérité reviendra sans doute à la surface. A ce moment-là, Roubachov et les autres recevront la gratitude qui leur revient. Complètement brisé, Roubachov accepte pour finir de signer des aveux de culpabilité. Deux balles dans la nuque mettent fin à son existence.
Si l’on cherche à évaluer les conséquences des « grandes purges » pour l’Union Soviétique, l’attention se focalise immanquablement sur les successeurs des « vieux bolcheviques ». La nouvelle génération fut celle qui se soumit de manière inconditionnelle au parti. A la fin de la « tchistka » (de la « purge »), se dresse la pâle figure de l’apparatchik, caractérisée par une « non-identité ». Staline a créé les conditions préalables d’un système de parasites et de pleutres qui n’ânonnaient rien d’autre que les slogans doctrinaires du parti. Sous Staline, le matérialisme cru du marxisme-léninisme est entré dans un processus de perversion, dont l’apogée la plus emblématique fut l’émergence d’une pensée purement immanentiste, érigée au rang de dogme. C’est ainsi, in fine, que Staline a introduit les conditions initiales de l’effondrement final des systèmes sociaux du « socialisme réel » ou, plutôt, de l’égalitarisme radical. L’idée d’un ordre socialiste juste est resté une chimère en Europe orientale, pour laquelle des millions d’hommes ont dû sacrifier leur vie.
L’histoire ne se répète pas. Une tyrannie à la Hitler ou à la Staline ne se présentera plus. Mais il est certainement une chose que le livre de Koestler nous enseigne, et qui reste valable aujourd’hui : il nous montre où nous mène un monde régi par la pleutrerie et la pensée conformiste. Une république qui se vante d’incarner la liberté et la démocratie n’est pas pour autant immunisée contre les tumeurs totalitaires. Il faut donc toujours, dans tous les cas de figure, apprendre à se défendre contre la pleutrerie et le conformisme dès qu’ils se pointent à l’horizon.
(article paru dans « Junge Freiheit », Berlin, n°11/1996, dans la série « Mein Lieblingsbuch / Folge 6 : « Sonnenfinsternis » von Arthur Koestler – Chronik der stalinistischen Säuberung » / « Mon livre favori / 6°partie : « Le Zéro et l’Infini » d’Arthur Koestler – Chronique des purges staliniennes » - Trad. franç. : octobre 2010).
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jeudi, 07 octobre 2010
Les origines du communisme expliquent bien des choses
Les origines du communisme expliquent bien des choses

Pour plusieurs générations, et depuis un siècle, le mot communisme n'a eu de sens que pour désigner les disciples du prophète du British Museum. Plus précisément encore, parmi eux, il désigne ceux qui, à la suite de Lénine et de Trotski, ont choisi la violence "accoucheuse de l'Histoire". Tous les sympathisants de cette interprétation du marxisme professent, comme chacun devrait le savoir, un profond mépris pour la sociale démocratie. (2)
La même année, où le livre de Sudre était publié (3) paraissait le fameux Manifeste communiste. Il était écrit par Marx et Engels, à la demande d'une petite organisation révolutionnaire. Celle-ci s'appelait initialement la ligue des Justes. Or cette quasi secte prétendra dès lors rompre avec la grande tradition de l'utopie communiste, celle que Marx appelle dédaigneusement "socialisme utopique".
On sait la suite. Ou plutôt on croit la connaître. Car l'expérimentation marxiste puis léniniste ne fait que confirmer toute l'Histoire de l'Utopie ; elle n'en forme que la continuation.
Alfred Sudre en suit la trame, à partir du Platon de "La République", admirateur des institutions de Sparte et de la Crète. Dès l'échec de sa propre théorie, lui-même la remet en cause.
Il examine ensuite toutes les hérésies, folies, et autres aventures sectaires du Moyen Âge et de la Renaissance. Certaines, à tort, et Alfred Sudre le démontre, ont été accusées, – y compris les chrétiens de l'Antiquité tardive, y compris certains ordres monastiques, et aussi les cathares, – de vouloir l'abolition de la propriété privée. D'autres ont bel et bien préfiguré le bolchevisme. Ainsi les anabaptistes de Münzer, responsables de la terrible Guerre des paysans qui ravagea l'Allemagne du sud au XVIe siècle, propageront leur pestilence jusqu'en Amérique.
De même, l'Utopie de Thomas More, apparue en 1516 en Angleterre, contient en germe toutes les idées subversives ultérieures. Marx ne leur donnera qu'un vernis de théorie économique. Son apparente pertinence se veut tirée des fondateurs classiques de cette discipline : Adam Smith et David Ricardo. Le co-auteur du Manifeste lui-même reconnaît que sa pensée tend à associer l'économie anglaise, la philosophie dialectique allemande et ce qu'il considère comme le socialisme français.
Ce mot de "socialisme" est en effet apparu en France au XIXe siècle. Il revient à Pierre Leroux, auquel Alfred Sudre consacre son dernier chapitre de lui avoir donné en 1834 sa signification contemporaine.
Les représentants de celui-ci se trouvent particulièrement actifs, aux côtés de "communistes" et utopistes plus caractérisés, comme Cabet et Fourrier dans les milieux révolutionnaires français. Et ces derniers vont, précisément en cette même année 1848, où toute l'Europe est secouée d'une vague de révolutions, les unes nationales, les autres républicaines, mettre l'accent, d'une façon toute particulière sur la dimension sociale des événements. Ce dernier point, combiné avec d'autres intentions philosophiques, conférera au marxisme tel que nous l'avons connu, tel qu'il subsiste malheureusement encore dans une partie résiduelle de l'intelligentsia, son apparence d'originalité
De nos jours, 20 ans après l'effondrement du "communisme", le sens que le XXe siècle donnait à ce mot se trouve peu à peu oublié. Cette chose, ce fait sociologique que Jules Monnerot décrira en 1949 comme "l'entreprise" (3) marxiste-léniniste, ose dire de la dictature de son "parti" qu'elle correspond à celle du "prolétariat".
Il peut donc sembler à certains que rien de bien nouveau ne soit apparu dans la sphère des idées.
Auteur de cette "Histoire du communisme" avant Marx, Alfred Sudre montre à vrai dire la permanence, depuis l'Antiquité grecque et le Moyen Âge européen de deux familles de doctrines sociales dans l'Histoire des idées. Elles se sont affrontées, de tous temps, depuis "la République" de Platon.
Face à ceux qui, très majoritaires, reconnaissent le droit de propriété, s'affirment les partisans de la communauté. Les intéressées apprécieront beaucoup, de nos jours, que cette dernière doctrine consistât le plus souvent en la mise en commun, par les hommes, des biens mais aussi des femmes, considérées comme leur appartenant.
Parmi les mérites de cet ouvrage, on lui doit aussi un chapitre particulièrement passionnant, résumant les aspects les plus radicaux de l'œuvre de Pierre-Joseph Proudhon pour qui j'ai toujours éprouvé une grande tendresse. Alfred Sudre nous permet de retrouver des citations réjouissantes. Quand il aborde le point de vue de l'économiste, Proudhon devient lumineux, presque irréfutable.
Ici j'en choisirais une seule (4):
"Le communisme, pour subsister, supprime tant de mots, tant d'idées, tant de faits, que les sujets formés par ses soins n'auront plus le besoin de parler, de penser, ni d'agir : ce seront des huîtres attachées côte à côte, sans activité ni sentiment, sur le rocher de la fraternité. Quelle philosophie intelligente et progressive que le communisme !"… mais je ne voudrais pas déflorer ce que le livre souligne par ailleurs.
Oui, les origines du communisme expliquent bien des choses.
JG Malliarakis
- Jusqu'au 15 octobre les lecteurs de l'Insolent peuvent commander directement ce livre de 459 pages proposé en souscription au prix franco de port de 18 euros. Il sera ultérieurement commercialisé au prix de 25 euros.
- On retrouve la trace d'un tel dédain à l'époque de la refondation du "nouveau" parti socialiste (c'est-à-dire de l'actuel), de son congrès fondateur d'Epinay, et du programme commun de 1972 rédigé par Jean-Pierre Chevènement. À noter que dès 1976, ce dernier osera assurer que "si le Général [De Gaulle] était vivant, il soutiendrait le programme commun de la gauche."
- Son sous-titre original le présente comme une "réfutation historique des utopies socialistes". Très rapidement épuisé, cet ouvrage reçut en mai 1849 le prix Montyon décerné l'Académie française et fit l'objet cette année-là d'une seconde édition aux dépens de Victor Lecou, rue de Bouloi, imprimé par Gustave Gratiot, rue de la Monnaie. Quoique réimprimé depuis, dans divers pays non-francophones, par procédé "anastatique", il avait été, durant des décennies, superbement ignoré de l'édition et plus encore des bibliographies parisiennes.
- Cf. sa "Sociologie du communisme" où, caractérisant cette aventure révolutionnaire il y voit (Tome Ier) "l'islam du XXe siècle"
- Cf. "Histoire du communisme avant Marx" par Alfred Sudre page 356.
