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mardi, 18 février 2014

The USA’s Asia Policy is Shifting


Vladimir Odintsov :

The USA’s Asia Policy is Shifting

The February 5th discussion in Congress of the issue of the United States’ Asia policy came as a clear confirmation of the course taken by Washington influence by hawks: transitioning from the balanced approach of the past to solving territorial disputes in the Pacific Rim to a tougher stance, one including the use of force. The intent of updating future US activities in Asia is reflected in the very name of the congressional subcommittee hearing: “America’s Future in Asia: From Rebalancing to Managing Sovereignty Disputes.” It wholly confirmed Washington’s decision of transitioning to a position of imperial dictatorship in that area of the world, where in recent times the US has regularly expressed grievances against China regarding the recently announced Chinese Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ), which includes a number of islands in the South China Sea.

According to reports of various foreign observers, a fairly obvious tension in relations between the two countries has appeared in recent days, despite Washington’s outward declaration of willingness to develop a bilateral cooperation with China in a number of arenas. In the view of many analysts, this is largely due to a shift in US military strategy and its particular emphasis on the strengthening of its strategic presence in the Pacific region as a means of combating Chinese expansion in Asia. The sharpest of these confrontations are in the field of military strategy and of competition for influence over regional economic trade unions. The underlying motive for this is clear: each year 5.3 trillion dollars of the trade turnover takes place in the South China Sea, with US trade accounting for 1.2 trillion of the total amount.

A session of the Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia and Emerging Threats of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives termed “China’s Maritime and Other Geographic Threats” held on October 30th, 2013 is a clear indication of the growth of anti-Chinese sentiment in the American political establishment. This session, chaired by Congressman Dana Rohrabacher, witnessed a significant rise in the inciting of military confrontation with China in the Pacific Rim region, as well as a quest by US politicians to further strengthen US expansion in that part of the world by military confrontation with China, looking to Japan for support.

Giving testimony before a congressional subcommittee on February 5th, the US Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs, Daniel Russel, stated that the United States is acting against “China’s incremental efforts to assert control over the area contained in the so-called “nine-dash line” (i.e. China’s territorial demands in the South China Sea)”. He added, “I think it is imperative that we be clear about what we mean when the United States says that we take no position on competing claims to sovereignty over disputed land features in the East China and South China Seas…we do take a strong position that maritime claims must accord with customary international law…”

This assertion, repeated several times during his testimony before Congress and in a briefing for foreign journalists which took place on February 4th in the US Department of State Foreign Press Center, may indicate significant changes in US foreign policy in the Asia-Pacific region. Before Russel’s testimony the United States officially announced its neutrality in respect to maritime disputes in the South China Sea, which was used by American diplomats primarily as a denial of the military component of Washington’s policy in the region. The White House now, however, takes a “strong position” on the issue and intends to use certain provisions of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) – which the US itself has not yet joined – to place increased pressure on China and to denounce Beijing’s maritime demands.

Adjusting for the adoption of its modified position in the Pacific Rim region Washington “aided” the Philippine government in bringing a judicial lawsuit against China before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), which will review the issue on March 30th of this year in Hague. This step, however, is clearly a link in Washington’s coordinated military propaganda campaign against China, as the same day that Russel gave testimony before Congress the New York Times published an interview with president of the Philippines Aquino, in which he compared Beijing’s territorial demands in the South China Sea with Hitler’s 1938 seizure of the Czech Sudetenland, equating China’s activities with those of Nazi Germany. In support of Aquino’s inflammatory comparison, on February 6th of this year The Atlantic temporarily carried an article with a critique of China.

When, with the clear sanction of the White House, the US media begins comparing a country with Nazi Germany, it becomes obvious that the American war machine is gaining momentum in its preparations for the next war, in which military industry circles have long been interested. The “informational support” of such a shift in US foreign policy was provided in the form of speeches delivered by a number of congressmen before congressional subcommittee hearings on maritime disputes, which took place last week. Testimony was brought by congressmen Ami Bera, Steve Chabot, Randy Forbes, Brad Sherman and a number of others in support of a forceful US position and of confrontation with Beijing over disputed territories in the Pacific Rim region.

Meanwhile, an active relocation of the US submarine fleet in the Pacific Ocean is underway, as well as the modernization and expansion of the US military base on Guam, its largest base in the Western Pacific since World War II, although the military equipment there is already sufficient for large-scale military activities, according to a number of military experts. The building of additional military bases on the South Korean Island of Jeju, the Australian Cocos Islands and the expansion of its base on the Diego Garcia Islands is clearly in the Pentagon’s interest. Singapore has already given permission for the use of its Navy base, Chang, for better control over the Malacca Strait, through which 80% of its Chinese oil imports arrive…

Under such circumstances, the true agenda of US vice-president Biden and US Deputy Secretary of State William Burns’ visits to the region becomes increasingly clear, as well as that of the upcoming visits of Secretary of State John Kerry, Minister of Defense Chuck Hagel and a number of other high-level US officials. The US’s political balancing act in the Pacific Rim region is truly shifting.

Vladimir Odintsov, a political observer, exclusively for the online magazine New Eastern Outlook.

lundi, 17 février 2014

La guerre des drones d'Obama



La guerre des drones d'Obama

Michel Lhomme
Ex: http://metamag.fr

Cinq drones supplémentaires Falco seront opérationnels début avril en Afrique pour l'observation militaire dans la région des grands lacs où se sont repliés les ex-rebelles du Nord-Kivu, aux confins orientaux de la République démocratique du Congo (RDC). Capables d'opérer , de jour comme de nuit, de voler à 14.000 pieds (4.200 m), de tenir 12 heures en l'air, les drones sont devenus de véritables multiplicateurs de force. Ces drones seront non armés car ils participeront à la force de paix onusienne au Congo, au Soudan du Sud, où 7 500 casques bleus sont débordés par la guerre civile et en République centrafricaine où tout indique qu'une mission onusienne devrait remplacer, au printemps prochain, les forces africaines de la Misca. Les frais d'exploitation de ces cinq drones semblent plus que raisonnables: 15 millions de dollars pour cinq aérodynes et leur maintenance. Mais les drones sont loin d'être pacifiques !

Le Washington Post a rapporté que les frappes de drones au Pakistan ont été "nettement réduites" à la demande du gouvernement pakistanais pendant que celui-ci poursuit des pourparlers de paix avec les Talibans. Le gouvernement américain a précisé qu’il continuerait d'effectuer des frappes contre des cibles d’Al-Qaïda. Pendant ce temps, les frappes de drones ont continué au Yémen où un missile tiré sur un convoi de mariage a tué 11 personnes au mois de décembre.

C'est le 23 janvier 2009 que le président Barack Obama autorisait sa première frappe de drone. L’attaque, lancée contre un camp au nord-ouest du Pakistan, tua entre 7 et 15 personnes mais manqua le repaire Taliban que la CIA pensait alors viser. Au cours des cinq années suivantes, la CIA a effectué plus de 390 frappes de drone connues au Pakistan, au Yémen et en Somalie. (L’Agence a effectué 51 frappes de drone entre 2004 et 2009, durant l’administration Bush.) Il y a donc bien une montée en puissance spectaculaire de ce genre d'attaques. Obama y a même fait une brève référence dans son discours de janvier 2014 sur l’Etat de l’Union, assurant le Congrès qu'il avait imposé ''des limites prudentes sur l’usage des drones''. 

Ce n’est pas la première fois que le président américain reconnait la nécessité d’une politique plus claire sur les bombardements par drones interposés, nouvelle forme de la guerre moderne et de l'interventionnisme américain appelée dans le jargon militaire la ''force létale''. En mai dernier, Obama faisait remarquer à l’Université de Défense nationale que "cette nouvelle technologie soulève de lourdes questions, à propos de qui est ciblé, et pourquoi". Les réponses fournies depuis restent toujours vagues. Effectivement, qui est réellement ciblé ? 

Selon l’administration Obama, la force létale ne peut être utilisée que contre "Al-Qaïda et ses groupes affiliés". Or, officiellement, le gouvernement américain n’a identifié publiquement aucun groupe affilié à Al-Qaïda en dehors des Talibans ! L’examen des rapports des renseignements étasuniens couvrant la plupart des frappes de drone au Pakistan entre 2006 et 2008 et entre 2010 et 2011, montre que "les opérateurs de drone n’étaient pas toujours certains de qui ils tuaient, malgré les garanties du gouvernement sur l’exactitude des renseignements de ciblage de la CIA". Plus de la moitié des 482 personnes tuées entre septembre 2010 et septembre 2011 n’étaient pas des hauts dirigeants d’Al-Qaïda, mais furent "évalués" comme des extrémistes afghans, pakistanais ou inconnus. En fait, les drones n’ont tué que six hauts dirigeants d’Al-Qaïda au cours de ces mois-là. La ''force létale'' implique pour son usage "une menace imminente et continue envers des ressortissants étasuniens" mais les recommandations militaires du Pentagone précisent que les États-Unis doivent toujours être capables "d’agir en légitime défense dans des circonstances où il y a des éléments d’attaques supplémentaires imminentes, même s’il n’y a pas d’éléments spécifiques sur le lieu d’une telle attaque ou sur la nature précise de l’attaque." Cette très large définition - c'est le moins qu'on puisse dire ! - semble donc permettre à l’administration Obama de frapper n’importe quand. En dehors d’une liste de cibles à éliminer, un élément clé de la guerre des drones est aussi l’utilisation américaine des fameuses ''signature strikes'' — attaques autorisées contre des cibles affichant une "signature" terroriste, telle que "des camps d’entraînement et des enceintes suspectes". Le gouvernement américain a refusé jusqu'alors de reconnaître l’utilisation de ces "signature strikes" ou d’en discuter les justifications légales. La CIA déclare qu'elle ne dévoile pas les critères qu’elle emploie pour identifier une "signature" terroriste et nous la comprenons : il est particulièrement difficile de le faire par exemple au nord-ouest du Pakistan, où les militants et les civils peuvent s’habiller de la même manière, et où il est coutumier de porter publiquement une arme.

Les Commissions du Congrès sur le renseignement surveillent le programme de drone. Cependant, leurs capacités à établir des limites sont sévèrement restreintes car le programme de la ''force létale'' est totalement classifié secret défense. Le gouvernement américain a systématiquement refusé de répondre aux demandes d’informations complémentaires de la part des législateurs. Par exemple, depuis 2011, 21 demandes de membres du Congrès sollicitant l’accès aux mémorandums du Bureau du conseil juridique qui fournissent les bases légales de l'usage des drones ont été refusées. Les ''frappes létales'' ne peuvent être réalisées seulement qu'avec "la quasi certitude que des non-combattants ne seront pas blessés ou tués". Cependant, les militaires américains comptent tous les individus masculins d’âge militaire tués par drones comme des militants. Le Bureau of Investigative Journalism estimait que le nombre total de victimes civiles depuis 2004 au seul Pakistan était passé de 416 à 951. Puis, se pose aussi la question de la frappe par des drones de citoyens américains. 

En septembre 2011, Anwar Al-Awlaki, un pasteur né aux États-Unis et donc citoyen américain a été tué lors d’une frappe de drone au Yémen. Un mémo secret du département de la Justice a fourni la justification légale pour cibler un citoyen étasunien. Le mémo, obtenu par NBC News, estimait qu’il était légal d’utiliser la force létale dans un pays étranger contre un citoyen étasunien qui est un haut dirigeant d’Al-Qaïda ou d’un groupe affilié si un haut représentant a déterminé que l’individu posait une menace imminente, que sa capture était impossible, et que l’opération était compatible avec les lois de la guerre. Le mémo note que de tels assassinats de citoyens étasuniens sont justifiés à condition que les victimes civiles ne soient pas "excessives". Le fils de 16 ans d’Al-Awlaki, Abdulrahman al-Awalki, également citoyen étasunien, a été tué dans une frappe séparée deux semaines plus tard. Lorsqu’il fut interrogé sur les justifications légales de sa mort, Robert Gibbs, conseiller d’Obama et ancien porte-parole de la Maison Blanche, a répondu qu’Abdulrahman al-Awlaki "aurait dû avoir un père beaucoup plus responsable".

En fait, de manière générale, les drones ont étendu la fluidité et l'indistinction au monde de la guerre. En somme, au Pakistan ou au Yémen, en Somalie ou au Sahel et demain dans la région stratégique des grands lacs, n'importe qui peut être attaqué par un drone, n'importe où et n'importe quand. Or, cette fluidité accélère le processus d'éparpillement des combattants. En fait, les attaques de drones amplifient la création de foyers de terrorisme diversifiés et autonomes, la dilution de la guerre, loin de toute stratégie clausewitzienne de concentration des forces. Le nouveau drone britannique de combat spectaculaire sélectionnera demain quasi automatiquement et de manière autonome ses cibles. Ce sera en fait le premier avion de chasse robot. Enfin, parce que les médias sans doute ne nous le diront pas, il faut savoir qu'à huis clos, le Congrès américain vient de voter l’autorisation d’armer de ''force létale'' Al Nosra (Al Quaïda) en Syrie. Là encore, on notera la double fonction permanente et militaire d'Al Qaeda : à la fois, épouvantail et en même temps, collaborateur, plus ou moins conscient, plus ou moins instrumentalisé par le service de l'intendance des armuriers américains.


vendredi, 14 février 2014

La farce de Montreux


Bernhard Tomaschitz:

La farce de Montreux


Conférence pour la paix en Syrie: les Etats-Unis et l’Arabie saoudite ne veulent pas la fin de la guerre civile


A Montreux, en Suisse, la “communauté internationale” (ou ce qui en tient lieu...) tente de trouver une paix acceptable qui mettrait fin à la guerre civile qui fait rage depuis trois ans en Syrie et qui a détruit le pays. Ce que l’on met en scène sur les bords du Lac Léman n’est rien d’autre qu’une farce. Dès le départ, ni les puissances occidentales, surtout les Etats-Unis, qui soutiennent les rebelles dits “modérés”, ni l’Arabie saoudite, qui protège les combattants radicaux islamistes, n’ont intérêt à conduire des négociations sérieuses.


Ainsi, le ministre américain des affaires étrangères, John Kerry, exige, en méconnaissant ainsi la situation réelle dans le pays, que le Président syrien Bechar El-Assad renonce au pouvoir. D’après Kerry, il serait impensable que l’homme “qui a oppirmé son peuple de manière si brutale” puisse encore continuer à diriger la Syrie. Et comme par miracle, juste avant que ne commencent les négociations de Genève II, les médias ont diffusé des images prouvant soi-disant les massacres d’opposants au régime, perpétrés par les forces de sécurité loyalistes syriennes. Quant à la puissance régionale que constitue l’Iran, elle a d’abord été invitée, puis, sous pression américaine, “dés-invitée” par le secrétaire général de l’ONU, Ban Ki-Moon. Le ministre russe des affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov définit cette exclusion de l’Iran comme “une faute impardonnable”.


De cette façon, les deux alliés, inégaux entre eux que sont les Etats-Unis et l’Arabie saoudite, ont constitué une sorte d’Axe dirigé directement contre l’Iran. En effet, les deux Etats poursuivent —pour des motifs certes divergents— un but commun, celui de contenir et d’encercler l’Iran. L’élément-clef de cette stratégie américano-saoudienne est de briser un maillon fort de “l’arc chiite”, espace géographique en forme de croissant qui part de l’Iran, s’étend à l’Irak et à la Syrie pour aboutir finalement aux zones contrôlées par le Hizbollah au Liban. Pour faire tomber Assad, Washington accepte délibérément que l’Arabie saoudite soutienne les combattants djihadistes de Syrie.


Nikolaï Bobkin, qui appartient à la “Strategic Culture Foundation”, une boîte à penser russe, met bien la situation en évidence: “Ryad ne met plus de gants quand il s’agit de faire face aux initiatives internationales pour contrôler le programme nucléaire iranien. Les Saoudiens prônent sans fard le changement de régime en Syrie et ne cessent plus de verser des fonds pour armer l’opposition syrienne. Le royaume d’Arabie saoudite entretient des liens avec les adversaires les plus rabiques de Bechar El-Assad et est ainsi le principal soutien du terrorisme en Syrie”. A juste titre, Bobkin pose la question: l’Arabie saoudite ne mériterait-elle pas de subir les mêmes sanctions que l’Iran?


L’Occident laisse faire le royaume islamo-fondamentaliste saoudien —dont la religion d’Etat est le wahhabisme (une secte sunnite)— qui peut ainsi intervenir non seulement en Syrie mais aussi dans l’Irak voisin. Ce laxisme est facile à comprendre: les Saoudiens, disposant à profusion de pétrodollars, sont de bons clients, surtout pour acheter du matériel militaire. Bobkin poursuit son raisonnement: rien que pour cette raison, la famille royale saoudienne peut demeurer sûre que “Washington et ses alliés européens continueront à fermer les yeux, quoi que fasse l’Arabie saoudite dans la région”.


Fin 2011, Washington et Ryad ont signé un accord d’achat de matériels militaires pour une somme de 60 milliards de dollars. Bobkin démontre que, grâce à cet accord, les Saoudiens peuvent prendre sous leur aile protectrice les Etats qui leur sont loyaux dans la région, en soutenant financièrement leur programme d’armement: “Par exemple, l’Arabie saoudite a promis aux militaires libanais de financer à raison de trois millions de dollars un achat d’armes en France”. Les forces libanaises seront alors en mesure d’agir efficacement contre le Hizbollah, bien armé par l’Iran. Les membres de cette milice chiite libanaise se battent en Syrie aux côtés des troupes d’Assad.


Pourtant l’Arabie saoudite ne constitue pas un sujet de conversation dans les milieux influents aux Etats-Unis. On se contente d’y réclamer un “changement de régime” à Damas et d’exercer à cette fin une pression constante sur le Président Obama. Elliott Abrams, conseiller de l’ex-Président George W. Bush, rappelle à Obama, dans une contribution au “Weekly Standard”, que le premier président afro-américain des Etats-Unis avait, il y a deux ans et demi, réclamé la chute d’Assad. Ensuite, Abrams dresse une longue liste de “péchés” commis par le gouvernement syrien. Celui-ci serait un “régime ennemi”, lié à l’Iran et au Hizbollah, qui opprimerait brutalement toute opinion divergente émise dans le pays. L’idéologue néo-conservateur utilise ensuite l’arme propagandiste de l’exagération en affirmant tout de go que le régime de Damas “a du sang américain sur les mains”, parce qu’il y a une dizaine d’années, il aurait favorisé le transit de djihadistes vers l’Irak, où ces derniers auraient tué des Américains. Abrams est aveugle quelque part: il refuse de voir que le régime d’Assad excite la haine des islamistes parce qu’il est séculier et laïque. Abrams ne constate pas cet état de choses, pourtant évident: il se borne à faire feu de tous bois pour attiser la haine anti-syrienne.


Genève II n’apportera donc aucun résultat. L’invitation de représentants de la “Syrian National Coalition” (SNC), regroupement d’opposants à Assad, n’y changera rien. Cette SNC n’est rien d’autre qu’un spectre inconsistant qui donne l’illusion qu’existerait une opposition pro-occidentale. Car il ne faut pas se voiler la face: la plupart des rebelles sont des islamistes, dont beaucoup cultivent des liens à peine dissimulés avec le réseau Al-Qaeda. Le “Washington Post” commentait les préparatifs à Genève II comme suit: “L’incapacité de la coalition lui a coûté la sympathie de la plupart des Syriens normaux et de la majorité des groupes rebelles armés. Pour cette raison, on ne sait pas très bien qui cette coalition représente, ce qui pose problème si elle a l’intention de participer aux négociations”.



(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, n°5/2014, http://www.zurzeit.at ).

jeudi, 13 février 2014

Samedi 8 février 2014 : “Fuck the EU” by the US State Department


Samedi 8 février 2014 : “Fuck the EU” by the US State Department

Ex: http://www.realpolitik.tv


“Que l’Europe aille se faire e…” a tout simplement déclaré Victoria Nuland (photo), la secrétaire d’État adjointe des États-Unis, en charge des relations avec l’Europe, à son ambassadeur en Ukraine, lors d’une conversation téléphonique enregistrée à l’insu des deux protagonistes le jeudi 6 février. La prise est tellement explicite que la diplomate américaine n’a eu d’autre choix que de s’excuser auprès des diplomates européens. Mais qui a entendu un seul chef d’État, un seul ministre des affaires étrangères européen émettre une quelconque protestation ?



Très bon éclairage sur ce que pensent réellement les Américains de l’Union européenne : qu’elle n’est rien et qu’elle a vocation à rester une périphérie molle des États-Unis. Au passage la conversation est révélatrice, au-delà même de l’insulte faite à l’Union européenne. Elle en dit long aussi sur le rôle que joue l’ONU aux yeux des Américains. Jugez-en plutôt : “Ce type de l’ONU, Robert Serry” explique Victoria Nuland à son ambassadeur, “ce serait super pour aider à coller les choses, d’avoir cette colle ONU et, tu sais quoi, que l’UE aille se faire foutre”. L’ONU ce n’est donc qu’un pot de colle servant à fixer les morceaux du puzzle américain sur le grand tableau mondial.


Washington encourage la guerre civile en Ukraine, quand il ne la fabrique pas tout simplement et agite ensuite ses mécanos (l’Union européenne, l’ONU…) afin de tenir sa feuille de route.


Quant aux gouvernements européens, ils ont pour seule mission, depuis 1945, que de maintenir les peuples européens dans la dormition en leur faisant croire que la construction européenne avance vers une Europe-puissance, alors même qu’elle ne fait, année après année, que consolider le bloc transatlantique dirigé par Washington autant que les oligarchies mondialistes.


Il n’y a désormais qu’une issue unique à l’indépendance de l’Europe : l’effondrement du Système de l’Union européenne au profit d’une authentique Europe des nations, condition sine qua none à la renaissance de la civilisation européenne et donc de la puissance française. Si nous ne sortons pas rapidement de cette trappe, la submersion extra-européenne et l’atlantisation auront raison de nos libertés et de notre identité. La ruine économique en résultera mécaniquement.


Aymeric Chauprade

mercredi, 12 février 2014

The Assassination That Began the Century of War


And it isn’t the one that you are thinking of….

1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers, by Gerd Schultze-Rhonhof.

As mentioned in my first post on this book, the author has been dismissed in Germany regarding his historical views on the beginnings of the Second World War. From what I read in the preface, I found no reason to dismiss his views – and in any case, one can hold wrong views on certain subjects while providing valuable insights in others. It is for these hidden gems that I am reading the book. So, I continue.

I found one of those hidden gems in the first few pages – or is it a wacky assertion from a wrong-headed revisionist? If his point is valid, it provides a valuable insight – at least to me – into the manipulations by the elite at the turn of the last century and leading to the century of war.

The British – German Rivalry

The author begins by pointing to two mistakes by the German politicians prior to 1914 that led to the Great War:

They fail to extend the German – Russian Mutual Protection Pact, and they give to the economic upswing in Germany a maritime component.

The author sees in the first the opening for Russia to be drawn to France, and in the second a challenge to Britain on the seas. There is nothing terribly controversial here – many historians, mainstream and revisionist, have pointed to one or both of these factors.

From Britain’s view, Germany – post unification – was becoming the power on the continent with which it should have concern – replacing France. In various measures, Germany was growing into an economic powerhouse – the production of coal, iron, steel, etc. In 1887 in London, the “Merchandise Marks Act” was introduced, with the hope to attach stigma to products thereafter labeled “Made in Germany.”


Britain viewed it as good policy to keep a balance of power on the continent, thus freeing its hand elsewhere. Germany threatened not only that balance, but now could even threaten Britain itself. Britain’s views changed from seeing France as the primary continental threat to seeing this in in Germany:

On 1 January 1907 a top official of the British Foreign Ministry, Sir Eyre Crowe, drafts “an analysis of British Relations with France and Germany for his King.” … Now and in the future, Crowe concludes, Germany counts as England’s only opponent. (Page 22)

The British will therefore work to isolate Germany in the field of foreign policy, and the author suggests that German blunders provide the opportunity for this.

As mentioned, England previously saw France as its biggest competitor in the colonies; it now reached agreements with France on such matters. A 1904 treaty would coordinate colonial interests. In 1911, the British military promises France the support of six army divisions in the event of war with Germany. And without a proper treaty with Russia, this would one day place Germany in a strong vice.

Germaniam esse delendam to Protect Trade and Transport

Schultze-Rhonhof identifies comments coming out of England and against Germany almost immediately upon the formation of the German Reich in 1871. For example, he quotes Prime Minister Disraeli in a speech before the Lower House:

“The balance of power has been completely destroyed, and the country which suffers the most from this and feels the effect of this change most strongly, is England.” (Page 33)

Deputy Robert Peel adds that Germany has been united under a military “despotism.” (Page 33)

The author laments: “So Germany – just because unified – has already become a danger, and indeed for all of Europe.” (Page 34)

The press gets in on the act:

The London Saturday Review, an upper class journal, writes on 24 August 1895:

“We English have always waged war against our competitors in trade and transport. Our main competitor today is no longer France, but Germany…. In a war against Germany we would be in a position to win a lot and to lose nothing.” (Page 34)

On 1 February 1896 the same journal writes:

“If tomorrow every German were eliminated, there would be no British business nor any English enterprise which would not profit (lit “grow”). If every Englishman were to vanish tomorrow, the Germans would reap gains…. One of the two must quit the field. Get ready for the fight with Germany, for Germaniam esse delendam.” (Page 34)

Germany must be destroyed….

And again on 11 September 1897:

“Everywhere where the English flag has followed the Bible, and trade [has followed] the flag…the German trader fights the English…. States have waged wars for years over a town or rights to a throne; and should we not wage war when an annual trade of five billion is at stake?” (Page 34)

From the Belgian Ambassador in London to his ministry in Brussels on 24 May 1907, quoting Mr. Harmsworth (Lord Northcliffe), publisher of several daily papers in London:

“Yes we hate the Germans and that from the heart…. I will not allow my newspapers to print even the slightest thing that could hurt France. But I would not want them to carry anything at all that could be pleasant to the Germans.” (Page 38)


Is it a surprise to see the press doing the state’s bidding and leading the drumbeats to war?

Finally, Balfour is quoted, in response to the immorality of going to war for the purpose of protecting trade. It is suggested to Balfour: if Britain wants to keep up, work harder!

“That would mean we would have to lower our standard of living. Maybe a war would be easier for us.” (Page 38)

War is most certainly a racket! It is refreshing to know that there was a time when the politicians were more honest about this.

Why Not a British – US Rivalry?

Schultze-Rhonhof also examines the growth of production, trade, and naval resources of several other government powers. He concludes by asking: why does Britain fear Germany, when an even stronger opponent on the other side of the Atlantic, with far greater potential, was beginning to show its fangs?

Thus, the British fears of a threat could just as well have been ignited by North America’s fleet. The USA in regard to its industry and trade is also on track to overhaul England. And since 1898 it is acquiring colonies: Cuba, the Philippines, and Hawaii. (Page 31)

Yes, what gives? Schultze-Rhonhof provides his answer, and in it he identifies the assassination that helped to ensure the upcoming wars would be world wars – meaning the intervention of the United States.

Another reason lies in America’s apparent turning toward England. (Page 32)

By “apparent turning,” Schultze-Rhonhof here is describing what is called The Great Rapprochement:

The Great Rapprochement, according to historians including Bradford Perkins, describes the convergence of diplomatic, political, military and economic objectives between the United States and Great Britain in 1895-1915, the two decades before World War I.

This push for “convergence” was given widespread coverage on both sides of the Atlantic, influencing decision makers in both Britain and the United States.

At the turn of the last century, there was a powerful and well-known book, The Americanization of the World: The Trend of the Twentieth Century, by British celebrity journalist and editor of the Pall Mall GazetteWilliam T. Stead. In it, he predicted America’s inevitable – and providential – domination of the world.


From a conference paper outlining the book:

Stead, a tireless champion of Anglo-Saxon expansion, offered his prediction not in fear but in hope. Together, the United States and Britain would rule the world.

A century ago, Stead’s name was known to the public on both side of the Atlantic and to every prominent official in Europe and America.

As early as about 1870, in the immediate context of German unification, Stead advocated union between the British empire and the United States and came to defend what he called a “true Imperialism” aimed at the peace, security, unity, and humanitarian uplift of the world. In 1884 he campaigned for a larger Royal Navy. He wrote an article for the Pall Mall Gazette entitled “The Truth about the Navy,” attempting to provoke enough alarm over Britain’s vulnerability and Germany’s growing navy and colonial adventures to get Parliament to appropriate the necessary funds for a modern navy. Reading Sir John Seeley’s Expansion of England (1883) about this time inspired him with the idea of imperial federation. The scheme further expanded in his mind to bring the United States into an Anglo-Saxon union, reversing the blunder of George III. This proposal was similar to the campaign for Anglo-Saxon unification (or re-unification) waged by Stead’s friend Cecil Rhodes who famously said that he wanted to “paint the map red” with Britain’s empire. Other sympathizers included the industrialist Andrew Carnegie.

Given the determinism of history, Britain and Europe could either cooperate with the inevitable or wage a losing battle and end up Americanized against their will and without their consent. Germany and the Papacy seemed the most resistant to the Americanization of Europe. But the Kaiser’s bluster was as pointless as Canute’s command to the tide.

Stead saw war by the righteous as a means to bring about global peace.

The Assassination

Back to Schultze-Rhonhof:

Until McKinley’s presidency, the relations of the USA with the German Reich were always friendly and balanced. The English-American relationship, on the other hand, up to then is still burdened by the former British Colonial rule and England’s colonial wars in America.

With the assassination of McKinley in 1901 and the change to the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt a new kind of thinking arises in the USA. (Page 32)

Now this is where I struggled. Schultze-Rhonhof suggests that the change in US policy occurred after McKinley, not before. Yet all of the history I read suggests that McKinley is more like his successors than his predecessors – imperialism and all that. To further make this opaque, the Great Rapprochement is commonly dated as beginning in 1895.

Yet, Schultze-Rhonhof suggests this assassination was a turning point for US-German relations and US-British relations. Counter to McKinley:

Roosevelt and his successor Wilson are clearly anglophiles. They seek partnership with Great Britain. (Page 32)

So what gives? At this point, I had to go fishing.


McKinley vs. Roosevelt: What’s the Difference?

My first clue came here: Wall Street, Banks, and American Foreign Policy, by Murray Rothbard

William McKinley reflected the dominance of the Republican Party by the Rockefeller/Standard Oil interests. Standard Oil was originally headquartered at Rockefeller’s home in Cleveland, and the oil magnate had long had a commanding influence in Ohio Republican politics. In the early 1890s, Marcus Hanna, industrialist and high school chum of John D. Rockefeller, banded together with Rockefeller and other financiers to save McKinley from bankruptcy, and Hanna became McKinley’s top political adviser and chairman of the Republican National Committee. As a consolation prize to the Morgan interests for McKinley’s capture of the Republican nomination, Morgan man Garret A. Hobart, director of various Morgan companies, including the Liberty National Bank of New York City, became Vice-President.

The death of Hobart in 1899 left a “Morgan vacancy” in the Vice-Presidential spot, as McKinley walked into the nomination. McKinley and Hanna were both hostile to Roosevelt, considering him “erratic” and a “Madman,” but after several Morgan men turned down the nomination, and after the intensive lobbying of Morgan partner George W. Perkins, Teddy Roosevelt at last received the Vice-Presidential nomination. It is not surprising that virtually Teddy’s first act after the election of 1900 was to throw a lavish dinner in honor of J.P. Morgan.



