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vendredi, 03 octobre 2014

Profesor militar chino: "La tercera guerra mundial estallará por disputas marítimas"

En su artículo en el periódico estatal 'Global Times' el profesor Han Xudong ha expuesto la idea de que actualmente todas las naciones están viviendo "una era de nuevas formas de una guerra mundial".

Territorios que anteriormente eran indiscutibles —como el espacio exterior, Internet y los océanos— se han convertido en una parte del campo de batalla internacional, escribe Han en su artículo de opinión, señalando que "el número de países involucrados no tiene precedentes".

Han apunta las disputas marítimas en curso como una de las fuentes de un conflicto que pueda llegar a convertirse en una guerra mundial. "A juzgar por las controversias sobre el espacio global marítimo, el océano Ártico, el Pacífico y el océano Índico ya han visto una rivalidad feroz. Es probable que estalle una tercera guerra mundial para luchar por los derechos sobre mar".

"A medida que la rivalidad en el mar crece intensivamente, el desarrollo militar de China debe pasar de garantizar los derechos del país sobre la tierra a garantizar sus derechos en el mar", escribe el profesor. Debe desarrollarse "una fuerza militar a gran escala" con el fin de evitar ser "empujada a una posición pasiva" por potentes fuerzas militares como las de EE.UU., que cada vez más centra su atención en la región Asia-Pacífico, agrega Han.

China está actualmente implicada en una serie de disputas relacionadas con los derechos sobre el mar, sobre todo en el mar de China Meridional. Pekín reclama zonas marítimas que Vietnam, Filipinas, Brunéi, Taiwán y Malasia también reclaman.

En el mar de China Oriental, China insiste en que sus fronteras marítimas incluyen un grupo de islas ricas en recursos llamadas Diaoyu en chino y Senkaku en japonés. Japón, por su parte, dice que estas islas se encuentran en sus aguas territoriales. Basándose en el aumento de la presencia militar y la retórica política sobre estas y otras islas por parte de China, algunos analistas predicen que los reclamos marítimos representan una causa por la que China está dispuesta a ir a la guerra.

jeudi, 02 octobre 2014

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Documentaria: D'Annunzio a Fiume

Bon anniversaire Brigitte


Bon anniversaire Brigitte

Le billet de Patrick Parment

Ex: http://synthesenationale.hautetfort.com

Cessons deux minutes dʼêtre sérieux et soyons futiles. Renvoyons les socialos-umpéistes dans les eaux fangeuses où se roule comme des porcs tout ce petit personnel qui sous Louis XIV nʼaurait tout juste été bon qu’à porter les sceaux dans les couloirs de Versailles pour que nous pissions en paix.

Non, l’événement du jour, c’est l’anniversaire de Brigitte Bardot. Quatre-vingt balais au compteur et une pugnacité jamais démentie. Non seulement la dame pense – et plutôt bien – mais encore elle pense tout haut ce que l’ensemble des Gaulois tait en général. Par lâcheté ? Allez savoir. Elle l’écrit même, ce qui lui vaut quelques ennuis avec la justice. Mais elle s’en fout ! Bon, d’accord, de temps en temps, avec ses animaux, elle nous gonfle, mais j’ai pris le parti depuis longtemps de tout lui pardonner. Il n’y a qu’une Bardot et... des millions de ploucs. Il faut tout pardonner à BB parce que les hommes de ma génération se sont quand même bien astiqués le poireau en fantasmant sur son corps de rêve. Elle a vraiment incarné la beauté dans ce qu’elle a de plus violent et de plus bestial.

BB, c’est tout de même autre chose que toutes ces pétasses qui se trémoussent dans des films sans intérêt tournés en général par des imbéciles, la fesse triste et le sein pendant... quand il y en a. Je parle, bien sûr, du cinéma français (Anémone et sa tête d’autruche, Casta, sa niaiserie et ses dents de travers ! pour ne citer qu’elles). Toutes ces petites connes n’inspirent aux foules qu’un sentiment de pitié, pas même une érection.

Tandis que Bardot, on se précipitait, et on aurait même payé pour remplacer Jean Gabin dans je ne sais quel navet ! Sortez vos DVD et regardez Babette s’en va en guerre, vous m’en direz des nouvelles. Bardot, c’est de la gonzesse, de la vraie, comme on les aime. Gainsbourg, qui était loin d’être un sot et qui avait du talent, ne s’y était pas trompé. Il était tombé dans le panneau, avant d’épouser sa planche à pain, et lui avait concocté des chansons qui prouvaient qu’il était soudain passé de la bandaison ordinaire au priapisme incontrôlé.

Bardot chantant, c’est tout d’un coup le technicolor qui jaillit dans votre vie, au risque de coller une torgnolle à votre bourgeoise dès fois qu’elle aurait l’audace de vous faire une crise de jalousie. Et puis Bardot, c’est le symbole d’une France qu’on a aimé, presque insouciante, avec ses clochers et ses curés en soutane, ses facteurs à vélo, ses gardes- champêtres roulant le tambour. Tout ça n’est pas de la nostalgie mais des images que nous renvoie Brigitte Bardot qui incarna une certaine image de la beauté française.

Bon anniversaire, Madame.

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A propos du dernier livre de Georges Feltin-Tracol


A propos du dernier livre de Georges Feltin-Tracol, "En liberté surveillée"

Bastien Valorgues

Europe maxima cliquez ici


Le 10 septembre 2014, le tribunal de Paris condamnait à des amendes avec sursis les vigiles de Notre-Dame et relaxait les Femen qui avaient détérioré les nouvelles cloches de la cathédrale. Le jour même à Saint-Étienne, le tribunal de police acquittait un curé poursuivi pour l’hébergement de « sans-papiers ». Quelques jours plus tard, tandis qu’Alain Soral se voyait condamné à 7 000 euros (soit 2 000 euros d’amende, 2 000 euros de dommage et intérêts et 3 000 euros de frais de justice) pour diffamation envers le F.N. Louis Aliot, le militant panafricaniste radical Kémi Séba était arrêté le 14 septembre et écroué pour purger – en régime d’isolement ! – une peine de deux mois de prison. Le 16 septembre dernier, en Bretagne, le procureur de la République obtint de lourdes peines – dont un an et demi de prison ferme – à l’encontre de quatre Bonnets rouges accusés de la destruction de radars automatiques et de portiques d’éco-taxe. Le 20 septembre, enfin, après l’incendie justifié du centre des impôts et des bureaux de la M.S.A. (Mutuelle sociale agricole) à Morlaix, le gouvernement de Manuel Valls somma l’appareil judiciaire de retrouver leurs auteurs écrasés par les charges, les normes, les oukases de la grande distribution parasitaire et le contre-coup des sanctions occidentales anti-russes. Dans le même temps, le Parlement discute d’un projet de loi anti-terroriste, soixante-dix ans après le triomphe en France des « terroristes »…


Tous ces exemples auraient pu figurer dans le nouvel essai de Georges Feltin-Tracol, En liberté surveillée. Comme l’indique le sous-titre, il s’agit d’un virulent « Réquisitoire contre un système liberticide ». L’ouvrage était attendu. Sa lecture ne déçoit pas. Sollicité par l’éditeur Roland Hélie au moment de l’affaire Dieudonné en janvier, le livre devait à l’origine s’appeler La Quenelle interdite. Mais en mobilisant une multitude de faits prélevés dans la presse officielle depuis plusieurs années, le rédacteur en chef du site Europe Maxima a très rapidement élargi son enquête et nous livre un diagnostic complet, édifiant et terrifiant d’une tendance lourde du monde moderne.



En liberté surveillée se compose de huit chapitres ainsi que d’une part entièrement dédiée aux notes et aux références. Si les sept premiers forment une sorte de généalogie du processus liberticide, le dernier examine les possibilités tangibles d’édification d’une alternative à la société carcérale voulue par le libéralisme mondialiste. Par ailleurs, l’intérêt de l’ouvrage montre que la puissante opposition à la loi Taubira sur le « mariage pour tous » et la féroce répression gouvernementale qui en découla, ne doit pas faire oublier que la lente éclipse des libertés françaises ne commence pas avec François Hollande. Leur sape systématique remonte aux présidences catastrophiques de Jacques Chirac, de Nicolas Sarkozy et de François Mitterrand sous laquelle fut adoptée l’abjecte loi Gayssot de 1990.


Georges Feltin-Tracol présente l’insigne mérite de mettre en perspective une longue et progressive dissolution qui correspond au transfert de l’action étatique de l’espace public en cours de privatisation vers le domaine privé personnel. « Si le sociétalisme et ses déclinaisons circonstancielles, le sécuritarisme et le gendérisme, constituent l’armature stratégique de l’oligarchie planétarienne, avance-t-il, la tactique bâtie sur le monde corrompu des médiats s’organise autour d’une conception singulière de la liberté d’opinion. Les bien-pensants aiment le début d’idées à la condition qu’ils agréent les idées présentées. Ils prêchent la tolérance, le vivre-ensemble, la liberté de parole, mais en même temps dénient toute expression à ceux qui exprimeraient avec vigueur, méthode et intelligence leurs divergences. La récente proposition de loi pénalisant les clients de prostituées le prouve amplement. » D’autres nombreux exemples d’intrusion étatique dans l’ordre de l’intime prouvent que « l’État incline trop à épier la vie privée de ses citoyens ».


L’auteur rappelle fort à propos que Jacques Chirac a inscrit dans la Constitution de la Ve République l’interdiction du rétablissement de la peine de mort et que le déplorable Nicolas Sarkozy n’hésita pas, ici, à pourchasser militants syndicaux, défenseurs d’une agriculture écologique et non-productiviste et victimes de l’insécurité comme René Galinier en appliquant des textes juridiques destinées à l’origine à combattre les terroristes ou la petite criminalité. Toutes les rombières retraitées de l’U.M.P. et les pauvres gars qui acclament le soi-disant retour de leur calamiteux champion à talons rehaussés devraient s’en souvenir. Or, naufrage de l’âge, ces futurs euthanasiés font preuve pour la circonstance d’Alzheimer politique.


Après avoir passé en revue les échecs récents de l’engagement politicien, du putsch envisagé ou des trois applications du gramscisme  (l’entrisme dans des partis de droite, le contrôle d’une rédaction de presse et l’usage technonumérique), le dernier chapitre dénonce d’abord les tentatives de récupération de la contestation populaire par les inévitables auxiliaires d’une « droite » servile. L’auteur récuse toute éventuelle et fallacieuse « union des droites » et rejette avec force une hypothétique union nationale, avant de tracer de stimulantes voies révolutionnaires favorables à une contre-société construite hors du cadre républicain français. Influencé par le concept d’hétérotopie cher à Michel Foucault, Georges Feltin-Tracol prolonge les travaux de Michel Drac sur la B.A.D. (base autonome durable) dans une version 2.0. « La B.A.D., relève-t-il, représente la genèse d’une autre politie, concurrente de l’État-nation fragmenté et de l’État pénal-carcéral programmé, l’embryon conceptuel d’une autochtonotopie, d’un lieu adapté par et pour les autochtones albo-européens. » Mais deux autres chapitres se révèlent particulièrement percutants. L’un décrit les différentes formes de l’« État profond » tant en France qu’aux États-Unis. L’autre dépeint un nouvel Occident qui, du fait de sa transformation en allié du Marché et du libéralisme, prend un contenu liquide, fluide, mouvant. L’auteur accole par conséquent au concept éculé d’Occident le terme de « Mer » afin de désigner cette mutation encouragée par les oligarchies transnationales : l’Occident-Mer.


Georges Feltin-Tracol revient en outre sur les sentences d’une justice gangrenée par des stipendiés du Nouveau Désordre mondial qui traquent Dieudonné, Alain Soral, Vincent Reynouard, René Galinier, Nicolas Bernard-Buss, etc., ainsi que tout opposant véritable au multiculturalisme, au libéralisme et au mondialisme. La partialité des jugements rendus fait qu’il n’a dorénavant aucune confiance dans la justice de son pays, ce qui témoigne d’un indéniable bon sens. Il attaque d’autres cibles que sont le gendérisme, terme qu’il préfère à « théorie du genre », le sociétalisme et le sécuritarisme. Le P.S. obéit depuis 1983 aux injonctions de la Finance internationale si bien qu’il a perdu son adjectif « socialiste » pour devenir « sociétaliste ». Ainsi a-t-il renié les ouvriers, les employés et les salariés pour désormais défendre les seules minorités allogènes et sexuelles. Ce choix sociétaliste converge vers un certain sécuritarisme, un autoritarisme ridicule au service du Capital anonyme. L’auteur n’accorde aucune confiance à la grotesque « droite » institutionnelle pour qui l’impératif de consommer exige la restriction concrète des libertés.


Lecteur des penseurs suisses Éric Werner et Bernard Wicht, il observe que les autorités cleptocratiques cherchent surtout à terroriser les honnête gens en laissant volontairement proliférer une petite délinquance qui pourrit la vie quotidienne. Mieux, « en pratiquant et en gagnant pour l’instant une effroyable guerre des classes à l’échelle planétaire, la ploutocratie réalise une véritable guerre des idées afin de promouvoir l’idéologie de l’indistinction. L’oligarchie et ses médias distillent subtilement auprès des populations hébétées une censure pernicieuse et une propagande insidieuse. Ils justifient ce discours réifiant et utilitariste par la célébration obligatoire du Progrès, de la  “ gouvernance ”, de l’égalitarisme et du dogme quasi-intangible des droits de l’homme. En réalité, insiste Georges Feltin-Tracol en citant Yvan Blot, la doxa droit-de-l’hommiste représente un magnifique  “ prétexte pour une intervention toujours plus grande de l’État et pour une restriction des libertés ”. »


Ces restrictions avérées de liberté passent aussi par la manipulation du droit et l’hypertrophie des groupes de pression, en particulier des vigilantes associations féministes qui poursuivent tout propos ou réflexion soi-disant sexiste. Elles s’en prennent à l’écrivain Robert Sabatier, au rappeur blanc Orelsan ou à une réclame radiophonique vantant les charmes physiques du département du Jura, mais se taisent à propos de la publicité pour la marque de café Senséo qui exprime une « violence subliminale envers l’homme […] flagrante ».


Georges Feltin-Tracol dénonce le rôle délétère et aliénant de l’argent. Dans l’Occident ultra-moderne, le fric est devenu un « super-flic » avec l’extension du paiement électronique et la généralisation de l’endettement des ménages. En s’appuyant sur de récents exemples argentin et chypriote, « la détention obligatoire d’un compte en banque susceptible d’accueillir une épargne abondante facilite la spoliation à venir par les banques et les États de cette même épargne. Le F.M.I. a proposé de saisir 10 % de l’épargne privée afin de sauver les États endettés. Le 11 décembre 2013, Bruxelles a accepté le principe d’une ponction (en fait, un vol légalisé) de 10 % sur tous les avoirs bancaires supérieurs à 100 000 euros dans le cas où la banque aurait 8 % de pertes ». Il est clair que « cette perte de liberté par l’endettement se mesure surtout aux États-Unis. Dans cette offensive contre les peuples, le crédit devient en effet une arme redoutable » parce que « l’hyper-classe veut disposer d’un moyen, à la fois coercitif, efficace et quasi-invisible et/ou indolore, de maîtrise des populations sans qu’elles s’en aperçoivent ».


En liberté surveillée est finalement un constat lucide d’un monde effrayant contre lequel s’élèvent de plus en plus des résistants déterminés. On y trouve bien sûr le courageux « artiviste » Dieudonné, mais Georges Feltin-Tracol se réfère à d’autres humoristes entrés en politique tels que l’Italien Beppe Grillo ou, guère connu en France, l’Islandais Jon Gnarr, maire de Reykjavik de 2010 à 2014. Les médias du Système liberticide clament sans cesse qu’on vivrait dans le meilleur des mondes libres. Mensonge éhonté puisque cet essai prouve que nous sommes pour l’heure dans le pire des  Systèmes possibles !



Georges Feltin-Tracol, En liberté surveillée. Réquisitoire contre un système liberticide, Les Bouquins de Synthèse nationale, 284 p., 23 € (+ 3 € de port), à commander à Synthèse nationale, 116, rue de Charenton, 75012 Paris, chèque à l’ordre de Synthèse nationale.

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Japan as an American Client State


Japan as an American Client State


A military ambition and agenda, this provides much activist energy among America’s neoconservatives and their fellow travelers, which include sundry financial and commercial interests. Made up of many parts, like the recently established “Africom” (U.S. Africa Command), the comparable effort to contain/isolate/denigrate the two former communist enemy giants, China and Russia, may be considered a central aim.

It does not add up to a feasible strategy for long-term American interests, but few American initiatives have been so in the recent past. Since neoconservatives, ‘liberal hawks’ and neoliberals appear to have captured the State Department and White House, and their activism has already produced significant geopolitical instability, it would be no luxury to dig deeper in developments on the rather neglected Asian side of the globe.

The protracted overthrow in the course of 2010 of the first cabinet formed by the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) does not at first glance resemble what happened in Kiev on January 22nd 2014 – when Victoria Nuland & Co triggered, aided, and abetted an anti–Russian coup d’état. No snipers were involved. No deaths. No civil war against Japanese citizens who had supported a reformist program. It was a gentle overthrow. But an overthrow it was even so. And, importantly, while the Ukraine case served the elevation by consensus of Russia to being the new number one enemy of ‘the West’, the abrupt end to a new Japanese policy of rapprochement was the start of a fairly successful drive to create common imagery of China as a threat to its neighbors.

Back in September of 2009, Japan underwent a politically momentous change when a new ruling party came to power, thereby ending half a century of what had been in fact a ‘one-party democracy’. As the first serious opposition contender for government, the DPJ had won an overwhelming electoral victory with a strongly reformist manifesto. Its original, and at that time still essential, aim was to push for greater political control over a bureaucracy that is in many crucial ways politically unaccountable.

One of this new government’s first moves was to initiate a new China policy. Its main architect, Ichiro Ozawa, had filled several planes with writers, artists, and politicians to visit China for the specified purpose of improving “people to people and party to party” relations. At the same time, the prime minister of this first cabinet, Yukio Hatoyama, was openly declaring his intention to join other East Asian leaders in the formation of an Asean+3 community, consisting of the existing Asean grouping plus Korea, China and Japan. It is highly unlikely that the now diplomatically ruinous and possibly dangerous Sino-Japanese conflict over the Senkaku/Diyaou islands would have come into being if his cabinet had lasted.

As might have been expected, these unexpected Japanese initiatives created collective heartburn among Washington’s ‘Japan handlers’. Some were quoted by reporters as saying that perhaps they had all along been concerned about the wrong country; that Japan and not China ought to have been the focus of their anxieties.

What the DPJ intended to achieve, the creation of an effective center of political accountability capable of implementing truly new policy changes, did not interest the Japan handlers, and Obama never gave the impression that he had a clue of what was happening, or that it should ever be his concern. Japan’s new prime minister made three or four requests for a meeting with the then new president for a discussion on Asian developments, which would appear perfectly reasonable and even imperative, considering an earlier often repeated epithet for U.S.-Japan relations as being “the world’s most important bilateral relationship”. But while the requests for a one-on-one had gone through the proper diplomatic channels, they drew only a reponse in the form of scathing public remarks by an American official that Hatoyama should not think that he could help settle any domestic problems through a meeting with a very busy American president.

To understand what followed, and to make sense of this ‘regime change’ story, one must know a bit more about the intricacies of the Japanese power system, its odd relationship with that of the United States, and how these two interact. Because neither accord comfortably with models produced by various schools of international relations, and because they do not seem to make sense to media editors, these subjects hardly ever receive serious attention outside a small circle of authors who have made it their specialty.

A cardinal point is the odd division of labor between elected and career officials, which in the half century of formal LDP rule settled into a pattern in which the bureaucrats made policy and used the politicians in high office as brokers to settle turf wars or occasionally to administer a slight prodding to drive policy in a bureaucratically desired direction. One can, of course, find exceptions proving the rule. Those who remember the famous BBC comedy series “Yes Minister” and recognize some of this in their own countries, would still find it hard to believe the extent to which such a division of labor can be normalized.

The second cardinal point is that Japan does not function as an independent sovereign state. To find a proper term for the U.S.-Japan relationship is difficult since there has been nothing quite like it in history. Vassal comes to mind, of course, and client state is a useful characterization. Some would prefer protectorate, but the United States has less say over what goes on inside domestic political and economic Japan than is assumed with protectorates. It is in fact rather amazing to see the extent to which the Japanese elite in business, bureaucracy, and financial circles have maintained an economic system that is radically different from what Americans believe an economic system should look like.

But with respect to foreign relations Japan must toe the line. The unequal arrangement used to come with formidable advantages. Like the Europeans with their Atlanticism, the Japanese have not been required for half a century to produce political leaders capable of thinking strategically and dealing independently with a transforming world. Noticeably less so, even, than has been true for the Europeans. The readiness with which the United States has extended economic favors to Japan, to the detriment of its own global economic position, has been extraordinary. Japan would not have become the industrial power it remains up till today, had the United States not tolerated its structural protectionism, and allowed full-speed one-way expansion of Japanese market shares in the United States to the considerable disadvantage of American domestic industry. I cannot think of any other instance in history in which one large country has had it so easy in its diplomatic and economic interaction with the world, simply by relying on the power, goodwill and strategic calculations of another country, while at the same time itself remaining politically outside the international system. Other countries gradually became used to Japan’s near invisibility on the world diplomatic stage.

This passive comportment in world affairs, which over the years drew plenty of criticism from Washington, was a thorn in the side of quite a few Japanese, and Ozawa with Hatoyama were at the forefront of the political ranks eager to do something about it.

Throughout the Cold War, Washington’s determination to rely on having an obedient outpost close to the shores of the two huge Communist powers did not require much pleading or pushing, because Tokyo had, as a matter of course, decided that it shared this same Communist enemy with Washington. At the same time, the US-Japan Security Treaty did not constitute an alliance of a kind comparable to what, for instance, the member countries of NATO had entered into. To be precise, it was essentially a base lease agreement; one from which there was, for all practical purposes, no exit for Japan. The ‘status of forces agreement’ has not been reviewed since 1960.

The regime change drama can be said to have been prefigured shortly before the August 2009 elections that brought the DPJ to power. In January of that year Hillary Clinton came to Tokyo on her first mission as Obama’s Secretary of State to sign an agreement with the outgoing LDP administration (which knew it was stumbling on its last legs), reiterating what had been agreed on in October 2005 about a highly controversial planned new base for US Marines on Okinawa – a plan hatched by Donald Rumsfeld – which had earlier been forced down the throat of the LDP. The ruling party of the one-party democracy had applied a preferred method of Japanese politics when something embarrassingly awkward comes up: do nothing, and hope everyone will forget it. Clinton made clear that no matter what kind of government the Japanese electorate would choose, there could be no deviation from earlier arrangements. Her choice of American officials to deal with Japan, Kurt Campbell, Kevin Maher, and Wallace Gregson (all ‘alumni’ from the Pentagon) also indicated that she would not tolerate something that in Washington’s mind would register as Japanese backtracking.

This was a moment of great irony. Japan’s new leaders, who were in the process of establishing political control over a heretofore politically almost impenetrable bureaucracy, were now confronted with an American bureaucratic clique that lives a life of its own and was seemingly oblivious to regional developments in which Japan was bound to become less passive and politically isolated. As noted, the Japan handlers under Hillary Clinton came from the military, and an earlier generation of State Department diplomats with Japan experience appeared to have been squeezed out of the picture completely. As would soon become clear, the policymakers of the Obama administration were highly mistrustful of any ideas, never mind actual courses of action, that seemed in any way to alter the status quo in the region. In autumn 2009 US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates arrived to rub it in some more that Washington would not accept independent Japanese action, or anything that deviated from how the LDP had always handled things. To make that point clear he refused to attend the customary banquet organized in his honor.

Senior editors of Japan’s huge daily newspapers, who in normal unison do more than anyone to create political reality in the country, as well as senior bureaucrats with whom these editors normally cooperate, were ambivalent. One of the editors asked me at the time how long I thought the new government would have to accomplish something he compared to the difficulties faced by the Meiji reformers some 140 years earlier. I answered that it would be up to him and his colleagues. Even while experienced older bureaucrats were aware of the need for drastic institutional renewal, they were not happy with the new or adjusted priorities of their new putative political overseers. This became a particularly poignant issue with regard to relations across the Pacific.

Much of the international Japan coverage at that time was done out of Washington with journalists interviewing the Japan handlers, since the body of regular American correspondents in Tokyo had dwindled to a very few who permanently resided there. Like we have just seen happen with the coverage of the Ukraine crisis in European media, Japan’s newspapers were beginning to reflect the reality as created by American editors. Which meant that before long the large domestic newspapers were adopting the line that prime minister Hatoyama was undermining the U.S.-Japan relationship. At the same time veterans from the LDP, the ‘ruling party’ of the one-party democracy party that had been decisively defeated in the summer of 2009, were briefing their old political friends in Washington about the obvious inexperience and alleged incompetence of the new incumbents. By these means the story about a politically new Japan led to the propaganda line that Prime Minister Hatoyama was mishandling the crucial US-Japan relationship. A perfidious role was played by prominent Japanologists in American academia who appeared to overlook the importance of what Japan’s reformist politicians were attempting to achieve.

It is difficult to find another instance in which official Washington delivered insults so blatant to a country as to Japan under Hatoyama. Aside from his repeated formal requests for a meeting being ignored, the Japan handlers counseled Obama not to give the Japanese prime minister more than 10 minutes of his time during chance encounters at international meetings. Hillary Clinton put the Japanese Ambassador on the carpet with a reprimand addressed to Hatoyama for “lying” when the Japanese prime minister, after having sat next to her at a banquet in Copenhagen, told the Japanese media afterwards that his conversation with her had been positive. Japanese newspapers could not measure these things with their normal frames of reference, and began to copy a general notion of the Washington-inspired American media that Hatoyama was simply bad for transpacific relations.

It took snipers killing some hundred protesters and policemen to end the elected government in Kiev, as neonazis, ambitious oligarchs and thugs used that opportunity to hijack a revolutionary movement. On the other side of the Eurasian continent it took a clueless and cooperative Japanese media and a frustrated bureaucracy, already used to sabotaging DPJ wishes, to end the first cabinet of this reformist party, and with that bring an end to a genuinely different Japanese foreign policy inspired by a reassessment of long-term Japanese interests. Hatoyama did not have to flee like the elected president in Kiev almost four years later. He eventually simply stepped down. He did so in line with a custom whereby politicians who wish to accomplish something that is generally understood to be controversial and difficult will stake their political future on the outcome. In this case Hatoyama had walked into a trap. He was given to believe that an acceptable compromise solution was being arranged for the problem of the new Marine basis in Okinawa. As he told me himself about half a year later, with that he made the biggest mistake in his political life.

This is not how the newspapers have reported on it, and not how it has entered commonly understood recent history, but let this sink in: Washington managed, without the use of violence, to manipulate the Japanese political system into discarding a reformist cabinet. The party that had intended to begin clearing up dysfunctional political habits that had evolved over half a century of one-party rule lost its balance and bearings, and never recovered. Hatoyama’s successor, Kan Naoto, did not want the same thing happening to him, and distantiated himself from the foreign policy reformists, and his successor in turn, Yoshihiko Noda, helped realign Japan’s bureaucracy precisely to that of the United States where roughly it had been for half a century. By calling for an unnecessary election, which everyone knew the DPJ would lose, he brought the American-blessed LDP back to power to have Japan slide back into its normal client state condition, essentially answerable, even if only tacitly, to Washington’s wishes.