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dimanche, 12 septembre 2010
Relire Soljénitsyne
Robert STEUCKERS : Relire Soljénitsyne
Conférence tenue à Genève, avril 2009, et au « Cercle de Bruxelles », septembre 2009
Pourquoi évoquer la figure d’Alexandre Soljénitsyne, aujourd’hui, dans le cadre de nos travaux ? Décédé en août 2008, Soljénitsyne a été une personnalité politique et littéraire tout à la fois honnie et adulée en Occident et sur la place de Paris en particulier. Elle a été adulée dans les années 70 car ses écrits ont servi de levier pour faire basculer le communisme soviétique et ont inspiré, soi-disant, la démarche des « nouveaux philosophes » qui entendaient émasculer la gauche française et créer, après ce processus d’émasculation, une gauche anti-communiste, peu encline à soutenir l’URSS en politique internationale. Après cette période d’adulation presque sans bornes, la personne d’Alexandre Soljénitsyne a été honnie, surtout après son discours à Harvard, essentiellement pour cinq motifs : 1) Soljénitsyne critique l’Occident et ses fondements philosophiques et politiques, ce qui n’était pas prévu au programme : on imaginait un Soljénitsyne devenu docile à perpétuité, en remercîment de l’asile reçu en Occident ; 2) Il critique simultanément la chape médiatique qui recouvre toutes les démarches intellectuelles officielles de l’Occident, brisant potentiellement tous les effets de la propagande « soft », émanant des agences de l’ « américanosphère » ; 3) Il critique sévèrement le « joujou pluralisme » que l’Occident a voulu imposer à la Russie, en créant et en finançant des cénacles « russophobes », prêchant la haine du passé russe, des traditions russes et de l’âme russe, lesquelles ne génèrent, selon les « pluralistes », qu’un esprit de servitude ; par les effets du « pluralisme », la Russie était censée s’endormir définitivement et ne plus poser problème à l’hegemon américain ; 4) Il a appelé à la renaissance du patriotisme russe, damant ainsi le pion à ceux qui voulaient disposer sans freins d’une Russie anémiée et émasculée et faire main basse sur ses richesses ; 5) Il s’est réconcilié avec le pouvoir de Poutine, juste au moment où celui-ci était décrié en Occident.
Ayant vu le jour en 1918, Alexandre Soljénitsyne nait en même temps que la révolution bolchevique, ce qu’il se plaira à souligner à maintes reprises. Il nait orphelin de père : ce dernier, officier dans l’armée du Tsar, est tué lors d’un accident de chasse au cours d’une permission. Le jeune Alexandre est élevé par sa mère, qui consentira à de durs sacrifices pour donner à son garçon une excellente éducation. Fille de propriétaires terriens, elle appartient à une famille brisée par les effets de la révolution bolchevique. Alexandre étudiera les mathématiques, la physique et la philosophie à Rostov sur le Don. Incorporé dans l’Armée Rouge en 1941, l’année de l’invasion allemande, il sert dans un régiment d’artillerie et participe à la bataille de Koursk, qui scelle la défaite de l’Axe en Russie, et à l’Opération Bagration, qui lance la première grande offensive soviétique en direction du Reich. Cette campagne de grande envergure le mènera, devenu officier, en Prusse Orientale, au moment où l’Armée Rouge, désormais victorieuse, s’apprête à avancer vers la Vistule et vers l’Oder. Jusque là son attitude est irréprochable du point de vue soviétique. Soljénitsyne est certes un patriote russe, incorporé dans une armée soviétique dont il conteste secrètement l’idéologie, mais il n’est pas un « vlassoviste » passé à l’Axe, qui entend délivrer la Russie du stalinisme en s’alliant au Reich et à ses alliés (en dépit des réflexes patriotiques que ce même stalinisme a suscité pour inciter les masses russes à combattre les Allemands).
Arrestation et emprisonnement
Mais ce que voit Soljénitsyne en Prusse Orientale, les viols, les massacres, les expulsions et les destructions perpétrées par l’Armée Rouge, dont il est officier, le dégoûte profondément, le révulse. L’armée de Staline déshonore la Russie. Le séjour de Soljénitsyne en Prusse Orientale trouve son écho littéraire dans deux ouvrages, « Nuits en Prusse Orientale » (un recueil de poèmes) et « Schwenkitten 45 », un récit où il retourne sur les lieux d’août 1914, où son père a combattu. Le NKVD, la police politique de Staline, l’arrête peu après, sous prétexte qu’il avait été « trop tendre » à l’égard de l’ennemi (ce motif justifiait également l’arrestation de son futur compagnon d’infortune Lev Kopelev) et parce qu’il a critiqué Staline dans une lettre à son beau-frère, interceptée par la police. Staline y était décrit comme « l’homme à la moustache », désignation jugée irrespectueuse et subversive par les commissaires politiques (1). Il est condamné à huit ans de détention, d’abord dans les camps de travail du goulag (ce qui donnera la matière d’ « Une journée d’Ivan Denissovitch » et de « L’Archipel Goulag », puis dans une prison réservée aux scientifiques, la fameuse « prison spéciale n°16 », la Sharashka, dans la banlieue de Moscou. Cette expérience, entre les murs de la prison spéciale n°16, constitue tout à la fois la genèse de l’œuvre et de la pensée ultérieure de notre auteur, y compris les linéaments de sa critique de l’Occident, et la matière d’un grand livre, « Le premier cercle », esquivé par les « nouveaux philosophes » qui n’y auraient pas trouvé leur miel mais, au contraire, une pensée radicalement différente de la leur, qui est, on le sait trop bien, caractérisée par une haine viscérale de toutes « racines » ou enracinements.
Le décor de la Sharashka
Dans la « Sharashka », il rencontre Lev Kopelev (alias le personnage de Roubine) et Dmitri Panine (alias Sologdine). Dans « Le premier cercle », Soljénitsyne lui-même sera représenté par le personnage de « Nergine ». « Le premier cercle » est constitué de dialogues d’une grande fécondité, que l’on peut comparer à ceux de Thomas Mann, tenus dans le sanatorium fictif de la « Montagne magique ». Le séjour à la Sharashka est donc très important pour la genèse de l’œuvre, tant sur le plan de la forme que sur le plan du fond. Pour la forme, pour la spécificité de l’écriture de Soljénitsyne, la découverte, dans la bibliothèque de cette prison, des dictionnaires étymologiques de Vladimir Dahl (un philologue russe d’origine danoise) a été capitale. Elle a permis à Soljénitsyne de récréer une langue russe débarrassée des adstrats maladroits du soviétisme, et des apports étrangers inutiles, lourds et pesants, que l’internationalisme communiste se plaisait à multiplier dans sa phraséologie.
Les pensées des personnages incarcérés à la Sharashka sont celles de larges strates de la population russe, en dissidence par rapport au régime. Ainsi, Dmitri Panine/Sologdine est dès le départ hostile à la révolution. De quelques années plus âgé que Soljénitsyne/Nergine, Panine/Sologdine a rejeté le bolchevisme à la suite d’horreurs dont il a été témoin enfant. Il a été arrêté une première fois en 1940 pour pensée contre-révolutionnaire et une seconde fois en 1943 pour « défaitisme ». Il incarne des valeurs morales absolues, propres aux sociétés fortement charpentées par la religion. Ces valeurs morales vont de paire avec un sens inné de la justice. Panine/Sologdine fascine littéralement Soljénitsyne/Nergine. Notons que des personnages similaires se retrouvent dans « L’Archipel Goulag », ouvrage qui a servi, soi-disant, de détonateur à la « nouvelle philosophie » parisienne des années 70. Mais, apparemment, les « nouveaux philosophes » n’ont pas pris acte de ces personnages-là, pourtant d’une grande importance pour le propos de Soljénitsyne, ce qui nous permet de dire que cette approche fort sélective jette le doute sur la validité même de la « nouvelle philosophie » et de ses avatars contemporains. Pur bricolage idéologique ? Fabrication délibérée ?
Kopelev / Roubine
Lev Kopelev/Roubine est juif et communiste. Il croit au marxisme. Pour lui, le stalinisme n’est qu’une « déviation de la norme ». Il est un homme chaleureux et généreux. Il donne la moitié de son pain à qui en a besoin pour survivre ou pour guérir. Ce geste quotidien de partage, Soljénitsyne l’apprécie grandement. Mais, ironise Soljénitsyne/Nergine, il a besoin d’une agora, contrairement à notre auteur qui, lui, a besoin de solitude (ce sera effectivement le cas à la « prison spéciale n°16 », à Zurich dans les premières semaines d’exil et dans le Vermont aux Etats-Unis). Mort en 1997, Kopelev restera l’ami de Soljénitsyne après leur emprisonnement, malgré leurs différences philosophiques et leurs itinéraires divergents. Il se décarcassera notamment pour trouver tous les volumes du dictionnaire de Dahl et les envoyer à Soljénitsyne. Pourquoi ce communiste militant a-t-il été arrêté, presqu’en même temps que Soljénitsyne ? Il est, dès son jeune âge, un germaniste hors pair et un philosophe de talent. Il sert dans une unité de propagande antinazie qui émet à l’attention des soldats de la Wehrmacht. Il joue également le rôle d’interprète pour quelques généraux allemands, pris prisonniers au cours des grandes offensives soviétiques qui ont suivi la bataille de Koursk. Mais lui aussi est dégoûté par le comportement de certaines troupes soviétiques en Prusse Orientale car il reste un germanophile culturel, bien qu’antinazi. Kopelev/Roubine est véritablement le personnage clef du « Premier cercle ». Pourquoi ? Parce qu’il est communiste, représente la Russie « communisée » mais aussi parce qu’il culturellement germanisé, au contraire de Panine/Sologdine, incarnation de la Russie orthodoxe d’avant la révolution, et de Soljénitsyne/Nergine, et, de ce fait, partiellement « occidentalisé ». Il est un ferment non russe dans la pensée russe, respecté par le russophile Soljénitsyne. Celui-ci va donc analyser, au fil des pages du « Premier cercle », la complexité de ses sentiments, c’est-à-dire des sentiments des Russes soviétisés. Au départ, Soljénitsyne/Nergine et Kopelev/Roubine sont proches politiquement. Nergine n’est pas totalement immunisé contre le soviétisme comme l’est Sologdine. Il en est affecté mais il va guérir. Dans les premières pages du « Premier cercle », Nergine et Roubine s’identifient à l’établissement soviétique. Ce n’est évidemment pas le cas de Sologdine.
