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mardi, 07 janvier 2014

Elementos 61 y 62: Spengler y Condicion femenina

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Oswald Spengler,
por Alain de Benoist

Oswald Spengler, el hombre que veía más lejos,
por Rodrigo Agulló

Oswald Spengler y la decadencia de la Civilización Faústica,
por Carlos Javier Blanco Martín

Revisar a Spengler. ¿De la filosofía de la vida a la filosofía de la crisis?,
por Javier Esparza

Irracionalismo y culto a la tradición en el pensamiento de Spengler,
por Javier R. Abella Romero

Oswald Spengler: la muerte del “Hombre” a comienzos del siglo XX,
por Javier B. Seoane C.

El Socialismo de Oswald Spengler,
por Carlos Javier Blanco Martín

La Decadencia de Occidente y la novela utópica contemporánea,
por Paulino Arguijo

Prusianismo y Socialismo en Spengler,
or Javier R. Abella Romero

Decadencia y muerte del Espíritu Europeo. Volviendo la mirada hacia Oswald Spengler,
por Carlos Javier Blanco Martín

Guerra permanente, anti-pacifismo y elitismo en el pensamiento de Spengler,
por Javier R. Abella Romero

Nihilismo, crisis y decadencia: Ortega frente a Spengler,
por Juan Herrero Senés

Años Decisivos: el distanciamiento definitivo del nacionalsocialismo,
por Javier R. Abella Romero

La influencia de Spengler,
por Antonio Martín Puerta



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Visión ontológico-teológica de lo masculino y lo femenino,
por Leonardo Boff

El ser oculto de la cultura femenina en la obra de Georg Simmel,
por Josetxo Beriain

El feminismo de la diferencia,
por Marta Colorado López, Liliana Arango Palacio, Sofía Fernández Fuente

La condición femenina,
por Alain de Benoist

La mujer objeto de la dominación masculina,
por Pierre Bourdieu

Feminidad versus Feminismo,
por Cesáreo Marítimo

Afirmando las diferencias. El feminismo de Nietzsche,
por Elvira Burgos Díaz

La mujer como madre y la mujer como amante,
por Julius Evola

El “recelo feminista” a proposito del ensayo La dominacion masculina de Pierre Bourdieu, por Yuliuva Hernández García

Friedrich Nietzsche y Sigmund Freud: una subversión feminista,
por Eva Parrondo Coppel

Hombres y mujeres. Un análisis desde la teoría de la polaridad,
por Raúl Martínez Ibars

Identidad femenina y humanización del mundo,
por Rodrigo Guerra

Simmel y la cultura femenina,
por Raquel Osborne

La nueva feminidad,
Entrevista a Annalinde Nightwind

El hombre no es un enemigo a batir,
Entrevista con Elisabeth Badinter

William Joyce

William Joyce

By Kerry Bolton

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

William_Joyce_politician-426x625.jpgWilliam Joyce, more infamously known to history as “Lord Haw Haw,” the epitome of a British Traitor, was hanged on the basis of a passport technicality on January 3, 1946. Like the name “Quisling” (see Ralph Hewin’s excellent biography Quisling: Prophet Without Honour) much nonsense persists about Joyce. 

The following is redacted from my introduction to William Joyce’s Twilight Over England [2] (London: Black House Publishing, 2013). The second part of the introduction, not included here, examines the primary points of Joyce’s book, the continuing relevance of which is its cogent criticism of Free Trade liberalism and international finance.


Twenty-five years ago I was told a little anecdote by a work colleague, a middle aged Englishman. He said that as a small lad in England he and his friends were one Christmas eve singing carols to earn some pocket money. One household they came to was particularly memorable for him during those Depression years. A gentleman answered the door, invited the children inside and gave them each not only a cake but also a shilling. What struck my work colleague all those years later, still, was not only the generosity of the amount each child had been given, but more particularly, that someone from the ‘middle class’, invited a group of working class children in to the household where they received their cakes and coins. Such lack of social snobbery was a rarity that my work colleague had never forgotten. My English friend concluded by stating that the kind benefactor was named William Joyce.

My English friend was no Nazi; not even vaguely ‘right-wing’. His anecdote on this humanity of William Joyce, enduringly hated as a traitor, whose very name, as ‘Lord Haw-Haw’, as he was dubbed by the Allied propaganda machine, is Britain’s equivalent to Norway’s Quisling, and America’s Benedict Arnold. Joyce, as a British ‘Nazi’, is automatically regarded as a rogue, a lunatic, an apologist for mass murder and aggression, a fool, or any combination thereof. Yet the anecdote from my English friend’s childhood betrays a human side to the likes of William Joyce that just maybe indicates the he was none of those things, but a man of entirely different character. For in Twilight Over England, written while Joyce’s beloved Britain – yes, beloved Britain – was at war with Germany, and while Joyce had made the fateful decision that siding with those who were fighting Britain was the greatest manifestation of that love of Britain, we have the testament of a man deeply anguished at the level to which his people had been reduced by a rapacious system. That this system of international finance and Free Trade is more fully enthroned today and over more of the world than in Joyce’s time shows the relevance of this volume for the present and foreseeable future. In Twilight Over England we might discern – if we open our minds, and for a little while at least, leave behind the prejudgements and the victor’s hateful propaganda – the historical circumstances, centuries in the making, that brought this Briton to a martyr’s death.

Indeed, J A Cole, as objective a biographer that one could expect, described Joyce as ‘intelligent, well-educated, dedicated, hardworking, fluent and sharp-tongued’.[1] Although critical of Joyce, Cole also described him as ‘so unlike the stereotype which fear and prejudice had created’.[2] As a paid broadcaster for the Germans during the war, Joyce retained a character devoid of egotism and vanity, living frugally, refusing pay raises and perks other than cigarettes, and only being persuaded with some difficulty to buy himself a smartly-cut suit.[3] How far away the reality of Joyce was from the character depicted, apparently without a shred of good conscience, by Rebecca West, who gloated at Joyce’s trial, referring to him as opening ‘a vista into a mean life’, always speaking ‘as though he was better fed and better clothed than we were, and so, we now know, he was’,[4] going so far as to describe Joyce as ‘a tiny little creature’,[5] presumably confident that such was the hysteria that nothing she wrote against him would be challenged. It is as though West, and a gaggle of lesser slanderers, took all that Joyce truly was and turned it on its head. However, anyone with an eye to fame or money can still write whatever junk they can contrive on certain events related to the Second World War, and seldom are they called to account for their humbug. Indeed, to expose the lies can render one a jail sentence in many states and the destruction of one’s reputation and career.[6]

Joyce was a rare combination in history: an activist, a revolutionary, and a tough fighter, scarred with a Communist-welded razorblade. He was not some sallow intellectual whose only battle was fought within the brain and with verbosity at a safe distance from one’s targets. He had been the Director of Propaganda for a mass movement, Sir Oswald Mosley’s British Union of Fascists, which like Fascist movements across the world in the aftermath of the First World War, attracted individuals of many types and classes in solidarity. In Britain these included the American expatriate poet Ezra Pound, a founder of modern English literature;[7] Wyndham Lewis, novelist, painter, philosopher and co-founder with Pound of the Vorticist arts movement; the British nature writer and Hawthorne Prize Winner Henry Williamson, who never repudiated his belief in the heroic virtues of Mosley or Hitler, even after the war and who, like many who joined Mosley, was a First World War veteran haunted by the prospect of another war, but also reminded of the Europe that might still be when on Christmas Eve 1914 Germans and Britons greeted each other in no-man’s land to play football, returning to slaughter one another the following day; the military strategist, General J F C Fuller, father of modern tank warfare; and many others of the highest intellectual and cultural calibre.

William was born in New York on 24 April 1906, his father, Michael Francis Joyce, a Catholic, having migrated from Ireland in 1892, and marrying Gertrude Brooke, daughter of a Lancashire physician. In 1906 the family returned to Ireland, Michael having done well as a builder, and now becoming a publican and a property owner. William was educated at Catholic schools, and at an early age threw himself with gusto into whatever he did: When assisting at a service in the chapel he swung the censer with such force that the glowing incense flew down the aisle. He received his broken nose not through a fist fight with a Communist during the 1920s or 30s, but with a boy at school who had called him an ‘Orangeman’, because of the Joyce family’s avidly pro-British sentiments at the time of Ireland’s tribulations. His nose was not properly attended to, and hence William always had a distinctively nasal tone to his voice. During the Republican rebellion Michael’s properties endured arson. Young William saw the body of his neighbour, a policeman, on the road, with a bullet through his head. On another occasion he witnessed a Sinn Feiner cornered and shot by police.[8]

In 1920 the British Government reinforced the Royal Irish Constabulary with the Black & Tan paramilitaries. At fourteen, William served as a spy for the authorities, keeping his eyes and ears open for snippets of information that might be of use, and ran a squad of sub-agents. With the truce of 1921, and the departure of the British, the Joyce family moved to England. At 15, eager to continue serving King and Empire, he enlisted in the army at Worcester, giving his age as 18, but his real age was soon discovered and he was discharged. At 16 he joined the Officer Training Corps at the University of London, and after graduating from Battersea Polytechnic, enrolled at Birbeck College, part of the University.

Of Joyce’s intellectual gifts, his lifelong friend and comrade, John MacNab related to Cole:

‘He kept no files, diaries or notes of any kind, but he could recall the date, place and circumstances of remote events and meetings with people. He never forgot a face or a name, and could give a full account, unhesitatingly, of almost anything that had ever happened to him. At intervals of years he would repeat the same account without the least variation. He could quote – always exactly – any poem he had ever read with attention, and even notable pieces of prose. As a Latin scholar his technical qualifications were inferior to my own, yet he was the one who could quote Virgil or Horace etc., freely and always to the point, not I’.[9]

MacNab stated that Joyce was a multi-linguist, gifted in mathematics and his ability to teach it. ‘He read widely in history, philosophy, theology, psychology, theoretical physics and chemistry, economics law, medicine, anatomy and physiology. When he broke his collarbone in 1936 while skating, he was able to set it himself due to his knowledge of physiology. He was a talented pianist’.[10]

British Fascisti

While pursuing a BA in Latin, French, English and History, in 1923 he joined the British Fascisti, founded that year by Miss R L Linton-Orman, a member of a distinguished military family who had served with the Women’s Reserve Ambulance during the Frost World War and had twice been awarded the Croix de Charité for gallantry for heroic rescues in Salonica.[11]

The first such body to be established in Britain, inspired by the assumption to power by Mussolini in 1922, and the destruction of Communism in Italy, there was not much ideological substance to the British Fascisti (later ‘British Fascists’), other than loyalty to ‘King and Empire’, a determination to form a paramilitary force to stop Communism in the event of revolution or strikes, and to maintain order at Conservative Party meetings when Communists and Labourites threatened violence. The membership was drawn mainly from the middle and upper classes, and included a good number of retired officers. The first president of the British Fascists was Lord Garvagh, who was succeeded by Brigadier-General Blakeney, later associated with both Arnold Leese’s Imperial Fascist League, a small but persistent anti-Semitic group; and Mosley’s British Union.[12] The present of such personalities indicates the impression that Fascist Italy was making on important sections of Britain, and that it could never be dismissed as the collective delusions of a ‘lunatic fringe’.

Despite the lack of ideological substance, many stalwart Fascists got their start with the British Fascisti, including those who were to play a prominent role in the British Union of Fascists (BUF). It was as leader of the ‘I Squad’ of the British Fascisti that on 22 October 1924 Joyce stationed his men at Lambeth Baths Hall in South-East London, to protect the election meeting of Jack Lazarus, Conservative party Parliamentary candidate for Lambeth North, from Communist attack. These were times in which electoral meetings not approved by the Left were subjected to attack from Communist and Labour party thugs armed with razors, often put into potatoes for throwing, and spiked sticks. Hence, the British Fascisti emerged at a time of a very real threat of violence by the Left against the Conservative and Unionist parties, regardless of the other shortcomings of the organisation as a serious political alternative.

The Communist assault on Lazarus’ election meeting was ‘vicious’.[13] A ‘Jewish Communist’, as Joyce described him, jumped on his back and tried to slash his throat with a razor, but only succeeded in cutting Joyce from mouth to ear, his neck protected by a thick woollen scarf. He did not realise he had been slashed until the crowd drew back aghast, and he attempted to stem the blood with a handkerchief given to him, then walked to the police station where he collapsed.

While active with the British Fascisti, Joyce was also president of the Conservative Society at Birbeck College, where he developed his oratory, seeing Conservatism as the upholder of ‘Anglo-Saxon tradition and supremacy’.[14] Meanwhile, 1926 proceeded with a General Strike that did not result in the threat of a Soviet Britain, and the British Fascisti went into decline. That year Joyce married Hazel Barr, while continuing to do well with his studies, and the following year obtained First Class Honours in English, but did not complete his MA. His attempts for several years to introduce the Conservative Party to ‘true Nationalism’ failed. Biding his time, as the several small Fascist groups that arose failed to impress him, Joyce taught at the Victoria Tutorial College, and then at King’s College.

The Red thuggery that the British Fascists had attempted to combat continued. A target was to be not a party from the Right but from the Left: the New Party, founded in 1931 by the Labour Party’s most promising young politician, Sir Oswald Mosley, after Labour Caucus refused to adopt Mosley’s bold plan for unemployment.[15] The New Party was regarded as traitorous by the Labour Party, and was subjected to violent attacks by Communists and Labourites. It was such violence that contributed to Mosley’s turning to Fascism and forming his Blackshirt squads to protect the meetings that he could not efficiently protect during the New Party electoral campaigns, although even then he had started forming a squad of stewards trained in boxing by Jewish boxing champion Ted ‘Kid’ Lewis. Mosley records that extreme Left reaction had been subdued until the promising results of the New Party vote came out in a by-election.[16] Mosley, referring to the General Election soon after, related: ‘All over the country we met a storm of organised violence. They were simply out to smother us, we were to be mobbed down by denying us our only resource: the spoken word; we were to be mobbed out of existence’.[17]

In 1932 Mosley visited Fascist Italy, and like many others was impressed by what he saw at a time when Britain continued to stagnate. Joyce read the news reports of Mosley’s visit with interest but, having long had an increasing animosity against Jewish influence in Britain, was more interested in the progress that the Hitler movement was making in Germany.[18] When Mosley re-established the New Party as the British Union of Fascists most of the adherents of other Fascist groups, particularly the British Fascists, joined him. Joyce joined the BUF in 1933,[19] and, fatefully, obtained a British passport by falsely claiming that he had been born a British subject, with the expectation that he might accompany Mosley on a visit to Hitler.

Joyce was soon noted in the BUF for his oratory skills, and he resigned his teaching post at Victoria Tutorial College and his studies at London University to become the BUF’s West London Area Administration Officer. He then became Propaganda Director, addressing hundreds of meetings. It was on hearing Joyce, then 28, speaking that ex-Labour MP John Beckett,[20] joined the BUF, and committed himself to National Socialism, having previously been impressed by what he had seen in Fascist Italy, declaring Joyce to be one of the greatest orators who had recruited thousands to Fascism.[21] Indeed, Joyce filled in for Mosley if the latter could not attend a function. Jeffrey Hamm, a young Mosleyite before the war, who became particularly active in Mosley’s post-war Union Movement, reminisced on Joyce’s oratory that ‘his wit and repartee were proverbial’. ‘On one occasion a buxom lady in the crowd was shouting abuse at him, culminating in an angry roar: “You bastard!” Quick as a flash Joyce gave her a cheerful wave, as he cried: “Hullo, Mother!”’[22]

Joyce divorced Hazel amicably in 1934. He had sired two daughters who were close to their father, despite his hectic life as a Fascist leader.

His BUF classes on Fascist ideology, held jointly with his closest colleague, John Angus Macnab, with whom he also established a private tutoring business, were used to propagate his own views on Fascism, and here he introduced the term National Socialism to the movement, which was renamed the British Union of Fascists and National Socialists in 1936.[23] Although Joyce believed that National Socialism was intrinsically based on the nation from which it arose, was more inclined to quote Thomas Carlyle than Hitler, and eschewed both the swastika and the fasces when creating his own movement, he saw Hitler as a closer example to consider than Mussolini, not least because Hitler dealt with the Jewish question head-on. It was Joyce who coined the BUF axiom: ‘If you love your country you are National. If you love your people, you are Socialist. Be a National Socialist’. The reader will find this phrase cogently explained in Twilight Over England.

Joyce met Christian Bauer, who represented Goebbels’ newspaper Der Angriff, in Britain, and at Bauer’s request, after his return to Germany, Joyce maintained contact with him,[24] although it transpired that Bauer was more important when in Britain than he was in Germany.

In 1937 Joyce married Margaret White, a Manchester BUF organiser, who had accepted his proposal at a party, even although the two hardly knew one another. It had been literally ‘love at first sight’ between the two, and a scholarly member of her branch remarked on the engagement that it ‘may be uncomfortable being married to a genius. And William is a genius, you know!’[25] On the first day of the year, the Public Order Act was introduced banning the wearing of uniforms at public political functions; i.e. the black shirt, prohibiting the effective stewarding of open-air meetings, and other measures designed to impinge on the BUF campaign. As previously stated, Mosley had adopted a black shirt uniform to establish a disciplined and recognisable formation to keep order at his meetings having experienced Red thuggery at New Party meetings, as had the Conservative Party many years. The banning of the uniform saw a considerable rise in disorder at BUF functions. Despite the great deal of nonsense that had been alleged about ‘Fascist violence,’ the Blackshirts always answered the razorblade and the cosh with fists when necessary. One of these great myths is that Lord Rothermere, proprietor of the Daily Mail, who had supported the BUF during the first few years, withdrew his support in 1934 because of such Fascist violence. In fact, as related by Randolf Churchill some thirty years later, it was due to ‘the pressure of Jewish advertisers’.[26]

By 1937, both Joyce and Beckett, editor of Action and The Blackshirt, had become increasingly critical of BUF administration. Matters were decided when Mosley was obliged through financial stringency to reduce the paid-staff by four-fifths. Among them were both Joyce and Beckett. Macnab, the editor of Fascist Quarterly, resigned in protest at Joyce’s dismissal. Macnab & Joyce, Private Tutors, was a now established to earn a modest income to offer tuition for university entrance and professional preliminary examinations, and to teach English to foreign pupils of sound character.

National Socialist League

Joyce’s concerns were directed towards forming a new political organisation that would more precisely reflect his view on British National Socialism. Joyce, Beckett, McNabb and a few others founded the National Socialist League. Despite Joyce’s admiration for Hitler, his organisation was based on British roots. That a front-group for the League was named the Carlyle Club after Thomas Carlyle, whom Joyce often cited as a precursor of British National Socialism, is indicative of the British character of his variation of National Socialism. After all the concept of the National and the Social synthesis is universal, and movements of such a type had been arising spontaneously and independently of one another since the immediate aftermath of the First World War. One might refer to the Legion of the Archangel Michael in Romania, the Hungarist movement in Hungary, National-Syndicalist Falangism in Spain, and many others throughout the world. The Israeli scholar Dr Zeev Sternhell provides a convincing argument for the emergence of proto-Fascism from a union of Left-wing syndicalist and Right-wing Monarchist theorists in France as early as the late 19th century.[27] Mosley’s ‘Fascism’ had been based on his Birmingham manifesto to cure unemployment through a massive public works programme that had been rejected as too radical by the Labour Government, not by reading Mein Kampf or Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism.

As for Joyce’s National Socialist League, it was surprisingly ‘democratic’ in structure, with leaders elected at branch level, and no fuehrer-complex being evident in either Beckett of Joyce. Nor was there a paramilitary complexion to the group.[28] The symbol was a ship’s steering wheel, the design of which is also suggestive of a Union Jack, below which was the motto: ‘Steer Straight’. A newspaper was published, The Helmsman. Funding came from Alec Scrimgeour, an elderly stockbroker, whom Joyce had known since the BUF, and who treated Joyce as a son. Cole mentions that one supporters ‘claimed to be the King of Poland’. This cannot be anyone other than the New Zealand poet Geoffrey Potocki de Montalk who, unlike his many contemporaries who were embracing to Communism, being a Monarchist, embraced the Right, then Fascism and National Socialism, and never recanted. Indeed, even in December 1945, Potocki printed an ‘Xmas card’, the ‘X’ in the shape of a swastika, with a poem that paid tribute to ‘our William Joyce’. As to his eccentric claim to the throne of Poland, it was as legitimate as any other, being descended from a Polish noble lineage. [29]

The primary ideological text of the League was National Socialism Now, published in September 1937. National Socialism Now is a cogent 57 pages defining the fundamentals of National Socialist ethos, method of statecraft, and type financial and economic systems. Joyce’s opening lines are that,

‘We deal with National Socialism for Britain; for we are British. Our League is entirely British; and to win the victory for National Socialism here, we must work hard enough to be excused the inspiring task of describing National Socialism elsewhere’.[30]

While National Socialism was forever linked with the name of Hitler, no matter where it arises it ‘must arise from the soil and people or not at all’.

‘It springs from no temporary grievance, but from the revolutionary yearning of the people to cast off the chains of gross, sordid, democratic materialism without having to put on the shackles of Marxian Materialism, which would be identical with the chains cast off’.[31]

Joyce returned to a theme that he had introduced to the BUF, that the synthesis of Nationalism and Socialism is a logical development; that ‘the people’ are identical with ‘the nation’, and anything else, whether called ‘nationalism’ or ‘socialism’, is a waste of time. It was Socialism that provided the foundation for class unity rather than class antagonism, which had been engendered by the dislocations caused by industrialism and usury. Such class division is aggravated rather than transcended by Marxism and other forms of materialistic socialism. Both Capitalism and Marxism are international. Indeed Marx pointed this out in The Communist Manifesto, and described anyone resisting this internationalising tendency of Capitalism as ‘reactionary’, because the historical process towards Communism is aided by Capitalist internationalisation, and what Marx called the ‘uniformity in the mode of production’ across the world.[32] Today we call this ‘globalisation’ and the process has been accelerating. What has emerged is not Communism, but a Capitalist ‘new world order’. Communism is not even anti-Capitalist, but an extension of it, and hence, as Joyce explains in Twilight, it is Nationalism, intrinsically based on Socialism, that not only opposes Capitalism, but transcends it. Equally, any Socialism that embraces internationalism is not only hopeless in combating Capitalism, but assists in its victory. We are now able with both hindsight and observing present-day events, to confirm that this indeed the case. Communism, and Social Democracy literally failed to ‘delver the goods’, and now Free Trade Capitalism runs rampant over the entire world, imposed by US weaponry where, where debt to international finance and the opiate of the shopping mall and MTV are insufficient. The Socialism of Joyce’s day, represented mainly by the Labour Party, did not oppose the system of international finance any more than the Conservative Party, that had long since forsaken its patriotic and rural origins, and both permitted a system of Liberal Free Trade that invested capital to build up cotton manufacturing in India for example, while allowing the mill workers of Lancashire to rot.[33] The same situation is visited upon us in recent years, with Tony Blair’s ‘New Labour’ in Britain, and in New Zealand, the Labour Party during the 1980s, being in the forefront of inaugurating ‘Free Trade’ in the name of ‘socialism’. Joyce saw it going on in his own day. We relive it today. The same old abandonment to Capitalism by Social Democracy, which had also obliged Mosley to resign from the Labour Party in disgust.

The weakness of Westminster parliamentary democracy allowed international finance to carry on unhindered. Joyce’s British National Socialism advocated the ‘leadership principle’, with authority to act, but in Britain’s case the symbol of unity within one personality had existed for centauries in the form of the Crown, and Joyce did not envisage a National Socialist Britain that need be under the dictatorship of a British ‘fuehrer’. Indeed, he advocated the corporatist or organic state that he had alluded to in his BUF pamphlet, Dictatorship. In NS Now Joyce pointed to the guilds of Medieval Britain, and outlined a corporate state based on the revival of the guilds as taking over many functions of the state. Both employers and employees would be represented in the same corporative organs, which was the method of successful industrial organisation that would be enacted in Germany in the Reich Economic Chamber. Parliament would hence be a corporative body with representatives elected from such guilds.

Joyce next turned his attention to the financial system. National Socialist banking reform is based the premise that money and credit should serve the people, and not master them. Hence, credit and currency should be issued by the state according to the production of the people, allowing the people to consume that production. Private financial interests should not issue credit and currency as a profit -making commodity. Currency and credit are only intended as a means of exchanging goods and services. That is the method that National Socialist Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan used and by which they flourished in the midst of the world Depression.[34] Again, there is nothing intrinsically ‘fascist’ or ‘nazi’ in such a banking system. The First New Zealand Labour Government had initiated the same type of policy, issuing 1% Reserve Bank state credit in 1935 for the construction of New Zealand’s iconic state housing project, which itself solved 75% of the unemployment rate.[35] Banking reformers around the world were demanding that the state assume its prerogative to issue the nation’s own credit and currency, without recourse to becoming indebted in perpetuity to international finance.[36] As Joyce was to emphasis in Twilight, it was this struggle between productive work and parasitism that led to the world war, the fact being that it was the Axis states that posed a deathly challenge to this parasitism the world over. New Zealand, despite the Labour Government measures in 1935, true to Social Democratic form, did not go beyond those limited measures, despite their success, and despite the promises the party had made in its 1934 election manifesto. Again, Social Democracy posed no real challenge to the system of world trade and banking that was – and remains – in the hands of a few parasites.

The League was ‘openly and unashamedly Imperialist.’ One of the primary aims of ‘Fascism’ was to create autarchic or self-sufficient economics states, or geo-political blocs. Of course, with Britain being the greatest imperial power, British Fascism or National Socialism sought to re-create the Empire as an autarchic bloc, where investments would be made only within the Empire, and not placed outside the Empire, only to undermine the manufacturing the agricultural sectors of the Empire peoples. Joyce pointed out that the system of international trade and finance was the enemy of both the British and the Colonial peoples; that both were equally exploited, and granting independence to India was not going to change that situation a jot. National Socialism would end usury and exploitation in India with the same methods as in Britain.[37] What Fascism was trying to address was the iniquitous system that is today called ‘globalisation’, whereby investments can be moved out of states and indeed entire industries shut-down and relocated to cheap labour pools, and currency speculators can make vast fortunes overnight by destroying entire economies. That is the system that won the Second World War against the Axis and that is the system that has driven the world to the present debt crisis, as it inevitably would. That is the system for which the Allied troops fought and died, just as the same plutocratic wire-pullers of ‘democracy’ declare war on states that are problematic to the ‘new world order’.

Finally, Joyce addressed the matter of foreign policy. Even then the war drums were being beaten against Germany, Italy and Japan. Joyce saw the keystone of world peace and order being an alliance between Britain and Germany with the assistance of Italy, which would form a bulwark against both international finance and Communism. From the 1920s, when Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, an alliance with Britain and Italy was envisaged as the cornerstone of Germany’s future foreign policy, Hitler definitively stating: ‘In the predictable future there can only be two allies for Germany in Europe: England and Italy’.[38] Was this mere cant, albeit dictated a decade before Hitler came to Office, while sitting in a jail following the abortive Munich putsch? Hitler in both public and private pronouncements always affirmed his admiration for the British Empire and the kinship that should have existed between the Third Reich and the Empire. Like Joyce, he believed that the two would be a great stabilising force in the world, and legitimate scholarship has only confirmed these views.

Captain A H M Ramsay, Conservative Member of Parliament for Midlothian and Peeblesshire from 1931 until his detention through 1940-1944, under Defence Regulation 18B along with Mosley and 1000 others, wrote after the war a volume much in the mode of Joyce’s Twilight and NS Now not only in regard to the war but also the takeover of Britain by international finance. Joyce had been a member of Ramsay’s Right Club that campaigned against war with Germany.[39] Like Joyce, Ramsay pointed to the Judaic character of the Puritan revolutionary zealots, whose armies ‘marched around Scotland, aided by their Geneva sympathisers, dispensing Judaic justice’.[40] Ramsay proceeds to consider the formation of the Bank of England with the encumbering of Britain with a National Debt; a matter that is dealt with in relative detail by Joyce in Twilight. Ramsay points out that the officialdom of ‘world Jewry’ had ‘declared war’ on Germany as soon as Hitler assumed Office. An ‘international economic boycott’ was declared by the World Jewish Economic Federation, headed by Samuel Untermeyer from the USA, who wrote in The New York Times of a ‘holy war’ against Germany, in which both Jew and Gentile must embark, while the Jews were the ‘aristocrats of the world’.[41] The Jewish leadership through its influence on politics, business and media the world over, hoped to economically strangle Germany. They could not ruin Germany through such means however, because the Hitler regime’s banking and trade reform not only withdrew Germany from the international finance system, but through barter proceeded to capture the markets of central Europe and South America. As Joyce was to emphasise in Twilight, this was the real cause of the world war; a conflict between two systems, one productive and creative, the other parasitic and exploitive.

It should be pointed out that Ramsay enjoyed the friendship and confidence of British Prime Minster Neville Chamberlain in the moths immediately preceding the World War. Ramsay alludes to Chamberlain’s guarantee to assist Poland in the event of invasion on the basis of a supposed Germany ultimatum that transpired to be fraudulent,[42] and that Germany had sought for months a negotiated solution for the return of Danzig and the ‘Polish Corridor’ to Germany, while Poland resorted to what today would be called ‘ethnic cleansing’ of the Germans within Poland; a matter which will be considered further.

Ramsay points out that Hitler had ‘again and again made it clear that he never intended to attack or harm the British Empire’. [43] Indeed, what is called the ‘Phoney War’ ensued, where no real fighting was taking place. The situation changed immediately Churchill became Prime Minister. Then the previous policy of only bombing military targets was reversed, and British Bomber Command was ordered to bomb civilian targets, a strategy that would eventually lead to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of German civilians by the end of the war, the fire-bombing of Dresden,[44] Hamburg, Berlin and other German cities going down in infamy as obliterating in deadly infernos more victims than the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Actions speak louder than words, as it is said, and Hitler on numerous occasions offered his hand of friendship, while still in a position of strength, indeed winning the war. One of the most notable occasions is that involving the British invasion of Dunkirk, around which much nonsense about British heroism continues to be spoken. Ramsay cites the pre-eminent official British military historian Captain Liddell Hart. This nonsense continues despite Hart’s book on World War II, The Other Side of the Hill, having been published in 1948, with chapter 10 entitled ‘How Hitler beat France and saved Britain’. Ramsay comments that the chapter would ‘astound all propaganda-blinded people… for the author therein proves that not only did Hitler save this country; but that this was not the result of some unforeseen factor, or indecision or folly, but was of set purpose, based on his long enunciated and faithfully maintained principle’. Hart details how Hitler halted the Panzer Corps on 22 May 1940, allowing the British troops to escape back to Britain. Hitler had cabled Von Kleist that the armoured divisions were not to advance or fire. Von Kleist ignored the order, and then came an ‘emphatic order’, according to Von Kleist, that he was to ‘withdraw behind the canal. My tanks were kept halted there for three days’.[45] Hart records a conversation between Hitler and Marshall Von Runstedt two days later (24 May):

‘He [Hitler] then astonished us by speaking with admiration of the British Empire, of the necessity for its existence, and of the civilisation that Britain had brought into the world… He compared the British Empire with the Catholic Church – saying they were both essential elements of stability in the world. He said that all he wanted from Britain was that she should acknowledge Germany’s position on the Continent. The return of Germany’s lost colonies would be desirable but not essential, and he would even offer to support Britain with troops, if she should be involved with any difficulties anywhere. He concluded by saying that his aim was to make peace with Britain, on a basis that she would regard compatible with her honour to accept’. [46]

Captain Hart comments on the above: ‘If the British army had been captured at Dunkirk, the British people might have felt that their honour had suffered a stain, which they must wipe out. By letting it escape, Hitler hoped to conciliate them’.[47] Hart alluded to the pro-British sentiments in Mein Kampf and the manner by which Hitler did not deviate from his desire for an alliance with Britain. As we now know, so far from the British people being cognisant of the equanimity of Hitler towards them, the propaganda machine merely used this to further inflame them toward war, and Dunkirk had ever since been portrayed as a great feat of British moral courage.

