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dimanche, 03 janvier 2016

L'Amérique ne recherche-t-elle pas une guerre avec l'Iran?


L'Amérique ne recherche-t-elle pas une guerre avec l'Iran?

par Jean-Paul Baquiast

Ex: http://www.europesolidaire.eu

L'Iran, compte tenu de ses liens stratégiques avec la Russie, compte tenu aussi du rôle stratégique que lui permet sa position géographique en bordure des détroits, restera plus que jamais une ennemie potentielle de l'Amérique.
Un accord de long terme avait été obtenu concernant l'abandon par l'Iran de son programme d'armement nucléaire. Cet accord doit en principe entraîner une levée rapide des sanctions décrétées par Washington à l'égard des entreprises et des personnes impliquées dans des relations commerciales avec l'Iran. Ces sanctions gênent d'ailleurs tout autant les Européens que les Iraniens. Leur levée est donc attendue avec impatience.

Mais tout se passe comme si les Etats-Unis voulaient continuer à traiter l'Iran comme présentant pour eux une menace militaire imminente. Le Wall Street Journal vient d'indiquer que Washington prépare dorénavant des sanctions à l'égard des firmes et personnes supposées collaborer au programme iranien de missiles balistiques.

Deux réseaux de telles entreprises et personnes ont été identifiés. Les firmes américaines ou étrangères se verront interdire de mener des relations commerciales avec les entités mentionnées par ces réseaux. Les banques américaines gèleront leurs dépôts.

L'abus de droit est manifeste, compte-tenu du fait qu'un grand nombre de pays développent de tels missiles, militaires ou civiles, sans vouloir leur confier de charges nucléaires. Pour les autorités américaines, l'Iran serait susceptible d'utiliser ces vecteurs, même sans têtes nucléaires, dans le cadre d'attaques contre les Etats voisins ou en soutien au terrorisme.

Pour Téhéran au contraire, de tels missiles, dont deux exemplaires ont déjà expérimentés, n'ont que des objectifs défensifs. Il en sera de même des matériels livrés par la Russie. Faut-il rappeler que l'Arabie Saoudite, Israël et quelques autres continuent à menacer l'Iran de raids dévastateurs. Doit-on aller jusqu'à interdire l'Iran la fabrication de valises de voyage, sous prétexte que celles-ci peuvent être utilisées par des terroristes pour transporter des bombes?

L'Iran n'a pas encore réagit à l'annonce de telles nouvelles sanctions. Mais précédemment l'Ayatollah Ali Khamanei avait indiqué que le maintien de celles-ci serait considérées comme une violation de l'accord sur le nucléaire.

samedi, 02 janvier 2016

La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire n°82


La Nouvelle Revue d'Histoire est en kiosque

(n° 82, janvier - février 2016)

Le dossier central est consacré à De Gaulle et à ses rapports avec les Américains.

On peut y lire, notamment,  des articles de Pierre-Yves Rougeyron ("1940-1945 : Le duel de Gaulle-Roosevelt"), de Hervé Giraud ("Giraud et les Américains"), de Nicolas Vimar ("La France devient une puissance nucléaire"), de Philippe Fraimbois ("1966. La France sort de l'OTAN"), de Gaël Moulec ("De l'Atlantique à l'Oural : De Gaulle et l'Union soviétique"), de Martin Benoist ("De Gaulle en Roumanie ou le temps des illusions") et de Lionel Rondouin ("De Gaulle et Jacques Rueff. Contre le dollar-roi").

Hors dossier, on pourra lire, en particulier, deux entretiens, l'un avec Bernard Lugan ("Comprendre le chaos libyen") et l'autre avec Thierry Buron ("La nouvelle Allemagne"), ainsi que des articles d'Emma Demeester ("Gambetta. La République et la patrie"), de Péroncel-Hugoz ("Anne de Kiev, reine capétienne"), d'Yves Morel ("1829-2015. Pourquoi le désastre grec ?"), de Rémy Porte ("1915-19-16 : Martyre et renaissance de l'armée serbe") et de Jean-François Gautier ("Les militaires et la musique"), ou encore les chroniques de Péroncel-Hugoz et de Philippe d'Hugues....

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dimanche, 27 décembre 2015

Lawrence Dennis: 1893–1977


Lawrence Dennis: 1893–1977

December 25, Christmas Day, is also the birthday of one of the most exotic and courageous thinkers ever to stride across the American political stage: Lawrence Dennis.

Now, there are three basic facts everyone learns about Mr. Dennis at the outset.

One: he was a leading Right-wing economic and political theorist of the 1930s and ’40s—an American fascist if you will. And he got caught up the the “Great Sedition Trial of 1944” (a trial that ended inconclusively when Judge Edward Eicher, a former Iowa congressman, suddenly dropped dead and no one cared to reconvene proceedings).

lawrfencedennisAmGJL._SX334_BO1,204,203,200_.jpgTwo: Lawrence Dennis was part African-American, a fact that was marginally believable at first glance, given his “swarthy” or “bronzed” complexion and short, wiry hair. Dennis could “pass for white” if he wanted to, and so he did for several decades. But this was mainly for reasons of convenience. During his years at Exeter, Harvard, the diplomatic corps, and Wall Street, talking about a mulatto heritage was just an unnecessary complication, and so he didn’t. At the end of the day there is no reason to believe he was ashamed of his mixed-race heritage; it is said that when he died in his eighties he was sporting an afro [2].

Dennis’s racial mixture, coupled with his radical-right politics, confounds political historians on the Left. They have no trouble dealing with the fact that W. E. B. DuBois, another light-skinned mulatto, went to Harvard and later joined the Communist Party USA. But to imagine another light-skinned man of Negro heritage was a fascist? And not only an American fascist, but former diplomat and famous diplomatic theorist. In 2007 a biography of Dennis was a published with the title of The Color of Fascism.[1] As one might expect from that lurid title, the publisher promoted the bio as a racial saga: a story of “deception” and hypocrisy and living in shame among virulent hatemongers.

But now we come to the third remarkable thing about Lawrence Dennis—maybe the weirdest fact of all. He had been a baby celebrity, a child preacher.

At the end of the 19th century, newspapers in New York and Chicago were fascinated by the something of this infant phenomenon, “Larney Dennis”—the Child Prodigy from Georgia, come to save yo’ souls!

Decades later, the whole notion of a colored moppet haranguing the sinners would become a routine item on the church-vaudeville circuit (Rev. Al Sharpton started out this way). But in the late 1890s this little hi-yaller preaching prodigy with the white frock and booming voice was one-of-a-kind, a huge drawing card:

“Pray! Pray! Down on yo’ knees and pray!”

A child’s quivering tones, yet instinct with power. Above a tiny form in shot white frock with a strange majesty in the upraised olive face and small commanding hand. Below a vast multitude of more than three thousand souls, curious, cynical, devout; yet all, believer and scoffer, alike, held in sway by this morsel of humanity.

In a word, Lawrence Dennis, the negro baby evangelist, was before his first New York audience at the Mount Olivet Baptist Church in West Fifty-third street this afternoon enacting one of the most remarkable scenes in the shifting life of the great metropolis.

Long before 4, the hour named for the service, the church was packed…

Little Lawrence shook the black curls confined at either side of his head with a pink ribbon and looked expectantly about.

“I am 5 years old,” in reply to the first query, “and I was bo’n on the 25th of December, Christ’s birthday.”


“Why are you here?” cried a negress from the middle of the house.

“To save New York,” ejaculated the preacher. “I’se got to save you goats.”

(Chicago Tribune, January 8, 1899)

lawrence-dennis.gifA most bizarre start in life for a diplomat, or Wall Street investment banker, or fascist economic theorist—all of which Dennis would be in the 1920s and ’30s.

It all seems mythical, this story of the white-frocked child evangelist;  so disconnected is it from Dennis’s adult careers. A bit like the Homeric story of Achilles on Skyros, disguised as a princess so he wouldn’t have to die in the Trojan Wars as prophecy predicted. (As you may recall, this experience gave Achilles such a tough hide that he went off and died in the Trojan Wars anyway.)

Lawrence Dennis’s break with his past came in his mid-teens, and it was drastic. He went to prep school at Philips Exeter and pretty much swept his childhood fame and negritude under the rug. He was a star debater at Exeter and then at Harvard College, where he crash-coursed an accelerated A.B. degree in two-and-a-half years. (This was rather less difficult than it sounds today: during the Great War, Harvard and Yale handed out course credits like doughnuts, so the boys could get to France, or come back and graduate without much effort.)

After that, it was the Foreign Service corps for Dennis, in Haiti, Romania, and Central America. It seems to be his time in Honduras and Nicaragua that radicalized this rising young diplomat. It became clear to him that Central America and the Caribbean—most of the Americas in fact—were the playthings, the game-board of the U.S. State Department and, ultimately, Wall Street. He tried to publish articles about revolutions in Honduras and Nicaragua in the Atlantic Monthly and Foreign Affairs, but Foggy Bottom embargoed them.[3]

Rather ironically, Dennis thereupon left the State Department and went to work for the Guaranty Trust Company for a while,[4] followed by the J. & W. Seligman investment bankers. Seligman sent Dennis to Lima, as their representative.

Dennis took one look and balked: the Wall Street loans to Peru were ill-constructed and predestined to fail. This was an old Wall Street trick, going back at least to the mid-19th century. The basic idea was that the investment bank would make loans to a Latin American country, which the country didn’t ever have a prayer of paying back. When the foreign government defaulted, the investment bank would demand that the US State Department and Treasury step in and guarantee the loans, by claiming assets or future revenues from the country.[5]

Lawrence Dennis quit Seligman and wrote some articles for The New Republic exposing these shenanigans in Peru. Thenceforth he was essentially barred from employment on both Wall street and the State Department. He didn’t much care. It was the height of the depression, 1932, and he wrote a well-received book, based on on diplomatic and banking experience, called Is Capitalism Doomed?[6]

The capitalism Dennis refers to here is not international banking per se, but rather the specific American brand of “Wild West” laissez-faire capitalism, with no governmental restraints and oversight. Drawing a parallel to Frederick Jackson Turner’s thesis about the closing of the American frontier in the 1890s, Dennis argued that the days of “Wild West” capitalism—arrant speculation, plutocratic strong-arming of Congress and weak foreign “republics”—were dead and gone.[7]

It was 1932, and there was no shortage of howls about the demise of capitalism. But oddball Dennis didn’t howl with the crowd. For him, the solution wasn’t some Bolshevik revolution that destroyed most existing structures of society and put an alien class on top. He proposed something much simpler: a nationalistic ethos that restrained the capitalists and put the American people’s needs into the driver’s seat. In other words, American fascism.

Is Capitalism Doomed? was mostly a reflection of Dennis’s diplomatic and Wall Street adventures. It took a few more years for him to articulate a cogent argument of why fascism, rather than bolshevism, was the proper replacement for freebooting Wall Street capitalism. This came with his 1940 treatise, The Dynamics of War and Revolution.[8]

Is Capitalism Doomed? had been published by Harper & Bros., as mainstream and old-line a New York publishing house as existed; but by the late ’30s Dennis’s fascist connections put him beyond the pale, and he had to distribute this through his own private imprint.[9]

Accordingly this Dennis book never got much distribution. But it is clear he was reaching the apogee of his political insight in such toothy passages as these:

Back in 1933 an 1934 I was one of the few writing Americans who saw that both socialism and nazism had to end in an extreme form of socialism by reason of the pressures of inevitable trends in social change. I derided the interpretations of Fascism and Naziism made equally  by the conservatives and the communists at the time. Incidentally, it is to be remarked the American communists and fellow travelers, who are as unsophisticated in politics as Wall Streeters or Mrs Roosevelt, helped both Mussolini no end in the early days by denouncing them as capitalist stooges. My book The Coming American Fascism, was treated my many critics as wholly irrelevant to Fascism because it did not accord with the the orthodox Moscow interpretation of this new phenomenon. On this point, the orthodox line of Union Square and the Union League Club was the same. . . .

To me in 1933-1936, as now, the idea then being advanced on Park Avenue and lower Third Avenue that the demagogue of a popular national socialist movement with a private army of the people under his orders could be the Charlie McCarthy of big businessmen was utterly preposterous. I have known intimately too many big businessmen to have any uncertainly as to the role they would be playing in any Charlie McCarthy act with a Hitler. Businessmen are socially the least intelligent and creative members of our ruling classes. . . .


dennissjwL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg1. Gerald Horne, The Color of Fascism: Lawrence Dennis, Racial Passing, and the Rise of Right-Wing Extremism in the United States (New York: New York University Press, 2007).

2. Ibid.

3. A more famous diplomat radicalized by similar experiences in Latin America was Sumner Welles, Undersecretary of State in the Cordell Hull years, who devoted a long book, Naboth’s Vineyard: The Dominican Republic 1844-1924 (New York: Payson and Clarke, 1928) to detailing the exploitation of that island nation by American banking interests.

4. Later Morgan Guaranty Trust; currently a segment of JPMorganChase.

5. Barbara Stallings, Banker to the third World: U.S. portfolio Investment in Latin America, 1900-1986 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987).

6. Lawrence Dennis, Is capitalism doomed? (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1932).

7. See Keith Stimely’s treatment of this topic, reprinted here [4] December 25, 2014.

8. Lawrence Dennis, The Dynamics of War and Revolution (New York: The Weekly Foreign Letter, 1940).

9. Justus Doenecke, “The Isolationist as Collectivist: Lawrence Dennis and the Coming of World War II” https://mises.org/library/isolationist-collectivist-lawre... [5]

Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2015/12/lawrence-dennis-1893-1977/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: https://secure.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/lawrence-dennis.png

[2] sporting an afro: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2007/apr/04/usa.race

[3] Image: https://secure.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/larney-dennis.jpg

[4] reprinted here: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/12/lawrence-dennis-and-a-frontier-thesis-for-american-capitalism/

[5] https://mises.org/library/isolationist-collectivist-lawrence-dennis-and-coming-world-war-ii-0: https://mises.org/library/isolationist-collectivist-lawrence-dennis-and-coming-world-war-ii-0


vendredi, 25 décembre 2015

Pentagon in opstand tegen president Obama om steun voor moslimterroristen


Pentagon in opstand tegen president Obama om steun voor moslimterroristen

Militaire leiding VS geeft achter rug Obama geheime informatie aan Rusland, Israël en Duitsland

Obama, Saudi Arabië, Turkije en Qatar bewapenden ISIS

Hersh bevestigt dat Turkse president Erdogan Syrië wil inlijven en Ottomaanse Rijk wil herstellen

Seymour Hersh, misschien wel ’s werelds meest gevierde onderzoeksjournalist die onder andere aantoonde dat de gifgasaanval in Damascus in 2013 niet door het leger van president Assad, maar door de door de Westerse-Turkse-Arabische coalitie gesteunde moslimrebellen werd gepleegd, komt met een nieuwe, ronduit verbijsterende onthulling: de militaire topleiders in het Pentagon zijn in het geheim in opstand gekomen tegen president Obama, en blijken zijn bevelen inzake het steunen van islamitische terreurgroepen in Syrië te negeren en zelfs tegen te werken.

Opstand in strijdkrachten VS

De weerstand in het leger tegen Obama kwam in 2013 al tot een uitbarsting toen de president een complete zee- en luchtvloot bij Syrië had verzameld en vast van plan leek om het land plat te bombarderen. Een Russische vloot gecombineerd met briljant diplomatiek optreden van president Putin zorgden er vervolgens voor dat de Amerikanen zich moesten terugtrekken en de Derde Wereldoorlog werd voorkomen.

Tal van lagere en hoge officieren plaatsten toen foto’s van zichzelf op het internet met voor hun hoofd stukken karton met daarop teksten zoals ‘Ik ging niet bij de marine om voor Al-Qaeda te vechten in een Syrische burgeroorlog’. Er waren destijds ook berichten van fel verzet van de hoogste Amerikaanse generaals, die gewoonweg weigerden om de door Obama bevolen aanval op Syrië in gang gezetten.

Hersh onthult nu dat het Pentagon in het geheim inderdaad in opstand is gekomen tegen Obama. Al eerder berichtten we over een gelekt DIA rapport waarin de opkomst van ISIS werd voorspeld als de Amerikanen de rebellen wapens zouden geven om president Assad af te zetten. Het Pentagon wist daarom van meet af aan dat Obama islamitische terreurgroepen bewapende, en dat het zogenaamde ‘Free Syrian Army’ in rook was opgelost.

Geheime info aan Rusland, Israël en Duitsland doorgespeeld

De regering Obama weigerde deze feiten echter onder ogen te zien. Sterker nog: het DIA rapport werd doelbewust als ‘zeer geheim’ geclassificeerd en achter slot en grendel gestopt. Het Pentagon nam vervolgens het onthutsende besluit om het Witte Huis niet langer te vertrouwen en buiten medeweten van de president militaire inlichtingen over de door Obama bewapende jihadisten te verstrekken aan Rusland, Israël en Duitsland.

Deze informatie werd rechtstreeks doorgespeeld aan Assad, die daarmee vervolgens het tij van de burgeroorlog in zijn voordeel wist te keren. Daarmee zorgde hij er vrijwel zeker voor dat Syrië niet volledig werd overgenomen door ISIS.

Pentagon saboteerde Obama’s pro-jihad beleid

Veel hoge Pentagon leiders beseften dus al jaren geleden dat Obama’s beleid in Syrië op een totale ramp zou uitlopen, en ondernamen daarom actie om de doelstellingen van de president te doen mislukken. Het verstrekken van info aan Assad was tevens de beloning voor de cruciale waarschuwing die de Syrische veiligheidsdiensten aan Amerika gaven, en waarmee een enorme Al-Qaeda aanslag op de thuishaven van de Vijfde Vloot in Bahrein kon worden voorkomen.

De Amerikaanse militaire leiding saboteerde vervolgens Obama’s wapenleveranties door de Syrische rebellen doelbewust verouderd materiaal te geven. Saudi Arabië, Turkije en Qatar compenseerden dit echter door ISIS van moderne wapens te voorzien, aldus de hoge Pentagon-bron van Hersh.

Erdogan wil inderdaad Ottomaans Rijk herstellen

De grootste verrassing voor de niet geïnformeerde burger –maar niet voor onze lezers- is wellicht dat Hersh bevestigt dat de Turkse president Erdogan zijn zinnen heeft gezet op Syrië omdat hij het Ottomaanse Rijk wil herstellen. Daarmee streeft hij feitelijk exact hetzelfde doel na als ISIS, dat een groot grensoverschrijdend islamitisch Kalifaat wil oprichten waar ook Europa een onderdeel van moet worden. De huidige migranteninvasie en islamisering van de EU is onderdeel van dat gezamenlijke Turkse/ISIS plan.

Obama en Turken bewapenden ISIS

‘Dit bericht is verbijsterend,’ zegt vaste Infowars verslaggever –en oud topofficial van de regering Reagan- Paul Joseph Watson. ‘Het bevestigt namelijk waarom het Witte Huis van Obama er minstens 15 maanden lang niet in slaagde om ISIS te verslaan. In zijn obsessie om Assad af te zetten heeft Obama welbewust ISIS bewapend, en samen met Turkije de terreurorganisatie geholpen om het Kalifaat op te bouwen.’

Hoge officieren in het Pentagon komen nu ook openlijk in opstand tegen Obama’s even krankzinnige als verwoestende beleid, dat alleen al in Syrië aan minstens 200.000 mensen het leven het gekost. En mocht Obama’s gedoodverfde opvolger Hillary Clinton eind volgend jaar tot president worden gekozen, dan zal het Pentagon vermoedelijk ook haar bevelen negeren.

2016: Toekomst van het Midden Oosten, vrij Westen en de wereld staan op het spel

‘2016 lijkt om tal van redenen een cruciaal jaar te worden,’ besluit Watson. ‘Voor de toekomst van het Midden Oosten, de toekomst van de radicale islam en de toekomst van de vrije wereld. Alles staat op het spel.’


(1) Infowars (/ YouTube)

mercredi, 23 décembre 2015

L’énigme Obama sur la corde raide


L’énigme Obama sur la corde raide

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

7 décembre 2015 – ... Et l’on notera aussitôt que certains des termes employés pour la présentation (chapeau/abstract) de ce Faits & Commentaires ont beaucoup à voir avec la présentation onirique du président des États-Unis que fait notre chroniqueur du Journal dde.crisis le 5 décembre. Le constat qu’on peut faire est que la perception du comportement de l’actuel POTUS ne cesse de s’aggraver, y compris et particulièrement à Washington et dans le monde des commentateurs US. Sur son site Sic Semper Tyrannis le 4 décembre 2015, le colonel Pat Lang fait remarquer, à la fin d’une présentation commentée des derniers sondages à propos de la candidature d’Hillary Clinton, ceci qui concerne directement et personnellement Obama (avec l’observation que la remarque sur “son récent comportement public” s’applique sans nul doute, notamment, à l’intervention d’Obama du 1er décembre à Paris, qui a particulièrement marqué Lang, – que nous avons signalée à la fin de notre texte du 3 décembre) : « The rumor is around town that President Obama is not functioning well.  His recent behavior in public supports this rumor.  If he keeps acting this way, the effect is bound to be bad for Clinton who cannot escape her service in his cabinet. »

Un texte de Robert Parry à propos de cette même “sortie” d’Obama va dans le même sens, comme le même Journal dde.crisis le signale dans l’article déjà référencé. (« Voir son article du 2 décembre où il analyse les incroyables écarts de langage et de considération d’Obama vis-à-vis des Russes, et notamment des Russes victimes du terrorisme, sans montrer le moindre intérêt pour les vérités-de-situation que le vaste appareil de puissance à sa disposition, ainsi que ses contacts internationaux, lui permettraient d’éventuellement découvrir. ») Il s’agit là de certains signes, aux niveaux de la communication et du monde médiatique, dont on verra plus loin qu’ils touchent même la presse-Système, qui impliquent ce qu’on nomme en termes mesurés de communication “la crédibilité du président Obama”, – pour signifier une “crise de crédibilité” d’Obama qui atteint, selon Parry, l’intensité des “crises de crédibilité” de Johnson et de Nixon en 1968 et en 1972-74, aboutissant à l’abandon de l’idée d’un deuxième mandat pour le premier, à la démission d’août 1974 pour le second.

On peut rapporter comme exemplaires de cette “crise de crédibilité” plusieurs cas pris volontairement dans différents environnements et différents médias, qui constituent des conséquences autant que des facteurs actifs de cette “crise crédibilité”. On notera bien entendu, – c’est même là l’essentiel, – que les avis critiques ou les attaques portées contre Obama concernent au moins aussi bien une attitude personnelle du président, un discours, une posture de communication, voire une psychologie, que sa politique elle-même.

• Un premier exemple est un commentaire de la part d’un journaliste italien, qui est effectivement exemplaire d’une considération de plus en plus courante dans le monde de la communication européen, hors des prises de position officielles qui se caractérisent par un vide à peu près équivalent à celui qu’on retrouve dans le comportement, l’esprit et la réflexion politique du président des États-Unis. Voici donc, dans L’Anarca, le blog du journaliste italien Giampaolo Rossi du Giornale, le 30 novembre, ce commentaire sous le titre de “La victoire de Poutine” : « Un récent sondage SWG, réalisé après les attentats de Paris, donne 49% d’approbation du public italien de l’opération entreprise en Syrie par le président de Russie, contre seulement 32% favorable à l’action des USA. Ce sondage est extrêmement intéressant si l’on a à l’esprit que l’Italie est historiquement un pays pro-américain, et que l’on a assisté ces dernières années, de la part des TV, de la presse et des intellectuels, à une constante béatification du président des USA, et à une constante diabolisation du président russe. Le cirque Barnum des talk-shows, les chroniqueurs, les think tanks et leurs universitaires, le climat délétère d'un pouvoir manipulateur, ne parviennent plus à transformer la réalité en une narrative adéquate malgré les ressources et l’argent utilisés dans ce sens.

« Poutine est approuvé pour la détermination et l'efficacité qu’il montre dans la lutte contre Daesh, malgré le prix très élevé qu’il doit payer. Obama est sanctionné pour l'ambiguïté qu’il montre à affronter le terrorisme islamiste; pour sa responsabilité (partagée avec les Français et les Anglais) dans le désastre libyen, la guerre la plus incompréhensible et la plus insensée de ces dernières années qui a ouvert la boîte de Pandore du djihadisme au Moyen-Orient; pour son oscillation entre des déclarations belliqueuses, des hésitations et les liens inexpliqués avec Daesh qu’il a contribués à créer et à financer. »

• Un autre exemple est celui de Charles Krauthammer, fameux éditorialiste et commentateur neocon, grand soutien tonitruant de toutes les guerres de GW Bush et de la politique-Système qui les conduisait. De Krauthammer, on attendrait qu’il soutînt, même s’il n’aime pas ce président (minimum syndical neocon à cet égard), les propos antirusses d’Obama, ricanant, sarcastique, tels qu’on les a vus dénoncés plus haut par Parry … Notamment ces propos du 1er décembre où Obama annonce aux Russes qu’ils sont embourbés dans un nouvel Afghanistan, après avoir expérimenté le premier. Krauthammer parlait sur Fox.News, la chaîne de Rupert Murdoch, parrain-financier de la tendance neocon et soutien enthousiaste de toutes les guerres du domaine, antirusse rabique, etc. ; et ce qu’il a dit est une critique aigu d’Obama, qui revient finalement, – objectivement dirait-on, – à une défense des Russes... Ainsi, l’attaque ne concerne-t-elle plus tant les politiques que le poids de plus en plus insupportables d’un discours qu’on jugerait quasiment halluciné, de la part de ce président caractérisé par cette « immense, cette écrasante vérité-de-situation que cet homme est vide, désespérément vide, inéluctablement vide. Obama n’est qu’une enveloppe, une sorte de “bulle” humaine, magnifiquement ornée et qui s’est cadenassée elle-même, presqu’avec jubilation et avec une sûreté de soi arrogante absolument inimitable, dans cette “narrative impénétrable”... » Là-dedans, il n’est pas tant question d’une politique que de l’insupportabilité d’une sorte de discours, d’une psychologie volontairement enchaînée, d’une “servilité volontaire ” (La Boétie) portée à des sommets inimaginables de hauteur (quantitativement parlant, en métriques).

Sputnik-français donne le 1er décembre une traduction dans notre langue de l’intervention de Krauthammer, qu’on trouve résumée sur Fox.News le 1er décembre 2015 : « Intervenant dans le programme Special Report sur la chaîne de télévision Fox News, l'éditorialiste américain Charles Krauthammer a soumis à une critique virulente les propos tenus par le président Barack Obama sur l'engagement de la Russie dans le conflit syrien. “...Obama a affirmé qu'à la différence de Poutine, il comprenait les intérêts de la sécurité nationale de la Russie, alors que Poutine ne les comprend pas” ... “Et Obama poursuit en disant que lorsque Poutine les comprendra, il changera sa position et se mettra de notre côté. Pour un type qui ne comprend rien aux intérêts nationaux de son propre pays, c'est une déclaration pour le moins remarquable”...