Panine / Sologdine
Celui-ci jouera dès lors le rôle clef dans l’éclosion de l’œuvre de Soljénitsyne et dans la prise de distance que notre auteur prendra par rapport au système et à l’idéologie soviétiques. Panine/Sologdine est ce que l’on appelle dans le jargon des prisons soviétiques, un « Tchoudak », c’est-à-dire un « excentrique » et un « inspiré » (avec ou sans relents de mysticisme). Mais Panine/Sologdine, en dépit de cette étiquette que lui collent sur le dos les commissaires du peuple, est loin d’être un mystique fou, un exalté comme en a connus l’histoire russe. Son exigence première est de retourner à « un langage de la clarté maximale », expurgé des termes étrangers, qui frelatent la langue russe et que les Soviétiques utilisaient à tire-larigot. L’objectif de Panine/Sologdine est de re-slaviser la langue pour lui rendre sa pureté et sa richesse, la dégager de tous les effets de « novlangue » apportés par un régime inspiré de philosophies étrangères à l’âme russe.
Le prisonnier réel de la Sharashka et le personnage du « Premier cercle » qu’est Panine/Sologdine a étudié les mathématiques et les sciences, sans pour autant abjurer les pensées contre-révolutionnaires radicales que les scientismes sont censés éradiquer dans l’esprit des hommes, selon les dogmes « progressistes ». Panine/Sologdine entretient une parenté philosophique avec des auteurs comme l’Abbé Barruel, Joseph de Maistre ou Donoso Cortès, dans la mesure où il perçoit le marxisme-léninisme comme un « instrument de Satan », du « mal métaphysique » ; de plus, il est une importation étrangère, comme les néologismes de la langue (de bois) qu’il préconise et généralise. La revendication d’une langue à nouveau claire, non viciée par les alluvions de la propagande, est l’impératif premier que pose ce contre-révolutionnaire indéfectible. C’est lui qui demande que l’on potasse les dictionnaires étymologiques de Vladimir Dahl car le retour à l’étymologie est un retour à la vérité première de la langue russe, donc de la Russie et de la russéité. Les termes fabriqués par l’idéologie ou les importations étrangères constituent une chape de « médiateté » qui interdit aux Russes soviétisés de se réconcilier avec leur cœur profond. « Le Premier cercle » rapporte une querelle philosophique entre Panine/Sologdine et Soljénitsyne/Nergine : ce dernier est tenté par la sagesse chinoise de Lao Tseu, notamment par deux maximes, « Plus il y a de lois et de règlements, plus il y aura de voleurs et de hors-la-loi » et « L’homme noble conquiert sans le vouloir ». Soljénitsyne les fera toujours siennes mais, fidèle à un anti-asiatisme foncier propre à la pensée russe entre 1870 et la révolution bolchevique, Panine/Sologdine rejette toute importation de « chinoiseries », proclame sa fidélité indéfectible au fond qui constitue la tradition chrétienne orthodoxe russe, postulant une « foi en Dieu sans spéculation ».
L’éclosion d’une pensée politique véritablement russe
Dans le contexte même de la rencontre de ces trois personnages différents entre les murailles de la Sharashka, avec un Soljénitsyne/Nergine au départ vierge de toute position tranchée, la pensée du futur dissident soviétique, Prix Nobel de littérature et fustigateur de l’Occident décadent et hypocrite, va mûrir, se forger, prendre les contours qu’elle n’abandonnera jamais plus. Face à ses deux principaux interlocuteurs de la Sharashka, la première intention de Soljénitsyne/Nergine est d’écrire une histoire de la révolution d’Octobre et d’en dégager le sens véritable, lequel, pense-t-il au début de sa démarche, est léniniste et non pas stalinien. Pour justifier ce léninisme antistalinien, Soljénitsyne/Nergine interroge Kopelev/Roubine, fin connaisseur de tous les détails qui ont précédé puis marqué cette révolution et la geste personnelle de Lénine. Kopelev/Roubine est celui qui fournit la matière brute. Au fil des révélations, au fur et à mesure que Soljénitsyne/Roubine apprend faits et dessous de la révolution d’Octobre, son intention première, qui était de prouver la valeur intrinsèque du léninisme pur et de critiquer la déviation stalinienne, se modifie : désormais il veut formuler une critique fondamentale de la révolution. Pour le faire, il entend poser une batterie de questions cruciales : « Si Lénine était resté au pouvoir, y aurait-il eu ou non campagne contre les koulaks (l’Holodomor ukrainien), y aurait-il eu ou non collectivisation, famine ? ». En tentant de répondre à ces questions, Soljénitsyne demeure antistalinien mais se rend compte que Staline n’est pas le seul responsable des errements du communisme soviétique. Le mal a-t-il des racines léninistes voire des racines marxistes ? Soljénitsyne poursuit sa démarche critique et en vient à s’opposer à Kopelev, en toute amitié. Pour Kopelev, en dépit de sa qualité d’israélite russe et de prisonnier politique, pense que Staline incarne l’alliance entre l’espérance communiste et le nationalisme russe. En prison, à la Sharashka, Kopelev en arrive à justifier l’impérialisme rouge, dans la mesure où il est justement « impérial » et à défendre des positions « nationales et bolcheviques ». Kopelev admire les conquêtes de Staline, qui est parvenu à édifier un bloc impérial, dominé par la nation russe, s’étendant « de l’Elbe à la Mandchourie ». Soljénitsyne ne partage pas l’idéal panslaviste, perceptible en filigrane derrière le discours de Kopelev/Roubine. Il répétera son désaccord dans les manifestes politiques qu’il écrira à la fin de sa vie dans une Russie débarrassée du communisme. Les Polonais catholiques ne se fondront jamais dans un tel magma ni d’ailleurs les Tchèques trop occidentalisés ni les Serbes qui, dit Soljénitsyne, ont entrainé la Russie dans une « guerre désastreuse » en 1914, dont les effets ont provoqué la révolution. Dans les débats entre prisonniers à la Sharashka, Soljénitsyne/Nergine opte pour une russéité non impérialiste, repliée sur elle-même ou sur la fraternité entre Slaves de l’Est (Russes/Grands Russiens, Ukrainiens et Biélorusses).
Panine, le maître à penser
Pour illustrer son anti-impérialisme en gestation, Soljénitsyne évoque une réunion de soldats en 1917, à la veille de la révolution quand l’armée est minée par la subversion bolchevique. L’orateur, chargé de les haranguer, appelle à poursuivre la guerre ; il évoque la nécessité pour les Russes d’avoir un accès aux mers chaudes. Cet argument se heurte à l’incompréhension des soldats. L’un d’eux interpelle l’orateur : « Va te faire foutre avec tes mers ! Que veux-tu qu’on en fasse, qu’on les cultive ? ». Soljénitsyne veut démontrer, en évoquant cette verte réplique, que la mentalité russe est foncièrement paysanne, tellurique et continentale. Le vrai Russe, ne cessera plus d’expliquer Soljénitsyne, est lié à la glèbe, il est un « pochvennik ». Il est situé sur un sol précis. Il n’est ni un nomade ni un marin. Ses qualités se révèlent quand il peut vivre un tel enracinement. Ce « pochvennikisme », associé chez Soljénitsyne à un certain quiétisme inspiré de Lao Tseu, conduit aussi à une méfiance à l’endroit de l’Etat, de tout « Big Brother » (à l’instar de Proudhon, Bakounine voire Sorel). Ce glissement vers l’idéalisation du « pochvennik » rapproche Soljénitsyne/Nergine de Panine/Sologdine et l’éloigne de Kopelev/Roubine, dont il était pourtant plus proche au début de son séjour dans la Sharashka. Le fil conducteur du « Premier cercle » est celui qui nous mène d’une position vaguement léniniste, dépourvue de toute hostilité au soviétisme, à un rejet du communisme dans toutes ses facettes et à une adhésion à la vision traditionnelle et slavophile de la russéité, portée par la figure du paysan « pochvennik ». Panine fut donc le maître à penser de Soljénitsyne.
Ce ruralisme slavophile de Soljénitsyne, né à la suite des discussions entre détenus à la Sharashka, ne doit pas nous induire à poser un jugement trop hâtif sur la philosophie politique de Soljénitsyne. On sait que le rejet de la mer constitue un danger et signale une faiblesse récurrente des pensées politiques russes ou allemandes. Oswald Spengler opposait l’idéal tellurique du chevalier teutonique, œuvrant sur terre, à la figure négative du pirate anglo-saxon, inspiré par les Vikings. Arthur Moeller van den Bruck préconisait une alliance des puissances continentales contre les thalassocraties. Carl Schmitt penche sentimentalement du côté de la Terre dans l’opposition qu’il esquisse dans « Terre et Mer », ou dans son « Glossarium » édité dix ans après sa mort, et exalte parfois la figure du « géomètre romain », véritable créateur d’Etats et d’Empires. Friedrich Ratzel et l’Amiral Tirpitz ne cesseront, devant cette propension à « rester sur le plancher des vaches », de dire que la Mer donne la puissance et que les peuples qui refusent de devenir marins sont condamnés à la récession permanente et au déclin politique. L’Amiral Castex avancera des arguments similaires quand il exhortera les Français à consolider leur marine dans les années 50 et 60.