Even during the early 1920s, when Hitler was in jail dictating Mein Kampf he realised that any future goodwill between Germany and Britain relied on the question as to ‘whether the exiting influence of the Jews is not stronger than any understanding or good intentions and will this frustrate and nullify all plans’.[48] Mosley, Ramsay, Admiral Sir Barry Domvile and hundreds of others jailed under 18B, who sought peace with Germany, were aware of this also. However, there were still prominent people within Britain who were free, to whom Hitler might appeal for peace, and it is presumably with these in mind that Hitler kept open the prospect of a negotiated peace with honour.

However, eminent people who hoped for a negotiated peace with Germany were no match for the war party and its backers. Winston Churchill, whose drunken, opulent lifestyle had got him into debt, led the war party. He had personal reasons for assuring the destruction of Hitler, even if that also meant the destruction of the British Empire; which, of course, it did. By 1938 Churchill was bankrupt, and Chartwell House was about to be put on the market. A few days before however Sir Henry Strakosch, the South African Jewish mining magnate and financial adviser, came to the rescue and agreed to pay off Churchill’s debts.[49] Churchill had whored himself to international finance for the sake of £18,000, and in so doing doomed the lives of millions and the survival of the British Empire. Strakosch was financial adviser to General Smuts of South Africa, and in 1920 drafted the blueprint for the Reserve Bank of South Africa.[50] He has also served as adviser on setting up the Reserve Bank of India. Like the US Federal Reserve Bank and other central banks throughout the world, the reader should not be confused into thinking that these acted as state banks issuing state credit, even when they were, like the Reserve Bank of New Zealand, nationalised. These central banks were based on plans provided by individuals such as Strakosch, the Bank of England’s Sir Otto Niemeyer, and Warburg in the USA. The thraldom of most states to international finance, from which Germany, Italy and Japan had broken free, is the most significant cause of World War II, as explained by Joyce in Twilight.

Since the 1920s Churchill’s financial adviser for his stock market dealings had been Bernard Baruch, the international financier who had run the US War Industries Board during the First World War I, and had become the virtual dictator of the USA during the war years.[51] Nothing would or could divert Churchill from leading Britain into war with Germany.

To Germany

During the Munich crisis in 1938 Joyce foresaw the coming war, and the quandary that placed him as an avidly pro-British devotee of National Socialism and Anglo-German accord. He told Macnab that in the event of war, he could not fight against Germany in the service of international finance but neither could he be a conscientious objector and evade national service. He had already envisaged sending Margaret to Ireland with Macnab, while he would go to Germany, perhaps to fight the Russians[52].

Mosley’s answer was to immediately issue a call to his supporters to fully support the war effort once the war that he had vigorously campaigned against, had eventuated, while he and 800 of his followers were detained under Emergency Defence Regulation 18B. Mosley’s order stated that ‘Our members should do what the law requires of them; and, if they are members of the armed Forces or services of the Crown, they should obey their orders and, in every particular, obey the rules of the Service’. However, it was also a call to ‘stand-fast’ against the ‘corrupt Jewish money-power’ and ‘to take every opportunity within your power to awaken the people and to demand peace’.[53]

Among the first to die in the war were two Blackshirts, Kenneth Day and George Brocking, while on an RAF daylight bomber raid on Brűnsbuttel.[54]

While Joyce campaigned with his National Socialist League, and Mosley held meetings attracting the largest audiences ever seen in Britain to the very eve of war, Joyce also sought to widen his campaign. He was involved in an anti-war campaign with Lord Lymington, Conservative MP, and an early advocate of agricultural self-sufficiency and organic farming,[55] also a particular concern of both Joyce and the BUF.[56] Lord Lymington and Joyce created the British Council Against European Commitments. Lymington’s group joined with a similar organisation founded by Hastings William Sackville Russell, Lord Tavistock (later Duke of Bedford) and emerged as the British People’s Party (BPP), the policy of which not only included peace, but in particular advocacy of banking reform.[57] Joyce had confided in Beckett that he would probably go to Germany in the event of war, and Beckett left the League to become General secretary of the BPP. It is often commented that there was a fallen out between Joyce and Beckett, but, as will be seen, they remained steadfast friends.

As forebodings of war approached in 1939, one of the first to depart from Britain to Germany was Mrs Francis Dorothy Eckersley, a member of the BUF, whose son was at school there. Mrs Eckersley was to play a role in the Joyce’s settling in Berlin. Before Macnab visited Berlin, Joyce had asked him to take a message to Christian Bauer, asking whether Goebbels would arrange for the immediate naturalisation of Joyce and his wife, should they settle in Germany.[58] Defence Regulation 18B was about to be passed when Joyce received news from Macnab that naturalisation would be granted. He then received news from an MI5 agent to whom he given information on Communist activities, that it was likely he would be arrest under 18B within a matter of days.[59] The Joyce’s left for Germany on 26 August 1939, William convinced that imprisonment in Britain during the war would mean unbearable suffering for Margaret.

To the Joyce’s dismay, Christian Bauer did not have the influence in Berlin that had been assumed, and he had been ‘called up’. However, Mrs Eckersley did have connections with the Foreign Office, and Joyce was able to secure a part-time job as a translator of German scripts.[60] Within days, war had been declared by Britain against Germany, a declaration that was not met by the Germans with any more jubilation than it was met by the Joyces and many other Britons. In England, meanwhile Mosley was holding the largest rallies in British Union history, and just two months previously the biggest indoor hall in England had been filled with 20,000 people to hear Mosley.[61] Mosley was arrested under 18B on 23 May 1940, and his wife Diana on 29 June.[62] Captain Ramsay MP, and Admiral Sir Barry Domvile CB, founder of the Link, which had also campaigned for Anglo-German cooperation, were among the 1000 others.[63]

Mrs Eckersley’s friends had been at work to secure Joyce a position, and Dr Erich Hetzler, an official in the Foreign Office, who had studied economics in England, interviewed him. It is notable that during the interview Joyce explained he was a National Socialist and British, but that a National Socialist in Britain was not the same as in Germany.[64] Hetzler recommended Joyce to the English-speaking department of the Reich radio service. Norman Baillie-Stewart, a former Subaltern in the Seaforth Highlanders, headed the English news service, under the direction of Walter Kamm. Joyce’s first broadcast, reading a news bulletin, took place on 11 September 1939. He did well, but drew the immediately jealousy of Baillie-Stewart.[65]

The disparaging nick-name of ‘haw-haw’, which was to become synonymous with Joyce, first appeared in the Daily Express on 14 September 1939 where the columnist, the pseudonymous Jonah Barrington, commented on a broadcast from Germany: ‘A gent I’d like to meet is moaning periodically from Zeesen. He speaks English of the haw-haw, damit-get-out-of-my-way variety, and his strong suit is gentlemanly indignation’.[66] The name was picked up by British propaganda, and stuck, like the name of Quisling was to become synonymous with ‘traitor’.

Ironically, Barrington was describing Baillie-Stewart. Barrington and the media ran with the typically banal propaganda image, and ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ was introduced to the public as a figure of ridicule. Lord Haw-Haw soon became conflated with Joyce and stuck, since Joyce would become the leading British broadcaster, despite his own voice, affected by the broken nose he had since childhood, not being suggestive of the ‘Bertie Wooster’ type figure that Barrington was trying to portray.[67] Other half-witted attempts at satire by Barrington, with names such as The Whopper, Uncle Boo-Hoo and Mopey, fell by the way, while Lord Haw-Haw remained. It was Lord Donegal, writing for the Sunday Dispatch, who suggested that Lord Haw-Haw might be Joyce. However, the voice that he asked Macnab, then a volunteer ambulance driver, to hear, was Baillie-Stewart, and Macnab could reply honestly that it did not sound anything like Joyce.[68]

Joyce could now apply for naturalisation, and correctly recorded his birthplace as New York.[69] Margaret was employed writing women’s features for the radio network, and became known as Lady Haw-Haw. The broadcasts were widely listened to in Britain. The matter of the identities of Baillie-Stewart and William Joyce were soon resolved by the British, but ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ stuck with Joyce rather than with Baillie-Stewart,[70] another reflection of the puerility of British war propaganda. Comedians began to lampoon Lord Haw-Haw. The deaths of millions of Britons and Germans were such a whopping good laugh for those who could avoid service by larking about on the Home Front, while Mosleyites were among the first to enlist and die.

Interestingly, Cole discusses the insistence of ‘upper class’ origins for William Joyce by the British propaganda machine, and hence the maintenance of the ‘Lord Haw-Haw’ myth as an aristocratic ‘traitor’, perhaps also reminding audiences of Sir Oswald Mosley’s aristocratic birth, and the similar backgrounds of others who had sought conciliation with Germany and who had seen Fascism and National Socialism as a means of transcending class divisions. Cole writes: ‘The theme of the aristocratic traitor aroused such an immense public response that the jeering appeared to be directed as much at the traditional British upper classes as at an unknown traitor in Germany’.[71] The irony was that Joyce was the very antithesis of the character portrayed by British propaganda, as indicated by the opening anecdote of this introduction, and he lived simply and without thought of his material well-being.

A survey by the BBC concluded that Joyce was getting six million regular listeners daily, and 18,000,000 occasional listeners. The reasons for this included not only the mirth that had been directed at Lord Haw-Haw, but also that the broadcasts focused on ‘undeniable evils in this country… their news sense, their presentation’, making them ‘a familiar feature of the social landscape’.[72]

In early 1940 the Buro Concordia was formed under the direction of Dr Hetzler, which would focus on explaining National Socialism to English listeners. Joyce would lead the team and write the programmes. He refused insistent offers of a salary increase. The first programme was aired in February 1940, under the name of the New British Broadcasting Station, transmitting for half an hour from East Prussia, albeit under sparse conditions and resources.[73]

It was at this time, in February 1940, that Joyce was asked by the Foreign Office to write a book, Twilight Over England. While Joyce addressed a British audience, which would have few chances to read the book, the Foreign Office, had intended an English language testament for audiences in the USA and India. Twilight also went into German and Swedish editions, at least. The book as will be seen, is largely an indictment of the English system of Free Trade, the influence of Jews and the iniquity of international finance.

On hindsight, reading the volume today, one might be struck by its current relevance, as the world is plunged into what American strategists approvingly call ‘constant conflict’, in extending in the hallowed name of ‘Democracy’ the system of debt and exploitation which the Axis fought seventy years ago. As Joyce tried to explain, Westminster democracy and party government is a system that has not brought any meaningful benefits to the people who have lived under the ‘Mother of all Parliaments’ for centuries, let alone to tribesmen from the deserts of Afghanistan to the jungles of New Guinea, who are having this odd system born from the merchant class of England, imposed on them by force of arms. We still live under the same system that Joyce exposed, because international finance won the war.

By mid 1940 the British had ceased considering Lord Haw-Haw as a joke and were worried by what they thought was his inside knowledge of events in Britain. Other secret Anglophone broadcasting stations were planned under Buro Concordia.[74]. Meanwhile, Joyce’s commitment to Britain was indicated by his having defaced his British passport so that after it had expired it could not be used by German Intelligence, which was eager to obtain such passports.[75] So much for disloyalty.

In July 1940 Hitler made a peace offer to Britain, and Joyce was optimistic. On ‘Workers’ Challenge’, a broadcasting service pitched specifically to British workers, Joyce stated that British workers and German workers did not wish to fight each other. The British Communists had been saying that the war was between capitalist powers and was not a workers’ fight, until the party-line was reversed when Germany and the USSR came into conflict. ‘Workers’ Challenge’ called for a workers’ revolt against Churchill and a peace that would have nothing to do with the nazification of Britain. Of coursed, Churchill was committed to unconditional surrender, and the chance to save the Empire and Europe was rejected for the sake of Churchill’s ego, or perhaps mainly due to his £18,000 debt to Strakosch and his friendship with ‘Barney’ Baruch (?). As Joyce commented on his programme on 23 July, the rejection of peace would bring tragedy to England, and if Britons remained silent then it must be assumed that they consented to their own annihilation.[76] Joyce was prescient. Is there still doubt? While it might be a cliché to say that British won the war but lost the peace, that is beyond rational doubt. As for the impact of ‘Workers’ Challenge’, a BBC survey found that it had a ‘heavy following’, that ‘the following grows’, and that a lot of Joyce’s remarks ‘were true’.[77]

On 28 August the first air raid casualties in Berlin occurred. Both Joyce and the CBS foreign correspondent William Shirer, epitome of the anti-Nazi propagandist, were at the broadcasting house. Shirer, who had avoided meeting the ‘traitor’ for a year, noted in his diary that Lord Haw-Haw ‘in the air-raids has shown guts’.[78] Joyce went out to see the damage and was ‘profoundly moved’ by the devastation. Already there were comments on the civilian targets of the British, in contrast to the military objectives of the Luftwaffe, but could anyone in Germany have envisaged the criminal fire-bombing of defenceless German cities that was to become the speciality of Bomber Command?

Shirer, the inveterate anti-Nazi whose book The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich became a classic history,[79] nonetheless observed Joyce as ‘an amusing and even intelligent fellow’, ‘heavily built and of about five feet nine inches, with Irish eyes that twinkle’.[80] He noted that Joyce had a deep hatred of capitalism. ‘Strange as it may seem, he thinks the Nazi movement is a proletarian one which will free the world from the bonds of “plutocratic capitalists”. He sees himself primarily as a liberator of the working class’.[81]

Shirer’s quip about the ‘strangeness’ of Joyce’s view of National Socialism as a movement fighting capitalism is perhaps best explained by Shirer’s own ignorance as to the character of both National Socialism and the war.[82] The reader will see the anti-plutocratic character of National Socialism explained in Twilight, a copy of which Joyce gave to Shirer.

Twilight was published in September 1940, by Santoro, an elderly Italian who owned a Berlin publishing house, Internationaler Verlag, the English edition running to 100,000 copies.[83] They were distributed at POW camps, where there were efforts to recruit for a Legion of Saint George (also known as the British Free Corps) as a unit of the Waffen SS to fight on the Eastern Front (not against fellow Britons).[84]

After a year of delays, the Joyce’s were German citizens. In 1941 Joyce registered for military service and was put in a reserved category. Joyce was now permitted to reveal his identity and stated:

‘I, William Joyce, left England because I would not fight for Jewry against Adolf Hitler and National Socialism. I left England because I thought that victory which would preserve existing conditions would be more damaging to Britain than defeat’.[85]

On 11 May 1941 Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess reached Scotland on his ill-fated peace mission. It was undertaken at a time when war between the USSR and Germany was approaching, and the German authorities were obliged to repudiate the Hess mission as the lone efforts of someone who had become mentally unhinged. Perhaps Hess was unbalanced if he thought he could overcome the war party led by Churchill, but there was still thought to be a prominent peace party within influential circles who aimed for a negotiated peace. Hess had flown to Scotland in the hope of talking with the Duke of Hamilton, who was thought to be among the peace party. It is known that Hess had long been discussing possibilities of a peace mission to Britain, with Hitler’s knowledge, and that Hess’ friend Albrecht Haushofer had been in contact with the Duke of Hamilton.[86] New evidence has come to light that Hess probably did fly to Britain with Hitler’s approval. British historian Peter Padfield states that Hess brought with him to Britain detailed peace proposals from Hitler. The proposals asked for Britain’s neutrality in a coming conflict with the USSR, in return for which Germany would withdraw from Western Europe and would have no claims on Britain or the Empire.[87] Of course, such proposals were perfectly in keeping with the foreign policy aims that Hitler had desired since the 1920s, as we have seen previously. The proposals from Hitler specified German aims in Russia and even stated the precise time of the German offensive. Padfield remarks: ‘This was not a renegade plot. Hitler had sent Hess and he brought over a fully developed peace treaty for Germany to evacuate all the occupied countries in the West’.[88] Padfield also remarks on a significant ‘negotiated peace’ faction in Britain, and the ruin that peace would have meant for Churchill’s career. There is also allusion to this peace faction including the Royal Family.

Joyce expected he would soon die, whether fighting the Russians, during an air-raid or hanged. Awarded the War Merit Cross 1st Class, a civilian medal, which meant little to him, he was called up to the home guard, the Volkssturm, and he started training with weapons.[89] During the course of an air-raid, confined in a shelter, he proceeded to teach a French journalist English songs, which drew the attention of an air-warden. When Joyce refused the order to quieten a scuffle ensued, Joyce received a cut lip, and the warden a black eye. The air-raid warden stated that Joyce would be reported. Bellowing with laughter at the absurdity of the situation, Joyce was duly notified that he was charged with ‘sub-treason’, and that the warden had been the personal chauffer of Freisler, president of the People’s Court. His employers warned him that the charge was more serious than he assumed. However, the court and all traces of the documentation as well as Freisler’s chauffeur were buried in rubble from an air-raid and so was the charge of ‘sub-treason’.[90]

At the suggestion that the Joyces obtain false papers with the view to escaping as the war drew to a conclusion, Joyce was furious and adamant that ‘soldiers cannot run away, so why should I?’[91] For Joyce, from boyhood to the end of his life, honour an integrity were paramount, courage an instinct.

With Berlin in ruins, the staff of Buro Concordia prepared to relocate. With the impending Russian occupation of the city, the staff of the English Language Services proceeded to Apen, a small town between Bremen and the Dutch border, although Joyce would have preferred the barricades with his Volkssturm colleagues.


On 30 April 1945 the staff were called together and told of Hitler’s death. Lord and Lady Haw-Haw made their final broadcasts that day. Joyce reiterated what he had always said:

‘Britain’s victories are barren. They leave her poor and they leave her people hungry. They leave her bereft of the markets and the wealth that she possessed six years ago. But above all, they leave her with an immensely greater problem than she had then. We are nearing the end of one phase of Europe’s history, but the next will be no happier. It will be grimmer, harder and perhaps bloodier. And now I ask you earnestly, can Britain survive? I am profoundly convinced that without German help she cannot’.

Is there any reader who is so ignorant or so naïve, other than the ideologically or ethnically biased, who can deny that Joyce has been proved correct? Britain lost her Empire, lost her markets, the Commonwealth and colonial peoples were detached from her and left to wallow in Third World poverty, or become colonies of a US led world order, and debt became more than ever the preferred method of economics.

Orders came from Goebbels, the first from the Reichsminister that had acknowledged them, that the Joyces were not to fall into Allied hands. However, attempts to get them to neutral Sweden via Denmark or to Eire, were abortive. They ended up in Flensburg, back in the crumbling and occupied Reich. Joyce, as was his habit, adopted a rascally attitude even now, and played what he called ‘Russian roulette’ by greeting British soldiers, to see if they would recognise his voice. On a stroll back from the woods he encountered two officers collecting firewood, and approached them offering some sticks. One of the officers, Lieutenant Perry,[92] a returning Jewish refugee serving as an interpreter, a type that was now swarming over Germany in the wake of the Allied occupation, recognised Joyce’s voice. They pursued Joyce in a vehicle, and Perry asked, ‘You wouldn’t happen to be William Joyce would you?’ Joyce reached for the less than convincing fake identity papers that had been given to him by the Germans and was shot by Perry, the bullet entering through Joyce’s right thigh and passing through the left.[93]


The military authorities promptly called on Margaret Joyce at the lodging of an elderly widow, who was also detained, but quickly released, albeit not before her household food rations had been looted by the liberators.

Joyce’s first court appearance on treason charges was held at the Old Bailey on 17 September 1945. He entered a ‘not guilty’ plea. The main problem for the prosecution was in regard to whether Joyce was a British national under the protection of the Crown when he made his broadcasts in Germany. Joyce had never been a British citizen, and he had obtained a British passport for his move to Germany by making a false declaration. Two of the three charges could not be upheld. The case reached the House of Lords. However, Joyce was in no doubt that his hanging was required, and his defence team had even received death threats should he be acquitted. Joyce was hanged on the basis that because he had a British passport he was under the protection of the Crown when he started his broadcasts, and therefore committed high treason. The charge was dubious at best. He had never used his British status for protection at any time, and there is no reason to believe he would have in any circumstances. He moved to Germany with the intention of become a German citizen as promptly as possible, although German officialdom had been tardy in the process. Joyce was hanged on a passport technicality. Judgement was passed on 18 December 1945 to dismiss the appeal. Lord Porter dissented, stating that it was by no means clear that Joyce could have been considered to have owed allegiance to the Crown at the time of the broadcasts.[94]

Joyce on being told the decision wrote to Margaret that it was a relief the matter was over and that he found it undignified to have to plead for his life before his enemies, and to ‘observer their pretence at “fair play”’. Amidst the petty vengefulness of a befuddled and war-worn people, The Manchester Guardian nonetheless questioned the appropriateness of death sentences for Joyce and John Amery (whose trial had lasted eight minutes) for views that ‘were once shared by many who walk untouched among us’. Joyce appreciated the acknowledgment of his sincerity by the Guardian. His friends remained steadfast, and John Macnab was particularly active on Joyce behalf. Macnab, an avid Catholic, remarked on his last visits to Joyce that ‘being with him gave a sense of inward peace, like being in a quiet church’.[95] Some of his former teachers at Birbeck College, remembering the likeable and hardworking student, asked the prison Governor to relay their well-wishes to Joyce. He handed his brother Quentin his final message:

‘In death, as in this life, I defy the Jews who caused this last war: and I defy the power of Darkness which they represent. I warn the British people against the aggressive Imperialism of the Soviet Union.

‘May Britain be great once again; and, in the hour of the greatest danger to the West, may the standard of the Hakenkreuz be raised from the dust, crowned with the historic words “Ihr habt doch gesiegt”. I am proud to die for my ideals; and I am sorry for the sons of Britain who have died without knowing why’.

Joyce’s old friend, the one-timer Labour Party stalwart John Beckett, wrote to him in his final days: ‘Our children will grow up to think of you as an honest and courageous martyr in the fight against alien control of our country … That is how we shall remember you, and what we will tell our people’.[96] It has only recently been known that Beckett’s departure from the National Socialist League was for reasons other than a falling-out with Joyce. Beckett referred to this when writing to Joyce:

‘No one knows better than myself the sincerity of the beliefs which led to the course of action you chose. You remember we discussed the position in 1938, and the disagreement and respect I showed for your opinion then, remains’.[97]

Joyce replied in a letter that was intercepted and never given to Beckett:

‘Of course I remember, quite vividly, how we discussed the situation in 1938. I do not, in the most infinitesimal degree, regret what I have done. For me, there was nothing else to do. I am proud to die for what I have done’.[98]

Beckett in his farewell wrote to Joyce: ‘Goodbye, William, it’s been good to know you and there are few things in my life I am prouder of than our association. Yours always, John’.[99]

Joyce took holy communion, wrote to his wife and to Macnab, and at 9:00 am precisely he was taken from his cell by the hangman, Albert Pierrepoint and hanged.[100]

On the morning of 3 January 1946, the day of his execution, a crowd of 300 gathered outside Wandsworth prison; most to gloat but some to pay their final respects. Some of the crowd, on the notice of Joyce’s execution being posted up, set themselves apart from the crowd and gave the Fascist salute in Joyce’s honour.


[1] J A Cole, Lord Haw-Haw: The Full Story of William Joyce (London: Faber and Faber, 1987), 307

[2] Cole, 16.

[3] Cole, 212.

[4] Rebecca West, The Meaning of Treason (London: The Reprint Society, 1952), 3.

[5] Ibid., 4.

[6] One might recall the fates of Dr Robert Faurrison in France, Fred Leuchter in the USA, David Irving in England, Dr Joel Hayward in New Zealand, Ernst Zundel in Canada, et al.

[7] K R Bolton, Artists of the Right (San Francisco, Counter-Currents Publications, 2012), 97-119. Pound, stranded in Italy with his wife when the USA entered the war, broadcast for Italy on a programme called ‘Europe Calling’, analogous to Joyce’s broadcasts named ‘Germany Calling’. Handed over to US troops after the war by Italian partisans, Pound was confined in an animal cage under the scathing Pisan sun. The embarrassment of trying and hanging for treason one of the world’s greatest literary figures was avoided by declaring Pound unfit to stand trial, and he was confined to a mental asylum for thirteen years, after which, still undiagnosed or treated for any supposed ‘mental illness’, he was permitted to leave the USA and return to Italy.

[8] Cole, op. cit., 22-23.

[9] Ibid., 56.

[10] Ibid.

[11] Richard Thurlow, Fascism in Britain (London: Basil Blackwell, 1987), 51.

[12] Ibid., 53.

[13] Cole., op. cit., 30.

[14] Ibid.,  31.

[15] Oswald Mosley (1968) My Life (London: Black House Publishing, 2012), 294.

[16] Ibid, 295.

[17] Ibid., 297.

[18] Cole, op. cit., 39.

[19] Thurlow, op. cit., 98.

[20] In 1925 Beckett become the youngest Labour MP of his time, at the age of 30. Becoming increasingly radical, he was expelled from the Labour party and lost his seat in 1931, joining the BUF two years later.

[21] Cole, op. cit, 45.

[22] Jeffrey Hamm, Action Replay (London: Howard Baker, 1983), 151.

[23] Cole, op.cit., 57.

[24] Cole, op. cit., 59.

[25] Ibid., 65.

[26] Randolf Churchill in letter to The Spectator, 27 December 1963, cited by Mosley, My Life, op. cit., 363.

[27] Zeev Sternhell, Neither Left Nor Right: Fascist Ideology in France (Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press, 1986); The Birth of Fascist Ideology (Princeton, 1994).

[28] Cole, op. cit., 73.

[29] K R Bolton, ‘Geoffrey Potocki de Montalk: New Zealand Poet, “Polish King”, and “Good European”’, Counter-Currents Publishing, http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/08/count-potocki-de-montalk-part-iii/

[30] William Joyce, National Socialism Now, 1939, Chapter 1.

[31] Ibid.

[32] Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto (Moscow: Progress Publishers, 1975), 71-72.

[33] Joyce, NS Now, op. cit., Chapter 2.

[34] K R Bolton, The Banking Swindle (London: Black House Publishing, 2013), 103-120.

[35] Ibid., 96-100.

[36] Ibid, passim.

[37] W Joyce, NS Now, op. cit., Chapter 4.

[38] Adolf Hitler (1926), Mein Kampf (London: Hutchinson & Co., 1969), 570.

[39] Ramsay was one of the many veterans who had served in the First World War ‘with gallantry’ (Griffiths, 353) who were imprisoned under Regulation 18B. Members of the Right Club included Admiral Wilmot Nicholson (another First World War hero), Mrs Frances Eckersley, who was to assist the Joyce’s on their arrival to Germany; and the Duke of Wellington. Richard Griffiths, Fellow Travellers of the Right (London: Oxford University Press, 1983) 353-355.

[40] A H M Ramsay, The Nameless War (1952), 17.

[41] Ramsay, ibid., 54.

[42] Ramsay, ibid., 59-60.

[43] Ramsay, ibid., 62.

[44] David Irving (1966), The Destruction of Dresden (London: Futura Publications, 1980).

[45] Ramsay, op. cit., 67.

[46] Cited by Ramsay, ibid., 68.

[47] Ibid.

[48] Hitler, Mein Kampf, op. cit., 575.

[49] David Irving, Churchill’s War Vol. 1 (Western Australia: Veritas Publishing, 1987), 104.

[50] Stephen Mitford Goodson, Inside the Reserve Bank of South Africa (2013), 67-69.

[51] David Irving, op. cit., ., 14.

[52] Cole, op. cit., 77.

[53] Stephen Dorril, Black Shirt: Sir Oswald Mosley and British Fascism (London: Penguin Books, 2007), 466.

[54] Ibid.

[55] Griffiths, op. cit., 319.

[56] The BUF had its own notable agricultural expert, Jorian Jencks, author of BUF rural policies.

[57] Griffiths, op. cit., 352.

[58] Cole, op. cit., 82-83.

[59] Cole, ibid., 86.

[60] Cole, 103.

[61] Robert Skidelsky, Oswald Mosley, 440.

[62] Ibid., 449.

[63] Ibid., 455.

[64] Cole, op. cit., 108.

[65] Ibid., 113.

[66] Ibid., 115.

[67] Ibid.

[68] Ibid., 118.

[69] Ibid., 121.

[70] Ibid., 124.

[71] Ibid., 126.

[72] Ibid., 127.

[73] Ibid., 137.

[74] Cole, 159.

[75] Ibid. 161.

[76] Cole, 164.

[77] Cole, ibid., 182.

[78] Cited by Cole, ibid., 170.

[79] William L Shirer, The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich (Secker and Warburg, 1977).

[80] Recall the description of Joyce’s appearance by Shirer with that of Rebecca West.

[81] Cited by Cole, op. cit., 174-175.

[82] Shirer was listed as a Communist sympathiser in a 1950 US publication, Red Channels: The Report of Communist Influence in Radio and Television, based on FBI documents. Shirer had been a member of the Committee for the Prevention of World War III, founded in the USA in 1944, which lobbied for the elimination of Germany. Among its members were James P Warburg, ‘ideologue’ of the society and a scion of the influential Warburg banking dynasty. Did Shirer ever regard the alliance between plutocrats and Leftists against the Axis to be ‘strange’? For several years after the war the Committee’s aims were implemented under the so-called Morgenthau Plan, named after US Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau Jr., a supporter of the society. The Morgenthau Plan attempted to exterminate the German people through starvation, until being reversed by the Marshall Plan several years after the war, when it was realised that the Germans might be needed to fight the Russians, again.  See: James Bacque, Crimes and Mercies: The Fate of German Civilians Under Allied Occupation 1944-1950 (London: Little, Brown & Co., 1997).

[83] Adrian Weale, Renegades: Hitler’s Englishmen (London: Weidenfield and Nicolson, 1994), 36.

[84] Ibid., passim.

[85] Cole, op. cit., 190.

[86] Wolf Rudiger Hess, My Father Rudolf Hess (London: W H Allen, 1986), 66-67.