So McKinley was a Rockefeller man, and Roosevelt (McKinley’s vice-president) represented the House of Morgan. This, at least, is one bit of information that differentiates McKinley from Roosevelt. Of course, it would be somewhat irrelevant had not McKinley met his fate on September 6, 1901 (surviving, and believed to be improving, for eight more days). He was assassinated by a lone gunman; a nut, an “anarchist.”

Here again, I turn to Rothbard: “Investigate the Vice President First

Next president to die in office was William McKinley of Ohio, long-time Rockefeller tool. Another lone nut was responsible, the “anarchist” Leon Czolgosz, who, like Guiteau, was quickly tried and executed by the Establishment. Even though Czolgosz was considered a flake and was not a member of any organized anarchist group, the assassination was used by the Establishment to smear anarchism and to outlaw anarchist ideas and agitation. Various obscure anti-sedition and anti-conspiracy laws trotted out from time to time by the Establishment were passed during this post-McKinley assassination hysteria. Beneficiary? The vaulting to power of Teddy Roosevelt, longtime tool of the competing Morgan (as opposed to Rockefeller) wing of the Republican Party. Teddy immediately started using the anti-trust weapon to try to destroy Rockefeller’s Standard Oil and Harriman’s Northern Securities, both bitter enemies of the Morgan world empire. Exhume McKinley, and also start a deep investigation of the possible role of Teddy and the Morgans. Was Czolgosz only a lone nut?

Perhaps something bigger was afoot…. But I still did not find the connection to this changing attitude toward Britain.


Surprise, surprise. Rothbard provides the answer here as well, from A History of Money and Banking in the United States:

As the nations moved toward World War II, the Morgans, who had long been closely connected with Britain and France, rose in importance in American foreign policy, while the Rockefellers, who had little connection with Britain and France and had patent agreements with I.G. Farben in Germany, fell in relative strength. Secretary of State Cordell Hull, a close longtime friend of FDR’s roving ambassador and Morgan man Norman H. Davis, took the lead in exerting pressure against Germany for its bilateral rather than multilateral trade agreements and for its exchange controls, all put in place to defend a chronically overvalued mark. (Page 344)

Rothbard is speaking here of World War II, but the relationships fit the scenario suggested by Schultze-Rhonhof.

The assassination of McKinley – a Rockefeller man favorable toward Germany – ensured the replacement by Teddy Roosevelt, a Morgan man. Morgan, favorably disposed toward Britain, had his man in place – a move that would ensure the US moves closer to Britain.

This one action helped to ensure a transition of the tool of global power projection, from Britain to the United States – as I have previously describedhere (in the context of the Second World War). Of course, the roots of World War Two are many and deep – including the Great War, and perhaps including McKinley’s assassination.

This transition from Britain to the US is explored further in “The Peaceful Transition of Power from the UK to the US,” by Feng Yongping. In this, there is also further exploration of the evolving relationships amongst and between the United States, Great Britain, and Germany:

With regard to Great Britain, binding itself in friendship with the United States and avoiding the towering costs of conflict also stands out as extremely significant in preserving the nation’s colonial power, which was seemingly on the verge of decline. Germans were predicting during the 1880s or 1890s that the United States would be drawn into war, with Bismark confidently predicting that Great Britain would confront the American navy in the Atlantic Ocean, generating a British – German alliance with a union of naval and land powers of strategic political benefit. In contrast, Great Britain chose reconciliation with the United States.

In 1905, US President Roosevelt told a British diplomat not to let the nightmare of war between English-speaking democracies keep him up at night. Roosevelt said that in preparing for potential outbreaks of war, a fight against Great Britain was not an issue, since it was an impossibility.

The US also provided similar assistance for the British in the Boer War. After conflict broke out there, Theodore Roosevelt promptly expressed his position of support, saying the war completely aligned the interests of the two English-speaking democracies and in turn, the interests of the civilized world, and that English should become the language of southern Zambezia. During the war, the United States presented Great Britain with great amounts of military supplies and extended credit for about 20% of Great Britain’s war expenses.

Selborne, British Lord of the Admiralty, commented that all subjects of the British Empire knew that war with America would be a colossal failure of British diplomacy. Home Secretary A.H. Lee said that he could not even fathom the possibility of the US and Great Britain actually fighting a war. The US President Theodore Roosevelt spoke nearly the same words in 1905, when he stated his belief that the danger of another British – US dispute had not only passed, but was gone forever. Compared with other large nations, he believed the feeling of friendship to be more genuine with England than with any other.

As previously mentioned, Schultze-Rhonhof’s work was dismissed in Germany. Yet, so far, I am finding that he points to events that have import – events not even found in other revisionist works. This connection – McKinley’s assassination as one of the roots of the Great War – is one that I have not read elsewhere.

It is a connection that is supported by Rothbard’s work. Schultze-Rhonhof seems to keep good company. If he is dismissed for reasons similar to those offered to dismiss Rothbard, I certainly will continue with an open mind.

(I thank Charles Burris for being generous with his comments toward one aspect of this post. Any errors in interpretation or historical fact are completely my own.)

Reprinted with permission from the Bionic Mosquito.

The Best of Jonathan Goodwin


mardi, 11 février 2014

The Americanization of the World



The Americanization of the World

The Americanization of the World, by William Thomas Stead.

With this post, I will begin a review of the above titled book, written in 1902.  In order to provide context as to my purpose for and approach in this review, I will begin by re-introducing and expanding upon my working hypothesis under which I have been considering various events over the last century and more.

1) There is a group of elite that operate above politicians and national governments, working through think-tanks and other global foundations and institutions.

2) The elite are not all of one mind, although in many ways their interests are aligned and the tools through which they leverage control are equally beneficial to all.

3) Until the turn of the 20th century, much of this control was exercised through the British government and other British-based institutions.

4) Beginning as early as the late 19th century (and perhaps the mid-nineteenth century), two things were becoming clear to this group:

a.The ability of Great Britain to be an effective tool for global reach would soon reach its limits.

b.The potential reach through the United States was untapped and, relatively speaking, unlimited.

5) The commonality in philosophical heritage and language of the people in Great Britain and the United States made the US population susceptible to similar tools of control – tools already established and proven effective.

6) Actions were taken beginning in the late 19th century to effect the transition of this tool for global control from Great Britain to the United States.

7) These actions, through two World Wars, culminated in the United States moving to the position as the primary tool for control by the elite.

8) Winston Churchill – worshiped despite being the leading political figure during the entire span of the demise of the British Empire – played the key role in supporting this transition: both the decline of Great Britain and the ascendency of the United States as leader of this broader, English-speaking, elite controlled empire.

9) As opposed to looking elsewhere for world government, the United States has been the tool to implement world government – taking a leadership position in establishing the UN, IMF, World Bank, NATO, etc.

10) The good news?  Decentralization will win out: witness the break-up of the artificial conglomerations of the USSR, Czechoslovakia, and Yugoslavia.  Witness similar events unfolding in Iraq, the inability to consolidate in Afghanistan.  Witness tiny Belgium, divided in two – yet somehow the entirety of Europe is going to meld into one?  Much more capable thinkers than I am write of the coming of the end of the nation-state (see especially the sections on Barzun and van Creveld).

Some of the visible actions taken to move the US into this leadership position include:

1) The creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913

2) The engagement of the US into the Great War, despite overwhelming public opinion against getting involved in this European conflict

3) The engagement of the US into the Second World War, again despite overwhelming public opinion against getting involved in this conflict.

4) Various purposeful actions taken by the British government to a) overcome the historical animosities between the two countries, and b) move the US toward the position of global primacy.

If you find this too tin-foil-hat for you, there is little reason to continue reading this post (if you haven’t stopped already).

While reading 1939 – The War That Had Many Fathers, I came across another event that seems to have helped move the US into a position to take the hand-off from Great Britain: the assassination of President McKinley in 1901.  As I explain here, this event helped to move the US from a negative or neutral posture toward Great Britain (and even somewhat favorable to Germany) toward a much more positive relationship with Great Britain through the presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.

This transition was but one step in what is known as the Great Rapprochement, the turning of US policy toward Great Britain in the period 1895 – 1915.

Also while reading the above-mentioned book I came across the name William Thomas Stead, and his book “The Americanization of the World.”  Given the title and description of the book, and that this book was initially published in 1902 (precisely at the beginning of this changing relationship), it seemed to me a worthwhile read given the hypothesis I identify above.

With that lengthy preamble out of the way, I offer an even lengthier introduction of Mr. Stead….

Who was Stead?  “William Thomas Stead (5 July 1849 – 15 April 1912) was an English newspaper editor….”

If his date of death seems familiar, it is because Stead died aboard the Titanic. Before this, he was a tremendously influential newspaper editor and author:

In 1880, Stead went to London to be assistant editor of the Liberal Pall Mall Gazette (a forerunner of the London Evening Standard), where he set about revolutionizing a traditionally conservative newspaper “written by gentlemen for gentlemen”.

Stead early on learned the power that the press could project over government action:

Stead’s first sensational campaign was based on a Nonconformist pamphlet, The Bitter Cry of Outcast London. His lurid stories of squalid life in the slums had a wholly beneficial effect on the capital. A Royal Commission recommended that the government should clear the slums and encourage low-cost housing in their place. It was Stead’s first success.

Despite being able to successfully move government to action, not every endeavor ended well; still, his reach and magnitude knew few limits:

In 1884, Stead pressured the government to send his friend General Gordon into Sudan to protect British interests in Khartoum. The eccentric Gordon disobeyed orders, and the siege of Khartoum, Gordon’s death, and the failure of the hugely expensive Gordon Relief Expedition was one of the great imperial disasters of the period.



Gordon was sent to evacuate British citizens from a troubled region and to otherwise abandon Sudan.  Once Gordon arrived, he apparently pursued a different course: he decided it was best to crush the Muslim uprising for fear that it would eventually spread to Egypt as well.  Gordon, with 6,000 men, began a defense of Khartoum.

On March 18, 1884, the Mahdist army laid siege to the city. The rebels stopped river traffic and cut the telegraph line to Cairo. Khartoum was cut off from resupply, which led to food shortages, but could still communicate with the outside world by using messengers. Under pressure from the public, in August 1884, the British government decided to reverse its policy and send a relief force to Khartoum.

“Under pressure from the public” a relief expedition force was sent, but failed to arrive in time to save Gordon and his men:

On January 26, 1885, Khartoum fell to the Mahdist army of 50,000 men. At that time of year the Nile was shallow enough to cross by wading and the Mahdists were able to breach the city’s defenses by attacking the poorly-defended approaches from the river. The entire garrison was slaughtered, including General Gordon. His head was cut off and delivered to the Mahdi. Two days later the relief expedition entered the city to find that they were too late.

Lord Kitchener later reconquered Sudan.

Forgive my diversion into this tale of late nineteenth century British imperialism; however it serves to demonstrate the power and influence that Stead possessed.  As cited above, “In 1884, Stead pressured the government to send his friend General Gordon into Sudan….”  It seems reasonable that he also was the one to apply pressure to send aid to “his friend” Gordon.

More on Stead and his influence:

1885 saw him force the British government to supply an additional £5.5million to bolster weakening naval defenses, after which he published a series of articles.  Stead was no hawk however; instead he believed Britain’s strong navy was necessary to maintain world peace.

Stead saw peace through war.  He saw the British Navy as a global force for good.  Consider how the tools used by the elite have not had to change a bit over the 125 years since Stead’s time, as the same tools used by Stead to help usurp wealth from the British middle class remain completely effective in the propaganda campaigns designed to usurp wealth from the middle class of the US today.

…he is also credited as originating the modern journalistic technique of creating a news event rather than just reporting it, as his most famous “investigation”, the Eliza Armstrong case, was to demonstrate.

Stead had other passions, showing an ability to understand future global consolidation well before any generally visible steps:

Stead was a pacifist and a campaigner for peace, who favored a “United States of Europe” and a “High Court of Justice among the nations”….

Stead held court in high places:

[Stead] was an early imperialist dreamer, whose influence on Cecil Rhodes in South Africa remained of primary importance; and many politicians and statesmen, who on most subjects were completely at variance with his ideas, nevertheless owed something to them. Rhodes made him his confidant….

Rhodes, of course, cornered the South African diamond market with the help of rather influential friends – call them the elite of the elite.  Rhodes was also quite influential regarding British Imperial policy:

Historian Richard A. McFarlane has called Rhodes “as integral a participant in southern African and British imperial history as George Washington or Abraham Lincoln are in their respective eras in United States history…

And Rhodes was influenced by Stead.

Stead found his influence ever-growing:

The number of his publications gradually became very large, as he wrote with facility and sensational fervor on all sorts of subjects, from The Truth about Russia (1888) to If Christ Came to Chicago! (Laird & Lee, 1894), and from Mrs Booth (1900) to The Americanisation of the World (1902).

And finally, to show the well-rounded character of the man:

Stead claimed to be in receipt of messages from the spirit world, and, in 1892, to be able to produce automatic writing.  His spirit contact was alleged to be the departed Julia Ames, an American temperance reformer and journalist whom he met in 1890 shortly before her death.  In 1909 he established Julia’s Bureau where inquirers could obtain information about the spirit world from a group of resident mediums.

As mentioned, Stead died on the Titanic.  His reputation survived:

Following his death, Stead was widely hailed as the greatest newspaperman of his age…. Like many journalists, he was a curious mixture of conviction, opportunism and sheer humbug. According to his biographer W. Sydney Robinson, “He twisted facts, invented stories, lied, betrayed confidences, but always with a genuine desire to reform the world – and himself.”

Why all of this background on Stead?  Well, it seems he was a rather influential fellow within the British elite at precisely the time when the United States began its turn toward Great Britain: an empire which (to say nothing of the spat in 1776) less than a century before burned the White House and much of the capitol, and only a few decades before, while officially neutral, aided the South in their war for independence – guilty enough to ultimately pay restitution of $15.5 million for building war ships for the Confederacy.

Great Britain was officially neutral throughout the American Civil War, 1861–65. Elite opinion tended to favor the Confederacy, while public opinion tended to favor the United States.

I will suggest it is elite opinion that counts when it comes to matters of politics, for example:

Diplomatic observers were suspicious of British motives. The Russian Minister in Washington Eduard de Stoeckl noted, “The Cabinet of London is watching attentively the internal dissensions of the Union and awaits the result with an impatience which it has difficulty in disguising.” De Stoeckl advised his government that Britain would recognize the Confederate States at its earliest opportunity. Cassius Clay, the United States Minister in Russia, stated, “I saw at a glance where the feeling of England was. They hoped for our ruin! They are jealous of our power. They care neither for the South nor the North. They hate both.”

Yet as early as 1895 – only 30 years after the end of the war – the US and Britain began their courtship.  And in the background was William Thomas Stead.

Finally, on to his book and the first chapter:

As it was through the Christian Church that the monotheism of the Jew conquered the world, so it may be through the Americans that the English ideals expressed in the English language may make a tour of the planet. (Page 3)

Setting aside the exaggeration of the claim, given the religion of statolatry (to borrow a phrase from Charles Burris), the comparison seems quite appropriate.

Stead saw the inevitability of the United States taking the preeminent position among the English-speaking nations.  He looked at population growth over the preceding 100 years (including empire), but also at differentiating the white population from the non-white (a recurring theme in his writing); he felt strongly that it was the white population that was of importance.

We are comparing the English-speaking communities.  The right of leadership does not depend upon how many millions, more or less, of colored people we have compelled to pay us taxes. (Page 5)

Stead, not shy, makes plain one purpose of colonizing people of color – compelling tax payments.  Stead also discounts the millions of British subjects in, for example, India, Africa, and the West Indies when it comes to considering the trends of population and future supremacy.

Population should be weighed as well as counted.  In a census return a Hottentot counts for as much as a Cecil Rhodes; a mean white on a southern swamp is the census equivalent for a Mr. J.P. Morgan or Mr. Edison.

A nation which has no illiterates can hardly be counted off against the Russians, only three per cent of whom can read or write. (Page 9)

He also sees no hope for reversal of this trend in favor of the US and to the detriment of Great Britain – not only in population but also industrial production and therefore capability of global reach.

Having presented this case, he suggests Britain embraces this inevitable change, restoring old bonds:

The philosophy of common sense teaches us that, seeing we can never again be the first, standing alone, we should lose no time in uniting our fortunes with those who have passed us in the race. Has the time not come when we should make a resolute effort to realize the unity of the English-speaking race?  …while if we remain outside, nursing our Imperial insularity on monarchical lines, we are doomed to play second fiddle for the rest of our existence.  Why not finally recognize the truth and act upon it?  What sacrifices are there which can be regarded as too great to achieve the realization of the ideal of the unity of the English-speaking race? (Page 6)

Stead sees continuous contention between the United States and Great Britain for control of global trade, with Britain eventually and ultimately the loser.  Stead is writing during the very early phases of the Great Rapprochement.  As regarding great sacrifices, considering the tremendous work done by Great Britain behind the scenes to create the propaganda in the US necessary to drag the American people into two world wars (as I view these wars as key to formalizing the transition of power), it seems reasonable to conclude that Stead’s suggestion that no sacrifices should be considered too great was taken quite seriously.

Stead goes on to outline the power and control available through a united US and British front: population, land mass, control of the seas and most navigable rivers.  And gold: “With the exception of Siberia they have seized all the best goldmines of the world.” (Page 7) Not a barbarous relic, apparently.

Between the two, they have seized the dominions of Spain, despoiled the Portuguese, the French and the Dutch, and left nothing but scraps to Italy and the Germans. (Page 7)  The only statistic in which these non-English-speaking nations hold the lead is in the amount of national debt! (Page 11)

Stead is looking for a savior, someone to lead in bringing these two – the US and Britain – into one, with the US taking the leading position:

The question arises whether this gigantic aggregate can be pooled.  We live in the day of combinations.  Is there no Morgan who will undertake to bring about the greatest combination of all – a combination of the whole English Speaking race?

The same motive which has led to the building up of the Trust in the industrial world may bring about this great combination in the world of politics.  (Page 12)

Presumably he is writing here of the work done by Morgan in consolidating the US steel industry.  Of course, Morgan also had connections with the same elite family that assisted Rhodes with diamonds in South Africa:

In 1895, at the depths of the Panic of 1893, the Federal Treasury was nearly out of gold.  President Grover Cleveland accepted Morgan’s offer to join with the Rothschilds and supply the U.S. Treasury with 3.5 million ounces of gold to restore the treasury surplus in exchange for a 30-year bond issue.

It should also be kept in mind: McKinley was a Rockefeller man; Rockefeller had ties to Germany.  Teddy Roosevelt, beneficiary of McKinley’s assassination, was a Morgan man; Morgan was a strong friend of Britain.  It seems the “Morgan” that Stead was looking for in the political combination was the same “Morgan” that he was referring to in the industrial combination.

Stead sees the impossibility of the American people accepting a combination where those in America would accept being subservient again to the crown:

It is, of course, manifestly impossible, even if it were desirable, for the Americans to come back within the pale of the British Empire. (Page 15)

Instead, he suggests Britain should accept reunion “on whatever terms may be arrived at.” (Page 15)

While not an overt political reunion, it certainly seems that a reunion was accepted by the British – and ultimately the U.S.  If one visible actor can be placed at the center of this “success,” I will suggest it is Winston Churchill.  For much of the first half of the 20th century, Churchill played a leading role in British politics; even when not in an official position, he was communicating directly with Roosevelt behind the scenes in order to facilitate America’s entry into the Second World War – the final event in ensuring the transition.

During this time, Britain (or more precisely, the British population) certainly paid the price of reunion – “whatever terms necessary,” as Stead suggested in 1902: the terms for the British population can be seen in the blood of two world wars, inflation, a depression, a loss of manufacture and industry.  This price was paid over the next 50 years.  In the end, the United States clearly stood on top of the English-speaking world.

One politician, more than any other, stood in a position of leadership and influence while Britain was economically and physically bled: Winston Churchill.  Presiding (in various roles) over such a massive loss of Empire would normally result in the derision of the leader.  Yet Churchill is exalted.  Perhaps it has little to do with his role in the death of the British Empire, but because of his role in the birth of the larger, Anglo Empire.  For this reason, the gatekeepers of mainstream history frame Churchill in a praiseworthy manner.

And one writer, a man who traveled within and influenced the highest circles of the elite, wrote the book before the events even occurred: William Thomas Stead.

I will continue with further posts regarding this book as I find comments of import.  In the meantime, the examination of this one life and this first chapter has provided insights supportive of my working hypothesis regarding the transition of elite power and control from Great Britain to the United States.

lundi, 10 février 2014

Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right


Foreword to Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right

By Kevin MacDonald

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Perhaps it’s best to start off with what New Right vs. Old Right [2]is not. Greg Johnson does not assail his readers with statistics to prove the Jewish role in the decline and impending fall of whites in America and elsewhere. He does not discuss the corruption of the media and the academic world and how they got that way. He does not discuss data on race differences in IQ and criminality to explain the behavior of non-white America. He doesn’t aim to refute the current mantra that race is nothing more than a social construct designed to provide white people with unearned privilege.

Those intellectual battles are over, and we have won, although the mainstream media and academic world continue to promulgate cultural Marxist blather as if it were a set of truths set in stone. The starting point for NRvOR is that the media, the academic world, and the political process are hopelessly corrupt. So where do we go from here?

Greg Johnson’s basic point is that we must work to create a metapolitics of explicit white identity—that is, a movement that will develop “the intellectual and cultural foundations for effective White Nationalist politics in North America, so that we can ultimately create a white homeland or homelands on this continent.”

Greg is one of the reasons why I think this is a feasible project. A very great reason for optimism is that there are so many intelligent, well-spoken people who “get it”—who understand that whites around the world are in decline and that there will be dire consequences if whites are unable to establish white homelands. People like Greg Johnson are part of a hugely important trend. I have recently met a great many young, intelligent, well-educated, and well-spoken people at conferences dedicated to activism on behalf of the interests of white America—the exact opposite of the image of uneducated, violent males sporting swastikas and missing a couple of teeth that has been so carefully crafted by our hostile elites.

Despite growing up with a constant barrage of multicultural, anti-white propaganda beginning in elementary school, these individuals understand that at this point America is an unfolding disaster as whites are increasingly displaced throughout the economic and political spectrum. They are acutely aware that whites are a minority of births in America and that whites will be a minority within their lifetimes—a minority with diminished prospects and increasingly victimized by the non-white majority, many of whom retain historical grudges against white America. It is very likely that the America of the future will be beset with chronic conflict among different racial/ethnic groups. The idea that America or the West can avoid such conflicts as their societies become ever more factionalized is magical and utopian.

The goal, therefore, is not, a “supremacism” that is in any way invidious. Rather, “the best way to ensure peace and good will among peoples and preserve human racial, cultural, and religious diversity is to give each distinct group a homeland where it can live and develop according to its own distinct nature and destiny.”

This is an attitude that seems to me to be pervasive in the white advocacy movement. It at once defuses a very effective bit of rhetoric of the Left—repeated with predictable regularity by organizations like the Southern Poverty Law Center. We are white advocates, people who, as Greg phrases it in several places following Michael Polignano, “take our own side” in issues of racial/ethnic conflict. And in taking our own side, we are doing exactly what racial/ethnic groups have done from time immemorial. No one accuses the Koreans of “Korean supremacism” for adopting policies aimed at retaining Korean demographic and cultural predominance. And imagine the horror by Western elites at a proposal to flood African countries with whites so that native Africans cease to be a political majority.

Make no mistake about it. The policies that are making whites minorities in lands they have dominated for hundreds or (in the case of Europe) thousands of years are not driven by utopian dreams of a raceless future, except among gullible, intimidated whites. The non-whites who are so enthusiastically embracing the decline of white political and cultural power are driven by hatred toward whites as a people and as a culture. This is a major theme of my writing on Jewish influence, and apparent as well in a host of non-white intellectuals and activists.

Greg Johnson received his Ph.D. in philosophy, and it shows. His forte is the well-developed argument presented in a lucid, easily understood style. There will be no complaints about this book being filled with turgid prose. And I can’t find any major disagreements.

I was particularly struck by several points. For example, unlike the European New Right, Greg is an advocate of white racial nationalism:

insofar as the breakdown of European national identities and the blending of European stocks in our North American context forces us (1) to give greater place to biological race and other deep roots of common European identity, and (2) to put greater emphasis on the Jewish question, given the role of American Jewry in promoting anti-white policies both in the United States and in white countries worldwide.

Right. As a biologist, there is always the tendency to see matters like race as a decontextualized matter. DNA, after all, is DNA. But American whites are indeed a very intermixed lot—a successful example of a European melting pot. In effect, we have created a new biological reality not present in any European country.

Nevertheless, we must remember that Europeans are in general closely related biologically, particularly in the north and east of Europe, as recent data continue to show. Indeed,

typical pairs of individuals drawn from across Europe have a good chance of sharing long stretches of [identical genes] by descent, even when they are separated by thousands of kilometers. We can furthermore conclude that pairs of individuals across Europe are reasonably likely to share common genetic ancestors within the last 1,000 years, and are certain to share many within the last 2,500 years.[1]

The white race is indeed a biological as well as a cultural reality. This biological reality forms a powerful basis for a scientifically based understanding of a commonality of interests wherever whites are living, whether in Europe or in the European diaspora.

And, yes, although the organized Jewish community has pursued the same set of policies favoring displacement-level immigration and multiculturalism throughout the West, Jewish influence varies in different Western societies. This brings up the need for developing a good model of cultural diffusion within the West. For example, academic culture is self-consciously international. If indeed the main impetus for the leftward shift is Jewish involvement in the Left beginning in the United States with the movements described in The Culture of Critique, it is not at all surprising that this culture spread to other areas with less Jewish influence given the pre-eminence of the U.S. in the post-World War II Western world. An aspiring academic in, say, Norway or Finland, who subscribes to a White Nationalist worldview would find himself ostracized from international academic societies, while countrymen who subscribed to the reigning cultural Marxism would find international recognition.

The same phenomenon occurs in the political realm, as, for example, when Austrian politician Jörg Haider joined a coalition government in 2000. This resulted in huge international pressure, with EU member states refusing to cooperate with the Austrian government and Israel withdrawing its ambassador. The assault on the Golden Dawn party in Greece is a more recent example. Any Western government that opposed continued immigration and multiculturalism would be subjected to similar pressures.

The culture of Western suicide exists throughout the white world, and dominating the most powerful country in the West goes a very long way to dominating the entire Western world, particularly given the fact that Jews often control media even in countries with very tiny Jewish populations, as with the Bonnier family in Norway and Sweden.

Greg does not shy away from discussing difficult issues having to do with National Socialism, supporting the ideal of an organic, hierarchical, meritocratic society dedicated to advancing the interests of whites and rejecting “party politics, totalitarianism, terrorism, imperialism, and genocide.

I agree entirely. It’s a very good strategy to confront such issues head-on rather than to leave them to be discussed solely by our enemies. It’s the same with the holocaust. The holocaust is simply not important for white advocacy, and whatever happened is not the responsibility of any living whites; it’s something that must be simply “stepped over,” to use Jonathan Bowden’s felicitous phrase. Even if the holocaust were proved to have never occurred to the satisfaction of one and all, there is more than enough resentment by Jews about their past in Europe and the United States to fuel the hostility toward the West that has been such a prominent feature of the organized Jewish community and so many influential Jewish individuals. The reality of Jews as a hostile elite aiming to displace white elites throughout the West would not change at all.

I should think that it would be uncontroversial that the white advocacy movement must be metapolitical, since there is a crying need to build up a self-confident, prideful culture than can eventually become mainstream. Greg’s argument that it is premature to pursue nationalist party politics—that at this point the money can be better used in education and organizing—will be more controversial. The question is whether these are really incompatible goals and, as Greg rightly notes, “We share the same broad aims, but we differ as to the best means of achieving them. We need to acknowledge these differences frankly, then divide our camp and pursue our common aims by the various paths that seem best to us.” Different ways should be attempted in the hope that eventually something will work. In the meantime, we must be as inclusive as possible.

In fact, nationalist parties have made substantial headway in Europe, and many observers are expecting a significant representation of nationalist parties to result from the 2014 European Parliament elections. With increasing success, the messages of these parties have inevitably become more widely known. Significantly, these parties have not developed with an explicitly pro-white or pro-ethnic nationalism agenda, but have rather attempted to stay under the radar of political correctness on race and on Jewish influence, basing themselves on an implicit ethnic nationalism that opposes immigration and multiculturalism for a whole host of reasons apart from the danger of ethnic swamping that is in fact lurking in the background. Not surprisingly, these messages are often most effective with the white working class, the group that has suffered the most from the immigration tsunami.

Indeed, I believe that model of change that I think most probable is that the revolution will begin in Europe with the success of one of these parties, particularly if it occurs in a pivotal country like France where there is a clear possibility that the Front National will obtain power, and in a context where other nationalist parties have substantial representation in other areas of Europe so that an effective countermovement of isolation and ostracism cannot develop. I think we are rapidly approaching such a situation now. Compared to America, Europe has the advantage of very ancient cultures and identities that are mortally endangered by this new dispensation. Once such a party gains power, then more explicit messages of ethnic and racial interests may become more acceptable, paving the way for more the dissemination of a theoretical framework based explicitly on ethnic interests.

I worry that in the absence of near-term political goals, a purely metapolitical movement is in danger of being a detached inward-looking, even self-serving elite. For one thing, the Left is completely in control of the academic scene and very actively— indeed passionately—polices any deviation from political correctness. This is quite unlike the situation in American universities where Franz Boas was able to control academic anthropology by the early 20th century, and several of the New York Intellectuals obtained positions at elite universities well before 1960. This is a very formidable barrier to the spread of an elite culture of white identity given the close relationship between universities and intellectual life in the West. There was no complaint from the academic world when the 1965 immigration law opened up immigration to the United States to all peoples of the world. Indeed, in several Western countries, Australia comes to mind, the movement to open up immigration to non-whites originated in the universities.

Even in America, with so many barriers against us, political action inside or outside the context of the electoral process could be a positive force for change. Americans need to see noisy, intelligent, attractive, committed white people marching in the street with signs opposed to immigration, multiculturalism, and the strident ethnic politics of other groups; there is a need for a steady drumbeat of political advertising where pro-white themes, whether explicitly white or not, are repeated over and over to the point that they become part of the furniture of life even if winning elections remains a distant goal.

Such movements may be particularly important for whites with less education who may be turned off by an elite culture of white identity. The white working class in fact has been the prime loser in the cultural changes promoted by our hostile elites. A great many of them are angry and, with less to lose than so many well-educated whites, they are an important natural constituency.

In any case, I wholeheartedly agree that we have to be open to a diversity of approaches.

Greg’s essay, “The Moral Factor,” raises the important issue of moral motivation which I think is an aspect of Western uniqueness. One does not see Chinese people agonizing over the fact that the Han Chinese greatly expanded their territory at the expense of other peoples. Nor does one see the Bantu peoples of Africa worrying about the ethics of displacing other African peoples as they spread far and wide from their homeland in Central Africa, including into South Africa where their treatment at the hands of white South Africans became Exhibit A for white evil during the apartheid era; nor do the Bantu-speaking peoples agonize about the widespread practice of slavery in Africa. Arabs do not apologize about their conquests in the name of Islam or their centuries-old role in slavery and the slave trade. As Greg notes, the Spaniards have apologized for the Reconquista that expelled the Muslims from Spain, but there are no apologies from the Muslims for the Conquista.