Where earlier a China policy of friendly relations was being forged, there was suddenly nothing. A political vacuum is ideal space for political mischief and Japan’s veteran mischief maker is Shintaro Ishihara, generally characterized as a far right politician, whose rise to high position was accelerated and punctuated by publicity stunts. In April 2012, toward the end of his 13 years as governor of Tokyo, he proposed that the metropolis nominally under his charge buy the uninhabited islands in the East China Sea, long the subject of a territorial dispute that was shelved when Japan and China normalized relations. Beijing took that opportunity to organize vehement anti–Japanese demonstrations, and relations predictably foundered. It had frequently gone that route before. Hyping anti-Japanese sentiment is a well-tried Chinese method of channeling domestic protest, diverting it from domestic problems which otherwise cause unrest. South Korea has sometimes done the same.

Top diplomats among the Chinese foreign policy officials were understandably incensed when faced with the fact that the rapprochement initiatives by a new government in Tokyo were simply killed off at a command from the United States. As with previous instances of diplomatic stalemate, the Chinese wonder to what extent they are indirectly talking with Washington, when they share a negotiating table with Japanese.

The last DPJ prime minister, Toshihiko Noda, who had forgotten or never understood the reformist origins of his party, subsequently ignored back channel communication from Beijing about how to solve the row without either country losing face. Since then Chinese conduct has been provocative, with Beijing annoying and offending Tokyo purposely through announcements about Chinese airspace and activities in the vicinity of the disputed islands.

If you begin the story about Sino-Japanese relations at that point you could perhaps endorse the current Prime Minister Abe’s vision of China as a significant problem, which he broadcasted to the world during the most recent Davos meeting. Other governments in the region share part of that vision, because Beijing has also been responding to Washington’s anti-Chinese involvement especially with Vietnam and the Philippines, its other neighbors in the Western Pacific.

The resulting anti–Chinese predisposition in the region perfectly suited the ‘pivot’, which has been Hillary Clinton’s program to develop greater muscle to curtail China’s influence. The American military, which maintains bases surrounding all of China’s coast, is not prepared to share power in the the Western Pacific, and Japan plays an important part in all this, even extending to current Prime Minister Abe’s reinterpretation of the famous pacifist clause in Japan’ constitution.

The countries that are part of what used to be called the free world on both sides of the Eurasian continent ought to be better aware of a political reality illustrated by the above details. They add up to a picture of a self-proclaimed order keeper with the right to ignore sovereignty and the right, or even the duty, to set things straight in other countries that just might in future develop a genuine challenge to its own mastery over the planet. On the European side this has been revealed in this year as a powerful brake on further development of economic relations between Russia and the member states of the European Union. On the Asian-Pacific side Japan was becoming a threat to the purposes of the ‘pivot’ toward Asia as it began working for better relations with China. Global diplomacy has gone out of the window in the meantime. Neither European countries nor Japan can, under current circumstances, engage properly with their gigantic neighbors. For a variety of reasons the powers that make a difference in the United States have demonstrated that they are comfortable with a reignited Cold War, this time without communism.

One need not delve deeply in the internet to find unequivocal repetition by American officials in positions of power of what has become known as the ‘Wolfowitz Doctrine’, according to which the United States ought not ever allow rivals to emerge to challenge its global dominance. It does not do diplomacy.

In Europe we can detect a certain degree of subconscious nostalgia for the Cold War. After all, it supplied for almost everyone of my generation, and the one after it, a fairly trustworthy handrail to steady oneself in moments of geopolitical turbulence. We grew up with the political epistemology it created; the source of knowledge about what was ultimately good or bad.

Hence it is easy to sit idly by while an even later and even less worldly-wise generation of politicians at the top responds to the seduction of a power that once represented the good guys, and was the main architect of the relatively peaceful and relatively stable post-World War II international order. It is seductive for Europeans to sit back and allow that power to continue taking the lead. Shared values, and all that sort of thing. How can one argue against such a perspective on planetary political reality today?

Think again. What should be pointed out is that those supposedly superior shared values are a crock of nonsense. But most importantly that full spectrum dominance does not constitute a feasible strategy; it is a dangerous fantasy among institutions that are not supervised by a politically effective coordinating center, hence are not on any leash. What they do is of a dangerous silliness rarely seen in history, at least for such an extended period. When we cheer NATO and its new initiatives for a rapid deployment force to be used potentially against the renewed enemy in Moscow, and when we cheer the supposedly great achievement of the European Union unanimously to endorse sanctions against that same new enemy, when we join the choir denouncing an imagined inherently aggressive China, we are encouraging a bunch of incompetent, politically immature zealots as they trigger chains of events whose likely dire consequences we could not possibly desire.

Karel van Wolferen is a Dutch journalist and retired professor at the University of Amsterdam. His book The Enigma of Japanese Power, first published in 1989, has sold well over 650,000 copies in eleven languages, and he has authored fifteen subsequent books on Japanese politics and society. As a foreign correspondent for NRC Handelsblad , one of Holland’s leading newspapers, he received the highest Dutch award for journalism, and over the years his articles have appeared in The New York Times , The Washington Post , The New Republic , The National Interest , Le Monde , and numerous other newspapers and magazines.

Washington’s Secret Agendas


Washington’s Secret Agendas

One might think that by now even Americans would have caught on to the constant stream of false alarms that Washington sounds in order to deceive the people into supporting its hidden agendas.

The public fell for the lie that the Taliban in Afghanistan are terrorists allied with al Qaeda. Americans fought a war for 13 years that enriched Dick Cheney’s firm, Halliburton, and other private interests only to end in another Washington failure.

The public fell for the lie that Saddam Hussein in Iraq had “weapons of mass destruction” that were a threat to America and that if the US did not invade Iraq Americans risked a “mushroom cloud going up over an American city.” With the rise of ISIS, this long war apparently is far from over. Billions of dollars more in profits will pour into the coffers of the US military security complex as Washington fights those who are redrawing the false Middle East boundaries created by the British and French after WW I when the British and French seized territories of the former Ottoman Empire.

The American public fell for the lies told about Gaddafi in Libya. The formerly stable and prosperous country is now in chaos.

The American public fell for the lie that Iran has, or is building, nuclear weapons. Sanctioned and reviled by the West, Iran has shifted toward an Eastern orientation, thereby removing a principal oil producer from Western influence.

The public fell for the lie that Assad of Syria used “chemical weapons against his own people.” The jihadists that Washington sent to overthrow Assad have turned out to be, according to Washington’s propaganda, a threat to America.

The greatest threat to the world is Washington’s insistence on its hegemony. The ideology of a handful of neoconservatives is the basis for this insistence. We face the situation in which a handful of American neoconservative psychopaths claim to determine the fate of countries.

Many still believe Washington’s lies, but increasingly the world sees Washington as the greatest threat to peace and life on earth. The claim that America is “exceptional and indispensable” is used to justify Washington’s right to dictate to other countries.

The casualties of Washington’s bombings are invariably civilians, and the deaths will produce more recruits for ISIS. Already there are calls for Washington to reintroduce “boots on the ground” in Iraq. Otherwise, Western civilization is doomed, and our heads will be cut off. The newly created propaganda of a “Russian threat” requires more NATO spending and more military bases on Russia’s borders. A “quick reaction force” is being created to respond to a nonexistent threat of a Russian invasion of the Baltics, Poland, and Europe.

Usually it takes the American public a year, or two, three, or four to realize that it has been deceived by lies and propaganda, but by that time the public has swallowed a new set of lies and propaganda and is all concerned about the latest “threat.” The American public seems incapable of understanding that just as the first, second, third, fourth, and fifth, threat was a hoax, so is the sixth threat, and so will be the seventh, eighth, and ninth.

Moreover, none of these American military attacks on other countries has resulted in a better situation, as Vladimir Putin honestly states. Yet, the public and its representatives in Congress support each new military adventure despite the record of deception and failure.

Perhaps if Americans were taught their true history in place of idealistic fairy tales, they would be less gullible and less susceptible to government propaganda. I have recommended Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick’s The Untold History of the US, Howard Zinn’s A People’s History of the US, and now I recommend Stephen Kinzer’s The Brothers, the story of the long rule of John Foster and Allen Dulles over the State Department and CIA and their demonization of reformist governments that they often succeeded in overthrowing. Kinzer’s history of the Dulles brothers’ plots to overthrow six governments provides insight into how Washington operates today.

In 1953 the Dulles brothers overthrew Iran’s elected leader, Mossadegh and imposed the Shah, thus poisoning American-Iranian relations through the present day. Americans might yet be led into a costly and pointless war with Iran, because of the Dulles brothers poisoning of relations in 1953.

The Dulles brothers overthrew Guatemala’s popular president Arbenz, because his land reform threatened the interest of the Dulles brothers’ Sullivan & Cromwell law firm’s United Fruit Company client. The brothers launched an amazing disinformation campaign depicting Arbenz as a dangerous communist who was a threat to Western civilization. The brothers enlisted dictators such as Somoza in Nicaragua and Batista in Cuba against Arbenz. The CIA organized air strikes and an invasion force. But nothing could happen until Arbenz’s strong support among the people in Guatemala could be shattered. The brothers arranged this through Cardinal Spellman, who enlisted Archbishop Rossell y Arellano. “A pastoral letter was read on April 9, 1954 in all Guatemalan churches.”

A masterpiece of propaganda, the pastoral letter misrepresented Arbenz as a dangerous communist who was the enemy of all Guatemalans. False radio broadcasts produced a fake reality of freedom fighter victories and army defections. Arbenz asked the UN to send fact finders, but Washington prevented that from happening. American journalists, with the exception of James Reston, supported the lies. Washington threatened and bought off Guatemala’s senior military commanders, who forced Arbenz to resign. The CIA’s chosen and well paid “liberator,” Col. Castillo Armas, was installed as Arbenz’s successor.

We recently witnessed a similar operation in Ukraine.

President Eisenhower thanked the CIA for averting “a Communist beachhead in our hemisphere,” and Secretary of State John Foster Dulles gave a national TV and radio address in which he declared that the events in Guatemala “expose the evil purpose of the Kremlin.” This despite the uncontested fact that the only outside power operating in Guatemala was the Dulles brothers.

What had really happened is that a democratic and reformist government was overthrown because it compensated United Fruit Company for the nationalization of the company’s fallow land at a value listed by the company on its tax returns. America’s leading law firm or perhaps more accurately, America’s foreign policy-maker, Sullivan & Cromwell, had no intention of permitting a democratic government to prevail over the interests of the law firm’s client, especially when senior partners of the firm controlled both overt and covert US foreign policy. The two brothers, whose family members were invested in the United Fruit Company, simply applied the resources of the CIA, State Department, and US media to the protection of their private interests. The extraordinary gullibility of the American people, the corrupt American media, and the indoctrinated and impotent Congress allowed the Dulles brothers to succeed in overthrowing a democracy.

Keep in mind that this use of the US government in behalf of private interests occurred 60 years ago long before the corrupt Clinton, George W. Bush, and Obama regimes. And no doubt in earlier times as well.

The Dulles brothers next intended victim was Ho Chi Minh. Ho, a nationalist leader, asked for America’s help in freeing Vietnam from French colonial rule. But John Foster Dulles, a self-righteous anti-communist, miscast Ho as a Communist Threat who was springing the domino theory on the Western innocents. Nationalism and anti-colonialism, Foster declared, were merely a cloak for communist subversion.

Paul Kattenburg, the State Department desk officer for Vietnam suggested that instead of war, the US should give Ho $500 million in reconstruction aid to rebuild the country from war and French misrule, which would free Ho from dependence on Russian and Chinese support, and, thereby, influence. Ho appealed to Washington several times, but the demonic inflexibility of the Dulles brothers prevented any sensible response. Instead, the hysteria whipped-up over the “communist threat” by the Dulles brothers landed the United States in the long, costly, fiasco known as the Vietnam War. Kattenburg later wrote that it was suicidal for the US “to cut out its eyes and ears, to castrate its analytic capacity, to shut itself off from the truth because of blind prejudice.” Unfortunately for Americans and the world, castrated analytic capacity is Washington’s strongest suit.

The Dulles brothers’ next targets were President Sukarno of Indonesia, Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of Congo, and Fidel Castro. The plot against Castro was such a disastrous failure that it cost Allen Dulles his job. President Kennedy lost confidence in the agency and told his brother Bobby that after his reelection he was going to break the CIA into a thousand pieces. When President Kennedy removed Allen Dulles, the CIA understood the threat and struck first.

Warren Nutter, my Ph.D. dissertation chairman, later Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs, taught his students that for the US government to maintain the people’s trust, which democracy requires, the government’s policies must be affirmations of our principles and be openly communicated to the people. Hidden agendas, such as those of the Dulles brothers and the Clinton, Bush and Obama regimes, must rely on secrecy and manipulation and, thereby, arouse the distrust of the people. If Americans are too brainwashed to notice, many foreign nationals are not.

The US government’s secret agendas have cost Americans and many peoples in the world tremendously. Essentially, the Foster brothers created the Cold War with their secret agendas and anti-communist hysteria. Secret agendas committed Americans to long, costly, and unnecessary wars in Vietnam and the Middle East. Secret CIA and military agendas intending regime change in Cuba were blocked by President John F. Kennedy and resulted in the assassination of a president, who, for all his faults, was likely to have ended the Cold War twenty years before Ronald Reagan seized the opportunity.

Secret agendas have prevailed for so long that the American people themselves are now corrupted. As the saying goes, “a fish rots from the head.” The rot in Washington now permeates the country.

Le pacte d'Obama avec les Saoudiens et Al-Nosra


Le pacte d'Obama avec les Saoudiens et Al-Nosra

Auteur : Moon of Alabama-Traduction SLT
Ex: http://zejournal.mobi
Obama le Malin

Selon le Wall Street Journal, Obama a fait un pacte avec les Saoudiens. Ils vont légitimer les attaques contre l'Etat islamique et al-Qaïda en Syrie (aka Jabhat al-Nusra) et le gouvernement Obama renversera plus tard le gouvernement syrien du président Assad. Le prince saoudien Bandar, qui approvisionnait les djihadistes, avait été évincé, mais à présent il est bien en cour, et les éditeurs néo-conservateurs de The Economist crient "victoire". Ils ont réussi à obtenir à ce que les Etats-Unis reviennent à nouveau dans leur guerre. Hourra !

Mais à ce que je comprends le rôle d'Obama dans cet accord est censé venir beaucoup plus tard. Il faudra un an pour former des insurgés "modérés, avalisés" en Arabie Saoudite et c'est seulement lorsque ceux-ci seront prêts, que le canard boiteux d'Obama, pourra (ou non) débuter son action militaire. Les électeurs US savent très bien qu'Obama tient toujours ses promesses (ou non). Une année peut être un temps assez long et qui sait ce qui va se passer avant.

L'urgence de l'accord avec les Saoudiens est peut-être survenue du fait que certaines personnes ont ressenti qu'il était maintenant nécessaire d'attaquer les dirigeants d'Al-Qaïda (Jabhat al-Nusra) en Syrie. Cela pourrait aussi provenir des scores faibles d'Obama dans les sondages et de son besoin de garder un Sénat où les Démocrates sont majoritaires après les élections de novembre. La seconde raison semble plus probable.

Pour justifier ce coup sur ce groupe ayant un grand leadership, cette action a dû être différenciée de l'action avec le groupe de "djihadistes modérés" de l'organisation Al-Nosra avec lequel il existe une coopération sur un certain nombre d'autres questions. Le groupe "Khorassan "a été inventé et une campagne de peur a été lancée pour justifier l'attaque. Les médias étatsuniens fort prévisibles ont tout gobé et ont propagé la propagande alarmiste des "responsables" au sujet de "Khorasan". Seulement après que l'attaque ait eu lieu, les doutes ont été autorisées à être diffusées :

Plusieurs des assistants de M. Obama ont déclaré mardi que les frappes aériennes contre les agents de Khorasan ont été lancées pour contrecarrer une attaque terroriste "imminente". Mais d'autres responsables étatsuniens ont déclaré que le complot était loin d'avoir été organisé, et qu'il n'y avait aucune indication que Khorasan ait planifié l'exécution d'un tel complot.

Selon certaines spéculations : Jabhat al-Nusra fait partie de l'organisation al-Qaïda. Elle a été dirigée par les vétérans d'Al-Qaïda qui avaient combattu en Afghanistan et au Pakistan mais sont venus en Syrie où l'insurrection a commencé. Les États-Unis ont rebaptisé ces anciens combattants par le nom de groupe "Khorassan" pour avoir une bonne raison de les éliminer. Leurs remplaçants pourraient bien être des locaux menant les groupes de rebelles en Syrie du sud et désireux de coopérer davantage avec USrael (raccourci entre USA et Israël, ndt). Une nouvelle version plus soft d'al-Qaïda.

L'ensemble de la stratégie déployée dans les différentes guerres par procuration en Syrie et en Irak menée par les forces atlantistes est devenue de plus en plus compliqué. Je ne serais pas étonné de voir Obama jeter l'éponge sur toute cette affaire. Après l'élection en novembre, il pourrait bien dire «stop» et laisser le chaos derrière lui.

mercredi, 01 octobre 2014

Absinthe's Night

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Rencontres eurasistes

Rencontres Eurasistes 

le 18 Octobre à Bruxelles

Pour les réservations : rencontreseurasistes@gmail.com

Veuillez, s'il vous plait, indiquer vos noms et prénoms, l'adresse sera communiquée aux inscrits, merci!


Le crépuscule de l'hyperpuissance américaine


Le crépuscule de l'hyperpuissance américaine (Brzezinski)

Auteur : Tatiana Filiatcheva

Lorsque Zbigniew Brzezinski, auteur du Grand Echiquier, parlait de neutraliser l’éventuelle menace russe en prenant le contrôle des ressources eurasiatiques pour, selon la version vedette officielle, les « redistribuer » selon un principe d’équité dont Washington a le secret, on ne pouvait qu’applaudir son réalisme de géostratège confirmé.

Et pour cause ! Nous étions en 1997. L’ère des Eltsine, des mafias oligarchiques et du grand pillage postsoviétique. Qui aurait cru que la Russie, promise au démembrement, se relèverait en une décennie ?

2001 marqua non seulement la deuxième année du premier mandat de Poutine, une phase transitoire complexe et turbulente pour la Fédération mais aussi le lancement des croisades américaines au Moyen-Orient, soi-disant en réponse au 9/11. Ces deux circonstances aussi symboliques qu’en soi lourdes de conséquences ont prédéterminé la fin de l’hyperpuissance étasunienne. Formulant ce double constat, M. Brzezinski, en spécialiste de la guerre dite indirecte et surtout durable de faible intensité, a pointé du doigt la fort médiocre stratégie de guerre déployée par le couple Maison-Blanche/Pentagone. Il s’agirait d’une stratégie excessivement coûteuse qui a entraîné les USA dans ce que l’inspirateur idéologique de la politique étrangère US a qualifié de «Global Balkans » faisant allusion à cette somme de brasiers qui s’étendent du nord du Kazakhstan à l’océan Indien impliquant ipso facto entre 550 et 600 millions d’habitants. Il est bien bon de mener des guéguerres néocoloniales un peu partout dans le monde du moment que le dollar est hors d’atteinte et que l’opinion publique reste passablement dupe. Ce n’est plus le cas aujourd’hui.

Selon Brzezinski, les heures de l’hyperpuissance belliciste américaine sont révolues. Elle n’a pas les moyens de financer ses multiples campagnes, qu’elles soient directes comme ce fut et reste le cas de l’Irak, ou indirectes comme c’est le cas de l’Ukraine, un dossier d’ailleurs perçu par ce grand manitou de géostratège comme un dernier soubresaut ou une des dernières convulsions de l’expansionnisme étasunien, cela d’autant plus que la Russie, visée en premier lieu, n’a pas cédé à la tentation de riposter.

L’instrumentalisation des talibans contre les Soviétiques, l’anéantissement de l’Irak et de la Lybie que l’on appelait à juste titre la « Suisse du Moyen-Orient », la déstabilisation de la Syrie avec l’Iran pour cible finale sont autant de réalités ultra-évidentes qui interpellent n’importe quel Occidental doué de bon sens. On se souviendra de l’immonde joie éprouvée par les Obama, Sarkozy, BHL et consorts à la nouvelle du lynchage inqualifiable de Kadhafi. Leur réaction fut bien différente lorsque, le 11 septembre 2012, jour hautement symbolique pour les USA, Christopher Stevens, ambassadeur US en Libye, fut lynché de la même manière. Cet évènement démontra avec une éloquence macabre que l’influence américaine prétendument exerçable jusqu’au bout sur des nébuleuses islamistes initialement formées et instrumentalisées n’appartenait plus qu’au passé. La confirmation ne tarda pas à intervenir : le rejet de la Pax Americana se manifesta à travers l’ensemble du monde arabo-musulman, y compris au Maghreb, maintenant conscient de ce que sont véritablement les fameux Printemps dont les dirigeants occidentaux, singeant Washington, faisait la promotion. La récente exécution d’Hervé Gourdel, guide de montagne algérien enlevé en Kabylie, avait pour but d’entraîner l’Algérie dans la campagne occidentale menée contre l’EI. La réaction quasi-immédiate d’Ali Zaoui, ancien militaire algérien et expert en lutte anti-terroriste, convaincu, analyse détaillée et multilatérale à l’appui, que la vidéo de la mise à mort était un faux, reflète bel et bien ce scepticisme ambiant. D’ailleurs, l’analyse de M. Zaoui se double de celle de Louisa Hanoune, candidate aux présidentielles algériennes, secrétaire générale du Parti des travailleurs algérien, ce qui, encore une fois, démontre bien que les manipulations classiques et franchement redondantes des USA ont perdu de leur efficacité.

Deux questions se posent alors :

- Comment faire perdurer la toute-puissance américaine sachant que le monde est en passe de se multipolariser ?

- Les USA, ont-ils besoin de l’Occident pour prolonger leur espérance de vie ?

C’est là qu’il y a une rupture notable entre la stratégie déployée par l’entourage d’Obama et celle que propose, fort de son expérience et de sa lucidité naturelle, Brzezinski. Selon lui, comme la Russie est incontrôlable, de l’adversaire à détruire qu’elle fut jusqu’ici, il conviendrait de la transformer en partenaire. Autrement dit, l’Occident devrait intégrer cette Russie tant exécrée pour la neutraliser d’une manière essentiellement diplomatique. C’est la seule façon de maintenir l’influence américaine dans le monde à travers le ralliement de l’Europe avec la Russie, cette dernière devenant alors plus contrôlable. Cette vision contraste parfaitement avec les sanctions niaises multipliées contre la Russie pour ce qu’elle n’a jamais fait et n’a pas l’intention de faire en Ukraine.

On ignore si Brzezinski sera cette fois écouté. Pour l’instant, cela ne semble pas être le cas. Il n’empêche que du haut de ses 86 ans, presque au seuil de l’Eternité, cet éminent géostratège a eu le courage d’annoncer la fin d’une époque « longue de 500 ans », l’époque qui fut celle de la domination de la civilisation atlantique.

La tyrannie démocratique ?...

La tyrannie démocratique ?...

par vMichel Onfray

Ex: http://metapoinfos.hautetfort.com

Nous reproduisons ci-dessous une chronique de Michel Onfray datée du mois de septembre 2014 et cueillie sur son site personnel. Une prise de position, parmi d'autres de l'auteur, qui énerve les aboyeurs stipendiés du système...



La tyrannie démocratique

Pour les besoins d’un travail en cours, je reprends mes fiches sur Platon. Relisant mes notes concernant La République, je tombe sur une critique de la démocratie qui me stupéfie par sa vérité.

La démocratie, c’est sa nature, s’avère le régime le plus à même de donner ses chances à l’exercice de la liberté. Mais, anthropologie oblige, la pente naturelle des hommes consiste à vouloir toujours plus de liberté. Chacun veut pouvoir faire ce qu’il veut, quand il veut, comme il veut, sans se soucier d’autrui. L’autorité passe pour une contrainte inadmissible. Elle est vilipendée, détestée, détruite. Si un chef n’est pas assez docile aux revendications de son peuple, il passe pour un tyran, un dictateur, aujourd’hui on dirait : un fasciste, un stalinien…

Platon écrit qu’une cité de ce genre « loue et honore, dans le privé comme en public, les gouvernants qui ont l’air de gouvernés et les gouvernés qui prennent l’air de gouvernants » (562,d). L’actualité lui donne raison : Giscard se faisant photographier torse nu et velu dans une piscine, jouant au football avec une culotte à manches courtes, Sarkozy filmé lui aussi dans ce genre de culotte devenue bouffante pour son format, suant, transpirant, trempé d’humeurs montrées comme les saintes huiles, Hollande se voulant un président normal et photographié en short et polo sur la plage ou arborant un sourire béat sous une pluie battante pour montrer qu’il mouille sous l’averse comme chacun de ses électeurs, nos présidents veulent montrer qu’ils sont comme tout le monde – poilus, sportifs, en sueur, mouillés par la pluie…

De même les exemples de gouvernés qui prennent l’air de gouvernants ne manquent pas : les joueurs de foot décérébrés, les comédiens incultes, les acteurs narcissiques, les vedettes de télévision, les chanteurs de ritournelles à deux neurones ou les stars du rap se comportent dans la vie comme s’ils étaient des princes, des rois, des empereurs à qui tout est dû.

Il en va de même avec le quidam qui se comporte avec ses semblables comme un Roi dans son royaume : malpoli avec son téléphone portable quand il nous inflige ses conversations indigentes, fonçant dans le troupeau pour s’asseoir à la meilleure place en écrasant un ancien ou en piétinant une femme enceinte, passant devant tout le monde dans une file d’attente, se bâfrant d’une poignée de cerises ou d’un abricot pour goûter avant d’acheter… sans acheter, les exemples ne manquent pas.

Le résultat écrit Platon est « que le père s’accoutume à traiter son fils comme son égal et à redouter ses enfants, que le fils s’égale à son père et n’a ni respect ni crainte pour ses parents, parce qu’il veut être libre, que le métèque devient l’égal du citoyen, le citoyen du métèque, et l’étranger pareillement » (562, e-563, a). Parce que le fils ne craint plus le père ni l’élève son maître, c’est le père qui craint son fils et le maître son élève. La peur qui existait de l’inférieur au supérieur ne disparait pas, elle s’inverse : le supérieur se met alors à craindre l’inférieur. Mais la crainte n’a pas disparu. « Ainsi l’excès de liberté doit aboutir à un excès de servitude, et dans l’individu et dans l’Etat » (564,a). La flatterie devient la règle – la démagogie en est la forme contemporaine. Petit à petit, à force de démocratie, le démocrate fait le lit du tyran.

Impressionnant de vérité…

Michel Onfray (Chronique mensuelle de Michel Onfray, septembre 2014)

Riprendersi Giovanni Gentile

Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative?


Will Russia and China Hold Their Fire Until War Is the Only Alternative?

Obama’s September 24 speech at the UN is the most absurd thing I have heard in my entire life. It is absolutely amazing that the president of the United States would stand before the entire world and tell what everyone knows are blatant lies while simultaneously demonstrating Washington’s double standards and belief that Washington alone, because the US is exceptional and indispensable, has the right to violate all law.

It is even more amazing that every person present did not get up and walk out of the assembly.