[87] Jasper Copping, ‘Nazis “offered to leave Western Europe for free hand to attack USSR”’, The Telegraph, 26 September 2013, http://www.telegraph.co.uk/history/10336126/Nazis-offered-to-leave-western-Europe-in-exchange-for-free-hand-to-attack-USSR.html

[88] Peter Padfield, Hess, Hitler and Churchill (Icon books Ltd., 2013), cited by Copping, ibid.

[89] Cole, 219.

[90] Cole, 221.

[91] Ibid., 222

[92] The large numbers of Jewish lawyers and interpreters who entered Germany with the Occupation forces were given false names. See Cole, op. cit., 247.

[93] Ibid., 246.

[94] Ibid., 287.

[95] Cole, 300.

[96] Cited by Beckett’s son, the author and journalist Francis Beckett, ‘My Father and Lord Haw-Haw’, The Guardian, 10 February 2005, http://www.theguardian.com/books/2005/feb/10/secondworldwar.world

[97] Ibid.

[98] Ibid.

[99] Ibid.

[100] Adrien Weal, op.cit., 195.


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Une thèse sur Valentin Raspoutine

Une thèse sur Valentin Raspoutine

par Robert Steuckers

250px-Валентин_Распутин.jpgRecension: Günther HASENKAMP, Gedächtnis und Leben in der Prose Valentin Rasputins, Otto Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1990, VII + 302 S., ISBN 3-447-03002-X.

Valentin Grigorevitch Raspoutine, né le 15 mars 1937 en Sibérie, est le petit-fils d’un chasseur de la taïga et de Mariia Guerassimovna qui lui a raconté, pendant son enfance, les contes populaires de sa région. Ce qui lui a donné à jamais le sens de la continuité et de la durée, un goût indélébile pour tout ce qui est “archétype”. Son oeuvre de grand prosateur russe est placée entièrement sous le signe de la “perte de conscience” qui affecte nos contemporains, du passage d’une conscience mythique-intégrative à une attitude totalement démythifiée. Tel est le déficit —la plaie béante— de nos temps modernes. Cette crise doit être dénoncée et combattue. Après la période de stagnation brejnévienne (la “kosnost”), Raspoutine retrouve pleinement son rôle d’“écrivain-prédicateur”, qui va s’engager pour son peuple, afin qu’il retrouve une morale basée sur les acquis de son histoire et de sa tradition. Avec les autres “ruralistes” de la littérature russe contemporaine, il mènera la “guerre civile” des écrivains contre les “libéraux”, c’est-à-dire ceux qui veulent introduire en Russie les idées occidentales et la culture de masse calquée sur le modèle américain. Contre cette vision purement “sociétaire” qui ne reconnaît aucune présence ni récurrence potentielle aux moments forts du passé, qui ignore délibérément toute “saveur diachronique”, Raspoutine et les ruralistes défendent le statut mythique de la nation, révalorisent la pensée archétypique, réhabilitent l’unité substantielle avec les générations passées.

41H88ZBSD8L.jpgLe slaviste allemand Hasenkamp démontre que cet engagement nationaliste repose sur une “conscience mythique” traditionnelle où il n’y a pas de séparation entre le microcosme et le macrocosme, entre la chose et le signe, la réalité et le symbole. Dans Adieu à Matiora, son plus célèbre roman, l’île qui va être engloutie par le fleuve représente la totalité du monde, sa continuité, qui va être submergée par la pensée calculante, techniciste, administrative. Matiora est la continuité, face au “temps nouveau”, qui déracine les habitants et prépare l’inondation finale. Cette ère nouvelle sera une ère de discontinuité qui claudiquera d’interruption en interruption, de retour furtif à une vague stabilité en nouveau déracinement. Cette fragmentation conduit au malheur et à la dépravation morale. Les axes majeurs de la pensée philosophique de Raspoutine, qui ne s’exprime pas par de sèches théories mais dans des romans poignants, où l’on retrouve des linéaments d’apocalypse ou de Ragnarök, sont: la mméoire et la réalité transcendantale. Derrière la réalité empirique, derrière les misères quotidiennes et la banalité de tous les jours, se profile, pour qui sait l’apercevoir et l’honorer, une réalité supérieure, immortelle. Le monde moderne a voulu faire du passé table rase, a jugé que la mémoire n’était plus une valeur et la faculté de se souvenir n’était plus une vertu. Contre l’idéologie dominante, qui veut nous arracher nos histoires pour nous rendre dociles, l’oeuvre de Raspoutine, sa simplicité poignante et didactique, son universalité et sa russéité indissociables, sont des armes redoutables. A nous de nous en servir, à nous de diffuser son message. Qui est aussi le nôtre.

(recension parue dans “Vouloir”, n°105-108, juillet-septembre 1993, p. 23).

lundi, 06 janvier 2014

Il telegramma Zimmermann: la vera ragione che spinse gli USA ad entrare in guerra nel 1917


Il telegramma Zimmermann: la vera ragione che spinse gli USA ad entrare in guerra nel 1917

Viene spesso, fin troppo spesso, affermato che la causa dell’entrata in guerra di Washington, nella Prima Guerra mondiale, sia stato l’affondamento da parte di un sommergibile tedesco del transatlantico inglese Lusitania, che trascinò con se 123 cittadini statunitensi. (1) In realtà la nave fu affondata nel 1915, mentre gli USA entrarono in guerra nel 1917. Infatti, entrarono in guerra in reazione alla faccenda del “telegramma Zimmermann”.

Il 16 gennaio 1917, Arthur Zimmermann, segretario agli Esteri della Germania imperiale, inviò un telegramma cifrato all’ambasciatore tedesco a Washington, utilizzando il nuovo codice 7500 che gli inglesi non avevano potuto decifrare, ma l’ambasciatore a Washington ritrasmise il telegramma nel vecchio codice 103040, noto agli inglesi, all’ambasciatore tedesco in Messico.

Il testo del telegramma affermava: “Abbiamo intenzione di cominciare la guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni il primo di febbraio. Ci adopereremo, nonostante ciò, a mantenere gli Stati Uniti neutrali. Nel caso non succeda, faremo al Messico una proposta di alleanza sulla seguente base: combattere insieme, fare la pace insieme, un generoso sostegno finanziario e la comprensione da parte nostra del diritto del Messico a riprendersi i territori perduti di Texas, New Mexico e Arizona. I dettagli sono lasciati a voi. Potrete informare il presidente (del Messico) di quanto sopra secretato non appena lo scoppio della guerra contro gli Stati Uniti è certo, e aggiungerei il suggerimento che avrebbe dovuto, di propria iniziativa, invitare il Giappone ad aderirvi immediatamente e anche a mediare tra il Giappone e noi. Si prega di richiamare l’attenzione del presidente sul fatto che l’impiego illimitato dei nostri sottomarini offre ora la prospettiva di convincere l’Inghilterra a fare la pace entro pochi mesi. Accusate ricevuta. Zimmermann

In realtà, il telegramma venne concepito da un funzionario del ministero degli esteri tedesco, Hans Arthur von Kemnitz, che ne scrisse una prima bozza che Zimmermann firmò quasi senza leggere, probabilmente perché impegnato a redigere il testo diplomatico che giustificava l’annuncio della “guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni” contro il traffico navale diretto nel Regno Unito. Quando un altro funzionario seppe del telegramma, esclamò: “Kemnitz, quel fantastico idiota, ha fatto questo!?
Berlino dovette criptare il telegramma perché la Germania era consapevole che gli alleati intercettavano tutte le comunicazioni transatlantiche, una conseguenza della prima azione offensiva della Gran Bretagna nella guerra. All’alba del primo giorno della Prima guerra mondiale, la nave inglese Telconia si avvicinò alle coste tedesche e tranciò i cavi sottomarini transatlantici che collegavano la Germania con il resto del mondo. Questo atto di sabotaggio costrinse i tedeschi ad inviare i messaggi tramite collegamenti radio poco sicuri o cavi sottomarini di proprietà estera. Zimmermann fu costretto a trasmettere il suo telegramma cifrato attraverso la Danimarca e la Svezia con un cavo sottomarino statunitense che passava anche per il Regno Unito. Va ricordato, inoltre, che uno stretto collaboratore del presidente statunitense Woodrow Wilson, il colonnello Edward House, fece si che il dipartimento di Stato degli USA consentisse ai tedeschi la trasmissione di messaggi cifrati diplomatici tra Washington, Londra, Copenhagen e Berlino.

Il telegramma di Zimmermann ben presto venne intercettato ed analizzato dalla Sala 40 dell’Ammiragliato inglese, l’ufficio dell’intelligence elettronica inglese. Winston Churchill, Primo lord dell’Ammiragliato inlgese, ordinò la creazione della sezione intercettazione e decodificazione dei messaggi criptati tedeschi, appunto la Sala 40, divenuta di vitale importanza per gli Alleati. La Sala 40 era formata da linguisti e criptoanalisti. Il telegramma Zimmermann, decifrato parzialmente da Nigel de Grey e dal reverendo William Montgomery, affermava che la Germania voleva istigare il Messico ad attaccare gli USA, un’informazione che avrebbe spinto il presidente degli USA Woodrow Wilson ad abbandonare la neutralità degli Stati Uniti, perciò Montgomery e de Grey lo passarono subito all’ammiraglio Reginald Hall, direttore della Naval Intelligence, aspettandosi che lo trasmettesse agli statunitensi. Ma l’ammiraglio lo ripose nella sua cassaforte, incoraggiando i criptoanalisti a completare il lavoro. Infatti, il 5 febbraio 1917, Hall non ebbe il nulla osta dal Foreign Office affinché consegnasse agli statunitensi tali informazioni. Ma Hall convocò un ufficiale dell’intelligence statunitense a Londra e gli diede lo stesso il telegramma. “In altre parole, il direttore dell’intelligence navale aveva unilateralmente preso la decisione di condividere un’informazione altamente sensibile con una potenza straniera, senza l’autorizzazione del proprio governo“.

Hall pensava che se gli statunitensi venivano a conoscenza del telegramma Zimmermann, i tedeschi avrebbero potuto concludere che il loro nuovo sistema di cifratura 7500 era stato spezzato, spingendoli a sviluppare un nuovo sistema di cifratura, bloccando così l’intelligence inglese. Inoltre “Hall era consapevole che la guerra totale degli U-boat sarebbe iniziata entro due settimane, e che essa avrebbe indotto il presidente Wilson a dichiarare guerra alla Germania imperiale, senza bisogno di compromettere la preziosa fonte dell’intelligence inglese”. Ma il 3 febbraio 1917, sebbene la Germania avesse avviato la guerra sottomarina senza restrizioni, il Congresso statunitense e il presidente Wilson annunciarono la prosecuzione della neutralità. D’altra parte, negli USA era diffuso un notevole sentimento anti-inglese, in particolare tra i cittadini di origini tedesche ed irlandesi, questi ultimi infuriati per la brutale repressione della Rivolta di Pasqua del 1916 a Dublino e, inoltre, presso la stampa statunitense Gran Bretagna e Francia non godevano di maggiore simpatia della Germania. Tutto ciò spinse gli inglesi a sfruttare il telegramma Zimmermann. All’improvviso, e in sole due settimane, Montgomery e de Grey completarono la decifrazione del telegramma. Inoltre, gli inglesi si resero conto che von Bernstorff, l’ambasciatore tedesco a Washington, trasmise il messaggio a von Eckhardt, l’ambasciatore tedesco in Messico, utilizzando il vecchio sistema di cifratura 103040 e “dopo aver fatto alcune piccole modifiche al testo” che poi von Eckhardt avrebbe presentato al presidente messicano Carranza. Se Hall avesse potuto avere la versione “messicana” del telegramma Zimmermann, i tedeschi avrebbero supposto che fosse stato reso pubblico dal governo messicano, e che non era stato intercettato dagli inglesi. Hall contattò un agente inglese in Messico, il signor H., che a sua volta s’infiltrò nell’ufficio telegrafico messicano. Il signor H. poté ottenere così la versione messicana del telegramma di Zimmermann. Hall consegnò tale versione del telegramma ad Arthur Balfour, il segretario agli Esteri inglese, che il 23 febbraio convocò l’ambasciatore statunitense a Londra Walter Page per consegnargli il telegramma di Zimmermann. Il 25 febbraio, il presidente Wilson ebbe la ‘prova eloquente’, come disse, che la Germania incoraggiava un’aggressione agli USA. Il telegramma, in realtà, affermava che il Messico avrebbe dichiarato guerra agli USA solo se questi avessero dichiarato guerra alla Germania. Ciò avrebbe giustificato l’intervento degli USA nella Prima guerra mondiale? Infatti il telegramma di Zimmermann viene citato come il casus belli della guerra tra USA e Germania imperiale. Ma, infine, il Messico sarebbe mai stato un serio nemico per gli Stati Uniti? Il Messico era preda da anni di una feroce guerra civile, non poteva costituire una qualsiasi seria minaccia per gli USA, e Berlino avrebbe dovuto saperlo. Il presidente messicano Venustiano Carranza assegnò a un generale il compito di valutare la fattibilità di un’aggressione agli USA, ma il generale concluse che non sarebbe stato possibile per i seguenti motivi:
- gli Stati Uniti erano militarmente molto più forti del Messico.
- le promesse della Germania erano ritenute appunto soltanto tali. Il Messico non poteva utilizzare alcun “generoso sostegno finanziario” per acquistare armi e munizioni, per la semplice ragione che poteva comprarli solo negli Stati Uniti, mentre la Germania non poteva inviare alcunché in Messico dato che la Royal Navy, ed eventualmente l’US Navy, controllava le rotte atlantiche.
- infine, il Messico aveva adottato una politica di cooperazione con Argentina, Brasile e Cile per evitare un qualsiasi contrasto con gli Stati Uniti e migliorare le relazioni regionali.

Comunque il telegramma fu reso pubblico, ma stampa e parte del governo degli Stati Uniti lo ritennero una bufala ideata dagli inglesi per coinvolgere gli USA nella guerra. Tuttavia, Zimmermann, in modo sbalorditivo, ne ammise pubblicamente la paternità, dicendo a una conferenza stampa a Berlino che semplicemente “non posso negarlo. E’ vero”. La Germania poteva benissimo dire che il “telegramma Zimmermann” era un falso, approfondendo così i gravi dubbi sulla faccenda espressi negli USA, dove l’opinione pubblica era poco restia a partecipare alla Grande Guerra. Perché allora Zimmerman confessò di averlo inviato?

Nell’ottobre 2005, venne scoperto il presunto dattiloscritto originale della decifratura del telegramma Zimmermann, “scoperto da uno storico rimasto ignoto” che lavorava su un testo ufficiale della storia del Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ), il servizio segreto elettronico inglese. Si riteneva che tale documento sia il telegramma mostrato all’ambasciatore Page nel 1917. Molti documenti segreti relativi a tale incidente furono distrutti su ordine dell’ammiraglio Reginald Hall. Certo, tutto ciò suscita un sospetto: in realtà si sa cosa ha scritto Zimmermann (Kemnitz), ma non è noto cosa avessero di certo mostrato gli inglesi ai diplomatici e al presidente degli USA.

In Germania, le indagini su come gli statunitensi avessero ottenuto il telegramma Zimmermann portarono a credere che fosse stato violato in Messico, proprio come previsto dall’intelligence inglese. Quindi il presidente Wilson, che nel gennaio 1917 aveva detto che sarebbe stato un “crimine contro la civiltà” trascinare il suo popolo in guerra, il 2 aprile dello stesso 1917 affermò: “Consiglio che il Congresso dichiari che il recente corso del governo imperiale non sia in realtà nient’altro che una guerra contro il governo e il popolo degli Stati Uniti, e di accettare formalmente lo status di belligerante cui siamo stati così spinti”.

La diplomazia inglese (così come la sua propaganda nera) cercarono ostinatamente di convincere il presidente Wilson ad abbandonare la promessa di neutralità fatta nella sua campagna elettorale per le presidenziali del 1916, e di entrare in guerra a fianco degli Alleati, ma come affermò la storica statunitense Barbara Tuchman, “Una sola mossa della Sala 40 era riuscita laddove tre anni d’intensa diplomazia avevano fallito”.Unit7_map_Zimmerman_300g80Alessandro Lattanzio, 3/1/2014

1) “Gli inglesi contarono 1198 vittime, tra cui 123 statunitensi, mentre in realtà i morti furono 1201; vennero infatti omessi i corpi dei tre tedeschi inviati sul Lusitania dall’attaché militare tedesco a Washington di allora, von Papen, per fotografare eventuali materiali sospetti. I tre furono scoperti e tenuti a bordo come prigionieri. In seguito, il segretario personale del presidente Wilson, Joseph Tumulty, fece credere a Washington che le spie fossero in possesso di un ordigno esplosivo, mentre invece si trattava della macchina fotografica”.

The Telegram that brought US into Great War is found, Ben Fenton
The Zimmermann Telegram, Joseph C. Goulden
The Zimmermann Telegram, Barbara Tuchman

Le désordre du cloisonnement aléatoire des colères


Le désordre du cloisonnement aléatoire des colères

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

Adrian Salbuchi est un analyste politique argentin, auteur et présentateur TV pour la chaîne Russia Today. Il publie le 1er janvier 2013, sur RT certes, une tribune où il considère l’année 2014 à partir de la perspective de 2013. Il se demande si nous n’arrivons pas à un point qui serait une sorte de “convergence des mécontentements”, contre un Système qu’il juge à la fois irrémédiablement pervers et quelque peu aux abois.

«Here then lies one of the key events of 2013, which will hopefully escalate intensely in 2014 and beyond: that more and more people in all five continents have started to feel the heat! They begin to realize that global media news, entertainment and infotainment ether-sphere’s job is to falsify reality. Thus, it’s matrix of dizzying green numbers must be seen for what it really is: a gigantic endeavour to manufacture consent on the part of a tiny, albeit illegitimately powerful elite bent on imposing world government on Mankind...»

Mais nous jugerions que l’intérêt de cette tribune reposerait surtout sur un passage qui décrit rapidement l’état de l’information, donc de la connaissance des événements, de différents groupes des diverses populations, et, sans doute également (c’est notre sentiment), des groupes dirigeants dans divers domaines. En fait, Salbuchi décrit le désordre extraordinaire qui règne dans l’agencement, l’organisation, la distribution et le choix des nouvelles (informations) par les puissants et très nombreux canaux de communication. Salbuchi se trouve là un point délicat de son exposé puisque, par ailleurs, il rappelle la théorie du Manufacturing Consent (“la manufacture du consentement”, ou “la fabrication du consentement”) , selon Noam Chomsky :

«The job of the Western mainstream media – TV, radio, Internet, newspapers, magazines, infotainment – is not to enlighten public opinion but rather to dump raw data upon us all and then force it together as best suits the Global Power Masters. The media are the instrument that scripts that data in very specific ways to generate a specific worldview that will support specific interpretations that then lead straight to specific conclusions that result in popular support (or complacency) towards their goals and objectives...»

La curiosité du propos est que Salbuchi fait voisiner cette théorie de Chomsky, qui exige nécessairement une grande coordination, un arrangement impeccable, une unité et une coordination dans le travail de la machine médiatique (nécessairement pro-Système, au service du Système, etc.), avec les constats qu’il fait de la situation telle qu’il la ressent à la fin de cette année 2013. Ce qu’il décrit alors, dans ce deuxième cas, c’est un flot ininterrompu d’informations, finalement incontrôlé, d’où il est extrêmement difficile de sortir une vision cohérente, y compris et même de plus en plus à l’avantage du Système, par le fait même du flot et de son désordre. Là-dessus, des forces diverses travaillent pour pousser à effectuer tel ou tel rangement, selon les intérêts de ces forces. Le spectacle est loin de l’image d’une “manufacture du consentement”, ou même d’une version postmoderne de la “servilité volontaire” de La Boétie si l’on veut, ou de la servilité imposée de façon à paraître pour ceux qui pourraient en juger de manière critique, comme s’il ne s’agissait pas de servilité, et comme si elle n’était volontaire en aucun cas.

Toutes ces considérations elles-mêmes semblent mises en question lorsque Salbuchi développe ces appréciations : «Any “Top Ten of 2013” would be both obvious and incomplete. Obvious when choosing key events of the year: civil war in Syria, Iraq and Egypt; resignation and replacement of the pope in Rome, a meteor ramming into Chelyabinsk, Russia; the death of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela; whistle-blower Snowden’s NSA leaks, irresponsible government shutdown in Washington, and the like. Incomplete because myriads of key events would stay in the inkwell, if only because the global media chose to distort/de-emphasise them or, worse still, not to report them.

»Thus with so many things happening in so many places to so many people, not only is it impossible to keep track of them all but, more importantly, our minds are overwhelmed by the ever-faster pace and ever-growing amounts of information we’re swamped with daily. Our brains cannot process this fast enough; our intellects cannot make sense out of what’s happening; what is really happening behind the media curtain.

»Never in human history have we been as well-informed as today and yet the vast majority haven’t got a clue of what’s really going on in this bleak world. That’s because whilst the super high-tech Western global media supplies tons of data, they seldom if ever supply us with a “manual” to join the dots correctly. Believe you me joining the dots correctly makes all the difference; just like the difference between having a fully disassembled BMW in your garage (without a single part, screw or cog missing) or having it fully assembled and revving to go...

»Today’s “global public opinion” is a perfect example of the former: billions of “well informed citizens” aware of all the “parts, screws and cogs” of this mad, mad world. But ask any such citizen to put the damn thing together in the proper sequence, using the proper tools and then fine-tune a worldview that makes sense, that’s when you get the proverbial “Homer Simpson look” in their eyes… If you still didn’t get it, thinking out of the box awareness is what the growing alternative press has been trying to do: RT, PressTV, Telesur, HispanTV…»

“Fabrication du consentement” si l’on veut, mais “consentement à quoi ? Lorsque la presse-Système la plus huppée vous désigne en juin-juillet 2013 Snowden comme un traître immonde tout juste bon à être liquidé dans une impasse sordide de Hong Kong, puis bientôt de Moscou, et qu’elle vous le présente en janvier 2014 quasiment comme un héros qui mérite l’amnistie et un retour presque triomphal aux USA ? Lorsqu’un esprit aussi enlevé plutôt qu’élevé que John Kerry vous confie que Bachar Al Assad c’est Hitler, fin août 2013, en agitant la certitude d’une attaque US contre l’immonde, pour affirmer, moins de deux mois plus tard, que ce Assad est finalement un type très bien ? (Le Guardian, cité le 8 octobre 2013 : «The United States and Russia are “very pleased” with progress in destroying Syria's chemical weapons stocks, US secretary of state John Kerry said on Monday. He offered some rare, if qualified, US praise for Syrian president Bashar al-Assad.») D’accord, le Système travaille pour “fabriquer le consentement”, mais il ne sait plus lui-même de quoi est fait la chose à laquelle il importe de consentir. D’ailleurs, Salbuchi en a bien conscience, qui salue des prises de conscience diverses, des actes de résistance sporadique, qui note qu’on ne sait même plus quelle crise compte tant il y a de crises, et que plus personne ne parvient à les suivre. (La NSA, elle, peut le faire, dira-t-on, et depuis des années, elle qui surveille tout, sait tout, surveille tout ... D’accord, mais voyez le résultat, elle qui n’a même pas su distinguer un Snowden qui complotait sa défection d’un Alexander trônant dans sa salle d’opération inspirée de Star Trek, elle qui empile tous ses méga datas à coups de chaussures à clou type Dupond-Dupont.) Le Système, finaud et agitant des théories séduisantes parce que radicales, a semé le désordre partout ; mais ce désordre ainsi répandu a très rapidement essaimé vers lui-même, revenu dans un blowback classique, si bien qu’aujourd’hui ce même Système est certainement la référence classique du désordre. Comment, dans ces conditions, manufacturer le consentement ,

Finalement, l’impression générale qui ressort de ce tableau, qui est celui de l’année 2013 poursuivie et amplifiée en 2014, c’est celui d’un dessin général où toutes les lignes se déforment, où tous les schémas se troublent. Le Système avait raffiné, depuis les années 1980 et la théorie de Chomsky, sa “manufacture du consentement” en organisant, dans les réseaux encore perçus comme un prolongement de la presse-Système avec une dissidence négligeable et marginalisée, une sorte de système de cloisonnement qui séparait le public en groupes sans contacts entre eux, recevant chacun les informations de leurs centres d’intérêt travaillés dans le sens qu'on imagine, donc aboutissant à une opinion publique morcelée, désinformée sauf pour les dissidents marginaux. Ainsi la “manufacture du consentement” avait-elle pris la place de la “servilité volontaire” qui résistait de moins en moins devant ce torrent d’informations. Mais, depuis 2007-2008, la machine s’est grippée, non pas au niveau du public qui continue à être cloisonné, mais au niveau des “manufacturiers” qui ne sont plus capable d’offrir une production cohérente, rassurante, triomphante. Les dissidents marginalisés ont profité de cette circonstance pour se dé-marginaliser et occuper un rôle de plus en plus important. Le résultat est que les cloisonnements subsistent certes, mais ils ne cloisonnent plus des “consentements” divers mais des mécontentements, voire des colères également diverses, qui engendrent des effets inattendus par mécanismes indirects. «I think in an earlier era, people like Snowden would be far more universally condemned», écrit John Glaser, de Antiwar.com.

Aujourd’hui, l’enjeu est devenu d’observer à quel moment l’une ou l’autre cloison va sauter, permettant la réunion de colères différentes pour susciter un mouvement généralisé. Effectivement, s’il est aisé de cloisonner des “consentements”, il est infiniment difficile, et potentiellement explosif de garder cloisonnées différentes colères catastrophiques évoluant chacune dans un mode paroxystique, avec une myriades de crises que nul ne parvient à étouffer dans les directions politiques du Système. Face à cette possibilité, le Système, qui est désormais occupé à se déchirer lui-même, est de plus en plus complètement désarmé, parvenant au paradoxe de se créer lui-même des cloisonnements contradictoires avec son incapacité de maintenir une unité de vue dans ses propres rangs. Ainsi la “manufacture du consentement” tend-elle à complètement le céder à une “manufacture du mécontentement”. Salbuchi, finalement, en est complètement convaincu...

«... Now, as 2014 dawns, we know much better. We know that we need to start taking our countries back from the illegitimately powerful Global Elite that have taken them away from us trying to merge them into their coming world government. But we must do this intelligently. This growing awakening translating into action is a key event of 2013 on the way to critical mass, so that we start doing something about this global mess we’ve been dragged into. Will that be the key event of 2014? Once tipping point is reached, things start to move fast, dramatically and often unexpectedly.»

The Complete List of Weird Sex Laws in the U.S.A.


The Complete List of Weird Sex Laws in the U.S.A.

Observation Deck

Ex: http://www.attackthesystem.com

Over on io9, we posted a map of all the weirdest sex laws in the U.S.A. We didn’t have room for every weird sex law we found, and some of them we had to shorten a bit to make them fit. So here’s the complete, unedited list of sex laws!


Incestuous marriages are legal.


Moose are banned from having sex on city streets (in Fairbanks).


You may not have more than two dildos in the same house.


Flirtation and “lascivious banter” between men and women on the streets may result in a 30-day jailterm. (in Little Rock.)


It’s illegal to sell stuffed items resembling breasts (“boobie pillows”) within 1000 feet of a highway.

No man shall dress as a woman without the written permission of the sheriff. (In Walnut, CA)


Male massage parlor workers must wear all white clothing. (In Adams County).

Keeping a house where unmarried persons are allowed to have sex is prohibited.


Married couples (as well as singles) cannot engage in open “lewdness or lascivious behavior”


The term “sadomasochistic abuse” is defined so broadly, that it could possibly be applied to a person handcuffing another in a clown suit.

All sex toys are banned.


If you sell a reptile, you must give a written warning not to “nuzzle or kiss” them.

It’s prohibited by law to “suffer any bitch or slut” (referring to dogs) (in Minooka.)


It is illegal for a man to be sexually aroused in public.


Kisses may last for no more than five minutes.


Illegal “sodomy” includes oral sex, but anal penetration with a finger is allowed under specified circumstances.


Dogs must not molest property or people.

Until 1975, people wearing bathing suits on any city street were required have a police escort.


Necrophilia is legal.

It’s illegal to use fortune-telling, astrology or palmistry to “settle lovers quarrels.” (In New Orleans.)


Making noise in a public library is a crime against “chastity, morality, decency and good order.”


A man who seduces or corrupts an unmarried woman faces five years in prison.

Low-riding pants that expose underwear are a Class B offense. But if they expose butt cleavage, they’re a Class A offense. (In Flint.)


It’s illegal to teach others what polygamy is.

Adultery or premarital sex results in a fine of $500 or 6 months in prison.


Prostitution is a “crime against the family.”


You can’t get married if you have gonorrhea


Sale of sex toys is illegal.

New Hampshire

Lingerie must not be hung on a clothesline at the airport, unless there’s a screen concealing it. (In Kidderville.)

New Jersey

Flirting is illegal. (In Haddon Township, NJ)

New Mexico

Nudity is allowed as long as genitals and female nipples are covered.

New York

Adultery is illegal.

North Carolina

Adultery is illegal. And so is pretending to be married in order to share a hotel room.

North Dakota

It was illegal to swim naked in the Red River between 8 AM and 8 PM. (In Fargo.)

It’s against the law to fail to confine a dog or cat in heat. (In Grand Forks.)


No person shall solicit sex from another of the same gender if it offends the second person.


It is illegal for the owner of a bar to allow anyone inside to engage in “acts, or simulated acts, of sexual intercourse, masturbation, sodomy, bestiality, oral copulation, flagellation, or any sexual acts which are otherwise prohibited by law.” So, no simulated intercourse or animal sex.


It’s illegal to lie down in a public restroom, or for two people to share a stall meant for one.


Oral and anal sex are illegal. You cannot cohabit with an “ancestor or descendant.”

South Carolina

If a man promises to marry a woman and she sleeps with him, the marriage must take place.

South Dakota

Public erections are illegal.


Students may not hold hands in school.


It’s illegal to own more than six dildos.


It’s illegal to marry your first cousin before the age of 65 — or 55 if you can prove both parties are infertile.

An adult cannot show sex paraphernalia to a minor, unless they’re your own child. (In Salt Lake City.)


Adultery is a misdemeanor.

Obscenity is a bigger crime if you use a computer.


If you give a sex worker a ride to work, your car can be confiscated.

West Virginia

An unmarried couple who lived together and “lewdly associated” could face up to a year in jail. (Recently repealed.)

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Heidegger, la tradition, la révolution, la résistance et l’“anarquisme”


Heidegger, la tradition, la révolution, la résistance et l’“anarquisme”


Petit itinéraire très très pédagogique


robert steuckersmartin heidegger,heidegger,philosophie,nouvelle droite,allemagneExpédier Heidegger en trois pages pour expliquer qu’il est un tenant de la tradition, ou d’une tradition, tient de la gageure. Je vais néanmoins m’y atteler, pour faire plaisir à Eugène Krampon et parce que, finalement, c’est une nécessité pédagogique dans un combat métapolitique comme le nôtre.


