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mercredi, 19 mars 2014

Tsahal et les juifs orthodoxes


Jan Ackermeier:

Tsahal et les juifs orthodoxes

Plusieurs centaines de milliers de juifs orthodoxes ont récemment manifesté à Jérusalem contre le projet de les enrôler dans l’armée et de leur imposer, comme à tous les citoyens israéliens, le service militaire obligatoire. Par des prières en pleine rue, ils protestent contre un projet de loi qui a été débattu au Parlement la semaine du 10 mars 2014. Cette nouvelle loi permet, pour la première fois depuis la fondation de l’Etat d’Israël en 1948, de prendre des mesures répressives contre les jeunes orthodoxes qui ne donnent aucune suite à l’ordre de rejoindre l’armée.

De tous les coins du pays, les ressortissants de tous les courants possibles et imaginables de l’orthodoxie juive s’étaient rendus à Jérusalem pour participer aux manifestations. La police a estimé leur nombre à plusieurs centaines de milliers. Un porte-paroles des forces de l’ordre a déclaré que 3500 policiers avaient été déployés pour éviter les débordements comme lors des manifestations précédentes.

Les juifs, qui suivent à la lettre les préceptes de leur religion, refusent généralement le service militaire en arguant que cela les empêche de pratiquer leurs rituels. En effet, dans l’armée israélienne, il n’y a pas de séparation nette entre hommes et femmes et le commandement exige souvent de mener des missions à bien le samedi, jour sacré de repos pour les juifs orthodoxes. Plusieurs milliers d’hommes ultra-orthodoxes servent pourtant déjà dans des unités spéciales de l’armée. Il y a deux ans, le Tribunal Suprême de l’Etat d’Israël avait décrété que le fait de libérer les juifs orthodoxes du service militaire était un expédient anti-constitutionnel. Cet expédient date de l’époque de la fondation de l’Etat hébreu en 1948. A l’époque, on ne comptait que 400 objecteurs de conscience ultra-orthodoxes par an. Mais, aujourd’hui, le taux de fécondité des familles orthodoxes est nettement supérieur à celui des autres strates de la population, marquées par le mode de vie occidental et dès lors moins religieuses.

De nos jours, le nombre d’hommes orthodoxes libérés de tout service militaire est estimé à 60.000 ou 70.000. Ce débat houleux sur le service militaire avait fait tomber la grande coalition du premier ministre Benjamin Netanyahou en 2012. La majorité des Israéliens, selon les sondages, réclame l’abolition des privilèges liés à la religion.

Jan Ackermeier.

(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, n°10/2014, http://www.zurzeit.at ).

Turkey and Crimea


Turkey and Crimea

Nikolai BOBKIN

Ex: http://www.strategic-culture.org

On 16 March, the people of Crimea will independently determine their own future. Opinion polls show that the overwhelming majority of Crimeans (75-80 percent) have already decided in favour of becoming part of the Russian Federation. Crimea is being given a unique opportunity to reunite with its historic homeland. Several days ago, Barak Obama called the overthrow of the legitimate authorities in Kiev a triumph of democracy. Now Crimea will give President Obama a lesson in democracy... 

By supporting the coup, the US has laid the foundations for a broad restructuring process of the Ukrainian state into a looser confederation of regions. The principle of self-determination, to which the people of Crimea are adhering, is enshrined in international law, while non-recognition of the results of the people’s will would be the latest evidence of the American establishment’s commitment to the project of creating a ‘Ukrainian Reich’ within former Ukraine. The Western media are lying when they talk about the so-called full solidarity of all NATO countries with the American position. In truth, Washington’s position is not supported by many of those with a special interest in Crimea and these include Turkey, since Crimea is home to Crimean Tatars, who are ethnically close to Turks.

Ankara is worried about the risk of deepening the political crisis in Ukraine. While offering to accept the preservation of Ukraine’s territorial integrity as a basis for resolving the conflict, the Turkish Foreign Ministry is nevertheless warning Kiev against creating military tension in Crimea, where «our kinsmen – the Crimean Tatars» live. In the past, Ankara has done much for Crimea to become the Tatars’ homeland again. Kiev, however, has never given the development of Crimea much attention, removing up to 80 percent of the autonomous republic’s revenue and giving nothing back in return. For Turkey, with its highly-developed tourism industry, the deplorable state of tourism in Crimea, as well as the peninsula’s infrastructure, which has fallen into complete disrepair and has not been modernised since Soviet times, are compelling evidence of Kiev’s disdain for the fate of the Crimean people. Many in Turkey well understand why Crimea becoming part of Russia is the natural desire of the overwhelming majority of those living on the peninsula. Turkey’s Foreign Affairs Minister, Ahmet Davutoğlu, believes that «Crimea should not be an area of military tension; it should be a centre of prosperity, tourism, and intercultural relations».

At the same time, the Turkish government is being forced to consider its own position with regard to Crimea, and the internal forces that adhere to the opposite point of view. In some parts of the country, the compatriots of Crimean Tatars are organising demonstrations against Crimea becoming part of Russia. Zafer Karatay, a Tatar member of the Turkish Assembly, is calling for Ankara to intervene in Crimea and a confrontation with Russia. His opponents respond: «What business do we have in Crimea? Why is Crimea so important?» Well, the Kiev scenario of the illegal overthrow of President Yanukovych may well be used by the Americans to change the leadership in Turkey. In this regard, Prime Minister Erdoğan has clearly stated that it is not a case of Turkey choosing between Moscow and Washington or Ukraine and Russia, it is a case of choosing between a tool of destabilisation like the pro-American Maidan protests and adhering to the fundamental principles of international law. 

Many Turkish politicians disliked Davutoğlu’s hasty trip to Kiev immediately following the coup. Given that Ankara does not have an answer to the question «What should Turkey do now?», such a visit is definitely cause for bewilderment. Davutoğlu’s statement, meanwhile, «that Crimean Tatars are currently the main apologists for Ukraine’s territorial integrity» shocked many observers. They reminded the minister of the number of Turkish compatriots in the 46-million strong Ukraine, as well as the fact that Turkey had a strategic partnership with the previous legitimate authorities in Kiev to which neither Turchynov nor Yatsenyuk are able to add anything except a hatred of Russia. Davutoğlu’s assurances regarding the fact that the new regime in Kiev «will take all necessary measures to protect the rights of Turks living in Crimea» has also given rise to scepticism. It is unlikely that the fascist authorities in Kiev currently threatening Ukraine’s multimillion Russian population are going to concern themselves with the fate of the relatively small Crimean Tatar community. Pragmatists in the Turkish government have warned the head of the Turkish Foreign Ministry, who has promised Kiev «political, international and economic support to protect Ukraine’s territorial integrity», against any hasty actions and even statements towards Moscow. 

Commenting on events in Kiev, the Turkish Minister for EU affairs, Mevlut Çavuşoğlu, referred to the European’s approach towards Ukraine as completely wrong, and that asking Ukrainians to choose between Europe and Russia was a grave political mistake. «Russia»,Çavuşoğlu pointed out, «is part of the European continent.» Turkey still does not understand why Brussels, which thinks that Turkey does not meet its high democratic standards and for many years has refused Turkey’s accession to the EU, has decided that the new Ukraine is more democratic than Turkey – and that is even after the bloody coup carried out by Western stooges. There is the feeling that supporting the new regime in Kiev could cost Erdogan’s government dearly.

Should Turkey join sanctions against Moscow, the country’s economists are predicting the collapse of the national economy, which is closely tied to Russian hydrocarbon supplies. They consider energy exports from Russia to be «a national security issue» and are warning that even Europe, which is also dependent on Russian gas, has not allowed itself to cross the line of open hostility to Moscow, despite unprecedented pressure from Washington. Turkey is still a growing market for Russia, and its gas supplies to the country increase by 4-5 percent annually and exceed 30 billion cubic metres. There is a desire to diversify Ankara’s sources, but there is no real alternative to Russian blue-sky fuel. America’s promises to replace Russian gas with its own shale surrogate in connection with calls to support anti-Russian sanctions are eliciting a smile from Turkish experts. The infrastructure needed for the supply of liquefied fuel would be more expensive than the cost of Russian supplies for the next 5-7 years. And it is not just Turkey’s energy economy that will lose out. Trade between Russia and Turkey exceeds 33 billion dollars, and nearly four million Russians visit Turkey every year, leaving behind at least USD 4 billion. 

The Turkish media has also made explicit references to the fact that the significance of Ukraine and Russia for Turkey’s foreign policy is incomparable. Turkish political observer Fuat Kozluklu, meanwhile, writes that Russia’s decision to use force if necessary to protect Ukraine’s Russian and Russian-speaking population was a good deterrent to the Ukrainian radicals and the Western politicians watching over them. Putin’s determination to stand up for the interests of Russians in his neighbouring country has revealed Russia’s real strength, while Moscow’s actions have the sole intention of preventing the further escalation of tensions in Ukraine. It is also from this point of view that many Turkish analysts are regarding the forthcoming referendum in Crimea.


Russland und die Krim

Russland und die Krim

von Gereon Breuer

Ex: http://www.blauenarzisse.de

Kriegsspiele. Was haben Merkel und Steinmeier gemeinsam? Ihnen fehlt jede Vorstellung des strategischen Werts der Geopolitik für außenpolitisches Handeln. Das Ergebnis: Außenpolitischer Dilettantismus.

Ohnehin genießt die Geopolitik in Deutschland seit dem Ende des II. Weltkriegs einen eher schlechten Ruf. Dieser ist vor allem auf der Missinterpretation politischer Intellektueller gegründet, dass die Wahrnehmung eigener Interessen per se als „böse“ gelte. Das zeigt nun auch wieder die „Krim-​Krise“. Schon allein von einer Krise zu sprechen offenbart die schlichte Natur dessen, der sich bemüßigt fühlt, die Wahrnehmung von Interessen mit einer Krise zu assoziieren. Denn Russland unternimmt auf der Krim, bei der es sich noch dazu um eine autonome Republik handelt, nichts anderes, als in Zeiten unsicherer politischer Verhältnisse in der Ukraine die eigene Einflusssphäre zu wahren. Das heißt konkret: Den Stützpunkt der Schwarzmeerflotte und damit die maritime Herrschaft über das Schwarze Meer zu sichern.

In geostrategischer Hinsicht ist das ein sehr kluges und umsichtiges Verhalten. Dass die EU – und vor allem Deutschland – Russland deshalb nun mit Sanktionen drohen, zeigt, dass die bürokratischen Führer in Berlin und Brüssel nicht verstanden haben: „Staaten haben keine Freunde, nur Interessen.“ Dieses unter anderen dem britischen Premierminister Ewald Gladstone zugeschriebene Diktum lässt ahnen, dass Außenpolitik vor allem egoistisch funktioniert oder eben nicht. Wladimir Putin scheint das verstanden zu haben und in seinem Handeln äußert sich, was Halford Mackinder (18611947) in seiner „Heartland-​Theory“ beziehungsweise „Herzland-​Theorie“ niederlegte: „Wer Osteuropa beherrscht, kommandiert das Herzland, wer das Herzland beherrscht, kommandiert die Weltinsel, wer die Weltinsel beherrscht, kontrolliert die Welt.“

Bedeutung der „Herzland-​Theorie“

Der britische Geograph und Geopolitiker verstand unter der Weltinsel Eurasien und den afrikanischen Kontinent. Das Herzland sah er in Sibirien und im europäischen Russland konstituiert.Heartland Er ging davon aus, dass unter anderem die Rohstoffreserven der Weltinsel es ermöglichen würden, von dort aus alle anderen Länder zu beherrschen, also solcher in kontinentaler Randlage und langfristig auch den amerikanischen Kontinent, Japan und Australien. Für Mackinder ist damit die Beherrschung des Kernlandes Eurasien der Schlüssel zur Weltmacht. In Deutschland fand seine Theorie so gut wie keine Rezeption und sein 1904 erschienenes Werk Democratic Ideals and Reality, in dem auch der für die Herzland-​Theorie grundlegende Aufsatz The Geographical Pivot of History erschien, hat bis heute keine deutsche Übersetzung erfahren.

In den USA beispielsweise war die Rezeption eine völlig andere. Dort werden Mackinders Ausführungen bis auf den heutigen Tag sehr ernst genommen. Mackinder selbst ging sogar so weit zu behaupten, dass nur durch den I. Weltkrieg verhindert werden konnte, dass Deutschland sich die Herrschaft über Herzland und Weltinsel sicherte. Dass die USA das um jeden Preis verhindern wollten, ist hinlänglich bekannt. Unter anderen stehen heute Zbigniew Brzezinski oder Henry Kissinger als prominente Vertreter der politischen Kreise, die das außenpolitische Handeln der USA im Wesentlichen an Mackinders Herzland-​Theorie ausrichten – theoretisch und auch in praktischer Hinsicht. Ein Blick auf die Weltkarte zeigt auch ohne umfassende geographische Kenntnisse, dass Russland heute immer noch einen wesentlichen Teil des Herzlandes abdeckt. Am Rande des Herzlandes befindet sich auch die Krim. Ihr geostrategischer Wert für Russland ist daher offensichtlich.

Böse geopolitische Realität

Während nun in Moskau und Washington bezüglich den aktuellen politischen Entwicklungen in der Ukraine Geopolitik betrieben wird, beschränken sich die EU-​Bürokraten auf die Ankündigung von Sanktionen. Unter anderem soll ein Drei-​Stufen-​Plan im Gespräch sein, den die EU durchführen möchte, sofern Russland seine Truppen nicht von der Krim abzieht. Auf eine solche Idee würden Staatsmänner nie kommen. Das ist Sache von Bürokraten, denen die Realität nur aus Erzählungen bekannt ist. Vielleicht sollten die Schreibtischtäter in Brüssel stattdessen mal über einen Drei-​Stufen-​Plan der EU nachdenken, sofern die USA ihre Truppen nicht aus Deutschland zurückziehen. Aber nein, das wäre dann doch wieder zu viel Geopolitik. Und die ist ja böse.

Bild 2: Mackinders Herzland (Pivot Area), Abbildung in seinem 1904 erschienenen Text The Geographical Pivot of History

Ukraine: Regime change à la USA


Ukraine: Regime change à la USA

Aufflammen eines neuen kalten Krieges

von Thomas Kaiser

Ex: http://www.zeit-fragen.ch

Die erste Woche der Frühjahrssession des Menschenrechtsrats in Genf gehört den ­politischen Vertretern der einzelnen Länder. Häufig kommen die Aussenminister selbst oder deren Stellvertreter, um für zehn Minuten den Schwerpunkt ihrer Menschenrechtspolitik darzulegen. So auch in der letzten Woche, und es bot sich den Zuhörern ein interessantes Bild. Während die afrikanischen und asiatischen Staaten mehrheitlich die Menschenrechtslage in ihren jeweiligen Ländern zum Thema machten und wie sie diese verbessern könnten, waren es vor allem die EU- und Nato-Staaten, die die Situation in der Ukraine, in Syrien oder auch in Venezuela aufgriffen und auf äusserst ­polemische Weise kommentierten. Dabei wurden zum Teil scharfe Töne angeschlagen.

Sehr auffallend war am Dienstag die Rede des estnischen Aussenministers Urmas Paet, derjenige, der das inzwischen weithin bekannte Telefonat mit der EU-Aussenbeauftragten Catherine Ashton führte, in dem er erwähnte, dass die Scharfschützen in Kiew sowohl Polizisten als auch Demonstranten ins Visier genommen hatten (vgl. «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» vom 7. März). Ein ähnliches Vorgehen, das auch der französische Journalist und Publizist Tierry Meyssan aus Venezuela berichtete. Auch hier wurden sowohl Sicherheitskräfte als auch Demonstranten mit den gleichen Waffen getötet. Urmas Paet versuchte in seiner Rede, die Krise in der Ukraine als eine Gefahr für den Frieden in Europa heraufzubeschwören, und forderte die internationale Gemeinschaft zum Handeln auf. Es sollten «alle möglichen Massnahmen» gegen Russ­land ergriffen werden.

Nato-Osterweiterung gegen das Versprechen von George Bush sen.

Was mit der Nato-Ost-Erweiterung Mitte der 90er Jahre begann, nämlich gegen das Versprechen von George Bush sen. gegenüber Michail Gorbatschow, dass es keine Erweiterung der Nato auf die ehemaligen Sowjetrepubliken und Warschauer-Pakt-Staaten geben werde, sollte im ersten Jahrzehnt des 21. Jahrhunderts mit der Ausdehnung auf Georgien und die Ukraine weitergeführt werden. Die konsequente Einschnürung Russlands und damit eine starke Schwächung dieses aufstrebenden Landes, das sich in den letzten Jahren seit der Präsidentschaft Vladimir Putins verstärkt gegen die US-amerikanischen Hegemonialbestrebungen gestellt hat, besonders im Fall von Syrien, wird hiermit immer offensichtlicher.

Plötzlich aufflammende innere Konflikte

Es ist auffallend, dass verschiedene Länder, die sich bisher unabhängig vom US-Imperium auf ihre eigene Art entwickelten, mit plötzlich aufflammenden, inneren Konflikten zu kämpfen haben, sei es in Libyen, Syrien, Venezuela und nicht zuletzt in der Ukraine. Was Libyen anbetrifft, berichtete die «Neue Zürcher Zeitung» am 7. März, das Land drohe auseinanderzubrechen und im Chaos zu versinken. Ist das das Resultat einer «humanitären Intervention» für Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte, die von der Uno sanktioniert und durch die von ihr beauftragte Nato durchgeführt worden war? Damals hatten sich Russland und China der Zustimmung im UN-Sicherheitsrat enthalten. Was nach der Resolution folgte, hat ihre Haltung mehr als nur bestätigt. Es war ein notwendiges Signal an alle Staaten, dass nicht eine kleine Gruppe von Nationen nach ihrem Gutdünken einen Staat überfallen und dessen Regierung absetzen darf.

Ukraine aktuelles Opfer genau dieser amerikanischen Destruktionspolitik

Hört man sich auf den Gängen der Uno in Genf um, sind es vor allem die lateinamerikanischen Staaten, die ein Lied auf US-amerikanische Interventionen für Demokratie und Menschenrechte singen können, und eine klare Position zu den Vorgängen in Syrien, in Venezuela und in der Ukraine einnehmen. Hier besteht kaum Zweifel, dass die Ukraine aktuelles Opfer genau dieser amerikanischen Destruktionspolitik ist.