The diplomats of the world actually sat there and listened to blatant lies from the world’s worst terrorist. They even clapped their approval.

The rest of the speech was just utter bullshit: “We stand at a crossroads,” “signposts of progress,” “reduced chance of war between major powers,” “hundreds of millions lifted from poverty,” and while ebola ravages Africa “we’ve learned how to cure disease and harness the power of the wind and the sun.” We are now God. “We” is comprised of the “exceptional people”–Americans. No one else counts. “We” are it.

It is impossible to pick the most absurd statement in Obama’s speech or the most outrageous lie. Is it this one? “Russian aggression in Europe recalls the days when large nations trampled small ones in pursuit of territorial ambition.”

Or is it this one? “After the people of Ukraine mobilized popular protests and calls for reform, their corrupt president fled.  Against the will of the government in Kiev, Crimea was annexed.  Russia poured arms into eastern Ukraine, fueling violent separatists and a conflict that has killed thousands.  When a civilian airliner was shot down from areas that these proxies controlled, they refused to allow access to the crash for days.  When Ukraine started to reassert control over its territory, Russia gave up the pretense of merely supporting the separatists, and moved troops across the border.”

The entire world knows that Washington overthrew the elected Ukrainian government, that Washington refuses to release its satellite photos of the destruction of the Malaysian airliner, that Ukraine refuses to release its air traffic control instructions to the airliner, that Washington has prevented a real investigation of the airliner’s destruction, that European experts on the scene have testified that both sides of the airliner’s cockpit demonstrate machine gun fire, an indication that the airliner was shot down by the Ukrainian jets that were following it. Indeed, there has been no explanation why Ukrainian jets were close on the heels of an airliner directed by Ukrainian air traffic control.

The entire world knows that if Russia had territorial ambitions, when the Russian military defeated the American trained and supplied Georgian army that attacked South Ossetia, Russia would have kept Georgia and reincorporated it within Russia where it resided for centuries.

Notice that it is not aggression when Washington bombs and invades seven countries in 13 years without a declaration of war. Aggression occurs when Russia accepts the petition of Crimeans who voted 97 percent in favor of reuniting with Russia where Crimea resided for centuries before Khrushchev attached it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine in 1954 when Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country.

And the entire world knows that, as the separatist leader of the Donetsk Republic said, “If Russian military units were fighting with us, the news would not be the fall of Mariupol but the fall of Kiev and Lviv.”

Which is “the cancer of violent extremism”–ISIS which cut off the heads of four journalists, or Washington which has bombed seven countries in the 21st century murdering hundreds of thousands of civilians and displacing millions?

Who is the worst terrorist–ISIS, a group that is redrawing the artificial boundaries created by British and French colonialists, or Washington with its Wolfowitz Doctrine, the basis of US foreign policy, which declares Washington’s dominant objective to be US hegemony over the world?

ISIS is the creation of Washington. ISIS consists of the jihadists Washington used to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and then sent to Syria to overthrow Assad. If ISIS is a “network of death,” a “brand of evil” with which negotiation is impossible as Obama declares, it is a network of death created by the Obama regime itself. If ISIS poses the threat that Obama claims, how can the regime that created the threat be credible in leading the fight against it?

Obama never mentioned in his speech the central problem that the world faces. That problem is Washington’s inability to accept the existence of strong independent countries such as Russia and China. The neoconservative Wolfowitz Doctrine commits the United States to maintaining its status as the sole Unipower. This task requires Washington “to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power.” A “hostile power” is any country that has sufficient power or influence to be able to limit Washington’s exercise of power.

The Wolfowitz Doctrine explicitly targets Russia: “Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival, either on the territory of the former Soviet Union or elsewhere.” A “rival” is defined as any country capable of defending its interests or those of allies against Washington’s hegemony.

In his speech, Obama told Russia and China that they can be part of Washington’s world order on the condition that they accept Washington’s hegemony and do not interfere in any way with Washington’s control. When Obama tells Russia that the US will cooperate with Russia “if Russia changes course,” Obama means that Moscow must accept the primacy of Washington’s interest over Russia’s own interest.

Clearly, this is an inflexible and unrealistic position. If Washington keeps to it, war with Russia and China will ensue.

Obama told China that Washington intended to continue to be a Pacific power in China’s sphere of influence, “promoting peace, stability, and the free flow of commerce among nations” by building new US air and naval bases from the Philippines to Vietnam so that Washington can control the flow of resources in the South China Sea and cut off China at will.

As far as I can tell, neither the Russian nor Chinese governments understand the seriousness of the threat that Washington represents. Washington’s claim to world hegemony seems too farfetched to Russia and China to be real. But it is very real.

By refusing to take the threat seriously, Russia and China have not responded in ways that would bring an end to the threat without the necessity of war.

For example, the Russian government could most likely destroy NATO by responding to sanctions imposed by Washington and the EU by informing European governments that Russia does not sell natural gas to members of NATO. Instead of using this power, Russia has foolishly allowed the EU to accumulate record amounts of stored natural gas to see homes and industry through the coming winter.

Has Russia sold out its national interests for money?

Much of Washington’s power and financial hegemony rests on the role of the US dollar as world reserve currency. Russia and China have been slow, even negligent from the standpoint of defending their sovereignty, to take advantage of opportunities to undermine this pillar of Washington’s power. For example, the BRICS’ talk of abandoning the dollar payments system has been more talk than action. Russia doesn’t even require Washington’s European puppet states to pay for Russian natural gas in rubles.

One might think that a country such as Russia experiencing such extreme hostility and demonization from the West would at least use the gas sales to support its own currency instead of Washington’s dollar. If the Russian government is going to continue to support the economies of European countries hostile to Russia and to prevent the European peoples from freezing during the coming winter, shouldn’t Russia in exchange for this extraordinary subsidy to its enemies at least arrange to support its own currency by demanding payment in rubles? Unfortunately for Russia, Russia is infected with Western trained neoliberal economists who represent Western, not Russian, interests.

When the West sees such extraordinary weakness on the part of the Russian government, Obama knows he can go to the UN and tell the most blatant lies about Russia with no cost whatsoever to the US or Europe. Russian inaction subsidizes Russia’s demonization.

China has been no more successful than Russia in using its opportunities to destabilize Washington. For example, it is a known fact, as Dave Kranzler and I have repeatedly demonstrated, that the Federal Reserve uses its bullion bank agents to knock down the gold price in order to protect the dollar’s value from the Federal Reserve’s policies. The method used is for the bullion banks to drive down the gold price with enormous amounts of naked shorts during periods of low or nonexistent volume.

China or Russia or both could take advantage of this tactic by purchasing every naked short sold plus all covered shorts, if any, and demanding delivery instead of settling the contracts in cash. Neither New York Comex nor the London market could make delivery, and the system would implode. The consequence of the failure to deliver possibly could be catastrophic for the Western financial system, but in the least it would demonstrate the corrupt nature of Western financial institutions.

Or China could deal a more lethal blow. Choosing a time of heightened concern or disruptions in US financial markets, China could dump its trillion dollar plus holdings of US treasuries, or indeed all its holdings of US financial instruments, on the market. The Federal Reserve and the US Treasury could try to stabilize the prices of US financial instruments by creating money with which to purchase the bonds and other instruments. This money creation would increase concern about the dollar’s value, and at that point China could dump the trillion dollars plus it receives from its bond sales on the exchange market. The Federal Reserve cannot print foreign currencies with which to buy up the dollars. The dollar’s exchange value would collapse and with it the dollar’s use as world reserve currency. The US would become just another broke country unable to pay for its imports.

Possibly, Washington could get Japan and the European Central Bank to print enough yen and euros to buy up the dumped dollars. However, the likelihood is that this would bring down the yen and euro along with the dollar.

Flight would occur into the Chinese and Russian currencies, and financial hegemony would depart the West.

By their restraint, Russia and China enable Washington’s attack upon them. Last week Washington put thousands of its NGO operatives into the Moscow streets protesting “Putin’s war against Ukraine.” Foolishly, Russia has permitted foreign interests to buy up its newspapers, and these interests continually denounce Putin and the Russian government to their Russian readers.

Did Russia sell its soul and communication system for dollars? Did a few oligarchs sell out Russia for Swiss and London bank deposits?

Both Russia and China have Muslim populations among whom the CIA operates encouraging disassociation, rebellion, and violence. Washington intends to break up the Russian Federation into smaller, weaker countries that could not stand in the way of Washington’s hegemony. Russian and Chinese fear of discord among their own Muslim populations have caused both governments to make the extremely serious strategic mistake of aligning with Washington against ISIS and with Washington’s policy of protecting Washington’s status quo in the Muslim world.

If Russia and China understood the deadly threat that Washington presents, both governments would operate according to the time honored principle that “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.” Russia and China would arm ISIS with surface to air missiles to bring down the American planes and with military intelligence in order to achieve an American defeat. With defeat would come the overthrow of Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Jordan, Egypt and all of the American puppet rulers in the area. Washington would lose control over oil, and the petro-dollar would be history. It is extraordinary that instead Russia and China are working to protect Washington’s control over the Middle East and the petro-dollar.

China is subject to a variety of attacks. The Rockefeller Foundation creates American agents in Chinese universities, or so I am informed by Chinese academics. American companies that locate in China create Chinese boards on which they place the relatives of local and regional party officials. This shifts loyalty from the central government to the American money. Moreover, China has many economists educated in the US who are imbued with the neoliberal economics that represents Washington’s interests.

Both Russia and China have significant percentages of their populations who wish to be western. The failure of communism in both countries and the success of American cold war propaganda have created loyalties to America in place of their own governments. In Russia they go by the designation “Atlanticist Integrationists.” They are Russians who wish to be integrated into the West. I know less about the Chinese counterpart, but among youth Western materialism and lack of sexual restraint is appealing.

The inability of the Russian and Chinese governments to come to terms with the threat posed to their existence as sovereign countries by the neoconservative insistence on American world hegemony makes nuclear war more likely. If Russia and China catch on too late in the game, their only alternative will be war or submission to Washington’s hegemony. As there is no possibility of the US and NATO invading and occupying Russia and China, the war would be nuclear.

To avoid this war, which, as so many experts have shown, would terminate life on earth, the Russian and Chinese governments must soon become far more realistic in their assessment of the evil that resides in what Washington has turned into the world’s worst terrorist state–the US.

It is possible that Russia, China, and the rest of the world will be saved by American economic collapse. The US economy is a house of cards. Real median family incomes are in long-term decline. Universities produce graduates with degrees and heavy debts but no jobs. The bond market is rigged by the Federal Reserve which necessitates rigging the bullion markets in order to protect the dollar. The stock market is rigged by the outpouring of money from the Federal Reserve, by the Plunge Protection Team, and by corporations repurchasing their own stock. The dollar is supported by tradition, habit, and currency swaps.

The American House of Cards continues to stand only as a result of the tolerance of the world for vast corruption and disinformation and because greed is satisfied by the money made from a rigged system.

Russia and/or China could pull down this House of Cards whenever either country or both had leadership capable of it.

Egalitarianism and the Elites

Egalitarianism and the Elites

The Review of Austrian Economics Vol. 8, No. 2 (1995): 39-57

The Alleged Self-Evidence of Equality

defend-equality.jpgOne of the great glories of mankind is that, in contrast to other species, each individual is unique, and hence irreplaceable; whatever the similarities and common attributes among men, it is their differences that lead us to honor, or celebrate, or deplore the qualities or actions of any particular person. [1] t is the diversity, the heterogeneity, of human beings that is one of the most striking attributes of mankind.

This fundamental heterogeneity makes all the more curious the pervasive modern ideal of “equality.” For “equality” means “sameness”—two entities are “equal” if and only if they are the same thing. X = y only if they are either identical, or they are two entities that are the same in some attribute. If x, y, and z are “equal in length,” it means that each one of them is identical in length, say 3 feet. People, then, can only be “equal” to the extent that they are identical in some attribute: thus, if Smith, Jones and Robinson are each 5 feet, 11 inches in height, then they are “equal” in height. But except for these special cases, people are heterogeneous, and diverse, that is, they are “unequal.” Diversity, and hence “inequality,” is therefore a fundamental fact of the human race. So how do we account for the almost universal contemporary worship at the shrine of “equality,” so much so that it has virtually blotted out other goals or principles of ethics? And taking the lead in this worship have been philosophers, academics, and other leaders and members of the intellectual elites, followed by the entire troop of opinion-molders in modern society, including pundits, journalists, ministers, public school teachers, counselors, human relations consultants and “therapists.” And yet, it should be almost evidently clear that a drive to pursue “equality” starkly violates the essential nature of mankind, and therefore can only be pursued, let alone attempt to succeed, by the use of extreme coercion.

The current veneration of equality is, indeed, a very recent notion in the history of human thought. Among philosophers or prominent thinkers the idea scarcely existed before the mid-eighteenth century; if mentioned, it was only as the object of horror or ridicule.[2] The profoundly anti-human and violently coercive nature of egalitarianism was made clear in the influential classical myth of Procrustes, who “forced passing travellers to lie down on a bed, and if they were too long for the bed he lopped off those parts of their bodies which protruded, while racking out the legs of the ones who were too short. This was why he was given the name of Procrustes [The Racker].”[3]

One of the rare modern philosophers critical of equality made the point that “we can ask whether one man is as tall as another, or we may, like Procrustes, seek to establish equality among all men in this respect.”[4] But our fundamental answer to the question whether equality exists in the real world must be clearly that it does not, and any quest “to establish equality” can only result in the grotesque consequences of any Procrustean effort. How, then, can we not regard Procrustes’s egalitarian “ideal” as anything but monstrous and unnatural? The next logical question is why Procrustes chooses to pursue such a clearly anti-human goal, and one that can only lead to catastrophic results?

In the context of the Greek myth, Procrustes is simply pursuing a lunatic “aesthetic” goal, presumably following his personal star of every person being precisely equal in height to the length of his bed. And yet, this sort of non-argument, this bland assumption that the ideal of equality needs no justification, is endemic among egalitarians. Thus, the argument of the distinguished Chicago economist Henry C. Simons for a progressive income tax was that he found inequality of income “distinctly evil or unlovely.”[5]  Presumably, Procrustes might have used the same sort of “argument” in behalf of the “unlovely” nature of inequality of height had he bothered to write an essay advocating his particular egalitarian program. Indeed, most writers simply assume that equality is and must be the overriding goal of society, and that it scarcely needs any supporting argument at all, even a flimsy argument from personal esthetics. Robert Nisbet was and is still correct when he wrote, two decades ago, that

It is evident that . . . the idea of equality will be sovereign for the rest of this century in just about all circles concerned with the philosophical bases of public policy. … In the past, unifying ideas tended to be religious in substance. There are certainly signs that    equality is taking on a sacred aspect among many minds today, that it is rapidly acquiring dogmatic status, at least among a great many philosophers and social scientists.[6]

The Oxford sociologist A. H. Halsey, indeed, was “unable to divine any reason other than ‘malevolence’ why anyone should want to stand” in the way of his egalitarian program. Presumably that “malevolence” could only be diabolic.[7]

“Equality” in What?

Let us now examine the egalitarian program more carefully: what, exactly, is supposed to be rendered equal? The older, or “classic,” answer was monetary incomes. Money incomes were supposed to be made equal.

On the surface, this seemed clear-cut, but grave difficulties arose quickly. Thus, should the equal income be per person, or per household? If wives don’t work, should the family income rise proportionately? Should children be forced to work in order to come under the “equal” rubric, and if so at what age? Furthermore, is not wealth as important as annual income? If A and B each earn $50,000 a year, but A possesses accumulated wealth of $1,000,000 and B owns virtually nothing, their equal incomes scarcely reflect an equality of financial position.[8]  But if A is taxed more heavily due to his accumulation, isn’t this an extra penalty on thrift and savings? And how are these problems to be resolved?

But even setting aside the problem of wealth, and focussing on income, can incomes ever really be equalized? Surely, the item to be equalized cannot be simply monetary income. Money is, after all, only a paper ticket, a unit of account, so that the element to be equalized cannot be a mere abstract number but must be the goods and services that can be purchased with that money. The world-egalitarian (and surely the truly committed egalitarian can hardly stop at a national boundary) is concerned to equalize not currency totals but actual purchasing-power. Thus, if A receives an income of 10,000 drachmas a year and B earns 50,000 forints, the equalizer will have to figure out how many forints are actually equivalent to one drachma in purchasing power, before he can wield his equalizing axe correctly. In short, what the economist refers to as “real” and not mere monetary incomes must be equalized for all.

But once the egalitarian agrees to focus on real incomes, he is caught in a thicket of inescapable and insoluble problems. For a large number of goods and services are not homogeneous, and cannot be replicated for all. One of the goods that a Greek may consume with his drachmas is living in, or spending a great deal of time in, the Greek islands. This service (of continuously enjoying the Greek islands) is barred ineluctably to the Hungarian, to the American and to everyone else in the world. In the same way, dining regularly at an outdoor cafe on the Danube is an estimable service denied all the rest of us who do not live in Hungary.


How, then, is real income to be equalized throughout the world? How can the enjoyment of the Greek islands or dining on the Danube be measured, much less gauged by the egalitarian against other services of location? If I am a Nebraskan, and exchange rate manipulations have allegedly equated my income with a Hungarian, how is living in Nebraska to be compared with living in Hungary? The bog gets worse on contemplation. If the egalitarian considers that Danube-enjoyment is somehow superior to enjoying the sights and scenes of Omaha, or a Nebraska farm, on exactly what basis is the egalitarian going to tax the Hungarian and subsidize everyone else? How is he to measure, in monetary terms, the “value of dining on the Danube?” Obviously, the stern rigors of natural law prevent him, much as he would clearly like to do so, from taking the Danube physically and parcelling it out equally to every inhabitant throughout the world. And what of people who prefer the views of and life in a Nebraska farm community to the sins of Budapest? Who, then, is to be taxed and who subsidized and by how much?

Perhaps in desperation, the egalitarian might fall back on the view that everyone’s location reflects his preferences, and that we can therefore simply assume that locations can be neglected in the great egalitarian re-ordering. But while it is true that virtually every spot on the globe is beloved by someone, it is also true that, by and large, some locations are greatly preferred to others. And the location problem occurs within as well as between countries. It is generally acknowledged, both by its residents and by envious outsiders, that the Bay Area of San Francisco is, by climate and topography, far closer to an earthly Paradise than, say West Virginia or Hoboken, New Jersey. Why then don’t these benighted outlanders move to the Bay Area? In the first place, many of them have, but others are barred by the fact of its relatively small size, which (among other, man-made restrictions, such as zoning laws), severely limits migration opportunities. So, in the name of egalitarianism, should we levy a special tax on Bay Area residents and on other designated garden spots, to reduce their psychic income of enjoyment, and then subsidize the rest of us? And how about pouring subsidies into specially designated Dismal Areas, again in the pursuit of equal real incomes? And how is the equalizing government supposed to find out how much people in general, and a fortiori each individual resident, love the Bay Area and how much negative income they suffer from living in, say, West Virginia or Hoboken? Obviously, we can’t ask the various residents how much they love or hate their residential areas, for the residents of every location from San Francisco to Hoboken, would have every incentive to lie—to rush to proclaim to the authorities how much they revile the place where they live.

And location is only one of the most obvious examples of non-homogeneous goods and services which cannot be possibly equalized across the nation or the world.



Moreover, even if wealth and real incomes are both equalized, how are people, their abilities, cultures, and traits, to be equalized? Even if the monetary position of each family is the same, will not children be born into families with very different natures, abilities, and qualities? Isn’t that, to use a notorious egalitarian term, “unfair”? How then can families be made equal, that is, uniform? Doesn’t a child in a cultured and intelligent and wise family enjoy an “unfair” advantage over a child in a broken, moronic, and “dysfunctional” home? The egalitarian must therefore press forward and advocate, as have many communist theorists, the nationalization of all kids from birth, and their rearing in legal and identical state nurseries. But even here the goal of equality and uniformity cannot be achieved. The pesky problem of location will remain, and a state nursery in the Bay Area, even if otherwise identical in every way with one in the wilds of central Pennsylvania, will still enjoy inestimable advantages—or, at the very least, ineradicable differences from the other nurseries. But apart from location, the people—the administrators, nurses, teachers, inside and outside of the various encampments—will all be different, thus giving each child an inescapably different experience, and wrecking the quest for equality for all.

Of course, suitable brainwashing, bureaucratization, and the general robotization and deadening of spirit in the state encampments may help reduce all the teachers and nurses, as well as the children, to a lower and more common denominator, but ineradicable differences and advantages will still remain.

And even if, for the sake of argument, we can assume general equality of income and wealth, other inequalities will not only remain, but, in a world of equal incomes, they will become still more glaring and more important in weighing people. Differences of position, differences of occupation, and inequalities in the job hierarchy and therefore in status and prestige will become even more important, since income and wealth will no longer be a gauge for judging or rating people. Differences in prestige between physicians and carpenters, or between top executives and laborers, will become still more accentuated. Of course, job prestige can be equalized by eliminating hierarchy altogether, abolishing all organizations, corporations, volunteer groups, etc. Everyone will then be equal in rank and decisionmaking power. Differences in prestige could only be eliminated by entering the Marxian heaven and abolishing all specialization and division of labor among occupations, so that everyone would do everything. But in that sort of economy, the human race would die out with remarkable speed.[9]

The New Coercive Elite

When we confront the egalitarian movement, we begin to find the first practical, if not logical, contradiction within the program itself: that its outstanding advocates are not in any sense in the ranks of the poor and oppressed, but are Harvard, Yale, and Oxford professors, as well as other leaders of the privileged social and power elite. What kind of “egalitarianism” is this? If this phenomenon is supposed to embody a massive assumption of liberal guilt, then it is curious that we see very few of this breast-beating elite actually divesting themselves of their worldly goods, prestige, and status, and go live humbly and anonymously among the poor and destitute. Quite the contrary, they seem not to stumble a step on their climb to wealth, fame, and power. Instead, they invariably bask in the congratulations of themselves and their like-minded colleagues of the high-minded morality in which they have all cloaked themselves.

Perhaps the answer to this puzzle lies in our old friend Procrustes. Since no two people are uniform or “equal” in any sense in nature, or in the outcomes of a voluntary society, to bring about and maintain such equality necessarily requires the permanent imposition of a power elite armed with devastating coercive power. For an egalitarian program clearly requires a powerful ruling elite to wield the formidable weapons of coercion and even terror required to operate the Procrustean rack: to try to force everyone into an egalitarian mold. Hence, at least for the ruling elite, there is no “equality” here—only vast inequalities of power, decisionmaking, and undoubtedly, income and wealth as well.

Thus, the English philosopher Antony Flew points out that “the Procrustean ideal has, as it is bound to have, the most powerful attraction for those already playing or hoping in the future to play prominent or rewarding parts in the machinery of enforcement.” Flew notes that this Procrustean ideal is “the uniting and justifying ideology of a rising class of policy advisors and public welfare professionals,” adding significantly that “these are all people both professionally involved in, and owing to their past and future advancement to, the business of enforcing it.”[10]

That the necessary consequence of an egalitarian program is the decidedly inegalitarian creation of a ruthless power elite was recognized and embraced by the English Marxist-Lenist sociologist Frank Parkin. Parkin concluded that “Egalitarianism seems to require a political system in which the state is able to hold in check those social and occupational groups which, by virtue of their skills or education or personal attributes, might otherwise attempt to stake claims to a disproportionate share of society’s rewards. The most effective way of holding such groups in check is by denying the right to organize politically, or, in other ways, to undermine social equality. This presumably is the reasoning underlying the Marxist-Leninist case for a political order based upon the dictatorship of the proletariat.”[11]

But how is it that Parkin and his egalitarian ilk never seem to realize that this explicit assault on “social equality” leads to tremendous inequalities of power, decisionmaking authority, and, inevitably, income and wealth? Indeed, why is this seemingly obvious question never so much as raised among them? Could there be hypocrisy or even deceit at work?

The Iron Law of Oligarchy

One reason that an egalitarian political program must lead to the installation of a new coercive political elite is that hierarchies and inequalities of decisionmaking are inevitable in any human organization that achieves any degree of success in attaining its goals.

Robert Michels first observed this Iron Law of Oligarchy, in seeing the Social Democratic parties of Europe in the late nineteenth century, officially committed to equality and abolition of the division of labor, in practice being run by a small ruling elite. And there is nothing, outside of egalitarian fantasies, wrong with this universal human fact, or law of nature. In any group or organization, there will arise a core leadership of those most able, energetic, and committed to the organization, I know, for example, of a small but increasingly successful volunteer, musical society in New York. Although there is a governing board elected annually by its members, the group has for years been governed by the benevolent but absolute autocratic rule of its president, a lady who is highly intelligent, innovative, and, though employed full-time elsewhere, able and willing to devote an incredible amount of time and energy to this organization. Several years ago some malcontent challenged this rule, but the challenge was easily beaten back, since every rational member knew full well that she was absolutely vital to the success of the organization.

Not only is there nothing wrong with this situation, but blessed be the group where such a person exists and can come to the fore! There is, in fact, everything right about a rise to power, in voluntary or market organizations, of the most able and efficient, of a “natural aristocracy,” in Jeffersonian terms. Democratic voting, at its best when shareholders of a corporation vote the aliquot share of their ownership of a company’s assets, is only secondarily useful as a method of displacing natural aristocrats or “monarchs” gone sour, or, in Aristotelian terms, who have deteriorated from “monarch” to “tyrants.” Democratic voting, therefore, is even at its best scarcely even a primary good, let alone a good-in-itself to be glorified or even deified.

During a period in the mid-1960s, the New Left, before it hived off into Stalinism and bizarre violence, was trying to put into effect a new political theory: participatory democracy. Participatory democracy sounded libertarian, since the idea was that majority rule, even in a private and voluntary organization, is “coercive,” and therefore that all decisions of that organization must be stripped of oligarchic rule. Every member would then participate equally, and furthermore, every member would have to give his or her consent to any decision. In a sense, this Unanimity Rule foreshadowed and paralleled the Unanimity Rule of James Buchanan and of Paretian “welfare economics.”

A friend of mine was teaching about the history of Vietnam at the New Leftist Free University of New York, originally a scholarly organization founded by a young sociologist couple. The Free University set out to govern itself on participatory democratic principles. The governing body, the board of the Free University, therefore consisted of the “staff”—the sociologist couple—plus any students (who paid a modest tuition) or teachers (unpaid) who cared to attend the board’s meetings. All were equal, the founding staff was no more powerful than any teacher or wandering student. All decisions of the school, from courses taught, room assignments, and on down to whether or not the school needed a paint job and what color the paint should be, were decided by the board, never by voting but always by unanimous consent.

Here was a fascinating sociological experiment. Not only, as one might expect, were very few decisions of any sort reached, but the “board meeting” stretched on endlessly, so that the board meeting expanded to become life itself—a kind of Sartrian No Exit situation. When my friend left the perpetual meeting each day at 5:00 pm to go home, he was accused of abandoning the meeting and thereby “betraying the collective” and the school by attempting to live some sort of private life outside the meeting. Perhaps this is what the current leftist political theorists who exalt the “public life” and “civic virtue” have in mind: private lives being forsaken on behalf of the permanent floating “civically virtuous” collective meeting of “the community!”