Tout néophyte qui a abordé Heidegger sait qu’il parle de “Dasein”, terme allemand signifiant la vie ou l’existence mais que les philosophes exégètes de son oeuvre préfèrent traduire par “être-là”. Les exercices de haute voltige philosophique n’ont pas manqué pour cerner avec toute l’acuité voulue ce concept d’“être-là”. Ce “là”, pour Heidegger, tout au début de ses réflexions, c’est son enracinement dans le pays souabe, dans la petite ville de Messkirch où il a vu le jour. Au-delà de cet enracinement personnel, tout homme, pour être un homme complet et authentique, pour ne pas être une sorte de fétu de paille emporté par les vents des modes, doit avoir un ancrage solide, de préférence rural ou semi-rural, à coup sûr familial, dans une patrie, une “Heimat”, bien circonscrite.


Plus tard, Heidegger, élargira son enracinement souabe à toute la région, du Lac de Constance à la Forêt Noire, aux sources du fleuve central de notre Europe, le Danube. En effet, c’est dans cette région-là, très précisément, que sont nés les grands penseurs et poètes allemands, dont Hölderlin et Hegel. C’est dans leur patrie charnelle baignée par le Danube naissant que le retour subreptice et encore voilé à l’essence grecque de l’Europe s’est ré-effectué, à partir du 18ème siècle. La germanité pour Heidegger, c’est donc cet espace de forêts et de collines douces, parfois plus échancrées au fur et à mesure que l’on s’approche de la frontière suisse, mais c’est aussi le lieu de l’émergence d’une langue philosophique inégalée depuis la Grèce antique, plongeant dans un humus tellurique particulier et dans une langue dialectale/vernaculaire très profonde: cette Souabe devrait donc être la source d’inspiration de tous les philosophes, tout comme une certaine Provence —ce qu’il admettra bien volontiers quand il ira y rendre visite au poète René Char.


La tradition pour Heidegger n’est donc pas une sorte de panacée, ou d’empyrée, qui se trouverait, pour l’homme, hors du lieu qui l’a vu naître ni hors du temps qui l’a obligé à se mobiliser pour agir dans et sur le monde. Heidegger n’est pas le chantre d’une tradition figée, inamovible, extraite du flux temporel. L’homme est toujours “là” (ou “ici”) et “maintenant”, face à des forces pernicieuses qui l’assoupissent, lui font oublier le “là” qui l’a vu naître et les impératifs de l’heure, comme c’est le cas de nos contemporains, victimes de propagandes dissolvantes via les techniques médiatiques, fabricatrices d’opinions sans fondements. Par voie de conséquence, la “proximité” (“Nähe”) est une vertu, une force positive qu’il s’agit de conserver contre les envahissements venus de partout et de nulle part, du “lointain” (“Ferne”) qui troublent et désaxent l’équilibre qui m’est nécessaire pour faire face aux aléas du monde. Le meilleur exemple pour montrer ce que Heidegger entend par “Nähe” et par “Ferne”, nous le trouvons dans son discours de 1961, prononcé en dialecte souabe à l’intention de ses concitoyens de Messkirch, de ses amis d’enfance avec qui il jouait une sorte de formidable “guerre des boutons”, où il était le chef d’un clan de gamins armés d’épées de bois. Ces braves citoyens de Messkirch lui avaient demandé ce qu’il pensait du nouveau “machin” qui envahissait les foyers, surtout dans les villes, en plein “miracle économique” allemand: ils voulaient qu’il leur parle de la télévision. Heidegger y était hostile et a prouvé dans un langage simple que la télévision allait apporter continuellement des sollicitations mentales venues du “lointain”, des sollicitations hétéroclites et exotiques, qui empêcheraient dorénavant l’homme de se resourcer en permanence dans son “là” originel et aux gens de Messkirch de ressentir les fabuleuses forces cachées de leur propre pays souabe.


Heidegger, malgré son plaidoyer permanent —par le biais d’une langue philosophique très complexe— pour cet enracinement dans le “là” originel de tout homme, n’est pas pour autant un philosophe de la banalité quotidienne, ne plaide pas pour une “installation” tranquille dans un quotidien sans relief. Tout homme authentique sort précisément de la banalité pour “ex-sister”, pour sortir (aller “ex”) de tout statisme incapacitant (aller “ex”, soit “hors”, du “stare”, verbe latin désignant la position immobile). Mais cette authencité de l’audacieux qui sort des lourdes banalités dans lesquelles se complaisent ses contemporains n’est “authentique” que s’il se souvient toujours et partout de son “là” originel. L’homme authentique qui sort hardiment hors des figements d’un “végétatisme” n’est pas un nomade mental, il garde quelque part au fond de lui-même un “centre”, une “centralité” localisable; il n’est donc pas davantage un vagabond sans racines, sans mémoire. Il peut voyager, revenir ou ne pas revenir, mais il gardera toujours en lui le souvenir de son “là” originel.


L’homme de Heidegger n’est pas un “sujet”, un “moi” isolé, sans liens avec les autres (de sa communauté proche). L’homme est “là”, avec d’autres, qui sont également “là”, qui font partie intégrante de son “là” comme lui du leur. Les philosophes pointus parlent avec Heidegger de “Mit-da-sein”. L’homme est inextricablement avec autrui. Même si Heidegger a finalement peu pensé le politique en des termes conventionnels ou directement instrumentalisables, sa philosophie, et son explication du “Mit-da-sein”, impliquent de définir l’homme comme un “zoon politikon”, un “animal politique” qui sort des enlisements de la banalité pour affronter ceux qui veulent faire de la Cité (grecque ou allemande) une “machine qui se contente de fonctionner” où les hommes-rouages —réduits à la fonction médiocre de n’être plus que des “répéteurs” de gestes et de slogans— vivraient à l’intérieur d’une gigantesque “clôture”, sous le signe d’une “technique” qui instaure la pure “faisabilité” (“Machenschaft”) de toutes choses et, par voie de conséquence, impose leur “dévitalisation”. Contre les forces d’enlisement, contre les stratagèmes mis en oeuvre par les maniaques de la clôture, l’homme a le droit (vital) de résister. Il a aussi le droit de dissoudre, mentalement d’abord, les certitudes de ceux qui entendent généraliser la banalité et condamner les hommes à l’inauthenticité permanente. C’est là un principe quasi dadaïste d’anarchie, de refus des hiérarchies mises en place par les “clôturants”, c’est un refus des institutions installées par les fauteurs d’inauthenticité généralisée. Heidegger n’est donc pas un philosophe placide à l’instar des braves gens de Messkirch: il ne les méprise cependant pas, il connaît leurs vertus vitales mais il les sait menacés par des forces qui risquent de les dépasser. Il faut certes être placide comme ceux de Messkirch, vaquer à des tâches nobles et nécessaires, au rythme des champs et du bétail, mais, derrière cette placidité revendiquée comme modèle, il faut être éveillé, lucide, avoir le regard qui traque pour repérer le travail insidieux d’objectivisation des hommes et des Cités, auquel travaillent les forces “clôturantes”. Cet éveil et cette lucidité constituent un acte de résistance, une position an-archique (qui ne reconnaît aucun “pouvoir” parmi tous les pouvoirs “objectivants/clôturants” qu’on nous impose), position que l’on comparera très volontiers à celle de l’anarque d’Ernst Jünger ou de l’“homme différencié” de Julius Evola (dadaïste en sa jeunesse!).


L’homme a le droit aussi de “penser la révolution”. Heidegger est, de fait, un philosophe révolutionnaire, non seulement dans le contexte agité de la République de Weimar et du national-socialisme en phase d’ascension mais de manière plus générale, plus pérenne, contre n’importe quelle stratégie de “clôturement” puisque toute stratégie de ce type vise à barrer la route à l’homme qui, à partir de son “là” originel, tente de sortir, avec les “autruis” qui lui sont voisins, avec ses proches, des “statismes” emprisonnants qu’une certaine “métaphysique occidentale” a générés au cours de l’histoire réelle et cruelle des peuples européens. Cette “métaphysique” a occulté l’Etre (lequel est de toutes les façons insaisissable), dont on ne peut plus aisément reconnaître les manifestations, si bien que l’homme risque d’y perdre son “essence” (“Wesen”), soit, pourrait-on dire, de perdre sa capacité à ex-sister, à sortir des banalités dans lesquelles on se complait et on se putréfie quand on oublie l’Etre.


robert steuckersmartin heidegger,heidegger,philosophie,nouvelle droite,allemagneDeux solutions s’offrent alors à l’homme authentique: 1) amorcer un “nouveau commencement” (“neuer Anfang”) ou 2) accepter de faire pleinement connaissance de l’étranger (der “Fremde”), de ce qui lui est fondamentalement étranger, pour pouvoir mieux, en bout de course, s’ouvrir à son propre (das “Eigene”), quand il sera aperçu que ce fondamentalement étranger n’est pas assimilable à son propre. Dans le premier cas, il faut rompre “révolutionnairement” avec le processus métaphysique d’“enclôturement”, rejeter politiquement les régimes et les idéologies qui sont les produits finis et applicables de cette métaphysique de l’“enclôturement”. C’est ce que Heidegger a fait en prononçant son fameux “discours de rectorat” qui scellait son engagement national-socialiste en 1933-34. Le ré-alignement du nouveau régime sur des institutions imitées du wilhelminisme d’avant 1914 ou sur certaines normes de la République de Weimar, suite, notamment, à la “Nuit des longs couteaux” de juin 1934, plonge Heidegger dans le scepticisme: le régime semble n’être qu’un avatar supplémentaire de la “métaphysique enclôturante”, qui abandonne son “révolutionnisme” permanent, qui renonce à être l’agent moteur du “nouveau commencement”. C’est alors que Heidegger amorce sa nouvelle réflexion: il ne faut pas proposer, clef sur porte, un “nouveau commencement” car, ruse de l’histoire, celui-ci retombera dans les travers de la “métaphysique enclôturante”, à la façon d’une mauvaise habitude fatale, récurrente au cours de l’histoire occidentale. Au contraire: il faut attendre, faire oeuvre de patience (“Geduld”), car toute la trajectoire pluriséculaire de la métaphysique oeuvrant de manière “enclôturante” ne serait qu’un très long détour pour retrouver l’Etre, soit pour retrouver la possibilité d’être toujours authentique, de ne plus avoir face à soi des forces génératrices de barrières et de clôtures qui empêchent de retrouver le bon vieux soleil des Grecs. L’homme doit pourtant suivre ce trajet décevant pour se rendre compte que la trajectoire de la métaphysique “enclôturante” ne mène qu’à l’impasse et que répéter les formules diverses (et politiques) de cette métaphysique ne sert à rien. Ce sera alors le “tournant” (die “Wende”) de l’histoire, où il faudra se décider (“entscheiden”) à opter pour autre chose, pour un retour aux Grecs et à soi. Les éveillés doivent donc guetter le surgissement des “points de retournement” (des “Wendungspunkte”), où le pernicieux travail d’“enclôturement” patine, bafouille, se démasque (dans la mesure où il dévoile sa nature mutilante de l’hominité ontologique). C’est en de tels moments, souvent marqués par la nécessité ou la détresse (“die Not”), que l’homme peut décider (faire oeuvre d’“ex-sister”) et ainsi se sauver, échapper à tout “enclôturement” fatal et définitif. Cette décision salvatrice (“die Rettung”) est simultanément un retour vers l’intériorité de soi (“Einkehr”). L’homme rejette alors les régimes qui l’emprisonnent, par une décision audacieuse et, par là, existentielle, tout en retournant à lui-même, au “là” qui le détermine de toutes les façons dès le départ, mais qu’on a voulu lui faire oublier. Pour Heidegger, ce “là”, qu’il appelle après 1945, l’“Okzident”, n’est pas l’Occident synonyme d’américanosphère (qu’il rejette au même titre que le bolchevisme), mais, finalement, sa Souabe matrice de poésie et de philosophie profondes et authentiques, l’“Extrême-Ouest” du bassin danubien, l’amont —aux flancs de la Forêt Noire— d’un long fleuve qui, traversant toute l’Europe, coule vers les terres grecques des Argonautes, vers la Mer Noire, vers l’espace perse.


La deuxième option, consécutive à un certain “enclôturement” du national-socialisme puis à la défaite de celui-ci (en tant que “nouveau commencement” avorté), implique une certaine dépolitisation, une diminution du tonus de l’engagement, si fort dans les années 30, toutes idéologies confondues. L’échec de la “métaphysique clôturante” ne sera dès lors pas dû à une action volontariste et existentielle, posée par des hommes auhentiques, ou des héros, mais par l’effet figeant, étouffant et destructeur que provoquent les agitations fébriles des tenants mêmes de ces pratiques d’enclôturement qui, dès maintenant, arriveront très vite au bout de leur rouleau, buteront contre le mur au fond de l’impasse qu’ils ont eux-mêmes bâtie. Cette fin de règne est notre époque: le néo-libéralisme et les résidus burlesques de sociale-démocratie nous ont d’abord amené cette ère de festivisme (post-mitterrandien), qui utilise la fête (qui pourrait pourtant être bel et bien révolutionnaire) pour camoufler ses échecs politiques et son impéritie, son incapacité à penser hors des sentiers battus de cette métaphysique de l’enclôturement, fustigée par Heidegger en termes philosophiques aussi ardus que pointus. Le sarközisme et l’hollandouillisme en France, comme le dehaenisme ou le diroupettisme en Belgique, et surtout comme la novlangue et les lois scélérates du “politiquement correct”, sont les expressions grotesques de cette fin de la métaphysique de l’enclôturement, qui ne veut pas encore céder le terrain, cesser d’enclôturer, qui s’accroche de manière de moins en moins convaincante: persister dans les recettes préconisées par ces faquins ne peut conduire qu’à des situations de détresse dangereuses et fatales si on n’opte pas, par un décisionnisme existentiel, pour un “autre commencement”. Mais, contrairement à nos rêves les plus fous, où nous aurions été de nouveaux Corps Francs, cet “autre commencement” ne sera pas provoqué par des révolutionnaires enthousiastes, qui, en voulant hâter le processus, mettraient leur authenticité existentielle en exergue et en jeu (comme dans les années 30 —de toute façon, ce serait immédiatement interdit et donnerait du bois de ralonge à l’adversaire “enclôturant”, qui pourrait hurler “au loup!” et faire appel à sa magistraille aux ordres). Le “nouveau commencement” adviendra, subrepticement, par les effets non escomptés de l’imbécillité foncière et de l’impéritie manifeste des tenants des idéologies appauvries, avatars boiteux de la “métaphysique occidentale”.


Il nous reste à boire l’apéro et à commander un bon repas. Après la poire et le fromage, après un bon petit calva tonifiant, il faudra bien que nos congénères, sortis de l’inauthenticité où les “enclôtureurs” les avaient parqués, viennent nous chercher pour emprunter la voie du “nouveau commencement”, qui sera “là” sans nos efforts tragiques, de sang et de sueur, mais grâce à la connerie de l’ennemi, un “nouveau commencement” que nous avons toujours appelé de nos voeux et que nous avons pensé, à fond, avec obstination, avant tous les autres. Nous avons réfléchi. Nous allons agir.



(Voilà, j’ai commis le pensum de 15.000 signes commandé par Eugène, ce formidable commensal aux propos rabelaisiens et tonifiants; on va maintenant m’accuser d’avoir fait du simplisme mais tant pis, j’assume, et j’attends de boire avec lui une bonne bouteille de “Gewurtzraminer”, agrémentée d’une douzaine d’ huîtres... Forest-Flotzenberg, novembre 2013).



-          Jean-Pierre BLANCHARD, Martin Heidegger philosophe incorrect, L’Aencre, Paris, 1997.

-          Edith BLANQUET, Apprendre à philosopher avec Heidegger, Ellipses, Paris, 2012.

-          Mark BLITZ, Heidegger’s Being and Time and the Possibility of Political Philosophy, Cornell University Press, London, 1981.

-          Renaud DENUIT, Heidegger et l’exacerbation du centre – Aux fondements de l’authenticité nazie?, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2004.

-          Michael GELVEN, Etre et temps de Heidegger – Un commentaire littéral, Pierre Mardaga, Bruxelles, 1970.

-          Florian GROSSER, Revolution Denken – Heidegger und das Politische – 1919-1969, C. H. Beck, Munich, 2011.

-          Emil KETTERING, Nähe – Das Denken Martin Heideggers, Günther Neske, Pfullingen, 1987.

-          Bernd MARTIN, Martin Heidegger und das “Dritte Reich” – Ein Kompendium, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, Darmstadt, 1989.

-          Michael ROTH, The Poetics of Resistance – Heidegger’s Line, Northwestern University Press, Evanston/Illinois, 1996.

-          Rainer SCHÜRMANN, Le principe d’anarchie – Heidegger et la question de l’agir, Seuil, Paris, 1982.

-          Hans SLUGA, Heidegger’s Crisis – Philosophy and Politics in Nazi Germany, Harvard University Press, 1993.



dimanche, 05 janvier 2014

L’occupation de la Ruhr en 1923


Matthias HELLNER:

L’occupation de la Ruhr en 1923


Lorsque les Français sont entrés dans la Ruhr, les ouvriers ont déclenché la résistance passive et l’inflation a pris des proportions calamiteuses


En janvier 1923, les soldats français et belges occupent l’ensemble de la région de la Ruhr. Une vague d’indignation secoue alors toutes les couches de la population dans le Reich vaincu. Le Chancelier Cuno, en poste depuis le 22 novembre 1922, déclare qu’il faut organiser la résistance passive contre l’occupation. En France toutefois, les esprits se divisent pour juger l’entrée des troupes en territoire allemand, entrée justifiée par le retard d’une livraison de bois imposée par les clauses de réparation. Les socialistes tentent de démontrer les dangers d’une occupation. Clémenceau s’y opposait et le Maréchal Foch parlait d’un “terrible nid de guêpes” où la France avait mis la main.


Par l’appel à la résistance passive, toute la vie économique de la région occupée fut paralysée. Les hauts fourneaux furent éteints et les mines fermées. Les cheminots se mirent en grève et les fonctionnaires allemands s’en tinrent à la convention prise, d’éviter tous contacts avec les autorités occupantes. Pour transporter les minerais et le charbon de la Ruhr vers la France, des milliers de techniciens et de cheminots furent mobilisés pour travailler dans la région occupée. Mais dès que les transports se remirent à rouler, des vétérans allemands, dont d’anciens combattants des corps francs comme Heinz Oskar Hauenstein et Albert Leo Schlageter, passèrent à la résistance active et organisèrent des actions de sabotage. Ils firent sauter des ponts, des lignes de chemin de fer et des canaux pour empêcher le transport vers l’étranger des biens économiques allemands.


Les autorités occupantes réagirent avec dureté. La région occupée fut complètement verrouillée et la police allemande désarmée. Krupp et d’autres industriels furent condamnés à quinze ans de prison. Partout des confrontations sanglantes eurent lieu. En mars, quatorze ouvriers de chez Krupp furent abattus; d’innombrables citoyens furent arrêtés ou expulsés. Lorsque les Français arrêtèrent Schlageter suite à une trahison, alors qu’il venait de faire sauter un pont près de Calkum, tous les recours en grâce furent inutiles, les Français voulant faire un exemple. L’officier de la Grande Guerre, âgé de 28 ans, fut fusillé le 26 mai. La résistance se poursuivit néanmoins sans discontinuer.


ruhrkampf1.gifFin mai, le parti communiste tente un coup de force et les soulèvements armés qu’il téléguidait furent anéantis par des volontaires armés. Au même moment, les attentats contre les occupants se multipliaient. Ainsi, le 10 juin à Dortmund, deux officiers français sont abattus en pleine rue. La réaction des Français a coûté la vie à sept civils.


Les tentatives françaises de détacher des régions rhénanes du Reich avec l’aide de mouvements séparatistes ne connurent aucun succès. Des attentats perpétrés contre des chefs séparatistes et la résistance de toute la population ruinèrent ces tentatives. Le 26 septembre, Stresemann, qui, le 13 août, avait remplacé Cuno au poste de Chancelier, déclare que la résistance passive doit se terminer. A ce moment-là, 132 Allemands avaient été tués; onze d’entre eux avaient été condamnés à mort mais un seul avait été exécuté. 150.000 personnes avaient été expulsées de la région; d’innombrables autres avaient écopé d’amendes ou avaient subi des peines de prison.


La République de Weimar était dans un état de désolation épouvantable. Non seulement elle avait dû renoncer au poids économique de la région de la Ruhr mais elle avait dû aussi payer pour entretenir la population paralysée par la résistance passive ordonnée par Cuno. L’inflation galopante ne pouvait plus être arrêtée. Le 1 juillet un dollar américain coûtait déjà 160.000 mark; le 1 août, le dollar valait 1.100.000 mark; le 1 novembre mark et le 30 novembre mark!


Pour stabiliser l’état de la République, il a fallu procéder à une réforme monétaire et, simultanément, l’Allemagne accepte en août 1924 le Plan Dawes lors de la Conférence de Londres, plan qui réglait le paiement des réparations sur des bases nouvelles. En juillet et en août 1925, les Français évacuent finalement une grande partie des régions occupées, sous pression de la Grande-Bretagne et des Etats-Unis. L’aventure de la Ruhr était terminée.


Matthias HELLNER.

(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, http://www.zurzeit.at , n°25/2013).

US and UK are implementing a pro-Saudi and Gulf agenda: Balkans to Afghanistan


US and UK are implementing a pro-Saudi and Gulf agenda: Balkans to Afghanistan

Murad Makhmudov and Lee Jay Walker


Irrespective if people support the Syrian government or are against the political leaders of this nation, it is abundantly clear that past interventions lead to chaos and failed states. Either political elites in Gulf nations, America, France, Turkey and the United Kingdom enjoy mass instability and cleansing religious minorities; or the agenda is to create weak failed states in order to protect the feudal monarchies of the Gulf and Israel. If not, then nothing makes sense and this also applies to Western nations being anti-Christian in the Middle East and in other parts of the world.

It is known that the most powerful religious leader in Saudi Arabia desires that all Christian churches are to be destroyed throughout the region. Of course, with Qatar and Saudi Arabia supporting Sunni Salafi fanatics and terrorists against the government of Syria; then this could be part of the anti-Christian crusade installed by feudal monarchs and religious elites in Saudi Arabia.

Grand Mufti Sheikh Abdul Aziz al-Asheikh from Saudi Arabia stated that it was “necessary to destroy all the churches of the region.” This distinguished Islamist cleric who is a close friend of the ruling elites in Saudi Arabia, voiced this opinion to the visiting delegation from Kuwait. It appears that he wants Kuwait to follow the anti-Christian and anti-non-Muslim religious line of Saudi Arabia which refuses to allow one single Buddhist temple, Christian church, Hindu temple and so forth. Therefore, when one militant fanatic desires to burn the Koran (something that Islamists do all the time during their terrorist attacks and destroying Shia mosques)in America the American administration and mass media speaks out; however, having strong relations with Islamist states which hate all other religions is obviously not a concern.

It is clear that Egypt under Gamal Abdel Nasser was a threat to the elites throughout the Gulf and in major Western nations. Likewise, Saddam Hussein was an ally of the Sunni Gulf dominated monarchies and powerful Western nations during the Iran-Iraq war. Yet the Kuwait question destroyed this unity. Of course, when Saddam Hussein was busy killing the Shia in Iraq and fighting against Iran then this was welcomed. Likewise, when Kurds were gassed in Iraq then this also could be brushed under the carpet. However, to enter a feudal undemocratic state called Kuwait was something else. Therefore, a well orchestrated media campaign was paid to increase many lies about the nation of Kuwait and with regards to many alleged massacres which later turned out to be clear fabrications. Despite this, the United States and United Kingdom will protect anti-Christian Gulf monarchies to the hilt because of energy factors, geopolitics and other important areas.

Over forty years ago the usual nations intervened in Afghanistan by supporting the most “year zero Islamists” on the face of the planet. Not only did America, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, the United Kingdom, and other nations, support Islamist sectarians and terrorists – but they even gave military training, assistance and helped to co-ordinate future terrorist groups. Osama bin Laden was once a friendly ally of major Gulf nations, America, Pakistan and the United Kingdom. Of course, September 11 brought this home to America but for the people of Afghanistan, North-Western Pakistan and India ruled Kashmir; then Islamist militancy is continuing to destroy all forms of moderation and helping to cleanse religious minorities. Women also have bore a terrible price and while Islamists may ban alcohol it is clear that selling and taking heroin isn’t deemed un-Islamic. Therefore, you now have a major drug problem in Afghanistan and Pakistan but despite all the chaos it is now the turn to destroy multi-religious and secular Syria.

Even while Afghanistan continues to burn in a spiral of Islamist hatred, enormous indoctrination, forcing women into the shadows and being unable to crush Taliban forces; the next venture had begun against Iraq. The Kuwait debacle highlighted the reality that while approximately 3 to 4 million black Africans were killed in Sudan based on the policies of Arabization and Islamization; then this could be tolerated, but invading a wealthy Gulf state was a different matter. Simply put, just like in East Timor whereby approximately one third of the population was killed by central forces in Indonesia – it is apparent that Christians (Sudan and East Timor) and Animists (Sudan) just don’t count because the US and UK kept on supplying weapons to Indonesia. America also welcomed the introduction of Islamic Sharia law in Sudan under the leadership of President Jaafar Nimeiri in 1983 just like Washington helped this legal framework to take power in Afghanistan, Iraq and most recently Libya.

Clearly, the anti-Muslim rhetoric aimed at America doesn’t hold much weight apart from opposing moderate forces in the Muslim world based on the objectives of Saudi Arabia and other major Gulf nations.  Therefore, the only forces to suffer at the hands of America’s foreign policy in Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cyprus (invasion by Turkey), Kosovo, Libya, Iraq and now in Syria – are Christians, secular forces and mainstream Islam which became attacked by Sunni Islamic jihadists, Salafi militants and a plethora of terrorist groups. These Islamist groups think nothing about killing Shia Muslims, minority Muslim groups like the Alawites, Sunni Muslim clerics who support religious diversity and non-Muslims. In this sense, the political elites in Washington and London have installed compliant Muslim dominated governments in Bosnia and Kosovo – while doing nothing when Orthodox Christians were cleansed by Turkey after this nation invaded Northern Cyprus. Meanwhile, secular forces within the state institutions of Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya have all been vanquished by the implementation of Islamic Sharia law once ruling elites were overthrown in the three above nations. Given this reality, it appears that because they always side with conservative and reactionary Islamist forces. The upshot being that approximately 50% of Christians fled Iraq and vast numbers of Christians have fled Kosovo; this happened on the watch of America and the United Kingdom. Meanwhile, in Egypt the Coptic Christians are now facing a growing Islamist menace but once more America and the United Kingdom keep on supplying more funds to the Muslim Brotherhood led government.

In Kosovo the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) was implicated in killing people for organs and other massacres. Similarly, in Syria you have video evidence of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and various Islamist groups teaching children to behead Syrian soldiers, cutting open Syrian soldiers and eating organs, killing Sunni Muslim clerics which support the government and a host of other brutal deeds including beheading many Alawites and Shia Muslims. Yet, it appears that all the above – and kidnapping Christian bishops – means zilch to America, France, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Kingdom. After all, the more massacres are committed by the FSA and various Islamist terrorist groups then the more they obtain funds in order to destroy Syria. It must be stated that Syria, just like Egypt under Nasser, is a proud and free nation which refuses to bow down to international domination. Therefore, the secular government of Syria is deemed to be a threat to Western powers, Gulf powers and treacherous Turkey because these collective forces saw an opportunity to destroy the last major secular and independent nation in the Arabic speaking world.

Libya in the post-Gaddafi period is nothing more than a failed state whereby various militias control parts of the country. Recent terrorist attacks in Algeria, Mali and Niger all have a connection linking the failed state of Libya. At the same time the CIA, MI6 and other security intelligence networks have been involved in sending military arms to terrorists in Syria via Bosnia, Libya, Croatia, Kosovo and other routes. Note, that the US and UK all supported anti-Serb forces in Bosnia, Croatia and Kosovo; meanwhile, the ruling elites in Libya now rely on London and Washington for economic support.

In another Modern Tokyo Times article about Libya it was stated that “The ‘bomb democracy’ Western and Gulf policy in Libya brought about the massacres of black Africans, killing of Gaddafi loyalists and created a “new society” based on disorder which is currently ongoing. Indeed, the chaos which is engulfing Libya is now destabilizing Northern Mali and creating problems for Tunisia. This destabilization is based on vast quantities of military hardware being available and more dangerously the Salafi ideology is spreading because of money from Saudi Arabia and Qatar.”

“Turning back to Libya and Northern Mali then currently Salafist organizations are intent on destroying all Islamic thought patterns outside of their “blinkered monoculture,” which thrives on hatred and fear. Indeed, in Syria video evidence survives which makes it clear that the Western and Islamist “marriage of convenience” is now spreading this dangerous ideology within this country. Therefore, mainstream Islam and religious minorities have much to fear in Syria. However, like usual political leaders in London, Paris and Washington will support any form of barbarity providing it meets their geopolitical ambitions.”

The nation of Syria welcomed the fleeing Palestinians and took in over one million refugees from Iraq irrespective if the refugees were Christian, Sunni Muslim, Shia Muslim or whatever. Syria is a multi-religious nation and secular based. Also, it is abundantly clear that no evidence can be provided which shows massacres by the government of Syria before outside nations sponsored sectarianism, terrorism and sedition against this nation. Therefore, the armed forces of Syria are doing their upmost to protect the people of Syria and preserve the independence of this nation. After all, which side is kidnapping Christian bishops, kidnapping UN personnel, killing Sunni Muslim clerics, beheading Alawites, butchering the Shia, murdering journalists and so forth? Despite this, major Western and Gulf powers alongside Turkey are intent on destroying the fabric of Syrian society and these nations care little about creating another failed state – after all, look at the track record of Afghanistan, Kosovo, Libya and Iraq.



R. Steuckers : Identité(s) Européenne(s) et actualité internationale


Entretien accordé au "Cercle des Volontaires"

Robert Steuckers :

Identité(s) Européenne(s) et actualité internationale


Le Cercle des Volontaires est allé à la rencontre de Robert Steuckers, grande figure de ce qu’on appelle la « Nouvelle Droite », ancien membre du mouvement GRECE et fondateur du mouvement « Synergies européennes ».


Voici les sujets qui ont été traités par Robert Steuckers :
- L’identité européenne
- L’identité européenne influencée à travers les relations avec les autres peuples
- Une ou des identités européennes ?
- Une identité menacée ?
- Puritanisme américain et néoconservatisme
- Ukraine/UE et l’Axe Paris-Berlin-Moscou
- Nucléaire iranien et bouclier anti-missiles de l’OTAN


Nous vous signalons que nous publierons dans les prochains jours une version écrite de cet entretien et qui sera illustrée par énormément de documentation afin d’aller plus en profondeur dans l’analyse des sujets traités.


Attack the System: Who Are the Power Elite?

9780195133547_p0_v1_s260x420.JPGAttack the System: Who Are the Power Elite?

Keith Preston dissects the American ruling class.

