dimanche, 22 décembre 2013
The Rites of Manhood: Man’s Need for Ritual
Does modern life ever feel excruciatingly flat to you? A bleak landscape devoid of layers, rhythm, interest, texture?
Are you ever haunted by the question “Is this all there is?”
Have you ever looked at an old photo and felt that the scene held such an inexplicable richness that it seemed you could practically step right into it?
The barren flatness of modern life is rooted in many things, including mindless consumerism, the absence of significant challenges, and the lack of shared values and norms, or even shared taboos to rebel against. But what is the solution?
Many would be quick to say faith, or philosophy, or relationships. All good answers.
But what is it that vivifies beliefs to the extent they can transform your perspective not simply for an hour on Sunday, but also in the mundane moments throughout your week? What can move an understanding of abstract truths from your mind into your very sinews? What can transform superficial ties with others into deep and meaningful bonds?
The answer I would suggest is ritual.
Our modern world is nearly devoid of rituals – at least in the way we traditionally think of them. Those that remain – such as ones that revolve around the holidays – have largely lost their transformative power and are often endured more than enjoyed, participated in as an obligatory going through of the motions. Ritual has today become associated with that which is rote, empty, meaningless.
Yet every culture, in every part of the world, in every era has engaged in rituals, suggesting they are a fundamental part of the human condition. Rituals have even been called our most basic form of technology – they are a mechanism that can change things, solve problems, perform certain functions, and accomplish tangible results. Necessity is the mother of invention, and rituals were born out of the clear-eyed perspective that life is inherently difficult and that unadulterated reality can paradoxically feel incredibly unreal. Rituals have for eons been the tools humans have used to release and express emotion, build their personal identity and the identity of their tribe, bring order to chaos, orient themselves in time and space, effect real transformations, and bring layers of meaning and texture to their lives. When rituals are stripped from our existence, and this fundamental human longing goes unsatisfied, restlessness, apathy, alienation, boredom, rootlessness, and anomie are the result.
The Rites of Manhood
In the coming year we plan to do in-depth posts on some of the rituals that have been most central to the meaning and making of manhood, such as rites of passage, initiations, and oaths. This week we will be laying the foundation for these posts in two articles; the first will set up a definition of ritual, and the second will explore the many ways rituals are so vital for a full and meaningful life.
Today we’ll provide a little context as to the nature of ritual and why it has largely disappeared from modern societies.
What Is Ritual?
According to Catherine Bell, professor of ritual studies and author of the preeminent textbook on the subject, ritual has been traditionally defined as an action that lacks a “practical relationship between the means one chooses to achieve certain ends.” For example, shaking hands when you meet someone can be considered a ritual as there is no real reason why grabbing another’s hand and shaking for a second or two should lead to acquaintanceship. It is a culturally-relative gesture; we might very well greet each other with a pat on the shoulder or even no physical contact at all. As another example, washing your hands to clean them is not a ritual since there exists a clear practical relationship between your action and the desired result. But if a priest splashes water on his hands to “purify” them, that’s a ritual, since the water is largely symbolic and not really meant to rid the hands of bacteria.
Bell lists six attributes of rituals:
- Formalism: This is a quality rooted in contrast and how restrictive or expressive the accepted code of behavior is for a given event/situation. For example a backyard picnic is very casual and will not feel like a ritual because there are few guidelines for how one may express oneself. A very formal dinner, on the other hand, has a more limited range of accepted behaviors and thus can feel quite ritual-like. Bell argues that while we sometimes see formality as stuffy, since it curbs more spontaneous expression, formalized activities are not “necessarily empty or trivial” and “can be aesthetically as well as politically compelling, invoking what one analyst describes as ‘a metaphoric range of considerable power, a simplicity and directness, a vitality and rhythm.’ The restriction of gestures and phrases to a small number that are practiced, perfected, and soon quite evocatively familiar can endow these formalized activities with great beauty and grace.”
- Traditionalism. Rituals are often framed as activities that carry on values and behaviors that have been in place since an institution’s creation. This link to the past gives the ritual power and authority and provides the participant with a sense of continuity. The ritual may simply harken to those who came before, as when university graduates don the gowns that were once typical everyday classroom wear for scholars, or it may actually seek to recreate a founding event – as in the American celebration of Thanksgiving.
- Disciplined invariance. Often seen as one of the most defining features of ritual, this attribute involves “a disciplined set of actions marked by precise repetition and physical control.” Think of soldiers marching in drill step or the sit/stand/kneel pattern followed by Catholics during the course of a Mass. Disciplined invariance suppresses “the significance of the personal and particular moment in favor of the timeless authority of the group, its doctrines, or its practices,” and “subordinates the individual and the contingent to a sense of the encompassing and the enduring.”
- Rule-governance. Rituals are often governed by a set of rules. Both war and athletics are examples of activities that can be quite ritual-like when their rules regulate what is and is not acceptable. Rules can both check and channel certain tensions; for example, the game of football channels masculine aggression into a form of ritualized and controlled violence. On occasion the rules fail to sufficiently check the tension that is always bubbling right at the surface, as when a chaotic brawl breaks out amongst players. That the game reflects a similar submerged tension within society at large is part of why the audience finds the ritual so compelling.
- Sacral symbolism. Ritual is able to take ordinary or “profane” objects, places, parts of the body, or images, and transform them into something special or sacred. “Their sacrality,” Bell writes, “is the way in which the object is more than the mere sum of its parts and points to something beyond itself, thereby evoking and expressing values and attitudes associated with larger, more abstract, and relatively transcendent ideas.” Thus something like incense can be a mere mixture of plants and oils designed to perfume a room, or, when swung from a censer, can represent the prayer of the faithful ascending into heaven.
- Performance. Performance is a particular kind of action – one that is done for an audience. A ritual always has an intended audience, even if that audience is God or oneself. Tom F. Driver, a professor of theology, argues that “performance…means both doing and showing.” It is not a matter of “show-and-tell, but do-and-show.” Human are inherently actors, who wish to see themselves as characters in a larger narrative, and desire the kind of drama inherent in every timeless tale. Rituals function as narrative dramas and can satisfy and release this need. In the absence of ritual, people resort to doing their “showing” on social media and creating their own drama – often through toxic relationships or substances.
The more of these attributes a behavior/event/situation invokes, the more different from everyday life and ritual-like it will seem. The fewer of these attributes present, the more casual and ordinary it will feel.
For a more simple definition of ritual, here’s one that works: thought + action. A ritual consists of doing something in your mind (and often feeling something in your heart), while simultaneously connecting it to doing something with your body.
Rituals fall into a wide variety of categories. Theorist Ronald Grimes lists 16 of them:
- Rites of passage
- Marriage rites
- Funerary rites
- Festivals
- Pilgrimage
- Purification
- Civil ceremonies
- Rituals of exchange (as in worshipers making sacrifices to the gods in hope of receiving blessings from the divine)
- Worship
- Magic
- Healing rites
- Interaction rites
- Meditation rites
- Rites of inversion (rituals of reversal, where violating cultural norms is temporarily allowed, as in men dressing like women)
- Sacrifice
- Ritual drama
The important thing to understand about rituals is that they are not limited to very big, very formal events. Rituals can in fact be large or small, private or public, personal or social, religious or secular, uniting or dividing, conformist or rebellious. Funerals, weddings, presidential inaugurations, church services, baptisms, fraternal initiations, and tribal rites of passage are all rituals. Handshakes, dates, greetings and goodbyes, tattoos, table manners, your morning jog, and even singing the Happy Birthday song can be rituals as well.
Whither Ritual?
In many traditional societies, almost every aspect of life was ritualized. So why is there such a dearth of rituals in modern culture?
The embrace of ritual in the Western World was first weakened by two things: the Protestant Reformation’s movement against icons and ceremonialism and the Enlightenment’s emphasis on rationalism.
Historian Peter Burke, argues “the Reformation was, among other things, a great debate, unparalleled in scale and intensity, about the meaning of ritual, its functions and its proper forms.” Many Protestants concluded that the kind of rituals the Catholic Church practiced gave too much emphasis to empty, outward forms, rather than one’s internal state of grace. They rejected the “magical efficacy” of rites to be able to do things like change bread and wine into the literal body and blood of Christ.
The magical efficacy of ritual was attacked from the other side by Enlightenment thinkers. As discussed above, ritual is inherently nonrational since there is no practical relationship between the action and the end result. It is not rational to think that painting one’s body before battle will offer protection, that a rite of passage can turn a boy into a man, or that smoking a peace pipe can seal a treaty. Thus, ritual began to be associated with the superstitions of primitive peoples.
Suspicion of ritual again grew after World War II, in the wake of the way in which ritual ceremonies had been used to solidify loyalty to the Nazi cause.
Cultural embrace of ritual then really began to unravel during the social movements of the 1960s, which emphasized free expression, personal freedom, and individual emotional fulfillment above all. Rituals — which prescribe certain disciplined behaviors in certain situations, and require a person to forfeit some of their individuality in service to the synchrony and identity of the group — constrain spontaneity and the ability to do whatever one pleases. Ritual thus came to be seen as too constraining and not sufficiently “authentic.”
For these reasons, the use of and participation in rituals has been greatly curtailed. Or perhaps as historian Peter Burke argues, we’ve just replaced old rituals with new ones: “If most people in industrial societies no longer go to church regularly or practice elaborate rituals of initiation, this does not mean that ritual has declined. All that has happened is the new types of rituals—political, sporting, musical, medical, academic and so on—have taken the place of the traditional ones.” But the new rituals – watching sports, attending music festivals, checking Facebook, shopping, visiting a strip club on your 18th birthday — are light on nourishment and do not satisfy. Traditional rituals provided a mechanism by which humans could channel and process that which was difficult to grapple with – death, maturation, aggression – allowing the participant to discover new truths about themselves and the world. New rituals, if they can even really be called such, attempt to deny anything ugly in life (lest that lead you to close your wallet) and present a shiny, glossy façade — “confetti culture” – that facilitates passive consumption and turning away from examining given assumptions.
In our next post, we will argue that despite the cultural disdain for ritual, it is a human art form and practice which should be revived. It is true that ritual can be used for good or for ill, yet its benefit is so great that fear of the bad should not lead us to throw out the baby with the bathwater. Even if a man sees no place for ritual in his faith, he can have great use for it in other areas in his life (indeed, if his faith is completely unritualized, he has all the more need for other kinds of rituals). We will argue that even the most rational man might make room in his life for some “magic,” and that while ritual may seem constraining, it can paradoxically be incredibly empowering and even liberating. How that might be so, is where we will turn next time.
Ritual: Perspectives and Dimensions by Catherine Bell
Liberating Rites: Understanding the Transformative Power of Ritual by Tom F. Driver
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dimanche, 17 novembre 2013
L'uomo che cavalcava la tigre
L'uomo che cavalcava la tigre. Il viaggio esoterico del barone Julius
di Andrea Scarabelli
Quello che presentiamo è un autentico viaggio, realizzato attraverso le opere pittoriche evoliane, che ripercorre le tappe fondamentali della vita di quello che è uno dei protagonisti della cultura novecentesca. Un viaggio nel quale Evola non è una semplice comparsa ma autentico medium delle sue opere, trascinando il lettore all'interno del suo mondo, biografico ma soprattutto metabiografico.
Un passo per volta, però. Lo sfondo di queste pagine è il vernissage di un'ipotetica esposizione: “Ea, Jagla, Julius Evola (1898-1974), poeta, pittore, filosofo. Il barone magico. Attraverso questa Mostra, promossa dalla Fondazione Julius Evola, conosceremo l'Evola pittore futurista e dadaista. È questa la prima retrospettiva a lui dedicata nel XXI secolo” (p. 13). Henriet ci invita a questa esposizione immaginaria, all'interno della quale ogni dipinto prende vita, inaugura una dimensione metatemporale e ci conduce attraverso le sillabe alchemiche dell'universo pittorico evoliano. Senza però fermarsi alle tele, a futurismo e dadaismo ma estendendosi all'interezza della “tavolozza dai molti colori dell'Irrazionalismo evoliano” (p. 13), momento altresì fondamentale per accedere alla cultura continentale novecentesca. E chi conosce il pensiero di Evola sa bene che tipo di valenza conferire al termine “irrazionale”...
Ad accompagnare il lettore altri non è che Evola stesso, a volte sostituito dal suo doppio Ea (uno degli pseudonimi con cui questi firmava taluni dei suoi contributi su Ur e Krur, alla fine degli anni Venti). Ogni dipinto “esposto” in quella che può considerarsi una galleria anzitutto interiore ridesta nel filosofo ricordi, universi, dimensioni – realtà. In ognuno dei ventisei capitoli che costituiscono il volumetto – molti dei quali recano, non casualmente, i titoli di opere evoliane, come Five o' clock tea, Nel bosco e Truppe di rincalzo sotto la pioggia – il lettore percorre i labirinti di Evola, ognuno dei quali avente una via d'accesso differente ma tutti diretti verso il cuore della sua Weltanschauung.
In questa dimensione, a metà tra la realtà fisica ed una onirico-allucinatoria, personaggi reali interagiscono con figure fantastiche – questo l'intreccio, abilmente restituito dalle pagine di Henriet. Non è difficile così scorgere un Evola intento a leggere recensioni dei suoi dipinti sulle colonne di riviste intemporali, intrattenere conversazioni con personaggi fantastici, percorrere dimensioni ontologiche ultraterrene. Ma, al contempo, a questi itinerari sono accostati momenti storici ben precisi, con il loro corollario umano - appaiono allora Arturo Reghini, Sibilla Aleramo, Arturo Onofri, Giulio Parise e gli iniziati del Gruppo di Ur.
Ed ecco evocati, come d'incanto, gli anni Venti, delle avanguardie e dei cenacoli esoterici. Ecco le feste organizzate dagli aristocratici, frequentate dal giovane Evola, nella fattispecie una, tenutasi per festeggiare la fine della Prima Guerra Mondiale: “Julius è vestito di nero, ed ha il volto coperto da una maschera aurea, provvista di un lungo naso conico” (p. 16). È l'unico, in Italia, tra i futuristi, ad apprezzare l'arte astratta. Il futurismo non è che una maschera, gli rivela la duchessa de Andri, organizzatrice della festa, liberatevene. E, tra le boutade di Marinetti e gli abiti disegnati da Depero, “egli andò oltre” (p. 22).
Non è che l'inizio: la realtà onirica diviene visione “vera” e simboli percorrono le trame dei vari capitoli, rendendoli interdipendenti tra loro: l'ape austriaca che, muovendosi a scatti con un ritmo metallico, si posa sulla tela appena conclusa di Truppe di rincalzo sotto la pioggia è la stessa che accompagna il giovane poeta Arturo Onofri tra i colpi delle granate della Grande Guerra, nella quale “la voce di Evola è a favore degli Imperi Centrali: l'Austria e la Germania” (p. 26).
Attraversati gli scandalismi e i manifesti futuristi, percorso il nichilismo dadaistico, il cammino del cinabro evoliano procede: “In un dorato pomeriggio autunnale, in Roma, nel 1921, alle ore 17, infine Evola capì. Aveva da poco smesso di dipingere. Quell'esperienza artistica era giunta alla fine, nel senso che le sue potenzialità creative si erano esaurite: tutto quel che poteva fare attraverso i quadri per procedere nella sua ricerca interiore, ebbene, lo aveva fatto” (p. 28). Alle 17.15, Evola si libera del suo doppio dadaista per procedere oltre, dopo l'abisso delle avanguardie per poi risalire, senza incappare nell'impasse dell'inconscio freudiano surrealista e della scrittura automatica. Via, verso Ur e Krur, La Torre e la sua rivolta contro la tirannia della modernità.
Come già detto, il percorso tracciato da Henriet non si arresta all'esaurimento della fase artistica, ma procede, percorrendo tutte le sue fasi fondamentali. Un altro frammento di realtà, trasfigurato e sublimato nelle serpentine dell'ermetismo pittorico del futuro filosofo: il XXI aprile 1927, dies natalis Romae, coglie il Nostro affacciato alla finestra di una torre – non d'avorio ma “di nera ossidiana” – mentre assiste da lontano ad una parata. “Tutta l'Urbe è in festa, ma Ea preferisce restarsene da solo, nel proprio salone. Per lui, in fondo, il fascismo è troppo plebeo” (p. 41). Ed ecco comparire, a cavallo di farfalle che sorvolano la Città Eterna, gli altri membri del Gruppo di Ur, quasi a formare una delle loro catene nei cieli liberi sopra la città, sopra il mondo intero, al di sopra della storia. Henriet rievoca qui le vicende legate alla celebre Grande Orma (episodio con retroscena ancora da scoprire, come testimonia il recente ottimo libro di Fabrizio Giorgio, Roma Renovata Resurgat, Settimo Sigillo, Roma 2012): “Nel 1923 hanno donato al capo del Governo un fascio formato da un'ascia di bronzo che proviene da una misteriosa e antica tomba etrusca, e dodici verghe di betulla, legate con strisce di cuoio rosso” (p. 42). La Tradizione porge la mano alla Storia, aspettando una risposta. Sono anni cruciali, questi, nei quali in poche ore possono decidersi non solo i destini di un decennio ma le sorti di un'intera civiltà. Riuscirà il fascismo a farsi depositario del proprio destino romano? Sono in molti a chiederselo. Attonito, Evola assiste al Concordato, al vanificarsi di un sogno, “ancora una volta è solo”, “uno spirito libero e aristocratico, fuori tempo e fuori luogo” (p. 42): in una parola, inattuale, in senso nietzschiano. Così, mentre le piazze gorgogliano dei singhiozzi gioiosi di quegli stessi che all'indomani del fallimento del fascismo prepareranno le forche e accenderanno i roghi, Evola se ne rimane in disparte. Alla fine della scena, una camicia nera emerge dal buio della notte, gli si avvicina, pronunciando, con una voce d'acciaio, queste parole: Il Natale romano è finito, barone. Da ora in poi, il destino degli eventi a venire è già scritto.
Ed ecco la Seconda Guerra Mondiale, la guerra civile europea, l'inizio di un nuovo ciclo, sul quale già pesa il presagio dell'ipoteca. Il viaggio nella prima mostra evoliana del XXI secolo continua, tra anticipazioni e retrospettive. Nella camera magica, Evola vede quello che sarà il suo destino: “In piedi, tra le rovine fumanti d'Europa, al termine della Seconda Guerra Mondiale, si aggira per Vienna. 1945. Una visione di morte. La tigre diventa metallo: la carne si solidifica” (p. 47). Sbalzato contro un muro dallo spostamento d'aria causato da una bomba, trascorrerà il resto della sua esistenza affetto da una semiparalisi degli arti inferiori.
Il Barone è costretto su una carrozzella, novella tigre d'acciaio. Il secondo dopoguerra. Con una certa ironia (che non sarebbe dispiaciuta al Barone ma che forse non piacerà a certi “evolomani”, come scrive Gianfranco de Turris nella sua Introduzione) l'autore immagina che proprio a cavallo di questa nuova tigre il Nostro continui la sua battaglia. Inizia a dipingere copie dei suoi dipinti degli anni Venti, dispersi (ossia venduti) durante la celebre retrospettiva del 1963. Eppure, anche in questa nuova situazione, si profilano nuovi attacchi, nuove situazioni da superare, come i Rivoluzionari del Sesso (evidente richiamo alle dottrine di Wilhelm Reich). Ed ecco gli Anti-Veglianti, Signori dell'Occhio, che tentano di impiantare un Occhio televisivo al posto di quelli biologici, teso ad uniformare Evola al mondo moderno, alla tirannia dell'homo oeconomicus e dei Mezzi di Comunicazione di Massa, che al terzo occhio ne sostituiscono uno artefatto e anestetizzante, che riduce l'uomo a Uomo Banale e Mediocre. Ma Evola riesce a fuggire.
Ennesima anticipazione: questa volta in alta montagna, molti passi sul mare, ancora di più sull'uomo, come aveva scritto Nietzsche. Eccolo assistere in anteprima alla deposizione delle sue ceneri sul ghiacciaio del Lys. Allucinato da uno dei suoi quadri, Evola ha una visione di quel che sarà: “Il vento spira freddo, la luce del sole è netta, brillante. Il silenzio domina tutto. I ghiacci eterni scintillano. V'è una gran quiete, tesa, nervosamente carica di energia in potenza” (p. 36). Per disposizione testamentaria, il suo corpo viene cremato, le ceneri disperse sulle Alpi. Così vive la propria morte Ea, Jagla, il Barone – nel libro non la conoscerà mai più, fisicamente. Si addormenterà, sognando un'intervista realizzata per la televisione svizzera nei primi anni Ottanta. Il “diamante pazzo” che scaglia bagliori qua e là, illuminando ora l'uno ora l'altro frammento del firmamento occidentale, è seduto “sulla sua tigre a dondolo, in legno aromatico e dai colori smaltati in vernice brillante” (p. 67). Certo, pensa Evola beffardamente, parlare di certe cose nel mondo moderno, servendosi dei media (chissà che avrebbe pensato oggi, nell'epoca della Rete...), non è certo ottimale. Comincia a dubitare della sua decisione di concedere l'intervista. Questa posizione a cavallo della tigre comincia ad apparirgli un po' scomoda. Risponde alle domande, ribadendo le proprie posizioni di fronte al neospiritualismo, alle censure di certe cricche intellettuali e via dicendo. Ma la realtà del suo sogno inizia a sfaldarsi. Il suo pellegrinaggio nel kali-yuga lo ha prosciugato: “Evola non immaginava che sarebbe stato così difficile. Il sogno della realtà è diventato un caos indistinto di colori acidi” (p. 71). Abbandonandosi al disfacimento dell'architettura onirica nella quale si vive morente, si spegne, “gli occhi accecati da una radianza aurea intensissima” (Ibid.). Il confine tra sogno e realtà è disciolto per sempre: Evola, che aveva visto la propria fine vivente in uno dei suoi quadri, ora vive la propria morte in un sogno.
Scritto con un registro stilistico iperbolico ed evocativo, il libro di Henriet, come messo a fuoco da de Turris nella già citata introduzione, non è però solo una rassegna di queste esperienze, quanto piuttosto una ricognizione sul senso dell'interezza del sentiero del cinabro, portato a stadio mercuriale durante il corso della vita del Nostro. Come è noto, a partire peraltro dalla sua biografia spirituale, il Cammino del cinabro, Evola diede pochissimo spazio a dettagli di ordine personale, preferendo ad essi un'impersonalità attiva fatta di testimonianze ed opere. In uno degli ultimi capitoli, Henriet scrive: “Della vita privata di Ea si sapeva poco, era come se non gli fosse accaduto nulla di personale. Egli era semplicemente il mezzo, uno dei possibili, attraverso i quali l'Io originario – la Genitrice dell'Universo, una delle Madri di Goethe – operava su quel piano della realtà, governato dalle regole del tempo e dello spazio” (p. 62). In questo può risolversi l'esercizio della prassi tradizionale, per come interpretata dal filosofo romano. Una azione nella quale l'essere un mezzo di istanze sovraindididuali non annichilisce l'Io, come vorrebbero invece talune spiritualità fideistiche sempre avversate da Evola, ma lo potenzia, finanche a realizzarlo in tutti i suoi molteplici stati. Un monito, questo, quanto mai attuale, tanto per accedere all'universo evoliano quanto per attraversare illesi il mondo moderno, sopravvivendo alle sue chimere e fascinazioni.
Alberto Henriet, L'uomo che cavalcava la tigre. Il viaggio esoterico del barone Julius. Presentazione di Gianfranco de Turris, Gruppo Editoriale Tabula Fati, Chieti 2012, pp. 80, Euro 8,00.

titolo: L'uomo che cavalcava la tigre. Il viaggio esoterico del barone Julius
autore/curatore: Andrea Scarabelli
fonte: Fondazione Julius Evola
tratto da: http://www.fondazionejuliusevola.it/Documenti/recensioneScarabelli_Sito.doc
lingua: italiano
data di pubblicazione su juliusevola.it: 10/06/2013
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mercredi, 06 novembre 2013
Un texte du 19ème siècle sur la formation du Samouraï déchiffré
Un texte du 19ème siècle sur la formation du Samouraï déchiffré
Ex: http://www.zejournal.mobi
Un texte d'entraînement, utilisé par une école d'arts martiaux pour enseigner aux membres de la classe bushi (samurai ou samouraï), a été déchiffré. Il révèle les règles que les samouraïs étaient censés suivre et ce qu'il fallait faire pour devenir un véritable maître épéiste.
Le texte est appelé Bugei no jo, ce qui signifie "Introduction aux arts martiaux" et est daté de la 15e année de Tenpo (1844).
Écrit pour les étudiants samouraïs sur le point d'apprendre le Takenouchi-Ryu, un système d'arts martiaux , il devait les préparer pour les défis qui les attendaient.
Une partie du texte traduit donne ceci: "Ces techniques de l'épée, nées à l'âge des dieux, ont été prononcées par la transmission divine. Elles forment une tradition vénérée de par le monde, mais sa magnificence se manifeste seulement quand on a pris connaissance (...). Quand [la connaissance] est arrivée à maturité, l'esprit oublie la main, la main oublie l'épée," un niveau de compétence que peu obtiennent et qui requiert un esprit calme.
Le texte comprend des citations écrites par les anciens maîtres militaires chinois et est écrit dans un style Kanbun formel: un système qui combine des éléments de l'écriture japonaise et chinoise.
Le texte a été publié à l'origine par des chercheurs en 1982, dans sa langue originale, dans un volume de l'ouvrage "Nihon Budo Taikei." Récemment, il a été partiellement traduit en anglais et analysé par Balázs Szabó, du département d'études japonaises de l'Université Eötvös Loránd à Budapest, en Hongrie.
La traduction et l'analyse sont décrites dans la dernière édition de la revue Acta Orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae.
Parmi ses nombreux enseignements, le texte dit aux élèves de montrer une grande discipline et de ne pas craindre le nombre d'ennemis. "(...) c'est comme franchir la porte d'où nous voyons l'ennemi, même nombreux, nous les voyons comme quelques uns, donc aucune crainte ne s'éveille, et nous triomphons alors que le combat vient à peine de commencer", citation d'un enseignement Sur les Sept Classiques Militaires de la Chine ancienne.
Le dernier siècle des samouraïs
En 1844, seuls les membres de la classe Samouraï étaient autorisés à recevoir une formation d'arts martiaux. Szabó explique que cette classe était strictement héréditaire et qu'il y avait peu de possibilités pour les non-samurai d'y adhérer.
Les étudiants Samurai, dans la plupart des cas, auraient participé à plusieurs écoles d'arts martiaux et, en outre, auraient appris "l'écriture chinoise, les classiques confucéens et la poésie dans les écoles du domaine ou des écoles privées", a expliqué Szabó.
Les étudiants qui commencent leur formation de Takenouchi-ryu en 1844 ne réalisaient pas qu'ils vivaient à une époque où le Japon était sur ??le point de subir d'énormes changements.
Pendant deux siècles, il y a eu des restrictions sévères sur les Occidentaux entrant au Japon. Cela a pris fin en 1853 quand le commodore américain Matthew Perry est entré dans la baie de Tokyo avec une flotte et a exigé que le Japon signe un traité avec les États-Unis.
Dans les deux décennies qui ont suivi, une série d'événements et de guerres ont éclaté qui on vu la chute du Japon Shogun, la montée d'un nouveau Japon moderne et, finalement, la fin de la classe des Samouraïs.
Les règles Samurai.
Le texte qui vient d'être traduit énonce 12 règles que les membres de l'école de Takenouchi-ryu étaient censés suivre.
Certaines d'entre elles, dont "Ne quittez pas le chemin de l'honneur !" et "Ne commettez pas de turpitude !" étaient des règles éthiques que les samouraïs étaient censés suivre.
Une règle notable, "Ne laissez pas les enseignements de l'école s'échapper !" a été créé pour protéger les techniques secrètes d'arts martiaux de l'école et à aider les élèves s'ils devaient se trouver au milieu d'un combat.
"Pour une école d'arts martiaux ... afin d'être attrayante, il était nécessaire de disposer de techniques spéciales permettant au combattant d'être efficace même contre un adversaire beaucoup plus fort. Ces techniques sophistiquées faisaient la fierté de l'école et étaient gardées secrètes, car leur fuite aurait causé une perte aussi bien économique que de prestige", écrit Szabó.
Deux autres règles, peut-être plus surprenantes, précisent que les étudiants "ne se concurrencent pas !" et "Ne racontent pas de mauvaises choses sur d'autres écoles !".
Les occidentaux modernes ont une vision populaire des samouraïs s'affrontant régulièrement, mais en 1844, ils n'étaient pas autorisés à se battre entre eux.
Le shogun Tokugawa Tsunayoshi (1646-1709) avait placé une interdiction sur les duels d'arts martiaux et a même réécrit le code que le samouraï devait suivre, en l'adaptant pour une période de paix relative. "L'apprentissage et la compétence militaire, la loyauté et la piété filiale, doit être promue, et les règles de la bienséance doivent être exécutées correctement", expliquait le shogun (traduction du livre "Études sur l'histoire intellectuelle du Japon des Tokugawa," par Masao Maruyama, Princeton University Press, 1974).
Les compétences secrètes.
Le texte propose seulement un faible aperçu des techniques secrètes que les élèves auraient appris à cette école, en séparant les descriptions en deux parties appelées "secrets les plus profonds du combat" et "secrets les plus profonds de l'escrime."
Une partie des techniques secrètes de combat à mains nues est appelé Shinsei no daiji, ce qui se traduit par "techniques divines", indiquant que ces techniques étaient considérées comme les plus puissantes.
Curieusement, une section de techniques secrètes d'escrime est répertoriée comme ?ry?ken, également connu sous le nom IJU ichinin, ce qui signifie "ceux considérés être accordés à une personne" - dans ce cas, l'héritier du directeur.
Le manque de détails décrivant ces techniques dans des cas pratiques n'est pas surprenant pour Szabó. Les directeurs avaient des raisons pour utiliser un langage crypté et l'art du secret.
Non seulement ils protégeaient le prestige de l'école, et les chances des élèves dans un combat, mais ils contribuaient à "maintenir une atmosphère mystique autour de l'école," quelque chose d'important pour un peuple qui tenait l'étude des arts martiaux en haute estime.
- Source : Les Découvertes Archéologique
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mercredi, 30 octobre 2013
Il diritto negato alla tradizione
Dopo quello che abbiamo definito il falso mito del diritto alla cultura, forse suscitando l’orrore di qualcuno, ci occupiamo dell’autentico mito di un diritto negato, un diritto che può avere diversi nomi ma che qui definiremo, semplicemente, diritto alla tradizione.
Hic et nunc il termine tradizione viene assunto nella sua pura semplicità che lo rimanda, direttamente, al patrimonio simbolico e culturale trasmesso di generazione in generazione. L’Italia è un Paese di tradizioni interrotte, di culture locali che in forza di una serie di con-cause hanno cessato di essere trasmesse di Padre in Figlio, di Madre in Figlia. I tratti comuni di queste culture erano l’oralità e il dialetto (lingue sì, ma non codificate e dunque legate al vitalismo delle comunutà parlanti), e tutte manifestavano sia lo scopo di produrre la massima autonomia del singolo nella sfera produttiva, sia la qualità che, curiosamente ma nemmeno troppo, Alan W. Watts assegna al Taoismo, l’antico sistema metafisico, etico e infine religioso della Cina, nel suo celebre lavoro “Il Tao. La via dell’acqua che scorre”: “L’antica filosofia del Tao segue in modo abile ed intelligente il corso, la corrente e le venature dei fenomeni naturali, considerando la vita umana come un’integrale caratteristica del processo del mondo”. Diversa, quindi, dalla scienza occidentale che “ha posto l’accento sull’atteggiamento di oggettività – un freddo, calcolatore e distaccato atteggiamento per mezzo del quale appare che i fenomeni naturali, incluso l’organismo umano, non sono altro che meccanismi”.
Le tradizioni interrotte d’Italia erano culture in cui la sapienza si scambiava con la saggezza, in un gioco caleidoscopico di empirismo, produzione fiabesca, pragmatismo, originalità. Erano, anche, confini difficilmente superabili dal Potere, persino da quello religioso che doveva, sovente, scendere a patti con le tradizioni pre-esistenti e con le credenze ataviche delle comunità. Erano veri e propri anticorpi sociali alle pretese di “dominio” che le istituzioni del tempo coltivavano nei confronti dei propri sottoposti, emblemi di un’alterità che tracciava una demarcazione netta tra chi esercitava il potere e chi poteva ribellarvisi.
Perché e come queste tradizioni sono state interrotte e rescisse? Chi o cosa minacciavano concretamente?
La loro eliminazione era naturaliter funzionale all’affermazione dello Stato nazionale, di quella moderna unità linguistica e storica che si affermò – ancorché incompiutamente – attraverso la scuola, la guerra e, infine, attraverso la televisione, lo strumento di comunicazione, manipolazione e persuasione più potente che sia mai apparso sulla scena della storia.
Il 9 dicembre 1973, dalle colonne del Corriere della Sera, Pier Paolo Pasolini lanciava uno storico monito dal carattere profetico: “Nessun centralismo fascista è riuscito a fare ciò che ha fatto il centralismo della civiltà dei consumi. Il fascismo proponeva un modello, reazionario e monumentale, che però restava lettera morta. Le varie culture particolari (contadine, sottoproletarie, operaie) continuavano imperturbabili a uniformarsi ai loro antichi modelli: la repressione si limitava ad ottenere la loro adesione a parole. Oggi, al contrario, l’adesione ai modelli imposti dal Centro, è tale e incondizionata”. L’articolo prosegue: “Per mezzo della televisione, il Centro ha assimilato a sé l’intero paese che era così storicamente differenziato e ricco di culture originali. Ha cominciato un’opera di omologazione distruttrice di ogni autenticità e concretezza. Ha imposto cioè – come dicevo – i suoi modelli: che sono i modelli voluti dalla nuova industrializzazione, la quale non si accontenta più di un “uomo che consuma”, ma pretende che non siano concepibili altre ideologie che quella del consumo”.