» Krauthammer a ajouté qu’Obama avait fait la remarque que Poutine “devrait avoir à l’esprit le souvenir de l’Afghanistan”, alors que “le pays qui est pris dans un bourbier en Afghanistan” aujourd’hui est, en fait, les États-Unis. “Les Russes se sont retirés d'Afghanistan il y a 25 ans. Obama est aux commandes des Etats-Unis depuis sept ans. Soixante-seize pour cent des pertes américaines au combat en Afghanistan ont eu lieu sous sa présidence et il est évident que notre position dans ce pays aujourd’hui est plus affaiblie que sept ans plus tôt quand il est arrivé à la présidence.” “En prétendant donner des leçons à Poutine sur l’intérêt nationale et sur l’embourbement, il se trouve plutôt dans une position ridicule.” »

• Dans un tout autre domaine, on peut considérer comme très révélatrice une très récente intervention de l’amiral (à la retraite) James A. (Ace) Lyons, ancien commandant en chef du Pacifique et ancien vice-chef d’état-major (Vice-Chief of Naval Operations) de l’US Navy, le 5 décembre dans le Washington Times, reprise par Russia Insider le même 5 décembre, sur les activités islamistes d’Erdogan, et la position selon lui incontestable de soutien et d’alliance active de la Turquie avec Daesh. Il y a dans cet article un passage qui met en cause directement l’administration Obama en l’accusant implicitement d’un acte, dans une action militaire offensive, qui est jugé comme équivalent à une trahison. (Cette même critique a été reprise par des parlementaires lors de l’audition à la Commission des Forces Armées de la Chambre, décrite dans notre texte du 3 décembre, notamment par l’ancienne pilote de chasse de l’USAF Martha McSally : « D’autres sujets polémiques ont été abordés, comme le fait d’avertir les chauffeurs des camions transportant le pétrole des terroristes d’une attaque prochaine, certains élus se demandant au nom de quoi il fallait considérer que ces chauffeurs n’étaient pas des adversaires au même titre qu’un combattant de Daesh. »)

« Since ISIS is a sworn enemy of the United States and Mr. Obama’s latest strategy is to “contain and destroy” ISIS, the question must be raised: Why hasn’t Mr. Obama demanded that Mr. Erdogan cut not only the ISIS supply lines going through Turkey, but also terminate its purchase of black market oil? Another question: After a 16-month U.S. air campaign to destroy ISIS, why haven’t the organization’s oil facilities been destroyed? Why are we now just getting around to destroying ISIS’ oil trucks? A CENTCOM spokesperson announced with “some pride” that prior to destroying 160 oil trucks recently, U.S. planes dropped leaflets telling the drivers that we were going to strike those oil trucks. We then apparently made several low passes to further scare off the drivers. This “faculty lounge” logic makes absolutely no sense. This type of so-called “humanitarian concern” only will jeopardize our own pilots and aircraft. It is only a matter of time before ISIS uses such prior notification to guide its shoulder-fired missiles, causing the loss of American pilots and aircraft.

» This is the same type of illogical thinking that went on in Vietnam. Secretary of State Dean Rusk would pass to the Swiss Embassy in Washington the targets we were going to strike the next day with instructions to pass them to the North Vietnamese through their embassy in Hanoi. The logic was that we hoped North Vietnamese officials would tell their workers to stay home that day, since we didn’t want to inflict civilian casualties. The North Vietnamese concentrated their surface-to-air missiles and anti-aircraft artillery around those targets and that’s why our pilots encountered such devastating resistance, which cost the lives of many American pilots and POWs. What Rusk and the Johnson administration did was unconscionable, and they should have been tried for treason. We are seeing this same nonsense today in Iraq and Syria. If the Joint Chiefs of Staff don’t formally object to these type of procedures, then they must be held accountable. »

Cette sortie de l’estimable et vénérable amiral Lyons, dont la tendance militariste “dure” est évidente et conforme à sa carrière et à sa position, annonce peut-être bien une relance des accusations déjà lancées contre Obama, mais cette fois dans une période extrêmement intense, où l’attitude des USA vis-à-vis de Daesh et le soutien US à la Turquie/Edogan-alliés-de-Daesh pourrait donner du crédit à ces accusations, – ce crédit dont Obama, lui, manque désespérément. En janvier dernier (2015), Lyons avaient lancé des accusations lors d’une intervention publique au National Press Club (DVD mis en place le 4 février 2015 sur Youtube). Il s’agissait de l’accusation, – qui n’est pas inédite mais qui pèse bien plus lourd sous la plume d’un amiral quatre étoiles de l’US Navy, –  d’infiltrations massives d’éléments des Frères Musulmans dans divers services et agences de la sécurité nationale aux USA, et dans l'adminstration elle-même bien sûr. (« Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons, speaking at the National Press Club in January, says that under Obama’s guidance, the Obama Regime has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood terrorism front group, saying that the radical anti-freedom organization has penetrated every U.S. security agency. Admiral Lyons said that “the transformation of America has been in full swing ever since 2008,” the year Obama was elected based upon his campaign promise to “fundamentally transform America.” »)

L’amiral Lyons, qui n’est pas seul dans cette mésaventure, relayait le même type d’accusations lancées par d’autres officiers généraux US à la retraite, assorties de l’avertissement qu’une telle situation de collusion entre Obama et Daesh/Frères Musulmans/etc. pourrait amener une “crise constitutionnelle” et justifier un coup de force des forces armées US contre le président (DVD le 4 septembre 2014 sur Youtube : « In an interview with Trunews, Retired U.S. Air Force Lt. General Thomas McInerney and Retired U.S. Army General Paul Vallely spoke about the possibility of a Constitutional Crisis that may occur if Barack Obama refuses to protect the American people from the threat of ISIS and radical islam. The Generals also said that it may come to the point where the US Military may have to remove Obama from office. The Generals also stated that Obama has moved the US stance on Terrorism from one of fighting against it to one of providing it aid and comfort. ») Entretemps, – et cela montrant bien qu’il y a là une offensive concertée qui doit être jugée pour sa crédibilité à elle en fonction de la situation crisique présente, – le site NewzVids a repris le DVD des deux officiers généraux et l’a remis en ligne le 18 novembre 2015.

Qu’il y ait dans tout cela “à boire et à manger”(vrai-faux, complot-ou-pas) ne nous importe en aucune façon, essentiellement parce qu’il n’y a strictement aucune référence principielle ferme à opposer à ces critiques, à ces attaques sinon à ces menaces de putsch puisque l’autorité légitime qui pourrait effectivement avoir raison de ces critiques, de ces attaques et de ces menaces de putsch n’a plus ni autorité, ni légitimité. C’est ce que Robert Parry désigne, avec l’évidence de son côté, comme “la crise de crédibilité” du président des États-Unis, et nous en venons au fait lui-même...


Vide de l’autorité, caricature de la légitimité

C’est effectivement dans un long texte, hier 6 décembre sur son site ConsortiumNews, que Parry nous parle de la “crise de crédibilité d’Obama”, la comparant aux pires crises du domaine (le pouvoir exécutif) dans l’histoire moderne des USA, particulièrement celle de L.B. Johnson en 1967-1968, conduisant à son renoncement à un second mandat présidentiel le 31 mars 1968, et celle de Richard Nixon, conduisant après les péripéties du Watergate à sa démission du 9 août 1974. (Le troisième exemple que donne Parry, – celui de GW Bush, – étant un simple exemple d’opportunité à notre sens, comme amorce de la crise du pouvoir développée avec Obama. Effectivement les précédents de Johnson et de Nixon constituent un seul précédent presque mimétique à celui de GW Bush-Obama, dans la pire période de crise des USA du XXème siècle avec la Grande Dépression puisqu’il s’agit d’une crise du pouvoir continu des années 1965-1975.) « Indeed, Obama arguably suffers from the worst “credibility gap” among the American people since Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon on the Vietnam War or at least since George W. Bush on the Iraq War. As eloquent as he can be, average folk in the U.S. and around the world tune him out. »

Parry développe alors sa critique habituelle de toutes les avanies subies ces dernières années, du fait du montage permanent, de la “narrative infranchissable” qu’a constitué la communication de la présidence US, pour justifier et développer des caricatures de politiques, à la fois infâmes et totalement désarticulées sinon complètement inverties. C’est dans ce paysage insaisissable, marécageux et complètement inepte que l’autorité et la légitimité du président se sont non seulement déstructurées mais dissoutes jusqu’à atteindre une complète entropisation. Avec un souci louable du détail, Parry, combattant infatigable d’une remise en ordre des vérités-de-situation contre les absurdités rocambolesques des narrative, rappelle les divers épisodes, depuis au moins le montage de l’attaque chimique en Syrie en août 2013, en passant par les péripéties de la crise ukrainienne, l’énorme épisode de la destruction du vol MH-17 au-dessus de l’Ukraine orientale en juillet 2014, et ainsi de suite.

Il y ajoute les tensions considérables que la présidence Obama a alimentées aux USA même, jusqu’à créer une situation de crise larvée, de divisions, de haines intercommunautaires, etc., sans guère de précédent. Cela vaut notamment par la façon dont ont été exacerbées la colère, sinon la rage, de la classe moyenne à majorité blanche des USA, ce qui fondait auparavant la gloire de la prétendue réussite de l’American Dream. Que l’on accepte ou pas cette définition comme forme d’un “rêve de bonheur” accompli, – et nous sommes naturellement de ceux qui rejettent absolument cette définition mais c’est un autre débat, – il reste que l’existence de cette classe moyenne constituait un fait, une “vérité-de-situation” pour dire au goût du jour, absolument indéniable du point de vue américaniste de la conformité aux ambitions des forces développant la structure de cette puissance.

Certes, des décennies de dérive néo-libérale, de libre-échangisme échevelé, de complète dérégulation du système financier, enfin de gangstérisme politique et de corruption vénale et psychologique ont été employées avec le plus grand zèle à la destruction de cette classe moyenne. (« The hard truth is that the Great American Middle Class indeed has been sold out. ») ... Cela, jusqu’à sa complète disparition avec la présidence et la bénédiction à la fois d’Obama qui se présentait à l’élection de 2008 comme son sauveur (de la classe moyenne), qui prétendait renverser la tendance finale initiée par GW Bush et l’a au contraire poursuivie sinon accélérée ; et cela ouvrant la voie à une super-crise du pouvoir US qui va s’exprimer dans les élections présidentielles à venir et qui s’exprime d’ores et déjà dans la position privilégiée dans la course à la désignation républicaine du fameux The Donald, clown devenu sauveur-potentiel de l’American Dream :

«... This white rage has fueled the race-baiting and anti-immigrant campaigns of billionaire Donald Trump and other political outsiders in the Republican Party. Trump has soared to the top of the GOP presidential field because he says a few things that are true – that rich people have bought up the political process and that trade deals have screwed the middle class – giving him an aura of “authenticity” that then extends to his uglier comments.

» Americans are so starving for a taste of honesty – which they’re not getting from Obama or other members of the elite – that they will believe a megalomaniacal huckster like Trump. After all, they know that what they get from Obama and his clique is manipulative spin, treating them like dummies to be tricked, not citizens of a Republic to be respected... »

Cette situation est le fruit, d’abord et avant tout, d’un climat dévastateur pour les psychologies, d’un refus permanent de toute reconnaissance de la réalité, dans un monde où effectivement la réalité a été pulvérisée. Encore plus que les mauvaises conditions économiques, les crises de politique extérieure, etc., cette mensongerie perpétuelle sous la forme d’une “narrative infranchissable“ qui est aussi une “narrative obsessionnelle” et une “narrative pathologique” si illustratives de l’état délabré de l’esprit et du déséquilibre psychologique terrifiant de la direction-Système, pèse d’un poids absolument considérable sur la psychologie collective de la population, donnant à la crise une dimension effrayante même si elle est fort peu documentée par la presse-Système qui continue aveuglément à chanter les louanges du Système, – évidemment. Les remarques de Parry vont bien entendu dans ce sens...

« Some people defend Obama for not admitting a mistake because to do so would undermine U.S. credibility, but I think the opposite holds true, that a frank admission that there was a misguided rush to judgment would be refreshing for Americans who are sick and tired of spin... [...] To say that such a division is not healthy for a democratic Republic is to state the obvious. Indeed, a democratic Republic cannot long survive if government officials insist on managing the people’s perceptions through propaganda and disinformation... »

Parry a pris l’habitude dans ses textes pleins de désespoir sur l’état du pouvoir de l’américanisme de ne jamais désespérer tout à fait. Cette fois, il sacrifie encore à ce digne penchant mais, frankly speaking, le cœur n’y est pas. Dans trois paragraphes, il suggère ce qui pourrait être une tentative ultime d’empêcher quelque chose, – nul ne sait quoi mais tout le monde sent bien que cela approche, – qui serait une catastrophe... Il suggère finalement, pour en revenir à l’analogie évidente qui fut la nôtre dès l’origine de la candidature Obama, de se lancer dans une sorte de glasnost, pour être, in extremis, l’“American Gorbatchev” qui, seul, pourrait sauver quelques restes de vieux meubles.

« I have long advocated that Obama should go on television in the style of President Dwight Eisenhower’s farewell address in 1961, sitting in the Oval Office, hands-folded, none of Obama’s glitzy stage-craft, and simply level with the American people.

» Before the speech, Obama could release the 28 pages from the congressional 9/11 report about Saudi support for the hijackers. He also could release other U.S. intelligence analyses on the role of the Saudis, Qataris and Turks in supporting Al Qaeda and ISIS. He could toss in what U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded about the 2013 sarin gas attack in Syria and about the 2014 shoot-down of MH-17 in Ukraine.

» To the degree that the U.S. government had misled the American people, the President could fess up. He could explain how he and other government officials were seduced by the siren song of the propagandists who promised to line up public opinion behind a policy with no muss or fuss. He could admit that such manipulation of U.S. citizens by the U.S. government is simply wrong. »

Inutile d’ajouter que Parry, on le comprend aisément, n’a aucun espoir sérieux que ces conseils soient pris en considération, ni seulement entendus, ni même lus cela va de soi, par l’homme derrière la “narrative infranchissable” ... Au bout tout de cela, bien entendu et une fois encore, il y a l’énigme Obama, mais il y a en plus la fin de la présidence Obama. Sur Obama, Parry en tient pour son explication qu’il nous a présentée plus d’une fois, et qui n’est certainement pas plus sotte ni courte qu’une autre, même si elle a tendance à ne pas nous suffire. Il s’agit de cet Obama devenu étrange, lui qui est si plein de suffisance et de maîtrise de soi, et qui pourtant bataille pour rester “comme-il-faut”, bien conforme à ce Washington qui dévore ses présidents, plein d’admiration devant cette House of Cards (“château de cartes”) qu’il a l’air de considérer comme une forteresse aussi inexpugnable que la narrative sur laquelle il ne cesse de s’appuyer, qui a l’air enfin, après sept années passées à la Maison-Blanche, de douter de sa propre capacité à être “adopté” par ce Washington-là... « President Barack Obama seems to want so desperately to be one of the elite inhabitants of Official Washington’s bubble that he keeps pushing narratives that he knows aren’t true, all the better to demonstrate that he belongs in the in-crowd. It has reached the point that he speaks out so many sides of his mouth that no one can tell what his words actually mean. »

En effet, nous disons plus haut (et l’important ici est bien ce que nous soulignons de gras) : “il y a l’énigme Obama, mais il y a en plus la fin de la présidence Obama”... Nous voulons dire, ces onze mois (en réalité treize avec la passation des pouvoirs) qui risquent d’être si agités, où la thèse habituelle selon laquelle Obama veut simplement contenir la situation actuelle pour laisser les très nombreuses patates chaudes à son/sa successeur semble parfois démentie par certaines actions que le président ordonne ou laisse faire. A cette lumière, dans l’ambiance électrique que nous connaissons, les doutes et soupçons sur les “mauvaises fréquentations” d’Obama telles qu’on les a vues évoquées plus haut par des militaires, et quelque réalité qu’elles aient, risquent de précipiter certaines situation de tension extrême.

Ainsi subsistera jusqu’au bout, jusqu’au dernier des derniers jours de son mandat, l’énigme Obama, – et encore, s’il y a un “dernier jour” constitutionnel à son mandat. La “crise de crédibilité” du président Barack Hussein Obama ne concerne plus vraiment sa politique mais simplement sa posture, son comportement, son caractère, sa psychologie, – c’est-à-dire lui-même. Finalement, Obama c’est un peu comme Assad-selon-Fabius : cet homme “ne devrait pas exister”, d’ailleurs peut-être n’existe-t-il pas. Peut-être est-il, comme Assad lui-même après tout, peut-être Obama est-il le diable, après tout ? Ou son représentant, quoi, mais alors qui aurait des ratés que tout le monde peut observer aujourd’hui : « The rumor is around town that President Obama is not functioning well. »

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jeudi, 17 décembre 2015

Le dangereux Cerbère turc des Etats-Unis


Le dangereux Cerbère turc des Etats-Unis

par Albert A. Stahel, Institut für Strategische Studien, Wädenswil

Ex: http://www.horizons-et-debats.ch

Le 24 novembre, un intercepteur F-16 turc a abattu un chasseur-bombardier Su-24 russe. Selon la défense aérienne turque, l’équipage du Su-24 aurait été averti 10 fois en cinq minutes de sa violation de l’espace aérien turc au dessus de la province d’Hatay.1 La partie russe nie qu’un bombardier russe y ait pénétré. En fait, le Su-24 s’est écrasé en territoire syrien.2 Le site du crash a également été présenté et commenté le 24 novembre 2015 (à Moscou) à la télévision russe. Le pilote et l’officier des systèmes d’armes ont réussi à se faire éjecter à temps. Alors que ce dernier a pu être sauvé par les troupes syriennes, avec le soutien des Spetsnaz russes, le pilote a été abattu et tué par des «combattants irréguliers» turkmènes à l’aide d’armes d’infanterie.3 Puis, les Turkmènes ont obligé un hélicoptère de transport russe Mi-8, arrivé dans la zone de combat pour sauver l’équipage, à atterrir à l’aide de leurs armes d’infanterie. A cette occasion, un soldat de la marine a été tué.

Finalement, ils ont détruit l’hélicoptère au moyen d’un missile antichar américain TOW.4
Vu l’emplacement du crash du chasseur bombardier, il semble évident que la version russe est la bonne. En outre, il faut prendre en compte que la Turquie soutient politiquement et probablement aussi par la livraison d’armes,5 notamment l’opposition turkmène luttant contre le régime d’Assad dans la région de Jabal al-Turkman de la province syrienne de Lattaquié. Ankara a protesté a plusieurs reprises contre les attaques air-sol russes contre les Turkmènes et Erdogan a publiquement revendiqué un droit à la défense des Turkmènes par la Turquie. Le président russe Vladimir Poutine avait déclaré que l’équipage du chasseur-bombardier Su-24 abattu avait la mission d’attaquer des combattants dans cette région.6 Vladimir Poutine a déclaré la destruction de l’appareil comme «un coup de poignard dans le dos», et le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Lavrov l’a désigné comme une «provocation planifiée».7

Quels sont les effets immédiats de ce crash? Sur ordre du ministre de la Défense russe, tous les chasseurs-bombardiers seront protégés lors de leurs missions par des intercepteurs Su-30.8 Le fait que le Su-24 abattu n’avait pas une telle escorte peut être considéré comme imprudent, vu la situation dans cette région en guerre. Selon une information de la télévision russe du 25 novembre, une batterie du système de défense aérienne S 400 moderne a en outre été installée sur la base aérienne russe d’Hmeimim près de Lattaquié. A l’avenir, tout avion de combat menaçant un chasseur-bombardier russe pourrait être abattu par un Su-30 ou un S 400.

Poutine a exigé des excuses d’Erdogan. Celui-ci a refusé en déclarant que c’est à la Russie de s’excuser pour l’intrusion dans l’espace aérien turc.9 Prenant une mesure urgente, la Russie a stoppé l’importation de denrées alimentaires turques et a réintroduit l’obligation de visa pour l’entrée en Russie des Turcs. Le financement russe pour la construction d’une centrale nucléaire en Turquie est susceptible d’être gelé. Il est bien probable que la Russie prenne encore d’autres mesures économiques envers la Turquie.

Barack Obama a, jusqu’à présent, commenté très prudemment la destruction du chasseur-bombardier russe, tout en faisant preuve d’un parti pris excessif face à son allié en soulignant le droit de la Turquie de protéger et défendre son espace aérien.10 Compte tenu du fait que dans un avenir proche, les tensions dans la zone de guerre le long de la frontière syro-turque pourraient augmenter, les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés seraient bien avisés de revoir leurs relations avec la Turquie. Pour éviter une nouvelle escalade belliciste dans cet espace aérien, les Etats-Unis devraient reprendre en laisse leur Cerbère, ayant jusqu’à présent toujours loyalement protégé les intérêts américains au Moyen-Orient. Mais, face à l’indifférence évidente d’Erdogan de combattre sérieusement l’Etat islamique (EI), cela pourrait s’avérer être une tâche ardue.     •

Source: Institut für Strategische Studien, www.strategische-studien.com du 29/11/15
(Traduction Horizons et débats)

1     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff: Turkey’s Downing of a Russian Jet, Center for Strategic & International Studies, CSIS, Washington DC, 25/11/15, p. 1
2     Stratfor, Russia, Turkey: Two Versions
of the Same Story, 25/11/15, 20:18
3     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff, p. 1
4     Stratfor, What to Expect After the Dowing
of a Russian Fighter Jet, 24/11/15, 19:47
5     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff, p. 2
6     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff, p. 2
7     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff, p. 2
8     Oliker, O. et J. Mankoff, p. 2
9     Ostroukh A., Dagher S., Abdulrahim R., Alakraa M.N., Lubold G. et J. Barnes: Turkey Downs Russian Jet; Ankara claims fighter violated airspace; Moscow says it was over Syrian territory,
in: The Wall Street Journal, 25/11/15, p. A1/A4
10     Stratfor, U.S., France: Presidents Respond
to Downed Russiand Fighter Jet, 24/11/15, 18:14

Qui avec qui contre qui?

Lors de la conférence de presse avec le président Hollande, le président Poutine a précisé une fois de plus que la Russie informe, comme convenu, les Etats-Unis de tous les plans de vol et des objectifs de toutes les attaques planifiées en Syrie: «The US-led coalition, which includes Turkey, was aware of the time and place where our planes would operate. And this is exactly where and when we were attacked.» Suite à cette information, les affirmations de propagande claironnées à travers le monde concernant une «violation de l’espace aérienne de 17 secondes» devraient prendre fin: la destruction de l’avion russe est survenu suite à une embuscade que les forces aériennes d’Erdogan n’auraient pas pu perpétrer sans soutien américain. Il est bien probable que le coordinateur américain pour la Syrie, le général John Allen (ennemi d’Obama et néoconservateur), ait donné son accord pour cette attaque.

Source: www.broeckers.com/tag/syrien
du 29/11/15

mardi, 15 décembre 2015

The neocon psychopaths are driving the world towards extinction


The neocon psychopaths are driving the world towards extinction

My warning that the neoconservatives have resurrected the threat of nuclear Armageddon, which was removed by Reagan and Gorbachev, is also being given by Noam Chomsky, former US Secretary of Defense William Perry, and other sentient observers of the neoconservatives' aggressive policies toward Russia and China.

Daily we observe additional aggressive actions taken by Washington and its vassals against Russia and China. For example, Washington is pressuring Kiev not to implement the Minsk agreements designed to end the conflict between the puppet government in Kiev and the break-away Russian republics.

Washington refuses to cooperate with Russia in the war against ISIS. Washington continues to blame Russia for the destruction of MH-17, while preventing an honest investigation of the attack on the Malaysian airliner. Washington continues to force its European vassals to impose sanctions on Russia based on the false claim that the conflict in Ukraine was caused by a Russian invasion of Ukraine, not by Washington's coup in overthrowing a democratically elected government and installing a puppet answering to Washington.

The list is long. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF), allegedly a neutral, non-political world organization, has been suborned into the fight against Russia. Under Washington's pressure, the IMF has abandoned its policy of refusing to lend to debtors who are in arrears in their loan payments to creditors. In the case of Ukraine's debt to Russia, this decision removes the enforcement mechanism that prevents countries (such as Greece) from defaulting on their debts. The IMF has announced that it will lend to Ukraine in order to pay the Ukraine's Western creditors despite the fact that Ukraine has renounced repayment of loans from Russia.

Michael Hudson believes, correctly in my view, that this new IMF policy will also be applied to those countries to whom China has made loans. The IMF's plan is to leave Russia and China as countries who lack the usual enforcement mechanism to collect from debtors, thus permitting debtors to default on the loans without penalty.

In other words, the IMF is presenting itself, although the financial media will not notice, as a tool of US foreign policy.

What this shows, and what should concern us, is that the institutions of Western civilization are in fact tools of American dominance. The institutions are not there for the noble reasons stated in their founding documents.

The bottom line is that Western Capitalism is simply a looting mechanism that has successfully suborned Western governments and all Western "do-good" institutions.

As in George Orwell's '1984', the IMF is dividing the world into warring factions — the West vs. the BRICS.

To avoid the coming conflict that the neoconservatives' pursuit of American hegemony is bringing, the Russians have relied on fact-based, truth-based diplomacy. However, neocon Washington relies on lies and propaganda and has many more and much louder voices. Consequently, it is Washington's lies, not Russia's truth, that most of the Western sheeple believe.

In other words, Russia was misled by believing that the West respects and abides by the values that it professes. In fact, these "Western values" are merely a cover for the unbridled evil of which the West consists.

The Western peoples are so dimwitted that they have not yet understand that the "war on terror" is, in fact, a war to create terror that can be exported to Muslim areas of Russia and China in order to destabilize the two countries that serve as a check on Washington's unilateral, hegemonic power.

The problem for the neocon unilateralists is that Russia and China-although misinformed by their "experts" educated abroad in the neoliberal tradtion, people who are de facto agents of Washington without even knowing it-are powerful military powers, both nuclear and conventional. Unless Russia and China are content to be Washington's vassal states, for the neoconservatives, who control Washington and, therefy, the West, to press these two powerful countries so hard can only lead to war. As Washington is not a match for Russia and China in conventional warfare, the war will be nuclear, and the result will be the end of life on earth.

Whether ironic or paradoxical, the US is pushing a policy that means the end of life. Yet, the majority of Western governments support it, and the insouciant Western peoples have no clue.