Whites are the only people to abolish slavery, and a great many of the activists and the fundamental popular sentiments so crucial in the ultimate victory over slavery were motivated by moral idealism, including especially empathy for slaves.[2] They did so despite very real costs to many individuals and to society as a whole, and all this occurred before the rise of the Jewish hostile elite. Indeed, this unique characteristic of whites is exploited by Jewish intellectuals for their own hateful ends. My basic theory is that this is a holdover of Northern European hunter-gatherer culture, where one’s status in a group is based on reputation for moral behavior (honesty, fair dealing) rather than on kinship relations—an aspect of Western individualism.

So I agree that “even if White Nationalism is politically meaningful, people will resist it if they think it is immoral. But they will move heaven and earth to establish white homelands if they think it is the right thing to do.” We must win the moral battle. The problem is that “our people overwhelmingly believe that our cause is unjust.” And yet, the moral argument for white survival is obvious and compelling. Fundamentally, our basic survival as a people and as a culture are threatened. As Greg notes, “the present system is not merely anti-white, it is genocidally anti-white.”

That’s enough for me to mark the present system as utterly depraved morally. It is profoundly immoral to inflict multiculturalism upon the white populations of the West, given that  ethnic conflict is absolutely predictable, based upon everything we know of the bloody history of ethnically divided societies. This is especially the case given that support for multiculturalism and support for their own demographic and political eclipse have never been majority views among whites. Whether in Australia or New Zealand, North America or Europe—in every case throughout the West, immigration and multi-culturalism have been projects of media, academic, and political elites. These changes have been top-down, not at all bottom-up.

We must pay more attention to the morality of infringing upon the legitimate rights and interests of the white majority. Everyone has rights and everyone has interests. The interests and rights of whites as a majority are no less morally legitimate than those of any other group. Whites must jettison the ideal of moral universalism and ask what is good for the future of whites.

On the basis of this collection of essays, Greg Johnson has a compelling vision of the impending disaster facing the people and culture of the West and what we can do about it right now. It is presented in a highly readable, well-argued manner that at once shows the power and confidence of the developing metapolitical culture of a Western renaissance. I wholeheartedly recommend it.

January 15, 2014


Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right is available for purchase here [2].


1. Ralph Peter and Graham Coop, “The Geography of Recent Genetic Ancestry across Europe,” PLOS Biology, vol. 11, no. 5 (May 7, 2013): e1001555. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.100155

http://www.plosbiology.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001555&representation=PDF [3]

2. Kevin MacDonald, “Empathy and Moral Universalism as Components of White Pathology: The Movement to Abolish Slavery in England,” The Occidental Quarterly, vol. 13, no. 2 (Summer 2013), pp. 39–63.

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/02/foreword-to-greg-johnsons-new-right-vs-old-right/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/NewRightOldRight1crop1.jpg

[2] New Right vs. Old Right : https://secure.counter-currents.com/new-right-vs-old-right/

[3] http://www.plosbiology.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001555&representation=PDF: http://www.plosbiology.org/article/fetchObject.action?uri=info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pbio.1001555&representation=PDF


New Right vs. Old Right

Greg Johnson
Foreword by Kevin MacDonald
San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2013
248 pages

Kindle E-book: $5.99

Nook E-book: $5.99

Hardcover and paperback release date: February 21, 2014

hardcover: $35 


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paperback: $20 


Dr. Greg Johnson draws upon the ideas of the European New Right to promote a new approach to White Nationalist politics in North America. New Right vs. Old Right collects 32 essays in which Dr. Johnson sets out his vision of White Nationalist “metapolitics” and distinguishes it from Fascism and National Socialism (the “Old Right”), as well as conservatism and classical liberalism (the “Phony Right”).

Dr. Johnson rejects the Old Right’s party politics, totalitarianism, imperialism, and genocide in favor of the metapolitical project of constructing a hegemonic White Nationalist consciousness within a pluralistic society. He argues that White Nationalists are too dependent on the model of hierarchical organizations and need also to work on creating resilient lateral networks. He offers New Rightist answers to a number of disputed questions within the White Nationalist community, including white culpability for our decline, Hitler and National Socialism, the Jewish question, the holocaust, the role of women, Christianity vs. paganism, and the relationships of populism, elitism, and democracy. He sets out some basic principles for creating a growing, resilient, networked movement. Finally, he criticizes distractions and dead-ends like “mainstreaming,” conservatism, “premature” populism, and political violence.

Engagingly written and constructively critical, Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right is an important contribution to the emerging North American New Right.

Praise for New Right vs. Old Right

“Greg Johnson’s basic point is that we must work to create a metapolitics of explicit white identity—that is, a movement that will develop ‘the intellectual and cultural foundations for effective White Nationalist politics in North America, so that we can ultimately create a white homeland or homelands on this continent.’ Greg is one of the reasons why I think this is a feasible project. . . . Greg received his Ph.D. in philosophy, and it shows. His forte is the well-developed argument presented in a lucid, easily understood style. Nobody can complain about this book being filled with turgid prose. And I can’t find any major disagreements.”

—Kevin MacDonald, from the Foreword

“In New Right vs. Old Right, Greg Johnson lays out his vision for a pro-white movement more focused on ideas, education, and communication than on politics or thuggery. True to this vision, his writing is extremely accessible. Throughout this collection, Johnson breaks down complex philosophical concepts and challenging ideas into tight, efficient sentences and effective explanations. Johnson doesn’t drone on trying to sound clever. Like an enthusiastic professor, he truly wants his readers to understand why he believes it is morally right for whites—and all peoples—to determine their own collective destinies.”

—Jack Donovan, author of The Way of Men

“Dr. Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right delineates the differences between two ‘Rights,’ without repudiating the common philosophical origins of both in opposing egalitarianism and other passé ideologies that continue to dominate much of the world. The primary value of this collection of essays, however, is that Dr. Johnson asks the perennial question, from our side: “what is truth?” In doing so he lays the foundations for a morality of the New Right. This book is therefore unique in the English-speaking Rightist milieu that was, for much of the post-1945 era, poorly served in comparison to its counterparts in Europe. As such, Dr. Johnson’s book will be of relevance to many beyond the North American New Right, of which he is a founding father.”

—Kerry Bolton, author of Artists of the Right

“Greg Johnson’s New Right vs. Old Right is an important compilation that describes the North American New Right and explains how ‘this thing of ours’ differs from both the Old Right and the European New Right.

“Old Right terms like ‘National Socialism’ and ‘fascism’ do not accurately describe what we believe. We reject the narrow nationalism of the Old Right in favor of pan-Europeanism, and we also reject the totalitarianism and apocalyptic visions of bloodshed and genocide that are associated, rightly or wrongly, with Old Right thought and that are promoted by modern-day Nazis.

“On the other hand, the North American New Right differs from our European New Right counterparts: we reject their emphasis on narrow nationalist particularisms, their Continental existentialism that eschews Anglo empiricism, their naïve knee-jerk anti-Americanism, and their weakness on biological race and ‘the JQ.’

“The North American New Right is a new movement, neither constrained by a reactionary idealization of the nationalist past, nor beholden to the intellectual errors of the today’s Old World nationalists.

“You may not agree with everything in this volume. But there is no rigid ‘party line.’ There’s much room for discussion, disagreement, and debate as we articulate our worldview. We are still feeling our way around in the dark that precedes the new dawn, attempting to find our way on the proper path.

“This work represents an important signpost along that path. So, agree or disagree, I am confident that the readers will find this volume useful and illuminating. I invite the reader to join us in our crusade to reshape the future.”

—Ted Sallis


Foreword by Kevin MacDonald

1. Introduction

Politics and Metapolitics

2. New Right vs. Old Right
3. Hegemony
4. Metapolitics and Occult Warfare
5. Theory and Practice
6. Reflections on Carl Schmitt’s The Concept of the Political
7. The Relevance of Philosophy to Political Change
8. The Moral Factor
9. The Psychology of Conversion

Disputed Questions

10. Our Fault?
11. The Burden of Hitler
12. Dealing with the Holocaust
13. White Nationalism & Jewish Nationalism
14. The Christian Question in White Nationalism
15. Racial Civil Religion
16. That Old-Time Liberalism
17. The Woman Question in White Nationalism
18. Notes on Populism, Elitism, & Democracy
19. The Perils of Positive Thinking
20. The Politics of Resentment
21. “Worse is Better”

Building a Movement

22. Learning from the Left
23. Explicit White Nationalism
24. Secret Agents
25. The Psychology of Apostasy
26. First, Do No Harm

Distractions and Dead Ends

27. White Nationalists and the Political “Mainstream”
28. Why Conservatives STILL Can’t Win
29. Status Competition, Jews, and Racialist Mainstreaming
30. The Laugh Test
31. Premature Populism
32. On Violence


About the Author

Greg Johnson, Ph.D., is the Editor-in-Chief of Counter-Currents Publishing Ltd. and its journal North American New Right. He is author of Confessions of a Reluctant Hater (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2010) and Trevor Lynch’s White Nationalist Guide to the Movies (San Francisco: Counter-Currents, 2012).


samedi, 08 février 2014

Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine?


Will Mobocracy Triumph in Ukraine?


Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

Despite our endless blather about democracy, we Americans seem to be able to put our devotion to democratic principles on the shelf, when they get in the way of our New World Order.

In 2012, in the presidential election in Egypt, Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood won in a landslide. President Obama hailed the outcome.

One year later, the Egyptian army ousted and arrested Morsi and gunned down a thousand members of his brotherhood. The coup was countenanced by John Kerry who explained that the Egyptian army was “restoring democracy.”

Comes now the turn of Ukraine.

In 2010, Viktor Yanukovych, in what neutral observers called a free and fair election, was chosen president. His term ends in 2015.

Yet since November, protesters have occupied Maidan Square in Kiev, battling police, and howling for Yanukovych’s resignation. The United States appears now to be collaborating with Europe in bringing about the neutering or overthrow of that democratically elected government.

Military coups, a la Cairo, and mob uprisings, at la Kiev — are these now legitimate weapons in the arsenal of democracy.

What did Yanukovych do to deserve ouster by the street? He chose Russia over Europe.

In the competition between Vladimir Putin and the European Union over whose economic association to join, Yanukovych was betrothed to the EU. But after an offer of $15 billion from Putin, and a cut in fuel prices to his country, Yanukovych jilted the EU and ran off with Russia.

Yanukovych felt he could not turn down Putin’s offer.

Western Ukraine, which favors the EU, was enraged. So out came the protesters to bring down the president. And into Kiev flew John McCain to declare our solidarity with the demonstrators.

Kerry has now joined McCain in meddling in this matter that is none of America’s business, declaring in Munich that, “Nowhere is the fight for a democratic European future more important than today in Ukraine.”

We “stand with the people of Ukraine,” said Kerry.

But which people? The Ukrainians who elected Yanukovych and still support him or the crowds in Maidan Square that want him out and will not vacate their fortified encampments until he goes?

Kerry is putting us on the side of mobs that want to bring down the president, force elections, and take power. Yet, Americans would never sit still should similar elements, with similar objectives, occupy our capital.

Reportedly, we are now colluding with the Europeans to cobble together an aid package, should Yanukovych surrender, cut the knot with Russia, and sign on with the EU.

But if Putin’s offer of $15 billion was a bribe, what else is this?

While he rules a divided nation, Yanukovych has hardly been a tyrant. As the crowds grew violent, he dismissed his government, offered the prime ministry to a leader of the opposition, repealed the laws lately passed to crack down on demonstrations, and took sick for four days.

But the street crowds, sensing he is breaking and smelling victory, are pressing ahead. There have now been several deaths among the protesters and police.

Putin is incensed, but inhibited by the need to keep a friendly face for the Sochi Olympics. Yet he makes a valid point.

How would Europeans have reacted if, in the bailout crisis, he, Putin, had flown to Athens and goaded rioters demanding that Greece default and pull out of the eurozone?

How would the EU react if Putin were to hail the United Kingdom Independence Party, which wants out of the EU, or the Scottish National Party, which wants to secede from Great Britain?

Ukraine was briefly independent at the end of World War I, and has been again since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Still the religious, ethnic, cultural and historic ties between Russia and Ukraine are centuries deep.

Eight million Ukrainians are ethnic Russians. In east Ukraine and the Crimea, the majority speak Russian and cherish these ties. Western Ukraine looks to Europe. Indeed, parts belonged to the Habsburg Empire.

Pushed too far and pressed too hard, Ukraine could disintegrate.

Security police who have questioned jailed rioters seem to believe we Americans are behind what is going on. And given the National Endowment for Democracy’s clandestine role in the color-coded revolutions of a decade ago in Central and Eastern Europe, that suspicion is not unwarranted.

Nor is Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov entirely wrong when he says, “a choice is being imposed” on Ukraine, and European politicians are fomenting protests and riots “by people who seize and hold government buildings, attack the police and use racist and anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans.”

If, as a result of street mobs paralyzing a capital, a democratically elected Ukrainian government falls, we could not only have an enraged and revanchist Russia on our hands, but a second Cold War.

And we will have set a precedent that could come to haunt Europe, as the rising and proliferating parties of the populist right, that wish to bring down the European Union, learn by our example.

jeudi, 06 février 2014

USA: A Fleeing Paradise


Gordon Duff

USA: A Fleeing Paradise

John Martin’s “Paradise Lost”

Increasingly, Americans want to leave the country, imagining there is a magical place out there with real people in it. This may come to a surprise to some, but social discourse in America is dead. Americans do not talk to each other, not neighbors, not co-workers and, most of all, not friends. Americans cannot afford “friends.”

It used to be only in the most backward areas of the south, long steeped in a culture that prided itself in ignorance and violence, in bigotry and religious extremism. Now it is everywhere.

Nobody outside the United States has a remote idea about American politics. The meltdown in Washington over Iran and Syria, over the Israeli lobbying group, AIPAC, demonstrating the ability to cripple America’s government even when their positions run directly against the politics of Jewish Americans, generally progressive mainstream liberals.

The truth is, educated Americans are either brutalized into silence, flee the country or flock to one of the few remaining centers of rational thought, Ann Arbor, Michigan for one or America’s “left coast,” cities like San Francisco or Portland, Oregon.

Otherwise, attempting to talk to an American will make you think you are back in the Dark Ages, when serfdom was the norm and the Church sold indulgences.


America has a two party political system. The media, increasingly, loves to talk about how both are the same, corrupt, hated, and inept. We can get back to the media, clearly controlled, tasked with destroying faith in institutions, crushing real debate, breeding a feeling of powerlessness and hopelessness.

They have done a good job. Most Americans think both parties are the same. This is hardly the truth.

Any rational examination of the Republican Party shows them to be unsound, largely monolithic and utterly corrupt. The only moderating factor for Republicans was their general unwillingness to completely destroy the United States. Purportedly conservative, their policies have always been feudal, totalitarian, racist and utterly corrupt.

For decades, they worked to deny rights for women and minorities, deny the dangers of smoking, allow adulterated food and medicines into the market, protect polluters and abusive employers and deny the rule of law to any but the powerful. To them water and air cannot be poisoned enough. If only I were making this up, if only it were not something openly admitted, even bragged about.

Then the “Tea Party” came in, lacking the moderation and discipline of their criminal compatriots, these “firebrand” reformers quickly crawled up to the trough, espousing nuclear attacks on Iran, defunding schools, veterans benefits and eventually crashing the government through obstruction.

Were one to actually speak to one of these individuals, one would find them to be rabidly insane, nothing less.

Where the outside world fails is in its ability to accept that people of this kind could actually gain control of a nation. Americans have always been bombarded with propaganda, taught from birth to fear or hate pretty much everyone from Native Americans to Venezuelans.

On the other side is the Democratic Party, a loose confederation of the rational and feeling combined with the historically corrupt political “machines” of America’s cities.

Underlying it all is organized crime, increasingly recognized as its own “loose confederation” no longer limited to drugs and prostitution. Today’s organized crime is led by America’s financial institutions, insurance companies, banks, brokerage houses, hedge funds and corporate giants. Do they run both parties? A real answer is no.

Why would Americans so often either vote for or even allow a political organization dedicated to their impoverishment and destruction to prevail?

That is the real question, one that puzzles so many Americans. Then again, those Americans are continually told both parties are equally bad and failing to accept that message, accept it and sit quietly while those around you profess insane and inhuman beliefs is what is required to continue living in America.

America is an insane asylum run by those who should be in the “dangerous” lock-down ward.

Where the world has failed is in recognizing that a nation can actually go insane, become rabidly dangerous, especially when that nation, bankrupt though it may be, directly controls the majority of military assets on the planet.


Those outside the United States read of American military commanders being relieved of duty. Every month or so, a story is released about how a commander of this or that nuclear weapons unit was caught having sex with the wife of an underling or was “otherwise” unsound. Last week, Secretary of Defense Hagel announced that America’s entire nuclear command was being investigated.

What he is not mentioning is mutiny, Satanic rituals, missing nuclear weapons and threats of a military coup. Back during the 1960s, such things were the subject of films, Dr. Strangelove, Seven Days in May and more. Today they are very much a reality.

You see, few outside the US would believe that dozens of high ranking officers, thousands within the officer corps, would be recruited by bizarre apocalypse cults dedicated to biblical apocalypse prophesy or Satanic worship.

You see, this is where America has gone, from those long denied roots in America’s south, religions steeped in snake handling, mysticism and coercion, no longer a part of just the south.


I live outside a decaying industrial city known for liberal politics and a century of underlying corruption. Those who know it well call it “Unholy Toledo.”

Since the late 1970s, the landscape of this region and much of America has become dotted with what we call “megachurches.” One nearby has tens of thousands of worshippers and owns shopping centers and hotels, buying up distressed property while taking advantage of the tax exempt status religions enjoy in America.

The “pastor,” a seemingly comic figure, drives an expensive luxury car, lives the life of an oligarch and, from time to time, is seen in local parks with his pants around his ankles, displaying his manhood to passersby.

Nothing in the message of these churches remotely resembles what the world knows to be Christianity. How could American Christians favor torture?

Go to an American church and look around. The “crusader wars” and drone killings are easy to understand, as is America’s ability to overlook the role it has taken on in supplying the world with cheap heroin from Afghanistan.

I have to relate another religions story about “Unholy Toledo.” This one, as American humorist Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make things like this up.”

A regular news story here involves attempts by members of our Catholic community to free Fr. Gerald Robinson from prison. He is serving life for the murder of a nun back in 1982.

Attempts were made to arrest him then but city and church officials blocked it until 2006 when police finally brought him to trial. It was called a “ritual murder.”

Much was made public during the investigation though reporting during the trial omitted what was learned. Robinson was part of a warlock coven of seven priests that subjected local children to ritual Satanic abuse for years. Dozens came forward telling of being locked in coffins with snakes squirming over them.

They also told of how they were not believed, not even by their own parents but this is an old story now, as only recently 50,000 priests have been defrocked for crimes that may well be similar or worse. We will never be told the truth.

Robinson’s murder of the nun, Sister Margaret Ann Pohl, was done as part of a Black Mass, Robinson garbed in red robes, the chapel he used adorned with an inverted cross and black candles. The sister was stabbed 13 times in the pattern of an inverted cross and her habit pulled over her head exposing her pubic area.

She was 80 years old.

Last June, Veterans Today reported that a group of powerful bankers planned to sacrifice a child on the summer solstice in Denver, Colorado.

Some reeled in shock and outrage that we would name the place and time and even key individuals involved.

After all, such things do not happen.

Then again, from an article by Glenn Canady at BeforeItsNews:

“Thursday June 6, 2013 I first reported on my Original Article here on Veterans Today titled “Amber Alert: Illuminati Council of 13 Human Sacrifice Denver Colorado” Warning kidnapping of new born infant between June 17-20, 2013, Bush Satanic Rituals and Human Sacrifices.

On Monday June 17, 2013 Sammie Lamont Wallace, 37, walked into the Walmart  in Midwest City, Oklahoma and snatched a 2-year-old girl from her mother’s shopping cart and took her hostage. Religious writings found later in Wallace’s apartment referenced Illuminati Satanic Occult June 21. Midwest City Police say the group Illuminati is a Satanic Occult and June 21 is the Occults day for Human Sacrifices. While negotiating with Wallace Police say Wallace was taking the 2 year old for the Illuminati Sacrifice Police shot and killed Wallace.

Suspect Mentioned Satanic Cult While Holding Toddler Hostage At MWC Walmart:”


Whatever the economic problems America has and ignoring the millions of Americans, really over 100 million Americans who live in relative poverty, perhaps not by the standards of a refugee camp in Lebanon or a slum in Bangladesh, but poverty just the same, still, it is the dream of so many to leave.

When Americans get together on holidays, people that were once friends, family or neighbors, it is not just “religion” and “politics” that cannot be discussed. In reality, Americans talk about little else, assuming those around them think like they do. It is almost funny hearing Americans complain about government spying. A decade ago, Americans demanded the government take all rights. Any American can be arrested any time, held forever, assets seized, with no legal redress. This has been the case since 2005.

Spying is nothing in comparison. American police in every community are now an occupying force, militarily armed; all with armored vehicles, many with tanks and drones, all trained to shoot first, shoot often and lie about the reasons.

Intrinsically, ever American institution is corrupt, bribery and fraud, law enforcement, judicial up to the Supreme Court, every county commission, every city council, every state legislature and, of course, Washington itself, all with bar codes and price tags, for sale to the highest bidder with few exceptions.

There are exceptions. Who are they?

Look at whom the press attacks.

What is my message? If you believe Americans are sane and rational, you have not met many. If you believe America is a nation of reason, a nation of laws, you have not been paying attention.

Yet, for every word President Obama says, often eloquent, reflecting reason and morality, each word draws a backlash at home of virulent hatred. If none of it makes sense, then you are beginning to understand.

There is a darkness growing in America, one we who live here feel, oppressive, overwhelming and unclean.

It is very real.

Gordon Duff is a Marine combat veteran of the Vietnam War that has worked on veterans and POW issues for decades and consulted with governments challenged by security issues. He’s a senior editor and chairman of the board of Veterans Today, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.







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lundi, 03 février 2014

A. Chauprade: sur l'Ukraine

Ayméric Chauprade:

L'Ukraine, nouvelle étape dans la stratégie de domination américaine

par realpolitiktv

Snowden va-t-il faire exploser Washington?


Snowden va-t-il faire exploser Washington?

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

D’abord, ceci est comme un symbole ... Après la publication du “conseil de surveillance des libertés civiles” (PCLOB, voir le 23 janvier 2014), la “réponse” du président Obama qui dirige le gouvernement dont le PCLOB fait institutionnellement partie a été aussi brève et abrupte que piteuse, – paradoxe de la situation que ce contraste entre l’aspect tranchant de la réponse et le caractère “piteux” qu’on est nécessairement conduit à lui attribuer, – comme si Obama n’avait plus d’argument à proposer que celui de tenir sa position de refus dictée part le Système. Selon les mots de son porte-parole, BHO est “[tout] simplement en désaccord”, montrant par là, “simplement”, qu’il ne peut pas ne pas prendre position sur un tel acte politique émanant de ses propres rangs, que cette position ne peut être que négative, et qu’il n’a nul autre argument que de dire nyet, sans aucune tactique, sans aucune capacité d’autorité, simplement parce qu’il est coincé... Selon Antiwar.com le 23 janvier 2014 :

«President Obama has tried his darnedest to ignore such reports in the past, even when they came from review panels he appointed. There’s no ignoring this one, however. The White House responded to a 238 page report filled with legal and constitutional arguments about the crimes of bulk surveillance with a statement saying President Obama “simply disagrees.”»

• Ceci, par contre, est plus qu’un symbole, tout en l'étant en partie. Lors d’une émission sur la chaîne TV MSNBC, bastion du “libéralisme” démocrate absolument pro-BHO, le ministre US de la justice Eric Holder a parlé en termes patelins et amicaux de la possibilité d’un accord d’une pseudo-amnistie, ou de semi-amnistie d’Edward Snowden, pour lui permettre de rentrer aux USA. Le langage est ouvert et presque aimable pour Snowden, la perspective est évidemment très confuse avec toutes les chausse-trappes cousues de fil blanc qu’on peut imaginer ; la conclusion, elle, est que cette intervention reflète plus la panique qui caractérise aujourd’hui la direction politique US dans cette crise Snowden/NSA qu’une intention maîtrisée et constructive de parvenir à une situation spécifique du whistleblower Snowden plus juste et plus conforme au climat général, tout en tentant de limiter ce qu’il reste de dégâts à attendre encore de cette affaire. Même si des rumeurs continuent à suggérer que telle ou telle équipe d’une quelconque CIA ou apparentés chercherait à exécuter sommairement Snowden, – le Système est assez considérablement stupide pour nourrir de tels projets, – le climat général est, lui, considérablement favorable à Snowden. Le Guardian, notamment, rapporte la tentative de Holder, ce 23 janvier 2014, presque avec des trémolos d’espérance réconciliatrice dans la plume. (L’approche générale de l’article montre combien la tendance libérale-progressiste, mais toujours tendance-Système éventuellement interventionniste qui caractérise le quotidien, apprécierait que saint-BHO se montrât magnanime et conforme aux idéaux de ce courant d’idées.)

«The attorney general, Eric Holder, has indicated that the US could allow the national security whistleblower Edward Snowden to return from Russia under negotiated terms, saying he was prepared to “engage in conversation” with him. Holder said in an MSNBC interview that full clemency would be “going too far”, but his comments suggest that US authorities are prepared to discuss a possible plea bargain with Snowden, who is living in exile in Russia...»

Le même jour, ou quasiment, Snowden “répondait” à Holder. S’il répétait le principe (un peu trop mis en exergue, sans les réserves, par le Guardian) selon lequel l’issue préférable pour lui serait de rentrer aux USA, c’était pour aussitôt répéter (il a déjà dit tout cela) que les conditions actuelles de la justice aux USA, et du comportement du gouvernement, ou disons de l’État de Sécurité Nationale (National Security State, ou NSS), rendaient cette perspective improbable, sinon impossible. Cette “réponse” de Snowden se faisait au cours de la deuxième conférence de presse qu’il a donnée à Moscou, qui est notamment rapportée par Russia Today le 24 janvier 2014 :

«Returning to the US, I think, is the best resolution for the government, the public, and myself, but it’s unfortunately not possible in the face of current whistleblower protection laws, which through a failure in law did not cover national security contractors like myself. The hundred-year old law under which I’ve been charged, which was never intended to be used against people working in the public interest, and forbids a public interest defense. This is especially frustrating, because it means there’s no chance to have a fair trial, and no way I can come home and make my case to a jury. Maybe when Congress comes together to end the programs the PCLOB just announced was illegal, they’ll reform the Whistleblower Protection Act, and we’ll see a mechanism for all Americans, no matter who they work for, to get a fair trial.»

• A ce point, il importe d’en venir à l’observation essentielle caractérisant la situation générale de Washington, – après avoir bien fixé dans l’esprit que tout ce qui précède est absolument le signe de la panique et du désespoir du pouvoir washingtonien devant l’extension et l’incontrôlabilité de la crise Snowden/NSA. Cette observation est parfaitement comprise et exposée par Justin Raimondo, de Antiwar.com, le 24 janvier 2014. Il importe de comprendre ici que Raimondo n’est plus une voix “marginale”, dont le propos intéressant devait être tout de même jugé selon l’éclairage de la polémique... (On ne s’adresse pas ici aux experts politologues et autres robots-Système chargés de répercuter la narrative sur la situation politique US qui permette aux dirigeants européens de continuer à dormir sur leurs lauriers.) Il importe de comprendre que Raimondo parle désormais comme un des commentateurs éminents, influents et combattifs de la tendance libertarienne, hier marginale à Washington, aujourd’hui en pleine expansion d’influence, à l’image de Snowden, lui-même libertarien.

Ce n’est pas qu’il soit devenu pontifiant, qu’il ait changé enfin, mais la situation générale à Washington a subi un tel “changement tectonique” depuis le 6 juin 2013 (date de la première publication-Snowden) que la parole de Raimondo a désormais ce poids politique. Et ce qu’il nous dit, justement, est que la situation washingtonienne a tellement changé en six mois qu’on se trouve au bord de bouleversements fondamentaux, essentiellement pour ce qui concerne le parti démocrate ici, apparentant les remous à Washington à ceux de l’époque du Vietnam à partir de 1967-1968. (Mais certes, avec à l’esprit, pour notre compte, que tout cela se passe dans un environnement général de “crise d’effondrement du Système” infiniment plus tragique et déstabilisant.)

«We haven’t seen anything like this since the Vietnam war era: an administration caught red-handed illegally and systematically spying on Americans in the midst of an increasingly unpopular war. At that time, too, the political class was badly divided, with the hard-liners circling their wagons against the rising tide of popular outrage and the dissenters auguring a new and not-so-Silent Majority.

»While the Vietnam conflict dragged on for years without much protest aside from a marginal group of extreme leftists, as more troops were sent and the conflict expanded in scope the massive demonstrations against the war began to shake the heretofore solid unity of center-left liberals who constituted the electoral base of the Democratic party. The cold war liberalism of the Arthur Schlesingers and the George Meanys was the main intellectual and political bulwark of the war’s defenders, but that fortress was stormed and taken by the “new politics” crowd, who took over from the defeated supporters of Hubert Humphrey and LBJ’s old gang and handed the party’s nomination to George McGovern.

»With the news that the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (PCLOB) has handed in a report declaring the National Security Agency’s meta-data dragnet flat out illegal it is clear that Edward Snowden’s revelations have badly split a political class that was once pretty much united in its fulsome support for the national security status quo. This comes on the heels of a new poll that shows the majority of Americans oppose the NSA’s data dragnet – with an even larger majority contending that the main danger to their welfare is their own government.»

On observera une chose : dans toutes ces nouvelles, si la NSA semble être la question en toile de fond, on voit passer Snowden et son effet politique au premier plan et la NSA devenir effectivement toile de fond en perdant peu à peu le contrôle qu’elle exerçait sur la substance de la crise, en la cantonnant aux seules questions techniques avec leurs conséquences au niveau civique... Snowden prend plus d’importance que la NSA à cause de sa fonction de production d’un “effet” sensationnel (“The Snowden Effect and the Liberal Implosion», titre notre ami Justin). Ce glissement sémantique n’est pas indifférent et constitue le symbole même de la politisation ultime produit par la crise Snowden/NSA. La question ne concerne plus toute la problématique autour de la NSA, déjà certes considérable mais tout de même limitée à son domaine, mais le domaine de la politique washingtonienne ultime dans laquelle la NSA est incluse mais pas seulement, puisque désormais la question du National Security State aux USA, et donc la question de la substance même du Système et de la structuration du système de l’américanisme, sont posées à Washington, D.C. Comme Raimondo l’affirme presque péremptoirement, lui qui s’est montré assez prudent et mesuré dans ses commentaires sur l’importance de la crise jusqu’ici, c’est le terrible cas de la division, de la rupture au sein de la classe politique jusqu’alors constituée en “parti unique”, qui apparaît... «At that time, too, the political class was badly divided... Snowden’s revelations have badly split a political class that was once pretty much united in its fulsome support for the national security status quo.»