La soppressione delle culture popolari era anche un atavico obiettivo di coloro che professavano l’affermazione definitiva di una nuova fede, quella nella scienza. Oggi sappiamo, o dovremmo sapere, che nessuna verità scientifica è inconfutabile, che nulla di quanto è scientifico può non essere superato. Ciononostante, attribuiamo alla scienza un valore dogmatico. Ciononostante, abbiamo elevato la scienza a nuova religione, con i suoi riti, i suoi sacerdoti e i suoi anatemi, pagando questo scotto con la perdita di bio-diversità culturale, la disumanizzazione del lavoro, l’iper-medicalizzazione, il costante tentativo di superamento dell’ultima etica possibile, l’etica della vita o bio-etica.
Attraverso il mito della sapere scientifico, passate le co-scienze per la “spada” della televisione , siamo giunti a una nuova ortodossia del pensiero che ci avvolge da ogni lato, offrendoci risposte ma risparmiandoci domande: un nuovo totalitarismo a cui le tradizioni locali avrebbero contrapposto un anarco-liberismo del pensiero, basato sulla trasmissione “selvatica” di ciò che agli invidui spetta loro non in virtù di un inconsistente diritto sociale alla redistribuzione del reddito ma di un diritto naturale alla trasmissione di simboli – mai davvero assimilati alla cultura ufficiale, nemmeno da quella religiosa – e al loro recepimento.
Il processo di nazionalizzazione e costruzione della nazione, giustificato da un presunto “riscatto” delle masse dall’ignoranza da cui sarebbero state afflitte, si manifesta oggi come un processo di giustificazione dello Stato e dei processi persuasivi di potere, manipolazione e controllo sulle coscienze. Quanto poco efficace sia questo processo nel creare uomini liberi, lo testimonia l’analfabetismo di ritorno a cui la maggior parte della popolazione, dopo essere stata privata della sua iniziazione al sapere locale, viene condannata. Ma siamo sicuri che si tratti davvero di analfabetismo di ritorno, o forse l’unico alfabetismo che interessa alle istituzioni scolastiche è quello di instillare, nelle anime giovani, niente più che “Miti”, mere credenze e principi prodotti sotto l’egida della certezza scientifica e certificati dal complesso militare-industriale?
Può una società massificata, in cui il sapere e la cultura delle masse non sono argini all’esercizio del potere ma sue dirette emanazioni, essere davvero una società di uomini liberi?
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samedi, 26 octobre 2013
Niet Piet maar de Sint is het probleem
Ex: http://visionairbelgie.wordpress.com/2013/10/24/piet/
Niet Piet maar de Sint is het probleem
Nog maar net is het stofwolkje rond mijn kritiek op het moraalridderdom van de humanitaire gemeenschap gaan liggen, of daar komt mevrouw Verene Shepherd met een heuse VN-delegatie naar Nederland (dus niet naar België of waar dan ook, maar het vrijdenkende Holland) om te onderzoeken of die Zwarte Piet wel geen vermomde Surinaamse slaaf zou kunnen zijn.
Ik kan haar bij voorbaat gerust stellen: neen, Piet is geen Creool uit de omstreken van Paramaribo, de Hollanders zullen op een andere manier met hun koloniaal verleden moeten klaarkomen.
Wel stuitend is deze nieuwe opstoot van mondiale political correctness en mensenrechterlijke haarklieverij. Niet dus tegenover het Indische kastensysteem dat nog steeds zeer verbreid is. Niet tegen de vaginale verminking wereldwijd of de kinderarbeid of de slavernij van vandaag, of de onthoofding van homo’s in
Saudi-Arabië, of het heksengeloof dat in Afrika nog altijd vrouwen en kinderen letterlijk de woestijn in drijft. Maar dus wel tegen de 6 december-folklore waar trouwens geen enkel kind nog in gelooft, al doen ze alsof om hun ouders een goed gevoel te geven.
Om die Hollandse pietenhysterie te duiden, ondertussen goed voor anderhalf miljoen FaceOdinbooklikes, is het goed om even de herkomst van de traditie op te frissen. En het gaat wel degelijk over kleuren. De Christelijke Klaasfiguur is gebaseerd op de legendes rond de semi-fictieve Nicolaas van Myra, een bisschop die in de 4de eeuw zou geleefd hebben, en vooral gereputeerd was als helper-in-nood voor onbemiddelde meisjes die in de prostitutie dreigen verzeild te geraken (belangrijk voor het vervolg van ons verhaal).
De Zwarte Piet is een ander verhaal, of toch weer niet. De andere, heidense Nicolaas, die men omwille van de zieltjeswinnerij vermengde met de Christelijke versie, is namelijk een gedaante van de Germaanse oppergod Wotan, een nachtridder die met zijn achtpotige Sleipnir vooral in de twaalf donkerste dagen van het jaar de buurt onveilig maakte en in ruil voor bescherming loon-in-natura eiste. Geen gever dus, maar een nemer.
Probleem voor de Christelijke iconologie: na de nuttige vermenging van de twee klazen moest dat zwart-maffieus tintje er wel terug uit, teneinde weer een proper, deugdelijk afkooksel te bekomen dat zonder problemen in de Biblioteca Sanctorum paste.
En zo ontstond het olijke duo van de bebaarde Goedheilige Man alias de gecastreerde Wotan, en zijn donkerhuidige dommekracht, in Vlaanderen nog steeds Nicodemus genoemd. In de Angelsaksische wereld heeft men alleen Santa Claus overgehouden en de Piet zedigheidshalve gedumpt. Maar het lijdt geen twijfel: Pieterman is een afsplitsel van Sinterklaas zelf, en herinnert aan de fratsen van de seksbeluste Wotanfiguur. Mevrouw Shepherd wil dus eigenlijk de geamputeerde penis (de roe) van de weldoener op sterk water. Gevaarlijk werk voor meisjes, me dunkt.
Kinderlokker en meisjesgek
Zo zijn we direct waar we moeten wezen: niet de zwartheid van Piet is het probleem, mKlaasaar wel de witter-dan-witheid van Klaas, wiens schijnvroomheid veel stof tot contestatie biedt, zonder dat men er het racisme hoeft bij te sleuren. Er zijn m.a.w. een boel redenen om dat Klaasgedoe eens door de mangel te draaien, zomaar, zonder tussenkomst van de Verenigde Naties.
Vooreerst is het stuitend dat dit icoon van de Christelijke caritas altijd al een conservatieve functie heeft gehad: hij moest de rijken aanzetten tot vrijgevigheid, in hun eigen belang, opdat de armen niet opstandig zouden worden. In de 19de eeuw zou die meritocratische achtergrond absoluut primeren: wie rijk is, heeft dat ook verdiend, en wie arm is al evenzeer. De schoentjes van de deugdzamen worden het best gevuld, omdat ze hun mérites voor deze maatschappij bewezen hebben. De anderen moeten maar wat harder werken, eventueel aangespoord door de roe.
Vandaag stoort mij vooral de permanente ongelijkheid in het Sinterklaasverhaal, de afzichtelijke commercialisering van het ritueel, en het feit dat de vrijgevigheid van de Sint, als PR-man van de speelgoedindustrie, vooral met de draagkracht van de ouderlijke beurs is verbonden. Er zij dus kinderen die gewoon niks krijgen, nada, noppes, met de impliciete motivatie dat het met hun slecht gedrag te maken heeft. Ze zijn zwart, gebrandmerkt, veel meer dan de geschminkte Piet.
Terecht geven kinderen bij dit vertoon hun eigen onschuld maar wat graag op. Het zijn uiteindelijk zij die de Sint wandelen moeten sturen, als een verhaal vol ranzige kantjes.
In een bredere context is de link tussen braafheid en giften krijgen ronduit ranzig. Het creëert afhankelijkheid én onderdanigheid. Het maakt van de Sint een usurpator en kinderlokker, wat hij eigenlijk altijd al was. Zijn voorkeur voor jonge meisjes –liefst arm, die zijn gewilliger- is een rode draad in alle Sintlegendes, ook de Christelijke. Zijn Piet hangt er niet zo maar bij, maar is een wezenlijk onderdeel van een seksuele toeëigening die als dusdanig niet herkend wordt, juist door de tweeledigheid, de scheiding tussen wit en zwart.
Dat Pietencirkus dient dus vooral om de aandacht van de handen van de goedgeilige man zelf af te leiden. Men kan er nochtans moeilijk naast kijken, als buitenstaander. Altijd weer die kindjes op schoot, hun gekrijs omdat ze voelen dat er iets niet klopt, de witte handschoenen, het gefriemel en gefezel in het rode pluche, het grote zondenboek, de geënsceneerde aankomst per boot, het debiel-vrolijke geneuzel van Bart Peeters er rond (“Piet is zwart vanwege de schoorsteen”), de verhullende witte baard waarboven toch de uitpuilende ogen hangen van Jan Decleir, de belachelijke leugens en het gemonkel van de volwassenen,- heel dat ziekelijk vertoon is een beschaving onwaardig.
Terecht geven kinderen bij dit vertoon hun eigen onschuld maar wat graag op. Het zijn uiteindelijk zij die de Sint wandelen moeten sturen. De twaalfjarige Mozart voerde de dubieuze weldoener al ten tonele in zijn opera “Bastien und Bastienne”, gebaseerd op J.J. Rousseau’s “Le devin du village”, waar hij als Colas het herderinnetje Bastienne belooft om te bemiddelen in een ruzie met haar vriendje, maar eigenlijk zichzelf opdringt als meester en inwijder.
Terug naar de negritude. Op 30 juni 1960 hield Patrice Lumumba, de eerste premier van hlumumba_speechet onafhankelijke Congo, een vlijmscherpe, niet-aangekondigde speech tegen de wandaden van de Belgische weldoener en kolonisator. Koning Boudewijn zat op de eerst rij en keerde in koude razernij huiswaarts. Het heeft toen niet veel gescheeld of Zwarte Piet werd verboden in het Koninkrijk België. Gelukkig spaarde onze diepbetreurde vorst zijn roe en gaf de opdracht om Lumumba zelf te liquideren, letterlijk: hij werd geëxecuteerd en zijn lijk opgelost in zwavelzuur. De weg voor de corrupte Joseph Mobutu lag open. De rol van de CIA, de Britse geheime dienst én het Belgische hof is in deze ondertussen historisch uitgeklaard, België bood in 2002 zelfs excuses aan. Case closed… of toch niet?
De reden waarom wij in Vlaanderen geen zin hebben om Piet te bannen, is nu net zijn subversieve betekenis. Nog altijd is een zwarte bij ons niet alleen een neger, maar het wijst tegelijk op een politiek-foute paria, iemand die men geen hand geeft zonder de handen nadien te wassen. Meteen blijkt, hoe die mevrouw Shepherd eigenlijk het omgekeerde doet van wat ze voorwendt: ze elimineert de zwarte, waarna de witte als Santa Claus het rijk voor zich alleen heeft. Vreemd geval van zelfhaat.
De reden waarom wij in Vlaanderen geen zin hebben om Piet te bannen, is nu net de dreiging die hij uitstraalt tegenover de witte weldoener.
Want in hun coëxistentie zit net de mogelijkheid van een omslag. Op elk moment kan de knecht de meester van het dak gooien of in de haard verbranden, dat gevaar is inherent aan hun relatie. Het is voor mij ook het enige motief om de doodsstrijd van Nicolaas te rekken en te wachten tot hét gebeurt: het exploot van de Sint-killer. Wat Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel (1770-1831) al omschreef als de meester-knecht-dialectiek, nl. het feit dat gezagsrelaties altijd labiel zijn omdat de meerdere de mindere nodig heeft om zijn macht te bevestigen, bevat de dreiging van een grote vadermoord. Nicodemus alias Lumumba zal dan, zelfs als hij daarvoor achteraf wordt terecht gesteld, blijven spoken in de speelgoedwinkel en de dromen van de machthebbers teisteren.
Zwarte poes
Laten we voor de rest niet vergeten dat dit een verschrikkelijke mannenzaak is, van in de oorsprong. Na de moord op Klaas lijkt me een nieuw element van verering op zijn plaats, als we in deze donkere tijden toch moeten wegdromen: geen Zwarte Piet maar Zwarte Poes, het vrouwelijk geslacht dat als een origine du monde geeft zonder te nemen, zonder voorwaarden te stellen, zonder gehoorzaamheid te eisen, genereus en absoluut. Geen pietenschmink maar echte, diepe negritude met een matriarchale inslag. Verene Shepherd zou er best voor kunnen doorgaan, als ze toch maar die bedillerige en rancuneuze zwavelzuurtoon achterwege kon laten die ze, dat weet ik heel zeker, in het blanke maatpakkenuniversum heeft opgelopen.
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lundi, 07 octobre 2013
Julius Evola y Hakim Bey
por Juan Manuel Garayalde – Bajo los Hielos –
Ex: http://paginatransversal.wordpress.com
Charla dictada el día 16 de Diciembre de 2004 en el Centro de Estudios Evolianos, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
I – Anarquismo Mítico y Filosófico
Como todo pensamiento político, el anarquismo ha tenido diferentes puntos de vista. Una importante cantidad de intelectuales sitúan al nacimiento del anarquismo en el siglo XIX, cuando podemos hallar en la Metamorfosis de Ovidio, una mención a un sistema político de similares características que se lo hallaría en el inicio de una Edad de Oro, donde no habría leyes, jueces ni nada que se le parezca para sancionar a los ciudadanos, puesto que entre ellos existía una visión del mundo similar. Asimismo, no podemos olvidar a las comunidades anarquistas como los seguidores del Patriarca Gnóstico Carpócrates de Alejandría que fundó comunidades cristianas en el norte de Africa y en España en el siglo II. Diferente al anarquismo filosófico del siglo XIX, que sitúa al anarquismo al final de la historia humana, como un proceso evolutivo, tal como fue formulado de manera similar el paraíso comunista de Karl Marx.
Dentro de esta corriente del siglo XIX, se destacaron autores como William Godwin, Proudhon, Max Stirner, Bakunin, etc.. Stirner, el más importante exponente del individualismo anarquista, fue en contra no sólo del Estado, sino en contra de la Sociedad; fue mas lejos que cualquier pensador anarquista convirtiendo al hombre en el Absoluto, la nada creadora, en ser belicoso por naturaleza que lucha por la propiedad de si mismo, la “propiedad del único”, rechazando al Estado, la burguesía, las instituciones sociales y educativas, la familia, las leyes. Destruir las ilusiones para descubrirse a sí mismo y ser dueño de sí mismo.
Su principal obra, “El único y su propiedad”, fue recibida con hostilidad por Karl Marx, quien lo ve como una amenaza a todo su materialismo dialéctico, a lo que se dedicará con esmero a refutar sus ideas. Así, el anarquismo filosófico comienza a verse como amenaza al marxismo.
Posteriormente, será Bakunin el que desafiará el crecimiento del comunismo. Este pensador anarquista, marcará la diferencia con los otros, puesto que si dicho movimiento logró cierta presencia en la lucha social, será gracias a él. Es impensable el sindicalismo anarquista sin Bakunin (recordemos a FORJA en la historia Argentina, y la famosa “Semana Trágica” de 1919). Europa quizás nunca habría presenciado un movimiento político anarquista organizado, sino hubiese sido por la labor activa de Bakunin.
II – Anarquismo, Liberalismo y Socialismo
El surgimiento del anarquismo filosófico, está enlazado a la crisis social post-medieval. La burguesía comienza a establecer relaciones con las viejas aristocracias, en tanto se demolían los gremios y asociaciones que protegían a los pequeños productores. Ante el crecimiento del comercio y las manufacturas, los viejos gremios medievales eran una traba a ese nuevo desarrollo. Los pequeños artesanos y productores agrícolas, comenzaban a quedar desamparados ante el crecimiento de la competencia, en tanto crecían los derechos monopolistas en manos de grandes compañías industriales, agrícolas y comerciales.
Surgieron en esa época de transición dos corrientes de protesta: el Liberalismo Radical, que pretendía reformas parlamentarias para frenar el poder del Estado, y el Anarquismo. Los liberales (Locke) consideraban a la propiedad como un derecho natural, y le legaban la responsabilidad al Estado para que protegiera la misma de ataques internos y externos, permitiendo así el libre intercambio de mercaderías. Los anarquistas en cambio, decían que el Estado protege la propiedad de los ricos, y que las leyes favorecen la concentración de la propiedad. Para los anarquistas, se debía crear una sociedad igualitaria de productores pequeños y económicamente autónomos, libres de privilegios o distinciones clasistas, donde el Estado sería innecesario.
Se considera al Anarquismo una ampliación radical del Liberalismo. Esto significa, que tiene mas similitudes con el Liberalismo que con el Socialismo. Sin embargo, con este último hubo alianzas, siendo que lo único en que coincidían era en la estrategia revolucionaria contra el poder burgués. Durante el siglo XX, el anarquismo participó en dos importante acontecimientos: la Revolución Rusa de 1917 y la Guerra Civil Española de 1936. En ambas, el enemigo principal que se les manifestó, fueron los comunistas, los que llegaron a hacer ejecuciones en masa de militantes anarquistas.
El anarquismo tuvo su primera gran derrota cuando Marx se adueña de la Primera Internacional, luego de acalorados debates con Bakunin. Dicha hegemonía se mantuvo hasta 1991, con la desintegración de la URSS. Desde entonces, surgirán nuevas corriente del pensamiento anarquista, pero de todas ellas, la que aquí queremos rescatar por su nueva orientación, es el anarquismo ontológico, que tiene al británico Peter Lamborn Wilson, mas conocido como Hakim Bey como su principal exponente.
III – El Anarquismo Ontológico de Hakim Bey
Se torna dificultoso poder definir el concepto del anarquismo ontológico, puesto que es una forma de encarar la realidad, donde no se necesitan teorías que cierren en si mismas, sino acciones que tienden a despojar al hombre de preconceptos modernos. El anarquismo ontológico es un desafío abierto a la sociedad actual, donde el Yo es puesto a prueba, para ver si es capaz de cuestionarse ciertos comportamientos y pensamientos que se manifiestan mecánicamente. Su lenguaje principal, es lo que Hakim Bey denomina el “terrorismo poético”, una forma brusca pero profunda de rechazar las convenciones de toda sociedad organizada en torno a ilusiones.
Ante la crisis espiritual que afecta principalmente a Occidente, propone Hakim Bey un nomadismo psíquico, un retorno al paleolítico, siendo mas realista que simbólico este último concepto. Como él dice, “se busca la transmutación de la cultura basura en oro contestatario”. Su frase principal es “El Caos nunca murió”, donde para él, seria el espacio donde la libertad se vive a pleno, en tanto que ve al Orden como la presentación de una serie de estructuras políticas, sociales, culturales, educativas, policiales; en sí, límites impuestos a la mente que debe poseer una naturaleza de libertad plena. Ese Orden actual, no hace más que aprisionar al hombre poniéndole por encima, leyes de una civilización que se detiene en el tiempo, para congelar y matar el Espíritu.
Bey nos dice que el Caos es derrotado por dioses jóvenes, moralistas, por sacerdotes y banqueros, señores que quieren siervos y no hombres libres. Seguidor de grupos sufíes no muy ortodoxos, plantea la jihad espiritual, la rebelión contra la civilización moderna.
El modelo social de lucha que plantea Hakim Bey, es la de la pandilla, del grupo de salteadores que tiene su propia ley. Ese es el sentido del paleolítico, la banda de cazadores y recolectores que erraban por los bosques y desiertos de una tierra antigua sin dioses tiranos.
Hace pocos años, se estrenó una película, en la cual, uno de sus realizadores, estuvo influido por los escritos de este autor. La película se llamaba “El Club de la Pelea” donde se describe un hombre sumiso al sistema económico y moral, que se le plantea una ruptura mental que lo lleva a crear un mundo real donde podía estar fuera del sistema atacándolo, burlándose del mismo continuamente.
Esto nos lleva a estudiar el aporte que consideramos el mas interesante de la obra de Hakim Bey: el concepto de TAZ, es decir, la Zona Temporalmente Autónoma.
IV – Zona Temporalmente Autónoma (TAZ)
Existe una coincidencia semántica con el pensador tradicionalista italiano, Julius Evola: Ambos autores utilizan el término “rebelión” como forma de reacción ante los síntomas de la decadencia espiritual y material del Hombre.
Para Hakim Bey, el planteo de una Revolución, implica un proceso de transformaciones donde se va de una situación caótica a un nuevo Orden, pero, un Orden al fin. El escritor nos dice: “¿Cómo es que todo mundo puesto patas arriba siempre termina por enderezarse? ¿Por qué siempre a toda revolución sigue una reacción, como una temporada en el infierno?” (1). De esta manera, un Orden dentro del Kali Yuga, implicaría retornar a una forma de conservadurismo decadente. Implica la frustración de ideales revolucionarios iniciales, ante las reacciones naturales de los que quieren volver las cosas a su cause normal, saliendo del CAOS.
H.B. utiliza los términos de “rebelión”, “revuelta” e “insurrección”, que implicaría “un momento que salta por encima del tiempo, que viola la “ley” de la historia”. En este caso, estamos muy cercanos al concepto evoliano del “idealismo mágico”.
Redondeando estas ideas: en tanto la Revolución es un proceso que va del CAOS a un Orden determinado, la rebelión que plantea H.B. es temporal: es un acto extra-ordinario, que busca cambiar el mundo y no adaptarse a él, que busca vivir la utopía y no conformarse con un Orden a medias.
Pero, si no hay un Orden determinado a crearse por parte de los anarquistas ontológicos, ¿de dónde parte la rebelión y a dónde retorna la misma una vez desatada? Allí H.B. nos habla de la TAZ, las Zonas Temporalmente Autónomas, que es un lugar físico que permite justamente un desarrollo de la libertad interior. Hay que aclarar, que la TAZ no es un concepto abstracto, sino real e histórico .. aunque esta siempre quiso manifestarse por fuera de la Historia.
Uno de los ejemplos que trata H.B., es la utopía pirata. Menciona fundamentalmente el período comprendido entre el siglo XVI y XVII. En América, la zona del Caribe es muy conocida por su historia de piratas, y el autor nos habla de la famosa Isla de la Tortuga que fue el refugio de los barcos piratas y de todo delincuente que transitó esos rumbos alejados de la civilización. Era una isla al norte de Haití, de 180 km. Cuadrados, con un mar rodeado de tiburones. En dicha isla, no existía ninguna autoridad, leyes, códigos de comercio, impuestos, y todo aquello a lo que hoy estamos sometidos para poder pertenecer a un determinado sistema social. Ellos supieron crear un sistema por fuera del Sistema, o sea, un anti-sistema, el CAOS, el lugar donde un anarquismo ontológico podía encontrar cause para su desarrollo. Si hablamos de la gente que componía los barcos piratas, hallaremos que eran de distintas razas: negros, blancos, asiáticos; distintas religiones, diferente educación y clase social de la cual quedaron desheredados: todos estaban en pie de igualdad, pero no una igualdad colectivista, sino guerrera.
Esta TAZ, esa Zona Temporalmente Autónoma que fue la Isla de la Tortuga, no duro muchos años; y esa es justamente la característica de la TAZ, su limitación en el tiempo, que según H.B. como mucho, puede durar la vida de una persona, no mas de eso, puesto que el Sistema ira en su búsqueda para destruirla. Veamos como el autor define la TAZ:
“El TAZ es como una revuelta que no se engancha con el Estado, una operación guerrillera que libera un área – de tierra, de tiempo, de imaginación- y entonces se autodisuelve para reconstruirse en cualquier otro lugar o tiempo, antes de que el Estado pueda aplastarla”. (2)
Es la estrategia de la barricada, que cuando esta viene a ser destruida, es abandonada, y levantada en otro lugar. Es el ámbito de la Internet, donde uno ingresa para criticar el sistema a través de una página web, y cuando esta cae, vuelve a aparecer en otro lugar.
Pero, sigamos con los ejemplos históricos que H.B. utiliza para describir su concepto de TAZ. En este caso, citamos un párrafo completo, con el objetivo de que puedan apreciar todos los elementos vulgares, artísticos, esotéricos, poéticos del pensador, que parece mezclar la realidad con la fantasía, con la utopía y con lo oculto. Esta forma de escribir, que como hemos dicho anteriormente, él ha definido como “terrorismo poético”:
“Por tanto, de entre los experimentos del periodo de Entreguerras me concentraré si no en la alocada república de Fiume, que es mucho menos conocida, y no se organizó para perdurar.”
“Gabriele D’Annunzio, poeta decadente, artista, músico, esteta, mujeriego, atrevido pionero aeronáutico, mago negro, genio y canalla, emergió de la I Guerra Mundial como un héroe con un pequeño ejército a sus órdenes: los “Arditi”. A falta de aventuras, decidió capturar la ciudad de Fiume en Yugoslavia y entregársela a Italia. Después de una ceremonia necromántica junto a su querida en un cementerio de Venecia partió a la conquista de Fiume, y triunfó sin mayores problemas. Sin embargo Italia rechazó su generosa oferta; el primer ministro lo tachó de loco.”
“En un arrebato, D’Annunzio decidió declarar la independencia y comprobar por cuanto tiempo podría salirse con la suya. Junto a uno de sus amigos anarquistas escribió la Constitución, que declaraba la música como el fundamento central del Estado. Los miembros de la marina (desertores y anarcosindicalistas marítimos de Milán) se autodenominaron los Uscochi, en honor de los desaparecidos piratas que una vez vivieron en islas cercanas a la costa saqueando barcos venecianos y otomanos. Los mudemos Uscochi triunfaron en algunos golpes salvajes: las ricas naves italianas dieron de pronto un futuro a la república: dinero en las arcas! Artistas, bohemios, aventureros, anarquistas (D’Annunzio mantenía correspondencia con Malatesta) fugitivos y expatriados, homosexuales, dandis militares (el uniforme era negro con la calavera y los huesos pirata; robada más tarde por las SS) y reformistas chalados de toda índole (incluyendo a budistas, teósofos y vedantistas) empezaron a presentarse en Fiume en manadas. La fiesta nunca acababa. Cada mañana D’Annunzio leía poesía y manifiestos desde el balcón; cada noche un concierto, después fuegos artificiales. Esto constituía toda la actividad del gobierno. Dieciocho meses más tarde, cuando se acabaron el vino y el dinero y la flota italiana se presentó, porfió y voleó unos cuantos proyectiles al palacio municipal, nadie tenia ya fuerzas para resistir.”
(…). En algunos aspectos fue la última de las utopías piratas (o el único ejemplo moderno); en otros aspectos quizás, fue muy posiblemente la primera TAZ moderna.” (3)
V – La TAZ en la Historia Argentina
Llegados a este punto, nos preguntamos: ¿puede hallarse un ejemplo de la TAZ en nuestra historia argentina? ¿Pudo haber hallado H.B. un ejemplo para aportar a su trabajo?. La respuesta es afirmativa, y ello lo encontramos nada mas y nada menos, que en nuestra obra cumbre de la literatura argentina: El Martín Fierro.
Esta obra, cuyo protagonista es una creación del autor, representa la confrontación entre la “Civilización” y la “Barbarie”, y forzando un poco los términos, entre la Modernidad y la Tradición. El tiempo en que se desarrolla este poema guachesco es durante el período de la organización nacional, entendido este como la adaptación de un país de carácter católico, libre y guerrero, al sistema constitucional liberal, laico, de desacralización del poder político en post de las ideologías que apuntalaron, reforzaron a la Modernidad.
Martín Fierro es el arquetipo de la “Barbarie”; el Hombre que no acepta una “Civilización” ajena a su cultura, que quiere obligarle a adoptar una nueva forma de vida, a riesgo de perderla si no obedece. Por tal motivo, Martín Fierro huye más allá de la frontera sur, a vivir con los indios. Leemos en esta obra:
“Yo sé que los caciques
amparan a los cristianos,
y que los tratan de “hermanos”
Cuando se van por su gusto
A que andar pasando sustos …
Alcemos el poncho y vamos”.
La Frontera, las tolderías, son la TAZ que supo existir en la Argentina. Allí, los hombres que estaban fuera de la ley, encontraron la libertad: fueron quienes desertaban del nuevo ejército constitucional, ladrones de ganado, asesinos, esclavos, muchachos jóvenes que huían de sus casas optando por la libertad que se vivía mas allá de la frontera. También existieron ejemplos de mujeres que cautivas de los indios, tuvieron familia, y que al regresar a la civilización, no pudieron acostumbrarse y regresaron con los indios. Martín Fierro nos describe la vida libre, hasta holgazana de vivir con los indios:
“Allá no hay que trabajar
Vive uno como un señor
De cuando en cuando un malón
Y si de él sale con vida
Lo pasa echado panza arriba
Mirando dar güelta el sol.”
Lo cierto es, que no existía mucha diferencia entre la toldería y el medio rural. La diferencia comenzó a ampliarse a medida que crecían las leyes y la coerción y se perdía la libertad que el gaucho conocía. La frontera pasa a convertirse no solo en una válvula de escape para las tensiones sociales, sino también, para las existenciales.
Pero del arquetipo, pasemos también a un ejemplo concreto, a un hombre que la literatura retrató varias veces en novelas, cuentos y obras de teatro, a lo que se le sumará muchos relatos acerca del lugar que utilizó para escapar de la “civilización”. Este hombre que hemos elegido al azar, se llamó Cervando Cardozo, conocido como Calandria por su hermosa voz para el canto. Fue un gaucho que nació en 1839 y fallece -muerto por la policía- en 1879. Tuvo una vida como cualquiera de su tiempo, pero a diferencia que decidió luchar cuando la institucionalización política del país comenzó a querer robarle su libertad. Él se incorpora a la última montonera de la historia nacional, la comandada por el caudillo entrerriano Ricardo López Jordán, al que la historia oficial, lo acusa de haber participado en asesinar al caudillo Justo J. de Urquiza, quién para entonces, era el principal responsable de las transformaciones políticas del país. Calandria peleará junto a López Jordán, y al ser derrotado su levantamiento, es obligado a incorporarse a un ejército de frontera. Calandria no acepta, y deserta. Nace así su vida de matrero, que la vivirá dentro de la provincia de Entre Ríos en la denominada Selva de Montiel, donde las fuerzas policiales jamás podrían capturarlo.
Aquí nos adentramos a una nueva TAZ: el monte. En muchas tradiciones, los bosques representan lugares prohibidos, donde abundan espíritus, criaturas fantásticas, y en donde se corría peligro de hallar una muerte horrenda. Uno de los ejemplos mas conocidos por todos, son los bosques de Sherwood donde encontraron refugio varios “fuera de la ley” que luego seguirían al famoso Roobin Hood.
En nuestra tierra, los montes representaban el lugar donde los gauchos matreros se escondían, donde hechiceros, curanderos, brujas, opas y deformes tenían su guarida. Es también el sitio donde los aquelarres se realizaban, que bien expresados están en nuestras canciones populares; por ejemplo en La Salamanca de Arturo Dávalos, dice su estribillo: “Y en las noches de luna se puede sentir, / a Mandinga y los diablos cantar”, o Bailarín de los Montes de Peteco Carabajal, en su estribillo también dice: “Soy bailarín de los montes / nacido en la Salamanca”.
Aquí haremos una breve profundización de este tema de La Salamanca: originalmente, la leyenda parte de España, de la región de Salamanca. Allí, se encontraban las famosas cuevas donde alquimistas, magos, kabbalistas, gnósticos, y otros, se reunían en secreto para eludir las persecuciones de la Inquisición. Como allí se efectuaban todo tipo de enseñanzas de carácter iniciático, quedo una leyenda negativa impulsada desde el clero católico de la época, donde allí se invocaba al demonio; y es por eso, que todo el proceso del que ingresa a la Salamanca hasta llegar frente al Diablo, es de carácter iniciático .. pero, hacia lo inferior. Es por eso, que se dice, que en la actualidad, hay dos entradas a la Salamanca con resultados diferentes, uno de ascenso y otro de descenso. La Salamanca, es para la TAZ argentina, el modelo de iniciación, en tanto se logre hallar “la otra puerta”.
Retomando, la Selva de Montiel (llamada así, por lo impenetrable de la misma) fue el refugio de muchos, como Calandria, que se resistieron al cambio, a perder su libertad y apego a la tradición a causa – como dice un motivo popular entrerriano – de la reja del arado, de la división de la tierra y del alambrado. Estos matreros conservaron en pequeña escala parte de la figura que representaron en otro momento los Caudillos, puesto que tenían un respeto y comprensión hacia los pobladores, y estos terminaban siendo cómplices silenciosos de las aventuras de estos outsiders.
Cito aquí, un párrafo de la obra de teatro “Calandria” de Martiniano Leguizamón, estrenada en 1896. En este fragmento que leeré, habla el gaucho matrero frente a la tumba de su Madre:
“¡Triste destino el mío! …. ¡Sin un rancho, sin familia, sin un día de reposo! … ¡Tendré al fin que entregarme vensido a mis perseguidores! … Y ¿pa qué? ¿Por salvar el número uno? … ¿Por el placer de vivir? … ¡No, si la libertad que me ofrecen no had ser más que una carnada! No; no agarro. ¡Qué me van a perdonar las mil diabluras que le he jugao a la polesía! ¡Me he reído tanto de ella y la he burlao tan fiero! … (Riendo) ¡La verdá que esto es como dice el refrán: andar el mundo al revés, el sorro corriendo al perro y el ladrón detrás del jues! … ¡Bah … si el que no nació pa el cielo al ñudo mira pa arriba!” (4)
Calandria no fue el único de estos gauchos matreros. Nuestro Atahualpa Yupanqui fue un gaucho matrero en los años ´30. Luego de una fallida revolución radical en la que participó, huyo a Entre Ríos y se ocultó en la Selva de Montiel. Fue en esa época que compuso la canción “Sin caballo y en Montiel”.
