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mercredi, 31 décembre 2014

2200 architectes et ingénieurs détruisent le rapport « officiel » sur le 11 septembre 2001


Plus de 2200 architectes et ingénieurs détruisent le rapport « officiel » de la Commission sur le 11 septembre 2001

Auteur : Sandra Véringa
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

Le 11 septembre 2001 est devenu un assemblage de mots plus ou moins confus et l'un des sujets les plus populaires de cette dernière décennie, à la fois sur et hors internet. Un sujet qui est devenu si populaire et qui a transformé tellement de gens que les sondages indiquent que plus de 50% de gens ne croient pas à la version officielle diffusée par le gouvernement américain concernant le « rapport de la Commission du 11 septembre 2001 ».

Pendant longtemps, les gens ont été ridiculisés pour avoir remis en cause la soi-disant version officielle, ils ont été catalogués comme théoriciens du complot, anti-américains, fous et on leur attribuait des noms péjoratifs. Mais est-il sensé de mettre ces personnes dans de telles catégories compte tenu de tous les éléments de preuve qui existent pour indiquer que l'histoire officielle n'est pas vraie ? Il ne s'agit pas de théories de grande envergure qu'on peut parfois trouver sur des sites Internet, mais de preuves scientifiques solides réelles.

Enfin quelques médias de grandes distribution

Pendant des années, personne dans les médias de grande distribution n'aurait osé toucher à l'histoire de « la vérité du 11 septembre 2001 » et présenter les faits qu'ils ont pu faire valoir. Peut-être qu'ils ont reçu l'ordre de ne pas le faire étant donné que c'était un sujet délicat. Peut-être qu'ils n'ont pas senti qu'il y avait une validité ou simplement estimaient qu'il n'y avait pas de « retour » sur les faits qui indiquent que l'histoire officielle est obsolète.

Quoi qu'il en soit, nous voyons à présent les nouvelles des médias de grande distribution comme un sujet qui est enfin exposé, et cela pourrait tout changer dans notre monde. Beaucoup ont déjà un pressentiment sur la vérité du 11 septembre 2001, mais si cela devenait de notoriété publique cela changerait la perception des gens sur la guerre, le terrorisme, les gouvernements et les médias de grande distribution.

Lors d'une interview sur C-SPAN, le fondateur Richard Gage des ingénieurs et architectes du 11 septembre 2001 Truth parle de l'effondrement irréfutable contrôlé du bâtiment 7. Ce que Richard présente est de la science simple et des évaluations rigoureuses.

« Richard Gage, AIA, est un architecte qui réside à San Francisco Bay Area, il est membre de l'American Institute of Architects, et le fondateur et PDG de Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth ( AE911Truth.org ).

Une organisation éducative, 501(c) 3, qui représente plus de 2200 architectes et ingénieurs agréés et diplômés qui ont signé une pétition appelant à une nouvelle enquête indépendante, avec le pouvoir d'assignation complète, concernant la destruction des Twin Towers et du World Trade Center Building 7 le 11 septembre 2001. Plus de 17 000 signataires parmi lesquels figurent de nombreux scientifiques, avocats, des citoyens responsables formés aux États-Unis et à l'étranger et autres. Ils citent des preuves accablantes d'une démolition explosive contrôlée. »

Plusieurs experts évoquent une démolition contrôlée

La vidéo ci-dessous est un extrait de 15 minutes du documentaire AE911Truth, qui résoud le mystère du WTC 7. Plusieurs experts à travers le monde remettent en question l'histoire officielle du World Trade Center 7.

Architects & Engineers - Solving the Mystery of WTC 7 - AE911Truth.org


Il est temps de s'interroger sur le monde dans lequel nous vivons.

Si la vérité à propos du 9/11 devient enfin une connaissance commune, cela pourrait être la porte pour un changement radical mais extrêmement positif dans notre monde. Je pense que nous sommes sur le point de connaître la vérité sur le 11 septembre.

- Source : Sandra Véringa

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mardi, 30 décembre 2014

Uncle Sams Griff nach Asien



Bernhard Tomaschitz

Der Drache wehrt sich

Uncle Sams Griff nach Asien

200 Seiten,
kartoniert, 16,00 euro


In Europa nur wenig bemerkt wird die Tatsache, daß in Zentral- und Südostasien längst ein „Großes Spiel“ der Weltmächte stattfindet. Während sich die USA diese rohstoffreichen und strategisch wichtigen Regionen ihrer Einflußzone zur Schwächung Chinas und Rußlands einverleiben wollen, kontern Moskau und Peking mit der Stärkung der Schanghaier Organisation für Zusammenarbeit und greifen den US-Dollar als Weltleitwährung an. Und die USA tun das, was sie am besten können: Sie entfalten – um angeblich „Freiheit“ und „Demokratie“ zu verbreiten – subversive Tätigkeiten, stiften zu Aufständen an, Verbünden sich mit Islamisten und errichten in Ostasien ein Raketenabwehrsystem, welches angeblich gegen Nordkorea, tatsächlich aber gegen das aufstrebende China gerichtet ist.

Mit profunder Sachkenntnis analysiert Bernhard Tomaschitz die hinter diesem Wettlauf der Mächte stehenden geopolitischen Fragen, zeigt die Mittel und Wege auf, wie die USA sich Zentralasien ihrer Einflußsphäre einverleiben und China eindämmen wollen und welches krakenartige Netzwerk an angeblich „unabhängigen“ Stiftungen dabei zum Einsatz kommt.



Lawrence Dennis & a “Frontier Thesis” for American Capitalism


Lawrence Dennis & a “Frontier Thesis” for American Capitalism


By Keith Stimely 

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Editor’s Note:

Lawrence Dennis (December 25, 1893–August 20, 1977) was one of America’s most original Right-wing critics of liberalism, capitalism, imperialism, and the Cold War. Interestingly enough, he was part black, a fact that was known to his many Right-wing admirers. In commemoration of Dennis’ birthday, and as a Christmas gift to our readers, we are reprinting Keith Stimely’s excellent introduction to his life and ideas.    

Best known at the height of his writing career in the 1930s as “America’s leading fascist” and also as a strenuous opponent of American intervention in World War II, Lawrence Dennis was an economist and political theorist whose writings on the decline of capitalism and its international social and political implications received wide and serious attention in the 1930s and early 1940s. In fact, Dennis was much more than an apologist for fascism or a conservative isolationist, and in some of his ideas he could be viewed as a precursor as well as a contemporary of such better-known thinkers as John Maynard Keynes, Adolf A. Berle, Jr., James Burnham, Max Nomad, Charles A. Beard, and George Orwell. There is something of each of these thinkers in Dennis, and if because they and Dennis all published their ideas at roughly the same time, there arises any question of his intellectual “borrowing”[1] from them, it might be well to point out just who preceded whom.

Dennis’s initial formal statement of his ideas in 1932, in his book Is Capitalism Doomed?,[2] was almost exactly contemporaneous with Berle’s published statements of his concept of propertyless power[3] and Nomad’s notion of the inevitable entrenchment of a power-driven bureaucratic elite even in “workers’“ movements and societies proclaiming an end to all elitisms.[3] Dennis’s book appeared some ten years before Burnham’s work arguing for the theory of a new managerial elite replacing old business and even governmental elites,[5] and longer than that before Orwell’s depiction of psychological and actual preparation for international conflicts perpetually designed to serve domestic political ends.[6] Dennis published two years before Charles Beard made his case for America’s rejection of overseas investments with their inevitable political ties and his prescription for what would amount to “regional autarchy” for the nation’s economy,[7] and four years before Keynes’s final, published formulation, in his “General Theory” of 1936, of his rejection of the supposition of classical economics that the business cycle will always self-correct and his prescription for government stimulation when it does not.[8] Historian James J. Martin has remarked that all one has to do to find evidence of very many “Keynesian” ideas floating around American intellectual circles years before the General Theory is look at issues of the Harvard Business Review of the late 1920s. Keynes’s and “Keynesian” influences—if gradual—on theory and policy in the liberal-democratic states have always been recognized; much less treated has been the question of his influence on the fascist states, or the consideration and adoption by them of policies that bore strong similarities in their essences to what we would regard as “Keynesianism.” Martin has been responsible for bringing to general public attention the fact that Keynes wrote a special foreword for a translated edition of the General Theory which appeared in National Socialist Germany in 1936; see “J. M. Keynes’s Famous [sic: this is Martin’s dig] Foreword to the 1936 German Edition of the ‘General Theory’,” pp. 197-205 in Martin, Revisionist Viewpoints: Essays in a Dissident Historical Tradition (Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles Publisher, 1971; 1977).

Dennis himself was sufficiently honest in referencing the basic influences on his thought: the historian Frederick Jackson Turner, the sociologists Vilfredo Pareto and Robert Michels, the philosopher of history Oswald Spengler, the economists Thorstein Veblen and Werner Sombart. Out of his familiarity with these thinkers and his own experiences in the 1920s as a U.S. diplomatic service officer and an international banking functionary, he fashioned by the mid-1930s a synthetic view of economics, politics, society, and history that was striking at least in its sheer brilliance and clarity and which both liberal and conservative commentators of the time recognized as such, whether they agreed with it or not.

Ld-41jz+H2sjwL..jpgDennis became even more provocative after he began actually prescribing possible political solutions to the problems of depression and war. Although the American and British left initially hailed Dennis as a leading expositor of capitalist senescence,[9] they became increasingly wary of him (though still giving his ideas wide play) when he turned in the mid-thirties to fascism and began to advocate for the United States a corporatist, collectivist state in which business enterprise, though retaining its basic forms and privately owned character, would have been obliged as necessary to knuckle under to the programmatic and channelizing demands of a “folk unity” state. Aside from the “dark” similarities between such a system and regimes of the time in Germany and Italy, this was too little for the left and too much for the right. New Dealers in particular were furious when Dennis blithely stated that trends toward such a political-economic system were already well under way in the Roosevelt regime, even in the absence of such blunt advocacy for them as he was wont to make.[10] Eventually Dr. New Deal himself in the guise of Franklin Roosevelt would have Dennis prosecuted under the Smith Act for “sedition,” and the economist joined 29 other assorted non-interventionists, of widely varying political hues and mindsets, in the dock for the “mass sedition trial” of 1944. Dennis was the principal among the defendants in consistently making a fool out of the prosecutor, and after a mistrial caused by the death of the judge, to the accompaniment of increasing skepticism about the whole business even within the pro-administration press, the government dropped its case.[11] By that time establishment opinion-formers had dropped Dennis, whose ideas were deemed beyond the pale. The man who once wrote for the Nation, The New Republic, Foreign Affairs, the Annals of the American Academy, Saturday Review, and Current History, whose speeches and participation in roundtable forums were covered by the New York Times, and whose books were given reasoned hearings by such luminaries as Max Lerner, Matthew Josephson, Louis M. Hacker, John Chamberlain, Dwight MacDonald, D. W. Brogan, William L. Langer, Waldemar Gurian, Francis Coker, Norman Thomas, Owen Lattimore, and William Z. Foster, was denied any further access to or treatment in “respectable” forums (or even in the “unrespectable” forums of the left, which reached a vast audience of thoroughly establishment intellectuals) and so had recourse to self-publication for most of the rest of his productive years.[12]

Dennis spent those years—a good quarter-century—vigorously opposing the cold war and any view of Soviet Russia as carrying a special “sin” that had to be wiped out, just as he had opposed American entry into World War II and any view of the fascist nations as unique repositories of “sin.” In both cases his positions arose less from ideological affinities than from his hard-core realism: his caution was against “the bloody futility of frustrating the strong.” He also continued to state his view that American capitalism, having lost its essential “dynamic,” including its necessary “frontier,” could not solve its endemic twentieth century problems—underconsumption and mass unemployment—without recourse to war or “permanent mobilization” for it. Sneering at all “classical,” “Austrian,” or “monetarist” solutions to capitalist crisis, he proclaimed—as one who had been among America’s foremost “pre-Keynes Keynesians”—that Keynesian-style government intervention in some form and to some degree or other was here to stay and was not a bad thing, provided that it focused inward, on the solution of the nation’s internal problems, and not outward, to “solution” by foreign war.

Ultimately Dennis believed that “economic laws”—whether those proclaimed by classical economists or Marxists—must and would inevitably follow political mandates, not vice-versa. In a modern age in which traditional capitalism was obsolete, socialism was not at all going to be what its utopian founding theorists had in mind, and the sheer power-wield of elites operating in nationalistic contexts through discreet psychological and cultural appeals was the decisive factor in shaping economic relationships. Toward the end of his life Dennis coined the term “operational”—as opposed to idealistic or wishful—to describe not so much what but how to think correctly about world problems, including economics, and he called himself an “operational thinker.”

That he had once called himself a “fascist,” however, has informed almost all the approaches to his thought up to the present. Always monumentally unconcerned with what most people, including fellow intellectuals, thought of him, Dennis in the 1930s frankly advocated a variant of a system that then seemed to be “working”—as American capitalism and liberal democracy, unable to pull themselves up out of the Depression, just were not. That the label of “fascist” (which, in its conventional use in America as a term of invective, has gone a long way toward meaning absolutely nothing from meaning absolutely anything) has stuck is in part although by no means exclusively the fault of Dennis himself. It is a label that has stood as a major roadblock on the way to serious considerations of the full range of his ideas, on their plain merits, from the perspective of history since they were first advanced. “America’s No. 1 intellectual fascist,” “Brain-truster for the forces of appeasement,” “the intellectual leader and principal advisor of the fascist groups”[13]—these were the epithets by which Dennis came to be identified, and is still in large part identified. But even in them there can be seen a nuance that not only applies to but was actually formulated just for him—“intellectual,” “brain-truster,” “advisor.” Even the shrillest critics could not bludgeon Lawrence Dennis into the prefabricated stereotypes as a native-fascist Bundist, Silver Shirt, or Christian Mobilizer. And even in recognizing Dennis as a genuine fascist intellectual, his critics also differentiated him further. Unlike most “philosophers of fascism,” who tended to restrict any consideration of economic issues to situational analyses, Dennis did not ignore economics in the construction and exposition of his larger, broadly historical, world view. Rather, his appreciation of fascism derived in good part from his initial economic orientation in approaching problems of politics and society, specifically in his critique of capitalist historical development in America.

A summary and analysis of that critique and of Dennis’s career are long overdue, as is a critical consideration of some of the historiographical and other scholarly treatments of Dennis that have appeared since the climax of his career. It was just around the time of his retirement from writing around 1970 that a younger generation of scholars began to study his thought and to bring him to the attentions of yet others for whom he was either a completely unknown quantity or just the smart guy of “the 1930s native-fascists.” Whereas older considerations of Dennis, coming from old-line liberals, focused on his political fascism, the newer studies, coming after the development of a “New Left” historiography critical of American interventionism abroad and from writers inclined toward or interested in anti-“consensus” intellectual history, have tended to concentrate on his consistency in opposing both American involvement in World War II and in the cold war. There has been no study devoted to his economic views; the most thorough treatments of these have been in reviews of his first three books as they appeared in the span of years between 1932 and 1941. The following purely expository treatment of Dennis’s leading economic idea—his “frontier thesis” for American capitalism—makes no claim of thoroughness either in itself or in placing his economic thought within the context of his broader views. It will serve as an introduction to all the basics of these, however.

The Man and a Theme[14]

Dennis was born in 1893 in Atlanta, Georgia, of moderately well-to-do parents. He attended Philips Exeter Academy from 1913 to 1915 and proceeded to Harvard University. His studies interrupted by American entry into the First World War, he volunteered and received his officer’s commission through attendance at the novel Plattsburg officer training camps in Plattsburg, New York, in 1915 and 1917 and subsequently served in France as a lieutenant of infantry with a headquarters regiment. For several years after demobilization he wandered around Europe playing foreign exchange markets “on a shoe string,” then returned to America to finish his studies at Harvard, graduating in 1920.

Dennis entered the U.S. diplomatic service and worked as American chargé d’affaires in Romania and then Honduras. He was sent to Nicaragua as chargé in 1926 and remained there throughout the Sandino revolution and the American military intervention. It was Dennis who, under State Department orders, sent the cablegram “requesting” the intervention of U.S. Marines in Nicaragua. He never favored the intervention and after publicly criticizing it in June 1927, resigned from the diplomatic service. He went to work in Peru as a representative of the international banking firm of J. & W. Seligman & Co., advising it on Peruvian and other South American loans. In this capacity he came increasingly to be wary of, and finally unalterably opposed to, loans for private or public purposes made without tightly-held strings attached or any loans to countries whose perpetually unfavorable balances of commodity trade made repayment a dubious proposition. He advised against weighty loans that were in fact made and on which the debtors in fact defaulted. In 1932, two years after resigning from Seligman to retire to his Becket, Massachusetts, farm to pursue a career as writer, lecturer, and investment analyst, he was a prominent witness before the Johnson Committee of the U.S. Senate investigating international lending practices and the default of overseas loans. By that time he was well under way to establishing himself in American intellectual circles as a sharp critic of investment banking practices and of an entire capitalist system which had evidently brought on—and so far could not solve—American and then worldwide depression. Articles in leading journals paved the way for the systematic, in-depth exposition of the viewpoint that he espoused for the rest of his life.

Dennis’s career as a thinker in the 1930s and 1940s was roughly divided into three phases, each represented by a book. In Is Capitalism Doomed? of 1932 he provided his basic critique of traditional capitalist business enterprise and pointed out the necessity of government planning. Chief among the abuses of private capitalist “leadership” was the grotesque over-extension of credit, internally in agriculture and industry and externally in foreign loans and trade (loans being made only to allow the paying-off of earlier loans, the same process then occurring with these later loans; trade actually being paid for only by the loans of the trader). Not far behind in iniquity was the refusal of capitalists to spend, preferring to hoard, the real incomes that accrued to them while millions were unemployed for want of investment spending. Not yet ready to state what, if anything, could or should take the place of this outdated business order and the liberal-democratic state which allowed it (the two necessarily went hand-in-hand, in his estimation), Dennis contented himself with providing “suggestions of moderation or restraint”—specifically, high taxation on the wealthy (preferably toward job-creating public works projects), high tariffs, and high government spending to keep up employment in a self-sufficient or autarchic national economy—which might prolong and render American capitalism’s “dying years” more pleasant. By 1936 and The Coming American Fascism[15] Dennis was ready to be even more specific both in diagnosis and prescriptive remedy. With the Depression still unrelieved six years after it had started and three years after inauguration of the Roosevelt “planless” revolution,[16] Dennis foresaw the system’s final collapse and offered only the alternatives of fascism or communism to replace it. He frankly favored the former, not only because it seemed to be proven by example in certain countries of Europe, but because the latter alternative would mean a disastrous “wipe-out” of valuable business technicians—as opposed to their co-option and enlistment in national service by a fascist state. Dennis did provide, at length, his description of what “one man’s desirable fascism” would be like—but he stressed that any successful fascist movement in America would doubtless not call itself that and in fact would most probably arise in the guise of anti-fascism, perhaps even in the crusading call for a war against fascism.

LD-41zy7zV0-dL._SY300_.jpgIn The Dynamics of War and Revolution[17] of 1940, Dennis particularly explored this last theme as part of an overall treatment linking his ideas to the tempestuous international scene of the time. He predicted eventual American involvement in the European war as the only way for American capitalism finally to get out of its Depression, and as representing a desperate effort by the stagnated “Have” plutocrat countries (America and Britain) to stifle the rising economic as well as political challenges of the dynamic “Have-not” socialist countries (Germany, Italy, and Russia). His blithe identification of the Hitler and Mussolini regimes with the “socialist” camp tended to cause great upset in communist or other leftist reviewers of the book.

But the liberal states’ war to end fascism, with its necessary mobilization of business resources under governmental direction and backed only by government financing, all accompanied by massive doses of governmental propaganda to the democratic herds, would result only in an increasing impingement of “fascist” trends upon the political and business structures of those very states, and even—especially—in winning there could be no return to a laissez-faire whose era had passed. Dennis hoped that the state mobilization of the economy that he saw as inevitable, and which he favored on principle, could be directed inward to reform, public works, and ultimate national economic self-sufficiency. Were it to be directed outward in another big foreign crusade ostensibly to end “sin” in the world, it would probably continue to follow that course so lucrative for keeping up production, maintaining high employment, and staving off deflation, and more “sin” would assuredly be found to crusade and spend against after the dispatch of “original sin.” Thus, even before American intervention in the war (right during the Phony War, in fact), and with no real clues as to its outcome or even the final line-up of adversaries, Dennis was hinting at a postwar cold war for America.

He supplemented his book-writing activities of the 1930s and early 1940s with regular contributions to H. L. Mencken’s American Mercury, where many of the ideas of The Coming American Fascism and The Dynamics of War and Revolution were originally advanced, lectures and debates, consulting in economics for E. A. Pierce & Co., and editing and writing his own newsletter, The Weekly Foreign Letter, which ran from 1938 to 1942. After the “sedition” episode and a lengthy book about it, A Trial on Trial (co-authored with lawyer Maximilian St. George), he started another newsletter, The Appeal to Reason, which ran for more than twenty years, despite a circulation that never exceeded 500 subscribers (who included former President Herbert Hoover, Senator Burton K. Wheeler, General Robert E. Wood, General Albert C. Wedemeyer, Amos Pinchot, Colonel Truman Smith, and Bruce Barton).[18] Dennis also served as an investment advisor to General Wood and made him a lot of money. Dividing his time after the war between his Massachusetts farm and the Harvard Club in New York City, he confined his social life largely to a small circle of friends and colleagues, which included revisionist historians Harry Elmer Barnes, Charles Callan Tansill, and James J. Martin, political scientist Frederick L. Schuman (his neighbor in Massachusetts—and political opposite-number; also his in-law), writer and former “sedition” co-defendant Georqe Sylvester Viereck, and publicist H. Keith Thompson. His last book, Operational Thinking for Survival, appeared in 1969. Although the basics of the manuscript had been completed in the late 1950s, the book lay fallow for want of a publisher.[19] In it he hewed to his basic convictions as expressed 30 years before; he claimed vindication by the course of postwar events, made the extended case for “operational” (“or ‘rational’”) thinking, described the futility, waste, and danger of a cold war that was both a result of and a constant prop for moralistic stupidity, and found time to blast neo-classical critics of the “New Economics” of which he had been one of the earliest, if most unusual, exponents. Shortly after the book’s appearance, he suffered an incapacitating stroke and remained only sporadically active until his death in 1977.

Dennis’s most systematic and developed presentation of his fully matured ideas on the decline of capitalism appeared in The Dynamics of War and Revolution. In Part II, “The End of the Capitalist Revolution,” consisting of five chapters, he laid out his “autopsy” of the American—in microcosm, the Western World’s—capitalist dynamic. Capitalism, Dennis argued, must ever expand or die. The impulse, the driving dynamic, behind expansion is the eternal quest for markets (of need, not just luxury), a quest that is actually a desperate race against the threat of a linear process of overproduction, causing underconsumption, causing cutbacks in production, causing unemployment, causing loss of purchasing power, causing loss of investment incentives—all leading to stagnation and, finally, bust. Busts may be followed by booms only when real market expansion takes place. But such expansion can occur only when a perpetual, ever-receding “frontier” is present. The frontier can be a literal, geographical frontier (far from, contiguous to, or even within a nation), or the “frontier of scarcity” provided by a growing consumer population, or the “frontiers” provided by other nations or regions whose markets can be seized without excessive political or military risk. The three centuries of the “Capitalist Revolution,” roughly from 1600-1900, satisfied the need of capitalism in all these areas and provided its dynamic power. The discovery of a vast New World provided Europe’s literal frontier for expansion of its markets (and its population), as well as sources of materials for production and distribution (mercantile considerations were in fact the single most significant impulse behind the drive for colonization); within that New World, both before and after it was constituted as a new nation, the westward frontier provided the same engine of dynamism for the base population—especially in the lure of free land. All over the globe European imperialisms found markets “for the taking” in lands which could not stand up to European military technics or trading attraction; America also expanded its national and market frontiers through “easy wars of conquest”—against Mexico, against Spain in contests of rival imperialisms, in interventions and “presences” all over its southern watches and even in the far Pacific; the new technics of industrialization and transportation came along at the perfect moment to exploit the situations of these expanding market-frontiers, and all these developments were accompanied by an overall burst in population growth such as the world in its recorded history had never before experienced.

Thus the “Capitalist Revolution” was successful because of specific, historically conditioned reasons. But according to the theoretical apologists for capitalism, the success was not historically conditioned, and there was no reason why it could not continue indefinitely and the revolution remain permanently, even if it were erratic in its equilibrium: Busts would always be followed by booms in a self-correcting business cycle. Once stagnation or bust were reached, new consumer demands would before long “force” investment and production to rise again (and thus employment, purchasing power, more investment, and so on). The proponents of classic capitalism were continuing to assert this right down through the depths of the 1930s Depression. For Dennis, these rosy theorists were wrong and had been proven wrong by an American (and out of it, a world) economic cataclysm which had not been seen before and after which things would never be the same again. The theorists were basing their prescriptions and predictions on the historical record of the business-cycle through the 300 years of capitalist dynamism, as if universal or timeless “laws” of business-development could be deduced from that alone. In fact, by their concentration on the “waves” of the business cycle in this limited time-period and historically unique situation they were missing the tide. The great tide was the fact that the “Capitalist Revolution” was finally over because the frontier—all the “frontiers”—existed no more.

The literal American frontier—which had provided the essential stimulus of “the profits of free lands” (both as lure and, crucially, as escape)—ceased to exist about 1890. Linking this in with British imperialism, which had reached its apogee at about the same time (“the frontier was to Americans what the empire was to the British”[20]), Dennis held that the processes of expansion and acquisition, not the actual holding, constituted the mechanism that gave capitalism its dynamic; the former fueled capitalist development, the latter inevitably invited stagnation:

Empire is a process of expansion by conquest, not just the place so acquired. . . . The socially important fact about an empire is getting it, and, about a frontier, getting rid of it. The two processes amount to the same thing . . . so far as empire is concerned, it is the growth, not the existence, the getting, not the keeping, that is historically significant and socially dynamic. A nation grows great by winning an empire. It cannot remain great merely by keeping one. Indeed, once it stops growing it will start decaying . . . . Mankind is destined to live by toil and struggle, not by absentee ownership . . . . What we now call capitalism, democracy and Americanism was simply the nineteenth century formula of empire building as it worked in this country. Here the process was often called pioneering; its locus, the frontier . . . . Now that empire building along the lines of the nineteenth century formula is over, both for the British and ourselves, capitalism and democracy are over as we knew them in that past era. . . . Unlike the Have-nots, we shall not expand because we are land hungry. Hunger is dynamic. In the twentieth century, unlike the nineteenth, no profit is to be made out of increasing available supplies of raw materials and foodstuffs. Profit making is dynamic. But, to be dynamic it has first to be possible. The conditions creating this possibility are the primary dynamisms of capitalism.[21]

The conditions that imparted success to capitalism were gone with the frontier, and for Dennis the central idea of historian Frederick Jackson Turner, which he quoted approvingly—”The existence of free land, its continuous recession and the advance of American settlement westward, explain American development”[22]—explained in particular the character of American economic development, just as the “world frontier” with its “free” (or easily-acquired) land for European nations explained broad capitalist development. But the end of capitalism could also be explained. The end of the literal frontier for America and the capitalist world was paralleled by the end of the industrial revolution, the decline in the rate of population growth, and the end of further possibilities of “easy wars of conquest.”

LD-41r0MpuBa.jpgThe industrial revolution—the effect of technological change—had worn down, and there could be no hope that industrialism or technics could always exist, through evolutionary refinements of better techniques and types of production and more and different appeals to the marketplace, to “reinvigorate” or “save” capitalism when necessary. Industrialism had worn down because it was never a dynamic of itself, but could be dynamic only in the era of the frontier and of rapid population growth. (“Today, so far as stimulating business expansion is concerned, industrial changes are no more dynamic than changing cross ties or steel rails on a railroad. . . . As for entirely new products, they now tend to replace old products and to result in no net increase in consumption or production.”[23]) The essence of the industrial revolution was change specifically within the context of growth or continuous expansion, which means that it could only have been a transient phase whenever and wherever it occurred. This “series of events in time and place” constituted a very real revolution, perfectly following the mercantilist one and necessary to the realization of the overall capitalist one—but it could remain revolutionary only so long as it was expansive.

It might be expansive in perpetuity if “Say’s Law”—production as necessarily creating the purchasing power to pay for what is produced—was correct. It was not correct, because its essential corollary, the doctrine of “consumer sovereignty” holding that goods and services are produced for a profit in response to consumer needs and demands, was “100 percent false. Producer demand, not consumer demand, is sovereign.” Here Dennis turned on its head one of the fundamental tenets of capitalist theory:

The producers decide what, when and how much to produce, including the volume of construction and producer goods activity such as new plants, office buildings, etc. In other words, volume and rate of reinvestment of profits and savings determine swings in consumer demand. Producers and investors determine swings in the volume and velocity of the flow of consumer purchasing power. Booms are made by producer and investor optimism and ended by producer and investor pessimism. Consumer needs and desires have no more to do with the up- and downswings than sunspots. When producers decide to curtail production, consumer purchasing power declines and thus arise good reasons to cut production and employment and wages still further. The process is reversed by a change in producer and investor psychology. The producer decisions, as every one knows, are governed mainly by changes in expectations of profit.[24]

The end of the frontier—even just catching sight of the end before it was reached—changed the expectations of the “sovereign producers.” That is, it changed their willingness to risk investment. The chief characteristic of American business organization, as it resulted from the industrial revolution taking place in a dynamic frontier-context, was monopoly—about which, incidentally, “there is more hypocrisy . . . than any other subject in the whole field of economics.”[25] The industrial revolution and the frontier created monopolies in almost every new industry. At the beginning and through the halcyon days of the revolution, the monopolistic entities, existent or in process of formation, were the very ones that were most committed to and enthusiastic about investment and risk, and against hoarding or minimal-risk investments or operations. By the end, they were tending to be hoarders or “safe operators” who would expand vertically or horizontally, often both, in organization and control but not in actual new market risk and production—because market frontiers were no longer expanding. This caused gradual stagnation and, when combined with the run of “artificial” expansion of the 1920s, finally Depression. The short-lived boomlets since 1929—those of 1933, of late-1936/early-1937, mid-1938, and late-1939—only provided more evidence that industrial expansion was over as an upholder or as a rescuer of capitalism; they were caused by fears of inflation, not at all by expectations of profits from industrial expansion. Such expectations as could cause real boomlets, not to mention a real end to the Depression, could occur only in a recognized “frontier” situation. Dennis considered at length, and rejected wholesale, the argument (“if it is to be dignified by that name”) that even with the end of the geographical frontier and thus of a physically expanding market base, there nevertheless existed and would always exist a limitless “frontier” of unsatisfied human wants and needs and discoveries which would provide all the incentives and opportunities to keep capitalism going. This argument, as “Say’s Law” and its corollary, assumed that “consumer desire instead of producer greed” was the dynamic of capitalism. But the key was in fact “producer greed”–and although that might happen to satisfy human wants and needs, even in great volume, in the course of the quest for private gain, such a result

. . . was purely an incidental and, in no sense a dynamic or causative factor in these processes. As long as supplies of land, labor and natural resources becoming available for exploitation were rapidly increasing, there was a constant shortage of capital, machinery, housing, transportation facilities and means of subsistence for the workers. This shortage constituted a real industrial frontier. It was a frontier of need, not luxury. Capitalism needs a frontier of scarcity which will keep interest rates high and profit margins wide. It cannot flourish on a frontier of industrial abundance in which interest rates would drop to zero and incentives to private investment would virtually disappear.[26]

LD-519nWoG.jpgOne “frontier of scarcity” that was necessary to a successful capitalism was simply the existence of more and more bodies that needed food and goods. This “frontier” might last forever if population increase could be guaranteed in perpetuity. It couldn’t. Reviewing the census statistics from the first national census in 1790 through that of 1930, Dennis saw that, while the American population increased at dramatic rates throughout the nineteenth century, from roughly the end of the century on the rate of growth (though not simple growth) had been decreasing dramatically. The apogee of population growth, then, had been reached with the passing of the frontier. If the rate continued to decline, and Dennis assumed that it would without significant interruptions,[27] the consequences would be enormous for American capitalism—more so than they already were. For capitalism, here as in all other areas, needed growth:

First among the functions of population growth is that of creating a perpetual scarcity of bare necessities, so necessary for a healthy capitalism or socialism. This scarcity furnishes incentives for the leaders and compulsions for the led. This scarcity now affects only the Have-not countries; hence they alone are dynamic today. Capitalism in America was dynamic while world population increase assured food scarcity. Now that we have food abundance, capitalism is no longer dynamic. Hence the unemployed go hungry because we now lack scarcity. This explanation may sound paradoxical. Well, so is the situation in which farmers languish for buyers of their food and the jobless languish for food. . . . The nineteenth century way of averting the evil of abundance was to have large families. The twentieth century way, now that we have small families, is to have large-scale unemployment and two world wars in one generation. Given the ideology of democracy and capitalism making thrift a virtue and given the shrinking size of families, it is hard to see any way of coping with abundance other than unemployment and war. And given our culture pattern, it is hard to see how we can operate society without the compulsions of a scarcity which a high birth rate, unemployment or war alone can maintain for us in a sufficient degree under our system.[28]

Capitalism “in its era,” product of peculiar historical circumstances that combined to create a 300-year revolution, was insatiable in its thirst for markets precisely because its new productive and distributive power eventually sated the market’s thirst for products. But arrival at the ultimate point of satiation could be and was postponed, and the other factor that allowed for this, besides an expanding frontier and an expanding population to settle that frontier, was the expansion of markets through “easy wars of conquest”; these could guarantee the “scarcities of need” required to hold off stagnation or get out of depression. Wars, of course, had always been God’s gift to capitalism in stimulating production and soaking up unemployment; they thus provided more immediate benefits as well as their longer-term benefits in creating markets. But there was more to the war-imperative of capitalism than simple economic drives. In fact, “easy wars of conquest” fulfilled the needs not only of private capitalism but of public democracy. Capitalism would not have been what it was without democracy, and vice-versa. American democracy was founded on the twin pillars of a mercantile plutocracy and an agricultural slavocracy. The defeat of the latter in civil war meant only meant its absorption into a new industrial wage-ocracy. This wage-ocracy, called “mass employment,” was dependent for its very existence on the expansion of markets—that is, on the reality of frontiers; it naturally made this dependence felt in its political pressures. And the American democratic faith that was instilled into the mass-employed and employers alike was essentially faith in a perpetual land boom. By its national policies of settlement, of incentives for investment, of trade, and of war, the democracy could “keep the faith.” The democracy also had its own, more purely political, reasons, most nakedly seen in its war policies, for keeping it. While capitalism needed wars for foreign markets, land-grabs, and immediate productive stimuli, democracy needed wars for a social unity and stability at home that capitalism itself tended to disallow or disrupt:

In any brief review of the dynamic function of easy wars in the successful rise of capitalism and democracy it would be a serious omission not to call attention to the fact that nationalistic wars tempered the anarchy and contradictions of private competition. Both war and religion necessarily impose collective unity. Their practice unites large numbers of people in interests and feeling. Private competition, on the contrary, must always tend to destroy social unity. . . . An entire community can practice competition in an orderly way only in war or in competition with an outside community. Thus, in war-time, each warring community operates internally on the basis of cooperation and externally on the basis of competition. In this way there is order within and anarchy without. It is obviously an inevitable condition of any society of sovereign nations that it be characterized by anarchy. Multiple sovereignties are merely a synonym for anarchy. International anarchy is a corollary of national sovereignty. That numerous company of idealists and theorists who profess to wish to substitute in the international sphere the rule of law for the rule of anarchy while at the same time preserving national sovereignty is composed of persons who are either singularly obtuse or intellectually dishonest. Anyone who does not understand that, under the rule of law, there can be but one sovereign, not several, does not understand the meaning either of law or sovereignty.

But, although war has been throughout history a force for anarchy as among nations, it has been a force for social cohesion and order as within nations. Between chronic international anarchy and national order there is no necessary contradiction. The fact is that capitalistic democracies have needed the centripetal force of foreign warfare to offset the centrifugal force of private competition. . . . Individualism, or the disuniting force of private competition, has made this [traditional] need of foreign war all the greater. The free play of individual or minority group self-interest tends to make any community go to pieces. The counter forces of unification necessary for social order under capitalism have had to be largely generated by the continuous waging of easy and successful foreign wars.[29]

The problem now, in the twentieth century, was that the “easy wars” had gone the way of the frontier land boom and the frontier-filling population boom; their era was over.

With gusto, Dennis presented tabulations of the wars and military interventions of the three great capitalist democracies in the century and a half up to and including the 1920s. His summaries of these tabulations were meant to lend weight to his premises and conclusions—and to make the reader pause upon hearing any such phrase as “the peace-loving democracies.” England: “54 wars, lasting 102 years, or 68 per cent of the time.” France: “53 wars lasting 99 years, or 66 per cent of the time.” America: “In 158 years there was warfare practically all of the time.”[30]

The end of the era of “easy wars,” which came with the gobbling of the remaining easy marks on the world chessboard, completed the processes ending the “Capitalist Revolution.” The four great props of American capitalist democracy had finally all been knocked out: the frontier, industrialism-as-revolution, population growth, easy wars.

Without these props could American capitalist democracy survive? Dennis said that it could not, and he offered four possibilities as to what would happen to it:

(1) It could proceed in the old ways and under the old assumptions, perpetuating stagnation, massive unemployment, utter failure in every economic realm, and finally calling forth anarchistic chaos.

(2) It could succumb to an underclass proletarian revolution led by its own overclass of disaffected bourgeois out-elites, wiping out all forms of capitalism, and a lot of capitalists, in instituting the dictatorship of the intellectuals.

(3) It could be subsumed into an overall nationalistic, corporatist, and ethically collectivist state which would assume authoritarian directional control over, though not outright ownership of, much of the business apparatus and engage in necessary redistribution and reprioritization to end overproduction and unemployment, specifically via massive internal pyramid-building and social projects; this would be “socialism” in fact—whether its proponents or opponents wished to call it “fascism.”

(4) It could seek to prolong itself by the expedient “out” of war—which, now that there were no more “easy wars” to be had, would have to be a “hard” war, a really big show, the very staging of which, however, would necessitate to some significant degree the organizational and political steps mentioned in course number three.