Les ouvrages des années 90
Pourquoi l’indubitable fascination pour la glèbe russe ne doit pas nous inciter à considérer la pensée politique de Soljénitsyne comme un pur tellurisme « thalassophobe » ? Dans ses ouvrages ultérieurs, comme « L’erreur de l’Occident » (1980), encore fort emprunt d’un antisoviétisme propre à la dissidence issue du goulag, comme « Nos pluralistes » (1983), « Comment réaménager notre Russie ? » (1990) et « La Russie sous l’avalanche » (1998), Soljénitsyne prendra conscience de beaucoup de problèmes géopolitiques : il évoquera les manœuvres communes des flottes américaine, turque et ukrainienne en Mer Noire et entreverra tout l’enjeu que comporte cette mer intérieure pour la Russie ; il parlera aussi des Kouriles, pierre d’achoppement dans les relations russo-japonaises, et avant-poste de la Russie dans les immensités du Pacifique ; enfin, il évoquera aussi, mais trop brièvement, la nécessité d’avoir de bons rapports avec la Chine et l’Inde, ouvertures obligées vers deux grands océans de la planète : l’Océan Indien et le Pacifique. « La Russie sous l’avalanche », de 1998, est à cet égard l’ouvrage de loin le mieux construit de tous les travaux politiques de Soljénitsyne au soir de sa vie. Le livre est surtout une dénonciation de la politique de Boris Eltsine et du type d’économie qu’ont voulu introduire des ministres comme Gaïdar et Tchoubaïs. Leur projet était d’imposer les critères du néo-libéralisme en Russie, notamment par la dévaluation du rouble et par la vente à l’encan des richesses du pays. Nous y reviendrons.
La parution d’ « Une journée d’Ivan Denissovitch »
La consécration, l’entrée dans le panthéon de la littérature universelle, aura lieu en 1961-62, avec la publication d’ « Une journée d’Ivan Denissovitch », un manuscrit relatant la journée d’un « zek » (le terme soviétique pour désigner un détenu du goulag). Lev Kopelev avait lu le manuscrit et en avait décelé le génie. Surfant sur la vague de la déstalinisation, Kopelev s’adresse à un ami de Khrouchtchev au sein du Politburo de l’Union Soviétique, un certain Tvardovski. Khrouchtchev se laisse convaincre. Il autorise la publication du livre, qu’il perçoit comme un témoignage intéressant pour appuyer sa politique de déstalinisation. « Une journée d’Ivan Denissovitch » est publiée en feuilleton dans la revue « Novi Mir ». Personne n’avait jamais pu exprimer de manière aussi claire, limpide, ce qu’était réellement l’univers concentrationnaire. Ivan Denissovitch Choukhov, dont Soljénitsyne relate la journée, est un paysan, soit l’homme par excellence selon Soljénitsyne, désormais inscrit dans la tradition ruraliste des slavophiles russes. Trois vertus l’animent malgré son sort : il reste goguenard, ne croit pas aux grandes idées que l’on présente comme des modèles mirifiques aux citoyens soviétiques ; il est impavide et, surtout, ne garde aucune rancune : il pardonne. L’horreur de l’univers concentrationnaire est celle d’un interminable quotidien, tissé d’une banalité sans nom. Le bonheur suprême, c’est de mâchonner lentement une arête de poisson, récupérée en « rab » chez le cuisinier. Dans cet univers, il y a peut-être un salut, une rédemption, en bout de course pour des personnalités de la trempe d’un Ivan Denissovitch, mais il n’y en aura pas pour les salauds, dont la définition n’est forcément pas celle qu’en donnait Sartre : le salaud dans l’univers éperdument banal d’Ivan Denissovitch, c’est l’intellectuel ou l’esthète désincarnés.
Trois personnages animent la journée d’Ivan Denissovitch : Bouynovski, un communiste qui reste fidèle à son idéal malgré son emprisonnement ; Aliocha, le chrétien renonçant qui refuse une église inféodée à l’Etat ; et Choukhov, le païen stoïque issu de la région de Riazan, dont il a l’accent et dont il maîtrise le dialecte. Soljénitsyne donnera le dernier mot à ce païen stoïque, dont le pessimisme est absolu : il n’attend rien ; il cultive une morale de la survie ; il accomplit sa tâche (même si elle ne sert à rien) ; il ne renonce pas comme Aliocha mais il assume son sort. Ce qui le sauve, c’est qu’il partage ce qu’il a, qu’il fait preuve de charité ; le négateur païen du Dieu des chrétiens refait, quand il le peut, le geste de la Cène. En cela, il est le modèle de Soljénitsyne.
Retour de pendule
« Une journée d’Ivan Denissovitch » connaît un succès retentissant pendant une vingtaine de mois mais, en 1964, avec l’accession d’une nouvelle troïka au pouvoir suprême en Union Soviétique, dont Brejnev était l’homme fort, s’opère un retour de pendule. En 1965, le KGB confisque le manuscrit du « Premier cercle ». En 1969, Soljénitsyne est exclu de l’association des écrivains. En guise de riposte à cette exclusion, les Suédois lui accordent le Prix Nobel de littérature en 1970. Soljénitsyne ne pourra pas se rendre à Stockholm pour le recevoir. La répression post-khrouchtchévienne oblige Soljénitsyne, contre son gré, à publier « L’Archipel goulag » à l’étranger. Cette publication est jugée comme une trahison à l’endroit de l’URSS. Soljénitsyne est arrêté pour trahison et expulsé du territoire. La nuit du 12 au 13 février 1974, il débarque d’un avion à l’aéroport de Francfort sur le Main en Allemagne puis se rend à Zurich en Suisse, première étape de son long exil, qu’il terminera à Cavendish dans le Vermont aux Etats-Unis. Ce dernier refuge a été, pour Soljénitsyne, un isolement complet de dix-huit ans.
Euphorie en Occident
De 1974 à 1978, c’est l’euphorie en Occident. Soljénitsyne est celui qui, à son corps défendant, valorise le système occidental et réceptionne, en sa personne, tout le mal que peut faire subir le régime adverse, celui de l’autre camp de la guerre froide. C’est la période où émerge du néant la « nouvelle philosophie » à Paris, qui se veut antitotalitaire et se réclame de Soljénitsyne sans pourtant l’avoir lu entièrement, sans avoir capté véritablement le message du « Premier cercle », le glissement d’un léninisme de bon aloi, parce qu’antistalinien, vers des positions slavophiles, totalement incompatibles avec celles de la brochette d’intellos parisiens qui se vantaient d’introduire dans le monde entier une « nouvelle philosophie » à prétentions universalistes. La « nouvelle philosophie » révèle ainsi son statut de pure fabrication médiatique. Elle s’est servi de Soljénitsyne et de sa dénonciation du goulag pour faire de la propagande pro-américaine, en omettant tous les aspects de son œuvre qui indiquaient des options incompatibles avec l’esprit occidental. Dans ce contexte, il faut se rappeler que Kissinger avait empêché Gerald Ford, alors président des Etats-Unis, d’aller saluer Soljénitsyne, car, avait-il dit, sans nul doute en connaissant les véritables positions slavophiles de notre auteur, « ses vues embarrassent même les autres dissidents » (c’est-à-dire les « zapadnikis », les occidentalistes). Ce hiatus entre le Soljénitsyne des propagandes occidentales et de la « nouvelle philosophie », d’une part, et le Soljénitsyne véritable, slavophile et patriote russe anti-impérialiste, d’autre part, conduira à la thèse centrale d’un ouvrage polémique de notre auteur, « Nos pluralistes » (1983). Dans ce petit livre, Soljénitsyne dénonce tous les mécanismes d’amalgame dont usent les médias. Son argument principal est le suivant : les « pluralistes », porte-voix des pseudo-vérités médiatiques, énoncent des affirmations impavides et non vérifiées, ne retiennent jamais les leçons de l’histoire réelle (alors que Soljénitsyne s’efforce de la reconstituer dans la longue fresque à laquelle il travaille et qui nous emmène d’août 1914 au triomphe de la révolution) ; les « pluralistes », qui sévissent en Russie et y répandent la propagande occidentale, avancent des batteries d’arguments tout faits, préfabriqués, qu’on ne peut remettre en question, sous peine de subir les foudres des nouveaux « bien-pensants ». Le « pluralisme », parce qu’il refuse toute contestation de ses propres a priori, n’est pas un pluralisme et les « pluralistes » qui s’affichent tels sont tout sauf d’authentiques pluralistes ou de véritables démocrates.
Dès 1978, dès son premier discours à Harvard, Soljénitsyne dénonce le vide spirituel de l’Occident et des Etats-Unis, leur matérialisme vulgaire, leur musique hideuse et intolérable, leur presse arrogante et débile qui viole sans cesse la vie privée. Ce discours jette un froid : « Comment donc ! Ce Soljénitsyne ne se borne pas à n’être qu’un simple antistalinien antitotalitaire et occidentaliste ? Il est aussi hostile à toutes les mises au pas administrées aux peuples par l’hegemon américain ! ». Scandale ! Bris de manichéisme ! Insolence à l’endroit de la bien-pensance !