Doppelte Standards

Besonders zynisch war die Rede der US-Amerikanerin vor dem Menschenrechtsrat. Sie beschwor die edlen Bestrebungen der USA, sich für Freiheit, Demokratie und Menschenrechte einzusetzen, und kritisierte das Eingreifen Russlands in die inneren Angelegenheiten der Ukraine. «Wir haben darauf zu bestehen, dass alle Staaten die territoriale Integrität der Ukraine zu respektieren haben», und sie betont, dass das ukrainische Volk das Recht habe, «seinen eigenen politischen Weg zu bestimmen». Kennen wir nicht diese Worte? Wie sagte 1965 Präsident Johnson als Rechtfertigung für die militärische Intervention der USA in Vietnam, die in einem völligen Desaster endete: «Vietnam muss die Gelegenheit bekommen, seinen eigenen Weg beschreiten zu dürfen.» Wie sah dieser «eigene» Weg aus? Ein völlig zerstörtes und ein mit Agent Orange verseuchtes Land mit über 2 Millionen Toten. Das ist die Realität, wie es in der Ukraine weitergehen wird, wird sich zeigen.

USA haben am Staatstreich in diesem Land von Anfang an mitgearbeitet

Gerade in den letzten Wochen und spätestens seit dem Telefonat, als die Beauftragte für Osteuropa des US-Aussenministeriums Victoria Nuland im Gespräch mit dem US-amerikanischen Botschafter in der Ukraine, Geoffrey Pyatt, ihren Unmut über die mangelnde Entschlossenheit der EU beim Sturz des ukrainischen Präsidenten Janukowitsch zum Ausdruck brachte und unter anderem den viel zitierten Satz «Fuck the EU» äu­s­serte, ist bekannt, wer sich hoch offiziell in die inneren Angelegenheiten eines anderen Staates einmischt. Während sich die Medien vor allem über die verbale Entgleisung empörten, gab es keinen Aufschrei über den Inhalt des Telefonats, in dem für die gesamte Weltöffentlichkeit deutlich wurde, dass die USA am Staatsstreich in diesem Land von Anfang an mitgearbeitet haben.

Bei Syrien hat US-Strategie nicht erfolgreich funktioniert

Was unter George W. Bush mit brutaler militärischer Intervention erreicht wurde, nämlich ein sogenannter Regime change von aussen, wird unter Obama mit Smartpower betrieben und verfolgt das gleiche Ziel: Sturz von Regierungen, ob demokratisch gewählt wie im Falle Janukowitsch oder nicht. Es spielt für die US-Politik keine Rolle, wenn es um die eigenen politischen und wirtschaftlichen Interessen geht. Wenn der Wechsel nicht durch einen Bürgerkrieg erlangt werden kann, dann durch eine militärische Intervention, am besten natürlich mit einem erschlichenen Uno-Mandat wie im Fall Libyens.
Russland und China haben dort ihre Lektion endgültig gelernt. Bei Syrien hat die US-Strategie schon nicht mehr erfolgreich funktioniert, abgesehen von der Zerstörung des Landes und dem Töten vieler Unschuldiger. China und Russland haben damals im Uno-Sicherheitsrat das Veto eingelegt. Welches Schicksal die USA der Ukraine jetzt noch bereiten wollen, wird sich weisen. Sicher ist, Russland soll weiter in die Enge getrieben werden. Wenn man unsere Medien liest, kann man dem Irrtum aufsitzen, alle seien sich einig, dass Russland der «Bösewicht» sei, wenn man jedoch die Stimmen anderer Länder hört und liest, die bei uns verschwiegen werden, bekommt man ein ganz anderes Bild. Die US-EU-zentrische Sicht der Dinge ist naiv und einfältig. Es wird Zeit, dass wir unseren Horizont wirklich erweitern.     •

«… gegen jedes Ausnützen humanitärer Krisen …»

Auszug aus der Rede von Marcos Timermann, Aussenminister von Argentinien

«Herr Präsident, die Welt leidet noch immer unter dauernden und wiederholten Beispielen brutaler Unterdrückung grundlegender Menschenrechte. Der Schrecken, der über die Leben derjenigen gekommen ist, die in Ländern leben, die Opfer interner bewaffneter Konflikte sind, beschämt uns alle, und aus diesem Grund verurteilt mein Land aktiv, an Splittergruppen Waffen zu verkaufen, um diese Länder auseinanderzureissen, Waffen, die sehr oft von genau denjenigen Ländern kommen, die den Horror verurteilen, während sie vom Tod profitieren.
Auf diese Art und Weise möchte ich die Einstellung meines Landes zum Ausdruck bringen gegen jedes Ausnützen humanitärer Krisen, um eine ausländische militärische Intervention zu rechtfertigen, die nicht mehr ist als geopolitische Manöver in einem Spiel, in dem die Interessen der Opfer nicht zu den Prioritäten gehören.»

Quelle: www.un.org
(Übersetzung Zeit-Fragen)

«Die Intervention der westlichen Mächte muss aufhören …»

Vize-Aussenminister Abelardo Moreno Fernández zitiert am 6. März im Uno-Menschenrechtsrat in Genf Kubas Staatspräsident Raúl Castro

«Wo immer es eine Regierung gibt, die den Interessen der Machtzirkel in den USA und einigen ihrer europäischen Aliierten nicht entspricht, wird sie zum Ziel subversiver Kampagnen. Jetzt werden neue Zermürbungsmethoden angewendet, subtiler und verschleierter, ohne allerdings auf Gewalt zu verzichten, um den Frieden und die innere Ordnung zu zerrütten und zu verhindern, dass die Regierungen sich auf die ökonomische und soziale Entwicklung konzentrieren können, falls es ihnen nicht gelingt, sie niederzuringen.»
«Es lassen sich nicht wenige Analogien in den Manualen für nicht-konventionelle Kriegsführung finden, wie sie in verschiedenen Ländern unserer Region Lateinamerika und Karibik zur Anwendung kommen, so wie es heute in Venezuela geschieht und sich nach ähnlichem Muster auf anderen Kontinenten abgespielt hat, vor einiger Zeit in Libyen und gegenwärtig in Syrien und in der Ukraine. Wer daran zweifelt, den lade ich ein, das Trainings-Zirkular 1801 der US-amerikanischen Spezialeinsatzkräfte durchzublättern, veröffentlicht im November 2010 unter dem Titel ‹Der unkonventionelle Krieg›.»
«Die Intervention der westlichen Mächte muss aufhören, damit das ukrainische Volk auf legitime Art sein Recht auf Selbstbestimmung ausüben kann. Man sollte nicht vergessen, dass diese Vorgänge sehr schwerwiegende Konsequenzen für den Frieden und die internationale Sicherheit haben können.»

Quelle: www.un.org 
(Übersetzung Zeit-Fragen)

Fabius prend la tête de la guerre froide anti Poutine

Fabius prend la tête de la guerre froide anti Poutine

par Jean-Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.europesolidaire.eu/

Fabius.caricature-jpg.jpgHier, au mépris du droit international et du simple droit commercial, il a menacé la Russie d'une non livraison des deux BPC de type Mistral presque achevés à Saint Nazaire, et déjà payés par les Russes. Il condamne ce faisant toute coopération militaire avec la Russie, renvoyant des milliers de travailleurs français au chômage.

Aujourd'hui, parlant (de quel droit?) au nom du G8, il annonce que la Russie est suspendue de la prochaine réunion de celui-ci. Plus généralement il s'affiche comme le premier de ceux qui veulent sanctionner la Russie, au mépris de tous nos intérêts, pour avoir encouragé le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, rattachement manifestement désiré comme l'a montré le référendum du 16 mars par une grande majorité de la population.

Entre Fabius et John Kerry, c'est à qui se montre le plus acharné pour combattre Poutine. Kerry, encore, on le comprend, puisqu'il poursuit le combat multi-décennal destiné à refaire de l'Amérique la seule super-puissance, face à une Russie insupportable du fait qu'elle dispose de l'arme nucléaire et de nombreux atouts naturels. Mais Fabius? Quels intérêts sert-il? A-t-il été missionné par François Hollande et Jean-Marc Ayrault pour transformer  la France en une ennemie définitive de la Russie? Il devrait, s'il avait un minimum de sens stratégique, militer au contraire pour une alliance euro-russe dont la France pourrait être un des pivots. Veut-il laisser  Angela Merkel, bien plus prudente, se préparer à piloter seule  un rapprochement euro-russe qui deviendra vite inévitable.

Les mauvaises langues diront que Fabius, pris d'ambitions tardives, veut se positionner comme futur premier ministre, voire futur président de la République. Mais il n'ajoutera pas à sa popularité en s'agitant pour conforter un lobby anti-Poutine bien moins populaire en France que les médias pénétrés d'atlantisme ne le prétendent.


mardi, 18 mars 2014

Mutations et transformations dans l’armée américaine



Mutations et transformations dans l’armée américaine

D’importantes transformations s’annoncent au sein de l’armée américaine. C’est le “New York Times” qui nous en informe, en faisant référence à des officiels du Pentagone, dont le journal ne révèle évidemment pas les noms. D’après ces informations le ministre de la défense Chuck Hagel est en train de planifier une réduction importante du personnel de l’US Army. Les effectifs seraient ainsi réduits à 490.000 militaires, au lieu du maximum de 570.000 hommes que l’armée avait comptés immédiatement après les attentats du 11 septembre 2001. En 2011, la moyenne avait été de 560.000. Pour l’avenir, Hagel souhaiterait encore une réduction, pour tomber à 450.000 ou 440.000 soldats: ces chiffres seraient les plus bas depuis 1940. Le ministère de la défense viserait essentiellement, par son plan d’épargne, les forces aériennes. Le budget général des forces armées américaines est de 600 milliards de dollars. Dans ce cadre, la mise en oeuvre d’une flotte d’avions de combat A-10 serait définitivement arrêtée.

Mais malgré cette réduction très importante du personnel militaire, les forces armées américaines resteraient parfaitement opérationnelles. Cependant, en cas de maintien de longue durée sur de multiples terrains d’opération, comme l’Afghanistan ou l’Irak, l’armée buterait rapidement sur des limites. “Il faut toujours être bien équipé mais cela n’a aucun sens de conserver d’importantes forces au sol si l’on ne mène pas une guerre sur le terrain”, écrit le “New York Times”, en citant un représentant du Pentagone. Il n’y aura cependant aucune modification dans la flotte des porte-avions (onze bâtiments), qui sera toujours prête à assumer des missions à l’étranger.

Le projet de Hagel reflète la ré-orientation de la politique de défense américaine après les guerres d’Afghanistan et d’Irak qui n’ont pas été de francs succès. C’est la raison pour laquelle, écrit le “New York Times”, il faut dorénavant “amorcer une nouvelle voie américaine”, qui pariera de plus en plus sur les forces spéciales et sur la guerre électronique. Barack Obama, a parié déjà depuis longtemps, depuis son accession à la présidence, sur l’utilisation de drones, surtout en Afghanistan, au Pakistan et au Yémen. Cette évolution spécifique dans l’art de la guerre se poursuivra dans les années à venir. De même, on assistera, de plus en plus souvent, à des opérations subversives menées par les forces spéciales de l’US Army dans des pays comme la Syrie ou l’Iran.


(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, n°9/2014, http://www.zurzeit.at ).

France : le scénario yougoslave?


France : le scénario yougoslave?

par Joris Karl
Ex: http://www.bvoltaire.fr
La présence de véritables « enclaves » de populations étrangères (Sevran, Montreuil, Roubaix, Marseille, etc.) rend la situation, à terme, ingérable

L’Histoire, si elle ne se répète jamais exactement, nous enseigne les processus qui conduisent à l’éclatement des nations.

Parce qu’en certains points les ressemblances sont frappantes avec la France, le cas de la Yougoslavie est fascinant. Nous reproduisons les mêmes erreurs, l’État central cède aux mêmes forces centrifuges (revendications religieuses, linguistiques, scolaires)… Sans parler que, pour les municipales à venir, commencent à fleurir des listes ouvertement communautaires…

Mais sans qu’on y prenne garde, l’érosion est causée par de minuscules détails, gouttes insignifiantes qui, à force de s’accumuler, se transformeront en pluie torrentielle.

L’an passé, la victoire de Naöelle, candidate d’origine maghrébine, dans l’émission « Top Chef » sur M6, fut à mon avis révélatrice : dans les minutes qui ont suivi son triomphe, les réseaux sociaux ont explosé de haine envers la gagnante. Résumons : la jeune femme, dont le comportement fut certes peu recommandable (caractère exécrable, pleurnicheries régulières), se trouva soudain assaillie par des milliers de posts et de tweets assassins. À vue de clavier, c’était près de 90 % des internautes (sites de la presse nationale ou page Facebook de M6) qui la vouaient aux gémonies !

Peu ou pas de paroles xénophobes, du moins en surface. Mais on sentait quand même le net rejet communautaire ! Un peu comme lorsque votre coiffeur ou votre boucher parlent nonchalamment de « ces gens-là » qui posent toujours problème… Le plus significatif était le fait que, parmi les rares soutiens de Naöelle, on trouvait essentiellement des internautes dont le nom était à consonance musulmane…

Nous pouvons observer dans cet exemple — apparemment anodin — le symptôme d’un mal profond. L’impression déjà vue dans d’autres domaines d’une « scission » dans la communauté dite nationale. En Yougoslavie, cela a commencé par des engueulades dans les bals, des petits différends entre clubs de supporters de foot. Qui se transformèrent en violentes bastons les soirs de match, qui finirent en bain de sang et en explosion du pays.

La présence de véritables « enclaves » de populations étrangères (Sevran, Montreuil, Roubaix, Marseille, etc.) rend la situation, à terme, ingérable. Nous n’avions pas de « républiques autonomes » sur le modèle titiste, nous les avons importées ! Pour le moment, chaque camp s’affronte, virtuellement, sur des sujets périphériques. Sur le terrain, on vit autant que possible des existences séparées : Français d’origine européenne et arabo-africaine se mélangent extrêmement peu, fréquentent des écoles différentes, n’écoutent pas les mêmes musiques, ne s’habillent pas de la même façon ! Le vote lui-même est devenu ethnique. Sur Facebook, des sites appellent à la haine contre les beurettes qui fréquentent les blacks. Repli général. Les Chinois de Belleville manifestent contre la violence dont ils sont victimes… Peu à peu, des micro-nations émergent dans cette République de moins en moins réelle. Un jour, la fiction ne prendra plus.

L’Union Européenne et l’Ukraine : une diplomatie à la BHL!


L’Union Européenne et l’Ukraine : une diplomatie à la BHL!

Frédéric Dalmas

Ex: http://www.voxnr.com



Dans la crise ukrainienne, il est désolant de constater l’inefficacité crasse de la diplomatie de l’Union européenne, qui préfère mettre la pression sur la Russie plutôt que d’apaiser les tensions. Tout ça parce que l’UE, à l’instar des États-Unis, a développé une vision manichéenne des relations internationales : en Ukraine, ce sont les « gentils » Ukrainiens défenseurs de la démocratie contre les « méchants » Russes qui veulent récupérer la Crimée. Cette diplomatie qui caricature la réalité est une diplomatie à la BHL (1)!

Samedi 1er Mars 2014 : la Chambre haute du parlement russe, le Conseil de la Fédération, à la demande du Président Vladimir Poutine, vote à une très large majorité la décision de recourir aux "forces armées de la Fédération de Russie sur le territoire de l'Ukraine jusqu'à la normalisation de la situation sociopolitique dans ce pays".

Face à cette situation, que font les occidentaux ? Plutôt que de se mettre autour d’une table avec la Russie, ils la menacent de sanctions ! Nous allons suspendre le G8 de Sotchi ! Nous allons limiter les importations de gaz russe ! Nous allons bloquer les avoirs des oligarques ! Le 11 mars sur France Inter, Laurent Fabius déclarait que « les Russes n’ont pas encore répondu à notre proposition de désescalade ». Mais quelle proposition ? Les décisions prises par les occidentaux, en mettant la pression sur la Russie, ne sont pas des propositions de désescalade, plutôt que d’apaiser les tensions, elles contribuent à les favoriser !

Et maintenant, dans la perspective du référendum de dimanche sur le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, tous crient que ce référendum est illégal ! Que la Russie ne peut pas bafouer la « légalité internationale » en menaçant l’intégrité du territoire ukrainien ! Oui, tout cela est vrai, mais à quoi ces cris d’orfraie vont-ils servir ? En quoi cela va-t-il changer quelque chose à la situation ? Que peuvent les Nations Unies, quand la Russie fait partie du Conseil de Sécurité ?

Non, tout cela est totalement inefficace et nous mène droit à la guerre ! La méthode la plus efficace serait la négociation gagnant-gagnant : dans le business comme en diplomatie, l’objectif de cette méthode est que toutes les parties aient l’impression d’avoir gagné quelque chose. Pour cela, il convient d’étudier à tête reposée les intérêts de chacun, et les « lignes rouges » à ne pas franchir. Or, cela n’a pas été fait dans la crise ukrainienne. Pour revenir à des bases de négociation saines, il faudrait accorder deux choses à la Russie : le retour en arrière du Parlement ukrainien de transition sur sa décision de supprimer l’enseignement obligatoire du russe, et un moratoire sur l’adhésion de l’Ukraine à l’OTAN. Voici les deux « lignes rouges » pour la Russie.

Il y a 3 éléments essentiels constitutifs d’une nation : des frontières communes bien sûr, mais aussi une culture commune, et une langue commune (ou plusieurs langues reconnues à égalité sur l’ensemble du territoire). Les occidentaux accusent les Russes de vouloir remettre en cause les frontières de la nation ukrainienne, mais le Parlement ukrainien de transition, lui, s’en est pris à la langue ! En remettant en cause l’enseignement obligatoire du russe, il a remis en cause la langue russe elle-même comme langue officielle, à parité avec l’ukrainien. Inacceptable pour les ukrainiens russophones qui se sentent ainsi exclus de la nation ukrainienne, et donc pour la Russie qui est naturellement solidaire de cette population qui partage avec elle une langue, une histoire et donc une culture commune. Imaginons qu’un jour les Flamands se révoltent et prennent le pouvoir au Parlement belge. Que dirait la France si le Parlement belge remettait en cause l’enseignement obligatoire du français pour les Wallons ?

La perspective de voir renaître les velléités d’adhésion de l’Ukraine à l’OTAN est également inacceptable pour la Russie, qui se retrouverait ainsi complètement entourée par une coalition militaire largement au service des intérêts US, jusqu’au cœur-même de sa sphère d’influence naturelle. A mon sens, l’occupation de la Crimée par l’armée russe est une réaction de la Russie pour signifier tout simplement qu’elle ne se laissera pas faire. Comment en effet envisager que la Crimée, où la Russie possède une base navale d’intérêt stratégique crucial, se retrouve un jour dans l’OTAN !