Pero avancemos más en esta construcción de la TAZ en nuestra tierra. Si el gaucho matrero es una representación, en pequeña escala, del Caudillo, ¿dónde podemos hallar una figura de tal magnitud que cuadre con el modelo del anarquismo ontológico?. Podremos hallar verdaderas sorpresas en nuestra historia nacional. Una de ellas, es la del joven Juan Facundo Quiroga, el “Tigre de los Llanos”, que por las descripciones que se hicieron sobre su persona, nos atrevemos a decir que fue uno de los primeros líderes anarcas que hubo en nuestra historia nacional.
Sarmiento, que conoció a Quiroga en su etapa juvenil -no ya la adulta donde se comenzaría a preocuparse por la forma organizativa que debía lograrse con la Confederación Argentina-, en su “Facundo”, entre el odio y la admiración escribe estas palabras sobre Quiroga:
“Toda la vida publica de Quiroga me parece resumida en estos datos. Veo en ellos el hombre grande, el hombre genio a su pesar, sin saberlo él, el César, el Tamerlán, el Mahoma. Ha nacido así, y no es culpa suya; se abajará en las escalas sociales para mandar, para dominar, para combatir el poder de la ciudad, la partida de la policía. Si le ofrecen una plaza en los ejércitos la desdeñará, porque no tiene paciencia para aguardar los ascensos, porque hay mucha sujeción, muchas trabas puestas a la independencia individual, hay generales que pesan sobre él, hay una casaca que oprime el cuerpo y una táctica que regla los pasos ¡todo es insufrible!. La vida de a caballo, la vida de peligros y emociones fuertes han acerado su espíritu y endurecido su corazón; tiene odio invencible, instintivo, contra las leyes que lo han perseguido, contra los jueces que lo han condenado, contra toda esa sociedad y esa organización de que se ha sustraído desde la infancia y que lo mira con prevención y menosprecio. (…) Facundo es un tipo de barbarie primitiva; no conoció sujeción de ningún género; su cólera era la de las fieras …” (5)
Y como todo anarca, Quiroga no era de los hombres que querían sentarse en un escritorio a gobernar lo que mucho le había costado conseguir. Sus batallas nunca finalizaron. Citamos nuevamente a Sarmiento:
“Quiroga, en su larga carrera, jamás se ha encargado del gobierno organizado, que abandonaba siempre a otros. Momento grande y espectable para los pueblos es siempre aquel en que una mano vigorosa se apodera de sus destinos. Las instituciones se afirman o ceden su lugar a otras nuevas más fecundas en resultados, o más confortables con las ideas que predominan. (…)
“No así cuando predomina una fuerza extraña a la civilización, cuando Atila se apodera de Roma, o Tamerlán recorre las llanuras asiáticas; los escombros quedan, pero en vano iría después a removerlos la mano de la filosofía para buscar debajo de ellos las plantas vigorosas que nacieran con el abono nutritivo de la sangre humana. Facundo, genio bárbaro, se apodera de su país; las tradiciones de gobierno desaparecen, las formas se degradan, las leyes son un juguete en manos torpes; y en medio de esta destrucción efectuada por las pisadas de los caballos, nada se sustituye, nada se establece”. (6)
Aquí se ven con claridad los conceptos de H.B. de psiquismo nómade y de un retorno al paleolítico.
VI – Anarquismo Ontológico y Tradición
Hasta aquí, hemos trazado un paralelismo entre el concepto de la TAZ de H.B. y nuestra historia nacional. Nuestra tarea a continuación es ver a donde nos puede llevar el anarquismo ontológico.
Esta postura, la creemos positiva para el impulso de un Nihilismo Activo, que consistirá en construir bases de acción que son la TAZ: su acción es decontructora, de rechazo a los valores y estructuras de pensamiento de la Modernidad. El anarquismo ontológico ha sabido descubrir en la historia a los outsiders del sistema, y este tema, es una eterna preocupación de la filosofía política contemporánea. Por ejemplo, uno de los pensadores mas importantes del neoliberalismo, Robert Nozick, (7) recientemente fallecido, nos habla de un estado de naturaleza donde paso a paso se va construyendo el Estado Liberal ideal para la sociedad actual. Nos habla de una Asociación de Protección Dominante, donde unos trabajan y otros toman el papel de defender a la comunidad de los agresores externos. De allí, se pasa al Estado Ultramínimo, que tiene como objetivo, justamente, incorporar a los outsiders .. a los fuera de la ley. Supuestamente, para Nozick, los outsiders se integrarían a la sociedad al ofrecerles protección gratuita para que puedan vivir en paz, lo que denominó principio de compensación. Dicho intento teórico fracaso, sobrándonos ejemplos reales para comprobarlo históricamente. El anarca no necesita que nadie lo proteja. El es libre de vivir y morir en su propia Ley. (8)
El Anarquismo Ontológico ha tenido una importante repercusión en los jóvenes, y esta idea de la TAZ hasta fue llevada al cine. La película “El Club de la Pelea” con Eduard Norton y Brad Pitt como actores principales, nos presenta la atmósfera de una generación de jóvenes sin ideales, con futuro incierto y, sobre todo, la revelación absoluta de su propia soledad en el mundo. Allí, como en Doctor Jekill y Mister Hyde, hay un hombre que no se atreve a liberarse de sus propias cadenas, a vivir el mundo sin tratar de controlarlo.
Una película como el Club de la Pelea nos muestra que estamos solos, que no hay nadie allá afuera con los brazos abiertos esperándonos. Uno de los personajes de esta película, Tyler Durden, en su discurso donde inaugura su TAZ, el Club de la Pelea, viviendo en un edificio abandonado en ruinas y rodeado de jóvenes rebeldes, dice: Veo en el Club a los hombres más listos y fuertes, veo tanto potencial y veo que se desperdicia. Dios mío, una generación vendiendo gasolina, sirviendo mesas, esclavos de cuello blanco y todos esos anuncios que promueven el desear autos y ropas con marcas de un tipo que nos dicta cómo debemos vernos. Hacemos trabajos odiosos para comprar lo innecesario, hijos en medio de la Historia sin propósito ni lugar…
Como nos dice con certeza H.B.: “El capitalismo, que afirma producir el Orden mediante la reproducción del deseo, de hecho se origina en la producción de la escasez, y sólo puede reproducirse en la insatisfacción, la negación y la alienación.” (9)
Y, en ese Club de la Pelea, los que lo integran, justamente, aprenden a pelear y no a huir … aprenden a reconciliarse con su propio pasado, a vencer el miedo y la angustiosa realidad materialista; y en el fondo, siempre manifestándose una lucha existencial.
Julius Evola, en su obra “El Arco y la Clava”, en oposición a ciertos movimientos juveniles modernos, describe una nueva orientación denominada anarquismo de derecha: aquí, nos habla de muchachos que no pierden su idealismo luego de pasar los 30 años. Jóvenes con un entusiasmo e impulso desmesurados, “con una entrega incondicionada, de un desapego respecto de la existencia burguesa y de los intereses puramente materiales y egoístas” (10). Una generación que puede hallarse en el presente, que asuman valores como el coraje, la lealtad, el desprecio a la mentira, “la incapacidad de traicionar, la superioridad ante cualquier mezquino egoísmo y ante cualquier bajo interés” (11); todos valores que están por encima del “bien” y del “mal”, que no caen en un plano moral, sino ontológico. Es mantenerse de pie con principios inmerso en un clima social desfavorable, agresivo; capaz de luchar por una causa perdida con una fuerza y energía sobrenatural, que termina inspirando el terror en sus rivales, y entre estos quizás, uno que logre despertar ante lo que creyó como una amenaza. Pocos hombres como estos, serían capaces de detener ejércitos en algún acantilado de la antigua Grecia, o, en los tiempos que hoy vivimos, tomar una Isla del Atlántico Sur sin matar ningún civil o soldado enemigo.
Pero, a diferencia de H.B., la TAZ, el anarquismo ontológico sólo puede ser considerado como una estrategia para la aceleración de los tiempos; pero, dentro de esa TAZ, deberán recrearse los principios de una Orden, que deberá reconstruir el mundo arrasado basándose en los principios de la Tradición Primordial.
Lo que nos separará siempre de la postura anarquista frente a la tradicional, es la aspiración de edificar un Estado Orgánico, Tradicional, y a confrontar un igualitarismo de proclama con las Jerarquías Espirituales. Como en un tiempo estuvieron unidos el Socialismo y el Anarquismo en la estrategia revolucionaria, en el presente, el Anarquismo Ontológico sigue el mismo camino postulado por el pensador italiano Julius Evola, de cabalgar el tigre, de controlar el proceso de decadencia para estar presentes el día en que el Tiempo se detenga. Quizás, cuando llegue ese día, ambas posturas estén unidas en la tarea de construir una nueva Civilización que sea inicio de una nueva Era.
En similitud el caso argentino, sin un Juan Facundo Quiroga que comenzó a desafiar la autoridad iluminista del Partido Unitario, en los años ´20 del siglo XIX, sumergiendo al país en la anarquía junto con otros Caudillos, no hubiese llegado una década mas tarde, un Juan Manuel de Rosas a comenzar a edificar la Santa Confederación Argentina: ambos son parte del Ser y del Devenir; ambos parte de la “Barbarie” en oposición al anti – espíritu alienante de la “Civilización”. El anarca y el Soberano Gibelino terminan juntos trayendo el alma del Desierto a las ciudades sin Luz interior.
No queremos concluir esta exposición sin volver a retrotraernos a nuestra tradición folclórica, a la TAZ que intentó resistir el avance de la Modernidad. Hoy, aquí reunidos, hemos conformado una TAZ. Y cuando cada uno de nosotros se haya marchado y las luces de este lugar se apaguen, la TAZ se disolverá para luego crearse en otros lugares. El espíritu rebelde del Martín Fierro, está en nosotros viviendo a través de todos estos años.
Concluimos con un fragmento de un poema con el cual nos identificamos, dedicado al gaucho Calandria, que murió peleando en su propia ley y soñando permanecer por siempre libre en su Selva de Montiel:
“En mí se ha reencarnado el alma de un matrero,
como la de Calandria, el errabundo aquél,
que amaba la espesura, igual que el puma fiero,
y que amplió las leyendas del bravío Montiel”
* * *
(1) Hakim Bey. TAZ. Zona Temporalmente Autónoma. http://www.merzmail.net/zona.htm
(2) Hakim Bey. Ob. Cit.
(3) Idem.
(4) Leguizamón, Martiniano. Calandria. Del Viejo Tiempo. Edit. Solar/Hachette – Buenos Aires 1961. P..47.
(5) Sarmiento, Domingo F. Facundo. Civilización y Barbarie. Ed. Calpe – Madrid, 1924. p.106-107.
(6) Sarmiento, Domingo F. Ob. Cit. p. 123.
(7) Nozick, Robert. Anarquia, Estado y Utopía. FCE – Buenos Aires, 1991.
(8) Existe una diferencia entre el anarquismo (los “ismos”) y el anarca, concepción que esta mas cercana a la filosofía de Max Stirner. El escritor mexicano José Luis Ontiveros, nos da una explicación del mismo: “El anarca es un autoexiliado de la sociedad. El anarca es, también, un solitario, que cree en el valor incondicional y absoluto de los actos. A diferencia del anarquista, el anarca ha dejado de confiar en la bondad natural del ser humano, y en utopías y fórmulas filantrópicas que salven o rediman a la humanidad. Su ser se funda, en el sentido original de la voz griega anarchos “sin mando”, pero su autoridad individualista reconoce principios como la disciplina y la moral de la guerra, su combate se libra contra cuando menos dos o tres enemigos, su ámbito es el bosque, el fuego, la montaña en donde el hombre debe abandonar la máscara de la sociabilidad, para retornar a la experiencia primigenia, al ser que se otorga a sí mismo la voluntad”. Ontiveros, José Luis. Apología a la Barbarie. Ediciones Barbarroja – España 1992. p. 38.
(9) Hakim Bey. Ob. Cit.
(10) Evola, Julius. El Arco y la Clava. Editorial Heracles – Buenos Aires 1999. p. 244.
(11) Evola, Julius. Ob. Cit. p. 245.
Fuente: Bajo los Hielos
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vendredi, 04 octobre 2013
Putin saluta il tradizionalismo, nucleo dell’identità nazionale della Russia
Putin saluta il tradizionalismo, nucleo dell’identità nazionale della Russia
RIA Novosti & http://www.statopotenza.eu
Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin propaganda il tradizionalismo come cuore dell’identità nazionale della Russia, lamentando minacce come la globalizzazione e il multiculturalismo, l’unità per un “mondo unipolare” e l’erosione dei valori cristiani, tra cui un esagerato concentrarsi sui diritti delle minoranze sessuali.
“Senza i valori al centro del cristianesimo e delle altre religioni del mondo, senza norme morali plasmate nel corso dei millenni, i popoli perderanno inevitabilmente la loro dignità umana“, ha detto Putin, rivolgendosi a diverse centinaia di funzionari russi e stranieri, studiosi e altre figure pubbliche in una conferenza promossa dal Cremlino nella Russia nordoccidentale. In un discorso e una sessione aperta della durata di oltre tre ore, Putin ha criticato aspramente “i Paesi euro-atlantici“, dove “ogni identità tradizionale,… tra cui l’identità sessuale, viene rifiutata.” “C’è una politica che equipara le famiglie con molti bambini a famiglie dello stesso sesso, la fede in Dio alla fede in Satana“, ha detto durante la 10.ma riunione annuale del cosiddetto Valdai Club, trasmessa in diretta dalla televisione russa e dai siti di informazione. “Il diritto di ogni minoranza alla diversità deve essere rispettata, ma il diritto della maggioranza non deve essere messa in discussione“, ha detto Putin.
Putin si orienta verso una retorica conservatrice da quando è tornato al Cremlino per la terza volta, nel 2012, dopo un periodo di quattro anni come Primo ministro. Ha promosso regolarmente i valori tradizionali nei discorsi pubblici, una mossa che gli analisti politici vedono come tentativo di mobilitare la base elettorale conservatrice di fronte al crescente malcontento pubblico e al rallentamento dell’economia. Molti valori liberali criticati nel suo discorso sono stati associati alla classe media urbana, forza trainante delle grandi proteste anti-Cremlino a Mosca, dopo le controverse elezioni parlamentari alla fine del 2011.
Traduzione di Alessandro Lattanzio
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samedi, 28 septembre 2013
Vivir de acuerdo a la Tradición
Vivir de acuerdo a la Tradición
Para los Europeos, vivir de acuerdo a su tradición, ante todo, ha de suponer un despertar de la conciencia, una sed de verdadera espiritualidad, practicada a través de la reflexión personal mientras se está en contacto con un pensamiento superior. El nivel educativo no constituye una barrera para uno. "El aprendizaje de muchas cosas", dijo Heráclito, "no enseña el entendimiento". Y añadió: "A todos los hombres les es concedida la capacidad de conocerse a sí mismos y pensar correctamente." También uno debe practicar la meditación, aunque la austeridad no es necesaria. Jenófanes de Colofón proporcionó incluso estas amables instrucciones: "Uno debe tener esta conversación a la orilla del fuego en la temporada de invierno, acostado en un sofá suave, bien alimentado, bebiendo vino dulce y mordisqueando arvejas: "¿Quién eres tú entre los hombres, y de dónde eres?". Epicuro, que era más exigente, recomendó dos ejercicios: llevar un diario personal e imponerse a uno mismo un examen de conciencia todos los días. Eso mismo era lo que los estoicos practicaban también. Con las Meditaciones de Marco Aurelio, ellos nos legaron un modelo para todos los ejercicios espirituales.
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jeudi, 26 septembre 2013
Actualité de René Guénon
Actualité de René Guénon
René Guénon (1886 – 1951) est mal vu des milieux identitaires qui n’apprécient pas sa conversion à l’islam soufi dès 1911 sous le nom musulman d’Abd el-Wâhed Yahia, « Serviteur de l’Unique ». Quant aux milieux contre-révolutionnaires, outre ce tropisme oriental marqué, ils l’accusent d’être passé par la franc-maçonnerie et certains cénacles gnostiques. Or ces attaques bien trop réductrices éclipsent une œuvre intellectuelle majeure. « La pensée de Guénon constitue un chapitre original, et non négligeable, de l’histoire intellectuelle (p. 488). »
Par une brillante étude, David Bisson expose d’une manière précise et intelligible le parcours de ce penseur méconnu sans s’arrêter à sa seule vie et à ses idées. Il s’attache aussi à saisir son aura, directe ou non, sur ses contemporains et étudie même sa postérité intellectuelle.
Né à Blois dans un milieu catholique pratiquant, l’enfant Guénon à la santé très fragile se différencie par une intelligence vive et précoce. Sa jeunesse est occultiste, gnostique et pleine de fougue pour le martinisme du « Philosophe inconnu » Louis-Claude de Saint-Martin (1743 – 1803).
L’auteur détermine trois grandes périodes dans la vie de Guénon. De 1906 à 1920, ce sont les années de « l’apprentissage occulte »; puis de 1921 à 1930, le temps de « la reconnaissance intellectuelle », et, enfin, de 1931 à 1951, le moment de « l’accomplissement doctrinale ». Cette dernière commence le 5 mars 1930 quand Guénon part pour Le Caire sans savoir qu’il ne reviendra jamais plus en France.
L’éloignement géographique ne l’empêche pas de suivre avec attention l’activité de ses disciples. Le chercheur rapporte que l’homme du Caire relit toujours tous les articles paraissant dans la revue Études Traditionnelles. Par ailleurs, c’est un grand épistolier qui dispose d’« un réseau international de correspondants (p. 163) ».
La publication de livres, la rédaction d’articles et de recensions ainsi que l’envoi de ses missives forment un ensemble théorique complet. Guénon construit ainsi une œuvre entre l’unité intellectuelle (la métaphysique) et la réalité métahistorique (la tradition). La notion de métahistoire est très importante, car « pour Guénon, l’histoire n’est que contrefaçon. Elle correspond à la dernière étape d’un processus de déclin qui s’accélère au fur et à mesure que l’humanité avance dans l’âge sombre (p. 103) ». En revanche, hors de ce champ profane existe la Tradition. « Une partie essentielle de la pensée guénonienne tient dans cette formule imaginée : d’un côté, la Tradition se déploie en de multiples branches en fonction des conditions historiques et des aires géographiques et, de l’autre, le monde moderne a rompu avec ses attaches traditionnelles jusqu’à mettre en péril l’équilibre universel. D’où le remède envisagé : se ressourcer dans la connaissance orientale afin de retrouver son axe véritable (p. 45). » Or comment faire concrètement ? Se pose ici la question de l’initiation largement développée par l’auteur. Pour Guénon, l’initiation relève d’un groupe rattaché à une tradition viable parce que « la tradition primordiale doit effectivement déboucher sur une réalisation métaphysique, c’est-à-dire une voie de ressourcement intérieur qui engage l’individu sur le chemin de la connaissance (p. 81) ». Les modes d’accès en Occident sont la franc-maçonnerie demeurée opérative et non pas sa version spéculative et laïciste, et l’Église catholique. Mais il reconnaît que ces deux voies sont presque fermées et invite ceux qui le souhaitent à se convertir à une religion d’Orient, l’islam par exemple. Pour les personnes tentées par l’hindouisme, il les invite à s’installer en Inde. René Guénon est conscient de sa fonction de pôle intellectuel. Son « écriture […] comporte une part vocationnelle. Elle doit dire la métaphysique dans une “ langue profane ”, c’est-à-dire rappeler les principes immémoriaux de la connaissance à un monde coupé de ses racines transcendantes (p. 91). »
Les écrits de Guénon favorise au fil des années la formation de groupes soufis en Europe ainsi qu’un courant spiritualiste au sein de la franc-maçonnerie. Bien entendu, toutes ces initiatives demeurent confidentielles.
David Bisson consacre une longue partie de son essai à la période 1951 – 1980 et à l’ascendance post mortem de Guénon. Déjà, de son vivant, il intriguait déjà quelques fins lettrés : Pierre Drieu la Rochelle ou la philosophe de l’enracinement et amie indéniable du monde ouvrier Simone Weil qui « a lu avec intérêt les ouvrages de Guénon sans pour autant épouser la perspective traditionnelle (p. 295) ».
Dès les années 1930, René Guénon rencontre un élève talentueux en la personne de Frithjof Schuon. Converti à l’islam et devenu très tôt cheikh (chef spirituel) d’une tarîqa (communauté) soufie, Schuon entend régler la question de l’initiation des Européens par l’islam. Il déclare ainsi qu’« il faut islamiser l’Europe (p. 172) » avant de revenir à des dispositions plus nuancées. Après 1945, le musulman Schuon est devenu un fin connaisseur du christianisme. Il considère que les sacrements chrétiens font des chrétiens des initiés involontaires ou ignorants. Il vouera ensuite un culte particulier à la Vierge Marie et s’ouvrira au chamanisme amérindien. En 1981, Schuon s’installe aux États-Unis dans l’Indiana d’où il décédera dix-sept ans plus tard.
Schuon insiste sur une « gnose universaliste (p. 332) » et s’apparente parfois à un syncrétisme qui met mal à l’aise d’autres fidèles guénoniens comme Michel Vâlsan, le gardien d’un soufisme guénonien de stricte observance. Des traditionalistes accusent Schuon de se faire « le porte-parole d’un ésotérisme universaliste ou essentialiste qui tend à dépasser le cadre limité des formes traditionnelles (p. 356) ».
Outre Schuon qui s’oriente vers de « nouvelles voies spirituelles », expression plus appropriée que « nouveaux mouvements religieux (p. 468) », David Bisson ne peut pas ne pas mentionner l’Italien Julius Evola dont les réflexions suscitent de fortes contestations de la part des milieux guénoniens. Si « l’auteur italien a trouvé […] le moyen de ne pas sombrer dans le nihilisme grâce à ses lectures traditionnelles. Ainsi, l’homme doit être capable de s’ouvrir à la transcendance pour faire de la volonté pure une source de transfiguration (p. 229) », il n’en demeure pas moins qu’Evola fait figure d’hétérodoxe de la Tradition par ses prises de position politiques radicales, ses références païennes et son engagement partisan.
Plus surprenant, on apprend que Carl Schmitt était lui aussi un lecteur assidu du Français du Caire sans être pour autant traditionaliste primordial. Il en déduit surtout une nouvelle forme d’« étaticité ». « La tradition oubliée et la religion dépecée, Schmitt tente de construire un nouveau rempart contre l’homme lui-même : l’État souverain et décisionniste (p. 281). »
David Bisson prévient toutefois que René Guénon « garde une certaine méfiance vis-à-vis des auteurs qui accordent une place trop importante à la sphère politique. Une nouvelle fois, il s’agit de protéger la Tradition de toutes récupérations partisanes (p. 170) ». Le message guénonien se veut apolitique ou même anti-politique. « À la différence du conservateur, le penseur antimoderne s’attache à la défense de valeurs établies (statu quo ante) qu’il ne projette ses propres valeurs, considérées comme éternelles, dans l’histoire présente et à venir (p. 9). » Existe cependant un cas particulier, le Roumain Mircea Eliade.
Pendant l’Entre-Deux-Guerres, ce jeune homme doué a déjà lu Guénon et a séjourné en Inde de 1929 à 1931. Puis, de retour en Roumanie, de 1932 à 1935, ses centres d’intérêt sont philosophiques, religieux et historiques. Il se détourne de la politique et ne se commet pas avec la Garde de Fer de Corneliu Codreanu. Si certains guénoniens roumains s’en détournent, d’autres au contraire le rejoignent avec enthousiasme. Puis, entre 1935 et 1938, Eliade milite au sein de la Légion de l’Archange Saint-Michel en compagnie d’un autre grand esprit dace du XXe siècle, Cioran. Suite à quelques avanies politiques, Eliade cesse toute activité militante en 1938, prend ses distances avec la Tradition et commence à travailler sur l’histoire des religions. La distanciation avec la politique semble être une constante dans la pensée guénonienne. Néanmoins, David Bisson estime que la pensée de Guénon porte en elle une indéniable part politique qui se vérifient avec le parcours d’Eliade. « Plus que l’engagement politique des années trente, circonstancié et ponctuel, c’est le cadre normatif dans lequel Eliade inscrit toute sa pensée qui le relie à Guénon. Si les deux hommes ne partagent pas exactement les mêmes conceptions, ils forgent leurs idées dans le même creuset idéologique (p. 388). » Sa brillante carrière postérieure à la seconde Guerre mondiale a soulevé de virulentes controverses. désormais universitaire reconnu aux États-Unis, Eliade ne préoccupe que de l’homo religiosus, sujet bien éloigné de ses engagements de jeunesse. David Bisson fait preuve à ce sujet d’une grande objectivité intellectuelle, contrairement aux dénommés Alexandra Laignel – Lavastine et Daniel Dubuisson, petits épurateurs de la douze millième heure…
Nombreux sont les héritiers, revendiqués ou putatifs, de Guénon. L’auteur mentionne Raymond Abellio qui veut « partir de Guénon pour mieux le dépasser (p. 429) ». de ce fait, les thèmes abelliennes, concrétisés par la « Structure absolue », célèbrent l’« auto-initiation de l’individu, [la] création d’une nouvelle dialectique, [la] dimension messianique de l’Occident, etc. (p. 430) », qui vont à l’encontre des orientations traditionnelles. Le désaccord majeur entre Guénon et Abellio porte sur l’initiation. « Là où Guénon évoque la transmission d’une influence spirituelle au sein de groupes initiatiques légitimement constitués, Abellio insiste sur la dimension individuelle et le processus rationnel qui débouche sur la transfiguration du monde dans l’homme. Ce qui évite, d’une part, les débats “ sectaires ” relatifs à la régularité de telle ou telle chaîne initiatique et permet, d’autre part, la reprise sans cesse renouvelé du chemin gnostique (pp. 432 – 433). »
Dans son Manifeste de la nouvelle gnose (Gallimard, coll. « N.R.F. – Essais », 1989), Abellio qualifie René Guénon d’« ésotériste réactionnaire (Abellio, op. cit., p. 60) » et, hormis Schuon envers qui il se montre élogieux, il critique « les traditionalistes guénoniens [qui] refusent de considérer que l’œuvre de Guénon, si efficace qu’elle ait été dans l’« épuration » du fatras occultiste des siècles passés et notamment du XIXe siècle, est essentiellement non dialectique et, comme telle, improductive pour l’avenir. Aussi en sont-ils réduits à répéter pieusement les anathèmes de leur maître (Abellio, op. cit., note 32, p. 95) ».
En Iran, lecteur de Guénon et disciple de Schuon, Seyyed Hossein Nasr élabore en accord avec le Shah un cadre traditionaliste-intégral musulman. Bisson le signale rapidement mais une partie des sources théoriques de la révolution islamique de 1979 qui obligera Nasr à s’exiler aux États-Unis ont pour noms Guénon et Heidegger… Mais c’est dans l’Université française qu’on assiste à une lente découverte de la pensée de Guénon. En général, « le nom de Guénon est très rarement cité dans les ouvrages scientifiques alors même que certains de leurs auteurs puisent dans ces textes une source non négligeable d’inspiration (p. 379) ». Sans le nommer ouvertement, Henry Corbin s’en inspire. Ami de Denis de Rougemont, lecteur de Heidegger et spécialiste réputé du chiisme iranien, Corbin « partage le sentiment de nombreux non-conformistes qui prônent dans un même élan la révolution spirituelle (contre l’esprit matérialiste) et la libération individuelle (contre la société bourgeoise) (p. 393) ».
Il n’entérine pas totalement l’enseignement du Cairote d’origine française. « Chez Guénon, toutes les traditions religieuses proviennent d’un noyau primordial et ésotérique tandis que chez Corbin, toutes les gnoses monothéistes confluent vers le même sommet herméneutique (p. 403). » L’auteur signale que le seul universitaire qui se réfère clairement à Guénon est l’« intellectuel antimoderne (p. 407) » Gilbert Durand. Inspiré par son ami Corbin et par « Nietzsche, Spengler, Maistre, etc. (p. 408) », Durand travaille en faveur d’une « science traditionnelle (p. 406) » et pose des « jalons pour une réaction antimoderne (p. 409) ». Corbin, Eliade, Durand, Carl Gustav Jung, etc., participent chaque année aux « rencontres d’Eranos » en Suisse. Bisson y voit dans ces réunions annuelles « un réseau intellectuel international (p. 414) » de sensibilité non-moderne.
La présence de Guénon est plus forte encore chez « Jean Hani, Jean Biès et Jean Borella [qui] tiennent finalement une place particulière dans la galaxie traditionniste. Outre leur formation universitaire, ils ont toujours cherché à concilier Guénon, le “ maître de doctrine ”, avec son principal continuateur, Schuon, le “ maître de spiritualité ”. […] Ils peuvent être considérés comme les premiers intellectuels chrétiens d’inspiration guénonienne (p. 479) ». Le philosophe eurasiste russe et orthodoxe vieux-croyant Alexandre Douguine reconnaît volontiers la dette qu’il doit à l’auteur d’Orient et Occident. Il cite d’ailleurs cet ouvrage dans son essai Pour une théorie du monde multipolaire (Ars Magna Éditions, 2013).
David Bisson constate dans la décennie 1960 l’essor oxymorique d’un « ésotérisme de masse » sous la férule de l’homme de presse Louis Pauwels. Co-auteur du Matin des magiciens avec Jacques Bergier qui méconnaît Guénon et exècre Evola, Pauwels poursuit sa démarche de vulgarisation ésotérique avec la revue Planète quand bien même des thèmes non traditionnelles (extra-terrestres, télépathie…). Pourquoi l’auteur étend-il ensuite ses recherches à la « Nouvelle Droite » (N.D.) ? La personnalité de Pauwels sert-elle de fil-conducteur ou bien parce que ce courant de pensée reprend à son compte le concept de métapolitique ? Alain de Benoist « réactualise le terme “ métapolitique ” dans deux sens complémentaires : la constitution d’un “ appareil d’action intellectuelle ” et le façonnement d’une socialité organique (p. 454) ». Or, terme technique de l’idéalisme allemand, repris par Joseph de Maistre dans son Essai sur le principe générateur des constitutions politiques et des autres institutions humaines, la métapolitique « ancre le politique (versant critique et propositionnel) dans un socle métaphysique (versant idéel et référentiel). C’est ensuite un adjectif qualificatif (“ le combat métapolitique ”) qui caractérise une posture intellectuelle de surplomb par rapport aux luttes partisans (p. 19) ». David Bisson avoue la grande complexité de démêler les multiples influences de la N.D. Toutefois, Guénon ne représente pas une figure tutélaire à la différence de Julius Evola. Quant à Alain de Benoist, il eut peut-être une période traditionaliste à la fin des années 1980, marqué par un recueil intitulé L’empire intérieur (1995) avant de suivre une autre direction plus post-moderne…
Finalement, sous une apparence volontairement détachée de la politique, la pensée de René Guénon serait très politique, ce qui renforcerait ses liens avec à son « véritable maître caché […] Joseph de Maistre. […] Ce sont des traditionalistes illuminés, c’est-à-dire des penseurs qui réinterprètent la tradition à l’aune de leurs propres révélations (p. 131) ». Quoi qu’il en soit, il importe de relire ou de découvrir l’œuvre considérable de Guénon et de prendre connaissance du livre captivant de David Bisson qui doit faire date dans l’histoire des idées.
Georges Feltin-Tracol
• David Bisson, René Guénon. Une politique de l’esprit, Pierre-Guillaume de Roux, 2013, 527 p., 29,90 €.
Article printed from Europe Maxima: http://www.europemaxima.com
URL to article: http://www.europemaxima.com/?p=3317
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lundi, 23 septembre 2013
René Guénon and Eric Voegelin on the Degeneration of Right Order
René Guénon and Eric Voegelin on the Degeneration of Right Order
Ex: http://www.brusselsjournal.com
I. Introduction. No area of Western history is quite as recondite as that of the Diadochic empires, the successor-kingdoms that sprang up in the wake of Alexander the Great’s meteoric campaigns (334 – 323 BC) to subdue the world under militaristic Hellenism. One knows that the unity of Alexander’s Imperium, ever tenuous and improvisatory, broke down immediately on his death, when his “companions” fell to bellicose squabbling over bleeding chunks of the whole. Of Ptolemy’s Macedonian Egypt, one knows something – largely because the realm’s newly built Greek metropolis, Alexandria, became culturally the most important polis in the Mediterranean world, even after Octavian conquered Cleopatra and organized her Macedonian rump-state into Rome’s emergent world-federation. To transit from historical fair-certainty to historical incertitude, however, requires only that one switch focus from the Ptolemaic kingdom in the Nile Delta to the Seleucid... Indeed, to the Seleucid what? For Seleucus’ prize in the wars of the successors stretched in geographic space from Syria and Cilicia, and associated insular territories, eastward through portions of Mesopotamia and Asia Minor into the hinterlands of Parthia and Bactria. The Seleucid kingdom’s borders, as distinct from those of the more stable Ptolemaic kingdom in Egypt, remained, like the Heraclitean river, in constant flux; moreover, the Seleucid kingdom steadily withdrew in the direction of the sunrise, sacrificing its westerly regions for the defensibility of its easterly keeps, until in its last act, as the remnant Greco-Bactrian principality, it attempted to perpetuate itself against political mortality by an exodus-through-conquest from Central Asia across the Hindu Kush into Northern India.
One progresses, it seems, from obscurity to super-obscurity, as one might progress from Antioch, a polity known more or less in the annals of Western history (it served Seleucus for a capital city), to Pushkalavati, a polity all but unknown in those annals. These murky events in half-legendary places nevertheless issued in archeologically and literarily documentable consequences. When the Maurya emperor Ashoka (304 – 232 BC) converted to Buddhism around 250 BC and established it as his state religion, for example, he had to promulgate his policy in the northwest provinces of his expansive kingdom in Greek as well as in the indigenous languages. As late the First Century BC, Greek communities – if not actual poleis – still existed in what would today be Pakistan and Afghanistan, the original name of whose second largest city, Alexandria, corrupted itself over the centuries into the barbarism Kandahar. A post-Bactrian dux bellorum, Strato II, controlled a territory in the Indus Valley as late as 10 BC. Under the Seleucids and their heirs, the canons of Greek art influenced local sculpture and painting. The Bamiyan Buddhas, completed around 500 and dynamited by the Taliban in 2001, still reflected stylistic elements of Hellenistic statuary. Finally, it was through the Seleucid kingdom and its sequelae that India and the Mediterranean came into significant communication with one another so that Brahmanism and Buddhism might be known and studied by the Greek-speaking scholars of the Serapeum and something of the dialectical method might be adopted by Hindu philosophy.