It should not come as any surprise to reveal that the Free University of New York did not last very long. In point of fact, it quickly deteriorated from a scholarly outfit to the “teaching” of New Left astrology, tarot cards, channeling, eurythmics, and whatnot as the scholars all fled before the mass man, or as a sociological Gresham’s Law came into action. (As for the founding couple, the female wound up in jail for unsuccessfully trying to blow up a bank, while the male, getting increasingly glassy-eyed, in a feat of sociological legerdemain, talked himself into the notion that the only moral occupation for a revolutionary sociologist was that of radio repairman.)

New Left educational theory, during that period, also permeated more orthodox colleges throughout the country. In those days, the doctrine was not so much that teaching had to be “politically correct,” but that the normal teacher-student relation was evil because inherently unequal and hierarchical. Since the teacher is assumed to know more than the student, therefore, the truly egalitarian and “democratic” form of education, the way to put teacher and student on an equal footing, is to scrap course content altogether and to sit around discussing the student’s “feelings.” Not only are all feelings in some sense equal, at least in the sense that one person’s feelings cannot be considered “superior” to others, but those feelings are supposedly the only subjects “relevant” to students. One problem that this doctrine raised, of course, is why the students, or more correctly their long-suffering parents, should pay faculty who are qualified in knowledge of economics, sociology, or whatever but not in psychotherapy, to sit around gabbing about the students’ feelings?

Institutionalizing Envy

As I have elaborated elsewhere, the egalitarian impulse, once granted legitimacy, cannot be appeased. If monetary or real incomes become equalized, or even if decisionmaking power should be equalized, other differences among persons become magnified and irritating to the egalitarian: inequalities in looks, intelligence, and so on.[12]  One intriguing point however: there are some inequalities that never seem to outrage egalitarians, namely income inequalities among those who directly supply consumer services—notably athletes, movie and TV entertainers, artists, novelists, playwrights, and rock musicians. Perhaps this is the reason for the persuasive power of Robert Nozick’s famous “Wilt Chamberlain” example in defense of market-determined incomes. There are two possible explanations: (1) that these consumer values are held by the egalitarians themselves and are therefore considered legitimate, or (2) that, with the exception of athletics, these are fields implicitly recognized as dominated nowadays by forms of entertainment and art that require no real talent. Differences in income, therefore, are equivalent to winning at a lottery, and lottery or sweepstake winners are universally lauded as purely “lucky,” with no envy of superior attributes to be attached to them.[13]

The German sociologist Helmut Schoeck has pointed out that modern egalitarianism is essentially an institutionalization of envy. In contrast to successful or functional societies, where envy is always considered a shameful emotion, egalitarianism sets up a pervasive attitude that the exciting of envy by manifesting some form of superiority is considered the greatest evil. Or, as Schoeck put it, “the highest value is envy-avoidance.”[14]  Indeed, communist anarchists explicitly aim to stamp out private property because they believe that property gives rise to inequality, and therefore to feelings of envy, and hence “causes” crimes of violence against those with more property. But as Schoeck points out, economic egalitarianism would then not be sufficient: and compulsory uniformity of looks, intelligence, etc. would have to follow.[15]

But even if all possible inequalities and difference among individuals could somehow be eradicated, Helmut Schoeck adds, there still would remain an irreducible element: the mere existence of individual privacy. As Schoeck puts it, “if a man really makes use of his right to be alone, the annoyance, envy, and mistrust of his fellow citizens will be aroused. . . . Anyone who cuts himself off, who draws his curtains and spends any length of time outside the range of observation, is always seen as a potential heretic, a snob, a conspirator.”[16] After some amusing comments about suspicion of the “sin of privacy” in American culture, particularly in the widespread open-door policy among academics, Schoeck turns to the Israeli kibbutz and to its widely and overly revered philosopher, Martin Buber. Buber maintained that to constitute a “real community,” the absolutely equal members of the kibbutz must “have mutual access to one another and [be] ready for one another.” As Schoeck interprets Buber: “a community of equals, where no one ought to envy anyone else, is not guaranteed by absence of possessions alone, but requires mutual possession, in purely human terms. … Everyone must always have time for everybody else, and anyone who hoards his time, his leisure hours, and his privacy excludes himself.”[17]

The New Group Egalitarianism

So far we have been describing what may be called “classical,” or the Old, egalitarianism, aimed to make all individuals in some sense equal, generally in income and wealth. But in recent years, we have all been subjected to a burgeoning and accelerating New Egalitarianism, which stresses not that every individual must be made equal, but that the income, prestige, and status of a seemingly endless proliferation of “groups” must be made equal to each other.

At first blush, it might seem that the new group egalitarianism is less extreme or unrealistic than the old individual creed. For if every individual is really totally equal to every other in income, wealth, or status, then it will follow logically that any subset of groups of such individuals will be equal as well. Shifting emphasis from individual to group egalitarianism must therefore imply settling for a less severe degree of equality. But this conclusion misconceives the whole point of egalitarianism, old or new. No egalitarian actually expects ever to be in a state of absolute equality, still less does he begin his analysis with that starting point.

Perhaps we can illuminate the true nature of the egalitarian drive, and the relationship between the Old and the New movements, by focussing not, as is usually done, on their patently absurd and self-contradictory ostensible goals of equality, but on the required means to attain such goals: namely the coming to power of the Procrustean State apparatus, the new coercive elite. Who are the Procrustean elite? That is, which groups are needed to constitute such an elite? By an odd coincidence, the makeup of such groups seems to correspond, almost one-to-one, to those people who have been most enthusiastic about egalitarianism over the years: intellectuals, academics, opinion-molders, journalists, writers, media elites, social workers, bureaucrats, counsellors, psychologists, personnel consultants, and especially for the ever-accelerating new group egalitarianism, a veritable army of “therapists” and sensitivity trainers. Plus, of course, ideologues and researchers to dream up and discover new groups that need egalitarianizing.




If these groups of what might very loosely be called the “intelligentsia” are the driving force of the Old and the New embodiments of egalitarianism, how does this minority hope to convince a majority of the public to turn over an apparatus of despotic power into its hands? In the first place, the intellectuals start with a huge advantage far beyond their relative smallness of number: they are dominant within the “opinion-molding class” that attempts to shape public opinion, and often succeeds in that task. As is always the case, the State rulers need the support of an opinion-molding class to engineer the consent of the public. In the Old Egalitarianism, the would-be rulers sought to bring into their camp, in the first place, the seeming economic beneficiaries of the egalitarian program—the lower-income groups who would be recipients of much of the transfer, or soaking of the wealthy (part of the transfer from the rich, of course, would go into the coffers of the Procrustean elites themselves, the brokers of the egalitarian wealth-transfer). As for the plundered wealthy, they would be induced to support the system by being persuaded that they must expiate their “guilt” at being wealthier than their impoverished fellow-citizens. Infusion of guilt is a classic path of persuading the wealthy victim to surrender his wealth without a struggle.

Any success in the Old Egalitarian program led, of course, to expansion of the number, the wealth, and the power of the new Procrustean elite, resulting in an ever lower income definition of “the wealthy” to be plundered, and an ever higher definition of “the poor” to be subsidized. This process has been all too clearly at work in the United States and in the western world in the twentieth century. From being confined to the highest income brackets, for example, the payers of income tax have descended into the ranks of the far more numerous middle class. At the same time, the “poverty level” to be subsidized and cosseted has marched steadily upward, as the “poverty line” is continually revised upward, and the subsidized escalate from the very poor to the unemployed to the more affluent “working poor.”

From the point of view of the egalitarians, however, the weakness of the Old Egalitarianism is that it has only one category of beneficiary—“the poor,” however defined, and one category of the plundered, “the rich.” (That they themselves are notable beneficiaries is always discreetly left hidden behind the veil of altruism and alleged expertise. For anyone else to bring up to the point would be considered ungentlemanly, or, even worse, to be engaging in the much-derided “conspiracy theory of history.”)[18]

In the light of this analysis, then, let us examine the New Group Egalitarianism. As we all know, the new egalitarians search for “oppressed” groups who are lower in income, status, or prestigious jobs than others, who become the designated “oppressors.” In classic leftism or Marxism, there was only one alleged “oppressed group,” the proletariat. Then the floodgates were opened, and the ranks of the designated oppressed, or “accredited victims,” have proliferated seemingly without end. It began with the oppressed blacks, and then in rapid succession, there were woman, Hispanics, American Indians, immigrants, “the disabled,” the young, the old, the short, the very tall, the fat, the deaf, and so on ad infinitum. The point is that the proliferation is, in fact, endless. Every individual “belongs” to an almost infinite variety of groups or classes. Take, for example, a Mr. John Smith. He may belong to an enormous number of classes: e.g., people named “Smith,” people named “John,” people of height 5 feet 10 inches, people of height under 6 feet, people who live in Battle Creek, Michigan, people who live north of the Mason-Dixon line, people with an income of … etc. And among all these classes, there are an almost infinite number of permutations. It has gotten to the point where the only “theory” of “oppression” needed is if any such group has a lower income or wealth or status than other groups. The below-average group, whatever it is, is then by definition, “discriminated against” and therefore is designated as oppressed. Whereas any group above the average is, by definition, doing the discriminating, and hence a designated oppressor.

Every new discovery of an oppressed group can bring the egalitarian more supporters in his drive to power, and also creates more “oppressors” to be made to feel guilty. All that is needed to find ever-new sources of oppressors and oppressed is data and computers, and, of course, researchers into the phenomena—the researchers themselves constituting happy members of the Procrustean elite class.[19]

The charm of group egalitarianism for the intellectual-technocratic-therapeutic-bureaucratic class, then, is that it provides a nearly endless and accelerating supply of oppressed groups to coalesce around the egalitarians’ political efforts. There are, then, far more potential supporters to rally around the cause than could be found if only “the poor” were being exhorted to seek and promote their “rights.” And as the cause expands, of course, there is a multiplication of jobs and an acceleration of taxpayer funding flowing into the coffers of the Procrustean ruling elite, a not-accidental feature of the egalitarian drive. Joseph Sobran recently wrote that, in the current lexicon, “need” is the desire of people to loot the wealth of others; “greed” is the desire of those others to keep the money they have earned; and “compassion” is the function of those who negotiate the transfer. The ruling elite may be considered the “professional compassionate” class. It is easy, of course, to be conspicuously “compassionate” if others are being forced to pay the cost.

This acceleration of New Egalitarianism leads, relatively quickly, to inherent problems. First, there is what Mises called “the exhaustion of the reserve fund,” that is, the resources available to be plundered and to pay for all this. As a corollary, along with this exhaustion may come the “backlash,” when the genuinely oppressed—the looted, those whom William Graham Sumner once called the Forgotten Man—may get fed up, rise up and throw off the shackles which have bound this Gulliver and induced him to shoulder the expanding parasitic burdens.

The New Egalitarian Elite

We conclude with one of the great paradoxes of our time: that the powerful and generally unchallenged cry for “equality” is driven by the decidedly inegalitarian aim of climbing on its back to increasingly absolute political power, a triumph which will of course make the egalitarians themselves a ruling elite in income and wealth as well as power. Behind the honeyed but patently absurd pleas for equality is a ruthless drive for placing themselves at the top of a new hierarchy of power. The new intellectual and therapeutic elite impose their rule in the name of “equality.” As Antony Flew tellingly puts it: equality “serves as the unifying and justifying ideology of certain social groups . . . the Procrustean ideal has, as it is bound to have, the most powerful attraction for those already playing or hoping in the future to play prominent or rewarding parts for the machinery of its enforcement.”[20]

In a brilliant and mordant critique of the current ascendancy of left-liberal intellectuals, the great economist and sociologist Joseph Schumpeter, writing as early as World War II, pointed out that nineteenth-century free-market “bourgeois” capitalism, in sweeping away aristocratic and feudal political structures, and challenging the “irrational” role of religion and the heroic virtues in behalf of the utilitarianism of the counting-house, foolishly managed to destroy the necessary protections for their own freemarket order. As Schumpeter vividly puts it: “The stock exchange is a poor substitute for the Holy Grail.” Schumpeter continues:

Capitalist rationality does not do away with sub- or super-rational impulses. It merely makes them get out of hand by removing the restraint of sacred or semi-sacred tradition. In a civilization that lacks the means and even the will to guide them, they will revolt…. Just as the call for utilitarian credentials has never been addressed to kings, lords, and popes in a judicial frame of mind that would accept the possibility of a satisfactory answer, so capitalism stands its trial before judges who have the sentence of death in their pockets. They are going to pass it, whatever the defense they may hear; the only success victorious defense can possibly produce is a change in the indictment.

The capitalist process, Schumpeter adds, “tends to wear away protective strata, to break down its own defenses, to disperse the garrisons of its entrenchments.” Moreover,

capitalism creates a critical frame of mind which, after having destroyed the moral authority of so many other institutions, in the end turns against its own; the bourgeois finds to his amazement that the rationalist attitude does not stop at the credentials of kings and popes but goes on to attack private property and the whole scheme of bourgeois values.

As a result, Schumpeter points out, “the bourgeois fortress becomes politically defenseless.” But,

defenseless fortresses invite aggression especially if there is rich booty in them…. No doubt it is possible, for a time, to buy them off. But this resource fails as soon as they discover that they can have all.

Schumpeter notes that his explanation for rising hostility to free market capitalism at a time when it had brought to the world unprecedented freedom and prosperity, is confirmed by the striking fact that,

there was very little hostility [to free-market capitalism] on principle as long as the bourgeois position was safe, although there was then much more reason for it; it [the hostility] spread pari passu with the crumbling of the protective walls.[21]

At the head and the nerve center of the driving force to take advantage of this bourgeois weakness have been the left-liberal intellectuals, a class multiplied vastly in number by the prosperity of capitalism and particularly by continuing and vast government subsidies to public schools, to formal literacy, and to modern communications. These subsidies not only helped create a huge class of intellectuals, but also have provided them—as well as the  state apparatus—for the first time in history with the tools necessary to indoctrinate the mass of the public at large.[22]  Moreover, since the bourgeois free-market order is deeply committed to the rights of private property, and hence to freedom of speech and the press, by the very principles at the heart of their system, they find it impossible to “discipline” the intellectuals, in Schumpeter’s phrase “to bring the intellectuals to heel.” Thus, the intellectuals, nurtured in the bosom of free-market capitalist society, take the earliest opportunity to turn savagely on their benefactors, “to nibble at the foundations of capitalist society,” and finally to organize a drive for power using their virtual monopoly of the opinion-molding process by perverting the original meaning of such words as “freedom,” “rights,” and “equality.”[23]  Perhaps the most hopeful aspect of this process is that, as the late sociologist Christopher Lasch points out in his new work, the values, attitudes, principles and programs of the increasingly arrogant liberal intellectual elite is so out of sync, so much in conflict, with those of the mass of the American public, that a powerful counter-revolutionary backlash is apt to occur, and indeed at this very moment seems in the process of spreading rapidly throughout the country.[24]

In his sparkling essay, “Equality as a Political Weapon,” Samuel Francis gently chides conservative opponents of egalitarianism for expending a large amount of energy in philosophical, historical, and anthropological critiques of the concept and the doctrine of equality. This entire “formal critique,” however rewarding and illuminating, declares Francis, is really wide of the mark:

In a sense, I believe that it has been beating a dead horse—or more strictly, a dead unicorn, a beast that exists only in legend. The flaw, I believe, is that the formal doctrine of equality is itself nonexistent or at least unimportant.[25]

How so? The doctrine of equality is “unimportant,” Francis explains, “because no one, save perhaps Pol Pot or Ben Wattenberg, really believes in it, and no one, least of all those who profess it most loudly, is seriously motivated by it.” Here Francis quotes the great Pareto:

a sentiment of equality … is related to the direct interests of individuals who are bent in escaping certain inequalities not in their favor, and setting up new inequalities that will be in their favor, the latter being their chief concern.[26]

Francis then points out that “the real meaning” of the “doctrine of equality,” as well as its “real power as a social and ideological force,” cannot be countered by merely formal critiques. For:

the real meaning of the doctrine of equality is that it serves as a political weapon, to be unsheathed whenever it is useful for cutting down barriers, human or institutional, to the power of those groups that wear it on their belts.[27]

To mount an effective response to the reigning egalitarianism of our age, therefore, it is necessary but scarcely sufficient to demonstrate the absurdity, the anti-scientific nature, the self-contradictory nature, of the egalitarian doctrine, as well as the disastrous consequences of the egalitarian program. All this is well and good. But it misses the essential nature of, as well as the most effective rebuttal to, the egalitarian program: to expose it as a mask for the drive to power of the now ruling left-liberal intellectual and media elites. Since these elites are also the hitherto unchallenged opinion-molding class in society, their rule cannot be dislodged until the oppressed public, instinctively but inchoately opposed to these elites, are shown the true nature of the increasingly hated forces who are ruling over them. To use the phrases of the New Left of the late 1960s, the ruling elite must be “demystified,” “delegitimated,” and “desanctified.” Nothing can advance their desanctification more than the public realization of the true nature of their egalitarian slogans.


[1] I realize that specialists on bees or ants will point out divisions of labor among various groups of their species, but I remain unconvinced that any individual ant or bee has a “personality” worthy of being honored, mourned, or denounced.

[2] Thus, the great late-eleventh-century Arab al-Ghazali denounced the idea of coerced equality and sternly warned that any sharing of wealth must be voluntary. See S. M. Ghazafar and A. A. Islahi, “The Economic Thought of an Arab Scholastic: Abu Hamid al-Ghazali (1058-1111),” History of Political Economy 22 (Summer 1990): 381-403.

[3] Antony Flew, The Politics of Procrustes: Contradictions of Enforced Equality (Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1981), frontispiece.

[4] J. R. Lucas, “Against Equality Again,” Philosophy 52 (July 1977): 255.

[5] Henry C. Simons, Personal Income Taxation (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1938), p. 19.

[6] Richard Nisbet, “The Pursuit of Equality,” The Public Interest 35 (1974): 103, cited in Antony Flew, Politics of Procrustes, p. 20.

[7] Cited in ibid., pp. 22, 187.

[8] The progressive income tax, a favorite device of egalitarians to help equalize incomes, neglects the wealth differential. As a result it is scarcely outlandish for multi-millionaires with relatively low annual incomes to support a progressive tax that would cripple rising young, high-income but low wealth, competitors. Cf. Ludwig von Mises, Human Action, 3rd rev. ed. (Chicago: Henry Regnery, 1966), p. 809.

[9] On the Marxian ideal of abolishing the division of labor, see Murray N. Rothbard, Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism, and the Division of Labor (Menlo Park, Calif.: Institute for Humane Studies, 1971), pp. 10-15 (reprinted 1991 by the Ludwig von Mises Institute); and Paul Craig Roberts, Alienation and the Soviet Economy, 2nd ed (New York: Holmes and Meier, 1990).

[10] Flew, Politics of Procrustes, pp. 11-12, 62.

[11] Frank Parkin, Class Inequality and Political Order (London: Paladin, 1972), p. 183; quoted in Flew, Politics of Procrustes, pp. 63-64.

[12] Murray N. Rothbard, Freedom, Inequality, Primitivism, and the Division of Labor, 2nd ed. (1971; Auburn, Ala.: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1991); and Rothbard, “Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature,” in Egalitarianism as a Revolt Against Nature and Other Essays (Washington, D.C.: Libertarian Review Press, 1974), pp. 1-13.

[13] Helmut Schoeck refers to the “absolute equality of opportunity that prevails in a game of chance which, as all the players know from the start, can be won only by a very few.” Schoeck points out that “the winner of a jackpot is very little envied. This is because of the real equality of opportunity and that absolute fortuitousness of the method of selecting the winner. A wife will not nag her husband for not having bought the right lottery ticket … no one could seriously suffer from an inferiority complex as a result of repeated failure.” Helmut Schoeck, Envy: A Theory of Social Behavior (New York: Harcourt, Brace and World, 1970), p. 240

[14] Ibid., p. 151.

[15] For penetrating examples of this egalitarian dystopia in fiction, see L. P. Hartley, Facial Justice (London: Humish Hamilton, 1960) and Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., “Harrison Bergeron” (1961), in Welcome to the Monkey House (New York: Dell, 1970), pp. 7-13.

[16] Schoeck, Envy, p. 295.

[17] Martin Buber, Paths in Utopia (Boston: Beacon Press, 1958), pp. 144ff; Schoeck, Envy, pp. 298-99.

[18] It seems to me that what is needed to perceive these relationships is no high-flown “theory,” but only a willingness to part the curtains of obfuscation and see what is actually going on, and to acknowledge that the Emperor has no clothes.

[19] On the new group egalitarianism, see Rothbard, Freedom, Inequality, and Primitivism, and the Division of Labor, pp. 8-15.

[20] Flew, Politics of Procrustes, pp. 11-12.

[21] Joseph A. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism, and Democracy (New York: Harper & Bros., 1942), pp. 137, 143-44.

[22] For an illuminating discussion of the use of such subsidies and technology by the political and media elites to manipulate mass support, see Benjamin Ginsberg, The Captive Public: How Mass Opinion Promotes State Power (New York: Basic Books, 1986), pp. 86-98.

[23] Schumpeter, Capitalism, p. 150.

[24] See Christopher Lasch, ‘The Revolt of the Elites,” Harper’s 289 (November 1994): 39-49.

[25] Samuel Francis, “Equality as a Political Weapon,” Essays in Political Economy 10 (July 1991): 2. The essay was originally delivered as a lecture at the Ludwig von Mises Institute’s conference on “Equality and the Free Society” in April 1991. Also published in Beautiful Losers: Essays on the Failure of American Conservatism (Columbia, Mo.: University of Missouri Press, 1993).

[26] Samuel Francis, Beautiful Losers: Essays on the Failure of American Conservatism, pp. 208-9. The Pareto quote comes from Pareto’s The Mind and Society (New York: Harcourt, Brace, 1935), vol. 2, pp. 735-36.

[27] Francis, Beautiful Losers, p. 209.


Murray N. Rothbard (1926–1995) was dean of the Austrian School, founder of modern libertarianism, and academic vice president of the Mises Institute. He was also editor – with Lew Rockwell – of The Rothbard-Rockwell Report, and appointed Lew as his literary executor. See his books.

mardi, 30 septembre 2014

L’Europe espionnée par la NSA

Robert Steuckers

L’Europe espionnée par la NSA


Conférence prononcée au “Cercle Proudhon”, Genève, 10 avril 2014


snow97827.jpgLa réalité dans laquelle nous vivons aujourd’hui est une réalité entièrement sous surveillance, sous l’oeil d’un “panopticon” satellitaire et électronique. Tous les citoyens de l’américanosphère sinon du monde entier sont surveillés étroitement dans leurs activités “sensibles” ou dans leurs faits et gestes quotidiens. L’Etat a certes le droit, le cas échéant, de surveiller des individus qu’il juge dangereux mais là n’est pas vraiment le problème pour nos polities développées d’Europe. Le problème le plus grave, c’est la surveillance permanente et étroite que subissent nos entreprises de pointe, nos ingénieurs les plus performants, dans l’Union Européenne, pour ne même pas mentionner nos institutions diplomatiques et militaires. L’installation du système global de surveillance ne concerne donc pas le terrorisme —là n’est que le prétexte— mais bel et bien les fleurons de nos industries et les laboratoires de recherche de nos entreprises de haute technologie, d’électronique, d’avionique ou de bio-chimie. Le “telescreen” réel d’aujourd’hui ne surveille donc pas en priorité des citoyens rétifs susceptibles de devenir un jour de dangereux subversifs ou des révolutionnaires violents, comme l’imaginait encore Orwell à la fin des années 40 du 20ème siècle. Via Facebook, Twitter ou autres procédés de même nature, le “telescreen” actuel surveille certes la vie privée de tous les citoyens du globe mais cette surveillance se rapproche davantage du Palais des rêves d’Ismaïl Kadaré que du 1984 d’Orwell.


L’Europe a fait mine de s’étonner des révélations d’Edward Snowden en juin 2013. Pourtant, ce n’est jamais que le troisième avertissement qui lui a été lancé depuis 1997, les précédents n’ayant pas été suivis d’effets, de réactions salutaires et légitimes. D’abord, il y a eu, en cette année 1997, la révélation de l’existence du réseau ECHELON et, consécutivement, le fameux “Rapport de Duncan Campbell”, journaliste d’investigation écossais, qui a été établi après la demande d’enquête des instances européennes. Le réseau ECHELON avait suscité l’inquiétude il y a seize ans: depuis lors l’amnésie et l’inertie ont fait oublier aux grandes entreprises de pointe et aux masses de citoyens qu’ils étaient étroitement espionnés dans leurs activités quotidiennes. Ensuite, les révélations “Wikileaks” de Julian Assange révélaient naguère ce que l’hegemon pense réellement de ses vassaux et du reste du monde. L’affaire Snowden est donc le troisième avertissement lancé à l’Europe: la NSA, principal service secret américain, déploie un système d’espionnage baptisé “Prism” avec la complicité très active du GCHQ britannique. Les révélations de Snowden ne sont ni plus ni moins “révélatrices” que celles que nous dévoilait naguère l’existence du réseau ECHELON: simplement les techniques avaient considérablement évolué et l’internet s’était généralisé depuis 1997 jusqu’à équiper le commun des mortels, des milliards de quidams apparemment sans importance. Les écoutes sont perpétrées avec davantage de sophistication: Angela Merkel l’a appris à ses dépens.


Le réseau ECHELON


Revenons à l’année 1997, quand le parlement européen apprend l’existence du réseau ECHELON et manifeste son inquiétude. Il mande le STOA (Bureau d’Evaluation des options techniques et scientifiques) pour que celui-ci établisse un rapport sur l’ampleur de cet espionnage anglo-saxon et sur les effets pratiques de cette surveillance ubiquitaire. Les instances européennes veulent tout connaître de ses effets sur les droits civiques et sur l’industrie européenne. Plus tard, l’IC 2000 (“Interception Capabilities 2000”) dresse le bilan de l’espionnage commis par les satellites commerciaux qui interceptent les communications privées et commerciales. En effet, l’essentiel de cet espionnage s’effectue à des fins commerciales et non politiques et militaires au sens strict de ces termes. Les satellites ne sont pas les seuls en cause, le rapport vise aussi les câbles sous-marins, notamment en Méditerranée. Le résultat de l’enquête montre que les firmes françaises Alcatel et Thomson CSF ont été surveillées étroitement afin de leur rafler certains marchés extra-européens.


L’hegemon indépassable doit le rester


Le premier rapport du STOA évoque la possibilité d’intercepter les courriels, les conversations téléphoniques, les fax (télécopies par procédé xérographique). Il constate que les cibles sont certes les messages militaires et les communications diplomatiques (ruinant du même coup toute indépendance et toute autonomie politiques chez les nations européennes, grandes comme petites). L’espionnage systématique pratiqué par les Etats-Unis et les autres puissances anglo-saxonnes (Canada, Australie, Nouvelle-Zélande et Grande-Bretagne) est un avatar direct de la fameuse doctrine Clinton pour laquelle les opinions publiques et les espaces médiatiques des alliés et vassaux ne sont pas mieux considérés que ceux de leurs homologues relevant de l’ennemi ou d’anciens ennemis: tous sont à égalité des “alien audiences” qu’il s’agit de maintenir dans un état d’infériorité économico-technologique. L’hegemon américain —s’insiprant, à l’époque où est énoncée la doctrine Clinton, de la pensée du Nippo-Américain Francis Fukuyama— se donne pour objectif d’organiser le “monde de la fin de l’histoire”. Pour y parvenir et pérenniser la domination américaine, il ne faut plus laisser émerger aucune suprise, aucune nouveauté. Washington se pose donc comme l’hegemon indépassable: il l’est, il doit le rester.