Certes, Vladimir Poutine est un président autoritaire, qui utilise des méthodes dignes du KGB (à ce propos, voir le livre d’Alexandre Litvinenko, Le Temps des Assassins (2), mais il faut tenir compte des réalités géostratégiques. Et plutôt que de se positionner par rapport à la réalité, les occidentaux campent sur des positions de morale ! Des positions binaires, manichéennes, réductrices, alors que la réalité est plus complexe… Soulignons au passage que parmi les « défenseurs de la Russie », certains tiennent également des positions binaires : la crise ukrainienne, si on les écoute, serait une lutte entre les « gentils » Russes et les « méchants Ukrainiens fascistes », ce qui est tout aussi ridicule ! Bien sûr, il y a avait des fascistes dans le mouvement de révolte, mais les fascistes étaient une minorité, une minorité bien visible certes, mais une minorité quand même. Le mouvement de la place Maïdan était hétéroclite, comme le soulignait la rédaction du Monde diplomatique dans l’émission Là-bas si j’y suis du 6 Mars 2014 (3). Il n’y a pas eu de Coup d’État en Ukraine, juste une révolution comme toutes les autres, qui ne peut pas aboutir du jour au lendemain au régime idéal.

Mais revenons à des considérations diplomatiques. Dans la situation actuelle, nous voyons les États-Unis « négocier » avec la Russie, alors que les 2 parties ont des intérêts totalement contradictoires : les États-Unis veulent étendre leur sphère d’influence à l’Ukraine par l’intermédiaire de l’OTAN et la Russie ne le veut pas. On ne doit pas s’étonner, dans ces conditions, que ces « négociations » s’apparentent à un dialogue de sourds. L’Allemagne ou la France auraient pu se positionner comme arbitre, pour favoriser la recherche d’un compromis acceptable, mais non, comme pendant la Guerre froide, l’UE se soumet à la diplomatie US, alors que s’il y a une guerre en Ukraine, c’est l’UE qui sera en première ligne et subira les dégâts. Les États-Unis, géographiquement isolés, ne craignent rien. Rappelons que pendant la Guerre froide, l’OTAN était un système permettant aux États-Unis de créer un tampon avec l’URSS : en installant des missiles en Europe, les États-Unis avaient l’assurance qu’en cas de déflagration nucléaire, ce sont leurs alliés européens qui prendraient en premier ! Aujourd’hui, on dirait que rien n’a changé !

Et après le « référendum » de dimanche en Crimée, c’est la guerre qui se profile ! Si la Crimée se détache de l’Ukraine, qui empêchera les autres russophones ukrainiens de demander la même chose ? Le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie, ou la reconnaissance de son indépendance, risque d’avoir les mêmes effets qu’en ex-Yougoslavie, où la reconnaissance de l’indépendance de la Croatie par l’Allemagne en 1992 a déclenché la guerre. Alors que la crise ukrainienne aurait pu être l’occasion de rapprocher diplomatiquement l’UE et la Russie, toute cette histoire vire au gâchis ! Pour moi, la meilleure option pour l’Ukraine serait d’en faire une confédération à la suisse, un état tampon neutre, comme un pont entre l’UE et la Russie. Car c’est la neutralité de la Suisse qui a garanti sa stabilité pendant les deux guerres mondiales. Si la Suisse n’avait pas été neutre, imaginez ce que cela aurait donné entre les parties francophone, germanophone et italophone !

Si la guerre éclate la semaine prochaine, nous constaterons une fois de plus qu’on ne fait pas de diplomatie avec de la morale, mais avec des principes. Le premier d’entre eux étant le principe de réalité !



1 Et oui, je veux bien sûr parler de Bernard-Henry Lévy, le grand « philosophe » germanopratin qui a courageusement lutté les armes à la main contre l’infâme Kadhafi en Lybie, et le cruel Milosevic en Yougoslavie.

2 Alexandre Litvinenko. Le Temps des Assassins, Éditions Calmann-Lévy.

3 http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/carnet/2014-03-06-La-bas

lundi, 17 mars 2014

UN says Libya is Fueling Wars: Gulf and Western Powers Should be Held Accountable


UN says Libya is Fueling Wars: Gulf and Western Powers Should be Held Accountable

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker

Modern Tokyo Times

European Union powers and America are currently lambasting the Russian Federation over actions taken in Crimea while people are dying daily in Afghanistan, Libya, Pakistan, Syria – and other nations – based on the destabilization policies of major Gulf and Western powers (Pakistan destabilized itself). Serbians and Africans of course are sent to criminal courts while the nations that have killed in the millions based on destabilization policies literally get away with murder. Even the United Nations can’t cover-up the mess of America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. Therefore, Libya is free of Colonel Gaddafi but to hell with the collapse of the nation state just like in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Reuters reports: “U.N. experts say Libya has become a primary source of illicit weapons, including shoulder-fired missiles, which have been trafficked to at least 14 countries and are fueling conflicts on several continents, Rwanda’s U.N. envoy said on Monday.”

However, does the report go deep enough? After all, it is clear that Gulf and Western powers have utilized Libya in order to send military arms to various terrorist and sectarian forces against the government of Syria. Indeed, NATO Turkey along the border with Syria is a Takfiri and al-Qaeda paradise while weapons pour in via Libya and other sources. Of course, Gulf and Western covert operatives continue to play their part in helping various terrorist and sectarian forces in Syria. Therefore, while Libya may be at the centerpiece of the UN report it is clear that other sinister forces are also at play.

Eugene Gasana, chairperson of the findings by the United Nations Security Council’s Libya sanctions committee, says “The panel noted that the control of non-state armed actors over the majority of stockpiles in Libya as well as ineffective border control systems remained primary obstacles to countering proliferation and that Libya had become a primary source of illicit weapons, including MANPADs.”

“The panel furthermore noted that investigations relating to transfers to 14 countries reflected a highly diversified range of trafficking dynamics; and that trafficking from Libya was fueling conflict and insecurity – including terrorism – on several continents.”

In other words, powerful Gulf and Western powers have enabled various terrorist and anti-government forces to flourish in at least 14 nations based on their destabilization policies in Libya. Therefore, vast numbers of people have perished because of the policies of America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. These nations not only helped to destroy Libya whereby various militias cleansed black Africans and slaughtered individuals deemed to be pro-Gaddafi; but the same nations also used ratlines in Croatia, Kosovo (Albanian led Kosovo) and in Libya (and other nations) in order to destabilize Syria.

If the Russian Federation is serious about standing up to nations that are meddling throughout the world; then why not use several UN findings to charge past and current leaders in major Gulf and Western nations? Of course, this may sound idealistic but until powerful nations are held accountable for the deaths of untold numbers then nothing will change. In other words, after Syria it will be another nation – and then after the next nation, it will be another nation.

The pattern is now abundantly clear and this applies to collective chaos; destabilization; the reduction in the rights of women; religious minorities fleeing; terrorism; and often sectarianism.  In modern day Kosovo it is clear that Orthodox Christians can’t travel freely without armed protection; in Iraq this nation is a failed state whereby sectarianism and terrorism is an ongoing nightmare; Afghanistan is in turmoil and women have been put into the shadows; Libya is now a land based on various militias and increasingly religious minorities are being attacked and alienated; while Syria is now a free area for Takfiri terrorists, al-Qaeda groups and barbaric sectarian forces.

All the above means that vast numbers of people have been killed because of Gulf and Western meddling – Turkey and Pakistan are also involved when it comes to Syria and Afghanistan respectively. Indeed, Turkey, Gulf and Western powers have now started the second destabilization of Iraq based on destabilizing Syria and Lebanon is now extremely fragile. However, where are the war crimes against the usual players that utilize the mass media, slick private propaganda marketing agencies, so-called humanitarian agencies, manipulating the United Nations – and other sinister means that are available.

Gaddafi was brutally killed and his death sums up the inhumanity of nations that will use any means available to them. It matters not if people agreed with Gaddafi or not. Yet his death said much about what would happen to Libya based on the brutality unleashed against him. In time, the same chaos  would ultimately be unleashed throughout Libya whereby law is rendered redundant. Many years later and not only is Libya a failed state but now according to the UN it is a nation that is being manipulated in order to fund international conflicts. This is a million miles away from the mantra of democracy after the demise of Gaddafi.

Business Insider reports: “The administration has said that the previously hidden CIA operation in Benghazi involved finding, repurchasing and destroying heavy weaponry looted from Libyan government arsenals, but in October we reported evidence indicating that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels.” 

“There have been several possible SA-7 spottings in Syria dating as far back as early summer 2012, and there are indications that at least some of Gaddafi’s 20,000 portable heat-seeking missiles were shipped before now.”

On Sept. 6 a Libyan ship carrying 400 tons of weapons for Syrian rebels docked in southern Turkey. The ship’s captain was “a Libyan from Benghazi” who worked for the new Libyan government. The man who organized that shipment, Tripoli Military Council head Abdelhakim Belhadj, worked directly with Stevens during the Libyan revolution.”

The above applies to 2012 and clearly since this period many deals are being done in shadows. Of course, the UN is fully aware of this but nothing is being done to hold nations accountable for their destabilization policies. Similarly, international criminal courts are just a witch-hunt against nations outside of the loop and to be held against individuals fighting on the wrong side. Therefore, vast numbers of people are dying every day in countless conflicts because of the collective policies of powerful Gulf and Western powers – alongside the respective deeds of Pakistan and Turkey.





Iraq Blames Qatar and Saudi Arabia for Terrorism


Iraq Blames Qatar and Saudi Arabia for Terrorism: Re-run of Afghanistan and Pakistan

Salma Sribi and Michiyo Tanabe

Modern Tokyo Times

Prime Minister Nouri Maliki of Iraq denounces Qatar and Saudi Arabia for supporting terrorism and sectarianism against Iraq. Maliki made it abundantly clear that Qatar and Saudi Arabia are involved in the destabilization of Iraq based on Gulf petrodollars, their geopolitical ambitions, sectarian factors and other negative realities. Of course, this highlights the sham of Saudi Arabia that often claims it is fighting terrorism but in reality this nation turns this clock on and off when it suits the elites in Riyadh.

Indeed, the only real fear for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states is to keep internal terrorism at bay. Therefore, exporting terrorism and spreading sectarianism is the mantra. Of course, major Western powers also conveniently use terrorism and sectarianism when the time suits. This reality applies to fighting on the same side in Afghanistan (1980s/1990s); Bosnia; Libya and currently in Syria. However, it is Gulf petrodollars, Salafi ideology, exporting militancy and funding sectarian ventures based on the intrigues of feudal kingdoms, where all the barbaric synergy comes together.

Maliki spoke frankly to France 24 about Qatar and Saudi Arabia supporting the brutal terrorist and sectarian insurgency in Iraq. Maliki says: I accuse them of inciting and encouraging the terrorist movements. I accuse them of supporting them politically and in the media, of supporting them with money and by buying weapons for them…I accuse them of leading an open war against the Iraqi government.”

Lee Jay Walker at Modern Tokyo Times says: “This reality is like a re-run because in Afghanistan it is clear that Pakistan is involved in many murky terrorist and sectarian dealings against this nation. In other words, the allies of America and the United Kingdom are the same nations assisting terrorism against governments and nations they are meant to be supporting. Of course, this equally entails that many British and American soldiers have been killed and maimed because of the collective intrigues of so called allies. Despite this, what is the comeback against Pakistan, Qatar and Saudi Arabia?”

President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan is saying the same with regards to Pakistan destabilizing his country. The New York Times reports “Mr. Karzai charged that elements of the Pakistani government were still supporting Islamic militants, as they had in the past, and that if such sources of terrorism were not defeated, Afghans and international soldiers would continue to die.”

The above was stated in 2006 yet in 2011 Karzai made it clear that nothing had changed. In the Washington Post they quote Karzai saying: “Pakistan has pursued a double game toward Afghanistan, and using terrorism as a means continues.” Of course, in 2014 this same opinion is held by many in Afghanistan but at no time is Pakistan worried about becoming a pariah – just like Qatar and Saudi Arabia don’t have to worry. Therefore, what is going on in the corridors of power in Washington and London?

While Maliki was accusing Qatar and Saudi Arabia yet another barbaric terrorist attack killed over 30 Iraqi nationals. The latest terrorist attack took place at a checkpoint in Hilla. Like usual, Sunni Islamic jihadists attacked Hilla because this area is predominantly Shia and Takfiri hatred towards this community knows no boundaries.

France 24 reports: Maliki went on to say that not only did Saudi Arabia support terrorism in countries such as Iraq and Syria, but around the world.”

Lee Jay Walker says: “Afghanistan and Iraq are paying a heavy price because of the respective intrigues of Qatar, Pakistan, and Saudi Arabia. India knows full well that being the largest democracy in the world doesn’t appear to resonate in London and Washington. After all, for decades Pakistan is exporting terrorism to Kashmir and many brutal terrorist attacks in India can be traced back to Pakistan. Yet, despite this reality, and the obvious connection linking Pakistan with many terrorist and sectarian factions in Afghanistan, this still doesn’t prevent America and the United Kingdom from supporting Pakistan in the field of economic and military support. Indeed, it appears that just like American and British soldiers are expendable to political elites in Washington and London; the same can clearly be said about Pakistan soldiers being killed based on the intrigues of Pakistan.”

In 2013 just below 9,000 people were killed in Iraq because of sectarian and terrorist forces. This figure is the highest since 2007 and says much about the bankruptcy of President Obama in America. Indeed, France 24 should be asking why France is involving itself along with Turkey against the government of Syria. After all, like Maliki says about Qatar and Saudi Arabia: “They are attacking Iraq through Syria, and in a direct way.”

Until Gulf and Western powers are held accountable then sadly the destabilization of nations will continue whereby terrorism is a useful tool. Obviously, this reality is being ignored by the United Nations therefore the same methodology will continue to be utilized by the same Gulf and Western powers – along with Turkey and Pakistan that continue to switch the terrorist clock on.