Topics include:

  • The difference between power elite analysis and conspiracy theories.
  • Power elite analysis versus theories of democratic pluralism.
  • Classical elite theory as developed during the interwar period of the 1920s.
  • C. Wright Mills as the godfather of power elite theory.
  • James Burnham and the managerial revolution.
  • William Domhoff and the role of ideological institutions.
  • Robert Putnam and the role of technological elites.
  • Thomas Dye and the development of consensus among elites.
  • How the power elite uses demographic, cultural, and class conflict to protect its own position of dominance.

File type: MP3
Length: 1:14:02
Bitrate: 32kb/s CBR

Download (right click, ‘save as’)

Email Keith:

samedi, 04 janvier 2014

Geschiedenisles: Nederlandse protestanten kozen in 16e eeuw kant van de islam


Geschiedenisles: Nederlandse protestanten kozen in 16e eeuw kant van de islam

Lutheranen en Calvinisten uit Nederland en Engeland vochten zij aan zij met moslim invasiemacht

De unitaristische koning Sigismund zweert trouw aan sultan Suleiman de Grote. Beiden hadden hun afwijzing van de leer van de Drie-eenheid gemeen.

Op 15 december schreven we -op basis van onderzoek van een Amerikaanse auteur en een prent uit de 19e eeuw- dat Maarten Luther de kerstboom populair zou hebben gemaakt. Een Nederlandse auteur liet mij echter weten dat die afbeelding enkel fantasie was, en dat de kerstboom pas in de 19e eeuw in zwang raakte. Wél historisch verifieerbaar, maar nog minder bekend, is dat Luther het Vaticaan dermate haatte, dat hij een moslimheerser boven de paus verkoos. Dit leidde er mede toe dat protestanten in Holland, Vlaanderen en Engeland de kant kozen van de Ottomaanse Turken, toen deze Europa probeerden te veroveren. In onze tijd lijken veel kerken eenzelfde fatale fout te maken, door te beweren dat Jahweh en Allah één en dezelfde God zouden zijn.

Protestanten staan toch al niet bekend vanwege hun kennis van de historie van hun eigen kerken, noch van de inhoud of zelfs het bestaan van de meeste Bijbelse eindtijdprofetieën. Voor de meesten zal het daarom een schok zijn dat Luther toleranter stond tegenover moslims, dan tegenover katholieken en joden.

Luther schreef weliswaar een traktaat met de titel 'De oorlog tegen de Turk', waarbij hij zich op theologische gronden verzette tegen de islam, en de Duitsers opriep een invasie te weerstaan, maar hij schreef tevens: 'Laat de Turk geloven en leven zoals hij wil, net zoals men het pausdom en andere valse christenen laat leven.' En: 'Een slimme Turk is een betere heerser dan een domme christen.'

Haat tegen paus en joden groter dan afkeer van islam

De 'grote reformator' besefte heel goed dat de islam theologisch onverenigbaar was met het christendom, en ook wat er zou gebeuren als de Turken Europa zouden veroveren. Zijn haat tegen de paus en de joden was echter dermate groot, dat hij zijn volgelingen bewust opriep om desnoods een Turkse (moslim)heerser over zich te accepteren.

Tenslotte had Luther de joden en de paus als de 'antichrist' en 'de geïncarneerde duivel' omschreven, en ging hij zelfs zover dat hij zei dat sommige van zijn Duitse tijdgenoten 'feitelijk de komst en heerschappij van de Turken wilden, omdat ze vonden dat het Duitse volk wild en onbeschaafd was, ja, zelfs half-duivels en half-menselijk' (bron: The Ottoman Empire and early modern Europe, Daniel Goffman, 2002).

Sultan Suleiman en unitariër Sigismund

Suleiman de Grote, destijds de sultan van het Ottomaans Rijk, stuurde een brief aan Luthers volgelingen in Holland en Vlaanderen, waarin hij schreef dat hij zich verwant aan hen voelde, 'omdat ze geen beelden aanbaden, in één God geloofden en tegen de paus en de keizer vochten'. Met de Duitse prinsen die zich achter Luther schaarden wilde hij zelfs een alliantie vormen tegen de keizer en de paus, en beloofde hij bescherming aan de protestanten in Hongarije en Transsylvanië.

Eén van de grootste collaborateurs met Suleiman was een unitariër, John Sigismund Zápolya (koning John of János II), die tijdens zijn heerschappij over Hongarije afhankelijk was van de steun van de sultan, aan wie Sigismunds vader (koning John I) trouw had gezworen. Sigismund was de oprichter van de unitaristische 'kerk' van Transsylvanië, die bij de reformatorische kerken in ongenade was geraakt vanwege het ontkennen van de leer van de Drie-eenheid, die ook door de islam als godslasterlijk wordt afgewezen.

Marokko wilde alliantie met Ottomaans Rijk en Holland

Ongeveer een eeuw later stuurde Marokko een moslimdiplomaat naar Europa, met als doel een alliantie te vormen tussen het protestantse Holland, het Ottomaanse Rijk en de islamitische koninkrijken van Marokko en de Morisco's. Deze diplomaat, Al-Hajari, schreef in 'Het Boek van de Beschermer van de godsdienst tegen de beeldenaanbidders' dat 'hun leraren (Luther en Calvijn) hen (de protestanten) waarschuwden tegen de paus en de aanbidders van beelden; ze vertelden hen tevens de moslims niet te haten, omdat zij het zwaard van God in de wereld tegen de beeldenaanbidders zijn. Daarom kiezen zij de kant van de moslims.'

Vanwege hun gezamenlijke haat tegen de katholieke kerk was het voor de volgelingen van Luther en Calvijn niet moeilijk om de kant van de islamitische invasiemacht te kiezen. Met onder andere zijn halfhartige uitspraken over de islam had Luther hiervoor de basis gelegd. Daarmee hield het echter niet op; Murad III, de opvolger van Suleiman, schreef een brief waarin hij een alliantie met de Lutheranen in Vlaanderen en Spanje voorstelde:

'Wat jullie aandeel betreft: aanbid geen afgoden, jullie hebben de beelden en afbeeldingen en 'klokken' van de kerken verwijderd, en jullie geloof beleden door te verklaren dat God Almachtig één is, en de Heilige Jezus zijn Profeet en Dienaar, en nu met hart en ziel zoeken en verlangen naar het ware geloof. Maar de trouweloze die ze Papa noemen ontkent dat de Schepper Eén is, schrijft goddelijkheid toe aan de Heilige Jezus (vrede zij met hem!), en aanbidt beelden en afbeeldingen die hij met zijn eigen handen heeft gemaakt. Hiermee trekt hij de éénheid van God in twijfel en leidt hij velen dat verkeerde pad op.'

Lutheranen en Calvinisten steunden mosliminvasie Europa

Tijdens de slag van Lepanto in 1571 vochten Lutheranen en Calvinisten uit Holland en Engeland zelfs zij aan zij met de islamitische Ottomanen. Dit verraad kende ruim een eeuw later een vervolg in de cruciale slag om Wenen in 1681. Imre Thokoly, de leider van de protestanten in Hongarije, viel toen samen met de Ottomanen Wenen aan. Het is aan de genade van God en de Poolse koning Johannes Sobieski te danken dat het de moslims niet lukte om na Constantinopel ook Wenen te veroveren. Was dat wel gebeurd, dan was Europa wellicht al eeuwen islamitisch geweest.

De volgelingen van Luther en Calvijn kozen dus vóór de islam, omdat beide partijen het katholicisme als de grootste vijand beschouwden. In de 16e eeuw was het onder Nederlandse protestanten een algemeen gezegde dat zij 'liever een Turk dan een papist (volgeling van de paus)' zouden zijn. Eerder hadden Orthodoxe christenen in Constantinopel een vergelijkbaars credo: 'beter een tulband dan de tiara (kroon van de paus)'. Voor deze houding betaalden zij een bittere prijs, toen hun stad in 1453 door de Ottomaanse Turken werd veroverd, en duizenden van hen werden afgeslacht.

Geen excuus voor collaboratie met islam

Anno 2013/2014 dreigt de geschiedenis zich te herhalen. Opnieuw zoekt de islam met suikerzoete woorden toenadering tot de christelijke kerken, door te beweren dat wij dezelfde god zouden aanbidden, en wij veel met elkaar gemeen zouden hebben.

Johannes de Damascener, die werkte aan het hof van de Kalief van Syrië, noemde in zijn boek 'De Bron van Kennis' de islam echter de 'ketterij van de Hagarenen' (afstammelingen van Hagar, de moeder van Ismaël), Allah 'Baäl' en moslims 'verminkers van God', als tegenwerping tegen de (valse) beschuldiging van moslims dat christenen drie Goden zouden aanbidden.*

Christenen hebben geen enkel excuus voor het collaboreren met de islam. Hiermee hebben zij zelfs de kerk en hun geloof verraden, want juist in veel landen waar moslims de baas zijn wordt een uitroeiingsoorlog tegen christenen gevoerd. En als dat christenen niets zegt, dan zouden ze een korte blik op de islamitische leer moeten werpen, die immers de complete basis van het christelijke geloof -de 'Vader en de Zoon', het sterven van Jezus aan het kruis, de opstanding- ontkent en zich volgens de Bijbel daarmee aan de grootste godslasteringen schuldig maakt.

Samenwerking met islam = eigen doodvonnis tekenen

Honderden jaren geschiedenis laat zien dat iedereen die gaat samenwerken met de islam, uiteindelijk een prooi zal worden en op vaak bloedige wijze het onderspit zal moeten delven. De anti-Israël, antisemitische en pro-islamhouding van veel kerken is in dit opzicht even angstwekkend als veelzeggend. Zo verkettert de Lutheraanse Wereldraad regelmatig de Joodse staat voor het zich verdedigen tegen Palestijnse terroristen. En dat is niet zo vreemd als bedacht wordt dat Luther zelf tijdens het grootste deel van zijn leven een openlijke antisemiet was. (1)

Is dit een pleidooi om dan maar katholiek te worden? Zeker niet, want er is theologisch heel veel mis met de leer van het Vaticaan, dat tenslotte de basis heeft gelegd van de onbijbelse vervangingstheologie die ook door de protestantse kerken wordt geleerd, en die onder andere heeft geleid tot eeuwenlange Jodenvervolgingen en een aanhoudende blindheid voor het grootste deel van de Bijbelse eindtijdprofetieën.

Christenen moeten verschillen opzij zetten

Zoals we gisteren al schreven kan het Vaticaan echter nooit de 'hoer van Babylon' zijn, zoals veel kerken en groepen nog altijd leren. Katholieken belijden net als protestanten en evangelische/pinksterchristenen dezelfde Verlosser. In het licht van de islamitische oorlog tegen het christendom wordt het daarom hoog tijd dat christenen van alle gezindten hun theologische verschillen accepteren en laten voor wat ze zijn, en elkaar vinden in hun belijdenis dat Jezus de Christus is, is opgestaan uit de dood, en de enige Weg is om verzoend te worden met God de Vader. Doen we dat niet, dan zouden wij op termijn wel eens hetzelfde lot als de christenen in Azië en Noord Afrika kunnen ondergaan.

* Om een zijdelingse discussie over de Drie-eenheid te vermijden: noch de katholieken, noch de protestanten, noch de evangelischen zeggen drie Goden te aanbidden, maar één God die zich op drie wijzen manifesteert, namelijk als Vader, als Zoon, en als Heilige Geest - net zoals u zelf één persoon bent die uit drie 'delen' bestaat, namelijk geest, ziel en lichaam, waarbij uw lichaam is onderworpen aan uw geest (en zo de Zoon is onderworpen aan de Vader, zoals de Bijbel schrijft). Wij zijn immers naar Zijn beeld (Genesis 1:27) geschapen.


(1) Shoebat

Vladimir Putin uomo della Tradizione


Vladimir Putin uomo della Tradizione


Ex: http://www.centrostudilaruna.it

Nel suo discorso nel Giorno della Costituzione del 12 dicembre 2013 Vladimir Putin cita due personaggi russi significativi: il Primo Ministro Stolypin e il filosofo Berdaiev. Stolypin negli ultimi anni dell’Impero Zarista cercò di portare avanti una riforma agraria che diffondesse la piccola proprietà contadina, di affermare il principio dell’auto-governo locale (Zemtsvo) e di porre le basi di una grande modernizzazione industriale. Insomma Stolypin cercava di opporsi alla marea montante del comunismo rivoluzionario sviluppando una politica di riforme graduali, che salvaguardassero i due pilastri della tradizione politica russa: lo Zarismo e l’Ortodossia.

A rivoluzione russa avvenuta, l’altro nome citato da Putin, Berdaiev abbandonò il proprio paese e in esilio sviluppò i principi della sua filosofia esistenzialista e cristiana: Berdaiev era infatti un discepolo di Dostoevskij e cercava una terza via tra collettivismo marxista e individualismo liberale. Davvero significativa è la sua citazione nel discorso del 12 dicembre. Putin si definisce conservatore nei valori e aggiunge: “citando le parole di Nikolaj Berdaiev, l’essenza del conservatorismo non è l’impedire il movimento in avanti e verso l’alto, ma l’impedire il movimento all’indietro e verso il basso, nella tenebra del caos e nel ritorno a uno stato primitivo”. Con questi riferimenti molto alti lo statista russo indica le basi di filosofia politica delle ultime decisioni significative assunte dalla Federazione Russa: no alle adozioni gay, no alla propaganda della sessualità non tradizionale ai minori, disincentivo ai divorzi, lotta all’aborto, politiche per la natalità, lotta alla diffusione della droga.

Putin si definisce apertamente “uomo della Tradizione” e sottolinea che tutta la sua azione di governa è finalizzata alla difesa dei “valori tradizionali”. Ovviamente il tradizionalismo nei valori si coniuga nel suo pensiero politico con un “progressismo sociale”, ereditato anche dalla esperienza ideologica del socialismo di Stato. Nel precedente discorso del Giorno della Costituzione del 2012 Putin aveva ribadito i valori della “uguaglianza per tutti” e la necessità di una modernizzazione per estendere a tutti i cittadini la prosperità propiziata dalla crescita economica della Russia a partire dal 2000.

Il riferimento ai valori tradizionali si lega in Putin a un riferimento esplicito a una concezione spirituale della vita. Del resto lo abbiamo visto al fianco di papa Francesco baciare l’icona della Madonna di Vladimir, una icona importantissima nel suo intreccio con la storia religiosa e politica della Russia. Dice Putin: “La distruzione dei valori spirituali non solo porta a conseguenze negative per la società, ma è anche essenzialmente antidemocratico, dal momento che viene effettuata sulla base di idee astratte ideologiche, in contrasto con la volontà della maggioranza, che non accetta le variazioni avvenute o le proposte di revisione dei valori”. Il riferimento è a quei gruppi di pressioni e a quelle lobby che egemonizzando i mass media occidentali tentano di imporre cambiamenti (pensiamo all’ideologia del Trans-Gender o alla folle concezione dello “ius soli”) ai quali si oppone la maggioranza delle persone sensate: una maggioranza che spesso purtroppo rimane “maggioranza silenziosa” e indifesa.

Nelle parole del presidente Putin si avverte anche l’eco di una delle preoccupazioni fondamentali del grande pontefice Benedetto XVI: “Oggi molte nazioni stanno revisionando i loro valori morali e le norme etiche, erodendo tradizioni etniche e differenze tra popoli e culture. Le società sono oggi spinte ad accettare non solo il diritto di ognuno alla libertà di coscienza, di opzione politica e di privacy, ma anche ad esse è richiesto di accettare l’equiparazione assoluta dei concetti di bene e male”. La problematica additata è insomma quella del relativismo, quella concezione scettica secondo la quale non solo tutte le vacche di hegeliana memoria ma anche tutte le scelte morali sono “nere”, indifferenti. Il relativismo non è solo una posizione filosofica, ma è anche quell’atteggiamento di fondo che rende oggi gli uomini occidentali caratterialmente deboli, umbratili, alla mercé di poteri forti.

Tuttavia, di contro al modello occidentale Putin non ha un “russian style of life” da imporre: egli non crede nella necessità di imporre a livello mondiale un’unica regola, crede invece nel diritto dei popoli e delle civiltà di preservare le loro diversità e le loro tradizioni: “Noi non pretendiamo di essere alcun tipo di superpotenza con pretesa di egemonia globale o regionale; non imponiamo il nostro patrocinio su nessuno e non cerchiamo di insegnare agli altri come vivere la loro vita. Ma ci sforzeremo di esercitare la nostra leadership difendendo il diritto internazionale, lottando per il rispetto delle sovranità nazionali e l’indipendenza e l’identità dei popoli”.

L’importante però è che nessun popolo si senta “eletto” e nessuno si arroghi una missione “eccezionale”. Questo era anche il senso del finale della sua storica lettera al New York Times nei giorni della crisi siriana: “E’ estremamente pericoloso incoraggiare la gente a vedersi eccezionali, qualunque sia la motivazione. Ci sono paesi grandi e piccoli, paesi ricchi e poveri, quelli con lunghe tradizioni democratiche e quelli che stanno ancora trovando la strada verso la democrazia. Anche le loro politiche sono diverse. Siamo tutti diversi, ma anche quando chiediamo la benedizione del Signore, non dobbiamo dimenticare che Dio ci ha creati uguali”.

Il discorso di Putin ha toccato tutte una serie di questioni ovviamente non solo morali, ma anche pratiche e organizzative: il presidente ha parlato di valorizzazione delle aree rurali, della necessità di incoraggiare i russi a ripopolare le campagne, l’importanza di giungere a una piena autarchia anche nel settore alimentare. Con soddisfazione Putin sottolinea “Abbiamo già investito molti soldi nello sviluppo del settore agricolo. Il settore sta mostrando un momento di dinamica positiva. In molte aree ora possiamo coprire interamente la domanda interna con prodotti interni russi”.

Per quanto riguarda lo sviluppo economico, le priorità sono indicate da Putin nella formazione professionale, nello sviluppo tecnologico, in un mercato del lavoro flessibile e in “un buon clima per gli investimenti” (abbassando ulteriormente la pressione fiscale e creando in Siberia aree di completa esenzione per le imprese che investono). Un fondo scientifico specifico è stato concepito da Putin per incrementare il livello tecnologico del paese.

Un progetto importante della Federazione è quella della costruzione di alloggi. Lo Stato interviene direttamente nel settore edilizio per realizzare un imponente “Piano Casa”: “Il governo ha già predisposto le misure strategiche necessarie per l’attuazione del programma per la costruzione di alloggi a prezzi accessibili. Questo programma prevede la costruzione di almeno 25 milioni di metri quadrati di nuove abitazioni, completi con la corrispondente infrastruttura sociale, entro il 2017”.

Il piano di costruzione degli alloggi rappresenta indubbiamente la “base solida” della politica di incremento demografico che Putin sta portando avanti: la vasta diffusione degli aborti in epoca sovietica e il drammatico impoverimento degli anni Novanta avevano condotto la demografia russa in una spirale “recessiva” preoccupante. A partire dal 2000 il governo si è posta l’esigenza di favorire la natalità per risollevare le sorti della demografia russa. Putin con soddisfazione sottolinea che il trend demografico è ritornato ad essere positivo. Sullo sfondo di tali prese di posizione vi è anche una questione geopolitica fondamentale: la Russia con il suo completamento siberiano è un territorio immenso e ricchissimo di risorse del sottosuolo. Si capisce a quale esito può portare il rapporto tra una popolazione che invecchia e un ricchissimo territorio, circondato da popolazioni asiatiche (i cinesi, gli indiani) che superano il miliardo… Nell’ambito della politica in favore della natalità si inserisce anche il programma culturale che punta a un fortissimo disincentivo dei divorzi e degli aborti.

Politica di natalità e salute della popolazione sono strettamente intrecciati, per cui Putin ribadisce anche quello che era un cardine della vecchia politica sanitaria sovietica: il valore dell’assistenza medica estesa a tutti e completamente gratuita. Nella Russia attuale i cittadini sono chiamati a pagare una assicurazione per le malattie che consta di una cifra simbolica irrisoria, che consente cure che Obama neppure osa sognare di notte, per paura di essere accusato di “socialismo”. Dal punto di vista pratico rimane il problema di ri-organizzare la sanità dopo gli anni di caos succeduti alla perestrojka. E tuttavia Putin ha progetti ambiziosi sul versante della salute e della prevenzione: “A partire dal 2015 tutti i bambini e gli adolescenti dovranno usufruire di un check-up medico obbligatorio gratuito annuale, mentre gli adulti dovranno essere sottoposti a tale esame ogni tre anni”.

Prevenzione e salute, a livello giovanile si sposano con l’enfasi posta sullo sport. Da qualche mese sono tornati nelle scuole i “giochi ginnico-militari”: un misto di educazione fisica e militare. In questa ottica si inserisce l’esigenza di un ampliamento delle palestre, dei campi sportivi: “Dobbiamo continuare a sviluppare una vasta gamma di infrastrutture sportive per bambini e ragazzi. Dobbiamo fare di tutto per aumentare la popolarità di stili di vita attivi. Questa è stata l’idea principale alla base delle Universiadi che si sono svolte con successo a Kazan”.

Per quanto riguarda i docenti Putin annuncia aumenti salariali per riqualificare il valore dell’insegnamento: “Stiamo alzando i salari nel settore dell’istruzione e della sanità in modo che il lavoro di insegnanti, professori e dottori diventi di nuovo prestigioso, per attirare validi laureati”. L’insegnamento scolastico viene concepito come un settore strategico: da un lato per trasmettere un metodo di pensiero “creativo ed indipendente”, dall’altra per rafforzare il senso dell’identità trasmettendo i valori della nazione, la storia e le tradizioni.

Il tema della identità viene riproposto anche in relazione al delicato problema della immigrazione. Avendo la Russia di Putin un ritmo di crescita molto superiore a quello dei paesi UE, negli ultimi anni il flusso migratorio (soprattutto dalle repubbliche ex sovietiche) si è fatto più ingente e, anche alla luce di recenti fatti di sangue, l’esigenza di regolare con chiarezza tali flussi è divenuta impellente. Ovviamente per Putin gli ingressi clandestini sono inaccettabili, gli immigrati regolari hanno il dovere di rispettare i valori e la cultura della Russia, di adeguarsi ad essa. Rispetto e reciprocità sono i principi cardine per regolare l’immigrazione. E già qualche mese fa, alla richiesta di costruire nuove moschee in Russia, Putin – forse ironicamente … – aveva subordinato l’esaudimento di tale richiesta al principio di reciprocità, richiedendo la costruzione di chiese in Arabia Saudita.

E tuttavia Putin ha ritenuto di porre un argine alle ondate di xenofobia che si diffondono anche in Russia in conseguenze di crimini gravi compiuti da immigrati. Putin tiene a sottolineare che non è l’origine etnica ad essere “male in sé”: “Tali tensioni non sono provocate dai rappresentanti di una specifica nazionalità, ma da persone prive di cultura e di rispetto delle tradizioni, sia delle proprie che di quelle altrui. Essi sono espressione di una sorta di Internazionale dell’Amoralità”. Insomma il problema non è l’appartenenza etnica, l’identità nazionale, ma appunto l’abbandono di quella identità e lo sradicamento in nome della mescolanza multietnica.

Certo in Russia ci sono forze più estremiste, di opposizione, che soffiano il fuoco sulla protesta, pensiamo ai nazionalisti di opposizione o anche ai neocomunisti, che di volta in volta invocano uno Stato più forte e meno influenzato dalle degenerazioni politiche e di costume che provengono dalla mentalità occidentale. Di fronte a questi atteggiamenti più intransigenti, il partito di Putin si pone come una forza più “centrista”, questo è anche il motivo del vasto consenso democratico che Russia Unita ha riscosso nelle ultime elezioni politiche.

Putin ha ribadito peraltro il riconoscimento del valore del pluripartitismo, segnando un distacco netto dal vecchio sistema del partito unico, di epoca sovietica: “Ritengo importante che molti nuovi partiti abbiano fatto sentire la loro presenza. Conquistando posti negli organismi comunai e regionali, hanno gettato le basi per la partecipazione alle prossime campagne elettorali federali. Sono sicuro che sapranno degnamente competere con i protagonisti politici di vecchia data. La Russia oggi richiede un ampio dibattito politico per arrivare a risultati concreti”.

Tipico del pensiero storico-politico di Putin è di non rinnegare nessuna fase della storia russia (dallo zarismo al sovietismo), ma nello stesso tempo di restaurare esperienze politiche ormai consunte e slegate dalle esigenze del momento. Già al forum di Valdai del 19 settembre aveva affermato: “Ci siamo lasciati alle spalle l’ideologia sovietica, e non c’è ritorno. Chi propone un conservatorismo fondamentale, e idealizza la Russia pre-1917, sembra ugualmente lontano dal realismo, così come sono i sostenitori di un liberalismo estremo, all’occidentale”. Indubbiamente anche il liberalismo-liberismo-libertarismo occidentale è una ideologia consegnata al passato, così come l’attuale crisi economica e morale dell’Occidente testimonia.

Andando oltre le ideologie del passato Putin prospetta l’idea di una “sintesi” tra le istanze migliori che sono emerse appunto nelle ideologie politiche di massa, e prospetta l’idea di una “terza via”. Già a Valdai si espresse in tal senso: “tutti noi – i cosiddetti neo-slavofili e i neo-occidentalisti, gli statalisti e i cosiddetti liberisti – tutta la società deve lavorare insieme per creare i fini comuni di sviluppo. Ciò significa che i liberisti devono imparare a parlare ai rappresentanti della sinistra e che d’altro canto i nazionalisti devono ricordare che la Russia è stata formata specificamente come Stato pluri-etnico e multiconfessionale fin dalla sua nascita”.

Terza via significa anche conciliare in un sistema politico Ordine e Libertà. In tal senso egli interpreta e celebra la Costituzione Federale Russa dopo un ventennio dalla sua proclamazione: “La nostra Costituzione – dice Putin – mette insieme due priorità fondamentali, il supremo valore dei diritti e delle libertà dei cittadini e uno Stato forte, sottolineando il loro obbligo reciproco di rispettarsi e proteggersi a vicenda”.

Questi sono i temi del pensiero politico di Vladimir Putin. Sono temi che indubbiamente sollecitano una riflessione anche per ambienti che si riuniscono attorno alla rivista “Confini”, riguardo all’opportunità di costituire uno schieramento politico, economico, culturale che vada da Roma a Mosca: incentivando le interazioni economiche e i rapporti imprenditoriali; costituendo insieme agli amici russi una “Internazionale Europea” basata sui principi cristiani, nazionali, sociali comuni;  approfondendo l’idea di Europa sulla scia delle grandi intuizioni di Charles De Gaulle (l’Europa Unita dall’Atlantico a Vladivostok) e di Giovanni Paolo II (i due polmoni dell’Europa: cattolicesimo e ortodossia).

Russia hit by Terrorist Attacks


Russia hit by Terrorist Attacks: Gulf Petrodollars, Syria and Caucasus Islamists

Ramazan Khalidov and Lee Jay Walker


The Russian Federation is once more in the spotlight because of Sunni Islamist terrorism. In recent days two terrorist attacks highlight many factors related to the intrigues of major Western and Gulf powers alongside Turkey. This is based on the destabilization policies of the above in Syria and in other nations. It is abundantly clear that Sunni Islamist terrorists from Chechnya, Dagestan, and in other parts of the Russian Federation, have gone to Syria to kill Syrians who are loyal to the government of this nation. These Islamists are also intent on killing Alawites, Christians and Shia Muslims based on sectarianism. Also, just like in the Russian Federation and Syria, the same Sunni Islamists hate mainstream Sunni Muslim leaders who support the mosaic in both nations therefore Sunni Muslim clerics are also being killed by the same Takfiri mindsets.

In many nations that are hit by terrorism and sectarianism it is clear that the linkage with Gulf petrodollars, militant Islamist organizations in the West, the murky role of covert operatives from several nations, media manipulation, geopolitical ambitions, Islamist charities being a front for obtaining funds – and other factors – all come into play. Of course, nations including China, Egypt, Kashmir (India), Iraq, Libya, Mali, Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, and other nations, will have different underlying causes. However, the external element is a reality in all the above even if the combination of factors is very different. Therefore, the same also applies to the Russian Federation because in the past it was abundantly clear that Georgia and Turkey, two nations with good relations with Western powers, were conduits for Chechen terrorists based on terrorist havens, Islamist funding and other factors.

Indeed, the role of NATO Turkey being a conduit for international Sunni jihadists, militant Takfiris, a source of military hardware, covert operatives, and so forth, against Syria is also a modern reality. At the same time, vast numbers of jihadists from the Caucasus region are entering Syria via NATO Turkey. Therefore, the knock on effect for the Russian Federation is abundantly obvious even if internal issues also exist. Given this reality, then the words of Doku Umarov appear to indicate this because he states that the Riyad-us-Saliheen Brigade is now “replenished with the best among the best of the Mujahideen and if the Russians do not understand that the war will come to their streets, that the war will come to their homes, so it is worse for them.” 

Umarov also issued a warning in July that the Winter Olympics in Sochi would be targeted. He stated: “We, as the Mujahedeen, must not allow this to happen by any means possible.”

Therefore, the two recent terrorist attacks in the Russian Federation would appear to be based on Umarov and other Sunni Islamist terrorist forces. The BBC reports about the latest attacks by stating At least 14 people have been killed in a suicide bombing on a trolleybus in the Russian city of Volgograd, investigators say.”

“The blast comes a day after 17 people died in another suicide attack at the central station in the city.”

The barbarity of the latest terrorist attacks is all too common because of jihadists in this part of the world. After all, Caucasus Islamists butchered vast numbers of children in Beslan after taking them hostages in 2004. Yes, the so-called jihadists who are waging a holy war kidnapped over 700 children in this barbaric attack. In other words, Caucasus Islamists think nothing about kidnapping children, killing children based on their planned operations, beheading captured individuals, blowing people up on buses, suicide attacks,  – and other brutal realities. At the same time, they hope to cleanse Orthodox Christians throughout the Caucasus region based on fear and to crush mainstream Sunni Islam.

Returning to Syria, the Kavkaz Center, a propaganda vehicle for Chechen and Caucasus Islamists, stated in August about this nation that “Troops of the Northern Directorate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham began a decisive attack on the positions of Assadites, anchored on the territory of an important strategic facility – airport Minnag near Aleppo.”

Kavkaz continued by reporting that “Recently, Emir of the Army of Emigrants of Supporters, Omar al-Chechen, was appointed to the post of the commander of the Northern Directorate of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham. Most forces of the Mujahideen in northern Syria came under his command.”