But Putin has caught on. Russia is not going to submit. Soon China will understand that US dependency on China's workforce and imports is not a protection from Washington's aggression. When China looks beyond its MIT and Harvard miseducated neoliberal economists to the writing on the wall, Washington is going to be in deep trouble.

What will Washington do? Confronted with two powerful nuclear militaries, will the crazed neocons back off? Or will their confidence in their ideology bring us the final war?

This is a real question. The US government pays many Internet trolls to ridicule such questions and their authors. To see the people who sell out humanity for money, all you have to do is to

read the comments on the numerous websites that reproduce this column.

Nevertheless, the question remains, unanswered by the Western presstitute media and unanswered by the bought-and-paid-for stooges in the US Congress and all Western "democracies."

Indications are that Russia has had enough of American arrogance. The Russian people have elevated a leader as they always do, and which Western countries seldom, if ever, do. The West has triumphed by technology, not by leadership. But Vladimir Putin is Russia's choice of a leader, and he is one. Russia also has the technology and a sense of itself that no longer exists in the diversified West.

obama_more_of_the_same_warmonger.jpgThere is nothing like Putin anywhere in the West, over which presides a collection of bought-and-paid-for-puppets who report to private interest groups, such as Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, the Israel Lobby, agribusiness, and the extractive industries (energy, mining, timber).

At the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations (September 28), Putin, backed by the President of China, announced that half of the world no longer accepts American unilateralism. Additionally, Putin said that Russia can no longer tolerate the state of affairs in the world that results from Washington's pursuit of hegemony.

Two days later Putin took over the fight against ISIS in Syria.

Putin, still relying on agreements with Washington, relied on the agreement that Russia would announce beforehand its attacks on ISIS installations in order to prevent any NATO-Russian air encounters. Washington took advantage of this trust placed in Washington by Russia, and arranged for a Turkish jet fighter to ambush an unsuspecting Russian fighter-bomber.

This was an act of war, committed by Washington and Turkey, and thereby Washington's European NATO vassal states against a nuclear power capable of exterminating all life in every one of the countries, including the "superpower US."

This simple fact should make even the American super-patriots, who wear the flag on their sleeve, wonder about the trust they place in "their" government and in Fox "news," CNN, NPR, and the rest of the presstitutes who continually lie every minute of every broadcast.

But it won't. Americans and Europeans are too insouciant. They are locked tightly in The Matrix, where the impotent creatures are content to live without understanding reality.

Realizing that it is pointless to attempt to communicate to the Western sheeple, who have no input into their government's policy, Putin now sends his message directly to Washington.

Putin's message is loud and clear in his order directed against any US/NATO operations against Russia in its Syrian operations against ISIS:
Any targets threatening the Russian groups of forces or land infrastructure must be immediately destroyed.
Putin followed up this order with another order to the Russian Defense Ministry Board:
Special attention must be paid to strengthening the combat potential of the strategic nuclear forces and implementing defense space programs. It is necessary, as outlined in our plans, to equip all components of the nuclear triad with new arms.
Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported at the Defense Ministry meeting that 56 percent of Russia's nuclear forces are new and that 95 percent are at a permanent state of readiness. The few Western news sources that report these developments pretend that Russia is "saber-rattling" without cause.

To make it clear even for the insouciant Western populations, everything that Reagan and Gorbachev worked for has been overthrown by crazed, demented, evil American neoconservatives whose desire for hegemony over the world is driving the world to extinction.

These are the same bloodthirsty war criminals who have destroyed seven countries, murdered, maimed, and displaced millions of Muslim peoples, and sent millions of refugees from the neocon wars into Europe. None of these war criminals are protected from terrorist attack. If the alleged "Muslim threat" was real, every one of the war criminals would be dead by now, not the innocent people sitting in Paris cafes or attending parties in California.

Neocons are the unhumans who created on purpose the "war against terror" in order to gain a weapon against Russia and China. You can witness these unhumans every day on talk TV and read them in the Weekly Standard, National Review, the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, the British, German, Australian, Canadian, and endless Western newspapers.

In the West lies prevail, and the lies are driving the world to extinction. An expert reminds us that it only takes one mistake and 30 minutes to destroy life on earth.

The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.

samedi, 12 décembre 2015

The Second Cold War


The Second Cold War


Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

In the light of the conflicts in Ukraine and Syria, there has been much talk about the clouding of US-Russian relations. Some voices in the Internet’s alternative media sections have conjured the possibility that these conflicts might lead to a new major war, while social networks like Twitter saw the usage of the hashtags #WorldWarIII and #WorldWar3 explode after Turkey shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 jet in the vicinity of the Syrian border. Headlines in mainstream media outlets like Foreign Policy and the Guardian also proclaimed, “Welcome to Cold War III” and asked “are we going back to the bad old days?”.

This article suggests that although the ideological division of the Cold War ended de facto with the collapse of the Soviet Union, American geopolitical schemes to contain Russian power abroad have never really been abandoned. Throughout the 1990s and until today, US policymakers have been determined to wage overt or covert proxy wars with the aim of curbing its former adversary’s political, economic, and military influence. Chechnya, Ukraine, and Syria are the key spots where the logic of this second Cold War is played out.

A short glance over the state of the world today and its representation in the media suffices to identify a growing number of actual and potential centers of conflicts: Civil war is raging in parts of Ukraine, military tensions are growing in the South Chinese Sea, and the Middle East is more of a mess than ever. Nonetheless, some have suggested that the actual number of armed conflicts has actually reached a historical low. But this assertion is solely based on statistical preference. It is true that interstate (conflicts between two or more states) wars are on the decline. Instead, wars today are much more likely to take the form of intrastate conflicts between governments and insurgents, rather than national armies fighting over territory. As demonstrated to an outstanding degree in Syria, these conflicts are more and more internationalized and involve a bulk of non-state actors and countries who try to reach their goals through proxies rather than direct involvement, which would require “boots on the ground.”

But let’s start at the end. The end of the Cold War, that is. The situation during the years of systemic antagonism between the Eastern and Western Blocs has sometimes been captured in the image of three separate “worlds”: the capitalist First World, the socialist Second World, and a Third World. The latter term was not used as a marker for impoverishment and instability as it is commonly understood today, but as a postcolonial alternative “third way” for those newly independent states that struggled to avoid their renewed absorption by the two towering ideological empires. One strategy through which developing countries attempted to duck the neocolonial policies of the Cold War Blocs was by founding the informal Non-Alignment Movement (NAM) in 1961, initiated by India, Indonesia, Egypt, Ghana, and Yugoslavia. Counting 120 members as of now—in fact a large part of the global South—the movement’s anti-imperialist and anti-colonial stance has lost much of its bargaining power after the end of the Cold War.

Still, the final document of the movement’s 1998 summit in Durban, South Africa suggests that the end of the long-standing bipolar power configuration has by no means led to the betterment of those countries’ situation. Unipolar American dominance and the collapse of the Soviet Union instigated what was understood to be “a worrisome and damaging uni-polarity in political and military terms that is conducive to further inequality and injustice and, therefore, to a more complex and disquieting world situation.” This analysis turned out to be correct in many respects, particularly concerning the period of the 1990s.

WW3-eltsine.jpgWhile the Clinton years of domestic prosperity saw the US economy achieve the rarity of a budget surplus, the citizens of its erstwhile antagonist were (probably with the exception of Boris Yeltsin) experiencing the more sobering effects of Russia’s political and economic paradigm shift. Democratic Russia struggled to consolidate its deeply shaken economy in an environment ripe with organized crime, crippling corruption, and under the doubtful patronage of oligarchs like Boris Berezovsky who controlled the influential television channel ORT and whom Ron Unz in “Our American Pravda” described as “the puppet master behind President Boris Yeltsin during the late 1990s.”

The actual situation in the former Soviet heartland during the 1990s was utterly different from what American elites and media often depicted as a “golden age” of newfound democracy and a ballooning private sector. From the perspective of many US elites, the country’s plundering by oligarchs, ruthless criminal gangs, kleptocratic politicians, and corrupt military officers was welcomed as a convenient, self-fulfilling mechanism to permanently destabilize its mortally wounded adversary. But Russia never completed all the stages of collapse, not least because Yeltsin’s successor Vladimir Putin eventually took legal action to put such “businessmen” like Roman Abramovich and Berezovsky out of business. The latter was forced to seek refuge in London, from where he threatened to use his £850m private fortune to plot “a new Russian revolution” and violently remove his former protégé from the Kremlin.

The chaotic and aimless term of the alcoholic Yeltsin is often regarded as a chiefly positive time in which the East and the West closed ranks, although politicians and neoconservative think tanks in reality conducted the political and economic sellout of Russia during these years. The presidency of Vladimir Putin, while anything but perfect and with its own set of domestic issues, still managed to halt the nation’s downward spiral in many areas. Nevertheless, it is persistently depicted by Western elites and their “Pravda” as dubious, “authoritarian,” and semi-democratic at best.

Thus, in spite of Francis Fukuyama’s triumphalist proclamation of the “End of History” after the fall of the Berlin wall that supposedly heralded the universal rein of liberal democracy, the legacy of the Cold War is anything but behind us. Ostensibly, the current geopolitical situation with its fragmented, oblique, and often contradictory constellations and fault lines is utterly different from the much more straightforward Cold War dualism. Of the Marxist ideology only insular traces remain today, watered down and institutionalized in China, exploited in a system of nationalistic iconography in Cuba, and arranged around an absurdly twisted personality cult in North Korea. As of 2015, Russia is an utterly capitalistic nation, highly integrated in the globalized economy and particularly interdependent with the members of the European economic zone. Its military clout and budget ($52 billion) are dwarfed by US military spending of $598.5 billion in 2015. Even more importantly, after 1991 Russia had to close down or abandon many of its important bases, ports and other military installations as a result of the NATO’s eastward expansion.

Nevertheless, the sheer size of its territory and its command of a substantial nuclear weapon arsenal, cement Russia’s role as a primary threat to American national interests. This is illustrated by the fact that since three and a half decades, the US has covertly supported radical Islamic movements with the goal to permanently destabilize the Russian state by entrapping it in a succession of messy and virtually unwinnable conflicts. Pursued openly during the Soviet-Afghan War of the 1980s, this scheme continued to be employed throughout the 1990s during both Chechen Wars, as well as in Russia’s so-called “near abroad” spheres of influence: Dagestan, Ingushetia, South Ossetia, and other former Soviet vassal republics in the Caucasus, which have constantly suffered from extremists who exploit the lack of governmental pervasion in their remote mountain regions. These regions are home to over 25 million ethnic Russians and important components of the country’s economy. After the Soviet-Afghan War and the CIA’s buildup of Osama bin-Laden’s “resistance fighters,” American policymakers recognized the destabilizing potential inherent in the volatile political and sectarian configurations in the Islamic countries that encircle the post-Soviet Russian borderlands.


Hence, despite many political ceremonies, pledges of cooperation, and the opening of Moscow’s first McDonalds in 1990, this policy was never fully abandoned. As a matter of fact, peaceful political coexistence and economic convergence never were the primary goals. Democratic Russia with its allies, military potential, and possible Eurasian trade agreements that threaten to isolate or hamper US hegemony was and still is considered a menace to American ambitions of unipolar, universal dominance.

Since the First Chechen War in 1994, Russia’s prolonged struggle against Islamic terrorism has for the most part been disregarded by Western media. Particularly after 9/11, the “war on terror” acted like a black hole that sucked up the bulk of the Western media’s attention. When the acts of terrorism on Russian soil became too horrifying to ignore—the 2002 Moscow theater hostage crisis and the 2004 Beslan school siege in particular—the massive death tolls were blamed on the drastic responses of Russian security forces who were not adequately prepared and overwhelmed by the vicious and meticulously planned attacks. In Beslan, the death of hundreds of innocents (186 children were murdered on their first day at school) was indirectly condoned and sardonically depicted as the consequences of the “separatist movement [and its] increasingly desperate attempts to break Russia’s stranglehold on its home turf.” Truly, to describe those who shoot children in front of their parents and vice versa as “separatists” and glorify them as “rebels” who act in self defense against an “authoritarian” regime demands a very special kind of callous apathy.

In a 2013 article that examined the Chechen descent of the suspects behind the Boston Marathon bombing, retired FBI agent and 2002 Time Person of the Year Coleen Rowley exposed “how the Chechen ‘terrorists’ proved useful to the U.S. in keeping pressure on the Russians.” She explicitly refers to a 2004 Guardian piece by John Laughland, in which the author connects the anti-Russian sentiments in the BBC and CNN coverage of the Beslan massacre to the influence of one particular organization, the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya (ACPC), whose list of members reads like “a rollcall of the most prominent neoconservatives who so enthusastically (sic) support the ‘war on terror,’” among them Richard Perle, Elliott Abrams, James Woolsey, and Frank Gaffney. Laughland describes the ACPC as an organization that heavily promotes the idea that the Chechen rebellion shows the undemocratic nature of Putin’s Russia, and cultivates support for the Chechen cause by emphasising the seriousness of human rights violations in the tiny Caucasian republic. It compares the Chechen crisis to those other fashionable “Muslim” causes, Bosnia and Kosovo – implying that only international intervention in the Caucasus can stabilise the situation there.

WW3tch.jpgThere are three key elements in the organization’s lobbying strategy to denigrate Russia and promote an intervention in Chechnya that serve to unmask a larger pattern behind the US foreign policy after 9/11. First, the labeling of a particular leader or government as “authoritarian” or in some other way “undemocratic” (Vladimir Putin, in this case). Second, the concept of an oppressed yet positively connoted population that strives for freedom and democracy (Chechen terrorists with ties to a-Qaeda, in this case). Finally, the stressing of “human rights violations” that warrant an intervention or economic embargo.

If all of these conditions are satisfied, the violation of the borders of a sovereign state is seen as justified (UN mandate not needed), enabling the US to emerge as a knight in shining armor and champion of human rights, bolting to the rescue of the world’s downtrodden, while covertly achieving an utterly different goal: To further the logic of a second Cold War through proxy warfare and weaken Russian by diminishing its foothold in its surrounding “near abroad” regions, which in many respects represent vital interests, both economically and strategically.

Swap out names and dates and it becomes evident that the same tripartite strategy was used to justify every recent intervention of the US and other NATO members, in Iraq (2003), Libya (2011), and Syria (since 2011). Interventions that were legitimized under the banner of humanitarian relief through the removal of “authoritarian” tyrants and supposed dictators and which have resulted in the deaths of an estimated 500.000 people, in Iraq alone. When the ASPC’s made its appeal regarding Chechnya in 2004, mind you, only one year had passed since the Abu Ghraib torture photos were leaked and two years since the first inmates arrived in the extralegal detention center at Guantanamo Bay.

Regarding the sweltering conflict in Ukraine’s Donbass region, the key dynamics are similar. President Viktor Yanukovych, accused by the Euromaidan movement—fueled by aggressive US and EU media propaganda and enticed with promises of lucrative NATO and EU memberships—of “abusing power” and “violation of human rights,” was forced to resign and replaced with a ultranationalist, anti-Russian and pro-Western government. Again, this campaign had nothing to do with actual humanitarian relief or concerns about the country’s democratic integrity. Instead, the hopes of a whole generation for a better future under Western influence were exploited by US policymakers who hoped to stifle Russia’s geostrategic elbowroom by ousting the naval bases of its Black Sea Fleet from the Crimea.

These bases, mostly located in the city of Sevastopol, have been the home port of the Russian navy for over 230 years, and are vital because they provide the only direct access to the Black Sea and (through the Bosporus strait in Turkey) to the Mediterranean. Any expansion of NATO towards these bases had to be regarded as a direct threat, leaving the Russian government practically no choice but to protect them with all means necessary. However, in the stories emanating from Western mainstream media, these bases were showcased as an occupation of sovereign Ukrainian territory and used as proof of Russia’s aggressive, “authoritarian,” and imperial aspirations. In reality, Ukraine and Russia signed a Partition Contract in 1997, in which the Ukraine agreed to lease major parts of its facilities to the Russian Black Sea Fleet until 2017, for an annual payment of $98 million.

Along the lines of the currently revitalized genre of alternate history, let’s briefly indulge in the notion that we were still living in the ideologically divided world of the Cold War, in which the Warsaw Pact still existed. For a second, imagine if Mexico or Guatemala or Canada expressed their desire to join said pact and invited its troops to conduct military exercises at their shared border with the US. Even without the existence of an American naval base in that country, how do you think the US would react to such a scenario? Would it stand by idly and let itself be surrounded by its adversaries? For an even more striking parallel, take the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. The American military actually has a naval base there—Guantanamo Bay, home to the infamous detention camp. Many historians see the deployment of Soviet missiles and troops on the island as the closest that humanity ever came to entering World War III and mutually assured destruction (MAD).  With its support for “regime change” in Ukraine and extension of the NATO to the Russian borders, the US today is engaged in the same old Cold War superpower games that the Soviets played in Cuba 53 years ago. In fact, we should think of Ukraine as being situated in Mother Russia’s “backyard.”

Thousands of miles away from the coasts of North America, the Middle East is the region that Uncle Sam seems to regard as his very own backyard. Many consider George W. Bush’s “War on Terror” after 9/11 and the subsequent interventions in Iraq and (to a lesser degree) Afghanistan as those catastrophic policy decisions that resulted in the sociopolitical destabilization of large parts of this region, resulting in the death, injury, and displacement of millions. In Iraq, Libya, and Syria, the spurious US rhetorical agenda of removing “tyrants” and endowing the local demographics with the liberating gift of democracy has in fact produced vast ungoverned spaces where militant groups like the al-Qaeda offshoot Jabhat al-Nusra and the Islamic State (also known as ISIS, ISIL, or Daesh) were able to carve out their “caliphates” and claim other territorial prices. For a long time, the rapid expansion of the Islamic State and its death-loving, apocalyptic ideology was resisted only by the Syrian Arab Army (SAA), the paramilitary National Defense Forces (NDF), and Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG). The SAA alone has lost as much as 200.000 soldiers in its struggle against various terrorist factions since March 2011.

US politicians and media have expressed their hopes that the Russian intervention to assist the Syrian government in its resistance against these Western, Saudi, and Turkey-backed groups will result in a military and economic debacle, comparable to the Soviet-Afghan war, which lasted well over nine years. It was during the course of this brutal and protracted conflict that US policymakers realized that there was really no need to shed American blood in order to deal the death blow to the Soviet Union. They drew their lessons from the CIA’s countless ventures in South American “nation building,” where a government’s legitimacy and an opposition’s status as either terrorists or freedom fighters depended on their usefulness for American national interests, often accoutered in pithy terms like the “war on drugs.”

Since the days of Pablo Escobar, however, US foreign policy has shifted its main focus towards the Middle East, where the long-term goal has been to weaken the enemies of Israel and strengthen the enemies of Iran. Other goals are to guarantee American access to oil and other natural resources, to establish military bases and consolidate the network of troops abroad, and to secure arms deals for the one-percenters who preside over what president Eisenhower cautioned his nation about in his farewell address: the “military-industrial complex.” As a consequence of the failures in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Obama administration has shifted its strategy towards aerial and drone only warfare combined with the support and (illusion of) control over local militant factions.


Among the many groups fighting in Syria, the Free Syrian Army (FSA), also known as “moderate rebels,” is the US faction of choice. Much like the bin Laden’s Mujahideen fighters in 1980s Afghanistan, they are armed with the help of the CIA. In spite of their apparent moderation, however, a wealth of evidence suggests that this group is directly responsible for a multitude of massacres, mass executions, the ethnic cleansing of non-Sunni citizens, and eating the hearts of their fallen enemies.

The FSA has also been a suspect in the 2013 Ghouta chemical attacks, which some have claimed the US used as a false flag operation to engender international support for the violent removal of the Syrian government. The subsequent UN investigation however failed to establish any conclusive evidence concerning the perpetrator of the war crime and concluded that the sarin gas used in the attacks had most certainly been removed from government arsenals. Based on this information, US, UK, and French leaders and media outlets insisted that the Syrian government had to be the culprit, and immediately pressed the international community to support an intervention with the goal of eradicating Syria’s alleged arsenal of nerve gas and other potential WMDs. This all begins to sound very familiar. Of course, they also requested the bolstering of the “moderate opposition.” Interestingly, though, the official UN report, “careful not to blame either side,” let on that investigators were actually being accompanied by rebel leaders at all times. Moreover, they repeatedly encountered “individuals […] carrying other suspected munitions indicating that such potential evidence is being moved and possibly manipulated.” On page 13, the report goes on to state that

[a] leader of the local opposition forces […] was identified and requested to take ‘custody’ of the Mission […] to ensure the security and movement of the Mission, to facilitate the access to the most critical cases/witnesses to be interviewed and sampled by the Mission […].

Recently, Mr. Obama and Mr. McCain have protested that their “moderate rebels” were being targeted unjustly by Russian airstrikes in Syria, complaining that “from their [i.e., the Kremlin’s] perspective, they’re all terrorists.” Sometimes, one is inclined to advise them, it can be wise and healthy to assume an outsider’s perspective and check if your reality still coincides with the facts that so many know are true about the FSA. These facts can be broken down to a very short yet concise formula: If it looks like a terrorist, if it talks like a terrorist, if it behaves like a terrorist—it probably is a terrorist.

Instead, the CIA is still supplying the “activists” with outdated-yet-deadly weapons from Army surplus inventories, including hundreds of BGM-71 TOW (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided”) anti-tank missile systems, which the terrorists use against hard and soft targets alike. The same weapon platform can be seen in action in a recent FSA video that shows the destruction of a Russian helicopter that was sent to extract the Russian pilots at the crash site of their downed Su-24 plane on November 24, 2015. On the same day, another US-supplied TOW missile was used in an ambush targeting a car occupied by RT news journalists Roman Kosarev, Sargon Hadaya, and TASS reporter Alexander Yelistratov in Syria’s Latakia province.

The FSA and other groups, branded as “moderates” who fight against the “authoritarian” forces of tyranny (just like a certain “Saudi businessman” back in the day), function as US proxies in Syria, just like al-Qaeda did in the heyday of the Soviet-Afghan War. They are dangerously unstable pawns in a global strategy to secure American and Israeli interests in the Middle East, irrespective of the millionfold suffering and uprooting of entire societies caused by their crimes, the majority of which is directed towards other Muslims.

Commenting on the Russian military intervention at the invitation of the Syrian government, Mr. Obama said that he had no interest in turning this civil war into a proxy war between Russia and the United States, emphasizing that “this is not some superpower chessboard contest.” But this is exactly what US foreign policy, both Republican and Democrat, has done, starting with the end of the Soviet Union and lasting until this very moment. The only difference now being that the Libya-proven rhetorical strategy of (illegal and mandate-less) intervention via “no-fly zones,” “humanitarianism,” and “regime change” did not have the desired effect in Syria because Iran, Lebanon, and Russia did not abandon their ally. Their combined effort succeeded in fending off an unprecedented onslaught of extremists that infiltrated the country, often across the Southern Turkish border, armed with the money of American taxpayers and Wahhabi sheiks.

The Syrian conflict can no longer be described as a civil war. It may have started as one during the ill-fated “Arab Spring” of 2011, when armed “protesters” (i.e., FSA terrorists) murdered several policemen and set government buildings on fire in Daraa, provoking a violent backlash from government forces. The ensuing nationwide chaos was spun by the Western mainstream media troika, namely those media outlets that serve as propaganda tools for the US political and financial elites and who fabricated the myth of the tyrant who massacred peaceful protestors—to be readily sucked up by their indoctrinated clientele.

As a result of the “moderate’s” recent setbacks, the official American position, insofar as its mixed messages can be deciphered, has boiled down to a butt-hurt attitude and passive aggressive lecturing about how to distinguish between varying degrees of moderation among mass-murdering lunatics. Outmaneuvered and publicly exposed, all that is left for Mr. Obama seems to be to pick up the pieces and save some face by accepting Mr. Putin’s offer to join a united front against terrorism in Syria. But such a step seems unthinkable in this ongoing Cold War between Russia and the US. Instead, the most powerful man on earth talks about climate change as the most pressing problem of our times. When it comes to ISIS, he has said he wanted to “contain” them. Meanwhile, tensions are rising as Turkish president Erdogan, on an power trip after his surprising landslide victory in November’s general elections, apparently collaborated with ISIS and risked provoking an NATO Article 5 response by downing a Russian Su-24. On the other side of the equation, Russia’s decision to intervene on behalf of the Syrian government reveals a twofold strategy: On the one hand, through its direct action it positions the Putin government as being opposed to the fatal logics of proxy warfare. On the other hand, it simultaneously exposes the catastrophic flaws of Mr. Obama’s strategies in Syria and the Middle East.

All these developments do not necessarily mean that we are heading for World War III—although logic dictates that it will happen at some point in the future. In reality, though, a full-on nuclear confrontation would require a massive unraveling of the still sufficiently functional channels of political cooperation and interstate diplomacy. International security and economic communities as well as overlapping alliances like the United Nations, NATO, OSCE, and BRIC all indicate a high level of international integration.

Nonetheless, the geopolitical decisions of the last years herald the start of a new period in political history that indeed corresponds to a Cold War constellation. Particularly US foreign policy is currently undergoing the revival of a more offensive realism, visible in recent demonstrations of power in NATO’s Eastern border states, pushing of the TPP agreement in the Pacific economic area, and aggressive patrolling of the South Chinese Sea. In fact, the avoidance of superpower confrontation at all costs seems to increasingly take a back seat to these high-risk maneuvers.


In the late 1940s the first Cold War began as a war of the words when the powers who had together defeated Nazi Germany started to level criticism at their respective global policies. With the help of their media and propaganda sources, their different stances and perspectives solidified and eventually developed into monolithic ideologies. These in turn spawned the geopolitical doctrines that warranted the replacement of any open (i.e., nuclear) confrontation with confined proxy wars as in Korea, Vietnam, and Afghanistan. A similar erosion of mutual trust, respect, and solidarity is taking place now as the outsourced US-Russian conflicts in Ukraine and Syria remain unsolved. Again, the second Cold War arises as a war of the words while negative sentiments are allowed to petrify and the glacial rhetorics of mistrust and veiled threats gradually begin to replace talk about common interests and cooperation. The influential and policy-shaping Foreign Affairs magazine already struck the right chords of the passive-aggressive Cold War parlance by titling, “Putin’s Game of Chicken: And How the West Can Win.”

At the end of the day, this exact attitude could be one of the reasons why the US might come out on the losing side of this conflict. Because they have not yet realized this is not a “game of chicken” anymore. In fact, this is no longer the same easy game of manipulation that the US played during the 1990s by throwing cheap shots at a collapsing state. The deployment of its air force in Syria is not least a signal to the American establishment that Russia in 2015 no longer stands at the sidelines and watches begrudgingly as the US and its allies commence their disastrous policies in the Middle East.