Lee Jay Walker gave guidance to both writers






dimanche, 16 mars 2014

The War on Russia in its Ideological Dimension


The War on Russia in its Ideological Dimension

Ex: http://www.geopolitica.ru
The coming war as concept
The war against Russia is currently the most discussed issue in the West. At this point it is only a suggestion and a possibility, but it can become a reality depending on the decisions taken by all parties involved in the Ukrainian conflict – Moscow, Washington, Kiev, and Brussels.
I don’t want to discuss all the aspects and history of this conflict here. Instead I propose to analyze its deep ideological roots. My conception of the most relevant events is based on the Fourth Political Theory, whose principles I have described in my book under the same name that was published in English by Arktos Media in 2012.
Therefore I will not examine the war of the West on Russia in terms of its risks, dangers, issues, costs or consequences, but rather in an ideological sense as seen from the global perspective. I will therefore meditate on the sense of such a war, and not on the war itself (which may be either real or virtual).
Essence of liberalism
In the modern West, there is one ruling, dominant ideology – liberalism. It may appear in many shades, versions and forms, but the essence is always the same. Liberalism contains an inner, fundamental structure which follows axiomatic principles:
-   anthropological individualism (the individual is the measure of all things);
-  belief in progress (the world is heading toward a better future, and the past is always worse than the present);
-   technocracy (technical development and its execution are taken as the most important criteria by which to judge the nature of a society);
-   eurocentrism (Euro-American societies are accepted as the standard of measure for the rest of humanity);
-   economy as destiny (the free market economy is the only normative economic system – all the rest types are to either be reformed or destroyed);
-   democracy is the rule of minorities (defending themselves from the majority, which is always prone to degenerate into totalitarianism or “populism”);
-  the middle class is the only really existing social actor and universal norm (independent from the fact of whether or not an individual has already reached this status or is on the way to becoming actually middle class, representing for the moment only a would-be middle class);
-   one-world globalism (human beings are all essentially the same with only one distinction, namely that of their individual nature – the world should be integrated on the basis of the individual and cosmopolitism; in other words, world citizenship).
These are the core values of liberalism, and they are a manifestation of one of the three tendencies that originated in the Enlightenment alongside communism and fascism, which collectively proposed varying interpretations of the spirit of modernity. During the twentieth century, liberalism defeated its rivals, and since 1991 has become the sole, dominant ideology of the world.
The only freedom of choice in the kingdom of global liberalism is that between Right liberalism, Left liberalism or radical liberalism, including far-Right liberalism, far-Left liberalism and extremely radical liberalism. As a consequence, liberalism has been installed as the operational system of Western civilization and of all other societies that find themselves in the zone of Western influence. It has become the common denominator for any politically correct discourse, and the distinguishing mark which determines who is accepted by mainstream politics and who is marginalized and rejected. Conventional wisdom itself became liberal.
Geopolitically, liberalism was inscribed in the America-centered model in which Anglo-Saxons formed the ethnical core, based upon the Atlanticist Euro-American partnership, NATO, which represents the strategic core of the system of global security. Global security has come to be seen as being synonymous with the security of the West, and in the last instance with American security. So liberalism is not only an ideological power but also a political, military and strategic power. NATO is liberal in its roots. It defends liberal societies, and it fights to extend liberalism to new areas.
Liberalism as nihilism
There is one point in liberal ideology that has brought about a crisis within it: liberalism is profoundly nihilistic at its core. The set of values defended by liberalism is essentially linked to its main thesis: the primacy of liberty. But liberty in the liberal vision is an essentially negative category: it claims to be free from (as per John Stuart Mill), not to be free for something. It is not secondary; it is the essence of the problem.
Liberalism fights against all forms of collective identity, and against all types of values, projects, strategies, goals, methods and so on that are collectivist, or at least non-individualist. That is the reason why one of the most important theorists of liberalism, Karl Popper (following Friedrich von Hayek), held in his important book, The Open Society and Its Enemies, that liberals should fight against any ideology or political philosophy (ranging from Plato and Aristotle to Marx and Hegel) that suggests that human society should have some common goal, common value, or common meaning. (It should be noted that George Soros regards this book as his personal bible.) Any goal, any value, and any meaning in liberal society, or the open society, should be strictly based upon the individual. So the enemies of the open society, which is synonymous with Western society post-1991, and which has become the norm for the rest of the world, are concrete. Its primary enemies are communism and fascism, both ideologies which emerged from the same Enlightenment philosophy, and which contained central, non-individualic concepts – class in Marxism, race in National Socialism, and the national State in fascism. So the source of liberalism’s conflict with the existing alternatives of modernity, fascism or communism, is quite obvious. Liberals claim to liberate society from fascism and communism, or from the two major permutations of explicitly non-individualistic modern totalitarianism. Liberalism’s struggle, when viewed as a part of the process of the liquidation of non-liberal societies, is quite meaningful: it acquires its meaning from the fact of the very existence of ideologies that explicitly deny the individual as society’s highest value. It is quite clear what the struggle opposes: liberation from its opposite. But the fact that liberty, as it is conceived by liberals, is an essentially negative category is not clearly perceived here. The enemy is present and is concrete. That very fact gives liberalism its solid content. Something other than the open society exists, and the fact of its existence is enough to justify the process of liberation.
Unipolar period: threat of implosion
In 1991, when the Soviet Union as the last opponent of Western liberalism fell, some Westerners, such as Francis Fukuyama, proclaimed the end of history. This was quite logical: as there was no longer an explicit enemy of the open society, therefore there was no more history as had occurred during the modern period, which was defined by the struggle between three political ideologies (liberalism, communism and fascism) for the heritage of the Enlightenment. That was, strategically speaking, the moment when “unipolar moment” was realized (Charles Krauthammer). The period between 1991 and 2014, at the midpoint of which Bin Laden’s attack against the World Trade Center occurred, was the period of the global domination of liberalism. The axioms of liberalism were accepted by all the main geopolitical actors, including China (in economic terms) and Russia (in its ideology, economy, and political system). There were liberals and would-be liberals, not-yet liberals, not-liberal-enough liberals and so on. The real and explicit exceptions were few (such as Iran and North Korea). So the world became axiomatically liberal according to its ideology.
This has been the most important moment in the history of liberalism. It has defeated its enemies, but at the same time it has lost them. Liberalism is essentially the liberation from and the fight against all that is not liberal (at present or in what has the potential to become such). Liberalism acquired its real meaning and its content from its enemies. When the choice is presented as being between not-freedom (as represented by concrete totalitarian societies) or freedom, many choose freedom, not understanding it in terms of freedom for what, or freedom to do what… When there is an illiberal society, liberalism is positive. It only begins to show its negative essence after victory.
After the victory of 1991, liberalism stepped into its implosive phase. After having defeated communism as well as fascism, it stood alone, with no enemy to fight. And that was the moment when inner conflicts emerged, when liberal societies began to attempt to purge themselves of their last remaining non-liberal elements: sexism, politically incorrectness, inequality between the sexes, any remnants of the non-individualistic dimensions of institutions such as the State and the Church, and so on. Liberalism always needs enemy to liberate from. Otherwise it loses its purpose, and its implicit nihilism becomes too salient. The absolute triumph of liberalism is its death.
That is the ideological meaning of the financial crises of 2000 and of 2008. The successes and not the failures of the new, entirely profit-based economy (of turbocapitalism, according to Edward Luttwak) are responsible for its collapse.
The liberty to do anything you want, but restricted to the individual scale, provokes an implosion of the personality. The human passes to the infra-human realm, and to sub-individual domains. And here he encounters virtuality, as a dream of sub-individuality, the freedom from anything. This is the evaporation of the human, and brings about the Empire of nothingness as the last word in the total victory of liberalism. Postmodernism prepares the terrain for that post-historic, self-referential recycling of non-sense.
The West is in need of an enemy
You may ask now, what the Hell does all of this have to do with the (presumable) coming war with Russia? I am ready to answer that now.
Liberalism has continued to gain momentum on a global scale. Since 1991, it has been an inescapable fact. And it has now begun to implode. It has arrived at its terminal point and started to liquidate itself. Mass immigration, the clash of cultures and civilizations, the financial crisis, terrorism, and the growth of ethnic nationalism are indicators of approaching chaos. This chaos endangers the established order: any kind of order, including the liberal order itself. The more liberalism succeeds, the faster it approaches its end and the end of the present world. Here we are dealing with the nihilistic essence of liberal philosophy, with nothingness as the inner (me)ontological principle of freedom-from. The German anthropologist Arnold Gehlen justly defined the human as a “deprived being,” or Mangelwesen. Man in himself is nothing. It takes all that comprises its identity from society, history, people, and politics. So if he returns to his pure essence, he can no longer recognize anything. The abyss is hidden behind the fragmented debris of feelings, vague thoughts, and dim desires. The virtuality of sub-human emotions is a thin veil; behind it there is pure darkness. So the explicit discovery of this nihilistic basis of human nature is the last achievement of liberalism. But that is the end, and the end also for those who use the liberalism for their own purposes and who are beneficiaries of liberal expansion; in other words, the masters of globalization. Any and all order collapses in such an emergency of nihilism: the liberal order, too.
In order to rescue the rule of this liberal elite, they need to take a certain step back. Liberalism will reacquire its meaning only when it is confronted once more with non-liberal society. This step back is the only way to save what remains of order, and to save liberalism from itself. Therefore, Putin’s Russia appears on its horizon. Modern Russia is not anti-liberal, not totalitarian, not nationalist, and not communist, nor is it yet too liberal, fully liberal-democrat, sufficiently cosmopolite, or so radically anti-communist. It is rather on the way to becoming liberal, step by step, within the process of a Gramscian adjustment to global hegemony and the subsequent transformation this entails (“transformismo” in Gramscian language).
However, in the global agenda of liberalism as represented by the United States and NATO, there is a need for another actor, for another Russia that would justify the order of the liberal camp, and help to mobilize the West as it threatens to break apart from inner strife. This will delay the irruption of liberalism’s inner nihilism and thus save it from its inevitable end. That is why they badly need Putin, Russia, and war. It is the only way to prevent chaos in the West and to save what remains of its global and domestic order. In this ideological play, Russia would justify liberalism’s existence, because that is the enemy which would give a meaning to the struggle of the open society, and which would help it to consolidate and continue to affirm itself globally. Radical Islam, such as represented by al-Qaeda, was another candidate for this role, but it lacked sufficient stature to become a real enemy. It was used, but only on a local scale. It justified the intervention in Afghanistan, the occupation of Iraq, the overthrow of Gaddafi, and started a civil war in Syria, but it was too weak and ideologically primitive to represent the real challenge that is needed by liberals.
Russia, the traditional geopolitical enemy of Anglo-Saxons, is much more serious as an opponent. It fits the needed role extremely well – the memory of the Cold War is still fresh in many minds. Hate for Russia is an easy thing to provoke by relatively simple means. This is why I think that war with Russia is possible. It is ideologically necessary as the last means to postpone the final implosion of the liberal West. It is the needed “one step back.”
To save the liberal order
Considering the different layers of this concept of a possible war with Russia, I suggest a few points:
1. A war with Russia will help to delay the coming disorder on a global scale. The majority of the countries that are involved in the liberal economy, and which share the axioms and institutions of liberal democracy, and which are either dependent upon or directly controlled by the United States and NATO, will forge a common front once more behind the cause of the liberal West in its quest to oppose the anti-liberal Putin. This will serve to reaffirm liberalism as a positive identity when this identity is beginning to dissolving as a result of the manifestation of its nihilistic essence.
2. A war with Russia would strengthen NATO and above all its European members, who will be obliged once more to regard American hyperpower as something positive and useful, and the old Cold War stance will no longer seem obsolete. Out of a fear of the coming of the “evil Russians”, Europeans will again feel loyal to the United States as their protector and savior. As a result, the leading role of the U.S. in NATO will be reaffirmed.
3. The EU is falling apart. The supposed “common threat” of the Russians could prevent it from an eventual split, mobilizing these societies and making their peoples once again eager to defend their liberties and values under the threat of Putin’s “imperial ambitions”.
4. The Ukraine junta in Kiev needs this war to justify and conceal all the misdeeds they carried out during the Maidan protests on both the juridical and constitutional levels, thus allowing them to suspend democracy, that would impede their rule in the southeastern, mostly pro-Russian districts and would enable them to establish their authority and nationalistic order through extra-parliamentary means.
The only country that doesn’t want war now is Russia. But Putin cannot let the radically anti-Russian government in Ukraine to dominate a country that has a population that is half-Russian and which contains many pro-Russian regions. If he allows this, he will be finished on the international and domestic levels. So, reluctantly, he accepts war. And once he begins on this course, there will be no other solution for Russia but to win it.
I don’t like to speculate regarding the strategic aspects of this coming war. I leave that to other, more qualified analysts. Instead I would like to formulate some ideas concerning the ideological dimension of this war.
Framing Putin
The meaning of this war on Russia is in essence the last effort of globalist liberalism to save itself from implosion. As such, liberals need to define Putin’s Russia ideologically – and obviously identify it with the enemy of the open society. But in the dictionary of modern ideologies there are only three primary iterations: liberalism, communism and fascism. It is quite clear that liberalism is represented by all the nations involved in this conflict except for Russia (the United States, the NATO member states, and Euromaidan/the Kiev junta). This leaves only communism and fascism. Therefore Putin is made out to be a “neo-Soviet revanchist” and “a return of the KGB”. This is the picture that is being sold to the most stupid sort of Western public. But some aspects of the patriotic reaction emanating from the pro-Russian and anti-Banderite population (i.e., the defense of Lenin’s monuments, Stalin portraits and memorials to the Soviet involvement in the Second World War) could confirm this idea in the minds of this public. Nazism and fascism are too far removed from Putin and the reality of modern Russia, but Russian nationalism and Russian imperialism will be evoked within the image of the Great Evil that is being drawn. Therefore Putin is being made out to be a “radical nationalist”, a “fascist” and an “imperialist”. This will work on many Westerners. Under this logic, Putin can be both “communist” and “fascist” at the same time, so he will be depicted as a “National Bolshevik” (although this is a little bit too complicated for the postmodern Western public). It is obvious that in reality, Putin is neither – he is not a communist nor a fascist, nor both simultaneously. He is a political pragmatist in the realm of International Relations – this is why he admires Kissinger, and why Kissinger likes him in return. He has no ideology whatsoever. But he will be obliged to embrace the ideological frame that he has been assigned. It is not his choice. But such are the rules of the game. In the course of this war on Russia, Putin will be framed in this way, and that is the most interesting and important aspect of this situation.
The main idea that liberals will try to advance to define Putin ideologically will be as the shadow of the past, as a vampire: “Sometimes they come back.” That is the rationale behind this attempt to prevent the final implosion of liberalism. The primary message is that liberalism is still alive and vital because there is something in the world that we all must be liberated from. Russia will become the object from which it must be liberated. The goal is first to liberate Ukraine, and by extension Europe and the rest of humanity, who will likewise be depicted as being under threat, from Russia, and in the end Russia itself will be said to be in need of rescue from its own non-liberal identity. So now we have an enemy. Such an enemy gives to the liberalism its raison d’etre once more. So Russia is being made out to be a challenger from the pre-liberal past thrown into the liberal present. Without such a challenge there is no more life in liberalism, no more order in the world, and everything associated with them will dissolve and implode. With this challenge, the falling giant of globalism acquires new vigor. Russia is here to save the liberals.
But in order for this to happen, Russia is being ideologically framed as something pre-liberal. She must be either communist, fascist or at perhaps National Bolshevist Russia. That is the ideological rule. Therefore, in fighting with Russia, or in considering to fight her, or in not fighting her, there is a deeper task – to frame Russia ideologically. It will be done from both the inside and the outside. They will try to force Russia to accept either communism or extreme nationalism, or else they will simply treat Russia as if it were these things. It is a framing game.
Post-liberal Russia: The first war of the Fourth Political Theory
In conclusion, what I propose is the following:
We need to consciously counter any provocation to frame Russia as a pre-liberal power. We need to refuse to allow the liberals to save themselves from their fast-approaching end. Rather than helping them to delay it, we need to accelerate it. In order to do this, we need to present Russia not as a pre-liberal entity but as a post-liberal revolutionary force that struggles for an alternative future for all the peoples of the planet. The Russian war will be not only be for Russian national interests, but will be in the cause of a just multipolar world, for real dignity and for real, positive freedom – not (nihilistic) freedom from but (creative) freedom for. In this war, Russia will set an example as the defender of Tradition, conservative organic values, and will represent real liberation from the open society and its beneficiaries – the global financial oligarchy. This war is not against Ukrainians or even against part of the Ukrainian populace. Nor is it against Europe. It is against the liberal world (dis)order. We are not going to save liberalism, per their designs. We are going to kill it once and for all. Modernity was always essentially wrong, and we are now at the terminal point of modernity. For those who rendered modernity and their own destiny synonymous, or who let that occur unconsciously, this will mean the end. But for those who are on the side of eternal truth and of Tradition, of faith, and of the spiritual and immortal human essence, it will be a new beginning, Absolute Beginning.
The most important fight at present is the fight for the Fourth Political Theory. It is our weapon, and with it we are going to prevent the liberals from realizing their wish of framing Putin and Russia  in their own manner, and in so doing we will reaffirm Russia as the first post-liberal ideological power struggling against nihilistic liberalism for the sake of an open, multipolar and genuinely free future.

US Pushes Georgia into NATO


US Pushes Georgia into NATO: MAP is Option Again

Andrei AKULOV 

Ex: http://www.strategic-culture.org

As Russian Kommersant daily reports citing its own NATO and US State Department sources, the idea of granting Georgia a Membership Action Plan (MAP) is getting wide support in the Alliance, as the events in Ukraine unfold. On his recent visit to Washington on February 25 Georgian Prime Minister Garibashvili got the assurances that his country will get a MAP at NATO September 2014 session in Cardiff, Wales, in case Crimea votes for joining the Russian Federation at the March 16 referendum. The article notes that only Germany may hesitate a bit while the foreign department is headed by Franc-Walter Steinmeier prone to show restraint towards Russia.

US administration takes stance to support Georgia’s NATO’s bid

The U.S. State Department endorsed granting Georgia its long-coveted status as an aspiring NATO member. This is the first time in recent history that the U.S. has explicitly come out in favor of MAP. Before the visit State Department officials had shied away from making the US stance definite. President Barak Obama and State Secretary John Kerry met the Georgian Prime Minister. After the meeting Kerry mentioned the possibility of his visit to Georgia for the first time (before May). The Secretary also announced «additional assistance» to Georgia: «Today I am announcing additional assistance by the United States to help support Georgia’s European and Euro-Atlantic vision, specifically to help Georgia achieve visa-free travel with the EU and to mitigate the hardships caused by borderization along the occupied territories»

Georgian Defense Minister Irakli Alasania said Russia’s campaign in Ukraine creates a need for more decisive NATO policy in Eastern Europe. «Speeding up the process of Georgia joining NATO should be one of the essential elements of the new policy approach that will better contribute to ensuring [the] stability of the European and Euro-Atlantic area», Alasania wrote in an emailed response to questions posed by EurasiaNet.org. «Speeding up the process of Georgia joining NATO should be one of the essential elements of the new policy approach that will better contribute to ensuring [the] stability of the European and Euro-Atlantic area», he wrote in an emailed response to questions posed by EurasiaNet.org.

«There is now a wave of support building here for the idea of giving Georgia a MAP to protect against Russia», says Caucasus expert Thomas de Waal, a senior associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, DC.

In late 2008 NATO embarked on an intensive cooperation program intended to strengthen the Georgian military. A NATO-Georgia Commission was established and tasked with overseeing implementation of successive Annual National Programs intended as a substitute for a MAP. At the NATO's Lisbon summit in 2010 participants reaffirmed the commitment enshrined in the Bucharest summit communique that Georgia would eventually join the alliance. Georgia has made an outsized contribution to the NATO effort in Afghanistan. 

In March 2013, the Georgian parliament passed a unanimous resolution reconfirming Georgia's NATO and EU aspirations. Last year NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen for his part lauded Georgia's progress toward meeting NATO membership requirements. Visiting Tbilisi in June 2013, he said Georgia had «moved a lot closer to NATO» and «is on the right path» to «NATO's open door». «With consistent and determined efforts, you will reach your destination», Rasmussen assured the hosts.

Georgia is situated in the strategically vital Caucasus region, which links Europe and the West to resource-rich Central Asia and beyond to China and India. A growing network of sea ports, air and land corridors put Georgia at the emerging nexus for Asian and European economies. As NATO and the US scale down their presence in Afghanistan, the West is going to need strong partners in this region. When it comes to the EU, Brussels is working to accelerate the signing of accords that will eventually make the country’s laws, economy and political system EU-compatible. The agreements, expected later this year, are subject to legislative approval by both the EU and Georgia, and require more reforms. But for the first time Brussels has hinted that its overtures to Georgia will not stop there. 

Sergi Kapanadze, a deputy foreign minister under former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili, believes that showing a strengthened commitment to Georgia on NATO membership would be one of the best ways to show Russia how resolute the West is to oppose it, «Based on other situations, such as Syria, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin now feels that the West is weak and its warnings taper off without translating into something that can actually hurt Russia», said Kapanadze. «If the West does not take real steps, such as expelling Russia from the G8 and making Georgia a NATO member, Putin will think he can get away with Ukraine».

US lawmakers strongly push for granting MAP 

While the events in Ukraine dominate headlines, congressmen in Washington are pressuring the administration to take a more aggressive stand toward allowing NATO membership for Georgia. 

In February 2014, 40 lawmakers from both sides of the aisle wrote a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry stressing that the U.S. and its allies «have reached a critical point in which action is necessary to ensure NATO’s future relevance and viability». They encouraged continued efforts to make enlargement a key priority for the United States and urged him to support NATO membership for Macedonia and Montenegro, encourage continued progress in implementing the MAP for Bosnia-Herzegovina. 

The Feb. 5 letter, drafted by the office of Rep. Mike Turner Ohio Republican and chairman of the U.S. Delegation to the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, specifically called on the Secretary of State to advocate granting Georgia a MAP at NATO’s 2014 summit, which is slated for September.

In response to the letter, the U.S. Assistant Secretary of State of Legislative Affairs Julia Frifield wrote, «We believe Georgia deserves credit at the upcoming NATO Summit for the progress it has made and its demonstrated commitment to NATO operations and standards. We stand ready to support Georgia's own efforts to build a consensus within the Alliance for granting it a Membership Action Plan».

Republicans say President Barack Obama has been too passive in responding to the crisis in Ukraine. 

US Senator Mario Rubio (R-FL), who is widely viewed as a 2016 presidential contender, called for a renewed push for NATO membership for Georgia.

South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham told CNN on March 2 that Obama should «stop going on television and trying to threaten thugs and dictators». Graham added that «Every time the President goes on national television and threatens Putin or anyone like Putin, everybody’s eyes roll, including mine. We have a weak and indecisive president that invites aggression». As to him, «Georgia is trying to seek NATO admission through the membership action plan. Let’s accelerate Georgia’s admission into NATO», said Graham. «We abandoned our missile defense agreements with them to protect Europe from a rogue missile attack coming out of the Mid East. Russia backed Obama down. If I were President Obama, I would reengage Poland and the Czech Republic regarding missile defense».

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers told Fox News that «Putin is playing chess and I think we’re playing marbles». The Michigan congressman added that the Russians have been «running circles around us» in negotiations on issues like missile defense and Syria. Rogers said the White House should not attend the G-8 summit and should seek international sanctions.

And Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona – Obama’s 2008 general election opponent and a frequent critic of the President’s foreign policy – said in a statement that he is «deeply concerned» that Russia’s presence in Ukraine could grow if Obama does not go into detail about what exactly he’s going to do. McCain called on the U.S. to give economic aid to Ukraine and to install U.S. missiles in the Czech Republican. «President Obama said that Russia would face ‘costs’ if it intervened militarily in Ukraine», McCain said. «It is now essential for the President to articulate exactly what those costs will be and take steps urgently to impose them».