Dennis favored the third course for America, but he saw the fourth as most likely. In late 1939 and early 1940, as he wrote, it was beginning to be put into effect. The new style of “hard” war had already been seen in the First World War, which originated in part in the clash of rival capitalist imperialisms. After that war, however, the emergence of revolutionary “socialist” regimes—whether Communist, Fascist, or Nazi—in the nations that walked out of the settlement of the war with status as Have-not countries brought forth a new possibility: that the next big war would not be one of clashing capitalisms, but a gang-up of the capitalist democracies (all in the same Depression boat, after all) against the “socialist” nations. That these “socialist” powers had their own grievances against the post-World War I democratic-imposed order, and were sufficiently dynamic and aggressive to do something about them, ensured that they could be held up to the democratic masses and democratic assemblies as violators of international “order” and “peace,” even of “civilization” itself; there would be no lack of “causes” of such a war, or rationales for it. The Have-not powers were dynamic indeed—as only nations unsated could be—and were not just redrawing European (and, in the case of Italy, colonial) borders, but smashing capitalism in Europe: reorganizing whole systems, redistributing wealth and authority, gaining autarchy and taking their nations out of the capitalistic “international systems” of trade and money. All this dynamism was in the name of nationalistic folk unities, “socialisms” in fact whatever the name, which had no further use for the subordination of national wills and destinies to private business or other interests.[31]

This is how Dennis saw the big war-in-the-making as of 1940, when Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini formed a vague (but no less significant for that) “socialist” camp, against which stood the plutocratic capitalist democracies of Europe, with the biggest plutocratic capitalist democracy of all waiting in the wings fairly chafing to get in just as soon as that could be arranged. It would be another crusade, sold to the American herd in its favorite terms of world morality, but really a way for the Old Order at home—the order of a spent capitalism and a desperate democracy—to salvage itself by fighting the new revolution abroad:

The new revolution everywhere stands for redistribution and reorganization in line with the technological imperatives of the machine age. The cause of the Allies is that of counterrevolution. It upholds the status quo and opposes redistribution according to the indications of need, capacity for efficient utilization of resources and social convenience. It seeks to reverse in Europe the dominant trends, technological and political, of the past century and, more particularly, of the past two or three decades. The democracies have displayed their inability to utilize their resources in a way to end unemployment. But they now propose a crusade in the name of moral absolutes to prevent world-wide redistribution of raw materials and economic opportunities. The real issue before America may be stated as being one of achieving redistribution at home or fighting it abroad. The plutocracy that opposes redistribution at home is all for fighting it abroad. And the underprivileged masses who need redistribution in America are dumb enough to die fighting to prevent it abroad. The probabilities are that we shall have to come to the solution of the domestic problem of distribution through a futile crusade to prevent redistribution abroad. If it so happens, it will prove the final nail in the coffin of democracy in this country. And it should call for a terrible postwar vengeance on those responsible for this great tragedy of the American people.[32]

Regardless of whether they gained victory in the coming crusade or not and regardless of whether the victors took vengeance on the vanquished afterwards, American capitalism and its democracy were going to emerge from the struggle changed. The booms of war, and the war booms, were really the last tolls of the bell for the “Capitalist Revolution,” the 300-year product of frontiers that had been reached. The revolution that would follow might come by direction or indirection, be sudden or evolutionary—encompass at once or gradually all the changes in politico-social organization and direction that Dennis, for one, found desirable, or not. But definitely a revolution was in the making, and historians would eventually understand the outcome of this war, like its genesis, as differing profoundly from those of other wars when capitalism was in its prime. The post-capitalist era—no matter that many and even important vestiges of capitalism might remain for a long time yet—had arrived, and it would entail tremendous changes, in the realm of economics specifically, but extending into many other realms as well. It would and could mean, above all, the obliteration of the distinctions between public and private. For Lawrence Dennis, this was not undesirable or dangerous of itself –so long as it amounted to a melding basically in favor of the interests of the public. The specter against which he warned and fought by his words, and after the war saw as happening in fact, was that of this new reality being joined, out of the desperate efforts of capitalist democracy to prolong itself, by obliteration of the distinctions between the national and the international, and ultimately between war and peace. Could American capitalism, after a Second World War, really afford real peace? Could it face “honestly”—or, indeed, with any hope of success—such huge postwar problems as deflationary debt reduction, flooding of the available labor market, loss of political unity at home, of a “them” abroad, saturation of the home markets, massive reconversion of industry, and many others? Or would it continue to side-step its endemic problems via the classic “out” of war—even war that was not really war in the old sense (but not peace in any sense either)? A “cold” war would make up what it lacked in compressed intensity by occasional flashes of action around the globe, a global military spread-eagle in constant preparation for real conflict, a global political and economic presence as excuses for such conflict, and a very long life—perhaps limitlessly long.

Charles A. Beard, sardonically and bitterly describing in 1948 the practical consequences of the Roosevelt-Truman foreign policies as those policies became a “consensus” through the vaunted spirit of “bipartisanship,” said that America was now engaged in the pursuit of “perpetual war for perpetual peace.”[33] Dennis agreed with that, and would use the phrase (which gained wide currency as the title of a revisionist study of Roosevelt diplomacy) himself occasionally. Had it been up to him to coin it, he might have put it this way: perpetual war to stimulate production, soak up unemployment, create markets, and rally ‘round the people. Or, more briefly: perpetual war as substitute for the lost capitalist frontier.

Some Appraisals of Dennis

It took about a decade after World War II for Dennis to be considered once again in intellectual rather than polemical terms relating to the issues of the war. In considering radical political currents in his 1955 book American Political Thought,[34] political scientist Alan Pendleton Grimes treated “American Fascism: Lawrence Dennis” as an ideology and its spokesman called forth by the Depression. Grimes focused on Dennis’s identification of capitalism with democracy not only in historical parallel but in contemporary reality. Unlike the populist and progressive reformers, who tended to see capitalism (at least the “bad” capitalism practiced by the robber barons and trust spinners and holding-company pyramiders) as conflicting with or even antithetical to democracy, Dennis held that they went hand-in-hand. As an elitist, he wished to smash both, not reform either. In Grimes’s view, the major burden of Dennis’s fascist criticism actually fell not upon democracy but upon laissez-faire capitalism; democracy was criticized because it permitted the follies of capitalism, of private business leadership. The motivations of this business leadership, being purely selfish and directed toward the satisfaction of greed, were bound to conflict with the normal requirements of social development and order. With the passing of the frontier and opportunities for a kind of social-spiritual growth alongside business growth, the inherent conflict between society and business came out into the open and would have to be resolved one way or another. The era of the frontier, of America’s “militant nationalism” that allowed for a mass spiritual and non-commercial, even communitarian, impulse in expansionism to exist alongside mere business greed, had given way to mass atomism in a society now totally dominated by business greed (and made to suffer for business stupidity). Laissez-faire economic liberalism in theory and political democracy as it was put into practice were not equipped to handle the situation; therefore they had to be replaced.

Grimes considers Dennis’s critique of capitalist-democratic society to resemble Thomas Hobbes’s view of the state of nature: a war of all against all, of parts against parts and the whole. The laissez-faire system by which the state, the supposed guarantor of the public good, did not intervene in these struggles—or intervened occasionally only because some interest group had temporarily succeeded in gaining leverage within the state to the disadvantage of other groups—was plainly irrational. Moreover, this state-sanctioned chaos was carried on under an ethical umbrella of the highest fraud and hypocrisy, namely that of the legal system. This system promised “a government of laws and not of men.” For Dennis, this notion was pure fiction. Belief in it led to false hopes that “the peoples’ will” could ever be expressed through it and ignored the fact that the interpretation and administration of laws, not laws themselves, were what counted. At any time “the law” would and could mean only just what those elites in control of its application wanted it to mean. In America, and throughout American history, the elites in power were generally the capitalists and their partisans; the “independent” judiciary in a government of “separation of powers” was a myth. Also mythical was the notion of “freedom” as existing within the law—freedom, that is, as the natural condition in the absence of governmental restraint. Force and coercion were omnipresent, and it made little difference to those coerced whether force was applied by the government or by the “free” market. If, for instance, a person seeking work found no jobs as a result of decisions by private capitalists, then he was as coerced into unemployment as if there were a law against employment. Grimes quotes Dennis: “The much vaunted freedom of modern capitalism is largely a matter of the freedom of property owners from social responsibility for the consequences of their economic decisions.”

Grimes devoted about the last half of his sub-chapter on Dennis to discussing his more purely politico-philosophical ideas on elite rule, outside any economic context. That Grimes began his consideration of Dennis with the capitalist-democratic linkage demonstrates his awareness of the importance of economics in the genesis of his subject’s thought. His 1955 treatment represented the first step on the way to taking Dennis as seriously as book reviewers had once done, before the advent of war and “sedition.”

Grimes’s fellow political scientist David Spitz, in the considerable sub-chapter on Dennis in his Patterns of Anti-Democratic-Thought,[35] also took his subject seriously. But Spitz made no mention whatever of the anti-capitalist element in Dennis’s political thought and concentrated instead on his general theory of “The Elite as Power.” This exclusion is not to be criticized, since Spitz’s book deals only with political theory. But his criticisms of Dennis would have been more nearly complete if they had treated the real-world practical underpinnings, as Dennis saw and interpreted them, of that theory. Dennis’s views of economics and his economic analysis lay in the category, and to treat Dennis’s theory of the elite without discussing his extended critique of a real, historical elite-in-power—America’s capitalist elite—is to deny the analysis a significant part of its rationale. Spitz, at any rate and after a lengthy study of Dennis’s political theory, rejects it even though he grants the possible truth of its premise, that elites always rule. They may, says Spitz, but Dennis was wrong in supposing that this is necessarily incompatible with democracy, that the elite must always be an irresponsible elite.

For Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., writing in 1960, Lawrence Dennis “brought to the advocacy of fascism powers of intelligence and style which always threatened to bring him (but never quite succeeded) into the main tent.” Schlesinger devoted five pages to Dennis in the third volume of his The Age of Roosevelt, in a chapter on “The Theology of Ferment” that discusses various radical stirrings and personalities, left and right, thrown into some prominence during the Depression.[36] After considering the “literary fascists” Seward Collins and Ezra Pound, who were “figures in a sideshow, without significance in American politics,” Schlesinger turned to Dennis as the one fascist thinker who did possess real potential significance. Obviously admiring and noting Dennis’s Is Capitalism Doomed? as a “closely argued” attack on investment banking policies, Schlesinger nevertheless found beneath Dennis’s pose of cold realism notes of “romantic desperation,”[37] and he quoted a lengthy statement of Dennis from an unidentified private letter: “I am prepared to take my medicine in the bread line, the foreign legion, or with a pistol shot in the mouth. . . . I should like nothing better than to be a leader or a follower of a Hitler who would crush and destroy many now in power. It is my turn of fate now to suffer. It may some day be theirs.”[38]

Turning to The Coming American Fascism, Schlesinger noted the ease with which Dennis assumed that a variety of fascism could come to power and be successful in the United States: big business organization as well as the ingrained docility, standardization, and regimentation of the American people, who were already the world’s biggest suckers for advertising, propaganda of all kinds, and press and radio domination, made no other country “better prepared for political and social standardization.” As for their traditions of and a supposed passion for “freedom,” 90 per cent of the American people had no grasp “whatever” even of what their own ideological system was supposed to be all about. Therefore, according to Dennis, “A fascist dictatorship can be set up by a demagogue in the name of all the catchwords of the present system.”[39] Schlesinger went into some detail about the various particulars of Dennis’s vision of a fascist America. As to what and who could realize that vision and make the revolution, he considered the importance of Dennis’s idea of “the elite.” Here Schlesinger noted that Dennis was sometimes vague, sometimes contradictory, about just who constituted the fascist “elite” or, precisely, the latent fascist “out-elite” that desired power.[40] But there was little doubt as to the constitution of the particular societal group or class on whose behalf the elite would be working: the revolutionary dynamic would come from the “frustrated elite of the lower middle classes” who were threatened with being “declassed.”[41] Schlesinger took Dennis at his word when the latter said that he harbored no personal political ambitions, but he saw in him (and supposed that Dennis saw in himself) the qualities of a Goebbels, of a very smart brain-trust man who could serve a real fascist demagogue in justifying a revolution:

His style was clever, glib, and trenchant. His analysis cut through sentimental idealism with healthy effect. He tried to shift attention from words and symbols to the realities of power. His ‘realistic’ writing, for all its flashing and vulgar quality, had an analytic sharpness which made it more arresting than any of the conservative and most of the liberal political thought of the day.[42]

But a truly influential fascist demagogue never developed in America (Huey Long, for whom Dennis expressed admiration as “. . . smarter than Hitler, but he needs a good braintrust,”[43] might have become one), and Dennis was left to conjure intellectual rationales for an American fascism that existed more in the world of myth and wish. “Goebbels, after all, had a government to transform dreams into reality, and Dennis, only the Harvard Club,” Schlesinger wrote.[44] As for the existing reality of American fascist activists, who were of the mentality to agree with him without necessarily being able to comprehend him, Dennis had “progressively to lower his sights” in order to reach them. Seeing himself as “the sophisticated spokesman of a revolutionary elite in a technological epoch,” Dennis, like Seward Collins, found to his chagrin that the “elite which was to save civilization eventually turned out to be a collection of stumblebums and psychopaths, united primarily by an obsessive fear of an imaginary Jewish conspiracy. What began as an intimation of the apocalypse ended as squalid farce.”[45]

In his 1967 memoir Infidel in the Temple,[46] journalist and commentator Matthew Josephson reflected for a few pages on his acquaintanceship with Dennis in the 1930s. Josephson was already familiar with Dennis’s testimony in the 1932 Senate banking investigations and his arguments in Is Capitalism Doomed?, and having heard that Dennis was one of a number of pro-fascist intellectuals who regarded Huey Long as the potential Duce of an American fascism, he sought Dennis out in the Harvard Club for an interview, which his memoir largely sticks to recounting. “Trenchant in speech and as vivacious as I had been led to expect,” Dennis launched into a candid and freewheeling discussion of his beliefs and their origins. Quoting Dennis (apparently from notes), Josephson lays out some gems of provocation:

I have a very low opinion of bankers. If only they weren’t so smug, so full of their pieties! . . . business can’t recover; we are going over a cliff into a terrible inflation, in one year. . . . But Mrs. Roosevelt, Miss Perkins, and the other New Deal advisors look on the U.S.A. as an interesting settlement-house proposition with which intellectual ladies and college professors can divert themselves at the public expense! The New Deal is only a huge muddle—and yet the old trading class, the bankers, the merchants, the politicians, and labor leaders are still in the saddle. . . . It just can’t go on. I tell you, the future is to the extremists. . .   But here [the communists] haven’t a ghost of a chance. The working class—bah! The proletariat rise? Not on your life—it isn’t in the beast. The American worker won’t even fight for his class. What this country needs is a radical movement that talks American. Our workers not only don’t ‘get’ Marx, they can’t even lift him.[47]

Dennis—as recalled by Josephson–goes on: only the frustrated middle classes will fight for power; the moneyed people, ultimately facing the perceived threat of socialism or communism, will finally come around in support of fascism as the only alternative: “After all, fascism calls for a nationalist revolution that leaves property owners in the same social status as before, though it forbids them to do entirely as they please with their property. Then, instead of destroying existent skills as would a communist rising, the corporative state would preserve the elite of experts and managers, the people who understand production and can keep the system running.”[48]

As frankly as he advocated fascism, however, Dennis would have no truck with brawling native-fascists of the “shirt”-movement level, nor with religious bigotry or race hatred, in which he was plainly not interested. Rather, he considered his mission as purely one of education and propagandizing to the frustrated middle class out-elite, which will be the real vehicle for American fascism.

On the subject of Huey Long, Dennis noted that “Long reads my stuff” and had asked his help in writing a book on the redistribution of wealth. As Josephson also recounted, after they had finished their conversation, as Dennis was leaving the Harvard Club, he was accosted by an elderly member who exclaimed, “Yes, we all have to stand together and fight for the liberties won by our forefathers who developed the frontier!” Dennis’s polite but brusque reply was, “Remember Mr.——, the frontier is finished; liberty is a dead issue.”[49]

Josephson concluded at the time, and was of the same mind in 1967, that Dennis was brilliant but flawed in his obsession with issues of pure power and manipulation: “An odd and clever fellow was Dennis, but with great gaps on the human side.”[50]

Justus D. Doenecke, a historian of American isolationism and right-wing movements, broke the exclusion of Dennis from consideration in scholarly literature with his 1972 article on Dennis as a “cold war revisionist.”[52] Interested in how the pre-Pearl Harbor isolationists reacted—in different ways—to the cold war, Doenecke concluded that Dennis was a prime example of an isolationist who was consistent in his opposition to American involvements abroad; only Dennis, through his weekly, The Appeal to Reason, “offered a scathing attack upon the entire range of American Cold War policy.”[52]

Doenecke gave careful attention to Dennis’s economic ideas as central to the development of his later positions. After reviewing the arguments of Is Capitalism Doomed?, The Coming American Fascism, and The Dynamics of War and Revolution as to the rise, fall, and inevitable replacement of capitalism by a collectivist political structure, Doenecke noted the similarity at first glance of these to the Marxist critique of capitalism. Yet “the thrust of Dennis’s logic was far from Marxist; there were strong differences.”[53] For one, his “socialism” was not at all utopian, and saw no possibility for a truly “classless” society ever: there would always be leaders and led, and contests would only be over which elites would rule, not whether elites would rule. Under “socialism,” the proletariat would never rule itself but would have to be led by a managerial elite of technicians and experts.[54] (Doenecke might have noted here Dennis’s brand of egalitarianism: his “socialism” would guarantee that anyone with the requisite ability, no matter from what “class,” might join this “managerial elite” without traditional economic or social interferences standing in the way.)

Dennis further dissented from Marx and Marxism in rejecting the notions that the entire capitalist old order of business enterprise should be overthrown in violent revolution and that even if a “world socialist” order should entirely and universally displace capitalism, universal peace would result: “socialist” nations would inevitably fight among themselves, just as capitalist nations do. In Dennis’s critique of the cold war, which stressed the futility of America’s grasp after hegemony in both the world economic marketplace and the marketplace of ideas Doenecke found an early precursor of “New Left” revisionist historians William Appleman Williams, Gabriel Kolko, and Lloyd C. Gardner. Dennis also anticipated the “Red Fascism” thesis of other historians, noting the ease with which “Everything [the interventionist Establishment] said against Hitler can be repeated against Stalin and Russia.”[55]

The first issue of The Appeal to Reason appeared the same week as Churchill’s Fulton, Missouri, “iron curtain” speech; right then Dennis was warning that further American intervention in the world, this time to stop communist sin instead of fascist sin, would result only in the spread of communism—and the intensification of the very domestic “statism” that the conservative cold warriors deplored. At a time—Mao Tse-tung’s march to power in China—when conservatives were seeing communism as a world monolith directed from Moscow, Dennis predicted that rifts would develop in any concert of communist nations, the most important being in the Far East, where existed “nearly a billion people who could never be made puppets of the Slavs, even though they all turn communist.”

Dennis stressed the importance of economic “open door” concerns in the formulation and implementation of the Truman Doctrine, which was designed in part, in the Middle East, to protect Standard Oil interests. Overall, the doctrine served America (which refused to import as much as she exported) as a substitute for the huge foreign loans that Wall Street made in the 1920s in its market-expansion thrusts. “We shall have,” wrote Dennis in 1947, “a limitless market for American farm products, manufactures, and cannon fodder.”[56]

Doenecke continued with an exposition—taken mainly from issues of The Appeal to Reason—of Dennis’s lines on the further development of the cold war, the domestic red-hunting hysteria (he was against it, and held that “Any spy dumb enough to get caught by our F.B.I. is a good riddance for the reds”[57]), the emergence of the Third World as a force in global affairs, and the signs of a gradual “convergence” of both the capitalist U.S.A. and communist Russia (both becoming technocratic, managerial welfare states with planned economies and controlled currencies). With the Vietnam debacle, America’s time had finally come after a “long and brilliant record of success” in empire-building; it was “the beginning of the end of American intervention and overseas imperialism.” Dennis saw his own long record of warnings and observations unfortunately vindicated—by the disastrous turns for America in the world at large.

Dennis’s early and ongoing critique of the cold war demonstrated the consistency of his economic thought from its earliest expositions. He saw the cold war as propping up a capitalism that continued to decline; massive foreign aid, a massive and permanent scale of military production, and a space race were the substitutes that American capitalism concocted to replace the lost frontier. The inflation attendant to all this, whether at higher or lower rates, prevented another crash, and all the activity and spending kept unemployment at acceptable levels. And there was no such thing as significant overproduction in a global cold war, with its “limitless” needs for products both commercial—as allures for prospective “allies”—and military, if those allures didn’t work. The cold war was therefore functional for America—but at a terrific cost and risk. The professed international moral aims of the struggle would not be achieved, and the survival of civilization or of life itself was what was at stake in the great big game.[58]

Rounding off his treatment, Doenecke remarked on many points of prescience and diagnostic acuity in Dennis’s critique. He did criticize other points—notably, Dennis’s persistent faith in a managerial elite as fit to replace the old capitalist/democratic politicians’ elite. Dennis’s analysis “possessed a double-edged sword. The very bureaucratic elite which, in his eyes, should muffle the crusading ardor of the warriors could also be the repository of the mindless dogmatism he so often mourned in the masses. If anything, he overstressed the reasonableness of the new managerial system . . .”[59]) Ultimately, Doenecke was interested in Dennis’s place in intellectual history, and here he saw Dennis as a man before his time, a prophet still basically unrecognized: “He caught the relationship between frontiers and markets at least twenty years before the ‘Wisconsin School’ of diplomatic history was born.”[60] But Dennis’s post-World War II political and intellectual exile may well have contributed to the sharpness of his exposition: cranking out a mimeographed newsletter from his garage, subject to no advertising or editorial or academic pressures whatever, he could say what he pleased. Since that time more people, whether directly influenced by him or not, have been pleased to say it.

Historian Ronald Radosh paralleled much of Doenecke’s approach in the first of two chapters devoted to Dennis in his Prophets on the Right: Profiles of Conservative Critics of American Globalism[61] (The other “prophets” are Charles A. Beard, Oswald Garrison Villard, Robert A. Taft, and John T. Flynn.) The first chapter covers Dennis as “America’s Dissident Fascist” and reviews his 1930s and early 1940s positions and what happened to him during the war from taking them; the treatment of the sedition trial is more thorough than in any others’ discussions of Dennis. Noteworthy also in this regard was Radosh’s consideration at length of the reaction to Dennis’s mature anti-capitalism (as expressed in The Dynamics of War and Revolution) by American communist intellectuals, who took him very seriously indeed. These, while arguing that Dennis’s prescribed fascism would only amount to reactionary state capitalism and repression of the workers, nevertheless could find a lot of truth in his critique of old-style liberal capitalism and the follies of democracy; Dennis’s criticisms were deemed unanswerable by conventional liberalism or conservatism.

Radosh’s second chapter on Dennis considers him as “Laissez-Faire Critic of the Cold War.” There is a problem with that heading, which comes out in the chapter: Radosh states that Dennis after World War II “returned” to laissez-faire economic theory and developed a “persistent laissez-fairism.”[62] The problem with this is that it isn’t true—certainly not in the sense of the accepted understanding of laissez-faire, which is apparently just the sense Radosh means. He quotes only one statement (from an issue of The Appeal to Reason) directly to justify this statement: Dennis hearkens to an age when “the dissenters, the rebels and the nonconformists” for reasons of “religious or intellectual self-expression, freedom and independence” shared the capitalist dynamic with the men of pure greed. Out of this and a few other statements (where Dennis described the current military-industrial complex, which he was very much against, as “socialist” or “totalitarian socialist”), Radosh tries to build a case that Dennis not only gave up fascism but turned into a classical economic liberal.[63] The truth is that Lawrence Dennis turned into a classical economic liberal about to the same extent that Ludwig von Mises turned into a Marxist. Had Radosh accomplished a thorough reading of Operational Thinking for Survival, Dennis’s 1969 summa that capped his postwar thinking (Radosh mentions this book only once, in a footnote on the next-to-last page of his chapter) he would have thought at least twice about presenting any picture of a “laissez-faire” Dennis. (Particularly he might have absorbed Dennis’s appendix chapter, “Is the ‘New Economics’ a Success or a Failure?,” wherein laissez-fairists are politely ridiculed.) Dennis’s newsletter statement of admiration for the old-fashioned, small-scale entrepreneurial capitalism of “the dissenters, the rebels and the nonconformists,” to which Radosh qives so much weight as signifying an intellectual turn-around, is actually nothing new or remarkable at all in the body of Dennis’s thought. Dennis was saying the same sort of thing—about the “spiritual” or non-economic components of economic and other activity during the heyday of the “Capitalist Revolution” in America—when he was pleasing leftists with his early slashing attacks on American business enterprise, and later when he was proclaiming his fascism. Radosh would have done well to consider, as Alan Pendleton Grimes did twenty years earlier, the discreet dichotomy Dennis had always made between “independent” entrepenurial capitalism and “big” or monopolistic business: the former could be driven by all sorts of motives (such as those Dennis named in the statement quoted by Radosh), the latter was likely to be driven by pure private greed—but in America’s frontier era the drives of both could and did complement each other, combining to fulfill a broad social purpose in developing and defining the young national consciousness and shaping the nation’s physical order of affairs as well. Dennis’s point was that with the passing of the frontier such a condition no longer held; the social/spiritual dynamism of American “frontier men” pursuing personal or national glory had been replaced by an all-pervasive business dynamism pursuing only bottom-lines. There was no replacement for the frontier, and the era of laissez-faire as socially and nationally utilitarian and beneficial was gone and not going to come back.

Thus Radosh, in stating that Dennis “returned” in his thought to laissez-faire and became a laissez-fairist, not only fundamentally misread Dennis’s position (an error he could easily have avoided by examining Dennis’s last book) but goes wrong also on the notion of “return” both with respect to Dennis personally (he couldn’t “return” to a position he’d never in fact held) and with respect to the larger analysis: Dennis’s very point, an abiding one that informed his works from the first to the last, was that to the laissez-faire era for America there could be no return.

Radosh similarly misread the statements of Dennis as to the “socialist” character of the American military-industrial economy in the cold war.[64] He seems to take it that here Dennis was criticizing and deploring this “socialism” itself, rather than merely: (a) criticizing the roots and uses of this development in worldwide interventionism, and (b) exposing the fraud and hypocrisy of a system that still claimed it was “free enterprise,” but was actually going “socialist” in order to—fight and contain socialism! Dennis had a taste for ironic expression in his writing, often amounting to sarcasm, and one of his favorite argumentative devices in challenging opponents was to measure up and consider their actions, or the results of their policies, not on his but on their own professed terms, finding these wanting on precisely those terms—even antithetical to those terms. This is what he did in treating a cold war American big business and political establishment that boomed its devotion to the American free-enterprise way while doing its best, in the cause of a world struggle against opponents of that way, to side-step it at home in enjoyment of a perpetual business-government subsidized partnership. The exposure of hypocrisy and the deploring of its internationalist ends were the points of Dennis’s attack on this “socialism,” which was not an attack on “socialism” or government-business partnership per se, a subtlety which seems to have escaped Radosh.

Radosh therefore fails in his attempt to revise Dennis into a born-again laissez-fairist, a revision that would entail the considerable job of proving that Dennis could throw over a main tenet of decades of his thought rather lightly and apparently without even realizing that he was doing so. It would also entail explaining how it could be that other recent commentators on Dennis, including Justus Doenecke—in Radosh’s words, the one who has “led the way in the re-evaluation of Lawrence Dennis”[65]—somehow missed this side of their subject entirely.

Yet aside from the failure of its thesis, Radosh’s chapter is not bad at all. In fact the thesis, even though appearing in the chapter title, is not really central to much of the presentation, which is the most extensive purely expository discussion yet of Dennis’s criticisms of the cold war. Radosh’s problem lies just in his too-quick readiness to label Dennis “as” something in familiar ideological terms—and the problem, in fact, is not peculiar in this book to the treatment of Dennis.[66] At any rate, and in judgments with which there can be no quarrel, Radosh ultimately finds Dennis “our earliest and most consistent critic of the Cold War,” and the one who, years before William Appleman Williams,[67] first took the Turnerian “frontier thesis” and applied it to the relationships between politics, ideology, and economics in analyzing America’s new activist role in world affairs.

* * *

Justus Doenecke wrote in 1972 that “a full-length biography is very much needed” of Lawrence Dennis.[68] In 2001 that is still true, and the really notable thing about the monographical treatments of Dennis that have appeared since 1972, by Doenecke himself and others, is that they remain so few for one who made a considerable intellectual and political impact in his time, reflected in the printed record of that time. Even on the small scale of a monograph, there has been no attempt yet at an equal, synthetic treatment of all of Dennis’s lines of thought, toward the end of a unified, summary appraisal; instead there have been treatments devoted to particular areas. His economic thought has tended to be obscured in these treatments. Certainly any biographer of Dennis would have to be well-versed in economics and economic history, in order both to understand and to criticize his subject’s ideas.

It is indeed past time for a major critique of all those ideas. Dennis covered a great deal of ground in his prolific and variegated career as an intellectual observer of his time, a period of tremendous political, social, and economic disruption and change in this country and the world. His record was a long and interesting one: State Department official in the thick of an early “Third World” revolution, banking official at the onset of economic collapse, Depression critic of capitalism, proponent of fascism, opponent of World War II intervention, key figure in one of the major civil liberties and freedom-of-speech legal cases of our time, analyst of the cold war and of the “new style” of American big-business/big-government partnership. Nor was his role merely as an observer and critic. His political impact is undeniable, even if it was mainly limited to the period of the New Deal and the New Deal’s war and even if it was not because of his impact on policy but on what could be called “anti-policy” that he was held up by policy makers and supporters of the New Deal as an adversary against whose potential influence the public had to be warned, and finally as an actual danger who had, if possible, to be silenced by law. It is as just such an “anti-” figure that he is mainly remembered when he is remembered at all. This is probably appropriate, because Lawrence Dennis never won.

That at least some of what he had to say might nevertheless have warranted serious consideration by policy makers has been a possibility openly admitted by scholars only rather recently. Still, all those who have considered him over the years, whether polemical opponents of the 1930s and ’40s or detached scholars of the 1970s and later, have shared an appreciation of him to this degree: America in the twentieth century had no more articulate and challenging an opponent of liberalism, political and economic, than Lawrence Dennis. What makes him all the more intriguing is that his challenge was to liberalism both in its older “classical” form as well as in its modern guise—that is, a challenge to both the alternately reigning conservatism and liberalism of his and our time.


1. James Burnham has actually been targeted most conspicuously as one who engaged in heavy “intellectual borrowing”–of the unattributed kind. Political scientist David Spitz has convincingly demonstrated Burnham’s intellectual indebtedness to Lawrence Dennis’s prior published writings both in key concepts and even phraseology. See David Spitz, Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought, (rev. ed.; New York: Free Press, 1965), p. 300, n. 17, and pp. 308-309, n. 36, the latter presenting a concept-by-concept and page-by-page comparison. Max Nomad in Aspects of Revolt, p. 15, n. 3, claimed that Burnham took the idea of the “managerial revolution” from the discussions of turn-of-the-century Polish revolutionist Waclaw Machajski’s ideas in Nomad’s 1932 Rebels and Renegades and 1939 Apostles of Revolution; Burnham was “an author who gave no credit to his predecessors. He was a teacher of ethics.” Bruno Rizzi and others accused Burnham of having plagiarized from Rizzi’s (as “Bruno R.”) La Bureaucratisation du Monde (Paris: privately published, 1939), a work that figured importantly in the Trotskyite doctrinal controversies of 1939-40, in order to write The Managerial Revolution; see Adam Westoby, “Introduction,” pp. 23-26, in Bruno Rizzi, The Bureaucratization of the World (New York: Free Press, 1985). [See also Samuel Francis, James Burnham (London: Claridge Press, 1999), 26-27, for refutation of the charges of plagiarism by Burnham—SF.]

2. Lawrence Dennis, Is Capitalism Doomed? A Challenge to Economic Leadership (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1932).

3. The most systematic exposition is in Adolf A. Berle, Power Without Property: A New Development in American Political Economy (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1959), but the idea was heralded in Berle’s famous work with Gardiner C. Means, The Modern Corporation and Private Property (New York: Macmillan, 1933), and finally refined in Power (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1969). Dennis and Berle could by no means agree on much other than that control in corporations was rapidly passing from entrepreneur-owners to technician-managers; see Berle’s “cheerleader” approach to American business enterprise in The Twentieth Century Capitalist Revolution (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1954) and The American Economic Republic (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1965) and compare with Dennis’s “coroner” approach in all his works.

4. Max Nomad, Rebels and Renegades (Freeport, N.Y.: Books for Libraries Press, 1968; first published 1932), Apostles of Revolution (New York: Collier Books, 1961; first published 1939), Aspects of Revolt (New York: Bookman Associates, 1959), and Political Heretics (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1963).

5. James Burnham, The Managerial Revolution (New York: John Day, 1941) coined a phrase. He provided a summary statement in “The Theory of the Managerial Revolution,” Partisan Review, VIII (1941), pp. 181-97; early surfacings of the theory as it arose out of Burnham’s polemical doctrinal battles in the Trotskyite Fourth International were in his “Science and Style: A Reply to Comrade Trotsky” (1940) and “Letter of Resignation of James Burnham from the Workers Party” (1940), both in Leon Trotsky, In Defense of Marxism (New York: Pathfinder Press, 1976). A balanced study of Burnham’s entire range of thought is Samuel T. Francis, Power and History: The Political Thought of James Burnham (Lanham, Md.: University Press of America, 1984). For a historical and analytical overview of the business applications of the concept associated with Burnham’s name, see Alfred D. Chandler, Jr., The Visible Hand: The Managerial Revolution in American Business (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1977).

6. George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1949) and Animal Farm (New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co., 1946) present these contentions in the form of novels. Interesting in the present context is Orwell’s view of Burnham, given in “James Burnham and ‘The Managerial Revolution’” and “Burnham’s View of the Contemporary World Struggle,” both in Sonia Orwell and Ian Angus, eds., The Collected Essays, Journalism and Letters of George Orwell, Vol. IV: In Front of Your Nose, 1945-1950 (New York: Harcourt, Brace & World, 1968), pp. 160-81 and 313-26. A brilliant relation of Orwell’s war-for-domestic-consumption theme to the real world of the 1950s is Harry Elmer Barnes, “How ‘Nineteen Eighty-Four’ Trends Threaten American Peace, Freedom, and Prosperity,” written in 1953 but published for the first time 27 years later in Barnes, Revisionism: A Key to Peace, and Other Essays (San Francisco: Cato Institute, 1980, Cato Paper No. 121), pp. 137-76.

7. Beard’s formal statements of these views appeared in two books he wrote in collaboration with George H.E. Smith, The Idea of National Interest (New York: Macmillan, 1934) and The Open Door at Home (New York: Macmillan, 1934). They resurfaced with vigor in his Giddy Minds and Foreign Quarrels (New York: Macmillan, 1939) and A Foreign Policy for America (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1940).

8. Keynes’s grand statement, of course, is his General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money (London: Macmillan, 1936), in which he propounded at full length his umbrella-idea of aggregate production. An earlier version of his critique of classical economics is in his pamphlet, The End of Laissez Faire (London: Hogarth Press, 1926). The literature on Keynes is vast. Good starting-points are Robert Lekachman, The Age of Keynes (New York: Random House, 1966) and, ed., Keynes’ General Theory: Reports of Three Decades (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1964).

9. Norman Thomas, reviewing Dennis’s Is Capitalism Doomed? in World Tomorrow, XV (June, 1932), 186, wrote, “Nowhere have I ever seen a more slashing attack upon the bankers’ notion of international finance. From a socialist point of view Mr. Dennis overlooks or seems to overlook factors of great importance, but the factors that he does examine he deals with most trenchantly . . . In spite of this criticism I want heartily to recommend Mr. Dennis’s book. The convinced socialist will find more ammunition in it than in most radical books.” British Marxist John Strachey, referring to the same book in his The Coming Struggle for Power (New York: Modern Library, 1935), pp. 158-59, called Dennis “admirably realistic when he is showing the fatal contradictions inherent in large-scale capitalism . . . [he] has written a far more penetrating analysis of the crises [of capitalism] than has been achieved by any professional capitalist economist.” Dennis wrote a largely favorable review of Strachey’s book when it first appeared; see Lawrence Dennis, “A Communistic Strachey,” Nation, March 8, 1933, pp. 264-65.

10. President Roosevelt, in his January 6, 1941 State of the Union speech to Congress, made a point of mentioning those who not only “with soundinq brass” but with “a tinkling bell” preached “the ism of appeasement.” The prior month he had unleashed Secretary of the Interior Harold L. Ickes to blast, by name, those constituting the “group of appeasers in the making.” Ickes announced in his speech at Columbia University on December 17, 1940 that Lawrence Dennis was “the brains of American Fascism.” This drew an acid public reply from Dennis: “The reality in America which comes nearest to Fascism is Mr. Ickes and the reality which comes next nearest is Mr. Roosevelt’s third term. I wrote a book about The Coming American Fascism and predicted that it would come through a war against Fascism. I have since repeatedly said that Mr. Roosevelt and his New Deal were the only significant Fascist trends in America. I have never belonged to or been connected with any movement or organization of a political character in my entire life.” See “‘The Ism of Appeasement’: Roosevelt Brands Foes of His Foreign Policy,” Life, January 20, 1941, pp. 26-27, and “M.K. Hart Demands That Ickes Recant; Lawrence Dennis Challenges Right to Attack Appeasers’ Character and Motives,” New York Times, December 19, 1940, 22.

11. Dennis and lawyer Maximilian St. George weighed in against the trial in their A Trial on Trial: The Great Sedition Trial of 1944 (Chicago: National Civil Rights Committee, 1946), a 503-page autopsy of one of the weirder federal prosecution cases in this country’s history. A belated apologia for the trial and final attempt to convict the defendants, this time in the less evidentiarily-stringent court of public opinion, was offered by chief prosecutor O. John Rogge in The Official German Report (New York: Thomas Yoseloff, 1961), a most interesting title for a book that was neither “Official” nor “German” nor a “Report.” In the meantime Rogge had, a bare five years after his “mass sedition” extravaganza, offered Our Vanishing Civil Liberties (New York: Gaer Books, 1949), in which he expressed the most aggrieved and shocked concern over any such thing as governmental character assassination of dissidents and political show-trials for them; at the time he was acting as defense counsel for members of the Communist Party U.S.A. on trial for Smith Act violations. Those who were not overawed with Rogge’s record of consistency as an upholder of civil liberties and freedom of speech could and did point to him as epitomizing a new species in American intellectual life: the “totalitarian liberal,” who was perfectly capable of doing a 180° ethical flip-flop without any consciousness of having ruffled a principle. A particularly glaring flip-flop of the “totalitarian liberals” was from ardent support of (or acquiescence in) World War II efforts to shut up, lock up, or blacklist non-interventionists for whom the labels “seditionist” or “appeaser” were handy general smears, to ardent opposition to Cold War efforts to shut up, lock up, or blacklist accused communists—thus, ironically, making themselves susceptible to McCarthyite charges of “traitor” and “appeaser.” An interesting, somewhat gloating, analysis of this phenomenon was provided by historian Harry Elmer Barnes in his booklet The Chickens of the Interventionist Liberals Have Come Home to Roost: The Bitter Fruits of Globaloney (privately published, n.p., n.d [1954]). More recently, historian Leo Ribuffo has coined the term “Brown Scare” to suggest that the road to the “Red Scare” of the late 1940s and early 1950s was paved in part by liberals themselves in consequence of their prewar and wartime behavior. See his “Fascists, Nazis, and the American Mind: Perceptions and Preconceptions,” America Quarterly, XXVI, 4 (October 1974), 417-32, and The Old Christian Right: The Protestant Far Right from the Great Depression to the-Cold War (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983).

12. An idea of the freeze-out of Dennis from establishment channels of discussion after World War II may be had by comparing the lists of reviews of his prewar books with those of his postwar books, in the bibliography at the end of this essay. The Book Review Index, the Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals 1886-1974, and the Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Humanities Journals 1802-1974 list a grand total of zero reviews of A Trial on Trial, and one review of Dennis’ last book, Operational Thinking for Survival (Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles Publisher, 1969). James J. Martin, the director of Ralph Myles Publisher, has confirmed to this writer that, although some 100 free review copies of Operational Thinking were sent out upon publication, only one review ever appeared—by Dennis’s old friend and ideological combatant Frederick L. Schuman, “Reflections of a Pragmatist,” Nation, December 8, 1969, 641-42.

13. “America’s No. 1 . . . ” and “Brain-truster . . .”: Life, January 20, 1941, 26-27. “The intellectual leader . . .”: Arthur S. Link and William B. Catton, American Epoch: A History of the United States, 1921-1945 (4th ed.; New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1973), II, 18.

14. Biographical details are taken from the portrait of Dennis in Maxine Block, ed., Current Biography 1941 (New York: H. W. Wilson Co., 1941), pp. 218-20, and from recollections of two of Dennis’s long-time friends, H. Keith Thompson and James J. Martin, given in conversations with this writer.

15. Lawrence Dennis, The Coming American Fascism (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1936).

16. For Dennis’s early appraisal of the New Deal as basically directionless, see “The Planless Roosevelt Revolution,” American Mercury, XXXII (May 1934), 1-11.

17. Lawrence Dennis, The Dynamics of War and Revolution (New York: Weekly Foreign Letter, 1940), hereafter cited as Dennis, Dynamics. This book was scheduled to be published by Dennis’s regular publishers, Harper & Brothers, which had already printed it up and begun binding when, with the domestic intellectual repercussions of the fall of France in June 1940, the house got cold feet and backed out. Dennis then bought up the stock and issued the book under the imprint of his newsletter. This writer has seen, by courtesy of James J. Martin, one of the extremely rare copies of the book carrying the original Harper & Brothers imprint on binding and dust-jacket.

18. Justus D. Doenecke, “Lawrence Dennis: Revisionist of the Cold War,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, LV, 4 (Summer 1972), p. 277, n. 11, citing Dennis to Doenecke, January 27, 1971, givves these names as subscribers.

19. The author has, by courtesy of James J. Martin, examined the correspondence file between Dennis and Ralph Myles Publishers, whence this information comes.

20. Dennis, Dynamics, 67.

21. Ibid., 68-69.

22. Ibid., 71, quoting Frederick Jackson Turner, “The Significance of the Frontier in American History,” delivered at the annual meeting of the American Historical Association in Chicago in 1893.

23. Dennis, Dynamics, 60.

24. Ibid., 64.

25. Ibid., 61. Dennis was at his sardonic best in describing the essence of this hypocrisy: “Now if there is anything an orthodox economist abhors, it is monopoly. The economists spend most of their time trying to prove that monopoly is bad for business and businessmen spend most of their time trying to achieve monopoly or failing in business because they are unsuccessful in achieving it.”