When Mr. Obama asserted that “this is not some superpower chessboard contest,” he therefore either told a lie or he demonstrated his government’s utter cluelessness with regard to the actual situation and consequences of their actions in Ukraine, Syria, the South Chinese Sea, and other hotspots of the second Cold War. Both possibilities do not bode well for the future.

Hervé Juvin: Le retour des nations ?


Le retour des nations ?

Ex: http://zone-critique.com

Dans son essai intitulé Le Mur de l’Ouest n’est pas tombé, Hervé Juvin analyse l’impérialisme américain et tente de rétablir l’idée de nation comme seule unité politique stable.

La crise financière de 2008 n’a rien changé. L’argent roi n’a pas été déchu de son trône. Hervé Juvin montre comment l’économie et la finance dictent les mouvements de nos sociétés aujourd’hui. L’impératif de croissance entraîne la destruction des fonds marins, l’explosion des ressources alimentaires et le mal-être social en Europe.

Il pointe un paradoxe : alors que nous vivons dans des pays développés parmi les premières richesses mondiales, où la production de biens est abondante, les individus vont bientôt être obligés de travailler jusqu’à 70 ans et disposent de moins en moins de libertés.

De quelle liberté d’expression un salarié dispose-t-il face aux riches actionnaires d’une entreprise, quand il a contracté un crédit sur trente ans et une famille à nourrir ? Aucune.

L’économie contrôle les cerveaux et les estomacs

La financiarisation de l’économie, l’augmentation des revenus du capital face à ceux du travail (les dividendes augmentent nettement plus vite que les salaires depuis trente ans) ont eu raison de la libertés des citoyens.

Pour Hervé Juvin, l’économie et le capital décident de tout et ont même jeté leur dévolu sur le vivant. Des milliards de dollars sont investis dans les matières premières alimentaires, font grimper les prix et peuvent provoquer des famines dans les pays pauvres qui ne peuvent pas suivre cette inflation.

Plus dangereux pour l’avenir de nos sociétés, les intérêts financiers contrôlent les savoirs. La connaissance est devenue une marchandise. Le web, créé pour offrir un accès universel au savoir, est en train de se privatiser, de se monétiser, comme Google qui vend le référencement des mots comme des espaces publicitaires aux entreprises, dégradant ainsi la diversité du langage. Seuls les plus riches peuvent accéder aux savoirs les plus évolués et se payer des inscriptions dans les grandes écoles (100 000 dollars l’année pour Harvard, 60 000 dollars l’année dans les meilleures écoles primaires chinoises.)

La libido sciendi (le plaisir désintéressé du savoir), qui a rendu possible les grandes inventions du XIXe siècle, a laissé la place à une recherche et une innovation totalement soumises aux intérêts financiers et industriels.

La libido sciendi (le plaisir désintéressé du savoir), qui a rendu possible les grandes inventions du XIXe siècle, a laissé la place à une recherche et une innovation totalement soumises aux intérêts financiers et industriels.

Les chercheurs, s’ils ne veulent se faire éjecter du milieu scientifique, n’ont pas intérêt approfondir leur travail sur les dangers des OGM pour la santé. Ces recherches seraient un frein à la croissance.

Les droits de l’individu, couverture du marché

Pour Hervé Juvin, ce modèle de société où l’argent et le marché sont rois a été imposé par les Etats-Unis et sont une forme de leur impérialisme. Le pays de la conquête de l’Ouest (rendue possible avec le génocide des Indiens, précise l’auteur) promeut des valeurs universelles de libertés individuelles et des droits de l’homme, pour inonder le marché mondial de ses produits et tenter de continuer à dominer le monde, via ses grandes entreprises multinationales.

juvin2.jpgC’est notamment l’objectif du traité de libre-échange entre l’Union européenne et le pays de l’Oncle Sam, actuellement en cours de négociation, qui vise à créer un grand marché transatlantique. Hervé Juvin explique que sous un voile de liberté et d’ouverture, se joue une grande guerre économique. Les Etats-Unis défendent avant tout l’intérêt de leur nation et n’hésitent pas à faire payer de lourdes amendes aux entreprises étrangères sur leur sol comme la banque française BNP Paribas, condamnée à payer 9 milliards d’euros, pour avoir violé certains embargos américains.

L’impérialisme américain se réalise aussi dans le domaine culturel en inondant les marchés des produits US et en faisant barrage à certains produits étrangers, comme les fromages français, lors de confilts commerciaux ou diplomatiques.

On peut répondre à Hervé Juvin que les Etats-Unis ne sont pas le seul pays à exercer ce type de pression pour préserver ses intérêts et que la Russie de Vladimir Poutine use aussi de l’embargo sur les produits alimentaires pour asseoir ses positions dans le conflit ukrainien et favoriser sa production agricole nationale dans les supermarchés russes.

La nation, seule unité politique ?

Impérialisme rimerait aussi avec protectionnisme. Hervé Juvin prend même la Russie comme exemple d’une nation qui défend ses intérêts économiques en protégeant ce qui est aujourd’hui le nerf de la guerre économique : sa dette souveraine. Il explique qu’à son arrivée au Kremlin, Vladimir Poutine a nationalisé la dette russe, pour la retirer des marchés financiers, ce qui expliquerait son taux actuel très bas : 17% du PIB.

Pour faire tomber le “mur de l’Ouest” et sortir de la crise de l’économie mondialisée, Hervé Juvin propose le retour des nations sur l’échiquier, et notamment en Europe.

Selon lui, une nation plus unie mettrait fin à la crise des identités qu’entraîne le multiculturalisme occidental. Il prône avec enthousiasme le modèle du royaume du Bhoutan, classé comme l’un des pays les plus heureux au monde. Son bonheur, il le doit à son unité culturelle et religieuse et à sa fermeture à l’intégration de toute diversité dans sa culture. L’unité d’une nation offre au monde une diversité de cultures stables, plus riches que la culture mondiale uniforme que les Etats-Unis diffusent depuis le siècle dernier. Mais on peut se demander pourquoi la seule diversité à protéger serait celle des différentes nations dans le monde, et non pas une diversité de cultures, de religions et d’individus à l’intérieur de la nation.  

Sur le plan économique, Hervé Juvin montre que l’Etat nation permettrait de soumettre l’économie à un projet de société. Le marché devrait obéir à des règles basées sur des valeurs sociales, environnementales et culturelles de l’Etat qui contrôle ce marché. Elle rendrait possible le passage de l’économie de marché à l’économie politique, au service des intérêts de la société. Mais il étonnant d’observer qu’Hervé Juvin imagine dans son livre une économie politique de l’Union européenne (qui pourrait réguler le marché sur le plan environnemental) et non de la France. Un Etat transnational pourrait donc être bénéfique aux peuples sans être impérialiste ?

Les Etats-Unis, épouvantail et modèle

Une contradiction essentielle réside dans le Mur de l’Ouest n’est pas tombé. Il pointe du doigt avec pertinence l’impérialisme américain dans l’économie de marché mondialisée. Mais dans le retour des nations qu’il imagine en Europe pour se protéger de tout impérialisme, il s’appuie sur le sentiment national très fort aux Etats-Unis. Si l’aigle américain sort souvent vainqueur d’une bataille économique, c’est parce qu’il sait mettre l’ouverture au marché au service de l’intérêt national. Les Etats-Unis ne défendent pas la liberté pour la liberté mais pour garder leur position dominante dans le village mondial.

Pour Hervé Juvin, l’Europe et la France devraient donc s’inspirer de ce sentiment national américain pour s’imposer davantage sur la scène économique.

Même si l’essayiste affirme que la nation est gage de stabilité face aux ambitions impérialistes, il montre implicitement que le sentiment national n’est pas dénué d’ambition colonisatrice pour se conserver. Et que le marché est un moyen de renforcer la nation.

  • Le Mur de l’Ouest n’est pas tombé, Hervé Juvin, éditions PGDR, 271 pages, mai 2015

mardi, 08 décembre 2015

Hervé Juvin : Les Etats-Unis nous imposent des règles qu'ils ne respectent pas!

Hervé Juvin : Les Etats-Unis nous imposent des règles qu'ils ne respectent pas!

8,9 milliards de dollars, c’est le montant de l’amende arbitrairement exigée à la banque française BNP par les Etats-Unis… et des exemples de ce genre, il y en a pléthore. Hervé Juvin est essayiste et économiste, il revient avec nous sur la colonisation du droit américain dans les affaires internationales…




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Ron Paul: Are We In A Clash Of Civilizations?



The Ron Paul Institute

Watch Dr. Paul give the speech here.

The credibility of all American politicians now requires acknowledging that America is engaged in a great war for survival – “the war against Islam.” Fear of “radical Islamic terrorists” requires our undivided attention. We’re to believe that the ugly and vicious violence of a very small percentage of the 1.7 billion Muslims around the world, without an army, navy, or air force, is on the verge of engulfing America and Western civilization. The claim is that the Western concept of Christianity, liberty, and free markets is threatened. If this is so, it speaks more about the weak support for these values than for the strength of a small group claiming to speak for all of Islam. It may not make much sense, but it provokes the fear required for war-mongering.

The popular belief that a gigantic clash of civilizations explains today’s conditions fits well into the propaganda efforts of the neocon inspired American Empire. One cannot deny that a group exists that associates itself with Islam and preaches violence in combination with extreme religious beliefs. Al Qaeda and ISIS do exist. Claiming that they alone are responsible for the great “clash” is purposely misleading. That misunderstanding is required by Western propagandists to gain public support for their wars in the Middle East, and for a continuation of the American Empire. Unfortunately, so far it has worked pretty well.

Fear is the tool used to galvanize a people into supporting war while sacrificing liberty. Exaggerations and propping up groups who falsely claim to represent 99 percent of Muslims, serves the interests of those in the West who want the clash of civilizations for their own selfish purposes. Current US and Western support for ISIS in Syria, even though it’s denied, is designed to remove Assad. This policy is in the tradition of our foreign policy of recent decades. Aligning ourselves with the creation of Hamas and the mujahedin (Taliban) is well documented.

The emphasis on a  clash of civilizations is more about ruthless pragmatism than it is of a great battle of two civilizations. Promoters of war must first find or create an enemy to demonize in order to gain the people’s support for stupid and illegal preemptive wars. The Iraq war was built on lies and fear-mongering. US leaders, prodded by the neoconservatives, continue to propagandize for a “crusade” against Islam in order to justify rearranging the Middle East according to their desires. Disregarding all previous failures in this effort is not a problem if the people can be convinced that the enemy is grotesque and threatening our way of life.

It’s strange, but 130 people killed in Paris has served the purpose of throwing reason to the wind, and the majority of Americans have become anxious for a showdown with Islam no matter how many lies have to be told and people killed.

If what is said by the neoconservatives about Islam is true, nuking Indonesia would seem logical. Two hundred and three million Muslims could be wiped out rather quickly. What many fail to admit is that ISIS deliberately manipulates Islam to inspire violence by some, which helps them gain recruits for their cause. This is not a reflection of the 1.6 billion Muslims around the world. It’s like claiming that the KKK represents sound Christian theology. Many evangelical Christians support preemptive war in the Middle East, but that doesn’t mean that Christians must give up the notion that, as Jesus said, “Blessed are the Peacemakers.”

Both sides of this huge so-called clash of two civilizations benefit from allowing fringe elements of both religious cultures to support the hypothesis. Both sides need the fear associated with a clash of civilizations to motivate the masses to fight a war that Western leaders have initiated. It may be a hoax, but such a war is still very dangerous and can easily spin out of control.

The death of 4 million Muslims in the Middle East over the last 14 years, since Western foreigners moved in, has rearranged the political power structure of the region. This cannot be ignored. The deliberate killing of innocent civilians and retaliation lays claim to the reality of a clash of civilizations rhetoric.

The US can’t be serious in this clash of civilizations, which is used to radicalize both sides. Our ally Turkey playing games with ISIS hardly convinces us that ISIS will bring our civilization to its knees and destroy our way of life. The United States is a loyal supporter of Saudi Arabia, a nation noted for its ruthless enforcement of Sharia law. This hardly suggests our political leaders are at war with Islam. The neoconservatives, perpetrators of the clash of civilizations rhetoric and a war against Islam, aren’t advocating bombing Saudi Arabia even with evidence of their involvement in 9/11 and the recent shootings in California.

Our foreign policy makers, both Republicans and Democrats, remain obsessed with overthrowing another secular Muslim country: Syria. That policy did not work out well in Iraq and elsewhere, and so far it has only made the Middle East an ever more dangerous place. The harder we work at remaking the Middle East, the worse the conditions become, with an ever stronger and more dangerous Al Qaeda and ISIS.

The more violent our military response is to ISIS, the easier it is for more jihadists to be recruited to its cause. And the greater the violence and political demagoguery, the more gullible Americans join the ranks of supporters for expanding this so-called “holy” war.

Republicans have a knee-jerk explanation for the violence in the Middle East which is now spreading into Europe: It’s simply “Obama’s fault.” He hasn’t killed enough Muslims fast enough. It may not be the “clash of civilizations” that many describe, but Islamic terrorism confronts a Western crusade against Islam inspired by radical minorities on each side. Neocon radicals are the greatest domestic threat to liberty here at home — not foreign invaders.

Many Americans fervently believe that our policies represent “American exceptionalism” — democracy, freedom, generosity, and a willingness to sacrifice for the benefit of mankind. They accept the notion that we have a responsibility as the world’s policeman to thwart evil. The recipients of our “largesse” and interventions don’t see it that way. They understand exactly what encroachment of empire means to them. It is understood that our presence has nothing to do with spreading humanitarian American goodness and values. Instead, the people of the region see us as invaders: stealing their oil, while corrupting and bribing puppet dictators to serve our interests. The response should never surprise us. Blowback and unintended consequences should be easily understood and anticipated.

The answer we get from those most angry with our plunder and killing comes in the form of inspired radical Islamism that pretends it speaks for all of Islam. The radicals of neither side really speak for a “civilization.”

The influence and profiteering of the military-industrial complex is never criticized by the neocons. Never do we hear an honest debate by the politicians regarding the immorality of the Bush/Cheney doctrine of pre-emptive war that was soundly repudiated in the 2008 election. Memories are short, and demagoguery is a team sport by politicians.

Transparency — and a little history — should convince the people that the clash of civilizations rhetoric is only war propaganda. The idea of the  clash of civilizations is not new or unique. Samuel Huntington responded to Francis Fukuyama’s 1992 book “The End of History,” and addressed this issue. Huntington was allied with neoconservative guru Bernard Lewis and the American Enterprise Institute. The origin of this recent use of the term should tip one off as to the motivation for popularizing the idea of the “ clash of civilizations.”

clash451628975_9781451628975_hr.jpgHuntington, in his 1996 book “The  Clash of Civilizations,” encourages the notion that Western Christian civilization is destined to be in conflict with the Muslim world of the Middle East. Almost at the same time, in 1997, the neocons released their plan “For a New American Century.” Philosophical support for the war between the East and the West was especially helpful to the neocons after 9/11. It served to deflect any consideration of blowback being a contributing factor to the attack on the US on September 11th. Our instigators for war and empire have worked diligently to place the blame for the violence in the Middle East on Islam itself, with which we are now said to be at war. To suggest anything else today is “blasphemous” to the concept of “American Exceptionalism.”

Huntington’s thesis is that ideology and economic conditions are no longer important in world conflicts. That age, he claims, has ended. The world is now moving back, according to Huntington, to a more “normal” state of cultural and religious conflicts and away from state versus state in conventional war.

But it’s not quite so simple. Diminishing the importance of the state should always be helpful since less big wars and central powers would result. But that’s not their plan. World government is what the neocons and many other world leaders seek.

Espousing correct ideology and real economic understanding are the only answers to unwise cultural and religious clashes, or clashes between various governments. My sense is that although most wars have many components to them, economic conditions are always important. A healthy economy usually results from a decent respect for economic liberty, and establishing conditions that encourage peace over war. International trade diminishes prospects for war as well. Inflation and hunger encourages civil strife and violent overthrow of incompetent governments.

The argument that cultural and religious wars occur when there is an absence of an ideology and economic policy is not a reasonable explanation. It’s my opinion that ideas and economic conditions override cultural and religious differences. When economic conditions deteriorate and cultural differences arise, religious beliefs are used to mobilize people to hate and start killing each other.

Economic ideas that encourage empire-building and resentment are what hurts the economy and encourages war. Instead of understanding how free markets, sound money, property rights, and civil liberties lead to prosperity and peace, the explanation is that the ensuing wars are explained by a “ clash of civilizations” stirred up by racial tensions and religious differences. This is something that always ends badly.

Here is the sequence: First, it’s the powerful financial interests that initiate empire building and control of natural resources. Second, the people’s response is to resist, and the occupying forces compensate by establishing puppet dictators to keep the peace by force. Third, when resistance builds, preemptive war is used to circumvent national and international restraints on initiating wars. Fourth, both sides develop reactionary groups, motivated by anger, cultural, and religious differences, and a desire to expel the foreign groups that occupied their land.

Today in the Middle East it’s the various uprisings over economic conditions, plus other concerns, that prompt a struggle to push governments to reflect the people desires rather than the dictates of foreign occupiers and their stooges. Witness the growth of Al Qaeda, ISIS, and other terrorist groups that currently saturate the entire Middle East.

In the United States, the “ clash of civilizations” is manifested by a contrived anger directed toward Islam, immigrants, and a worsening of wealth inequality. The latter results from a flawed economic policy and an ideology of entitlements.

Nearly everyone senses that there is grave danger on the horizon. This leads to an aggressive populism with an appeal to a broad spectrum of society. Note that numerous black ministers now claim they support billionaire Donald Trump’s promise of making everything right with America, delivered with an authoritarian confidence that the people welcome – a bit unusual for a Republican candidate for president.

This is a perfect set up for a clash between ISIS, inspired by a group of radical Islamists, and a tough and energetic populism promoted by Donald Trump. The ideology that encourages the use of force is engulfing the world and many are anxious to bring on the clash of civilizations for their own selfish purposes. Rough days are ahead, but ending an era of bad economic policy and lack of respect for liberty opens the door for the growing interest and understanding of liberty by a new generation. Voluntarism is far superior to the authoritarianism offered to the world today.

What seems to be support for constant escalating wars can all be reduced by replacing the bad policies of state-ism with a simple and easily understood philosophical principle: “The rejection of all aggression as a method for individuals or governments to alter society.” In spite of the chaos the world is now facing, the solution is not complex.  As the state entities continue to fail, a little common sense could go a long way in advancing the cause of liberty, peace and prosperity.


dimanche, 06 décembre 2015

Revolt Against the Fourth Estate


Revolt Against the Fourth Estate

In the feudal era there were the “three estates”—the clergy, the nobility, and the commons. The first and second were eradicated in Robespierre’s Revolution. But in the 18th and 19th century, Edmund Burke and Thomas Carlyle identified what the latter called a “stupendous Fourth Estate.”

Wrote William Thackeray: “Of the Corporation of the Goosequill — of the Press … of the fourth estate. … There she is — the great engine — she never sleeps. She has her ambassadors in every quarter of the world — her courtiers upon every road. Her officers march along with armies, and her envoys walk into statesmen’s cabinets.”

The fourth estate, the press, the disciples of Voltaire, had replaced the clergy it had dethroned as the new arbiters of morality and rectitude. Today the press decides what words are permissible and what thoughts are acceptable. The press conducts the inquisitions where heretics are blacklisted and excommunicated from the company of decent men, while others are forgiven if they recant their heresies.

With the rise of network television and its vast audience, the fourth estate reached apogee in the 1960s and 1970s, playing lead roles in elevating JFK and breaking Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon.

Yet before he went down, Nixon inflicted deep and enduring wounds upon the fourth estate. When the national press and its auxiliaries sought to break his Vietnam War policy in 1969, Nixon called on the “great silent majority” to stand by him and dispatched Vice President Spiro Agnew to launch a counter-strike on network prejudice and power.

A huge majority rallied to Nixon and Agnew, exposing how far out of touch with America our Lords Spiritual and Lords Temporal had become. Nixon, the man most hated by the elites in the postwar era, save Joe McCarthy, who also detested and battled the press, then ran up a 49-state landslide against the candidate of the media and counter-culture, George McGovern. Media bitterness knew no bounds.

And with Watergate, the press extracted its pound of flesh. By August 1974, it had reached a new apex of national prestige.

In The Making of the President 1972, Teddy White described the power the “adversary press” had acquired over America’s public life.

The power of the press in America is a primordial one. It sets the agenda of public discussion, and this sweeping political power is unrestrained by any law. It determines what people will talk and think about — an authority that in other nations is reserved for tyrants, priests, parties and mandarins.

Nixon and Agnew were attacked for not understanding the First Amendment freedom of the press. But all they were doing was using their First Amendment freedom of speech to raise doubts about the objectivity, reliability and truthfulness of the adversary press.

Since those days, conservatives have attacked the mainstream media attacking them. And four decades of this endless warfare has stripped the press of its pious pretense to neutrality. Millions now regard the media as ideologues who are masquerading as journalists and use press privileges and power to pursue agendas not dissimilar to those of the candidates and parties they oppose.

Even before Nixon and Agnew, conservatives believed this. At the Goldwater convention at the Cow Palace in 1964 when ex-President Eisenhower mentioned “sensation-seeking columnists and commentators,” to his amazement, the hall exploded.

Enter The Donald.

His popularity is traceable to the fact that he rejects the moral authority of the media, breaks their commandments, and mocks their condemnations. His contempt for the norms of Political Correctness is daily on display. And that large slice of America that detests a media whose public approval now rivals that of Congress, relishes this defiance. The last thing these folks want Trump to do is to apologize to the press.

And the media have played right into Trump’s hand.


They constantly denounce him as grossly insensitive for what he has said about women, Mexicans, Muslims, McCain, and a reporter with a disability. Such crimes against decency, says the press, disqualify Trump as a candidate for president.

Yet, when they demand he apologize, Trump doubles down. And when they demand that Republicans repudiate him, the GOP base replies:

Who are you to tell us whom we may nominate? You are not friends. You are not going to vote for us. And the names you call Trump — bigot, racist, xenophobe, sexist — are the names you call us, nothing but cuss words that a corrupt establishment uses on those it most detests.

What the Trump campaign reveals is that, to populists and Republicans, the political establishment and its media arm are looked upon the way the commons and peasantry of 1789 looked upon the ancien regime and the king’s courtiers at Versailles.

Yet, now that the fourth estate is as discredited as the clergy in 1789, the larger problem is that there is no arbiter of truth, morality, and decency left whom we all respect. Like 4th-century Romans, we barely agree on what those terms mean anymore.

Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of The Greatest Comeback: How Richard Nixon Rose From Defeat to Create the New Majority. Copyright 2015 Creators.com.

jeudi, 03 décembre 2015

Zbig, il se fait tard...


Zbig, il se fait tard...

Ex: http://www.dedefensa.org

L’habitude a été, ces dernières années, de consulter quelques anciens hauts conseillers de sécurité nationale US de l’ère d’avant 9/11 et même d’avant la fin de la Guerre froide, pour y trouver chez eux quelque sagesse. Leurs conduites lorsqu’ils étaient “aux affaires” fut loin d’être irréprochable, mais semble, par rapport au standard actuel, un panthéon de sagesse. Ainsi “les vieilles canailles” apparurent souvent comme des “vieux sages”. Les “vieilles canailles” principales sont Henry Kissinger et Zbigniew (Zbig) Brzezinski ; ces deux dernières années, Kissinger s’est tenu un peu effacé tandis que Brzezinski s’est très largement mis en avant.

Avec l’Ukraine, Brzezinski s’est déchaîné, retrouvant son tempérament polonais bien loin du “vieux sage”. La Russie est (re)devenue l’ennemi n°1 et les conseils de Brzezinski poussaient largement dans le sens de l’affrontement entre les USA et la Russie, dans tous les cas jugeant irrémédiable le fossé entre les deux puissances et assurées les intentions expansionnistes de la Russie. Pour ce qui concerne l’intervention russe en Syrie, Brzezinski a d’abord recommandé aux USA de “résister” à la pénétration russe, si besoin en allant jusqu’à l’affrontement.

... Brusquement, tout change. Brzezinski irait jusqu’à dire que la destruction du Su-24 a remis toutes les choses en place, que Russie et USA sont sur le point de s’entendre et que “leurs intérêts sont plus proches que jamais”, que la Russie a avalé la couleuvre (la destruction du Su-24) sans réagir et qu’elle agit (en Syrie) “d’une façon plus modérée”, que la Turquie reste ferme. Toutes ces affirmations sont quotidiennement démenties par les évènements, autant opérationnels qu'avec les déclarations diverses des uns et des autres.

Brzezinski se fait-il vieux ? Ce n’est pas une hypothèse ni une question mais l’inéluctable marche du temps. Pourtant, rien ne montre chez lui une quelconque sénilité intellectuelle. L’âge intervient peut-être dans la principale explication que nous proposerions : la confusion d’un esprit dont la psychologie a fini par être grandement affaiblie par l’atmosphère délétère avec le maximalisme et le déterminisme-narrativiste de Washington , qui pense donc en fonction des influences de la “bulle” washingtonienne plus que des évènements. Dans ce cas, justement, Brzezinski tente de montrer qu’il n’en est pas le jouet. Sa position exposée ici dans une interview à Politico.com, contraire à l’analyse évidente de la politique comme de ses propres positions d’il y a un mois (alors que son analyse actuelle aurait pu se justifier il y a un mois !), représente une tentative stérile politiquement de sembler retrouver un peu de sa “sagesse” avec une posture du pseudo-réaliste recommandant une politique d’entente redonnant aux USA un statut de puissance qu’ils n’ont plus. (La seule information que nous apporte Brzezinski est, a contrario et contre son gré, que les USA sont vraiment très affaiblis.) L’interview est résumée en français dans un texte de Sputnik-français, le 30 novembre.

« Les intérêts russes et américains sont aujourd'hui proches comme jamais, estime l'ex-conseiller du président américain sur la sécurité nationale Zbigniew Brzezinski. Il suffit de donner la préférence à une politique plus modérée en Syrie, et les deux pays pourront non seulement régler la crise syrienne, mais également atteindre une paix stable dans leurs propres relations. Aucun d'entre eux, d'ailleurs, n'est intéressé à la confrontation, d'après M. Brzezinski cité par le journal Politico. Un mois auparavant, ce faucon de l'époque de la guerre froide appelait la Maison Blanche à faire preuve d'un “courage stratégique” face à la Russie, dont l'opération militaire en Syrie aide Bachar el-Assad à rester au pouvoir, ce qui nuit aux intérêts américains dans la région. Depuis que la Russie s'est mise à agir “d'une façon plus modérée”, il considère l'avenir des relations entre les deux pays avec bien plus d'optimisme.