Du coup, l’argument de Raimondo n’est plus  : va-t-il y avoir bouleversement de la classe politique, va-t-il y avoir un “Snowden Effect” ? ... Mais plutôt : tout cela étant fait, il s’agit de s’organiser, nous libertariens, pour ne pas voir notre formidable avancée politique confisquée par un courant populiste démocrate en train de prendre forme à une très grande vitesse. Ce que constate Raimondo, c’est que la rupture déjà acquise au sein du GOP (républicains), entre mandarins à la dérive (d’un Boehner à l’inénarrable paire McCain-Graham), et “révolutionnaires-libertariens” (depuis le Père Fondateur Ron Paul jusqu’au bulldozer Amash, l’autre Justin, le “Syrien du Congrès”), cette rupture est en train de se faire à grande vitesse du côté démocrate. Le sémillant BHO-saint représente l’aile des “mandarins”, les LBJ-Humphrey de notre époque, tandis que se dégage une aile marchante “révolutionnaire-progressiste”, qui pourrait trouver son totem dans la très solide Elisabeth Warren. (Les démocrates “populistes”, ou néo-populistes, s’“européanisent” du point de vue dialectique, paraît-il, en écartant, selon Justin, le liberal anglo-saxon pour un “progressive” nettement plus politique et “révolutionnaire” : «Liberalism isn’t what it used to be: liberals don’t even call themselves liberals anymore. Today they’re “progressives”...».) Tout cela nous fait penser que le malheureux BHO-ex-saint n’a pas tort de laisser comprendre à ses hagiographes qu’il n’espère plus rien des trois années à venir, car le premier à être balayé par la tempête qui monte, ce sera lui, la baudruche pleine de vent, impuissant à exploiter l’effet qu’il avait créé lors de sa campagne de 2008 et dont le seul acte “révolutionnaire” resterait alors d’avoir été le premier président à la peau café-au-lait, – belle vertu, en vérité, alors qu’à côté on ne fait pas plus serviteur-Système, ou bien dira-t-on avec une ironie macabre et désolée esclave-Système, que ce président-là... (Le seul bien qu’on souhaite à la communauté Africaine-Américaine des USA, c’est de s’apercevoir le plus vite possible de quelle façon elle a été bernée par l’élection à la présidence de ce sénateur black devenu le plus efficace des kapos de leur communauté. Pas étonnant que BHO soit un admirateur du Lincoln-à-la-sauce-Spielberg...)

C’est peu dire que la crise Snowden/NSA est devenue “crise haute”, en entrant dans sa troisième période (voir le 19 décembre 2013). Elle est en train de devenir une crise nationale du système de l’américanisme, une sorte de reprise de la crise des années-Vietnam, en infiniment plus grave dans ses effets potentiels, tant le monde de 2013-2014 n’a plus rien à voir avec le monde de 1968-1972, tant il semble s’être écoulé durant ces quarante années comme l’espace de plusieurs siècles de turbulence jusqu’à l’extrémité du temps historique, avec la contraction du temps et l’accélération de l’Histoire, avec le passage de la surpuissance à l’autodestruction.

dimanche, 02 février 2014

Les Etats-Unis persistent et signent...



"Nous continuerons à espionner"

Chems Eddine Chitour*
Ex: http://metamag.fr

Le dernier discours d'Obama a fait l'objet d'une analyse par de nombreux pays et médias. Si les pays occidentaux amis peuvent être «rassurés qu'ils ne seront plus espionnés,» ils ne peuvent faire autrement que d'y croire. Les autres, tous les autres savent à quoi s'en tenir. Ils continueront à être espionnés sans d'ailleurs savoir qu'ils sont espionnés. En fait, l'espionnage américain est sélectif. S'agissant des nations développées technologiquement, cela sera surtout un espionnage économique et technologique. En dehors des pays industrialisés occidentaux à qui Obama promet la paix, il reste les pays émergents au premier rang desquels la Chine qui est particulièrement surveillée à la fois sur le plan économique mais aussi sur le plan militaire. Tout est bon pour la déstabiliser... en vain.

Les révélations de Snowden 

Tout est parti des révélations d'un transfuge de la CIA. «Edward Snowden, à l'origine des fuites sur le programme de surveillance américain Prism, a dérobé environ 1,7 millions de documents secrets relatifs aux opérations de renseignement menées par les forces armées états-uniennes, rapporte l'agence Associated Press se référant au Pentagone. La plupart des documents dérobés par le lanceur d'alerte contiennent des informations sur les opérations courantes de l'armée de Terre, de l'US Air Force et de l'US Navy, est-il indiqué dans un rapport secret du département militaire américain. (...) Début juin [2013], Edward Snowden, informaticien a révélé à deux quotidiens, le Guardian et le Washington Post, l'existence d'un programme informatique secret baptisé PRISM. Ce programme permet à la NSA et au FBI d'accéder à des données concernant des personnes vivant hors États-Unis via neuf géants de l'Internet, dont AOL, Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, PalTalk, Skype, Yahoo! et YouTube et Verizon. 

Ce fut un tollé en Occident! Les Etats-Unis n'ont-ils pas confiance dans leurs alliés les plus proches ? Les Européens s'en remettent au bon coeur des Américains, pensant naïvement qu'ils avaient un statut privilégié. Ils s'aperçoivent qu'en face de l'Empire, c'est encore et toujours des vassaux 

Les rodomontades de l'Europe en face de la détermination américaine 

Sacrifiant à un rituel qui tient plus de l'amour-propre blessé que d'une réelle opposition à laquelle eux-mêmes n'y croient pas, les Européens décident de «réagir». Nous lisons: «La commission du Parlement européen chargée d'enquêter sur les programmes de surveillance de la NSA en Europe a réagi assez négativement au discours du président Obama sur la réforme des activités des services de renseignements américains, vendredi 17 janvier. L'un de ses rapporteurs, le travailliste britannique, Claude Moraes, a réaffirmé les exigences européennes: «Les autorités américaines doivent mettre fin au système actuel de discrimination, dans lequel les citoyens européens ont moins de droits que les citoyens américains en matière de protection de la vie privée, y compris devant les tribunaux américains. Nous aurions préféré entendre un message plus rassurant sur ces questions.» 

«Selon lui, le discours du président Obama est d'autant plus décevant que l'Union européenne négocie depuis des mois avec les Etats-Unis sur ces points précis - notamment le droit pour un citoyen européen de porter plainte devant un tribunal américain pour violation de sa vie privée. (...) Par ailleurs, le 9 janvier, la commission avait décidé, par 36 voix contre 2, de solliciter le témoignage d'Edward Snowden, (...) L'audition se ferait par liaison vidéo entre Bruxelles et la Russie - en différé, pour des raisons de sécurité.»  

Nous sommes à peu près sûrs que cela ne se passera pas, et que cette menace est de fait un coup d'épée dans l'eau. On ne menace pas l'Empire, on demande humblement d'être adoubé par lui, quand bien même il est sur le déclin, sa capacité opérationnelle est intacte «En attendant, poursuit le journaliste, la commission d'enquête a publié un rapport préliminaire préconisant la suspension de plusieurs accords d'échange de données personnelles entre l'Europe et les Etats-Unis, le développement d'un «cloud» européen souverain, de nouvelles lois assurant une meilleure protection des lanceurs d'alerte, et la promotion de l'usage du cryptage et des logiciels libres. Le rapport final devrait être adopté fin janvier, puis soumis au vote de l'assemblée plénière à la fin du mois de février.»  

On le voit, l'Europe est en plein combat d'arrière-garde, elle menace sans trop grande conviction donnant le temps à Obama de leur donner une réponse un peu crédible. Obama prévient que la NSA va continuer à espionner les étrangers 

Les Etats-Unis persistent et signent: «C'est notre devoir d'espionner tout le monde.» 

Après avoir annoncé une réforme limitée des opérations de surveillance américaines, le président Barack Obama a enfoncé le clou, samedi 18 janvier, dans une interview à la télévision publique allemande ZDF. «Nos agences de renseignement, comme les agences allemandes et toutes les autres, vont continuer à s'intéresser aux intentions des gouvernements de par le monde, cela ne va pas changer.» Il a toutefois assuré que la chancelière Angela Merkel n'avait «pas à s'inquiéter» de cette surveillance, alors qu'un de ses téléphones portables aurait été écouté par l'agence de renseignement NSA, ce qui a fait scandale en Allemagne. Et il a insisté sur «la relation d'amitié et de confiance» qui lie selon lui les deux pays.»

«Mais loin de lui l'idée de renoncer à des pratiques dont la révélation l'an dernier par l'ancien consultant de la NSA Edward Snowden a profondément entaché la relation transatlantique. La collecte de données par le renseignement américain, est «au service de nos objectifs diplomatiques et politiques», a expliqué le président. «Et ce n'est pas la peine d'avoir un service de renseignement s'il se limite à [collecter] ce qu'on peut lire dans le New York Times ou dans Der Spiegel. La vérité c'est que par définition le travail du renseignement est de découvrir: que pensent les gens? Que font-ils?» 

Les Etats-Unis promettent la fin des écoutes des dirigeants alliés 

Dans son discours, le président américain Barack Obama a détaillé, vendredi 17 janvier, les premières modifications qu'il entend apporter à certaines des activités de surveillance controversées de l'Agence nationale de sécurité (NSA) américaine, sept mois après le début des révélations contenues dans les documents d'Edward Snowden. La quasi-intégralité de la liberté d'action de la NSA en matière de surveillance est préservée, seule une petite partie des 46 propositions remises en décembre par un comité d'experts ayant été avalisées. M.Obama a annoncé qu'il allait demander à la communauté du renseignement d'arrêter d'espionner les dirigeants de pays alliés, «à moins que notre sécurité nationale soit en jeu». «Les dirigeants étrangers alliés doivent être sûrs qu'ils peuvent nous faire confiance» a-t-il expliqué, ajoutant que les citoyens du monde entier devaient savoir que la NSA ne les surveillait pas sauf s'ils «menacent la sécurité nationale». 

«Une annonce à laquelle s'est empressée de réagir Viviane Reding, vice-présidente de la Commission européenne: «La Commission européenne a demandé en novembre de mettre en oeuvre des actions pour restaurer la confiance. Les déclarations du président Obama sont un pas dans la bonne direction. Je suis encouragée par le fait que les citoyens non américains vont pouvoir bénéficier de protection contre l'espionnage, mais j'attends de voir ces engagements se concrétiser avec des lois.»

Le principal changement concerne le programme de collecte de métadonnées téléphoniques (qui appelle qui, où et quand), la première révélation et celle qui a le plus frappé outre-Atlantique. M.Obama a reconnu que sans «garde-fous suffisants, les risques pour la vie privée étaient réels» et que ce programme n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'un «véritable débat public». Mais, désormais, la NSA devra obtenir une autorisation de la justice à chaque fois qu'elle voudra acquérir ces métadonnées. Actuellement, une seule et unique ordonnance secrète de la justice autorise une collecte massive de ces données.»  

D'autres changements concernent la publication de décisions de justice secrètes importantes, une évaluation annuelle des pratiques d'interceptions électroniques, ainsi que la création d'un poste de diplomate spécialisé dans les questions de renseignement. «Le monde attend de nous que le numérique soit synonyme de progrès, pas de contrôle gouvernemental. Le monde est exigeant envers les Etats-Unis. Grâce à la force de notre démocratie, nous ne devons pas avoir peur de ces attentes», a conclu M.Obama à l'issue d'un discours sans surprise ni véritable changement en profondeur des pratiques de la NSA. Ces changements ne concernent en effet qu'une partie minime des programmes de la NSA. Outre le programme Prism, qui permet d'aller piocher dans les serveurs de certains géants du Web, Barack Obama n'a rien dit par exemple du programme Bullrun, qui vise à affaiblir les technologies de chiffrement grand public utilisé par des centaines de millions d'internautes au quotidien.»

Les prouesses de la NSA 

La NSA intercepte 200 millions de SMS quotidiennement. Non contente d'espionner d'une façon traditionnelle, la NSA innove. On rapporte que l'Agence de sécurité nationale américaine (NSA) intercepte quotidiennement jusqu'à 200 millions de textos par jour dans le monde, écrit le quotidien britannique Guardian, se référant aux documents fournis par l'ex-agent de la CIA Edward Snowden. En avril 2011, les services spéciaux américains interceptaient quelque 194 millions de textos par jour. Le programme spécial qui a pour nom de code «Dishfire» leur permettait d'obtenir des informations sur la localisation de l'expéditeur, ainsi que sur ses contacts et ses transactions financières, ajoute le Guardian. «Les SMS: une mine d'or à exploiter», révélant que le programme a permis de collecter en moyenne 194 millions de textos par jour en avril cette année-là. (...) «La NSA travaille à expurger les données superflues (concernant les citoyens américains, Ndlr), ainsi que celles des innocents citoyens étrangers aussi tôt que possible dans le processus» de collecte, s'est défendue l'agence américaine dans un communiqué».  

Par ailleurs, selon un document fourni par Edward Snowden, l'agence de renseignement a piraté un réseau Internet français pour accéder aux données du câble. L'Agence de sécurité américaine, la NSA, a réussi à pirater en février 2013 le réseau informatique d'un groupe de sociétés qui gère un gros câble informatique reliant la France, l'Afrique et l'Asie, apprend-on lundi 30 décembre 2013. 

De plus, l'agence de renseignements américaine a pu installer un logiciel espion sur près de 100.000 ordinateurs à travers le monde, créant ainsi un réseau utilisable pour des opérations de piratage. Dans la plupart des cas, le programme en question a été introduit via des réseaux informatiques, mais la NSA a également eu recours à une technique secrète qui permet d'accéder aux machines non-connectées, rapportait  le New York Times, citant des membres de l'administration, des experts en informatique et des documents divulgués par Edward Snowden. Exploitée depuis 2008 au moins, cette technique fonctionnerait à l'aide de fréquences radiophoniques émises par des circuits imprimés ou des cartes USB insérées secrètement dans les machines cibles. Parmi les cibles principales de ce programme baptisé Quantum, figurent certaines unités de l'armée chinoise, que Washington accuse de cyber espionnage, toujours selon le New York Times. Des programmes mouchards auraient également été implantés dans des réseaux de l'armée russe, de la police mexicaine et des cartels de narcotrafiquants, des institutions européennes chargées des échanges commerciaux ou d'alliés tels que l'Arabie Saoudite, l'Inde et le Pakistan. 

Enfin, pour le futur, l'Agence nationale de sécurité américaine (NSA) cherche à créer un ordinateur quantique à même de décrypter presque n'importe quel code de sécurité, selon le Washington Post qui cite des documents divulgués par l'ancien consultant Edward Snowden. (...) En 2009, des informaticiens avaient certes réussi à découvrir les clés de cryptage d'un chiffre de 768 bits en utilisant des ordinateurs classiques. Mais il leur a fallu presque deux ans et des centaines de machines pour y parvenir, rappelle le Washington Post. Selon les experts, il est encore bien trop tôt pour dire quand un ordinateur quantique opérationnel pourra voir le jour et beaucoup doutent que la NSA soit sur le point de réussir toute seule dans son coin.» (Nouvel Observateur 15 janvier 2014)

Et maintenant ? 

Le processus d'espionnage des «faibles» va reprendre dans l'ombre. Aux Etats-Unis, même avec le nouveau cadrage qui gère plus la forme que le fond, les rapports vont se construire sous la pression de l'opinion publique pour préserver avant tout et exclusivement la vie «privée» des citoyens américains. Si aux Etats-Unis avec les lois de plus en plus contraignantes Big Brother arrivera à savoir tout sur vous. Last but not least pour tous les autres, c'est la «liberté du renard dans le poulailler». les Européens protestent, les pays émergents tentent de trouver la parade, les autres, tous les autres ne savent même pas qu'ils sont espionnés. Personne ne croit à cette réforme cosmétique de la NSA qui est un état dans l'état. Julian Assange, leader de WikiLeaks, a dénoncé la vacuité du discours d'Obama. En gros Barack dit: «C'est notre intérêt de vous espionner donc on continuera au nom des Droits de l'Empire sur les vassaux et sur les esclaves. Exit les Droits de l'homme». De plus et comme le disait Jacques Chirac, "les promesses n'engagent que ceux qui y croient". Les Européens peuvent-ils faire autrement ? La question reste posée.

*Ecole Polytechnique enp-edu.dz

vendredi, 31 janvier 2014

Maidan is U.S. anti-Russian front

Maidan is U.S. anti-Russian front

Maidan is U.S. anti-Russian front

Ex: http://en.fbii.org

Washington's attention is now focused on the events in Ukraine. For more than a month Ukrainian citizens have rallied at Independence Square in Kiev to protest President Victor Yanukovich’s delay to sign an economic agreement with the EU. However, the U.S. has long prepared for such an eventuality, providing Ukrainian opposition with funds. Let’s try to understand, why Washington needs Maidan.

U.S. Assistance Secretary of State Victoria Nuland has been spotted in Kiev’s main opposition site in Independence Square, where she was handing out buns and cookies to Ukrainian protesters. U.S. Senator John McCain met Ukrainian opposition leaders in Kiev and voiced support for protesters camped out for weeks in the capital, a move sure to anger Moscow for what it sees as Western meddling in its backyard. McCain met opposition leaders - the ex-boxing champion Vitaly Klitchko, former economy minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and far right nationalist Oleh Tyahnybog - who are calling for Yanukovich's government to resign and for early elections. Ambassador Jeffrey Wright says something about the unbreakable friendship between peoples and newcomers of State Department officials are eyeing magnets with Maidan symbols...

Indeed, why should the West come to the rescue of Ukraine? The only thing they care about in the Western capitals is the prevention of   further rapprochement between Ukraine and Russia. The paradigm offered by Zbigniew Brzezinski is popular among Western decision makers. In the Grand Chessboard: American Primacy And Its Geostrategic Imperatives written in 1997 he wrote that without Ukraine Russia ceases to be empire, while with Ukraine - bought off first and subdued afterwards, it automatically turns into empire… According to him, the new world order under the hegemony of the United States is created against Russia and on the fragments of Russia. Ukraine is the Western outpost to prevent the recreation of the Soviet Union. The main goal of Ukraine’s association with the European Union is not improving the common people’s well-being but rather pursuing the geopolitical mission of weakening Russia. No wonder that Mr. Brzezinski and the State Department’s members were invited to the U.S. Senate, where a few days ago parliamentary hearings on the Ukrainian events were hold. The Senate Foreign Relations Committee was a mover of these hearings.

Assistant Secretary Victoria Nuland’s and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Tom Melia’s testimonies contained the usual cliches, “First let me express our gratitude to this committee and to the U.S. Senate for your leadership on Ukraine, and for the superb working relationship between the executive and legislative branches of government on this issue,” “I also want to thank and commend Senators McCain and Murphy for bringing that bipartisan support directly to the people of Ukraine on a key weekend in December, and engaging with President Yanukovych, his government, the opposition, the business community and civil society in support of a peaceful, democratic way out of the crisis” etc.

Taken together, the testimony of Nuland and Melia seem to rest on a number of questionable assumptions:

- Clear and identifiable U.S. national interests are at stake in the debate currently being played out in Maidan Square.

- Without U.S. financial and moral support the opposition to the Yanukovych regime is unlikely to succeed.

- Russia, by offering the Ukrainian government a more attractive bailout package than that proposed by the European Union (EU) and IMF, was acting in bad faith.

- The protesters in Maidan speak for all Ukrainian people, the vast majority of whom desire to be integrated into the EU.

- The outcome of the current crisis will have a definite effect on Russia’s future development; if Ukraine chooses a European future, so too (someday) will Russia.

The Q&A portion of the hearing left little doubt that these assumptions are shared by committee chairman Robert Menendez, ranking member Sen. Bob Corker, and not surprisingly, Sens. Chris Murphy and John McCain, fresh off their recent trip to Kiev.

The less said about McCain’s questions, the better. After asserting that Ukraine “is a country that wants to be European, not Russian” and that the Ukrainian people “cry out for our assistance,” he went on, in a bizarre aside, to mention not once, but twice, that Russia was “embargoing” supplies of chocolate to Ukraine. It was that chocolate embargo that really seemed to stoke his outrage.

For their part, Menendez and Corker stayed more on point. Menendez threatened sanctions against the Yanukovych regime and was incredulous as to why the administration hadn’t already filed a complaint against Russia in the WTO. Corker’s first order of business was to scold the State Department for not adding names to the Magnitsky list, which, he said, it was supposed to do “under law.” Yet he made clear that he concurred with the witnesses’ views that “Ukraine is an incredibly important country” and the outcome of the current crisis “could be the thing that shapes policy inside Russia itself.”

At no point was there any evidence, either in the senators’ questions or in the respondents’ answers, that any thought had been given to whether it was at all appropriate for the U.S. government to get ever more deeply involved in the political life of a sovereign state halfway around the globe. No doubts were expressed over whether the choices that a democratically elected government makes with regard to its trading partners, elections, and security are the proper objects of American scrutiny. As Princeton emeritus professor Stephen F. Cohen has trenchantly noted, “It is not democratic to overthrow a democratically elected government. It’s the opposite of that.”

Nor was there any recognition that Ukraine is deeply and almost evenly divided between Ukraine’s westernizers in the urban centers such as Kiev and Lviv, and the Russophiles in the South and East, never mind the fact that Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus all have common roots which trace back to the Kievan Rus in the 9th century, The American Conservative says.

Melia went furthest (Nuland, a former State Department spokesperson, was marginally more nuanced), stating that the committee’s attention to Ukraine was warranted not only because it lay “at the center of Europe” but because it was also a “valued” and “important” partner to the United States. If those assertions didn’t raise eyebrows, then the dollar figures he cited certainly should have.

According to Melia, since the dissolution of the USSR in December 1991, the U.S. has spent - the term of art Melia used was “invested” - over $5 billion on assistance to Ukraine, $815 million of which went towards funding democracy and exchange programs. Further, since 2009 the Obama administration has funneled $184 million to programs ostensibly aimed at supporting civil society, human rights, good governance, and the rule of law in Ukraine.

It is logical to assume that the Euromaidan today spends the same money. A huge stage with lighting and acoustics, militants’ equipment, hot meals, thousands of beds, heating, medical equipment, high-speed internet, warm clothing, the buses that take militants to crush administrations of other regions... Obviously, even one day of actions at Maidan costs hundreds of thousands of dollars.

In support of this version, with reference to the Ukrainian security services, detailed scheme of Maidan funding is posted on the Internet: “Every leader of resistance team was promised a cash reward. $200 per day for each active fighter, and an additional $500, if the group is over 10 people, have been promised. Coordinators have been to pay minimum $2,000 per day of riots provided the controlled group performs direct offensive actions targeted at law enforcement officials and representatives of the public authorities. The U.S. Embassy in Kiev received cash. Active fighters and leaders were transferred payments to their personal accounts.” The information about the management of militants along with their bank accounts is also posted on the Internet.

Fmr. 16-year Member of U.S. Congress, two-time U.S. Presidential Candidate Dennis J. Kucinich reveals the far-reaching U.S. plans: “While the draft of the EU “Association Agreement” is being sold as an economic boon for Ukrainian citizens, in reality it appears to be NATO's Trojan Horse: a massive expansion of NATO's military position in the region. What's more, the Agreement occurs under the cover of nebulous economic promises for a beset population hungering for better wages.

In a country where the average monthly minimum wage stands at about $150 USD, it's not hard to understand why Ukrainians are in the streets. They do not want to be in Russia's orbit, nor do they want to be pawns of NATO.

But is the plight of Ukrainians being exploited to usher in a new military agreement under the guise of economic reform?

For NATO, the goal is expansion. The prize is access to a country that shares a 1,426-mile border with Russia. The geopolitical map would be dramatically reshaped by the Agreement, with Ukraine serving as the new front for Western missile defense at the doorstep of Russia. Should the U.S. nuclear deal with Iran fall apart, Ukraine could be employed in larger regional disputes, too.

When military spending goes up, domestic spending goes down. The winners are unlikely to be the people of Ukraine, but instead the "people" of Lockheed-Martin, Northrop Grumman, Boeing and other defense interests. The Ukrainians didn't go to Independence Square to rally for NATO. Yet NATO's benefit is clear. Less clear is whether Ukrainians will receive key economic benefits they seek.”

“The Ukrainian government made the correct decision to stay out of the EU.  Ukraine’s economic interests lie with Russia, not with the EU. This is completely obvious,” an American economist and a columnist for Creators Syndicate Paul Craig Roberts says. “The EU wants Ukraine to join so that Ukraine can be looted, like Latvia, Greece, Spain, Italy, Ireland, and Portugal. The U.S. wants Ukraine to join so it can become a location for more of Washington’s missile bases against Russia.”

“If we know fully the story of what happened, we probably came – we the United States, because that was kind of a proxy war – as close to war with Russia as we had since the Cuban missile crisis,” Stephen F. Cohen, a professor emeritus at New York University and Princteon University, states.

How long Washington will hide their involvement in the riots in Kiev? What could be the next steps of the U.S.?

The fear of U.S. troops moving into Ukraine national territory could result in another war like situation where another blood battle for control could ensue. The fear of such a step by the United States government has been sparked by the statement by John Kerry earlier in Davos, Switzerland.

Kerry had clarified that the myth of U.S. having a change in its foreign policy should be debunked. He added that America is not standing down from its policy on engaging itself in areas where there is violence and escalated human rights violations. Kerry was straight forward in his response when he said that absence of excessive troop movements or lack of threatening responses does not indicate a disengaging attitude from U.S.

The United States is considering a range of options to respond to Ukraine's crackdown on opposition protests, including possible sanctions, the State Department said. Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel also warned Kiev against using military force on demonstrators “in any fashion,” and urged restraint in December.

Several petitions, that require sending U.S. peacekeepers to Ukraine, are registered on the White House's website. Although this idea still has relatively few votes - a total of several thousand - no one can completely eliminate the option of humanitarian action involving the U.S. Army in Ukraine.

Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria... Washington typically uses a phased intervention scenario. First, the head of state is subjected to international obstruction. Then, giving the country leader’s fails, the country faces an economic embargo. Alongside this, the chaos is inspired in its territory. Finally, a proposal to introduce peacekeepers in order to end the suffering of citizens is made by NATO...


mercredi, 29 janvier 2014

Visita próxima de Putin a Irán causa insomnio a EEUU

Al parecer, Moscú está a punto de terminar los preparativos para la visita del presidente ruso Vladímir Putin a Irán. En cualquier caso, según fuentes bien informadas rusas e iraníes, el viaje se realizará próximamente. Lo más probable es que tenga lugar una vez terminados los JJOO de invierno en Sochi, que se disputarán del 7 al 23 de febrero.

El “vector iraní” de la política rusa inquieta cada vez más a EEUU. Es evidente que Washington no desea que Rusia restablezca plenamente las relaciones económicas con Teherán y entre en competencia con las compañías norteamericanas. Irán comenzó, a partir del 20 de enero, a cumplir los acuerdos sobre la restricción de su programa nuclear. Y la Unión Europea y EEUU atenuaron, parcialmente, el régimen de sanciones contra Teherán.

En la víspera del comienzo de la Conferencia de Ginebra sobre Siria llegó a Moscú el titular de Exteriores de Irán, Javad Zarif, quien se reunió con su colega ruso Serguéi Lavrov y luego con el presidente Vladímir Putin.

Entonces debatieron no solo la solución siria, sino también los preparativos de la visita del dirigente ruso a Teherán. “Confiamos en verlo a Usted próximamente en Irán, expresó Zarif a Putin. En diciembre de 2013, en Teherán estuvo de visita el canciller Serguéi Lavrov.

Ya en el pasado, Rusia se “chamuscó” con las artimañas de Occidente que lo convenció a que apoyara las sanciones, ventajosas para la UE y EEUU, contra algunos países de la región. Así fue, por ejemplo, con Libia. Ahora, a todas luces, Moscú se propone actuar de forma preventiva, e intensificar el comercio con Irán mucho antes de que sean levantadas las sanciones occidentales.

En enero trascendió que Rusia está dispuesta a comenzar a comprar a Irán hasta quinientos mil barriles de petróleo al día. Es muy probable que se planee la firma de tal acuerdo durante la próxima visita. Los diplomáticos rusos, en respuesta a los reproches de parte de EEUU han señalado ya más de una vez que Moscú solo reconoce las sanciones del Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU contra Irán. Mientras que las sanciones unilaterales de EEUU por las compras de petróleo y las transacciones financieras con Irán no las considera vinculantes jurídicamente. Hace cerca de treinta y cuatro años que EEUU no tiene relaciones con Irán, desde el tiempo que fue ocupada su embajada en Teherán, en noviembre de 1979.

Moscú, como vecino y por el aporte hecho en la solución del “problema nuclear iraní”, tiene todas las razones para actuar con respecto a Irán sin fijarse en quien sea y de conformidad plena con sus intereses nacionales, señala Vladímir Nóvikov, analista del Instituto ruso de investigaciones estratégicas:

—En primer lugar, la mayor parte deltrabajo pesado del expediente nuclear iraní lo hizo Rusia. Además, en toda la última década de búsqueda de una solución, Rusia ha desempeñado el papel de mediador y “tranquilizador” principal para una y otra parte, léase Occidente e Irán. Porque nosotros no estamos interesados en el agravamiento de la situación junto a nuestras fronteras meridionales, no lejos del Cáucaso. Entendemos el papel de Irán en la región del Cáucaso y en Asia Central, en la región del Oriente Próximo. Las relaciones de buena vecindad con Irán son para nosotros de suma importancia.

La transacción petrolera prevista entre Moscú y Teherán ha originado una reacción no del todo adecuada de EEUU. El secretario del Tesoro, Jack Lew, sin nombrar a Moscú amenazó con medidas punitivas de su país contra toda compañía que intente obviar el embargo norteamericano contra Irán:

—Para las compañías líderes del mundo sería un error garrafal sobrevalorar el grado de apertura de Irán para los negocios. El plan unificado de medidas (del Sexteto de mediadores e Irán) prevé la atenuación de sanciones bien determinadas y limitadas. Toda la arquitectura de las sanciones petroleras y financieras se mantiene invariable. Toda compañía que sobrepase la raya y emprenda acciones que violen esas sanciones puede ser víctima de medidas punitivas y nosotros nos proponemos velar atentamente por el cumplimiento del régimen de las sanciones.

Pero, en Moscú están seguros de que si Rusia va a esperar, mientras EEUU y la UE levantan las sanciones iraníes, los socios occidentales alcanzarán a repartirse el mercado iraní. Teherán necesita finanzas, bienes y tecnologías. Y Moscú tiene justamente el dinero y las posibilidades de saciar el hambre tecnológica y de bienes de su vecino.

Toda la marcha de la Cumbre Económica de Davos revela que los cálculos de Rusia fueron acertados. Pues en la cita de Davos, que continúa ahora en Suiza, la exposición del presidente iraní Hasán Rouhaní fue seguida en una sala colmada de delegados de los grandes negocios de Europa y de EEUU. El mandatario iraní señaló que, con la atenuación de las sanciones, Teherán estaba dispuesto a entablar relaciones de cooperación con países occidentales. La agencia alemana DPA expresó que los empresarios europeos “habían empezado ya a sobarse las manos”, ilusionados con la apertura del mercado iraní.

Rouhaní se reunió incluso en Suiza no con políticos sino con jefes de corporaciones mundiales líderes del sector energético. Y los invitó a regresar a Irán e invertir capitales en su país. Poco menos que hicieron fila los titulares de la ENI, de Italia, de TOTAL, de Francia, y de la BP y Shell de Gran Bretaña.