26. Ibid., 77.

27. Confronted with the post-World War II population boom in America and throughout the world, Dennis would modify his emphasis if not his thesis; cf. Dennis, Dynamics, ch. 6, esp. pp. 88-101, with Operational Thinking for Survival, ch. 7, esp. pp. 47-58. In the former work he had not really considered “Third World” population trends; in the latter he did, and saw this part of the world as gaining in a potentially powerful dynamism from its procreative proclivities—while relative to it, in this respect, America and the West continued to decline.

28. Dennis, Dynamics, 94-95.

29. Ibid., 122-23.

30. Ibid., 104-108.

31. Dennis provided a concise, punchy statement of his view as to the “dynamic” and “revolutionary” qualities of the German-Italian-Russian “socialist” axis in his contribution, “The Party-State and the Elite,” pp. 39-41, to the symposium, “Who Owns the Future?” in the Nation, January 11, 1941, 36-44; the other contributors were Frederick L. Schuman and Max Lerner. This remarkable trialogue, which holds its interest and remains relevant to the discussion of principles of international relations even today, represented the last time any such dissident “fascist” views as Dennis’s would be granted a lengthy hearing in a major American intellectual journal.

32. Dennis, Dynamics, 216.

33. Beard used these words in his last conversation with his revisionist colleague Harry Elmer Barnes. See Barnes, ed., Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace: A Critical Examination of the Foreign Policy of Franklin Delano Roosevelt and its Aftermath (Caldwell, Id.: Caxton Printers, 1953), p. viii.

34. Alan Pendleton Grimes, American Political Thought (New York: Henry Holt & Co., 1955), 415-28.

35. Spitz, Patterns of Anti-Democratic Thought, 88-123.

36. Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr., The Age of Roosevelt, Vol. III: The Politics of Upheaval (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960), pp. 74-78.

37. Ibid., 74. Schlesinger is correct in noting a certain “romantic” element in Dennis’s thinking and expression. This cannot obscure, however, Dennis’s essential character as an analyst who repeatedly emphasized and demonstrated the rational, cool, realistic, and empirical as ways to approach problems under consideration. He may have “succumbed” to romantic flights on occasion, and his prose was never dull, but considering the body of his work there is little use in disputing the appellation given him by Boston publisher Porter Sargent: “that incorruptible realist.” By contrast, the other principal figure of American intellectual fascism, Francis Parker Yockey, 1917-1960, author of Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics (New York: The Truth Seeker, 1962), was a mystical romantic-of-romantics who tended not to argue a case, as Dennis did, but to state it and dispense with justification. Both men—they apparently never met—were highly intelligent and educated, wrote works of undeniably vast learning, and were greatly influenced by Spengler. But their approaches to the same problems of history and society were markedly different in many key respects. Yockey was certainly the more “typically fascist.” A detailed comparison of their approaches would make an interesting study.

38. Ibid., 75.

39. Ibid., 76.

40. Ibid., 76-77.

41. Ibid., 77-78.

42. Schlesinger, Politics of Upheaval, 78.

43. Ibid., 77.

44. Ibid., 78.

45. Ibid.

46. Matthew Josephson, Infidel in the Temple: A Memoir of the Nineteen-Thirties (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967), 318-24.

47. Ibid., 320-21.

48. Ibid., 323.

49. Ibid., 324.

50. Ibid.

51. See Justin D. Doenecke, “Lawrence Dennis: Revisionist of the Cold War,” Wisconsin Magazine of History, LV, 4 (Summer 1972), 275-86, and also two other articles by the same author: “Lawrence Dennis: The Continuity of Isolationism,” Libertarian Analysis, I, 1 (Winter 1970), 38-65, and “The Isolationist as Collectivist: Lawrence Dennis and the Coming of World War II,” Journal of Libertarian Studies, III, 2 (Summer 1979), 191-207. There is also some discussion of Dennis in Doenecke’s Not to the Swift: The Old Isolationists in the Cold War Era (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1979). That Dennis has been a figure of interest in libertarian intellectual circles is interesting, given that he was, to put it mildly, no libertarian. Such interest appears to derive principally from his record of anti-interventionism in matters of foreign affairs; there may also be something appealing in his basic iconoclasm. [For a more recent libertarian isolationist treatment of Dennis, see Justin Raimondo, “Tale of a ‘Seditionist’: The Story of Lawrence Dennis,” Chronicles, XXIV (May, 2000), 19-22.—SF]

52. Doenecke, Wisconsin Magazine of History, 275.

53. Ibid., 276.

54. Ibid., 276-77.

55. Ibid., 277-78.

56. Ibid., 278-79.

57. Ibid., 283.

58. Ibid., 285.

59. Ibid., 286.

60. Ibid.

61. Ronald Radosh, Prophets on the Right: Profiles of Conservative Critics of American Globalism (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975), 275-322.

62. Ibid., 299.

63. Ibid., 299-300.

64. See Ibid., 300, e.g.

65. Ibid., p. 281, n. 15.

66. Ibid., 283; Radosh’s book makes a tremendous contribution toward the explication and understanding of early anti-“consensus” views of the cold war and has deservedly attained the status of a minor classic. But there is something of a “Five Characters in Search of a Thesis” aspect to it—immediately noticeable in the title and sub-title themselves: the prophets were on the “right” and were “conservative” critics. Those designations might apply with little question to Robert A. Taft and John T. Flynn—but to Charles A. Beard, Oswald Garrison Villard, and Lawrence Dennis? The latter three would probably have a chuckle about it, and the last might threaten suit for slander, too.

67. See William Appleman Williams, “The Frontier Thesis and American Foreign Policy,” in History as a Way of Learning (New York: New Viewpoints, 1974), pp. 137-57.

68. Justus D. Doenecke, The Literature of Isolationism: A Guide to Non-Interventionist Scholarship, 1930-1972 (Colorado Springs: Ralph Myles Publisher, 1972), p. 40.

Source: The Occidental Quarterly, vol. 1, no. 1 (2001).




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Piratage de Sony, Opération false flag parfaite?


Piratage de Sony, Opération false flag parfaite?

par Jean Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.europesolidaire.eu

Les opérations sous fausse bannière (ou false flag) sont des actions menées avec utilisation des marques de reconnaissance de l'ennemi, dans le cadre d'opérations clandestines.

C'est à peu de choses près ce qui semble s'être passé il y a quelques jours, Un piratage de Sony, menée par des hackers prétendument situés en Corée du Nord, ou pilotés par ce pays, ont donné à Barack Obama et à la toute puissante National Security Agency et services rattachés, l'occasion de déclarations offensives à l'encontre de la dite Corée du Nord. Washington a refusé l'enquête internationale demandée par le régime de King Jong Un. Il a au contraire menacé ce dernier de mesures de représailles « appropriées ».

Ces représailles n'ont pas tardé. Le 22 décembre, la Corée du Nord a perdu la totalité de ses connections à Internet pendant plusieurs heures, après de longues périodes d'instabilité. La Maison Blanche a plaidé l'innocence, attribuant ce phénomène à des hackers incontrôlés. Mais les spécialistes de l'Internet, aux Etats-Unis mêmes, comme le montre l'article du WSWS, ne cachent pas qu'une opération de cette ampleur n'aurait pas pu être engagée sans l'appui de services très spéciaux, c'est-à-dire bien outillés.

Les naïfs diront que la Corée du Nord n'a eu que ce qu'elle méritait. Il ne fallait pas commencer, en attaquant Sony. On ne s'en prend pas à l'Empire américain sans retours de bâtons. Mais un peu d'attention montre que l'attaque contre Sony était très probablement une opération false flag menée par les services américains. Dans quel but? Faire peur à la Corée du Nord, sans doute, mais l'objectif aurait été un peu limité. Derrière l'opération, il fallait montrer à la Chine considérée comme l'ennemi majeur en Asie, que les services américains pouvaient monter des actions de cyber-terrorisme capables de faire beaucoup de mal. A tort ou à raison, la Chine dans ces derniers mois avait été accusée de mener de telles actions, sans d'ailleurs de preuves bien évidentes. Dans l'immédiat, ce sont les Américains qui font valoir à la Chine leur suprématie en ce domaine.

La démonstration s'adresse aussi à tous ceux, adversaires ou « alliés » qui prétendraient mieux contrôler leurs accès à l'Internet, lequel a toujours été et doit rester sous le contrôle de Washington. Que la Russie, le Brésil ou les pays européens se le tiennent pour dit.

Quant à la NSA et à la CIA, elles verront leurs moyens déjà constamment renforcés depuis quelques années être encore augmentés, comme il vient d'être décidé en réponse à l'attentat prétendu de la Corée du Nord. De plus, l'affaire permettra à Obama de signer la nouvelle Loi de Défense pour 2015, dont les journalistes n'ont eu guère eu de temps pour commenter les dispositions.

Comme le montrent les sources citées dans les deux articles ci-dessous, une partie de l'opinion technologique américaine a bien compris tout ce qui précède. Mais ces gens qui font honneur à la presse libre n'ont aucune influence politique sérieuse.


* Stephane Trano, dans Marianne:  Obama veut défendre la liberté d'expression tandis que la chasse aux lanceurs d'alerte fait rage


WSWS North Korea's Internet connections cut off



dimanche, 28 décembre 2014

The Myth of Abraham and America’s Allegiance to Israel


“We Ought to Support Israel because God Said So”

The Myth of Abraham and America’s Allegiance to Israel

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

Karl Marx once observed that ancient Greek art, rooted in Greek mythology, still constituted for modern people “a source of aesthetic enjoyment and in certain respects prevails as the standard and model beyond attainment.” He asked: “Why should the social childhood of mankind, where it has obtained its most beautiful development, not exert an eternal charm as an age that will never return?”

(In other words, even though Marx’s beloved Homer and Aeschylus were products of a society long extinct, its slave-owning class structure abhorrent to the modern mind, Greek myths still retain profound meanings for us in the age of industrial capitalism. Sigmund Freud, who posited the Oedipus and Elektra complexes, would of course agree.)

The story of Prometheus, for example, delighted the young Marx. Recall that Prometheus was the Titan who, having sided with Zeus and the gods of Mt. Olympus in the epochal battle with the other Titans at the dawn of time, later steals fire from Mt. Olympus and gives it to humanity. That, at least, is Hesiod’s account written about 700 BCE.  In punishment for this generous act, Zeus and the other gods punish Prometheus by chaining him to a rock on a mountain in the Caucasus where an eagle visits daily to chew on his liver.

In his doctoral dissertation Marx declared this god “the most eminent saint and martyr in the philosophical calendar.” He quoted the words of Prometheus in Aeschylus’s play Prometheus Unbound: “In a word, I hate all the gods!” He interpreted Prometheus as a revolutionary boldly defying cruel, oppressive authority. I would say it’s a positive myth, promoting altruism and self-sacrifice.

The ancient Chinese myth of the winged “thousand-li horse” who gallops too swiftly for any man to mount, has been embraced by the North Koreans (in the form of Chollima) as a symbol of rapid economic development. I have no problem with this myth either.

I don’t really have a problem with the ancient Sumerian myth, as found in the Epic of Gilgamesh, in which the gods are so annoyed with human noisiness that they decide to wipe them (and all other life) out by a global flood. Fortunately the god Ea warns the righteous man Utnapishtim about what is going to happen and orders him to build a huge boat. Utnapishtim does so, and has his relatives and craftsmen, and “all the beasts and animals of the field” board the boat. Seven days and seven nights of rainfall follow. The boat lands on Mt. Nimush. When the rains end Utnapishtim sends out a dove to search for dry land; the bird returns. But the third bird dispatched does not return, signaling that the crisis was over.

Sound familiar? It is surely an early version of the myth of Noah and the Ark (Genesis 6:5-8:14), which is at least 1000 years younger. (The earliest Sumerian references to the flood myth appear during the Third Dynasty of Ur, ca. 2100-2000 B.C.) The biblical myth differs significantly in adapting the story to a monotheistic framework and making the issue human sin as opposed to boisterous clamor.  The myth causes one to think about human vulnerability to natural disasters, and has of course been the inspiration of much western art and cinematography.

Dangerous Myths

But the Hebrew version includes a spin-off myth that is not so charming. This is the myth of Ham, one of Noah’s three sons, who after the Flood receives his father’s curse. Noah tells him that he (and by implication, his progeny) will be enslaved by his brother Shem (Genesis 9:20-27).

Why? Because Noah—“the first to plant the vine,” introducing wine to the world—was found passed out drunk and naked in his tent by Ham, who told his brothers, who covered Noah with a cloak. When Noah sobered up and realized what had happened, he (for some reason) declared that Ham will henceforth be “the meanest slave” of his brothers Shem and Japheth.

For centuries many Jews and Christians believed that all the world’s peoples were descended from these three brothers, who supposedly with their wives repopulated the planet beginning around 4300 years ago. Japheth was seen as the father of Europeans, and maybe some others; Shem, the father of Semites, and maybe Asian peoples in general; and Ham, the peoples of Cush, Put and Sheba among others—which is to say, black African peoples (Genesis 10:6-7).

abraham.jpgThe Jewish Midrash texts (composed from the fifth through fifteenth centuries) explained that the curse of Ham only applies to eldest son Cush and his descendents in sub-Saharan Africa. Among Muslim thinkers, the Persian Muhammad ibn Jaririr al-Tabari (839-923) and the famous North African world-traveler Ibn Khaldun (1332-1406) both repeated this myth linking Han to black slaves (although it doesn’t appear in the Qu’ran and plainly enters Islamic lore via medieval Jewish tradition).

For centuries he myth helped justify the traffic in African slaves of both Jewish and Muslim merchants in the Islamic world and beyond. (Some of these were referred to as Zanj—as in “Zanzibar”—and rose up in a great revolt around Basra in the ninth century.) By the early nineteenth-century, in the U.S.A. the Ham myth was part of the standard arsenal of arguments in support of slavery. It strikes me as a bad myth. It’s hard to think of one more pernicious.

But here’s another one: the myth of Samson, as we find in the Book of Judges, chapters 14 through 16. Samson is the last of the “judges” chosen by Yahweh (God) to lead his chosen people before the advent of the monarchy. He supposedly lives around 1000 BCE, although this account is composed maybe four centuries later.

You may know the story, if only from Sunday School, the 1949 Cecile B. DeMille film Samson and Delilah, recent novels by David Grossman and Ginger Gerrett, and countless artistic depictions.

Samson, according the Bible, is born to a hitherto barren woman and her husband after Yahweh appears to the woman in a dream and announces she will have a son who will “start rescuing Israel from the power of the Philistines” (Judges 13:5). (As you may know, the word “Philistine” is related to the word “Palestine.”) But she is to make sure that no razor ever touches his head; it becomes clear that his long hair is the source of his superhuman strength. God appears repeatedly to both husband and wife in dreams, and then in the flames of an altar sacrifice (13:20). The boy is born, given his name, and Yahweh blesses him.

This boy Samson grows up to be an extremely violent man. He craves a Philistine bride, refusing his family’s appeal that he wed a fellow Israelite. (They don’t realize that “all this came from Yahweh, who was seeking grounds for a quarrel with the Philistines, since at this time the Philistines dominated Israel,” 14:4.) En route to her home near the vineyards of Timnah, Samson is attacked by a lion that he tears apart with his bare hands. He visits the Philistine woman and while returning home revisits the lion carcass. He discovers that a swarm of bees has settled inside it and produced honey He takes some of this and presents it to his parents.

He contracts the marriage deal with the woman’s relatives, and arranges a great wedding feast. He is given an entourage of 30 Philistines, with whom he makes a sort of wager at the feast. He proposes that he give the men a riddle, and if they can solve it within seven days he will give them thirty pieces of linen and thirty festal robes. If they cannot, they will have to give the same to him. They agree, and (alluding to his recent feat, which he has kept secret) he asks them to explain this:

Out of the eater came what was eaten,
And out of the strong came what was sweet (14:14).

Unable to solve the riddle, the men go to Samson’s new wife and threaten to burn her and her father’s family to death if she doesn’t wheedle out the solution to it from her husband. She does so, and an enraged Samson, accusing the thirty of having “ploughed with my heifer,” goes on a rampage. He kills 30 innocent Philistines, stealing their clothes to pay the debt he’s incurred. When he returns with the loot, the father declares that in the interim he’d given his bride to another, Samson in another rage incinerates the Philistines’ cornfields, olive orchards and vineyards, using 300 foxes whose tails he sets on fire to achieve this task (15:5).

Philistines blaming the woman’s family for this disaster burn her and her relatives to death. They ask the Israelites to turn Samson over to them for punishment for the burning of their property, and the Israelites comply. But Samson using the jawbone of an ass he finds on the roadside kills 1000 of them, escapes, spends a night with a Philistine prostitute in a Gaza brothel, then destroys the gates of the town before leaving (16:1-3).

He then “falls in love” with another Philistine woman, Delilah. This character has of course has long been a popular culture trope for the back-stabbing woman (as for example in Tom Jones’ 1968 hit Delilah.)

Delilah famously betrays Samson to the Philistines by telling them the secret of his superhuman strength: his long hair. A barber shaves him while he’s drunk; the Philistines apprehend, blind, imprison, and humiliate him. But once his hair grows back Samson regains his strength and, when called to appear in the Philistines’ banquet hall in Gaza, stands between the pillars upholding it, pushes them apart and brings down the building. He thereby kills 3000 revelers as well as himself.

It is hard to find any redeeming quality in the story;  it’s a celebration of a Yahweh-supported terrorist suicide attack against a people who had inhabited Canaan before the Israelites appeared on the scene. It depicts in the most favorable light the Israelite man’s usage of Philistine women to achieve God’s goal of destroying the Philistines to “rescue” Israel from their presence in the land. If seen through a modern lens, it’s a racist, misogynist celebration of egregious violence against humans, animals (the poor foxes!), and trees (the incinerated olive groves). It’s a horrible myth.

Military analysts in Israel today use the term “Samson Option” to refer to the use of Israel’s nuclear weapons in a future conflict. Perhaps some of them actually believe the story actually happened, and think what Samson did was totally cool. That should scare you.

And then there’s the very mother of destructive biblical myths: that of Abraham, and God’s vow to him that his descendants as the “Chosen People” (Deuteronomy 7:6) would inhabit what came to be called (by English Christians by the 1580s) the “Promised Land.” It is in some communities a deeply beloved myth. But it is a myth, and it has been used to justify intolerable cruelty.

A Comparison: the Japanese Creation Myth

Let me suggest a comparable myth. The Bible myth of the Promised Land is somewhat comparable to the Japanese creation story, according to which the Japanese islands were created by the god Izanagi and his consort Izanami, pacified by the grandson of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu, and governed thereafter by his descendents, a line of divine emperors unbroken from the dawn of time—or to quote the text of the Japanese constitution in effect from 1889 to 1945, a line “coeval with heaven and earth.” (Yes, the fundamental legal text of the country asserted that the Japanese imperial line had existed from the very dawn of cosmic time.)

For over six decades the official Japanese ideology of kokutai (national essence), built upon this mythology, stressed the unity between the state, the “pure” Japanese people, and the divine monarch descended from the Sun Goddess ruling over the divine islands and extending his benevolence to what for a time was called the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere. Is that disturbing?

The myths as they appear in the eighth century chronicles seem harmless enough. The primordial divine pair stands on the Floating Bridge of Heaven, stirring the waters below with a jeweled spear. As they raise the spear, the brine dripping off it solidifies into an island. They descend to the island, construct a pillar, walk around it in opposite directions, then meet and greet one another. The female Izanami asks the male Izanagi how his body is formed. He explains that it’s just as she sees, but there is a part formed to excess (his penis). He asks her the same question; she replies that there is a part of her formed insufficiently.

Izanagi then casually suggests that they unite the extra part of him with the insufficient part of her and thus “create the land.” She immediately agrees. Their copulation produces two islands that they consider failures. They return to heaven where a council of deities, consulting with diviners, conclude that things went wrong because the female spoke first.

abraham-isaac.jpgThey pair are commanded to return to the island and try again. This time they produce islands and all manner of things, mostly from their limbs. But Izanami’s genitals burn as she gives birth to the fire-god and she dies, winding up in the Land of Yomi, a type of netherworld. An enraged Izanagi chops off the head of his newborn son, whose blood becomes volcanoes. After visiting Yomi and trying in vain to return his now maggot-ridden wife to the land of the living, Izanagi returns to earth and bathes in a river to purify himself after exposure to great defilement. He produces the Sun Goddess from one of his eyes and her mischievous younger brother Susanoo from his nose.

Susanoo gets expelled from heaven after hurling excrement around the palace and throwing the skinned carcass of a pony through the roof, causing the startled Heavenly Weaving Woman to ram her genitals against her loom, dying on the spot. Susanoo descends to Japan, slays a dragon, and sires 80 sons, one of whom becomes Master of the Land. However, the Sun Goddess decides to dispatch her grandson Ninigi to rule the land, and Susanoo defers to her decision. (He is enshrined at Izumo as a reward for this cooperation.) One of Ninigi’s grandsons, Jinmu, establishes his rule from the southern island of Kyushu to the middle of the main island of Honshu, supposedly in what in our calendar would be 660 BCE.

Charming myths!—like the Hebrew ones. Absurd myths! But perhaps dangerous if taken seriously, as they once were by tens of millions of devout Shinto believers. For example: there was surely no unified state in Japan until the late third century CE at the earliest; the 660 BCE date was invented in the eighth century CE to make it appear that Japan was unified before China. You might call it an early assertion of ethnic superiority. And an assault on historical objectivity.

Of the official list of Japanese emperors, ending with the current Akihito (the 125th), at the least the first fourteen—with some reigns lasting 70, 80 or 100 years—-are thought by serious scholars to be fictional. But there was a time when the state promoted this mythology in the public schools. And there was a time when Japanese historians refrained from a scientific critique of the list, lest they be charged with the serious crime of lèse-majesté (a variant of “heresy”).

Today, few Japanese take the myths, with all their charming scatology and unproblematic sexuality, seriously. (But you notice, whenever anything pertaining to the Japanese imperial family is reported in the western press, this idea that the imperial line dates back over 2500 years is part of the routine, clueless coverage.) If religion constitutes belief in immortal souls, deities, and an afterlife, Japan has become one of the most irreligious countries in the world. The Japanese example shows that it is possible for a sophisticated modern people to disabuse itself of its traditional mythologies!

If the modern promotion of the Japanese myths in the service of nationalism has been largely destructive, this is true with the myth of Abraham too. The former posited a special relationship between the Japanese, their land, their emperor and the gods that justified any number of acts of aggression against neighboring peoples. The latter posits a special relationship between God and the Jews that justifies not only the existence of the present Jewish state but its actions against its neighbors in what it inevitably describes as “self-defense.”

The Myth of Abraham

We speak of the “Abrahamic faiths” as a positive phenomenon, because belief in Abraham (whom Muslims call Ibrahim) shows common ground between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. (Arab Muslims see themselves as descendents of Ishmael, son of Abraham by his wife’s Egyptian slave Hagar, half-brother of Isaac.) I suppose this common reverence for the patriarch can in some instances be a unifying factor. But I think in the main the Abraham myth is dangerously divisive.

Why? Because much of the U.S. public and political class believe it, and it deeply influences their views of Israel. These views in turn assure Israel of unlimited U.S. support, and cause the entire Arab and Muslim worlds that are appropriately enraged at the abuse of the Palestinian people to view the world’s only existing superpower with deep antipathy.

The decisive support for Israel in this country (which is often virtually unconditional) is rooted among religious Jews who believe that God gave Israel to the Jews, and among Christians who believe the same thing. But of these, the Christians are by far more numerous. (Religious Jews only number about 1.7% of the U.S. population. If you add the non-religious Jews the figure rises to 2.2%).

According to a recent Pew Research study 82% of Protestant Christian evangelicals (who believe that the Bible is  “the Word of God” to be understood literally) believe that God made this eternal gift to the descendents of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Evangelicals as of 2007 accounted for about 29% of the U.S. population.)

One must stress that only 40% of U.S. Jews believe this. That includes 47% of self-defining religious Jews and just 16% of non-religious Jews. In the U.S. general public, 44% believe it; among the Christian population, 55%. (But there are major differences between denominations; fewer than 40% of Catholics do.) Christians who literally believe the Bible are unquestionably the driving force behind the routine UN vetoes, the predictable Congressional resolutions, the ironclad votes for annual Israel aid.

Many politicians are swayed by Christian Evangelical Protestant teachings. Texas governor and presidential candidate Rick Perry told the neocon Weekly Standard in 2009: “My faith requires me to support Israel.” He added that the very idea that a U.S. president would ask Israel to return to its 1967 borders “sent a chill” down his spine.

In May 2011 Sarah Palin addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition where she acknowledged the religious basis for her allegiance to the Jewish state: “I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States . . . [W]e have to show that we are inextricably entwined, that as a nation we have been blessed because of our relationship with Israel, and if we reject Israel, then there is a curse that comes into play. And my husband and I are both Christians, and we believe very strongly the verse from Genesis, we believe very strongly that nations also receive blessings as they bless Israel. It is a strong and beautiful principle.”

(For those of you who need reminding, that verse is Genesis 12:3 and runs: “The Lord said to Abram: ‘Go forth from the land of your kinsfolk and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the communities of the earth shall find blessing in you.’”)

Congressman Doug Lamborn, Democrat from Colorado, also invokes
Genesis 12:3 to explain his deference to Israel. In other words, politicians from both parties believe God will curse the U.S. if it seriously challenges Israel to stop its illegal settlements, demands it withdraw from occupied lands, criticizes its attacks on its neighbors or withholds part of the $ 3 billion plus annual subsidy.

Senator Ted Cruz recently spoke before a conference on the plight of Christians in the Middle East, and was booed when he referred to Israel as a friend of the region’s Christians. “If you will not stand with Israel and the Jews,” he retorted, “I will not stand with you” as he retreated from the stage.

Republican Senator from Oklahoma James Inhofe has unashamedly declared, on the floor of Congress: “I believe very strongly that we ought to support Israel, and that it has a right to the land, because God said so. In Genesis 13:14-17, the Bible says: ‘The Lord said to Abram, ‘Lift up now your eyes, and look from the place where you are northward, southward, eastward and westward: for all the land which you see, to you will I give it, and to your seed forever… Arise, walk through the land in the length of it and in the breadth of it; for I will give it to thee.’ That is God talking. The Bible says that Abram removed his tent and came and dwelt in the plain of Mamre, which is in Hebron, and built there an altar before the Lord. Hebron is in the West Bank. It is at this place where God appeared to Abram and said, ‘I am giving you this land’ — the West Bank. This is not a political battle at all. It is a contest over whether or not the word of God is true.”

Or listen to Senator Bob Menendez, Democrat from New Jersey: “…There is no denying the Jewish people a homeland for which they have thousands of years of history going back to Abraham and Sarah. And, if together we continue to stand with Israel, Israel will have centuries ahead of that reality.” Really? No denying?

Biblical myth-based support for the Israeli Jewish settlers on the West Bank runs deep in U.S. politics.  To achieve a breakthrough—to encourage the U.S. public and electorate to adopt a less knee-jerk, pro-Israel position and to reasonably empathize with the reality of Palestinian oppression; and to encourage a firm stance against illegal settlement—one should focus on challenging the Christian Zionist mindset. This is more of a significant political phenomenon than (even) American Jewish Zionism and its coffers.

Challenging the Myth-Centered Mindset

But how to challenge that mindset? It is hard; probably as difficult as breaking someone from a drug habit. Religion is, as Marx put it, “the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.”

The figure of Abraham figures prominently in Negro spirituals like “Rocker my soul in de bosom of Abraham” that dates from at least the mid-nineteenth century. Rock as in rock a baby in a cradle, to put the baby to sleep. But how to wake people up? One option: try to promote historical objectivity. Question the believer’s reasoning. Mention that, according to the Old Testament timeline (as reckoned by the seventeenth-century Irish bishop James Ussher) Abraham lived from around 1996 BC to around 1821 BC.

(While “BCE”—“before the Common Era” has become standard terminology in the historical field, alongside “CE” or “Common Era”—I recommend that you use the traditional “BC” and “AD” if in dialogue with Christian friends who might be put off by the now-standard academic terminology. They may see the latter as a disparagement of the role of Christ in world history.)

Mention that the very oldest inscriptions in the Hebrew language such as the Siloam Inscription date (only) to the 800s BCE. There are some passages in the Old Testament (Tanakh) that may be older, written down originally in a Canaanite script preceding both Phoenician and Proto-Hebrew. (The Song of Deborah in Judges 5 may have been composed in the twelfth century BCE. But the most prestigious scholars of Jewish history at Israel’s Tel Aviv University, such as archeologist Israel Finkelstein, believe that the Old Testament scriptures were for the most part written from the seventh through fifth centuries BCE and that Abraham was a fictional figure.)

So there is a time gap of a thousand years between the time of the biblical Abraham and the first written account of his life. Maybe driving that point sharply home, repeatedly, might jar the consciousness of some.

Of course this doesn’t clinch the argument. The believer might say, well, whenever the scriptures were written they were written by scribes under the direction of the Holy Spirit.  Or they can say, these stories were preserved by oral tradition for a thousand years before they could be written down (even though we know that oral traditions are never passed down without alteration and embellishment over centuries). So end of story.

Still, even modest efforts to sow doubt can have a constructive impact ultimately. You don’t kick an opiate addiction overnight. But therapists can use various means to encourage withdrawal.

Summary of the Abraham Narrative

Sometimes it’s good for the believer to hear a familiar Bible narrative summarized matter-of-factly in modern language. That can sometimes underscore the surreal nature of the story and sow slow-germinating seeds of doubt.

So let us review the biblical account of Abraham’s life. Abraham (originally Abram) hails from Ur (Tell el-Muqayyar in modern Iraq), the site of the Tower of Babel. This is where Yahweh (God) had created the variety of human languages to thwart the then still monolingual human race from building a structure that would reach heaven. (This is probably an allusion to the Mesopotamian ziggurats that were first built during the third millennium BCE, when there were surely many human languages.)

Abram’s father Terah forces his son, along with his (barren) wife Sarai, nephew Lot and his entourage, the family flocks and an assortment of dependents to depart for the land of Canaan.  (This was more or less, modern Israel/Palestine). They get as far as Haran, in what is today southern Turkey, and remain there for a time. Terah dies there at age 205 (Genesis 11:32).

Abram then receives a message from Yahweh, “Leave your country, your kindred and your father’s house for a country I will show you” (Genesis 12:1). Yahweh had spoken to people before—-to Adam, Eve, Cain, Noah—but this is the first time he speaks to Abram. He tells him that he will make of him a great nation, bless those who bless him, and curse those who curse him.

Having  purchased  slaves and livestock in Haran (Genesis 12:5) Abram proceeds to Canaan, proceeding “stage by stage” to the Negev desert. At the “holy place at Shechem” (today’s Tell Balata on the occupied West Bank) Yahweh speaks to Abram again, saying “I will give this country to your progeny.” Abram builds an altar to Yahweh there, and another in the mountainous district east of Bethel, where he pitches his tent. (This is also located in the central West Bank, where the illegal Jewish settlement Beit El has been established.)

But there is a severe famine in the region, so Abram and Sarai go down to Egypt. (The text doesn’t say this, but the Nile River Delta was in fact the breadbasket of the Mediterranean at this time. This narrative anticipates Genesis chapter 42 in which Joseph’s brothers during a famine also visit Egypt seeking grain.)

Arriving in Egypt Abram tells Sarai that since she’s a “beautiful woman” Egyptians might kill him but leave her alive (presumably as a sex-slave?). So he urges her to tell people she’s his sister “so that they may treat me well because of you and spare my life out of regard for you” (Genesis 12:11-12).

Indeed the Egyptian officials who receive these visitors find (the 65-year-old) Sarai beautiful and sing her praises to the pharaoh, who takes her into his household. The pharaoh treats Abram well “because of her” and awards him flocks, oxen, donkeys, cattle and camels, as well as male and female slaves. But then severe plagues afflict Egypt (anticipating the plagues we find in the myth of Moses and the Exodus from Egypt we read about in the Book of Exodus), and somehow the pharaoh realizes that this is divine punishment on him for housing Abram’s wife as he had. (It’s not clear from Genesis 12: 15-20 what exactly the reader is supposed to think about the relationship between the pharaoh and Sarai.) In any case the Egyptian ruler orders the couple to leave the country, allowing Abram to leave with all his new possessions.

Abram, now rich in livestock, gold and silver acquired during the Egyptian sojourn, returns to the Negev and then back to Bethel, accompanied by his nephew Lot. The herdsmen of the two men fall to quarreling, and so Abram proposes that the two separate to avoid such discord. Lot leaves for the Jordan plain and settles in the town of Sodom (where there are “great and vicious sinners against Yahweh,” Genesis 13:13). (This town was likely located on the southern coast of the Dead Sea.) Yahweh then again speaks to Abram, telling him to look around in all directions because all the land he sees will belong to his descendants forever. He orders him to travel the length and breadth of this land. Abram moves to Hebron to set up his tent, and build yet another altar to Yahweh.

Meanwhile, war breaks out among nine local kings, including the king of Sodom. Sodom is looted and Lot and his people are carried off as captives. Abram amasses a force from his own household—318 men—and tracks down Lot’s people and their captors to a place near the city of Damascus (in Syria). He defeats the enemy and recaptures all the goods and people taken from Sodom. Approaching Sodom with Lot and the reclaimed captives, he’s met in the Valley of Shaveh by the kings of Salem and Sodom. Salem’s king Melchezedik, while not a kinsman of Abram, is described as a “priest of God Most High.” He pronounces a blessing on Abram, and Abram gives him one-tenth of the loot from his victory. On the other hand, when the king of Sodom asks Abram to return the retrieved people to him but tells him he can keep the goods for himself, Abram refuses to take anything lest it be said that the king of Sodom had made him rich (Genesis 14:24).

Later, Yahweh appears to Abram again and promises him a “great reward.” Abram asks—since he remains childless and has no offspring—what great reward Yahweh could give him. God tells him to look up at the night sky and see the multitude of stars; his own descendants will be as numerous. He tells him that his descendants will be enslaved and oppressed for 400 years (a clear reference to the tale of the enslavement in Egypt between the generations of Joseph and Moses in Exodus chapters 1 through 13), and declares that he will give to the descendants of Abram all the territory between the Nile and the Euphrates Rivers (Genesis 15:18).

Then Sarai suggests to Abram that, since they have no children and she is way past childbearing age, he sire a child by Hagar, a slave girl she’d acquired in Egypt. Abram agrees. After Hagar conceives, she takes on airs. Her “mistress [counts] for nothing in her eyes” anymore. An indignant Sarai protests to her husband who tells her to treat the slave as she sees fit. Sarai abuses Hagar so badly that the pregnant woman flees into the desert, where an angel of Yahweh assists her, assuring her that her descendants will be too numerous to be counted, and that her son (who should be named Ishmael) will be a “wild donkey of a man” at odds with his kin (Genesis 16:12). Hagar returns to Abram’s tent and gives birth. Abram is at this point 86.

(For what it’ s worth, the Qur’an describes Ishmael [Ismail] more positively as “a keeper of his promise, and he was a messenger, a prophet. He enjoined upon his people worship and almsgiving, and was most acceptable in the sight of his Lord.” See Sura XIX: 54. This depiction of course is set down at least 1200 years after Genesis was composed and over two and a half millennia after the events it purports to depict.)

Thirteen years later, God speaks to Abram again, promising to make him the father of “many nations” and conferring the entire land of Canaan to his posterity. He tells him he is changing his name from Abram to Abraham, and Sarai’s name to Sarah. He informs Abraham that he will sire a son by Sarah (now 90). Abraham laughs incredulously.

Yahweh also orders him to circumcise the flesh of his foreskin and to do the same for all the males in his household. “That will be the sign of the covenant between myself and you” (Genesis 17:17:12). Those who refuse to submit to this procedure are to be cut off from his people. Abraham personally circumcises all the men of his household, including slaves “bought from foreigners.” (This practice, of African origin, most commonly applied as an adolescent rite of passage, probably passed into the Levant from Egypt some centuries before the Greek historian Herodotus mentions it in his fifth century work.)

Soon afterwards, according to the Bible story, while sitting outside his tent on the hottest day of the year, Abraham is approached by three men who turn out to be angels. They tell Abraham, as Sarai listens in the tent, that she will have a son by the following year. She, too, laughs. Yahweh later asks Abraham—since all things are possible with Yahweh—“Why did she laugh?” Sarah, participating in the exchange (and “lying because she was afraid”), denies having laughed. But God replies to her: “Oh yes you did” (Genesis 18:14-15). Neither she nor Abraham are punished for their laughter, however.

The three strange men depart for the town of Sodom, and Abraham accompanies them part way. Yahweh tells Abraham that he is “going down” to Sodom and Gomorrah to see whether or not the people’s actions are as evil as reported. (In other words, the three angels are an investigative team.) Fearing that God will wipe out all the residents of Sodom, where Lot lives, Abraham appeals for him to relent if there are 50 righteous men in the town. Yahweh agrees, and even agrees when Abraham proposes a minimal figure of just 10 righteous men.

The three angels arrive in Sodom where Lot insists on hosting them in his home. But the young and old men of the town surround his house and cry out for him to send out the men so that they can have sex with them. (This is of course the origin of the term “sodomize.”)

Lot begs the mob to back off, offering his two virgin daughters to them instead of the men (see Genesis 19:8-9). This proposal fails and the men of Sodom attempt to storm the house to bugger the angels. The angels however avert the assault by blinding the attackers. They urge Lot and his family to flee for their lives, and not to look back as they run. God rains down fire and brimstone on the town, killing everyone. Lot’s wife as she flees forgets the angels’ counsel, looks back and turns into a pillar of salt.

(It is unclear in Genesis why she was punished in this way. The Midrash explains that Sodom was a town especially hostile to outsiders, and that Lot’s Sodomite wife opposed his kindness to the strangers. When Lot sought to offer salt to his guests—along with unleavened bread, staples of Middle Eastern hospitality— she declared that she had none. Therefore, Yahweh turned her into salt.)

When Abraham is 100, and Sarah 90, she gives birth to Isaac. She again asks that Hagar be expelled from the household, along with her son Ishmael. Abraham agrees, and sends them into the desert of Beersheba where they nearly die of thirst. When their water jug runs out, Hagar places Ishmael under a bush for shade. Not wanting to see him die, she walks away anguished by his cries. (Following the chronology, he should be around 15 at this time, although you get the impression he’s still an infant. Some commentators suggest that there are some editorial problems here.)

Yahweh hearing his cries asks Hagar what’s wrong. She explains her plight and he causes a well to appear. (Abraham and King Abimelech later sign a covenant that includes this well as part of Abraham’s property.) God is with Ishmael (Genesis 21:20), who grows up in the desert, becomes an archer, and marries an Egyptian woman whom his mother finds for him.

Yahweh again speaks to Abraham, suddenly demanding that offer his son Isaac as a human sacrifice to himself. Abraham without asking any questions sets about the task. He prepares a sacrificial altar on a mountain (believed by many to be the Temple Mount in Jerusalem). As he is about to slit his son’s throat, God commands him to stop. He has passed the test, showing absolute obedience. “All nations,” Yahweh declares, “will bless themselves by your descendants as a reward for your obedience” (Genesis 22:18).

Shortly after this Sarah dies at age 127.  Abraham buys a plot of land for her burial, from the sons of Heth the Hittite in Hebron. (Some identity this as the Tomb of the Patriarchs.) Abraham then sends his chief steward to Upper Mesopotamia, where his kin still live, to find a wife for Isaac. The steward goes to a well intending to choose the first young woman willing to serve him and his donkey water. This turns out to be Rebecca, a great-grand-niece of Abraham. She returns with the steward and becomes Isaac’s wife, mother of Esau and Jacob (whom Yahweh eventually renames “Israel”).

Abraham remarries, and has six more sons by his new wife Keturah, and more by concubines. All the latter are sent east. He dies at age 175 and his sons Isaac and Ishmael bury him alongside Sarah in Hebron.

Rational Questions

The unusual events here—which you will perhaps agree stretch normal credulity, and require ”faith” to be taken seriously—include the talking with God, the visits from angels, the fire and brimstone on Sodom and Gomorrah, the miraculous appearance of a well in the desert of Beersheba, and the turning of Lot’s wife into a pillar of salt.

About the first, the believer can say either “God did talk directly to people back then,” or “The communication wasn’t literally talking, but psychic communication.” Or you might hear, “God talks to people now too, in different ways.” (To the latter you can reply that lots of mentally ill people claim to hear God talking to them. But I’m not sure that’s the best or most useful argument in this context.)