Imponderables and factors to reckon with

There are imponderables as the issue is considered, for instance, it remains unclear to what extent the Georgian Army as a whole meets NATO standards, as opposed to the battalions that have served since 2009 with the NATO-led mission in Afghanistan. NATO has been enthusiastically engaged in the Alliance extension for the very idea of extension game. Now it has become an alliance of rag tag members with different potentials and different interests complicating to utmost any decision making process. Georgia will add more headache and burden without giving anything on return. Giving a MAP to Georgia is like cutting off the nose to spite the face. After all it was Georgian President Saakashvili who launched an attack in 2008. If Georgia were a NATO member those days, it would have done a real lip service to the Alliance putting it in an awkward position nobody needed, to put it most mildly. 

Russia still maintains a military presence within the breakaway regions of Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and regards NATO advancement as an immediate threat. Giving MAP to Georgia means constant confrontation with Russia adamant to stay firm asserting its foreign policy interests and ready to rebuff any attempts to intimidate or exert pressure on it. 

Speaking at a news conference in Brussels after the NATO-Russia Council on December 8, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said, «I noticed that yesterday’s communiqué, which was adopted by the NATO foreign ministers, contains a term ‘aspirant countries’ and among them was named Georgia too. I openly warned our colleagues not to again push, wittingly or unwittingly, the current regime in Georgia towards repeating an adventure similar to the one of August, 2008… it was shortly after the [April, 2008 NATO] Bucharest summit, during which [NATO] imperatively stated, that Georgia will join NATO», Lavrov said.

Riccardo Alvaro, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution’s Center on the United States and Europe, noted that as a general rule,NATO is unwilling to accept countries with such unresolved disputes because it «involves the risk of NATO being drawn into a military confrontation». «Common sense has it that NATO’s enlargement should take place wherever it enhances NATO’s security», he added. «If enlarging the Alliance means a spillover of insecurity into it, what’s the point?» 

The very process of NATO expansion is an irritant negatively affecting the security situation in Europe in general and bringing no dividends; NATO has no axe to grind here. 

This is the time to come up with well thought over and balanced initiatives to find a common understanding and ways to calm the tensions down, not pouring more fuel to the fire. Granting a MAP to Georgia is an obvious wrong step in the wrong direction at the wrong time. 

samedi, 15 mars 2014

Information Warfare: New Face of Cold War


Information Warfare:

New Face of Cold War

Natalia MEDEN

Ex: http://www.strategic-culture.org

Today one could only guess what the recently started, unprecedented in scope, anti-Russian campaign may lead to as mainstream Western media outlets are getting more and more involved in the effort. Russia has taken resolute steps to defend its vital interests in Crimea and Ukraine as the West unleashed a new form of cold war – information warfare…   

The unanimity of German media condemning Russia evokes concern calling to mind historic precedents. A hundred years ago the Kaizer Germany unleashed the First World War; the German elite unanimously supported the government those days.   As the issue of war expenditure was put to Reichstag, Karl Liebknecht happened to be the only Member of Parliament to abstain. (1) Military hysteria spread on political elite and creative intelligentsia including such well-known personalities as Richard Strauss, Thomas Mann and Hermann Hesse.  Friedrich Meinecke, German historian who lived in the first half of last century, wrote that the people of Germany were deeply and irreversibly convinced that the war was imposed from outside and the people had their homes to defend in the most broad sense of the word. Reading these lines one can understand that the massive brainwashing campaign has made almost ¾ of Germans known to be frugal ready to support the new regime in Kiev while 12% believe it is acceptable to offer military aid. Over one third of respondents favor sanctions against Russia (1).

The Berlin’s stance on Crimea and on Ukraine in general by and large coincides with that of the United States, though a bit more restrained.  For instance, it took Germany some time to support the idea of excluding Russia from G8; it didn’t rush to make calls for urgent sanctions against Russia. With Germans obviously lacking fervor, Senator McCain started to rebuke them for being too passive. But don’t get taken in. Berlin sees Ukraine as a testing ground for the recently announced new, more assertive foreign policy.  Angela Merkel does not find it possible to go on with the preparations for G8 summit. The German government has adopted a phased plan of imposing sanctions against Russia.  Even German business elite hesitate when it comes to sanctions.  For instance, Martin Wansleben, Managing Director of the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK), told  Deutschlandfunk, «I don’t believe we can allow ourselves to impose any sanctions, it’s not our option. No matter that, the European Union must launch it».  (2)

It would be an exaggeration to say that Germans are under the spell of those who accuse Russia of committing an act of aggression. There are some things that prevent the mass psychosis, like new information technologies making it possible to watch footages showing the attacks by Maidan militants against Berkut soldiers or provocations by «unknown snipers»…Official media never post such video clips in Internet.  Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung has already adopted the rule to avoid the stories about Ukrainian right-wing radicals and anything that pours water on the mill of Russian propaganda (3). Bruno Gollnisch, a French National Front activist, said France should not repeat the mistakes of the 1953 Crimean war fighting against Russia to serve the interests of Great Britain striving for world dominance (4). 

The French right-wing National Front has no doubts that the fight for Ukraine contradicts the interests of the European Union. This view is shared by ultra-right parties of old Europe.   Bernhard Tomasitz, the editor-in-chief of the German People's Union’s media outlet, is sure that the new pro-Western regime has provoked the exacerbation of situation. One of its first steps was striking Ukraine’s Russian speakers by rescinding the law on the status of regional languages. The European Union normally defends the rights of minorities but this time it turned a blind eye. (Russians are not a «minority» in Ukraine) (5). The ultra-right in France and Austria believe that the federalization is quite an acceptable way to settle the Ukraine’s crisis. According to Andreas Meltzer, the leading candidate of Austrian People's Party at the elections to the European Parliament, the division of Ukraine the same way it was done in the case of Czechoslovakia would be a better alternative to civil war. (6)   Andreas Meltzer is sure that Europe could get rid of the US influence and establish normal relations with Russia.     

In France only left-oriented media has reported that Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of Ukraine’s nationalists, has decided to run for presidency.  Only left-wing media informs about recruitment centers for volunteers to man formations to be sent to Crimea. Yulia Timoshenko has threatened the peninsula with a guerilla war. Left Junge Welt tells about Pravy Sector’s absolute power in Lviv. It also tells about armed groups demanding recompense «for revolution» on the roads of western and central Ukraine (7). Tagesspiegel is not that candid, it shies away from calling a spade a spade telling about imposters who said they belonged to «people’s control» and tried seize two German factories (8) to the west of Kiev. 

It’s worth to pay special attention on the articles reflecting the point of view of big business. Such renowned economists as Michael Hutter and Hans-Werner Sinn warn about negative consequences of economic sanctions. The businessmen with direct interest in Russian economy are alarmed.  

Eckhard Cordes of the Committee on Eastern European Economic Relations and Volker Treier, Chief Economist for the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry, together voice their concern over the sanctions against Russia calling it a risky business which may cost dearly. E. Shoppe, chairman of machine building union in the East, expressed concern over negative affect of possible sanctions for German machine building competitivity. According to him, in case sanctions are imposed Russia will buy the machines and equipment it needs in China (9). 

Those down to earth reporters who specialize on economy go beyond strict ideological restrictions openly saying that for the majority of Germans Crimea is rather Russia than Ukraine (10).

Captura-de-pantalla-2013-05-31-a-las-10.44.58.pngA Wirtschaftswoche weekly reporter believes the following conditions are crucial for normalization of the Ukraine’s situation: first, the country has to stand on its own feet so that the new election would not take place in the atmosphere of despair as a result of economic failure, second, emotions need to be cooled down, third, President Putin should not be demonized anymore (11). 

The concern of German entrepreneurs over the situation in Ukraine is understood, as well as their willingness to look for the ways to get things in order there.  Will it be enough to stop the further negative development of events? Striking Russia-Germany ties directly corresponds to the goals cherished by the initiators of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership agreement being pushed through by Washington.

(1) The results of the poll published on March 7 2014
(3) www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/europa/ukraine-die-extremisten-vom-majdan-12816972-p2.html
(4) www.marinelepen.fr,.03.07. 2014.
(5) National Zeitung,.03. 07. 2014.  The Verhovna Rada of Ukraine voted to rescind the law of February 23. A commission to work out a new legislature on language has already been formed in Kiev. One of the options for consideration is to cancel Cyrillic script for Latin.  
(7) Reinhard Lauterbach. Rechte machen mobil/ Junge Welt, 08.03.2014.
(9) dpa, 03. 07.2014.
(10) www.wiwo.de/politik/ausland/krise-in-der-ukraine-moskaus-geopolitische-arroganz/9560642-2.html. 
(11) Bettina Röhl. Krim: Keine Eskalation herbeireden!/Wirtschaftswoche, 04.03.2014.

Grand Puppetmaster Brzezinski


Grand Puppetmaster Brzezinski

Directing War Strategies from the Shadows

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

“From the moment the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991, the United States has relentlessly pursued a strategy of encircling Russia, just as it has with other perceived enemies like China and Iran. It has brought 12 countries in central Europe, all of them formerly allied with Moscow, into the NATO alliance. US military power is now directly on Russia’s borders…This crisis is in part the result of a zero-sum calculation that has shaped US policy toward Moscow since the Cold War: Any loss for Russia is an American victory, and anything positive that happens to, for, or in Russia is bad for the United States. This is an approach that intensifies confrontation, rather than soothing it.”

- Stephen Kinzer, “US a full partner in Ukraine debacle”, Boston Globe

“We have removed all of our heavy weapons from the European part of Russia and put them behind the Urals” and “reduced our Armed Forces by 300,000. We have taken several other steps required by the Adapted Conventional Armed Forces Treaty in Europe (ACAF). But what have we seen in response? Eastern Europe is receiving new weapons, two new military bases are being set up in Romania and in Bulgaria, and there are two new missile launch areas — a radar in Czech republic and missile systems in Poland. And we are asking ourselves the question: what is going on? Russia is disarming unilaterally. But if we disarm unilaterally then we would like to see our partners be willing to do the same thing in Europe. On the contrary, Europe is being pumped full of new weapons systems. And of course we cannot help but be concerned.”

- Russian President Vladimir Putin, Munich Conference on Security Policy, February 2007

The Obama administration’s rationale for supporting the fascist-led coup in Ukraine collapsed on Wednesday when a “hacked” phone call between EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton and Estonian foreign minister Urmas Paet revealed that the snipers who fired on protestors in Maidan Square in Kiev were not aligned with President Viktor Yanukovych, but with the protest leaders themselves. The significance of the discovery cannot be overstated since the Obama team has used the killing of protestors to justify its support for the new imposter government. Now it appears that members of the new government may be implicated in the killing of innocent civilians. This new information could force Obama to withdraw his support for the coup plotters in Kiev, which would derail the administration’s plan to remove Russia from the Crimea and expand NATO into Ukraine. Here’s a short recap of the details from an article in Russia Today:

“Estonian foreign ministry has confirmed the recording of his conversation with EU foreign policy chief is authentic. Urmas Paet said that snipers who shot at protesters and police in Kiev were hired by Maidan leaders.

During the conversation, Paet stressed that “there is now stronger and stronger understanding that behind the snipers, it was not Yanukovich, but it was somebody from the new coalition.”….

The Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs also issued a statement on its website, saying that the recording of the leaked telephone conversation between Paet and Ashton is “authentic.” (“Estonian Foreign Ministry confirms authenticity of leaked call on Kiev snipers“, Russia Today)

To its credit, the UK Guardian published an article reporting the basic facts, but there’s been no coverage by the New York Times, the Washington Post or any of the major TV News networks. America’s elite media are engaged in a coordinated news blackout to keep people from seeing that the Obama administration and their EU collaborators are supporting a group of far-right extremists who were directly involved in the killing of civilians in order to topple a democratically-elected government. Here’s more from the same article:

“…there is a stronger and stronger understanding that behind snipers it was not Yanukovych, it was somebody from the new coalition,” Paet says…the same handwriting, the same type of bullets, and it’s really disturbing that now the new coalition, that they don’t want to investigate what exactly happened.” (“Ukraine crisis: bugged call reveals conspiracy theory about Kiev snipers“, Guardian)

There won’t be an investigation because an investigation would reveal the truth, and the truth would undermine Obama’s plan to install a puppet regime in Kiev. The new government has already shown that it is more than willing to do Washington’s bidding, that is, to impose austerity measures on the working people of Ukraine, to pay off fatcat bondholders in Berlin and Brussels via more extortionist IMF loans, to extend NATO to Russia’s border in contravention of agreements made with Bush the Elder following the fall of the Berlin Wall, and to pursue the crackpot dreams of global hegemony laid out in “The Grand Chessboard” by New World Order fantasist Zbigniew Brzezinski. These are the primary objectives of the present policy which could be upended by the allegations of foul play.

The smoking gun revelations of the hacked phone call came just hours before US officials indicated they were planning to increase their military footprint in Eastern Europe. According to the World Socialist Web Site:

“Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said the Pentagon will boost joint training of NATO forces in Poland and step up NATO air patrols in the Baltics…US military officials said they were deploying six F-15 fighter jets and KC-135 transport planes. ….One guided-missile frigate, the USS Taylor, is still in a Black Sea port in Turkey after patrolling the region during the Sochi Olympics…

Turkish officials confirmed that they had given a US Navy warship permission to pass through the Bosphorus straits into the Black Sea, which borders Ukraine.” (“Amid Ukraine crisis, US launches military escalation in Eastern Europe”, World Socialist Web Site)

Also Russia Today reports that: “The guided missile destroyer, the USS Truxton, is heading to the Black Sea, for what the US military said is a “routine” deployment…The ship has a crew of about 300 and is part of an aircraft carrier strike group that left the US in mid-February.” (“US navy confirms missile destroyer USS Truxton approaching the Black Sea”, RT)

“Routine deployment”? So provoking a war with Russia is “routine”? Talk about understatement.

The military escalation occurs in an atmosphere of heightened tension between the two nuclear-armed powers and will certainly add to their mutual distrust. Hagel’s deployment is consistent with a plan for antagonizing Moscow that was proposed just days earlier in the Washington Post by the Obama administration’s ideological godfather, Zbigniew Brzezinski. Here’s a bit of what Brzezinski had to say in the article titled “What is to be done? Putin’s aggression in Ukraine needs a response”:

“…the West should promptly recognize the current government of Ukraine as legitimate. Uncertainty regarding its legal status could tempt Putin to repeat his Crimean charade…

“…the West should convey.. that the Ukrainian army can count on immediate and direct Western aid so as to enhance its defensive capabilities. There should be no doubt left in Putin’s mind that an attack on Ukraine would precipitate a prolonged and costly engagement, and Ukrainians should not fear that they would be left in the lurch.

Meanwhile, NATO forces, consistent with the organization’s contingency planning, should be put on alert. High readiness for some immediate airlift to Europe of U.S. airborne units would be politically and militarily meaningful. If the West wants to avoid a conflict, there should be no ambiguity in the Kremlin as to what might be precipitated by further adventurist use of force in the middle of Europe.” (“What is to be done? Putin’s aggression in Ukraine needs a response”, Washington Post)

“Adventurist”? Dr. Strangelove is calling the Kremlin adventurist when his recommendations would put NATO, the US and Moscow on hairtrigger alert increasing the chances of an error in judgment that could lead to thermonuclear war. Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black?

But listen to the tone of Brzezinski’s op-ed. In just a few short paragraphs, the author–who many respect as a restrained and brilliant global strategist–refers to Putin as a thug, a Mafia gangster, Mussolini, and Hitler. I imagine if he had another paragraph to work with, he would have added Beelzebub Satan to the list.

This isn’t politics; it’s hysterics. It’s incendiary, jingoistic mumbo-jumbo intended to rouse the public and fan the flames of nationalism. It’s the same kind of self-righteous raving that precipitated the invasion of Iraq.

And what is Brzezinski saying?

Is he saying that events in the Crimea are a threat to US national security? Is he saying that the US should now feel free to apply the Monroe Doctrine everywhere across the planet, sticking our big nose wherever the president sees fit?

The trouble in the Crimea has nothing to do with the United States. We have no dog in this fight. This is about military expansion into Eurasia, this is about pipeline corridors and oil fields, this is about dismantling the Russian Federation and positioning multinational corporations and Wall Street investment banks in Asia for the new century. And, finally, this is an ego-driven crusade by an old man who wants to see his looneybin NWO global hegemony vision enacted before they cart him off on a marble slab. That’s what this is really about; the glorious new world disorder, the dystopian wetdream of thinktank patricians everywhere whose only purpose in life is to initiate wars that other-peoples-sons will have to fight.

Entering Ukraine into the corporate-western alliance is a critical part of Brzezinski’s masterplan. The basic strategy has been underway since the fall of the Berlin Wall when neoliberal carpetbaggers from the US assisted in the looting of the former Soviet state leaving Russia politically broken and economically destitute. Since then, US policy towards Russia has been overtly hostile, making every effort to encircle the oil-rich nation while positioning nuclear missile installations on its perimeter. Now Washington is using its fascist-backed coup in Ukraine to force Moscow to relinquish its grip on a region that is vital to its national security.

Here’s a brief excerpt from an interview with Stephen Cohen, professor of Russian studies and history emeritus at New York University on Monday on PBS Newshour. Cohen helps to clarify what is really going on viv a vis the US and Russia:

“What we’re watching today is the worst kind of history being made, the descent of a new Cold War divide between West and East in Europe, this time not in faraway Berlin, but right on Russia’s borders through Ukraine. That will be instability and the prospect of war for decades to come for our kids and our grandchildren. The official version is that Putin is to blame; he did this. But it simply isn’t true. This began 20 years ago when Clinton began the movement of NATO toward Russia, a movement that’s continued.

…the fundamental issue here is that, three or four years ago, Putin made absolutely clear he had two red lines…One was in the former Soviet republic of Georgia. (Putin would not allow NATO in Georgia) The other was in Ukraine. We crossed both. You got a war in Georgia in 2008, and you have got today in Ukraine because we, the United States and Europe, crossed Putin’s red line.” (PBS News Hour)

There’s no doubt who is to blame for the present conflict in Cohen’s mind. It’s Washington.

So, here we are, between a rock and a hard place: Putin cannot back down on an issue that’s crucial to national security, and Washington is more determined than ever to pull Ukraine into –what Henry Kissinger calls–”a cooperative international system.” (aka–global capitalist rule) That means there’s going to be a war.

On Thursday, Crimea MPs voted unanimously to hold a referendum on whether the region should become a part of Russia or not. The balloting will take place in 10 days although Obama has already said that he will not honor the results. Apparently, other countries need to get the green-light from Washington before they conduct their elections now. This is how ridiculous things have gotten.