El componente económico del levantamiento de las sanciones no es menos importante para Europa que para Irán. Según los cálculos más modestos de la cartera de Hacienda de EEUU, la “reapertura” de Irán abre un mercado para bienes y servicios, como mínimo, de sesenta a setenta mil millones de dólares, lo que significa a su vez decenas de miles de nuevas vacantes.

Alemania solamente, el socio comercial principal de Irán antes de las sanciones, confía en lograr en dos años, con su atenuación, elevar las exportaciones a Irán a los diez mil millones de euros, como el volumen de antes de las sanciones. Alemania exporta ya ahora a Irán mercancías no prohibidas por las sanciones. Pero, debido a que los bancos europeos no realizan operaciones con Teherán, por culpa de las sanciones, todo el comercio se lleva a cabo en dinero contante y sonante. Y con tales cuentas, los volúmenes del comercio no pueden superar un nivel determinado.

Incluso compañías estadounidenses, antes de los acuerdos de Ginebra, habían comenzado ya a enviar emisarios a Irán para sondear dónde era posible desplazar a los competidores europeos. Las compañías de EEUU se aprestan a exportar a Irán automóviles, equipos para la industria extractora de gas y petróleo, maquinarias, equipos para la construcción, artículos químicos y otros.

Paul Gottfried’s Leo Strauss & the Conservative Movement in America

Paul Gottfried’s Leo Strauss & the Conservative Movement in America

By Greg Johnson

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Paul Edward Gottfried
Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America: A Critical Appraisal [2]
New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012

leo strauss,paul gottfried,théorie politique,philosophie,philosophie politique,sciences politiques,politologie,états-unis,straussiens,néo-conservateursPaul Gottfried’s admirable book on Leo Strauss is an unusual and welcome critique from the Right.

Leo Strauss (1899–1973) was a German-born Jewish political theorist who moved to the United States in 1937. Strauss taught at the New School for Social Research in New York City before moving to the University of Chicago, where he was Robert Maynard Hutchins Distinguished Service Professor until his retirement in 1969. In the familiar pattern of Jewish intellectual movements as diverse of Psychoanalysis, Marxism, and Objectivism, Strauss was a charismatic teacher who founded a cultish school of thought, the Straussians, which continues to this day to spread his ideas and influence throughout academia, think tanks, the media, and the government.

The Straussians have not, however, gone unopposed. There are three basic kinds of critiques: (1) critiques from the Left, which range from paranoid, middlebrow, journalistic smears by such writers as Alan Wolfe [3], Cloaked in Virtue: Unveiling Leo Strauss and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy [4], and John P. McCormick [5], to more scholarly middlebrow critiques by such writers as Shadia Drury [6] and Norton [7], (2) scholarly critiques of the Straussian method and Straussian interpretations from philosophers and intellectual historians such as Hans-Georg Gadamer and Quentin Skinner, and (3) scholarly critiques from the Right.

As Gottfried points out, the Straussians tend only to engage their critics on the Left. This makes sense, since their Leftist critics raise the cultural visibility of the Straussian school. The critics are also easily defeated, which raises Straussian credibility as well. Like all debates within the parameters of Jewish hegemony, the partisans in the Strauss wars share a whole raft of assumptions which are never called into question. Thus these controversies look somewhat farcical and managed to those who reject liberalism and Jewish hegemony root and branch.

Gottfried offers a far more penetrating critique of Straussianism because he is a genuine critic of liberalism. He is also surprisingly frank about Strauss’s Jewish identity and motives, although these matters come into crisper focus in Kevin MacDonald’s treatment [8] of Strauss. Gottfried’s volume is slender, clearly written, and closely argued—although his arguments tend to be overly involved. Gottfried presupposes a basic knowledge of Strauss. He also talks as much about Straussians as about Strauss himself. Thus this book cannot be used as an introduction to Strauss’s ideas—unlike Shadia Drury’s The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss [9] (New York: Saint Martins Press, 1988), for instance.

Gottfried strives to be scrupulously fair. He acknowledges the genuine intellectual virtues of Strauss and some of his followers. He distinguishes between good and bad writings by Strauss, good and bad Straussians, good and bad writings by bad Straussians, etc. But for all these careful qualifications, the net impression left by this book is that Straussians are an obnoxious academic cult engaged in a massive ethnically motivated intellectual fraud, to the detriment of higher education, the conservative movement, and American politics in general.

1. Straussians are Not Conservatives

Straussians like to posture as beleaguered intellectual and political outsiders. But Strauss and his school are very much an establishment phenomenon, with professorships at elite institutions, including Harvard and Yale, regular access to major university and academic presses (Yale, Chicago, and Cornell for the first stringers, SUNY, Saint Augustine’s Press, and Rowman and Littlefield for the rest), and a cozy relationship with the flagships of the “liberal” media the New York Times and the Washington Post.

This favored position is due largely to the strongly Jewish character of Straussian thought and of most Straussians. The Straussians are one of the major vectors by which Jewish hegemony was established over American conservatism. They are promoted by the Jewish establishment as a “safe” alternative to the Left. But they are a false alternative, since there is nothing conservative about the Straussians. Most Straussians are promoters of the welfare state, racial integration, non-white immigration, and an abstract “creedal” conception of American identity—the same basic agenda as the Jewish Left.

Where the Straussians depart from the Left is their bellicose “Schmittian” political realism. They recognize that enmity is a permanent feature of political life, and they fight to win. Although Straussians cloak their aims in universal terms like “liberal democracy,” the common thread running through their politics from Cold War liberalism to present-day neoconservatism is an entirely parochial form of ethnic nationalism, namely using the United States and Europe to fight on behalf of Israel and the Jewish diaspora world-wide.

As Jews in exile, Straussians prefer that the United States be a liberal democracy, a universal, propositional society that does not exclude them from power and influence. But since the world is a dangerous place, Straussians prefer the United States to be a militant, crusading liberal democracy, as long as its blood and treasure are spent advancing Jewish interests in Israel and around the globe.

Since the American Right contains strong militarist tendencies, Strauss and his followers regarded it as a natural ally. It was child’s play, really, for the Straussians to take over the post-World War II American Right, in which a glib, shallow poseur like William F. Buckley could pass as an intellectual leader. All the Straussians needed to do was assume “a certain right-wing style without expressing a right-wing worldview” (p. 115).

Once inside the Right-wing camp, the Straussians worked to marginalize any nativist, isolationist, identitarian, racialist, and genuinely conservative tendencies—any tendencies that might lead Americans to see Jews as outsiders and Israel as a questionable ally. Gottfried sums up Strauss’s project nicely:

As a refugee from a German movement once identified with the far Right and as someone who never quite lost his sense of Jewish marginality, Strauss was anxious about the “festering dissatisfaction” on the American Right. A patriotic, anticommunist conservatism, one that was open to the concerns of Strauss and his followers, could lessen this anxiety about Right-wing extremism. Such a contrived Right would not locate itself on the nativist or traditional nationalist Right, nor would it be closed to progressive winds in the direction of the civil rights revolution that was then taking off. But it would be anti-Soviet and emphatically pro-Zionist. In a nutshell, it would be Cold War liberalism, with patriotic fanfare. (p. 120)

Of course the Straussians did not gain the power to remake the American Right along Jewish lines merely through merit. Like other Jewish intellectual movements, the Straussians’ preferred method of advancement is not rational debate but the indoctrination of the impressionable, the slow infiltration of institutions, and then, when their numbers are sufficient to cement control, the purge of dissidents within and the exclusion of dissidents without. Gottfried has been observing the Straussian takeover of the American Right for decades. He has seen his own ambitions, and the ambitions of other conservatives, checked by Straussian operatives.

Straussians make a cult of great “statesmen” like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, and Winston Churchill. But, as Gottfried points out, “From the standpoint of . . . older [American] republicanism, Lincoln, and other Straussian heroes were dangerous centralizers and levelers, certainly not paradigms of great statesmanship” (p. 111). There is nothing distinctly conservative about the warmongering of Straussian neoconservatives:

Fighting wars for universal, egalitarian propositions was never a priority for authoritarian conservatives like Antonio Salazar or Francisco Franco. Nor is this type of crusade an activity that one might associate with American conservative isolationists like Robert Taft. It is an expression of progressive militarism, a form of principled belligerence that French Jacobinism, Wilsonianism, and wars of communist liberation have all exemplified at different times. (p. 116)

Some Straussian apologists argue that Strauss and the neoconservatives are two very different things. Of course not all Straussians are neoconservatives, and not all neoconservatives are Straussians. But nobody argues for such simplistic claims. Gottfried devotes an entire chapter to the neoconservative connection, arguing that “the nexus between neoconservatism and Straussians is so tight that it may be impossible to dissociate the two groups in any significant way” (p. 9).

Of course, the Straussians and neoconservatives need to be understood in the larger context of Jewish hegemony, and the more specific context of Jewish subversion of the American Right. The problem is not just the Straussians. Thus it could not be solved simply by purging Straussians from American life. The problem is the larger Jewish community and its will to dominate.

If Leo Strauss had never set foot on these shores, essentially the same process of Jewish subversion would have taken place, only the external details would be different. There were other sources of neoconservatism besides the Straussians: Zionist Trotskyites, for example. And long before the birth of neoconservatism, Jews were already at work redefining the American Right. For instance, George H. Nash documents extensive Jewish involvement in the founding of National Review. (See George H. Nash, “Forgotten Godfathers: Premature Jewish Conservatives and the Rise of National Review,” American Jewish History, 87, nos. 2 & 3 [June–September 1999], pp. 123–57.)

2. The “Lockean Founding” of the United States

Gottfried is apparently attracted to the anti-rationalist Burkean tradition of conservatism, which in effect claims that history is smarter than reason, therefore, we should take our guidance from historically evolved institutions and conventions rather than rational constructs. This form of conservatism is, of course, dismissed by the Straussians as “historicism.” Gottfried counters that the Straussians

seek to ignore . . . the ethnic and cultural preconditions for the creation of political orders. Straussians focus on those who invent regimes because they wish to present the construction of government as an open-ended, rationalist process. All children of the Enlightenment, once properly instructed, should be able to carry out this constructivist task, given enough support from the American government or American military. (pp. 3–4)

In the American context, historicist conservatism stresses the Anglo-Protestant identity of American culture and institutions. This leads to skepticism about the ability of American institutions to assimilate immigrants from around the globe and the possibility of exporting American institutions to the rest of the world.


leo strauss,paul gottfried,théorie politique,philosophie,philosophie politique,sciences politiques,politologie,états-unis,straussiens,néo-conservateurs


Moreover, a historicist Anglo-Protestant American conservatism, no matter how “Judaizing” its fixation on the Old Testament, would still regard Jews as outsiders. Thus Straussians, like other Jewish intellectual movements, have promoted an abstract, “propositional” conception of American identity. Of course, Gottfried himself is a Jew, but perhaps he has the intellectual integrity to base his philosophy on his arguments rather than his ethnic interests

(Catholic Straussians are equally hostile to an Anglo-Protestant conception of America, but while Jewish Straussians have changed American politics to suit their interests, Catholic Straussians have gotten nothing for their services but an opportunity to vent spleen against modernity.)

The Straussians’ preferred “Right-wing” form of propositional American identity is the idea that American was founded on Lockean “natural rights” liberalism. If America was founded on universal natural rights, then obviously it cannot exclude Jews, or refuse to grant freedom and equality to blacks, etc. The liberal, Lockean conception of the American founding is far older than Strauss and is defended primarily by Strauss’s followers Thomas L. Pangle in The Spirit of Modern Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American Founders and the Philosophy of Locke [10] (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1988) and Michael Zuckert Natural Rights and the New Republicanism [11] (Princeton University Press, 1994). Moreover, the Straussians argue that Locke was a religious skeptic, thus on the Straussian account, “The ‘American regime’ was a distinctly modernist and implicitly post-Christian project . . . whose Lockean founders considered religious concerns to be less important than individual material ones” (p. 39).

Lockean bourgeois liberalism is so dominant in America today that it is easy to think that it must have been that way at the founding as well. But this is false. Aside from the opening words of the Declaration of Independence—which were highly controversial among the signatories—and the marginal writings of Thomas Paine, Lockean natural rights talk played almost no role in the American founding, which was influenced predominantly by classical republicanism as reformulated by Machiavelli, Harrington, and Montesquieu (the thesis of J. G. A. Pocock’s The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition [12] [Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1975]) and Calvinist Christianity (the thesis of Barry Allan Shain’s The Myth of American Individualism: The Protestant Origins of American Political Thought [13] [Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994]).

There is nothing distinctly Lockean about the American Constitution, and nothing particularly Constitutional about modern Lockean America. Liberals effectively refounded America by replacing the Constitution with Jefferson’s Lockean Declaration of Independence (which is not even a legal document of the United States). Daniel Webster (1782–1852) is the first figure I know of to promote this project, but surely he was not alone. The refounding is summed up perfectly by the opening of Straussian hero Abraham Lincoln’s 1863 Gettysburg Address: “Four score and seven years ago [i.e., 1776] our fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.” The United States, of course, was founded by the US Constitution, which was written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 and which says nothing about universal human equality, but does treat Negroes as 3/5 of a person and Indians as foreign and hostile nations. But Lincoln was in the process of founding a new nation on the ruins of the Constitution as well as the Confederacy.

Straussians, of course, oppose both the classical republican and Anglo-Calvinist origins of the United States because both sources are tainted with particularist identities that exclude Jews. Gottfried doubts that the “organic communitarian democracy” defended by Carl Schmitt—and also by classical republicans and New England Calvinists, although Gottfried does not mention them in this context—would appeal to Strauss: “Outside of Israel, that is not a regime that Strauss would likely have welcomed” (p. 128). Jews can have an ethnostate in the Middle East, but they insist we live under inclusive, universal liberal democracies.

Incidentally, the North American New Right does not aim at a restoration of the Anglo-Protestant past, which has been pretty much liquidated by the universal solvents of capitalism and liberal democracy. The Anglo-American has been replaced by a blended European-American, although the core of our language, laws, and status system remains English. American “conservatism” has managed to conserve so little of the original American culture and stock that by the time New Rightist regimes might attain power, we will in effect be handed a blank slate for constructivist projects of our own design.

3. The “Return” to the Ancients

The Straussians are reputed by friend and foe alike to be advocates of a return to classical political philosophy, and perhaps even to classical political forms like the polis. Strauss and his students certainly have produced many studies of ancient philosophy, primarily Plato and Aristotle. The Straussians, moreover, have a definite pattern of praising the ancients and denigrating modernity.

Gottfried, however, demolishes this picture quite handily. We have already seen his argument that the Straussians are advocates of universalistic modern liberal democracy, not classical Republicanism or any other form of political particularism—except, of course, for Israel.

Beyond that, Gottfried argues that Straussians merely project Strauss’s own modern philosophical prejudices on the ancients. The method that licenses such wholesale interpretive projection and distortion is Strauss’s famous rediscovery of “esoteric” writing and reading. Strauss claims that under social conditions of intolerance, philosophers create texts with two teachings. The “exoteric” teaching, which is accommodated to socially dominant religious and moral opinions, discloses itself to casual reading. The “esoteric” teaching, which departs from religious and moral orthodoxy, can be grasped only through a much more careful reading. Philosophers adopt this form of writing to communicate heterodox ideas while protecting themselves from persecution.

Ultimately, Strauss’s claim that classical political philosophy is superior to the modern variety boils down to praising esotericism over frankness. But esoteric writers can exist in any historical era, including our own. Indeed, for the Straussians at least, the “ancients” have already returned.

In my opinion, Strauss’s greatest contribution is the rediscovery of esotericism. In particular, his approach to reading the Platonic dialogues as dramas in which Plato’s message is conveyed by “deeds” as well as “speeches” has revolutionized Plato scholarship and is now accepted well beyond Straussian circles.

That said, Strauss’s own esoteric readings are deformed by his philosophical and religious prejudices. Strauss was an atheist, so he thought that no serious philosopher could be religious. All religious-sounding teachings must, therefore, be exoteric. Strauss was apparently some sort of Epicurean materialist, so he dismissed all forms of transcendent metaphysics from Plato’s theory of forms to Aristotle’s metaphysics to Maimonides’ argument for the existence of God as somehow exoteric, or as mere speculative exercises rather than earnest attempts to know transcendent truths. Strauss was apparently something of an amoralist, so he regarded any ethical teachings he encountered to be exoteric as well.

In short, Strauss projected his own Nietzschean nihilism, as well as his radical intellectual alienation from ordinary people onto the history of philosophy as the template of what one will discover when one decodes the “esoteric” teachings of the philosophers. These prejudices have been taken over by the Straussian school and applied, in more or less cookie cutter fashion, to the history of thought. As Gottfried puts it:

He [Strauss] and his disciples typically find the esoteric meaning of texts to entail beliefs they themselves consider rational and even beneficent. . . . If this cannot be determined at first glance, then we must look deeper, until we arrive at the desired coincidence of views. . . . Needless to say, the “hidden” views never turn out to be Christian heresies or any beliefs that would not accord with the prescribed rationalist worldview. A frequently heard joke about this “foreshortening” hermeneutic is that a properly read text for a Straussian would reveal that its author is probably a Jewish intellectual who resides in New York or Chicago. Being a person of moderation, the author, like his interpreter, would have attended synagogue services twice a year, on the High Holy Days—and then probably not in an Orthodox synagogue. (p. 99)

This is not to deny that there are genuine Straussian contributions to scholarship, but the best of them employ Strauss’s methods while rejecting his philosophical prejudices.

Throughout his book, Gottfried emphasizes the importance of Strauss’s Jewish identity, specifically the identity of a Jew in exile. And I have long thought that the radical alienation of the Straussian image of the philosopher goes well beyond ordinary intellectual detachment. It is the alienation of the exiled Jew from his host population. Strauss’s philosophers reject the “gods of the city,” constitute a community with strong bonds of solidarity, and engage in crypsis to protect themselves from persecution by the masses. But Strauss’s philosophers are no ordinary Jews in exile, for they seek to influence society by educating its leaders. The template of the Straussian philosopher is thus the “court Jew” who advises the rulers of his host society, phrasing his advice in terms of universal values and the common good, but working always to secure the interests of his tribe. Thus it is no aberration that the Straussians have spawned a whole series of neoconservative “court Jews,” like William Kristol and Paul Wolfowitz, who do not just have ink on their fingers but blood up to their elbows.

Straussians make a great show of “piety” toward the great books. They have the face to claim that they understand texts exactly as the authors did, rejecting as “historicist” arrogance the idea of understanding an author better than he understood himself. In practice, however, Straussians turn the great philosophers of the past into sockpuppets spouting Strauss’s own views. As Gottfried remarks, “In the hands of his disciples, Strauss’s hermeneutic has become a means of demystifying the past, by turning ‘political philosophers’ into forerunners of the present age. One encounters in this less an affirmation of a permanent human nature than a graphic examples of Herbert Butterfield’s ‘Whig theory of history’” (p. 10).

Surely one cause of these Straussian misreadings is simple hermeneutic naïveté: they reject reflection on their own prejudices as “historicism,” thus they remain completely in their grip. But that is not the whole story. When a school of thought makes a trademark of praising dishonesty over frankness, one would be a fool to assume that “they know not what they do.”

Straussian interpretations have often been called “Talmudic” because of certain stylistic peculiarities, including their use of arithmetic. But the similarity is not just stylistic. Talmudism, like Straussianism, affects a great show of piety and intellectual rigor. But its aim is to reconcile human selfishness with divine law, to impose the interpreter’s agenda on the text, which is the height of impiety, intellectual dishonesty, and moral squalor. And if Talmudists are willing to do it to the Torah, Straussians are willing to do it to Plato as well. Beyond that, both Talmudism and Straussianism have elements of farce—as texts are bent to support preconceived conclusions—and of perversity, since the practitioners of the art applaud one another for their dialectical subtleties and their creation of complex arguments where simple ones will do.

Straussians like to posture as critics of postmodernism and political correctness, but in practice there is little difference. They merely sacrifice objective scholarship and intellectual freedom to a different political agenda. As with other academic movements, the pursuit of truth runs a distant third to individual advancement within the clique and collective advancement of its political agenda.

* * *

Throughout Gottfried’s book, I found myself saying “Yes, but . . .” Yes, Gottfried makes a powerful case against Straussianism. Yes, it functions as an intellectual cult corrupting higher education and national politics. Yes, the Straussian graduate students I encountered were smug, pompous, and clubbish. Yes, some of the Straussian professors I encountered really were engaged in cult-like indoctrination. But in all fairness, I have had a number of Straussian and quasi-Straussian teachers whom I greatly admire as scholars and human beings.

And, in the end, Strauss towers above his epigones. Over the last 25+ years, I have read all of Strauss’s published writings, many of them repeatedly. He has had an enormously positive influence on my intellectual life. More than any other writer, he has opened the books of both ancients and moderns to me, even though in the end I read them rather differently. (See my “Strauss on Persecution and the Art of Writing [14].”)

There are three areas in which I do not think Gottfried does Strauss justice.

First, Gottfried is correct to stress the abuses of Strauss’s hermeneutics. But these abuses to not invalidate the method. Gottfried shows no appreciation of the power of esotericism to reveal long-hidden dimensions of many ancient and modern thinkers.

Second, Gottfried is dismissive of the idea that Strauss’s engagement with Nietzsche, Heidegger, and Schmitt—and his evident knowledge of the broader Conservative Revolutionary milieu—indicates a real sympathy with far-Right identitarian politics. Simply repeating Strauss’s praise of liberal democracy cannot settle this question. The fact that Gottfried has written a fine book on Carl Schmitt proves that he is certainly competent to inquire further. (See my ongoing series on “Leo Strauss, the Conservative Revolution, and National Socialism,” Part 1 [15], Part 2 [16].)

Third, Gottfried is a historicist, Strauss an anti-historicist. Until the question of historicism is settled, a lot of Gottried’s criticisms are question-begging. Yet a serious engagement with historicism falls outside the scope of Gottfried’s book.

But all that is merely to say: Paul Gottfried’s Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America is that rarest of achievements: an academic book that one wishes were longer.

Source: The Occidental Observer, Part 1 [17], Part 2 [18]




Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com


URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/01/paul-gottfrieds-leo-strauss-the-conservative-movement-in-america/


URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Leo_Strauss_and_the_Conservative_Movement_in_America.jpg

[2] Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement in America: A Critical Appraisal: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1107675715/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1107675715&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[3] Alan Wolfe: https://chronicle.com/article/A-Fascist-Philosopher-Helps-Us/20483

[4] Cloaked in Virtue: Unveiling Leo Strauss and the Rhetoric of American Foreign Policy: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0415950902/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0415950902&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[5] John P. McCormick: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0521664578/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0521664578&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[6] Shadia Drury: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0312217838/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0312217838&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[7] Norton: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0300109733/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0300109733&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[8] treatment: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2013/09/paul-gottfried-and-claes-ryn-on-leo-strauss/

[9] The Political Ideas of Leo Strauss: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/140396954X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=140396954X&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[10] The Spirit of Modern Republicanism: The Moral Vision of the American Founders and the Philosophy of Locke: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0226645479/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0226645479&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[11] Natural Rights and the New Republicanism: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0691059705/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0691059705&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[12] The Machiavellian Moment: Florentine Political Thought and the Atlantic Republican Tradition: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0691114722/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0691114722&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[13] The Myth of American Individualism: The Protestant Origins of American Political Thought: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0691029121/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0691029121&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20

[14] Strauss on Persecution and the Art of Writing: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/01/strauss-on-persecution-the-art-of-writing/

[15] Part 1: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/01/leo-strauss-the-conservative-revolution-and-national-socialism/

[16] Part 2: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/03/leo-strauss-the-conservative-revolution-and-national-socialism-part-2/

[17] Part 1: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2014/01/review-of-paul-gottfrieds-leo-strauss-and-the-conservative-movement-in-america-part-1/

[18] Part 2: http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/2014/01/review-of-paul-gottfrieds-leo-strauss-and-the-conservative-movement-in-america-part-2/


dimanche, 26 janvier 2014

USA Wages War More Often than Just Annually


USA Wages War More Often than Just Annually

The United States, an example of public and social order for the countries of the “golden billion,” has a unique history. In the 237 years of its existence, it has been either at war, or preparing for a new attack, looking for victims. During the period from 1798 to 2012 Washington used military force abroad 240 times, more frequently than annually.

The results of this military – aggressive development are impressive. Five percent of the world’s population who are lucky enough to be U.S. citizens consume, according to various estimates, from 25 to 30 percent of the planet’s resources. How did the country manage to achieve such prosperity for its 320 million people?

It all started a long time ago, in 1620, when “Mayflower” ship with 142 settlers on board left the British port of Plymouth, crossed the Atlantic Ocean, and on November 11 dropped the first batch of “pilgrims” on the North American coast. Their descendants in the United States today have become a semblance of royal aristocracy in Europe.

However, not the best members of society, mildly put, were sent from Britain to North America. Many of them had a clear tendency for significant and small violations of the law and light attitude towards the norms of public morality. Perhaps such a disposition of the first settlers identified some of the historical features of the U.S. Code.

In 1776, 13 American colonies united into the United States, and rebelled against their legitimate ruler, King of Great Britain. The war for independence lasted thirteen years and ended in a victory of the colonists. The legitimacy of the U.S. formation can be equated to the legitimacy of the Great October Socialist Revolution that resulted in the Bolsheviks coming to power. The war for independence was the first and last war with an external enemy on the United States territory, and it can hardly be called aggressive or predatory.

Before completing the formation of the government and public institutions, the U.S. began unleashing wars and conflicts, one after another. Here are the most important ones. 1798-1800 – the war with France, the former ally of the United States in the fight for independence. As a result, some North American colonies of France went under the control of the United States, which was the prelude to their accession later.

The next full-scale war, the first Tripoli or Barbary war, the one that the United States fought in the Mediterranean with Algeria, Tunisia and Tripolitania (modern Libya) ten thousand miles away from its borders, predetermined the wars of the 20-21stcentury in the same region. This war can safely be called the first war of the policy of “big stick” under which Washington, disregarding the rules of the international law, advanced or protected its economic interests. The reason for the war was the demand of Arab States that a tribute be paid to Tripoli for the use of the trade routes in the Mediterranean.

The first Barbary War did not end well for the United States. They had to buy out 300 U.S. soldiers from captivity, while the Americans captured only 100 Arab soldiers, and the desired result – getting rid of tribute – could not be achieved. Only the second Barbary War in 1815 brought success. As a result, the American merchant vessels, unlike the French and English ones, were given priority in the freedom of movement in the Mediterranean.

warmonger.jpgThroughout the nineteenth century, the United States fought with the British, Mexican, Japanese, Nicaragua, Hawaii, and the Philippines, not to mention dozens of local military operations. As a result, the territories of modern states of California, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah were conquered. Protectorate was established over Hawaii, the U.S. military government was introduced in Cuba, and a colonial regime established in the Philippines.

In the twentieth century, the aggressive U.S. operations have become even more widespread. Virtually the entire Central America and much of Latin America were under the U.S. control. The United States and Russia were at war, albeit without much result, landing their troops in Archangelsk and Vladivostok. Now not just the Mediterranean or Central America, like it was in the nineteenth century, but the entire world is covered by the U.S. military machine.

U.S. soldiers fought in China (1925), Korea (1950), again in China (1958), and Lebanon (1958). The biggest defeat in the history of the United States was suffered in Vietnam, where 60,000 people were killed and over 300,000 wounded. After the war, about 100,000 of its veterans committed suicide. In parallel, Americans conducted armed operations in Latin America – Panama, Brazil (overthrow of the legally elected President Joao Goulart in 1964) , Cuba, Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, and Chile. Africa was not forgotten either, and in 1960, the U.S. organized a coup during which dictator Mobutu came to power, and the legally elected Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba was killed.

Recent achievements of the U.S. foreign policy are fresh in memory – from the bombing of sovereign Yugoslavia to the completely illegal invasion of Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and the defeat of Libya. Syria so far has managed to avoid the role of the next object of the export of American-style democracy, but this situation may change any time.

Of course, it is impossible to list all the facts of war and armed aggression by the United States in the information material. However, this is more than enough to make a conclusion – the leaders of the United States of all time had an unbeatable claim of being the major war criminals of the modern and contemporary history.

If we were to apply the norms developed by the Nuremberg Tribunal to the U.S. foreign policy, as well as the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court in The Hague whose effect on the U.S. citizens Washington refuses to recognize, they would fit right in. Of course, the U.S. is at war with nearly the entire world not because of the psychological characteristics of its politicians and presidents.

The U.S. gets obvious economic benefits and great distributed very unevenly within the country, leaving virtually nothing for “cannon meat” – young individuals from lower social classes that form the basis of the Armed Forces of the United States. The formula for economic prosperity and model democracy is simple: attack and rob.

Reprinted from Pravda.ru.

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dimanche, 19 janvier 2014

Einde vrij internet: EU en VS gaan grote concerns alle macht geven

Einde vrij internet: EU en VS gaan grote concerns alle macht geven

Britten kunnen kritische websites nu al blokkeren

Het einde van het vrije internet is nabij. In de VS, en binnenkort ook in de EU, kunnen de grote en machtige concerns binnenkort meer bandbreedte reserveren. Dat betekent dat ondernemingen die produkten willen verkopen en organisaties die mensen een bepaalde mening willen opdringen, voorrang krijgen boven onafhankelijke -lees: kritische- blogs en websites, die het niet van hun inkomsten moeten hebben. Kortom: het internet wordt de komende jaren omgevormd tot één groot propagandakanaal voor de globalisten in Brussel en Washington.

Providers krijgen binnenkort de mogelijkheid grote (internet)ondernemingen te bevoordelen. Feitelijk wordt het internet gewoon verkocht aan de hoogste bieder. Hoe meer geld, hoe meer bandbreedte, hoe vaker en sneller je boodschap bij de mensen aankomt. Kleine, onafhankelijke websites zullen worden gemarginaliseerd en weggedrukt.

Geld = toegang

Telecombedrijven vinden deze ontwikkeling fantastisch, want naast de inkomsten van de gebruikers en uit reclame, mag men nu ook geld gaan vragen voor 'voorrang' op het internet. Natuurlijk zullen overheden en regeringen vooraan staan bij het kopen van snellere websites. Dat dit niet als verhulde subsidie wordt gezien komt omdat alle grote landen eraan mee zullen doen.

In Groot Brittannië gaat men zelfs nog een stap verder bij het uitbannen van alle niet gewenste berichten en meningen, door providers de mogelijkheid te geven om kritische websites als 'esoterie' te bestempelen, en vervolgens te blokkeren.

Hou de burger dom en ongeïnformeerd

De voorrang die de Amerikaanse dataconcerns krijgen zorgt ervoor, dat de persoonlijke gegevens van de doorgaans nog steeds zeer naïeve internetter en sociale netwerker vrij beschikbaar komen en kunnen worden misbruikt door zowel bedrijven als overheden.

Het internet wordt daarmee omgevormd tot wat de TV al jaren is, namelijk een middel om de gewone man dom en ongeïnformeerd te maken en te houden. Onafhankelijke, kritische stemmen, die niet alles wat de elite de wereld in spuugt voor zoete koek aannemen, zullen langzaam maar zeker verdwijnen, mede omdat overheden steeds meer actie ondernemen om hen zwart en belachelijk te maken.

Censuur i.p.v. netneutraliteit

Censuur in optima forma, dus. De EU Commissie staat er volledig achter. Brussel heeft dan ook talrijke 'denktanks' gevormd die niets anders doen dan positieve europropaganda verspreiden. Daarnaast hebben lobbyisten van grote concerns zoals Monsanto steeds meer macht en invloed op het EU-beleid gekregen.