Ridiculing the aspect of Abraham’s chats with God won’t be effective. Nor will the question of the existence of angels. You can point out that angelic beings appear in many world religious texts (I think of ashuras in Buddhism, and similar beings in Zoroastrianism) but your Christian friend will likely say, “See, that just strengthens the case that they exist!”

You can question the story that Yahweh punished the people of two towns for their sins by raining down fire from the sky. (And you might note sadly that the story of Sodom and Gomorrah and the townsmen’s supposed inclination to sodomize visitors has been used historically to justify the vicious executions of gay men.)

But if you say the story’s a myth, that it never happened, you’re likely to hear about the 2008 Fox News story about how “scientists” have concluded that it was probably an asteroid that did it. Certainly the believer can say that the event described in Genesis 19 really happened and that there’s scientific evidence for the means God used to make it happen! As for why a woman might turn into salt during an asteroid attack—well, I suppose someone can devise a theory about that too.

No, it’s not good enough to just point out that these stories seem as fanciful as Greek or Hindu or Norse myths—although that should be said and emphasized. There has to be more.

You can point to the implausible life spans. The Book of Genesis indicates that Abraham was a descendent of Noah’s son Shem, who died at age 600. Here then is his supposed linear ancestry, with the ages of his ancestors when they died:

Shem (600)
Arpachshad (465)
Cainan (460)
Shelah (433)
Eber (464)
Pelug (239)
Reu (239)
Serug (230)
Nahor (148)
Terah (205)

These are supposed to have lived between around 3000 and 2000. But the archeological record for the Neolithic Middle East suggests that the great majority of people only lived into their 30s. (See Mark N. Cohen and George J. Armelagos, Paleopathology at the Origins of Agriculture, 1984.) If there has ever been a discovery of human bones thought to belong to someone dying after 200, I think we would have been front-page news. But again, the believer can say, radiocarbon data is all a hoax. Maybe even something designed by Satan to challenge faith.

One could point out that the biblical references to Abraham’s camels (as in Genesis 12:17 and 24:10) don’t square with archeologists’ conclusion that camels didn’t actually appear in the region before around 900 BCE. In the end you want to ask—having perhaps planted a little doubt here or there in your Christian Zionist friend’s mind—should this ancient story really shape your attitudes towards things happening in the Middle East today?

What’s Likeable about Abraham?

Then finally there’s the question of the mythic figure’s character. One could ask the believer: Why does he deserve your reverence? He is hardly a compassionate Jesus-prototype. (In the much later Muslim tradition as reflected in the Qu’ran, however, he is actively compassionate.)

In the Old Testament, Abraham is a slave-owner. He buys people or receives them as gifts from a pharaoh and king. He is married to his half-sister, and whether that is right or wrong (or whether it was either before Yahweh set down the Law to Moses, as found in Leviticus 18:9 and Deuteronomy 27:22, supposedly written by the thirteenth century BCE—although one must repeat the Hebrew written language did not exist until 500 years after that time) he repeatedly presents her in public as his sister rather than his wife. He does so thinking men coveting her might kill him and make her their own. (This is obviously the literature of a society in which women had little agency and were at the mercy of violent men.)

Twice Abraham accedes to Sarah’s stays at royal courts where she is vulnerable to rape, even as he accepts gifts from her hosts. In both instances he profits when the host realizes the marital relationship and is terrified to discover Abraham’s closeness to Yahweh. Twice Abraham banishes the slave-girl Hagar from his tents into the desert, once while pregnant with his own child, and again—with the boy—after Ishmael is born.

What are we, as we read the Bible, supposed to imagine Yahweh found so exemplary about this man from Ur, such that he would, in his infinite wisdom, decide to make his descendents eternal rulers of the land of Canaan?

The fact that he cared enough about his nephew Lot to go to battle to release him from captivity? The fact that he remonstrated with his holy self in arguing against the annihilation of Sodom? Because those are the only two (possible) instances of moral courage that I see in these Bible stories about Abraham.

Or does he—one should ask the true believer—deserve your reverence because of his quiet, automatic acceptance of Yahweh’s command that he sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering? (You might raise at this point the whole concept of burning animals, including people, in different religious traditions, and “offering” them to deities as though they somehow needed them in order to be happy or placated.) Or that he’s willing to personally cut off the foreskins of all the males in his household? Is his moral integrity best reflected is his willingness to obey what he thinks is the voice of God—even so far as to cut his son’s throat and immolate the body?

Maybe the Christian Zionist should be asked that question. And maybe also be asked: Is your willingness to support the modern state of Israel—as it offers countless Palestinians as sacrificial lambs to its Bible-based vision of “Eretz Yisrael” rooted in “faith”—compatible with reason and morality?

(The Palestinians, you should know, also trace their ancestry to Abraham through Isaac, who buried Abraham at Hebron alongside his younger brother Isaac. And it is very likely that many Judeans who remained in Roman Judea after the Diaspora converted to Christianity by the fourth century and/or to Islam after the seventh century Arab conquest. In other words, if bloodline is so important, shouldn’t these descendents of Jews who lived in Judea at the time of Christ have as much right to the land as European Jews with their rich admixture of Gentile blood?)

Or does your faith in the myths of Abraham, the Chosen People and Promised Land trump such considerations as apartheid, Palestinian property seizures, brutal attacks on Gaza and Lebanon that Israeli officials positively boast about as “disproportionate,” laws against Israeli-Arab married couples living in some housing developments, and the culture of racism that results in half of Israel’s Jewish high school students opposing the presence of Arabs in their midst?
Are you really willing to embrace that sort of racism, based on your religious faith in what—you must surely realize—is a view of history that many reasonable, thoughtful, informed, well-educated people seriously dispute?

* * *

Of course I have no real ”faith” in this approach. The situation is grim. Ignorance and irrationality prevail. The “History Channel” to its eternal shame markets Bible tales as “history.” Even National Geographic capitalizes on religious gullibility. It’s easy to do in a country where 60% of the people believe in the charming myths of Noah and the ark, and the parting of the Red Sea.

Still, just as the first step in overcoming a drug addiction is to acknowledge that there is a problem, the first step in overcoming the Abraham myth—and associated delusions stemming from religion, the opium of the masses—is to recognize it for what it is.

It is not a question of religious intolerance. (I am happy to accept my octogenarian Japanese mother-in-law’s naive acceptance of Shinto myth, although should she start to deploy it to—say—justify a Japanese attack on Chinese territory I would have to say, “Don’t you realize this is all nonsense”?) In world history, few things have proven more destructive than religion in the service of aggression. But that’s what the myth of Abraham is all about, in the minds of Israel’s U.S. Christian allies: the justification of Zionist aggression.

Those serious about challenging the default-mode Israelophilia that pervades U.S. policy ought, in my humble view, to hone in on this myth—this fountainhead of racism, colonialism, and messianic End Times craziness—and challenge it at every turn, urging their deluded friends to wake up.

GARY LEUPP is Professor of History at Tufts University, and holds a secondary appointment in the Department of Religion. He is the author of Servants, Shophands and Laborers in in the Cities of Tokugawa JapanMale Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan; and Interracial Intimacy in Japan: Western Men and Japanese Women, 1543-1900. He is a contributor to Hopeless: Barack Obama and the Politics of Illusion, (AK Press). He can be reached at: gleupp@granite.tufts.edu

US Armed Rebels Gave TOW missiles to Al Qaeda


US Armed Rebels Gave TOW missiles to Al Qaeda

Maram Susli

Ex: http://journal-neo.org

US supplied TOW anti-tank missiles have ended up in the hands of Jabhat Al Nusra, Syria’s branch of Al Qaeda. The US provided the missiles to CIA vetted Syrian rebel faction Harakat Hazm in May. A video posted by Al Nusra shows the weapons being used to take over Syrian military bases, Wadi Deif and Hamidiyeh in Idlib province.

A story that should have been headline news of Obama’s arming of Al Qaeda across all US media, largely went unnoticed. The only evidence of the story in the mainstream media can be found in the International Business times and the Washington Post. However both articles try to cast doubt on the claims that Al Nusra has TOW missiles, choosing to quote the Syrian Opposition Council spokesman Oubai Shahbandar who downplayed the incident, calling it an “Al Nusra psyop”. The New York Times did not headline the story and instead buried the information in an article headlined “2 Military bases in Syria Fall to Rebels”. However, The New York Times claimed the TOW missiles may have plaid a central role in Jabhat AL Nusra’s takeover of the bases.

Contrary to Shahbandar’s and the mainstream media’s insinuation that the evidence is an ‘Al Nusra pysop’, it is known that the US armed and trained Harakat Hazm group had signed a ceasefire agreement with Jabhat AL Nusra in November in the same region of Idlib Province. At that time Al Nusra had claimed TOW and Grad missiles were now in their hands.

It is questionable whether or not Al Nusra had ‘seized’ the arms as the New York Times suggests, or if it had simply been given the arms by Harakat al Hazm. Rather than fighting Al Nusra, Harakat Hazm has had no problem uniting with them. Currently Harakat al Hazm are united with Jabhat al Nusra, in Handarat Aleppo, and are jointly fighting the Syrian Army. The militant employing the TOW missile in the video, shows clear proficiency in its use, indicating that he has directly or indirectly benefited from US training.

In spite of this revelation, there is evidence to suggest the US is still arming the FSA with TOW missiles. Videos continue to emerge of Harakat al Hazm employing Tow Missiles. The US government has not made a statement on whether or not they have stopped providing the rebels with TOW missiles and munitions.

FSA and Al Qaeda collaboration

The alliance between FSA faction Harakat Hazm and Al Nusra in Aleppo, is not a new or isolated occurrence. US vetted rebels have in fact have been allied with Al Qaeda for much of the Syrian War, with localised clashes over control being rare. The leader of the “Syrian Revolutionary Front,

‘ Jamal Ma’arouf, touted as a moderate by the West, admitted to The Independent that he has openly fought battles alongside Jabhat Al Nusra and refuses to fight against them. In 2012 the Free Syrian Army (FSA), referred to as the ‘moderate rebels’ by the US State Department, fought along side Islamist State In AlSham (ISIS) in Aleppo against the Syrian military for control over Menagh Airbase. The FSA head of Aleppo Military Council Abdul Jabbar Al Oqaidi, who has met with US Ambassador Robert Ford, was filmed with ISIS Emir Abu Jandal praising ISIS for helping take the base using a suicide car bomb. As late as September 2014, FSA commander Bassel Idriss said that they had joined forces with ISIS and Jabhat Al Nusra in Qalamoun Mountain.

Quote Global Post:

“Let’s face it: The Nusra Front is the biggest power present right now in Qalamoun and we as FSA would collaborate on any mission they launch as long as it coincides with our values,” the [FSA] commander concluded.

As well as fighting alongside Al Qaeda the US vetted rebels have also defected to, and sold weapons and hostages to Al Qaeda groups. The line between the FSA and Al Qaeda groups is often blurred with entire FSA factions and individual fighters defecting to Jabhat Al Nusra or ISIS on multiple occasions [1][2][3][4], taking along with them the training and weapons paid for by US taxes in the process.

An ISIS commander, Abu Atheer, told Al Jazeera that his group bought weapons from the FSA.

“Anyhow we are buying weapons from the FSA. We bought 200 anti-aircraft missiles and Koncourse anti tank weapons. We have good relations with our brothers in the FSA.”

The spokesman for the family of Steven Sotloff, an American journalist beheaded by ISIS, told CNN that US backed FSA rebels had sold Sotloff to ISIS for 25,00 to 50,000 USD. The White House denied the claim. However the claim was corroborated by Theo Padnos, another journalist held hostage in Syria, who said he was returned to his Jabhat Al Nusra captures by the FSA every time he tried to escape.

Plausible deniability

Given the Syrian rebels’ history of openly working along side or defecting to Al Qaeda groups, it is highly doubtful the US government did not predict the TOW missiles would end up in Al Qaeda’s hands.

It is more likely the US provided the rebels with the TOW missiles whilst knowing it would end up in the hands of Al Qaeda. Indeed it has been widely accepted, that Jabhat Al Nusra, ISIS and Ahrar al Sham , another Al Qaeda linked group, are the most powerful groups opposing the Syrian army. The CFR wrote:

The Syrian rebels would be immeasurably weaker today without al-Qaeda in their ranks.

Whilst in future these weapons may be used against American personnel, for now the US is desperate for a victory against the Syrian government. The US might find reports of arms ending up with Al Qaeda embarrassing, but such embarrassment can be mitigated by controlling the amount of attention it gets from the US run media.

Therefore the purpose of advertising a ‘moderate rebel force’ is to maintain plausible deniability whilst still supporting what is largely an Al Qaeda rebellion against the Syrian government. In fact there is evidence to suggest the US would prefer Al Qaeda to other rebel groups. They are far cheaper to run given that they are funded by Gulf States and they may fit better with the US long term objective of balkanise Syria along sectarian lines.

Maram Susli also known as “Syrian Girl,” is an activist-journalist and social commentator covering Syria and the wider topic of geopolitics. especially for the online magazineNew Eastern Outlook”.

jeudi, 25 décembre 2014

John Robb on Open Source Warfare

Robert Stark interviews John Robb on Open Source Warfare

Ex: http://www.starktruthradio.com

To listen to:


bravenewwar.jpgTopics include:

John Robb’s book Brave New War: The Next Stage of Terrorism and the End of Globalization

The Four Generations of Warfare theory

How open source warfare became predominant when nuclear weapons deterred conflicts between major nations

How decentralization is the asset of non state actors such as ISIS

Why John does not view ISIS as a proxy for nations such as Saudi Arabia

How ISIS got it’s start during the Syrian conflict

His prediction that we will never win in Iraq

Hamas and Hezbollah

How an open source movement is not an organized organization


Why it’s inevitable that Open Source Warfare will spread to the West due to economic stagnation

How an economy based on financial institutions is unsustainable

How a managerial economy is a zero sum game

Why education and healthcare costs have gone up is because of an increase in loans

How the FDA shut down 23andme which does genetic testing and could of revolutionized medicine

The commercial use of drones

Edward Snowden

Click Here to download!

mercredi, 17 décembre 2014

Snowden, Germany and the NSA


Troubled Ties

Snowden, Germany and the NSA

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

Germany’s high court has spoken: Edward Snowden will not be physically coming to the country to give evidence to a parliamentary committee on National Security Agency operations.

The efforts had been spearheaded by the Greens and Left parties, who were told that the issue was an administrative one that had to be heard by the Federal Court of Justice, rather than the Federal Constitutional Court based in Karlsruhe. 

The government argued by way of contrast that allowing Snowden onto German soil would hamper international relationships, notably with the United States. It would also corner the government in Berlin: extradite Snowden, or face the unpleasant transatlantic music.

Germany straddles the divide between client state status, which is heavily focused on security arrangements with Washington, and its own development as a power in Europe.  As Der Spiegel (Jun 18) noted, the NSA has been a vigorously active in Germany for decades, with Snowden’s documents revealing that “Germany is the agency’s most important base of operations in continental Europe.”

With that activity has come extensive cooperation with Germany’s foreign intelligence agency, BND, and its domestic counterpart, the BfV.

Within Germany, a strong sentiment exists about Snowden, who has proven to be a catalyst in the surveillance debate.  Snowden has been popularised by businesses, street art, installations, pop songs and posters (Wall Street Journal, Sep 24).  MoTrip, the German hip-hop artist, raps about US surveillance in “Guten Morgen NSA”: “I know you’re monitoring my cellphone, I’m talking and meeting with Manning and Snowden.”

Concern and outrage was also spiked by the efforts of US intelligence operators to tap the phone activity of Chancellor Angela Merkel. 

edward-snsnowden-supporters-carry.jpgBut every allegation published, and every bit of evidence cited, has been met by suggestions that the whistleblower remains a destabilising influence, whose presence may well impair German-US relations.  Authorities have preferred to give the cold shoulder to the Snowden phenomenon, even as they offer conciliatory suggestions of receiving his testimony via video link from Moscow. 

The prosecutors involved in the case on NSA intercepts of Merkel’s information have so far come to naught, though this is unsurprising, given the distinct lack of cooperation from German or US intelligence sources. 

The language of Germany’s top public prosecutor Harald Range is illustrative, revolving around an obsession about the authenticity of the documents used: “The document presented in public as proof of an authentic tapping of the mobile is not an authentic surveillance order by the NSA.  There is no proof now that could lead to charges that Chancellor Merkel’s phone connection data was collected or her calls tapped” (The Guardian, Dec 12).  The prosecutor further suggested that the material did not come from an NSA database.

Range has, instead, taken aim at the magazine’s supposed lack of cooperation.  He had “asked the reporters at Spiegel to answer questions about the document or to provide it to us. But the newsmagazine, citing the right of the press to refuse to give evidence, did not comply.”

Spiegel duly responded, claiming that it never asserted that the document on tapping Merkel’s phone was an original one.  Spiegel has consistently stated that its journalists viewed the contents of an NSA document and reported on the details contained therein.  The magazine has made this clear throughout its reporting on the issue” (Spiegel, Dec 13).

The magazine further went on to suggest that Range’s statements made a vital, and misleading imputation.  “There is a risk that Range’ statement could be viewed as some kind of finding in his investigation and create the false impression that Spiegel somehow concocted its own documents.”  The smokescreen of public authority is wafting across discussion about Snowden’s legacy.

It should not be forgotten, in the context of the Merkel phone saga, that the Chancellor herself confronted President Barack Obama about the allegations.  She was met by a bland statement which refused to deny that such spying on the Chancellor had taken place in the past.  Then came the arrest of a German intelligence agent accused of spying on the United States, and the expulsion by German authorities of the CIA’s station chief.

In July this year, the poor state of relations between Berlin and Washington was incidentally acknowledged by the presence of Denis R. McDonough, Obama’s chief of staff in Berlin, who engaged with his German counterpart in “intensive talks on the state of bilateral relations and future cooperation” (New York Times, Jul 22).

The case for not allowing Snowden into Germany is based on illusory concepts of impairment and disruption – that state relationships and the perceived harmony, or compliance they entail, takes precedence over the relationship between the government and its electors. 

This recipe gives us one grand paradox: to protect the state against encroachments, its own sovereignty can be rented, concealed by surveillance pacts of sharing and cooperation that favour a powerful partner.  The intelligence business has become a runaway train, defiant of the social contract. 

Little surprise should be felt at the fact that neither Washington nor Berlin have made genuine strides towards an equal intelligence sharing relationship on the level of the Five Eyes agreement.  Nor were efforts to make a “no-spy” agreement with the US successful.  Germany remains almost too significant to have an “equal” relationship with, meaning that any dance with the United States will continue to take place with cool hands and a distant grip.  Snowden, in the meantime, will receive yet another prize – the Carl von Ossietzky prize from the International League for Human Rights, based in Berlin.

Dr. Binoy Kampmark was a Commonwealth Scholar at Selwyn College, Cambridge. He lectures at RMIT University, Melbourne. Email: bkampmark@gmail.com


1 http://www.stern.de/politik/deutschland/nsa-untersuchungsauschuss-klage-wegen-snowden-vernehmung-abgewiesen-2159607.html

2 http://www.spiegel.de/international/the-germany-file-of-edward-snowden-documents-available-for-download-a-975917.html

3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HcDgEtET1Dw

4 http://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/nsa-german-federal-prosecutor-seeks-to-discredit-spiegel-reporting-a-1008262.html

5 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/11/world/europe/germany-expels-top-us-intelligence-officer.html

6 http://www.nytimes.com/2014/07/23/world/europe/germany-obama-merkel-mcdonough-nsa.html?_r=0

dimanche, 14 décembre 2014

Citizenfour, Snowden, and the Surveillance State


Waiting on the CounterForce

Citizenfour, Snowden, and the Surveillance State

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

A viewing of the film Citizenfour, real-life drama of Edward Snowden’s first days on the run from the National Security Agency (NSA), is bound to elicit one visceral response: chilling. We see in Laura Poitras’ splendid documentary not only Snowden’s by-now familiar personal saga, but the specter of modern technological domination at its most frightening. The film, by way of Snowden’s revelations and commentary, poses searing questions about the impact of surveillance technology on American society and, in turn, on the future of democratic politics anywhere.

Snowden’s journey is well-known enough: hasty departure from Hawaii, where he worked as a technician for the NSA, to Hong Kong as whistleblower in possession of vast information related to the agency’s worldwide eavesdropping activities, then on to Moscow where he finally gains residential status. Poitras’ film centers on eight tense days Snowden spent at a hotel in Hong Kong, where his stunning revelations are turned into dramatic footage along with a series of reports by Glenn Greenwald and others for the London Guardian on U.S. surveillance programs, which have become more intrusive than generally believed. With these programs, Snowden comments, “we are building the biggest weapon for oppression in the history of mankind,” adding that, despite accumulated evidence of domestic NSA espionage, protest in the U.S. is barely visible: Congress, the White House, mass media, and public remain virtually silent in the face on escalating threats to privacy and freedoms.

The Snowden narratives depict a system, NSA at the center, of nonstop secret monitoring and tracking of American citizens, with no accountability and little justification beyond stale references to “national security” and the need to detect and monitor terrorists. In the film we see a post-9/11 technological labyrinth that vacuums up billions of electronic transactions daily and locates millions of people through cellphone and other GPS coordinates. In partnership with corporations like Microsoft and Verizon, the NSA routinely shares data with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), CIA, and IRS, all ostensibly to spy on terrorists, drug traffickers, and assorted criminals. One result of all this data processing is an exhaustive watch list, currently identifying more than a million “threats”, funneled through the shadowy Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment (TIDE), maintained by the shadowy Terrorist Identities Group (TIG)..

With its sprawling acres of supercomputers, the NSA has been the largest and most intrusive spy agency since 1952, its “black” operations initially driven by the Cold War – a history thoroughly chronicled by James Bamford in a series of books (most recently The Shadow Factory). Thanks to the exhaustive work of Bamford and such whistleblowers and William Binney and Snowden, we currently know far more about this presumably super-secret, or “deep state” realm of the American power structure than will ever be officially acknowledged. The subtitle of The Shadow Factory, written in 2008, is “The Ultra-Secret NSA from 9/11 to the Eavesdropping on America”, indicating that Snowden’s domestic revelations were not as pathbreaking as often depicted. (Unnecessary disclosure: I worked three youthful years for the NSA as a Russian linguist – but never part of any war effort.)

In Citizenfour we learn that in 2013 alone the NSA collected 124.8 billion telephone data items and 97.1 billion pieces of computer data on unsuspecting people around the world, including theoretically off-limits domestic targets. Such “metadata” collection is of course the stuff of totalitarian scenarios that match or exceed the worst Orwellian nightmares. The film (and Snowden’s accounts in general) raises questions about the fate of individual privacy, political freedoms, and democratic governance in an era of ever-expanding (and elusive) surveillance technology.

The first question goes directly to the predicament of democracy itself, already under siege. When government agencies can create eavesdropping resources well beyond the reach of laws, policies, and conventions, what public leverage can ordinary people hope to secure over the machinery of state and military power? Can nonstop mega-data collection and processing, carried out by intelligence organizations with little regard for its consequences, ever be compatible with democratic politics? Can the “deep state” of modern communications, more far-reaching with each technological innovation, serve anything but elite domination?

tumblr_ndt2ayZ9vy1qej1i6o3_500.jpgA second – equally crucial – question turns on the already-deteriorating character of public discourse: feeble resistance to technological authoritarianism in the U.S. is palpable and alarming. Congress has done nothing to tame the juggernaut, while the Obama administration remains essentially content with dancing around the issue, obsessed with Snowden’s notoriety (and imputed criminality).   Despite what has been revealed by Snowden – and Bamford and Binney before him – few dare to speak out, surely fearful of being derided as “soft on terrorism”.   Further, NSA programs are so “deep”, so shrouded in mystery, that hardly anyone seems able to penetrate the technological fortress sufficiently to fathom what is taking place. And of course NSA work is in highly-classified, including even its budget (estimated at possibly $20 billion yearly).

Transparency and accountability are meaningless concepts when it comes to the NSA playbook. We have seen how those recently in charge of agency operations – General James Clapper and Keith Alexander – have blatantly lied to Congress about the extent of NSA domestic spying, as shown in Citizenfour. Unlike baseball players denying they took performance-enhancing drugs, Clapper and Alexander could stonewall everything in broad daylight with legal impunity, protected by their status within the warfare state. In November, meanwhile, Vermont Senator Patrick Leahy offered up a bill to limit NSA access to domestic phone records, a tepid reform that nonetheless failed to muster enough votes to cut off debate.   The USA Freedom Act, as it was called, was too extreme for Senate Republicans, whose freedom-loving rhetoric got hopelessly lost in the maze of surveillance priorities. They insist that meta-data collection is required to combat terrorism – though, as Bamford convincingly shows, domestic espionage activities have actually done little to track or intercept domestic terrorism.

Third, abundant evidence shows that surveillance order rests on a tight partnership of government, corporations, and the military – a power structure extending far beyond the familiar “Big Brother”, understood strictly as a matter of state controls. The now infamous PRISM program, undertaken by George W. Bush in 2007, relies on extensive data-mining shared by the NSA and such corporations as Microsoft, AT&T, Google, Verizon, Yahoo, and Apple. Telephone and computer information is often simply turned over to the NSA, usually without much legal fuss – a system of cooperative ventures, or integrated power, endemic to a militarized state-capitalism.

Freewheeling NSA surveillance poses yet another question: can “deep”, all-consuming, globalized eavesdropping, in the hands of an aggressive ruling elite, be brought under popular control by even the most well-intentioned reforms?  Progressives have long embraced the hope of a democratic Internet and related media infused with a high degree of electronic populism, yet in reality the American power structure holds immense advantages in technological, material, and institutional resources over any challenger. The NSA itself can easily trump lesser organizations and movements, suggesting that the prospect of counter-forces strong enough to take on the juggernaut would seem to be dim – at least while the existing power apparatus remains intact. There is the linked problem of whether NSA technology can even be sufficiently grasped to carry out meaningful reform. Snowden and Binney appear to know their way around the fortress, but how many Snowdens and Binneys do we have?   There is one certainty here: those at the summits of power, those who manage the apparatus, have no desire to relinquish the God-like power they wield through their arsenal of supercomputers and hundreds of global listening posts. Quite the contrary: their messianic goal is precisely to expand that power, pushing it to its outer limits without the slightest regard for Constitutional or other political limits.

This brings us back to Snowden and his political relevance. In Citizenfour we encounter a beleaguered Snowden, a person unsure and fearful, anxious about the future, understandably in limbo about the potential consequences of his risky actions. Snowden had obviously done much reflection in the weeks and probably months leading up to his decision to flee, although the political ramifications could only be rather murky. Solutions to broadening NSA surveillance were not likely to be on the immediate horizon. A fearsome thought emerges: could the technology now be so sophisticated, so “deep”, that effective reforms will no longer be viable — that something of a turning point might have been reached?   Could the apparatus have taken on a life of its own, impervious to the actions of Congress, political intervention, popular movements? Could Snowden’s revelations, for all their spectacular media impact, be overwhelmed by the sheer pace of technological change.

In strictly political terms, Snowden is actually more forthcoming in his recent Nation interview (November 17, 2014) conducted by Stephen F. Cohen and Katrina Vanden Heuvel.  In both the documentary and the Nation, Snowden is quick to affirm that he is not especially comfortable dealing with politics, that he is “no politician”, being far more adept at technology. Indeed computer work nowadays appears to consume the bulk of his time in Moscow. In a candid moment, however, Snowden tells Cohen and Vanden Heuvel that, contemplating the surveillance onslaught, people “have the right of revolution – it’s about revolutionary ideas”, adding: “It’s about direct action, even civil disobedience”. He identifies the Occupy movement, though now rather moribund, as something of an inspiration. No less than the future of democracy, in the U.S. and worldwide, is at stake.

At another point in the Nation exchanges Snowden seems ready to embrace social movements as the most efficacious counter-force, possibly the only hope. He tells Cohen and Vanden Heuvel that “we cannot be effective without a mass movement”, but immediately adds “the American people today are too comfortable to adapt to a mass movement.” Unfortunately, he laments, the education system is designed primarily for “indoctrination”, hardly the source of a reflective, critical, galvanized public needed to take on the surveillance state. As for Snowden himself, not being a “politician” leaves him with a daunting challenge – “to focus on technological reform, because I speak the language of technology”.

Could such reform, however ambitious, furnish a solution to the rapidly-expanding system of technological domination we face?   Snowden’s own prior comment – that “we cannot be effective without a mass movement” – no doubt provides the best answer. At one moment in the film Snowden concedes that technological constraints placed on the fortress within the U.S. (or any single country) will be checkmated unless those constraints become systemic and global, which poses new layers of obstacles.   Snowden knows better than most that communications technology by its very nature is both ever-changing and unbounded, recognizing no temporal boundaries; its very logic is to adapt and expand, resisting barriers (if any) set by mortal politicians. This is emphatically true for “deep” entities like the NSA, which fiercely asserts both its power and secrecy. It follows that U.S.-centered reforms, even in the unlikely event Congress overcomes its fear and lethargy, is destined to be neutralized even before any legislation is signed into law. Despite his remarkably bold and courageous moves, therefore, Snowden’s political options – and indeed those of everyone else – have clearly yet to be articulated, unless his idea of “revolution” is to be taken seriously.

In the end, government and military elites perched atop the surveillance order will happily continue business-as-usual until overthrown by more powerful, resource-laden counter-forces. Their privileged status is much too embedded in the fortunes of the security state and war economy, which depends as never before on endless flows of electronic information, personal tracking, and institutional controls.

CARL BOGGS is the author of The Hollywood War Machine, with Tom Pollard (second edition, forthcoming), and Drugs, Power, and Politics (forthcoming), both published by Paradigm.     

samedi, 13 décembre 2014

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia


Frack the EU!

Washington’s Frozen War Against Russia

Ex: http://www.counterpunch.org

For over a year, the United States has played out a scenario designed to (1) reassert U.S. control over Europe by blocking E.U. trade with Russia, (2) bankrupt Russia, and (3) get rid of Vladimir Putin and replace him with an American puppet, like the late drunk, Boris Yeltsin.

The past few days have made crystal clear the perfidy of the economic side of this U.S. war against Russia.

It all began at the important high-level international meeting on Ukraine’s future held in Yalta in September 2013, where a major topic was the shale gas revolution which the United States hoped to use to weaken Russia. Former U.S. energy secretary Bill Richardson was there to make the pitch, applauded by Bill and Hillary Clinton. Washington hoped to use its fracking techniques to provide substitute sources for natural gas, driving Russia out of the market. This amounts to selling Europe a pig in a poke.

But this trick could not be accomplished by relying on the sacrosanct “market”, since fracking is more costly than Russian gas extraction. A major crisis was necessary in order to distort the market by political pressures. By the February 22 coup d’état, engineered by Victoria Nuland, the United States effectively took control of Ukraine, putting in power its agent “Yats” (Arseniy Yatsenyuk) who favors joining NATO. This direct threat to Russia’s naval base in Crimea led to the referendum which peacefully returned the historically Russian peninsula to Russia. But the U.S.-led chorus condemned the orderly return of Crimea as “Russian military aggression”. This defensive move is trumpeted by NATO as proof of Putin’s intention to invade Russia’s European neighbors for no reason at all.

Meanwhile, the United States’ economic invasion has gone largely unnoticed.

Ukraine has some of the largest shale gas reserves in Europe. Like other Europeans, Ukrainians had demonstrated against the harmful environmental results of fracking on their lands, but unlike some other countries, Ukraine has no restrictive legislation. Chevron is already getting involved.

As of last May, R. Hunter Biden, son of the U.S. Vice President, is on the Board of Directors of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest private gas producer. The young Biden will be in charge of the Holdings’ legal unit and contribute to its “international expansion”.

Ukraine has rich soil as well as shale oil reserves. The U.S. agribusiness giant Cargill is particularly active in Ukraine, investing in grain elevators, animal feed, a major egg producer and agribusiness firm, UkrLandFarming, as well as the Black Sea port at Novorossiysk. The very active U.S.-Ukraine Business Council includes executives of Monsanto, John Deere, agriculture equipment-maker CNH Industrial, DuPont Pioneer, Eli Lilly & Company. Monsanto plans to build a $140 million “non-GMO corn seed plant in Ukraine”, evidently targeting the GMO-shy European market. It was in her speech at a Chevron-sponsored meeting of the U.S.-Ukraine Business Council a year ago that Victoria Nuland mentioned the five billion dollars spent by the U.S. in the last twenty years to win over Ukraine.

On December 2, President Poroshenko swore in three foreigners as cabinet ministers: an American, a Lithuanian and a Georgian. He granted them Ukrainian citizenship a few minutes before the ceremony.

U.S. born Natalie Jaresko is Ukraine’s new Finance Minister. With a Ukrainian family background and degrees from Harvard and DePaul universities, Jaresko went from the State Department to Kiev when Ukraine gained independence from the Soviet
foolsjohnstoneUnion, in order to head the economic department of the newly opened U.S. embassy. Three years later she left the U.S. Embassy to head the U.S. government-financed Western NIS Enterprise Fund. In 2004 she established her own equity fund. As a supporter of the 2004 Orange Revolution, she served on “Orange” victor President Viktor Yushchenko’s Foreign Investors Advisory Council.

Lithuanian investment banker Aivaras Abromavicius is the new Economy Minister, putting government economic policy clearly under U.S. influence, or rather control.

The new Health Minister, Aleksandr Kvitashvili from Georgia, is U.S.-educated and does not speak Ukrainian. He had served as health minister in his native Georgia, when U.S. puppet Mikheil Saakashvili was President.

The U.S. grip on Ukraine’s economy is now complete. The stage is set to begin fracking, perhaps transforming Hunter Biden into Ukraine’s newest oligarch.

Nobody is mentioning this, but the controversial trade agreement between the E.U. and Ukraine, whose postponement set off the Maidan protests leading to the U.S.-steered February 22 coup d’état, removes trade barriers, allowing free entry into E.U. countries of agricultural exports produced in Ukraine by U.S. corporations. The Ukrainian government is deeply in debt, but that will not prevent American corporations from making huge profits in that low-wage, regulation-free and fertile country. European grain producers, such as France, may find themselves severely damaged by the cheap competition.

The Russophobic Kiev government’s assault on Southeastern Ukraine is killing the country’s industrial sector, whose markets were in Russia. But to Kiev’s rulers from Western Ukraine, that does not matter.   The death of old industry can help keep wages low and profits high.

Just as Americans decisively took control of the Ukrainian economy, Putin announced cancellation of the South Stream gas pipeline project. The deal was signed in 2007 between Gazprom and the Italian petrochemical company ENI, in order to ensure Russian gas deliveries to the Balkans, Austria and Italy by bypassing Ukraine, whose unreliability as a transit country had been demonstrated by repeated failure to pay bills or syphoning of gas intended for Europe for its own use. The German Wintershall and the French EDF also invested in South Stream.

In recent months, U.S. representatives began to put pressure on the European countries involved to back out of the deal. South Stream was a potential life-saver for Serbia, still impoverished by the results of NATO bombing and fire-sale giveaways of its privatized industries to foreign buyers. Aside from much-needed jobs and energy security, Serbia was in line to earn 500 million euros in annual transit fees. Belgrade resisted warnings that Serbia must go along with E.U. foreign policy against Russia in order to retain its status as candidate to join the E.U.

The weak link was Bulgaria, earmarked for similar benefits as the landing point of the pipeline. U.S. Ambassador to Sofia Marcie Ries started warning Bulgarian businessmen that they could suffer from doing business with Russian companies under sanctions. The retiring president of the European Commission, José Manuel Barroso from Portugal, who used to be a “Maoist” back when “Maoism” was the cover for opposition to Soviet-backed liberation movements in Portugal’s African colonies, threatened Bulgaria with E.U. proceedings for irregularities in South Stream contracts. This refers to E.U. rules against allowing the same company to produce and transfer gas. In short, the E.U. was attempting to apply its own rules retroactively to a contract signed with a non-EU country before the rules were adopted.


Finally, John McCain flew into Sofia to browbeat the Bulgarian Prime Minister, Plamen Oresharski, to pull out of the deal, leaving South Stream out in the Black Sea without a point of entry onto the Balkan mainland.

This is all very funny considering that a favorite current U.S. war propaganda theme against Russia is that Gazprom is a nefarious political weapon used by Putin to “coerce” and “bully” Europe.

The only evidence is that Russia has repeatedly called on Ukraine to pay its long-overdo gas bills. In vain.

Cancellation of South Stream amounts to a belated blow to Serbia from NATO. Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic bewailed the loss of South Stream, noting that: “We are paying the price of a conflict between big powers”.

Italian partners to the deal are also very unhappy at the big losses. But E.U. officials and media are, as usual, blaming it all on Putin.

Perhaps, when you are repeatedly insulted and made to feel unwelcome, you go away. Putin took his gas pipeline project to Turkey and immediately sold it to Turkish Prime Minister Recep Erdogan. This looks like a good deal for Russia, and for Turkey, but the whole affair remains ominous.

Russian oil as a means of coercion? If Putin could use Gazprom to get Erdogan to change his policy on Syria, and drop his determination to overthrow Bachar al Assad, in order to defeat the Islamic State fanatics, that would be an excellent outcome. But so far, there is no sign of such a development.

The switch from the Balkans to Turkey deepens the gulf between Russia and Western Europe, which in the long run is harmful to both. But it also sharpens the economic inequality between Northern and Southern Europe. Germany still gets gas deliveries from Russia, notably from Gerhard Schroeder’s co-project with Putin, Nord Stream. But Southern European countries, already in deep crisis caused largely by the euro, are left out in the cold.   This turn of events might contribute to the political revolt that is growing in those countries.

As voices were being raised in Italy complaining that anti-Russian sanctions were hurting Europe but leaving the United States unscathed, Europeans could take comfort in kind words from the Nobel Peace Prize winner in the White House, who praised the European Union for doing the right thing, even though it is “tough on the European economy”.

In a speech to leading CEOs on December 3, Obama said the sanctions were intended to change Putin’s “mindset”, but didn’t think this would succeed. He is waiting for “the politics inside Russia” to “catch up with what’s happening in the economy, which is why we are going to continue to maintain that pressure.” This was another way of saying that stealing Russia’s natural gas market, forcing Europe to enact sanctions, and getting Washington’s bigoted stooges in Saudi Arabia to bring down petroleum prices by flooding the market, are all intended to make the Russian people blame Putin enough to get rid of him. Regime change, in short.

On December 4, the U.S. House of Representatives officially exposed the U.S. motive behind this mess by adopting what must surely be the worst piece of legislation ever adopted: Resolution 758.   The Resolution is a compendium of all the lies floated against Vladimir Putin and Russia over the past year. Never perhaps have so many lies been crammed into a single official document of that length. And yet, this war propaganda was endorsed by a vote of 411 to 10. If, despite this call for war between two nuclear powers, there are still historians in the future, they must judge this resolution as proof of the total failure of the intelligence, honesty and sense of responsibility of the political system that Washington is trying to force on the entire world

Ron Paul has written an excellent analysis of this shameful document. http://www.ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2014/December/04/reckless-congress-declares-war-on-russia/ and http://original.antiwar.com/paul/2014/12/05/reckless-congress-declares-war-on-russia/#.VILpR1Ost4I.gmail

Whatever one may think of Paul’s domestic policies, on international affairs he stands out as a lone – very lone – voice of reason. (Yes, there was Dennis Kucinich too, but they got rid of him by gerrymandering his district off the map.)

After a long list of “Whereas” lies, insults and threats, we get the crass commercial side of this dangerous campaign. The House calls on European countries to “reduce the ability of the Russian Federation to use its supply of energy as a means of applying political and economic pressure on other countries, including by promoting increased natural gas and other energy exports from the United States and other countries” and “urges the President to expedite the United States Department of Energy’s approval of liquefied natural gas exports to Ukraine and other European countries”.

The Congress is ready to risk and even promote nuclear war, but when it comes to the “bottom line”, it is a matter of stealing Russia’s natural gas market by what so far is a bluff: shale gas obtained by U.S. fracking.

Worse Than Cold War

The neocons who manipulate America’s clueless politicians have not got us into a new Cold War. It is much worse. The long rivalry with the Soviet Union was “Cold” because of MAD, Mutual Assured Destruction. Both Washington and Moscow were perfectly aware that “Hot” war meant nuclear exchanges that would destroy everybody.

This time around, the United States thinks it already “won” the Cold War and seems to be drunk with self-confidence that it can win again. It is upgrading its nuclear weapons force and building a “nuclear shield” on Russia’s border whose only purpose can be to give the United States a first strike capacity – the ability to knock out any Russian retaliation against a U.S. nuclear attack. This cannot work, but it weakens deterrence.