This angle was also mentioned by The Jamestown Foundation because it was stated that “The Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar (Army of Emigrants and Helpers) brigade is made up of Chechens and North Caucasians, but, unsurprisingly, the group also contains a large number of local Arabs, so the total number of people in the brigade could be 1,500. An ethnic Chechen from Georgia, Abu Umar Shishani (a.k.a. Umar Gorgashvili), is the leader of this group. In the past, Gorgashvili fought in Chechnya and served in the Georgian special forces during the 2008 war with Russia (www.rosbalt.ru/main/2013/08/20/1166093.html). Since last summer, Gorgashvili has been elevated to the position of the commander of the northern sector of the Islamic State of Iraq and Sham (http://shamcenter.info/news/92/134/obraschenie-komanduyuschego-severnym-napravleniem-islamskogo-gosudarstva-iraka-i-shama-amira-umara-ash-shishani/d,detail-de/). There are also other well-known Chechen commanders, such as Emir Muslim (Muslim Margoshvili), Emir Seifullah (Ruslan Machaliashvili), Emir Salakhdin and Emir Abu-Musaaba (Musa). Emir Seifullah was expelled from Jaish al-Muhajireen wal-Ansar for embezzlement and erroneous interpretation of Islamic values during a time of jihad and his actions during jihad (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yU6K1mq38jw).”

No individual of credibility would deny that Afghanistan, Chechnya, Dagestan, Iraq, Libya, and other parts of the world, don’t have genuine internal issues to various different degrees. Yet, without the intrigues of powerful Western and Gulf powers alongside Pakistan then al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and other sinister forces throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, would never had existed in the first place – or if they did exist – then the level would have been massively reduced. However, enormous funding was given to various Islamist movements in this period.  The other vital component was enormous spending on spreading Salafi Islamic mindsets and other militant Islamist thought patterns.

The conflict in Iraq that overthrew Saddam Hussein unleashed a vacuum and tragically this became filled by international jihadists, militant sectarian forces and various affiliates of al-Qaeda.  In Libya major NATO and Gulf powers worked hand-in-hand with various jihadist groups and an array of different militias. Once Gaddafi was butchered then another vacuum emerged whereby Mali became destabilized. Also, Libya now became a powerful element in the destabilization of Syria based on exporting military hardware, North African jihadists, linking covert operatives from various nations and being a direct link with the sinister intrigues of NATO Turkey. Therefore, just like in Afghanistan in the 1980s and recent events in Iraq, Libya, and Syria; it is abundantly clear that Gulf and Western intrigues are an enormous boost for various al-Qaeda affiliates and an array of Sunni Islamist militant groups. Likewise, Salafi indoctrination and militant versions of Islam emanating from the Gulf region, then start to usurp traditional Sunni Islam by spreading an alien message based on Gulf petrodollars.

In another article about the Caucasus and Syria by Modern Tokyo Times it was stated The collective intrigues of America, France, Georgia, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom, towards Syria – and their respective policies in the North Caucasus region – should alarm the Russian Federation because the same intrigues are aimed at Moscow. Kadyrov stated that secret agencies were actively involved in recruiting Caucasus terrorists and mercenaries. Therefore, the growing influence of this group does give credence towards a powerful enacted outside force and clearly Georgia and Turkey provide a natural geopolitical reality to the linkage between the Russian Federation and Syria.”

Also, Modern Tokyo Times stated the need for the Russian Federation to take action in Syria because like Umarov states, the jihadists have been “replenished with the best among the best of the Mujahideen.”  Clearly, much of this replenishing is down to new Caucasus Islamists going to Syria and obtaining training and finding a bloodlust based on sectarianism. Therefore, Modern Tokyo Times commented The growing menace of Chechen and Caucasus Islamists and the role of Salafi indoctrination in Syria should lead to the Russian Federation taking action. This applies to sending covert operatives to take out leading Islamist terrorists by working with the Syrian armed forces; providing major intelligence to the government of Syria; increasing military hardware of greater sophistication which suits the nature of the conflict; and by providing greater economic assistance. Also, political leaders in Moscow must raise this question seriously with Turkey because clearly this nation is a conduit of major terrorist and military ratlines which are anti-Syrian government. Similarly, the petrodollars of the Gulf are spreading the dangerous Salafi ideology and this fact needs to be raised.”

Special agencies including the CIA, MI6, and ISI, were all involved in funding Sunni Islamic jihadists in the 1980s and early 1990s in order to overthrow the government of Afghanistan. The chaos engulfing Libya and Mali, and creating powerful ripples in Tunisia, was ignited by the intrigues of major Gulf and Western powers. Of course, internal realities already existed in the Caucasus region just like they existed in Iraq under Saddam Hussein. Yet, once outside meddling happens, just like in modern day Syria; then many intended or unintended convulsions happen because of the vacuums being created by Gulf and Western powers alongside Turkey. Either way, Umarov is making it clear that the jihadist movement in the Caucasus region is now “replenished.” This replenishing is based on outside meddling in Syria, Gulf petrodollars and the intrigues of covert agencies who collectively utilize chaos and mayhem. Therefore, elites in Moscow need to take defensive measures in order to preserve regional stability and to protect nation states. After all, Gulf and Western intrigues are based on creating failed states and this can visibly be seen in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya. The same forces are also intent on creating a failed state in Syria based on several different geopolitical ambitions and this policy is also endangering the Russian Federation.

Obviously, prior to outside meddling in Syria it is clear that Iraq and the Caucasus region in the Russian Federation were already blighted by terrorism. However, the conflict in Chechnya and Iraq were both being contained despite knock-on-effects causing mayhem in Dagestan and other parts of the Caucasus region in relation to Chechnya. Yet, since outside meddling in Syria then the crisis in Iraq is once more spreading a fresh cycle of sectarianism. Also, al-Qaeda affiliates have been boosted by the intrigues of Gulf and Western powers in Syria. Similarly, Umarov and Islamist forces are now gaining from a fresh wave of jihadists throughout parts of the Russian Federation and Central Asia based on the destabilization of Syria.

http://www.jamestown.org/ The Jamestown Foundation 

Hundreds of North Caucasians Have Joined the Ranks of Syria’s Rebels







Une chance pour l’Europe: reconstruire l’ancienne Mitteleuropa austro-hongroise


Norbert von Handel:

Une chance pour l’Europe: reconstruire l’ancienne Mitteleuropa austro-hongroise


Le présent article insiste sur la nécessité de renforcer la coopération entre les Etats issus de l’ancienne monarchie des Habsbourgs pour que se constitue, in fine, une alternative aux errements de l’Union Européenne


Construire une Europe commune a certes été l’un des plus grands projets de pacification que l’histoire humaine ait jamais connu. Pourtant, l’UE est aujourd’hui en voie de perdre définitivement le capital de sympathie dont elle bénéficiait à ses débuts. Le taux d’approbation à l’égard de l’Europe de Bruxelles chute dans tous les pays de l’Union et cela de manière spectaculaire. Plus de 40.000 fonctionnaires grassement payés semblent, en beaucoup de domaines, y avoir perdu toute empathie avec les désirs exprimés par les citoyens des pays membres de l’UE. En bon nombre de lieux, on spécule que ce seront justement les partis critiques à l’endroit de l’eurocratie qui engrangeront un solide paquet de voix lors des prochaines européennes de 2014. Mais on échappe à la vérité quand on interprète ce réflexe comme un retour au nationalisme ou comme un populisme sans substance.


La folie de tout vouloir réglementer, les lobbies à l’oeuvre sont autant d’attitudes qui méritent d’être stigmatisées. Quelques exemples: depuis fort peu de temps, on sait que l’UE envisage de réduire encore la culture de certaines plantes nutritives rares. En guise de compromis, on a proposé aux producteurs agricoles de devoir certifier leurs productions. A moyen terme, bon nombre de sortes de fruits, de céréales, de tubercules et de légumes vont disparaître, ce qui constitue évidemment une folie sur le plan écologique. Derrière cette initiative aberrante se cache bien entendu l’industrie agricole, défendue notamment par les lobbyistes des géants alimentaires américains Monsanto et Pioneer. Ce processus de diminution des espèces montre à l’évidence que Merkel et Hollande sont encore et toujours les exécutants des volontés américaines sur le plan économique, en dépit des très nombreuses expériences négatives que ces deux figures-phares de la politique de l’UE ont déjà expérimentées dans le passé.


On doit aussi se rappeler que les accords de libre-échange transatlantiques, que l’on s’apprête à signer avec les Etats-Unis, vont nous apporter encore davantage de réglementations, Ce que les propagandistes de cette politique taisent bien entendu en toutes les langues. Le système douanier, relativement libéralisé, qui existe entre l’Europe et les Etats-Unis, pourrait, en tous les cas de figure, être amélioré de bien d’autres manières.


Bon nombre d’Européens bien informés se posent la question: que pourra-t-on encore réguler ou réglementer, sans autre nécessité que d’avantager les Etats-Unis? A coup sûr, on peut émettre l’hypothèse que les négociateurs américains sont plus intelligents que leurs homologues européens et ne visent d’ailleurs qu’une seule chose, c’est-à-dire l’américanisation complète de l’Europe.


Parlons maintenant de la folie qui consiste à financer des Etats en faillite: le Traité de Maastricht obligeait tous les Etats de l’UE à consolider leurs budgets et à maintenir des politiques budgétaires réalistes et durables. Or beaucoup de pays, y compris et surtout la France et l’Allemagne, se sont éperdument moqué des clauses du Traité; la Commission, elle aussi, est coupable: elle a complètement renoncé à faire son travail de gardienne des Traités et a enfreint ses propres normes, sans tenir compte le moins du monde d’un quelconque principe de légalité. Qui plus est, le Traité de Maastricht interdit aux Etats riches de financer par la bande les Etats en faillite.


Que s’est-il passé? Suite à une crise de folie, on a financé la Grèce à coups ininterrompus de milliards tant et si bien qu’on ne voit pas encore le bout de cette politique de banqueroute. On n’a pas touché les grands jongleurs de la finance en pratiquant cette politique mais on a durement frappé le peuple grec, qui n’en est nullement responsable. On n’a donc pas sauvé un Etat mais bien les grandes banques des pays occidentaux les plus riches qui avaient spéculé de la manière la plus erronée qui soit en Grèce.


Evoqons les errements de l’UE en politique étrangère: l’ancien chancelier de la RFA Schröder vient de reconnaître, très justement, que l’Europe devrait se tourner vers la Russie pour pouvoir pratiquer avec cet Etat de dimensions gigantesques une politique économique rationnelle, surtout dans le secteur de l’énergie. Au lieu de pratiquer cette politique préconisée par l’ancien chancelier socialiste allemand, les Européens se laissent entraîner par les Américains dans une “Ostpolitik” inamicale à l’égard de Moscou (qui consiste notamment à déployer des missiles non pas contre l’Iran, comme on le prétend, mais directement contre la Russie). Cette attitude plonge la Russie dans l’amertume, où elle marinera longtemps, au détriment de toutes bonnes relations euro-russes. Otto de Habsbourg disait, et je le cite, que l’Europe s’étendait jusqu’à l’Oural (ndlr: et même jusqu’aux frontières de la Mandchourie et jusqu’au Détroit de Bering!). Cette évidence géographique, Madame Ashton ne semble pas vouloir la percevoir. Par ailleurs, un président de la RFA, dont l’expérience politique est somme toute très limitée, nous déclare que l’Allemagne est, elle aussi, “un pays musulman”! Plus rarement, pour ainsi dire jamais, on n’entend un homme ou une femme politique en vue de l’UE déclarer que l’Europe chrétienne et occidentale, repose sur trois piliers: l’Acropole, le Capitole et le Golgotha.


Et où reste la défense européenne? Pour rendre l’Europe eurocratique sympathique aux citoyens européens, il aurait fallu diminuer le poids colossal de la bureaucratie. L’UE doit se cantonner à ses tâches fondamentales: assurer la paix intérieure, pratiquer une politique étrangère commune et unitaire. Le chapitre de la défense commune, par exemple, n’a pas encore trouvé la moindre amorce de concrétisation. L’OTAN coordonne la plupart des états-majors européens mais on en reste là (ndlr: et dans la dépendance américaine).


busek-erhard-l.jpgReconstituer la Mitteleuropa, voilà une chance réelle pour l’Europe de demain. De nombreux hommes politiques clairvoyants, dont Otto de Habsbourg et son fils Charles de Habsbourg, dont l’ancien ministre des affaires étrangères d’Autriche, Alois Mock, ou l’ancien ministre autrichien de la défense Werner Fasslabend ou encore l’homme politique démocrate-chrétien autrichien Ehrard Busek (spécialisé dans les politiques de l’espace danubien; photo), insistent depuis de longues années sur la nécessité d’intégrer toutes les régions de l’espace danubien. Sur les plans économiques, infrastructurels, culturels et éducatifs, militaires et défensifs, cette intégration est souhaitable et nécessaire, sans parler de la nécessité tout aussi impérieuse de comprendre, ensemble, les vicissitudes souvent très douloureuses du passé, dans le respect de toutes les cultures concrètes qui s’épanouissent dans cet espace.


D’autres regroupements, comme celui que l’on appelle le “Groupe de Visegrad” —et ce fut l’une des erreurs les plus flagrantes de la politique étrangère autrichienne de ne pas y avoir participer et adhérer— ou comme l’Institut de l’Espace Danubien (“Institut für den Donauraum”) d’Erhard Busek, ainsi que, dans le domaine culturel, le Groupe “Arge Alpe Adria”, se sont efforcés au fil des années, en déployant beaucoup d’énergie, de défendre et d’illustrer l’héritage historique commun de tous les Etats de la région, renouant de la sorte avec l’histoire du Saint-Empire Romain de la Nation Germanique et celle de la monarchie austro-hongroise.


Ici, nous devons poser un deuxième jalon: comme les Etats scandinaves ou comme le Benelux qui ont une forte influence en Europe (quant à savoir si cette influence est pertinente, a ou non des effets positifs pour l’instant est une autre histoire), les Etats d’Europe centrale et d’Europe du Sud-Est doivent pouvoir à terme parler d’une même voix, du moins dans les questions les plus importantes. Ainsi, ils disposeraient des millions démographiques indispensables qui leur permettraient de jouer dans le concert des grandes puissances européennes. A l’heure actuelle, les petits pays comme l’Autriche, ne sont jamais plus autre chose que des entités dépendantes des grands Etats. Les grandes idées et les projets politiques sont absents ou ne sont pas transposables dans le réel.


Au cours de ces dernières années et de ces derniers mois, l’Ordre de Saint-Georges, dont les préoccupations sont européennes et sociales et dont l’origine s’enracine dans la Maison de Habsbourg-Lorraine, a organisé une quantité de manifestations et a fondé de nombreuses antennes en Italie du Nord, en Croatie, en Slovénie, en Autriche et s’apprête à en fonder aussi dans l’avenir en République tchèque, en Hongrie et en Slovaquie. De telles initiatives rencontrent de plus en plus d’approbations. L’objectif, à moyen terme, est de faire émerger une institution au-delà des partis, composée de parlementaires européens, de régions et d’Etats, qui sont tous prêts à défendre les intérêts des petits pays dans toutes les institutions, commissions, parlements et caucus européens.


Comme Charles de Habsbourg et Ehrard Busek l’ont exprimé, chacun de manière différente, il faut, pour que ces initiatives connaissent le succès, fédérer les intérêts de tous ces pays dans les secteurs infrastructurels, économiques, culturels, éducatifs et militaires, de façon à ce qu’ils soient représentés unis. Pour y parvenir, il me paraît plus important d’agir sur des bases territoriales/étatiques plutôt que sur des structures partisanes. Les partis sont des instances certes nécessaires mais ils ne visent que leurs intérêts propres et non pas ceux de leurs pays.


Un bloc mitteleuropéen consolidé, qui se sera construit sur l’histoire pleine de vicissitudes des pays qui le constitueront, qui représentera la culture réelle de ces pays, qui visera à faire valoir les intérêts et les revendications justifiés des pays de la Mitteleuropa, pourrait rendre plus europhiles de larges strates de la population et rendre l’UE plus intelligible.


C’est justement dans les pays issus du territoire de l’ancienne monarchie austro-hongroise que l’on voit que le mythe des Habsbourg n’a pas été brisé et que les politiques préconisées par Otto et Charles de Habsbourg ont été rendues vivantes et plausibles. Il suffit de se rappeler l’initiative du pique-nique “Paneuropa” qui a amorcé le processus de démantèlement du Rideau de Fer entre l’Autriche et la Hongrie. L’Autriche officielle reconnaît de plus en plus, en dépit de son “républicanisme” affiché, les mérites anciens de la monarchie austro-hongroise. L’Autriche républicaine commence à comprendre les enjeux que défendait cette monarchie et regarde désormais autrement l’oeuvre de la Maison des Habsbourg, après s’être débarrassé de quelques filtres historiques incapacitants, imposés il y a cinq ou six décennies. Il n’y a pas que l’Autriche qui profitera de cette dynamique: l’UE tout entière en sera la bénéficiaire. Il vaut donc la peine de s’engager et de se battre pour ces projets.


Norbert von HANDEL.

(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, http://www.zurzeit.at , n°51-52/2013).

vendredi, 03 janvier 2014

Why does Washington provide protection for the Muslim Brotherhood?

Muslim Brotherhood13_1.jpg

Vladimir Odintsov :

Why does Washington provide protection for the Muslim Brotherhood?

The bomb attack of December 24 2013, which targeted a police station in the Egyptian city of Mansoura, leaving 14 people dead and 200 more injured. Egypt’s Prime Minister Hazem Al Beblawi has not simply attributed the attack to the Muslim Brotherhood group, he has also declared it a terrorist organization.

This step was immediately was succeeded by a phone conversation between the U.S. Secretary of State and the Egypt’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, initiated by the former. John Kerry told his counterpart Nabil Fahmy that Washington is “exteremely concerned” with the placing of the Muslim Brotherhood organization in the terrorist ranks.

But who were the “Muslim Brotherhood” activists in the first place?

As of today, the Muslim Brotherhood group operates in the vast majority of Muslim countries among which one can name Saudi Arabia, Kuwait , Sudan , Syria, Tunisia , Qatar, Jordan, Bahrain , UAE (the “offices” in the last four countries named are the most radical ones) along with a number of “representation offices” in the Western world: Germany , the UK , Switzerland, France and the U.S. The “Muslim Brotherhood” (Jamaat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin) – is an international religious and political association, founded in Egypt in the late 1920s. (see ” Muslim Brotherhood ” , the CIA and international support for the Islamists ) . The association has set its goal at the Islamization of society and the creation of an Islamic state. This organization combines the traits of Sufi orders, modern political parties and organized armed groups.

As the structure of this association it started penetrating political processes that were taking place in the Arab world and beyond. At a certain stage of its development a radical headed by Sayyid Qutb emerged from its core. Then in the second half of the 1940s the brotherhood transformed in an extremist organization which resorted to terrorist means in their struggle for influence. All through the 1950s the group was assassinating politics and in 1954 — made three attempts to kill Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser. Gradually a number of “secret groups” that started to form within the national associations of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Syria , etc.

The use of extreme measures that seemed to be a method of choice of the Muslim Brotherhood has led to the persecution of this organization in a number of countries. This led to the introduction of “secret society” elements to the Muslim Brotherhood and a harsh linear subordination system. A basic unit of the Muslim Brotherhood is a “family” that consists of 5-10 member that are called “brothers” that are governed by a leader – a “big brother “. A number of units form a “big family”, which is headed by a “father”. “The big council” of “fathers elect” a “sheik”

In September 1981, the former members of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood killed Anwar El Sadat. In the same period the “Muslim Brotherhood” actively supported Islamic extremist groups, sending its recruiters to find all the fresh blood they could send to Afghanistan and other countries. Since the mid-90s , the “Muslim Brotherhood ” has made a number of attempts to assassinate Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak , it’s also responsible for a number of terrorist attacks on the tourist routes , they also were fighting on the rebel side in Chechnya and Dagestan.

In 2003, the “Muslim Brotherhood ” has played a major part in the destabilization of the situation in the Caucasus. In September of this year they have “funded” different groups of rebels with 3 million dollars to disrupt the presidential elections in Chechnya and sabotage the stability.

June 28, 2005 the leader of the “Muslim Brotherhood” has called the Iraqi population along with Palestinians and the entire Muslim world to wage war on the U.S. and Israel.

In 2011 the “Muslim Brotherhood” has claimed responsibility for a double terrorist attack in Damascus on December 23.

In early December 2012 , as reported by the Arabic TV channel Al Jazeera, the leaders of Al-Qaeda held a secret meeting with the representatives of the Muslim Brotherhood. The meeting took place in the Pakistani city of Peshawar, where the residence of Al-Qaeda is. At this meeting the Supreme Guide of the “Muslim Brotherhood” Mohammad Badie and the head of Al Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri have signed a historic pact that obides the two organization to merge together. One must note that this was not the first meeting between Badie and al-Zawahiri, they had been meeting pretty extensively in Cairo after the elections of Mohamed Morsi.

Apparently, even these crumbs of information, show that for the better part of its history the “Muslim Brotherhood” was in opposition to the ruling regimes, even if it meant the use of violence and terrorism. It’s no wonder that the “Muslim Brotherhood” has been acknowledged as a terrorist group in the Russian Federation, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan .

At the same time , the United States and some of the European countries (say the UK), believe that the “Muslim Brotherhood” hasn’t been involved in any terrorist activities, and therefore the group is absolutely legal. Moreover , the “Muslim Brotherhood” has been extensively used by the secret services of a number of the Western countries. For instance, the British intelligence shown interest in this organization the day it the “Muslim Brotherhood” was created, since it allowed the UK to keep an eye on its colonies and to contest the growing German influence in Egypt.

As for the U.S. , it is curious to note that after 9-11 the “MuslimBrothers” was accused of aiding terrorists. This however, didn’t prevent the U.S. intelligence agencies to use the capabilities of the ” Muslim Brotherhood ” to bring its own project in the Middle East and North Africa to life, one can simply remember the revolutionary events of the “Arab Spring .” This facts were brought to light by a number of investigations, carried out by the media. In particular, in 2012 the Lebanese newspaper Al-Diyar clearly pointed that, according to a plan that was drafted in November 2011, the “Muslim Brotherhood” signed a deal with CIA. According to this pace the ” Muslim Brotherhood, ” pledged to take an active part in the destruction of “Al- Qaeda ” in exchange for joint control of the whole Middle East. This “deal” or let’s call it “pragmatic cooperation” between the “Muslim Brotherhood” and the White House administration has been confirmed by numerous diplomatic cables and Wikileaks publications.

Should one be amazed by the critical reaction of the Washington , that was expressed December 26, 2013 words. The US pretends to be fighting terrorist groups around the globe when, in fact, it’s been working with them for years.

Vladimir Odintsov, political commentator and special contributor to the  online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.

Presseschau Januar 2014


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Martin Heidegger, Ernst Jünger, sur la ligne

Martin Heidegger, Ernst Jünger, sur la ligne

par Luc-Olivier d'Algange

ex: http://aucoeurdunationalisme.blogspot.com

Rien ne sera admis, reconnu, dépassé, redimé, des temps d'abominable servitude que nous vivons tant que nous n'aurons pas médité sur la ligne qui sépare le monde ancien du monde nouveau. Sur la ligne, c'est-à-dire, selon la réponse de Heidegger à Jünger, non seulement par-delà la ligne, au-dessus de la ligne, mais aussi, plus immédiatement à propos de la ligne. Faire de la ligne même le site de notre pensée et de son déploiement, c'est déjà s'assurer de ne point céder à quelque illusoire franchissement. Il s'en faut de beaucoup que l'au-delà soit déjà ici-même. L'ici-même où nous nous retrouvons, en ce partage des millénaires, a ceci de particulier qu'il n'est plus même un espace, une temporalité mais une pure démarcation. Là où nous sommes, l'être s'est évanouit et jamais peut-être dans toute l'histoire humaine nous ne fûmes aussi dépossédés des prérogatives normales de l'être et ne fûmes aussi radicalement requis par la toute-possibilité.


Cette situation est à la fois extrêmement périlleuse et chanceuse. Le pari qui nous incombe n'est plus seulement de l'ordre de la Foi, - selon l'interprétation habituellement quelque peu limitative que l'on donne du pari pascalien, mais d'ordre onto-théologique. Certes, il existe un monde ancien et un monde nouveau. « Le domaine du nihilisme accompli, écrit Heidegger, trace la frontière entre deux âges du monde ». Le monde ancien fut un monde où la puissance n'étant point encore entièrement dévouée à la destruction et au contrôle, s'épanouissait en œuvres de beauté et de vérité. Le monde nouveau est un monde où la « splendeur du vrai », étant jugée inane, la morale, strictement utilitaire, soumise à une rationalisation outrancière, c'est-à-dire devenue folle, s'accomplit en œuvres de destruction.

La radicalité même de la différence entre ces deux âges du monde nous interdit généralement d'en percevoir la nature. Le plus grand nombre de nos contemporains, lorsqu'ils ne cultivent plus le mythe d'une modernité libératrice, en viennent à croire que le cours du temps n'a pas affecté considérablement les données fondamentales de l'existence humaine. Ils se trouvent si bien imprégnés par la vulgarité et les préjugés de leur temps qu'ils n'en perçoivent plus le caractère odieux ou dérisoire ou s'imaginent que ce caractère fut également répandu dans le cours des siècles. La simple raison s'avère ici insuffisante. Une autre expérience est requise qui appartient en propre au domaine de la beauté et de la poésie. L'accusation d'esthétisme régulièrement proférée à l'encontre de l'œuvre de Jünger provient de cette approche plus subtile des phénomènes propres au nihilisme. Certes, un esthétisme qui n'aurait aucun souci du vrai et du bien serait lui-même une forme de nihilisme accompli. Mais ce qui est à l'œuvre dans le cheminement de Jünger est d'une autre nature. Loin de substituer la considération du Beau à toute autre, il l'ajoute, comme un instrument de détection plus subtil aux considérations issues de l'approche rationnelle. La vertu de l'approche esthétique jüngérienne se révèle ainsi dans la confrontation avec le nihilisme. Pour distinguer les caractères propres aux deux âges du monde dont il est question, encore faut-il rendre son entendement sensible aussi bien à la beauté familière qu'à l'étrangeté.

Sur la ligne, les soufis diraient « sur le fil du rasoir », le moindre risque est bien d'être coupé en deux, ou d'être comme Janus, une créature à deux faces, contemplant à la fois le monde révolu et le monde futur. Que l'on veuille alors aveugler l'une ou l'autre face, en tenir pour la nostalgie pure du passé ou pour la croyance éperdue en l'avenir meilleur, cela ne change rien à l'emprise sur nous du nihilisme. Penser le nihilisme trans lineam exige ce préalable: penser le nihilisme de linea. Le réactionnaire et le progressiste succombent à la même erreur: ils sont également tranchés en deux. La fuite en avant comme la fuite en arrière interdit de penser la ligne elle-même. Toute l'attention du penseur-poète, c'est-à-dire du Cœur aventureux consistera à se tenir sur le méridien zéro afin d'interroger l'essence même du nihilisme, au lieu de se précipiter dans quelque échappatoire. En l'occurrence, Jünger, comme Heidegger nous dit que toute échappatoire, aussi pompeuse qu'elle soit (et comment ne pas voir que notre XXème siècle fut saturé jusqu'à l'écœurement par la pomposité progressiste et réactionnaire ?) n'est jamais qu'une impardonnable futilité.

Sur la ligne, nous dit Jünger, « c'est le tout qui est en jeu ». Sur la ligne, nous le sommes au moment où le nihilisme passif et le nihilisme actif ont laissé place au nihilisme accompli. Le site du nihilisme accompli est celui à partir duquel nous pouvons interroger l'essence du nihilisme. Après la destruction des formes, les temps ne sont plus à séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie. Le nihilisme, écrit Nietzsche est « l'hôte le plus étrange », et Heidegger précise, « « le plus étrange parce que ce qu'il veut, en tant que volonté inconditionnée de vouloir, c'est l'étrangeté, l'apatridité comme telle. C'est pourquoi il est vain de vouloir le mettre à la porte, puisqu'il est déjà partout depuis longtemps, invisible et hantant la maison. »

L'illusion du réactionnaire est de croire pouvoir « assainir », alors que l'illusion du progressiste est de croire pouvoir fonder cette étrangeté en une nouvelle et heureuse familiarité planétaire. Or, précise Heidegger: « L'essence du nihilisme n'est ni ce qu'on pourrait assainir, ni ce qu'on pourrait ne pas assainir. Elle est l'in-sane, mais en tant que telle elle est une indication vers l'in-demne. La pensée doit-elle se rapprocher du domaine de l'essence du nihilisme, alors elle se risque nécessairement en précurseur, et donc elle change. »

La destruction, qui est le signe du nihilisme moderne, serait donc à la fois l'instauration généralisée de l'insane et une indication vers l'indemne. Si le poète et le penseur doivent parier sur l'esprit qui vivifie contre la lettre morte, il n'est pas exclu que par l'accomplissement du nihilisme, c'est-à- dire la destruction de la lettre morte, une chance ne nous soit pas offerte de ressaisir dans son resplendissement essentiel l'esprit qui vivifie. Le précurseur sera ainsi celui qui ose et qui change et dont la pensée, à ceux qui se tiennent encore dans le nihilisme passif ou le nihilisme actif, paraîtra réactionnaire ou subversive alors qu'elle est déjà au-delà, ou plus exactement au-dessus.

Comment ne point aveugler l'un des visages de Janus, comment tenir en soi, en une même exigence et une même attention, la crainte, l'espérance, la déréliction et la sérénité ? Il n'est pas vain de recourir à la raison, sous condition que l'on en vienne à s'interroger ensuite sur la raison même de la raison. Que nous dit cette raison agissante et audacieuse ? Elle nous révèle pour commencer qu'il ne suffit pas de reconnaître dans tel ou tel aspect du monde moderne l'essence du nihilisme. La définition et la description du nihilisme, pour satisfaisantes qu’elles paraissent au premier regard, nous entraînent pourtant dans le cercle vicieux du nihilisme lui-même, avec son cortège de remèdes pires que les maux et de solutions fallacieuses. Vouloir localiser le nihilisme serait ainsi lui succomber à notre insu. Cependant l'intelligence humaine répugne à renoncer à définir, à discriminer: elle garde en elle cette arme mais dépourvue de Maître d'arme et d'une légitimité conséquente, elle en use à mauvais escient. Telle est exactement la raison moderne, détachée de sa pertinence onto-théologique. Etre sur la ligne, penser l'essence du nihilisme accompli, c'est ainsi reconnaître le moment de la défaillance de la raison. Cette reconnaissance, pour autant qu'elle pense l'essence du nihilisme accompli ne sera pas davantage une concession l'irrationalité. « Le renoncement à toute définition qui s'exprime ici, écrit Heidegger, semble faire bon marché de la rigueur de la pensée. Mais il pourrait se faire aussi que seule cette renonciation mette la pensée sur le chemin d'une certaine astreinte, qui lui permette d'éprouver de quelle nature est la rigueur requise d'elle par la chose même ».

felix-h-man-bildarchiv-preussischer-kulturbesitz.1263977561.thumbnail.jpgLe Cœur aventureux jüngérien est appelé à se faire précurseur et à suivre « le chemin d'une certaine astreinte ». La raison n'est pas congédiée mais interrogée; elle n'est point récusée, en faveur de son en-deçà mais requise à une astreinte nouvelle qui rend caduque les définitions, les descriptions, les discriminations dont elle se contentait jusqu'alors. « Que l'hégémonie de la raison s'établisse comme la rationalisation de tous les ordres, comme la normalisation, comme le nivellement, et cela dans le sillage du nihilisme européen, c'est là quelque chose qui donne autant à penser que la tentative de fuite vers l'irrationnel qui lui correspond. » A celui qui se tient sur la ligne, en précurseur et soumis à une astreinte nouvelle, il est donné de voir le rationnel et l'irrationnel comme deux formes concomitantes de superstition.