In 2008, Brzezinski revealed the real motives behind US aggression in Central Asia in an article that appeared in the Huffington Post that dealt primarily with the dust up in Georgia. (where Putin deployed Russian troops to defend Russian speaking civilians in South Ossetia.) Here’s what Brzezinski had to say:

“The question the international community now confronts is how to respond to a Russia that engages in the blatant use of force with larger imperial designs in mind: to reintegrate the former Soviet space under the Kremlin’s control and to cut Western access to the Caspian Sea and Central Asia by gaining control over the Baku/Ceyhan pipeline that runs through Georgia.

In brief, the stakes are very significant. At stake is access to oil as that resource grows ever more scarce and expensive and how a major power conducts itself in our newly interdependent world, conduct that should be based on accommodation and consensus, not on brute force.

If Georgia is subverted, not only will the West be cut off from the Caspian Sea and Central Asia. We can logically anticipate that Putin, if not resisted, will use the same tactics toward the Ukraine. Putin has already made public threats against Ukraine.” (“Brzezinski: Russia’s invasion of Georgia is Reminiscent of Stalin’s attack on Finland”; Huffington Post)

Huh? It sounds a lot like Brzezinski thinks that oil should be his. Or maybe he thinks it belongs to the western oil giants; is that it?

So we’re not dealing with national security, sovereignty or spheres of influence here. What we’re really talking about is “access to oil.” Not only that, but Brzezinski is being quite blunt in his assertion that “the West” –as he calls it–has a legitimate claim to the resources on other people’s land. Where’d he come up with that one?

In another interview on Kavkacenter.com, in 2008, Brzezinski sounded the same alarm with a slightly different twist. Here’s an excerpt from the article titled ”Russia tends to destabilize Georgia”:

“Brzezinski said the United States witnessed “cases of possible threats by Russia… motivated not by some territorial disputes….but caused by intention to take control over the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline”.

“If Georgia government is destabilized, western access to Baku, Caspian Sea and further will be limited”, said Brzezinski …. he stated that Russia will try to consolidate its monopoly on these markets and will use all existing political and economic levers, including “politically motivated cessation of energy supplies” in Europe and Baltic states.

“Russia actively tends to isolate the Central Asian region from direct access to world economy, especially to energy supplies”, considers the political scientist.” (“Zbigniew Brzezinski: ”Russia tends to destabilize Georgia” kavkacenter.com)

Putin is not isolating anyone and he’s certainly not taking over anyone’s damned pipeline. He’s the president of Russia. He sells oil and makes money, that’s how the system works. It’s called capitalism. But the oil is theirs. The natural gas is theirs. The pipelines are theirs. Not ours. Get over it!

Don’t kid yourself, it’s all about oil. Oil and power. The United States imperial ambitions are thoroughly marinated in oil, access to oil, and control of oil. Without oil, there’s no empire, no dollar hegemony, no overbloated, bullyboy military throwing weaker countries against the wall and extorting tribute. Oil is the coin of the realm, the path to global domination.

Putin has audacity to think that the oil beneath Russian soil belongs to Russia. Washington wants to change his mind about that. And that’s why the situation in Ukraine is so dangerous, because the voracious thirst for oil is pushing us all towards another world war.

MIKE WHITNEY lives in Washington state. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion (AK Press). Hopeless is also available in a Kindle edition. He can be reached at fergiewhitney@msn.com.

vendredi, 14 mars 2014

Lavia mediterranea

Les nationalismes en Ukraine et en Crimée


Au-delà de l’affaire…

Michel Lhomme
Ex: http://metamag.fr
Parler de l’affaire ukrainienne, c’est aussi parler de ce pays et de sa population, de ses forces vives. En fait, l'Ukraine peut-elle devenir un pays indépendant ? Doit-elle forcément être inféodée à l'Europe  ou à la Russie ? Le destin de ce pays ne nous est-il pas commun ?

Il faut évoquer la fierté combattante du peuple ukrainien, comme quelque chose d'inestimable. C'est tellement vrai qu'à Paris, on « hitlérise » ce peuple, on le pestifère. Les nationalistes ukrainiens seraient d'extrême-droite et en plus, d'affreux antisémites. Cela n'a pas gêné Bernard Henri-Lévy tant qu'on pouvait manipuler Maïdan ! Or, les nationalistes ukrainiens, ce sont les  ( le ''Secteur Droit'', rassemblement de plusieurs mouvements nationalistes ukrainiens comme Tryzub ou l’UNA-UNSO, NDT) et un parti nationaliste jugé plus «modéré», Svoboda. Ce sont les militants de ces partis qui sont morts à Maïdan. Or, les nationalistes ukrainiens sont morts pour Kiev pas pour Poutine.
Poutine avait confié l’Ukraine à une minorité ethnique qui a profité du pouvoir pour s’imposer et russifier. C'était une minorité corrompue qui a utilisé la pire des propagandes, l'ancienne propagande soviétique à savoir l'anti-fascisme, l'anti-nazisme et qui en a abusé pour faire taire aux Ukrainiens l'amour de la patrie. Mais, victorieux, les nationalistes ukrainiens ont gagné une première manche ! D'abord, ils ont obtenu la libération de toutes les personnes arrêtées lors des émeutes, le licenciement de cinquante juges accusés de corruption, la grâce d’un père et de son fils condamnés pour avoir abattu un magistrat, symbole de la corruption post-communiste et l’octroi à un membre du parti Svoboda du poste de procureur général de toute l’Ukraine. Pendant ce temps, la rue, dominée par le Praviy Sektor a poussé Yulia Timochenko à la retraite anticipée en lui faisant retirer sa candidature et a clairement fait savoir que l’Ukraine n’est pas disposée à devenir une colonie américaine.
C’est d'ailleurs toujours le Praviy Sektor, décrit dans les médias occidentaux comme une bête immonde qui a réussi à faire rejeter la candidature au poste de Premier ministre du champion des Américains, Vitaliy Klitchko. Le fait est que le Praviy Sektor a été maître de la négociation et ne regarde pas comme Svoboda en direction de l'Ouest. Car qu'est-ce qu'un regard confiant vers  l’Ouest (dixit Svoboda),  dans une zone de frontière, si ce n'est une allégeance ? 

Si Svoboda et le Praviy Sektor entrent en conflit , si les fonctionnaires de Svoboda s’abaissent devant les hommes de Soros, le Praviy Sektor sera le mouton noir sacrifié sur l’autel de l’occidentalisation. Les nationalistes ukrainiens doivent au plus vite demander des garanties dans leurs nouvelles relations économiques, énergétiques et diplomatiques avec la Russie. Les relations internationales ne se bâtissent pas sur la sympathie entre partenaires ou sur la défense d'une cause commune. Elles sont basées sur des intérêts communs, lorsque les parties contractantes sont dans un rapport de force à peu près égal. Paradoxalement, c'est parfois aussi dans la haine réciproque que se bâtissent les meilleures alliances, ce qui est le cas actuellement en Ukraine, entre nationalistes ukrainiens et nationalistes russes. Il n’est pas inconcevable que, dans les prochains mois, il incombe précisément aux nationalistes ukrainiens de gérer leurs relations avec la Russie. Le pire serait une polarisation Svoboda contre Praya Sektor, source potentielle d'une guerre civile profitable à beaucoup selon le vieux principe machiavélien du ''diviser pour régner''. 

Le retour au calme en Ukraine ne se fera pas sans un consensus fort avec les nationalistes radicaux qui ont débordé l’opposition parlementaire et sont  la force vive de l'eurasisme à construire, cet espoir de bâtir un nouvel Etat au frontière de l’Europe, un Etat, nationaliste et orthodoxe. Sinon, l’Ukraine se dirigera vers une scission de fait, se transformera en une grande Moldavie à l’Ouest et une Nouvelle Ossétie à l’Est (et en Crimée notamment). L’Ukraine aura alors été sacrifiée au sein d’une féroce lutte géopolitique des grands ensembles sur le continent. Elle sera alors réduite à n'être qu'une sorte de colonie dont on aurait instrumentalisé les nationalistes afin de briser un espoir européen plus grand, un espoir de constituer un réel pays indépendant. 

On peut alors imaginer que ces micro-nationalismes, ces régio-nationalismes n'auront servi qu'à assurer l’extension de l’Otan et l’intégration des nations européennes dans un conglomérat sous domination américaine. Priver l’Europe d’une alliance avec la Russie, c’est aussi empêcher le grand retour européen vers l'Est, vers la Sibérie, l'Asie centrale.

On the Russian Annexation of Crimea


On the Russian Annexation of Crimea

By Guillaume Faye 

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Translated by Greg Johnson

The Crimean parliament has called for independence from Ukraine and a referendum over joining the Russian Federation. Thunder in the chancelleries! The Crimean authorities are illegitimate because they are self-proclaimed. Who is right, who is wrong?

Barack Obama said on March 6 that the planned referendum for joining Russia would be undemocratic and illegal. (See previous articles on this point). He was followed in this analysis by the European governments. So, the decisions of the people are supposed to be  illegitimate if they do not support the interests and ideology of what the Russians call the “Western powers.” Democracy is, therefore, a rubber standard.

Here we encounter a very old problem: the principle of nationality in the ethnic sense against the same principle in the political sense. Let me explain. Politically, the detachment of Crimea from Ukraine is actually illegal under the constitution of Ukraine, a Republic “one and indivisible” like France. But Ukraine is a very unstable, indeed divided nation state. Imagine that tomorrow in France a majority of Bretons or Corsicans wanted to unconstitutionally secede.[1] Worse still, imagine a future region of France populated after decades of colonization migration by an Arab-Muslim majority desiring autonomy or attachment to an overseas Mediterranean country . . .

The same problem happens all over the world: in Spain with the Catalans, in Britain with the Scots, in Belgium with the Flemings, in Israel with Muslim citizens who have higher rate of population growth. Many examples exist in Africa and Asia. Remember Kosovo, torn away from Serbia because Albanians became the majority? In that case, the Americans and the West agreed to the partition of Serbia! They are no longer for partition in Crimea. A double standard.

Americans would do well proclaiming their principles carefully. For what if a Hispanic majority emerges in the Southwestern states (through immigration and high fertility) and demands to rejoin Mexico? That is a real risk in the next 20 years . . . This brings us to the old conflict between legality and legitimacy, thoroughly analyzed by Carl Schmitt. And it also makes us reflect on the concept of the multiethnic state (imperial/federal), which historically has always been difficult to manage and quite unstable.

In the minds of Putin and the Kremlin, Crimea historically belongs to Russia: it is predominantly Russian-speaking and houses part of the fleet. Putin wants to restore Russia, not to the borders of the USSR but to those of Catherine the Great, the Russian Empire, which the ambitious Vladimir wishes to defend. Then what? Of course, Vladimir Putin wants to appear to his people as the one who brought back the (formerly Russian) Crimea to the motherland and wants to restore the Russian international power.

Putin handled the crisis smoothly, using good judo to turn to his advantage the aggressive moves of his opponents, including the EU, NATO, and the U.S., to draw Ukraine into their fold.[2] It is a major geopolitical mistake to provoke Russia instead of respecting its sphere of influence, pushing it into the arms of China. It is stupid to revive the Cold War. Russophobia is not in the interests of Europeans. Russian power is not a threat, it is an opportunity. Presenting Putin’s Russia as a threat to “democracy” is the sort of lazy propaganda championed by the attention whore and professional dilettante Bernard-Henri Lévy. Of course, Washington’s policy (which is logical) is both to prevent Russia  from once again becoming a great power and decoupling the EU and Russia: it is a general trend.

Meanwhile, the Ukrainian crisis is just beginning. This improbable country will probably not find a stable balance. Crimea will probably end up being part of Russia. Eastern and Southern Ukraine may become quasi-protectorates tied to Russia. The Western region, under the influence of “nationalist” and pro-Western Ukrainians has a more complicated fate. Indeed, Ukrainian nationalism faces a fundamental contradiction, for they are attracted to the EU, but it is committed to a cosmopolitan ideology opposed to all nationalism. And all “ethnic hatred.” This cannot be overcome. There is an inherent incompatibility between Ukrainian nationalism and the EU’s ideological vulgate, which many do not understand.

In history, there are often insoluble problems. My Russian friend Pavel Tulayev, who has published me in Russia, understands this well: the union of all peoples of European descent from the Atlantic to the Pacific is the only way, regardless of political organization. The Ukraine crisis is a resurgence of the 19th and 20th centuries. But we are in the 21st century.


1. Already the “Red Hats” present Breton autonomist claims against the French State tax, yet they do not belong to the traditional Breton autonomy and independence movement. Good food for thought . . .

2. In addition, Putin played upon the new authorities in Kiev’s measures against Russian speakers.

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/03/on-the-russian-annexation-of-crimea/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/crimea_from_space.jpg

jeudi, 13 mars 2014

China's Xi Jinping urges US to show restraint over Ukrainian crisis


China's Xi Jinping urges US to show restraint over Ukrainian crisis

Ex: http://www.geopolitica.ru

China feels that all parties related to the situation in Ukraine should show restraint to avoid fomenting tension, the President of the People’s Republic of China, Xi Jinping, said in a statement. "China has taken an unbiased and fair stand on Ukraine’s issue. The situation in Ukraine is involved, so all parties should retain composure and show restraint, to prevent tension from making another upward spiral”, the Chinese leader said in a telephone conversation with his US counterpart Barack Obama.

Xi Jinping pointed out that the crisis should be settled politically and diplomatically. He said he hoped that all the parties interested would be able to reconcile their differences in a proper way, through contact and consultation, and would bend every effort to find a political solution to the problem.

President Xi said the situation in Ukraine is "highly complicated and sensitive," which "seems to be accidental, (but) has the elements of the inevitable."

He added that China believes Russia can "push for the political settlement of the issue so as to safeguard regional and world peace and stability" and he "supports proposals and mediation efforts of the international community that are conducive to the reduction of tension."

"China is open for support for any proposal or project that would help mitigate the situation in Ukraine, China is prepared to remain in contact with the United States and other parties interested”, the Chinese President said.

The Xinhua news agency said earlier in a comment that Ukraine is yet another example for one and all to see of how one big country has broken into pieces due to the unmannerly and egoistic conduct of the West.

Honduras, principale plaque-tournante de la drogue en Amérique Centrale

Honduras, principale plaque-tournante de la drogue en Amérique Centrale
Quelques révélations gênantes sur l'Etat américain

Michel Lhomme
Ex: http://metamag.fr

De nouveaux documents et des témoignages d’officiels de la Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), montrent que les histoires ''fantasmatiques'' concernant le gouvernement américain qui importerait officieusement de la cocaïne sont vraies. Une enquête faite au Mexique a prouvé que le gouvernement américain a autorisé le plus important des cartels de la drogue de ce pays, Sinaloa, d’opérer sans crainte de persécutions. 


Ce groupe est responsable de 80% de la cocaïne qui entre aux Etats-Unis par Chicago. En échange, les leaders de Sinaloa donneraient des informations à la DEA sur les gangs rivaux de la drogue, histoire de justifier leur présence au Mexique. En plus de Chicago, le groupe Sinaloa maintient des opérations de cocaïne dans plusieurs des plus grandes villes américaines. Des déclarations écrites furent faites au tribunal de district de Chicago, confirmant l’alliance de la DEA et du plus gros cartel de la drogue mexicain. Ces témoignages écrits et révélés sous serment montrent des officiels de la DEA rencontrant régulièrement des leaders du cartel Sinaloa plus de 50 fois entre 2000 et 2012. Le trafic autorisé par la DEA remonterait au début de l’administration de W. Bush et cela continuerait sous la présidence d’Obama. 

Un des leaders du groupe, Vincente Zambada-Niebla, affirme que le gouvernement américain a fait envoyer des armes au cartel Sinaloa. D’après d'autres révélations, ce furent ces armes qui furent à l’origine du scandale de l’Opération Fast and Furious qui vit le bureau américain du Tabac de l’Alcool et des Armes, l’organisme fédéral qui gère ces trois produits, vendre des armes au Mexique, armes qui se retrouvèrent ensuite dans les mains du cartel de la drogue ! Ces armes automatiques avaient malencontreusement “disparues” durant une opération anti-drogue commandée par le ministre de la justice, Eric Holder puis elles réapparurent aux mains des membres du cartel pour cette fois-ci tuer des agents fédéraux gardes-frontière. Cette toute dernière preuve a scandalisé fortement l'opinion publique américaine et ce scandale politique implique à la fois les gouvernements républicain et démocrate. 
Ainsi, des armes achetées pour l’armée américaine auraient été envoyées au cartel de la drogue pour finalement tuer des agents américains ! En fait, nous avons été le témoin direct au Pérou des mêmes turpitudes de la DEA et un agent de l'agence américaine nous l'avait discrètement confirmé. L'argent de la cocaïne est vital pour le cash de la bourse de New York. Nous avons eu l'occasion de ''visiter'' une ''base'' souterraine de narcos au Pérou étrangement bien équipée avec du matériel militaire américain d'observation et de détection. 

Ces dérives américaines sur la cocaïne en Amérique latine nous rappellent les atterrissages nocturnes en provenance d'Afghanistan sur la grande base américaine du Kosovo, les ballets d'avion cargo du Vietnam et encore, autre témoignage personnel, une certaine connexion tamoul pour la drogue avec la CIA pendant le conflit sri-lankais. Un autre bon exemple reste le Honduras qui, après le coup d’état du 28 juin 2009 exécuté avec la complicité du gouvernement étasunien et les élections truquées du 24 novembre 2013, paraît être de plus en plus miné de l'intérieur par de pseudos processus électoraux conçus pour le rétablissement de la soi-disant ''institutionnalité'' démocratique et qui ont été l'objet de fraudes manifestes. Ainsi, aux Honduras, la communauté internationale (CELAC, OEA et UE incluses) qui s’étaient opposées à l'autoritarisme de Roberto Michelleti, semblent maintenant très bien s'accommoder de Pepe Lobo, le nouvel homme fort du pays qui gouverne par la persécution, la terreur et les massacres collectifs. D'ailleurs, une quantité croissante de veuves et d’orphelins en sont maintenant à se réfugier comme au bon vieux temps des dictatures latinos dans les églises. Dans l'indifférence internationale générale, le pays est en pleine désintégration sociale. Or, n'oublions pas que le Honduras représente la première intervention nord-américaine directe de « basse intensité » en Amérique latine du vingt et unième siècle, en sorte pour les States, le modèle sans doute de sa politique latino !