The danger of outright war between the two nuclear powers is actually much greater than during the Cold War. We are now in a sort of Frozen War, because nothing the Russians say or do can have any effect. The neocons who manufacture U.S. policy behind the scenes have invented a totally fictional story about Russian “aggression” which the President of the United States, the mass media and now the Congress have accepted and endorsed. Russian leaders have responded with honesty, truth and common sense, remaining calm despite the invective thrown at them. It has done no good whatsoever. The positions are frozen. When reason fails, force follows. Sooner or later.

Diana Johnstone is the author of Fools’ Crusade: Yugoslavia, NATO, and Western Delusions. Her new book, Queen of Chaos: the Foreign Policy of Hillary Clinton, will be published by CounterPunch in 2015. She can be reached at diana.johnstone@wanadoo.fr


vendredi, 12 décembre 2014

Envolé l'or dont les Etats-Unis étaient dépositaires depuis la seconde guerre?

Envolé l'or dont les Etats-Unis étaient dépositaires depuis la seconde guerre?

Auteur : Vicky Peláez
Traduction Florence Olier-Robine
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

« Qui contrôle l'argent contrôle le monde »

Henry Kissinger

L'année 2014 entrera dans l'histoire comme l'année de l'effondrement du système international et de l'affrontement multidimensionnel entre les Etats-Unis, l'Union Européenne et son bras armé, l'OTAN, face à la Russie et aux pays des BRICS [Acronyme pour les 5 principaux pays émergents : Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, Afrique du sud. Ndlt] qui se sont risqués à briser l'unipolarité d'un monde dominé par les Etats-Unis.

En réponse à cette bravade, le Grand Patron a fixé toute une série de mesures répressives contre la Russie et entamé une guerre financière soigneusement planifiée en jouant avec les prix du pétrole et des métaux précieux, notamment l'or.

Les Etats-Unis espèrent ainsi surseoir à leur inévitable déclin économique et enrayer la diminution de leur contribution au Produit Intérieur Brut Mondial. Actuellement, l'apport des Etats-Unis d'Amérique au PIB Mondial se monte à 22 pour cent alors que les prévisions montrent que celui de la Chine atteindra 18 pour cent en 2016. Pour maintenir sa domination sur le monde, Washington cherche donc à renforcer les deux traditionnels piliers de son hégémonie : le pouvoir militaire et le rôle du dollar comme monnaie de réserve mondiale.

Mais le dollar accuse une fragilité qui n'a pu être dissimulée aux yeux du monde. Selon le journaliste financier, Bill Holler, « l'or est au dollar ce que la kryptonite [Petite pierre/matériau imaginaire de l'univers des « comics », en référence directe à Superman (elle affecte ses supers pouvoirs et constitue son talon d'achille). Ndlt] est à Superman. C'est pourquoi, à certaines étapes de la politique monétaire, il faut maintenir les cours de l'or au plus bas afin d'assurer la valeur du dollar. »

Tous les matins, par téléconférence entre le bureau principal du LIBOR [Taux Inter Bancaire pratiqué à Londres. Ndlt] (London InterBank Offered Rate) et cinq banques internationales, le prix de l'or est établi, tout comme le taux d'intérêt de 10 autres monnaies de réserve, qui, lui, est soumis à l'approbation de 18 des plus grandes banques mondiales.

Il est de notoriété publique que les grandes banques nord-américaines ont pris le contrôle du secteur financier mondial depuis et durant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. C'est précisément en ces temps troublés que plus de 122 pays se virent dans l'obligation de déplacer leurs réserves d'or à la Réserve Fédérale des Etats- Unis, plus précisément à la Federal Reserve Bank of New York [L'une des douze banques de la Réserve Fédérale des Etats-Unis. Ndlt] et au dépôt de Fort Knox [Abrite la réserve d'or US depuis 1937. Ndlt] (Kentucky).

Immédiatement après le montant des réserves d'or nord-américaines passa de 9 mille millions en 1935 à 20 mille millions. N'oublions pas le rôle clé qu'a joué l'or, aux côtés du New Deal du président Franklin D. Roosevelt [1882-1945 ; 32ème président des Etats-Unis ; On lui doit notamment le New Deal, plan de relance économique et de lutte contre le chômage, entre autres. Acteur majeur de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Ndlt], dans la conclusion de la Grande Dépression de 1929 aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique.

En effet, le 5 avril 1933 le président Roosevelt émet l'ordre 6102 qui interdit la possession d'or pour les citoyens américains ou étrangers résidant sur le territoire, que ce soit en pièces, en lingots ou en certificats, les forçant à les vendre à la Réserve Fédérale pour 20,67 dollars l'once troy d'or [Unité de mesure de masse pour les métaux et pierres précieux. Ndlt ] (31,1 grammes). Les contrevenants encourent une peine de prison de dix ans et une amende de 10,000 dollars. Grâce à cette seule mesure, on estime à trois mille millions de dollars l'augmentation du Trésor US.

C'est ainsi qu'en 1944, leurs coffres remplis d'or, du leur et de celui des autres, alors que la défaite imminente du nazisme est déjà pressentie, Washington décide qu'il est temps de prendre la tête du Nouvel Ordre Economique Mondial. L'annonce en est rendue publique en juillet 1944, lors de la conférence internationale tenue à Bretton Woods (USA). On y adopte un étalon de change-or où les Etats-Unis sont chargés de maintenir le cours de l'or à 35,00 dollars l'once et on leur accorde le droit de convertir des dollars en or à ce prix, sans restrictions ni limitations. Le boom économique américain de l'après-guerre doit aussi beaucoup à l'or accumulé par le pays.

De plus si les Etats-Unis se devaient d'être généreux envers leurs alliés, en particulier le Japon et l'Allemagne de l'Ouest, leur principale motivation était surtout leur souci de démontrer la supériorité du système capitaliste sur le modèle socialiste. Presque tout était financé par les réserves d'or mais ces largesses avaient un prix. Et, postérieurement, quand le coût de la guerre du Vietnam les ponctionna plus encore, elles avaient atteint un seuil critique en 1968.

Tout ceci obligea le président Richard Nixon à mettre un terme aux accords de Bretton Woods et à désolidariser l'or du dollar, déclarant ce dernier nouvelle monnaie de réserve mondiale. Depuis lors, le dollar dépend exclusivement de la capacité d'impression de la Réserve Fédérale à mettre la monnaie en circulation. On évalue qu'aujourd'hui elle imprime un billion de dollars par an.

La domination du dollar est telle que les réserves des Banques Centrales de 193 pays sont à 67% en dollars, environ 15% en euros et les18% restants en devises nationales. Les Etats-Unis sont parvenus à mettre en place un système financier international qui protège leur économie de l'effondrement, malgré leur déficit commercial de 500 000 millions et leur dette tant intérieure qu'extérieure de 70 millions de millions de dollars.

Les autres pays du monde sont si étroitement engagés vis à vis de la Réserve Fédérale qu'ils ne peuvent cesser de l'alimenter sur leurs deniers pour éviter l'effondrement de l'actuel Système Financier Mondial. On calcule qu'environ 2,5 mille millions de dollars rentrent chaque jour dans les caisses américaines en provenance de sources étrangères.

Mais qu'est-il arrivé à l'or que les 122 pays avaient stocké aux Etats-Unis d'Amérique ?

Personne ne le sait vraiment. Selon la Réserve Fédérale, en 1945 Fort Knox en était venu à stocker 20 000 tonnes d'or qui en 2013 se réduisaient à 4175 tonnes. Dans le même temps, selon le web officiel de la Maison de la Monnaie, il y aurait environ 5 000 tonnes métriques d'or dans les coffres de la Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Réserve Fédérale de New York). Mais ces chiffres restent sujets à caution, car personne n'a pu les accréditer.

Déjà dans les années Reagan, lors de l'affaire de l'Irangate [Scandale politique des années 80 aux USA . Certains membres du gouvernement auraient vendu des armes à l'Iran pour financer les « Contras », mouvement contre-révolutionnaire nicaraguayen de lutte armée regroupant les opposants au régime sandiniste de Daniel Ortega. Il s'agissait donc bien de renverser un régime politique dit « communiste ». Ndlt], les Etats-Unis, par manque de liquidités, avaient du recourir au narcotrafiquant bolivien Roberto Suárez Gómez pour commercialiser 500 tonnes de cocaïne sur le sol américain afin de financer les Contras et en finir avec le sandinisme au Nicaragua.

Ce qui est arrivé à l'or déposé dans les caves souterraines des 5 et 7 WTC après la tragédie du 11 septembre 2001, demeure également un mystère. En effet, il devait s'y trouver, selon les informations officielles pour environ 1000 millions de dollars en or. Et seuls 230 millions ont été retrouvés. Par ailleurs, l'hebdomadaire US American Free Press a publié le 27 août 2011 une interview de l'ex parrain de la mafia Tony Gambino qui déclare « je sais que le gouvernement de George W. Bush non seulement avait connaissance, mais a aussi contribué à organiser le 11 septembre aux fins de, premièrement provoquer une guerre en Irak, deuxièmement s'emparer de l'or caché sous le World Trade Center ».

En février 2014, le républicain membre du Congrès Paul Ron tira la sonnette d'alarme quand il déclara que depuis 40 ans il n'y avait eu ni audit à Fort Knox ni accès autorisé à aucun des membres du Congrès qui aurait pu permettre de s'assurer de l'existence de l'or. Durant la séance, il parvint même à mettre en doute la réalité des richesses supposées à Fort Knox ou à la Banque de Réserve de New York. Une tentative avortée de l'Allemagne pour rapatrier 300 des 1 560 tonnes conservées à New York décupla les doutes quant aux stocks d'or aux Etats-Unis. En définitive, l'Allemagne n'a recouvré que 34 tonnes et la promesse de livrer les 266 tonnes restantes dans les sept ans à venir.

L'ex sous-secrétaire du Trésor, Paul Craig Roberts, ajoute « les Etats-Unis d'Amérique ne détiennent pas d'or et ne peuvent donc le restituer, c'est pourquoi l'Allemagne a été sommée d'entériner cette situation et de cesser de réclamer ce qui lui appartient. Les Etats-Unis ont fait pression sur leur Etat allemand pantin pour qu'il taise la vérité et fasse paraître un communiqué modifié. »

De par la crise économique que traversent les Etats-Unis, on pourrait en conclure que le Grand Patron a dilapidé son or et celui des autres, mais à ce jour, personne n'est réellement en mesure de savoir ce qu'il se passe dans les profondeurs de Fort Knox et dans celles de la Banque de Réserve Fédérale. Entre temps de nombreux pays font tout leur possible pour rapatrier leur or en pensant à l'avenir compliqué qui se profile.

Il y a quelques années, l'ex président Hugo Chávez réussit à recouvrer 39 des 300 tonnes du trésor vénézuélien dont les Etats-Unis étaient dépositaires.

Mais, qu'en sera-t-il pour les autres pays ?

House Resolution 758: A Work of Fiction


House Resolution 758: A Work of Fiction


Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

The U.S. government is a bastion of reckless behavior, constantly and continually. The extent of damage inflicted upon the American people by U.S. governments is huge and incalculable. The latest addition to its record of recklessness is H.R. 758. This resolution passed the House with 95 percent of the House voting “yea”. The vote was 411 to 10 with 13 not voting.

The text of H.R. 758, passed by the U.S. House of Representatives on Dec. 4, 2014, is here. This resolution is directed against Russia. All quotes below are from H.R. 758.

“H.Res.758 – Strongly condemning the actions of the Russian Federation, under President Vladimir Putin, which has carried out a policy of aggression against neighboring countries aimed at political and economic domination.”

H.R. 758 condemns Russia unjustly, unilaterally, without justification, without evidence, and while ignoring Russia’s actual intentions and actions.

H.R. 758 makes false charges against Russia. False accusations obscure facts and realities. This can only lead to harmful decisions. Basing national policies on fictions can only cause problems and hurt Americans.

H.R. 758 gains  nothing for Americans by fabricating false charges against Russia. To the contrary, there is much to be lost by placing America on a collision course with Russia. There is much to be lost for Americans, Russians, and other peoples of the world by isolating Russia and starting a new Cold War.

H.R. 758 makes various calls for action “with the goal of compelling it [Russia]…” These acts, that include “visa bans, targeted asset freezes, sectoral sanctions, and other measures on the Russian Federation and its leadership” are hostile and aggressive.

H.R. 758’s attempt to compel Russia raises the distinct possibility of subsequent further economic, political and military steps that confront Russia and raise the likelihood of war, even nuclear war. These prospects are not counterbalanced by any gains to Americans from compelling Russia.

H.R. 758 demeans Russia. It is scandalously derogatory. It accuses Russia. It places Russia in a docket made by the U.S. It judges Russia. It makes the U.S. government the judge and jury of Russia.

H.R. 758 makes demands of Russia. It demands unrealistic capitulation. It places the U.S. in opposition to Russia when there is nothing to be gained by such opposition and peace is to be lost.

H.R. 758 calls for military actions. It spurns diplomacy.

H.R. 758 is aggressive in tone and nature, needlessly and without right.

H.R. 758 intrudes the U.S. into areas of the world where the U.S. doesn’t belong and has no right being. It intrudes the U.S. government into areas where it has no genuine interest on behalf of the American people.

H.R. 758 is fiction purporting to be fact. As fact, it’s mostly garbage, and harmful, dangerous garbage at that.

H.R. 758 is an extended exercise in baseless Congressional propaganda that teaches the American people false beliefs that can only generate hatred, suspicion and hostility. These strengthen the hand of the American warmongers and war party and obscure the voices for peace.

Although the situation in Ukraine and Russia’s role in it are none of Congress’s (or the House’s) business, measures like H.R. 758 will be used to justify further actions against Russia. For this reason, it’s useful to point out just a few of the many fictional narratives in this document.

What emerges after considering some of these allegations is that H.R. 758 has assembled a laundry list of charges against Russia in order to create the illusion of a substantial indictment. This is analogous to how American prosecutors trump up charges by issuing a stew such as assaulting a police officer, resisting arrest, trafficking, conspiracy to deliver controlled substances, conspiracy to resist arrest, unlawful use of a telephone, ad infinitum. This manner of proceeding is not surprising given the legal backgrounds of many Congressmen and members of their staffs.

FICTION: “…the Russian Federation has subjected Ukraine to a campaign of political,         economic, and military aggression for the purpose of establishing its domination over the country and progressively erasing its independence.”

FACT: The Russian Federation did absolutely nothing to initiate Ukraine’s current set of troubles. It did not create a coup d’etat in Ukraine. To the contrary, the U.S. encouraged the coup. Russia never attacked Ukraine militarily with its armed forces. It never made an attempt to take over Ukraine. If it has, where is the evidence of such an invasion? Russia has never sought to erase the independence of Ukraine. To the contrary, it has again and again made efforts to bring peace to that country.

FICTION: “…Russian Federation’s forcible occupation and illegal annexation of Crimea…”

FACT: Russia didn’t forcibly occupy Crimea at any time. Russia never invaded Crimea. Actually, in response to the coup d’etat in Kiev, the Parliament of Crimea adopted a resolution calling for a referendum to secede from Ukraine and its illegitimate government. The referendum was put to the people and passed in a one-sided vote. This resulted in Crimea joining the Russian Federation as a sovereign state.

FICTION: “… the Russian Federation has provided military equipment, training, and other assistance to separatist and paramilitary forces in eastern Ukraine that has resulted in over 4,000 civilian deaths, hundreds of thousands of civilian refugees, and widespread destruction…”

FACT: Whatever assistance was or was not, it did not result in “over 4,000 civilian deaths, hundreds of thousands of civilian refugees, and widespread destruction…” as H.R. 758 says. This cannot be laid at the doorstep solely of either the secessionists or the Russian Federation. It is a consequence of the de-stabilization of Ukraine’s government that catalyzed secession movements and resulted in Ukraine’s going to war to maintain its territory.

FACT: As with Crimea, secessionary forces of eastern Ukraine immediately became active after the coup d’etat in Kiev on February, 25, 2014. (The Donetsk Republic organization actually appeared before the year 2007 when Ukraine banned it.) The coup resulted in activists taking control of municipal buildings and declaring the Federal State of Novorussiya on April 7, 2014. One week later, Ukraine’s interim government declared it would confront the secessionists militarily.

FACT: On May 16, 2014, Ukraine declared that the entire Donetsk People’s Republic, a component of the Federal State of Novorussiya, was a terrorist organization. Consequently, Ukraine sent its military forces against those of the eastern Ukraine secessionists. We know that to re-take territory, Ukraine prosecuted the war in Donbass by bombardments of civilian areas.

FACT: The available evidence on the war in Donbass shows complexity in the forces fighting on the secessionist side. The participation of Russians did occur. However, there is no documentation that has yet been provided by the U.S. of the extent and kinds of assistance by Russians and/or by the Russian Federation to the secessionist forces of the Federal State of Novorussiya.

FICTION: “…the terms of the cease-fire specified in the Minsk Protocol that was signed on September 5, 2014, by representatives of the Government of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, and the Russian-led separatists in the eastern area of Ukraine have been repeatedly violated by the Russian Federation and the separatist forces it supports…”

FACT: The cease-fire has been repeatedly violated by both the Government of Ukraine and separatists. They’ve been fighting over the Donetsk airport. Calling the separatists Russian-led is an attempt to make Russia the author of the secessionist movement, which it is not. Cease-fires often are respites in longer wars as each side arms and regroups. This cease-fire’s lapses, which are none of America’s business anyway, can’t be taken seriously, and certainly not as seriously as H.R. 758 purports to do.

FICTION: “Malaysia Airlines Flight 17, a civilian airliner, was destroyed by a missile fired by Russian-backed separatist forces in eastern Ukraine, resulting in the loss of 298 innocent lives…”

FACT: The causes of the destruction of this airliner have not been yet established. H.R. 758 treats allegations as if they were facts.

FICTION: “…the Russian Federation has used and is continuing to use coercive economic measures, including the manipulation of energy prices and supplies, as well as trade restrictions, to place political and economic pressure on Ukraine…”

FACT: The energy relations among Russia, Russian companies, Ukraine and oligarchs of both countries are complex and not easily understood. They are known to be opaque. There are all sorts of hypotheses about them, but little is actually known. The allegation made in H.R. 758 is unproven.

FICTION: “…the Russian Federation invaded the Republic of Georgia in August 2008…”

FACT: The breakup of the USSR has been followed by some instabilities on Russia’s periphery, especially where there are large Russian populations that come into conflict with other nearby peoples. This characterizes Ukraine and Georgia. In the latter case, Georgia had a breakaway region, South Ossetia. Georgia shelled this region, and that brought in the Russian military to protect the integrity of South Ossetia. A European Union report says that Russia didn’t simply invade Georgia on its own hook. It didn’t initiate an aggression. The attacks by Ukraine on Donbass are a similar case, except that Russia has notably not responded to protect Novorussiya as it did South Ossetia. It has not introduced a concerted Russian attack.

FICTION: “…the Russian Federation continues to subject the Republic of Georgia to political and military intimidation, economic coercion, and other forms of aggression in an effort to establish its control of the country and to prevent Georgia from establishing closer relations with the European Union and the United States…”

FACT: This charge is sour grapes over the fact that Russia doesn’t want Georgia to join NATO and place missiles and armed forces on its doorstep. Georgia wants to join NATO, thinking that it affords it some protection against Russia.

If the Congress regards Russia’s pressures as “forms of aggression”, what then are its sanctions on Russia? Georgia is no more America’s business than is Ukraine. For the U.S. to condemn Russia over its actions on its periphery makes no more sense than for Russia to condemn the U.S. for its actions in Mexico or the Caribbean. When one major state begins to pressure another major state for its intrusions on smaller states, neither one can justify itself; and the result is often war between the two mastodons.

H.R. 758 is confrontational. It’s a jockeying for power at Russia’s boundaries and elsewhere. The problem with it is that as justification for confrontation it is so patently trumped up and false; and as part of a policy of U.S. expansion and influence, it is so foolish, so counter-productive and so dangerous.

H.R. 758 makes Ukraine into a U.S. ally. It calls for the restoration of Ukraine’s pre-coup borders. To accomplish this, it calls for the U.S. to supply arms, services and training to Ukraine: “…calls on the President to provide the Government of Ukraine with lethal and non-lethal defense articles, services, and training  required to effectively defend its territory and sovereignty…”

This makes the U.S. a party to Ukraine’s war against Donbass and even Crimea.

The belief that motivates all of H.R. 758 is that Russia is expansionist and on the move, seeking to take over countries on its periphery. Washington sees Putin and Russia as a new Hitler and Germany. This is the basis of all the trumped up charges and fictions in this document. Washington is constructing a new Hitler for itself, even though the situation is totally different and even though the evidence points in very different directions. To this erroneous belief is added another erroneous idea, which is the notion that to do nothing is to appease Russia. And finally there is a third erroneous idea which is that it’s the mission of the U.S. to fight evil empires all over the world. So, since the U.S. government conceives itself as committed to fighting evil empires and it has found one in Putin’s Russia, it wants to join hands with Ukraine and enter the fight. Ukraine is seen as the new Sudetenland or Czechoslovakia or Austria.

What we have in Washington are people who have been so indoctrinated in an oversimplified history of the world American-style that they cannot see anything but those past situations today, when in fact the situations arising today are considerably different and call for very different responses.

Reality is far, far different than H.R. 758 suggests. Russia is not an aggressive state. Its moves are defensive. Putin has sought time and again to protect Russian populations on the periphery of the Russian Federation. This is merely housekeeping and tidying up after the dissolution of the USSR. Putin wants respect for Russia and a Russian sphere of influence. He wants ties with Europe, peaceful ties. Putin has not built Russia into a military machine of huge proportions. He has not attacked any country in an outright aggression. There is no evidence, in word or deed, that this is his intent.

NATO is an aggressive force, as shown in Serbia, Afghanistan and Libya. It is a tool of neo-colonialist European powers. NATO cannot be trusted. Russia’s defensiveness concerning NATO is entirely justified.

America is an aggressively expansionary force, with vast global ambitions, as shown by its attacks on Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya, and Iraq, as shown by its drone wars in other countries like Pakistan and Yemen, as shown by its forces in Somalia and its other commitments in Africa, and as shown by its Pacific pivot and evident antagonism toward Russia. Russia’s defensiveness concerning the U.S. is justified.

H.R. 758 reflects anachronistic thinking, but fighting enemies, real and imagined, has become an entrenched habit of American governments. Congress doesn’t want peace. It doesn’t want to exercise diplomacy. It doesn’t want to recognize a multipolar world and other major powers, not really. Congress wants a new and large outside enemy. Else, why would it be constructing one in the form of Putin and the Russian Federation?

jeudi, 11 décembre 2014

Un «message» des États-Unis à la France, à la manière du «Parrain»


Un «message» des États-Unis à la France, à la manière du «Parrain»

Pleins feux sur Jean-Pierre Jouyet, secrétaire général de l’Élysée

Chronique de Richard Le Hir
Ex: http://www.vigile.net

Dans mes deux articles précédents, « Un accident bizarre qui en rappelle un autre » et « Un embarras TOTAL », j’ai souligné les ressemblances entre les circonstances de la disparition d’Enrico Mattei, le PDG de la pétrolière nationale italienne ENI au début des années 1960, et celle de Christophe de Margerie, le PDG de TOTAL, survenue il y a un peu plus d’un mois à l’aéroport Vnoukovo de Moscou.

J’ai également démontré que les États-Unis étaient à l’origine de la première, et qu’il existait d’excellentes raisons de croire qu’ils étaient aussi à l’origine de la seconde. En effet, autant Mattei que de Margerie constituaient des menaces claires à leurs intérêts pétroliers et financiers, en plus de défier ouvertement leur hégémonie mondiale, et la menace posée par de Margerie était sans doute encore beaucoup plus existentielle que celle qu’avait posée Mattei, comme nous allons le voir un peu plus bas.

Mon intérêt pour cette affaire s’explique à la fois par les connaissances que j’ai acquises au cours de ma carrière au service de deux grandes multinationales du pétrole, ESSO (maintenant connue sous le nom d’Exxon Mobil), et Texaco (aujourd’hui intégrée à Chevron), et par celui que j’ai développé pour l’Empire Desmarais, à la tête du grand conglomérat financier canadien Power Corporation, associé au groupe belge Frère, les deux étant d’importants actionnaires de TOTAL par le truchement d’une structure suisse de coparticipation, Pargesa SA, constituée par leurs soins.

Au Québec, comme j’ai eu l’occasion de le démontrer dans deux ouvrages récents, Desmarais : la Dépossession tranquille, et Henri-Paul Rousseau, le siphonneur de la Caisse de dépôt parus respectivement à Montréal aux Éditions Michel Brûlé en 2012 et 2014, les visées de l’Empire Desmarais sur ces principaux leviers de développement que sont Hydro-Québec et la Caisse de dépôt et de placement sont carrément prédatrices et spoliatrices.

L’intérêt soulevé par mon second article (repris sur plus d’une vingtaine de sites dont vous trouverez les liens à la fin de celui-ci), et notamment en Europe, m’a convaincu de pousser plus loin mon enquête, en m’intéressant non pas tant aux circonstances de l’accident/attentat – aucun nouvel élément n’a été rapporté depuis deux ou trois semaines - qu’à la conjoncture géopolitique internationale dans laquelle il est survenu, à la place qu’y occupe le pétrole, au rôle qu’y joue TOTAL, et à celui qu’y jouait son PDG Christophe de Margerie jusqu’à son décès.

La conjoncture géopolitique actuelle est l’une des plus tendues depuis la fin de la guerre froide. Alors que les États-Unis croyaient être parvenus, au tournant des années 1990, avec la chute du mur de Berlin et la dislocation de l’URSS, à asseoir leur domination sur le monde, les voici aux prises avec une concurrence nouvelle animée non plus par la recherche d’une confrontation entre deux idéologies (capitalisme et communisme), mais plutôt par la vision pluripolaire des puissances émergentes (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine, Afrique du Sud) réunies dans le BRICS, et opposées à toute forme d’inféodation, politique, économique ou culturelle.

À cette menace politique se rajoute le spectre d’un important déclin économique qui ne ferait qu’amplifier la première. En effet, s’étant rendus compte au début des années 1980 que leur structure de coûts de production était de moins en moins concurrentielle, les États-Unis poursuivent depuis lors une politique de libéralisation systématique des échanges commerciaux internationaux dont les effets les plus pervers ont été la désindustrialisation de leur économie et un appauvrissement collectif qui se manifeste dans la disparition rapide de leur classe moyenne.

Les bénéfices escomptés de la financiarisation de leur économie ne sont pas au rendez-vous. Non seulement alimente-t-elle une multiplication de bulles spéculatives qui finissent toutes par éclater éventuellement, mais il n’existe aucun mécanisme de redistribution de la maigre richesse qu’elle crée, et le fossé des inégalités sociales en train de se creuser constitue une menace sérieuse à leur stabilité politique à moyen et long terme.

L’absence de croissance économique réelle se reflète dans leur degré d’endettement qui se situe désormais parmi les pires du monde développé, et ils sont de plus en plus tentés par des aventures militaires hasardeuses dont ils pensent qu’ils pourraient sortir à la fois vainqueurs sur le plan politique, et renforcés sur le plan économique.
Leur situation se complique dès qu’on y introduit la donnée pétrole dont ils ont longtemps contrôlé le marché.

Au début des années 1970, contraints par l’essoufflement budgétaire causé par leur engagement au Vietnam de renoncer à l’obligation qu’ils avaient acceptée, à la fin de la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, de garantir la convertibilité de leur dollar en or au taux fixe de 35 $ l’once dans le but de relancer l’économie internationale qu’ils étaient bien placés pour dominer, et désireux d’asseoir leur hégémonie économique sur des bases encore plus solides, ils concluent une entente avec la monarchie régnante en Arabie Saoudite en vertu de laquelle celle-ci, devenue le plus important producteur de pétrole, s’engagera à exiger le paiement de toutes ses livraisons en dollars US, en contrepartie d’une garantie par les États-Unis de la défendre contre toute agression militaire.

C’est le début du règne du pétrodollar. L’or noir se substitue très rapidement à l’or métal comme référence dans toutes les transactions internationales, et les deux parties à cette entente vont en profiter immensément pendant une quarantaine d’années.

Au cours de la dernière année, certains événements sont survenus, certains connus, d’autres non, qui ont amené l’Arabie Saoudite à remettre en question son soutien jusque là indéfectible aux États-Unis et au dollar US. Le résultat se reflète ces jours-ci dans la baisse du cours du pétrole. Au moment d’écrire ces lignes, il a perdu près de 40 % de sa valeur depuis juin dernier. Vendredi, et, aujourd’hui le cours du WTI est passé sous la barre des 65 $ $ US alors que le Brent se situe légèrement au-dessus de 70 $.

Un analyste américain allait même jusqu’à prédire ces jours derniers qu’il pourrait même descendre jusqu’à 35 $ l’an prochain si les pays membres de l’OPEP ne parvenaient pas à s’entendre sur une réduction de leurs quotas de production.

Combinés à la remise en question du statut du dollar comme monnaie de réserve mondiale depuis quelques années et aux gestes concrets posés en ce sens par la Russie, la Chine, l’Iran, et quelques autres depuis un an, il est clair que ces événements marquent pour les États-Unis le commencement de la fin de leur hégémonie mondiale. Ils ont toutefois tellement à y perdre qu’ils vont tenter par tous les moyens de maintenir leur emprise, et l’Affaire de Margerie constitue une bonne indication des moyens qu’ils sont prêts à prendre pour éviter le sort qui les attend.

En effet, de Margerie était le PDG de TOTAL, seule entreprise non américaine avec BP à figurer au nombre des « majors » de l’industrie. BP est une entreprise britannique qui a perdu le peu d’indépendance qui lui restait dans la foulée de l’explosion survenue à l’été 2010 sur la plate-forme Deep Horizon dans le Golfe du Mexique, et de la catastrophe environnementale qui s’est ensuivie. Sous haute surveillance des autorités américaines en raison de l’importance des dommages encore non liquidés, l’entreprise est désormais dirigée par un Américain.

En raison de son histoire très complexe et des fusions dont elle est issue, TOTAL fait bande à part. Très tôt, elle a été présente au Moyen-Orient, notamment en Irak, en Afrique du Nord, et en Afrique Équatoriale. Très tôt, l’intérêt stratégique qu’elle revêt pour la France l’a amené à développer un réseau parallèle de renseignement qui a très bien servi les intérêts de la France, ce qui l’a mise à l’abri des remontrances de l’État lorsqu’elle s’engageait dans des coups fourrés, comme ce fut le cas en Iran, en Irak et en Libye au cours des dernières années.




Ainsi, on apprenait encore ces derniers jours que TOTAL avait accepté de verser 400 millions $ US en guise de pénalité pour avoir enfreint l’embargo des États-Unis contre l’Iran au début des années 2000, au détriment de l’américaine Conoco. Voici comment Libération présentait les faits dans son édition du 26 novembre :

Total sera jugé pour « corruption » en marge de contrats en Iran

Le groupe français Total sera jugé en correctionnelle pour « corruption d’agents publics étrangers » en marge de contrats pétroliers et gaziers conclus en Iran dans les années 1990.

Son ancien PDG, Christophe de Margerie, avait également été renvoyé pour ce même chef le 15 octobre, a indiqué mardi à l’AFP une source judiciaire, confirmant une information de Charlie Hebdo. Mais les poursuites le concernant se sont terminées avec son décès quelques jours plus tard à Moscou.

Cette enquête ancienne porte sur un peu plus de 30 millions de dollars qui auraient été versés à partir d’octobre 2000 en marge de deux contrats du géant français en lien avec l’Iran dans les années 1990, sur fond d’embargo américain.

Le principal contrat, d’une valeur de 2 milliards de dollars, avait été conclu le 28 septembre 1997 avec la société pétrolière nationale iranienne NIOC et concernait l’exploitation - par une coentreprise réunissant Total, le russe Gazprom et le malaisien Petronas - d’une partie du champ gazier de South Pars au large de l’Iran, dans le Golfe. Washington avait menacé les pétroliers de sanctions pour ces investissements.

Le second contrat visé par l’enquête avait été conclu le 14 juillet 1997 entre Total et la société Baston Limited. Il était lié à un important accord conclu deux ans plus tôt, le 13 juillet 1995, pour l’exploitation des champs pétroliers iraniens de Sirri A et E, également dans le Golfe.

Total avait alors bénéficié du retrait de l’Américain Conoco, contraint de céder la place après que l’administration Clinton eut décrété un embargo total sur l’Iran.

Dans l’enquête ouverte en France fin 2006, Christophe de Margerie avait été mis en examen en 2007 par l’ancien juge d’instruction Philippe Courroye pour « corruption d’agents publics étrangers » et « abus de biens sociaux ». M. de Margerie était à l’époque des faits directeur pour le Moyen-Orient du géant français.

- « Réels problèmes juridiques » -

Les juges d’instruction ont finalement ordonné en octobre le renvoi en correctionnelle de Total et de Christophe de Margerie pour les faits de « corruption d’agents publics étrangers », selon la source. Ils n’ont pas retenu l’abus de biens sociaux contre le patron du groupe.

Christophe de Margerie a péri dans la nuit du 20 au 21 octobre quand son Falcon a percuté un chasse-neige au décollage à l’aéroport Vnoukovo de Moscou.

Deux intermédiaires iraniens sont également renvoyés pour complicité : l’homme d’affaires et lobbyiste Bijan Dadfar, qui travaillait pour Baston Limited, et Abbas Yazdi, un consultant pétrolier.

Interrogé sur cette affaire en juin 2013, alors que le parquet de Paris venait de requérir son renvoi et celui de Total, Christophe de Margerie avait réfuté les accusations de versement « de pots-de-vin » ou de « rétrocommissions » : « ce que nous avons fait dans les années 90 était effectivement conforme à la loi », avait-il déclaré au Grand Jury RTL/Le Figaro/LCI.

Sollicité par l’AFP, l’avocat de Total, Me Daniel Soulez-Larivière, a estimé mardi que ce dossier posait « de réels problèmes juridiques ».

D’une part parce que les contrats sont antérieurs à l’entrée en vigueur en France en 2000 de la convention de l’Organisation de coopération et de développement économiques (OCDE) prohibant la corruption d’agents publics étrangers.

D’autre part parce que, visé par des poursuites aux Etats-Unis pour ces contrats, Total a accepté en 2013 de transiger pour clore la procédure, moyennant le versement de près de 400 millions de dollars. Or, selon la règle dite du « non bis in idem », nul ne peut être poursuivi ou puni plusieurs fois pour les mêmes faits, relève l’avocat.

Première entreprise de l’Hexagone par les bénéfices et deuxième par la capitalisation boursière, Total avait bénéficié en juillet 2013 d’une relaxe dans le procès « pétrole contre nourriture ». Mais le parquet a fait appel de cette décision.

L’invocation de la règle « non bis idem idem » paraît un argument bien faiblard à l’avocat québécois que je suis dans la mesure où les faits reprochés à TOTAL tombent sous le coup des lois de deux pays différents, qu’ils ne sont pas de même nature dans les deux pays, et qu’aux États-Unis, un règlement négocié est intervenu sans qu’un jugement de culpabilité n’ait été prononcé. Mais bon, je ne prétends pas connaître le droit français.

En ce qui concerne les faits survenus en Irak, il s’agit de malversations survenues entre 1996 et 2002 dans le cadre du programme humanitaire Pétrole contre nourriture mis sur pied par l’ONU dans la foulée de l’embargo du Conseil de sécurité contre l’Irak . Voici comment Le Figaro rapportait les faits le 2 août 2011 :

« Pétrole contre nourriture » : Pasqua et Total seront jugés

En dépit du non-lieu requis par le parquet de Paris, le juge d’instruction a décidé de renvoyer devant le tribunal correctionnel le groupe pétrolier et 19 personnes, dont son PDG Christophe de Margerie et l’ancien ministre de l’Intérieur.

L’affaire « pétrole contre nourriture », dans laquelle sont impliquées plusieurs personnalités françaises, vient de connaître un rebondissement spectaculaire. Alors que le parquet de Paris avait requis par deux fois, en 2009 puis en 2010, un non-lieu, le juge Serge Tournaire a pris la décision de renvoyer devant le tribunal correctionnel 19 personnes, dont l’ancien ministre Charles Pasqua et l’actuel PDG de Total Christophe de Margerie. La société Total sera également jugée en tant que personne morale.

Cette décision de justice, prise le 28 juillet, a été révélée par Charlie Hebdo avant d’être confirmée mardi par une source judiciaire. Le parquet n’ayant pas fait appel de la décision dans les cinq jours qui ont suivi l’ordonnance du juge, le procès est inévitable. Il ne devrait toutefois pas se tenir avant 2012.

Les accusés sont soupçonnés de malversations dans le cadre du programme « Pétrole contre nourriture ». Ce dispositif, mis en place par l’ONU entre 1996 et 2002 a permis au régime de Saddam Hussein, alors soumis à un embargo du Conseil de sécurité, de vendre son or noir en échange de denrées alimentaires et de médicaments.

Pasqua accusé de corruption et de trafic d’influence

La justice soupçonne les dirigeants de Total d’avoir mis en place un système de commissions occultes afin de bénéficier de marchés pétroliers et d’avoir contourné l’embargo en achetant des barils de pétrole irakien via des sociétés écrans. La société est ainsi poursuivie pour corruption d’agents publics étrangers, recel de trafic d’influence et complicité de trafic d’influence. Son PDG actuel, Christophe de Margerie, est renvoyé pour complicité d’abus de biens sociaux. « Nous sommes confiants dans l’issue du procès et sur le fait qu’il sera établi que Total ne peut se voir reprocher les faits cités », a réagi le groupe pétrolier.

Les autres personnalités françaises impliquées auraient touché leurs commissions sous forme d’allocations de barils de pétrole. Deux anciens diplomates de haut-rang seront ainsi traduits pour corruption : Jean-Bernard Mérimée, ambassadeur de France à l’ONU de 1991 à 1995, et Serge Boidevaix, ancien secrétaire général du Quai d’Orsay. Charles Pasqua devra lui se défendre des accusations de corruption et de trafic d’influence pour des faits commis entre 1996 et 2002.

« C’est tout à fait une surprise, et une mauvaise surprise » a immédiatement commenté sur France Info son avocat, Me Léon-Lef Forster. Ce dernier s’est étonné que le juge, qui a repris en 2010 une enquête ouverte en 2002, ait pris sa décision sans même avoir « pris la peine d’interroger (son) client ». Il dit toutefois n’avoir « aucune inquiétude » quant à l’issue du procès.

Dans le volet français de l’affaire, aucune mention du fait que le programme « Pétrole contre nourriture » des Nations Unies était administré par un canadien du nom de Maurice Strong qui se trouve à être un ancien PDG de Power Corporation, l’entreprise de l’Empire Desmarais associé au belge Albert Frère dans la structure de droit suisse qui détient leurs actions dans TOTAL, et dont je parle abondamment dans mon article précédent, Un embarras TOTAL.




Maurice Strong est aussi un ancien PDG de Petro Canada, de la Corporation de développement des Investissements du Canada et d’Hydro-Ontario. En 2005, alors qu’il occupe la fonction de secrétaire général associé des Nations Unies, il est accusé d’avoir reçu d’un dirigeant irakien un paiement de 1 million de dollars puisé à même le fonds pétrole contre nourriture. Il s’enfuit en Chine, à Pékin, où il dispose de solides appuis politiques. Il n’en est jamais revenu pour faire face aux accusations portées contre lui.

Au Canada, le scandale est vite étouffé vu les liens étroits de Strong avec l’ancien ministre des Finances et premier ministre Paul Martin, lui-même impliqué dans les affaires de Strong et repreneur d’une entreprise que lui a cédée Paul Desmarais. Ceux d’entre vous qui s’imaginent avoir tout vu en matière d’affaires politiques sordides sont invités à prendre connaissance des trois liens suivants : At the United Nations, the Curious Career of Maurice Strong Maurice Strong, et Abel Danger Brief Summary of the Last Six Years : Connecting the Power. Canada’s Power Corporation and Maurice Strong. Ils constateront que le Canada est loin d’être le paradis bénin qu’ils imaginent.

Ils constateront aussi que les affaires de TOTAL et de Strong sont liées, et que le lien entre les deux est l’actionnaire principal de TOTAL, le tandem Desmarais/Frère.
Évidemment, lorsqu’on ajoute à ces deux affaires celle de la Libye que j’ai racontée dans mon article précédent, on comprend que les États-Unis aient pu commencer à s’inquiéter de ce qu’ils percevaient de plus en plus comme une agression contre leurs intérêts par un acteur majeur de l’industrie pétrolière mondiale qu’ils avaient jusque-là eu la naïveté de prendre pour un allié.