Qu'est-ce qu'une superstition? Rien d'autre qu'un signe qui survit à la disparition du sens. La superstition rationaliste emprisonne la raison dans l'ignorance de sa provenance et de sa destination, et dans sa propre folie planificatrice, de même que la superstition religieuse emprisonne la Théologie dans l'ignorance de la vertu d'intercession de ses propres symboles. L'insane au comble de sa puissance généralise cette idolâtrie de la lettre morte, de la fonction détachée de l'essence qui la manifeste. Aux temps du nihilisme accompli le dire ayant perdu toute vertu d'intercession se réduit à son seul pouvoir de fascination, comme en témoignent les mots d'ordre des idéologies et les slogans de la publicité. Dans sa nouvelle astreinte, le précurseur ne doit pas être davantage enclin à céder à la superstition de l'irrationnel qu'à la superstition de la raison. En effet, souligne Heidegger, « le plus inquiétant c'est encore le processus selon lequel le rationalisme et l'irrationalisme s'empêtrent identiquement dans une convertibilité réciproque, dont non seulement ils ne trouvent pas l'issue, mais dont ils ne veulent plus l'issue. C'est pourquoi l'on dénie à la pensée toute possibilité de parvenir à une vocation qui se tiennent en dehors du ou bien ou bien du rationnel et de l'irrationnel. »

La nouvelle astreinte du précurseur consistera précisément à rassembler en soi les signes et les intersignes infimes qui échappent à la fois au rationalisme planificateur et à l'irrationalisme. La difficulté féconde surgit au moment où l'exigence la plus haute de la pensée, sa requête la plus radicale devient un refus de l'alternative en même temps qu'un refus du compromis. Ne point choisir entre le rationnel et l'irrationnel, et encore moins mélanger ce qu'il y aurait « de mieux » dans l'un et dans l'autre, telle est l'astreinte nouvelle de celui qui consent héroïquement à se tenir sur le méridien zéro du nihilisme accompli. Conscient de l'installation planétaire de l'insane, son attention vers l'indemne doit le porter non vers une logique thérapeutique, qui traiterait les symptômes ou les causes, mais au cœur même de cette attention et de cette attente pour lesquels nous n'avons pas trouvé jusqu'à présent d'autre mots que ceux de méditation et de prière, quand bien même il faudrait désormais charger ces mots d'une signification nouvelle et inattendue.

L'entretien sur la ligne d’Ernst Jünger et de Martin Heidegger ouvre ainsi à la raison qui s'interroge sur ses propres ressources des perspectives qui n'ont rien de passéistes et dont on est même en droit de penser désormais qu'elles seules n'apparaissent pas comme touchées dans leur être même par le passéisme, étant entendu que le passéisme progressiste est peut-être, par son refus de retour critique sur lui-même, et par la méconnaissance de sa propre généalogie, plus réactionnaire encore dans son essence que le passéisme nostalgique ou néoromantique.

L'attention du précurseur, sa théorie, au sens retrouvé de contemplation, sera d'abord un art de ne pas refuser de voir. Quant à l'astreinte nouvelle, elle éveillera la possibilité d'une autre hiérarchie des importances où le vol de l'infime cicindèle n'aura pas moins de sens que les désastres colossaux du monde moderne. " De même, écrit Jünger, les dangers et la sécurité changent de sens". Comment ne pas voir que les modernes doivent précisément à leur goût de la sécurité les pires dangers auxquels ils se trouvent exposés ? Et qu'à l'inverse l'audace, voire la témérité de quelques uns furent toujours les prémisses d'un établissement dans ces grandes et sereines sécurités que sont les civilisations dignes de ce nom ?

L'homme moderne, ne croyant qu'à son individualité et à son corps, désirant d'abord la sécurité de son corps, ne désirant, en vérité, rien d'autre, est l'inventeur du monde où la vie humaine est si dévaluée qu'il n'y a presque plus aucune différence entre les vivants et les morts. C'est bien pourquoi le massacre de millions d'êtres humains dans son siècle "rationnel, démocratique et progressiste" le choque moins que la violence d'un combat antique ou d'une échauffourée médiévale, pour autant que sa sécurité, son individualité ou, dans une plus faible mesure, celles des siens, ont été épargnées. Le nihilisme de sa propre sécurité s'établit dans le refus de voir le nihilisme du péril auquel il n'a cessé de consentir que d'autre que lui fussent livrés, et se livrant ainsi lui-même à leur vindicte. Les Empereurs chinois savaient ce que nous avons oublié, eux qui considéraient leurs armes défensives comme les pires dangers pour eux-mêmes. Les Cœurs aventureux, ou selon la terminologie heideggérienne, les précurseurs, trouveront la plus grande sécurité dans leur consentement même à se reconnaître dans le site du plus grand danger. De même qu'au cœur de l'insane est l'incitation vers l'indemne, au cœur du danger se trouve le site de la plus grande sécurité possible. Comment sortir indemne de l'insane péril (qui prétend par surcroît avoir inventé la sécurité comme Monsieur Jourdain la prose !) où nous a précipité le nihilisme ? Quelle est la ligne de risque ?

Certes, le méridien zéro n'est nullement ce « compteur remis à zéro » dont rêve la sentimentalité révolutionnaire. Ce méridien, s'il faut préciser, n'est point une métaphore de la table rase, ou le site d'un oubli redimant. Le méridien zéro est exactement le lieu où rien ne peut être oublié, où toute sollicitation extérieure répond d'une réminiscence, comme le son répond à la corde que l'on touche, où l'empreinte ne prétend point à sa précellence sur le sceau. Ce qui advient, pas davantage que ce qui fut, ne peut prétendre à un autre titre que celui d'empreinte, le sceau étant l'hors-d'atteinte lui-même: l'indemne qui gît au secret du cœur du plus grand danger. La ligne de risque de la vie et de l'œuvre jüngériennes répond de cette certitude acquise sur la ligne.

Toute interrogation fondamentale concernant la liberté est liée à la Forme. Si le supra-formel, en langage métaphysique, bien l'absolu de la liberté, le propre de ceux que l'hindouisme nomme les libérés vivants, l'informe, quant à lui, est le comble de la soumission. La question de la Forme se tient sur cette ligne critique, sur ce méridien zéro qui ouvre à la fois sur le comble de l'esclavage et sur la souveraineté la plus libre qui se puisse imaginer. Dès Le Travailleur, et ensuite à travers toute son œuvre, Jünger poursuivit, comme nous l'avons vu, une méditation sur la Forme. Or, cette méditation, platonicienne à maints égards, est aussi inaugurale si l'on ose la situer non plus dans l'histoire de la philosophie, comme un moment révolu de celle-ci mais sur la ligne, comme une promesse de franchissement de la ligne. Ce qu'il importe désormais de savoir, c'est en quoi la Forme contient en elle à la fois la possibilité du déclin dans le nihilisme (dont l'étape d'accomplissement serait la confusion de toutes les formes: l'uniformité) et la possibilité d'une recréation de la Forme, voire d'un dépassement de la Forme dans une souveraineté jusqu'ici encore impressentie. Par les figures successivement interrogées du Travailleur, du Rebelle et de l'Anarque, Jünger s'achemine vers cette souveraineté. Pour qu'il y eût une Forme, au sens grec d'Idéa, et non seulement au sens moderne de « représentation », il importe que la réalité du sceau ne soit pas oubliée.

Une lecture extrêmement sommaire des œuvres de Jünger et de Heidegger donnerait à penser que lorsque Heidegger tenterait un dépassement, voire un renversement ou une « déconstruction » du platonisme, Jünger, lui s'en tiendrait à une philosophie strictement néo-platonicienne. Le dépassement heideggérien de la métaphysique, qui tant séduisit ses disciples français « déconstructivistes » (et surtout acharnés, sous l'influence de Marx, à détacher toute philosophie de ses origines théologiques) laissa, et laisse encore, d'immenses carrières à l'erreur. Les modernes qui instrumentalisent l'œuvre de Heidegger en vue d'un renversement du platonisme et de la métaphysique méconnaissent que, pour Heidegger, dépassement de la métaphysique signifie non point destruction de la métaphysique mais bien couronnement de la métaphysique. Il s'agit moins, en l'occurrence, de se libérer de la métaphysique que de libérer la métaphysique.

Il n'est pas question de déconstruire la métaphysique, pour en faire table rase, mais d'en établir la souveraineté en la dépassant par le haut, c'est à dire par la question de l'être. Pour un grand nombre d'exégètes français la différence essentielle entre une antimétaphysique et une métaphysique couronnée demeure obscure. Heidegger ne reproche point à la métaphysique de s'interroger sur l'essence, il lui impose au contraire, comme une astreinte nouvelle, de s'interroger plus essentiellement encore sur l'essence de son propre déploiement dans le Logos. A la métaphysique déclinante des théologies exotériques, des sciences humaines, de la didactique, de la Technique et du matérialisme, Heidegger oppose une interrogation essentielle sur le déclin lui-même.

En établissant clairement son dépassement de la métaphysique comme un couronnement de la métaphysique, Heidegger suggère qu'il y a bien deux façons de dépasser, l'une par le bas (qui serait le matérialisme) l'autre par le haut, et qui est de l'ordre du couronnement. Loin de vouloir « en finir », au sens vulgaire, avec la métaphysique, Heidegger entend en rétablir sa royauté. Par l'interrogation incessante sur les fins et sur la finalité de la métaphysique, Heidegger œuvre à la recouvrance de la métaphysique et non à sa solidification. Qu'est-ce qu'une métaphysique couronnée ? De quelle nature est ce dépassement par le haut ? Que le déclin de la métaphysique eût conduit celle-ci de la didactique à la superstition de la technique, du nihilisme passif jusqu'au nihilisme accompli, en témoignent les théories modernes du langage et l'humanisme qui ne voit en l'homme qu'un animal « amélioré » par le langage. Ce que Heidegger reproche à ces théories du langage et de l'homme est d'ignorer la question de l'essence de l'homme et de l'essence du langage, et d'être en somme, des métaphysiques oublieuses de leurs propres ressources.

Le dialogue entre Jünger et Heidegger, que le bon lecteur ne doit pas circonscrire à l'échange hommagial et épistolaire sur le passage de la ligne mais étendre aussi aux autres œuvres, prend tout son sens à partir des méditations jüngériennes sur le langage et l'herméneutique. En effet, loin de rompre avec la source théologique, Heidegger en fut le revivificateur éminent par l'art herméneutique qu'il ne cessa d'exercer au contact des œuvres anciennes, les présocratiques, Aristote, ou modernes, Hölderlin, Trakl, ou Stephan George. De même Jünger, en amont des gloses, des analyses et des explications poursuivit le dessein de retrouver, dans les signes et les intersignes, la trace des dieux enfuis. Entre les noms des dieux et leurs puissances, entre l'empreinte et le sceau, entre le langage et la langue, entre ce que doit être dit et ce qui est dit, l'Auteur s'établit avec une inquiétude créatrice. Ce serait se méprendre grandement sur la méditation sur la Forme qui est à l'œuvre dans les essais de Jünger que de n'y voir qu'une reproduction d'un néoplatonisme acquis et défini une fois pour toute, et réduit, pour ainsi dire à des schémas purement scolaires ou didactiques. Se tenir sur la ligne, c'est déjà refuser d'être dans la pure représentation. Entre la présence et son miroitement se joue toute véritable et féconde inquiétude spéculative.

Luc-Olivier d’Algange

Réflexions sur les “chrétiens sionistes”



Wolfgang CASPART:

Réflexions sur les “chrétiens sionistes”


Les “chrétiens sionistes” aux Etats-Unis sont notamment ces évangélistes qui prêchent un lien indéfectible entre Washington et Tel Aviv


Les calvinistes puritains partagent avec les juifs le culte de l’Ancien Testament. Ce n’est pas simplement une option religieuse, donc gentiment confinée à la sphère religieuse, mais une option bel et bien sécularisée qui a des retombées immédiates dans le domaine du politique. La plupart des calvinistes, tout comme une majorité de juifs, vivent aujourd’hui aux Etats-Unis, ce qui fait que les intérêts calvinistes et juifs ont de plus en plus tendance à fusionner Outre-Atlantique. Ceux qui ne veulent pas comprendre cette collusion d’intérêts se condamnent à ne pas comprendre les orientations spirituelles et politiques de l’hegemon mondial.


Certes, le christianisme ne saurait être perçu comme un bloc homogène et unitaire; cette remarque vaut également pour le calvinisme qui se subdivise en de nombreuses églises libres. Le judaïsme n’est pas davantage homogène. A l’intérieur du calvinisme, toutes tendances confondues, ce sont toutefois les évangélistes fondamentalistes qui donnent le ton, tout comme le font les sionistes au sein du judaïsme. Pour de nombreux observateurs des faits religieux et politiques, l’Amérique, et non pas l’Etat d’Israël, est le véritable siège du sionisme dans le monde (cf. Michael Collins Piper, “The New Jerusalem. Zionist Power in America”, Sisyphus Press, 2005).


Les “Evangelicals” sont des calvinistes qui, sur la base de leur doctrine, se sentent proches des juifs en général et des sionistes en particulier. Pour les juifs sionistes, Israël est la patrie de tous les juifs; les “Evangelicals”, eux, voient les juifs et Israël sous un angle très spécial, celui du “pré-millénarisme”. Celui-ci s’explique suit à une lecture fondamentaliste de l’Apocalypse de Saint Jean dans le Nouveau Testament. La philosophie chrétienne de l’histoire —qui s’en déduit— voit le monde actuel plongé dans le péché comme un monde soumis au Diable, au Semeur de confusion, au Séducteur, à Satan, Lucifer, l’Antéchrist, etc. A son tour, cette vision d’un monde soumis au Diable implique que ce monde doit passer par un temps de troubles et de désordres graves avant qu’une catastrophe apocalyptique le détruise et amène le retour triomphal du Christ. Après le retour du Christ, la première parousie, le Diable sera pris prisonnier et le Règne de Mille Ans, le “Millenium” des justes et des saints, adviendra. Mais le Diable va brièvement échapper à sa captivité puis sera vaincu et définitivement exilé dans les enfers. Le Christ reviendra alors une seconde fois (deuxième parousie) et prononcera le Jugement Dernier.


Les pré-millénaristes parmi les “Evangelicals” voient dès lors le retour des juifs en Palestine comme le préliminaire nécessaire à l’imminent premier retour du Christ. C’est pour cette raison qu’ils favorisent le retour des juifs en Palestine: ce retour précipitera le retour du Christ. Selon Ezéchiel 37:12, l’alliance vétéro-testamentaire repose sur la promesse suivante: “Ainsi parle le Seigneur votre Dieu: voyez, je veux ouvrir vos tombeaux et vous en sortir, ô mon peuple, et sortis de vos tombeaux, je vous mènerai au pays d’Israël”.


Le site visé par la promesse  dans Ezéchiel est donc Jérusalem ou Israël: les pré-millénaristes fondamentalistes chrétiens, de manière bien étonnante, ne prennent pas pour argent comptant les paroles du Christ dans l’Evangile de Saint Jean 18:36, qui disent: “Mon royaume n’est pas de ce monde”. Ils ignorent tout autant le verset de l’Apocalypse (21:2), où l’on peut lire: “Et moi, Jean, je vis aussi la ville sainte, Jérusalem nouvelle, descendre du ciel d’auprès de Dieu”. Dans l’“Epitre aux Hébreux” (12:22): “Vous vous êtes approchés, vous, de la Montagne de Sion avec la cité du Dieu vivant, la Jérusalem céleste”. Propos similaires dans l’”Epitre aux Galates” (4:26): “Mais la Jérusalem d’en haut est libre, et c’est elle notre mère”. On peut déduire de ces textes que la Jérusalem et l’Israël du futur, d’un point de vue chrétien, ne sont pas des lieux géographiques, comme le veut le sionisme des “Evangelicals”, mais des lieux métaphysiques. Les prises de positions des “Evangelicals” pour l’occupation factuelle du territoire palestinien par les sionistes ne correspondent donc pas aux paroles du Nouveau Testament.


Il faut rappeler ici la parole de Jésus, rapportée par l’Evangile selon Saint Matthieu (5:17): “Ne croyez pas que je sois venu abolir la loi ou les prophètes, mais pour les accomplir”. Cette parole doit se définir dans une perspective chrétienne selon l’Evangile de Saint Jean (14:6): “Je suis le chemin, la vérité et la vie. Nul ne vient au Père que par moi”. A quoi s’joute les mots de l’”Epitre aux Romains” (13:10): “La charité est donc l’accomplissement plenier de la Loi”. Les calvinistes étant théoriquement chrétiens, donc lecteurs du Nouveau Testament, on ne voit donc pas comment ils peuvent en arriver à penser “que chaque grain de sable entre, d’une part, le Jourdain et la Mer Morte, et, d’autre part, la Méditerranée appartient aux juifs et que, donc, leur appartiennent aussi la Cisjordanie et Gaza”. Et qu’ils puissent faire leur ce slogan: “Nous nous battons pour le droit à posséder tous les pays que Dieu a donné à Abraham au moment de l’Alliance il y a 4000 ans, pays qui appartiennent dès lors à Israël... Il n’y a pas de Palestiniens” (cf.: Jane Lampman, “Mixing Prophecy and Politics”, in: “Christian Science Monitor”, 7 juillet 2004). L’interprétation des calvinistes est donc contraire aux principes du Nouveau Testament.


En constatant cette interprétation sioniste et non néo-testamentaire des écritures, on ne s’étonnera pas que “les chrétiens sionistes américains, avec les forces armées israéliennes, sont les derniers bastions actifs de l’Etat hébreu” (cf.: Daniel Pipes, “[Christian Zionism]: Israel’s Best Weapon”, in: New York Post (on line)”, 15 juillet 2003). Le chef des services de communication de Benjamin Netanyahou écrivait un jour: “Remercions Dieu de l’existence des chrétiens sionistes” (cf. Michael Freund, “Christian Zionists Key to Continued U.S. Support for Israel”, in: “Jewish Press (on line)”, 27 décembre 2006).




Que cela nous plaise ou non, l’avenir des relations entre Israël et les Etats-Unis dépend finalement moins des juifs américains que des chrétiens américains”. Le représentant de la majorité républicaine, Richard Armey, déclarait naguère être satifsfait “du fait qu’Israël s’empare de toute la Cisjordanie” et ne s’est distancé que bien plus tard des paroles qu’il avait ajoutées à ses propos pro-israéliens, paroles selon lesquelles “les Palestiniens devaient partir” (cf. Matthew Engel, “Senior Republican Calls on Israel to Expel West Bank Arabs”, in: “The Guardian”, 4 mai 2002).


Certes, il faut bien admettre aussi que “la plupart des juifs américains ne veulent rien avoir à faire avec la nouvelle droite chrétienne” (cf. Naomi M. Cohen, “Dual Loyalties: Zionism and Liberalism” in Allon Gal, “Envisionning Israel. The Changing Ideals and Images of American Jews”, Magnes Press & Wayne State University Press, Jerusalem/Detroit, 1996, p. 326). Ces juifs, qui ne supportent pas les discours enflammés de la nouvelle droite chrétienne des “Evangelicals”, estiment que coopérer avec ceux-ci équivaut à forger une “alliance malsaine” (cf. Jo-Ann Mort, “An Unholy Alliance in Support of Israel”, Los Angeles Times, 19 mai 2002). Par ailleurs, les sionistes eux-mêmes craignent les intentions missionnaires qui se profilent derrière les déclarations d’amour des “Evangelicals” (cf. Gershom Gorenberg, “The End of Days: Fundamentalism and the Struggle for the Temple Mount”, Free Press, New York, 2000).


Finalement, malgré ces réticences perceptibles dans la communauté juive, David Harris, directeur de l’American Jewish Committee, voit les choses sous un angle pragmatique: “La fin des temps peut advenir demain mais ce qui importe aujourd’hui, c’est Israël” (cité par Bill Broadway, “The Evangelical-Israeli Connection: Scripture Inspires Many Christian to Support Zionism Politically, Financially”, in “Washington Post”, 27 mars 2004).


40 millions de personnes se déclarent “Evangelical Christians” dans le camp de la droite américaine et des Républicains (cf. John J. Mearsheimer et Stepehn M. Walt, “Die Israel-Lobby. Wie die amerikanische Aussenpolitik beeinflusst wird”, Campus verlag, Frankfurt am Main, 2007). Ces quarante millions d’“Evangelicals” travaillent au projet du “siècle juif” (cf. Yuri Slezkine, “Das jüdische Jahrhundert”, Vandenhoeck und Rupprecht, Göttingen, 2006). Selon d’autres sources, il y aurait 70 millions d’“Evangelicals” aux Etats-Unis et même 600 millions dans le monde entier (cf. Craig Nelson, “Christian Zionists: Evangelicals a New Lifeline for Israelis”, in “Atlanta Journal-Constitution”, 25 décembre 2003). A ce poids considérable, il faut ajouter les tendances généralement philo-sémitiques des églises évangéliques plus conventionnelles ou d’autres confessions chrétiennes après 1945.


Concluson: les “Evangelicals” qui s’engagent politiquement aux Etats-Unis, hegemon dans le monde, prennent parti pour l’un des deux grands partis, en l’occurrence les Républicains, tandis que la majorité des juifs opte pour les Démocrates (cf. Jeffrey Helmreich, “Amerikas Juden sind mehrheitlich für Obama”, in “Mittelbayerische Zeitung”, 28 juin 2012). Donc en Amérique, croit-on, dur comme fer, que le Millenium ou l’accomplissement des prophéties de l’Ancien Testament sont sur le point de devenir très bientôt réalité?


Wolfgang CASPART.

(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, http://www.zurzeit.at , n°6/2013).

jeudi, 02 janvier 2014

Démondialisation, identités et localisme

Démondialisation, identités et localisme



Contrairement à ce qu’affirment la vulgate officielle et quelques-uns de ses perroquets marginaux affublés du titre complaisant de « dissidents », la mondialisation est réversible et peut être mise en échec. À la condition toutefois de préparer dans les faits, le quotidien et les esprit une véritable alternative culturelle et comportementale.


Depuis 2011, IDées est la maison d’éditions du Bloc Identitaire. Après avoir publié cinq ouvrages, voici le sixième : un recueil qui entend bâtir un autre monde… riche en diversité authentique.


Anti-mondialiste pro-local se veut un livre de combat à la fois pédagogique et réaliste. Les auteurs partent d’un constat simple : la fin des années 1990 et le début des années 2000 ont vu le triomphe médiatique de la contestation à l’égard de la mondialisation libérale et de son bras armé idéologique, le mondialisme. Mais cette vive opposition, incarnée en France par le syndicaliste paysan José Bové, n’a pas encouragé l’enracinement et les identités bio-culturelles. Bien au contraire ! D’abord  « anti-mondialistes », ses militants, sortis de la gauche radicale, de l’extrême gauche et de l’écologie sociétale, se dénommèrent vite assez rapidement d’« altermondialistes », c’est-à-dire favorables à « un autre mondialisme donc, souligne Arnaud Naudin, se voulant une sorte d’internationalisme bon enfant où toute forme d’affirmation identitaire au sein du combat contre la globalisation serait non seulement mal vue mais surtout combattue. Un internationalisme qui semble proclamer que seuls les peuples du Sud bénéficient de ce fameux droit à disposer d’eux-mêmes (selon la fameuse formule identitaire) (p. 9) ». Dès lors, « ce livre est politique parce qu’il place les partisans de l’altermondialisme face à leurs contradictions en arrimant la relocalisation des activités à la relocalisation des êtres. Pour le dire autrement, en affirmant clairement le lien entre localisme et identité (p. 11) ». D’ailleurs, dans un extrait du programme pré-présidentiel d’Arnaud Gouillon en 2012, on lit que les « altermondialistes […] ne se veulent, comme leur nom l’indique, que des mondialistes alternatifs aux libéraux (p. 15) ». Qu’ils soient ou non militants au Bloc Identitaire, les identitaires dans toutes leurs sensibilités ont compris l’importance de répliquer à la mondialisation par le thème novateur de la démondialisation. On retrouve aussi dans ce volume une recension du bref essai éponyme d’Arnaud Montebourg rédigé au moment des primaires socialistes.


Avant même d’être économique, la démondialisation est d’abord politique et culturelle. Est-ce ensuite étonnant que Arnaud Naudin considère que « le politique doit primer sur l’économie (p. 10) » ? Animateur parisien du Projet Apache, Alban Ferrari s’attaque, lui, au multiculturalisme, ce terme mensonger qui désigne en réalité l’indistinction marchande des peuples et des êtres. Il promeut en revanche un véritable polyculturalisme enraciné et rappelle à ce sujet que « la polyphonie des cultures n’est pas antagoniste avec le besoin d’unité, dans le cadre d’une civilisation commune. Dans notre cas, la civilisation européenne (p. 46) ». Ce Francilien défend fort logiquement le maintien et la diffusion des langues vernaculaires européennes qu’il ne faut pas confondre, comme le font les « régionalistes progressistes », avec les langues accompagnant l’immigration allogène de peuplement. « Pratiquer et transmettre une langue régionale à ses enfants est une forme de résistance face à l’uniformisation, écrit Alban Ferrari. […] Relocaliser la culture langagière chez nous c’est défendre à la fois la langue française et les langues françaises (p. 46). »


Principale figure du Bloc Identitaire, Philippe Vardon-Raybaud se place volontiers sous l’identité et la liberté afin de contrer l’uniformité et l’égalité. En s’affirmant « Nissart, Français et Européen (p. 27) », il souligne une évidence pour l’instant bien oubliée ces temps-ci : « L’Europe est une réalité géographique, historique, culturelle, spirituelle et… ethnique (p. 28). » Aussi constate-t-il que « si l’identité est un héritage, elle doit aussi être une volonté (p. 29) ». Alban Ferrari traduit ce volontarisme par la nécessité d’innover en puisant dans la riche trame mémorielle, patrimoniale et culturelle ancestrale. « Créativité et audace au service de son identité (p. 49). »


Citoyen helvétique, Jean-David Cattin explique le fédéralisme et la démocratie semi-directe en vigueur chez lui. Il en retrace l’histoire, mentionne la courte guerre civile du Sonderbund en 1847 et ne cache pas que les imperfections du système politique suisse subverti par des organismes internationaux comme l’Union soi-disant européenne ou d’États criminels tels les États-Unis d’Amérique, toujours désireux de soumettre les peuples rétifs. Pour lui, « le peuple suisse ne vit donc pas dans un paradis démocratique et n’est pas aussi libre et souverain qu’il pourrait l’être, mais il est évident qu’en comparaison européenne la Suisse est une anomalie qui pourrait peut-être servir de modèle ou en tout cas d’inspiration pour l’Europe de demain (p. 86) ».


Mais la partie intellectuelle la plus féconde concerne le localisme, la décroissance et la relocalisation. Cette dernière « est l’application d’autres règles que celles du libre échange international […]. Face à l’uniformité des objets mondiaux jetables et uniformes, elle secrète de l’authenticité, de l’art, de la culture (p. 19) ». Écologique (et véritablement écologiste), la relocalisation s’oppose « au mondialisme, sans tomber dans les travers du nationalisme et de l’étatisme autoritaire, lointain et technocratique (p. 20) ». Sa démarche s’inscrit dans le localisme, cette « pratique saine puisqu’elle consiste, entre autres bienfaits, à redynamiser l’économie d’un territoire (p. 40) ». « Se situant à la jonction de l’écologie et de l’économie, le localisme est à même de façonner un monde apaisé dans ses relations économiques, un monde plus juste (p. 15). » Ainsi découle-t-il la singulière et originale proposition d’« extraire du carcan étatique les solidarités collectives (santé, retraites, etc.) pour les rendre locales et transparentes (p. 21) ».


Quant à Julien Langella, il estime que le localisme rejette de manière la « centralisation [qui] est un vampirisme : il saigne le pays et aspire toutes ses forces vives, pillant les provinces comme les pays développés (p. 63) ». Il tient surtout à développer une conception révolutionnaire de la décroissance. Remarquant que « les décroissants actuels, coincés entre leur filiation gauchiste – libertaire et leur apologie du local, ne sont pas très à l’aise avec ces notions d’enracinement et de terroir. Normal : c’est nouveau pour eux. La relocalisation a un “ rôle stratégique ” au sein du projet décroissant : penser global, agir local (p. 59) », il invite les identitaires à combattre la construction de nouvelles lignes à grande vitesse, la diminution inquiétante des surfaces arables (essentielles pour l’indépendance alimentaire) au profit d’espaces bétonnés, le productivisme agricole, l’usage des O.G.M., la privatisation du vivant par les multinationales prédatrices… Il est évident que, pour Julien Langella, « la décroissance est notre avenir obligé : mieux vaut anticiper et choisir de l’accompagner, pour avoir son mot à dire dans l’élaboration de la société qui s’ébauchera par la suite plutôt que subir les affres des restrictions, du rationnement et du chaos social qui en résultera (pp. 57 – 58) ».


Comme le relève Arnaud Naudin, « il n’est pas possible de dissocier décroissance, souveraineté alimentaire, ou relocalisation des activités industrielles de la question identitaire. En effet, promouvoir ces trois principes revient à défendre la diversité, mais surtout le terroir, l’enracinement, et donc à un moment ou un autre le substrat ethnoculturel propre à chaque civilisation (p. 10) ». Une planète enfin relocalisée est plus que souhaitable; elle est indispensable. L’anti-mondialisme conséquent, fondamentalement identitaire – car populaire -, a par conséquent un bel avenir devant lui !


Georges Feltin-Tracol


• Jean-David Cattin, Alban Ferrari, Julien Langella, Arnaud Naudin, Philippe Vardon-Raybaud, Anti-mondialiste pro-local, IDées, Nice, 2013, 89 p., 10 €.



Article printed from Europe Maxima: http://www.europemaxima.com


URL to article: http://www.europemaxima.com/?p=3550

Neocons Push Israeli-Saudi Alliance

Neocons Push Israeli-Saudi Alliance

by Robert PARRY

Ex: http://www.a-w-i-p.com

Exclusive: Early U.S. presidents warned against the dangers of “entangling alliances,” prescient advice that the neocons want President Obama to ignore amid demands from Israel and Saudi Arabia that America tie itself up in the endless and bloody sectarian conflicts of the Middle East, reports Robert Parry.

American neocons are rallying to the new Israeli-Saudi alliance by demanding that President Barack Obama engage more aggressively against the two countries’ foes in the Middle East, thus “bolstering Israeli and Saudi confidence,” as the Washington Post’s deputy editorial-page editor Jackson Diehl declared.