En fait les USA auraient tissé de longue date des liens avec le plus grand cartel de la drogue du Honduras et  le gouvernement américain ne semble pas du tout vouloir perdre le contrôle du territoire hondurien parce que c'est à partir de là, que se distribuerait le flux dynamique régional et continental de l’industrie du narcotrafic. L'industrie de la drogue injecte d’immenses quantités de dollars frais dans le système bancaire nord-américain aujourd'hui en pleine phase critique. Sans les dollars du narcotrafic ou les bénéfices de l’industrie de l’armement qui descendent vers le Sud, l’économie yankee se serait depuis longtemps écroulée. C’est pour cela que le gouvernement étasunien s’est pratiquement converti dans le cartel de la drogue le plus étendu et terrorisant du Honduras, qui n’admet aucune concurrence et encore moins d’opposition mais doit tout de même affronter la concurrence des Zétas et des groupes colombiens. Comme par hasard d'ailleurs, le cartel du Honduras que défendraient les USA est lié à celui de Sinaloa au Mexique en sorte qu'on a bien l'impression que comme pour l'économie réelle, les Américains organisent par alliances économiques et zones de libre-échange, le trafic de cocaïne dans le monde. 

Dans de nombreuses régions d'Amérique latine comme dans le triangle d'Or ou en Afghanistan, le combat américain n’est ni pour la démocratie, ni contre le communisme. Il est pour le contrôle total d'un espace narco-militaire. Diluer l’état narco-militaire, c'est pour la DEA la véritable menace. A présent, sur le territoire chaotique et sanglant du Honduras, le cartel étasunien contrôle la quasi-totalité des églises (par les groupes évangéliques) et la coopération internationale se réduit à celle de l’USAID. Tout le système électoral et judiciaire hondurien est aux mains du cartel géré indirectement par les Etats-Unis. Pour mémoire rappelons que les forces antidrogues naissantes du Honduras s'étaient risquées sans autorisation de la DEA, à abattre en 2012 une narco-avionnette qui se dirigeait vers le Nord. Quelques semaines après, le gouvernement nord-américain retirait son radar antidrogue, installé dans la partie nord-orientale du Honduras, rendant ainsi aveugle les Forces Aériennes du Honduras (FAH). Quant au chef des forces aériennes honduriennes, il fut aussitôt destitué et mis à la retraite ! En fait, les militaires honduriens avaient pris l'initiative d’abattre deux avions suspects de transporter de la drogue en violation des accords avec les Etats-Unis. Cet accord interdit pourtant de dérouter des avions civils. Les militaires étasuniens menaient alors une opération anti-narco conjointe avec les Honduriens mais lorsque les avionnettes en question furent détournées, aucun agent de la DEA n’était curieusement présent !

Le Honduras est la principale plaque-tournante de la drogue en Amérique Centrale. 80% du trafic de cocaïne y transite. Le Honduras est une première escale pour 87% des avionnettes qui transportent la cocaïne depuis le Sud. Et bien que le Mexique conserve la majeure partie de l’attention de la guerre du narcotrafic, le Honduras connaît tout de même le taux d’homicide le plus élevé au monde, 82 pour chaque 100 000 habitants. Honduras, Mexique, Afghanistan…trafic de drogue, les Etats-Unis sont toujours présents.


Pour le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie?


Pour le rattachement de la Crimée à la Russie?

par Guillaume Faye

Le Parlement de Crimée s’est prononcé pour un détachement de l’Ukraine et un référendum de rattachement à la Fédération de Russie. Tonnerre dans les chancelleries : les nouvelles autorités de Crimée seraient illégitimes parce qu’autoproclamées. Qui a raison, qui a tort ?

 Barack Obama a déclaré le 6 mars  que ce référendum prévu pour le rattachement de la Crimée serait antidémocratique et illégal. (Voir articles précédents sur ce point).  Il a été suivi dans cette analyse par les gouvernements européens.  Donc, les décisions du peuple sont supposées illégitimes si elles ne vont pas dans le sens des intérêts et de l’idéologie de ce que les Russes appellent les ”puissances occidentales ”. La démocratie est donc à géométrie variable. 


On se heurte ici à un très ancien problème : celui du principe de nationalité au sens ethnique contre le même principe au sens politique. Expliquons-nous. Politiquement, le détachement de la Crimée de l’Ukraine est effectivement illégal par rapport à la constitution de l’Ukraine, république ”une et indivisible” comme la France. Mais L’Ukraine est un État-Nation très instable, de fait partagé. Imaginons que, demain, en France, une majorité de Bretons ou de Corses veuillent, inconstitutionnellement, faire sécession. (1) Pis : imaginons dans l’avenir une région de France, finissant par être peuplée après des décennies de colonisation migratoire, d’une majorité d’Arabo-musulmans et désirant une autonomie ou un rattachement à un pays d’outre Méditerranée… 

 Le même problème est récurrent dans le monde entier : en Espagne avec les Catalans, en Grande-Bretagne avec les Écossais, en Belgique avec les Flamands, en Israël avec les citoyens musulmans en croissance démographique supérieure. De multiples exemples existent en Afrique et en Asie. Rappelons-nous du Kossovo, arraché de la Serbie parce que les Albanais y étaient devenus majoritaires : dans ce cas-là d’ailleurs, les Américains et les Occidentaux étaient d’accord pour le détachement de la Serbie ! Et ils ne le sont plus dans le cas de la Crimée. Deux poids, deux mesures.

Les Américains feraient bien de se méfier avant de proclamer leurs grands principes. Car se passera-t-il si les États du sud, de plus en plus hispanophones (immigration et effet démographique) exigent un jour leur rattachement au Mexique ? Il s’agit d’un risque réel dans les 20 ans à venir… Cela nous renvoie au vieux conflit entre légalité et légitimité, bien analysé par Carl Schmitt. Et cela nous fait réfléchir aussi à la notion d’État pluriethnique (impérial/fédéral) qui a toujours été dans l’histoire difficile à gérer et très instable. 


  Dans l’esprit du Kremlin et de Poutine, la Crimée appartient historiquement à la Russie : elle est majoritairement russophone et abrite une partie de la flotte. Poutine veut rétablir la Russie, non pas tant dans les frontières de l’URSS que dans celles de la Grande Catherine, de l’Empire russe, dont l’ambitieux Vladimir se veut le défenseur.  Et alors ? Bien évidemment,  Vladimir Poutine veut apparaître auprès de son peuple comme celui qui a fait revenir la Crimée (jadis russe) à la mère patrie et qui veut restaurer la puissance internationale russe.   

Il a joué sur du velours en bon judoka qui utilise à son profit, par retournement, l’agressivité de son adversaire : notamment les manœuvres de l’UE, de l’Otan et des USA pour attirer l’Ukraine dans leur giron, ce qui constitue une erreur géopolitique majeure. (2) Provoquer la Russie au lieu de respecter sa sphère d’influence, c’est la pousser dans les bras de la Chine. C’est relancer stupidement la guerre froide. La russophobie n’est pas dans l’intérêt des Européens. La puissance russe n’est pas une menace, c’est une chance. Présenter la Russie de Poutine comme un danger contre la ”démocratie” relève d’une propagande sommaire dont BHL, avide de notoriété, maître en amateurisme et en romanisme cuistre, se  fait le chantre.  Bien entendu, la politique de Washington (ce qui est logique) vise doublement à empêcher la Russie de redevenir une grande puissance et à découpler l’UE de la Russie : c’est une tendance lourde.

En attendant, la crise ukrainienne ne fait que commencer. Il est peu probable que ce pays improbable retrouve un équilibre étatique. La Crimée va sans doute finir par être rattachée à la Russie. L’Est et le Sud de l’Ukraine peuvent devenir une sorte de protectorat lié à la Russie. L’Ouest du pays, à la fois sous l’emprise des ”nationalistes” ukrainiens et pro-occidental aura un destin plus compliqué : en effet, ce nationalisme ukrainien va se heurter à une contradiction fondamentale. Car il est attiré par l’UE mais cette dernière développe une idéologie cosmopolite opposée à tout nationalisme. Et à tout ”ethnicisme”. Cela ne pourra pas être surmonté.  Il y a une incompatibilité de nature entre le nationalisme ukrainien et la vulgate idéologique de l’UE, ce que beaucoup ne comprennent pas.

Dans l’histoire, il y a souvent des équations insolubles. Mon ami russe Pavel Toulaëv, qui m’a édité en Russie, a bien compris les choses : l’union de tous les peuples d’origine européenne de l’Atlantique au Pacifique est la seule voie possible, quelle qu’en soit l’organisation politique. La crise ukrainienne est un resurgissement des XIXe et XXe siècles. Or nous sommes au XXIe siècle. 



1. Déjà les ”bonnets rouges” bretons présentent des revendications autonomistes contre l’État français fiscaliste, alors qu’ils n’appartiennent pas à la mouvance traditionnelle des autonomistes et indépendantistes bretons. Bon sujet de réflexion…

2. De plus, Poutine a joué sur les mesures anti-russophones prises par les nouvelles autorités de Kiev.

Brzezinski about Ukraine: Underlying Meaning of Finland Option


Brzezinski about Ukraine: Underlying Meaning of Finland Option


Ex: http://www.strategic-culture.org

A coup took place in Kiev of February 22, 2014. The same day the Financial Times published the Russia Needs to be Offered a ‘Finland Option’ for Ukraine article by Zbignew Brzezinski. The editorial board found that the piece was important enough to reprint it again the next day with the changed title Russia Needs a ‘Finland Option’ for Ukraine. It makes one wonder what the author of Game Plan and Grand Chess Board really means by all of a sudden turning to the theme of Ukraine with his offer of «Finlandization»? 

Mr. Brzezinski has a long history of giving advices to many US administrations. Now he comes up with an offer to lend a helping hand to the new government in Kiev and deter Russia from taking resolute steps to defend its interests of vital importance in Ukraine. He recommends, «Washington to use its influence internationally to prompt steps that would be economically costly to Moscow» as he believes that contemporary Russia is vulnerable to such actions. 

Since long ago Brzezinski has been affirming that Ukraine is a key country for the control of the entire Russian (post-Soviet) geopolitical space. Until now the United States has not succeeded much in its endeavors to get hold of the key. The «big Zbig» explained the recent predicaments the US has encountered on the way while playing on the Grand Chess Board by the «President Vladimir Putin’s «nostalgic dream of the Eurasian Union». Ukraine is considered to be important by the US foreign policy savvy because by defending its national rights it makes the states of Central Asia, in particular Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, realize they need to be tougher while resisting the ongoing attempts by Moscow to take away their independence. 

The Brzezinski’s idée fixe is the further fragmentation of Eurasia’s political map (along the former Yugoslavia lines) that’s why he virulently opposes any form of integration in the post-Soviet space… The inveterate enemy of Russia and seasoned master of geopolitical intrigue he pins hope on rescuing the «new Ukrainian democracy» (as he calls the regime which grabbed power in Kiev after the coup), «So, irrespective of what happens in the near future, I continue to believe: «Sooner rather than later, Ukraine will be truly a part of democratic Europe. Later rather than sooner, Russia will follow unless it self-isolates itself and becomes a semi-stagnant imperialistic relic».

The Brzezinski’s Financial Times piece has strictly defined the core goal for those who set store by political recommendations of Polish American strategist and are ready to follow through. According to him, the rapprochement between Ukraine and the post-Soviet states united in the Customs Union with an eye to create the Eurasian Union in future must be prevented at any price, even if it will lead to great human losses the Yarosh-Turchinov-Yatsenyuk regime’s staying in power bodes for Ukrainian people. 

As Brzezinski puts it, «The West, however, can play a constructive role in containing the exploding violence. That will take concerted action by the US and the EU. The US could and should convey clearly to Mr. Putin that it is prepared to use its influence to make certain that a truly independent and territorially undivided Ukraine pursues policies towards Russia similar to those so effectively practiced by Finland: mutually respectful neighbors, wide-ranging economic relations both with Russia and the EU, but no participation in any military alliance viewed by Moscow as directed at itself – while also expanding its European connectivity. In brief, the Finnish model as the ideal example for Ukraine, and the EU, and Russia». 

At that, why Finland? The neutral status of Finland has been gradually eroded by involvement of Finnish armed forces into the NATO «Partnership for Peace» program as well other forms of military cooperation with the alliance. This is only one side of the matter. It should be added by the fact that Finland is used as a springboard for subversive actions against neighboring Russia. 

For instance, the terrorist organization Imarat Kavkaz enjoys safe haven of the territory of Finland, its Kavkaz Center website openly operates there. Islamists and separatists from the Russian Federation and other post-Soviet states have gone through the training course of ideological brainwashing and the ways to wage «war for democracy» under cover of different kinds of «scientific conferences», seminars and trainings. Finland connives at such activities. It also supports the Kavkaz Center under the pretext that the state boundaries should not limit efforts to defend «democratic values». 

Something like this is planned for Ukraine, but this time it’s not the «soft» Finnish option, but rather its tough «Slav» version. 

Andriy Parubiy, former Maidan commandant, has been appointed Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine by putschists. In 1991 together with Oleh Tyahnybok he founded the Social-National party of Ukraine. Being too close to German national-socialism, the party was renamed in 2004 to become the All-Ukraine Union Svoboda (Freedom). Since 1996 he heads the «Patriots of Ukraine» paramilitary nationalist youth organization which is part of Pravy sector movement – the striking force of the coup. Dmitry Yarosh, the leader of Neo-Nazi assault groups, has become his deputy. 

Yarosh is a professional revolutionary (they said he has never worked). In 1994 he joined Trezub (named after Stepan Bandera) created under the aegis of Ukrainian abroad-based organization the Brotherhood of OUN – UPA (Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists- Ukrainian Insurgent Army). He heads Trezub since 2005. Yarosh has a long experience of working together with Valentin Nalivaychenko appointed new head of Security Service of Ukraine, as well as Ukrainian (US and Canada nationals) experts on guerilla warfare. He is an ardent supporter of the theory which says that a war against Russia «to liberate Ukrainian territories occupied by Russia empire», including the Kuban and the Far East, is inevitable. 

Under the circumstances the «Finlandization of Ukraine» offered by Brzezinski will not lead to friendship and good neighborly relations but rather will turn Ukraine into an outpost of subversive activities against Russia and its allies. 

mercredi, 12 mars 2014

Stop de westerse oorlogstokers in Oekraïne!


Stop de westerse oorlogstokers in Oekraïne!

Al jaren is het zogenaamde "Westen", zijnde het conglomeraat van globale financiële groepen - met hun militaire arm "NAVO-State Department-CIA-MI6-..." en stadhouders in Europa en elders in de wereld - bezig met het destabiliseren van de Oekraïne met het oog op het verder inkapselen en destabiliseren van de Russische Federatie.

Nu deze oorlogstokers erin geslaagd zijn om, met veel dollars - dixit Assistant Secretary of State Victoria "F*ck the EU" Nuland -, in Oekraïne een gewelddadige putsch tegen de, ondanks alles, legitiem verkozen regering door te voeren, tonen ze zich verbaasd dat Rusland zich geroepen voelt om de chaos en de aanstaande etnische burgerloorlog in zijn buurland een halt toe te roepen.

Dit zogenaamde "Westen" verschuilt zich nu achter grote woorden als "internationaal recht", "soevereiniteit", "niet-inmenging in binnenlandse aangelegenheden", maar vergeet erbij te zeggen dat het zich zelf overal ter wereld het recht toe-eigent om zich te mengen in de binnenlandse aangelegenheden van staten waarvan het van oordeel is dat ze zich niet of onvoldoende plooien naar zijn imperiaal-kapitalistisch systeem, de zogenaamde Global Market Economy.

Het vergeet erbij te zeggen dat het zelf op de brutaalste manier de soevereiniteit van staten met voeten treedt, of het nu Irak - de "massavernietigingswapens", weet u wel -, Libië, Servië, Granada, en zovele meer is.

Het vergeet erbij te zeggen dat het voor zijn duivelse werk van verrotting en destabilisering keer op keer gebruik maakt van extremisten van allerlei slag om het vuile werk van intimidatie en zuivering op te knappen, of het nu gaat om neonazi's in Oekraïne of jihadisten in Syrië en elders.

Laat daarom uw stem horen en toon dat ook in de landen die onder het zogenaamde "Westen" vallen ook mensen leven die niet gediend zijn van deze constante oorlogstokerij in het belang van het wereldkapitaal, teken deze petitie en stuur ze door naar familie, vrienden en kennissen.


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Une Europe sans repères, ou aux repères dangereux?

Une Europe sans repères, ou aux repères dangereux?
Entre humanisme et Realpolitik

Laurent Mercoire*
Ex: http://metamag.fr
eurocaricc.jpgVoilà, nous y sommes ! En cette année où est célébré le centenaire de la catastrophe de 1914, début d’une nouvelle guerre de trente ans qui s’est achevée avec la fin du règne du concert des nations, voici que résonnent à nouveau les tambours de bronze. Et quels tambours ! Encore une fois, un conflit fratricide menace entre des peuples européens. Ce conflit résulte pour une grande part d’une guerre idéologique entre une vision politique traditionnelle défendue par la Fédération de Russie, et des valeurs idéalistes, partagées et pratiquées par la seule Union européenne (les Etats-Unis d’Amérique les partagent, mais les pratiquent moins).

L'Europe : économie et humanisme

Face à l’Ukraine, les deux éléments clés du discours de l’Union européenne sont l’économie et l’humanisme. Or ces deux éléments ne sont pas opérants dans un monde où les affrontements politiques persistent. Non, le concept de la fin de l’Histoire que Francis Fukuyama développait en 1992, en raison d’un consensus mondial sur les valeurs démocratiques, n’est toujours pas à l’horizon. On constate aujourd’hui que si le discours de l’Union a encouragé les bonnes volontés des Ukrainiens, l’Union ne peut les soutenir autrement que par la parole (et quelques actions mineures) dès lors que la guerre menace. Oui, la guerre, car le recours aux forces armées, même s’il faut souhaiter qu’il s’exerce a minima, est bien l’exercice de la volonté politique. Notons au passage que cet Ultima Ratio Regum a été récemment vilipendé par un éditorialiste français, boutefeu accompli au nom de l’humanisme, mais dont les récentes interventions ont eu des conséquences désastreuses.

Une commission de l’assemblée nationale française a publié le 12 février 2014 un rapport dont certains éléments font preuve d’une grande lucidité. On ne peut que regretter que notre nation soit incapable de traduire dans l’action les conséquences d’analyses parfois excellentes. Sans doute faut-il y voir les défaillances d’une grande partie des élites, nourries d’un prêchi-prêcha à caractère humanitaire et angélique, vivants dans un milieu favorisé et protégé, et ayant perdu ainsi toute volonté de lutte autre que politicienne. Que faut-il retenir de ce riche rapport « sur la politique française et européenne vis-à-vis de la Russie »? 