De petitie 'Save The Internet' wil dat de netneutraliteit gegarandeerd blijft, dus dat al het internetverkeer gelijk wordt behandeld, en niet bepaalde boodschappen voorrang krijgen boven anderen. De EU-Commissie beloofde aanvankelijk dat dit oorspronkelijke principe van het internet overeind zou blijven, maar een voorstel hiertoe werd afgewezen. Het internet wordt nu een soort kabel-TV, waarvan de inhoud wordt gecontroleerd door een handjevol aanbieders.

Eerste slag in VS tegen vrij internet een feit

Gespecialiseerde diensten -of ze nu voor bedrijven of overheden werken- brengen zo het neutrale en vrije internet in gevaar, en houden innovatie tegen. Afgelopen week werd in de VS het vrije internet de eerste slag toegediend, toen een hogere rechtbank regels die gelijke behandeling op het internet moeten waarborgen, afwees. De argumentatie was dat de overheid breedbandaanbieders als informatie-, en niet als telecomproviders ziet.

De grote provider Verizon was eind 2010 tegen de nieuwe opzet in beroep gegaan, omdat deze tegen het recht op vrije meningsuiting in zou gaan, en de grote concerns de controle geeft over welke gegevens en boodschappen op wat voor wijze op het internet verschijnen.

Geen uitleg over blokkade

Critici vrezen dat providers in de VS en de EU hun bandbreedte gaan verkopen aan de hoogste bieder. Vanzelfsprekend zullen ze hier geen inzage over hoeven geven, omdat het om 'vertrouwelijke zakelijke contracten' zal gaan. Kritische websites die plotseling niet of nauwelijks meer bereikbaar zijn, zullen dan ook geen enkele uitleg daarover krijgen, behalve mogelijk een nietszeggende verklaring over 'data overbelasting'.

'Onwetendheid is Kracht'

Conclusie: als er niets gebeurt om het te stoppen, zal het internet verworden tot een propagandakanaal van de machtige globalistische elite. Dan zal het definitief gedaan zijn met de waarheid, en zal, geheel volgens George Orwells '1984', de consument feitelijk worden volgepompt met

'Oorlog is Vrede'
'Vrijheid is Slavernij'
'Onwetendheid is Kracht'



(1) Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten

Zie ook o.a.:

28-11: Geheim EU-akkoord: Lidstaten moeten trouw zweren aan Nieuwe Wereld Orde (/ EU gaat kritische stemmen op internet aanpakken)
16-07: Netneutraliteit EU-commissaris Kroes maakt einde aan onafhankelijk internet
11-06: DHS-insider: Obama start totalitaire internetcensuur en wereldoorlog

04-12: Einde vrijheid meningsuiting dreigt door VN-controle over internet
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Ruzie met Israël bewijst dat Obama Iran als nieuwe bondgenoot ziet

Ruzie met Israël bewijst dat Obama Iran als nieuwe bondgenoot ziet

Oud brigadier-generaal Chen noemt Kerry's plan voor Palestijnse staat 'absurd' en 'krankzinnig'

Moshe Yaalon en John Kerry. Israëlische leiders worden onmiddellijk terecht gewezen als ze kritiek hebben, maar Iraanse leiders kunnen zeggen wat ze willen, zonder ook maar enige tegenspraak van het Witte Huis.

De ruzie die de afgelopen dagen ontstond tussen de VS en Israël, nadat de Israëlische minister van Defensie Moshe Yaalon zware kritiek had geuit op zowel de Amerikaanse minister van Defensie John Kerry als diens vredesplan, laat eens te meer zien dat president Barack Hussein Obama niet langer de Joodse staat, maar Iran als belangrijkste bondgenoot in het Midden Oosten beschouwt. De Iraanse leiders kunnen immers zonder enige veroordeling van het Witte Huis de VS blijven verketteren, zoals ook deze week weer gebeurde.

'De minister van Defensie verontschuldigt zich als de minister (Kerry) beledigd was door diens woorden,' aldus de verklaring gisterenavond van het kantoor van minister Yaalon. Die had Kerry eerder 'obsessief' en 'messiaans' genoemd, en het vredesplan wat hij heeft gepresenteerd 'het papier waarop het is geschreven niet waard'.

Zowel het Amerikaanse ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken als het Witte Huis reageerden woedend, en eisten een excuus, dat er na enkele uren ook kwam. Dat gebeurde echter pas nadat premier Netanyahu twee uur lang met minister Yaalon had gepraat. Tenslotte zag die geen andere uitweg dan zich te verontschuldigen.

Netanyahu vergeleek toenadering tot Iran rechtstreeks met Hitler

Eigenlijk was de ruzie al eerder begonnen, namelijk tijdens de begrafenis van de afgelopen weekend overleden oud-premier Ariel Sharon. In het bijzijn van vicepresident Joe Biden citeerde Netanyahu Sharons belofte dat hij nooit meer zou toestaan dat Israël en de Joden moeten betalen voor de fout van het Westen, dat in 1938 toenadering zocht tot Adolf Hitler, die ondertussen druk bezig was met de voorbereidingen voor de Holocaust tegen het Joodse volk.

De regering Obama beschouwde dit als een steek onder water naar de toenadering tot Iran, en het accepteren van de nucleaire aspiraties van dit land. In die zin was Netanyahu's kritiek zelfs directer als die van Yaalon.

De ontstane ruzie onderstreept dat Obama Israël geleidelijk aan heeft afgewaardeerd als belangrijke bondgenoot in het Midden Oosten, en de Joodse staat aan het inruilen is voor de islamitische republiek Iran. Dat blijkt overduidelijk uit het feit dat de leiders en andere officials in Teheran de VS in nog veel hardere bewoordingen kunnen blijven verketteren, zonder dat er ook maar één woord van kritiek uit Washington op komt.

Geen reactie op beledigingen en beschuldigingen door Rouhani

In september 2013 zette de Iraanse president Rouhani Obama publiekelijk op zijn nummer, door een uitnodiging voor een persoonlijk gesprek af te wijzen. Sindsdien gaat Rouhani op de Iraanse TV regelmatig tekeer tegen het Witte Huis, beschuldigt hij Obama van misleiding, en beweert hij dat Amerika en het Westen hebben gebogen voor de wil van Iran.

Deze week nog sprak viceminister van Buitenlandse Zaken Abbas Araghchi het Witte Huis rechtstreeks tegen, door te zeggen dat Obama niet de waarheid had gesproken toen hij zei dat Iran erin had toegestemd om delen van zijn uraniumverrijking te ontmantelen.

Iran mag zeggen wat het wil, Israël niet

Het Witte Huis reageerde hier enkel op door te zeggen dat het 'niet uitmaakt wat de Iraniërs zeggen, maar wat ze doen.' Die regel geldt duidelijk niet voor Israëlische leiders en officials. Zij worden bij veel minder hevig kritiek op Obama en zijn regering onmiddellijk keihard terecht gewezen. Een woordvoerder van het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken zei dat 'Kerry en zijn team dag en nacht werken om een veilige vrede voor Israël te waarborgen.'

Dat Kerry en zijn team hard werken is niet iets wat in Israël wordt betwijfeld. Wat men in de Joodse staat niet kan accepteren, is dat Amerika wil bepalen wat voor Israël 'veilig' is, en hoe het zich moet opstellen tegenover een nucleair Iran en de Palestijnen. De mening van Israël zelf doet daarbij nauwelijks ter zake.

Yaalon nam inhoud kritiek niet terug

Yaalon luchtte hier zijn hart over door te zeggen dat 'Kerry mij niets hoeft te vertellen over de Palestijnen. Ik leef en adem het conflict met de Palestijnen. Ik weet wat ze denken, wat ze willen en wat ze echt bedoelen. Het Amerikaanse veiligheidsplan dat ons werd voorgelegd is het papier waarop het geschreven werd niet waard.'

Met grote tegenzin moest de minister uiteindelijk zijn excuses aanbieden. Merk echter de terminologie op: '... verontschuldigt zich als de minister (Kerry) beledigd was door diens woorden.' Feitelijk bood Yaalon enkel zijn excuses aan voor het beledigen van Kerry, maar nam hij niets van de inhoud van zijn kritiek terug.

'Absurd spelletje'; Palestijnse staat 'krankzinnig'

Yaalon kreeg vandaag steun van oud brigadier-generaal Amatzia Chen, ooit lid van Sharons legendarische 101e eenheid. 'Yaalon zei duidelijk dingen. Er is hier een absurd spelletje gaande dat op een mislukking zal uitlopen. De media staan bol van politieke standpunten die zelfs niet een klein beetje overeenkomen met de realiteit.'

Chen vond het dan ook een goede zaak dat Yaalon zich heeft uitgesproken. 'Het is namelijk volkomen duidelijk dat wij geen (vredes)partner hebben. Ze proberen een land te fabriceren met een Palestijns volk - dat is een in de geschiedenis nog nooit vertoonde krankzinnigheid.'

Chen wees op de mislukking van Sharons eenzijdige terugtrekking uit Gaza in 2005. Dat leverde niet de door de Palestijnen beloofde vrede op, maar juist nog veel meer terreur. 'Zo zal het ook gaan als we Judea en Samaria evacueren. Dat moeten we zelfs niet eens overwegen.' (2)


(2) Arutz 7

Zie ook o.a.:

14-01: Ruzie VS-Israël na zware kritiek minister Defensie op Kerry's vredesplan
14-01: VS weigert Israël details over deal Iran, dat onmanteling kernsites ontkent
13-01: Hamas: Israël volgens islamitische profetieën over 8 jaar vernietigd
09-01: Iran negeert alle afspraken Genève, bevestigt streven naar kernwapens (/ Opperleider Khamenei noemt Verenigde Staten 'satanisch')
09-01: Oude islamitische tekst bewijst dat imam Mahdi reeds aanwezig en actief is
07-01: Abbas' Fatahpartij: Vernietiging heel Israël einddoel van vredesverdrag

20-12: Hoge Palestijnse official: Ja, wij steunden volmondig de Nazi's
18-12: Iran: Genève-akkoord betekenisloos, mogelijk nog 20 jaar onderhandelen
13-12: Geen bezwaar VS en EU tegen Iraanse (kern)raketten die Israël kunnen raken
02-12: Deal met Iran: Vervult Obama islamitische profetie over wegbereider Mahdi?
26-11: 'Obama belooft Iran status als 7e wereldmacht'

vendredi, 17 janvier 2014

NSA : Allemagne et USA dans un tunnel

NSA : Allemagne et USA dans un tunnel

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

Le grand quotidien allemand Süddeutsche Zeitung (SZ) donne des détails importants, à partir de sources de première main, sur les négociations entre les USA et l’Allemagne concernant les activités d’espionnage, de surveillance et d’écoute de la NSA en Allemagne. (On connaît la position en flèche de l'Allemagne à cet égard [voir le 12 décembre 2013et le 20 décembre 2013].) Ces informations sont prises avec d’autant plus d’attention que le quotidien SZ a une réputation considérable de sérieux et une influence à mesure, largement répercutée par son tirage important. Pour ce cas précis de la crise Snowden/NSA, le SZ n’a pas l’habitude de diffuser des informations polémiques, ni de faire dans un anti-américanisme militant, par conséquent les indications qu’ils donnent doivent d’autant plus être considérées avec préoccupation par ceux qui espèrent un arrangement Allemagne-USA.

Le 14 janvier 2014, Russia Today a consacré un article aux informations du SZ, dont le titre annonce clairement l'humeur (“Les Amérticains nous mentent”). «Tuesday’s edition of Süddeutsche Zeitung daily came out with the headline ‘The Americans lied to us’. The German daily was quoting an unnamed high-ranking local official who claimed that even in the wake of the recent scandal, when it emerged that the NSA had been tapping the mobile telephone of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, the White House would not promise to stop listening to German politicians’ phone calls. [...]

»According to Süddeutsche and a report on public broadcaster NDR, during the negotiations the US officials were expected to give German counterparts access to the alleged listening station, believed to be on the top floor of the US embassy in Berlin, and to shed light on how long Merkel’s phone had been monitored and whether she was Germany's only key politician to be targeted. Süddeutsche has quoted a “German expert familiar with the state of the negotiations” as saying “we're getting nothing.” As a result, according to the newspaper, the head of Germany’s foreign intelligence agency (BND) Gerhard Schindler stated that if things don't improve, he would prefer not to sign the deal at all.»

Reuters publie un article, ce même 14 janvier 2014, où le caractère abrupt des mauvaises nouvelles des négociations est démenti ou du moins édulcoré par le ministre de l'intérieur, sans pour autant donner de précisions rassurantes. Le SZ n’est pas nommé, ce qui permet d’éviter une éventuelle polémique avec le quotidien et semblerait confirmer implicitement ou indirectement au moins les difficultés de la négociation. L’agence Reuters obtient elle-même des précisions officieuses allemandes qui ne sont pas plus optimistes, tandis que les déclarations du côté US restent également très imprécises.

«A government source in Berlin told Reuters the United States remained interested in a deal but was loath to give a blanket pledge not to try to monitor government members. Caitlin Hayden, a spokeswoman for the U.S. National Security Staff at the White House said discussions with Germany so far had yielded “a better understanding of the requirements and concerns that exist on both sides”. “Such consultations will continue among our intelligence services as a part of our shared commitment to strengthen our practical cooperation in a manner that reflects the shared threats we face, the technological environment in which we operate, our close relationship with one another, and our abiding respect for the civil and political rights and privacy interests of our respective citizens,” Hayden told Reuters.

»German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier said on Tuesday he was anything but relaxed about the matter but there was still time to make progress. “A next step will be that we look at the reforms to be announced by President Obama with regard to limiting the activities of intelligence agencies.”

A côté de ces prises de position incertaines mais qui tentent d’écarter l'impression selon laquelle SZ a donné des indications réellement significatives, des réactions officielles d’hommes politiques à propos de l’article incriminé finissent par donner à celui-ci, au contraire, toute l’apparence de sérieux et de fondement qui importe. On trouve là des indications plus justes de l’intérêt qu’il faut accorder aux nouvelles donn,ées : les négociations entre les USA et l’Allemagne, concernant les garanties demandées par les Allemands, ne progressent pas, au point que l’on peut parler d’une impasse.

«Lawmakers in Berlin reacted sharply to the Sueddeutsche report with several who are in Merkel's grand coalition warning of consequences if the talks collapse. “The Americans understand one language very well – and that's the language of business,” said Stephan Mayer, a senior lawmaker in the ranks of Merkel's conservatives. He told Reuters that if the deal fails, Germany should consider barring U.S. companies from getting public sector contracts because it could not be ruled out that U.S. contractors would engage in espionage activities. “I would want to pull out this sword that there could be economic sanctions at stake here,” Mayer said.

»Michael Hartmann, a senior Social Democrat lawmaker, also called for sanctions if the talks unravelled. “If these reports are true I can only warn the Americans that they haven't heard the explosion over here,” Hartmann told German radio. “We're not going to allow millions of Germans, right up to the chancellor, to be eavesdropped on. We have to tell the United States that U.S. companies operating in Germany and can't guarantee the security of our data will not get any contracts from us anymore.”»

Un expert allemand consulté par Reuters, Sancho Gaycken, donne l’appréciation cynique habituelle, à savoir qu’un accord de limitation et de contrôle des écoutes de surveillance et d’espionnage est impossible à atteindre en pratique technique, que tout le monde le sait, et que si même il y a accord personne n’aura aucune confiance en lui. («It's a naive to think a ‘no-spy’ deal would be possible but there's no harm raising the issue. It's not terribly surprising. Not many people really expected it would happen and even if there was a deal, would anyone really trust it?»)

L’appréciation de Gaycken n’a guère d’intérêt, comme en général celles de spécialistes dans ce genre d’affaires, lorsqu’ils prétendent donner des avis techniques d’où l’on pourrait sortir des appréciations politiques. La question n’est donc pas de savoir si un accord qui serait atteint serait éventuellement et effectivement efficace, ou si un accord éventuellement et effectivement efficace pourrait être atteint, ou si encore un accord effectif aurait la confiance de quiconque quant à sa validité. En un sens, ce que dit Gaycken est une évidence dont tous les Allemands sont évidemment informés depuis l’origine de cette affaire. Ce qu’il importe de savoir, c’est bien le but de la démarche allemande, c’est-à-dire de savoir si les dirigeants allemands considèrent comme un objectif de sécurité nationale de décréter que tout doit être fait pour assurer des mesures de défense effectives contre la NSA, – en d’autres mots, si oui ou non les activités de la NSA doivent être appréciées comme des activités “hostiles” et traitées comme telles.

Une indication à ce propos est la remarque faite par le ministre allemand des affaires étrangères, qui reflète le malaise, ou la détermination c’est selon, des dirigeants politiques allemands. La remarque renvoie l’ensemble de la problématique, et notamment les négociations entre l’Allemagne et les USA, vers le débat politique intérieur US à ce sujet, notamment le débat entre le président et le Congrès où une partie importante des parlementaires réclame des mesures décisives de “réforme“ de la NSA. Si les mesures que va annoncer Obama vis-à-vis de la NSA sont sérieuses, les Allemands devraient estimer qu’il existe une possibilité que la NSA soit effectivement contrainte, sur instruction politique, de limiter elle-même ses activités. Dans le cas contraire, si les mesures annoncées par Obama s’avéraient être de type “cosmétiques”, les négociations entre les USA et l’Allemagne devraient alors effectivement conduire à un échec. De ce point de vue, les indications données par SZ sont certainement justes, parce qu’effectivement ces seules négociations ne pourront aboutir à quelque résultat que ce soit, et il est donc logique que les négociateurs allemands n’obtiennent rien de sérieux de leurs interlocuteurs. Par conséquent, si Obama ne donne pas satisfaction (et aux critiques US de la NSA, et aux attentes des Allemands), les négociations déboucheront sur une absence d’accord et l’Allemagne reprendra complètement sa liberté.

... “Reprendre sa liberté”, pour l’Allemagne, cela signifie se juger fondée de prendre toutes les mesures défensives possibles, avec notamment des ruptures de collaboration avec les firmes US, l’établissement de nouveaux réseaux, etc. Mais ces mesures techniques, à l’efficacité discutable, ne constitueraient dans ce cas qu’une partie mineure des réactions auxquelles seraient conduits sinon contraints les dirigeants allemands, tant par leur opinion publique, que par leurs industriels, que par leurs bases politiques au niveau parlementaire, voire par leurs services de sécurité nationale si ceux-ci ont été mis dans une position où ils doivent tenter d’obtenir des résultats effectifs de protection face à la NSA. Cela signifie qu’effectivement, la NSA et ses activités seraient décisivement considérées comme “hostiles”, et cette évolution au départ technique et de communication prendrait nécessairement une dimension politique. Elle interférerait sur les relations USA-Allemagne, et sur les relations transatlantiques qui vont avec, en introduisant dans toutes les nombreuses relations de sécurité qui existent un doute et un soupçon fondamentaux, et jusqu'à des mesures de prise de distance qui auraient des allures parfois proches d'une rupture.

SZ n’a fait que nous avertir que tout le monde attend Obama, parce qu’on ne peut faire autrement qu’attendre Obama et ses décisions. Accessoirement, l'article de SZ, si les services de communication US s'en sont avisés jusqu'à le faire traduire, permet indirectement d’avertir Obama que les Allemands attendent très sérieusement des mesures concrètes contre la NSA... Cela n’est pas nécessairement, ni rassurant, ni prometteur du point de vue de la cohésion interne du bloc BAO, de l’Allemagne et des USA dans ce cas ; après tout, l’on pourrait reprendre la déclaration de Gaycken à propos de la décision d’Obama, en remplaçant le mot “deal” par le mot “decision” (“It's a naive to think a ‘no-spy’ [decision] would be possible ... It's not terribly surprising. Not many people really expected it would happen and even if there was a [decision], would anyone really trust it?»).

jeudi, 16 janvier 2014

America Goes to War


America Goes to War



[Great Wars and Great Leaders: A Libertarian Rebuttal (2010)]

With the onset of war in Europe, hostilities began in the North Atlantic which eventually provided the context — or rather, pretext — for America’s participation. Immediately, questions of the rights of neutrals and belligerents leapt to the fore.

In 1909, an international conference had produced the Declaration of London, a statement of international law as it applied to war at sea. Since it was not ratified by all the signatories, the declaration never came into effect. However, once war started the United States inquired whether the belligerents were willing to abide by its stipulations. The Central Powers agreed, providing the entente did the same. The British agreed, with certain modifications, which effectively negated the declaration.[1] British “modifications” included adding a large number of previously “free” items to the “conditional” contraband list and changing the status of key raw materials — most important of all, food — to “absolute” contraband, allegedly because they could be used by the German army.

The traditional understanding of international law on this point was expounded a decade and a half earlier by the British prime minister, Lord Salisbury:

Foodstuffs, with a hostile destination, can be considered contraband of war only if they are supplies for the enemy’s forces. It is not sufficient that they are capable of being so used; it must be shown that this was in fact their destination at the time of the seizure.[2]

That had also been the historical position of the US government. But in 1914 the British claimed the right to capture food as well as other previously “conditional contraband” destined not only for hostile but even for neutral ports, on the pretense that they would ultimately reach Germany and thus the German army. In reality, the aim was, as Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty candidly admitted, to “starve the whole population — men, women, and children, old and young, wounded and sound — into submission.”[3]

Britain now assumed “practically complete control over all neutral trade,” in “flat violation of international laws.”[4] A strong protest was prepared by State Department lawyers but never sent. Instead, Colonel House and Spring-Rice, the British ambassador, conferred and came up with an alternative. Denying that the new note was even a “formal protest,” the United States politely requested that London reconsider its policy. The British expressed their appreciation for the American viewpoint, and quietly resolved to continue with their violations.[5]

In November 1914, the British Admiralty announced, supposedly in response to the discovery of a German ship unloading mines off the English coast, that henceforth the whole of the North Sea was a “military area,” or war zone, which would be mined, and into which neutral ships proceeded “at their own risk.” The British action was in blatant contravention of international law — including the Declaration of Paris, of 1856, which Britain had signed — among other reasons, because it conspicuously failed to meet the criteria for a legal blockade.[6]

The British moves meant that American commerce with Germany was effectively ended, as the United States became the arsenal of the entente. Bound now by financial as well as sentimental ties to England, much of American big business worked in one way or another for the Allied cause. The house of J.P. Morgan, which volunteered itself as coordinator of supplies for Britain, consulted regularly with the Wilson administration in its financial operations for the entente. The Wall Street Journal and other organs of the business elite were noisily pro-British at every turn, until we were finally brought into the European fray.[7]

The United States refused to join the Scandinavian neutrals in objecting to the closing of the North Sea, nor did it send a protest of its own.[8] However, when, in February, 1915, Germany declared the waters around the British Isles a war zone, in which enemy merchant ships were liable to be destroyed, Berlin was put on notice: if any American vessels or American lives should be lost through U-boat action, Germany would be held to a “strict accountability.”[9]

In March, a British steamship, Falaba, carrying munitions and passengers, was torpedoed, resulting in the death of one American, among others. The ensuing note to Berlin entrenched Wilson’s preposterous doctrine — that the United States had the right and duty to protect Americans sailing on ships flying a belligerent flag. Later, John Bassett Moore, for over 30 years professor of international law at Columbia, long-time member of the Hague Tribunal, and, after the war, a judge at the International Court of Justice, stated of this and of an equally absurd Wilsonian principle:

what most decisively contributed to the involvement of the United States in the war was the assertion of a right to protect belligerent ships on which Americans saw fit to travel and the treatment of armed belligerent merchantmen as peaceful vessels. Both assumptions were contrary to reason and to settled law, and no other professed neutral advanced them.[10]

Wilson had placed America on a direct collision course with Germany.

On May 7, 1915, came the most famous incident in the North Atlantic war. The British liner Lusitaniawas sunk, with the loss of 1,195 lives, including 124 Americans, by far the largest number of American victims of German submarines before our entry into the war.[11] There was outrage in the eastern seaboard press and throughout the American social elite and political class. Wilson was livid. A note was fired off to Berlin, reiterating the principle of “strict accountability,” and concluding, ominously, that Germany

will not expect the Government of the United States to omit any word or any act necessary to the performance of its sacred duty of maintaining the rights of the United States and its citizens and of safeguarding their free exercise and enjoyment.[12]

At this time, the British released the Bryce Report on Belgian atrocities. A work of raw entente propaganda, though profiting from the name of the distinguished English writer, the report underscored the true nature of the unspeakable Hun.[13] Anglophiles everywhere were enraged. The Republican Party establishment raised the ante on Wilson, demanding firmer action. The great majority of Americans, who devoutly wished to avoid war, had no spokesmen within the leadership of either of the major parties. America was beginning to reap the benefits of our divinely appointed “bipartisan foreign policy.”

In their reply to the State Department note, the Germans observed that submarine warfare was a reprisal for the illegal hunger blockade; that the Lusitania was carrying munitions of war; that it was registered as an auxiliary cruiser of the British Navy; that British merchant ships had been directed to ram or fire upon surfacing U-boats; and that the Lusitania had been armed.[14]

3g03802u_500.jpgWilson’s secretary of state, William Jennings Bryan, tried to reason with the president: “Germany has a right to prevent contraband going to the Allies, and a ship carrying contraband should not rely upon passengers to protect her from attack — it would be like putting women and children in front of an army.” He reminded Wilson that a proposed American compromise, whereby Britain would allow food into Germany and the Germans would abandon submarine attacks on merchant ships, had been welcomed by Germany but rejected by England. Finally, Bryan blurted out: “Why be shocked by the drowning of a few people, if there is to be no objection to starving a nation?”[15] In June, convinced that the administration was headed for war, Bryan resigned.[16]

The British blockade was taking a heavy toll, and in February 1916, Germany announced that enemy merchant ships, except passenger liners, would be treated as auxiliary cruisers, liable to be attacked without warning. The State Department countered with a declaration that, in the absence of “conclusive evidence of aggressive purpose” in each individual case, armed belligerent merchant ships enjoyed all the immunities of peaceful vessels.[17] Wilson rejected congressional calls at least to issue a warning to Americans traveling on armed merchant ships that they did so at their own risk. During the Mexican civil war, he had cautioned Americans against traveling in Mexico.[18]But now Wilson stubbornly refused.

Attention shifted to the sea war once more when a French passenger ship, the Sussex, bearing no flag or markings, was sunk by a U-boat, and several Americans injured. A harsh American protest elicited the so-called Sussex pledge from a German government anxious to avoid a break: Germany would cease attacking without warning enemy merchant ships found in the war zone. This was made explicitly conditioned, however, on the presumption that “the Government of the United States will now demand and insist that the British Government shall forthwith observe the rules of international law.” In turn, Washington curtly informed the Germans that their own responsibility was “absolute,” in no way contingent on the conduct of any other power.[19] As Borchard and Lage commented:

This persistent refusal of President Wilson to see that there was a relation between the British irregularities and the German submarine warfare is probably the crux of the American involvement. The position taken is obviously unsustainable, for it is a neutral’s duty to hold the scales even and to favor neither side.[20]

But in reality, the American leaders were anything but neutral.

Anglophile does not begin to describe our ambassador to London, Walter Hines Page, who, in his abject eagerness to please his hosts, displayed all the qualities of a good English spaniel. Afterwards, Edward Grey wrote of Page, “From the first he considered that the United States could be brought into the war early on the side of the Allies if the issue were rightly presented to it and a great appeal made by the President.”

“Page’s advice and suggestion were of the greatest value in warning us when to be careful or encouraging us when we could safely be firm.” Grey recalled in particular one incident, when Washington contested the right of the Royal Navy to stop American shipments to neutral ports. Page came to him with the message. “‘I am instructed,’ he said, ‘to read this despatch to you.’ He read and I listened. He then added: ‘I have now read the despatch, but I do not agree with it; let us consider how it should be answered.’” Grey, of course, regarded Page’s conduct as “the highest type of patriotism.”[21]

Page’s attitude was not out of place among his superiors in Washington. In his memoirs, Bryan’s successor as Secretary of State, Robert Lansing, described how, after the Lusitania episode, Britain “continued her policy of tightening the blockade and closing every possible channel by which articles could find their way to Germany,” committing ever more flagrant violations of our neutral rights. In response to State Department notes questioning these policies, the British never gave the slightest satisfaction. They knew they didn’t have to. For, as Lansing confessed:

in dealing with the British Government there was always in my mind the conviction that we would ultimately become an ally of Great Britain and that it would not do, therefore, to let our controversies reach a point where diplomatic correspondence gave place to action.

Once joining the British, “we would presumably wish to adopt some of the policies and practices, which the British adopted,” for then we, too, would be aiming to “destroy the morale of the German people by an economic isolation, which would cause them to lack the very necessaries of life.” With astounding candor, Lansing disclosed that the years-long exchange of notes with Britain had been a sham:

everything was submerged in verbiage. It was done with deliberate purpose. It insured the continuance of the controversies and left the questions unsettled, which was necessary in order to leave this country free to act and even act illegally when it entered the war.[22]

Colonel House, too, was distinctly unneutral. Breaking with all previous American practice, as well as with international law, House maintained that it was the character of the foreign government that must decide which belligerent a “neutral” United States should favor. When in September 1914, the Austrian ambassador complained to House about the British attempt to starve the peoples of Central Europe — “Germany faces famine if the war continues” — House smugly reported the interview to Wilson: “He forgot to add that England is not exercising her power in an objectionable way, for it is controlled by a democracy.”[23]

In their president, Page, Lansing, and House found a man whose heart beat as theirs. Wilson confided to his private secretary his deep belief: “England is fighting our fight and you may well understand that I shall not, in the present state of the world’s affairs, place obstacles in her way.… I will not take any action to embarrass England when she is fighting for her life and the life of the world.”[24]

Meanwhile, Colonel House had discovered a means to put the impending American entry into war to good use — by furthering the cause of democracy and “turning the world into the right paths.” The author of Philip Dru: Administrator revealed his vision to the president who “knew that God had chosen him to do great things.”[25] The ordeal by fire would be a hard one, but “no matter what sacrifices we make, the end will justify them.” After this final battle against the forces of reaction, the United States would join with other democracies to uphold the peace of the world and freedom on both land and sea, forever. To Wilson, House spoke words of seduction: “This is the part I think you are destined to play in this world tragedy, and it is the noblest part that has ever come to a son of man. This country will follow you along such a path, no matter what the cost may be.”[26]

As the British leaders had planned and hoped, the Germans were starving. On January 31, 1917, Germany announced that the next day it would begin unrestricted submarine warfare. Wilson was stunned, but it is difficult to see why. This is what the Germans had been implicitly threatening for years, if nothing was done to end the illegal British blockade.

The United States severed diplomatic relations with Berlin. The president decided that American merchant ships were to be armed and defended by American sailors, thus placing munitions and other contraband sailing to Britain under the protection of the US Navy. When 11 senators, headed by Robert La Follette, filibustered the authorization bill, a livid Wilson denounced them: “A little group of willful men, representing no opinion but their own, have rendered the great Government of the United States helpless and contemptible.” Wilson hesitated to act, however, well aware that the defiant senators represented far more than just themselves.