En effet, non seulement TOTAL est-elle une entreprise française, donc en principe amie, mais en plus, son conseil d’administration compte des personnes très proches des plus hautes sphères du monde des affaires et de la politique aux États-Unis.

À ce stade-ci, il est important de préciser que le degré de contrôle du tandem Desmarais/Frère sur TOTAL est beaucoup plus important que ne le suggère leur 3,2 % des actions de l’entreprise. Pour établir le degré de leur emprise, il faut examiner les affaires de la Power Corporation de l’Empire Desmarais et du Groupe Bruxelles-Lambert du belge Albert Frère.

Pour ne s’en tenir qu’à celles de Power Corporation, on constate que celle-ci a près de 500 milliards $ US d’actifs sous gestion par l’entremise surtout de sa filiale, la Financière Power, dans laquelle on retrouve des compagnies d’assurance et des fonds de placement au Canada, aux États-Unis, en Europe et en Extrême-Orient. Il est dans la nature des activités de ces entreprises de se constituer d’importants portefeuilles de titres, et il va de soi que chacune d’entre elle détient un important paquet d’actions de TOTAL.

On voit donc que l’influence du tandem Desmarais/Frère dans TOTAL se trouve démultipliée par la quantité d’actions détenue dans celle-ci par les filiales de la Financière Power et le Groupe Bruxelles-Lambert. Et il faut ajouter à cela l’influence qu’ils peuvent détenir en vertu de conventions expresses ou tacites avec d’autres actionnaires ou regroupement d’actionnaires de TOTAL, du genre échange de bons procédés.

Dans ce contexte, c’est avec la plus grande surprise que l’on découvre aujourd’hui sur le site francophone de l’agence de presse russe RIA-Novosti les deux articles suivants :

Total, partenaire prioritaire de la Russie (Poutine)

Le groupe français Total est un partenaire prioritaire de la Russie, et le décès de son PDG Christophe de Margerie est une perte importante pour le pays, a déclaré vendredi le président russe Vladimir Poutine.
"Total est notre partenaire prioritaire depuis de nombreuses années. Nous pleurons avec vous le décès de notre ami, M. de Margerie. Il s’agit d’une lourde perte", a indiqué M. Poutine lors d’une rencontre avec les responsables du groupe français.
Christophe de Margerie est mort dans la nuit du 21 octobre à Moscou dans un accident d’avion à l’aéroport de Vnoukovo.

Deux choses à noter. Premièrement, l’essentiel du message se trouve dans la photo. Et deuxièmement, la rencontre a eu lieu à Sotchi, ville des derniers jeux olympiques. La sécurité de l’aéroport est à toute épreuve... On ne fera pas exprès pour répéter une deuxième fois la même erreur...




Le second article est encore plus surprenant lorsqu’on connaît les liens de Nicolas Sarkozy avec les pouvoirs américains :

Sarkozy : vouloir la confrontation entre l’Europe et la Russie est une folie

Vouloir la confrontation entre l’Europe et la Russie est une folie, a déclaré jeudi l’ex-président français Nicolas Sarkozy lors de son dernier meeting de campagne pour le premier tour de l’élection à la tête de l’UMP à Nîmes, lit-on vendredi sur son site.
"Nous avons voulu l’Europe pour qu’elle soit, dans le monde, un facteur de paix. Nous n’avons pas voulu l’Europe pour qu’elle ressuscite la guerre froide. Vouloir la confrontation entre l’Europe et la Russie est une folie (…). Comment a-t-on pu espérer résoudre la crise ukrainienne sans discuter avec la Russie ?", a demandé M.Sarkozy dans son discours.

Par ailleurs, l’ancien chef de l’Etat français s’est violemment indigné à propos du non-respect du contrat de la France envers la Russie, estimant que Paris devait "honorer sa parole" et livrer les deux navires Mistral à Moscou.

Bien sûr, Sarkozy ne parle plus au nom de la France, et ses paroles n’ont pas l’autorité de celle d’un chef d’État. Mais il se trouve quand même à répéter ce que disaient récemment Henry Kissinger, le très prestigieux ancien chef de la diplomatie des États Unis, et Mikhaïl Gorbatchev, le dernier président de l’URSS. Et est-ce un hasard si Nicolas Sarkozy est aussi très proche des Desmarais et d’Albert Frère ? Quand le hasard fait trop bien les choses, c’est qu’il n’y a pas de hasard, mais bien plutôt une opération planifiée en bonne et due forme.

Nous sommes donc bel et bien en face d’un défi lancé par TOTAL et ses actionnaires à la position des États-Unis. La question qui se pose est de savoir quelle est la position de l’État français dans cette affaire, et elle se pose d’autant plus que TOTAL, sans être une société d’État est une des plus grandes entreprises et que l’État se trouve assurément dans son capital, soit directement, soit par l’entremise d’une institution comme la Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC).

Pour comprendre la continuité dans l’action de TOTAL, il est essentiel de connaître le réseau d’influence que de Margerie était parvenu à se tisser au fil de sa carrière. Voici un article paru en 2007dans une publication économique française, L’Expansion, qui jette en outre un éclairage extraordinaire sur la crise actuelle et le rôle qu’y joue le pétrole :

Les réseaux de Christophe de Margerie

Atypique, le nouveau patron de Total l’est jusque dans ses relations, où le " terrain " compte plus que l’establishment.

Ballet de voitures officielles au Quai d’Orsay, le 8 mars. Ce matin-là, les ambassadeurs étrangers sont venus écouter un orateur inhabituel, Christophe de Margerie. Loin des flashs, le nouveau patron de Total, intronisé le 13 février, parle pétrole à ses Excellences. Et renforce ses liens avec la communauté diplomatique.

Albert Frère
Gérard Mestrallet
Anne Lauvergeon

Si l’actionnaire belge de Total aime le naturel de Christophe de Margerie, le PDG de Suez apprécie surtout son anticonformisme. Les liens du patron de Total avec la dirigeante d’Areva sont aussi de bon augure, alors que le pétrolier n’a jamais caché son intérêt pour la filière nucléaire.

Voilà le style Margerie : des réseaux informels tissés au fil des années, bien loin du très sélect Club des cent et autres Siècle, qu’il fréquente peu. " Il n’est pas un adepte des grands dîners parisiens, déclare Jean-Pierre Jouyet, cousin par alliance et chef du service de l’Inspection des finances. Son point fort, c’est le terrain. " Normal, c’est là que " Big Moustache ", comme on le surnomme dans le Groupe Total, a bâti sa carrière. Notamment au Moyen-Orient, qu’il a parcouru pendant des années, prenant même en 1995 la responsabilité de cette zone. " Du Koweït à Dubaï, il connaît tout le monde, témoigne son amie Randa Takieddine, journaliste au quotidien saoudien Al-Hayat. Les Arabes aiment son sens de l’humour, il a su gagner leur confiance. "

Jean Veil
Jean-Marc Forneri
Hubert Védrine

L’avocat de Christophe de Margerie n’est pas un intime, mais il dîne régulièrement chez lui, dans son appartement parisien, tout comme Jean-Marc Forneri, banquier d’affaires et ami. Les rapports sont plus professionnels avec l’ancien chef de la diplomatie française, dont le patron de Total apprécie beaucoup les conseils géopolitiques.

Et nouer de vraies amitiés. Comme celle qui le lie à Abdallah ben Hamad al-Attiyah, ministre de l’Energie du Qatar. Quant à Abdallah Jumaa, président de la société d’Etat saoudienne Aramco, il ne passe jamais par Paris sans saluer " l’Oriental ". En Arabie saoudite, Margerie fréquente le prince Saoud al-Fayçal, le ministre des Affaires étrangères, et Ali al-Naimi, le ministre du Pétrole. " Lorsqu’il se rend dans les Emirats et au Koweït, Christophe de Margerie est reçu dans les majlis, les audiences privées accordées par les princes arabes ", commente son ami Jean-Marc Forneri, banquier d’affaires. Les deux hommes se sont connus en 1999. Christophe de Margerie venait d’être nommé patron de l’exploration-production de Total, Jean-Marc Forneri conseillait Petrofina - absorbé par Total la même année. " Déjà, à l’époque, il était à part dans l’univers Total, se souvient-il. Christophe n’est pas ingénieur, il est diplômé d’une école de commerce, l’Escp-EAP. Il a de l’humour, ce qui est rare dans ce milieu. " Fin portraitiste, Christophe de Margerie adore croquer ses victimes en quelques traits acérés. Sa parodie du ministre de l’Economie, Thierry Breton, cherchant à se recaser à la direction de Total, est, selon un proche, " savoureuse ".




Abdallah ben Hamad al-Attiyah
Saoud al-Fayçal
Abdallah Jumaa

Ami avec le ministre de l’Energie du Qatar, le n° 1 de Total estime le ministre des Affaires étrangères saoudien et le président d’Aramco.

Des rapports distants avec le monde politique

Christophe de Margerie est un patron atypique. Pourrait-il en être autrement quand on descend d’une telle lignée ? Le père vient d’une famille d’ambassadeurs, la mère, Colette, est la fille de Pierre Taittinger, fondateur d’un empire qui mêlait hôtels de luxe (Crillon), champagnes (Taittinger) et marques prestigieuses (Baccarat). " Nous avons longtemps espéré que Christophe dirige le groupe, raconte Pierre-Christian Taittinger, son oncle, maire du XVIe arrondissement de Paris. Il était le seul à avoir l’aval de toute la famille. " Mais Christophe préfère l’or noir à l’or fin. Une décision lourde de conséquences. " Son refus a, en partie, entraîné la vente de nos actifs en 2005 ", lâche l’oncle qui garde des liens " privilégiés " avec son neveu. " Je l’aide quand il a besoin d’informations sur un homme politique. " Précieux pour le patron de Total, qui entretient des rapports distants avec l’establishment. " Il ne grenouille pas dans les cercles parisiens, explique sa cousine Brigitte Taittinger, PDG des parfums Annick Goutal. Je n’ai jamais vu un politicien dîner chez lui. " A droite, on le dit en bons termes avec Dominique de Villepin et Jean-Pierre Raffarin, qui, lorsqu’il était Premier ministre, appréciait ses topos sur l’énergie.

Jean-Pierre Jouyet
Jean-Pierre Raffarin
Dominique de Villepin

L’ex-directeur du cabinet de Jacques Delors et les deux Premiers ministres de Jacques Chirac font partie de ses rares connexions politiques.

Et lui, qui le conseille ? S’il fallait n’en citer qu’un, ce serait Hubert Védrine, l’ancien chef de la diplomatie sous Jospin reconverti dans le conseil, avec qui Margerie partage une certaine vision de la France, éloignée du déclinisme ambiant. " Il est soucieux de l’intérêt national ", ajoute Védrine. " Je l’ai vu rabrouer un diplomate français qui raillait le gouvernement. Il trouvait inadmissible que l’on dise du mal de son pays devant des étrangers ", se souvient Randa Takieddine. Pour défendre ses intérêts, Christophe de Margerie a choisi Jean Veil, le fils de Simone. " Nos deux mères ont des relations amicales ", souligne l’avocat, dont l’associé Emmanuel Rosenfeld gère les deux récentes mises en examen du dirigeant de Total, soupçonné d’abus de biens sociaux et de corruption d’agents publics étrangers en Irak dans le cadre de l’affaire " Pétrole contre nourriture " et en Iran dans le dossier du gaz offshore.

Brigitte Taittinger
Colette de Margerie
Pierre-Christian Taittinger

Sacrée, la famille ! Il est très proche de sa cousine et de sa mère, de précieux conseil, tout comme son oncle, maire du xvie arrondissement.

Des lézardes supplémentaires dans l’image du Groupe Total, après la catastrophe AZF, l’affaire du travail forcé en Birmanie et le naufrage de l’Erika. " Il va devoir travailler sur la communication du groupe ", insiste un proche. Il pourra demander conseil à Anne Lauvergeon, qui, avec Albert Frère et Gérard Mestrallet, est l’une des personnalités du business que Margerie apprécie le plus. Lorsqu’elle est arrivée à la tête d’Areva, l’ancienne sherpa de Mitterrand a mis à mal la culture du secret qui régnait parmi les " nucléocrates " et fait connaître le monde de l’atome au grand public. Avec un succès qui n’a pas échappé à Big Moustache.

Christophe de Margerie en 5 dates
- 1974 : entrée dans le Groupe Total, à la direction financière
- 1995 : prend la tête de Total-Moyen-Orient
- 1999 : devient patron de la branche exploration-production
- 2006 : mis en examen dans l’affaire " Pétrole contre nourriture "
- 2007 : devient directeur général du groupe pétrolier

Vous aurez noté au passage le nom de Gérard Mestrallet, l’actuel PDG du groupe GDF-Suez et de Suez Environnement dans lesquels le tandem Desmarais/Frère détient également des participations. Ce qui est beaucoup moins connu est qu’il siège au conseil d’administration de Pargesa SA (dont il a été question plus haut), comme en fait foi le rapport annuel de cette entreprise pour l’année 2013, et qu’il siège au bureau des gouverneurs du Forum international des Amériques qu’organise chaque année à Montréal l’Empire Desmarais.

Il s’agit donc bel et bien d’un défi à la position des États-Unis lancée par TOTAL et ses actionnaires, dont le tandem Desmarais/Frère. La question qui se pose est de savoir quelle est la position de l’État français dans cette affaire, et elle se pose d’autant plus que TOTAL, sans être une société d’État est une des plus grandes entreprises françaises et que l’État se trouve dans son capital, soit directement, soit par l’entremise d’une institution comme la Caisse des dépôts et consignations (CDC) ou l’une de ses filiales.

Jean Pierre Jouyet, secrétaire général de l’Élysée

De plus, le secrétaire général actuel de l’Élysée, Jean-Pierre Jouyet qui, s’il est un ami de longue date de François Hollande, était aussi le cousin par alliance de Christophe de Margerie, comme nous l’apprenait Le Figaro dans un article paru dans la foulée de l’accident/attentat de Moscou, dont voici un extrait très éclairant :

La galaxie politique de Christophe de Margerie

Au plus haut niveau de l’État, l’ancien patron du groupe pétrolier était particulièrement proche de François Hollande. Beaucoup plus qu’il ne l’a jamais été de Nicolas Sarkozy. Christophe de Margerie fut notamment le témoin du mariage de sa cousine, Brigitte Taittinger, avec Jean-Pierre Jouyet, l’actuel secrétaire général de l’Élysée, au côté de l’actuel chef de l’État. Une proximité entre les deux hommes confirmée mardi par le ministre des Finances, Michel Sapin, qui a rappelé que François Hollande et lui-même le connaissaient dans leur « vie privée ». Jean-Pierre Jouyet, devenu de fait le cousin par alliance de Christophe de Margerie, a pour sa part qualifié la relation entre le grand patron et François Hollande de « très conviviale et amicale ».

Avant d’occuper ses fonctions actuelles, Jean-Pierre Jouyet a présidé aux destinées de la CDC et de l’Autorité des marchés financiers (AMF). C’est ainsi qu’il a fait connaissance avec le tandem Desmarais/Frère, comme nous le révèlent les dessous des nombreuses actions en justice entreprises en France et en Belgique par l’homme d’affaires français Jean-Marie Kuhn qui invoque des irrégularités dans la vente de la chaîne de restauration rapide Quick par Albert Frère à une filiale de la CDC qui aurait, sur ordre de l’État français, payé Quick largement au-dessus de sa valeur, versant 800 millions d’euros à M. Frère pour une entreprise évaluée en 2004 à quelque 300 millions d’euros.

Dans une requête au Conseil d’État, le plus haut tribunal français, introduite en août 2012 pour obtenir l’annulation de la nomination de Jean-Pierre Jouyet à la tête de la CDC, dont vous trouverez le texte complet sur Vigile, Jean-Marie Kuhn décrit le stratagème et explique les liens entre Jouyet et le tandem Desmarais/Frère avec un luxe de détails peu flatteur pour les intéressés. Le fait que cette requête ait été jugée irrecevable pour des motifs purement techniques n’enlève rien à l’intérêt des faits et à la lumière qu’ils se trouvent à jeter sur les agissements douteux, et c’est bien peu dire, de nos « élites » économiques et politiques, au Québec comme en France.

En faisant les recoupements nécessaires, des observateurs plus familiers que moi avec les arcanes de la politique française parviendraient certainement à établir un lien entre cette affaire et le fameux déjeuner récent entre Jean-Pierre Jouyet, François Fillon et Antoine Gosset-Grainville.

En effet, le parcours du dernier est très instructif. Voici en effet le résumé qu’en fait Wikipédia :

Antoine Gosset-Grainville

En 1993, à sa sortie de l’Ena, Antoine Gosset-Grainville débute sa carrière à l’Inspection générale des Finances, avant de prendre les fonctions de secrétaire général adjoint du Comité monétaire européen en 1997, puis du comité économique et financier de l’Union européenne à Bruxelles. En 1999, il rejoint le cabinet de Pascal Lamy, commissaire européen chargé du commerce, comme conseiller pour les affaires économiques, monétaires et industrielles.

Avocat aux barreaux de Paris et Bruxelles, il devient en 2002 associé au cabinet Gide Loyrette Nouel, dont il dirige le bureau de Bruxelles jusqu’en 2007.

Il est de 1995 à 2007 coordonnateur de la direction d’études de questions européennes à l’IEP de Paris.

Antoine Gosset-Grainville est appelé comme directeur adjoint de cabinet auprès de François Fillon qui est nommé Premier ministre en mai 2007.

Il quitte Matignon en mars 2010 pour la Caisse des dépôts et consignations dont il devient directeur général adjoint, chargé du pilotage des finances, de la stratégie, des participations et de l’international (1er mai 2010).

À la suite de la décision de Nicolas Sarkozy de reporter la nomination du directeur général de la Caisse des dépôts après l’élection présidentielle de 2012, Antoine Gosset-Grainville a assuré la direction générale par intérim de l’institution du 8 mars au 18 juillet 2012, date de la nomination de Jean-Pierre Jouyet comme directeur général. À ce titre, il a assuré la présidence du conseil d’administration du Fonds stratégique d’investissement (FSI).

En mars 2013, il fonde le cabinet BDGS spécialisé dans les opérations transactionnelles M&A avec trois associés : Antoine Bonnasse, Youssef Djehane et Jean-Emmanuel Skovron.

Les trois hommes ont prétendu ne pas avoir parlé de politique lors de ce fameux déjeuner dont les échos sont même parvenus au Québec. . On s’est gaussé d’eux. Mais si c’était vrai ? En examinant leur profil, on peut facilement comprendre qu’ils auraient tout aussi bien pu parler de l’évolution de certaines transactions auxquelles ils ont été associés. Et si c’est le cas, pourrait-il s’agir de transactions impliquant le tandem Desmarais/Frère ? Fillon et Gosset-Grainville n’ont-ils pas planché ensemble sur le dossier GDF-Suez en 2007 dans des négociations impliquant Albert Frère et Gérard Mestrallet ?

L’écheveau des intérêts publics et privés

Ce que cet embrouillamini démontre, c’est que l’État français, comme l’État québécois d’ailleurs, sert désormais de paravent commode à d’énormes magouilles concoctées par le tandem Desmarais/Frère, et qu’il n’y a plus moyen de déterminer la frontière entre les intérêts privés et les intérêts d’État. On en a eu un excellent exemple récemment lors de la visite du président Hollande au Canada. Il n’était rien d’autre que le commis-voyageur d’intérêts privés au premier rang desquels figurait très avantageusement ceux du tandem Desmarais-Frère, et c’est d’ailleurs de cette façon qu’il s’est comporté, au plus grand ravissement du gouvernement Harper.

La politique de la France ? Il n’en reste rien, comme le démontre l’incapacité de François Hollande à ordonner la livraison des Mistral à la Russie en exécution du contrat qu’elle a signé avec elle. Il est loin le temps où le Gal de Gaulle déclarait que « La politique de la France ne se décide pas à la corbeille » et retirait la France de l’OTAN.

Aujourd’hui, sous les pressions des États-Unis et avec la complicité complaisante de Nicolas Sarkozy et de ses élites, la France a réintégré l’OTAN et en est réduite à jouer les valets de service. Il ne lui reste plus la moindre marge de manœuvre, et elle est en train de perdre à une vitesse ahurissante toutes les caractéristiques qui l’ont différenciée dans l’histoire, comme je m’en rends compte à chaque fois que j’ai l’occasion de m’y rendre. Tant il est vrai, comme le disait encore de Gaulle, que « La France ne peut être la France sans la grandeur. »

Dans cette affaire, les États-Unis ont envoyé à la France un message à la manière du « Parrain », et la France n’est même plus en mesure de les dénoncer ou de leur retourner un message de son cru. Pire, le message en fera certainement réfléchir plus d’un, et François Hollande est peut-être même du nombre.

Pour parvenir à leurs fins, les États-Unis doivent absolument se débarrasser non pas de la Russie dont ils convoitent les richesses naturelles, notamment le pétrole et le gaz, mais de Poutine qu’ils voient comme le principal obstacle à leur dessein. L’opération ukrainienne devait avoir cet effet, mais rien ne fonctionne comme prévu. Poutine, s’il en a profité pour récupérer la Crimée au passage pour des raisons autant historiques que stratégiques, évite soigneusement de s’engager plus loin, et laisse les Ukrainiens de l’ouest et de l’est se déchirer entre eux. Quant aux sanctions commerciales, elles se sont retournées contre les pays européens,

Et à ce dernier égard, la situation va même empirer. Il faut comprendre que la baisse du rouble occasionnée par les sanctions actuelles et la baisse du cours du pétrole ne nuisent pas à la Russie, bien au contraire. Elles la forcent tout d’abord à produire davantage chez elle pour éviter d’être trop pénalisée par ses importations, et elles la rendent beaucoup plus concurrentielle à l’exportation. C’est le principe des dévaluations compétitives qui ont tant profité au développement de certaines économies européennes, et dont elles sont désormais privées par l’existence de l’euro.

Pour ajouter aux difficultés des États-Unis, l’Union Européenne, qu’ils espéraient modeler à leur image, fait eau de toutes parts et menace d’échapper à leur contrôle. L’opération ukrainienne visait donc également à ressouder son unité devant la menace d’un ennemi commun, et elle aurait pu facilement réussir dans le contexte d’une économie florissante.

Mais dans un contexte de crise économique, chacun est tenté de tirer dans le sens de ses intérêts, comme le cas des bâtiments porte-hélicoptères Mistral commandés à la France par la Russie le démontre éloquemment. C’est pourquoi les États-Unis devaient frapper fort, sachant trop bien qu’ il est d’autant plus tentant de demeurer sourd à l’appel de l’unité qu’on risque de perdre beaucoup à y répondre.

Quant à Christophe de Margerie, il est mort d’avoir vécu dangereusement, comme Enrico Mattei. Mais si l’on sait que Mattei n’a jamais eu d’autre souci que de bien servir les intérêts de l’Italie, on est beaucoup moins certain que de Margerie ait été au seul service des intérêts de la France. On a même d’abondantes preuves du contraire. L’homme, ou l’époque ?

Avocat, conseiller en gestion et ancien ministre du Gouvernement du Québec, Richard Le Hir est l’auteur de deux ouvrages récents sur les intérêts de l’Empire Desmarais publiés aux Éditions Michel Brûlé à Montréal :« Desmarais : La Dépossession tranquille », et « Henri-Paul Rousseau, le siphonneur de la Caisse de dépôt ».

Note de Vigile : Voici les adresses des sites européens, nord-américains et africains sur lesquels a été repris Un embarras TOTAL



























mercredi, 10 décembre 2014

Regering Obama voert eerste test uit met uitschakelen kritische internetmedia

Regering Obama voert eerste test uit met uitschakelen kritische internetmedia

Onafhankelijke berichtgeving in VS kan nu op ieder gewenst moment worden geblokkeerd

‘Nieuwspraak’ ook in EU (en Nederland) harde realiteit: speciale raad in Duitsland controleert op politiek correcte berichtgeving over immigratie, misdaad en islam

De Amerikaanse regering heeft afgelopen woensdag voor het eerst gericht enkele nieuwssites op internet voor korte tijd platgelegd. Volgens Mike Adams, beheerder van Natural News –één van de grootste alternatieve websites van het land-, was dit een eerste test waarmee de regering Obama voorbereidingen treft om de onafhankelijke berichtgeving op het internet uit te schakelen, zodat er alleen nog maar ruimte overblijft voor overheidspropaganda.

In Californië waren woensdag bekende nieuwssites, waaronder Drudge Report, CNN, Epoch Times en het christelijke World Net Daily twee uur lang niet meer te bereiken. Adams’ bronnen onthulden dat de Amerikaanse regering hier achter zat, die tevreden geconstateerd zou hebben dat het technisch mogelijk is om vijandig gezinde websites op ieder moment razendsnel af te sluiten of te veranderen.

Overheid wil totale controle over berichtgeving

Dat laatste is mogelijk nog verontrustender, want dat betekent dat de overheid valse kopieën van bestaande websites in de lucht kan brengen. Er is weinig fantasie voor nodig om te bedenken dat het op deze wijze erg eenvoudig wordt om ook aan de meest kritisch denkende Amerikaan leugenachtige propaganda voor ‘waarheid’ te verkopen.

De overheid, politie en geheime diensten willen bij eventuele natuurrampen,  grote terreuraanslagen of andere calamiteiten –denk aan een eventuele ebola epidemie- de nieuwsvoorziening aan het publiek totaal onder controle houden. Dat betekent dat zoveel mogelijk mensen alleen de officiële lezing van de gebeurtenissen te horen en te lezen mogen krijgen, voordat onafhankelijke journalisten, bloggers of activisten met andere, niet gewenste verklaringen en bewijzen (zoals foto’s en filmpjes) komen.

Bespioneren van burgers

Sinds de ‘war on terror’ begon na de aanslagen op  9/11/01 heeft het bespioneren van burgers door de NSA en andere geheime diensten een hoge vlucht genomen. Tegelijkertijd werd de politie en ME omgevormd tot een militaristische macht. Inmiddels worden er dus ook voorbereidingen getroffen om het internet, het laatste bolwerk van vrije meningsuiting, lam te leggen.


De geheime diensten hadden afgelopen maandagavond via een zogenaamde ‘flash memo’ de infiltratie van bedrijvenwebsites door ‘onbekende hackers’ voorspeld. Daar was een digitale inbraak bij ’s werelds grootste filmstudio Sony Pictures Entertainment aan vooraf gegaan. Daarbij werd persoonlijke informatie van talrijke prominente filmsterren gestolen.

Achter deze hack zou Noord Korea zitten, dat woedend zou zijn op de recente actiekomedie ‘The Interview’, waarin de regisseur van een celebrity-show door de CIA wordt ingeschakeld om de Noord Koreaanse dictator Kim Jong-un na een interview te vermoorden.


Waar of niet, het uitschakelen van grote websites in Californië toonde aan dat de Amerikaanse overheid in staat en bereid is om het gehele internet over te nemen en te manipuleren. Dat houdt ook in dat de regering op ieder gewenst moment een crisis in gang kan zetten of zelfs kan veinzen. Dan kan het gebeuren dat er een grote ‘false flag’ terreuraanslag plaatsvindt, waarna de overheid onmiddellijk overvloedig –maar vals- bewijs van ‘gewenste’ daders –natuurlijk vijanden van de globalisten in Washington- op het internet zet.

‘Nieuwspraak’ harde realiteit in VS en EU

In de EU staan we al jaren bloot aan manipulatie door de overheid. Soms lekt daar iets van naar buiten, zoals bijvoorbeeld de recente ‘wens’ van de Nederlandse regering dat TV-programma’s niet meer zoveel aandacht besteden aan criminaliteit die door allochtonen wordt gepleegd.

In Duitsland bestaat zelfs een speciale raad die bepaalt hoe de reguliere media op ‘politiek correcte’ wijze moeten berichten (2), zoals het verdoezelen van criminaliteit van buitenlanders en het zo positief mogelijk weergeven van immigranten en de islam.

In het in 1949 geschreven boek ‘1984’ beschreef George Orwell een totalitaire staat waarin het denken en spreken door ‘Nieuwspraak’ (bijv. ‘oorlog = vrede’) totaal wordt gecontroleerd, bestuurd en gemanipuleerd.

De schrijver bleek er slechts 30 jaar naast te zitten, want anno 2014 is ‘Nieuwspraak’ (‘werkloosheid = economische groei; bezuinigingen = betere zorg; EU = welvaart; islam = vrede; multiculti = verrijking; Rusland = het kwaad; CO2 = opwarming’; etc.) in onze media en politiek de harde realiteit geworden. Het enige wat nog ontbreekt is het definitief monddood maken van alle tegengeluiden, iets wat afgelopen week in de VS werd uitgetest.


(1) KOPP
(2) KOPP

mardi, 09 décembre 2014

Beijing commence à comprendre le petit jeu sournois de Washington


De la province de Hong Kong jusqu’au lointain Xinjiang…, Beijing commence à comprendre le petit jeu sournois de Washington baptisé «Changeons le régime»

Auteur : Aeneas Georg
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

Même si elle a un nom sympa, la récente révolution à Hong Kong suit assez bien le schéma standard de changement de régime et de déstabilisations politiques formatées par les USA. Et les Chinois n’ont pas besoin de sous-titres !

Désormais, nous savons que la Russie connaît bien les méthodes des changements de régime, dont l’empire du Chaos use et abuse afin de maintenir sa suprématie. C’était apparu très clairement dans l’allocution de Poutine au Club Valdaï :

« De fait, depuis un bout de temps, nos collègues (les USA) ont tenté de gérer les dynamiques politiques, en utilisant les conflits régionaux et en concevant des “révolutions de couleur” correspondant à leurs intérêts, mais… le génie aux trois vœux s’est échappé de la bouteille. Il semble que les pères de la théorie du “chaos sous contrôle” ne savent plus eux-mêmes qu’en faire ; c’est une complète débandade dans leurs rangs. »

La Chine a aussi été l’objet de tentatives de changement de régime dans sa province du Xinjiang, dans l’ouest de la Chine, et plus récemment à Hong Kong. La question est : dans quelle mesure la Chine est-elle consciente du rôle des USA dans ces mouvements de protestation ? Une récente vidéo sur Youtube fait clairement apparaître que la Chine a une très nette compréhension de l’échiquier géopolitique et de ses enjeux, même s’il n’est pas sûr que les opinions présentées sont celles du peuple chinois en général.

La vidéo relève douze étapes utilisées par les USA pour changer un régime politique, et poursuit en expliquant comment ces dynamiques de changement de régime, partout dans le monde, ainsi que l’antagonisme envers la Russie et la Chine, s’inscrivent dans un schéma qui pourrait mener à la troisième guerre mondiale.

Les douze étapes employées par les USA pour changer un régime
(telles qu’explicitées dans la vidéo, chinois sous-titré en anglais)

1- Envoyer des agents de la CIA, du M16 et d’autres officines vers le pays cible, comme touristes, étudiants, volontaires, hommes d’affaires ou encore journalistes.

2- Lancer des ONG estampillées h», luttant pour la démocratie et les droits de l’homme, afin d’attirer les promoteurs de la liberté et des idéaux supérieurs.

3- Attirer les traîtres, en particulier des universitaires, des politiciens, des journalistes, des soldats, etc., par l’argent, ou le chantage, pour ceux qui ont commis quelque chose de répréhensible.

4- Si le pays a des syndicats, les contrôler par la corruption.

5- Choisir une appellation sympa ou une couleur pour la révolution, par exemple le printemps de Prague (1968), la révolution de velours dans l’Est-européen (1969), la révolution des roses en Géorgie (2003), la révolution du cèdre au Liban (2005), la révolution orange en Ukraine, la révolution verte en Iran, la révolution de jasmin, le printemps arabe ou encore la révolution des parapluies à Hong Kong.

6- Commencer des manifestations sur n’importe quel motif, juste pour lancer la révolution. Ça peut être les droits de l’homme, la démocratie, la corruption du gouvernement, une fraude électorale. Pas de preuves nécessaires, une justification suffit.

7- Écrire les calicots et autres banderoles en anglais, afin qu’ils puissent être lus aux USA, et ainsi impliquer les politiciens et citoyens américains.

8- Laisser les politiciens, les intellectuels et syndicalistes corrompus rejoindre les manifestations, et en appeler au peuple pour qu’il se joigne à eux, toute doléance étant la bienvenue.

9- Faire en sorte que les médias officiels, tant US qu’européens, soulignent que la révolution est causée par l’injustice, de façon à gagner l’opinion de la majorité silencieuse.

10- Quand le monde entier regarde, monter une opération sous fausse bannière. Le gouvernement ciblé sera très vite déstabilisé, et perdra du crédit auprès de son propre peuple.

11- Faire intervenir des agents provocateurs, pour forcer la police à utiliser la violence. Le gouvernement ciblé perd alors soutien des autres pays et devient délégitimé aux yeux de la communauté internationale.

12- Envoyer des politiciens locaux aux USA, en Europe et aux Nations-Unies demander des sanctions économiques à l’encontre du gouvernement ciblé, des zones d’exclusion aérienne, voire des frappes aériennes, et soutenir un soulèvement de rebelles armés.


Quiconque a fait un peu attention aux événements récents de ce monde peut reconnaître le schéma décrit. Les psychopathes ne sont pas à ce point imaginatifs. Ils utilisent jusqu’à la corde les mêmes méthodes, encore et encore. Et la plupart du temps, cela bénéficie à ces psychopathes qui gouvernent, pour qui ça ne pose pas de problèmes si, une fois leur marionnette installée au pouvoir, on révèle leur rôle dans la combine. Les médias de masse, serviles et obéissants, sont toujours disponibles pour poursuivre le travail de propagande et annihiler toute contestation qui dévoilerait la main du marionnettiste derrière le décor, ou salir des réputations, quand les arguments manquent. Un exemple édifiant de ce genre de situation est à trouver à Hong Kong, dans les événements récents, est à voir dans un article intitulé Le New York Times part en vrille à propos de la liberté d’association en Chine.

Et, ça tombe bien, la mémoire du grand public est assez courte, avec les distractions à la sauce d’Hollywood, les médias sociaux sur internet, et carrément la Loi constitutionnelle au sens strict pour faire bonne mesure.

La vidéo se poursuit :

« Si les douze étapes n’aboutissent pas à renverser le régime, les USA trouvent une excuse pour intervenir militairement et finalement faire tomber le gouvernement ciblé par la force. En fait, cette démarche a montré sonefficacité.
Ainsi ce n’est pas par des mouvements civils spontanés que des pays sont renversés. Bien au contraire, les révoltes sont préparées avec soin, et orchestrées jusqu’au moindre détail. En fait, renverser un pays par civils interposés est de loin meilleur marché qu’envoyer des troupes pour attaquer et détruire ledit pays. C’est pourquoi les USA continuent à appliquer ces douze étapes contre les pays qu’ils considèrent comme des ennemis. »

La vidéo blâme les francs-maçons, mais il serait plus pertinent d’accuser l’élite psychopathe. Un de ses traits majeurs est le fait qu’elle n’a aucune conscience spirituelle, et donc se moque absolument des souffrances humaines, et même du nombre de morts occasionné. On pourrait même avancer qu’elle goûte la souffrance…

Comme toujours, il ne tient qu’à nous de prendre conscience de ce cauchemar et de nous réveiller, de comprendre qu’il y a, parmi nous, des prédateurs dénués de valeurs éthiques ou d’humanité. C’est devenu plus facile, à mesure que l’empire du Chaos, dans sa lutte désespérée pour maintenir son hégémonie, montre sa vraie nature, à qui veut voir. Et ainsi donc, l», une réalité que les pays des BRICS (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud), et même d’autres, commencent à pleinement saisir. Il est certain qu’une plus grande coopération parmi ces pays a permis de diffuser la prise de conscience du modus operandi de ces psychopathes. La vidéo référencée ci-dessus en est une de ses illustrations.

 - Source : Aeneas Georg

La guerre froide du XXIe siècle a commencé


La guerre froide du XXIe siècle a commencé

La Chambre des représentants adopte la résolution 758

Auteur : Esther Tanquintic-Misa
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

… les USA disent à la Russie d’arrêter de s’auto-isoler

Les États-Unis ont effectivement appuyé sur le bouton de la guerre froide du XXIe siècle. Jeudi, la Chambre des représentants a adopté la résolution 758, un décret disant que les Etats-Unis, l’Europe et leurs alliés « doivent garder la pression de manière agressive » sur la Russie et son président Vladimir Poutine, jusqu’à ce que ces mesures « modifient son comportement ».

Mercredi, le Président américain Barack Obama a affirmé que M. Poutine est « en train de complètement isoler la Russie sur la scène internationale » et qu’il sait que le dirigeant russe ne va pas « soudainement changer son état d’esprit… C’est une des raisons pour lesquelles nous allons continuer à maintenir cette pression ». Le Secrétaire d’Etat américain, John Kerry a exhorté la Russie à ne pas s’isoler, lors d’une réunion des 57 membres de l’Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe dans la ville de Bâle au nord de la Suisse. La résolution 758 avait demandé le renforcement de l’OTAN et des ventes de gaz naturel étatsunien à l’Europe, sous-entendu, au détriment des exportations énergétiques russes.

La résolution a également donné au gouvernement du Président ukrainien Petro Poroshenko le signal de départ pour lancer des actions militaires contre les « séparatistes » dans l’est de l’Ukraine. La résolution 758 a appelé le Président américain à « fournir au gouvernement ukrainien du matériel de défense, des services et des formations pour défendre efficacement son territoire et sa souveraineté ».

« Ce n’est pas seulement une déclaration de guerre froide US contre la Russie mais c’est aussi une déclaration de guerre de Kiev contre Donetsk et Lougansk, », a déclaré à RT News Daniel McAdams, directeur exécutif à l’Institut Ron Paul. La résolution 758, décrite comme un décret qui condamne fermement les actes d’agression de Moscou contre ses voisins, est un document qui ouvre la boîte de Pandore des conflits militaires mondiaux.

McAdams a déclaré qu’il trouvait la résolution comique dans le sens qu’en accusant la Russie d’organiser des élections frauduleuses en Ukraine, elle justifiait une guerre totale, engageant les forces des Etats-Unis et de l’OTAN alors que, en fait, l’Ukraine n’est pas membre de l’OTAN. Il a ajouté que le projet de loi mentionne le chapitre cinq du traité de l’OTAN plusieurs fois, mais ce n’est pas sûr que le Congrès comprenne ce que cela signifie. Sous le couvert de la résolution 758, la Chambre des représentants a exhorté M. Obama à vérifier et examiner l’état de préparation des forces armées américaines et de l’OTAN à la lumière du Traité sur les Forces armées conventionnelles en Europe (FCE).

Jeudi, M. Poutine a dit que la résolution 758, qu’il a décrite comme une « politique de dissuasion » contre la Russie par les autres États, venait juste d’être formellement instituée. Mais il croit que la politique de dissuasion a toujours été en place vis-à-vis de la Russie « depuis des décennies, voire des siècles » et devait être immédiatement activée si les autres Etats sentaient que la Russie devenait trop puissante et indépendante.

Il a fustigé les États-Unis, leur reprochant de manipuler les relations entre les voisins de la Russie. « Parfois vous ne savez même pas à qui il vaut mieux s’adresser : les gouvernements de certains pays ou directement à leurs patrons américains ». US House Resolution 758 a été adopté à une écrasante majorité 411 – 10 par le 113ème Congrès.

¿La paz “imposible” de Putin con Obama?

por Alfredo Jalife-Rahme

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

Ahora que me encuentro en San Petersburgo –la segunda ciudad rusa en importancia y joya cultural humanista con casi 6 millones de habitantes–, donde interactúo gratamente con los rusos locales, me cuesta demasiado trabajo entender cómo Rusia puede ser desvinculada cultural, económica y políticamente de Europa, en particular, y en general de Occidente–una distorsión semántica de la orwelliana propaganda anglosajona (en inglés equivale a “ misnomer”)–, que cuenta en el seno del G-7 al oriental –desde el punto de vista cultural y geográfico– Japón.

La semiótica distorsión geoeconómica/geopolítica de la dupla anglosajona de Wall Street/La City (Londres), que controla a sus respectivos gobiernos pusilánimes cuan impopulares –Obama compite en repudio ciudadano con David Cameron, el premier británico–, incrusta a Japón, de raza amarilla y cultura oriental, y excluye a Rusia, de raza blanca y cultura occidental genuina, del Nuevo Occidente adulterado y desbrujulado.