This précis of Hellenistic penetration into the Near East and Central Asia in the great age of competing empires that consummated itself in the ascendancy of Rome in the West is by way of introduction to a modest comparative study of René Guénon’s Spiritual Authority & Temporal Power (1929) and Eric Voegelin’s Ecumenic Age (1974), the fourth volume of his five-volume Order and History (incipit 1956, with Israel and Revelation). The “Bactrian” chapter of the Alexandrian Drang nach Osten provides an important object of study in both books. Voegelin (1901 – 1985) could not, of course, have been known to Guénon (1886 – 1951) and it seems relatively unlikely that this particular book by Guénon would have been known to Voegelin, who, however, might have been familiar with The Crisis of the Modern Age (1927) and The Reign of Quantity & the Signs of the Times (1945); Spiritual Authority is something of a sequel to The Crisis, whose topics The Reign of Quantity revisits. Of interest is that Guénon and Voegelin, while quite different in the style of their thinking, nevertheless identify in the phenomenon of the Bactrian episode (including its Indian prequel) the same historical and spiritual significances and see in closely similar ways the relevance of that episode to an understanding of the modern phase of Western history. It goes almost without saying that for both Guénon and Voegelin, modernity is a disorderly and corrupt period in which the dominant elites have betrayed the hard-earned wisdom of philosophy and revelation and believe themselves anointed to remake a wicked world into a rational paradise liberated from superstition and bigotry, a project necessarily entailing the destruction of tradition. Modernity is “Gnostic,” in Voegelin’s term. Gnosticism designates a markedly low order of mental activity, in spiteful rebellion against the difficulties entailed by a contrasting openness to and participation in reality. Following chronology, it is natural to begin with Guénon.
II. Guénon. A student of comparative religion, Guénon took lively interest in Hinduism, Brahmanism, and Buddhism. The Hindu scriptures especially provided him with a rich symbolism, which he found that he could instructively put in parallel with, among other vocabularies, that of the Platonic lexicon. Spiritual Authority & Temporal power draws on Guénon’s knowledge of the Vedas and related documents – a propensity that can at first stymie a reader uninitiated in the specialist vocabulary. (I put myself in the category.) However, Spiritual Authority repays readerly perseverance; the references to Plato give context to the exploration of caste not as an item of sociological but rather as one of metaphysical importance. A central political-philosophical question, who should govern, as Guénon points out, is shared by Hindu religious speculation and Platonic discourse. Guénon declares the topic of his essay to be “principles that, because they stand outside of time, can be said to possess as it were a permanent actuality.” Respecting the debate about the fundamental legitimacy of temporal offices, Guénon asserts, “the most striking thing is that nobody, on either side, seems concerned to place these questions on their ground or to distinguish in a precise way between the essential and the accidental, between necessary principles and contingent circumstances.” The petulant habit of deliberately ignoring first things by itself merely provides “a fresh example [so writes Guénon] of the confusion reigning today in all domains that we consider to be eminently characteristic of the modern world for reasons already explained in our previous works.” Guénon’s phrase for the Twentieth-Century contemporaneity of his book is “the modern deviation.”
Where Voegelin stands out as above all an exegete of symbols, Guénon strikes one as rather more a modern mythopoeic thinker who takes symbols as his main stuff of purveyance, but this is not to say that he lacks analytical ability. Rather, Guénon grasps that symbols and myths – while they might be, as Voegelin would later call them, compact – articulate reality more fully and more truly than the clichés of modern reductive thinking and that therefore one best wrests intoxicated minds from the drug of those clichés by jerking them around (rhetorically, of course) so as to get them to face and contemplate the symbols in their numinous fullness. It belongs to Guénon’s suasory strategy that the strangeness of Hindu or even European Medieval symbols can fascinate the modern subject even when, as usual, that subject diametrically misunderstands them. Get their attention, Guénon seems to say – interrupt the trance; explanations can come later. Guénon’s unblushing references to a primordial tradition, “as old as the world,” can cause him, in the case of a superficial reader, to resemble a Theosophist or a spiritualist. It is worth remembering that the hard-headed Guénon wrote studies exposing Theosophy as a “pseudo-religion” and spiritualism as mountebank hocus-pocus. But if modernity were a “deviation,” then from what would it have deviated? Although Guénon’s first chapter in Spiritual Authority bears the title “Authority and Hierarchy,” the actual topics are caste and hierarchy, two of the range of first principles that modernity has insouciantly rejected.
Caste and authority relate to one another in complex ways. Modernity bristles at one or the other of the two terms with equal righteousness, but whereas traditionalists and reactionaries acknowledge the necessity of authority, they too might nevertheless feel aversion to caste, as it has manifested itself in India since the Muslim conquest. Guénon reminds his sympathetic but possibly skeptical readers that the existing caste-system of the British Raj of his time is itself a latter-day deviation and quite as acute a one as any aspect of the Western deviation into modernity. Guénon finds the true definition of caste in the Sanskrit etymologies. Accordingly, “The principle of the institution of castes, so completely misunderstood by Westerners, is nothing else but the differing natures of human individuals; it establishes among them a hierarchy the incomprehension of which only brings disorder and confusion, and it is precisely this incomprehension that is implied in the ‘egalitarian’ theory so dear to the modern world.” Additionally, “The words used to designate caste in India signify nothing but ‘individual nature,’ implying all the characteristics attaching to the ‘specific’ human nature that [differentiates] individuals from each other.” Finally, “One could say that the distinction between castes… constitutes a veritable natural classification to which the distribution of social functions necessarily corresponds.” Guénon also asserts that caste, even in the moment when it appears, suggests a fallen condition, “a rupture of the primordial unity” by which “the spiritual power and the temporal power appear separate from one another.” The assertion will disturb no one familiar with the Platonic relation between the realm of the ideas and the realm of social action; or with the Augustinian distinction between the City of God and the City of Man.
In classical Indian society, the roles of authority on the one hand and of power on the other fell respectively to the Brahmins, or the priestly caste, and the Kshatriyas, or the warrior caste. What is at first a harmonious functional distinction becomes, however, in the course of time, “opposition and rivalry,” or so Guénon states. The functionaries of the two castes yield to their baser instincts; they commence a struggle for absolute domination in the society. The struggle finds its outcome “in total confusion, negation, and the overthrow of all hierarchy.” Long before the climax, the real functions of the two castes have lapsed in desuetude. “As for the priesthood, its essential function is the conservation and transmission of the traditional doctrine, in which every regular social organization finds its fundamental principles.” In rivalry with the warrior caste, the priesthood abandons “its proper attribute,” which is “wisdom.” As for the warrior caste, its essential function is active policing of right order within the society, including the maintenance of the priesthood, and defense of the society against external predation. In rivalry with the priesthood, the warrior caste repudiates its guidance under wisdom, whereupon its virtues (heroism, nobility, rectitude) become unintelligible. The rebellious warrior caste claims that no power exists superior to its own, a boast brutally plausible once the community has lost sight of transcendence and “where knowledge is denied any value.”
In addressing the phenomenon of “insubordination,” which as he says modernity instantiates in extremis, Guénon in fact has a particular historical episode in mind, which he treats in the chapters of Spiritual Authority called “The Revolt of the Kshatriyas” and “Usurpations of Royalty and their Consequences.” Guénon cites no dates and names no names, but the episode in question belongs to the career of the Bactrian Greeks in India. A few facts will help to vivify Guénon’s purely abstract account. I take the facts from The Greeks in Bactria and India (1951) by William Woodthorpe Tarn. The chronology runs from the late Third Century to the middle Second Century BC. The main players on the Greco-Bactrian side of the drama are Demetrius I (reigned 200 – 190 or 180 BC); two of his sons, Demetrius II (reigned 175 – 170 BC) and Apollodotus (reigned 174 – 165 BC); and a general, Menander, who soon acquired kingship (reigned 155 – 130 BC). The two sons of the first Demetrius just mentioned, and their sons and grandsons, and Menander, ruled over Indian territories exclusively, the Bactrian Kingdom itself having succumbed by degrees to nomadic invaders (the Yueh-chi) during this period, ceasing to exist after 130 BC. The main players on the Indian side of the drama are the Maurya emperors, who were Buddhists, and their usurper-successors the Sunga emperors, beginning with Pushyamitra (reigned 185 – 149), who were Brahmins. Demetrius II, Apollodotus, and Menander were likely by profession also Buddhists.
When Demetrius I with his sons and Menander as generals invaded India, he was both responding opportunistically to events in Indian politics and acting on the ambition-provoking model of concupiscential militarism, as established by Alexander and the successors. As for Pushyamitra – when he deposed the last Maurya emperor by assassination, he merely continued a long-simmering civil conflict between Brahmins and Buddhists that had been begun by Chandragupta, the first Maurya emperor, who climbed to power by promoting the Buddhist Kshatriyas against the Brahmin overlord class. Tarn notes that in this period “the Brahman was the natural enemy of the Greek,” whom the priestly class categorized under the caste system as Kshatriyas. The corollary of priestly ire against the Greeks was Buddhist (that is, Kshatriya) interest in Greek military support against the Sunga dynasts. Tarn writes, “Both Apollodotus and Menander on their coins… called themselves Soter, ‘the Saviour.’” The discussion will return to the numerous implications of these details in the section on Voegelin, to follow. At this point, we will switch focus back to Guénon and Spiritual Authority.
In the chapter on “The Revolt of the Kshatriyas,” Guénon writes, “Among almost all peoples and throughout diverse epochs – and with mounting frequency as we approach our times – the wielders of temporal power have tried… to free themselves of all superior authority, claiming to hold their power alone, and so to separate completely the spiritual from the temporal.” When the office of the purely temporal order “becomes predominant over that representing the spiritual authority,” Guénon argues, the result will be social chaos masquerading as order under blatantly “anti-metaphysical doctrines.” A doctrine qualifies as “anti-metaphysical” for Guénon when it “denies the immutable by placing… being entirely in the world of ‘becoming.’” To deny first or transcendent principles is equivalent to submitting unconditionally to what Guénon dubs “succession.” The sequence of names in the Bactro-Indian “Who’s Who” – Chandragupta, Pushyamitra, Demetrius, Apollodotus, Menander, and Eucratides – suggests the resounding vanity of mere “succession.” Guénon reminds his readers that: “Modern ‘evolutionist’ theories… are not the only examples of this error that consists in placing all reality in ‘becoming’”; rather, “theories of this kind have existed since antiquity, notably among the Greeks, and also in certain schools of Buddhism.” Let it be noted that Guénon criticizes only the political Buddhism of the Indian Time of Troubles, not the original Buddhism of the Gautama, which “never denied… the permanent and immutable principle of… being.” Guénon implicitly also criticizes the politicized Brahmanism of the same Time of Troubles, which, entangling itself in grossly temporal affairs, forfeited its legitimacy under the law of spiritual immutability.
“Immutable being” is the same as reality; it is a verbal symbol of reality taken as the inalterable nature of the totality of things. To rebel against immutable being is therefore to rebel against reality, with inevitable consequences, the same in every case. As Guénon writes, the Revolt of the Kshatriyas “overshot its mark.” The immediate victors “were not able to stop it at the precise point where they could have reaped advantage from what they had set in motion.” The denial of “Atman,” the Brahmanic First Principle, led to the denial of caste, which led to the usurpation of offices by individuals unsuited to exercise them. It fell out that the Kshatriyas, in dispossessing the Brahmins, made themselves vulnerable to rebellious dispossession by the classes formerly arranged beneath them in the social hierarchy. “The denial of caste opened the door to [one and] every usurpation, and men of the lowest caste, the Shudras, were not long in taking advantage of it.” In fact, “the denial of caste” created a power-crisis in the Indus Valley and adjacent areas that eventually drew in, first, the Persians, then Alexander himself, and then in their turn the Bactrians, who were Alexander’s epigones of the nth degree, and finally a wave of nomadic destroyer-invaders. A familiar theme in Indian politics, foreign occupation, has a history that begins long before the British Empire. Northern India had Greco-Bactrian rulers from the time of Demetrius II, Apollodotus, and Menander until the time of Julius Caesar in the West.
Guénon insists that the Revolt of the Kshatriyas with its aftermath provides only an instance of a general pattern, pedagogically useful in its starkness whose essential features appear, however, in other instances. In the chapter in Spiritual Authority on “Usurpations of Royalty and their Consequences,” Guénon writes of “an incontestable analogy… between the social organization of India and that of the Western Middle Ages,” adding that “the castes of the one and the classes of the other” reveal how “all institutions presenting a truly traditional character rest on the same natural foundations.” Similarly, the Western Middle Ages know parallel experiences to the Revolt of the Kshatriyas. “Long before the ‘humanists’ of the Renaissance, the ‘jurists’ of Philip the Fair were already the real precursors of modern secularism; and it is to this period, that is, the beginning of the Fourteenth Century, that we must in reality trace the rupture of the Western world from its own tradition.” Even before Louis IV, Philip pursued the policy of consolidating all power in France in the kingship. Guénon writes that, “Temporal ‘centralization’ is generally the sign of an opposition to spiritual authority, the influence of which governments try to neutralize in order to substitute their own.”
The analyst may follow the line from Philip in France through the Protestants in Northern Europe, with their national churches, to the secular revolutionary movements that ensue from the Jacobin usurpation of national power in France in the events of 1789 and beyond that to the political-ideological chaos of the Twentieth Century.
III. Voegelin. The fourth volume of Order and History bears the title The Ecumenic Age. The term ecumene functions centrally in Voegelin’s theory that the order of history emerges through the history of order, that is, as successive differentiations of consciousness and the concomitant increases in noetic clarity. But what is the ecumene and what is meant by The Ecumenic Age? Etymologically, the word ecumene refers to any organized district (the English word economy shares the same Greek root); by the time of the historian Polybius (200 – 118 BC), however, ecumene, which Polybius uses, had come to mean any – or rather the – geographical area over which rival empires or empire-builders might compete. Since by Polybius’ day this geographical area included everything that Alexander had conquered or tried to conquer in the East and everything that Rome had conquered in the West through the Third Punic War, the word effectively meant the known world, from Spain and Gaul to Bactria and India. In one of Voegelin’s several definitions in The Ecumenic Age, the ecumene arises when “empire as an enterprise of institutionalized power” becomes (in the phrase) “separated from the organization of a concrete society,” as happened for the first time in the case of Achamaenid expansion beyond the boundaries of the traditional Persian state in the Sixth Century BC. Persian conquests in the Greek field soon enough produced a reaction in the form of Alexander, who subdued Persia on his way to India; on Alexander’s death, as we have noted, his generals tried to wrest his conquests for themselves – the result being the Diadochic kingdoms. Voegelin writes that, “The new empires [beginning with Persia] apparently are not organized societies at all, but organizational shells that will expand indefinitely to engulf former concrete societies.” The ecumene may additionally be defined as, “the fatality of a power vacuum that attracted, and even sucked into itself, unused organizational force from outside”; and which therefore “originated in circumstances beyond control rather than in deliberate planning.”
Again in The Ecumenic Age, Voegelin writes how, in distinction to the polis, which organizes itself on the lines of a subject, the ecumene “is an object of organization rather than a subject.” This geographical-political phenomenon of the ecumene appears moreover not as “an entity given once and for all as an object for exploration,” the way the earth was given to Eratosthenes or Strabo; “it rather was something,” Voegelin writes, “that increased or diminished correlative with the expansion or contraction of imperial power” radiating from an “imperial center.” Working up to a striking phrase, “The ecumene… was not a subject of order but an object of conquest and organization; it was a graveyard of societies, including those of the conquerors, rather than a society in its own right” (emphasis added). As for the Ecumenic Age – it is the datable period, beginning with Persian expansion and ending with the disintegration of the Roman Empire in the West during which, amidst the destruction of the traditional, concrete societies, the actors of the drama forgot how to heed received wisdom while the victims of their agency had to rethink basic questions about the meaning of existence. In this way, ironically, “the Ecumenic was the age in which the great religions had their origin, and above all Christianity,” but including Buddhism, which had a Greek phase.
It will perhaps have begun to be apparent why Voegelin should take an interest in the Bactrian episode. The Bactrian episode runs its course at the farthest end of the Western ecumene, as defined by the imperial expansions of Darius and Alexander; and in the campaign of Demetrius and his sons it replicates in miniature the concupiscential exodus that Darius and Alexander enacted in setting forth to subdue the world. In the Bactrian episode, the Western ecumene comes into contact with the Indian and the Chinese ecumenes. This contact affected India more than the West, and China hardly at all, but the episode remains instructive. “In the wake of Alexander’s campaign in the Punjab,” Voegelin writes, “the scene of imperial foundations expands to India.” In exploring the significance of the Bactrian episode, Voegelin promises to “refrain from drawing the all-too-obvious parallels with the phenomenon of imperial retreat and expansion we can observe in our own time,” a statement that naturally directs readerly attention to those very parallels. Concerning Chandragupta, whom we have already encountered in our discussion of Guénon’s Spiritual Authority, Voegelin records that, “Among other Indian princes he had come to the camp of Alexander at Patala, 325 B.C.” When the last Macedonian governor departed the Punjab in 317, the ambitious prince “established himself in the new power vacuum with the help of the northwestern tribes and then descended on the kingdom of Maghada,” whose ruling dynasts he ruthlessly exterminated – man, woman, and child. Chandragupta with deft diplomacy avoided conflict when Alexander’s successor Seleucus revisited “Asia.” Concluding a treaty to fix the frontier, Chandragupta received from Seleucus one of the Macedonian’s daughters for a princess-bride; Seleucus received from Chandragupta a squadron of war-elephants.
What seemed a brilliant stroke of self-interested negotiation on the Indian’s part illustrates, in fact, Voegelin’s contention: The ecumene, despite its weird ontology, has the real power to draw in those who inhabit its periphery. The attraction exerted itself reciprocally: Indians were drawn into the Seleucid and Bactrian spheres and Seleucids and Bactrians were drawn into the Indian sphere; every conqueror-usurper generated his own conqueror-usurper, and the degeneration reached its nadir in barbarian incursions and desertification of whole provinces. In Voegelin’s description, “When a general of the last Maurya ruler, Pushyamitra Sunga, assassinated his master… an imperial power vacuum was created, comparable to the earlier one, after the death of Alexander”; and “as the earlier vacuum had attracted the Maurya Chandragupta, so the present one invited Demetrius, the king of Bactria, to conquering action.” Demetrius found success in his venture partly because of the Brahmin-Buddhist split; he could appeal to the Kshatriya caste as their Soter – their “liberator” or “savior” – against the Brahmin caste. Saving and liberating belong, in Voegelin’s analysis, to a “new symbolism of the Ecumenic Age,” with the codicil that its newness equates to its degeneracy. “An age of ecumenic imperialism throws up of necessity… the curious phenomenon which is today called ‘liberation,’ i.e., the replacement of an obnoxious imperial ruler by another one who is a shade less obnoxious.”
Voegelin’s account points up the existential ironies of the Bactrian episode – naturally, because he is dealing in historical specifics – more than Guénon’s account. Demetrius having conquered India, the Seleucids saw in his absence from Bactria the ripe opportunity to reincorporate that former province. Antiochus IV sent Eucratides to complete the task; when Demetrius returned from his Indian triumph to confront the invader, he succumbed in the engagement. Voegelin speculates that Eucratides, who came with only a small army, found crucial support among the Macedonian faction in Bactria that resented Demetrius’ policy of fusion with the native Bactrians. Voegelin characterizes Eucratides as “another Savior, this time of Macedonians and Greeks from a ruler who favored the native barbarians.” While Bactria reverted temporarily to the by-now-much-truncated Seleucid kingdom, northern India found itself under Greek domination in the kingdom of Menander, who, consolidating the work of Demetrius and his sons, declared independence. In a final blow of absurdity, the Parthians invaded the re-Seleucized Bactria and Eucratides fell battling them in 159 BC.
The sequence of events that constitutes the Bactrian episode resembles the plot of one of those operas of the Late Baroque or Early Classical periods, like the Zoroastre (1749) of Jean-Philippe Rameau or the Mitridate (1770) of Wolfgang Mozart: It has five acts, plays for three hours, and boasts so many characters that the audience can hardly keep track of them while struggling to extract the meaning. The spectators leave the performance feeling dazed and disoriented. We recall that the Bactrian episode is merely a recapitulation, and to some extent an anticipation, in miniature, of the entirety of the Ecumenic Age. Voegelin writes: “During the Ecumenic Age itself… the violent diminution, destruction, and disappearance of older societies, as well as the embarrassing search, by the conquering powers, for the identity of their foundations, was the bewildering experience that engendered the ‘ecumene’ as the hitherto unsuspected subject of the historical process.” Overlooking Voegelin’s use of the term “subject” in this sentence (one of his few lapses in ambiguity) while remembering that the ecumene is an object rather than a subject it is worth examining the paradoxes that stem from the question, already posed, how to define the Polybian lexeme. “For,” as Voegelin writes, “the ecumene was not a society in concretely organized existence, but the telos of a conquest to be perpetrated.” In addition, “one could not conquer the non-existent ecumene without destroying the existent societies, and one could not destroy them without becoming aware that the new imperial society, established by destructive conquest, was just as destructible as the societies now conquered.”
The instigators of concupiscential conquest think no such thoughts; in abandoning wisdom for the purely pragmatic adventure of the conquistador they bring about the divorce in their home societies between wisdom and action – the very same divorce whose exemplar Guénon discovers in the Revolt of Kshatriyas. Voegelin’s way of describing this spiteful repudiation of wisdom and even of knowledge is the formula, “humanity contracted to its libidinous self.” Such humanity condemns itself to endure the reduction of being to becoming – to the endless and meaningless temporal succession that it instigates. And what is most wicked is that it drags the rest of humanity along with it. Voegelin sketches a phenomenology of the conqueror: “These imperial entrepreneurs of the Ecumenic Age understood the meaning of life as success… in the expansion of their power” and in no other way; worse – and tellingly – they experienced any checks against their ambitions as instances of outrageous “victimization.” They and their rhetorical sycophants also invented “the games by which the power-self makes itself the fictitious master of history,” for example, as a “Savior.” Who does think the thoughts that lead to the identification of the ecumene as existentially meaningless and intolerable?
The answer to the question of who thinks those thoughts is, obviously, the ecumene’s non-sympathetic survivors, who, however, avoid thinking of themselves in selfishly victimary terms. They are those who remember wisdom or at least remember that such a thing as wisdom exists and may be sought for even in the spiritual desert of wrecked civilizations. The meaning of history, and therefore the meaning of human existence, emerges only by exodus from the ecumene; this will be a spiritual exodus aimed at reclaiming wisdom and restoring transcendence, either to the society, should it be extant, or for the sake of a new society not yet founded, which might arise from the wreckage and accord itself with reality. Indeed, in Voegelin’s words, “the relation between the concupiscential and the spiritual exodus is the great issue of the Ecumenic Age.”
IV. Guénon, Voegelin, and the Modern Crisis. Responding to the Siren Song of the ecumene to conquer and possess it qualifies as Voegelin’s privative exodus in at least two senses. Pragmatically, the conqueror in going forth leaves home; he generally leaves it, moreover, with the cream of the young men and a significant portion of the collective wealth in the forms of his provisions and armaments. Very likely he leaves behind him a vacuum of confusion, and a fat opportunity for mischief. Philosophically or metaphysically, the conqueror in going forth demonstratively exempts himself from the wisdom that, like his homeland, he leaves behind; under the pomp and color of his banners he declares himself indeed the prime mover of reality, a gesture of hubris in the highest degree. For in declaring himself such, he declares nothing less than the abolition of reality, as though it were his prerogative to guarantee what is possible and what is not and so to make patent his success before it occurs. Homer knew this at the beginning of the polis civilization. Agamemnon goes forth to conquer but brings about only the reduction to rubble of the heroic world, including his own murdered corpse; Odysseus, involuntarily alienated from home, struggles back to purge his household of uninvited mischief-makers. One sign of the rebellion against reality by the conquistadors of the Ecumenic Age, which entails the abolition of actually existing “concrete societies,” is their insistence on auto-apotheosis, as when Seleucus or Demetrius or Menander identifies himself on his coinage with Helios Aniketos, “The Unvanquished Sun,” or the equivalent. To paraphrase Voegelin: The ecumene is not only a graveyard of societies, but it is also a graveyard of the Helioi Aniketoi; and thus, amid the debris left by their late passage, of their innumerable victims.
In its dumb absurdity, the myriad of tombs affirms reality against concupiscential insouciance by pointing back to the violated wisdom as its cause. Guénon in Spiritual Authority puts it this way: “All that is, in whatever mode it may be, necessarily participates in universal principles, and nothing exists except by participating in these principles, which are eternal and immutable essences contained in the permanent actuality of the divine Intellect; consequently, one can say that all things, however contingent they may be in themselves, express or represent these principles in their own manner and according to their own order of existence, for other wise they would only be a pure nothingness.” Voegelin would recognize in Guénon’s balanced phrases one of the essential differentiations of consciousness with which his Order and History is concerned. The concupiscential campaigner can begin in only one way, by blanking out the knowledge of his own contingency; and if anyone should remind him of his contingency, he must blank out that person. He would not be stymied, or as he sees it, victimized.
Voegelin argues generally that differentiations of consciousness are irreversible, that they remain available after they occur; but he admits into his theory the concession that “diremptions” and “derailments” can also prevail during which the old symbols of wisdom no longer effectively signify and new symbols have not yet achieved full articulation. When Christianity emerges against the background of meaningless imperial succession, for example, it includes in its peculiar differentiations all the previous differentiations achieved in revelation and philosophy, from Moses to Plato. Nevertheless between the decline of philosophy and the consolidation of Christianity, there falls a long, anxiety-ridden stretch of ad hoc syncretism, thaumaturgy, Gnosticism, orgiastic enthusiasm, and general disorientation. The mental disorder of such things is the spiritual counterpart of the destruction of concrete societies under the ecumenic empires. People can for a time repudiate or lose touch with the luminous articulations that, formerly, reconciled them to reality; they either die off or recover something of clairvoyance. It happens that in The Ecumenic Age, Voegelin repeatedly references one of the earliest of the Western, reality-reconciling articulations, the one in respect of which the “Saviors” of the Ecumenic wars behaved with conspicuous heedlessness. Anaximander (610 – 546 BC, a contemporary of the Buddha) wrote: “The origin (arche) of things is the Apeiron… It is necessary for things to perish into that from which they were born; for they pay one another penalty for their injustice (adikia) according to the ordinance of Time.” Whether it is the Kshatriyas repudiating the Brahmins or Alexander repudiating Aristotle – payment of the Anximandrian “penalty” falls due and the interest on the debt begins to build up.
Both Guénon in Spiritual Authority and Voegelin in The Ecumenic Age take care to avoid topicality. Guénon writes of his intention “to remain exclusively in the domain of principles, which allows us to remain aloof from all those discussions, polemics, and quarrels of school or party in which we have no wish to be involved, directly or indirectly, in any way or to any degree.” In Voegelin’s terminology, Guénon’s authorship, at least where it concerns Spiritual Authority, corresponds to the positive exodus by which the man in search of wisdom withdraws in contemplation from the endless pragmatic exodus of the ecumene. Guénon adds, however, that “we leave everyone free to draw from these conclusions whatever application may be deemed suitable for particular cases.” Voegelin is less strict than Guénon in this respect, but in The Ecumenic Age he does mainly isolate his topical asides in his introductory and concluding chapters. These asides are nevertheless provocative, wherever they occur in the text. One will be sufficient to indicate the meaning of the Bactrian episode, which occupies the structural center of The Ecumenic Age, with respect to the modern crisis. We have previously cited Voegelin’s remark on “the games by which the power-self makes itself the fictitious master of history.” In a brief continuation of the same remark, Voegelin adds that those games “are still played today.”
It will undoubtedly have impressed those who have followed the argument so far that, simply at the level of descriptive phraseology, many of Guénon’s constructions and Voegelin’s suggest their own application to the contemporary state of affairs in the incipient Twenty-First Century. Guénon in Spiritual Authority mentions the origins of étatisme, with its relentless centralization of political power, in Fourteenth Century France. Voegelin in The Ecumenic Age refers to the ecumenic empires as “organizational shells that will expand indefinitely to engulf former concrete societies.” The centripetal and centrifugal movements might seem opposite to one another and therefore non-compossible, but they are in fact simultaneous and complementary. They describe in structural terms the libidinous process by which the bearers of “moral apocalypse” – that is, the Gnostic reformers of society – progressively obliterate the concrete societies that come under their imperial-entrepreneurial sway. Whether it is the arrogantly self-aggrandizing Federal Government in the United States of America or the inhumanly bureaucratic Brussels Parliament of the European Union in Western Europe, the attitude of the reigning elites towards the world is none other than the attitude of the auto-apotheotic conquistador toward the ecumene.
The goal of the new concupiscential exodus does not end with conquest, however; it has the jurisdictional goal beyond conquest of what it calls transformation or “change” but what can only be experienced by those who do not elect it as annihilation in the mode of total undifferentiation.
The point of view of the resistors is the true one: The mantra of “change,” so dear to the Left, is Newspeak (“disorder,” writes Guénon, “is nothing but change reduced to itself”); and the celebratory invocation by the Left of “difference” or “diversity” is likewise Newspeak. It requires only a smidgen of acuity to notice that the endless parade of “diverse people” who witness on behalf of “change” all say the same thing and tell the same stereotyped story; the “diversity” of the propagandists never exceeds the categories of skin-color, number of skin-piercings, peculiarity of dress, or deflected erotic interest because mentally they are all already completely assimilated to the narrow gnosis on the basis of which the regime claims its legitimacy. The succession of speakers in the lecture-calendar replicates in small the meaningless temporal succession of titled eminences in the ecumene. One might also notice that the ceaseless doctrinal self-justification of the modern rebellious elites resembles the soteriological propaganda of the ancient ecumenic campaigners; for in annihilating tradition the regime through its spokesmen claims to be engaging in a vast program of salvation or redemption. For ten years they have been redeeming the place formerly called Bactria.
The difference between the “Saviors” of the Ecumenic Age and those of today consists in this: Whereas the men of the Alexandrian succession did not intend to wreck the societies that they left behind and whereas that wreckage came about as an unintended side effect of campaigning elsewhere (“backwash,” in modern jargon); the modern “Saviors” by distinction explicitly intend to wreck the societies from which they have treacherously defected. That is their main motivation. They say so unashamedly, over and over. They have captured education from the kindergartens to the doctoral programs and they train new cohorts every year to carry out the project of calling forth a new ecumene and perpetrating Ausratiertung on everything in it. To convince themselves and others that their toxic whimsies stand free of any ethical or practical limitation, they have developed a baroque anti-epistemology that they call, appropriately, Deconstruction which would obliterate logic itself and even knowledge. This makes their obsession with “change” all the more pernicious. In Spiritual Authority, Guénon reminds his readers that, “Change would be impossible without a principle from which it proceeds and which, by the very fact that it is the principle of change, cannot itself be subject to change.” In a parallel comment, Guénon adds that, “Action, which belongs to the world of change, cannot have its principle in itself.” Yet the modern “Saviors,” through their “Action Committees,” invariably claim to be champions of principle. We all live in Bactria now and may not fire back.
The Gnostic rebellion against reality denies limitations, but it is, of course, subject to them because it is subject to reality; the rebellion is moreover radically maladapted to reality (denying logic and repudiating knowledge are bad bets in the Darwinian game) and it will eventually have to pay its penalty to Anaximander’s “Unlimited.” Or, we might say, to God. When the rebellion will reach its limit, however, only God knows. The instruments of torture with which O’Brien threatens Smith in 1984 are old and rusty; the regime has been in place for a long time, dragging the whole of Anglo-Saxon humanity with it into the Big-Brother nightmare. In The Ecumenic Age, Voegelin has these wise words: “A ‘modern age’ in which the thinkers who ought to be philosophers prefer the role of imperial entrepreneurs will have to go through many convulsions before it has got rid of itself, together with the arrogance of its revolt, and found the way back to the dialogue of mankind with its humility.”
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lundi, 09 septembre 2013
Pour une entrée en Tradition
18) Pour un exposé synthétique des rapports entre les 2 disciplines, cf.R. Guénon, Introduction générale à l'étude des doctrines hindoues, 1921, Deuxième partie : « Les modes généraux de la pensée orientale », chapitre VIII : « Pensée métaphysique et pensée philosophique », Trédaniel, 1997, pp. 123-140.
20) Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractacus logico-philosophicus, Vienne, 1918. Nous citons d'après la traduction due à Pierre Klossowski, Gallimard/Tel, 1989, p. 107 (texte suivi par les Investigations philosophiques).
32) René Guénon, La métaphysique orientale, op. cit., p. 10.
33) « Une réponse qui ne peut être exprimée suppose une question qui elle non plus ne peut être exprimée. L'énigme n'existe pas. Si une question se peut absolument poser, elle peut aussi trouver sa réponse » (Tractacus logico-philosophicus, op. cit., p. 105 (65), souligné dans le texte).
35) Ibidem.
45) Le ressaisissement se trouve tout à la fois au début de la Réalisation et à sa conclusion, celui-là apparaissant comme la préfiguration “possibilisante” de celle-ci. « La première chose à faire pour qui veut parvenir véritablement à la connaissance métaphysique, écrit Guénon, c'est de se placer hors du temps, nous dirions volontiers dans le “non-temps” si une telle expression ne devait pas paraître trop singulière et inusitée. Cette conscience de l'intemporel peut d'ailleurs être atteinte d'une certaine façon, sans doute très incomplète, mais déjà bien réelle pourtant, bien avant que soit obtenu dans sa plénitude cet “état primordial” dont nous venons de parler » (La métaphysique orientale, op. cit., p. 18).