Le gouvernement profond de la planète


Menwith-hill-radome.jpgLes rapports successifs du STOA et d’IC 2000 révèlent donc au monde l’accord secret UKUSA (United Kingdom + United States of America). Celui-ci date cependant de 1947, tout en étant la prolongation de la fameuse Charte de l’Atlantique signée par Churchill et Roosevelt en 1941. Chronologiquement, l’accord secret UKUSA précède donc la guerre froide et se forge avant le fameux coup de Prague qui fait basculer, en 1948, la Tchécoslovaquie dans le camp communiste; celui-ci acquiert ainsi l’espace hautement stratégique qu’est le “quadrilatère bohémien” qui avait procuré tant d’atouts à Hitler suite aux accords de Munich de 1938. Il précède aussi l’existence de l’Etat d’Israël (né également en 1948). Aux deux puissances fondatrices, le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis, se joignent la Canada, l’Australie et la Nouvelle-Zélande puis, progressivement, en tant que “cercle extérieur”, la Norvège, le Danemark, l’Allemagne (en tant que pays occupé et non entièrement souverain) et la Turquie. Le GCHQ britannique surveille l’Afrique et l’Europe (jusqu’à l’Oural), le Canada surveille, quant à lui, la zone arctique. Le personnel qui travaille au service de ce système d’espionnage est soumis à une discipline de fer et doit garder pendant toute sa vie les secrets qu’il a appris pendant ses années de service. Ces membres du personnel sont endoctrinés et ré-endoctrinés (si la perspective change, si, à l’instar du scénario imaginé par Orwell dans son 1984, l’ennemi n’est plus, tout d’un coup, l’Eurasia mais devient, en un tourne-main, l’Eastasia...). En 1995, aucun gouvernement n’a reconnu publiquement l’existence du réseau UKUSA. Rien n’a transparu. Nous pouvons donc parler du “gouvernement profond” de la planète,  qui n’a jamais fondamentalement connu d’échecs, juste quelques petits ressacs, bien vite rattrapés....


Jusqu’en 1989-1991, la politique officielle était d’endiguer l’Union Soviétique, le bloc communiste. Après l’effondrement définitif de ce bloc soviétique et la dissolution de ses franges stratégiques, le réseau justifie son existence en prétextant la lutte contre le terrorisme ou le narco-trafic. Cette nouvelle “mission” est donc officiellement dirigée contre, il faut le rappeler, des golems fabriqués par la CIA elle-même dans le but de mener un “low intensity warfare” (une belligérance de basse intensité), à l’instar des talibans afghans ou des islamistes tchétchènes, ou générés pour financer des guerres en contournant les contrôles parlementaires, comme l’a été le trafic de drogues au départ du “triangle d’or” en Asie du Sud-Est. L’existence réelle, bien médiatisée, de ces deux fléaux que sont le terrorisme et le narco-trafic, postule que l’hegemon et ses alliés proches doivent sans cesse “élargir la surveillance”, une surveillance élargie qui ne visera évidemment plus les seuls narco-trafic et terrorisme, pour autant que leur surveillance ait même été imaginée autrement que pour faire pure diversion. En 1992, quand l’URSS a cessé d’exister et que la Russie résiduaire entre dans une phase de déliquescence sous Eltsine, le directeur de la NSA, William Studeman prononce son discours d’adieu. On peut y lire les phrases suivantes: 1) “Les demandes pour un accès global accru se multiplient”; et 2) “La partie commerciale de cet accès global est une des deux jambes sur laquelle la NSA devra s’appuyer”. L’espionnage, d’ECHELON à Prism, n’est donc plus seulement militaire mais aussi civil. Ce sont d’ailleurs des civils qui dirigent les bases de Mennwith Hill (Grande-Bretagne), de Bad Aibling (Allemagne) et de Yakima (Etat de Washington, Etats-Unis).


Le phénomène n’est toutefois pas nouveau. Déjà, il y a 80 ou 90 ans, l’ILC (“International Leased Carrier”) collectait toutes les informations arrivant des Etats-Unis en Grande-Bretagne et partant de Grande-Bretagne vers les Etats-Unis. En 1960, les puissances anglo-saxonnes ne peuvent pas (encore) contrôler les câbles terrestres mais bien les ondes radiophoniques de haute fréquence par lesquelles passent les messages militaires et les communications diplomatiques. Elles contrôlent aussi les câbles subaquatiques assurant les communications téléphoniques entre les continents. En 1967, les Etats-Unis lancent les premiers satellites de communication. En 1971, c’est au tour du programme Intelsat d’être lancé, procédé permettant la transmission des communications téléphoniques, du télex, de la télégraphie, de la télévision, des données informatiques et des télécopies. En l’an 2000, dix-neuf satellites du programme Intelsat sont à l’oeuvre dans l’espace circumterrestre: ils relèvent de la cinquième à la huitième générations de satellites.


De 1945 à nos jours, le programme codé “Shamrock” assure le travail en tandem de la NSA et des principales entreprises de télécommunications (RCA, ITT; Western Union). Le 8 août 1975, le Lieutenant-Général Lew Allen, directeur de la NSA, reconnait que son service intercepte systématiquement les communications internationales, les appels téléphoniques et tous les messages câblés. Cet aveu est retranscrit intégralement dans le rapport de Duncan Campbell qui, en plus, nous explicite tous les aspects techniques de ce gigantesque pompage de données.




Ordinateur dictionnaire


Nous sommes à l’heure de la captation des données circulant sur l’internet. On a cru, dans l’euphorie qui annonçait le lancement de cette technique “conviviale” (“user’s friendly”), qu’on allait échapper au contrôle total, qu’on allait communiquer à l’abri des regards indiscrets. Mais tous les instruments de pompage étaient déjà présents, dès leur commercialisation à grande échelle. L’“ordinateur dictionnaire” du GCQH britannique trie systématiquement les données avec la complicité d’ingénieurs de la British Telecom. Cet instrument a été sans cesse affiné et constitue désormais la plus grande banque de données du monde. Si l’objectif de ce contrôle avait une destination purement militaire ou s’il servait réellement à combattre le terrorisme ou le narco-trafic, personne ne pourrait avancer des arguments moraux sérieux pour critiquer l’ampleur de cette surveillance. Mais, on le sait, les drogues ou les terroristes ne sont que des prétextes. Le but réel, comme l’atteste le rapport de Duncan Campbell, est l’espionnage commercial qui, lui, a un impact direct sur notre vie réelle, notre vie quotidienne. Ce but véritable ne date pas de la découverte d’ECHELON ou de la doctrine Clinton, c’est-à-dire des années 90 du 20ème siècle. L’espionnage est commercial dès les années 60, et date même d’avant si l’on veut bien admettre que le but réel de la guerre menée par les Etats-Unis contre l’Allemagne n’était nullement la lutte contre l’idéologie nationale-socialiste ou contre le totalitarisme hitlérien ou était dictée par la nécessité de sauver et de libérer des personnes exclues ou persécutées par les politiques nazies, mais bien plus prosaïquement la conquête des brevets scientifiques allemands raflés au titre de butin de guerre (course aux brevets à laquelle Français et Soviétiques ont également participé). Gérard Burke, ponte de la NSA, déclare en 1970: “Dorénavant l’espionnage commercial devra être considéré comme une fonction de la sécurité nationale, jouissant d’une priorité équivalente à l’espionnage diplomatique, militaire et technologique”. Ce nouvel aveu d’un haut fonctionnaire de la NSA montre que les actions de son service secret n’ont plus seulement un impact sur la sphère étatique, sur les fonctions régaliennes d’un Etat allié ou ennemi, mais sur toutes les sociétés civiles, entraînant à moyen ou long terme la dislocation des polities, des espaces politiques et civils, autres que ceux de l’hegemon, quels qu’ils soient.


Nouvelle cible: les affaires économiques


Dans cette optique, celle d’une “commercialisation” des intentions hostiles concoctées par les Etats-Unis à l’endroit des autres puissances de la planète, il faut retenir une date-clef, celle du 5 mai 1977. Ce jour-là, la NSA, la CIA et le Département du Commerce fusionnent leurs efforts au sein d’un organisme nouveau, l’OIL ou “Office of Intelligence Liaison” (= “Bureau de liaison des renseignements”), dont la base principale est logée dans les bâtiments du “Département du Commerce” américain. Le but est d’informer et de soutenir les intérêts commerciaux et économiques des Etats-Unis. En avril 1992, le but à annoncer aux employés de la NSA ou de l’OIL n’est évidemment plus de lutter contre le bloc soviétique, alors en pleine déliquescence “eltsiniste”. L’Amiral William O. Studeman, de la NSA, désigne les nouvelles cibles: ce sont tout bonnement les “affaires économiques des alliés des Etats-Unis”, plus précisément leurs groupes industriels. La notion d’“allié” n’existe désormais plus: les Etats-Unis sont en guerre avec le monde entier, et il faut désormais être d’une naïveté époustouflante pour croire à l’“alliance” et à la “protection” des Etats-Unis et à l’utilité de l’OTAN. Aux “affaires économiques des alliés”, visées par l’espionnage des services américains, s’ajoutent des cibles nouvelles: les “BEM” ou “Big Emerging Markets”, les “gros marchés émergents”, tels la Chine, le Brésil ou l’Indonésie. Le but est d’obtenir des “renseignements compétitifs”, comme les définit la nouvelle terminologie, soit les offres formulées par les grandes entreprises de pointe européennes ou autres, les ébauches d’innovations technologiques intéressantes.


Balladur à Riyad


En 1993, Clinton opte “pour un soutien agressif aux acheteurs américains dans les compétitions mondiales, là où leur victoire est dans l’intérêt national”. Ce “soutien agressif” passe par un “aplanissement du terrain”, consistant à collecter des informations commerciales, industrielles et technologiques qui, pompées, pourraient servir à des entreprises américaines homologues. Quels sont dès lors les effets premiers de cette doctrine Clinton énoncée en 1993? Ils ne se font pas attendre: en janvier 1994, le ministre français Balladur se rend à Riyad, en Arabie Saoudite, pour signer un contrat général englobant la vente d’armes françaises et d’Airbus à la pétromonarchie, pour un montant de 6 milliards de dollars. Il revient les mains vides: un satellite américain a préalablement tout pompé en rapport avec les tractations. Et la presse américaine, pour enjoliver cette vilénie, argue de pots-de-vin payés à des Saoudiens et accuse la France et l’Europe de “concurrence déloyale”. Boeing rafle le marché. Et a forcément donné des pots-de-vin aux mêmes Saoudiens... mais personne en Europe n’a pu pomper les communications entre la firme aéronautique américaine et les bénéficiaires arabes de ces largesses indues. Ce contexte franco-saoudien illustre bien la situation nouvelle issue de l’application de la doctrine Clinton: les Etats-Unis ne veulent pas d’une industrie aéronautique européenne. Déjà en 1945, l’Allemagne avait dû renoncer à produire des avions; elle ne doit pas revenir subrepticement sur le marché aéronautique mondial par le biais d’une coopération aéronautique intereuropéenne, où elle est partie prenante. En 1975, lors du marché du siècle pour équiper de nouveaux chasseurs les petites puissances du Bénélux et de la Scandinavie, les Américains emportent le morceau en imposant leurs F-16, réduisant à néant tous les espoirs de Dassault et de Saab de franchir, grâce au pactole récolté, le cap des nouveaux défis en avionique.


En 1994 toujours, le Brésil s’adresse à Thomson CSF pour mettre au point le “Programme Sivam”, qui devra surveiller la forêt amazonienne. L’enjeu est de 1,4 milliards de dollars. Le même scénario est mis en oeuvre: les Français sont accusés de payer des pots-de-vin donc de commettre une concurrence déloyale. La firme américaine Raytheon rafle le contrat; elle fournit par ailleurs la NSA. Dans son rapport sur ECHELON, sur la surveillance électronique planétaire, Duncan Campbell dresse la liste, pp. 98-99, des entreprises européennes flouées et vaincues entre 1994 et 1997, pour un total de 18 milliards de dollars. Une analyse de la situation, sur base des principes énoncés par Carl Schmitt sous la République de Weimar, tracerait le parallèle entre cette pratique de pompage et la piraterie anglaise dans la Manche au 14ème siècle où un “maître des nefs”, le Comtois Jean de Vienne, a tenté d’y mettre fin (cf. “Les Maîtres des Nefs” de Catherine Hentic). Au 16ème siècle, la Reine d’Angleterre Elisabeth I annoblit les pirates de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord pour vaincre la Grande Armada: l’historiographie espagnole les a nommés “los perros de la Reina” (= “les chiens de la Reine”). Aujourd’hui, on pourrait tout aussi bien parler de “los hackers de la Reina”. Le principe est le même: rafler sans créer ou créer uniquement en tirant bénéfice de ce que l’on a raflé. Depuis la rédaction du rapport de Campbell, rien ne s’est passé, l’Europe n’a eu aucun réaction vigoureuse et salutaire; elle est entrée dans un lent déclin économique, celui qui accentue encore les misères des “Trente Piteuses”, advenues à la fin des “Trente Glorieuses”.


Julian Assange et Wikileaks


assange-on-time-co.jpgIl y a ensuite l’affaire dite “Wikileaks”, médiatisée surtout à partir d’octobre 2010 quand d’importants organes de presse comme Le Monde, Der Spiegel, The Guardian, le New York Times et El Pais publient des extrtaits des télégrammes, dépêches et rapports d’ambassades américaines pompés par le lanceur d’alerte Julian Assange. Celui-ci divulguait des documents confidentiels depuis 2006. Il disposerait de 250.000 télégrammes diplomatiques américains rédigés entre mars 2004 et mars 2010. Obama a tenté d’allumer des contre-feux pour éviter le scandale, en vain (du moins provisoirement, les Européens ont la mémoire si courte...). Les révélations dues au hacker Assange portent essentiellement sur le travail des ambassades américaines et dévoilent la vision sans fard que jettent les Etats-Unis sur leurs propres “alliés”. Bornons-nous à glaner quelques perles qui concernent la France. Sarkozy est “très bien” parce qu’il “possède une expérience relativement limitée des affaires étrangères”, parce qu’il “est instinctivement pro-américain et pro-israélien”; par ailleurs, il aurait “une position ferme à l’égard de l’Iran” et “accepterait le principe d’un front uni contre la Russie”; “son réseau de relations personnelles” serait “moindre avec les leaders africains que celui de Chirac”; “il ménagera moins la Russie et la Chine au nom de la Realpolitik que Chirac”. Ces deux dernières caractéristiques prêtées à l’ex-président français indiquent clairement un espoir américain de voir disparaître définitivement la politique gaullienne. C’est au fond l’objectif des Américains depuis Roosevelt, en dépit de l’alliance officielle entre gaullistes et Anglo-Saxons... Continuons à éplucher les rapports qui ont Sarkozy pour objet: celui-ci sera un bon président de France car “il acceptera des mesures sortant du cadre des Nations Unies”. Cette remarque montre que les Etats-Unis abandonnent le projet mondialiste et “nations-uniste” de Roosevelt car il ne va plus nécessairement dans le sens voulu par Washington. Il s’agit aussi d’un rejet des critères usuels de la diplomatie et la fin non seulement des stratégies gaulliennes, mais de tout espoir de voir se forger et se consolider un “Axe Paris-Berlin-Moscou”. Sarkozy devra toutefois “accepter la Turquie dans l’Union Européenne”. Son absence de “réalpolitisme” à l’endroit de la Russie et de la Chine permettra à terme “un front uni occidental au conseil de sécurité de l’ONU” (sinon il n’y aurait pas de majorité). Sarkozy “rompt avec les politiques traditionnelles de la France” et “sera un multiplicateur de force pour les intérêts américains en politique étrangère”.


DSK, Ségolène Royal et le pôle aéronautique franco-brésilien


Dominique Strauss-Kahn est largement évoqué dans les documents de “Wikileaks”. Des oreilles attentives, au service de l’ambassade des Etats-Unis, ont consigné ses paroles dans un rapport: pour le futur scandaleux priapique de Manhattan, “Segolène Royal”, au moment des présidentielles françaises de 2007, “ne survivra pas face à Sarkozy”. Mieux, en dépit de l’appartenance de DSK au parti socialiste français, celui-ci déclare à ses interlocuteurs au service des Américains: “La popularité de Segolène Royal est une ‘hallucination collective’”. Coup de canif dans le dos de sa camarade... Cynisme effrayant face aux croyances du bon peuple socialiste de toutes les Gaules... Quant à Hollande, “il est”, selon DSK, “bon tacticien mais médiocre stratège”. Bis. Cependant le dossier “Wikileaks” à propos de Sarkozy contient quelques notes discordantes: il y a d’abord les transactions aéronautiques avec le Brésil, où “Paris tente de vendre le Rafale”, concurrent du F/A-18 américain et du Gripen suédois. Ces rapports discordants reprochent à Sarkozy de faire de la “France le partenaire idéal pour les Etats qui ne veulent pas dépendre de la technologie américaine”. C’est évidemment qualifiable, à terme, de “crime contre l’humanité”... Le but de la politique américaine est ici, à l’évidence, d’éviter toute émergence d’un vaste complexe militaro-industriel dans l’hémisphère sud, grâce à une collaboration euro-brésilienne. Le pôle franco-brésilien, envisagé à Paris sous le quinquennat de Sarkozy, doit donc être torpillé dans les plus brefs délais. Ce torpillage est une application de la vieille “Doctrine de Monroe”: aucune présence ni politique ni économique ni technologique de l’Europe dans l’hémisphère occidental n’est tolérable. Nouer des relations commerciales normales avec un pays latino-américain est considéré à Washington comme une “agression”. La politique aéronautique et militaro-industrielle franco-brésilienne, poursuivie selon les règles gaulliennes en dépit du réalignement de la France sur l’OTAN, est-elle l’une des raisons de l’abandon puis de la chute de Sarkozy, coupable d’avoir gardé quand même quelques miettes de l’“alter-diplomatie” gaullienne? Les historiens de notre époque y répondront dans une ou deux décennies.


Wikileaks et les banlieues de l’Hexagone


Les dossiers de Wikileaks révèlent aussi le spectre d’une instrumentalisation potentielle des banlieues françaises par les stratégistes américains: si la France branle dans le manche, renoue avec ses traditions diplomatiques et géopolitiques gaulliennes, persiste à commercer avec les Brésiliens ou d’autres Ibéro-Américains, les “services” de l’Oncle Sam mettront le feu aux banlieues de Lille à Marseille en passant par Paris et Lyon. Le scénario imaginé par Guillaume Faye d’un embrasement général des quartiers immigrés, où la République s’avèrerait incapable de juguler les débordements par manque de moyens et d’effectifs, est bel et bien retenu dans les officines stratégiques des Etats-Unis. Les textes de Wikileaks, révélés par un numéro spécial du Monde (et non pas par une officine nationaliste ou identitaire) dévoilent les liens systématiques qu’entretient l’ambassade des Etats-Unis avec les populations arabo-musulmanes en France. On constate, à la lecture de ces documents, que les Etats-Unis, en s’appuyant sur les réseaux associatifs de ces communautés allochtones, visent “à créer les conditions d’une ‘démocratie participative’, prélude à une intégration totale”. Les Etats-Unis doivent y travailler, favoriser et accélérer le processus “parce que l’établissement français se montre réticent face aux problèmes des immigrés”. On y lit aussi cette phrase: “Nous poussons la France à une meilleure mise en oeuvre des valeurs démocratiques qu’elle dit épouser”. L’ambassade des Etats-Unis regrette aussi qu’en France, il subsiste “trop d’inégalités” (ah bon...? Au pays de l’égalitarisme maniaque et forcené...?). Un rédacteur anonyme estime quant à lui que “la laïcité est une vache sacré” (ce qui est exact mais sa définition de la “laïcité” ne doit pas être exactement la nôtre, qui est inspirée d’Erasme et des “letrados” espagnols du début du 16ème siècle, et non pas des pèlerins du Mayflower ou des sans-culottes). Dans une autre dépêche, le rédacteur anonyme promet “un soutien aux activistes médiatiques et politiques”, afin de “faciliter les échanges interreligieux” (voilà pourquoi la “laïcité” est une “vache sacrée”...) et de “soutenir les leaders communautaires modérés” (tiens, tiens...). L’intermédiaire de cette politique a sans nul doute été le “très démocratique” émirat du Qatar... On le voit: tout retard dans la politique d’une “intégration totale” pourrait donner lieu au déclenchement d’une mini-apocalypse dans les banlieues avec pillages de belles boutiques dans les centres urbains plus bourgeois. Or tout observateur un tant soit peu avisé des méthodes de propagande, d’agitprop, de “révolutions colorées” ou de guerres indirectes sait qu’il y a toujours moyen de “faire imaginer”, par des dizaines de milliers d’échaudés sans jugeote, un “retard” d’intégration, médiatiquement posé comme scandaleux, anti-démocratique, xénophobe ou “raciste” pour mettre le feu aux poudres. Le panmixisme idéologique des bêtas “républicains”, laïcards ou maritainistes, pétris de bonnes intentions, s’avère une arme, non pas au service d’une intégration qui renforcerait la nation selon la définition volontariste qu’en donnait Renan, mais au service d’une puissance étrangère, bien décidée à réduire cette nation à l’insignifiance sur l’échiquier international et dans le domaine des industries et des technologies de pointe.


L’affaire Snowden


Passons à l’affaire Snowden, qui éclate en juin 2013, quand le “lanceur d’alerte” publie ses premières révélations. Qui est cet homme? L’un des 29.000 employés civils de la NSA (qui compte également 11.000 collaborateurs militaires). Sa biographie était jusqu’alors inodore et incolore. On savait qu’il avait été un adolescent plutôt renfermé et un élève assez médiocre. Il avait cependant développé, pendant ses heures de loisir, des talents pour le piratage informatique qu’il qualifiait de “sanction contre l’incompétence des fabricants”. Sur le plan politique, Snowden s’est toujours montré un défenseur sourcilleux des libertés démocratiques et s’est opposé au “Patriotic Act” de Bush qui jugulait certaines d’entre elles. Sa manière à lui d’être rebelle, dans ses jeunes années, était de se déclarer “bouddhiste” et fasciné par le Japon. Il avait voulu s’engager à l’armée qui l’a refusé. En 2006, il s’est mis à travailler pour la CIA à Genève. Pourquoi cette ville suisse? Parce qu’elle abrite d’importants centres de décision pour le commerce international, qu’elle est un centre de télécommunication, qu’on y fixe les normes industrielles et qu’elle est une plaque tournante pour toutes les décisions qui concernent l’énergie nucléaire. Il constate, en tant qu’adepte naïf des libertés démocratiques et qu’admirateur des qualités éthiques du bouddhisme, que, pour les services américains, tous les moyens sont bons: comme, par exemple, saoûler un banquier suisse pour qu’il soit arrêté au volant en état de franche ébriété et qu’on puisse le faire chanter. En 2009, Snowden tente pour la première fois d’accéder à des documents auxquels il n’avait normalement pas accès. En 2008, il soutient la candidature d’Obama car celui-ci promet de mettre un terme à la surveillance généralisée découlant du “Patriotic Act”. Mais, par ailleurs, il n’aime pas la volonté des démocrates de supprimer le droit de posséder et de porter des armes ni leur projet de mettre sur pied un système public de retraite. Comme beaucoup d’Américains, son coeur penche vers certaines positions démocrates comme, simultanément, vers certaines options républicaines. Finalement, pour trancher, il devient un partisan de Ron Paul, défenseur, à ses yeux, des libertés constitutionnelles.




Entre 2008 et 2012, il sera progressivement très déçu d’Obama qui, en fin de compte, poursuit la politique anti-démocratique de ses prédécesseurs républicains. En 2009, Snowden part travailler pour Dell à Tokyo. Il vient d’être formé aux techniques offensives de la cyberguerre. Il a appris à pénétrer un système sans laisser de traces. Il est devenu un “cyberstratégiste” au service des “services”. En langage actuel, cela s’appelle un “hacker”, soit un pirate moderne au service d’une civilisation particulière qui doit son envol à l’annoblissement des pirates de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord par la Reine d’Angleterre Elisabeth I. Snowden travaillait chez Booz Allen Hamilton à Hawaï quand il a déserté et commencé son odyssée de “lanceur d’alerte”, de “whistleblower”, série de tribulations qui le conduiront à son actuel exil moscovite. Pour donner un impact international à son travail de dénonciation des méthodes de la NSA, il choisit de rechercher l’appui de Glenn Greenwald et de la journaliste Laura Poitras, animatrice principale de la “Freedom of the Press Foundation”, qui s’était donnée pour spécialité de dénoncer le faux humanitarisme de la propagande américaine, notamment en révélant les atrocités de la prison irakienne d’Abou Ghraïb et l’inconduite des soldats américains, membres des troupes d’occupation en Mésopotamie. Snowden, Poitras et Greenwald vont mettre au point la divulgation des documents, en sécurisant leurs communications grâce à des normes de sécurité et de cryptage que le journaliste français Antoine Lefébure décrit en détail dans le livre fouillé qu’il consacre à l’affaire (cf. bibliographie).


L’UE fait montre de servilité


Rétrospectivement, on peut dire que, malgré l’impact que cet espionnage généralisé a de facto sur l’Europe asservie, aucune réaction n’a eu lieu; de même, aucun rejet de la tutelle américaine ni aucune modification du comportement servile d’une eurocratie qui n’est qu’atlantiste alors que, pour survivre, même à court terme, elle ne devrait plus l’être. Déjà, après le rapport pourtant révélateur de Duncan Campbell en 1997-98, l’eurocatie, maîtresse de l’Europe asservie, n’avait pas réagi. Elle s’était empressée d’oublier qu’elle était totalement sous surveillance pour vaquer à son train-train impolitique, pour se complaire dans l’insouciance de la cigale de la fable. Avec l’affaire Snowden, on a eu l’été dernier, peut-être jusqu’en octobre 2013, quelques réactions timides, notamment quand les Allemands ont appris que le portable personnel de la Chancelière Merkel était systématiquement pompé. Mais il ne faudra pas s’attendre à plus. L’affaire ECHELON, les révélations de Wikileaks par Julian Assange et l’affaire Snowden sont les preuves d’une soumission totale, d’une paralysie totale, d’une incapacité à réagir: les ambassades européennes aux Etats-Unis et dans les autres pays anglo-saxons qui participent au réseau ECHELON, les instances de Bruxelles et de Strasbourg sont sous étroite surveillance. Aucun secret diplomatique, aucune liberté d’action ne sont possibles. L’Europe ne répond pas, comme elle le devrait, par une sortie fracassante hors de l’américanosphère, au contraire, elle fait montre de servilité, au nom d’une alliance devenue sans objet et des vieilles lunes de la seconde guerre mondiale, ce qui n’empêche nullement les Etats-Unis de considérer, en pratique, que l’Europe (et surtout l’Allemagne qui en est la seule incarnation sérieuse, tout simplement parce que son territoire constitue le centre névralgique du sous-continent), est considérée comme un ensemble de pays “suspects”, de nations ennemies qu’il convient de surveiller pour qu’elles n’aient plus aucune initiative autonome. La seconde guerre mondiale est terminée mais le centre du continent européen, l’Allemagne, demeure un allié de “troisième zone”, un Etat toujours considéré comme “ennemi des Nations Unies”, comme le constate avec grande amertume Willy Wimmer, haut fonctionnaire fédéral affilié à la CDU d’Angela Merkel, dans un article publié sur le site suisse, www.horizons-et-debats.ch .