En un enfoque holístico, San Petersburgo –la metrópoli más occidental de Rusia, válgase la tautología cultural y geográfica– representa uno de los crisoles modernos de la auténtica civilización occidental humanista: desde sus incomparables Ballets Russes del Teatro Mariinsky –lo óptimo de Occidente– hasta su maravilloso Museo L’Hermitage, que detenta la mayor colección de pinturas de Occidente, sin contar otros notables atributos civilizatorios, como sus iglesias del rito ortodoxo cristiano –una religión medio-oriental adoptada por la primera, segunda y tercera Roma (respectivamente la original, luego Bizancio y por último Moscú)– y sus característicos palacios de ensueño, de arquitectura similar a la de Italia, Gran Bretaña (GB), Francia y Alemania.

El inconmensurable sabio chino Confucio solía decir que la máxima señal del caos es cuando existe confusión lingüística: no sólo excluir a Rusia –tanto del fenecido G-8 como de la entelequia de Occidente adulterada por los urgentes imperativos geopolíticos de la dupla anglosajona–, sino peor aún, comparar grotescamente a Hitler con Putin, cuyo país contribuyó en la derrota de la Alemania nazi, denota una grave pérdida de la sindéresis, a la par de una incontinencia verbal.

Otra confusión lingüística en el campo de la geopolítica radica hoy en discutir casi bizantinamente si Estados Unidos y Rusia se encuentran ya en un nueva guerra fría –a la que han advertido solemnemente Kissinger y Gorbachov– o si se confrontan en una guerra multidimensional, donde destaca la guerra económica a la que ha hecho alusión prístinamente el mismo presidente ruso Vlady Putin (http://goo.gl/5WCUlP) y quien, en su célebre entrevista a la televisión alemana ARD (http://goo.gl/syTXSI), reclama y exclama que la OTAN y Estados Unidos poseen bases militares esparcidas en todo el globo, incluyendo áreas cercanas al territorio ruso y cuyo numero sigue creciendo. Luego Putin confesó que, frente a la decisión de la OTAN de desplegar fuerzas especiales cerca de la frontera rusa, Moscú ha respondido con ejercicios similares (v.gr en el Golfo de México).

La “nueva guerra fría” ya empezó y su epítome es la guerra económica que ha desplomado deliberadamente el precio del petróleo, que daña enormemente a Rusia.

En un extenso documento (http://goo.gl/CHwJUS), Vladimir P. Kozin –jefe de los consejeros del Instituto Ruso de Estudios Estratégicos– aborda la “segunda guerra fría” que Estados Unidos y la OTAN han impuesto a Rusia y pregunta cuál es la forma de superarla, a lo que propone cuatro axiomas:

1) Estados Unidos y sus aliados de la OTAN deben cesar cualquier edificación militar cerca de las fronteras rusas –que incluya una serie de acuerdos estratégicos sobre armas convencionales y nucleares a los que ya se llegó– y deben contemplar a Rusia como su aliado (sic) permanente y no como su enemigo permanente.

2) Levantar sin condiciones todas las sanciones económicas y financieras contra Rusia.

3) “Ucrania tendrá que declarar su promesa para conservar su estatuto de no alineado y no nuclear para siempre (sic). Aquí vale la pena un comentario: al momento de la disolución de la URSS, Ucrania cedió parte de su dotación de armas nucleares –al unísono de Belarús y Kazajs­tán–, sin haber sido recompensada por la ingrata comunidad internacional.

Y 4) La comunidad internacional debe oponerse firmemente a las tentativas de revivir los resultados de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, y combatir consistentemente todas las formas y manifestaciones de racismo, xenofobia, nacionalismo agresivo y chovinismo.

Tales cuatro puntos deberán ser tratados en una cumbre especial entre Estados Unidos y Rusia, pero no con Barack Obama, ya que el geoestratega Kozin juzga imposible (¡supersic!) realizarla durante lo que queda de su presidencia.

Kozin plantea que en el umbral de una guerra nuclear definitoria, las guerras hoy son híbridas: guerras convencionales sumadas de ciberguerras y guerras de desinformación mediante infiltraciones en asuntos domésticos ajenos bajo la forma de caos controlado y guerras por aliados interpósitos (“proxy-wars”).

Kozin se pronuncia por una “distensión (détente) global”, que implemente bajo el principio del mundo multipolar una seguridad mutua garantizada.

Llama la atención el profundo grado de animadversión personal de los geoestrategas rusos a Obama, que no alcanza los niveles de rusofobia masiva del polaco-canadiense-estadunidense Brzezinski quien, después de haber tendido una trampa letal a la URSS en Afganistán, contempla(ba) balcanizar lo que queda de Rusia en tres pedazos, con el fin de incorporar a Ucrania a la OTAN, como enuncia en su libro hoy caduco El gran tablero de ajedrez mundial, que no previó las derrotas militares de Estados Unidos en Irak y Afganistán ni el advenimiento del nuevo orden tripolar geoestratégico (EU/Rusia/China).

El verdadero asesor geoestratégico de Obama es Brzezinski, ex asesor de Seguridad Nacional de Carter, atormentado por sus fobias atávicas todavía a sus 86 años.

Los geoestrategas rusos han perdido la esperanza de alcanzar un acuerdo con Obama –la paz imposible–, a quien también le conviene el conflicto congelado de Ucrania mientras cede la batuta a un Congreso hostil.

Quizá los rusos prefieran esperar al nuevo presidente de Estados Unidos en los próximos tres años para poder negociar.

Un error de focalización subjetiva consiste en atribuir a los mandatarios de Estados Unidos y Rusia sus políticas que son producto de sus maquinarias de guerra y sus intereses grupales.

Una cosa es la postura de un think tank de la talla del Instituto Ruso de Estudios Estratégicos y otra cosa es la trivialización de la guerra sicológica de viciosa propaganda negra a la que se consagran dos publicaciones financieristas anglosajonas, The Economist (22/11/14) y The Wall Street Journal (4 y 15/11/14), quienes desde su comodidad bursátil no se agotan en incitar a una guerra de Estados Unidos contra Rusia.

¿Tendrán suficientes refugios nucleares los malignos banqueros de Wall Street y La City de Londres?


Twitter: @AlfredoJalife

Facebook: AlfredoJalife

La Resolución delirante del Congreso de EE.UU. se interpreta como una declaración de guerra a Rusia

Ex: http://elespiadigital.com

El excongresista estadounidense Ron Paul considera que la nueva resolución adoptada por el Congreso de EE.UU. son "16 páginas de propaganda" contra Rusia y puede acarrear graves consecuencias, incluida la guerra.

La resolución 758 adoptada por el Congreso de EE.UU. es "uno de los peores documentos legislativos de la historia", opina el exmiembro del Congreso Ron Paul en un artículo que ha publicado en su página de Facebook. En el texto, titulado 'El Congreso temerario declara la guerra a Rusia', el político califica la nueva resolución del legislativo estadounidense de "propaganda de guerra en 16 páginas" y pone en evidencia el carácter infundado de cada una de las acusaciones contra Rusia.

En primer lugar, Paul señala que la resolución acusa "sin ningún fundamento" a Moscú de haber invadido Ucrania y condena la "violación de la soberanía ucraniana" por parte de Rusia. Pero si fuera verdad, replica el político, ¿por qué no existen videos ni imágenes que lo demuestren con todos los satélites sofisticados de EE.UU.? Paul prosigue con otra pregunta lógica: "¿Por qué no es una violación de la soberanía ucraniana cuando EE.UU. participa en el derrocamiento del gobierno elegido de este país como hizo en febrero?"

Según Paul, la resolución acusa a la gente del este de Ucrania de haber realizado "elecciones ilegales y fraudulentas" en noviembre. "¿Por qué cada vez que las elecciones no producen los resultados deseados por el Gobierno estadounidense se llaman "ilegales" y "fraudulentas"?", replica el excongresista. "¿Es que a la gente del este de Ucrania no se le permite la autodeterminación? ¿No es un derecho humano básico?".

Asimismo, la resolución constata que el avión de Malaysia Airlines que se estrelló sobre suelo ucraniano en julio fue derribado por un misil "lanzado por fuerzas separatistas apoyadas por Rusia en el este de Ucrania", a pesar de que en el informe preliminar las causas de la tragedia aún no fueron establecidas. El informe final no se publicará hasta el año siguiente.

La resolución también afirma que Rusia invadió Georgia en 2008, cuando incluso la Unión Europea, recuerda Paul, tras realizar una investigación "llegó a la conclusión de que fue Tbilisi el que empezó una guerra injustificada contra Rusia y no al revés".

Una de las ideas más peligrosas, según Paul, es que la resolución da la luz verde al presidente ucraniano Piotr Poroshenko para volver a iniciar ataques militares contra las provincias favorables a la independencia, insistiendo en "el desarme de los separatistas y fuerzas paramilitares en el este de Ucrania". Para conseguirlo, la resolución directamente implica al Gobierno estadounidense en el conflicto pidiendo al presidente que "proporcione al Gobierno de Ucrania elementos de defensa letales y no letales, así como servicios y entrenamiento necesario para defender de forma eficaz su territorio y soberanía".

La nueva resolución del Congreso fue aprobada el pasado 4 de diciembre con solo 10 votos en contra.

Los medios de EE.UU. silencian la resolución aprobada contra Rusia

El economista Michel Chossudovsky, fundador del Centro para la Investigación de la Globalización Global Research, denuncia que la aprobación de la resolución de la Cámara de Representantes de EE.UU. contra Rusia se silencia en los medios. "Puedo decir que casi nadie sabe de esta resolución y había un acuerdo previo con la prensa estadounidense y europea para no comentarla, ni siquiera informar al público de que había sido adoptada", reveló el académico canadiense a RT.

A su juicio,  tanta desinformación en EE.UU. no es algo nuevo, sino "algo que ya existe desde hace mucho tiempo".

Chossudovsky opina que si "el público estadounidense estuviese informado de lo que realmente sucede tanto en Oriente Medio como en la frontera con Rusia, habría convocado un movimiento de protesta de envergadura, un movimiento antiguerra".

El economista tacha la resolución de "tremendamente impactante", ya que "en cierta manera da la luz verde al presidente de EE.UU. para declarar la guerra a Rusia".

Putin ha dado una señal clara a los políticos de Occidente

En su mensaje anual a la Asamblea Federal el presidente Vladímir Putin ha dejado claro que Rusia no a cambiará su posición respecto a Ucrania pese a las presiones. Algunos expertos, como Vladímir Olenchenko, perciben un aviso claro a Occidente.

En su discurso ante la Asamblea Federal, el presidente ruso advirtió que, a pesar de la presión, Rusia nunca seguirá el camino del autoaislamiento ni buscará a enemigos, pero enfatizó que "hablar con Rusia utilizando el lenguaje de la fuerza no tiene ningún sentido".

"Es una especie de señal o estímulo para aquellos que se adhieren al sentido común en la política. Hay que entender claramente que cuando nos referimos al régimen de sanciones ello no quiere decir que la población de los países que imponen esas sanciones esté plenamente de acuerdo y se solidarice con tales medidas. No es así. Por ejemplo, en Alemania las encuestas de opinión pública indican que los alemanes no comparten las sanciones [contra Rusia]", explicó a la radio 'Sputnik' el abogado y representante del Centro de Estudios Europeos Vladímir Olenchenko, citado por RIA Novosti.

Además, Olenchenko recordó que contra las sanciones no solo se manifiestan empresas alemanas, sino que entre los líderes germanos tampoco hay unanimidad sobre esta cuestión. "Algunos políticos subrayan la importancia de pasar al lenguaje de diálogo y, en un sentido más amplio, señalan que es necesario encontrar maneras de salir del régimen de sanciones", recordó Olenchenko.

A juicio del experto, la situación es más o menos semejante en otros países de la UE. "Alemania es un país líder en Europa y lo que está sucediendo en este país muestra claramente lo que sucede en otros países de la Unión Europea", aseguró.

Por qué EE.UU. quiere desintegrar Europa en microestados

Olenchenko también hizo hincapié en las palabras de Putin respecto a que es imposible que en Rusia se dé un "escenario yugoslavo de desintegración". Este jueves el mandatario ruso indicó que en Occidente "querían desintegrar Rusia como hicieron con Yugoslavia". "Fracasaron porque los detuvimos", aseveró. 

El experto respalda al presidente y explica: "Uno de los escenarios era reducir el tamaño de los estados y su fragmentación en otros más pequeños. Por supuesto es más fácil presionar a los países pequeños de Europa: es más fácil ofrecerles propuestas. Si lo tomamos en un sentido más amplio, ello quiere decir que es más fácil promover sus intereses y políticas. Este es uno de los enfoques principales de los EE.UU. y ha habido intentos de aplicar esto a Rusia".

dimanche, 07 décembre 2014

Los enemigos fantasmales de la OTAN


por Harry J. Bentham*

Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com

Aún con la caza de submarino fantasma de los rusos en las costas de Suecia y el Reino Unido, la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte (OTAN) no puede explicar que sus gastos superan el 70 % del gasto militar mundial. Pues podemos esperar más operaciones contra fantasmas rusas en las costas británicas en los próximos años, mientras el llamado valiente “Occidente” lanza una segunda febril y completamente injustificada Guerra Fría contra enemigos que no existen.


Recientemente, el 29 de octubre, la rama aérea de las Fuerzas Armadas Británicas, la Real Fuerza Aérea (RAF, por sus siglas en inglés) lanzó una operación de defensa cuando un supuesto bombardero ruso entró en el espacio aéreo británico. El atacante, que la RAF incluso amenazó con destruir, resultó ser un avión de carga de Letonia en un vuelo de rutina perteneciente a la era soviética.


Letonia, que anteriormente formaba parte de la Unión Soviética, es oficialmente un miembro de la OTAN o sea, un aliado de los Estados Unidos y del Reino Unido. Parece que este lazo carecía de interés para la RAF cuando amenazó con derribar el pobre avión y por lo tanto, hacer más daño a su propio supuesto aliado en comparación con lo que la ex Unión Soviética (ahora Rusia) jamás haya amenazado con hacer.


El incidente en el espacio aéreo británico, sigue a otro incidente parecido que tuvo lugar poco antes; la persecución sin sentido de un supuesto submarino ruso que nunca se materializó en el Mar Báltico. Por su parte, la Armada de Suecia, gastó tontamente una enorme cantidad de dinero persiguiendo un supuesto intruso bajo el agua debido a los rumores y habladurías. Los medios de comunicación, se apresuraron a identificar al intruso como un submarino ruso, a pesar de que no había prueba alguna que apoyara la existencia de un submarino en la región, ni algo que demostrara una disputa entre Rusia y Suecia.


El único beneficiario de la situación es EE.UU., que busca ampliar su ocupación militar a Europa y va a inventar tantas excusas y enemigos como sean necesarios para justificar su presencia en el viejo continente.


Lo lamentable es que la interceptación errónea del avión de Letonia por las paranoides fuerzas armadas del Reino Unido, en vez de convertirse en una enorme fuente de vergüenza, fue descrita en algunos medios de comunicación como prueba de la creciente amenaza que constituye Rusia para el Reino Unido. En otras palabras, el hecho de que no podemos encontrar pruebas de una amenaza se presenta como evidencia de una amenaza. Esta, es parte de una sicópata tendencia más amplia que tienen el Reino Unido y sus llamados “aliados” para impresionar al poderoso régimen de los EE.UU. mediante infligirse peores daños militares y políticos a sí mismos de los que cualquier enemigo puede hacerlos.


En medio de las “amenazas” falsas con las que los EE.UU. nos está alimentando, el Reino Unido no puede tener confianza alguna en que sus fuerzas armadas protejan los ciudadanos británicos. Los títeres de EE.UU., arribistas y sin escrúpulos que están al mando de las fuerzas del Reino Unido, priorizan las vidas de los estadounidenses y los intereses de los estadounidenses a los de británicos, y están dispuestos a poner en peligro y a sacrificar a su propia gente en guerras sin sentidos para impresionar a este poder extranjero.


Los EE.UU. no es aliado del Reino Unido sino un enemigo despiadado y caprichoso que se ha abierto su camino hasta la cima de las Fuerzas Armadas británicas anteriormente poderosas que se han deteriorado bajo el control de los EE.UU. Desde los aviones militares británicos estrellados y las vidas perdidas de los soldados en Afganistán hasta los inocentes, caídos a tiro por la Policía terrorista “contra terrorismo”, la relación especial entre EE.UU. y el Reino Unido mata a más británicos de los que salva.


Ni Rusia ni el grupo terrorista EIIL (Daesh, en árabe) están teniendo un efecto perjudicial tan grande en la seguridad del Reino Unido. La cooperación irreflexiva del Reino Unido con los EE.UU. se está erosionando nuestra seguridad y matando a los británicos. Lo mismo puede decirse de todos los grandes “aliados” de la OTAN, que son usados como escudo humano por parte de los EE.UU. para reducir sus bajas militares en sus imprudentes guerras expansionistas.


Esta política negativa, basada ​​en el miedo que coloca a los medios de comunicación supuestamente “independientes” en el mismo campo que están los gobiernos paranoides, es sólo comparable con el vil complot que organizaron los medios de comunicación y los belicistas después de los ataques del 11S.


Halcones psicópatas de la guerra, una vez más trabajan a lo alto de los medios de comunicación y los gobiernos del Reino Unido y EE.UU. para legitimar el fanatismo, el odio, la ignorancia y el miedo como instrumentos políticos, tal como lo hicieron en contra de la comunidad musulmana en el polémico ambiente reinante después de 11S.


La política del miedo no es nueva e sigue las mismas tácticas que hemos visto en la llamada guerra contra el terror. Adam Curtis, en su premiado documental, El Poder de las Pesadillas producido en 2004, explica cómo los enemigos fantasmas han sido utilizados, en ausencia de cualquier evidencia convincente, por ciertas élites de la política exterior para mantener la relevancia y credibilidad de las ideologías nacionalistas. También, al explicar el proceso del secuestro de la política exterior estadounidense por el movimiento neoconservador, nos ilumina sobre las medidas políticas basadas en la pesadilla que los EE.UU. impone a Europa.


Al tratarse de temas como el grupo terrorista EIIL, la presunta participación de Rusia en Ucrania, e incluso la propagación del Ébola, el Gobierno de Estados Unidos se basa en exagerar y distorsionar los temores del pueblo para dar al país norteamericano el papel del “líder” del mundo. Lo que hace aún más irónica esta lista de amenazas para la humanidad que Obama utilizó durante un discurso en las Naciones Unidas, es que los EE.UU. trató en su momento de utilizar al menos dos de ellas como armas: Ébola y EIIL. ¿El mundo debe ser sermoneado sobre las amenazas a la humanidad, por el mismísimo doctor Frankenstein que cultivó y promocionó estas amenazas en el primer lugar?


La amenaza a la humanidad es un poderoso instrumento de los Estados Unidos para aterrorizar, detener y torturar al pueblo estadounidense detrás de la farsa mentira de “democracia” bipartida y la creación de enemigos fantasmas para distraer la atención del pueblo de sus verdaderos enemigos.

politique internationale, géopolitique, otan, atlantisme, occidentalisme, états-unis, europe, affaires européennes,



Un círculo malévolo de los diseñadores neoconservadores de la política, que han arraigado en Casa Blanca como un tumor maligno, es el origen de todas y cada una de estas crisis, y las abusa para ampliar la sombra de sus militares en otros países y el chantaje económico de la humanidad.


Contrariamente a los argumentos de política exterior de los EE.UU., la OTAN no salvaguarda la seguridad de Europa. Si tratamos de nombrar una sola guerra dirigida por la OTAN que haya sido lanzada para proteger los intereses nacionales de un país distinto de los EE.UU., nos daremos cuenta de que no hay ninguno.


Muchos miembros de la OTAN han estado en peligro a lo largo de su historia, sin embargo, la OTAN ha actuado sólo cuando los EE.UU. ha estado en peligro. Debemos considerar esto como un ejemplo de la cantidad de lo poco que vale la pena la “seguridad colectiva” prometida por la OTAN a sus estados miembros. La OTAN ha sido siempre una organización para proteger la seguridad de un solo régimen a expensa de todos los miembros.


El Pentágono y la OTAN son los fantasmas que están persiguiendo. Su obsesión por crear problemas y enemigos ficticios para enfrentar, sean las enfermedades, Estados rivales o grupos terroristas, es parte de su campaña negativa para apoyar la gran cantidad de dinero que gastan en su presupuesto militar. No tienen nada positivo ni progresivo para ofrecer, lo que les convierte en las más graves amenazas a la paz en Europa.


*Harry J. Bentham es un especialista británico en asuntos políticos. En la actualidad, es parte del consejo asesor de laboratorio de ideas, Lifeboat Foundation.


Fuente: El Espía Digital

samedi, 06 décembre 2014

The Straussian Assault on America’s European Heritage


The Straussian Assault on America’s European Heritage

By Ricardo Duchesne

Ex: http://www.counter-current.com

Grant Havers
Leo Strauss and Anglo-American Democracy: A Conservative Critique [2]
Northern Illinois University Press, 2013

Havers-200x300.jpgAmain pillar sustaining the practice of mass immigration is that Western nations are inherently characterized by a “civic” form of national membership. Western nations express the “natural” wishes of “man as man” for equal rights, rule of law, freedom of expression, and private property. Mainstream leftists and conservatives alike insist on the historical genuineness of this civic definition. This civic identity, they tell us, is what identifies the nations of Western civilization as unique and universal all at once. Unique because they are the only nations in which the idea of citizenship has been radically separated from any ethnic and religious background; and universal because these civic values are self-evident truths all humans want whenever they are given the opportunity to choose.

To include the criteria of ethnicity or religious ancestry in the concept of Western citizenship is manifestly illiberal. Even more, it is now taken for granted that if Western nations are to live up to their idea of civic citizenship they must relinquish any sense of European peoplehood and Christian ancestry. Welcoming immigrants from multiples ethnic and religious backgrounds is currently seen as a truer expression of the inherent character of Western nationality than remaining attached to any notion of European ethnicity and Christian historicity.

The reality that the liberal constitutions of Western nations were conceived and understood in ethnic and Christian terms (if only implicitly since the builders and founders of European nations never envisioned an age of mass migrations) has been conveniently overlooked by our mainstream elites. These elites are willfully downplaying the fact that the liberal nation states of Europe emerged within ethnolinguistic boundaries and majority identities. Those states possessing a high degree of ethnic homogeneity, where ancestors had lived for generations—England, France, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Finland, and Denmark—were the ones with the strongest liberal traits, constitutions, and institutions. Those states (or empires like the Austro-Hungarian Empire) composed of multiple ethnic groups were the ones enraptured by illiberal forms of ethnic nationalism and intense rivalries over identities and political boundaries. In other words, the historical record shows that a high degree of ethnic homogeneity tends to produce liberal values, whereas countries or areas with a high number of diverse ethnic groups have tended to generate ethnic tensions, conflict, and illiberal institutions. As Jerry Muller has argued in “Us and Them” (Foreign Affairs: March/April 2008), “Liberal democracy and ethnic homogeneity are not only compatible; they can be complementary.”

Mainstream leftists and conservatives have differed in the way they have gone about redefining the historical roots of Western nationalism and abolishing the ethnic identities of Western nations. Eric Hobsbawm, the highly regarded apologist of the Great Terror [3] in the Soviet Union, persuaded most of the academic world, in his book, Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality [4] (1989), that the nation states of Europe were not created by a people sharing a common historical memory, a sense of territorial belonging and habitation, similar dialects, and physical appearances; no, the nation-states of Europe were “socially constructed” entities, “invented traditions,” “imagined” by people perceiving themselves as part of a “mythological” group in an unknown past. Hobsbawm deliberately sought to discredit any sense of ethnic identity among Europeans by depicting their nation building practices as modern fairy-tales administered by capitalists and bureaucrats from above on a miscellaneous pre-modern population.

Leftists however have not been the only ones pushing for a purely civic interpretation of Western nationhood; mainstream conservatives, too, have been trying to root out Christianity and ethnicity from the historical experiences and founding principles of European nations. Their discursive strategy has not been one of dishonoring the past but of projecting backwards into European history a universal notion of Western citizenship that includes the human race. The most prominent school in the formulation of this view has come out of the writings of Leo Strauss. This is the way I read Grant Havers’s Leo Strauss and Anglo-American Democracy: A Conservative Critique (2013). In this heavily researched and always clear book, Havers goes about arguing in a calm but very effective way that Strauss was not the traditional conservative leftists have made him out to be; he was a firm believer in the principles of liberal equality and a unswerving opponent of any form of Western citizenship anchored in Christianity and ethnic identity.

9782253111177-T.jpgStrauss’s vehement opposition to communism coupled with his enthusiastic defense of American democracy, as it stood in the 1950s, created the erroneous impression that he was a “right wing conservative.” But, as Havers explains, Strauss was no less critical of “right wing extremists” (who valued forms of citizenship tied to the nationalist customs and historical memories of a particular people) than of the New Left. Strauss believed that America was a universal nation in being founded on principles that reflected the “natural” disposition of all humans for life, liberty, and happiness. These principles were discovered first by the ancient Greeks in a philosophical and rational manner, but they were not particular to the Greeks; rather, they were “eternal truths” apprehended by Greek philosophers in their writings against tyrannical regimes. While these principles were accessible to all humans as humans, only a few great philosophers and statesmen exhibited the intellectual and personal fortitude to fully grasp and actualize these principles. Nevertheless, most humans possessed enough mental equipment as reasoning beings to recognize these principles as “rights” intrinsic to their nature, so long as they were given the chance to deliberate on “the good” life.

Havers’s “conservative critique” of Strauss consists essentially in emphasizing the uniquely Western and Christian origins of the foundational principles of Anglo-American democracy. While Havers’s traditional conservatism includes admiration for such classical liberal principles as the rule of law, constitutional government, and separation of church and state, his argument is that these liberal principles are rooted primarily in Christianity, particularly its ideal of charity. He takes for granted the reader’s familiarity with this ideal, which is unfortunate, since it is not well understood, but is generally taken to mean that Christianity encourages charitable activities, relief of poverty, and advancement of education. Havers has something more profound in mind. Christian charity from a political perspective is a state of being wherein one seeks a sympathetic understanding of ideas and beliefs that are different to one’s own. Charitable Christians seek to understand other viewpoints and are willing to engage alternative ideas and political proposals rather than oppose them without open dialogue. Havers argues that the principles of natural rights embodied in America’s founding cannot be separated from this charitable disposition; not only were the founders of America, the men who wrote the Federalist Papers, quite definite in voicing the view that they were acting as Christian believers in formulating America’s founding, they were also very critical of Greek slavery, militarism, and aristocratic license against the will of the people.

Throughout the book Havers debates the rather ahistorical way Strauss and his followers have gone about “downplaying or ignoring the role of Christianity in shaping the Anglo-American tradition” – when the historical record copiously shows that Christianity played a central role nurturing the ideals of individualism and tolerance, abolition of slavery and respect for the dignity of all humans. Havers debates and refutes the similarly perplexing ways in which Straussians have gone about highlighting the role of Greek philosophy in shaping the Anglo-American tradition – when the historical record amply shows that Greek philosophers were opponents of the natural equality of humans, defenders of slavery, proponents of a tragic view of history, the inevitability of war, and the rule of the mighty.

9782743612375.jpgHavers also challenges the Straussian elevation of such figures as Lincoln, Churchill, Roosevelt, Hobbes, and Locke as proponents of an Anglo-American tradition founded on “timeless” Greek ideas. He shows that Christianity was the prevailing influence in the intellectual development and actions of all these men. Havers imparts on the readers a sense of disbelief as to how the Straussians ever managed to exert so much influence on American conservatism (to the point of transforming its original emphasis on traditions and communities into a call for the spread of universal values across the world), despite proposing views that were so blissfully indifferent to “readily available facts.”

Basically, the Straussians were not worried about historical veracity as much as they were determined to argue that Western civilization (which they identified with the Anglo-American tradition) was philosophically conceived from its beginnings as a universal civilization. In this effort, Strauss and his followers genuinely believed that American liberalism had fallen prey to the “yoke” of German historicism and relativism, infusing the American principles of natural rights with the notion that these were merely valid for a particular people rather than based on Human Reason. German historicism – the idea that each culture exhibits a particular world view and that there is no such thing as a rational faculty standing above history – led to the belittlement of the principles of natural rights by limiting them a particular time and place. Worse than this — and the modern philosophers, Hobbes and Locke, were to be blamed as well — the principles of natural rights came to be separated from the ancient Greek idea that we can rank ways of life according to their degree of excellence and elevation of the human soul. The modern philosophy of natural right merely afforded individuals the right to choose their own lifestyle without any guidance as to what is “the good life.”

Strauss believed that this relativist liberalism would not be able to withstand challenges from other philosophical outlooks and illiberal ways of life, from Communism and Fascism, for example, unless it was rationally grounded on eternal principles. He thought the ancient Greeks had understood better than anyone else that some truths are deeply grounded in the actual nature of men, not relative to a particular time and culture, but essential to what is best for “man as man.” These truths were summoned up in the modern philosophy of natural rights, though in a flawed manner. The moderns tended to appeal to the lower instincts of humans, to a society that would merely ensure security and the pursuit of pleasure, in defending their ideals of liberty and happiness. But with a proper reading of the ancient texts, and a curriculum based on the “Great Books,” the soul of contemporaneous students could be elevated above a life of trivial pursuits.

This emphasis on absolute, universal, and “natural” standards attracted a number of prominent Christians to Strauss. The Canadian George Grant (1918-1988), for one, was drawn to the potential uses Strauss’s emphasis on eternal values might have to fight off the erosion of Christian conviction in the ever more secular, liberal, and consumerist Canada of his day. Grant, Havers explains, did not quite realize that Strauss was neither a conservative nor a Christian but a staunch proponent of a philosophically based liberalism bereft of any Christian identity. Grant relished the British and Protestant roots of the Anglo-American tradition, though there were certain affinities between him and Strauss; Grant was a firm believer in the superiority of Anglo-Saxon civilization and its rightful responsibility in bringing humanity to a higher cultural level. The difference is that Grant affirmed the religious and ethnic particularities of Anglo-Saxon civilization, whereas Strauss, though a Zionist who believed in a Jewish nation state, sought to portray Anglo-American civilization in a philosophical language cleansed of any Christian particularities and European ethnicity.

Strauss wanted a revised interpretation of Anglo-American citizenship standing above tribal identities and historical particularities. Strauss’s objective was to provide Anglo-American government with a political philosophy that would stand as a bulwark against “intolerable” challenges from the left and the right, which endangered liberalism itself. The West had to affirm the universal truthfulness of its way of life and be guarded against the tolerance of forms of expression that threaten this way of life. Havers observes that Strauss was particularly worried about the inability of liberal regimes, as was the case with the Weimar republic, to face up to illiberal challenges. He wanted a liberal order that would ensure the survival of the Jews, and the best assurance for this was a liberal order that spoke in a neutral and purely philosophical idiom without giving any preference to any religious faith and any historical and ethnic ancestries. He wanted a liberalism that would work to undermine any ancestral or traditionally conservative norms that gave preference to a particular people in the heritage of America’s founding, and thereby may discriminate against Jews. Only in a strictly universal civilization would the Jews feel safe while retaining their identity.

Havers brings up another old conservative, Willmore Kendall (1909-68), who was drawn to Straussian thought even though substantial aspects of his thought were incompatible with Strauss’s. Among these differences was the “majoritarian populism” of Kendall versus the aristocratic elitism of Strauss. The aristocrats Strauss had in mind were philosophers and statesmen who understood the eternal values of the West whereas the majoritarian people Kendall had in mind were Americans who were conservative by tradition and deeply attached to their ancestral roots in America, rather than believers in universal rights concocted by philosophers. While Kendall was drawn to Strauss’s scepticism over unlimited speech, what he feared was not the ways in which particular ethnic/religious groups might use free speech to protect their ancestral rights and thereby violate – from Strauss’s perspective – the universality of liberalism, but “the opposite of what Strauss fear[ed]”: that an open society unmindful of its actual historical roots, allowing unlimited questioning of its ancestral identities, against the natural wishes of the majority for their roots and traditions, would eventually destroy the Anglo-American tradition.

Havers brings up as well Kendall’s call for a restricted immigration policy consistent with majoritarian wishes. While Havers is primarily concerned with the Christian roots of Anglo-American democracy, he identifies this view by Kendall with conservatism proper. The Straussian view that America is an exceptional nation by virtue of being founded on the basis of philosophical propositions, which somehow have elevated this nation to be a model to the world, is, in Havers view, closer to the leftist dismissal of religious identities and traditions than it is to any true conservatism. Conservatives, or Paleo-Conservatives, believe that human identities are not mere private choices arbitrarily decided by abstract individuals in complete disregard of history and the natural dispositions of humans for social groupings with similar ethnic and religious identities.

These differences between the Straussians and old conservatives are all the more peculiar since, as Havers notes, Strauss was very mindful of the particular identities of Jewish people, criticizing those who called for a liberalized form of Jewish identity based on values alone. Jews, Strauss insisted, must maintain fidelity to their own nationality rather than to a “liberal theology,” otherwise they would end up destroying their particular historical identity.

Leo-Strauss-De-la-tyrannie.jpgNow, Straussians could well respond that the Anglo-American identity is different, consciously dedicated to universal values, but, as Havers carefully shows, this emphasis on the philosophy of natural rights cannot be properly understood outside the religious ancestry of the founders, and (although Havers is less emphatic about this) outside the customs, institutions and ethnicity of the founders. As the Australian Frank Salter has written:

The United States began as an implicit ethnic state, whose Protestant European identity was taken for granted. As a result, the founding fathers made few remarks about ethnicity, but John Jay famously stated in 1787 that America was ‘one united people, a people descended from the same ancestors,’ a prominent statement in one of the republic’s founding philosophical documents that attracted no disagreement (230) [5].

This idea that Western nations are all propositional nations is not restricted to the United States, but has been applied to the settler nations of Canada and Australia, and the entire continent of Europe, under the supposition that, with the Enlightenment, the nations of Europe came to be redefined by such “universal” values as individual rights, separation of church and state, democracy. As a result, mainstream liberals and conservatives today regularly insist that Europe is inherently a “community of values,” not of ethnicity or religion, but of values that belong to humanity. Accordingly, the reasoning goes, if Europe is to be committed to these values it must embrace immigration as part of its identity. Multiculturalism is simply a means of facilitating the participation of immigrants into this universal culture, making them feel accepted by recognizing their particular traditions, while they are gradually nudge to think in a universal way. But, as Salter points out,

This is hardly a complete reading of Enlightenment ideas, which include the birth of modern nationalism, the democratic privileging of majority ethnicity, and the linking of minority emancipation to assimilation. The Enlightenment also celebrates empirical science including biology, which culminated in man’s fuller understanding of himself as part of nature (213).

Liberals in the 19th century were fervent supporters of nationalism and the essential importance of being part of a community with shared traditions and common ancestry. Eric Hobsbawm’s claim that Europeans nations were “ideological constructs” created without a substantial grounding in immemorial lands, folkways, and ethnos, should be contrasted to the ideas of such liberal nationalists as Camillo di Cavour (1810–1861), Max Weber [6] (1864–1920), and even John Stuart Mill (1806–1873). While these liberals emphasized a form of nationalism compatible with classical liberal values, they were firm supporters of national identities at a time when a “non-xenophobic nationalism” was meant to acknowledge the presence of what were essentially European ethnic minorities within European nations. None of these liberals ever envisioned the nations of Europe as mere places identified by liberal values belonging to everyone else and obligated to become “welcome” mats for the peoples of the world.

Moreover, Enlightenment thinkers were the progenitors of a science of ethnic differences [7], which has since been producing ever more empirical knowledge, and has today convincingly shown that ethnicity is not merely a social construct but also a biological substrate. As Edward O. Wilson, Pierre van den Berghe, and Salter have written, shared ethnicity is an expression of extended kinship at the genetic level; members of an ethnic group are biologically related in the same way that members of a family are related even though the genetic connection is not as strongly marked. Numerous papers – which I will reference below with links — are now coming out supporting the view that humans are ethnocentric and that such altruistic dispositions as sharing, loyalty, caring, and even motherly love, are exhibited primarily and intensively within in-groups rather than toward a universal “we” in disregard for one’s community. Strauss’s concern for the identity of Jews is consistent with this science.

The Straussian language about “natural rights” belonging to “man as man” is mostly gibberish devoid of any historical veracity and scientific support. Hegel long refuted the argument that humans were born with natural rights which they never enjoyed until a few philosophers discovered them and then went on to create ex nihilo Western civilization. Man “in his immediate and natural way of existence” was never the possessor of natural rights. The natural rights the founders spoke about, which were also in varying ways announced in the creation of the nations of Canada and Australia, and prescribed in the modern constitutions of European nations, were acquired and won only through a long historical movement, the origins of which may be traced back to ancient Greece, but which also included, as Havers insists, the history of Christianity and, I would add, the legal history of Rome, the Catholic Middle Ages [8], the Renaissance, Protestant Reformation, the Enlightenment, and the Bourgeois Revolutions.

The Straussians believe that the way to overcome the tendency of liberal societies to relativism or the celebration of pluralistic conceptions of life without any sense of ranking the lifestyle of citizens is to impart reverence and patriotic attachment for the Anglo-American tradition by emphasizing not the heterogeneous identity of this tradition but its foundation in the ancient philosophical commitment to “the good” and the “perfection of humanity.” But this effort to instill national commitment by teaching citizens about the classics of ancient Greece and the great statesmen of liberal freedom is doomed to failure and has been a failure. The problem of nihilism is nonexistent in societies with a strong sense of reverence for traditional practices, authoritative patriarchal figures, and a sense of peoplehood and homeland. The way out of the crisis of Western nihilism is to re-nationalize liberalism, throw away the cultural Marxist notion that freedom means liberation from all identities not chosen by the individual, and accentuate the historical and natural-ethnic basis of European identity.

Recent scientific papers on ethnocentrism and human nature:

Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism [9]

Perhaps goodwill is unlimited but oxytocin-induced goodwill is not [10]

Oxytocin Increases Generosity in Humans [11]

Oxytocin promotes group-serving dishonesty [12]

We Take Care of Our Own [13]

Source: http://www.eurocanadian.ca/2014/06/the-straussian-assault-on-americas.html [14]




Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com


URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/12/the-straussian-assault-on-americas-european-heritage/


URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/Havers.jpg

[2] Leo Strauss and Anglo-American Democracy: A Conservative Critique: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0875804780/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=0875804780&linkCode=as2&tag=countecurrenp-20&linkId=ZWUAQYNFHAR6IFWN

[3] apologist of the Great Terror: http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/coffeehouse/2013/03/eric-hobsbawm-keeping-the-red-faith/

[4] Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1107604621/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=1107604621&linkCode=as2&tag=countecurrenp-20&linkId=SGA5FVCJO5LHXAKN

[5] (230): http://www.amazon.com/On-Genetic-Interests-Ethnicity-Migration/dp/1412805961

[6] Max Weber: http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/3654673?uid=3739448&uid=2&uid=3737720&uid=4&sid=21104391042883

[7] science of ethnic differences: http://www.amazon.com/Cambridge-History-Eighteenth-Century-Philosophy-Haakonssen/dp/0521418542

[8] Catholic Middle Ages: http://www.amazon.com/Catholic-Church-Built-Western-Civilization/dp/1596983280

[9] Oxytocin promotes human ethnocentrism: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/4/1262.abstract?ijkey=b9ad2efdf008b041812724e617989f6f23ccae23&keytype2=tf_ipsecsha

[10] Perhaps goodwill is unlimited but oxytocin-induced goodwill is not: http://www.pnas.org/content/108/13/E46.full

[11] Oxytocin Increases Generosity in Humans: http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pone.0001128

[12] Oxytocin promotes group-serving dishonesty: http://www.pnas.org/content/111/15/5503.abstract

[13] We Take Care of Our Own: http://pss.sagepub.com/content/early/2014/05/06/0956797614531439.abstract

[14] http://www.eurocanadian.ca/2014/06/the-straussian-assault-on-americas.html: http://www.eurocanadian.ca/2014/06/the-straussian-assault-on-americas.html


À qui profitent les émeutes de Ferguson ?


À qui profitent les émeutes de Ferguson ?

par Jean-Gilles Malliarakis

Ex: http://www.insolent.fr

L'émotionnel mondial occasionné par de tels événements amène légitimement le chroniqueur à s'interroger à propos de la révolte autour de la mort d'un jeune Afro-Américain dans le Missouri et de la décision du grand jury de ne pas poursuivre le policier responsable de ce drame.

Sans aucune honte aujourd'hui je démarque donc largement, maladroit traducteur, l'article publié par Thomas Sowell dans "National Review" ce 2 décembre.