« La Roue Rouge »
De 1969 à 1980, Soljénitsyne va se consacrer à sa grande œuvre, celle qu’il s’était promise d’écrire lorsqu’il était enfermé entre les murs de la Sharashka. Il s’attelle à la grande fresque historique de l’histoire de la Russie et du communisme. La série intitulée « La Roue Rouge » commence par un volume consacré à « Août 1914 », qui paraît en français, à Paris, en 1973, peu avant son expulsion d’URSS. La parution de cette fresque en français s’étalera de 1973 à 1997 (« Mars 1917 » paraitra en trois volumes chez Fayard). « Août 1914 » est un ouvrage très dense, stigmatisant l’amateurisme des généraux russes et, ce qui est plus important sur le plan idéologique et politique, contient une réhabilitation de l’œuvre de Stolypine, avec son projet de réforme agraire. Pour retourner à elle-même, sans sombrer dans l’irréalisme romantique ou néo-slavophile, après les sept décennies de totalitarisme communiste, la Russie doit opérer un retour à Stolypine, qui fut l’unique homme politique russe à avoir développé un projet viable, cohérent, avant le désastre du bolchevisme. La perestroïka et la glasnost ne suffisent pas : elles ne sont pas des projets réalistes, ne constituent pas un programme. L’espoir avant le désastre s’appelait Stolypine. C’est avec son esprit qu’il faut à nouveau communier. Les autres volumes de la « Roue Rouge » seront parachevés en dix-huit ans (« Novembre 1916 », « Mars/Février 1917 », « Août 1917 »). « Février 1917 » analyse la tentative de Kerenski, stigmatise l’indécision de son régime libéral, examine la vacuité du blabla idéologique énoncé par les mencheviks et démontre que l’origine du mal, qui a frappé la Russie pendant sept décennies, réside bien dans ce libéralisme anti-traditionnel. Après la perestroïka, la Russie ne peut en aucun cas retourner à un « nouveau février », comme le faisait Boris Eltsine. La réponse de Soljénitsyne est claire : pas de nouveau menchevisme mais, une fois de plus, retour à Stolypine. « Février 1917 » rappelle aussi le rôle du banquier juif allemand Halphand, alias Parvus, dans le financement de la révolution bolchevique, avec l’appui des autorités militaires et impériales allemandes, soucieuses de se défaire d’un des deux fronts sur lequel combattaient leurs armées. Les volumes de la « Roue Rouge » ne seront malheureusement pas des succès de librairie en France et aux Etats-Unis (sauf « Août 1914 ») ; en Russie, ces volumes sont trop longs à lire pour la jeune génération.
Retour à Moscou par la Sibérie
Le 27 mai 1994, Soljénitsyne retourne en Russie et débarque à Magadan en Sibérie orientale, sur les côtes de la Mer d’Okhotsk. Son arrivée à Moscou sera précédée d’un « itinéraire sibérien » de deux mois, parcouru en dix-sept étapes. Pour notre auteur, ce retour en Russie par la Sibérie sera marqué par une grande désillusion, pour cinq motifs essentiellement : 1) l’accroissement de la criminalité, avec le déclin de toute morale naturelle ; 2) la corruption politique omniprésente ; 3) le délabrement général des cités et des sites industriels désaffectés, de même que celui des services publics ; 4) la démocratie viciée ; 5) le déclin spirituel.
La position de Soljénitsyne face à la nouvelle Russie débarrassée du communisme est donc celle du scepticisme (tout comme Alexandre Zinoviev) à l’égard de la perestroïka et de la glasnost. Gorbatchev, aux yeux de Soljénitsyne et de Zinoviev, n’inaugure donc pas une renaissance mais marque le début d’un déclin. Le grand danger de la débâcle générale, commencée dès la perestroïka gorbatchévienne, est de faire apparaître le système soviétique désormais défunt comme un âge d’or matériel. Soljénitsyne et Zinoviev constatent donc le statut hybride du post-soviétisme : les résidus du soviétisme marquent encore la société russe, l’embarrassent comme un ballast difficile à traîner, et sont désormais flanqués d’éléments disparates importés d’Occident, qui se greffent mal sur la mentalité russe ou ne constituent que des scories dépourvus de toute qualité intrinsèque.
Critique du gorbatchévisme et de la politique d’Eltsine
Déçu par le gorbatchévisme, Soljénitsyne va se montrer favorable à Eltsine dans un premier temps, principalement pour le motif qu’il a été élu démocratiquement. Qu’il est le premier russe élu par les urnes depuis près d’un siècle. Mais ce préjugé favorable fera long feu. Soljénitsyne se détache d’Eltsine et amorce une critique de son pouvoir pour deux raisons : 1) il n’a pas défendu les Russes ethniques dans les nouvelles républiques de la CEI ; 2) il vend le pays et ses ressources à des consortiums étrangers.
Au départ, Soljénitsyne était hostile à Poutine, considérant qu’il était une figure politique issue des cénacles d’Eltsine. Mais Poutine, discret au départ, va se métamorphoser et se poser comme celui qui combat les stratégies de démembrement préconisées par Zbigniew Brzezinski, notamment dans son livre « Le Grand Echiquier » (« The Grand Chessboard »). Il est l’homme qui va sortir assez rapidement la Russie du chaos suicidaire de la « Smuta » (2) post-soviétique. Soljénitsyne se réconciliera avec Poutine en 2007, arguant que celui-ci a hérité d’un pays totalement délabré, l’a ensuite induit sur la voie de la renaissance lente et graduelle, en pratiquant une politique du possible. Cette politique vise notamment à conserver les richesses minières, pétrolières et gazières de la Russie entre des mains russes.
Le voyage en Vendée
En 1993, sur invitation de Philippe de Villers, Soljénitsyne se rend en Vendée pour commémorer les effroyables massacres commis par les révolutionnaires français deux cent années auparavant. Les « colonnes infernales » des « Bleus » pratiquaient la politique de « dépopulation » dans les zones révoltées, politique qui consistait à exterminer les populations rurales entrées en rébellion contre la nouvelle « république ». Dans le discours qu’il tiendra là-bas le 25 septembre 1993, Soljénitsyne a rappelé que les racines criminelles du communisme résident in nuce dans l’idéologie républicaine de la révolution française ; les deux projets politiques, également criminels dans leurs intentions, sont caractérisés par une haine viscérale et insatiable dirigée contre les populations paysannes, accusées de ne pas être réceptives aux chimères et aux bricolages idéologiques d’une caste d’intellectuels détachés des réalités tangibles de l’histoire. La stratégie de la « dépopulation » et la pratique de l’exterminisme, inaugurés en Vendée à la fin du 18ème siècle, seront réanimées contre les koulaks russes et ukrainiens à partir des années 20 du 20ème siècle. Ce discours, très logique, présentant une généalogie sans faille des idéologies criminelles de la modernité occidentale, provoquera la fureur des cercles faisandés du « républicanisme » français, placés sans ménagement aucun par une haute sommité de la littérature mondiale devant leurs propres erreurs et devant leur passé nauséabond. Soljénitsyne deviendra dès lors une « persona non grata », essuyant désormais les insultes de la presse parisienne, comme tous les Européens qui osent professer des idées politiques puisées dans d’autres traditions que ce « républicanisme » issu du cloaque révolutionnaire parisien (cette hostilité haineuse vaut pour les fédéralistes alpins de Suisse ou de Savoie, de Lombardie ou du Piémont, les populistes néerlandais ou slaves, les solidaristes ou les communautaristes enracinés dans des continuités politiques bien profilées, etc. qui ne s’inscrivent dans aucun des filons de la révolution française, tout simplement parce que ces filons n’ont jamais été présents dans leurs pays). On a même pu lire ce titre qui en dit long dans une gazette jacobine : « Une crapule en Vendée ». Tous ceux qui n’applaudissent pas aux dragonnades des « colonnes infernales » de Turreau reçoivent in petto ou de vive voix l’étiquette de « crapule ».