Le vague projet de Viviane Reding


redi07_D.jpgViviane Reding, commissaire européenne à la justice, annonce la mise en place d’une “législation solide” pour protéger les données individuelles et les communications entre entreprises de pointe, selon le modèle officiel américain (qui est une illusion, tous les citoyens américains étant étroitement surveillés, non pas directement par des instances étatiques mais par des entreprises privées qui refilent leurs données à la NSA contre monnaie sonnante et trébuchante et passe-droits divers). Le projet de Reding s’avèrera pure gesticulation car, il faut bien le constater, il n’y a aucune cohésion entre les Européens: la Grande-Bretagne, est juge et partie, et n’a pas intérêt à interrompre sa “special relationship” avec Washinton, pour les beaux yeux des Français ou des Allemands, des Espagnols ou des Italiens, tous ex-ennemis à titres divers. La “Nouvelle Europe” (Pologne et Pays Baltes), chantée par les néo-conservateurs de l’entourage des présidents Bush, père et fils, cherche surtout à s’allier aux Américains au nom d’une russophobie anachronique. La Grande-Bretagne avance comme argument majeur pour saboter toute cohésion continentale que “cette affaire ne peut être traitée au niveau européen”. Cette position britannique, exprimée de manière tranchée, a immédiatement provoqué la débandade et aussi, notamment, la reculade de François Hollande. Il n’y aura pas de demande d’explication commune! L’Europe est donc bel et bien incapable de défendre ses citoyens et surtout ses entreprises de pointe. On le savait depuis l’affaire ECHELON et le rapport de Duncan Campbell. Les révélations de Wikileaks et de Snowden n’y changeront rien. L’inféodation à Washington est un dogme intangible pour les eurocrates, l’Europe et la construction européenne (au meilleur sens du terme) dussent-elles en pâtir, en être ruinées.


Ingratitude à l’égard de Snowden


Antoine Lefébure nous rappelle, dans son enquête, que, dès 2005, le Président Bush junior nomme Clayland Boyden Gray ambassadeur des Etats-Unis auprès des instances européennes. Cet homme, avait constaté une enquête minutieuse du Spiegel de Hambourg, est un lobbyiste du secteur pétrolier et de l’industrie automobile américaine. Il est clair que sa nomination à ce poste-clef vise non pas l’établissement de relations diplomatiques normales mais bien plutôt la systématisation de l’espionnage américain en Europe et le sabotage de toutes les mesures visant à réduire la pollution et donc la consommation de pétrole en tant que carburant pour les automobiles. Plus tard, la France, qui, cette fois, avait protesté moins vigoureusement que l’Allemagne, constate que ses institutions sont également truffées d’instruments d’espionnage, que leurs disques durs sont régulièrement copiés par une structure annexe, le SCS (“Special Connection Service”), fusion de certains services de la CIA et d’autres de la NSA. Les Etats-Unis se méfient en effet de toutes velléités de politique étrangère autonome que pourrait mener Paris et s’intéressent de très près aux marchés militaires, au nucléaire et au commerce international, tous domaines où la politique gaullienne avait toujours cherché, depuis les années soixante, une voie originale, non inféodée aux directives atlantistes. L’Europe fait donc montre d’ingratitude à l’endroit de Snowden en ne lui accordant pas l’asile politique, en le considérant comme persona non grata. On a alors eu le scandale de juillet 2013: sous pression américaine, l’Espagne, le Portugal et la France interdisent le survol de leur territoire à l’avion du Président bolivien parce que ces trois Etats, inféodés à l’atlantisme, croient que Snowden se cache dans l’appareil pour aller demander ensuite l’asile politique au pays enclavé du centre du continent sud-américain. L’Autriche, neutre, non membre de l’OTAN, ne cède pas à la pression, mais l’avion ne peut dépasser Vienne. La réaction des pays ibéro-américains a été plus musclée que celle des pigeons européens: la Bolivie, l’Argentine, le Brésil, l’Uruguay et le Vénézuela rappellent leurs ambassadeurs à Paris pour consultation. La servilité de l’Europe, et celle de François Hollande, suscitent le mépris des pays émergents d’un continent avec lequel l’Europe pourrait entretenir les meilleures relations, au bénéfice de tous.


Une surveillance serrée des ingénieurs allemands


L’Allemagne est un pays qui, à cause de son passé et de l’issue de la seconde guerre mondiale, se trouve en état d’inféodation totale, depuis la naissance du fameux réseau Gehlen, du nom d’un général national-socialiste ayant eu de hautes responsabilités dans les services de renseignement du Troisième Reich. En 1946, Gehlen est rayé de la liste des criminels de guerre, en échange de ses dossiers qu’exploiteront dorénavant les services secrets américains. Depuis, l’Allemagne ne cesse d’adopter un profil bas, de tolérer une base du réseau ECHELON sur son territoire en Bavière et aussi, nous le verrons, d’autres centres d’écoute sur son territoire, en Rhénanie notamment. Quand éclate l’affaire Snowden, le ministre Pofalla dit “ne pas être au courant”! Il minimise l’affaire. Il faudra attendre fin octobre 2013 pour que Berlin hausse le ton: on a appris, en effet, dans la capitale allemande, que la Chancelière Angela Merkel était étroitement surveillée depuis 2002. En effet, les documents dévoilés par Snowden contiennent une liste de chefs d’Etat pour lesquels il faut dresser en permanence un “profil complet”. Merkel figure sur la liste. Cependant, toute la population allemande, y compris les “non suspects” de subversion anti-américaine, est surveillée selon le “Fisa Amendments Act” de 2008, au même titre que les ressortissants de Chine, du Yémen, du Brésil, du Soudan, du Guatemala, de Bosnie et de Russie. Dans son n°14/2014 le Spiegel divulgue des révélations complémentaires: le GCHQ britannique, chargé de surveiller l’Europe et donc l’Allemagne, espionne surtout les ingénieurs allemands via une station de relais satellitaire au sol, installée à Hürth près de Cologne ou via CETEL, qui surveille tout particulièrement les ingénieurs qui travaillent avec l’Afrique ou le Moyen Orient ou encore via IABG qui se concentre principalement sur les dossiers du Transrapid (l’aérotrain allemand), sur Airbus, sur le programme des fusées Ariane et sur tous les contrats liant des ingénieurs non militaires à la Bundeswehr. Toutes les plaintes sont restées sans suite: le tribunal constitutionnel de Karlsruhe, si prompt à faire alpaguer quelques déments et psychopathes paléo-communistes ou néo-nazilloneurs qui relèvent davantage des facultés de médecine psychiatrique que des tribunaux, hésite à dénoncer les violations de la sphère privée de citoyens honorables, au-dessus de tout soupçon, perpétrées par les Britanniques et les Américains à l’encontre d’honnêtes citoyens allemands pratiquant le noble métier d’ingénieur. Le risque serait trop grand, paraît-il, car cela “compliquerait les relations transatlantiques”. Ben voyons...!


Courageuse et lucide Finlande


Le seul pays européen à avoir réagi correctement, à ne pas avoir succombé à l’atlantisme généralisé, est la Finlande. Le gouvernement finnois, en effet, a décidé que “toute entreprise qui espionnerait les Finlandais” se verrait infliger des amendes carabinées, jusqu’à 25% du chiffre d’affaires, y compris si l’espionnage est organisé depuis un pays tiers. En outre, les lanceurs d’alerte, ne pourrait en aucun cas être expulsés ou extradés du pays. L’exemple finlandais, c’est un minimum: il devrait être généralisé à l’ensemble de l’UE. Toujours dans le numéro 14 de 2014 du Spiegel, Viviane Reding, répondant aux questions des journalistes de l’hebdomadaire, estime que les entreprises lésées devraient pouvoir bénéficier d’un droit de recours, que le principe de “Safe harbour” devrait être généralisé, que les amendes doivent être prévues (comme la France qui a infligé à Google une amende de 150.000 euro, soit 2% du chiffre d’affaire annuels de la firme). Elle souligne également les contradictions de l’Allemagne: Merkel veut un “plan européen” mais n’est pas suivie par ses fonctionnaires. Il faut également, disent la Chancelière et la Commissaire, élever considérablement le niveau de protection interne, mais, par ailleurs, l’Allemagne vend au secteur privé des données statistiques relatives à ses propres citoyens.


Les nouvelles superpuissances


Il reste à formuler quelques remarques, tirées d’une lecture du livre de Daniel Ichbiah, intitulé Les nouvelles superpuissances. Celles-ci, pour notre auteur, sont les entreprises telles Facebook, Wikipedia, Google, Twitter, etc. Facebook, par exemple, collecte des données émanant de tout un chacun et les conserve pour toujours, comme si elles devenaient, une fois affichées sur la grande toile, son exclusive propriété. Facebook coopère avec la NSA, si bien, écrit Ichbiah, que l’on peut parler de “réseaux cafteurs”. Mais il y a pire: la mémoire de l’humanité, potentiellement exhaustive depuis l’apparition de Facebook, demeurera-t-elle? Si Facebook, ou d’autres entreprises similaires, peuvent les conserver, elles pourraient tout aussi bien les effacer. Les supports, qu’on nous offre, sont tous périssables, les mémoires informatiques tout à la fois effaçables et réinscriptibles. Idem pour Wikipedia. Les données révélées par Wikipedia ne sont pas toujours exactes parfois mensongères ou carrément fausses, fruits de manipulations évidentes, mais il y a grande difficulté sinon impossibilité de faire aboutir des requêtes individuelles formulées devant tribunaux contre la teneur diffamatoire ou insultante de bon nombre d’informations divulguées sur la grande toile. Ces “nouvelles superpuissances” (selon la définition qu’en donne Ichbiah) sont au-dessus des lois, en Europe, parce qu’elles ne relèvent pas de lois européennes: Google, Facebook, Twitter sont des entreprises basées en Californie ou dans l’Etat de New York qui n’ont pas la même conception de la “privacy” que nous Européens.


La solution serait de ne pas utiliser Facebook ou Twitter ou de ne les utiliser qu’avec parcimonie. Quelques exemples de bon sens: supprimer tous les “amis” que l’on ne connaît pas personnellement; ne pas utiliser trop de produits Google; ne pas organiser sa vie autour des services Google; diversifier au maximum. Et surtout ne pas oublier que Google possède plus d’informations sur les citoyens américains que la NSA! Car l’avènement de ces “nouvelles superpuissances” équivaut à la négation totale des droits individuels, au nom, bien entendu, des “droits de l’homme”. On est en plein cauchemar orwellien: la propagande dit que nous bénéficions des “droits de l’homme” mais nos droits individuels (au jardin secret, à l’intimité), par l’effet des articifes mis en place par ces “nouvelles superpuissances”, sont totalement niés au nom d’une “transparence  cool”: nous ne sommes pas obligés, en effet, de dévoiler nos intimités sur la grande toile, mais l’exhibitionnisme humain est tel qu’hommes et femmes racontent tout, spontanément, au grand bonheur des flics et des censeurs. Il n’y a dès lors plus, à notre époque, de distinction entre sphère personnelle et sphère publique. En bref, la contre-utopie imaginée par l’écrivain albanais Ismaïl Kadaré dans son oeuvre Le palais des rêves, annonçant la venue d’un monde finalement problématique et dangereux, où règne la transparence totale, à cause précisément de la promptitude des sujets de l’empire décrit à confier la teneur de leurs rêves aux scribes désignés par le souverain. Nous y sommes.


Robert Steuckers.

(Forest-Flotzenberg, Fessevillers, Genève, mars-avril 2014; rédaction finale, septembre 2014).




-          Duncan CAMPBELL, Surveillance électronique planétaire, Ed. Allia, Paris, 2001.

-          Daniel ICHBIAH, Les nouvelles superpuissances, Ed. First, Paris, 2013.

-          Joseph FOSCHEPOTH, “Die Alliierten Interessen sind längst in deutschem Recht verankert”, in: Hintergrund, Nr.4/2013 (propos recueillis par Sebastian Range).

-          Antoine LEFEBURE, L’affaire Snowden. Comment les Etats-Unis espionnent le monde, La Découverte, Paris, 2014.

-          Hans-Georg MAASSEN, “Von angeleinten Wachhunden”, in: Der Spiegel, Nr. 14/2014.

-          Yann MENS, “Guerres secrètes sur Internet”, in: Alternatives internationales, n°59, juin 2013.

-          Laura POITRAS, Marcel ROSENBACH & Holger STARK, “ ‘A’ wie Angela”, in: Der Spiegel, Nr. 14/2014.

-          Viviane REDING, “Ich werde hart bleiben”, in: Der Spiegel, Nr. 14/2014 (propos recuellis par Christoph Pauly & Christoph Schult).

-          Marcel ROSENBACH & Holger STARK, Der NSA-Komplex – Edward Snowden und der Weg in die totale Überwachung, Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, München, 2014.

-          Matthias RUDE, “Partnerdienst – US-Geheimdienste in der BRD”, in: Hintergrund, Nr. 4/2014.

-          Peter Dale SCOTT, American War Machine. La machine de guerre américaine – La politique profonde, la CIA, la drogue, l’Afghanistan, Ed. Demi-Lune, Coll. Résistances, Plogastel Saint-Germain, 2012.

-          Andreas von WESTPHALEN, “Rechtlos: Whistleblower in Deutschland”, in: Hintergrund, Nr. 4/2013.


Dossiers et articles anonymes:


-          Le Monde hors série, Les rapports secrets du département d’Etat américain – Le meilleur de Wikileaks, s.d.

-          “Grenzenloser Informant”, in: Der Spiegel, Nr. 27/2013.

-          “Angriff aus Amerika”, in: Der Spiegel, Nr. 27/2013.


Will France and Germany challenge NATO?


Will France and Germany challenge NATO?

In an interview with l’Humanite.fr, former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas stressed that France had become the vanguard dog of NATO, criticizing the presidencies of Sarkozy and Hollande for selling out on French sovereignty. The statement came in response to NATO’s summit in Newport, Wales, September 4 – 5, 2014 and the decision to expand NATO’s ambitions in Ukraine. Dumas argues, NATO outlived its purpose and has become an instrument of aggression.
dumas97827491361030-2078693.jpgRoland Dumas, born in 1922, belongs to the last generation of great French Statesman who experienced the French – German war that prompted the creation of NATO. Can France and Germany overcome their grievances and lead a new, continental European diplomacy for peace and prosperity for Europe and beyond? The question is tabled by a German who belongs to the first generation of continental Europeans who have not experienced a major conflict on the continent; not yet. The article suggests problems and possible solutions for  a French – German initiated partnership for peace in Europe, the Middle East, Africa, and beyond. It is a bold proposal that necessarily has to deal with “red herrings” and  touch keystones which would have to be put in place by a new diplomacy of fellow travelers for peace.
The Middle East – Ukraine and NATO. Two Key Statements by Dumas.
Roland Dumas is not without controversy, which is exactly what one would expect from a senior statesman who has escaped the pressures of running for and holding office; who has more time to reflect and reason. In June 2013, Dumas floated a message in a bottle when he “outed” British interests behind the war in Syria, and now Iraq. Appearing on the French TV channel LPC, Dumas said: 
“I am going to tell you something. I was in England two years before the violence in Syria on other business. I met with top British officials, who confessed to me, that they were preparing something in Syria. … This was in Britain not in America. Britain was organizing an invasion of rebels into Syria. They even asked me, although I was no longer Minister of Foreign Affairs, if I would like to participate. Naturally, I refused, I said I am French, that does not interest me. … This operation goes way back. It was prepared, preconceived and planned… in the region it is important to know that this Syrian regime has a very anti-Israeli stance. … Consequently, everything that moves in the region…- and I have this from a former Israeli Prime Minister who told me ?we will try to get on with our neighbors but those who don?t agree with us will be destroyed. It is a type of politics, a view of history, why not after all. But one should  know about it”.
Dumas’ decision was bold, even though he stopped short of naming the names of those “British officials”. Dumas wasn’t any longer holding office at that time but he is, understandably, subject to the limitations which are implied in politics and diplomacy. What would be more important, anyway, would be to identify those “stakeholders” behind the approach.
On September 5, during NATO’s summit in Newport, Wales, Dumas prompted controversy again, when he described France as having become “the vanguard dog of NATO”.  Speaking with a journalist from the French l’Humanite.fr, Dumas commented on the summit that focused on the current Ukrainian regime’s plans to accede into the Alliance. Dumas shared his concerns about the direction of the current NATO policy and its impact on French diplomacy. Asked whether NATO still has a purpose, he replied:
“It may, for those who manage it! Historically, the Atlantic Alliance was a military alliance which had very limited geographical jurisdiction, the North Atlantic, and one goal: to end the war against Germany”. 
After a peace with Germany had been reached, Dumas noted, we decided to expand the scope to include the removal of the two covenants: the Atlantic Alliance and the Warsaw Pact. Dumas stressed that NATO instead had expanded and evolved into an instrument for warfare instead, saying:
“The Warsaw Pact has been dissolved but NATO, no …it has even expanded and reinforced. Just listen to Mr. Rasmussen, the secretary-general, to realize that NATO has become an instrument for warfare”.
The Essence of a European and Global Peace vs. NATO’s obsessive eastward Expansion
Dumas commented on NATO’s interventionism and stressed a continental European perspective when he warned against using a politico-military instrument that was created to end a war with Germany and with jurisdiction over the Atlantic, for something as important as the situation in Ukraine. Dumas recalled disarmament negotiations with his former Soviet counterpart who insisted that NATO would not arm any of the countries which had formerly been part of the Warsaw Pact. He stressed that
“This was the essence of peace. Everyone was in agreement… Well, the Americans do not heed. They transported weapons to the Baltic countries and Poland. Hence the controversy when Putin came to power”.
Dumas quoted Putin as noting that NATO hadn’t kept its word and noted that there really is no point in waving a red flag in front of the nose of the Russians which will scare them or cause them to stall. He stressed that Russia didn’t pose any threat to Europe, and that this was no way to treat a great power, which was, alongside the Americans, one of the victors of WWII. Dumas added that the balance that had been established has been broken but noted that those who opposed this NATO policy had been diminished to dwarfs. It is necessary at this point, to interject that today’s U.S. and NATO policy is dominated by grand policy architects like Obama administration adviser Zbigniev Brzezinski. “Z-Big” as Brzezinski loves to be referred to, is literally, and in the opinion of several professional psychologists “clinically obsessed” with encircling Russia, dividing Russia into six or more, smaller states, to then force Moscow into a U.S/U.K.-dominated hegemony. Reading Z-Big’s latest book “Strategic Vision” will put Dumas’ warning that “this is no way to treat a great power” , his concern about “waving red flags”, and his warning that NATO is not the appropriate instrument for solving as important a problem into an appropriate context.
The book is essential literature for anyone who has not fully comprehended this new scope of NATO’s policy and the fact that it aims at establishing a U.S./U.K. hegemony over continental Europe,  Eurasia and the Middle East. This necessarily implies that continental European powers, including France, Germany and Russia have to be subjugated by this U.S./U.K.-dominated hegemony. It also implies that geopolitical instruments will be applied to achieve the objective.
Note that “geopolitics” suggests: If you are the second-largest power, for example, play the first and the third-largest powers against each other to be become the “tertius gaudens”. The laughing third, who will laugh with unalloyed joy. For the U.S./U.K or Atlantic Axis, this implies playing China against Russia as much as this implies playing France and Germany against each other in NATO, the EU, and so forth. Transnational, non-state and deep-state-actors are of course both mitigating and adding complexity.
In terms of “Realpolitik” note: The U.S./U.K . as well as largely U.K.-aligned E.U.-actors are the primary powers behind the engineering of the crisis in Ukraine. Note that there is a massive amount of evidence that suggests that NATO’s Gladio networks have been let loose on/in Ukraine. Note that a substantially weakened, economically unfeasible, IMF indebted Ukraine is loaded upon the European Union in a Faustian Pact, using NATO as politico-military instrument. Meanwhile, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announces preparations for the U.K. to possibly leave the European Union. Cameron prepares the U.K. for its unalloyed joy while it continues to succeed at playing France, Germany and others in continental Europe, including Turkey, against each other.
On the point of the French re-entry into NATO as full member, Dumas noted that Chirac already wanted to re-enter NATO but he demanded compensations. “The Americans laughed at him” Dumas added, saying:
“Then Sarkozy followed suit, but this time without asking for compensation! As for Hollande, he has not challenged this decision, and to my dismay”.
Many key members of the French Socialist Party were dismayed about Hollande and not only about NATO, but also with regard to French Africa policy, for example with regard to the case of Ivory Coast and former Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo. In part the dismay was shared by key German power-brokers in Germany’s Conservative, Socialist, and Liberal parties alike as well as by German EU politicians. Dumas notes that the French voice, today, has been totally obscured. He added:
“We follow American diplomacy while trying to give the illusion that we exist in the international arena. …. France became the vanguard dog of the Alliance at the risk at appearing as a war-faring nation. We have totally turned our backs on the ?traditional`position adopted soon after the war (WWII). Whenever I went to NATO, President Mitterrand told me …??Especially Dumas, remember we are not part of the integrated command. Understand: Do not obey all decisions that will be taken! (Not) Before the voice of France has been heard, and she was often heard”.
Asked whether he thought that France still could get out of NATO, Dumas stressed that he though “yes, it can”. However, he added two necessary preconditions which are; a French leader of unquestionable world authority of the caliber like a Charles De Gaulle; Circumstances that would make everyone understand the decision. We will return to these “circumstances”  and the question of “leadership” below.
Developing a French – German Perspective a Question of Sovereignty, Survival, Peace and Prosperity. 
Considering the current crisis in the Middle East and Ukraine, let us explore the hypothesis that the development of a French – German and a continental European perspective is a prerequisite for maintaining national sovereignty and for preventing a third European war of global reach. This perspective necessarily implies considerations about the Middle East and Africa. Any French or German will realize that both France and Germany will table non-issues, red herrings and issues, which are tied to decades, in fact centuries of distrust and disaster.
A brief Assessment of the Middle East: As Dumas stated, top-British officials approached him in 2009, years before the first protests in Libya and Syria, asking him whether he wanted to subvert Syria with “rebels”. We know now that the “project” to subvert a number of nations with the help of the Muslim Brotherhood, Al-Qaeda and similar brigades was launched in 2007. The key factors behind the decision were:
The discovery of the largest-known natural gas reserves in the Persian Gulf, shared by Qatar and Iran, in 2007 and new surveys which revealed that the Eastern Mediterranean gas fields contained about 70% more gas than had been previously known. The completion of a pipeline from Iran, via Iraq and Syria alone could have secured Europe’s gas requirements for 100 – 110 years. Between 50% – 70 % of Europe’s gas requirements could be covered by Iranian and Russian gas, if not more. This development would be unacceptable for Israel, considering the arguably increased Iranian influence with regard to the EU’s Middle East policy in general and Palestine in particular. The development would not only render large U.S. and British energy projects like the Nabucco project unprofitable or obsolete, it threatens declared ambitions to establish the U.S./U.K.-hegemony in Europe with all what that implies.
The development would also threaten the position of the U.S. dollar, weaken it, and ultimately accelerate its collapse. Needless to say that the U.S. will do anything it needs to prevent the collapse as long as possible. The problem is that it does so by usurping others instead of adjusting a flawd system. The E.U. has, arguably, been co-opted or forced into playing along by e.g. importing oil from “rebel-held territories” in Syria. The primary actors behind the “Balkanization” of Syria, however, are the U.S/U.K. via e.g. the Atlantic Council. The far-reaching implications, and how “Realpolitik” coincides with e.g. Brzezinski’s “Strategic Vision” becomes evident when one reads the words Atlantic Council President Frederick Kempe said prior to the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Turkey, in November 2013:
“We view the current period as a turning point, just like 1918 and 1945. Turkey is in every way a central country, as a creator of regional stability. However much the USA and Turkey can work in unison, that is how effective they will be.”
One should not forget that reaching the 1918 and 1945 turning points requires the beginning of the wars in 1914 and 1939 first. Understandably, this form of political thinking does not render many possibilities for making the French or the German, the Czech, the Slovakian, and other’s opinions count. Earlier this year a person from the inner circle around the former Lebanese PM Saad Hariri, who was seriously concerned about the threat of a wider war, noted that the final decision to launch the attack on Iraq via ISIL/ISIS/IS fell on the sidelines of the Atlantic Council’s Energy Summit in Istanbul, November 22-23, 2013. The “sovereignty” of the people of France, Germany, and other continental European nations with regard to Iraq has, in other words, been reduced to the possibility to respond to policy that is being implemented by rogue networks who are embedded within both foreign governments, their own governments, the E.U. and NATO. Note that this statement is consistent with the words of Dumas, who noted that the French voice is not heard any more and that it has been reduced to a dwarf.
A brief Assessment of the Situation in Africa and French – German Differences in Opinion.
Dumas noted that Sarkozy went along with NATO and that Hollande, much to his and many French Socialists dismay, followed suit. French – German differences in opinion with regard to French Africa policy may indeed have been part of Sarkozy’s deliberations. In 2010 France was instrumental in ousting the Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo. Gbagbo and the Libyan head of State Muammar Qaddafi were actively and successfully lobbying for the creation of a gold-backed, pan-African currency. The Sarkozy administration was also instrumental in the implementation of the “Arab Spring” in Libya in 2011. A compendium of articles which are a good starting point for further studies on French involvement is the book “The Illegal War on Libya”, edited by the former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. One can conclude that Sarkozy went along with Libya because he was a) given U.S./U.K cover for Ivory Coast, b) because France has Mediterranean ambitions which were compatible with ousting Qaddafi. What is interesting with regard to this discussion is the question “why” there are French – German differences in opinion, and why France, almost like a knee-jerk response felt that it “had to” get both Gbagbo and Qaddafi out of the equation.
French Africa Policy and French – German Differences in Opinion. Analyzing the situation from Ivory Coast over Libya to Syria and Iraq shows that France, in so many words, went along with a war on Syria and Iraq even though they could be potentially catastrophic for European energy-security. In exchange, France received the support of the U.S./U.K. in Ivory Coast and Libya. So far, the failed project in Syria caused the crisis in Ukraine. The following will demonstrate how a more functional French – African cooperation could have mitigated many of the risks which Europe currently faces. To understand why, it is necessary to understand French Africa policy, and the fact that it would not take much lobbying in Germany and at the European Council for them to go along with a radical and bold course change, – if only France dared.
France succeeded at maintaining virtually absolute control over the national economies of its former colonies in Africa when these colonies gained their “independence”. One touchy point in French – German discussions is that Charles De Gaulle, whom Dumas described as man with unquestionable world authority, literally copied the blueprint for usurpation that Germany used to usurp the economies of German occupied France and other German occupied nations during WWII.
The former French Africa colonies are Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Equatorial Guinea, Ivory Coast, Gabon, Guinea-Bissau, Mali, Niger, the Republic of Congo, Senegal and Togo. Their money, the CFA Franc, is printed by the French National Bank in Chemalier, France.  The 15 former colonies, plus France formed the Monetary and Economic Union of West Africa (U.M.E.O.A.).
The Council of Presidents of the fifteen U.M.O.A. member states constitutes the highest authority of the union. Decisions of the Presidential Council are made unanimously. The Ministerial Council of the U.M.O.A. defines the monetary and credit policy of the union and it is responsible for the economic development of the region. According to the constitutions of all fifteen member states the creation of their currency, the regulation of its value, as well as the regulation of parities and modalities, is the exclusive privilege of the nation and its people and decisions about it are made by the parliament. That much to nominal independence. The placement of French commissars within the heart of the nations and the union’s banking system creates an obvious dichotomy between the nominal sovereignty of the union, its constituents, and the direct control of their national and regional economies by the former colonial power.
The region has three central banks. Three of the thirteen of the Directors of the B.E.A.C. are French and four of the eight Directors of the B.C.C. are French. The Board of Directors of the B.C.E.A.O. is constituted by sixteen Directors; two from each country plus two additional Directors from France who take part in the management of the bank under the same conditions and with the same privileges as the other Directors. The number and placement of the commissars gives them a Veto right at the board of each of the Central Banks. No decision can be made without their approval. France can enforce its policy by threatening to deadlock the economies unless decisions are made in compliance with French suggestions. The veto right also extends to the nomination of the Governor of the B.E.A.C.. The Governor is elected with the unanimous vote of the Board of Directors, on suggestion of the government of Gabon, and after the approval of the other member states as well as France. This Central Bank does not only have the privilege to create the currency. It also has the privilege to grant credit for the current accounts of the national treasuries at its discount rate. The Board of Directors is making the decisions about the temporalities and about the total amount that is granted for financing the economies of each of the member states.
Sixty-five percent of the U.M.E.O.A. members’ foreign currency reserves as well as all of their gold reserves have to be placed at the French National Bank at zero interest. In return, France guarantees the value of the CFA Franc, which it devalues at leisure. On 3 Mai 2010 the website of Jeune Afrique quotes the former French Minister of Finance and Commerce, now IMF Director Christine Lagarde: “The Bank of the States of Central Africa, for instance, places an almost 90 per cent of their reserves in the French National Bank”.  In an interview for Le Liberation in 1996 the late President of Gabon, Omar Bongo said:
“We are in the Franc Zone. Our operations accounts are managed by the French National Bank in Paris. Who profits from the interests that our money generates ? France.”
Large parts of the French national economy are literally based on this usurpation. French economists, generally agree that the French national economy would collapse without this “infusion” while many also are aware that the usurpation with the help of oppression is an extreme security gamble. France enforces its position with a destructive policy that has left the region shattered by coup d’etat, instability and war. To mention some; In January 1963 the President of Togo, the late Sylvanus Olympio was murdered three days before the issuing of a new currency. On 19. November 1968 the late President of Mali Modibo Keita was ousted in a coup and arrested. In 1977 Modibo Keita died in prison. Keita was poisoned. On 27. January 1996 the President of Mali was ousted in a military coup d?etat. On 15. March 2003 the late President of the Central African Republic Ange Felix Patasse was ousted by the “rebel leader” Francois Bozize. In 2010 the Ivorian President Laurent Gbagbo was ousted in a coup d’etat. Gbagbo was imprisoned at the ICC. The UN still has all ballot boxes which could prove whether the alleged election fraud had taken place or not, but the UN has so far failed to investigate appropriately. In all cases the monetary union and France have played a role.
The result  is that one of the richest and most productive region is hopelessly impoverished, indebted and lagging behind in even basic development indexes. Naturally, the development of a stable middle class which could give the region a lift is impossible. It goes without saying; the development of the region as potential trading partner for a European market, a market that could yield far greater economic and humanitarian potential than the one that one could achieve by oppression and usurpation is made impossible too. Hence France is keeping on “fixing” Africa problems to barely hang on to a Nazi method of usurpation.
The French – German differences in opinion about Africa, German Sovereignty, and distrust between France and Germany can be reduced to this.
France has a knee jerk reaction every time the European Council or German lobbyists challenge France to redirect its Africa policy. A German analyst and Africa expert once said to the author that France reminds him of a man who stands at an abyss. He is so transfixed by staring into that abyss that he cannot even conceive of the idea that he could turn around to look whether there is terra firma behind him. When German lobbyists approach France, they are often trying to calmly call on France and to reach out with a helping hand so France could take a step back and reassess its situation. One must add to this, that France and Germany share the fate of literally centuries of wars against each other. One should note that Germany was the aggressor in the last two wars. In fairness and to understand the dynamics, one must admit that there often was a tertium gaudens, a laughing third who could laugh with unalloyed joy, who played a role in French – German confrontations.
French policy makers will recall French President Mitterrand’s knee jerk situation and united British – French lobbying against the reunification of Germany. The result is that: Germany may be nominally “reunited” but that the 2+4 treaty is no peace treaty; That Germany still is classified as enemy state to the United Nations; That Germany still has no constitution and cannot adopt a constitution before it has a peace treaty; That its basic law has no territory on which it is valid; That Germany according to the analysis of qualified historians like Peter Feist still is subject to a “letter of submission to Washington” signed by former German Chancellor Willy Brand; That Brandt only signed because Washington threatened to sabotage the inner-German dialog; And that Germany, politically, economically, as well as militarily remains under the direct control of the Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Command Europe (SHAPE).
German governments and media attempt to suppress these facts for the simple reason that they are aware how “explosive” this information would become if a German government, a major opposition party, or the major German media ever would make “an issue” out of them. The consequences could be disastrous, if the people of Germany ever would realize how badly they have been deceived before there was established a secure way of turning this frustration into a positive development. Many analysts suggest that German governments, for their part, are in a similar situation to that of France.
They are standing at the abyss, fearing that the German populace discovers the deception. To compensate, German governments are pushing for a seat at the U.N. Security Council, trying to force the hands of those who still capture German sovereignty as enemy state to the U.N.. Germany’s problem is, that France so far only has whispered slight whispers which were insufficient to wake up Germany. Germany is waiting to see the hand of France, not pushing it into the abyss but to offer its hand for a partnership that aims at a new, continental European consensus for national sovereignty, peace and prosperity. Consequently, both the government of Hollande and the government of Merkel are staring into the abyss while a laughing third is about to unleash the terrors of yet another great war on the European continent.
Former French Foreign Minister Roland Dumas stressed that a French break with NATO would not only require a statesman at the helm but a situation that would allow others to understand why – France needs a good explanation if you will. The same could be said about Germany. It would require a situation that could help Germany’s partners to understand that keeping Germany as a “colony” in a Brzezinskian hegemony is unacceptable. Considering that both France and Germany still are, at least nominally, and to some degree functional democracies, the operand question is whether Hollande and Merkel would dare to exercise the sovereignty of the French and German people. Arguably, it is more a question of  - good management – than a question about “one glorious statesman”. Dumas, and others in France and Germany who are lobbying for greater sovereignty, and in particular Socialists should recognize that a great statesman can only be born out of a political moment, which can be created by intense campaigning from the base. So, would Hollande and Merkel live up to their challenges? The answer is that nobody, probably not even Hollande nor Merkel know. What is certain is, that the political moment is possible, because the potential for it exists within the continental European, especially in the French and German populations.
Indicators in favor of a Continental European Consensus for Sovereignty, Prosperity and Peace.
A 2014 survey in Germany shows that the majority of Germans is against the presence of NATO troops in eastern Europe. The survey, conducted by Deutschlandpoll, also suggested that 49 percent of Germans would rather see Germany take a position of a bridge between the East and the West. Only 45 percent of those who were polled considered Germany as a solidly anchored part of the West. It is noteworthy that this poll was conducted in the presence of a relentless, anti-Russian campaign in most, if not all German mainstream media.
In May 2014, Hollande and Merkel held a joint press conference in Berlin. The two statesmen called for a prompt and full investigation into the massacre in Odessa, where some 150 protesters who had sought refuge in a Trade Union House were murdered in cold blood. A detailed photo study of the massacre shows that the massacre was pre-meditated mass murder, involving Ukraine’s Pravy Sector which is known for its ties to NATO’s Gladio network. Besides that, Hollande and Merkel jointly criticized Kiev’s unbridled use of military force against Ukrainian citizens, stressing that any use of military force in Ukraine is allowed exclusively for the protection of human lives and infrastructure. The two added that even then, it must be used with proportionality. They urged Kiev to begin a dialog with the rebelling regions before elections and to cease armed hostilities.
In respectively June and July 2014, the governments of the Czech Republic and Slovakia stressed that they did not want to accept NATO troops in their countries and saw no need for any NATO bases in their countries either. The rejection came in response to direct “proposals” from U.S. President Barack Obama. The proposals came after Poland, in April, called on the U.S. to deploy additional troops to Poland. It is noteworthy that historical research documents that Poland played the role of provocateur against Germany up to WWII, in collusion with the government of the U.K., the laughing third.
In September 2014, after U.K. PM David Cameron outed the possibility that the UK may reconsider its EU-membership, a French survey showed that over 50 percent of the polled Frenchmen opted for “letting them leave” and do what they want. Understandably, only a minority in France and Germany would want to be helpful with regard to the U.K.’s dilemma about Scottish independence. There are literally hundreds of other, political, social, and economic indicators which suggest that there is a growing continental European consensus against the Atlantic Alliance and against bellicose Atlantic Axis-launched wars from Africa over Syria and Iraq to Ukraine. It would be beyond the scope of this article to analyze them all. The one that tells most is that it was negotiations without the presence of the U.S. and U.K. that led to a dialog and a ceasefire in Ukraine.
In conclusion, the voice of France with regard to NATO can be heard and a break with NATO is possible; A Germany that regains its sovereignty and assumes a role as bridge between the East and the West, which it already has geographically, culturally and economically is possible; A continental European consensus for peace in Africa, the Middle East and in Europe, opposed to an Atlantic Axis fire starter policy is possible and would lead to greater prosperity on a global scale. None of the above, however, would be possible as long as France and Germany perceive each others hands as threats, fearing to be plunged into the abyss. Who is the tertuim gaudens, who laughs with unalloyed joy? What would it take for a Hollande or for a Merkel to take one step back from the abyss? The answer is: I don’t know. Merkel probably doesn’t know it either, and neither does Hollande. What is certain, is that they probably have more support for a continental European peace and partnership with Russia from the people of France and Germany than they would dare to hope for. It is the question whether or not one lives up to the moment that makes the difference between a politician and a statesman, between war and peace.