46) La signification ultime de ce Voile, qui est celui d'lsis et que l'Hindouisme connaît comme Maya et l'Islam comme Hijâb, a été exposée par Frithjof Schuon dans une étude intitulée « Le mystère du Voile » publiée in L'ésotérisme comme Principe et comme Voie, Dervy, coll. L'Être et l'Esprit, 1997, pp. 45-62.
49) Cf. Le théosophisme : histoire d'une pseudo-religion, 1921, Éd. Traditionnelles, 1966, et L'erreur spirite, 1923, mêmes éditions, 1952 (l'expression « œuvre d'assainissement » est due à Raymond Abellio et figure in « L'esprit moderne et la Tradition », introduction à Paul Sérant, Au seuil de l'ésotérisme, Grasset, coll. Correspondances, 1955, pp. 9-81, cit. p. 81).
57) Comment discriminer le spectateur du spectacle ? (Drg - drçya - viveka), traduction par Michel Sauton d'après la version anglaise du swâmi Nikhilânanda, éd. Adrien Maisonneuve, coll. Vandé Mâtram, Paris, 1945.
60) Nous pourrions tout aussi bien écrire « les diverses Réalités », puisque, pour n'importe quel être, son Monde est le Monde. C'est en ce sens qu' il faut entendre la formule conclusive du Règne de la quantité et les Signes des temps (op. cit., p. 272) : « Et c'est ainsi que, si l'on veut aller jusqu'à la réalité de l'ordre le plus profond, on peut dire en toute rigueur que la “fin d'un monde” n'est jamais et ne peut jamais être autre chose que la fin d une illusion ».
63) Walpurgisnacht, 1917, traduit de l'allemand par A. D. Sampiéri : La nuit de Walpurgis, Bibliothèque Marabout, 1973, pp. 90-91, souligné dans le texte. Précisons que nous sommes tout à fait conscient des réticences que suscite souvent la mention du nom d'un auteur que beaucoup de traditionnistes, à commencer par René Guénon lui-même, ont condamné dans les termes les plus sévères. Mais les zones d'ombre du personnage ne doivent pas interdire de reconnaître l'intérêt majeur que son œuvre présente.
64) C'est ce qu'Arthur Avalon (Sir John Woodroffe) exprime en disant du Mantra, qu'il définit comme « en un mot, une puissance (Shakti), la puissance sous la forme du son », que celui-ci « se prête impartialement à tout usage ». The Serpent Power, traduit de l'anglais par Charles Vachot d'après la 4° édition de 1950 : La puissance du Serpent : Introduction au tantrisme, Dervy-Livres, coll. Mystiques et Religions, 1990, pp. 88 et 87.
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samedi, 07 septembre 2013
Nietzsche e o Mundo Homérico
Nietzsche e o Mundo Homérico

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vendredi, 30 août 2013
D. H. Lawrence’s Phallic Traditionalism
D. H. Lawrence’s Phallic Traditionalism
By Derek Hawthorne
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com
Sex and Religion
D. H. Lawrence argues that through the sex act, individuals participate in some kind of mysterious power running through nature. But does this momentary experience have any kind of long-term effect on them? Lawrence directly addresses this question. When the sex act is over, he writes, “The two individuals are separate again. But are they as they were before? Is the air the same after a thunderstorm as before? No. The air is as it were new, fresh, tingling with newness. So is the blood of man and woman after successful coition.” He states further that coition alters “the very quality of being, in both.”[1]
But how? Not surprisingly, Lawrence actually says little about how the experience changes the woman, but as for the man he has plenty to say. After coitus, “The heart craves for a new activity. For new collective activity. That is, for a new polarized connection with other beings, other men.”[2] As we have seen, Lawrence believes that sex involves an encounter with the creative force at the basis of nature. This encounter renews the male’s own creativity. He is eager, after the encounter, to break away from the woman for a time and to take action in the world, to bring something new into being: “Men, being themselves made new after the action of coition, wish to make the world anew. A new, passionate polarity springs up between men who are bent on the same activity, the polarity between man and woman sinks to passivity. It is now daytime, and time to forget sex, time to be busy making a new world.”[3]
The man yearns for union with the woman. At the time, all other considerations other than that union become trivial. Union must be achieved. But once it is achieved, he is renewed and yearns now to come together with other men in a new kind of union: a union directed toward the accomplishment of purposive activity. Again, however, what of the woman in all of this? Doesn’t she yearn for a purposive activity beyond the marriage bed? Lawrence answers that, in the main, this is not the case. He writes, “Primarily and supremely man is always the pioneer of life, adventuring onward into the unknown, alone with his own temerarious, dauntless soul. Woman for him exists only in the twilight, by the camp fire, when day has departed. Evening and the night are hers.”[4]
Lawrence’s view is that in life we must oscillate between an encounter with the source—through sex, for example—and purposive, creative activity. In other words, we must oscillate between blood-consciousness and mental consciousness. Lawrence is not anti-intellectual. Mental consciousness exists in order to allow us to carry out the inspirations we have received from blood-consciousness (recall that “it is through the phallic roots that inspiration enters the soul”). It is when mental consciousness is cut off from blood-consciousness and tries to make itself radically autonomous that problems result.
Lawrence at one point frames the issue of the relation of the two forms of consciousness in terms of “nighttime” and “daytime” selves:
Well, then, we have night-time selves. And the night-self is the very basis of the dynamic self. The blood-consciousness and the blood-passion is the very source and origin of us. Not that we can stay at the source. Nor even make a goal of the source, as Freud does. The business of living is to travel away from the source. But you must start every single day fresh from the source. You must rise every day afresh out of the dark sea of the blood.
When you go to sleep at night you have to say: “Here dies the man I am and know myself to be.” And when you rise in the morning you have to say: “Here rises an unknown quantity which is still myself.”[5]
When Lawrence speaks of rising in the morning, he means emerging from the world of dreams. Like Jung, Lawrence believed that we encounter our primal, pre-mental selves in dream. But he does not just mean this. He means that whenever we emerge from an encounter with the source – whenever we have sloughed off, for a time, our individuality and then put it back on again – we must be prepared to be changed, to be inspired with something that has emerged from the source. We must be willing to bring this into the light. He alludes to this idea in Studies in Classic American Literature when he tell us he believes “That my soul is a dark forest” and “That gods, strange gods, come forth from the forest into the clearing of my known self, and then go back.”[6]
Human beings generally make the mistake of absolutizing either the daytime self or the nighttime self; either making sex the be all and end all, to the exclusion of purposive activity, or vice versa. Lawrence writes that “With sex as the one accepted prime motive, the world drifts into despair and anarchy.”[7] In the sex act, as we have said, the sense of individuality, of personal identity is lost and the participants have the sense of merging into some larger unity. But what of the rest of life? We must live as individuals, with a sense of ourselves as separate beings for most of our waking existence.
But what are we to make of our individuality? Some people find the burden of separate, individual existence so great that they seek to have the sort of transcendence one can experience through sex on an almost constant basis, through alcohol or drugs or thrill-seeking. And what we often find with such individuals is that their lives come to pieces, they drift into “despair and anarchy.”
We have, according to Lawrence, two selves: the nighttime self which is the same in all of us, and which is an offshoot of the worldself, the life mystery; and the daytime self, which is different in each of us, and individual. To deny either is unnatural. We must shuttle back and forth between the two. If we absolutize the nighttime self, then we are destroyed as individuals. And any society that tries to found itself on the nighttime self would quite literally descend into chaos. (Consider the case of Woodstock, for example.) “Assert sex as the predominant fulfillment, and you get the collapse of living purpose in man. You get anarchy.”[8]
But it is equally mistaken to assert purpose above everything. This is, in effect, the mistake of idealism. There are individuals who deny sex or any act that involves a contact with the source. Such acts involve a loss of control, and a temporary breakdown in the sense of individual separateness. And this is terrifying to many people. So they live, as it were, from the neck up and devote themselves wholly to achievement, to productive work, to purpose. This is essentially what Freud means by the sublimation of the libido. Such individuals may not literally cease to have sex, but their sex is mechanical and without any real sensual depth. “Assert purposiveness as the one supreme and pure activity of life,” Lawrence writes, “and you drift into barren sterility, like our business life of today, and our political life.”[9]
Lawrence sees in these observations a key to understanding world history. “You become sterile, you make anarchy inevitable,” he says.[10] In other words, if a society asserts purposiveness above all, eventually it reaches a mass psychological breaking point, and the society will abandon itself to pure sensuousness. If this happens, however, things are destined to cycle back again. Someone or some movement will arise in response to this sensuous anarchy, and it will put forward the solution: abandon sensuousness, in favor of pure purpose, or pure idealism. And so on. To quote Anaximander (one of Lawrence’s favorite philosophers), “they pay penalty and retribution to each other for their injustice according to the assessment of time.”[11]
For Lawrence, the solution to this problem is for individuals to live in complete acceptance of sex and the blood-consciousness. They must accept these not only without guilt, but with positive reverence. Sex and all that puts us into touch with the primal, chthonic source is to be regarded as the touchstone of life. All plans and purposes of human beings are to draw their inspiration from the encounter with this source, and must be compatible with the free, regular, sensual contact with it.
Lawrence writes that “no great purposive passion can endure long unless it is established upon the fulfillment in the vast majority of individuals of the true sexual passion. No great motive or ideal or social principle can endure for any length of time unless based upon the sexual fulfillment of the vast majority of individuals concerned.” And just to make sure we have gotten his point, he says again a few lines later, “You have got to base your great purposive activity upon the intense sexual fulfillment of all your individuals.”[12] (Mysteriously, he adds, “That was how Egypt endured.”)
To sum up, it is certainly true to say that Lawrence was preoccupied with sex. But that was because for him sex was religion. In sex we awaken the deepest part of ourselves; we become that part, which is itself part of the life energy of which we are an expression. In sex we contact this mystery, and draw creative strength from it. Lawrence insists, however, that we cannot dwell forever in this mystery. Our lives must be a perpetual shifting back and forth between blood-consciousness and mental consciousness. Contact with the chthonic blood mystery spurs us on to purposive action. And in terms of what our purposes are to be, we draw inspiration from opening ourselves to the chthonic and whatever it may bring forth.
Sex in the Head
Ideally, sex should not be the only means by which we contact the life mystery, but for modern people it usually is. That is, when they can manage to have fulfilling sex at all. The trouble is that modern people live almost exclusively from the intellect, from conscious, mental awareness. And they live with rigid conceptions of selfhood. These are constructions of the intellect and, not surprisingly, they make intellect central to selfhood.
We tend to think, in other words, that we are minds simpliciter. But it is actually worse than that. We tend to think of ourselves almost as disembodied minds, and we relate as one disembodied mind to another. We invest a tremendous amount in maintaining these conceptions. Anything that would break down or challenge our sense of individual distinction is regarded as a threat.
Consequently, as Lawrence tells us over and over again, we have “got our sex into our head.”[13] This is a favorite expression of his. As much as we may locate our sense of self in the head, we cannot ever fully extinguish thereby the flame of the “lower self.” Rather than cede any of its power to the lower self, intellect must find some way to get sex into the head and control it. Sex becomes a matter of ego-aggrandizement, and the object of myriad neuroses. Even sexual arousal comes to be controlled by the head. The instinctual, animal sexual response that nature equips us with is suppressed by intellect. The head develops its own fixations and these become “cues” which trigger arousal.
For example, fetishism is a sexual response triggered not by the presence of an actual man or woman, or male or female genitalia, but by something which somehow symbolizes or refers to these. For example, the fetishist who gets excited over women’s underwear but has difficulty getting excited in the presence of a real woman. This is a person whose response is, again, intellectual and unnatural. He is disconnected from natural sexual feelings, and achieves arousal by routing information through the intellect: “I associate panties with women’s crotches, and they’re sexy, therefore this is sexy.”
The head may even declare some sexual feelings “wrong,” because they are incompatible with the ego’s self-conception. Repression and terrible inner conflict are the result. The more we get our sex into our head, the more a natural, fulfilling sexual response becomes impossible. The end result is almost inevitably impotence in the man and frigidity in the woman. Lawrence would not have been surprised at all had he lived to see the plethora of drugs that have now become available to treat sexual dysfunction, and the massive profits made by the companies that produce them.
One would think that getting sex into the head would put modern people off of sex, but instead it actually makes them terrifically hungry for repeated, transient sexual experiences. Lawrence writes, “The more individual the man or woman, the more unsatisfactory is a non-individual connection: promiscuity.”[14] By identifying only with the “daytime self,” with the mental self alone, we in effect disown our bodies and their sensations and urges. But the urges remain, and we must satisfy them. So we go to a sexual encounter, but because we have rendered our bodies largely insensate, we wind up feeling very little. And because we are terrified of anything that might break down or transform our sense of ourselves, we emerge from the act unchanged.
We are unwilling to surrender ego and make ourselves vulnerable, and so the sex act becomes merely a gymnastic exercise, followed by some mildly pleasurable muscular contractions. Dimly, we sense that something is missing—or that we have missed out on something. So we are driven to go on to another encounter, but the old pattern repeats itself. Of course, part of what drives us to another encounter is the biological sex urge itself, but Lawrence believes that the sex urge alone cannot explain the extraordinary promiscuity of modern people.
A solution to promiscuity, of course, is to find a steady partner, ideally one to hold onto for a lifetime. But modern people tend to approach this from the head as well. Lawrence writes,
We have made the mistake of idealism again. We have thought that the woman who thinks and talks as we do will be the blood-answer. . . . We have made love and sex a matter of seeing and hearing and of day-conscious manipulation. We have made men and women come together on the grounds of the superficial likeness and commonality—their mental and upper sympathetic consciousness. And so we have forced the blood into submission. Which means we force it into disintegration.[15]
We relate to potential love partners through the head, looking for intellectual agreement and a “shared mutuality of values.” This is much more so the case today than when Lawrence wrote. It has become increasingly the case in today’s world that one feels obliged in certain contexts (for example, the workplace) to suppress one’s feelings of magnetic attraction to the opposite sex, and certainly never to give voice to it. Some find an expression of such feelings to be somehow degrading or demeaning, no matter the context. And so men and women tend now to relate to each other primarily through talking, and talking mainly about ideas, opinions, and preferences.
The other side of the coin, of course, is relationships based upon physical attraction. While these may seem superficially more healthy than the relationships just described, in their modern form they are in fact no better. Modern people, as I have said, are caught up in preserving ego boundaries, and that means they are caught up in not losing themselves in the other, in not going too far in the direction of sensuous abandon. Hence, after a while, modern relationships based upon sex reach a dead end, where neither partner is willing to go further for fear of actually becoming something other than what he or she already is. The sex becomes overly familiar, overly mechanical, and, for lack of anything else to sustain it, the relationship ends.
Between dissatisfying sexual encounters, modern people (especially males) steel themselves against the possibility that the next time might be a profound, transformative experience by making a smirking joke of sex; by treating sex as a game in which numbers count: number of conquests, number of orgasms, minutes elapsed before ejaculation, inches of erection, etc. Sex becomes a possession of the ego, something I do which elevates me in my own eyes, a selfish pursuit. What it should be, in fact, is the most selfless pursuit of all—not in the sense of being altruistic, but in the sense of being egoless and ecstatic:
But today, all is image consciousness. Sex does not exist; there is only sexuality. And sexuality is merely a greedy, blind self-seeking. Self-seeking is the real motive of sexuality. And therefore, since the thing sought is the same, the self, the mode of seeking is not very important. Heterosexual, homosexual, narcissistic, normal, or incest, it is all the same thing. . . . Every man, every woman just seeks his own self, her own self, in the sexual experience.[16]
Contrary to appearance, modern people hate and fear sex. They hate and fear the loss of control, the loss of ego, and the abandonment to the life mystery that real, “blood-conscious” sex involves. So they reduce sex to smut and laugh at it, and at themselves for wanting it. In his essay “Pornography and Obscenity,” Lawrence writes, “Pornography is the attempt to insult sex, to do dirt on it. This is unpardonable.”[17] Further, as we have already discussed, scientism conspires with pornography to deflate the sex mystery and render it all a mundane matter of chemicals and “procreative drive.” “The scientific fact of sex is no more sex than a skeleton is a man,” Lawrence writes. “Yet you’d think twice before you stuck a skeleton in front of a lad and said, ‘You see, my boy, this is what you are when you come to know yourself.’”[18]
The “scientific” approach to deflating sex is largely the hard-headed approach of the sexually-repressed male. The sexually-repressed female has given us the “lovey-dovey” approach. Sex is “something wonderful and extra lovey-dovey, a bill-and-coo process of obtaining a sweet little baby.” Both approaches are, Lawrence tells us, “disastrous to the deep sexual life.” “But perhaps,” he adds, “that is what we want.”[19] We want, at some level, to destroy the sexual life because it threatens the ego and the control of intellect.
Phallic Traditionalism
Fear of sex, Lawrence tells us in John Thomas and Lady Jane is “fear of the phallus”:
This is the root fear of all mankind. Hence the frenzied efforts of mankind to despise the phallus, and to nullify it. All out of fear. Hence the modern jazz desire to make the phallus quite trivial, a silly little popgun. Fear, just the same. Fear of this alter ego, this homunculus, this little master which is inside a man, the phallus. Men and women alike committed endless obscenities, in order to be rid of this little master, to be free of it! Free! Free! Freedom![20]
Remember that the phallus—the erect penis—is the second man within the man: the expression of the primal, chthonic self. It is the bodying-forth in the male’s body of the unconscious, or the blood-consciousness. It is not a thing of intellect; its roots go much deeper. And because of this, it is an affront to the intellect, which prides itself on its autonomy. Lawrence is telling us that all of our reductive scientism, our pornography, our sanitized “lovey-dovey” smarm about sex, indeed most of modern life, are a concerted effort to deny the power of the phallus and to assert the radical autonomy of intellect.
It would be a mistake to understand Lawrence as simply saying that modern men and women fear a physical organ. In a way, Lawrence is saying this. The erect penis represents, in the minds of most people, the primal self within the self, deeper than intellect. And, indeed, it is under the control of that primal self; again, an erection cannot be “willed.” But recall also that for Lawrence the phallus is an expression of the life mystery that permeates all of nature.
The fear of the phallus thus represents, in another way, the fear and hatred of that which is greater than ourselves. It is no accident that the scientific “deflation” of sex usually goes hand in hand with atheism. They spring from the very same sort of mentality, the mentality that fears losing itself in something that would break the bounds of ego. To prevent this from ever happening, it must deny mystery, beauty, and God. These are all, in a way, the phallus. It must deny these or somehow explain them away. And above all it must deny itself pleasure. The fear of the phallus goes hand in hand with a fear of pleasure, for pleasure threatens to carry us away and give us a transcendent experience in which we feel absorbed into something greater than ourselves. As a Shaivite text says: “every pleasure is a divine experience. The entire universe springs forth from enjoyment. Pleasure is at the origin of all that exists.”
In “A Propos of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’” Lawrence writes that “the bridge to the future is the phallus, and there’s the end of it.” At this point, as strange as it may seem, it should be unsurprising to hear Lawrence make such a claim. What is surprising, however, is that he insists that he is not saying that the bridge to the future is sex. In the same essay, Lawrence goes on to say that if England (and, by extension, the entire modern, Western world) is to be “regenerated . . . then it will be by the arising of a new blood contact, a new touch, and a new marriage. It will be a phallic rather than a sexual regeneration. For the phallus is the only great old symbol of godly vitality in a man, and of immediate contact.”[21]
What can Lawrence mean by “phallic rather than sexual”? One must keep in mind that which the phallus represents. Lawrence is calling upon us to return to consciousness of the life mystery, in every way that we can. Sex is only one way. The phallus is “only the great old symbol of godly vitality in a man,” and it is this godly vitality that we must put ourselves back in touch with. But what does Lawrence mean when he says, further, that the phallus is the old symbol of “immediate contact”?
Here he refers to his provocative claim, discussed earlier, that the phallus “is a column of blood that fills the valley of blood of a woman.” The phallus is the means by which the two great rivers, which are metaphysical opposites, are brought together wordlessly, and more profoundly than any words or ideas could convey. The phallus represents this and all other forms of “blood-contact,” meaning instinctive or intuitive, non-verbal contact between individuals.
Lawrence believes that individuals relate to each other in countless, mysterious ways that he often designates by the term “vibrations.” We relate to the opposite sex through these vibrations. No matter our sexual orientation, the vibrations are there. We relate to members of our own family, or our own ethnic group, or to members of another, different ethnic group through these vibrations. We must learn somehow to recover our awareness of these, and cease attempting to relate to one another exclusively through words and ideas. But this is only part of what we must do to get back in touch with “the phallus.”
In the same essay, Lawrence speaks of the necessity of establishing an entire life lived in connection to the phallus:
We must get back into relation, vivid and nourishing relation to the cosmos and the universe. The way is through daily ritual, and the re-awakening. We must once more practise the ritual of dawn and noon and sunset, the ritual of the kindling fire and pouring water, the ritual of the first breath, and the last. This is an affair of the individual and the household, a ritual of day. The ritual of the moon in her phases, of the morning star and the evening star is for men and women separate. Then the ritual of the seasons, with the Drama and Passion of the soul embodied in procession and dance, this is for the community, in togetherness. And the ritual of the great events in the year of stars is for nations and whole peoples. To these rituals we must return: or we must evolve them to suit our needs.[22]
This is, of course, a description of the kind of life our distant ancestors lived. It was a life lived, in effect, in constant meditation upon and connection with the phallic mystery, the pan power. The phallus is the “bridge to the future,” but this bridge takes us roundabout and back again to the distant past.
[1] D. H. Lawrence, Fantasia of the Unconscious in Fantasia of the Unconscious and Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious (New York: Penguin, 1971), 107.
[2] Fantasia, 108.
[3] Fantasia, 108.
[4] Fantasia, 109.
[5] Fantasia, 182–83.
[6] D. H. Lawrence, Studies in Classic American Literature (New York: Penguin, 1977), 22. Italics in original.
[7] Fantasia, 110. Later in the same text he declares, “Sex as an end in itself is a disaster: a vice” (Ibid., 187).
[8] Fantasia, 111.
[9] Fantasia, 111.
[10] Fantasia, 111.
[11] The Presocratic Philosophers, trans. G. S. Kirk, J. E. Raven, and M. Schofield (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), 118.
[12] Fantasia, 110–11.
[13] Fantasia, 85.
[14] Fantasia, 175.
[15] Fantasia, 175.
[16] D. H. Lawrence, Phoenix, ed. Edward McDonald (New York: Viking, 1968), 381–82 (Review of Trigant Burrow, The Social Basis of Consciousness).
[17] Phoenix, 175 (“Pornography and Obscenity”).
[18] Fantasia, 114.
[19] Fantasia, 114.
[20] John Thomas and Lady Jane, 239.
[21] D. H. Lawrence, Phoenix II, ed. Warren Roberts and Harry T. Moore (New York: Viking, 1971), 508 (“A Propos of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’”).
[22] Phoenix II, 510 (“A Propos of ‘Lady Chatterley’s Lover’”).
Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com
URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/08/d-h-lawrences-phallic-traditionalism/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/phalluses-delos-greece.jpg
[2] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/woman-phallus.jpg
[3] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/shintophallus2.jpg
[4] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/shintophallus3.jpg
[5] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/shintophallus1.jpg
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vendredi, 23 août 2013
Libre Journal des Lycéens: Guénon, Evola
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Leggere Tucci per comprendere la Cina
Leggere Tucci per comprendere la Cina
Autore: Giovanni Balducci
Ex: http://www.centrostudilaruna.it
Grande più o meno quanto l’intera Europa, la Cina è il paese più popoloso del pianeta, con 1 miliardo e 300 milioni di abitanti. Con l’introduzione della riforma economica capitalista, nel 1978 diventa il paese con lo sviluppo economico più rapido al mondo, sino a divenire nel 2010 il più grande esportatore di merci su scala globale, imponendosi prepotentemente dinanzi alla comunità internazionale come nuova superpotenza economica. Tuttavia la Cina è un paese dalle mille contraddizioni, una realtà che include – in maniera a dir poco stridente – 130 milioni di ricchi e 300 milioni di abitanti sotto la soglia di povertà, milioni di fruitori di elettrodomestici hi-tech nelle città e mancanza di acqua e luce elettrica nei villaggi.
Ma la Cina è anche una delle civiltà più antiche della storia, un paese dalle grandi tradizioni culturali, artistiche e filosofiche, è la patria dei saggi Confucio e Lao Tze, è il paese il cui connaturato fascino colpì i grandi viaggiatori europei a cominciare da Marco Polo e Matteo Ricci, affascinati non solo dalla civiltà, ma anche dalle grandi scoperte ed invenzioni che il paese dei Dragoni aveva realizzato nel corso della sua storia plurimillenaria: come la bussola, la carta, la polvere da sparo e la stampa.
Pari al mercante veneziano del Milione ed al sinologo gesuita – per altro suo concittadino maceratese – un altro folgorato sulla via del Catai fu – senza dubbio – Giuseppe Tucci, a detta di molti il più insigne orientalista italiano del XX secolo, ed in particolare – secondo l’opinione corrente – il maggiore fra i tibetologi.
Tucci cominciò sin da giovanissimo a studiare il cinese, e si appassionò ben presto al pensiero di Confucio, incentrato sul buon governo e sulla ricerca di una saggezza tesa al benessere dello stato e del popolo. Insegnamenti, questi confuciani, che avevano già destato nel XVIII secolo l’interesse di Voltaire, e che susciteranno viva ammirazione in Ezra Pound. Ben presto però, dalla lettura del legista Confucio, l’interesse del Tucci si sposterà sugli aforismi di Lao-tze e Chuang-tze sul Tao. Ma il Nostro non abbandonò mai una strada per l’altra, anzi tenne sempre presente il quadro suggestivo dei due principali indirizzi di pensiero su cui si fonda la visione della vita cinese: il confucianesimo e il taoismo, la via della probità e la via della spontaneità.
Nel 1933, insieme a Giovanni Gentile, Tucci promuove la fondazione dell’Istituto Italiano per il Medio e l’Estremo Oriente (IsMEO), diventato oggi IsIAO, Istituto per l’Africa e l’Oriente, di cui sarà presidente dal 1947 al 1978; e presidente onorario dal 1979, dando un grande impulso allo sviluppo dei rapporti culturali tra l’Italia e l’Oriente, in particolare con la Cina e con l’India. Lo stesso Mussolini ebbe a finanziare le molteplici spedizioni asiatiche di Tucci, forse intenzionato a fare di lui un’agente al servizio della politica internazionale italiana. Ma Tucci non fu mai il Lawrence d’Arabia italiano. Non amava particolarmente la politica, e se ne teneva distante quanto possibile, anche se gli vanno riconosciute indubbie doti diplomatiche (molti ritengono che proprio alla sua intercessione si debba la visita in Italia del Mahatma Gandhi nel 1931), che gli valsero il patrocinio e la protezione del Duce durante il Ventennio, e di Andreotti durante gli anni della Democrazia Cristiana.
Tucci non fu solo un fine erudito, il suo studio delle fonti letterarie si accompagnò sempre ad un fervido interesse per la conoscenza e l’esperienza diretta dei paesi, delle tradizioni e dei popoli d’Oriente (tra le altre cose, fu fra i primi europei a visitare la «città proibita» del Tibet). Ricorda lo scrittore e reporter Stefano Malatesta, che «molto spesso Tucci auspicava il riavvicinamento tra la cultura occidentale e quella orientale. Eppure lui, meglio di chiunque altro, sapeva l’enorme distanza dei due modi di essere: noi pensiamo che l’asceta dell’Oriente dissipi vanamente il tempo che passa correndo dietro a fantasmi e visioni. Loro hanno pietà di noi che andiamo alla ricerca di cose che non sono nostre e mai lo saranno».
Si dirà che il pensiero di Tucci poteva andar bene il secolo scorso, non di certo oggigiorno dinanzi ad una Cina moderna, cosmopolita, aperta agli affari, che ha ormai accantonato il suo passato. Ma provate a farvi un giro nei quartieri più antichi delle metropoli cinesi, o magari recatevi in una delle numerose sale da tè, e ditemi se non intuite il profondo fascino della Cina tradizionale. E se proprio non riuscite a sentire nulla, andate al tempio del Buddha di Giada a Shangai, che sfida il tempo innalzandosi ieratico tra i palazzoni – come un fior di loto nel fango, per usare un’immagine proprio del Buddha – e osserva fiero le orde di turisti profani e le ancor più profane guide turistiche che quotidianamente lo prendono d’assalto. Fatevi quattro chiacchiere con i nuovi ricchi cinesi, e vedrete che malgrado l’evidente omologazione con “l’industrializzato Occidente”, anche il manager della “Pechino da bere”, conserva il rispetto per l’importanza dei legami sociali e di parentela, secondo le regole della tradizione. Se non vi basta, fate un salto alla Città Proibita o alla Grande Muraglia a prendervi una boccata d’arte e di cultura millenaria.
Fatto sta che Giuseppe Tucci, nella sua Storia della filosofia indiana, aveva già intravisto la riscossa dell’Oriente, soprattutto dei due giganti Cina ed India: «L’avvenimento maggiore al quale oggi assistiamo – scriverà – è fuori di dubbio l’ingresso dell’Asia nella storia: voglio dire che l’Asia fino a ieri subiva la storia ed oggi ne è fattore di primo piano». Ma Giuseppe Tucci ci ha soprattutto trasmesso la sua fervida ed acuta dimostrazione dell’unità culturale dell’Eurasia, e una ferma presa di coscienza del fatto che, giunti come siamo ad un tornante della storia, essa dovrebbe ipso facto tradursi in un’effettiva unità geopolitica.
* * *
Storia della filosofia indiana, Giuseppe Tucci, Laterza, 2012.
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mardi, 13 août 2013
The Importance of Ritual
The Importance of Ritual
By Gregory Hood
Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com/
The culture comes from the cult, and without the cult, we’re just kidding ourselves.
Radical Traditionalists are excellent critics. They can analyze the collapse of a civilization. They can pinpoint the mistaken premises that have led to the wasteland of modernity. They can discover in the most minute expressions of pop culture or contemporary vocabulary the egalitarian rot that is poisoning even the most petty social interaction.
Yet criticism is only a means. The objective is not just to bemoan the Kali Yuga but to restore – or failing that, create – an organic society that can facilitate the upward development of the race [2]. This requires something beyond intellect, criticism, and reason. It requires laying the foundation of a new order of society which can encompass all those necessary to make it function. This means weaving a tapestry of meaning and experience that can enmesh the worker with the philosopher and overcome differences of class, education, and wealth with a shared cultural context. This means religion. To put it more precisely, this means a cult.
Neo-paganism today is largely an intellectual exercise, what Collin Cleary has called [3] “paganism without gods.” Arguably this has been true since the days of Julian the Apostate, when the emperor vainly tried to resurrect the ancient gods through polemics, crackdowns on Christianity, and animal sacrifice. Even in the late Roman Empire, paganism was an aesthetic choice, a sign of cultural rebellion against Christianity, rather than a vital “faith” that had the power of literal belief behind it. Despite the scathing contempt of a Galen [4] or the slashing criticism of the Emperor Julian, Christianity would ultimately subsume the Roman Empire and the last pagan to wear the purple would mournfully cry, “You have won, Galilean.”
The contemporary heathen lives in a world of disbelief and is himself a product of that disbelief, most likely having rebelled against the Christianity of his fathers and grandfathers. Reason, irony, and iconoclasm are the hallmarks of the age and this manifests itself in the tepid spiritual practice of contemporary paganism. For contemporary pagans, their new age “faith” is simply an attempt to rebel against the “restrictions” of Christianity without challenging any of its deeper moral suppositions. Feminist Wiccans, universalist “heathens,” and Renaissance Faire Vikings litter the American landscape, and these supposed rebels align themselves even more firmly with the egalitarian Zeitgeist than the most committed evangelical. One has to ask the universalists [5] and the practitioners of “Wiccatru” – why not just become Unitarians?
“Reconstructionist” heathens present their own challenges, poring over incomplete pagan texts most likely saved by Christian authors and arguing like Byzantine clerics over what are the “correct” interpretations and practices. Like Civil War re-enactors insisting on using historically accurate buttons, this is simply a flight into fancy, interesting and entertaining but without real importance. Learning abut the past is always a worthy effort, but the attempt to escape into a bygone era is an admission of impotence. Dressing in medieval garb or affecting archaic speech is less a rejection of modernity than a surrender to it. The luxury of escapism is a product of affluence and leisure, not a consistent effort to Revolt Against the Modern World [6].
If being a heathen is to stand for anything, it has to offer an authentic spiritual experience and cultural framework that is meaningful within the modern world. In the same way that a Christian church can offer something to both the humble parishioner and the sophisticated theologian, Ásatrú has to forge bonds of spiritual community regardless of a person’s intellectualism and chosen level of involvement. More to the point, in order to avoid the embarrassing debacles of Christian apologists defending [7] such things as young earth creationism, heathen “theology,” for lack of a better word, has to be open to correct understandings of science and the nature of existence.
It begins with, as Collin Cleary suggests, simply premising that the gods exist and that we have in some sense lost our “openness” to them. However, in a deeper sense, to be a heathen in the modern world is to live out the mythology. To the authentic pagan, every social interaction, sexual relationship, meal, creation, struggle, or accomplishment is fraught with meaning, and open to ritual and magic. Instead of simply premising that the gods exist or that there is a divine sphere, the heathen and magical practitioner must regard himself as a character in his own saga, capable of tapping into the power of the gods through study and discipline combined with ecstatic experience.
Such a revolution in thinking is not easy and therefore it must begin with something even Christians regard as otherworldly – ritual. In the High Church tradition of Traditional Catholics or the Orthodox, the Mass is an attempt to bring heaven to Earth, to literally transport the consciousness of the individual to another world. In Germanic paganism, we quite literally seek to bring the gods to ourselves, either as present during a ritual or as a kind of possession within us. This requires a physical and mental separation from the workaday world, accomplished through the archetypal heathen practice of “hallowing.”