Je commets de la sorte ce quasi-plagiat la conscience tranquille, n'ayant pas pris le temps de contacter cette excellente publication qui aura inspiré depuis 1953 le mouvement conservateur américain et qui fut saluée à ce titre par son meilleur disciple le président Reagan lors de son 30e anniversaire.

Je me contente de la citer, sachant je facilite ainsi la tâche de ceux de mes gracieux lecteurs qui s'inspirent avec quelques jours de retard de "L'Insolent" sans jamais en mentionner l'existence.

Économiste de l'école de Chicago, l'auteur, natif de Caroline du nord, ayant grandi à Harlem, met en exergue une remarque du sociologue démocrate américain Daniel Patrick Moynhian (1927-2003) : "vous êtes en droit d'avoir vos propres opinions, vous n'êtes pas en droit d'avoir vos propres faits".

On va voir en effet combien cet apophtegme s'applique à l'affaire présente.

Peu de temps après le coup de feu qui tua Michaël Brown le 9 août 2014, ce jeune homme de 18 ans pesant 130 kg était décrit comme un "gentil géant". Mais après que fut divulguée une vidéo le montrant en train de brutaliser un commerçant auquel il avait volé de la marchandise, le procureur général des États-Unis et ministre de la Justice Éric Holder exprima le désagrément que lui causait cette divulgation. En d'autres termes, aux yeux de Holder la vérité constituait une offense mais non le mensonge.

Beaucoup de prétendus témoins oculaires du drame ont donné des recensions contradictoires de l'événement. Certains se sont même contredits dans leurs propres versions successives.

Fort heureusement le grand jury n'avait pas à se fonder sur de telles déclarations, quoiqu'une partie des médias se soit crus obligés d'y souscrire.

Ce dont disposait le grand jury, et que le reste du public ignorait jusqu'à l'annonce de sa décision, était un ensemble de faits matériels qui racontaient une histoire bien différente de celle qu'on entendait partout. Trois médecins légistes différents, dont l'un représentait la famille de Michaël Brown, ont examiné les éléments matériels. Ceux-ci comprenaient les résultats de l'autopsie, les traces d'ADN de Michaël Brown sur la porte du car de police et sur l'arme du policier, les photographies du visage meurtri et enflé du policier Darren Wilson et les taches de sang dans la rue où Brown a été abattu.

Ces éléments de preuves matérielles étaient difficilement conciliables avec les affirmations, proclamées haut et fort, et selon lesquelles Brown avait été abattu dans le dos, les mains en l'air, tout en essayant de se rendre. Au contraire, ils coïncidaient avec le témoignage du policier.

En outre, ils étaient conformes aux déclarations d'un certain nombre de témoins noirs, ayant déposé sous serment, malgré les craintes qu'ils exprimaient pour leur sécurité, menacée par des foules déchaînées.

Les médias ont présenté les émeutes, les pillages et les départs de feu comme autant de réactions populaires à la décision du grand jury de ne pas inculper le policier. En fait elles ont commencé longtemps avant le grand jury ait même commencé son enquête, et bien avant qu'ait été annoncé la moindre décision.

Pourquoi certaines personnes persistent à croire ce qu'elles veulent croire, il est difficile de répondre à une telle question.


Mais plus importante est la question de l'évaluation des conséquences à attendre de l'explosion d'anarchie ayant commencé à Ferguson, puis s'étant étendu au Missouri avant de se propager à travers tout le pays.

Les premières victimes des saccages commis par la foule à Ferguson furent des gens qui n'avaient rien à voir avec Michaël Brown ou avec la police. Il s'agit notamment de personnes, beaucoup de noirs ou de membres d'autres minorités, dont les entreprises qui les employaient ont été détruites, et ne pourront peut-être jamais être relancées.

Mais ce ne sont là que les victimes directes. Si l'on se réfère à l'expérience des autres communautés ravagées par de telles émeutes dans les années antérieures on peut soutenir que des noirs encore à naître paieront encore, dans les années à venir, pour le prix de toutes les émeutes.

Parfois, c'est un quartier en particulier qui ne parvient pas à se rétablir, et parfois c'est toute une ville. Detroit en offre un exemple classique. Il s'y produisit l'émeute la plus grave des années 1960 : 43 morts – dont 33 Noirs. Les entreprises ont déserté Detroit quitté, emportant avec elles les emplois et les recettes fiscales qui eurent été indispensables pour sauver la ville. Les gens de la classe moyenne – aussi bien les noirs que les blancs - ont fui, eux aussi.

Harlem était au nombre de ces nombreux ghettos qui ne se sont jamais remis des émeutes des années 1960. Plusieurs années plus tard, une de mes nièces, ayant grandi dans le même immeuble de Harlem où j'avais moi-même grandi quelques années avant elle, se plaint amèrement de la façon dont les magasins et autres entreprises ont quitté le quartier.

Il y avait beaucoup de magasins dans ce quartier où j'ai grandi. Il y avait un dentiste, un pharmacien et un opticien, tous à moins d'un pâté de maisons. Mais c'était avant que le quartier ait été balayé par des émeutes.

Qui tire bénéfice des émeutes de Ferguson ? Les plus grands bénéficiaires sont les politiciens démagogues et communautaristes. En tant que maire de Detroit Coleman Young fut l'un des nombreux démagogues politiques qui assurèrent leur propre réélection, en utilisant une rhétorique de nature à faire fuir les gens susceptibles, certes, de créer des emplois et de payer des impôts, mais qui ont aussi vocation à voter contre les politiciens démagogues.

Les démagogues politiciens ont prospéré, tandis que Detroit est devenu un terrain vague.



jeudi, 04 décembre 2014

Record number of anti-government militias in USA


The Militia Movement Continues to Grow: Record number of anti-government militias in USA

Dissent is on the rise.

By Donna Leinwand Leger

USA Today& http://www.attackthesystem.com

Radical anti-government “patriot” groups and militias, galvanized against gun control, will continue to grow even as the number of groups operating in the USAreached an all-time high in 2012, a report Tuesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center finds.

The center tracked 1,360 radical militias and anti-government groups in 2012, an eightfold increase over 2008, when it recorded 149 such groups. The explosive growth began four years ago, sparked by the election of President Obama and anger about the poor economy, the center says. That growth is likely to continue as the groups recruit more members with a pro-gun message, the center’s senior fellow Mark Potok said.

President Obama’s second term and a gun control movement bolstered by the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School is intensifying anti-government rage and will lead to more growth for the groups, Potok said.

The Southern Poverty Law Center, a non-profit civil rights advocacy group based in Montgomery, Ala., defines the patriot movement as groups of people who believe the federal government is conspiring to confiscate Americans’ guns and curtail liberties to create a socialist government or “new order.” Most are non-violent citizens groups. Some groups also include militias, which arm themselves and conduct military-style training, the center said.


Conservative critics say the center uses its rhetoric to undermine right-wing and conservative groups.

The Southern Poverty Law Center uses its extremism report as a way to raise funds, says Bill Hahn, a spokesman for the John Birch Society, a conservative, anti-communist group based in Appleton, Wis, that advocates limited government. The group is on the center’s list of anti-government groups.

The center “is very adept at creating the specter that armed groups will overthrow the government or that the continuously dying supremacy movement is lurking behind every rock,” Hahn said in a written statement. “The SPLC will continue to utilize fear to fill their bank accounts.”

The John Birch Society opposes violence and urges its members to take action to restore and preserve constitutional freedoms, Hahn said.

Everett Wilkinson, whose Florida-based National Liberty Federation is not listed in the report, says many of the groups simply engage in peaceful rallies and letter-writing campaigns aimed at promoting free markets, fiscal responsibility and limited government.

“The Southern Perversion Law Center is a liberal organization that likes to spread propaganda about right-wing and conservative groups,” Wilkinson said.

He recently sent an e-mail addressed to “Patriots” seeking land “to hold training sessions for prepping, Constitution classes, militia training, medical, alternative communications, etc.” Wilkinson said some of his members had expressed interest in firearms training.

“We do respect people’s right to defend themselves, but we are not a military-type organization or anything like that,” he said. “We’re a grassroots activist organization focused on legislative issues and changing what’s happening in government. We’ve had thousands of rallies since 2009 and we’ve yet to have a violent incident.”

The patriot groups’ rhetoric and some groups’ threats of domestic terrorist plots mirror the mood in the six months before the Oklahoma City bombing, a domestic terror attack in 1995 by anti-government militia sympathizer Timothy McVeigh that killed 168 people, center President J. Richard Cohen said in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder and Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano. The center has called for a task force to assess the groups.

“In the last four years we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of conspiracy-minded, anti-government groups as well as in the number of domestic terrorist plots,” Cohen wrote. “We now also are seeing ominous threats from those who believe that the government is poised to take their guns.”

The number of anti-government groups grew 7% from 1,274 in 2011 to 1,360 in 2012. The center gathers its data from the groups’ publications, websites, law enforcement, news reports and other sources.

Daryl Johnson, a former domestic terror intelligence analyst at the Department of Homeland Security whose report on the resurgence of the radical right in April 2009 was withdrawn by the department after criticism by conservative groups, said the center’s estimate of radical anti-government groups is low and does not account for some of the most radical groups that operate underground.


Some groups stockpile weapons and their “ability to inflect mass violence is quite high,” Johnson said.

A January study from the Combating Terrorism Center at West Point found a dramatic rise since 2007 in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from people and groups identified with the far right of American politics.

The Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest count surpasses the record number of groups formed in the 1990s in response to the passage of sweeping gun-control measures in 1993 and a ban on assault weapons in 1994. In 1996, the number of patriot groups peaked at 858, then declined until 2009, the center reports.

Recently, some of the groups have threatened politicians who have proposed gun-control measures, the report says. In one instance, neo-Nazi Craig Cobb posted Rep. Diana DeGette’s address and photograph on the racist, anti-Semitic VanguardNews Network forum after the Colorado Democrat proposed a ban on high- capacity magazines, the report says.

The report cites groups that predicted civil war and tyranny after Obama’s executive orders on gun control, including Fox News Radio host Todd Starnes, who tweeted, “Freedom ends. Tyranny begins” and ConservativeDaily.com’s Tony Adkins, who wrote, “Martial law in the United States now a very real possibility.”

The center quotes the United States Patriots Union, which in a letter to legislators in several states called the federal government “a tool of International Socialism now, operating under UN Agendas not our American agenda.” The group said states should defend freedom and liberty “or we are headed to Civil War wherein the people will have no choice but to take matters into their own hands.”

“Their rhetoric is a barometer of the rage that is building in certain quarters,” Cohen said.

dimanche, 30 novembre 2014

Viktor Orbán, Premier ministre hongrois et nouveau visage de l'Ennemi selon Washington


Viktor Orbán, Premier ministre hongrois et nouveau visage de l'Ennemi selon Washington

Auteur : F. William Engdahl
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

Le refus du Premier ministre Viktor Orbán et de son parti dirigeant, Fidesz, de se joindre à la nouvelle Guerre froide menée contre la Russie par les États-Unis et l'Europe — d'abord en acceptant la traversée de son territoire par le gazoduc paneuropéen South Stream, mais aussi à travers sa politique cinglante contre les banques et compagnies énergétiques étrangères — a déclenché toutes les alarmes dans les capitales occidentales.

Pour F. William Engdahl, la question qu'il faut désormais poser est la suivante : la Hongrie sera-t-elle la prochaine cible d'une tentative de changement de régime financée par les USA et l'Union européenne ?

Depuis quelque temps, la Hongrie et son Premier ministre populiste et nationaliste Viktor Orbán sont dans la ligne de mire des élites politiciennes de Washington. Quel péché a donc commis M. Orbán ? Ne pas avoir courbé l’échine sous les diktats souvent destructeurs de la Commission européenne ; et chercher à définir une identité nationale hongroise. Mais le plus grave de ses péchés est son rapprochement croissant avec la Russie et sa méfiance envers Washington, matérialisés par un accord conclu avec Gazprom pour laisser passer par la Hongrie le gazoduc South Stream, qui doit relier la Russie à l’Union européenne.

Orbán lui-même a parcouru un long chemin politique depuis 1998, année où il devint Premier ministre de Hongrie, l’un des deux plus jeunes que ce pays ait élus à cette fonction. À cette époque, il avait supervisé, malgré l’opposition de la Russie, l’entrée de la Hongrie dans l’Otan — en même temps que la Pologne et la République tchèque — et dans l’Union européenne. Durant ce mandat de Premier ministre effectué en des temps où l’économie de l’UE était beaucoup plus prospère qu’aujourd’hui, Orbán réduisit les impôts, abolit les droits d’inscription à l’université pour les étudiants qualifiés, augmenta les allocations maternelles et attira l’industrie allemande avec une main-d’œuvre hongroise bon marché. L’un de ses « conseillers » états-uniens était James Denton, lié à Freedom House, une ONG de Washington impliquée dans les révolutions colorées. Orbán était alors le chouchou des néoconservateurs de Washington. En 2001, il reçut le « prix de la Liberté » de l’American Enterprise Institute, un groupement néoconservateur.

Pourtant, en 2010, après avoir passé six ans dans l’opposition, Orbán fit son retour, doté cette fois d’une majorité retentissante par l’intermédiaire du Parti hongrois d’union civique (connu sous le nom abrégé de Fidesz). Dans les faits, Fidesz disposait d’une majorité de 68 % au Parlement, ce qui lui assurait tous les votes nécessaires pour modifier la Constitution et adopter de nouvelles lois, ce dont il ne se priva pas. Ironiquement, dans une logique typique de paille et de poutre, l’administration Obama et le Parlement européen lui reprochèrent d’avoir doté Fidesz d’un pouvoir excessif. Orbán fut accusé par Daniel Cohn-Bendit et les Verts européens de prendre pour modèle le Venezuela du président Hugo Chávez. Le moins qu’on puisse dire est qu’il ne respectait pas le cahier des charges bruxellois à l’usage des hommes politiques européens obéissants. Dans l’Union européenne, on se mit à diaboliser Fidesz et Orbán, faisant passer le premier pour la version hongroise du parti Russie unie et le second pour le Poutine magyar. C’était en 2012.

Et maintenant, la situation devient réellement préoccupante pour les atlantistes et l’UE, car Orbán vient de passer outre aux exigences européennes d’interrompre la construction du grand gazoduc russe South Stream.

Le gazoduc russe South Stream et le gazoduc germano-russe Nord Stream garantiraient à l’Union européenne un approvisionnement en gaz tout en contournant le conflit en Ukraine, ce à quoi Washington s’oppose farouchement, pour des raisons évidentes.

En janvier 2014, le gouvernement de M. Orbán a annoncé un accord financier de 10 milliards d’euros avec la Société nationale russe d’énergie nucléaire pour rénover l’unique centrale nucléaire de Hongrie, située à Paks. Conçue selon la technologie russe, cette centrale avait été construite sous l’ère soviétique.

Cette annonce éveilla l’attention de Washington. Il en fut de même à l’été 2014, lorsque Orbán critiqua les États-Unis, observant qu’ils avaient échoué à résoudre la crise financière mondiale qu’ils avaient eux-mêmes provoquée par le truchement de leurs banques. Il fit à cette occasion l’éloge de la Chine, de la Turquie et de la Russie, qu’il considérait comme des modèles plus positifs. En des termes assez proches de ceux que j’ai souvent employés, il déclara que les démocraties occidentales « risquent, dans les prochaines décennies, de se révéler incapables de conserver leur compétitivité, et paraissent vouées au déclin à moins qu’elles ne parviennent à se transformer profondément ».

Non content de cela, Orbán est parvenu à libérer la Hongrie de plusieurs décennies d’une catastrophique mise sous tutelle par le Fonds monétaire international. En août 2013, le ministre hongrois de l’Économie déclara qu’il avait réussi, au moyen d’une « politique budgétaire disciplinée », à rembourser les 2,2 milliards d’euros que le pays devait au FMI. Finies les privatisations forcées et les conditionnalités exorbitantes exigées par le FMI ! Le président de la Banque centrale hongroise exigea alors du FMI la fermeture de tous ses bureaux à Budapest. En outre, et comme l’avait aussi fait l’Islande, le Procureur général de Hongrie assigna en justice les trois Premiers ministres des gouvernements précédents en raison du niveau criminel d’endettement dans lequel ils avaient plongé la nation. C’était un précédent qui ne manqua pas de provoquer des sueurs froides dans quelques capitales, à Washington ou à Wall Street.

Mais l’alarme la plus retentissante fut sonnée pour de bon lorsque Orbán et son parti Fidesz, en même temps que leurs voisins autrichiens, donnèrent le feu vert à la construction du gazoduc russe South Stream sans se soucier des protestations de l’Union européenne, qui avançait que ce projet était contraire à ses lois. Es lebe die österreichisch-ungarische Energiemonarchie ! (Vive la monarchie énergétique austro-hongroise ! »), proclama Orbán lors d’une rencontre avec Horst Seehofer, ministre-président de Bavière, le 6 novembre à Munich.

Il n’en fallait pas plus pour que les élites états-uniennes déclenchent immédiatement l’alerte. Le New York Times, soutien très zélé de l’establishment, fit passer en « une » un éditorial intitulé « Le glissement dangereux de la Hongrie ». « Le gouvernement du Premier ministre hongrois Viktor Orbán, y déclarait-on, dérape vers l’autoritarisme et défie les valeurs fondamentales de l’Union européenne — et tout le monde le laisse faire. »

En ces termes, le Times révélait la véritable raison de cette panique à Washington et à Wall Street : « Encore une fois, la Hongrie a témoigné de son mépris pour l’Union européenne en faisant passer, lundi dernier, une loi autorisant la traversée du territoire hongrois par le gazoduc russe South Stream. Cette nouvelle loi est une violation flagrante de l’ordre donné en septembre dernier par l’Union européenne à tous ses États membres de refuser la construction de South Stream, ainsi que des sanctions économiques imposées par l’Union européenne et les États-Unis contre la Russie à la suite des actions de ce pays en Ukraine. Au lieu de protester du bout des lèvres contre ces mesures antidémocratiques, l’Union européenne ferait mieux d’ordonner elle aussi des sanctions contre la Hongrie. Et Jean-Claude Juncker, président de la Commission européenne, devrait user de son pouvoir pour obliger M. Navracsics à démissionner ». Tibor Navracsics vient d’être nommé à Bruxelles commissaire européen à l’Éducation, à la Culture, à la Jeunesse et aux Sports, fonction dont on cherche en vain le rapport avec les gazoducs.

Et maintenant, nous pouvons nous attendre à voir le National Endowment for Democracy et les ONG de service soutenues par les États-Unis trouver une bonne excuse pour organiser des manifestations de masse contre Fidesz et Orbán afin de punir ceux-ci de leur crime impardonnable : chercher à délivrer la Hongrie de la situation démente qu’ont créée les États-Unis en Ukraine.

- Source : F. William Engdahl

Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Le vrai choix”


Zbigniew Brzezinski, “Le vrai choix”

par Vincent Satgé

Ex: http://fortune.fdesouche.com



Le vrai choix, L’Amérique et le reste du monde fut publié alors que les États-Unis étaient engagés dans l’opération Iraqi freedom. Au vu des tensions internationales qui ont accompagné cettecampagne militaire, on pouvait raisonnablement attendre de Zbigniew Brzezinski qu’il choisisse avec précaution les formules et les tournures à employer. Peine perdue car, dès l’introduction, ce dernier expose sa thèse crûment : « Notre choix ? Dominer le monde ou le conduire » [1].

Appelant de ses vœux une « communauté internationale d’intérêts partagés » sous supervision américaine, il se plaçait ainsi dans une position intermédiaire assez inconfortable, fustigeant les influents néoconservateurs comme les colombes libérales.

Zbigniew Brzezinski est habitué à être sous le feu des critiques. Détenteur d’un doctorat de l’Université d’Harvard, il s’est surtout fait connaître pour avoir été le principal conseiller des affaires étrangères de Jimmy Carter lors de la campagne présidentielle de 1976.

Une fois l’élection remportée, il fut de 1977 à 1981 son conseiller à la Sécurité nationale durant une période agitée (particulièrement lors de l’échec de l’opération Eagle Claw visant à libérer les diplomates américains pris en otage en Iran).

Depuis, il a notamment exercé la fonction de conseiller au Center for Stategic and International Studies (CSIS) ainsi que de professeur de relations internationales à la Johns Hopkins University à Washington D.C.

Quelles sont les options qui restent aux Etats-Unis s’ils souhaitent conserver leur rang mondial ?

S’il a publié de nombreux ouvrages (Illusion dans l’équilibre des puissances en 1977 ou L’Amérique face au monde co-écrit en 2008 avec Brent Scowcroft), Zbigniew Brzezinski est surtout connu pour Le grand échiquier (1997). Il y détaille notamment les alternatives dont disposaient les Etats-Unis pour maintenir leur influence sur l’Europe et l’Asie, clés du contrôle sur le reste du monde. Seul défaut de cet ouvrage qui fit date : il ne couvre pas la période postérieure au 11 septembre, évènement qui a considérablement réorienté la politique étrangère des Etats-Unis.

actualité,géopolitique,livre,stratégie,géostratégie,politique internationale,zbigniew brzezinski,brzezinski,états-unisLe Vrai Choix, à l’inverse, nous livre un regard plus actuel sur les options qui restent aux Etats-Unis s’ils souhaitent conserver leur rang mondial.

Le raisonnement de Zbigniew Brzezinski peut être dès lors décomposé en trois temps. Il constate tout d’abord que le choix de la domination n’est pas, à moyen ou long terme, possible ni même profitable aux États-Unis. Il va ensuite s’interroger sur la manière pratique d’exercer un leadership sur les affaires mondiales. Enfin, il pointe les faiblesses institutionnelles qui risquent de mettre à mal la mise en œuvre de la diplomatie américaine.

La guerre contre le terrorisme ainsi que l’unilatéralisme amoindrissent la sécurité des États-Unis

La position géographique privilégiée des États-Unis les a souvent amenés à considérer leur sécurité comme définitivement acquise. Encadrés par des voisins peu puissants, placés entre l’Océan Pacifique et l’Océan Atlantique, les États-Unis étaient quasiment en situation d’insularité jusqu’à la Guerre Froide. Une fois le rival soviétique disparu, le sentiment d’invulnérabilité repris le dessus jusqu’aux attentats du 11 septembre.

Le monde et les États-Unis prirent ainsi définitivement conscience que la mondialisation permet aux menaces de s’affranchir des distances, du fait de la prolifération des technologies ou du terrorisme le plus « artisanal » qui soit. Face à ce nouveau défi, la réaction politique des Américains ne fut, pour l’auteur, clairement pas à la hauteur. « L’insécurité peut être socialement désagréable, elle doit être politiquement gérable » [2].

Ainsi les pouvoirs publics ont-ils investi énormément sur des dispositifs tels que le bouclier anti-missile, oubliant que le type d’attaque que ce dernier prévient est rendu improbable par les représailles que courrait l’État agresseur. Un attentat terroriste, par contre, pourrait causer des dégâts matériels aussi importants tout en empêchant de répliquer et de neutraliser l’organisation responsable. Le meilleur moyen de se prémunir des attaques qui visent le territoire américain reste de renforcer les capacités des services de renseignement.

Par ailleurs, cette lutte contre le terrorisme doit être accompagnée d’un effort d’identification de la menace. Il apparaît en effet absurde de désigner le terrorisme comme l’ennemi en ce sens qu’il ne s’agit que d’une « technique meurtrière d’intimidation », utilisée par tous types de mouvements [3] (les attentats suicides, de 1981 à 2001, auraient ainsi majoritairement été menés par les Tigres Tamouls du Sri Lanka, marxistes donc s’opposant aux religions).

Derrière le terrorisme, c’est l’acte politique qu’il s’agit de comprendre. Or, sur ce point, « les États-Unis ont montré une extraordinaire réticence à prendre en compte la dimension politique du terrorisme et à restituer celui-ci dans son contexte politique » [4].

Outre la guerre contre le terrorisme, c’est bien les interventions unilatérales qui mettent en péril la sécurité des États-Unis. Le discours du Président G. W. Bush à l’académie de West Point le 1er juin 2002, a largement justifié le concept d’« attaque préemptive » (lorsqu’un acteur estime qu’un autre État est sur le point de mener une action offensive) à l’encontre d’« États voyous ».

Une telle attitude sur la scène mondiale ne peut qu’entraîner une détérioration des rapports avec les Européens et donner à penser que la guerre contre le terrorisme peut être réduite à une initiative exclusivement américaine aux fortes connotations anti-musulmanes.

Le « conflit des civilisations » de Samuel Huntington adviendrait alors à titre de prophétie auto-réalisatrice. Au final, la sécurité des États-Unis seraient encore moins garantie vu que « l’acquisition clandestines d’armes de destruction massive prendrait vite le rang de priorité parmi les États déterminés à ne pas se laisser intimider. Ils trouveraient là une incitation supplémentaire à soutenir les groupes terroristes, lesquels, animés par la soif de vengeance, seraient alors plus enclins que jamais à utiliser, de façon anonyme, ces armes contre l’Amérique » [5].

Bref, on passerait du paradigme MAD (mutual assured destruction) de la Guerre Froide à celui de SAD (solitary assured destruction) ce qui pour Zbigniew Brzezinski s’assimile à une « régression stratégique ».

Loin de poursuivre dans une posture dominatrice et isolante, les États-Unis doivent redéfinir leur position sur la scène internationale.

Le premier volet de cette redéfinition concerne l’identification des zones sensibles de la planète. La première est celle des « Balkans mondiaux » [6] qui, avec le Moyen-Orient en particulier, doit être traitée avec le plus grand soin sous peine de détériorer les relations entre les États-Unis et l’Europe et les États-Unis et le monde musulman. Vient ensuite l’Asie qui est « une réussite économique, un volcan social et une bombe politique » [7], constat plus que jamais d’actualité avec les rivalités économiques et territoriales exacerbées, sans parler de vieux contentieux historiques (colonisation du Japon et timide repentir pour ses crimes de guerre ; relations indo-chinoises ; conflit latent entre le Japon et la Russie à propos des îles Kouriles et Sakhaline ; le dossier nord-coréen ; Taïwan, « 23e province chinoise »).

Une approche régionale sur tous ces points chauds devrait permettre une résolution (et une prévention) des conflits qui y sévissent, surtout de ceux dont on parle peu. L’auteur pointe ainsi la question assez peu posée du Cachemire, occulté par le conflit israélo-arabe. Avec 1,2 milliards d’habitants, deux États nucléaires et des populations très sensibles aux rengaines nationalistes, la zone mérite plus d’attention que celle dont elle bénéficie actuellement.

Les États-Unis ont besoin d’alliés… et réciproquement

Une fois les situations à risques identifiées, les États-Unis ont besoin d’alliés pour y faire face. Selon Zbigniew Brzezinski, le seul partenaire digne de ce nom est, à la vue de son potentiel politique, militaire et économique, l’Union européenne. Leur association, au-delà de l’utilité pratique, permettrait de désamorcer les critiques d’unilatéralisme (ou au moins de les affaiblir).

Ensemble, Europe et États-Unis sont « le noyau de la stabilité mondiale ».

Cela ne veut pour autant pas dire que leur entente aille de soi. Deux menaces planent au-dessus de leur entente cordiale. Les questions de défense et le « partage du fardeau » sont primordiales. Les Américains se plaignent souvent du manque d’investissement des Européens dans leurs dépenses militaires, tandis que le Vieux Continent dénonce souvent sa tutelle américaine.

Toutefois l’un autant que l’autre sortent gagnant du statu quo. En effet, l’Europe ne doit sa cohésion interne qu’à la présence américaine tandis que la prééminence américaine ne pourrait s’accommoder d’une Europe militairement autonome.

L’observation se vérifie surtout dans des régions telles que le Moyen-Orient (qui accueillerait l’Europe à bras ouvert vu la détérioration des rapports avec les États-Unis) ou encore l’Amérique latine (qui a des liens historico-culturels importants avec l’Espagne, la France et le Portugal).

La seconde entrave à un rapprochement du couple Europe-Etats-Unis concerne la question des règles qui sous-tendent l’ordre mondial. Brzezinski le reconnaît sans détour : « c’est en fonction de son utilité ponctuelle que telle ou telle doctrine est mise en œuvre de façon sélective [...] Pour le monde extérieur, le message est clair : lorsqu’un accord international contredit l’hégémonie américaine et pourrait brider sa souveraineté, l’engagement des Etats-Unis en faveur de la mondialisation et du multilatéralisme atteint ses limites » [8]. Ainsi fut-ce le cas pour le protocole de Kyoto ou encore la Cour pénale internationale.

Pour parvenir à ses fins, l’Amérique doit s’évertuer à sauvegarder des institutions démocratiques et capables de produire du consensus sur la diplomatie à mener.

Selon Zbigniew Brzezinski, l’évolution de la composition ethnique des États-Unis risque, à terme, de compliquer la définition de la politique étrangère américaine. En effet, si le pays à longtemps été dominé par une majorité WASP (White Anglo-Saxon Protestant), la progression des communautés tierces qui réclament et qui obtiennent une reconnaissance politique est un phénomène tendant à s’amplifier.

Ainsi la victoire du Président J. F. Kennedy en 1960 (seul président catholique des États-Unis à ce jour), la nomination d’Henry Kissinger au poste de secrétaire d’État (réfugié juif d’origine allemande) en 1973, ou encore celle de Colin Powell au même poste en 2001 en sont divers exemples (la présidence Obama n’étant pas citée car postérieure à l’écriture de l’ouvrage).

La diplomatie américaine pourrait bien devenir un exercice de haute voltige politique compte tenu de l’évolution des composantes de la société.

Le bât blesse lorsque chaque communauté vise, à travers des groupes de pression, à faire prévaloir son influence sur celle des autres. Avec la banalisation de « groupes de veto ethniques », la diplomatie américaine pourrait bien devenir un exercice de haute voltige politique (voire impossible à réaliser).

Que ce soit par le vote d’amendements au Congrès, le financement de campagnes électorales ou encore la constitution de comités parlementaires autour d’intérêts ethniques, la politique étrangère des États-Unis est sensible aux revendications infra-nationales. La Maison Blanche pourrait être, hors campagne électorale, assez peu concernée : seulement, c’est bien le Congrès qui vote le budget (et l’affectation des aides financières internationales montre d’ailleurs assez fidèlement le poids de chaque groupe particulier).

Ainsi, plutôt que d’être une synthèse ne satisfaisant personne, la politique extérieure des États-Unis devrait s’efforcer de rester bâtie sur un compromis visant l’intérêt général de l’Amérique. D’aucuns avancent que la politique étrangère du Canada, rôdé à gérer une société multiculturelle, pourrait constituer un modèle à suivre pour les États-Unis. Seulement ces derniers, à l’inverse de leur voisin, exercent des responsabilités internationales d’une ampleur totalement différente.

En outre, le rôle de « nation indispensable » tenu par les États-Unis met en péril le caractère démocratique de leurs institutions. Lorsqu’ils ont accédé au statut de grande puissance au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, un appareil administratif imposant s’est mis en place afin d’assumer les nouvelles responsabilités du pays à l’international (représentations diplomatiques, directions des forces et des bases à l’étranger, services de renseignement…).

Cette « bureaucratie impériale », sous la conduite de l’exécutif américain, est en principe contrebalancée par la surveillance du Congrès (qui vote ses crédits et organise des comités sur son activité). Seulement, dans des périodes politiquement troubles, il arrive que le Congrès lâche la bride de l’exécutif.

Ce fut le cas en 2002 lorsque les parlementaires abandonnèrent le droit de déclarer la guerre à l’Irak au Président des États-Unis. Cette procédure a, ponctuellement mais indiscutablement, brisé l’équilibre des pouvoirs constitutionnels américains. Le même constat peut être fait avec le Patriot Act du 26 octobre 2001 qui a réduit l’étendue du pouvoir judiciaire (en particulier les écoutes effectuées sur demande gouvernementale). Au final, l’hégémonie des États-Unis peut menacer leur propre démocratie autant que leur mixité sociale toujours plus hétérogène peut entraver leur capacité à décider et mettre en œuvre leur diplomatie.

Si Zbigniew Brzezinski défend le multilatéralisme à moyen-terme, il reconnaît la nécessité d’agir parfois de manière unilatérale.

Le vrai choix semble, de prime abord, assez révélateur de l’époque où il a été rédigé. Si Zbigniew Brzezinski défend le multilatéralisme à moyen-terme, il reconnaît la nécessité d’agir parfois de manière unilatérale. S’il reconnaît que les États-Unis ont un discours sur la mondialisation trop frappé de messianisme, il n’hésite pas à vilipender les élites russes et européennes qui seraient tout autant dans l’excès dans leurs critiques (on notera avec amusement que deux Français, Jean Baudrillard et Pierre Bourdieu pour ne pas les citer, sont particulièrement visés).

Enfin, la « destinée manifeste » est à ce point intégrée dans le raisonnement de l’auteur qu’il n’hésite pas à conclure sur ces quelques lignes qui ont de quoi faire hausser les sourcils : « « Laissez rayonner vos lumières devant les hommes afin qu’ils voient vos bonnes œuvres » [9]. Que rayonne l’Amérique. » [10]

Lorsque l’on a accepté ces nombreuses réserves, il nous reste un ouvrage très bien structuré aux raisonnements pertinents, documentés et toujours d’actualité. Pour ne rien gâcher, l’auteur a, avec l’arrivée au pouvoir de Barack Obama, gagné son pari.Les Etats-Unis ont, ces dernières années, favorisé le leadership au détriment de la domination unilatérale. Reste à savoir s’il s’agit d’un changement de doctrine définitif ou bien, comme l’avance Serge Sur, d’« une stratégie à plus long terme de reconfiguration de la puissance américaine et de reconstruction d’une hégémonie durable » .


Notes :

[1] « Le vrai choix », Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ed° Odile Jacob, mars 2004, p.12

[2] Ibid, p.34

[3] Robert Pape, “Dying to kill us”, New York Times, 22 septembre 2003

[4] « Le vrai choix », Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ed° Odile Jacob, mars 2004, P.53

[5] Ibid, p.57

[6] « Le grand échiquier », Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ed. Bayard Jeunesse, 1997 : “Région instable qui s’étend approxiamtivement du canal de Suez au Sinkiang et de la frontière russo-kazakh au Sri Lanka”.

[7] « Le vrai choix », Zbigniew Brzezinski, Ed° Odile Jacob, mars 2004, p.146

[8] Ibid, p.203

[9] Évangile selon Saint Matthieu, 5 : 14-16

[10] Serge Sur, « Les nouveaux défis américains », Questions internationales, n°64, novembre-décembre 2013

Le Vrai choix – L’Amérique et le reste du monde

Odile Jacob

samedi, 29 novembre 2014

USA: Bons baisers du post racisme


USA: Bons baisers du post racisme
Obama, Président noir des émeutes raciales

Jean Bonnevey
Ex: http://metamag.fr
Il faudrait rechercher les analyses sur la fin de la fracture raciale aux Usa, après l’élection d’Obama. Il faudrait surtout que ceux qui ont écrit des niaiseries, par idéologie, reconnaissent leurs erreurs. On peut toujours rêver.

L’évidence est là! La communauté noire se sent toujours discriminée même en ayant son président à la Maison blanche.  Elle dénonce l’attitude de la police blanche. Elle se dit victime de violences racistes. Et les émeutes raciales se multiplient avec pillages. Il ya sans doute des bavures, mais, sorties du contexte américain de la criminalité, cela ne veut rien dire. « C’est toujours les mêmes que l'on tue ». On connait l’argument, mais il y a le contexte.

La population carcérale s’élevait l’an dernier aux Etats-Unis à quelque 2,3 millions de personnes, sur une population adulte de 230 millions, soit le taux le plus élevé dans l’histoire américaine, selon le Pew Center. Les statistiques sont particulièrement frappantes parmi les minorités : alors qu’un adulte américain blanc sur 106 est incarcéré, c’est un Hispanique sur 36 et un Afro-américain sur 15 qui sont en prison.

Alors une communauté persécutée ou  plus criminogène ? Dans la tranche d’âge de 20 à 34 ans, c’est un jeune Noir sur neuf qui est derrière les barreaux. 20 % des Noirs américains (Afro-Americans) nés entre 1965 et 1969 ont fait de la prison, contre seulement 3 % des Blancs nés pendant la même période. Le racisme de la police blanche n’explique pas tout et même, au regard du danger permanent, s’explique.

Mais la conséquence, c’est le retour sur le devant de la scène politique américaine de la fracture raciale. Et Obama n’a rien changé, pire cela s’est aggravé. Darren Wilson, le policier qui a abattu en août dernier à Ferguson le jeune Noir Michael Brown, dit avoir la « conscience tranquille » car il estime avoir « effectué son travail dans les règles », dans une interview accordée à ABC News en partie diffusée mardi 25 novembre. M. Wilson, qu'un grand jury a décidé de ne pas inculper, explique qu'il n'aurait pas pu agir autrement lors de son altercation avec Michael Brown, qui a abouti à la mort de cet adolescent de 18 ans.

Après les émeutes et les pillages de lundi, des dizaines de manifestations ont été organisées à travers les Etats-Unis, mardi, pour protester contre la relaxe du policier…. Les émeutes sont raciales et donc racistes. «Pas de justice, pas de paix», scandaient les manifestants en colère, sourds aux appels au calme lancés dans la soirée par le président Barack Obama et la famille Brown. Devant la Maison Blanche, la foule brandissait des pancartes réclamant «Justice pour Mike Brown» et scandait «les mains en l’air, ne tirez-pas». Pour ceux qui doutent, heureusement, il ya le tweet de notre Taubira nationale si on ose dire. "Quel âge avait #Mickael Brown ? 18 ans. #Trayvon Martin ? 17. #Tamir Rice ? 12. Quel âge le prochain ? 12 mois ? Tuez-les avant qu'ils ne grandissent Bob Marley" a écrit la ministre de la Justice ce mardi matin.

Une phrase polémique qui pourrait bien choquer aux Etats-Unis. Invitée à expliquer ce tweet sur France Info ce mardi matin, elle a indiqué qu'elle voulait simplement exprimer sa "solidarité". «Je ne porterai pas de jugement de valeur sur les institutions des États-Unis. Cependant, il est évident que, lorsque le sentiment de frustration est aussi fort, aussi profond, aussi durable et aussi massif, il y a à s'interroger sur la confiance dans ces institutions, et donc la capacité des institutions à assurer cette paix sociale» a-t-elle dit avant d'ajouter «il est évident qu'on se rend compte que ça n'arrive qu'aux mêmes. Ce sont des gamins afro-américains, donc il y a le problème d'un certain nombre de clichés, de représentations, de préjugés qui peuvent créer des réflexes terribles. Quand ce sont des réflexes d'injures, c'est déjà difficile à supporter, quand ce sont des vies qui sont arrachées ainsi, c'est encore plus insupportable».

Retour à Ferguson et au “ remplacement” à l'américaine

Devenue le centre de l'attention médiatique américaine, la petite ville de Ferguson ne comptait que 21 203 habitants en 2010, selon les chiffres officiels. Parmi eux, 67% de Noirs et 29% de Blancs. Les effectifs du commissariat de Ferguson sont très loin d'être représentatifs de la diversité de la population de la ville. En effet, 94% des policiers de la ville sont blancs et seulement 6% noirs, selon le maire (blanc) et le chef de la police (blanc, avant d'être remplacé par un Noir), cités respectivement, le 13 août, par les chaînes KSDK et CBS. «Nous recrutons tous ceux que nous pouvons», a expliqué le maire, pour qui «beaucoup de jeunes Afro-Américains ne veulent pas entrer dans la police». 

La mort de Michael Brown  a donc ravivé le débat sur l’attitude des forces de l’ordre et les relations raciales aux États-Unis, 22 ans après l’affaire Rodney King et les émeutes qui avaient embrasé Los Angeles, après l’acquittement de quatre policiers blancs filmés en train de passer à tabac cet automobiliste noir.

Dans son message, le président Obama a d’ailleurs mis en garde contre la tentation de «dissimuler les problèmes» liés au racisme aux États-Unis. «Dans trop de régions du pays, il existe une profonde défiance entre les forces de l’ordre et les communautés de couleur», a-t-il souligné. «C’est une chose qu’ils ont toujours faite. J’ai 63 ans, j’ai vu cela à l’époque de Martin Luther King. Ils n’ont pas changé et ne changeront jamais», déclarait un homme interrogé par l’AFP dans une rue de Ferguson.

Entre le racisme réel et le racisme ressenti c’est comme pour le froid à la météo…mais en tout cas aux Usa, malgré l’astre Obama, période glaciaire dans les relations raciales.