Inconvenient Truths about Turkey and Saudi Arabia


A Basket of Snakes

“Once war is forced upon us, there is no other alternative than to apply every available means to bring it to a swift end.

“War’s very object is victory, not prolonged indecision.”

So said Gen. MacArthur in some of the wisest counsel the old soldier ever gave his countrymen.

Yet, “prolonged indecision” would seem the essence of the war the president has begun to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State.

For, following only one night of bombing in Syria, Gen. Bill Mayville, director of operations for the Joint Chiefs, asked to estimate how long this new war would last, replied: “I would think of it in terms of years.”

“Years,” the general said.

Yet, though we are already heavily into bombing, the president has no congressional authorization for this war in Syria.

Even Republicans are leery of voting for a war in Syria before the November elections. A third of the House GOP voted no to arming and training the Syrian rebels. The Democrats are even more wary.

And how are we going to “destroy” ISIS when Obama has ruled out U.S. combat troops and not one NATO or Arab ally has offered to send combat troops?

Consider Turkey. With its 400,000-man army, 1,000 planes, 3,600 tanks, 3,000 artillery pieces and self-propelled guns, the Turks, the largest military power in the Middle East, could make hash of the Islamic State.

Why have they not done so?

Because Turkish President Erdogan detests President Assad of Syria and has looked the other way as volunteers, including Turks, have crossed his border into Syria to join ISIS.

Up until now, this NATO ally has been a silent partner of ISIS. And, even now, Ankara has not volunteered to fight the Islamic State.

For Turkey is predominantly Sunni, and many Sunni see the Islamic State as a ruthless but effective ally against a Shia threat represented by Tehran, Baghdad, Damascus and Hezbollah.

If the Turkish army is not going to intervene in Syria against ISIS, and if Obama has ruled out U.S. boots on the ground in Iraq or Syria, where will the soldiers come from to dislodge the Islamic State from the Indiana-sized territory it has seized?

The Kurds can hold Erbil with U.S. air support. Iraq’s regime, backed by its Shia militias, can hold Baghdad. But can the Iraqi army retake Fallujah, Mosul or Anbar, from which they so recently ran away?

Who are the major fighting forces in Syria who have for years been holding the line against ISIS? Answer: the Syrian army, Hezbollah troops from Lebanon, and Iranians, backed by Putin’s Russia.

Denouncing the Islamic State for its beheadings of the two Americans and one British aid worker, Obama declared at the U.N.:

“There can be no reasoning — no negotiation — with this brand of evil. The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force. So the United States of America will work with a broad coalition to dismantle this network of death.”

Strong words, some of the strongest our Nobel Peace Prize-winning president has used in six years.

Yet, for three years, it has been NATO ally Turkey and Arab allies like Saudi Arabia and Qatar who have been clandestinely aiding this “network of death.” And it has been Assad, Hezbollah, Iran and Russia that have been resisting this “network of death.”

A year ago, the American people rose up to demand that Obama and John Kerry keep us out of Syria’s civil war, specifically, that they not carry out their threats to bomb the army of Bashar Assad.

Had it not been for Assad, Hezbollah, Iran, and Russia, the network of death Obama, rightly excoriated from that U.N. podium, might by now be establishing its caliphate, not in Raqqa but Damascus.

Before we go any deeper into Syria, Congress needs to be called back to debate and vote on whether to authorize this new war.

For this war against the Islamic State seems, for some in that blood-soaked region, not so much to be a war of good against evil, but the first of several wars they want America to fight.

For them, the Islamic State is to be destroyed by the Americans. Then the Assad regime is to be brought down by the Americans. Then Iran is to be smashed by the Americans. Everyone in the Middle East seems to have in mind some new war for the Americans to fight.

How many such wars are in our vital interests?

While, undeniably, the Islamic State has shown itself beyond the pale with its beheading of innocents and its massacres of soldiers who have surrendered, let us not forget that our allies abetted these monsters, while adversaries we have designated as terrorists and state sponsors of terror were fighting them.

Lord Palmerston had a point when he said Great Britain has no permanent friends, no permanent enemies, only permanent interests.

Those interests should determine our policy.


L’Europe est en train de mourir, surtout ne faites rien


L’Europe est en train de mourir, surtout ne faites rien

Tous les clignotants économiques montrent que la reprise s’est étouffée. La défiance qui préside désormais aux rapports franco-allemands, ajoutée au conservatisme de la Commission, laisse notre continent sans solution.

Il n’y a pas que l’organisation de l’État islamique qui entend détruire la civilisation européenne démocratique, laïque, infidèle. Il y a les responsables européens eux-mêmes qui laissent s’installer la stagnation et le chômage de masse. Leur immobilisme fait le lit du rejet.

L’appauvrissement et la déception conduisent au nationalisme, qui conduira à la disparition de l’idée d’une communauté européenne, laquelle laissera les États humanistes, séparés, petits, désarmés, proies faciles.

Tous les clignotants économiques montrent, avec clarté, que la reprise s’est étouffée. La croissance de la zone euro atteindra 0,8 % cette année et 1,1 % en 2015, selon l’OCDE, mais tous les indicateurs avancés laissent penser que c’est un scénario bien trop optimiste. L’Italie est retombée en récession, la France en stagnation et l’Allemagne, qui croyait s’en sortir de son côté, voit les freins se serrer.
Notre voisin, malgré les réformes Schröder, souffre gravement d’une population vieillissante, d’une productivité trop faible, d’infrastructures abîmées, d’un coût de l’énergie prohibitif, d’une spécialisation industrielle aujourd’hui favorable, face à ses concurrents européens, mais demain de plus en plus défavorable, face aux ambitions de la Chine dans les transports et la mécanique. La croissance « potentielle » de l’Allemagne, 0,4 %, est inférieure à celle de la France, 0,8 % (1).

Et rien ne se passe. L’Europe, cent ans après, replonge dans une stérile guerre de tranchées. Idéologique cette fois. La visite de Manuel Valls à Berlin a mis en lumière l’opposition des deux camps, celui de l’offre et celui de la demande. Les Allemands, leurs alliés et l’ancienne Commission de Bruxelles n’entendent rien que les « réformes structurelles ».

Ils veulent que tous les pays membres fassent du Schröder, coupent dans les dépenses et les coûts salariaux pour redonner de l’élan au secteur privé. En face, Français et Italiens, épaulés par les Américains, le FMI et tutti quanti, plaident que la conjoncture prime.

Ils s’appuient sur Keynes pour dire que les réformes structurelles ont des effets récessifs et que, bref, ce n’est pas le moment. La meilleure chose que Berlin et Bruxelles puissent faire est de « relancer », investir chez eux, dépenser, grossir les salaires et la consommation. La croissance européenne aura meilleur souffle, on pourra commencer les réformes.

Ce dialogue de sourds pousse chaque camp à faire le minimum et à accuser l’autre. La croissance, dans ces conditions, n’est pas près de repartir. La guerre de tranchées idéologique a mené à l’enlisement européen.

Les torts sont partagés. Les Français sont les premiers coupables pour avoir choisi, il y a quarante ans, un mode de croissance payé par la dette et pour rester réticents à remettre cette facilité politique et sociale en cause. Comme le dit cocassement Xavier Fontanet (2), jamais Keynes n’aurait recommandé de faire de la relance pendant quarante ans ! Et pourtant, si.

Depuis la crise du pétrole de 1973, la France se retranche derrière « la conjoncture trop faible » pour ne jamais engager ses réformes. Manuels Valls continue dans les traces de ses prédécesseurs, il laisse filer le déficit, confirmant nos voisins dans leur attentisme. Il y aurait en France des économies budgétaires et de vastes réformes « non récessives » à engager : subventions, formation permanente, libéralisations, horaires de travail, droit du travail (3).

La France est surtout coupable de ne pas avoir de « proposition offensive » pour une grande sortie par le haut de la crise actuelle. C’est à la France de bâtir un plan de reconstruction d’ensemble économique et politique.

L’Allemagne est coupable, depuis 2008, de toujours traîner les pieds, pour sauver la Grèce, pour sauver les banques, pour faire l’union bancaire, pour tout. Notre voisin voit tellement Keynes comme source d’inflation (avec Hitler au bout), qu’elle fait, à tort, obstacle à toute réflexion sur la « demande ». Conséquence : Mme Merkel finit par céder, mais mal et toujours trop tard.

Il serait temps d’écouter Mario Draghi : l’Europe souffre des deux, et d’une offre non compétitive et d’une demande atrophiée. Pourquoi le dialogue franco-allemand ne parvient-il pas à s’ouvrir sur cette base ? Parce que la défiance préside désormais aux rapports franco-allemands, durcis en blocs accumulés depuis le funeste traité de Nice, de l’époque Chirac-Jospin- Schröder. Il serait temps de voir le péril de la stagnation venir, de le crier et de retrouver une ambition qui combatte l’euroscepticisme avec des mesures concrètes (4).

Le troisième coupable est Bruxelles. La Commission s’est soumise aux ordres des gouvernements, qui, depuis Nice, la veulent sans pouvoir. Elle n’a rien proposé lors de la crise, elle a manqué d’idées et de force. La nouvelle équipe peut-elle surmonter les obstacles institutionnels et retrouver un élan ?

Il suffirait de se mettre dans les traces de Mario Draghi, qui innove et qui sait avancer sans que les Allemands le bloquent. Jean-Claude Junker parle d’un programme de 300 milliards d’investissement, mais les instruments se dérobent. La Banque européenne d’investissement, convoquée, répond qu’elle craint pour son triple A !

Mme Merkel n’affronte pas son opinion, tentée par l’isolationnisme, M. Hollande n’affronte pas son parti enfermé par l’obscurantisme, Bruxelles s’empêtre dans la médiocrité des petits pouvoirs de bureau, la BEI regarde sa note… L’Europe se meurt.

Notes :

(1) Patrick Artus, « Flash », 16 septembre, Natixis.

(2) « Pourquoi pas nous ? » Fayard.

(3) Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, « Les Échos », 24 septembre.

(4) « Pour une Communauté politique de l’euro », Groupe Eiffel Europe

Les Échos

(Merci à BA)

Comment l'élite française a mal tourné

Comment l'élite française a mal tourné

Dire que c'est Maurice Thorez qui a créé l'ENA...

Ex: http://fortune.fdesouche.com

Le communiste stalinien Maurice Thorez a passé la deuxième guerre mondiale à Moscou, où il se faisait appeler Ivanov. A la Libération, il revint au pays et entra au gouvernement. Quand Charles de Gaulle quitta le pouvoir, en 1946, Maurice Thorez reprit l’un des projets chers au général : la création d’une école, l’École Nationale d’Administration (l’ENA), destinée à former les hauts technocrates de la nouvelle république. Il devait penser que cette caste était cette « avant-garde du prolétariat » dont Lénine parlait souvent.

L’ENA a depuis produit d’innombrables membres de l’élite politique et financière française, pour culminer avec le Président François Hollande. Critiquer l’élite en France relève de la guillotine, ce qui n’empêche pas de constater que les énarques et leurs amis sont actuellement au plus bas. En un an, les gouvernements de droite comme de gauche sont devenus l’objet d’un mépris inégalé. La France connaît un chômage record. Les scandales impliquant l’élite se succèdent (le dernier concerne l’ex-ministre du Budget Jérôme Cahuzac et son compte secret en Suisse). Quelque chose a terriblement mal tourné pour la caste de Maurice Thorez.

L’élite française se définit par ses capacités intellectuelles. Elle est principalement recrutée à travers deux écoles seulement, et très sélectives. L’ENA et l’École Polytechnique (que ses anciens élèves appellent simplement « l’X »). « Nulle part ailleurs au monde l’école que vous avez fréquentée détermine aussi profondément un parcours professionnel et la destinée d’une nation toute entière » écrit Peter Gumber dans son nouveau livre France’s Got Talent (« La France a du talent »). C’est la raison pour laquelle certains membres âgés de l’élite se présentent toujours comme « ancien élève de Polytechnique ».

80 diplômés seulement sortent de l’ENA chaque année, et 400 de Polytechnique. Ils obtiennent ensuite des postes très exigeants. « Ils travaillent dur. ll ne s’agit pas d’une élite qui ne pense qu’à s’amuser » souligne Pierre Forthomme, coach pour dirigeants qui compte parmi ses clients de nombreux membres de cette élite. Pendant des décennies, l’élite a fait le boulot que l’on attendait d’elle. De 1946 à 1973, la France a connu les « trente glorieuses », presque trente ans de prospérité économique.

En 1990, l’élite pouvait encore revendiquer de grandes réalisations. Elle avait inventé le premier prototype d’Internet (le Minitel), équipé le pays des trains les plus rapides d’Europe (le TGV), conçu en partenariat l’avion de transport le plus rapide au monde (le Concorde), poussé l’Allemagne à créer l’Euro (que l’élite française considérait comme le début de l’unité de l’Europe, et non la fin), imposé sa propre politique indépendante de défense, que beaucoup prenaient encore au sérieux et elle continuait à croire qu’elle parlait une langue internationale. Confier le pouvoir à de brillants cerveaux semblait bien fonctionner.

Depuis, les choses on terriblement mal tourné. Le sociologue Pierre Bourdieu, dans les années 60, avait commencé à mettre à jour les travers de l’élite. La classe dirigeante prétendait être une méritocratie ouverte aux esprits brillants de toutes origines, mais en réalité, elle était devenue une caste qui se reproduisait entre elle.

Il s’agit de la plus petite élite de n’importe quel grand pays. Elle vit dans quelques arrondissements chics de Paris. Ses enfants fréquentent les mêmes écoles, dès l’âge de 3 ans. Quand ils atteignent leurs 20 ans, les futurs dirigeants de la France se connaissent tous. Ils passent de « camarades d’école » à « copains de promo », expliquent les sociologues Monique Pinçon-Charlot et son mari Michel Pinçon.

Alors qu’un PDG et un romancier américains ne se rencontreront jamais, les élites françaises de la politique, des affaires et de la culture ont pratiquement fusionné. Ils se fréquentent lors de petits-déjeuners, de vernissages d’expositions et de dîners. Ils deviennent amis ou conjoints. Ils s’embauchent mutuellement, camouflent leurs transgressions mutuelles, écrivent des critiques dithyrambiques de leurs livres respectifs (comparez l’euphorie que déclenchent les livres de Bernard-Henri Levy en France et leur accueil à l’étranger).

« L’élite est l’unique classe sociale française qui fait preuve d’une solidarité de classe », dit Monique Pinçon-Charlot. Elle est liée par des secrets partagés : par exemple, de très nombreux membres de l’élite connaissaient les habitudes d’alcôve particulières de Dominique Strauss Kahn, mais ils étaient prêts à le laisser se présenter à la Présidentielle plutôt que d’en informer les manants qui vivent de l’autre côté du périphérique parisien. Pour paraphraser l’écrivain anglais EM Forster, ces personnes trahiraient plutôt leur pays qu’un ami. L’élite justifie ces services rendus par l’amitié. Mais en fait (comme le remarque le journaliste Serge Halimi, et d’autres), il s’agit de corruption.

Tout aussi dangereux : une si petite caste – issue des mêmes grandes écoles – souffre inévitablement de pensée unique. Et l’élite ne rencontre pas beaucoup de subalternes prêts à exprimer des avis contraires.

Pierre Forthomme explique : « Si vous êtes un haut dirigeant sorti d’une grande école en France, vous n’avez aucun feedback. Ils sont seuls ». Il ajoute : « Ils aimeraient entendre des critiques et travailler en équipe. Ils ne souhaitent pas être solitaires, mais le système les place à ces postes de pouvoir pour que nous puissions accuser l’élite de nos problèmes ».

La mondialisation a aussi fait des dégâts. L’élite française n’était pas formée pour réussir dans le monde. Elle était formée pour réussir dans le centre de Paris.

François Hollande, ancien élève de trois grandes écoles, découvre aujourd’hui le monde en tant que Président. Il a pour la première fois mis les pieds en Chine lors de sa visite d’Etat dans ce pays, le mois dernier. Aujourd’hui, beaucoup de Français réussissent à Londres, New York et dans la Silicon Valley mais ils ont tendance à échapper à l’élite française.

L’élite n’est pas prête à s’auto-dissoudre. Cependant, une menace encore pire plane : l’élection en 2017 du premier président véritablement anti-élite, la candidate de l’extrême-droite Marine Le Pen.

Financial Times (via Le nouvel Economiste)

Totalitarianism: A Specious Concept

Totalitarianism: A Specious Concept

By Dominique Venner

Ex: http://www.counter-currents.com

Translated by Giuliano Adriano Malvicini

vennerstudy-211x300.jpgThe American historian George Mosse has pin-pointed the specious nature of the theory of totalitarianism: it “looks upon the world exclusively from a liberal point of view”. In other words, totalitarianism is a concept elaborated by liberal thought in order to present itself in a favorable light, contrasting itself to its various enemies, all of which are confused together in a single, unholy category, according to the binary opposition of “us and them.”

The theory of totalitarianism reveals the intensely ideological character of liberalism. It generalizes and reduces very different realities to a single category, hiding everything that distinguishes the different anti-liberal systems from each other. How can one compare the blank-slate, egalitarian, internationalist communist system, responsible for millions of deaths before the war, and elitist, nationalist Italian fascism, to which only about ten executions can be attributed during the same period?[1]

This immense quantitative difference corresponds to essential qualitative differences. What liberalism refers to with the blanket term “totalitarianism” includes distinct realities that have only superficial appearances in common (“the one-party state”). The liberal theory of totalitarianism utilises an ideological patchwork to justify itself negatively, by asserting its “moral” superiority. It is a kind of ideological sleight of hand that is devoid of scientific value.