» Les tensions entre la Russie et l'Occident “sont sérieuses, mais pas fatales”, estime M. Brzezinski. Et si le bon sens l'emporte, elles pourraient même s'avérer bienfaisantes, vue que les deux parties seraient obligées de négocier pour régler la crise syrienne et éviter des “conséquences encore plus destructives”. Selon lui, on est en droit d'espérer que le bon sens prévaudra. Le politologue constate que l'Occident a fait preuve de calme dans sa réaction à l'incident impliquant un bombardier russe Su-24 abattu par les forces aériennes turques. Pour leur part, les Russes, après avoir pris une grande respiration, ont fini par reconnaître que l'escalade ne servait à rien. Et la Turquie, qui se montre ferme et intransigeante, ne souhaite pas non plus que la crise s'aggrave, conclut Zbigniew Brzezinski. »


mardi, 01 décembre 2015

American Imperialism vs. the Identity of the World’s Peoples


American Imperialism vs. the Identity of the World’s Peoples 1

This is the full text of my speech to the National Policy Institute on October 31, 2015.

By Keith Preston

I was very happy when I was asked to speak to this gathering on the topic of the conflict between American imperialism and European identity, and indeed the identity of virtually all of the world’s peoples.

I have been an outspoken critic of American imperialism for several decades now, and as someone who has his political origins on the far Left, for much of that time I was mostly concerned about the relationship between the United States and the underdeveloped world. However, after spending some time in Europe off and on for the past fifteen years, I’ve also come to realize that much of the criticism that can be voiced concerning the relationship between the United States and the underdeveloped world is also quite applicable to the relationship between the United States and Europe.

I will explain why that is in a moment, but first let me say that I consider American imperialism to be the bastard child of European colonialism, and it was child that grew up to be a monster that ended up eating its father. I will explain what I mean by that in a moment as well. But I also think a bit of historical perspective is necessary in order to fully understand this question.


Two hundred years ago, most of the peoples around the world were still in the hunter and gatherer stage in terms of their level of social evolution. This is something that most contemporary people have no awareness of. It’s certainly something that my students are surprised to hear when I tell them about it. But during the thousands of years that civilization has existed, within the broader context of all of humanity, civilization has still been the exception rather than the rule, at least until very, very recently. While many of the criticisms of European colonialism that are frequently voiced are indeed quite legitimate in my view, it is also true that a major part of the legacy of European colonialism is that is brought the virtues of Western civilization to many other parts of the world. Now, I am not someone who thinks that white, Western civilization is all that there is and that everything else is garbage. That would be a totally ahistorical perspective, in my view. But I would argue that the legacy of European colonialism is comparable to the legacy of Alexander the Great, who brought the virtues of classical Greek civilization to what in the fourth century B.C. (or B.C.E. if we want to be PC about it, I guess I don’t need to worry about that here), but what in the fourth century B.C. was most of the known world.

When I say that American imperialism is the bastard child of European colonialism, what I mean by that is that on one hand America is very much a product of European colonialism. We Americans did get our start as British colonies, as we know. However, it is also true that during the middle part of the twentieth century, the Europeans happened to engage in a particularly fratricidal war, which was probably the most tragic episode in world history, and one of the long terms results of this war was that the old European colonial empires essentially came to an end because their European mother counties had largely been laid to waste during the course of the war.

Now, I have a longstanding debate with a number of friends who are conservatives in the American sense, that is, loyal Republicans who can’t enough of FOX News, we all know the kinds of folks I’m talking about, the kind of people who think that the America of the 1950s was the apex of human civilization. These mainstream conservative types are often a bit bewildered when I explain to them that the reason America achieved what amounted to world dominance in the postwar era is because all of its competitors had been wiped out in the war. All that was left was Communism, which was a severe aberration, and the Third World which was largely mired in a pre-industrial state. With economic and geopolitical competitors of that type, of course the United States achieved world dominance. And, in fact, the United States stepped in and essentially picked up where the older European colonial empires left off. During the Cold War period, many of the former European colonies in Asia and Africa became American clients, and along with the American puppet states in Latin America, which represented the United States’ traditional sphere of hegemony, all of these nations collectively became outposts of the American empire.

However, I would argue that American imperialism is different in character from European colonialism. European colonialism, in my view, was very much comparable to the old Roman empire of antiquity. The Roman Empire was certainly interested in exercising political, military, and economic hegemony over their subject peoples. However, the Roman Empire normally allowed its subject peoples to retain their own local cultures, traditions, religions, and ethnic identities. The Romans were mostly just concerned with collecting taxes and preventing rebellions, and not trying to transform their subject peoples in a fundamental way. Now, the subjects of the empire were expected to participate in the state cult of the emperor, but for most of the peoples of the Roman Empire this was not a problem since they were polytheists anyway. In fact, that’s what got the Christians into so much trouble with the Roman authorities. As monotheists, they could have only one god. The Jews were actually exempt from participation in the state cult, by the way, but the Romans refused to extend that privilege to the Christians as well. I guess they figured once was enough.

But as far as the difference between American imperialism and European colonialism is concerned, I think something I observed the first time I ever went to Europe illustrates this dichotomy quite well. When I first ventured to Europe, one of the first things that I noticed was how old everything was: the architecture, the designs of the streets and the sidewalks, the public buildings, the art, the museums. Yet everywhere in the midst of this very old European cultural experience, I saw signs of Americanization. I recall, for example, observing scenery where these very old cathedrals would be intermixed with signs advertising American fast food restaurants, like McDonald’s, or Burger King, or Kentucky Fried Chicken. As an American this was no big deal to me personally because I was already used to seeing this crass commercialism everywhere I went, but I recall thinking at the time that if I were a European I would be extremely offended by this form of cultural imperialism that was all around.


I think this experience illustrates very well a crucial difference between American imperialism and more traditional forms of imperialism or colonialism. American imperialism has a quasi-religious quality to it in the sense that it is not just about to whom taxes get paid, but instead it is about changing the way that people live in a much wider sense, changing the way they think, and altering their identity in very fundamental ways. And I think this is true of American imperialism as it pertains to Europe as much as it pertains to other parts of the world. But we see examples of this everywhere. A friend of mine, a national-anarchist by the name of Welf Herfurth, tells the story of visiting Saigon in Vietnam, supposedly a Communist nation, and observing Vietnamese youngsters on the streets of Saigon trying to emulate the mannerisms of American rap singers. Today in Japan, for the first time ever, the Japanese are starting to have a problem with obesity. Now, when we think of the Japanese we normally don’t think about fat people. We think of healthy people who have traditionally enjoyed comparative long life expectancies because of their healthy diets of fish and rice. However, due to the importation of American fast food culture into Japan, the Japanese are now starting to experience problems with obesity and the health difficulties that result from this.

American imperialism is not merely about exercising political hegemony, it is about facilitating what is thought to be a moral transformation of other peoples and cultures. And as I said, I believe there is a quasi religious mentality associated with this kind of moral crusading. One thing that is distinctive about Christianity is that it teaches that temptation is just as great a sin as acting on temptation. For example, Christianity teaches that hating someone is as great a moral failure as murdering them, or that desiring another man’s wife is the same as actually adulterating the wife of another. Most ethical or religious philosophies teach that the essence of virtue is the process of overcoming temptation or refusing to give in temptation, not that merely experiencing temptation and succumbing to temptation are one and the same. I believe that the morality that drives the ideology of the contemporary Western world is a secularization of this kind of traditional Christian blurring of the distinction between thoughts and actual deeds. For example, it has always seemed to me that the real problem that liberals and leftists have with racism, or homopohia, or patriarchy, or whatever Ism or Archy or Phobia happens to be on the chopping block this week, is not necessarily any tangible or identifiable harms that are associated with these as much as the mere idea that someone, somewhere, somehow might think racist or homophobic thoughts. It is the impurity of their hearts and not the malevolence of their deeds that is somehow the real problem. The greatest fear of the Left is that someone might be hiding away in a broom closet thinking about racism.

This is the morality that I also believe guides the American Empire. In fact, when the Islamists refer to American imperialists as the modern Crusaders, I think they have a point, not necessarily in the way they mean it, but it is an apt analogy. As an illustration, in a speech delivered in Chicago in June of 2014, Hillary Clinton suggested that if she were to become President of the United States that feminist ideology would be a central component part of her approach to foreign policy, and we can only imagine where that will eventually lead. Earlier this year, we observed the spectacle of President Obama traveling to Kenya in order to lecture their president on gay rights. And, of course, we remember the uproar a few years ago when a number of political forces in the Western world were calling for a boycott of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Russia over Russia’s failure to, I don’t know, endorse gay marriage or whatever the problem was. In 1980, the United States under President Carter boycotted the Olympics in Moscow because of the Soviet Union’s invasion of the sovereign state of Afghanistan. Less than thirty-five years later, we saw Americans and others calling for a boycott of the Olympics in Russia in the name of gay rights, which I suppose says a great deal about the direction that the Western world has gone in during the past third of a century.

And we see that this liberal crusader mentality has produced disaster all over the world.

Recall, for example, the so-called “Freedom Agenda” of the former Bush administration, and that was part of the ideological rationale for the war in Iraq. I suppose we can gauge how well that worked out by observing what a paradise Iraq is today. Remember the military action against Libya in 2011, led by the Obama administration, and ostensibly under the pretext of defending human rights, which led to the creation of the failed state that Libya is today. Recall the so-called “Arab Spring” and the efforts of the United States to undermine secular governments in Arab nations, in the name of spreading democracy, which is supposedly something that all people everywhere want, irrespective of their history, culture, or traditions, I guess because Francis Fukuyama told us so, or whatever. But the real impact of the “Arab Spring,” as Mr. Putin recently pointed out, was the coming to power of Islamists in some countries and the growth of terrorist organizations in others. So we are able to plainly see that all of this crusading for democracy and human rights has actually led to a reduction of democracy and human rights, or at least a reduction in humans.

Now, aside from the loss of blood and treasure that has been generated by American military imperialism, we are also able to observe the loss of identity that is taking place because of American economic and cultural imperialism. In nation after nation around the world, American television, popular music, popular culture, fashion, media, fast food, and consumer culture are increasingly everywhere. It’s as if the ambition is for the entire planet to become one giant, universal Wal-Mart. And what is happening is that the unique identities of people all over the world are being eradicated.

There are essentially three kinds of identity that are acceptable according to the value system on which American imperialism is implicitly based. One of these is the identity of a subject to state. Notice that I didn’t say “citizen.” I said “subject.” There is the identity of the worker or the professional, whereby someone’s identity comes to be defined by their place in the economy. And there is the identity of the consumer, the role of the individual as a participant in the marketplace. No other form of identity is acceptable within the context of this particular paradigm. Not ethnicity, not nationality, not race, not culture, not religion, not history, not tradition, not community, not ancestry, not family, and apparently, not even gender. Instead, the ambition is to create masses of helots that function merely as deracinated, working, consuming, tax-paying, obedient drones without any connection to the past, no regard for the future, no folklore, no distinctiveness, and no serious aspirations. That is the vision that is implicit in the rhetoric and in the practice of the American Empire.

Now, the question that emerges from this critique of the American Empire and its impact on the identities of the world’s peoples is the matter how to go about building resistance. This question in turn raises some very fundamental geopolitical questions. I have a generally optimistic view because already we see significant pockets of resistance developing all over the world. I interpret present day international relations largely in terms of what I call “Team A” versus “Team B.” Team A is the dominant coalition with the framework of the international power elite, or the international plutocracy, or international capitalism, or whatever you want call it. This dominant coalition is what I call the Anglo-American-Zionist-Wahhabist axis consisting of the United States as the senior partner, along England, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the other Gulf States, and most of the member states of NATO and the European Union as junior partners.


As far as the present day relationship between Europe and the United States is concerned, I’m inclined to think that it was ironically Mao tse-tung who had the best analysis of that. In the early 70s, Maoist China developed what they called the “three worlds theory,” which is not the same thing as the idea of the First, Second, and Third World that you found in Western political theory during the same period. Instead, the Maoist model argued that the world order of the time consisted of the First World, which was the United States and its satellites, including Western Europe, the Second World, which was the Soviet Union and its satellites, and the Third World of what they considered to be exploited nations. And I would suggest that a modified version of this theory is still applicable, with the modification being that the Second World has disappeared, and that most of the former Soviet satellites have become American satellites with Russia losing its superpower status.

And out of this situation is emerging what I call Team B. The foundation of Team B is what I refer as the triangular resistance, that is, three distinctive blocks of nations that are emerging in opposition to American imperialism. The most significant of these is the emergence of the so-called BRICS, that is, the economic alliance of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. There is also what is called the Resistance Block in the Middle East, which consists of Iran, Syria, Hezbollah, a variety of Iraqi and Palestinian groups, the Houthi in Yemen. The third pattern of resistance consists of what I call “resistance nations” or resistance movements in Latin America that resist their own incorporation into the American Empire. This block also includes Brazil, Venezuela, Cuba, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Argentina with varying degrees of consistency, as well as the wider set of Latin American populist movements that these nations to some degree represent. In addition to these three blocks of resistance, there are also outliers like Belarus, North Korea, Zimbabwe, and the Kurdish independence movement that has recently emerged. There are also a variety of non-state actors around the world reflecting a wide range of identities that are resistant to incorporation into the American empire ands program of global liberal capitalist imperialism. So resistance is building everywhere even as the weaknesses of the American empire become increasingly obvious.

In particular, Russia, China, and Iran have emerged as bulwarks against U.S. imperialism, and we have in recent times seen a greater cooperation between these nations, for example, in the currency swap agreement between Russia and China, or the collaboration between Russia and Iran in the war against ISIS, and I have seen discussion recently concerning the possibility of Iran joining the BRICS alliance.

Ultimately, however, we also need an independent and self-assertive Europe. If I could give any advice to the European nations it would be to break out from underneath the American Empire, dissolve NATO, and claim self-determination for themselves, and this includes military self-determination as well as political, economic, and cultural self-determination. The United States is on its way to becoming a failed state, with a $19 trillion national debt, the largest national debt in world history, and a society where virtually all of its institutions are increasingly dysfunctional. This is not system that will go on forever. Those of us who are Americans should be preparing ourselves for a post-America. Meanwhile, the Europeans should, in my view, strive to reclaim their own heritage and destiny. Ultimately, however, the salvation of Europe is dependent upon the abolition of the American Empire.

Thank you for listening to me.

vendredi, 27 novembre 2015

Léo Strauss, maître à penser des néo-conservateurs criminels


Léo Strauss, maître à penser des néo-conservateurs criminels

Auteur : RI
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi

Il y a consensus pour blâmer les instigateurs et les exécutants des guerres, révolutions, assassinats, bombardements, renversement des gouvernements et autres actes criminels qui ont ensanglanté des régions étendues de la planète, tout particulièrement depuis 2001, date charnière, qui a donné suite aux évènements du 11 Septembre de la même année.

Chacun y va de sa harangue, et désigne qui ceux-ci, qui ceux-là. À raison évidemment. L’empire du chaos est bien sûr omniprésent au cœur des désignés. Mais remontons un peu plus loin, au programme source, jusqu’à celui qui a concocté l’idéologie qui a déclenché en cascades tous ces crimes planétaires auxquels la Russie et Poutine s’efforcent de mettre fin aujourd’hui. La géostratégie mondiale menée par les pays puissants est fortement inspirée par les idéologies qui la sous-tend. Les politiques intérieures des états le sont également. Qui pourrait nier que l’idéologie socialiste et néo-libérale n’a pas d’impact sur la politique intérieure de la France ?

Certaines idéologies sont connues mondialement, avec leurs idéologues. On pense évidemment à Karl Marx par exemple, à l’idéologie fasciste, sioniste ou socialiste aussi. Mais d’autres idéologues, à peine connus du grand public et même des dissidents les plus affûtés, ont influencé directement des groupes puissants qui ont incité à semer guerres et destructions au cours des 15 à 20 dernières années. Léo Strauss a nourri directement les délires des néo-conservateurs américains qui ont, depuis leur fameux Project for a New American Century (PNAC de 1995), sous-tendu les politiques criminelles des Présidents américains, de George Bush à Obama, même si celui-ci s’en détourne encore trop timidement au cours de son deuxième mandat.

Il n’est pas surfait de craindre que ce qui se joue actuellement, en Syrie notamment, avec la Russie et Poutine, sera prolongé d’une guerre, ou bien non. Cette issue, qui pourrait s’avérer fatale même pour beaucoup d’entre nous, dépendra de la réponse américaine, et du résultat des luttes intestines au sein de son gouvernement et de son administration entre Américains patriotes et néo-conservateurs liberticides et hégémoniques, en grande partie, il faut bien le dire, inspirés par le sionisme fanatique aussi présent en Amérique qu’il l’est dans l’entité qui se fait appeler Israël.

leo strauss,neocons,néoconservateurs,néoconservateurs américains,bellicisme,états-unis,théorie politique,sciences politiques,philosophie,philosophie politique,politologie

Léo Strauss, né en 1899 d’une famille de juifs orthodoxes des environs de Marbourg, en Allemagne, vécut aux Etats-Unis de 1938 jusqu’à sa mort, en 1973. Professeur de philosophie politique à l’université de Chicago de 1953 à 1973, Strauss a créé toute une génération d’idéologues et de politiciens qui, aujourd’hui, sont infiltrés dans le gouvernement américain et dans le milieu néo-conservateur, et qui ont eu une influence énorme sur le Président Bush et qui sont encore là avec Obama. Léo Strauss était idéologue. On sait que les idéologies sont souvent le substrat des stratégies politiques dangereuses. Le fascisme était l’idéologie de l’Allemagne nazie, le marxisme celle du stalinisme. Les nazis ont tué des dizaines de millions de gens. Le straussisme était l’idéologie des faucons de Bush et celle des faucons néolibéraux d’Obama. Bush, ignare à son arrivée à la Maison Blanche (il l’est resté jusqu’au bout), avait endossé cette idéologie de A à Z. Les dégâts considérables dans les pays Arabo-Musulmans qu’on connaît et qu’on déplore aujourd’hui sont directement à associer à l’influence néfaste de Léo Strauss.

J’emprunte à « solidarité et progrès » ainsi qu’à plusieurs journaux américains certaines révélations sur le mouvement straussien qui est organisé en réseaux aux États-Unis : le principal idéologue qui se réclame de Léo Strauss dans l’administration Bush est le vice-ministre de la Défense, Paul Wolfowitz, qui a étudié auprès d’Allan Bloom à l’université de Chicago. Depuis les années 70, il compte parmi ses collaborateurs Richard Perle, Steven Bryen et Elliot Abrams. On peut en citer un autre, l’ancien directeur de la CIA, James Woolsey, membre du « Defense Policy Board », et adjoint du Général Garner qui a dirigé le gouvernement irakien. Dans le domaine des médias, on peut citer John Podhoretz, rédacteur du New York Post et ancien éditeur du Weekly Standard, ainsi qu’Irving Kristol, éditeur de Public Interest, l’organe des néo-conservateurs, et collaborateur de l’American Entreprise Institute (A.E.I), lieu privilégié de Bush pour ses discours de propagande. Son fils William Kristol est un des idéologues du parti républicain. Citons encore Werner Dannhauser, un protégé personnel de Strauss qui a quitté le monde universitaire pour assurer la rédaction de Commentary, après le départ à la retraite de Norman Podhoretz, ainsi que deux autres membres de la rédaction du Weekly Standard, David Brook et Robert Kagan, le fils d’un professeur straussien de Yale, Donald Kagan.

leo strauss,neocons,néoconservateurs,néoconservateurs américains,bellicisme,états-unis,théorie politique,sciences politiques,philosophie,philosophie politique,politologie

Dans le domaine du département de la justice, des straussiens inconditionnels sont le juge de la Cour suprême, Clarence Thomas, et l’ex ministre de la Justice, John Ashcroft. Pour ce qui est du gouvernement Bush à l’époque, on y trouve Lewis Libby, directeur de cabinet de l’ex vice-président Richard Cheney et ancien élève de Wolfowitz à l’université de Yale. Après le 11 septembre 2001, insatisfait des renseignements fournis par la CIA et l’intelligence militaire, Abram Shulsky fut nommé à la tête d’une unité de renseignements au sein de la bureaucratie civile du Pentagone, créée pour produire, au besoin inventer, tous les montages dont les faucons avaient besoin pour justifier la guerre contre l’Irak. Straussien convaincu, Shulsky anime encore aujourd’hui des débats sur la pensée du « maître ». Parmi les « penseurs » et stratèges, on compte l’auteur du Choc des civilisations, Samuel Huntington, ainsi que Francis Fukuyama et Allan Bloom, qui lui est décédé.

Alors qu’ils avaient été tenus totalement à l’écart du gouvernement américain pendant la présidence de Bill Clinton, les straussiens ne sont cependant pas restés inactifs. Outre l’élaboration de doctrines militaires, dont celles qui ont cours actuellement, ils ont notamment rédigé un document pour le gouvernement israélien (Clean Break), prévoyant la fin des accords d’Oslo. Plusieurs disciples de Strauss et de Bloom avaient d’ailleurs émigré en Israël où ils militaient contre la paix. L’Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies (IASPS) a été créé à Washington et à Jérusalem en 1984, afin de promouvoir le libre-échange et explicitement, dès 1996, la pensée de Strauss.

Début 1997, William Kristol et Robert Kagan, deux « intellectuels dans la tradition de Strauss », ont lancé à Washington, en collaboration avec l’American Entreprise Institute, une organisation intitulée « Project for the New American Century », dont le but déclaré est de promouvoir la présence militaire américaine partout dans le monde, pour y tenir littéralement le rôle de « gendarme du globe », à commencer par l’Irak. Le 3 juin 1997, cette organisation a publié un acte de fondation, appelant à une nouvelle politique étrangère basée sur l’« hégémonie globale bienveillante » des Etats-Unis. Parmi les signataires de cette lettre : Elliot Abrams, William Bennett, Jeb Bush (frère du Président de l’époque), Dick Cheney, Francis Fukuyama, Lewis Libby, Norman Podhoretz, Donald Rumsfeld et Paul Wolfowitz.

Project for the New American Century

Maintenant que l’on connaît le nom des straussiens les plus influents de l’ex gouvernement Bush, et qu’il est aisé d’imaginer l’influence écrasante qu’ils ont eu et veulent encore avoir sur la politique américaine et le cours des évènements mondiaux, il nous reste à décrire les grandes lignes de l’idéologie de Léo Strauss.

Le philosophe, pour Léo Strauss, c’est l’homme rare, capable de supporter la vérité. Cette vérité, c’est qu’il n’y pas de Dieu, que l’univers n’a que faire de l’homme et de l’espèce humaine et que l’entièreté de l’histoire humaine n’est qu’une minuscule poussière insignifiante sur la croûte de l’univers, dont la naissance coïncide quasiment avec la disparition. Il n’existe ni moralité, ni bien ni mal, et toute discussion sur l’au-delà n’est que commérage. Mais évidemment, l’immense majorité de la population est si incapable de faire face à la vérité qu’elle appartient quasiment à une autre race, ce que Nietzsche appelait « le troupeau » ou encore « les esclaves ». Ils ont besoin d’un Dieu « père fouettard », de la crainte d’une punition après la vie, et de la fiction du bien et du mal. Sans ces illusions, ils deviendraient fous et se révolteraient, ce qui empêcherait toute forme d’ordre social. Puisque la nature humaine est ainsi faite et ne changera jamais, selon Strauss, ce sera toujours comme ça. C’est le surhomme ou « philosophe » qui fournit au troupeau les croyances religieuses, morales et autres, dont il a besoin, mais dont il sait très bien, lui, qu’elles sont erronées. En réalité, les « philosophes » n’utilisent ces manigances que pour plier la société à leurs propres intérêts. Par ailleurs, les philosophes font appel à toutes sortes de gens utiles, y compris les « gentlemen » qui sont formatés dans les connaissances publiques. On les dresse à croire à la religion, à la moralité, au patriotisme et à la chose publique et certains deviennent hauts fonctionnaires. Bien sûr, en plus de ces vertus, ils croient aussi aux philosophes qui leur ont enseigné toutes ces bonnes choses. Ces « gentlemen », qui deviennent des politiques, continueront à écouter à vie les conseils des philosophes. La gouvernance du monde par l’intermédiaire de ces golems implantés dans les gouvernements est ce que Strauss appelle le « Royaume secret » et pour beaucoup de ses élèves, c’est la mission de leur vie.

Ça vous semble du délire ? Ça l’est ! Imaginez vous que l’Amérique, le plus puissant pays au monde, était dirigée par un Président, George W. Bush, qui est tombé totalement et inconditionnellement sous l’influence de l’idéologie straussienne, décrite plus haut. Une trentaine de faucons de l’administration Bush sont pétris de cette idéologie, et la relève a été assurée aujourd’hui auprès d’Obama. Vous n’aurez aucun mal à établir la longue liste d’idéologues néo-conservateurs qui polluent encore au premier degré les politiques et inspirent les prétentions des Etats-Unis.

Les conséquences possibles de cette situation font frémir. Sans foi, ni loi, ni moralité, manipulant les autres, méprisant les masses, d’un racisme consommé, les straussiens américains ont commencé à étendre leur ombre malfaisante sur le monde. Le nôtre, dans lequel on vit, celui qui aura à souffrir de l’idéologie de Léo Strauss, qui n’a rien à envier au fascisme qui a noirci les plus belles pages de l’histoire du XX ème siècle. Mort en 1973, Léo Strauss aura marqué les premières années du XXI ème siècle et pourrait encore exercer son influence mortifère au cours des prochaines années.

Les relations entre les États-Unis et nos gouvernements qui se targuent d’être démocratiques risquent de tourner court, tant que l’idéologie straussienne dictera les politiques américaines, ce qui fut le cas à 100% avec George W. Bush et qui le reste encore trop avec Obama. D’ailleurs qu’en sera t-il avec le prochain Président, homme ou femme, aux Etats-Unis ? Une réponse qui aura un impact essentiel sur le reste du monde car cela dictera la politique extérieure américaine. D’un côté une idéologie barbare et archaïque, de l’autre des principes humanistes, religieux, moraux, sur lesquels sont fondés notre civilisation.

Il faut savoir nommer son ennemi, le désigner. On dit : les Américains mettent le monde à feu et à sang, comme si ce peuple de lui-même agissait de façon démoniaque. Ce ne sont pas les Américains qu’il faut blâmer, ce sont leurs gouvernements, directement influencés depuis les 15 à 20 dernières années par des groupes de pression puissants comme les néo-conservateurs, eux-mêmes nourris par des idéologies mortifères comme celle de Léo Strauss. On notera une fois de plus que la presque totalité de ces néo-conservateurs straussiens sont des binationaux, qui détiennent à la fois des passeports américains et israéliens. Serait-ce une coïncidence ?