For years, the Washington Post has served as Official Washington’s neocon flagship, bristling in support of every hawkish demand for U.S. intervention in the Mideast, most notably assembling a flotilla of misguided consensus in support of President George W. Bush’s 2003 invasion of Iraq and then pounding any American skeptics who dared emerge over the horizon.

Diehl’s column on Monday [10/28/13] represented an extension of the neocons’ knee-jerk support of Israeli interests to those of the Saudi monarchy, Israel’s new secret friend. Diehl hoisted the banner of this odd-couple alliance in excoriating President Obama for letting down these two “allies” as they maneuver to crush what’s known as the Shiite crescent extending from Iran through Iraq and Syria to the Hezbollah strongholds in Lebanon.

In sync with the regional interests of Saudi Arabia and Israel, Diehl argued that the United States should toughen up its military posture in the Middle East with the goal of “reshaping conditions on the ground,” specifically going after Bashar al-Assad’s regime in Syria and damaging the new Iranian government of President Hassan Rouhani, or in Diehl’s words, “weakening Assad [and] degrading Iranian strength.”

Diehl added, “That work could be done without deploying U.S. troops, but it would be hard, expensive and require a lot of presidential attention.” Presumably, Diehl wants the U.S. military to launch those cruise missiles that were poised to “degrade” Assad’s regime in late August, and he hopes the U.S. diplomatic corps will rebuff Iran’s overtures for a diplomatic settlement over its nuclear program.

Like other neocons, Diehl takes Obama to task for giving peace a chance – by accepting Assad’s surrender of Syria’s chemical weapons, by seeking a negotiated settlement to the Syrian civil war (with Assad agreeing to send representatives to Geneva although the fractious Saudi-backed Syrian rebels and their jihadist allies still balk), by working with Iran on a deal that would swap tighter international controls over Iran’s nuclear program for sanctions relief, and by pressing for meaningful talks between Israel and Palestine toward a two-state solution.

Diehl deems this diplomatic offensive a series of “foreign policy fantasies,” the title of his Washington Post op-ed. By pushing diplomacy over confrontation, Obama has, in Diehl’s view, “driven a wedge between the United States and some of its closest allies [leaving] U.S. allies in the region – Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Turkey – marooned in a scary new world where their vital interests are no longer under U.S. protection.

“Israel and Saudi Arabia worry that Obama will strike a deal with Iran that frees it from sanctions without entirely extirpating its capacity to enrich uranium — leaving it with the potential to produce nuclear weapons. But more fundamentally, they and their neighbors are dismayed that the United States appears to have opted out of the regional power struggle between Iran and its proxies and Israel and the Arab states aligned with the United States.

“It is the prospect of waging this regional version of the Cold War without significant U.S. support that has prompted Saudi leaders to hint at a rupture with Washington — and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to talk more publicly than ever about Israel’s willingness to act alone.”

Fighting for Others

Diehl — like virtually all his compatriots in the mainstream U.S. news media — leaves out the detail that Israeli already possesses one of the most sophisticated though undeclared nuclear arsenals in the world, while U.S. intelligence agencies still conclude that Iran is not working on even a single nuclear bomb.

Diehl also doesn’t bother to explain exactly why the American people should continue to expend vast amounts of money, prestige and blood to take sides in these interminable and often incomprehensible conflicts in the Middle East. The neocons simply behave as if every American should understand why a Shiite-dominated regime is so much more objectionable than a Sunni one; why an absolute monarchy like Saudi Arabia is preferable to a limited democracy like Iran; and why Israel has some fundamental right to possess East Jerusalem and other Palestinian lands.

For many Americans, it’s perhaps even harder to understand why the likes of Jackson Diehl and his boss, editorial-page editor Fred Hiatt, continue to reign over the Washington Post’s editorial section more than a decade after they helped guide the American people into the disastrous war in Iraq.

Not only has there been no accountability for their journalistic errors, including reporting Saddam Hussein’s alleged possession of WMDs as “flat fact” when it was no fact at all, but also none for the ugly character assassination against war critics, such as former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Wilson whose wife, CIA officer Valerie Plame, saw her career destroyed when the Bush administration exposed her identity on the Post’s op-ed pages and Hiatt then kept up a years-long campaign to destroy Wilson’s reputation. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Why WPost’s Hiatt Should Be Fired.”]

Beyond no accountability at the Post, there appear to have been no lessons learned. Hiatt, Diehl and the other neocons simply continue to place the policy desires of Israel, in particular, and now its new buddy, Saudi Arabia, above the foreign policy of the U.S. government and above the interests of the American people.

In the early years of the Republic, Presidents George Washington and John Adams warned against the dangers of “entangling alliances” that could draw the United States into faraway and expensive conflicts that would drain the Treasury and create unnecessary enemies. In his Farewell Address, Washington saw the risk of foreign influence coming not only from adversaries but from allies who would seek to twist American domestic opinion in their favor.

Washington warned: “The great rule of conduct for us, in regard to foreign nations, is in extending our commercial relations, to have with them as little political connection as possible. Europe has a set of primary interests, which to us have none, or a very remote relation. Hence she must be engaged in frequent controversies the causes of which are essentially foreign to our concerns. Hence, therefore, it must be unwise in us to implicate ourselves, by artificial ties, in the ordinary vicissitudes of her politics, or the ordinary combinations and collisions of her friendships or enmities.”

Those early warnings seem particularly prescient today regarding the Middle East, given the extensive and expensive efforts by Israel and Saudi Arabia to win favor in Official Washington through lobbying, propaganda and financial favors doled out to many influential Americans.

While Israel’s skills at lobbying and propaganda are renowned, Saudi Arabia also can throw its weight around through its ownership of American debt, its ability to manipulate oil prices and its stakes in major U.S. corporations, including in the powerful Wall Street financial sector.

Now that these two longtime rivals, Israel and Saudi Arabia, have formed a behind-the-scenes alliance – joining together on key regional issues such as countering Iranian influence, subverting the Assad regime in Syria, and backing the military coup in Egypt – the Obama administration finds itself confronting an imposing phalanx of political and economic clout.

The ease with which neocons like Jackson Diehl lift up the banner of this new combination of Israeli-Saudi interests is a telling sign of the two countries’ impressive geopolitical muscle. [For more on this topic, see Consortiumnews.com’s “Israeli-Saudi Alliance Slips into View.”]

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Neck Deep: The Disastrous Presidency of George W. Bush, was written with two of his sons, Sam and Nat, and can be ordered at neckdeepbook.com. His two previous books, Secrecy & Privilege: The Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq and Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth' are also available there. Or go to Amazon.com

Article published here: Consortiumnews.com. Image: © N/A
URL: http://www.a-w-i-p.com/index.php/2013/11/18/neocons-push-israeli-saudi-alliance

Qu'est-ce qu'en effet que le despotisme?


Qu'est-ce qu'en effet que le despotisme?
par Simon-Nicolas-Henri Linguet (1767)
"Qu’est-ce en effet que le despotisme ? c’est le plus changeant, le moins fixe de toues les gouvernements. Ce n’est pas même un gouvernement. Il est aussi absurde de le compter parmi les administrations naturelles à la société, que de mettre la paralysie ou l’apoplexie au rang des principes qui diversifient le tempérament des hommes. C’est une maladie qui saisit et tue les Empires à la suite des ravages du luxe, comme la fièvre s’allume dans le corps après les excès du travail ou de la débauche. Il n’est pas plus possible à un Royaume d’être soumis à un despotisme durable, sans se détruire, qu’à un homme d’avoir longtemps le transport sans périr.
Pendant la durée de cette fièvre politique, une frénésie incurable agite tous les membres de l’État, et surtout la tête. Il n’y a plus de rapport ni de concert entre eux. Les folies les plus extravagantes sont réalisées, et les précautions les plus sages anéanties. On traite avec gaieté les affaires les plus sérieuses; et les plus légères se discutent avec tout l’appareil du cérémonial le plus grave. On multiplie les règles, parce qu’on n’en suit aucune. On accumule les ordonnances, parce que l’ordre est détruit. La loi de la veille est effacée par celle du lendemain. Tout passe, tout s’évanouit, précisément comme ces images fantastiques, qui, dans les songes, se succèdent les unes aux autres, sans avoir de réalité.
Une Nation réduite à cet excès de délire et de misère, offre en même temps le plus singulier et le plus douloureux de tous les spectacles. On y entend à la fois les éclats de rire de la débauche, et les hurlements du désespoir. Partout l’excès de la richesse y contraste avec celui de l’indigence. Les grands avilis n’y connaissent que des plaisirs honteux. Les petits écrasés expirent en arrosant de larmes la terre que leurs bras affaiblis ne peuvent plus remuer, et dont une avarice dévorante dessèche ou consume les fruits, avant même qu’ils soient nés. Les campagnes se dépeuplent. Les villes regorgent de malheureux. Le sang des sujets continuellement aspiré par les pompes de la Finance se rend par fleuves dans la Capitale qu’il inonde. Il y sert de ciment pour la construction d’une infinité de palais superbes, qui deviennent pour le luxe autant de citadelles d’où il insulte à loisir à l’infortune publique.”

Simon-Nicolas-Henri LINGUET (1736-1794), Théorie des Lois civiles, IV, 31 (1767)

Nouvel agencement explosif au Proche-Orient



Nouvel agencement explosif au Proche-Orient


Après les accords conclus avec l’Iran, Israël veut les torpiller et coopérer avec les Saoudiens, désireux, eux aussi, d’acquérir un armement nucléaire


L’Iran, les cinq puissances disposant d’un veto à l’ONU plus l’Allemagne ont conclu un accord. Téhéran promet, notamment, de limiter sa capacité à enrichir l’uranium à 5% et autorise le contrôle de son programme nucléaire par les instances internationales. Jusqu’en novembre 2014, prévoit un plan complémentaire, le conflit né hier du programme nucléaire iranien doit être définitivement résolu par un nouvel accord, plus complet.


Jusqu’à ce moment-là, il faudra compter, sur la scène internationale, avec des manoeuvres de sabotage perpétrées par Israël, qui entend bien ôter à l’Iran tout droit à un usage civil et pacifique de l’énergie nucléaire. Le Premier Ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahou a d’ailleurs considéré que les accords signés à Genève fin novembre 2013 constituaient une “erreur historique” qui “rendait le monde plus dangereux”. Netanyahou peut compter sur l’appui des “faucons” du Congrès américain. Le Président de la Chambre des représentants, le Républicain John Boehner a exprimé publiquement son avis: l’accord signé “est une étape habile et remarquable franchie avec succès par l’Iran pour contourner les sanctions internationales”, sauf si, bien sûr “le gouvernement Obama parvient à démonter le programme nucléaire iranien dans son ensemble”.


A tout cela s’ajoutent des initiatives comme celle de Ileana Ros-Lehtinen qui obtiennent des appuis dans les deux Chambres du Congrès. Cette Républicaine de Floride, de concert avec le Démocrate Ted Deutch, a suggéré un projet de loi sur “le partenariat stratégique entre les Etats-Unis et Israël”. Dans ce projet —également déposé au Sénat— Israël devrait être posé comme “l’allié principal” des Etats-Unis. Il implique bien évidemment que la coopération entre les deux puissances soit dorénavant encore plus étroite, surtout dans le domaine militaire. Avant que toute décision soit prise ou que tout vote ait lieu, le rôle des multiples lobbies pro-israéliens sera déterminant, surtout celui de l’AIPAC. Dans le passé, l’AIPAC a financé généreusement les campagnes électorales des démocrates et des républicains pro-israéliens. D’après le journaliste Timothy Alexander Guzman, John McCain a reçu 750.368 dollars, Carl Levin 366.378 dollars, Robert Menendez 21.135 dollars et Ileana Ros-Lehtinen 141.507 dollars. Par l’effet de ces subsides, acoordés principalement aux “chrétiens sionistes”, on achète tout bonnement une influence politique sur les membres du Congrès; cet état de choses assure le succès du lobby pro-israélien. Cette situation, qui perdure, a été méticuleusement analysée, il y a quelques années, par John Mearsheim et Stephen Walt dans un livre entièrement consacré à ce formidable lobby toujours favorable à l’Etat d’Israël. On y lit: “Le principal pilier qui rend ce lobby si efficace est l’influence qu’il exerce sur le Congrès américain, où Israël se voit pratiquement immunisé de toute critique. C’est d’autant plus remarquable que le Congrès, en règle générale, n’hésite jamais à aborder des questions épineuses. Qu’il s’agisse de l’avortement, des mesures anti-discriminantes, des soins de santé ou de l’Etat-providence, on peut être sûr que de telles questions suscitent toujours de vifs débats sur la colline du Capitole. Mais dès qu’il est question d’Israël, toutes les critiques potentielles se taisent et il n’y a quasiment aucun débat”.


Israël, pour sa part, vient d’ouvrir un nouveau front: l’Etat hébreu entame une coopération étroite avec l’Arabie Saoudite. Nous avons affaire là à deux partenaires potentiels, dont les divergences apparentes ne sauraient être plus flagrantes: d’une part, nous avons un Etat d’idéologie sioniste, d’autre part, un royaume dont la religion d’Etat est le wahhabisme, la version la plus fondamentaliste de l’islam qui, de srucroît, vise à s’exporter dans le monde entier. Mais les deux puissances ressentent la présence d’une menace commune, celle que représente la bombe potentielle de l’Iran. Ryad et Tel Aviv resserrent les rangs devant le danger iranien et chiite. Israël veut empêcher que s’évanouisse son statut de seule puissance nucléaire au Proche Orient, tandis que l’Arabie Saoudite craint que son influence en tant que puissance régionale dans le Golfe Persique soit perdue.


Le 17 novembre 2013, le journal britannique “Sunday Times” écrivait qu’Israël et l’Arabie Saoudite avaient concocté un plan secret pour coordonner une attaque commune contre l’Iran. Le journal anglais basait ses affirmations sur des sources diplomatiques et ajoutait que les deux pays étaient convenus d’une stratégie: l’Arabie Saoudite acceptait qu’Israël utilise son espace aérien et qu’en cas d’attaque israélienne elle coopèrerait dans la mise en oeuvre de drones, d’hélicoptères de secours et d’avions-citernes. Ensuite, les services secrets israéliens, le Mossad, prépareraient, de concert avec des responsables saoudiens, des mesures à prendre après la signature des accords nucléaires avec l’Iran. “Après la signature des accords à Genève, l’option militaire revient à l’ordre du jour. Les Saoudiens sont furieux et prêts à donner toute l’aide voulue aux Israéliens”, écrit le “Sunday Times” en citant les propos d’un collaborateur des services secrets. Qui plus est, l’Arabie Saoudite craint que le rapprochement entre les Etats-Unis et l’Iran provoquera une mutation fondamentale dans la donne géopolitique au Proche Orient et que les alliés anciens des Etats-Unis tomberont rapidement en disgrâce. Pourtant un changement de cap immédiat de la part des Etats-Unis, qui serait favorable à Téhéran, n’est pas plausible, bien que Washington, effectivement, semble à la recherche de nouveaux alliés plus fiables dans la région. Le soutien permanent que les Saoudiens apportent aux djihadistes du monde entier grâce à la plus-value colossale de leur pétrole, va désormais à l’encontre des intérêts américains. Dans la cas de la Syrie, une étude du “think tank” britannique “Royal United Services Institute” écrit: “Ces éléments [djihadistes] reçoivent l’appui de l’Arabie Saoudite et du Qatar et joueront indubitablement un rôle en Syrie après la chute d’Assad”.


Pour faire face à tous impondérables, Ryad veut acheter des armes nucléaires au Pakistan, pays qui est entré dans le club des puissances atomiques en 1998. Le royaume wahhabite possède déjà les systèmes porteurs et les rampes de lancement nécessaires. Amos Yadlin, ancien chef des services secrets israéliens, déclarait, il y a quelques semaines lors d’une conférence tenue en Suède: “Si l’Iran en vient à posséder la bombe, les Saoudiens n’attendraient pas un mois. Ils ont déjà payé la bombe, ils iront au Pakistan pour aller chercher ce dont ils ont besoin”. Mais, contrairement à la bombe iranienne, le programme nucléaire saoudien ne suscite aucune critique ni aux Etats-Unis ni en Israël.



(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, http://www.zurzeit.at , n°49/2013).

mercredi, 01 janvier 2014

Le rêve de la Grande Albanie


Le rêve de la Grande Albanie


Les Serbes du Kosovo se défendent contre l’oppression albanaise


Washington et Ankara veulent un “ordre nouveau” dans les Balkans


shqiperiaetnike8pjese.jpgAu Kosovo, la situation reste tendue. Lors des élections communales du 3 novembre 2013, plusieurs bureaux de vote de Mitrovica ont été pris d’assaut, du moins dans la partie septentrionale de la ville habitée par des Serbes. Les urnes ont disparu. Avant que l’on ne passe au scrutin, les représentants des Serbes du Kosovo avaient appelé à un boycott des élections. Ils considéraient comme une trahison l’entente forgée ce printemps entre Belgrade et Pristina, à l’instigation de l’UE, parce que cet accord accordait peut-être une certaine autonomie aux Serbes mais prévoyait simultanément une déconstruction en règle de leurs structures parallèles.


Dans les communes serbes du Nord du Kosovo, les élections devront être réorganisées avant le 1 décembre 2013. Quel que soit le résultat de ces élections, et même si aucun incident ne vient troubler leur bonne marche, le problème demeurera irrésolu. Au contraire, on s’apercevra combien la situation est précaire et que les Etats-Unis et l’UE ont soutenu un modèle “multi-ethnique” au Kosovo. Ce modèle est à l’évidence un échec. Pourtant, personne, parmi ces beaux esprits, n’envisage un partage rationnel de cette province serbe qui a proclamé unilatéralement son indépendance en février 2008. La “Commission indépendante du Kosovo” avait pourtant suggéré une telle partition en 2000 aux Etats-Unis, mais elle a été rejetée catégoriquement.


Dans le rapport établi par cette Commission, qui s’était occupée de la “dernière phase” du processus de démantèlement de l’ex-Yougoslavie, la partition du Kosovo avait été envisagée comme une “solution possible à long terme” mais la sécession de la province sur base ethnique, qui existe de facto depuis 1999, a toutefois été confirmée.


Ensuite, si une partition devait s’effectuer, elle devrait aussi prévoir la migration des Serbes qui vivent encore dans les enclaves slaves du Sud du Kosovo, permettant l’émergence à terme de “deux régions séparées et ethniquement homogènes”. On craint de surcroît qu’un partage du Kosovo ne conduise à des querelles de frontières dans la région. En effet, les Etats-Unis, pour qui le Kosvo est désormais bel et bien détaché de la Serbie, veulent s’assurer que leurs protégés kosovars, après avoir acquis leur indépendance, se montrent rapidement capables de fonctionner de leurs propres moyens. Enfin, Washington envisage à plus long temre d’inclure l’ensemble des Balkans dans les structures “euro-atlantiques”, c’est-à-dire dans l’UE et dans l’OTAN, ce qui aurait pour effet immédiat d’affaiblir la Russie; en fin de compte, tel est bien l’objectif premier des Etats-Unis. Tandis qu’aujourd’hui Bruxelles manoeuvre déjà pour que Pristina adhère à l’UE, les Américains cherchent à faire de l’UCK, l’armée de partisans albanophones qui a provoqué la sécession, une troupe apte à rejoindre l’OTAN. Dans cette optique, un rapport du ministère américain des affaires étrangères, relatif aux appuis financiers à apporter à des pays étrangers pour l’année budgétaire 2014, prévoit une somme de quatre millions de dollars d’aides militaires pour le Kosovo. Ce rapport poursuit le raisonnement: “Les Etats-Unis sont aujourd’hui les principaux bailleurs de fonds pour les forces de sécurité du Kosovo, suivis par d’autres puissances du Pacte Nord-Atlantique. Le financement de structures militaires à l’étranger permettront aux Etats-Unis d’aider les forces de sécurité du Kosovo à s’équiper toujours davantage, à recevoir formation et conseils”. A ce budget d’ordre strictement militaire s’ajoute un programme spécial de formation prévoyant uniquement de dispenser des cours d’anglais afin que les forces kosovars puissent atteindre l’objectif de devenir une armée “capable de coopérer avec l’OTAN et les Etats-Unis”.


Le pays voisin, l’Albanie, doit jouer un rôle important dans ce processus, parce qu’il est déjà membre de l’OTAN depuis 2009. Comme le signale l’agence de presse serbe Novosti le 6 juillet 2013, Pristina et Tirana ont conclu un accord de coopération militaire qui implique également l’échange d’unités combattantes entre l’armée albanaise et les forces kosovars. A Belgrade, cet accord suscite l’inquiétude. “Le Kosovo n’a pratiquement pas de frontière au sud (la frontière méridionale de la province sécessioniste avec la Macédoine jouxte le territoire occupé par des minorités albanaises) et l’union de tous les territoires où vivent des Albanais est un objectif que dissimulent à peine les hommes politiques à Tirana et à Pristina” explique Radovan Radinovic, un général serbe à la retraite. Les experts des services de sécurité voient en cet accord militaire albano-kosovar un premier pas vers l’unification du Kosovo et de l’Albanie, même si la constitution du Kosovo l’interdit formellement. De fait, les hommes politiques albanais aiment à parler d’une future “Grande Albanie”, qui comprendrait aussi les territoires ethniquement albanais de la Grèce, de la Macédoine, du Monténégro et de la Serbie (la Vallée de Presovo). Cette idée “grande-albanaise” est surtout défendue par Sali Berisha, le premier ministre qui a perdu les élections en juin 2013. Sous l’égide de cette personnalité politique conservatrice, Tirana et Pristina ont signé plusieurs accords relatifs à la construction de routes et de voies de chemin de fer pour relier plus étroitement le Kosovo à l’Albanie.


Washington voit ces efforts “grands-albanais” avec sérénité et complaisance. Finalement, une éventuelle “Grande Albanie” pourrait faire contre-poids à la Serbie, le principal allié de la Russie dans les Balkans. Ce serait un défi considérable pour l’“Axe orthodoxe”. Il faut tout de même se rappeler qu’une personnalité aussi importante que Zbigniew Brzezinski, le très influent conseiller des présidents américains en matière de sécurité globale, avait déclaré en 2007: “L’ennemi principal de l’Amérique est, après l’effondrement de l’Union Soviétique, l’église orthodoxe russe”.


Les plans grands-albanais reçoivent aussi le soutien implicite de la Turquie qui cherche à rétablir à son profit l’influence qu’exerçait jadis l’Empire ottoman dans les Balkans. Un journaliste serbo-américain, Srdja Trifkovic, qui a également été le conseiller de l’ancien président serbe Vojislav Kostunica, écrivait, le 28 février 2008 dans une colonne que lui accordait exceptionnellement le “Jerusalem Post”: “Les Albanais sont soutenus par un puissant acteur régional, la Turquie. Ils sont le maillon le plus important du “Corridor islamique” (ou “Dorsale islamique”) qui est en train de se constituer dans les Balkans et leurs efforts reçoivent cordialement l’appui du gouvernement islamiste d’Ankara”. Le but final est de constituer en Europe une chaîne d’Etats à dominante musulmane qui s’étendrait d’Istanbul à la Bosnie. Le seul élément manquant dans cette chaîne est la Macédoine slave et orthodoxe mais, vu le taux élevé des naissances dans la forte minorité albanaise, cet Etat encore européen des Balkans aura une majorité musulmane d’ici la moitié du siècle, rappelle Trifkovic. La question albanaise deviendra dans un avenir parfaitement prévisible un thème majeur de la politique européenne.



(article paru dans “zur Zeit”, Vienne, http://www.zurzeit.at , n°46/2013).

Alliance of six-pointed star and the crescent: aims and prospects

Alliance of six-pointed star and the crescent: aims and prospects

Experts have long said that behind all the visible and highly mobile alliances of Middle Eastern states there are more stable and active associations of “interests” that do not fit into conventional political logic, but in fact work perfectly.

Such an alliance has resulted from a well-hidden, but well seen for attentive observers “working union” of two seemingly long warring states – Israel and Saudi Arabia. They seem to be divided by everything – religion, the Arab-Israeli conflict, geography, etc. However, as it turns out, there are things that have become stronger in the current historical context and determined the very deep rapprochement between these countries and the coordination of their actions on many fronts. Those who do not believe this, should read the Israeli media on December 9, which reported that the head of Saudi intelligence, Prince Bandar bin Sultan, as part of the Geneva negotiations on Iran’s nuclear programme in November 2013, met with many heads of Israeli intelligence to develop a line of containment of Iran “by all possible means”.

This rapprochement or drift of Israel and KSA towards each other has long been noted by analysts, after the 1979 Khomeini Revolution in Tehran. Since then, the two countries clearly began rendering each other all sorts of services, which has been predicated by the advent, as the result of this revolution, of a common enemy – Iran (anti-Israeli and anti-Vahabist at the same time), as well as the presence of the general “boss” – and strategic ally – the U.S.A.

It all began with the establishment of secret cooperation between the two ministries of internal affairs on issues of interest to both sides concerning the fight against terrorism and extremism. Both Tel Aviv and Riyadh have in this matter considerable and largely similar experience, and not always successful. Israel had successfully established and developed in the mid-1980s, the Islamist movement Hamas in the Palestinian Territories, originally aimed to fight with the national movement of Palestinians PLO and its main secular component Fatah. However later, Israel was forced to deal with its already as a dangerous opponent and Iranian ally, whom Tehran skilfully won over to its side, having snatched the card out of Massad’s hands.

To somehow temporarily solve this problem, which caused much trouble to the Israeli authorities and brought dozens of terrorist acts, they had to make a political decision to withdraw their troops in 2005 from Gaza, unilaterally, to “lock” there the Islamic radicals who went out of control (their ranks were preliminarily essentially reduced by using drones). In fact, Hamas members were immediately legitimized, by giving them opportunity, with the consent of the U.S. ally, assisted by the British security services (such as Alistair Kroc who played an important role In Afghanistan), to participate in the 2006 parliamentary elections, and even win them, which led to the splitting off of the Gaza Strip from the West Bank of Jordan. (Later, after the “Arab Spring”, it turned out that this was most likely the “set piece”, which allowed the U.S. and Israel to check the possibility of driving the Islamists to power by legal means and to establish proper control over them. This experiment, again, as it was shown by further developments in Egypt in 2011 to 2012, was not entirely successful).
The same game was played by the Saudi rulers a little before that, upon suggestion of their American patrons, who had grown the Mujahedeen in order to combat the “Soviet Occupation” of Afghanistan. These, just like the Hamas, turned to be ungrateful to their “parents” and partly regenerated into the Taliban, and partly into a well-known al-Qaeda movement, which declared the Saudi monarchy, to be its worst enemy, and performed a number of high-profile terrorist attacks on Saudi territory in 2003 and 2005.

It is clear that these radical movements, similar in their ideology and hostility towards their “parents”, according to analysts, has forced both countries to find ways to neutralize any consequence of their own actions as threats and challenges, and this, in turn, led to the “natural” alliance of security services of the two countries.

It is clear that, as noted above, behind the joint opposition of Israel and Saudi Arabia to the external challenges and threats, there is a common task to deter Shiite Iran, whose strengthening is perceived by both sides as an existential threat. That is where the similarity lies of the not always successful experiences of the Israelis and the Saudis in growing “controlled” radical Islamic Sunni which, after the “Arab Spring” in late 2010, it was decided to place at the service of both States. This was done both to prevent the development of explosive processes in the Arab world on the scenario disadvantageous to Riyadh (victory of secular democratic movements) and Tel Aviv (preservation of strong states along the borders of Israel), and to fight a common Shia enemy. While the Saudis were saturating – initially with the Qataris and other Sunni monarchies of the Gulf, the Salafi jihadists with money and arms to fight Gaddafi and then Bashar al-Assad, the Israelis were treating them in their hospitals. According to the Israeli press itself, in Israel only during the period of events in Syria more than 3,500 militants have been treated. Have they crept there themselves through the minefields in the Golan Heights? Hardly! This means that the channels to deliver them to Israel from the battlefields in Syrian territory were organized and prepared in advance, most likely through Sunni areas in northern Lebanon.

There are many other facts about the coordination between Israel and Gulf monarchies in aiding the fighters. Syria has been repeatedly targeted by Israeli air strikes, which suspiciously coincided with the offensive operations of the Syrian armed opposition to Damascus. Something prevents us from taking seriously the Israeli version that the attacks on Syrian territory were aimed at preventing the delivery of Syrian arms to the Hezbollah. There are again strange coincidences in simultaneity of actions of Israeli and Syrian armed opposition against Assad’s forces.

Ultimately, these actions, whoever guided and inspired them, led to one fact – sharply increasing the degree of Shia-Sunni conflict in the Middle East, and the “contribution” of Iran in this confrontation does not seem to be decisive, as it is stated by Air Riyadh. As for the “accountability” of Islamic radicals grown together by the Israelis and Saudis, here there are even more doubts than in the contribution of Tehran into the fanning of the sectarian fires in the region.

It is clear that the Israeli-Saudi coordination is not limited to the battlefield. According to the experts, this is being developed on the political front as well. Furthermore, after concluding of the Geneva Agreement on the November 24 of this year, after negotiations in the format of “five plus one” and Iran on the parameters of the Iranian nuclear activities during the transition period, the Israeli-Saudi coordination, according to experts, has acquired another dimension. It has ceased to take into account, it seems, to the fullest extent the interests of its American “boss”. Washington now desperately needs a break to restart its economy, to reset its military and political machine for the confrontation with Beijing, quickly growing in strength. However, for this manoeuver, it is necessary to get out of the Middle East swamp, where, admittedly, the U.S. has become bogged down through its own fault.

It seems that Tel Aviv and Riyadh are in no hurry to give the US a helping hand. Israel is strongly inhibiting Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, launched in August of this year and sponsored by the United States – thus preventing the attainment of a mutually acceptable peace agreement with the Palestinians. While Riyadh, as world media states, continues to form new groups to overthrow the regime of Bashar al-Assad (now called the “Islamic Front”) for allegedly fighting both against the Syrian regime and Al- Qaeda. This naturally weakens the joint efforts of Moscow and Washington aimed at the upcoming conference on Syria in Montreux, which should start on January 22, 2014. In parallel, Israel and KSA seem to be using all their considerable lobbying power to torpedo the possibility of an agreement on the final settlement of the Iranian nuclear programme through the Europeans (primarily the French), as well as their friends in the U.S. Congress. These efforts are already affecting the toughening of the positions of Washington and the Europeans in the negotiations with the Iranians, which is leading to a sharp reaction from Tehran.

In September of this year, Washington had the courage to resist the pressure of its Middle Eastern allies, “aimed” at the endless confrontation with Iran, to defend its own national interests, which, incidentally, coincided with the interests of most of the world, and as a result, it saw success in both the Syrian and Iranian directions. Does the White House have this courage now?

Pogos Anastasov, political scientist, orientalist, exclusively for the New Eastern Outlook online magazine.