In an interview dealing with this subject, Emilio Gentile – having defined himself as “a liberal critiquing the liberal historical interpretation of totalitarianism” – recognised that this interpretation involves three serious errors: “It first assimilates two very different things to each other, fascism and bolshevism. Furthermore, it considers rationality to be an exclusive attribute of liberalism, denying any form of rationality to the three anti-liberal experiments. Finally, the third error consists in transforming merely apparent similarities into essential similarities. In other words, one might consider fascism, bolshevism and nazism as three different trees with certain similarities, while liberal theory wants to make them into a single tree with three branches.”[2]

This amounts to asserting that the use of the word “totalitarianism” as a generic, universal term is scientifically abusive. As soon as the concept indistinctly covers everything that is opposed to liberalism, only paying attention to this negative criterion, it is emptied of meaning. It can now be applied to anything: Islamism, various exotic tyrannies, and why not the Catholic church? This polemical device is as reductive as that used by the communists, when they wanted to reduce everything that opposed them to “capitalism” or “imperialism.”


1. We have already noted that beyond a few rare actions that can be imputed to the Italian secret service, the assassination of Matteotti and the street violence following the civil war of the twenties, and also excluding the war and colonizations, there were only nine political executions in fascist Italy from 1923 to 1940 (and seventeen others from then on until 1943). Cf. the American historian S. G. Payne (Franco José Antonio. El extrano caso del fascismo espanol, Planeta, Barcelona, 1997, p. 32).

2. A conversation between Emilio Gentile and Dominique Venner in La Nouvelle Revue d’Histoire, 16th issue, January-February 2005, pp. 23-26. On the same subject, I also refer the reader to my interview with Ernst Nolte (Éléments, issue 98, May 2000, pp. 18-21).

Source: Dominique Venner, Le Siècle de 1914: Utopies, guerres et révolutions en Europe au XXe siècle (Paris: Pygmalion, 2006).


Article printed from Counter-Currents Publishing: http://www.counter-currents.com

URL to article: http://www.counter-currents.com/2014/09/totalitarianism-a-specious-concept/

URLs in this post:

[1] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/vennerstudy.jpg

[2] Image: http://www.counter-currents.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/09/mussolini-stalin-hitler-e1411246314185.jpg

Socialisme identitaire


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lundi, 29 septembre 2014

Why the Scots Chose To Wear Their Chains With Pride


Why the Scots Chose To Wear Their Chains With Pride

by Seth Ferris

Ex: http://journal-neo.org

We live in an age of decolonisation, in which big empires have broken up and more and more independent states are coming on to the map. It might therefore seem surprising that Scotland has just voted against independence. In fact, it might just have done the opposite.

Unlike Wales and Ireland, Scotland was never actually conquered by the English. It was a fully independent state for many centuries, and usually allied with France against England. It had its own king and a variety of English it regarded as a separate language. Scots Gaelic, which is incomprehensible to English or Scots speakers, also flourished.

The English king often regarded himself as the feudal overlord of the Scottish king, but Scotland retained its independence even in conflict. Despite the great contributions made by many famous Scots to the United Kingdom, it is Robert the Bruce and William Wallace, who fought for Scottish independence from English domination, who remain its national heroes.

This situation changed in 1603, when King James I of Scotland also became King James I of England as he was next in line to the English throne. Logistics dictated that he and his successors were usually in London. A century later the Scottish Parliament abolished itself and the Act of Union created a common country called Great Britain. This became the United Kingdom in 1801, when the Irish Parliament also voted to abolish itself, Ireland having been effectively ruled by England since Norman times.

The United Kingdom went on to become the world’s greatest superpower. In consequence, many of the usual drivers of separatist sentiment weren’t there. There were no such things as national minorities amongst the British, just different sorts of British people. Everyone was entitled to some piece of the attractive pie, however small, provided they knew their place.

The Scots always played a big part in spreading British power across the globe, through making things and being part of government. Not until the 1970s did the Scottish National Party have a consistent presence in the UK parliament, and even then it held a small minority of Scottish seats, the same parties they have in England claiming all the others, on broader UK-wide platforms, as they do today.

So the referendum on Scotland was not about correcting historic injustices, as these do not engage most electors. It was about whether the Scots need to have an independent country to feel Scottish. It was also about how Scottish their own leaders are, and ultimately this has proved the downfall of the independence advocates.

Yes to Scotland but no to you

The Yes campaign was predictably led by the SNP, the Scottish Nationalist Party, and its longtime de facto leader Alex Salmond. Though a popular figure, Salmond is also controversial, and the one depends upon the other.

Although many political leaders have been expelled from their original party and founded a new one Salmond is one of the few who has been expelled from the one he now leads. When consistent SNP gains came to a shuddering halt in 1979, the party then split between the radical faction to the left of Labour and the romantically nationalist “Tartan Tories”, which succeeded in expelling Salmond and friends for being too leftist. Eventually he won his argument, but at a price.

The SNP is a moderate, mainstream political force but has one thing in common with the extreme and excluded nationalists found in every country. It takes it upon itself to define who is and who is not Scottish, what Scottish should and should not do and what Scottish people should and should not think. It isn’t said in as many words, but if you don’t agree with the SNP you are not a real Scot, in SNP thinking.

There are plenty of Scots around who don’t need the SNP to tell them what to do. They don’t think disagreeing with the SNP makes them any less Scottish, particularly when the person telling them they are has got to where he is by sidelining another faction within the same party. People who may like independence in principle don’t want an SNP independence, and this has affected the result of the referendum.

The devil we don’t want to know

One of the historic grievances which might compel Scots to demand independence is that the country has long been taken for granted by the English. Like Wales, it has been treated as a source of raw materials and labour, and somewhere people can go for their holidays. Local cultures and traditions are seen as something out of history, even though the Scots are much more cultured and better educated than the English, appreciating the importance of literature, for example.

However the Scots mourn the departure of the predominantly working-class culture created by English rule. It is a nation of engineers and skilled workers, whose shipbuilding industry once ruled the world and whose major settlements were largely built around mineral exploitation. That world has largely gone now, but the English, and particularly Mrs. Thatcher, are blamed for this.

The Scotland most electors relate to is the one of their forefathers, the one where everyone worked for the English. It wasn’t ideal, but it still gives them a distinct identity – more than anything the SNP were offering. Scottish politics remains dominated by how to return to the glory days of full employment, and these came under the United Kingdom, like it or not. Being independent for its own sake did not prove attractive enough for people who know they are different anyway, and aren’t any less different as part of the UK.

Scotland traditionally votes Labour, even when there are big Conservative majorities in the UK as a whole. A big reason for this is that the “establishment”, which might be considered Conservative, is England, and Scots are defining themselves in relation to the rest of the UK. If Scotland were independent, it would no longer be necessary for the voters to define themselves in terms of the English, and the SNP itself would also be affected by this. Vested interests were not going to let that happen, and the Yes campaign failed to address the consequences of the sea change in perceptions independence would have brought.

Too good to care

Of course Scotland now has its own parliament again, with significant powers and the right to set different tax levels to the rest of the UK, within certain limits. It has also done rather well out of this arrangement. It is widely acknowledged that public services are better in Scotland than in England, and some English people have moved there for this reason. Complaints about corruption in Holyrood, home of the Scottish parliament, are nothing like the expenses and child abuse scandals which have rocked the UK parliament, even though Scots sitting in Westminster have also been involved in these.

All this implies that the Scots are just as capable as the English of governing themselves, but that very comparison hurt the Yes campaign. It adds to the Scottish identity to be better than the English when they are supposed to be the same, or worse. If Scotland becomes independent it will no longer be relevant whether it does things better than in England, there will be no reason for comparison. Scots will have their own virtues but also their own problems, and only they will be responsible for them.

The Scots are not going to give up their bragging rights. Though presented as a “sense versus sentiment” argument, the No campaign was more appealing precisely to those who have a sentimental attachment to what they see as Scotland and Scottishness. Scots always want to score points over their big bad brother. There wouldn’t be the same point in being Scots if they had to treat the English as foreign friends instead of unhealthy domestic rivals, in their estimation.

Who owns what

If Scotland had voted yes, there would have been considerable debates over who owns what. Everything Scottish actually belongs to the United Kingdom, just as everything in England does. But Scots have always maintained that the British facilities they like, such as the oil deposits situated off the Scottish coast, are rightfully theirs, while those they don’t like, like the nuclear submarine bases and power plants, are English impositions, alien to Scottish culture.

British Prime Minister Cameron, whose name is Scottish and means “twisted nose”, has promised much more devolved power to Scotland and other parts of the UK in return for the No vote. It is highly likely that, if Westminster delivers on its promises, Scots will have far greater control over their resources than they would have done in an independent state. The view of a partner government or local authority, whose powers were granted it by the English, will have to be taken into account. The views of a national government imposed after the relevant agreements were made, which people in the rest of the UK had no say in creating, are not likely to be respected if things like defence establishments are being discussed.

The No vote might ironically deliver more of what the Yes supporters actually wanted, even though the legal framework being offered remains unacceptable to them. It might also deliver more power to communities and national groups throughout the UK, thus giving the Scots more bragging rights, and confirming their identity, more than actual independence, and having to pay for it, would have done. If so, the Yes campaign will claim victory too, in true British fashion, but with considerable justification.


Independence is about identity. The Scots know who they are in relation to the English, so they’ve chosen to remain who they know they are. What they would be without the English to blame was less clear, as the actual idea of independence and separateness is understood and accepted anyway, without the need for any vote on the subject.

The Scots have demonstrated their independence by flying in the face of world opinion. They have stated, for the first time in a generation, that being independent doesn’t have to mean actually running your own country. They haven’t done so by much, but they have, and all Scots will respect this result, thus again confirming that they don’t need to be told what Scots should do.

Less secure nations are continually demanding independence because that is the only way they feel they can be part of the family of nations. The Scots don’t have that feeling. Maybe this is the beginning of new models being worked out which suit more people. The only problem is that nobody outside Scotland will think of asking Scottish Yes campaigners to be part of that process, but that is the sort of price Scotland is prepared to pay.

Seth Ferris, investigative journalist and political scientist, expert on Middle Eastern affairs, exclusively for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”.
First appeared: http://journal-neo.org/2014/09/25/why-the-scots-chose-to-wear-their-chains-with-pride/

La National Security Agency dans la guerre


La National Security Agency dans la guerre

par Jean-Paul Baquiast
Le pivot stratégique de Obama vers le Proche et Moyen Orient permettra au complexe militaro-industriel (CMI) américain de capter à son profit des milliards de dollars de budgets de défense. Faut-il s'en plaindre?

Dans une brève d'actualité précédente (Un virage à 180° dans la « crise ukrainienne »? ) nous avions indiqué que les Etats-Unis allaient probablement relâcher leur pression diplomatique et militaire sur la Russie, à travers la « crise ukrainienne » qu'ils avaient suscitée, pour se consacrer pleinement à la guerre contre l'Etat islamique (Isis). Cette guerre a été déclarée le 15 septembre par Obama. Il essaye d'entrainer avec lui une trentaine voir une cinquantaine de pays, mais les candidats ne semblent pas enthousiastes. Or, pour mener cette guerre, les USA doivent mobiliser leurs ressources, et ne pas les disperser sur plusieurs fronts. Kiev attendra un peu.

Est-ce uniquement le besoin d'anéantir Isis, compte tenu des exactions diverses et menaces sur des intérêts stratégiques au Proche et Moyen Orient, qui pousse Obama? N'a-t-il pas des raisons disons plus immédiates? La réponse est fournie par un document très intéressant fourni par le site américain d'investigation Salon.com. Celui-ci n'a d'ailleurs pas eu de mal à trouver des informations, elles sont disponibles très libéralement sur les sites de la National Security Agency (NSA) et du département de la défense. Encore fallait-il que Salon les collationne et nous aide à les interpréter.

En fait, le pivot stratégique de Obama vers le Proche et Moyen Orient permettra au complexe militaro-industriel (CMI) américain de capter à son profit des milliards de dollars de budgets de défense. Ceci est d'autant plus intéressant que par ailleurs les budgets de défense étant par ailleurs  menacés de sévères restrictions. Isis devient ainsi un centre de profits, alors que l'Ukraine et la Russie était devenues des centres de coûts.

On apprend ainsi qu'un contrat pour le recueil du renseignement militaire vient d'être signé au profit de la NSA et d'une « armée » de contractants privés (dont Booz Allen Hamilton, BAE Systems, Lockheed Martin et Northrop Grumman) afin de documenter et conduire la guerre aérienne engagée par Obama. « No boots on the ground » certes mais beaucoup d'intelligence. L'objectif sera d'informer la flotte de chasseurs, bombardiers, drones et missiles Tomahawk qui ont commencé à intervenir massivement en Irak et en Syrie. Où et comment frapper? La NSA le dira.

Ce contrat de 7,2 milliards de dollars au profit de la NSA et de ses sous-traitants a été conclu sous l'égide d'un commandement nommé INSCOM (U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command ) . Le contrat dit « global intelligence support » charge la NSA et ses correspondants de rassembler les informations permettant de localiser les cibles et les individus à combattre. La NSA utilisera pour cela tous les moyens d'écoute électronique qu'elle connait bien, y ayant recouru depuis des années contre le monde entier. On suppose qu'elle mettra sans doute aussi des espions sur le terrain.

Des milliers d'agents seront regroupés au centre d'écoute de la NSA à Fort Gordon. Ils seront en liaison avec d'autres centres d'écoute, à Fort Bragg, au Moyen Orient, à Hawai, en Allemagne (sic) et en Corée du sud. Des milliers (ou millions) d'information, relevant de ce que le département de la défense nomme ISR (intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance) seront envoyés en permanence à tous ceux qui opèrent sur le champ de bataille, qu'il s'agisse de pilotes d'avions de combat, de drones ou de forces spéciales.

Que peut-on en penser en France?

C'est aux services spécialisés français d'apprécier. Ils feront certainement valoir, et ils auront raison, que les moyens dont ils disposent en propre sont ridiculement insuffisants. Disons seulement, en tant que simple citoyen, que la France étant engagée elle-aussi dans ce qui devrait être une guerre totale contre Isis, toutes les forces que déploie l'Amérique pour son compte devraient être les bienvenues, même s'il est peu probable que s'établissent des échanges intéressants d'informations entre les différentes partenaires, l'Amérique gardant pour elle le maximum de données intéressantes. Par ailleurs, les milliards de dollars engagés par le contrat donneront lieu, comme il est usuel en ce cas, à un grand gaspillage, vu que le CMI n'oublie pas jamais ses intérêts immédiats. Mais il en restera bien quelque chose pour la lutte se disant commune.

Au delà de cela cependant, plusieurs questions doivent être posées. La première consiste à se demander si le CMI américain n'a pas organisé ou du moins incité les récents attentats et décapitation pour justifier la réentrée en guerre massive des USA. Beaucoup le disent sur les réseaux sociaux et blogs alternatifs. Tout est possible et nous ne préjugerons pas faute de preuves. Disons seulement que le mal est fait et que désormais des tueurs psychopathes sont dans la nature. Il n'est pas possible de les laisser contaminer le monde sans réagir.

Mais précisément, pour réagir, il ne suffit pas, comme la France et la Grande Bretagne, d'envoyer quelques Rafales et Tornados pour montrer une autonomie au regard des Etats-Unis. Il faut s'assurer que l'on ne continue pas à encourager les terroristes. Or il est évident qu'aucune des mesures de fond dont nous avions fait la liste dans notre éditorial de cette semaine ne découleront de cette avalanche de moyens américains. Notamment les centaines de millions ou milliards de dollars versés à Isis et ses homologues par les Etats pétroliers du Golfe et le Koweit, maîtres es-double jeu, continueront à affluer. L'absence de troupes au sol, sous pavillon de l'ONU, ne permettra pas d'éliminer les djihadistes qui ne manquent pas d'abris, dans les montagnes ou la population, pour échapper aux frappes aériennes. Aucune négociation diplomatique, associant l'Iran et la Russie, ne sera entreprise avec l'ensemble des Etats de la région, et au delà....

Par ailleurs, la NSA, déjà omnipotente, comme nous l'avons souvent montré, se trouvera encore renforcée. Or pour la NSA, il n'y a pas d'amis ou d'ennemis, tous doivent être espionnés. Que l'on se le dise en Europe.


* Salon.com; Who profits from our new war? Inside NSA and private contractors' secret plans


*INSCOM Wikipedia http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Army_Intelligence_and_Security_Command

* Documents contractuels (accès difficile) https://www.inscom.army.mil/Contracting/254/254_TO_0001_Alpha.pdf


La dégradation programmée des conditions d’enseignement

La dégradation programmée des conditions d’enseignement

Auteur : J.C. Barbolosi

En France, en 2014, les conditions d’enseignement (dans l’école publique) ont atteint un niveau désastreux, jamais égalé auparavant (dans des sens que nous allons préciser).

Quasiment tous les cycles sont touchés, de l’école maternelle à l’université ainsi que toutes les disciplines. Ce désastre s’orchestre de façon combinée, en allant des programmes inadaptés voire nuisibles à des examens totalement faussés en passant par des effectifs de classes toujours plus élevés et incompatibles avec la nature du public toujours de plus en plus hétérogène et de moins en moins impliqué. Seuls quelques établissements privilégiés (protégés ?) dans les centres des grandes villes sont épargnés…

Ce sabotage commence en général dès les plus jeunes âges avec, pour ne prendre qu’un seul exemple parmi bien d’autres, l’apprentissage de la lecture où l’on a vu (et vécu) l’abandon de plus en plus généralisé de la méthode syllabique au profit de la méthode globale. Pourtant, les acteurs sur le terrain (à l’opposé des pédagogues « de bureau ») ainsi que les neuropsychologues sont formels ; la méthode syllabique reste plus efficace que la globale : Mais l’institution continue de promouvoir la globale…

Certes, en matière de pédagogie, il n’y a jamais une unique méthode universelle qui conviendra à 100 % des individus ; chaque enseignant doit diversifier et adapter ses méthodes mais pour la lecture, on sent comme un entêtement qui va à l’encontre de l’intérêt général… Et ce n’est pas uniquement le cas de la lecture…
Voyons, discipline par discipline, ce qui se passe ensuite, dans l’enseignement secondaire, où les programmes sont sans cesse appauvris. Appauvrissement qui, d’ailleurs, se poursuit encore aujourd’hui avec la politique de la nouvelle ministre (cf. ici les programmes « allégés » de Belkacem)

Les disciplines les plus touchées


Les spécialistes s’accordent à dire que, désormais, seule une petite partie de notre Histoire véritable est enseignée. Des pans entiers de notre passé sont cachés ou faussés. Des personnages comme Napoléon ou Louis XIV (et bien d’autres) disparaissent progressivement des programmes; par ailleurs, on insiste davantage sur certains faits historiques qui vont ainsi donner l’impression que l’occident œuvre toujours pour la paix dans le monde et on occulte tout ce que nous ne voulons pas entendre ou voir. Concernant les deux dernières grandes guerres mondiales, seuls des clichés sont enseignés mais jamais les causes réelles.
Exemple typique : les jeunes d’aujourd’hui savent-ils encore qui était vraiment le général De Gaulle et quel était son combat pour la souveraineté française ? Connaissent-ils sa réelle opposition à cette construction européenne financée par des fonds américains privés ?

Les Sciences

Elles se transforment, petit à petit, en un enseignement de la technologie et des machines. On manipule, on fait fonctionner tel ou tel logiciel. Mais les fondamentaux s’évanouissent. Certains chapitres de SVT (Sciences et vie de la Terre) se transforment en une vaste promotion du système de santé et des vaccins, d’autres enfoncent le clou sur le soi-disant réchauffement climatique en faisant culpabiliser chacun d’entre nous en nous assimilant à des pollueurs. En sciences physiques, les lois sont énoncées de façon autoritaire, sans être étayées.
Exemple typique : quel bachelier peut aujourd’hui expliquer ce qui provoque la force de gravitation ? Comment des masses distantes peuvent interagir pour s’attirer ?

Les sciences économiques et sociales

Tout comme l’histoire, cet enseignement est tronqué et seuls certains modèles économiques sont étudiés. Idem avec les modèles sociaux. Le modèle capitaliste est valorisé. On entretient le mythe que le droit de vote est le symbole de la démocratie et on assure à tout le monde que notre système est le meilleur même s’il n’est pas parfait. On valorise le modèle européen que l’on présente comme bénéfique à notre économie alors qu’il ne fait que bafouer nos droits, nous appauvrir, nous asservir et nous rendre dépendants sans que nous puissions être acteurs des décisions politiques.
Exemple typique : qui connait Thomas Sankara ? Cet homme a prouvé que d’autres modèles économiques sont viables. Malheureusement au prix de sa vie ; ces alternatives sociales sont combattues et encore moins enseignées.

Les Mathématiques

En analysant l’évolution des programmes sur ces dernières décennies, on constate que le raisonnement géométrique disparait. Il en va de même de l’arithmétique et d’une grande partie de l’algèbre et de l’analyse. La notion de démonstration est devenue obsolète. Des termes comme « appliquer » ou « mettre en œuvre » prennent progressivement sa place. Bref, on habitue l’élève à exécuter des tâches et plus rien n’est fait pour l’inciter à réfléchir sur les fondamentaux.
On voudrait des futurs citoyens exécutants plutôt que des citoyens savants ? Ça alors !

Notons qu’il y a également des disciplines qui pourraient se révéler bien utiles et qui ne sont quasiment plus du tout enseignées comme l’astronomie ou les sciences dites naturelles et qu’il y a aussi de nombreux savoirs-faire vitaux qui sont passés aux oubliettes comme : le bricolage, la culture, l’élevage, les méthodes naturelles de soins, la cuisine. Chacun comprendra facilement qu’étant donné que de grands lobbys se sont emparés de ces domaines (notamment agronomie et pharmacopée), il a été jugé préférable que le citoyen lambda soit le moins autonome possible dans ces compétences là…

Bref, on enseigne l’ignorance et on uniformise les individus. Il ne reste ensuite plus qu’aux médias d’achever cette opération de sabotage amorcée à l’école…

La gestion des établissement scolaires et le désengagement de l’état.

À terme il n’est pas improbable de vivre une privatisation de l’éducation. L’école deviendra alors la proie de certains lobbys, notamment le lobby informatique. D’ailleurs, cela a déjà commencé depuis un moment, voir la conférence de Nico Hirtt sur ce sujet (note de Benji: vidéo disponible sur le site source).

Par ailleurs, de nombreuses écoles fermeront leurs portes, notamment en milieu rural au profit de grands centres régionaux. On vit actuellement cette re-centralisation régionale avec les hôpitaux, demain ce sera le tour des établissement scolaires, notamment les lycées.
Par ailleurs, on dévalorise l’enseignement technologique et professionnel (alors que des demandes existent sur le marché du travail sur ces filières) et on scolarise à tout va dans l’enseignement général où, finalement, on ne fait que « brasser du vent ».

La formation des enseignants

Face à la massification de l’enseignement, il y a finalement de moins en moins de professeurs qualifiés dans le circuit. Des contractuels ou des vacataires viennent à la rescousse. De plus, le salaire des enseignants n’étant plus du tout attractif, les étudiants brillants qui pourraient avoir la fibre ou la vocation préfèrent finalement s’orienter vers d’autres carrières (et vu les conditions, ils ont bien raison !). L’ensemble des intervenants est finalement une sorte de masse formatée et conditionnée par le système et qui finalement enseigne sans se poser trop de questions. Ces enseignants sont souvent, inconsciemment, les premiers vecteurs d’une forme de propagande moderne intolérable.

Un baccalauréat truqué

C’est un secret de polichinelle : il y a un hiatus entre le niveau scolaire des élèves de terminale qui est devenu très faible et le niveau des épreuves du baccalauréat qui se doivent de présenter un minimum d’exigences pour rester politiquement crédibles. Bien sûr, toutes les consignes de bienveillance sont données aux jurys d’examens  pour assurer des taux de réussite toujours de plus en plus élevés afin que les ministres de l’éducation nationale successifs se félicitent d’un tel résultat (qu’ils ne manqueront pas d’attribuer à leurs actions…). Cette course effrénée aux taux de réussite toujours plus élevés a un effet pervers : les élèves comprennent très vite le mécanisme et sont de moins en moins stressés par les épreuves ; ils s’impliquent alors de moins en moins dans leurs révisions et s’y prennent, pour une grande majorité d’entre-eux, au dernier moment. À tort ou à raison ? À tort pour ceux qui envisagent des poursuites d’études ambitieuses car leurs lacunes finiront tôt ou tard par les pénaliser dans leur cursus ; à raison pour ceux qui envisagent des études courtes car, comme on l’a précisé plus haut, les contenus de l’enseignement général sont devenus tellement inadaptés qu’il est inutile de les bachoter outre mesure ; autant consacrer son temps à d’autres activités plus intéressantes et s’instruire par d’autres biais que l’école.
Bref, cet  examen ne représente plus rien et n’a qu’une valeur symbolique (et encore). C’en était tellement risible que, l’année dernière, l’institution a fait une mini marche arrière et on a vu notamment une épreuve de maths en série S un peu plus exigeante, « à l’ancienne »… On verra d’ici le mois de juin si cette tendance se confirme…

Le génocide des classes WIFI…

On marche maintenant sur la tête : dans de nombreux départements, le conseil général a doté les classes de sixièmes de tablettes interconnectées en WIFI. Placez une trentaine d’élèves de 11-12 ans, par ailleurs déjà tous équipés d’un téléphone gsm et d’une tablette WIFI dans une salle de 40 m² sur les murs de laquelle vont rebondir d’innombrables ondes pulsées nocives… N’y a-t-il pas là tous les éléments pour « griller » leur cerveau ?
Comment a-t-on pu en arriver à une telle hérésie ? C’est affligeant que les décisionnaires n’aient pas conscience de ces problèmes de santé qui se posent… Seraient-ils bêtes et ignorants à ce point ? Je ne le crois pas… Mais alors que cherchent-ils à provoquer avec de telles pseudo-innovations technologiques ?


Face à cette dégradation, on voit se développer une marchandisation de l’enseignement avec le développement d’enseignes privées (Acado***, cours Legen*** etc). C’est un marché juteux et bien des familles investissent beaucoup d’argent dans ces cours. C’est, bien sûr, encore et toujours un leurre puisque ces enseignes s’évertuent à suivre les programmes scolaires et on a vu que les connaissances fondamentales avaient disparues de ces programmes.

Alors que faire ?

Se débrouiller par soi-même !  Ne plus gaspiller ses sous ; pour cela, boycotter les grandes enseignes, la grande distribution, les grands réseaux, court-circuiter les intermédiaires. S’entraider entre amis, dans sa famille. Accéder à la connaissance via des lectures et via internet (en faisant le tri !) en fuyant les médias mainstream et la télévision ! Retrouver une hygiène de vie en privilégiant une alimentation simple, saine et naturelle (les additifs alimentaires affectent les facultés cognitives). Et concernant la scolarité, il est vrai qu’il est difficile d’y échapper (mais pas impossible) alors la suivre tout de même (sans la rejeter, ce serait contre-productif) mais en s’instruisant en parallèle via d’autres moyens et en développant son côté artiste (et artisan). Bref, se prendre en main et développer son autonomie !

- Source : JC Barbolosi