Le néo-conservatisme straussien s’appuie sur six caractéristiques principales, qui se recoupent en grande partie :

– la volonté d’employer rapidement la force militaire ;

– un dédain pour les organisations multilatérales ;

– une faible tolérance pour la diplomatie ;

– une focalisation sur la protection d’Israël et donc un interventionnisme orienté et tronqué au Moyen-Orient ;

– une insistance sur la nécessité pour les États-Unis d’agir de manière unilatérale ;

– une tendance à percevoir le monde en termes binaires (bon/mauvais).

Ces caractéristiques, que vous reconnaîtrez de toute évidence, vous font-elles penser aux « Américains » ? C’est plutôt le néo-conservatisme straussien qu’il faut reconnaître et condamner. C’est là, in fine, que le mal absolu s’est logé, là d’où tout est parti, et qui est la source d’un chaos invraisemblable qui submerge la planète.


- Source : RI

mardi, 24 novembre 2015

Now the truth emerges: how the US fuelled the rise of Isis in Syria and Iraq

The war on terror, that campaign without end launched 14 years ago by George Bush, is tying itself up in ever more grotesque contortions. On Monday the trial in London of a Swedish man, Bherlin Gildo, accused of terrorism in Syria, collapsed after it became clear British intelligence had been arming the same rebel groups the defendant was charged with supporting.

The prosecution abandoned the case, apparently to avoid embarrassing the intelligence services. The defence argued that going ahead with the trial would have been an “affront to justice” when there was plenty of evidence the British state was itself providing “extensive support” to the armed Syrian opposition.

That didn’t only include the “non-lethal assistance” boasted of by the government (including body armour and military vehicles), but training, logistical support and the secret supply of “arms on a massive scale”. Reports were cited that MI6 had cooperated with the CIA on a “rat line” of arms transfers from Libyan stockpiles to the Syrian rebels in 2012 after the fall of the Gaddafi regime.

Clearly, the absurdity of sending someone to prison for doing what ministers and their security officials were up to themselves became too much. But it’s only the latest of a string of such cases. Less fortunate was a London cab driver Anis Sardar, who was given a life sentence a fortnight earlier for taking part in 2007 in resistance to the occupation of Iraq by US and British forces. Armed opposition to illegal invasion and occupation clearly doesn’t constitute terrorism or murder on most definitions, including the Geneva convention.

But terrorism is now squarely in the eye of the beholder. And nowhere is that more so than in the Middle East, where today’s terrorists are tomorrow’s fighters against tyranny – and allies are enemies – often at the bewildering whim of a western policymaker’s conference call.

For the past year, US, British and other western forces have been back in Iraq, supposedly in the cause of destroying the hyper-sectarian terror group Islamic State (formerly known as al-Qaida in Iraq). This was after Isis overran huge chunks of Iraqi and Syrian territory and proclaimed a self-styled Islamic caliphate.


The campaign isn’t going well. Last month, Isis rolled into the Iraqi city of Ramadi, while on the other side of the now nonexistent border its forces conquered the Syrian town of Palmyra. Al-Qaida’s official franchise, the Nusra Front, has also been making gains in Syria.

Some Iraqis complain that the US sat on its hands while all this was going on. The Americans insist they are trying to avoid civilian casualties, and claim significant successes. Privately, officials say they don’t want to be seen hammering Sunni strongholds in a sectarian war and risk upsetting their Sunni allies in the Gulf.

A revealing light on how we got here has now been shone by a recently declassified secret US intelligence report, written in August 2012, which uncannily predicts – and effectively welcomes – the prospect of a “Salafist principality” in eastern Syria and an al-Qaida-controlled Islamic state in Syria and Iraq. In stark contrast to western claims at the time, the Defense Intelligence Agency document identifies al-Qaida in Iraq (which became Isis) and fellow Salafists as the “major forces driving the insurgency in Syria” – and states that “western countries, the Gulf states and Turkey” were supporting the opposition’s efforts to take control of eastern Syria.

Raising the “possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality”, the Pentagon report goes on, “this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran)”.

Which is pretty well exactly what happened two years later. The report isn’t a policy document. It’s heavily redacted and there are ambiguities in the language. But the implications are clear enough. A year into the Syrian rebellion, the US and its allies weren’t only supporting and arming an opposition they knew to be dominated by extreme sectarian groups; they were prepared to countenance the creation of some sort of “Islamic state” – despite the “grave danger” to Iraq’s unity – as a Sunni buffer to weaken Syria.

That doesn’t mean the US created Isis, of course, though some of its Gulf allies certainly played a role in it – as the US vice-president, Joe Biden, acknowledged last year. But there was no al-Qaida in Iraq until the US and Britain invaded. And the US has certainly exploited the existence of Isis against other forces in the region as part of a wider drive to maintain western control.

The calculus changed when Isis started beheading westerners and posting atrocities online, and the Gulf states are now backing other groups in the Syrian war, such as the Nusra Front. But this US and western habit of playing with jihadi groups, which then come back to bite them, goes back at least to the 1980s war against the Soviet Union in Afghanistan, which fostered the original al-Qaida under CIA tutelage.

It was recalibrated during the occupation of Iraq, when US forces led by General Petraeus sponsored an El Salvador-style dirty war of sectarian death squads to weaken the Iraqi resistance. And it was reprised in 2011 in the Nato-orchestrated war in Libya, where Isis last week took control of Gaddafi’s home town of Sirte.

In reality, US and western policy in the conflagration that is now the Middle East is in the classic mould of imperial divide-and-rule. American forces bomb one set of rebels while backing another in Syria, and mount what are effectively joint military operations with Iran against Isis in Iraq while supporting Saudi Arabia’s military campaign against Iranian-backed Houthi forces in Yemen. However confused US policy may often be, a weak, partitioned Iraq and Syria fit such an approach perfectly.

What’s clear is that Isis and its monstrosities won’t be defeated by the same powers that brought it to Iraq and Syria in the first place, or whose open and covert war-making has fostered it in the years since. Endless western military interventions in the Middle East have brought only destruction and division. It’s the people of the region who can cure this disease – not those who incubated the virus.

Tangled Threads of US False Narratives


Tangled Threads of US False Narratives

Exclusive: Official Washington’s many false narratives about Russia and Syria have gotten so tangled that they have become a danger to the struggle against Sunni jihadist terrorism and conceivably a threat to the future of the planet, a risk that Robert Parry explores.

By Robert Parry

Ex: http://www.consortiumnews.com

One way to view Official Washington is to envision a giant bubble that serves as a hothouse for growing genetically modified “group thinks.” Most inhabitants of the bubble praise these creations as glorious and beyond reproach, but a few dissenters note how strange and dangerous these products are. Those critics, however, are then banished from the bubble, leaving behind an evermore concentrated consensus.

This process could be almost comical – as the many armchair warriors repeat What Everyone Knows to Be True as self-justifying proof that more and more wars and confrontations are needed – but the United States is the most powerful nation on earth and its fallacious “group thinks” are spreading a widening arc of chaos and death around the globe.

We even have presidential candidates, especially among the Republicans but including former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, competing to out-bellicose each other, treating an invasion of Syria as the least one can do and some even bragging about how they might like to shoot down a few Russian warplanes.

Though President Barack Obama has dragged his heels regarding some of the more extreme proposals, he still falls in line with the “group think,” continuing to insist on “regime change” in Syria (President Bashar al-Assad “must go”), permitting the supply of sophisticated weapons to Sunni jihadists (including TOW anti-tank missiles to Ahrar ash-Sham, a jihadist group founded by Al Qaeda veterans and fighting alongside Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front), and allowing his staff to personally insult Russian President Vladimir Putin (having White House spokesman Josh Earnest in September demean Putin’s posture for sitting with his legs apart during a Kremlin meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu).

Not surprisingly, I guess, Earnest’s prissy disapproval of what is commonly called “man spread” didn’t extend to Netanyahu who adopted the same open-leg posture in the meeting with Putin on Sept. 21 and again in last week’s meeting with Obama, who – it should be noted – sat with his legs primly crossed.

This combination of tough talk, crude insults and reckless support of Al Qaeda-connected jihadis (“our guys”) apparently has become de rigueur in Official Washington, which remains dominated by the foreign policy ideology of neoconservatives, who established the goal of “regime change” in Iraq, Syria and Iran as early as 1996 and haven’t changed course since. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “How Neocons Destabilized Europe.”]

Shaping Narratives

Despite the catastrophic Iraq War – based on neocon-driven falsehoods about WMD and the complicit unthinking “group think” – the neocons retained their influence largely through an alliance with “liberal interventionists” and their combined domination of major Washington think tanks, from the American Enterprise Institute to the Brookings Institution, and the mainstream U.S. news media, including The Washington Post and The New York Times.

This power base has allowed the neocons to continue shaping Official Washington’s narratives regardless of what the actual facts are. For instance, a Post editorial on Thursday repeated the claim that Assad’s “atrocities” included use of chemical weapons, an apparent reference to the now largely discredited claim that Assad’s forces were responsible for a sarin gas attack outside Damascus on Aug. 21, 2013.

After the attack, there was a rush to judgment by the U.S. State Department blaming Assad’s troops and leading Secretary of State John Kerry to threaten retaliatory strikes against the Syrian military. But U.S. intelligence analysts refused to sign on to the hasty conclusions, contributing to President Obama’s last-minute decision to hold off on a bombing campaign and to accept Putin’s help in negotiating Assad’s surrender of all Syrian chemical weapons (though Assad still denied a role in the sarin attack).

Subsequently, much of the slapdash case for bombing Syria fell apart. As more evidence became available, it increasingly appeared that the sarin attack was a provocation by Sunni jihadists, possibly aided by Turkish intelligence, to trick the United States into destroying Assad’s military and thus clearing the way for a Sunni jihadist victory.

We now know that the likely beneficiaries of such a U.S. attack would have been Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and the spinoff known as the Islamic State (also called ISIS, ISIL or Daesh). But the Obama administration never formally retracted its spurious sarin claims, thus allowing irresponsible media outlets, such as The Washington Post, to continue citing the outdated “group think.”

The same Post editorial denounced Assad for using “barrel bombs” against the Sunni rebels who are seeking to overthrow his secular government, which is viewed as the protector of Syria’s minorities – including Christians, Alawites and Shiites – who could face genocide if the Sunni extremists prevail.

Though this “barrel bomb” theme has become a favorite talking point of both the neocons and liberal “human rights” groups, it’s never been clear how these homemade explosive devices shoved out of helicopters are any more inhumane than the massive volumes of “shock and awe” ordnance, including 500-pound bombs, deployed by the U.S. military across the Middle East, killing not only targeted fighters but innocent civilians.

Nevertheless, the refrain “barrel bombs” is accepted across Official Washington as a worthy argument for launching devastating airstrikes against Syrian government targets, even if such attacks clear the way for Al Qaeda’s allies and offshoots gaining control of Damascus and unleashing even a worse humanitarian cataclysm. [See Consortiumnews.com’s “Obama’s Ludicrous ‘Barrel Bomb’ Theme.”]

False-Narrative Knots

But it is now almost impossible for Official Washington to disentangle itself from all the false narratives that the neocons and the liberal hawks have spun in support of their various “regime change” strategies. Plus, there are few people left inside the bubble who even recognize how false these narratives are.

So, the American people are left with the mainstream U.S. news media endlessly repeating storylines that are either completely false or highly exaggerated. For instance, we hear again and again that the Russians intervened in the Syrian conflict promising to strike only ISIS but then broke their word by attacking Al Qaeda’s Nusra Front and “our guys” in Sunni jihadist forces armed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and the CIA.

Though you hear this narrative everywhere in Official Washington, no one ever actually quotes Putin or another senior Russian official promising to strike only at ISIS. In all the quotes that I’ve seen, the Russians refer to attacking “terrorists,” including but not limited to ISIS.

Unless Official Washington no longer regards Al Qaeda as a terrorist organization – a trial balloon that some neocons have floated – then the Putin-lied narrative makes no sense, even though every Important Person Knows It to Be True, including Obama’s neocon-leaning Defense Secretary Ashton Carter.

The U.S. political and media big shots also mock the current Russian-Iranian proposal for first stabilizing Syria and then letting the Syrian people decide their own leadership through internationally observed democratic elections.

Okay, you might say, what’s wrong with letting the Syrian people go to the polls and pick their own leaders? But that just shows that you’re a Russian-Iranian “apologist” who doesn’t belong inside the bubble. The Right Answer is that “Assad Must Go!” whatever the Syrian people might think.

Or, as the snarky neocon editors of The Washington Post wrote on Thursday, “Mr. Putin duly dispatched his foreign minister to talks in Vienna last weekend on a Syrian political settlement. But Moscow and Tehran continue to push for terms that would leave Mr. Assad in power for 18 months or longer, while — in theory — a new constitution is drafted and elections organized. Even a U.S. proposal that Mr. Assad be excluded from the eventual elections was rejected, according to Iranian officials.”

In other words, the U.S. government doesn’t want the Syrian people to decide whether Assad should be kicked out, an odd and contradictory stance since President Obama keeps insisting that the vast majority of Syrians hate Assad. If that’s indeed the case, why not let free-and-fair elections prove the point? Or is Obama so enthralled by the neocon insistence of “regime change” for governments on Israel’s “hit list” that he doesn’t want to take the chance of the Syrian voters getting in the way?

Reality Tied Down

But truth and reality have become in Official Washington something like Gulliver being tied down by the Lilliputians. There are so many strands of lies and distortions that it’s impossible for sanity to rise up.

Another major factor in America’s crisis of false narratives relates to the demonizing of Russia and Putin, a process that dates back in earnest to 2013 when Putin helped Obama sidetrack the neocon dream of bombing Syria and then Putin compounded his offense by assisting Obama in getting Iran to constrain its nuclear program, which derailed another neocon dream to bomb-bomb-bomb Iran.

It became ominously clear to the neocons that this collaboration between the two presidents might even lead to joint pressure on Israel to finally reach a peace agreement with the Palestinians, a possibility that struck too close to the heart of neocon thinking which, for the past two decades, has favored using “regime change” in nearby countries to isolate and starve Lebanon’s Hezbollah and Palestinian groups, giving Israel a free hand to do whatever it wished.

So, this Obama-Putin relationship had to be blown up and the point of detonation was Ukraine on Russia’s border. Official Washington’s false narratives around the Ukraine crisis are now also central to neocon/liberal-hawk efforts to prevent meaningful coordination between Obama and Putin in countering ISIS and Al Qaeda in Syria and Iraq.

Inside Official Washington’s bubble, the crisis in Ukraine is routinely described as a simple case of Russian “aggression” against Ukraine, including an “invasion” of Crimea.

If you relied on The New York Times or The Washington Post or the major networks that repeat what the big newspapers say, you wouldn’t know there was a U.S.-backed coup in February 2014 that overthrew the elected Ukrainian government of Viktor Yanukovych, even after he agreed to a European compromise in which he surrendered many powers and accepted early elections.

media truth good one.jpg

Instead of letting that agreement go forward, right-wing ultra-nationalists, including neo-Nazis operating inside the Maidan protests, overran government buildings in Kiev on Feb. 22, 2014, causing Yanukovych and other leaders to flee for their lives.

Behind the scenes, U.S. officials, such as neocon Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs Victoria Nuland, had collaborated in the coup plans and celebrated the victory by Nuland’s handpicked leaders, including the post-coup Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, whom she referred to in an earlier intercepted phone call as “Yats is the guy.”

Nor would you know that the people of Crimea had voted overwhelmingly for President Yanukovych and – after the coup – voted overwhelmingly to get out of the failed Ukrainian state and reunify with Russia.

The major U.S. news media twists that reality into a Russian “invasion” of Crimea even though it was the strangest “invasion” ever because there were no photos of Russian troops landing on the beaches or parachuting from the skies. What the Post and the Times routinely ignored was that Russian troops were already stationed inside Crimea as part of a basing agreement for the Russian fleet at Sevastopol. They didn’t need to “invade.”

And Crimea’s referendum showing 96 percent approval for reunification with Russia – though hastily arranged – was not the “sham” that the U.S. mainstream media claimed. Indeed, the outcome has been reinforced by various polls conducted by Western agencies since then.

The MH-17 Case

The demonization of Putin reached new heights after the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 over eastern Ukraine killing all 298 people onboard. Although substantial evidence and logic point to elements of the Ukrainian military as responsible, Official Washington’s rush to judgment blamed ethnic Russian rebels for firing the missile and Putin for supposedly giving them a powerful Buk anti-aircraft missile system.

That twisted narrative often relied on restating the irrelevant point that the Buks are “Russian-made,” which was used to implicate Moscow but was meaningless since the Ukrainian military also possessed Buk missiles. The real question was who fired the missiles, not where they were made.

But the editors of the Post, the Times and the rest of the mainstream media think you are very stupid, so they keep emphasizing that the Buks are “Russian-made.” The more salient point is that U.S. intelligence with all its satellite and other capabilities was unable – both before and after the shoot-down – to find evidence that the Russians had given Buks to the rebels.

Since the Buk missiles are 16-feet-long and hauled around by slow-moving trucks, it is hard to believe that U.S. intelligence would not have spotted them given the intense surveillance then in effect over eastern Ukraine.


A more likely scenario of the MH-17 shoot-down was that Ukraine moved several of its Buk batteries to the frontlines, possibly fearing a Russian airstrike, and the operators were on edge after a Ukrainian warplane was shot down along the border on July 16, 2014, by an air-to-air missile presumably fired by a Russian plane.

But – after rushing out a white paper five days after the tragedy pointing the finger at Moscow – the U.S. government has refused to provide any evidence or intelligence that might help pinpoint who fired the missile that brought down MH-17.

Despite this remarkable failure by the U.S. government to cooperate with the investigation, the mainstream U.S. media has found nothing suspicious about this dog not barking and continues to cite the MH-17 case as another reason to despise Putin.

How upside-down this “Everything Is Putin’s Fault” can be was displayed in a New York Times “news analysis” by Steven Erlanger and Peter Baker on Thursday when all the “fundamental disagreements” between Obama and Putin were blamed on Putin.

“Dividing them are the Russian annexation of Crimea and its meddling in eastern Ukraine, Moscow’s efforts to demonize Washington and undermine confidence in NATO’s commitment to collective defense, and the Kremlin’s support of President Bashar al-Assad of Syria,” Erlanger and Baker wrote.

Helping ISIS

This tangle of false narratives is now tripping up the prospects of a U.S.-French-Russian-Iranian alliance to take on the Islamic State, Al Qaeda and other Sunni jihadist forces seeking to overthrow Syria’s secular government.

The neocon Washington Post, in particular, has been venomous about this potential collaboration which – while possibly the best chance to finally resolve the horrific Syrian conflict – would torpedo the neocons’ long-held vision of imposed “regime change” in Syria.

In editorials, the Post’s neocon editors also have displayed a stunning lack of sympathy for the 224 Russian tourists and crew killed in what appears to have been a terrorist bombing of a chartered plane over the Sinai in Egypt.

On Nov. 7, instead of expressing solidarity, the Post’s editors ridiculed Putin and Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi for not rushing to a judgment that it was an act of terrorism, instead insisting on first analyzing the evidence. The Post also mocked the two leaders for failing to vanquish the terrorists.

Or as the Post’s editors put it: “While Mr. Putin suspended Russian flights on [Nov. 6], his spokesman was still insisting there was no reason to conclude that there had been an act of terrorism. … While Western governments worried about protecting their citizens, the Sissi and Putin regimes were focused on defending themselves. …

“Both rulers have sold themselves as warriors courageously taking on the Islamic State and its affiliates; both are using that fight as a pretext to accomplish other ends, such as repressing peaceful domestic opponents and distracting attention from declining living standards. On the actual battlefield, both are failing.”

Given the outpouring of sympathy that the United States received after the 9/11 attacks and the condolences that flooded France over the past week, it is hard to imagine a more graceless reaction to a major terrorist attack against innocent Russians.

As for the Russian hesitancy to jump to conclusions earlier this month, that may have been partially wishful thinking but it surely is not an evil trait to await solid evidence before reaching a verdict. Even the Post’s editors admitted that U.S. officials noted that as of Nov. 7 there was “no conclusive evidence that the plane was bombed.”

But the Post couldn’t wait to link the terrorist attack to “Mr. Putin’s Syrian adventure” and hoped that it would inflict on Putin “a potentially grievous political wound.” The Post’s editors also piled on with the gratuitous claim that Russian officials “still deny the overwhelming evidence that a Russian anti-aircraft missile downed a Malaysian airliner over Ukraine last year.” (There it is again, the attempt to dupe Post readers with a reference to “a Russian anti-aircraft missile.”)

The Post seemed to take particular joy in the role of U.S. weapons killing Syrian and Iranian soldiers. On Thursday, the Post wrote, “Syrian and Iranian troops have lost scores of Russian-supplied tanks and armored vehicles to the rebels’ U.S.-made TOW missiles. Having failed to recapture significant territory, the Russian mission appears doomed to quagmire or even defeat in the absence of a diplomatic bailout.”

Upping the Ante

The neocons’ determination to demonize Putin has upped the ante, turning their Mideast obsession with “regime change” into a scheme for destabilizing Russia and forcing “regime change” in Moscow, setting the stage for a potential nuclear showdown that could end all life on the planet.

To listen to the rhetoric from most Republican candidates and Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton, it is not hard to envision how all the tough talk could take on a life of its own and lead to catastrophe. [See, for instance, Philip Giraldi’s review of the “war with Russia” rhetoric free-flowing on the campaign trail and around Official Washington.]

At this point, it may seem fruitless – even naïve – to suggest ways to pierce the various “group thinks” and the bubble that sustains them. But a counter-argument to the fake narratives is possible if some candidate seized on the principle of an informed electorate as vital to democracy.

An argument for empowering citizens with facts is one that transcends traditional partisan and ideological boundaries. Whether on the right, on the left or in the center, Americans don’t want to be treated like cattle being herded by propaganda or “strategic communication” or whatever the latest euphemism is for deception and manipulation.

So, a candidate could do the right thing and the smart thing by demanding the release of as much U.S. intelligence information to cut this Gordian knot of false narratives as possible. For instance, it is way past time to declassify the 28 pages from the congressional 9/11 report addressing alleged Saudi support for the hijackers. There also are surely more recent intelligence estimates on the funding of Al Qaeda’s affiliates and spin-offs, including ISIS.

If this information embarrasses some “allies” – such as Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – so be it. If this history makes some past or present U.S. president look bad, so be it. American elections are diminished, if not made meaningless, when there is no informed electorate.

A presidential candidate also could press President Obama to disclose what U.S. intelligence knows about other key turning points in the establishment of false narratives, such as what did CIA analysts conclude about the Aug. 21, 2013 sarin attack and what do they know about the July 17, 2014 shoot-down of MH-17.

The pattern of the U.S. government exploiting emotional moments to gain an edge in an “info-war” against some “enemy” and then going silent as more evidence comes in has become a direct threat to American democracy and – in regards to nuclear-armed Russia – possibly the planet.

Legitimate secrets, such as sources and methods, can be protected without becoming an all-purpose cloak to cover up whatever facts don’t fit with the desired propaganda narrative that is then used to whip the public into some mindless war frenzy.

However, at this point in the presidential campaign, no candidate is making transparency an issue. Yet, after the deceptions of the Iraq War – and with the prospects of another war based on misleading or selective information in Syria and potentially a nuclear showdown with Russia – it seems to me that the American people would respond positively to someone treating them with the respect deserving of citizens in a democratic Republic.

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book, America’s Stolen Narrative, either in print here or as an e-book (from Amazon and barnesandnoble.com). You also can order Robert Parry’s trilogy on the Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only $34. The trilogy includes America’s Stolen Narrative. For details on this offer, click here.

samedi, 21 novembre 2015

The Causes and Conditions That Led Up to ISIS


The Causes and Conditions That Led Up to ISIS


Ex: http://www.lewrockwell.com

In Buddhism, it is taught that things do not simply happen. Causes and conditions lead up to them: This is because that is, and that is because this is. Even something like a hurricane doesn’t just happen; a series of weather causes and conditions leads up to it. This is a universal truth. The Bible tells us that whatsoever a person sows, so shall he reap. And: A man does not pick figs from thistles.

Here we are, once again, beating the war drum here in America. As if France doesn’t have their own military to pursue a military solution to the attacks in Paris. We’re not asking the right questions when it comes to ISIS. The question right now is, “What do we do about them?” The question that needs to be asked is, “What are the causes and conditions that led up to ISIS?” No, I’m not getting into some moral relativist diatribe about how “one man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter” because that’s actually what the United States government does. That is one of the causes and conditions that led up to ISIS.

People have forgotten, this all began with the idea that someone besides Bashar al-Assad needed to run Syria. What’s more, no one wanted to wait for that to happen naturally or as a matter of socio-political evolution. No, it was decided that Assad needed to go sooner rather than later. Whose idea was this? The United States government. To that end, the U.S. began arming and training paramilitary entities that became ISIS eventually. There are several causes and conditions right there in a nutshell.

The United States never asked, “Who is a better person than Assad to lead Syria?” In fact, there was no person that stood up and declared himself to be the Syrian Thomas Jefferson. And hadn’t the U.S. falsely imagined such Jeffersons capable of manifesting in places such as Afghanistan and Iraq? Therefore, there were no causes and conditions that could lead up to anything but senseless violence since there was, in fact, no actual goal towards a better government or even a popular person/figure to rally behind. There was no manifesto, no drafted constitution, no socio-political ideal other than the ideal the United States claimed of “freedom”. Yes, well, “freedom” is a big word. What did that mean in Syria? Anyone know? No one can answer that question because it was the United States saying that. To the groups that the U.S. backed, it was a free-for-all to see who would be the last man standing and become the new boss (worse than the old boss) but the new boss America liked. Until it didn’t, as happened with Saddam Hussein.

So, if we’re going to go to war in Syria, what causes and conditions are coming into play? One only needs to look at what happened to Afghanistan and Iraq. Precariously propped up regimes built on a house of cards (actually, built upon a house of U.S. dollar bills) that is only a hop, skip, and a suicide bombing away from a coup d’état to install a guy that’ll make the Ayatollah Khomeini look like a hippie. People fail to understand that the United States cannot and will not ever “win” such a war no matter how many chairborne rangers mindlessly chant “USA, USA, USA!!” for a war they won’t have to go fight themselves. In fact, that mantra—USA, USA, USA!!!—is just the mantra of the cult of patriotism; the most dangerous religion on the planet. So far, Islamic suicide bombers are not capable of taking the entire planet with them. The United States government can, because we still have the biggest arsenal of nuclear weapons on the planet. Put that into your missile silo and smoke it. So to speak.