Octobre 1994 : le discours à la Douma
En octobre 1994, Soljénitsyne est invité à la tribune de la Douma. Le discours qu’il y tiendra, pour être bien compris, s’inscrit dans le cadre général d’une opposition, ancienne mais revenue à l’avant-plan après la chute du communisme, entre, d’une part, occidentalistes (zapadniki) et, d’autre part, slavophiles (narodniki ou pochvenniki, populistes ou « glèbistes »). Cette opposition reflète le choc entre deux anthropologies, représentées chacune par des figures de proue : Sakharov pour les zapadniki et Soljénitsyne pour les narodniki. Sakharov et les zapadniki défendaient dans ce contexte une « idéologie de la convergence », c’est-à-dire d’une convergence entre les « deux capitalismes » (le capitalisme de marché et le capitalisme monopoliste d’Etat). Sakharov et son principal disciple Alexandre Yakovlev prétendaient que cette « idéologie de la convergence » annonçait et préparait une « nouvelle civilisation mondiale » qui adviendrait par le truchement de l’économie. Pour la faire triompher, il faut « liquider les atavismes », encore présents dans la religion et dans les sentiments nationaux des peuples et dans les réflexes de fierté nationale. La liquidation des atavismes s’effectuera par le biais d’un « programme de rééducation » qui fera advenir une « nouvelle raison ». Dans son discours à la Douma, Soljénitsyne fustige cette « idéologie de la convergence » et cette volonté d’éradiquer les atavismes. L’une et l’autre sont mises en œuvre par les « pluralistes » dont il dénonçait déjà les manigances et les obsessions en 1983. Ces « pluralistes » ne se contentent pas d’importer des idées occidentales préfabriquées, tonnait Soljénitsyne du haut de la chaire de la Douma, mais ils dénigrent systématique l’histoire russe et toutes les productions issues de l’âme russe : le discours des « pluralistes » répète à satiété que les Russes sont d’incorrigibles « barbares », sont « un peuple d’esclaves qui aiment la servitude », qu’ils sont mâtinés d’esprit mongol ou tatar et que le communisme n’a jamais été autre chose qu’une expression de cette barbarité et de cet esprit de servitude. Le programme du « républicanisme » et de l’ « universalisme » français (parisien) est très similaire à celui des « pluralistes zapadnikistes » russes : les Français sont alors campés comme des « vichystes » sournois et incorrigibles et toutes les idéologies françaises, même celles qui se sont opposées à Vichy, sont accusées de receler du « vichysme », comme le personnalisme de Mounier ou le gaullisme. C’est contre ce programme de liquidation des atavismes que Soljénitsyne s’insurge lors de son discours à la Douma d’Etat. Il appelle les Russes à le combattre. Ce programme, ajoutait-il, s’enracine dans l’idéologie des Lumières, laquelle est occidentale et n’a jamais procédé d’un humus russe. L’âme russe, par conséquent, ne peut être tenue responsable des horreurs qu’a générées l’idéologie des Lumières, importation étrangère. Rien de ce qui en découle ne peut apporter salut ou solutions pour la Russie postcommuniste. Soljénitsyne reprend là une thématique propre à toute la dissidence est-européenne de l’ère soviétique, qui s’est révoltée contre la volonté d’une minorité activiste, détachée du peuple, de faire advenir un « homme nouveau » par dressage totalitaire (Leszek Kolakowski). Cet homme nouveau ne peut être qu’un sinistre golem, qu’un monstre capable de toutes les aberrations et de toutes les déviances politico-criminelles.
« Comment réaménager notre Russie ? »
Mais en quoi consiste l’alternative narodniki, préconisée par Soljénitsyne ? Celui-ci ne s’est-il pas contenté de fustiger les pratiques métapolitiques des « pluralistes » et des « zapadnikistes », adeptes des thèses de Sakharov et Yakovlev ? Les réponses se trouvent dans un ouvrage paru en 1991, « Comment réaménager notre Russie ? ». Soljénitsyne y élabore un véritable programme politique, valable certes pour la Russie, mais aussi pour tous les pays souhaitant se soustraire du filon idéologique qui va des « Lumières » au « Goulag ».
Soljénitsyne préconise une « démocratie qualitative », basée sur un vote pour des personnalités, dégagée du système des partis et assise sur l’autonomie administrative des régions. Une telle « démocratie qualitative » serait soustraite à la logique du profit et détachée de l’hyperinflation du système bancaire. Elle veillerait à ne pas aliéner les ressources nationales (celles du sol, les richesses minières, les forêts), en n’imitant pas la politique désastreuse d’Eltsine. Dans une telle « démocratie qualitative », l’économie serait régulée par des normes éthiques. Son fonctionnement serait protégé par la verticalité d’un pouvoir présidentiel fort, de manière à ce qu’il y ait équilibre entre la verticalité de l’autorité présidentielle et l’horizontalité d’une démocratie ancrée dans la substance nationale russe et liée aux terres russes.
La notion de « démocratie qualitative »
Une telle « démocratie qualitative » passe par une réhabilitation des villages russes, explique Soljénitsyne en s’inscrivant très nettement dans le filon slavophile russe, dont les inspirations majeures sont ruralistes et « glèbistes » (pochvenniki). Cette réhabilitation a pour corollaire évident de promouvoir, sur les ruines du communisme, des communautés paysannes ou un paysannat libre, maîtres de leur propre sol. Cela implique ipso facto la liquidation du système kolkhozien. La « démocratie qualitative » veut également réhabiliter l’artisanat, un artisanat qui serait propriétaire de ses moyens de production. Les fonctionnaires ont été corrompus par la libéralisation post-soviétique. Ce fonctionnariat devenu voleur devrait être éradiqué pour ne laisser aucune chance au « libéralisme de type mafieux », précisément celui qui s’installait dans les marges du pouvoir eltsinien. La Russie sera sauvée, et à nos yeux pas seulement la Russie, si elle se débarrasse de toutes les formes de gouvernement dont la matrice idéologique et « philosophique » dérive des Lumières et du matérialisme qui en découle. Les formes de « libéralisme » et de fausse démocratie, de démocratie sans qualités, ouvrent la voie aux techniques de manipulation, donc à l’asservissement de l’homme par le biais de son déracinement, conclut Soljénitsyne. Dans le vide que créent ces formes politiques dérivées des Lumières, s’installe généralement la domination étrangère par l’intermédiaire d’une dictature d’idéologues, qui procèdent de manière systématique et sauvage à l’asservissement du peuple. Cette domination, étrangère à la substance populaire, enclenche un processus de décadence et de déracinement qui détruit l’homme, dit Soljénitsyne en se mettant au diapason du « renouveau ruraliste » de la littérature russe des années 60 à 80, dont la figure de proue fut Valentin Raspoutine.
De la démarche ethnocidaire
Soljénitsyne dénonce le processus d’ethnocide qui frappe le peuple russe (et bon nombre d’autres peuples). La démarche ethnocidaire, pratiquée par les élites dévoyées par l’idéologie des Lumières, commence par fabriquer, sur le dos du peuple et au nom du « pluralisme », des sociétés composites, c’est-à-dire des sociétés constituées d’un mixage d’éléments hétérogènes. Il s’agit de noyer le peuple-hôte principal et de l’annihiler dans un « melting pot ». Ainsi, le système soviétique, que n’a cessé de dénoncer Soljénitsyne, cherchait à éradiquer la « russéité » du peuple russe au nom de l’internationalisme prolétarien. En Occident, le pouvoir actuel cherche à éradiquer les identités au nom d’un universalisme panmixiste, dont le « républicanisme » français est l’exemple le plus emblématique.
« Semstvo » et « opoltcheniyé »
Le peuple doit imiter les anciens, ceux du début du 17ème siècle, et se dresser contre la « smuta » qui ne profite qu’à la noblesse querelleuse (les « boyards »), à la Cour, aux faux prétendants au trône et aux envahisseurs (en l’occurrence les envahisseurs polonais et catholiques). Aujourd’hui, c’est un nouveau profitariat qui exploite le vide eltsinien, soit la nouvelle « smuta » : les « oligarques », la clique entourant Eltsine et le capitalisme occidental, surtout américain, qui cherche à s’emparer des richesses naturelles du sol russe. Au 17ème siècle, le peuple s’était uni au sein de la « semstvo », communauté politique de défense populaire qui avait pris la responsabilité de voler au secours d’une nation en déliquescence. La notion de « semstvo », de responsabilité politique populaire, est inséparable de celle d ‘ « opoltcheniyé », une milice d’auto-défense du peuple qui se constitue pour effacer tous les affres de la « smuta ». C’est seulement à la condition de réanimer l’esprit et les pratiques de la « semstvo » et de l’ « opoltcheniyé » que la Russie se libèrera définitivement des scories du bolchevisme et des misères nouvelles du libéralisme importé pendant la « smuta » eltsinienne. Conclusion de Soljénitsyne : « Pendant la Période des Troubles (= « smuta »), l’idéal civique de la « semstvo » a sauvé la Russie ». Dans l’avenir, ce sera la même chose.
Propos de même teneur dans un entretien accordé au « Spiegel » (Hambourg, n°44/1994), où Soljénitsyne est sommé de s’expliquer par un journaliste adepte des idées libérales de gauche : « On ne peut appeler ‘démocratie’ un système électoral où seulement 30% des citoyens participent au vote ». En effet, les Russes n’accouraient pas aux urnes et les Américains ne se bousculaient pas davantage aux portillons des bureaux de vote. L’absentéisme électoral est la marque la plus patente des régimes démocratiques occidentaux qui ne parviennent plus à intéresser la population à la chose publique. Toujours dans les colonnes du « Spiegel », Soljénitsyne exprime son opinion sur l’Amérique de Bush : « En septembre 1992, le Président américain George Bush a déclaré devant l’Assemblée de l’ONU : ‘Notre objectif est d’installer partout dans le monde l’économie de marché’. C’est une idée totalitaire ». Soljénitsyne s’est ainsi fait l’avocat de la pluralité des systèmes, tout en s’opposant aux prédicateurs religieux et économiques qui tentaient, avec de gros moyens, de vendre leurs boniments en Russie.
L’œuvre de Soljénitsyne, depuis les réflexions inaugurales du « Premier cercle » jusqu’au discours d’octobre 1994 à la Douma et à l’entretien accordé au « Spiegel », est un exemple de longue maturation politique, une initiation pour tous ceux qui veulent entamer les démarches qu’il faut impérativement poser pour s’insurger comme il se doit contre les avatars de l’idéologie des Lumières, responsables d’horreurs sans nom ou de banalités sans ressort, qui ethnocident les peuples par la violence ou l’asservissement. Voilà pourquoi ses livres doivent nous accompagner en permanence dans nos réflexions et nos méditations.