Though the specifics differ from group to group, the gothi will carve out a space separate from the rest of the world through the power of Mjölnir [8] (Thor’s hammer), Gungnir [9] (Odin’s spear), or some other instrument. This represents a psychological break with the mundane, as within the vé [10] (or sacred enclosure), it is accepted that reality itself has changed. As one practitioner put it, “Outside the vé, I am an atheist, inside the vé I am a religious fanatic.” Through changes in physical appearance, ritualistic chanting, music, and other practices, consciousness itself is changed, as the holy is separated from the mundane. The demarcation between the sacred and the profane is arguably at the root of all cultural identity, and the very definition of what separates one people from another.
Some could sneer that this is simply a pointless “light” show to “trick” the brain into seeing what is not there. If this is true, so too is the design of the Hagia Sophia (an earthly attempt to imitate heaven), or the use of incense during mass, or even the communal singing and chanting of just about any church service. However, in a greater sense, the ritual is the “lowest” attempt to transform consciousness above the mundane. As the modern world has removed the sacred (indeed, is characterized by the removal of the sacred), beginning practitioners must use extreme methods to “shock” their consciousness into openness to the divine.
This does not mean throwing on a wolf skin and running around screaming will lead to a person meeting the Allfather in the woods one day. However, if done properly, ritual and magic introduces the necessary openness to spiritual experience that begins a transformative process. The point is not simply to perform a ritual once in a while and enjoy fellowship with those of like mind, although this in and of itself is healthy. The point is to understand that the gods, the lore, the runes, and the process of spiritual transformation can be applied to oneself and one’s folk through a kind of psychological programming.
In normal time, one does not have to take a position on whether the gods are literally real or merely cultural archetypes. Instead, whether the gods are real or not, ritual begins a process of mental transformation that works on a continuous basis. This is best described by Aleister Crowley’s [11] view of magic – “the methods of science, the aim of religion.”
In the Hávamál (the words of the High One), we are told how Odin grasped the secret of the runes.
I ween that I hung on the windy tree,
Hung there for nights full nine;
With the spear I was wounded, and offered I was
To Othin, myself to myself,
On the tree that none may ever know
What root beneath it runs
None made me happy with loaf or horn,
And there below I looked;
I took up the runes, shrieking I took them,
And forthwith back I fell.
The Allfather grasps the runes in a moment of ecstasy, but before this moment there is a long period of deprivation, suffering, and discipline. The nine days pinned to Yggdrasil suggests an entry into an alternate form of consciousness, a higher state of awareness similar to that claimed by Christian saints who practiced fasting or sexual abstinence. The acquisition of supreme wisdom comes from the sacrifice of “oneself to oneself,” regulated through ritual, prepared by conscious study, enabled by ecstatic experience.
A talented musician or gifted general may benefit from a blinding insight at a critical moment, but this kind of divine “Odinic” inspiration doesn’t just show up randomly. It is the product of a lifetime of conscious study, united with the unconscious forces within the human mind that seem beyond deliberate control. Anyone can feel the “Muse” – but for the insight to be worthwhile, the ground must first be prepared.
Excellence, said Aristotle (another great pagan) is a habit. We are what we repeatedly do. In pagan societies, ritual is a way of elevating mundane conduct to a higher level of meaning and regulating our baser impulses to give way to a more elevated sensibility. In feudal Japan, for example, the samurai [12] pursued both combat and artistic expression (through such means as the “tea ceremony [13]”) towards the aim of perfection in everything they did. For the heathen, occasional ritual should be the beginning of a process of transformation that eventually informs every action he takes.
Nietzsche called for the Übermensch to live his entire life as a work of art. Total mastery for the heathen would mean turning one’s entire life into a ritual, a Great Work that would transform both his own nature and the world around him through a kind of spiritual alchemy. In the Traditionalist understanding of history, there was a Golden Age when men were one with the gods and their purity of blood, mind, and spirit allowed to them to work wonders and reach depths of understanding denied to the denizens of the Kali Yuga. Ritual, correct practice, discipline, and Odinic frenzy allow the heathen to enable the process of transformation to once again reach for that Golden Age. As it says in the Hávamál,
Knowest how one shall write, knowest how one shall rede?
Knowest how one shall tint, knowest how one makes trial?
Knowest how one shall ask, knowest how one shall offer?
Knowest how one shall send, knowest how one shall sacrifice?
The modern man is at war with nature, at war with his fellows, at war with himself. The heathen seeks to align his spirit with that of the cycles of nature, discover frith [14] with his kinsfolk through organic community, and master himself so he is no longer a slave to his baser impulses. While Christianity suppresses the Will, heathenism glories in it, provided that it can be controlled and understood. To be a heathen is not just to be “open” to the gods, but to pursue the god within. Once properly understood, the heathen carves out in his blood his own Vinlandic Saga each and every day, and even the most mundane activities become a kind of elevating practice.
This requires real experience – real, authentic practice either as a solitary apprentice or, preferably, as part of a kindred or tribe. To rebuild organic culture means creating a shared experience as a community. Heathenism can not be limited to books – or, worse – to the internet. It is to be lived through blood and sweat, the frenzy of inspiration, the toil of shared physical activity, the comradeship and community of shared practice.
Though our sources for “reconstructing how our ancestors did it” are limited, that is relatively unimportant. What is important is taking what we know and embarking on a sincere quest to understand the ancient mysteries, and in so doing, restore our link with Primordial Tradition. The metapolitics, metaphysics, and moral principles of Ásatrú must be explained and defended through every medium possible, but in the end, tens of thousands of words do not carry the power of one authentic “Odinic” experience.
Authentic ritual also allows us to build real community on a level that does not need to be rationally explained. People join groups for one of three reasons – ideological, material, and social. The weakness of abstract, purely “ideological” groups prone to infighting and division is self-evident here. In material terms, a real “kindred” or “tribe” can develop the ability to support its own members through labor, financial aid, and job connections, particularly among working class whites that are cast out on their own by society. However, most importantly, communal ritual, communal symbolism, and communal gatherings “create” a people, and give them their own definition of “good” and “evil,” as described in Thus Spake Zarathustra. It is not whites as they are that we defend, but whites as they could become, and that process of transformation and folk creation has to begin with the establishment of the sacred.
Christianity asks us to rationally believe the unbelievable. Heathens should not compete in apologetics, or take refuge in abstraction. It remains for them to write their own saga by living out the mythology in the modern world. It is not a question of “believing” in Odin, but walking his path, and in so doing, becoming one with the gods. In the end, Ásatrú isn’t something you believe. It’s something you live. It’s not just a tradition “for” a folk. It’s a practice that can create one.
Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com
URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/08/the-importance-of-ritual/
URLs in this post:
[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/odin745.jpg
[2] upward development of the race: http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/05/race-the-first-principle/
[3] called: http://www.counter-currents.com/2011/06/introduction-to-summoning-the-gods/
[4] Galen: http://www.tertullian.org/rpearse/galen_on_jews_and_christians.htm
[5] One has to ask the universalists: http://www.counter-currents.com/2012/10/asatru-and-the-political/
[6] Revolt Against the Modern World: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/089281506X/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1789&creative=390957&creativeASIN=089281506X&linkCode=as2&tag=countercurren-20
[7] defending: http://www.counter-currents.com/2012/04/the-de-germanization-of-late-american-christianity/
[8] Mjölnir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mj%C3%B6lnir
[9] Gungnir: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gungnir
[10] vé: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/V%C3%A9_(shrine)
[11] Aleister Crowley’s: http://www.arktos.com/crowley-thoughts-perspectives.html
[12] samurai: http://www.counter-currents.com/2012/05/the-last-samurai/
[13] tea ceremony: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_tea_ceremony
[14] frith: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frith
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vendredi, 21 juin 2013
In herinnering aan Marc. Eemans
In herinnering aan Marc. Eemans (16 juni 1907 - 28 juli 1998)
Marc. Eemans wordt geboren op 16 juni 1907 te Dendermonde. Hij is onder meer actief als dichter, schilder en kunsthistoricus.
Al op zeer jonge leeftijd vertrouwd geraakt met het Brusselse artistieke milieu, begint hij onder invloed van Victor Servranckx zich op 15-jarige leeftijd te wijden aan de abstracte schilderkunst. In deze periode volgt hij lessen bij de symbolistische schilders Constant Montald en Emile Fabry. Hij schrijft voor toonaangevende avantgarde-tijdschriften als Het Overzicht, De Driehoek en Sept-arts. Vanaf 1925 schildert Eemans niet langer abstract. Hij ondergaat sterk de invloed van André Breton's Manifeste du surréalisme dat in het voorafgaande jaar verschijnt. Eemans onderhoudt intensieve contacten met de Brusselse surrealistische kring en geldt ook hier als de jongste binnen het gezelschap. Aanvankelijk voelt hij zich aangetrokken tot het communisme en schrijft hij in 1926 samen met de bevriende dichter René Baert Le Manifeste de l'Humanisme. Eemans' bronnen zullen echter veeleer mystiek van aard zijn. Een vroeg aanwezige belangstelling voor het werk van o.a. de Engelse en Duitse romantici (Percy Bysshe Shelley, Novalis), William Blake, Maurice Maeterlinck en Comté de Lautréamont wijst hem in deze richting. In 1930 komt het tot een definitieve breuk met de Brusselse kring en vervolgt hij zijn eigen weg. Datzelfde jaar richt Eemans samen met Baert de uitgeverij Hermès op, dat Eemans' eerste dichtbundel Vergeten te worden publiceert. Het (Franstalige) tijdschrift Hermès verschijnt van 1933 tot 1939 en wijdt speciale afleveringen aan (o.a.) Jan Ruusbroec, de Middelnederlandse mystiek, Meester Eckhart en het Soefisme. Niet onbelangrijk zijn de door Henry Corbin gerealiseerde Franse vertalingen van Duitse existentialistische auteurs (Martin Heidegger, Karl Jaspers). In nabeschouwing zou het project volgens Eemans gelijkenissen vertonen met de esoterische kring Gruppo di Ur, in 1927 mede-opgericht door de Italiaanse filosoof Julius Evola.
Eemans romantische en aristocratische gezindheid doen hem evolueren naar een eerder mythisch geïnspireerd nationaalsocialisme. “Eemans [zag] in het nazisme vooral een terugkeer tot de oertraditie, de wedergeboorte van een sacrale en magische wereld die ten onder was gegaan aan de technische, democratische maatschappij.” (1) Het in 1944 verschenen L'épreuve du feu: à la recherche d'une éthique van de hand van René Baert vormt een blauwdruk van deze visie.
In reactie op de naoorlogse Belgische kunst, die dan voornamelijk abstract-georiënteerd is, sticht Eemans in 1958 samen met de Waals-Brusselse schilder Aubin Pasque Fantasmagie, het driemaandelijkse tijdschrift van het Centre International d'Actualité Fantastique et Magique. Ze vertegenwoordigt een fantastische schilderkunst (en literatuur) die navolging vindt in o.a. Frankrijk, Duitsland, Nederland, Tsjecho-Slowakije en Joegoslavië.
In de jaren 1970 komt Eemans in aanraking met het werk van Julius Evola, wiens traditioneel metafysische opvattingen hem diepgaand zullen beïnvloeden. Hij bezoekt Evoliaanse kringen in Italië en treedt in contact met Renato del Ponte, stichter van het Centro Studi Evoliani in Genua en redacteur van het tijdschrift Arthos. Er wordt overgegaan tot de vorming van een Brusselse studiekring (Studi Evoliani Bruxelles) die kortstondig nieuwsbrieven verzorgt, teksten en vertalingen uitgeeft, maar op weinig belangstelling kan rekenen.
Ter gelegenheid van Eemans' 65e verjaardag wordt door vrienden in 1982 een Marc. Eemans-stichting opgericht. Ongeacht haar functioneren was de doelstelling – het bestuderen van idealistische en symbolistische kunst en literatuur – ambitieus. Een archief van kunst, literatuur en muziek met betrekking tot diverse symbolen en mythen, niet slechts van België maar van Europa en elders in de wereld, zou worden ontsloten.
Nog tot in zijn laatste jaren geeft Eemans dissidente beschouwingen over zijn kunstenaarschap en het Belgische surrealisme.
Aanbevolen literatuur
Jespers, Henri-Floris (20-09-2009). Marc. Eemans en de 'gnostische' schilderkunst. (http://mededelingen.over-blog.com/article-36310697.html)
Tommissen, Piet (1972). Inleiding tot de idee Marc. Eemans. Brussel: Henry Fagne. (http://marceemans.wordpress.com/2012/08/15/p-tommissen-inleiding-tot-de-idee-marc-eemans)
Voor teksten van Marc. Eemans, zie http://marceemans.wordpress.com
(1) Henri-Floris Jespers, 'Marc. Eemans 90 jaar: een biecht', in: BRUtaal I (1997), nr. 1, p. 12.
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mercredi, 19 juin 2013
Dichter der Tradition
Dichter der Tradition
von Prof. Paul Gottfried (Gastautor)
Ex: http://www.blauenarzisse.de/
T S. Eliot verkörpert in Europa die US-amerikanische Spielart literarischer Moderne. Der Schriftsteller selbst sah sich im Dreiklang von „Monarchie, Klassizismus und einer anglokatholischen Einstellung”.
Der „Stockneuengländer” mit anglikanischen Vorfahren aus Boston kam 1888 in St. Louis/Missouri zur Welt und steuerte früh auf einen europäischen Bezugspunkt zu. 1914 reiste er nach Marburg und siedelte sich schließlich in Oxford an. Als Harvard-Absolvent mit einer schon bewährten literarischen Begabung brauchte der junge Autor des modernistischen Klassikers und Versepos The Waste Land von 1922 eine Lebens– und Mitwelt, in der er sich seelisch zuhause fühlen konnte. Der von ihm in seinem theoretischen Schrifttum hervorgehobene Dreiklang „Monarchie, Klassizismus und eine anglokatholischen Einstellung im theologischen Bereich“, bezeugt Eliots Suche nach einer allumfassenden, sinnstiftenden Identität.
Die englische Tradition
Was Thomas Stearns Eliot begrifflich und dichterisch herstellte, entsprang seiner Schöpferkraft, die unter anderem eine traumhafte, archaisierte politische und kulturelle Landschaft der Gegenwart als Folie heraufbeschwor. In seinem Gesamtwerk zeichnen sich seine immer wiederkehrenden Vergangenheitsbeschäftigung ab und – nicht weniger hervorstechend – sein Bedauern über den Verlust einer aristokratisch-priesterlichen Pracht.
Ein scharfsinniger Deuter des angloamerikanischen Dichters, Adrian Cunningham, betont Eliott Schwepunktsetzung auf die „englische Tradition“. Formelhaft und anhand des französischen Monarchisten Charles Maurras gelangte Eliot zu einem Verständnis der Tradition als geteiltem Erbgut, das er mit seiner kunstvoll konturierten englischen Vergangenheit in Verbindung brachte. Eliot ging diese intellektuelle Übung in seiner 1992 gegründeten Literaturzeitschrift Criterion an, ohne Rücksicht auf die Besonderheiten seiner eigenen Familienvergangenheit zu nehmen. Bei Eliots Zerlegung „des gewöhnlichen Handelns“ tritt wenig Erlebtes und Prägendes aus dem eigenen Elternhaus im mittleren Westen der USA heraus. Dabei wanderten seine angesehenen Vorfahren aus England aus und siedelten sich im 17. Jahrhundert in den amerikanischen Kolonien an.
Mehr Soziologie als Theologie
Wenn Eliot seine Glaubenslehre verteidigt, läuft seine Darlegung Cunningham zufolge eher „auf einen soziologischen als einen theologischen Standpunkt“ hinaus. Der Dichter verstand sie als Bestandteil der Idee einer „universalen Kirche“ im Kontext der römischen und orthodoxen Konfessionen. Nach dem strengen Katholiken Cuningham scheiterte das Verfahren in dem Maße, dass Eliot von einer selbstbezogenen Vorstellung ausging, ohne in einer wahren religiösen Tradition verankert zu sein.
Seine Schaffensfreudigkeit wurde dauernd mit einer Kritik der Moderne verknüpft und zugleich mit dem Auftrag, eine für seine Lebensmission geeignete Tradition vorzufinden oder sich auszudenken. Cunningham betont Eliots Besorgnis über den ausufernden Relativismus, der ihn in seinem aus den Fugen geratenen Zeitalter erschütterte. Umso größer blieb Eliots Bedürfnis nach einem sittlichen Rettungsanker. Er trauerte um den Verlust ästhetischer Maßstäbe, die in einer noch erkennbar aristokratischen Kultur gediehen waren. Durch sein Werk wollte der Dichter diese glühend verehrte Vergangenheit versinnlichen.
Doch Eliots angenommene Identität und sein Festhalten an einer monarchistischen, hochkirchlichen Tradition hätte dessen Vorfahren kaum angesprochen. Im Gegensatz zu seinen calvinistischen, republikanisch gesinnten Ahnherren, die in die Neue Welt einwanderten, entschied sich Eliot für den Monarchismus und für die seine Wahltradition begleitende Dogmenlehre.
Verschlossenheit und Wandel
Daraus erwuchs ihm und der englischsprachigen Literatur im Zwanzigsten Jahrhundert ein großer Gewinn. In Dramen wie Murder in the Cathedral (1935) und der umfangreichen Lyrik verbirgt sich eine schöpferische Genialität, die Eliots steife und verkrampfte Außenwirkung Lügen straft. Wie seine angenommenen, englischen Mituntertanen des Königs hat Eliot oft eine sprichwörtliche Verschlossenheit bekundet. Das kam ihm zugute, als er mit einer Menge von Schwierigkeiten zu ringen hatte. Als seine erste Gattin, Vivienne, geisteskrank wurde, litt der Dichter und fühlte sich gedrängt, sie in ein Sanatorium einzuliefern.
Modernismus und vergangene Pracht
Bis heute tobt eine stürmische Kontroverse um die Frage, ob Eliot für seine junge temperamentvolle Frau hinlänglich sorgte und ihre Einweisung berechtigt war. Außer Zweifel steht, dass Eliot bis tief in seine mittleren Jahre hinein bedürftigen Umständen gegenüberstand. In einer Bank rackerte er sich tagsüber als Kassierer ab. Seine literarische Leidenschaft konnte er sich nur nachts und daher häufig übermüdet widmen. Trotz des unerwarteten Erlöses, der ihm dank The Waste Land zufiel, versiegte sein Wohlstand rasch. Eliot fehlte das Geld, sich ganz der Dichtkunst zuzuwenden. Erst als er 1948 mit dem Literaturnobelpreis geehrt wurde, zeichnete sich langsam ein Wandel ab.
Bemerkenswert bleibt, dass Eliot gerade in seine theologisch-politischen Schriften viel Mühe investierte. Wenn heute seine umständlichen Essays, etwa The Idea of a Christian Society (1939), nicht derart bekannt wie die Gedichte sind, dann muss beachtet werden, dass Eliot in seinen geschmacklichen und politisch-theologischen Aufsätzen seine mit Wehmut angehauchte Weltansicht am stärksten enthüllt. In seinen Gedichten tritt dagegen eine mit dem Modernismus verwachsene Schöpferkraft zutage, die ebenso auf neue literarische Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten vorausweist, wie sie in eine vergangene Pracht zurückführt.
Schon in seinen ersten bedeutenden, satirischen Gedichten, The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock, die bereits 1917 herauskamen, erschlossen sich einige Zeichen des Experimentierens mit Versformen, die die schon damals hervortretenden Modernisten kennzeichnete. Sie arbeiteten vor allem mit freien Versen und eingestreuten Glossen über die Verkommenheit der Massenkultur. Als Wegbereiter galten Leitfiguren wie Ezra Pound, Gottfried Benn, und Louis-Ferdinand Céline, die den Aufruf zur ästhetischen Mobilisierung mit konservativen oder rechten Zuneigungen verquickten.
Pietät und Märtyrerleiden
Im Gegensatz zum genialen Ezra Pound, der mit ihm die Erstfassung von The Waste Land umgearbeitet hatte, blieb Eliot aber von neuheidnischen Gedanken unberührt. Diese Zeitströmung, die im letzten Viertel des 19. Jahrhunderts einsetzte und mit Namen wie Nietzsche, D’Annunzio, und Pound in die kulturelle Tradition einzog, prallte von Eliot gänzlich ab. Aus seinen Dichtungen und Schauspielen entströmt, wie bei dem katholischen, französischen Schriftsteller Paul Claudel (1868 — 1955), ein betont christlicher Geist. In etlichen Schöpfungen wie Ash Wednesday (Aschermittwoch, 1930) und Murder in the Cathedral bleiben die Thematiken unverkennbar anglokatholisch.
Auch bei Eliots Bewunderern erschöpft sich manchmal die menschliche Geduld, wenn Eliot seine Pietät wiederholt unterstreicht. In den Schauspielen Murder in the Cathedral, das die Tötung des Erzbischofs Thomas Beckett auf Befehl des ihm entfremdeten Königs Heinrich II. schildert sowie The Cocktail Party (1948), das das Befestigen einer Missionarin an einem Ameisenhügel irgendwo in Afrika nacherzählt, zeigt sich die finstere Seite des Gläubigen. Märtyrerleiden übten auf Eliot zeitlebens eine große Faszination aus. Zweifelsohne, Eliot ging konsequent einen ganz eigenen Weg. Von anderen ließ er sich unterrichten, ohne ihnen zu verfallen.
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mardi, 11 juin 2013
Centro Studi La Runa
Centro Studi La Runa
Ultimi articoli pubblicati
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mardi, 04 juin 2013
Colloque sur Julius Evola
Un colloque sur Julius Evola près de Lyon samedi 15 juin
"Seul compte, aujourd'hui, le travail de ceux qui savent se tenir sur les lignes de crête."
Ces mots de Julius Evola illustrent toute son oeuvre, immense et complexe, souvent citée mais en fait plus souvent encore mal connue. D'où l'intérêt de l'éclairer par quelques coups de projecteur. C'est dans cet esprit que nous vous convions à venir participer à ce colloque.
Intervenants et thèmes :
Professeur Jean Haudry, directeur d'études à l'Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris) : "Révolte contre le monde moderne" : tradition primordiale et tradition indo-européenne.
Docteur Pierre Krebs, écrivain et conférencier : "Julius Evola et l'Allemagne".
Georges Feltin-Tracol, rédacteur en chef du site Europe Maxima : "Evola et la politique".
Professeur Pierre Vial, président de Terre et Peuple : Evola et le Moyen Age".
Des ouvrages d'Evola ou consacrés à son oeuvre seront en vente sur les stands. Vous pouvez également vous faire dédicacer les ouvrages des intervenants.
Conférence à 1 heure de Lyon (campagne bressane).
5 euros l'entrée ou 25 euros avec repas du midi dans une auberge. Possibilité d'amener son casse-croûte et de manger dans les environs.
Réservation obligatoire avant le 10 juin pour le repas : conferenceslyon@yahoo.fr
18:13 Publié dans Evénement, Nouvelle Droite, Traditions | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : julius evola, evola, tradition, traditionalisme intégral, traditionalisme, événement, lyon, france, colloque, nouvelle droite | |
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lundi, 06 mai 2013
L’être de l’aikido
L’être de l’aikido
Ex: http://dhdc2917.eu/
L’aikido est le principe de la lignée des dix mille générations de l’univers.
L’aikido est la vérité reçue du ciel, l’agissement merveilleux de l’aiki de takemusu.
L’aikido est la voie d’harmonie du ciel, de la terre et des hommes.
Mais encore, l’aikido est la voie d’ordonnance des dix mille choses.
O’Sensei Morihei Ueshiba
« La multitude des visages de l’aikido, apparaissant souvent comme antagonistes par certains de leurs aspects, doit nous engager à nous poser cette question essentielle, en nous tournant vers Ueshiba Morihei : qu’est-ce que l’aikido ? Si depuis la disparition de Ueshiba Morihei, l’intérêt légitime du pratiquant a été le faire et le « comment faire ? », la question de l’être, de ce qu’est l’aikido, a été le plus souvent éludée. En matière de discipline orientale, l’appréhension de l’être passe nécessairement par la pratique et par conséquent, la question de ce qu’est l’aikido et la question de savoir comment faire l’aikido sont uniment liées. Pour autant le questionnement quant à l’essence fait le plus souvent défaut. Or, c’est proprement l’objet de ces discours, et particulièrement du premier d’entre eux, transcrit dans le présent volume. Ueshiba n’explique pas ici tel ou tel mouvement. Il ne s’agit ni d’une description technique ni de la présentation historique de la discipline, mais plutôt de l’essence de ce qu’on appelle « aikido ». Ainsi, dès les premiers mots de cette conférence, Ueshiba nous propose-t-il d’opérer un changement de point de vue, d’une part, en nous détournant de la question proprement gestuelle du comment, et d’autre part, d’une manière plus fondamentale, en nous invitant à abandonner l’idée qui consiste à réduire le terme aikido à une discipline particulière. En effet, à la question qu’est-ce que l’aikido ? il ne répond pas par une phrase du type : « L’aikido est une discipline martiale créée en telle année dont les pratiquants, aikidoka, portent tels et tels vêtements et usent de telles armes… », mais par « L’aikido est le principe de la lignée unique des dix mille générations de l’univers », assignant ainsi au terme « aikido » la valeur d’un principe et non celle d’un fait particulier. Au fil de ces conférences, Ueshiba Morihei donne ainsi un double sens au terme aikido : le premier désigne la discipline qu’il fonde au cours du vingtième siècle, le second signifie un principe naturel* de création et d’ordonnance qui, comme tel, existe depuis toujours concomitant à la création du monde. Les deux aspects du terme ne sont pas étrangers l’un à l’autre, mais entretiennent, pour Ueshiba, un rapport de type causal : l’aikido en tant que discipline est l’expression phénoménale adéquate, le visage, ou du moins sa recherche, de l’aikido en tant que principe**.
Dès lors la question qu’est-ce que l’aikido ? ouvre un questionnement sur l’être de l’aikido en tant qu’il est à la fois principe et chemin vers la réalisation effective de ce principe. Le double sens du terme « aikido » renvoie ainsi à l’idée d’actualisation, autrement dit au passage d’une virtualité à sa réalité tangible. Il y a donc implicitement l’idée majeure, s’agissant d’un principe naturel, d’une évolution de la nature vers sa pleine réalisation, son parachèvement [kansei]. »
Bruno Traversi, in préface de « Takemusu Aiki » de Morihei Ueshiba.
* Le rapport de l’aikido avec la nature est communément admis. Toutefois, il faut préciser que nature doit s’entendre dans un double sens : la nature dans ses expressions, dans son foisonnement, et la nature en tant que force productrice et ordonnatrice du réel, autrement dit dans ses principes, nature naturée et nature naturante. On se fourvoierait certainement en pensant les techniques d’aikido d’après une imitation des formes et des mouvements de la nature. La corrélation entre nature et aikido doit se penser selon un plan plus fondamental, celui des principes. L’aikido, en tant que discipline, est naturel en ce que l’aikido, en tant que principe, est un principe naturel, et non une convention humaine et sociale. Et si, effectivement, on trouve entre les mouvements d’aikido et les mouvements de la nature une certaine similitude, c’est qu’ils sont produits selon les mêmes principes, issus d’une même origine ou racine [kongen].
** Ces notions sont particulièrement importantes pour comprendre que la génèse de l’aikido ne résulte nullement de la synthèse de différents arts martiaux, mais est un principe naturel qui se révèle à Ueshiba à travers diverses expériences spirituelles et martiales. Cet aspect fait l’objet de long développements dans ses conférences.
À lire également:
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dimanche, 05 mai 2013
Semitic Monotheism
S. Gurumurthy:
S. Gurumurthy argues that the monotheistic Semitic religions of what he calls "the West" brought intolerance to India. Traditionally, Gurumurthy argues, Indian culture was characterized by a liberal pluralism stemming from the polytheism of Hindu beliefs.
In the history of human civilization there have been two distinct ways of life -- the eastern and the Semitic. If we look at the history of India and of its people on the one hand and at the history of Semitic societies on the other, we find a glaring difference. In India the society and individual form the center of gravity, the fulcrum around which the polity revolves, and the state is merely a residuary concept. On the other hand, in the Semitic tradition the state wields all the power and forms the soul and the backbone of the polity. In India, temporal power was located in the lowest units of society, which developed into a highly decentralized social network. This was the very reverse of the centralized power structures that evolved in the Semitic tradition of the West. We had decentralizing institutions, of castes, of localities, of sects belonging to different faiths; of groups of people gathering around a particular deity or around a particular individual. Society was a collection of multitudes of self-contained social molecules, spontaneously linked together by socio spiritual thoughts, symbols, centers of pilgrimage, and sages. In the West the most important, and often the only, link between different institutions of the society was the state.
Of course, the state also existed in India in the past, but only as a residual institution. It had a very limited role to perform. Even the origin of the state is said to be in the perceived necessity of an institution to perform the residual supervisory functions that became necessary because a small number of people could not harmonize with the rest in the self- regulating, self-operating and self powered functioning of the society. The state was to look after the spill-over functions that escaped the self-regulating mechanisms of the society. The Mahabharata, in the Santiparva, defines the functions of the state precisely thus. The state was to ensure that the one who strays away from public ethics does not tread on others. There was perhaps no necessity for the state at one point in our social history. The evolution of society to a point where certain individuals came to be at cross purposes with the society because of the erosion of dharmic, or ethical values, introduced the need for a limited arbiter to deal with "outlaws" who would not agree to be bound by dharma. That task was entrusted to the state. This appears to be the origin of the state here. So the society or the group, at whatever level it functioned, was the dominant reality and the state was a residual authority. The society had an identity distinct from the state. Social relations as well as religious and cultural bonds transcended the bounds of the state.
People in the Semitic society, on the other hand, seem to have burdened themselves with the state the moment they graduated from tribalism and nomadic life to a settled existence. Thus the Semitic society never knew how to live by self-regulation. People never knew how to exist together unless their lives were ordered through the coercive institution of the state. The concept of self-regulation, the concept of dharma, the personal and public norms of action and thought that we have inherited from time immemorial, did not have any chance to evolve. Instead what evolved, for example in the Christian West, was the "social contract" theory of the state. And this became the basis of the nation state that dominated during the era of Western hegemony. But even before that, a mighty state, a nation-less state, had already evolved in the West. It was a state that cut across all nations, all societies, all ethnicities, all faiths, all races. This was the kind of state developed by the Romans. The statecraft of the Romans purveyed power and power alone. Later, after the collapse of the nationless state, tribal nationalism began to be assertive. This nation state, whose power was legitimated according to socio-religious criteria, became the model for the Semitic society. Far from being an arbiter, the state became the initiator, the fulcrum of the society.
Western society thus became largely a state construct. Even geography and history began to follow state power. In the scheme of things, the king symbolized total power, the army became crucial to the polity, and the police indispensable. The throne of the king became more important than the Church, and his word more important than the Bible, forcing even the Church to acquire stately attributes and begin competing with the state. That is why the first Church was founded in Rome. Because of the social recognition of state power and the importance that it had acquired, religion had to go to the seat of the state. That is how Rome, and not Bethlehem, became the center of Christian thought. The Church developed as a state-like institution, as an alternative and a competing institution. The Church began to mimic the state, and the Archbishop competed with the King. And finally religion itself became a competitor of the state. Naturally there were conflicts between these two powerful institutions -- between the state and the Church, and between the King and the Archbishop. Both owed allegiance to the same faith, the same book, the same prophet -- and yet they could not agree on who should wield ultimate power. They fought in order to decide who amongst them would be the legitimate representative of the faith. And, in their ^ght, both invoked the same God. The result was a society that was at war with itself; a society in which the stately religion was at war with the religious state. The result also was centralism and exclusivism, not only in thought, but also in the institutional arrangements. Out of such war within itself -- including between Christianity and Islam -- Semitic society evolved its centralist and exclusivist institutions that are now peddled as the panacea for the ills of all societies. As the monotheistic civilization rapidly evolved a theocratic state, it ruled out all plurality in thought. There could not be any doubt, there could not be a second thought competing with the one approved and patronized by the state, and there could not even be a second institution representing the same faith. The possibility of different religions or different attitudes to life evolving in the same society was made minimal. No one could disagree with the established doctrine without inviting terrible retribution. Whenever any semblance of plurality surfaced anywhere, it was subjected to immediate annihilation. The entire social, political and religious power of the Semitic society gravitated toward and became slowly and finally manifest in the unitary state. Thus single-dimensional universality, far more than plurality, is the key feature of Western society. The West, in fact, spawned a power-oriented, power-driven, and power-inspired civilization which sought and enforced thoughts, books, and institutions.
This unity of the Semitic state and the Semitic society proved to be its strength as a conquering power. But this was also its weakness. The moment the state became weak or collapsed anywhere, the society there also followed the fate of the state. In India, society was supported by institutions other than the state. Not just one, but hundreds and even thousands of institutions flourished within the polity and none of them had or needed to use any coercive power. Indian civilization -- culture, arts, music, and the collective life of the people guardianship of the people and of the public mind was not entrusted to the state. In fact, it was the sages, and not the state, who were seen as the guardians of the public mind. When offending forces, whether Sakas or Huns or any others, came from abroad, this society -- which was not organized as a powerful state and was without a powerful army or arms and ammunition of a kind that could meet such vast brute forces coming from outside -- found its institutions of state severely damaged. But that did not lead to the collapse of the society. The society not only survived when the institutions of the state collapsed, but in the course of time it also assimilated the alien groups and digested them into inseparable parts of the social stream. Later invaders into India were not mere gangs of armed tribes, but highly motivated theocratic war-mongers. The Indian states, which were mere residues of the Indian society, caved in before them too. But the society survived even these crusaders. In contrast, the state-oriented and state-initiated civilizations, societies and cultures of the West invariably were annihilated with the collapse of the state. Whether the Romans, the Greeks or the Christians, or the later followers of Islam, or the modern Marxists -- none of them could survive as a viable civilization once the state they had constructed collapsed. When a Semitic king won and wiped out another, it was not just another state that was wiped out, but all social bearings and moorings of the society -- all its literature, art, music, culture and language. Everything relating to the society was extinguished. In the West of today, there are no remnants of what would have been the products of Western civilization 1500 years ago. The Semitic virtue rejected all new and fresh thought. Consequently, any fresh thought could prevail only by annihilating its predecessor. At one time only one thought could hold sway. There was no scope for a second.