Syria is the latest installment in the Quagmire-Of-The-Month Club—-collect them all! I think a major ground war is already on the way, with the expensive shipping and handling fees attached. Again, there is no way to win a war in Syria, not the way the United States wants to “win” it. The causes and conditions created by a U.S. war in Syria are already in play and have been since we began arming terrorists. Those chickens will continue coming home to roost for quite some time. But let the U.S. go in there and decide it needed to occupy that country, er, excuse me, build a democracy over there. That insurgency born from resistance to the U.S. occupation will become an even bigger terrorist magnet than ISIS. The West will look back with fondness on the days they only had ISIS to deal with, rather than probably five to ten other highly-organized irregular armies. And all of them capable of crossing into Western nations undetected by Western dumb-giant intelligence agencies.

géopolitique,actualité,isis,état islamique,daech,syrie,proche orient,levant,irak,états-unis,terrorisme,djihadisme,politique internationale

The U.S. created an irregular army that was capable of defeating Syria’s modern professional army in battle. Oops, guess what? It was also capable of defeating Iraq’s army. The U.S. doesn’t realize that the ambitions of a group such as ISIS do not become immediately obvious. Nor do they advertise who they are. The U.S. thought it could manipulate the irregulars that became ISIS. In turn, the U.S. itself got manipulated. The U.S. then thought it could use ISIS anyway and after Assad was gone, get rid of ISIS with a few airstrikes. However, this turned out like the guy that gets a baby alligator as a pet. Before he knows it, it’s gotten huge and one day, eats his poodle. So he dumps it into a local pond and imagines he’s done. It gets bigger and bigger, preying on various animals in the pond. One day, the guy forgets he put the alligator there and goes for a midnight swim in the pond and ends up as a snack. When you do business with predators, see, they will always end up biting you in the keester one day.

That’s the gist of the tale. The U.S. engaged in business with predators in Syria. They were hunting Assad with the goal of taking Syria as their own territory. Classic predator action. They even marked their territory and the U.S. failed to read that. Therefore, if you are creating this pack of predators, what makes you think you can control them? These are velociraptors on tweek. These are causes and conditions that lead up to—what? Those predators deciding to attack you also. Oh, they can’t win? Guess again. They can slog along a quagmire for over a decade, with tremendous casualties all along the way. But the West? As soon as the West loses about a thousand soldiers, the people that chanted “USA, USA, USA!” will start breaking out all those anti-war slogans from the Sixties. Never underestimate predators. If any of these clowns had ever observed predators in the wild, they’d have never, ever, backed these Syrian “moderates” of a few years ago that we now call ISIS. They’d have gone home and never, ever, hiked that canyon again where those mountain lion tracks were spotted.

There you have it. Nothing will happen but more chaos, more senseless violence, and more futile military action until we address the causes and conditions that lead up to things such as ISIS. And what is the primary cause and condition? United States foreign policy.

vendredi, 20 novembre 2015

Bush savait que l’attaque terroriste de 2001 était imminente


Politico rapporte que Bush savait que l’attaque terroriste de 2001 était imminente et qu’il voulait qu’elle ait lieu

Ex: http://www.arretsurinfo.ch

Un article extraordinaire de Politico du 12 novembre, intitulé « Les attaques vont être spectaculaires », révèle que le directeur de la CIA George Tenet, et que son chef de l’anti-terrorisme, Cofer Black, avaient prévenu la Maison Blanche, mais qu’on leur avait répondu : « Nous ne sommes pas tout à fait prêts à examiner cette question. Nous ne voulons pas lancer le compte à rebours. » Comme le journaliste de Politico, Chris Whipple, l’explique ensuite : « Traduction: ils ne veulent pas qu’un écrit montre qu’ils avaient été avertis. »

Ça ne pourrait pas être pire. Bush savait que ça allait arriver, mais n’a rien fait pour l’empêcher. Il n’a même pas essayé. En d’autres termes, sa seule vraie préoccupation, à l’époque, était que ce soit fait d’une manière telle qu’on ne puisse pas prouver qu’il le savait – pour qu’il puisse nier qu’il avait laissé consciemment cela se produire. Il a bien insisté là-dessus. Et c’est ce qu’il a fait, il a toujours nié sa participation.

Whipple écrit ensuite:

Le matin du 10 juillet, le chef du département de l’agence qui surveillait Al-Qaïda, Richard Blee, a fait irruption dans le bureau de Black. « Et il a dit :  Chef, ça y est. Le toit s’est écroulé, » raconte Black. « Les informations que nous avions réunies étaient absolument incontestables. Les sources se recoupaient. Et c’était en quelque sorte la goutte qui faisait déborder le vase. » Black et son adjoint se sont précipités dans le bureau du directeur pour informer Tenet. Ils sont tous tombé d’accord qu’il fallait organiser  une réunion d’urgence à la Maison Blanche.

Cette réunion a eu lieu à la Maison Blanche. Mais avec Condoleezza Rice, la conseillère à la sécurité nationale et l’amie personnelle de Bush, et pas avec Bush lui-même – la possibilité de nier était l’obsession de Bush, et agir de cette façon permettait de la préserver; si on apprenait un jour que cette réunion s’était tenue, Rice serait la seule personne à devoir se justifier. Elle protégeait le Président, qui ainsi n’aurait pas à rendre de comptes sur le fait qu’il avait permis l’attaque – si un jour on lui en demandait. En dépit de l’importance et de l’urgence du problème, Bush n’a pas jugé utile de venir en personne parler à Tenet et à Black, ni de les interroger.

Black et Tenet ont été stupéfaits de sa réponse. Black a dit Politico : « Je continue à ne rien y comprendre. Je veux dire, comment est-il possible d’avertir ses supérieurs autant de fois sans que rien ne se passe ? C’est un peu comme dans La Quatrième dimension.*»

Toutefois, lorsque la Maison Blanche avait dit: « Nous ne voulons pas lancer le compte à rebours, » la réponse à ce mystère était déjà claire, et Black et Tenet étaient tous les deux des gens intelligents; ils savaient ce que ça voulait dire, mais ils savaient aussi qu’ils se mettraient en danger s’ils venaient à dire publiquement: La Maison Blanche avait l’intention de faire une déclaration du genre, « Nous ne savions pas que ça allait se produire, » après les faits. Et c’est, bien sûr, exactement ce que la Maison Blanche a dit. Et elle continue à le dire : le successeur de Bush n’a aucun intérêt à changer de version ; le président Obama a lui-même menti au public, quand il a dit, par exemple, que les attaques du 21 août 2013 au gaz sarin en Syrie avaient été perpétrées par les forces de Bachar al-Assad, alors qu’elles l’avaient été par les forces qu’Obama soutenait – et il savait pertinemment que c’était elles qui l’avaient fait – ; ou quand il a dit que le renversement, en février 2014, du président ukrainien Viktor Yanoukovitch – démocratiquement élu (mais corrompu comme la quasi-totalité des derniers dirigeants ukrainiens) – était une révolution démocratique, et non pas un coup d’Etat américain que sa propre administration avait commencé à préparer au printemps 2013.

George W. Bush vient d’une famille de pétroliers, et toute l’opération a tourné autour du pétrole. Un autre copain de Bush était «Bandar Bush», le prince Bandar bin Sultan al-Saoud, le membre de la famille royale saoudienne qui était à l’époque ambassadeur du Royaume à Washington, mais qui, par la suite, est devenu le principal stratège international de la famille Saoud. Wikipedia, par exemple, dit de lui qu’« après la fin des tensions avec le Qatar sur l’approvisionnement de groupes rebelles [pour renverser Assad en Syrie], l’Arabie saoudite (sous la direction de Bandar) a détourné ses efforts de la Turquie pour les orienter vers la Jordanie en 2012 ; il a exercé des pressions financières sur la Jordanie pour pouvoir y développer des camps d’entraînement supervisés par son demi-frère et adjoint Salman bin Sultan. »

Le président Obama continue de protéger George W. Bush, et d’empêcher la famille Saoud d’être poursuivie pour être le principal bailleur de fonds des djihadistes (« terroristes »), en maintenant au secret dans une prison fédérale l’homme qui avait servi Oussama ben Laden en tant que comptable d’Al-Qaïda et collecteur de fonds ; il se rendait surtout en Arabie saoudite, la patrie des Sunnites, mais aussi dans d’autres royaumes arabes sunnites, pour recueillir des dons en espèces de plusieurs millions de dollars pour la cause d’Al-Qaïda du djihad mondial, du liquide provenant, entre autres, du prince Bandar bin Sultan lui-même. Le comptable / collecteur de fonds a dit qu’ils payaient de gros salaires à leurs combattants. C’était des mercenaires tout autant que des djihadistes. Le comptable / collecteur de fonds a également dit que « sans l’argent des Saoudiens, rien ne serait possible ». Le témoignage du comptable / collecteur de fonds a été requis dans une affaire judiciaire initiée par des membres de la famille de victimes du 11 septembre, et même le président américain n’a pas réussi à l’empêcher, ou alors il s’en est servi pour signifier subtilement au roi saoudien que nous, les États-Unis nous sommes le boss et que nous pouvons le faire tomber, si Obama décide de le faire. C’est seulement grâce à la collaboration des médias étasuniens que le secret du financement du mouvement de djihad international pourra désormais être gardé.

septny.jpgMais l’aristocratie américaine ne veut certainement pas que le Président, dont ils sont propriétaires, le fasse ; après tout, les Saoud leur ont toujours énormément rapporté. Comme Thalif Deen de Inter Press Service l’a rapporté le 9 novembre 2015, «Le gros contrat d’armement  d’environ 60 milliards de dollars d’armes avec l’Arabie Saoudite, est considéré comme le plus gros de toute l’histoire des États-Unis. Selon le Government Accountability Office (GAO.)**, l’organisme d’audit apolitique du Congrès des États-Unis, environ 40 milliards de dollars de transferts d’armes aux six pays du Golfe ont été autorisés entre 2005 et 2009, et l’Arabie saoudite et les Émirats Arabes Unis en ont été les plus gros bénéficiaires. « Les Saoud en achetaient plus que toutes les autres familles royales sunnites réunies, plus encore que les Thani qui contrôlent le Qatar. Ces deux pays et les Émirats arabes unis, tous des dictatures fondamentalistes sunnites, ont le plus contribué à faire tomber le leader chiite laïc de Syrie, Bachar al-Assad. L’aristocratie étasunienne a également et de longue date, le soutien de la famille Saoud pour réaliser son vieux rêve de prendre le contrôle de la Russie.

Le 9 octobre 2001, juste après le 11 septembre, Le New York Times a cité Bandar Bush:

« Ben Laden avait l’habitude de venir nous voir, quand l’Amérique, je dis bien l’Amérique, aidait nos frères moudjahidines en Afghanistan par l’intermédiaire de la CIA et de l’Arabie saoudite, pour se débarrasser des forces laïques communistes de l’Union soviétique », a déclaré le prince Bandar. « Oussama ben Laden est venu nous dire : « Merci. Merci d’avoir fait venir les Américains pour nous aider ».

Bien que le communisme soit arrivé à son terme, le gouvernement de la Russie est toujours laïc, et la Russie est un concurrent de plus en plus sérieux pour les dictateurs pétroliers sunnites fondamentalistes sur les marchés pétroliers et gaziers internationaux (en particulier le marché européen); ainsi donc, les dictatures djihadistes et les Etats-Unis font cause commune dans le but de remplacer le gouvernement de la Russie pour le plus grand profit des aristocraties de toutes ces nations.

Et, de plus, pour faire ce travail, les investisseurs de Lockheed Martin et d’autres fournisseurs du Pentagone tirent au passage un grand profit de la vente d’armement, etc.. Le président des Etats-Unis est leur meilleur démarcheur commercial. Dans la Stratégie sécurité nationale 2015*** du président Obama, le terme « agression ». revient 18 fois, dont 17 fois en référence à la Russie. Il s’agit là de la mission qu’Obama assigne au ministère de la «Défense» des États-Unis, car, bien sûr, les Etats-Unis ne pourraient jamais participer à une « agression » ; de fait, le terme « agression » n’est jamais appliqué aux États-Unis eux-mêmes. Par exemple, notre bombardement de la Libye pour se débarrasser de Mouammar Kadhafi, un allié de la Russie, était purement défensif, absolument conforme aux traditions du département de la « Défense » des États-Unis.

Voici un autre extrait de l’article du  NYT de 2001 sur Bandar Bush :

Il a reconnu que la cause d’une partie de la rage des milieux islamistes radicaux est économique, et que les droits de l’homme étaient un luxe que certains pays arabes ne pouvaient pas se permettre. « Nous voulons d’abord que la plupart des gens aient assez à manger. Si nous y arrivons, alors il sera temps de s’occuper de tous vos fantasmes, à vous les Américains, » a-t-il dit.

Le roi saoudien est la personne la plus riche du monde, et de loin : il possède le gouvernement saoudien qui détient Saudi Aramco qui possède des réserves de pétrole de 260 millions de barils, ce qui à 40 dollars du baril, équivaut à un trillion de dollars ; et ce n’est qu’un début. Il faut y ajouter la richesse personnelle de personnes comme le prince Bandar, ou le prince Al-Walid Bin Talal Bin Abdulaziz Al Saoud – ce dernier est parmi les principaux actionnaires à la fois de Rupert Murdoch News Corp. et de Citigroup (et d’autres grandes sociétés). Donc, pour ce roi mille fois milliardaire et ces princes milliardaires, les « droits de l’homme » sont un luxe que l’Arabie saoudite ne peut pas se permettre. »

Et voici quelque chose d’autre que Bandar Bush a déclaré au NYT:

« Dans une démocratie occidentale, si vous perdez le contact avec votre peuple, vous perdez les élections », a déclaré le prince Bandar. « Dans une monarchie, vous perdez votre tête. »

Résumons-nous : la raison pour laquelle le pote de Bush (et de la plus grande partie de l’aristocratie américaine), le prince Bandar, ne veut pas de la démocratie en Arabie Saoudite, c’est que c’est une monarchie et que tous les membres de la famille royale pourrait perdre leur tête si leur pays devenait démocratique. Ils veulent que «la plupart des gens aient à manger »  dans leur royaume, mais ils ne veulent pas de « tous vos fantasmes à vous, les Américains » Il leur faut d’abord construire des palais. Quand ils en auront assez (ce qui n’arrivera jamais), les Saoud laisseront les « droits de l’homme » entrer dans «leur» pays.

C’est aussi la raison pour laquelle chaque membre de la royauté doit contribuer généreusement aux fonds que les religieux saoudiens – le clergé le plus fondamentaliste de tous les pays à majorité musulmane – leur désignent comme étant saints, à savoir des groupes djihadistes comme Al-Qaïda et ISIS, qui ont pour objectif de propager leur religion dans le monde entier. Tout cela a son origine dans l’accord de 1744, que le clerc anti-chiite fanatique Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab et l’ambitieux chef de gang Muhammad ibn Saoud (le fondateur de l’Arabie saoudite) ont conclu, et qui a établi simultanément la nation saoudienne wahhabite et la secte wahhabite de l’Islam, qui ont une seule et même tête : les descendants de Saoud. Cet accord a été fort bien décrit dans le livre d’Helen Chapin Metz publié en 1992 au catalogue de la libraire du Congrès américain, Arabie Saoudite: une étude du pays. (C’est moi qui en souligne une phrase) :

Manquant de soutien politique en Huraymila [où il vivait], Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab est retourné à Uyaynah [la ville où il était né], où il a rallié à lui plusieurs dirigeants locaux. Uyaynah, cependant, était tout près de Al Hufuf, l’un des centres chiites duodécimains de l’est de l’Arabie, et ses dirigeants se sont naturellement alarmés du ton anti-chiite du message wahhabite. En partie en raison de leur influence, Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab a été obligé de quitter Uyaynah, et il est allé à Diriyah. Il avait auparavant pris contact avec Muhammad ibn Saoud, le chef de Diriyah à l’époque [à qui il avait insufflé sa haine des chiites], et deux des frères [de Saoud] qui l’avaient accompagné [Saoud] quand il [en accord avec les  enseignements Wahhabites de la haine des chiites] avait détruit des monuments funéraires [qui étaient sacrés pour les chiites] autour d’Uyaynah.


En conséquence, lorsque Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab est arrivé à Ad Diriyah, les Al Saoud étaient prêts à le soutenir. En 1744, Muhammad ibn Saoud et Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab ont fait le serment musulman traditionnel de travailler ensemble à établir un État dirigé selon les principes islamiques. Jusqu’à cette époque, les Al Saoud avaient été considérés comme des chefs tribaux traditionnels dont le pouvoir était fondé sur une autorité ancienne, mais vague.

Muhammad ibn Abd al Wahhab a offert aux Al Saoud une mission religieuse clairement définie sur laquelle assoir leur autorité politique. Ce sentiment de mission religieuse imprègne toujours clairement l’idéologie politique de l’Arabie saoudite des années 1990.

Muhammad ibn Saoud a commencé sa mission à la tête d’une armée qui passait dans les villes et les villages du Najd pour éradiquer diverses pratiques populaires et chiites. La campagne a permis de rallier les villes et les tribus du Najd à la loi Al Saud-wahhabite. Dès 1765, les forces de Muhammad ibn Saoud avaient établi le wahhabisme – et avec lui l’autorité politique Al Saoud – sur la plus grande partie du Najd.

Donc: l’Arabie saoudite a été fondée sur la haine des musulmans chiites, et elle a été fondée sur un accord de 1744 entre un dignitaire fondamentaliste sunnite Wahhabite qui haïssait les Chiites, et Saoud, un chef de bande impitoyable, un accord aux termes duquel le clergé accorderait aux Saoud la sainte légitimité du Coran; et, en échange, les Saoud financeraient la propagation de la secte fanatique anti-chiite de Wahhab.

Tandis que l’aristocratie étasunienne veut, à tous prix, conquérir la Russie, l’aristocratie Saoudienne veut, à tous prix, conquérir l’Iran.

Voici ce que le prince saoudien Al-Walid ben Talal al-Saoud aurait dit à ce sujet le 27 octobre 2015, dans le journal Al Qabas du Koweït :

De mon point de vue, le litige du Moyen-Orient est une question de vie ou de mort pour le Royaume d’Arabie saoudite, et je sais que les Iraniens cherchent à renverser le régime saoudien en jouant la carte palestinienne, et donc, pour déjouer leur complot, l’Arabie Saoudite et Israël doivent renforcer leurs relations et former un front uni pour contrecarrer le programme ambitieux de Téhéran.

L’ennemi, pour les aristocrates saoudiens, n’est pas Israël; c’est l’Iran. Ils détestent les Iraniens, plus encore qu’ils ne détestent les Russes. En fait, Talal a également dit ce jour-là : « Je me rangerai aux côtés de la nation juive et de ses aspirations démocratiques si une Intifada palestinienne (un soulèvement) se déclenche. » Les Israéliens haïssaient les Iraniens autant que les Iraniens détestaient les Israéliens, et le Prince Talal accueillait les Israéliens dans sa mission de détruire l’Iran. Donc : les Saoud et Israël sont du même côté.

George W. Bush a continué la guerre de l’Amérique contre la Russie. Le 29 mars 2004, il a fièrement amené dans l’OTAN, le club militaire anti-russe, 7 nouveaux membres, qui étaient tous auparavant des alliés de la Russie au sein de l’URSS et du Pacte de Varsovie. Ces 7 pays sont: la Bulgarie, l’Estonie, la Lettonie, la Lituanie, la Roumanie, la Slovaquie et la Slovénie.

Barack Obama a poursuivi cette politique anti-russe, le 1er avril 2009, en ajoutant l’Albanie et la Croatie, puis en perpétrant un coup d’Etat en Ukraine qui a fait de ce pays un état fanatiquement anti-russe et anxieux d’adhérer à l’OTAN. Obama a également fait tuer le libyen pro-russe, Mouammar Kadhafi, et a fait attaquer le syrien pro-russe, Bachar al-Assad par les djihadistes armés par les familles royales d’Arabie saoudite et du Qatar.

L’ami des familles royales arabes, Oussama ben Laden, a finalement été sacrifié sur l’autel de l’objectif suprême de l’alliance américano-saoudienne, qui était d’éliminer le leader laïc pro-russe de l’Irak, Saddam Hussein, et d’engendrer (via le 11 septembre, etc.) l’hystérie collective qui a permis de faire passer des lois dictatoriales par le Congrès des États-Unis, et par de plus en plus de pays dans le reste de l’Empire américano-saoudien.

En outre, les industries militaires américaines se sont bien remises de l’effondrement boursier qui a précédé le 11 septembre, en grande partie grâce au succès de la campagne pour instiller la crainte de la Russie, à l’augmentation du terrorisme et à l’hystérie publique concomitante qui permet à un pays « démocratique » d’envahir et d’envahir encore pour tuer les combattants djihadistes que « nos amis » les Saoud et d’autres familles royales arabes sunnites financent.

Les Saoudiens sont actuellement très en colère contre Barack Obama pour avoir négocié sérieusement avec les Iraniens. Pour l’aristocratie américaine, la cible à détruire n’est pas l’Iran, mais la Russie. Obama représente l’aristocratie américaine, pas l’aristocratie saoudienne. Les aristocraties étasunienne et saoudienne n’ont pas les mêmes priorités.

Mais leur alliance a été très efficace. Peut-être que, lorsqu’il a surpris et même choqué sa CIA en lui répondant : « Nous ne sommes pas tout à fait prêt à examiner cette question. Nous ne voulons pas lancer le compte à rebours », George W. Bush avait déjà discuté en privé avec son pote Bandar Bush, de la manière d’atteindre les plus importants objectifs des aristocraties étasunienne et saoudienne ; et qu’ensemble ils ont mis sur pied ce plan, bien avant que la CIA n’en ait pris connaissance. Cela semble être l’explication la plus vraisemblable de la réponse énigmatique de Bush, le 10 juillet 2001.

Eric Zuesse | 18.11.2015

Historien d’investigation Eric Zuesse est l’auteur de They’re Not Even Close: The Democratic vs. Republican Economic Records, 1910-2010 et de CHRIST’S VENTRILOQUISTS: The Event that Created Christianity.

Notes :

* La Quatrième Dimension (The Twilight Zone) est une série télévisée américaine de science-fiction (Wikipedia)

** Le Government Accountability Office (GAO) est l’organisme d’audit, d’évaluation et d’investigation du Congrès des États-Unis chargé du contrôle des comptes publics du budget fédéral des États-Unis (Wikipedia).

*** https://share.america.gov/fr/la-strategie-de-securite-nat...

Article original: http://www.strategic-culture.org/news/2015/11/18/politico...

Traduction : Dominique Muselet

Source: http://arretsurinfo.ch/politico-rapporte-que-bush-savait-...

Michael T. Flynn: "Les USA ont délibérément soutenu les extrémistes en Syrie"


Michael T. Flynn (DIA):

"Les USA ont délibérément

soutenu les extrémistes en Syrie"

jeudi, 19 novembre 2015

"There's No Such Thing As ISIS"


"There's No Such Thing As ISIS": Journalist Destroys West's Terror Narrative, Warns Of Crackdown On "Dissidents"


Zero Hedge & http://www.lewrockwell.com

On Saturday, the day after the massacre in France which turned the streets of Paris into a warzone and left some 130 civilians dead, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad had a message for the West.

While condemning the attacks and branding the perpetrators “savages”, he was also quick to note that Syria has been dealing with this brand of terrorism for nearly five years straight. In what amounted to an “I told you so” moment, Assad also said the following: “We said, don’t take what is happening in Syria lightly. Unfortunately, European officials did not listen.” 

Assad also took the opportunity to once again suggest that the West’s sponsorship of the regional powers who support (both explicitly and implicitly) Sunni extremism in Syria is the root cause of the problem although the language he used was a bit less harsh than that which he employed in September (presumably because he was trying not to inflame tensions less than 24 hours after the Paris massacre). Here’s what he said: “The question that is being asked throughout France today is, was France’s policy over the past five years the right one? The answer is no.”

Presumably, Assad was referencing the West’s support for the various militant groups seeking to oust his government. Those groups, including ISIS, have received money, guns, and training at various times from the CIA, from Turkey, from Saudi Arabia, and from Qatar. The situation on the ground is of course so fluid that it’s nearly impossible to keep track of where the guns, money, and fighters end up, meaning that even those observers who shun conspiracy theories would be hard pressed to contend that the US has not at least indirectly armed and trained ISIS. 

Perhaps the most overlooked passage in all of the leaked documents that have surfaced thus far is the following from a declassified Pentagon report dated August 2012 and obtained by Judicial Watch:

…there is the possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist Principality in eastern Syria (Hasaka and Der Zor), and this is exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion (Iraq and Iran).”

That’s it.

That’s the smoking gun and nobody seems to care.

The passage above clearly states that the US knew this was coming and viewed it as “exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want” on the way to not only “isolating” Assad, but also to breaking Tehran’s Shiite crescent.

Although that’s such a critical excerpt, it has been habitually overlooked, and ironically, tragedies like that which occurred in Paris only serve to galvanize public opinion around an ideal rather than around the search for answers and that, is a dangerous, dangerous thing.

In that context and (importantly) in the context of French President Francois Hollande’s push to alter the French Constitution, we bring you the following interview with journalist Gearoid O’Colmain who pretty much blows apart the entire charade in the space of ten minutes.