Robert STEUCKERS. (conférence préparée initialement pour une conférence à Genève et à Bruxelles, à Forest-Flotzenberg, à Pula en Istrie, aux Rochers du Bourbet et sur le sommet du Faux Verger, de janvier à avril 2009).
La présente étude est loin d’être exhaustive : elle vise essentiellement à montrer les grands linéaments d’une pensée politique née de l’expérience de la douleur. Elle ne se concentre pas assez sur le mode d’écriture de Soljénitsyne, bien mis en exergue dans l’ouvrage de Georges Nivat (« Le phénomène Soljénitsyne ») et n’explore pas l’univers des personnages de l’ « Archipel Goulag », l’œuvre étant pour l’essentiel tissée de discussions entre dissidents emprisonnés, exclus du raisonnement politique de leur pays. Une approche du mode d’écriture et une exploration trop approfondie des personnages de l’ « Archipel Goulag » aurait noyé la clarté didactique de notre exposé, destiné à éclairer un public non averti des subtilités de l’oeuvre.
Notes : (1) Dans son ouvrage sur la bataille de Berlin, l’historien anglais Antony Beevor rappelle que les unités du NKVD et du SMERSH se montrèrent très vigilantes dès l’entrée des troupes soviétiques sur le territoire du Reich, où celles-ci pouvaient juger les réalisations du régime national-socialiste et les comparer à celle du régime soviétique-stalinien. Le parti était également inquiet, rappelle Beevor, parce que, forte de ses victoires depuis Koursk, l’Armée gagnait en prestige au détriment du parti. L’homme fort était Joukov qui faisait de l’ombre à Staline. C’est dans le cadre de cette nervosité des responsables communistes qu’il faut replacer cette vague d’arrestations au sein des forces armées. Beevor rappelle également que les effectifs des ultimes défenseurs de Berlin se composaient comme suit : 45.000 soldats d’unités diverses, dont bon nombre d’étrangers (Norvégiens, Français,…), avec, au moins 10.000 Russes ou ex-citoyens soviétiques (Lettons, Estoniens, etc.) et 40.000 mobilisés du Volkssturm. (2) Le terme « smuta », bien connu des slavistes et des historiens de la Russie, désigne la période de troubles subie par la Russie entre les dernières années du 16ème siècle et les premières décennies du 17ème. Par analogie, on l’a utilisée pour stigmatiser le ressac général de la Russie comme puissance après la chute du communisme.
Bibliographie :
Outre les ouvrages de Soljénitsyne cités dans cet article, nous avons consulté les livres et articles suivants :
- Jürg ALTWEGG, « Frankreich trauert – Der ‘Schock Solschenizyn’ » , ex : http://www.faz.net/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 août 2008 (l’article se concentre sur l’hommage des anciens « nouveaux philosophes » par un de leurs ex compagnons de route ; monument d’hypocrisie, truffé d’hyperboles verbales). - Ralph DUTLI, « Zum Tod von Alexander Solschenizyn – Der Prophet im Rad der Geschichte », ex : http://www.faz.net/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 5 août 2008. - Aldo FERRARI, La Russia tra Oriente & Occidente, Edizioni Ares, Milano, 1994 (uniquement les chapitre sur Soljénitsyne). - Giuseppe GIACCIO, « Aleksandr Solzenicyn : Riconstruire l’Uomo », in Diorama Letterario, n°98, novembre 1986. - Juri GINZBURG, « Der umstrittene Patriarch », ex : http://www.berlinonline.de/berliner-zeitung/archiv/ ou Berliner Zeitung / Magazin, 6 décembre 2003. - Kerstin HOLM, « Alexander Solschenizyn : Na islomach – Wie lange wird Russland noch von Kriminellen regiert ? », ex : http://www.faz.net/s/Rub79…/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 20 juillet 1996, N°167, p. 33. - Kerstin HOLM, « Alexander Solschenizyn : Schwenkitten ’45 – Wider die Architekten der Niedertracht », in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2 octobre 2004 ou http://www.faz.net/ . - Kerstin HOLM, « Die russische Krise – Solschenizyn als Geschichtskorektor », ex : http://www.faz.net/s/Rub… ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 3 mai 2006. - Kerstin HOLM, « Solschenizyn : Zwischen zwei Mühlsteinen – Moralischer Röntgenblick », ex : http://www.faz.net/s/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 26 mai 2006, n°121, p. 34. - Kerstin HOLM, « Das Gewissen des neuen Russlands », ex : http://www.faz.net/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 5 août 2008. - Michael T. KAUFMAN, « Solzhenitsyn, Literary Giant Who defied Soviets, Dies at 89 », The New York Times ou http://www.nytimes.com/ . - Hildegard KOCHANEK, Die russisch-nationale Rechte von 1968 bis zum Ende der Sowjetunion – Eine Diskursanalyse, Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart, 1999. - Lew KOPELEW, Und dennoch hoffen / Texte der deutsche Jahre, Hoffmann und Campe, 1991 (recension par Willy PIETERS, in : Vouloir n°1 (nouvelle série), 1994, p.18. - Walter LAQUEUR, Der Schoss ist fruchtbar noch – Der militante Nationalismus der russischen Rechten, Kindler, München, 1993 (approche très critique). - Reinhard LAUER, « Alexander Solschenizyn : Heldenleben – Feldherr, werde hart », ex : http://ww.faz.net/s/Rub79… ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 2 avril 1996, n°79, p. L11. - Jean-Gilles MALLIARAKIS, « Le retour de Soljénitsyne », in Vouloir, n°1 (nouvelle série), 1994, p.18. - Jaurès MEDVEDEV, Dix ans dans la vie de Soljénitsyne, Grasset, Paris, 1974. - Georges NIVAT, « Le retour de la parole », in Le Magazine Littéraire, n°263, mars 1989, pp. 18-31. - Michael PAULWITZ, Gott, Zar, Muttererde : Solschenizyn und die Neo-Slavophilen im heutigen Russland, Burschenschaft Danubia, München, 1990. - Raf PRAET, « Alexander Solzjenitsyn – Leven, woord en daad van een merkwaardige Rus » (nous n’avons pas pu déterminer l’origine de cet article ; qui peut nous aider ?). - Gonzalo ROJAS SANCHEZ, « Alexander Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), Arbil, n°118/2008, http://www.arbil.org/ . - Michael SCAMMELL, Solzhenitsyn – A Biography, Paladin/Grafton Books, Collins, London/Glasgow, 1984-1986. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Février 1917 dans ‘La Roue Rouge’ de Soljénitsyne », in http://euro-synergies.hautetfort.com/ (original allemand in Criticon, n°119/1990). - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « La fin du communisme et le prochain retour de Soljénitsyne », in Vouloir, N°83/86, nov.-déc. 1991 (original allemand in Europa Vorn, n°21, nov. 1991). - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Soljénitsyne, Stolypine : le nationalisme russe contre les idées de 1789 », in Vouloir, n°6 (nouvelle série), 1994 (original allemand dans Criticon, n°115, 1989). - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Der neue Streit der Westler und Slawophilen », in Staatsbriefe 2/1992, pp. 8-16. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, Russland, was nun ?, Eckhartschriften/Heft 124 - Österreichische Landmannschaft, Wien, 1993 - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Alexander Solschenizyns Rückkehr in die russische Vendée », in Staatsbriefe 10/1994, pp. 25-31. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Der Dichter vor der Duma (1) », in Staatsbriefe 11/1994, pp. 18-22. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Der Dichter vor der Duma (2) », in Staatsbriefe 12/1994, pp. 4-10. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Solschenizyn, Lebed und die unvollendete Revolution », in Staatsbriefe 1/1997, pp. 5-11. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Russland, du hast es besser », in Staatsbriefe 1/1997, pp. 12-14. - Wolfgang STRAUSS, « Kein Ende mit der Smuta », in Staatsbriefe 3/1997, pp. 7-13. - Reinhard VESER, « Russische Stimmen zu Solschenizyn – Ehrliches Heldentum », ex : http://www.faz.net/ ou Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 4 août 2008. - Craig R. WHITNEY, «Lev Kopelev, Soviet Writer In Prison 10 Years, Dies at 85 », The New York Times, June 20, 1997 ou http://www.nytimes.com/1997/06/20/world/ . - Alexandre ZINOVIEV, « Gorbatchévisme », in L’Autre Europe, n°14/1987. - Alexandre ZINOVIEV, Perestroïka et contre-perestroïka, Olivier Orban, Paris, 1991. - Alexandre ZINOVIEV, La suprasociété globale et la Russie, L’Age d’Homme, Lausanne, 2000.
Acquis et lu après la conférence : - Georges NIVAT, Le phénomène Soljénitsyne, Fayard, Paris, 2009. Ouvrage fondamental ! |
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samedi, 02 janvier 2010
Le destin de Beppo Römer: des Corps Francs au Parti Communiste Allemand
Le destin de Beppo Römer : des Corps Francs au Parti Communiste Allemand
Josef Römer, « Beppo » pour ses amis, était un ancien chef des Corps Francs allemands après 1918. Indubitablement, cette personnalité illustre est typique de ces destins troublés qui ont traversé le 20ème siècle.