In the East, more specifically in India, there prevailed a society and a social mind which thrived and happily grew within a multiplicity of thoughts. "Ano bhadrah kratavo yantu visatah" ("let noble thoughts come in from all directions of the universe") went the Rigvedic invocation. We, therefore, welcomed all, whether it was the Parsis who came fleeing from the slaughter of Islamic theocratic marauders and received protection here for their race and their religion, or the Jews who were slaughtered and maimed everywhere else in the world. They all found a secure refuge here along with their culture, civilization, religion and the book. Even the Shia Muslims, fearing annihilation by their coreligionists, sought shelter in Gujarat and constituted the first influx of Muslims into India. Refugee people, refugee religions, refugee cultures and civilizations came here, took root and established a workable, amicable relationship with their neighborhood. They did not -- even now they do not -- find this society alien or foreign. They could grow as constituent parts of an assimilative society and under an umbrella of thought that appreciated their different ways. When first Christianity, and later Islam, came to India as purely religious concerns, they too found the same assimilative openness. The early Christians and Muslims arriving on the west coast of India did not find anything hostile in the social atmosphere here. They found a welcoming and receptive atmosphere in which the Hindus happily offered them temple lands for building a church or a mosque. (Even today in the localities of Tamilnadu temple lands are offered for construction of mosques). It was only the later theocratic incursions by the Mughals and the British that introduced theological and cultural maladjustments, creating conflict between the assimilative and inclusive native ways of the East and the exclusive and annihilative instincts of Islam and even Christianity. Until this occurred, the native society assimilated the new thoughts and fresh inputs, and had no difficulty in keeping intact its social harmony within the plurality of thoughts and faiths. This openness to foreign thoughts, faiths and people did not happen because of legislation, or a secular constitution or the teachings of secular leaders and parties. We did not display this openness because of any civilizing inspiration and wisdom which we happened to have received from the West. Yet, we are somehow made to believe, and we do, that we have become a somewhat civilized people and have come to learn to live together in harmony with others only through the civilization, the language, the statecraft and the societal influence of the West! It is a myth that has become an inseparable component of the intellectual baggage that most of us carry.
Religious fanaticism, invaded us and extinguished our states and institutions, our society could still survive and preserve its multidimensional life largely intact. Our survival has been accompanied, however, with an extraordinary sense of guilt. In our own eyes, we remain a society yet to be fully civilized. This is because, as the state in India quickly became an instrument in the hands of the invaders and colonizers, we were saddled not just with an unresponsive state, but a state hostile to the nation itself. A state-less society in India would have fared better. Such a paradox has existed nowhere else in the history of the world. When we look at the history of any other country, we find that whenever an overpowering alien state came into being, it wiped out everything that it saw as a native thought or institution. And if the natives insisted on holding on to their thought and institutions, then they were wiped out. But the Indian society survived under an alien and hostile state for hundreds of years, albeit at the price of having today lost almost all initiative and self confidence as a civilization.
How did the assimilative Hindu cultural convictions fare in practice, not just in theory and in the archives? This is probably best seen by comparing the Iranians of today with the Parsis of India. A few thousand of them who came here and who now number 200,000 have lived in a congenial atmosphere. They have not been subjected to any hostility to convert, or to give up their cultural or even racial distinction. They have had every chance, as much as the natives had, to prosper and evolve. And they did. They have lived and prospered here for 1500 years, more or less the same way as they would have lived and prospered in their own lands, had those lands not been ravaged by Islam. Compare an average Parsi with an average Iranian. Does the Persian society today display any native attributes of the kind that the Parsis, living in the Indian society, have managed to preserve? One can ^nd no trace of those original native attributes in the Iranian society today. That is because not only the native institutions, native faiths and native literature, but also the native mind and all vestiges of native originality were wiped out by Islam. That society was converted and made into a uniform outfit in form, shape and mental condition. On that condition alone would Islam accept it. What Islam did to the natives in Egypt, Afghanistan and Persia, or what Christianity did to the Red Indians in America, or what Christianity and Islam did to each other in Europe, or the Catholics did to Protestants, or the Sunnis did to Shias and the Kurds and the Ahmedias, or what the Shias did to the Bahais, was identical. In every case the annihilation of the other was attempted -- annihilation of other thoughts, other thinkers and other followers. The essential thrust of the Semitic civilizational effort, including the latest effort of Marxist monotheism, has been to enforce uniformity, and failing that, to annihilate. How can the West claim that it taught us how to lead a pluralistic life? If you look at history, you find that they were the ones who could not, and never did, tolerate any kind of plurality, either in the religious or the secular domain. If it has dawned upon them today that they have to live with plurality, it must be because of the violence they have had to commit against themselves and each other. The mass slaughter which the Western society has been subjected to by the adherents of different religious thoughts and by different tyrants is unimaginable, and perhaps they are now sick of this slaughter and violence. But the view we get, and are asked to subscribe to, is that the "civilized" West was a peaceful society, and that we brutes down here never knew how to live at peace with ourselves and our neighbors until liberated by the literate. What a paradox!
The foundation of the Semitic system is laid on temporal power. For acceptance and survival in this system even religion had to marry and stick to temporal authority at the cost of losing its spiritual moorings. It was with this power -- first the state power, which still later was converted into technological power -- that the Christian West was able to establish its dominance. This brute dominance was clothed in the garb of modernity and presented as the civilization of the world. The aggressively organized Western society, through its powerful arm of the state, was able to overcome and subordinate the expressions of the self- governing decentralized society of the East that did not care to have the protection of a centralized state. Our society, unorganized in the physical sense, although it was much more organized in a civilizational sense, had a more evolved mind. But it did not have the muscle; it did not have the fire power. Perhaps because of the Buddhist influence, our society acquired disproportionately high Brahmatejas, Brahminical piety and authority, which eroded the Kshatravirya, the temporal war-making power. So it caved in and ceded temporal authority to the more powerful state and the statecraft that came from outside. The society that caves in is, in terms of the current global rules, a defeated society. This society cannot produce or generate the kind of self-confidence which is required in the modern world.
The nation-state was so powerful, that other countries, like India, could not stand against it. And when the nation-state concept was powered by religious exclusivism it had no equal. When religion acquired the state, the church itself was the first victim of that acquisition. Christianity suffered from the Christian state. It had to struggle not only against Islamic states and Islamic society, but also against itself. As a consequence, it underwent a process of moderation. First, it experienced dissent, then renaissance through arts, music and culture. Thus Christianity was able to overcome the effect of theocratic statecraft by slowly evolving as a society not entirely identified with the state. First the state began to dominate over the Church on the principle of separation between the religious and temporal authorities. The result was the evolution of the secular state. Thus the King wrested the secular power from the Archbishop. Then through democratic movements following the French Revolution, the people wrested power from the King. Later commerce invaded public life as the prime thrust of the Christian West. The theocratic state abdicated in favor of a secular state, the secular state gave way to democracy and later democracy gave way to commerce. Then power shifted from commerce to technology. And now in the Christian West, the state and the society are largely powered by commerce and technology. The Christian West today is even prepared to give up the concept of the nation-state to promote commerce fueled by technological advance. Look at the consolidation that is taking place between Mexico, Canada and the United States of America around trade, and the kind of pyramidal politico economic consolidation that is taking place in Western Europe. All this is oriented towards only one thing West.
While the Christian West has evolved dynamically over the past few centuries, the story of Islam is one of 1500 years of unmitigated stagnation. There has never been a successful attempt from within Islam to start the flow, so to speak. Anyone who attempted to start even a variant of the mainstream flow -- anyone who merely attempted to reinterpret the same book and the same prophet -- was disposed of with such severity that it set an example and a warning to anyone who would dare to cross the line. Some, who merely said that it was not necessary for the Islamic Kingdom to be ruled by the Prophet's own descendants were wiped out. Some others said that the Prophet himself may come again -- not that somebody else might come, but the Prophet himself may be reborn. They were also wiped out. The Sunnis, the Shias, the Ahmedias, the Bahais -- all of whom trusted the same prophet, revered the same book and were loyal to the same revelation -- were all physically and spiritually maimed. From the earliest times, Islam has proved itself incapable of producing an internal evolution; internally legitimized change has not been possible since all change is instantly regarded as an act of apostasy. Every change was -- and is -- put down with bloodshed. In contrast, the Hindu ethos changed continuously. Though, it was always change with continuity: from ritualistic life, to agnostic Buddhism, to the Ahimsa of Mahavira, to the intellect of Sankara, to the devotion of Ramanuja, and finally to the modern movements of social reform. In India, all these changes have occurred without the shedding of a single drop of blood. Islam, on the other hand retains its changelessness, despite the spilling of so much blood all around. It is the changelessness of Islam -- its equal revulsion towards dissent within and towards non-Islamic thoughts without -- that has made it a problem for the whole world.
The encounter between the inclusive and assimilative heritage of India and exclusive Islam, which had nothing but theological dislike for the native faiths, was a tussle between two unequals. On the one side there was the inclusive, universal and spiritually powerful -- but temporally unorganized - native Hindu thought. And on the other side there was the temporally organized and powerful -- but spiritually exclusive and isolated -- Islam. Islam subordinated, for some time and in some areas, the Hindu temporal power, but it could not erode Hindu spiritual power. If anything, the Hindu spiritual power incubated the offending faith and delivered a milder form of Islam -- Sufism. However, the physical encounter was one of the bloodiest in human history. We survived this test by fire and sword. But the battle left behind an unassimilated Islamic society within India. The problem has existed since then, to this day.
The Hindu renaissance in India is the Indian contribution to an evolving global attitude that calls for a review of the conservative and extremist Islamic attitudes towards non-Islamic faiths and societies. The whole world is now concerned with the prospect of extremist Islam becoming a problem by sanctifying religious terrorism. So long as the red flag was flying atop the Kremlin, the Christian West tried to project communism as the greatest enemy of world peace. It originally promoted Islam and Islamic fundamentalism against the fanaticism of communism. The West knew it could match communism in the market-place, in technology, in commerce, and even in war, but it had no means of combating communism on the emotive plane. So they structured a green Islamic belt -- from Tunisia to Indonesia -- to serve as a bulwark against Marxist thought. But that has changed now. When communism collapsed, extremist Islam with its terrorist tendencies instantly emerged in the mind of the Christian West as the major threat to the world.
We must realize that we have a problem on hand in India, the problem of a stagnant and conservative Islamic society. The secular leaders and parties tell us that the problem on our hands is not Islamic fundamentalism, but the Hindutva ideology. This view is good only for gathering votes. The fact is that we have a fundamentalist Muslim problem, and our problem cannot be divorced from the international Islamic politics and the world's reaction to it. To understand the problem and to undertake the task of solving it successfully, we must know the nature of Hindu society and its encounter with Islam in India. As a nation, we are heckled by the secularist historians and commentators: "You are caste-oriented, you are a country with 900 languages, and most of them with no script," they say. "You can't even communicate in one language, you don't have a common religious book which all may follow. You are not a nation at all. In contrast, look at the unity of Islam and its brotherhood." But the apparently unorganized and diverse Hindu society is perhaps the only society in the world that faced, and then survived, the Islamic theocratic invasion. We, the Hindu nation, have survived because of the very differences that seem to divide us. It is in some ways a mind- boggling phenomenon: For 500 to 600 years we survived the invasion of Islam as no other society did. The whole of Arabia, which had a very evolved civilization, was run over in a matter of just 20 years. Persia collapsed within 50 years. Buddhist Afghans put up a brave resistance for 300 years but, in the end, they also collapsed. In all of these countries today there remains nothing pre- Islamic worth the name save for some broken down architectural monuments from their pre-Islamic past. How did our society survive the Islamic onslaught? We have survived not only physically, but intellectually too. We have preserved our culture. The kind of music that was heard 1500 years ago is heard even today. Much of the literature too remains available along with the original phonetic intonations. So the Indian society continued to function under a hostile occupation even without a protective state. Or rather, we survived because our soul did not reside in an organized state, but in an organized national consciousness, in shared feelings of what constitutes human life in this universe that happens to be such a wonderfully varied manifestation of the divine, of Brahman.
The assimilative Hindu cultural and civilizational ethos is the only basis for any durable personal and social interaction between the Muslims and the rest of our countrymen. This societal assimilative realization is the basis for Indian nationalism, and only an inclusive Hindutva can assimilate an exclusive Islam by making the Muslims conscious of their Hindu ancestry and heritage. A national effort is called for to break Islamic exclusivism and enshrine the assimilative Hindutva. This alone constitutes true nationalism and true national integration. This is the only way to protect the plurality of thoughts and institutions in this country. To the extent secularism advances Islamic isolation and exclusivism, it damages Hindu inclusiveness and its assimilative qualities. And in this sense secularism as practiced until now conflicts with Indin nationalism. Inclusive and assimilative Hindutva is the socio-cultural nationalism of India. So long as our national leaders ignore this eternal truth, national integration will keep eluding us.
Center for Policy Studies, Madras.
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vendredi, 03 mai 2013
L’Individualismo Assoluto della modernità è qualcosa di anti-umano
di Francesco Lamendola
Fonte: Arianna Editrice [scheda fonte]
Si dice che l’uomo moderno è individualista per eccellenza, e che tutta la società moderna si basa sull’individualismo; ed è sostanzialmente vero. Bisogna però precisare che non si tratta di “un“ individualismo qualsiasi, di un individualismo più o meno “normale”, cioè storicamente dato, ma di un individualismo radicale, quasi di una nuova religione: di un “individualismo assoluto”.
Mai nella storia s’era visto alcunché di simile. Individui portati alla solitudine, all’introspezione, al distacco dai propri simili, probabilmente ve ne sono sempre stati (anche se la cultura moderna favorisce il proliferare di questo tipo umano); ma si trattava pur sempre di un individualismo psicologico, capace di coesistere con la società nel suo insieme e di non recarle danno, semmai di stimolarla in senso positivo, perché fra tali individui vi sono, il più delle volte, quelli maggiormente creativi.
L’individualismo moderno, invece, è un individualismo ideologico, teorizzato da filosofi come Locke e Rousseau e inserito nella costituzione delle democrazie, a partire da quella degli Stati Uniti d’America: un individualismo virulento, intollerante, tanto astratto quanto velleitario, che pretende di dettar legge alla società, anzi, che concepisce la società in funzione di esso, così che quella diviene semplicemente lo sfondo sul quale l’individuo possa agire, mediante la quale egli possa affermarsi, mentre il compito dello Stato e delle leggi si riduce semplicemente quello di limitare, controllare, imbrigliare la società a favore dei “sacri” diritti individuali.
Il modo di produzione capitalistico ha aggiunto a tale individualismo un ulteriore elemento di aggressività brutale e di spietatezza: non ha alcuna importanza se, fuori della porta di casa mia, un povero disgraziato sta morendo di fame o di freddo: l’importante è che la mia casa, la mia fabbrica, i miei beni, siano adeguatamente tutelati contro di lui e contro le pretese dello Stato stesso (che, essendo una creazione sociale, è pur sempre un male, anche se il minor male possibile); e, se non lo sono, ne deriva automaticamente il mio diritto a difenderli da me stesso, armi alla mano, magari sparando e colpendo a morte un poveraccio o un bambino affamato, introdottisi nel mio giardino per rubarvi quattro mele.
L’individualismo assoluto è, dunque, in buona parte il frutto del capitalismo assoluto, nel quale il lavoro diventa una merce come qualsiasi altra e in cui chi possiede tale merce può farne l’uso che crede; o meglio, in cui il lavoro diviene una merce sottoposta non tanto all’arbitrio del singolo capitalista “cattivo”, ma a tutto un sistema di sfruttamento e di alienazione, sostanzialmente impersonale, dominato dalle banche e dalla finanza e alimentato continuamente dal cosiddetto progresso tecnologico (non per nulla, agli esordi della Rivoluzione industriale, il luddismo tentò di contrastare una tecnica messa interamente al servizio del profitto e tale da ridurre il lavoratore in condizioni di assoluta indigenza e disperazione).
Uno degli specchi nei quali tale situazione si riflette con maggiore evidenza è la letteratura, e più precisamente la narrativa di carattere popolare (e diciamo “popolare” non necessariamente in senso spregiativo: così come “popolare”, ad esempio, è «Pinocchio», o come lo fu e volle esserlo «I Promessi Sposi»; altro discorso andrebbe fatto per i vari «Il nome della rosa» o «Il codice Da Vinci», anche se Umberto Eco rifiuta con sdegno, ma secondo noi a torto, l’accostamento al romanzaccio di Dan Brown).
Sono preziose le osservazioni formulate dal critico letterario inglese e storico della letteratura Ian Watt (1917-1999) in un saggio divenuto ormai un classico, anche se, all’inizio, accolto assai poco favorevolmente dalla cultura accademica: «Le origini del romanzo borghese. Studi su Defoe, Richardson e Fielding» (titolo originale: «The Rise o f the Novel», 1957; traduzione dall’inglese di Luigi Del Grosso Destrieri, Milano, Fabbri, 1976, 1980, pp. 56-57):
«L’interesse del romanzo per la vita quotidiana per le persone ordinarie sembra dipendere da due importanti condizioni generali: la società deve valutare ogni singolo individuo abbastanza da considerarlo un soggetto degno di letteratura seria e deve esistere una varietà sufficiente di idee e di azioni tra le persone comuni perché un racconto dettagliato che le riguardi possa interessare persone altrettanto ordinarie, cioè i lettori di romanzi. È probabile che nessuna di queste due condizioni per l’esistenza del romanzo si sia verificata se non abbastanza recentemente perché ambedue dipendono da sorgere di una società caratterizzata da quel vasto complesso di fattori interdipendenti che chiamiamo “individualismo”
Perfino la parola è recente, essendo apparsa verso la metà del diciannovesimo secolo. In tutte le epoche e tutte le società, senza dubbio, alcune persone sono state “individualiste” nel senso di egocentriche, uniche o indipendenti in modo notevole dalle idee o costumi correnti; ma il concetto di individualismo implica assai di più. Implica una intera società retta principalmente dall’dea dell’intrinseca indipendenza di ogni individuo dagli altri individui e da quel complesso di modelli di pensiero e di azione che si denota col termine “tradizione”, una forza che è sempre sociale e non individuale. L’esistenza di una tale società, a sua volta, presuppone uno speciale tipo di organizzazione economica e politica e un’appropriata ideologia. Più specificamente, un’organizzazione economica e politica che permetta ai suoi membri un ampio ventaglio di scelte per le loro azioni e una ideologia basata principalmente, non sul rispetto per la tradizione, ma sull’autonomia dell’individuo, indifferentemente dalla sua condizione sociale e dalle sue capacità personali. Vi è un notevole accordo sul fatto che la società moderna è, per questi aspetti, estremamente individualista e che, delle numerose cause storiche della sua nascita, due sono soprattutto importanti: il sorgere del moderno capitalismo industriale e la diffusione del protestantesimo, specialmente nelle sue forme calvinista o puritana.
Il capitalismo produsse un grande incremento della specializzazione economica e questo, combinato a una struttura sociale meno rigida e omogenea e a un sistema politico meno assolutistico e più democratico, aumentò enormemente la libertà di scelta dell’individuo. Per coloro che erano pienamente esposti al nuovo ordine economico, l’entità su cui si basavano i vari arrangiamenti sociali non era più la famiglia né la chiesa né la corporazione né la città o qualunque altra entità collettiva, ma l’individuo che, egli solo, era primariamente responsabile dei suoi ruoli economici, speciali, politici e religiosi.
È difficile dire quando questo nuovo orientamento cominciò a influire sull’intera società: probabilmente non prima del diciannovesimo secolo. Ma il movimento era certamente cominciato assai prima. Nel sedicesimo secolo la Riforma e il sorgere degli stati nazionali avevano sfidato la sostanziale omogeneità sociale della cristianità medievale e, nelle famose parole di Maitland, “per la prima volta lo Stato Assoluto fronteggiava l’Individuo Assoluto”. Al di fuori della sfera politica e religiosa, tuttavia, i mutamenti furono lenti ed è improbabile che una struttura sociale e economica a base individualista non apparisse prima dello sviluppo del capitalismo industriale per influenzare una parte considerevole, anche se non ancora la maggioranza, della popolazione.»
Ora, è chiaro - o almeno dovrebbe essere chiaro, se vi fossero ancora delle teste pensanti e non una genia di “intellettuali” sistematicamente asserviti al sistema, nel quale trovano la loro mangiatoia e la relativa gratificazione narcisista – che nessuna società potrebbe resistere a lungo, se costruita su tali premesse e se sottoposta in maniera organica e sistematica a una tale logica intrinsecamente distruttiva: la logica dell’individualismo assoluto.
La società nasce per trovare un punto di equilibrio fra i bisogni dell’individuo e quelli della comunità, mentre la società moderna si è andata sempre più configurando come una dittatura del primo sulla seconda. Al tempo stesso, la “logica” democraticista ha diffuso la filosofia dell’individualismo assoluto presso strati sempre più ampi della popolazione, fino a includere, teoricamente, tutti, compresi coloro i quali non appartengono a quella determinata società (e a ciò ha contribuito anche il fenomeno della globalizzazione), con il risultato che l’odierno individualismo assoluto è anche un individualismo di massa, cosa chiaramente contraddittoria in se stessa e foriera di continue, inevitabili tensioni e spinte centrifughe.
La schizofrenia dell’uomo moderno, divaricato fra opposte spinte e tendenze («quel doppio uomo che è in me», dice messer Francesco Petrarca, il primo campione e vessillifero di tale nuovo tipo umano), è, al tempo stesso, causa ed effetto di questa inestricabile contraddizione, di questa radicale impossibilità: la nascita di una società nella quale tutti, ma proprio tutti, si sentono unici e originali, anche se appiattiti sulle mode più effimere e proni al conformismo più banale, anzi, appunto per tale assoggettamento alle mode e per tale abietto conformismo.
È bene sforzarsi di essere molto chiari su questo punto.
L’individualismo psicologico non è affatto un male in sé, almeno in teoria; il male nasce quando si afferma un virulento individualismo ideologico, che pretende di rifare il mondo sulla misura di qualunque imbecille che si crede un genio, di qualunque egoista che si crede una bella persona, di qualunque prepotente che si sente legittimato a calpestare il prossimo: tutti costoro, anzi, son convinti che la scopo della società sia quello di incoraggiare, proteggere e alimentare la stupidità, l’egoismo e la prepotenza del singolo individuo, specialmente se ricco e potente.
La tecnica, questo particolare tipo di tecnica moderna, scaturente dall’individualismo assoluto – automobile, televisione, computer, telefonino cellulare -, non fa che rafforzare tale spirale solipsistica e distruttiva: ciascun individuo non vede che se stesso, i propri timori e le proprie brame; e, intanto, non si accorge di essere decaduto dallo “status” di persona, ossia di soggetto, a quello di oggetto: esattamente il destino che egli contribuisce a creare per i suoi simili (oltre che per gli altri viventi, piante e animali, e per la Terra medesima). Tutto viene ridotto a cosa, tutto viene mercificato, tutto è in vendita e chiunque è pronto a vendersi e a prostituirsi – non solo in senso sessuale, si capisce -, perché la sola, unica, ossessiva parola d’ordine è sempre quella di Luigi Filippo d’Orléans: «Arricchitevi!».
I sentimenti, le passioni, l’affettività e la stessa sessualità soggiacciono interamente a questa logica. Lo si vede bene, ad esempio, in un film come «Nove settimane e mezzo», di Adrian Lyne (un film peraltro mediocre, sotto ogni punto di vista: ed è interessante che una certa critica “progressista” e di sinistra lo abbia accolto, nel non lontanissimo 1986, con un certo favore, scorgendovi chi sa mai quale critica implicita al capitalismo): nemmeno una profonda attrazione fra uomo e donna può resistere alle spinte distruttive dell’individualismo assoluto, perché quest’ultimo tende a ridurre la persona a oggetto, a cosa, cioè a corpo: ed è un gioco che, per quanto possa risultare intrigante all’inizio, almeno per un certo tipo di uomini e donne, alla lunga finisce per stancare e per generare un senso di amara e sconfortata sazietà, una vera sindrome di angoscia.
L’individualismo assoluto, dunque, è profondamente anti-umano: lo si vede anche nel paesaggio, stravolto dalla aberrante logica ultra-economicistica (che Marx, si badi, non ha affatto contestato alla radice): brutte case a schiera, tanto pretenziose quanto banali nel loro conformismo; palazzi e villette disordinati, dominati dal cattivo gusto, gli uni in stridente contrasto con gli altri; campagne devastate e desolate da superstrade e autostrade, il cui scopo è consentire al super-individuo di massa un rapido spostamento nel tempo più breve possibile, costi quello che costi: traforando montagne, abbattendo foreste, decretando la scomparsa di innumerevoli specie vegetali e animali.
L’individualismo assoluto, inoltre, mina alla base - perché la colpisce al cuore -, la società fondamentale, sulla quale si basano tutte le altre società: la famiglia. Esso crea un nuovo tipo umano, in costante competizione e rivalità con il proprio compagno o la propria compagna, con i propri genitori e con i propri figli: una vera e propria guerra di tutti contro tutti. Ma non è questo il volto “normale” della famiglia, come hanno amato dipingerlo scrittori e registi degli anni ruggenti della pseudo-contestazione (che era, in realtà, profondamente funzionale al sistema che essa pretendeva di criticare). È solo il volto di quella micro-società, patologica e intossicata, che è diventata la famiglia moderna, asservita alle logica distruttive dell’Individualismo Assoluto…
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vendredi, 19 avril 2013
Tradition Betrayed: The False Prophets of Modernism
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samedi, 13 avril 2013
La presencia de René Guénon en Mircea Eliade y Carl Schmitt
La presencia de René Guénon en Mircea Eliade y Carl Schmitt
por Francisco García Bazán (Universidad A.J.F. Kennedy-CONICET)
Ex: http://culturatransversal.wordpress.com/
Al final de mi libro en colaboración René Guénon y la tradición viviente (1985), apuntaba algunos rasgos sobre la influencia de René Guénon en una diversidad de estudiosos contemporáneos. Allí escribí:
«El mundo de habla española, por su parte, se abre velozmente en los últimos decenios a la gravitación guenoniana. Hemos de reconocer que la Argentina, en este sentido, no sólo ha jugado un papel preponderante, sino que incluso fue oportunamente una verdadera precursora de este florecimiento del pensamiento de Guénon [en la geografía hispana].
Ya en 1945 se publicó en Buenos Aires la Introducción general al estudio de las doctrinas hindúes y la crítica periodística porteña recibió favorablemente la novedad de [la presencia] de un credo de inspiración tradicionalista [en la cultura francesa]. A esta traducción siguieron en años sucesivos: El teosofismo (1954), con varias ediciones, La crisis del mundo moderno (1967), Símbolos fundamentales de la ciencia sagrada (1969 y El esoterismo de Dante (1976). Mucho más reciente, [por el contrario], es el interés de los españoles por nuestro autor. Pero aunque la traducción de la primera de las obras citadas es de la década del 40, la evidencia de una lectura y conocimiento del autor francés ya se reflejó con anterioridad en individuos y grupos de intelectuales argentinos.
Los primeros que demostraron interés por el pensamiento de R. Guénon en nuestro país fueron pensadores del campo católico, hondamente preocupados por la esencia y el futuro de la nación. Se agruparon en Buenos Aires y Córdoba, en torno a las revistas Número y Sol y Luna, y Arx y Arkhé, respectivamente. Entre estos [escritores] por la influencia y uso que hicieron de las obras de Guénon sobresalen: César Pico, José María de Estrada y, muy probablemente, el poeta Leopoldo Marechal –todos ellos en Buenos Aires y vinculados a los Cursos de Cultura Católica-. En la Provincia mediterránea, Fray Mario Pinto y Rodolfo Martínez Espinosa, autor [este último] del primer artículo escrito en la Argentina sobre nuestro pensador [tradicional] y su corresponsal [con un intercambio de correspondencia entre los años 1929 y 1934], cuando Guénon residía en El Cairo. [Las dos cartas del autor franco-egipcio son del 24 de agosto de 1930 y del 23 de febrero de 1934. La última es una larga misiva de ocho carillas, en la que a las dudas expuestas por Martínez Espinosa responde Guénon condensando en ella la doctrina tradicional y anticipando incluso soluciones sobre las diversas vías espirituales, que posteriormente hará públicas. Estas cartas fueron primeramente publicadas por mí traducidas al castellano el domingo 13 de julio de 1980 en el Suplemento Literario de “La Nación”, cuando era dirigido por Jorge Emilio Gallardo, posteriormente fueron publicadas en edición bilingüe en el libro al que nos estamos refiriendo y poco después aparecieron en Francia en Les Dossier H René Guénon, dirigido por Pierre-Marie Sigaud, editado por L’Age d’Homme, Lausana, 1984, 286-289, gracias al contacto del que tomó la iniciativa André Coyné]…El ilustre filósofo de la ciencia, Armando Asti Vera, ofreció al público hispanohablante en 1969 una elegante y correcta primicia sobre la vida, obra y filosofía de Guénon de amplísima difusión. La casi totalidad de su obra escrita y de dirección docente llevan el sello indeleble del pensamiento guenoniano que frecuentaba desde su madura juventud» (pp. 171-172 y notas).
Lo dicho se refiere a nuestro país y medio cultural, pero en ese mismo libro, páginas más adelante, hacíamos referencia a la influencia de René Guénon en investigadores franceses, judíos e indios, sobre todo en el gran especialista en Shankara, T.M.P. Mahadevan, en cuya tesis sobre Gaudapâda. A Study in Early Advaita (University of Madras, 1975), el tradicionalista nacido en Blois está a menudo citado y es altamente reconocido por su profunda comprensión del Vedânta advaita o no dual. En esa ocasión, sin embargo, apenas nos habíamos referido a Mircea Eliade. Pero, posteriormente, y después de haber leído el artículo del profesor rumano, «Some Notes on Theosophia perennis» publicado en la revista de la Universidad de Chicago History of Religions (1979), pp. 167-176, nuestra opinión cambió y admitimos la influencia de Guénon en su obra como historiador de las religiones. Posteriormente hemos comprobado que un investigador particularmente calificado en el conocimiento de la vida y obra de Guénon, como lo es Jean-Pierre Laurant, de L’ École Pratique des Hautes Études. Section Sciences des Religions, escribe en el Diccionario Crítico del Esoterismo, dirigido por Jean Servier, publicado en 1998 por P.U.F. y recientemente traducido por la Ed. AKAL al castellano, en la entrada correspondiente a “René Guénon”, que firma: «También desempeñó [Guénon] un papel muy importante [lo subrayamos] en la formación del pensamiento de Mircea Eliade e influyó sobre el conjunto de la renovación de la historia de las religiones, hasta tal punto que Gaétan Picón lo integra dentro de su Panorama des idées contemporaines (1954). Su influjo [en esta dirección] se prolonga, hasta nuestros días, a través de una renovada reflexión sobre el simbolismo, la “Tradición” y las tradiciones en los trabajos de J. Borella en Francia, R. Martínez Espinosa y F. García Bazán en Argentina o, en Estados Unidos, en los de Joseph E. Brown sobre los indios» ( Vol. I, p. 754). [Permítaseme hacer la aclaración en paralelo que respecto del cultivo de los estudios sobre Guénon en nuestro medio y la recepción de su pensamiento, también Piero Di Vona, profesor de la Universidad de Nápoles y autor de un respetable libro sobre Evola e Guénon. Tradizione e civiltà (1985), en su ponencia sobre “René Guénon e il pensiero de destra”, presentada en la Università degli Studi di Urbino, a fines de los 80’, ya reconocía asimismo en confrontación con el desarrollo de la teología de la liberación sudamericana, que frente a ella: «Tutte queste osservazioni rivestono almeno per noi una grande importanza perché nell’attuale cultura sudamericana Guénon è oggetto di attento studio in ambienti qualificati. (Rimandiamo al libro di F. García Bazán, René Guénon y la tradición viviente, etc.)»].
Pero más recientemente todavía y con motivo de la publicación consecutiva de las Memorias de Eliade, la perspectiva sobre la irradiación guenoniana se ha ampliado y así hemos tenido la oportunidad de leer un erudito artículo del estudioso italiano Cristiano Grottanelli, bajo el acápite de «Mircea Eliade, Carl Schmitt, René Guénon, 1942», en la Revue de l’Histoire des Religions Tome 219, fascículo 3, julio-septiembre 2002, pp. 325-356, que arroja nuevas luces y sombras sobre la cuestión claramente anticipada en el título y que amplia el panorama con la mención del gran jurista y experto en derecho internacional, Carl Schmitt, tan apreciado en los comienzos de los años 30 por el régimen nacionalsocialista, como posteriormente repudiado tanto por la SS y el nazismo que representaban, como por sus vencedores aliados.