“There is no such thing as ISIS. ISIS is a creation of the US, we know that from official sources of the US military themselves and declassified documents”…


Political author Gearoid O Colmain discusses the Paris attacks with RT International

Reprinted with permission from Zero Hedge.

lundi, 16 novembre 2015

In Birmania è già scontro Cina – USA


In Birmania è già scontro Cina – USA
La recente storica vittoria della Lega nazionale per la Democrazia di San Suu Kyi, a 25 anni dall’inizio della sua protesta non violenta regala già i primi nodi da sciogliere su questioni interne ed estere. Tra tutela dei diritti umani e politiche di vicinato, subito si apre un nuovo fronte sullo scontro egemonico Cina – Stati Uniti, entrambi interessati ad accaparrarsi una fetta di economia locale.
Ex: http://www.lintellettualedissidente.it

birm3.pngLa pomposità e il clima festoso con i quali vengono accolte notizie, definite epocali, come la vittoria di leader definiti democratici ed incensati dall’opinione pubblica come salvatori dei popoli, hanno accompagnato ancora una volta le vicissitudini tortuose del trionfo elettorale di Aung San Suu Kyi, storica cenerentola della ex-Birmania, oggi Myanmar, che dopo 15 anni di prigionia politica nella sua villa ed un Nobel per la Pace ha portato ad una vittoria schiacciante la Lega nazionale per la Democrazia, con un 70% che questa volta pare essere stato accordato dal Presidente Thein Sein il quale, insieme all’alleato politico Htay Oo, ha ammesso la schiacciante sconfitta riportata dal Partito dell’Unione per la solidarietà e lo sviluppo, maggioranza uscente. Insomma la democrazia ha vinto? Non lo sappiamo, e le ragioni sono tante e tali da non consentire a tutti gli addetti ai lavori di poter confermare la notabile ondata di entusiasmo che ha seguito l’ufficializzazione di questi risultati. Madre Suu, così come definita in patria, si trova di fronte all’impedimento costituzionale di potersi candidare a Presidente del Paese, in quanto imparentata con cittadini stranieri (vedova e madre di cittadini britannici). Ciò la configura quindi come una “burattinaia”, che detto così può sembrare dispregiativo, ma è quello che si accingerà ad essere, dovendo esprimere un candidato presidente per la terna dalla quale si sceglierà il prescelto, eventualmente destinato a seguire le direttive del partito, quindi di Suu Kyi. All’impedimento personale si somma ovviamente l’ingombrante ed imprescindibile influenza della giunta militare, la quale continua a mantenere il 25% dei seggi in parlamento, a designare un candidato presidente per la terna e a nominare i Ministri degli Interni, degli Affari di confine e della Difesa.

L’arma dell’ostilità verso il regime, dunque, non sarà la via di approccio per la paladina dei diritti umani, la quale, proprio a tal proposito, si trova costretta ad affrontare la faccenda legata al riconoscimento della minoranza islamica dei Rohingya, non riconosciuti cittadini birmani in quanto non identificati come gruppo etnico, soggetti a continue persecuzioni da parte dei nazionalisti buddhisti. La comunità internazionale chiede a Suu di adottare un atteggiamento meno pragmatico di quello dimostrato in precedenza, in quanto limitatasi a non prendere posizioni a riguardo tacendo sulla mattanza operata contro questi musulmani, azione costatagli critiche da parte del Dalai Lama tra gli altri. La mossa più importante, tuttavia, si gioca sullo scacchiere geopolitico internazionale: il bilanciamento dell’egemonia regionale del Sud-Est asiatico, che vede concorrere Cina e Stati Uniti su più fronti. Dopo il TPP pare essersi rafforzata la posizione statunitense nella regione, la quale si trova a vacillare a causa di una serie di rapporti in via di deterioramento con alcuni Paesi dell’area, che hanno ripreso i contatti con Pechino. È il caso di Taipei, forse l’ago della bilancia nella zona, che oggi si trova nuovamente a dialogare con la Repubblica Popolare Cinese – sebbene le relazioni commerciali fossero già da tempo di notevole entità. Anche Myanmar, con la “svolta democratica” delle ultime elezioni, torna a strizzare l’occhio a Pechino. Mentre gli ultimi governi si erano dimostrati maggiormente simpatizzanti per Washington, Suu Kyi pare intrattenere dei rapporti amichevoli con Xi Jinping e Li Keqiang, con i quali ha discusso della tutela degli interessi cinesi nel Paese. Yangon dunque potrebbe essere un nuovo terreno di scontro tra Cina e Stati Uniti, con le mire espansionistiche militari di Pechino, intenzionata ad estendere la sua influenza nel golfo del Bengala e Washington che, dopo la sottoscrizione della partnership del Pacifico non vedrebbe di buon occhio questa crescita del dragone. Resta solo da capire, quindi, se Myanmar sarà un Vietnam o meno per la Casa Bianca, che di sicuro tanto aveva puntato su una democratizzazione di Yangon, rischiando di regalare un vicino importante a Pechino.



vendredi, 13 novembre 2015

Zo dreigt de NAVO binnen enkele jaren oorlog met Rusland te veroorzaken


Zo dreigt de NAVO binnen enkele jaren oorlog met Rusland te veroorzaken
Ex: http://xandernieuws.punt.nl

Bevolking Europa en Amerika heeft niet veel tijd meer om WO-3 te voorkomen

Het is 2018. President Hillary Clinton (God verhoede het!) beschuldigt de Russen ervan haar ‘no fly zone’ boven Syrië te hebben geschonden. Damascus staat op het punt te vallen. Islamitische terreurgroepen die deels bewapend en gesteund worden door de VS bereiden een sloffensief voor om de hoofdstad in te nemen. Een Russisch gevechtsvliegtuig komt bijna in botsing met een Amerikaans toestel, dat de opdracht heeft de ‘gematigde’ moslimrebellen te beschermen. Ondertussen bereidt het door de CIA geïnstalleerde ultranationalistische regime in Kiev een aanval op de Krim voor met de bedoeling het schiereiland te ‘heroveren’. De aan de grenzen verzamelde troepen van Oost en West worden in hoogste staat van paraatheid gebracht...

Het Oekraïense leger heeft de afgelopen jaren grote hoeveelheden nieuwe wapens van de VS en Europa gekregen, en staat klaar voor een invasie van de Krim. Aan het front staat de neonazistische Azov Brigade, die het bevel heeft om de controle te nemen over Mariupol, dat in een door het Westen ‘illegaal’ verklaard volksreferendum voor aansluiting bij Rusland heeft gekozen.


In Kaliningrad, de geïsoleerde Russische enclave tussen Polen, Litouwen en de Baltische Zee in, worden door de EU georganiseerde en gefinancierde demonstraties gehouden waarin de hereniging met Duitsland wordt geëist. Rusland, dat zich bedreigd voelt door de almaar groter wordende NAVO troepenmacht in de Baltische staten, stuurt een sterke legermacht naar zijn grenzen.

Terwijl president Clinton de nucleaire strijdkrachten in Duitsland, die zojuist zijn gemoderniseerd, in alarmfase brengt, kondigt president Vladimir Putin aan dat Rusland zich uit het INF verdrag, dat destijds door president Reagan werd ondertekend om de kernwapens voor de middellange afstand te beperken, terugtrekt. Door de hoog opgelopen spanningen wisselden Amerika en Rusland sinds 2016 al geen informatie meer over deze wapens met elkaar uit, waardoor beide partijen geen zicht meer op elkaars activiteiten hadden.

Dan pikt een NAVO radarstation in het oosten van Duitsland signalen op van wat mogelijk een squadron Russische gevechtsvliegtuigen is dat richting Kaliningrad vliegt. Het sinds vorig jaar actief geworden raketafweersysteem in Polen wordt geactiveerd. Terwijl in Europa een nieuwe wereldoorlog dreigt los te barsten, gaat bij Hillary Clinton midden in de nacht de rode telefoon rinkelen...

NAVO heeft Koude Oorlog tegen Rusland hervat

Gezien de hervatting van de Koude Oorlog in de afgelopen jaren is het bovenstaande scenario –of een variant daarvan- niet alleen heel goed mogelijk, maar zelfs bijna onvermijdelijk. Het INF verdrag dreigt inderdaad uit elkaar te vallen nu de NAVO steeds meer troepen en materieel naar de Russische grenzen transporteert, en het Kremlin weinig anders kan doen dan daar op reageren.

De Amerikaans-Europese staatsgreep in Oekraïne, Georgiës aanstaande toetreding tot de NAVO, het moderniseren van de Amerikaanse kernwapens in Duitsland, en de steeds extremer wordende anti-Russische propaganda in de Westerse media hebben in korte tijd het gevaar van een kernoorlog, waarvan we na de val van de Muur en het communisme dachten voorgoed te zijn verlost, doen oplaaien.

Beschuldigingen dat Rusland het INF verdrag reeds geschonden heeft zijn vooralsnog niet bewezen. Wèl bewezen is het verplaatsen van zware wapens door de NAVO naar de oostelijke grenzen, en het verdubbelen van de ‘snelle reactiemacht’ in Europa. Rusland kondigde vervolgens een modernisering van zijn kernwapens aan, maar loopt in dat opzicht nog altijd ver achter op de VS, omdat het weliswaar veel raketten heeft, maar veel minder lanceerplatforms om deze af te schieten.

Niet Rusland, maar Amerika brak met verdragen

Het was Amerika dat in 2002 eenzijdig het ABM (anti-ballistische raket) verdrag opzegde en deze verboden wapensystemen in twee Oost Europese landen stationeerde. Tegelijkertijd werd de NAVO -tegen alle eerdere beloften aan Moskou in- uitgebreid naar het Oosten, bijna tot aan ‘de poorten’ van de Russische hoofdstad. Het verdrag over de beperking van de gewapende strijdkrachten in Europa, dat in 1990 door de presidenten Bush sr. en Gorbachev werd ondertekend, werd eveneens door de VS gebroken toen er militaire bases in Roemenië en Bulgarije werden gebouwd.

Vijf jaar later trokken ook de Russen zich uit het ABM verdrag terug, daartoe gedwongen door de anti-raketsystemen die Amerika in Oost Europa opzette. Het Kremlin zag met argusogen hoe de Amerikanen stap voor stap Rusland omsingelden, niet alleen in Europa, maar ook in Centraal Azië. Zo werd ook in Oezbekistan een militaire basis gebouwd, en wordt een luchtmachtbasis in Kirgizië gebruikt voor de bevoorrading van Amerikaanse troepen in Afghanistan.

Mensenrechten – alleen als het uitkomt

Vragen over de slechte mensenrechtensituatie in Oezbekistan worden niet op prijs gesteld. Immers, Washington –en in zijn slaafse kielzog Brussel- brengt alleen mensenrechten ter sprake als Putin daarmee (valselijk) beschuldigd kan worden. Van de arrestatie en gevangenneming van talloze journalisten in bijvoorbeeld ‘bondgenoten’ Oekraïne en Turkije wordt zelden of nooit enige melding gemaakt, laat staan dat er tegen wordt geprotesteerd.


Oorlogszuchtige presidentskandidaten

Deze Westerse politieke- en media hetze tegen Putin en Rusland wordt almaar heftiger. Hillary Clinton noemt de Russen een ‘bedreiging’ en is inderdaad voor het instellen van een Amerikaanse no-flyzone boven Syrië, wat onmiddellijk een confrontatie met Rusland –dat daar in tegenstelling tot de VS wèl op uitnodiging van de wettig gekozen Syrische regering opereert- zal veroorzaken.

De Republikeinse presidentskandidaat Marco Rubio vindt zelfs dat Russische vliegtuigen gewoon uit de lucht moeten worden geschoten, dat er nog meer ABM-systemen in Europa moeten worden opgezet, en dat Oekraïne lid moet worden van de NAVO. Gelukkig is er niet zoveel kans dat Rubio de Republikeinse genomineerde wordt en daarna tot president wordt gekozen, want hij zou met deze acties zonder twijfel een ‘hete’ oorlog met Rusland ontketenen.

Maar ook de andere kandidaten uiten zich in vergelijkbare oorlogszuchtige taal, met uitzondering van Rand Paul –die al helemaal geen kans maakt- en Donald Trump, die nog steeds mateloos populair is onder het volk, maar vanwege zijn anti-establishment houding en dito opvattingen gehaat wordt door bijna de hele Republikeinse top.

‘War on terror’ werd ‘war on Russia’

De spanningen tussen het Westen en Rusland zijn hoe dan ook tot een gevaarlijke hoogte opgelopen, die enkel te vergelijken is met het toppunt van de Koude Oorlog. Washington heeft de ‘war on terror’ ingeruild voor een politiek die duidelijk aanstuurt op een militaire confrontatie met Rusland. Daarbij hebben de Westerse plannenmakers de islam en tal van islamistische terreurgroepen tot hun bondgenoten gemaakt.

Bevolking moet in opstand komen

Helaas gaat het demoniseren van Putin door ‘onze’ politici en media nog altijd onverminderd door. Toch hopen we dat de gewone Europeanen en Amerikanen de eerlijke informatie die ze in de alternatieve media kunnen lezen aannemen en in opstand komen, voordat ‘onze’ leiders ons in al hun ‘wijsheid’ in weer een verwoestende oorlog storten, die tevens onze aandacht moet afleiden van andere gigantische problemen, zoals de onoplosbare Europese schuldencrisis en natuurlijk de massale immigratie van miljoenen moslims, die de stabiliteit, vrede en welvaart van onze samenleving in hoog tempo ondermijnt.

Niet veel tijd meer om WO-3 te voorkomen

De Derde Wereldoorlog is nog te voorkomen, maar er is niet veel tijd meer. De Amerikanen en Europeanen moeten massaal in opstand komen tegen de huidige gevestigde orde, en leiders aanstellen die een totaal ander beleid gaan volgen, zoals het onmiddellijk afsluiten van de grenzen, het herstellen van de soevereiniteit van de nationale parlementen door het opheffen van de EU en een terugkeer naar de EG, en het weghalen van alle extra troepen en wapensystemen bij de grenzen met Rusland, zodat er weer een ontspanning en toenadering tot het Kremlin mogelijk wordt, er gezamenlijk een oplossing voor Oekraïne en Syrië worden gevonden, en er wellicht zelfs een nieuwe tijd van samenwerking, voorspoed en welvaart voor alle volken in zowel Oost als West aanbreekt.

Eén ding is zeker: alles blijft niet ‘bij het oude’, alles wordt nooit meer zoals het was, zolang we totalitaire verraders zoals Obama, Merkel en Juncker aan het roer richting een inmiddels bijna niet meer te vermijden nieuwe wereldbrand laten staan.


(1) Zero Hedge

samedi, 07 novembre 2015

A New Biography Traces the Pathology of Allen Dulles and His Appalling Cabal

AS I READ The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government, a new book by Salon founder David Talbot, I couldn’t help thinking of an obscure corner of 1970s history: the Safari Club.

Dulles — the Princeton man and white shoe corporate lawyer who served as CIA director from 1953 to 1961, still the longest tenure in agency history — died in 1969 before the Safari Club was conceived. And nothing about it appears in The Devil’s ChessboardBut to understand the Safari Club is to understand Allen Dulles and his milieu.

Any normal person would likely hear the Safari Club saga as a frightening story of totally unaccountable power. But if there’s one thing to take away from The Devil’s Chessboard, it’s this: Allen Dulles would have seen it differently — as an inspiring tale of hope and redemption.

Because what the Safari Club demonstrates is that Dulles’ entire spooky world is beyond the reach of American democracy. Even the most energetic post-World War II attempt to rein it in was in the end as effective as trying to lasso mist. And today we’ve largely returned to the balance of power Dulles set up in the 1950s. As Jay Rockefeller said in 2007 when he was chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, “Don’t you understand the way intelligence works? Do you think that because I’m chairman of the Intelligence Committee that I just say ‘I want it, give it to me’? They control it. All of it. All of it. All the time.”

In February 2002, Saudi Prince Turki Al Faisal, head of Saudi intelligence from 1977 until September 1, 2001, traveled to Washington, D.C.

While there, Turki, who’d graduated from Georgetown University in the same class as Bill Clinton, delivered a speech at his alma mater that included an unexpected history lesson:

In 1976, after the Watergate matters took place here, your intelligence community was literally tied up by Congress. It could not do anything. It could not send spies, it could not write reports, and it could not pay money. In order to compensate for that, a group of countries got together in the hope of fighting communism and established what was called the Safari Club. The Safari Club included France, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Morocco, and Iran … so, the Kingdom, with these countries, helped in some way, I believe, to keep the world safe when the United States was not able to do that. That, I think, is a secret that many of you don’t know.

Turki was not telling the whole truth. He was right that his Georgetown audience likely had never heard any of this before, but the Safari Club had been known across the Middle East for decades. After the Iranian revolution the new government gave Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, one of the most prominent journalists in the Arab world, permission to examine the Shah’s archives. There Heikal discovered the actual formal, written agreement between the members of the Safari Club, and wrote about it in a 1982 book called Iran: The Untold Story.

And the Safari Club was not simply the creation of the countries Turki mentioned — Americans were involved as well. It’s true the U.S. executive branch was somewhat hamstrung during the period between the post-Watergate investigations of the intelligence world and the end of the Carter administration. But the powerful individual Americans who felt themselves “literally tied up” by Congress — that is, unfairly restrained by the most democratic branch of the U.S. government — certainly did not consider the decisions of Congress to be the final word.

Whatever its funding sources, the evidence suggests the Safari Club was largely the initiative of these powerful Americans. According to Heikal, its real origin was when Henry Kissinger, then secretary of state, “talked a number of rich Arab oil countries into bankrolling operations against growing communist influence on their doorstep” in Africa. Alexandre de Marenches, a right-wing aristocrat who headed France’s version of the CIA, eagerly formalized the project and assumed operational leadership. But, Heikal writes, “The United States directed the whole operation,” and “giant U.S. and European corporations with vital interests in Africa” leant a hand. As John K. Cooley, the Christian Science Monitor’s longtime Mideast correspondent, put it, the setup strongly appealed to the U.S. executive branch: “Get others to do what you want done, while avoiding the onus or blame if the operation fails.”

This all seems like something Americans would like to know, especially since de Marenches may have extended his covert operations to the 1980 U.S. presidential election. In 1992, de Marenches’ biographer testified in a congressional investigation that the French spy told him that he had helped arrange an October 1980 meeting in Paris between William Casey, Ronald Reagan’s 1980 campaign manager, and the new Islamic Republic of Iran. The goal of such a meeting, of course, would have been to persuade Iran to keep its American hostages until after the next month’s election, thus denying Carter any last-minute, politically potent triumph.

Dulles-TIME.jpgDe Marenches and the Safari Club certainly had a clear motive to oust Carter: They blamed him for allowing one of their charter members, the Shah, to fall from power. But whether de Marenches’ claims were true or not, we do know that history unfolded exactly as he and the Safari Club would have wished. The hostages weren’t released until Reagan was inaugurated, Reagan appointed Casey director of the CIA, and from that point forward America’s intelligence “community” was back in business.

And yet normal citizens would have a hard time just finding out the Safari Club even existed, much less the outlines of its activities. It appears to have been mentioned just once by the New York Times, in a profile of a French spy novelist. It likewise has made only one appearance in the Washington Post, in a 2005 online chat in which a reader asked the Post’s former Middle East bureau chief Thomas Lippman, “Does the Safari Club, formed in the mid-70s, still exist?” Lippman responded: “I never heard of it, so I have no idea.”

So it’s really too bad Allen Dulles didn’t live to see the Safari Club.

The fallout from Watergate initially would have horrified him, with mere elected members of Congress placing restrictions on patricians like himself. But he then would have been thrilled to see the ingenuity with which his heirs escaped those bonds, and deeply satisfied that the club did its work while staying hidden from the prying eyes of History.

As Talbot points out, Dulles stated his worldview publicly and explicitly in 1938 during his only run for political office: “Democracy only works if the so-called intelligent people make it work. You can’t sit back and let democracy run itself.” Unsurprisingly, homilies like this did not carry him to victory. But so what? He went on to wield far greater power than most elected officials ever have. And while Dulles is the star of The Devil’s Chessboard, he’s surrounded by an enormous supporting cast.

As Talbot explains, “What I was really trying to do was a biography on the American power elite from World War II up to the 60s.” It’s a huge, sprawling book, and an amalgam of all the appalling things Dulles and his cohort definitely did, things the evidence suggests they probably did, and speculation about things they might plausibly have done. More than a biography, it’s a exploration of well-organized pathology.

It includes detailed reexaminations of Dulles’s most notorious failures, such as the Bay of Pigs in 1961 and the nightmarish mind control program MK-ULTRA, as well as his most notorious “successes,” the CIA’s overthrow of democratic governments in Iran in 1953 and in Guatemala in 1954. Talbot notes that an internal CIA account of the Iran coup fairly glowed with joy: “It was a day that never should have ended. For it carried with it such a sense of excitement, of satisfaction and of jubilation that it is doubtful whether any other can come up to it.” According to a participant in an Oval Office briefing for President Eisenhower, Dulles’s brother John Foster, then secretary of state, “seemed to be purring like a giant cat.”

But by this point these events are fairly well-known. Perhaps most compelling is Talbot’s in-depth look at Dulles’s lesser-known yet still extraordinarily sordid projects. As the Swiss director of the Office of Strategic Services during World War II, Dulles — whose law firm had represented German corporations and many U.S. corporations with German interests — quietly attempted to undermine Franklin D. Roosevelt’s demand that Germany surrender unconditionally, going so far as to order the rescue of an SS general surrounded by Italian partisans. Dulles also led the push to save Reinhard Gehlen, Nazi head of intelligence on the Eastern Front and a genuine monster, from any post-war justice. Dulles then made certain Gehlen and his spies received a cozy embrace from the CIA, and helped push him to the top of West Germany’s Federal Intelligence Service.

Also gruesome is the lurid story of how Jesus de Galindez, a lecturer at Columbia University, was kidnapped in Manhattan by U.S. government cutouts and delivered to Dominican Republic dictator Rafael Trujillo. Trujillo then had Galindez, whose exposés of corruption Trujillo feared, boiled alive and fed to sharks, and ordered the murder of the American pilot who’d flown Galindez there. All under the beneficent gaze of CIA Director Allen Dulles.

In a sense, however, all of The Devil’s Chessboard seems to exist to set the stage for the final chapters about the assassinations of John F. Kennedy and Robert Kennedy. In the first 500 pages you are convinced that Dulles would have had no moral qualms about killing any politician, including Americans. You learn Dulles had a lifetime of experience in arranging assassinations, and apparent ties to attempts to overthrow or murder French president Charles de Gaulle. And you discover the depth of his grudge against John F. Kennedy, who dismissed him and several of his key underlings after the Bay of Pigs.

But were JFK and possibly Robert Kennedy killed by conspiracies involving Dulles? That’s the conjecture of The Devil’s ChessboardThere’s no question Talbot has pulled together a lot of suggestive old information, and uncovered some that’s new. Furthermore, he certainly proves there was a great deal of reluctance on the part of journalists and politicians at the time to pull on even the most obvious threads. But 50 years later, I don’t think there’s any way to say much for sure on this subject, except that it’s pretty interesting. (Given humanity’s history of catastrophic slapstick, I’ve always enjoyed the theory that a Secret Service agent shot Kennedy accidentally.)

In the end, whatever the reality of Talbot’s most sensational claims, he unquestionably makes the case that — unless you believe we’re governed by shape-shifting space lizards — your darkest suspicions about how the world operates are likely an underestimate. Yes, there is an amorphous group of unelected corporate lawyers, bankers, and intelligence and military officials who form an American “deep state,” setting real limits on the rare politicians who ever try to get out of line. They do collaborate with and nurture their deep state counterparts in other countries, to whom they feel far more loyalty than their fellow citizens. The minions of the deep state hate and fear even the mildest moves towards democracy, and fight against it by any means available to them. They’re not all-powerful and don’t get exactly what they want, but on the issues that matter most they almost always win in the end. And while all this is mostly right there in the open, discernible by anyone who’s curious and has a library card, if you don’t go looking you will never hear a single word about it.

Moreover, it’s still right there in front of us today. Talbot recently argued, “The surveillance state that Snowden and others have exposed is very much a legacy of the Dulles past. I think Dulles would have been delighted by how technology and other developments have allowed the American security state to go much further than he went.”

Or as a staff member of the 1970s congressional investigation of Kennedy’s murder said in an interview with Talbot: “One CIA official told me, ‘So you’re from Congress — what the hell is that to us? You’ll be packed up and gone in a couple of years, and we’ll still be here.’” According to The Devil’s Chessboard, the Safari never ends.

Contact the author:

Jon Schwarz




vendredi, 06 novembre 2015

The Punishment Society


The Punishment Society



Once upon a time, a dental or medical exam was an opportunity to read a book. No more. The TV blares. It was talking heads discussing whether a football player had been sufficiently punished. The offense was unclear. The question was whether the lashes were sufficient.

It brought to mind that punishment has become a primary feature of American, indeed Western, society. A baker in Colorado was punished because he would not bake a wedding cake for a homosexual marriage. A county or state clerk was punished because she would not issue a marriage license for a homosexual marriage. University professors are punished because they criticize Israel’s inhumane treatment of Palestinians. Whistleblowers are punished—despite their protection under federal law—for revealing crimes of the US government. And children are punished for being children.

But not by their parents. Police can slam children around and seriously injure them. But parents must not lay a hand on a child. If a child gets spanked, as everyone in my generation was, in comes the Child Protective Services Gestapo. The child is seized, put into “protective custody,” and the parents are arrested. The CPS Gestapo receives a federal bonus for every child that they seize, and they want the money.

About all parents can do today is to restrict TV or video game playing time. Even this is dicey, because the kids are taught at school to report abusive behavior of parents. For many kids being told what to do by parents is abusive behavior. Kids have learned that they can pay back parents for disciplining them by reporting the parents to teachers or by themselves calling CPS. Kids who retaliate in this socially approved manner do not realize that they run a high risk of ruining the lives of their parents as well as their own and ending up in foster care where the risk of sexual abuse is present.

As society has made it possible for kids to prevail over parents, the kids think this right also applies to teachers, school administrators, and School Resource Officers, psychopaths with police badges who maintain discipline with force and violence. The kids quickly discover,as Shakara discovered in her encounter with Ben Fields, that whereas parents are constrained from using corporal punishment, School Resource Officers are not. Shakara’s desk was overturned as she sat in it. She was slammed onto the floor, dragged across the floor and handcuffed. Any parent who did that would be facing jail time.

pilori.jpegSchools are no longer places of learning. They are places of punishment. Kids are punished for the most absurd reasons. Nothing more than behaving as a child brings on punishment. As Henry Giroux has written, schools have become places of control, repression, and punishment.

17,000 American public schools have a police presence. All common sense has long departed.Five and six year-olds who get into a shoving match are arrested and carried off in handcuffs. Police issue tickets and fines to students for what was ordinary behavior in my school days. Suspensions result as do police records that hamper a child’s prospect of success.

The violence that Ben Fields used against Shakara is routine. Mother Jones reports that a Louisville goon thug, Jonathan Hardin punched a 13-year old in the face for cutting into the cafeteria line and of holding another 13-year old in a chokehold until the student became unconscious. A dispute over cell phone use resulted in a Houston student being hit 18 times with a police weapon.

The police violence extends beyond the schools. Any American unfortunate enough to have a police encounter risks being tasered, beaten, arrested, and even murdered.

Protesters, war and otherwise, are beaten, tear gassed, arrested. The American police state is working hard to criminalize all criticism of itself. Violence has become the defining hallmark of the United States. It is even the basis of US foreign policy. In the 21st century millions of peoples have been killed and displaced by American violence against the world.

With our public schools and police forces working overtime to teach the children who will comprise the future generations that violence is the solution and submission is the only alternative, expect the United States to be unliveable at home and an even worse danger to the rest of the world.