There were troubling reports — from the standpoint of the war party in Washington — like that from William Durant, head of General Motors. Durant telephoned Colonel House, entreating him to stop the rush to war; he had just returned from the West and met only one man between New York and California who wanted war.[27] But opinion began to shift and gave Wilson the opening he needed. A telegram, sent by Alfred Zimmermann of the German Foreign Office to the Mexican government, had been intercepted by British intelligence and forwarded to Washington. Zimmermann proposed a military alliance with Mexico in case war broke out between the United States and Germany. Mexico was promised the American Southwest, including Texas. The telegram was released to the press.

For the first time backed by popular feeling, Wilson authorized the arming of American merchant ships. In mid-March, a number of freighters entering the declared submarine zone were sunk, and the president called Congress into special session for April 2.

Given his war speech, Woodrow Wilson may be seen as the anti-Washington. George Washington, in his Farewell Address, advised that “the great rule of conduct for us in regard to foreign nations is, in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible” (emphasis in original). Wilson was also the anti-John Quincy Adams. Adams, author of the Monroe Doctrine, declared that the United States of America “does not go abroad in search of monsters to destroy.” Discarding this whole tradition, Wilson put forward the vision of an America that was entangled in countless political connections with foreign powers and on perpetual patrol for monsters to destroy. Our purpose in going to war was

to fight thus for the ultimate peace of the world and for the liberation of its peoples, the German people included: for the rights of nations great and small and the privilege of men everywhere to choose their way of life and of obedience. The world must be made safe for democracy … [we fight] for a universal dominion of right by such a concert of free peoples as shall bring peace and safety to all nations and make the world at last free.[28]

Wilson was answered in the Senate by Robert La Follette, and in the House by the Democratic leader Claude Kitchin, to no avail.[29] In Congress, near-hysteria reigned, as both chambers approved the declaration of war by wide margins. The political class and its associates in the press, the universities, and the pulpits ardently seconded the plunge into world war and the abandonment of the America that was. As for the population at large, it acquiesced, as one historian has remarked, out of general boredom with peace, the habit of obedience to its rulers, and a highly unrealistic notion of the consequences of America’s taking up arms.[30]

Three times in his war message, Wilson referred to the need to fight without passion or vindictiveness — rather a professor’s idea of what waging war entailed. The reality for America would be quite different.


[1] Charles Callan Tansill, America Goes to War (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1963 [1938]),pp. 135–62.

[2] Ibid., p. 148.

[3] Cited in H.C. Peterson, Propaganda for War: The Campaign against American Neutrality, 1914–1917(Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939),p. 83. As Lord Devlin put it, the Admiralty’s orders “were clear enough. All food consigned to Germany through neutral ports was to be captured, and all food consigned to Rotterdam was to be presumed consigned to Germany.… The British were determined on the starvation policy, whether or not it was lawful.” Patrick Devlin, Too Proud to Fight: Woodrow Wilson’s Neutrality (New York: Oxford University Press, 1975), pp. 193, 195.

[4] Edwin Borchard and William Pooter Lage, Neutrality for the United States (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1937), p. 61.

[5] Borchard and Lage, Neutrality, pp. 62–72. The US ambassador in London, Walter Hines Page, was already showing his colors. In October, he sent a telegram to the State Department, denouncing any American protests against British interference with neutral rights. “This is not a war in the sense we have hitherto used the word. It is a world-clash of systems of government, a struggle to the extermination of English civilization or of Prussian military autocracy. Precedents have gone to the scrap heap.”

[6] See Ralph Raico, “The Politics of Hunger: A Review,” in Review of Austrian Economics, vol. 3 (1989), p. 254, and the sources cited. The article is included in the present volume.

[7] Tansill, America Goes to War, pp. 132–33: “The Wall Street Journal was never troubled by a policy of ‘editorial neutrality,’ and as the war progressed it lost no opportunity to condemn the Central Powers in the most unmeasured terms.”

[8] Ibid., pp. 177–78.

[9] Robert M. La Follete, the progressive senator from Wisconsin, scathingly exposed Wilson’s double standard in a speech on the Senate floor two days after Wilson’s call for war. It is reprinted in the vital collection, Murray Polner and Thomas E. Woods, Jr., eds., We Who Dared to Say No to War: American Antiwar Writing from 1812 to Now (New York: Basic Books, 2008), pp. 123–32.

[10] H.C. Peterson, Propaganda for War: The Campaign against American Neutrality, 1914–1917 (Norman, Okla.: University of Oklahoma Press, 1939),p. 112. Cf. Borchard and Lage, Neutrality, p. 136 (emphasis in original): “there was no precedent or legal warrant for a neutral to protect a belligerent ship from attack by its enemy because it happened to have on board American citizens. The exclusive jurisdiction of the country of the vessel’s flag, to which all on board are subject, is an unchallengeable rule of law.”

[11] On the possible involvement of Winston Churchill, First Lord of the Admiralty, in the genesis of this disaster, see “Rethinking Churchill,” in the present volume.

[12] Thomas G. Paterson, ed., Major Problems in American Foreign Policy. Documents and Essays, vol. 2, Since 1914, 2nd ed. (Lexington, Mass.: D. C. Heath, 1978), pp. 30–32.

[13] On the fraudulence of the Bryce Report, see Read, Atrocity Propaganda, pp. 201–08; Peterson,Propaganda for War, pp. 51–70; and Knightley, The First Casualty, pp. 83–84, 107.

[14] Tansill, America Goes to War, p. 323. The German captain of the U-boat that sank the Lusitaniaafterwards pointed out that British captains of merchant ships had already been decorated or given bounties for ramming or attempting to ram surfaced submarines; see also Peterson, Propaganda for War, p. 114.

[15] William Jennings Bryan and Mary Baird Bryan, The Memoirs of William Jennings Bryan (Philadelphia: John C. Winston, 1925), pp. 397–99; Tansill, America Goes to War, pp. 258–59.

[16] To my mind, Bryan’s antiwar position and principled resignation more than make up for his views on evolution, despite H. L. Mencken’s attempted demolition of Bryan in a well-known essay.

[17] Edwin Borchard and William Pooter Lage, Neutrality for the United States (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Press, 1937),pp. 122–24. John Bassett Moore was scathing in his denunciation of Wilson’s new doctrine, that an armed merchant ship enjoyed all the rights of an unarmed one. Citing precedents going back to Supreme Court Justice John Marshall, Moore stated that: “By the position actually taken, the United States was committed, while professing to be a neutral, to maintain a belligerent position.” Alex Mathews Arnett, Claude Kitchin and the Wilson War Policies (New York: Russell and Russell, 1971 [1937]), pp. 157–58.

[18] In fact, during the Mexican conflict, Wilson had prohibited outright the shipment of arms to Mexico. As late as August, 1913, he declared: “I shall follow the best practice of nations in this matter of neutrality by forbidding the exportation of arms or munitions of war of any kind from the United States to any part of the Republic of Mexico.” Tansill, America Goes to War, p. 64.

[19] Ibid., pp. 511–15.

[20] Borchard and Lage, Neutrality, p. 168.

[21] Edward Grey, Viscount Grey of Fallodon, Twenty-Five Years. 1892–1916 (New York: Frederick A. Stokes, 1925), pp. 101–02, 108–11.

[22] Robert Lansing, War Memoirs (Indianapolis: Bobbs–Merrill, 1935), pp. 127–28.

[23] Charles Seymour, ed., The Intimate Papers of Colonel House (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1926), vol. 1, p. 323.

[24] Joseph P. Tumulty, Woodrow Wilson as I Know Him (New York: Doubleday, Page, 1921), p. 231. Proofs such as these that our leaders had shamelessly lied in their protestations of neutrality were published in the 1920s and ’30s. This explains the passion of the anti-war movement before the Second World War much better than the imaginary “Nazi sympathies” or “anti-Semitism” nowadays invoked by ignorant interventionist writers. As Susan A. Brewer writes in Why America Fights: Patriotism and War Propaganda from the Philippines to Iraq (New York: Oxford University Press 2009), p. 280, “The Committee on Public Information presented the war as a noble crusade fought for democracy against demonized Germans. Such a portrayal was overturned by unfulfilled war aims overseas, the abuse of civil liberties at home, and revelations of false atrocity propaganda. In the years that followed Americans expressed distrust of government propaganda and military intervention in what they considered to be other people’s wars.” This helps account for the appearance from time to time of debunking works of popular revisionism by authors infuriated by the facts they discovered, such as C. Hartley Grattan, Why We Fought (Indianapolis: Bobbs–Merrill, 1969 [1929]); Walter Millis, Road to War: America 1914–1917 (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1935); and later Charles L. Mee, Jr., The End of Order: Versailles 1919 (New York: E. P. Dutton, 1980); and Walter Karp’s invaluable, The Politics of War: The Story of Two Wars which Altered Forever the Political Life of the American Republic (1890–1920) (New York: Harper and Row, 1979).

[25] Walter A. McDougall, Promised Land, Crusader State: The American Encounter with the World since 1776(Boston/New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1997),p. 127.

[26] Seymour, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House, vol. 1, p. 470; vol. 2, p. 92.

[27] Seymour, The Intimate Papers of Colonel House, vol. 2, p. 448.

[28] The Papers of Woodrow Wilson, January 24-April 6, 1917, Arthur S. Link, ed. (Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1983), vol. 41, pp. 525–27.

[29] See Robert M. La Follette, “Speech on the Declaration of War against Germany,” in Arthur A. Ekirch, Jr., ed., Voices in Dissent: An Anthology of Individualist Thought in the United States (New York: Citadel Press, 1964), pp. 211–22; and Arnett, Claude Kitchin, pp. 227–35.

[30] Otis L. Graham, Jr., The Great Campaigns: Reform and War in America, 1900–1928 (Malabar, Fla.: Robert E. Krieger, 1987), p. 89.

Ralph Raico, Professor Emeritus in European history at Buffalo State College is a senior fellow of the Mises Institute. He is a specialist on the history of liberty, the liberal tradition in Europe, and the relationship between war and the rise of the state. He is the author of The Place of Religion in the Liberal Philosophy of Constant, Tocqueville, and Lord Acton. You can study the history of civilization under his guidance here: MP3-CD and Audio Tape. Send him mail.

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mardi, 14 janvier 2014

Special Ops Goes Global


Tomgram: Nick Turse
Special Ops Goes Global
Ex: http://www.tomdispatch.com

[Note for TomDispatch Readers: Nick Turse’s New York Times bestselling book Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam is just out in paperback with a new afterword.  It’s a must-buy, especially if you haven’t read the hardcover. Jonathan Schell wrote a powerful piece on it at TomDispatch, which you can read by clicking here. Late in the month, TD will be offering signed copies of the paperback in return for donations. Keep it in mind! Tom]

It’s said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. So consider the actions of the U.S. Special Operations Command flattering indeed to the larger U.S. military. After all, over recent decades the Pentagon has done something that once would have been inconceivable.  It has divided the whole globe, just about every inch of it, like a giant pie, into six command slices: U.S. European Command, or EUCOM (for Europe and Russia), U.S. Pacific Command, or PACOM (Asia), U.S. Central Command, or CENTCOM (the Greater Middle East and part of North Africa), U.S. Southern Command, or SOUTHCOM (Latin America), and in this century, U.S. Northern Command, or NORTHCOM (the United States, Canada, and Mexico), and starting in 2007, U.S. Africa Command, or AFRICOM (most of Africa).

The ambitiousness of the creeping decision to bring every inch of the planet under the watchful eyes of U.S. military commanders should take anyone’s breath away.  It’s the sort of thing that once might only have been imaginable in movies where some truly malign and evil force planned to “conquer the world” and dominate Planet Earth for an eternity.  (And don’t forget that the Pentagon’s ambitions hardly stop at Earth’s boundaries. There are also commands for the heavens, U.S. Strategic Command, or STRATCOM, into which the U.S. Space Command was merged, and, most recent of all, the Internet, where U.S. Cyber Command, or CYBERCOM rules.)

Now, unnoticed and unreported, the process is being repeated.  Since 9/11, a secret military has been gestating inside the U.S. military.  It’s called U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM).  At TomDispatch, both Nick Turse and Andrew Bacevich have covered its startling growth in these years.  Now, in a new post, Turse explores the way that command’s dreams of expansion on a global scale have led it to follow in the footsteps of the larger institution that houses it.

The special ops guys are, it seems, taking their own pie-cutter to the planet and slicing and dicing it into a similar set of commands, including most recently a NORTHCOM-style command for the U.S., Canada, and Mexico. Once could be an anomaly or a mistake. Twice and you have a pattern, which catches a Washington urge to control planet Earth, an urge that, as the twenty-first century has already shown many times over, can only be frustrated. That this urge is playing out again in what, back in the Cold War days, used to be called “the shadows,” without publicity or attention of any sort, is notable in itself and makes Turse’s latest post all the more important. Tom


America’s Black-Ops Blackout 
Unraveling the Secrets of the Military’s Secret Military 

By Nick Turse

“Dude, I don’t need to play these stupid games. I know what you’re trying to do.”  With that, Major Matthew Robert Bockholt hung up on me.

More than a month before, I had called U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) with a series of basic questions: In how many countries were U.S. Special Operations Forces deployed in 2013? Are manpower levels set to expand to 72,000 in 2014?  Is SOCOM still aiming for growth rates of 3%-5% per year?  How many training exercises did the command carry out in 2013?  Basic stuff.

And for more than a month, I waited for answers.  I called.  I left messages.  I emailed.  I waited some more.  I started to get the feeling that Special Operations Command didn’t want me to know what its Green Berets and Rangers, Navy SEALs and Delta Force commandos -- the men who operate in the hottest of hotspots and most remote locales around the world -- were doing. 

Then, at the last moment, just before my filing deadline, Special Operations Command got back to me with an answer so incongruous, confusing, and contradictory that I was glad I had given up on SOCOM and tried to figure things out for myself.

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U.S. Special Operations Forces around the world, 2012-2013 (key below article) ©2014 TomDispatch ©Google

I started with a blank map that quickly turned into a global pincushion.  It didn’t take long before every continent but Antarctica was bristling with markers indicating special operations forces’ missions, deployments, and interactions with foreign military forces in 2012-2013.  With that, the true size and scope of the U.S. military’s secret military began to come into focus.  It was, to say the least, vast.

A review of open source information reveals that in 2012 and 2013, U.S. Special Operations forces (SOF) were likely deployed to -- or training, advising, or operating with the personnel of -- more than 100 foreign countries.   And that’s probably an undercount.  In 2011, then-SOCOM spokesman Colonel Tim Nye told TomDispatch that Special Operations personnel were annually sent to 120 countries around the world. They were in, that is, about 60% of the nations on the planet.  “We’re deployed in a number of locations,” was as specific as Bockholt would ever get when I talked to him in the waning days of 2013. And when SOCOM did finally get back to me with an eleventh hour answer, the number offered made almost no sense. 

Despite the lack of official cooperation, an analysis by TomDispatch reveals SOCOM to be a command on the make with an already sprawling reach. As Special Operations Command chief Admiral William McRaven put it in SOCOM 2020, his blueprint for the future, it has ambitious aspirations to create “a Global SOF network of like-minded interagency allies and partners.”  In other words, in that future now only six years off, it wants to be everywhere.    

The Rise of the Military’s Secret Military

Born of a failed 1980 raid to rescue American hostages in Iran (in which eight U.S. service members died), U.S. Special Operations Command was established in 1987.  Made up of units from all the service branches, SOCOM is tasked with carrying out Washington’s most specialized and secret missions, including assassinations, counterterrorist raids, special reconnaissance, unconventional warfare, psychological operations, foreign troop training, and weapons of mass destruction counter-proliferation operations.

In the post-9/11 era, the command has grown steadily.  With about 33,000 personnel in 2001, it is reportedly on track to reach 72,000 in 2014.  (About half this number are called, in the jargon of the trade, “badged operators” -- SEALs, Rangers, Special Operations Aviators, Green Berets -- while the rest are support personnel.)  Funding for the command has also jumped exponentially as SOCOM’s baseline budget tripled from $2.3 billion to $6.9 billion between 2001 and 2013.  If you add in supplemental funding, it had actually more than quadrupled to $10.4 billion. 

Not surprisingly, personnel deployments abroad skyrocketed from 4,900 “man-years” -- as the command puts it -- in 2001 to 11,500 in 2013.  About 11,000 special operators are now working abroad at any one time and on any given day they are in 70 to 80 countries, though the New York Times reported that, according to statistics provided to them by SOCOM, during one week in March 2013 that number reached 92

The Global SOF Network

Last year, Admiral McRaven, who previously headed the Joint Special Operations Command, or JSOC -- a clandestine sub-command that specializes in tracking and killing suspected terrorists -- touted his vision for special ops globalization.  In a statement to the House Armed Services Committee, he said:

“USSOCOM is enhancing its global network of SOF to support our interagency and international partners in order to gain expanded situational awareness of emerging threats and opportunities. The network enables small, persistent presence in critical locations, and facilitates engagement where necessary or appropriate...”

In translation this means that SOCOM is weaving a complex web of alliances with government agencies at home and militaries abroad to ensure that it’s at the center of every conceivable global hotspot and power center.  In fact, Special Operations Command has turned the planet into a giant battlefield, divided into many discrete fronts: the self-explanatory SOCAFRICA; the sub-unified command of U.S. Central Command in the Middle East SOCCENT; the European contingent SOCEUR; SOCKOR, which is devoted strictly to Korea; SOCPAC, which covers the rest of the Asia-Pacific region; and SOCSOUTH, which conducts special ops missions in Central and South America and the Caribbean, as well as the globe-trotting JSOC.

Since 2002, SOCOM has also been authorized to create its own Joint Task Forces, a prerogative normally limited to larger combatant commands like CENTCOM.  These include Joint Special Operations Task Force-Philippines, 500-600 personnel dedicated to supporting counterterrorist operations by Filipino allies against insurgent groups like Abu Sayyaf.

A similar mouthful of an entity is the NATO Special Operations Component Command-Afghanistan/Special Operations Joint Task Force-Afghanistan, which conducts operations, according to SOCOM, “to enable the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), the Afghan National Security Force (ANSF), and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GIRoA) to provide the Afghan people a secure and stable environment and to prevent insurgent activities from threatening the authority and sovereignty of GIRoA.”  Last year, U.S.-allied Afghan President Ha­mid Karzai had a different assessment of the “U.S. special force stationed in Wardak province,” which he accused of “harassing, annoying, torturing, and even murdering innocent people.”

According to the latest statistics made available by ISAF, from October 2012 through March 2013, U.S. and allied forces were involved in 1,464 special operations in Afghanistan, including 167 with U.S. or coalition forces in the lead and 85 that were unilateral ISAF operations.  U.S. Special Operations forces are also involved in everything from mentoring lightly armed local security forces under the Village Stability Operations initiative to the training of heavily armed and well-equipped elite Afghan forces -- one of whose U.S.-trained officers defected to the insurgency in the fall.

In addition to task forces, there are also Special Operations Command Forward (SOC FWD) elements which, according to the military, “shape and coordinate special operations forces security cooperation and engagement in support of theater special operations command, geographic combatant command, and country team goals and objectives.”  These light footprint teams -- including SOC FWD Pakistan, SOC FWD Yemen, and SOC FWD Lebanon -- offer training and support to local elite troops in foreign hotspots.  In Lebanon, for instance, this has meant counterterrorism training for Lebanese Special Ops forces, as well as assistance to the Lebanese Special Forces School to develop indigenous trainers to mentor other Lebanese military personnel.

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Special Operations Command Central (SOCCENT) briefing slide by Col. Joe Osborne, showing SOC FWD elements

SOCOM’s reach and global ambitions go further still.  TomDispatch’s analysis of McRaven’s first two full years in command reveals a tremendous number of overseas operations.  In places like Somalia and Libya, elite troops have carried out clandestine commando raids.  In others, they have used airpower to hunt, target, and kill suspected militants.  Elsewhere, they have waged an information war using online propaganda.  And almost everywhere they have been at work building up and forging ever-tighter ties with foreign militaries through training missions and exercises. 

“A lot of what we will do as we go forward in this force is build partner capacity,” McRaven said at the Ronald Reagan Library in November, noting that NATO partners as well as allies in the Middle East, Asia, and Latin America  “are absolutely essential to how we’re doing business.” 

In March 2013, for example, Navy SEALs conducted joint training exercises with Indonesian frogmen.  In April and May, U.S. Special Operations personnel joined members of the Malawi Defense Forces for Exercise Epic Guardian.  Over three weeks, 1,000 troops engaged in marksmanship, small unit tactics, close quarters combat training, and other activities across three countries -- Djibouti, Malawi, and the Seychelles.

In May, American special operators took part in Spring Storm, the Estonian military’s largest annual training exercise.  That same month, members of the Peruvian and U.S. special operations forces engaged in joint training missions aimed at trading tactics and improving their ability to conduct joint operations.  In July, Green Berets from the Army’s 20th Special Forces Group spent several weeks in Trinidad and Tobago working with members of that tiny nation’s Special Naval Unit and Special Forces Operation Detachment.  That Joint Combined Exchange Training exercise, conducted as part of SOCSOUTH’s Theater Security Cooperation program, saw the Americans and their local counterparts take part in pistol and rifle instruction and small unit tactical exercises.

In September, according to media reports, U.S. Special Operations forces joined elite troops from the 10 Association of Southeast Asian Nations member countries -- Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar (Burma), and Cambodia -- as well as their counterparts from Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea, China, India, and Russia for a US-Indonesian joint-funded coun­terterrorism exercise held at a training center in Sentul, West Java.

Tactical training was, however, just part of the story.  In March 2013, for example, experts from the Army’s John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School hosted a week-long working group with top planners from the Centro de Adiestramiento de las Fuerzas Especiales -- Mexico’s Special Warfare Center -- to aid them in developing their own special forces doctrine.

In October, members of the Norwegian Special Operations Forces traveled to SOCOM's state-of-the-art Wargame Center at its headquarters on MacDill Air Force Base in Florida to refine crisis response procedures for hostage rescue operations.  “NORSOF and Norwegian civilian leadership regularly participate in national field training exercises focused on a scenario like this,” said Norwegian Lieutenant Colonel Petter Hellesen. “What was unique about this exercise was that we were able to gather so many of the Norwegian senior leadership and action officers, civilian and military, in one room with their U.S counterparts.”

MacDill is, in fact, fast becoming a worldwide special ops hub, according to a report by the Tampa Tribune.  This past fall, SOCOM quietly started up an International Special Operations Forces Coordination Center that provides long-term residencies for senior-level black ops liaisons from around the world.  Already, representatives from 10 nations had joined the command with around 24 more slated to come on board in the next 12-18 months, per McRaven’s global vision.

In the coming years, more and more interactions between U.S. elite forces and their foreign counterparts will undoubtedly take place in Florida, but most will likely still occur -- as they do today -- overseas.  TomDispatch’s analysis of official government documents and news releases as well as press reports indicates that U.S. Special Operations forces were reportedly deployed to or involved with the militaries of 106 nations around the world during 2012-2013.

For years, the command has claimed that divulging the names of these countries would upset foreign allies and endanger U.S. personnel.  SOCOM’s Bockholt insisted to me that merely offering the total number would do the same.  “You understand that there is information about our military… that is contradictory to reporting,” he told me.  “There’s certain things we can’t release to the public for the safety of our service members both at home and abroad.  I’m not sure why you’d be interested in reporting that.”

In response, I asked how a mere number could jeopardize the lives of Special Ops personnel, and he responded, “When you work with the partners we work with in the different countries, each country is very particular.”  He refused to elaborate further on what this meant or how it pertained to a simple count of countries.  Why SOCOM eventually offered me a number, given these supposed dangers, was never explained.

Bringing the War Home

This year, Special Operations Command has plans to make major inroads into yet another country -- the United States.  The establishment of SOCNORTH in 2014, according to the command, is intended to help “defend North America by outpacing all threats, maintaining faith with our people, and supporting them in their times of greatest need.”  Under the auspices of U.S. Northern Command, SOCNORTH will have responsibility for the U.S., Canada, Mexico, and portions of the Caribbean.

While Congressional pushback has thus far thwarted Admiral McRaven’s efforts to create a SOCOM satellite headquarters for the more than 300 special operators working in Washington, D.C. (at the cost of $10 million annually), the command has nonetheless stationed support teams and liaisons all over the capital in a bid to embed itself ever more deeply inside the Beltway.  “I have folks in every agency here in Washington, D.C. -- from the CIA, to the FBI, to the National Security Agency, to the National Geospatial Agency, to the Defense Intelligence Agency,” McRaven said during a panel discussion at Washington’s Wilson Center in 2013.  Referring to the acronyms of the many agencies with which SOCOM has forged ties, McRaven continued: “If there are three letters, and in some cases four, I have a person there. And they have had a reciprocal agreement with us. I have somebody in my headquarters at Tampa.”  Speaking at Ronald Reagan Library in November, he put the number of agencies where SOCOM is currently embedded at 38.

“Given the importance of interagency collaboration, USSOCOM is placing greater emphasis on its presence in the National Capital Region to better support coordination and decision making with interagency partners.  Thus, USSOCOM began to consolidate its presence in the NCR [National Capitol Region] in early 2012,” McRaven told the House Armed Services Committee last year.

One unsung SOCOM partner is U.S. AID, the government agency devoted to providing civilian foreign aid to countries around the world whose mandate includes the protection of human rights, the prevention of armed conflicts, the provision of humanitarian assistance, and the fostering of “good will abroad.”  At a July 2013 conference, Beth Cole, the director of the Office of Civilian-Military Cooperation at U.S. AID, explained just how her agency was now quietly aiding the military’s secret military.

“In Yemen, for example, our mission director has SVTCs [secure video teleconferences] with SOCOM personnel on a regular basis now. That didn’t occur two years ago, three years ago, four years ago, five years ago,” Cole said, according to a transcript of the event.  But that was only the start.  “My office at U.S. AID supports SOF pre-deployment training in preparation for missions throughout the globe... I’m proud that my office and U.S. AID have been providing training support to several hundred Army, Navy, and Marine Special Operations personnel who have been regularly deploying to Afghanistan, and we will continue to do that.”

Cole noted that, in Afghanistan, U.S. AID personnel were sometimes working hand-in-hand on the Village Stability Operation initiative with Special Ops forces.  In certain areas, she said, “we can dual-hat some of our field program officers as LNOs [liaison officers] in those Joint Special Operations task forces and be able to execute the development work that we need to do alongside of the Special Operations Forces.”  She even suggested taking a close look at whether this melding of her civilian agency and special ops might prove to be a model for operations elsewhere in the world.

Cole also mentioned that her office would be training “a senior person” working for McRaven, the man about to “head the SOF element Lebanon” -- possibly a reference to the shadowy SOC FWD Lebanon.  U.S. AID would, she said, serve as a facilitator in that country, making “sure that he has those relationships that he needs to be able to deal with what is a very, very, very serious problem for our government and for the people of that region.”

U.S. AID is also serving as a facilitator closer to home.  Cole noted that her agency was sending advisors to SOCOM headquarters in Florida and had “arranged meetings for [special operators] with experts, done roundtables for them, immersed them in the environment that we understand before they go out to the mission area and connect them with people on the ground.”  All of this points to another emerging trend: SOCOM’s invasion of the civilian sphere.

In remarks before the House Armed Services Committee, Admiral McRaven noted that his Washington operation, the SOCOM NCR, “conducts outreach to academia, non-governmental organizations, industry, and other private sector organizations to get their perspective on complex issues affecting SOF.”  Speaking at the Wilson Center, he was even more blunt: “[W]e also have liaison officers with industry and with academia... We put some of our best and brightest in some of the academic institutions so we can understand what academia is thinking about.”

SOCOM’s Information Warfare

Not content with a global presence in the physical world, SOCOM has also taken to cyberspace where it operates the Trans Regional Web Initiative, a network of 10 propaganda websites that are run by various combatant commands and made to look like legitimate news outlets.  These shadowy sites -- including KhabarSouthAsia.com, Magharebia which targets North Africa, an effort aimed at the Middle East known as Al-Shorfa.com, and another targeting Latin America called Infosurhoy.com -- state only in fine print that they are “sponsored by” the U.S. military.

Last June, the Senate Armed Services Committee called out the Trans Regional Web Initiative for “excessive” costs while stating that the “effectiveness of the websites is questionable and the performance metrics do not justify the expense.”  In November, SOCOM announced that it was nonetheless seeking to identify industry partners who, under the Initiative, could potentially “develop new websites tailored to foreign audiences.”

Just as SOCOM is working to influence audiences abroad, it is also engaged in stringent information control at home -- at least when it comes to me.  Major Bockholt made it clear that SOCOM objected to a 2011 article of mine about U.S. Special Operations forces.  “Some of that stuff was inconsistent with actual facts,” he told me.  I asked what exactly was inconsistent.  “Some of the stuff you wrote about JSOC… I think I read some information about indiscriminate killing or things like that.”

I knew right away just the quote he was undoubtedly referring to -- a mention of the Joint Special Operations Command’s overseas kill/capture campaign as “an almost industrial-scale counterterrorism killing machine.”  Bockholt said that it was indeed “one quote of concern.”  The only trouble: I didn’t say it.  It was, as I stated very plainly in the piece, the assessment given by John Nagl, a retired Army lieutenant colonel and former counterinsurgency adviser to now-retired general and former CIA director David Petraeus.

Bockholt offered no further examples of inconsistencies.  I asked if he challenged my characterization of any information from an interview I conducted with then-SOCOM spokesman Colonel Tim Nye.  He did not.  Instead, he explained that SOCOM had issues with my work in general.  “As we look at the characterization of your writing, overall, and I know you’ve had some stuff on Vietnam [an apparent reference to my bestselling book, Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam] and things like that -- because of your style, we have to be very particular on how we answer your questions because of how you tend to use that information.” Bockholt then asked if I was anti-military.  I responded that I hold all subjects that I cover to a high standard.

Bockholt next took a verbal swipe at the website where I’m managing editor, TomDispatch.com.  Given Special Operations Command’s penchant for dabbling in dubious news sites, I was struck when he said that TomDispatch -- which has published original news, analysis, and commentary for more than a decade and won the 2013 Utne Media Award for “best political coverage” -- was not a “real outlet.”  It was, to me, a daring position to take when SOCOM’s shadowy Middle Eastern news site Al-Shorfa.com actually carries a disclaimer that it “cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information provided.”

With my deadline looming, I was putting the finishing touches on this article when an email arrived from Mike Janssen of SOCOM Public Affairs.  It was -- finally -- a seemingly simple answer to what seemed like an astonishingly straightforward question asked more than a month before: What was the total number of countries in which Special Operations forces were deployed in 2013?  Janssen was concise. His answer: 80.

How, I wondered, could that be?  In the midst of McRaven’s Global SOF network initiative, could SOCOM have scaled back their deployments from 120 in 2011 to just 80 last year?  And if Special Operations forces were deployed in 92 nations during just one week in 2013, according to official statistics provided to the New York Times, how could they have been present in 12 fewer countries for the entire year?  And why, in his March 2013 posture statement to the House Armed Services Committee, would Admiral McRaven mention "annual deployments to over 100 countries?"  With minutes to spare, I called Mike Janssen for a clarification.  “I don’t have any information on that,” he told me and asked me to submit my question in writing -- precisely what I had done more than a month before in an effort to get a timely response to this straightforward and essential question.

Today, Special Operations Command finds itself at a crossroads.  It is attempting to influence populations overseas, while at home trying to keep Americans in the dark about its activities; expanding its reach, impact, and influence, while working to remain deep in the shadows; conducting operations all over the globe, while professing only to be operating in “a number of locations”; claiming worldwide deployments have markedly dropped in the last year, when evidence suggests otherwise.