El período más difícil de determinar en la vida de Eliade es el que va de los años 1934, cuando ya ha residido tres años en la India (1929-1931) dirigido por el eminente profesor de filosofía hindú Surendranath Dasgupta, y ha cumplido prácticas de Yoga en Rishikesh, en el Himalaya, en Svargashram con Swami Shivananda. Vuelto a Bucarest ha publicado la novela Maitreyi de gran éxito de ventas (1934) y ha presentado hacia fines de año su tesis de doctorado sobre la filosofía y prácticas de liberación yóguicas como una perspectiva dentro del pensamiento indio, siendo nombrado asistente de Naë Ionesco, profesor de Lógica y Metafísica en la Universidad de Bucarest. Desde esa fecha hasta fines de 1944 en que fallece su esposa Nina Mares y en que al año siguiente (1945) establece relaciones culturales y esporádicamente docentes en París como exiliado con el apoyo de la colonia rumana y colegas y amigos como Georges Dumézil, su biografía es bastante movida y es también durante ese período en el que apoyado en su formación de indólogo incipiente, se cimentó asimismo su método e ideas como teórico de las religiones. Después que obtiene la adjuntía de cátedra a través de su titular Ionesco traba relación estrecha con los cuadros de la Legión del Arcángel San Miguel o Guardia de Hierro, formación política de extrema derecha y de ideología nacionalista, agrega sus actividades de escritor a sus responsabilidades universitarias regulares con el dictado de seminarios: “Sobre el problema del mal en la filosofía india”, “Sobre la Docta ignorancia de Nicolás de Cusa”, “Sobre el libro X de la Metafísica de Aristóteles”, “Las Upanishads y el budismo”, etc.; publica el libro Yoga. Ensayo sobre los orígenes de la mística india, con pie de imprenta París-Bucarest, por lo editores Paul Geuthner/Fundación Real Carol I y aparecen tres números de la revista de historia de las religiones con colaboradores internacionales y de muy buen nivel que dirige, Zalmoxis. En l940 es nombrado agregado cultural de la Embajada Real de Rumania en Londres y al año siguiente Consejero de la Embajada Real de Rumania en Lisboa, aquí reside hasta 1945, cuando concluida la segunda guerra europea, le sobreviene la condición de exiliado. Durante este período que estamos teniendo en cuenta de gran fecundidad intelectual y de estabilidad político-laboral, se da el acontecimiento que registra el autor en el II volumen de las Memorias, Las promesas del soltiscio:
«Nos detuvimos durante dos días en Berlín. Uno de los agregados de prensa, Goruneanu, me llevó hasta Dahlem, a la casa de Carl Schmitt. Éste acababa de concluir en ese tiempo su librito sobre la Tierra y el mar y quería hacerme algunas preguntas sobre Portugal y las civilizaciones marítimas. Le hablé de Camoens y en particular del simbolismo acuático –Goruneanu le había ofrecido el volumen segundo de Zalmoxis en donde habían aparecido las “Notas sobre el simbolismo acuático”-. En la perspectiva de Carl Schmitt, Moby Dick constituía la mayor creación del espíritu marítimo después de la Odisea. No parecía entusiasmado por Los Lusiadas, que había leído en una traducción alemana. Conversamos durante tres horas. Nos acompañó hasta el subterráneo y, mientras caminábamos, nos explicó por qué consideraba la aviación como un símbolo terrestre….».
El encuentro tuvo lugar en julio de 1942, según precisa Mac Linscott Rioketts en su extensa y bien documentada biografía de Eliade.
Ahora bien, Ernst Jünger, gran amigo de Schmitt, que por esas fechas era oficial del Ejército alemán, estaba en Berlín con permiso y fue llamado a París para hacerse cargo de sus obligaciones militares. El 12 de noviembre fue a visitar a Dahlem a su amigo Schmitt a modo de despedida, estando con él del 12 al 17. El 15 estaba Jünger en casa del amigo y escribe lo siguiente en su Diario:
«Lectura de la revista Zalmoxis, cuyo título procede de un Hércules escita citado por Heródoto. He leído dos ensayos de ella, uno dedicado a los ritos de la extracción y uso de la mandrágora y el otro trataba del Simbolismo acuático, y de las relaciones entre la luna, las mujeres y el mar. Ambos de Mircea Eliade, el director de la revista. C.S. me proporcionó informaciones detalladas sobre él y sobre su maestro René Guénon. Las relaciones etimológicas entre las conchas marinas y el órgano genital de la mujer son particularmente significativas, como se ve en la palabra latina conc[h]a y en la danesa Kudefisk, en donde kude tiene el mismo sentido que vulva.
La mentalidad que se dibuja en esta revista es muy prometedora; en lugar de una escritura lógica, se trata de una escritura figurada. Son estas las cosas que me hacen el efecto del caviar, de las huevas de peces, se siente la fecundidad en cada frase».
En vísperas de Navidad del mismo año Eliade recibió Tierra y mar de parte de Schmitt, y Goruneanu le informa que el número 3 de Zalmoxis que había enviado a Schmitt lo acompañaba a Jünger en su mochila. Y esta triple relación de personas, directa, en un caso, e indirecta en el otro – por medio de la revista Zalmoxis-, se repite en 1944 y posteriormente. El primer caso se concretó por un nuevo encuentro de Schmitt -quien consideraba a Guénon: “El hombre más interesante de su tiempo” según señala Eliade en Fragmentos de Diario- con éste en Lisboa. En la visita de 1942, conjetura Grottanelli, de acuerdo con los testimonios de una simpatía recíproca de ambos personajes sobre Guénon, conversarían sobre él posiblemente no sólo como maestro sino también como teórico de la Tradición. El segundo encuentro a que nos hemos referido de Jürgen y Eliade y que nos interesa menos en este trabajo, llevó a que un tiempo después Jünger y Eliade dirigieran la revista Antaios.
Pues bien, de la mutua admiración que Schmitt y Eliade confesaban a mediados del año 1942, en plena guerra europea, por Guénon, el caso de C. Schmitt es documentalmente más accesible y claro, puesto que éste en un notable y bien conocido libro de 1938, Der Leviathan in der Staatslehre des Thomas Hobbes. Sinn und Fehlschlag eines politisches Symbols (El Leviatán en la teoría del estado de Thomas Hobbes. Sentido y fracaso de un símbolo político), entendía la componente esotérica como central en su composición, ya que Hobbes, exaltado por él dos años antes como el “gran inventor de la época moderna”, aparecía ahora en una nueva dimensión como quien había utilizado por error un símbolo en su tesis de política, el del monstruo marino de ascendencia religioso-cultural judía, que lo superaba en sus intenciones y se le imponía por su misma fuerza simbólica interna, poniéndolo bajo su control y manejándolo como un aprendiz de brujo. Y ahí mismo en el libro, en la nota 28, Schmitt recordaba a René Guénon, quien en la Crisis del mundo moderno de 1927, afirmaba la noción paralela y clave para la interpretación simbólica de que: «La rapidez con la que toda la civilización medieval sucumbió al ataque del siglo XVII es inconcebible sin la hipótesis de una misteriosa voluntad directriz que queda en la sombra y de una idea preconcebida». La ambivalencia del símbolo que tanto señala a la permanencia oculta de la Tradición como a los ataques aparentemente invisibles que asimismo recibe de la antitradicón y de la contratradición, y que puede aplicarse como un modo de justificación de la teoría política del complot o la conjuración político-social basada en la metafísica de la historia, es lo que le interesaba hacer notar a Schmitt, quien había sufrido dos años antes siendo Presidente de la Asociación de Juristas Alemanes y Consejero de Estado un ataque contra él en la revista de los SS Das Schwarze Korps, viéndose obligado a renunciar a todas sus funciones públicas. El empleo de la capacidad velada del símbolo para mostrar y ocultar por su poder esotérico de comunicación, es lo que veía Schmitt en Leviatán, serpiente marina guardiana del tesoro a veces para la enseñanza semítica y en otros momentos monstruo destructivo que proviene del mar, en el caso concreto aplicado su dimensión oscura y demoledora a la civilización cristiana y occidental más que milenaria. En este sentido igualmente el personaje que el libro encubría como destructor era Himmler y no Hitler.
Pero resultaba que si en este momento el libro de Guénon citado es La crisis del mundo moderno, Schmitt conocía mucho más del autor francés lo que explica el entusiasmo por él, según registra Eliade, pues en correspondencia entrecruzada unos años después con Armin Moler quien prepara su tesis sobre el jurista, al que le envía una carta el 19 de octubre de 1948 y que es respondida por Schmitt el 4 de diciembre. En las cartas cruzadas tenemos los siguientes datos:
«A la noche, después de haber trabajado en la tesis, siempre leo sus escritos, incluso los que aún no conozco. Os lo he referido ya que después de la visita que le hecho en Plettemberg, todo me parece más claro, con la sola excepción del Leviatán. Esta obra me sigue desorientando, y no sólo allí en donde, como al final del segundo capítulo, se hace alusión a un tema absolutamente nuevo [...]. La aparición de Guénon me ha sorprendido. ¿Conoce usted los escritos de este hombre singular? Siegfried Lang, uno de nuestros poetas más inspirados, me ha introducido hace algún tiempo en el estudio de su pensamiento».
Y esta es la contestación de C. Schmitt:
«Respecto del Leviatán, ya le he dicho que se trata de una obra totalmente esotérica; recuerde la “nota del autor” y las consideraciones del final del Prefacio, incluso si se trata de fórmulas evasivas. He leído mucho de Guénon, pero no la totalidad [de lo que ha escrito], lamentablemente. Nunca le he encontrado personalmente, pero he conocido a dos de sus amigos. Os interesará saber que el barón Julius Evola ha sido uno de sus fieles discípulos, pero no sé si Guénon vive todavía; según las últimas noticias que he recibido, pero que son de algunos años, vivía en el Cairo, con amigos musulmanes» (ver Grottanelli, 739).
Se advierte, por lo tanto, más allá del respeto intelectual y estimulante para la comprensión de los hechos histórico-políticos que Guénon inspiraba al jurista y filósofo político alemán, el uso aplicado que hacia del esoterismo, basado en el esoterismo riguroso de Guénon y Evola.
Está llegando el momento de dejar a C. Schmitt, porque estas jornadas están más centradas en Eliade y Guénon, pero para terminar con él, en confirmación de lo dicho vienen otras manifestaciones del autor, que la traducción española de la Ed. Trotta de Tierra y Mar ha incluido en una “Nota Final” debida a Franco Volpi. En ella se escribe, por medio de Nicolás Sombart, el hijo del famoso sociólogo e historiador de la economía, en referencia a Schmitt, que él se auto percibía como el guardián de un misterio, como un “iniciado”, al punto de que arcanum era una de las palabras que más repetía. Así Sombart cuenta esta anécdota en su relación con C. Schmitt, que:
«Un día [el mismo] Nicolaus preparaba una ponencia sobre la crítica teatral hebrea… Y consultado el profesor Schmitt, éste le repuso, no sabes en dónde te estás metiendo ¿Conoces la cuestión judía de C. Marx?, ¿Y a Disraeli?: Ni siquiera conoces a Disraeli y pretendes ocuparte de los judíos…Así puso en sus manos su novela Tancredo o la nueva cruzada, final de la trilogía que Benjamín Disraeli había publicado en 1847. Allí el gran político inglés, como buen esotérico, había encerrado en una obra literaria sus convicciones políticas más profundas. De este modo, en un pasaje borrado en la segunda edición de Tierra y mar lo llama Schmitt: “un iniciado, un sabio de Sión” y en Dahlen no tenía el jurista colgado un retrato de Hitler, sino de Disraeli. Y Schmitt asimismo le apunta a Nicolaus cual es la frase decisiva del libro, la que dice que: “El cristianismo es judaísmo para el pueblo”. Es la frase que da vuelta a dos mil años de historia. El conflicto entre judaísmo y catolicismo sobre la interpretación del sentido de la historia obsesionaba a Schmitt y la Modernidad era el campo de batalla del enfrentamiento…Los grandes pensadores hebreos del siglo XIX habían entendido que para llegar a la victoria en el plano de la historia universal necesitaban romper con el antiguo orden cristiano del mundo y acelerar la secularización y la disgregación de ese orden. El más temible teórico habría sido Disraeli, pues según su frase el cristianismo sería la estrategia urdida por los judíos para conquistar el sentido de la historia universal…La escatología estaba a punto de imponerse sobre el mesianismo…un orden universal en el que la “Nueva Jerusalén” colocada en el más acá es buscada por la élite judía…La Revolución Francesa aceleró el camino y la visión judía de dominio universal y la potencia marítima inglesa se fundieron en una simbiosis como un inmenso proyecto para la humanidad…El concepto de “retención” (katékhon) del cristianismo es ineficaz para poder guiar a la humanidad. Todo ello, remarca Schmitt, porque los judíos manejan el arte secreto de tratar con el Leviatán, saben domesticarlo para en el momento oportuno descuartizarlo. Era necesario descubrir las técnicas ocultas para penetrar en los arcana imperii y salir sin daños definitivos de la lucha, una lucha por el simbolismo y su tradición, frente a los intentos destructivos de sus dominadores profanos e inmanentes».
Resulta transparente que de esta convicción y familiaridad con los diversos niveles de sentido del símbolo y del contacto con el fondo subyacente que circula ocultamente en el tiempo histórico, había extraído Schmitt confianza y serenidad para profundizar la comprensión teórica y sobrellevar la existencia práctica. Así lo demostró al haber aceptado voluntariamente ser juzgado por el Tribunal de Núremberg, denunciado por un ex colega de la Universidad de Berlín docente ahora en una universidad estadounidense, Karl Loewenstein y legal adviser del Jurado. La defensa personal que llevó a cabo Schmitt le exige trazar una sutil, pero precisa frontera, entre su pensamiento y la ideología nacionalsocialista y de este modo afirma que de ninguna manera podría haber influido en la política de los grandes espacios del III Reich, ni a preparar la guerra de agresión con sus consecuencias criminales, ni a gravitar en cualquier tipo de decisiones de los funcionarios de alto rango. Por ejemplo, defendió que su concepto de Grossraum (gran espacio) se basaba en el derecho internacional y no en el sentido nacionalista que le dio el régimen. A la categoría moderna de estado, válida desde Hobbes a Hegel, él contrapone la de “gran espacio”, que no es simplemente “espacio terrestre”, sino también “espacio imperial”. Aquí es en donde se juega el nuevo ordenamiento político-jurídico del planeta. Esta categoría no depende de la concepción biológico-racista del “espacio vital” (Lebensraum) ni de la categoría nacionalista (völkisch) nacionalsocialistas, para entender su concepción del “gran espacio”; sino que mejor, este último concepto se aproxima más a la doctrina Monroe norteamericana del principio de no injerencia de una potencia extranjera en un gran espacio terrestre ajeno, organizado según un orden jurídico-político propio. Un gran espacio imperial se forma cuando un estado desarrolla una potencia que excede sus propios límites y tiende a agregar en torno a sí a otros estados y es esta conveniencia de formar grandes bloques continentales la que puede generar un nuevo escenario de organización internacional, rompiendo la impotencia de las Naciones Unidas de Ginebra y conteniendo el ascenso de una superpotencia individual. Justamente el pequeño libro Tierra y mar si de entrada parecía aportarle complicaciones, explicado en su doctrina, le trajo la definitiva absolución en mayo de 1947, con curiosos diálogos durante el interrogatorio como el siguiente: «”En aquel tiempo me sentía superior. Quería dar un sentido propio a la palabra nacionalsocialismo”. “Por tanto, ¿Hitler tenía un nacionalsocialismo y usted otro distinto?”. “Yo me sentía superior”. “¿Superior a Hitler?” “Desde el punto de vista intelectual, infinitamente”.
Mircea Eliade, sin embargo, más joven y perteneciente a un país de cultura minoritaria, Rumania, si bien padeció el exilio y los severos obstáculos de un intelectual emigrado en París, no tuvo que enfrentarse con tan grandes dificultades. Las bases guenonianas de la organización de sus ideas, aunque menos conocidas por estar escritas en rumano y hechas conocer en publicaciones locales y muy poco difundidas, igualmente están registradas. Escribe así por primera vez M. Eliade en la revista Azi en abril de 1932, refiriéndose a Guénon, en una cita que se refiere al Teosofismo: historia de una falsa religión:
«Remito al lector al libro de Guénon, quien es un ocultista muy importante y muy bien informado, con una mentalidad sólida y que, al menos, sabe de lo que habla [a diferencia de Elena Blavatsky]» (Grottanelli, p. 346).
En 1937 escribe un artículo sobre Ananda Coomaraswamy en la Revista Fundaitilior Regale, republicado en 1943, y allí expresa que «es de lamentar que los escritos de Guénon, como Oriente y Occidente (1924) y La crisis del mundo moderno (1927), no hayan tenido sino una difusión limitada, ya que ellos mostraban que el tradicionalismo religioso no tenía nada que temer en Europa a la influencia de la metafísica oriental, contrariamente a lo que pensaban algunos escritores católicos» (Grottanelli, 346). Es razonable deducir, sin embargo, pese a las lamentaciones de Eliade y si se piensa en Schmitt y Evola, que el libro de Guénon La crisis del mundo moderno había tenido al menos repercusión propia en la derecha europea, como también lo tuvo en la Argentina, como hemos dicho, poco después de ser publicado.
En otro artículo aparecido en Vremea el l° de mayo de 1938, nuevamente Eliade se queja de la falta de difusión de la obra de Guénon y que sea tan poco conocida como la de Evola y Coomaraswamy . Hace igualmente aquí un curioso elogio de la personalidad de René Guénon como testigo de la tradición, «que era capaz de mostrar un desprecio absoluto y olímpico por el mundo moderno en su conjunto. Un menosprecio sin cólera, sin irritación y sin melancolía. Un desdén que alejaba a este pensador de los hombres de su tiempo y de su obsesión por la historia. Una actitud heroica, comparable, aunque preferible, a aquella de que hablaba André Malraux en su libro Le temps du mépris, que era el tema del ensayo de Eliade” (Grottanelli, 347).
Eliade en estos tiempos en los inicios de sus treinta años, cuando está forjando su personalidad de teórico e investigador considera a Guénon como un auténtico maestro en el campo de las ideas tradicionales, lo que incluso ratifica a su juicio la serena posición de desapego ante las corrientes de ideas modernas, aunque no emite el mismo juicio favorable en el campo de la investigación, como también lo ha expresado en el artículo dedicado a Coomaraswamy. A éste sí lo considera lingüística y filológicamente competente, mientras que para Guénon y Evola, en este campo, se le escapa la baja calificación de “dilettantes”. La evaluación en este último caso de M. Eliade es compleja, porque incluye aproximación y simpatía respecto de las ideas de fondo, pero alejamiento en el método de llegar a ellas, un fenómeno que vamos enseguida a comentar, pero antes debemos facilitar también otra ratificación que es de la misma época, y que se contiene en el libro Comentarii la legenda Mesterului Manole, que se refiere a las leyendas rumanas y balcánicas de los sacrificios de niños durante la construcción de edificios, en particular de monasterios y de puentes, que es publicado en Lisboa siete años después, en marzo de 1943, y en donde el autor confirma en el prefacio:
«Esta obra se publica con una demora de al menos seis años. En uno de los cursos de historia y de filosofía de las religiones que habíamos profesado en la Facultad de Letras de Bucarest (1936-1937, en reemplazo del curso de metafísica del Prof. Nae Ionescu), tuvimos la oportunidad de exponer en sus grandes líneas, el contenido y los resultados de este libro. Una versión técnica de estas lecciones, provista de todo el aparato científico necesario, se preparó hace ya bastante tiempo – bajo el título de Manole et les rites de cosntruction – para la revista Zalmoxis. Pero las circunstancias, y sobre todo la larga residencia del editor en el extranjero, han impedido la aparición regular de Zalmoxis, de modo que antes de publicar la versión técnica, hemos considerado que no estaría desprovisto de interés publicar los presentes Comentarios». Y prosigue el prólogo aportando esclarecimientos críticos y justificativos del mayor interés:
«Evidentemente es indispensable reunir, clasificar e interpretar los documentos etnográficos, pero esto no puede revelar mucho sobre la espiritualidad arcaica. Es necesario ante todo un conocimiento satisfactorio de la historia de las religiones y de la teoría metafísica implícita en los ritos, los símbolos, las cosmogonías y los mitos. La mayor parte de la bibliografía internacional que trata del folclore y de la etnografía es valiosa en la medida en que presenta el material auténtico de la espiritualidad popular, pero deja mucho que desear cuando trata de explicar este material, por medio de “leyes” al uso, a la moda del tiempo de Taylor, Mannhardt o Frazer. No es este el lugar de entablar un examen crítico de los diferentes métodos de interpretación de los documentos de la espiritualidad arcaica. Cada uno de estos métodos ha tenido, en su tiempo, determinados méritos. Pero casi todos se han ajustado a la historia (correcta o incorrectamente comprendida) de este o aquel documento folclórico o etnográfico, con preferencia a tratar de descubrir el sentido espiritual que ha tenido y restaurar su consistencia íntima. La reacción contra estos métodos positivistas no ha tardado en hacerse sentir y es especialmente expresada por un Olivier Leroy, entre los etnólogos, por un René Guénon y un Julius Evola, entre los filósofos, por un Ananda Coomaraswamy entre los arqueólogos, etcétera. Ella ha ido tan lejos que a veces ha negado la evidencia de la historia e ignorado en su totalidad los hechos recogidos por los investigadores» (Grottanelli, 350-351).
Nuevamente en este texto transparente están reunidas por Eliade las dos puntas de su posición de aceptación y crítica en relación con Guénon y otros autores vecinos por las ideas: simbolismo e ideas tradicionales garantizadores de la universalidad de las creencias sagradas como fondo organizador, pero a partir de la investigación científica. El reunir y avecinar documentos no es erudición positivista ni vacía, sino que en el allegamiento surgen ante la mente sensible y perspicaz a los fenómenos aproximadamente las ideas y principios transcendentes que subyacen. Las hierofanías, como manifestaciones de lo sagrado, revelan uniones o integraciones mediadoras que ligan a los contrarios –lo profano y lo sagrado- con equilibrio, lo organizan en sistemas estructurales en el lenguaje del símbolo y del mito, y permiten al alma religiosa arcaica y actual ascender a los orígenes constitutivos. No hay una diferencia insalvable acerca del reconocimiento del fondo espiritual entre Eliade y Guénon, sí lo hay en cuanto al método de acceso. Firmeza de la tradición y de la iniciación en cuanto a Guénon, ingreso por el reconocimiento de los fenómenos sagrados reflejados en la conciencia que cada vez exigen mayor comprensión, para Mircea Eliade. Guénon aspira a romper con lo profano para tener acceso no reflejo, sino directo a lo sagrado; Eliade, se sumerge en la dialéctica de lo sagrado y lo profano que acompaña a la vida del cosmos y la sociedad. Lo primero da una existencia digna de iniciados; lo segundo, de hombres en el mundo vitalmente sacro, que eligen diferentes destinos.
Esta diferencia de posiciones explica las relaciones entre ambos autores, que parecen incluir fuertes contrastes. Guénon desde 1940 en adelante comenta libros y artículos de Mircea Eliade en la revista Études Traditionelle, reconociendo sus aciertos de exposición e interpretación por momentos, así como desautorizándole agriamente en otras, abrogándose la postura de señor indiscutido del campo tradicional que le compete (Técnicas del Yoga, el tomo II de Zalmoxis, «Le “dieu lieur” et le symbolisme des noeuds» -RHR y referencia positiva en “Ligaduras y nudos”É.T., marzo 1950-, Le mythe de l’éternel retour, y otros escritos incluidos en Compte Rendus), una especie de rictus del tradicionalista francés que también ha dado origen a lo que podemos considerar lo más alejado de su magisterio, la “ideología guenoniana”. Mircea Eliade, por su parte, cuando comienza a publicar su difundida obra de especialista en Historia de la religiones a partir del Tratado de historia de las religiones que le publica Payot en l947, en donde recoge materiales anteriormente redactados y otros nuevos, apenas tiene en cuenta en la bibliografía del último capítulo sobre “La estructura de los símbolos”, un escrito de Guénon, Le symbolisme de la croix. Ni siquiera aparece el magisterio expressis verbis del maestro Guénon en los capítulos V (“Las aguas y el simbolismo acuático”) del Tratado y el IV de Imágenes y símbolos (1955), que reedita el primitivo artículo del número 2 de Zalmoxis que tanto le había interesado a Ernst Jünger. Sin embargo, en Le Voile d’Isis (Octubre de 1931) hay un artículo sobre Shet con una referencia a Behemot -en plural- del Libro de Job, como una designación general para todos los grandes cuadrúpedos, lo que es ampliado en el número de agosto-septiembre de 1938 en Études Traditionnelle en una colaboración sobre “Los misterios de la letra nun” (ambos artículos están recogidos más tarde por Michel Valsan –otro rumano- en Símbolos fundamentales de la ciencia sagrada) en donde Guénon se refiere al aspecto benéfico y maléfico de la ballena, con su doble significado de muerte y resurrección, y su vinculación con el Leviatán hebreo y Behemot, como “los hijos de la ballena”. Este trabajo está dentro de la línea de símbolos desarrollados por C. Schmitt en Tierra y mar –Behemot, Leviatán, Grifo- y puede haber sido conocido por el autor alemán.
Mircea Eliade, sin embargo, en su fecunda y subsiguiente producción hace silencio sobre Guénon. Recién en escritos de la década del setenta, el artículo que hemos citado antes sobre la “Theosophia oculta” se refiere a él con elogios y en Ocultismo, brujería y modas culturales, publicado por la Universidad de Chicago en la segunda mitad de los 70, le dedica dos referencias elogiosas a su postura intransigente y bien fundada frente al ocultismo acrítico y optimista de la segunda mitad del siglo XX y algo más de tres páginas para presentarlo como el renovador del esoterismo contemporáneo. Por otra parte, su interpretación de la doctrina cíclica del autor como pesimista y catastrófica en esas páginas demuestra no haber comprendido la concepción guenoniana de los ciclos cósmicos fundada en el Vedânta no dualista de Shankara que incluye ciclos internos espiralados contenidos en el ciclo mayor de un kalpa o “día de Brahman”, con sus manvantaras y yugas, identificando esta visión hindú con la mítico-greca de los pueblos arcaicos, una ligereza de interpretación que el mismo Guénon le había reprochado en la reseña que le dedicó al Mito del eterno retorno. Los silencios y lagunas de comprensión de Eliade sobre R. Guénon, al que reconocía como maestro y orientador en su juventud son sospechosos y el haberlo acantonado a ser “el representante más prominente del esoterismo moderno” sin rastros de su influencia docente sobre él mismo, tal vez despunte una solución en la opinión enseguida proferida en el escrito al que nos estamos refiriendo: «Durante su vida Guénon fue más bien un autor impopular. Tuvo admiradores fanáticos, pero muy pocos. Sólo después de su muerte, y en especial en los diez o doce años últimos, sus libros fueron reeditados y traducidos, difundiendo ampliamente sus ideas» (p. 107).
Casi contemporáneamente en los diálogos sostenidos con Claude-Henri Rocquet y que se han publicado en español bajo el título de La prueba del laberinto (1980) respondiendo a una pregunta del entrevistador, torna a hacer Eliade declaraciones sobre Guénon, pero en este caso resultan incluso más desconcertantes para el lector, por ser contradictorias con lo que hasta ahora se ha podido demostrar. Porque afirma primero el estudioso rumano: «Leí a René Guénon muy tarde y algunos de sus libros me han interesado mucho, concretamente L’Homme et son devenir selon le Vedanta, que me ha parecido bellísimo, inteligente y profundo». A continuación vienen expresadas algunas reservas del autor acerca de lo que no le agrada del escritor francés: su lado exageradamente polémico, un cierto tic de superioridad y un balance de repulsa de toda la cultura occidental -incluida la universitaria- y el respaldo persistente en un concepto complejo y carente de univocidad como es el que pretende sostener sobre la tradición. Este último análisis es bastante discutible, porque Eliade no demuestra poder facilitar un concepto rigurosamente diáfano de tradición, pero sobre todo, creemos que hay que llamar la atención sobre la aclaración de que «leyó a René Guénon muy tarde», puesto que los datos recopilados de su historia de juventud confirman lo contrario. Parece ser que el libro que era el estandarte de la cruzada en la que participaba con otros jóvenes intelectuales en los años treinta en Bucarest, La crisis del mundo moderno, era un obstáculo difícil de salvar para un exitoso profesor que se movía con facilidad en el ambiente universitario estadounidense.
Conclusiones sobre René Guénon y su influencia sobre Eliade y Schmitt.
La atmósfera cultural de la posguerra en París en la que un estudioso rumano de las religiones próximo a los cuarenta años o ya entrados en ellos, hubo de abrirse camino en la Sorbona y los círculos de investigación que la rodeaban, debieron gravitar pesadamente sobre el refugiado político Mircea Eliade. Se sabe de los problemas que tuvo Guénon para que le fuera admitida como tesis universitaria la Introducción general a las doctrinas hindúes, la que finalmente le fue rechazada, y su reacción de abandono del medio universitario. Si el refugiado Eliade, no obstante el apoyo que le prodigaron especialistas franceses como H.Ch. Puech, G. Dumézil, M. Masson-Oursel, L. Renou y otros, tuvo muy serias dificultades para insertarse en el entorno universitario parisino e incluso que en ciertos momentos las dificultades provinieron de la presión política con que lo asediaba el aparato de la inteligencia policial de su país de origen, el silenciar los contactos doctrinales con Guénon cuando era integrante de la Guardia de Hierro durante parte de los años 30 y los primeros del cuarenta, miembro activo de sus avatares políticos y publicaba en sus órganos de prensa y, además, la previsión de no irritar a sus benefactores parisinos inmediatos rompiendo “la conspiración del silencio” que pesaba sobre Guénon en los grupos universitarios oficiales franceses, era cuestión de vida o muerte en aquella etapa para la existencia académica y de investigación del notable universitario que llegó a ser el exiliado rumano. Posteriormente insertado sólidamente en el contexto de la vida universitaria de occidente, el prejuicio lo persiguió como un fantasma. En el fondo, del entramado teórico de sus trabajos quedaba, sin embargo, la influencia teórica subyacente con la que gracias al estímulo doctrinal de Guénon organizó sus aspiraciones de transcendencia al definir la naturaleza religiosa, simbólica y mítica del hombre arcaico y de su desarrollo cósmico.
El caso de Carl Schmitt, sin embargo, fue diverso y transparente, puesto que cuando tiene casi concluido Tierra y mar y está obsesionado por su contenido y recibe a un joven funcionario de Embajada rumano -el que había llevado un mensaje privado a Antunesco, el hombre fuerte del régimen militar de Bucarest del par portugués Salazar-, tiene 54 años. Alemania está en plena guerra europea y el jurista prestigioso se encuentra enfrentado con parte del entorno nacionalsocialista. Las lecturas que había realizado de Guénon estimulaban sus creencias católicas firmes y le permitían utilizar el simbolismo para la interpretación transcendente y velada de los acontecimientos histórico-políticos. Ningún riesgo de fondo corría, al contrario, con este tipo de incursiones culturales profundas, según su mejor inclinación, le era posible ampliar su figura de gran jurista del derecho internacional y afirmarse como filósofo e intérprete político-jurídico del difícil momento del proceso bélico alemán.
El tiempo transcurrido desde entonces hasta hoy parece darnos la razón. Y al ver confluir las tres poderosas personalidades sobre un mismo tema, el de la interpretación de los fenómenos visibles y próximos de la religión, la política y la historia, permite dar asimismo una pincelada de profundidad a lo que hoy día se está mostrando incontrolable y difícil de silenciar en la esfera de la política práctica y de la teoría política: que no es posible pensar en los hechos actuales si no nos liberamos de ellos elevándonos al plano de la metapolítica, bien sea desde la teología o desde la metafísica. La teología política de Jacobo Taubes y de Jian Assmann así lo están reclamando en los centros de estudio internacionales, pero las dos figuras que hemos tratado inspiradas por René Guénon, confirman que la necesidad de implantar el llamado “modelo dualista”, que no es ni simplemente teocrático ni representativo individualista, ofrece matices y recursos para que el ciudadano de los comienzos del siglo XXI se ponga a pensar seriamente que la marcha de los pueblos y sus ordenamientos políticos, jurídicos y económicos son inseparables de algún modo de trascendencia sagrada y tradicional.
C. Bori, «Théologie politique et Islam. À propos d’Ibn Taymiyya (m. 728/1328) et du sultanat mamelouk», en RHR, 224 (207), 1, 5-46.
A. Désilets, René Guénon. Index-Bibliographie, Les Presses de L’Université Laval, Québec, 1977.
P. Di Vona, «René Guénon e il pensiero di destra», en La destra como categoria, Hermeneutica, Istituto di Scienze Religiose dell’Università degli Studi di Urbino, 1988, 59-85.
M. Eliade, Tratado de historia de las religiones, Inst. de Est. Políticos, Madrid, 1954.
M. Eliade, Imágenes y símbolos. Ensayos sobre el simbolismo mágico-religioso, Taurus, Madrid, 1955.
M. Eliade, «El ocultismo y el mundo moderno», en Ocultismo, brujería y modas culturales, Marymar, Buenos Aires, 1977, 79-108.
M. Eliade, La prueba del laberinto, Cristiandad, Madrid, 1980.
M. Eliade, Memoria I. 1907-1937. Las promesas del equinoccio, Taurus, Madrid, 1982.
M. Eliade, De Zalmoxis a Gengis-Khan. Religiones y folklore de Dacia y de la Europa Oriental, Cristiandad, Madrid, 1985.
M. Eliade, Diario. 1945-1969, Kairós, Barcelona, 2000.
F. García Bazán y otros, René Guénon o la tradición viviente, Hastinapura, Buenos Aires, 1985.
F. García Bazán, René Guénon y el ocaso de la metafísica, Obelisco, Barcelona, 1990.
C. Grottanelli, «Mircea Eliade, Carl Schmitt, René Guénon, 1942», en Revue de l’Histoire des Religions, tome 219, 3 (2002), 325-356.
J.-P. Laurant, «Guénon, René», en J. Servier (dir.), Diccionario AKAL crítico de esoterismo, 2 vols., Akal, Madrid, 2006, A-H, 753-756.
T.M.P. Mahadevan, Guadapâda. A Study in Early Advaita, University of Madras, 1975.
C. Schmitt, Tierra y mar. Una reflexión sobre la historia universal con un prólogo de Ramón Campderrich y un epílogo de Franco Volpi, Trotta, Madrid, 2007.
J. Taubes, La teología política de Pablo, Trotta, Madrid, 2007
Fuente: Centro de Estudios Evoliano
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