Trois éléments au moins 

- D’abord une remarque de Marek Halter : « J’ai toujours pensé qu’il n’y aurait pas d’Europe, je parle de l’Europe en tant que puissance économique et politique, égale des États-Unis d’Amérique ou de la Chine, sans la Russie. Ce qui lie réellement les Européens entre eux, c’est la culture et certaines valeurs qui, malheureusement, n’ont pas toujours été respectées au cours de l’Histoire. Un jour, devant moi, Jean Monnet, l’un des Pères de l’Europe (…), a affirmé que si c’était à refaire, il commencerait par la culture. Il n’avait pas tort. En effet, Tolstoï, Dostoïevski, Tchekhov, Tchaïkovski, Prokofiev, Diaghilev, Malevitch et Kandinsky font autant partie de cette Europe que nous. Aurions-nous associé la Russie à l’Europe, les problèmes rencontrés avec l’Ukraine aujourd’hui n’existeraient pas ».

- Ensuite ce qui aurait pu être une stratégie européenne : « La stabilisation démocratique de la Russie n’est pas seulement souhaitable sur le plan des principes. C’est aussi l’intérêt des Européens. Elle devrait permettre de parvenir à un partenariat apaisé qui reposerait sur la valorisation des interdépendances et complémentarités entre l’Union européenne et la Russie et sur la conscience de leurs intérêts communs face à la montée de la Chine et à l’instabilité récurrente du Moyen-Orient ».

- Enfin, la conclusion de l’un de ses rapporteurs : « En décembre dernier, le président Barroso a refusé la suggestion russe d’un dialogue à trois, Europe, Russie et Ukraine. […]Au Conseil de l’Europe, ceux qui ont été en faveur du Partenariat oriental rajoutent aujourd’hui de l’huile sur le feu sur le dossier ukrainien. À Bruxelles, lorsque nous avons demandé pourquoi l’accord de partenariat avec la Russie n’était pas relancé, alors que l’accord précédent est expiré depuis plusieurs années, on nous a fait sentir que notre question était incongrue. Clairement, le dossier n’est pas à l’ordre du jour de l’Union européenne ».

Le fait que certains chefs de gouvernement aient choisi de ne pas assister à la cérémonie d’ouverture des jeux olympiques à Sotchi était à la fois une erreur politique majeure sur le fond, et un mépris affiché envers le président Vladimir Poutine sur la forme. Comprendre la vision du monde d’un adversaire – partenaire est essentiel - ce qui ne signifie ni la partager, ni la cautionner. Or le président de la Russie lit le monde avec une grille de lecture traditionnelle à la « vieille Europe », celle des nations et des empires. Il est nationaliste ; la conception idéaliste sur laquelle repose certaines positions sociétales de l’Occident lui est non pas étrangère, mais totalement marginale face aux enjeux planétaires. Lui sait affirmer avec force que son rôle est de défendre les citoyens russes ou russophones. De plus, il constate que malgré, les pas qu’a fait la Russie vers l’Occident, celui-ci ne l’a pas accueillie en son sein, la perçoit comme une puissance rivale, et ne sait que l’utiliser à son seul profit (par exemple en Syrie), voire en en la trompant parfois (comme lors de l’intervention en Lybie). La confiance du président Poutine envers l’Occident – à supposer qu’il en ait existé une – est désormais définitivement détruite… Et il a beau jeu de se placer aujourd’hui tout à la fois sur le respect des normes des lois internationales (le président Victor Yanoukovitch a été illégalement destitué au lendemain d’un accord signé en présence de trois états européens et du représentant de la Russie), et sur celui du droit humanitaire en voulant protéger les citoyens russophones de Crimée et d’Ukraine, renvoyant ainsi l’Occident à ses propres contradictions.

Il est bon de rappeler que toute tentative d’union entre nations est soumise à des forces divergentes, et que cette union résulte rarement d’un processus pacifique. Lorsque des nations souhaitent appartenir à un espace souverain partagé, elles sont confrontées à un choix d’organisation. Une culture et une vision commune, partagées par leurs peuples constituants, permet la construction d’un système fédéral ou confédéral ; à l’opposé, l’organisation impériale permet de réunir des peuples aux origines différentes, mais dont les élites sont éduquées dans la même perspective. Il en a été ainsi à Rome, à Vienne, à Moscou  et à Londres….

L’Union européenne ne se vit pas comme empire

Ce sera là son malheur. Car rien ne lui interdisait de revenir à un modèle analogue ce qu’elle avait autrefois connu, et qui a laissé un souvenir à la fois doux et nostalgique de par le monde, à savoir cette Mittel Europa où l’Autriche-Hongrie savait à la fois être une puissance et une culture. Sans doute est-ce là ce qu’une partie des Ukrainiens recherche inconsciemment, un retour à des origines plus heureuses. L’Union européenne en est encore à ses premières racines chrétiennes, là où la seule bonne volonté permettait le martyre. Elle ne disposera sans doute pas du temps nécessaire pour traverser sans dommage les nouveaux âges sombres qui s’annoncent, et elle n’aura pas la volonté de revisiter ces sources humanistes pour les adapter à une volonté de puissance, comme avaient su le faire les rois et les papes du Moyen-Age. 

Seul Vladimir Poutine sait aujourd’hui quel chemin prendre et quelle idéologie motrice donner à son peuple… On ne peut donc que regretter cette occasion fugitive que personne n’a su saisir, quand à la fin du siècle dernier la vulnérable Fédération de Russie était désireuse d’un fort rapprochement avec l’Europe. Aujourd’hui, elle va se tourner vers l’Est, dans une sorte de pacte avec la Chine analogue à un autre de triste mémoire signé entre Molotov et Ribbentrop voici plus d’un demi-siècle. Oui, les Etats-Unis ont du souci à se faire pour le XXIe siècle… L’Europe, quant à elle, est déjà morte, faute d’avoir su résoudre cette nécessaire conciliation entre humanisme et Realpolitik.

*Diplômé en histoire militaire et études de défense nationale.

West’s Muted Response on Terror Attack in China


Tony Cartalucci

West’s Muted Response on Terror Attack in China

Source: Simon Song

Ex: http://journal-neo.org

Saturday March 1, 2014′s horrific terror attack at China’s Kunming railroad station left 29 victims dead and over 100 wounded. The terrorist attack was the work of Uyghur separatists hailing from Western China’s Xinjiang province. The US would only condemn the attack as an act of terror after China accused Washington of applying double standards to its coverage and stance on the incident

 However, the US’ failure to initially condemn the attack as terrorism runs deeper than mere superficial double standards applied to a global competitor. The US is in fact driving the separatist movement in Xinjiang, encouraging violence and creating faux-human rights organizations to then condemn the predictable response of Chinese security forces. 

Indeed, first and foremost in backing the Xinjiang Uyghur separatists is the United States through the US State Department’s National Endowment for Democracy (NED). For China, the Western region referred to as “Xinjiang/East Turkistan” has its own webpage on NED’s site covering the various fronts funded by the US which include: 

International Uyghur Human Rights and Democracy Foundation
To advance the human rights of ethnic Uyghur women and children. The Foundation will maintain an English- and Uyghur-language website and advocate on the human rights situation of Uyghur women and children. 

International Uyghur PEN Club
To promote freedom of expression for Uyghurs. The International Uyghur PEN Club will maintain a website providing information about banned writings and the work and status of persecuted poets, historians, journalists, and others. Uyghur PEN will also conduct international advocacy campaigns on behalf of imprisoned writers. 

Uyghur American Association
To raise awareness of Uyghur human rights issues. UAA’s Uyghur Human Rights Project will research, document, and bring to international attention, independent and accurate information about human rights violations affecting the Turkic populations of the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. 

World Uyghur Congress
To enhance the ability of Uyghur prodemocracy groups and leaders to implement effective human rights and democracy campaigns. The World Uyghur Congress will organize a conference for pro-democracy Uyghur groups and leaders on interethnic issues and conduct advocacy work on Uyghur human rights.

All of these NED-funded organizations openly advocate separatism from China,  not even recognizing China’s authority over the region to begin with – referring to it instead as “Chinese occupation.”  

Of the recent terror attack, the US-funded World Uyghur Congress would even attempt to justify it by claiming Chinese authorities have left the separatists with little other choice. The US State Department’s “Radio Free Asia” report titled, “China’s Kunming Train Station Violence Leaves 33 Dead,” reported:

World Uyghur Congress spokesman Dilxat Raxit said in an emailed statement that there was “no justification for attacks on civilians” but added that discriminatory and repressive policies provoked “extreme measures” in response.

Just as the US has done in other nations it is fomenting political chaos and armed violence in such as Syria, it is attempting to steer clear of labeling the Xinjiang separatists as “terrorists” for as long as possible in order to sow the maximum amount of chaos at the cost of Chinese political stability.

All Part of the Plan 

The US’ support of the Xinjiang separatists is just one small cog in a much larger machine grinding toward the encirclement and containment of China, while maintaining American hegemony across the Asia Pacific, Central Asia, and beyond. The use of faux-human rights organizations to defend what is essentially a terrorist organization is a trick the US has repeated in Russia’s Caucasus region

This containment strategy is documented in the 2006 Strategic Studies Institute report “String of Pearls: Meeting the Challenge of China’s Rising Power across the Asian Littoral” where it outlines China’s efforts to secure its oil lifeline from the Middle East to its shores in the South China Sea as well as means by which the US can maintain American hegemony throughout the Indian and Pacific Ocean. The premise is that, should Western foreign policy fail to entice China into participating in the “international system” as responsible stakeholders (fall in line,) an increasingly confrontational posture must be taken to contain the rising nation.

This includes funding, arming, and backing terrorists and proxy regimes from Africa, across the Middle East, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, and even within China’s territory itself. Documented support of these movements not only include Xinjiang separatists, but also militants and separatists in Baluchistan, Pakistan where the West seeks to disrupt a newly christened Chinese port and pipeline, as well as the machete wielding supporters of Aung San Suu Kyi in Myanmar’s Rakhine state - yet another site the Chinese hope to establish a logistical hub.

US aspirations to contain China through a network of proxies dates back even further than the SSI 2006 report. In US policy scribe Robert Kagan’s 1997 piece in the Weekly Standard titled, “What China Knows That We Don’t: The Case for a New Strategy of Containment, he states (emphasis added):

The Chinese leadership views the world today in much the same way Kaiser Wilhelm II did a century ago: The present world order serves the needs of the United States and its allies, which constructed it. And it is poorly suited to the needs of a Chinese dictatorship trying to maintain power at home and increase its clout abroad. Chinese leaders chafe at the constraints on them and worry that they must change the rules of the international system before the international system changes them. 

In truth, the debate over whether we should or should not contain China is a bit silly. We are already containing China – not always consciously and not entirely successfully, but enough to annoy Chinese leaders and be an obstacle to their ambitions.

Kagan would continue (emphasis added):

We should hold the line instead and work for political change in Beijing. That means strengthening our military capabilities in the region, improving our security ties with friends and allies, and making clear that we will respond, with force if necessary, when China uses military intimidation or aggression to achieve its regional ambitions.

It is clear that the writings of Kagan are not just simply his own personal thoughts in 1997, but reflect a policy that has since then been implemented vis-à-vis China. It is also clear that “with force” does not necessarily mean the mobilization of America’s conventional military assets, but also includes covert and proxy forces as seen more recently in Libya and Syria.

The horrific attack in Kunming China is not an isolated incident. It is a tentacle of America’s containment policy manifested as terrorism toward China briefly breaking the surface of murky geopolitical waters. For the rest of the world increasingly influenced and dependent on the sustainable and stable rise of China on the world stage, it is essential to understand the true nature of events playing out within China and along its peripheries. Failing to do so leaves us vulnerable to investing in false causes that will only further destabilize China, Asia, and the world – threatening our best interests while serving the machinations of Wall Street/Washington yet again.

Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook”

Wenn nur noch die Gesinnung zählt


Wenn nur noch die Gesinnung zählt

Sarrazin veröffentlichte dieser Tage sein neues Buch über »Tugendterror«, dem er gleich zum Opfer fiel

Ex: http://www.preussische-allgemeine.de

Mit „Deutschland schafft sich ab“ und „Europa braucht den Euro nicht“ lieferte der ehemalige Berliner Finanzsenator und Ex-Bundesbanker zwar zwei Bestseller, wurde aber auch zur Hassfigur der Mächtigen. In der PAZ steht er Rede und Antwort, wie er die Debatten um seine Bücher bewertet und was ihn nachdenklich stimmt. Die Fragen stellte Rebecca Bellano.

PAZ: Noch bevor Ihr neues Buch „Der neue Tugendterror. Über die Grenzen der Meinungsfreiheit in Deutschland“ (siehe Seite 22) herausgekommen ist, maßen sich Journalisten an, es zu verreißen. „Die Schublade des gefährlichen Schwachsinns“ titelte beispielsweise der „Tagesspiegel“ auf seiner Internetseite, wo der Autor am Ende betont, er wolle ihr Buch gar nicht lesen. Wie gehen Sie als Autor mit dieser Haltung und den massiven Anfeindungen um?

Thilo Sarrazin: Kritische Vorab-Rezensionen von Autoren, die sich dazu bekennen, das Buch gar nicht gelesen zu haben, sind erheiternd und bezeichnend zugleich: Erheiternd, weil der Rezensent sich damit lächerlich macht. Bezeichnend, weil er damit die Medienkritik bestätigt, die ich in meinem Buch übe. Ein prinzipienstarker Gesinnungsjournalismus scheut offenbar kein Mittel, um Fragestellungen und Perspektiven, die er bekämpft, zu diskreditieren und lächerlich zu machen.

PAZ: Im Grunde greifen Sie in Ihrer neuesten Veröffentlichung alle Aussagen, für die Sie kritisiert wurden, erneut auf und konfrontieren Ihre Gegner mit Zahlen und Studien. Welches Thema ist Ihnen hiervon besonders wichtig, sprich bei welchem wollen Sie am meisten die Masse überzeugen?

Sarrazin: In meinem neuen Buch drehe ich den Spieß um und stelle mich in die Schuhe meiner Gegner: Ich formuliere 14 Axiome des in den Medien grassierenden Tugendwahns, die sich allesamt um die Ideologie der Gleichheit drehen. Jedes dieser Axiome formuliere ich zunächst aus einer Pro-Position in aller Konsequenz. Diese Konsequenz entlarvt ihre Hohlheit in schlagender Weise.  Dem stelle ich dann die differenzierte Wirklichkeit gegenüber, und so tauchen ganz zwanglos  auch Thesen und Analysen aus den beiden vorangegangen Büchern wieder auf, aber es geht darüber hinaus. In der ideologischen Weltsicht, die ich kritisiere, hängt alles mit allem zusammen. Das war für mich besonders erhellend.

PAZ: Sie schreiben, dass das Scheitern von Gesellschaften aufgrund ihrer inneren Beschränktheit historisch gesehen eher die Regel als die Ausnahme sei. Wo­ran sehen Sie Deutschland schwerpunktmäßig scheitern?

Sarrazin: Wir wissen ja alle, dass wir sterben werden, aber nicht wann, wie und weshalb. Dieses Unwissen ist auch eine Gnade. Das gleiche gilt für Staaten, Nationen und Gesellschaften. Sie sind immer endlich und werden irgendwann untergehen. Dann wird Neues kommen, das Ende der Menschheit ist noch fern. Analysiert man solche Untergänge, so sind es selten allein militärische Gründe, sondern eben jene inneren Beschränktheiten, die eine angemessene Reaktion auf die Herausforderungen von Gegenwart und Zukunft verhindern. In „Deutschland schafft sich ab“ zeige ich für unser Land, wie es enden könnte. Ich vermeide aber sorgfältig jede Prognose. Das ist ein bisschen wie in der Medizin: Starke Raucher gefährden ihre Gesundheit extrem. Trotzdem sollte man mit der Prognose von Lungenkrebs vorsichtig sein. Helmut Schmidt zum Beispiel, dem ich noch ein langes Leben wünsche, wird voraussichtlich nicht an den Folgen seines Zigarettenkonsums sterben.

PAZ: Sie bezeichnen die Medien als Verwalter einer Pseudorealität. Wie genau ist das zu verstehen?

Sarrazin: Ich kritisiere einen vorherrschenden Trend, nicht „die“ Medien generell. Wo Ideologie und Wunschdenken herrschen, verkleben offenbar die Hirnwindungen des gesunden Menschenverstandes, und heraus kommt ein Zerrbild der Wirklichkeit. Wussten Sie, dass nach der Armutsdefinition der OECD der Anteil der Armen in Italien höher ist als in Rumänien und in Deutschland höher als in Tschechien? Das ergibt sich aus dem Konzept der relativen Armut, einem Kind der Gleichheitsideologie, und sämtliche Armutsberichte in den deutschen Medien bauen auf dieses Konzept auf. Dabei geht unter, dass ein deutscher „Armer“ im weltweiten Maßstab tatsächlich ein Reicher ist.

PAZ: Wie erklären Sie sich den Umstand, dass Sie einen Bestseller nach dem anderen schreiben, gleichzeitig aber keine Veränderung in der öffentlichen Meinung, aber auch im Wahlverhalten der Bürger (siehe letzte Bundestagswahl) bewirken?

Sarrazin: Ob mein neues Buch ein Bestseller wird, weiß ich noch nicht. Aber die Hoffnung wäre anmaßend, und sie würde mich auch krank machen, dass man mit einem Buch quasi in das Rad der Weltgeschichte greifen könne. „Das Kapital“ von Karl Marx mag die Welt verändert haben, aber sicherlich nicht zum Guten. Der Einfluss eines Buches auf die öffentliche Meinung ist quasi wie ein Stein, den man ins Wasser eines Sees wirft. Viel ist erreicht, wenn man für einige Sekunden sehen kann, wie sich die dadurch gezogenen Kreise weiter ziehen und schließlich mit den übrigen Wellen vermischen. Über Kausalitäten in der Wirklichkeit kann man endlos spekulieren. Manchmal kann ja ein Buch auch wie ein Flügelschlag eines Kolibris im Amazonasbecken sein, der am Ende viele Tausend Kilometer weiter einen Orkan auslöst.

PAZ: Wie bewerten Sie die öffentlichen Reaktionen auf die Volksabstimmung zur Zuwanderung in der Schweiz?

Sarrazin: Deutsche Medien behämen und beleidigen die Mehrheit des Schweizer Volkes, weil es sich den höheren Einsichten der fremden Kommentarschreiber verschloss und deutlich machte, dass es selbst darüber entscheiden will, wer auf Schweizer Boden leben darf. Jetzt wissen alle genau, dass man die Mitwirkung der Völker unbedingt vermeiden muss, wenn man die europäische Integration weiter vorantreiben will. Bertolt Brecht sagte nach dem Volksaufstand am 17. Juni 1953: „Das Volk hat das Vertrauen der Regierung verscherzt. Wäre es da nicht einfacher, die Regierung löste das Volk auf und wählte ein anderes?“ Es ist doch schön, wie ein großer Dichter die Dinge auf den Punkt bringen kann.