“I know what you’re trying to do,” Bockholt said cryptically before he hung up on me -- as if the continuing questions of a reporter trying to get answers to basic information after a month of waiting were beyond the pale.  In the meantime, whatever Special Operations Command is trying to do globally and at home, Bockholt and others at SOCOM are working to keep it as secret as possible.

Nick Turse is the managing editor of TomDispatch.com and a fellow at the Nation Institute.  An award-winning journalist, his work has appeared in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, the Nation, on the BBC, and regularly at TomDispatch. He is the author most recently of the New York Times bestseller Kill Anything That Moves: The Real American War in Vietnam (just out in paperback).  You can catch his conversation with Bill Moyers about that book by clicking here

Key to the Map of U.S. Special Operations Forces around the world, 2012-2013

Red markers: U.S. Special Operations Forces deployment in 2013.

Blue markers: U.S. Special Operations Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous troops in the U.S. or a third country during 2013.

Purple markers: U.S. Special Operations Forces deployment in 2012.

Yellow markers: U.S. Special Operations Forces working with/training/advising/conducting operations with indigenous troops in the U.S. or a third country during 2012.

Follow TomDispatch on Twitter and join us on Facebook or Tumblr. Check out the newest Dispatch Book, Ann Jones’s They Were Soldiers: How the Wounded Return From America’s Wars -- The Untold Story.

Copyright 2013 Nick Turse

samedi, 11 janvier 2014

Recordkou VS en Al Gore's idiootste Global Warming uitspraken


Recordkou VS en Al Gore's idiootste Global Warming uitspraken

Ironisch: Klimaat'wetenschappers' die Global Warming hoopten te bewijzen, kwamen vast te zitten in het ijs, evenals een eerste reddingsexpeditie. Uiteindelijk konden ze per helikopter worden gered.

Terwijl driekwart van de Verenigde Staten zucht onder een record koudegolf, en klimaat'wetenschappers' die met eigen ogen wilden zien hoe ver het ijs op Antarctica al gesmolten is kwamen vast te zitten in een ongekend dikke ijslaag, kijken we even terug naar het begin van deze eeuw, toen Global Warming alarmisten zoals Al Gore met hun uitspraken dat de nieuwe generatie in onze tijd geen sneeuw en ijs meer zou kennen, iedereen -inclusief bijna al 'onze' politici- de stuipen op het lijf joegen.

Global Warming wordt steeds ernstiger, zullen alle milieugroeperingen en de meeste politieke partijen u nog steeds vertellen. De historische kou in Noord Amerika is daar immers het absolute bewijs van. Dat vrijwel niet één onafhankelijke wetenschapper nog gelooft in dit inmiddels 100% ontkrachte mantra, doet niet ter zake. Immers, Global Warming is een onwrikbare peiler in de klimaatreligie, die ondanks een overweldigende lading bewijs van het tegendeel helaas ook in Nederland nog steeds veel verstokte aanhangers heeft.

Komende nacht kan het in de Amerikaanse staat Minnesota -54 graden Celcius worden, en kunnen 70 kouderecords worden gebroken. In grote delen van de VS is de gevoelstemperatuur reeds -48 graden, en wordt in een enorm gebied tussen de staten Mississippi en Ohio opnieuw sneeuwval verwacht. In Chicago hebben de autoriteiten de mensen opgeroepen thuis te blijven. Rond Indianapolis werd een uitgaansverbod ingesteld. De ijzige wind wordt zelfs in Florida en aan de Texaanse grens met Mexico gevoeld.

'Kinderen zullen geen sneeuw en ijs meer kennen'

Hoe anders had er uitgezien als de gevestigde klimaat'experts' in het jaar 2000 ook maar een béétje gelijk hadden gekregen. Zo voorspelden diverse 'wetenschappers' in dat jaar dat de Europese kinderen die toen werden geboren op hun 10e verjaardag niet meer zouden weten hoe ijs en sneeuw eruit ziet. Hoewel het nu zeer zacht is voor de tijd van het jaar - veroorzaakt door de extreme kou in Noord Amerika-, kenden we in 2012 een voorjaar dat in ruim 40 jaar niet meer zo koud was geweest.

Al Gore's idiootste uitspraken

Al Gore kan gerust dé profeet van de Global Warming kerk genoemd worden. Voor zijn inmiddels totaal ontkrachte documentaire 'An Inconvenient Truth' ontving hij zelfs de Nobelprijs. De -ijskoude- realiteit liet en laat echter zien hoe idioot zijn uitspraken waren:

1. In 2008 beweerde Gore tegen een Duits publiek dat de hele Noordpool 'over 5 jaar is gesmolten'. Wat gebeurde er echt: de ijskap groeide juist fors.

2. 'Co2 is de uitademing van onze beschaving.' Volgens Gore zou de menselijke uitstoot van Co2 snelle en ongekende opwarming veroorzaken. We lijken echter juist een periode van Global Cooling te zijn ingegaan. Bovendien is het Co2 gehalte in de atmosfeer historisch gezien erg laag, en is juist veel meer Co2 nodig om de toekomstige oogsten voor de snel groeiende wereldbevolking niet te laten mislukken.

3. 'De planeet heeft koorts.'

4. In 2006: 'Veel wetenschappers waarschuwen dat we steeds dichterbij een aantal omslagpunten komen die het binnen 10 jaar onmogelijk maken om onherstelbare schade aan de leefbaarheid van de planeet voor de menselijke beschaving te voorkomen.'

5. 'Dit is de waarheid: De Aarde is rond, Saddam Hussein viel ons niet aan op 9/11, Elvis is dood, Obama werd geboren in de VS, en de klimaatcrisis is echt.'

6. 'Het binnenste van de Aarde is zeer heet, meerdere miljoenen graden.' De hoogste temperatuur in het binnenste van de Aarde is echter 11.000 F.

7. 'Er hangt een onrealistische zweem over het praten over deze mysterieuze zaken, nu de wereld dankzij global warming voor onze eigen ogen op zo'n dramatische wijze verandert.'

8. 'Het zou een enorme opluchting zijn als de recente aanvallen op de wetenschap van global warming een teken zouden zijn dat we geen onvoorstelbare, grootschalige preventieve rampmaatregelen moeten nemen om de menselijke beschaving te beschermen.'

9. 'Het overleven van de VS zoals we het kennen loopt risico. Ja, zelfs de toekomst van de menselijke beschaving staat op het spel.'

10. 'We zouden deze uitdaging met een gevoel van diepe vreugde en dankbaarheid tegemoet moeten treden; dat wij de gevierde generatie zijn waarover orkesten, dichters en zangers over 1000 jaar zullen zeggen dat wij het in onszelf hebben gevonden deze crisis op te lossen, en de basis voor een stralende en optimistische menselijke toekomst hebben gelegd.'

50% meer ijs op de Noordpool, onbetrouwbare klimaatmodellen

Jaar na jaar komt er echter steeds meer bewijs dat er helemaal niets klopt van de Global Warming theorie. De New American schreef onlangs dat 'in tegenstelling tot de alarmistische voorspellen van Gore en zijn 'doemsdag sekte' voorspelden, de laatste satellietgegevens aantonen dat het ijs op de Noordpool sinds 2012 met 50% is gegroeid, en in oktober 2012 zelfs het snelst toenam sinds in 1979 werd begonnen met meten. Experts voorspellen dat dit de komende jaren zal doorgaan, waardoor global-warmingalarmisten koortsachtig naar verklaringen zullen moeten zoeken om hun gezicht te redden en de snel smeltende klimaathysterie nieuw leven in te blazen.'

Iedereen weet inmiddels dat de wereldwijde temperatuur al zeker 17 jaar niet meer stijgt. Deze klimaatrealiteit heeft dan ook een ruw einde gemaakt aan alle 73 door de VN gebruikte klimaatmodellen, die dus volstrekt onbetrouwbaar zijn gebleken.

Regering Rutte geeft miljarden uit aan niet-bestaand probleem

Triest genoeg baseren de Westerse overheden hun beleid nog steeds op de niet bestaande door mensen veroorzaakte opwarming. In het licht van de forse bezuinigingen op bijvoorbeeld de sociale zekerheid, gekoppeld aan enorme lastenverhogingen, zijn de tientallen miljarden euro's subsidies die alleen al het kabinet Rutte voor de global warming industrie heeft uitgetrokken, des te schrijnender.

Klimaat verandert altijd al, zonder menselijke invloed

Klimaatverandering bestaat en heeft altijd al bestaan. Toen er nog geen enkele sprake was van eventuele menselijke invloed, steeg in de middeleeuwen de gemiddelde temperatuur in het noorden van Europa naar subtropische waarden. Vervolgens kwam de bekende 'kleine ijstijd', eveneens toen door mensen veroorzaakte Co2 uitstoot geheel ontbrak. Die uitstoot is ook anno 2014 sowieso dermate gering, dat deze op wereldschaal in de atmosfeer niet eens een meetbare toename veroorzaakt, nog even los van het feit dat een relatie tussen meer Co2 en de -dus niet bestaande- opwarming nooit is bewezen.

Global Warming wetenschappers vast in het ijs

De klimaat'wetenschappers' die Global Warming wilden bewijzen en die ironisch genoeg vast kwamen te zitten in het poolijs, werden op 2 januari door een helikopter gered. Denk echter maar niet dat de reguliere media melding maakten van het doel van deze totaal mislukte missie. Dat was ongetwijfeld wel het geval geweest, als de wetenschappers 'bewijs' hadden gevonden dat het ijs wél aan het smelten is.

Wanneer komt er een einde aan dit duurste bedrog ooit?

Dat betekent dat de gevestigde orde en de globalisten zullen blijven volhouden dat het klimaat verandert door menselijke activiteiten. Op deze wijze kunnen ze hun onderdanen torenhoge milieubelastingen, veel te hoge energieprijzen en allerlei andere extreem kostbare beperkende maatregelen blijven opleggen. Het is daarom te hopen dat de gewone man wakker wordt voordat dit met afstand grootste en duurste bedrog aller tijden een definitief einde maakt aan zijn welvaart en aan de toekomst van zijn kinderen.


(1) Infowars
(2) Infowars / Washington Times
(3) KOPP
(4) Infowars / Natural News

Zie ook o.a.:

20-10: NIPCC veegt vloer aan met Global Warming theorie VN
12-09: Global Cooling bevestigd: record toename van zee-ijs
12-07: Energieakkoord NL: Duitsland laat zien dat prijzen enorm zullen stijgen
29-06: NASA: CO2 veroorzaakt geen opwarming, maar afkoeling (/ Over 7 jaar is Nederlands huishouden maandelijks € 90 kwijt aan energiebelasting)
13-05: Global dimming: Zonlicht op Aarde in halve eeuw met éénderde verminderd (/ Zon- en ruimtewetenschappers: Zonneactiviteit wijst op aanstaande nieuwe kleine ijstijd)
14-04: Pleidooi voor meer CO2 uitstoot om mensheid te redden (/ Steeds meer klimaatexperts beginnen uitblijven Global Warming toe te geven)
08-01: Bevestigd: Al 16 jaar geen Global Warming

jeudi, 09 janvier 2014

Les 10 outils les plus incroyables utilisés par la NSA pour nous espionner


Les 10 outils les plus incroyables utilisés par la NSA pour nous espionner

« Suite aux révélations du journal allemand Der Spiegel sur l’étendue de l’infiltration de la NSA dans les infrastructures informatiques, voici une liste de 10 outils de cyberespionnage stupéfiants utilisés par la National Security Agency.

Le journal allemand Der Spiegel a lancé des révélations chocs sur le cyberespionnage à partir de documents confidentiels partagés par l’ancien consultant de la NSA Edward Snowden. Voici un palmarès des outils les plus fous utilisés par la National Security Agency pour nous espionner.

Il semblerait que pour chaque porte verrouillée par les fournisseurs d’équipements réseaux, les produits informatiques et les télécoms, la NSA possède une clé. La liste complète de ces outils disponible ici.


Juniper Networks n’est ni plus ni moins que le 2e équipementier mondial de systèmes réseaux pour entreprises. Ses pare-feux Netscreen permettent de faire respecter la politique de sécurité d’un réseau informatique, définissant quels types de communication y sont autorisés. La NSA inflitre ce périmètre sécurisé grâce à Feedthrough.

Deitybounce permet d’installer des logiciels malveillants de façon permanente, notamment sur les serveurs “PowerEdge” du fabricant mondial de PC Dell. La NSA implante son malware dans les “BIOS”, ces logiciels sur la carte mère d’un ordinateur qui sont les premiers éléments installés au démarrage de l’appareil. Le PC ou serveur infecté semble fonctionner normalement, et même s’il est nettoyé, et son contenu entièrement effacé, les logiciels espions de la NSA restent logés de façon invisible. Dell a répondu à cette révélation.

Jetplow permet d’installer des logiciels espions permanents dans les pare-feux du géant mondial des réseaux informatiques Cisco. Il peut aussi “modifier le système d’opération des pare-feux de Cisco au démarrage”. Une option de “porte dérobée permanente” permet aussi “un accès complet”. Cisco a répondu à cette révélation.
Headwater nstalle une “porte dérobée permanente“ (Persistent Backdoor) sur certains routeurs du fabricant de matériel informatique chinois Huawei. Ces “implants” espions peuvent être installés à distance via internet.

Nightstand est un appareil sans fil d’exploitation et d’insertion de données, “typiquement utilisé quand on ne peut accéder à une cible via une connexion internet.” Il permet des attaques de loin, jusqu’à près de 13 kilomètres de distance de la cible.

D’apparence assez habituelle voire désuète, Picasso est un téléphone sans fil avec puce GSM (dont deux modèles de Samsung) qui permet de “collecter les données d’utilisateurs, des informations de géolocalisation et le son d’une pièce”. Ces données peuvent être récupérées via un ordinateur portable ou bien par SMS “sans alerter la cible”.

Pour le novice, cet outil ressemble à un port et câble USB inoffensifs. Mais à l’intérieur, se cache une carte mère qui fournit “un pont sans fil dans un réseau cible, ainsi que la possibilité d’introduire des logiciels « exploit » sur des ordinateurs portables ciblés.” (Un “exploit” permet à un logiciel malveillant d’exploiter une faille de sécurité informatique dans un système d’exploitation ou un logiciel.) Autrement dit, la NSA peut introduire un cheval de Troie dans n’importe quel ordinateur.


Iratemonk est un logiciel malveillant qui infecte des ordinateurs portables et de bureau en attaquant le firmware de disques durs fabriqués par Western Digital, Seagate, Maxtor et Samsung, qui sont toutes à l’exception de la dernière, des entreprises américaines. Le firmware, ou microprogramme, concerne l’ensemble des instructions et des structures de données qui sont intégrées dans le materiel informatique.


Toteghostly 2.0 est un implant logicel à destination du système d’exploitation Windows Mobile, qui permet d’extraire et d’installer des données à distance. La NSA peut ainsi accéder aux SMS, liste de contacts, messages vocaux, géolocalisation, fichiers audio et vidéo, etc. de l’appareil.


Candygram est une “station GSM active”, qui permet d’imiter le comportement d’une tour de téléphonie cellulaire et ainsi de repérer et monitorer des téléphones portables. Quand un appareil ciblé entre dans le périmètre de la station Candygram, le système envoie un SMS à l’extérieur du réseau à des téléphones “espions” préalablement enregistrés.

Tout cela sans compter Dropoutjeep qui permet à la NSA d’installer des logiciels espions sur les iPhone, et sur tous les appareils iOS et collecter ainsi des données sans que la “cible” s’en aperçoive. »

lundi, 06 janvier 2014

The Complete List of Weird Sex Laws in the U.S.A.


The Complete List of Weird Sex Laws in the U.S.A.

Observation Deck

Ex: http://www.attackthesystem.com

Over on io9, we posted a map of all the weirdest sex laws in the U.S.A. We didn’t have room for every weird sex law we found, and some of them we had to shorten a bit to make them fit. So here’s the complete, unedited list of sex laws!


Incestuous marriages are legal.


Moose are banned from having sex on city streets (in Fairbanks).


You may not have more than two dildos in the same house.


Flirtation and “lascivious banter” between men and women on the streets may result in a 30-day jailterm. (in Little Rock.)


It’s illegal to sell stuffed items resembling breasts (“boobie pillows”) within 1000 feet of a highway.

No man shall dress as a woman without the written permission of the sheriff. (In Walnut, CA)


Male massage parlor workers must wear all white clothing. (In Adams County).

Keeping a house where unmarried persons are allowed to have sex is prohibited.


Married couples (as well as singles) cannot engage in open “lewdness or lascivious behavior”


The term “sadomasochistic abuse” is defined so broadly, that it could possibly be applied to a person handcuffing another in a clown suit.

All sex toys are banned.


If you sell a reptile, you must give a written warning not to “nuzzle or kiss” them.

It’s prohibited by law to “suffer any bitch or slut” (referring to dogs) (in Minooka.)


It is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.


Kisses may last for no more than five minutes.


Illegal “sodomy” includes oral sex, but anal penetration with a finger is allowed under specified circumstances.


Dogs must not molest property or people.

Until 1975, people wearing bathing suits on any city street were required have a police escort.


Necrophilia is legal.

It’s illegal to use fortune-telling, astrology or palmistry to “settle lovers quarrels.” (In New Orleans.)


Making noise in a public library is a crime against “chastity, morality, decency and good order.”


A man who seduces or corrupts an unmarried woman faces five years in prison.

Low-riding pants that expose underwear are a Class B offense. But if they expose butt cleavage, they’re a Class A offense. (In Flint.)


It’s illegal to teach others what polygamy is.

Adultery or premarital sex results in a fine of $500 or 6 months in prison.


Prostitution is a “crime against the family.”


You can’t get married if you have gonorrhea


Sale of sex toys is illegal.

New Hampshire

Lingerie must not be hung on a clothesline at the airport, unless there’s a screen concealing it. (In Kidderville.)

New Jersey

Flirting is illegal. (In Haddon Township, NJ)

New Mexico

Nudity is allowed as long as genitals and female nipples are covered.

New York

Adultery is illegal.

North Carolina

Adultery is illegal. And so is pretending to be married in order to share a hotel room.

North Dakota

It was illegal to swim naked in the Red River between 8 AM and 8 PM. (In Fargo.)

It’s against the law to fail to confine a dog or cat in heat. (In Grand Forks.)


No person shall solicit sex from another of the same gender if it offends the second person.


It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to engage in “acts, or simulated acts, of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any sexual acts which are otherwise prohibited by law.” So, no simulated intercourse or animal sex.


It’s illegal to lie down in a public restroom, or for two people to share a stall meant for one.


Oral and anal sex are illegal. You cannot cohabit with an “ancestor or descendant.”

South Carolina

If a man promises to marry a woman and she sleeps with him, the marriage must take place.

South Dakota

Public erections are illegal.


Students may not hold hands in school.


It’s illegal to own more than six dildos.


It’s illegal to marry your first cousin before the age of 65 — or 55 if you can prove both parties are infertile.

An adult cannot show sex paraphernalia to a minor, unless they’re your own child. (In Salt Lake City.)


Adultery is a misdemeanor.

Obscenity is a bigger crime if you use a computer.


If you give a sex worker a ride to work, your car can be confiscated.

West Virginia

An unmarried couple who lived together and “lewdly associated” could face up to a year in jail. (Recently repealed.)

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Il telegramma Zimmermann: la vera ragione che spinse gli USA ad entrare in guerra nel 1917


Il telegramma Zimmermann: la vera ragione che spinse gli USA ad entrare in guerra nel 1917

Viene spesso, fin troppo spesso, affermato che la causa dell’entrata in guerra di Washington, nella Prima Guerra mondiale, sia stato l’affondamento da parte di un sommergibile tedesco del transatlantico inglese Lusitania, che trascinò con se 123 cittadini statunitensi. (1) In realtà la nave fu affondata nel 1915, mentre gli USA entrarono in guerra nel 1917. Infatti, entrarono in guerra in reazione alla faccenda del “telegramma Zimmermann”.

Il 16 gennaio 1917, Arthur Zimmermann, segretario agli Esteri della Germania imperiale, inviò un telegramma cifrato all’ambasciatore tedesco a Washington, utilizzando il nuovo codice 7500 che gli inglesi non avevano potuto decifrare, ma l’ambasciatore a Washington ritrasmise il telegramma nel vecchio codice 103040, noto agli inglesi, all’ambasciatore tedesco in Messico.

Il testo del telegramma affermava: “Abbiamo intenzione di cominciare la guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni il primo di febbraio. Ci adopereremo, nonostante ciò, a mantenere gli Stati Uniti neutrali. Nel caso non succeda, faremo al Messico una proposta di alleanza sulla seguente base: combattere insieme, fare la pace insieme, un generoso sostegno finanziario e la comprensione da parte nostra del diritto del Messico a riprendersi i territori perduti di Texas, New Mexico e Arizona. I dettagli sono lasciati a voi. Potrete informare il presidente (del Messico) di quanto sopra secretato non appena lo scoppio della guerra contro gli Stati Uniti è certo, e aggiungerei il suggerimento che avrebbe dovuto, di propria iniziativa, invitare il Giappone ad aderirvi immediatamente e anche a mediare tra il Giappone e noi. Si prega di richiamare l’attenzione del presidente sul fatto che l’impiego illimitato dei nostri sottomarini offre ora la prospettiva di convincere l’Inghilterra a fare la pace entro pochi mesi. Accusate ricevuta. Zimmermann

In realtà, il telegramma venne concepito da un funzionario del ministero degli esteri tedesco, Hans Arthur von Kemnitz, che ne scrisse una prima bozza che Zimmermann firmò quasi senza leggere, probabilmente perché impegnato a redigere il testo diplomatico che giustificava l’annuncio della “guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni” contro il traffico navale diretto nel Regno Unito. Quando un altro funzionario seppe del telegramma, esclamò: “Kemnitz, quel fantastico idiota, ha fatto questo!?
Berlino dovette criptare il telegramma perché la Germania era consapevole che gli alleati intercettavano tutte le comunicazioni transatlantiche, una conseguenza della prima azione offensiva della Gran Bretagna nella guerra. All’alba del primo giorno della Prima guerra mondiale, la nave inglese Telconia si avvicinò alle coste tedesche e tranciò i cavi sottomarini transatlantici che collegavano la Germania con il resto del mondo. Questo atto di sabotaggio costrinse i tedeschi ad inviare i messaggi tramite collegamenti radio poco sicuri o cavi sottomarini di proprietà estera. Zimmermann fu costretto a trasmettere il suo telegramma cifrato attraverso la Danimarca e la Svezia con un cavo sottomarino statunitense che passava anche per il Regno Unito. Va ricordato, inoltre, che uno stretto collaboratore del presidente statunitense Woodrow Wilson, il colonnello Edward House, fece si che il dipartimento di Stato degli USA consentisse ai tedeschi la trasmissione di messaggi cifrati diplomatici tra Washington, Londra, Copenhagen e Berlino.

Il telegramma di Zimmermann ben presto venne intercettato ed analizzato dalla Sala 40 dell’Ammiragliato inglese, l’ufficio dell’intelligence elettronica inglese. Winston Churchill, Primo lord dell’Ammiragliato inlgese, ordinò la creazione della sezione intercettazione e decodificazione dei messaggi criptati tedeschi, appunto la Sala 40, divenuta di vitale importanza per gli Alleati. La Sala 40 era formata da linguisti e criptoanalisti. Il telegramma Zimmermann, decifrato parzialmente da Nigel de Grey e dal reverendo William Montgomery, affermava che la Germania voleva istigare il Messico ad attaccare gli USA, un’informazione che avrebbe spinto il presidente degli USA Woodrow Wilson ad abbandonare la neutralità degli Stati Uniti, perciò Montgomery e de Grey lo passarono subito all’ammiraglio Reginald Hall, direttore della Naval Intelligence, aspettandosi che lo trasmettesse agli statunitensi. Ma l’ammiraglio lo ripose nella sua cassaforte, incoraggiando i criptoanalisti a completare il lavoro. Infatti, il 5 febbraio 1917, Hall non ebbe il nulla osta dal Foreign Office affinché consegnasse agli statunitensi tali informazioni. Ma Hall convocò un ufficiale dell’intelligence statunitense a Londra e gli diede lo stesso il telegramma. “In altre parole, il direttore dell’intelligence navale aveva unilateralmente preso la decisione di condividere un’informazione altamente sensibile con una potenza straniera, senza l’autorizzazione del proprio governo“.

Hall pensava che se gli statunitensi venivano a conoscenza del telegramma Zimmermann, i tedeschi avrebbero potuto concludere che il loro nuovo sistema di cifratura 7500 era stato spezzato, spingendoli a sviluppare un nuovo sistema di cifratura, bloccando così l’intelligence inglese. Inoltre “Hall era consapevole che la guerra totale degli U-boat sarebbe iniziata entro due settimane, e che essa avrebbe indotto il presidente Wilson a dichiarare guerra alla Germania imperiale, senza bisogno di compromettere la preziosa fonte dell’intelligence inglese”. Ma il 3 febbraio 1917, sebbene la Germania avesse avviato la guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni, il Congresso statunitense e il presidente Wilson annunciarono la prosecuzione della neutralità. D’altra parte, negli USA era diffuso un notevole sentimento anti-inglese, in particolare tra i cittadini di origini tedesche ed irlandesi, questi ultimi infuriati per la brutale repressione della Rivolta di Pasqua del 1916 a Dublino e, inoltre, presso la stampa statunitense Gran Bretagna e Francia non godevano di maggiore simpatia della Germania. Tutto ciò spinse gli inglesi a sfruttare il telegramma Zimmermann. All’improvviso, e in sole due settimane, Montgomery e de Grey completarono la decifrazione del telegramma. Inoltre, gli inglesi si resero conto che von Bernstorff, l’ambasciatore tedesco a Washington, trasmise il messaggio a von Eckhardt, l’ambasciatore tedesco in Messico, utilizzando il vecchio sistema di cifratura 103040 e “dopo aver fatto alcune piccole modifiche al testo” che poi von Eckhardt avrebbe presentato al presidente messicano Carranza. Se Hall avesse potuto avere la versione “messicana” del telegramma Zimmermann, i tedeschi avrebbero supposto che fosse stato reso pubblico dal governo messicano, e che non era stato intercettato dagli inglesi. Hall contattò un agente inglese in Messico, il signor H., che a sua volta s’infiltrò nell’ufficio telegrafico messicano. Il signor H. poté ottenere così la versione messicana del telegramma di Zimmermann. Hall consegnò tale versione del telegramma ad Arthur Balfour, il segretario agli Esteri inglese, che il 23 febbraio convocò l’ambasciatore statunitense a Londra Walter Page per consegnargli il telegramma di Zimmermann. Il 25 febbraio, il presidente Wilson ebbe la ‘prova eloquente’, come disse, che la Germania incoraggiava un’aggressione agli USA. Il telegramma, in realtà, affermava che il Messico avrebbe dichiarato guerra agli USA solo se questi avessero dichiarato guerra alla Germania. Ciò avrebbe giustificato l’intervento degli USA nella Prima guerra mondiale? Infatti il telegramma di Zimmermann viene citato come il casus belli della guerra tra USA e Germania imperiale. Ma, infine, il Messico sarebbe mai stato un serio nemico per gli Stati Uniti? Il Messico era preda da anni di una feroce guerra civile, non poteva costituire una qualsiasi seria minaccia per gli USA, e Berlino avrebbe dovuto saperlo. Il presidente messicano Venustiano Carranza assegnò a un generale il compito di valutare la fattibilità di un’aggressione agli USA, ma il generale concluse che non sarebbe stato possibile per i seguenti motivi:
- gli Stati Uniti erano militarmente molto più forti del Messico.
- le promesse della Germania erano ritenute appunto soltanto tali. Il Messico non poteva utilizzare alcun “generoso sostegno finanziario” per acquistare armi e munizioni, per la semplice ragione che poteva comprarli solo negli Stati Uniti, mentre la Germania non poteva inviare alcunché in Messico dato che la Royal Navy, ed eventualmente l’US Navy, controllava le rotte atlantiche.
- infine, il Messico aveva adottato una politica di cooperazione con Argentina, Brasile e Cile per evitare un qualsiasi contrasto con gli Stati Uniti e migliorare le relazioni regionali.

Comunque il telegramma fu reso pubblico, ma stampa e parte del governo degli Stati Uniti lo ritennero una bufala ideata dagli inglesi per coinvolgere gli USA nella guerra. Tuttavia, Zimmermann, in modo sbalorditivo, ne ammise pubblicamente la paternità, dicendo a una conferenza stampa a Berlino che semplicemente “non posso negarlo. E’ vero”. La Germania poteva benissimo dire che il “telegramma Zimmermann” era un falso, approfondendo così i gravi dubbi sulla faccenda espressi negli USA, dove l’opinione pubblica era poco restia a partecipare alla Grande Guerra. Perché allora Zimmerman confessò di averlo inviato?

Nell’ottobre 2005, venne scoperto il presunto dattiloscritto originale della decifratura del telegramma Zimmermann, “scoperto da uno storico rimasto ignoto” che lavorava su un testo ufficiale della storia del Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), il servizio segreto elettronico inglese. Si riteneva che tale documento sia il telegramma mostrato all’ambasciatore Page nel 1917. Molti documenti segreti relativi a tale incidente furono distrutti su ordine dell’ammiraglio Reginald Hall. Certo, tutto ciò suscita un sospetto: in realtà si sa cosa ha scritto Zimmermann (Kemnitz), ma non è noto cosa avessero di certo mostrato gli inglesi ai diplomatici e al presidente degli USA.

In Germania, le indagini su come gli statunitensi avessero ottenuto il telegramma Zimmermann portarono a credere che fosse stato violato in Messico, proprio come previsto dall’intelligence inglese. Quindi il presidente Wilson, che nel gennaio 1917 aveva detto che sarebbe stato un “crimine contro la civiltà” trascinare il suo popolo in guerra, il 2 aprile dello stesso 1917 affermò: “Consiglio che il Congresso dichiari che il recente corso del governo imperiale non sia in realtà nient’altro che una guerra contro il governo e il popolo degli Stati Uniti, e di accettare formalmente lo status di belligerante cui siamo stati così spinti”.

La diplomazia inglese (così come la sua propaganda nera) cercarono ostinatamente di convincere il presidente Wilson ad abbandonare la promessa di neutralità fatta nella sua campagna elettorale per le presidenziali del 1916, e di entrare in guerra a fianco degli Alleati, ma come affermò la storica statunitense Barbara Tuchman, “Una sola mossa della Sala 40 era riuscita laddove tre anni d’intensa diplomazia avevano fallito”.Unit7_map_Zimmerman_300g80Alessandro Lattanzio, 3/1/2014

1) “Gli inglesi contarono 1198 vittime, tra cui 123 statunitensi, mentre in realtà i morti furono 1201; vennero infatti omessi i corpi dei tre tedeschi inviati sul Lusitania dall’attaché militare tedesco a Washington di allora, von Papen, per fotografare eventuali materiali sospetti. I tre furono scoperti e tenuti a bordo come prigionieri. In seguito, il segretario personale del presidente Wilson, Joseph Tumulty, fece credere a Washington che le spie fossero in possesso di un ordigno esplosivo, mentre invece si trattava della macchina fotografica”.

The Telegram that brought US into Great War is found, Ben Fenton
The Zimmermann Telegram, Joseph C. Goulden
The Zimmermann Telegram, Barbara Tuchman