Ceux qui s’intéressent à l’histoire allemande de la première moitié du 20ème siècle connaissent Römer : il fut l’un des initiateurs de l’assaut contre l’Annaberg en Silésie, une hauteur stratégique qui avait été occupée par des francs-tireurs polonais en mai 1921 ; ensuite, il fut un résistant à l’hitlérisme, exécuté en 1944. Entre l’héroïsme de l’Annaberg et la mort tragique de 1944, s’étend une période moins bien connue, celle où notre Capitaine mis à la retraite s’est d’abord engagé dans les rangs nationalistes puis, par le détour du national-bolchevisme, a fini par devenir un compagnon de route du communisme allemand. Pourtant ceux qui s’intéressent aux phénomènes de la « révolution conservatrice » et du national-bolchevisme ignorent une chose : Römer était déjà dans les années 20 un agent du service de renseignement de la KPD communiste allemande. Il y a déjà une quinzaine d’années, la maison d’édition Dietz de Berlin, inféodée à la SED, le parti unique de l’ex-Allemagne de l’Est, avait fait paraître un livre intitulé « Der Nachrichtendienst der KPD 1919-1937 » (= «Le service de renseignement du parti Communiste Allemande – 1919-1937 ») ; cet ouvrage est passé presque totalement inaperçu dans les milieux généralement intéressés à la « révolution conservatrice » et aux nationalismes allemands, sans doute à cause de sa provenance est-allemande et communiste.
Les auteurs de ce livre ont sans nul doute suscité des hauts le cœur chez les conservateurs et les nationaux : tous étaient jadis enseignants auprès de la « Hauptverwaltung Aufklärung » (« Administration Principale du Renseignement ») du Ministère de la Sécurité de l’Etat (la « Stasi »). Parmi eux, il y avait également le chef d’un département spécialisé « dans les recherches sur les problèmes spécifiques de lutte et de résistance antifascistes » ; lui aussi relevait du ministère du fameux Général Mielke. Pourtant, ces auteurs, contrairement à beaucoup d’autres historiens, avaient accès aux archives est-allemandes et toutes les références qu’ils citent dans leur livre sont vérifiables dans la mesure où leurs sources sont dûment citées. Pour l’essentiel, nos ex-officiers est-allemands se basent sur les archives de la SED et sur celles du « Département IX/11 » de la Stasi. Aujourd’hui, tous ces documents ont été transférés aux Archives Fédérales (« Bundesarchiv »). A l’époque de la RDA, les résultats des recherches de nos auteurs étaient considérés comme « top secrets » et tenus sous le boisseau. La Stasi se voulait l’héritière du « service de renseignement » de la KPD.
D’après les travaux de nos historiens membres de la Stasi, les contacts de Beppo Römer avec les communistes remontaient à 1921 déjà et auraient été rendus possibles par l’entremise d’un député communiste du Landtag de Bavière, Otto Graf. Le service de renseignement du parti finit par prendre contact avec Römer à l’automne 1923. Römer revêtait une grande importance pour les communistes, car il était l’un des dirigeants de la Ligue Oberland (= « Bund Oberland »), issue du Corps Francs du même nom, qui avait joué un rôle important dans les combats de l’immédiat après-guerre. A ce titre, cette Ligue exerçait une grande influence dans le camp nationaliste. Nos auteurs est-allemands en arrivent dès lors à la conclusion suivante, après avoir dépouillé un grand nombre de documents archivés : « Römer fut l’un des informateurs les plus prolixes de la KPD sur le camp des radicaux de droite en Bavière ». La direction de la KPD était donc très bien informée sur la préparation, l’exécution et l’échec du putsch perpétré par Hitler les 8 et 9 novembre 1923.
Cependant, le travail des informateurs ne servait pas seulement à informer la direction de la KPD mais aussi et surtout à travailler à la dislocation des troupes d’auto-défense et de toutes les autres organisations de droite. Le domaine dans lequel ce travail de dislocation devait s’effectuer s’appelait tout simplement celui des « Fascistes » dans le langage des communistes. Travaillant sous la houlette de son chef, Otto Thomas, Beppo Römer, qui avait achevé des études, obtenu un diplôme et trouvé un emploi civil dans le domaine de l’économie, fonde, avec Ludwig Oestreicher, issu comme lui de la Ligue Oberland, et quelques autres amis, la revue « Die neue Front » (= « Le Front nouveau ») dont l’objectif était de promouvoir des volontés activistes d’orientation nationale-bolchevique parmi les anciens des Corps Francs ; remarquons que, dans le chef de Römer, c’est avec le concours de l’appareil de subversion de la KPD que de telles vocations doivent éclore. La revue ne suscite finalement pas grand intérêt et cesse bien vite de paraître.
Römer, libéré de ses tâches de publiciste, s’adonne alors plus intensément à l’espionnage économique et militaire auquel se livrent les communistes allemands pour le bénéfice de leurs camarades soviétiques. Dans ce contexte, Römer est arrêté le 30 septembre 1926 à Berlin. Grâce à une amnistie générale, il ne sera pas jugé. Römer se serait surtout intéressé à la production de gaz toxiques et à fournir des échantillons de produits finis.
Beppo Römer ne réapparaît sur la scène de la politique allemande qu’en 1931, lorsqu’apparaissent les groupes de travail « Aufbruch ». Ces cercles politiques voient le jour au moment où l’ancien lieutenant de la Reichswehr, Richard Scheringer, passe de la NSDAP hitlérienne à la KPD communiste. Scheringer, avec ses camarades Hanns Ludin (plus tard ambassadeur du Reich en Slovaquie pendant la seconde guerre mondiale et, à ce titre, exécuté en 1947) et Hans Friedrich Wendt, avait fait de la propagande pour la NSDAP au sein des forces armées. Les trois hommes avaient voulu mettre sur pied des « cellules NSDAP » dans l’armée. Lors du procès de la Reichswehr, qui s’est tenu à Ulm à l’automne 1931, Hitler a été appelé à la barre comme témoin et c’est là qu’il a prononcé son fameux « serment de légalité », par lequel il proclama que la NSDAP ne cherchait à atteindre le pouvoir que par des moyens légaux.
Scheringer purgea sa peine à Gollnow où, sous l’influence d’un détenu communiste, Rudolf Schwarz, il finit par adhérer à l’idéologie des Rouges. Rudolf Schwarz n’était pas le premier communiste venu mais avait été le responsable du département « Reichswehr » de l’appareil politico-militaire du parti. Le dirigeant actif, à l’époque, de cet appareil « M », Hans Kippenberger, fit sensation le 19 mars 1931 lorsqu’il annonça pendant un débat au Reichstag l’adhésion de Scheringer à la KPD. La démarche de Scheringer a permis à la KPD de pénétrer des strates sociales qui avaient été jusqu’alors sceptiques à son égard.
Pour consolider ces nouveaux contacts, Kippenberger décida de fonder une nouvelle revue, « Aufbruch - Kampfblatt im Sinne des Leutnants a. D. Scheringer » (= « Aufbruch – Feuille de combat selon les idées du Lieutenant e.r. Scheringer »). Dans un premier temps, les éditeurs de la publication furent l’ancien Premier Lieutenant de police Gerhard Giesecke et l’ancien représentant du Gauleiter NSDAP du Brandebourg, Rudolf Rehm. A partir de 1932, le Capitaine e.r. Dr. Beppo Römer prend en mains la rédaction de la revue. On ne peut affirmer avec certitude si Römer avait adhéré de facto à la KPD à cette époque. Il l’a nié plus tard en dépit d’une note émise par le journal communiste « Die Rote Fahne » en date du 22 avril 1932. Autour de la revue naissent les cercles « Aufbruch » : en 1933, il y en avait vingt-cinq, avec quelque 200 à 300 membres. Leur objectif était de recruter dans les cercles d’officiers des combattants contre le national-socialisme. A la tête de ces cercles se trouvait une « Commission dirigeante », composée de « camarades travaillant sur le mode de la conspiration ». Outre Römer, il y avait, parmi ces « camarades », un certain Dr. Karl-Günther Heimsoth, devenu célèbre par des lettres de sa main, très compromettantes pour son ami intime Ernst Röhm et relatives à l’homosexualité de ce dernier. Pour la KPD, l’existence des cercles « Aufbruch » constituait une formidable aubaine : celle de glaner quantité d’informations et de recruter de nouveaux agents. Après la prise du pouvoir par les nationaux-socialistes en 1933, « Aufbruch » et les cercles qui gravitaient autour de la revue sont interdits. Bon nombre de leurs activistes, y compris Beppo Römer, sont placés en garde à vue ou fuient vers l’étranger. Plus tard, Beppo Römer se joindra à divers mouvements de résistance ; le dernier auquel il adhéra fut d’obédience communiste et sous la direction de Robert Uhrig. Cette adhésion constitua le motif de son arrestation au début de l’année 1942, de sa condamnation à mort et de son exécution, le 25 septembre 1944 à Brandenburg-Görden.
Au vu de toutes ces activités au profit du service de renseignement de la KPD, Römer apparaît plutôt aujourd’hui comme un véritable agent communiste et non pas comme un visionnaire rêvant de forger un Axe Berlin-Moscou, comme on l’a cru pendant très longtemps.
(article paru dans la revue « Deutsche Stimme », février 2008 et sur http://www.deutsche-stimme.de/ - trad.. franc. : Robert Steuckers).
Bibliographie :
Bernd KAUFMANN et al., « Der Nachrichtendienst der KPD – 1919-1937 », Dietz Verlag, Berlin, 1993, 462 pages.
Pour tous les éléments biographiques relatifs à la personnalité de Beppo Römer, se référer au « Taschenkalender des nationalen Widerstandes 2007 », où ses activités d’agent communiste ne sont toutefois pas évoquées.
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